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Coal in Cowley County, Kansas - Part III 1885-1891



Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

Mayor Schiffbauer made a few remarks stating what great advantages Arkansas City would gain by having navigation opened on the Arkansas. He stated that Capt. T. S. Moorhead informed him that coal could be bought in quantities for $2, and laid down in Arkansas City so that it could be sold by dealers for $5 or $6 per ton. It was good coal, better than that which we had been paying $8 per ton for. Over 12 tons of the coal had been burned on the "Kansas Millers" and out of that not a clinker had been found. He spoke also of lumber trade with Arkansas. Jim Hill next occupied the attention of the passengers. He was followed by T. S. Moorhead, Dr. Kellogg, Judge McIntire, and several others who spoke in glowing terms of the steamer and the navigation of the river. After the question of building barges had been thoroughly discussed, the meeting proceeded to subscribe stock. Shares were taken until over $2,000 had been subscribed. The sum needed was $5,000. The meeting adjourned then until 7:30 p.m., when they met in Meigs & Nelson's real estate office to finish up the $5,000 stock company.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

In our report of the allowances of the city council last week, we made Ivan Robinson's coal bill read $600. It should have been only $6.

Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.

Ivan Robinson is no longer the proprietor of the Arkansas City Coal Company's yard. Frick Bros., have purchased Mr. Robinson's business. The office is now located at the yards one block west of Summit Street on Central Avenue. Messrs. Frick Bros., are thorough businessmen and gentlemen. They request a share of the patronage in their line of business. They will keep in stock all the time plenty of coal and wood. They also buy grain.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 29, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Co., -Dealers in- Coal and Wood. FRICK BROS., Managers.

Canon City, Anthracite, Pittsburg, Trinidad, and Osage Coal.

Office, Corner Summit St. and Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.

Attention. Having purchased the stock of lumber, together with sheds and improvements, of W. L. Aldridge & Co., we will offer the sheds, coal bins, lime house, and office, also fence, for sale at a bargain to save tearing down. We will also be pleased to see the former patrons of that yard, and will assure them of as honest and courteous treatment as they have been accustomed to receive. Respectfully, CHICAGO LUMBER CO.

Excerpt from an article about "Water Works"...

Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.

The method for purchasing fuel and supplies for the engine and other works has often been condemned by the city council, when the bills were presented, and a more economical plan suggested. Instead of buying coal, a few hundred pounds at a time and paying retail prices therefore, it was suggested that a contract be made for carload lots. The city has been paying $6 a ton, while slack coal by the carload could be bought for $4. But no arrangements were made to save expense because the franchise granted to O'Neil was operative, and there was an uncertainty how the water business would be finally settled. It is suggested by some that the council began at the wrong end in passing this ordinance before the above mentioned franchise was revoked; but our impression is it has already expired by limitation. Now that an adequate revenue is provided for, and penalties imposed for fraudulent or wasteful use of water, we hope to see order infused where chaos now exists.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.

Bill allowed and ordered paid: Ivan Robinson, coal, $12.50.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.

A burglar in a Chicago court on Wednesday as a wonderful escapist has a record to compare with that of the famous Baron Trenck. Sometimes he has left his place of confinement by way of the chimney; again he has sawed his way out with a red hot poker; and lastly he escaped by placing a pan of coals upon the stone floor of his cell and reducing the stone to lime.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.

Bill of Ivan Robinson of $12.50 for coal, allowed.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Company have Weir City Nut coal. Just what the farmers want for threshing.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Frick Brothers are putting up a new pair of scales, at their coal yard.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.

The Winfield Telegram mentions Ivan Robinson's sale of his coal business to the Frick Bros., and suggests that Ivan return, like the prodigal in scripture, and resume his journey along the road to wealth at that point. No doubt the fatted calf will be killed when the hopeful youth presents himself.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.

Coal yards, per annum: $10.00.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.

John A. Dutter, a prominent coal operator at Mahanoy Plane, Pennsylvania, has been foreclosed by the Sheriff. His liabilities are about $150,000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.

In accordance with the act of the Legislature prohibiting the employment of boys under twelve years of age in the coal breakers and under fourteen years in the mines, about five hundred boys were discharged from the collieries in the Shamokin, Pennsylvania, district on the 6th.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

The handsome business room, which is almost ready for occupancy, on South Summit street, is that of Frick Bros. The building is 25 x 80 feet, and built entirely of brick. It is two stories high with a commodious basement. Wm. Gall is the architect and contractor. The building has been appelled the Cresswell block. Messrs. Frick Bros. are young and energetic businessmen who came here from Pennsylvania about 12 months ago. They thought Arkansas City was a desirable locality in which to locate. They have faith in the future of our city and have shown it by the willingness to invest a portion of their capital in real estate. Messrs. Frick Bros. are also the proprietors of the Arkansas City Coal Co., and are doing a good business. This new room will be occupied by S. F. Steinberger.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.

G. B. SHAW & CO., -DEALERS IN- Lumber, Grain and Coal, 523 North Main Street. Keep on hand a full and complete stock of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Fence Posts and Pickets, Mouldings and Battens, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair and Building Paper. We also carry a stock of Hard-wood Lumber. Our stock of Ready-Mixed Paints are especially adapted to this climate. We have at all times a full stock of Hard and Soft Coal. We pay the highest market price for Flax-seed, Castor Beans and all kinds of Grain. Call and get our prices. G. B. SHAW & CO. W. O. JOHNSON, Local Manager.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.

A. F. Huse, yesterday, began preparations for his new coal and feed yard next to Braden's stable. He will remove the ell from that frame dwelling, and thus have a roadway to the space in the rear.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Co., $27.75; allowed.

G. B. Shaw & Co., $101.83; allowed.

Rev. Mr. Buckner applied in behalf of his brother-in-law, Mr. Huse, for leave to put in scales, and build coal shed and feed bins between the skating rink and Braden's Stable. Leave granted.

Similar privilege granted to George C. Maloney, to put in scales at W. L. Aldridge & Co.'s lumber yard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.

A Wellington stock company has subscribed $25,000 to bore for coal at that place.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

J. Holloway, building coal house, $2.50; allowed.

Arkansas City Coal Co., coal, $28.72; allowed.

G. B. Shaw & Co., coal and lumber, $10.82; allowed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.

A wheel of Quincy Glass' coal dray got tired running Saturday and dropped off. The horse took its place and began to run like a booger, making a few bad mashes. It was one of the "might have beens"easy escape from much damage.

Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.

G. B. Shaw & Co., have on hand a large stock of Canon City, Petersburg, Weir City, Pittsburg, and Anthracite Coal. Leave orders with Ed. Grady or at their office, 700 North Summit St.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.

Leave your coal orders with G. B. Shaw & Co., or Ed. Grady.

G. B. Shaw & Co., have on hand all kinds of coal. Leave orders with Ed. Grady, or at their office on North Summit Street.

Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.

A. F. Huse has opened up his coal yard and is ready for business. Mr. Huse is a young man and the REPUBLICAN hopes he will attain success. His office is on Summit street. Call on him after a perusal of his advertisement in another column.

AD. A. F. HUSE, DEALER IN COAL. Canon City, Anthracite, Osage City, Weir City, and Pittsburg. ALSO Wood, Flour, and Feed. Office first door north of Skating Rink. Give me a Call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.

BUILDING ACTIVITY. A Brief Statement of the Building Growth of Arkansas City.

Mr. Gall has finished the plans of J. C. Topliff's new double building south of the Hasie block. This will be in keeping with the elegance of the structure it adjoins, and will be the cause of just pride to our citizens. On the corner just south, the Frick Bros., new building shows off to advantage, and when the upper rooms and basement are finished, will furnish commodious and handsome quarters for the occupants. At the other end of the block, Ed. Grady has begun to dig the foundation for another first-class brick store and residence, and there is talk that Messrs. Chambers, Newman, Hess, and Dunn will join in the erection of three brick stores on the site lately occupied by Mr. Grady as a coal yard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.

O. J. Dougherty has retired from the coal yard of J. L. Dennis & Co., his place being filled by F. M. Dennis, a brother of J. L. Dennis. O. J. Dougherty will open a yard on Ninth Avenue east, on his own hook. He is a rustler and will readily succeed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.

The first touch of frigidity swooped down on us Friday, doubling humanity up in a double bow knot, and reminding one of red-hot stoves and gigantic coal bills. The linen- duster and straw hat have about taken their last tearful farewell, though winter proper never sets in in this climate till nearly December first.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.

Monday was the first shriveling day of the season, a strong reminder of winter's frigidity and the ghastly grins of the coal man. Men went around the streets with their hands in their pockets and their backs humped like the apex of a dromedary. The straw hat, gauzy underwear, and linen duster were laid away in their little coffin where rust and moths do corrupt and where the little mouse breaks through and steals. All over town were being huggedwarm stoves. We hate winter. We want perpetual spring, but have little hopes of getting it until we reap the printorial reward and walk the celestial vistas whose entrance is through the pearly gates. And we're in no hurry for the reward, however great. We don't care to quit a sure thing, if it is cold once in a while.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.

O. J. Dougherty is rushing up his coal office and bins on east Ninth, egged on by the appearance of stern frigidity. The coal men are preparing for a picnic and the consumer looks sad. The scales are again bowed down with a guilty conscience.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.

Coal is the burning issue of the hour: and the appearance of the man going after a ton of it with a peck measure is a burning shame.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.

Ed. Grady has sold the fence around his coal yard to W. M. Jenkins, and today it will be removed. Now he wants to sell his office to somebody who will transport it off on a wheelbarrow. Where the ground is cleared of encumbrances, it will be a tempting sale for a grist mill.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.

G. Dougherty and Tilford have completed their coal office. It is as neat as a new pin.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.

'RAH FOR WINFIELD! Her Prosperity Unexcelled! FIGURES WON'T LIE!

The reporter mounting a steed sallied forth early Friday morning to take an inventory of the improvements and new buildings which have gone up since the season opened, and the ones under construction at the present time. Being rushed, we are satisfied many have been overlooked. The valuation given is below the market value rather than above. The following list we know will surprise our own citizens.

Dougherty & Tilford coal office: $800.

Holmes & Son store: $10,000.

Holmes & Son coal and ice yard: $4,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.

The present cool weather makes a harvest for the stove dealers and coal merchants.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.

G. B. Shaw & Co., $2; allowed.

Leave was granted Edward Grady to put in scales opposite his brick store on Third Avenue, and build coal sheds.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.

VIENNA, October 31. An explosion occurred yesterday at Reschitza, Hungary, in a coal mine connected with the State Railway Works. Thirteen persons were killed and fifteen injured.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

For Anthracite coal, either nut or stove size, go to the Arkansas City Coal Co.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Co. always keeps blacksmiths' coal in stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 11, 1885.

A. H. Doane, of Winfield, has appointed Kroenert & Austin his agents for the sale of a patent kindler. We can recommend it as an excellent article. A small square, ignited and laid in the stove, burns with intense fierceness for ten minutes, and will start a coal fire readily. A package of fifty retails for 15 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 11, 1885.

A HOT BLAZE. The Rink Goes Up and Surrounding Property Destroyed.

Shortly after 10 o'clock on Saturday evening the cry of fire was raised on Summit Street, and in less than five minutes, all the adjoining portion of the city seemed to be ablaze. The fire originated in the rear end of the rink, and before any efforts could be made to extinguish it, the whole building, composed of frame and covering an area 50 by 100 feet, was involved in flame. A light wind was blowing at the time, which carried the burning embers in an easterly direction, and for a time Mr. John Landes' house and other contiguous residences were threatened. A hay stack owned by R. E. Grubbs, standing in the rear of his house, was ignited by the sparks, but was promptly extinguished by Uriah Spray. The intense heat of the flames threatened destruction to the frame building on the north, owned by A. A. Newman, and occupied by A. F. Huse as a flour and feed store. His coal bins were destroyed, and their contents badly injured, but the building was saved from destruction, although badly scorched, by the liberal use of water buckets. Braden's livery and feed stables, next north, were also threatened, and the lessees, Messrs. Ingles & Briggs, turned their animals loose, expecting destruction. But the wind lulled some after the fire broke out, and the danger of its diffusion abated.

Charles Parker's stone building, south of the rink, ignited in the rear, where it was enclosed with fence, it being the intention of the owner to put on an addition. The lower floor was occupied by Parker and Capt. Rarick as a blacksmith shop; in the upper floor, George Ford and Frank Knedler had their carpenter shop. The tools in the blacksmith shop were saved; but the contents of the carpenter shop were destroyed. After the lintels and girders were consumed, the front wall fell, leaving the side walls standing without support. During the night the upper portion of the south wall collapsed, and before this issue goes to press, it is probable the remaining wall will be removed. A hose was attached to the hydrant on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Summit Street, which threw a feeble stream, quite ineffective in preventing a spread of the flames.

The origin of the fire is thought to be incendiary, but there is no present clue to the perpetrator. The rink was owned by J. P. Braden, who had it insured for $1,000 in the Pelican, of New Orleans. J. H. Puncheon lost $150 worth of new furniture, which he had stored in the rink, without insurance. Parker's building was insured in the Washington, of Boston, for $800; and A. F. Huse had his property insured for $600, one-fourth of this amount on his scales and coal bins, and the remainder on his flour, feed, coal, and grain. The insurance on the house expired last week, but because of the high rate, Mr. Newman had not renewed it. The total amount of the loss is set down at $4,000.

A number of hoodlums broke the windows of Neff & Henderson's feed store, and some lap robes and whips were taken from Braden's stable. Dr. Fowler lost the body of his light cart, which was in the carpenter shop for repairs.

J. P. Braden had made arrangements to start pork packing this week, but the destruction of the rink has put a stop to the enterprise.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.

DULUTH, MINN., November 5. The St. Paul and Pacific Coal Docks, situated on Cannon's Point, about three miles from here across the bay, covering an area of five acres and at present carrying a stock of about 160,000 tons of coal, was discovered to be on fire last night, and at a late hour still burning, although tugs and fire engines sent from this city have been throwing streams of water upon the fire for several hours. It is impossible to estimate the probable loss at this writing.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.

J. F. Huse, the coal and seed man, says he does not know against whom Councilman Hight's intimations are aimed, but he is willing to make his solemn affidavit that every man who buys a ton of coal of him gets 2,000 pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.

City Market.

Coal per ton, Canon City: $8.00; Anthracite per ton: $13.50; Osage and Weir City per ton: $6.25. Wood per cord: $5.00.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.

SCALES. A petition was read, numerously signed, asking that all hay scales be removed from Summit Street, and a city scale be erected.

Mr. Hight spoke in favor of the petition. Besides the litter and confusion caused by these scales, there was an inequality of weight by which some persons suffered. A ton of coal was measured out to the consumer with sparing hand; he paid for more than he received. The use of city scales in the hands of a weigher sworn to his duty would ensure justice to all, and remove what is really a serious grievance.

The matter was discussed at some length, and the result was the adoption of a resolution giving the owners of scales twelve months to remove them from Summit Street.

Mr. Searing asked how the gutter was to be laid with the scales in the way. The council instructed him to provide the stone, and the owners of scales would be required to lay it when the impediment was removed.

On motion the committee on streets and alleys was instructed to inquire the cost of scales for city use and look up a location.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.

When Moses Teter starts out to secure the location of a station, something drops on somebody's toes. As a rustler, Mose ranks Eli. He already purchased a pair of double platform scales for the use of his coal yard.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.

The following bill was ordered paid: Q. A. Glass, coal, $3.25.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Stove wood for sale cheap by the Arkansas City Coal. Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.

Huse is building new coal bins to replace those destroyed by the fire.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.

The Mechanics' band serenaded Councilman Hill, on Saturday evening, in recognition of his useful services to the city in fighting down all obstacles and bringing the K. C. & S. W. Railway within our corporate limits. After several pieces had been played, Mr. Hill appeared and thanked the musicians and the crowd of citizens in attendance for the compliment paid. He told of the advantages that would result to our citizens from the operation of a competing line, and predicted that the price of coal would be reduced at least one-third. His speech was heartily applauded. Judge McIntire and H. T. Sumner were called upon, and made appropriate and felicitous addresses.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.

A fine vein of eighteen inch coal has been found at Mulvane in Sumner County. Several Exchanges.

No doubt of it, for several veins of 18 inch coal have at sundry times been found in Butler, Cowley, and Sedgwick counties adjoining, and why should not such be found in Sumner, and especially at Mulvane so near the corners of these four counties. But the trouble is that this 18 inch coal is not a good kind of coal and is of no earthly use for fuel. It usually cannot be distinguished from slate or blue stone, but is so shelly that it cannot be used for building purposes. Its only use is to get up a boom with and even at that it is not equal to our Cowley gold ore and solid silver mines.

Perhaps Mulvane has a duplicate of Bent Murdock's coal hole of a few years ago which had been salted with a few little lumps of Anthracite. It would not take more than six lumps of nut coal to make an 18 inch vein.

Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.

The Discovery of Coal. Drury Warren, who resides in Silverdale Township, on his farm, near the mouth of Grouse Creek, about nine miles east of here, was in the city Wednesday, and informed a representative of the REPUBLICAN that an employee on his farm had found an 18 inch vein of coal, but refused to divulge its whereabouts unless well paid. Mr. Warren refused to credit the story and thought it was only a scheme to extort money. Waldon, the name of the employee, made the discovery while Mr. Warren was in Arizona looking after his cattle interests, and it was only last week that he learned of it. Waldon was so positive in his assertions and made them in such a way concerning the discovery, that later on, Mr. Warren was induced to take some stock in the matter. While in the city Wednesday, he met an ex-coal miner, with whom he made arrangements to have him visit his farm and search for the black diamonds. Waldon has left Mr. Warren's employ, but says he is ready at any time to go and show the whereabouts of the vein, provided he receives the sum of money he asks. If it is not just as he represents it, he asks no pay. We were shown samples of the coal by Mr. Warren, which was furnished him by Waldon, and they in appearance resemble the Canon City coal. It was very hard and the black would not rub off. The miner whom Mr. Warren engaged to visit his farm and make the research, tested the coal, and pronounced it of a better quality than any soft coal we are burning in this vicinity. The REPUBLICAN has always held that there was coal lying imbedded in the hills east of the Walnut, and at different times advocated the boring for it. It was only a few days since that some quarrymen north of town struck a small deposit and brought samples, which are now on exhibition at Ridenour & Thompson's jewelry store and Snyder & Hutchison's real estate agency. Should the discovery on Mr. Warren's farm prove to be a realism, the future destiny of Arkansas City is fixed. With her grand water power facilities, aided by cheap fuel being obtained right here in our midst, there would be no bounds to our growth. We would suggest that the board of trade take steps to assist Mr. Warren in bringing this discovery to light, for the question of getting a cheaper fuel here has long been one of vast importance. Coal is known to exist plentifully in the Indian Territory, and this fact alone is good evidence that there is coal in this vicinity.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.

Edward Grady asked leave to erect an office on Third Avenue in connection with his coal scales. Allowed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.


A. D. Penland, we learn, has sold his farm to a Mr. Reynolds, of Winfield. Mr. Reynolds is a practical well borer and is going to prospect for coal, a show of which has been found on the Penland place.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.

Some persons not as honest as they should be stopped at the schoolhouse and gathered some of the furniture and other articles, also some coal, and made their escape unmolested. Of course it is aid to movers.

Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.

The coal prospecting committee is having a prospecting hole dug, but not on the site selected by the meeting. After due deliberation and consultation with a number of the citizens, and experts who have visited Mulvane during the past week, it was thought best to prospect farther south, as that is more in the direction in which the coal appeared to extend from where it was found. A four foot hole is being dug on the west side of First Avenue, one block south of Main street. Fred Webber has contracted to put the hole down to where the rock becomes too hard to pick, for 10 cents per foot, the committee to furnish lumber for curbing. The committee has two offers to do the drilling from where Webber quits. One of the offers comes from parties in Wellington, the other from Winfield. The committee has not yet decided which offer it will accept, or whether it will accept either. Money enough has already been subscribed to put the hole down about 250 feet, at the prices offered. When that depth is reached, if coal is not found, and if the indications are encouraging, more money can easily be raised. Mulvane Record.


Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.

Edward Grady was granted permission to put up an office on third avenue in connection with his coal scales.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.

The coal mine at the state prison in Lansing, Leavenworth County, has an average output of 7,500 bushels of coal daily. There are 275 prisoners at work in the mine. One day last week, the state received 4,497 bushels, there was shipped outside of that 2,215 bushels, and about 400 were sold to wagons. The earnings of the institution, including hire and labor by contractors, was over [?] or about $60 an hour.

Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.

Edward Grady has opened up his coal business again.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.

Coal Discovery. Coal of good quality and in paying quantity has recently been found in Ford County, near Dodge City, and Wellington and Newton are going to bore for coal. Wichita has a fifteen hundred foot hole in the ground, but no coal. Coal veins of eighteen inches in depth are being worked near Cedar Vale, twenty miles east of this place, and it is said there is an eighteen inch vein on Drury Warren's farm, at the mouth of Grouse Creek; also a six inch vein in the bed of the Arkansas River, near Probasco's farm, on Grouse. Again there are indications on the Walnut River, within one mile and a half of town, which makes coal a certainty here if it was only developed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.

Pauper claims of J. W. Johnston, coffin, $10, and W. G. Graham, coal, $1.50, were referred to County Commissioners for payment.

Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.

The Mulvane Record of the 12th last says:

Since the discovery of coal in Mulvane, it appears to have become fashionable for other folks to find coal also. The Arkansas City Republican gives an account of an eighteen inch vein of extra good coal being found near the mouth of Grouse Creek, about nine miles east of Arkansas City. The man, who claims to have made the discovery, refuses to make known the locality without a certain sum of money. It is said that the quality of the coal is equal to the Canon City coal.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.

VOTING PRECINCTS: First ward: Office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit Street.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.

Good news for housekeepers! A. F. Huse gets his coal over the K. C. & S. W. Railroad, and now sells at reduced prices.

Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.

Wm. O'Sullivan, of Gunnison County, Colorado, arrived in the city a few days ago to stay. Mr. O'Sullivan is a brother-in-law of George Maloney. They are the proprietors of the Illinois Coal Company. See their ad. elsewhere.

AD. THE ILLINOIS COAL COMPANY, DEALERS IN Canon City, Osage, and Pittsburg Coal; also, Wood, Posts, and Feed SOLD CHEAP. On North Summit Street.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

A. F. Hess keeps Canon City coal.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.

OIL IN WYOMING. Some of the Modest Claims of the Inhabitants of the Big Horn Basin.

[Lander (Wyoming Territory) Special.]

A spring of almost pure petroleum has just been found in the no wood district of the Big Horn Basin. For more than a year past expectation in our oil circles has been on tiptoe in regard to the oil developments of the Big Horn country. Today sees these expectations far more than realized. The spring just discovered is phenomenal. Along the base of a high bank there stretches for one hundred and fifty yards continuous oil fountainsnot the muddy, crude stuff usually submitted to the refiners from the oil wells, but oil itselfpure, smooth, and glistening. Beneath the surface of the ground there seems to be a huge natural refinery in active operation. So pure is the oil as it wells forth that a quantity of it poured upon any hard, smooth substance can be converted into a clear, steady flame by the touch of a match. The fountains are prolific, sending forth full and steady streams. All along the line of output the oil can be dipped up at the rate of a quart per minute. A flattering peculiarity is that it has apparently no residuum. The soil over which it flows shows no deposit of baser ingredients. Asphalt itself, so common as a residuum in all the hitherto found petroleum of this region, is not to be seen. In the employ of Messrs. Conant & Anton, the lucky discoverers and locators, was an old oil expert who has spent years in the petroleum fields of Pennsylvania. He says his experience had failed to prepare him for any such sight, and values the fountains as they stand at one hundred thousand dollars. The owners have given their discovery the name of "The Bonanza Oil Springs." The locality in which they are situated, some one hundred and fifty miles due north of this point, owing to promising indications, has lately been the great attraction of oil men, and it is now said that these same indications print to the existence of other springs in the same district, even larger and more valuable than those already conferring a fortune upon the lucky finders. Day by day is demonstrated the fact that beneath the surface of the Big Horn Basin lie exhaustless hoards of coal and petroleum. Rich developments are but questions of short time, and soon capital's stream will flood the now waste places and reap therefrom a golden harvest.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.

DENVER, COL., December 31. This morning at three o'clock three masked men entered the engine room of the Marshall Coal Company's works near the town of Brice, forty miles from Denver, and captured the engineer and took him several hundred yards away and tied him, then returned and set fire to the hoisting works. The engine house, tramway, and several cars were completely destroyed, throwing several hundred men out of employment. Three weeks ago the wages of the men in these mines were cut down, when the Knights of Labor ordered a strike. The miners, rather than be without work at this time of the year, refused to obey. They continued to work, and this morning's outrage is supposed to be another outcropping of the Rock Springs troubles instigated by the Knights of Labor.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.

CLEVELAND, OHIO, December 30. Patrick Cosgrove, aged thirty-five, employed at a furnace in Niles, Ohio, was overcome by gas this morning and fell twenty-five feet, striking on his head, and breaking his neck. Fire at the Peacock coal mine, near Mineral Ridge, Ohio, destroyed all the buildings, causing a loss of $10,000 and throwing one hundred men out of employment.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.

Q. A. Glass, coal, $3.25.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

Yes, we have had a lovely winter so far, almost continual autumn. Surprises are said to be the spice of life. Perhaps they are. But the surprise Old Boreas has heaped upon us, all in a pile, doubled everybody and everything into a double-twisted, double-concentrated bow- knot. Wednesday night a genuine, Simon-pure, old fashioned Kansas blizzard struck the town on the northwest corner. Old Boreas came down on his muscle, his breath laden with snow and ice, scooped up among the rugged hills of Alaska and the bleak prairies of Manitoba and Dakota. It howled and shrieked around the corners and split in thin whistles among the telephone wires, driving everybody indoors, except the "oldest inhabitants," who appeared to be perfectly at home. Two or three of him struck THE COURIER with the declaration that this was the only day of the winter that reminded him of old times. Yes, it was a regular. It made ground hogs, Jack rabbits, and coyotes hunt their holes and the old family cat crawl under the stove. The little birds that only a day or two ago were swindled into the belief that this was to be the mildest winter for many a year, winked and blinked and tucked their heads under their wings, looking stiffer'n a poker. The benign countenance of the stove was the sweetest consolation. No business was done and nobody appeared to care. The clerks gazed listlessly out of the store doors and shivered at the prospect without. The center of the street was as uninviting as the ragged edge of a barbed wire fence. A gentleman just from Bliss & Wood's mill declared that the streak of smoke issuing from the smoke stack of the mill was solidified and the boys, dressed in buffalo coats and caps and pants made of coon skins, were amusing themselves by sliding up that column of smoke and climbing down. A gentleman had a gun repaired at Plank's and loaded it up to see how it would work, but the blaze froze into an icicle at the muzzle before it could escape. The head of the only whiskey barrel in town was knocked in and the stuff chopped out with a hatchet and sold at fifty cents an inch. A beer keg in a church member's cellar froze solid, bursted, and the explosion tore up the whole neighborhood, like a dynamite invasion. The only drink that wasn't frozen was kerosene oil, which, with ice pudding and frosted pancakes, have been the diet of the day. The intellectual machinery of poor e. c. is all frozen into a conglomerate mass and can't be thawed out before the Fourth of July. Everybody swears that all the matches in town have been consumed trying to thaw out the coal to make it combustible. The electricity froze around the instruments in the depots in great chunks. All the concentrated lye and plug tobacco in the town is frozen solid and dead hogs stand around on their hind feetin the butcher shops, while dogs' tails about three feet long and as stiff as pokers, stick out of the sausage grinders. The merchants declare the necessity of keeping red hot pokers to run down the throats of their customers to thaw out their talking apparatus so they can tell what they want. We hear that Arkansas City held a mass meeting today, around a red hot stove, to talk up the feasibility of moving their town to South Africa, while it is froze up into a little round ball about as big as your fist. The Telegram is said to be one solid cake of ice and no editorials need be expected before the next Democratic convention. Every news item in town is frozen up so tight that a fifty horse power engine couldn't phase 'em. We haven't told half. And it wasn't a very cold day either.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

When we think how many families there are in this world who want for fire and food during this stormhow many little ones cry around a mother's knee for bread, how grateful we should be for the blessings God has given us, and in return for these blessings, should we not search out the needy and see that they have provisions and coal? God will reward the man who not only pities the poor in word, but reaches his hand into his pocket and pays for something that will bring comfort and joy to these needy ones. We haven't much use for the man who sits in his cosy room before the fire smoking his pipe with ease and saying, "Oh, how I pity the poor, who probably are now hovering over a half smothered coal of fire without fuel with which to enliven and strengthen the fast dying spark," and never offering to help from his bountiful stove those who are so deserving of his aid. Let us try and make these people feel that they are in a land of sympathy, where the feeling for our fellow man is warm, and our appreciation of comfort is shown by our acts of charity. "The poor we have with us always," so let us each hunt out some one family who needs assistance and bring sunlight and joy into some home where all is darkness and gloom.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.


HAZELTON, PA., January 6. Last night's rain storm did a vast amount of damage throughout this section of the anthracite coal region. Five of the collieries of A. Pardee & Co. are completely drowned out, the water having entered the mines from a large creek which burst into an old breast of the Laurel Hill workings, and poured steadily through this opening from twelve o'clock Monday night until six o'clock last evening. Twenty-three mules were drowned and all the pumps were submerged. The Crystal Ridge, Sugar Loaf, Sandy Run, Audenried, Honeybrook, and Stockton slopes are also flooded. The water again broke into the Harleigh and Ebervale mines, which were recently flooded, and the situation is now more serious than before. All the pumps are lost and the water is rising rapidly. It is impossible to say what the losses will aggregate, but it must necessarily be heavy.


EASTON, PA., January 6. Yesterday afternoon the Lehigh River here was sixteen feet high, and the Delaware River eighteen feet. The first floors of several mills were covered with water, and work has been suspended. Trains on the Lehigh Valley and the Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroads are delayed by land slides and washouts. The coal and freight trains on the latter road have been abandoned.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

A number of suffering families have been found since the beginning of this storm. What condition more desperate than to face such awful frigidity with no coal and little provisions in the house. Marshal McFadden found two or three families of such today, and supplied them on his own responsibility. The marshal and that natural philanthropist, Capt. Siverd, have been busily looking after the poor, all day. Our people are too generous and noble- hearted to let any suffer whose wants are known.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

Tickled? Don't he look like it? Look at that grin as broad as Main street on his handsome phiz! See him tip toe. You can see in a minute that something peculiar, out of the general routine of drugs and coal, has struck him. He is Quincy A. Glass, and as he wildly gesticulates, accompanied by that gigantic smile, you rapidly perceive it's a boy, regulation weight and as pretty and rosy as a spring daisy. Born yesterday.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

We have found coal. For years and years philosophers have argued that Winfield and surroundings were underlaid with coal. But nobody could be found who would sink money in a prospective hole. The state, unconsciously, has done it. David Dix, digging the well at the Imbecile Asylum, yesterday, struck a 6-inch vein of first-class hard coala solid strata. It is very similar to the Cannon City coal so popular here. It was tried and burns splendidly. The vein is just 145 feet below the surface at the foot of the Imbecile mound. Signs of coal have been noticed before on the road down. The indications are that this is only the first layer of a rich bed of coal. Prospectors and capitalists are considerably worked up and it will probably be an easy matter to organize a big stock company for further investigations. There is no doubt that we have plenty of coal under us. All we have to do is to dig for it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

A. H. Doane has sold his coal business to Ivan Robinson. Mr. Robinson is well known here and will carry on the business satisfactory to all. A. H. will be a man of leisure for a few days. It will seem very queer to think of A. H. out of the coal business. For five years he has been one of our prominent fuel dispensers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.


Statement of the amount of orders issued, to whom issued, and for what purpose issued, on the bond funds for the building of the Central or Stone School Building, between June 24, 1884, and December 19, 1884; and orders issued to teachers from October 1, 1884, to June 3, 1885. Also, amount orders issued on the Incidental fund from July 10, 1884, to June 3, 1885. This is the best the present board can do. Not having any receipts recorded on the district clerk books, drawn from the county treasurer, we can give nothing but the one side.



Nov. 2, 1884 300 pounds coal: $49.89.

Nov. 14, 1884 Searing & Mead, thirty-three tons coal: $101.06.

Feb. 25, 1885 Searing & Mead, 14,630 pounds coal at $6.00 Per Ton: $43.86.

April 28, 1885 Arkansas City Coal Company, fuel: $158.50.

April 30, 1885 Arkansas City Coal Co., one ton Pitts coal: $6.75.

Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.

The denizens of Winfield claim they have found a 6-inch-vein of coal. It was discovered at a depth of 150 by a man who was digging a well for the Imbecile asylum. We can beat that down at Arkansas City. We know of a man who discovered a half-ton of coal at our back door last week while we were asleep. A half-ton discovery will beat a six inch one all to pieces. The man who found our half-ton vein did not have to dig 150 feet down in the ground either.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.

Careful examination, by experts, of the Imbecile Hill coal, proves it to be a first class qualityas good as can be found anywhere. There is no doubt that we have been quietly sitting over a large bed of coal all these years. What we want to do now is to form a company and dig. You generally have to "dig" for everything in this country. The man who won't dig always gets left. If a solid six inch vein of coal can be found, as in the Imbecile well, 145 feet down, what will be the result farther down? The shaft at the Kansas penitentiary is a thousand feet deep, seven hundred feet of which was thrown out at great expense with but slight prospects. The beds once reached, the supply is inexhaustible. Let's dig.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.

The Grange Mill is building up a large custom trade. They are also dealing in coal, which is sold for fifty cents a ton less than the same can be bought in your city. They have lately erected a good dwelling house for their chief miller, and so the good work goes on.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.

KANSAS CITY, MO., January 13. The Times says: Reports have been received which indicate that the recent storm was the worst that was ever experienced on the Kansas plains. Colonel S. S. Prouty, editor of the Dodge City Cowboy, arrived from Dodge City today, and states the death and destruction wrought by the storm is something fearful and positively without a parallel in the history of the State. At Dodge City the velocity of the wind was forty-four miles per hour, and the mercury ten degrees below zero. Business throughout the western half of the State has been paralyzed for two weeks past. Three hundred men during the worst part of the storm were engaged in clearing the track at Spearville, near Dodge City. In many sections on the Santa Fe line the snow plow was ineffective and the snow had to be cleared by the slow process of shoveling. The stage from Fort Supply, which was due at Dodge City Wednesday last, did not arrive until Sunday. The driver encountered the blizzard in Clarke County and took refuge with his horses in an abandoned dugout, where he remained for forty-eight hours without fuel or water. Near the dugout in which the driver was cooped up lived an old lady and her two daughters. In an attempt to reach the house of a son on an adjoining claim, the two daughters perished in the storm. The mother managed to reach her son's house, but was terribly frostbitten and is in a critical condition. The bodies of the young women have been recovered. Many persons who were out in the storm are missing, and it is thought they have perished. The suffering among the new settlers on the plains is beyond description. Most of them had erected mere wooden habitations. Coal is the only fuel that can be obtained, and in many instances it has to be hauled seventy-five to one hundred miles. In Wichita County a family of sevenfather, mother, and five childrenwere frozen to death. The stock interests in Western Kansas, particularly the range cattle, have received their death blow if the reports of the damage from this storm are true. The irrigating ditch a short distance from Dodge City is filled for miles with cattle frozen to death. They had taken refuge in the ditch from the terrible wind and there died. Many of the small herds of the new settlers have been entirely destroyed.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 23, 1886.

A mother and two small children were frozen to death in their claim shanty, ten miles northeast of Garden City. Their supplies of food and coal were exhausted, and the father had started to Garden City for both. He is still missing and it is believed he is frozen, and thus an entire family is swept away.

Two men named Meller and Powelson had a terrible experience in a journey from WaKeeney to Scott City. They traveled together until 1 o'clock Thursday morning, when Meller gave up and sank to the ground. Powelson tried to urge him to another trial, but his entreaties were of no avail, so he started on alone. Meller remained where he was until 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when he summoned up strength to rise to his feet. He walked a short distance when he stopped and cut his boots of his feet, and found that one of them was frozen stiff. He hung his boots around his neck and started on. His gloves were so frozen that he could not get them on, so he was compelled to go barehanded. He kept on his journey until the breaks of the Smoky Hill River was reached, when he struck the camp of a number of Scott City gentlemen, who were prospecting for coal. They took him into the camp and poulticed his feet, hands, and face, which were badly frozen. When he had related his story, Isaac Ruddock, one of the prospectors, started for Scott City in quest of aid for the frozen man and for men to search for Powelson. When Mr. Ruddock reached Scott City and related the state of affairs to the citizens, a large number started in search of the missing man. The horses are also missing, and it is believed that both man and horses are dead. It is said that Mr. Powelson had several hundred dollars on his person. The relief party brought Meller in from camp, and it is thought his life will be saved.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Go to A. F. Huse for Anthracite coal.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

OUR SUFFERING COMRADES. An Appeal for Aid in Behalf of Poor and Disabled Ex-Soldiers.

At a meeting of the Arkansas City veterans of the G. A. R., held on Saturday evening, reports were made by the adjutant (Dr. C. R. Fowler) and the relief committee of the sickness and destitution of several of the members. The officer of the day also mentioned several cases of extreme want suffered by old soldiers and their families, in whose behalf he had asked assistance of his neighbors and friends and been refused with the reply: "These men are members of your own Grand Army post, their proper resort is to your post treasury." It being the belief of the members that this idea quite generally prevails, and withholds assistance from deserving men who have a special and a lasting claim on the sympathy of their fellow citizens, the undersigned was instructed by unanimous vote of the post to lay the case of these sick and destitute veterans before the public and invoke aid in their behalf.

It should be borne in mind that upwards of twenty years have elapsed since the victorious arms of these veterans suppressed the rebellion and delivered our country from the assaults of traitors. In the flush of life they parted from friends and renounced the joys of home, counting no sacrifice too great to assure the safety of an imperial country. Four years of toilsome marches, exposure, and heroic daring restored peace to the country, and those who survived the conflict returned to their homes. But this exhausting and dangerous service by flood and field shattered the constitutions of many of these patriot soldiers, and the inroads of a quarter of a century have so told upon their enfeebled frames, that we find many of these war warn veterans now unable to earn their support.

It is true the Grand Army of the Republic is organized, among other things, to relieve its distressed members, but what is the recourse of these dependent persons when the post treasury runs dry? On Saturday bills were allowed for coal to warm the hearths of several without fuel, for groceries where the family was suffering for food, for medicines prescribed by the physician. It should be remembered that the post fund is made up by trifling quarterly dues paid in by members, some of whom make a positive sacrifice in maintaining their good standing. There are a number of well to do ex-soldiers in our community whose more ample means could relieve the cost of its chronic condition of impecuniosity; but most of these, from indifference or some other cause, fail to muster with their more constant comrades, and their sympathies are not touched by the reports of destitution and suffering made at the post meetings.

This appeal is made to all classes of the community. We profess to hold in grateful remembrance the heroic services of these sons of the Republic, who at the call of arms counted no cost, but held their duty to country before that due to parent, wife, or child. The soul of the student thrills as he reads of the lofty patriotism and unyielding endurance of ancient Greek and Roman when beleaguered foes threatened their homes and altars; but, be it remembered, that no time is recorded in history when the fires of patriotism burned more brightly; when the defenders of country exposed their breasts to death and danger with more unselfish alacrity; when, in short, a whole people seemed infused with a sublimity and devotion which places that era in the world's annals among the grand and heroic. Men and women of mature life remember that trying period as a national transfiguration; it consecrated home and country to our affections, and exalted the participants in the conflict to the highest level that human frailty can attain.

Those war worn veterans, who gave health and strength to the cause of their countrywho sacrificed their future usefulness that our liberties might be preservedare left as a sacred legacy to the care and gratitude of their fellow countrymen. This appeal is for aid in their behalf. The reports of the relief committee represent that as many as a dozen of these patriot soldiers are suffering, with their families, the direct want during this inclement season. They need coal, provisions, and clothing, and the treasury of the Grand Army post has become exhausted in ministering to their needs. Money is not asked to relieve their distress, but such contributions of food, wearing apparel, and fuel as will drive the gaunt wolf of famine from their doors, and diffuse a sense of comfort in homes where misery now holds sway.

Comrade G. W. Miller, quartermaster to the post, will receive contributions in behalf of these suffering members, and use the utmost vigilance in placing them where they will do the most good. Let not this appeal fall on unheeding ears.

In behalf of Arkansas City Post, No. 158, G. A. R.



Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Coal per ton, Canon City: $8.00; Anthracite: $18.50; Osage and Weir City: $6.00; Pittsburg: $5.25; Wood per cord: $5.00.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

Wellington has got the coal fever, too, and has formed a large stock company and contracted with a Joplin, Missouri, coal miner to sink a shaft 2,000 ft. deep or more, if necessary. They have made no finds, but are making the experiment merely on hopeon the theory that Wellington is built on rich coal fields. With the surety Winfield has in the recent discovery of fine veins of good coal, it will be an easy matter to form a stock company with plenty of capital. Steps are now being taken in this direction and will materialize at once. It don't take our bustling capitalists and enterprises long to make any project boom that promises much for our grand city and country. A three foot vein of good, inexhaustible coal right at our doors will bring benefits wonderfula regular gold mine for every fuel consumer. We'll excel [?], you bet. The very promising discoveries of coal in the Asylum well are the talk of the town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

Having bought the Coal and Wood Yard of A. H. Doane, I would respectfully ask the many and old time patrons of Mr. Doane to continue their trade at the old stand, assuring all that the same liberal methods of dealing will be continued in the future as in the past, with full stock, low prices, and prompt delivery of orders, I am, Respectfully,


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

TO THE PUBLIC. Having sold my interest in the Coal and Wood business to Ivan A. Robinson, I take this method of thanking my friends and patrons for their liberal patronage in the past five years, and would respectfully ask a continuance to my successor, Mr. Robinson, Respectfully, A. H. DOANE.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

SHENANDOAH, PA., January 25. A serious cave-in occurred under the bed of the Shenandoah Branch of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, just south of this place, this morning. About sixty feet of the road bed sank fully two feet while a coal train was passing over it, and a short time afterward the surface dropped into the workings below, leaving a hole seventy-five feet in diameter. A passenger train containing nearly a hundred persons had passed over the place a few minutes before. Traffic over the road is suspended in consequence, and the collieries in this section are idle. It will take several days to fill the breach and put the road in repair.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

NEWBURG, W. VA., January 25. A local relief committee has been formed with Mayor Ellis as treasurer, assisted by prominent citizens and clergymen, and about $400 has been raised in the town. The families are all poor and needy, all the men having been in debt. The coal company is issuing provisions from its store, and will bury the dead. Two families entirely without support will probably be sent back to England. Since yesterday eleven more bodies have been found and were identified as follows: Adolph Wein, John Lambert, John Edwards, George Biggins, Thomas Guy, John Conaway, Charles Tunley, Clinton Albright, Harry Guy, Richard Bentley, and Nicholas Bentley. As the bodies were received at the shaft, they were taken in charge of by the Coroner's jury for identification and then turned over to the undertaker. The bodies were found in various positions: some with arms extended as if about to pursue their usual work, others with arms and limbs contracted as if in awful agony. All were terribly burned and blackened and the distorted features told of their terrible sufferings, but none were so mutilated as the three that were recovered yesterday. One man was found face down with his head on his arm as if he had escaped the violence of the explosion and assumed that position in the hope of finding sufficient air to prolong life until rescued, but this theory is contradicted by practical miners, who think the miners were all killed by the explosion. It is thought all the bodies will be recovered by tomorrow evening. The funeral of Daniel Miller, Isaiah Simmons, and his son, William, took place yesterday afternoon from the M. E. Church, the two latter being buried in the same grave.



Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.


WASHINGTON, January 245. The Shipping Committee of the House has finally considered Mr. Dingley's bill to abolish certain fees for official services to American vessels and for other purposes. The bill was considerably amended and Mr. Dingley was instructed to report it to the House and secure action at the earliest opportunity. The bill as agreed upon by the committee is substantially as follows.

Section 10 construes the provision of law allowing a drawback on bituminous coal used as fuel by steam vessels to apply only to vessels of the United States and to vessels of such foreign countries as allow a similar drawback to vessels of the United States.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

The Emporia Republican gives an account of the discovery of a twenty-two inch vein of coal about ten miles west of that city. The coal in quality is as good as the Osage City shaft coal. And Winfield's find will soon be developed by a company of capitalists who have great faith in "digging." A number of our moneyed men are determined to test the repeated beliefs that the city is underlaid by a rich bed of coal. The Imbecile Hill six inch vein of good coal is only a starter. All we want to do is to dig. There is no success in anything in this country unless you "dig."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

The trouble with the gas for the last few nights is that the railroads have failed to get the coal through which was ordered in season of the kind which is used for making gas, and the gas company have been obliged to use such coal as they could get in town, which makes bad gas. Besides the company have just put in a new purifier, and such do not purify so well the first few days of their use. This fault is slight and will improve every day, and the coal arrived today. So our troubles will soon be over.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

Another blizzard, all wind, struck the town on the northwest corner Thursday. The wind howled and groaned and whistled, indicating that the Hon. Mr. Boreas, Esq., was badly on his ear and determined to carry out the "cold wave" dispatches with a vengeance. Four car loads of coal arrived last night, as a matter of consolation to shivering humanity. There wasn't half a dozen loads in town and had none arrived, a coal famine would have pinched somebody.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

It seemed like a game of freeze out at the opera house Saturday evening. It was so cold that men had to get up and go to the stove to hunt the fire, but found very little. At this time a little coal was shoveled in. The ladies suffered with cold. It seems to us that our opera house should be kept warm.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

MORE COAL! Another Big Vein Struck in the Asylum Hill Well. A Gold Mine Awaits Us.

Dig, is all we have to do to uproot the rich beds of coal, that all evidences prove to be underlying Winfield and vicinity. A few days ago David Dix, boring a six inch hole for the Imbecile Asylum well, struck a six inch vein of solid coal of good quality. Three feet farther were bored through flinty limestone without signs of coal, until a few days ago more coal began to come up, and continued for three feet, only slightly mixed with stone. It is just about a solid three feet vein. Samples were brought into THE COURIER office Monday evening. The quality is hard and sleek, very similar to the famous Canon City coal, and burns splendidly. The well is just at the foot of Asylum Hill and is now about 150 feet deep. This is certainly encouraging. Philosophers have always argued that coal was under us, rich beds of it. The time has come when capital couldn't be spent in a better way, than to bore for coal. The best paying shafts at Leavenworth were put down six hundred feet before coal was struck and the shaft at the penitentiary is over a thousand feet deep. Winfield capitalists should form a stock company and begin to bore at once. There is risk in everything. Nothing is gained without venture. A rich find of coal here would be the biggest enterprise that ever struck Winfield and would be fortunes in the pockets of the discoverers. Great have been our achievements so far, but the securing of cheap and good fuel right at our doors would be a gold mine to every citizen. Let's dig. Of course, the Asylum hole, being only six inches in circumference, is not sufficient test, but it is strong evidence of good results from an extensive prospect.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Jan. 27. A fuel famine is experienced at Hays City on account of the blockade on the Union Pacific railway. The entire coal supply in Hays City did not exceed five tons Monday, and there are dependent upon the market 4,000 people in the surrounding country. A letter was received here by General Miles today asking that the quartermaster be allowed to issue fuel from Fort Hays. The quantity there will last until May 31. General Miles has telegraphed the authorities in Washington for permission, stating that 100 cords of wood and some coal can easily be spared.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.

An explosion at the Banksville coal mine of Long & Co., near Pittsburgh, Pa., the other morning, set fire to the pit and cremated the mules. A number of miners were at work at the time, but all escaped.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.

Again is dame nature's charms covered with a snowy mantle.

Once more is the babbling brook fettered with icy chains and its melodious murmur hushed to mortal ears.

The Victor school froze up a couple of days for the want of coal. The Centennial and No. 10 froze out for the want of pupils.

The frost reached a depth of two feet as attested by the freezing up of water pipes this depth below the surface on the Holtby farm.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.

A bill has been introduced in the legislature and reported on favorably creating a board of survey to prospect for coal, mineral, and artesian wells. It appropriates ten thousand dollars to carry out its provisions, which are to buy $2,500 worth of machinery and to employ an engineer by the year to handle it. Counties to apply for and obtain the use of the outfit at county expense.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.

The Arkansas City Democrat is very much stirred up over the startling information it got from the individual who did it, that our coal find is a "salted hole." The Democrat, with great concern for our welfare, is very anxious that we don't squander money in such a "wildcat scheme," and gives the whole thing away. Save your reputation, Charles, above all things. Don't let your great interest in Winfield make an unmitigated liar out of you. Keep your "salt" at home. There is no need of any great sacrifice for us. You are haunted enough with visions of the mighty city, Winfield: of her rapidly developing affluence and luxury; of the rich deposits of coal that underlie our town; and will soon be handsomely worked; of the unbounded wealth that will make the hub editors look with pity upon their poor, unfortunate brethren of the Terminus; of the near future when our citizens, with their countless millions, will stand among the money kings of the earth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.

A soft coal pool was agreed upon recently on a basis of 1,265,000 tons to the Pennsylvania, 1,035,000 to the Baltimore & Ohio, and 500,000 to the Norfolk & Western and Chesapeake & Ohio.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.

KNIGHTS OF LABOR. Terrified Coal Operators Close Up Their Mines.

CARLINGTON, Ky., Feb. 15. For some time past there has been considerable whispering and bumping of heads among the officers of the St. Bernard and Hecla Coal Companies on learning that a branch of the Knights of Labor was being organized in this place. Not being content with forcing their employees to buy provisions and raiment at their stores at exorbitant prices, they put spies out and whenever a Knight was found, he was at once discharged. About sixteen of the St. Bernard men have been let out in the past ten days. Yesterday the Hecla Company followed suit, discharging all the white men, who, on leaving the banks, were joined by the colored miners, who insisted they must go if the whites did, and as a consequence the Hecla mine will close for a while at least. They state they will remain closed before they will work any men who belong to the Knights of Labor.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.

Adam Sipe is thinking of boring for coal on his farm.


Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.

The "occupation tax" seems to be a bone of contention in our city. Many have objected to paying it, but generally after a growl, came around and liquidated. But Wednesday there came a legal clash. It was between the draymen and the city. The city marshal requested the payment of the occupation tax. They refused. Warrants were issued by Judge Bryant, for the arrest of Frank Wallace, W. F. Huff, W. Ward, W. J. Gamel, J. M. Moore, W. H. Bryson, Scott Brandon, and L. Hartman, who were taken before him. All, excepting Bryson, pleaded "not guilty." Bryson pleaded "guilty," paid his tax and costs, and was dismissed. The remaining seven draymen were found guilty by "His Honor" upon trial, and was fined $2 and costs, each, and committed to jail until paid. An appeal to a higher court has been taken. Judge Sumner appeared in behalf of the draymen and C. T. Atkinson for the city. The reason the draymen refuse to pay the tax is, they claim, because no protection is afforded them nor are all teamsters compelled to pay. They allege that the coal dealers deliver coal to all parts of he city and receive pay therefor, yet they pay no tax for draying purposes. Again, there are parties contracting and hauling dirt from the cellars of store rooms which are being dug and pay no license. Those arrested claim they would be willing to pay up if all teamsters and draymen were served alike.

Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.

Since the issue of the REPUBLICAN last Saturday, we have received several samples of slate, and fireclay, procured on the farm of Jas. Penton, in Bolton Township. As we stated last week, a bed of this is what miners designated as a coal blossom and is a first-class indication of coal. The state all through is streaked with small veins of coal and is easily removed. The REPUBLICAN again urges our citizens to investigate this coal question. This vicinity is the only portion of the Arkansas Valley that has discovered any indications. Why not take advantage of the inducements held out by nature?

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A. F. Huse keeps Weir City, Pittsburg, and Osage Shaft coal.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

DRAYMEN'S REVOLT. They Declare They Will Not Pay Their License Unless the Ordinance is Better Enforced.

The draymen of the city have been raising a sort of racket over the payment of the occupation tax. Mention having been made in the city council that a number of persons were delinquent in this tax, the city clerk was instructed to prepare a statement showing the names of all who had paid their occupation and dog tax. This was presented at the last meeting of the council, and referred to the finance committee. A cursory glance over the list showed that the draymen of the city were defaulters, and City Marshal Gray was instructed to arrest them and take them before the police justice for a hearing. Accordingly on Wednesday afternoon Frank Wallace, William Huff, William Ward, W. J. Gamel, Jas. Moore, Henry Bryson, Scott Brandon, and M. Hartman appeared before Judge Bryant, who fined them each $2 and costs for violation of a city ordinance.

This puts the draymen in a bad light before the public, but they have their grievances which they put in as an offset. Their first demurrer is that the section in the city ordinance relating to draymen is so bunglingly worded, that no lawyer has yet been found in the city who can construe it. One clause in the section sets forth as follows:

"Any wagon used or kept for use for hauling or transferring for his profit or compensation, any goods, wares, or merchandise, or other property of any kind, except ice, coal, wood, sand, stone, brick, and building material not owned by the owner of the wagon, shall be deemed a job wagon."

According to the ordinary rules of construction, this would exclude the hauling of the articles above named by an owner of a wagon, to whom the goods do not belong, from liability to pay occupation tax on a job wagon. But it is not so construed by the police justice, and it is not so understood by the draymen implicated. According to the decisions of Judge Bryant, a coal dealer who delivers coal in his own vehicle is not the owner of a job wagon, and hence not liable to the tax on the same; but the man who delivers coal, who is not the owner of the same, and receives money for the service, is running a job wagon and should pay the tax.

The draymen complain of other irregularities in the enforcement of this ordinance which are vexatious to themselves, one or two of which we will mention.

Some time ago several car loads of corn arrived at the depot, which the owner desired to have hauled to his crib. The draymen agreed upon $5 a car load as their rate of compensation. The owner of the corn found someone who was willing to do the work for $4.50, and set him to hauling it. The draymen complained to the city marshal that this man was running a job wagon without paying his tax, and he was arrested for the offense. On the trial the owner of the corn testified that he had sold the wagon used for transferring the corn to the man who was driving it, and had not yet been paid; on this he based his claim to ownership of the wagon. This was accepted as sound logic and good law by the court, and the charge was dismissed.

The draymen also object to the practice of licensing a job wagon for a fraction of a year. They allege that men who use their wagons and teams in farm work during the summer, will come to town when farm work is over and run job wagons during the winter months at a rate of compensation just sufficient to pay for horse feed. City draymen who are willing to take out a license and expect to support their families by their industry, are injured by this competition; and as a protection, they demand that these men be required to pay the tax for a whole year. It has been said in the council chamber that the licensing ordinance is not a protective tariff, that its sole purpose is to provide revenue, and those persons who seek protection from it, mistake its intent and purport. But the draymen maintain that they have a right to incidental protection, and the lax way in which licenses are granted deprives the municipal law of all usefulness and validity. Thus we have the great political issue of a tariff for protection or a tariff for revenue only, brought home to our city administration; and to Judge Bryant is committed the delicate duty of determining which rule shall apply.

The draymen made a picnic of the prosecution. Being committed in default of payment, and there being no jail to confine them in, they considered themselves under arrest, and demanded board of the city marshal. This officer was not prepared to feed so numerous a family, so to escape the embarrassment he skipped out, leaving his prisoners to provide for themselves. At supper time they repaired to a restaurant, called for a meal, ate heartily, enjoying the affair as a huge joke, and referred the perplexed caterer to the city council for payment.

One of the men tells an amusing domestic incident. It was told his children that their father had gone to jail, there was no one to provide for them now, and they would have to go to the city for support. This sadly troubled them, and when a grocer's wagon stopped at the door shortly after to deliver some goods, a little toddler, four years old, said to the clerk, "My pa is put in prison, and you'll have to go to the city for your pay."

This revolt of the draymen against a city ordinance is an unpleasant incident, and we look to see the matter brought up before the city council at its next meeting.

Since the above was written, the draymen have paid the fine and costs, and give notice of appeal.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Coal Indications. A meeting of the board of trade was held in the council chamber last Monday night to consider various matters of interest to the city. Among other business introduced, was an alleged coal discovery on James Penton's farm, across the Arkansas, by J. H. Flood, a mining expert, who has been prospecting in this section for some time past for that mineral. Being called on to state his case, Mr. Flood declared his belief that coal underlies this locality, but it was to be found below the bed of the Arkansas River. In various places he had found out-croppings of shale and fire-clay, which he regarded as sure indications of coal, and he then exhibited a number of specimens of these substances, taken from the locality above named. He gave it as his opinion that a coal seam could be found 300 feet beneath the surface, and the cost of boring that distance should be $350. He stated that there are generally three strata of coal, separated from each other by intervening earth, the lower strata being thicker and stronger than the uppermost stratum.

The importance of a home supply of coal was enlarged upon by several members, and it was deemed advisable to bore to the depth named at the place where the out-cropping was found, and $50 was subscribed by several members toward paying the expense.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

Some time ago O. J. Dougherty sold his coal yard and such other things as was necessary to carry on the business, among which was a pair of Fairbank scales, which Dougherty bought from an agent of an eastern scale firm at a special rate and the scales were delivered. The firm did not understand the contract and sent the bill for regular rates, upon which O. J. refused to pay the full bill, stating to them the contract between him and their agent. They acknowledged the mistake and the bill was settled. Shortly after he sold out, a bill for the remainder, the regular rates were sent to Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Franklin had Dougherty arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses. He was put under $500 bonds. The case came up before Snow today, but they couldn't make it stick and in consequence, was dismissed. O. J. is one of our best young businessmen, and has shown himself to be a gentleman of honor and integrity. One Hoyland, an enemy of O. J.'s, instigated the arrest without the least foundation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 23. Coal miners and operators from all the principal coal producing States of the Union are arriving here this morning to attend a convention which has been called by President McBride, of the Miners' Union, and which will open this afternoon. The convention is in reality a continuation of the one held in Pittsburgh on December 16, and the principal business is to agree upon a scale of prices to remain in force for one year from May 1, and thereby prevent the strikes which have hampered the coal interest for many years past. The question of uniting the miners of Western Pennsylvania and of the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois into one district under one organization will also be considered. There will also be a free discussion of matters relative to changes desired in the mining laws of various States.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

A soft coal pool was agreed upon recently on a basis of 1,265,000 tons to the Pennsylvania, 1,025,000 to the Baltimore & Ohio, and 500,000 to the Norfolk & Western and Chesapeake & Ohio.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

The House devoted the afternoon to bills on third reading and the following were passed: To legalize the acts of the Mayor and Council of the city of Wellington in curbing and guttering Washington avenue and other streets; to regulate the terms of court in the Seventeenth Judicial district; to legalize an election held in the city of Cheney, in Sedgwick County; providing for the disposition of surplus taxes in the hands of county treasurers; to legalize a certain tax levy in Sedgwick County for the year 1885; to free public libraries and reading rooms; authorizing counties and incorporated cities to encourage the development of the coal, natural gas, and other resources of their localities by subscribing to the stock of companies for such purpose.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

The bill of Q. A. Glass of $6.50 for coal was allowed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, March 2. In the House yesterday, under the call of States, the following bills were introduced and referred.

By Mr. Hewitt, of New York: To admit free of duty lumber, salt, coke, coal, and iron ore produced or mined in the Dominion of Canada.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

MINING RATES. The Interstate Convention Agrees Upon a Schedule.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 25. The Interstate convention of coal miners met and resumed business this morning, and on application admitted West Virginia to their deliberations. The adoption was urged of the Pittsburgh scale of prices to be paid for mining in the five States represented for the year, beginning May 1 next. The scale was amended so as to cut out Mt. Olive and Springfield, Illinois, on the ground that these sections were not represented and were not at the Pittsburgh convention. The scale was then adopted. On reassembling a resolution was adopted constituting a board of arbitration consisting of two miners and two operators from each of the five States represented in the scale, to which will be referred all questions of a national character among miners and operators for adjustment, and recommending that each State select a similar board to whom all questions of State importance shall be referred. The arbitration board was selected and organized with Oscar Townsend, operator of Cleveland, president, and Christopher Evans, of New Straitsville, secretary. The board is to serve till May 1, 1887, the time to which the scale of prices provided for will extend. The convention adjourned to meet at Columbus the first Tuesday in February. The following is the revised scale of rates to go into effect May 1: Pittsburgh, 71 cents per ton; Hocking Valley, 60 cents; Indiana block, 80 cents; Indiana bituminous No. 1, 65 cents; Indiana bituminous No. 2, 75 cents; Wilmington, Illinois, 95 cents; Streator, 80 cents; Grape Creek, 75 cents; Des Moines, Iowa, 90 cents. The West Virginia Kanawha reduced prices are to be restored to 75 cents. Reynoldsville Fairmount screen coal 71 cents.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CHARLESTON, W. Va., Feb. 25. At a meeting of coal miners of the Kanawha and New River district, held at Coalburg, the association resolved to request the West Virginia Legislature to enact a law to pay wages to workers every two weeks in good and lawful money and make a day's work eight hours, and that the miners' convention, which meets at Columbus, Ohio, instruct all dealers that they will be boycotted if they handle coal from operators who pay miners 2½ cents a bushel or less for mining. In conversation with several operators relative to the action of the miners at Columbus or elsewhere, many fear that great trouble will arise from this as soon as trade opens in this valley. There are about 6,000 miners in the district, and should trouble come, it will be worse than four years ago.

Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.

Belle Plaine, according to the Wichita Eagle, has made a find of a good vein of coal at the depth of 85 feet.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

A LITTLE BIT OF NAVY. The House Committee on Naval Affairs Makes an Energetic Report on Our Defenseless Condition.

WASHINGTON, March 6. The House Committee on Naval Affairs has completed its report to accompany the bill providing for an increase of the naval establishment. It points out that the sea coast cities of the United States are absolutely at the mercy of a second rate naval power, and that the Government is without adequate means of defending its foreign coastwise commerce. It shows that while foreign powers are building formidable naval vessels, the United States is about at a standstill in this particular, and says: "After studying the characteristics of other nations, we find that we are not only at the mercy of foreign nations but our neighbor Brazil might exact tribute of any city along our gulf or Atlantic coast while Chili could enforce similar demands on the shores of the Pacific. The Reachuels and Aguidabas, those formidable BRAZILIAN ARMED CRUISERS, could steam at thirteen or fourteen knots an hour from Brazil to New York in ten days. They could with impunity pass our forts and anchor in New York harbor. But without doing this their guns could easily throw shells into New York City from off Coney Island beach. The Chilian vessel, Esmeralda, carries coal enough to enable her to steam at eight knots an hour from Chili to San Francisco without exhausting half her supply, and with her high power guns she could lie outside the Golden Gate and lay the city of San Francisco under contribution without going within the reach of its guns. The Cochran and Blanco Eucalado, other Chilian ships, are protected by nine inches of iron armor and carry batteries of six and eight inch breech loading rifles. In view of this state of affairs, the committee recommend the completion of the monitors and the building of the vessels and torpedo boats discussed in the bill already published. The committee hopes that in view of the very considerable quantity of armor required for the vessels, that RESPONSIBLE AMERICAN FIRMS may be induced to enter upon the work of making the armor needed, and the opinion is expressed that the needed workshops will grow up along with the navy and that the arts of forging heavy steel and of building guns and ships of war will develop in America side by side. The report explains and defends the provisions of the bill submitted by the naval commission and concludes as follows: "We trust the bill may meet with the approbation of both Houses of Congress, and that its enactment into a law may, as an important step toward the creation of an efficient navy, contribute to a feeling of increased National security. At present such a feeling of security among well informed people can only come from the belief that no Nation dare attack another when it is helpless." The report is signed by every member of the committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

ST. PAUL, March 5. R. M. Tuttle of the Daily Pioneer of Mandan, Dakota, who is in town, says that the outlook in the West Missouri country along the Northern Pacific is encouraging. A good deal of work has been done during the winter to secure immigration from the East, and the superior advantages of that country are gradually becoming known among the thrifty farmers in the East, who desire free lands for themselves and their sons. There is every indication that the country west of the Missouri will receive a larger immigration this spring than any other section of Dakota. Its fine farming and grazing lands, excellent water and immense beds of lignite coal lying near the surface, are attracting the attention of just the kind of men that are needed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

It was reported at Denver, Colorado, recently, that 600 miners in the employ of the Marshall Coal Company at Eler had struck on account of a reduction of wages.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

DALLAS, Texas, March 4. Grand Master Workman Golden and a sub-committee of the Knights of Labor from Abilene, called at the Texas Pacific Receiver's office today to investigate the rumor to the effect that the object in suspending operations at the Gordon coal mines was to quietly displace white labor in order to make room for convict service. The railroad authorities deny any such purpose and state that the mines have been abandoned because it did not prove profitable to work them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

Some hungry being stole 14 quarts of ketchup out of George Case's cellar in the third ward Friday. He also stole some coal. Mr. Case is willing for the party to keep the coal, but would like to have one half of the ketchup returned or he will ketch-up the possessor in short order.

Excerpt from article about competing railroads...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.

The Santa Fe propositions have these special merits: First, that the road will certainly be built if the bonds are voted. The A., T. & S. F. never fails to redeem its promises and that in the shortest practicable time, and it has its millions of money and the command of the money market so that it is able to build any amount of road. Second, that its road will be equivalent to several roads. It will be a direct line to Independence, Kansas City, and the east; a direct line to Winfield, Wichita, and the Western states, and to Topeka and the north; it will be a direct line to Fort Smith, Memphis, and New Orleans, furnishing the best market for their produce; it will be the shortest route to the timber regions of the Indian Territory and Arkansas and the coal fields of Kansas and Missouri. It will be worth to the people of those townships five times as much as the State Line road could be if it were built.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.

Mr. Sumner, who lives at Adam Sipes', commenced boring for coal lately, and should he find it, thinks he will benefit the country more than the railroads.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, March 12. The critical moment in the history of the present strike, which was expected to be precipitated yesterday, was not reached, owing to the failure of the Missouri Pacific to carry out its part of the programme. The railway officials announced with a flourish of trumpets that they would resume traffic, but a survey of the situation shows that the solution of the difficulty is as far removed as ever. The progress made in the way of resumption of traffic is not sufficient so far to produce any decided change in the situation. The blockade in the yards still exists. The mills are all closing on account of lack of raw material and lack of coal and the impossibility of moving their manufactured products. The merchants are unable to receive or ship goods and the day closed with the conditions of business practically as they were Wednesday. The officials of the Missouri Pacific engaged a force of men Wednesday for the purpose of starting work yesterday, and kept the force which consisted of about fifty men, strongly guarded in their shops, but to no avail, for not a wheel could be turned. The officials confirmed their efforts to secure help, but with slight success, only a few men having been engaged.

Every miner in the New Hampshire mine near Cumberland, Maryland, went out on a strike Wednesday.

Five hundred and fifty miners in the Broadtop, Pa., coal district struck Thursday for an increase of wages.

The coal miners of the fourth Pennsylvania district have decided to present to the operators a scale of wages similar to the one adopted at the Columbus convention.

SEDALIA, Mo., March 10. There are no new developments in the railroad strike today. The weather is very cold and the streets and railroad yards have been deserted. The officials have nothing to say and the outlook is more gloomy, if anything, than it was yesterday. Business is paralyzed and merchants are despondent. The supply of fuel in the city is small and if the strike lasts another week a coal famine is inevitable.

PITTSBURGH, March 15. At a meeting of the miners of the Clearfield region, at Tyrone, Pa., Saturday, it was resolved to strike for an increase of ten cents per ton. The Clearfield district includes sixty mines, employing 5,000 men, and is regarded as the pivotal branch of the entire soft coal region. The miners have all quit work and the collieries are now closed. The action taken at Saturday's meeting makes the strike general. It is estimated that 10,000 miners are engaged in the strike.

WILLIAMSTOWN, Pa., March 15. The Summit Branch Coal Company's men are still on a strike, with little probability of an early settlement. The mine is one of the largest in the State, over 1,000 hands being employed. The decrease in the company's earnings led to a 10 per cent reduction, which brought about the strike.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.

S. Allison handed us some coal today, which he got from Frank Strong's ranch in Cedar township. Mr. Allison says it crops out of the banks and that one vein is two feet thick. It has the appearance of good coal and no doubt by digging down, an excellent quality can be found.

Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.

A meeting of the Board of Trade is called for Monday night in the council room to take action upon the coal question.

Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.

The committee appointed recently to raise funds for the purpose of boring for coal report they have raised the necessary sum of money to sink a hole 350 feet deep. The board of trade meets Monday to designate the place to bore. Any persons having propositions to make should be in attendance.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

SEDALIA, Mo., March 27. At seven o'clock yesterday morning the first freight train that has moved since the strike was sent east by the company. It was accomplished without difficulty as the strikers were unaware of the intention of the railroad officials and were not on the ground. At two o'clock yesterday afternoon another freight was sent out on the Lexington branch, the strikers offering no objections. It was understood here last night that when the train arrived at Lexington, it was side tracked and the engine killed by an unknown man. Two switch engines were taken possession of yesterday by the strikers here and the fires knocked out. Ned Page, Frank Sparn, George Fisher, and another striker are accused of disabling the engines and warrants for their arrest on the charge of trespassing and destroying property of the railroad company as well as on the charge of violating the injunction issued by Judge Strother, restraining strikers from venturing on the grounds of the railroad. It is said the men will be taken before Judge Strother at Marshall, Missouri. They deny any complicity in the affair whatever. The situation is growing more deplorable every day. Fuel, coal, ore, sugar, etc., are becoming scarce, and the city is threatened with a famine so far as those articles are concerned. A delegation of prominent Knights of Labor departed for St. Louis last night to confer with Irons and the district executive board. The members of the law and order league bitterly condemn the strikers and call on them to return to work, but it is claimed by the executive board that not one man has deserted the ranks since the strike was inaugurated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

Franklin's coal office, on Ninth Avenue, is being moved out and will be placed on the back of the lot. An office will be built over the scales. E. C. Seward will build on the lot.

Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.

The coal question is not receiving the attention it should. The money has been raised to prosecute the boring, but for two weeks it has been impossible to get our citizens together to take action upon the matter. The railroad question has laid every subject in the shade.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.

The coal miners who returned to work in the Broadtop region near Huntington, Pa., are becoming restless again, and it is thought they will soon quit work.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.

NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 31. Special dispatches say that terrible floods are raging in East Tennessee, and over one hundred houses in Knoxville are submergedsomething never known before. The railroad traffic is blocked and several serious washouts have occurred on the East Tennessee, Virginia, and Knoxville and Ohio roads. The "Philadelphia" theatrical troupe is laid over at Carylville on account of a landslide. In Alabama trains have ceased all attempts to move on the Louisville & Nashville road, which is badly washed in several places. The Queen & Crescent and Georgia Pacific are also badly damaged and traffic interrupted. Considerable damage has been done at Birmingham and other Alabama towns, but it is impossible to even estimate the loss. Indications point to the most disastrous floods in many years. Every railroad leading out of Atlanta has suspended traffic. Many bridges are down and it is thought others will fall tonight. The Rome & Carrollton narrow gauge railroad is almost washed away. The Western & Atlantic railroad has loaded its bridges with cars. The long bridge across the Chattahoochee at West Point is rocking, and it is believed it will fall tonight. Telegraphic communication is cut off throughout Georgia. It is estimated that the damage will amount to $2,000,000, and it may be more. On the Cincinnati Southern the bridge at Rock creek has been carried away. The tracks of the Nashville & Chattanooga, Alabama & Great Southern, and Memphis & Charleston railroads at the foot of Lookout mountain are undermined, and the bridges in the vicinity are in danger. No damage of consequence can be done here unless the river rises over forty-eight feet. Dispatches from Rockwood, Tennessee, says that 200 feet of the railroad track was washed out and the coke ovens of the Roane Iron Company badly damaged. At Emery Gap, Emery run marks 70 feet and the bridge over the Cincinnati Southern road is in danger. At Dayton, Tennessee, the back waters are inundating the town and many are driven from their homes. At Rising Fawn, Georgia, the water flooded the coal mines and one miner was drowned. The Rising Fawn Furnace was compelled to shut down and a coal famine is apprehended at Dayton and Rockwood unless traffic is speedily resumed, and the same is probable here, which will compel the largest iron plants to shut down.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, April 1. Deputy United States marshals are stationed along the river front in East St. Louis today, from the Wabash yards to the Carr street ferry, and two marshals on the ferry wharf. This array of authority is meant to protect all teamsters who desire to haul freight to or from the Wabash yards. The only teaming being done is by coal men, who have twenty or thirty wagons at work and are getting coal to this side of the river as fast as they can. This is the only coal coming from East St. Louis today, and the bulk of it is being handled by Henry Mueller, who is sending it to Lemp's and Anheuser's breweries.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.

Bill paid: G. B. Shaw & Co., coal, etc., $45.10.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.

NEW YORK, April 8. Speaking of the manifesto of the Knights of Labor issued Tuesday, Gould's representative said yesterday: "These people seem to forget that coal was made twenty-five per cent cheaper throughout the Southwest by Mr. Gould when he opened the system there. The people in that country are in favor of the company, which shows that the statements made this morning are absurd. The Knights, because the Kansas City Journal denounced the acts of the strikers, demanded that the Union Newspaper Company should not deliver any of the papers of the Journal. Mr. Hoxie then notified the news company that no other papers should be carried if it did not deliver the Journal as usual. The news company therefore decided to pay no attention to the order of the Knights. Mr. Gould said that the manifesto of the Knights would not have much effect on the people, especially the people of the Southwest, and he did not seem at all disturbed."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.

A dispatch from Huntington, Pa., of the 12th, says: In consequence of the continued strike among the miners of the heavy operators in bituminous coal in the Clearfield district, those who resumed at the advance are reaping a rich harvest, the proceeds being sold as high as 90 cents a ton where it was but 60 before the strike.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.

"Stay away and thereby save the awful experience which awaits some audience, as sure as fate!" says the Visitor. See that you practice what you preach. You may "meet that most horrible fate that is ever an unfortunate man's lot, be burned to death." Horrors! What a picture! Audience after audience for years have attended all along oblivious to the fact that every time they entered the Opera House they hung themselves over a glaring furnace of coalsliable to cremate them at any moment.

[NOTE: Above item was the last one I covered in Winfield Courier. MAW]


Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.

James Penton will have plenty of coal when he gets that mine opened. We wish Jim success in his enterprise.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Coal per ton, Canon City: $8.00; Anthracite per ton: $13.50; Osage and Weir City per ton: $6.00; Pittsburg per ton: $5.25; Wood per cord: $5.00.

Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.

By a special arrangement made with the Osage Carbon Co., we are enabled to sell Osage Shaft Coal at five dollars per ton. ARKANSAS CITY COAL CO.


Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.

A. F. Huse, coal bill, $12.70; allowed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886.

Coal, Flour, Feed, and Wood at A. F. Huse's. Call on him.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday's Daily.

Before leaving on his eastern trip, P. L. Snyder consummated the lease for the coal yard of Edward Grady. On his return he will assume charge of the yard and enter the coal business. Phil is a rustler after business and will do well no matter in what business he may engage. The REPUBLICAN wishes him and his most estimable wife a very pleasant visit in the Empire State.


Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.

A. F. Huse, coal $133.50; allowed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Tuesday's Daily.

One of our recently young married men was sent by his wife to fish a 25 cent piece out of her hand satchel. In his delving he encountered 1 handkerchief, 1 spool of white thread, 1 foot of crochet work, 1 crochet needle, 1 pr. of specs, 1 brass pant buckle, 1 3-inch brass pin, 1 fancy pin cushion, 4 patent hair crimpers, 2 letters, 1 woolen cloth full of white stuff, 2 samples of dry goods, 3 rubber bands, 1 note book, 1 small looking glass, 2 little pebbles, 3 lead pencils, 1 package of court plaster, 1 copy of "Directions for Narrow Diamond Insertion," 1 piece of cheese cloth, 1 spool of red thread, 1 pecan, 1 comb, 1 shoe buttoner, 1 pair of pocket scissors, 1 big safety pin, 1 brass pant button, 1 door key, 1 receipt bill for 500 lbs. of coal, 2 25-cent pieces, 1 box of Talcum baby powder, 2 tooth picks, and 1 wad of gum. There was a grand total of 45 articles.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Saturday's Daily.

The Hutchinson Daily News has the following concerning the workings of the Ft. Smith in that county. "The Ft. Smith road is not so well known from the fact that only lately has it been possible for such a line to be built; but in fact it means still greater things for Reno County than the Rock Island as it is a through line to New Orleans, giving us a market for corn, wheat, oats, and all our products, while in return we get coal and lumber at less than one-half of the present prices. Look on your maps and see the route and at once you will say, "Hurrah for the Ft. Smith!" From New Orleans the Huntingdon system now runs up Red River to Ft. Smith. From Ft. Smith to Arkansas City, this state, the right of way has been granted to the same system, and from Arkansas City to Wellington, Hutchinson, Nickerson, and onto Nebraska, chartered under the name of Ft. Smith, Kansas & Nebraska. This road will come into Reno County from the southeast and run northwest to Hutchinson and Nickerson, running about thirty-five miles, and asking $125,000 in the county bonds."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Thursday's Daily.

P. L. Snyder & Co., will open up their coal business Aug. 1.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Monday's Daily.

Frank Waldo is the company portion of the coal firm of P. L. Snyder & Co. Frank has concluded that he would remain in Arkansas City as he has gone into business. The REPUBLICAN takes pleasure in recommending this firm to the public. They are gentlemanly, courteous, and enterprising.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Thursday's Daily.

The Rogers Coal Company, of Wichita, has purchased 50 acres of land of Bud Beck, just across the Arkansas River. They intend opening up a sand-bed and the land purchased of Mr. Beck is to be used for putting in railroad switches. Work has already commenced upon them. The Rogers Coal Company has for years been operating a sand-bed at Wichita, shipping several thousand carloads of sand annually. Upon recent investigations they found sand here far better than that afforded at Wichita, and the facilities for conducting an enterprise of this kind, superior. So they have closed their business there and will establish it here. They employ some 12 or 15 men the year around. Besides establishing a sand-bed here, they will in all probability open up a branch coal yard. The REPUBLICAN bids this new enterprise welcome.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

P. L. Snyder & Co., report a good business in their new coal yard. Both of the young men owning the business are popular, and there is no bar to their success.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Monday's Daily.

In a few months the Santa Fe road will complete the gap through the Territory from Arkansas City to a connection with the Gulf of Mexico. This line will bring many advantages. It will increase the profits of every bushel of corn and wheat and sack of flour our farmers send to Texas and save to consumers no inconsiderable sum in costs of early fruits and vegetables. It is probable also that coal will be found in the Wichita Mountains and that supply for Southwestern Kansas will be brought from that source. But more than all, it will be the entering wedge to separate the Indian country proper from Oklahoma and open the latter to peaceable and lawful settlement. Cedarvale Star.


Arkansas City Republican, September 18, 1886.

CHICAGO, Sept. 12. A special from Akron, Ohio, says the people living in the coal mining regions embracing four towns and quite a large range of country, were awakened at 4 o'clock Sunday morning by long rumbling sounds, accompanied by shocks of earthquake so distinct that houses were terribly shaken and articles on the shelves were thrown to the floor. Several years ago the earth fell several feet without apparent cause in this region, and the frightened people fled fearing they would be swallowed up.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday's Daily.

J. L. Huey asked permission to erect a coal office on the rear of the Leland Hotel lots and was by motion rejected.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Friday's Daily.

P. L. Snyder & Co., have rented the storeroom of the Grady building and will open up a feed and flour store in connection with their coal business. P. L. Snyder & Co. are getting their Eli, and don't you forget it.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Wednesday's Daily.

H. Waldo and son, Frank, have leased the corner lots of J. H. Hilliard and will embark in the coal, feed, and grain business. Since Frank has got a family to support, he says he cannot afford to be idle and so has commenced business again. The REPUBLICAN wishes the new firm success.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Friday's Daily.

P. L. SNYDER & CO. Wholesale dealers in COAL, FLOUR, FEED, AND GRAIN.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Friday's Daily.

Alex Wilson is the manager of A. F. Huse's coal yard since that gentleman embarked in the hardware business.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

P. L. Snyder & Co., have their coal wagon propelled by a powerful roan horse, whose avoirdupois is 1,450 pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

The new coal firm of P. L. Snyder & Co., last week made the big sale of 6,000 bushels of corn and oats to the Fairmount [Fairmont?] and the Saginaw Cattle Companies, to each company 3,000 bushels. On Saturday 15 freighters' wagons were loaded at their warehouse, each placarded with P. L. Snyder & Co.'s name, and about noon they started out for the territory to deliver the grain near the Pawnee agency. Upwards of a hundred wagons will be required to haul the entire order.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Telephone your orders for coal to Arkansas City Coal Company.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Thursday's Daily.

Col. Ed Savage and J. C. Smith of Canon City Coal Co., are in town prospecting.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Friday's Daily.

NATURAL GAS. The Discovery in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, in the Year 1879. How Haymaker, Its Discoverer, Was Murdered While Defending His Property. An Old Derrick Which Always Looks New.

[Correspondent, Cincinnati Enquirer.]
Few persons have correct ideas in regard to the "natural gas" interests of Western Pennsylvania. Most of them have no doubt read more or less on the subject, but as a rule, strangers have greatly exaggerated ideas, or know nothing at all about it, and are greatly surprised when they see the amount of work done with it. All of the mills use it, as it is considered far better than coal, besides being cheaper; and within five years (if it should hold out) it will be almost impossible to find a residence in the vicinity of this city that uses coal. As an illuminant it is greatly inferior to the artificial gas, giving a very unsteady light. They hope to overcome this difficulty, however, and, I believe, have partially succeeded, by some process not yet made public. Naturally, when a person hears and sees so much of this wonderful fuel, they have a desire to see where it comes from, the manner of procuring it, etc., and to those who have time nothing can be more interesting than a trip to Murrysville, where the principal field is located. There are several gas fields more easily reached than the Murrysville field, but it is by far the most important, and may well be termed the home of the "natural gas."

Murrysville is a very old town, situated on the stage road running between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, the nearest railroad station (Stewart) being six miles distant, on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Prior to the discovery of the gas, it was a very quiet, sleepy place, which to all appearance has seen no improvement for more than twenty years back, and some of the houses were almost ready to fall down. Now, however, all is different, the fire which occurred last winter having burned down the worst portion of the town, and the other houses have all been repaired, and, with the new ones that have gone up, have a look that tells of better times. The hotels, of which there are now three, are all crowded, and you cannot look in any direction that you do not see evidences of what "gas" has done for the town. As you approach the town from a distance, the sound of escaping "gas" seems first to proceed from some cataract or running torrent, and, growing louder as you draw nearer to the escape pipes, or "blow-offs," as they are called, until it sounds like a thousand locomotives were "blowing off" at once, and you find yourself almost deafened by the noise.

The gas was first discovered in Murrysville, while boring for oil, some time in 1877 or 1878, but at that time it was not practicable to pipe it to Pittsburgh and the surrounding towns, as the only use that was made of it for some years was the running of a small "lamp- black" factory, which was burned down and never rebuilt, as it was too far from the railroad to be a profitable venture.

It was first brought prominently before the public in the fall of 1883, when Haymaker, the discoverer, was killed while defending the property against the forces of a man named Weston, who claimed to be the owner. He at one time having bought the property, but afterward refusing to settle for it, it was recovered through the courts of Pennsylvania by its former owners, the Haymakers. It was just before this that it was discovered that the gas could be piped to Pittsburgh and used for fuel, and Weston, being beaten in the courts, tried to get possession of the ground by force, and Haymaker was shot down and stabbed several times, while trying to prevent Weston's men from tearing down and appropriating a board- pile which belonged to one of the wells.

One curious incident connected with this murder is worthy of note. While in Murrysville, a short time since, I was strolling around the numerous gas wells, when my guide (a native) said, pointing to a derrick at some distance which had the appearance of being newly erected: "Do you see that derrick? Well, that belongs to the last well that Haymaker put down before his death, and it was in it that Weston's men took refuge after the murder, and you see, although it is built of the same wood as the others around us, it has not changed color as they have, and stands there as a monument to remind us of the murdered man."

Little can be said of the uses that the gas is put to that has not already been said by both local and foreign newspapers. All branches of industry use it in one way or another, and pipes are being laid as fast as possible on all of the residential streets of the city and suburbs, with a view of supplying the houses with fuel, and I have no doubt eventually with light. I might go on to speak of the advantages and disadvantages of the gas, but, it would require too much space, so I will only say in conclusion that if it holds out, Pittsburgh is destined to become the greatest manufacturing city in the world.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

A. F. HUSE, -DEALER IN- COAL, COAL. Office and yard South Summit Street.

ALEXANDER WILSON, Manager. Telephone your orders.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

At a special meeting of the school board on Monday evening, the contract for furnishing the city schools with coal was let to A. F. Huse. The consumption through the winter is five to six car loads.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Saturday's Daily.

From Coolidge.
COOLIDGE, KANSAS, November 7, 1886.
ED. REPUBLICAN: Thanks for a copy of the REPUBLICAN. Of old it was welcomed to our family circlemuch more so now, seeing that it is so much improved. Thrice welcome, Arkansas City Republican! The copy before me contains a letter from my esteemed friend, Wanderer, which merits attention. That gentleman will be surprised to learn that the three lots offered him only a few weeks ago, when he was here, for the trifle of one hundred and fifty dollars, sold this morning for three hundred dollars spot cash. Stone buildings are going up on them immediately. The fact is, Wanderer was disgusted with the price of our lots, and turned aside, went 35 miles northwest of Coolidge, and laid out a town in Colorado; and the day this was known, Coolidge realty advanced 25 percent. Coolidge will be the shipping point for Wanderer's town, which is a beautiful site on Lake Sheridan. Two railroads are now surveyed to it, and it will, in all certainty, be a county seat. Clyde is the name of the town, and from all the surroundings it will be able for the earthquake boom with which it is threatened in Wanderer's letter. A thick vein of coal has been recently discovered near Wanderer's town. This will be good news to him, and it is a bonanza in itself. No man seeking a new location can do better than go to Sheridan Lake or Clyde.

Our friends in Arkansas City will be glad to learn that Rev. Covey, Charles Covey, Gamble, McDonald, and G. T. Potter are all pleased with the country, and are satisfied with their share of it. Mr. Potter is now putting the finishing touches on his opera building, which is costing him ten thousand dollars. Among the more commendable things in this country is its health. Coolidge has one thousand inhabitants, and for the last six months, not one of sickness has been reported. ECHO.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Thursday's Daily.

Go to F. A. Waldo & Co., for coal.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Coal dealers cannot keep up with demands of their customers, their orders being delayed because of the pressure of business on the railroad lines. The commercial wants of the town are increasing daily.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

City Market.

COAL. Canon City: $8.00; Osage Shaft: $5.50; Pittsburg: $5.50; Weir City: $5.50; Anthracite: $15.00.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Tuesday's Daily.

The coal merchants claim that their trade is so great in this city that they are almost unable to keep it in stock all the time.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday's Daily.

J. B. Splawn, who has a farm out on Grouse Creek in Silverdale Township, was in the city today and called at the REPUBLICAN sanctum. Mr. Splawn exhibited to us a sample of slate, bluish tint, which he had taken from the bottom of a well he is digging and which contained small, hard bright particles of some kind of mineral. He has already sunk the well 40 feet and intends to go down three feet further. When he got down about 35 feet he struck a reddish slate substance. This was about three feet thick. Beneath it was a bluish slate. Next to this was a layer of coal, the thickness of a knife blade and beneath it there was the bluish slate soil, and then rock. Mr. Splawn will not go through the rock.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Tuesday's Daily.

J. F. Hoffman and G. W. Lucy were out prospecting yesterday for coal. Eight miles east of the city in a gulch 150 feet deep they discovered a four inch vein of coal cropping out in the side of the bank. They dug some three feet into the bank and the vein continued about the same thickness and was more solid. Mr. Hoffman and others will prospect in the spring for coal in paying quantities.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Thursday's Daily.

This morning Geo. L. Brown began soliciting subscribers to take stock for the purpose of boring for coal and natural gas. He proposes to organize a company with a capital stock of $100,000. When the paper was shown us some $40,000 of the required sum had been subscribed for. Mr. Brown on his way here from Illinois stopped at Paola and made an investigation of the natural gas works there. He was very favorably impressed with the advantages it would be to the town, and as he is largely interested in Arkansas City property, he and others have determined to see what nature has stowed away for us beneath the surface. The indications for coal in this vicinity are excellent and we have no doubt but what veins in paying quantities will be found. We hope operations will soon begin.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Friday's Daily.

Texas oats at P. L. Snyder & Co.'s.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Friday's Daily.

F. A. Waldo & Co., have sold their feed, grain, and coal business to Allton & Leach.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Friday's Daily.

The Santa Fe has bought the right of way for coal under several thousand acres of land near Leavenworth, and will start a coal shaft at an early day.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Friday's Daily.

F. B. Hutchison has sold out in the coal business to his partner, P. L. Snyder. Mr. Snyder will continue the business. Mr. Hutchison will enter the real estate business at Bluff City. He left for that town this morning.



Winfield Newspaper Union, November 8, 1890.

Oklahoma City expects to get coalas good as any in Pennsylvaniafor $4 a ton when the Choctaw is built.


Winfield Newspaper Union, November 22, 1890.

The Choctaw government receives $87,000 per annum as a revenue from coal.

Winfield Newspaper Union, December 13, 1890.

Arkansas City has a company which sells both coal and ice. Any kind of weather is good enough for them.


Winfield Monthly Herald, June, 1891.

A Word about our Advertisers.

We have selected good, reliable business firms, and endeavored to get only one of a kind.

IVAN A. ROBINSON has been selling you coal and wood (of which he has a bountiful supply) during the cold weather to keep you warm, and now if you will leave your order, he will sell you ice to keep you cool.

Winfield Monthly Herald, July, 1891.

Ivan A. Robinson, Winfield Transfer & Coal Co., W. 9th Avenue.


Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 2, 1891.

Fire. For several days this week the stack in the coal house in the rear of the Courier building, under the management of the Newspaper Union, has been on fire. Yesterday the coal house was torn down and the fire was put out, as was thought. This morning about 4 o'clock the engine room and stereotyping department was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was promptly given and on the arrival of the fire company was extinguished. The damage is considerable. The engine, boiler, piping, and the stereotyping machinery are all more or less damaged. At this hour the damage has not been estimated, but will run up into several hundred dollars. The Courier building, containing the Courier plant and Union press room sustained no damage worthy of mention.




Cowley County Historical Society Museum