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Old Winfield Landmarks - Panel Two Winfield Public Library Exhibit

Brettun Hotel

Frankie Cullison, now 90 years of age, recalls throwing a surprise birthday party for her husband, the late George Cullison, in the dining room at the Brettun in the late 1930s. "It was a popular dining spot," Frankie says. In fact, in its heyday, the Brettun was considered one of the finest hotels in Kansas. Located on the northwest corner of East Sixth and Main, it was built of choice limestone in 1881. It was of three stories and had a wide, wrap-around veranda with an abundance of chairs for relaxing. Frankie said there were several two-person writing desks in the lobby and one of them is on display in the Cowley County Historical Museum. Faith Hanna recalls that in part of the basement of the Brettun traveling men would display their wares, primarily ready-to-wear goods, from their large trunks. An historical sketch of the time referred to its "magnificent billiard parlor in the basement" and that "after 1900" its 50 rooms were connected to the main desk by electric bells.



Howard Buffum April, 2000


Cowley County Historical Society Museum