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Clocks - Winfield

Note: I put in some items that did not pertain to Winfield. MAW
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
Wm. Hudson, Winfield’s prosperous jeweler, has just received the largest and finest stock of clocks ever brought into the market. He has any kind of a clock a man need want, from a small lever clock to a large wall clock, and at purchasers own price.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.         
The M. E. Church Free From Debt.
On Sunday last in the new stone church one of the largest audiences that ever met in Winfield congregated to help dedicate the new and imposing edifice to the good of man and the glory of God.
An elegant silver set for communion service, presented by F. M. Friend, and a fine clock from Will Hudson were among the donations.
The building is 40 x 80 feet in size, with an arched ceiling 27 feet high. It is beautiful in outline and harmonious in its appointments.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
E. E. Bacon says that if the city will buy a town clock, he will put it up free of charge. Let us have a town clock.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Town Clock. Why don’t we have a town clock? One that would keep correct time, that would tell the laborer when to begin and when to quit work, and one that would, by its hourly striking, almost dispense with clocks in our houses? Who can give us statistics and information on this subject? Such an improvement as this is much needed, and would well repay our citizens for the cost of erecting one. Give us the town clock.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
The Hope Brothers presented, last week, a beautiful eight-day clock to the Baptist Church, for which kindness the members thereof return thanks.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
When the Baptist Sunday School assembled last Sunday morning, an elegant eight day clock was found on the wall of the church. No one knew how it came there except the sexton and he was dumb when asked. Persistent inquiry developed the fact that our city jeweler, Mr. L. H. Hope, was the donor. It was a good deal gracefully done and was a failure only in one respect, he couldn’t keep his left hand from knowing what his right hand had done. He has the thanks of the Baptist Church and Sunday school.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, Nov. 25, 1878. ED. COURIER: In answer to some questions asked through your columns in regard to “Town Clock,” I will say that there are now two towers of sufficient capacity and eligibility of position for a clock of this kind. The “Hotchkiss” town clock, manufactured by the Seth Thomas clock company, is the best by far now in the market, and one could be erected at a cost not exceeding $350, and to use a bell of 1,000 lbs. weight or less, three dials, six feet in diameter, and running eight days. I have put up three such clocks before—12 years ago—and all are keeping excellent time yet. I will make this offer to the people of this city: that if they will procure the clock and do the carpenter’s work, I will put the clock into position and adjust it to true time. Any information in regard to this matter I will give at any time to the best of my ability. A clock of this kind is needed in any town of 2,000 people, and would be an ornament useful to all. There is scarcely a place of 1,500 inhabitants in the East which cannot boast its town clock. Very respectfully, E. E. BACON.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Hudson Bros. have just received two hundred new, elegant clocks, which they will sell at low prices.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
E. E. Bacon, in the P. O. building, has now a complete stock of clocks, watches, and jewelry which he offers for sale lower than ever. The clocks were made expressly for him and are better than any made for ordinary retail trade. They have polished steel pinions, pivots and plates. He is the only watchmaker in southern Kansas who has served a full apprentice­ship in a watch factory [American] and has twenty-three years experience with fine and complicated watches. He is constantly doing work for other watchmakers in the state.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
E. E. Bacon, the “boss” silversmith, has left Goldsmith and moved into the room lately occupied by the Citizen’s Bank, where he exhibits a splendid stock of silverware, clocks, watches, and jewelry.
The very next item is most puzzling! I could not find anything about Martin relative to a town clock!...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Geo. W. Martin’s town clock does not strike yet. Hope he will report progress soon.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Mr. Geo. Schroeter has invested in another enterprise that will be of much benefit to our citizens. Aside from furnishing time by bell, he has put up on the sidewalk in front of his jewelry store a stone column and pedestal in which is set two clocks, one registering Santa Fe time and the other K. C. L. & S.
George’s public spirit is commendable and he understands the principal that looking out for the wants of the public always brings its own reward.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
The tower for the town clock on the McDougall building is going up. With a town clock we can put on more airs than any­body.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
The clock tower on the McDougall building shows up well, but we have not yet got the hang of telling the time of the day by that clock.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
The McDougall building presents an elegant appearance. The clock tower sets it off to good advantage. The magnificent galvanized iron cornice was put on by Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co.
Cowley County Courant, February 23, 1882.

The trustees of the Presbyterian church, on behalf of the members, return thanks to the Hudson Bros. for donating and placing in the church building a beautiful calendar clock. The one that has been there the last three years has been claimed by the party that caused it to be put there as private property.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Hudson Bros., have donated to the Presbyterian Church a beautiful calendar clock.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
A BEAUTIFUL GIFT. MR. EDITORS: Please allow us space to expose the Hudson Bros., who on Saturday evening entered the Baptist Church without the consent of the trustees, while the door was open for the convenience of the workmen, and then and there proceeded to hang upon the wall of said meeting house, a very beautiful clock, so that the mind of the church and congregation was much exercised as to where it came from, who brought it, etc. A detective traced it to the above parties and in view of this not being their first offense, was determined to expose them and warn future church builders to keep their doors locked.
We have determined to watch them, and let no opportunity pass to help them to get rid of all their clocks and watches. We, the church congregation and Sabbath School, say it is a beauty, just what we wanted and so over looking the manner in which it was done, we return our hearty thanks and invite them and all others to come to our Sabbath home and take notes of passing time, and use it to prepare for a glorious immortality beyond the grave.
April 24th, 1882. ERATER.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
The town clock, which is to go in the McDougall tower, has been received and will be put up in a few days by George Schroeter. It is a very nice one. Those who wish to see the machinery of it should call at George’s.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
Geo. A. Schroeter extends a cordial invitation to all to call in and examine the new clock to be placed in the McDougal building. This is an opportunity that should not be lost. After it is up, many of the beauties cannot be seen from the street.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
The tower clock for the McDougal building, ordered recently by George Schroeter, our popular jeweler, arrived today and will be put up as soon as possible. Schroeter is an excellent work­man, and will put up this excellent time piece in a manner that will be a card for him and an ornament for the town.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The new tower clock will soon be in its place over the McDougal building. Mr. Schroeter has advertised himself consid­erably by putting it upon a table in the Winfield Jewelry House, where his numerous callers could see its running gears exposed.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The tower clock will be put up in running order in the McDougal building by Mr. Schroeter as soon as the architect, Mr. Cook, gets time to put up the dials.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Hudson Bros., have decided to put a handsome clock on their building for the benefit of the citizens.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
George Schroeter has put the new town clock in place and it is now marking off the hours with regularity.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
Proposition of Hudson Bros., to furnish a time clock for the regulation of night police without expense to the city, was presented and accepted.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
BIG AD. BADEN’S HEADQUARTERS is now recognized as the Leading Grocery establishment in the city, and from the commencement enjoyed a large and increasing business.
OUR PRODUCE BUSINESS is the most extensive in Kansas. During the past year we have flooded New Mexico and Colorado with Cowley County produce and have created a big demand for all we can get hold of. If you have anything to sell bring it to HEADQUARTERS and get Kansas City prices for it. Bring your Butter and Eggs, Chickens and garden truck, and you will always find us “at the same old stand,” corner Main and 10th Avenue, under the city clock. Come in, if you only come to see what time it is. If you question the gentlemanly clerk at the door on the subject of prices, you will never buy any place else. Remember the place,
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Hudson Bros. have erected a marble pedestal in front of their store and fixed thereon a clock for the benefit of the public.
Town clock building...
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
Mrs. Ordway has returned and will renew her class in painting in oil, water colors, and on China. One of the large rooms in the town clock building has been secured, and lessons will be given on Tuesday afternoons of each week, at one o’clock, and on Thursday mornings at 9 o’clock; and on Saturday mornings instruction in penciling. Arasene painting will also be taught, and an examination of her work by those interested is solicited. She would also like to state that she will be “at home” to her friends on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Mrs. T. Edith Crenshaw, Teacher of Elocution and Voice Culture. Mrs. Crenshaw respectfully informs the residents of Winfield that she will receive pupils in Elocution and Voice Culture at her room, No. 2, Town Clock building (upstairs). Terms can be had on application. Classes meet at 4½ and 7 p.m. Engagements made for public and private readings.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Why isn’t the clock in the McDougall tower kept running? It’s time someone was looking after it.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Hudson Bros., with their usual public spirit, have put in a night watchman’s clock for the benefit of those contributing parties who might suppose that James McLain don’t keep his “beat” well warmed up. It is placed against the window sash, with a thumb screw protruding through, and as the watchman comes around he pulls this screw, which registers the time on a paper belt in the clock. To the credit of James, the bolt is being well perforated with time holes nightly. We are gradually taking on metropolitan airs, and in a few years the National Capital will be turning green with envy.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
Our Town Clock. Our City Clock in the McDOUGAL building has at last fallen into good hands and is now, after being as dead as a door nail for a year or more, running in good shape. The work of fixing it up was done by Hudson Bros., our enterprising jewelers, and as a result of their skillful handling, it is running “on time,” for the first time. It has been through the hands of several workmen, but has been getting worse instead of better. Hudson Bros. have put it in first-class order and will keep it so. They are now the “official time keepers” of the city.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
Hudson Bros. have contributed to the new Christian Church a beautiful clock.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Mr. M. A. Boyer, our new Jeweler, has at his store one of the famous four hundred day clocks. When once wound it runs four hundred days. We notice an article in the Mechanical News, of New York, referring to it. It is an European invention.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Both of our railroads are out with new time tables, which took effect yesterday, Jan. 28th. The changes at Winfield are slight, and the present departures are as follows: Going North, Express, 15:42, Freight 7:15. Going South, Express, 11:28, Freight 19:45. Going East, Express, 4:15 and 17:24. Going West, Express, 10:28 and 22:49.
Mails will now close at the Winfield Post office going north at 15:, South at 11:30, East at 16:40, West at 10.
The above time is counted from midnight according to the plan adopted by the Supt. Of railway mail service. From hours over 12 deduct 12 to show afternoon time by the clock.
This is an odd item: talks about “clock work”...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Scientific men are advocating the execution of criminals by means of electricity. A chair is to be prepared into which the doomed man will be tied and by clock work at a given moment the current will pass through his body—a lightning stroke—and all will be over. The counting of the last few seconds will make the scene impressive and solemn.
Now! This is an item for you to ponder on...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.

The adoption of uniform standards of time all over the world, and of the twenty-four hour dial—which is probable within a short time—will make some changes in watches and clocks. The American genius for invention, however, has already discounted the change, and a “universal clock” has been constructed, or rather a universal dial, which tells the time at any given meridian on the globe. By an ingenious but simple arrangement of figures, the face of the clock shows at a glance over what meridian the sun is at any hour, and which half of the earth is in daylight and which in darkness. Longitude, of course, can be told by the clock immediately from one observation. It ought to prove of great value in navigation, and more especially in schools, where the subject of longitude and time is seldom clearly understood. This clock makes the relation between the two perfectly clear to the eye, as well as to the mind.
Does not pertain to Winfield, but has statistics (including clocks)...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.

WASHINGTON, November 19. Colonel W. F. Switzler, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, has just completed his annual report on foreign trade, and among other things shows the magnitude of our commerce as compared with the commerce of other countries, the growth of our exports of products, of agricultural, of manufacture, of mining, etc., the condition of the imports, and the carrying trade of the country and other facts of interest. The report says: The total value of foreign commerce in merchandise, including the in-transit trade, during the fiscal year was $1,388,588,165, of which the value of the exports was $742,600,000; of the imports $770,000,000, and of the in-transit and trans-shipment trade, $68,000,000. The imports and exports of gold and silver coin and bullion, during the same period, amounted to $85,242,323, of which the value of the exports was $42,000,000, and of the imports, $43,000,000. The value of our foreign commerce in merchandise, including the transit trade during the preceding fiscal year was $1,481,840,086, showing a falling off in our foreign trade during the last fiscal year of $93,251,921. It appears that in the value of foreign commerce the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland stands first, Germany second, France third, and the United States fourth. The total value of the foreign trade in merchandise of these nations during the year 1883, was as follows: Of the United Kingdom, $3,563,377,370; Germany, $2,450,428,745; France, $2,033,885,544; the United States, $1,547,020,316. The most notable feature of our foreign trade during the last fiscal year as compared with the trade of 1884 was a decrease in the imports of merchandise of $90,000,000 and a falling off in the exports of gold of $32,600,000. The report shows in detail the country and the articles in which the decline in imports of merchandise occurred. The decrease occurred mainly in the imports of sugar and molasses, silks, wool, manufactures of silks and wool, and iron and steel. Among the exports of our manufactures and products of our manufactures and products which show the most rapid developments since 1866 are agricultural implements, clocks and watches, manufactures of cotton, manufactures of steel, including locomotives, sewing machines, tools, and hardware. Great Britain not only takes about sixty per cent of our agricultural and manufactured products, but also a large share amounting to twenty-seven per cent of our manufactured products, but also a large share amounting to twenty-seven per cent of our manufactures than do Central America, the West Indies, and South America combined. Colonel Switzler says there has been since 1860, a very marked decline in the percentage of imports of manufactured articles, and a corresponding increase in the percentage of imports of crude or partially manufactured articles. This is a significant fact.
Hudson Brothers at work on a huge town clock...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Hudson Bros. are at work on a huge town clock, of their own model and manufacture. It will weigh a thousand pounds and adorn the top of their business house, with a bell striker that will stroke the hours to be heard a mile.
Col. Alexander and Hudson Brothers: clock tower...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
Another metropolitan air is about to strike us. Col. Alexander and Hudson Bros. have arranged to build a clock tower over the stairway leading between their buildings, ninety-five feet high, sixty feet of stone. In it will be placed the huge clock on which George Hudson has been working for months. It will have a fifteen hundred pound bell, whose tones can be heard three miles as it tolls the half hours and hours. This is a bit of commendable enterprise.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum