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Old Winfield Landmarks - Panel Eleven Winfield Public Library Exhibit

The Tabernacle at Island Park

(The following is taken from the Courier souvenir edition booklet of March 14, 1901)

"In the centre of the Park and at the head of the avenue leading from the city is the great Tabernacle, which, being open on all sides, is cool and comfortable, even when filled with people. Its seating capacity is 3,000 while the platform will accommodate about 600 persons. Electric arc lights illuminate the building at night. The acoustics are splendid and make it possible for everyone in the vast audience to hear with ease."

(The Tabernacle was the center of activities for the annual Winfield Chautauqua Assembly which began in 1887 and continued into the 1920s. For a few years after, the building was used for various community activities until it fell into disrepair and was razed.)

The Tabernacle

The Tabernacle

Island Park Entrance

Entrance to the Park, about 1900.

Howard Buffum April, 2000


Cowley County Historical Society Museum