Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Sam Allen has opened a coal office on Main street.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Try our new coal office, on South Main Street at the Champion Furniture Store, where we keep wood and coal ready for delivery at all times. G. B. Shaw & Co.
Messrs. G. B. Shaw & Co., have opened a coal office on South Main Street at the Champion Furniture House. They keep both wood and coal, and deliver twenty hundred for a ton.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Burden had a big weather boom last Monday. Mercury and coal played at see-saw; that is, mercury went down and coal went up.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
The first carload of coal from the Coal Valley mines arrived in Winfield one day last week. These mines are situated eight miles south of Grenola, Kansas, in the Cana Valley, and are the property of a joint-stock company of Winfield men. The company have expended over $5,000 and have developed a 20-inch vein of superior coal from which, after supplying the retail demand at the mines, they ship from five to ten cars a week.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Coal dealers in this city, when they have a carload of coal stand out overnight on the track, have to estimate stealages of from 500 to 1,000 pounds. We would moralize on this if we had time.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
The first carload of coal shipped by the Cana Valley Coal & Mining Company came in last evening and was taken by A. H. Doane & Company. It is claimed that this coal is of better quality than the Osage.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
In our issue of yesterday we noticed the arrival of the first car of Cana Valley coal. Our limited space at the time forbid a more extended notice of the coal or a more liberal mention of the parties who are interested in the company. The COURANT is ever ready to advance the interest of Winfield and Winfield men. It will be remembered that this company, consist ing of Messrs. Hodges, Myton, Silver, Jennings, Asp, and others, was organized in October last, since which time the company have expended over $5,000 in the purchase of land leases, mining tools, and the development of the mines which are located eight miles south of Grenola in the Cana Valley. Like all new organizations they have had everything to contend against, and at times failure seemed to stare them in the face, and but for the indomi table pluck of Messrs. Hodges and Myton, the Cana Valley Coal Company would long since have been numbered with the dead. Today the company is on a solid basis with a bright and glorious prospect ahead.
From a scant vein of 14 inches, the show is now 20 inches, and a much better grade of coal. From a wagon load a day, their capacity has increased to 500 bushels. They are now able to supply the retail demand at the mines and ship from five to ten cars per week. Since the arrival of the Cana Valley coal to this market, our people have had time and opportunity to test its quality. It is pronounced by many that the Cana coal is far superior to any other grade of soft coal mined in the southwest. The coal is free from rock and slate, burns clean, and leaves only a white ash. There is no offensive gas which escapes from the stove; and no accumulation of soot in the pipe or flue. The company have very wisely made the reliable coal firm of A. H. Doane & Company their agents in Winfield, and will keep them supplied at all times with Cana coal, putting it in the market at the price of other soft coal.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Buy your coal of A. G. Wilson, at the transfer office.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
One of the coal haulers of the Caney Valley Coal Company broke his neck while hauling coal to Grenola. No coal mine can ever prosper till it has from five to seven men killed in the work.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
A car of coal from the Caney Valley mines came in Thursday and was distributed among our citizens at $7 per ton. The coal is of excellent quality and is clear and firm. The company is taking out now about 300 bushels a day, part of which they sell at the mines for 15 cents per bushel. They expect to ship about three carloads per week hereafter. It looks as if Messrs. Myton, Hodges, Jennings & Co., will yet become black-diamond aristocrats. They have put considerable money into this enterprise and we are glad to see it turning out so well.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
Attention is called to the new "ad" of the Chicago Lumber Co. in this issue. This firm keep up a good stock in their line, and under the skillful management of W. E. Chenoweth, we predict for them an ever increasing patronage.
AD: Chicago Lumber Co. -Dealers in- COAL & LUMBER, Lath, Doors, Sash and Blinds; Marble Head Lone Cement, Hair Plaster, Building Paper, Tascott's Ready Mixed Paintsthe best in use. Large Stock, Good Goods, and Low Prices.
W. E. Chenoweth, Resident Manager. (Office on South Summit St.)
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882. Front Page.
A twenty-three inch vein of coal has been discovered in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Mr. G. W. Childers of Cedar, came over Thursday. He is still taking out coal from his mines.
The coal mine of G. W. Childers has furnished about 4,000 bushels of coal this winter and gets better as they go in. The miner, Mr. Burright, is on the sick list this week. Hope he may soon recover.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
What haven't we in Cowley County? In our office is a specimen of zinc ore, from the quarry on Mr. Rathburn's farm near the head of Cedar Creek, which, in time, will be developed and prove of great value. Lead has been discovered in the same region, and coal has been taken from the hillsides for the past six years. A vein of coal, one-fourth inch in thickness, has also been discovered on Mr. Spray's farm, three miles east of town, and another vein crops out near the "cut-off" on George Whitney's and C. M. Scott's lands. The new foundry men find that the very best of moulding sand can be dug up, by the wagon load, on the Arkansas River, and every enterprise that is started seems to find just what they want right here on our own soil.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
In Kansas alone, in 1881, there were expended for the single item of new buildings the following named sums.
On the main line, at Topeka, for roundhouse number two: $51,956.68.
At Emporia, for roundhouse and other buildings: $28,280.27.
Stations that had coal chutes built:
At Florence, for depot, coal chute, and other buildings: $10,049.99.
At Nickerson, for engine house, coal chute, and other buildings: $36,201.00.
At Coolidge, for engine house, tenement houses, coal chute and other buildings: $83,099.21.
On leased lines in Kansas.
At Kansas City, coal chute and other buildings: $8,006.32.
At Argentine, for roundhouse, coal chute, and other buildings: $29,385.62.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
W. O. Johnson has severed his connection with the coal mines of the Winfield company, and intends going to the mountains soon. Grenola Argus.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
The Caney Valley Coal Co. have leased their mines for the summer and Superintendent Johnson has returned home.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Coal is sold at Independence banks for thirteen and a half cents per bushel.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1882.
A notice appeared in April 5th issue that proposals would be accepted for wood, Coal, Charcoal, Hay, Corn, and Oats, to be supplied to Government Posts in Kansas, Texas, Indian Territory, Colorado, and Wyoming Territory.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A. H. Doane & Co. are building a warehouse 35 x 125 feet in the rear of their office on Ninth avenue. They will use it for storing coal.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
A man came into our office this morning and offered to sell us some relics of Jesse James. His mangled remains will be removed from our coal bins during the night and disposed of with the other relics.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882. Editorial Page.
The U. S. snag boat, "Wichita," is lying at the mouth of the Cimarron unable to get down the Arkansas, as she draws 14 inches and there is only six in the river. They have been lying there for six weeks, but expect soon to get down in consequence of the usual spring rise. The Captain says surveyors will soon start down from Arkansas City to determine the practicability of the jetty system for making the river navigable; and if it can be done, work will begin inside of a year. He also thinks it feasible, saying at a cost of $2,000,000 a three foot channel could be made thirty feet wide, taking about five years to complete it. Kansas wants this done, as it will give her cheaper rates on Wood and coal, and afford transportation direct to the seaboard for her wheat, corn, etc. After getting down, the "Wichita" will work for the next year improving the river between Fort Gibson and Fort Smith. Indian Journal.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
THE McALLISTER DISASTER. The cyclone which recently swept over McAllister, a mining settlement in the Indian Territory, on the line of the Missouri Pacific railroad, was even more disastrous than at first reported. The population being small, and the inhabitants being poor, the suffering is very great. The following is a summary of the cyclone's work: Number of persons killed, twenty-one; number of persons injured, fifty-six; number of persons pecuniarily damaged, ninety-four; number of houses destroyed outside of the mining company's property, seventy-two; value of dwelling houses destroyed, $7,689, value of contents, $8,4475, number of buildings lost by the Osage Coal and Mining Company, in addition to the above twenty-eight; value, $11,000; value of livestock destroyed, $591; money lost, $1,608; minister's library, $100; Sunday school libraries, $50; Church and schoolhouse, $1,700. I. O. O. F. hall, contents and regalia, $1,200. Total loss on property destroyed, $32,622.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
The loss of property by the McAllister (Indian Territory) cyclone foots up $31,000, of which $10,000 was the property of the coal mining company.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
Bill of A. H. Doane & Co., for wood and coal to city poor, $15.00, was approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Two white men have visited the mountain of burning coal on the Navajo reservation, Arizona. They are the first white men who have ever seen it. They say it seems to have been burning for several years.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
Coal has been discovered 2 miles northwest of Floral on J. G. Anderson's farm. The vein is some 60 feet below the surface. He is now confined to his bed with a fever. Upon his recovery he will no doubt prospect further. He is strong in the faith that good coal is beneath, but in what quantities he has not been able to ascertain.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Jas. H. Bullene & Co., are fencing their lumber yard here and getting ready for their immense stock of lumber and coal which they are handling and intend to increase.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 21, 1882.
Notice to Bidders. Sealed proposals will be received by the school board of school district No. 20, city of Caldwell, until twelve o'clock a.m., October 1, 1882, to furnish coal for the coming year for the brick school building. Bidders will state price per ton, to be delivered in five ton lots, paid for in "district orders." All bids must be addressed to T. H. B. Ross, district clerk, and marked "bids for coal." The board prefers Cannon City coal. The board also reserves the right to reject any and all bids offered. By order of the board. T. H. B. ROSS, District Clerk. Dated September 15th, 1882.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882. Editor. D. A. Millington..
PUEBLO. This city is growing rapidly and is fast becoming a business center. The smelting and reduction works are doing a large business and train loads of ores are being daily brought in for reduction. But the great industry of the place is the steel works. This is a very extensive manufactory of steel rails for railroads and employs 1,500 men. The buildings and machinery are on the most magnificent scale and it is one of the grandest sights imaginable to overlook in the evening some fifty fiery furnaces, hundreds of chunks of red and white hot steel passing backward and forward through the rolling mills and finally sent off in red steel rails. Dante's Inferno could not have equaled such a sight. The iron ore is brought into the works by train loads as well as the coal which is coked at the works.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Horning, Robinson & Co., have the largest and best selection of hard and soft coal burners in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co., have on exhibition a grand display of stoves of all kinds. They take special pride in the New Hecia for 1882 and the Franklin. The New Hecia is a base burner heater and is one of the most beautiful parlor stoves we have seen. The Franklin is a coal heater of a very different pattern, but very fine. They have also the Denmark, a retort burner of soft coal, got up in the Queen Anne style. Those preparing to supply themselves with heaters this fall will do well to call and see them.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
NEW COAL OFFICE. I have put in a stock of coal at the stand formerly occupied by G. A. Rhodes, on South Main Street. Coal sold in the bin or delivered to any part of the city at lowest cash prices. QUINCY A. GLASS.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
We call attention to the coal card, of James Hill, which appears elsewhere in this issue.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
The following bill was presented and allowed and ordered paid. A. H. Doane & Co., coal: $1.90. The following bill was approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment. A. H. Doane & Co., coal and wood for city poor: $35.25.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 18, 1883.
A CHANCE FOR PAYNE AND HIS BOOMERS. The status of that strip of land lying between Kansas and Texas, bounded on the east by the Indian Territory and on the west and north by New Mexico and Colorado, having been brought to the attention of the Interior Department, Commissioner McFarland, of the general land office, has decided that it is not a part of the Indian Territory, "which" the commissioner says "is protected from disposal by the government by existing treaty stipulations." The commissioner therefore thinks that the said Strip, composing an area of about 165 miles in length and 40 miles in width, while not surveyed and platted, is open to settlement.
Now here is a chance for Captain Payne, and the fellows he has induced to put in from $2 upwards toward his Oklahoma colonization scheme to secure "free homes" and to wrestle with the coyote and prairie dog for the possession of an inheritance which shall descend to their children's children.
Personally we know nothing of the character of this "No Man's Land," but from the best information obtainable, we have no hesitancy in stating that it is fully equal for agricultural purposes to the famed but unattainable Oklahoma region. It is said to be well watered, has excellent grass, and many claim that it has coal veins running through it, and other valuable mineral deposits.
To those of a scientific turn of mind, this "No Man's Land" offers peculiar advantages for studying the flora and fauna, in petrified forms, of the ages when the arctic regions were the home of the tropical plants, and mammoths. For, if we may believe the late Prof. Mudge, this "No Man's Land" was the great dumping ground of the drift sent down from the north on the great ice floes and arctic currents which swept over this part of the continent ere the Rocky mountains reared their peaks above the surrounding waste of waters and glaciers.
If Payne really wants to do great good for humanity, and likewise enroll his name among the savants of the age, he will direct the steps of his colony to this favored land and there, with pick and shovel, delve among those rich deposits of a pre-historic time, thereby adding to the information of this and succeeding generations and at the same time keeping himself out of mischief, and, perhaps, his name off the guard house book at Fort Reno.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
One of Payne's Oklahoma boomers has written to the Kansas City Journal a letter, in which he gives a glowing and rose-tinted picture of that earthly paradise, in striking contrast with the views of Inspector Benedict. He says there are portions of that truly wonderful region that is adapted to farming, and will perhaps grow a larger diversity of crops than any other country in the United States. The statement that there are various kinds of coal in the Territory, and excellent indications of oil, is no doubt true of Oklahoma, as it certainly is of the Cherokee country. When, however, this sanguine writer touches the mineral question, he waxes eloquent and informs us that there are mountains in the western portion that contain millions in gold, both in rock and placer mining. There is also silver and lead. In another locality he found gray copper ore in large quantities. The country is rich in these minerals and they are there in paying quantities, and when properly opened up, they will prove the richest ever discovered. If this were really true, we imagine that the miners would crowd into that country and compel the government to open it for settlement as speedily as they did the Black Hills regions.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
Stoves. Base Burners for hard or soft coal. Heating Stoves for wood and coal and combination Heaters burning, either wood or coal, just received at Howard Bro's.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
Ad: G. W. Miller, Practical Tinner, Carries in Stock Vapor, Wood, and Coal Stoves, Tinware of every Description, Buys and sells Second Hand Goods. Solicits your Patronage.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
SECTION 3. That the general plan of the works shall be, an engine house built of either brick or stone and roofed with metal, not less than twenty-four [24] feet by forty [40] feet, and divided into two apartments to be known as pump and boiler rooms; attached to the boiler room, a coal shed built of stone or brick and roofed with metal, of sufficient size to store twenty-five [25] tons of coal.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
The Wellington Democrat learns from A. W. Berkey that a four foot vein of coal has been struck at Geuda Springs at a depth of twenty-three feet below the surface.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
Coal has been found in Guelph Township.
There is considerable talk of a company being organized here to prospect for coal. There is very little doubt that coal exists here, judging from all indications.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Mr. G. W. Childers has rented his farm for cash rent, and I hear he will remove to Arkansas City for the present.
Everybody is on the go now, some hauling wood, some coal, and some feed; more of that for a few days past than anything else.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
The coal men of Winfield have all made fortunes this winter and it is not over yet.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Try Canon City nut coal for your Base Burners. Sold by G. B. Shaw & Co.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
The Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern railroad project has met with encouragement and substantial backing far beyond the most sanguine expectation of its projectors. The counties all along the line are taking hold with a will, and wealthy eastern roads which are anxious for southwestern connections are becoming interested. Never yet has a railroad been started in Kansas under more favorable circumstances, and with brighter prospects. It opens a direct way to the coal fields of Missouri, through one of the finest regions of the state, on through Winfield and Geuda to the cattle trade of the Territory and finally will go on through Oklahoma to the Rio Grande River. We expect within eighteen months to hear the whistle of the M. W. & S. W. locomotives, which means a new life and big boom for Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
ROCK TOWNSHIP, Feb. 16th, 1883.
Frank Dawson left for Colorado last week, where he has a good position offered in a coal office.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
A company has been organized to bore for coal at Milan, and we believe, a sufficient amount has been raised to sink a hole 1,000 feet, unless coal is found at a less depth. Geuda Springs will also bore. We hope both parties may be successful, because in that event we will be certain of finding coal in this vicinity. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Office of the Chief Quartermaster, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, March 31, 1883.
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at the office, or at the offices of the Quartermasters at the Posts named below, until 12 o'clock noon, Leavenworth time, on Tuesday, May 1, 1883, at which time and places they will be opened in the presence of bidders for furnishing and delivery of Wood, Coal, Charcoal, Hay, and Straw during the period beginning July 1, 1883, and ending June 30, 1884; and of Corn and Oats for the period beginning July 1, 1883, and ending November 15, 1883, at Forts Leavenworth, Riley, and Hays, and Dodge City, Junction City and Caldwell, Kansas; Forts Supply, Sill, Reno, and Gibson, Indian Territory; Forts Elliott and Henrietta, Texas; Forts Lyon, and Garland, and Camps on the Uncompangre and White River, Colorado; and Camp on Snake River, Wyoming Territory.
J. H. BINGHAM, Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. A.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Canon City Stove Coal perfectly clean and ready for Stove at the Chicago Lumber Yard.
Osage Shaft Coal for sale at the Chicago Lumber Yard.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
THE WINFIELD RAILROAD PROSPECT. From reliable information we can announce that a long felt need will soon be supplied, namely, an east and west railroad through Prescott and southern Linn. The proposed route from Rich Hill to Winfield, via Prescott, Mapleton, and Iola, is a very feasible one, and one which can be built at a very moderate amount of money owing to the smoothness of the country through which it will traverse. A practical engineer has gone over this route from Prescott fifty miles southwest, in a direct line of Winfield, who says that a road on this line can be cheaply built, and estimates only one and a half feet grade from this point to the Osage River, which is about fifteen miles southwest of Prescott. The point on that stream by this survey can be spanned by a short and inexpensive bridge; thence westerly few, if any, serious obstructions lie in the way.
The proposed route penetrates a fertile valley that is densely populated by thrifty farmers who have a large surplus of stock and grain for which they need an eastern outlet to market. In southern Linn we will not only be benefitted by increased facilities of shipping their grain and stock, and also our own, of which we produce an abundance, but our extensive coal fields will be developed, which will be the means of adding millions of dollars to our other resources and giving employment to hundreds of men; besides, it will open up the way for industrious men in the north, east, and south, with a limited capital, to procure for themselves cheap and comfortable homes in sunny Kansas, where every man is justly rewarded with bountiful crops for his honest toil.
Along this route for twenty miles, from the Kansas and Missouri line, we have rich coal fields underlying almost every section, varying in thickness from two to four feet, and that too, of the best bituminous quality, the present market price of which [at the bank] being only five cents per bushel. Passing northeast from Prescott, the road will traverse a splendid agricultural and grazing region which is thickly settled with an enterprising class of farmers, and where it will tap the vast coal deposits of Rich Hill, the "Infant Wonder"the pride of the west! From this point east it will strike the great mineral regions where untold mines of wealth lie buried underneath the surface awaiting the hands of Kansas railroad men to develop and bring it into commercial use.
As stated above, the indications are good for a railroad through this proposed route; and believing that our people will do everything within their power that is reasonable to obtain it, and that the gentlemen who are working up the project are men of capital and enterprise and know no such word as fail, the road is certain to be built. Then let us all work together in harmony for the consummation of that end. Prescott Eagle.
Caldwell Journal, May 24, 1883.
The fastest time ever made in this country by a freight train was that of the St. Louis tobacco train, which left St. Louis last Thursday night for San Francisco. It consisted of ten cars loaded to their utmost capacity, and the average time was twenty miles an hour during the entire trip. The train passed over the lines of the St. Louis & San Francisco, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the Southern Pacific. No stops were made except for coal and water and for the purpose of oiling the engine and trucks.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Important Decisions.
Two important decisions have been made by the railroad commissioners; the first being in regard to discriminating rates for track facilities by the A. T. & S. F., the other of excessive charges for the transfer of freight by the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita road. In the first, J. J. Hiddleston, of Eudora, was charged two cents more per hundred pounds on grain consigned to the Zenith mills at Kansas City, than if consigned to an elevator. The commissioners hold that the charge is illegal, and that while the company is not obliged to furnish side tracks for cars to wait upon, they have a right to charge parties for unreasonable delay in loading or unloading. No delay having occurred in Mr. Hiddleston's case, he cannot be charged extra rates. In the second case, G. R. Anderson, of Moran, was charged five dollars per car by the Missouri Pacific, for switching coal over a half mile of track at Ft. Scott, from the junction of the Missouri Pacific with the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf of the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita railway, while for the same services, at the same place, the charge of fifty cents per car is made for the transfer of stock, and one dollar for the transfer of fence posts. The board found that the charge of five dollars had been made as alleged in the complaint, and that no extra power or force had been employed by the M. P. to perform the service, in addition to that of operating the usual freight trains on their line. The commissioners ruled that an amount not to exceed two dollars per car for such transfer of coal to be a reasonable and proper charge to make by the M. P. Railroad. Why any more should be charged for transferring a car load of coal than of live stock or posts, the commissioners failed to say. Journal.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Mr. W. O. Johnson has returned to Winfield and taken charge of G. B. Shaw & Co.'s yard. Mr. Davis will attend to the grain and coal business of the firm.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
EDITOR COURIERDear Sir: You will see, by the heading of this, that I have wandered away from the haunts of vice and am now whiling away a short period in the virtuous State of Coloradoblessed Colorado, beautiful Colorado. God forgive me if I lie, for if I do, it is done meaningly, and through pure cussedness. We are now located in a little valley in Fremont County, called Pleasant Valley. God forgive the author of that name. This Pleasant Valley is about twelve miles long by from twenty feet to a quarter of a mile wide, made up of rocks and a little, very little, farming land; and oh, such farming land! Why, if a man should be caught on such a piece of land in Cowley County, he would be arrested, taken before Judge Gans, tried for a lunatic, convicted, and put into the hands of By Gravy to be taken to the insane asylum. But when I think of it, there is no danger of such a thing happening, for I do not believe there is as poor a piece of land in the whole State of Kansas as this valley contains. Nothing is raised here, only by irrigation. Now, the middle of September, we sit down to table to eat green peas, corn, cucumbers, and all other vegetables, except tomatoesthese are not ripe yet. The town of Howards consists of a depot, one store, and two housesyes, and eight coal pits. The inhabitants consist of about a dozen young men who call themselves pine pushers; that means they chop and haul pine wood for the coal pits, and, by the way, there is one more important personage here, who calls himself a prospector. No one ever knew him to find anything until the other day, when he says he struck it rich. He has good naturedly shown me some of his specimens, and offered to sell me one-half interest in the mine for $1,000. I came mighty near buying it. I did not grumble at the price. I offered him his price, and offered to pay him $1.00 down, and give my note for the balance, but he could not see it that way; but did offer to take $100 down, and wait for the balance until I made it out of the mine, which he assured me was very rich. But I only had my little old dollar, and therefore I lost a fortune. By gravy, I told him, if he would wait until I could send for Geo. Miller, Dave Long, Mart Robinson, Joe Likowski, and Tom Soward, we would take the whole mine. I told him I knew Tom Soward would invest, for he was just about to be elected register of deeds of our county, and he was bound to have more money than he could invest in Kansas. That last seemed to strike the fellow, and he agreed to let me know day after tomorrow, providing I would spend the dollar for cider, which I agreed to do, feeling sure my partners would refund it to me. Now, Ed., if you should see any of them (my partners, I mean), tell them not to whisper it to anyone, for I know, if it should get out, we will be pestered to death with applications to join our company.
And now I must tell you that, while I am sitting writing this, with the doors and windows open, I can look out onto the mountains that do not look to be more than a mile off, but which are really fifteen miles off, and see them covered with snow, and still snowing; and I want still further to say to you that I am not to blame for being caught out in this beautiful State; but I came to nurse young By Gravy, who has been very sick with typhoid fever. But, thank the Lord, with His help, and the nursing of his mother, he is getting better, and will soon be able to come back to glorious old Kansas. BY GRAVY, alias J. H. FINCH.
Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
The Oklahoma building, which was occupied by Payne and the War Chief, was moved yesterday to Rudolf & Howard's coal yard, to be used by them for an office. The building was sold at auction a short time ago to satisfy a mortgage. The material of the printing office is stored away in Musgrove's wareroom, and it will also be sold at mortgage sale in a short time. Geuda Herald.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
UDALL. One of Cowley's Thriving Little Towns.
Last Friday the COURIER reporter visited the little town of Udall, thirteen miles north of Winfield on the A. T. & S. F. railroad. Having never visited the place before, we were surprised at the improvement and amount of business being done. The town was laid out the spring of 1881 by a town company composed of P. W. Smith, James T. Dale, Geo. A. Jennett, Jas. Chenoweth, Jas. H. Bullene, and Jas. Napier. With the exception of Mr. Bullene, all the members of the town company were farmers and residents of the vicinity. The land on which the town was laid out (40 acres) was purchased of P. W. Smith. Since that time three additions have been added to the original plattwo by E. L. Moffitt and two by Lewis Fitzsimmons. From the commencement the infant town had an opponent in the Santa Fe railroad. They were not given a depot sidetrack or conveniences of any kind. The station was merely a platform alongside the track. In spite of this, the projectors went to work with a will. Every encouragement was offered to persons desiring to locate. Members of the town company put up buildings and soon the few new and scattered houses grew into a prosperous little town. Then began the struggle for a depot and sidetrack, and through the able assistance of Senator Hackney, these things were soon forthcoming. Today the tracks are lined with coal and grain cars and the railroad company is doing a better business than at any station between Winfield and Wichita. There are still many things that the railroad company should do for the town. They need stock yards properly equipped with water and scales and improvements about the depot. The town now has upwards of fifty buildings. Several large new stores are going up. The businesses of the town are well represented. There are four general merchandising stores, two hotels, two hardware stores, two coal yards, one lumber yard, one harness shop, one tin shop, four physicians, one land office, five grain dealers, one barber shop, one restaurant, a millinery store, a photograph gallery, a billiard hall, and a livery stable. The congregationalist are erecting a neat church at a cost of $2,000. The Baptist are also putting up a church building. The school interests of the town are well looked after. They have a large building with two well furnished rooms. The school is graded and is under the charge of Prof. Campf, with Miss Knickerbocker as assistant. One of the best men for the town is W. B. Norman. He has charge of the town company's interests and is doing a land and loan business. He has clear business ideas, a wide acquaintance, and exerts every influence that can be brought to bear in favor of Udall. The town is surrounded by a splendid scope of country and the rich valley of the Walnut and Arkansas are tributaries to it. With such advantages it cannot fail to be a good business point.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Scientists who have investigated the matter say that it takes just three tons of coal to keep a ten cent geranium warm during a hard winter. We agree fully with this conclusion.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The freight train due here Tuesday evening on the Southern Kansas road ran off the track near New Salem, which detained the west bound passenger until eight o'clock Wednesday morning. The trouble was caused by a coal car breaking down. No one was hurt.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
A. H. Doane & Co. have erected a mammoth coal house on the Santa Fe tracks. It has a capacity for forty cars, is furnished with scales, and connected by telephone with their uptown office. They are fixing for a big coal business this winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
A heating stove for wood or coal for sale cheap at this office; nearly new.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
The "patent" business has at last been fastened on kindling wood. Last week A. H. Doane & Co., received a car-load of kindlers, put up in neat boxes. They are made of a mixture of blocks, saw-dust, and pitch, and just the thing for kindling coal fires.
Statement made in next item: "no he was blind when he fell into the coal house."...
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
What's the Matter Anyway. We have received a couple of communications, the import of which we don't exactly understand. The first is written in a racy, off hand sort of way and so clearly elucidates the points aimed at that we give it verbatim etleteratim.
"Hurrah for the beaver center opera house if it should not fall or go back with Baskets Christmas tree either the mules or driver was blind for they mist the hitching post and tied to the shutter hurrah for beaver center, who don't cares for expences whoope it up boys, no he was blind when he fell into the coal house. O no he wasent drunk when he fell off the stone steeps and pulled lightened rood down hurrah Boys, for cigars and who can use the most profain language. CITIZEN."
The second explains the first by giving us more light on the vexed questionstating in plainer terms what the writer of the first referred to only in a series of "glittering generalities."
TANNEHILL, December 20th, 1883.
The taxpayers of Beaver Center district were taxed $60.07 last summer for repairing the schoolhouse. After fitting it up in nice style, it was taken possession of by certain parties of that and surrounding districts, who used it for an Opera House, holding religious meetings, political meetings, singing, writing, etc., and at the same time tying their horses to the window shutters, lightning rod, door knob, and hardly giving the teacher a chance to hold school. The taxpayers of the district got tired of paying taxes to repair the house for such doings, and will probably surrender the house to the mob, thinking it cheaper to build a new schoolhouse, to be used for school purposes only. Hurrah for Beaver Center, "who treats to the cigars." X.
Both correspondents seem to be dissatisfied because the district allows the schoolhouse to be used for "an Opera House, holding religious meetings, political meetings, singing, writing, etc." In all the category we fail to see a thing that the schoolhouse should not properly be used for. It is built by all the taxpayersthose who attend "Operas, religious meetings, political meetings, singings, writings, etc.," and while ostensibly for school purposes is properly the place for all neighborhood meetings of a public character which do not interfere with the school. Of course, persons who deface or injure the building such as the "lightened rod" annihilator so feelingly referred to by "Citizen," should be properly and severely dealt with, but should not debar public meetings from the building. Both "Citizen" and "X" should look at this matter in a clearer light and rather lend their energies toward suppressing the "drunk and disorderly" element in their community than closing the house to all community gatherings.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
More Water Works. At the council meeting last Friday evening, the special committee on water works made the following report.
To the honorable mayor and councilmen of Winfield.
The undersigned having been appointed by his honor, the mayor of said city, as a committee to inspect and report on the condition of the Winfield water works, respectfully submit the following.
We find the engine house and coal shed required by section 3 of Ordinance No. 167 to be of the required capacity, of good material, and well constructed.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
The Sheridan correspondent of the Burden Enterprise remarks that "some of our farmers are hauling corn to Winfield and selling it at an advance of 4 cents to 6 cents per bushel on the Burden market, and bringing home coal at $1 per ton less than at Burden, thereby making a good profit on their corn and work." Winfield is this winter the best corn market in South- ern Kansas. The competition is very lively and the price keeps very close to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
WHAT SHOULD BE PROTECTED. A bill has been introduced in congress to abolish the tariff duties on matches. To this the protective principle is opposed. We are in favor of placing on the free list all kinds of wood unmanufactured beyond being sawed or hewn out in condition for convenient shipment, but we are opposed to admitting free articles manufactured of wood for we would protect American laborers and mechanics so much that they can earn twice the money at their trades that is paid the same classes in England and other foreign countries. We would protect the American lumberman were it not for the fact that the lumber supply of the United States is so limited that it is bad policy to encourage the destruction of American forests. The forest should be protected rather than those who cut it down.
It is different with coal, iron, and other minerals for these are inexhaustible in this country and the men who dig these from the ground should be protected by duties on the raw material and more especially the men who cultivate the soil should be protected against the competition of foreign products.
The bill to restore the duties on foreign wool to the rates before the last session should be passed at once.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
Draymen's Meeting. We, the undersigned draymen of Arkansas City, Kansas, held a meeting on the evening of January 15, 1884, for the purpose of establishing a uniform price for hauling. After due deliberation the following prices were adopted.
Coal, 1,000 lbs. Or under: $25.
Coal, 2,000 lbs. Or over 1,000 lbs.: $35.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Bill of G. B. Shaw & Co., for coal furnished Police Judge, $11.75, was rejected.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Woolen Mill and Coal Mine vs. Narrow Gauge Railroad Bonds.
I am in receipt of a letter from a gentleman in Missouri, who has had several years' experience in a large and well-regulated woolen manufactory in Illinois. He writes to ask me if a stock company could be organized in our county to build and equip a woolen mill. He is at present a wool-grower, and has several hundred fine grade Merino ewes that he would be glad to move to our county, and if a company could be organized to build a woolen mill, he would take stock in it and run it for all the money there is in it. Now, while our county seat is calling on us for bonds for "the best" railroad out, why not attach an "amendment" and take stock in a woolen mill and have a market at home for every fleece of Cowley's seventy- five thousand sheep, and save the freight on all our greasy wool from here to Boston, and the same on the manufactured wool returned. A market at home where a man can sell fifty fleeces or one thousand fleeces, and not pay freight on sixty-five percent grease to Boston, ought to interest the farming community as much as a Narrow Gauge; but perhaps "corner lots" in a county seat might not advance as much with the first as the last. Is there a doubt, at the present stage of Cowley County's progress, that a well-managed woolen mill would be a paying business? And again, while we are voting bonds for a railroad to coal fields east of us, why not first vote just a few thousand dollars and go down among our own hills and see if we have not plenty of coal at home. Leavenworth, only a few years ago, tried the experiment, and found plenty of coal at a depth of seven hundred feet. If we could get coal at one thousand feet, it would be far better than to build another road to the eastern coal-beds. The farmers of Pleasant Valley would sooner pay five dollars in a coal mine enterprise than pay one dollar on another railroad. My kind of "protection" is to get coal in Cowley County or find out that there is none. Geologically speaking, I think the thin strata on the Cana River east of here "dips" and thickens until it reaches the Arkansas River, and I will wager a coon skin that eight hundred feet gets coal here. It's all bosh to talk to us about cheap coal by railroaddidn't we try that twice! The solemn fact of the case is that the farmers have, in the past twelve years, contributed liberally toward building up a nice county seat, and now they want a chance to fix things up about home; and they are going to do it! The houses must be painted and binders paid for. Talk to us of Arkansas after that is all done, and we'll agree.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
The Cowley County Coal Company were granted the right to mine coal from beneath the streets and alleys of the city.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
Coal. A coal company has been formed for the purpose of prospecting for coal here. Quite a large sum has already been subscribed to prosecute the work and it is the intention of the company to begin work as soon as the necessary boring machinery can be secured. This enterprise is a most important one for our City. There is no doubt but that our town is underlaid by coal deposits and all it needs is enterprise to develop them. The following gentlemen are the incorporators: W. P. Hackney, M. L. Robinson, B. F. Cox, J. L. Horning, C. C. Black, J. M. Keck, O. M. Reynolds, C. L. Harter, S. C. Smith, and Geo. Emerson.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
Cowley County Coal. Mr. Geo. Shearer, of eastern Cowley, dropped into our sanctum last week with a sample of Cowley County coal taken from a vein on Mr. Charles Acker's land, one mile from the east and south line of the county. This coal, so far as we can judge from the sample, is a first-class article. It is taken from a fifteen-inch vein, which increases as it goes further in, and gives every promise of an abundance of this very valuable commodity. The vein is but eighteen feet from an eight inch outcropping, making the working of it a comparatively easy matter. It lies high and dry, on the side of a hill, with no water to bother. Our informant tells us this coal is very nearly equal to Fort Scott coal; that it burns freely, with little or no clinkers, and is in fact superior to much of the article put on the market.
Mr. Shearer also informs us that he has discovered a vein for himself, about five miles nearer Arkansas City than is Mr. Acker's vein, which is equally promising of good results, and that four miles northeast of this point is still another vein. He completely puts to rout all doubts of Cowley's ability to furnish good coal. He informs us that the farmers in his neighborhood have been using coal from this section for several months with complete satisfaction, as has also the mill at Cedar Vale. It costs but fifteen cents per bushel at the mine, and with good machinery, backed by capital and enterprise, the fuel problem of Cowley bids fair to be very much simplified. We wish the gentlemen who are so fortunate as to own these lands every success in the development of their mines.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
The following bill was allowed and ordered paid.
A. H. Doane & Co., coal: $8.50.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
WINFIELD'S MILLING BUSINESS. What the Winfield Roller Mills are Doing for Winfield and Cowley County.
The mill is five stories high, built of magnesia limestone with sawed-stone front. It is located on the Walnut River and, in addition to a splendid water power, has a steam attachment of one hundred and twenty horsepower. The building was designed by Mr. Jos. S. Maus. It is a beautiful structure and complete in every way. Attached to the mill proper is the engine house, boiler, and coal rooms. About a hundred feet distant is the mill elevator, capacity 35,000 bushels, and furnished throughout with the most approved and complete cleaning machinery in the state.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
We are soon to have a coal house built and filled, also a broom factory will be built during the summer.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
A BIG THING. The Grocery Firm of Saint & Cleland, the Lucky Possessors, A Thirty Years' Lease of the Acoma Indian Reservation.
"One of the most important land transactions, which has ever taken place in the Territory, was concluded yesterday, by which Messrs. Saint & Cleland, of this city, became the lessees of the entire Acoma Indian reservation or grant. This reservation is some eighty miles west of Albuquerque on the line of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad and consists of somewhat over 95,700 acres of as fine grazing land as there is west of the Rockies, watered by the San Jose River and several small lakes. The terms of the lease secured to them the sole right and possession to these lands for a term of thirty years. The lands on either side of the grant being very poorly watered, the leasing of the grant practically secures to them the grazing lands for miles around, which will equal as many acres as the grant proper. The lease also secures to them the sole right to work a three-foot vein of coal on the grant, while being so much nearer the city than any other coal field, will, of itself, be worth thousands of dollars to them. In the transaction, in addition to becoming the lessees of this grant, they secure a full title to eight hundred acres of fine land adjoining the grant, through which the San Jose River also runs.
"This is certainly the biggest transaction, so far as the amount and value of the land is concerned, that has taken place in New Mexico for many a month. The gentlemen who have become the fortunate possessors of this property, have not as yet fully decided on the course that will be pursued regarding it, but they are both live, wide-awake businessmen, and our readers will hear from them later.
"The Journal congratulates Messrs. Saint & Cleland on their good luck in securing these lands. A thirty-years' lease is almost as good as owning the lands, and if this lease does not make the gentlemen a princely fortune, it will be their own fault."
We cut the above from the Albuquerque, New Mexico, Journal of April 10. Our Winfield boy, J. Ex-Saint, is the senior of the said firm of Saint & Cleland. He writes his wife, who is now with us, confirming all that the Journal says, and thinks he has a bonanza sure.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The following bill was allowed and ordered paid.
G. B. Shaw & Co., coal, $3.50.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
Council Proceedings. The city council met last Saturday night and passed an ordinance creating an occupation tax. As is natural, this step meets with considerable opposition, but the council has acted for what it deemed the best interest of the city, and in this light this new departure is entitled to a fair trial. That the city should be in receipt of more revenue, there is no doubt. The only question was the manner in which the extra revenue should be raisedsome contending for a direct and general taxation on all citizens, but the majority decided in favor of taxing the various business firms. Following are the different amounts levied upon the respective businesses.
Hotels and restaurants, dealers in lumber, dry goods, and groceries, dry goods, wholesale stores$25 per annum.
Contractors, druggists, grocers, butchers, livery men, furniture dealers, harness and saddle makers, express and telegraph companies, or their agents, agricultural implement dealers, and for each omnibus$20.
Confectioners, restaurant keepers, notion dealers, real estate agents, draymen$15.
Auctioneers, bowling alleys, stationers, stove and tin dealers, clothiers, boot and shoe stores, coal dealers, and for each pool or billiard table$10.
Attorneys, physicians, dealers in fruit and game, cigar stores$5.
Peddlers, hawkers, etc., $2 per day, provided no person is taxed for the sale of the products of his farm, garden, skill, or industry.
The circus must pay $25 per day, while all theaters, concerts, etc., are taxed $5 per day.
Violators of this ordinance are to be punished by a fine of not less than $1 nor more than $50.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Gen. Touzalin made a true remark when he said that the only solution of the railroad question is competition. Where there is real bonafide competition, there is no more need of legislation to regulate railroads than there is to regulate the prices of sugar and coffee in a city like this. It is where there is no competition that regulation is needed and for such places legislation is necessarily too weak and lame to effect anywhere near as much as will competition. Railroad companies are composed of men like other businessmen, neither better nor worse on the average. A man who can make a good round profit in his trade or business by demanding it, will demand it of course. If he has strong competition, that competition will cut down prices to secure the trade, and between them prices will be cut down to the lowest living profits. They may pool or agree upon a schedule of prices for each will be jealous of the others and will readily believe the others have violated the compact. The result will be an open rupture and prices will be fixed lower than by the former, and every new agreement after a break will fix the rates lower and lower. All human experience shows that it is impossible to keep up prices by pools and otherwise to unreasonable rates where there is competition.
There is competition at Cherryvale, between the Southern Kansas and the San Francisco roads. The result is, that Cherryvale gets her freights at two-thirds of rates to towns without competition. We have to pay from Cherryvale here, 90 miles, about the same that we have to pay from St. Louis to Cherryvale, 360 miles, or four times the distance.
Wichita has competition and we can get our freights about as cheap as any way to ship to Wichita and haul from there to Winfield in wagons. This is what builds up Wichita and makes her boom. It is what gives her surrounding farmers higher prices for their corn and pork and lower prices for the lumber and coal they buy.
What Winfield, what Cowley County wants and must have is a competing railroad to our principal markets. Such a road will give our farmers more for their produce by a quarter of a million a year. It will also save them in what they wish to buy in coal, lumber, hardware, salt, machinery, etc., at least half a million a year. It will raise the price of everything we have to sell and reduce the price of everything we have to buy. It will make all productive business more profitable and therefore enhance the value of all real estate. It will induce the settlement in our midst of men with capital and skill and will build up factories and shops and stores and granaries. It will make more consumers and thereby enhance the demand for, and the value of all the products of the farm and garden. It will make a great city of Winfield and will build up small towns. A million a year is too moderate an estimate of the value of a standard gauge railroad competition to the people of this county. We must have competition.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Mr. E. F. Elliott, auditor and cashier of the Ohio Central Coal Company, Corning, Ohio, one of the largest institutions of the kind in the country, stopped off on his road to Harper to look after property interests, and spent Monday with his old friend, Mr. O. C. Ewart of the Farmers Bank.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
G. B. Shaw and Co. have determined to erect a large bank building at Burden for the headquarters of their immense business, and Pete Walton will be put in charge. This firm now has thirty-five lumber yards in Southern Kansas, besides its coal and grain business, and this bank has become a necessity.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
OUR GAS WORKS. Another Step in the Progress of Winfield Which Makes Her a Modern City in Every Way. THE WORKS COMPLETED.
From month to month and from year to year during the last twelve years, the COURIER has chronicled as faithfully as it could the growth and advancement of Winfield. Beginning with the erection of the first brick building in a column and a half article under a screaming eagle and a booming cannon, it has come down through the successive steps of the first railroad, the second railroad, then the water works, coupled with so many enterprises on every hand that it has grown to accept these steps in the city's advancement as a matter of course, and things that, in its early history, would have resurrected every old wood cut in the office, now pass with a five line notice. As it is with the COURIER, so it is with our people. For the past three months the Winfield Gas Company has been piling up brick, mortar, and stone, laying mains and erecting machinery without creating any particular sensation, and at eleven o'clock Saturday evening, President Fuller and Superintendent Whiting threw into the furnaces the first shovels-full of coal that set the works going for all time to come.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.
Ad. Pittsburg, Osage, and Burlingame Coal at $5.75 at the Chicago Lumber Co.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Cheap Coal. We will sell for cash at our yards on Santa Fe Tracks.
Pittsburg coal per ton: $5.00.
Osage Shaft per ton: $5.50.
Trinidad Coal per ton: $6.75.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Mr. N. C. Clark has opened up a hardware and coal business at the new town of Kellogg in Vernon Township. He has erected a building 22 x 48 and will keep a first-class stock of everything in the hardware, implement, or wagon line. He has a very large acquaintance and popularity and will do a good business.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Pitts Ellis, our popular coal merchant, in a neat three inch card, tells the people of Arkansas City where to purchase their fall and winter coal. Mr. Ellis is doing a considerable business with the bituminous article.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Howard Bros, advertise the Jewel Base Burner stove in this issue of the REPUBLICAN. It is either for soft or hard coal. This stove is said to be the only successful attempt at using soft coal in a base burner.
AD. THE JEWEL BASE HEATER. The First and Only Successful Application of the BASE HEATING Principle to Soft Coal Heating Stoves. Surface Burning BASE HEATING Stove. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. HOWARD BROS., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Read Doney, Smith & Co.'s special notice. These gentlemen have now in operation a first-class brick yard, the only one in this vicinity using coal. They are from Kansas City and have had much experience in this business.
Ad. Brick. We want everybody to know that they can get nice red brick at the new brick yard at Harmon's Ford, on and after September 28. DONEY, SMITH & CO.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
The fire departments were called out last Thursday in a flurry owing to a fire having been discovered in the twenty tons of coal in the basement of the East Ward school building. The basement was full and airless and the fire seemed to have originated from spontaneous combustion. Several hours of constant playing of the hose were required in extinguishing it, and a close watch has since been kept. It seemed to have been gradually developing for several days.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Anthracite Coal. For the next ten days we will take orders, to be delivered in October, at $13.00 per ton. Special rate on five ton lots. Winfield Coal Co.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Go to G. B. Shaw & Co.'s, for the celebrated McAllister Coal.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
G. B. Shaw & Co. have made arrangements to keep the McAllister coal in stock. No danger of a scolding wife if you buy the McAllister Coal.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Anthracite Coal. For the next ten days we will take orders, to be delivered in October, at $13.00 per ton. Special rate on five ton lots. Winfield Coal Co.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Searing & Mead have been awarded the contract of furnishing 250 tons of coal to the Chilocco schools. Frank Hutchison received the contract for hauling the coal to the schoolhouse. About twenty teams are engaged in the hauling, and will be utilized for about two weeks.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
The cold shriveling weather of Monday and Tuesday was a severe initiation and sent the linen duster in sadness to its long home. Coal and stove dealers were happy.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
Read the coal specials of the Chicago Lumber Yard in this issue.
Ad. ANTHRACITE COAL $14 per ton at the Chicago Lumber Yard.
Ad. DIAMOND BLOCK! The best soft coal in the market $7.50 per ton at the Chicago Lumber Yard.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
"Diamond Black" coal just received at Winfield Coal Co.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
DIAMOND BLACK, McAllister, Wier City, Osage Shaft & Pittsburg Coals Always in stock. Also a full line of Anthracite & Smithing Coal. Bottom prices guaranteed.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Mr. Timmons has opened a coal yard here; something long needed.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
N. Multer, of Altoona, Illinois, left for his home Wednesday. He was in the city some days looking up our advantages as a city and community, with a view of establishing a National Bank here. He is enthusiastic over our water power, and gives it as his opinion that it is only a matter of time when it will be utilized. He spoke of the east and west road leading into the Arkansas timber lands as the road which would do us most good. Cheap lumber would place furniture and agricultural implement factories on our canal. He thinks we have coal here and is surprised that there has been no prospecting done in that line. He represents that he has a class of eastern customers from whom he can get money, at a very low rate of interest, which would enable him to replace it here accordingly. We hope he will be induced to return and establish the bank. Cheap money is what we need to develop our natural resources.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
We have been having a coal famine for the last week or two. Monday the Chicago Lumber Co. received and unloaded three cars. At dusk there was not a thousand pounds in the yard.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Bullen & Co. are erecting new coal houses south of Steele & Co.'s elevator.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Ed. Grady has put in a pair of Victor scales at his lumber yard. He has also erected a large coal shed. Ed. says he now intends to supply the Arkansas City people with coal. Now, if he don't fulfill his pledge, the REPUBLICAN will think Ed. is a Democrat.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
The Wichita Eagle boasted of one firm in that city selling three carloads of coal in one day. That is nothing extraordinary. In Arkansas City last Saturday night five carloads of coal came in on the Santa Fe. Before Monday at 6 p.m., it was all gone. About one-half of the time coal in Arkansas City is unobtainable.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
We will certainly be supplied with coal from this time on. In addition to our old merchants, the Chicago Lumber Co. and Pitts Ellis, we have Ed. Grady, Will L. Aldridge, J. H. Hilliard, and the Arkansas City Coal Company. Six coal merchants.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
Ivan Robinson and Mr. Holmes, of Winfield, were in our city last week looking for a location for a coal yard. After looking the field over, they left Snyder & Hutchison to secure a suitable location. These gentlemen then bought out Pitts Ellis' scales and office with fixtures and bins and leased of Newman & McLaughlin two lots on Central Avenue, opposite Fairclo Bro.'s livery stable. Messrs. Robinson & Holmes will immediately commence the erection of sheds, and will have seven cars of coal, hard and soft, in our city this week. These gentlemen are men who will always have coal of all kinds in hand, and we need have no more fear of a coal famine as we have been having. They will keep not less than ten car loads on hand at all times. Their office will be on the corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Ivan Robinson and Chas. Holmes are the partners in the Arkansas City Coal Co., our E. C., the Republican, to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
Ivan Robinson and Charley Holmes, of this City, have opened a coal yard at Arkansas City, with Ivan in charge.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
AD. 250 CARS OF COAL at A. H. Doane & Co., Santa Fe depot yards, at the following cash prices.
Wier City, per ton: $5.00
Cherokee, per ton: $5.00
Pittsburg, per ton: $5.00
Osage, per ton: $5.50
Iowa, per ton: $6.50
Also car of Fire Kindlers, prices reduced to $1.00 per hundred. Try them. Coal, wood, and kindlers delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders at our old stand on 9th Avenue.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Will Aldridge is now a coal dealer. He has put in a pair of scales and is kept busy weighing coal.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Ed Grady commenced receiving coal Wednesday. Mr. Grady is a jovial Democrat and draws trade like a mustard plaster on an editor's depleted pocket-book.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Osage and Pittsburg coal is now selling at $6 per ton.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Our streets were crowded a day or so last week with teams loaded with coal for Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Will L. Aldrich received several cars of coal last week. He is kept busy now supplying orders.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Our telephone exchange is still growing. New instruments will be placed in Dr. Kellogg's residence, W. M. Blakeney's store, Arkansas City Coal Company's office, and H. P. Farrar's residence, as soon as the line man comes.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
The Arkansas City Coal Company, with offices on Summit Street, just north of the Benedict corner, announce themselves this week as ready to supply the public with Osage, Pittsburgh, and Diamond block coal as well as wood for fuel purposes. The manager, Mr. Robinson, solicits a share of our people's patronage and we are assured he will receive it.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Will L. Aldridge & Co., have now added to their lumber yard conveniences for handling coal, etc., and invite all their patrons in need of fuel to give them a call.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
The man who dropped into a coal office in this city Monday with a basket on his arm and requested the dealer to put a ton of coal in it and send the bill up by the two-horse delivery wagon, evidently realized that a "ton" in coal matters becomes a "variable quantity" according to the yard you patronize.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Ivan Robinson received six carloads of coal Thursday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Twenty-five wagon loads of coal were taken over to Geuda Saturday from here by teams.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Ivan Robinson is putting in a telephone. You can get coal by the "Hello" in a day or so.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Ed. Grady, that whole-souled jolly businessman, is dealing out the coal right and left. He is fixing up his office nicely and is much better prepared to meet you than ever before. He keeps constantly on hand lots of coal; therefore, he pleases his numerous customers. It is a pleasure to deal with Ed., because he don't care for money. He believes in the letting live plan and it is a good one.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
Ed. Grady put in a telephone at his lumber and coal yards yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The Arkansas City Coal Company called us up the other day by telephone. You may count on Ivan Robinson being up with the times for the accommodation of his customers.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The coal trade is lively at present. Ivan Robinson thought he could run his business alone this winter, but this cold snap compelled him to hire an assistant. Mr. J. S. Wynant is at present helping him out.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Winter and the Prognosticator. There is not the least shadow of a doubt that this winter will be a cold one. The prophets all say so, who dares to dispute them? No one but a crank. They have found the moss growing thicker on the trees, frogs standing on their heads in the mill ponds, the sunflower pointing to the North pole, and corn husks thicker than usual. The squirrels are laying in an extra supply of winter nuts for Sunday callers, wood is higher and less to the cord, coal runs 1,600 pounds to the ton, and a thousand and one other signs that never fail, go to show that every human being will be frozen stiffer than a dry goods clerk's mustache before spring comes again.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
There is a rumor of the discovery of coal about twelve miles southeast of Wellington. Too good to be true.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
City Clerk was ordered to procure 500 lbs. coal for drying hose of fire department.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:
Holmes & Son, coal for city, $3.50.
A. H. Doane & Co., coal for city, $4.00.
D. Berkey & Co., stove, etc., $11.50.
The following pauper bill was recommended to County Commissioners for payment:
A. H. Doane & Co., coal, $15.00.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
H. G. Chipchase put in four new telephones. At the residence of H. P. Farrar and Dr. H. D. Kellogg. One at Ed. Grady's lumber yard, and the other at Ivan Robinson's coal office.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
ARKANSAS CITY LUMBER YARD. Edward Grady, proprietor, is still in the ring, not in the least disfigured by having so much competition in the lumber trade. The sale of building material in this community the past year has been very large and he has sold his share. During the dull season this yard has done a thriving business. This lumber yard is now chock full of all kinds of builders' material, and of the best quality. He does not make a big blow about the amount of business done in the days gone by, but generally rolls over into the new year by having disposed of many thousands of dollars worth of material between the first and last day. Mr. Grady's customers have learned that he always gives them the benefit of the very lowest prices possible, and after the first transaction, they always "come again." Lately he has added coal to his lumber business, owing to the incessant demand of his customers for that article. Mr. Grady is all business and is well recompensed for his efforts to please his customers.
THE ARKANSAS CITY COAL COMPANY with Ivan Robinson as proprietor. For a long time our town has felt the want of a coal yard. Mr. Robinson, on his own responsibility, came down from Winfield a few weeks ago and opened up a first-class yard. He has risked his capital in the investment and we are glad to see that our citizens are not backward in showing their appreciation of Mr. Robinson's enterprise. They welcome him so warmly that already his business has reached such proportions as to require an assistant. You can get all kinds of coal of Mr. Robinson at any time. He keeps some ten carloads in stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
We understand that the Canon City coal mines have reopened, and that we will soon have several car loads here.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Hon. Henry Harbaugh will open up a coal yard at the earliest convenience for the accommodation of our citizens.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Try the McAllister Indian Territory coal. Order by telephone of Ed. Grady.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Ed. Grady has received the agency here for the celebrated McAllister Coal of the Indian Territory. Mr. Grady thinks this coal is superior to all coal except the Canon City, and is fully equal to that. Mr. Grady receives three carloads of this special kind per week at present. It is cheaper than Canon City coal. You can order by telephone.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
We are glad to learn that the Arkansas City Coal Co. has secured the agency of the Canon City coal, and that in a few days they will have in ten car loads, with twenty more ordered. We have been unable to find any as good coal in the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
Coal. What a difference there is in the loads our farmers now take out from what they used to several years ago. This year we notice that the majority of the wagons have a jag in the bed, if not more, of the black diamonds. It has not been long that this could be seen. It will not be long until more commence buying coal than now do. Every year the wood supply becomes farther and farther removed. It will, in a very short time, have to be hauled so far that the cost will exceed that of coal.
In view of this state of things, the suggestion that has been made concerning the prospecting for coal is certainly a good one. This article will soon be used by everyone, and, as it comes by rail, the expense is a matter of great concern. The discovery of a coal vein, even at a great depth, would answer the coal question, and should the expense of mining exceed the expense of other mines by one half, we would yet save money by buying home coal, saving as we would the exorbitant freight charges. The TRAVELER would like to see a company formed soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
DIAMOND BLOCK at Arkansas City Coal Co. Office on Benedict corner.
OSAGE COAL at Arkansas City Coal Company. Office on Benedict corner.
COAL AND WOOD at Arkansas City Coal Co. Office on Benedict corner.
Arkansas City Coal Co., exclusive agents for Canon City Coal. Telephone connection.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Q. A. GLASS. DEALER IN DRUGS AND COAL. Mr. Glass entered the drug business in Winfield in the early days, and has ever maintained a good trade and business reputation. He is a first-class prescription druggist, carries a large and pure stock, is courteous and obliging, and will ever remain at the head of the drug procession in this city. In addition to his drug trade he deals in all kinds of coal and dispenses a large amount of this article.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
What a blessing it would be to suffering humanity if the cost craze would strike the grocery fellows and coal dealers, our opulent millers, sleek butchers and hotel nabobs. Especially do we wish that the coal men had gone to school long enough to learn that it takes twenty hundred pounds to make a ton.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Pauper claim recommended to County Commissioners for payment: Holmes & Son, coal, $18.50.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
The National Republican says: "The price of anthracite coal has long been fixed by monopolies whose control of the output and its marketing has been so complete in every detail that small consumers are forced to pay for each ton at least double the price at which it would be furnished them under a fair system of competition. The Pacific Mail Steamship company has lately contracted for its coal, laid down in New York, at $3 per ton, from the same companies that force dealers to sell to their customers at from $6 to $7 per ton in the Atlantic coast cities." And yet the wages of coal miners are being reduced.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Mr. J. G. Bullene is at home from Athles, Dakota, where he is engaged in the lumber and coal business, for a few weeks' sojourn with his family. He reports that country donning civilization amazingly, and as soon as school facilities are broadened, he anticipates the removal of his family. He has three lumber yards in Spink County, that Territory, and is doing a prosperous business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
From the looks of the long list of claims allowed by our "County Dads" at their last session, a stranger might think that some influence was brought to bear that was not just as it should be. To say the least, for instance, Doane & Co.'s coal bill for Court House ($191.00) was sufficient for at least twenty families for the same time, beside twenty-one pauper bills. No doubt Doane & Co. are all right, as perhaps all the rest may be, but it does seem to the uninitiated that it's not a different thing to get in a bad account as a pauper bill; in fact, some of our merchants have boasted that it's a slick way to collect bills when other methods fail. I am creditably informed that it is not unusual for such bills to contain charges for tobacco, cigars, candy, and the like.
Another large item is the doctor bills. Why don't our "Dads" contract with some good doctor to attend to the county poor as do other counties in eastern states, for a salary. It seems to me that the service would be as good, and at much less cost.
One question that troubles us grangers is: what constitutes a pauper? We have known instances of fellows owning teams that will not work them at reasonable wages receiving aid from the county. Now we think these things are not looked into as they should be.
One more complaint: We believe it to be the duty of public servants to consider always the best interest of the master, the public, and we think that duty has been disregarded in the matter of printing. If it is necessary for the Tribune to receive aid, the end might be accomplished by a "pauper bill." Justice would say the paper having the largest circulation should have the public printing in order that the greatest number of taxpayers might be benefitted.
Another suggestion: We grangers think the county seat ought to be run somewhat in the interest of the county. As things are tending, Cowley will soon be an attachment to Winfield.
The above was written by a very intelligent and substantial farmer of the Democratic persuasion, a man whom we very highly respect. We have not scrutinized the work of County Commissioners very closely and cannot say how much justice there is in the above strictures. We presume they are just in some directions, but have been hearing the most bitter and indignant complaints on the other side of the question. It is stated that this winter has been very severe on many persons of moderate means, both in the city and county, and many families have suffered very much because they were unable to obtain fuel and other means to keep them warm; that physicians have reported this distress in various cases to the township trustees and the city mayors and urged the necessity of aid from the public funds; that these orders have been approved by the township boards and city councils and the bills have been allowed by the County Auditor, who has simply done his duty in the premises, but that the County Commissioners, or rather that Commissioner Smith has repudiated these bills and refused to allow them to be paid, and this on the slimmest pretexts, such as that this bill had omitted the word "pauper," and that bill had omitted some other word, and thus rendered it technically imperfect. It is now stated that the coal merchants and other dealers, have, in consequence of this action of the commissioners, refused to honor all orders of the trustees and mayors, and there are many poor and worthy families who are suffering terribly without a pound of fuel and cannot get it, and this, during the extremely cold weather. Mayor Emerson and our city council are said to be very indignant and excited over this outrageous action, as it has been called, of the county board, and are about to call a public meeting to devise means of relief.
Now we have given two sides to the question and leave it with our readers. We are not deciding the case, but expect a careful scrutiny of the county expenses would show many places where economy could be exercised much more humanely than in disallowing these bills for coal and similar necessaries to save many families from perishing.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
SENATE: BILL INTRODUCED. No. 29 by Ritter to protect laborers in coal mines.
HOUSE: BILL INTRODUCED. By Mr. Scammon, to protect the health of coal miners.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Henry Clews, the banker, says of the business prospect of 1885: "The year begins under quite favorable auspices produced by cheap food, cheap clothing, cheap money, cheap stocks, cheap passenger fares, cheap freights, cheap coal, cheaper labor, and with the prospects of cheaper rents and cheaper real estateall of which united constitute a legitimate and genuine basis for real prosperity in a country abounding in inexhaustible natural resources as does America. Hence hope should now begin to take the place of the heretofore existing doubt and by a united effort on the part of the world-wide recognized enterprise of the people of this country, we will soon get out of the present gloomy rut and prosperity will again reign from one end of the nation to the other and be enduring in its character."
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Who wouldn't growl when the pump is froze up and no water for the cattle, no sled to ride in, and coal advancing all the time, no news to write, and everybody asking what has become of the Tisdale correspondent?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Wellington coal dealers have solemnly resolved to sell no more coal unless the "filthy lucre" accompanies the order.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Douglass has organized a company to bore for coal. The Tribune sees strong evidence that the article underlays that town.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
The Wellington Press tells of an unfortunate alligator that a citizen of that place brought from New Orleans. The ten inch pet was placed in a vessel under the dining room stove to keep it warm; but the atmosphere hugged zero before morning, and when daylight broke, it found the alligator stiff and motionless. With womanly tact, the lady of the house put the little animal in the oven to thaw. More coal was added to the fire, breakfast was prepared, and the alligator forgotten. When the lady had occasion to open the oven, she found the pet not only thawed out, but baked to a crisp.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Ware & Pickering started twelve teams loaded with coal and salt for Florer, Gould & Ayres' range yesterday morning.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
It is comforting to know that while we are wrestling with blizzards and monumental coal bills, California is indulging in all the luxuries of spring. Acacia in full bloom attracting the bees; roses are plentiful; violets, mignonette, and heliotrope are in early spring flower.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
In the manufacture of illuminating gas from bituminous coal, a large quantity (amounting to about eight percent of the coal), of a thick, black, strong-smelling liquid is collected, known as gas tar and coal tar. This is a very complex substance, and by distillation yields several oils, etc., leaving behind a solid pitch, called coke-pitch, and incorrectly, ashphaltum, true ashphaltum being a natural product. Gas tar, as it comes from the gas works, is used for various purposes, among others, for the preservation of timber, especially fences and fence- posts, for the making of roofing composition, and in laying what are called asphalt walks. We have had complaints that it appeared to be of little value in preserving wood; and several have inquired as to the proper method of using it. It is not unlikely, as there are different kinds of coal used in gas making, that the tar varies greatly in its properties. In England, where it is much more used than with us, one writer recommends as follows: Three gallons of coal tar, in an iron kettle, is set over a slow fire and allowed to simmer for about an hour. This should be done in the open air, as there is danger of its taking fire. After it has simmered for this time, add a handful of the quick-lime, and stir well together. Remove from the fire, and add a quart of benzine or naphtha, or sufficient to make it work well from a brush. The coal tar thus prepared is applied to fence-posts and other work while hot. The writer says: "Two coats will do, and will make any kind of wood proof from all weather for years." Another writer advises to make use of the tar as it comes from the gas works, adding enough benzine (from half a gill to one gill to each quart of tar), to make it work like thin paint. It is to be applied with an old brush to the wood, which should be perfectly dry.
American Agriculturist.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The thermometer stood 12 deg. below zero on the 10th, which caused a playful smile to linger around the countenances of our coal dealers.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Terrible Explosion in the Nation.
GALVESTON, TEXAS, Feb. 3. A News Denison special says: A terrible explosion of gas occurred yesterday in a coal mine near Savanna, Indian Territory. There were 100 miners working in the mine at the time of the explosion. Three are reported killed outright, 89 seriously burned, and 42 slightly burned or otherwise injured.
The following are the names of those who where killed: John Houston, William Paxton, and Edward Griffith. Only a partial list is obtainable of those seriously injured, among whom were Morgan Hughes, Wm. Courtney, Peter Farrel, Frank Grimes, Robt. McChelley, David Richardson, William Boyle, Henry Davidson, Peter Carbon, James Orlando, Chas. Turpin, James Reach, Farr H. Kerr, Jno. Gibbs, Thornton Miller, Peter Curren, and Wm. Cameron.
Savanna is a small village on the M. K. & T. Railroad, in the very heart of the Indian Territory, about twenty-five miles south of McAllister and fifty miles north of Atoka.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Two tramps paid their respects to our school ma'am, in district 4, last Friday evening, after school hours in way that was not appreciated by her. She will not remain after school to sweep the room. Said tramps returned and took possession of the schoolhouse Saturday and nearly exhausted the supply of coal before they were forcibly ejected by a member of the school board Sunday and roughly escorted out of the neighborhood.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
The senate has passed the bill providing that laborers in and about coal mines and manufactories shall receive their wages at regular intervals in lawful money of the United States, and the same bill stands fifth on general orders, which insures its being reached in committee of the whole and a vote taken on its final passage this week. This measure appears a just one, and has, so far, met with opposition only from those members representing concerns employing many men.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
We understand that a new coal yard will soon be started on north Main, controlled by a large mining company, and that the intention is to make war on prices. We can all stand it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
The following bill was ordered paid: Quincy A. Glass, coal, $3.75.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
About two months ago a Hoosier came here, since which time he has been prospecting for coal. He thinks he has discovered land wherein is a fine vein of coal. He says he thinks he has found land where a vein of coal can be reached by boring with a post augur. We withhold his name because he desires to make a purchase of some of the land.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Appeals are being sent out from Savanna, Indian Territory, the scene of the recent terrible mine explosion, asking for medicine and linen to dress burns. Thirty miners are badly suffering for proper treatment.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Chicago still suffers from the snow blockade. A famine of coal, milk, and country produce prevails on account of it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
An Arkansas City man says he thinks he has found land in that city where a vein of coal can be found by boring with a post augur. But he refuses to divulge the spot.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Mr. Victor is preparing another year's supply of fuel from a half mile of his hedge fence. An equal length of fence supplied his uses last year. He has not burned a bushel of coal this winter. Hedges of several years' growth solve the problem of cheap fuel for this country.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
The Arkansas City Coal Company have made arrangements for the sale of corn in large or small quantities, but will make special figures on carload lots.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Mr. Scammon's H. B. 212. To provide for the health and safety of persons employed in and about coal mines. Passed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Bill ordered paid: A. H. Doane & Co., coal, $20.50.
The following pauper bill was referred to the County Commissioners for payment.
A. H. Doane & Co., coal, $161.40.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Arkansas City Coal Co.'s bill, $16.65, laid over.
Arkansas City Coal Co.'s bill $3.25, allowed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Substitute for H. B. No. 99, an act to create a Board of Survey to conduct experiments to determine the existence of coal or other materials, and the practicability of securing artesian wells in the State of Kansas, and defining the duties of said Board of Survey. The bill was so amended that one half the money should go west of that point, and on the final vote the bill was passed. By the provisions of the bill a Board of Survey is formed, consisting of the Governor, Secretary of State, Chancellor of the State University, President of the Agricultural College, and Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, who will have charge of the expenditure of money.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
The most useful engraving for the next Kansas agricultural report would be a picture of the Mennonite stove and a description of its make, form, and use. The fuel used by these peopleGermans who came here from Russiais hay, straw, and cornstalkswhat the Missourians called "roughness." They spend no money for coal, they do not burn the golden corn, and they do good cooking and have warm rooms to sleep in. The Mennonites who came to Harvey, Reno, and other counties in 1873 are already richfarms paid for, groves planted, fine gardens, sweet homes. And they have always been warm. Hiawatha World.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
The Arkansas City Coal Co., have always on hand all kinds of coal, and wood, to which fact the attention of our people is called.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
We hear it reported this week that a four-foot vein of coal has been discovered in the northwest part of the county, and only fourteen feet below the surface. If this report proves true, we have but little doubt that a good vein could be found almost anywhere in the county at a reasonable depth. Now let our coal company go to work in earnest and prospect for coal in the neighborhood of Sedan. Sedan Graphic.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
A noble case of charity has just been reported to the REPUBLICAN by a gentleman in this city, who is a physician. C. Bradwell and his wife formerly resided in the vicinity of the railroad. During his abode there several poor families close by, who were destitute, often found several hundred pounds of coal at their door during the cold snap. Provisions were frequently left there by the deliveries. Lately Mr. Bradwell bought J. P. Musselman's farm and moved thereon. The donations still came and until last Sunday the names of the givers remained undiscovered. These are Christian acts of Mr. Bradwell and his wife, and deserve more laudation than our faber can picture.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
The Kingman Leader publishes a map of Kansas, showing the D., M. & A. R. R. The road shows up well and runs through the finest and most productive country in the world. It comes into the state from the east, near the southeast corner, running through the southern part of Cherokee County, then on west through the counties of Labette, Montgomery, Chautauqua, and Cowley; then west into Sumner, where it crosses the Arkansas river. From here the road will run almost direct to Kingman, Kingman County, then up a northwesterly direction to Stafford, then to St. John, the county seat of Stafford County, and on through Larned and Pawnee County, thence west into Colorado and up to Denver. There is no doubt but this road will be ahead of the other roads in Kansas, so far as paying is concerned, taking in, as it does, the finest wheat and corn country on the globe, and also running through inexhaustible coal beds. The people along the route are watching the movements of the D., M. & A. with all the interest imaginable, and the Sun predicts that before the leaves fall, the cars will be running through St. John. St. John Sun.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The situation of the striking coal miners about Pittsburg remains unchanged.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
27,500,000 bushels of coal were mined in Kansas in 1884.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
4,170 persons were engaged in mining coal in Kansas last December, and $1,555,000 were paid for work. Of this sum $240,000 was paid in Crawford County.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Pauper bill referred to County Commissioners for payment: A. H. Doane & Co., coal, $15.95.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
The meeting held in this city yesterday was a most important one and will have a decided bearing on Winfield's future. The interest manifested all along the proposed line in Kansas was unusual. Every county, from Joplin to Larned, and several competing points, had delegations of their leading citizens on hand to present their claims to the Board of Directors. From the west Stafford County sent Frank Cox; Pawnee County sent Judge Strang and Hon. W. C. Edwards. The east sent Hon. J. B. Cook, Col. Creighton, and J. C. Edwards from Labette, Col. Marsh and J. M. Cooper from Baxter, and Hon. J. S. Gillespie, W. G. Bates, and J. T. Jarrett from the townships in Cherokee. All were anxious and eager for the road, and ready to pledge the faith of their communities for any sum in reason to get it.
Cherokee County, especially, is anxious for the outlet which the D. M. & A. will furnish. Her soil is underlaid with inexhaustible fields of good coal, in veins five feet thick. It can be mined and placed on cars for $1.75 per ton. At present they have no adequate market for it. They want to send it to us at half what we pay now. The D. M. & A. will let them do it. Then they buy first-class hard plus fencing at Baxter for $14.00 per thousand feet. We pay $20.00. We would like to have that lumberin fact, must have it. Cheap coal and lumber means a very great saving here in Cowley and is one of our gravest necessities. With the D. M. & A. an assured fact, which will give us coal and lumber, and an air line to Kansas City with competition and cheap freight on our grain and produce, Cowley's prosperity will be the envy of all the west. Verily, Winfield's claims as "Queen of the Valley" will soon be established.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
J. L. DENNIS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Weir City and Pittsburg Coals. CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY. Yards North Main Street, one door south of Southern Kansas Depot. Winfield, Ks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 22, 1885.
AD. ARKANSAS CITY COAL CO., -DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, HIDES AND GRAIN, IVAN A. ROBINSON, MANAGER. Canon City, Anthracite, Pittsburg, Trinidad, and Osage Coal. Highest cash price paid for hides. Corn always on hand in large or small lots. Office, Corner Summit St. and Central Avenue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
At Lincoln, Illinois, yesterday, the Lincoln Coal Company's shaft was on fire and a mass of flames with twenty miners at the bottom. Six of the miners made their way underground a mile to the encampment shaft and escaped. The fire is extinguished.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Bill allowed and ordered paid: Q. A. Glass, coal, $1.50.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
An Irwin, Pa., special says the Pennsylvania Gas Coal Company's miners resumed work in No. 4 mine at the reduction, after a strike of nine weeks. Fifteen hundred miners also resumed work at the Scott Haven mines.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
The Topeka city council has issued a proposition for the voting of $15,000 bonds to be used boring for coal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The general agent of the Oswego Coal Company was here yesterday and informed Mr. A. H. Doane, in the course of conversation, that the completion of the K. C. & S. W. would insure their coal laid down at Winfield at from fifty cents to one dollar less per ton than now. So much for profits!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Bill of A. H. Doane, coal furnished City Attorney, was rejected.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Wichita is to have a fruit canning establishment. The peaches and things are to be shipped from New Jersey. Several Colonels and Judges of that town are out west looking up a tine mine, and if they succeed in finding one, the fruit factory will be a success. Wichita will furnish the sorghum sweetness for the fruit and water to boil it in. The coal will come from Fort Scott. The town already has another boom over this enterprise.
El Dorado Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Bill referred: Ed. Grady, coal for water works, $17.75.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
A company is being organized here to prospect for coal. A charter has been applied for and will be received in a few days. The capital stock is $10,000, the shares being $10 each. Silas Beal, of Sumner township, has the matter in charge, and is meeting with excellent success. This is a matter of much importance as to recommend itself strongly to every citizen. Give the project every encouragement in your power. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
There has been considerable curiosity over what the top building is that Holmes & Son are erecting over their coal yard. It has been suggested that it was an "opera comique," and also that they were taking time by the forelock and intended to locate the fool school in this building. The fact is, they are going into the business of baling hay, and this is their storeroom.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
"For 21 years," says Ed Grady, "I have been a Democrat. Why shouldn't I have the post office?" Ed is a good Democrat and the way our coal bill runs up during the winter, the REPUBLICAN has no doubt but that he could keep square with Uncle Sam. Ed and Sinnott, either, neither, or both as p.m. would do very well.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
From the Dodge City Times we cull the following bit of information, which should be treasured up by our citizens for future use.
"Did you ever examine the ant hills? You will find some fragments of coal, the genuine article. We have examined several ant hills on the courthouse ridge and schoolhouse ridge, and find small particles of coal. The question is, are there deposits of coal under this surface. The ant hills in other parts of this section have been examined; the same coal indications exist. To remove any probability of the ants carrying these small coal particles, the ant hills, very remote from railroads and coal piles, have been examined, and the same small particles exist. Do the ants go down below the rock and water, and bring the small particles of coal to the surface? Our informant, who made examination of ant hills in the counties north of Ford County, says coal must exist at a very short depth. We give publicity to these facts in order that someone may furnish light upon the subject, and probably encourage someone to make the exploration for coal. Should coal be discovered in those hills, what a source of revenue could be derived!"
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The Westmoreland County (Pa.) Coal and Coke Company, having a capital stock of $500,000, has failed. The liabilities are not known, but are heavy.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
A correspondent in the Telegram, writing from Tannehill, says Pittsburg coal is selling for $6 per ton in Arkansas City and $5 in Winfield. The correspondent is mistaken. Pittsburg coal sells for $4 in both towns. We get our information from coal dealers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
Arkansas City Coal Company's bill, $39.70, for the water power company, allowed.
County bill of Arkansas City Coal Company of $600 approved.