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Change Made In Walker Manuscript

Evidently D. Arthur Walker was getting “hazy” about events as he plodded along with his manuscript.
On Page 146 under “Divorce Cases,” he referred to the divorce case of Mr. and Mrs. Shawver. He had already mentioned this earlier under “Momentum in a Lawsuit,” on manuscript page 74.
I took out much of the Shawver case on Page 146 and transplanted it to manuscript page 74, so to speak.
When Walker first talked about this case, he did not reveal the name of the Wichita lawyer (Kaufman) and he did not give the time frame. Later on, on page 146, he revealed that the case with Shawver came to his attention in the fall of 1969.
Hope I do not run into any more “memory lapses” with regard to this material!
                                                      MAW - May 21, 2000


Cowley County Historical Society Museum