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Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
When it was first announced that cattle were being driven from Louisiana, it seemed as though they came from the most remote corner. Yet for years stock has been driven from San Antonio, Texas, and nothing is thought of it. By taking Arkansas City or Caldwell as the center and drawing a circle extending to San Antonio, it will be seen to be almost equal distant from Jackson, Miss., Cumberland, Tenn., Evansville, Ind., Peoria, Ill., Dubuque, Ia., Winnebago, Minn., Brule City, Dakota, Cheyenne City, Wyoming Territory, Gunnison, Colorado, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and within about 100 miles of El Paso, Texas. If it were not for the difficulty of getting stock through some of the States east of us, cattle could be bought and driven from Kentucky and Tennessee as from Texas.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
                                                            Loss of Cattle.
This section was visited last week by the severest storm that has occurred for several seasons. It commenced sleeting on Monday, the 11th, and in a few hours the ice covered everything, so that horses and cattle were unable to get anything to eat, and it was so slippery that they could scarcely stand. This continued for three days, during which the stock wandered and slipped around without drink or food, their backs covered with an icy coat, and the cattle bellowing with pain. In consequence, large numbers of cattle perished from the exposure—the principal loss being along the lower part of the North Fork and along the Washita. Horses died also in great numbers, and the Indian herds were swept through by the mortality. Many cow horses also perished—being in poor flesh. The mortality among cattle, although severe, was confined mostly to a few brands, the stock being Arkansas cattle brought in late. With these exceptions, the loss is not as great as was expected, and the percentage of loss will not be excessive. The sleet, which was the cause of most of the loss, did not extend above the Cimarron. Cheyenne Transporter.

                                                         BARBED WIRE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 30, 1884.
During the past twelve months, Howard Brothers have bought and sold 84½ carloads of barbed wire. This forms a good mathematical problem. For instance: In one spool of barb wire there are about 1,500 feet; in every carload there are about 800 spools; multiplying we have 750,000 ft. in one carload. In 84½ car loads, we have 63,375,000 ft. sold. Dividing the above number of feet by 5,280, we have 12,003 miles and a fraction over. Dividing by 2 we have the number of miles of fencing, which is 6,001½ miles. Most of this wire was sold to stockmen in the Territory. Thus one of our hardware firms has been the means of furnishing 6,000 miles of fencing, besides what other firms have been doing in the same line.

                                                    SHEEP AND CATTLE.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
The Kansas City Live Stock Indicator’s correspondent at Hunnewell made the following report for last week.
“Clark, of Texas, has arrived with 2,200 head of sheep and sold out to Geo. W. Miller at $1 per head.
“W. L. Hunter, of Gainesville, Texas, reached this point a few days since with 2,000 head of sheep. They were bought by Hanson & Crow, of Hunnewell, for $2,000.
“Helm & Bro. have bought a lot of sheep from the Crow Bros., for $1.00 per head.
“Shipping will continue here till in November, but it will be of rather a spasmodic nature.
“Up to and including today, 2,140 car loads of cattle have been shipped from here.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Ad. FEEDING WETHERS. We have 300 fat wethers it will pay some farmer to feed.
                                                       SCOTT & TOPLIFF.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
                                                      Cattle Thieves Arrested.
In our last issue we told about the shooting of Frank Pappan, a Kaw half-breed, by a crowd of cowboys for killing and stealing a beef belonging to Lewis Waite, of Elgin, Kansas. Two men associated with the half-breed in his lawless practices, Al Linscott and his brother, were taken to Osage Agency for safe keeping, and Agent Hoover telegraphed United States Marshal Rarick to come and take them. He proceeded to the agency on the summons, took the Linscott brothers in charge, and brought them to this city for examination on the charges of cattle stealing and selling liquor to the Indians. Complicity in the theft on Mr. Waite’s pasture was proved against the other Linscott before U. S. Commissioner Bonsall, but Al Linscott was not criminated by the evidence. Both were confined in the county jail, and tomorrow the last named will be examined on the charge of liquor selling. Both men are said to be hard cases, and cattle owners are severe sufferers by their operations.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum