[From Thursday, January 2, 1879, through March 6, 1879.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
E. C. Manning, opera house, brick: $10,000.
J. C. McMullen, residence, brick: $13,000.
J. Page, store room, brick: $3,000.
J. C. Fuller, residence, brick: $10,000.
M. L. Robinson, residence, cut stone: $15,000.
J. M. Alexander, office, brick: $500.
Jas. Fahey, residence, frame: $800.00.
Frank Williams, residence, frame: $600.
John Moffitt, residence, frame: $400.
John Moffitt, office, frame: $200.00.
R. D. Jillson, store room, frame: $1,200.
Bahntge Bros., store room, brick: $7,000.
Nommsen & Steuven, barber shop, brick: $300.
Johnston & Hill, store room, brick: $2,500.
Dr. Mendenhall, residence, office, and barn: $2,500.
L. H. Hope, store room: $300.
J. M. Spencer, hotel, frame: $1,800.
B. M. Terrell, two residences, frame: $1,200.
Holmes & Bro., packing house, frame, 2 stories: $500.
D. D. Miller, blacksmith soft pine frame: $250.
N. M. Powers, barn, frame: $200.
W. L. Mullen, residence, frame: $500.
Clark & Dysart, machines p s ne: $1,800.
August Kadau, shoe shop, frame: $200.
J. Simpson, residence, brick: $900.
J. Simpson, residence, frame: $500.
W. D. Clark, residence, frame: $1,200.
D. F. Best, residence, frame: $700.
Lucinda Herrington, residence, frame: $250.
B. H. Lane, residence, frame: $300.
E. S. Bedilion, residence, frame: $300.
G. W. Sanderson, residence, frame: $200.
L. Browder, residence, frame: $200.
Mrs. Duncan, residence, frame: $150.
Geo. Bosworth, residence, frame: $100.
D. Laycock, residence, frame: $350.
Geo. Olive, residence, frame: $150.
J. O’Neil, residence, frame: $600.
Sarah Bishop, residence, frame: $100.
Wm. Robinson, residence, frame: $600.
U. E. Newall, residence, frame: $150.
W. A. Lee, residence, frame: $500.
Wm. Moher, residence, frame: $350.
O. Smith, residence, frame: $200.
J. Harrington, addition: $100.
T. Wright, house and barn, frame: $150.
W. R. Hybarger, residence, frame: $450.
W. Clark, residence, frame: $250.
S. Mullen, residence, frame: $350.
John Snyder, residence, frame: $350.
John Snyder, residence, frame: $300.
A. Hughes, residence, frame: $450.
Jos. Goddard, residence, frame: $250.
H. C. Cutler, residence, frame: $150.
D. Siefferd, residence, frame: $150.
S. Childs, residence, frame: $150.
E. G. Burnett, residence, frame: $500.
Mr. Thorp, residence, frame: $350.
Thos. Nicholson, residence, frame: $250.
Jerry Evans, residence, frame: $650.
Dr. Davis, two residences, frame: $650.
Mrs. Rust, residence, frame: $150.
Mrs. Floyd, residence, frame: $300.
E. L. Hazard, residence, frame: $350.
J. P. Short, residence, frame: $500.
J. P. Short, residence, stone: $400.
J. P. Short, residence, stone: $400.
Wm. Kelly, shoe shop, frame: $100.
Dr. Graham, residence, brick: $650.
Jas. Fahey, saloon, brick: $2,500.
Foults Bros., barber shop, frame: $200.
Wm. G. Hill, residence, frame: $850.
Ed. Weitzel, residence, frame: $200.
P. Stump, store, stone: $2,000.
G. H. Crippen, residence, brick: $600.
Baptist church, parsonage, frame: $850.
Jas. Kelly, store, frame: $450.
Geo. Martin, residence, frame: $500.
Mr. Wilson, residence, frame: $300.
Mr. Wilson, residence, frame: $200.
E. P. Kinne, residence, frame: $1,300.
Curns & Manser, residence, frame: $1,600.
W. P. Hackney, residence, frame: $1,200.
Wm. Bousman, residence, frame: $250.
A. H. Caywood, residence, frame: $200.
J. C. McMullen, barn, frame: $450.
J. Curns, residence, frame: $400.
J. Curns, residence, frame: $400.
J. H. Miller, blacksmith shop, stone: $400.
Henry Shaver, residence, frame: $250.
Henry Clausen, residence, frame: $100.
Henry Schoeffer, residence, frame: $250.
John Johnson, residence, frame: $200.
J. Boylan, residence, frame: $150.
W. W. Green, residence, frame: $350.
F. M. Friend, residence, frame: $450.
Mr. Charles, residence, frame: $250.
Mrs. Bodoft, residence, frame: $100.
Frank Gallotti, residence, frame: $650.
J. McBride, residence, frame: $350.
R. R. Stout, residence, frame: $200.
G. B. Roland, residence, frame: $100.
Mrs. Jenkins, residence, frame: $400.
Mrs. E. B. Read, residence, frame: $150.
R. R. Stout, barn, frame: $100.
W. McGraw, residence, frame: $550.
A. Requa, residence, frame: $400.
Wm. Kelly, Jr., residence, frame: $200.
Rev. Bigby, residence, frame: $100.
N. M. Powers, residence, frame: $300.
Jas. L. Allen, residence, frame: $1,000.
Jas. L. Allen, residence, frame: $500.
H. S. Silver, residence, frame: $1,300.
S. B. Brewer, residence, frame: $550.
E. P. Hickok, residence, stone: $900.
G. M. Miller, residence, frame: $700.
E. Werton, residence, frame: $150.
J. D. McGinnis, residence, frame: $150.
Wm. Hudson, residence, frame: $450.
J. R. Cochran, residence, frame: $200.
J. H. Foults, residence, frame: $250.
____ Kelly, residence, frame: $550.
Johnson & Hill, residence, frame: $200.
Mary Beale, residence, frame: $300.
C. G. Martin, residence, frame: $300.
Dr. Cooper, residence, frame: $550.
J. H. Fahnestock, residence, frame: $200.
J. H. Fahnestock, residence, frame: $450.
Lafayette Cady, residence, frame: $350.
J. F. Chamberlain, residence, frame: $150.
Frank S. Jennings, residence, frame: $650.
George Moore, residence, frame: $450.
J. S. Chase, residence, frame: $400.
Thomas Toole, residence, frame: $400.
N. C. Millhouse, residence, frame: $450.
Gus. Lilly, residence, frame: $200.
E. Donahoo, residence, frame: $200.
R. E. Stockwell, bowling alley, frame: $1,000.
F. S. Jennings, residence, frame: $1,100.
J. H. Olds, residence, frame: $1,400.
T. A. Wilkinson, residence, frame: $550.
C. C. Stevens, residence, frame: $450.
B. M. Legg, residence, frame: $450.
A. J. Pyburn, addition: $150.
J. Bachelder, residence, frame: $650.
Miss Aldrich, residence, frame: $2,000.
Mrs. Martha Tucker, residence, frame: $650.
Andy Gordon, residence, frame: $200.
Mr. Dion, residence, frame: $400.
M. L. Bangs, addition: $100.
T. A. Wilkinson, lumber office: $350.
John Hoenscheidt, residence, brick: $2,200.
John Hoenscheidt, residence, brick: $280.
D. F. Long, residence, frame: $380.
W. Gillelen, residence, brick: $2,200.
C. S. Shue, residence, frame: $1,100.
C. S. Shue, residence, frame: $550.
McGuire & Neal, livery stable, frame: $450.
J. Hodges, residence, frame: $1,000.
Frank Manny, brewery and ice house, stone: $13,000.
Samuel Lindsey, residence, frame: $350.
Samuel Lindsey, residence, frame: $550.
Samuel Lindsey, residence, frame: $1,100.
Lynn & Gillelen, store room, stone granary, frame: $250.
Herman Jochems, residence, brick: $3,000.
B. F. Baldwin, residence, frame: $550.
O. Berkey, residence, frame: $550.
S. L. Hyde, residence, frame: $600.
R. Tegard, residence, frame: $250.
Schoolhouse, frame: $1,600.
Robert Allison, residence, frame: $700.
E. E. Bacon, residence, frame: $750.
John Foults, residence, frame: $200.
Sparr Bros., residence, frame: $600.
J. L. Rusbridge, residence, frame: $300. [Named “Rushbridge” at times.]
J. L. Rusbridge, residence, frame: $300.
Mrs. Hernaman, residence, frame: $100.
Mr. Lillie, residence, frame: $250.
James Allen, residence, frame: $350.
I. N. Randall, residence, frame: $1,000.
Geo. Martin, residence, frame: $200.
Northrup, residence, frame: $500.
Lee, warehouse, frame: $100.
C. A. Austin, paint shop, frame: $100.
J. Ex Saint, residence, frame: $700.
J. E. Platter, addition, residence, frame: $600.
J. Wade McDonald, addition, residence, frame: $300.
J. C. Fuller, addition, residence, frame: $150.
[Paper showed that the total cost of buildings was $180,200. It stated 201 were erected.]
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
We notice that many of our exchanges are highly complimenting Wirt W. Walton and urging his election as chief clerk of the House.
The Leavenworth Times says: “He is the best chief clerk Kansas ever had . . . . Has cast-iron ‘wind works,’ for he can read all day and till ten o’clock at night, against all the noise that a hundred and twenty-five members can make, and he never fails to make himself heard all over the hall and never shows any signs of weakening. He is an extra good officer, and it is only ‘fair play’ to say so.”
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
ARKANSAS CITY, Dec. 11, 1878
“During the past year this and Bolton Township have erected good and substantial bridges across the Walnut, east of town, and across the Arkansas, south of town. The country generally is improving rapidly. Newcomers are flocking and buying themselves homes. The business of our town, although not extensive, is increasing. We have now 17 business hours, besides the usual number of mechanic shops, all doing a thriving business; one bank, two hotels, two boarding houses, two livery stables, five doctors, four lawyers, three land agents, two justices of the peace, and one postmaster; also one newspaper, the Traveler. That, perhaps, you may have heard of, as it is the oldest newspaper in the county. It is ably conducted and “trooly loyal.”
“By way of public buildings, our city can boast of having one of the finest schoolhouses in the State; three church edifices, two of them brick, the other frame. I had almost forgotten to mention, we have one saloon, where you can get something to ‘wash the dust our of your throat’ when you come to the ‘head of navigation and the terminus of the railroad.’
“Quite a number of neat little residences have been put up this fall, so that our population is about 800, and in a year from now we expect to duplicate that number, as we are going to have the railroad and won’t be compelled to ride in a buckboard when we go to the county seat. The bonds were carried by a large majority in our township.
“As B. did not answer your card, you will have to take this scribble from C.”
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Among the new business enterprises of Winfield is the well-known machine agent, Mr. J. L. Berkey, who has been engaged with S. H. Myton for the past season. Mr. Berkey is located on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Manning Street, where he will be found with a full line of Agricultural Implements, consisting of the well-known Walter A. Wood machines, all complete. Also the Keystone and Rock Island Plows, Corn Planters, Cultivators, Harrows, Corn Shellers, Mills, and everything from a hoe up to a threshing machine. Mr. Berkey came here about a year ago from Bloomington, Illinois, well recommended as a business man, who knows no such thing as fail; and we should judge from his vim and pluck that he will prove to be a valuable business man to our enterprising town. We wish Mr. Berkey success in his new enterprise.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Probably no city in the State in proportion to its size is so well supplied with excellent sidewalks as the city of Winfield. During the past year there have been constructed in this city 14,300 linear feet of the best flagstone sidewalks, put down in the best style.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
The capacity of the Tunnel Mill is 6,000,000 pounds of flour and 1,000,000 pounds of corn meal per year. It has made in the past year about 4,000,000 pounds of flour and 1,000,000 pounds of corn meal.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
The Courier feels proud of its list of advertisers. No county newspaper in the state can boast a larger list or one made up of better, more honorable or more enterprising men. Here they are in alphabetical order.
ALLEN, JAMES, is the reliable steak carver of this city. He handles almost everything wanted in the line of steaks and pleases his customers.
ALLEN, J. E., is one our successful, responsible, and reliable attorneys at law. He has practiced many years, both in Illinois and in Winfield, and by his efficiency and genial good humor, has made a host of friends.
ALEXANDER, J. M., is an attorney of unquestioned responsibility and efficiency. He is one of the early settlers and brought to this place large sums, which he has largely and judiciously invested in real estate. He is one our most substantial citizens.
AMERICAN HOUSE. This popular house is presided over by J. M. Olds and his estimable lady, who furnish their guests with the most satisfactory fare.
ASP, H. E., is the youngest lawyer of our bar, but one of great promise. He is studious, and careful in his business and has manifested oratorical ability of a high order.
BACON, E. E., is a watchmaker and jeweler keeping a good stock. As a mechanic and engraver, he is second to none. His work is done with surprising ingenuity and neatness.
BAHNTGE BROS., are in the grocery business and keep the best goods in the neatest manner. It is a pleasure to trade with them. They own their magnificent store, one of the best in the city. Mr. Geo. L. Walker will be found behind their counter.
BAIRD BROS., keep a stock of general merchandise that would surprise an eastern man. They have one of the largest establishments in “Southern Kansas” and the amount of goods they dispose of is immense. They are gentlemen who please their customers and have a full corps of obliging salesmen, among whom are Mr. T. Southard and Mr. J. F. Holloway.
BEACH, D. C., is a reliable attorney at law of great industry and pleasing address. He is an orator of a high order and has attained fame as an editor.
BEST, D. F., is an industrious and energetic vender of sewing machines, organs, and pianos. He has a fine stock on hand of the best of their kinds, and shows them in the most gracious and pleasing manner.
BISBEE, A., makes boots and shoes in the best style and of the best material. He “gives them fits.”
BIRNBAUM, R., makes cigars equal to Havana, besides keeping the best chewing and smoking tobacco, fruits, and confectionery. Gentlemen who are very particular to have good stock are satisfied here.
BLACK, C. C., is a young lawyer of great promise. He is “well heeled,” having plenty of real estate and plenty of money loaned out. Last fall the Democrats had the good sense to nominate him for state treasurer and the flattering vote he received in this county shows how he is appreciated.
BLACK, DR. G., is one of the most reliable physicians and surgeons in the state; and in this very healthy climate, he has a very large practice. Everyone seems to believe in Dr. Black.
BLISS & CO., have one of the largest stocks of the city, in general merchandise. Spencer Bliss has been dispensing goods in this city many years and has made himself very popular. Elbert Bliss is a later arrival; but he is in the market, and contributing to the wide popularity of the house. C. A. Bliss is one of the earliest settlers and has always been an earnest and energetic business man. His large stone flouring mill which, with the water power, is worth scarcely less than $25,000; his fine residence, stores, and other real estate are the fruits of his business energy and enterprise.
BOLTON & HEIDY [?] are in the meat business, and although comparatively newcomers, are by their efforts to please their customers, building up a first-class trade.
BRADLEY, W. R., is the ingenious and reliable blacksmith of Tisdale. He is reported one of the best workmen in the county.
BROTHERTON & SILVER are dealing largely in all kinds of seeds, feed, agricultural implements, and machinery. The amount of business they do is very large. By their energy, industry, and obliging way of treating their customers, they may almost be said to have created their branch of business in this city.
BROWN & GLASS deal in drugs, paints, oils, books, stationery, etc. They have an immense stock and do a very large business. Brown does up things brown, and Glass is of the “can’t break ‘em” kind. Customers are always pleased when dealing at this house.
BELL, DR. F. H., takes out your teeth if you have too many and gives you more if you do not have enough. He uses vulcanized rubber plate when required, and does up his work in the most finished style.
CENTRAL HOTEL is a popular resort for the weary traveler, and under the auspices of Mr. Sid Majors and J. Vance, two experienced hotel men, and their estimable ladies, this house has become popular among traveling men. The stage and express offices are kept at this house.
CHATTERSON, S. W., is a manufacturer of native lumber, and supplies his customers to order with dispatch.
CITIZENS BANK is one of the best managed and safest banks in the state. It has a large safe, burglar proof, combination and time locks, and is thoroughly secure. J. C. McMullen, its president, brought a large capital to this place and has built a residence that would do credit to any city. B. F. Baldwin, the cashier, is a young man of means and industry well known in this city. John D. Pryor, the vice president, is a talented accountant and familiar with his business, and A. W. Berkey, the assistant cashier, is quite experienced in the business. All are gentlemen of honor and reliability.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
COLDWELL & COLDWELL are a law firm of high character and reliability. The elder has been on the supreme court bench in Texas and both are fine speakers and attentive to the business entrusted to them.
COLE, ED. G., deals out drugs, paints, oils, stationery, etc., in a very pleasing and agreeable manner. He is very careful in putting up prescriptions in which he has long practice under the tutelage of experienced druggists.
COLE, DR. D. V., is a physician and surgeon, late of Des Moines, Iowa, who comes here very highly recommended. He is a gentleman as well as a physician.
COOPER, DR. F. M., eclectic physician and surgeon, is making many friends and a large practice by his skill and gentlemanly bearing.
CURNS & MANSER are real estate, loan, and insurance agents of high character and reliability who transact their business with promptness and fidelity. They have built up a very satisfactory business and those who deal with them once, come again.
DEVER, J. M., is the popular baker of Winfield. He has a way of making everything which he turns out, a little better than is obtained elsewhere. He also keeps fruits and confectioneries.
DUNSCOMB, J. G., is one of the most enterprising merchants at Wichita. He keeps one of the largest general stocks of goods in the state and has a wide reputation for low prices and using printers ink.
EAGAN, G. H., is a young lawyer in Rock township. He is studious and an excellent writer, and has a future before him.
EMERSON, DR. G., is a physician and surgeon of great learning, skill, and reputation. He has a wide practice, which is becoming wider. Were this a less healthy country, he could not answer all his calls.
EXTON, JOHN, is the great Wichita coal dealer. He also sells cements, lime, etc., besides running an elevator and other business. At home he is held in the highest esteem.
FARRINGER, PROF. C., is one of the most skillful music teachers in the state. He teaches vocal music and performance on various kinds of instruments and keeps instruments for sale.
FLAG DRUG STORE is a new institution in Winfield, but opens up with a large stock in one of the best rooms in the city.
FRIEND, F. M., has one of the neatest stocks of silverware and cutlery. He has a fine stock of sewing machines and can supply a first rate article.
GILBERT & JARVIS loan money and practice law. S. M. Jarvis is a young man of talent, who has lived in the county for some time and has had additional experience in a neighboring county. He was recently admitted to the bar, and with his versatile talents he bids fair to become one of the shining lights of the bar. Mr. Gilbert is an excellent business man, and a pleasant gentleman.
GILES BROS. keep a first-class drug store and pay “special” attention to prescriptions. They are gentlemen of pleasing address and understand their business perfectly. They are enterprising and know how to advertise. Their trade is becoming very large.
GOLDSMITH runs the bookstore, newsstand, confectionery, fruit, and toy store at the post office. The amount of Christmas goods he has disposed of in the past two weeks would hardly be believed if told accurately. He is assisted by Mr. Snyder, an accomplished salesman in his line.
GREEN, A. H., is noticed in the Atchison Champion article on first page.
GUILD, E. B., is the great music man of Topeka. If you want a musical instrument of any kind, write to him and you can get what you want at low prices.
HARRIS, C. C., has money to loan. By the way, he is one of the owners of the Tunnel Mill, which used to advertise in the Courier, but it made their business too large and they had to quit.
HARTER & SPEED are energetic young men in the livery business. They keep fine horses and gay carriages and can suit almost anyone with a team. C. L. Harter is the popular sheriff of this county. A. D. Speed is bright, active, and popular.
HAZARD, EARNEST L., is in the meat, pelt, and fur business; and is building up a large trade. He had a large tree in front of his store hanging full of skins and game on Christmas Day.
HOENSCHEIDT, J., is an architect of skill and experience. His plans and drafts are done in the most beautiful style. He is active, energetic, and public spirited.
HOPE, L. H., has a stock of watches, jewelry, and silverware that is really magnificent. He is a young man of pleasing address and thoroughly understands his work. His brother assists him in the business.
HORNING, 76. We do not know that 76 is his Christian name, but he goes by that name and sells groceries like more than 60. He has a fine stock and knows how to sell them and makes his customers want to come again for more.
HUDSON BROS., are young men, born mechanics. They are in the jewelry, silverware, watch, and clock trade, and they know how to make and mend in the best of style. Their strict attention to business and pleasing manners are winning over an excellent trade.
HUNT, G. W., is a tailor who knows how to make a fit. He is one of the industrious men of this city and is always on hand and to be depended upon.
IOWA CITY NURSERY is an old establishment that has won a wide reputation, which has extended in wider circles until it has touched Winfield.
JENNINGS & BUCKMAN are young lawyers who have already won a reputation for talent and skill. Frank S. Jennings is an orator, and G. H. Buckman is most famous as a vocalist. He is a justice of the peace as well as lawyer.
JOCHEMS, H., is one of our leading hardware men. Always attentive to his customers, frank, and agreeable, and keeping a large and well answered stock, he has built up a trade of which he may well be proud. He has built a large and beautiful brick residence during the past summer.
JO’S SALOON is very remarkable in one respect. Joe Likowski has kept his saloon in this place for several years, in all which time we have never heard of a fight or disturbance of any kind in his saloon. Liquor always breeds rows elsewhere.
JOHNSON & HILL have the very largest and finest stock of furniture ever brought to Winfield, and they know how to dispose of them and please their customers. J. W. Johnson is an old hand at the business and an excellent mechanic. J. L. M. Hill is a very active, enterprising, and popular young man of fine business qualities.
JONES, PROF. T. J., is one of the first painters that ever came to Winfield, and the outside and inside of hundreds of houses, and various signs about this city, are the proofs of his skill.
KROPP, FRED, is a mechanic and inventor. He moves buildings with neatness and dispatch, and is ready for stone work.
LYNN & GILLELEN have one of the great general stocks of goods which are sometimes found in larger cities, and they are dispensing them in large quantities. John B. Lynn is the mayor of this city and is an able and genial business man. Warren Gillelen is a careful, active manager and skillful accountant. They are assisted by a corps of attentive and gentlemanly salesmen, among who are Batchelor, Shields, Carr, and Bowland. Everything wanted is quickly found in that long store. [Note: Paper had Linn...Wrong. MAW]
MARIS, W. H. H., is one of the early business men of this place, and is now largely in the lumber business, in which he has had quite a large trade. He also deals in agricultural implements and machinery. He was the first mayor of the city of Winfield and stands high in this community. He owns one of the best business buildings in the city.
MARTIN, GEO. W., is a skillful mechanic in the boot and shoe line and can make a neat fitting boot that will not make corns. He can be relied upon for good stock and good work.
McCOMMON & HARTER are young druggists of character, industry, and affability. They were schooled in drug stores and understand their business. They pay careful attention to prescriptions, which they make a specialty. They have a newsstand and various other accessories to their trade.
McGUIRE & CRIPPEN have one of the large general stocks of goods, and they are disposing of them in large quantities. T. M. McGuire is a pleasant and careful merchant. Mr. Geo. Crippen is an active salesman and popular with his customers. He is the leader of the band which furnishes music for the city.
McDERMOTT, J., is an attorney at law of very high character, talents, and reliability, and of wide experience. He is the county attorney for Cowley, has been a member of the state legislature from this county, and chairman of the republican congressional committee.
MILLER & KRAFT keep one of the neatest and best meat markets in the state and serve their customers with promptness. George Miller was in the business here some years ago and is popular with our citizens. Mr. Kraft has made himself very popular.
MOFFITT, JOHN, is the lumberman of this city. He keeps a very large stock of pine lumber, sash, and doors, and sells in large quantities. He is a pleasant, active gentlemen, attends to this business exclusively, and pleases his customers.
MYTON. S. H., is the great hardware merchant of Winfield. He has a magnificent brick store, which he owns, as well as much other real estate, and his stock embraces everything in the hardware line, in large quantities. His sales are probably greater than any other house in the line in Southwest Kansas. He has built up this trade and an honorable name for himself by his personal attention to business, fair dealing, sagacity, and enterprise.
NOMMSEN & STEUVEN are popular barbers and hair dressers. They have a pleasant room and do their work in a satisfactory manner.
O’BRIEN, J. H. builds cisterns on the most approved principles. His work has been a success.
PAYSON, C. H., is a young lawyer of great promise. He has paid some attention to politics, and is an orator of rare powers and ability.
PRYOR & PRYOR are one of the well established law firms in this city. They are men of large means, fully responsible, industrious, and strictly attentive to business. They have an extensive law library, and S. D. the senior, is reputed to be one of the best read lawyers in the State. J. D., the junior, is popular as a bank officer, loan, and insurance agent.
PYBURN AND BOYER are a law firm of character and reliability. A. J. Pyburn is State Senator, and his election when his party was a one-third minority is a sufficient proof of his popularity. W. M. Boyer is a justice of the peace of long standing, and the people seem determined to keep him here for life unless they promote him to a higher position.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
[This issue listed Courier advertisers.]
READ’S BANK. This is one of the institutions of Winfield. The bank occupies a large and fine brick building, keeps its funds in an enormous fire-proof safe, with burglar proof chest combination, and a time lock, and all modern safeguards. M. L. Read, the president, is a gentleman of character and abundant means. He owns a large amount of valuable real estate in this city and county, and is reputed one of the wealthiest men in the state. M. L. Robinson, the cashier, is one of the ablest financiers in the county, and under his skillful direction, success is sure. W. C. Robinson, his assistant, is an assistant indeed. Wilber Dever writes up the books. Each member of the force is a gentleman by instinct and habit.
ROBINSON, C. H., is one of the most genial, pleasant, large-hearted money loaners we have ever met.
ROBINSON & MILLER occupy classic ground. They are in the old log store of historic associations, and they honor their hall by turning out to their customers the best kind of furniture at satisfactory prices.
ROOT, W. C., & CO. This is the great boot and shoe house of Winfield. The store is well appointed and well filled with the best kind of goods at low prices. They carry one of the largest stocks in Southern Kansas. W. C. Root is one of the most pleasing gentlemen one ever meets, attends strictly to his business, satisfies all his customers, and we predict that his house will spread his fame far beyond the borders of this state.
SEWARD, O. M., is a young lawyer of skill and reliability. He is an affable gentleman as well as a vigorous attorney. His reputation as an orator is very high.
SMYTH, GEO. K., & CO. This is one of the leading houses in the West in the line of general merchandise. They have a headquarters in Wichita under the management and direction of J. C. Redfield, a gentleman widely and favorably known as the late popular receiver of the land office at Wichita. The fame of this house is widespread, and it is connected with the best houses in Kansas City, Parsons, and Humboldt.
STUMP, MRS. P., is extensively engaged in the millinery and dressmaking business, in which she has but few equals.
STUART & WALLIS have one of the best clothing and gent’s furnishing houses in the State, and are gentlemen of affability, integrity, and energy. They are highly popular with their customers, and enjoy a very large and increasing trade.
SHENNEMAN & MILLSPAUGH are very enterprising and popular gentlemen in the livery business. They keep the best of teams and are always ready to accommodate.
SUSS, S., is a gentleman of very pleasing address, and very popular. He has a large and first-class dry goods and clothing house, where he pleases his customers with a large stock and low prices. Here you will find the popular salesmen, Ed. and Will Holloway, and it is a pleasure to be served by them. This house is destined to remain one of our leading institutions.
TERRILL & FERGUSON. Everybody knows and likes By Terrill and Cal. Ferguson. If they cannot please you with a good team when you want to go anywhere, nobody can. They have one of the best livery and feed stables in the State and understand their business. They also have a stable at Wichita, and their teams hired to go between the two cities may be left at either.
THOMPSON, H., is one of the best stone masons in the country.
TORRANCE, E. S., has achieved an enviable reputation as a lawyer, and has acquired a legal practice second to few in the State. He held the office of county attorney of this county for four years, from 1871 to 1875, and gave such satisfaction that the people have thrust upon him the same office for two years to come.
WAGNER & HAWKINS are the popular physicians and surgeons of Dexter. Their practice and reputation are wide, and they are thoroughly well read in their profession.
WALKER, W. H., is the principal livery man at Arkansas City. He is well known throughout this whole region and is very popular.
WALLIS & WALLIS, by their excellent stock, enterprise, energy, integrity, and strict attention to business, in two years built up a large and flourishing trade in the grocery and provision line. Their uniform low prices are proverbial, and we consider their house as a permanent Winfield institution.
WALTER’S RESTAURANT. This is the popular resort of those who love good eating. Everything choice and delicate that can be obtained is served up to guests in the best style.
WEBB, L. J., has acquired a wide reputation as a lawyer. Having a quick, active intellect, he sees instantly all the points of his case, and being thoroughly acquainted with practice in the courts, he uses his points at the right time and to the best advantage. Few lawyers, if any, are more uniformly successful.
WESTON, J. T., is a hardware dealer and tinner who, in a short year and a half, has by his skill, energy, and strict attention to business, built up a very flourishing and reliable trade. It is such men who always succeed in a new and flourishing city like this.
WILDER BROS. make at Lawrence the best fitting shirts you have ever seen. They are strictly reliable, and an order with measure sent and kind of material named, will be filled satisfactorily.
WILLIAMS HOUSE is one of the best kept hotels in the State. Everything is clean and neat, the table is of the best, and the rooms are well furnished. Frank Williams and his estimable lady know well how to treat their guests, who always come again.
WILKINSON, T. A., is one of the energetic, stirring men of Winfield. He is always in business, sells lumber and agricultural implements, takes building contracts, and does his work up well and in time. He has been Superintendent of Public Instruction for two terms, in which office he was very efficient.
WINFIELD BANK. This is one of the Winfield institutions, and being established eight years ago, is the oldest bank in the place. It has a large safe, with burglar-proof and combination, and time locks, with other appliances for safety. J. C. Fuller, the proprietor, is a man of large means, being a very extensive owner of real estate. He is very careful and prudent in his transactions and perfectly reliable in every respect. From a long and intimate acquaintance, we have learned to place implicit trust in his honor. Neal Fuller is his gentleman cashier and attends strictly to his business.
WINFIELD FEED STORE. This is a new candidate for public favor. Messrs. Millington (not ourself) & Buell hope by strict attention to their business and fair dealing to merit a liberal patronage. We believe they will merit it.
WINFIELD HOUSE is a new hotel and boarding house got up in good style, and will merit a very large patronage. John M. Spencer, the proprietor, comes to us highly recommended.
VAN DOREN, DR., is a skillful dentist, has all the appliances of his profession, and is thoroughly well posted in his business. His work is very neat, and he is a pleasant gentleman to deal with.
YANKEE NOTION STORE is one of the nicest places in the city to trade at, and customers are waited upon by the fairest dealer in this line in the city. Mrs. Beach has an excellent stock and gives low prices.
YOUNGHEIM BROS. have a very excellent stock of clothing and gent’s furnishing goods, and are building up a good trade. We advise buyers to call and see them.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
PATTERSON & SON. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Office on Main Street, in Dever’s Bakery.
G. W. HUNT. MERCHANT TAILOR. Ninth Ave., Winfield, Kansas.
HARTER & SPEED. (SUCCESSOR TO A. G. WILSON) Winfield Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, At the Old Stand, South of Lagonda House, Winfield, Kansas.
CURNS & MANSER. LAND, LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENTS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Office on Main Street, opposite Courier Office, Winfield, Kansas.
STUART & WALLIS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. East side of Main Street, Opposite Post Office. Winfield, Kansas.
WALLIS & WALLIS. GROCERIES & QUEENSWARE. East side Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
T. A. WILKINSON. NEW LUMBER YARD. Would respectfully announce to the people of Cowley County that he has established a Lumber Yard in Winfield, at O. F. Boyle’s old stand, on the corner south of the Williams House.
In the Page Building.
NATIVE LUMBER. Having moved my Mill to J. G. Titus’ Farm, two and a half miles below Winfield, I am now prepared to Fill Orders For any kind of Native Lumber Promptly. Orders can be left at Winfield Post Office. S. W. CHATTERSON.
JOHN MOFFITT. LUMBER YARD AND OFFICE. Corner of 9th and Millington Streets, Winfield, Kansas.
WALTER’S CITY RESTAURANT, CONFECTIONERY, AND OYSTER SALOON. Opens in Manning’s Block (rear of post office), Thursday, Oct. 24, with a new _____ [?] clean and neat in all its apartments.
BAHNTGE BRO’S., GROCERY LINE. Corner Main Street and 10th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
MILLER & KRAFT. Shop on Ninth Avenue. One door east of McGUIRE & CRIPPEN’S STORE.
W. H. WALKER, PROPRIETOR, CITY LIVERY & FEED STABLE. Opposite Stage Barn, Arkansas City.
FRED KROPP. MOVING BUILDINGS. Inquire for him at Moffitt’s lumber office, next door to the Courier office, Winfield, Kansas.
J. H. O’BRIEN. PLASTERING & CISTERN BUILDING. Boards at Mrs. Whitehead’s, one door north of Brown & Glass drug store.
This house, formerly the Lagonda, has recently been thoroughly renovated, remodeled, and furnished throughout with new furniture. Stages arrive and depart daily.
WILLIAMS HOUSE, FRANK WILLIAMS, Proprietor, Winfield Kansas. Opened Monday, September 10, 1877. A new brick building. Everything new, clean and attractive.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Judge 13th Judicial District.—Hon. W. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, W. M. Sleeth.
County Clerk.—M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer.—T. B. Bryan.
Probate Judge.—H. D. Gans.
Register of Deeds.—E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.—R. C. Story.
Sheriff.—C. L. Harter.
Coroner.—M. G. Graham.
County Attorney.—James McDermott.
Clerk District Court.—B. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor.—N. A. Haight.
Deputy County Surveyor.—J. Hoenscheidt.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Mayor.—J. B. Lynn.
Police Judge.—W. M. Boyer.
Members of the Council.—T. C. Robinson, G. W. Gully, H. C. Manning, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood.
Clerk.—J. P. Short.
Treasurer.—J. C. McMullen.
City Attorney.—N. C. Coldwell.
Marshal.—C. C. Stevens.
DEUTCHER UNTERHALTUNGS VEREIN. J. C. KRAFT, Pres’t. John Hoenscheidt, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services the first Sunday in each month at 10 o’clock a.m.
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. J. E. Platter, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7 ½ p.m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m.
M. E. CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 o’clock a.m. and 7 ½ p.m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m.
BAPTIST CHURCH. Services every Sabbath morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Sabbath School at 9 ½ a.m. All are cordially invited. J. CAIRNS, Pastor.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Elder Gans, Pastor, Services every Sabbath, morning and evening. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Sabbath School at 9 ½ o’clock a.m.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
What Kansas Newspapers Have to Say About a Winfield Boy.
The Press of the State a Unit in Favor of the Re-election of Wirt W. Walton
To the Chief Clerkship of the House of Representatives.
Below we give some of the endorsements that “our Wirt” has received from Kansas newspaper men during the past few weeks. They are certainly very flattering and we think all our people should feel a lively interest and be proud of the success achieved by this rising young “son of our soil.”
At present the indications are that Mr. Walton will be re-elected with very little opposition.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
Mrs. Mansfield’s parrot died last Monday. This is a historic bird, having been immortalized by Wirt Walton when he was localizing for the Courier.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
Mr. Wm. Dawson and Mr. James Anderson, of Dawson & Son’s marble works at Independence, were in the city during the holidays. They intend to start a branch of their marble works in this place.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
C. C. Harris has leased his interest in the Tunnel Mills to the Harter Bros. Mr. Harris is now a “gentleman of leisure” and will spend his time doctoring his ears, which he had the misfortune to freeze one day last week.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
Mr. Will Robinson is the last of the old “Bez’que Club,” since Mr. Baldwin has left him alone. Will not some kind-hearted young lady come and pluck this “last rose of summer” and not leave him to “pine on the stem.”
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
FARMERS! Bring your corn, oats, potatoes, apples, butter, eggs, chickens, etc., to us and receive in cash the highest market price therefor. WINFIELD FEED STORE, north side Ninth Avenue, next door west of Citizens Bank.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Winfield and surrounding country that I have opened business in Dr. Fleming’s drug store, and feel myself competent to repair any and all clocks and watches, etc. R. B. TRUESDALE.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Senators Patterson, Garland, and Grover, who in behalf of the Senate Committee on Territories, have conducted an inquiry into the condition of affairs in the Indian Territory, will be ready next week to report to the full committee. They have agreed to recommend the enactment of legislation by Congress, which shall provide,
1. For the establishment of a United States court in the Indian Territory, to possess both criminal and civil jurisdiction.
2. That all Indians comprising the five nations shall be made citizens of the United States, amenable to Federal laws and competent to serve on juries of the United States Courts, etc.
3. That lands now held in common shall be divided and held in severalty, but inalienable for a limited term of years.
The sub-committee do not at present recommend the establishment by Congress of a regular Territorial Government for these Indians, but to provide merely that they shall be entitled to representation by delegates.
The sub-committee will probably advise the insertion in the proposed bill of a proviso that the conditional land grants which the various railroad companies desiring settlement in this territory have announced themselves ready to relinquish shall be formally relinquished. The recommendations of the sub-committees will probably be endorsed by a majority of the full committee. But the entire product of legislation is strenuously opposed by authorized legal representatives of the six Indian nations. Walnut Valley Times.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Arkansas City Items.
Our Representative, M. R. Leonard, W. M. Sleeth, of the county board, and Col. W. M. Whiteman, Ponca agent, passed up to Wichita on Friday.
The steamboat Cherokee still lies bound up in icy chains, unwept, unhonored, and unsung.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Beaver Filberts.
Miss Ella Grimes is wrestling with the boys at the Centennial schoolhouse.
“Victory” school house in dist. No. 115 still remains in an unfinished condition and a monument of emptiness, as regards school-keeping.
J. W. Browning has sworn off going to Wichita and will now abide his time till the railroad arrives.
Miss Henrietta King has prestige at Thomasville schoolhouse, and enjoys the enviable reputation of teaching the best school ever taught in that building.
C. L. Swarts puts on pedagogical airs at Enterprise No. 93.
Our enterprising citizen, R. Tannehill, has completed a pork packing house, and is busily engaged salting down his fifty head of fine fat hogs, which will average 300 pounds dressed.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Our city schools are running over with scholars.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
District 13 has perfected the organization of its library association.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Mrs. Amy Chapin has begun teaching in district 115, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Miss Fannie Pontious closed her term of school in district 22 on the 8th.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
C. L. Swarts has been engaged to teach the school in district 93, Beaver Township.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The Jarvis school, district 30, supports a literary, the session being on Wednesday evening.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are selling out their stock at cost and are to give up their store soon to a new firm, who are to start a boot and shoe store.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
DIED. Mr. S. D. Pryor has just received a postal card stating that E. B. Kager is dead, and that his body would arrive at Arkansas City on last Tuesday for burial.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The Sheridan school, district 47, has a grammar school twice a week, on Tuesday and Saturday evening, conducted alternately by Sol. Smith and Emery Johnson.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The Methodists have secured the services of the Rev. C. A. Musgrave of Cincinnati, as pastor of their church until the next conference. Mr. Musgrave is a young man of marked ability.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The young folks are indebted to Dr. and Mrs. Emerson for a delightful evening spent at their residence on Wednesday of last week.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Representatives Manning and Leonard and Senator Pyburn, who represent Cowley County in the Legislature of this State, went to Topeka last week, and they will be on hand to attend the inaugural ceremonies the 31st inst.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
We are informed that the Deutcher Underhaltung Verein are making arrangements for a phantom ball on the 22d of February, Washington’s birthday. It will be a regular old fashioned sheet and pillow case dance.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
A. H. Green still continues to send off in the mails loads of advertisements and newspapers. We think Cowley County is getting to be very well known in the East, and when the weather moderates Green will be crowded with land buyers thicker than ever.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Dawson & Son are putting up a building on the corner of Ninth avenue and Millington street. They are going to start a branch of their marble works at Independence. Mr. Wm. Dawson will have charge of the business at this place.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
We have been alarmed a number of times and have grabbed for our note book, thinking we were going to get a runaway local upon seeing a team of horses dash around a corner seemingly without a driver; but upon closer observation have found a shingle hitched behind, and a man seated upon it, evidently enjoying a fine sleigh ride.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
A necktie festival for the benefit of the Crooked Creek Library Association is to be held at Crooked Creek Schoolhouse on Friday evening Jan. 31, 1879. The price of a necktie is to be 50 cents. Those not desiring neckties can have their supper for 25 cents each and those just wishing to look around can look for 10 cents. All efforts are being put forth by the energetic executive committee to make it an enjoyable occasion and all should turn out.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
At a regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 479, K. of H., on Monday evening, January 6th, the following officers were installed for the present term by W. G. Graham, G. D. of the State: G. W. Robinson, P. D.; T. R. Bryan, D.; W. O. Johnson, V. D.; David Berkey, A. D.; Hiram Brotherton, Guide; E. W. Holloway, R.; W. C. Robinson, Treas.; A. Howland, F. R.; H. D. Gans, Chaplain; J. F. Snyder, G.; S. H. Myton, S. This lodge is in a prosperous condition, having forty-two members, with many applications for membership.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
A gentleman by the name of Chandler will, in a few weeks, open a dry goods store in the room formerly occupied by B. E. Johnson.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
All persons interested in the promotion of horticultural interests in Cowley County are hereby requested to meet at the office of H. D. Gans, in Winfield, on the 1st day of February,
A.D., 1879, at 1 o’clock p.m. to consider the best course to be pursued in furtherance of uniform and systematic advancements therein. C. J. BRANE, G. W. ROBINSON, H. D. GANS, L. N. LARKIN, and others.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
MR. EDITOR.—The following named pupils have the average standing attached to their respective names, on a scale of 10, for the last school month ending December 20th, 1878.
Mary Orr, 9 ½; Lilly Wilson, 8; Maggie Limbocker, 8 ½; Mary E. Curfman, 8 ½; Archie Harlow, 8 ½; Elmer Curfman, 9; Richard Morgan, 8 ½; Mattie Baird, 7 ½; Clara Limbocker, 7; Bell Curfman, 8 2/3; Samuel Wells, 6 ½; Maggie Wilson, 9 2/3; Annie Orr, 9 2/3; Minnie Larimer, 9 1/3; Oscar Curfman, 9; Jimmie L. Baird, 9; Minnie Burton, 9 2/3; Emma McGee, 9 ½; H. U. Curman, 9 2/3; George Carter, 9 2/3; Frank E. Limbocker, 7 ½; Earnest Wilson, 6 ½; Fred Limbocker, 8 2/3. Total number of pupils enrolled to-date 46. Number of visitors this month 18. A. B. TAYLOR, Teacher.
FAIRVIEW, KAS., Jan. 11th, 1879.
MR. EDITOR.—. . . plenty of snow and good sleighing. A party of young folks from the neighborhood were pleasantly entertained by a dance at the residence of Miss Ella Davis, near New Salem, on Christmas night. Walter had the misfortune to call Mr. J. J. Johnson, up from his warm couch to look at a straw stack burning two miles away. J. J. says it is thin to call a man up at that time of night simply to fool him. The hop at Mr. L.’s on New Years night was a success. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, especially Sam and Upton. The festival at our school house was well attended and everybody happy. Rev. Lahr and lady visited the Fairview school a few days ago. The festival at Maple Grove was a success. The literary is still in progress. Yours truly, ANONYMOUS.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The county commissioners, at their meeting on last Monday, adopted the plans of our architect, John Hoenscheidt, for the repairing of the courthouse, and we think thereby they acted very wisely. The plan calls for a wing 20 x 20 feet, two stories high, on west and east side of old courthouse; also two sets of vaults for the safekeeping of all the records, documents, and funds of the district clerk, county clerk, register of deeds, probate judge and treasurer. It will also enlarge the present rooms for the last four mentioned county offices and the court hall. It further contains two jury rooms about 10 x 10 feet, a county attorney’s office, and consultation room, a county surveyor’s and superintendent’s office, and in fact it is planned so as to compete with the arrangements and accommodations of a first-class courthouse, and is equal to, if not better, than the Greenwood County courthouse, except in price, and when completed will be an ornament to our city and a credit to our county; and we are assured that the plan adopted will meet the indorsement of every citizen of this county. The vaults mentioned will be built independent from the balance of the structure and made fire-proof, and the treasury vault is to be made fire and burglar proof. These vaults alone were needed long ago and are worth to the county at least double the amount of the supposed cost of the whole repairs and addition, which is estimated at about $3,000, for it is a known fact that if fire ever would break out in the building the whole records would be unsafe, and if destroyed, would cost the county at least $10,000 to restore them. Not too much credit can be given to the architect and the wise action of the county commissioners for adopting said plans and taking such steps, and every citizen and tax-payer ought to be thankful that this great improvement can be made at such a reasonable low rate of expense. We are informed that sealed proposals for the labor and material for said repairs will be taken at the county clerk’s office as soon as the plans and specifications are completed, and will be opened on Monday, the 3d day of February, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
On the 31st day of January, at Arkansas City, Dexter, and Winfield, an examination will be had of applicants for teachers’ certificates. At that time questions upon the metric system and upon the best methods of teaching of the English branches will be submitted to every candidate, and exact and comprehensive answers to these questions will be expected. Teachers should govern themselves accordingly. An examination will be held in Winfield March 28th. Work will begin at 9 o’clock a.m. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session [January 6, 1879]. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale, commissioners, James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Among other proceedings had, bills against the county were presented and passed upon by the board as follows.
For what purpose.
N. A. Haight, road survey.
G. R. Green, road viewer.
A. D. Edwards, road viewer.
J. Brannon, road chainman.
D. P. Francisco, road chainman.
D. Francisco, road marker.
N. A. Haight, draughting.
G. W. Robinson, school ex.
J. T. Shepard, pauper bill.
McCommon & Harter, merchandise.
T. R. Bryan, treas. salary. [$536.07]
M. G. Troup, county treasury, salary. [$471.00]
J. T. Weston, merchandise.
D. Long, jail repairs.
C. L. Harter, sheriff’s fees.
J. H. Finch, bailiff’s fees.
C. L. Harter, jailor’s bill.
R. C. Story, co. supt. salary. [$200.00]
T. B. Yers, furniture repairs.
Wayne Bitting, juror’s fee.
R. C. Story, expr. charge.
H. D. Gans, pro. judge fees.
W. L. Gillelen, co. treas. com.
S. M. Jarvis, co. treas. com.
Geo. Knowles, repair. desk.
J. M. Read, painting desk.
Juror’s fees:
Geo. Emerson.
C. M. Wood.
S. F. Miller.
W. J. Hodges.
A. A. Jackson.
E. C. Seward.
Witness fees:
C. C. Krow.
John Wilson.
J. V. Hines, pauper bill.
Wm. Butterfield, pauper bill.
R. C. Story, postage.
F. W. Schwantes, road dam.
N. A. Haight, road survey.
J. D. Maurer, road viewer.
R. C. Maurer, road viewer.
L. B. Bullington, road viewer.
C. W. Jones, road chainman.
Wm. Hillier, road chainman.
J. P. Craft, road marker.
L. H. Hope, clock.
S. Dodsworth & Co., envelopes.
F. Jennings, school examiner.
H. Jochems, merchandise.
Burt Covert, bailiff’s costs.
E. S. Bedilion, clerk’s costs.
Johnson & Hill, chairs.
J. M. Read, glazing.
S. Dodsworth & Co., books.
Drawing Jury:
C. L. Harter.
G. H. Buckman.
W. M. Boyer.
E. S. Bedilion, clerk’s costs.
F. Williams, boarding jury.
W. G. Graham, coroner’s costs.
J. H. Finch, constable’s costs.
S. Suss, pauper bill.
Johnston & Hill, coffin. [$10.00]
A. J. Hastine, burying pauper. [$10.00]
G. Gray, digging grave. [$4.00]
Geo. Emerson, medical service.
J. M. Alexander, office rent.
S. H. Myton, fuel and merchandise.
[WINFIELD LODGE, NO. 101, I. O. O. F.]
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The following officers of the Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., were installed last Thursday evening.
M. B. Shields, N. G.
D. C. Beach, V. G.
John Hoenscheidt, R. S.
E. S. Bedilion, P. S.
Max Shoeb, Treas.
J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.
J. H. Vance, L. S. to N. G.
J. E. Allen, W.
D. W. Southard, C.
J. W. Curns, Chaplain.
B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.
Will Hudson, L. S. S.
John Smiley, I. G.
C. C. Stevens, O. G.
A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. G.
T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.
J. S. Blue, Host.
Total number of members 52.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
A NEW RAILROAD PROJECT is receiving some attention here at present. For some time the Garrisons, now largely interested in the Missouri Pacific and Wabash railroads, have had an eye on Kansas. The schemes of these men have forced the Santa Fe company to what they have agreed to do in the Southern part of our State. They now propose to begin at an early day the construction of two lines of railroad both starting east of Paola, at the Kansas State line, and extending one through Ottawa to this point, and the other through Garnet, Leroy, Coyville, Howard, and Winfield. The road is now graded from Paola to Leroy, a distance of sixty miles. Your correspondent is satisfied that they will soon commence the construction of this road that many of us have so often built on paper of rainy days at Winfield. Men of capital are now convinced of what we have so long felt—that it would be one of the best paying roads in the State.
The Missouri Pacific is one of the best constructed, equipped, and operated roads in the west. It would give our products a direct route to market and the sharpest possible competition. If it can be secured to our county, who of our citizens will be so crazy as to oppose it? L.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
Our capital correspondent notices the organization of a company for the extension of the Missouri Pacific into this part of Kansas. The incorporators are Cornelius K. Garrison, William R. Garrison, John P. Kennedy, and Francis R. Raby, of New York City; Oliver Garrison, Daniel R. Garrison, Isaac L. Garrison, David K. Ferguson, and Webb M. Samuel, of the city of St. Louis; Joseph L. Stephens, of the city of Boonville, in the state of Missouri; Alfred Ennis, of the city of Topeka; William Sprigs, of the city of Garnet; and Allen B. Lemmon, of the city of Winfield, all in the State of Kansas, the same persons being also appointed Directors.
The St. Louis and Topeka papers speak most hopefully of the success of the proposed enterprise. Mr. Lemmon refused to have anything to do with the scheme until satisfied that the parties concerned were abundantly able and fully decided to construct the road. We expect to have much to say of this project in future.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
It is said that the Germans of this city have secured a German teacher, Professor Backus, a gentleman of high education, for the purpose of establishing a private school, in which the German language will form a special branch of study. We wish them success.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Baptist Church elected the following officers for the year 1879.
James McDermott, treasurer.
Rev. Mr. Rigby, clerk.
C. A. Bliss, Lewis Stevens, James McDermott, R. C. Story, and E. S. Bliss, trustees.
Col. J. C. McMullen and John D. Pryor have been added to the board of trustees as a building committee. Plans and specifications for a new building will be submitted soon.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association, which was organized last winter, had a meeting on last Saturday evening to attend to the election of officers and other business. The following were elected officers.
W. M. Allison, president.
George Walker, vice president.
Will R. Stivers, secretary.
E. E. Bacon, treasurer.
T. A. Wilkinson, manager.
Several new members were taken in, and it was decided that the company give a dramatic entertainment in a short time.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Deutcher Unterhaltung Verein of this city has engaged Judge Miller, of Eldorado, to deliver a lecture on the subject, “Unwritten History of Kansas,” on next Friday evening, at Manning’s Opera House. The Judge has secured the reputation of being one of the best lecturers of Kansas, and has received crowded houses and the commendations of the press wherever he delivered one of his spicy lectures.
Judge Miller is one of the first settlers of Kansas, coming here in 1853, and during his practice as a criminal lawyer has received ample experience to be able to give a history of Kansas which will be of interest to every Kansan; but as this lecture is arranged by our German Society, who make a success of everything they undertake, we are assured that the lecture will receive a crowded house. We understand that this lecture is the first of one of the so-called “Home Lectures,” and the price of admission is fixed so low that everybody is enabled to attend.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
EDITOR COURIER.—In traveling over the county I see that many farmers are using stone in building dwelling houses, stables, barns, smoke-houses, fences, and other prominent improvements. This is wise, for such work when well done is done for a life-time. Our county is blessed with an excellent quality of stone for building, and our farmers cannot do better than to use it in making substantial improvements on their farms. I hear considerable talk about legislation to compel settlers on claims either to deed or to give place to those who will deed. The burdens of taxation should be borne by all, not by a few. Many of our farmers have been on claims for five years, cultivating and improving them in every manner. Would it not be well for them to secure these homes by deeding? Congress might require every settler now on undeeded land to file an application for his land. Upon this a tax-title or something akin to it might be given the applicant, bestowing upon him the right to hold his land so long as his taxes are paid up, losing it when failing to pay his part of the public burdens. So mote it be. O. T. R.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
Arkansas City Items.
The funeral of E. B. Kager took place on Wednesday with Masonic honors. He was laid away in Mount Airy Cemetery.
A new jeweler has settled among us—a Mr. McClure from Detroit. We need another shoe-maker and a tailor—men that will not object to cut or put on a patch at reasonable rates. As it now stands, these mends cost as much as a new pair of boots or shoes are worth.
Things are looking up since the bond election on the railroad question. A few are coming in, in anticipation.
The thaw is causing our streams to run so that a general breakup is anticipated. The Cherokee is ready to start down and two boats ready at Little Rock to start up as soon as there is a rise in the river.
General Tisdale visited us on Sunday and is pleased at prospects and thinks of settling here.
Col. David Thompson starts for Iowa this morning the 21st.
[We suppose the Traveler and our correspondent allude to J. C. McMullen. We will say that the Colonel has no thought of leaving Winfield, that his residence is one of the finest in the state, and that he is one of our most valued citizens.—Ed.]
Traveler correspondent said: “I see by the shadow of what was once the Traveler that you are about to lose one of your citizens, who is about to return to his first love—not being appreciated as he thought his worth demanded.”
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
MR. EDITOR:—We up here are being exercised somewhat over our rights, and there are two nearly equal sides so far as members go; that is, there are fifteen tax-payers on real estate in our school district, and twelve holders of claims, that pay no tax on real estate, and nearly all of them have run over their time—in fact, some of them three of four years over the time given by law. There has been for some time a listlessness in deeding, and the tax-payers are getting very restless under the heavy burden of tax to build a school-house and keeping up a school in the district and other taxes beside; consequently, they called a meeting of all interested on both sides—a sort of neighborly gathering—and talked the matter over, then adjourned one week; then held another meeting, talked some more, and adjourned again till next Saturday night. These meetings are conducted in good order, and I think will be a good thing for all concerned. One side claims they are not able to deed yet, while the others say when they deeded, money was worth from thirty to fifty percent, and now can be had at less than half what they were obliged to pay; and further, that they have had time to make their improvements before being called on to deed, while the first that deeded had to make their payments on their land before they could raise much of a crop. Then the claimholders say what they did raise was worth so much more than it is now.
We are having now a semi-weekly mail from Winfield to Polo, also three times a week from Douglass, and are going to try for a new post office between Polo and Floral, to be kept at S. W. Phenix’s house.
(Our Richland Sunday school is prospering finely. The attendance is now from 65 to 70.)
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 30, 1879.
Cowley County is receiving a large immigration.
City Clerk J. P. Short has been appointed to take the census of Winfield.
Ex-County Treasurer E. B. Kager, of Cowley County, died in Colorado recently.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Go to the new tin shop 3 doors south of Bahntge’s Block. The roofing and guttering a specialty.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
The Masonic Lodge and the Knights of Honor have obtained a handsome organ for their lodge room.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Hon. John Francis, state treasurer, received of fifteen county treasurers on Tuesday, 14th inst., the sum of $105,532.74.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
O. M. Seward is one of the persons appointed by the county commissioners to investigate the funds in charge of Tom Bryan.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
J. G. Titus was at Wichita last week. He says Wichita people do not like the idea of losing the terminus of the road. He is in receipt of many letters from friends inquiring for lands in this county, all of which he answers promptly.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Loads of live fat hogs are continually passing through our city on the way to Wichita.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Quarterly meeting services at the M.E. church next Sunday, February 2d, conducted by the Presiding Elder, Rev. A. H. Walter.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
We would call attention to the “ad” of the new firm of Dawson & Son, marble dealers. They have had years of experience and can get up as fine a tombstone or monument as can be procured anywhere. This is the first enterprise of the kind that has been started in the city and they will undoubtedly have plenty to do.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
August Kadau, on Ninth avenue, east of Main street, keeps a first-class stock of leather, and is one of the best shoemakers in the city. Call and see him.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
The creditors of Mr. S. Suss, met in this city on the 31st to select their assignee and transact other business in relation to the matter of the assignment.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Mr. A. H. Beck is about to build a photograph gallery in this city, and will also run a real estate office. Mr. Beck is a wide-awake gentleman and we predict his success.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
The city census just taken officially shows a population in the city of Winfield of 2,071.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Mr. C. F. Bahntge left last Sunday for Joplin, Mo., where he intends to be married February 4th, and then to go to Charleston, S. C., on a wedding tour. He will be absent about two months.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Mr. W. C. Briant, of Floral, exhibited to us the other day a patent churn which seems to us to be just the thing. It is simple in construction, and we should judge would be always in order, requires little power, works with a swing, and has all the convenient attachments to assist in handling the cream. It is arranged for warming or cooling with warm or cold water, and the temperature is adjusted and indicated by a thermometer for its introduction in this county, and believe he will meet with flattering success.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Baptists Planning to Build a New Church.
The Baptists of this city are making arrangements to build a new church edifice. Their present building is quite insufficient for their present wants, to say nothing of prospective wants in the near future. . . .
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
We were pleased to make the acquaintance of Drs. Pitman & Metcalf, who have lately lodged in our city. These gentlemen come highly recommended, and will undoubtedly succeed in establishing a large practice.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
This gentleman is one of the Winfield landmarks of 1870. His was once the only general store in the town. He brought to this place a fair capital, and plenty of energy, shrewdness, and tact. He has been foremost in many enterprises for the public good and in the building of the fine stone Baptist Church, of which we were so proud in that early day, his money and enterprise were the leading factors.
He has a good farm in the country nearby, a fine residence in the city, three or four of the best business lots on Main street, on which are good buildings, and other city property; is principal owner of one of the largest stocks of goods in this city; and last, but not least, he is the owner of the best flouring mill in Southern Kansas, if not in the state.
The Winfield Mills of C. A. Bliss have attained a wide fame, particularly for the excellent quality of their flour. The brand “OUR BEST” made at this mill is not inferior to the best St. Louis brands.
It is because of such men as Mr. Bliss that Winfield is on the high road to greatness and wealth.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Present Machine Shops Might Lead to Erection of a Foundry.
The new machine shops on north Main street are now completed and running, and are a credit to the town as well as to the proprietors. It is intended, the coming summer, to erect a foundry in connection with the machine shops, which will supply a want long felt by our farmers.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Winfield Needs To Build a Schoolhouse.
Why does not someone move in the matter of building a schoolhouse in this city? Everyone admits the necessity, and as a matter of economy there can be no doubt of its advisability. Someone must attend to the matter. Who shall it be? You must not depend upon the editor of the COURIER. He cannot attend to all these things. Call a meeting and decide what shall be done. We think the school board should call the meeting and everybody should turn out. It is an important matter. Wake-up! Stir around!
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
DIED.—At her home in this city, Thursday, January 23rd, at 12 o’clock m., Mrs. Mary C. Boyer, wife of W. M. Boyer, Esq.
She had been in ill health for about four years and was confined to her bed for two months previous to her death. She was born in New York [city/date unknown]. Met Mr. Boyer in Maryland. From thence they moved to this place in 1872, where she has resided since. She leaves a husband and two children, a bright boy of 13 years and a little girl 8 years old, besides a mother and several brothers and sisters. The funeral took place on Saturday last at 10 o’clock a.m. Rev. J. E. Platter officiated.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
We learn that Mr. Herman Floatman, living in the east part of the county, had the misfortune to lose his house by fire one day last week. It is supposed that the fire caught from a spark falling on the roof. Mr. Floatman is a worthy man and deserves the sympathy of the entire community.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Northeast Ninnescah, January 26, 1879.
The school at Green Valley is in a flourishing condition; two of the boys have graduated and left school—H. Hopkins and F. W. Wentz.
The spelling-school last Tuesday evening was a success. Miss Davis, from the Beck school, and some of her scholars were there.
Miss Ella Olmstead and Miss Anna Martin are taking music lessons with Mrs. Rothrock.
Enos Harlan is going to Iowa to visit friends.
Cowley ahead again! Mr. R. Kimble has discovered gold in vast quantities in his well.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
James Fahey has begun the erection of a stone and brick building on Ninth Avenue, east of Main Street.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Maple Township, January 26, 1879.
The Rev. Harrison, pastor of the M.E. church, has just concluded a series of meetings at the Centennial schoolhouse. Twenty-seven persons united with the church.
The Norman Brothers have their new mill in operation and are grinding feed and meal for all comers.
W. F. Shaffer sold 80 acres of upland prairie to A. J. Scott: price $700; temporary buildings and 60 acres under the plow.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Teachers’ Directory.
District No. 1: WINFIELD.
Geo. W. Robinson
Emma Saint
Sarah Aldrich
Sarah Hodges
Mary Bryant
Allie Klingman
Ioa Roberts
Connected with Winfield. District Number
Alice Aldrich 48
Mattie Minnehan 43
Mina Johnson 13
Celina Bliss 9
Mrs. Alice Bullock 106
R. A. O’Neill 77
A. B. Taylor 21
Ella Freeland 50
Maggie Stansbury 108
Ida Carey 97
Elia Hunt 90
John Bower 12
F. Starwalt 49
S. T. Hockett 64
Fannie Pontious 22
Larah E. Sitton 31
District No. 2: ARKANSAS CITY.
C. H. Sylvester
Mrs. L. M. Theaker
Connected with Arkansas City. District Number
T. J. Rude 51
Lizzie Landis 42
Chas. Hutchings 89
J. M. Hawthorn 6
Albertine Maxwell 32
Charles Swarts 80
H. G. Blount 41
J. O. Wilkinson 69
Risdon Gilstrap 33
Frank A. Chapin 10
L. E. Norton 53
Flora Finley 34
James Perisho 62
District No. 20: FLORAL.
G. B. Richmond
Connected with Floral.
Squire Humble 19
District No. 45: TISDALE.
E. A. Millard
Connected with Tisdale.
S. A. Smith 47
District No. 30: MOSCOW.
R. B. Hunter
District No. 26: LITTLE DUTCH.
T. J. Floyd
Connected with Little Dutch.
R. B. Corson 81
District No. 52: NEW SALEM.
Ella Davis
Connected with New Salem.
Sarah Bovee 39
[Miss] Ray Nawman 55
District No. 14: LAZETTE.
Mary A. Tucker
Connected with Lazette.
H. T. Albert 15
Emma Burden 95
M. Hemenway 94
District No. 5: DEXTER.
W. Trevett
Connected with Dexter.
W. E. Merydith 54
R. C. Maurer 7
Allie Hardin 88
Viola Hardin 88
S. F. Overman 56
Alpha Harden 29
District No. 84: CEDAR VALE.
H. P. Attwater
Connected with Cedar Vale.
Alice Dickie 79
N. P. Seacord 56
James Seacord 83
District No. 60: POLO.
Thos. B. Kidney
Connected with Polo.
Mrs. Sarah Hollingsworth 74
District No. 18: BALTIMORE.
Lou Bedell
District No. 24: ROCK.
Electa F. Strong
Connected with Rock.
E. Limoric 25
Simeon Martin 29
District No. 72: RED BUD.
J. T. Tarbet
Connected with Red Bud.
R. A. Hall 91
District No. 73: DOUGLAS.
L. L. Hollinger
District No. 11: BUSHNELL.
L. McKinley
Connected with Bushnell.
Sadie Davis 71
District No. 85: SILVERDALE.
Jennie Scott
District No. 8: OXFORD.
Hattie McKinley
District No. 107: OTTO.
E. B. Poole
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
In 1878 the following circular was sent out by the State Superintendent. Circumstances prevented my submitting the matter therein to your attention. The object of this work is an excellent one, and it is not too late to begin the desired work. In a short time sample pages of paper, fools-cap size, showing headings and rulings, will be sent to every teacher in the county. Can you not put on record the work of your classes? Let some subject be taken every week, or every month if time permits, and have the pupil write the questions and answers on fools-cap paper, using but one side of a leaf. This work, when completed, should be collected and sent to my office. It is intended to use all material thus sent in to make an educational exhibit at our next county fair. Read the circular carefully, then follow its suggestions.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
TOPEKA, KANS., NOV. 10, 1878.
DEAR SIR:—Most teachers require of their students occasional written exercises in study, recitation, and examination. The value of such exercises is unquestioned. It is now proposed to use them in the collection of the material for an educational exhibit that shall show what is actually being done in all the classes of every grade of schools in the state. Your cooperation in this undertaking is earnestly solicited.
It is proposed that this collection shall be divided into three sections, viz.”
1. Common or country-school work.
2. Graded-school work.
3. The work of higher institutions of learning, including the State University, State Agricultural College, Normal School, and denominational colleges.
To make such a collection valuable, the work should be prepared on a plan that should be followed strictly by all participating schools. To aid in securing uniformity of work, the following rules are respectfully suggested:
1. All exercises should be prepared on paper uniform in size and ruling with the enclosed.
2. The work should be collected by classes; every member of the class should be represented, either by work, or by a sheet of paper on which the teacher shall give the reason of the child’s failure.
3. Use pen and ink in making all written exercises.
4. Specimens of work should be collected from time to time as the teacher thinks best. These should illustrate—(a) methods of study, (b) recitations, (c) examinations. During a term, every member of each class should be required to prepare several papers.
5. Students should not be given time for special preparation for this work. The papers should show the average work of each student, nothing more. Teachers should require their students to be prepared to put themselves upon the record at any time. By so doing, they can make the preparation of these exercises an excellent incentive to study.
6. In assigning a written exercise in study, recitation, or examination, the teacher should announce the time to be given for its preparation, and at the expiration of that time, he should collect all papers and note the exact time in which they had been prepared. These papers should be fastened together and put in covers similar to those sent herewith.
Students’ work prepared as herein suggested, can be made a very interesting part of a school examination. It will give parents and others a better idea of the teacher’s methods, and the actual progress made by students than can be obtained in any other way.
The next meeting of our State Teachers’ Association will be held at Lawrence. Is it not possible to make a collection of school work an interesting and valuable feature of that meeting?
If you think so, and if you are willing that your work shall be compared with that of others, you are requested to begin to make such a collection at once. Attend the meeting of the Association, if you find it possible, and bring your “fruits” with you. If unable to be present at the meeting, send your work by express, addressed to me, and it will be placed on exhibition. It is proposed, finally, to place the collection in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, where it may be examined at any time.
Very respectfully, your ob’t servant,
State Superintendent of Pub. Instruction.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
J. T. WESTON has just opened a new Hardware, Stove and Tin Store.
Main St., Winfield (In the Page building).
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
D. F. BEST’S Sewing Machine & Organ rooms/Main Street.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
GILES BROS., NEW CASH DRUG STORE, 3 DOORS NORTH OF THE WILLIAMS HOUSE, WINFIELD, KANSAS. Drugs, Paints, Oils (all kinds), Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Lamp Chimneys, Patent Medicines, Fancy and Notion Goods, Perfumery of the first class, Fine Cut and Plug Tobacco, and Cigars, Snuff, etc.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
WALLIS & WALLIS GROCERIES, and QUEENSWARE, Fancy candies, canned fruits, and everything usually kept at a first-class Grocery house. Our stock of candies and canned fruits, which is the largest ever brought to Winfield is ENTIRELY NEW.
East Side Main Street, Fords old stand, Winfield, Kansas.
Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
BLISS & CO., GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Pioneer Store of the County. 228, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
C. A. Bliss, WINFIELD CITY MILLS, Does Merchant and Exchange Work.
Flour always on hand for sale at low rates.
Large orders from abroad solicited.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
STUART & WALLIS has received an extensive stock of FALL CLOTHING and Gent’s Furnished Goods! Comprising all the Latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Caps, Paper and Linen Collars, Neckties, Cravats, Silk Handkerchiefs, and Gent’s Underwear. East side of Main Street, Opposite Post Office, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
H. JOCHEMS, Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Steel, Tinware, Stoves, Mechanic’s Tools of All Kinds, Charter Oak Stoves, Tin Roofing and Guttering a Specialty. Main Street, East Side, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
CURNS & MANSER, Land, Loan and Insurance Agents, Notaries Public. Office on Main St., opposite COURIER Office, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 6, 1879. Front Page.
ADDRESS Of Dr. W. G. Graham, Delivered at the Installation of the Officers of Winfield Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, Winfield, January 13, 1879, was given on the front page....did not bother copying it...VERY LONG.
Signed: Your Past High Priest, W. G. GRAHAM.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879. Front Page.
EDITOR COURIER:—With your permission I shall be pleased to take up a portion of space in your valuable paper in the discussion of some matters pertaining to existing laws.
I shall confine my remarks to that portion of our statute law which relates to procedure civil before justices. It may appear somewhat presumptuous for me to undertake to criticize that which has stood the test of years, but my apology is that I think that the code can be improved, and now, while it is passing under review at the capital, who knows but this may meet the eye of some lawgiver and thus bring forth fruit.
First, As to the jurisdiction of justices of the peace, in civil cases, sec. 1, chap. 81, gen. stats., makes their jurisdiction “co-extensive with the county wherein they have been elected, and wherein they shall reside.” What an engine of oppression! To illustrate, John Doe, living in Maple Township in the northwest corner of Cowley County, has a claim of $5.00 against Richard Roe, living in Silverdale Township in the southeast corner of Cowley County. Joe Doe brings action before some justice of Maple Township, and the constable travels 45 miles to serve the summons on Richard Roe, and then travels 45 miles back again, and gets 10 cents a mile each way. “Constable’s return,” service 25 cents, copy 15 cents, mileage and return 90 miles, $9; total, $9.35. Richard Roe has a defense to the claim, he thinks, and takes two witnesses with him to establish the fact. Witness fees for each witness attendance per day, 50 cents; mileage and return, 90 miles, 900; total for the two witnesses, $19.
We have said nothing about subpoenas and other auxiliaries, but a sufficient showing is here exhibited to brand the above mentioned section of our law as an engine of oppression. For justices courts are established to adjudicate the minor differences which arise in the transactions of men, and their jurisdiction should not extend over a wide scope of country, thus converting them into what I shall term “mills to grind out costs.” It strikes me that an amendment to the aforesaid section would be in order, restricting the territorial jurisdiction of justices so as to embrace no more than their own township, or at the furthest the townships immediately adjoining their own township.
Secondly. I take issue with the code in its provisions for attachment. Section 3, chapter 88, laws 1870, reads as follows: “The plaintiff in a civil action for the recovery of money may, at or after the commencement thereof, have an attachment against the property of the defendant, and upon the grounds herein stated.” Then follows an enumeration of the “grounds,” and there are eleven. With these I have no fault to find but with the manner of obtaining the writ. Usually it is done by the plaintiff making an affidavit in the office of the justice, showing the nature of his claim, its amount, that it is just (all of which is sometimes questionable), and existence of someone or more of the following particulars. Now comes the “grounds,” and to illustrate the reckless and unscrupulous mode of obtaining attachments, now much in vogue. But a few weeks ago the writer was employed as counsel for defendant in a case wherein the plaintiff had filed an affidavit for attachment with the justice, alleging therein the entire eleven statutory grounds.
The defendant denied the same by counter-affidavit, and on trial of the question of attachment, the plaintiff admitted that he knew ten out of the eleven allegations in the affidavit were untrue, whilst the trial developed the fact that none of them had any existence except in the disordered fancy of the contentious litigant.
The law, as it now stands, I regard as a premium offered for perjury; only effective in the hands of unscrupulous litigants, whose imaginations lead them to swear that they have good reason to, and do believe, anything, to secure an attachment on the property of a defendant, and compel him by that pressure to settle up. The law should be amended, making the affidavit show the materiality of the facts upon which the affiant relies, making proof of acts of the defendant which lead to the belief that an attachment is necessary. In short, the plaintiff should be compelled to make a strong showing to the court of facts sufficient to justify a resort to this harsh remedy. But this article is already too long, yet if worthy of notice I will treat further of the “Code” thereafter. EAGIN.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Col. E. C. Manning came down from Topeka the first of this week. He had been hard at work to secure the election of John J. Ingalls and feeling a considerably worn, he came down to rest and jubilate over the success of his candidate.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Major Gunn has visited our commissioner R. F. Burden to notify him and the people of this county that the new owners of the L. L. & G. railroad will immediately go to work to build their road from Independence to this place. The new company means business. They will want what help we can give. Mr. Burden is satisfied that this road will be speedily built. Oswego and Independence are to be connected by a road and we will then have a continuous line direct to St. Louis.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Manning and Railroads.
A committee was sent from this place to Topeka two weeks ago to labor with Col. Manning to keep him from doing too much to promote legislation limiting the rates of fares and freight on our railroads. Heretofore delegations have sometimes been sent to the capital to assist a representative for fear that he would not do enough; but this sending a delegation to prevent him from doing too much is a new move in politics. Manning is our first representative who has been thought in danger of doing too much.
It is usually time enough to clamor for low freights and fare when a people have first got a railroad, but the people of this county are deeply interested in the rates on roads already built. Our member was instructed by the convention which nominated him to work for legislation limiting fares and freights to reasonable rates and he is favorable to such legislation. There is no danger that he will support unreasonable legislation and there is no good reason that any company should refuse to build into our county. Our member will be governed in this matter by the wishes of his constituents and he desires that they will communicate their wishes to him.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
In Kansas at the present time there is more talk of new railroads, and the extension of lines already in operation, than has occurred since the panic. From present appearances this is not going to simply end in talk. New feeders are being surveyed for the Central Branch; the surveyors are at work on a new narrow gauge line from Topeka westward into Waubaunsee County; work has again been resumed on the contemplated road from Emporia to Eureka; Schofield is hammering away in the hope of being able to push his road into Cowley County; the Santa Fe people are endeavoring to get a foothold in the same county; officials of the Gulf and Joplin roads have gone into Arkansas, with a view of extending the latter road into that State, and expect ultimately to secure a connection with Memphis. We might mention other lines, but this is enough to show that there will be no inconsiderable amount of railroad “racket” by the time spring fairly opens.—Humboldt Union.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Immigration to Kansas.
The immigration to Kansas next spring promises to be immense. Throughout the entire east the name of Kansas is sounded and high encomiums of praise are heaped upon her rich soil, salubrious climate, good schools and churches, and everything else that goes to make a state prosperous. Kansas has plenty of room and a welcome hand for all who come. The great portion of people that settle in the eastern counties bring with them considerable money. This they invest in land, stock, and farming utensils, which will increase the amount of currency in circulation and give impetus to trade.—Holton Signal.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Editorial Correspondence of the Eldorado Times.
TOPEKA, Jan. 30, ‘79.
As a matter of railroad news, we will state that the parties in control of the Emporia Narrow Gauge Road, which is supposed to be the Santa Fe company, will submit propositions to extend that proposed road south from Eureka, through the counties of Elk and Chautauqua. By this movement they will furnish Greenwood, Elk, and Chautauqua counties with a much needed railroad, while at the same time they will absorb all the available bonds in the three counties, and thus prevent the building of any other lines of road.
The road from Wichita to Winfield will be built this summer; as also will the branch through Sumner County.
The proposition to vote bonds in McPherson County to aid in the building of a branch from Florence to McPherson Center, via Marion Center, is meeting with favor in that county. The chances are that the bonds will be voted and the road built.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
D. A. Millington received his commission and assumed the office of postmaster at this place on February 1st.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
It would have done the members of the Crooked Creek Library Association good to have witnessed the manner in which the COURIER boys demoralized the cake they sent in last Saturday. It was a good one. Thanks.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Mrs. S. Suss returned on Friday from St. Louis.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Mr. C. C. Harris returned on Saturday from his trip to the eastern part of the state.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid Society meets this week (Thursday) with Mrs. C. H. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
The Methodists are having the inside of their church repaired.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Judge Gans started for Oswego on a visit last Monday and will be absent about a week.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
One of the largest and best mule teams in Cowley County for sale cheap.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Nommsen & Steuven have completed their new shop, will move in the latter part of this week.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Max Shoeb is putting up a carriage for his own use, that would do credit to any manufactory in the country. Max is the “pioneer” blacksmith of Winfield, and as a workman, is not surpassed in the southwest.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
We had occasion to call at the land office of A. H. Green last night, and found that gentleman busily engaged talking to some half dozen Illinois men who are here to buy land. They seemed well pleased with Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
We were favored last Monday with a call from Mr. L. H. Austin, of Louisville, Ky. He is seeking a business location, and is much pleased with this place and surroundings. He speaks highly of his and our friend. W. F. Sterling, of Colesburg, Ky., and says that Mr. Sterling proposes to settle at Baltimore, in this county, before long.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Rev. C. P. Graham, of New Salem, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday in the absence of Mr. Platter, who administered the community service at New Salem.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Mr. E. M. Reynolds, lately from Iowa, called on us last week. He is engaged in drilling wells in this and Butler counties, and having the most approved machinery, he makes wells in dirt and rock with equal facility. We advise those wanting wells to address him at Douglass before contracting with other parties. By so doing they will save money and get better wells.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
The party at the new residence of Mr. J. C. Fuller was one of the most enjoyable parties of the season. About twenty-five or thirty couples were in attendance. The evening was spent in dancing and card playing, and partaking of the elegant refreshments prepared by their kind hostess. Mr. Fuller has one of the most convenient houses in Kansas. It is lighted with gas, heated by a furnace, and has water in all parts of the house. Their beautiful rooms will never be occupied by a more appreciative company than were assembled there on Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
The first number of the Winfield Semi-Weekly is before us. It is a four-page paper of four and a half columns to the page, is published by Conklin Brothers, and presents a very creditable appearance. The publishers promise, as soon as they can get the paper of the right size, to make it six columns to the page. We observe that our businessmen have started it with a very liberal amount of advertisements and evidently intend to give it a generous support.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., Feb. 3, 1879.
MR. EDITOR:—Is it not somewhat strange and something of a neglect, that with all the beautiful magnesia stone sidewalks we have laid to almost all parts of the city, we have none on the north side of courthouse block and block west of it, and south side of 9th avenue, this being one of the most traveled thoroughfares in the city, about two-thirds of the school children passing over it twice a day, and being thronged during court week and the main outlet to the east part of the city. When the spring rains set in, from the position of the ground, the old rickety makeshift we have now will be inundated over two feet in water for probably days. Is it not the wish that our city fathers have us a good, substantial, eight-foot sidewalk put down on north side of these two blocks above high water mark. W. A. LEE.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Proposal for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to February 7, 1879, for the construction of a stone fence around the Winfield Cemetery. The plans and specifications for said fence can be seen at Dr. Graham’s office, where all bills are to be filed.
Sec’y W. C. Association.
Winfield, Feb. 3, 1879.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Cedar Township.
EDITOR COURIER:—Everything is quiet. Wheat looks well now that the snow is gone, and the sages are prophesying a big crop and the croakers say it won’t be worth anything; however, there is very little sown in Cedar.
About one-half of our population—thanks to Granny Hughes—have their names enrolled as trespassers on Indian timber. Last Friday they were in the Nation getting wood when along came the Osage agent, accompanied by a half wolf, half nigger, half “injun” lying, thieving cutthroat, and the citizens of this poor, puny, Indian-deviled Kansas had their names enrolled with the information that they would be called on to go to Fort Smith. Now there is not one of us who believe we will be taken to Fort Smith for what we have done, but it makes us mad all the same.
Horse owners are having a bad time down here. There is some kind of a disease going around that is almost certain death to the horse. Within a short period there have died or become almost wholly worthless a great number of horses. Mrs. Wells lost two valuable mares, M. T. Wells one, James Baker three, J. P. Gregg two, D. W. Wiley one, W. A. Metcalf one, Dr. Phillips one, and others too numerous to mention. Yours truly,
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Some improvements are in progress in this neighborhood and more contemplated. Mr. Jas. Wyatt is erecting a stone dwelling on his claim near Stewart Creek. Mr. Lingenfelter is shortly to build a stone dwelling on his land near Red Bud. Mr. Jos. Kraft is to do the mechanical work, and a better mason for his practical experience is hard to find.
Mr. Joel Beaver has postponed his visit to Iowa. Joe says his girl went back on him, hence his failure to go.
No school at Star Valley schoolhouse last week owing to sickness in the teacher’s family. Star Valley has an interesting debating society which meets every Saturday night.
Eddy Busch is now the happy father of a bouncing big girl.
Father Krauz, of Winfield, held services in this neighborhood last Tuesday, at which a number of persons were in attendance.
Mr. Norman, of Red Bud, has shown a commendable spirit of enterprise in putting in operation at his place a corn mill for the accommodation of the public in general and the neighborhood in particular. It is doing excellent work.
Mr. Buckley has disposed of his claim to a Mr. Ren, from the Arkansas Valley.
Died, on Thursday last, at his residence on Stewart Creek, Mr. Pew. REFLEX.
Red Bud, February 1, 1878.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Since my last report Mrs. K. Jenkins and W. D. Lester have been enrolled on the sick list, and in whispering distance of death’s door, but at present writing are convalescent.
Today Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rambo celebrated their tenth anniversary of connubial felicity.
Several of our “young bloods” are meditating a change of base. Colorado, Black Hills, and Arizona Territory are apparently the objective points.
That there is virtue in prayer was amply verified last week by the clerical gentleman who conducted a series of meetings at the Centennial schoolhouse. The attendance not being satisfactory, he prayed that the wagons of those farmers who deliberately and premeditatedly started for Wichita, while an opportunity was presented for the redemption of their souls, would break down. K. J. W. was the victim selected for its verification.
I venture the assertion that district No. 93 supports one of the most interesting, entertaining, and instructive lyceums in the county; meets every Wednesday evening. The exercises are profusely interspersed with excellent vocal and instrumental music, of which the violin plays a prominent part. The question discussed last evening was: “Resolved, That intemperance has caused more misery than war.” Chief disputants: Messrs. C. W. Roseberry and C. L. Swarts. It was decided in the affirmative. DIXON’S GRAPHITE.
January 31, 1879.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
VERNON, February 1, 1879.
Charlie McClung is happy; one more girl for the boys to “spark.”
At the residence of Rev. P. B. Lee was born a son. Rev. Lee has accepted the appointment to the Sumner County circuit for the remainder of the conference year.
George McClung has been suffering terribly from a cut in the knee received last fall.
M. B. Rupp has been sick since New Years.
Rev. J. Mason is holding a meeting at Mt. Zion. Much interest is manifested.
J. S. Baker is doing a good work in the Pleasant Grove school. He occasionally “teaches the young idea how to shoot” with a cottonwood shoot.
Johnny Abberdine took a flying visit down Calvin Kimble’s well the other day. He was drawing the bucket up when the rope broke; and it being icy, he slipped in the well. He caught on the curb, looked down, and then plunged head first thirty feet to the bottom, missing both buckets. He caught hold of the barrel that was sunk in the well and climbed up the side of the well. When half way up he looked down to see how far he had got and to see his cap. He got to the top and yelled for them to come and take him out. He only received a little scratch on his wrist, which he got in trying to stop himself on his way down. He is about ten years old.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
MANHATTAN, KANS., Jan. 30, 1879.
EDITOR COURIER: Probably you will be surprised when you hear that Caesar has broke out in a new place. I left Baltimore, Cowley County, last August, for the purpose of attending the Kansas State Agricultural College at this place, of which I shall speak before closing.
Manhattan is an enterprising city, situated in the forks of the big Blue and Kansas rivers, and is surrounded by very high bluffs on all sides. There is a great deal of business done in this place, but comparatively nothing to what there is done in Winfield, providing Manhattan had no railroads. One mile north of the city is a large bluff called Bluemont, so called from
J. C. Fremont, who camped overnight at its base when he was surveying a road across the plains, and whose name is yet cut on a large limestone on the hillside. One mile northwest of the city is the college of which I spoke before, situated on College Hill. The college has six large buildings on this hill, one of which has just been completed. The college has an attendance of about 165 students from different parts of the state, and, at present, Cowley County has but three out of the number. The greatest number of students from any county is from this; the next county which has the greatest number is Cherokee.
When I came here, I was somewhat disappointed, because I expected to receive a literary education at this place. I have since found out that this is a practical college and is the best institution, no doubt, for teaching practical studies. Furthermore, I will venture to say that two-thirds of the young men attending this institution are men who are paying their own way through college. Many are at present making money enough to pay their way through, and taking four studies besides.
Young men need not expect to come to this institution for the purpose of learning the dead languages, as these studies do not strictly belong to an agricultural college. I don’t see why Cowley could not have more students at this place, and not let Cherokee have so many more than Cowley. One year ago this college turned out four graduates, and at the close of this term will send twelve more on their way rejoicing.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Already calculations are being made of the time that will be saved in hauling the crops to Winfield and Arkansas City instead of Wichita, and a determination formed to use the difference in making permanent improvements on the land. This alone will be a great addition to the county. There are several persons in this part of the township who have sold land within the past few days, and at better prices than formerly, allowing to the outlook of the near future.
Henry Pruden will engage in business at Arkansas City and Pawnee Agency. He leaves his farm for the present, and will sell a large amount of farming implements and stock on February 26th. We are sorry to lose Hank from among us for the present. He can scarcely afford to leave 480 acres of such land as his is without having almost daily oversight of it.
There has been quite a number of sick persons of late, but I believe all are better now. Dr. Arnold seems to have been very successful again with quite a number of severe cases.
The Salt City Lyceum is the central point of attraction here and has been quite an interesting affair.
Berkey is still doing a good business, and all things considered, I presume we have no cause for complaint when we compare our condition with that of other sections.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
The following is a report of the Little Dutch school for the month ending January 24, 1879: No. enrolled during this month, 60; total No. of days of attendance, 783; No. off days school was in session, 19; No. of cases of tardiness, 97.
The following are the names and grade of those having an average standing of 90 percent and upward: Thos. Covert 91, E. E. Rogers 91, Ida Schock 98, Clara Green 94, Ella Schock 91, Elty White 92, Alfred Savage 90, Mary Taylor 90, Gardie Taylor 90, Alex. Cox 93.
There were seven visits from patrons of the school during this month.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office January 27, 1879.
FIRST COLUMN: Allen, D. H. and W.; Beecher, P. H.; Brown, Thos.; Bowers, S. W. M.; Carter, Helen; Foster, John L.; Fuhrman, Wm. W.; Gunn, Maj. O. R.; Gore, Joanna F.; Glenhouse, Wm.; Gibson, John; Hill, Samuel S.; Hill, Wm.; Hawkins, Mary C.; Hawkins, Enos; Harris, L. L.; Hanily, Calie; Johnson, L. J.; Johnson, Susan; Jordan, Armilda.
SECOND COLUMN: Long, J. S.; McMahon, Floyd; Mann, Alice; Power, John; Powers, Almira; Pierce, J. E.; Pen, Benjamin; Rifia, Iness; Reece, G. M.; Scofield, S. C. care of N. Griffith; Smith, Sophia; Shults, E. F.; Shippey, Scott & Nathan; Swallow, Wm.; Talifaro, Jones; Yount, John W.; Willis, Mrs. Harry; Williams, Mary E.; Warren, Amanda; Ward, Joseph.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.”
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
A good farm of 100 acres, well improved, three miles from railroad, in Washington County, Kansas, to trade for dry goods, hardware, or town property.
No. 103, East Side Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Letters from Vigilance Committee Against Courthouse Repairs.
Some coward has had the meanness to write three short letters to Commissioner R. F. Burden signed V. C. (for vigilance committee) warning him not to put the county to expense by repairing the courthouse. One of the letters is dated at Lazette, another at Salem, and the third at Floral.
The writer attempted to write a different hand in each letter to make it appear that this vigilance committee was a large wide-spread institution and acting in concert, but an expert would readily swear that all were written by the same hand; besides, the writer had the stupidity to use three envelopes exactly alike and precisely the same kind of paper for the three letters and to mail them all at Winfield on the same day. Now any decent man who wished to influence the actions of the commissioner would talk to him plainly or write over his own signature, giving his views and his reasons for them in a manly manner instead of adopting the mean speaking plan for intimidation. Mr. B. says he knows the writer but declines to name him.
We were not aware of the existence of Vigilance committees at Floral, New Salem, and Lazette. What are our correspondents about that they have not kept us posted on so important a matter and given us the names of the officers, etc.
Mr. Burden and his colleagues are going to act in the future as they have in the past: look carefully to the interests of the county and to the preservation of the county property; and if they should conclude that it will be an economy to lay out some expense on the courthouse to preserve it and make it better adapted to the needs of the county, they will do it. No threats or intimidation will swerve them from their duty. It was not because of such that they declined to adopt the plan of the architect and build the addition proposed. They went just far enough to ascertain the probable cost and the merits of the plan and concluding, we think correctly, that the cost would be too much and the benefit to the county too little. They rejected it. Of course, there are some who will severely criticize the board for refusing to adopt this plan for repairing the courthouse, so that they are placed between two fires. We congratulate the county on the fact that it has a board of commissioners in whose hands the interest of the county are safe. In any event, men of sound judgment who can neither be cajoled, bribed, or “bulldozed.”
Note: I gather from above that they did not repair Courthouse.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
SALT CITY, KS., Feb. 11, 1879.
Henry Pruden has sold considerable of his stock and has rented his farm to Mr. Rice for a term of three years. Mr. McCommon, brother-in-law of Mr. Platter, has arrived and will succeed Mr. Thompson in command of the Platter farm. Mr. Berkey, “our merchant,” has so far recovered from his illness as to be able to visit the metropolis today.
DIED. Amos Hazard, nephew of Capt. Foster of this place, died yesterday after suffering for several years with consumption. Mr. Ward anticipates making a trip to Colorado in the spring. Rev. Mr. Broadbent held a series of meetings for the past ten days.
The Lyceum elected new officers on last Friday night, as follows: President, James Lobdell; Vice Pres., O. V. H. Acton; Sec., Jas. Wilson; Treasurer, Dr. Arnold.
Can’t we hear something of the railroad? Please keep us posted, as we consider our future is to be judged by the A. T. & S. F. railway.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Increase in Population in Kansas.
The Nebraska papers are awake to the importance of Kansas doing something to get a share of the gain of the great tidal wave of emigration now flowing westward. They find that Kansas gained 115,171 in population from March 1877 to March 1878, and in the nine months since has gained from 150,000 to 200,000.—St. Louis Republican.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
E. S. Torrance has lately received a large addition to his law library.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
G. B. Richmond, of Floral, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
C. H. Sylvester, principal of the Arkansas City schools, was in town Saturday last.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Judge Christian, of Arkansas City, was smiling on Winfield friends Saturday.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
J. M. Harcourt, of Rock, was in town Saturday last.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Miss N. P. Seacord’s school, district 66, closed on the 27th ult.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
R. C. Maurer’s school, in district 7, closed Wednesday of last week.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Squire W. E. Ketchum has reopened the Maple City school after a vacation caused by sickness.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
District 54, Dexter Township, has a literary society every Friday and a spelling school every Thursday evening.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Dr. Cole, of this place, delivered a very interesting lecture before the pupils of the Winfield High School on last Friday afternoon.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
W. P. Hackney and wife left on Sunday for a few days’ visit at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid Society meets on Thursday of this week with Mrs. Troup.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Miss Viola Harden closed school in the Plumb Creek district, No. 38, on the 30th ult.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Dexter has grown much in the last twelve months. New hotels, new dwellings, and new business houses show its progress. It is one of the best towns in the county. A good miller would do well there.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The Citizens Bank is doing a red-hot real estate business. Col. McMullen has sold four farms in the last ten days, and still there’s more to follow.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Go to the new tin shop 3 doors south of Bahntge’s Block. Tin roofing and guttering a specialty.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Miss Electa Strong has closed her first term of school in district 24, Rock Township. She will soon begin a second term.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
If you can’t believe the courthouse is shaky, make an inspection of the sinking walls.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
S. M. Fall, of Dexter, is making his Indiana friends a long visit.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Thomas Rude teaches singing as well as school in district 51.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
N. S. Armstrong has closed the winter term of school in the Stalter district No. 23.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Miss Ray E. Nawman has ended the winter term of school in district 25.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Can our school board call an informal meeting of citizens to determine what action should be taken for our city schools next year? But few months remain in which proper arrangements can be made. Let us act promptly.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Should we have a new courthouse, an old one ready to fall down, or simply an addition to the present defective concern? The interests of the people demand that measures be taken for the preservation of records and property now in the courthouse. Vaults should be built at once, either in the proposed additions, in a new building, or near to the present structure. What do you say?
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
There is now over one hundred car loads of lumber at Wichita awaiting transportation to Winfield. This shows that our lumber merchants are alive to the coming wants of our county for more building material as soon as the spring opens.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Chas. C. Black, Esq., ever alive to the public weal, very kindly loaned his magnificent parlor furniture to the Dramatic Association for their play last Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Go to the school house meeting.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Miss Allie Harden has finished her first term of school in District 88.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Warren Gillelen is erecting a handsome brick building on Eighth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Prof. A. T. Roberts received last Saturday a $65 cornet, to use in the Winfield Cornet Band.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Mr. Stafford of Martinsville, Indiana, is building a couple of neat houses in the south part of town.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
A lot of the “T. T. Haydock” buggies were sold on the street last Saturday at from $50 to $75 each.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Mr. Holmes, our enterprising pork packer, is building a smoke-house in connection with his establishment.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
W. H. Hudson has opened a wagonmaking shop in the rear of Dan Miller’s blacksmith shop. Mr. Hudson is a good workman.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Judge C. Coldwell, who was taken ill while in Topeka last week, is much better, having returned home last Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Coldwell.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Our marshal, Charley Stevens, had men at work Monday cleaning off the street crossings. Charley proposes to make the boys clean their feet before crossing the street hereafter.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The young friends of Mr. Lou Brown surprised him with a delightful party last Friday evening. About twenty persons were in attendance.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The Williams House is still the popular resort for the traveling public. Frank Williams, the proprietor, is known far and wide as one of the most successful hotel men in the southwest.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Spencer, proprietor of the Winfield House, last week. Mr. Spencer is a hotel man of long experience, and although his house was only opened a few weeks ago, it is getting a good share of the public patronage.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The Tunnel Mills has had another change in its management, Virgil Harter having traded his interest in it to his father for town property in Burlington, Kansas, where he will soon remove. We will be sorry to lose Mr. Harter, as he is one of our best men.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Misses Clara Herrick, Florence Goodwin, Emma Elliott, Fannie Harden, Eva Overman, Zettie Ridgway, Kate Ward, Addie Overman, Allie Harden, Anna Harden, and Viola Harden attended the late examination at Dexter.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Misses Mattie Mitchell, Rose and Maggie Sample, Flora Finley, H. G. Blount, J. S. Adams, Redon Gilstrap, N. N. Wiston, C. L. Swarts, C. Hutchings, and Mrs. L. M. Theaker were in attendance at the examination held in Arkansas City on the 1st inst.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
One of Harter & Speed’s buggies was badly demolished last Sunday evening. The team was hitched to a post some distance in the country, and, seeming to think the thing was getting monotonous, broke from their fastenings, and were found next morning in the alley back of the barn with several pieces that might have belonged to a buggy attached to them.
Better take a wheelbarrow next time, boys.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Mr. Chas. F. Bahntge and wife are at the Williams House. They arrived on Friday evening, February 7th, having been married on the 4th, as before stated. Instead of going East as they had anticipated, they were prevailed upon by Mr. Harry Bahntge to return with him to Winfield. We wish Charlie and his charming bride what they will undoubtedly have, a happy and useful life.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The people of Vernon had an old settler’s meeting at the residence of J. W. Millspaugh Saturday evening. The evening was spent very pleasantly in rehearsing their pioneer life, in which they all agreed that there was a satisfaction in the settlement of a new country not known further east. The meeting was brought to a close by passing around the good things provided by the ladies.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Building a Schoolhouse.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of District No. 1, at the schoolhouse in Winfield, on next Saturday, 15th inst., at 2 o’clock p.m., to consider the matter of building a school- house. Let everybody turn out and give a full expression.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association.
The Winfield Amateur Dramatic Association gave one of their best entertainments on Monday evening, which was well attended. The play was the “Streets of New York.”
The cast was as follows.
Badger: W. M. Allison.
Gideon Bloodgood: Geo. Walker.
Adam Fairweather: Geo. W. Robinson.
Paul: Fred Hunt.
Mark Livingston: W. R. Stivers.
Puffy: T. A. Wilkinson.
Dan: W. J. Wilson.
Edward: Bret Crapster.
Mrs. Fairweather: Miss Jessie Millington.
Mrs. Puffy: Miss Clara Brass.
Lucy: Miss Minnie Bacon.
Alida: Miss Kate Millington.
The play was one of peculiar interest and the characters were well sustained, the sufferings of the poor in our large cities being well depicted.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., Feb. 3, 1879.
Council met at the usual place and hour. Mayor Lynn in chair; Councilmen Gully, Jochems, Manning, and Wood, and J. P. Short, clerk, present.
Petition of W. A. Lee et al. in regard to a certain culvert on Ninth Avenue was presented and read, and, on motion, the street commissioner was instructed to use his judgment in regard to changing the same.
J. P. Short, appointed to take the census of the city, reported that he had finished the same, and found 2011 inhabitants within the corporate limits of the city. Report accepted and ordered filed.
N. Fisher appeared and requested that he be allowed to sell confectionery, etc., on the street. Matter laid over till next meeting.
Bills of C. C. Stevens, marshal, $40.00, and J. P. Short, clerk, $10.00, allowed and ordered paid.
On motion, Council adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Manning’s Release From Support of Ingalls for U. S. Senatorship.
MR. EDITOR:—Having my attention called to an article in the COURIER of the 6th inst. in regard to a supposed action of the Republican Central Committee, signing a release for Mr. Manning from his obligations to vote for Ingalls for U. S. Senator, I beg space in your columns to say that the Republican Central Committee had nothing whatever to do with the matter, and that no release or paper of any character has been prosecuted to that committee dictating Mr. Manning’s duty as representative, or releasing him from any obligations he may be under to his constituents. If any action at all was taken in that direction, it was done without the sanction, knowledge, or consent of that committee, and in justice to other members of the committee, as well as myself, I render this explanation.
Most respectfully, F. S. JENNINGS.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
News from Richland Correspondent “L.”
Ed. COURIER: The tax-payers’ meeting took place according to adjournment, and with Mr. E. B. Sawtell in the chair, passed the following preambles and resolutions.
Whereas, There is over one-third of the land in this school district yet undeeded and held by claimants, and most of said claims have already been held over the time allowed by law and have not, or are not, paying taxes of any kind; and
Whereas, The land that has been heretofore deeded has been paid for when money was worth an average of thirty percent, and can now be had at a rate below one-half that rate; therefore,
Resolved, That we, the tax-payers of School District No. 22, Richland Township, do earnestly request our fellow citizens to deed their claims before the 1st of March, 1879, such of them as have exceeded the time allowed by law.
Resolved, That we think they ought to deed for the following reasons:
1st. To secure their homes to themselves and families, which can be done in no other way.
2nd. To thereby increase the taxable property so as to keep up our schools for longer terms.
3rd. To make themselves our equals (as they are otherwise) in bearing the burdens of state, county, and district taxes.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
County Horticultural Society.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Feb. 1, 1879.
In pursuance of a call by a number of citizens to meet at the office of Judge Gans on the first Saturday in February for the purpose of organizing a county horticultural society, a number of citizens met in answer to said call.
The meeting was organized by electing J. P. Henderson chairman and G. W. Robertson, secretary.
On motion a committee of three were appointed to draft constitution and by-laws; H. D. Gans, C. J. Brane, and G. W. Robertson said committee.
Motion that the proceedings of this meeting be sent to the county papers for publication. Motion carried.
On motion, adjourned to meet at the same place on the first Saturday in March at 2 o’clock p.m., where all persons interested in a county horticultural society are requested to appear for the purpose of completing the organization. H. D. Gans proposes to give each person who joins the society a receipt for a tree wash that is said to be a sure preventive from borers and rabbits. G. W. ROBERTSON, Sec.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Misses Nellie Aldrin, Sarah Bovee, Mattie Minnehan, Estella Crook, Annie Hudson, Hattie McKinley, Electa Strong, Lyda Strong, Mrs. I. E. Brown, Ed. S. Smith, J. S. Baker, A. E. Hon, L. McKinley, and Mrs. S. E. Litton were at the teachers’ examination held in this city on the first of this month.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
At a regular meeting of Winfield Chapter No. 31, R. A. M., held January 27, 1879, a preamble and resolutions were adopted concerning the death of E. B. Kager, a member of that chapter.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
News from “Cedarite” in Cedar Township.
ED. COURIER:—The Indian trouble about wood continues to hang fire. Yesterday, in conversation with Ed. Mathes, a half-breed that lives on Beaver Creek in the Territory, he expressed the opinion that there would be no prosecutions follow, except in one case. Mr. Mathes said that the agent’s instructions were to catch parties in the act and make them acknowledge that they had taken wood heretofore—if he could. This a man named Patten did, and the agent said he intended to have him prosecuted. The reason he selected him was that he denied his name and tried to put his work on someone else. The people of this part of the county are independent of the Indian timber if they would only try to be. There are good coal beds in Cedar Township, two of which have been opened; besides there is timber enough on Beaver, Rock, and Cedar Creeks to run this country for ten years.
Parties from Dexter were in Cedar yesterday negotiating for a lot of timber on Beaver. If they get it, they will move the engine, boiler, and sawing apparatus of the Dexter mill out here.
Some of our farmers are plowing and some are not done gathering their corn. If they are right industrious, they can gather two crops off the same field in one year.
The teachers of the various schools in Southeast Cowley were edited by a visit from the efficient and gentlemanly county superintendent, Prof. Story, a few days since. This is the first time that a county superintendent has ever visited schools in this part of the county.
Was the report that Troup went to Topeka to try to keep the legislature from meddling with the salaries of county officers correct? CEDARITE.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
RED BUD, KANS., Feb. 7, 1879.
D. A. MILLINGTON, ESQ.—Dear sir: To settle a dispute, will you please solve and publish in the columns of the COURIER the following problem:
If 3 cats will catch 8 rats in 3 minutes, how many cats will it take to catch 100 rats in 100 minutes at the same ratio?
[This is not so simple a problem as it looks on its face, yet it is readily solved as follows: If three cats can catch 8 rats in 3 minutes, then three cats can catch a rat a minute and 100 rats in 100 minutes. ANS.—Three cats. Give us something hard. ED.]
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
WALCK SCHOOL HOUSE, Feb. 10, 1879.
DIED. Willie Martin, only son of Mr. S. Martin, died on the 4th inst. and was buried on the 5th. Rev. Mr. Graham preached the funeral sermon. We understand that Mr. Martin will leave for Indiana as soon as his present term of school closes.
Mr. D. S. Haynes has not recovered from the wound which he received some time ago.
Mr. Whipple has one of the finest improved farms in this neighborhood. It is nearly all under cultivation, with fine hedge, a magnificent apple orchard and many varieties of smaller fruit trees.
Mr. McKenney has built a large house, that would be an ornament to any county,
Mr. T. Daniels has also built a new house.
A festival was held at the house of Mr. Hodgson’s recently, and about $16 was realized, which is to be applied towards purchasing a library for the Grand Prairie Sabbath school.
The good people of District 91 gave the school children a grand dinner on New Year’s Day. There were about sixty persons that partook of the excellent dinner, and still enough remained for nearly as many more. Among those who were instrumental in getting up the dinner and who contributed largely to the same were Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. Walck, Mrs. Whipple, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Johnston and others. Stirring speeches were made by Squire Walck, Mr. Whipple, R. A. Hull, and others. Whenever the patrons of any school district manifest a deep interest in the welfare and advancement of the charge they commit to the care of a teacher, no fears need be entertained as to results.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
There will be a festival held at the Centennial Schoolhouse, in Silverdale Township, on tomorrow evening, Friday the 14th, St. Valentine’s day, for the benefit of Rev. Rose, of the Dexter circuit.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The county commissioners of Cowley County have refused to allow the much needed improvements to the courthouse at Winfield to be made.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
ED. COURIER.—I have read with some amusement a correspondence in the Semi-Weekly of last Saturday, written by “More Anon,” in which he advocates the giving of everybody else’s property for the building up of the town. Most of your readers will remember that Artemus Ward prided himself on the fact that he had made as many sacrifices to put down the rebellion as anyone, by giving his uncle and all his wife’s relations to be sacrificed on the altar of his country. So with our friend “More Anon.”
His first foolish proposition is that a real estate exchange be comprised principally of the owners of the “additions to our city and the land owners adjacent thereto.” Now, why shouldn’t the exchange be composed of any property owner in Winfield—the old town as well as the additions?
It was the enterprise and vim of the citizens of the old town site that made Winfield what she is today, and started her on that high road to greatness to which “More Anon” looks forward to with such simple and childlike faith.
“More Anon” says: “Let Mr. Fuller give sufficient ground for a woolen factory; Mr. M. L. Robinson donate ground and privilege for another grist mill—a thing much needed in the country; Mr. Loomis, ground for a chair factory; Mr. Thompson, ground for a hemp or flax factory; Mr. Manning, ground for a linseed oil mill; Mr. Vandeventer, ground for a planing mill and sash factory. Let Col. Alexander and Dr. Davis sell a part of their grounds, at a reasonable price, for some state purpose, as soldiers’ and orphans’ home, or normal school; while Mr. Platter could donate part of his land for a college, under the auspices of the Presbyterian synod. The Baptist and Methodist folks should secure land for the same purpose.”
This, I confess is an excellent program. But why should “More Anon” require all the above gentlemen except Col. Alexander and Dr. Davis to “donate” and “give” of their possessions, and the two latter be simply asked to “sell” a part of theirs? In other words, why shouldn’t Col. Alexander “give” as well and as much as Mr. Platter? Why shouldn’t Dr. Davis “give” as much as Mr. Fuller or Mr. Thompson or Mr. Loomis, or either of the other gentlemen named?
Then, again, we find the name of “More Anon” among the list of donors. How is this? From the same paper we learn that the generous contribution of other people’s property he is requesting that he himself is one of the most enterprising citizens, and largely interested in the future of Winfield.
I am certainly as much in favor of “pushing things” in and for Winfield as anyone can be, but I believe in every citizen putting his own shoulder to the wheel instead of that of his neighbor’s. FRITZ
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
District 116 has a literary society on Tuesday evening.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The Bethel Literary Society meets on Saturday evening.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
District 114 has a good stone schoolhouse in which is a good school.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Cliff Wood returned from Wichita last Sunday night, where he has been selling hogs. He reports the hog market tolerably dull.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Some hoodlums on a bender last Sunday night pulled down and destroyed the fire ordinances, required to be kept posted in public. Don’t these gentlemen know that they have been guilty of a very grave offense?
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Six wagon loads of agricultural implements were hauled here from Wichita last Monday by a six mule team.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
J. A. Myton, of the old firm of Myton & Brotherton of the Old Log Store of “Auld lang syne,” is here visiting his cousin, Sam, and his many friends. Mr. Myton is in business at Casey, Ill., and is very sorry he ever left Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The Science Valley Free Baptist Church will have a festival at the Pleasant View school- house, 3 miles east of Winfield, on Friday night, February 28, for the benefit of their minister, Rev. James P. Henderson.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The case of the State vs. Charley Birnbaum for larceny came before Squire Buckman last Monday, County Attorney E. S. Torrance appearing for the State and Messrs. Payson and Jarvis for defendant. The case was ably conducted on both sides. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and the property valued at $8.00. He was fined $5 and costs.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Herrington & Austin have completed their paint shop on Ninth avenue.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
L. H. Hope, our popular jeweler, has just finished “taking stock” this week.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
E. B. Corson’s school, district 81, Ninnescah Township, has spelling schools on Tuesday nights.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The schoolhouse in district 116, built by Captain Myers, is one of the best little houses in the county.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Stuart & Wallis have recently repapered their storeroom.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
A union meeting has been in session for some days at Little Dutch, Rev. Mr. Graham and Rev. Mr. Lahr officiating.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
A. H. Green, Esq., has had his name beautifully painted on his big safe. The lettering was done by that prince of fine painters, Mr. Herrington.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
If you want to get shaved, have your hair cut, or shampooed in first-class style, call at the new brick barber shop of Nommsen & Steuven, on Main street.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
We learn that Winfield is to have a new grocery store, to be started by two Chicago gentlemen, and will be opened in about two weeks. Look out for their “ad.”
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Simon Martin, teacher in district 29, Rock Township, gives his school written examinations monthly. The effect of this work is seen in the marked improvement of his pupils.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
DIED. Wm. Winner, an old resident of Winfield, died of intermittent fever last Friday, the 14th inst. The funeral services were held at the Catholic Church, of which he was a devoted member.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The crowd of loafers that congregate nightly at the post office is a disgrace. No lady can enter without coming in contact with these hoodlums. The post office is a place to get mail, not a public loafing place.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
There will be a festival at Excelsior schoolhouse Friday night. The people of Excelsior are noted far and wide for their success in catering to the appetites of the hungry; and this will undoubtedly be better than any held in that vicinity heretofore.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The loan agency of Gilbert & Jarvis has been doing a large business recently, both in Cowley and Sumner counties. Mr. Jarvis, the junior member of the firm, is an old resident of Cowley County, an ex-newspaperman, and if there is any business doing, Sam is bound to have his share of it.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Our friend, Lemuel S. Cook, one of the first settlers in the county and since for years an enterprising merchant of Topeka, but more recently a resident of a splendid farm of 480 acres in South Bend in this county, has sold the said farm to Keck Brothers, late from Martinsville, Indiana, for $4,500 cash. We hope he will invest his money in this county and remain, for he is one of the men we cannot afford to spare.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
There will not be any special invitations to the Phantom Ball Friday night, but there will be policemen in the room, and none will be admitted who are in any way disorderly or ungentlemanly. Those wishing information concerning suits can apply to Nommsen & Steuven.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
There are certain persons in the south part of town, as well as in the north part, who make a practice of prowling around nights and foraging on sundry wood piles in their vicinity. We have been requested to state that this thing has got to stop. The parties who do the stealing are known, and unless they are more circumspect in their actions someone will get into trouble.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses issued since Feb. 1st.
Christian C. Wolfe, Elizabeth Bear.
R. W. Mercer, Stella Burnett.
Allen R. Henthorn, Sarah A. Leonard.
James Rennick, Clara A. Thurston.
John R. Cottingham, Mollie Harte.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
We were shown this week portraits of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, taken from life, which are very fine. The artist, Mr. H. A. Allen, has located in our town, and persons desiring to inspect his work can find him in his rooms in the Bahntge building.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The proprietors of the new tin shop on South Main street have shown their enterprise by putting up a street lamp in front of their place of business.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., Feb. 16, 1879.
Council met at the usual place and hour. Mayor Lynn in chair; Councilmen Gully, Jochems, and Wood, and J. P. Short, clerk, present.
Petition of Capt. Sanford in relation to moving billiard table was granted on payment of five dollars to city treasurer.
The Mayor was instructed to use his discretion in regard to giving N. Fisher privilege of selling confectionery, etc., on the streets.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
C. C. Stevens, city marshal, $40.00.
G. W. Clark, work on streets, $75.00.
John Hoenscheidt, city engineer, was instructed to report at next meeting a description of the metes and bounds of the city and its additions.
Petition of D. A. Millington et al. for sidewalk on Ninth avenue presented and read; and on motion, same was granted and ordinance ordered drawn.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
I am now selling as assignee, the stock of E. B. Johnson, in the Bahntge building. The goods consist of a well selected stock of staple and fancy dry goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, and notions. It is all new (having been in the store only about sixty days at time of failure), and I am now selling at private sale without reservation. The old selling price is marked on all the goods at cost, not including transportation. This is no old run down stock, or one made up of remnants, but the goods are all new and bought on purpose for this market. Those who want goods of this description can now secure better bargains than ever before offered in Cowley County. R. L. WALKER, Assignee.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Mrs. Dr. Pope is near death’s door.
All Bushnell people are going to move over on the Walnut soon, near Mr. Tribby.
Mr. Morton’s mill is not grinding yet.
A bridge across the Walnut is talked of at that place.
When all these expectations are realized and Mortonville gets in full blast, they expect to see Winfield seeking the shade of some crab apple tree in as remote a place as they can find down toward the Gulf.
Mr. Wentz is building a new house, which will add much to the appearance of things in this part.
R. B. Corson is doing a good work in the Green Valley school. Long may he live to teach and instruct the rising generation.
Miss Clara Hopkins is gone to Sumner to visit her sister.
Those gentlemen that took a load of girls to the literary last Friday night wish the mud would dry up, so they would not have to get out and walk uphill. VERY SOFT.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The time has expired for filing on the Cherokee Strip.
Workmen are at work patching the holes in that infernal south end of the bridge.
Boats will leave Little Rock for this point in a few days. They will bring up groceries, shingles, and dressed lumber.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Last Tuesday George Anderson was admitted into the Church of Christ by baptism by immersion.
Messrs. R. B. Hargrove and Z Anderson are contemplating a return to the “Hoosier” state. “Sunny” Kansas is too much for them.
J. W. Browning is still ahead; this time in the wood pile. He is cribbing it up for future use. Others should follow his example.
Last Monday, the 10th inst., witnessed H. Holtby’s 88th anniversary.
DIED. Died February 8, 1879, Elizabeth, wife of David Northrup, aged 55 years.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
M. S. Ticer has closed his school in Vernon Township, district 68.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Harry Blount closed this week his second term of school in district 41.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Mullen and Wood started to Wichita with another drove of hogs last Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The arrivals by stage are unusually numerous.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
J. S. Chase proposes erecting a steam saw mill just north of town.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
T. J. Floyd, of Little Dutch, came in Saturday last.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Ex-Commissioner Wm. White, of Rock, was in the city last week.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
T. J. Harris has moved the headquarters of the St. John Sewing machine on to Main street.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Districts 29 and 114 were in town Saturday trying to settle their differences growing out of division of school property.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Mr. Knight, of Arkansas City, delivers a free lecture at Grange Hall, Pleasant Valley Township, Saturday night, March 1st. Subject: “The Tariff.”
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The excavation for James Fahey’s new building is completed and the building will now be pushed forward as rapidly as the weather will permit.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
We spend lots of money in bridging our streams. Why not put a few dollars into the bad roads that lead west from town? Their condition at times is fearful.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are moving their stock of goods into Mr. B. P. Jillson’s building, south of Horning’s. Their customers will follow them.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Shenneman & Millspaugh have been fixing up their livery stable recently.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Our city dads are still actively engaged in the sidewalk business. The last one in order is on the south side of Ninth Avenue, commencing on Millington Street and running east via Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Notice the new “ad.” of the Southwestern Machine Works in another column. The shops are doing a good business, having several engines and boilers on hand to repair, and with the large amount of machinery in country, will have all they can do this season. Those who have machines to repair would do well to bring them in as soon as possible.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Read the advertisement of J. L. Berkey, agent for the Walter A. Wood harvester and other farm machinery. Mr. Berkey is pretty well known to the farmers of Cowley, having traveled over the greater part of the county last summer in the interest of different firms. You will find him at T. A. Wilkinson’s old stand.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
C. C. Critz closed his school in Rose Valley, district 41, on the 21st.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Squire Humble closes tomorrow his school in district 19, Queen Village.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
A festival, in aid of Rev. Mr. Lahr, will be held Friday evening in district 27, Ninnescah Township.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Capt. Sanford has fitted up the Hudson building, corner of Eight Avenue and Main Street, and intends moving his billiard hall into it.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The increasing business of the Citizens Bank demands “more room behind the counter,” so they have moved it forward several feet.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Parties in the northeastern part of Ninnescah Township report discoveries of gold on their farms. Rich quartz have been taken from the ground by them.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Prof. F. Farringer’s music class gave another concert at the Opera House last Monday.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Youngheim Bros. intend moving their stock into the building just south of Hope’s jewelry store in a few days.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The good people of district 13, Crooked Creek, move in the right direction educationally. They support a good literary society and are building up an excellent library association.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
BIRTH. Judge and Mrs. J. W. McDonald were made happy on last Wednesday morning, Feb. 19th, by the arrival of a little 9 1/2 pound daughter.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Dr. Headrick’s office is being moved away to make room for the new stone and brick building going up on Ninth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
W. A. Berkey was called away very suddenly last week to attend the bedside of his father, who was taken dangerously ill at Salt City.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Messrs. Lofland & Gale are fitting up their grocery store, just south of Baldwin’s old stand, and will have their goods in the first of next week. These gentlemen are from Chicago and come well recommended.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
A new roof is being put on the building formerly occupied by McGuire & Crippen.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
A gentleman by the name of Smith, from Chicago, will put in a stock of boots and shoes in the building on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, about the first of March.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Miss Emma Saint entertained about seventy of her friends on Friday evening, Feb. 14th, at her boarding place on the corner of Eleventh and Millington streets. Miss Saint, as a hostess, is a success, and made the evening a thoroughly enjoyable one for those who were so fortunate as to be present.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
We hear a report that some “doctor” (name not given) on Grouse Creek on last Monday shot seven times at a single man without a hit. This shooting business is horrible and must be stopped in some way. We can scarcely believe we are in a civilized country.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Ashton’s tin shop has just turned out a couple of fine street lamps. One will be put up in front of the Central Hotel and the other on the corner just south, occupied by Rogers & Santford’s billiard hall. These lamps add greatly to the appearance of our streets, and it would be a paying investment if the merchants on all the principal street corners would follow the example of these gentlemen and “let their light shine.”
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
W. A. Lee advertises the Illinois header harvesting machine in this paper. Mr. Lee is an enterprising man and is a fixture as a Winfield businessman, having built him a good residence in the city which he occupies with his family.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The attack of the Semi-Weekly of the 22d on Mr. James Kelly was scarcely less cowardly and brutal than the attack with the shot gun. It was wholly unprovoked and gratuitous.
[Shooting of James Kelly by Frank Manny, Brewery Proprietor.]
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Nearly a Tragedy.
On last Saturday morning, James Kelly, ex-postmaster and once editor of the COURIER, was shot by Frank Manny, proprietor of the brewery northeast of town. The particulars are, as near as we can learn, as follows.
Mr. Kelly, it seems, attended the phantom ball Friday night to see that the lights, fire, etc., were all right (as he has been doing in the absence of Mr. Manning), and having a key to the back door, came in that way. The managers of the ball objected to his coming in without a ticket, and ordered him to leave; and upon his refusing, Frank Manny and Ed Nickerson dragged him upstairs from the dressing room, across the stage, and pushed him down the front steps. In the morning Mr. Kelly borrowed the delivery wagon of Baird Bros., and asking Charles Payson to “take a ride with him,” proceeded to the brewery northeast of town, where he found Frank Manny at work on his new stone building. On coming in sight of Manny, Kelly said, “There’s the man I want to see,” and handing the lines to Payson, jumped out of the wagon, upon which Manny started on a run for his house. Kelly called out to him to stop; that he wanted to see him. Manny ran on to the house, which is near the brewery building, and procured a shotgun, which he loaded, and returning to the scene of action, met Kelly coming from the ice house, northwest of the stone building, and commanded Kelly to leave his premises or he would shoot him. Kelly told him to lay down his gun, as they could settle their matter in a minute without it, at the same time advancing toward him. They were about forty feet apart when Manny appeared with his gun. Manny, in an excited manner, kept ordering Kelly off, threatening to shoot while Kelly kept advancing toward him, saying repeatedly that he (Manny) would not shoot anybody.
This was continued until Manny pushed him (Kelly) off with the muzzle of the gun, again telling him to leave the place or he would shoot him. Kelly opened his coat and told him he “didn’t think he would shoot anybody.” Manny then stepped back about thirty feet, at the same time remarking that he “would see whether he would shoot or not,” and fired one barrel, which took effect in Kelly’s arm and thigh, and turned him partly around. Manny then fired the other barrel, hitting Kelly in the right leg, and then drew a pistol and walked up to Kelly, telling him that if he did not get off his premises, he would bore a hole through him. Kelly then got into the wagon and was brought to town. He was placed under the care of Dr. Graham, who pronounced him not dangerously hurt. Manny was arrested, and waiving examination, was held to bail in $2,000 to answer the charge of shooting with intent to kill, at the next term of the district court.
We wish to state in connection with this that Charles Payson knew nothing of the affair of the previous evening, when asked by Kelly to go with him, and had no suspicions of anything wrong until they arrived at the brewery.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., Feb. 16, 1879.
Mr. Wood offered a resolution incorporating within the city limits the platted additions of Read and McMullen. Adopted.
The city attorney presented a resolution to the organization of a city of the second class, accompanying which was the proper survey of limits by John Hoenscheidt. Adopted.
The city attorney presented an ordinance providing for a sidewalk on Ninth Avenue, as prayed for in petition of last meeting. Adopted.
Lynn & Gillelen, maintenance of Mrs. Fox, pauper, $12.00. Allowed.
Lynn & Gillelen, supplies for paupers. Refused.
John Hoenscheidt, survey of city, $15.00. Allowed.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Business is reviving somewhat down here. The hog men have completely cleaned up the hog crop. There is some demand for land. Henry Thompson sold his claim of 160 acres, with a double box house, shed corral, peach orchard, and about 40 acres in cultivation for $200.
D. W. Willey has rented his farm on Beaver to Mr. Sparkman. Mr. Willey is going to Winfield. He says he is a member of the county central committee, and he can’t attend to that and run a farm this far from town.
J. W. Hamilton was swinging around the circle a few days ago, accompanied by land buyers. We made up our minds that they were not land buyers, for when they were offered land that they said just suited them, at ruinously low figures, they failed to come down with the “cash meed.”
Southard, of Maple City post-office notoriety, has been removed, and Dr. Schofield appointed instead; whereat we all rejoice.
Mr. E. B. Poole’s school in District No. 107 closes Monday, the 24th inst.
One of our followers of Christ spoke in an unknown tongue a few evenings ago. I want to get a translation of the next sermon that is preached in the unknown tongue.
CEDARITE. Feb. 20, 1879.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Quite a number of changes during the past week.
Tom Mantor and Rube Houghton have dissolved partnership. Rube and Joseph Sherburne will now devote all their time, talent, and energy to the “noble red man,” being traders at the Ponca Agency. Tom Mantor and Frank Speer have united their forces and will sell boots, shoes, clothing, and groceries at bottom prices at the old post office.
Old man S. J. [could be I.] Mantor and a young man from Michigan, W. M. Blakeney, have formed a partnership in the sale of groceries and feed.
Wm. Gilby sold out his interest in the butcher shop to Jim Mitchell, so that hereafter Mitchell & Gaskell will sell butt cuts, neck, and soup bones at the lowest notch and give full weight.
James A. Loomis has removed his drug store to the “green front”—Houghton & McLaughlin’s old stand; but if you want to buy drugs or borrow money, you will find nothing “green” inside—everything “true blue” and wide awake.
Two of our best “singists” have been on a visit to the metropolis seeing and hearing Prof. Perkins.
No news from the “Cherokee.” The captain and his crew were at the mercy of the waves, wind, and sand when last heard from.
St. Valentine’s day passed off joyfully among the school girls. They laughed, giggled, and tittered over their valentines.
The Methodist protracted meeting is still going on. Brother Hunt catches a few in his “net” occasionally, although some of them may not be “choice fish.” The meetings are generally well attended. I notice ministers of the Presbyterian Church are present occasionally and take part in the service. This is both right and proper and shows a Christian spirit and a desire to do good.
Capt. Walton has got back. He explored as far south as the mouth of Grouse. He will start soon on another voyage of discovery. C.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
The Black Front Cash Grocery.
We have opened a new cash grocery store on Main Street, one door south of B. F. Baldwin’s old stand, and will keep constantly on hand everything desired by the public in the grocery line. Our entire stock will be
New, Fresh and Clean.
Butter, Eggs, Etc., Wanted in Exchange for Groceries.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Agent for the Keystone Corn Planter, Rock Island Plows, and The Brown Sulky Plows. Also Agent for the Walter A. Wood Self-Binder Harvester.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
W. A. LEE.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
J. M. SPENCER, Proprietor.
Winfield, Kansas.
This House has just been completed and also furnished throughout with an entire lot of new furniture.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
We mean business, and invite competition. Leave orders with H. Goldsmith, at Post Office, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Dealers in Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, School Books. A large assortment of Notions, Blank Books, Stationery, Toilet Sets, Perfumery, Fine Soaps, Tobacco, Cigars, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Plain and fancy Lamps, Lamp Chimneys. Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
The Indian Territory will not be opened for settlement. The House Committee on Indian Affairs has reported adversely to the scheme.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Train loads after train loads of men with their wives, children, and household goods are coming into this State. Most of them go up along the lines of the railroads where they located last year and are now arriving with their all to become permanent denizens of our glorious State. One hundred families or more come on a train. We are told by a gentleman who has been observing the trains that the families seem to average about five children each. Extra trains or rather two trains per day each way have been put upon the A. T. & S. F. At Wichita the hotels, spare floors, and camping grounds are said to be full every night. Most of those stopping at Wichita have located in Kingman, Harper, and Barbour counties.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
The House has passed a bill which punishes any person for driving or riding over the growing hedge of another; also reducing interest on tax sales to 25 percent; also changing time of holding annual school meeting to first Thursday in July; also giving purchasers of school land twenty years to pay for same at 7 percent interest and extending the time for delinquent purchasers to September next; also an act making it a felony for any bank officer or owner of a private bank to receive deposits when the bank is insolvent or is in a failing condition; also an act which prevents cities of the second class from issuing license to sell intoxicating drinks; also an act reducing fees of county clerks and county treasurers; and has pending before it ready for final passage a bill which makes it a misdemeanor to disturb any kind of public meeting. Most of these bills will pass the Senate and are the ones in which our people have some interest.
The railroad fare and freight bill did not pass. Mr. Manning, of your county, succeeded in amending the bill once in the House by adding a “proviso” that excepted from the law all roads built subsequent to the passage of the law for five years. If this amendment had been allowed to remain upon the bill, it would have become a law; but Mr. Riggs and his followers struck it off the next day after it was added and then the bill was defeated.
Mr. Burden, of your county, was here on Saturday and took a thorough look at the inside of the state capital and was introduced to all the state officers.
The investigators have struck nothing very startling this far. A PARTICIPANT.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
MR. EDITOR:—Weather very pleasant and spring-like. The gentle Kansas zephyrs are filling the space today and on almost every gale comes cheering news from the gold mines.
Mining has really commenced in this township. A company of New York men are here; have paid Mr. Rothrock one hundred dollars for the privilege of mining on five acres of his land; also paid Mr. McDonald one hundred dollars for the same privilege. The man on whose farm gold was first discovered has refused to take nine thousand dollars for eighty acres. They are sinking a shaft on Mr. Rothrock’s place, and are prepared to raise one-half ton of earth at one hoist. There will be a company here from Philadelphia in a few days who will commence operating somewhere else. Then it is highly probable that Mr. Capper will get $1,000 per acre for some of his rocky points. Mr. H. H. Martin, if he had known it, dug plenty of gold out of his well.
Considerable excitement prevails, and people begin to prophesy. It is predicted for Kansas that the year 1879 is going to be the most noted year in her history; that people are going to gather three crops; they are now gathering one of corn, have commenced turning the soil preparatory to gathering another; and mining for the third.
Wheat looks well.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sinceny, a son.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, a son, weighing twelve and one-half pounds.
The spelling school Tuesday evening at Green Valley was a failure on account of bad weather. VERY SOFT.
[Now we do not know anything specially about these Ninnescah gold mines, don’t know who are the discoverers or operators, don’t know whether any gold has been found there or not, but we do know something about the gold and silver mining of Southern Kansas, and it will take a great deal more proof than exists in noise, excitement, and samples of gold or quartz to convince us there is any native gold in this part of Kansas. Our skepticism is based largely on a smattering of geology we have picked up in the course of years. ED.]
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Another Railroad!
The Most Favorable Proposition Ever Presented.
A First Class Railroad Through the County
From East to West or $10,000 Forfeit.
Only $68,000 in Bonds Required.
General Charles W. Blair, of Fort Scott, came to Winfield on Tuesday of this week in the interest of the new L. L. & G. railroad company. That company proposes to build a good standard gauge steel track railroad from Independence by way of Elk Falls to Winfield and on westward. They will commence immediately and push the work as fast as men and money can do it, and expect to reach this place by the first of November.
The new company is composed of leading capitalists of Boston, and others, with Gen. Nettleton as manager, Maj. Gunn as chief engineer, and a full corps of experienced railroad men as officers; they have the money all ready for the investment and much of the material contracted for. They have submitted propositions in every township between Independence and the east line of Cowley County, with not a doubt that all will be carried.
They now come to us and offer to build through our county for $68,000 in county 7 percent 30 year bonds, the estimated residue of the ability of this county under the law, after giving the Santa Fe the $144,000 already voted. They ask that $51,000 of these be delivered when they have built to Winfield, and $17,000 when they have reached the west line. They agree to deposit with the County Treasurer $10,000, which shall be forfeited to the county, and the bonds to be forfeited also, in case the road is not completed through the county from the east line to the west line by way of Winfield before the first day of next March.
They demand this time before a forfeit that they may save themselves in case that extraordinary circumstances should hinder them, but they expect to reach Winfield before November. They want their proposition voted on immediately that they may know at once what they can do.
They have 40 miles of road in the best coal fields of Kansas and Missouri, between Fort Scott and Springfield, Mo., on the A. & P. road, which road runs directly to St. Louis; and they propose to build at once the remaining 50 miles between those two cities and truck the grade between Fort Scott and Humboldt, thus giving a through line from Winfield to St. Louis as well as a through line without change from Winfield to Kansas City.
A large but informal meeting of leading citizens of Winfield met with Gen. Blair on Tuesday evening at which the points above named were settled upon, a committee appointed to sit with the General and draw up a proposition to be submitted to as many of the people of the county as can be collected together on Wednesday evening at the courthouse.
As we go to press on Wednesday morning, of course, we can report no farther in this issue, but we can hardly doubt that a proposition so remarkable in its liberality and in the profound safety of its provisions will be accepted, petitioned for by the requisite number, and carried almost unanimously.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Full suit at Stuart & Wallis for $3.00.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Mrs. Harris, wife of Rev. Harris, and family, arrived last Saturday and will occupy the Methodist parsonage.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
The Presbyterians are having a large street lamp put up in front of their church.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Nommsen & Steuven, our enterprising barbers, have a couple of barber poles which are as neat as anything we have seen. They are the work of Herrington & Austin.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
J. L. Berkey has established his headquarters at Weston’s hardware store.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Dr. Mendenhall is erecting a building on Ninth Avenue, oppos ite the COURIER office, which will be occupied, when finished, by the Semi-Weekly.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Dr. Cole has been making some additions to his library recently, and now has the largest array of medical books in the country. The Doctor is a first-class physician, and believes in keeping posted.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Hon. Geo. A. Crawford will deliver his lecture on “Kansas at the Centennial Exposition” in this city on the 10th of March.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
We are informed the Hon. W. P. Hackney has gone east on the Santa Fe road in company with Superintendent W. B. Strong.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
John W. Tull has been appointed postmaster at Lazette.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Married at the residence of the bride’s father, March 2nd, 1870, by Rev. Joel Mason, Mr. Christopher Birdsell, of Pleasant Valley Township, to Miss Annie T. Dewitt, of Silverdale Township, Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Notice the new “ad.” of the Flag Drug Store in another column. Dr. Fleming, the proprietor, came here from Coffeyville last fall, where he had been in the drug business for over ten years, and brings the best of references.
AD: The Flag Drug Store/The Leading Drug House/In/Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Rev. Joel Mason, of Pleasant Valley Township, called on us Monday.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen have settled down to business in their new location just as if nothing had happened.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
At the supper last Thursday evening a youngster wanted to know if he couldn’t get a second class supper for twenty cents.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Slippery sidewalks Saturday.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Mrs. I. L. Millington leaves this morning for St. Louis, en route for Toronto, Canada, where she goes for her health.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
A. J. Pickering, postmaster of Lazette, was in town last week and called at the post office.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Ivan Robinson is clerking for Sam Myton during his absence.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
J. B. Lynn has the largest corn crib in the county. It is 20 x 40 and will hold 5,000 bushels.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
We understand that Messrs. Stuart & Wallis have suspended. We hope this is only a temporary embarrassment for we like the gentlemen and hope to see them succeed.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Messrs. Lofland & Gale have received their stock of groceries and will soon be ready for business. Their store room is full and running over with clean, new goods. The way the boys pull off their coats and throw the tea chests and sugar barrels around shows that they have a first-class stock of energy, which insures them success.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Mr. J. F. Miller of this place will keep for sale in this city during the spring a full variety of fruit, forest, and ornamental trees. His evergreens and forest trees will be specially fine and desirable.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
The Starbuck Homicide.
Last Thursday the preliminary examination of Francis Small for the murder of J. E. Starbuck, and of A. J. Thomas, A. L. Thomas, John Perry, and Wm. Morrow; charged as abettors and accessories to the murder, was commenced and continued the rest of the week.
The most important witness was a boy, Reuben Starbuck, son of the murdered man. His testimony was simple, straightforward, and bore the impress of truth.
He said substantially that on the morning of February 20th, Starbuck was in the corn field loading into his wagon corn that had been husked by Small, Perry, and Morrow; that these latter were in the field husking; that Small came up to Starbuck and pushed him; that Starbuck pushed back, and drawing a revolver, told Small to walk. Small said he would walk, and threatened arrest. Small, Perry, and Morrow then went away.
The pistol Starbuck had was a revolver, which he got at his nephew’s west of Winfield the Saturday before.
In about two hours Small, Perry, Morrow, A. J. Thomas, and A. L. Thomas came into the field, riding in a wagon. When they got near where Starbuck then was, husking corn and throwing it into his wagon, they stopped. A. L. Thomas jumped out first, Small got out next with a double-barreled shotgun; Morrow got out and went to husking corn; and Perry tied up the lines and got out. Starbuck’s mules started and Starbuck went and stopped them, then continued husking corn. Small told him to stop, but Starbuck kept on husking. Small drew up and shot him. Starbuck, when shot, had an ear of corn husked just ready to break off. He fell forward on his left side and did not speak. A. L. Thomas then went to Starbuck’s wagon and took a revolver out of Starbuck’s coat pocket, which was in the wagon. The Thomases, Morrow, and Perry then went to shucking corn while the dead body of Starbuck remained on the ground. Small went away toward Morrow’s house. The witness went to the house and returned with his mother. The men were still shucking corn and the corpse still lay there.
Oliver Whitted confirmed this account of the first interview of that morning.
The widow of the deceased testified, but nothing new of importance was elicited.
A. J. Crum testified that Small had previously talked of mobbing Starbuck, and that Small, Perry, Morrrow, and Al. Thomas are brothers-in-law, and that Ab. Thomas is a brother of Al.
Charles Thomas testified that Small came to A. J. Thomas’ on that morning and got the double-barrelled shotgun, came riding a pony on the run. Ab. said Starbuck had drawn a revolver on Small, but they would not need any revolvers. Thomas said “if he got in them loads, he would need no revolver, for he had loaded them for Jake’s boys. They were good ones—powder, greased wads, and a handful of shot.” Al. said Small was going to shoot Starbuck; said he would shoot any man that cocked a revolver in his face. Small left on the pony with the gun, and Ab. and Al. Thomas followed him in about half an hour.
Dr. Rising testified that death was caused by 79 shot or more, which, within a circle of three and a half inches, entered Starbuck’s left breast, and he thought the direction of the shot was a little downward.
Dr. Wright’s testimony was similar.
THE DEFENSE offered their own testimony.
Wm. Morrow testified to the effect that he had endeavored to preserve the peace, and went to the field on the promise that there should be no fuss. When they drove into the field, Starbuck rushed to his wagon for his revolver, and was reaching in when Small shot him; did not see a revolver, and said that Small had been rather insane three times before.
John Perry testified like Morrow, only he saw a revolver lying on a coat in a bucket in the wagon; saw Starbuck get it in his hand, and was raising it when Small shot him. He did not testify of Small’s former wildness.
Ab. Thomas denied the conversation Charles testified of, but gave other conversation damaging to Small. He, too, said he saw the revolver in the bucket on the coat, and that Small shot just as Starbuck got the revolver in his hand.
A. J. Thomas testified the same way.
In rebuttal the State offered the following.
Dr. Graham testified that a person when shot through the heart would grasp, not lose, anything then held in the hand.
Justice Buckman then recognized the witness to appear and testify at the next term of court, and the case was argued by E. S. Torrance, county attorney, for the prosecution and J. Wade McDonald for the defense.
The court considered the evidence insufficient to hold the defendants, Al. and Ab. Thomas, Perry, and Morrow as accomplices, but bound Small over in $5,000 for his appearance at the next term of court. He was remanded to jail, to remain until the bail is furnished.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
The following is a report of the Little Dutch school for the month ending February 21st, 1879.
Number enrolled this month, 64; total attendance in days this month, 966; average daily attendance, 48.3; number perfect in deportment, 17; number neither absent or tardy, 26; number of cases of tardiness, 71; number of visits from patrons of the school, 11; number of days school was in session, 20.
The following is the total average grade of those having a grade of 90 percent, and upward, in scholarship, deportment, and attendance: Clara Green, 95; Maggie Heffner, 96; Ida Schock, 96; Elda Schock, 96; Effie White, 92; Lulu Rogers, 91; Mary Taylor, 92; Carrie Smith, 90; Franklin Savage, 94; Alex. Cox, 90; Thos. Covert, 95; E. E. Rogers, 94; Gardie Taylor, 93; Clem Schock, 90.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Action taken on the following bills.
Bill of T. B. Myers, restringing chairs,$1.75, admitted.
Bill of Frazee Bros., crosswalk, $25.50, admitted.
Bill of J. H. Finch, b’ding pric., $6.75, referred to finance committee.
T. K. Johnson was granted permission to extend his building on Main street.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
At a meeting of the assessors of Cowley County, held at Winfield March 3rd, 1879, the following basis of assessment was agreed upon for the year 1879:
Stallions and fast horses $160 to $300
First class work horses, per span $75 to $150
Second class work horses, per span $35 to $75
Ponies and colts $10 to $55
Cattle—Four-year-old and upwards, including bulls $25 to $40
Same age, second grade $19 to $25
First grade work cattle $60 to $90
Second grade work cattle $40 to $60
Domestic cows—First class $20 to $30
Domestic cows—Second class $10 to $20
Three-year-old steers $15 to $25
Two-year-old steers and heifers $8 to $10
Yearlings $3 to $8
(Texas cattle 20 percent off.)
Mules - per span, first class: $200 to $250
Mules - per span, second class: $75 to $200
Mules - young, per span, third class: $30 to $75
Asses: $10 to $200
Sheep - first class: $2 to $10
Sheep - second class: 75 cents to $2.00
Hogs $1 to $15
Goats $1 to $3
Corn: 8 cents per bushel
Wheat: 25 to 50 cents per bushel
Pork: 4 cents per pound
Land, per acre, from $1.25 to $15
Small tracts, well improved, left to the discretion of the assessors.
First class threshers: 50 percent off.
First class harvesters: 50 percent off.
First class headers: 50 percent off.
First class reapers & mowers combined: 40 percent off.
First class wagons and carriages: 30 percent off.
All other machinery left to the discretion of the assessors.
Gold and silver watches at their cash value.
Plate and jewelry at their cash value.
Pianos at their cash value.
All other musical instruments at their cash value. E. C. SEWARD, CH’N.
W. H. CLAY, Sec.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
LITTLE DUTCH, Feb. 28, 1879.
We noticed in your issue of last week a remark made by “More Anon,” of Prairie Grove, better known as Buzzard’s Glory. We, the famous oyster eaters, were, as “More Anon” told you, at the Buzzard’s festival and had a good time; but we neither ate nor crammed down twelve plates apiece. We admit that we did eat a few oysters, but the Buzzard’s attacked our carcasses before supper was over. We would say here that the Buzzardites are desperate characters. We pity M. A. for his inability to make the above case more plain to the public.
Please print this. If you do not U. R. A. BRICK & CO.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
A house of 4 rooms, 3 of them plastered, with good cellar and well; also a smokehouse, frame barn with stabling for 8 horses, granaries for 2,000 bushels of grain, sheds and other outbuildings; a large stone-fence corral, with running water through it; 20 acres of good tillable bottom land in good condition for spring crops; orchard with bearing peach and cherry trees sufficient for family use. One mile east of Winfield. Will rent for six months or a year. Apply to CURNS & MANSER, Winfield, Kans.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
MOSCOW, KANS., Feb. 28, 1879.
Moscow, school district No. 92: The Moscow schoolhouse is almost completed and school will open about the first of April.
There is a good opening for some person with small capital in the way of dry goods and groceries at this place. A physician and a blacksmith would also do well here. We are informed that C. W. Walker and W. C. May will donate ground for building purposes.
We learn from Mr. G. W. Hoge, postmaster at Moscow, that he is very anxious to have someone take his position as P. M.
M. Peters and W. C. May think something of going into the circus business in the spring. They want another elephant or two to complete their outfit.
Mr. Hoge says he is waiting for the bark to peel so he can make him a set of harness.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
The water tank has been moved from the north to the west part of town and they are getting the street sprinkler ready for business.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Mr. Smith, of the firm of Smith Bros., has arrived and is getting his stock of boots and shoes in shape for business.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Cowley County Horticultural Society.
Cowley County Horticultural Society met in Judge Gans’s office at the Courthouse. Rev. J. Cairns called to chair.
After adopting constitution and by-laws, the following gentlemen were elected to fill the various offices for the ensuing year.
President: Rev. J. Cairns.
Vice President N. J. Larkin.
Secretary: J. P. Short.
Assistant Secretary: H. D. Gans.
Treasurer: G. W. Robertson.
Librarian: C. J. Brane.
On motion, Rev. J. E. Platter was invited to deliver an address on Horticulture at the next meeting.
After a motion requesting the county papers to publish the proceedings, the meeting adjourned to Saturday, March 15, 1879. J. CAIRNS, Pres.
J. P. SHORT, Sec.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Hereafter the work of examination will be confined to one day, and the studies considered will be limited to a given number of minutes. The metric system and the principles of teaching will form part of every examination. The standing of applicants in spelling and in grammar will be taken largely from their written work. The next examination will be held in the Winfield high school room, beginning at 9 o’clock a.m., Saturday, March 29. Parties interested should take due notice. R. C. STORY, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
VALLEY VIEW, KANS., March 2, 1879.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Schwantes, a daughter.
The festival held at Blue’s schoolhouse Feb. 28th was a success. The festival was given for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Lahr. The people of the Winfield circuit will shortly have to part with their minister, Rev. Mr. Lahr. We hope the next minister will be as good a preacher as he is. Mrs. Hood furnished some splendid music for the festival.
The Crooked Creek Lyceum is still under headway.
There has been some talk of starting a Temperance Lodge at the Valley View school- house.