10/2/97...Bill: Kay failed to put in “Winfield Courier Supplements” starting with May 9, 1878. He started next section with “More Personals”...June 20, 1878. Could tell immediately that he had failed to get items from May 9, 1878, through May 23, 1878, and from May 30, 1878, through first part of June 20, 1878. Will take this section through May 9, 1878, “Supplements,” May 11, 1878, “Supplements,”and quit.
Will start next Section with May 16, 1878. MAW
[From end of March 14, 1878, through May 11, 1878, “Supplements.”]
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
J. W. HAMILTON T. F. ROBINSON, Notary Public.
Buy and Sell Land, Locate Claims, Pay Taxes,
Negotiate Loans and Make Abstracts of Title.
Can suit anybody who desires to purchase with reference to the size, locality, and improvements of a farm.
Now is the time to purchase a home cheap. Call and see us at
(Over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.)
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Mechanic’s Tools of All Kinds.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Our peach trees are in full bloom.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin is ill with the bilious fever.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Mrs. Kennedy is expecting a nice stock of new goods.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
F. Gallotti has a new stock of boots and shoes on the way.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
J. E. Allen has got a full new set of the Wisconsin reports.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Harter Bro.’s & Co. have a new stock of groceries on the way.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
W. C. Root & Co. have a new spring stock of boots and shoes.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
J. Hoenscheidt, architect, has his office in the rear of J. E. Allen’s law office.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Harter, Harris & Co. sent 21 yoke of cattle to Pawnee Rock and Larned on Monday morning.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Mr. Wagoner is fitting up the Farmer’s restaurant for meals and lodging in comfortable style.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The silver bill has passed, and now all you have to do to be rich is to step around lively and earn the dollars.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The new Methodist appointee (whoever he is) will preach at the M. E. Church next Sabbath, morning and evening.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Rev. J. E. Platter will address his congregation next Sabbath morning on the subject, “After Conversion, What?”
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
J. C. Fuller has launched out in the fast team line. He thinks his spanking blacks are just a little ahead of all competitors.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
There were seventy-five persons received into the Presbyterian Church last Sunday, sixty-four by profession and eleven by letter.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
B. M. Terrell is getting ready to make the drive between this city and Eldorado in five hours. The livery business is booming.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Samuel Pennington, of Vernon Township, has fallen heir to a fortune of $19,000 by the recent death of his father in Indiana, so it is said.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Some of the young people are rehearsing under the tuition of Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis, a drama to be recited before our citizens in due time.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
L. H. Hope has the finest stock of silverware ever brought to this section of the country. It is well worth the time to call and see his beautiful display.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
A large lot of Paular merino sheep direct from Vermont were driven through the city a few days ago, to be located in this county. We did not get the owner’s name.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
County Superintendent Story received the county apportionment of the state school fund amounting to $3,012. It is now ready for distribution to the school districts.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The sexton of the M. E. Church particularly requests that tobacco chewers leave their quids outside the church and avoid spewing on the floor. The ladies, no doubt, second the motion.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Notice the new advertisement of H. Jochems. He is doing the tin roofing and guttering of several of the fine residences now being built and proposes to furnish Charter Oak stoves for the millions.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The family of Mr. N. O. Fuller, assistant in the bank of J. C. Fuller, arrived last week and are temporarily domiciled with his brother. The family consists of a wife and two children. Another new residence will be the result.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
DIED. Mrs. Lydia Moffit, wife of John Moffit and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Holloway, died at her residence in this city on the 6th inst. The funeral was largely attended on the 7th. The numerous relatives and friends of the deceased have the warm sympathies of this community.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Col. E. C. Manning went to Wichita last week with teams loaded up with wheat, to bring down the carload of lumber which he expected had arrived. He was obliged to sell his wheat for 65 cents, for which he had been offered 70 at home, and his lumber not having arrived, he bought in Wichita to load his teams back.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
A good joke is told on the Telegram agent. He called on John B. Holmes, the great Rock Township farmer, and solicited a subscription for his paper. J. B. answered that he had been hunting three weeks for a job of work to earn money to pay for the other paper. The agent thought he had struck too poor a customer and “slid out.”
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Mr. Seneca Harris, now living with his son-in-law, Mr. N. Shurtleff, three miles north of town, called on us the other day and revived the memories of Vermont when that state was young and western New York was the far west. In 1825 to 1830, when the father of the senior editor was a young man, Mr. Harris was his friend and associate, and is familiar with the wild and magnificent scenery that surrounded our childhood and youth, and with the people who were our earliest associates. He is hale and vigorous though near three score and ten.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Immigration Courier.
Out next issue will be the most valuable paper for Cowley County ever published. The enormous emigration to this state is being carried by us on the railroads to locations greatly inferior to this county in almost every particular. All we need to secure a very large accession to our county in population, money, energy, and brains is to place in the hands of these emi-grants the facts in relation to our county. The COURIER will contain these facts. Shall 2,000 to 5,000 copies be placed in their hands? Answer with your cash orders for extra papers.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
P. H. Clark, of Maple Township, has a large orchard and raised splendid peaches two years from the seed. He is an enterprising farmer of old time, genuine hospitality.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The following will be taught at the Winfield high school during the spring term: Orthography and orthoepy, reading, writing, arithmetic, commencing at percentage, algebra, grammar, commencing at syntax, physical geography, U. S. history, botany, and geometry.
Geo. W. Robinson, Principal.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Cedar Township.
“Justice” writes from Otto and dissents from the opinion, expressed by “I. Guess,” that Mrs. Ledley’s school was the only successful one ever taught in that township. He says they never had but one poor school, and mentions the schools taught by Mr. W. E. Ketcham and Mr. O. S. Record during the last winter as particularly excellent and giving general satisfaction.
“Justice” and “I. Guess” are both good, sound, intelligent men, but such frequently differ on account of looking at the same thing from different standpoints.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Farmers! Put your seeds into the ground as fast as possible. Sow your oats, plant your potatoes, and other vegetables, and then your corn. If the summer should be dry, the early corn will be the only full crop. It should all be in the ground in March.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Col. J. M. Alexander arrived in town last Thursday evening. He has disposed of most of his Leavenworth property and will now remain in Winfield and attend to his large property here and his law business. He looks as if he had been well treated in Leavenworth.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Escape of Prisoners.
Young Finch went into the jail about 11 o’clock on Monday evening; his father, the jailer being absent at Wichita, to get the light and lock up the cells. On entering a cell, he was immediately shut in by the prisoners and two of them; a colored man charged with horse stealing, and Billson, the Arkansas City man charged with stealing jewelry, escaped. Hostetler remains. Says he did not want to leave. A good horse is missing from Dr. Davis’ place and a poker from the jail was left in place of the horse.
LATER. The white man has been retaken.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Robert Johnson, from Champaign County, Illinois, is visiting his brother-in-law, J. W. Hamilton. He is a substantial man, the kind we want, and is delighted with Cowley. He will locate, of course.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
In writing up Chautauqua County for the Leavenworth Times, D. A. Beckwith says: “To those in search of a location for a stock ranch, this section along the border of the state offers unexcelled advantages. The same may be said of the country between this and Winfield. Dexter, a small hamlet about fifteen miles from this, is in the same stock belt, and around it is also a fine farming country. There are several fine stores here with an enterprising population. As we leave Chautauqua County and get into Cowley, the surface changes. Here it is better for grain than for stock; the streams become less frequent and the settlements thicken; fine farms lie on each side of our road until we reach Winfield.”
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
FAIRVIEW, KANSAS, March 11, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: The literary at No. 21 closes on Friday evening of this week. The question is: “Resolved, That a monarchial government is preferable to a republican govern-ment.”
Mr. Frank Limbocker is yet confined to his bed. We hope he will soon be able to be about.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. Baker and wife to Frederick Gaertner, s ½ n. w. 33, 32, 3, 80 acres, $607.
R. L. Johnson and wife to O. A. Vanocker, s. ½ of s. w. 33, 31, 5, 80 acres, $350.
Chas. Leach to Chas. King, n. ½ of s. w. 33 31 5, 80 acres, $600.
Alfred F. Stanley to Thos. S. Green, w. ½ of n. w. 6 31 4 and n. e. 1 31 3, 120 acres, $2,000.
D. M. Weitzell and wife to E. B. Weitzell, n. ½ of s. w 4 33 3, 80 acres, $1,200.
H. H. Martin, administrator, to W. E. Martin, s. ½ of n. e. 22 32 3, 80 acres, $500.
E. C. Manning and wife to Clarissa J. Moore, part of n. ½ of s.e. 20 32 4, $1,200.
Frank Gallotti and wife to F. P. Rowland, part of s.w. of s.e. 21 32 4, 1½ acres, $125.
P. F. Haynes and wife to F. Austin, n. ½ and s.w. of s.e. 4 35 5, 120 acres, $300.
Israel Tipton to John Tipton, e. ½ of s.e. 31 34 5, 80 acres, $1,000.
Reuben S. Begner to R. S. Begner, w. ½ of n.e. 24 32 3, 80 acres, $300.
E. D. Brown to Orville Smith, n.e. 6 34 4, 160 acres, $400.
W. H. Grow and wife to Alex. Limerick, n.w. 33 30 4, 160 acres, $2,000.
Lucy J. Brady and husband to Thos. F. Axtell, n.w. 26 33 4, 160 acres, $1,500.
R. B. Corkins and wife to Elizabeth Knies and C. A. Daniels, part of e. ½ of s.e. 33 32 4, $500.
Henry Colyer and wife to A. G. Mattingly, part of w. ½ of s.e. 33 32 4, $25.
Frank Williams and wife to S. Firebaugh, s.e. 8 32 5, 40 acres, $450.
John Tipton and wife to Peter F. Haynes, w. ½ of s.e. 31 34 5, 80 acres, $800.
R. E. Irons to Peter F. Haynes, part of lot 9, 6 35 5, $30.
K. F. Smith and wife to H. P. Farrar, lot 12, block 79, Arkansas City, $100.
Frank G. Cady and wife to J. P. W. Corkins, lot 10, block 7, Winfield, $525.
J. K. Finley to Arkansas City town company, lot 3 and 4, block 120, lot 17, block 9; Arkansas City, $10.
Arkansas City town company to Amos Walton, lots 15, 16, 17, 18, block 98, Arkansas City.
Sabrina R. Bear and husband to J. G. Bullene, lot 9, block 185, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Beaver and Vernon Indulge in a Jollification.
EDITOR COURIER: Last Tuesday and evening will long be remembered by the youths and adults in the vicinity of the Randall schoolhouse, and the people of the surrounding country, as a day of hilarity.
The forenoon witnessed the closing exercises of Miss Allie Klingman’s winter term of school at the above place. As your reporter was a little late in arriving, therefore cannot give a detailed account of this part of the programme, but suffice it to say, that the exercises were of a pleasing and entertaining character. Miss Allie taught an interesting school and gained the confidence of the people of the community by her labors the past winter.
After partaking of some refreshments, the afternoon was devoted exclusively to the playing of a match game of base ball by the champions of Beaver and Vernon. For four hours the sport was exceedingly interesting and exhilarating to both players and spectators. Time being called at five o’clock, the Beavers were acknowledged the victors of the day, the game standing thirty-six to nineteen.
Each and all then repaired to their respective homes to make preparation for the neck-tie sociable, to be held at the schoolhouse, commencing at seven p.m. Early in the evening could have been seen teams loaded with precious burdens, horseback and pedestrians, wending their way from all points of the compass toward the schoolhouse.
Promptly at seven the committee comprised of seven ladies, viz: Mesdames Randall, Smith, Foster, Clark, Page, and Walrath, proceeded at once to the culinary department, which was a canvass addition attached to the north side of the house, to prepare the supper.
In the meantime, the neckties were disposed of and the possessors having secured the proprietors of the ties—many oddly mated couples were the result of the promiscuous drawing—repaired to the dining apartment to partake of the sumptuous feast which awaited them, and which only rural patrons like the genial, whole-souled committee that supervised the affairs are capable of getting up.
From the dexterity with which the knives and forks were handled, it was evident that everyone made all possible exertion to do ample justice to the delicious viands, beneath which the table swayed; it is needless to say, that after an incessant warfare of more than an hour, the inevitable Turkey surrendered. Though the table had a seating capacity of more than thirty, yet it was found necessary to set three tables in order to accommodate the hungry multitude.
After supper the large concourse of people were pleasantly entertained by excellent vocal and instrumental music. Mr. Wilson Foster’s choir furnished the vocal part by singing a number of solos, duets, triplets, quartette, and chorus songs. Miss Orie Kellogg, an accomplished musician, manipulated the organ keys. After the playing of a variety of games by the young folks and the selling of several cakes and pictures to the highest bidder, by Mr. Clark—who filled the vacuum behind the peanut stand—the crowd dispersed—just as chanticleer commenced sounding his warning notes of the approach of dawn—feeling that it was good to be there. The proceeds of the evening, amounting to forty-one dollars and sixty cents, goes to the benefit of the presiding pastor, Rev. Hopkins. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The United Brethren held their third quarterly meeting for the year at Mt. Zion, last Saturday and Sabbath. It was largely attended and the Elder gave us several fine sermons. He is a lively man and well received.
Thirty placed their names on the anti-tobacco pledge last Monday night. We had a good time.
Our Sunday school was organized the 1st Sabbath in March. Nearly one hundred were present. Officers were chosen as follows: Superintendent, George Easterly; assistant superintendent, W. Bowers; secretary, J. A. Rupp; treasurer, Lib. P. Alexander. Fifty were present last Sabbath. We expect to have the finest Sunday school in Cowley County this summer. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
JOHN SWAIN: Dear Sir: After looking all over the different mining camps, I will give you some information in regard to them. First, the new diggings in the southern and southeastern part of the Hills, and on Elk Creek are all pronounced a fraud. All of the early locators in that region of the Hills have returned. Deadwood City is growing slowly, Gaville and Golden Gate are at a standstill. Central City is building rapidly. Lead City on Gold Run is the liveliest place in the Hills. Carpenters wages have been four dollars per day all winter. Some of the foremen on the new mills have been getting five dollars per day, but the principal rush seems to be about over. There are a good many idle mechanics, yet those at work are getting four dollars per day. At present any good mechanic can get all the work he wants. I think good mechanics can get steady work all summer after they become known. Miners and mill men’s wages run from three to four dollars per day. Inexperienced hands are working as low as two dollars. The prospects are that all wages will be cut down this spring except for a few of the best workmen. There will be a great immigration of laborers to the Hills this spring. Let none come from Cowley County. Not more than six of the mines are paying well, while 25 or 30 are being worked that do not pay expenses. Three that last summer were thought to be very extensive mines have been worked out. I will now speak of the silver mines, which bid fair to become the most valuable and permanent mines in the Hills. The ore in Bare Buttes district, as the mines are being developed is leading on to milling ore of a high grade which can be worked much cheaper than smelting ore.
The weather is very fine; snow and ice fast disappearing. The camps are well supplied with everything needful. Price of board from eight to twelve dollars per week. No man who works for a living can afford to come to the Hills and take the chances.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
ED. COURIER: While others are complaining of the long rest from bonds, we are not so afflicted. This time it’s the bridging of the “raging Arkansas” that agitates us. Now comes the burgh over the way and says “we must have your trade, or that dreaded snipe-hunter will be here before long; but you must furnish your own way to get here—it won’t cost you but $2,000.” Now the question is, Hadn’t we all better turn out and give them a day and move them over to their supplies rather than keep this up for an indefinite time? Tomorrow decides the matter.
Peach trees in bloom. Wheat still looks fine. Some rain again this morning. Plows are running on almost every farm. Considerable oats already sown. A great many orchards are being put out; most of the trees furnished by Trissell. Some land selling. Home-seekers coming in—and yet there is room. RUDY.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Fine weather and growing crops are the only faults now found by the Tisdale farmers.
The Tisdale school closed last Friday. The total enrollment of the winter term was 63; general average, 43. Average attendance, 37½. Miss Sada Davis is the best scholar.
Abe Conrad is the only scholar perfect in deportment. Advanced grade, Sada Davis; Inter-grade, Nettie Handy, Hattie Young, and Eddie Young; primary grade, Jessie Newton, Lulu McGuire, and Carlyle Fluke are the most advanced scholars in their respective grades. In general scholarship Abr. Conrad stands far ahead.
The school will give an exhibition on tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.
Farmers are all busy plowing for corn and oats.
Mr. Van Fleck lost a valuable horse last week. He had started for Wichita and the horse died in less than twenty minutes after he noticed that it was sick.
Ed. Millard was quite badly hurt by falling from a wagon last evening.
Our obliging young clerk, Johnnie Marsh, left today to seek his fortune in Greenwood County. Johnnie is a good boy and has many friends who will miss his lively talk and generous actions.
Bob. Tanner is a great horse trader. He traded twice last week.
Sim Moore now runs the Tisdale wagon shop. Sim is a good workman and will doubtless retain all the custom of his predecessor.
BIRTH. George Lafoon is happy, it’s a boy.
Yes, Yes, Paul, it was pretty girls; at the start Tisdale had a pretty girl, a cake, and no money. At the end Sheridan ditto, with Tisdale holding the cash. We thank the boys of Sheridan for the kindness in helping us pay our preacher. LYCURGUS.
March 11th.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Thinking a few items from this place might be of interest to your numerous readers, I would say that since the silver bill has passed over the president’s veto, our farmers have gathered up their teams and tools and commenced farming in earnest. The wheat crop was never more promising for a bountiful harvest.
Mud has disappeared, gardens are being made, stock is beginning to graze, and things are generally lively. EXAMINER.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The value of our common schools has been called in question from Boston to San Francisco, and a few parties have pronounced them a failure. True, many of our schools are failures, and many of them show a waste of capital, a waste of time, and a fearful dissipation of energy and mental force. But why should it be otherwise? When a school will show month after month from one to two hundred cases of tardiness and an average attendance of less than fifty percent of its enrollment, what else than failure should be looked for? When a district, able to sustain a school for nine months in the year, able to employ a first-class teacher at first-class wages, votes en masse for only a twelve weeks’ school and for the cheapest teacher in the market, what else than failure can be expected? When schoolhouses are so constructed as to be only uncomfortable in bad weather; when they are too small for the accommodation of a school of thirty, but are compelled to take in from forty to sixty pupils, and when blackboards are deficient in quantity and poor in quality, or entirely wanting, how can the best teacher in the world make his school anything else than a failure? When there are more classes than pupils; when no single grade has three books of any one kind, and when the books in use are relics of the last century and are as “ring-streaked and spotted” in their qualities as were Isaac’s spring calves in their colors, why should not such schools be egregious failures? When neighborhood quarrels are allowed to enter the schoolroom; when personal spite and malice affect the selection of a teacher; when a party defeated at the annual election determines to throw every possible impediment in the way of the teacher and the school, and when parents assail and break down in the eyes of their children the authority, the dignity, and the respect of the teacher, what power not miraculous can teach a successful school?
While hundreds, perhaps thousands, of our common schools should be branded as failures through such causes as those just mentioned, the great mass of our public schools are not failures! They do not turn out practical mechanics, bricklayers, stone masons, printers, doctors, lawyers, and farmers, it is true, but they do turn out men and women whose minds have been awakened to a desire for learning; who are able to think of the political, commercial, financial, and social problems of the day in a cool and sober manner and with ripening judgments, and who become the successful men and women in all the leading industries of the day. The fathers and mothers of this generation were educated in our public schools, and if the one is a failure, so is the other.
There are defects in our system of public schools, but defects are found in every production of man’s mind or man’s hand. The consoling fact remains very patent, that teachers and educators in all lands discover these defects, are pointing out these evils, and are laboring with hand and heart and brain to bring in a better and a brighter day in the educational world. R. C. STORY
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
At the late examinations, held in Winfield, Arkansas City, and Dexter, the following teachers were present. The questions submitted to them were published in the educational column of the COURIER last week. [I did not list questions from previous issue.]
ARKANSAS CITY: Mrs. Amie Chapin, Miss Mattie Mitchell, Miss Albert Maxwell, Miss Flora Finley, Miss Anna Norton, Miss Mary Pickett, Miss Tirzie Marshall, Miss Stella Burnett, Miss Isabella Birdzell, Miss Dora Winslow, Miss Rosa Sample, Miss Jennie Scott, Mr. C. C. Holland, Mr. B. F. Maricle, Mr. H. M. Williams, Mr. N. N. Winton, Mr. C. M. Swarts . [As usual, Courier had his name as “Swartz.”]
WINFIELD: Miss Mollie Davis, Miss Ella Hunt, Miss Henrietta King, Miss Mattie West, Miss Maggie Stansbury, Mr. B. F. Starwalt, Mr. M. H. Markcum, Mr. J. O. Barricklow, Mr. J. D. Hunt, Mr. John Bowers.
LAZETTE: Mr. J. K. P. Tull.
NINNESCAH: Miss Maggie Scott.
TISDALE: Miss Gertrude Davis, Miss Sada Davis.
NEW SALEM: Miss Sarah Bovee, Mrs. Ida Brown.
ROCK: Miss Electa Strong.
FLORAL: Miss Mary Pontious.
CEDAR VALE: Mr. J. P. Hosmer, Mr. James Perisho.
DEXTER: Mr. T. J. Rude, Miss Belle Byard, Miss Alpha Harden, Miss Anna Harden.
OXFORD: Miss Veva Walton.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 21, 1878. Front Page.
The Garden of the Great Southwest.
Its Description, Resources, Development, and Advantages.
[Some areas marked as Government Lands.]
The people of the eastern states are hungry for information in regard to Kansas. Every mail brings letters of inquiry from persons who think of casting their lot in our State. Immigrants are pouring into Kansas faster than they have ever done before. They come on every train, and our principal highways are lined with “prairie schooners,” filled with people in search of homes. They have heard of our splendid climate and the wonderful productions of our soil, and have determined to come and see for themselves. This article is written that some of the questions of the former may be answered more fully than they can be by letter, and that the attention of the latter may be called to this part of the State, a section that has never received its share of advertising, and that offers advantages unequaled by any other.
Cowley County is situated on the south line of the State, one hundred and ten to one hundred and forty miles west of its eastern border. It is bounded on the east by Elk and Chautauqua Counties, on the north by Butler County, on the west by Sumner County, and on the south by the Indian Territory. It is about 240 miles from Kansas City, 220 miles from Atchison, and 180 miles from Topeka.
Take the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad to Eldorado, thence by stage forty-five miles down the Walnut Valley, the most productive valley in the whole country, in a general direction a little west of south over an excellent road to Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County. Or take the same railroad to Wichita and thence by stage down the best part of the Arkansas Valley, over same kind of roads in a southeastern direction forty-five miles to Winfield.
Persons with teams will find plenty of good roads leading to Winfield from all points east and north.
The county is one of the largest in the state. It lies in a compact, square form, thirty-three miles north and south by thirty-four miles east and west, and contains forty-five hundred quarter sections of land, sufficient for an ordinary farming population of twenty-five thousand.
The western one-third of the county is what is called first and second bottom lands, being the location of the valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. Some picturesque mounds and bluffs appear in places along the vicinity of the streams, but very little of the surface is unsuitable for plowing. The central one-third is more rolling, being a succession of gradual slopes forming the fertile valleys of numerous small streams of water, but is mostly first class land for the production of corn and wheat. The eastern one-third is still more rolling, having very rich valley lands and high ridges. The Flint hills extend along the east line of the county, but are intersected by many rich valleys, while the slopes are fertile and produce abundant crops. This part of the county is especially fitted for stock raising, and many large herds of cattle are found there already.
The bottom lands of the county are considered the most valuable and usually produce the heaviest crops, but the uplands have produced heavy crops of corn, wheat, and most other agricultural products, in fact sometimes even better than those of the rich bottom lands.
Concerning the soil of this region, the editor of the American Agriculturalist says:
“It is a deep, black loam, resting upon a lighter colored subsoil, consisting of loam, clay, and gravel, both soil and subsoil being so porous that surface water rapidly passes through them, and in no case is there any difficulty experienced in crossing with wagons or stock, any water courses or beds of streams. Teams may be driven across springs or creek bottoms fearlessly without danger of miring. This porosity of the soil, while it renders it capable of being plowed or worked immediately after the heaviest rains, at the same time keeps it constantly moist by evaporation from below and protects it from drouth. Within six hours of the cessation of a rain, in which we judge at least three inches of water fell, I saw farmers breaking sod and cultivating young corn.
“The crops of corn, oats, rye, spring and fall wheat, potatoes, and garden vegetables which I saw growing on both old and new breaking in various localities in the valley are equal to any that we have ever seen anywhere during many years experience. I know of no part of the country possessing a more attractive soil for the farmer than this.”
The soil is loose, in fact too much so if plowed in the spring. The best time for plowing is immediately after a crop has ripened and been removed; even then it should usually be packed down with a heavy roller in the winter or early spring. Large crops of wheat have been raised on old wheat ground without plowing, and a fair crop of rye has been produced from sowing on the unbroken prairie.
Cowley County is thoroughly well watered. No other county in the state has more streams of good, pure, clear, running water. The Arkansas River flows through the western and northwestern part of the county. Its principal tributary, the Walnut River, one of the most important mill streams in Kansas, extends entirely across the county from north to south, about ten miles east of its west line. Grouse Creek is a large stream flowing from near the northeast corner of the county southwest to its confluence with the Arkansas. Timber, Silver, and Rock Creeks are important streams. These and many other streams are fed by springs of the purest water, and they have never been known to “go dry.” Abundance of good water can be secured anywhere by digging from fifteen to forty feet, the average depth of wells being about twenty-five feet.
The rain-falls occur at the time they are most needed. During the spring months the ground is well saturated with water; in the last of August and during September copious showers prepare the ground for fall wheat; and during October, November, and the winter months there are reasonable amounts of rainfall though not often so much as to require more shelter for stock. From about the 10th of June to the 20th of August, is the time of harvest, but little rain falls. The wheat harvest commences about June 10th. At that time corn and other crops if planted in season are so far forward that there is need of little or no rain thereafter to mature them.
The average width of the timber belt along the Arkansas River is about one fourth of a mile. The varieties are cottonwood and sycamore with some oak, walnut, and other varieties. The Walnut River timber belt is one half mile wide on an average and has a great variety of timber of which oak, walnut, sycamore, pecan, hackberry, coffee-bean, mulberry, elm, and cottonwood are the principal. Along Grouse Creek is a timber belt upwards of forty miles long and one eighth of a mile in width, and on Silver Creek, Rock Creek, Beaver Creek, Badger Creek, and many other streams there is a considerable timber of same kinds as described on Walnut River. Native sawed lumber is worth from $2.00 to $2.50 per 100 feet. Cord wood sells on the streets of Winfield at $3.50 to $4.00 per cord. Rails and posts are worth $4.00 to $6.00 per 100.
Coal has been discovered in the eastern part of the county and there are indications that the whole western part of the county is underlaid with coal at a depth of 250 feet but the cheapness of timber has given no inducement to prospect for coal.
In all parts of the county the supply of the best magnesia limestone is inexhaustible. It is found at various depths below the surface from ten to forty feet and in many places along the bluffs and streams it is exposed and handy for quarrying. It exists in layers of from three to twenty-four inches thick and can be quarried easily in almost any desired shape. When first taken from the quarry, it is soft and easily worked with the hammer, chisel, and saw, but on exposure to the air and sun it hardens and becomes durable, appearing much like marble.
This county was named in honor of Matthew Cowley, a brave Kansas soldier who died in the service at Little Rock, Arkansas, in August, 1864. It is a part of what is known as the Osage Diminished Reserve. In 1870 a treaty was made with the Osage Indians, by which this Reserve was opened up for settlement under the act of congress of July 15th, 1870. Before this, and as early as the fall of 1869, settlements were made along the principal streams, the Osages taxing the settlers $5.00 each and permitting them to remain among them peaceably. The county was organized in the summer of 1870, and Winfield, then only one cheap house, was made the county seat. The county then contained a population of about 700. The survey of these lands was made in January and February, 1871, but the plats of the survey were not received at the district land office at Augusta until July 10th, 1871. The Winfield town site was the first tract of land in this county which was entered at the land office. The first assessment and taxation of property in the county was in 1872.
This county contains 716,800 acres of land. It being a part of the Osage lands, it has been open to purchase only to actual settlers, in quantities of not more than 160 acres each, at $1.25 per acre. The entire western half of the county has already been patented. As the land is purchased direct from the general government, titles are unquestioned. No railroad grant covers any part of the county. The question of title is in no respect complicated by the conflicting claims of railroad corporations.
Substantial improvement is being made on almost all the lands that have been purchased or claimed. Nearly every quarter section is occupied by an intelligent and industrious family intent on making a home. Most of the people now here came intending to stay. They have built as good houses as they can afford. Tree planting has received considerable attention. Many fine groves have been planted, and, where they have been properly cultivated, the growth has been wonderful.
Considerable rail, board, and wire fence has been constructed, and the ease with which good stone is procured has induced the building of much stone fence; but the Osage orange hedge is destined to be the fence of the future in this part of the state. At present, growing crops and trees are protected by a herd law, which requires every man to take care of his own stock. Hedges have been planted so extensively that in a few years a majority of the farms will be surrounded by an everlasting fence. Then the herd law will be abolished. Many farms are now completely fenced and sub-divided by this hedge. It grows rapidly and makes a complete fence in three or four years.
Nearly all kinds of fruit do well in this locality. As yet the country is too new to contain many orchards of bearing apple trees. The young trees are thrifty, and the fruit thus far produced has been of excellent quality. Cherries, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries have been thoroughly tested; the fruit is luscious and the crop abundant. The peach orchards have begun to yield. The first crop was harvested last summer and fall. No finer or larger peaches grow anywhere than last year’s crop in Cowley County. The crop was very heavy; every four-year-old tree was loaded with fruit.
More than four-fifths of our people are agriculturists. At present wheat and corn are our staple productions. During the past year more than fifty thousand acres of wheat were harvested in the county. There are now in Cowley County eighty-nine thousand acres of the most promising growing wheat ever seen at this time of the year. The yield of corn is very large. Forty-six thousand acres of the best was produced last year. This spring sixty-five thousand acres will be planted. Fed to stock, this will be a great source of revenue. There are about 717,000 acres of land in the county, of which 600,000 acres are good wheat and corn land.
Many farmers, particularly in the eastern part of the county, are turning their attention to stock raising, and there are already quite large herds. As soon as the herd law is abolished, the eastern part of the county will become a great grazing country. The whole county is peculiarly fitted for such purpose. Its heavy growth of nutritious grass and many fine springs and streams of running water specially recommend it. Cattle, sheep, and horses could not do better than they do in Cowley County. Our stock of hogs is very fine, and no disease of any kind has ever been among them. Much attention has been given to raising improved breeds of stock. There are six excellent flouring and several corn and saw mills in the county.
There are nearly sixteen thousand people living in Cowley County. Generally they are intelligent, industrious, enterprising, go-ahead young people. They have been reared in the best society and educated in the best schools of other states. They read the newspapers, support schools and churches heartily, and think for themselves. They are the kind of people God sends to a country that he intends to bless. The man who hesitates about coming to Kansas on account of our society is fooling himself. It is as good and as cultivated as he will find anywhere.
This county contains one hundred and eleven school districts, nearly all of which have substantial schoolhouses. Many of these houses have already been wholly paid for. In a very few years every dollar of our school bond indebtedness will be paid. The people tax themselves freely for the support of schools, and keep the schools open as long each year as they can afford to. There are a large number of thoroughly well educated and efficient teachers, and the schools are noted for their good work. The schools are as convenient to all and as efficient as in most of the eastern states.
There is a church organization in nearly every neighborhood in the county. Most of these hold their services in schoolhouses. A few have built excellent church edifices and others are “talking the matter up.”
There are already some very fine and large church edifices in the county. Many denominations are represented. The leading are the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist. The ministers are up to the average anywhere. Some of them are men of great talent and culture. The man who preaches to the keen, shrewd, thinking people of the west, or who teaches their children, must have brains, education, and grit.
A considerable portion of the surplus wheat crop is required to supply the Indians in the Indian Territory. The mill owners buy very large quantities of wheat for grinding to fill contracts for flour for the Territory and for neighboring counties in the state. What cannot be disposed of in this way is at present mainly hauled to Wichita, an average distance of forty-five miles, to ship by railroad or sell to buyers there. This inconvenience will however be of short duration.
At present the county is without a railroad, but work is progressing within eighty miles of this county on three different roads, all projected to run through it. Two of them promise to reach the county in time to move the crops of the present year. Besides, the A. T. & S. F. road has built two branches in this direction to within twenty-five miles of our county line, and it is believed by many that it will be the first road to reach Winfield.
No danger need be apprehended from Indians. Since the settlement of the country eight years ago, they have not committed an outrage within our borders. Their location is really a blessing to us. It furnishes us a good market at home for much that would have to be hauled away were they removed.
The grasshoppers, chinch bugs, and other pests are no more numerous than in most other localities in the west. The first named have never visited this locality but twice, and then they came too late to do much harm. The region of their origin is many hundreds of miles to the northwest, and when they move they either distribute themselves over the region north of us or arrive in this locality after the crops are matured and out of their way. We have no fears of ravages from them.
The prices of land are much lower than along the lines of the railroads. The reason is that persons coming to this state flock along the line of the railroads, and are told that what they see is the best in the state. They enter into competition with each other in buying and create a demand that raises the price of land in those locations. They buy there or return east without looking farther. Rarely one strays far away from the railroad. Occasionally an exceptionally shrewd, energetic man gets away into Cowley. Here he is delighted, finds much land for sale and no buyers to compete with, and therefore buys the best of land at very low prices.
Little farming land can yet be had at $1.25 per acre by settlement and pre-emption, but all the best of the unimproved land will be found already entered, and can be bought at from $3.00 to $6.00 per acre. Good farms more or less improved can be had at from $4.00 to $15.00 per acre, depending upon location and the amount of improvements.
There is no finer climate, all things considered, in the world. We have had green grass and leaves every month the past year and have scarcely seen snow or ice. There has not been a cold day the past winter and the ground has not been frozen to a depth of two inches. Some winters however have been colder, producing ice from two to six inches thick and sometimes snow, which has remained for a week. Usually ground can be plowed during most of the winter. The summers are warm, but strange as it may seem to some, we have no hot days like the hottest in New England. The nights are always cool. In the seven summers which the writer has spent in Winfield, he has not passed a night so warm that no bed covering was needed. The range of the thermometer between extremes of heat and cold is at least twenty-five degrees less than in the eastern and northern states.
Winfield, the county seat, is a young city of 1,611 inhabitants, according to the census taken last February. It is situated on an undulating prairie on the left bank of the Walnut River, is bounded on the north, south, and west by a beautiful belt of timber and on the east by a line of finely rounded mounds, and in the midst of natural scenery of surpassing loveliness. It commenced to be built in 1870; the early buildings were of timber frames and rather small, but each year has added more spacious and substantial buildings until now it has many large and beautiful structures of brick and of magnesian limestone which compare well with those of older and larger cities of the east. Winfield is the center of business for the county and has the reputation of being the liveliest city of its size in the state. The streets are generally well filled with teams and the merchants are doing a very large business. Nearly all kinds of business are represented with good stocks. The citizens are enterprising and intelligent, society is excellent, and one needs only to visit the splendid costly churches and the school rooms where from 300 to 350 pupils are taught efficiently by the most approved modern methods, to be satisfied as to the tone of morals of the place. The names and lines of business of some of the leading businessmen of Winfield will be found in our advertising columns, to which we refer the reader. Winfield is 16½ miles from the north line of the county, the same distance from the south line, and 8½ miles from the west line.
This is a city of some 600 or 700 inhabitants, is beautifully situated on a swell of land between the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers near their forks, and is one of the most charming towns in the state. It is in the very best portion of the Arkansas Valley and is surrounded by a splendid farming country. It has a class of citizens of unusual intelligence and culture, and some fine large business houses with large stocks of goods. It has the finest schoolhouse in the county. It is located 4½ miles from the south and six miles from the west line of the county. Almost every line of business is here represented.
is situated four miles from the south and twelve miles from the east line of the county. It is built upon a rounded rise in the prairie and is surrounded by cultivated farms. It contains one store, two blacksmith shops, and one wagon shop. Like other Cowley County villages, it has a good school.
is a thriving village beautifully situated on Grouse Creek, twelve miles from the east and twelve miles from the south line of the county. It has several merchants and a steam flouring mill and steam saw mill. It has three stores, two blacksmith shops, and a variety of other business, and is surrounded by rich farms.
is a thriving village on Grouse Creek, ten miles from the east and ten miles from the north line of the county. It has a steam flouring mill and good stocks of goods. It has three stores, two blacksmith shops, and other business, and is in the midst of rich farming lands. There are three saw mills within two miles.
is a village situated on a fine, high divide in a beautiful rolling prairie in the geographical center of the county. Its location has given it some prominence in the history of the county. Business is here well represented.
The roads are almost always good. The streams and small runs have rock or gravel bottoms and there is no mire. Continued rains make the roads muddy but the mud is never deep, and the water drains and leaches out rapidly so that the roads become good very soon after the rains cease.
There are four fine bridges within one mile of Winfield. One crossing Timber Creek, just north of the city, is an arched iron bridge of 100 feet span and 30 feet high stone abutments. The next is a wooden truss bridge across the Walnut River just northwest of the city 200 feet long on stone pier and abutments 35 feet high. The third is an arched iron bridge across Walnut River just southwest of the city one hundred and eighty feet long and thirty-five feet high on stone pier and abutments. The fourth is an iron bridge with a single span 155 feet long on 35 feet high abutments, across Walnut River just south of the city. The total cost of these bridges is about $25,000. Other good bridges are found in various other parts of the county.
There is an abundance of water power in this county, though but a small part of it has been utilized. Along Walnut River, Rock, Timber, Grouse, and Silver Creeks, are very many good water mill sites with plenty of water power. At Lazette, Arkansas City, and some other places these sites have been utilized to some extent.
There are at Winfield two excellent flouring mills, each working four run of burrs and doing a large business. They are both run by water, having each an excellent water power on the Walnut River. They make good market for a large amount of wheat. The upper mill is a large stone structure, and has a fall of eight feet. The lower is a large frame upon a substantial stone basement. The river in this place runs in the form of an ox bow, with the two ends near together. Upon this neck a tunnel is constructed, a distance of about 100 feet through which the water passes to the mill and attains a fall of about eight feet. There are several other mills in the county.
Winfield has five excellent church buildings. The Baptist Church was built of magnesian limestone in 1871, at a cost of $2,000. At that early day when but few people had located on the town site, it was something quite wonderful that so good and costly a structure should be built. The enterprise, energy, and public spirit displayed in the erection of this church has not been excelled or equaled, considering the circumstances, in the erection of the more recent and more imposing structures.
The M. E. frame church was erected at the same time, when the Methodists were few, and their self-sacrificing energy at that time was at least equal to that exhibited in producing their present magnificent structure. This last was built during the past year of magnesian limestone, costing $7,500, and is perhaps the most spacious and imposing church in southern Kansas. It is capable of seating, comfortably, 800 to 1,000 people; has a fine orchestra and class room, is beautifully furnished, and its windows are magnificent.
The building of the Church of Christ is a fine frame building, built in 1874, when the church had very few members, but these few were thoroughly imbued with genuine western enterprise.
The Presbyterian Church which has been built during the last year at a cost of $9,000, is of brick with a stone basement, and is perhaps the most beautiful structure of the kind in southern Kansas. It is magnificently furnished, and is a delightful place to spend an hour.
The Catholic Church is a fine substantial frame building which has been erected during the past year.
The year 1874 is specially noted as the drouthy grasshopper year in Kansas. In that year but little rain fell in Cowley County from June first to September first, and therefore late planted grain and other farm products suffered much from drouth. The grasshoppers came in the last of August and first of September and devoured such products as were then unmatured.
It happened that much of the corn and vegetables were planted late and were a complete failure, but the early planted corn and such other products as got their principal growth during the spring months did not suffer materially from the drouth and were too ripe for the grasshoppers when they came, so, such produced about the usual crop. There were instances in Cowley County in that year of early planted corn producing fifty to seventy bushels per acre. The wheat crop was ready for harvest in the beginning of the dry time, producing a full crop averaging about twenty-three bushels per acre throughout the county. The wheat harvest commenced June 5th and the weather thereafter was very favorable for securing the crop, so that the quality of the wheat was unusually good.
In September, 1876, the grasshoppers appeared again, but as the season had not been specially dry, and the crops had been planted early, they were so mature that the grasshoppers did but little damage except that they stayed so long that the frightened farmers did not sow their wheat in September, the proper time, fearing the hoppers would destroy it as fast as it came up, but delayed sowing until November. The result was that it did not get much growth until the warm showery weather of the spring when it grew so very rapidly that the straw rotted and the wheat shrank so that the last crop was inferior, both in quantity and quality to the usual yield. Many farmers, however, planted their wheat in September and had the usual crop both in quantity and quality, some as high as 40 bushels of the plumpest wheat to the acre.
Excepting the two years above mentioned, the county has never failed of producing large crops of almost every kind that has been tried. Experience points unmistakably to the conclusion that had all crops been sown early and at the proper time, there would have been no failure in the past, and that there need be no failure in the future in Cowley County.
There is no county in the United States whose average wheat crop has been larger per acre and better, for the last six years, than that of this county, and the farmers are so well assured of a crop that instead of planting less on account of the partial failure, planted during the past September about 89,000 acres in the place of the 60,000 acres of the fall before.
The climate here is by no means a dry one. There have been more complaints of too wet weather than too dry, since this county was settled eight years ago. There is not a state in the west, if in the Union, where there has been in the same time so little failure on account of drouths. The rains are usually as frequent and as abundant as could be desired.
So far as the grasshoppers are concerned, we believe their history establishes the fact that they never invade any territory except in a very dry time, and we have no occasion to fear that they will visit us at all more than once or twice out of a dozen years, or that they will do any material damage at their visits if farmers follow the maxim “plant early.”
No county while new and while the soil is being newly disturbed, where the soil is rich and the vegetation rank, has been exempt from malarial fevers, and Cowley has had many cases of such fevers. But it has no marshes, swamps, sloughs, or standing water, no fogs or moisture laden air. It always has a breeze, generally light but sometimes strong, and should be healthy, as it in fact is in all respects except as above. Many persons have come here diseased or suffering from chronic complaints, who have very soon begun to improve and have since quite recovered.
The following is from the assessors books of March, 1877.
Cowley County:
Number of acres in county, 718,080; taxable acres, 284,443; under cultivation, 126,440; increase of cultivated acres in one year, 25,132.
Dairy Products. Cheese manufactured in 1876, 6448 lbs. Butter manufactured in 1876, 185,327 lbs.; increase 71,525.
Farm Animals. Number of horses, 44,501; increase in one year, 765; mules and asses in 1876, 881; increase 312. Cattle in 1876, 12,107; increase 211. Sheep, 4,883; increase, 3,157. Swine, 14,982; increase, 6,980.
As a general rule, those who have no means to invest and must gain their livelihood by their labor either of hand or brain, for hire, will not find great encouragement. Farm and common labor are in supply in excess of demand and most of the mechanical trades and professions are so well supplied with workers that the competition is very strong. It is only those who have considerable skill, energy, and talent who succeed conspicuously, yet there are many here who came with no money and are now on the high road to fortune. Energy and brains will always succeed but some money to invest in farms or business is the quickest and surest. The east is better for the laborer, but there is no place in the union where money investments are surer of immediate and large returns. Those who have money, energy, and brains should come to Cowley by all means. In fact, it is pretty good evidence that one has all these if he breaks loose from the land sharks along the railroads and comes to Cowley where he can buy much better lands at much lower prices.
Cowley County has her schoolhouses, her churches, her courthouse, and her bridges mostly built and paid for and the taxation for these purposes will hereafter be light. In the new counties along the railroads all these have yet to be built and paid for and the taxation must necessarily be heavy.
Here there is no homestead land and the land is mostly entered and taxable; there the odd sections which do not belong to the railroads are homesteaded lands and will not be taxable for several years, therefore, the taxes will be much heavier on other property.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Second Page of above article.
It is now conceded by everyone acquainted with the topography of Kansas that the four counties—Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, and Butler—constitute the garden part of the state. It is just as freely conceded by the inhabitants of these four counties that Cowley is the garden spot of this great garden. More clear running streams with rich alluvial bottoms, more good timber, a better upland soil, with enough of the beautiful magnesian limestone for all building purposes, have established the character of Cowley County as the very gem of agricultural territory.
Now take heed. There is not a railroad within twenty-five miles of this glorious county. A large portion of the settlers are poor and still laboring under the curse of exorbitant interest-bearing mortgages given to secure the purchase of their homes. They must sell. A farm thus encumbered can be purchased for $500, when one adjoining it, and not as good, but owned by one out of debt, cannot be bought for $1,500.
Now take heed again. There are four railroads, with lines already surveyed, headed towards the great Walnut Valley, which extends from north to south through Cowley County, some of which are in process of construction and will be completed into the county inside of two years, when the value of lands will at once shoot up to a margin of from 100 to 500 percent.
Now, then, is the time to strike for farms in Cowley County—to get ahead of the railroad a year or two, and lay the foundations for a splendid and lasting fortune.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
See Hamilton & Robinson real estate advertisement. They have about thirty-five good farms and a first class mile site for sale. Call and see them.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Skipped the next item which compared Cowley County with other counties in Kansas as given in Green’s KANSAS REAL ESTATE NEWS.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Taxes for each year are due on and after November 1st.
One-half of the taxes may be paid on or before December 20th and the other half on or before the 20th of the following June.
If the whole tax is paid before December 20th, five percent is deducted from one-half of the tax.
If one-half is not paid on December 20th, five percent is added.
Another five percent is added on the 20th of March following, and again on the 20th of June, when the land is advertised for sale to pay the taxes that remain unpaid. The sale takes place on the first Tuesday of September. Three years after the sale, deeds are made to the purchasers and the land is lost beyond redemption.
Non-residents who have occasion to inquire about the taxes on their land in Cowley County should enclose twenty-five cents to A. H. Green, Winfield, Kansas, to pay for getting the information.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Editorial Page.
Gold has sold as low as 100-3/4.
Another heavy run on New England savings banks.
The house has defeated the ante-bellum mail contractors bill.
Gen. W. T. Sherman is appointed regent of the Smithsonian Institute.
Snow fell five feet deep on a level at Deadwood City, Black Hills, on the 16th.
The secretary of the treasury has purchased enough silver bullion to keep the mints running five weeks.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Mr. T. E. Clark, the founder of Oxford, and Mr. Hutchins and family have moved back to Oswego.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Hon. L. J. Webb is in Chautauqua County attending court.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
DIED. March 16th, J. D., son of G. W. and M. E. Robertson, aged 4 months.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Seed oats and other small grain are mostly in the ground. Many farmers are at work planting corn.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
We object to having Winfield represented at the Paris exposition by a photograph of our public school building.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Mr. W. J. Wilson, of Hammond, N. Y., has located in our city and accepted a clerkship in Mr. Kinne’s office.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Last Saturday a six mule team was loaded at the Tunnel mills with 7,500 pounds of flour for the Cheyenne Agency.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
MARRIED. At Winfield, March 19, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Rev. David Thomas to Mrs. Julia G. Goodrich, all of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Farmer Lemmon practices what he preaches. For several days he has been down planting trees, hedge, and “sich” on his farm east of the city.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The map of Cowley County in this issue was made four years ago and is of course incorrect now. The land marked as “government lands” is now mostly sold.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The city election occurs a week from next Monday but we have not heard a word yet as to candidates. Is not the glory of an election worth something?
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Mr. W. F. White has assumed charge of the passenger and ticket departments of the A. T. & S. F. railroad with the title of General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The Baptist people, headed by Rev. Rigby, have been at work beautifying their church grounds. They have put out over 200 trees, with rose bushes, vines, etc.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Last Sunday, March 17th, Mr. Rarrick cut from the field of Mr. Moore one and a half miles west of town some stalks of growing wheat which measured 30 inches high.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Walker Bros. have the largest and best assortment of fancy and staple groceries in the city, which they are selling at the lowest possible margin above cost. Call and see them.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The black man who escaped from the county jail with Billson, as noticed last week, was recaptured last week by Martin Barber on Skull Creek, and has also been returned to jail.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
S. M. Kessler, M. D., eclectic physician from Webster City, Iowa, called on us yesterday. He is so highly pleased with this county and city that he has concluded to cast his lot with us.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
We have taken up most of our space this week with the description of our county to the exclusion of many communications from our correspondents. We think we will make room for this correspondence next week.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
We are informed that some persons at a distance have the idea that the Presbyterian minister of this place was meant in the strictures of the Wichita Beacon two weeks since. This is a mistake. The Presbyterian minister does not promise to pay; he pays. He is noted for his financial soundness. A claim against him would be a curiosity.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
A. H. Green is alive to business. He has got up a 6,000 edition of his real estate paper to circulate on the railroad trains among the emigrants to Kansas. It is of course attended by large expense, but will doubtless bring to this county a great number of land buyers who will all come to see Green and what he has for sale. Persons who have land for sale would do well to put it in the hands of A. H. Green at once.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Maj. T. J. Anderson, who has heretofore occupied the position of general passenger agent of the A. T. & S. F. railroad, has been appointed general agent of that company and will have charge of both the passenger and freight departments of that road to Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, with office at Pueblo. The Major is a gentleman whose executive ability, energy, and urbanity, peculiarly fit him for such a position on a great road.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
A difference of opinion having arisen between some owners of fast horses in Winfield in relation to the speed and endurance of one of B. M. Terrill’s livery teams, a purse of two hundred dollars was made up to be delivered to Mr. Terrill in case he should drive the team from Winfield to Eldorado, forty-seven miles, in five hours. The trial came off last Saturday afternoon, and the drive was made in four hours and fifteen minutes. This is pretty fair time even for the “Bobtail” railroad. The team exhibited no signs of distress, and was driven back next day, arriving in good condition.
[Note: This time they have “Terrill.” The ad placed in paper always shows “Tyrrell & Ferguson.” Sometimes they spell his name “Terrell.” I do not know what is correct!]
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
FRUIT TREES. Parties wishing to purchase nursery stock of any kind will do well to call on T. J. Floyd, Telegram office, as he has home-grown stock which he will sell cheap.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Our county will be represented at the Paris exhibition. A photo of the schoolhouse at Arkansas City, given to Mr. Lemmon some time ago by Esquire Bonsall, to be hung in the superintendent’s office at Topeka, will be a part of the Kansas educational collection.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS. I offer for sale, cheap for cash, a small stock of drugs and medicines and my practice, in one of the finest locations in Cowley County; practice amounts to about $2,500 per annum. Address, “Physician,” COURIER office, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
EXTRA COURIERS, descriptive of the county, $3 per $100; or, we will mail and prepay postage at $4 per 100. Send in your orders with cash at once that we may know how many to print. If you prefer to have us mail and prepay postage, send the addresses to which you would have them mailed.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Next Monday evening, the 25th, at the courthouse will be rendered the drama of “Ten Nights in a Bar-Room.” This drama has been under rehearsal by the young people here under the tuition of Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis, who will, with nine others, be actors in the play. The public will be well entertained.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
A sheriff party, from Shawnee County, last week pursued a horse thief into this county and rushed down into the Indian Territory about twenty miles. Having lost all track of him, they gave up the pursuit and search; and while passing through this county on their return, they met their object of pursuit jogging gently along on his stolen horse toward the Territory, and took him in.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
On the stage from Eldorado to Winfield the other day were two Cowley County six-year-old boys, Jesse and Bertie. After crossing the county line into Cowley, while passing a very much better field of wheat than any seen further north, Jesse asked what county they were then in. “Cowley County,” answered Bertie, “don’t you see that wheat? That is Cowley County wheat.”
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The old log store has gone to a more northeastern site. Robert Hudson put his log wheels under it last Saturday and it had to budge, heavy as it was. In 1870 this building was about all there was of Winfield. It has done service as store, church, political headquarters, law office, post office, schoolhouse, printing office, and almost everything else, but it had to give place to a more pretentious building. It looks lonesome around the old site.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
There is something grossly wrong about the way mails are handled between Wichita and Winfield. We have been unable to find out why it takes from two to three days to carry mail matter between this place and Ninnescah, a distance of only fifteen miles, and a daily mail both ways. Is it a fact that the way mail goes to Oxford both ways and lays over a day or two, and if so, who is to blame? Is there a way mail between Wichita and Winfield? If not, why not? If there is, why does it not serve the post office at Ninnescah and Littleton? We are hearing loud and constant complaint, are much annoyed by the failure of our papers to arrive at their destination, and are getting to feel quite belligerent on this subject. At whom shall we strike first.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Winfield Schools.
Our public schools are to close tomorrow for a vacation of one week. The work of the term has been satisfactory to teachers, students, and patrons. We spent a part of last Tuesday visiting the different rooms and were pleased with the interest and attention manifest in all of them. Mr. Robinson and his assistants deserve and receive the hearty support of the people of our city. The only hindrance to the complete success of schools is their overcrowded condition. During the term just closing, Prof. Robinson has had an enrollment of 54; Miss Saint, 72; Miss Wickersham, 78; Miss Bryant, 114; and Miss Johnson, about 30. It is a mistake to crowd 360 students into five school rooms. Steps should be taken at once to secure additional school accommodations before the opening of the next school year. Now is the time to attend to this matter. The schools now occupy two rooms in the schoolhouse and two rooms in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. These rooms are now far from sufficient. Two additional rooms are needed. The main building of our schoolhouse should be erected this summer. We have no school bond indebtedness, the last bond is being paid; building material and work is cheap; the state permanent school fund is so flush of money that it has taken seven percent bonds at par. It is estimated that $7,000 will build a main building of four large rooms and remodel the old so as to make the whole one of the most beautiful structures in the state. Who will move in the matter.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The Kansas Methodist Conference closed Monday night. The following appointments were made for this district.
Wichita. J. Kirby.
Wichita Mission. Supplied by C. Brooks.
East Wichita. L. F. Laverty.
West Wichita and Eldridge. Supplied by A. S. Wimbree.
Cartwright. John McQuistion.
El Paso. G. W. Harmony.
Belle Plaine. J. W. Cain.
Belle View and Rolling Green. To be supplied by E. W. Abbot.
Wellington. J. N. Boicourt.
Oxford. J. W. Stewart.
South Haven - Supplied by - Roman.
Arkansas City. T. S. Hunt.
Caldwell. A. W. Ryan.
Winfield. J. L. Rusbridge.
Winfield Circuit. P. D. Lahr.
Dexter and Tisdale. W. H. Rose.
Lazette. M. C. Green.
Douglas. C. A. Stine.
Augusta. J. A. Hyden.
Eldorado. O. A. Palmer.
Plumb Grove. A. Cain.
Quito. H. Wait.
Sedgwick. D. W. Cameron.
Cottonwood Falls. P. F. Jones.
Toledo. Supplied by C. Masses.
Florence and Cedar Point. H. J. Walker.
J. F. Nessley, Chaplain to State Senate.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Mail Contracts.
The following awards were made at the Post Office Department at Washington on the 9th inst. for carrying the mails in this vicinity.
Coffeyville to Arkansas City, 100 miles, 2 times per week; $972. B. Magoffin.
Elk Falls to Wichita, 86 miles, 3 times per week; $1,475. H. B. Gurnesey.
Elk Falls to Winfield, 58 miles, 3 times per week; $939. A. A. Call.
Eureka to Arkansas City, 70 miles, once a week, $488. J. W. Darsey.
Eldorado to Winfield, 45 miles, 6 times per week, $1,344. H. Tisdale.
Augusta to Ninnescah, 34 miles, once a week, $244. A. J. Vail.
Arkansas City to South Haven, 19 miles, 2 times per week, $228. W. C. Brown.
Oxford to Medicine Lodge, 90 miles, 2 times per week, $838. J. R. Miner.
Wellington to Arkansas City, 36 miles, once a week, $263. B. Magoffin.
Wichita to Arkansas City, 60 miles, 6 times per week, $1,220. H. Tisdale.
Wichita to Caldwell, 66 miles, 6 times per week, $1,584. H. Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
WINFIELD, March 16, 1878.
FRIEND SCOTT. Our town looks lively and bustling every Saturday and Monday. Today is a little more so.
The usual crowds of gaping, idle country louts and villages loafers are gathered around the cheap stationery man with tinsel helmet and coat of many colors, who is slyly taking in their quarters. The auction nuisance has its crowd of idlers listening to half a dozen whisky-nosed gentlemen, all of them brawling at the top of their voices at the same time, trying to sell some wind-broken, spavined, hip-shot, broken down, and worn out horses.
Arkansas Traveler.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. L. Rusbridge and wife to L. W. Bigelow, part of southwest 28 32 4, 2 acres, $100.
F. P. Meyers and wife to Cemetery Association, part of s w 5 35 7, 1 acre.
James Martin to Wm. Tannahill, s e 26 31 7, 160 acres, $1,500.
Robt. Allison and wife to J. K. Lawrence, e ½ of n w ¼ of s e 23 31 3, 20 acres, $800.
Frank P. Davis and wife to G. S. Manser s w 33 30 3, 160 acres, $485.
W. H. Cochran and wife to Robt. Allison, e ½ of n w of s e 23 31 3, 20 acres, $800.
Nelson Felton and wife to Elizabeth Green s w 21 30 3.
Jas. L. Way to Samuel Beakley, n e of n e 80 31 6, 40 acres, $200.
O. C. Holman to Robt. P. Wooley, w ½ and n e of s e 36 33 3, 120 acres, $800.
Jas. P. Craft and wife to Elizabeth Morris, part of s ½ of s e 29 31 7, 12 acres, $215.
Geo. M. Caldwell and wife to E. Copeland n w 12 30 3, 160 acres, $612.30.
W. L. Mullen and wife to Julia A. Stevens, lots 7 and 8, block 90, Winfield, $1,000.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Marriage Licenses.
James Trout to Emily Wilson.
Joseph Craft to Elizabeth Walck.
David Maricle to Elizabeth Dally.
David Thomas to Julia G. Goodrich.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 21st day of March 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Bridges, E. P.; Bing, C. A.; Claybaugh, Charles; Condit, Mrs. Jane; Elixson, L. N.; Franks, Miss C.; Fuller, John J.; Fuss, Mr. Joseph; Hill, J. M.; Johnson, John M.
SECOND COLUMN: Kizer, Miss Mattie; Lane, Stephen O.; Lacey, Mr. Wm. F. M.; Matel, Mr. E. A.; Marrs, Mr. William; Stevenson, Frank; Suits, T. H.; Tyler, Chas.; Taylor, W. K.; Wentz, Wm.; Wright, Mr. Blachley T. Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The spring term of the Winfield schools will commence on the first day of April and continue ten weeks. Teachers and pupils from other school districts will have the opportunity to attend the high school department during the term. GEO. W. ROBINSON, Principal.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Sidewalk Contracts.
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the city clerk’s office, in the City of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, up to 7 o’clock p.m. of the 25th day of March, A. D., 1878, for the construction of sidewalks designated in ordinance No. 75 of said city, or so much of the same as the city council of said city may see fit to let. Said sidewalks to be built in accordance with said ordinance. The bids shall specify the amount per square foot for which the same will be built, to be paid out of the assessment made upon the lot or lots abutting upon said sidewalks; also for the construction of a sidewalk in front of No. 11, in block No. 129, in said city, in accordance with ordinance. For further particulars enquire of
C. M. WOOD, Chairman, Committee on Sidewalks.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Back Page.
A number of the prominent businessmen of Winfield made a flying visit to our city last Friday. Among the number we observed the pleasant countenance of W. C. Root, proprietor of the principal boot and shoe store of that city; Gillelan, of the celebrated dry goods firm of Lynn and Gillelen, and well known throughout the valley, Walker, the popular groceryman; and Suss, the man who cannot be beat selling dry goods and clothing—all pleasant gentlemen representing the best business houses of that city. The irrepressible By Terrill, with one of those first-class turnouts from his livery, had the entire company in charge, himself holding the ribbons and engineering the whole train. The boys were apparently enjoying the trip hugely, and we highly appreciated the visit. Call again gents—we’re always glad to see you. Wellington press.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Last week while John Noel and T. S. Bethell of Val Verdi Township were in the Territory getting out timber, their camp (in their temporary absence) was the scene of a conflagration, which proved quite disastrous to the effects of the company. While the men were absent on a trip to the State line with timber, by some means to them entirely unknown, a fire broke out in the camp, and in a much shorter space of time than it takes us to tell, it most effectually cleaned up the camp, and got away with whatever happened at the time to be laying around loose, including wagon covers, camp equipments, beds and bedding, cooking utensils, together with the entire stock of grub on hand, which (the last item named) proved to be quite a serious affair, as the boys being a long ways from base of supplies, were not only put on short rations, but absolutely with none at all until they reached the settlements near home. The loss to them was considerable, but we understand our friend Bethell most of all laments the loss of his fine pillows with embroidered slips and some fine linen sheets. A man to whom those articles are indispensable should never make a camp in the Territory. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Back Page.
Hon. Thomas Ryan, member of congress from the third Kansas district, in his speech delivered at the Sedgwick County Fair, at Wichita, Sept. 27, 1877, paid a just tribute to Cowley County in the following words.
“Over three hundred years ago, a Spanish expedition passed not many miles from where we now stand. One Coronado, at the head of 1200 men, then traversed the counties of Barbour, Kingman, Reno, Harvey, and McPherson. Could he have done the same thing again but a few short years ago taking in the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and Sedgwick, he would have explored the garden of the universe, still occupied by beast and savage, precisely as he found it three centuries before. But were he to return today and chronicle the preternatural change, and could we go five hundred years into futurity and read his marvelous narration, we should doubtless conclude that Coronado was the champion liar of the age in which he wrote. But seeing is believing; with our own eyes we behold Cowley County with her 15,000 population; her schoolhouses, her magnificent churches, her mills, her newspapers, her four hundred thousand acres paying tribute to government, and one hundred and fifty thousand producing acres; and yet she was organized but seven years ago.”
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Back Page.
The Walnut Valley Stage Line advertised in our columns is the best, cheapest, and shortest route to this county. By taking the A. T. & S. F. railroad to Florence and Eldorado and this stage line to Winfield, you will save $1.50 in fare.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Back Page.
The Arkansas Valley which has become famous for fertility and beauty is that part which lies southeast of Wichita, in Cowley, Sumner, and Sedgwick counties—not the western part, which in comparison is much less fertile.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Walnut Valley
Leave Eldorado daily (except Sunday), at 7 o’clock a.m.; arrive at Winfield, same day, at 4 o’clock p.m.
Leave Winfield daily (except Sundays), at 7 o’clock a.m.; arrive at Eldorado, same day, at 4 o’clock p.m. CONNECTIONS:
Connects at Eldorado with the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut Valley R. R.
Connects at Winfield, going south, with Stage for Arkansas City.
Cheapest and Shortest Route
N. ROBERSON, Proprietor.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
[First Page of March 28, 1878, issue repeats the long article given in March 21, 1878, issue.]
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The new silver dollar preaches a sermon as well as pays all debts. Its motto is, “In God we trust.”
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The subscriptions to the four percent loan on the 19th were $1,012,000. Total subscriptions to date: $4,000,000.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
A. T. & S. F. ROAD.
The A. T. & S. F. company have succeeded in securing the pass in the Raton range of mountains against the Denver & Rio Grande road, and are pushing forward the work to connect with the California road in Arizona. Large forces of workmen and hundreds of teams are employed.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Winfield mechanics as a rule are men of intelligence, who love social order and respect the rights of others. We are informed that the plasterers have formed a trade association or guild for the mutual benefit of its members. This is a measure which we commend. Such associations, if properly managed, are very useful in many ways, not only to their members but to the community. One of the objects is to keep the prices of their labor up to a fair and just compensation, and any measure tending to that end which does not interfere with the rights of others will receive our warm sympathy and support. When such a guild fixes minimum rates for work, one natural result should not be overlooked, which is, that those who are known to be first-class workmen will be employed at the established rates and others will only find work when the demand for workmen is in excess of the supply. It is all in favor of good workmen and good work. Newcomers, until they have acquired a reputation, and those who have no reputation as good workmen, cannot afford to become members of the guild. They must work at low prices or starve. The workmen who have a reputation have a vast advantage over such and should be content with the advantages they have. One who does not belong to the guild will be likely to be taken for an inferior workman, and men who want good work will not be likely to employ them.
There is one thing however that members of these guilds should always remember, namely: that others have the right to work for such pay as they can get, or without pay for that matter, and any interference with that right is a crime. If one who does not belong to your guild works for less than your established rates, he is doing no wrong, and if you destroy his tools, mutilate his work or “bulldoze” him in any way, you are in the same position you would be if you should steal a horse, forge a note, or rob a man on the highway. You are entering upon just such a career of crime as culminated in the Pittsburgh riots and the Molly McGuire murders.
We call attention to this subject at this time because it is charged that on last Saturday evening some persons destroyed the tools, mortar bed, and other property belonging to a plasterer who does not belong to the guild. We are unwilling to believe that any plasterer with whom we are acquainted had any hand in this outrage. We have too high a respect for them as intelligent, high-minded men. But should anyone be convicted of this crime, whether friend or foe, we hold that he should be punished to the extent of the law.
The guild should at once take such action as will show that it condemns such transactions and has no part in them. A guild that should encourage such outrages would be regarded in the same light as a gang of horse thieves.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
It is asserted by the friends of Mr. Bancroft that he has concealed nothing; that the members of the board of regents have long known from the voluntary statements of Major Bancroft himself what they now know of the use of the funds, and that the entire board with one exception were opposed to the criminal prosecution. Winfield Courier.
Bancroft friends may, or may not, make such assertions. We have no hesitancy in asserting, however, that whoever does make any such assertion is either a fool or a wilful falsifier. It is a lie also that the board, or any member of it, was opposed to prosecution. Neither the present state officers, nor the present board of regents, are in any way blameable for the defalcation or a want of a knowledge of it sooner. If anyone other than Bancroft is to be blamed, it is the old board of regents of which he was a member, who were only cognizant of the fact of the sale of lands, and whose records fail not only to show the fact, but fail to show the fact of Bancroft’s appointment as agent, which records were the only source of information of the past transactions of the officers of that institution. Wichita Eagle.
We merely repeated the story as we received it and are glad that it is emphatically denied by such good authority at the Eagle, Emporia News, and other papers that have come to the relief of the members of the board of regents of the Normal School. Mr. Bancroft’s trial is now in progress at Emporia. We hope and expect that even handed justice, nothing more, will be done both him and the State.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The Wichita Herald and the Wichita Eagle came to us last week completely illuminated with a broad grin because of “a good joke on Winfield,” which they relate substantially as follows: On the preceding Sunday a Winfield minister was invited to address the children in the Presbyterian Sabbath school at Wichita, and in the course of his remarks asked the children where Winfield was. A little gamin answered: “Out in the country.”
Now our innocent neighbors do not quite understand the best part of that joke. On that particular Sunday every Winfield minister was at his post preaching in Winfield, but Frank Mills was on his way to the territory with a horse he had stolen from Shawnee County, and to allay suspicion he played the role of minister and Sabbath school lecturer on the simple Wichitas. Next morning he left early, but was captured by Deputy Marshal Petrie and Constable Cory before he reached the territory.
Our metropolitan friends had better come “out in the country” and “cut their eye teeth.”
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Hon. Ben. Simpson has been confirmed by the senate as U. S. marshal for the district of Kansas and it is now understood that he will accept.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The secretary of the treasury has authorized the mints to buy silver bullion at the market price, not exceeding 10,000 ounces in a lot, to be paid for in cold coin or silver dollars at the option of the government.
The recent mail letting aggregates a million of dollars less than the same lettings did last year.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
England seems to have been again out-generaled in diplomacy. She has been negotiating an alliance, offensive and defensive, with Austria, but Count Andrassy has at last refused the alliance and it is believed that Austria has made a similar alliance with Russia. England therefore intimated that she would not enter the congress, notwithstanding Russia yields to the demand of England that all the stipulations of the treaty should be submitted. Both England and Russia continue to make war preparations.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Oats sown and most of them up. Corn planting and garden making going on.
R. C. Story lectured at Floral on the 18th, giving good advice and sound doctrine on education to teachers, parents, and children.
Miss Maggie Stansberry’s school in district 108 closed March 15th, with a dinner at the schoolhouse and literary exercises. Judging from the advance exhibited by the pupils and the large gathering, her school has given good satisfaction.
Literary still running at 108 and a full house each night.
Good Templars and Patrons alive at Floral. L.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Weather fine. Roads dusty. The country is in verdure and bloom. Farmers are in good spirits and active, seeding for crops.
J. H. Mounts has had a well drilled fifty-one feet through hard-pan. J. Duncan has had a stock well drilled.
Fairview Sabbath school was organized March 3rd; V. P. Rounds, superintendent, Mrs. Rounds, chorister. Each is well fitted for the position assigned.
District school closed the 15th, and at noon of that day an excellent dinner was served in the schoolhouse by the ladies of the district. The afternoon was devoted to recitations, declamations, dialogue, and select reading in concert. The latter was the best feature of the performances given by Misses Davis, Ella Rounds, Messrs. E. M., Wm. and John Case, Misses Hattie Rounds, Sarah Mounts, Ella Mounts, Nellie Chase, Carrie Chase, and Eva Smith. Spelling school in the evening and a pleasant time.
Miss Davis will long be remembered with the kindest feelings by her pupils.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Farmers are very active on Crab Creek plowing and planting corn. Wheat looks fine, but needs rain.
I am happy to say that G. Bryan has given up going to California. When we have a good neighbor, we wish to keep him.
Our Sabbath school is going on with success.
If there are any extra preachers about Winfield, send them down here; we need preaching.
I agree with your editorial headed “too many of same name,” as far as you went, and would go father. There are three schoolhouses in the county named “Centennial,” and two named “Fairview.” Your correspondent from the other Fairview appears to be a fine fellow, and I propose to settle the proprietorship of the name on the basis of senior dedication. Ours was dedicated and named in 1873.
Dexter is having a horse race.
Boat Overman’s hound got “chawed up” by a wild-cat, but the cat perished after a terrible fight.
There is a lively greenback organization at Fairview. TWEN DYOLF.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The silver bill has passed, the bridge bonds carried, and the country is saved. The wheat continues to grow all the same, and the peach trees have donned the full “bloomer” costume.
We are either to have an early spring, or we agree with the Dutchman that even nature “can’t most always sometimes tell.”
Rev. Platter, of your place, has a fine farm in the edge of Sumner (240 acres) which is nearly all covered with a crop of very promising wheat.
Mr. Reynolds is still very busy arranging his new nursery.
Pruden’s ferry is still a complete success, and that is where you want to cross the river.
There has been a very enterprising meeting in progress at Salt City for nearly two weeks. Full house, attentive audiences, and deep interest.
The salt works under the management of Mr. John Oxley, will very soon begin the summer’s campaign.
Our old county commissioner, Capt. O. C. Smith, has been very low for several days with pneumonia.
Mr. Berkey is making arrangements to build a residence in Salt City this summer. He has had a good trade during all the hard times. RUDY.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Second paragraph has something about Little Thompson having troubles keeping his cattle out of his neighbor’s wheat.
I. W. Edwards is helping the good cause along by putting up a tasteful little stone house 15 x 26 on his farm.
Newton Chaney, the Illinois boy, is very busy plowing hedge rows around his valuable farm.
Ezekiel T. Flint has completed a large stone corral, and respectfully announces to the public that he is now ready to take in any number of cattle for herding purposes. There is a splendid spring branch running through the corral.
Harry Beckley and John Snyder are the champion fishers of the season. They caught thirty-two fine catfish out of Timber Creek in an hour one night, and it wasn’t a very good night for fishing either.
The latest thing in the amusement line of Queen Village was an old-fashioned corn-shucking bee and dance, which took place at R. W. Stephens’. The boys shucked about 500 bushels of corn, had a grand supper in the new barn, danced all night, “and went home with the girls in the morning.”
John R. Thompson and J. W. Miller start soon for Kansas City with a carload of fat cattle and another of fat hogs. MORE ANON.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
[Published in the Winfield Courier March 28, 1878.]
An Ordinance Providing for the Construction of Sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:
SECTION 1. That sidewalks of stone of a uniform width of four feet be constructed in said city, located as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the sidewalk on the northwest corner of block 128; thence east along said block to Millington street; thence south along the west side of said street along blocks 128, 129, and 130 to Twelfth avenue; also commencing at the southeast corner of block 127; thence north along the west side of said Millington street along the east side of lot 18, in block 127, in said city of Winfield.
SECTION 2. That a sidewalk of stone of a uniform width of eight feet be constructed in said city and located on the south side of Ninth Avenue fronting and abutting upon the north side of block number one hundred and twenty-nine (129).
SECTION 3. That said sidewalks shall be constructed of stone commonly called flagstone; and no stone used therein shall be of a less size than 2 feet square nor less than 2 nor more than 6 inches in thickness and shall be so graded and laid as to present a smooth and uniform surface.
SECTION 4. And that unless the said sidewalks be built within 30 days after the taking effect of this ordinance, by the owner or owners of the lots abutting upon said sidewalks, that the same be built by and under the direction and supervision of the city, and that the lots or pieces of ground abutting upon said sidewalks be assessed for the payment thereof according to the front foot abutting upon said sidewalks.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication once in the Winfield Courier and Cowley County Telegram.
Approved March 25th, 1878. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest, HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Miss Francisco, of Arkansas City, is visiting friends in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Walker Bros. have a new delivery wagon lettered in gilt, which is undoubtedly the nobbiest rig in town.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
R. L. Johnson says that a man who cannot make a living at farming in this county cannot do it anywhere.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Members will be received and the ordinance of baptism administered at the M. E. Church on Sunday next, at 11 a.m.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Subject of the evening discourse, “Belshazzar’s Feast.” (By request.)
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
F. M. Cooper, M. D., eclectic physician, made us a call on Tuesday. He is late of Joplin and will locate in this place.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
We have been favored with calls from Messrs. J. W. Myers and J. R. Boone, of Independence, Iowa, who propose locating in this county.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
B. M. Terrill has built a new carriage house. His increasing business and increased number of horses and carriages require more room.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Sparr Bros., from Wellington, are about to open a grocery and feed store in the building south of Lynn & Gillelen’s, lately occupied as a meat shop.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Foults Bros. have been making some improvements in their barber shop, and now have one of the finest tonsorial establishments in the southwest.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Dr. Mendenhall has moved his house from Ninth avenue to front on Millington Street, and proposes to fill up the vacancy on Ninth avenue with business houses.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
FRUIT TREES. Parties wishing to purchase nursery stock of any kind will do well to call on T. J. Floyd, Telegram office, as he has home-grown stock which he will sell cheap.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Frank Baldwin has a new pair of prescription scales which are the finest we ever saw. They are so evenly balanced that they will swing either way on an eighth of a grain.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Dr. Mendenhall and Col. Manning appear to be the boss laborers of Winfield. They are at it with shovels, pick, and other weapons early and late. Valuable improvements will be the result.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
David C. Beach, one of the leading attorneys of Lawrence, has located in this city and will pursue the practice of law. He will soon move his family to this place. He is delighted with the county.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Dr. J. C. Pennington, from Missouri, has bought the John Kinney place in Sheridan Township and will practice farming, as well as medicine, in his new locality. He is well read up in his profession and will be an acquisition to Sheridan and the county.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The outgoing city government has been every efficient. It would be difficult to find a young city that has been as well regulated and cared for as has been Winfield for the past year. The improvements have been made substantially and economically, good order has prevailed, and our city has gained largely in character, population and wealth.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The friends of temperance have made an excellent strategic move against liquor licenses in this city. They have circulated a paper by the terms of which the subscribers promise to refuse their signatures to all petitions for license, and have obtained a large number of signatures, many of which doubtless would become appended to license petitions had not this agreement been circulated. We think it probable that this move will defeat all licenses for the coming year.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER. The great and growing agricultural interests of Cowley County demand at this time the attention of the farmers to the importance and necessity of organizing an agricultural society, which will enable them to compete with other counties in the state, and, in fact, place our favored county in the foreground to which her super-excellence entitles her.
In order to give the farmers an opportunity to discuss this measure and compare notes, I would suggest that a meeting be called to be held at the Courthouse on Saturday of court week (May 11th) for that purpose.
I would also suggest that farmers officer the meeting and the society, if they form one, and run it in their own way; and I am certain that success, instead of the failure that characterized the former undertaking, will be the result. J. M. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
City Election.
The executive committee of the Murphy temperance association with four persons from each ward constitute a committee to recommend nominations for city officers and report at the temperance meeting next Friday evening. The mechanics and laborers also have a committee to report nominations at a meeting on the same evening.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. D. Lester and wife to Julia A. Ralston, e. ½ n. e. 22 38 3, 80 acres, $600.
Jesse Truitt and wife to D. O. Radcliff, s. e. 4 31 3, 160 acres, $800.
R. J. Burleson and wife to Kimball A. Moses, s. e. of n. e. 23 32 5, 45 acres, $1,000.
W. Tannehill and wife to Lynn & Gillelen, s. e. 26 31 7, 160 acres, $800.
E. P. Hickock to Sabina R. Hickok, part of n. e. 10 33 4, $200.
[Note: First time Hickock; second time Hickok. Have no idea which is correct.]
James R. Long to H. Buckner, M. A. Green, V. Mathews, and Lucy Long, n. w. 7 33 4, 160 acres, love and affection.
A. H. Buckwalter to Andrew Thompson, n. w. 11 35 3, 159 acres, $1,100.
Andrew McNull to James S. Dale, part of w. ½ n. w. 33 31 7, 60 acres, $400.
David Hubert and wife to Benj. J. Wimer, s. ½ n. e. 11 33 4, 80 acres, $500.
Geo. W. Calvin and wife to David Hubert, s. ½ n. e. 11 33 4, 80 acres, $250.
Hugh T. Wimer to H. O. and W. S. Wooley, n. w. 29 31 3, 160 acres, $300.
Francis C. Davis and wife to Fielding Key, lots 1 and 2 and n. ½ s. w. 13 35 4, 160 acres, $500.
E. B. Kager and wife to Thomas Goatley, w. ¼ lots 3 and 4 and n. ½ s. e. 14 35 4, 90 acres, $225.
Frank Pierce and wife to H. C. Day, lots 1 and 2 and e. ½ n. w. 19 30 6, 160 acres, $300.
D. McClung and wife to James Y. Waite, n. e. 24 32 3, 160 acres, $900.
Read & Robinson and wives to Edward Banks, lots 11 and 12, block 32, Winfield, $125.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Marriage Licenses.
George M. Ferm to May Compton.
John E. Bates to Hannah Loyd.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The Tisdale school gave an exhibition on Tuesday of last week. The house was filled and everyone of the audience observed the rules of good order. As a whole the exhibition was a success.
The Sheridan brass (band) gave an exhibition on Wednesday eve, which ended in a fight between two boys, a man and a boy, and several other small fights. I have not been able to get a correct report of the affair, therefore do not know much about it. Several of the parties were brought before Esq. Morrow and fined.
Our road overseer, E. P. Young, is doing a good work in this district by grading the road and building culverts. The roads need the repairs and all are obliged to Mr. Young.
On Friday eve Center grange conferred the good degree—I don’t know its number—on ten recruits, ending with a splendid supper, which my poor pen cannot describe owing to its variety and number of dishes. But the dance, oh! it was jolly. Our fun loving friend, Mr. Hodges, was floor manager and so everything went off nicely. The old and young folks enjoyed a rare treat and look foward when a like scene will be acted. Why do the ladies of the grange get up such fine suppers? Please explain.
John Mc. has just received a new stock of goods.
Nube Gould, an old Tisdaleite, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Gay.
A brother of Mr. Young is trying Kansas fare and air at Tisdale.
The greenbackers will have a meeting at the schoolhouse next Tuesday eve.
A brother of Geo. Lafoon has come to Tisdale to stay.
Weather fine, wheat fine, oats sowed, corn plowing going rapidly on. LYCURGUS.
March 18th.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Farming in this part of the county has commenced in earnest. Here-abouts all the oats are sown and farmers are ploughing for corn.
The peach trees are out in bloom, and all are fearful that we may yet have cold that will kill the fruit.
The cattle in this section are looking uncommonly well, very few being on “the lift.”
J. W. Patten, from Iowa, has rented the farm of Fred Nance and intends working at his trade—blacksmithing. Rev. Nance has gone to Butler County to attend a meeting of Presbytery.
The soliciting agent of the Telegram, I. J. Floyd, is here canvassing for that paper.
March 15th, 1878. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
ED. COURIER: A temperance meeting, under the management of the Good Templar lodge, was held at the schoolhouse district 26—better known as Little Dutch—on Saturday night, March 9th. Able and instructive lectures were delivered by Rev. Berry and Bro. G. N. Fowler, lodge deputy; after which the Murphy temperance pledge was introduced in a few well timed remarks by H. S. Barker. The following persons signed the pledge.
[53 names omitted for want of room. ED.]
The following officers were elected and a permanent organization effected: President, H. L. Baker; vice president, G. N. Fowler; secretary, William White; treasurer, W. B. Wimer.
On motion it was ordered that the meetings of the society be held the first Friday night in each month.
On motion it was ordered that the secretary be instructed to furnish the Winfield papers with the proceedings of this meeting for publication. WILLIAM WHITE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
We have had a sensation here. Geo. Walker came out hunting the negro who broke jail. He passed on as far east as Greenfield, and before he got back, the thief was captured by Geo. Denton and Martin Barber, ten miles above town on Grouse.
The neighborhood was startled again on Thursday morning following by the report of Mr. McNeal’s horse being stolen. The neighbors turned out to hunt the horse and thief. About noon the horse came home but some of the men in pursuit had not returned on the following Saturday evening.
The Yellow Star (Harris House) changed hands on the 20th. Phillip Baker succeeds. Success to you, Phillip. Goodbye, grandma.
H. S. Huff has a partner in the blacksmith business and plenty of work for both.
The mail from Winfield to Boston has changed time. It arrives at noon instead of at night. Better for farmers.
Mr. Chatterson, of Benderville, is about moving his saw mill to Walnut River, three miles below Winfield.
The landlord and landlady of the Commercial went over to the “hub” on Friday. The Commercial is a first class house.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris start for Indiana soon to look after the estate of her father, deceased. XTRA.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Will you allow me space in your paper, as a member of the city council whose action has been so severely criticized of late, to correct some statements which I believe to be erroneous, viz: that none of the licenses granted by the council are legal, for the reason that none of the petitions presented contained the names of a majority of the adult citizens. It is very true that the petitions as presented did not contain as many names as the remonstrance, as presented, but unfortunately the remonstrance contained the names of more than forty persons, whose names also appeared on the petitions, and I submit to any lawyer that these names could not properly appear on the remonstrance, or at least should not be counted as remonstrants, but must be counted as petitioners, because having once signed a petition no subsequent action of the petitioner could annul that petition; besides this, there were on the remonstrance twelve or more names of persons not citizens, or minors. If anyone doubts these statements, I can produce the names and figures.
After striking from the petitions and from the remonstrance the persons only who were known not to be citizens or known to be minors, and from the remonstrance those who had signed both, it was found that one of the petitions contained several more names than the remonstrance, one the same number, and one considerably less. Licenses were granted to the two first, for which action I hold myself responsible, having voted to grant them after carefully examining all the names. There was a list of some forty names of remonstrants whom no one could vouch for, but they were all counted. The other members of the council believing that many of the names on the remonstrance were not properly there, after having the third petition amended by additional names, granted a license. From that action I dissented, and likewise opposed the transfer of a license to another person than the one to whom it was granted.
I think it must be conceded that with such data as the council had at their command, it was a difficult and delicate task to decide just how many constituted a majority, and there might be an honest difference of opinion. If some of our best citizens found it so difficult to decide for themselves whether to sign a petition or a remonstrance that they signed both, might not there have been some difficulty with the council in deciding which were in the majority?
I would not have troubled you with this article were it not that I think most men will believe a plain statement of facts rather than hastily formed opinions. Some men believe in nothing but their own infallibility; for their opinions I care not. S. C. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Our farmers are about done sowing oats; and the preparation for corn planting is being pushed rapidly.
Last Saturday night the Rev. M. V. Phillips of the Free Methodist Church held divine service at the residence of Don Jay. He preaches at the same place on the second Saturday night of April.
The Followers of Christ held a meeting at the Smith schoolhouse last Saturday night, Sunday at 11 o’clock, and Sunday night. There were six of their ministers in attendance. They seem to be faithful workers, and have organized a society at that place composed of some of our best citizens.
W. A. Metcalf, with some others, started last Sunday morning to the Pawnee Agency to be present at the opening of bids for a lot of prairie breaking and cross plowing that is to be let on the 20th inst., and on which Mr. Metcalf has put a bid.
All kinds of stock is coming out in fine condition. Feed time is about over and quite a quantity of corn still on hand. It will not come amiss.
Farmers busy plowing, seeding, and making garden, the weather lovely and everybody in good spirits.
Dennis Cochran sold his claim to an eastern man. Consideration—span of mules, horses, and wagon $250, one mare at $75, and $50 cash. Wm. Yandall sold his claim for $100. It is rumored Wm. Morgan has sold his farm for $650 cash. The rumor lacks confirmation.
Quite a number of teams have changed hands in the last few days in this neighborhood.
Two families of the name of Passly and one named Matny, from Illinois, have settled in the north part of this township and are erecting dwellings and opening farms.
Since the Beaver Creek schoolhouse was burned, the Beaver Creek Sunday school has divided, one part meeting at the Swank home with J. G. Custer, superintendent; the other meeting at the Richey house with Geo. York, superintendent. The party that meets at the Richey house is called the Spring Creek Sunday school, while the others retain the old name of Beaver Creek Sunday school.
The Spring Creekers take no fat.
The Beaver Creekers take no lean,
Between the two the schoolhouse is flat,
The district is broke up clean.
And still they are not happy.
March 19, 1878. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Spring work going on lively.
Greenbackers are again trying to organize at Dexter. I wish Peter Cooper would come out here and teach some of our citizens what it is to be a greenbacker.
Mr. John Harden has gone to Eldorado with fat hogs to ship to Kansas City.
Dexter has been having one festival a week for the benefit of Sunday schools.
Mr. James Harden has just returned from St. Louis with a large stock of goods.
Tom Paine has left Dexter. The Tennessee House has taken a new send off.
The Dexter mill is running and doing grinding in good order.
Plum Creek district has been holding court. POLO.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
J. W. H., the Courier agent, has been here and taken 14 new names as subscribers for the COURIER—the farmer’s friend.
Farmers are very busy plowing and seeding. There will be more prairie breaking done in this part of the county this year than for several years past.
There is more sickness here than usual.
Mr. Elisha Harned has just completed a stone fence around a forty acre tract, making the finest pasture in the north part of the county.
Emigrants are rolling through here daily. Some are settling in this vicinity. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
ED. COURIER: We have had delightful weather since my last, and farmers are busy with their spring work.
The Summit debating society has adjourned to November next.
Our old friends, Charles W. and Oscar Davis, from Henry County, Iowa, are in Omnia looking at the country. Charles has settled on the Jake Higgins claim. They are good boys, and we welcome them to a home in our midst.
We learned yesterday that our young friend, Peter S. Loy, has sold his place to a party from Shawnee County, Kansas.
Messrs. W. H. Gillard and Wm. Schooling have been absent two weeks on a trip to Missouri.
J. C. Stratton is preparing to build a house on his claim by hauling stone, etc.
And now Omnia can boast of a good shoemaker, Mr. M. H. Snow, late of Carter Point, Iowa. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
From Bethel—District 37.
Mr. Henry E. Asp lectured here Thursday evening. He is a promising young man and made a favorable impression among our people.
Our literary society has adjourned to next October.
Miss Lena Bartlett closed a six month’s term of school here last Friday. She is a first-class teacher and is well liked.
Farmers very busy plowing and planting.
Plum and other trees in full bloom. ORLANDO.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Geo. W. A. is in the stock business, making specialties of ponies and swine.
Warren Wood is one of Beaver’s go ahead farmers. From the extensive piles of posts and rails that have accumulated on his farm, it is evident he intends vast improvements.
W. A. Freeman is eminently successful in his steam washer campaign. He has the exclusive right to the territory of Cowley.
Moses Teeter has introduced the California method of sowing grain from the hind end of a wagon. He planted several acres of corn last Friday the 22nd.
Mr. H. Holtby hauled last week the heaviest load of merchandise that was ever carried from Wichita to Arkansas City.
Some of our farmers’ dwellings have at present from one to two extra families in them, the result of recent immigration.
School at the Centennial commences again next Monday.
Most of the oats are up, trees in foliage, birds caroling, wheat exuberant, weather balmy.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Fine weather for farming.
S. P. Case, of Wooster, Ohio, bought I. N. Beaman’s farm recently. Mr. Case has gone back for his family. Mr. Beaman will homestead.
Farmers and others plant your potatoes on soil or fill furrows partly full of straw from old straw piles, and we will guarantee you a big crop. The potato is a grass feeder.
E. D. Skinner, trustee, is on his annual visit. He reports many new faces in Vernon since his last visit.
The musical “skeeter” has commenced his spring concert, and the odorous chinch bug has taken up his travels for—the centennial.
The church supper at Aurora schoolhouse was a grand success.
Prairie fires illuminate the horizon every evening. Do not burn the grass till after the 1st of May and it will be free of weeds for pasture or hay, besides retaining the moisture which the April zephyrs will evaporate.
The United Brethren are holding a protracted meeting at Aurora schoolhouse this week.
Ex-Governor Eskridge’s old lady is now looking up those greens.
M. B. Rhodes is slowly recovering from a severe attack of illness.
Vernon’s floating population are now improving their claims in Sumner.
Our mutual friend, S. Pennington, has returned from his visit to the Hoosier state.
Vernon can boast of one colored lady at least. REX.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Secretary of the Treasury Sherman says he is in favor of a law making treasury notes receivable for tariff duties the same as gold.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Last Thursday night a greenback meeting was held at the Brane schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley Township. The speakers were all from Winfield. Mr. Payson read a well composed and considered paper advocating greenbacks in general. Mr. Coldwell next spoke in a stirring speech, treating thoroughly on the greenback theory. Mr. Hamilton, the canvassing agent for the Winfield COURIER, followed with some fervent remarks favoring the greenback doctrine to its fullest extent. He then made a motion that Mr. Payson’s paper be published in the Winfield COURIER. This brought Mr. Coldwell to his feet with the question, “Is the COURIER a greenback paper?” In reply Mr. Hamilton said, “It is, and Mr. Millington is in favor of an unlimited amount of greenbacks worth one hundred cents on the dollar.”
Pleasant Valley Correspondence of the Traveler.
Mr. Hamilton, of course, could only give his opinion of the position of the COURIER or its editors as any other man might do, but he hit the nail very nearly on the head when he said, “Mr. Millington is in favor of an unlimited amount of greenbacks worth one hundred cents on the dollar.”
We are in favor of greenbacks to any amount needed by the business of the country and consistent with the idea that they shall not be depreciated below the value of the new silver coin. We favor currency expansion as fast as the wants of the country require it and believe that the expansion should be mainly in greenbacks. We think that so much of the resumption law as provides for a further retirement of greenbacks should be repealed, that the greenbacks which have been already retired should be reissued, and new greenbacks should be issued as fast as the best interests of the country shall require. We do not pretend to say how many are wanted immediately, but presume the idea in the resolutions passed by the state convention of the national party of Illinois, which met at Springfield to nominate a state ticket on the 27th ult., give a reasonable view of this matter. The resolutions to which we refer are:
“Resolved, That we demand an immediate issue of full legal-tender paper currency by the government to the full limit of at least four hundred millions of legal tender U. S. treasury notes.
“Resolved, That the credit of the government can best be strengthened and preserved by its first paying off its interest-bearing debt, before calling in any part of its non-interest bearing obligations for redemption.”
We favor the latter resolution also, and would not pay off the greenbacks except as they might be brought in for redemption and immediately reissued.
We did desire that they should be as good as gold, but since we are to have an issue of silver dollars as fast as the mints can coin them, we ask only that they shall be as good as silver dollars. We desire that silver shall be as good as gold, but we apprehend that when silver dollars have become abundant, gold will be at a premium again. Should that be the case, our country will again be cursed by the disgraceful gold gambling of past years and the silver dollar will be the standard of value, provided the greenback shall be kept equal to silver coin.
As the law now stands, the government promises to pay coin for greenbacks on demand on and after the first of next January, and if that promise is not withdrawn, greenbacks will be as good as silver before that time—in fact, that time is so near that they are substantially so now. We do not believe that the promise will be withdrawn, but consider resumption as an accomplished fact.
We believe that no considerable amount of greenbacks will ever be presented for redemption; that but a comparatively small amount of coin in the treasury will suffice for the purposes of redemption; that all will prefer to use greenbacks to silver for all ordinary purposes of money, so long as they are interchangeable for coin. The fact that they will produce the coin at any time is all that is needed. They are much more convenient than coin and holders will not want them redeemed.
It was because of the apprehension that gold would be at a premium over silver dollars that we did not favor remonetization.
Greenbacks were approaching a par value with gold and on or before the first of next January would have been as good as gold, and $180,000,000 in gold coin which has been but a commodity like stocks and bonds to gamble on, would have been added to the currency of the country, making an expansion of the currency to that extent. The currency was about $330,000,000 in national bank notes, $350,000,000 in greenbacks, and about $40,000,000 of silver, making all told about $720,000.000. With this gold coin taken out of the vaults of the government and of the speculators and added to the circulation, the volume of the currency would have been raised to $900,000,000 on the first of January next or soon thereafter. Under the silver bill not more than $35,000,000 of silver can possibly be coined, and added to the circulation by that time, and if that amount should make silver coin so plenty as to cause it to fall to near the value of silver bullion, so that gold coin should be three to seven percent premium, the volume of the currency will be only $755,000,000, or $145,000,000 less than it would otherwise have been.
As the case is, let us hope that these apprehensions were not well founded, that the gold coin will be then added to the circulation, and thus raise the volume of currency to $935,000,000. But to be provided for the worst, congress should at once stop the retirement of greenbacks, provide for the re-issue of those retired, and the further issue of greenbacks to such amount as may be required.
What we expect from this expansion of the currency is the revival of business, manufacturing, and improvements; a new demand and better prices for labor and produce; and a new vigor and activity in all the industries of the country. But to effect this there must be some stability in the finances of the country, something that can be relied upon, or money will not seek investment and business will not revive.
Now we do not pretend to understand this matter. In fact, we do not think our opinion of what currency policy is best for the country, the laborer, the debtor, and the farmer of Kansas is of any practical value; but we do believe that we understand this matter as well as many others who are making a great deal of noise on both sides of this question.
The republican members of congress, particularly those from Kansas, are greenback men, and, whether right or wrong, are doing what can be done in favor of greenbacks. If anything can be done to meet the demands of the people for more greenbacks, they will have done it before their present terms shall expire. You gain nothing by forming national or greenback parties to oppose them. A party with only one idea never does any good. The republican party is a party of many ideas, and as we want several ideas besides the greenback idea, we shall stick to that party.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
On the stage from Eldorado to Winfield the other day were two Cowley County six year old boys, Jesse and Bertie. After crossing the county line into Cowley, while passing a very much better field of wheat than any seen further north, Jesse asked what county they were then in. “Cowley County,” answered Bertie, “don’t you see that wheat? That is Cowley County wheat.” Winfield Courier.
Smart children. We presume they could also see the line which is supposed to divide Butler from Cowley. We presume the “old man,” who heard the conversation, was glad to know that God Almighty, when He made this earth, took particular pains to chuck into the soil of Cowley a large quantity of all the elements which go to make up a good wheat producing land. While to spite Butler, which was going to get a railroad first; He gave us an extra dose of hard pan and gravel. To prove this we will state that we met a man the other day who owns a farm which “straddles” the line between Butler and Cowley. His home is in Butler while half of his orchard, and half of his wheat field, is in Cowley. He said that his fruit trees in Cowley were as large again as those in Butler, although they were all of the same age and planted at the same time; also that his wheat in Cowley was much stronger and more vigorous than that in Butler County He said that it sometimes happened that a grain of wheat accidentally fell across the line, so that the stalk would grow up in both counties. Where this happened the Cowley County half always grew so fast that it just tore the roots out of the ground over in Butler. The grains on the Cowley County side were shrunken and shriveled, notwithstanding they all grew on one stalk. He said he had a bull calf born, one night, just on the line, and strange to relate, its Cowley County legs were fourteen and a half inches longer than its Butler County legs. Our farmer friend went on to say that there was the greatest difference in everything. One of his cows got the lock-jaw from trying to chew her cud in both counties; a handsome school-marm, who attempted to teach a school in a schoolhouse which “straddled the line,” became cross-eyed and bow legged, and finally died in the insane asylum from the terrible effects of trying to keep up an equilibrium in two counties. In fact, we have long known of these things. Butter made in Cowley is stronger than butter made in Butler County, and the hair in it is much longer. It is hard to find a Cowley County liar, but when you do find one, he is an awful liar.
We hope the editor of the Courier will investigate this matter further and tell us more about it. Give it to us on scientific principles. Walnut Valley Times.
Well, the scientific explanation is this. In the Paleozoic age the enormous accumulations of oil and coal so weighed down the earth’s crust in the vicinity of where Eldorado now is, that they broke off a considerable section and the fracture occurred at latitude 37 [degree sign] 58' 14". This fissure was soon filled up with washings from the surface impenetrable to the oil which in course of time completely saturated the earth on the north side of the fissure and combining with the soil made it less productive. When the survey of the county line was made, the mineral in the fault, or seam, had such an effect on the needle that it traversed along this seam, causing the seam to become the county line.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Maj. Fuller promises to push the narrow gauge railroad on to Eureka as soon as the Greenwood County bonds are placed in escrow.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Manhattan Nationalist: The trains have never been so heavily loaded west, since the K. P. was built, as at the present time. The trains of ten or twelve cars, as they pass west in the evening, are among the exciting things of this quiet world.
The Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad is completed to Burlington.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
There has been considerable conjecturing in the neighborhood as to who sent items to the COURIER from the Queen Village. Some say one, some another. At any rate here are a few more.
We had quite a fire a few days since. Some careless persons put out fire and let it get away from them. R. W. Stephens had three hired men throwing his pasture fence back; the boys worked lively, too, but the flames would have headed them off if it had not been for the timely arrival of three or four neighbors. As it was, it ran over and destroyed about forty rods of fine four year old hedge. Men should be very cautious about setting out fire this time of year. Stephens says he would not have had the old sod burned for $50.
Miller and Thompson, who started for Kansas City with stock, returned sooner than they were expected. They disposed of the stock at Wichita, getting $3 and $3.40 per hundred for their cattle and $2.50 for hogs.
Mr. E. M. Coe returned from Wichita last Wednesday eve. He took up a load of wheat which sold for 55 cents per bushel.
Mr. P. Coe has 20 acres of corn planted.
Last Friday, March 29th, was the last of the school at No. 19. Miss Sadie Hodges taught the school and gave universal satisfaction. The school was full and a very regular attendance until the last month when the spring work took several of the larger pupils out; however, they all turned out en masse, and their parents with them, the last day, all bringing dinners, and what a dinner! It was just splendid. It makes one’s mouth water to think of it, at least, so saith our informant. There were three prizes given in spelling. Two young ladies in the large class, Miss Annie Keorber and Miss Dora Crane—who had the same number of head-marks—received two copies of Mrs. Mary J. Holmes’ works, viz: “Lena Rivers” and “Hugh Worthington,” which delighted them immensely. Miss Clara Stephens took the prize in the second class, also a very handsome book.
Can anyone tell why Jack Cottingham looks over towards Tisdale and draws such heart breaking sighs? More anon. M. O. S.
April 1st, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
DIED. Mr. Peter Quigley died on the night of the 24th ult., of disease of the heart. Mr. Quigley’s health had been very poor for some time past, and at one time he was adjudged a lunatic and was in charge of Otto Smith; but was subsequently released, since which time he has gone on with his business with his usual sagacity.
Splendid rain. Considerable corn planted. W. A. M.
March 30th.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878. Editorial Page.
If the ladies desire nice
they should not fail to call at the Ladies’ Bazaar, in the stone building kept by Mrs. Phillip Stump, on SOUTH MAIN STREET, below the Williams House, and next business door to Walker Bros. A FULL LINE OF
Silks, Ties, Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, notions, such as shawl straps, fancy baskets, mottoes, canvas, etc., on the most REASONABLE TERMS.
Quick sales and small profits.
A good dressmaker also employed.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Will practice in all the courts of the state.
Office with Curns & Manser, Main St.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Cherry trees are in bloom.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin is again quite ill.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Why not have a new schoolhouse?
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Some of the wheat in this vicinity is heading out.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
J. C. Page, of Little Dutch, was in town Monday.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Five tony boarders are registered at the Hotel de Finch.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Mr. Ed. Smith, of Glen Grouse, was in the city last week.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Mr. A. V. Hedrick, from Richland, was looking around on the 1st.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Mr. John Brooks and Mr. Olney, from Lazette, were in our city Monday.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Miss Lena Bartlett opened school on the 1st inst. in district 8, Vernon Township.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
T. A. Wilkinson has moved his family into enlarged and more commodious quarters.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Ed. Haight finds so much surveying to do that he has appointed Mr. Hoenscheidt deputy surveyor.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Messrs. Pontious and Vanorsdol were around on the 1st inst., looking after the interests of school district 108.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Mr. James Harden, of Dexter, was with us Monday on business. Jim never comes around unless at the call of business.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Messrs. Coldwell and Payson, of this place, deliver greenback speeches at Darien schoolhouse on Saturday evening next.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Mrs. Samuel Jarvis and sister arrived from Illinois last week. Of course, Sam is happy, and was glad to see his little ones.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Elder Caris, of Sumner County, will commence a protracted meeting in the Christian Church this evening. All are cordially invited to attend.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Mr. E. A. Millard, of Tisdale, has taken an agency for the Eclectic school books, among which are some of the best textbooks published.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
The course of study for county normals for 1878 has been issued. It is a good document, and will go into the hands of every teacher in the state.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
J. H. Page and family, from Stoughton, Wisconsin, arrived at Darien, Sunday last, and have taken a farm adjoining that of his son, J. C. Page. Mr. J. H. Page brought with him some fine blooded cattle.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Last week Tuesday night, during the heavy shower of rain, the house of Henry Bernard, in Vernon Township, was struck with lightning, the fluid passing down the stove pipe, scorching the floor, and killing two setting hens under the floor. It also tore to pieces one cottonwood tree nearby.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
It is evident to anyone who will even glance at the figures showing the enrollment and attendance of pupils that new and more commodious rooms are imperatively demanded for our public schools. As the case now stands the children are crowded in their respective departments, and the teachers have their hands full to overflowing. What shall be done? At least two additional rooms will be needed by next fall—could be well used now if ready. Shall we build a new house costing $7,000, as lately suggested in the COURIER?
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
City Election.
The city election last Monday excited great interest. Two tickets were in the field. One was made by the Murphy temperance men and headed City ticket, the other by the workingmen, but the issues were not very definitely made up; in fact, the candidates on both sides professed to favor the same policy. But some opposed one or other of the tickets on account of prejudice against the source, or for choice of candidates, or for other reasons, and there was a very lively and excited canvass; but it was conducted in an orderly manner, without quarrels or other disturbance. The result was an overwhelming victory for the workingmen’s ticket. The following is the vote cast for each candidate.
Mayor J. B. Lynn, 224.
Police Judge. W. M. Boyer, 219.
Councilmen: C. M. Wood, 225; H. Jochems, 230; E. C. Manning, 227; T. C. Robinson, 220; G. W. Gully, 217.
Mayor. A. B. Green, 101.
Police Judge. G. H. Buckman, 126.
Councilmen: T. B. Myers, 122; H. Brotherton, 118; Lewis Stevens, 124; J. W. Curns, 117; Dan Maier, 116.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Winfield polled 356 votes at the city election on Monday. We estimate that at least 44 more would have voted were it not that many were dissatisfied with both tickets and refused to vote.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
John Hays to W. H. Hatch, s. ½ nw. 27, 31, 4; 80 acres, $400.
Frank B. Empsberger to Alvin C. Elliott, n. ½ sw. 27, 31, 4; 80 acres $200.
S. Waite and wife to A. D. Whitson, n. ½ and sw. ¼ of ne. 20, 33, 4; 120 acres, $1,200.
L. B. Walmsley to Martha E. Quimby, s. ½ of se. 1, 30, 3, 80 acres.
Thos. Harris and wife to A. Detrick, part of se. 15 and 23, 32, 4; $2,300.
Read & Robinson to W. C. Bradfield, lots 1 and 2, block 94, Winfield, $65.
A. Darrah to J. R. Haworth, lot 10, block 13, Lazette, $75.
C. E. Houx to C. C. Black, lot 1, block 191, Winfield.
A. G. Newman and wife to A. A. Newman, 197 lots in Arkansas City, $4,500.
L. W. Thompson to W. O. Wright, n. ½ sw. 8, 32, 6; 80 acres, $200.
J. C. Walker and wife to W. P. Walker, sw. 1, 31, 3; 160 acres, $300.
W. L. Mullen and wife to I. L. Bartlow, s. ½ se. 14, 32, 6; 80 acres, $400.
Newton Crow and wife to W. M. Allison, part of sw. 27, 32, 4; 1 acre, $350.
N. A. Houghton and wife to F. L. Davis, e. ½ sw. 18, 34, 3; 80 acres, $300.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
TISDALE, March 27, 1878.
ED. COURIER: In your description of Cowley County given in the COURIER of last week, you represent the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist as the leading churches in the county. Please how do you determine this matter? If it is by number or Christian deportment of the members, certainly the Church of Christ will compare favorably with any of those you were so desirous of giving notoriety by placing so conspicuously at the head of the list. This seeming partiality of yours will prevent many of your subscribers from sending the COURIER to their friends in the east, as they are desirous that their eastern friends may be fairly informed on the subject. A. J. CRUM.
We have no partiality toward the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist Churches that would lead us to publish information concerning them more readily than concerning other churches, but being neither omnipresent nor omniscient, we have no means unusual to other people for obtaining information. The pastors and some members of the churches above named have taken pains to furnish us with items of news concerning their organizations (for which we thank them), and some things have happened to come under our observation. We have asked members of the Church of Christ to furnish us information for publication, assuring them that we would take pleasure in its publication. None has been furnished us and we gave such only as came under our observation. If any church in Cowley County is not noticed in the COURIER, it is the fault of its members.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Scare at Salt City.
During the services at a religious meeting at Salt City, on the evening of the 22nd ult., a stand on which were two burning kerosene lamps fell by the giving away of a weak leg. The lamps fell to the floor, one was broken and the oil took fire. The house was instantly in an uproar and the audience behaved like stampeded buffalo, notwithstanding the efforts of Rev. McHugh and Johnson to allay the excitement. One lady and two young men jumped out through the windows. Dr. Collins finally extinguished the fire with his coat. Two ladies fainted but no one was hurt. EYE WITNESS.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Don’t Like It.
It is said that one evening last week six passengers came down on the “bob-tail” to Eldorado and thirteen left that place next morning on the stage for Winfield; and that one passenger arrived at Eldorado by stage from Winfield and next morning seven left Eldorado for the north and east. How long at this rate will it take Eldorado to accumulate her 2,000 inhabitants? Winfield Courier.
If the high-toned official who gets off the above bit of doubtful information is not pleased with Eldorado or her railroad, he is at liberty to let us and ours alone and make his trips via Wichita. Eldorado Times.
We thought our news item and conundrum made a pretty good joke, but the super-high-toned official, S. S. Ed. W. V. T. $2., V. P. B.; A. M. C., etc., is quite touchy about it and invites us to keep out of his bailiwick. We do not know why he fears the incursions of newspaper men, but whenever we desire to travel through that kingdom we shall arm ourself with sixteen revolvers and other warlike weapons in proportion and go boldly in, confident in our advantage of having two good eyes. By the way, the obnoxious item was not written by any “official.”
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
DIED. On Feb. 25th, aged 32 years, Niles O. Bailey, of Badger Creek.
He was a good citizen and a kind neighbor. He was lately awakened on the subject of religion and broke off his sins by righteousness and his iniquities by turning to the Lord. He united with the Free Baptist Church, and had time to set his house in order. His death was peaceful and full of hope of that blest immortality beyond the grave.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
A fine rain. Corn planting is the order of the day. Immigration still continues. The frost Saturday night did not hurt the fruit. Farmers up here are talking mill.
T. Dicken, our supervisor, is making good roads.
Mr. Headrick will soon complete the assessment of this township.
Grangers, good templars, and Murphies are plenty.
I rise to explain why the grange sisters got up such good suppers. They have mastered their profession and have the fruits of honest toil. None have a better right than farmers to eat, drink, and be merry.
Miss Mary Pontious’ school closed last Friday with recitations, entertainments, and a nice dinner. The teacher has given complete satisfaction and needs no compliments from me.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
It has been moved by one of the COURIER correspondents and seconded by another that a county agricultural society be organized. Now gentlemen, are you all ready for the question? Let us hear from all of you.
The peach tree bloomed early to the disgust of the superstitious who are anticipating more frost.
The prairies have assumed their verdancy but the breaking plows are endeavoring to thwart the designs of nature by insisting that the color of the surface shall be black.
Some enterprising mill firm could make money building and operating a mill on the Grange site.
Since eggs have become a drug on the market, the hens have turned their attention to producing spring chickens.
I will venture the assertion that district number four has more miles of turnpike road than any other district in the county.
Activity is now the predominant element on the farms. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
The farmers are about ready to begin planting corn.
There will be an abundant crop of peaches and small fruit in this township if no disaster happens to them.
There has been considerable improvement going on in our township since last fall. Among other things P. W. Smith and Jas. T. Dale have each built a nice, substantial house in the northwestern part of the township. Wm. M. Stout has fixed up his “Old Cabin Home” and moved therein with his new wife and other effects.
Jas. T. Dale, our patent pump man, has had a model of his invention made and you ought to see him step around and pump water for his neighbors.
W. W. Bush has sold the east one-half of the northwest one-fourth, section sixteen, in this township to James H. Randall; also, Mr. Huddleston, a part of the same section to Mr. Beaman. Mr. Bush moves to Bushnell tomorrow, where he will open the Bushnell hotel. We think he will cater to the wants of the traveling public, in an acceptable manner, as he is just the right sort of a man to make a good landlord, and we have not the least doubt of the efficiency of Mrs. Bush as a landlady.
But, for fear I weary you, I quit for this time. If this is accepted, you may hear from me again. WIDE AWAKE.
March 26th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 4th day of April 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Bovee, Julia, Butler, H. R.; Coldwell, James B.; Davis, John J.; Dawson, Andy; Elliott, Miss Arilla; Er, H. C.; Evans, Wm. J.; Eckles, Jacob; Fowler, Miss Eliza; Gault, Mr.; Graham, Mrs. Emily; Gare, Mrs. Joann; Hall, R. P.; Kinney, Mrs. Wm.
SECOND COLUMN: Keck, Benjamin; Keys, Mr. C. H.; Leyold, Mr. George; Miller, Mr. Wilber; Nelson, Mrs. Lenora; Newton, Mr. James F.; Pugh, Miss Jennie; Rathwell, Mr. Wm.; Shields, J. A.; Talbot, Mr. Wm. E.; Taylor, Mr. David; Thomas, Miss Maggie; Vanvoris, R. J.; White, H. T.; Whiteman, Dr. C. B.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
From the Traveler we get the following items.
Two well appearing young men not long ago stopped at Arkansas City and tried to sell two horses cheap. A card about that time came into the hands of the city marshal describing the horses as stolen from the town of Thayer. The young men were arrested, examined by Judge Christian, and committed to jail for trial at the next term of the District Court. They refused to give their names.
The white girl in the hands of Pawnee Pete and his squaw has been taken charge of by officers Berry and Morgan of Arkansas City. It is thought she is the child lost by Mr. Friend, of Eldorado, whose wife was scalped by Indians six years ago.
The Postmaster General has changed the name and site of the post office now called Ninnescah, in Sumner County, on route No. 33,234, from Wichita to Arkansas City, to Bushnell, two miles and a half northeast, and appointed J. M. Napier postmaster.
The name of Belleview post office, Sumner County, has been changed to Marengo. Wm. H. Claunch has been appointed postmaster at Littleton, and Ansen Gridley postmaster at Oxford, Sumner County, and James W. Crawford, P. M. at Medicine Lodge, Kansas.
The contract for building the bridge across the Arkansas was signed by the Missouri Valley Bridge Company of Leavenworth, last week, and sent to this place to be signed by the trustees of Creswell and Bolton townships. As soon as it is signed and returned, work will begin.
The contracts for breaking at Pawnee Agency were awarded last week as follows: W. H. Simms, 250 acres at $1.70 per acre; W. A. Metcalf, of Maple City, 450 acres at $1.74 per acre; Theoron Houghton, 250 acres at $1.87½ per acre, including sharpening of plows. The prices bid were very low, proving the scarcity of money and hard times. Just think of a man going sixty miles to break prairie at $1.70 per acre.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Having concluded that the term “East” has become superfluous—since your other correspondents have withdrawn from the field, and are directing their energies in another channel—I will dispense with it until future developments demand such discrimination. With the above “facts in the case,” my observations will be unlimited until further restrictions are precipitated upon me—will exercise particular precaution to give “Little and More’s” “skunk” a “wide berth.”
W. D. Lester disposed of his eighty broad acres for six hundred dollars to a Mr. Ralston, recently from Pennsylvania, who is at present erecting a substantial dwelling upon it.
Mr. Charles Giser is making commendable efforts to extend the boundaries of our neighborhood by decorating his “quarter” with an elegant edifice.
C. C. R. is afflicted with the Asiatic epidemic, according to Dr. Abram’s diagnosis of his case.
Immigrants still continue to swell our numbers. One arrived at the residence of W. Woods last Monday at early dawn—receiving an introduction to the family through the affability of Dr. C. G. Holland.
Last Wednesday evening the lyceum at the Godfrey schoolhouse closed its portals and ceased to discuss the knotty questions of the day. An interesting time was had. Operations will again be resumed next winter.
BIRTH. Another little cherub adds another ray of sunshine to Servis King’s household. For information in regard to avoirdupois and sex, inquire of Dr. Holland—Servis is too happy.
[NOTE: IN THE NEXT ISSUE, HORATIUS CORRECTS THE NAME OF MR. KING...Mr. “Servis” King should have read Mr. Lewis King.]
Rev. T. S. Hunt delivered his first discourse at the Centennial last Sunday evening. He succeeds Rev. J. J. Wingar’s substitute—Rev. B. C. Swarts—as pastor of the M. E. Church in this district, and will preach every Sunday at 3 p.m., alternately at the Centennial and Holland schoolhouse.
J. W. Browning has improved the looks of his peach orchard by pruning.
BIRTH. A happy surprise is awaiting D. Frew’s return from his eastern sojourn, in the shape of a smiling lump of flesh.
Mrs. D. Dawson and Roulet Lester arrived this week from their winter’s visit in Kentucky.
DIED. Died Wednesday, March 29th, Miss Mary Williams, aged 18, of epilepsy.
Our assessor, Dr. C. G. Holland, has been around with his bundle of interrogation points. The health and wealth of this township places considerable responsibility upon Doc.
March 29, 1878. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Let me say that the universal cry is plant corn as early as possible, and as soon as possible, as the season is the most promising that we have seen in Kansas.
Our merchants are doing a good safe business.
Jim Harden has just returned from the east with a booming stock of general merchandise.
Our blacksmiths are both busy at work, and Johnnie is pounding iron and steel for a living.
Our doctors are both complaining of hard times.
BIRTH. A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Henrison, the 23rd; usual weight.
More hereafter. EXAMINER.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Skipped “Educational” column by R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Front Page.
Wheat looks fine.
A heavy rain visited us on the 27th, which was much needed.
Mr. Wm. Conrad has the largest fat hog in the township. Weight, about 600 lbs.
More emigrants arrived in Liberty Township from Jackson County, Missouri, and more expected in June. Let them come.
Mr. Stephen Grenwell is a jolly fellow and always has a good supply of stories on hand. He contemplates moving to Texas this fall.
The ladies of Tisdale tried in vain to raise a bell for the benefit of the district. Charlie Smith is so liberal as to furnish Sheridan with a belle every Saturday and Sunday night. John Mc. has the bells to call the clerks to dinner. Ha, ha, ha! TIMOTHY CLIP.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
We are still alive on Rock Creek, although we and everything came near being drowned in the last big rain, which came on the 19th and 20th. Rock Creek was three feet nine inches higher than we ever saw it. It did considerable damage, washing up gardens and potatoes that were planted. C. H. Johnson lost about fifty head of hogs, and also, many others lost hogs.
The people here are very enterprising—farming, building, fencing, and planting orchards, and doing all sorts of improving.
I have just been east to Labette County. The wheat looks better here than anywhere I have been.
There was a frost here Saturday night, but the fruit is not yet killed.
The Free Methodists are growing strong in Rock Creek. On last Sabbath they had a quarterly meeting and had a good time, three ministers officiating.
We have heard people crying out dry weather and drouth, but with us it is rain and drown, as it is raining now.
If the rain had not come, almost everybody would have been through planting corn. Some had planted before the rain, others are waiting for the ground to dry out enough to plant. While it is too wet to plant, the people have turned their attention to breaking prairie and making rock fence; so you see, the farmers can always find something to do. YOU KNOW.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, April 1st, 1878.
ED. COURIER. As I came home from our quarterly meeting in Chautauqua County, on Plum Creek I passed a schoolhouse and inquired of a stranger if there was any preaching in the house. He said they had built a new house but could not get anyone to preach for them. I left an appointment to preach the second Saturday and Sabbath following; went and preached a week, night and day, most of the time. Never had better attention, or better treatment, in any neighborhood. At the close of the meeting we organized a F. W. Baptist Church in the house. I was called to preach for them during the present year. Yours truly,
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Still the land hunters come. Three men from the Walnut Valley located in Omnia Township recently.
The well on A. N. Henthorn’s farm, which I wrote about, is a natural well in the rock. It is 35 feet deep, about 2 feet by 5 feet at the top, and 4 feet by 20 feet at the bottom, where a stream of water as large as a patent bucket runs through. It is on the high prairie. About three-fourths of a mile distant is a spring where the volume of water favors the idea that it is the outlet of the stream at the well. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
I see that Vernon has been silent for some time past. Certainly something has happened; but where are the reporters? I have been to the summer resort, at Salt Springs, for three weeks past, and feel very much recruited up. A mighty revolution has taken place at the Springs. They had a protracted meeting there after quarterly meeting, conducted by the United Brethren, under the labor of Rev. H. B. McHugh, and the people came to church in great numbers. Kansas is turning to the Lord, and we’ll have no more drouths or locusts. I found some jolly good people “over the river.” If you don’t believe it, go and see.
The United Brethren organized a Sabbath school at Mt. Zion March 31st. Will Carter is superintendent; Charles Ware, secretary; Joe Berry, treasurer; and Mrs. Frank Clark, librarian. School opens at 10 a.m. Please come.
The “Boss” Sunday school is still ahead; 98 scholars present last Sabbath. Drop in at Nose Bud any Sabbath at 9½ a.m. sharp and see if it isn’t.
Mr. J. Rupp has his corn planted.
Rev. H. B. McHugh and Mr. Johnston made us a pleasant call not long since. Thanks; call again.
Rev. P. B. Lee, family and nephew (S. Marsh) came from Illinois and have settled among us. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Plenty of rain in this section.
Grass is starting finely; will soon be large enough for the cattle to graze on.
Mr. W. H. Gillard returned the 19th from a trip to Newton County, Missouri.
The Baptists have been holding a protracted meeting here. Several united with the church. A couple were immersed Sunday the 17th by Elder Campbell, of Rock Creek.
A Sabbath school was organized here last Sunday, with Mr. James Curtis, for superintendent.
Mr. Jonas Messenger has sold the south half of his creek farm to Mr. Enoch Hayworth, from Eureka.
A large family from Mississippi have settled in this part of the county. They have rented the Snodgrass farm for this season.
Mr. John Straton is having a fine stone house built on his farm northwest of this place. Mr. Geo. Haycraft is doing the work. Some have planted corn up here already. More anon, CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Front Page.
Items from the Arkansas City Traveler.
The election of city officers took place last Monday.
[Results given. Already given in Traveler.]
It is generally supposed that the officers elected will favor granting a saloon license on a proper petition.
Newton Cox, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, has leased the Central Avenue Hotel, and is now lord and peer over the entire mansion. Mr. Cox is an energetic young man of good business qualifications, and will no doubt establish himself as a landlord whom the people will be glad to patronize.
S. P. Channell sold his hardware store to Agent Williams last week, and will give possession in May or June. Mr. Channell is a man of many friends, and all regret to have him quit business.
With two sets of burrs running all day and nearly all night, Newman can hardly keep up to the rush he has for his XXXX flour, and yet he manages to accommodate all who come with grists to grind.
It so happened on the morning of the election that one man pronounced the ticket without a name “the devil’s ticket,” and the other was headed “Citizen’s ticket,” so the issue was made under that name as a joke.
They have a new lamp chimney and burner at J. A. Loomis’ that is the handsomest we have seen yet. Owing to the shape of the chimney, it seldom breaks from the flame of the wick. They have a lot of novelties on hand.
Before returning to the duties of his office at Wichita Agency, A. C. Williams purchased the fine farm of 80 acres of Rudolph Hoffmaster for $165. It is situated on the state line, four miles south of town, and is a very desirable fruit, grain, and stock farm.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Front Page.
It can now be assumed as certain that specie payments will be resumed at the time fixed—January 1st, 1879. The accumulation of specie in the treasury is already large, and constantly increasing. The premium on gold is small, and the houses of A. T. Stewart and others have commenced paying out specie and paper indiscriminately. Everywhere the bottom seems to have been reached, and, in a great many localities, times are steadily improving. Manhattan Nationalist.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Front Page.
Deplorable Condition of Affairs in Constantinople.
We are in the midst of a money panic. The theory of a patterned government is that it shall act on communistic principles to the extent of providing bread for the people at a reasonable price. The production of bread is under severe restrictions, and the government daily pounces on ambient bread-men to weight their loaves and to confiscate the stock of the loaf under weight. But gold has gone up twenty percent in twenty-four hours, and the wisest precautions of the fathers of the faithful have fallen. Men went hungry to bed last night because the bakers will not take the money, whose value will shrink ten percent, while the bread is baking. I saw a Turkish girl of nineteen or twenty, standing near a baker’s shop yesterday, with wrath in her eye. Her veil had fallen, and so, in fact, had her outer mantle. Her face was finely moulded, her eye black as jet. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, and her nostrils were dilated. The trouble was that she had been able to earn five piastres a day with which to buy bread for her mother, two small children, and herself. At the beginning of the war bread was one and three-quarters piastres per oke, and it required two okes of bread every day for the family. As the paper depreciated, the price of bread was increased, but her wages remained five piastres a day, as before. Yesterday the poor girl was informed by the baker that the price of bread had been raised to five piastres per oke. Still she earns only five piastres per day. Unfortunately she is not the only victim to “the times.” The suffering in the city has become very great, and I fear that in the country it may be much worse, even in regions distant from the war. At Erzeroum the people are almost starving; flour is five times the ordinary price, and the poor suffer doubly because no fuel is to be had. Many have fled, but the common people cannot flee. Correspondent New York Tribune.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
It is stated that Secretary Sherman holds that under the law the treasury may pay out greenbacks after redemption and that he has determined to do so, which calls forth hostility in the east.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The experience of last week certainly calls loudly for the organization of our state militia. It is a disgrace to the state that a handful of strikers have been able for days to set at defiance the authorities along the line of a great railroad and put a stop to shipments of freight. Who are our militia officers anyhow?
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Both Russia and England continue to make war preparations on a large scale. Russia has purchased 600 locomotives and 14,312 railroad cars to be delivered May 1st, and is laying a second track on all her railroads running south and to the Black sea. Large numbers of engineers and laborers have been engaged from the neutral states of Europe. The Russian army is retained in the vicinity of Constantinople to be ready for an exigency.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The engineers and firemen who run the trains on the A. T. & S. F. R. R. from Kansas City to Newton made some trouble last week. It seems that recently the company discharged a few of their number for cause, in one instance an engineer having been discovered asleep while running his train. These men had sufficient influence to organize a strike on the Emporia division of the road, and last Thursday they stopped the running of freight trains. Volunteer engineers and firemen continued to move passenger trains, but they were subjected to many insults, several of them were brutally pummeled, and their engines and trains stoned and fired into.
Reports indicate that public sentiment at Topeka and Emporia was with the strikers. We understand that at the former place the sheriff and city marshal attempted to organize a special police force of citizens to quell the riot and protect railroad property, but failed, and were forced to call upon the employees in the company’s machine shops at that place. Is this creditable to the capital city? We have made diligent inquiry and we do not believe that the railroad company is to blame for this strike. There has been no reduction of wages. The company’s locomotive engineers receive $3.75 per day for regular service and extra pay for extra work. This is twenty-five percent more than these men would be able to earn at anything else. Of course, it is the privilege of any of these men to quit when they feel like it, but we do not think that they will find a strong sentiment in Kansas that will sustain them in an attempt to dictate to their employers, or to prevent others who wish, taking the places of those who have been discharged.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Tax Deed List.
Last week we published the list of lands in Cowley County subject to deed to tax purchases on Sept. 7th, next, unless sooner redeemed. It occupied less than one column. Since then our exchanges have come in with similar lists from the other counties occupying usually not less than three columns. So it seems that the taxpayers of Cowley for some reason pay up much better than those of most other counties.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The A. T. & S. F. railroad company are to have dining cars on their road.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
One thousand men are at work on the extension of the A. T. & S. F. railroad.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Major Bancroft was before the court in Emporia several days in the hearing of preliminary motions, all of which were decided against him, and the trial was continued to the October term.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
But little of the state school fund is now uninvested, not more than will be required to purchase the bonds of school districts as they may be issued from time to time for the purpose of erecting schoolhouses. The commissioners have decided to purchase no more bonds from private parties for the present. Their purchases in future will be made directly from the school districts purchasing the bonds.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk, furnishes us with the following list of cases which will probably be for trial at the next term of the District Court commencing on Monday, May 6th, 1878.
State of Kansas versus—
F. G. Cady, mayhem.
C. Coon, trespass.
S. Huston, larceny.
Nicholas Hostetler, incest.
W. H. Belson, larceny.
W. H. Belson, burglary.
C. R. Turner, peace W.
Geo. Stewart v. R. B. Waite.
John Brooks v. E. B. Kager, Co. Treas.
Jas. Renfro v. Margaret Renfro. Adm.
A. H. Green v. Sarah E. Requa.
Joel E. Cox v. Mary J. Cox.
Geo. Wafer v. H. C. Colson.
J. M. Alexander, et al, v. W. W. Andrews.
M. L. Read v. Robt. Hudson et al.
B. C. Cook v. W. F. Worthington.
State of Kansas ex ral Cessna v. A. G. Thurman.
H. B. Ray et al v. D. P. McAlister.
J. W. Blizzard v. J. G. Titus.
Nancy McManus v. J. S. Harmon.
Parker & Canfield v. R. B. Scott.
W. W. Vessels v. T. J. Vessels.
Frank Porter v. E. W. Colson et al.
M. D. Wells v. T. E. Gilleland.
Chas. Seacat v. S. E. Hostetter et al.
J. C. McMullen v. Jas. Steener et al.
Amelia Ragland v. R. P. Akers.
A. W. Gault v. T. D. Hargrove et al.
Henry Scheffer v. J. F. Berner.
R. B. Waite v. Cowley coun.
Mary H. Buck v. J. B. Southard et al.
S. L. Brettun v. A. H. Beck.
S. L. Brettun v. J. C. Goss et al.
G. P. Strum v. J. K. Stevens et al.
Lizzie M. Martin v. M. E. Paugh et al.
Graham & Moffit v. J. F. Baurer et al.
Bovie & Melville v. E. R. Evans et al.
T. H. Barrick v. J. S. Garrison et al.
S. Frederick v. Co. Commissioners.
J. C. McMullen v. Jas. Morgan et al.
Lucinda Perry v. Luther Perry.
C. C. Harris v. Sanford Day et al.
Mary H. Buck v. D. J. Bright et al.
W. R. Sears v. H. Collum et al.
S. McMasters v. N. Hughes.
L. G. Yoe v. T. E. Gilleland.
Thos. Watts v. W. D. L. Devore et al.
E. H. Gallup v. Calvin Coon.
R. B. Waite v. Henry Schneider.
M. L. Wilson v. H. B. Rude et al.
E. Howland v. E. B. Johnston et al.
E. Howland v. J. B. Pierson et al.
A. F. Ferris v. J. A. Demming et al.
J. H. Hill v. G. A. Jackson et al.
Rebecca Turner v. F. C. Davis et al.
Hackney & McDonald v. W. W. Andrews.
Mary H. Buck v. M. W. Luckey.
M. Harkins v. E. C. Hurst et al.
M. M. Funk v. Cynthia Clark et al.
E. C. Seward v. S. H. Myton et al.
J. C. McMullen v. P. F. Endicott et al.
Samuel Hoyt v. J. F. Gassoway et al.
Buck McCuen & Patterson v. T. E. Gilleland.
Mary H. Buck v. J. K. Stevens et al.
C. C. Harris v. J. B. Lynn.
Parker & Canfield v. E. B. Kager.
Giesecke Meysenbury & Co. v. T. E. Gilleland.
T. H. Rarrick v. W. D. Mowry et al.
Chas. Barr v. T. J. Raybell et al.
J. C. McMullen v. M. A. Bowers et al.
A. P. Dickey v. T. A. Wilkinson.
Elizabeth Meyer v. W. H. Brown et al.
J. W. Hamilton v. J. D. Pryor et al.
Nancy Bishop v. E. B. Johnson.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Five drawers, drop leaf, hinge cover. It has taken more gold and silver medals, more solid silver cups and diplomas than any other machine.
I buy direct from the factory for cash, pay no commissions, get my money without loss, and you only pay for your own machine and get the best make, and with a five year’s guarantee by the best company in the business.
I also have clocks at your own price. F. M. FRIEND. Winfield, April 10, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Manufacturers and dealers in
Office and Yards on East Main Street,
E. A. GRAHAM, Agent.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Boards at Mrs. Whitehead’s, one door north of Baldwin’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Has money to loan on real estate, and will buy claims, notes, mortgages, etc. At stone office, opposite post office, on Ninth avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Township Records, Justice of the Peace Dockets, Probate Court Records, constantly on hand and made to order. Address GEO. W. MARTIN.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
At the close of the year 1847 the United States contained from seven to ten thousand miles of railway, completed or in course of construction, the aggregate cost of which was set down at $320,000,000. Thirty years afterward, the end of the year 1877, saw in the Republic nearly eighty thousand miles of railroad, with an invested capital of $4,500,000,000.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
An arrested “moonshiner” says there are about 200 illicit distilleries in Putnam County, Tennessee, five being in a circuit of one-half mile. Every bushel of corn used produces an average of two and a half gallons of whiskey, and the price of corn in that region is fifty cents a bushel, making the price of whiskey less than twenty cents a gallon. It is generally sold from one to three dollars per gallon.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Prof. A. B. Lemmon, State Superintendent, assisted by many of the best educators of the State, has issued a pamphlet containing a course of study for each day’s recitation for the County Normal Institutes. It will undoubtedly be a great auxiliary to the teachers of the Institutes and a guide to go by, and it is of great importance that the different institutes should be conducted in the same manner.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company have introduced those new “interest pay checks” on pay day, in accordance with a circular recently issued by the treasurer. They are in the form of drafts for orders on the treasurer by the paymaster, some for $50 and $25 each, and some for odd amounts. They are for the purpose of giving the employees a safe investment. The checks will be cashed either at the Topeka Bank & Savings Institution; Mastin Bank, Kansas City; or at the Treasurer’s office.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
According to the official reports, the Russian army of the Danube captured during the war fifteen pashas, 113,000 officers and men, 606 guns of different calibers, 9,600 tents, 140,200 muskets, and 24,000 horses. In addition, 200,000 small arms, yataghans, and pistols were taken from the Turkish irregular troops, and also 15,000 lances and daggers. The Russian army in Asia captured during the war fourteen pashas and 50,200 officers and men, 862 guns, 10,000 tents, 42,000 muskets, 18,000 horses, and immense stores of ammunition and provisions of all kinds.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The books of the Internal Revenue Office show the quantity of distilled spirits in bonded warehouses on the 1st instant in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as follows: Ohio, 1,141,529 gallons; Indiana, 642,126 gallons; and Illinois, 512,680 gallons.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Maj. Walsh, of the Northwestern mounted police, was in Ottawa, Canada, on Monday, and gives no credence to the report that Sitting Bull meditates any warlike proceedings.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Hotel thieves Saturday night broke into a room occupied by John D. Bemo, at Washington, an Indian agent from the Indian Territory, and opened a hand trunk, taking therefrom $1,500 in silver and gold, and made their escape without observation.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
MONDAY, March 25. England’s position endangers the meeting of the Congress. It is thought she must recede or fight Russia. No demand has yet been made by Russia concerning England’s fleet in Marmora. England is well prepared for war. The Russians will not leave the vicinity of Constantinople until the present difficulties are settled. The English Conservative papers are violent, and demand war without further parley. The North German Gazette says the treaty does not affect German interests. Servia is disaffected with Russia.
TUESDAY, MARCH 26. Russia’s final answer to England is still anxiously waited. Russia is offering Austria great things to separate her from England. The Grand Duke Nicholas visited the Sultan today, with a suite of twelve Generals. The Russians have little hope of a friendly solution of the difficulties. A Berlin dispatch says the Austrian idea of a Congress without England is being discountenanced by France and Germany. In the rumored treaty with Russia, Austria demands Bosnia, Herzegovina, Northern Albania, and a portion of Macedonia, including Salonica. 200,000 men of the Russian reserve were called out on Monday. The situation portends war.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. Bismarck’s official organ thinks war will not ensue, but that Russia and England will arm for war. Russia and Austria are negotiating. Russia will probably modify her position. Austria declares that she will remain neutral in the event of an Anglo-Russian war. Austria holds the key to the situation.
THURSDAY, MARCH 28. Russia will not modify her position. It is again reported that Russia and Turkey are allies. Great preparations for the transportation of troops are being made in England. The situation is unchanged, with nothing in regard to Austria’s position.
FRIDAY, MARCH 29. Gen. Ignatioff’s mission for Russia to Austria is not progressing favorably. The English refuse to move their fleet until Russia withdraws her troops from the neighborhood of Constantinople. The feasibility of an understanding between Austria and Russia is doubted. Austria will listen to no proposals from Russia. The situation is dubious.
SATURDAY, MARCH 30. The Russian official journals say the English possession of Gibraltar and Malta threatens the balance of power in the Mediterranean. All Vienna correspondents of London journals concur in the statement that Gen. Ignatioff’s mission has failed with Austria. The tone of the London Times is threatening. Dispatches from London say that the English people mean war. It is believed that the occupation of Gallipoli or the entry of the fleet into the Black Sea has been determined upon by the British government.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Supplement.
TUESDAY, MARCH 26. The House joint resolution to prescribe the time for the payment of the tax on distilled spirits passed.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. Bill was introduced granting pensions to Indians who served in 1812.
MONDAY, MARCH 25. The motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill to authorize the coinage of gold and silver on the same terms was voted down.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Supplement.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. Supplement.
Lost. A large black morocco pocketbook, containing a memorandum book of charges, between Winfield and Arkansas City. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to me at Winfield. DR. W. R. DAVIS.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mrs. Stump has employed Mrs. Dr. Kessler to attend to her trimming department. Mrs. Kessler has the best taste and fifteen years experience in the business.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
New Maple Sugar and fresh lemons at Walkers Bro’s.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
An immense stock of imported glassware at Walker Bros., which they are selling cheap.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Dirt Cheap. Men’s Plow Moccasins 50 cents per pair at W. C. Root & Co.’s.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
has just received a large stock of
And she invites the ladies of Winfield to call and examine.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Fresh Horseradish at Walker Bros.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Wallis & Wallis expect a car load of pure culled Iowa Peach Blow Potatoes next week.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Grant has 100 head of horses, mares, and mules at Packer’s stable, Wichita.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
If you want a “square” meal any time of day, go to the Farmers’ Restaurant.
W. C. BRADFIELD, Proprietor.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The livery men are doing a driving business.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The Telegram has procured a fine, new job press.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
One petition for a saloon license is in circulation.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Bran new awnings in front of Jackson’s, Hope’s, et al.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Nineteen arrivals—all strangers—at the Central last Thursday.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. John Earnest has recently returned from a visit to Topeka.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. Kitchen, the tailor, moved to Augusta, Butler County, last week.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
DIED. Mrs. Nance, wife of Rev. F. W. Nance, of Maple City, died last week.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
W. A. Metcalf, of Maple City, called at the COURIER office recently.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
[DIED ???] A. Menor is supposed to have been killed at Brozeman about a month ago.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Ed. Walker, in a scuffle with Webb recently, got his shoulder badly broken.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
W. H. South, formerly of Winfield, is a commission merchant at Empire City.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
S. Suss has received his spring stock of clothing, hats, caps, etc., and his store is full of goods.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
W. H. Clay, trustee of Sheridan Township, was the first to complete his assessment and report.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Charles C. Black is having two hundred and eighty feet of stone sidewalk around his dwelling house.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Col. McMullen is improving his place in the west part of town preparatory to building a fine residence.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The front of Jay Page’s new saloon is painted black, will be gold leafed, and will be the handsomest front in town.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
There is a case on docket for next court entitled “Buck vs. Bright,” and the lawyers will “whoa, haw, Buck!” and “goe, Bright!”
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Ford, the spicy writer on the Kansas City Times, was in our city last week soliciting subscriptions and preparing a letter for his paper.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Winfield polled 356 votes at the city election on the first inst. At five inhabitants to the voter, this would indicate a population of 1,780, which is very nearly correct.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The Baptist Sunday school has appointed a committee of six to go out into the highways and byways and gather the poor children in sad clothes and help the destitute ones.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
A necktie festival will be held at the Brane schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley on the evening of Tuesday the 16th inst., for the benefit of the sabbath school held at that place.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Stotler & Graham have favored us with a copy of the first number of the “Land Buyer,” their real estate paper published at Emporia, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMillen are about to leave on a visit to Wooster, Ohio, to be absent during the summer. They have a host of friends here who will wish them the highest enjoyment of their visit and a sure and early return.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Gen. Kilpatrick has been prevailed upon to stay over another day and deliver on Wednesday evening his famous lecture entitled, “The Irish Soldier in the War of the Rebellion,” at the M. E. Church. Admission 25 cents; reserved seats 35 cents.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis and W. R. Stivers did themselves great credit on Monday evening in their delineation of the characters in the drama of “Led Astray.” There was a full house, and the audience expressed their appreciation by alternate merriment and tears. The performance, considering the lack of facilities for a good representation, was first class.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
If you want to see the best collection of coins of all nations, go and see the Walker Brothers.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
There were 165 arrivals at the different hotels last week, not including those living in town.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
E. P. Hickok has bought a block in Loomis’ addition and proposes to build a fine residence.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
H. Jochems is bragging about his “Paragon Stove,” and has made us believe it to be a superior institution.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Prof. W. E. Ketchum, of Cedar, was up to attend the teachers’ examination last week and called at the office.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
BIRTH. E. S. Torrance has lately won an important case in which he takes more pride than in most legal cases. It is a girl.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
No railroad mail came in last Friday night on account of a strike among the engineers on the A. T. & S. F. R. R.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The Baptists have a Sunday school now in good running order. This makes four Sabbath schools in our busy town.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Rev. Rusbridge’s sermon last Sunday was one of his best. He don’t seem to like the men of science very much, though.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Last Friday and Saturday was teachers examination, and sixteen marms and masters had to show how smart they were.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
A. T. Shenneman has returned from Missouri bringing several fine teams and buggies, and will open a livery stable here.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Bert Crapster locals for the Telegram now and he can be found any day leaning against a corner desperately chewing the end of a No. 2 Faber.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. McInturff has taken some fine stereoscopic views of Winfield and vicinity. Mr. McInturff is gaining a good reputation as a first-class artist.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
We observed a new hand at the organ in the M. E. Church last Sunday in the person of Mrs. Kessler. She touches the ivories with a trained and masterly hand.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Land buyers are beginning to arrive, and most of them buy readily. Green is getting many calls for land, and will doubtless sell your farm if you give him a good chance.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
There were several Osage Indians in town last week. They were dressed in new blankets, put on considerable style, and were quite a relief from the dirty, vagabondish Kaws.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mr. S. H. Root, brother of W. C. Root, our famous boot and shoe man, and traveling agent for the mammoth shoe house of Claflin, Allen & Co., of St. Louis, has been visiting Winfield the past week.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
James Simpson, Esq., brought into the COURIER office on Saturday, April 6th, a bundle of red clover measuring 16 inches high. This is a luxuriant growth for any country at this time of the year.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
A three year old girl, a child of Mr. C. J. Brane, was seriously scalded by accident last Friday. Excellent care has been taken of the little one and it is hoped she will recover without being seriously disfigured.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Mrs. E. E. Olds has just received a large stock of fashionable Millinery goods and will sell at lower prices than are obtained elsewhere. She invites ladies to call and examine her goods.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Ten. Kilpatrick’s lecture on “The March to the Sea,” at the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening was the finest ever delivered in this city. The audience, comprising most of the culture and intelligence of Winfield, seemed delighted beyond expression.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
It is against the law to catch with a seine or net any fish in the waters of the state of Kansas during the month of April, May, and June; and anyone so doing is, upon conviction, liable to a fine not less than five nor more than fifty dollars.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
We have an intimation that Rev. J. L. Rusbridge thinks of leaving this place for another field of work. We hope he will remain for he is a live man and a worker. Whatever he believes is for the advantage of the community receives his earnest support. Let the shrewd businessmen in his church control and direct the business policy and finances, and together they will make a strong working organization.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The new city council met on the 3rd inst., and organized. Hon. J. B. Lynn, mayor, in the chair; present councilmen, T. C. Robinson, G. W. Gully, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood, and E. C. Manning. C. M. Wood was chosen president pro tem; J. P. Short, clerk; J. C. McMullen, treasurer; and N. C. Coldwell, attorney. The following committees were constituted: Streets and alleys, Messrs. Wood, Robinson, and Manning; Finance, Manning, Gully, and Wood; fire department, Jochems, Gully, and Robinson.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The cheapest and best insurance company in the state is the Masonic Mutual Benefit of Kansas. It now numbers 926 members and since its organization three years ago there have been but eight deaths. The expense of managing the concern has been reduced to minimum. At the annual meeting of members, April 3rd, John Guthrie, D. M. Valentine, and A. W. Knowles, of Topeka; A. B. Lemmon, of Winfield; A. L. Selig, of Lawrence; M. S. Adams, of Wichita; and Wm. M. Mann, of Troy; were elected directors for the coming year.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The Militia Called out.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, MONDAY, APRIL 8. Martial law has been proclaimed. The governor has called out the militia and the riot is to be suppressed at once. A military company from Leavenworth has possession here, one from Independence has gone to Emporia, and a company is being recruited at this place.
Tarney and Thatcher, the leaders of the strike at Emporia, were arrested and brought here yesterday.
Freight trains will be run today, and it is believed that all will be quiet in a day or two. L.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
On next Sabbath morning, April 14th, Rev. J. E. Platter will be installed as pastor of the Presbyterian Church by the committee of the Presbytery of Emporia at its late meeting in Eldorado. Mr. Platter has served the church for nearly five years, but not until last fall after the completion of the church building was he formally called by the congregation to the office of pastor.
Rev. W. W. Curtis, of Osage City, will preach the sermon.
Rev. A. E. Garrison, of Newton, will deliver the charge to the people.
Rev. S. B. Fleming, of Arkansas City, will deliver the charge to the pastor.
Praise meeting in the evening with short addresses from the ministers present.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Col. L. B. Hatch, special agent of the New York Life Insurance Co., is in town working up life policies in that company. We had a paid up policy in that company and liked it so well that we have taken another policy of Col. Hatch. There is no stronger and safer Life Insurance company in America. In this issue will be found their 23rd annual report, which makes a showing second to none. Col. Hatch is a gentleman and means business. We bespeak for him the favorable attention of our citizens.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Kilpatrick this evening (Wednesday) at the M. E. Church.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The committee appointed by the citizens of Winfield a year ago to raise money and pay the expenses of the railroad canvass have not yet finished their work. A. G. Wilson has an unpaid claim of $72. Why is this “thus?” That canvass was undertaken by the whole people and each one should feel in honor bound to see the expenses paid. The committee should at once go to work again and ask each man to contribute a small sum to liquidate this demand. We ask that committee to attend to it and every man to respond. It would be a small business for a proud community like this to “dead-beat” a livery stable.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Topeka polled 1,576 votes, indicating a population of 7,880.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Dramatic Entertainment.
At the courthouse, Monday evening, April 15th.
First act of “Rip Van Winkle,” with Chas. McGinnis as Rip.
Violin duet by the Roberts Brothers.
To conclude with “The Persecuted Dutchman.”
Reserved seats 35 cents; for sale at McCommon & Harter’s.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Lazette is prospering; trade good, weather fine, crops growing finely. The farmers are planting corn.
It is considered by the traveling public that we have the best wheat on Grouse there is in the county.
The M. E. Church is making an effort to build a parsonage here. Think they will succeed.
MARRIED. Widow Spradling was married last Wednesday, the 3rd.
Mc. D. Stapleton is receiving his spring stock of goods. Mc. keeps one of the largest and best assortment of goods in Cowley County and is doing a good business.
Our new blacksmith’s family got in Saturday from Arkansas.
Our trustee finished his work of assessing and made his report last Saturday. We think Henry has done a good job.
Our new M. E. minister preached a very able sermon on Sunday at 11 o’clock. He preaches on the first and third Sundays of each month at 11 o’clock.
John Brooks’ stone barn is to be the first of the kind in the county. ALF.
April 8th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
ROCK TOWNSHIP, April 5, 1878.
ED. COURIER. I am a subscriber to your valuable paper, and in looking over the communications I find Rock ignored. Thinking perhaps something from this part of the county would be worth giving a place in your next issue, I have concluded to write you a short communication.
We are situated in the Walnut Valley, 15 miles north of Winfield. The valley at this point is about two miles wide, reaching from the Walnut to Rock Creek. Nearly the entire valley is in cultivation—principally sown to wheat, which looks very fine.
We have quite a number of new arrivals in this neighborhood, parties who have bought farms and have emigrated with stock and farming implements prepared to till the soil.
We have one dry goods and grocery store here, kept by ex-Squire George H. Williams, who does a good business. He is P. M. at Rock, and the “prince of good fellows.”
Dr. J. P. Graham, late of Indianapolis, Ind., will locate here next week and enter at once into the practice of medicine.
We have organized a M. E. Church at our schoolhouse. Preaching once in two weeks, also a union Sunday school.
BIRTH. J. B. Holmes will harvest about 500 acres of wheat this season; and better still, he is in luck in his old age—it is a boy. But you will get worried with this letter, so I will close. SILAS BRACKET.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 10th day of April 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Alers, Mr.; Berry, Silas; Brown, George; Biers, Mrs. Bellie; Bartlow, Mr. W.; Chapel, Chas. G.; Chapel, J. S.; Dunham, Cyrus; Green, Mrs. Alice; Gilliland, Miss Callie; Gray, G. A.; Huery, George; Irvin, C. C., M. D.; James, Mrs. M. H.; Kennedy, Mr. Morris; Lemaster, M. C.; Lobdell, James; Myers, Mrs. E. S.
SECOND COLUMN: Murray, W. R.; Moore, Wm.; Moore, Mrs. Elen; Palmer, Fidd; Plott, John; Reel, J. W.; Runyan, John M.; Sears, Mrs. Nancy; Snider, John; Stinger, A. M.; Sweetin, David; Thourman, Wm.; Tensen, M.; Tarbet, J. T.; Vandeviere, Joel; Valean, Mr.; Williams, Mrs. S. S.; Whitson, Jason; Walrath, Chancy.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Greenback Convention.
There will be a meeting of the presidents of greenback clubs in Cowley County at the courthouse in Winfield at one o’clock, p.m., on Saturday, the 27th of April, 1878, for the purpose of perfecting a county organization. It is hoped there will be a full attendance as the business to be transacted is of great importance to our cause. Each club is also requested to appoint two members as delegates to meet with the presidents at the time and place above mentioned for consultation.
A. S. WILLIAMS, President, Vernon Club.
S. B. HUNT, Pres., Odessa Club, Pleasant Valley Township.
J. B. CALLESON, Pres., Fairview Club, Dexter Township.
GEORGE BURDETT, President, Dexter Club.
N. B. Correspondence relating to the organization of clubs may be addressed to N. C. Coldwell, at Winfield, who will furnish all information desired upon the subject.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Oscar Vail to C. B. Vail, nw 4 30 4, 131 acres, $750.
A. A. Newman and wife to Mahlon Hunter, part of nw 21 34 4, 40 acres, $325.
J. C. McMullen and wife to Petty Cozy, part of se 7 38 4, 1 acre, $1.
W. Frederick and wife to J. B. Kistler, e half of sw 33 30 4, 80 acres, $400.
H. C. Loomis to E. P. Hickok, 1 block in 28 32 4, 3 acres, $500.
Robt. McGuire and wife to Chas. K. Combs, w half of se 21 32 3, 80 acres, $1,400.
State of Kansas to R. S. Tannehill, se of sw 16 33 3, 40 acres.
J. W. Batchelder and wife to Cordelia Belchett, se 6 33 5, 160 acres, $500.
W. M. Allison to J. R. Cochran, lt 3 blk 95, Winfield, $100.
Robt. Allison and wife to J. R. Cochran, w half lot 2 blk 150, Winfield, $100.
J. O. White to A. L. Stanley, lot 5 blk 91 Winfield, $300.
W. H. H. Maris and wife to J. Herrington, lot 11 blk 116 Winfield, $25.
Winfield Town Co. to M. E. Lindsey, lots 16, 17, and 18, blk. 106.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Article starts out about cultivation of potatoes on new land which is full of decaying vegetable matter versus old soils...I skipped the first part!
He continues:
We think that J. M. Alexander’s call for the organization of an agricultural society is timely, believing with him that our county is able to support, and should have, such a society to develop its industries by friendly rivalry; but we doubt the wisdom of the suggestion of offering the society by farmers exclusively. In an organization of this kind, every industrial pursuit should be represented to make its annual fairs a success; the undue preponderance of any one interest to others is detrimental. Agriculture is the occupation of fully three-fourths of our population, and while this interest is paramount, it should not be to the exclusion of others as well. It was a most signal failure in our old society to make agriculture the tail of the kite, instead of the kite itself; and we hope that this extreme in the opposite direction will not be taken, but that all interests will be represented as their merits deserve.
April 5, 1878. REX.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The rumor that Mr. Peter Quigley died of heart disease has proved incorrect. It seems that Monday the 24th, of last month, in the afternoon, Mr. Quigley was taken with violent pains of a neuralgic character and in order to obtain relief, he took a dose of morphia. Finding that he grew no better and seeing Mr. Ben Caldwell and lady passing, he called them in. (Mr. Quigley was living alone, his wife having left him last summer.) He told them he was very sick and asked Mr. Caldwell to bring a doctor. Dr. Phillips was accordingly summoned and after examining him pronounced it a case of poison by morphine. At first Quigley denied having taken anything, but after a time he acknowledged having taken four doses, any of which, Dr. Phillips said, would have killed a man. Mr. Quigley lingered until sometime in the night, when he died and was buried on the following day without an inquest. Yesterday I learned that Ben. and Will. Caldwell and a Mr. Early were made very sick by eating of some beans that Mr. Quigley had cooked the day that he was taken sick and, of which, in all likelihood he had eaten. The true inwardness of the case will never be known. I GUESS.
April 2nd, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
The prospect for an immense wheat crop grows brighter daily.
Several of our prominent farmers are discussing the feasibility of investing in self-binding harvesters.
The click of the corn-planter is now reverberating throughout this valley. The corn acreage will be unusually large.
Mr. George Teeter has already estimated his ninety-acre wheat field at 1800 bushels, and is basing his calculations for a granary accordingly.
MARRIED. Rev. Robert Kerr, assisted Mr. Al. Johnson and Miss Maggie Huff, this week to launch forth on the turbulent sea of matrimony. Al. is fortunate in having a good start.
A part of the Cherokee delegation have returned, disgusted with the sociability of the natives.
Mr. Isaac Beach smiles serenely when he contemplates the probable yield of his eighty acre wheat field.
Mrs. D. Dawson, since returning from her winter’s sojourn in Kentucky, has concluded not to dispose of her farm, having learned to appreciate Cowley’s numerous advantages in the meantime.
Mr. Charles Whitson has purchased the Benj. Wright farm for $1,200. Charley, from his maneuvers, is evidently a candidate for the vicissitudes of matrimony.
MARRIED. Mr. Wm. Kuckman, last Tuesday, April 2nd, with the cooperation of Miss Mary Yount, undertook the task to fathom the depths of connubial felicity. Rev. Robert Kerr applied the cement. Will was serenaded in the evening by the celebrated Chinese orchestra, which discoursed sweet, soul-stirring music.
[Note: Paper had Kuckman. Later on in same issue the marriage licenses reflect that it was Wm. E. Ruckman who married Mary Yount. See below.]
Mr. W. D. Lester, on the 3rd inst., celebrated his sixty-third anniversary by inviting several of his neighbors to participate in a feast, gotten up expressly for the occasion.
A typographical error appeared in my previous communication. Mr. “Servin” King should have read Mr. Lewis King.
Having a correspondence with other publications, and being otherwise busily employed, hope you will not consider me unfaithful, and my interest in the COURIER’s welfare on the wane, should my reports hereafter be somewhat irregular. HORATIUS.
April 3, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Marriage Licenses.
Leonard T. Harned to Katie Wingert.
Wm. H. Reeves to Emma J. Morrison.
Richard C. Burdett to Nancy Whiteside.
Wm. E. Ruckman to Mary Yount.
James M. Himgardner to Jane Spratlin.
Allen N. Johnson to Maggie Huff.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
John McGuire has been improving his trees by white-washing.
Rev. J. W. Steward, M. E. pastor of Oxford, preached in Tisdale last night.
The boys think “anything for a change,” therefore, they are organizing a base ball club.
School began this morning, Miss Sarah Hodges officiating. All predict a first class school this summer.
Practical grangering is the order of the day in this vicinity. I tried it, but oh! ‘aint it hard on the hands.
O. P. West and Art. Morse planted eleven acres of corn in six hours with hand planters; someone beat it.
Our blacksmiths are complaining of too much work and not enough money.
During the late cool spell several of our townsmen killed hogs and cussed Kansas.
Ask Dr. Wright about the rain fall. He made a wager there would not be enough rain to wet the ground two inches before the first of August. By the way, the Dr. is lately from Iowa and don’t know Kansas.
E. P. Kinne, county recorder, made Tisdale a call last week.
Several “bold hunters” were in town last week, but concluded to move on.
Nearly all of our farmers are ready to plant corn; several have already finished planting.
S. S. Moore thinks of going to the Black Hills again this spring.
J. H. Hall is finding out how much the people of Tisdale Township are worth.
Rev. Rose preached his maiden sermon a week ago yesterday. He bids fair for a successful ministry this year.
Ivy Carson has moved his cattle to the range.
Arb Farner has a drilled well on his hill.
Items are as scarce as greenbacks; I am out of both. N’IMPORTE.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Skipped “Education” column by R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Have just opened a new
Stove and Tin Store.
Job Work & Roofing a Specialty.
Prices Lower than the Lowest.
Ninth Ave., Winfield, Kas.
Next door East of McCommon & Harter’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 18, 1878. Front Page.
A Flourishing Town on the Border of the Indian Territory.
A Magnificent Valley Between the County Seat of Cowley
County and the Border Line.
[Special Correspondent Kansas City Times.]
WICHITA, KANSAS, APRIL 7, 1878. Last week I took a trip down the Arkansas Valley to Wellington; and from thence to Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County. In company with one of the best citizens of Winfield, I took a drive to Arkansas City, a beautiful town of five hundred inhabitants, situated on the borders of the Indian Territory, and at the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. This was one of the most agreeable rides I have ever taken in Kansas. I have explored the state from north to south and from east to west; I have traversed the valleys of all the principal streams, and have looked upon the most beautiful sections of the state, but I am compelled to admit that I have never passed over a more fertile district or gazed upon a more lovely landscape than that which lies between Winfield and Arkansas City. The valley of the Walnut is about two miles wide and is generally greatly undulating. In some places, however, there are rocky bluffs, and in others there are whole sections as level as lawn. The wheat in this valley is as fine as ever grew out of the ground. There are thousands of acres of it between Winfield and Arkansas City, all of which is looking splendidly. There are fields containing hundreds of acres, which covered with a rich, strong, healthy growth, waving in the breeze, presents as fine a sight as the eye ever gazed upon. No artist can equal it, and no pen can describe it.
If the entire area of wheat sown in Cowley County looks as well as that between Winfield and Arkansas City, and no blight comes to destroy it between this time and harvest, then the yield of the country will not fall short of one million and a half bushels.
The Walnut Valley wants a railroad, and wants it badly. It needs a railroad to carry to market its enormous surplus of products. The people of this great valley are looking to the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe road as the one which must deliver them from the burdens which rest upon those who are not favored with water or rail transportation. The route from Burlington through this country is a very practicable one, and the development of the country through which it would pass is such as to furnish ample business to support a road. The people are praying for the success of Schofield.
Arkansas City is situated on a beautiful elevation commanding a view of the valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas river. There are a number of reliable and energetic businessmen here, who do an excellent trade.
The Schiffham [BOY! DID THEY GET THIS NAME WRONG!] Bros. have a fine stock of groceries and are doing a flourishing business. They are energetic and thoroughly reliable.
[Proper name is “Schiffbauer.”]
Benedict Bros. have the principal hardware store. They handle stoves, tinware, and implements.
James Benedict was elected Mayor of the city at the recent election.
H. Godehard is engaged in the grocery business.
The Cowley County Bank is a safe and reliable institution, presided over by Major Wm. Sleeth, with Capt. H. P. Farrar, as Cashier.
Dr. J. A. Loomis is the proprietor of a very neat and prosperous drug store.
J. I. Mitchell is the principal harness maker and saddler in the city.
Finney Bros. keep the only first-class livery stable.
The following gentlemen are prominent citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity: Dr. Nathan Hughes, Amos Walton, W. B. Skinner, A. W. Patterson, J. H. Dayton.
The Times representative acknowledges obligations to Mr. James Morgan for courtesies shown him while in Arkansas City.
The Central Avenue House has recently changed landlords, and is now in the hands of Newton Cox, recently from Iowa.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, one of the ablest and best members of the last Legislature, is a citizen of this place. He was drawn as a juror on the last United States Grand Jury.
The people of Arkansas City are intelligent, cultivated, and enterprising. They support an excellent newspaper, the Traveler, and will ultimately have one of the best towns in the State. S. M. F.
Wonder if author really visited Arkansas City?!!
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The strike is over, the militia at their homes, and trains are running regularly on the A. T. & S. F. R. R. again.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
U. S. court convened at Topeka a week ago last Monday. We believe that Hon. C. R. Mitchell is the only one in attendance from this county.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Gold was only one-fourth of one percent premium last Saturday, the lowest it has been in seventeen years. Unless a financial blunder is made, it will be at par in a few days, resumption will be accomplished, and the volume of our circulating medium be increased by all the gold in the country. Who says nay?
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The strike on the Santa Fe road is ended. The strikers are out of work and their places are supplied by other men.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878. Editorial Page.
Farmers are all busy, generally planting corn. Two nights of this week, Tuesday and Wednesday, there was great anxiety felt in regard to frost, but finally the wind changed to the south and all was well again. Mr. Southard is still handing goods over the counter receiving back as their equivalent either coin or greenbacks to his satisfaction. Mr. Galligher returned last week from Missouri bringing with him his family, as he had taken a claim on the Cherokee strip land, the latter part of winter. SUBSCRIBER. April 12, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
We are indebted to W. R. Stivers, the efficient assistant of the county clerk, for the following report.
The board of commissioners of Cowley County met in regular session at the county clerk’s office on the 8th day of April, 1878. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and George L. Gale, commissioners; James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Erroneous tax remitted on w. ½ of ne. ¼ and w. ½ of se. ¼. sec. 17, twp 30, range 5.
Jonathan Elswick was granted an exemption on his personal property assessment for the year 1877.
Upon presentation of a petition and bond by M. L. Robinson et al., of Winfield Town-ship, asking for view and survey of county road, the board appointed G. W. Youle, H. C. Loomis, and A. W. Wilson viewers, to meet on the 8th day of May, 1878.
Upon presentation of a petition and bond by J. L. H. Darnall et al., of Liberty Township, asking for a view and survey of a county road, the board appointed C. C. Robinson, Henry Wilson, and J. H. Mounts viewers, to meet on the 17th day of May, 1878.
Upon presentation of a petition and bond by E. J. Horsman et al, of Omnia Township, asking for a view and survey of a county road, the board appointed R. S. Strother, Jonas Messenger, and L. M. Brown viewers, to meet on the 14th day of May, 1878.
Upon presentation of a petition and bond by C. C. Pierce et. al., of Winfield Township, asking for a view and survey of a road, the board appointed S. H. Sparks, S. Johnson, and C. J. Brane viewers, to meet on the 10th day of May, 1878.
The board examined and approved the official bonds of the following township officers: J. L. Huey, trustee, Creswell tp.; Jas. A. Barr, trustee, Silver Creek tp; K. McClung, constable, Vernon tp.; W. H. Freeman, clerk, Beaver tp.; G. W. Savage, clerk, Harvey tp.; G. B. Darlington, clerk, Omnia tp.; W. B. Wimer, trustee, Rock tp.; David Walck, constable, Maple tp.; J. J. Smith, justice of peace, Otter tp.; A. B. Odell, constable, Ninnescah tp.; C. N. Gates, constable, Dexter tp.; Wm. Morgan, constable, Cedar tp.; J. M. Barrick, justice of peace, Rock tp.; W. D. Mowry, clerk, Creswell tp.
In the matter of an appeal from the action of the county superintendent in the formation of School District 116, the board, after being fully advised of the facts, sustained the action of the county superintendent, except the board detached the n w. 172, sec. 19, twp 33, range 4, from said District No. 116, and attached the same to District No. 10.
The following bills were allowed.
James T. Shepard, pauper bill.
N. A. Haight, surveyor.
W. W. Underwood, road viewer.
H. R. Branson, road viewer.
A. T. Lane, road viewer.
R. T. Wells, road chainman.
S. H. Wells, road marker.
S. H. Wells, team.
Millington & Lemmon, Co. printing.
Johnson & Lockwood, ink.
E. D. Skinner, assessor.
R. C. Story, county superintendent.
Geo. W. Robinson, school examiner.
H. D. Wilkins, assessor.
W. H. Clay, assessor.
T. R. Bryan, county treasurer.
S. E. Berger, pauper bill.
H. Jochems, hardware.
J. L. M. Hill, drawing jury.
W. M. Boyer, jury.
G. H. Buckman, jury.
James McDermott, county attorney.
Mater & Miller, blacksmith bill.
H. L. Taylor, Land office extract.
M. C. Hedrick, assessor.
S. Dodsworth, stationery.
J. T. Weston, stove pipe.
C. L. Harter, sheriff’s fee.
H. H. Banks, hauling wood.
Frank Jennings, school examiner.
T. B. Myers, furniture.
L. Weimer, justice of peace costs.
Phillip Hedges, constable’s costs.
W. Andrews, witness fee.
A. B. Hopkins, witness fee.
Emma Douglass, witness fee.
R. C. Story, postage and express.
W. M. Allison, county printing.
J. W. Cottingham, pauper bill.
C. L. Harter, boarding prisoner.
John Easton, repairing shades.
Frank Jennings, school examiner.
G. W. Martin, stationery.
H. D. Gans, examining Co. treasury.
J. B. Lynn, examining Co. treasury.
F. Williams, examining Co. treasury.
I. H. Bonsall, justice of peace costs.
James Morgan, constable’s costs.
W. G. Graham, coroner’s fees.
J. S. Savage, constable’s costs.
W. S. Doolittle, witness fee.
A. S. Stanley, witness fee.
Ed. Donahue, witness fee.
James Lindlay, witness fee.
A. J. McCollum, juror.
J. M. Barrick, juror.
J. J. Tribby, juror.
W. M. Lindley, juror.
G. W. Lindley, juror.
C. B. Hamilton, books.
Houghton & McLaughlin, pauper bill.
M. G. Troup, county clerk.
I. H. Bonsall, justice of peace costs.
James Morgan, constable’s costs.
H. R. Bransod [?], road viewer. [?Branson perhaps is correct]
A. T. Lane, road viewer.
Thomas Turton, pauper bill.
L. Weimer, assessor.
J. A. Shields, pauper bill.
Wm. Butterfield, pauper bill.
A. Hammatt, clerk supreme court.
W. G. Graham, prisoner bill.
J. V. Hines, assessor.
C. M. Scott, county printing.
W. R. Sears, jail steps.
Abner Levert, state road com.
J. S. Cotton, state road com.
I. H. Bonsall, state road com.
Arnold Walters, road flagman.
John Myrtle, road surveyor.
J. C. Evans, road marker.
W. J. Gray, road marker.
James Jordan, road teamster.
August Lowry, road chainman.
Marshall Felton, road chainman.
C. M. Scott, road notices.
J. M. Alexander, rent.
Am. Cen. In. Co., insuring courthouse.
R. F. Burden, county commissioner.
W. M. Sleeth, county commissioner.
G. L. Gale, county commissioner.
State vs. Jno Doe et al, fee bill $17.65, rejected.
M. D. Goodnight, surveyor’s fee, rejected.
State vs. Jno. Doe, fee bill, rejected.
The appointment of C. C. Krow, William Andrew, and O. P. Miller as appraisers of n. ½ of ne. ¼, and s. ½ of se. ¼, and w. ¼ of n w. ¼ of sec. 16, twp. 31, range 5, was approved.
C. F. Hilton was appointed treasurer of Vernon Township and J. T. Pruitt treasurer of Silverdale Township.
The board received of T. R. Bryan county warrants to the amount of $3,963.01, which were ordered canceled.
W. J. Orr, section line road. Granted.
J. S. Woolley, section line road. Granted.
The viewers’ report of the R. T. Wells county road was approved, and James Hill and John Milford were awarded $5 each as damages.
Upon presentation of a petition and bond by E. C. Manning et al. asking for the view and survey for a county road, the board appointed T. A. Blanchard, Robert Hudson, and A. T. Shenneman viewers, to meet on the 9th day of May, 1878.
Frank Jennings and S. P. Channell were appointed to assist the Probate Judge to count the funds in the county treasury.
An appropriation of $100 was made for the purpose of holding a Normal Institute.
County clerk was ordered to make duplicate tax rolls for the year 1878.
The board approved the appointment of J. B. Tucker, R. Musselman, and S. T. Endicott, appraisers of e. ½ of ne. ¼ and e. ½ of se. ¼, sec. 37, twp. 34, range 4.
The board took $5,000 fire insurance policy on the courthouse in the American Central Insurance Co. for a period of 3 years, and paid therefor the sum of $100.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878. Supplement.
The debt of New York City is $150,000,000. It increases constantly.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The price of gold has ranged in New York for a week past at but little over 101.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
A letter from Ashland, Ohio, says nearly one fifth of the people of that county will leave for Kansas in April.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Hon. B. F. Simpson, of Paola, took possession of the United States Marshal’s office on Thursday of this week. The Paola Spirit announces that he will make a complete change in all the subordinate places.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Maj. A. G. McKenzie, who has been a Clerk in the General Land Office at Washington for two years past, has left for Kansas to accept the clerkship of the Marshal’s office, which has been tendered him by Maj. B. F. Simpson. Major McKenzie is an old resident of the State, having resided in Miami County for many years.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
There was a council of the Six Nations at Onondaga Castle, New York, recently, and the Indian citizenship bill, recently introduced by Senator Kernan in the United States Senate was warmly discussed. The drift of the argument was against any law that would allow or compel them to become citizens, as such a course would withdraw the protecting arm of the Government and open wide the door to the grasping avarice of the white man.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Secretary Sherman claims that after the resumption of specie payments, he will have authority to reissue three hundred million dollars of United States notes, under authority of the existing law of 1873.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Collector Brayton telegraphs from Columbia, S. C., that the revenue raiding force has returned from a successful expedition from the North Carolina border, having destroyed eleven illicit distilleries, 25,000 gallons of beer and mash, and 260 gallons of whiskey.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
There are 9,000 patients in the military hospitals of Erzerum. From 200 to 300 are daily removed from the hospitals to the cemeteries.
The North German Gazette says Lord Derby’s retention to office was everywhere regarded as synonymous with the preservation of peace. What does his resignation mean?
A Special from Bucharest reports that two Russian army corps stationed in Bulgaria have been ordered to return to Roumania and take positions between Gieurgevo and Bucharest. It is feared that the Russians may impose a state of siege throughout Roumania.
The Grand Duke Nicholas had a two hours’ interview with the Sultan on Saturday. One Russian dragoman was the only other person present.
Mukhtar Pasha has been appointed chief of the Turkish general staff, and Osman Pasha commander of Constantinople.
Drouth and famine prevail to a disastrous extent in Morocco.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878. Supplement.
THURSDAY, APRIL 4. Russia is having trouble with Roumania concerning the session of Bessarabia. The Opposition to the Government in Great Britain is weak, and will not throw any obstacles in its way during the crisis.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4. The North German Gazette has an article which intimates that peace may yet be fixed up.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878. Supplement.
Skipped 34 Rulings made by State Superintendent Lemmon. In essence he really made it rough on teachers and school boards.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
133 arrivals at the hotels last week.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Geo. Lee was in from Lazette last week.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
We learn that Mrs. Effie Randall is quite ill.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
A. J. Jarvis was down from Floral on the 6th.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Squire Norman, of Rose Bud, called last week.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
J. Ex. Saint has his new residence nearly completed.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Baldwin is doing a rushing drug business this spring.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Doctor Thompson, of Silver Creek, was in the city Saturday.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Why can’t the musical talent of this town organize a good band?
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Buggy riding, boat riding, fishing, and walking constitute Sunday rest.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Sam. Myton is selling a wonderful amount of farming implements this spring.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Frank Lorry, the delicate treasurer of district 53, West Bolton, was with us Saturday.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
If you don’t know what a substantial sidewalk is, step around and look at that long Judge Curns’ city residence. Go and do likewise.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
It looks very much like old times to see Mr. A. D. Speed, one of the earliest settlers, again in Winfield. He says he has come to stay this time.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
George Black, a boy about ten years old, a son of Dr. Black, in playing with other boys of the school last Wednesday, got his arm broken near the elbow.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Rev. T. W. Foster settled last fall in Vernon Township on a raw piece of land, has built a small house, and set out quite a large orchard and several hundred forest trees.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
They had a pleasant little riot up in Rock last week which resulted in a few black eyes and the arrest of four of the participants. The row grew out of enmities in the Good Templars lodge.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Mr. N. C. Heizer, lately from Indiana, has purchased a farm on Beaver Creek in Beaver Township. He has just finished planting 50 acres of corn and has also quite a large crop of wheat.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Mr. D. D. Kellogg, of Vernon Township, has a fine residence and a large peach and apple orchard. He this spring set out 7,000 forest trees and has besides a large number of older forest trees.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The self binder seems to be the leading machine this season. There are some five or six different styles on exhibition in town at the respective agencies. Each machine is the best and has some peculiar point which the other machines lack.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Rev. Mr. Berry, whose field of labor is Little Dutch and New Salem, has procured rooms at Mr. Manser’s and will make Winfield his abiding place. He is a gentleman of most excellent merit and we are glad to number him among the citizens of this place.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
G. T. Giles, one of our popular druggists, has just returned from Palmyra, Missouri, with his wife and little one, and will go to housekeeping as soon as he can get a house. He says that vegetation and crops are much farther advanced here than in Missouri.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Mr. Thomas J. King, of Beaver Township, has just completed a large two story house, has a large orchard of peach and apple trees, and is putting in seventy-five acres of corn. He intends to turn his attention to stock raising and is preparing his farm for that purpose.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
THEATER. The performances of Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis and Mr. Stivers at the courthouse last Monday evening were very fine indeed.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin and E. A. Clisbee had a home made telephone stretched from Frank’s store over to the Central Hotel last week. The phone was made by Clisbee and was a perfect success. Any person talking in one end in a common tone of voice would be distinctly heard all over the room at the other end.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
As an evidence of the prosperity of our public schools we offer the following: Miss Emma Burden, Lazette; Misses Alice and Etta Johnson, Miss Sarah Bovee, New Salem; Miss Rosa Rounds, Tisdale; J. D. Hunt, Miss Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Pleasant Valley; Risdon Gilstrop and Miss Emma Gilstrop, Silverdale, are enrolled among the pupils in the high school.
[They had “Gilstrop.” Wonder if this should be Gilstrap?]
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Sam Davis had his arm badly bitten by a savage dog last week.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Doctor Phelps, of Richland, was among the many visitors in town on the 7th.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Dr. Emerson is examining surgeon for the New York Life Insurance company.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Chas. C. Black is the agent at Winfield for the New York Life Insurance company.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Manning has finished the basement walls of his new brick and is rapidly pushing up the main walls.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Royal Tucker has built him a new house. By the way, he is one of the best wagon makers in the Great Southwest.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
W. H. Clay of Sheridan Township will soon start on a trip to Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Dr. D. F. Rupp, who was living in Vernon Township last summer, has located at North Lawrence to practice his profession.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Messrs. Curns and Manser have a new sign at the door of their real estate office which does great credit to the painter, Mr. Herrington.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Mr. C. S. Smith brought us several heads of wheat from his field last Saturday. It is well headed and looks as though it would be ready for harvest in May.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Maj. A. B. Stone of Millersburg, Pennsylvania, called on us last week. He has lands in Vernon Township. He says there is a great “hegira” from his state to this.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
LOST. A dark brown pointer dog about one year old with white on his breast, a strap collar with a ring. I will give five dollars for his return. J. H. VANCE.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The present term of school opened with the following enrollment: Miss Mina Johnson’s room, 20; Miss Mary Brant’s, 90; Miss Ella Wickersham’s, 70; Miss Emma Saint, 67; Prof. George Robinson’s, 42; in all 289.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Word comes to us from Rock and Vernon of a severe storm of rain and hail which passed through these townships on Saturday afternoon. A great many of the hail stones were large as walnuts. No material damage was done to wheat.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Hon. H. W. Ide, of Leavenworth, judge of the first judicial district of this state, called on us last week. He was looking over the county with a view of investing in Cowley. He has the idea of moving to Winfield at some time in the near future.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
J. W. Brown, of Bolton Township, called on us last week. He is one of the substantial farmers of that township, has one hundred acres of splendid wheat well headed out, a large field of barley and other crops in proportion.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Dan Maher says that the storm up Timber Creek last Saturday was fearful. Rain fell in torrents and hailstones as large as eggs, but not in great quantities. But little damage was done. The people of his neighborhood propose to build a flouring mill. A stock company is being formed.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The exercises at the installation of Rev. J. E. Platter as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Winfield last Sunday, were exceedingly interesting. The house was decorated with flowers, a floral anchor at the foot of the desk being a prominent feature. The house was filled to overflowing by a pleased and interested audience. The music from the orchestra was excellent and inspiring. The ceremonies were conducted by the Rev. A. M. Mann, of Belle Plaine, assisted by Rev. Curtis, of Osage City; Rev. Garrison, of Newton; Rev. Fleming, of Arkansas City; Rev. Berry, Rev. Randall, and Rev. Rusbridge. The occasional sermon delivered by Mr. Curtis was historically and geographically instructive, elegant in diction and pleasing to the imagination. The charge to the pastor delivered by Mr. Fleming and that to the church by Mr. Garrison were both excellent.
We feel scarcely less gratification than the most enthusiastic Presbyterian, that this church now so strong and well organized, with a church edifice so capacious, beautiful and pleasant, is favored with a pastor so industrious, estimable, and talented, so loved and honored, so valuable to this whole community as the Rev. J. E. Platter.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a Fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.
J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Charles A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; Dr. Holland, G. Teeter, Beaver; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; Wm. J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; J. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The examination of teachers on the 5th and 6th inst., was attended by the following persons.
Winfield. Mrs. P. B. Seibert; Albert Lumpkin.
Lazette. Miss Mary Tucker, Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Miss Stella Stafford, Mr. J. A. Natt.
New Salem. Miss M. E. Buck, Miss Annie Buck, Miss N. P. Buck, Miss Nettie Buck, Mr. R. B. Hunter.
Little Dutch. R. B. Corson.
Maple City. W. E. Ketcham.
Dexter. Mrs. A. J. Hoyt.
Cedarvale. G. W. Bartgis.
Tisdale. Mrs. R. E. Rhonimus.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Frederick Arnold to Alex. Anderson, s ½ of n e 8 32 4, 80 acres, $1,200.
Peter S. Loy to Catharine W. Blue, lot 4 and se of sw and sw of se sec 19 and n w of n e 30 30 6, 158 acres, $500.
J. C. McMullen to Silas Kennedy, w ½ sw 1 35 4, 70 acres, $800.
W. W. Michner and wife to Elizabeth H. Turner, w of n e 29 31 6, 80 acres, $1,000.
Eliza J. Oldham and husband to W. O. Wright, w of s e 31 32 4, 80 acres, $500.
L. B. Stone and wife to John H. Phillips, in s w 17 31 5, 2 acres, $50.
Jane Hoffmaster to Andrew C. Williams, n e of n w and lot 1, 7 35 4, 80 acres.
C. B. Park and wife to James L. Byers, w off n e and e of n w 31 31 6, 80 acres, $1,000.
Geo. S. Story and wife to Sally McCurry, lots 2 and 3, 1 30 3, 80 acres, $450.
J. F. Snyder and wife to Jonas Call, s w 28 32 4, 160 acres, $1,350.
E. J. Fitch and wife to Jas. S. Dean, s e 12 34 3, 160 acres, $1,017.
Matthew J. Armstand and wife to J. M. Rosson, in s w 7 30 3, 82 acres, $600.
Winfield Town Association to Callie J. Hackney, lot 14, block 181, Winfield.
J. C. Fuller and wife to Sarah A. Whitson, lot 7, block 231, Winfield, $500.
M. L. Read and wife to Anna A. Harris, lots 11 and 12 in block 87, Winfield, $500.
Wm. Gibby and wife to F. P. Schiffbauer, 9, 10, and 11, block 81, Arkansas City.
C. M. Bradish to Anna Harris, lot 18 and part of 17, block 110, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Items scarce this week; main reason, no time to look them up.
I notice an error in your issue of the 4th inst. in regard to our post office. It is true the name has been changed; also the site, but northwest instead of northeast, though the office is still at the same place it has been for over two years.
A good many of our farmers have finished planting corn; others nearly through, while a few have not yet commenced, though I think they will nearly all finish planting this week.
Mr. J. B. Cook, who moved into this township from Shawnee County last spring, has improved his place considerably. He has this spring set out 130 apple, 100 peach, and 1,000 cottonwood trees; has also enclosed a pasture with pine board and mulberry post fence; has about 60 acres now under cultivation, and has contracted for 49 acres of breaking, to be done this season. Mr. Cook evidently means to stay with us.
J. H. Bilsing, an old settler, has about seven acres of forest trees, mostly cotton-woods—some planted this spring, and some from two to four years old—and a nice apple, peach, and cherry orchard, all in bearing. He has also about three acres of red clover, a good stand, some of which we measured on last Saturday and found to be eighteen inches high.
James T. Dale is also pretty well fixed for trees, he having about thirteen acres closely planted with forest trees and orchard.
By the way, the above are only a few of our nice places; will notice others hereafter.
By all means let us have an agricultural and mechanical fair next fall; but if we do, let us have something more than an agricultural “hoss trot.”
April 15, 1878. WIDE AWAKE.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Jack frost has become almost a nightly visitor; though quite unwelcome, he still persists in coming. He has not hurt much yet; but he had better quit or he will do some hurt.
Rev. J. H. Snyder, from Illinois, delivered us a very excellent sermon Sabbath morning 7th, at Easterly’s appointment.
Men are selling their farms and going east and west, but they invariably come back and buy again alongside their former farms.
Our corn, potatoes, peas, and lettuce are growing finely.
Some farmers are done planting corn.
Finally they did get a singing school started at Nose Bud under the tutorage of Prof. Roberts and family. Now we shall expect to hear some melodies singing in our Sunday school with good leaders and one hundred and twenty-six scholars as a choir we intend to “raise the neighbors.”
[Believe it should be “Rose Bud,” not “Nose Bud. Last sentence appears to have a word or two missing.]
Rev. J. H. Snyder purchased the Clark farm on the Walnut Valley. We have now three ministers of the United Brethren Church from Illinois owning farms in Winfield circuit. Two are living on their places.
E. B. Gault sold his farm for $1,400 to Mr. Combs, of Missouri, and after going east, west, and south found a place just across the line on the west that suited him and bought it for $750. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
ED. COURIER: As I have not seen any news from this township in the COURIER, I thought I would give you a few items.
Our wheat crop is very fine and a very large amount planted last fall. People are making arrangements for harvesting by buying harvesters.
Corn planting is going on rapidly.
Quite a number of newcomers have come into this township within the last six months and many of them have plenty of stamps, which is quite an item.
I believe our township is now able to cast one hundred votes; we cast sixty-five at the last presidential election.
If you think this would be of interest to your readers, you can publish it. FELIX.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Mr. Ed. Cochran is again out in town, looking rather thin after his illness.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The Traveler publishes a letter from Hon. Thos. Ryan stating that “the House committee on commerce has agreed to provide for a survey of the Arkansas River from Fort Smith to the mouth of the Little Arkansas, to determine the practicability and cost of making it navigable.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 16th day of April, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Baker, E. S.; Barrett, Mrs. S. A.; Black, H. E.; Bradley, George; Brown, F.; Bricker, Chas.; Clemons, Manile; Cole, Jennie; Cotrell, Wm.; Cockrell, Simon; Derringer, Willey; Davis, B. F.; Duncan, Aaron; Estep, J. W.; Elliott, Solamon; Estus, L. M.; Flint, Jones; Garlits, Samuel; Gault, Sarah A.; Green, Bettie; Green, Mrs. C. H.; Grant, L. G.; Groves, Frank; Hamel, Mollie; Harvey, Elder E. E.; Hale, Albert N.; Herndon, John F.; Hann, Amos; Harris, N.; Harris, Noah; Hill, Charity; Henmeher, Lucy; Hedrick, W. F.
SECOND COLUMN: Hunt, John; Hunt, Emma; Hunt, Mamey; Hines, Jessie; Hilliken, David; Jack, Happy; McMillen, Lavina; Mills, Robert; Mitchell, Robt. J.; Macomber, Alfred; Martin, Maggie; Moffit, Lillie E.; Mock, Wm.; Moore, Kneff; Perry, Mary; Perry, John; Ruley, Wm.; Robinson, Geo.; Ross, Santford; Randall, E. D.; Sheppard, Agnes; Stewart, Wm.; Stearnes, Dr. E. P.; Sweetman, Martha; Sapperfield, Robt.; Turner, G. M.; Vandorfy, John S.; Vench, Wilber; Walker, Laura E.; Whelchel, John W.; Warst, Chas.; Wilson, W. J.; Widner, E. F.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
To remove dandruff, wash the head in coal oil. Some may think that’s too dandruff a method but we assure them it is perfectly harmless.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
To the patrons of the schools of Cowley and Sumner counties.
Having secured the agency of
Series of school books, I am prepared to supply any and all school districts in said counties at greatly reduced prices. J. O. WILKINSON.
Headquarters at COURIER Office, Winfield, and post office, Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Buy and Sell Land, Locate Claims, Pay Taxes,
Negotiate Loans and Make Abstracts of Title.
Can suit anybody who desires to purchase with reference to the size, locality, and improvements of a farm.
North Kansas and Texas lands; 1800 acres of Missouri land.
City property in Indianapolis, Indiana, Chicago, Illinois, and Kansas City to trade for Cowley Co. property.
Now is the time to purchase a home cheap. Call and see us at ROOM 4, MARIS BUILDING, WINFIELD, KANSAS. (Over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.)
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
One Door West of Telegram Office, on Ninth Avenue.
And all Kinds of Early Potatoes.
Davenport Sulky Plow, Skinner Sulky Plow, Peoria Sulky Plow, Boss Cultivator, Skinner Old Ground Plow, Iron and wood beams, Prairie do. do., Prairie King Sod Breaker.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Land, Loan and Insurance Agents,
Office on Main St., opposite COURIER Office.
All property purchased for parties at a distance, carefully selected and personally examined. In connection with the Real Estate business, we have an Abstract of Title office, showing all transfers by deed or mortgage, liens, judgments, or defects in title to any lands or lots in Cowley County, and therefore guaranty the title to any property purchased through this office.
Money Loaned on Improved Farms, for a Term of Years.
Collecting Rents and Paying Tax attended to promptly.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Boyer & Wallis
have received an extensive stock of
Comprising all the
Latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Caps, Paper and Linen Collars, Neckties, Cravats, Silk Handkerchiefs, and Gent’s Underwear.
East side of Main Street, Opposite Post Office,
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Does Merchant and Exchange Work.
Flour always on hand for sale at low rates. Large orders from abroad solicited.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
BLISS & CO., Proprietors.
Mammoth Dry Goods and Grocery House,
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
has just received a large stock of fashionable
and will sell at lower prices than are
She invites the ladies to call and examine her goods.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The Farmer’s Restaurant is the only house in town giving meals at all hours.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Potatoes! Potatoes!!
Iowa Peach Blow.
We received last week a car load and will sell at $1.10 per bushel until ½ of them are gone. WALLIS & WALLIS.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Five pounds of Tea For $1.00 at Walker Bros.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Winfield: Geo. W. Robinson; Ella Wickersham, Mary Bryant, Emma Saint, Mina Johnson, Alice A. Aldrich.
Arkansas City. Lizzie Landis.
Oxford. Veva Walton.
Tisdale. Sarah Hodges.
Winfield. Sarah E. Davis, Ella Freeland, Allie Klingman, Sallie Levering, Lena Bartlett, Mrs. E. Scott Franklin, Mr. O. S. Ricord, Mr. John Bower.
Arkansas City. Ella Grimes, Ruth Staufer, Mr. E. R. Thompson, Mr. J. O. Wilkinson, Mr. C. L. Swarts.
Dexter. Mr. C. R. Holland, Miss K. L. Ward.
Maple City. Mr. W. E. Ketcham.
Lazette. Mr. M. Hemingway, Mr. H. T. Albert.
New Salem. Mr. R. B. Hunter.
Tisdale. Mr. E. A. Millard.
Rock. Mr. Simon Martin.
Winfield. Mollie Davis, Mag. Stansbury, Mrs. R. B. Seibert, Mr. Samuel Davis, Mr. M. H. Markcum, Mr. J. O. Barricklow.
Arkansas City. Mrs. Amy Chapin, Miss Alber’e [? Alber’e is what they had ???] Maxwell [BETCHA THEY MEANT TO SAY “MISS ALBERTINE MAXWELL”], Miss Mary Pickett, Miss Dora Winslow, Mr. N. N. Winton, Mr. B. F. Maricle.
Cedar Vale. Mr. J. P. Hosmer, Mr. G. W. Hartgis, Mr. James Perisho.
Dexter. Miss Belle Byard, Miss Alpha Harden, Miss Anna Harden, Mrs. S. J. Hoyt, Mr. T. J. Rude.
Kitley. Mr. H. M. Williams.
Floral. Miss Mary Pontious.
Rock. Miss Electa Strong.
Silverdale. Miss Jennie Scott.
Lazette. Miss Mary Tucker, Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Mr. J. A. Natt.
New Salem. Mrs. I. E. Brown, Miss M. E. Buck, Miss Anna Buck, Miss Nellie Buck.
Little Dutch. Mr. R. B. Corson.
Tisdale. Mrs. R. B. Rhonimus, Miss Gertrude Davis, Miss Sada Davis, Miss Mattie West.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
Winfield, the Best Town of Its Size in the State.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
WINFIELD, KANSAS, APRIL 10. Winfield is the county seat of Cowley County. It is situated on the Walnut River, about fifteen miles from the south line of the state. It contains a population of sixteen hundred people. It is one of the best and most prosperous towns in Kansas. The streets are crowded with teams, and the entire appearance of the place gives evidence of life, thrift, and prosperity. There are a large number of residences in process of erection, many of which are fine, commodious buildings, among which may be mentioned the house of J. C. Fuller, banker, which, when completed, will be one of the best in the county.
A large number of good business houses have been built since my last visit here, among which is the fine two-story store by W. H. H. Maris, and occupied by the leading dry goods house of Winfield, Lynn & Gillelen. Also, a large, fine brick hotel, kept by Frank Williams; a large two-story brick by E. C. Manning, who is building a fine public hall, with stores. There is a great demand for business rooms in Winfield, and money could be invested to a good advantage here in putting up buildings. There is an inexhaustible supply of the magnesian limestone, which is equally quarried and which is admirably adapted to building purposes or for flagging. The streets of Winfield are being paved with this splendid stone, giving them a decidedly metropolitan air. Since my last visit two fine churches, the Methodist and Presbyterian, have been built.
The schoolhouse is a large, commodious two-story stone, and is occupied by a corps of most excellent teachers. There are about three hundred and fifty pupils.
The society of Winfield is as good as can be found in towns of its population in the East.
The business of Winfield is as good as in any town of its size in the state. The businessmen are intelligent and enterprising. Most of them have large stocks of goods and are having a fine trade.
The leading dry goods house in the city is that of Lynn & Gillelen.
Boyer & Wallis have a fine stock of clothing; are selling at low prices.
C. A. Bliss & Co. have a fine stock of dry goods, clothing, and groceries. Mr. Bliss is proprietor of one of the Winfield flouring mills.
A. A. Jackson is keeping an excellent restaurant.
There are three banks here, viz: M. L. Read’s, Citizens’ Bank, and J. C. Fuller.
Read’s Bank is located in a fine two story brick. The gentlemen connected with it, including Mr. Read and the Robinsons, are genial gentlemen and successful businessmen.
J. C. Fuller is the oldest banker in the county. He is prudent, safe, and responsible.
The Citizen’s Bank was formerly located in Arkansas City, J. C. McMullen is President and A. Berkey cashier. It has about twenty-five farms for sale on long time and low rates.
The principal drug stores in Winfield are kept by Giles Bros. and T. K. Johnston.
B. M. Terrell, formerly of Wichita, is running a livery stable in connection with Ferguson at Wichita. He claims to have the best teams in the state, and offers passengers the same rates as the stage to any point from Wichita to Winfield.
Harter & Hill also run a first-class stable.
W. L. Mullen is one of the principal stock men in Cowley County.
H. S. Silver, with Brotherton, is doing a splendid business in agricultural implements.
There are a number of good lawyers in Winfield, among whom are Hackney and McDonald, Senator A. J. Pyburn, and Webb & Black.
I am unable to write anything too complimentary of Cowley County. It embraces the finest body of land in the west, containing about 800,000 acres.
The western one-third of the county is what is called first and second bottom lands, being the location of the valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. Some picturesque mounds and bluffs appear and in places along the vicinity of the streams, but very little of the surface is unsuitable for cultivation. The central one-third is more rolling, being a succession of gradual slopes forming the fertile valleys of numerous small streams of water, but is mostly first-class land for the production of corn and wheat. The eastern one-third is still more rolling, having very rich valley lands and high ridges. The flint hills extend along the east line of the county, but are intersected by many rich valleys, while the slopes are fertile and produce abundant crops. This part of the county is especially fitted for stock raising, and many large herds of cattle are found there already.
The bottom lands of the county are considered the most valuable and usually produce the heaviest crops, but the uplands have produced heavy crops of corn, wheat, and most other agricultural products; in fact, sometimes even better than those of the rich bottom lands.
Land can be had here at prices quite as low as those at which the land in the distant west is selling, and one acre here is worth twice as much as the same quality of land three hundred miles west of Kansas City. Parties wishing information on this subject should address A. H. Green, at Winfield, who is one of the most enterprising and reliable real estate dealers in the West.
Curns & Manser are also heavy operators in real estate, being the oldest firm in the county.
The people of Cowley County are exceedingly anxious for a railroad connection with Kansas City. They have given up the narrow gauge project from Emporia and have lost faith in the proposition for an East and West road. They are looking to the most feasible road for them to secure. It is an air line from Kansas City through Burlington and Eureka to Winfield. I am informed that the route is quite practicable and passes through a magnificent country. This enterprise should be agitated until it is completed to this point.
Winfield has received some very interesting additions to its society within the past month. S. M. F.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878. Front Page.
Bolton is, I think, the banner township of the county; just rolling enough to carry off all the surplus water, with a soil unsurpassed for fertility, and a good industrious class of people.
There never was a better prospect for a heavy crop of wheat than at the present moment. Look in any direction you will, your eyes will rest on a green rolling sea of wheat, the sight of which gladdens the heart of the farmer, the merchant, the lawyer, and the machine agent of course. All classes feel that the staff of life will not be denied them.
I found Mr. Thomas Baird in his barn shelling seed corn. When asked to subscribe for the COURIER, he said he was too poor. After a short chat, however, he gave me his name. By the way, Mr. Baird is one of Bolton’s big farmers.
I next called on Mr. James Hedley, who has a fine farm, with a splendid crop of wheat growing on it. Mr. Hedley is an old time resident, a good citizen, and one who believes that “a man is a man if he is willing to toil.”
The prairies down here are already covered with grass.
Today is only the 11th day of April, and yet the wheat is almost ready to head. The like was never known in this country before. Harvest will be here in six weeks and then the noise of the tur—I mean the reaper, will be heard in the land.
Planting corn is the order of the day just now.
The bridge across the Arkansas was to be completed in sixty days, but over half of that time is gone and still nothing done. The people in East Bolton begin to get weary. Some think another naught better be put to the right of the 60, so as to give Creswell time to “swing into line” with the other $2,000. Perhaps so. We have a good ferry anyway, which is much safer than that old rotten bridge. NITRO-GLYCERINE.
April 11th, 1878..
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Corn is going into the ground lively. It would do your soul good to see some people marking off corn-fields up here.
Farmers are doing a good work this spring by putting out trees. Thousands have been transplanted already.
Mr. Wm. Jenkins has been very ill but is recovering slowly.
A subscription school commenced here on the 13th inst., to continue four months. G. F. Thompson is teaching it.
The Christian Church has engaged Rev. Mr. Yard, of Muddy Creek, to preach for them here the coming year.
Larger congregations gather at our little schoolhouse now on Sundays than it is able to hold.
MARRIED. Mr. Leonard Harned and Miss Katie Wingert were married Sunday, the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, Rev. R. S. Thompson officiating. The young couple receive the hearty congratulations of their many friends around Baltimore, and we hope they will live happily and as long as Methuselah did.
“Alexander” tells of the natural well on A. N. Henthorn’s place being so nice. I have seen the well and would like to tell him that there is a frog on R. S. Thompson’s place that can jump to the bottom of it the first jump. The frog measures 16½ inches in length from tip to tip. Is there a larger one in the county? CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
There is not much time now for anything in this neighborhood but work. The farmers are very busy putting in their corn.
If the present growing weather continues, harvest will be here before we are ready for it.
In School District No. 19 we have about 600 acres of as fine wheat as ever ripened for the sickle.
D. C. Stephens has just put the finishing touch to a fine string of stone fence which enclosed forty acres of his farm.
R. W. Stephens is also pushing his stone fence toward completion as fast as possible; has from six to eight hands at work most of the time. When done, this fence will enclose a one hundred acre pasture.
Mr. P. Coe has the nicest lot of hedge on and around his farm of anyone in the township. Its beauty consists in its uniform thickness and height.
Mr. August Heineken has put out a lot of hedge this spring; but taking everything into consideration, stone fence seems to be the kind for this country. Stone is abundant, easy of access, and of good quality, and when one once has a fence of this kind, there is no danger of getting it killed out by prairie fires, the great enemy in this country to hedge.
The home minstrel troupe (composed of seven or eight of our lively boys) gave a free exhibition at Queen Village schoolhouse Saturday night, April 6. They had a full house, and the audience professed themselves well satisfied. The boys certainly do extremely well for amateur performers. M. O. S. April 15, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The principal business in town seems to be tying up bags of straw with wire. Large and complex machines worth $300 or more apiece are set up for that business which are worked at all hours of the day. Trump, Wilkinson, Brotherton, and Myers are all on hand so if you have any bags of straw that you want tied up, bring them on.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
We see many new spring suits walking around the streets.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Farmers are still planting corn. Mr. O. P. Darst has just finished planting 70 acres.
We had a hail storm Saturday evening, the 13th inst., about 4 o’clock, the largest hailstones weighing something over an ounce and measuring 5½ inches in circumference.
Corn is up and looks fine. Crops of all kinds look well.
Mrs. Hablit starts soon for Illinois to visit her former home.
Mr. K. Cline has decided to move to the northeastern part of the state instead of Arkansas. I think he is sensible.
Look out for mad dogs. The citizens of Otter Creek have killed about forty dogs supposed to be mad.
Harvest is expected by the middle of May. Wheat is in head here now. We wish someone would get a thresher in this vicinity, as there will be a large amount to thresh this year.
Grouse Creek was past fording on Sunday, 14th.
Everything looks well in this part of the county; fruit will be abundant.
There is a broom factory in operation in our town. Parties wishing a good article in this line can procure it of Messrs. Drewery & Co., the proprietors.
Our new preacher bears the name of Rose. We hope he will prove to be the Bud of the valley. GROUSE FARMER. April 15, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Fine weather and nice crops are the only faults now found by Maple farmers.
Our Sunday school was organized last Sabbath at the Grand Prairie schoolhouse. Officers were chosen as follows: Superintendent, Mr. Hodson; assistant superintendent, Mrs. Daniels; secretary, Mr. John Hale; assistant secretary, Mr. C. M. Kreps; treasurer, Mr. O. G. Ross. We had a nice time, and we expect to have a better one in the future.
The United Brethren preacher delivered a fine sermon last Sunday night to a crowded house.
A hail storm passed through this section recently but did no serious damage. It seemed to go in streaks.
Dr. Knote and lady, of Douglass, were out last Sabbath viewing his wealth in Maple. He is a fine boy, but we don’t approve of his breaking corn-stalks on Sunday.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
SILVERDALE, KANSAS, April 13, 1878.
I am now writing from Grouse valley, one of the finest and most beautiful valleys in the state. For real romantic beauty it stands unrivaled. Its towering battlements of white limestone, which in some places rise abruptly and boldly from the very bed of the stream, forming beautiful little vales, make one think of a country of his childhood, perhaps far away. How strange it is when we realize that those immense walls of insensible rock were made up almost entirely of animals and organic life! While this globe was surrounded by a shoreless ocean the matter of which these rocks are composed was minute living animals. The testimony of these rocks proves it beyond a doubt. Their whitened skeletons testify more eloquently than words of their prehistoric existence; and yet how many there are who never even think for a moment that they are treading on the remains of an existence that lived and moved long before the Eternal, Coeternal One said, “Let there be light.” They burn them, they build houses with them, but never think what they are made of. But this is a letter, not an essay, on geology.
Wheat looks splendid in this section and bids fair to make a large crop.
I called on Messrs. Black, Splawn, Goatley, and Irons, who are industrious farmers and good citizens. Mr. Black was mine host, about the time the sun was on the meridian of Silverdale, and a right royal fellow was he. He was married but a short time ago, and I found Mrs. Black and him as happy as two clams on the bank of a beautiful lake.
District 35 is going to have a schoolhouse after a long, long siege of small talk and useless opposition. The friends of education have come out of the fight without a scar.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Proceedings of the Tisdale Greenback Club.
Club met per adjournment and proceeded to business.
1st. Enrolling members resulting in twenty names.
2nd. Electing officers: O. P. West, president; Dr. J. M. Wright, vice president; E. A. Millard, secretary; J. A. McGuire, treasurer; and Wm. J. Hodges and C. G. Handy, delegates to central club.
Moved and carried, that Dr. Wright procure a speaker for next meeting, April 19th.
Moved and carried that the secretary be instructed to furnish a copy of the proceedings of the meeting to each of the Winfield papers for publication. O. P. WEST, President.
E. A. MILLIARD, Secretary. April 12th, 1878.
[Note: First time, Millard; second time, Milliard. Paper seems to print it both ways.
Not sure which is correct: Millard or Milliard.]
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878. Front Page.
A man named Ridge, who has been freighting between this place and Arkansas City, fell off his wagon on Thursday night while crossing Spring Creek, near El Paso, and broke his neck. His back was also broken by the wagon wheels passing over him. We could not learn any further particulars. Wichita Herald.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The neglected grave of Thomas Jefferson is finally to have a monument. Congress has appropriated $5,000 for that purpose.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Resumption is inflation. It is pushing into circulation millions of gold coin, which heretofore have been hoarded for speculation and gambling purposes like stocks.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
We do not have to wait until next January for redemption. It resumes itself. “The way to resume is to resume.” A greenback dollar is a good as any other dollar.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
We shall issue a WINFIELD DAILY COURIER during the session of the court for ten days at least. The DAILY will be one-half the size of the WEEKLY COURIER. The first issue will appear early in the morning of Tuesday, May 7th.
We propose to work up the paper during the night, so as to give its readers early each morning, all the news and occurrences of the preceding day, including court proceedings, local matters, county items, and the latest news by telegraph and mail.
We hope this enterprise will be useful to our county and city in various ways, besides being useful and a pleasure to its readers, and profitable to its advertisers. We do not expect it will be money making for us, but hope the liberal patronage of subscribers and advertisers will save us from loss.
Subscription for the term 50 cents; advertising for the term: 1 inch, 80 cents, each additional inch, 10 cents. Local, 5 cents a line first insertion, 2½ cents a line each subsequent insertion. Please send in your orders.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The publishers of the WINFIELD COURIER will give their patrons and the people of Cowley County generally, a rare treat, at the
on Thursday evening, April 25th, 1878. The publishers have, at considerable expense, engaged the REV. JOHN A. ANDERSON,
President of the State Agricultural College at Manhattan, who will delivery one of his best lectures on that occasion. Suitable music will be provided. Admission free. All are invited to attend.
Mr. Anderson is one of the finest orators and most distinguished lecturers of the west. The following is one among the many complimentary notices of the press:
“President Anderson is a large brained man, full of magnetism, enthusiasm, and bon hommie. He is distinguished for his eloquence, and his literary culture and general erudition are of a high order.” Wichita Beacon.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The following is a full text of the bill reported to the Senate by the Senate Finance Committee as a substitute for the House bill to repeal the specie resumption act.
An act to amend an act to provide for the resumption of specie payments and for other purposes, That from and after the passage of this act United States notes shall be receivable in payment for United States bonds now authorized by the law to be issued, and on and after October 1st, 1878, said notes shall be receivable for duties on imports, and said notes, in volume in existence October 14th, 1878, shall not be canceled or permanently hoarded, but shall be re-issued, and they may be used for funding and all lawful purposes whatsoever, to an amount not exceeding in whole the amount then in circulation and in the treasury, and said notes, whether then in the treasury or thereafter received under any act of congress from whatever source, shall be again paid out, and when again returned to the treasury they shall not be canceled or destroyed, but shall be issued from time to time with like qualities, and all that part of the act of January 14, 1875, entitled an act to provide for the resumption of specie payments, authorizing the retirement of 80 percent of United States notes, shall cease and become inoperative on and after October 1st, 1878.
SEC. 2. All laws and parts of laws inconsistent with this act shall be and are hereby repealed.
This is a move in the right direction. We do not see the necessity, however, of putting anything off to October 1st. We do not see the need of taking any more time for preparation. Resumption is practically accomplished because the near approach of legal resumption has made greenbacks substantially the equivalent of coin. Many banks in all the large cities are paying out and receiving gold coin on the same terms as greenbacks and paying gold at par for our paper currency; the vaults are being opened and their gold contents are being scattered among the people; the old stockings are being dug up and emptied; the gold gamblers are in despair; their occupation is gone, and an enormous expansion of our circulating medium amounting to twenty-five percent of the whole is taking place. We see no good reason that there should be any delay in consummating the whole matter. We do not see the necessity of retiring another greenback, or of refusing a greenback for any government due for another day, but would have the law take full effect from and after its passage. We do not apprehend that there is any danger that the government will not receive sufficient coin in the regular run of business for all necessary purposes. Gold is being paid for land at the land offices though greenbacks and national banks notes are equally receivable, and men taking gold in their business will prefer paying out gold coin to greenbacks.
But perhaps the above bill is the best that can be got through at present. If so, we hope congress will pass it and then let the currency question alone until December. Let the expansion go on and see how it works. Prices of everything are beginning to advance; capital is seeking investment; manufacturing business is reviving again; more labor is wanted and at higher prices; more produce will be wanted and at enhanced prices; and the twenty-five percent increase in the volume of the currency will tend to raise these prices twenty-five percent.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Recap: Great damage was done to an area west of Emporia from a storm; and also along the Cottonwood, where hailstones were as large as a man’s fist. Names were given of individuals in Lyon County who had houses damaged or destroyed, etc.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The minds of our unsophisticated husbandmen are at present entirely absorbed in trying to solve the perplexing problem, how to devise a method for cultivating their corn before the advent of harvest, many of them fearing that their corn cultivation will be extremely limited.
Mr. Wm. Butcher is the latest acquisition in this community.
Many wheat fields have attained the heading period, and the realizations of their proprietors are assuming magnanimous proportions.
Frequent showers greatly facilitate prairie breaking.
The grangers are about to unite in sending up a petition to the Lord, beseeching Him to withhold for a time the refreshing and invigorating fluid, which the elements persist in too frequently precipitating upon us, and substitute a portion of the old commodity—drouth.
Messrs. S. Beach and J. W. Browning are transporting their wheat to Eldorado—induce-ments, better price.
Fruit still exhibits signs of animation—late frosts notwithstanding.
A Union Sabbath school has been organized at the Centennial schoolhouse by the Methodists and Baptists of this vicinity. Officers: Mr. Geo. Teeter, superintendent; Mr. T. S. Hargrove, assistant superintendent; Mr. C. C. Roseberry, secretary; Mr. J. W. Browning, treasurer; and Mr. S. Beach, librarian.
Would it not be better to defer those charges against Bancroft until he gets his road in operation into Cowley? As his is, apparently, the only feasible project for us to obtain better transportation facilities for next fall then we now possess.
A post office has been established on the line between Beaver and Pleasant Valley Townships for the special amusement of the youths in its vicinity.
There has been a great demand for the use of corn-planters the past week—about a score of farmers to each planter—and the unfortunate beings who possess them have been almost pestered to death with interrogatives. Moral: Never own what your neighbors do not.
The Centennial school is in a flourishing condition.
Give us a little more information on the greenback issue. We would like to know how many clubs have been organized in the county.
As your numerous corespondents may be desirous of some space in your columns for the representation of their respective localities, and being cognizant of the promise made in a former issue, I subside. HORATIUS. April 21, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Thinking a few words from this place may interest some of the readers of your excellent paper, would say that a fearful wind and hail storm passed through this place and vicinity on Saturday, 20th inst., about 4 p.m., doing considerable damage in places, unroofing buildings and tearing down fences, though not materially injuring wheat or the fruit crops.
Elliott & Harden have gathered up another bunch of 800 head of fat hogs and started east to seek a market for them.
Mr. R. Hite, who runs the drug store in this place, had to say to some of his customers, one day last week, that he did not wish any more of their custom that day.
Messrs. Wells and Ward, who went to Colorado about a year ago for their health, have returned; think that a man makes a great mistake when he leaves Kansas to improve his health.
The pastor of the M. E. church, Rev. Mr. Rose, preached last Sunday night to a large congregation. His sermon was very interesting and instructive. EXAMINER. April 20, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The prospects for a heavy wheat crop in this township are truly flattering.
A small rain visited us on the 18th with considerable hail.
Our neighbor on the Truesdell farm has 100 acres of corn planted. Many other large crops are already planted; in fact, the farmers are generally done planting.
We see on the prairies large herds of cattle under the direction of Vernattan and others. It is feared they will trespass on the crops as they are hemmed in on all sides by farms and some have already committed small trespasses.
The northwest corner of Liberty Township wants a schoolhouse, and if we can get Mr. Story, our superintendent, to locate a district for us, we will vote a liberal tax or bonds to build one. Some of our children cannot read the COURIER, the Bible, or any other paper or book. What a pity it is we want education, but have no place to educate; we are religious but have no place to worship. TIMOTHY CLIP.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878. Editorial Page.
Items from Wichita Eagle.
During the recent tornado in the Cottonwood valley, those who sought refuge in cellars invariably escaped without accident. If the building was demolished, it was picked up and carried away from the cellar and foundation.
The steamboat spoken of on our second page is expected to reach Wichita about the 15th of next month. T. M. Lane and other gentlemen are enthusiastic in the belief that the enterprise will succeed. Messrs. Walton & Spears, who are putting their money into it, say they know they can navigate the Rackensack to the mouth of the Little river. If the government survey should determine Wichita to be the head of navigation and experience should determine the same thing, why—Wichita will be the biggest city in the west.
The new town laid out in Harper, of which we will have considerable to say shortly, is called Anthony in honor to the governor. Solid men are at the back of it who have determined that if money and experience are worth anything the new city shall go. The directors held a meeting in this city last week.
A sad accident, resulting in the death of an aged man named Matthews Riddle, happened last Thursday evening, at the bridge across Spring Creek, in the southeastern part of the county, near El Paso. It seems that a merchant at Hutchinson, by the name of Reed, had sent Mr. Riddle down to Arkansas City with a stock of goods, and that the venture not proving profitable, Reed had gone down and made arrangements to haul them back by the wagon. The teams had reached the above point in the evening and in coming off the end of the bridge Mr. Riddle, who was sitting on the seat with a son, was jarred off in front of the wheels, one of which passed over him, killing him almost instantly. Two sons were accompanying their unfortunate father.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878. Editorial Page.
[From the Parsons Sun.]
Narrow Gauge Items.
Mr. C. S. Bennett, superintendent of construction, was in the city yesterday and paid all claims held by our merchants and others against the contractors, Green, Bennet & Co.
The first locomotive, “Cherokee No. 1,” was put on the track at Cherokee the early part of this week.
Seven car loads of iron and one car load of spikes and fastenings have already been received.
The side track is in and over one mile of iron laid.
More men and teams and bridge carpenters are wanted on the road immediately.
[Source not given.]
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878. Editorial Page.
DR. S. M. KESSLER, Eclectic Physician & Surgeon,
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The hotel registers show 136 arrivals last week.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Jackson has started a bread delivery wagon.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Work on the Baptist parsonage progresses rapidly.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
J. B. Haworth, of Dexter, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Mr. T. J. Tarbett, of Rock, was with us last week.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
W. A. Lee has about sold one carload of Excelsior reapers.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Nate Fisher sports a pea-nut stand two doors south of Read’s bank.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Miss Lena Bartlett, from Vernon, visited home Saturday and Sunday.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
We are glad to see Ed. Holloway back in Suss’ store after his severe sickness.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Chas. Black is enclosing his house and lot with a number one picket fence.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Squire Carter, of Sheridan, shook hands with his Winfield friends Saturday.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Mr. George Bryan, brother of our worthy county treasurer, starts soon for California.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Notice the call for sealed proposals for work on the palatial residence of Col. McMullen.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Mrs. Will. Holloway has gone east to visit her parents and Will. is left a lone widower.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
John Goforth and Nathan Brooks, of Silver Creek, were looking around town last week.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
H. Harbaugh went to Eldorado last week and got one dollar a bushel for his No. 2 wheat.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
A new stone culvert is constructed on 9th Avenue under the direction of the city authorities.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Mr. Strong Pepper, D. W. Marshall, and Mrs. Calwell, of West Bolton, were in town last week.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Messrs. Shenneman & Millspaugh have opened a new livery stable just west of Manning’s block.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Coldwell and Payson spoke to the people of Tisdale on the greenback side of finance, last Friday night.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin is again able to be out, and he and Geo. W. Robinson made Arkansas City a visit on the 13th.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
McCommon & Harter have received two large, elegant show cases, which show off to advantage in their well stocked room.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Misses Olds & Curry have a fine lot of millinery goods.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Mrs. Whitehead has a fine stock of millinery goods, ribbons, silk trimmings, etc.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Jackson has connected a first class bakery with his restaurant. He has a number one baker.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The Railroad saloon is closed. Its proprietor, James C. Binner, is gone, gone, gone, and his creditors are scrambling over what he left behind.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Mr. S. P. Strong, of Rock, was in town last Saturday in company with Dr. J. P. Graham, late of Indianapolis, who has located in Rock and says the Walnut Valley is the finest he has ever seen.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The Baptists have been so fortunate as to secure the Rev. Randall as their pastor for the coming summer. We are glad of this and hope yet to reckon Mr. Randall as a permanent citizen of this place.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Gold is coming into circulation. Read’s bank reports to be receiving it in small quantities. That settles it. If Read’s bank will take the stuff, we won’t refuse it any more.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Sparr Bros., of Wellington, have opened a stock of groceries in the building between Baldwin’s and Gallotti’s.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Judge Campbell was in town on Monday evening, being on his way to Sedan to attend an adjourned session of his court.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
We expect to make a neat sheet of the DAILY, one that the citizens of Cowley County and of Winfield may well be proud of.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Mrs. P. Stump is serving her lady friends and customers with “a perfect love of a hat.” She has more left besides many other nice things.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Geo. W. Martin is building an addition to his dwelling as well as making substantial and beautiful “understandings” for the soles of his customers.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The City Council met Monday evening last and voted to grant licenses to three saloons on petitions of J. Likowski, J. Page, and James Var.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
To show something of the business done in our city, we will state that the cash sales of two of our merchants last Saturday amounted to $950. The sales of each were $475.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
J. W. Hamilton will continue in the land agency business and will attend personally to the sale of the lands which have been put into his hands.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
A terrible storm of wind, rain, and hail passed northwest of this place through Vernon and Rock Townships. Hailstones are reported as large as hens eggs. We hear of no material damage done.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The engine and hook and ladder companies had a little race home last Friday, and if Jenning and Seward and fourteen buckets hadn’t lost hold and fallen by the wayside, victory never would have perched on the banners of the engine company.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Hon. W. Perkins, late of Nashville, Tennessee, made us a call last Saturday. He is quite a distinguished lecturer on temperance and scientific subjects. In 1870 he delivered the first temperance address ever given in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The ringing of the fire bell last Friday called out the engine and hook and ladder companies to the South end of town. The burning out of a chimney was the extent of the fire, but the boys were on hand just the same.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The popular Harvey’s Novello Combination will shortly appear in this city, upon which occasion they will give one of their unique entertainments of select Dutch and Irish songs and sketches and refined minstrelsy.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Special attention is called to the card of S. M. Kessler, M. D., in this issue. Mr. Kessler is an eclectic physician of extensive reading and long experience and practice and will take rank among our foremost men in the profession.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
A. D. Speed has bought the interest of J. L. M. Hill in the livery business of Harter & Hill. The new firm will be Harter & Speed. They will continue to improve their livery stock and will add to the present array of nobby outfits.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Our city dads are doing a good work in the line of stone sidewalks and street crossings under the supervision of Councilman Wood. The work is constructed in the most substantial manner and is making Winfield one of the best paved cities in the state. Our flag stone cannot be beat.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The services of Prof. John B. Holbrook have been secured to conduct the Normal Institute in this city to commence July 3rd. Prof. Holbrook conducted the Labette County institute last year with eminent success. He is highly endorsed by the State Superintendent and by leading educators of the state.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The hail storm of Saturday, the 18th, was very severe in some parts of the county. Robert Armstrong, of Harvey Township, gathered one hundred and fifty stones, which filled a half bushel.
Ad. Peebler had two sheep killed and many more knocked down.
Some of the hailstones measured from two to three inches in length, and were correspondingly large otherwise.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
We call special attention to the advertisement in this paper of T. F. Robinson, land agent and notary public. The late firm of Hamilton and Robinson is dissolved by mutual consent and Mr. Robinson will continue the business. Mr. Robinson comes to us highly endorsed. He is an active, honorable, and reliable gentleman and any business entrusted to him will be attended to in the most efficient manner. He is making hosts of friends and securing a good amount of business. Now is the time to place in his hands the land you have for sale, while land buyers are calling on him daily.
Buys and Sells Land, Locates Claims, Pay Taxes,
Negotiates Loans and Make Abstracts of Title.
Can suit anybody who desires to purchase with reference to the size, locality, and improvements of a farm.
North Kansas and Texas lands; 1800 acres of Missouri land. City property in Indianapolis, Ind., Chicago, Ill., and Kansas City to trade for Cowley Co. property.
Now is the time to purchase a home cheap. Call and see us at
(Over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.)
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The Winfield Orchestra band has some of the best musical talent in the state. It is organized as a string band but needs to make it perfect with two orchestra horns to take the place of the brass and horns now used which are unsuitable to go with stringed instruments. They also need new music. The organization has been attended by considerable expense to its members. They are enthusiastic and are spending much time in perfecting themselves. If the citizens will show their appreciation by a full attendance next Friday evening, Winfield will soon have a band of which she may well be proud.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Maj. A. H. Thompson, member of the Powel exploring expedition, was in this city last week, direct from the canyons of the Colorado. He was looking for a location to go into the sheep business when he gets through with his government scientific surveys. He likes this county better than any other he has seen and will probably locate here.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Please announce to the Catholic public and friends that the blessing and dedication of our little church will take place on Sunday, May 5th. Divine service at 8 o’clock a.m., Solemn high mass at 10 o’clock a.m.; solemn vespers at 2 o’clock p.m. The assistance of Rev. Felix P. Swembergh, Catholic pastor of Newton, is procured for the occasion, who also will deliver the address to the audience. Subject: “Reason and poetry of the Catholic church.” A collec-tion will be taken up for the benefit of the church. Admittance free. Expecting one and all of our friends and well-wishers to grace the occasion with their presence, as all are herewith invited, I am, dear Editor, in the meanwhile regardfully yours, J. C. SCHURZ, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Our readers will be sorry to learn that W. B. Trissell, the champion fruit tree agent of the west, has moved his quarters to Wichita for the purpose of still enlarging the borders of the old, reliable nursery of Rose Hill. This nursery has done wonders for Winfield and Cowley County. If the old adage, “a thing of beauty is a joy forever,” our people have reason to feel glad for a whole lifetime. The fruit and ornamental trees that beautify every lot and door-yard in our city will speak favorably for the Rose Hill folks for years to come. Through the indomitable pluck of this firm, they have succeeded in establishing several branch nurseries—one, the Walnut Valley Nursery, situated in our own county, may be considered a permanent institution. These gentlemen are life-long nurserymen, give strict attention to business and due regard to the selection of stock ordered, sell none but thrifty home-grown trees, and have secured the services of Thomas Baird, an old and favorably known citizen of Cowley County. When a good man represents a good firm, let him be liberally patronized. We understand that Mr. Nixon Elliott, a thorough practical businessman, has been associated with Mr. Williams in the Rose Hill Nursery business. We take pleasure in recommending this firm and its branches to Wichita and Sedgwick County in general. We have tried them for years and know whereof we speak.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Musical Entertainment.
The Winfield Orchestra Band will give an entertainment in the Courthouse on Friday evening, April 26th. The band will be assisted by some of the best vocalists in the city. The performance will close with the laughable Irish sketch, “Rascal Pat.,” under the supervision of Charles McGinnis.
The proceeds of the entertainment will go to provide instruments and music for the orchestra. Admission, 25 cents, Reserved seats 35 cents, for sale at McCommon and Harter’s.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Marriage Licenses.
Edward P. Appling to Hattie Clark.
Andrew H. Barton to Rebecca A. Gillis.
John D. Morley to Fannie Dix.
W. H. Reeves to Emma J. Morrison.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
James H. Randall to Gabriel Berry, sw. 6, 31, 3; 160 acres, $1,500.
Robt. Allison and wife to Ezra D. Rall, se. 17, 33, 5; 100 acres, $880.
L. D. Himebaugh to J. M. Littlejohn, e. ½ lot 2, 3, 30, 3; 12 acres, $80.
J. M. Littlejohn to Mary A. Bundy, same tract, $400.
M. A. Bundy and husband to Alex. Rickets, same tract, $300.
Alex. Rickets and wife to G. E. and M. Inman, same tract, $400.
G. E. and M. Inman to Samuel Adams, same tract, $84.
G. W. Foughty and wife to A. J. Gay and A. B. Tanner, e. ½ ne. of sw. 23, 32, 5, 20 acres, $200.
Franklin Sourbger and wife to Wm. J. Orr, ne. 35, 32, 4; 160 acres, $2,000.
David Thompson and wife to Irwin N. Fuller, se. 7, 34, 4, and s. ½ of ne. of nw. 25, 34, 3; 180 acres.
W. K. Taylor to John R. Circle, ne. of se. 22, 32, 3; 40 acres, $400.
David S. Beadle to Levi S. Corson, n. 60 acres of nw. 10, 32, 3, $600.
A. L. Mouser and wife to Joseph Poor, n. ½ of se. 4, 33, 4; 80 acres, $640.
C. L. F. Johnson to John H. Buell, ne. 28, 33, 5; 160 acres, $800.
J. L. M. Hill to A. D. Speed, undivided ½ lots 2 and 3, block 128, Winfield, $1,500.
David Thompson and wife to Ellen A. Channell, se. of nw. of no. 23, 34, 3, and 11 lots in Arkansas City, $1,000.
Ezra D. Race and wife to Robt. Allison, lots 7, 8, and 9, block 49, Winfield, $800.
J. C. Fuller and wife to Sarah A. Calkins, lot 9, block 271, Winfield.
David Thompson and wife to Irwin N. Fuller, 6 lots in Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a Fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped with the enterprise will be represented.
J. E. Platter, B. B. Vanderventer, J. B. Lynn, T. R. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fell, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Charles A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; Dr. Holland, G. Teeter, Beaver; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; Wm. J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; J. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
SALT CITY, April 19, 1878.
ED. COURIER. Why is nothing done to stop the wholesale slaughter of timber in the Indian Territory south of Sumner County? I saw sometime since an article in your paper calling attention to this matter and hoped you would follow it up, and a stop would have been put to these proceedings. Hundreds of men have been engaged in cutting and carrying off the best of this timber for fuel, fencing, lumber, and speculation in open and notorious violation of the law. Men have taken large contracts to supply lumber from these lands. I am credibly informed that one man has been hauling saw logs from this land all winter with seven mule teams; that several saw mills are doing a large business cutting these logs; that several hundred cords of wood are now corded in the woods along the line; and that several lumber contracts of various kinds are to be filled out of the timber yet to be hauled from the lands. If nothing was taken but the down and wasting timber, it would not be worth noticing; but the fact is, the entire amount of valuable timber is being destroyed. Something ought to be done at once to protect this timber from further waste. PADIE.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Notice is hereby given that the ordinance in regard to nuisances and hog pens in the City of Winfield will be strictly enforced. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 16th day of April 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Blossom, E. D.; Bliss, C. W.; Blair, J. S.; Beaman, I. N.; Beck, Gerome; Cunningham, Sam C.; Cunningham, Geo. W.; Campbell, Mrs. M.; Duncan, Aaron, Eames, Henry.
SECOND COLUMN: Estep, J. M.; Egbert, David M., M. D.; Franks, Miss C.; Heisinger, Mr. F.; Johnson, J. H.; Roberts, Frank; Ross, W. H.; Shields, J. A.; Widner, E. C.; Williams, John M.; Waost, Chas.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P.M.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Sealed Proposals.
For the carpenters’, plumbers’, and roofers’ work the residence building to be built for J. C. McMullen, at Winfield, Kansas, will now be received by the undersigned, at whose office the plans and specifications for the same are now ready for inspection.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Of the condition of the Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, on the first day of January, 1878:
Gross assets $2,759,001.45
Liabilities, including reinsurance $969,389.79
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that on and after April 22, 1878, the late firm of Hamilton & Robinson have dissolved by mutual consent.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Special Master’s Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Kansas.
No. 1720, In Chancery.
H. F. Bartine, complainant, vs. Cornelius Akers, Susan Akers, and Nichols, Shepard & Co., defendants.
PUBLIC notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States, for the district of Kansas, rendered in the above entitled suit, I will, on Saturday the 18th day of May, A. D. 1878,
at 1 o’clock p.m. of said day offer at public sale, at auction, and sell without appraisement to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, at the front door of the Court House in Winfield, County of Cowley, State and District of Kansas, the following described lands and tenements, viz.: The south west quarter (¼) of section No. twenty-eight (28) in township, No. thirty (30), south of range No. four (4) east, containing one hundred and sixty acres, situated in Cowley County, State of Kansas.
Special Master in Chancery.
A. L. Williams and S. D. Pryor, solicitors for complainant.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The following is the report of the Dexter school for the term ending March 15th, 1878, showing the percentage of each class for the term:
Daily average attendance of males: 30.23
Daily average attendance of females: 30.19
Total attendance: 60.44
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The Santa Fe Extension.
The Chicago Railway Review is very emphatic in its prophecy concerning the future of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road. It says:
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road under the management of Mr. William B. Strong, is developing into a road of national importance. The company last week commenced to tunnel Raton Pass, and we understand it is their intention tp push their road through immediately to a junction with the Southern Pacific railroad now past Fort Yuma, on its way through Southern Arizona to Tucson. This connection being made, the eastern end of the road will be extended from Wichita, Kansas, to Memphis, Tennessee, forming a southern route to California full three hundred miles shorter than Col. Tom Scott’s proposed line. Boston capitalists have promised sufficient funds to complete the road to Santa Fe this year. From Santa Fe they will move down the Rio Grande River and connect with the Southern Pacific in Arizona. The whole work can be accomplished inside of two years. The proposed line up the Arkansas toward California Gulch and the San Juan country has been abandoned, the railroad company intending to devote all of their resources and energies to the construction of their great continental line.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 2, 1878. Front Page.
Items from the Wichita Beacon.
Judge W. P. Campbell returned to Wichita from Chautauqua County last Thursday. He opened court at Wellington last Tuesday, after which he will return to Chautauqua County to try a murder case which was unavoidably delayed. This is Judge Campbell’s busy season and we get but an occasional glimpse of him as he flits through this city to his various appointments.
Judging from the showing of the register of the Tremont House for the past four months, the tide of travel in this Valley has been steadily increasing—from one to two pages a day of arrivals is of common occurrence. There is an air of thrift and activity pervading all parts of the house that give an impression of a lively business. The smiling faces and spry movements of the proprietors are evidence of a satisfactory prosperity.
Messrs. Speer & Walton, of Arkansas City, are proposing to open navigation between Arkansas City and Wichita. They have a boat already built 16 x 50 feet with a draft of ten inches, and a carrying capacity of 40 tons. They will ask of our city and citizens the sum of $500; $250 to be paid upon the completion of two round trips between the above places. The trial trip will be made within the month. T. M. Lane will shortly circulate a petition for a subscription. There is no money to be paid until the feasibility of the navigation is demonstrated; our citizens should not withhold the sign manual.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Front Page.
ED. COURIER: Perhaps it would be advisable to look at the question a little closer than we have been doing. Will someone please “rise and explain” what benefit we are to derive from a great political greenback party in Cowley County. Will it help each man to make his own greenbacks? If so, count me in. How is it going to help us? That is the question. So far as our national financial questions are concerned, they will undoubtedly be settled before we can make our voices heard by our votes, and those men who want to make a political party on the greenback issue know it as well as they know anything. There appears here to be no substantial difference in the views of Republicans, Democrats, and would be Greenback party men on the greenback question. If our views are not being adopted by congress, how can we help matters by dividing our forces in local affairs. It looks as though there was a “nigger in the wood pile” some place. I think it is simply a trick to draw Republican votes, but cannot see how any true Republican can follow the lead of such men as are forming the Greenback party, Brick Pomeroy and Sam Carey, for instance. I should think these would be too much even for Democrats to swallow, let alone Republicans.
Think of it neighbors, and if there is any hope of reform, either socially, politically, or financially from such a source, and no hope from the Republican party, then go ahead. Now it is well known that the western Republicans are almost unanimously greenback men in the true sense of the term, but the trouble is, the Republican party is in the majority in these states and these are men who want office and cannot get it from that party. So they must start a new party on an idea which is popular with the Republicans in the hope of dividing the Republican party sufficiently to give them the coveted offices. We think that the Republicans of Cowley County are just a little too wide awake to be caught with that kind of chaff, and may be these new party men won’t get the offices after all. I THINK SO.
Ninnescah, April 20th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Front Page.
Arrest of Counterfeiters.
Last Friday Deputy U. S. Marshall Jones, of Wichita, arrested at Chetopa three men and a woman on a charge of making and printing counterfeit money. Sheriff Conner did not learn the names. Marshal Simpson learned of their whereabouts by a telegram from Chetopa, and sent Deputy Jones to secure them. He remained overnight, and next day took them to Topeka. We learn that there are others of the same kind in that section of the country. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Front Page.
[Skipped condition of Cowley County Treasury.]
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Front Page.
Some of the farmers are done planting corn.
T. D. Givler was offered and refused two thousand dollars for his quarter of upland prairie.
A great many fruit trees have been set out this spring in Richland.
Emigrants just pouring in and have taken most all of the government land. There is some left yet.
David Roberts has just moved into his stone house. He has as good a wall I think as there is in the county for a dry wall. It was laid by the Dunbar Brothers.
Blue grass and clover looks first rate. Everything fine and farmers happy in the prospect of a big crop of wheat. L.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
DEAR COURIER: The secretary’s report of the Richland Sunday school was on motion of S. W. Phoenix, ordered to be sent to the COURIER for publication. It is as follows.
Organized May 14, 1876, with 52 scholars in six classes, T. R. Carson, Superintendent. Enrolled during first quarter: 71.
Average attendance: 38. Teachers: 6. Average attendance: 4.
Outlay, $1.50 for Berean lesson; $1.00 for banner; total $2.50.
It is demonstrated that it is not cash but earnest work which makes a good Sunday school.
Second term commenced Oct. 29, 1876. 23 Sundays, less 3 missed on account of the weather. Enrollment: 76. Average attendance: 35. Teachers: 4. Expenses $2.60.
Third term commenced April 1, 1877. J. R. Thompson, superintendent; T. B. Carson, Asst. Supt.; N. J. Larkin, Sec.; T. D. Givler, Treas.; Mrs. A. L. Phoenix, Chor.
Average attendance scholars: 34. Teachers: 5. Expenses $7.80, including express charges on song books and on library $2.65. Had a picnic in the grove which was a success. Rev. J. L. Rusbridge, speaker; refreshment stand by J. W. Groom and assistants of which the net proceeds were $20.80, and devoted to the purchase of a library.
Fourth term commenced Sept. 30, 1877. J. R. Thompson, superintendent; T. D. Givler, assistant; C. Sturm, librarian; T. R. Carson, treasurer; N. J. Larkin, secretary; T. R. Carson, Chor.
Average attendance: 80. Average enrollment for the two years: 66. Average attendance for the two years: 34½. Expenses, $5.11. Total expenses, $18.01.
School kept up with as much interest in winter as in summer. N. J. LARKIN, Sec.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Front Page.
The Southwestern Stage Company will in a short time put on four new four-horse stages, two of them to run from Wichita via Waco, Belle Plaine, London, and Wellington to Caldwell, the other two from Wichita via El Paso and Winfield to Arkansas City, both daily. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Front Page.
Mrs. A. F. Scotton.
Mrs. A. F. Scotton, a lady of considerable literary talent, formerly a resident of this county, and who used to write some very nice poetry for the Plow and Anvil, is acquiring literary fame on the Pacific slope under the nom de plume of Francis Buchanan. [NOT SURE IF FIRST NAME IS FRANCIS.] A story recently concluded by her is thus noticed by the Democratic Standard, of Eureka, California.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. [Note: Six-Page Edition.]
Is there to be a war? The daily news runs about as follows: Monday—Prospect that the differences will be settled. Tuesday—War is inevitable. Wednesday—Russia conciliatory; England wants peace. Thursday—Russia preparing for immediate war; England ditto. Friday—Germany has conciliated both Russia and England. Saturday—War cannot be averted, etc.
The latest dispatches show that England means war. She has refused to move her fleet from the Dardanelles; has ordered the home squadron into the Baltic; has ordered all her troops to hold themselves in readiness to move; has raised them to a war establishment; is hurrying up her troops from India, and recedes from each proposition she has made as soon as it is accepted by Russia.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Wichita Beacon Items Condensed.
A few days ago a colored gentleman called on the probate judge at Wichita to be married to a white girl. The judge took the case under advisement.
A thief with a pair of horses stolen from a man twelve miles south of Winfield was apprehended in Butler County seven miles west of Augusta on the 16th ult.
McCampbell’s coal shaft is down 400 feet. The county board have agreed to give McCampbell eight dollars per foot for the next 100 feet or until he finds coal. The prospects are considered favorable.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Preston Alexander and Martha Hughes, two school children of Beaver Township, have tried their hands at itemizing. The following is their joint production.
The farmers have a fine prospect for wheat.
We have a fine young man who wears a long-tailed coat which fits very well but touches nowhere.
Mrs. A. Alexander has six beds of onions, but the weeds are a little ahead of the onions.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury have rented out their farm and gone into the flower business.
Friend Bowers is friendly with everyone.
A brother of B. F. Wright has lately arrived.
Prof. Whitson is making preparations for a wife. He has a farm, a Bible, and a paper of pins.
Theo. Dillow says there is a young lady in Vernon who is as pretty as a peach.
Mrs. M. Hughes, Mrs. Sallie McCulloch, and Mrs. Jane Bandful have been in Butler County on a visit.
Prof. J. Rupp made a sad mistake about the name of the Pleasant Grove schoolhouse.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Since my last, nothing of especial interest has transpired. Wheat is in head and looking nice.
The question which now agitates the minds of the people in district 109 is, shall we or shall we not vote bonds to build a schoolhouse.
And now Mr. M. L. Loy informs us that he has planted 16 acres of sugar cane. He will have a sweet time this fall. He expects to make 1,600 gallons of molasses from his cane. He will run his mill by eight horse power.
Mr. J. C. Stratton’s stone residence is nearing completion. He expects to move into it in a short time. ALEXANDER.
April 25th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Hot, ain’t it?
Farmers predict harvest in three weeks.
Mr. Baker’s family is afflicted with sore eyes.
MARRIED. Yes, and we had a wedding, too. Not long since, Elder Hopkins succeeded in tying with everlasting cords the all in all of Mr. Ed. Appling and Miss Hattie Clark.
School closed at Valley View on the 19th ult. Quite a number of visitors present. Mr. Bowers taught a good school Whatever school gets him next term will get a stern practical teacher.
Samuel Rupp was thrown from his horse against a tree, and narrowly escaped death. He is all right now except one sore place which is all over him.
We are mending our ways.
Some people object to “Nose Bud,” some object to “Pleasant Grove.” We can’t please everybody, so we will try to please ourselves and by the next time we write will have a new name. GRAPEVINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Everything has been moving on evenly for the past three weeks, so I may be justly excused for silence.
BIRTHS. Found, by Mrs. E. A. Millard, a boy, weight seven pounds, date April 18th; also by Mrs. Dr. Lytle, a girl, weight eight pounds, date April 23rd. Anybody losing the above described babies are requested to come and take ‘em away.
I am told that Dr. Lytle proposes moving to Baltimore to engage in his profession more extensively. We are sorry to lose him as a neighbor and congratulate Baltimore in acquiring a first-class citizen.
The Tisdale school is progressing finely under the management of Miss Hodges.
Ive Carson has moved his heard of cattle to Emporia. Mr. Hodges started this week for the same point with a herd of beef cattle.
Another drouth last night and water in the cellar.
The Greenbackers of Tisdale listened to a couple of good speeches delivered by Messrs. Payson and Coldwell, of Winfield. The club now numbers 38 members.
Wheat is heading rapidly. Corn is nearly all planted and is large enough to cultivate. Oats look badly, owing to the long dry (?) spell we are having.
Mr. H. Hall, of Silver Creek Township, is building a good stone house on his farm.
No. 90 has just finished a fine school house and christened it Prairie View.
The “Excelsiors,” of New Salem, and the “Invisibles,” of Tidale played a match game of base ball on Saturday 27th inst., resulting in a score of 24 to 27 in favor of the “Excelsiors.” The boys will try it again on the Tisdale grounds next Saturday.
That Liberty correspondence is mistaken. John Mac. sent to Kansas City and got his dinner bell. It don’t belong to Sheridan; Charley Smith never took it to meeting, etc. But John has a new organ and it is always playing; just you hark. N’IMPORTE. April 29th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
This is “drouthy Kansas” with a vengeance.
Early planted corn up fine, some are harrowing and cultivating and again others are finishing their planting.
Mr. F. Miller has rented the Mouser farm.
Slemmons Bros. started for Iowa the 15th inst.
S. P. Chase has arrived with his family and goods from Ohio.
Wm. Painter, Esq., with his family, from Olathe, is just in and will build a residence at once on his farm.
Mr. Coans has purchased the Gault farm. Mr. Gault bought 80 acres of Mr. Page and will remain a citizen of Vernon.
The agricultural implement agent has begun perambulating over the county to replenish the stock now rotting in the hedge corners.
MARRIED. Ed. Appling, Esq., and Miss Hattie Clark were married at Pleasant View schoolhouse the 14th inst.
Still another arrival from Wooster, Ohio, in the person of J. Whitcomb, who is looking for a home.
We would ask the Telegram or some of its correspondents to reconcile the second plank or clause from the National Convention at Springfield as copied and endorsed by the editor of the COURIER, to-wit: “The payment of the interest bearing first, before the payment of the non-interest bearing obligations of the government” with the teachings and loud claims of his sudden conversion. There are men, and thinking men, too, while they are advocates of the greenback as the only paper money for the country, do not and will not join themselves to this greenback movement for the reason that virtual repudiation is something they will not consent to. They justly claim that if any wrong has been committed (and none has) two wrongs will not make one right. The 2nd clause as above quoted contains the essence of this whole question. What were these greenbacks? Simply government promises to pay. Pay what: other promises to pay? or was it money, gold, or silver as then understood by everyone. REX. Vernon, April 25, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
A fine rain Sunday night. Corn all planted in this vicinity, the earliest planting beginning to be cultivated. Other crops have a promising appearance.
Our young friend, Wm. Walker, is making substantial improvements on his farm in the shape of a two story stone house 20 x 28, which improvement is hinted at by those persons in the neighborhood who know everything as indicating matrimonial designs. For myself, I think it is quite probable but would not mention it for anything.
Robt. Elarton has just completed a convenient kitchen in connection with his otherwise not too commodious habitation.
Mr. McDonald has just purchased the finest breaking team we have seen in Kansas. Considerable breaking is being done this spring and the settlers’ long contest with unreclaimed nature will soon be brought to a close.
The Christian Church and Sunday school at Green Valley are prospering finely. Preaching at 11 o’clock every Sunday. DANIEL SWIVELER.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The residence of Mr. W. W. Wills was burned with everything it contained. Mr. and Mrs. Wills were helping Mr. Thompson slaughter and the house was left in charge of two little girls aged about eight years. The children cooked and ate their dinner, then went out to play and the house was almost consumed before they knew it was on fire. Mr. D. W. Willey was the first one on the ground and succeeded in saving a tub of meat. This was everything that was saved. The house was of pine and burned like tinder. Mr. Wills is a newcomer and very hard run and this falls with crushing weight on him. I GUESS. April 25th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Pursuant to a call for a county convention, the Presidents of the various Greenback clubs in the county and two delegates from each, convened in convention at Winfield, April 28, 1878, for the purpose of effecting a county organization.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard was called to the chair and C. C. Krow elected Secretary of the convention.
Committee on credentials appointed as follows: A. S. Williams, S. B. Hunt, and C. G. Handy. The committee reported the following persons entitled to seats in the convention.
Bethel Club: T. A. Blanchard, B. F. Murphy, Jos. Stansbury [Stansberry].
Pleasant Hill Club: J. Shields, C. C. Krow.
Dexter Club: G. C. Bourdette, John Hoyt, Christopher Gates.
Fairview Club: W. E. Merydith, A. A. Hammill, C. W. Ridgeway.
Tisdale Club: J. M. Wright, C. G. Handy, Wm. J. Hodges.
Maple City Club: J. G. Custer, H. S. Libby, L. W. Miller.
Vernon Club: F. W. Schwantes, A. S. Williams, C. A. McClung.
Odessa Club: S. B. Hunt, S. F. Howard, T. Hughes.
On invitation Mr. N. C. Coldwell addressed the convention, giving his views of the manner of an organization it was desirable to effect. He was followed by W. E. Merydith, C. C. Krow, F. W. Schwantes, H. S. Libby, S. B. Hunt, and other gentlemen, each giving his idea of what should be done.
On motion it was decided that the county organization should consist of an executive committee, consisting of one member of each club already organized, or hereafter organized in the county—with a president, secretary, and treasurer to be elected by this convention.
The convention then proceeded to elect the officers of the executive committee which resulted as follows: President, J. B. Callison; Secretary, W. M. Allison; Treasurer, T. A. Blanchard.
The delegates present named the members of their club they desired to represent them on the executive committee as follows:
J. B. Callison, Fairview Club; John Hoyt, Dexter; C. G. Handy, Tisdale; H. S. Libby, Maple City; C. A. McClung, Vernon; S. F. Howard, Odessa; John A. Shields, Pleasant Hill; Joseph Stansberry, Bethel.
All clubs not represented in the convention were invited to name one of their members to serve on this committee—the name to be sent to the secretary, W. M. Allison, at Winfield.
Each club in the county was requested to report the names of their officers to the secretary of the executive committee as speedily as possible, who is required to issue a certificate of membership of the county organization.
The president and secretary of the executive committee were instructed to issue an address to the people of Cowley County in behalf of the greenback cause. The county organization was named the “Independent Greenback Party of Cowley County.”
It was, on motion, decided that the executive committee should assemble at any time when called together by the president and secretary, or either, or upon issue of a call signed by three members of the committee.
The following resolution was introduced and carried.
Resolved, That this convention, recognizing the valuable work done for the greenback cause by various gentlemen, who have devoted their time to addressing the people in a number of localities, hereby extend to them an invitation to continue the work.
On motion the county papers were respectfully requested to give a place in their columns to the minutes of this meeting. C. C. KROW, Secretary.
T. A. BLANCHARD, President.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.
The following is the regular jury for May term of the District Court: G. W. Martin, James Jackson, R. S. Thompson, John Harden, S. P. Channell, John M. Gates, J. M. Mark, Thessius Magginnis, B. B. Vandeventer, J. H. Mounts, Stephen Elkins, Abijah Howard.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.
School Land Sale.
T. R. Bryan, county treasurer, will sell at his office on Saturday, June 8th, the south half of section 16, in township 30, range 5 east, in 40 acre tracts, at not less than the appraisement, which is $3 per acre.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.
Mr. E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk, furnishes us with the following list of cases which will probably be for trial at the next term of the District Court commencing on Monday, May 6th, 1878.
First Day.
State of Kansas versus
F. G. Cady, mayhem.
C. Coon, trespass.
S. Huston, grand larceny.
N. Hostetler, incest.
W. H. Bilson, grand larceny.
W. H. Bilson, burglary.
C. R. Turner, peace W.
W. Steadman, grand larceny.
Second Day.
Geo. Stewart v. R. B. Waite.
John Brooks v. E. B. Kager, Co. Treas.
Jas. Renfro v. Margaret Renfro, Adm.
A. H. Green v. Sarah E. Requa.
Joel E. Cox v. Mary J. Cox.
Geo. Hafer v. H. C. Catran.
J. M. Alexander, et al., v. W. W. Andrews.
M. L. Read v. Robt. Hudson et al.
M. L. Read v. S. C. Winton et al.
B. C. Cook v. W. F. Worthington.
State of Kansas ex rel Cessna v. A. J. Thurman.
H. B. Ray et al v. D. B. McAllister.
Third Day.
J. W. Blizzard v. J. G. Titus.
Nancy McManis v. J. S. Harmon.
Parker & Canfield v. R. B. Scott.
M. W. Vessels v. T. J. Vessels.
Frank Porter v. E. W. Coulson et al.
D. Thompson v. A. H. Buckwalter.
M. D. Wells & Co. v. T. E. Gilleland.
Chas. Seacat v. S. E. Hostetter et al.
J. C. McMullen v. Jas. Stiner et al.
Houghton & McLaughlin v. L. Maricle.
S. P. Channell v. L. Maricle.
Amelia Ragland v. R. P. Akers.
Fourth Day.
A. W. Gault v. T. Hargrove et al.
Henry Schieffer v. J. F. Berner.
R. B. Waite v. Cowley Commissioners.
Mary H. Buck v. J. B. Southard et al.
S. L. Brettun v. A. H. Beck.
S. L. Brettun v. J. C. Goss et al.
M. H. Buck v. J. A. Tipton et al.
G. P. Strumm v. J. K. Stevens et al.
Lizzie M. Martin v. M. E. Paugh et al.
B. Crapster v. C. E. Houx et al.
Graham & Moffit v. J. F. Berner et al.
Boyle & Melville v. E. R. Evans et al.
T. H. Barrett v. J. S. Garris et al.
S. Frederick v. Co. Commissioners.
J. C. McMullen v. Jas. Morgan et al.
Lucinda Perry v. Luther Perry.
C. C. Harris v. Sanford Day et al.
Fifth Day.
Mary H. Buck v. D. J. Bright et al.
W. R. Sears v. H. Collum et al.
L. McMasters v. N. Hughes.
L. G. Yoe et al. v. T. E. Gilleland.
Thos. Watts v. M. D. L. Devore et al.
A. W. Hoyt v. L. Tipton.
E. H. Gallup v. Calvin Coon.
R. B. Waite v. Henry Schneider.
M. L. Wilson v. H. B. Rude et al.
E. Howland v. E. B. Johnston et al.
E. Howland v. J. W. Pearson, et al.
A. F. Harris v. J. A. Deming et al.
J. H. Hill et al v. G. A. Jackson et al.
Rebecca Turner v. F. C. Davis et al.
Hackney & McDonald v. W. W. Andrews.
Mary H. Buck v. M. W. Luckey.
M. Harkins v. E. C. Hurst et al.
M. M. Funk v. Cynthia Clark et al.
Sixth Day.
E. C. Seward v. S. H. Myton et al.
J. C. McMullen v. P. F. Endicott et al.
Samuel Hoyt v. J. B. Gassaway et al.
Buck, McCouns & Patterson v. T. E. Gilleland.
S. L. Brettun v. L. D. Darnall et al.
Mary H. Buck v. J. K. Stevens et al.
C. C. Harris v. J. B. Lynn.
Parker & Canfield v. E. B. Kager et al.
Giesecke Meysenbury & Co. v. T. E. Gilleland.
T. H. Barrett v. W. D. Mowry et al.
Chas. Barr v. T. J. Raybell et al.
J. C. McMullen v. M. A. Bowers et al.
A. P. Dickey v. T. A. Wilkinson.
Elizabeth Meyer v. W. H. Brown et al.
J. W. Hamilton v. J. D. Pryor et al.
Nancy Bishop v. E. B. Johnson.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Wallis and Wallis have a new awning.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Do not fail to subscribe for the DAILY COURIER.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Green gooseberry sauce begins to appear on our tables.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The Central and American hotels have new, elegant registers.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The Frazee Bros. are doing good work on pavements around town.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Sam Myton’s counter is graced with a large, new metallic show case.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Chas. Black has sold the Doc Houx property to Mr. Schammerhorn of this place.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
McCommon & Harter have some of the finest new show-cases we have seen.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Giles Bros. are expecting a large lot of drugs, paints, etc., to arrive next week.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Shenneman and Millspaugh run a number one hack between Wichita and Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
See the new stage office sign at the Central Hotel. It is the handsomest one in town.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Arrivals at the Central and American hotels for last week number 135; Williams House, 66.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
James G. Hope, father of our jewelers and ex-mayor of Wichita, was in town last Thursday.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
There will be a dance at the Courthouse this evening.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Judge W. C. Webb, of Topeka, is here on a visit to his son, L. J., and daughter, Mrs. R. L. Walker.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Walker Bros. have just received a large assortment of queensware, which they are selling cheap for cash.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Not less than $100,000 worth of new buildings are under contract to be erected in this place this summer.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Robert Hudson seems to be rolling buildings about town with as much ease as rolling eight inch balls at ten pins.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The necktie festival on April 26th at the Brane schoolhouse was a success notwithstanding the rain. Receipts: $10.10.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
J. W. Hamilton has removed his land office business to the law office of Coldwell & Coldwell, on 9th avenue, where he is offering choice farms for sale.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Hoenscheidt exhibits at his office some of the finest architectural drawings we have seen. They are elevations of the fine buildings in process of construction in this city.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Lipscomb caught the other day below Bliss’ mill, on a trout hook, a catfish weighing 50½ pounds. He was an old settler and came up before the dam at Arkansas City was built.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The performance of the Winfield Orchestra on last Friday evening was first class. The house was well filled. Winfield will soon have a band second to no other in the great Southwest.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The foundation of Mr. J. C. McMullen’s new residence is complete. Work on the house will be commenced at once. The entire cost of the house will not be less than ten thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Miss J. E. Mansfield is attracting considerable attention to her fine stock of millinery goods.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Col. McMullen has been elected city treasurer of Winfield. They seem to appreciate the colonel at his new home. Traveler.
We do, most assuredly, and we are going to keep him right with us.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Work is progressing rapidly on the residence of M. L. Robinson, Esq. The roof has been put on the back part of the house and the walls of the front part are almost done. When complete, this will be the finest residence southwest of the state capital.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
E. E. Bacon is an accomplished mechanic in his line and doing very fine work. His stock of silverware and time-keepers is excellent.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Borrowers will do well to call on Mr. C. H. Robinson whose card “Money to loan” appears in this issue. Mr. Robinson is a gentleman and has many warm friends in Leavenworth and Independence, where he has resided.
I am prepared to loan money on improved farm property in Cowley and Sumner Counties, in sums of not less than Three Hundred Dollars, on as good or better terms than ever offered heretofore. Persons wanting to borrow money will do well to call on
at office of E. C. Manning, Esq., in Manning’s Block, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Lost, on the 14th ult., in or going from the Presbyterian Church in this city, a lady’s gold neck chain with a Maltese cross-charm. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the store of Baird Bros. J. F. HOLLOWAY.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The first pic-nic of the season was held in the grove west of town on last Saturday. The occasion was the celebration of the birthday of Miss Minnie Stewart. There was boat-riding, croquet-playing, and last but not least, an elegant dinner, provided by Miss Minnie.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Mrs. Mansfield boasts that last Sunday her family feasted on new ripe potatoes of goodly size, raised this spring in her open garden without any of the forcing processes such as hot beds, straw, etc. She says they will have plenty for the family from this time forward.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Seymour Tarrant has arrived from the mountains bringing with him a lot of mountain evergreens with which to beautify the grave of his deceased wife. He is placing a marble monument and otherwise decorating her last resting place. He speaks of her in forms of tenderest appreciation as one of nature’s noble women.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
J. W. Johnson has taken J. L. M. Hill as a partner in the furniture business. The old store with the goods have been moved across the street and the new firm will erect a number one building on the vacant lot. The gentlemen are energetic and ambitious and intend to keep the best stocks of furniture in the southwest.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Harry Foults, besides being a first-class typo, is an adept in the tonsorial art. It is a pleasure to sit at Foults Bros. in one of those elegant chairs in regal state for a quarter of an hour feeling that you are being fitted for the best society.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The story comes from Deadwood that a member of a certain church congregation was bowie-knifed by a zealous deacon for putting a counterfeit quarter in the contribution box, and the excited pastor, without leaving his pulpit, shot the good deacon for creating a disturbance during divine service.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
That gorgeous parade last Friday was not a funeral, or a torch-light procession. It was the city council robed in all their glory, luxuriously reclining upon the soft cushions of an elegant barouche, drawn by a matchless span of blood bays, and followed by the marshal seated upon a milk white steed, looking after the sanitary condition of our city.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
We should call especial attention to the card of Dr. Mansfield in this issue. He now resumes practice in his profession and solicits calls. He was once the only physician in the city and his eminent success in that line is still fresh in the minds of the earlier settlers who will hail with pleasure the announcement. He is an army surgeon of four years experience during the war.
Resumes the practice of his profession and offers his services to citizens both in town and country, either day or night.
Surgery and diseases of women and children a specialty.
Office at his residence and at his Drug Store.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
DIED. HYDROPHOBIA. It is reported that J. B. Todd, of Otter Creek Township, was bitten by a rabid dog some few days ago and has since died of hydrophobia. It is also said that the dog bit a pet wolf kept by Jas. Moore, in same township, and the wolf has bitten two of Moore’s children. The children were brought over to Mr. E. Shriver, in Sheridan Town-ship, who has a madstone. Too great care cannot be taken to avoid mad dogs.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
We hear much complaint from persons living along the river because the dam across the Walnut at Arkansas City is not supplied with a fish-way. The law provides that every dam shall be provided with a fish-way, and that every owner of a dam who fails to comply with the law shall be liable to prosecution and fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. The river below the dam is full of fish which come up clear from the Mississippi while the waters above are nearly destitute of anything that wears fins. Will the county attorney please see to this?
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Was It Instinct or Reason?
Wm. Rorick, of Sheridan township, brought a mare from Illinois by railroad to Wichita and drove her from Wichita through Winfield to Sheridan Township sixty miles, where he turned her out to grass in the evening. She immediately started on her return on the precise road she had traveled from Wichita. There she took the railroad track and followed it for fifteen miles north, stopped by the wayside and fouled and started on with her colt on the track, and had proceeded ten miles farther when she was overtaken and brought back. The question is, would she have followed the railroad over the route she came until she arrived at her old home in Illinois had she not been interfered with?
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
C. L. F. Johnson and wife to John W. Buell, n e 26 33 5, 160 acres, $800.
C. W. Mitchell and wife to Neosho Co. Saving Bank, n w and w ½ of n e and w ½ of s e and e ½ of s w, 14 32 6, 400 acres, $1,200.
Henry Dillman to H. Beck and wife, 40 acres in 4 34 3, $200.
A. J. Thompson and wife to F. H. Bull, n w ¼ block 329, Winfield, $100.
Read & Robinson and wives to E. C. Manning, strip on south side of Manning’s addition to Winfield, $100.
J. C. McMullen and wife to Chas. Snyder, s w 2 35 3, 160 acres, $900.
B. F. Scott and wife to W. H. Grow, n w and n e of s e 33 30 4, 200 acres, $200.
J. R. Owings and wife to J. J. Owings, n w 35 30 5, 160 acres, $500.
J. R. Owings to Nancy Harris, same tract, $600.
J. E. Allen and wife to Elizabeth Thomas, s w 13 32 5, 160 acres.
Read & Robinson and wives to public Roadway in north part of their addition.
John H. Smith and wife to William Jenkins, s e of n w 26 30 6, 40 acres, $250.
Royal H. Tucker to John Service, s e ½ of s w 13 32 4, 80 acres.
S. D. Pryor and wife, S. F. Romain, half acre in 21 32 5, $75.
Henry Dillman to M. S. Williams, n w 4 31 3.
L. McLaughlin and wife to Elizabeth C. Hurst, n e 3 35 3, 160 acres, $1,100.
Isaac N. Beaman and wife to S. P. Case, s ½ of s w 4 32 3, 80 acres, $1,000.
W. M. Boyer and wife to Graham & Moffit, lot 14, block 127, Winfield.
Mary C. H. Guthrie and husband to A. H. Green, lot 8, block 105, Winfield.
E. D. Bowen and wife to L. W. Currier, lots 21 and 20, block 80, Arkansas City.
J. C. McMullen and wife to W. Snyder, lot 2, block 74, Winfield.
R. W. Davis to Sophia A. Davis, 7 lots in Arkansas City, $800.
D. Rodocker to John Serviss, lots 2 and 3, block 107, Winfield.
J. C. Black and wife to H. Shamerhorn, lot 1, block 101, Winfield, $360.
H. Olmstead and wife to Emma Watson, lot 5, block 80, Arkansas City, $150.
C. R. Mitchell and wife to A. Wilson, lots 3, 4, and 5, block 35, Arkansas City, $35.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to W. D. Lytle, lot 13, block 104, Tisdale.
J. L. Rusbridge to G. W. Hand, lots 11 and 12, block 94, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Saturday, April 13th, 1878, Richland was visited by one of the most powerful hail and rain storms since the organization of the county. We had three distinct showers of hail and rain. Hail was measured by several and it ranged from five to ten inches in circumference. It damaged many fruit trees by splitting the bark and limbs. The storm passed off northeast, and you could hear the roar, like distant thunder, for miles after it had passed. It extended about three miles in width. Many people gathered buckets of ice. Some made ice cream and others froze their butter. It damaged wheat and oats and destroyed early gardens, knocked off fruit of all kinds, and smashed in windows. No loss of life has been heard of.
Sunday, April 21st, we were visited by another hailstorm, not so severe, but measured some stones five to seven inches in circumference. GOOD ENOUGH.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
PRAIRIE GROVE, April 16, 1878.
ED. COURIER: By request of the members of Prairie Grove Literary Society, will you publish the proceedings of their last night’s session as given below.
The program was a good one, as usual, consisting of debate, declamations, songs, and instrumental music. The little folks’ songs and declamations were good and showed much interest and advancement. The house was constantly kept in applause by orators, vocalists, and musicians. The concert singing of M. Henry and Link Fredrick; a duet by John Webber; “Whistling Yankee Doodle without a pucker,” by Mr. Dean, a solo on the flageolet, by John Fredrick; an accompaniment on the jewsharp by the President, were particularly fine and amusing. In fact, we could hardly close before breakfast. Truly the last night was a glorious victory.
Adjourned to meet first Tuesday in November.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Cowley County Still Ahead.
MR. EDITOR: Seeing your note of the growth of trees 11 inches in diameter in 16 years, I can say that Creswell Township beats that badly. I have one cottonwood 11 inches in diameter of five years growth and peach trees six inches in diameter five years from the pits. Yours Truly, G. H. SHEARER.
Creswell, April 29, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 1st day of May, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Abrams, Miss Chalista; Abdon, Mrs. Jane; Bayles, Mr. Taylor; Beck, Mr. G. M.; Burdette, Mr. Edward; Buckwalter, Morgan; Brown, Mrs. Mary E.; Barnett, Daniel; Black, David C., Esq.; Birdzelle, Joshua; Bicket, Mrs. Cordelia; Beathel, Mr. James; Berry, Mr. Jno. T.; Crawford, J. P.; Conner, O. G. Esq.; Corkins, Mrs. E. A.; Conner, Mr. Cash; Corkins, Miss Liona; Camp, Mr. Jeremiah; Cain, Mr. John; Carr, Mr. John N.; Daniel, John M.; Dawson, Mrs. Mollie; Everett, Mr. Carlos; Eiflander, Mr. John; Fraker & Hacker; Frasee, Mr.; Fenton, Mrs. Francis; Green, Miss Emma; Green, Mrs. Lettia C.; Gore, Mrs. Joanna; Halowell, C.; Hamilton, Mr. J. A.; Haley, Mr. W. C.; Heffner, Mrs. Carlin M.; Herrengton, Mr. J.; Halley, Mr. George W.; Hunter, Mr. R. B.; Heffner, Margrate; Heffner, Mrs. Sarah; Johnson, Susan; Jones, Mrs. Mary; Keime, Mrs. Ellie.
SECOND COLUMN: King, Miss Julia B.; Kinsman, Mr. Lomis; Knox, Miss Amanda; Live, W. H.; Lee, Mrs. F. E.; Lingenfelter, Mr. J. C.; Luck, Mr. Chauncy; Marshal, Mrs. Martha; Mosley, Mr. Robert W.; Morse, Mr. E. R.; McMullen, Mr. P.; Murray, Mr. W. K.; Murray, W. R.; Myers, Mrs. Elisabeth; McLallen, W. J.; McCulloch, William; McKinsley, A.; Naughton, Mrs. Elvina; Parson, Milt; Pate, Mr. B. W.; Pawley, Benjamin; Parsons, Mr. W. M.; Perry, T. D.; Pickering, R. W.; Ricks, James A.; Raiddle, Joseph; Reel, Israc; Reynolds, James; Royse, John B.; Roarick, Wm.; Shoup, John; Simes, Hanah; Sparks, Silas H.; Stoner, A. B.; Tanksley, Mary; Thompson, Ellen M.; Thompson, William; Tracy Dawson [? out of order?]; Walker, Frank; Williams, John M.; Wilson, T. B.; Wagner, Samuel H.
Persons calling for one of the above will please say “as advertised.”
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Please announce to the Catholic public and friends that the blessing and dedication of our little church will take place on Sunday, May 5th. Divine service at 6 o’clock a.m. Solemn high mass at 10 o’clock a.m.; solemn vespers at 2 o’clock p.m. The assistance of Rev. Felix P. Swenfbergh, Catholic pastor of Newton, is procured for the occasion, who also will deliver the address to the audience, Subject: “Reason and poetry of the Catholic church.” A collection will be taken up for the benefit of the church. Admittance free. Expecting one and all of our friends and well-wishers to grace the occasion with their presence, as all are herewith invited, I am, dear Editor, in the meanwhile regardfully yours,
J. C. SCHURZ, Pastor.
[Note: Differs from first notice of this...Rev. Felix P. Swenfbergh.]
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a Fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.
J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. R. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; N. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Charles A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; Dr. Holland, G. Teeter, Beaver; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; Wm. J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Geuda; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; J. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Notice is hereby given that the ordinance in regard to nuisances and hog pens in the City of Winfield will be strictly enforced. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
MISSES OLDS & CURRY have just received a large stock of fashionable MILLINERY GOODS, and will sell at lower prices than are OBTAINED ELSEWHERE. She invites the ladies to call and examine her goods.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Sparr Bros. have opened out with a new and complete stock of Groceries. The public are invited to call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. We are selling at the lowest cash rates.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Sheep’s Clothing to be found at Bliss & Co.’s.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle at once.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Shenneman & Millspaugh
will carry you to Wichita or elsewhere in their new passenger hack, and make the trip a pleasant ride.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Many of the schools closed their sessions in February or early in March, which accounts in part for the small number of reports received in those months. . . .
In addition to large classes in algebra, geometry, and physical geography, Prof. George Robinson has introduced bookkeeping, and has a large class in it this term.
The state board of examiners has determined to hold a state examination in every county in the state on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of August. Teachers will please take notice. . . .
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 9, 1878. Front Page.
Maj. Miles informs us that the wives, sweet-hearts, and friends met the released prisoners at Skeleton Creek according to arrangement—the former full of anticipation of the warm embraces, and the latter loaded down with presents hoarded up during the long years of constrained absence. Sad is the tale; but it must be told. In this instance the refining influence of civilization and culture brought only woe and broken hearts. Our glowing picture of connubial felicity has been sadly defaced; the over-full cup of joy to be quaffed by the noble but exiled red fathers to be dashed to the ground. The reunion of the St. Augustine captives, with their wives and sweethearts, which took place four days after they left Wichita, was a reunion of bitterness and gall. Too long had the amorous warrior allowed his eyes and thoughts to dwell upon the voluptuous mold, the soft-rounded form of the rich-complexioned, dark eyed quadroon of the land of flowers, and when he beheld the dusky, pigeon-toed, low-legged waddler of his youth, in her dirty blanket and deerskin breeches, the realization was too many for his dreams, and he turned sick at the stomach and fled. Such are the unromantic facts. For a moment the uniformed chief gazed upon the faded features of his squalid squaw and took to the brush, and the couch of sweet-scented herbs which she had prepared was occupied that night alone. Major Miles says that several of the worthies could not be induced to sleep with their old companions, but slipped away in the dark to dream of the more winsome ones they had left in the land of the palmetto where the orange tree blows. These spoiled warriors may think better of it after awhile, but—the reunion was a failure. Wichita Eagle.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878. Six Page Edition.
The employees of the A. T. & S. F. railroad assumed their new uniforms May first and made a sensation.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Sitting Bull and 144 other chiefs and soldiers, have sent to Gen. Miles to inquire on what terms they make peace with the United States.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
A considerable excitement has been caused by the appearance of the Cambria, a Russian armed vessel, off the coast of Maine. The surmise is that Russia is stationing armed vessels in different parts of the sea ready to prey upon English commerce as soon as war shall be declared.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The members of the Chief Joseph’s band of Indians now stationed at Fort Leavenworth, have been sent to Sitting Bull to tell him and his followers how well Uncle Sam treats “good Indians.” Would it not have been just a little better if the President had himself gone on this mission?
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The Williams House has a superb new register.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
I. L. Comfort advertises in the DAILY as wood cutter. He is an artist at the business and takes pride in doing his work well.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. Geo. T. Myers, one of the leading merchants of Wichita, in company with Dr. T. A. Maggard, of Oxford, was in town last week.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The Weekly COURIER will appear next week in a new dress. We have just received three hundred pounds of new and beautiful nonpareil and brevier type.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
DIED. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silver died on Sunday evening. The funeral took place last evening at 4 o’clock, from the Presbyterian Church, which was attended by a large concourse of sympathizing friends.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
John B. Holmes has 500 acres of the best looking wheat ever seen in the country, and says he will give $1,000 in cash and work to vote all the bonds the law will allow to get a railroad built into the county this year.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Notice the new advertisement of S. W. Chatterson. His mill for sawing native lumber, only 2½ miles from this city, is a convenience much needed, and will be highly appreciated. Mr. Chatterson is a wide-awake man and will be found reliable.
Having moved my Mill to
Two and a half miles below Winfield, I am now prepared to
Orders can be left at Winfield Post Office. S. W. CHATTERSON.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
G. L. Gale, our county commissioner, has 30 acres of wheat, of which 23 acres are summer fallowing, which stands 4½ feet high on the average and promises from 40 to 50 bushels per acre. He is one of the best farmers in the county.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Col. F. C. Gillett, of Benton County, Mo., connected with the Humboldt narrow gauge railroad, called on us yesterday. He says that arrangements are nearly perfected to build the road, and that it is probable it will reach Winfield this year.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Saw S. P. Channell yesterday. He says the steamboat runs nicely between Arkansas City and Salt City. Salt will come down of course. He says the steamer took on a new pilot at Salt City, who ran the steamer aground. The piles are being driven for the bridge across to Bolton.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
There is a quarter section of land in this county that the records show has been sold five times, and yet it has never been entered from the government. It was probably sold to strangers on bogus abstracts of title. Register Kinne says he sometimes is shown bogus abstracts and is asked if he made them.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
MARRIED. Married, on Wednesday evening, May 3rd, Mr. David Wilson and Miss Hattie Monfort. (The fair bride remembered the printers with a goodly portion of wedding cake.) May the bright hopes of the happy couple meet with full fruition in the long and useful lives of united enjoyment.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The farewell entertainment of the Hibernians takes place at the courthouse on Wednesday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis have afforded our people a fund of amusement and have made many warm friends in this place.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The remains of the dead buried at Douglass are being removed. The owner of the land will not allow them to remain. While removing the remains of one of the men lynched for horse stealing, a frog jumped out of the grave, and a man who had helped hang the man being present, believed the frog was the spirit of the dead and was frightened nearly out of his senses.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Last week A. H. Green sold to N. C. Millhouse, Esq., of Tipton, Iowa, the farm of Mr. Woodward, 8 miles east, for $1,800, and the house of G. W. Martin, in this city, for $800 [? $300 ?]; all cash. Mr. Millhouse will immediately make an addition and veranda to his house and improve his farm. He has gone to Iowa to settle up his affairs and will then return to stay. He is a gentleman of enterprise and intelligence.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The concourse of people that assembled on last Sunday to witness the ceremonies of the dedication of the new Catholic Church was greater than the capacity of the building, and many were left outside. The altar was decorated with eighteen golden candlesticks, bearing lighted candles, arranged on four terraces, and interspersed with vases of beautiful flowers. The room was lined with green boughs; the music was very fine, and the ritual was very beautiful and imposing. The ceremonies were conducted by the Rev. J. C. Schurz, pastor. The address of the Rev. F. P Swenbergh, of Newton, was one of great merit and well delivered. From a Catholic standpoint we should say it would be pronounced very brilliant and logically strong. Mr. Schurz is warm-hearted, zealous, and enterprising, and is doing much for his church and for public improvement. The Catholics here have exhibited much public spirit, and among them are numbered some of our best citizens.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Now we court.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The dance wasn’t.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Eight new awnings put up last week.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. Saint will move into his new house this week.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Rev. F. W. Nance, of Maple City, was in town Monday.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
J. S. Million has been appointed director in District 54.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
W. H. Merydith has been appointed clerk to District 54.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
C. C. Holland, of Creswell, was in to see court open.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The four Sabbath schools were well attended Sunday last.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Preaching at five different churches Sabbath evening last.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
R. C. Story is local agent for the sale of Appleton’s Encyclopedia.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Will Holoway is assisting E. S. Bedilion in court duties this week.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
William White, of Rock, visited his old courthouse haunts this week.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin is again able to be around shaking hands with his friends.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The Cowley County Teacher’s Library numbers nearly one hundred volumes.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Ask E. C. Seward and Ed. Clisbee how they liked their April bath in the Walnut.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
L. T. Hockett, of Cedarvale, was in town Tuesday morning on his way to Wichita.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Miss Sallie Leavering is teaching school in the new schoolhouse in Liberty Township.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Have you signed the petition for the new schoolhouse? If not, go and do so at once.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mrs. Campbell came down from Wichita with the Judge last Saturday. They are stopping at “Sid’s.”
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Limbocker’s two-year-old calf was put on the scales last week and weighed only twelve hundred pounds.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The officers elected in District 11 are Joel Mason, director; Samuel Watt, clerk; H. Harbaugh, treasurer.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mrs. J. F. Holloway has been spending the past week in the country with her father-in-law, Mr. S. S. Holloway.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The wind storm on Monday was one of the worst we have had this season, though no damage was done so far as we have learned.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Farmers from the neighborhood of New Salem report a frost there Saturday morning. Here the mercury stood at 44 degrees at sunrise.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
On Friday noon the sills of a dwelling house were put down in the northern part of town, and by Saturday morning a family was occupying the same.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Miss Snell, formerly of Boston and later of Emporia, is in Winfield. She will assist Mrs. P. Stump in the dressmaking department of her establishment.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. Will. Allison has purchased some property one-half mile east of town. He is making some improvements on it and intends to move out in two or three weeks.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid Society will meet on Thursday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Virgil Harter, on Manning street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. A. J. Mosely, formerly of Lawrence, has become a partner of Mr. T. F. Robinson in the Land Office business. They are both young, active, reliable, and gentlemanly, and they mean business. See their advertisement.
Buys and Sells Land, Locates Claims. Pays Taxes.
Negotiates Loans and Makes Abstracts of Title.
Can suit anybody who desires to purchase with reference to the size, locality, and improvements of a farm.
North Kansas and Texas lands; 1800 acres of Missouri land. City property in Indianapolis, Ind., Chicago, Ill., and Kansas City to trade for Cowley Co. property.
Now is the time to purchase a house cheap. Call and see us at ROOM 4, MARIS BUILDING, WINFIELD, KAS.
(Over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.)
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Two gentlemen from Sedan met with an accident near Dexter last week. They were on the way to Wichita when their team ran away, overturning the buggy, breaking one man’s arm and bruising the other man to a considerable extent.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
The school-board have employed the same persons that are now teaching in the city schools to teach again next year, together with Miss Sarah Aldrich, who is to take charge of the new grade, which will be called the grammar department.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. W. J. Johnston and several other young men, lawyers and clerks of Fort Smith, Ark., were in town yesterday on their way to Colorado and New Mexico for a pleasure trip. They pronounce our county and town the most flourishing and promising they have seen.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. A. J. Mosely had important business at Independence last week, so Mr. Robinson says. When he returned he brought a lady with him. His important business seems to have been to “shuffle off this mortal coil” of bachelorhood. His fair lady will be an acquisition to Winfield society.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Mr. Robt. E. Wallis brought to us on yesterday morning the first mess of green peas we have had this year.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
A party from town went fishing down the river last week. They caught fourteen fish and one of them caught a duck-ing. He got wet from his feet right straight up to the bottom of his vest. We don’t know which one it was; we swore by last year’s almanac to forget all about it.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
District Court Proceedings.
Monday, May 6th, 10 o’clock a.m. His Honor, W. P. Campbell, on the bench. Present: C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk; Jas. McDermott, prosecuting attorney; attorneys C. Coldwell, W. F. Hackney, Henry E. Asp, J. E. Allen, D. C. Beach, E. S. Torrance, J. M. Alexander, A. J. Pyburn, N. C. Coldwell, Jas. Christian, G. H. Buckman, S. D. Pryor, J. Wade McDonald, C. R. Mitchell, J. D. Pryor, C. C. Black, R. C. Story, L. J. Webb, W. M. Boyer, F. S. Jennings, and D. A. Millington.
The docket was called. The following cases were dismissed: Geo. Stewart vs. R. B. Waite, Jas. Renfro vs. M. J. Renfro, J. E. Cox vs. Mary J. Cox, State ex rel. Cessna vs. A. H. Thurman, Nancy McManus vs. John S. Harmon, Parker & Canfield vs. R. B. Scott, Margaret W. Vessels vs. T. J. Vessels, Houghton & McLaughlin vs. L. Maricle, S. P. Channel vs. L. Maricle, S. L. Brettun vs. Adam H. Beck, R. Crapster vs. Clara E. Houx et al, M. Harkins vs. Elizabeth C. Hunt, J. C. McMullen vs. P. F. Endicott et al., S. L. Brettun vs. L. D. Darnall et al, T. H. Barrett vs. W. D. Mowry et al.
Judgment for plaintiff by default was ordered in the following: M. L. Read vs. R. Hudson et al, B. C. Cook vs. W. F. Worthington, S. L. Brettun vs. J. C. Groce et al, Lizzie M. Martin vs. Peter Paugh, J. C. McMullen vs. J. Morgan et al, L. G. Yoe et al vs. T. E. Gilleland, A. W. Hoyt vs. Israel Tipton et al, E. Howland vs. J. W. Pearson et al, A. F. Faris vs. Julia A. Deming et al, Hackney & McDonald vs. W. W. Andrews, Mary H. Buck vs. M. Luckey, Samuel Hoyt vs. J. B. Gassaway, Buck, McCouns et al vs. T. E. Gilleland, Geysecke, Meysenburg & Co. vs. T. E. Gilleland, Charles Barr vs. T. J. Raybell, A. P. Dickey vs. T. A. Wilkinson.
The following cases were continued: H. Schieffer vs. J. F. Berner, L. McMasters vs. Nathan Hughes, Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark et al.
The following cases stand on demurrer: H. B. Kay et al vs. D. B. McAllister, J. H. Hill vs. Geneva Jackson et al, J. C. McMullen vs. Martha Bowers et al, Elizabeth Meyer vs. W. H. Brown et al.
Motion was made by to admit M. G. Troup as member of the bar. Court appointed G. H. Buckman, J. D. Pryor, and L. J. Webb a committee to examine the applicant and adjourned to half past one for the examination and to 8 o’clock on Tuesday morning for the further business of the court. In the afternoon the candidate was examined and admitted.
Tuesday, May 7. State vs. Coon; dismissed and defendant discharged.
State vs. Samuel Huston; H. E. Asp appointed by the court attorney for defendant.
State vs. N. Hostetler; defendant plead not guilty.
State vs. W. H. Bilson; defendant plead not guilty on both indictments.
H. B. Ray et al vs. D. B. McAllister; demurrer withdrawn and judgment for plaintiffs rendered.
J. C. McMullen vs. Martha Bowers, administratrix, et al.; F. S. Jennings appointed guardian, ad litem, of minor heirs of Reuben Bowers.
Venire for additional jurors ordered yesterday returned served on D. A. Byers, H. C. Catlin, H. C. McDorman, Simeon Martin, W. W. Thomas, J. W. Miller, L. B. Stone, A. C. Davis, and W. S. Gilman; John Young, A. C. Winton, and Andrew Ross not found.
State vs. Nicholas Hostetler called and trial proceeded; Attorneys J. McDermott for State, E. S. Torrance and H. E. Asp for defendant. This case occupied the balance of the day and is not concluded. It is a case in which an old man is charged with incest. The details of the evidence offered are not fit for publication.
O. M. Seward is one of the Winfield attorneys in attendance on the court. Had we not omitted his name or some other in yesterday’s report, we should have made it too nearly correct for any use.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Dr. R. A. Rising, of Tisdale, and T. P. Carter, Esq., of Silver Creek, came in last Thursday and discussed the question of wheat rust and chemical principles. Call again.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Winfield City Mills.
C. A. Bliss’ mill is running night and day and turning out a grade of flour equal, if not superior, to any made in Southern Kansas. The business of the mill for the last 30 days is:
Sold to Winfield Merchants 48,775 lbs. all grades.
Sold to Wichita Merchants 61,000 lbs. 4 X.
Sold to Wellington Merchants 26,000 lbs. all grades.
Sold to Caldwell Merchants 5,500 lbs. all grades.
Sold to Douglass Merchants 4,000 lbs. 4 X.
Sold to Ft. Scott Merchants 4,000 lbs. 4 X.
Sold to other points 2,700 lbs. all grades.
Sold at retail and exchanged at mill: 150,000 lbs. all grades.
TOTAL: 300,875 lbs. all grades.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Probable Murder.
A young German, named Aruspiker, was found dead in the Territory, yesterday morning, the 6th, shot through the heart. He went out Saturday evening to hunt antelope and did not return. His people and friends went in search of him and found him as above.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
M. G. Troup.
This gentleman passed a first-class examination and is admitted to practice in the district and inferior courts of this state. He is a young man of great enthusiasm and energy of character, is pleasing and gentlemanly in deportment, and will make a reliable, popular, and successful attorney. He has our congratulations and best wishes.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Probate Court.
Mercy M. Funk, administratrix, vs. Estate of Samuel Hedges. Claim not allowed and appeal taken.
Claim of W. R. Davis, $94.50, vs. Estate of Hiram Chase. Allowed.
Estate of O. C. Smith. Thompson, administrator, resigned, and Strong Pepper appointed.
Estate of Charles Johnston. Order to sell real estate granted.
Mary J. Birdsall appointed guardian of the minor heirs of J. L. Shaw.
L. S. Chamberlain appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Nibert Chamberlain.
W. P. Hackney appointed guardian of Mary A. Parr, a minor.
Claim of Sullivan Savings Inst. for $505.62 allowed against estate of Hiram Chase.
Claim of W. P. Carpenter, $167.83, allowed against same estate.
A. Flener, executor of J. H. Flener, ordered to make final settlement at the July term.
J. W. Chase appointed guardian of minor heirs of Hiram Chase.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Marriage Licenses.
H. C. Callison to Mollie E. Hamil.
William Wilson to Minnie Hostetter.
David Wilson to Hattie Monforte.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
To The Farmers of Southern Kansas.
Arrangements are nearly completed for a district fair to be held near this city this coming autumn, and you can do a great favor to all concerned, and aid in its attractiveness, by gathering your best specimens of grains and grasses, and such other vegetable matter that will be of a necessity harvested. All grain should be preserved with the roots. Liberal premiums will be offered for the best specimens.
EUGENE E. BACON, Acting Secretary.
Winfield, Kansas, May 6th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Beaver Scraps.
We expect harvest soon.
Wheat looks better than ever.
BIRTH. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Browning, May 2nd, a daughter. John proposes to keep even with his neighbors in all things.
Corn looks well and farmers are beginning to plow it already.
We watch the big sandy for the steamboat, and listen for the shrill whistle, but see and hear it not. Suppose they are putting trucks under it to navigate dry places.
Sumner County farmers get their corn from Cowley. We could hardly get along without sister Sumner.
Corn sells readily at 25 cents.
We will have a store and postoffice soon. Mr. Richards, of Indiana, will stand behind the counter.
Did Mr. Mullin purchase the fine Durham from Arkansas?
We are going to build a schoolhouse in district No. 65. We expect to need two pretty soon. Rising generation numerous.
Dr. Holland lost a fine mare. Died of colic, which leaves Mr. Sitten without a team.
While in town a few days ago, a man became inebriated at “Old Jo’s.” Joe had him arrested. He went to Joe the next day for a drink. If a merchant should treat him the same way, he would never deal with him again.
The bachelors, of Beaver, are all going to get married on the strength of their wheat crop, except _____ [? looks like name could be Helm ?]. He will teach another school or two, first.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
On the Wing.
EDITOR COURIER: In a trip lately made through the eastern and northern part of Cowley, I was pleasantly struck with the vim and enterprise displayed by the farmers in that section. In Harvey, Omnia, and Rock Townships, the plow is busy turning the prairies into farms. Orchards are growing, promising abundant fruit, forest trees are showing their green tops, and stone and hedge fences, and new dwellings are beautifying the lovely country in which they are seen.
BIRTHS. At Lazette the principal item of interest was the late arrival of twin boys consigned to the care and attention of Doctor Chapman and family.
John Tull, of the Bugle, seemed to have lost no flesh from the arduous labor of the editorial sanctumer from the more profitable calling of plow-shaking.
Mac. Stapleton keeps up the fever of improvement, and has adorned his residence with a neat fence, flowers, fruit trees, evergreens, etc.
S. M. Hall is determined to have the handsomest, most convenient, and best arranged farm in Kansas, and has put that peerless fence-builder on a new job of stone fence.
R. T. Burden and John Clover have started their fat cattle and hogs to Kansas City for market. Cattle buyers are numerous through this county, but don’t offer prices which suit the feeders.
The works left by the late hail storm were still visible in the orchards and wheat fields in Harvey Township, showing that the storm was unusually severe, but limited to a narrow strip of territory.
Mr. George Thompson is teaching a private school at Baltimore, and has a good attendance of boys and girls.
While at ‘Squire Henthorn’s, a visit was made, of course, to the natural well, and a curiosity it was, nature having made a solid wall of some twenty feet for a well of unfailing water.
Mr. Hooker of Omnia, with the help of Mr. Kidney, is erecting a frame dwelling determined to have more comfortable quarters and to keep pace with his enterprising neighbors.
The windmill at Mr. Carsons is a landmark known far and wide, and is kept at work pumping water. Why cannot windmills be erected on every farm in Kansas?
The new schoolhouse in district 60 is a neat frame building, 18 by 24, costing the district but little in the way of bonds, the citizens having generally donated work, lumber, and money to build a second house for their district.
Miss Electa Strong is teaching the school at Rock, some forty pupils being in attendance. The vast fields of wheat of the Walnut Valley gladden ones eyes, for they make one of the most beautiful pictures the eye can rest upon.
Mrs. Hittle and Mrs. Schrope of Little Dutch were bitten some days ago by copperheads, the former on the hand, the latter on the foot. Both ladies are getting along well. O. T. W.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Maple Township Items.
J. P. Green, of Maple Township, this county, bought the Noffsinger place for $900, and after holding it about two months, sold it to a gentleman from Indiana for $1,500, reserving the wheat crop. The purchaser is well pleased with his bargain, and says he had no conception of the beauty and fertility of Southern Kansas until he saw for himself. He returns for his family, and says other families are awaiting his return to hear his report, and prophesies a large immigrating for Cowley County the coming season.
Daniel Winn, the best road overseer in Cowley County, has his work all in and better work, and more of it, than man ever did with the same number of hands in the same time.
Farmers are plowing their corn.
Wheat harvest will commence out the 20th inst. O.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Silver Creek Items.
ED. COURIER: Weather fine and the people are cheerful.
The whooping-cough prevails in this neighborhood.
Farmers are cultivating their young corn as fast as possible.
J. R. Tate expected the arrival of his family this week.
James Cunningham and brother drove a lot of fine hogs of their own raising to Eldorado last week.
An organized class of the M. E. Church is established at the schoolhouse in district 78. The class chose Shiloah for a name in honor of a church of the same name in east Tennessee, from which many of its members receive letters. Shiloah has a Sunday school with full attendance. R. Goforth, J. Driver, J. R. Tate, and John Harris are the officers in attendance.
Already had school district 78 a sore eye, and now Mr. Story has maimed it; and should he ever attempt to be father again, the sour grapes already eaten will set the children’s teeth on edge.
Isaac Gatton’s smoke house with contents was burned last week. It caught on fire while they were absent on a visit.
J. W. Leach has the best lot of hogs in the township—fattened on soured corn. SO SO.
May 6th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 8th day of May, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Baird, Willie C.; Becket, Thomas J.; Bradley, H. C.; Cox, Ettie; Cade, B. F.; Dilkie, Jerrie; Dalton, Fred; Gleason, G. A.; How, C. H.; Harrat, Richard; Hostetler, Miss Hettie; Hill, John A.; Koerber, Mary; Knapp, Mat.; Klow, Frank; Lewis, Wm.; Lebdell, James; McKinnon, Mary; McClure, James; McCoy, William H.
SECOND COLUMN: McKey. T. F.; Pennington, Samuel; Parris, Miss Anna; Rutherford Woods [? out of order ?], Ross, Charley; Rentsepter, Jacob; Smith, Rosaman; Smith, Mrs. Amos; Stoute, John; Stewart, Joseph; Strickland, Elizabeth; Thomas, William; Tracy Dawson [? out of order ?]; Tipton, Milton; Williams, J. W.; Williams, Miles; Wilson, J. T.; Wheeler, Em.; Wells, James; Wallace, Thos. Ross; Yunts, Joseph.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Vernon Township.
We had gooseberry pie on Easter, new potatoes, onions, lettuce, peas, and radishes last week, and the hens are laying right along.
Corn one foot high, wheat heads on sod five inches long, with seventy-five caps on.
Mrs. P. M. Waite is in Illinois visiting friends. Mrs. Cyle McClung starts to Ohio soon to visit also.
The Sunday school at Mt. Zion cleaned house last Thursday. Good; go and do likewise, Jerusalem.
Some of the farmers who ordered self-binding machines are getting luny; they are making arrangements to cut day and night. Some are cutting green wheat. That will wear off in less than one month.
I wonder if “Rex” gets the COURIER. If he does, he must not read it, or he would have learned to spell some of his names right and not put the same things in several times. If the king does such things, I pity the subjects. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Vernon Jottings.
A union Sabbath school has been organized at Vernon Center schoolhouse: J. M. Millspaugh, superintendent; S. P. Case, assistant superintendent. Meet every Sabbath at 10 a.m. Visitors cordially invited.
Miss Lena Bartlett is giving general satisfaction in the conduct of her school in District No. 8.
John Jackson is building a house on his claim in Sumner.
J. E. Dunn has broken 100 acres of sod with one team this spring.
Miss Dale, from Lazette, is visiting friends in Vernon this week.
Wm. Painter is building a dwelling house.
Hubbard Bros. are the “boss” sorghum raisers in Vernon. They have 20 acres planted this spring.
George Haffer is busy with—attorneys.
News scarce as greenbacks. REX.
Note: Kay overlooked somehow the fact that Winfield Courier started having a daily paper about this time called a “Supplement” in the weekly edition.
Winfield Courier Supplement, May 9, 1878.
The Indian Territory Indians.
The 75,000 Indians allotted to the Indian Territory are not dying out—that is very certain. Of the whole number 16,000 are Cherokees, 11,000 Creeks, 2,500 Seminoles, 16,000 Choctaws, and 5,000 Chickasaws. With them are 5,000 negroes, formerly slaves, and whites numbering several thousand, who are traders, teachers, laborers, etc. The Baptists have the most church members among the tribes; next come the Southern Methodists. Much of the teaching and of the preaching is in the English language. These Indians make slow progress in the arts of civilization, but still it is in progress.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
In opposing the bill providing for the removal of the Nez Perces to the Indian Territory, we do not believe that Senator Ingalls represented the sentiment of his constituents in the southern part of the state. It is to our interest to have every square mile of that territory occupied by the “Nation’s wards.” The past winter two of our mills were kept running almost constantly on Indian contracts, for that reason wheat of certain grades has commanded about as high a price at Winfield as at Wichita or Eldorado. We want that country filled with consumers. If it is not to be opened for settlement, let us get all the Indians into it just as soon as possible.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
From the Oxford Independent.
A number of people from our neighboring city of Winfield attended services at Oxford, last Sunday, among whom we noticed the familiar faces of Capt. McDermott, Mr. C. A. Bliss, and Rev. Hickok and their ladies, with several others, whose names are not now remembered.
Elder Rigby, of the Baptist Church, of Winfield, preached to the people of this place last Saturday evening; also Sunday morning and evening. And on Sunday at 2 o’clock, in the Arkansas River adjoining town, the ordinance of baptism was administered to those who desired to obey the Lord in that ordinance in a mode, the sufficiency of which is conceded by all religious denominations. Elder Rigby, though in poor health, is a zealous worker and a sound and logical reasoner.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Frost last Thursday night.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Lots of strangers in town.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Hear ‘em howl—about the dog tax.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Lots of squealing—on the hog ordinance.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
H. T. Alexander, of Liberty Township, called yesterday.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Coldwell & Coldwell have a fine revolving bookcase.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Can’t we, oh, can’t we, have a street sprinkler this summer?
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
W. W. Thomas, of Maple City, is attending court this week as a juror.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
John D. Maurer, of Dexter, came around yesterday to interview the COURIER.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Robinson & Mosley removed to Manning’s Block, corner Main St. and 9th Avenue, upstairs.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
A patent double-cylindrical, side-winding, center-splatter churn is exhibited on the street corners.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
What has become of C. H. Payson? We have not been favored with a sight of him for more than a week.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Capt. A. V. Polk and Prof. W. H. Grow, of Rock, called around yesterday to see our six boys stick type.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Mr. R. E. Howe, of Cedar Township, was in the city yesterday and called on Judge Gans. We suppose the cause will soon be made public.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
E. B. Johnson, of Beaver, was in town yesterday boasting of his new Vermont beauty potatoes, as long as his finger and twice as fat.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
F. P. Schiffbauer, of the firm of Schiffbauer Bros., of Arkansas City, is attending court in the capacity of witness in the case of the State vs. W. H. Bilson.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
While J. H. Finch was on the witness stand in court, in answer to the question, “What official position do you hold in this county?” replied: “Constable, jailer, deputy sheriff, deputy U. S. marshal, and ex-deputy postmaster.”
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Capt. E. Davis passed through Winfield yesterday on his return to Carthage, his present residence, from Wichita. He has been up to sell a drove of horses. He reports his wife well, which will be of interest to their old friends in this place.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
A jolly little picnic was held in the timber southwest of town yesterday. The young ladies of the village were the getters up, and the lively crowd, good feeling, sociability of the ladies, and delicious baking, pronounce it as the neatest, happiest affair of the season.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
The largest paving stone we have seen in town was recently delivered at M. L. Robinson’s new stone residence. It was 10 feet wide, 16 feet long, 8 inches thick, and white, almost, as marble. It was brought into town by three yoke of oxen and was delivered in nice shape. The quarries east of town will be hard to beat in any state.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
The residence of Judge Coldwell was, last evening, the scene of one of the most enjoyable social parties ever held in Winfield. The elegant parlors were filled to overflowing with the “youth and beauty” of our city. The company were entertained by the Misses Coldwell as only persons from the “sunny south” can entertain, and will long be remembered by our young folks as one of the most pleasant affairs of the season.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
E. S. Torrance is the happiest man in town: and he has good reason to be, too. The winning of the Hostetler case has put a feather in his cap and will add much to his already good reputation as a criminal lawyer. He has worked hard and faithfully, and made his points with skill and sagacity. There are six criminal cases on docket in this court and Mr. Torrance is employed in every one. We believe, and have believed, that Mr. Torrance is one of the best lawyers in the state, and we predict a brilliant future for this gentleman.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
District Court Proceedings.
State vs. Samuel Houston. Plea in abatement overruled.
J. C. McMullen vs. James Stiner et al., judgment for plaintiff by default.
Lizzie M. Martin vs. M. D. L. Devore et al., judgment for plaintiff by default and foreclosure of mortgage.
J. H. Hill vs. Geneva Jackson et al. Set for Monday next.
E. Meyer vs. W. H. Brown et al., demurrer withdrawn and answer filed.
State vs. William H. Bilson; called and trial proceeded. Offense grand larceny. Jury empanneled as follows: J. M. Mark, J. R. Vandeventer, James Jackson, W. S. Gilman, M. A. Kelsey, J. W. Miller, John W. Gates, S. Elkins, J. H. Mounts, Abijah Howard, D. A. Byers, S. Martin. County Attorney appeared in behalf of the state and E. S. Torrance, H. Asp, and Amos Walton for the defendant. This case occupied the whole day and will come up again this morning.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Your correspondent, “Paul Jones,” having left for his trip to Arizona and thinking you would still like to be kept posted as to the news from Sheridan, I send you a few items.
Mr. John Moreland left on the 4th inst., for his home in Iowa, being called there by the severe illness of his father. He intends returning in two weeks.
The farmers are busy cultivating their corn, which looks fine.
Wheat is headed out nicely and bids fair for a beautiful harvest in two or three weeks.
The school at the Sheridan schoolhouse is progressing finely under the care of Mrs. Renamous, who evidently understands the art of teaching.
We are luxuriating on strawberries, etc. . . . CHATTERBOX.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Arkansas City Items.
W. H. Walker still runs the popular livery and sale stable.
Albert Horn is an excellent boot and shoemaker and fills all orders with care.
Drs. Shepard & Reed are Allopathic Physicians and Surgeons who have a good reputation and a large practice.
Arkansas City has quietly built a steamboat that will carry fifteen tons, and it has made a successful trip to Salt City and return at tthe lowest stage of water for more than a year, and yet they seem to think this is nothing to what they are to do in the steamboat line when the river is surveyed.
F. M. Earl is said to be the finest workman in the blacksmithing line in the county. He has had 16 years experience in the business and is so celebrated that men come to him from a great distance for work.
Newton Cox has taken the Central Avenue House; has renovated and repaired it, and is ready to receive transient customers.
L. H. Gardiner & Co., Druggists, on Summit Street, keep a full line of Drugs, Oils, Paints, Perfumery, Toys, and the best cigar.
I. H. Bonsall—Justice of the Peace—Photographic artist—call and see his beautiful specimens of work. One sample has gone to the Paris Exposition.
Pierce & McLaughlin: dealers in groceries, boots, and shoes, which they sell cheap for cash. They are a good firm and do a good business.
M. S. Farris & Co. keep a general line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, etc., which they sell cheap for cash. West side of Summit Street. This is an excellent house.
Williams & Maricle keep the best hotel—are hotel men—have a good stable—solicit commercial custom specially. Hotel on South Summit Street. Give them a call.
[Paper had Maracle...believe Maricle is correct.]
Schiffbauer Bros. keep the heaviest line of Groceries, Queensware, Robes, Flour, etc. Fine cigars and tobacco—sell at the lowest figures for cash. They are enterprising businessmen.
Benedict & Bro., dealers in hardware, are an old, well known, and prosperous firm.
Houghton & McLaughlin have a large line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Notions, and are making a grand slaughter in sales and prices. This is said to be the best arranged and largest store in Cowley County.
Houghton & Mantor keep a good line of Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes.
Herman Godehard deals in Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Tobacco, and Cigars.
J. A. Loomis deals in Drugs and Perfumery. He has three kinds of Chromos; all beautiful. Call and see him.
The Arkansas City council, with the assistance of preachers and Murpheys, have shut down the saloon business, and the boys complain that they have to drive to Winfield to get a drink.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, May 7th, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Onions, lettuce, new potatoes, and other garden vegetables are now in use. Early planted corn is now being cultivated. Oats look well with the exception of a small insect working on them. Wheat is in head and harvest will commence by the 25th of May.
Great excitement prevails about mad dogs although none have been in this immediate neighborhood. Horse racing, betting, jackknives, and other small articles seem to be the sport in some parts of Liberty.
Two wolves made their appearance in close gunshot the other day. Unfortunately, Timothy was not at home or those inviting targets would have received a shot from his deadly gun.
Health in this township is good, no one being sick that I know of.
Rigby thinks it will take $1,000 in actual cash and $300 in bankable notes to buy his Vandeventer. It is feared that he will fail to get her as this money has all to be earned and work goes across the grain.
[Not sure what the above item is about.]
I fear Nitro Glycerine is mistaken when he says, “How strange it is when we realize that those immense walls of insensible rock were made up almost entire of animate and organic life. The matter of which these rocks were composed was minute living animals.” In the classification of rocks, we learn from geology the following: “A rock in geology is any natural formation of earthly or stony material, whether in the form of sand, gravel, clay, mould, or a compacted mass.” The position shows the following: “Stratified rocks, unstratified rocks, and veins.” Stratified rocks are those that lie in layers or strata. Unstratified rocks are irregular masses formed not by the deposits of sediment in beds or layers, but by the gradual cooling of melted matter. Probably you have reference to the “Coral insect.” If so, they live in the ocean. If these rocks in Kansas were “animate and organic beings,” everytime I struck one of them with a sledge hammer, I would expect to hear him say “Don’t strike me, you villainous rascal!” TIMOTHY SLY.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Campbell and Scoles have on hand a complete stock of furniture at low prices. Will do any kind of cabinet and undertaker’s work on short notice. Old furniture made new. Main street, opposite Walker Bros. Store.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Mr. C. C. Pierce, assessor of Winfield Township, has his report about ready to make returns. The total assessment of the township will foot up $447,415 and the population a little above 2,400.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Herrington has painted a big card about the size of the side of a barn and placed it in the post office. It contains the teaser cards of several of our businessmen and is quite a work of art.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
First Day.
State of Kansas v. S. Huston, grand larceny.
State of Kansas v. W. H. Bilson, grand larceny.
State of Kansas v. W. H. Bilson, burglary.
State of Kansas v. W. Steadman, grand larceny.
Second Day.
John Brooks v. E. B. Kager, County Treasurer.
A. H. Green v. Sarah E. Requa.
Joel E. Cox v. Mary J. Cox.
Geo. Hafer v. H. C. Catran.
J. M. Alexander, et al., v. W. W. Andrews.
M. L. Read v. S. C. Winton et al.
State of Kansas ex rel Cessna v. A. J. Thurman.
Third Day.
J. W. Blizard v. J. G. Titus.
Frank Porter v. E. W. Coulson et al.
D. Thompson v. A. H. Buckwalter.
M. D. Wells & Co. v. T. E. Gilleland.
Chas. Seacat v. S. E. Hostetter et al.
Amelia Ragland v. R. P. Akers.
Fourth Day.
A. W. Gault v. T. Hargrove et al.
R. B. Waite v. Cowley Commissioners.
Mary H. Buck v. J. B. Southard et al.
M. H. Buck v. J. A. Tipton et al.
G. P. Strumm v. J. A. Stevens et al.
B. Crapster v. C. E. Houx et al.
J. C. McMullen v. L. Tipton et al.
Graham & Moffit v. J. F. Berner et al.
Boyle & Melville v. E. R. Evans et al.
T. H. Barrett v. J. S. Garris et al.
L. Frederick v. Co. Commissioners.
S. C. Harris v. Sanford Day et al.
Fifth Day.
Mary H. Buck v. D. J. Bright et al.
W. R. Sears v. H. Collum et al.
L. G. Yoe et al. v. T. E. Gilleland.
E. H. Gallup v. Calvin Coon.
R. B. Waite v. Henry Schneider.
M. L. Wilson v. H. B. Rude et al.
J. H. Hill et al. v. G. A. Jackson et al.
Rebecca Turner v. F. C. Davis et al.
Sixth Day.
E. C. Seward v. S. H. Myton et al.
Mary H. Buck v. J. K. Stevens et al.
C. C. Harris v. J. B. Lynn.
Parker & Canfield v. E. B. Kager et al.
J. C. McMullen v. M. A. Bowers et al.
Elizabeth Meyer v. W. H. Brown et al.
J. W. Hamilton v. J. D. Pryor et al.
Nancy Bishop v. E. B. Johnson.