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                                                        Winfield Township.
                                                [A community near Winfield.]
Bethel was part of school district No. 37.
Bethel was noted in the early days for its Grange.
Bethel never had a post office.
                                               FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
                             BETHEL GRANGE, No. 715, P. of H., May 1st, 1875.
MR. KELLY: The within resolutions were passed at a regular meeting of the above Grange and a request that you print the same in your paper.
WHEREAS, Brother T. A. Blanchard has been a good and faith­ful member and an efficient officer of Bethel Grange, No. 715, P. of H., and whereas business calls him to another field of labor, therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the members of Bethel Grange, deeply regret to part with Brother Blanchard, and that we hereby tender him our sincere thanks, and that our best wishes and good will be with him hoping his lot may fall in pleasant places.
Resolved, That a copy of the above be furnished the Winfield COURIER for publication.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
At the feast given by Bethel Grange last Saturday night, the schoolhouse was so crowded and the air so dense that a lady fainted, and Capt. Hunt came very near doing so. What a splendid opportunity to deliver a lecture and dilate upon the “injury to health,” “breaking of physical laws,” etc., attendant upon such gatherings. What a picture could we draw. House crowded; atmosphere heavy and impure; lady faints; is carried home. We follow her, only we don’t. We stay with the rest and help eat the good things brought for that purpose. This is overdrawn of course. It was intended to be. The moral, if it contains any, is: Have your public halls well ventilated.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.      
The newly elected officers of Bethel Grange.
Master: E. C. Manning; Overseer: Israel Weakley; Lecturer: Jno. Mentch; Steward: Frank Weakley; Asst. Steward: J. Paugh; Chaplain: B. E. Murphy; Treasurer: Fred Arnold; Secretary: T. A. Blanchard; Gate-Keeper: Otho Arnold; Ceres: Sister Paugh; Flora: Kate Yount; Pomona: Sister Murphy; Lady Asst. Steward: Mary Stansberry.
The first schoolhouse built in the county was in school district No. 37, called Bethel schoolhouse, in 1871.
The following Granges were organized by J. H. Werden, deputy.
Nov. 24, 1873, Bethel Grange, Joseph Stansberry, master.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.

The public installation of officers at Bethel Grange, one week ago last Saturday eve, was the most spirited and happiest gathering of the kind that has transpired for a long time. To say that the house was crowded with people would feebly express it. A. S. Williams officiated as master and J. H. Land as conductor. Bethel is a live institution.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
MAPLE GROVE GRANGE recently passed some resolutions repudi­ating the action of the district grange in endorsing the Southern Pacific enterprise and asking the Legislature to amend the bond law; also censured Bethel Grange for electing E. C. Manning master; also requesting the State Executive Committee to remove A. T. Stewart as State agent.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.
The Master of Bethel Grange has been obliged to decline invitations to speak at different places in the county during the past two weeks.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
A. C. Holland closed his school at Bethel schoolhouse last Friday.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
Tell Mary she can calm her fears, as far as my starving is concerned, for I not only have plenty of flour, fruit, coffee, tea, bacon, sugar, etc., to do me till the 1st of June, but also a good gun, and the country abounds in game—deer, elk, etc., so that instead of starving, our life in the Hills is one continual feast—almost equal to a Harvest Feast at Bethel.
A. S. Blanchard.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
At a regular meeting of Bethel Grange, held at their hall on the 18th day of March A. D. 1876 the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, Brother T. A. Blanchard, Secretary, and Bro. R. E. Murphey, Chaplain, have resigned their respective offices for the purpose of journeying in a distant land, therefore be it
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered them for the faithful discharge of the duties of their respective offices.
Resolved, That it is with feelings of profound regret that we part with Bros. Blanchard and Murphey and may prosperity and Heaven’s choicest blessings attend them wherever they may roam.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to Bros. Blanchard and Murphey and that they be spread upon the minutes and be preserved in the archives of the Grange.
E. C. MANNING, Master.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.

The “lone elm farm,” of Robert Weakley and sons, of this township, presented a lively scene as we drove by Saturday morning. Three one-horse double-shovel plows and a two-horse sulky cultivator were running in one corn field near the road, while two breaking plows pulled by seven yoke of cattle were turning up the raw prairie in another field close by. The barn yard looked like an agricultural implement factory: harvesters, reapers, mowers, rakes, plows, and other tools used only by farmers were piled around there ready for duty. We didn’t see “Uncle Bob,” so suppose he was off hunting more harvest hands. You bet, Bethel Grangers raise their own bread. From appearance, we should think “lone elm” would turn out several thousand breads.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
ROBERT WEAKLEY, of Bethel Grange, today brought the first load of new wheat to Bliss’ mill to be ground. Hoo-ray!
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
From Bethel. EDITOR OF COURIER: The citizens of Dist. No. 37 met at the schoolhouse to hear a report from the committee appointed to take subscriptions for building a bridge across Timber Creek. The report was highly satisfactory. A committee was then appointed to advertise for bids and let the contract, which committee consisted of Robert Weakley, H. L. Barker, G. W. Mentch, Peter Paugh, and the writer hereof. This enterprise illustrates the proverb, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
In conclusion, I would say to our friends in Winfield, who desire a railroad, lay aside all jealousy and bickering, lay your shoulder to the wheel, make a long, strong pull, and a pull together, and you can count on the hearty cooperation of Dist. No. 37. Bring on your railroad project! Hurrah for a bridge and railroad! S. E. B.
Winfield Township, Dec. 30, 1876.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
From Bethel Grange. FEBRUARY 3, 1877.
WHEREAS, On the 31st day of January, 1877, the Supreme Ruler of the universe saw proper in his wisdom to remove from our midst by death our beloved sister, Mollie Arnold, therefore be it
Resolved, That by the death of Sister Arnold, Bethel Grange has lost a respected and useful member, society an ornament, and her husband a loving and faithful companion.
Resolved, That we sympathize with the family of the deceased in this, their greatest bereavement.
Resolved, That in token of our sorrow, the members of Bethel Grange are requested to wear the usual badge of mourning for 30 days.
Resolved, That a page of our record book be set apart for these resolutions. That a duly certified copy be delivered to the husband and that they be furnished the county papers with request to publish the same. J. MENTCH, Secretary of Bethel Grange.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1877. Editorial Page.
DENVER, COLORADO, June 20. DEAR COURIER: The editorial excursion party stops long enough here to “catch a long breath,” and I improve the time by writing you a line.
At Colorado Springs we met Walt Smith, formerly register of deeds in Cowley. He is “well healed” and full of hope. At present he affixes J. P. to his name. Mrs. Brown, who owns the farm near Bethel schoolhouse north of Winfield, is also at this place for health, and is improving.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.

Minutes of meeting held at Bethel schoolhouse, district 37th, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
1. On motion B. McCann was appointed president of society.
2. On motion Peter Paugh was appointed vice president.
3. On motion John Mentch was appointed secretary.
4. On motion M. J. Ross was appointed treasurer.
5. Resolved, That this society be called the Murphy Temperance Society.
6. Resolved, That the meetings of this society be held on Tuesday evenings of each week.
7. Resolved, That we appoint a committee of five on program.
8. Committee on program: Henry Weakley, Quin Paugh, M. J. Ross, Julia Anderson, and Frank Weakley.
9. Vote of thanks to J. L. Rushbridge.
    10. On motion the secretary be requested to furnish the county papers with the proceedings of this meeting, and the names of those who have signed the pledge.
Minutes read and approved. J. L. Rushbridge, Secretary pro tem.
Rushbridge, J. L.                Mentch, John
Bartlett, Lena                      McCann, Emma
Arnold, George G.        Anderson, Eva
Arnold, Rebecca                Bryant, Emma
Heffner, Lizzie              Seabridge, Maggie
Anderson, Matilda        Heffner, Willie
Dressell, Ida                       Mentch, J. H.
Arnold, Frederick               Paugh, John
Weakley, Frank                  Yount, G. W.
Weakley, Bettie                  Weakley, Henry
Rodgers, Isaac             Yount, J. W.
Anderson, A.                      Paugh, Quin
Paugh, Peter                       Cowen, W. T.
Anderson, Alice                  Ross, M. J.
McCann, Annie                  Willis, Amanda
Anderson, Julia             Dressell, Lewis
Yount, Sarah                      Bryant, J. L.
Thompson, J. M.                Mason, John W.
Bryant, E. J.                       Paugh, W. D.
Yount, K. E.                       Arnold, Otho
Date, Davis
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                       BETHEL INKLINGS.
Murphy has reached us, and all the girls, with most of the boys, wear the blue ribbon. Frank Weakley is “not one who would join because of a girl,” but his name follows that of a young lady. T. A. Blanchard has called an anti-tobacco meeting.

The literary is a success in spite of the mud. It meets Thursday evenings, and the exercises consist of orations, declamations, essays, select reading, debates, recitations, compositions, reading the “Bethel Star,” music, and select songs. Visitors respectfully invited to attend.
Owing to the continued rains, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have delayed their intended visit to Cedarvale.
We are forming a colony in this vicinity for the purpose of settling in the Indian Territory, west of the Arkansas River, upon government lands that are not occupied by Indians or anyone else. We think it a good move, for it will show the government that the people want it for homes, and as it always has done, will bring it in for settlement.
Mr. Arnold, while trying to lead a cow the other day, was jerked against a post with such force as to break one of his ribs. Bethel, Feb. 9, 1878. N.
[The above was received just after our forms were made up last week. We are astonished that any sensible person should favor squatting in the Indian Territory. Those who go will lose their time and the cost of the improvements they make, besides taking the risk of punishment for violating the laws of the United States. They will assuredly be driven out.  ED.]
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
                                                    From Bethel—District 37.
Mr. Henry E. Asp lectured here Thursday evening. He is a promising young man and made a favorable impression among our people.
Our literary society has adjourned to next October.
Miss Lena Bartlett closed a six month’s term of school here last Friday. She is a first-class teacher and is well liked.
Farmers very busy plowing and planting.
Plum and other trees in full bloom. ORLANDO.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
COUNTY GREENBACK CONVENTION. Pursuant to a call for a county convention, the Presidents of the various Greenback clubs in the county and two delegates from each, convened in convention at Winfield, April 28, 1878, for the purpose of effecting a county organization. Mr. T. A. Blanchard was called to the chair and C. C. Krow elected Secretary of the convention. Committee on credentials appointed as follows: A. S. Williams, S. B. Hunt, and C. G. Handy. The committee reported the following persons entitled to seats in the convention.
Bethel Club: T. A. Blanchard, B. F. Murphy, Jos. Stansberry.
The delegates present named the members of their club they desired to represent them on the executive committee as follows: J. B. Callison, Fairview Club; John Hoyt, Dexter; C. G. Handy, Tisdale; H. S. Libby, Maple City; C. A. McClung, Vernon; S. F. Howard, Odessa; John A. Shields, Pleasant Hill; Joseph Stansberry, Bethel.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                          BETHEL ITEMS.
ED. COURIER. I write you a few items from this vicinity.

Health is good; the same can be said of crops.
Some of the farmers have plowed their corn three times.
Wheat is just splendid. Harvest will commence in about ten days.
Peach trees are loaded down with peaches.
G. G. Arnold will have 1,000 bushels of peaches and 50 bushels of apples. Mrs. Brown will have 800 bushels of peaches. Clark Bryant will have 600 bushels; Frank Weakley 400. Won’t somebody organize a company to can fruit in Winfield so as to furnish a market for the surplus fruit?
This neighborhood was visited by a severe storm last Friday about sundown. It moved the roof on Mrs. Brown’s house four feet and detached the kitchen from the main building, setting it down about 20 rods northeast.
There are a great many rabbits committing suicide by jumping in the schoolhouse well.
The Greenback club at this place seems on the decline. Where are Payson and Coldwell?
S. E. Burger got a bug in his ear while husking corn the other day. He started to Winfield to have it extracted; but ere he reached the city, the bug backed and flew off into the immensity of space. ORLANDO.
May 20th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                                     BETHEL, May 28, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: Crops are looking very favorable, the best I ever saw in this vicinity. Wheat is especially fine.
The temperance meeting has been held every two weeks, but has now adjourned until the first Saturday evening in July. On our last meeting it was rather dry, with the exception of the two papers ready by the editor and editress, which were pronounced good, especially the one read by the editor (John Willis), which was undoubtedly the best paper ever read in the Bethel schoolhouse. Keep on, John; we think you will be the president of the United States after Hayes’ term is out.
One week ago today Quinn Paugh took to his bed with the conclusion that he had the small pox, but it turned out to be all imagination.
A wedding in this vicinity soon.
Miss Belle Anderson is visiting at Cedarvale.
Miss Addie Willis has postponed her visit to Wichita on account of small pox being there.
Miss Maggie Stansberry is not teaching school this summer; says she wants to rest until fall.
Mr. Editor, we are not able to send you very many items for this week’s issue, but think we will be provided with a better supply for you the next time. JIM GOOSEBERRY.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                   BETHEL, COWLEY COUNTY, June 17, 1878.

ED. COURIER: This vicinity was visited with the severest rain storm ever known in this part of the county June 11th. It commenced to rain about 11 o’clock p.m., and rained for five hours, the wind blowing at the rate of about sixteen miles an hour, first from the south, and then from the north—while the thunder roared almost continually with a low and rumbling sound that resembled the discharge of distant artillery. The lightning made it almost light as day, lighting up the heavens with a brilliancy that was awful to behold. Fences were washed away—letting hogs, horses, and cattle loose upon the crops. The surface water seemed to be about four feet deep, and ran over the doorsteps and in houses. Fortunately, no one was drowned in this neighborhood; but farmers have sustained a great loss of grain and stock. And now let us turn to more pleasant scenes.
Mrs. Captain Tansy, of Winfield, is visiting friends at Bethel.
Mr. Marsh Howard, sheriff of Shelby County, Illinois, in company with his wife, is visiting his father-in-law, Mr. G. G. Arnold. Mr. Howard is a cousin to the illustrious General, A. A. Howard.
Mr. Martin Wood and wife, of Cedarvale, are visiting friends in this vicinity.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                           BETHEL, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS, July 6, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: John Bryant and John Ross spent the Fourth at Arkansas City. Frank Furthy celebrated at El Dorado. Some of our citizens went to Queen Village and some to Wellington.
The Timothy Brothers have been threshing wheat the past week for Bethel farmers. Their new vibrator is a complete success and gives general satisfaction.
Harry Dunham has peaches on trees set out this spring. They were in bloom at time of setting.
Archie Burger, a three-year-old son of John T. Burger, was severely wounded by being kicked with a colt over the right eye. Dr. Graham sewed the wound up in good style, but a small scar will always remain.
Nelson R. Wilson is going into the sheep raising business.
Israel Weakley will, we understand, choose a partner to help can his peaches. He will form a life-time partnership with one of Bethel’s fair daughters.
Geo. Brown is luxuriating on ripe peaches.
Frederick Arnold is offering a good span of horses for sale.
Mr. John Anderson will, we hear, become a Methodist preacher. We think John will be very popular in his new calling.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                           BETHEL, KANSAS, July 29th, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: I write you a few lines from this part of the county.
We have been blessed with several good rains the past week, and all kinds of growing crops are looking superb.
George Youle has 50 acres of corn that will average 12 feet high and will yield 80 bushels per acre.

Peaches, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes are among the many luxuries being enjoyed by Bethel farmers.
While Israel Weakley and Rudolph Howard were out hunting prairie chickens the other day, Mr. Weakley’s gun was accidentally discharged, inflicting a slight wound upon Mr. Howard, that made it rather unpleasant for him to sit down for a few days.
Thomas Wallace, while wrestling with Quin. Paugh, got one of his toes broken.
The camp meeting that commenced here on the 17th inst. closed on Monday the 22nd. A good time was had and we believe much good was accomplished.
S. E. Burger has got a new croquet set and now the click of the croquet mallet can be heard from early dawn until dewy eve.
Mr. John Anderson, Captain Barker, Peter Paugh, and Mr. Lyons, four of Bethel’s most substantial farmers, visited the seaport town of Arkansas City last week to see what arrangements they could make to ship their wheat down the Arkansas River. They went on board the steamboat to interview the captain. They talked and discussed such subjects as finding Symme’s Hole and uniting the Atlantic with the Pacific ocean by cutting a canal through the Isthmus of Panama. Our farmer friends finally ventured to ask the captain if he expected to run a steamer between Arkansas City and Little Rock; and if so, what he would load with. The captain said he would, perhaps, load with sugar and molasses seed. The boys left that steamboat sadder if not wiser men. ORLANDO.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                BETHEL, AUGUST 18, 1878.
And still we have hot weather. We think we shall emigrate to the north pole soon. Plenty of ripe peaches and melons in this vicinity.
Mr. Otho Arnold has rented Frank Weakley’s farm and expects to take unto himself a wife and go to work in earnest.
Nelson R. Wilson expects to build an addition to his residence this fall.
S. A. Blanchard thinks he has lived the life of a bachelor long enough and now thinks of changing the thing “some time.”
Mr. Rudolph Howard has recovered from that serious accident and can “fling” the pitchfork as sprightly as before.
Harvey Dunham thinks he will take a trip down in Arkansas before long if he can arrange matters at home so he can leave.
There is a great deal of sickness in this vicinity at present, nothing serious though, chills and fever. A KEEN OBSERVER.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                            BETHEL, KANSAS, Dec. 5, 1878.
The pronunciamento of the New York bankers nullifying the act of Congress, making silver a legal tender, has been received and contents noted. We cite them to the proclamation of Andrew Jackson to the citizens of South Carolina and also the result of a similar movement from 1861 to 1865, and note who got the honor at Appomattox. “A word to the wise is sufficient.”

Mr. Fred Arnold’s team ran away last Friday, smashing the wagon and totally injuring one of the horses.
Mr. George Youle is freighting his wheat to Eldorado—cost $400. When the railroad is built to Winfield, the cost will be $50, a clear saving of $350 to one man.
As soon as the ground is sufficiently moistened to admit of the digging of a suitable sepulcher, the corpse of the Bethel Literary will be held in the cold and silent grave.
The residence of Mr. McAns caught fire on the 27th ult., doing considerable damage. The energy and presence of mind of the ladies of the family saved the building from entire destruction. PLOUGH BOY.
[Note: I quit covering “Bethel” after item given above. MAW]


Cowley County Historical Society Museum