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Winfield Courier 1878

Bill: Adding new material Kay overlooked!
Starting with May 16, 1878, Editorial Column, up to where Kay had “More Personals”, June 20, 1878, with first article being “Was It Right?
More new material later on. [From July 18, 1878, through August 22, 1878.]

                                               THE WINFIELD COURIER.
                              [From May 16, 1878, through December 26, 1878.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 16, 1878.
Our readers should be very careful about taking one hundred dollar bills nowadays. The country is flooded with counterfeits.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Next week the directors of the A., T. & S. F. R. R. will meet at Topeka. It is possible that they will at that time make a proposition to construct their road into this county next season. Should they fail to do so, we must make the best terms we can with the K. C., B. & S. F. Co. without delay. Major Schofield, the president of the last named road, will be here to see us in June. He will do all he can for us and we believe that he will succeed in building us a road within a year.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
                                           OTTER TOWNSHIP, May 10, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: I have been told that, in almost every neighborhood in this county, there are parties holding claims unentered, whose settlements date from two to four, and five years back. It is the duty of the citizens of such neighborhoods to encourage new settlers coming in to take such claims, and to protect them in so doing. If a man cannot afford to enter his claim after a two years’ settlement, he owes a duty to the taxpayers of the county to sell out to someone who can enter it. But that class of settlers who have been holding their claims for several years unentered, having good improvements, and being abundantly able to enter their lands, but refuse, in order to shirk from taxes (and I am told that there are many such), are bad citizens, unwilling to bear their part with their neighbors in sustaining the state, county, and township governments, thereby compelling their neighbors to pay for them, and certainly deserve no protection. And it is the duty of the people to see that such parties enter their land at once, or to put settlers on them who will. Every acre of land, when entered, lessens the taxes on every other acre of entered land in the county, and it would be a grand thing if every acre of land in the county was entered.
                                                           EVEN JUSTICE.

Of course, there can be no such thing as even justice now. Many of those who have entered their lands have done so at such an immense sacrifice as has crippled them for getting ahead, and their lands which they have struggled to save must be sold either at private sale or on foreclosure to pay off mortgages made to raise the entrance money and swelled to enormous proportions by excessive interest. Those who were able to enter their lands without distressing themselves have been deprived of the use of that money in other ways. All have had their taxes to pay on their lands which cannot be returned, and which those who have not entered ought to have helped to pay. Those who have entered are damaged beyond remuneration and we can only do what can be done to terminate this inequality and help them out in other ways.
But all this is no reason that those who have not entered their lands should be too precipitately hurried into measures that will cripple them in the same way. They ought to pay their share of the taxes of course, but it is scarcely possible to get their claims on the tax rolls of this year. If it is possible to provide that their claims shall pay a due proportion of tax without distressing them, it should be done. That others have done so is no good reason that these should be compelled to pay a ruinous interest to raise entrance money. That we have been unfortunate is no reason that we should desire others to be so. Mr. Ryan’s bill seems to be the best plan of relief yet suggested. It provides that the lands shall be immediately entered by paying one-fourth of the entrance money or $50, per quarter section down, and one, two, and three years given for three remaining one-fourth payments, and that the lands shall be taxed from the first payment. This is as near an equality as we can get, and at the same time makes the payments easy to the settler. We hope this bill will be hurried up and become a law, and we appeal to Mr. Ryan and to Congress to attend to this important measure and give us the needed relief at once. In the meantime we would say to the neighbors of these settlers on unentered claims: Do not encourage the jumping of these claims. Many of the claimants are poor but hard working, estimable men. Help them along. If they are improving their claims in good faith, discourage all interference with them. It is only those who are pretending to hold claims for purposes of speculation and without improving them who are not entitled to consideration.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878. Editorial Page.
It is said that an effort will be made next winter to make a new county of portions of Sumner, Cowley, Butler, and Sedgwick. They cannot have any of Cowley for such a purpose. If any man attempts to cut a corner off from Cowley, “shoot him on the spot.”
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878. Editorial Page.
Skipped a long article by editor re the structure of rocks brought about by comments of correspondent, Timothy Sly.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Frost last Thursday night.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Lots of strangers in town.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
A fire wasn’t so bad Sunday.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Dutch Creek seems to be a regular loadstone for young men.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
John C. Roberts returned from the Black Hills last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
W. W. Thomas, of Maple City, is attending court this week as a juror.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.

Jay Page keeps the only ice in town and that’s used only for “medical purposes.”
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Miss Libby Curry, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugene Baird, for the past few weeks, has returned to her home in Linn County.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
It appears from the caucus returns of C. C. Pierce, township trustee, that Winfield Township has increased for the past year 1,098, or seventy-five percent.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Mr. Blue and son of Indianapolis, Indiana, have been surveying Cowley County, and are so well pleased that they will make a permanent settlement in the same.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Persons convicted of violating city ordinances, or failing to pay fines, are hereafter to be put to work upon the streets at 50 cents per day until the debt is liquidated.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Some three weeks ago Mr. Lilburn Smith, of Harvey Township, accidentally cut his left hand with a knife, the blade cutting the arch of the arteries, cutting it to the palm of the hand. The bleeding was stopped at the time and it was supposed that the cut had healed. On Wednesday night, however, the wound began to bleed, compelling Mr. Smith to come to Winfield for treatment. On Friday, in Dr. Emerson’s office, Dr. Mendenhall, assisted by Drs. Black and Mansfield, opened the forearm in two places taking out the arteries and tying them. The operation was a severe and a delicate one. At this time the patient seems as well as could be expected. He is at A. A. Jackson’s.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Statistical items of Maple Township, Cowley County, Kansas.
No. of acres under cultivation: 5,372.
No. of acres of land but all claimed: 1,440.
No. of acres of unclaimed school land: 960.
No. acres wheat: 3,055.
No. acres corn: 1,906.
No. acres oats: 529.
No. of families residing in township March 1, 1878: 89.
No. of dwelling houses: 94.
No. of inhabitants 1877: 416.
No. of inhabitants 1878: 471.
Increase by birth: 18.
There are residing in Maple Township two bachelors that do their own cooking; thirty-five single men over the age of 21 years; twenty-five young women over 16 years of age; two widows and seven widowers; and three blind men.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
W. D. Roberts has gone to Wichita.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Wichita is infested with sneak thieves.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.

There are rabbits and rabbits in the country.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Dr. Gridley, of Oxford, was in on business Saturday.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Max Shoeb has the premium sidewalk in front of his residence.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
N. J. Larkin, Esq., of Polo, came to the queen city last Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
R. F. Burden and S. M. Fall, of Lazette, were with us Saturday.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
O. S. Record will open school in district 22, Maple Township, Monday next.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
I. L. Comfort says he will cut wood for the next 90 days for 15 cents an hour.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Mr. Charley Smith, of Vernon, was shaking hands with Winfield friends Saturday.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Dr. Amick, of Scipio, Indiana, is looking at Cowley County with a view of locating.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
On May 20th Col. Manning picked ripe cherries. We had some ripe ones this morning.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Mr. A. H. Smith, Lieutenant Ledlie, and Mr. Wiley, of Cedar Township, were in the city this morning.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Tell W. Walton called on us yesterday. He is running the surveying business of Sumner County this year.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Mr. T. J. Brooks, of Silver Creek Township, was in town last Tuesday. Such brooks are worth more than rivers.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
J. C. Walter, a successful hotel man from Wichita, was in town yesterday looking up a hotel location in a live place.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Charley Harter enters gracefully upon his court duties as sheriff. He has no bluster; but is always decided, prompt, and efficient.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
S. M. Jarvis, farmer, journalist, gentleman, and good fellow generally, is getting well read up in law. He should apply for admission.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Chas. H. Eagan has returned to Rock Township from Ohio, where he has been spending the summer. His law shingle hangs out again.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
E. S. Bedilion has posted large cards in the courtroom notifying witnesses that they must come up to the clerk’s desk and claim their fees or they will not be likely to get them.

Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Fred Kropp is building back of our office a machine for sawing stone. We hope and believe it will be a success, and will beat the chisel, hammer, and adze by a large majority.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
A letter from Hon. Thos. Ryan to Hon. J. McDermott says: “The P. O. Department has ordered daily mail between Winfield and Cedarvale, to take effect July 1st.” This gives us a daily mail to Independence.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Since giving the dimensions of M. L. Robinson’s flagstone, we have doubted the correctness of the dimensions we had given of the one belonging to Mr. Allison. We have therefore sent a young lady, with an accurate eye, to view the latter. She reports it is 11 feet wide, 18 feet long, and 9 inches thick.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Since the new dispensation at the post office (which deprives the postmaster of box rent and compels him to promptly remit to the department the amount of all such rents) a person who is behind on his rent is liable to find that his box has a new owner. Box rent, if nothing else, should be paid in advance.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
The mails between this place and Wichita are so irregular as to have ceased to be convenient. One day the stage leaves at 9 or 10 o’clock, a.m., and the next before businessmen get up. This is all wrong; and if Mr. Tisdale desires to retain the good will of this community, as he has hitherto, he will see to the matter at once.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 14th day of May, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Brown, Miss Hannah; Bills, Ellen M.; Buckwalter, Morgan; Brown, Edith L.; Bell, Callie; Brown, J. S.; Bowman, Henry; Baumgardner, John; Condit, Joseph; Davis, Edward; Graham, Mrs. E. A.; Gibson, Albert; Green, John; Greenley, J. H.; Hamilton, J. C.; Huey, George; Hawks, H.; Hayworth, Samuel.
SECOND COLUMN: Hammond, C. S.; Jones, Thos. L.; Nilson, Wm.; Pickering, R. W.; Rhodes, Amos; Stodart, Wm. D.; Stewart, Joseph; Smith, J. C.; Smither, John; Thompson, A. A.; Tubbs, Mrs. Evaline; Truitt, T. H.; Troup, Charles; Torrance, G. F.; Wolcot, C. F.; Willet, E. L.; Warriner, G.; Walters, Miss Mattie; Yunt, Joseph.
                                                  THE HOSTETLER CASE.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
It may not be exactly appropriate, after a prisoner is acquitted, to make comments favoring the idea of his guilt, but the verdict in the Hostetler case is, to say the least, remarkable. Among all the people in the crowded house who heard the evidence in that case, probably not one uninterested person, excepting the jury men, would say that there was any doubt of the prisoner’s guilt; at least every such person with whom we have conversed on the subject, and they are many, has expressed the profoundest conviction of his guilt.

It is true that the witnesses for the state came into court tainted; and it was easy to believe them capable of forming a conspiracy and, perhaps, of perjury. However, it is not reasonable to believe that four witnesses should testify positively, directly, and consistently with each other to a series of acts which never occurred, particularly when the testimony itself was of such a nature as to criminate themselves and make them odious.
It must also be considered that as a rule witnesses who know the facts in a dirty case like this are likely to be dirty witnesses; therefore, there could be rarely a conviction if such evidence was to be entirely ignored.
We think, in this case, that the witnesses for the state were of a character at least as high as usual in such a case, and cannot doubt that the main features of their testimony was true.
                                                       Agricultural Society.
                                                Minutes of the Organization.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Pursuant to a call heretofore issued, a large assembly of representative men from different portions of Cowley County congregated at the courthouse in Winfield at 2 p.m., Saturday.
S. M. Fall, of Windsor, was chosen temporary chairman of the meeting and W. M. Allison, of Winfield, was chosen temporary secretary.
The chairman having requested that some gentleman should state the object of the  meeting, Col. J. J. Alexander responded with impressive and well considered remarks. The scope and design of the organization was further discussed by Messrs. J. B. Callison, W. B. Nauman, P. M. Wait, E. E. Bacon, and Solomon Wise, and words of encouragement came from each.
On motion the chairman appointed the following committee on permanent organization: E. P. Kinne, A. Walck, Chas. McClung, S. Phenix, A. A. Wiley, and E. E. Bacon.
The committee having retired for duty, Capt. S. W. Greer, having been called upon, spoke warmly and interestingly in favor of the permanent organization of a Cowley County Agricultural Society.
The roll of townships was also called to ascertain how large a representation from the county was present. Richland, Maple, Ninnescah, Vernon, Tisdale, Silver Creek, Windsor, Sheridan, Liberty, Pleasant Valley, Beaver, Silverdale, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Winfield responded.
The committee on permanent organization having completed their labors reported as follows, which report was unanimously adopted.
                                                    Permanent Organization.
                                          Cowley County Agricultural Society.
President: J. W. Millspaugh.
Vice President: S. M. Fall.
Secretary: E. E. Bacon.
Assistant Secretary: W. H. Grow.
Corresponding Secretary: S. W. Greer.
Treasurer: J. M. Alexander.
Executive Committee: E. P. Kinne, A. A. Wiley, R. F. Burden, Ed. Green, Dr. A. S. Capper, O. P. Darst, E. C. Manning.

Col. Alexander, Mr. Manning, and Mr. Millspaugh each asked to be excused from service in the organization; but the audience would accept no declinations.
Upon discussion it developed that the most satisfactory plan upon which to base the society was to incorporate it under the state law and issue shares of stock. On motion, after discussion, the shares will be 2,000 in number at five dollars each. The executive committee will meet at the courthouse next Thursday, at 1 p.m., to perfect the organization.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Note: Creswell and Bolton Townships not present. Apparent Winfield started this organization.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
The Methodist Sunday school talks of a picnic.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Burt Covert was subpoenaed to appear before a certain committee yesterday appointed by the court, and was interrogated without being sworn, and as he was about to answer, he said:
“Hold on here, must I tell this thing under oath or must I tell it straight?”
He was told, “Tell it straight.”
                                                       Ninnescah Township.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Wheat filling nicely.
Weather a little dry for late corn and garden truck.
Light frost Friday morning; no damage done of any consequence.
Some potato tops and corn nipped a little in the lowest bottoms.
BIRTH. Esq. P. W. Smith rejoices in the possession of a nine and half pound daughter and is correspondingly happy.
J. W. Bilsing is doing good work repairing the highways in road district No. 2. What is the matter with the road masters in the other districts?
There seems to be considerable prairie breaking done here this season: prices ranging from $2.00 to $2.75 per acre.
Wm. South is about to dig a well.
Enos Harlan has purchased a harvester to harvest his 90 acres of wheat. WIDE AWAKE.
May 11, 1878.
                                                  District Court Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Wednesday, May 8. Charles Eagin, attorney from Rock, appeared in court today.
G. & C. Merriam vs. T. A. Wilkinson. Entered on the docket, and by confession, judgment rendered for plaintiffs.
The court has been occupied all day in the incest case of State vs. Hostetler.
The evidence was all in about 2:30 p.m. The charge of the court was elaborate and clear, and the arguments of the County Attorney, McDermott for the state, and of Mr. Torrance for the defense, were eloquent, searching, and exhaustive. Mr. Torrance addressed the jury for over four hours, when the court adjourned until this morning at 8 o’clock, when Mr. McDermott will again address the jury, and the jury will retire to consider their verdict.

The jurors trying this case are: Stephen Elkins, James Jackson, John M. Gates, Thessius McGinnis, Abijah Howard, Daniel Hunt, Clark Bryant, A. R. Davis, Samuel Huey, J. W. Miller, and Thos. Chaffey.
Thursday, May 9. State vs. N. Hostetler.
Hon. J. McDermott made his closing address to the jury, who retired, and a short time before noon brought in a verdict of “not guilty.” The defendant was discharged.
Amelia Ragland vs. Rufus P. Akers, set for trial on Tuesday next.
Rufus B. Waite vs. County Commissioners, set for trial Wednesday next.
C. C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn, set for trial Tuesday next.
The Sheriff’s Sales of real estate in the following cases were confirmed by the court and deeds ordered to be made by the sheriff to the purchasers.
M. L. Read vs. A. Menor, et al.
M. L. Read vs. O. Menor et al.
M. L. Read vs. W. H. Hitchcock et al.
M. L. Read vs. A. Menor and R. Menor.
W. S. Pane vs. Benj. Bodwell et al.
C. C. Harris vs. William Bartlow et al.
State vs. Frank G. Cody called for trial.
Jurymen empaneled were: J. M. Mark, J. B. Vandeventer, Lewis Stevens, W. L. Gilman, W. C. Davis, W. W. Thomas, S. Martin, James Byers, H. C. Catlin, C. Northrup, H. L. Barker, and W. E. Tensey. [Tansey?]
The prisoner is charged with mayhem in biting off the finger of a Mr. Roberts. James McDermott, attorney for the state. Hackney and McDonald for the defendant.
The trial terminated in a verdict of acquittal by the jury.
State vs. Chas. H. Turner, peace warrant, was tried by the court. McDermott, Hackney, and McDonald for the State; and Webb and Black for defendant. Defendant discharged.
State vs. Samuel Houston. Plea in abatement overruled.
J. C. McMullen vs. James Stiner et al. Judgment for plaintiff by default.
Lizzie M. Martin vs. M. D. L. Devore et al. Judgment for plaintiff by default and foreclosure of mortgage.
J. H. Hill vs. Geneva Jackson et al.; set for Monday next.
E. Meyer vs. W. H. Brown et al. Demurrer withdrawn and answer filed.
State vs. William H. Bilson; called and trial proceeded. Offense grand larceny.
Jury empaneled as follows: J. M. Mark, J. B. Vandeventer, James Jackson, W. S. Gilman, M. A. Kelsey, J. W. Miller, John W. Gates, S. Elkins, J. H. Mounts, Abijah Howard, D. A. Byers, S. Martin.
County Attorney appeared in behalf of the state and E. S. Torrance, H. Asp, and Amos Walton for the defendant. The case occupied the whole day and will come up again this morning.
Friday, May 11th.
Motion to admit C. H. Payson to the bar. Court appointed S. D. Pryor, J. E. Allen, and L. B. Kellogg a committee of examination. Committee reported favorably and applicant admitted.
State vs. Wm. Steadman. Plea in abatement overruled.

Ballou vs. Braker. Judgment entered against Ballou for the costs.
State vs. Bilson. Trial continued. This was on the charge of burglary instead of grand larceny, as stated yesterday. The case was argued by counsel and submitted at about noon, when the jury retired and court adjourned for all purposes except to receive the verdict, to Monday morning at 8 o’clock.
State vs. Bilson. At about 11 o’clock on Saturday evening the jury returned a verdict of burglary in the second degree.
Monday, May 13, State vs. Houston: two indictments for grand larceny.
Defendant was arraigned and plead guilty on both.
State vs. Steadman. Defendant was arraigned and plead “not guilty.”
J. H. Hill vs. Jackson et al.
The demurrer was argued until late in the afternoon by J. W. McDonald for plaintiff and Coldwell and Coldwell for defendant. Demurrer sustained and defendant has leave to file answer by general denial.
State vs. Wm. Steadman, grand larceny.
County Attorney James McDermott appeared for the state and E. S. Torrance and Henry Asp for Defendant.
The following are the names of the jurors sworn to try the case, after which the court adjourned till eight o’clock this morning, when it will proceed to trial.
Jurors: J. M. Mark, B. B. Vandeventer, S. Elkins, J. Jackson, John M. Gates, T. McGinnis, J. H. Mounts, A. Howard, D. A. Byers, H. C. Catlin, H. C. McDorman [McDorman?], S. Martin, W. W. Thomas, J. W. Miller, A. C. Davis, and W. S. Gilman.
Tuesday, May 14.
State vs. W. H. Bilson. Motion for a new trial heard and overruled.
Notice of a motion in arrest of judgment.
State vs. William Steadman. Trial concluded.
The jury brought in a verdict of guilty of grand larceny.
Amelia Ragland vs. Rufus P. Akers. Motion to dismiss overruled.
Geo. Hafer vs. H. C. Catlin. Suit for damage resulting from a prairie fire.
Tried by jury: verdict for defendant.
Albert Minnick vs. H. F. Boynton. Sale of real estate confirmed.
H. H. Hill vs. Jackson et al. Continued to next term.
Amelia Ragland vs. Rufus P. Akers.
Appeal from Justice’s court by defendant. Dismissed by defendant at his costs.
                                   ESTATE OF ZIMRI STUBBS, DECEASED.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
                                                         Publication Notice.
In the Probate Court of said Cowley County.
In the matter of the Estate of Zimri Stubbs, deceased.
To the creditors and all other persons interested in the said Estate above named:

You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the undersigned Administratrix of the said Estate of Zimri Stubbs, deceased, intends to make final settlement of the affairs of the said Estate, and of her accounts as administratrix thereof, in the Probate Court of the said County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, at the next term thereof, to be begun and held at the Probate Courtroom in the Courthouse, in the City of Winfield, in the County of Cowley aforesaid, on the first Monday in July next, the same being the July 1878 term of the said Probate Court.
                                                        MERCY M. FUNK,
Administratrix of the Estate of Zimri Stubbs, deceased.
HACKNEY & McDONALD, Attorneys.
                                                   David C. Beach, Lawyer.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Will practice in all the courts of the state.
Office with Curns & Manser, Main Street.
[Note: Did not type up interesting story by A. S. Corey concerning incidents of 1857 and 1868 in Wyandotte County, Kansas, printed in Courier Supplement, Thursday, May 16, 1878. Very Long! Covers Quindaro, where news of the sacking of Lawrence arrived May 21st, etc. Mentions Topeka convention, locomotives passing up the river on the steamer “Delaware” for the Hannibal and St. Joe Railroad. Mentions the mistreatment of slaves, murders, etc.]
                              Recap Only: Educational Events in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                                            By R. C. Story.
                                                      Monthly Report—April.
The Normal Institute of Cowley County will be held in Winfield beginning on Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, and closing Wednesday, the 31st day of July, 1878.
Prof. John B. Holbrook, of Ripley Normal School, Tennessee, will act as conductor. Prof. Holbrook is highly endorsed by leading educators in the State as one eminently qualified to make our Normal a complete success.
Prof. George W. Robinson, principal of the city schools of Winfield, will assist in the management of the Institute. Professor Robinson’s success as an instructor in normals and high schools is too well known to call for further praise. . . .
Teachers are requested to note the following requirements for certificates.
Grade “A,” two years, calls for a standing in every branch of not less than 90 percent, and an average of 95 percent, in all.
Grade 1, one year, calls for a standing of not less than 90 percent in all.
Grade 2, six months, calls for an average of 75 percent in all branches, and not less than 70 percent in any one study.
An examination for county certificates will be held, beginning on the 1st day of August  at 8 o’clock a.m.
An examination for state certificates will be held in Winfield, beginning August 26, at 8 o’clock a.m., and continuing through the 27th and 28th.

All parties desiring to attend said examination are requested to write to me at an early day for further particulars.
                                                           STATE NEWS.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
$54,000 of the railroad bonds of Lawrence have been compromised.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
A gentleman caught and brought in town last Tuesday a pair of young flying squirrels, which he captured about two miles up the Neosho River. He says there are quite a large number of them, where he obtained the pair. Emporia Sun.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The Winfield Courier came out Tuesday as a daily. It will be a daily during the session of the court—about ten days. The paper contains twenty columns, is well filled with news of interest to everyone who may come to Winfield, and is a credit to the publishers. The COURIER has a new dress, having recently purchased new brevier and new nonpareil type.
                                                  EDITORIAL COLUMNS.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                                      Arkansas City Items.
Capt. Walton’s steamer has just been down the “Rackensack” twenty-five miles and returned without difficulty. He is now loading at Arkansas City with flour for the Pawnee Agency, 125 miles by the river.
A mule team ran away in town on Thursday, but were brought up by meeting a tree at the Central Avenue House.
The roads dried up Thursday so as to become good traveling again.
John Brown will commence his barley harvest the beginning of next week.
The pile driving for the Arkansas River Bridge is completed.
Scott, of the Traveler, was in town yesterday and furnished us the above items.
                                                      Other Editorial Items.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Corn planting, corn plowing, and corn eating is the fashion here. Corn that is up looks fine.
Strawberries are ripe and just think—Stephen Elkins is in town courting. The sheriff ought to take some single man for that purpose.
There are seven breaking teams running within the neighborhood of Baltimore and a prospect that some of the prairie will be turned this season. Dr. Lytle, from Tisdale, has been fixing up the old store building at this place and is intending to move therein, May 13th. The citizens around about are glad to get a doctor so near them. We wish him success.
May 11, 1878. CAESAR.
                                                    Richland, May 14, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Frost Thursday night, 9th inst.
We had a fine rain Sunday night.
Weather quite cool for a few days past.

Miss Mary Pontious is teaching school at Prairie Grove: thirty scholars on the register.
Several accidents this week:
T. Allen was kicked by a colt.
Elsie McKinney fell out of a window and fractured her arm.
Cottingham shot a duck on the Walnut.
A fishing party on Timber got more nibbles than fish.
Another fishing party going to the mouth of the Walnut this week to lift those big catfish over the dam.
Wheat is almost ready for the reaper, and a finer prospect never blessed our township.
Court damaged the corn crop in this vicinity several thousand bushels. Farmers can’t attend court and cultivate corn too.
The roads are lined with teams hauling wheat to El Dorado and Wichita to make room for the new crop.
Fruit is promising.
Farmers busy as bees.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Robert Orr to Rebecca Orr, s. ½ of se. ¼ 5; and e. ½ of ne. ¼ 9-34-8.
Thomas H. Henderson and wife to James I. Mitchell, 4 acres of nw ¼ 11-34-4.
James I. Mitchell and wife to James R. Moore, same tract.
James I. Mitchell and wife to J. R. Moore, se. 10-34-4.
John Scott and wife to Geo. H. Scott, se. ¼ 9-30-4.
E. N. Darling and wife to Abraham Maurer, s. ¼ of sw. ¼ 32-33-3.
C. A. Williston and wife to Isaac Gatton, lots 3 and 4 and s. ½ of nw. ¼ 4-32-6.
John Montgomery to Astasia [?] Campbell, w. of sw. ½ and sw. ¼ of nw. ¼, 36-33-4.
U. S. to Oliver P. Miller, sw. ¼ 28-31-5.
Sarah E. Oldham and husband to Catharine Holmes, part of ne ¼. 33-32-4.
E. S. Torrance and wife to A. H. Green, lot 11, block 165 and lot 11, block 68, Winfield.
Andrew Akin to E. S. Torrance, lots 11 and 12, block 165; lot 11, block 68, Winfield.
Robert Jordan to David Rodocker, lot 2, block 107, Winfield.
Mary R. Martin and husband to N. C. Millhouse, lot 5, block 90, Winfield.
Alvin Bisbee and wife to John Q. Alter, lots 10 and 11, block 168, Winfield.
J. L. Rusbridge to Priscilla Jarvis, lots 9 and 10, block 944, Winfield.
E. C. Manning and wife to Hannah Marquis, lots 7, 8, and 9, block 51, Winfield.
E. C. Manning and wife to Hannah Marquis, lots 7, 8, and 9, block 51, Winfield.
E. C. Manning and wife to Julia Shields, lot 2, block 10, Manning’s addition to Winfield.
J. M. Clover and wife to R. F. Burden, sw. ¼ of sw. ¼, 16-31-7.
R. D. Miller and wife to John Clover, w. ½ of sw ¼, 16-31-7.
U. S. to Roslem L. Wright, w. ¼, 5-34-4.
S. P. Channell to James H. Griffith, 72 acres off se. ¼, 13-35-3.
Sanford E. Woodward and wife to N. C. Millhouse, nw. ¼, 34-32-5.
Pat. F. Endicott to Samuel Watt, n. ½ of se. ¼, 18-33-4.
Abraham Beauman and wife to W. M. Lee, nw. ¼, 34-31-3.

For the week ending May 13, 1878:
Stephen Grimes to D. Leavitt and husband, sw. 28-31-5; 160 acres, $1,150.
Alex Limerick and wife to Hannah W. Grow, nw. 33-30-4; 160 acres, $2,000.
J. A. McKee and wife to Matilda Miller, w. ½ of se. of se., 27-31-7; 29 acres, $60.
Matilda Miller to McD. Stapleton, same, 27-31-7; 20 acres, $150.
Matilda Miller to McD. Stapleton, w. ½ ne. and e. of w. of se. 27-31-7; 29 acres, $60.
Mary E. Paugh to Robert Allison, part of se. 23-33-4; 107 acres, $1,000.
John W. Jordan and wife to R. B. Waite, nw. of ne. 35-31-3; 40 acres, $200.
Henry P. Stanley to W. C. Laguire [?Maguire?], w. ½ off ne. 30-34-5; 80 acres, $175.
Hannah M. Grow to Alice G. Limerick, nw. 33-30-4; 160 acres, $2,000.
Laura A. Wise to Abram Fitzsimmons, se. 20-30-3; 150 acres.
Mary E. Davis to W. F. Davis and wife, nw. and se. and e. of sw. 36-32-5 and sw. 25-32-5; 500 acres.
J. B. Lynn and wife to W H. Foults, lot 5, block 118, Winfield, $35.
E. C. Manning and wife to James Perkins, lot 10, block 127, Winfield, $50.
Winfield Town Company to Stephen Brown, lot 5, block 117, Winfield, $50.
                                                        Two Horses Stolen.
                                          One Thief Shot Dead in the Attempt.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878. Editorial Page.
About one o’clock last Monday morning, two men attempted to steal a pair of horses belonging to J. W. Feagans that were picketed near his house. Mr. Feagans had been warned by the Stock Protective Union that there were suspicious characters about, and to keep a look out. Once before an attempt was made to steal his team and he went to bed very nervous. About one o’clock he was awakened by L. C. Norton’s mules snorting, and grabbed up his gun and went out to the horses. When about fifteen paces from them he saw two men on their backs. He leveled his Spencer rifle on the nearest one, and pulled the trigger just as he heard the click of the thief’s pistol. After the re port of the gun he saw the man fall on the horse’s withers and heard him groan as if in terrible agony. In a few minutes both of the thieves were out of sight; but in about an hour the horse that had the wounded man on its back returned.
Monday morning the two squads of the Union under charge of Captains Hoffmaster and Lorry were ordered out, and some of them are yet scouring the country.
About nine o’clock Lyman Herrick brought back the other horse, which he found tied to a tree on Shilocco Creek, about six miles from the state line. The lariat was spotted with blood, and it is supposed was used to tie the wounded man on the horse.
Within a day or two we shall know if the men are dead or alive. Arkansas City Traveler.
                                                          Cedar Township.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 23, 1878. Editorial Page.
MARRIED. Mr. Robt. E. Howe was married to Miss Susan L. Jay, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Sunday, the 1st inst.
There was rather an amusing incident connected with this marriage. It seems that Mr. Howe came to Winfield for his license and after calling on Judge Gans, he went and made arrangements with Rev. M. V. Phillips to go and tie the knot on Saturday evening, the 11th of May.

The long looked for time arrived—everything was in readiness, “Barkis was willin’”— but no minister came. Disappointed, Robert took himself off, and the next morning before breakfast called on Esq. Miller. In vain the squire pleaded for Bob to wait until after breakfast; but was told that “No, he had started out for someone to marry him and he would be darned if he wasn’t going to find him.” Reluctantly the squire accompanied him.
Arriving at Jay’s things were soon ready; the knot was tied, breakfast eaten, and the happy couple started off together chewing gum. I GUESS.
                                                           Bushnell Items.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878. Editorial Page.
Bushnell House well down far enough—15 feet of water and more coming.
After digging to rock, they drilled through it, the drill dropping about three feet after getting through the rock, and the water came up with such force that one man could not hold a hand spike in the drill hole tight enough to stop it. It is thought that if they had a tube, the water would have been forced above the level of the ground.
Napier & Randall have enlarged and repaired their storeroom and furnished it with new counters and shelves preparatory to getting on a full new stock of general merchandise.
Several new settlers expected soon.
Mr. Barnes, our blacksmith, is rather under the weather, but is getting able to work part of the time. B. T. SHNELL.
                                                          Beaver Jottings.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878. Editorial Page.
The muscles of the farmers are now being exercised in corn cultivation. Many of them have advantageously rolled their corn fields.
A few croakers, who are subject to the chronic disposition of prophesying misfortune and evil, and are unable to appreciate the dispensation of a divine Providence, have predicted a fatal injury to the wheat prospects by rust.
Capt. D. Northrup returned home yesterday from a week’s participation in the Followers of Christ’s revival meetings among the unregenerated sons of Adam in the regions east of the Walnut River. He reports several accessions to their very peculiar faith.
Mr. S. E. Beach has this week reduced the height and otherwise improved the appearance of his east line hedge, much to the interest of the picturesque seeker, who is afforded a more commanding view of his magnificent eighty-acre wheat field.
The currency contraction will not compare with the tremendous contraction wrought on the spinal extensions of Messrs. Moses Teeter and D. Northrup’s canines by some inhuman being.
The cottonwood groves of Messrs. W. D. Lester, K. J. Wright, Isaac Beach, D. Northrup, J. W. Browning, and Geo. Teeter add immeasurably to the attractiveness and picturesque scenery of this locality.
BIRTH. An unsuccessful attempt on the part of J. W Browning’s mule to commit suicide on his newly erected barbed wire fence, and the disturbance of the equanimity of this community last Wednesday night by a birth at J. W. B.’s residence conclude the casualties for this week. HORATIUS.

Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The steamboat started yesterday for the Pawnee Agency.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Dr. Thompson, of Tisdale, was in town last week courting.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Mr. R. C. Haywood of Arkansas City made us a call yesterday.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Capt. Walton thinks there is more sand in the Arkansas River than water.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The jurors were all on time Monday morning notwithstanding the bad roads.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                                     THAT STEAMBOAT.
The steamer, “Empire of the West,” is on the docks for repairs.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Thursday was quite cool and a fire was a very comfortable feature in the courtroom.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
DIED. Little Orah, the infant daughter of Mr. S. D. Pryor, died last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Hon. L. B. Kellogg has traded off all his Arkansas City property for Emporia property.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
J. C. Adams, of Thayer, called on us yesterday. He is looking in our county for a location.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Hon. R. H. Nichols, Mr. Stoddard, and Mr. Barber, of Elk Falls, are in the city stopping at the American.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Judge Campbell had to hold court at Wichita this week, and for that reason the docket was not completed.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Winfield seems to be gradually absorbing the best businessmen of all the neighboring towns and the surrounding country.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Sheridan Township was well represented last week by witnesses in attendance at the trial of the case of Wilson versus Wagner.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
John C. Roberts informs us that the Black Hills country is greatly overdone this season; but not quite so badly as last year.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
W. H. Melville says he will commence cutting his wheat on Monday, the 20th. It promises to yield about 25 bushels per acre.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
J. M. Clover, of Lazette, was in town yesterday. He was taking a short breathing spell before attacking his splendid field of wheat.

Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Winfield has lately fairly blossomed out with new signs. Some signs are only in the bud as yet; but will be in full bloom in a few days.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
J. B. Corson, of Vernon, called on us yesterday. He is one of the substantial farmers of the county; has a fine farm with 4,500 cultivated trees on it, of which 700 are bearing fruit trees.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Harter Brothers have sold out their stock of goods on Main Street to O. E. Kimball, of Oxford, who will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. Kimball is represented as an excellent businessman.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
J. M. Dever, Winfield’s “boss” baker, brought us a batch of the best Boston brown bread, just baked, for breakfast this bright and beautiful morning. It carried us back to our boyhood’s days and our early New England home.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
A. A. Wiley, of Spring Creek, called yesterday and told us some of the things he “knows about farming,” which strike us as sound, practical sense. He has two good farms in the county and raises grain and fruit, but depends most upon his stock for making money.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The addresses delivered to the jury in the case of Harris versus Day et al., by Hon. Jas. McDermott, Frank S. Jennings, and J. Wade McDonald are all spoken of as forensic oratory of a high order. But few cases have been tried in so thorough and exhaustive a manner as was this.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Arkansas City takes a holiday trip today. Maj. Sleeth and wife go to Ohio, Mrs. Channell, Mrs. Thompson, and David Thompson go to Canada, Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Haywood go to New England, Charles Gallert and others to California, S. P. Channell goes to Oregon, Dr. Shepard and wife go to Missouri.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Nelson C. Clark, of Vernon, has sent us some samples of his wheat. The heads are long, large, and well filled with plump wheat ripe enough for harvest. We understand that he will commence his wheat harvest during this week. Sample peaches which he sent in measure four inches in circumference.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Some think our post office very much crowded at the time of the evening mail; but we have some satisfaction in knowing that there are some places where it is much greater. Mr. Roberts informs us that he has been obliged to wait three hours at Deadwood in order to get an opportunity to inquire for mail.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.

Base ball is to have another run this year; and there will be the usual number of noses driven in, eyes knocked out, and fingers mashed. Six traveling clubs (from Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Providence, and Boston) are already in the field, and Cincinnati has already won six games. The fever has not struck Winfield yet.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
One of the lawyers, in examining M. G. Troup for admittance to the bar, was noticed to speak very low and get as close as possible to the applicant; and when a brother lawyer asked him why he didn’t speak up so somebody could hear him, he whispered:
“Hang it all; hush! I don’t want to expose my ignorance in this business.”
We would tell who it was but—L. J.—beer promised, you know—can’t do it!
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
County Attorney McDermott has received a letter from A. K. Melton, who is now in Texas, which says that the mason’s handbook (which was produced as evidence in the case of the State versus W. H. Bilson), is his book and that a gold pen and silver pen holder which were found on the person of Bilson, are his. The letter could not be produced in evidence; neither could a deposition be taken on account of it being a criminal action.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
While the bailiff had the jury in the jury room Saturday, they sent out for additional instructions from the court, and the bailiff was sent for Judge Campbell. The bailiff returned, unable to find Judge Campbell. The Undersheriff, Jim Hill, then attempted to go in, saying it was some d      d little thing that he could tell them just as well as the court; but the bailiff insisted upon “holding the fort,” and the public will never know what Jim’s instructions to the jury might have been.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The trustees have all made their reports and the following are the census returns for Cowley County by townships.
Beaver: 684
Bolton: 868
Cedar: 443
Creswell: 1,092
Dexter: 774
Harvey: 486
Liberty: 407
Maple: 435
Ninnescah: 425
Omnia: 297
Otter: 675
Pleasant Valley: 492
Richland: 902
Rock Creek: 933
Silver Creek: 452
Spring Creek: 261
Sheridan: 559
Silverdale: 547
Tisdale: 721
Vernon: 7555

Windsor: 678
Winfield: 2,542
[Note: Hard to read...some figures above could be wrong.]
Total Population: 15,390
Families: 2,893
Dwellings: 2,798
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The newest thing or implement in the way of agricultural machinery brought to our notice is a hedge “crusher,” “trimmer,” or “former,” we don’t know what to call it. Last Thursday, at the invitation of the proprietor, we proceeded to Sam Hoover’s farm, one mile east of town, where the new machine was being tested. The hedge was twelve feet high, ten feet wide, and six years old, and very strong and heavy. The machine was being pulled by four horses, and the way it gathered in, mashed down, and compressed that hedge was a caution. The fence was left two feet wide and two and a half feet high, and so close a rat couldn’t creep through it, and not a limb or shoot cut off. Two men will prepare or compress about one mile per day. The machine costs about $100, and was invented by a man at Augusta, in Butler County, and is owned by a firm in that place. As to owners, sales of right, etc., we suppose those things will be made known through advertisements, and not at our expense.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Two widows in town boast of colonels for beaux.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Harry Foults has built an addition to his residence.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Archie Stewart has built a boss sidewalk in front of his residence.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Mrs. Cody has fenced her lots and built a neat addition to her residence.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The Williams House has two large new signs in front. No one need miss that hotel now.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
People in the southern part of the city complain of certain parties driving across their gardens.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The picture man has come around again and will of course pick up all the loose dollars there are about.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Frank Gallotti’s house was struck and shivered to pieces by lightning Wednesday. It wasn’t a dwelling house, though.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Shenneman & Millspaugh have gone into the sign business heavily. If you cannot find their livery stable, it is because you cannot read.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.

W. A. Hart, from near Douglass, is fitting up the Robert Hudson building on the corner south of the Central Hotel for a restaurant.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
L. H. Phenis, now living at Madison, Greenwood County, was in town last week. He still has a farm on Grouse, in this county, to which he will return in the fall.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
There is a glittering dollar store south of Jackson’s restaurant. It is run on the principle that you pay a quarter for the privilege of paying a dollar for seventy-five cents’ worth of goods.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
“If you want to see a sign that is a sign,” go up on the east side of Main Street and look across at Linn & Gillelen’s store. They have something less than an acre of information set up edgewise.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Last Wednesday morning, during the shower, Jack Foults’s residence was struck by lightning. The inmates received no injury. Three chickens that had crawled under the house for shelter were killed.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                                Equalization of Assessments.
The county commissioners will meet at the office of the county clerk on Monday, June 3rd, at one o’clock p.m., to equalize the assessments returned by the several township trustees. All persons feeling themselves aggrieved by the assessment should attend.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The direct and drying influence of the sun’s rays, combined with the equally benefitting and drying effect of the winds, have been the primary cause of removing and absorbing the dampness from the earth, caused by the late and recent falling of condensed atmosphere.
Yes! And this blasted mud is drying up, too.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The Telegram announces itself five years old and commences its volume six this week, but that story about having the largest circulation of any paper in the county is getting to be a little stale. It has a very large circulation for a county paper, beyond a doubt. We suppose its circulation is about half as great as that of the COURIER, and that is saying a great deal.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
LIGHTNING. There was a ball of lightning passed across block 107 in Winfield, near the ground, Wednesday, passing through James Kirk’s blacksmith shop. No one was hit, but it was a shocking affair. Mr. Kirk, a Mr. Cary, and several others were considerably shocked, and Mrs. Dixon was so stunned that she did not recover for an hour. Royal Tucker says: “It knocked the bottom out of my pocket.”
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
A. T. Stewart, not the man that died, but the live, active, energetic A. T., has been in town a few days, and his smiling countenance makes us think of the times when Winfield was in her babyhood. He is doing business with Vaughn & Co., proprietors of “Elevator A,” Kansas City. He has, by his attention and kindness, been of great service to the people of this county who have had business in that city or have visited that place.

Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
M. L. Robinson exhibited to us yesterday a bag of new “dollars of our daddies.” We grabbed a sample and find it is not near so ugly as has been represented. On one side is a substantial female head, named Liberty, surrounded by “E pluribus unum,” thirteen stars, and 1878. On the other side is a frightened eagle, trusting in God, enclosed by “United States of America, one dollar.” Will take them on subscription. Bring them on.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
FRIEND MILLINGTON: This speaks for itself. Please inform the intended parties.
                                              POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT,
                                        Office of Second Assistant P. M. General,
                                             Washington, D. C., May 1st, 1878.
DEAR SIR: As recommended by you, the service on Route 33255, Augusta to Bushnell (late Ninnescah), will be increased to twice a week from July 1, 1878. Respectfully,
                                THOS. J. BUNDY, Second Assistant P. M. General.
                                  HON. THOS. RYAN, House of Representatives.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
GONE TO KANSAS. Mrs. Chas. S. Shue, of the firm of Miller & Shue, plasterers, has sold out and removed with his family to Winfield, Kansas, and will work at his trade there. Mr. Shue while here made many friends and proved himself a good workman. He takes with him the good wishes of his many friends, from whom he will hear regularly through the Journal, which he considers a member of his family [Freeport (Ill.) Journal.]
Mr. Shue came to Kansas and had the good sense to come to the best part of Kansas. He is located in Winfield and has gone into business with G. W. Gully, our councilman. The new firm will be a success.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Mr.            made a stirring and logical speech to the jury in the case of          vs.         . In fact, it was the crowning elocutionary effort of the term. He whispered and roared, he sawed the air and stamped the earth, he soared into the highest regions of eloquence, and, when he had concluded, a visitor gently touched the Sheriff’s arm, who roused himself and proceeded to awaken the court and opposite attorneys that the jury might be instructed.
We did not learn who the above named orator was, but suspect it was either Buckman or Charley Black.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                                    Postal Decisions.
Among recent decisions made by the Post Office Department, are the following.
1. The transportation of flour in the mails is prohibited.
2. No package containing glass, liquids, needles, or anything of a nature to inflict damages, can be sent through the mails.
3. No mail matter whatever, while in the custody of the Postmaster, is subject to any process of garnishment.
4. A telegram from a person requesting that a registered letter be forwarded to another cannot be complied with.

5. Postal clerks refusing or neglecting, by May 15th, to put on the uniform prescribed by the department, will be suspended from duty.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                                         Small Pox.
Our citizens were excited yesterday over t he report that Mr. J. T. Brooks and lady were down with the small pox. We made inquiries and came to the conclusion that the report was true.
The city authorities examined the matter, and the result was that a red flag was placed over the house where the afflicted parties reside as a warning to the unwary, and other means  were taken to prevent the spread of the contagion.
A meeting was called of the city authorities, medical gentlemen, and other persons of experience in such matters to consult on the best course to be pursued, and we are assured that every reasonable precautionary measure will be adopted and enforced. We advise our citizens to stay at home and make home as free from impure air as possible; be careful of their diet and habits; vaccinate and be sure and not get alarmed or excited. The schools should be discontinued for awhile, and also church services and other gatherings of the people. Some kind-hearted persons have visited Mr. and Mrs. Brooks in their illness and been exposed to the contagion. It is possible that some of them will take the disease, and too much precaution cannot be used. The afflicted will be provided with all needed assistance and attention.
Mr. Brooks went East a few weeks ago and was married. He returned with his bridge about two weeks ago, and while journeying on the cars they sat next seat to a man who was very ill. They now think he had the small pox.
We have thus given the whole story in its very worst features, so far as yet developed, because we owe to our readers a full account of all facts that might tend to put them on their guard.
                                                  More About the Small Pox.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
The local in this issue headed “Small ox” appeared in our DAILY of last Saturday morning. On Sunday morning a Mr. Miller, a dollar store man who recently arrived in town and was boarding and lodging at the Farmers’ Restaurant, kept by S. C. Bradfield, was taken down with a fever which is pronounced small pox by some of the physicians. The result was that on Sunday night nearly every family residing in the block left town. Some other families have taken fright and left town.
There have been rumors and stories of small pox in various other houses in town and in places out of town, but we have been very industrious in hunting down the facts in each and every case of rumor, and can state quite positively that up to the time of going to press (Wednesday morning) there have been no other cases in or about town except those of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and Mr. Miller.
                                                          Pest House Built.
A warning flag was placed at the Farmers’ Restaurant and the city authorities took charge of the case. On Monday the city authorities built a pest house near the second mound east of the city and Mr. Miller was moved to it and is doing well. Mr. Brooks died on Tuesday.

People have used disinfectants and vaccination freely, the schools have closed, and due precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of the contagion.
We have been sharply criticized for publishing the local headed “Small Pox” as causing unnecessary excitement and alarm. These criticisms will not affect our course of action in this matter. We propose to get the facts exactly as they transpire and lay them fully before our readers that they may know all there is of it. In times of excitement, rumors without a shadow of foundation are apt to pass for truth, and we have no doubt that exaggerated stories will be told throughout the country about the small pox in Winfield. The truth about the matter is ten times less hurtful than stories that will grow from mouth to mouth. Our readers shall have the truth and the whole truth, and we ask them to discredit any story of small pox up to this time which we have not reported.
                                                  District Court Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
May 15.
M. L. Read vs. S. C. Winton et al.
Submitted on demurrer of plaintiff to answer of defendant Waite. The court, after a protracted argument, overruled the demurrer as to second ground and sustained it as to the third.
A. H. Green vs. Sarah E. Requa et al.
Exceptions to dispositions of defendant filed. Motion to quash depositions sustained and leave to retake them granted. Case continued to next term.
John W. Blizzard vs. Jacob G. Titus.
Motion to dismiss appeal overruled. Case dismissed, the plaintiff failing to appear.
Parker and Canfield vs. E. B. Kager et al.
Motion to make petition more definite and correct overruled. Leave to the answer refused. Judgment by default.
Sol. Frederick vs. County Commissioners.
Tried by jury. Verdict for plaintiff $175 damages.
R. B. Waite vs. County Commissioners.
Continued until next term.
J. W. Hamilton vs. Jno. D. Pryor et al.
Motion to make definite and certain sustained.
Leave granted to amend and sixty days given to answer.
W. R. Sears vs. H. Collum et al.
Petition in error. Dismissed.
E. H. Gallup, administrator vs. Calvin Coon.
Appeal dismissed.
H. M. Phenix vs. John Kinney.
Petition in error. Dismissed.
Rebecca Turner vs. F. C. Davis et al.
Judgment for plaintiff $345.
Alexander & Saffold vs. W. W. Andrews.
Judgment for plaintiff $485.

Charles Seacat vs. S. E. Hostetler et al.
C. C. Harris vs. Sanford Day et al.
Trial by jury.
May 16.
C. C. Harris vs. Sanford Day et al.
Trial continued and concluded at about 3 o’clock p.m. Jury retired.
Perry vs. Perry.
Divorce case tried by the court. Decision reserved.
Wilson vs. Rude et al.
Dismissed as to Rude. Trial proceeded as to other defendants by jury.
May 17.
C. C. Harris vs. Sanford Day et al.
Jury continued out all day, and at night reported that they could not agree.
They were discharged and case continued.
M. L. Wilson vs. Rude et al.
Trial proceeded until afternoon, when it being ascertained that the trial could not be concluded this week, the case was continued and jury discharged.
Several other cases came up on motion and some were disposed of; but our reporter is not in as we go to press.
Steadman and Houston were sentenced to the penitentiary for three years for horse stealing.
May 18.
J. Brooks vs. E. B. Kager.
Supplemental petition struck from files.
Geo. Hafer vs. A. C. Catran.
Motion for new trial overruled.
Lucinda Perry vs. Luther Perry.
Dismissed without prejudice.
R. B. Waite vs. Henry Snyder.
Judgement for plaintiff.
E. Howland vs. E. B. Johnson et al.
Judgment for plaintiff.
E. C. Seward vs. S. H. Myton et al.
Judgment for plaintiff.
Court adjourned to next term.
                                                           From Richland.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
H. H. Hooker is building a very fine farm house.
Mr. Welfelt is preparing to build a stone house 16 by 24 feet.
An old team: Christian Henry is nearly 60 years old. He drives one mule 35 years old and another 29 years old. All do a fair days work yet.

Osage land filings at Wichita Land Office from November 20, 1877, to April 20, 1878, number 851, of which N. J. Larkin, Esq., has taken 51, or about one-seventeenth of the amount for Richland and Omnia townships. We are getting our share of settlers, and they are many. L.
                                               Harris’ Mammoth Strawberry.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Judge Amos Harris, of this city, exhibited as the product of his garden, in our office, on Monday of this week, the finest specimen of strawberries we ever saw. The largest one measured the long way four and three-fourth inches in circumference, and four inches around. The others were about as large. They were of uniform shape—almost complete cones—with as great or more profuse show of seeds upon the surface than the Wilson. They were very juicy, sweet, and delicious. The history of this berry, as stated to us by the Judge, is that last year in picking berries from a bed of the Wilson that had been allowed to run and spread too much for good culture, near the outer edge of the bed there was a plant with a very large berry upon it so unlike its fellows in everything, that his particular attention was called to it. The balance were pulled from around it, and it was given the indifferent culture of an occasional hoeing. No fertilizers or forcing stimulants whatever were applied. The result: the berries exhibited. The peculiarities of the plant, says the Judge, is the rim of the leaf is a complete circle; leaf thick and ribbed; light green; fruit stock short and stout; fruiting quality not yet fully tested; but he thinks from the present show quite equal to the Wilson. We might add that the Judge is a successful fruit grower.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Mr. Straham, while at work in a well for Mr. Boyer in Vernon, a week ago, was seriously injured by the fall of a stone from the surface above, which hit him on the head. He was 30 feet below the surface and was knocked to the bottom 15 feet lower. He is recovering.
                                                            Probate Court.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Marriage License: Robert E. Howe and Susan L. Jay.
Alphonse Ray, executor of last will of Niles Bailey, filed inventory.
Demand of C. Y. Holland, $52, against estate of D. T. Dawson, allowed.
Ordered that the guardian of the minor heirs of Albert Chamberlain loan their one-half of the $2,000 paid the heirs by the Knights of Honor. L. L. Chamberlain, guardian, filed inventory.
Administratrix of estate of Reuben Bowers filed inventory.
Petition filed for sale of real estate of Hiram Chase, deceased, set for hearing May 16th at 10 o’clock a.m.
Annual report of M. J. Renfro, Adm’x, allowed time to May 13th.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Mr. Randall, of Vernon, has recently finished a well 45 feet deep.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Mr. Geo. Anderson called on us last Saturday. He says some of the Vernon farmers will be harvesting wheat during this week.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                               ROCK CREEK, May 23, 1878.

Wheat has been in full bloom for over a week. Mr. Frazee has 35 acres that will be ready to harvest in about two weeks. All kinds of fruit trees are hanging full of fruit.
Churches are flourishing. The Sabbath school at Rock Creek Centennial Schoolhouse is in a prosperous condition.
The Followers of Christ are zealously engaged in spreading their doctrine. Some of their members think their faith will let them handle snakes.
A member of the Free Methodist believed they could do no such thing; so one of the Followers caught a small copperhead, put it in his pocket, and carried it around with him. It must have been a very small snake, for the Free Methodist told the Follower it was not large enough to bite. A rattlesnake was shortly afterward procured, and, as the Follower was about to pick it up, the devil told him it would bite him. But, trusting in his faith, he picked up the snake; and, as he did so, the serpent turned its head around and deliberately took hold of his hand. But didn’t he let the snake fall quick! A. F.
                                                       Wedding Reception.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
A reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson at their residence on last Friday evening, which proved to be a grand success. The happy couple entertained their guests, numbering upward of forty, magnificently. At half-past ten supper was announced, whereupon the entire company seated themselves around the hospitable board especially prepared for the occasion, and laden with all the luxuries imaginable. The good pies, cakes, etc., were sought after in the most approved style. The table was richly decorated with the choicest flowers of the season.
After supper the company indulged in literary exercises, which consisted of music by Mr. Roberts, select reading by J. L. Rusbridge, songs by Mrs. Rusbridge, Annie Clark, and Mr. Craig as well as select readings by the bridegroom and A. B. [?R. H.] Taylor. At the conclusion of the entertainment prayer was offered by Rev. Lahr, when the company withdrew to their respective homes. May the pathway of life of the bride and groom be strewn with all the blessings allotted to mortals here on earth, is the wish of your
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Yesterday was a red letter day for Cedar Township. There were four persons baptized and confirmed into the church of the Followers of Christ. After the baptism there was a washing of feet and love feast at Elijah Osborn’s, and preaching at the Smith schoolhouse in the evening.
As Alex Tolls was going from Mr. Osborn’s to the schoolhouse, he overtook a little son of D. W. Willey, and as Alec went to ride alongside of Willey, the nag that young Willey was on kicked at Tolls’s nag and hit Tolls on the shin, cutting through his pants and bootleg and laying the flesh open to the bone; and it is feared, fracturing it. Tolls says that “he always thought there was a mistake made in creating man with the shin on the front side of the leg; and now he knows it.”
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Sunday, April 28th, by J. B. Callison, Esq., Mr. Henry Callison to Miss Mollie Hammil. All of Crab Creek.

Mr. Fairfield Smith sold his claim of 160 acres to a Mr. Pool, of McCoupin County, Illinois, for $235. The improvements consisted of 50 acres in cultivation, a box house, 300 fruit and forest trees, etc. It was more than cheap.
There were seven claims taken in Cedar Township last week. A man, known as the “Trotter” man, has settled on Spring Creek and is improving a quarter. Everything red-hot.
                                                                I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 21st day of May, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Adams, M. L.; Bush, G. R.; Brown, Mrs. Margaret; Buss, H. H.; Bruser, Jos.; Barnett, David; Craig, Robt.; Cole, Joseph; Cole, Miss Mary J.; Cole, Mrs. George S.; Carter, H. C.; Calvin, Miss Maggie; Calvin, A. W.; Carroll, Patrick J.; Dunn, J. E.; Davis, William; Fish, Mrs. Caroline; Hunt, Miss Emma.
SECOND COLUMN: Howard, John L.; Hill, Wm. G.; Herrington, John; Hawkins, D. G.; Johnson, E. L.; Jones, Smith D.; Johnson, Jacob; Kolbe, B.; Katton, Dr. J. C.; Powell, S. W.; Ricks, Mrs. Emma; Reynolds, G. H.; Randall, Miss Mary; Ryder, Miss Sadie J.; Scott, Allen G.; Sawtelle, J. W.; Webb, Major; Wilson, John; Woodford, F. A.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P.M.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                  [Published in the Winfield Courier May 23, 1878.]
                                                     ORDINANCE NO. 79.
An Ordinance Relating to Hawkers and Peddlers.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:
SECTION 1. That before any hawker or peddler shall sell, or offer to sell, on any street or alley, or upon any sidewalk, public square, or area within the limits of the City of Winfield, any goods, wares, or merchandise, except the same be of his own manufacture or production, he shall make written application to the mayor for a license to pursue his occupation, in which he shall state the time for which said license is desired and the purpose of the same; and if the mayor approve the application, he shall endorse his approval upon, whereupon, after the payment to the treasurer of the license tax hereinafter required, such peddler or hawker shall receive a license signed by the mayor and countersigned by the clerk authorizing him to pursue his occupation for the time therein stated.
SECTION 2. A license may issue to any hawker or peddler for any time not exceeding one year, and such hawker or peddler shall pay to the city treasurer a sum not exceeding ten dollars in the discretion of the mayor for every day he desires to pursue his occupation in this city: Provided, That upon compliance with the provisions of the preceding section and payment to the treasurer of the city a sum not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the mayor, such hawker or peddler may receive a license for one year.
SECTION 3. Any hawker or peddler who shall pursue his occupation within the limits of this city without having first procured a license as required by this ordinance shall be fined in a sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars.
SECTION 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and are hereby repealed.

SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication once in the Winfield Courier and Cowley County Telegram. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Sparr Bros. have opened out with a new and complete stock of Groceries. The public are invited to call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. We are selling at the lowest cash rates.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
                                                             RAIL ROAD!
First Train just arrived with One Hundred Thousand pounds of Staple and
                                                      FANCY GROCERIES,
                                               GLASS AND QUEENSWARE!
                                                        SPARR BROTHERS
and will be sold at astonishing low prices. Goods delivered free to any part of the city.
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 30, 1878. Front Page.
                                                        SHERIDAN ITEMS.
The storm on Friday evening last did considerable damage, blowing over fruit trees, partially unroofing John R. Smith’s stone barn, upsetting Mr. Joe Burt’s stable, and unroofing Mr. Beasly’s granaries. This was in the bottom; no damage is reported from the upland.
We have heard several of the low land farmers complaining of rust in the wheat; none has appeared on the upland so far.
Mrs. Jones, of Danville, Indiana, is visiting her nephew, R. B. Hanna. She has come with the view of buying land for her sons. She expresses herself as highly pleased with Winfield, and thinks it would prove a delightful place to live in.
Mr. John Moreland has returned from Iowa, bringing his father with him. His father has come for the purpose of viewing and perhaps buying land in this vicinity. We all join in giving him a hearty, cordial welcome to Sheridan.
News of Mr. H. Clay and Bonwell, who started to Arizona some weeks ago has been received. They were west of Ft. Dodge. They are well and in good spirits. CHATTERBOX.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                       EAST NINNESCAH.
Beautiful weather, sunshine, and showers. Farmers quite busy cultivating the corn, which is looking well. Harvest is almost here.
Pick-nicks and fishing parties the order of the day, with a social hop thrown in for dessert.
The Sunday school at the Beck schoolhouse, organized not long since under the auspices of the Presbyterian and Congregational fraternities, after a bright career of one week, has closed for the season. DAN SWIVELER.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                           POLO, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS, May 17, 1878.

News items scarce. We are having nice rains, but farmers fear we will have too much for wheat. A lot of our farmers from near Baltimore went to the county seat today. They expect to return loaded with harvesters to cut the immense fields of wheat in Omnia.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Henthorn, on the 18th inst., a girl; weight eight pounds.
We think Caesar puts in his time about equally between measuring those huge bullfrogs in his father’s gulch and educating the youth in the vicinity of Baltimore. We always supposed that place was good for something, and now we know what it is.
Some more newcomers from Indiana, relatives of Mr. Blue. May they be prosperous is the wish of ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                          TISDALE ITEMS.
Another drouth accompanied by hail. No particular damage done either to fruit or wheat.
Corn is growing very slowly owing to the cool weather.
Jno. R. Smith’s new stone barn was partly unroofed during the storm on Friday night.
Jno. Smith started north with his herd of cattle.
S. E. Woodard sold his farm and bought 160 acres of Mr. R. H. Moore, paying $750 for the farm, no improvements.
The Excelsiors and Invisibles finished their game (best 2 in 3) of base ball on Saturday last, resulting in favor of the Invisibles, who won the two last games. Geo. Wright, of the Invisibles, was taken so severely ill after the last game that he was obliged to have a watcher. I was agreeably surprised to see him out again Sunday morning.
S. S. Moore traded horses twice last week, coming out $12 ahead.
Messrs. Gay, Farmer, and Hedges start this morning fro the Chickaskia to try their luck at fishing.
Mr. John Moreland and father passed through town last week. John looks well after his Iowa trip.
John Mac. says business is brisk on Saturdays.
Mr. Hodges has sold his interest in the drug store to J. M. Napier. It will soon be moved out of town.
The Tisdale Sunday school is progressing finely. Mr. Mead is Superintendent.
Mr. Rounds is building a substantial house on his farm.
There are 56 scholars enrolled in the Tisdale school.
Horse racing is still in vogue. Chas. Smith’s “Joe” was beaten last week.
Mrs. Armstrong is quite ill. N’IMPORTE.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                          BETHEL ITEMS.
ED. COURIER. I write you a few items from this vicinity.
Health is good; the same can be said of crops.
Some of the farmers have plowed their corn three times.
Wheat is just splendid. Harvest will commence in about ten days.
Peach trees are loaded down with peaches.

G. G. Arnold will have 1,000 bushels of peaches and 50 bushels of apples. Mrs. Brown will have 800 bushels of peaches. Clark Bryant will have 600 bushels; Frank Weakley 400. Won’t somebody organize a company to can fruit in Winfield so as to furnish a market for the surplus fruit?
This neighborhood was visited by a severe storm last Friday about sundown. It moved the roof on Mrs. Brown’s house four feet and detached the kitchen from the main building, setting it down about 20 rods northeast.
There are a great many rabbits committing suicide by jumping in the schoolhouse well.
The Greenback club at this place seems on the decline. Where are Payson and Coldwell?
S. E. Burger got a bug in his ear while husking corn the other day. He started to Winfield to have it extracted; but ere he reached the city, the bug backed and flew off into the immensity of space. ORLANDO.
May 20th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                  QUEEN VILLAGE ITEMS.
MR. EDITOR. We have been blessed with numerous showers this week, and at the time of this writing, everything looks favorable for another.
We think some of our northern or eastern neighbors must have been enjoying a spell of sleighing, or skating, if we are to judge from the way the thermometer has ranged with us for the past two weeks, winter garments in daytime and winter bedding at night proving very acceptable. Some of our farmers might have been seen plowing in their overcoats.
So far not much, if any, harm has been done by frost in this section of country.
Fruit of all kinds is growing fast.
Gooseberry pies are making sugar suffer now.
Some farmers are making preparations for harvest by the last of next week.
Owing to the large crop of wheat standing, there have been a good many new harvesters and reapers brought into this part of the country by farmers who expect to need them during the present harvest. In our immediate neighborhood George Stout and R. W. Stephens have each a Buckeye combined reaper and mower. Mr. Aug. Heinihen [Heineken] and D. C. Stephens have harvesters.
On account of our cold spell, corn has not grown as fast as it would have done had the sun been shining hot all the time.
                                                     His Majesty, the Frog.
Caesar, in the Baltimore items of April 25, tells of a frog on R. S. Thompson’s farm that measures 16 ½ inches in length and wants to know if there is a larger one in the county.
We take pleasure in stating that Queen Village can beat him on the frog question, there having been one caught in R. W. Stephens’ spring house which measured 18 ½ inches. He had for sometime made a practice of sliding the milk lids and helping himself to cream—
eventually becoming such a nuisance that they lay in wait for him and captured his frogship. Wishing to put him on exhibition for the benefit of some of their neighbors who had heard of him, they placed him in a washtub half full of water and covered it over with a piece of plank four  feet long, two feet wide, and one-half inch thick, and weighted it with a milk crock. Next morning his majesty had helped himself out and departed for regions unknown and has not been seen or heard of since. This is a frog story founded on facts. Can anyone beat it?

While C. L. Tanner is frog hunting, Jake Coe is Crane hunting. May 17, 1878. M. O. S.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                         SALT CITY, KANSAS, May 22, 1878.
Weather warm. Crops looking well. Wheat is now in condition to cut, if done with a harvester. Corn is growing rapidly, and farmers are generally at work cleaning it. Land is in good condition. Fruit is in good condition, though somewhat thinned by the hail of last Friday evening. Wheat was but little damaged, though some of it was knocked down.
Some new arrivals in the vicinity and improving is being done by some of the old settlers. Rev. Platter of your place is putting up a new house on his farm. He has dug a well and indications are that business will be done on scientific principles. Mr. Berkey has moved into his new residence. Mrs. Donohue is now erecting a new residence on her place west of the town.
Mr. Reynold’s nursery stock is now doing well, weather very favorable. He has 27 acres of hedge plants up that look finely. Next week will be the busiest of the season. Much of the wheat will be cut. Come down and see what the prospects are. You can cross on the “boss” ferry at H. B. Pruden’s. Be sure and call on RUBY.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
The question as to how Quantrill spelled his name has been settled by Hon John Speer, who has received an old receipt from Mrs. W. R. Wagstaff, of Paola, which contains the autograph of the boss murderer. The signature is W. C. Quantrill. Lawrence Tribune.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Skipped “County Statistics” which had abstract from the returns of the various township trustees for March 1, 1878. Next to impossible to read.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
See the new sign of Robinson & Mosley on the south side of Baird’s store.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor last week started east on a visit, and will be absent for some time.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
C. M. Wood has returned from Topeka. He has not yet displayed the contents of his gripsack.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
We are told that the United Brethren hold a quarterly meeting in Liberty Township next Saturday and Sunday.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
What has become of our Postmaster? We notice a smooth-faced stranger in the office, but haven’t seen the P. M. lately.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Sheriff Harter has returned from his trip to Leavenworth prison, where he left his charges: Bilson, Huston, and Steadman.

Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
We wish to let a contract for breaking 40 acres of prairie on Mr. Lemmon’s farm 3 ½ miles east of town. Call at this office.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Mr. A. Howland’s smiling countenance appears on our streets again after a long lecturing tour through the state. He is looking strong and healthy. His occupation evidently agrees with him.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Our enterprising township trustee, Mr. C. C. Pierce, was at the great sale of blooded stock at Kansas City last week and bought a fine bull. This county is getting well stocked with the best grades of cattle.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
E. C. Manning brought us on Monday a stalk of corn grown this year in James Simpson’s garden, measuring five feet seven inches in length. He also brought a single cluster of 21 Early Richmond cherries.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
The stone building of Johnson & Hill is being pushed forward rapidly. The business qualities of both of these gentlemen are too well known to our citizens to need comment from us, and we predict for them a large business in the furniture line.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
S. Suss, B. F. Baldwin, O. M. Seward, and Geo. Walker are off on an excursion camping and hunting and raising Cain generally in the Indian Territory for the benefit of their health  and for the fun of the thing. They have a colored gentleman along to protect them and manage the commissary department.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Last Saturday evening L. C. Harter was returning from Wellington in a two-horse buggy. When about three miles west of Oxford, two men presented themselves in the road and stopped his team suddenly; but Harter hit one of the horses with his whip and the team sprang forward, knocking down one of the footpads, and running away from them, leaving them defeated in the road.
                                 James Fahey, “Mickey Jim,” the Stage Driver.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Almost every man that has traveled in Southern Kansas knows, or has heard of “Mickey Jim,” the stage driver. James Fahey has driven stages for the past twenty years in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, and Colorado. We have seen him come into Emporia when it was longing for a railroad. And again at Newton, El Dorado, and finally Wichita. He has been upset on the coach, pitched over bridges, and had his limbs broken time and again—yet he lives, and is now one of Winfield’s quiet citizens, dealing fermented spirits over the bar at the National Saloon. He has had a somewhat remarkable experience, and in his own way is a remarkable man. Many will be surprised to learn that he has left the stage line.
                                       [C. M. SCOTT, Arkansas City Traveler.]
                                        Personal Explanation: W. C. Bradfield.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.

                                                        Personal Explanation.
EDITOR COURIER: I wish to correct a statement made by the Telegram, that I had said I intended to sue the city for $1,000 damages for closing up my restaurant.
I did say that I had the decision of three of the best physicians in town t hat the sick man did not have the small pox, and I told Mr. Stevens that if it should not prove to be the small pox, I should expect damages for injury to my business.
I know that it was the best thing that could be done by the city authorities if it was the small pox. May 24, 1878. W. C. BRADFIELD.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                             SMALL POX.
It is now two weeks since several of our citizens were exposed to the small pox; but none of them yet exhibit any symptoms, and we may reasonably hope that none have taken the disease.
The three cases we have already reported are all that have yet appeared in this vicinity.
Mr. Miller, who was taken to the pest house, had it very mildly and is now lively and apparently well.
Mr. Brooks died, as reported. Mrs. Brooks was so severely shocked by the death of her husband that she has been in a critical condition for several days. She is still weak, but the fever has left her and she is convalescing. Her sister from Indiana has arrived.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.
For the week ending May 27, 1878.
Jas. T. Brooks to Sanford Brooks, in sw ¼ 34-32-3; 100 acres, $1,600.
Sarah J. Maddox and husband to I. N. Ruth, w. ½ sw., 23-33-3; 80 acres, $450.
James Marlatt to T. Miller, in nw. 27-32-4; ¼ acre, $50.
Robt. Allison and wife to M. L. Read et al., nw. 15-33-7; 160 acres, $1,000.
John S. Cotton and wife to John W. Keller, in ne. 3-33-5; 60 acres, $500.
H. C. Loomis to Robert Allison, in se. 28-32-4; ½ acre, $70.
Robert Allison and wife to E. B. Weitzel, in se. 29-32-4; ½ acre, $250.
Catharine Holmes to J. Q. Oldham, sw. of ne. 33-32-4; 40 acres, $1,400.
H. C. Loomis to Sarah E. Oldham, in se. 28-32-4; ¼ acre, $60.
R. H. Moore and wife to Sarah E. Woodward, nw. 35-32-4; 160 acres, $750.
James Renfro and wife to W. Gillelen, in se. 18-32-4; 13 acres, $125.
A. Christy and wife to Elisha Bowen, e. ½ se. 14-35-4; 74 acres.
Emeliu Littell and wife to J. S. Taylor, e. ½ of ne. 27-32-3; 80 acres, $100.
J. B. Lynn and wife and W. Gillelen to D. Weaverling, se. 26-31-7; 160 acres, $700.
Charles Wilsie and wife to J. Wade McDonald, lots 5 and 6 and e. ½ sw. 31-32-3; $1.
J. V. Waggoner to Martha A. Waggoner, sw. 26-34-8; 160 acres.
Reuben R. Moupin to Ezra P. Pay, lots 3 and 14, sec. 19-31-8; 80 acres, $150.
Jos. S. Williams and wife to John H. Williams, n. ½ ne. 34-30-6; 80 acres, $600.
Elisha Bowen and wife to J. H. Randall, nw. 6-31-3; 160 acres, $550.
Emma McCarter to Agnes Wilson, lot 10, block 15, Arkansas City, $20.

Lyman Curnis [?Curtis] and wife to H. P. Farrar, lots 22 and 23, block 80, Arkansas City; $200.
H. C. Loomis and wife to Sarah E. Oldham, lot 1, block 91, Arkansas City; $60.
M. E. Welch and wife to Wm. Rhodes, lot 4, block 91, Arkansas City; $500.
J. C. McMullen and wife to J. F. Snyder, lots 5 and 3, block 91, Arkansas City; $70.
I. N. Fuller to C. Wahlemier, lots 25 and 27, block 80, Arkansas City; $155.
E. B. Kager and wife to A. H. Green, lot 12, block 136, Winfield.
E. C. Manning and wife to Thomas Toole, lot 2, block 7, Winfield; $75.
Daniel Know [?Krow] to Curns & Manser, lot 5, block 134, Winfield; $50.
J. V. Waggoner to Martha A. Waggoner, lot 8, block 110, Winfield.
H. E. Gates to E. B. Weitzel, ½ of lot 6, block 110, Winfield; $250.
Nancy P. Maupin to Ezra Kay, lots 1, 3, 4, and 5, block 30, Lazette; $10.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 28th day of May, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Armond, Miss Arzena; Anderson, John; Anderson, Mary A.; Allen, Miss May; Beltz, John A.; Beckner, J. R.; Beadle, David; Blevens, Elder; Robinson, Mrs. Annie; Bradley, Wm. R.; Brown, T. A.; Broser, Joseph; Broadwell, Mrs. Clara; Bryant, Joseph; Bradly, H. C.; Bruce, W. C.; Bull, Johnnie; DeCamp, J. F.; Demott, M. C.; Gregg, J. M.; George, John; Hennager, Lucy; Hartly, W. T.; Kafter, Mr.; Swergood, Henry C.
SECOND COLUMN: Lang, M. S.; Moore, Knap; Miller, Philip; Miles, John F.; McCumber, J. D.; McEwen, Mrs. Sarah J.; Perry, Charles; Perry, T. D.; Rouzer, L. R.; Rodecker [?Rodocker], T. H.’ Robertson, Milard; Snyder, Wesley; Smith, John; Shafer, A. L.; Turner, G. M.; Taplin, John; Toffoon, John W.; Veatch, Will; Williams, Miles; Williams, Sterling; Wilson, W. J.; Wells, Elijah; Warren, Wm.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                         Publication Notice.
In the District Court of said county.
Mercy M. Funk, Plaintiff, vs. Cynthia Clark, Mary Bacon, Rhoda Stubbs, and Almyra B. Stubbs, a minor, Defendants.
To Cynthia Clark, Mary Bacon, and Rhoda Stubbs, defendants in the above entitled cause, and non-residents of the State of Kansas, Greeting:
You and each of you are hereby notified that you have been sued by the plaintiff, Mercy M. Funk, in the district court of the County of Cowley, State of Kansas, and that unless you answer the petition of the plaintiff on or before the 13th day of July, A. D. 1878, the same will be taken as confessed by you; and judgment will be rendered by said court in favor of the said plaintiff and against you and each of you for the partition of the following described real estate, situated in the said County of Cowley, to wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section No. nineteen and the west half of the southwest quarter of section No. twenty, all in township No. thirty south, of range No. four east; and for the adjustment and apportionment of certain liens, claimed by the plaintiff, upon the whole of said tract of land, for and on account of moneys by her expended in the purchase and improvement of the same.

                                HACKNEY & McDONALD, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Attest: E. S. BEDILION, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Recap only: Letter of Lydia Maria Child to Colonel James Montgomery.
In the number of the COURIER for February 14, 1878, we published a sketch of the famous leader of Free State men in times “that tried men’s souls in Kansas.” There is a niche reserved for the name of Col. Montgomery beside the name of Old John Brown in the history of the early Kansas struggles.
As the widow and three sons of Col. Montgomery are now citizens of Cowley County, living along Dutch Creek, in Richland Township, anything in relation to him will be of especial interest to our readers.
The following letter from that grand friend of the poor and oppressed, Lydia Maria Child, written in the first year of the war of the rebellion, is found in an old cartridge-box belonging to the Colonel.
                            WAYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS, December 26, 1881.
I skipped the letter signed by L. Maria Child.
This may be of interest to someone following Col. James Montgomery.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                    CEDAR TOWNSHIP, May 23, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Mr. J. W. Searle started for Kansas City this morning with a car load of fat cattle.
C. E. Victory, James Lowery, and W. M. Randall returned from the Pawnee Agency, where they have been stirring ground for W. A. Metcalf. They finished their job on time, with ten days to spare.
BIRTHS. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillips on the 18th inst., a boy; weight 13 ½ pounds.
Also on the same day, to Mr. and Mrs. Wills, a boy, weight 11 pounds.
Where is the township that can beat that for big babies? I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Strayed from my stable Sunday afternoon: a bay colt, one year old, having a white stripe in his face, both hind feet white, and long tail; will rack or pace; is partly broken. Suitable reward will be given for any information of his whereabouts. E. P. KINNE.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                    Notice to Owners of Dogs.
Owners of dogs in the City of Winfield are notified that the tax on each dog must be paid within five days from date or the dog will be liable to be shot.
May 20, 1878. C. C. STEVENS, City Marshal.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
                                                      J. J. COLE & BRUCE,
                              DEALERS IN THE FRANKLIN LIGHTNING ROD!

                                       AND LIGHTNING ROD ORNAMENTS.
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
                                                    We Guarantee Protection!
                                                      Lock Box 27, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
T. J. WESTON                                                                                                S. F. HYSKELL.
                                               LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST!
                                                      J. T. WESTON & CO.
Have just opened a new Stove and Tin Store.
Job Work & Roofing a Specialty.
Prices lower than the lowest.
                                                  Ninth Ave., Winfield, Kansas.
                               Next door East of McCommon & Harter’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
See Root & Co.’s bran new sign.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
The boys are flying paper kites.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Wallis & Wallis have a handsome delivery wagon.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Nathan Brooks, of Lazette, was in the city last week.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Messrs. Frew and Freeman, of Beaver, were in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Alonzo Shull, of Littleton, Sumner County, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
It is claimed that the Arkansas City steamer can run on a heavy dew.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
M. H. Markcum closed his school in district number 4 on Monday last.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Wilson has begun making cheese, and can now turn out about ninety pounds per day.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Doctor Graham and family return home in good health after a pleasant visit with Ohio friends.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
James M. Bair has bought a claim in Richland Township and has begun building a house thereon.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
The young folks will hold their picnic four miles below town on the Walnut River in Rev. Hickok’s timber, Friday next.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.

Gen. McNeil, Indian Inspector, was in Arkansas City last week. He was one of the efficient generals in the late war.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
R. C. Maurer, of Dexter Township, long absent in Ohio in search of a wife, has returned bringing his sheaves with him.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Mr. G. L. Gale and Mr. R. F. Burden were in town last Monday and Tuesday to equalize the assessments. Mr. Sleeth was absent.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
James H. Finch, of this city, has been appointed Deputy U. S. Marshal by Benjamin F. Simpson, U. S. Marshal for the District of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Charley Harter says he saw A. H. Horneman at the state hotel, near Leavenworth, who seemed to be enjoying life at the expense of the state.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
The Grasshopper base ball club, of Vernon, challenge any club in the county for a game on June 22nd, at Winfield. What club will take it up?
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
A number of citizens from district 114 were in town Friday last as witnesses in the case of Stewart vs. District 114, tried before his Honor, ‘Squire Boyer.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
C. M. Scott, instead of going with the editorial excursion to Put-in-bay, takes a horseback ride of 250 miles to Texas. He is in the Texas pony business.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Indian Agent, A. C. Williams, has bought the Channell hardware store at Arkansas City, and proposes attending personally to the business after the 4th of July.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
George W. Robinson and C. C. Harris made a trip up the Walnut Valley last week. They went to Douglass, Augusta, and El Dorado, and enjoyed the ride much.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Hon. Thomas Bryan made a flying visit to his big wheat field on Grouse Creek Thursday last. Will Holloway was deputy treasurer during the absence of Mr. Bryan.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Rev. Fleming takes a vacation from the pulpit at Arkansas City for a year on account of ulceration of his throat. He has been a valuable citizen and is highly respected by his acquaintances.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Mr. Barnett, living a few miles east of Arkansas City, a few days ago lost two mules. The stable in which they were kept was blown down, killing one and injuring the other so that he would not live.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.

A new barber shop has been opened in the building south of Hope’s Jewelry Store. The proprietors are gentlemanly and obliging. Their office is tastefully arranged, with elegant chairs, mirrors, etc., and is clean and neat.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
A gentleman navigated the “Rackensack” from Wichita to Arkansas City in a flatboat recently. It took him two days to make the trip. He brought in two catfish weighing 70 pounds, which he found stranded on a bar, and shot.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Our friend, John B. Holmes, of Rock, is now plowing ninety acres of his wheat stubble and will plant it in corn this week. This fall he will sow it in rye. This will be three crops in one year. He is bound to pay for his paper next year without hunting up a day’s work.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
The real estate firm of Robinson & Mosley have dissolved partnership. Mr. T. F. Robinson will return soon to his old home in Illinois to assume the position of deputy sheriff. Mr. Mosley will continue the business alone, and as he has had considerable experience in Kansas, we predict for him a fair share of the business.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin has sold out his stock of drugs and books to Messrs. Brown & Glass, and retires from business. This is mainly on account of his health, which has become much impaired during his active business life in this place. His gentlemanly address and genial smile will be sadly missed at the counter by his numerous warm friends and customers, but he will remain with us and attend to his property interests.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
E. W. Wilson, a man representing himself as an agent for an Emporia nursery, stopped in Rock Township last winter with John H. Willard and others, got hogs, property, and other things, and was to pay for them in fruit trees. The farmers got the holes dug to put out their trees, but he skipped out with Willard’s doeskin pants on.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
We predict that within the next three months A. H. Green will control the most extensive land and collection office in Southern Kansas. His office is now the center of attraction for both buyers and sellers of land, and the number of letters of inquiry he is receiving is simply immense. This we are glad to see, for he has expended more money and time to induce immigration to this county in the last few months than perhaps any other twenty men in it, and his efforts should be appreciated by every citizen interested in the welfare and prosperity of the county. Mr. Green has been a citizen of this place for nearly eight years and is known as an active and reliable businessman. His real estate and his collection business are both conducted on strict systematic bases; his office is neat, pleasant, and well furnished, and we are not surprised to see land buyers make it their headquarters.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.

On last Saturday, June 1st, about four o’clock p.m., Jay Page, saloon keeper of this place, was shot and killed by L. J. Webb, attorney, and member of the House of Representatives of the State. Crowds of men immediately assembled around the scene of the transaction and great excitement prevailed. At the time of the shooting Mr. Page was standing against the counter of his saloon in conversation with Frank Manny, when Mr. Webb entered from the back room; and walking up to within about twelve feet of Mr. Page, drew a revolver from his pocket and fired—the ball entering Page’s left breast about five inches above the nipple. Page ran out the front door, blood gushing from his mouth and nostrils, crying that Webb had killed him. He ran along the sidewalk perhaps 100 feet and fell. He was taken up, bleeding from the mouth profusely. He expired immediately. No word was spoken in the saloon by either Webb or Page. After firing the shot Webb turned to the counter, where he handed his pistol to J. L. M. Hill, deputy sheriff, and went out in custody of Hill.
Coroner W. G. Graham caused to be summoned before him by J. H. Finch, deputy sheriff, a coroner’s jury, composed of W. Q. Mansfield, B. F. Baldwin, A. A. Jackson, H. Brotherton, A. E. Baird, and W. Gillelen. Frank Manny, Newton Ball, and Jesse Herndon, eye-witnesses to the transaction, were sworn and testified to the facts as above stated.
The jury returned a verdict to the effect that Jay Page came to his death by a shot from a pistol fired in the hands of L. J. Webb.
Jay Page came to this city from El Dorado in January last. He had formerly been in Topeka and cities further east. He was a young man of about thirty years of age, well formed, active, wiry, of good address and prepossessing appearance. He was a professional gambler, and is represented as having been not only skillful as a gambler but unprincipled, daring, and reckless, one of the kind who are quick and handy with the pistol and have plenty of nerve to use it.
When Page came to this place, he set himself to building a large stone two-story building with brick open front. The building was completed about six weeks ago, and is one of the large, substantial, and showy business houses of the city. It stands on the east side of Main Street, the fourth building north of Ninth Avenue. The lower story front room, about 25 by 50 feet, was occupied by Page as a billiard saloon, in which were a pool table and a counter and bar at the back end, where liquors were sold by the glass. Back of this was another room where card tables were kept. The upper story was divided into several rooms, some of which are supposed to have been occupied for gambling purposes. There have been rumors and surmises for several days past that green ones who have thought they were smart have been enticed into these rooms, where they lost their money; and now there are many dark hints being thrown out of drugged liquor, cold decks, pistols, roping in, etc., which in the present excitement it is impossible either to verify or refute. We are told that others have attempted to shoot Page but have been prevented by friends. Page leaves a wife, who was in a delicate situation, approaching confinement, and the effect of this blow may prove especially serious to her.

L. J. Webb is a young man about thirty years old, a bright lawyer, having a large practice and many friends. He had a few years ago habits of drinking and gambling, amounting to almost uncontrollable passion. Within the last three years he has made efforts to reform, joining the church and the temperance society, and has abstained from these vices so far that he regained the confidence of the people; and was in 1876 elected to the State Legislature, and has received of our citizens other marks of esteem and confidence. Since the Jay Page saloon as been opened, it seems that by some means he has been lured from his good resolutions and habits into drinking in this saloon and into gambling again, and has been taking opium to steady his nerves. It is said that he was in one of the rooms of that building all the night previous, where Page got away with his money by unfair dealing, and silenced him by a show of two pistols; that Webb left in a half demented condition, and under the influence of whiskey, drugs, and frenzy has perpetrated the homicide as above stated.
Webb has a wife and two children, to whom this tragedy will be the most terrible catastrophe.
The funeral of Page took place from the M. E. Church Sunday, June 2nd.
Webb was held over in jail to Monday for his preliminary examination. On Monday he was very low and weak; too ill to be moved, and his examination was postponed until his condition will permit of it. Dr. Davis, who is attending him, expresses the opinion that his mind was in a shattered condition.
                                                               Small Pox.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
No new cases of Small Pox have appeared in or near this city. The three cases heretofore reported in our columns are the extent thus far, and as three weeks have elapsed, it is probable that there will be no more. Mrs. Brooks has well recovered, and Miller is well and gone.
W. C. Bradfield, who kept the Farmer’s Restaurant where Miller was taken down, when his house was closed, moved with his family, including his wife’s sister, to Mr. Onstott’s, about 10 miles northwest of this place. It is reported, and we have reason to believe the report true, that he has a mild varioloid and that his wife’s sister is down with the small pox at that place. Aside from these, there has been no spread of the contagion from either of the three persons who came with it to this place.
[Varioloid: A modified mild form of smallpox, or variola, occurring in persons who have been vaccinated or who have had smallpox.]
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
The new firm of Brown & Glass, who succeed to the business of B. F. Baldwin, is composed of Mr. Henry Brown, late of Pueblo, Colorado, and Mr. Quincy A. Glass, late of Chicago. Mr. Brown is one of the early settlers of Kansas, having lived at Lawrence for seventeen years and having taken an active part in the early Kansas struggles. He is a gentleman of good address and will please his customers. Mr. Glass is an experienced druggist, having been in the business from early boyhood. He is a pleasant gentleman, and the new firm will sustain the popularity of the house.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Benj. Cox counted one hundred and forty-six machines at work harvesting within sight of the road as he came down from Wichita the other day.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
The City council on Tuesday evening ordered the marshal to arrest summarily and bring before the police judge for punishment all persons who have been notified to remove filth and nuisances from their premises and have neglected it.
                                                Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.

                                                   MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1878.
Board of county commissioners met at the office of the county clerk.
Present: R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, commissioners, and M. G. Troup, Clerk.
Ordered the ferry license granted to H. B. Pruden to be issued to J. C. Conley.
Approved the appointment of B. W. Jenkins, M. S. Teter, and W. A. Freeman, appraisers of nw. ¼ section 167, township 33, range 3 (school lands).
Changed several assessments and raised the general average of Beaver assessment 10 percent, Omnia 15 percent, Spring Creek 3 percent, Vernon 5 percent.
Approved of the appointment of J. P. Mussulman as treasurer of Silverdale Township.
Allowed the following Jurors’ fees.
Geo. W. Martin, $2.00.
R. L. Thompson, $6.00.
S. P. Channell, $4.00.
J. M. Mark, $24.00.
B. Vandeventer, $24.00.
Stephen Elkins, $26.00.
James Jackson $25.00.
John Hardin, $6.00.
John M. Gates, $26.00.
Thos. McGinnis, $24.00.
J. H. Mounts, $23.26.
Abijah Howard, $26.00.
D. A. Byers, $22,40.
H. C. Catlin, $21.80.
H. C. McDorman, $22.00.
Simeon Martin, $24.60.
W. W. Thomas, $24.00.
J. W. Miller, $24.80.
L. B. Stone, $4.00.
A. C. Davis, $23.20.
W. F. Gilman, $25.00.
Daniel Hunt, $6.00.
Clara Bryant, $6.00.
J. R. Davis, $5.00.
Samuel Huey, $6.00.
Thos. Chaffee, $6.00.
David Northrup, $2.00.
W. E. Tansey, $2.00.
H. L. Barker, $2.00.
Lewis Stevens, $2.00.
A. E. Kelsey, $4.00.
J. S. Blue, $8.00.
Henry Firman, $8.00.

J. O. Vanorsdol, $8.00.
G. W. Robertson, $8.00.
S. A. W. Record, $8.00.
H. H. J. Johnson, $8.00.
H. N. Rogers, $8.00.
D. Tyrrell, $8.00.
H. L. Gilstrap, $4.00.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                               Omnia Township, May 30, 1878.
                                           Claim Holding and Claim Jumping.
EDITOR COURIER: There has been considerable said about claim holding and claim jumping in the past four months, and it is getting to be very popular in this part of the county, as there have been several claims jumped in the last ninety days; and the time is drawing near when there will be a great many more jumped, unless the parties who are now holding pay for them soon.
We would like to know for a fact whether there is any probability of Mr. Ryan’s bill becoming a law or not. Are there any person or persons urging the matter! If that bill should become a law soon, it would save a great deal of trouble, which will otherwise come soon.   As good farms as we have in this part of the county have been held from three to five years with from 50 to 140 acres of land under cultivation and have never paid a cent of taxes yet, nor ever intend to—unless they are forced to; and we think they will be forced to do something soon—Mr. Ryan’s bill or no bill.
If Mr. Ryan should succeed in getting this bill through both houses of Congress, it will be a star in his crown for the future. If he should fail to do that, we would like to elect another man to his place, and see if he could do anything that would be likely to benefit us.
                                                          ONLY JUSTICE.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                            MAPLE TOWNSHIP, June 1, 1878.
ED. COURIER: You had ought to see him smile, and if you catch him in town, go and smile with him.
                                              A pair of twins, by Jove!
                                              Presented by his lady love,
                                                If this would not happily a cove,
                                                                What will?
BIRTH. To Mr. and Mrs. Adam Walck, of this township, May 25th, a pair of twins: a boy and a girl. Mother and babies are doing well.
DIED. Died, at his residence in this township, Nathan Daniels, aged 78 years, after thirty years of suffering with cancer of the face. Mr. Daniels was an early settler of Cowley County and very much respected by all who knew him.
Grand Prairie Grange No. 381 is in active working condition. They recently purchased forty acres of school land and are now breaking it up for wheat.

John McCamis and E. Zeiter, Esqs., of Williams County, Ohio, made a flying trip to Cowley with a view of locating at some future time. They return well pleased with all they saw. O.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                   WEST BOLTON TOWNSHIP, May 28, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: I will fix you up a few items from this part of “the garden of the gods.”
We are trying to cultivate our corn, but too frequently showers prevent us. Corn looks well for all, and we expect a large crop. Our wheat crop is fully up to an average crop. Oats are very fine; could hardly be beaten.
The Arkansas City steamboat started for the Pawnee Agency with a load of flour. Yes; they started to Wichita for a load of freight, but didn’t get there.
Most of our farmers intend going to Winfield to get their wheat ground for bread this year.
Your correspondent drank water with a scum on it in the Nation and was seriously and almost fatally poisoned last week, but has recovered. V. R. K.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                         VERNON TOWNSHIP, May 27, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Harvest has commenced and things are lively. Corn looks well, but we have the best corn-field betwixt here and Wichita.
BIRTHS. Five babies have recently come to Vernon: Daughters to E. B. Gault, K. Taylor, and Rufus McCullock; sons to Hartzie Martin and Dock Copple.
James Brook and Charles Duncan are building bigger places to live in. J. A. and S. H. Rupp dug a well 26 feet deep in 1-3/4 days.
The blackbirds are destroying the crops along the Arkansas River.
Jerusalem obeyed and scrubbed up. They also had a concert, but the organ did not come. Always something not on hand.
Mr. Hawkins will scratch your arm for 25 cents.
DIED. One of Mr. Boyer’s boys let a stone fall on the head of Mr. Strayhan, who was walling his well, which almost proved fatal. Sadder still, ere he recovered quite, his little girl took a spasm and died. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
The following letter has been addressed to each township trustee in the county. We hope they will take action at once, and send a representative man to meet with the committee.
                                        WINFIELD, KANSAS, May 30th, 1878.
DEAR SIR: Your attention is called to the fact that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. company has made some advances toward building a railroad through this county.
A committee has been appointed by the citizens of this place to confer, and take such steps as may secure the construction of said road.
Your township is respectfully requested to send a delegate to meet with the committee at this place on Saturday, June 8th, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the Courthouse.
By order of committee. C. M. WOOD, Secretary.

The above letter is not as explicit as it might be. The committee think the time has arrived to strike for the extension of the Santa Fe road into this county, and desire to lay before committees from other townships such facts as they have, and consult with them as to what course is the best to pursue. We do not understand that a road is promised this year, but that the company require plenty of time for all emergencies, placing the time of completion at August 1, 1879, at farthest.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                                 BALTIMORE, May 25, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: Several of the young men from this township have gone down to the Arkansas River to harvest this summer.
W. R. Stolp, our postmaster, has purchased a fine riding cultivator, and he lows night and day and never stops to eat. He then plows up the door-yard to let people see its work.
Dr. Lytle moved May 14th, and his first case was a sick horse. He was successful.
The school at this place has 29 scholars in attendance. Two months of the term expired last Friday.
I guess our drouth prophets of this year are all drowned; we don’t hear them blow any more. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                                   WINFIELD, June 1, 1878.
BROTHER MILLINGTON: That little joke you attempted to perpetrate on me last week about bringing the A. T. & S. F. R. R. to Winfield in my gripsack is pretty thin. Had it been a narrow gauge railroad that I had been after, it would not have been unreasonable that I should have brought it home in a gripsack. Respectfully, C. M. WOOD.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                            CEDAR TOWNSHIP, June 1, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: A sect down here known as the Followers of Christ, whose creed is to take no medicine when sick or afflicted, are having a big time at present.
They claim that by faith they can drink deadly poison, handle deadly serpents, etc., and not receive harm. Last Friday Miss Jennie Moore, who with her sister, father, and mother are recent accessions to this church, while at work in the garden found a large rattlesnake. Believing in the doctrine of her church, she took this uncouth reptile up in her hands and carried it into the house where her mother and sister were. They all handled his snakeship awhile, passing it from one to another, until it tired of such treatment, when it struck the old lady on the foot, fastening its fearful fangs in her flesh. Now, in place of sending for a physician, the canon of their church says “they shall send for the elders of the church,” who shall anoint with oil and pray for the afflicted, and, if they have faith, believing they shall be healed. But at the present writing old mother Moore’s prospects for recovery are slim. Her foot and leg are fearfully swollen, with a fever as hot as is possible to imagine, and not even an application of cold water being used. Such is their faith in a prayer gauge. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                                     BETHEL, May 28, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: Crops are looking very favorable, the best I ever saw in this vicinity. Wheat is especially fine.

The temperance meeting has been held every two weeks, but has now adjourned until the first Saturday evening in July. On our last meeting it was rather dry, with the exception of the two papers ready by the editor and editress, which were pronounced good, especially the one read by the editor (John Willis), which was undoubtedly the best paper ever read in the Bethel schoolhouse. Keep on, John; we think you will be the president of the United States after Hayes’ term is out.
One week ago today Quinn Paugh took to his bed with the conclusion that he had the small pox, but it turned out to be all imagination.
A wedding in this vicinity soon.
Miss Belle Anderson is visiting at Cedarvale.
Miss Addie Willis has postponed her visit to Wichita on account of small pox being there.
Miss Maggie Stansbury is not teaching school this summer; says she wants to rest until fall.
Mr. Editor, we are not able to send you very many items for this week’s issue, but think we will be provided with a better supply for you the next time. JIM GOOSEBERRY.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 4th day of June, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Cahran, Miss Mary C.; Coombs, Charles W.; Cook, Joshua; Carman, William; Dunn, Miss Kate; Estlin, Mrs. Della; Felton, James; Geer, M. M.; George, J.; Gilstrap, Risdon; Graham, Mrs. Eliza; Graham, Maggie J.; Hixon, William; Humble, J.; Hyskell, J. F.; Lewis, John D.; Miller, Frank.
SECOND COLUMN: McEy, Thomas; McMannus, Charles; McKelvey, Mrs. Eliza; Phillips, John; Perry, Miss Helen; Platt, George W.; Persel & Wood; Roberts, David; Rohrer, C. H.; Rohrer, L. H.; Rice, E. M.; Rider, Sadie; Stacy, Mrs. Rosa M.; Weavering, Daniel; Wright, Joseph; Wilson, Milford.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                                        Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the real estate firm heretofore existing as Robinson & Mosley is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by A. J. Mosley.
                                        THOS. F. ROBINSON, A. J. MOSLEY.
Dated this June 4th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
                                                          BY R. C. STORY.
                                                TEACHERS’ DIRECTORY.
Geo. W. Robinson.                   Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss M. E. Saint.                            Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Ella Wickersham.             Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Mary Bryant.                    Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Mina Johnson.                        Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Allie Klingman.                       Dist. 9, Winfield.

Miss Alice Aldrich.                   Dist. 45, Winfield.
Miss Mollie Davis.                    Dist. 43, Winfield.
Miss Sallie Devering.                      Dist. 99, Winfield.
Miss Sarah Davis.                     Dist. 77, Winfield.
Miss Mary Pontious.                       Dist. 108, Winfield.
Mrs. B. Seibert.                              Dist. 68, Winfield.
Miss Emma Groom.                        Dist. 22, Floral.
George Thompson.                   Dist. 18, Baltimore.
W. E. Ketcham.                             Dist. 86, Maple City.
E. R. Thompson.                            Dist. 2, Arkansas City.
Mrs. L. M. Theaker.                       Dist. 2, Arkansas City.
Miss Mary Pickett.                   Dist. 32, Arkansas City.
Miss Lizzie Landis.                   Dist. 34, Arkansas City.
Miss Dora Winslow.                       Dist. 69, Arkansas City.
Miss Jennie Scott.                     Dist. 35, Arkansas City.
Miss Lena Bartlett.                   Dist. 8, Oxford.
Miss Electa Strong.                   Dist. 24, Rock.
Miss Alpha Harden.                        Dist. 112, Dexter.
T. H. Aley.                               Dist. 5, Dexter.
Mrs. S. J. Hoyt.                              Dist. 56, Dexter.
Miss Kate Fitzgerald.                      Dist. 90, Lazette.
Miss Mary Tucker.                   Dist. 15, Lazette.
Miss Nellie E. Buck.                       Dist. 87, Lazette.
H. T. Albert.                                   Dist. 15, Lazette.
Miss Mary Buck.                            Dist. 78, New Salem.
Miss Sarah Hodges.                       Dist. 46, Tisdale.
Mrs. R. E. Rhonimus.               Dist. 47, Tisdale.
R. B. Corson.                                 Dist. 26, Little Dutch.
Porter Wilson.                          Dist. 114, Red Bud.
O. S. Record.                                 Dist. 73, Rock.
                                     Steamboat Travel on the Arkansas River.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                                  ARKANSAS CITY, June 2.
ED. COURIER: Supposing that you would be interested in common with the citizens of Cowley County in an experiment which we have been making with what the K. C. Journal calls a “sorghum pan,” to develop the capacity of the Arkansas River for transportation, I send you this brief history of the attempt as far as developed.

Our boat is 16 x 50 feet, our engine 12 horsepower, our draft about ten inches. Our first attempt was up the river; from Arkansas City, the river at a very low stage, we succeeded in finding sufficient channel as far as Salt City ferry, and left the investigation there in good water. But as we desired to know the channel below Arkansas City while the water was low, and we were expecting a rise, we turned down the stream and below the mouth of the Walnut. Our first trip was below the mouth of Grouse into the Indian Territory and about twenty-five miles. We found the river channel, after passing the mouth of the Walnut, a great deal better.
The obstructions or hindrances to navigation, I think, can mainly be set down under three heads. The rocky chutes where rocks on top and underneath have to be avoided, and where the water runs very swiftly. Three of these occur between the mouth of Walnut and Deer Creek, but in all of them the water is amply sufficient to float a light draught boat.
The next difficulty is the crossings where the channel crosses from one side of the river to the other, and in these are the principal difficulties, as the water divides, and you must follow the main body or strike a bar; but I think we found no place that the deepest water in the main channel would not go 15 inches, or sufficient to carry a light draught. These crossings could be greatly improved by a very little aid in turning and directing the current. The only other obstructions are the snags. They are generally in deep water, and sometimes they seem to have piled in together to keep each other company, and the mariner has to do considerable dodging to keep from shaking hands.
As I wrote, we made our first trip 25 miles down, and we felt considerable anxiety as to how our little craft, geared with belt and pulley, would drive us up stream. But when we turned our little engine in against the Arkansas, we soon had our confidence restored. It showed us from the first mile that it had the power and the will to take us back home, and I thought the little fellow kept saying, “Now if you will only make those old belts stand, I’ll put you through.” We made home in less than a day without any trouble.
Our next trip was 50 miles down the river. We ran 45 miles from 1 o’clock, and the rest next morning. I think the river grows better and the channel deeper as you go down. This trip was made without meeting any difficulties. There is some beautiful scenery as you pass down where the scattering trees stand out on the hill slopes and remind one of the gentlemen parks of merry old England, of which we have read, and a trip up and down is worth taking, for there is certainly some of the fairest country that ever laid out of doors in the possession of the noble red man along the waters of the “Big Sandy.”
In conclusion, if we have only taken the initiative step that will make useful the waters of this grand highway that will open the doors to a cheaper transportation and a better market, we have done something. Our reward so far has been laughter; our encouragement nix, but we shall hold out faithful to the end, as we try a freight trip to Pawnee Agency on Tuesday. Yours truly, A. W. [Believe this was Amos Walton.]
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                 WHEAT STATISTICS OF COWLEY COUNTY.

Last winter M. G. Troup, county clerk, made from all the information in his reach a careful estimate of the acreage of winter wheat growing in this county, showing over 75,000 acres. We carefully revised his estimates in the light of such information as we had been able to collect and were satisfied that they were not too high. Since then the township assessors have made their statistical returns and to our astonishment they only show an aggregate in the county of 61,987 acres of fall sown wheat. Not satisfied with this result, Mr. Troup and ourself have scrutinized the statistical returns and compared them with the assessment returns, the returns of last year, and with facts in our possession, and find that there are evident errors in the wheat statistics returned from at least ten of the townships. To illustrate the nature of these errors, we will note the two which stand at the head of the list.
The returns from Beaver Township for 1877 show 6,397 acres of wheat; those for 1878 show 4,736 acres, a falling off of 1,967 acres. The farmers from that township with whom we have consulted estimate the increase of acreage thirty percent or higher, or at least 2,000 acres. We assume an increase of 1,843, which added to the reported decrease, makes the error 3,800 acres.
The Bolton assessment returns show 14,021 cultivated acres while the statistical returns show only 11,506, or 2,515 less, when they should show at least ten percent more because of the fact that there is a considerable cultivated land which is not entered and therefore does not appear on the assessment role. Assuming ten percent as a basis, it would show an error in the statistics of 3,717 acres, of which we assume that 2,000 are in wheat.
Thus from these two townships we show the acres of wheat returned to be probably at least 5,800 too low. A similar canvass of the returns of eight other townships gives us errors to the amount of 7,500, making the aggregate error in ten townships amount to 18,300, which added to the footings, shows a wheat acreage of 75,287.
Some persons whose opinions are entitled to weight have estimated the wheat acreage at from 80,000 to 90,000. We feel sure that there are not less than 75,000 acres.
                                                           Wheat Harvest.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
The bulk of the wheat of this county is already harvested. The work commenced May 20th, which was more than two weeks earlier than usual. The weather has been excellent, only moderately warm, much of the time cloudy, but little rain, and the farmers have pushed the work with vigor, courage, and hope. Hundreds of the best kinds of harvesting machines have been running on full time and the work has progressed with great rapidity. . . .
                                                   The Page-Webb Tragedy.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Various statements in relation to this affair have appeared in the newspapers or been told about the country which have no foundation in fact; but have grown out of the surmises of excited men. Much interest and a desire to learn the facts are manifested.
At the preliminary examination of Webb, the courtroom was well filled, largely with men from the country, and we consider it due to our readers to give them the exact facts as far as possible, and endeavored to do so last week.
We will state that we were not much acquainted with Page and were well acquainted with Webb, feeling for him a personal friendship; but we do not intend that this fact shall color our statements.
Our statement last week that Webb had been taking opium to steady his nerves was doubtless an error. It is denied, and we find no one who knows that he ever took opium.
The statement of the correspondent of the Traveler that Page had won from Webb $100, which Webb had collected for his clients, is in error.

C. C. Black, Webb’s law partner, says that Webb could not possibly have had any money belonging to clients. The statement in some of the papers that Webb had threatened to kill or revenge upon Page seems to be without foundation. No evidence of threats or malice was offered, or was attempted to be offered, at the examination.
If there is any evidence that Page had played cold decks on Webb, drugged him, or drawn pistols on him, it was not produced at the examination. There are many other statements and rumors that cannot be taken as truth, at least not until the case is fully developed at the trial.
                                         THE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION
took place last week, June 5th and 6th. Capt. McDermott, for the state, evidently endeavored to do his whole duty in an honorable way. Judge Coldwell, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, and Judge Webb, the prisoner’s father, were present in the interest of Webb. The hearing was before Justice Boyer in the courthouse. Four witnesses were examined on the part of the state. The following are all the material facts testified.
                                           JESSE HERNDON’S TESTIMONY.
I have been tending bar for Page lately. On the first day of June I was in Page’s saloon. Mr. Page was there. I saw L. J. Webb there; saw him shoot Page. Page was standing at the north end of the bar, front side, leaning against the bar talking to Frank Manny. Webb came into the room at the back door, walked to within about ten feet of Page, took his pistol out of his pocket, and pointed it towards Page. The pistol made a report and I saw the smoke. Page put up his hand to his left breast and said: “See where the son of a b___h has shot me.”
Page walked out of the front door. I did not see Webb do anything after that. He gave his pistol to Mr. Hill. I did not see Mr. Page anymore until about half an hour, when I saw him in the doctor’s office dead. What I have described transpired in Cowley County, Kansas, about 4 o’clock p.m., Saturday, June 1, 1878.
I have been in Page’s employ about two months. Mr. Page sold whiskey and wine and allowed gambling in his place of business. The room I have described was the retail room. The gambling was carried on in the back room on the same floor. There were other rooms for gambling upstairs, but they did not gamble there. There might have been one or two gambling games up there. The building was well constructed for gambling purposes.

I have known Webb nearly all the time I have been here; had seen him about the building before. He was there the Friday evening before; came after supper and remained all night and next day until the shooting took place. He did not leave the house to my knowledge until the shooting. Had he left I think I would have known it. He was in the back room where they were playing poker most of the time he was in the house. Page was engaged in the game. Page would frequently go from the gambling room to the bar room and help his customers to some of the good things he had there. Mr. Webb drank during the night and during the day. I think he took the last drink about thirty minutes before the shooting. During the time Webb was there he might have drunk more than thirty times. He was drinking all the time. I waited on them during the time he was there. The game broke up about daylight. Page did not play any after that. They all drank the same kind of liquor, not mixed liquor but whiskey; they call it bean whiskey. I took some peppermint to Webb once. I prepared all the liquor they drank that night except one round. Page gave them one round about midnight. I was most of the time in the gaming room. Webb was playing all the time until 4 o’clock. Page then quit the game because there was no more money in it. He had got it all. Webb continued drinking all day. I did not observe anything peculiar about Webb when he came out at the time of the shooting. Do not know whether Page had been in the gambling room that afternoon. If he was in there, I do not know it. I had passed a drink through a hole in the wall into the gambling room to Webb about twenty minutes before the shooting.
Frank Manny testified to the circumstances of the shooting substantially as did Herndon, and said he saw Webb in the gambling room about ten minutes before the shooting playing cards with two other men; said Webb when he came into the room looked as though he was mad; had his eyes wide open and looked toward Page with a hard stare. Webb leveled his pistol so long at Page before firing that witness thought it was a joke intended to scare somebody.
Newton Ball and H. A. Adams testified to the facts of the shooting substantially as Herndon had, and Dr. Mansfield testified to the surgical results. No witnesses were produced on behalf of the prisoner. His counsel evidently preferred not to disclose their line of defense.
The Justice ordered that Webb be committed to jail to await his trial at the September term of the district court. An application that he be admitted to bail was refused and the prisoner was returned to jail.
There is a wide difference of opinion in this community as to the merits or demerits of this case and some feeling is exhibited. We do not propose to state our opinions, but only to state the facts as they are developed. It is probable that much other evidence will be adduced at the trial, and until then we think all should avoid forming fixed opinions.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
C. J. Brane brought into our office Tuesday some ripe peaches.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Col. Manning’s new building is rapidly approaching completion and promises to present a fine appearance.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Mr. Wm. Ovington, of Sheridan, sent us last Saturday a batch of new turnips, some of which measured nineteen inches in circumference.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
No more small pox has appeared in this city and a feeling of security is manifested. Business is again resuming its normal condition, and our merchants are very busy.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Mr. Riley Wise, late of Illinois, is in town visiting Frank Robinson and Charley Payson. Like all Illinoisans, he is infatuated with the country generally and Cowley County especially.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
We are glad to learn that Albert Bliss is recovering from his vaccination, and is able to use his arm, though in a roundabout fashion. It is a mistake about his finding a whip. He “didn’t see any.”
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
We are pleased to hear that Prof. George W. Robinson is practicing medicine in Dr. Black’s absence. George is a young man of good promise, and we believe he is engaged in a way that will soon bring him into public notice.

Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Dr. F. M. Cooper has moved into this place and will practice medicine. He is of the eclectic school and has had an extensive practice. He has been in Joplin, Missouri, for some time. He has built a residence in Manning’s addition and now occupies it.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Barton & Co. are getting up a sprinkling establishment to keep the dust down on Main Street and 9th Avenue, during this summer. Our businessmen should take hold of this movement and give it every encouragement for it will add to the coolness of the atmosphere as well as to keep the clouds of dust from invading their business houses.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Dr. W. P. Rothrock was in town with Mrs. Rothrock last week Wednesday. They left towards evening and were soon well saturated by a splendid shower of rain, but said they could stand it with pleasure because it would do their corn so much good. When they arrived home they found that not a drop of rain had fallen on their corn field. They do not now see much romance in riding in the rain.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Campbell & Parks have 3,000 sheep on Grouse and Skull Creeks in this county. They say this is the best part of the United States for their business. There is plenty of pure water, good grass, and dry rolling land. It is far enough south for mild winters and far enough north to secure a good article of wool. They keep graded sheep, and cross with a view to constitutions as well as good wool. They have rather large sheep with heavy fleeces.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Our councilmen, George W. Gully, Robert Hudson, and J. M. Olds lost some shirts from a clothes line at the American House one day last week, and a certain man was suspected of the theft. Deputy J. H. Finch was sent into the country to find the stolen shirts and other articles of clothing. Finch has the trunk in charge and is ready to deliver it to the owner whenever he calls for it.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Judge Gans met at Topeka a man by the name of Isaac Graves, of Newton, Iowa, who had arranged to travel all over this state to find the best place to locate. The Judge prevailed on him to come with him direct to Winfield. When he arrived Mr. Graves took a general look at this place and vicinity, said he would look no farther, but would be a resident here as soon as it was possible to make his arrangements. He returned direct to Iowa, and now writes that he will soon be a citizen of this “garden spot of the world.”
                                                               The Picnic.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.

The picnic last Friday was as near a success as anything is allowed to become on this globe of woe. About 10 o’clock fair lads began interviewing the livery stables. Brave girls finished packing the baskets with culinary fruits, and casting lingering glances at the mirror. Soon the sun shone on the flashing wheels of between fifteen and twenty buggies winding down the river to the classic shades. The ride lent zest and spirit for the occasion. Everything had been done that could be suggested by boys ready-minded in such affairs; boats floated on the river, a croquet ground had been prepared, swings hung from lofty branches, and big girls become little big boys, little boys, and the “old cat” died again.
The band never dispersed sweeter music—ah-h-h!—the bugs wandered off and went to sleep for the day; the mosquitoes, overcome with the happiness of the occasion, hied and hummed to other grounds; and the picnic, all alone, bossed the situation.
Affected dignity was laid aside for the next “society” party; and everybody was in the best of humor. The girls were noted for their good behavior and neat costumes, and the dinner, in the language of the “hungry men,” “Oh Lord!”
About 4 o’clock the party left the grounds, and not long after, seventeen buggies drove into Arkansas City. Such a sight was never beheld in that rural town before. Supper was had, two hours were spent viewing the city, and then the party started with enjoyment, rolled home in the moonshine, a pleasant remembrance in the minds of all.
                                                         Railroad Meeting.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
The meeting last Saturday at the Courthouse was attended by Judge Coldwell, C. M. Wood, and A. A. Jackson, of the Winfield committee, and by gentlemen from several other townships in the county.
Judge Coldwell was chosen chairman, and C. M. Wood, secretary. The chairman explained the action of the Winfield committee, stating that the A. T. & S. F. railroad company had indicated a desire to build a railroad through this county, either from El Dorado or Wichita; and if they could get sufficient aid and encouragement, would agree to complete it as far as Winfield by August 1, 1879. The company desired a proposition from the citizens of this county in relation to the matter, which they would consider, and suggest such changes as they would require.
It was voted that the Winfield committee, consisting of Messrs. Coldwell, Wood, Jackson, M. L. Robinson, and J. B. Lynn, be members of a general county committee to which was added Judge James Christian, of Creswell, and John B. Holmes, of Rock Township.
Resolutions were adopted to propose to vote to the railroad company $4,000 per mile, limited to $140,000 in the aggregate, if the company would build within one year from August 1st next, through Cowley County via Winfield and Arkansas City. The committee were to confer with the company on this basis.
The meeting adjourned to meet at call of the chairman.
The committee have since sent their proposition to the company and expect a reply in a reasonable time, which they will communicate through the newspapers.
                                                       Council Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                         WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 3rd, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, and G. W. Gully, E. C. Manning, and C. M. Wood, councilmen, present.
Petition of J. M. Alexander, et al., for sidewalk on north side of 9th Avenue, from Main to Millington Streets, reported from committee on streets and sidewalks favorably and ordinance ordered drawn; ditto, petition of M. L. Robinson, et al.

Committee on streets and alleys reported on Majors & Vance petition in regard to the Lacy nuisance; that they did not consider the same to be a nuisance. On motion, petition was laid on the table.
Action was taken on the following bills.
Max Shoeb, repairing hook & ladder truck: $18.50.
James Lobdell, laying sidewalks: $7.13.
G. W. Cass, laying sidewalks: $22.56.
Frazee Brothers, laying sidewalks: $12.00.
W. D. Anderson, laying sidewalks: $13.92.
H. H. Caywood, laying sidewalks: $5.00.
H. H. Caywood, rock for pest house: $1.00.
J. E. Allen office rent: $6.50.
J. P. Short, City Clerk for May: $5.00.
The following claims were allowed:
Allen Brown, digging grave for Brooks: $1.00.
G. W. Beal, digging grave for Brooks: $1.00.
Thos. Clark, digging grave for Brooks: $1.00.
Collum & Constant, work on pest house: $5.00.
Stewart & Epler, work on pest house: $5.00.
M. J. Miller, work on pest house: $2.50.
L. L. Beck, rock for pest house: $1.00.
J. W. Smiley, burying Brooks, etc.: $10.00.
T. Wright, small pox nurse, etc.: $25.00.
F. C. Lowery, small pox nurse for Brooks: $50.00.
E. C. Manning, lumber, etc., for pest house: $66.94.
The following bills, claimed by various people, were referred to finance committee.
Boyer & Wallis, clothing for pest house: $15.10.
J. E. Allen, City Attorney, services: $6.50.
J. H. Finch, boarding prisoners: $11.25.
Dr. Emerson, small pox services: $15.00.
Dr. Strong, small pox services: $140.00.
Dr. Mansfield, small pox services: $66.50.
On motion, the City Attorney was directed to take steps to recover from Miller and Brook’s estate the amount paid for them by the city.
Adjourned. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
                                        Special Meeting Winfield City Council.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                              WINFIELD, KANSAS, May 4th.
J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present.
Contract with W. D. Anderson for laying sidewalk in front of lots 5 and 6, in block 87. Approved. Ordinance No. 80 read by sections and unanimously passed.

Millington & Lemmon, and W. M. Allison, presented bids for the City printing. On motion the contract was ordered to the former and the Winfield COURIER made the official paper for the coming year. On motion the clerk was ordered to furnish official paper with proceedings of council.
The following action was taken on bills.
J. E. Allen, City Attorney’s services: $4.17.
N. C. Coldwell, City Attorney’s services: $4.17.
J. H. Finch, boarding prisoners: $11.25.
Lynn & Gillelen, merchandise for pest house: $26.65.
Bill, W. H. H. Maris, lumber for pest house: $47.43.
The following bills were referred to finance committee:
Bill of Boyer & Wallis, Drs. Strong, Emerson, and Mansfield, laid over.
On motion the chairman of committee on streets and sidewalks was instructed to proceed with the laying of crossings where sidewalks had been finished.
The marshal was instructed to make complaint, arrest, and bring before police judge parties who had been notified to remove nuisances from their premises and had neglected to do so.
The clerk stated that the pay allowed him was inadequate for the amount of services required, and asked that a committee be appointed to examine the affairs of his office and report as to the increase of compensation. Finance committee so appointed. Adjourned.
                                                     J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
                                                 The Cowley County Normal.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Teachers and parties interested will please notice that the time of beginning the Normal Institute has been changed from July 3rd to July 10th, and act accordingly. The change is made at the request of many of our teachers, and it is hoped that all will be benefitted thereby.
The examination of teachers will begin Thursday, August 8, at 3 o’clock p.m.
                                          R. C. STORY, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
Elisha Bowen and wife to James A. Randall, nw. 9-31-3; 160 acres, $550.
Elishia [?] Bland and daughter to Elizabeth C. Hewitt, se. 3-35-3; 160 acres, $1,000.
A. C. Elliott and wife to Moore Ralston, s. of nw. 27-31-4; 80 acres, $750.
K. A. Moses and wife to E. A. Burleson, se. of ne. and nw. of sw., 23-32-5; 86 acres, $1,100.
John McKinney and wife to J. E. Pennington, w. of sw., 21-32-6; 80 acres, $325.
E. L. Johnson and wife to Albert Spencer, s. of sw., 33-31-5; 80 acres, $120.
James P. Marshall to Ruth Marshall, lots 1, 2, 7, 8, and 13, 6-34-3; 136.15 acres, love.
M. G. Troup, administrator, to James T. Brooks, se. 38-32-5; 160 acres, $925.
E. N. Darling and wife to Mary Darling, in ne. 12-34-4; 40 acres, $400.
Elizabeth Holmes to A. B. Arment, in ne. 33-32-4; 6 acres, $300.
John A. Beck and wife to Jno. Kearns, se. 29-31-3; 160 acres, $1,280.
Wm. D. Clark and wife to Jacob H. Snyder, ne. 12-32-3; 160 acres, $3,000.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to W. S. Paul, sw. 14-32-4; 160 acres, $300.

E. C. Manning and wife to Geo. M. Moore, lot 12, block 4, Winfield, $50.
Read & Robinson and wives to T. C. Robinson, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, block 94, Winfield, $125.
Read & Robinson and wives to J. A. Foultz, lot 5, block 96, Winfield, $50.
A. A. Jackson and wife to Winfield Town Company, lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 86, Winfield, $25.
J. N. Alexander to H. J. Johnson & Sherwood, lot 20, block 70, Arkansas City, $13.
A. A. Jackson and wife to Winfield Town Association, lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, block 88, Winfield, $25.
Winfield Town Association to F. M. Friend, lot 8, block 186, Winfield, $60.
A. J. Thompson and wife to B. M. Terrill, lot 1, block 110, Winfield, $75.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                        SHERIDAN TOWNSHIP, June 9, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: For the last two weeks the voice of the reaper has made music in our land, Mr. Ovington leading the van by harvesting the first piece of wheat May 27th; and now the most of the wheat in the neighborhood is cut and stacked, while the farmers are jubilant over their splendid crops.
Corn looks splendid, oats ditto, while garden stuff of all kinds is in abundance and of the finest quality. We are luxuriating on raspberries and blackberries; and will have ripe peaches soon, for our Early Crawfords are beginning to ripen now.
Mr. Moreland has returned to his home in Tipton, Iowa, having purchased the Truesdale place for one of his sons for $1,600. He also has negotiated for one or two other places; but the sales are not yet concluded. Mr. Moreland professes himself as highly delighted with our beautiful county, and took back with him to Iowa specimens of wheat, oats, corn, fruit, flowers, and vegetables of this year’s growth, saying truly: “My neighbors will not believe my report if I do not show them the proofs.”
School is still in progress and has continued through the small pox scare. Mrs. Rhonimus, like an old soldier, stands faithfully at her post.
Dr. Pennington is improving and beautifying the John Kinney place, which he purchased this spring. The Doctor is winning golden opinions from his neighbors, not only as a successful practitioner, but also as an affable, courteous gentleman. Both he and his estimable lady are great acquisitions to our neighborhood. Long may they live and flourish.
Mr. James Stuart, of Wheeling, West Virginia, accompanied by his uncle, Wm. Stuart, has been visiting his relatives in Sheridan and Winfield. Wm. Stuart is a hale old gentleman of three score years and ten. He has traveled all over the eastern part of the United States, and has crossed the ocean three times; yet he says he never saw as beautiful a country or as fine crops as here in Cowley, and his great wonder was that the county had not been settled up long ago.
Letters were received last week from H. Clay and Bonwell. They were in the mountains froze up, but were in fine health and spirits.
For fear of making my article too long, I will close, although the “half has not been told.”
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                                   WEST BOLTON, May 30.

We are into wheat harvesting “head over heels.” The wheat is filled better than for the last three years. A month ago the prospect was discouraging, but farmers are in the best of spirits now.
Mr. J. O. Kelso likes Cowley so well that he rents his Sumner County farm and has moved to Cowley.
The people are becoming more reconciled to the wood question. They were going to take the wood and protect each other, but now they are as docile as Mary’s lamb.
There are many land buyers about. A Mr. Phillips, from Illinois, has made arrangements to buy four improved farms for himself and others.
Mrs. V. R. Kelso has been dangerously ill, but is now improving slowly.
When it was reported that Mr. E. Gordon was down with the small pox, he was well and at work in the harvest field.
Miss Kate Westover will arrive from Indiana June 7th and intends to locate here, bringing abundant means.
Mr. Maricle’s 800-acre wheat field presents a busy appearance.
Miss Etta McCasky is teaching in Sumner County. This is a new adventure—very creditable to her—and it is hoped and expected she will prove a valuable instructor.
                                                        ALONG THE LINE.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 11th day of June, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Bahnbige [?], Harry; Brown, Benjamin H.; Bickner, J. K.; Back, John; Cummings, Mrs. Annie; Capehart, Charlie; Cain, John; Childers, Benson; Childers, J. B.; Cochran, Mrs. Lillie; Crank, A. C.; Creighton, William A.; Davis, Henry F.; Danforth, John; Davis, Edward; Drury, J. P.; Greenlee, John; Grant, Oscar; Ghant, J. C.; Gars, Dick; Girdan [?Girdau]; Horrel, J. L.; Horman, E. W.; Holmes; Huff, R. W.; Haley, Cook; Hawkins, Mrs. Annie C.; Hatton, Dr. J. C.; Herndon, John; Johnson, B. E.; Johnson, E. B.
SECOND COLUMN: Kinnett, Joseph; Kinney, John M.; Luce, W. A.; McCumber, L. D.; McEy, T. F.; Willet, R. L.; Moore, John C.; Prunkard, John E.; Price, T. E.; Pollard, Mrs. Anna; Patterson, Mrs. M. F.; Reynolds, John; Rerick, Aaron; Long, A. L.; Shackelford, Lewis; Stewart, Mrs M. J.; Roberty [?Roberts], David; Truman, Thos. E.; Turner, Mrs. Hannah; Thompson, Henry; Taylor, S. W.; Torrance, G. F.; Yount, Joseph; Young, Thomas; Wilson, G. W.; Winkler, Andrew; McKnown; Withrup, A.; Wilson, G. H.; Jone [?Jones], Thomas H.; Kizer, Hosia; White, George.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                  [Published in the Winfield Courier June 13, 1878.]
                                                      ORDINANCE NO. 80.
An Ordinance Providing for the Construction of Certain Sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SECTION 1. That a sidewalk of an uniform width of four feet be constructed within the limits of the City of Winfield, beginning at Main Street on the south side of Tenth Avenue; thence west on south side of Tenth Avenue to west side of Manning Street; thence south on the west side of Manning Street to the south side of Twelfth Avenue; thence along the south side of Twelfth Avenue to the west side of Menor Street; thence south along the west side of Menor Street to the south side of Court House Street.
SECTION 2. That a sidewalk of an uniform width of eight feet with a substantial curb-stone be constructed along the north side of Ninth Avenue, between Main Street and Millington Street.
SECTION 3. Said sidewalks shall be constructed of the stone commonly called flagstone, and no stone used in the construction of the same shall be of a less than two feet square nor less than three nor more than six inches in thickness, and the grading must be done and the stones laid so as to make a smooth and uniform surface.
SECTION 4. Unless the sidewalks for the construction of which provision is made by the first section of this ordinance shall be completed within sixty days after the passage of this ordinance by the owners of abutting lots, and unless the sidewalks required by the second section of this ordinance be completed within ninety days from its passage, then, and in that case, said sidewalks shall be built by the city, and the lots or pieces of ground abutting upon them shall be assessed for the payment of all expenditures according to the front foot abutting on the sidewalk constructed.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its publication once in the Winfield Courier. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
                                                      THE GREAT STORM.
                                                   Unprecedented Fall of Rain.
                                                High Water — Great Damages.
Winfield and vicinity was visited yestesrday morning by one of the greatest storms ever known to this vicinity. It commenced raining about fifteen minutes after 12 o’clock a.m., and continued until about 4 o’clock—nearly four hours. The amount of water which fell during that time is unprecedented. Every vessel standing right side up out of doors which was not more than two feet deep filled with water. Several barrels standing alone received a depth of over 24 inches of water each. The total fall of water could not have been less than 25 inches. The wind blew very strongly from several different directions during the storm. Four small houses in this city were moved from their foundations and turned partly around, and many outbuildings were blown down. The rain seemed to come down in sheets, and the whole county around seemed one vast sheet of water.
Lightning struck the house of J. E. Allen, in the south part of town, splitting open his chimney and stove pipe and stunning his wife. It also struck another house in the north part of town, doing very little damage. The rain was forced through roofs and every crack and cranny of the buildings; and there is scarcely a house in town in which the contents escaped all damage from wet. Many cellars received considerable water. In that of Lynn & Gillelen, stored with merchandise, the damage will be at least $100. Baird Bros. suffered from water and kerosene damage in their cellar of at least $800. Others are damaged lightly.

As we write, 10 o’clock a.m., Wednesday, the whole bottom north of town on both sides of Timber Creek is one vast lake extending into the city limits. This sheet of water is the overflow of Timber Creek.
An immense quantity of wheat sheaves are floating down the Walnut River, having been swept out of the Timber Creek Valley. Many farmers have lost their entire crop. J. F. Graham not only lost his wheat, but thinks 24 hogs have gone down the river. It is probable that much other damage is done in this valley; but we are now unable to learn the extent.
The water in Timber Creek is slowly subsiding; but in the Walnut it is still rising. At Bliss’s mill it is up to within 16 inches of the bridge and as high as ever known before. The rise at this point is already 28 feet. Bliss had a large quantity of flour in sacks in his mill, and the hands set to work moving it into the upper story; but the rise was so rapid that about 10,000 pounds of flour was caught on the main floor, and is of course a loss.
We just learn that the rise of Beaver Creek, in Beaver Township, surrounded the house of David W. Frew, who carried his wife to dry land; and while returning for his two children, the house was carried away with the children, who are probably drowned. Dr. Holland’s house is surrounded by water up to the windows; but at this writing, no one had reached the house.
It is impossible at present to learn the extent of the storm and of the damage. It is evident that both are immense.
In town a new stable was blown down; Terrill lost a lot of valuable pictures, the churches were damaged to some extent, a large lot of plastering fell and enveloped one of our druggists, Mr. Giles; many trees were broken down and much fruit shaken off.
Black Crook, two miles east of town, rose 20 feet, carrying off a stone wall and Dunn’s crop of wheat.
LATER. The water is subsiding in the Walnut.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                                              State News.
Geo. Washington, the herald of Chief Joseph of the Nez Perces, died at Fort Leavenworth of consumption on the 8th inst.
                                                          The Great Storm.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
The storm of last week, Wednesday morning, came from the W.N.W. across the north part of Sumner County down the Ninnescah River, where it did a considerable damage. The center of the storm passed over Vernon, Winfield, Tisdale, Dexter, and Otter Townships in Cowley County in a general direction of E.S.E., and left the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale. It could not have been more than about fifteen miles wide and the track of the heaviest rainfall was scarcely more than half of that width. From all the circumstances taken together we conclude, it was a cyclone or rotary storm, of about seven or eight miles in diameter; that the rotation was not extremely rapid, and that the progress of the storm was very slow.
Our statement last week of the amount of waterfall was, we now think, exaggerated, and that twenty inches would be the extent.
DIED. But three lives were lost, namely: the two children of Mr. Frew at Beaver Creek and Mr. Bell at Badger Creek. The circumstances of the loss of the two children is thus described by Horatius in a communication of that day.

“This community was startled this morning by the news that two children of Mr. David M. Frew, aged respectively two months and three years, were swept away by the flood. Mr. Frew and family had retired for the night; and though conscious that a large amount of water was falling, he did not anticipate danger until his house moved. He immediately with his wife and two children attempted to escape from the floating building. In his exertions he slipped and fell in the water, losing his hold on the children, who were immediately swept away from him, and darkness prevailing, he was utterly unable to recover or find them. He barely succeeded in saving himself and wife. The grief-stricken parents have the heartfelt sympathies of the people in this vicinity.”
The bodies of the drowned children have since been recovered. In the vicinity of Mr. Frew’s was the residence of DR. C. G. Holland, which stood on a knoll, surrounded by lower land. The water rose to the windows and the house moved partly from its foundations; but the doctor led a heavy horse and a cow into the house, which so weighted it down that it did not float away. The water subsided and the apprehensions of his neighbors were relieved.
The drowning of Mr. Bell is related in another place. There were two other men, whose names we did not get, who were camped near Mr. Bell at Chaffee’s ford, on Badger. They were swept into the current; but held to the branches or brush until morning light, when they were relieved. Several animals were killed by lightning, including a valuable bull belonging to S. S. Holloway; a mare belonging to Mr. Bryson, and another belonging to Mr. Glass, of Dexter Township; and a horse belonging to Mr. Lucas, of Pleasant Valley.
All the streams and small creeks along the track of the storm were swollen suddenly and excessively, rising from twenty to thirty feet. Beaver, Walnut, Timber, Black Crook, Badger, Silver, Turkey, Plum, Grouse, and Crab Creeks overflowed their banks and swept away large quantities of wheat in the shock, and many hogs. Much damage was done by washing out corn and other crops. Potatoes and onions were washed out of the ground. Stone fences and stone corrals were swept away. We have succeeded in gathering the names of some of the
                                                  LOSERS BY THE STORM.
On Walnut: John Ireton lost 20 hogs and 30 acres of wheat; Mr. Craig and Mr. Clark lost each 30 acres of wheat; F. W. Schwantes lost his stone corral; M. Gessler lost 5 hogs.
On Timber: Thos. Youle lost 100 acres of wheat; Geo. Youle 10 acres; Daniel Knox 12 acres; Mrs. Rutherford 12 acres; J. F. Graham and M. V. Phillips 50 acres; Washburne 28 acres; Mentch 40 acres; Mrs. Cochran 30 acres; G. W. Yount 40 acres; John Parks 60 acres; S. A. Burger 14 acres; W. Cowan 40 acres. J. F. Graham lost 10 hogs; G. W. Yount 19 hogs; John Rhodes 1 horse and 10 acres of wheat; W. W. Limbocker 8 acres; J. W. Orr 20 acres; Mr. Keesey 10 acres; Bryant 10 acres.
On Black Crook: W. Dunn lost 60 acres of wheat; Joe Mack 20; others lost a considerable.
On Badger: J. H. Mounts lost 12 acres of wheat; S. W. Chase 20 acres; Robert Gardener 60 acres; McCullom 20 acres; A. B. Gardener 40 acres; W. Hill 40 acres; Eckles 10 acres. Much corn was washed out.
In Pleasant Valley: Jeffers had the roof of his house blown off.
The losses on Silver, Turkey, Plum, Grouse, and Crab Creeks have not been specially reported to us except as stated by the following from our DEXTER CORRESPONDENT.

“There has been a great flood in this vicinity, which has washed away a large amount of the wheat along Plum and Turkey Creeks and other tributaries of the Grouse. Mr. Clay, on Turkey Creek, lost 22 acres of wheat. Several others suffered severe losses of grain. Plum Creek did not suffer as much. Grouse Creek rose 16 feet at the Winfield crossing. Several head of hogs washed away. Mr. Axley lost his entire crop of wheat, and it is feared the damage to wheat will be great.”
To sum up, we conclude that about 50,000 bushels of wheat have been washed away, and that the total damage to the county will reach at least $100,000. To many, their losses are of a serious character, being their sole dependence, and will occasion much distress.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Rains reign.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Ye streets in ye city are still damp.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
The Central Hotel wants a good dining-room girl.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Bert Crapster has gone to Illinois to spend the 4th.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Will Winfielders celebrate the Fourth? If not, why not?
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Prof. E. Luther intends leaving this place soon for Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Rev. Randall will preach at the Baptist Church next Sabbath.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Marcenus Glass, on Crab Creek, had a fine mare killed by lightning.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Henry Bryson, of Dexter Township, had a fine mare killed by lightning.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Mr. John Morian and David Hillicker, of Sheridan, were in the city last week.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Wanted. Somebody to build a water-tight roof over this section of the county.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Harter & Speed have lately received a handsome buggy, the finest in their stable.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Last Saturday the liquor of the Railroad Saloon was sold on the street at auction.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
The recent storm is reported to have done very little damage to the farmers on Grouse.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Rev. J. Cairns, of Cambridge, Illinois, preached last Sabbath morning and evening at the Baptist Church.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.

G. W. Childers, of Otter, sends us samples of his apples and ripe apricots, which are very fine and large.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
William Huff, Thomas Watch, Phillip Baker, and Thomas Hicks were in from Lazette Sunday and Monday.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Sheridan Township is the boss township for timber-boards, thanks to the energy and good sense of Hank Clay.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Captain Nipp, of East Bend, was in town Saturday. He reported the Walnut as full of floating wheat on Friday.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
A. H. Glass, of Crab Creek, sent us on June 14th samples of his ripe Early Heath peaches, which are excellent.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
DIED. A son of Mr. J. P. Stewart, of Maple Township, was drowned last Thursday by accidentally wading into a prairie well.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Henry Wilkins and Mr. Craft each lost a horse near Lazette on Tuesday night of last week. The horses were killed by lightning.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Mr. Todd expects to have 500 bushels of peaches this summer.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Corn fields are standing shoulder high. This growth of corn in this county is simply marvelous. We measured a growth of thirty inches in ten days.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
I. H. Bonwell, of Sheridan, returned from Arizona last Friday. He left W. H. Clay 150 miles up the Arkansas. He says he has all of Colorado he wants.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Leonard Stout, of Ninnescah Township, has a short horn bull fifteen months old which weighs one thousand pounds. He has the best lot of Durham cows in the county.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
R. R. Turner, of Otter, has the largest and best orchards in the county. Peach trees seven years old are 8 inches in diameter. He has an abundance of apples and fruits of all kinds.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Mrs. Lemmon and her boy, Bertie, came down from Topeka, arriving here on Saturday evening. She will remain with her father’s family some time. Mr. Lemmon will be here temporarily about the 29th inst.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
William Clay, on Turkey Creek, lost 23 acres of wheat, which would have yielded 30 bushels to the acre. He says it was shipped in the straw. Rich Hayworth and many others on Plum Creek had wheat shipped in the same way.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.

The south bridge was nearly carried away by the recent rise in the Walnut. The north pier was almost entirely washed out. All that is left standing of it is a small column of rock under the northeast corner of the bridge and the west side of the pier under the northwest corner, the center having been washed out. That the bridge stood at all upon such a foundation is surprising. Thursday props of large timbers were placed under the north end and no further damage or loss is expected. The loss of this bridge would have been a serious one to the town and surrounding country, and the timely situation paid by many of the citizens of Winfield to secure it from further damages deserves notice.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
J. H. Land is very low with the dysentery, and is in a critical condition.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
A. G. Wilson has sold his milk business, with stock, and rented his farm to a Mr. Henion, of Michigan. A. G. says he can stand the business in cool weather; but when fly time comes and the cows’ heels and tails are flying around variously, it grows too interesting.
LATER. The trade is “busted.”
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Rev. F. P. Berry has accepted a pastorate at Wellington, and will move to that place this week.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Mrs. H. L. Page, of Milwaukee, mother of the late Jay Page, and Mr. H. Barber, Jr., of Chicago, a relative, arrived in Winfield last Saturday the 17th. They are here to assist in settling up the estate of Mr. Page and not to influence in any way the prosecution of Mr. Webb. We met Mr. Barber and were much pleased with his gentlemanly bearing and with the intelligence, candor, and soundness of the views he expressed.
                                           Death of John L. Bell by Drowning.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
DIED. One of the saddest remembrances of the recent storm will be that of the death by drowning of Mr. John L. Bell in Badger Creek.
He and James White were camping on the bank of the creek; and before they realized the fierceness of the storm, found that the creek had already overflown its banks and that the water was up to the bed of their wagon. Wading from the wagon to their team, White succeeded in getting safely out; but Bell was unable to escape. His body was found about one mile from their camping place partially buried in the mud.
Mr. Bell was one of the most active, business-like young men in the county; was 22 years of age, and highly respected for his many manly qualities by all who knew him. Mr. Bell and his brother, Jacob L. Bell, were living in Silverdale Township, near the Centennial Schoolhouse, and were keeping 800 sheep and engaged in wool raising. He was at the time of the storm on his way to Wichita with a load of wool for market. The wool has since been mostly recovered. The two Bells were from Finley, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Both were winning golden opinions as intelligent, energetic, and reliable young men.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.

Rev. J. E. Platter returned from the East last Thursday. He visited Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and other cities. He says the apprehension of trouble and bloodshed from the communists in the large cities is general and deep, that the arsenals have been double guarded, and other precautions are being taken.
In comparing our taxes with those of some other places East, he thinks we have reason to be thankful that ours are not worse. He mentions one case of about $12,000 taxes on certain city property. The property taxed was sold for the taxes and not bringing the whole amount, an attempt was made to sell the owner’s other property in the country to pay the balance of the tax on the city property.
Mr. Platter attended the Presbyterian General Assembly at Pittsburgh as a member and delegate. The proceedings were such as are usual of such meetings, little of which would be of interest to the general reader. The Rev. John Miller, a great scholar and profound thinker of wonderful powers of conversation and debate, was tried for heresy, he having written and stated that Christ had a sinful nature and was not divine, and that the soul of man could not exist separate from the body. He was expelled from the ministry. . . .
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                                              Was It Right?
The city council failed to elect the proprietor of the Telegram, city printer, and of course he thinks it is all wrong and “squeals awful.” He is unjust to the other members of the council in giving all the honor and credit of the transaction to C. M. Wood. Each of the members is entitled to a share of the credit, for the vote complained of was a unanimous vote in a full council. The great editor proceeds at once in an editorial and in two long locals to nominate Mr. Wood for the Legislature, and by his abuse, does more in the direction of sending him there than he could have done by the fulsome flattery he would doubtless have heaped upon the same Wood had he voted to make Mr. A. city printer. Of course, as we were made city printer, the transaction looks to us in a different light. We think, as did the members of the city council, that our proposition was the most favorable to the city of the two. Regarded in the mere light of letting a job, there are other considerations besides low rates that should have due weight. The character of the sheet, the extent of its circulation, the promptness and accuracy with which it does its work, the style of its art work, the usefulness of the sheet to the city and community, and other matters should be considered. After considering the matter in its hearings, the city council have voted according to their judgment; and their vote is complimentary to us, for which we are duly thankful. . . .
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                   BETHEL, COWLEY COUNTY, June 17, 1878.
ED. COURIER: This vicinity was visited with the severest rain storm ever known in this part of the county June 11th. It commenced to rain about 11 o’clock p.m., and rained for five hours, the wind blowing at the rate of about sixteen miles an hour, first from the south, and then from the north—while the thunder roared almost continually with a low and rumbling sound that resembled the discharge of distant artillery. The lightning made it almost light as day, lighting up the heavens with a brilliancy that was awful to behold. Fences were washed away—letting hogs, horses, and cattle loose upon the crops. The surface water seemed to be about four feet deep, and ran over the doorsteps and in houses. Fortunately, no one was drowned in this neighborhood; but farmers have sustained a great loss of grain and stock. And now let us turn to more pleasant scenes.
Mrs. Captain Tansy, of Winfield, is visiting friends at Bethel.

Mr. Marsh Howard, sheriff of Shelby County, Illinois, in company with his wife, is visiting his father-in-law, Mr. G. G. Arnold. Mr. Howard is a cousin to the illustrious General, A. A. Howard.
Mr. Martin Wood and wife, of Cedarvale, are visiting friends in this vicinity.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Pursuant to a call, a delegate convention met at Queen Village schoolhouse, R. W. Stevens chosen as chairman. He explained the object of the meeting. A. T. Brooks was chosen secretary. It was moved and carried that the various Sabbath schools have jointly a Fourth of July celebration. Moved and carried that the celebration be held in the grove of R. W. Stevens, near Queen Village schoolhouse. Moved and carried that it be a basket dinner. Moved and carried that W. C. Douglas act as chief officer of the day and that J. W. Miller act as chief marshal. Moved and carried that T. P., J. R. Tate, and Z. W. Hoge prepare a general program for the day. Moved and carried that J. W. Watson procure and have on the ground an organ for general use. Moved and carried that all Sunday schools be invited to attend and participate in the celebration. Moved and carried that a copy of the proceedings of this convention be sent to the Winfield COURIER and Cowley County Telegram.
                                                  R. W. STEVENS, Chairman.
A. T. BROOKS, Secretary.                                                                 June 15, 1878.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s mother, near Winfield, June 13, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Irving Bell, of Wellington, Sumner County, and Miss M. E. Dunham, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of M. Cotrell, near Winfield, June 15, 1878, by the same, Mr. John Cotrell and Miss Rosa Mater, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                                  WINFIELD, June 17, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Allow us the use of your columns to answer the libelous charge made by the Rev. Rusbridge in his pulpit last Sunday evening. He said: “that the committee appointed to examine petitions for saloon license were only twenty minutes examining 1,000 names,” when this little man was well aware that we spent one whole afternoon in Colonel Alexander’s office examining these petitions. He also knew that Henry E. Asp, one of their chosen number, was with us, ant that he expressed himself entirely satisfied with the manner in which the examination was made.
The committee not being entirely satisfied referred the petitions back for additional names. The twenty minutes spoke of was the time spent in examining the additional names to the petition. And this is his basis for false and malicious representation. Respectfully,
                          C. M. WOOD,
                          H. JOCHEMS,
                           G. W. GULLY, COMMITTEE ON SALOON LICENSE.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.

                                                  WINFIELD, June 18, 1878.
A meeting of the Directors of the Walnut Valley Fair Association will be held at the Courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, June 22, 1878, at 1 o’clock p.m. Important business.
By order of the Board, EUGENE E. BACON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                          DEXTER, KANSAS, June 17th, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at 12 o’clock, noon, at the residence of P. G. Smith, by the Rev. W. H. Rose, pastor of the M. E. Church, Mr. Peter Larsen to Miss Lettie A. Smith, all of Dexter, Cowley County, Kansas. The happy pair started at 2 o’clock p.m., the same day, with their team on their wedding tour to their home on the farm of Mr. Larsen, in Wright County, in Minnesota. Pleasant journey and happy future to them.
The big rain storm and what shall we do with our wheat is all the talk now.
BIRTHS. Johnny Graham, blacksmith, has taken a new partner, 3 days ago—weighs eight pounds. Also, born to Mr. and Mrs. Church, a fine son; usual weight.
The parsonage of the M. E. Church is finely painted.
The Dexter school will close Thursday next.
Mr. A. J. Trusdell is building a fine addition to his residence.
Several threshing machines will start up in a few days if the weather is favorable.
More anon. EXAMINER.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                    SILVER CREEK TOWNSHIP, June 15, 1878.
Health generally good.
DEATH. No births and but one death, that of Arthur McDaniel. His father is very low with the same disease: consumption.
Harvest is taking a rest. The rain, if it continues much longer, will do the wheat already cut much damage.
The corn and oats crop looks fine. In fact, we never saw a finer prospect for a general crop in any country.
The great flood of last week did much damage along Silver Creek, washing away wheat, fencing, and some farms were injured by washing the soil off as deep as plowed.
R. Goforth and J. R. Tate are each erecting a dwelling house on their new farms.
D. N. Tate, of Tennessee, has been with us for a few weeks closely observing the productiveness of southern Kansas. He is well pleased with this county and says the money spent was a good investment. Before leaving for home his relatives and friends gave him a dinner at which there were over fifty of his old acquaintances. He leaves us, but takes with him our best wishes and hopes that he will return soon.
The officers of the Shiloh Sunday school desire that the County Superintendent call a delegate convention of all the schools in the county, in order that a regular Sunday school convention may be established. SO SO.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
                                                    DEXTER, June 15, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: The wheat crop in the Grouse Valley is excellent this year.

J. V. Hines has opened a hotel and feed stable at this place. We think he is the right man in the right place and that he will do well, as the Williams House has ceased to jingle the bell anymore.
Mr. Hite is doing a good livery business and is leading the trade in Dexter.
The corn crop looks fine. Hogs very plenty. Hope we will have plenty of corn and get good prices for our hogs.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office June 18, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Antler, A. T.; Armstrong, Mrs. Ellen; Boyer, Mrs. Hannah; Blankenship, William; Beckley, J. A.; Cunningham, Geo. W.; Christopher, M.; Craig, George; Cole, G. S.; Carter, O. M.; Cost, G. W.; Durham, O. W.; DeTurk, A.; Daniel, J. B.; Fellers, Clumbes; Fetters, J. C.; Fox & Cheal; Greenbow, W.; Gibson, Albert; Gallup, Egbert H.; Gault, William; Hill, J. H.; Had, J. A.; Kimball, W. M.; Belund, C. E.; Long, Cozey; Lorton, James; Leonard, Charles.
SECOND COLUMN: Lane, M. J.; McKee, George W.; Murphy, Dr. G. W.; Miller, Mrs. Rebecca; Moppet, Daniel; Many, T. J.; Ross, Santford; Roher, I. H.; Rogers, C. C.; Reiter, Wm. C.; Straham, Albert; Straham, Alex.; Smart, Joel; Smith, B. E.; Smalley, Alice; Shields, John; Sherwood, John; Schonfield, Phillips; Samuels, Frank; Truman, Thos. E.; Thompson, E. M.; Wright, Wm.; Wilson, George; Williams, Wm. M.; Wilfreys, A. N.; Williams, D. L.; Williams, L. B.; Weber, Fred.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Improving! Of course we are. J. M. Napier has erected a 24 by 46 stable for the accommodation of the Bushnell House and the traveling public. Mr. Bush has much improved his house; has nine nice bedrooms upstairs, and intends to make his guests comfortable. Randall & Napier have just received a large stock of general merchandise. They have to send for supplies often. We think we are “getting out of the woods”—now we can get at home five pounds of coffee, or nine pounds of sugar, or twenty yards of calico for one dollar.
Mr. Richard has shelved his drug store preparatory to receiving a stock of queensware, which is on the way here.
Farmers have been very busy cutting and stacking a splendid crop of wheat.
                                                            B. U. SHNELL.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                     LIBERTY TOWNSHIP.
ED. COURIER: As I have not written any items for some time, I thought I would furnish a few for this week’s publication.
Mr. Woods, who has been visiting friends in this township, will soon return to his home in Illinois. He is well satisfied with Cowley County and thinks he will make it his future home.
We learn that Mr. Truesdell sold his farm some time ago for $1,600.
Mrs. Castor is very ill and is not likely to live but a short time.

All the May wheat was harvested before the storm. Walker wheat, blue stem, and other late wheat was not cut. The farmers on Silver Creek met with very heavy losses in their wheat crops. Some lost as much as twenty acres, being swept away by high water. Mr. Hammons was compelled to move out of the bottom at a late hour of the night. Mr. Joseph Dunham lost sixteen head of hogs. Horses and other stock are reported lost.
Wm. Conrad has 1½ miles of hedge fence planted this spring and it is doing well.
We would like to hear something more of stratified rocks being composed of animal and organic life. June 17, 1878. TIMOTHY CLIP.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                   RICHLAND TOWNSHIP.
The time to “shoo fly” has come.
Heavy rains did considerable damage and the clatter of reapers are heard no more. Some are stacking and some are threshing wheat.
Overcoats were in demand in harvest up to the time of the storm. Umbrellas in demand since.
Health is generally good. Farmers in good spirits, but a little dampened.
Corn, oats, fruit, and vegetables are doing well.
Miss Mary Pontious closes her school tomorrow. She is a good teacher and understands her business.
Floral Grange meets fourth Friday night in June.
Floral Cooperative Association meets Saturday, June 29th, at the store. Let every stockholder be present.
With few exceptions, it is thought to be a blessing to the county that Page is gone. Such hells in our midst should be spotted. Let Cowley County be too unhealthy for them from this time hence.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
The May wheat was all harvested and the Walker wheat ready to cut by June 8th. It ripened up better this year than ever before. There has not been the usual rush for machines, there being a plenty of them to do all the work in good time. If the editor will give space the different correspondents should give their experience in self-binders, not to advertise machines, but to compare notes for the information of the farmers. Several in this township work first rate; others are failures.
Squire P. W. Smith was called out recently to receive a contribution of five dollars for the school fund from one of our citizens, because one of his horses got into his neighbor’s wheat field. He paid it, as he says, “Like a little man,” but neither party seemed satisfied and the result was blows and a bitten hand.
A citizen of Iowa bought the old Jim Lightner place sometime since and recently came out to take a look at it. He is so well satisfied with his purchase that he is having fifty acres of prairie broken.
Mr. J. H. Randall bought a quarter section in this vicinity for $550, and will probably break 80 acres this season. He understands making a farm. He sold the one he just made for $1,500.

Dan Swiveler in the COURIER of the 30th ult., went off wrong. The Presbyterians had no hand in organizing a Sunday school in the Beck schoolhouse, for there are no Presbyterians in the neighborhood and none has been organized this year. Dan must have been “hard up” for an item.
When anything of importance turns up, you will hear from me. WIDE AWAKE.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                          TISDALE ITEMS.
The flood has come and passed away but its track is traced by a great amount of damage. Silver Creek with all its tributaries overflowed the bottoms, carrying away stock, wheat, and corn. Those suffering most from the flood are Mr. O. A. Vanfleet, who had a pair of yearling colts, Norman stock, drowned. He has now lost three horses in Kansas. Frank Hammon lost 18 acres of wheat, not one bundle left. Harvey Treadway and Tom Bevins lost nearly all their wheat. Joe Dunham’s corn is badly washed out. Nearly all the farmers on the bottoms are hunting hogs and cattle. I do not know anyone who has hogs drowned excepting Mull, Dunham, and Hammon, and their loss is light. Fences, both stone and wood, are gone down stream. Bad as matters are it is amusing to hear the “creek fellers” cuss when the “prairie dogs” sympathize with them. On the uplands considerable damage was done by wind and lightning. Frank Smith had a horse killed by lightning, while the wind blew over out houses, untopped wheat stacks, lightened the peach crop, drove water through house roofs, and John Mac to the cellar.
Harvesting was stopped by the rain and standing wheat is suffering for the reaper. Wheat cut and stacked before the rain is generally in good condition. O. P. West has his entire crop, 30 acres, stacked. His wheat will yield about 18 bushels to the acre.
Corn is growing rapidly. Several pieces are laid by. (Some of it away out of the field.)
Several newcomers in town this week, nearly all looking for locations.
Arb. Tanner has moved to the hills; he is out of reach of the floods hereafter.
John Mac has a receipt for getting rid of worthless dogs. Give the dog a small dose of strychnine; then shoot him for mad.
Al. Thomas had a pony and mule taken last Thursday evening. Quite a squad of men started the next morning to find the horses and thieves. The horses were found on Grouse Creek, but the thieves were gone and the crowd came home without further search.
The Grasshoppers, of Vernon, can have the satisfaction of beating the Unions, of Tisdale (if they can) in a match game of base ball by writing to E. A. Millard, secretary, or Niton Jackson, captain, to settle preliminary matters; or the Union will challenge any nine in Cowley County to a game of base ball; place, Winfield; time, just as soon as the challenge directed to the secretary or captain can be receipted. NIP.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                      FROM BALTIMORE.
No news items this time of any great importance. Farmers are very busy harvesting.
Mr. John W. Wright lost a horse a few days ago, leaving him with only one horse.
Considerable machinery has been bought in this section this spring, probably more than can be paid for with the present crop.

“Alexander” says that “Caesar” divides his time equally between measuring those huge bullfrogs in his father’s gulch and educating the youth at Baltimore. While we are doing that we are not running over the country putting our nose into other’s business. We never found a frog yet that was anywhere near his length. We give the frog question up to the Queen Villagers.
We will try and give you more news next time, if we have to kill someone or run off with somebody’s “gurril.” June 14, 1878. X. Y. CAESAR.
                                                         Editorial Columns.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                        TO ADVERTISERS.
On the 16th of August, 1877, the present proprietors bought for $1,800 the office of the WINFIELD COURIER. At that time the paper was in the hands of an accomplished editor, had a good healthy circulation of 24 quires, had a liberal advertising patronage, and was conducted on a prudent, fairly paying basis. But the new proprietors were less prudent and more ambitious. Being proud of our county and city, we were anxious that some newspaper published therein should not only tell the outside world of the marvelous country we have, its capabilities and resources, but should also show that there was here energy, enterprise, and faith in its coming greatness. We have therefore expended about another $1,800 in new type, new material, and in enlarging the paper and increasing its circulation. We have aimed to make it the best county weekly paper in the state, and to that end the running expenses of the office have been nearly tripled, the home editor has labored day and night and the other editor has contributed very largely to fill its columns with the greatest possible amount of matter of interest and value to the people of this county. How well we have succeeded we leave to others to judge. If we were to rely on the many very flattering compliments we have received, we should conclude that our success in this direction was complete. . . . For the fourteen last weeks our average issue has been 60 quires and this week we are obliged to run 67 quires. We have so nearly tripled our circulation that in two weeks more it will doubtless be more than tripled and by the time the first year of our management has expired we have good reason to expect a circulation of 80 quires. . . . Our advertising rates will be slightly advanced on and after August first, 1878; as will be seen by our schedule of rates . . . .
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                             NEW STORE
We have received a large line of HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES!! FANS, PARASOLS, KID GLOVES, AND GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS of the latest styles, which we are selling at prices lower than you have ever heard of. We invite everybody to call at our store and see if this is true. Respectfully,
                                                     YOUNGHEIM & BRO.
               Main street, west side, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                        BROWN & GLASS,

                                                         SUCCESSORS TO
                                                           B. F. BALDWIN
                                                             DEALERS IN
And in fact everything kept in a first class Drug Store, and all goods warranted genuine.
Physicians’ prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night.
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Thunder showers are frequent.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
The liverymen sigh for daily picnics.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Blackberries are ripening in quantities “till you can’t rest.”
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Go to the Court House tomorrow evening and have a good time.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Remember the festival at the Court House tomorrow (Friday) evening.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
School District 65 voted $700 in bonds last Saturday to build a new schoolhouse.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
A wagon load of ripe peaches on the street Saturday. The peaches were sold by the dozen.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
A Masonic picnic was held at Dexter last Monday. Several Masons went over from this city.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jennings, of Delaware, Ohio, are visiting their son, Mr. Frank S. Jennings, in this city.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Dan Faler, of Richland Township, was arrested last Tuesday for punching Mr. J. M. Bear’s head.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. Earnest is about to open a grocery, flour, and feed store in the room formerly occupied by Harter Brothers.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. H. Bahntge has bought the lot southwest corner of Main and tenth streets, and will immediately erect a brick and stone building 25 x 100 feet, two stories.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.

Mr. Walter Johnston, of Montreal, brother of J. W. Johnston and Mr. Walter Cree, nephew, are visiting in our city. J. W. had not see his brother for twenty-four years.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
R. C. Story and Geo. W. Robinson left last week to attend the State Teachers’ Association at Atchison. They will go with the teachers excursion to the Rocky Mountains.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
DIED. John W. Funk, of Rock township, died last Friday at his house. The cause of his death is said to be bronchitis. In coughing he burst a blood vessel and bled to death immediately.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
W. C. Bryant, who lives up Timber Creek, has disposed of his earliest peaches and last Monday was in town with a lot of his second course, the Amaden’s June, which were well ripened and very nice.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. Raffinetti, the partner in the firm of F. Gallotti & Co., has lately arrived from Italy, and will locate permanently here. He speaks French, Spanish, and Italian, but has yet to learn our awful English.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
J. H. Dew Esq., of Manhattan, Deputy U. S. Assessor, was in town last week looking up the interest of Uncle Sam.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
To Mr. Charles Cole, a painter in this city who came here with the men who put up our iron bridges, Winfield Township is largely indebted for saving the south bridge. He went into the rough and dangerous part of the work, risking his life; and by his skill, energy, and good judgment, was the leading factor in the work. Winfield will remember his services.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. J. E. Snow, traveling agent of the Chicago Times and Post, called on us last Monday. He is visiting his father and other relatives who live in Omnia Township in this county. He has traveled all over Kansas and says that Cowley County is the best county in the state. He will buy land here before he leaves. We made the acquaintance with his father and were highly pleased with him.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
J. W. Browning, of Beaver Township, is a farmer who takes the newspapers, reads, thinks, and works. The result is that he has a farm worth having. It is well hedged off into lots, pastures, and fields; his hedges are vigorous and beautiful; his stock yards, stables, and barns are substantial and in good condition; he has a black walnut grove four years old bearing walnuts; has large orchards and nearly every kind of fruit you can think of in abundance; raises timothy four feet high with heads ten inches long, and everything he cultivates seems to be sure for a large crop. Our canvasser counted forty-four Siberian crabs on a twig sixteen inches long.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
John Bascom, who was recently killed in Idaho by the Indians, is a brother of Mrs. Bruner, of this city, and of Mrs. J. J. Todd.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.

Mrs. Dr. Emerson’s son, six years old, on Monday fell from a horse, bruising and putting his arm out of joint. He is in good care and doing well.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Miss Emma Saint commenced a private primary school in the basement of the Presbyterian Church on last Monday, which she proposes to continue for several weeks.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
DIED. A seven year old daughter of Mr. J. F. Miller died in this city last Thursday. The funeral was attended on Saturday. The parents and relatives have the sympathies of this community.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
MARRIED. Linder May, a young man of Silver Creek Township, 18 years old, eloped recently with Kate Jackson, a girl of 14. They went down into the Indian Territory and got married. They have since returned and settled down to business.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
C. A. Bliss, with his wife, got caught at Oxford on the morning of the great storm. Abandoning team and wife, he somehow got home in the course of the day covered with mud and looking like Henry Clay Dean. He recovered his wife the next day, who arrived as bright as new. His team may yet be recovered.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                      NINNESCAH TOWNSHIP, June 17, 1878.
DIED. Miss Harriet Onstott died last Wednesday morning of small pox. It was thought on Friday that she was out of danger, but it is supposed she must have taken cold. No other cases in the township that I know of. WIDE AWAKE.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. C. S. Van Doren with his wife and daughter has lately located in Winfield and intends to practice his profession of dentist. He has been traveling for his health, having formerly resided at Denver. He is an intelligent gentleman, formerly of the Empire state, and is well pleased with the town and the surroundings.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Small pox is prevalent in the Nation, and we do think that no Indian ought to be allowed to come inside the corporation. Small pox finds its natural home among the Indians, and they will contract the disease quicker than any other human being. We think the city authorities ought to take precautions to keep all Indians outside the city.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
A week ago T. H. Coppin, of Beaver Township, commenced threshing his ninety acres of wheat from the shock. It yields much better than was anticipated, a bushel to 11 sheaves and 30 bushels to the acre. A large number of sheaves were damaged by the late storm, washing the lower part full of mud, which he was curing by chopping off that end with a broad-axe.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.

In the storm on the 12th inst., Mr. Hammond, on Silver Creek, lost 16 acres of wheat, some hogs, and all his hens; Levi Wiemer, 4 acres of wheat, corn badly damaged; James Greenshield, 10 acres of wheat; John Mark, 4 acres of wheat, corn badly damaged; J. Fisher, 20 acres of wheat, 18 acres of corn nearly ruined; Geo. Thompson, 10 acres of wheat; Isaac Stell, 18 acres of wheat; Mr. Collier, 10 acres of wheat; Sam’l. Alexander, 17 acres of wheat. Mr. Collier’s whole farm was submerged, and if it had not been for the timely assistance of neighbors, the family would no doubt all have perished.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                            Camp Meeting.
All the advocates and friends of a bible standard of christianity are invited to attend a camp meeting on the farm of P. G. Dillman, on Rock Creek, one half mile south of the Hard Scrabble schoolhouse on the Eureka and Winfield road, about 18 miles N. E. of Winfield, to be continued one week. All the ministers of the Free Methodist connection in Southern Kansas will be present, if no preventing providence, to commence July 10th.
                                                          M. V. PHILLIPS.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                            Circulation of the Courier This Week.
Printed 1,608 copies, or 67 quires of 24 sheets.
Sent to subscribers in Cowley County: 1,301
Sent to subscribers outside Cowley County: 177
Sent to exchanges: 80
Saved for files: 10
Allowance for sales, waste, etc. 31
Total: 1,608
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                             Saving Wheat.
Joel Mason, one of the substantial farmers of Pleasant Valley Township, gives us his method of securing wheat at harvest time. He is careful to plant a variety of crops and only the acreage of wheat which he can harvest in reasonable time; gets a good ready before his harvest commences, cuts his grain, binds it in smallish sized sheaves and shocks it at once in rows running north and south, two sheaves abreast, and each side of the middle a bracing sheaf. Says wheat cut green must stand in shock more than one day to be sufficiently cured to save in stack. If a storm blows down the shocks, they are immediately re-set. The winds dry out the wet very soon and he never suffers loss from wheat sprouting in the sheaf. He holds to vigorous work week days and good calculations which will obviate any need of working in the harvest field on Sundays.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                         The Musical Soiree.
Last Friday night the M. E. church was crowded with persons of all sizes and ages long before the time the entertainment had been announced to commence. All the seats and chairs that could be procured were occupied, and those who were not fortunate enough to obtain seats were obliged to stand. . . . Mentions Prof. Farringer, Master W. Farringer as part of the entertainers.
Prof. Farringer deserves great credit for giving the people such a musical treat, and if he should ever give a like entertainment, he would undoubtedly have a large audience.

Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                     “The Evils in Our Midst.”
The Rev. J. L. Rushbridge recently delivered a very able address, in which he vividly portrayed the evils that have resulted from the sale of intoxicating drinks in Winfield, and criticized forcibly and severely the actions of citizens in relation thereto, some of which criticisms pointed unmistakably to particular individuals. . . .
. . . Before the election we were told that Jay Page would apply for a license and that he was a gambler. Otherwise, we knew little about him. We were not in favor of giving him a license; did not believe it possible for him to procure near enough names on a petition to entitle him to one, and did not believe he would be licensed. We refused to sign his petition. We knew afterward that he had procured a license and supposed he was selling intoxicating drinks, but have never been to the saloon or building except to the city council room. We never heard it intimated that gambling was done there until after the shooting tragedy. Had we known that gambling was being carried on there, we should not have said so in the COURIER for the purpose of being informed of where they can find a gambling hell or other disreputable place in which to gratify illicit passions they will be disappointed. We can do better than to advertise such institutions gratis or for pay. The “unsuspecting” will be likely to know the place should they desire to indulge in gambling. Had we known of gambling there, it would have been our duty, instead of advertising it, to have made complaint before the proper magistrate that the parties might be arrested and punished.
We do not deem it the mission of our paper to charge officials with corruption, fraud, or anything else unless we have the proof that it is true, nor unless we can do it “with good motives for justifiable ends.” . . . . Skipped the rest. It appears that Rushbridge really attacked city officials, the Telegram, Druggists, and also the Courier.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                        Council Proceedings.
                                                  WINFIELD, June 17, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. Mayor and all councilmen present.
Petition of C. A. Bliss et. al. for sidewalk was referred back to petitioners to procure more names before petition would be granted.
Action was taken on the following bills [Showing amount allowed only].
C. C. Stevens, marshal, 1 month: $40.00
H. Jochems, mdse., for city and pest house: $33.05
W. H. Maris, lumber, pest house: $47.43
Jennie Cody, nurse for Brooks: $50.00
Wm. Fitzpatrick, nurse at pest house: $54.00
J. Allen, meat for Brooks, pest house: $4.61
Boyer & Wallis, clothing: $12.90
C. Kingsbury, dig well at pest house: $4.00
J. Hoenscheidt, use of wagon to pest house: $3.00
Perry Hill, hauling lumber, pest house: $1.00
F. M. Frazee, work on streets, etc.: $1.50
Wallis & Wallis, mdse. for pest house: $1.95

The following bills were referred to the Finance Committee:
Graham & Moffitt, lumber for pest house: $31.31½
J. L. M. Hill, coffin, box, etc., for Brooks: $5.50
Bliss & Co., mdse. for pest house for Brooks: $2.70
C. M. Wood, services for superintending construction of sidewalks and streets for April and May: $50.00
Bills of Drs. Strong and Mansfield returned and a new itemized bill called for.
Bill of Dr. Emmerson laid over.
Bill of I. H. O’Brien for constructing sidewalks ($19.87½) and W. D. Anderson ($10.00) approved and sidewalk certificates for the amounts ordered.
C. M. Wood, chairman of street and alley committee, presented a written report in regard to drainage of streets, nuisances, etc. No action taken in the matter.
The same gentleman also presented a written request signed by himself and T. C. Robinson to the Mayor asking the City Marshal to step down and out. Referred to special committee—Manning, Jochem, and Gulley.
Adjourned. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                         WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 25, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: In reply to a communication in your columns last week, dated 17, 1878, and signed by the Committee on Saloon License, I have this to say:
On the evening of the 15th of April Jos. Likowski and Jay Page presented to the city council their petitions asking for dramshop license. On that evening the committee on saloon licenses was appointed and those two petitions referred to it for examination. On the afternoon of the next day the committee examined those two petitions, and by the courtesy of that committee and at the request of the temperance committee, it was agreed that I should be present at such examination. I was present, and expressed myself satisfied with the manner in which the examination was made; but the two petitions were on the same evening referred by the council back to the parties who presented them that they might procure additional names, and they were not again presented until the evening of the 22nd day of April.
At this meeting of the council the petition of James Fahey for dramshop license was for the first time presented, and the temperance committee presented a census of the competent petitioners residing within the corporate limits of the city, taken by three of our citizens and sworn to by them to be correct, asking the committee to examine the petitions in connection with such census, stating that the petitions to be legal should be signed by a majority of the persons named in said census and requesting that if the committee found any names on the petition who were in fact competent petitioners that they add them to the census, and thereby form a basis from which to determine whether or not the petitions contained a majority of the competent petitioners of the city.

On the same evening the two petitions before examined, and the petition of James Fahey for the first time presented, together with the census, were again referred to the committee. They took them and retired for private consultation, and in a very short time they returned to the council chamber and made their report favorable to the granting of the saloon licenses, which was accordingly done.
The petition of James Fahey was said to contain about 400 names; the census contained 769 names besides the additional names that had been procured to the petitions of Page and Likowski.
I desire to make no comments, but the above is a true statement of the facts.
                                             Very respectfully, HENRY E. ASP.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                     Items From the Traveler.
The ferry across the Arkansas is in good running order.
E. B. Kager is dangerously ill at Lake City, Colorado. The physicians pronounce the disease dropsy.
Maj. Sleeth has returned from Cambridge, Ohio, where he has been for several weeks past.
A pretty little wolf was caught on the town site last Monday.
The pine lumber and iron for the Arkansas River Bridge has arrived at Wichita.
Lightning struck L. C. Norton’s header and upset things generally.
O. P. Houghton received word from his wife in Sumner, Maine, that their youngest daughter, Cora, was down with the small pox, contracted on the train while traveling East.
Rev. Fleming goes East on his one year vacation about July 1st. Rev. McClung will take his place.
MARRIED. Miss Lillie Collins and Mr. R. M. Wood were recently married.
A basket picnic will be held in Mr. Sleeth’s woods on the 4th.
There has been considerable small pox at the Kaw Agency, but it has abated. There is some danger that it may spread among the Kaws, Osages, Poncas, and Pawnees.
Our friends in the country cannot be too careful of themselves when Indians are around now. Discard all philanthropic feelings and shut the door on them. You may thereby lose an opportunity of entertaining an angel unawares, but if that angel has just been exposed to the small pox, you had better decline with thanks, remembering that an Indian goeth where he listeth, and ye know not from whence he cometh.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                           DEXTER, KANSAS, June 20, 1878.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
B. B. Crapster has purchased the materials and will start a new paper at Winfield. Four newspapers in Cowley County will be an “elegant sufficiency” for all practical purposes.
W. V. Times.
Always go away from home to find out what you are doing at home. Bert owns some jobbing materials and press, but we don’t think he intends to start a new paper. This is a free country and friend Crapster has as good a right to start a paper as anyone.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.

                                          DEXTER, KANSAS, June 24th, 1878.
MARRIED. At Dexter at 6 o’clock, at the residence of H. L. Taplin, by Mathias Hoyt, Mr. Thomas Bevins to Miss Celia Taplin, all of Dexter, Cowley County, Kansas.
The happy pair will reside in Dexter where they are surrounded by many friends who wish them a happy future. M. HOYT.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                        Shipped in the Straw.
Those of our farmers whose losses are heavy by their wheat crop having been floated off in the late storm seem to be disposed to keep up courage and make the best of it. When asked about their wheat, they say they have “shipped it in the straw.”
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
There will be held at the Courthouse on Friday evening, June 28th, a festival for the benefit of the Baptist church. All are invited.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                         LAZETTE, KANSAS, June 20th, 1878.
A powerful rain fell here last night rendering further wheat stacking impossible for a few days.
Dr. Wilkins, an old time resident of this place, has returned with his family after an absence of three years.
H. D. Wilkins had one of his horses killed by lightning a few days since.
George Lee has recently put up and stocked his new store with first-class groceries, and now waits for his many customers with the greatest air of politeness.
But the best news we have heard for these many days, is the recent decision of the secretary of the interior in the land contest between W. P. Olney, aged 76 years, and M. L. Smith, aged 21 years. The decision was righteously rendered and in accordance with the wishes of a large majority of our people in favor of father Olney, who has made proof and payment on the same and is now lord of the land which has been long in litigation. Thank fortune the old gray-headed man will not now be sent to the poor house as was the desire of some, for the land to which he has a clear title with fifty acres in cultivation will keep him his remaining days.
For right is right, since God is God,
And right the day must win;
To leave one claim is disloyalty,
And to jump a claim is sin.
                                                  Yours, etc. DICK TURPIN.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                        Real Estate Transfers.
Cornelius Perry and wife to Oscar M. Godfrey, se. 11, 34, 3; 160 acres, $300.
Austin Corbin and wife to Moody Currier, sw, 20, 32, 4, 160 acres, $1.
Jeremiah Fowler to James S. Chase, s. ½ ne. 21, 31, 4; 80 acres, $600.
Elizabeth Green and husband to Wm. Wise, sw. 2, 30, 3; 160 acres, $1,500.
Thos. L. King and wife to Samuel H. Rupp, nw. 11, 33, 3; 160 acres, $1,600.

Andrew J. Friesdell and wife to Andrew J. Wells, w. of ne., w. of se., e. of nw., e. of sw., 8, 33, 6, lots 7 and 8, in 4, 35, 3; 320 acres, $1,600.
Strong Pepper and wife to Wm. J. Conaway, nw., and part of ne., 35, 31, 3; 157 acres, $2,000.
James Fitzgerald to P. S. and A. S. Riley, nw. 14, 31, 6; 160 acres, $500.
State to Thos. R. Carson, n. ½ nw. 23, 32, 5; 80 acres; se. and e., ½ sw. 16, 30, 5; 240 acres, $910.
Edward E. Deland and wife to Hattie E. Baker, w. ½ nw., 30, 30, 6; 80 acres, $600.
E. S. Field and wife to Geo. M. Fenn, lots 17, 18, 25, 26, in 7, 30, 8; 160 acres, $1,500.
J. H. Walker and wife to Wallace Buford, n. ½ se., sw. of se., and se. of sw. 11, 31, 3; 160 acres, $200.
Mary Ettenborough to Jesse Hubbard, nw. 20, 32, 3; 160 acres, $500.
James Hubbard and wife to Jesse Craven, n. of nw. 20, 31, 3; 80 acres, $250.
A. L. Stanley and wife to T. S. Green, e. of n. w. 1, 31, 3; 80 acres, $125.
S. B. and C. W. Brewer to Thos B. Wright, n. of ne., 19, 32, 5; 80 acres, $502.
S. L. Brettun and wife to John C. Hansen, e. of nw., 5, 31, 3; 80 acres, $300.
J. C. McMullen and wife to Anna E. Raupe, se. 16, 35, 4; 160 acres, $570.
Lewis S. Shawtell to Emma J. Pepper, n. of sw. 3, 35, 3; 80 acres, $400.
Nat. H. Banks and wife to John W. Nichols, lot 18, block 112, Winfield, $200.
John W. Nichols and wife to Mary C. Banks, lot 18, block 112, Winfield, $200.
Alva Requa and wife to M. L. Read, et al., lot 9, block 145, Winfield, $75.
J. C. McMullen and wife to Samuel H. Baker, lot 11, block 66, Arkansas City, $115.
Winfield Town Association to Charles H. McBride, lot 10, block 166, Winfield, $50.
Winfield Town Association to Wm. H. Green, lot 11, block 186, Winfield, $45.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to Samuel Theaker, 14 lots in Arkansas City and 19 lots in Tisdale. Taxes.
Read, Robinson, and wives to Ernest L. Hazard, lot 4, block 93, Winfield, $60.
Winfield Town Company to B. F. and A. D. Sparr, lots 2 and 11, block 68, Winfield, $60.
Winfield Town Association to Mary R. Martin, lot 7, block 111, Winfield, $100.
Winfield Town Association to James H. Nichols, lot 2, block 187, Winfield, $20.
C. L. Harter, sheriff to Jay Page, lot 9, block 128, Winfield, $475.
Susan J. Ford to Jay Page, lot 9, block 128, Winfield, $1.
First Baptist Church to Pamelia Kingsbury, lots 20, 21, and 22, Parsonage addition, $100.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office June 26, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Adams, J. D.; Bucker, Charles; Buner, Lillie; Bryant, Mrs. Thomas; Brown, Miles; Cole, Dr. Geo. B.; Cease, C.; Christian, Kate; Carper, Jno.; Dyke, William; Dyke, Jno.; Durham, Will.; Downing, B. F.; Dillon, J. C.; Dilsavor, Mrs. Mary; Dean, Mrs. Fannie; Evans, Edd; Edwards, A. D.; Holman, Joseph, Hosty, Jno.; Hostetler, Nickols; Hill, Edgar; Hill, Hester.

SECOND COLUMN: Herring, Jane; Lee, Ella; Larkin, S. J.; McEy, T. F.; McMillion, Robert M.; Miller, Mary E.; Miller, Shakespere; Miller, Chas. H.; Maitland, A.; Magness, Jennie; Nickols, Mrs. Jennie H.; Riggs, Mrs. Mary C.; Robertson, Anna J.; Robinson, Annie; Royse, Jno. B.; Randall, J.; Strong, S. P.; Nesmith, Frank; Snyder, H. J.; Smith, C. E.; Smith, Lizzie; Willett, E. G.; Willett, E. L.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P.M.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                      Notice for Stone Work.
Bids will be received by the Township Board of Winfield Township, at the Township Clerk’s office, in Winfield, up to July 9th, 1878, for rebuilding pier under the bridge on W. S. Voris’ county road. The Board reserving the right to reject, any and all bids. See specifications at Clerk’s office. E. S. BEDILION, Township Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Having sold my entire stock of drugs, books, etc., I desire to settle up my business as soon as possible, and all parties knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle their accounts at once, and greatly oblige.
                          Very respectfully, Winfield, June 3, 1878. B. F. BALDWIN.
The books can be found at the office of C. C. Black.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                 CATCH ‘EM ON THE FLY!
Seven years experience, as a collector of hard notes and accounts in Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa, warrants me in saying that all collections left with me will be made if possible, or no pay. Office in Manning’s block. A. J. MOSLEY.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
IT SAW-FULL, the way uncle Isaac makes stove-wood. Leave orders at Jackson’s.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
                                                       MONEY TO LOAN.
                                                       PYBURN & JARVIS
Loan money at LOW RATES of interest on LONG OR SHORT TIME on
                                                     REAL OR PERSONAL
security, at the law office of                  A. J. PYBURN,
                                                   In Maris’ building, up stairs,
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
McGUIRE & CRIPPEN are selling out their boots and shoes at cost.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
SEALED PROPOSALS for building a stone and brick building. Plans and specifications to be seen at the Williams Hotel. Owner to receive or reject all bids. H. BAHNTGE.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Money to Loan at low rate by C. C. Harris.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
I have the agency for the Aultman-Taylor Vibrator Thresher. W. A. LEE.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
If you want a good suit of Clothing for little money go to Suss’.

Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Go to Wallis & Wallis for groceries at bottom prices.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The blackberry crop is superb this year.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Ripe peaches are getting plenty and cheap.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
J. H. Olds has built a fine, large, new residence in the north part of town.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Doctor Graham has begun an addition to his handsome and commodious brick dwelling.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Mr. Burrows was thrown from a horse last Saturday and was severely bruised by his fall.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Eslie Burden was in town Saturday and Sunday last, looking brown under his summer’s work.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Prof. Story is elected one of the directors of the State Teachers’ Association for the ensuing year.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Mrs. Rhonimus closed her school in District 47 last Friday. She has given complete satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
DIED. A. B. Hopkins, of New Salem, died on the 24th ult. of congestive chills. He was a good man and neighbor.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Frank Manny drilled a well one hundred and twelve feet for water, but failed to find enough until the big rain came.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Prof. Robinson served as a member of some of the most important committees of the State Teachers’ Association.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Hon. Thomas R. Bryan left for Topeka Friday last, and Fred. Hunt sat “at the seat of customs” in place of his honor.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Brotherton and Silver have been filling our back yard with Studebaker wagons, but on inquiring their prices we conclude they will not be long in our way.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A. H. Green keeps his two columns filled with live descriptions of land for sale and needs more room. This week he drops out ten farms, which he has sold, and crowds in ten new descriptions.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.

William Reynolds and William Ovington commenced cutting their winter oats a week ago. They will yield about 70 bushels per acre and are the most profitable kind to raise.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Rev. Wm. Callahan, of Otter Township, sent us an onion last week 9½ inches in circumference and a potato 6 inches long and 13½ inches in circumference, both grown this season.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Mr. S. S. Byers, from Severance, Doniphan County, with two friends, was in our city last week. They were looking for the best place to locate, and concluded that Cowley beat any other county.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The Baptist festival of last Friday evening was a complete success in two ways: financially and socially. The receipts in cash were $69, and in general enjoyment several times that sum.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The County Commissioners have been in session this week. We are not able to get a report of their proceedings for this issue. It will appear next week. Mr. Gale is in feeble health, but Messrs. Burden and Sleeth are in good condition.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
R. B. Pratt is running his steam thresher at two-forty rates. He threshed and cleaned 3,500 bushels by weight in three days and a half and says he can continue to do so right along, so if you want your wheat threshed with neatness and dispatch call on him.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A. E. Kelsey, of Rock Township, stacked alone in one day forty-five large loads of wheat, which was pitched to him on the stack. Mr. Kelsey is sixty-one years old, but our Cowley boys never get old though. If any other man can stack more wheat, please let us know.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The Baptist parsonage is now completed. It is a neat, substantial building, just north of the church. The Baptist people have bestowed considerable labor and taste in ornamenting their grounds. The fine rows of Lombardy poplars will one day be prominent ornaments to this city.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A. A. Mills and James Shafer have in the north part of Otter Township 865 sheep, which are doing well. They claim this to be the best sheep country in the West, and that there is more money in the sheep than in the cattle business. Otter is the best township in the county to handle stock in.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Do not buy plums of the Indians. Do not let an Indian come near you. There is plenty of smallpox among them, especially among the Kaws. It is reported that there are some cases of small-pox among the whites along the line. This may not be true, but no Indian ought to be allowed to come into the county at present.

Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Dr. F. M. Cooper comes out with his professional card in this issue. He has found it impossible at present to secure an office, but persons in want of his services can find him at his residence on Manning’s addition or leave orders on his slate at the drug store of Brown & Glass. He is a gentleman and understands his business.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Prof. John H. Holbrook, conductor of our County Normal, arrived Friday last. He is a son of the well and widely known Alfred Holbrook, of the National Normal, Lebanon, Ohio. Professor Holbrook has spent several years in Kansas in school work, and by his education, experience, and natural qualifications is well prepared to give our teachers thorough and practical work in methods of teaching.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Mr. Barton has got his water establishment into full operation. His sprinkling wagon works in splendid style, carrying a large water tank of a capacity of about twenty barrels, well ornamented with business cards. He has an elevated reservoir at the new foundry with a capacity of about 200 barrels, which is filled by a horse-power pump capable of pumping from the well a barrel of water a minute. Now, when Old Prob. and Mr. Tice neglect to sprinkle our streets, Barton will “lay the dust” for us.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
C. C. Black, Esq., has fitted up his residence in this city in the highest style of art. He has a profusion of cut stone walks and steps, bay windows, French windows, verandas, and other fixings to make his home light, airy, and cosy. His quarter block is well filled with luxuriant fruit and shade trees, grape arbors, and shrubbery. He has some of the finest fruits of various kinds. Some of his early apples, ten to eleven inches in circumference, ripened in the first half of June.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The parties from Winfield who attended the Masonic picnic at Dexter were J. McDermott, Rev. Randall, J. Wade McDonald, C. C. Harris, B. F. Baldwin, and A. D. Speed with the Misses Coldwell, and Ed. Clisby and S. Suss with the Misses Finney. The Dexter people gave them a splendid dinner and the most distinguished treatment as guests, and they enjoyed the occasion “hugely.” Capt. McDermott and Judge McDonald were the orators, and the music was from a choir under the leadership of F. A. Crioger [?Crigor]. The attendance was large and the picnic was a success.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Judge Coldwell requests us to say “That the letter signed ‘Nora,’ the name of one of his daughters, which appeared in the Arkansas Traveler in its issue of the 26th ult., was not written by his daughter. This disclaimer is rendered necessary because it is well known that the young lady’s name appears on the hotel register of Arkansas City as one of the visitors, which gave rise to the several pieces of vulgar wit which have appeared in that paper. Upon inquiry at the office of the Traveler, it was ascertained that the editor was absent; but the ‘copy’ from which the letter was put in type was found to be in his handwriting. Upon the return of the editor, he will doubtless offer such an explanation as becomes a gentleman.”

Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
‘Squire Hulse, of Omnia, was in town Monday.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Councilman Jochems started East Friday last to visit friends.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
S. J. McCamey, of Maple City, called on us Monday.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
O. S. Record, now teaching in District 73, was in the city Saturday and Sunday.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A. B. Lemmon addressed the Teachers’ Institute at Sedan last Monday evening.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Youngheim Brothers are selling goods at extremely low prices. Notice their advertisement.
AD:                                                       NEW STORE
We have received a large line of HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES!!
                                                        FANS, PARASOLS,
                                         Kid Gloves and Gent’s Furnishing Goods
of the latest styles, which we are selling at prices lower than you have ever heard of. We invite everybody to call at our store and see if this is true.
Respectfully,                           YOUNGHEIM & BRO.,
                Main street, west side, between Ninth and Tenth avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
BIRTH. HORTICULTURE. Mrs. Hortie has presented her husband, Mr. Ed. Holloway, with a ten pound boy.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
R. C. Story, R. L. Rusbridge, O. M. Seward, H. E. Asp, and F. S. Jennings will spread the eagle at Floral.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The COURIER office will be closed for the Fourth, that the boys may ventilate their surplus patriotism.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Judge Coldwell soars the eagle at Wellington on the Fourth. Judge McDonald exhibits the same bird at Sedan.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
C. S. Smith says the flood on high land washed a large hole out of his wheat crop, but he is not going to get blue over his losses.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Hon. James McDermott, Chairman of the Third District Republican Central Committee, returned from Topeka last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Mrs. I. N. Ripley and Mrs. Robert Hingham and a young brother, of Burlington, Iowa, are visiting their sister, Mrs. E. S. Bliss, in this city.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.

WHO CAN BEAT THIS? C. C. Pierce delivered in Winfield this week one Poland-China hog which weighed 540 pounds, and 10 pigs, 12½ months old, the average weight of which was 300 pounds.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The “Aunt Sally,” from Little Rock, arrived at the Arkansas City landing last Friday. She is a steamer 85 feet long, draft 10 inches light and 18 inches loaded, and is sent up by Little Rock millers for a load of wheat.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Hon. T. R. Bryan, county treasurer, went to Topeka last Friday and returned on Monday. He paid into the state treasury the following sums:
On school bonds and coupons: $ 6,542.18
On state taxes: $3,524.00
On school land sales, principal: $1,901.20
On school land sales, interest: $1,465.12
Total: $13.432.50
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                       Railroad Proposition.
The following letter has been received showing the present status of the negotiations with the A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.
                                           TOPEKA, KANSAS, June 25, 1878.
Robert Coldwell, Esq., chairman, and others of Cowley County, Winfield, Kansas.
GENTLEMEN: Absence from home must be my excuse and apology for not earlier replying to your communication of 10th June.
The proposition seems definite and fairly set forth, and I have forwarded it to the president of the company, at Boston, for his consideration, and upon receiving his reply I will communicate further with you. Yours truly, WILLIAM B. STRONG.
The proposition above alluded to was to this effect: To vote to the company $4,000 per mile, not exceeding $140,000 in the aggregate, in thirty year, six percent coupon bonds, on the company giving suitable guarantee that the road shall be completed through this county by August 1, 1879; bonds not to be delivered until the road is built. Our opinion is that $120,000 should be the upper limit.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                                I. O. O. F.
The following is a list of the officers of Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., for the term commencing July, 1878: M. G. Troup, N. G.; M. Shields, V. G.; David C. Beach, Rec. Sec.; E. S. Bedilion, P. Sec.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; John E. Allen, Rep. to G. L.; C. C. Stevens, W.; W. D. Southard, C.; John M. Read, O. G.; Chas. McIntire, R. S. to N. G.; E. A. Clisbee, L. B. to N. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S. S.; B. M. Terrill, T. S. S.; W. M. Parker, R. S. to V. G.; Herman Schmode, L. S. to V. G.; John W. Curns, Chaplain, John Smiley, Host.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                      A Threatened Famine.

C. A. Bliss, G. S. Manser, A. B. Lemmon, E. P. Kinne, J. C. Fuller, M. L. Read, T. R. Bryan, W. M. Allison, J. W. Curns, C. C. Black, D. A. Millington, E. S. Bliss, E. S. Torrance, A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, E. C. Manning, and probably many others, all with their wives, will make a raid upon Arkansas City, the steam boats, and Newman’s dam on the Fourth. They will seize all the provisions they can find in the city, capture both the “Aunt Sally” and the—the—well, Amos’ steamship, will rip out Newman’s dam, and steam up the Walnut to Winfield, driving a large herd of catfish. Bliss and Harter & Harris will load the steamers with flour at their mills. The party will start at about 9 o’clock a.m.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The following is a sample of many letters we are receiving.
                                          VAN WERT, OHIO, June 24th, 1878.
WINFIELD COURIER, Winfield, Kansas: I was traveling with a party of ten one year ago last April taking a look through Kansas and stopped overnight in Winfield, and after traveling through many counties of Kansas, I think that Cowley is the best county in the state and Sumner next. I say Cowley first, Sumner next, Sedgwick third. I intend moving to that county this fall. I want you to send me your paper and any information you can furnish. I will be glad to hear, as there is a good many going to Kansas, and I want to take as many along as I can for that county.
I enclose fifty cents for your paper for a while. Yours truly, SAMUEL MILLER.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                            Camp Meeting.
All the advocates and friends of a bible stand and of christianity are invited to attend a camp meeting on the farm of P. G. Dillman, on Rock Creek, one half mile south of the Hard Scrabble schoolhouse on the Eureka and Winfield road, about 13 miles N. E. of Winfield, to be continued one week. All the ministers of the Free Methodist connection in Southern Kansas will be present, if no preventing providence, to commence July 10th.
                                                           M. V. PHILLIPS
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                        Council Proceedings.
                                           WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 1, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, absent; all councilmen but H. Jochems present.
Action was taken on the following bills. [Showing Allowed Only.]
Bliss & Co., mdse. for Brooks: $1.45
Graham & Moffitt, lumber for poor house: $21.31½
J. L. M. Hill, coffin for Brooks: $5.00
R. Hudson, foundation on poor house: $5.50
G. A. Bosworth, hauling lumber: $.50
G. W. Cass, rock for crossing: $3.00
Walck & Smiley, laying rock: $12.62
Frazee Brothers, laying rock: $30.65
J. P. Short, city clerk: $5.00
Bill of C. M. Wood for superintending streets ($50) was laid over.
Bill of W. H. Maris, lumber for pest house, was referred to finance committee.

Bills of Drs. Strong, Mansfield & Emmerson were referred to finance committee, to report at adjourned meeting Wednesday evening, July 3rd.
J. H. O’Brien, laying sidewalks, $34.62. Sidewalk certificates ordered issued for same.
The Wood communication in regard to marshalship was laid over.
J. C. Fuller’s contract for laying sidewalks was read but no action taken on the same.
On motion, Miss Cody, small pox nurse to Brooks, was allowed the additional sum of $15.
Adjourned to Wednesday evening, July 3rd. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                Walnut Valley Fair Association.
                                         WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 24, 1878.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at the office of Col. J. M. Alexander. Present: J. W. Millspaugh, President; Col. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon, Secretary; and Messrs. E. P. Kinne and E. C. Manning, Directors.
Reading of the proceedings of last meeting was dispensed with.
The committee to prepare premium list submitted for consideration a printed list and recommended its adoption. It was then read, corrected, and adopted, whereupon the following named ladies and gentlemen were appointed superintendents of the various classes, to wit:
Class A - Horses - R. B. Pratt.
Class B - Cattle - L. Finley.
Class C - Sheep - John Statler.
Class D - Swine - W. L. Mullen.
Class E - Poultry - ____ Bull.
Class F - Agricultural Implements - S. H. Myton.
Class G - Mechanical Arts - J. Hoenscheidt.
Class H - Farm Products - R. F. Burden.
Class I - Horticulture - S. S. Holloway.
Class J - Pomology - I. H. Bonsall.
Class K - Floral - Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield.
Class L - Fine Arts - Mrs. M. E. Davis.
Class M - Textile Fabrics - T. H. McLaughlin.
Class N - Plowing Matches - J. H. Worden.
Class O - Honey - E. P. Hickok.
Class P - Boys and Girls - J. E. Platter.
Class Q - Riding and Driving - W. H. Walker.
Class R - Speed - B. M. Terrill.
Class S - Fruits, etc. - Mrs. S. M. Fall.
On motion, A. J. Pyburn was appointed Chief Marshal.
On motion, R. L. Walker was appointed Chief of Police.
By motion the committee on grounds were instructed to close contract for the same that the committee on track might commence work.
The board then adjourned until called by the president. E. E. BACON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                      BALTIMORE TOWNSHIP, June 22, 1878.
There is some wheat yet to cut and it is too wet to cut it. Some have begun to stack.
We have had six long rainy weeks this month and there are prospects of another week of it.
Miss Isabel Schooling was poisoned last week, but by the care of Dr. Lytle is now almost well.
Corn is looking splendid. Some fields average about 4 feet, and if this “drouth” doesn’t continue such places ought to make corn.
There have been several thousand cottonwoods planted out here this spring, which are making a fine growth.
Messrs. L. and E. Harned and John Wingert went to Wichita this week with hogs. The Harned Brothers have got in considerable corn this season, and have got as nice a pasture for hogs as there is in the county.
Blackberries are beginning to get ripe and you will have to make out on them till peaches come.
Thousand-legged worms are our pester now. X. Y. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                           Cedar Township.
Harvest is over, but very few are done stacking. Owing to the heavy rains, wheat that is in shock is not doing as well as it might. Considerable complaint of sprouted and soured wheat.
Tuesday night last the lynx-eyed and swift-footed officers of the law arrested a horse thief at the widow Wells’, where he had put up for the night. It appears that he had stolen the horse near Wichita and had ridden it down south of Maple City where he sold it, saddle, and bridle to one of the Freeman boys for $24. He then started on east and put up at Mrs. Wells’, where he was arrested. The last I heard from them they had him lariated and were “going west.”
Old Mrs. Moore, who was bitten by the rattlesnake, has entirely recovered and has more faith in the efficacy of the prayer gauge than ever.
A. A. Willey and J. W. Searle are gone to Kansas City with five carloads of cattle. We will have a railroad from Cowley sometime. June 23, 1878. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                                            Sheridan Items.
Now that my day’s work is done, Mr. Editor, and I am resting, you and I will have one of our nice gossips together. Since sending in my last items of course Sheridan, with the rest of the county, received a washing out by the flood. Our farmers suffered great losses from having wheat, potatoes, and soil washed out as well as a great deal of stock being reported as lost.
The school at Sheridan Center closes this week in time for Mrs. Rhonimus to prepare to attend the Normal at Winfield.

Mr. Partridge, of Michigan, in company with his family, arrived in this vicinity last week. They are for the present with Mr. H. Hilliker. The old gentleman paid our county a visit about two years ago and was so charmed with it that, like all the rest of us, he has chosen it for his permanent home. We all join our voices in crying, “Welcome to Sheridan.”
Several of our farmers joined in an exciting wolf hunt the other day, which they ended by routing out a den and killing seven wolves. We think they had better keep on until they have cleared the country of these pests, for so numerous and so bold are they that one day last week while one of Mr. David Hilliker’s little girls was out in the yard playing, her mother heard her scream, and running out saw, to her horror, a large she wolf in the act of springing upon her child. She succeeded in driving the wolf away and rescuing her little one from its perilous position.
Mr. Reynolds threshed for Mr. Fossett on Grouse a piece of volunteer wheat which yielded seventeen bushels to the acre.
We are glad to welcome back to our midst our old friend and schoolmate, Sol. Smith, Jr., who has been to Baldwin getting “book-larning” into his head. June 27, 1878.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                           LAZETTE, KANSAS, July 1st, 1878.
We are having splendid weather. Wheat is about all secured. Corn and oats are simply enormous. Everybody is cheerful and happy.
The self-binders are pronounced perfect.
Messrs. Saunders and Ozane are making another sweep at our hog crop, which will leave with us considerable money, although they are not paying a very high price.
The song of the thresher is again in the land causing the farmer to rejoice. But the thing most to be rejoiced over by the taxpayer here, is that Miles S. Smith has applied for a new trial in his contest case. We feared that the combined minions of ______ might scare him, but he has the proper amount of sand and backed by the advice of his eminent attorney, he proposes to stay with them until he, too, is 76, and have a pair. (I expect he plays poker sometimes.)
For right is right, as God is God,
And though it may not be your turn,
Two things are true, boys, where ere you trod,
____ is hot and ____ will burn.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
DEATH. Resolutions adopted by New Salem Grange, No. 757:
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Great Master of the Universe to take from our midst our Brother, A. B. Hopkins, be it
Resolved, That the Grange has lost a worthy brother and the community a good citizen.
Resolved, That the sympathy of the Grange be extended to the bereaved sister and friends.
Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the neighbors for the interest manifested by them to our deceased brother.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the bereaved sister, also to the county papers for publication.

                            W. C. BRIANT, C. C. KROW, D. BOYER. Committee.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                         HARVEY TOWNSHIP, June 21, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: I see in your issue of June 6th an article rather encouraging claim-jumping signed by “Only Justice.” I think it is very wrong to advocate such principles, although it may be possible that there are some few people that could deed their claims; but where there is one that could do so, there are twenty that could not without making a great sacrifice or borrowing money at 30 or 60 percent, which would be fatal in the end; for I don’t know of a man that has paid such interest but what has, or is likely to, lose his land. People that come to this county are mostly poor; they have stood the grasshoppers, drouth, and low prices until now; are doing what they can in the way of improvements, but I don’t know of any who have 140 acres under cultivation. That is a “little thin.” I would like for “Mr. Justice” to tell of a man who has deeded his land that made his money off of his claim in Kansas. I don’t think he can. I LOVE PEACE.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                         VERNON TOWNSHIP, June 29, 1878.
Still on top of the sod, but have been so busy with our wheat since the freshet that we have had scarcely time to turn around. Much damage was done to crops. Mr. Baker lost a horse either by lightning or drowning, Mr. Evans some hogs, and Mr. Bradbury a cow.
The Arkansas River, it is supposed, is about to change its channel, coming one mile or so east, passing through Messrs. Clark, Marshall, and Smith’s farms.
Corn in silk, oats ripe, wheat not cut, and no Fourth of July celebration!
They have some smart ones over in Beaver. They can get married after one month of sparking and the old folks not know it. The boys made lots of music with their old muskets, cow-bells, and voices.
May their honeymoon last forever,
And the bonds of their sweet love not sever,
While they in this life shall live together.
For they must be happy now or never.
Mr. Calvin’s team of iron greys strayed away on the 25th or 26th of June and have not been heard of since. It is supposed that someone has picked them up and cleared out. If any of the vigilance committee get hold of them, they may have to stretch hemp.
I would propose to Pleasant Grove Sunday school that they have one session without having any motions before the school. GRAPEVINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
                                             QUEEN VILLAGE, June 24, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: You say in your last paper “Will Winfielders celebrate the Fourth?” We would respectfully announce to the public through your columns that Queen Village will celebrate, and on a grand scale too. We are to have a regular old fashioned basket picnic, Fourth of July orations, and Sunday School exercises combined.

We expect plenty of good music, both vocal and instrumental, as we know of six Sabbath Schools that are now practicing for this occasion. Mrs. John M. Watson’s splendid new organ will be upon the stage for the benefit of the singers. Miss Ella Davis’ organ and a string band with the New Salem class, also a brass band from Silver Creek. Come one, come all, bring your baskets full and have a regular old fashioned good time with us. . . .
The place selected for the picnic is in a pleasant grove on Timber Creek, half a mile from Queen Village Schoolhouse, and five and a half miles east from Floral. There is a well of good water in the grove and the creek is right close for watering purposes.
We feel very highly honored in having our schoolhouse chosen as the general center, and shall do everything in our power to make the day pass pleasantly for all who may come.
                                                                 M. O. S.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office June 3, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Arnold, Jno. D.; Brough, Coburn; Beriet, Louis; Cole, Geo. B.; Corkins, Mrs. R. S.; Corbin, Albert; Combs, H. A.; Curtis, C. A.; Davis, Mrs. M. J.; Dysert, Luther;
Fisher, D. M.; Gupton, Chesterfield; Good, David; Gordon, W. T.; Himes, Hanna; Henderson, Triza; Himes, Mrs. Hanna; Hammon, Lawson; Hays, Albert; Hamlin, W. T.; Hawkins, M. A.; Johnson, Jacob W.; Jordan, Hatty; Johnson, D. B.; Jones, Thomas H.
SECOND COLUMN: Johnson, F. P.; McCabe, J. W.; McCoy, J. C.; Miller, O. P.; Martin, T. S.; Maiden, Z. T.; Maiden; W. B.; Maiden, Zach; Oliver, Geo. W.; Pollard, Mrs. Annie;
Reiter, C. C.; Reiter, William; Leans, J.; Samuels, Mrs. Lucie; Tharman, John L.; Shields & McMillen; Wilson, Fletcher; Wilson, Willis H.; Williams, Hanna; Wells, Mrs. Lafe; Wilson, Wm. J. M.; Wibbell, Sadie E.; Wilson, John; Wilson, Thomas B.; Wheeler, Warren.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                       NAVIGATION OF THE RACKENSACK
               The Steamers Arkansas Traveler and Aunt Sally Have Solved the Question.
                                              Arkansas City to be the Great Port
                                                  of Entry to Southern Kansas.
                                                       Bring on Your Wheat.
The “Arkansas Traveler” navigated by Messrs. Speers and Walton have demonstrated that the Arkansas River from the Pawnee Agency to Oxford is navigable for steamboats, and the “Aunt Sally” has removed all doubt from that part of the river from Pawnee Agency to Fort Smith. Boats of 150 tons burden and two feet draft can run all the way from New Orleans to Arkansas City for a part of the year without doubt.
The “Aunt Sally” is not one of the lightest draft boats. It draws about 14 inches light and 20 inches loaded. It is an old clumsy concern of very little value and was chosen to make the trial trip because if it should succeed in getting up the river and fail to get back, its loss would scarcely be felt. Its owners have a much larger boat that draws less water which they will now send up for a load. Other boats will follow and the present outlook is that a great deal of wheat is to be shipped from Arkansas City this year.

If this commerce proves to be what is promised, it will be a “great thing” for Cowley County; even if boats can run only three or four months in a year, it will be a great help. Twenty boats, each carrying 5,000 bushels of wheat to a trip, and each making fifteen trips in a year, would carry off our surplus crop and bring up our heavy groceries, lumber, and machinery, at a total saving of not less than $200,000 a year to our farmers.
If this proves a success, it will be due to our enterprising friends at Arkansas City who have struggled and labored, and spent their money freely for years to accomplish this result and they will justly reap the advantages of a large trade and an extraordinary impetus to the growth and importance of their town. We heartily congratulate them on their present flattering prospects and would gladly aid them by any means in our power, not only for themselves but for the benefit it will be to the whole county. Three cheers for Arkansas City!
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The call of the Republican State convention to meet at Topeka on the 28th day of August recommends that the county central committee call a meeting for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention, to be held on Wednesday, August 21. . . a district convention to choose delegates to be held Saturday, August 10th, at the call of the central committee of the county.
The Republican County Central Committee is as follows:
C. R. Mitchell, Cresswell, Chairman.
Justus Fisher, Liberty, Secretary.
W. B. Norman, Maple.
L. J. Webb, Winfield.
H. H. Martin, Ninnescah.
L. L. Newton, Harvey.
J. B. Callison, Spring Creek.
N. J. Larkin, Richland.
P. M. Waite, Vernon.
M. Longshore, Sheridan.
S. W. Chase, Tisdale.
John Tipton, Silverdale.
C. W. Roseberry, Beaver.
S. M. Fall, Windsor.
Reuben Bowers, Bolton.
W. H. Gillard, Omnia.
C. R. Miles, Otter.
Frank Akers, Rock.
A. P. Brooks, Silver Creek.
H. C. McDorman, Dexter.
W. A. Metcalf, Cedar.
T. J. Harris, Pleasant Valley.
The following constitutes the Central Committee for the 88th representative district:
B. F. Baldwin, Chairman.
S. S. Moore, Secretary.
R. C. Story.
H. H. Siverd.
Daniel Maher.

The following are the Central Committee for the 89th district:
J. A. Bryan, Chairman.
E. B. Kager.
S. M. Fall.
W. A. Metcalf.
After the 28th of August when the state and congressional tickets are in the field, we shall have a convention to nominate candidates for county officers viz: Probate Judge, County Attorney, District clerk, and Commissioner for the first district, besides appointing a County Central Committee, and then we will be fairly in the field for work.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                                 PRE-JUDGING THE CASE.
The case of L. J. Webb, committed on the charge of murder in the first degree and denied bail by Justice Boyer, has been reviewed by the supreme court on a writ of habeas corpus, which was first presented July 3rd, and decided the same day, to the effect that the testimony for the state on the preliminary examination does not make a prima facie case which justifies the denial of bail to the defendant, and that the defendant be admitted to bail in the sum of $12,000. The bail was readily obtained and the defendant was on last Saturday released from jail.
Unfortunately there is a bitterly partisan feeling in this city concerning this case. Webb has very bitter enemies as well as warm friends, and there are strenuous attempts to prejudge the case and convict him before his trial. Now this is all wrong. He is in the hands of the law and will be tried for his life by a court and jury, therefore it is desirable that the community be entirely unprejudiced if possible. If an unprejudiced, intelligent jury cannot be had in this county, it will not be right to try him here. It is of the utmost importance that the jurymen who try this case shall have no opinion as to the guilt of the prisoner until after the evidence is given to them under the forms of law. All attempts that have been, or are being, made to set men’s minds in the belief of the prisoner’s guilt or his innocence are culpable in the extreme, and we think it much more culpable to create prejudice against than for a prisoner.
It is a maxim of law that it is better that ten guilty men escape than that one innocent man should be sacrificed. We do not desire to shield the prisoner from the lawful and just punishment for his act, but we do desire that his act shall be fairly tried and judged by unprejudiced men in accordance with evidence that shall be legally placed before them by both prosecution and defense.
We have been charged with unfairness on both sides in the accounts we have given of this case in the COURIER. We do not believe we could possibly have been more fair and impartial while attempting to give all the news. We took special pains to state all the rumors on both sides as rumors, all the well known facts on both sides as facts, and the evidence given under oath as evidence. We gave all the testimony that was offered and if either party failed to offer any of its evidence, it is not our fault.

As the accounts we gave were largely made up of the evidence given before the coroner’s jury and the examining magistrate, and as that evidence was all given by witnesses examined on the part of the state and was supposed to be the case of the prosecution, they at least could ask no more, and if the defense concluded that it was better for them to withhold their evidence so as not to disclose their defense, they have no reason to complain of us if we have given only one side of the case.
We have called attention to the fact that certain rumors against Webb were untrue and that certain rumors in his favor have not been sustained by the evidence offered, and have taken great care to be as correct as possible. We admit that we have formed an opinion. We have our knowledge of Webb for the last ten years, his habits, characteristics, and acts under various circumstances, and think we have as good a right to form an opinion as most people, but we have not expressed it in our columns.
If Webb’s enemies as well as friends will let the case rest where it is until court, quit talking about it, quit trying to make political capital or any other capital out of it, peace may again reign in our midst.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
A. B. Lemmon left for Topeka last Friday morning.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The street sprinkler isn’t such a bad arrangement.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Earnest has received and is arranging and shelving his new stock of groceries.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
J. C. McMullen’s magnificent residence is progressing finely and begins to show up well.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Manning’s new block begins to show up finely. The walls of the second story are nearly completed.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Lew Harter has started down the river for Little Rock to bring up steamers to load with wheat and flour.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
That Poland-China hog of Mr. C. C. Pierce weighed 640 and the 10 pigs of 300 pounds each were only 10½ months old.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The Winfield band went to Wellington on the Fourth and tried to play “Old Hundred,” but could not get even seventy-five out of it.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
M. L. Robinson’s palace residence is nearly completed. He has got his gas works to work beautifully and has bid coal oil “good bye.”
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
John C. Roberts brought in last Saturday the largest and finest ripe peaches we have seen this year, measuring from 8 to 9½ inches in circumference.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.

A span of horses attached to a lumber wagon got frightened and ran away. They ran over a cow and fell and before they could recover were secured and detained.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
C. R. Mitchell is said to be the greatest acrobat in the county. He can turn a somersault over a tall horse. We hope he is not practicing for the political arena.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Mr. J. J. Todd took a load of peaches to Wichita last week and sold them out at $4.00 to $6.00 per bushel. He went up again with a load of 25 bushels last Monday.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
W. H. Clay, of Sheridan, has returned from Colorado. He says they talk about hard times in Kansas, but Kansas is a paradise of good times as compared with Colorado.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Mr. Philip Baker was in town last Monday. He keeps the Harris House at Lazette, is a popular landlord, and his customers are always pleased with their treatment.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
A. B. Arment, from Wichita, has bought six acres in the northeast corner of the Holmes’ place south of town and will immediately proceed to build a fine residence thereon.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
W. J. Bonnewell, of Vernon, brought us last Tuesday from his orchard the most beautiful specimens of apples we have seen this year. They are of the Early Harvest variety.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The street sprinkler has commenced operation. It is quite an elegant affair, being painted green and covered with the business cards of various firms of the city done in white.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Last Saturday Mr. D. Read, of Floral, brought the COURIER boys a lot of ripe, delicious peaches. Mr. Read brought into town twenty bushels. His crop this year promises to reach 800 bushels.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Mr. Strong, of the A. T. & S. F. company, has written to our county committee that Mr. Nickerson will be here about the 15th inst., to consult about a proposition to build a road through this county.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
We heard somewhere that Tony Boyle was not “busted.” We believe it; but even if he was, we have known boils that weren’t tony to bust before now. We were fortunately associated with one, once.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Those who attended Prof. T. J. Jones’ pantomime exhibition last Sunday evening expressed themselves highly pleased with the affair. The light was good, the curtain was white, and the shadows were clear and distinct.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
We would call attention to the dental card of Dr. Van Doren in this issue. He is one of the best dentists in the state, and skilled in the use of the new celluloid material as well as gold and silver for plates. Give him a call.

                                             Rooms in the Page building, upstairs.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Notice the new card of Mrs. Van Doren, dress maker. She has been practicing the art of dress making in Lawrence for many years, where her reputation for perfect fits is well known. She has S. T. Taylor’s new system for dress fitting, which is considered complete.
                                                DRESS MAKING PARLORS
in the Page building, upstairs,  Cutting and fitting by the system of S. T. Taylor of New York City.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Indications are that the present session of the normal will be largely attended and will be, in every particular, most successful. School boards will have an excellent opportunity to select teachers for fall and winter schools, and should certainly make good use of the opportunity.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
DIED. Mrs. Nancy Linscott, wife of F. M. Linscott, late of this county, died at their residence in Grayson County, Texas, on June 12th ult. Mr. Linscott formerly lived across the river southwest from this town and moved to Texas last September. He will move back to this county the coming autumn.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Johnston & Hill’s furniture shop continues to travel. This time he has gone down south of the M. E. parsonage, and the stock of furniture has gone into a building near the old Farmers’ Restaurant. Their new fire-proof building near the Williams House is progressing finely and will contain a large stock in due time.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Our Arkansas City friends desired us to visit their “seaport” and the “Aunt Sally” to see for ourselves that the Arkansas River was navigable. Well, we went down and they took us a-riding on the Walnut River and not on the Arkansas at all. So we did not learn anything new, for we always knew the Walnut was navigable.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
H. L. Chapman and A. B. Quinton have procured rooms in the Maris building and will practice law under the firm name of Chapman & Quintin. They are young gentlemen of character and talent and are highly recommended by the press and bar of Topeka where they have many acquaintances. Notice their business card in this paper.
AD:                                            CHAPMAN & QUINTON,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Maris Building, Winfield, Kansas.
AD:                                                  MONEY TO LOAN
                                                      AT 10 PER CENT, AT
                                                 CHAPMAN & QUINTON’S

                                                            LAW OFFICE.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                           [MORE ON JAY PAGE MURDER.]
                                                   A WOULD BE NEMESIS.
                              A Wife Attempts to Avenge the Death of Her Husband.
Mrs. Jay Page attempted to kill L. J. Webb on last Saturday evening. Webb had just been released from jail on bail, and in company with Sheriff Harter, H. E. Asp, and R. L. Walker, was walking from the jail west toward Main Street along the sidewalk, and when passing the house of B. M. Terrell, Mrs. Page ran out of the back door with a large revolver in her hand and passing along the west side of the house toward Webb, attempted to get a range on Webb to shoot him, at the same time using violent and threatening language. Sheriff Harter and R. L. Walker were between Mrs. Page and Webb, and under their cover Webb ran and escaped. R. L. Walker made some remark and Mrs. Page turned on and threatened him.
Since the death of Jay Page, Mrs. Page has been living in the family of B. M. Terrell in the house on Ninth Avenue next east of the post office. The house is on the south side of the street, with front end so close to the sidewalk that it is but one step between the sidewalk and the front door.
                                             B. M. TERRILL’S STATEMENT.
I was in the front door of my house when Webb and others were approaching from the jail. Mrs. Page came to the door and attempted to pass out. I pulled her back by her dress, but did not observe that she had a pistol. She then ran out at the back door and up towards Webb, saying: “You killed Jay because he said you was a stinker. You are a stinker and I will kill you.” She tried to get a chance to shoot Webb, but others were in the way and she did not shoot. I never heard Mrs. Page make any threat or express any ill will against Webb before this, except that when someone told her that Webb was to be let out of jail, she said that Webb could not walk the streets and live while she was around. She had expressed sympathy for Webb’s family. The pistol she had belonged to me. About two weeks ago I observed it was getting rusty and took it to John Easton to be cleaned up, where it remained a week. I then brought it home and put it in a case under a bed. There were three cartridges in it. Both my wife and Mrs. Page knew where it was kept. I think she was waiting and watching for Webb at the back door. She now says she intended to kill Webb and will do it yet if he runs around loose where she is.
                                          SHERIFF HARTER’S STATEMENT.

When I went to the jail to release Webb, I passed B. M. Terrill’s house. Mrs. Page was sitting on the front door-step with her feet on the sidewalk and Terrill was sitting in a chair just behind her in the house. When I returned with Webb, Terrill was sitting on the door-step with his feet on the sidewalk and a woman was sitting behind him in the chair. I do not know if it was Mrs. Page. As we came along the sidewalk, Webb was on the left of me, the side next to Terrill’s house. Just before we reached the door, I went to Webb’s left side and walked between him and the door. I did this to prevent a collision, which I thought possible. No woman attempted to come out the front door; but as I appeared between Webb and the door, a woman rushed back through the house. I heard her retiring steps and the noise of her dress distinctly. As we passed the northwest corner of the house, I saw Mrs. Page coming from the back door. I told Webb to “git,” and kept between him and Mrs. Page. She rushed up to within six or eight feet of me with a revolver aimed at me. I threw up my arm and said, “Don’t shoot me.” She called Webb a cowardly, dirty stinker, and talked in an excited manner, but I do not think she used other profane or vulgar language. Webb soon got out of her range, and R. L. Walker, who had been close behind us, said, “Don’t.” She said, “You are as bad as he is and I will fix you too if you interfere,” or words to that effect. Walker kept his arm up and moved rapidly away until we reached the post office, when she turned and went back into the house.
                                                MRS. PAGE’S STATEMENT.
I intended to kill Webb and would have done so if I could have shot without hitting someone else. I will do it yet if he does not keep out of my way. It was not right to have brought him past my door. I did say to him that he was a stinker, but that was the only bad word I used. I did not say those other words they accuse me of saying. I did not threaten Walker; all I said was meant for Webb.
                                                  H. E. ASP’S STATEMENT.
I was present and heard Mrs. Page say to R. L. Walker: “I know you, Dick Walker. You are as bad as any of them. I’ll give it to you next. I’ll fix you for your coffin.”
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                                   That Trip on the Aunt Sally.”
We “let off” our surplus patriotism on the Fourth by going to Arkansas City and taking a ride on the “Aunt Sally” beneath the classic shades of the “raging Walnut.” The said “Aunt Sally” is not exactly like the Sound steamers that ply between Fall River and New York. We did not see the elegant staterooms, dining-hall, furniture, and such; but she paddled along just as well as though arrayed in gay plumage. The passengers stood up on deck and sweltered in the heat; taking two or three small showers for variety; then the whistle made most unearthly screams and the band played patriotic airs. The boat was manned by Channell, Sleeth, Swarts, Farrar, Mowry, and many others of the old sailors of Arkansas City. Many Winfield ladies and gentlemen were on board with us, exhibiting more enthusiasm, we thought, than did our “seaport” friends. When we returned to the landing, Bonsall was on hand with his camera to take a picture of the boat and its passengers, but we shall never believe he got a good picture until he furnishes us with a copy. When that infernal whistle shrieked, it was with difficulty that we prevented our unsophisticated Winfielders from following the example of the Indians down the river by jumping off and wading ashore. Troup jumped about 18 feet, Harris 14, Baird 12, Bliss 10, McMullen & Lemmon 3, Hudson 2. The rest of them were on the other side of the boat and we were not able to record their feats of ground and lofty tumbling.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                                        Council Proceedings.
                                           WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 3, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. All present except H. Jochems.
In the matter of the physicians employed to attend small-pox patients.

Action was taken on the following bills: [SHOWING AMOUNT ALLOWED ONLY]
Dr. Strong, attendance on Miller: $40.00
Dr. Strong, attendance on Brooks: $50.00
Dr. Mansfield, attendance and supplies for Brooks: $14.00
Dr. Mansfield, attendance and supplies for Miller: $ 5.20
Dr. Emmerson, attendance on Miller: $2.50
Dr. Emmerson, attendance on Brooks: $5.00
Bill of W. H. H. Maris, for Lumber ($16.00), laid over.
Mayor nominated C. C. Stevens for road overseer, and on motion the nomination was confirmed and his bond in the sum of $500 read and accepted and approved.
The question of Firemen working out road tax was discussed, but no action was taken.
Adjourned. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Since the last flood washed off large quantities of wheat into the streams, the catfish are having a good time. J. P. Short mentions the fact that many catfish have been lately taken from the river and creeks, and on dressing them, their stomachs are found full of wheat.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                    Some Scoundrel Fires Several Stacks of Wheat.
At about 10 or 11 o’clock last Saturday evening, J. G. Titus, who lives about two miles southeast of town, returned home from this city, and seeing several of his wheat stacks on fire, seized his double-barreled gun and with some of his men rode on horse back rapidly to the scene of the fire. Finding that nothing could be saved, they immediately commenced scouting around to find, if possible, the incendiary. Soon Mr. Titus came across John W. Blizzard and fired at him. Blizzard, terribly frightened, held up both hands and begged for his life; and under the fear and excitement of the moment confessed before Titus and some of his men that he (Blizzard) had set the stacks on fire. Blizzard was brought to town and lodged in jail. There has been a bitter controversy and lawsuit between Blizzard and Titus, in which Blizzard was not successful, and we are told he had threatened revenge. We do not know the merits of the controversy, nor do we think that the confession is conclusive against Blizzard, but we have this to say: that if Blizzard actually fired the stacks, he can have no excuse and should be punished to the very extent of the law. The man that is so degraded as to destroy property merely for revenge has no right to live outside the penitentiary. We understand the loss is about 900 bushels of wheat.
Blizzard had his preliminary examination on Monday before Justice Buckman and was bound over to court in $800. Failing to procure bonds, he was returned to jail.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                                             Horse Stealing.

On last Thursday night were stolen from the residence of Martin King, west of the middle bridge, two horses and one mule. One of the horses was the noted pacer, Tom, from Indiana, said to have made 2:22 time and to be worth $1,600. He belonged to Martin King. The other was an excellent mare worth about $175, belonging to William King. The mule belonged to another man living there. All were newcomers. A pursuit was organized and the stolen animals were traced to the Indian Territory, but the horse and mare returned on last Sunday morning bearing evidence of having been ridden excessively bare back. The mule has not been recovered.
Another horse was stolen from McBride’s house in this city at about the same time and has not since been heard of. Several other cases of horse stealing have occurred recently and it is time the owners of horses were organized for protection and pursuit.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
There is now confined in the jail at this place a man by the name of Louis Tournier, whose father was a Colonel under the first Napoleon and fought with him at Waterloo. After the exile of Napoleon, Colonel Tournier was banished and came to America in 1817. He had been here but a short time when he was notified by the French government that he was at liberty to return, but he would not go back.
The son, Louis, was born in 1812 and is now sixty-six years old. He speaks and writes the French, German, and English languages fluently, and is well versed in ancient and modern history. He has traveled over the greatest portions of both continents, and is a well-informed man.
Louis Tournier came to Cowley County when the only building in Winfield was the “Old Log Store,” and settled on the Arkansas River about six miles below Arkansas City. His claim is on the strip, and he was about to enter it a short time since, when he learned that one of his neighbors, whom he had befriended and assisted in many ways, had secretly gone to the land office and entered on an 80 of it. The first knowledge the old man had of this fact was when the party who entered it began removing the timber and interfering with the crops, and in many ways annoying the old man, who at once took steps to contest the entry, and told the other party to keep away or he would hurt him. Thereupon he was arrested and bound over by Justice Bonsall, of Arkansas City, in the sum of $200 to keep the peace.
His friends proposed to give the bail; but the old man said he would not allow the prosecuting witness to trespass on the land, if he did so, he would hurt him, and rather than be bailed out and compelled to have trouble with the man, he chose to go to jail.
He has no relatives in this state, but has two daughters in Kentucky. When he was taken to jail he requested the privilege of keeping his bird dog with him, remarking, “I think a great deal of Caesar; he is my best friend.”
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                                          Lecture and Social.
Saturday evening, at the Courthouse, Rev. J. L. Rusbridge will address the teachers and citizens on “Mental Discipline.” After the lecture the teachers and friends will take part in a social. Professor Farringer will furnish music. All are invited.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                            MAPLE TOWNSHIP, July 8, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: After a long, tedious, nasty harvest, the crop of this township is gathered, and notwithstanding the frequent and copious showers, the wheat is in good condition and the heaviest crop by far ever cut in this township. Oats are but so so, but corn and potatoes are splendid. There is some complaint of rot in the latter on low land.

Peach trees are bending low with their fruit and the crop will be abundant and cheap. Apple trees are too young to bear much. There will be a few however.
Mrs. Laura Wise is now lying in the Surgeons’ College, Washington, Indiana, and has undergone a successful operation for the removal of internal abdominal tumors. A letter from her husband, Sol. Wise, Esq., gives her friends great hope. O.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                     SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP, July 5, 1878.
ED. COURIER: The Harmony Sabbath school met at Mr. Compton’s, their usual place of meeting, five miles southeast of Maple City, on the Fourth, for a grand celebration and a good dinner. The exercises were opened by the Superintendent, Mr. York, with a brief speech and prayer suitable to the occasion, followed with singing by the school and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mrs. McNett.
Dinner, which was a grand success, was the next thing on the program and was free to all. One of the principal dishes was a roasted calf, donated by Mr. Myers. Cakes, pies, potatoes, chicken, bread and butter, pickles, coffee and lemonade were in abundance.
After dinner a procession was formed for an excursion to the Indian Territory, headed by a beautiful flag, which proceeded to a fine grove where swings were in waiting. After swinging until tired, the audience was entertained by speaking, singing, and select reading. Supper was then served, after which the procession returned to the place of starting, and dispersed with three rousing cheers, being well satisfied with the enjoyment of the day.
                                       Respectfully, L. D. YORK, Secretary, S. S.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                            LAZETTE, KANSAS, July 8, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: A fine rain is now falling.
Roasting ears are plenty.
The noise of the croquet mallet is constantly heard on all dry days.
Philip Baker’s livery team ran away last Friday with the mail hack, tearing it to pieces.
Dr. S. Wilkins, a restitutionist, preached us a fine sermon last Sunday.
John Brooks is erecting a fine barn with solid walls 20 inches thick from cut stone.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of Stephen Trimble, Miss Sarah Nelson to Mr. Barns. Dr. Wilkins officiated.
A part of our townsmen went sniping on the Fourth with a large net and thoughtlessly drew the net into a pool of water, where it became fast on a snag, and having no diving bell, none could be induced to go down and loose it; consequently, the net was pulled in twain.
We see from last week’s COURIER that M. L. Smith is still trying to wrong Father Olney out of his land. If Olney’s title can be set aside, we think those who paid tax on the land two years before it was deeded for the purpose of blinding their neighbors should look a “leedle out.” The so-called minions believe in justice being strictly dealt to every man; for business is business and corner-stones should remain where the government placed them if it does make lines crooked.
Poker is a game we like to play—
We’ll bet on every hand;
The two best out of three we’ll say,—
Now bring on your poker man.

                                                           DICK TURPIN.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
A jack-rabbit ran through our main street last Monday evening, followed by a pack of dogs. Traveler.
But they couldn’t catch him on account of the big weeds and grass.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The celebration at Queen Village was quite an affair. The grounds were in excellent condition and were filled with people from all points of the surrounding country. The Silver Creek band and New Salem string band furnished plenty of good music for the day. The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. Thomas. Music and songs followed, and then came the address of Charles Payson, distinctly rendered and full of information and thought. Dinner, the most enthusiastic exercise on the ground, followed; and for whole-souled, hospitable people, and excellent, generous cooks, we will back that northeastern country against the state. After dinner came music and an address by Mr. Green, and a song by himself and his accomplished daughter. Then followed a speech by Henry Asp, and we wish to say that Henry did nobly, and that no better speech was delivered on the ground. He was well worded and contained many beautiful thoughts and happy sentiments. If Henry wishes to feel proud over his first soaring of the eagle, he has good right, and the feathers of that noble bird shine with a new luster. The speech of R. C. Story followed, full of enthusiasm, startling statistics, and warm appeals for temperance, delivered in his own intelligent and earnest manner. Samuel Jarvis then addressed the crowd with a few remarks, and shortly afterwards the people dispersed and sought their homes. A platform dance was held on the ground in the evening.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                           BETHEL, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS, July 6, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: John Bryant and John John Ross spent the Fourth at Arkansas City. Frank Futhy [Furthy?] celebrated at El Dorado. Some of our citizens went to Queen Village and some to Wellington.
The Timothy Brothers have been threshing wheat the past week for Bethel farmers. Their new vibrator is a complete success and gives general satisfaction.
Harry Dunham has peaches on trees set out this spring. They were in bloom at time of setting.
Archie Burger, a three-year-old son of John T. Burger, was severely wounded by being kicked with a colt over the right eye. Dr. Graham sewed the wound up in good style, but a small scar will always remain.
Nelson R. Wilson is going into the sheep raising business.
Israel Weakley will, we understand, choose a partner to help can his peaches. He will form a life-time partnership with one of Bethel’s fair daughters.
Geo. Brown is luxuriating on ripe peaches.
Frederick Arnold is offering a good span of horses for sale.
Mr. John Anderson will, we hear, become a Methodist preacher. We think John will be very popular in his new calling.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.

                                         RICHLAND TOWNSHIP, July 6, 1878.
Harvest is over. Haying next in order. Considerable sickness.
Elsie McKinney fell and broke her arm again.
School closed in District 108 and we had a nice time. Some 30 visitors were present; had splendid singing by the little folks, a good dinner, and the exercises were good. This closes Miss Pontious’ school at Prairie Grove.
The little social picnic on the Fourth on the Walnut was a pleasant affair. Hunting, fishing, singing, swinging were the order of the day; also had a good dinner.
Floral Grange has a blackberry festival next Friday night; and oh! ye Editors, if you have the pass word and can ride the goat to the blackberry patch, come forth and enjoy a feast with us.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                                        Real Estate Transfers.
T. S. Gilliard to Martha A. Gilliard, s. of sw. 33, 31, 3; 80 acres, $250.
A. J. Thompson and wife to W. C. Muzzy, in nw. 27, 32, 4; 1 acre, $40.
W. T. Adair and wife to Lewis Fitzsimmons, ne. 28, 30, 3; 160 acres, $900.
Laura J. Wise to Solomon Wise, se. 20, 30, 3; 160 acres, $2,000.
Solomon Wise to Fred A. Wise, se. 20, 30, 3; 160 acres, $2,140.
W. E. Rice to Elizabeth Rex, e. of ne. 7, 33, 7; 80 acres, $800.
I. F. Newcomb and wife to Frances M. Boyer, nw. 31, 32, 8; 160 acres, $2,140.
Elizabeth Bates to Rachel Randall, n. of ne. 28, 32, 5; 80 acres, $550.
R. L. Walker, special commissioner, to Nichols, Shepard & Co., sw. 28, 30, 4; 160 acres, $825.
Robert Allison and wife to W. H. Bates, se. 28, 32, 4; 1 acre, $50.
Lizzie Harris to Clara Broadwell, se. 2, 34, 4; 160 acres, $10.
Thomas and Mary Glaze to Jackson Burchett, w. of nw. 9, 31, 3; 80 acres, $300.
W. P. Olney to Johnson Chandler, ne. 13, 31, 6; 160 acres, $600.
R. F. Armstrong to George Walker, ne. 20, 31, 4; 160 acres, $450.
R. L. Walker, sheriff, to J. D. Pryor, ne. 20, 31, 4; 160 acres.
J. D. Pryor and wife to J. Jordan, ne. 20, 31, 4; 160 acres, $1.
J. Jordan to H. E. Schoeb, ne. 20, 31, 4; 160 acres, $900.
S. C. Topliff to Wm. H. Moore, in se. 6, 35, 4; 17 acres, $240.
J. W. Lynch to Wilson Lynch and wife, s. of sw. 16, 35, 4; 80 acres, $250.
J. C. Fuller and wife to H. Jochems, lots 7, 8, and 9, block 207, Winfield, $100.
J. C. Fuller and wife to John C. Schurz, lots 4, 5, and 6, block 207, Winfield; $100.
I. W. Randall to Wm. J. Hodges, lots 1, 2, and 3, block 73, Winfield; $1,050.
J. C. Fuller and wife to Louisa J. Black, lots 16 and 17, block 131, Winfield, $80.
Winfield Town Association to Louisa J. Black, lot 16, block 131, Winfield, $85.
J. E. Platter and wife to H. Bahntge, lot 1, block 110, Winfield, $1,000.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to John B. Lynn, ½ of lot 6, block 87, Winfield, $234.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to J. W. Curns, lot 22, block 129, Winfield, $156.
E. C. Manning and wife to F. S. Jennings, lots 7, block 48, Winfield, $60.
Wm. Hodges and wife to Rachel Randall, lot 12, block 167, Winfield, $1,300.

J. W. Curns and wife to W. S. Mendenhall, lot 22, block 129, $200.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to W. S. Mendenhall, lot 21, block 129, Winfield.
C. & J. Walton to James Benedict, lots 15, 16, 17, and 18, block 88, Arkansas City, $500.
O. C. Skinner to J. Schuster & M. C. Heim, lot 19, block 67, Arkansas City, $50.
J. E. Williams and wife to Albert Horn, lot 18, block 55, Arkansas City, $50.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                             EAST NINNESCAH, July 6, 1878.
The wheat harvest in this vicinity is ended. The recent heavy rains caused much delay and many gloomy apprehensions, but the past week having been quite favorable for work, the farmers are now engaged in stacking and threshing, while some are already marketing the new crop.
Land in this vicinity is rising in value. Buyers are plenty, but farmers are not anxious to sell. Good crops bring contentment and prosperity.
Mr. Homen, of Illinois, now stopping in the neighborhood, is well pleased with the country and intends purchasing a farm here and moving this fall. He is a substantial farmer, with a family of sixteen promising sons and daughters.
Mr. John Bates, and wife, of Winfield, who have been visiting in the neighborhood, have returned to the city.
There have been several binders in operation in this vicinity and all are pronounced good with perhaps one exception, but there are two that are pronounced par excellence by all who have seen them work. Anyone wishing to examine one of them and see it perform can be accommodated by calling upon Wm. Wentz or Jack Lossen.  DAN. SWIVELER.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                            CEDAR TOWNSHIP, July 8, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: The Fourth, the wearisome, tiresome, glorious old Fourth has come and gone, and we enjoyed it hugely. We had a nice, pleasant picnic in the grove on Don Jay’s farm on Beaver Creek. The people turned out from far and near—that is all that didn’t go to Arkansas City to see their “Aunt Sally.” They brought their ropes for swings, they brought their baskets of good things; they brought their musical instruments and their musicians. The music was furnished by the glee clubs of Beaver and Crab Creek combined. Some very fine music was rendered by Mrs. Brubaker, assisted by Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Leidly. At night we “tripped the light fantastic” at the residence of L. W. Miller. All in all, we had the most enjoyable affair that has ever been held in our part of the county.
There are a great many persons in the township looking for cheap houses. There are some good claims yet to be taken, but if a man wants a good home and a cheap one he should buy out some of the original settlers, which can be done very cheaply.
Oats harvest is about over. The flax crop is about ready to cut and is remarkably fine.
Everybody in good spirits and all will have plenty. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.

MR. EDITOR: Through the columns of the COURIER I wish to say to the people of Cowley County that a camp meeting will commence July 17th, at 3 o’clock p.m., on the Walnut River, five miles northwest of Winfield, on the farm of B. E. Murphy. It will continue one week. All are invited to attend. Those who expect to get the benefit of all the services should come prepared to remain on the ground. On Saturday and Sunday there will be refreshments on the ground. Several ministers from a distance and home ministers will be present. W. J. BLAKEY.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
                                                EAST BOLTON, July 6, 1878.
ED. COURIER: East Bolton celebrated the Fourth at Smith’s grove. An essay by Miss Myers and a speech by Mr. C. Wethold were well received. Everybody well pleased with the picnic. Crops good and farmers happy. ARC ANA.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office July 11, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Bull, George; Bonman, J. H.; Beck, S. F.; Clemons, Mamie; Craig, Robt.; Cobbison, C. A.; Clark, B. Oliver; Carlin, Mrs. Mary; Campbell, Miss Mattie; Care, Frank;
Donhan, Miss Ella; Daniel, Miss Rhoda J.; Goddard, J.; Goddard, Mrs. M.; Goodwell, Fannie M.; Hahn, Joseph.
SECOND COLUMN: Howard, T. B.; Johnson, Lou.; Johnson, Frank P.; Limerman, A. J.; Lanier, Emma; Mentch, Alexander; Park, Melissa; Prunkard, John E.; Park, Theodore; Roof, Wm.; Rogers, C. C.; Sunn, Francis; Stover, H. S.; Streeper, Emanuel; Stanley, A. L.; Smith, Louis H.; Willis, Miss Iovenin.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
                                                [MORE NEW MATERIAL.]
Bill, Kay failed to print out issues from July 18, 1878, through August 22, 1878.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 18, 1878. Front Page.
                                                  THE FLYING MACHINE.
                                                    [From the Boston Herald.]
The exhibition of the flying machine opened at the Tremont Temple yesterday afternoon, and it is hardly an exaggeration to say that a more novel and interesting exhibition has never heretofore been given in this city. All attempts made to navigate the air have proved impracticable, and when one sees the simplicity of this invention, it is hard to understand why the principle has not sooner been applied by inventors to the control of the balloons.
The balloon used with the machine is a cylinder of about 20 feet in length and 13 feet in diameter, with broad straps of braid passing around it, which supports a steel rod beneath, to which the machine is hung. The machine looks like a skeleton canoe with one end chopped off, the operator sitting astride the center, and resting his feet in stirrup-like rests on either side. At the bow of the machine and directly under the seat of the operator, are “propellers,” or a fan, arranged to act as an air screw, exactly as the screw of a propeller steamer acts. Both of these propellers can be driven by the operator with one motion, and, while that at the bow is used to steer with, that underneath him either raises or lowers the machine, as the direction is given to it by the operator.

The machine is built of brass piping, nickel plated, and, apart from its powers in guiding the balloon, is a marvel of mechanical ingenuity. The whole affair, aside from the balloon, weighs but 40 pounds, and the operator weighs but 96 pounds more. The weight is just balanced by the lifting power of the balloon, which is filled with pure hydrogen gas, so that the power of the machinery is merely required to be sufficient to make the machine ascend or descend without really lifting or depressing any perceptible weight.
The test of the machine yesterday was all that could be desired, as the operator sailed about the large hall at will, making rapid circlings in mid air, raising or depressing his altitude, and floating as easily and gracefully as a bird. It is not claimed that this machine will overcome all the fury of the elements and breast the fiercest gales that blow, but it is shown, as a perfect demonstration, that man has at last succeeded in achieving the power of floating in the air at will under ordinary aerial conditions.
The exhibition is in charge of Mr. W. H. McMahon, who has become so well known through his connection with the Edison phonograph, and Prof. Ritchell, the inventor, is also to be present during the exhibition. The machine will be open to public inspection in practical operation at the Tremont Temple every day. It is well worth a visit, either as a curiosity or as a demonstration of the wonderful inventive genius of the present century.
[Bill, I asked Kay to make a copy of above article for my “Aviators” file. Now I am beginning to wonder if he did. Will have to check later. MAW]
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878. Editorial Items.
The Memphis, Kansas & Colorado railroad, narrow gauge, has been running between Cherokee and Parsons, 26 miles, ever since the first day of July and is doing splendidly. It is expected that fifteen more miles will be in operation by August.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                      AN OPPORTUNITY.
The A. T. & S. F. railroad company has now an opportunity to make itself popular and do a very lucrative business at the same time. It has long had the monopoly of the business of that part of Kansas termed the GREAT SOUTHWEST, and its prices of transportation have been such as to create a great deal of hostility and ill feeling.
All this can now be allayed by an act of justice, generally if you please to call it so, that will pay. There are four millions of bushels of wheat that could be shipped on that road from Wichita and El Dorado if the rates of transportation should be reduced to reasonable figures. Now the prices of wheat at Kansas City are from 70 to 80 cents, which may be advanced ten to twenty cents higher—but 80 to 90 cents is certainly as high as we can depend upon—and with present rates of freight the prices at Wichita and El Dorado will be so low that farmers can realize very little from their crop.
Many will refuse to deliver at such prices and seek other means to dispose of their wheat, and some would see their wheat rot first. Now this railroad can well afford to transport this wheat to Kansas City for five cents per bushel and yet make at least $50,000 on the lot over all expenses and wear and tear. Should they announce this as their rate, this wheat would go forward, giving the road a largely increased business both ways and at the same time the road would acquire the good will of this community.
At present the prejudice against this road is so strong on account of its high rates, particularly on wheat, that should a proposition be submitted to vote the bonds of this county to extend a branch of this road through it, the proposition would doubtless be defeated. Some say they can haul their wheat cheaper, and others say they prefer to vote bonds to a road that has not proved that it will charge ruinous rates for transportation.

Now is the time to fix this thing right. Will they do it?
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Hot is no name for it.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
See Mansfield’s wonderful sign.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mr. Goforth, of Lazette, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mr. Gilstrap, of Silverdale, was in the city last week.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Frank Gallotti has moved into the A. T. Stewart house.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Nommsen & Stueven, barbers, have got things fixed for work.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Ice cream festival at the M. E. Church next Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Some seventy teachers were enrolled last week for Normal work.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Friend is pushing along his new residence in the north part of town.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Rev. Mr. Platter, Judge Coldwell, and Hon. A. B. Lemmon will lecture to the teachers during the session of the Normal.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Cantata of Months and Seasons at the M. E. Church Tuesday evening, July 30, under the supervision of Mrs. Dr. Kessler.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Judge Gans has added much to the appearance of his property on Elm Row by giving his house a good coat of paint. Lipscomb was the artist.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Advent Christian Mission Society have erected a tent in the west part of town and are now holding a series of revival meetings, to be continued throughout the week.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The singing at Kelly’s, Thursday night, was enjoyed by all the people in North Winfield, the south wind carrying the notes clearly and distinctly to the farthest limits of town.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
John B. Holmes lives in Cowley, not Butler. After harvesting his wheat this year, he plowed 100 acres of his wheat field and planted it to corn. The corn now stands 18 inches high.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
D. M. Harter, brother of our sheriff and our druggist, arrived in town last Thursday. He is young, good looking, and if he is like his wholesome brothers, will find friends fast enough.

Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
O. F. Boyle was down from Wichita last Monday. He says there is war among the elevator men at Wichita, with firearms and threats of shooting. No one killed yet. Prices of wheat 25 to 55.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
J. L. Bruce will furnish any kind of a lightning rod and the best in the market. He is always on hand, is a citizen of Winfield and Cowley County, understands his business perfectly, and attends to it strictly.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Peaches are becoming abundant in the market.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Little drops of water make the mighty ocean, and Tom Barton and his little sprinkler rains 3,538,944,000 drops of water on the streets every week. We want someone to figure up the number of drops in the ocean now.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Baptist Church of this place has extended a call to Rev. J. Cairns to become their pastor from and after the first of next October. He is an excellent man; and if he accepts, will become a valuable addition to the society of this place.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
David Maricle lives in Bolton Township near the state line. He has a farm of 880 acres, on which he has expended $14,000 in improvements. He keeps eight hired men constantly employed. He has harvested and stacked this year 700 acres of excellent wheat and 15 acres of timothy, which yields a ton and a half to the acre.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at Oxford, on the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. A. F. Randall, Dr. Edward Smith and Miss Roxy Humphrey. The beautiful bride has many acquaintances in Winfield, who hold her in the highest esteem and extend her their warm congratulations and best wishes.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The people of Brown’s Grove showed good judgment in attempting to secure Wirt W. Walton as their Fourth of July orator. Failing to get him, they invited Judge Horton and Dr. McCabe, the latter accepting the invitation and delivering the oration. Good company that, Wirt. Always keep as good and you will do well.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mr. R. M. Short, proprietor of the Wichita soap factory, was in the city and called on us one day last week. Mr. Short informed us that he is turning out one hundred and forty-four boxes—or about ten thousand pounds of the Valley Pride per week. This soap is warranted equal to Kirk’s manufacture and superior to most of the soaps in the market.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.

Winfield needs a new harness shop. There is plenty of business here for a LIVE man who can and will do good work, and who is not too stingy and short-sighted to make use of printer’s ink. Such a person is needed, not to purchase somebody’s old stock—much of which has been on hand for years, is out-of-date, and of little value—but to bring a new stock of first-class materials and do HONEST work.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
James H. Beckley, of Richland, called on us on Tuesday. He came to this county sixteen months ago with a large family and without money or much of any other property. He has seen hard work and done without many things that he needed; but has kept out of debt, and now has 70 acres of splendid wheat in the stack, 35 acres of luxuriant corn in the field, fifty hogs, and old corn to feed them, and other stock in proportion. He says the times are easy and a man who has health and will attend to his business can get a good living and accumulate property by farming in Cowley County more rapidly than anywhere else.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Ed. Clisbee has a young alligator at Brown & Glass’ drug store.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mr. Strong, one of Rock’s staunchest farmers, came down last week.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Sparr Bros. are about to move their stock of groceries into the Page building.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mr. Richards, the P. M. of the new post office in Beaver, was in the city Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
UNION SERVICE. Rev. J. E. Platter will preach in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mr. Ed. Gray, of the Traveler, showed his pleasant countenance at our office last Monday.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Davis Brothers are doing up the threshing in Bolton Township with neatness and dispatch.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
A few boarders are wanted at Mrs. Hunt’s, opposite the new foundry building in the north end of town.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The new buildings around the courthouse add much to the convenience if not to the beauty of the county property.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mrs. Robinson’s residence has been recently adorned with a couple of porticoes, and has thus become one of the best looking dwellings in town.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Prof. Farringer conducts the exercises in music at the Normal and during the evenings on which lectures are given. The work of Saturday night was a treat to all who were out.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mr. J. B. Hutchinson, of Cedar Township, called on us last Friday. His daughter, who was incorrectly reported to have the smallpox, was very ill of the spinal meningitis, but has now nearly recovered.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.

                                     A Centenarian. John Anderson McWarter.
In Beaver Township, Cowley County, west side of the Arkansas River in the bend, lives John Anderson McWarter, who is 100 years old. He was born at Cowpens, South Carolina, September 10, 1777. At two years of age he was carried by his parents to Kentucky in company with Daniel Boone, and was with Boone some years. At one time when Boone and his men were in a fight with Indians, young McWarter carried water and waited on the men, lived at Crop Orchard until 18 years old, when he went to the wilds of Tennessee, where he lived 10 years and married, when he moved to Wayne County, Illinois. He was in the 1st Illinois volunteers all through the Black Hawk War as First Lieutenant, for which he was entitled to 80 acres land warrant. He only got forty, so the government still owes him a forty. During the Black Hawk War he pursued a lot of Indians to recover two white girls, Rachel and Sylvia Hall, whom they had captured, overtook them but did not attack for fear they would kill the girls. He negotiated and bought the girls of the Indians, paying forty horses for them. After the girls were recovered and safe, the Indians were again pursued. They attacked them, killing 68 of them and recovering the forty horses. Soon afterwards they captured the rest of these Indians at Bad Axe Creek, on the Mississippi, with Black Hawk.
After this war he moved to Boone County, Iowa, on the frontier, where, like Boone, he could avoid civilization. Here he lived twenty-nine years; but people got too thick, and he went to Dacotah, where he lived four years. He then moved to where he now lives, which was two years ago.
He is hearty, gets around a considerable, goes a fishing, and walks around among his neighbors. He lived with his wife 61 years. She died at the age of 80. He lives with his daughter, a widow named Lusina Corbin. He says his heart has not pulsated so as to be detected for 68 years. He had a sickness then and thinks his heart sunk to some other part of his body. He is dependent upon his friends and ought to have a pension.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Skipped homicide at Wellington involving the shooting of Jacob Adam by A. S. Smith.
Also skipped article about the “Rules of Croquet.”
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                      The Normal Institute.
The Normal Institute opened with the following teachers in attendance.
Professor John B. Holbrook, conductor.
Professor George W. Robinson, instructor.
Superintendent R. C. Story, instructor.
From Arkansas City: Mrs. L. M. Theaker, Miss Dora Winslow, Miss Ella Grimes, Mr. L. E. Norton, Mr. C. M. Swarts, Miss Lizzie B. Marshall, Miss Anna O. Wright, Miss Mattie F. Mitchell, Miss Albertine Maxwell, Miss Flora Finley, Mr. Harvey Blount, Mr. A. E. Hon.
From Dexter: Aldora Harden, Viola Harden, Alpha Harden, Anna Harden, S. F. Overman, T. J. Rude.
From Douglass: L. L. Hollinger.
From Lazette: Emma Burden, Mary A. Tucker.
From Little Dutch: R. B. Corson, P. S. Martin.

From Maple City: Risdon Gilstrap.
From Moscow: Henry Dyer.
From New Salem: Alice Johnson, Ella E. Davis, Sarah Bovee.
From Rock: Electa F. Strong, Albert Brookshire, D. S. Armstrong.
From Tisdale: S. C. Smith, Gertrude Davis, Sadie Davis.
From Polo: Lorenzo Harris.
From Winfield: Margie K. Wallis, Lewis Brown, Pella Bradish, Nannie McGee, Mattie E. Walters, Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Any Robertson, C. C. Critz, Maggie Stansbury, T. J. Floyd, Sarah E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Ray Nawman, Mary A. Bryant, Ioa Roberts, Mattie E. Minihan, John Bower, R. A. O’Neill, Lizzie T. Wallis, Sarah Hodges, Alice Bullock, Ella Freeland, Mina C. Johnson, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, G. B. Richmond, Nellie M. Aldrich, Hattie F. Finch, Celina Bliss, Samuel Davis, Ida Carey, Ella Stewart, Allie Klingman, Fannie Pontious, A. B. Taylor, M. D. Snow.
Professor Holbrook has charge of the classes in Didactics, Arithmetic, Constitution, Geography, and Grammar.
Professor Robinson has classes in History, Geography, Reading, Arithmetic, and Orthoepy.
Superintendent Story conducts recitations in Reading and Grammar.
The teachers of the county who are not attending this session of the Institute are standing in their own light.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                     Cowley County Apples.
This is the first year that the young apple trees of this county have produced fruit to any extent. This crop is not large, yet altogether it makes an encouraging show. Never in any country were larger, finer, and more beautiful apples. The earliest have ripened and been gathered, and the next latter are now ripe. The splendid quality, and the great numbers of young orchards with hundreds of apple trees each that have been planted and are growing luxuriantly, give promise that in a very few short years Cowley County will best the world for apples.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                           Horse Thieves.
In May last two horse thieves came to the farm of Dan. F. Feagans, Bolton Township, and stole two of his horses. His son, Willis Feagans, saw the thieves before they got away, ran into the house, got a Henry rifle, and fired at them when underway, but they rode rapidly away. Not long afterwards one of the horses returned with considerable blood on him. The next day the other horse was found in the Territory hitched to a tree; but neither of the thieves were seen again. A few days since a body was found buried in David Maricle’s wheat field, which is, without doubt, the body of the man whom young Feagans shot at.
[Note: Above story does not gibe with earlier story. In the first place, the Courier showed the last name as “Figius” and had different initials for owner. Also this article states that a Henry rifle was used: earlier article mentioned a Sharps. First article was written up by the Arkansas City Traveler.]
                                                           Claim Jumping.

Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                               SILVER CREEK, July 14, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: Seeing much said of late in your paper in regard to claim jumping, I wish to make a few remarks in regard to that matter in this locality.
There are parties living in this community who less than two years ago were living on charity and who today are living on land not deeded, and we are in doubt as to its being filed on, and yet these are the ones that are making the loudest threats. To such let us say: Beware, lest the curse of claim jumping fall at your own door.
We make free to say there is not a man living on a claim not deeded who is not putting forth every effort in his power to deed as soon as he can. We speak of our community. There are those whose children cannot attend school for want of proper clothing, whose wife is barefoot, and that man works every hour between daylight and dark to get money to deed with, and he is a fair sample of the rest. What more can we do?
                                                   NOT A CLAIM JUMPER.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                    ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, July 13, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: The steamer “Arkansas Traveler” was sold today to the city, and by it sold to Messrs. Pruden & Palmer, of Bolton, who start for Little Rock, Arkansas, with a load of wheat next week.
LIFE AND DEATH. At the residence of John W. Brown, of Bolton, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Rose, at 4 o’clock a.m. At the same hour and same house, a little son of Mr. Armstrong died.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                  Lamp Explosion in By Terrill’s Livery Stable.
The alarm of fire Sunday evening was occasioned by a lamp explosion in By Terrill’s livery stable. A bracket lamp hanging in the office was observed by one of the boys to be burning up very high; and he undertook to carry it out of doors, but was compelled to drop it on account of the heat. The lamp immediately exploded into atoms, scattering the burning oil all over the office. Prompt and energetic action of the boys in smothering the flames averted what might have proved a terrible disaster.
This incident, together with others of recent occurrence, leads us to believe that we are using coal oil, or petroleum, of an inferior quality. . . .
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                                Salt City.
At Salt City is the best ferry on the Arkansas River, and it is on the shortest route from Winfield to South Haven and Caldwell. Salt City is fifteen miles southwest of Winfield, is a nice little town with one store, two hotels, one blacksmith shop, one large feed stable, and nine residences. Travelers can get good accommodations there. The people want the mail route opened up from Winfield via Salt City to South Haven and Caldwell, which shortens the distance eight miles. Dr. W. J. Arnold is a practicing physician at that place. Wm. Risch [?Riseh? Risch?] does all kinds of blacksmithing and also  does horse shoeing and plow work splendidly.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.

Elder John Annis, of the True Followers of Christ, will preach on the two kingdoms, 9th chapter of Matthew, 35th verse, next Sunday, at 4 o’clock p.m., at the Courthouse. Let everybody come. He will continue the meeting of evenings throughout the week if it is the will of the people.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                 MAPLE TOWNSHIP, KANSAS, July 15th, 1878.
Mr. Thos. Adair, of Boone County, Indiana, sold his farm of 160 acres, in Maple Township, to Louis Fitzsimmons, Esq. Price $900. Improvements, 30 acres under the plow, 1¼ miles of hedge, and one-third of crop.
Also, Mr. Solomon Wise to Mr. Frederick Wise, 160 acres; 130 acres under the plow, 1 ½ miles of hedge, frame house, well, apple and peach orchard, and beautiful shrubbery. Price $3,140. O.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                  CEDAR TOWNSHIP, KANSAS, July 13, 1878.
Everything is quiet in Cedar. The racket of the thresher is heard in the land again. Wheat is turning out quite as well, if not better, than was anticipated.
The Nationals had a rousing meeting at Maple City last Saturday. The greenback question was thoroughly discussed by Messrs. Brubaker and Callison. Replies were made by Ketchum, Willy, and others. Quite an interesting time was had.
Lots of newcomers looking around.
Weather too hot to enjoy the good things we have raised this year. Cooler soon.
                                                                I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                        Council Proceedings.
                                                   WINFIELD, July 15, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present except C. M. Wood.
Letter from F. C. Lowery in relation to extra compensation as smallpox nurse: road and clerk directed to reply to same.
Petition of E. S. Bliss et al., for sidewalk on Tenth Avenue, presented and laid over till next meeting.
Action was taken on the following bills.
C. C. Stevens, city marshal, allowed $40.00.
E. G. Burnett, merchandise for pest house, allowed $3.50.
Bill of W. C. Bradfield for bedding ($17.00) referred to finance committee.
Bill of C. M. Wood, superintending streets, $50.00. A motion to indefinitely postpone action on same was carried by mayor casting his vote.
Motion to indefinitely postpone action on J. C. Fuller contract was lost.
Adjourned. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                    TISDALE, July 12, 1878.
Harvesting done and threshing commenced. Wheat good quality and fair yield. Farmers plowing for wheat and intend sowing in August. Roasting ears getting hard.

The Fourth is among the things of the past. The Tisdaleites celebrated at the schoolhouse. Miss Hodges’s school gave its closing entertainment, consisting of essays, declamations, and songs. Mattie West’s recital of “The Bridal Winecup” was real good. The scene was vividly portrayed and stamps Miss West as a splendid declaimer. Lula McGuire’s “Dressed for Meeting” and “Out in the Snow” brought the house down. Others deserving special notice are Sada Davis, Nettie Handy, Hannah Davy, and Lula Handy.
The Tisdale school has been a grand success this summer. Miss Hodges is an “A” teacher in all respects. I understand that the board have engaged her for the next term The district certainly cannot do better than to retain her for some time at the head of the school.
After closing the literary exercises, we had dinner, croquet games, and a dance in the evening. It made me feel young again to see A. T. Gay, Wm. Hodges, A. C. Davis, and Arb. Tanner be boys again and lead the dance.
Mrs. James Napier, of Bushnell, and Mrs. M. G. Troup are visiting friends in Tisdale.
Dr. Wright is practicing tight-rope performances. The Doctor’s actions are unique and rather more hasty than graceful; and being of a retiring disposition, he does not enjoy the plaudits of his spectators.
John A. McGuire is buying wheat. He has filled the grocery side of his store with a fine stock and is competing with the Winfield merchants.
S. S. Moore and Frank Hammon have gone to Ness County to locate homesteads.
Several parties from town have been plumming in the Territory. They report plums and mosquitoes very plenty.
Arb. Tanner has leased his blacksmith shop to a man from Cottonwood Falls for one year. NIP.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                        Cowley County Mad-Stone Successful.
Mr. Z. F. White, of whom we made mention last week, who went to Cowley County last week with his little girl—who had been bitten by a mad cat—in search of a “mad-stone,” returned home on Wednesday of last week, thoroughly satisfied that the precious stone had accomplished the desired effect. The stone was applied three different times. The first time it adhered to the wound for over half an hour, causing the little child considerable pain from the effect of the severe drawing. The second time it did not stick so long, and the third time it did not take any effect. For the information of the public, we will state that the man who owns the “mad-stone,” lives three miles north of Dexter on Turkey Creek in Cowley County.
Eureka Censorial.
We suppose the party owning the mad-stone is Mr. E. Shriver.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office July 16, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Alton, I. S.; Anderson, G. W.; Anderson, R. W.; Aguinas, Chas. E.; Butram, Rheuben; Bruce, Geo. W.; Brown, James M.; Barber, William; Coble, William; Craig, O. H.; Colon, Maggie; Cot, Hatta; Dillon, John C.; Fredrick, S. A.; Farnsworth, D. M.; Greenhow, Wm.; Hart, Wm. I.; Hawkins, Gineva; Hoffman, Isaac; Johnston, J. M.; King, Julia H.; Kimball, O. E.

SECOND COLUMN: Maxon, Mollie; Marks, Horatius; Mellion, Albert; Mower, Sarah J.; Manney, Mary; McKanna, P. A.; Naughton, Elvira G.; Read, Wm.; Smith, Fommade S.; Smalley, Alice; Smith, Wm. C.; Shields, John; Thornton, W. C.; Thompson, D. W.; Thompson, Mager; Tooles & Adams; Wright, Thos. B.; Woods, Florence; Winn, C. G.; Willson, Hattie; Wendler, John; Watson, W. R.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
All parties owning lots or having friends buried in the Winfield Cemetery, north of the city, are requested to meet at the Schoolhouse on Friday, July 19, 1878, at 3 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other business of importance.
By order of Board of Trustees. W. G. GRAHAM, Acting Secretary.
Winfield, Kansas, July 16, 1878.
                                                        Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Graham & Moffitt, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent; Moffitt assuming control of the business. All persons knowing themselves indebted to this firm will please call and settle at once. J. F. GRAHAM, JOHN MOFFITT.
Winfield, July 16, 1878.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
DR. F. M. COOPER, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Prompt attention given to all calls in the city and adjacent country. Chronic and Nervous diseases specially treated. Office at his residence, southwest part of town (Manning’s addition).    Order slate at Brown & Glass’ drug store.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
                                                         Valley Pride Soap.
Now is the time for the people of the Valley to patronize home manufacture by going to Messrs. Sparr Bros. for their Valley Pride Soap.
J. A. Earnest also handles the Valley Pride Soap.
Messrs. Walker Bros. have continually on hand the Valley Pride Soap manufactured at Wichita. It is the boss. Try it.
The enterprising firm of Messrs. Bliss & Co., now handle a home made soap. It is the Valley Pride.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Mrs. Tucker has moved into her new house and is prepared to do sewing of all kinds. Manning Street, first house north of McMaster’s house.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
A few boarders can be accommodated at Weston’s, one door north of Miller & Mater’s blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                                       BEAVER JOTTINGS.

As we have survived another celebration of the day of our National Independence, and the delightful excursion on the “Aunt Sally” on the bosom of the placid Walnut on the 4th, and not perceiving anything special in your columns from this locality since my previous communication of three or four weeks ago, I once more endeavor to note the casualties and progress of this vicinity. Before I proceed any further, allow me to interpose an apology for irregular correspondence, viz: the pressure of business makes it almost impossible for your humble servant to find sufficient time to keep you informed in regard to the doings of this vicinity.
It is unnecessary for me to expatiate on the celebration of the 4th and the steamboat excursion, as the COURIER was strongly represented on that occasion. Our good people enjoyed the steamboat ride with great pleasure and satisfaction, and wish the enterprising people of Arkansas City success in their efforts to make the river navigable.
Stacking and shock threshing is completed. The expectations of our farmers will not be fully realized in the yield of grain, generally speaking; but the average yield will be better than common. Oats, in many instances, were slightly injured by the rust, making the grain lighter than usual. The yield, so far as known, ranges from 30 to 45 bushels per acre.
Green corn and cucumbers have put in an appearance; and, as a consequence, colic is not infrequent.
Plums and grapes are superseding cherries and blackberries as a favorite and palatable dish, and the procuring of these berries now occupy the leisure moments of our stalwart lads and fair lassies.
J. W. Browning, ever on the alert for improvement, has ornamented his well with a patent chain pump, which greatly facilitates the labor and economizes the time in watering stock.
District No. 65 is becoming disgusted with “bringing up the rear,” and will shortly advance to the front with a $1,000 schoolhouse.
In the vicinity of the new schoolhouse site will also be erected a mercantile establishment by Mr. Richards, who intends catering to the wants of the “inner man” with an ample stock of groceries and provisions. Winfield and Arkansas City merchants must look to their laurels.
Doc C. G. Holland and D. M. Frue have wisely purchased new dwelling sites high and dry, and removed a mile east from the mossy banks of Beaver Creek.
Mr. L. Mouser, of the Cherokee country, is at present sojourning among his friends and relatives of this vicinity.
Mr. Warren Wood, who is determined to keep pace with the progress of the times, has purchased a new carriage. He is a clever, accommodating gentleman and a good financier.
The “poverty stricken” district, No. 165, last Thursday, voted “bonds to the amount of $700 for the building of a schoolhouse.”
Mr. H. Holtby’s drought was slightly dampened.
The prospects for an abundant crop of corn was never more flattering than at present.
A picnic by the Centennial Sunday School is on the tapis.
Messrs. Markcum & Herron, having become sole proprietors of the Holtby & Co. threshing machine, have put it in perfect trim; and besides, being experienced threshermen, they are successful in doing excellent work and are giving satisfaction. Their terms, which are very reasonable, are as follows: Wheat four cents, cash in thirty days, and five cents on accounts to run until the 1st of February, 1879; oats two and one-half and three cents per bushel on the above conditions. July 14, 1878. HORATIUS.

Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
The Nez Perces Indians, who have been held at Fort Leavenworth as prisoners, were removed on Sunday last to the Quapaw reservation, south of Baxter Springs, their future home.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Gen. Sheridan has gone west to superintend the Indian war. He arrived in the Black Hills last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Servia is dissatisfied with the decision of the European Congress that she should pay a part of the Turkish debt.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
The Arkansas River was rising last week.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
BIRTH. Born to Mrs. Jay Page, on the 18th inst., a daughter.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Charles A. McClung, of Vernon, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
J. J. Johnson, of New Salem, was with us Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
John Brooks and Father Olney, of Lazette, were in town last week.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Captain MacDorman, of Dexter, was looking around town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Miss Sallie Leavering intends returning to her home in Greenfield, Missouri, as soon as her school is out.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
A few day boarders wanted at Mrs. Hunt’s, opposite the new foundry building in the north end of town.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
BIRTHS. Mrs. P. H. Anderson, of Bolton Township, colored, recently presented P. B. with two fine boys weighing together 16 pounds.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Mary Ann Moses, aged 96, lives in Bolton Township. She fell and broke a limb last February and has not fully recovered.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
It is now denied that there is any smallpox at the Kaw Agency. There were three cases only; but they recovered some time since.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Thos. Baird, of Bolton Township, has threshed his 150 acres of wheat, which turns out 30 bushels per acre of the finest wheat that has ever grown.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.

August Kadau has opened a shoe shop on 9th Avenue, opposite By. Terrill’s livery stable. Mr. Kadau is an excellent workman and will guarantee satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
On account of illness in his family, Rev. J. L. Rusbridge will resign the charge of the M. E. Church in this place and will remove his family to New York in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
N. T. Snyder, of Michigan, will put into A. H. Green’s building a full stock of books, stationery, and musical instruments. Though a young man, he has a large experience in the business.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
There are seven threshing machines, including George Christy’s steam thresher, at work in Bolton Township and it is thought that they will be able to go through that township by Christmas.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
DIED. We are informed that J. T. Ford, late a citizen of this place, and formerly quite an extensive dealer in harness and general merchandise, died in Harper County, in this state.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
I. H. Bonsall made a good picture of the “Aunt Sally” and her living load of freight, notwithstanding the fact that neither the boat nor the people would hold still a moment. He has our thanks for two copies. Bonsall is one of the finest artists in the state.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
MARRIED. Miss Dollie Morris, who is so pleasantly remembered by the young folks of Winfield and vicinity, was married at Tecumseh, July 11th, to Mr. Harry Mudge, of Pueblo, Colorado. Mr. Mudge is to be congratulated in his success in capturing the prize so many have tried to win.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
R. M. Wood, near Salt City, in Sumner County, has cut 389 acres of grain this year with a single header machine and has it well stacked. He says that notwithstanding the low price of wheat and other products, he can make more money farming in this county than in the state of New York, where he came from.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Henry Pruden and O. J. Palmer started from Salt City down the Arkansas River with 700 bushels of wheat in their boat last week Wednesday. The farmers in that vicinity intend to ship their wheat in that way. David Maricle says he intends to ship the proceeds of his 700 acres of wheat on flat boats.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
We regret to receive the announcement that Rev. J. L. Rusbridge will resign his charge here. He has been an industrious worker since he has been among us, and has done much to build up his church and our city. He will carry with him the high esteem and best wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.

William Easterly, a young man 16 years old, in Vernon Township, met with a serious accident last week Wednesday. Another young man by the name of Tice was out hunting; and in handling his gun, accidentally discharged it. The charge of shot took effect in the neck and shoulder of young Easterly. Easterly will recover and is getting along well.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
J. G. Bullen [?Bullene] of Winfield, has the supervision of putting up the bridges across the Arkansas River near Arkansas City. The contract is let to the Pillsbury Bridge Co. They have put up the second span and will complete the work in about three weeks. It is a combination bridge, wood upper chords and iron lower chords. It is raised four and a half feet higher than the old bridge.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Rev. J. A. Rupp will deliver his farewell address to the people of Cowley County the first Sabbath in August, at 11 o’clock a.m., four miles west and one mile south of Winfield, at the Easterly schoolhouse. He will start about the 10th prox. for college again, in Ohio. He will stop at Parsons and join the Osage Annual Conference of the United Brethren. He will perhaps tell us the prospect of a railroad from that place. He will also spend a few days in Lawrence with his brother, Dr. D. F. Rupp, about the 20th of August. He intends graduating in the scientific course before returning, which will take two years.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
E. S. Torrance came across a Jenks of the male persuasion the other day. Torrance was counsel for the defense in the Rock Township cases on trial all last week. An elderly witness in coarse, rude garments and make up, testified to having seen an assault by one of the defendants in the night. Torrance desired, on cross-examination, to show that the night was so dark that the witness could not have positively identified the defendant, and asked:
“What kind of a night was it?”
Witness: “Oh, about so so.”
Torrance: “But how light was it? Was it dark?”
Witness: “Well, about an average of an April night.”
Torrance: “But how dark was it?”
Witness (tragically): “The sun had set behind the western hills. ‘Twas night: that is all there was about it.”
This brought down the house and the attorney let the witness go.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Dr. J. H. Phelps, of Floral, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
A. Buckwalter, of Pleasant Valley, called on Monday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
S. S. Holloway proposes to become a citizen of this city.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
George Thompson, of Baltimore, was in Winfield Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
‘Squire P. M. Waite, of Vernon, was around town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
M. S. and C. W. Roseberry were in from Beaver Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Will Robinson started yesterday morning for Colorado Springs.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
James Felton, of Otter, was over to the county seat last week.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
M. Hemenway, of Lazette, was in the city Friday and Saturday last.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
The teachers at the Normal number about eighty, with prospects of making the number one hundred next week.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
J. D. Maurer, the veteran ‘Squire of Dexter Township, was in town last week.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
S. D. Klingman has bought the residence of T. A. Wilkinson in Winfield and will soon take up his residence in the city.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Our old friend, S. L. Brettun, is in town to pass the heated term with his grandson, C. C. Black. Illinois was too hot for him.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Captain Tedlin, Major Smith, and Colonel Willey, of Otto, were with us Saturday last.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Dempsey Elliott, of Grouse Creek, was with us last week.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Burglars or tramps broke into Rev. D. Thomas’ house, in Silver Creek Township, on Monday night, last week, and got a pair of pants with about $12.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                          VERNON, KANSAS, July 20th, 1878.
One time more I’ll blow my bugle.
“Hot, ain’t it?”
Had some more rains, don’t we?
Mr. Baker’s blackberries are “done gone.” They had a fine lot of them.
“Heaps” of folks went to the Nation for plums and grapes. They got all they wanted.
Some Sumner County folks were down after plums, and the Indians got after them and made them throw their plums all out and give up their dog.
I would like to see them scare Cowley County chaps in that way. There would be some dead to bury.
There are more plums and grapes in the Indian Territory than all the Indians south of the north star can eat, and there is no use their being so stingy.
More babies, I am told. I can’t keep track of them all.
Mr. and Mrs. Coble are over from Sumner County visiting Mr. McGin and neighbors. He is a carpenter and would like a job. They had a sewing at Mrs. McGin’s for them on the 16th. Nine of the neighbors came and brought their dinners. They had a good time. The people in Vernon are good to the poor.

Some folks seem to be in considerable trouble about the marriage of Grapevine-Telegraph. All I have to say is if you are in a bigger hurry about it than he is, get married yourself. GRAPEVINE-TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                        SALT CITY, KANSAS, July 10th, 1878.
Since May last we have been harvesting. The early part of it being very favorable; indeed, all that one could wish, while the latter part has been very wet and tedious. There is yet some late wheat standing upon the ground that is flat. The quality is very good, yield will be good, also; but with the promise of extremely low market, there is very little to encourage one. Oats are good, though some are affected with rust. Corn is looking better in this vicinity than ever before since the settlement of the country.
The hedge and fruit trees put out last fall and this spring have made an unusual growth. This is partly owing to the season, but much is due to the stock furnished by W. B. Trissell.
We have had a visit from one of our relatives of late. She did not like to travel with a team and would not travel by railroad for fear of smallpox, so she surprised us one morning by stopping in and announcing that the Arkansas was navigable, and that she had demonstrated the fact that it was useful for other purposes than “raising catfish.”
W. E. Chennoweth has rented his farm to a man from New York.
Tom Mills has traded his house and lot in Salt City and 80 acres of his farm for property two and a half miles from Florence, and is going to live near the railroad. We think if he had known “Aunt Sally” was coming up and that he was owner of property upon the banks of the main freight line of the west, he would not have been so hasty. Oh! It is a “big thing” even if “Aunt Sally” would not take our wheat. She will come again and surprise us. RUDY.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Justice Boyer held a court all last week at the courthouse to try the four Lindley brothers for alleged disturbance of the peace. Large numbers of persons from Rock Township were in as witnesses, interested parties, and spectators; and with a strong array of attorneys on both sides, the courthouse was pretty well filled. The defendants were to be tried separately by juries of twelve men each.
The first case occupied three days and was submitted to the jury Wednesday evening. The jury were locked in the courtroom all that night—where they made night hideous with their shouts, bell ringing, and other infernal noises. During the next day the jury were discharged, having failed to agree.
The next case resulted in the same manner and the court adjourned until August 6th.
Our reporter evidently got too much hot weather on the brain and did not complete his report. He only gave an account of the proceedings of that first jury. We have since packed his head in ice and have hopes of his recovery. The following is his report.
                                     A JURY OF PEERS.
“Give me soon a righteous verdict,”
Spoke the Judge unto the jury;
Spoke and told them they had lingered
Long in rendering a verdict;
And the Constable should see them,

See them to the room of silence,
There to ponder on the stories
That the witnesses had told them.

Then he beckoned to the Bailiff,
To the Bailiff, short and handsome,
Bade that he should close confine them,
There to rest through all the night time,
Rest upon the hard old benches
Till the verdict they had rendered.

And the jury, worn and tired,
Tired with their talk and wrangling,
Choked the rising tear within them,
And the thoughts of home and family,
Thoughts of mattress cool and springy;
Checked the creeping shade of sorrow.

Then the Bailiff, short and handsome,
Left them to their meditations
And the rend’ring of their verdict.
Then with a deep argumentation
Each man talked unto his neighbor,
Trying to convince the other.
But in vain they talked and wrangled.
Talked and argued all together.
For it was clearly six of one
And half a dozen of the other.

Then with silent steps and sadly,
Steps that led unto the courtroom,
Found and gathered round an organ,
Gathered round with hearts of sorrow.
Then a genius from their number,
Filled with sympathetic music,
Played a strange, unheard of medley.
A tune original, impromptu;
Filled the darkened room with music
Of a strange and wild description.

And the moon so round and golden
Gazed upon them through the windows,
Gazed and saw them gathered closely

In the light so dim and ghostly.
Then they raised their mournful voices
And sang the hymn of “John Brown’s body.”
Sang it high and loud as thunder.

Then the genius from their number
Stopped the music grand and awful,
Stopped and patted on his breeches,
Patted with his hands a measure
For the sad and mournful jury.
And the jury, in a circle,
Walked around in solemn measure,
Walked, and sang with trembling accounts,
The song of “Sixteen days in Georgia.”

Then the sorrowing, saddened jury,
Crawled upon a table, oaken,
Crawled, and “tripped the light fantastic,”
Danced a jig of solemn beauty.

Then a member, calm but tearful,
Found a stick of graceful portions,
Found a nail of right dimensions,
Found, and in the stick he drove it.
Then he poked it through the transom.
Poked it at the bell rope hanging,
Poked and caught and drew it toward him.
Drew the rope unto his clutches.

Then the jury smiled in sorrow,
Smiled and grasped the bell rope firmly,
Grasped, and pulled with mighty power.
Then from out the belfry lofty
Went a noise through all the country,
Piercing through the gloom of midnight,
Pierced, and filled the air with clanging.
And the notes, so clear and startling,
Waked the weary, sleeping people,
Waked them, while they swore condensedly,
While they swore in words emphatic.

And the Constable, reposing,
Heard the strange, unearthly racket,

Heard, and jumped into his breeches,
Jumped, and swore with wrathful power,
Swore the awful oath, “By gravy!”

And he rushed unto the courthouse,
Rushed upon the mournful jury;
But the noise had died in silence—
Through the transom went the bell rope,
And from the sad and sleeping jury
Rose a snore of mighty volume.

Long the Constable reproved them
For such unseemly demonstrations,
Talked to them in earnest language,
Talked, and then departed homeward.

And the Constable departing
Heard a voice behind him calling,
Calling like a wall of sadness:
“J. H. Finch!” “Come into court!”
While there floated through the window
Healthy whoops of Sioux extraction.

Then the kind, repentant jury,
Silent, made a string of chairs;
Called it Walnut Valley Railroad,
Called it Winfield’s bob-tailed railroad;
Rushed it on a dozing member,
Rushed and shouted, “Cha-n-g-e cars!”

Then from out the belfry lofty
Went a noise through all the nation,
And the Constable and Marshal,
Rushing both upon the jury,
Spoke to them of dire confinement,
Of the jail-house and the “cooler.”

Then the foreman, bowed with sorrow,
Spoke, and wiped the tear-drops gath’ring,
Wiped the tears and spoke as follows:
“Friends and jurymen and Romans,
We will go unto the “cooler,”
For this room is hot and hotter

Than the love of Dutch in August.”

But the Constable and Marshal
Only spoke in admonition;
Turned their backs upon the jury,
Turned their backs and wandered homeward.

Then a juryman among them
Felt the power of thirst upon him.
Felt, and climbed with desperation,
Climbed unto the transom window.
Then his anxious brethren watched him,
Watched him through the transom window
Squeeze his lean and lankful body.

Then they raised their noble voices,
Raised them high in acclamation.
And the Constable of trouble,
Watching from his open casement,
Saw the dim form pumpward stealing,
Saw, and cussed with awful might;
Rushed upon the thirsty member,
Gave him drink, then grimly led him,
Led him to his mournful brethren,
And the rend’ring of the verdict.

When the Constable, departing,
Let them to their sad reflections,
Came an idea quick upon them,
Came and claimed their deep attention.
And the brightest one among them
Found a pair of ancient breeches,
Breeches that were old and ragged
And had known much sad disaster;
Found a pair of shoes as olden,
Found and tied them to the breeches,
To the bottom of each pant-leg
Tied a shoe of sad description.
And the jury, e’en like brothers,
Helped each other in the labor,
Helped, and stuffed the pant-legs firmly,
Stuffed them with some things or other.


Then with sticks they made a body,
Made a body for the dummy;
Wrapped it round with cloth and vesture,
Wrapped, and put a head upon it.
Then with skillful hands and cunning,
Fashioned it a cap of paper.
Tore a piece of curtain Holland
From a window curtain hanging,
Tore, and fashioned it a neck-tie,
Made a neck-tie most becoming.

Then the jury, still like brothers,
Gathered round the graceful dummy,
Gathered close and cheered the foreman,
While he spoke to it the verdict.

Then they joined their hands in silence,
Joined, and circling round the dummy,
Chanted it a song of sadness,
Chanted loud a hymn of morning.
And the jury all the night time,
Rested on the hard old benches,
Checked the rising tear with them
And the thoughts of home and family.

With the morning far advancing
Came the Judge with steps majestic,
Came and gazed with gath’ring horror
On the dummy, loose, disjointed,
Hung between the earth and heaven,
Hanging, kicking, bobbing, jerking,
Worked above by unseen powers.
By the sad and mournful jury.

“Give me now a righteous verdict;”
Spoke the Judge unto the jury,
Spoke, and thus the foreman answered:
“Six of us believe him guilty.
Six of us will swear he is not.”

Then the Judge dismissed the jury
That had hung a day and night time,
Sent them out, the sad and mournful,

Hoping they would hang forever.
Hang sometime—upon a gibbet.

Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                      High Freight Rates.
EDITOR COURIER: In your issue of the 18th inst. is a most sensible article upon the ruinous and extortionate freight rates charged by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe company. Indeed, their freight charges from Wichita and El Dorado amount virtually to prohibition—that upon wheat alone being 22 cents per cental, or 13 cents per bushel—and for a distance only of 228 miles.
The Union and Central Pacific roads have been regarded as having the highest rates of any railroads in the country; but they must now yield that distinction to the Santa Fe road.
Why the A. T. & S. F. company should pursue such a suicidal course is hard of solution, for they certainly should be interested in the development of Southern Kansas, from which the greater portion of its local business must come in the future. But so long as the present ruinous freight rates exist, there is little use in the farmers wearing out their land raising wheat to sell for less than the actual cost of production simply to enrich a few men.
There is no reason why the Santa Fe company cannot carry wheat from Wichita and El Dorado to Kansas City for one-half the present rates with great profit. The road has most extraordinary easy grades, except possibly that portion of the road from Emporia to Topeka, and one locomotive is able to draw from forty to fifty cars with ease. It has been estimated that the shipment of wheat for this year from Wichita and El Dorado will amount to at least 3,000,000 bushels, which, at the present rates, will produce the company $300,000, of which at least two-thirds is a clear profit. It would be hard to convince the company that they would be benefitted by a reduction in rates; but if they wish to promote the raising of grain, the farmers must be permitted to make something besides a miserable living.
It is argued by the company that the bond and stockholders must have a liberal return on the money invested in the road. We grant this, but should not the farmers be permitted a small profit upon their money and labor? The company should not expect to enrich themselves in a few years by bankrupting the farmers and merchants; but they should pursue a just and equitable policy that would induce farmers to raise more grain, thereby insuring a future traffic for the Santa Fe road unsurpassed in the United States.
It is extremely doubtful if the farmers this year will realize enough for their wheat to pay the expense of its production; and this is all the direct result of excessive freight rates. It argues poorly for the company that stock is driven across the road to Hayes City and shipped from there over the Kansas Pacific road at a profit to shippers; but it is to be hoped that Col. Strong, to whose able management the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad owes its great success, will consult the interests of the company by securing for the producers more liberal rates.

What has been said in regard to freight rates over the Santa Fe road is all applicable to passenger rates, which are as high as those charged upon the Union and Central Pacific roads, through a rough, mountainous country. Think what we must pay to go from Wichita to Kansas City: $12.70 for traveling 228 miles over a road cheaply constructed and easily operated. This amounts to nearly six cents per mile, or double that charged from any point on the Missouri River to the east. But the company insist that they cannot carry passengers and freight any lower; then why is it that rates from Topeka to Kansas City are one-fourth less than from points farther west? It is simply because Topeka has the benefit of competition between the Santa Fe road and the Kansas Pacific. All admit that those who invest their money in constructing a railroad should receive a good interest on their money; but when a company boastingly publishes to the country that they had made several millions of dollars each year, over and above expenses, interest on bonds, and a ten percent dividend, it shows conclusively that the people are being robbed for the benefit of the few to whom the government gave millions of acres of land.
From the imperious and arrogant way in which the people are being treated, it is quite evident that the Santa Fe company believe themselves owners of the whole Arkansas Valley. Judge Coldwell is authority for an assertion made by the president of the company to the effect, “that the people of Cowley County were not deserving of a railroad, and that they had nothing to ship over a road when built.” This is a direct insult to every man in Cowley County and should have been indignantly resented by the committee who seem to have charge of the negotiation with the company.
Cowley County is surpassed by no county in the state in its productiveness; and had we a railroad that would charge decent rates, its production would be more than doubled next year. It is safe to say that there will be more than 800,000 bushels of wheat hauled to Wichita and El Dorado from Cowley County this year at a cost of 15 to 20 cents per bushel, or a total cost of from $120,000 to $160,000 to the farmers. This, added to the high rates on the railroad, will make a direct loss to the farmers of more than $150,000, or 18 cents per bushel.
To this oppressive state of affairs the people will no longer submit, and they should appoint a committee who will have the independence to inform the managers of the Santa Fe company that more satisfactory rates must be given the people; or failing in that, let the farmers elect men to the legislature that will enact such laws as will effectually put a stop to oppressive railroad tariffs, as did the farmers of Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and other states.
Our best and safest relief is in an east and west road, from Parsons to Winfield, which would give us a shorter and more direct route to St. Louis and the east. With competition comes low rates, as may be seen by the rates charged from Council Bluff to Chicago (a distance of over five hundred miles) for less than that charged from Wichita to Kansas City (a distance of two hundred and twenty-eight miles) and passenger rates in proportion. Why is it? Competition and state laws.
It would seem that the wisest policy would be to put forth our energies and secure the construction of an east and west road, and depend no longer for relief from a company that demands a subsidy of $4,000 per mile, and their own convenience in which to build the road.    And should it ever happen that they did build the road, what guarantee have we that the rate charged will not be so excessive as to make farming unprofitable. So long as we remain passive, the company will be indifferent. “Tyrants laugh to scorn the appeal of the cringing slave, but grow alarmed and merciful when revolution seize upon their throne.”
July 22nd, 1878. A. B. QUINTON.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.

                                                 BALTIMORE, July 20, 1878.
We are hot in the shade!
Peaches are getting ripe, and I will venture to say that Mr. James T. Smith, of this township, raised some of the finest early peaches in the county. He is an old nurseryman and understands his business.
Mr. Ed. De-e-e, of Benderville, is building a house on his claim, ½ miles north of Baltimore. [Yes, paper had De-e-e.]
Mr. James Curtis is also erecting a stone palace.
The Blue Brothers are putting up some fine residences in the northwest part of Omnia.
This township will soon be full if it keeps on filling up as it has done for the last six months.
Mrs. Jonas Messenger was very sick last week, but is able to be about now.
A little son of Wm. Savage was taken very sick last week and was thrown into spasms; but by the timely arrival of Dr. Lytle, the little sufferer was relieved and is all right again.
If you want an American lyre at the county fair, we will try to have Omnia represented.
                                                           X. Y. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                       JONESBORO, INDIANA, July 17, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: On the 15th inst., I received your paper published on the 11th. After perusing it, I find it to be rather a spicy sheet and full of news. It has been a novel among my neighbors; all wishing to see the Kansas paper, several of which have made their selection of lands from Mr. Green’s long list of farms advertised for sale in your paper.
Two of my friends seem to pick upon a certain piece located near Winfield. After a spirited contest, one of them gave way by saying he hoped we all could get suited.
I left Grant County, Indiana, on the 2nd of April for the Southwest, partially to recuperate my health, and to look out a location for myself and a few of my neighbors. I spent one week on my way out in the vicinity of Sedalia, Warrensburg, and Pleasant Hill, Missouri; thence through Southern Kansas, passing through Ottawa, Franklin County, where I spent five days, and, by the by, found rather a desirable country. Passing up through Douglas County, after spending a day with my brother, Thomas, I took the train for Kinsley, where I found everything else but a desirable place amongst those sandy plains.
Returning to Wichita, I found a country that looked to be quite desirable; but timber being out of the question, I worked my way out on the Big Walnut to a small town called Douglass, where I stopped two days. The bottoms along the Walnut, as well as many of the small creeks (all of which are skirted with timber) passing through the south end of Butler and nearly all of Cowley County, I liked very much.
After spending a few days at your city, I left for Independence, with rather a good impression of your county. Passing up through a beautiful rolling prairie, stopping a short time at Tisdale, I saw many magnificent fields of wheat overspreading those widely extended prairies. By the by, I would be glad to learn through your columns what your wheat averages per acre.

Passing through the Flint hills, with herds of cattle dotted thickly on either side, I landed at Independence, where I laid over Sunday. Monday, 2 o’clock p.m., found me at Parsons, where I took the southern bound train for Texas. I soon found myself swiftly gliding through the Indian Nation, which is a wide world of prairie, with heavy hills of timber on either side.
Arriving at Denison, Texas, I laid over one day, which proved to be a very hot one. I passed down through Sherman, Dallas, and around to Fort Worth on the 30th day of April. After spending a few days in Tarrant County, which is a good one, I procured a conveyance and in company with three men from Pennsylvania made a thirteen days’ trip through Wise, Jacks, Clay, Wichita, Archer, Young, Stevens, and Palo Pinto Counties. I found much of the land in those counties quite sandy, and rough, stony hills—and in no way desirable for farming purposes—while there were many beautiful bottom farms rating equally as high as in Kansas or Missouri, but not half so much improved. On my return to Fort Worth, I spent a few days looking through the country and examining the quality of the cattle and prices. Stopping over at Dallas and Sherman, I found a good farming country.
On the 9th of May I took the train for Sedalia, Missouri. Not being fully satisfied with my look on the way out, I spent six days in the vicinity of Sedalia, Warrensburg, and Pleasant Hill, Missouri, after which I returned to Franklin County, Kansas, where I spent four days in search of land, finding many good farms at low prices.
Feeling satisfied with my trip and thinking that I had looked at the country sufficiently, I boarded the train for Jonesboro, Indiana, where I arrived on June 13th.
After a trip of two months and eleven days, I have decided to locate in Cowley County, Kansas, or nearby, where I will be the 1st day of September if no preventing Providence. There will be quite a number of families that will follow in October.
On my trip, both through Kansas and Texas, I found the St. Louis Globe-Democrat the leading paper, in which I notice an item concerning the flood at Winfield in June, from which I get the impression that a portion of the city was flooded and some of the inhabitants had to be hauled out on dry land. How was it?
Those Arkansas City boys should have all the encouragement that energetic men are entitled to in their enterprise.
I notice some railroad items in your paper. If I was a resident of your county, if I voted a tax, it would be for as direct a route to St. Louis as practicable.
In very good faith of being a reader of your sheet, please find P. O. order for $1.00 enclosed. NOAH HARRIS.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                        BALTIMORE, KANSAS, July 9th, 1878.
The stacking is about all done in this vicinity.
Some have already begun to plow for wheat.
Charley Gilliard, formerly of Omnia, but now Vernon Township, was over the first of the month visiting his relatives and friends at this place.
The people of Baltimore celebrated the 4th at Queen Village. All had a very good time.
The new contractor for the mail route running from Wichita to Elk Falls took possession July the first.
All the fat hogs are shipped now from this part. A great many went out last week.
The farmers are cutting their oats now.
Corn is tasseling out.

Elkins & Barr started their threshing machine last week.
Wheat is turning out pretty well.
More anon. X. Y. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                 OMNIA TOWNSHIP, KANSAS, July 8th, 1878.
ED. COURIER: It seems that the article which appeared in the COURIER four weeks since purporting to be from Baltimore and signed “Only Justice,” is causing considerable excitement in Omnia Township, and as I am accredited by some with its authorship, I will say to the man that “loved Peace” so well, that I did not write the article in question, nor do I know who did. But at the same time I will endeavor to correct some false impressions he is laboring under. The “Peaceable Gentleman” says that he knows of no one that has deeded their land without they brought the money with them or else borrowed it at 30 to 50 percent, which proves fatal in the end.
I will go into his own immediate neighborhood and refer him to one Mr. William Jenkins, who, after reading the peace article, requested me to say that he neither brought his deed or money with him nor borrowed it, but he made it out of corn that he raised on the place with a hoe, and he has paid his taxes on it for five years or more. Now I know of no one in Omnia that feels disposed to encourage claim jumping, where parties are trying to do anything more with their claims than hold them for traffic. But I do know of a good many who think that from five to seven years is sufficient time to make or break on a quarter section of land in Cowley County without being at any expense in the way of paying taxes, while their neighbors school their children and keep up the expense of running the thing just to give those dear lovers of peace a chance.
We are having a nice rain today, which we “begin to need.”
Wheat is all stacked and threshing begun. E. A. Henthorn threshed the first oats of the season July 5th, which made 45 bushels to the acre.
We have a very flattering prospect for corn.
Mr. I. H. Edwards was bitten by a rattlesnake last Monday. He is recovering from its effect after the use of a quart of liquor. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Mr. I. L. Millington, brother of the editor, and his lady, from St. Louis, are visiting in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Miss Jennie Lowry had one of her wrists put out of place while horseback riding one evening last week.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                              HALL OF WINFIELD LODGE, NO. 473, K. OF H.,
                                                   WINFIELD, July 22, 1878.
WHEREAS, The grim tyrant, Death, has invaded the family circle of our brother, A. G. Wilson, and taken their little daughter, Olive May; therefore,
Resolved, That we tender our sympathies to our brother, his wife, and family in this their hour of affliction, hoping the Supreme Dictator of the Universe will bestow upon them the needed consolation in their bereavement.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, under the seal of the Lodge, be handed our brother, and that a copy be furnished the city papers with a request that they be published.
Committee: W. G. GRAHAM, W. M. ALLISON, T. B. BRYAN.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                                  BUSHNELL, July 20, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Bushnell is rather quiet at present though we have been having rather exciting times.
First, a burglar was caught in the Bushnell House one night last week. The proprietor was awakened by hearing a noise in the dining-room, but was afraid to venture in alone, so he woke up one of the boarders to accompany him, and after arming themselves with various weapons, they cautiously opened the door and saw a big black cat; and now they do not believe in burglars at all, and if you want to see them blush, just say “scat.”
We came near having a serious ending in a dance here a short time ago, wherein some parties from over the river, after having imbibed too freely of “tangle-leg,” sought to raise a row, and succeeded in doing so by cutting several violin strings, which ended by Felix Turner, of Ninnescah Township, getting stabbed in the back by one Johnson, who lives just west of the Arkansas River.
We have lately had an addition to our city. Dr. S. Pope built a new house and moved into it with his family a few days ago. Dr. Pope is a physician of the Eclectic school and has practiced seventeen years. He is formerly from Tiffin, Ohio, but late of Oregon. He says the climate of Oregon is too rheumatic for him, and thinks the climate of Southern Kansas will just suit him. We welcome him to our numbers, and think anyone needing the services of a physician will do well to call on him. B. U. SHNELL.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                                          DR. W. R. DAVIS
WILL continue the practice of Medicine and Surgery in Winfield. Particular attention given to diseases of women and children. Office with Coldwell & Son.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                                           Sealed Proposals
For labor to be performed and material furnished in the erection of a frame schoolhouse for District No. 1, to be built at Winfield according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of John Hoenscheidt, architect, will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July 26, 1878, at 4 o’clock p.m. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals presented.
(Signed) J. D. PRYOR, District Clerk.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
                                A Great Sale of Valuable Stock and Other Property.
S. S. Holloway advertises to sell at his farm, 4 ½ miles east of town, on AUGUST FIRST, commencing at 10 o’clock a.m., a large lot of calves, Berkshire hogs, sows, and pigs, wagons, harness, harrows, tinware, crocks, plows, forks, chains, etc. The terms of sale are cash for sums under $30, and notes 12 months with bankable security for larger sums.

His stock is choice blooded, and the opportunity to procure such as is wanted in this county is an excellent one. Farmers wishing to obtain improved stock should be on hand.
Bills are posted giving a list of the property to be sold.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
The Cantata of the Seasons last Tuesday evening was a grand success. Mrs. Kessler repeats the Cantata Wednesday with a new cast of characters and reduced rates for admission.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
A. J. McCollum, of Rock, called last week.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Joseph Craft, of Maple, was in town Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
J. H. Kinney, of Oxford, was in the city Monday.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Rev. C. J. Adams and lady are visiting her parents and friends in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
J. H. Willard, one of the substantial farmers of Rock, called on us last week.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
John Byard, of Dexter, was in town last Friday. He has been running a thresher in Sumner County.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Messrs. C. F. and T. L. Hargrove, of Beaver, called last Friday. T. L. brought in some fine specimens of Hale’s early peaches.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
The Ponca Indians have moved from near Baxter Springs to the west side of the Arkansas River, south of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
J. J. Estice, of Silverdale, has recently lost seven head of cattle by black leg. He says he will give $25 for a recipe that will cure.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
The many friends of Miss May Deming were pleased to see her in Winfield this week. She came down from Wichita on Saturday and returned today.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
G. W. Robertson last week brought us some fine samples of nectarines, raised on his place near town. Cowley produces fine fruit of every kind that has been tried.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
A very pleasant party assembled at the residence of Mrs. E. P. Hickok, four miles south of town, on Tuesday evening last, and all enjoyed themselves as is usual at Mrs. Hickok’s parties.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
DIED. On Saturday, July 27th, a young son of B. W. Sitters, of Pleasant Valley Township, aged one year and nine months. Mr. Sitters and family will have the sympathies of a wide circle of friends and neighbors.

Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Mr. Cowan McDonald, who is farming on the Walnut opposite Little Dutch, was in town last Saturday. He is a brother of Alex. McDonald, ex-U. S. Senator from Arkansas, and of Ben P. McDonald, the noted Ft. Scott banker.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
DIED. Mr. Scott Calvin, a farmer of Vernon Township and a very highly esteemed citizen, died at his home July 15th, age 58 years. He was from Missouri, but more recently a native of Pennsylvania.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Cowley County’s share of the $163,002.70 semi-annual dividend of the school fund, which the state apportions out to the school districts for July, is $3,276. Cowley also receives $50 apportioned out for the support of normal institutes.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Miss Nellie Aldrich has contracted to teach one year with Professor Holbrook in his normal school in Ripley, Tennessee. This is very complimentary to Cowley County, and Professor Holbrook secures the services of a first-class teacher.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Mr. J. L. Horning, from Muskegon, Michigan, has bought out the stock of groceries of Messrs. Walker Bros., and will stock up in the business and make a first-class store. He has a large experience in the business and comes highly recommended.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Professor G. W. Robinson has won golden opinions from our teachers by his earnest and anxious labors in connection with the normal institute. His work is first-class in every particular. An invitation was given him to go to Labette County to assist Professor Holbrook in normal work there, the coming month.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
D. S. Brown brought us on Monday some of the fairest, finest apples we have ever seen. They measured over 12 inches in circumference each and were raised on his farm four miles east of town. We gave one of them to Mrs. Ryan, the lady of our M. D., that she might be ready to corroborate our wonderful stories of Cowley County apples.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
H. L. C. Gilstrap, of Silverdale, has 30 head of two-year-old steers that will average 1,000 pounds weight. He says he favors a new legal tender in place of Nasby’s leather dollar. He wants government stamps put upon bags of wheat, making them legal tender, and thinks then our currency will have more substantial value than leather money or the new fangled greenback.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Professor John B. Holbrook closed his engagement this week as conductor of the Normal. Nearly one hundred teachers attended this term. He goes from this place to conduct the normal in Labette County.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
J. J. Smith, Esq., of Otto, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.

Messrs. Neil Wilkie and A. J. Uhl, of Douglass, were in town last Friday.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Dr. Cooper, an Eclectic physician, has permanently located in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Mr. E. Davis was in town again last Monday with a drove of horses from Carthage, Missouri.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Al. Requa has purchased a patent wood-saw and will saw wood by horse-power the coming winter for 75 cents per cord.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Mr. Al. Pack, of Crawford County, is visiting his friends and relatives, Solomon Smith and family, in Sheridan Township.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Miss McCommon, of Chillicothe, Ohio, sister of Mrs. J. E. Platter, is visiting in the city. She expects to remain for several months.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Mr. Jillson, of Hornellsville, New York, is about to build a large, two-story building on Main Street, lot next south of the Boyle Store.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Nommsen & Stueven have their barber shop fitting up in style with all the latest improvements. Call and go through their machine.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Rev. Z. Richmond will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist Church next Sabbath morning. The pastor, Mr. Randall, will preach in the evening.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
The following teachers have enrolled at the Normal in addition to those given before.
Arkansas City: Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Charles Hutchins.
Lazette: Mr. M. Hemenway, Mr. L. J. Tucker, Miss Lucy Bedell.
Silverdale: Miss Jennie Scott.
Winfield: Miss Hattie McKinlay, Mr. Warren Miller.
Red Rock: Mr. Porter Wilson, Mr. Joseph Bucher.
Rock: Mr. G. W. Walker.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Samuel McCracken, of Olathe, will be before the Republican Convention as a candidate for the office of Lieutenant Governor. He has lived at Olathe for several years, where he has a high character. He has a son, Mr. I. N. McCracken, living at Lazette, in this county.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                Walnut Valley Fair Association.
There was a meeting of the board in Winfield last Saturday, which was largely attended. Many farmers were in attendance and took great interest in the proceedings. They are coming forward and subscribing stock liberally. They mean that the fair shall be a success. There are a great many more that should be heard from. Let every farmer take hold and help this movement through.

Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                             POLO, KANSAS, July 29th, 1878.
ED. COURIER. Corn looks as well as could be desired. Mr. Joseph Fell has the “boss” corn so far.
Francis E. Williamson and family, late of Ainsworth, Iowa, have located in Omnia. He is a son-in-law of Mr. Amos Henthorn.
We would like to hear what effect the prayers of the elders had on the old lady that was bitten by the rattlesnake. We would sooner chance a quart of good whiskey. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                          That Mad Stone.
The mad stone spoken of in a late issue does not belong to E. Shriver, but belongs to Mrs. Day, who lives on Owen Shriver’s place, on Turkey Creek. She brought it from Washington County, Indiana, and it has been handed down to her from her grandmother. It is a wonderful stone and never fails to give relief to persons bitten by rabid animals. In the case mentioned, when the stone was applied to the wound of the girl, the draft was so intense that she screamed with pain. In about half an hour it was taken off and immersed in vinegar and water, which it colored as green as grass. It adhered the second time, but would not adhere again. Mrs. Day makes no charges for the use of the stone, but the trouble which its possession causes her should entitle her to a liberal fee.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                       A Stock Farm.
A. A. Wiley has in Spring Creek Township the best stock farm in Cowley County. He has 160 acres enclosed and divided into seven lots by stone and board fences of the most substantial kind. In almost every lot is good permanent spring water. He has excellent stables, corn barn, dwelling, and other buildings commodiously arranged. Along Little Beaver, which passes through his place, is sufficient timber for his use. Everything is kept up in the best of style and he keeps 35 head of cattle, 125 hogs, and other stock. Such a man would make a good county commissioner.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                     That Rattlesnake Bite.
Our reporter recently interviewed Mrs. Mary Moore, who was bitten by a rattlesnake several weeks ago, in relation to her wonderful case. She belongs to a sect called “The true followers of Christ.” She says that she was bitten severely in the ankle and nothing was done to cure her for four days except the prayers of her husband, and her limb swelled up dreadfully and turned spotted. The elders were then called in, who prayed for her, anointed her limb with olive oil, and laid on their hands, when with no other treatment she rapidly recovered and in three weeks was entirely well.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                              Poor House.

Our reporter stopped at the house of Wm. Butterfield at the mouth of Silver Creek; and after testing the bill of fare and the manner of treatment of its paupers, he concluded that Mr. Butterfield does not keep a poor house by any manner of means. He has only three paupers on hand: Henry Arnds, aged 80; Madison Waite, aged 42; and Miss Maggie Algen, aged 27. The latter is helpless from paralysis caused by an accident.
Mr. Butterfield has raised about 20 bushels of apples this year. He sent us a specimen Missouri Pippin 11 inches in circumference grown on a tree which had been completely girdled by rabbits about two feet in length up and down and the bark had been replaced by the bark of an elm tree, which was placed around and fitted to the apple tree bark as well as possible, and which incorporated into and became a part of the apple tree. This tree is flourishing and is his best tree for fruit.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                 Navigation of the Arkansas.
L. C. Harter returned from Little Rock last Saturday evening. We have since interviewed him and now give his account of the trip.
He went from Arkansas City to Little Rock down the Arkansas River on the “Aunt Sally” in twelve days. Some three or four days of this time was spent in laying up and delays which were not necessary had the boat desired to make the trip in as short a time as possible.
The boat went down without any load because the captain had doubts about being able to get through with any loading. The channel was very erratic and difficult to trace. Many times in following what appeared to be the main channel, the boat traced the windings until it ran onto the sand in water not more than six or eight inches deep. They then had to work off and return upstream until they found a better “shute.” In each case, however, they succeeded in finding a passage with at least 20 inches of water. The mode of hunting for the best channel was by getting off the boat and wading. Mr. Harter relates some of his exploits in that line.
He thinks the main difficulties of taking down a load at this stage of the water are the snags, which are somewhat dangerous. The sand is not very troublesome, for when they run on a bar they usually work off by the use of the cable and wheel in 15 or 20 minutes. He thinks that if the stage of water was still lower, the channel would be better, more distinctly marked, and much more easily traced than it was when he went down.
The “Aunt Sally” did not come up early enough. Had she come up two weeks earlier, she might have returned with a good load. She is far from being the kind of a boat that should come up here. She draws too much water and is in other ways unsuitable.
Mr. Harter thinks that a boat constructed like one he saw on the river named the “Big Rock” would be much better. It is about 120 feet long and wide in proportion, with engine and machinery on the bottom. He believes such a boat could run up to Arkansas City and take good loads both ways for three or four months in the year. It will draw 10 ½ inches light and 18 inches loaded. At present it would be difficult to get boats of that class to come up to Arkansas City, were the stage of water ever so good, because they are engaged in the cotton trade on the river below.
After awhile the large boats will be up and take this trade from them; and then if the stage of water is right, they will doubtless be glad to come up. Mr. Harter is of the opinion that a steamer of the class he speaks of as the best for this trade could tow six or seven barges, each loaded with about 30 tons, and at the same time carry 50 tons itself.

He says that the Little Rock millers and some steamboat men estimated that a stock company with $14,000 capital could get up and run such a fleet and make it pay. To insure business and interest in the project, they would require that one-third of the stock should be taken in this vicinity; and if that was done, they would venture the other two-thirds. The Little Rock millers will agree to take all the wheat that such a fleet can bring down at ten cents a bushel higher prices than is paid at St. Louis at the same time. If the fleet could make six trips a year, it could take off half a million bushels. Should it only take 300,000 bushels, it would be wonderful help to the farmers of Cowley. The present price of wheat at Little Rock is 95 cents; corn, 65 cents.
Mr. Harter fears that Pruden’s flat-boat will not get through and that they will suffer loss. He thinks it would be safer to load a flat-boat with flour because if they should get stuck, there is a market for flour at various places all the way down, the flour could be readily removed from the boat at almost any place and sold, while wheat would be a loss.
Mr. Harter returned by railroad via St. Louis. He is enthusiastic for river navigation and thinks it will be made a success.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                          Institute Lecture.
The lecture of Judge Coldwell before the teachers attending the Normal Institute is spoke of in the highest terms of commendation. The courtroom was crowded full and the audience was very attentive and highly entertained.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                          WICHITA, KANSAS, July 27th, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Please announce through the columns of your paper to the Catholic community of Winfield and surrounding country that on Sunday, August 4th, the Rev. F. X. Kraus will take possession of the Catholic Church edifice as pastor of Winfield.
With the arrival of Father Kraus, I sever my connection and relationship with the Catholic community of your town and surrounding country.
Rev. Father Kraus will reside in your midst; but exercise pastorship also over the whole of Cowley, Sumner, and Harper counties. He is a native of the kingdom of Wirtenberg, Germany, finished his theological studies at St. John’s College, Stearns County, Minnesota, and received his appointment to his future position on June 29 last by the Bishop of Leavenworth, Kansas. J. C. SHURZ, Pastor of Wichita.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                  WINFIELD, July 30th, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Please allow me to make known through your paper that I am wronged.
Last Saturday as I was sitting in the National Saloon, I was thrown upon the floor by one of the proprietors and struck several times, until Mr. Felix and John Beard rescued me from him. I had interfered to prevent a friend of mine from spending his money foolishly.
The marshal was sent for, who came and took me to the calaboose. On Monday I had a hearing before Judge Boyer on the charge of being drunk and my fine and costs were fixed at $7.50. I objected to the payment and was taken back to the jail. I would be allowed 50 cents a day to work it out on the streets and that would take me fifteen days to work it out.
I faired well enough for my dinner and supper, but was locked in a cell for the night. I had for my breakfast only two cuts of bread and a pint of water. I was told by Mr. Finch that he was doing as he was ordered by the city and that they intended to give me hell.

I did not know that I had so many enemies in the city. If I have wronged or insulted anyone in this town, I ask his pardon. I appoint Archie Stewart, Sheriff Harter, and Mr. Jackson to see Mr. Felix and his partner, and John Beard, and find out if I am right or wrong. If I am wrong, I will pay my fine; but if I am right, I will rot in jail before I will pay one cent.
Respectfully, DENNIS LYNCH.
We give room for Mr. Lynch’s complaint because it is respectful in tone and we know it is possible that some error may have been committed and that he may have suffered wrong. Of course, the judgment of the court is prima facie against him. We think if he is wronged, the city authorities will, when convinced of the fact, cause his release. We should advise him and his friends to keep out of the saloons, and then there will be little danger of suffering such wrongs or getting into the calaboose to be fed on bread and water. He is probably in error about what Mr. Finch said.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: You are respectfully requested to publish the following items from the record of the quarterly conference of the Southern District Kansas Conference Free Methodist Church, held on the camp ground near Polo, Cowley County, Kansas, July 17, 1878. GEO. W. C. SMITH, Secretary.
WHEREAS, J. W. McEntosh, a preacher on trial in the M. E. Church under charges, applies for admission in our church.
Resolved, That in consequence of investigation of the charges and recent acts, his application be rejected. And that a copy of this resolution be furnished by the secretary to the efficient papers of Butler, Chautauqua, Cowley, Elk, and Labette Counties, and also to the Free Methodist.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                   WINFIELD, July 29, 1878.
To the Farmers of Cowley County:
We desire to explain the cause of the removal of our hooking racks from in front of our store. We received notice Saturday evening from the Marshal to have them removed before Monday morning. He received his orders from the highest tribunal, the Honorable City Fathers, and we must presume someone not having the best interests of our county at heart has made complaint. We do assure you all that we will do all we can to add to the farmer’s convenience when he comes to town, and hope to see very soon our streets lined with hook racks. I have been a farmer myself for twenty years and know just how you feel about this matter; and as we do not wish to shoulder the odium and censure of the farmers for what we are innocent of, hence we make this statement; and in conclusion say, we thank you for your liberal patronage in the past and hope for a continuation of the same. Respectfully yours,
                                                WALLIS & WALLIS, Grocers.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                  Salt City Mineral Springs.

Salt City, fourteen miles southwest of Winfield, on the line between Cowley and Sumner counties, promises to become the Saratoga of Kansas. It has four mineral springs that will become famous. We have known before this that these springs possessed very curious mineral properties, but have paid little attention to the claim that they had medicinal and curative properties of the highest order. But recently events have proved all that has been claimed for them. Several persons seriously afflicted with erysipelas, rheumatism, eruptions, and various cutaneous diseases have visited these springs and by drinking their waters and bathing in them have experienced rapid and wonderful relief.
Among these cases we will mention that of Judge McDonald. He has had a most terrible eruption covering his face, head, and neck with sores, scabs, and pustules, and his face was bleeding in many places. On the 28th ult., he visited the springs and drank and bathed freely. In less than three hours the scabs came off his face and his appearance was wonderfully improved. He has since, for three days, continued to use this water, and now looks and feels like a very different man and has every prospect of a speedy and perfect case.
Robert Mills was very seriously afflicted with erysipelas. He has been using these waters for three weeks and is now entirely recovered. It is claimed that these waters are a sure cure for every species of cutaneous diseases and impurities of the blood. So far as they have been tried, the claim has been sustained. The water is clear and cool, but we are not very partial to its taste; in fact, we have tasted very many kinds of drink that we liked better. The day is not far distant when Salt City will rival Hot Springs as a resort for invalids.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
We would suggest under this head that gentlemen who are willing to be called by the people to serve our glorious Cowley County, either as Representative, Probate Judge, County Attorney, Clerk of the District Court, or Superintendent of Public Instruction, should make an announcement of willingness in this column soon so that their names shall be before the people in good time. Sometimes the best man is defeated in the convention because the people did not know he was a candidate in time to rally to his support, or until many of them have become pledged to other candidates.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                           BETHEL, KANSAS, July 29th, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: I write you a few lines from this part of the county.
We have been blessed with several good rains the past week, and all kinds of growing crops are looking superb.
George Youle has 50 acres of corn that will average 12 feet high and will yield 80 bushels per acre.
Peaches, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes are among the many luxuries being enjoyed by Bethel farmers.
While Israel Weakley and Rudolph Howard were out hunting prairie chickens the other day, Mr. Weakley’s gun was accidentally discharged, inflicting a slight wound upon Mr. Howard, that made it rather unpleasant for him to sit down for a few days.
Thomas Wallace, while wrestling with Quin. Paugh, got one of his toes broken.
The camp meeting that commenced here on the 17th inst. closed on Monday the 22nd. A good time was had and we believe much good was accomplished.
S. E. Burger has got a new croquet set and now the click of the croquet mallet can be heard from early dawn until dewy eve.

Mr. John Anderson, Captain Barker, Peter Paugh, and Mr. Lyons, four of Bethel’s most substantial farmers, visited the seaport town of Arkansas City last week to see what arrangements they could make to ship their wheat down the Arkansas River. They went on board the steamboat to interview the captain. They talked and discussed such subjects as finding Symme’s Hole and uniting the Atlantic with the Pacific ocean by cutting a canal through the Isthmus of Panama. Our farmer friends finally ventured to ask the captain if he expected to run a steamer between Arkansas City and Little Rock; and if so, what he would load with. The captain said he would, perhaps, load with sugar and molasses seed. The boys left that steamboat sadder if not wiser men. ORLANDO.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
Loudwick Maricle and wife to Wm. L. Maricle, se. 2-35-3; $2,000.
Wm. Kaufman to Jos. Abrams, sw. 34-33-3; $800.
Wm. J. Estes to Louis Sherbim, in nw. 5-34-4.
J. W. Brown and wife to Wm. D. Linton, 20-34-4; 40 acres, $300.
Nancy Constant to W. H. Constant, n. ½ se., 20-33-4.
John A. Buell to Nettie J. Lundy, ne. 28-33-3; 40 acres, $400.
J. O. Stewart to McGuire & Crippen, se. 22-32-6; 160 acres, $2,500.
Geo. H. McIntire and wife to August F. Farus, ne. 23-34-3; $40.
Allie Klingman to Anna C. Wilkinson, ne. 18-33-4; $800.
E. N. Darling and wife to Patrick Harding, ne. ½ of nw. ¼; $1,100.
H. A. Brocking and wife to Cornelius Akers, sw. 30; $500.
Valecia S. Cupper to H. N. Brockway, nw. 31-30-3; $1.
Ebon C. Clay and wife to John Moreland, e. ½ of ne. ¼, and e. ½ of se. ¼, 8-33-6; $1,200.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to A. J. Pyburn, se. 30-34-5.
Rufus C. Haywood and wife to Rufus Haywood, se. 16-33-3; $4,000.
Benj. Slemmons and wife to Wm. Hixson, sw. 9-32-3; $3,000.
Solomon Bucher to Joseph Bucher, ne. 7-30-4; 160 acres, $2,200.
Alva Requa and wife to M. L. Read and M. L. Robinson, se. 29-31-3; 160 acres, $1,500.
W. G. Graham and wife to Winfield Cemetery Association, in 22-32-4; $400.
Jesse S. Owen and wife to Hezekiah Hulsell, sw. 15-33-4; $800.
W. H. Maris and wife to N. B. George, nw. 23-31-4; $400.
W. P. Hackney and J. Wade McDonald and wives to James Fitzgerald, ne. 29-31-6; 80 acres, $200.
W. S. Gilman and wife to School Districts No. 51, 64, 44, and 99, in 4-34-5; $1.
E. C. Manning and wife to Frank S. Jennings, n. ½ 3 and s. ½ 8, blocks 113 and 48, Winfield; $40.
E. C. Manning and wife to Frank Gallotti, lots 4, 5, and 6, block 50; $200.
Read & Robinson and wives to Judson B. Winie, lots 4, 5, and 6, Winfield; $175.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to A. H. Green, lots 7, 10, 5, and 12 in blocks 92, 135, and 136, Winfield, $115.
E. C. Manning and wife to N. A. Haight, lots 7, 8, and 9, block 50, Winfield; $125.

Mary C. Brooks, heir at law of W. T. Brooks, deceased, to George B. Thorp, lots 3 and 4, block 52, Winfield; $200.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to E. S. Bedilion, lot 9, block 116, Winfield; $8.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to John W. Curns, lot 5, block 87, Winfield; $8.
H. C. Loomis to M. G. Troup, lots 1, 2, and 3, block 158, Winfield; $200.
E. C. Manning and wife to Francis M. Cooper, lots 12, block 31, Winfield; $150.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to John C. Allen, lots 8 and 9, block 115, Winfield; $13.
H. C. Loomis to Ira D. Clark, lots 7, 8, and 9, block 153, Winfield; $25.
H. C. Loomis to J. C. Smith, lots 4, 5, and 6, block 153, Winfield; $200.
M. G. Troup and wife to John E. Allen, lot 7, block 115, Winfield; $1.
John F. Graham to John Moffitt, lot 14, block 127, Winfield; $45.
Mary A. Millington and husband to George Hudson, lot 15, block 127, Winfield; $45.
Melissa A. Holmes to W. P. Hackney and J. Wade McDonald, lots 11 and 12, block 110, Winfield; $500.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to W. M. Boyer, lots 11 and 12, block 135, Winfield; $48.
W. M. Boyer and wife and M. B. Wallis to Richard S. Boyer, lots 11 and 12, block 135, Winfield; $115.
E. C. Manning and wife to Clarissa J. Moore, lot 3 and 50 ft. by 150 ft. of lot 2, contingent to lot 30, block 8, Winfield; $125.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
                                             Some of the Wonders of Cowley.
Shall we never get fully acquainted with the capabilities of Kansas and Cowley!
J. O. Stuart, who is salesman for Boyer & Wallis, has a farm in Sheridan Township occupied by Wm. Ovington, on which is now being gathered the second crop of blackberries and raspberries for this year. The second crop grows on canes or branches, which were grown this year. On the same place are strawberries in bloom for a second crop and corn ten feet high and in silk, which was planted only six weeks ago.
After viewing these outside wonders, you can go down into a springhouse with a smooth rock bottom through which flows a stream of pure cold spring water about three feet wide and three inches deep in which are set pans and crocks of milk and butter. You can take a drink of cold milk or cold water, whichever you choose, and sit and rest in an atmosphere of 55 degrees, while outside the thermometer runs up to 100 degrees. It will not do to be surprised at anything in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Look out for the Winfield Pump and Lightning Rod Wagon run by Clark & Bennett, old settlers. We expect to fight the battle of life in this valley of beauty; so we propose to furnish this city and county with pumps of every description, from a cistern to a two hundred foot force pump. We will also furnish and construct lightning rods for the low price of 20 cents per foot for the Franklin rod, the copper rod, or the cable rod; or we will furnish you the common black red usually carried by rod peddlers for 16 ½ cents per foot. All work done by us we guarantee satisfaction. Headquarters at Earnest’s grocery store, or any orders left with Messrs, Jochem or Myton will receive prompt attention. CLARK & BENNETT.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.

W. A. Lee has a mower with an entirely new principle in the gearing. Office first door west of Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878. Front Page.
Skipped an interesting article covering Lee’s surrender to General Grant.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878. Editorial Columns.
                                                            Freight Rates.
The rates of freight from Wichita and El Dorado to Kansas City still remain at about fifteen cents a bushel on wheat and as yet we have no intimation from the managers of the Santa Fe road that the rates will be reduced. Fifteen cents is an extortion in any year even were the prices of wheat at Kansas City as high as they were two or three years ago: $4.25 to $1.50 per bushel.
Now with wheat but little over half of those prices, one-half of the present rates of freight would be much too high. Three cents per bushel per 100 miles is a high rate on wheat. Six cents is the very outside that should be charged from Wichita or El Dorado to Kansas City.
On the eastern through routes, the rates realized are about two cents per bushel per 100 miles. With the vast amount of wheat in Southwestern Kansas to be marketed, the Santa Fe road can afford to carry at about eastern rates. We will believe that this road will reduce the rates. It cannot afford to say to the farmers: “These are our rates and you cannot help yourselves.” It cannot afford to say by its acts: “We will make every cent off from you we can and as long as we can regardless of your good will or your ill will.”
It is the worse kind of policy that takes every cent that can be extorted from unwilling patrons. Whatever such course may be termed in law, however perfect their legal right to do so, the people will feel that they have been robbed and they will retaliate when they can.
We are a growing community and the amount of traffic will very soon be so great in these southern counties that we shall get one or more railroads by aiding with our bonds. The people will not vote bonds to a company that has proved that it will extort the very last cent possible from them in the way of freights and fares. They would far rather take the chances of better treatment from any road which had not established such a reputation.
We predict that unless the Santa Fe road comes down to reasonable rates on our wheat; and that very soon, it will, within the next two years, lose the whole business of these southern counties for all time, and will provoke the undying antagonism of the whole southwest if not of the whole State.
The doctrine is pretty well established that a state may control the rates of freight and fare on its railroads, and the time is near when large monied corporations cannot longer control state legislatures in their interests. Their lobbyists will be regarded as political vipers and will be crushed out. The people will be represented and will make the laws to suit themselves. They will be just to corporations that “have souls,” but they will legislate against corporations of extortion. Unless the rates of freight are soon reduced, no man can be elected this fall to the legislature from the Southwest who is not pledged to do all he can to secure low rates of freight and fare by legislation next winter.

We are told to let this matter alone until we get a railroad built into our county and then it will be time to agitate for low freights; that this agitation will work to prevent the building of railroads into our county. We answer that we do not want any roads built into our county under any kind of misapprehension of the facts. If any company proposes to build a road into our county, they should know at the start that we shall clamor for and insist on reasonable rates on all things considered. If a company builds a road to us with the aid of our bonds, we have a right to fair rates and should demand them; therefore, we would not be honest if we now pretended otherwise. We believe in honest, fair dealing; and in stating plainly beforehand what we expect and demand.
The farmers want railroads and are willing to pay fair and reasonable rates. The company that will give them such will find the farmers their staunch and lasting friends; but the company that extorts, will make of them bitter enemies.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878. Editorial Columns.
                                                              Mail Route.
The mail route from Winfield via Thomasville, Salt City, and South Haven to Caldwell is an important one; but as the bill establishing the route did not get through both houses of Congress before the adjournment, the matter will not be consummated until next December. In the meantime the Post Office Department under the existing law may make the letting to be valid until the next meeting of Congress. A movement is on foot to procure such letting immediately with a good prospect of success.
This is a good route and much needed. There is at Salt City the best ferry that there is on the Arkansas River. The salt works and the mineral springs at Salt City are going to attract a great deal of attention and Salt City will become a great attraction to invalids. The travel and business by this route will become large.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Reason Treadway, the young man who was suspicioned as being the person who stole W. B. Hill’s money from his house recently, has made a confession. He says that upon stealing it, he at once took it some distance from the house and hid it under a rock, where it remained for one week. During the week he left Mr. Hill. Afterward he went back and got the money from under the rock and took it to Winfield. On the way over he bought a horse for $40, which probably led to his detection, as it was known that he had no money when he got through working for Hill. He was found in Winfield and brought back by officer McClurge, to Harrison Township. He has given the horse to Mr. Hill, together with $3.60, all that he had left, and his note for $14.00. On his arrival in Harrison Township, a party of masked men met the officer with Treadway. They took Treadway from the officer and told him that unless he confessed and made amends they would stretch a short piece of rope they had with them by placing one end around his neck and the other over a limb of an adjacent tree. At this time he confessed partially, but he made a full confession to Mr. Hill afterward. He will very likely be held for trial at the district court. Cedarvale Times.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878. Editorial Columns.
                                        THE NEW MAIL ARRANGEMENT.

It has been understood that a new arrangement was to be effected by which we at Winfield would be more promptly supplied with our mails. The idea was that the eastern and northern mails would come and go by way of El Dorado and make close connection with the trains on the railroad; but the change has taken place on a far different basis, one which will not improve our mail facilities in any respect while it will frequently disrupt and delay our mails for days at a time.
Under the new arrangement mails are to leave El Dorado at 8 o’clock a.m., and arrive at Winfield by 7 o’clock p.m., which, at best, is no improvement on the former delivery by way of Wichita, and as there are frequently times when some of the streams between here and El Dorado cannot be crossed for days together on account of high water, the change will greatly damage our mail facilities and is an outrage.
It is true that we are promised the early completion of bridges across the Walnut near Augusta and the Little Walnut between Walnut City and Douglass, but there remain Rock and Muddy Creeks unbridged and frequently impassable.
On the Wichita route are no streams of consequence except the Walnut, which has three good bridges, and the probability of interruption of the mails by heavy rains is slight in comparison with the certainty of frequent interruptions on the El Dorado route.
We should have accepted this change in route without grumbling had we been given some advantage to compensate for this disadvantage. Had the arrangement included close connection with the trains we would have favored the change, for in that case we would get the mails on the next morning after their arrival in El Dorado, whereas now we get them the following evening. But even in this we should suffer one disadvantage. There is no Sunday train on the El Dorado branch while there is one on the Wichita branch, so that while we have been getting on Monday evening the mails which come down the railroad on Sunday, we should not then get them until Tuesday morning.
Under the present arrangement, we do not get them until Tuesday night, which is an additional outrage. We propose to be very careful not to grumble without a cause, but here we have plenty of cause and we propose to follow up this matter until we get relief “if it takes all summer.” We can stand a moderate amount of abuse, but this is piling it on too thick.
We demand that the mails shall leave El Dorado on the arrival of the trains and arrive here the next morning, Sundays included; or if that cannot be done, that they come by way of Wichita as formerly, giving us one mail every week 24 hours earlier than now and all regularly on time, which would be impossible by the El Dorado route.
We do not know by what influence or what kind of sell out the present arrangement was effected. If it is the invention of El Dorado men, they will not make anything by it. It cannot do them any particular good to have our mails lay over in their ambitious city for ten hours to two days; and if they are to be delayed for the purpose of keeping over a few passengers in their town of nights, we will see them in Halifax before we travel that way, or patronize their town in any other way, and there are lots of people about here that feel in the same way.
We are all friendly to El Dorado down here and would gladly trade with her if she wants our trade and will try to treat us well; but when she delays our mails to get trade, it is too black a mail for us and won’t pay.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                        NEWS SUMMARY.
Gen. Valdez, the Mexican commander, is said to be stationed in the mountains near Eagle Pass on the Mexican side, laying in wait for Col. McKenzie should he again make a raid.

The stage from Boise City to Silver City was attacked by Indians and the driver was shot. The Indians are raiding all through the Snake River and Owyhee country.
A company of U. S. Cavalry under Lieut. Kelly are after the Mexican raiders, who recently drove stock from Texas. Lieut. Kelly crossed the Rio Grande at San Fleip’s Creek.
[Fleip? Felip maybe?]
Russian troops are returning to Russia to the number of five thousand daily. The Roumanian army is expected to make a triumphant entry into Bucharest, accompanied by the Bulgarian troops.
Belgrade, Servia. The cabinet council, under the presidency of Prince of Milan, has resolved to proclaim the Independence of Servia on the 22nd of August, with the cessation of the state of siege and martial law.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Picnics all around us.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
F. Gallotti & Co. have a new safe.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Our town herd has changed hands once more.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
J. M. Felton, of Silverdale, was in town Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Mr. S. L. Brettun left for home Tuesday morning.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
BIRTH. Born on Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison, a son.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
D. C. Stevens, of Richland Township, was in town Monday.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Rev. J. E. Platter is about to build an addition to his house.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Rev. E. P. Hickok is building a fine barn on his block in Loomis’ addition.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Durley, of Augusta, are in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rigby.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Manning is putting up the trusses of the roof on his block of business buildings.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, returned to Arkansas City from his Texas trip last Monday.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
John Moreland, of Sheridan Township, has bought the Coon-Clay farm in Liberty Township.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Nearly ninety applicants passed through the fiery ordeal at the normal examination Friday and Saturday.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.

Tom Bryan’s little girl said that the funniest thing at the cantata was those men with their night-gowns on.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The school district appeal case was heard by the commissioners Monday, and District 116 was declared organized.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
J. O. Stuart has sold his farm in Sheridan and bought another in Cedar Township through the agency of J. W. Hamilton.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
We neglected to mention the return of Mrs. Will Holloway from her visit to her parents. Her sister, Miss Thomas, accompanied her.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
J. R. Smith, of Sheridan Township, has Catawba grapes ripe and in bloom on the same vine. He is one of the substantial farmers of Cowley.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
We have a new hand at the case this week in the person of a young man named Frank Frye, late from Chetopa. He understands his business.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
E. P. Kinne has recently sold a farm in Spring Creek Township and six lots in Arkansas City for a farm in Iowa through the agency of J. W. Hamilton.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The way Moffitt is piling up the pine lumber in his yard near our office shows that he intends to supply his customers with all they want in his line.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
A farewell social and donation will be held in the M. E. Church on Monday evening next, August 12, 1878, for the benefit of the retiring pastor, J. L. Rusbridge.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
District No. 65, in Beaver Township, W. A. Freeman, director, has voted $700 bonds and is going to build a schoolhouse immediately. See their call for sealed proposals.
                                                          Sealed Proposals
Will be received up to Monday, August 12th, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the work of building a schoolhouse in District No. 65, Cowley County. Plans and specifications can be seen at the house of W. A. Freeman, president of the board, in Beaver Township. Proposals may be left with him or at the COURIER office in Winfield. W. A. FREEMAN, Director.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Two men, two women, and a little child started to cross the Walnut just west of Douglass last week. Their team became scared and ran off the fill. The men and women escaped, but the child and team were drowned.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Father Dickenson, of Bolton, has a half section of land, and was offered $20 per acre for the whole tract, last Tuesday, all cash. He asked $25 per acre. He has one of the neatest farms in the county. It is worth a trip to go and see it.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.

Our reporter had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Udell of St. Louis, Missouri, at Arkansas City on Thursday last. Mr. Udell is the government flour inspector and was looking after the Indian contract recently taken by A. A. Newman, of that place.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
D. Read, of Richland Township, has a cottonwood tree, four years old from the seed, which measures 35 inches in circumference, and would make a half cord of stove wood. Cowley is capable of raising all the timber wanted, and in a few short years at that.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Charles H. Way, who has been a typo in our office, has gone to Newton to operate in the grain business. He is a splendid compositor and a young man of the best character and habits.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The daily papers of Saturday morning last came via El Dorado and arrived Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock; but because there was no train on the El Dorado branch Sunday, the Sunday morning papers came by way of Wichita and arrived Monday evening at 6 o’clock. Difference in time of transit, 41 hours.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
C. H. Payson and Mark Williams attended a picnic of the Odessa, Centennial, and other Sabbath schools at the grove north of the Grange Hall in Pleasant Valley Township, last Thursday. They were the orators of the day and report that there was a large gathering of Sabbath school scholars who enjoyed the occasion immensely. They had splendid music, an excellent dinner, and of course good speaking besides plenty of other amusements.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The “Cantata of the Seasons,” under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Kessler, was repeated at the M. E. Church on Wednesday evening of last week with the same éclat which greeted its first appearance. Mrs. Kessler performed exquisitely on the piano, assisted by Mrs. Earnest and Prof. Farringer. The Roberts Bros. furnished string band music of the highest order, while the performance of the vocalists, Mesdames Kelly, Holloway, Buckman, Swain, Earnest; Misses Coldwell, Dever, Stewart, Bryant, Bliss; and Messrs. Roberts, Buckman, Holloway, Holloway, Bliss, Payson, Chamberlain, Harris, Richmond, Root, Evans, and Berkey were very fine indeed. The Cantata company will soon commence to rehearse “Queen Esther” with a view to inaugurate Manning’s Hall, when completed, by the presentation of that beautiful cantata.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
J. C. Fuller has got his steeple tinned.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Dan Maher came in from Richland Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Judge Christian was up from the seaport on Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
George W. and Read Robinson visited Wichita this week.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Mr. Hiram Silver is building a residence on Loomis’ addition.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.

A new stage line is to be run between Winfield and El Dorado.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Rev. J. L. Rusbridge will deliver his farewell sermon next Sunday.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The bridge across the Arkansas River will be completed this week.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Johnston & Hill have the best flagstone sidewalk that there is in the city.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Mr. Freeland, of Illinois, is visiting his son, Mr. F M. Freeland, of this city.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The county commissioners have been in session this week. Present: Burden, Sleeth, and Gale.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The latest style of note paper for the ladies is to have their address printed in the left hand corner at the top of the sheet.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
S. S. Holloway has the Wilson corn, which matures in ninety days after planting. It has been known to produce 180 bushels to the acre.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
C. M. Wood has bought a Poland-China pig less than five months old that weighs 248 pounds. Sire and dam both imported from Illinois.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
A project is on foot to cut through the mound between the farms of Col. Alexander and Dr. Davis to make the Tisdale road run straight into Elm Row.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Col. Alexander has built a stable back of his office; also a granary in which he will store his surplus wheat and wait for an advance and low railroad freights.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The editor of the Telegram had a bad attack last week and devoted a half column editorial to the weakness of the COURIER and the wickedness of its editor. It is very sad, but we think McLain’s Vermifuge would relieve him.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Mrs. Louisa D. York, of Cedar Township, sends us a sample of her sweet potatoes. The sample is 12 inches long and 6 inches in circumference, and is of the Nansemond variety. She will have nearly 300 bushels. She says Kansas, not Pennsylvania, is the state to live in.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The Ladies’ Society of the Presbyterian Church will give a Lawn Festival at the residence of Rev. Platter on next Tuesday evening, August 13th. They will serve ice cream and all the delicacies of the season, and will endeavor to make it an enjoyable occasion to all who may favor them with their presence.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.

The champion base ball club of the county, the “Grasshoppers,” of Vernon Township, challenge any club in this or adjoining counties to play a match game in Winfield on Saturday, August 18. Winfield ought to be able to organize a club that would “scoop” the “hoppers.”
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Dr. H. W. Marsh, of Elmwood, Illinois, is in this county taking subscriptions for the most complete and valuable book for everybody we have ever seen. It should be in the hands of every man, woman, and child that can read. It is Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms and Guide to Correct Writing. Do not fail to see Mr. Marsh and subscribe.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
W. E. Dean is the witness spoken of in our issue of the 25th ult., as having baffled the attorney in a cross-examination. His garments don’t appear to be coarse or rude in their make-up, but are clean and of common style. He says that at the time of the court, he was in his dress suit, had a “biled shirt on,” and was clean and trim in every particular; that he is a wide awake, patriotic citizen, has never been in a hen roost or calaboose, admires the great eagle of America, hates tyrants, and considers himself the equal of other American citizens in every respect. He is a natural orator of the poetical persuasion.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                       Council Proceedings.
                                                  WINFIELD, August 5, 1878.
Council met in council chamber in regular session: J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present.
Petition of E. S. Bliss et al., for sidewalk, granted and ordinance in relation to same passed.
Petition of J. M. Dever et al., in relation to non-residents selling fruits on streets. City attorney ordered to present an ordinance covering the prayer of the petitioners.
Petition of S. H. Myton et al., for hitching-posts on Main and other streets granted, and owners granted the privilege of erecting the same under the supervision of the city marshal.
A resolution was passed allowing merchants and businessmen to have the space between the curb-stone and hitching-posts on which to display their wares.
J. C. Fuller contract for laying sidewalk approved.
W. A. Lee made a statement of grievance. No action taken.
Action was taken on the following bills. (Showing MONEY ALLOWED.)
J. H. O’Brien, laying walk: $2.00.
J. H. O’Brien, laying cross walk: $6.08.
Walch & Smithy, laying walk: $20.20.
Walch & Smithy, laying cross walk: $7.62.
J. H. Finch, bedding prisoners: $15.00.
H. H. J. Johnson, work on pest house: $2.00.
On motion of Mr. Robinson, the mayor was instructed to inquire into the title of lots that were unoccupied at the time of the survey. Adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                  Emancipation Celebration.

On last Thursday, August 1st, the colored citizens of Cowley and Sumner counties celebrated at Winfield the anniversary of the Emancipation proclamation. The number that joined in the festivities were 9 young ladies, 5 married ladies, 14 young men, 5 married men, and 16 children, 49 in all, ten of whom were from Sumner County. A basket picnic was held in the grove southeast from John Lowry’s, where all the good things of the season were served, including watermelons, peaches, apples, ice cold lemonade, etc. Judge Coldwell was the orator of the day and made a speech, which is highly eulogized by his colored audience. John Nichols, a natural orator, also addressed the assembled representatives of his race. They had three swings, a platform dance, and other amusements, and all enjoyed the occasion in true Southern style. The whole performance was of the most decorous character and highly creditable to all who participated. In the evening they held a ball at the courthouse and “tripped the light fantastic” until the “wee sma’ hours.”
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                           Primary Meeting.
The Republican voters of Rock Creek Township met at Darien schoolhouse Saturday, August 3, 1878. Reuben Boothe was chosen for chairman, G. H. Williams, Secretary. The following named gentlemen were chosen to represent the township at the Republican County Convention, to be held in Winfield, Saturday, Aug. 10, 1878.
For delegates: Sam’l. P. Strong, Chas. H. Eagin, Reuben Boothe, Wm. J. Funk.
Alternates: E. R. Evans, Geo. H. Williams, Frank Akers, Wm. Palmer.
                                               REUBEN BOOTHE, Chairman.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                            School Meeting.
Turn out, Thursday afternoon (today) and attend the annual school meeting. A treasurer is to be elected, and other important business will come before the meeting.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
W. P. Hackney and wife, and J. Wade McDonald and wife, to John Fitzgerald w. ½ of ne. ¼ 29-31-6; $260.
Sam’l. Peters and wife to school districts, nos. 51, 64, 40, and 99, commencing at nw. cor. of ne. ½ 4-34-5, thence e. 6 ½ rods, thence s. 14 rods, thence w. 6 ½ rods, thence to beginning.
W. S. Gilman and wife to school districts, nos. 51, 64, 50, and 90, com. at ne. cor. 4--30-5, thence w. 6 ½ rods, thence s. 19 rods; $1.
Wm. B. Reed and wife to Chas. C. Daniels, lots 20, 18-3-8.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to Richard D. Johnson, lot 304, e. ½ of sw. ¼, 19-30-5; $327.
Wm. Null to Eliza S. Null, lot 4 and s. ½ of ne. ½ 5-30-4; $1,000.
U. S. to Geo. W. Jones, patent, 120 acres, sw. ½ of ne ¼ and s. ½ of ne. ¼ and s. ½ of nw. ¼, 17-33-7.
S. N. Waldroupe to J. B. Nipp, w. ½ of nw. ¼, 8-34-5, and that part of w. ½ of sw. ¼ lying n. of the ledge of rocks at the top of hill; $208.
J. S. Taylor and wife to Jas. Hopkins, 80 acres, n. ½ of ne. ¼, 27-32-3; $550.
Dessrir [?] A. Clapp and husband to Jno. J. Partridge, 160 a., se. ¼, 28-32-6.

Jerome Terrill and wife to John J. Partridge, 80 acres, w. ¼ of nw. ¼, 33-32-6; $250.
J. C. McMullen and wife to Annie M. Burrough, 85 acres, lots 1 and 2, s. 31-34-6; $500.
H. C. Loomis to W. R. Davis, off se. ¼ commencing at a point 516 feet north of the sw. cor. of said ¼ sec., thence n. 50 feet, thence e. 94 feet to w. line of Millington Street of Loomis’ addition, thence s. 50 feet along w. line of said street, thence w. 94 feet to beginning, 28-32-4.
Marshall M. Wells and wife to Geo. W. Martin, lot 4, block 130, Winfield; $400.
Winfield Town Association to Jno. W. Smiley, lot 10, block 186; $45.
Mary A. Millington and husband to D. T. Reynold, lot 5, block 131, Winfield; $90.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                               SOUTH BEND, August 1, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: While traveling in this part of the county (Pleasant Valley and Silverdale), I stopped at the hospitable home of Captain Nipp, an old soldier in the U. S. A. The Captain has a large farm of about 1,000 acres, most of which is used for grazing purposes. He has about one hundred head of stock (cattle, mules, and horses) and 200 head of hogs; has 160 acres of corn to feed them on. He says it will take it all, but will last until corn comes again.
The Captain came here well “heeled” eight years ago and well “toed” yet; and heeled, too, for that matter. He is a red-hot, black Republican, and believed all the time, during the war, that the Union must be saved. He can show today the place where a rebel ball went through his breast while standing up like a man battling for principle. Captain Nipp is a good farmer and a genial fellow.
Never before in the history of the county was there such an immense corn crop as now. It is a sure crop. All that has not filled will fill and harden without any more rain. Farmers ought to be thankful to the Great Giver of so bountiful a crop of everything. Our granaries will groan under the great weight of the superabundant harvest.
While at Captain Nipp’s, I was shown a stalk of corn on which was an ear ten feet from the ground. The same day I was at Mr. Jake Keffers, where I got another stalk of corn, which measured 14 feet and 4 inches in length. It can be seen lying at T. A. Wilkinson’s stable, in Winfield, by anyone doubting the truth of this statement. It is the largest stalk of corn I ever saw. Who can beat  it? Bring them along. NITRO GLYCERINE.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
D. Read, of Floral, sold his crop of peaches, delivered on the trees, to a Wichita fruit firm for $245. Wichita men know where to find the best peaches. Mr. Read brought the pits from Illinois, from which he raised his trees. They are seedlings, but produce here finer and better flavored peaches than the budded trees did in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                      A BOLD ROBBERY.
                             Unknown Robbers Go Through a Bank at Noonday.
                                                  The James Boys Outdone.

On Wednesday, July 31, 1878, at about half past 12 o’clock, four strangers effected the robbery of the Cowley County Bank at Arkansas City. The amount of money obtained is said to be $2,300. The robbers were seen in town during the forenoon; two of them entered a saloon, called for beer, drank, and sat down in the saloon for some time. The other two walked around town together; and at one time came into the saloon and called for beer, but pretended not to recognize their pals sitting there.
At dinner time two brought out their horses from a stable and hitched them not far from the bank. The two others came towards the bank from another direction and hitched their horses in another place. A drug store is next door to the bank and the salesman was at the door. One of the robbers called for quinine, saying he would step in and get it in a few moments, and the druggist went into his store to weigh it out while the customer patrolled the sidewalk.
Another robber went into the bank, where Mr. Farrar was alone in attendance, Mr. Sleeth having just gone to dinner, and presented a $20 bill, requesting small bills for it. Mr. Farrar proceeded to make the change, but immediately a revolver was presented at his head and silence commanded; at the same time two other robbers appeared with cocked revolvers. One of them led Mr. Farrar into the back room while the other two went through the safe, which was open. They took what money there was to be readily found and then Mr. Farrar was brought out to the door and required to sit down. The robbers made some jokes, thanked him for his kind attention, and promised to call again when they wanted more money. They bade him good-bye, mounted their horses, and rode together out the south side of town, then around to the west side and north past the cemetery. They were each armed with revolvers and a long range rifle.
The alarm was immediately given, and in a very few minutes a large number of men were on horseback, with such arms they could get hold of quickly, in pursuit. Messengers were at once sent over the river into Bolton Township to notify Frank Lorry and Rudolph Hoffmaster and rouse the people with the view of cutting off the retreat into the Territory.  Others, including Mr. Sleeth, the president of the bank, rode rapidly up to Winfield for help to head them off in case the robbers should go north toward Wichita. A considerable numbered followed rapidly on the track of the robbers.
Mr. Stafford nearly overtook the robbers and got two shots at them; but they turned on him and fired a rifle shot, just scratching his cheek, and another throwing dirt over him, as he lay close to the ground in the grass to avoid their shots. The robbers then rode on, as other pursuers were coming up. At one place they rode into a grove or ticket and the pursuers immediately surrounded the grove and believed they had corralled their game. They spent a hour or more in searching the thicket, and finally determined that the robbers were not there. They then pursued on to the Salt City ferry. There they learned that the robbers had crossed more than an hour before and had turned southwest through Salt City in the direction of the Territory.
Messrs. Lorry and Hoffmaster had collected a number of men in Bolton and were patrolling the road all the way from Arkansas City to South Haven, two of their men having crossed the robbers’ tracks nearly half an hour before they got along; but their place of crossing this line was so uncertain, it was scarcely possible that Lorry’s men should be at the right place at the right time, so the robbers crossed their line and passed on into the Territory; but Lorry and his men soon got together and pursued.

Burt Covert and others, of Winfield, started out west from Winfield to intercept the robbers, if they went north. They rode over to the Arkansas River and discovered that the robbers had escaped across the Salt City ferry going southwest. Covert and C. G. Holland, of Beaver, having first-class horses and courage, pursued some thirty miles into the Territory and long into the night, until Covert’s horse got so sprained in crossing a bog that he was unable to proceed except at a slow and limping gait. They therefore abandoned the pursuit.
On Friday following Frank Lorry returned. It appears that they got a long ways ahead of the robbers in the Territory and therefore lost all track of them. They therefore abandoned the pursuit and probably passed them on their return.
It is believed that at least one of the robbers was a James. It is evident that they are experienced hands at the business.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                    VERNON, July 30, 1878.
Everything growing lovely. Peaches, ripening slowly, the trees are bending to the earth.
Mrs. Baker treated us to peaches, almonds, and grapes. They were nice.
The shakes are going their rounds along the Arkansas River. A cure or kill—eat a lot of melons and sit in the sun.
The lightning struck a wheat stalk of John McNight, destroying about seventy-five bushels of wheat.
Farmers are threshing; wheat turns out well. The threshers charge from four to five cents a bushel.
Several of our neighbors came near being sunstruck. Boys, stop when you get hot and cool off.
It is reported that one or more of Mr. Gault’s girls will be married soon; they all have beaux. They moved from Vernon to Sumner six months ago. Girls take H. Greeley’s advice if you don’t want to be old maids, and “go west.”
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                       RICHLAND, July 30.
All eyes were turned Heavenward Monday, Dunbars, all you, no more midnight rambles to the Territory.
[Have no idea what above refers to.]
Parents can go plumming now.
Picnic at Floral a success.
Instrumental music scarce.
Recitation of the little folks good, especially the story of Joseph.
Addresses by Rev. Marquis, Thomas, and Platter.
J. W. Cottingham, superintendent of Floral school, is the right man in the right place.
Pleasant Hill, New Salem, and Richland schools were in attendance. All seemed to enjoy the day though very hot; none seemed more attractive than the bride and groom just from the happy hunting ground.
Farmers today haying and plowing for wheat.
Chiggers a full crop. Everybody scratches nowadays; they even attack the oats, kill the little chickens, worry the babies, attack fair damsels, and old bachelors. Oh for a land where chiggers were not.

Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Brick layers and masons are wanted immediately. Inquire of STEWART & SIMPSON.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Candid thoughts are always valuable; so is Uncle Sam’s Condition Powder for all animals. Sold by W. Q. Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                    SILVER CREEK, July 28.
A fine rain and farmers are happy, the most of them are plowing; threshing will soon commence; a man from Linn County has been through here taking orders for fruit trees to be delivered this fall.
Esq. Carter, of this township, lost two hogs with heat last Sunday while he was absent from home attending Sunday school. Now why don’t somebody say it is wicked to go to Sunday school. We will venture this much, it’s wicked to let dumb brutes suffer for water these hot days.
There is a firm to be started here under the name of Crane & Co. Success to them. Jake’s head is level. Charley Cunningham wouldn’t give a cent to be relieved of his Burden.
                                                        LITTLE CHARLEY.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Having been denied the right to show my agricultural implements by setting them out in front of my office, as other agricultural implement dealers are permitted to do, and having been arrested and fined by the police judge in attempting to show my goods, all through a personal feeling of our city marshal, I ask all farmers wanting such implements to call back of the Winfield Bank and examine my goods. W. A. LEE.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                         Primary Convention.
                                                  WINFIELD, August 3, 1878.
Convention met at the courthouse in pursuance to call of County Central Committee.
The meeting was called to order by W. Q. Mansfield, and D. A. Millington was elected as chairman and G. H. Buckman secretary.
On motion the chair appointed a committee of three to report names of delegates and alternates. S. M. Jarvis, E. P. Kinne, and W. M. Boyer appointed on such committee.
The committee reported the following named persons as delegates and alternates.
Delegates: R. L. Walker, W. P. Hackney, E. S. Torrance, F. S. Jennings, L. W. Spack, O. M. Seward, James Kelley, E. C. Manning, D. A. Millington.
Alternates: E. P. Kinne, W. M. Boyer, W. Q. Mansfield, G. H. Buckman, S. M. Jarvis, John Mentch, Sampson Johnson, Henry E. Asp, T. B. Myers.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted by the convention. Thereupon the convention adjourned. D. A. MILLINGTON, President. G. H. BUCKMAN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                              PLEASANT VALLEY TOWNSHIP, August 3, 1878.

The voters of Pleasant Valley Township met pursuant to call at the Odessa Schoolhouse, their usual place of voting. The meeting was called to order and S. H. Sparks elected chairman and C. W. Pittinger, secretary. Wm. D. Crawford, C. W. Pittinger, and C. Seacat were elected delegates to the county convention; Joel Mason, S. H. Sparks, and Alfred Bookwater as alternates. C. W. PITTINGER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                BALTIMORE, August 4, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Some are haying while others are plowing for wheat. Threshing machines are running at a lively rate. Wheat turning out first rate.
We have had rain enough to insure a good corn crop.
Mr. David Baldwin and his brother-in-law, Daniel Carr, have lately arrived from Illinois. They have lived here before and now have come back to try Kansas again. If it were not so, I would have told you.
Mr. Moss and lady are visiting relatives at Baltimore.
Mr. Jonas Messenger has bought out Mr. Bridges and moved into the house Monday. Mr. Bridges talks of returning to Mississippi soon. He has been with us but a short time, but we are sorry to have him leave so soon.
DIED. Mr. T. W. Gilliard died at the house of his son-in-law August 1st. Mr. Gilliard purchased some morphine from Dr. Lytle the day before his death and took a dose that evening and went to bed. He slept soundly all night and next day till 11 o’clock, when they sent for the doctor; but they were unable to arouse him from his sleep, and he passed away at 5 o’clock. There is a difference of opinion as to his death. Some think that he took an overdose of the morphine intentionally; others think he took it accidentally. He leaves a family, but all are pretty near grown.
We are having very warm weather yet.
E. Harned is building a granary; G. Crow a granary, Mr. Jenkins a bind, and Wm. Gilliard a large box for wheat. X. Y. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                    THOMASVILLE, KANSAS, August 3, 1878.

While traveling over the country last week, not thinking about what was going on overhead, I became aware all at once that something was the matter with Old Sol. He was putting on his false face for a masquerade or something else, I noticed when I looked up. I intended to reach Mr. Beach’s before the great luminary began to get black in the face, but was misinformed about the time of the phenomenon; however, I hurried the team along and arrived at his place just as the shadow was going off. I asked for a smoked glass to look at the eclipse with and received one from Mr. Beach’s genial lads. I looked until I got tired, then put away the glass and took a stroll with Mr. Beach through his fine peach and apple orchard, of which I cannot speak too highly. I picked from one of his trees some of the largest apples I ever saw in this state, and as large as I ever saw anywhere. The largest one I picked measured 12 ½ inches in circumference. Mr. Beach has one of the finest farms in the county and is one of Cowley’s best farmers.     The next day I went over to Mr. Smalley’s and there found the “boss” peach. It measured just 8 ½ inches in circumference. That is hard to beat. If there is a larger apple or peach in the county than the ones mentioned above, let us hear of them. I measured those with a tape-line and know whereof I affirm. Both peaches and apples are perishable material (truly so unless a reasonable distance away from my mouth), so I could not bring them to town; otherwise I would have done so. I shall remember “the boys” when enough get ripe to make it safe for me to come into the office. They know what I mean. NITRO GLYCERINE.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                           VERNON, KANSAS, July 14, 1878.
J. H. Corson and lady are east on a visit.
MARRIED. Since my last, G. Wilson, Esq., met his affianced at the Wichita depot, went to a minister’s, and they were made one. We guarantee the lady that the lady that has the faith in George, and pluck to travel alone on steamship and rail from old England, will make a good wife.
Would not “Cowley County Fair Association” have been a more definite name than the misnomer The Walnut Valley District Fair? . . . . REX.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Shenneman & Co. change teams at Bitter Creek and carry passengers to Wichita, with comfort, safety, and celerity.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
On Tuesday evening Thos. Nickerson, President of the Santa Fe railroad, Mr. Strong, general manager, and T. H. Murdock of El Dorado, were in this city. They were on a trip to see both Cowley and Sumner counties, a kind of inspection. Mr. Nickerson said he has nothing to say now about building a road into this county; but that after they had made their trip and got what information they could, they would talk the matter over, conclude what they could do, and let us know.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
                                                  FOR SALE VERY CHEAP.
One quarter block in this city, under fine cultivation, surrounded with fine shade and ornamental trees, plenty of all manner of fruit trees and shrubbery; also good well and building rock. Inquire at McGUIRE & CRIPPEN’S.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
LOST. A pocketbook containing three silver dollars and a two dollar bill. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Fifty teams to haul flour to Wichita wanted at the Tunnel Mills.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
TO RENT. Twenty-five acres wheat ground, one-half mile from Winfield. Inquire immediately of E. W. HOLLOWAY.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                             Items from The Traveler.
J. H. Sherburne has taken the contract for furnishing oats at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, from R. C. Haywood.
Diphtheria is prevalent in the vicinity of Kitley and South Haven, several miles west of this place.
R. C. Haywood went to Osage Agency last Sunday, and will return the latter part of this week, when he will commence buying wheat.

The heat was so intense on Sunday that Rev. McClung gave out before the morning services were over, and no services at all were held in the evening.
SUNSTROKE. A young fellow by the name of Andrew Minser, working for Chris. Wolfe, was sunstruck last Thursday while working at a threshing machine.
Mr. Harris, of the Tunnel Mills at Winfield, visited our city last Thursday, accompanied by the liveliest and most accomplished newspaper reporter in the State. So he thinks.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                            Curiosities of the Indian Territory.
In the Seminole reserve, on the top of a rocky ridge running from the Canadian to the Little River, are a succession of pits that have been dug in former times for some purpose or other. They are alike in size and shape, and are dug at about equal distance apart—about 300 yards. The whole distance on which they occur is about eight miles.
There are also at three different points the marks of human footprints in the rocks. At one place the tracks are about one and one-half inches deep by eleven inches long. They occur in hard sandstone rock.
In the Creek Nation, near the Seminole line, on a creek, is to be found the ruins of an old circular embankment, bearing the appearance of having been used as a fort. The place is grown up in trees, but the site of the fort is quite plainly marked. Atoka Independent.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                                       COUNTY OFFICES.
The voters of Cowley County will, on Tuesday after the first Monday of next November, be called upon to elect a Representative for each, the 88th and 89th districts, a County Commissioner for the first district, a County Attorney, Probate Judge, District Clerk, and Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                             Death of a Distinguished Citizen.
DIED. W. Q. Mansfield died of apoplexy at his residence in Winfield on Friday, August 9th, at 8 o’clock p.m. He had been apparently well and in usual health until a quarter past 1 o’clock p.m., of that day, when he was sitting with his family at the dinner table and Mrs. Mansfield observed that something ailed him and immediately sprang to his support. He was unconscious and apparently painless from that moment until his death.
In this event this community has lost an esteemed friend, a valued citizen, and an accomplished physician and surgeon.
His has been a life of singular purity and moral worth. He had no faults, no bad habits, was the very soul of honor, just to all, and generous to those in need. In his simple unostentatious way, he has been to many an “angel of mercy.” He was a staunch friend of the poor and the oppressed, believed in education and culture as the great moral safeguard to society, read much and thought deeply, and had spent much time and thought in relation to a free library for this community. He had accumulated a large private library, which he intended to donate as a nucleus of a public library. He had other schemes to advance the cause of morality and education in our midst in which he endeavored to interest his friends in his quiet way without display. He was one of Nature’s noblemen, a large-hearted lover of his race.

He had thought much in relation to scientific subjects and of man’s relations to nature. He had formulated very beautiful theories in relation to spiritual existence beyond this life, which, though we do not accept, we know influenced his life for good and believe would make the world much better than it now is if more widely adopted. He did not obtrude his views upon others, but held the views of others in respect.
The following is a sketch of his life from Cleave’s Biographical Cyclopedia of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons.

“Mansfield, William Q., M. D., of Winfield, Kansas, was born in England in 1818, where he was educated as an apothecary and druggist. In the year 1851 he emigrated to America and located in Buffalo, New York. Here he attended three courses of lectures and graduated in 1857. For several years previous to this he had practiced medicine to a considerable extent and with fair measure of success. Homeopathy he had always considered as one of the greatest delusions of the age. However, his prejudices were removed by a circumstance which happened soon after he graduated and in connection with his practice, which served to convince him that the delusion existed in a very different quarter from that which he had been taught to believe. He could not give much attention to the matter at this time, as the war broke out, and he immediately decided to participate. Submitting to an examination before the medical board organized by the surgeon general at Albany, he received a certificate as full surgeon. Not waiting to employ means to secure a commission, he enlisted as a private in the 92nd Regiment New York Volunteers, then organizing at Potsdam. A few weeks after he was elected captain of the company of which he was a member, but was induced, by the earnest solicitation of Col. Sanford commanding, to accept the position of assistant surgeon. On account of the age and infirmity of the surgeon, Dr. Mansfield was the only medical officer with the regiment during the first year of its service in the field. Having served with the regiment to the end of its term, in 1864, he was promoted surgeon and assigned to the 118th Regiment New York Volunteers. This was followed by the appointment of brigade surgeon, which was conferred upon him while serving in the trenches before Petersburg. In this capacity he remained until the organization of the Army of the James, when he was detailed as the surgeon in charge at the celebrated Dutch Gap. On the memorable 3rd of April, 1865, his regiment was among the first troops entering Richmond. At the close of the war Dr. Mansfield resumed the practice of medicine, but not the old system. Locating in Richmond, he became, unintentionally, identified with the moving incidents of that time. He was elected delegate to the Philadelphia convention of 1866. He was also appointed by the commanding officer of the district, General Schofield, collector of taxes and registering officer of the city of Richmond, and at the first United States district court held in that city after the war by Judge Underwood, Dr. Mansfield was on the first grand jury ever organized in the United States composed of both white and colored men. He was subsequently nominated for senator on the Republican ticket, but was defeated by a small majority. This closed the political career of the Doctor, who, to free himself from politics entirely, and from politicians, emigrated West in the fall of 1869. He located at Emporia, State of Kansas. Here he published a small work entitled ‘Homeopathy, Its History and Tendency.’ This was designed to explain the law of simillia and draw public attention to the subject. The year following Dr. Mansfield moved to Winfield, Kansas, situated near the Arkansas River, and within a few miles of the Indian Territory. He is now engaged in a flourishing and lucrative practice, which brings him in contact with a large portion of the community, with whom he is popular, and among whom he has made many warm friends.”
The funeral took place on Sunday, August 11th, at 10 o’clock a.m., amid a large concourse of friends and citizens who assembled at his residence. The casket was profusely adorned with flowers and the choir sang exquisitely “Sweet bye and bye.” An address was delivered by Mr. J. L. Rusbridge, intended as a short eulogy of the deceased and a sketch of his life. The remains were deposited in their resting place and the grave strewn with flowers.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen will exchange goods for wheat.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Al. Requa is building a new barn in the north part of town.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Bacheldor are seriously ill with bilious fever.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin returns from Texas, much improved by his camp life.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
If you want pictures, for wheat, at Wichita prices, call on McInturff.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Sam Davis started for his home in Paris, Kentucky, Tuesday morning.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
News room with all the late papers at McCommon & Harter’s Drug Store.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
WHERE IS that base ball club that is to play the “Grasshoppers” next Saturday?
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Rev. J. L. Rusbridge and family left Sunday evening for their future home in the State of New York.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
J. Ex. Saint, Fred Hunt, Ed. Holloway, and Will Holloway left Monday morning for a trip to Harper County.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
The election for school district No. 1 last Thursday resulted in the choice of E. P. Kinne for district treasurer.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Mr. Luther Park, of Tisdale Township, recently had his jaw fractured by a kick of a horse. He is improving.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Shenneman & Co. change teams at Bitter Creek and carry passengers to Wichita with comfort, safety, and celerity.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
The elder Mrs. Maris and Miss Josie McMasters left on Monday evening for Indiana, which state will be their future residence.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.

Sid Majors and lady and Neal Fuller and lady left last Sunday for a visit to Toronto, Niagara, and other places on an excursion.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Wanted to Rent. A farm with team found by an experienced farmer. Address through post office. J. HASLETT.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
E. Henthorn of Omnia Township broke some raw prairie this last spring, and sowed millet at once. That millet is now a heavy growth with heads a foot long.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Timothy Hart, of Liberty Township, brought in on Monday samples of a second crop of raspberries. A sprig of about 6 inches long has 20 large berries fully ripe.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Geo. W. Robertson brought in the finest assortment of peaches we have seen this year. The assortment of colors was rich. Some of them measured nine inches.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Last Thursday evening a pleasant little party of young folks met at Mr. Todd’s, four miles east of town, and enjoyed themselves by feasting upon all the fruits of the season.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Samuel Smedley, of Vernon Township, has common field corn that was fully ripe on July 21st, and will yield 45 bushels to the acre. He brought in a sample load last Monday.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Mrs. Clara T. Beach has purchased the stock of goods belonging to the estate of Walter Brooks, deceased, known as the “Yankee Notion Store,” and will continue the business.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
John S. Foster brings in a sample corn stalk three inches in diameter and bearing two of the largest ears of corn we ever saw. Thinks his 30 acres will yield 85 bushels to the acre.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Jo. Harter, D. Giles, M. B. Wallis, and Ivan Robinson left last Tuesday with tent and frying pan to go to Salt City and beyond on a hunting trip and try the pleasures of camp life.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
A stock company to build a boat for the Arkansas River is being formed at Arkansas City. This is a move in the right direction and there should be liberal subscriptions and plenty of them at once.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
F. M. Huff, of Keokuk Junction, Illinois, was in town last week to look up a location. He is a friend of Geo. W. Robinson and has been a teacher. He proposes to go into the stock business in this county.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
W. M. Whitehead, of Sheridan Township, brought us some peaches raised from the seed that go ahead of anything in that line we have seen. They were a rich golden in color, and measured 8 inches in circumference.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.

J. C. Franklin has sold his harness and saddlery to F. J. Sydall, late of Cedarvale, and will move to California, where he has friends and property. Mr. Franklin will leave with the best wishes of a large circle of friends who esteem him highly.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
S. D. Klingman had 80 acres of wheat this year, 40 acres of which was on new breaking. He has threshed out 1,700 bushels, which makes an average of 21 ½ bushels to the acre. The old ground alone would have averaged much better. The wheat is all No. 1 and 2.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
I. C. Loomis, near Arkansas City, after harvesting his wheat in the latter part of May, plowed up some of the wheat ground and planted it to corn of the common field variety on May 27th. Last Sunday, August 11th, J. C. McMullen ate roasting ears from that field of corn.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Mr. John Byard, of Dexter, has procured one of the new patent dryers and has gone into the peach drying business on a large scale. He has 500 bearing peach trees and will have at least 1,500 bushels of peaches, many of them of the largest and finest kinds. He will preserve many in cans.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
J. M. Barrick of Rock has our thanks for a string of the largest and finest Concord Grapes we ever saw. He has a large quantity of them and he has succeeded in raising a full crop of superior currants. He keeps them shaded and thinks in that way of treatment, currants will be a perfect success in this county.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                                        District Number One.
                                             [From Report of the District Clerk.]
Children between 5 and 6 years of age: 65.
Children between 6 and 16 years of age: 342.
Children between 16 and 21 years of age: 103.
Total: 510.
Average salary per month paid male teachers: $90.00.
Average salary per month paid female teachers: $37.50.
Public schools were open 33 1/7 weeks.
Receipts: From taxes: $4,069.86. From County fund: $18.70. From State fund: $604.75.
                 From all other sources: $20.40. [Total: $3,868.71. Does not compute.]
Expenditures: Teachers’ wages: $1,981.80. Rents, fuel, etc.: $694.97.
                 Furniture, etc.: $421.58. Overdrawn orders in 1877: $700.00.
                 They show a total of $3,798.40.
Balance on hand August 8, 1878: $70.25.
Tax levy last year, 13 mills; this year 14 mills.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.

Owen Shriver, of Sheridan Township, has been herding cattle in the Indian Nation this summer and has his family with him. He has two boys, Willie and Orby, six and four years old, and a pet colt. The boys harnessed up the colt and Orby, the youngest boy, with a rope tied in a slip knot around each of their necks. Willie then tied a bush to the colt’s tail for a plow and struck the colt to make him go. The blow startled him and the bush frightened him so that he ran, dragging the child by the neck, as much as a half mile, in a circle, returning to the starting point when the colt was so nearly choked down that Mrs. Shriver caught him and immediately released the boy, who was apparently choked dead and much bruised. She immediately carried him into the creek and used all means in her power to resuscitate him, and finally succeeded. The boy is doing well though badly bruised.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Skipped Republican County Convention Activities.
Ended up with the following State Convention Delegates: B. F. Baldwin, E. C. Manning, I. H. Bonsall, C. H. Eagan, J. D. Maurer, J. B. Nipp.
Delegates chosen for the Congressional Convention: E. A. Henthorn, W. P. Hackney, R. L. Walker, Dr. N. Hughes, H. H. Siverd, R. R. Turner, S. P. Strong.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                        Card of Thanks Re Deceased John L. Bell.
EDITOR COURIER: I wish to express through the columns of your paper to those dear friends whose sympathy was so promptly rendered to my brother in the trying ordeal through which he has been lately called to pass in laying away to his last rest our loved brother, John L. Bell, the heartfelt thanks of the bereaved mother, sister, and brothers. . . . To Rev. Mr. Platter, Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee, Miss Alice Herburt, and Mr. John Bowers our thanks are specially due. . . . J. E. S. BELL.
Los Angeles, California, August 1, 1878.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                                    Teachers’ Examination.
Arkansas City: Mrs. L. M. Theaker, Miss Dora Winslow, Miss Ella Grimes, Mr. L. E. Norton, Mr. C. M. Swarts, Miss Tirzie B. Marshall, Miss Anna O. Wright, Miss Mattie F. Mitchell, Miss Albertine Maxwell, Miss Flora Finley, Mr. Harvey Blount, Mr. A. E. Hon, Mr. Charles Hutchins, Mr. C. H. Sylvester, Mr. F. A. Chapin.
Dexter: Aldora Harden, Viola Harden, Kate L. Ward, Belle Byard, R. C. Maurer, Alpha Harden, Anna Harden, T. J. Rude.
Douglass: L. L. Hollinger.
Lazette: Emma Burden, Mary A. Tucker, Lucy Bedell, M. Hemenway, J. F. Tucker.
Little Dutch: H. H. Corson, J. C. Page, P. S. Martin.
Maple City: Risdon Gilstrap, B. A. Goodrich.
Red Bud: Porter Wilson, Joseph Bucher.
Moscow: Henry Dyer.
New Salem: Alice Johnson, Ella E. Davis, Sarah Bovee.
Rock: Electa F. Strong, G. W. Walker, W. H. Stewart, Simon Martin.
Silverdale: Jennie Scott, Albert Brookshire, D. S. Armstrong.
Tisdale: S. C. Smith.
Polo: Lorenzo Harris.

Winfield: Lewis Brown, Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Alice Pyburn, Pella Bradish, Nannie McGee, Amy Robertson, C. C. Critz, Maggie Stansbury, T. J. Floyd, Sarah E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Ray Nawman, Mary A. Bryant, Ioa Roberts, Mattie E. Minihan, John Bower, R. A. O’Neill, Alice Bullock, Ella Freeland, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, G. B. Richmond, Hattie F. Finch, Celina Bliss, Samuel Davis, Ida Carey, Allie Klingman, Fannie Pontious, A. B. Taylor, Warren Miller, Hattie McKinlay, Mrs. P. B. Seibert, Mrs. S. E. Litton, G. C. Whitelock, L. McKinlay, ‘Squire Hunble [?Humble].
There were 44 second grade and 34 first grade certificates issued, eight applicants failing to reach the required standard.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                             EAST BOLTON, August 12, 1878.
Mr. Clong, our new resident, is at present occupying Bonar’s castle.
Mr. Myers’ island is yielding quantities of grapes and plums. Mr. Myers is engaged in building an addition to his henhouse.
Much excitement was caused lately by two little boys of the neighborhood brining home the news of a man found dead in the woods. Search revealed an old coat thrown over a log.
Mr. Key’s family are mending. They have our sympathy, as the condition they have been in the last few months has been considered perilous. CROQUET.
[This correspondent makes a footnote signed by real name. This is correct and according to rule. It is not always necessary when the “nom de plume” is established, the hand writing familiar, and the article involves no responsibility; but even then it is always better so. ED.]
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                                         Serious Accidents.
Robert Bush, about 14 years old, living at Mr. Daugherty’s, about 2 miles northwest of Winfield on the Wichita road, was out on a horse to hunt jack-rabbits on Saturday afternoon. He was found at about 5 o’clock beside the road in an almost insensible condition with his left ear almost literally torn off, and his breast bone and collar bone on right side broken and his right ear bruised. He has since become conscious, but can give no explanation of what befell him. He seems to be doing well under the circumstances.
He has had a checkered career. Once formerly he had a plow share driven through the calf of his leg and nearly bled to death, and at another time he was butted by a ram and had his lip split open. He seems to be able to stand any kind of an accident.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Skipped Treasurer’s Quarterly Statement.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
The lawn social at Rev. J. E. Platter’s Tuesday night was a complete success. The evening was bright and cool, the grounds were ornamented by Chinese lanterns hanging on the trees, the ice cream was excellent, and a crowd of people highly enjoyed the occasion.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
DIED. The infant child of W. P. Hackney died Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.

The merchants of Girard, Cherokee, Baxter Springs, and all points on the Gulf road, are shipping their freight by the St. Louis & San Francisco and the M. & W. roads to Columbus, and hauling by team from there. Competition is the life of trade. It would probably cost twenty cents more per hundred pounds for Winfield merchants to haul their goods from Independence than it now does from Wichita, but we believe that much more than twenty cents per hundred pounds could be saved in freights by way of Independence.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                          CEDAR TOWNSHIP, August 6, 1878.
A wagon-box steal that resulted disastrously to the stealist. Last Wednesday as the three teamsters that had been freighting for the Ponca Indians from near Baxter Springs to the Ponca Agency, south of Arkansas City, were passing back near Maple City, they found a wagon broken down, and thinking it a good time to get something for nothing, they helped themselves to the box and cut for the Territory.
Soon after they left the owner of the wagon, Mr. Sparkman, came after it. Finding it gone, he made inquiry and came to the conclusion that the freighters had taken it. He at once mounted two of his boys and himself on mules and followed after them, and finally overtook them near Elgin, in Chautauqua County. Riding up to them, the three Sparkmans covered them with their howitzers and ordered them to about face, which two of them did, the third one begging off on the ground of not being in the steal.
As they were returning the fellow that had the box on his wagon broke and got away, leaving his team and wagon and his pal in Sparkman’s hands. Sparkman unhitched the team and turned it out to grass and made No. 2 haul the box back home with his team. When they arrived home they fed his team, gave the man his breakfast, and told him to go home and sin no more, which he will. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                                            District Court.
Judge Campbell writes to say that he would like to accommodate those who may desire an adjournment of the court for one week, but fears public interest would suffer thereby; therefore, the court will be held at the regular time and proceed without adjournment. Court commences August 26th.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                                                Tax Levy.
The County Commissioners made a levy at their meeting August 1, of 8 mills general fund county tax and 1 ½ mills bond tax. Winfield Township tax general 7 mills, road 8 mills, bond 4 mills. Creswell, general 3 mills, road 2 mills, bond 6 mills. Each of all the other townships general tax 1 mill. Dexter and Tisdale road tax 2 mills each.
The returns were not all in, especially the school districts which are not required to be returned before August 25. The board adjourned until the first Monday in September, to complete the levy.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Bliss & Co. are making pressed brick at their brick yard across the river north of the Stone Mill. They are putting up a kiln of 200,000 bricks. These bricks are expected to be much superior to the ordinary moulded brick, being moulded under a pressure of 500 pounds, which closes the pores, making them much smoother and of an even shape and regular size. This is an enterprise which will be of much value to our people, not only as furnishing superior brick but as furnishing occupation to laborers. The first kiln will be ready for delivery in about a week.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.

                                     LAZETTE, Cowley Co., Ks., Aug. 12, 1878.
Some cooler; thanks. A little excitement in the way of general fight. Prairie schooners are numerous on our streets. Our businessmen, viz: Mc D. Stapleton and Geo. Lee, are doing a good and fair business. We are in need of a first-class drug store. A harness maker could do well in this place.
We have two blacksmith shops doing a fair business, two wagon makers, and two “hotels,” all of which are first-class, and three M. D.’s who are waiting for business.
Professor Alberts is expected to teach our school the coming year.
B. H. Clover talks of moving the mill to a fine water power near Lazette. Cause: wood burned up. Save the timber, Ben. ALIE.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
                                                 RICHLAND, August 9, 1878.
We are going to have a weekly mail direct from Winfield to Polo; good.
Threshing wheat is the main business here just now. D. Ginler’s upland wheat yielded 19 bushels to the acre. It was threshed by Phoenix & Thompson on a Westinghouse Vibrator. They threshed in just five hours 242 bushels of wheat and 181 bushels of oats and cut twice and when done there was no waste, not a bushel to gather up under or about the machine. The next day they went to H. H. Hookers and threshed 520 bushels of wheat in one day and cut three times. They run by horsepower with ten horses; in a word, they have an excellent Vibrator and know how to run it.
Our primary was held on the 3rd, at Summit Schoolhouse, and elected four delegates to the Winfield convention, same delegates to represent in both conventions on the 10th, and were as follows: D. C. Stephens, J. W. Miller, M. C. Headrick, and N. J. Larkin. No instructions given.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office August 13, 1875.
FIRST COLUMN: Bosworth, Geo.; Bartlow, Ben; Barber, William; Bowin, W. F.; Bodenhamer, Wm.; Bush, W. W.; Buell, John A.; Cole, F. E.; Cower, Mary C.; Clark, Anna E.; Chapin, Ed.; Davis, Gertrude; Johnson, John F.; Kier, John.
SECOND COLUMN: Killgore, Mrs. P.; Murry, John; Miller, Chas. H.; Menkle, F. D.; Martin, Ida M.; Rawson, Fon; Sitton, James; Stevens, A. W.; Spenser, E.; Smith, J. C.; Truxal, Frank; Wing, Eugene E.; Winslow, Lizzie; White, Geo. B.; Watson, John.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878. Editorial Columns.
“The murder is all coming out now.” President Nickerson told Mr. So-and-so, and he told another man, who lives at Newton, that A.. T. & S. F. railroad would be extended down the Arkansas Valley immediately if Wichita did not behave herself in the matter of freights, etc.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Elected from Cowley County as a member of the Republican Executive Committee of the Third Congressional District of Kansas at the Wichita Convention: R. L. Walker.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Skipped 3rd District Congressional Convention article in editorial columns. Also skipped an editorial about low freights.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.

                                                     News Summary.
August 12, 1878. The Russians will evacuate Adrianople within six months.
Six cowboys had a fight with eight Indians on the Nueces River, Texas.
August 13, 1878. The Porte has appointed Mehemet Ali Pasha as his commissioner to Bosnia with a view to prevent further resistance to the Austrians.
August 14, 1878. The Emperor of Austria is much affected by the resistance to Austrian occupation of Turkish provinces.
Livingston, of the Crow-Creek Indian Agency, is accused of fraud.
August 15, 1878. Gen. Szapare’s division of the Austrian army of occupation was defeated near Tuzia [?Tuzla] after a battle which lasted twelve hours.
August 16, 1878. Col. McKenzie has again with his troops crossed into Mexico to pursue raiders.
Gen. Mezentzow, chief of the Emperor of Russia’s private police, was assassinated.
Thirty Turkish battalions have joined the insurgents against Austrian occupation in Bosnia.
A convention between Austria and Turkey in relation to Austrian occupation has been agreed upon.
August 17, 1878. The yellow fever is spreading in Southern cities and is more fatal than heretofore. Great alarm is exhibited and quarantine regulations have become general. In New Orleans, new cases 73; deaths, 27; total cases, 975; total deaths, 266; deaths for the last week, 140.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                              State News.
Mr. A. Howland, of Winfield, organized a lodge of “Knights of Honor” at Junction City on the 3rd inst.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Sheridan Schoolhouse needs a coat of paint.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
J. H. Silvers is erecting a residence building on South Millington Street.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Col. C. H. Robinson is on the street again, after a severe spell of sickness.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The braces for the self-supporting roof on Manning’s Opera House are up.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
DIED. Mr. Doolittle, on Ninth Avenue, lost a charming little girl by death last week.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
DIED. A child of Mrs. Willoughby, who lives on Meanor’s addition, died last week.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
A lady in town found a large snake in her chamber, upstairs, the other day. Ugh!
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The school board of District No. 1 are building a large frame schoolhouse in this city.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.

A. G. Wilson has thirty milch cows, which he offers to sell or trade for young stock.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
It is expected that the Arkansas River Bridge at Arkansas City will be ready to cross this week.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Emigrants fresh from Egypt (Illinois) are making their appearance in the southeast part of this county.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Sheridan Township is said to have bad roads at present. The supervisors should attend to this matter.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Johnston & Hill say they will duplicate Wichita prices on furniture. Call and see them at their new store.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Robert Hudson, the “prime mover” of buildings, has removed the old post office building to parts unknown.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Miss Flo Humphries, of Oxford, spent a few days of last week visiting her numerous friends in this city.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Mr. Conrad, of Tisdale, called last Saturday. When he went away there was left a splendid muskmelon on our table.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Elder A. Martin, of Illinois, will preach at the Christian Church each evening of this week and next Lord’s day.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Herman Jochems, our enterprising hardware merchant, is erecting a handsome brick residence in the east part of town.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Dr. Strong, who has been in the city for the past year practicing medicine, has left us to take up his residence in Carroll, Iowa.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Persons having claims against the estate of W. Q. Mansfield will confer a favor by presenting their claims properly authenticated at once.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
C. H. Payson will address the people of Sheridan Township on the Greenback question at the Sheridan Schoolhouse next Saturday evening.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The mail business has about settled down again into the old channels, arriving via Wichita at about 6 o’clock p.m., each day, Sundays excepted.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The “red-hot candy man” has a new “astonisher” in the way of a cider mill set up on Main Street, where you can get the pure juice of apple—”just squeeze.”

Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Marshal Stevens and the “Hotel de Finch” did a rushing business the latter part of last week. Charley knows how to preserve peace among our citizens.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
John A. McGuire, the Tisdale merchant, has gone with his family to Neosho County to visit his brother. Eugene A. Millard is conducting his store at Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Farmers, when you come to town, call and see Johnston & Hill’s new furniture store and ask the prices, and after this buy your furniture in your own county.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
J. Olmstead has just received a queen bee by express straight through from Italy. This goes bee-yond anything in the bee line ever seen in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Mr. L. Wilson, father of J. W. Wilson, the obliging clerk in the Citizens’ Bank, and family, have arrived in Winfield and intend making this their permanent home.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Capt. E. Davis, our former citizen, now of Carthage, Missouri, has just returned here from Wichita, where he has just disposed of a drove of horses at remunerative prices.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Mullin & Wood are “rounding up” for another drive of fat hogs. They will have about 300 in this drive and will take them to Wichita. They are buying stock hogs also.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Con. Glenn, our “boss” stone-mason, has just finished building a fine stone barn for John Brooks, of Lazette. Con. is a first-class mason and always gives satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
J. Ex Saint, Fred Hunt, J. F. Holloway, and Ed. Holloway have returned from Harper County. They recount various adventures: an account of which may appear next week.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Mr. A. E. Kelsey picked from the orchard of Mr. Geo. Brown, two miles north of Winfield, a peach weighing 8 ½ ounces and measuring 10 inches in circumference. Beat this who can.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Johnston & Hill have moved into their new stone building and are showing that they intend to do a “rushing” business by putting in the largest stock of furniture ever brought to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Lemuel A. Cook, late of Topeka, but one of the early settlers of Cowley, has recently come to this county to stay. He has taken him a new wife and will live on his large tract of land in South Bend.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Mr. Will Dilworth and Mr. Al Walburn, of Ft. Scott, Kansas, were in this place last week. They were taking orders for their new iron cornice. Mr. Gillelen, of this place, accompanied them back to Ft. Scott.

Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
C. C. Anderson, of Beaver Township, brought us this week several peaches (budded fruit), the smallest being 8 inches in circumference and the largest 10 inches. Mr. Anderson thinks he will have over 300 bushels this season.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The sidewalk on the west side of Millington Street is fast approaching completion; all down but one lot, and if the weather continues fair and the supply of stone doesn’t fail, we may hope to see it completed before the “spring rains” set in.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Messrs. Harter, Robinson, Giles, and Wallis returned from a trip to Salt Springs last Saturday and brought over twenty gallons of the “mineral water” with them. The boys are firm in the belief that the Springs are destined to be a great resort for invalids and persons seeking health and pleasure.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Read J. G. Dunscomb’s advertisement and price list in another column, and when you are in Wichita, call and see him. [I skipped Wichita ad.]
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
On the morning of the 15th, lightning killed one of the horses of J. W. Douglas, of Rock. It was during the storm. On the next morning a horse at the same place, belonging to R. B. Corson, was killed by lightning. The old saying that “lightning never strikes twice in the same place,” is now exploded.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The Wichita Beacon proposes the name of J. Wade McDonald, of Winfield, as the Democratic candidate for Congress from the Third District. Mr. McDonald would be a very popular candidate and in this section at least, would poll a vote far ahead of his ticket. If Tom Ryan was to be beaten by a Democrat, we would wish that Democrat to be J. Wade McDonald; but we think J. Wade will prefer some other man as the Democratic candidate.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
A cowardly assault was perpetrated on the person of Mr. Ross Turner by Bartley Hockett in Viers’ shop Wednesday. Turner was sitting with his back to the door when Hockett entered and without giving him the least warning, seized him by the shoulders, jerked him backward on the floor, and struck him several times in the face, and when Mr. Viers and Charles Tennant interfered, he took Turner by the throat and choked him severely. The probable cause is an old grudge, about which we are not prepared to say who is to blame.
Cedarvale Times.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                            A Horse Thief.

A Mr. Overturf, from Montgomery County, was in the city last week in search of a stolen horse, which he described to the sheriff and others. Mr. A. T. Shenneman heard a part of the description; and when returning from Wichita with his hack and passengers on Saturday, he met a man with a horse, which he imagined answered the description. He asked the man to come back to town with him, and he would pay for his time if the horse should not prove to be the stolen horse. The man promptly got into the hack and the horse was led behind. On the way in, Shenneman had occasion to stop at a house; and the man, taking advantage of it, eluded the passengers, took to the brush, and escaped. The horse proved to be the stolen one.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
J. Fitzgerald of Silver Creek, was in town Saturday. He is an enthusiastic advocate of low freights and the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
A. B. Odell, of Ninnescah, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Valentine Baehr, of Maple, called last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
We were glad to meet Mr. Sam. Wait in our office last week.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
J. W. Douglas, of Rock, brightened our office with a call last week.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                        The Wichita Markets.
                                     [From the Wichita Beacon, August 14, 1878.]
The price of wheat ranged, yesterday, from 50 cents to 62 cents. Over five hundred wagon loads were received. The daily shipments are from 35 to 40 cars. Corn is quoted at 25 cents, hogs at $3,25, and cattle at $2.25.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                        The Greenback Executive Committee.
Committee met August 17, J. R. Callison presiding, W. M. Allison, secretary. The committee chose N. C. Coldwell, J. R. Callison, F. W. Schwantes, and D. Elliott as delegates to the Congressional Convention at Florence August 20. The chairman and secretary were instructed to call a county convention to put a full county ticket in the field when they think best.
The following were appointed a committee to see after unorganized territory: F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, D. Elliott, J. R. Callison, J. W. Searle, A. S. Williams, B. H. Clover, N. C. Coldwell, Wm. Morrow, S. B. Hunt, C. C. Krow, O. C. Brubaker, and W. M. Allison.
[Not certain about initials for Callison: paper had J. B. Callison as well as J. R. Callison.]
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                             To Druggists.
A small stock of drugs, well assorted, clean and in excellent condition, with no unsalable goods and nothing in overstock, will be closed out at very favorable prices to settle an estate. Inquire of D. A. Millington, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                               BALTIMORE, August 18, 1878.
A little rain fell the night of the 16th, which pleased the farmers very much as the ground had got almost too dry to plow.
The threshing is about all done about here.
Some few have got their hay up and some have just commenced.

Quite a number are on the sick list this week. There is more sickness at present than has been known for the past four years.
Not much plowing done yet for wheat on account of the dry weather.
Plenty of peaches ripe and some watermelons.
A drove of 135 fat hogs passed through here last evening on their way to Wichita. They were bought in this part and about Lazette by a man from Wichita.
Some are hauling off their wheat to Wichita and El Dorado. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                       Items from the Arkansas City Traveler.
As Leon Lippmann and J. F. Pierce were driving to the Walnut, on the west side of the river last Monday, the wagon was upset in a rut and both parties thrown out. As Mr. Lippmann fell, his leg caught in the wheel striking him on the head, and inflicting a severe wound. The horses did not run far until they came against a tree and stopped.
The Pruden boys, who left this place some weeks ago on a flat boat loaded with 700 bushels of wheat, arrived at Little Rock last week safe and sound, having experienced but little trouble after leaving the mouth of Salt Fork. The boys deserve credit for their pluck and determined energy in making this venture; and we hope they will realize a good price for their wheat.
A pretty good joke was perpetrated on one of our restaurant managers last week by Col. Manning, who happened in to take supper. Being alone, he engaged in conversation with the lady about the steamboat that lately made the trip from Little Rock, Arkansas, stating:
“You have had a steamboat up the river lately?”
“Yes, a boat called ‘Aunt Sally’ came up and remained several days. Another one would have been up if it hadn’t been for a lawyer up at Winfield by the name of Manning. He came down with $500 and bought them off.”
“That was mean.”
“Yes, but it’s just like him. I’ve heard of him a long time, and it’s just like him.”
“Did you ever meet him?”
“Oh, yes. I was introduced to him and his wife when he was down on the boat.”
At this juncture the Colonel ran his nose into the coffee for fear of being recognized, and kept silent, when the lady asked:
“Do you live about here?”
“Yes, I live up in Beaver Township, on a farm.”
After supper he left, but called at the house again shortly afterwards, where he met two gentlemen that were looking for him. When he came in and was called by name by his friends, the surprise and embarrassment of the lady can better be imagined than described.

Young Winans, Merritt, and Wilson, three boys about sixteen years of age, were arrested on complaint of A. W. Patterson for breaking into the old saloon building and stealing liquor last Saturday night. They were taken to the calaboose and confined until Monday morning, when they were tried before the Police Judge and sentenced to nine days’ labor on the public highway, at $1 per day, deducting fifty cents per day for board, making eighteen days’ labor to be worked out. These boys have had their own way for some time; and in spite of the warnings of both parents and the public, finally committed a deed that under many circumstances would have sent them to the penitentiary. This should be a warning to others whom, if justice was done, would place them in the same position.
LATER. The $9 fine was paid and the boys released.
On last Sunday morning, as one of Lippmann’s men was hunting, he found the body of an old man that recently came up from the Territory, riding an old mule. A coroner’s jury was called and an examination held over the body, resulting in the decision that he came to his death from falling over the rock while in a state of intoxication. The only papers that could be found on his person was a letter to J. S. Brittain & Co., asking that he please forward a trunk. The body had lain until it was badly decayed, and had to be buried near the place where it was found. He was a man about forty-five years of age, dark complexion, dark hair, and weighing about 150 pounds.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                  TISDALE, August 17, 1878.
Fine rain last week. Haying commenced. Plowing for wheat nearly done. Horse race in town last Saturday. Several apple wagons in town. Town full of drummers.
J. W. Thomas’ little boy got a thigh broken coming from Wichita; he was run over by a lumber wagon.
Chas. Smith’s Red Jo was beaten Saturday, August 10. Charlie don’t blow so hard anymore.
C. G. Handy is threshing everything before him.
E. P. Young has a new pump. Don’t draw water with a string anymore.
R. H. Moore has a new patent double back action peach dryer.
Wm. Bradley is a success as a cash blacksmith.
Dr. Wright is having considerable practice; wonder why so many are sick this fall?
What has become of F. M. Kirby; hasn’t been in town for two weeks.
Where is that champion Grasshopper? The Unions, of Tisdale, will play them a single or series of match games of base ball if they choose to give them a chance. The Union boys think that the Grasshoppers gained the championship through the efficient use of printer’s ink, as we have never heard of their playing a match game. Why don’t they “put up or shut up?” This putting a challenge to a newspaper without official signatures is simply bombast. A club not acquainted with the Captain or Secretary has no chance to accept such a challenge. We do not know but the “Grasshoppers” are a printer’s chimera. Now gentlemen, the Union nine of Tisdale challenge you, the Grasshoppers of Vernon Township, to play a match game of base ball at Winfield, on the seventh (7th) day of September, 1878. If you accept the challenge, let it be known through the Winfield COURIER or address the Secretary or Captain of the “Union Nine” at Tisdale.
                           NITON JACKSON, Captain. E. A. MILLARD, Secretary.
Now come up or the Unions will claim the championship of the county.
J. W. Laffon has bought the Jno. Hughes claim north of town.
Arb. Tanner was in town last week.
Misses Gertie and Sada Davis are recovering from the intermittent fever.
Mrs. Ed. Millard has been visiting relatives and friends at Tisdale. NIP.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                    VERNON, July 19, 1878.

Another Vernonite.
Why in Samhill don’t somebody make it cooler?
Mrs. E. B. Gault and her little boy are lying sick at M. B. Rupp’s. S. H. Rupp is sick also.
Grapes and peaches are ripe, but everybody knows that.
Threshing is on the program. Wheat going from 20 to 28 bushels to the acre. If that don’t do about right, I will eat my old hat. We wish those Little Rock merchants would come with their boats and give us seventy-five cents for our wheat, then we would pick up courage enough to put in another crop. SCREECH OWL.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                  Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Boyer & Wallis is this 20th day of August, 1878, dissolved by mutual consent, J. O. Stuart taking the place of Boyer in said firm. All accounts due the late firm of Boyer & Wallis will be paid to their successors, Stuart & Wallis. Stuart & Wallis assume all liabilities of the late firm of Boyer & Wallis.
                                  W. M. BOYER. M. B. WALLIS. J. O. STUART.
All accounts due must be settled at once. STUART & WALLIS.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                BETHEL, AUGUST 18, 1878.
And still we have hot weather. We think we shall emigrate to the north pole soon. Plenty of ripe peaches and melons in this vicinity.
Mr. Otho Arnold has rented Frank Weakley’s farm and expects to take unto himself a wife and go to work in earnest.
Nelson R. Wilson expects to build an addition to his residence this fall.
S. A. Blanchard thinks he has lived the life of a bachelor long enough and now thinks of changing the thing “some time.”
Mr. Rudolph Howard has recovered from that serious accident and can “fling” the pitchfork as sprightly as before.
Harvey Dunham thinks he will take a trip down in Arkansas before long if he can arrange matters at home so he can leave.
There is a great deal of sickness in this vicinity at present, nothing serious though, chills and fever. A KEEN OBSERVER.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                         WICHITA, KANSAS, August 12, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Dear Sir: In taking my leave as pastor from the little congregation of Catholics at Winfield, I take this opportunity of expressing my sincere and heartfelt thanks, and “May God reward it” to all our Protestant friends, who so liberally and generously aided me in erecting the little church edifice for my Catholic brethren of Winfield and vicinity. I called upon the business houses along Main Street but for one single day last winter, and $175.00 cash was the result. Indeed, theirs was a noble response.
Thanks, thanks once more, too, to my fellow Catholic Christians for their effective good will towards me and my cause. May God pay it back a hundred fold, both in temporal and spiritual blessings, is the sincere wish and devout prayer of their grateful servant.
                                              J. C. SCHURZ, Pastor of Wichita.

N. B. The new pastor, Rev. Father Kraus, informs the Catholic public that hereafter divine service is on the first and third Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office August 21, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Alberding, H.; Alexander, Samuel; Alexander, Rhoda; Baus, L.; Beeson, Amara; Barnard, A. P.; Bradfield, W. C.; Burrett, James S.; Berry, J. S.; Beckley, Harry; Beltz, John A.; Bixby, Mrs. J. G.; Brown, George; Chapin, Edward Roe; Chancy, Isaac N.; Campbell, Mrs. Anna; Calkins, Sarah; Cane, Elizabeth; Decamp, Jacob; Davis, S. C.; Durham, P. W.; Edwards, Adonium; Fenis, Frank W.; Fetton, Amanda; Ferris, James; Evons, C. R.; Greenhow, William; Graves, Irwin; Greenhow, Thomas; Geps, William; George, John; Gore, Joanna; Gates, Clara M.; Hittle, Thomas; Himes, Hannah; Hill, Joseph S.; Henderson, Oscar; Heariet, James M.; Hawkins, Mrs. M. C.; Hammond, C. S.; Hayfer, George.
SECOND COLUMN: Haines, Lucian M.; Hayer, Monroe; Hammond, C. C.; Hammond, Miss Clara; Hill, J. R.; Hoge, Sarah L.; Holmes, L. M.; Harlan, Lucy; Hann, Amos; Hayden, P. C.; Hittle, Wm. H. K.; Johnson, E. L.; Johnson, John F.; Kinsman, Loomis; Lumpkins, J. L.; Lutan, David; Lency, Mary E.; Mills, David; Mentch, Alexander; McWarter, John A.; Mitchell, James; Mer, Joe; Mumaw, D. H.; Lane, J. W.; Olmsted, Oris; Osburn, C. N.; Owens, James; Pember, Mrs.; Robeson, Frank; Rounds, Rosa; Rhoads, A. J.; Ritter, C. C.; Redman, Will; Sanders, J. W.; Snoddy, James W.; Thurman, William; Thurman, John L.; Thompson, Mrs. Ellen; Tanner, Mrs. Hellin; Turner, Ben S.; Wilson, Noah; Wilson, Mutison.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “as advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                [Published in the Winfield Courier August 22, 1878.]
                                                     ORDINANCE NO. 82.
An Ordinance making an assessment on certain lots and pieces of ground abutting on sidewalks made by the City of Winfield.
Skipped the rest as it was next impossible to read.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
                                                                Trial List.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
                          FIRST DAY - CRIMINAL DOCKET. August 26, 1878.
State vs. Leland J. Webb. [James McDermott; E. S. Torrance, Coldwell & Coldwell.]
State vs. Daniel P. Faler. [James McDermott; E. S. Torrance.]
State vs. John W. Blissard. [James McDermott; Hackney & McDonald.]
State vs. Louis Tournier. [James McDermott.]
                                           SECOND DAY - CIVIL DOCKET.
A. H. Green vs. Sarah B. Requa. [Hackney & McDonald; Jas. McDermott and E. S. Torrance.]

M. L. Read vs. S. C. Winton et al. [Hackney & McDonald; Pryor & Pryor and A. J. Pyburn.]
Frank Porter vs. Eli W. Coulsen. [J. E. Allen.]
M. D. Wells & Co. vs. T. E. Gilleland. [Jennings & Buckman; Hackney & McDonald.]
Charles Seacat vs. Sarah Hostetler et al. [J. E. Allen; N. C. Coldwell.]
Henry Sheiffer vs. John F. Berner. [J. E. Allen.]
Rufus B. Waite vs. Board Co. Commissioners. [Pryor & Pryor; James McDermott.]
Mary H. Buck vs. John A. Tipton et al. [Buck & Kellogg.]
C. C. Harris vs. Sanford Day et al. [Hackney & McDonald and F. S. Jennings; James McDermott.]
Mary H. Buck vs. David J. Bright et al. [Webb & Black; Hackney & McDonald.]
Lucian McMasters vs. Nathan Hughes. [Webb & Black; Hackney & McDonald.]
Martin L. Wilson vs. George P. Wagner. [Hackney & McDonald; James McDermott and E. S. Torrance.]
J. H. Hill et al. vs. Geneva Jackson et al. [Hackney & McDonald; Coldwell & Coldwell and A. J. Pyburn.]
Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark et al. [Hackney & McDonald; A. J. Pyburn.]
Christopher C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn. [Hackney & McDonald; J. E. Allen and E. S. Torrance.]
Parker & Canfield vs. E. B. Kager et al. [James Christian; Pryor & Pryor.]
John C. McMullen vs. Martha A. Bowers et al. [Webb & Black; C. R. Mitchell.]
Elisabeth Meyer vs. William H. Brown. [Hackney & McDonald; C. R. Mitchell.]
                                                             THIRD DAY.
James W. Hamilton vs. John D. Pryor et al. [C. H. Payson; Hackney & McDonald and Pryor & Pryor.]
Nancy Bishop vs. E. B. Johnston. [C. H. Payson; Hackney & McDonald.]
Ledora A. Powell vs. John Stout. [Hackney & McDonald; Webb & Black and E. S. Torrance.]
Mercy M. Funk, Administratrix, vs. M. G. Troup, Administrator. [Jennings & Buckman; J. E. Allen.]
Mary Strickland vs. Henry Strickland. [J. M. Alexander.]
Robert H. Cox vs. Mat. Chambers et al. [James Christian; Hackney & McDonald.]
John Brooks vs. Samuel N. Bell et al. [Hackney & McDonald.]
William Martin vs. Laura Lewis et al. [A. J. Pyburn.]
John C. McMullen vs. Alfred Carry et al. [J. E. Allen; Hackney & McDonald.]
W. H. H. Maris vs. J. V. Waggoner et al. [A. J. Pyburn; J. E. Allen.]
State, on petition of Eugene E. Bacon vs. Clifton M. Wood. [James McDermott; Hackney & McDonald.]
Walter L. Pennington vs. Henrietta Craig et al. [Hackney & McDonald; J. M. Alexander.]
William B. Skinner vs. Charlotte Walck et al. [Hackney & McDonald.]
Nancy J. Ross vs. James Ross. [James McDermott.]
James Brayley vs. Jacob C. Groce et al. [Pryor & Pryor.]
Charles L. Flint vs. Chas P. Morgan et al. [Brown & Campbell and D. C. Beach.]
Charles L. Flint vs. Nannie J. Cease et al. [Brown & Campbell and D. C. Beach.]
Sarah E. Aldrich vs. James A. Kerr et al. [Pryor & Pryor.]

                                                           FOURTH DAY.
J. S. Chick vs. C. W. Mitchell et al. [E. S. Torrance; Hutchings & Denison.]
G. H. McCumber vs. William Storms. [C. H. Eagin; E. S. Torrance.]
John Lazell vs. Isaac N. Ellsbury. [D. C. Beach.]
Phillip Hedges vs. Emily C. Hedges. [M. G. Troup.]
C. M. Henderson vs. Frank Gallotti. [J. E. Allen; Pryor & Pryor.]
S. C. Brettun vs. Amelia Smiley et al. [Webb & Black.]
Sophia Schemerhorn vs. Strong Petter et al. [Webb & Black; Hackney & McDonald.]
Geo. M. Bayley et al vs. Drury Warren. [Webb & Black; Hackney & McDonald.]
S. L. Brettun vs. Isaac H. Phenis et al. [Webb & Black.]
M. Brettun vs. Wm. Smith et al. [Webb & Black; J. E. Allen.]
Lizzie Kelley vs. Wm. A. Kelley. [Hackney & McDonald.]
Michael Harkins vs. Charles Gallert. [Webb & Black.]
Nancy Bishop vs. E. B. Johnston. [C. H. Payson; Hackney & McDonald.]
C. A. Bliss et al vs. W. C. Bradfield. [James McDermott.]
James A. Loomis vs. E. B. Kager et al. [James A. Loomis; Hackney & McDonald, Torrance, and Pryors.]
W. H. H. Maris vs. T. W. Gant et al. [A. J. Pyburn.]
                                                             FIFTH DAY.
A. A. Jackson vs. The Winfield Town Company. [Coldwell & Coldwell and A. J. Pyburn.]
A. H. Green vs. Margaret J. McGee. [Hackney & McDonald; Coldwell & Coldwell and A. J. Pyburn.]
John Nichols vs. Harrison Barton. [E. S. Torrance; Jennings & Buckman.]
Henrietta Craig vs. W. L. Pennington et al. [J. J. Alexander; Hackney & McDonald.]
Oliver A. Pratt vs. John C. McMullen. [Pryor & Pryor; Webb & Black.]
Fonds & Gump vs. Walker Brothers. [Jennings & Buckman; Hackney & McDonald.]
Cochran, Carroll & Co. vs. Walker Brothers. [E. S. Torrance; Hackney & McDonald.]
J. P. Campbell & Co. vs. Walker Brothers. [E. S. Torrance; Hackney & McDonald.]
City of Winfield vs. Wm. A. Lee. [N. C. Coldwell; E. S. Torrance.]
City of Winfield vs. Dennis Lynch. [N. C. Coldwell; E. S. Torrance.]
                                                     E. S. BEDILION, Clerk.
Note: Lawyers—first named (for first party mentioned).
          After semicolon: lawyers for second party.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
From the premises of the undersigned, on Posey Creek, in Cowley County, a Dun Pony, black tail and mane, two segments of circle like rim of half moon on right shoulder; had about 50 feet of rope tied to his neck. Anyone giving information where he may be found will be suitably rewarded. D. EASTMAN.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878. Editorial Columns.
                                                A SUBSTANTIAL VICTORY.
                                       Let the Farmers and All the People Rejoice.
                         FREIGHT RATES ON THE A. T. & S. F. ARE REDUCED.

                                        $50,000 Saved to Cowley County Alone!
                            $1.00 Saved on Every Load of Wheat and Other Produce.
                                                 Printer’s Ink Did the Business.
The warfare on high rates of freight inaugurated by the COURIER a few weeks ago, and pursued ever since, assisted by some other newspapers, is beginning to tell.
The A., T. & S. F. has come down on the whole list and along the most of the line, but the greatest reduction is from Wichita and El Dorado to Kansas City.
On August 9th the Santa Fe Company issued a tariff which showed a reduction of one cent, or from 26 to 25 cents per 100 pounds on wheat from Wichita to Kansas City. On Monday, August 26th, these rates were reduced to 21 cents, and the reduction covers the whole list of produce. From the eastern and the western portions of the road the reduction is from 2 cents down. The center of reduction is Wichita and El Dorado, where it amounts to 4 cents. At Hutchinson, Newton, Peabody, and Florence the reduction is 3 cents; at Cottonwood, Emporia, and Osage City 2 cents; east of Osage City, no reduction; and west of Hutchinson to Spearville, the reduction is 2 cents. The tariff on other produce is reduced in proportion.
This reduction is of especial value to the people of Cowley County. It will save to the county at least $50,000, and to every farmer one dollar on every full load of grain he sells.
We thank the railroad managers for this concession. It shows that they know what they are about and will accede to reasonable demands when convinced that the interests of their road as well as of the people requires it. But while we congratulate our farmers on this victory, we are not satisfied and shall continue the war. The freights are yet much too high and should be still further reduced.
We give the company full credit for what it has done. Mr. Nickerson has fully redeemed the promise he made recently while here and has shown us that his promises can be relied upon. But we want a promise from him of a further and larger reduction, and we hope to get it. We believe, and the people believe, that ten cents a bushel is enough to pay from Wichita, and we shall be satisfied with nothing less favorable. We ask for fair rates, nothing more nor less, and shall continue to work for this result, both here and at Topeka, for we know that the people will be with us with their substantial support and their votes.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                        The Burlington Road.
“G. W. Hutchinson received a letter yesterday from P. B. Johnston, of Chicago, stating that the contract was concluded for grading and equipping the extension of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad from Burlington to Eureka, Greenwood County, Kansas. The contract specifies that the road must be finished and equipped in ninety days from September 1, 1878.” Kansas City Times.
So it seems that this road is to be completed to Eureka by the first of next December. If this is correct, the road may reach Winfield by May 1, 1879.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Below we give the financial plank in the platform adopted by the Republicans in the second congressional district.

“That experience having shown that the U. S. notes, commonly called Greenbacks, originally issued by a Republic administration during the war, are admirably adapted to all the purposes of a permanent paper circulation, we hereby declare ourselves in favor of retiring the notes of the national banks, and in making the greenback currency the sole paper currency of the country, and demand that it be issued in sufficient volume to fully accommodate all the wants of business, without depreciation in value, and that they be made receivable for all debts and dues, whether public or private.
“That we denounce the proposed issue of irredeemable fiat scrip, as a departure from the original and true greenback doctrine, as a measure of undisguised repudiation of solemn contracts and obligations, and as sure to result, if carried out, in universal bankruptcy and the total ruin of the producing classes.”
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                           News Summary.
August 19th. An ineffectual attempt was made to assassinate Gen. Todleben at Constantinople. The indications in Austria are that extensive war is imminent.
August 20th. After a severe engagement the Austrians occupied Serajevo.
August 23rd. The Khedive has projected important reforms in Egypt. Austria is organizing a second army of 180,000 men to watch Servia and Montenegro. Gen. Garibaldi denounces Germany and Austria and approves of Socialism.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                              State News.
Only six new cases of burning to death from explosions of coal oil this week.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Dr. Mendenhall is gone to Illinois for his wife.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Frank S. Jennings is moving into his new house.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Col. C. H. Robinson was taken ill again last Thursday, in his office. He is reported to be better however.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Elder A. Martin returned to his home in Illinois Monday.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
A. B. Quinton is spending a few weeks in travel and visit in Colorado.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The tin is being “plastered” on the roof of Col. Manning’s new building.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. E. E. Bacon and family are moving into their new house in the suburbs.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
J. C. Fuller’s residence is enclosed and looks more imposing than we anticipated.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The oldest and largest undertaking establishment in the county is Johnston & Hill’s.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
John Hohenscheidt proposes to build a fine brick residence just east of H. Jochems.

Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
A. G. Wilson has thirty milch cows which he offers to sell or trade for young stock.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
H. H. Moore, of Sheridan, left with us last week a peck or two of his fine peaches. Thanks.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
J. F. Miller has quite recovered from a severe spell of sickness. We are glad to see him around again.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
H. Jochems has got his splendid brick residence enclosed. It is an ornament to the east part of town.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Dr. W. G. Graham has made an extension to his residence on Elm Row, making it quite an imposing structure.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
M. L. Robinson’s residence is nearly completed, and is one of the most magnificent structures in the Southwest.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Bliss & Co. are said to have lost 15,000 moulded brick by dissolution either from perspiration of the workmen or late rains.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mortgages are getting “thin” in this county. An unusual number are being released of record and very few new ones are being recorded.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Prof. George W. Robinson and C. C. Harris drove to Wichita last week, and spent a day or two in this city. Of course, they didn’t go to see their girls!
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Andy Gordon has some of the finest ripe apples raised in his garden we ever saw.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
DIED (?). We hear that a boy drowned in the Arkansas River, about eight miles west of this place, a week ago last Sunday. We have not got the name or particulars.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. I. N. Holmes, brother of John H. Holmes of Rock, has arrived from Indiana and proposes to locate. He is accompanied by Mr. G. W. Carnes, of Thorntown, Indiana.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. F. J. Arnold, of Richmond, Virginia, is in the city vending a new patent treadle to sewing machines.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Rev. Mr. Cairns has accepted the call of the Baptist Church in this city and will commence his pastorate about October 1. Rev. N. L. Rigby will occupy the desk until that time.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.

The band, after a rest of several weeks, met again Friday night at the Courthouse. The boys say they’ll make that Leavenworth military band feel sick if it comes down to our fair.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. T. J. Miller, of Rantoul, Illinois, is visiting his brother and sister-in-law, J. Ex. and Emma Saint, in this city. He is looking up a location and will settle in this county if he can purchase to suit.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Dell Kennedy, son of Mrs. Stump, has returned to Winfield. He has been living the past year in Illinois. A party was given the young folks last Friday evening by Mrs. Stump in honor of his return.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Miss Mattie Minnehan has been engaged to teach in the Hickok schoolhouse, three miles southeast of town, for a term of three months, commencing September 30. The scholars of that district may feel sure of having a pleasant, profitable term with Miss Minnehan as their instructor.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
‘Squire Barrick, of Rock Township, brought us Saturday some of the finest and best peaches that we have seen or tasted this season. Some of them measured 10½ inches in circumference and weighed 9½ ounces.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. O’Neil is building a fine residence in the east part of the city.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
E. S. Bliss has been rusticating in the country for a few days.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
G. C. Bolton has opened a meat market in the Sparr Bro.’s old stand.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Thanks to Mr. George Arnold for some of his fine peaches.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The Arkansas River Bridge at Arkansas City is completed and in operation.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
T. A. Wilkinson has the contract for building the schoolhouse in District 115.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. Jillson is building a two-story store 24 x 48 on the lot next south of the Boyle building.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. John Byard, of Dexter Township, brought us some fine peaches of the Indian variety.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Stuart & Wallis have just received a splendid assortment of new hats. Call and see them.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Last week Curns & Manser sold a farm on the Walnut to Stephen Shephard, of Joplin, for $1,400.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
J. W. Hamilton seems to be the leader of the National Greenback Labor party of Central Cowley.

Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
If you want a good drill, go to T. A. Wilkinson. He is closing out his drills cheap.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
District No. 92, in Silver Creek Township, voted bonds to the amount of $400 for building a schoolhouse.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The Santa Fe railroad will carry delegates to the Democratic state convention at Leavenworth at half fare.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Henry Asp made his maiden speech to a jury last week. His winning the case augurs well for his future success.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mrs. Jay Page left this city last Thursday to take up her residence with her late husband’s friends in Milwaukee, Wis.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mullen & Woods are paying 2½ cents for hogs in round lots. There has been a break in the market, hogs one-half cent off.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mrs. Campbell accompanies the Judge and will stay at Winfield during court. They are domiciled at the Central Hotel.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Curns & Manser sold 160 acres of land on Little Dutch for $2,000 last week. It was one of the Willet farms to Mrs. Covert.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
MARRIED. On the 25th inst., by J. W. Barrick, Esq., at his residence in Rock Township, Mr. C. H. Mayse to Miss Emma Parr. Both of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
John Moffitt has moved the house formerly used as the office to his lumber yard to 8th avenue, east of the old log store, and has built a new office in its place.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Col. James D. Snoddy, of LaCygne, has been visiting his brothers-in-law, the Baird Brothers, in this city, this week. Col. Snoddy has long been one of the most prominent lawyers and politicians of the state.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
FIRST FRUIT. J. P. Short is again in the market with peaches, and people who have been waiting on him can now be supplied. See his “ad.” in another column.
I am now prepared to deliver fine canning fruit; large white and yellow clings for preserving and picnicking, and fruit suitable for drying and peach butter. Leave word for me at McCommon & Harter’s drug store and I will call and take your orders. J. P. SHORT.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
It is said that Wichita is full of wheat, that every building available is stored with it because the railroad has not got the stock to carry it away as fast as it arrives.

Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The COURIER boys are under many obligations to Mr. R. R. Turner, of Otter Township, for some fine peaches this week.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Among the finest specimens of apples we have had this year is one of the Early Harvest variety raised on the farm of Chas. H. Phenix, four miles east of town, measuring over 11 inches in circumference.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
J. C. Franklin leaves with his lady for Santa Rosa, California. We bespeak for them in their new residence a cordial reception.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
A. J. Thompson sowed eight bushels of Fultz wheat on the 20th of October last, on 8 acres of upland. He harvested 301 bushels of No. 1 wheat. It ripened June 1st. Thirty-seven and five-eights bushels per acre is a rather good yield under such circumstances.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. H. J. Donnelly, one of the substantial farmers of Bolton Township, was in town Monday. He is a former Johnson County farmer, but says though Johnson is the best farming county in the state, Cowley beats it.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
An old fellow asked us who was putting up that barn by the schoolhouse. We informed him that the building referred to was intended for the primary departments of the public school. He looked at us a moment and said, “Do you take me for a fool?” We passed.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Will Robinson returned from the mountains last Monday. He has gained 7 pounds in flesh and fourteen pounds in health during his five week’s absence. He saw the total eclipse, tramped through the canyons, climbed mountains, and saw the lightnings play beneath his feet, took rain shower baths, some of which lasted all day, and met with many adventures.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Mr. C. M. Wood on last Sunday morning was attacked by a 250 pound boar who seized him by the leg, threw him down, and commenced “chawing him up” in the most ferocious manner. R. B. Waite came to the rescue and saved C. M. from being turned into pork. It seems the hog fortunately was not equipped with tusks and therefore his victim was not torn but only bruised.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The State Republican Convention met at Topeka yesterday. Delegate J. B. Nipp started last Friday, and delegates C. H. Eagan, B. F. Baldwin, E. C. Manning, and I. H. Bonsall started Monday. J. D. Maurer probably went by way of Eureka. James Kelly, R. L. Walker, and Ed. Clisbee go along for company. We have an inveterate habit of guessing, so will guess that John A. Martin, L. U. Humphrey, T. H. Cavanaugh, P. I. Bonebrake, John Francis, A. H. Lemmon, Willard Davis, and A. H. Horton will be the nominees. If we hit right on five out of the eight, it will be a good guess. We still think Martin will be the nominee for governor on the first formal ballot.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.

                                                       Council Proceedings.
                                                 WINFIELD, August 19, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, and councilmen Gully, Robinson, and Wood present.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The finance committee were instructed to ascertain what amount could be realized for the pest house.
Action was taken on the following bills [showing Amount Allowed].
C. C. Stevens, marshal: $40.00
Lynn & Gillelen, merchandise: $8.50
A. T. Shenneman, horse hire. [Claimed $2.00.]  Referred to finance committee.
Bill of J. H. O’Brien for laying walk, $11.54, allowed, and sidewalk certificate ordered issued. Adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, CLERK.
                                                       SPECIAL MEETING.
                                                           August 20, 1878.
J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present except H. Jochems.
Ordinance No. 82, in relation to levying tax for payment and of walks constructed passed.
Ordinance No. 83, in relation to retailing fruit on streets, held on table.
The following resolution was read and passed.
Resolved, That the city limits of the city of Winfield are hereby extended to embrace and include that portion of the southeast quarter of section 28, township 32, south of range 4 east, known, platted, and recorded as the Loomis addition to the city of Winfield. Adjourned.
                                                        J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                          CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Aug. 28, 1878.
Weather very warm, health very poor. There are whole families down sick. Drs. Wagner and Phillips are busy making calls.
DIED. A 14 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Matthews died last Wednesday and was buried Thursday.
DIED. On Friday evening at 5 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Searles’ little Charlie died, aged 1½ months; was buried in the grounds of the Beaver Creek Cemetery Association.
It is useless to add that the bereaved parents in both cases have the sympathy of the entire community.
All of Donald Day’s family, consisting of himself, wife, and eleven children, are down.
Mr. Sparkman has four or five sick in his family and there are members of others sick in and around here. Very little if anything being done. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                            District Court.
Met Monday morning, August 26th, 1878.

Present: Judge W. P. Campbell, Sheriff C. L. Harter, Clerk E. S. Bedilion, Attorneys McDermott, Torrance, C. Coldwell, N. C. Coldwell, Hackney, McDonald, Pryor, Pyburn, Allen, Jennings, Buckman, Black, Webb, Alexander, Beach, Troup, Jarvis, Asp, of Winfield; and Dennison, of Osage Mission.
The following cases were continued: McMasters vs. Hughes, Brettun vs. Phenis.
The following were dismissed: Buck vs. Bright; Bliss vs. Bradfield; Maris vs. Gant; Nichols vs. Barton—appeal; Fonda & Gump vs. Walkers; J. P. Campbell & Co. vs. Walkers; Winfield vs. Lee—appeal; Cochran, Carroll & Co. vs. Walkers; Powell vs. Stout.
Judgment for plaintiff on default in the following: Maris vs. Waggoner, Brayley vs. Groce, Lazell vs. Ellsbury, Brettun vs. Smiley, Schemerhorn vs. Pepper, Bayley vs. Warren, Harkens vs. Gallert, Maris vs. Gant.
Daniel P. Faler plead guilty of assault and battery. Judgment, nominal fine and imprisonment.
Martin vs. Lewis, M. G. Troup appointed guardian of minor defendants ad litem; judgment against others.
Skinner vs. Walck. D. C. Beach appointed guardian of minor defendants ad litem; judgment against others.
Chick vs. Mitchell et al. Removed to the U. S. circuit court.
Henderson vs. Gallotti. Motion overruled.
Craig vs. Pennington. Improperly on the docket.
Jury was called and court adjourned to 9 o’clock a.m., August 27.
The following are the names of jurors drawn for this court: Levi Fluke, O. P. West, Thos. Parvin, S. D. Klingman, J. E. Cox, Sampson Johnson, A. B. Gardner, H. S. Libby, I. B. Todd, Michael Bush, H. J. Donley, T. A. Chapin, T. B. Myers, Dennis Cunningham, J. I. Mitchell, Devine Terrill, Daniel Hawkins, G. W. Yount, W. T. Beasley, J. W. Browning, Rudolph Hoffmaster, D. M. Patton, J. P. Short, J. W. Millspaugh.
                                                TUESDAY—SECOND DAY.
State vs. Louis Tournier. Defendant discharged.
Hamilton vs. Pryor; motion overruled.
State vs. John Blizzard. Trial by jury, continued all day and jury were out most of the night. Verdict: guilty and recommends the prisoner to the mercy of the court.
                                               WEDNESDAY—THIRD DAY.
State vs. L. J. Webb; motion for change of venue. Defense given until tomorrow morning to file additional affidavits in support of the motion.
M. L. Wilson vs. G. P. Wagner; jury empanneled and trial proceeded.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                            To The People Of Cowley County.
The committee appointed in this city at a railroad meeting held on the 10th of June, 1878, to conduct all correspondence with the President of the A. T. & S. F. Co. in relation to the extension of a branch road through this county, in obedience to their instructions respectfully submit the following report.

Under date of Aug. 20th the president of the Santa Fe Co. writes us that his company are now engaged in negotiation with the people of Sedgwick County for an extension of that branch down the Arkansas Valley to this point and thence on to the southern boundary of this county via Arkansas City. The Santa Fe Co. also contemplate at no distant day to form a connection with the Fort Smith & Little Rock Co., and thus give us a southern connection. If the pending negotiations with Sedgwick County fail, then the Santa Fe Co. propose to extend the El Dorado branch of their road down the Walnut Valley, and on south as before indicated. In either event the people of this county will be benefited by the extension. We must bear in mind, however, that our present efforts depend largely upon the success of President Nickerson’s negotiations with the people of Sedgwick or Butler counties, and if they should obstinately refuse to cooperate and furnish the requisite aid, our failure to secure a branch road can in no wise be attributed to the disinclination of the Santa Fe Co. to help us.
Pres. Nickerson is of the opinion, that if his present efforts are crowned with success, he will be able to complete the road to this point during the coming year; nevertheless, he calls our attention to some obstacles which he can neither foresee or control. Among these are “strikes,” stringency of the money markets, difficulties of obtaining “ties.”
      We felt authorized to assure Pres. Nickerson that our people would cordially cooperate with his company, whether the extension came from Wichita or El Dorado; that you would subscribe to the extent of $4,000 per mile for each mile of completed road; and as to time, interest on bonds, and all matters of mere detail that you would deal with a liberal and considerate spirit.
We deem it not improper to add that the Santa Fe Co. is now building a western extension to the Rio Grande, at or near Albuquerque, and so soon as the Southern Pacific is extended east from Yuma, they propose to form a junction, and thus give to the people of Kansas an outlet to the Pacific and the rapidly developing great west for their surplus.
The most casual observer, therefore, cannot fail to realize that if the national objects of the Santa Fe Co. can be carried out the people of this county, by a subscription to one road, will secure three outlets east, west, and south.
Trusting that our action thus far may meet your approbation, we respectfully suggest that each of the township trustees, and other representative men of the county, will meet in this city on Thursday, the 5th of September, 1878, and take such further action as may be deemed requisite.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                    Democratic Convention.
The delegates to the Democratic County Convention met according to call at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, August 24th, at 2 o’clock p.m., and the meeting was called to order by Hon. A. J. Pyburn.
The veteran, Judge T. B. Ross, was chosen permanent chairman, and J. S. Allen secretary. There were twenty-five delegates present and, on motion, the call of the delegates was dispensed with and the meeting resolved itself into a mass convention.
The following named gentlemen were chosen delegates and alternates to the state convention, which meets at Leavenworth on Wednesday, September 4th, 1878, viz:
Delegates: A. J. Pyburn, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Ross, A. Walton, W. D. Lester, J. B. Adams.

Alternates: C. C. Black, R. B. Pratt, J. F. Miller, Ed. Green, J. Christian, T. McIntire.
It was voted that the delegates chosen have power to fill vacancies.
Convention adjourned.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                          Grange Elevator.
The farmers of this county will be gratified to learn that the Grange Elevator at Wichita will be open for their use about September first. Dr. J. H. Phelps, of Floral, is agent for the elevator, and solicits donations and subscriptions to the stock.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office, August 28, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Atkinson, S. B.; Casbear, Liverton W.; Clabough, C. T.; Corbin, A. V.; Blevins, Elder; Baxter, John L.; Fowler, Miss Nellie; Gates, Elias; Girden, John; Himes, Hanner.
SECOND COLUMN: Johnson, John F.; McMannamy, A.; McCurry, Jas.; Morris, T. E.; Manning & Lund; Magginnis, T.; Maders, Rhoza; Newell, Catharine F.; Nutter, J. E.; Overman, S. F.; Runyan, Dora I.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
Peter Langenfelter to Isaac C. Langenfelter, w ½ nw 29, 30, 3; 80 acres, $350.
Peter Langenfelter to John F. Langenfelter, ne 29, 30, 3; 160 acres, $800.
Mary E. Langenfelter to Peter Langenfelter, lot 3 and s ½ nw 2, 30, 3; 160 acres, $700.
Peter Langenfelter to Mary E. Langenfelter, e ½ nw 20, 30, 3; 80 acres, $300.
E. A. Goodrich and wife to Wm. R. Carie, se 21, 34, 6; 160 acres, $1,000.
E. B. Loomis and husband to Stephen Collins, se 31, 31, 6, 160 acres.
J. H. Cunningham to A. W. Graham, se 33, 34, 3; 160 acres, $800.
Frank Newhouse to George H. Godfrey, s ½ nw 29, 31, 3; 80 acres, $500.
Richard Haworth to Miles Harp, s ½ se 33, 32, 7; 160 acres; $900.
Robert Craig and wife to Geo. W. Dunn, lots 6 and 7, 34, 34, 41; 80 acres.
Cassius M. Lewis and wife to Wm. Martin, nw 23, 32, 3; 160 acres, $200.
Mortimer D. Snow to Laura L. Snow, part of se 9, 38, 4; 40 acres; $500.
Mary A. Moss to Mary L. Roland, se 8, 35, 3; 160 acres, $1,000.
William Ledman to Silas H. Sparks, e ½ sw 26, 33, 4; $700.
H. C. Loomis to Henry Williams, in se 28, 32, 4; ½ acre, $40.
C. G. Holland and wife to James M. Coulter, in se 8, 39, 3; 60 acres, $1,000.
Rudolph Hite to Emma J. Hale, n ½ se 29, 33, 7; 80 acres, $1,000.
J. H. Nichols and wife to Julia A. Stevens, lot 2, block 187, Winfield; $300.
George Gray and wife to James Jordan, lot 44, block 186, Winfield; $300.
J. G. Bullen and wife to Cynthia J. Cody, lot 9, block 135, Winfield; $275.
Read & Robinson and wives to Cynthia J. Cody; lots 8 and 9, block 135, Winfield; $75.
J. E. Platter and wife to Frank Williams, half 12, block 129, Winfield; $3,000.
James Jordan to Eliza J. Gray, lot 4, block 186, Winfield; $90.
Jos. B. Blandin to S. H. Myton, lots 2, 3, 10, 11, and 12, block 67, Winfield; $300.

Linus J. [? S. ?] Webb to Robt. O. Jillson, lot 3, block 130, Winfield; $350.
E. P. Kinne and wife to Adeline M. Fleckenger, lots 17 and 18, block 110, and lot 10, block 53, Arkansas City; $100.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                                        Marriage Licenses.
James H. Peters - Louisa Thomas.
Dexter N. Davis - Laura Hammond.
Lemuel S. Cook - Anna M. Lilly.
Silas Thorle - Hannah Crabtree.
Joseph A. Jones - Eliza Winters.
C. H. Mayse - Emma Parr.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                          SHERIDAN TOWNSHIP, August 26.
On Saturday evening a Greenback meeting was held at the Sheridan schoolhouse, addressed by Charles H. Payson and J. W. Hamilton, of Winfield, and J. B. Callison, of Crab Creek. Mr. Payson first addressed the meeting. His strictures upon the actions of the Republican party for the last ten years were cutting and severe. He affirmed that the Republican party had not passed a single act in congress favoring the laboring classes, but that every act had been passed especially in the interest of capital. Mr. Payson had no complaint to make against those who brought on the war that created this great debt he loves so well to talk about. Mr. Hamilton’s remarks were well received. Cheer after cheer went up as he advanced with the different parts of his subject. Especially was the enthusiasm and excitement at the highest point when he announced in his deep earnest tone of voice that was distinctly heard in every part of the house, “That old France was out of debt and had paid her debt with paper dollars.” Mr. Callison gave a detailed account of conversations he had with two distinguished Republican leaders, Hon. Tom Ryan and Colonel Sumner, of El Dorado. If Mr. Callison made no mistake in his account of these conversations, he most certainly got away with the distinguished gentlemen badly. They are truly to be pitied, but it is to be hoped that they may live over their humiliation and that they may be wiser and better men in the future, and know enough to keep silent when such men as Callison are around.

After the speaking was concluded a call was made by Mr. Callison to organize a Greenback club. Four men promptly responded to the call: three Democrats and one Republican. All seemed harmony and peace until a distribution of the offices of the club was attempted to be made, when it was discovered that there was one office short, four men and three offices. The Republican member being in the minority was compelled to stand aside and let the three Democrats gobble up the offices. A reconciliation, however, took place, and an amicable adjustment of the difficulty was made. The Republican member was promised that he should represent the club at the Great National Convention to come off some time in September at Winfield. If this arrangement is not fully carried out, trouble is anticipated. Esq. Morrow, the leading Greenbacker of the township, was not in attendance at the meeting, having been detained longer at a horse race than he had expected. He wishes it distinctly understood, however, that he has not gone back to the weak and beggarly elements of the Democratic party, but he expects to still earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to him by Brick Pomeroy. MOSBY.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878. Editorial Columns.
Recap only of Republican State Convention.
This body met at Topeka on August 28th.
Nominated for Governor: Martin, Anthony, St. John. St. John declared winner.
On the first 14 ballots Manning, Baldwin, Maurer, Eagin, and Nipp of Cowley delegation voted for Anthony, Bonsall voting constantly for Martin. On the 15th ballot Manning made a short speech and the five Cowley County delegates left Anthony and voted for Martin. This caused some excitement and after the 16th ballot in which they voted the same way the convention adjourned until morning after which caucuses were held and an attempt made to combine the forces of Anthony and St. John.
A ballot was taken for Superintendent of Public Instruction, C. R. Pomeroy receiving 32 votes and Allen B. Lemmon the balance, or several times as many, but before the result was announced Mr. Lemmon was made the unanimous choice by acclamation.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878. Editorial Column.
                                             THE BURLINGTON RAILROAD.
Gen. Schofield and other magnates and capitalists are to be in this city this week to make Cowley County a direct proposition in relation to extending that road into this county as rapidly as men and money can do it.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878. Editorial Column.
                                                  WALNUT VALLEY FAIR.
                                             At Winfield, Sept. 11, 12, 13, & 14.
                                              All is Ready, the Ground is in Trim,
                                                   And Everything Convenient.
                                           The Funds All Subscribed and Paid In.
                                        On the Opening of the Fair the Association
                                                      Will Not Owe a Dollar.
                                                           Success Assured.

Through the exertions of the officers of the Walnut Valley Fair Association all the necessary funds have been subscribed and paid in, the grounds have been procured and elaborately prepared, the sheds, booths, and other conveniences built, and everything is in readiness for the opening of the fair. The association start into the fair exposition free of debt and success is assured. There will be the finest exhibition ever held in this valley. From the flood of applications and correspondence that have been received, we gather that almost every kind of produce, manufactures, and stock that is seen at western fairs will be exhibited. It promises to be an occasion of the greatest interest and advantage to the people of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878. Editorial Columns.
                                                        A NEW INTEREST.
On Thursday evening a barge arrived at our wharf loaded with wheat from Arkansas City, Kansas. Arkansas City is situated on the Arkansas River, near or at the mouth of Walnut Creek, some three hundred miles above this place. The boat was in charge of Messrs. Pruden and Palmer, and the wheat is a part of the cargo purchased for the Aunt Sally, and left by her because of some unknown influence, and is being transported down to fill the contract made with Mr. Shearholtz for Eisenmeyer & Co., of Little Rock. Mr. Pruden says he started with 650 bushels, and finding shoal water at Ponca Agency he had to store 250 bushels. His boat draws fifteen inches light, but with his load, from Ponca down, he had no trouble. He was on the way since July 16, and laid up six days on the trip. Much credit is due to the pluck of Messrs. Pruden and Palmer, and they should be encouraged. This trade may prove a valuable one to this section, and the people of that part of Kansas are so anxious to establish it, we should give them all the aid and all the encouragement in our power. We will refer to the subject again. Ft. Smith Herald.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. Warren Gillelen has returned from Fort Scott.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
The public schools open next Monday for the fall term.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. Frank Baldwin has gone to Leavenworth to see his friends.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. Suss has gone to St. Louis. He will be gone three weeks.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Thanks to A. Bookwalter for a couple of watermelons.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
A. G. Wilson has thirty milch cows which he offers to sell or trade for young stock.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baird have gone to Linn County to spend a few weeks with Mrs. Baird’s parents.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Next Saturday the “Grasshoppers” of Vernon threaten to “chaw up” the “Union” base ballists of Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Leonard Stout, of Ninnescah Township, sent in two apples of the Hawking variety that measured over twelve inches in circumference.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
R. F. Burden and C. A. Bliss have gone to Eureka to meet Gen. Schofield and the railroad magnates. No better men could have been sent from here.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.

Dr. Mendenhall was called to Illinois on Sunday morning to be absent four weeks. Dr. Davis will occupy his office and attend to all calls left there.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Miss J. E. Mansfield has just received a new and beautiful lot of millinery goods which she is offering at most favorable prices. Ladies should call and see.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
William and J. J. Shreves, friends of E. P. Kinne, and from his old home in Illinois, are spending a few days in our city. They are looking up a location.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. Jo. Southard, of Independence, brother of Tuck. Southard, of our city, has accepted a situation in J. E. Earnest’s grocery store and will make this city his future home.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. Leonard Farr, one of the substantial men of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and an old personal friend of the junior editor, is in the city looking after interests in this county.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
A little girl of Mr. Whitzler, driving the horse which pumps for Barton at the machine shop, got caught in the machinery the other day and came near being mashed up, but her outcries brought assistance in time to save her.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Holloway celebrated the second anniversary of their wedding August 27th by inviting a number of the young folks of town to spend the evening with them.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
DIED. A son of James F. Harden, of Dexter, about 12 years old, ran a weed into his foot a week ago last Saturday, and from the effects of it, mortification set in and it became necessary to amputate the leg, which was done on Sunday, the 1st inst. The boy died the same evening at 8 o’clock.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Mr. Noah Harris, of Indiana, arrived last Thursday evening and will settle in this county.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                                            District Court.
State vs. John W. Blizzard. Trial by jury. Verdict guilty.
G. M. Bailey et al vs. Drury Warren. Judgment for plaintiffs, $822.72.
State vs. L. J. Webb. Venue changed to Sedgwick County. Defendant bound over to appear in $12,000 and witnesses recognized to be in attendance.
State vs. Louis Tournier. Defendant discharged.
M. L. Read vs. S. C. Winton et al. Judgment for plaintiff $337.37 [? HARD TO READ] and foreclosure.
Frank Porter vs. E. W. Coulson. Continued.
M. D. Wells & Co. vs. T. E. Gilleland. Judgment for plaintiff $62.25.
Mary H. Buck vs. John A. Tipton et al. Judgment, foreclosure.
Same vs. D. J. Bright et al. Dismissed.
L. McMasters vs. N. Hughes. Continued.
J. C. McMullen vs. A. Carry et al. Dismissed.

James Brayley vs. J. C. Groce et al. Judgment for plaintiff $452.90.
John Lazell vs. L. N. Ellsbury. Judgment for plaintiff $167.
S. L. Brettun vs. A. Smiley et al. Judgment for plaintiff $567.82 and foreclosure.
M. Brettun vs. Wm. Smith et al. Continued.
M. Harkins vs. C. Gallert. Judgment for plaintiff $498.82.
Nancy Bishop vs. E. B. Johnson. Petition in error dismissed.
S. Schemerhorn vs. Strong Pepper et al. Judgment for plaintiff $408.87 and foreclosure.
Lizzie Kelly vs. W. A. Kelly. Divorce granted.
C. C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn. Continued.
M. L. Wilson vs. G. P. Wagner. Trial by jury. Verdict for plaintiff $70.
State vs. C. M. Wood. Dismissed.
W. B. Skinner vs. C. Walck et al. Judgment for plaintiff quieting title.
Elizabeth Myers vs. W. H. Brown. Judgment for plaintiff quieting title.
Mary Strickland vs. Henry Strickland. Divorce granted.
C. L. Flint vs. N. J. Cease. Plaintiff’s title confirmed.
City of Winfield vs. Lynch. Dismissed.
A. A. Jackson vs. Winfield Town Company. Continued for service.
Philip Hedges vs. E. C. Hedges. Divorce granted.
Sarah E. Aldrich vs. J. A. Kerr et al. Judgment for plaintiff $258.66 and foreclosure.
Mary Buck vs. John A. Tipton et al. Judgment for plaintiff $220.80 and foreclosure.
J. B. Hill et al vs. Geneva Jackson et al. Judgment for plaintiff for recovery of real estate.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                            Office of Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe Railway Co.
                                      BURLINGTON, KANSAS, Aug. 31, 1878.
A. H. GREEN, Attorney at Law, Winfield, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: I arrived at home last night and with others received your letter of 25th, to which I find Mr. Hueston, our Superintendent, had already replied. With several friends, men of means and who are interested in our railroad and its future extension, I expect to start south next Tuesday or Wednesday. We shall go first to Eureka and I shall try to induce my friends to go on to Winfield and perhaps to Arkansas Valley. We desire to extend our road at once. Your town has always been a point with us, and if your people desire our road and will promptly give us the aid we need, I expect to be able to make you a definite proposition. Meet us if you can at Eureka, say next Wednesday, and I would like to meet your people at Winfield say Thursday or Friday next. When we can have a plain, practical talk on the matter of our road. I go to Kansas City today and in haste remain, Very Respectfully,
                                                      WM. H. SCHOFIELD,
                                                  Pres. K. C. B. & S. F. R. R.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                                  RICHLAND, Aug. 31, 1878.
Miss Fannie Pontious teaches the Richland school this winter.
School commenced at Floral Monday. It is to be a nine months term; G. B. Richmond, teacher.
Plenty of ague along the valley. Uplanders more fortunate.

Peach crop retiring daily.
Emigration daily coming in.
Improvements in Richland keep pace with your city. As the city grows so does the county; as the county grows, so does the city. Many new buildings looming up in Richland. Mr. Pontious is building a stone house, also Mr. Bebee and many others.
Quite a stir last week on the Parallel over the departure of Mr. ______, who lit out for parts unknown with the racker, Prince. The horse was under mortgage and of course George was called and the music of the canine was heard nightly for a week. Look-outs were on every hill and ghosts were in order, but all of no avail. We understand the matter is being settled satisfactorily to all, but where, oh where, is the old gent? The family needs the sympathy of all good citizens.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                           MAPLE TOWNSHIP, Sept. 2, 1878.
Sumner Butler, of Maple Township, has a cat which is suckling a young rabbit with her kittens. All agree perfectly, notwithstanding the fact that old pussy brings in an occasional dead rabbit for her family.
Some young night prowlers were brought to a stand in Sol Wise’s peach orchard by a load of bird shot discharged in their vicinity. “Don’t shoot!” “Don’t shoot,” was the cry, and skedaddle was the order. One of the boys in his hurry forgot to take his pony with him. Try it again, boys.
BIRTH. Mrs. John Adams made her dear “hubby” happy by presenting him a son. Mother and son are doing well.
Wm. Atkinson, Jr., commenced sowing his wheat on the 28th inst.
Wm. B. Norman has eight acres of wheat up large. It was sown in July for cow pasture.      O.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
The annual meeting of the Winfield Cemetery Association, to elect officers and transact other important business, will be held at the schoolhouse in Winfield, Saturday, September 7, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m. All owners of lots are especially requested to be present and participate in the business of the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors.
                                                  W. H. H. MARIS, President.
W. G. GRAHAM, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                     RICHLAND TOWNSHIP, August 30, 1878.
Farmers drilling wheat this week.
DEATH. A very poor family, just from Texas, going out west, lost a child by death yesterday. The neighbors did their whole duty in the preparations of the dead and at the funeral.
More peaches than we can get away with; lots going to waste.
Our industrious, go-ahead farmer, Ed. Sawtell, I guess has beat the county on big peaches. One measured ten and five-eights inches in circumference. Beat that who can. It was of the “Stump the World” variety.
T. R. Carson has gone to Illinois on a visit. He expects to stay four weeks.

Corn is dry enough to husk. L.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                         CEDAR TOWNSHIP, August 29, 1878.
It has rained a big rain; yes, two of them, lately. Everybody that has late corn is sure of a crop now.
Health is worse down here than ever was known before. There are more sick persons in Cedar than ever has been at one time since it was inhabited by the little red men of the sage brush.
Quite a train started out from this neighborhood with flour for the Kiowa and Comanche Indians.
Kennesson & Cox, of Cedarvale, are offering 50 cents per bushel for No. 2 wheat.
J. W. Searle will buy 2,500 bushels of corn this fall. He expects to pay about 12 to 15 cents per bushel. It is worth more than that for fuel.
DIED. Victoria Mathews, aged 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mathews, died on the 20th inst. of cholera morbus. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                       VERNON TOWNSHIP, August 31, 1878.
Nights cooler. Rain is needed.
DIED. Upon our death list is written the name of S. H. Rupp. He died on the 23rd inst. after an illness of two weeks. He was 21 years and 5 months old. His death dealt a terrible blow upon us, and reminds us that in the midst of life death is also.
Some of Wm. Carter’s wheat went 50 bushels to the acre. It a variety of the Fultz wheat, the finest we ever saw. Persons wishing seed wheat apply to Mr. Carter, six miles west of Winfield. SCREECH OWL.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                           CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Sept. 2, 1878.
Some of our citizens that went out to make their fortune by freighting for parties in Arkansas City have returned, and swear that if starve they must they will starve at home and not out on the road, making themselves poorer and someone else richer. However, I might add that the prices paid for freighting down there are fully as good as anywhere else in Southern Kansas.
Mr. D. M. Patten, who was serving as a juror last week, seems to have been somewhat out of luck while up there. His wife got bitten by a rattlesnake and one of his mules got its leg broken; but at the present time both are doing well.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hanahan, Aug. 27th, a daughter.
The sick of this township are slowly recovering, but more are falling sick; two or three new cases being reported every day.
Donald Jay, who lately came from Texas, and who has had from seven to thirteen sick in his family for the past month, says that he will return to Texas if he lives till frost. But I predict that by frost they will all have recovered their health and that he can’t be run off. He has a good farm and can’t do better than to stay on it. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.

C. F. Paull and wife to H. J. Page, sw. 21, 32, 3, 159 acres, $750.
H. J. Page and wife to E. B. Gault, e ½ sw 21, 32, 3; 80 acres, $750.
E. E. and Geo. Demming to J. and L. Hassell, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and s ½ of ne and se of nw 6, 32, 4; 313 acres, $3,000.
J. H. Rarick to Anna Wilkinson, s ½ ne 26, 34, 6, 80 acres, $300.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to M. L. Read, s ½ ne 2, 32, 4; 80 acres, $150.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to M. L. Read, w ½ ne of sw 23, 32, 5; 20 acres, $100.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to Read & Robinson, se 21, 32, 5; 160 acres, $801.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to Read & Robinson, part sw 28, 32, 4; 10 acres, $450.
F. M. Friend to Medla Friend, sw 31, 31, 8; 160 acres, $1,000.
M. L. Read to M. L. Robinson, s ½ ne 2, 33, 4, and w ½ ne of sw 23, 32, 5; 160 acres, $500.
S. H. Hutchinson and wife to Barrett & Bowman, ne 24, 31, 3; 160 acres, $500.
D. Hockman and wife to H. C. Bowman, w ½ se 27, 31, 4; 80 acres, $500.
Lewis Dalton and wife to J. H. Dalton, n ½ sw 12, 33, 3; 80 acres, $525.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                                        Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership formerly existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Webb & Black, has been dissolved, the time for which said partnership was formed having expired.
Mr. Black succeeds to the business of the firm, will carry on the same, and is authorized to collect all accounts due the firm. LELAND J. WEBB, CHAS. C. BLACK.
Winfield, Kansas, August 23, 1878.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
                                                     NEW MEAT MARKET.
G. C. Bolton has opened a meat market in the Sparr Bros. old stand, and respectfully solicits a liberal patronage from the people, and will endeavor to keep on hand the best quality of fresh MEATS OF ALL KINDS, and sell at the lowest market prices. Don’t forget the place, at the Sparr Bros. old stand, North Main street, Winfield, Kansas. G. C. BOLTON.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
Skipped tax levy notice for 1878.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878. School Items on Back Page.
                                                      COURSE OF STUDY.
                                              WINFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL,
                                   WINFIELD, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS.
                                       BY GEO. W. ROBINSON, PRINCIPAL.
                                                        SCHOOL BOARD.
James E. Platter: Director.
E. P. Kinne: Treasurer.
John D. Pryor: Clerk.
                                                       Department Teachers.
Miss Sarah E. Aldrich, Grammar School.
Miss Emma Saint, Second Intermediate.

Miss Sarah Hodges, First Intermediate.
Miss Allie Klingman, Second Primary.
Miss Mary A. Bryant, First Primary.
Fall term commences Sept. 9, and closes Dec. 24.
Winter term commences Jan. 2, and closes March 21.
Spring term commences March 3rd, and closes May 30.
Skipped the rest. Showed courses of study in first and second primary; first and second intermediate; grammar school, and high school. Also rules and regulations of the Winfield Public School.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878. Front Page.
                                  What Pennsylvania Papers Say About Kansas.
Many persons of limited means who have for years been trying to squeeze something more than a living out of their hard soil, and who have not succeeded, have for years read in the columns of this little paper, that which caused them to emigrate to lands where the prices of the lowest house and the poorest quarter acre lot will buy them a competence. Almost every day someone calls, or writes, to tell us to change his address to some distant point in the west or southwest. And the people who have gone there have not been disappointed.
One man writes how he sold twenty acres (with very poor improvements) five miles from Canonsburg, and with the money he got bought one hundred and sixty acres of as beautiful land in Kansas as the sun ever shines on. His twenty acres here was hard to work, and he was not able to make a living off of it with his large family. His one hundred and sixty acres there have two new houses, the farm well fenced, good water at the door, forty acres of corn—everything he could at first wish. He is now independent for all time. He can live with as much ease, and indulge in as many luxuries as a man can here who is worth twenty thousand dollars.
Very many have gone from this section and done the very same thing. These are facts. There are none to deny them.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                      Items From The Arkansas City Traveler.
With characteristic modesty the Winfield COURIER takes all the credit in the recent reduction in freight by the Santa Fe road, and is “going to continue the war.” The Santa Fe begins to tremble.
Dr. J. T. Shepard has purchased and reopened the drug store recently occupied by L. H. Gardner & Co. The doctor intends keeping on hand a full stock of drugs and medicines, and the prescription department will be under his personal supervision.
Frank Lorry broke one hundred acres of prairie this fall, and has it ready for wheat. He will sow 150 acres of wheat this fall and 150 acres of corn next spring. He thinks corn fed to hogs will pay better than wheat. There will be as much corn as wheat planted in Bolton Township next year.
Brown & Glass, of Winfield, the genial successors to B. F. Baldwin, are doing an immense business in the drug line, it being almost impossible to close the store on Sunday. Ed. Clisbee, the most popular drug clerk in the town, has just returned from a visit to Topeka, and is at the prescription case day and night.

Kager’s bonanza in Colorado hasn’t “panned out” as enormously as was expected. In other words, it fizzled, and Mr. Kager is at present suffering from an affliction which affects his feet, they being swollen to such an extent as to almost prevent walking. The rest of the boys who left this place are not in a much better fix, and are either sick or “dead broke.” Better stay in Cowley County.
PARALYZED. Last Wednesday afternoon the wife of Dr. Alexander was partially paralyzed, it taking effect in her right arm and half of the tongue. For several weeks she had been threatened with this affliction, and about a month ago, after a few days of excessively hard work, the nerves of her arm became useless; but power was restored by the aid of electricity, and she was apparently as well as ever until the day above mentioned. After a night and morning of severe headache, one half of the tongue became swollen, and she was unable to articulate distinctly, while the right hand was closed and her arm became perfectly helpless. The doctor again applied electricity, and in a day or two she could use her arm, and talk, though but slowly and with great difficulty, and is now continually improving. Her many friends hope the affliction will prove but temporary.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                               THE BURLINGTON ROAD.
The magnates of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad arrived sooner than was expected. They came in on Wednesday evening of last week. The party consisted of Mr. Joseph P. Hale, capitalist of New York, Gen. Wm. H. Schofield, of Burlington, president of the road, James Hueston, engineer, and Orson Kent, treasurer. Messrs. Schofield and Kent were accompanied by their wives. The next morning the citizens of Winfield procured teams and took the gentlemen of the party and the gentlemen from Sedan out to several surrounding elevations to view the broad and beautiful valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas. The citizens then met in Manning’s new building, chose R. F. Burden, chairman, and W. M. Allison, Secretary, and were addressed at length by Gen. Schofield. He recounted the many difficulties that he had encountered and overcome in his struggles to build the road, succeeding in completing and putting in operation 44 miles and putting the company in such a condition in which it can now move the work along rapidly. He said they had now arrived at a point that they could promise to build the road to us within a reasonable short time if we shall secure to them the necessary aid, and desired an expression from our citizens.

E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, S. P. Strong, C. Coldwell, J. B. Holmes, and A. B. Lemmon being called upon made short addresses, and the meeting appointed a committee of nine persons consisting of R. F. Burden, of Windsor, E. C. Manning, J. E. Platter, D. A. Millington, of Winfield, S. P. Strong, of Rock, C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, O. P. Darst, of Dexter, W. A. Metcalf, of Cedar, and C. W. Roseberry, of Beaver, to confer with the officers of the railroad in relation to the terms which will be required of this county to secure the building of the road. The meeting adjourned, and committee met and organized by the election of D. A. Millington, chairman, and J. E. Platter, secretary. Gen. Schofield promises to return here within two weeks ready to submit a proposition and will notify the chairman of the committee of the exact time a few days beforehand, when the chairman will notify the balance of the committee by postal card. The distinguished visitors left in the afternoon to return; Messrs. Hale, Schofield, and Hueston went with Mr. Lemmon via Wichita. Anything further that may be developed in relation to this road will be given to our readers as early as possible. We need a railroad and want this if we can get it on reasonable terms in a reasonably short time.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878. Editorial Columns.
                                                         J. W. HAMILTON
Is in no way connected with this paper and has not been for several weeks. The publishers are in no way responsible for what he may say or do. We make this statement in justice to ourselves because we hear some complaints concerning what he has promised. We did for awhile employ him to solicit subscribers, but he has not even that authority now.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
E. A. HENTHORN, of Omnia Township, will be a candidate for the office of Representative of the 88th representative district, State of Kansas. Subject to the decision of the Republican District Convention.
[Mr. Henthorn is a young man of character and ability, a staunch Republican, an original greenbacker, and would serve his constituents faithfully and efficiently. ED.]
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                          W. R. BRADLEY,
                                                         General Blacksmith,
                                                         TISDALE, KANS.
All work done at the lowest cash prices, and guaranteed.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                     MOVING BUILDINGS.
FRED. KROPP is prepared to move buildings on short notice and does all kinds of stone work. He guarantees dispatch and complete satisfaction to his patrons. Inquire for him at Moffitt’s lumber office, next door to the COURIER office, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
G. B. Richmond has begun school at Floral.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Saddles from three dollars each up to twenty dollars at F. J. Sydal’s. His harness stop is at Franklin’s old stand.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Dennis and Mat. Cunningham, of Silver Creek, were in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Stetson’s celebrated hats at prices that defy competition at Stuart & Wallis’.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
H. Jochems is on hand selling goods in the hardware line at bottom prices.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Mr. R. D. Jillson’s new two-story building, just south of the Boyle stand, is nearly finished.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.

Next Saturday the “Grasshoppers” of Vernon threaten to “chaw up” the “Union” base ballists of Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Leonard Stout, of Ninnescah Township, sent in two apples of the Hawking variety that measured over twelve inches in circumference.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
R. F. Burden and C. A. Bliss have gone to Eureka to meet Gen. Schofield and the railroad magnates. No better men could have been sent from here.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Dr. Mendenhall was called to Illinois on Sunday morning to be absent four weeks. Dr. Davis will occupy his office and attend to all calls left there.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Miss J. E. Mansfield has just received a new and beautiful lot of millinery goods which she is offering at most favorable prices. Ladies should call and see.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
William and J. J. Shreves, friends of E. P. Kinne, and from his old home in Illinois, are spending a few days in our city. They are looking up a location.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
We would call attention to the advertisement of Mrs. Pixley which appears today. She has a fine stock of millinery goods and knows how to please her customers, in styles, prices, and excellence of her work.
AD: Mrs. T. S. Pixley has just received a large stock of Millinery Goods, in her store, one door north of Johnston’s drug store, which she is selling at very reasonable rates. Trimmed Hats, from 75 cents upward. The public are invited to call and examine the stock.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Misses Olds & Curry have just received a large stock of Millinery, which they are selling at the lowest prices. Ladies will do well to call and examine before buying elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
W. R. Bradley, recently of Cottonwood Falls, has located at Tisdale, and purchased the Tisdale blacksmith shop. Mr. Bradley is a genial, gentlemanly man, and will be quite an acquisition to the community.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
A delegation from Sedan, consisting of L. L. Turner, banker; John Lee, chairman of the board of county commissioners; Col. C. J. Peckham and H. B. Kelly of the Journal, were in town last week to meet the railroad magnates.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Mr. A. L. Langellier, a journalist and relative of W. Deming, and L. J. Worsley, both from Iroquois County, Illinois, called on us last Tuesday. They intend to locate in this section and are highly pleased with the county and city.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Samuel Peterson, sheriff of Montgomery County, and Marshal Grant, of Independence, were in the city last Thursday. They were here in search of a fellow that shot Robt. Brown at Independence and had been traced as far as Lazette.

Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Charley Cunningham, of Lazette, has come over to attend school this year.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Bahntge’s new brick building is up to the second story and will soon be completed.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Mr. Payson was the speaker at the Murphy meeting, Friday evening, at Little Dutch.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
By. Terrill has had a double back-action sidewalk put down in front of his livery stable.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Daniel D. Delano from Chautauqua County, has located in Winfield and will pursue the business of plasterer and cistern builder.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Dr. Mendenhall was called to Illinois on Sunday morning, to be absent four weeks. Dr. Davis will occupy his office and attend to all calls left there.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Mr. J. T. Dale, of Bushnell, called on us last Saturday. Mr. Dale is one of the substantial farmers of Ninnescah Township and of course takes the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
The base ball match last Saturday was a “supreme fizzle.” The captains did not have all their men on the grounds and had to get substitutes, so they only had a “scrub” game and did not play for anything.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
A very pleasant meeting was held last Friday by the Darien and Walnut Valley Sabbath schools at Little Dutch. A sumptuous dinner was served in the grove, and speeches were delivered by R. C. Story and Rev. Mr. Graham.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
W. H. Clay, of Sheridan, has been the trustee of his township for three years, and as evidence that his constituents are not satisfied with him, we will mention the fact that they propose to make him stand another year’s service in the same office.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
E. S. Bliss returned from the East last Thursday. He attended the camp meeting at Bismarck Grove and the Lawrence fair. About 10,000 persons were in daily attendance.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
The A. T. & S. F. exhibit was especially grand and the stock exhibit was splendid.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Mr. W. H. Dickinson, late of Lebanon, Boone County, Indiana, has located in this city; he has come to stay, and will follow the business of plastering. We copy the following notice from the Indianapolis Journal, a paper published in the immediate neighborhood of his former residence.
“We did fail to congratulate Arkansas City on its prospective position as the great river port of southern Kansas, but since the yellow fever is raging so in the river ports, we are inclined to congratulate ourselves. If our seaport neighbors suffer an attack, we will play ‘northern city’ and send on the aid.”

Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Our postmaster, Mr. James Kelley, has succeeded in obtaining a Sunday mail for this place for which he is entitled to credit. It will be a great convenience to our citizens, not only for the daily mails for seven days in the week, but for the convenience of travel, as a four-horse Concord coach will be run each way between here and Wichita every day in the week.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
L. C. Harter, of the firm of Harter Bros., extensive mill owners of Winfield, Cowley County, is in the city buying machinery for their mill from the Great Western Foundry Company. They have a fine mill, and besides doing a large local business, are busily filling Government Indian contracts. They are live businessmen, and well deserve the success that attends them. Leavenworth Times.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Boyle & Melville have shipped through the Savings bank up to Monday night, and for this month, wheat to the amount of $78,000. During the glut of wheat last week this firm with praiseworthy enterprise built an addition of 2,800 bushels capacity, and had partially constructed a 1,500 bushel bin, when the arrival of cars enabled them to ship. Enterprise of this character is worthy of encouragement. Wichita Beacon.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Col. J. T. Herrick, J. M. Wyatt, Capt. L. K. Myers, Sheriff, and Frank Chapman, of Wellington, with J. W. Hamilton of South Haven, came into town last Thursday evening to talk with the builders of the Burlington road. Sumner County is our favorite sister, our interests and hers are almost identical, she has been with us in our mutual early struggles, and we two counties will stand by each other like true sisters until both have developed their resources and become the fairest and most prosperous counties of the world.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                               S. M. Jarvis.
It will appear from the District Court proceedings in this issue that Mr. Samuel M. Jarvis has been admitted to the bar. Mr. Jarvis is a young man of excellent attainments and a gentleman who will honor his chosen profession. He sustained creditably a thorough examination and is pronounced a well-read student of law. He has had a considerable experience as a journalist, is affable and obliging, of irreproachable character, and we take pleasure in commending him to those desiring legal assistance.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                           Charles C. Black.
The Democratic State Convention at Leavenworth paid a very neat compliment to Cowley County by putting in nomination for State Treasurer one of her most estimable young men. The nominee, C. C. Black, is quite a young man, and looks even younger than he is, but he is intelligent, shrewd, honest, and very popular where he is known. His business qualifications are excellent, and his party have done much better than they know in making their choice. Charley will get a large complimentary vote in this county, where all are his warm friends.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.

Married on Thursday, August 29th, at the residence of Rev. James P. Henderson, near this city, by Rev. Henderson, Mr. John Burt and Miss Katie Fugart.
Married at the residence of Rev. J. P. Henderson, near this city, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Bruce Lyons and Miss Mary D. Henderson.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                              VERNON, September 4th, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Accept a compliment to your paper. It is a credit to Winfield, Cowley County, Southern Kansas, and everyone engaged in its make-up. It should, as it doubtless will, pay those who have invested their money and time in the enterprise. The nomination of A. B. Lemmon for a second term for State Supt. is unanimously endorsed in this locality. No complaint as yet against any of the State nominations; suppose there will be when the slander mill gets fairly to grinding. Tom Ryan is heartily endorsed for a second term. This township would give Col. Manning a rousing vote for Representative of this district should the colonel want the place and the Republican convention think best to nominate him.
DIED. On last Sunday the Rev. Leo preached the funeral sermon of the late Samuel Rupp. Mr. Rupp was an excellent young man, an exemplary christian and well deserved the tribute so ably and tenderly paid his memory by Mr. Lee. It is evident that Mr. Lee does his own thinking. He must expect as he doubtless does to antagonize the settled convictions of others. If his discourse on last Sunday may be considered an index to his abilities, we think him amply able to take care of his own convictions.
The social event of the season took place on last evening at P. M. Waite’s. It was a tin wedding affair of gigantic proportions, abounding in the best of good feeling and still better things to eat. It was gotten up, we believe, by Mesdames Page, Newcomb, Smith, and Stone, the former couple relatives and the latter near neighbors and friends of Mr. Waite and his most estimable lady. The affair was both well planned and executed. So much so that neither Mr. and Mrs. Waite had the remotest idea that they were to be the recipients of the presents, the honors, good will, and good wishes of so multitudinous a gathering of neighbors and friends. Mr. Waite was some distance from home running a threshing machine and only came home expecting to find his only child very sick. He was disappointed (not sadly) to find everybody there and the rest coming.
Mrs. Waite was invited ostensibly to a quilting of Mrs. Smith’s. Of course she went, not suspecting the anxiety of the managers to have her go. Nor did she “smell a mice” when Mrs. Smith told her that she had failed to get her quilt ready, but thought it well to stay and have a “nice visit,” as the sweet innocents called it. . . .
They were married over again in a somewhat novel way by Elder Martin and received the congratulations of their many friends. The tin wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Waite was an entire success, about sixty persons being present, who brought with them innumerable pieces of tinware. Few persons have more warm friends than the Waites. None deserve more.      BOOTHE.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.

                                                         Councilman Wood.
Last week, under the head of “District Court,” we announced that the case of the State vs. C. M. Wood was dismissed.
This action was brought with the view of ousting the defendant from his office as Councilman of the City of Winfield on the charge of taking too much whiskey. The dismissal of the case for want of evidence is as complete a vindication of Mr. Wood as would have been a trial and acquittal. C. M. Wood has been peculiarly energetic, efficient, and valuable as a member of the city council and has always had the welfare of the city at heart. We can point with pride to our miles of fine stone sidewalks, among the best in the state, and to many other valuable improvements and regulations, most of the credit of which is due to him, and we are not among those who are always ready to “sit down on” every man who has labored earnestly and efficiently for the good of our city and county.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                            District Court.
                                               MONDAY, September 2, 1878.
Parker & Canfield vs. E. B. Kager et al. Judgment for plaintiffs, $31.94, and foreclosure of mechanic’s lien.
John Brooks vs. S. N. Biel et al. Leave to answer granted. Continued.
J. H. Hill et al vs. Geneva Jackson et al. New trial granted. Continued.
Mercy M. Funk, adm’x., vs. M. G. Troup, administrator. Continued.
Sept. 3.
State vs. L. J. Webb. Removed to Sedgwick County. Admitted to bail in $12,000.
Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark et al. Plaintiff ordered to make petition more definite. Continued.
A. H. Green vs. M. J. McGee. Judgment for defendant. New trial granted. Continued.
E. G. Parker vs. P. McConnell et al. New trial granted. Continued.
A. H. Green vs. Sarair E. Requa. Judgment for plaintiff, $71.
Sept. 4.
R. B. Waite vs. County Commissioners. Judgment for defendants. New trial granted. Continued.
C. M. Henderson vs. F. Gallotti et al. Judgment for plaintiff.
J. W. Hamilton vs. J. D. Pryor et al. Demurrer overruled. Plaintiff given sixty days to amend his petition.
Sept. 5.
State vs. John W. Blizzard. Defendant sentenced to the penitentiary 1 year.
M. L. Wilson vs. G. F. Wagner. Judgment for plaintiff, $75.
John Nichols vs. H. Barton. Appeal dismissed.
Samuel M. Jarvis admitted to practice law in the district and inferior courts of this state.
      J. C. McMullen vs. M. A. Bowers et al. Judgment for plaintiff, $918.51, and foreclosure.
Geo. H. McCumber vs. Wm. Storms. Judgment for defendant, $50.
W. L. Pennington vs. H. Craig et al. Dismissed.
Robert H. Cox vs. M. Chambers et al. Judgment for plaintiff, $490, and foreclosure.

James A. Loomis vs. E. B. Kager et al. Judgment for plaintiff against 20 defendants; continued as to 4 defendants.
Court adjourned.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                        Marriage Licenses.
Bruce T. Lyons to Mary D. Henderson.
C. H. Mayse to M. Parr.
Joseph B. Copley to Sarah E. Richmond.
John Burke to Katy E. Fugate.
Matthew Anderson to Mrs. R. C. Johnson.
Solomon Frazier to Sarah E. Apple.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                           OMNIA TOWNSHIP, Sept. 6, 1878.
Dry weather prevails in Omnia. Some wheat sown and more that ought to be.
More newcomers. Mr. John Nickelson and family are among the rest. Mr. Jack McComas of Yates City, Illinois, came to Omnia last spring and last Friday he was made happy by the arrival of his wife, and no wonder, either, for he has been keeping bachelor’s hall.
Mr. Frank Blue has completed his house and applied one coat of paint.
We of Omnia are watching the greenback movement closely, and see by the Telegram that Mr. C. C. Crow, of Tisdale Township, has been assigned the duty of organizing us, and now we wait patiently to be organized. We only see one trouble with the movement—we fear the offices won’t go around.
Mr. M. D. Day has started his molasses factory and is doing a good business. We wish him success.
Mr. M. H. Snow has moved to his farm in Rock Township. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                        Pleasant Valley Items.
BIRTH. C. J. Brane is proud of a new boy: a nine pounder.
Mr. De Turk, on the Harris place, is putting up a fine residence. He has already completed a large and fine granary.
Mr. J. S. Hill is building a fine house south of Posey.
S. G. Martin is building a nice granary.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
David McKenna and wife to Hannah C. Bowen, w ½ se 27, 31, 4; 80 acres, $500.
Lewis Dalton and wife to James H. Dalton, h. ½, 12, 33, 3; 80 acres, $325.
A. M. Whipple and wife to John W. Lane, 3½ acres in 18, 30, 4; $40.
E. Bland, guardian, to Elizabeth C. Hunt, part of se. 3, 35, 3, and se, 33, 32, 4; $1,000.
H. C. Loomis to Hannah E. Gates, lot in 28, 32, 4; $40.
Jerome J. Wilson to Fannie E. Marsh, e. ½ nw. 33, 33, 4; 80 acres, $534.
E. B. Weitzel and wife to Hannah E. Gates, part of se. 28, 32, 4; $250.
Alfred W. Woolsey and wife to May C. Haywood, w. ½ nw. 1, 34, 3; 79 acres, $400.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to J. M. Alexander, se. 27, 31, 3; 160 acres, $200.
E. C. Seward to A. H. Green, ne. 29, 34, 4; 160 acres, $200.

M. L. Peyton and husband to E. C. Seward, ne. 29, 34, 4; 160 acres, $200.
A. S. Thomas, commissioner, to Moody Carrier, s. ½ sw. 19, 31, 4; ne. 29, 31, 4; e. ½ ne. 30, 31, 4; sw. 17, 31, 4; 550 acres, $2,067.
J. W. Johnson and wife to J. L. M. Hill, undivided half lot 10, block 129, Winfield.
James Kelly and wife to Susanna Paden, lot 8, block 166, Winfield, $65.
A. J. Thompson and wife to George and E. Olive, lot 3, block 170, Thompson’s addition to Winfield, $75.
R. B. Waite and wife to Robert Allison, part of lot 1, block 65, Winfield; $35.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to Read & Robinson, lot 4, block 98 [? 93 ?]; lot 1, block 118; lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, block 134; lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, block 135; lots 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, block 136; all of block 96; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, block 114; lots 2, 4, 6, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, block 115; lots 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, block 116.
H. C. Loomis to S. D. Gray, lots 7, 8, 9, block 172, Winfield; $165.
Winfield Town Company to Addie W. Sykes, lots 1 and 12, block 66, Winfield; $80.
A. J. Thompson and wife to Elizabeth Bates, lot 2, block 31, Thompson’s addition to Winfield; $75.
J. W. Hambric and wife to W. R. Carson, lot 1, block 94, Winfield; $400.
J. C. Fuller and wife to N. E. Newel, lot 12, block 128, Winfield; $40.
W. C. Bradfield and wife to T. W. Hambric, lots 1 and 2, block 94, Winfield; $400.
H. C. Loomis to J. L. M. Hill, lots 1, 2, and 3, block 150, Winfield; $150.
M. L. Read et al. to C. S. Shue, lot 9, block 73, Winfield; $50.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to G. M. Martin, lot 3, block 90, Winfield; tax.
W. H. Speer and wife to H. C. Robinson, lot 20, block 70, Arkansas City; $95.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
                                                           Judge T. B. Ross.
The Democrats, in convention at Leavenworth, had the good sense to give to Judge Ross, of this county, the place of honor on the platform. The Judge is one of the old war horses of the party, and is now 85 years old, hale and hearty, with evidently many years of service in him yet. He was called on for a speech, and entertained the unterrified with one of his characteristic orations, which “brought down the house.” The party which honors such men as Judge Ross cannot be altogether bad.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office September 10, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Anderson, Mrs. Finnie; Alton, Isaac; Alredston, Mr.; Bull, Mr.; Brown, Orlena J.; Bahn, Kate; Condit, Sarah J.; Colter, James; Corbin, A. B.; Decamp, Jake;
Deverell, John; Demond, John M.; Edwards, A. D.; Eitel, Lafayette; Huffman, Jesse; Howard, Dolph L.; Holmes, Annie; Hayden, Nannie; Hornback, Wm.; Holt, Wm.; Harp, W. H.; Hamilton, J. C.; Jones, Franklin; Kinney, Mrs. M.

SECOND COLUMN: Kirwin, Wm.; Kapp, John E.; Leagut, Martin; Leighton, Wm.; Lee, Mrs. F. E.; McInnis, Frank L.; McWharter, John A.; Morley, J. A.; Miller, J. W.; Miller, Catharine B.; Maurer, Mollie; Robison, Frank; Rentfro, Wm.; Smith, Levina; Smith, E.; Turner, Charles; Titton, James; Thomas, Maggie; Thomas, Marion H.; Wright, B. A.; Woodard, Sanford; Williamson, Mrs. R. A.; White, E. C.; Walker, T.; Wryell, William.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.
                                                        FROM BUSHNELL.
ED. COURIER: Mr. James H. Randall has sold his interest in the store to his partner, Mr. Napier, who seems to be bound to stay with and do the best he can for us. Whether he does it or not, can best be told by the large number of his customers and the large amount of goods he sells. Mr. Napier seems to fill the place better than any merchant we have ever had here. The cause of Mr. Randall’s retirement was ill health. He talks some of going to Colorado to recuperate.
Mr. Richard, our druggist, seems to be doing a thriving business; but it seems to me that selling cayenne pepper at fifteen cents an ounce will play out after it becomes generally known that it can be bought for five cents at other places.
BIRTHS.    And then Bushnell is increasing in population, too. On last Monday Mrs. Handley, the wife of the wagonmaker, presented him with twins—male and female. Avoirdupois not ascertained by your reporter.
MARRIED. And the next thing, of course, is something else; and we hardly know yet whether it means an increase or a decrease of our population; but the fact is Mr. M. Lumpkins, of Cowley county, has captured, or been captured, by one of our fair daughters, Miss Ollie Skinner, by name, and on last Thursday they capped the climax by getting married. But then, boys, don’t get discouraged, for that only shows that girls will marry, so go in and win the rest. B. U. SHNELL.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                      FROM NINNESCAH.
BIRTHS. There is joy in several households over their recent acquisitions, which, in the family of James Hollister is a son; Felix Turner, a son; and J. H. Bilsing, a daughter.
James T. Dale has returned from St. Joseph, Mo., where he has been getting one of his patent pumps manufactured under his own supervision. He says it is a success, and we suppose he will give us all a chance to see how it works.
Mr. Williams, who is living at Mr. Rushes, is making brooms out of corn raised this year and is shipping them to Wichita.
We are informed that A. H. Beck, a former resident of this township, but now of Crestline, Ohio, is in the excursion business and expects to leave that place with a party for Kinsley on the 17th inst. He expects to bring quite a number of the excursionists to Cowley, and probably move his family out at the same time.
If there is any way of finding out, please tell us how any of our citizens can have the cheek to ask us to vote bonds to the A. T. & S. F. R. R. or even entertain the proposition after what we know of their extortion in the matter of freights. Would it be safe for us to trust them? We think not. Hoping to hear from others on this subject, we will try to keep     WIDE AWAKE.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Skipped long account of the murder of George Boyer, Sumner County resident, by Charles Lee, in Oklahoma Territory.

Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.
                                                   Items From The Traveler.
DIED. Frank S. Denton died Monday morning about six o’clock from congestion of the brain. He was thrown from a mule about one o’clock on Sunday, September 8th, and was found lying insensible by Mrs. Brash. He was taken to Thomas Parvin’s house, where he died in the presence of his wife and three physicians, namely, Dr. Hughes, Dr. Shepard, and Dr. Carlisle. He did not speak a word. The shocking news was received at this place with many regrets. We have known Frank Denton as long as we have known Arkansas City and always found him to be an upright, moral, and conscientious man. Thus passes away another one of the early settlers of this section. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved wife.
SORROWFUL NEWS. Major Sleeth received news last night from Mrs. Sleeth, now visiting in Cambridge, Ohio, that their child was about to die.
O. P. Houghton had to go East to attend the funeral of his lovely child, and many others who have anticipated enjoying themselves by returning East have met with sorrow. H. P. Farrar was informed of the bank robbery while rusticating, and S. P. Channell has been down with fever.
Mrs. R. A. Thompson, visiting Canada, writes that there is considerable sickness in the Dominion, and is anxious to return. It does not seem a good plan to change climates during the extreme heat of summer.
A PLUCKY LADY. Mrs. Wilson, wife of our townsman, James Wilson, noticed a snake crawling on the walk as she stepped from the door last Sunday, and on approaching it found it was a spreading adder, a very poisonous and dangerous reptile. She placed a stick on it and held it until help came, when the snake was killed. This is the third snake she has killed this summer, and she expresses herself ready for any other that may come about. There is not one lady in a hundred, or a thousand we might say, that has the nerve to do likewise.
Last Saturday was a lively day in Arkansas City. Prof. Hoyt walked the rope, wheeled a wheelbarrow over it, performed a number of feats on the trapeze, and entertained the crowd with one of the best shows the public has ever been treated to. There was hardly room to get on the streets for the wagons, and the sidewalks were crowded with people. It should be made an object to Mr. Hoyt to walk again, and have a general gathering every once in awhile.
Lippmann’s mill will be moved in about three weeks to a new body of timber on Grouse Creek, where he will be able to turn out a large quantity of first class lumber to supply as many new ones as may come.
As Lippmann’s log team with six yoke of oxen attached was crossing the log bridge near Newman’s mill, yesterday, the bridge gave way, and upset the wagon in the creek and pulled one steer in with it. The boys cut the bow of the one that was hanging by the neck, and saved the rest from being pulled in. Mr. Lippmann thinks he will sue the township for damages.
While James Ernul and James Coffee were sawing logs in the woods down at Lippmann’s mill, two wildcats attacked them, and the boys found it difficult to keep out of the way; but by throwing rocks and clubs at them, they managed to get to the mill, when the cats returned to the woods.

General McNeil, United States Indian Inspector, arrived at the head of navigation last evening.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.
                                                   [From the Wichita Eagle.]
The attorneys retained for the defense in the Webb trial are Judge W. C. Webb, of Topeka, E. S. Torrance, Coldwell & Coldwell, and C. C. Black, of Winfield, H. G. Webb, of Oswego, James D. Snoddy, of Linn County, and Sluss & Hatton, of this city. The attorneys for the prosecution are James McDermott, the county attorney of Cowley County, assisted by W. E. Stanley, Sedgwick County’s attorney.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
The Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians are immensely ticked over the idea of participating in the Wichita fair. They have rigged out over a hundred ponies, put up enough war paint to paint a barn, and bought new blankets all round. They will make things lively in the different contests for which they have been assigned. As to war dances, etc., it will be better than a show because genuine. They say they never had such an opportunity to show off before the pale face, and they propose to enjoy it to its fullest.
The Oxford folks have made a contract with parties owning a steamboat to make regular trips from Ft. Smith to that place. The contract specifies that the boat shall make regular trips for a year, the projectors to receive a stipulated amount of cash each trip.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Salt City Salt Works have changed hands and the new proprietors are making preparations to engage in the manufacture of salt on an extensive scale. While in conversation with a gentleman from there, the other day, we learned that the springs at that place were visited by people for miles around who came with jugs, bottles, etc., and filled them with the water which they drank on account of the medicinal properties contained therein. He also told us that all the farmers in the vicinity have all the boarders they can possibly accommodate, as well as all the residents of the village. He thinks a large hotel built at that place would pay. The water of the springs is pronounced by a number of physicians to contain medicinal properties equal to those of the Hot Springs of Arkansas.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                     BURLINGTON ROAD.
Gen. W. H. Schofield, president of the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe railroad, with Major Orson Kent, treasurer, Major Gunn, engineer, and Hon. T. L. Davis, attorney of Eureka, were in town Tuesday and in conferences with R. F. Burden, E. C. Manning, Rev. J. E. Platter, and D. A. Millington, members of the committee appointed to confer with them in relation to building their road into and through Cowley County.

Gen. Schofield says that the money is now secured to build the road as fast as men and money can rush it along; that the aid required from Greenwood County will soon be forthcoming, and that they will be able in all probability to be running trains to Winfield before the first of September next if Cowley County responds with the required aid; that the company desires to build in a direct line from Burlington via Eureka to Winfield and thence to the state line either at Arkansas City or Caldwell with a view of eventually running through the Indian Territory, and that a million of dollars is ready to invest in the stock and mortgage bonds of the road and in the municipal bonds that may be obtained along the line. He requires that this county soon call an election and vote his company bonds to the amount of $4,000 a mile to be exchanged for the capital stock of the road and that the bonds be executed and placed in escrow with the State treasurer to be forfeited, canceled, and returned if the road fails to be in operation to Winfield by Jan. 15, 1880, thus giving them six months to cover unexpected contingencies.
The committee insisted upon several modifications to the proposition to make it similar to those carried last year for the Parsons and Emporia roads, and that Cowley should not vote until the franchises were secured or the road under contract up to our county line. Some slight concessions were made, but after discussing the subject in its various bearings without coming to an agreement, the gentlemen of the railroad departed to visit Wellington but promising to call for another conference on their return Wednesday evening, where the questions at issue will be further discussed. As we go to press Wednesday we shall not be able to report the result this week.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                        W. P. CAMPBELL.
The Sedgwick County Republican Convention held at Wichita on the 7th passed unanimously the following resolution.
RESOLVED, That in our esteemed fellow-citizen, Hon. W. P. Campbell, we recognize a republican of tried fidelity, a citizen of undoubted integrity, and a man of high order and ability, and we cheerfully commend him to the Republicans of Kansas as one who would do honor to the position of United States Senator from Kansas.
We heartily endorse the sentiment of this resolution and would add that Judge Campbell is a patriotic and true Republican, an instinctive friend of justice, and enemy of wrong and oppression, and for this reason is very popular with the people. He has occupied the bench of the thirteenth judicial district for seven years and each year has added to his reputation for fairness, ability, and legal erudition, and to his popularity. If Judge Campbell should prove to be the “dark horse” in the coming senatorial contest winning the honors, the people of his judicial district, though they would regret to lose his services as judge, will hail the result with satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                 RESUMPTION EFFECTED.
On Monday of this week the Treasury department commenced paying out silver dollars for greenbacks. This is resumption in silver coin. Henceforth greenbacks will be equal to silver coin, but we doubt that much coin will be put in circulation in that way. People will prefer the greenbacks. Uncle Sam now redeems his promises on demand and that is all that was ever needed to have made greenbacks equal to coin at any time during the war or since.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
E. P. Bancroft, who was tried last week at Emporia charged with embezzling the Normal School land moneys, was found guilty on two counts.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
A report comes that Gen. Miles is surrounded by Indians in Yellowstone Park and 27 of his escort killed. Mrs. Miles and other ladies are with the party.

Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
S. A. Smith is teaching school in the Sheridan schoolhouse, district 47.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Nicholson & Co., of Dexter, are running their steam flouring mill day and night.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
John Wilson has opened up his barber shop again and has everything fixed up in style.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
DIED. Died, in Maple City, September 5th, Emma, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Howe, aged nine years.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
District 44, Beaver Township, has determined to build a schoolhouse, and has voted bonds for this purpose.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
The many attendants at the fair last week were delighted with the music furnished so freely by T. A. Wilkinson and the Roberts Brothers.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
William Keyes, who used to work with Andy Gordon in this city, has had a severe run of typhoid fever at the residence of Isaac Howe, of Maple City.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Mr. Todd has a home-made fruit dryer which is superior to any of the patents in the market. If you don’t believe this, go and see his dryer do the work.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
DIED. Died, at the residence of her grandmother in Sheridan Township, September 16, 1878, Lois Ellis, infant daughter of J. W. and Annie S. Hamilton, aged 1 year and 2 days.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Mrs. J. J. Johnson has been marketing about one hundred pounds of butter a week this summer.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Frank Doster, the Greenback candidate for Congress for this district, will speak at the courthouse in Winfield, on the 20th, and at Arkansas City on the 21st inst. at 7 o’clock p.m.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
MARRIED. Married September 10, 1878, at the residence of the bride’s parents in Lawrence, by Rev. George W. Henning, Mr. John L. Bruce, of Winfield, to Miss Minnie A. Fulton, of Lawrence, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
MARRIED. T. M. McGuire is one of the enterprising merchants of Winfield. He ships goods by rail and by river and is bound to be always in stock. His last venture was by way of the “Hudson,” and promises to be the best investment he has yet made. The fair lady is one worth the winning, and we heartily congratulate the happy couple.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.

A. H. Green has again got out 5,000 copies of a new issue of his Real Estate News. He is determined to make a market for such lands as are for sale in this county, and will succeed. We commend his enterprise and give him credit for a great amount of labor and expense to inform land-seekers of the fact that Cowley County is the best county to invest money in.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Mr. N. C. Millhouse, of Tipton, Iowa, arrived here last Friday accompanied by his family. He is preparing to build an addition to his dwelling house in Winfield, as well as to erect a substantial building on the farm he purchased from Mr. Woodard last spring. Mr. Millhouse says the more he sees of this country the better he is pleased.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
We are informed that at the suggestion of Acting Mayor Wood, card tables have been abolished from the saloons of the city. This we believe to be a good move, both on the part of the city and the saloon men, as nearly every difficulty that has occurred has been over a game of cards. This is, we understand, a mutual agreement between the city and the saloon men.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
MARRIED. J. L. Bruce is one of the active business young men of Winfield. If he is not exactly chain lightning, he knows how to control the thing and puts up the best lightning conductors known. Well, he went to the Lawrence Fair and the Bismarck Grove temperance camp meeting and became such a conductor himself that he conducted one of Lawrence’s fair daughters into the meshes of matrimony. We wish the happy couple much joy.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Mr. J. L. Bruce, of this city, is the general agent for Southern Kansas for the sale of the Franklin lightning rods, manufactured exclusively by Cole Brothers, of St. Louis, Mo., who have the largest lightning rod establishment in the United States, and took all the premiums at the St. Louis Fair, and also at the Kansas City Exposition. These rods have established a reputation in the state equaled by none other. Mr. Bruce has been operating in this and the Arkansas Valley for two or three years, and those desiring one of these essential attachments for houses or barns can easily satisfy themselves by inquiring of their neighbors, for there is scarcely a neighborhood in these counties where one or more of these rods are not in use.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Capt. R. C. Cook, of Richmond, Va., U. S. Internal Revenue collector, arrived in this city last Saturday evening. He is an old acquaintance of the late Dr. Mansfield, and was a gallant Union soldier in the late war, in which he suffered much. Of course, he is a staunch Republican. He has some real estate in this county, having bought the east half of the Dr. Egbert land some three years ago, and when he closes his term of collectorship, he proposes to become a resident of this county. We are always ready to receive such gentlemen with open arms.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                                 The Fair.
We shall not be able to give the awards of the committees this week nor a complete report of the Fair in other respects, but we can say here that it was a success.

We had a display of fine blooded hogs, cattle, and sheep. In fact, this county is noted as having a greater proportion of fine stock in these lines than any other county in the southwest. It is also a fact that our horses are mostly small—too much of the pony order. We were glad to note, however, some very large, heavy Norman horses, weighing near 2,000 pounds each. These horses, we think, will be the kind for farm horses and for hauling loads to and from market. Altogether the show of stock was excellent.
But little farm machinery was displayed on the ground. We noticed the hedge-crusher invented in Butler County; now in the hands of W. W. Limbocker, of which we shall speak at another time. The display of fruit was very fine but not large. A pear exhibited by Mr. Manwell, of Greenfield, was the largest we ever saw. J. H. Curfman and others exhibited fine peaches, and the apples shown were large and fine. Mr. Manwell had a fine assortment of cheeses; C. A. Bliss of flour, F. Gallotti of shoes and boots; Dr. Van Doren of dental work; and various ladies exhibited specimens of various handiwork, preserved fruits, bread, etc. The usual display of organs and sewing machines was on hand. But we do not propose at this time to attempt to do justice to the exhibit. When we shall get the awards from the secretary, we will try to do better. There was considerable attention paid to the trials of speed each day. On Saturday, the last day, there was a large concourse of people on the grounds. All seemed to enjoy the occasion.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                               E. P. Kinne.
The measure of success that attended the fair last week has been purchased by the expenditure of a large amount of labor and energy. It was no small job to work up the scheme, solicit the subscriptions to the stock, arrange the schedules, prepare the grounds, attend to the details in a hundred different phases, and, most important of all, to excite an interest in the people. To E. P. Kinne more than to any other man is due the credit of this work. His time and energies for months have been devoted to this scheme. He has talked, worked, planned, and dreamed scarcely anything else, and his efforts have been powerful, constant, and untiring until, now it is over, he finds himself worn down and exhausted. We desire to place him in a high niche among those who have expended their energies, time, and money, without remuneration, for the good of our county.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                          Rev. A. H. Walter.
The presiding elder of the M. E. church for this district, called at the COURIER office last Thursday, and we were much entertained by him. He has charge of twenty-eight churches or charges, in each of which he holds quarterly meetings each three months. He preaches an average of six sermons a week, holds communion services twice a week, travels an average of one hundred miles a week, supplies congregations which are without preachers, attends to the business of twenty-eight churches, and does miscellaneous work too various to mention. He travels five thousand miles a year in buggy or on horseback and meets his appointments promptly. He has been in the ministry thirty years and never failed in meeting an appointment but once, and then a snow storm had just piled up the snow breast high, his horses were sick with the epizootic, he could not get another team, and, as he says, he did not try. He has never had a sore throat and has always been in good health. In answer to our inquiry how he manages to do all his work and not break down, he said that he tries to take good care of himself.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.

For the last three days we have been almost smothered with smoke from somewhere. We have examined our premises more than once to see if they were not on fire. No fires were seen on the prairies far or near, and it was a great mystery where all the smoke came from. We are now informed that the prairies of Northern Texas and the Indian Territory are being overrun by fires that have been sweeping the country for several days.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                                               E. E. Bacon.
This gentleman is the secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association, and his knowledge and experience have proved indispensable in the conduct of the late fair. To his efficient labor much of the success of the undertaking are due, and the people will not be slow to recognize his services.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
D. Terrill, of Sheridan Township, brought to the Winfield City Mills a load of Little May wheat, raised on upland, that weighed sixty-six pounds to the bushel. This is undoubtedly the heaviest wheat ever raised in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
A man named D. F. Kerr came to our town some months ago and was introduced to the community by the preaching of a sermon in the Methodist pulpit. It was understood generally that he had been engaged in missionary work in the Indian Territory, though a citizen of Lawrence. He was an active participant in church matters, occasionally preaching, and took a prominent part in the Murphy proceedings here. He aided in the organization of the Good Templars, and was elected chief officer. He and Mr. Hobbs formed a partnership in the grocery business, but after a few months sold out, since which time he has been engaged chiefly in doing nothing in particular, though visiting the Nation and our neighbor counties, preaching the Gospel and Temperance, and organizing Good Templar’s lodges. A few weeks ago he ordered some bills printed for use in giving notice of temperance meetings, promising to pay for the printing when he returned. He has returned several times, though not to the printing office. Last Tuesday afternoon he again returned, and the following morning several citizens were inquiring about Kerr, stating that the settlement of sundry small accounts which they held against him would be very acceptable. It was said, however, that the reverend gentleman had taken his own family and an unreasonably large proportion of another man’s family and departed the previous night for the west. It is supposed he intends settling in or near Winfield. It is due to Mr. Kerr, and those with whom he may desire to associate, to say that he has not done much clerical work here lately, and for reasons we suppose, similar to those which impelled the Good Templars to expel him, because of charges of intimacy with disreputable women. The people here will willingly balance accounts with him if he will not again disgrace it with his presence. Coffeyville Journal.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                               Trial of L. J. Webb at Wichita.

The case was called on Monday morning, September 9th, on the opening of the court. Defendant made application for a continuance because of the absence of Dr. Mendenhall, a material witness for the defense. The court held the showing sufficient, unless the State would admit the affidavit of defendant as the testimony of witness. The State consented and the case was set for trial next morning.
All day Tuesday was spent in getting a jury. The special venire was soon exhausted and balance was made up of tradesmen. It is considered a good jury, and both State and defendant are satisfied. Most of them are from the country.
Wednesday, Jas. McDermott opened the case on the part of the State. Frank Manny, Jessi Herndon, Adams, and others were examined as witnesses. There were no new features developed on the part of the State. The testimony was substantially as on the preliminary examination. The killing was proved and some evidence tending to show expressions of previous malice was introduced.
Col. James D. Snoddy, of counsel for the defense, cross-examined Frank Manny, and when he concluded, the witness left the stand in a rather shattered condition.
The evidence for the State was concluded Wednesday evening. During the night session, Judge Coldwell stated the case for the defense. The theory of the defense was insanity at the time of the shooting; that this insanity was caused by excessive excitement, loss of sleep, excessive drinking, and nux vomica, opium, and other poisonous drugs administered to him in his drinks. In his youth defendant had suffered a severe fracture of the skull, the walls being permanently pressed upon the brain, wounding and lacerating it; and in time of great excitement he is peculiarly liable to insanity, that the place of the killing was a dead-fall of the worst type.

One of the most important witnesses for the defense was Jessie Herndon, the principal witness for the State. As is known, he was Page’s barkeeper and knew all about how the business of the house was conducted. The defense had endeavored to draw out this testimony on cross-examination but the court would not permit it, and he was put on as a witness for the defense. He testified as to all the occurrences of the night previous to the killing and made many important additions to his testimony. He said that Page deliberately robbed Webb that night by means of cold decks and drugged whiskey; that Webb drank often that night, and Page had instructed witness to give Webb liquor from a particular bottle he called “all sorts,” which witness did; that twice during the night Page went into the bar-room and put some liquid from a small vial which he took from his pocket into a tumbler of whiskey and instructed witness to give it to Webb the next time he called for drink, which witness did; that this bottle of “all sorts” was a villainous compound of whiskey and drugs, which Page kept for the express purpose of giving to men with whom he was gaming; that shortly before the conclusion of the game, and after Webb had drunk the whiskey prepared by Page, Page went into the bar-room and stacked a deck of cards, and instructed witness the next time drinks were called for to bring this pack under the water or server, and while Webb was engaged in drinking to leave them under the server on the table, which witness did, and then Page dealt from this cold deck, giving Webb a full hand and himself a better hand, on which he won all Webb’s money, and this concluded the game. Witness testified to some expressions of anger made by Webb to Page upon the conclusion of the game, saying he was robbed, but to no expressions of malice or threats of revenge. All the parties to the game remained an hour or more after its conclusion, Webb drinking frequently; then all left except Webb, who remained alone with witness. Webb never left the saloon from that time to the time of the shooting. Witness testified as to Webb’s condition and appearance during the day; said he looked very wild and had a jerking movement about his head, neck, and shoulders, was convulsive, and breathed hard. Witness testified that after the preliminary examination he went with By Terrill and Frank Manny to the saloon to make an examination for drugs. They washed out several empty bottles and one bottle that contained something that Page had used to put in liquor; what it was he did not know. When they emptied it out and washed the bottle, he told Terrill and Manny that it was not right. He testified that certain vials and small bottles shown him looked like those which Page had used to fix up liquors with.
This witness suffered considerably in the hands of W. E. Stanley, attorney for State, on cross-examination. His attention was called to statements he had made before Justice Boyer at the preliminary examination in direct contradiction to his present statements. These contra-dictions witness explained by saying he had been advised by certain friends of Page that if he told anything he knew about these transactions in the saloon they would let Webb go and send witness up; that from those threats and the general excitement he was afraid to tell all he knew about that saloon.
Further testimony for the defense from Burt Covert, G. L. Walker, James Fahey, P. Hill, A. H. Green, R. F. Baldwin, Ed. Bedilion, and Dr. W. R. Davis corroborated Herndon in relation to the wild and insane appearance, the convulsive twitching movements of the throat, head, and shoulders of the defendant immediately before and subsequent to the shooting; also showed the finding of some small bottles and vials in the counter used by Page in his saloon; that these vials were taken from the counter sometime after the shooting and preserved with their contents and are the same that are now exhibited in court; and the testimony of Drs. Davis, Rothrock, and Furley showed that these vials contained opium, nux vomica, and India hemp, and that these compounded and administered would produce the symptoms described in the defendant and would produce insanity.
The jury than examined the indentation which is apparent on defendant’s head. From inspection it appeared that a considerable portion of the skull had been formerly removed, and that the left side of the skull is pressed in upon the brain.
The medical gentlemen testified that such is a frequent cause of insanity, and that any person thus afflicted was extremely liable to mental derangement or insanity in any unusual excitement, or the excessive use of intoxicating liquors, or of such drugs as had been found in the vials.
Thursday, Friday, and a part of Saturday were occupied with the testimony for the defense. Rebutting testimony was then offered by both State and defense but was of little importance. The testimony in many important points was conflicting.
On Saturday evening the evidence was all in and the court adjourned to Monday morning, when the court will give his charge to the jury and the arguments of counsel will be heard.
On Monday morning, the 16th, the Judge gave his charge to the jury, and was followed by W. E. Stanley in the opening argument for the State. Stanley scored the defendant and many of the witnesses for the defense fearfully and evidently with great effect. His plea was long and pronounced to have been brilliant to a high degree. He was followed by Judge Coldwell for the defense. This is the latest news we get as we go to press.

Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
                                          LAZETTE, KANSAS, Sept. 12, 1879.
[RE MARRIAGE OF SOL. FRAZIER.]  The citizens of Lazette met at the store of Mc D. Stapleton; meeting called to order and L. C. Pattison elected president and Geo. Lee secretary. The meeting was for the purpose of procuring aid for one Sol. Frazier, one of our worthy citizens lately married. On motion a committee of one was appointed to pass the hat and take up a collection. Mc. D. Stapleton passed the hat and all present contributed very liberally and a sufficient sum was raised to purchase a sack of flour, forty cents worth of coffee, and a bunch of salt. A. J. Pickering was appointed to deliver said provisions, which he did in the best of style. On motion a committee consisting of Thos. Walch and Phillip Baker was appointed to visit and look after the wants of the family during the coming winter.      On motion a vote of thanks was tendered Sol. Hisler and B. Fritch in assisting A. J. Pickering through a little trouble which he accidentally happened to have on his hands, and I will say for the benefit of all present that they are a success.
On motion a committee of the whole was appointed to escort the bridegroom to his home, after which three rousing cheers were given him and his fair one and the party dispersed in good order. By order of the meeting. L. C. PATTISON, President
GEO. LEE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office September 17, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Andrew, Mrs. Sarah; Anderson, Nettie; Anderson, Wm. H.; Albert, Tilson; Anderson, Frank; Brown, Peter; Bradfield, W. C.; Brown, Charles; Craig, C. H.; Conklin, H. E.; Carter, Tilford; Chapman, H. J.; Cartin, L. M.; Defrmons, Wm. J.; Gledhill, B. F.; Garrison, John S.; Hogg, William; Hamlin, John; Hacker, W. G.; Hawkins, John A.;
Halskor, Jo; Irwin, M. W.; Jones, Mrs. Emma.
[NOTE: PAPER HAD “Defrmons”...???]
SECOND COLUMN: Jones, Lara; Jackson or Kilchier, E.; King, Emma; King, Julia B.; Knox, J. E.; Knox, Sophrona; Leopoltt, George; Lauvaway, Jeff; Libby, H. S.; Nutter, J. E.;
Onstock, Mrs. Mary; Rouleau, John F.; Robinson, Frank; Robison, Mrs. Theo.; Spharr, Mrs. Mary; Spurien, Sharlottie; Shields, J. S.; Tredaway, A. M.; Treadway, L. C.; Tipton, Milton;
Van Henthusen, Wm.; Venater, Daniel; White, James I.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                                    Indians on the War Path.
Just as we go to press a dispatch reaches us that the two bands of Cheyennes who recently left their agency, together with other Indians, have taken the war path, cleaning out some cattle ranches near Fort Dodge. This forenoon three men at Chapman’s ranch were killed and scalped. The whole country is in arms. Wichita Eagle.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Skipped the length listing of premiums awarded at the Walnut Valley District Fair, held at Winfield September 11-14, 1878, given in this issue. Very long.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                                      Ponies for the Poncas.

                                            [From the Arkansas City Traveler.]
Col. Whiteman, agent for the Poncas, passed through here on his way to Kansas City to purchase horses for the Indian Department, to be used by the Ponca Indians on their reservation south of here.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Manning’s Opera House will soon be ready for business.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Bliss & Co. for Flannels.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
“Providence” got away with the street sprinkler last Friday.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Mrs. Bruner is building a residence in the south part of town.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
The wing of Manning’s brick fronting on 9th Avenue will soon be occupied as a restaurant.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
The Bahntge building is fast approaching completion, and presents an elegant appearance.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
The old building back of Manning’s block has been removed to make room for a new brick.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
A Kansas City firm will soon put an extensive stock of drugs into the Manning block, north room.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Rev. John Kirby failed to meet his appointment at this place last Sunday, being still at the mountains.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Dr. Bull has recovered from a spell of fever and is now ready to accommodate his many patrons once more.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Winfield is the only city in the state that has five lawyers to every lawsuit and seven doctors for every graveyard.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
DIED. Katy, the little daughter of Mr. John Hoenscheidt, died Sunday evening last of diphtheria, aged 6 years and 5 months.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Mr. Eugene Baird, of the firm of Baird Bros., returned last Friday from the east, where he has been purchasing goods.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen have a new reversible double-back-action wash-board, which beats anything in the board line out.

Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Our enterprising merchant, Will Baird, is building a fine residence on the Loomis addition, in the southeast part of town.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Will Hudson has been putting several fine show cases in his jewelry store, and now has one of the best establishments in the city.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Jap Cochran had his hand badly mashed Monday while helping to place one of the large stones in front of Manning’s Opera House.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
DIED. Died, September 14, 1878, at her residence in Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas, Mrs. Lucinda Turner, aged 68 years, 8 months, and 8 days.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Manning’s Opera House is nearly completed. The hall will be the finest in the Great South West. Manning’s block is the pride and ornament of our city.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
The Presbyterians have enclosed the ground between the steps of their church with a fence, which improves the appearance of the front part of the church.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
It is astonishing the way buildings are springing up in all parts of the city. One can count from fifteen to twenty-five in process of erection most any time.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Notice the “ad” of G. W. Hunt, merchant tailor, in another column. Mr. Hunt keeps on hand the best assortment of samples in the city and is a good tailor.
AD:                                                       G. W. HUNT,
                                                     MERCHANT TAILOR,
                                      NINTH AVENUE, WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Samples. All persons desiring work done in the line will do well to call on him at his place of business, three doors east of post office.
                                                  Cutting done on short notice.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
We would call attention to the card of Dr. W. N. Schofield. He is lately from Indianapolis and is a practicing physician of large experience, culture, and success.
AD:                                                          DOCTOR
                                                        N. M. SCHOFIELD,
Formerly of Indianapolis, Indiana, would say to his friends and the public generally that he has permanently located in Winfield.
Having an experience of over twenty-five years in the practice of medicine, he hopes to merit a share of patronage.
       “N. M. SCHOFIELD.”    ????
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.

The Winfield schools began last week with a full attendance. Prof. Geo. W. Robinson seems determined to make the Winfield Public Schools second to none in the state.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
H. L. C. Gillstrop [? MISSPELLED ?], of Silverdale township, harvested 1,000 bushels of wheat off of 31 acres which weighs 65 pounds per bushel, stroke measure. This is 32-5/8 bushels per acre. [Believe this should show H. L. C. Gilstrap.]
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Johnston & Hill had their furniture rooms illuminated Saturday night by two large and handsome chandeliers. They always manage to get up something new and interesting.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
MARRIED. Married, at the residence of the officiating clergyman, P. B. Lee, in Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas, September 18, 1878, Mr. John O. Crockett and Miss Sarah H. Gault.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Max Shoeb, the pioneer blacksmith of Cowley County, has been turning out some first-class wagons this summer, from his blacksmith and wagon shops, on Ninth Avenue. Max is a good workman, and deserves the reputation he has won.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Our post office on wheels will soon move into the corner building of Manning’s Block, where the wheels will be taken from under and broken up. An extensive book and fancy goods establishment will occupy the front part of the room.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
We were shown, last Tuesday, a stand of honey, from the hives of Mr. Olmstead, which was as fine as any we have ever seen. Mr. Olmstead received, a few months ago, straight through from Italy, a queen bee and is now raising the pure Italian bees.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
M. M. Jewett, a former citizen of this county and still the owner of what he calls his “ranche” in Rock Township, was in this city last Saturday. He is agent for the Kansas Manufacturing Company of Leavenworth. This company will turn out this year 6,500 wagons.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
D. Rodocker has returned from the East with an entire new outfit, and is now prepared to do all kinds of photographing in the latest approved style. Mr. Rodocker never fails to give satisfaction, and you should call and see samples of his work before going elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
The number of fruit jars brought to this town this year, and all sold, is simply immense. We have been making an estimate of the amount and find that over 20,000 gallons of glass and stone jars alone, besides the vast amount of the cans, have been disposed of in Winfield this year.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.

The great dry goods house of Baird Bro.’s will be fully established this week in the room in Manning’s block, next door north of the one they have heretofore occupied. They make this change to get more room. Mr. A. E. Baird has lately returned from the East where he has purchased a stock of goods of such magnitude that they could not be crowded into the former store.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Mr. E. S. Bedilion is announced as a Republican candidate for Clerk of the District Court. He needs no endorsement from us for everybody knows him and likes him. He has held the office for which he is a candidate for several years and fills the bill exactly.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Mrs. Rigby is visiting friends in the East.
Rev. Rigby, who has been attending the Lawrence and Topeka fairs, returned last Friday.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Our merchants are beginning to receive their fall goods, and people have to walk in the street and give up the sidewalk to boxes.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
MARRIED. We happened to be present at a wedding at Judge Gans’ office one day last week, in which the “principal participants” were Mr. C. S. Worster and Miss Martha Frazier. Mr. Worster looks like an enterprising young man and Martha seemed well satisfied with the state of things. The COURIER wishes them success.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
The Southwestern Stage Company have put a four-horse Concord coach on the route between here and Wichita, which runs alternately with the smaller one. They found it impossible to accommodate the large amount of travel on this route with the small coaches, and intend, as soon as stock can be procured, to put on a daily line of four-horse coaches.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
One of the most enterprising firms in Winfield is the dry goods and grocery house of McGuire & Crippen. Mr. Crippen came to this place some two years ago from Burlington, Kansas, and entered into partnership with Mr. McGuire, since which time the firm has become one of the most influential in the Southwest. The proprietors are gentlemen in every sense of the word, and persons who trade there once always return.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
If people don’t quit hitching horses to our sign post, there is going to be war. We have robbed adjacent lumber yards and carpenter shops to fix that sign some several times, and as many times have we seen the fruit of our labors rudely torn from its moorings and scattered to the four winds of Heaven by some steed that, under other circumstances, would not have had life enough to switch the wings off a blind fly. This thing has got to be stopped. Patience has ceased to be a virtue, and we await further developments.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
In another column will be seen the new “ad” of W. C. Root & Co. This firm intends to do business in spite of hard times, and consequently has bought an immense stock of boots and shoes, and are selling them at very reasonable rates. Mr. Will Root, the resident member of the firm, is a gentleman in every sense of the word, and persons trading with him can rely on the goods being just as he represents them. The firm has, by its honest and fair dealing, gained the confidence of our people, and consequently they have an immense trade.
AD:                                                     HERE WE ARE

                                     EVER BROUGHT TO COWLEY COUNTY
                                                  Which we intend to sell at the
                                                         Lowest Cash Prices.
These goods have been bought since the late decline in the market for Cash, and consequently we can offer you Better Bargains than you have ever been given before.
                                                       W. C. ROOT & CO.,
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                              Fred C. Hunt
Is now a clerk in the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction at Topeka. He is an accomplished bookkeeper and letter writer and we predict that he will fill the position with honor. He has fine talents as a local and humorous writer and has heretofore written many excellent essays, poems, locals, and other items for the COURIER. He is a rising young man, “growing up with the country,” and will make his mark some day.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                 SALT CITY, Sept. 18, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Since my last we have had continued dry weather. Corn is dry enough to crib. Many of the farmers are sowing wheat; some few have finished. The breadth sown will not be so large as last year. Threshing and sowing is now the order of the day. Machines are more plenty than ever before in our vicinity, and rates of threshing have been reduced to 4 cents on wheat and 2½ for oats, in sympathy with other reductions.
Several new arrivals in the township, which have caused the erection of as many new buildings. The place formerly owned by Sohn Broderic is now occupied by a man of family, who has built a snug little house.
A. Haight has sold his farm, 1 mile south of Salt City, to a man who will move into it immediately.
Mr. Reynolds has just completed the budding of his 52,000 peach trees, and will next season show you more home-grown stock from their celebrated nursery. This is a branch of the Rose Hill and Walnut Valley Nursery, which has been sending out so much fine stock through their agents, Trissell and Baird.
If apples and other fruits succeed as well as peaches, Southern Kansas will shortly cease to ship in dried and canned fruits. Almost every farmer in our county has dried all the peaches he will consume, and many will have bushels to spare.
The mineral springs still continue to attract the afflicted. A. W. Berkey seems to continually increase his trade, and is bringing in new goods almost every day.
The building of a mill seems to attract considerable attention and assumes a more definite shape.
The health of the people is improving; but little complaint now, except chills.
MARRIAGES. Our doctor is prepared to take better care of the afflicted now than ever, having taken a partner for life. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Broadbent, and the fortunate young lady was Miss Rebecca Reynolds.
At the same time and place, by the same party, Mr. Ed. Willard and Miss Jane Reynolds.
Long may they live and prosper. More when we get it. RUDY.

Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                                  S. Suss.
This gentleman is one of the live businessmen of Winfield. He has now put in a full line of dry goods as well as clothing, gent’s furnishing goods, hats and fancy goods, and his establishment contains one of the best and largest stocks of general merchandise in Southern Kansas. Besides this, he is a gentleman and can be relied upon. He has a force of active and obliging clerks and his customers will be pleased and profited by dealing with him.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                      RICHLAND TOWNSHIP, Sept. 21, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: T. R. Carson is sowing 30 acres of clover, some of which is up, and looks well.
We had quite a rain last week, and wheat is looking fine. There is not so much going in this fall as last. Farmers think it doesn’t pay to raise wheat at 50 cents per bushel.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of Wm. Owens, on September 18, 1878, by N. J. Larkins, Esq., Matthew Anderson to Mrs. B. C. Johnson, both of Richland Township. The happy couple will start next week on a visit to his mother in Labette County. May happiness ever attend them.
Peaches are about gone.
Two law suits are pending before ‘Squire Larkin. Farmers have got a little money and must spend it. L.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
ESTRAY. An English Bull Dog (white). Call at this office and get reward.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
A. S. Thomas, commissioner, to Moody Currier, w. ½ ne. ¼ 29, 36, 4, and s. ½ sw. ¼ 10, 31, 4, and ne. ¼ 29, 31, 4, and e. ¼ 230, 31, 4, and sw. ¼ (except 2 acres), 17, 31, 4.
H. S. Tannehill and wife to James H. Tannehill, ne. ¼ of sw. ¼, 15, 33, 5.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to F. L. Lewis, lots 2 and 3, 5, 35, 7, and e. ½ off se. ¼ 22, 34, 3, and e. ½ nw, 31, 33, 5; and part of lots 1, 2, and 3, and ne. 18, 33, 3, and w. ½ of nw. 28, 32, 6, and w. ½ of ne. 29, 34, 3.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to J. Wade McDonald, sw. 6, 34, 3.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office September 17, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Anderson, Geo. H.; Beck, Chas.; Beeson, Amassa; Corley, Prof. D.; Counter, Mrs. Mary; Dunn, J. B.; Davis, Rufus; Evans, Chester L.; Goodrich, Mrs. J. C.; Hunt, John; Mouser, A. L.; Moore, G. W.; Miller, H. L.
SECOND COLUMN: Miller, Chas. H.; Miller, J.; Miller, Barbara M.; Menor, Rosie; Massie, Hue; Maslin, Flora; Ruby, Wm.; Reed, Dr. R. H.; Reser, John; Schmitt, Nicholas; Tubbs, Emery; Tipton, M. H.; Thompson, John S. Jr.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                               F. S. Sydal.

This gentleman occupies the stand lately occupied by J. C. Franklin and has the best stock of harness, saddles, and other goods in his line ever brought to Winfield. He is thoroughly acquainted with his business, knows how and when to buy, is an accomplished workman, keeps only good workmen and good stock and is able to sell at the lowest attainable prices. Such a house is a good thing for Winfield and Cowley County.
AD:                                    HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS!
                                                     or in fact everything in the
                                                     Harness and Saddle Line.
Those wanting to buy goods in the above line call and get prices anywhere you like and buy of         F. J. SYDAL
                                                          FOR THE CASH.
                                    OPPOSITE MANNING’S NEW BUILDING.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                            Lynn & Gillelen.
We would call special attention to the splendid advertisement of this firm. Mr. J. B. Lynn has just returned from the east where he has purchased the heaviest stock of goods ever brought to Winfield, or southwest Kansas, for that matter, while Warren Gillelen has been clearing out the old stock and making room for the new goods. They occupy the largest storeroom in the city, it being 25 by 140 feet; with a basement under nearly the whole building. The basement will be crammed full of the more cumbersome and less showy goods, a back room kept up neatly will be used for groceries, and the main room will be completely filled with dry goods, fancy goods, boots, shoes, and almost every variety of substantial and showy goods of the season. Their stock will be marvelous, not only in amount, but in beauty and durability. They have a corps of salesmen . . . .
AD:                                      “CARRY THE NEWS TO MARY,”
                                             And to all the members of the family
                                               “THAT HUSBAND OF MINE,”
                                                    “THAT BOY OF OURS,”
                                                   “The Girl I left Behind Me,”
                                And to all the people in all the country round about—
                                                               tell them that
                                                       LYNN & GILLELEN
                                                  HAVE JUST RECEIVED A
                                                    Large and Complete Stock
                                                            DRY GOODS,
Notions, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc., ALL BOUGHT FOR CASH. Remember, Largest Stock, Latest Styles, AND Lowest Prices.  Come and See us at the Cowley Co. Store.
WE WILL TAKE Wheat, Corn, Hogs, and Cattle ON Accounts and for Goods.
Winfield, September 25, 1878.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                          CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Sept. 19, 1878.

The farmers are busily engaged in putting out their wheat. The acreage in this township will be very small. Farmers assert that they can make more money out of corn at 12½ cents per bushel than wheat at 50 or 60 cents per bushel.
There are a good many newcomers in this township. Some of them have bought farms and some are on the buy. Last spring Mr. E. B. Poole, of Macoupin County, Illinois, bought Mr. F. Smith out, and now come six of his old Illinois neighbors and say they want houses amongst us. Two of them, Messrs. Piper and Wyatt, have bought D. Jay’s farm on Beaver Creek. For his farm of 160 acres—100 in cultivation, 20 of timber, 20 of pasture with stone fence, about 600 bushels corn, 200 of wheat, and 800 of oats, 70 head of hogs, and 11 head of cattle, they paid him $1,500 cash. There are a great many more in Illinois that want homes among us if they could only manage to get loose there.
District No. 102 has voted bonds and will erect a good schoolhouse in time to have a four months’ school. I believe they intend hiring a lady teacher, provided they can get one at a fair price. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, September 26. 1878.
                                                      Stockholders’ Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Patron’s Commercial Agency, Friday, October 4th, 1878, at the Agency Elevator in Wichita. E. R. POWELL, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
We have to call attention to the notice of Mullin, Wood, Lynn, and Wait in regard to trespasses on their feed lots. These gentlemen say that they have had quite a number of hogs shot and killed by some malicious or careless persons. They intend that if there is a law in this country for the protection of stock to enforce it.
All persons are forbidden from entering our feed lots or traversing the Walnut River between them with or without fire-arms of any kind. Any such trespassers will be dealt with according to law. MULLIN & WOOD, J. B. LYNN, R. B. WAITE.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Our city public schools start in with an attendance of 275 pupils. This is an average of 40 to each of the six rooms and still there are many more who should attend.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Mr. August Kadau wishes to inform the public that he is prepared to make or mend boots and shoes at prices as low as can be obtained elsewhere, and guarantees satisfaction. Mr. Kadau is an experienced workman and uses the best material in the market.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Robinson & Miller have a fine lot of furniture for sale at the Old Log Store.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                               FOR SALE.
I now offer my span of large gray horses for sale; also harness, wagon, and new rig. Call at this office. S. D. KLINGMAN.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.

Dr. W. R. Davis will return to Kentucky about the first of October. All claims against him should be presented before that time, and all persons indebted to him must call and settle before that time to save trouble and expense.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                       MONEY TO LOAN.
I am prepared to loan money on improved farm property, in Cowley and Sumner Counties, in sums of not less than Three Hundred Dollars, on as good or better terms than ever offered heretofore. Persons wanting to borrow money will do well to call on
                                                         C. H. ROBINSON,
at office of E. C. Manning, Esq., in Manning’s Block, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
                                                          OATS WANTED,
For which I will pay the highest market price if delivered at Arkansas City.
                                                          H. SHERBURNE.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
First-class heavy farm and brood mare for sale on nine months’ time by S. S. HOLLOWAY.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Miss Alice Aldrich is teaching in district 48.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Master Joe Porter is confined to his room by sickness.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
A. B. Taylor opened school Monday morning in district 21.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Mrs. Bruner is building a neat residence in the south part of town.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
BIRTH. Born, on Wednesday, the 29th ult., to Mrs. and Mr. Hiram Silvers, a son.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Miss Mattie Minihan began work Monday morning in the Hickok district, No. 43.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
DIED. A Mr. Burnett, of Bolton Township, died suddenly of a kind of apoplexy last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Miss Lena Curry has gone to Mound City to spend a few weeks and attend her sister’s wedding.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Miss Hattie Hunt, who formerly resided in this city, was married recently to a gentleman from Missouri.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Found, at the circus, a woolen shawl. The owner can have it by calling at this office and proving property.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.

Ed. Lemmon and Marion Wallace have gone to Independence for a ten days’ visit to their parents and friends.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Dr. Bull has recovered from a spell of fever and is now ready to accommodate his many patrons once more.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Mr. M. L. Robinson and wife have gone to Kansas City to purchase furniture for their new house which is nearly completed.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Mrs. Ebenback, of Eureka, mother of Mrs. John Hoenscheidt, has come to Winfield and will hereafter be a citizen of this city.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
L. J. Webb has rented the front rooms in Bahntge’s new building for his law office, and until they are completed, he is stopping temporarily in Judge Coldwell’s office.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
The steamboat which is being built at Arkansas City will be launched in a few days when her machinery will be put on board preparatory to a trial trip down the river.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
S. S. Holloway is digging his second crop of potatoes, which were planted after the first crop for this year on same land was harvested. The second crop of potatoes are ripe and of good size.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
In its final settlement with its late treasurer, F. Key, District 80 finds itself out of cash to the amount of one hundred and fifteen dollars. Is any other school district in the same happy condition?
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Mrs. A. E. Bullock opened school at the Fairview Schoolhouse, three miles southwest of town, last Monday. Mrs. Bullock is a good teacher, and the people of Fairview are fortunate in securing her services.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
DIED. Dr. Mendenhall and wife have returned from their visit to friends in the east. While they were away they had the misfortune to lose their bright little baby boy by death. We sympathize with them in their affliction.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Lynn & Gillelen received last week TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS of dry goods. This is the largest amount of goods ever brought to southern Kansas at one invoice, and fills their large storeroom from top to bottom.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
DIED. At his home in Rantoul, Illinois, of erysipelas, Mr. Thomas Miller. Mr. Miller was a brother-in-law of J. Ex. and Emma Saint, was here but a few weeks since and went home intending to return in the spring and make Winfield his home.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.

John Moffitt has moved into his new lumber office, has a new desk made by the new furniture firm of Robinson & Miller, and, as Moffitt never does anything by halves, we expect to see the largest stock of lumber ever brought to Winfield roll into his yard in a few days.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Mr. A. Hess and Dr. Wright of Bushnell, Illinois, have been visiting this county for a few days. Tuesday they took a ride through Vernon, Beaver, Bolton, Creswell, Pleasant Valley, and Winfield townships and pronounced the country they saw the finest, richest, and most beautiful they had ever seen.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
DIED. A little girl belonging to Mr. Hetherington died last Wednesday at the residence of J. M. Deyer. Mr. Hetherington came here a short time ago, and since that time all of his family have been sick of ague and bilious fever. The loss of the little girl has quite discouraged him. We hope soon to see him about again.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
In another column will be found the new furniture “ad” of Robinson & Miller, at the “Old Log Store.” These gentlemen have put in a first-class stock of furniture, and are live, enterprising men. They intend to put in machinery for the manufacture of all kinds of furniture. They will undoubtedly do a large business.
AD:                                                 “OLD LOG STORE.”
                                                    ROBINSON & MILLER.
                                   DEALERS IN FURNITURE, COFFINS, ETC.
All kinds of Furniture made to order in the latest style and finest finish. MATTRESSES made to order. Caning chairs a specialty.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
DIED. Reuben Rogers, while engaged in selling at auction on the streets of our city last Saturday, was prostrated by an attack of apoplexy and was insensible until early the next morning, when he died. He was an active citizen, a native of Kentucky, whence he came to this place in 1871. His health has been bad the past year during which he visited Kentucky. He died at the age of 46 [? looks like 46...not sure].
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Good for Omnia Township! Charles Messenger, George Thompson, and Will S. Tarrant, of Omnia, are now enrolled as students in the Agricultural College at Manhattan. This school is a practical one, and offers to the young men and women of Kansas an opportunity to acquire a thorough, complete, yet practical education, and at the least expense possible to the student. Boys and girls of pluck and nerve will improve this golden opportunity.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Hiram Silver was taken down on Sunday evening with an attack of something like sunstroke. He had been very active during the day in attending the funeral of Reuben Rogers, Sunday school, and other matters; the day was very warm and he was suffering with malarial fever. He was partly insensible for some time, but recovered his mind about midnight and has been improving since.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.

H. Birnbaum says he may sell to someone a five cent cigar containing $20,000. The manufacturer of the “Big Bonanza” cigar says he has wrapped that amount of money in one cigar and put in one of his regular boxes of that brand; that some dealer has bought that box and some customer will get that cigar. Birnbaum has a lot of those boxes of cigars, and when you buy of him, look out and not burn up the greenbacks.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
T. W. Myton, of Huntington, Pennsylvania, brother of S. H. Myton, our famous hardware merchant, arrived in this city last Tuesday and is visiting friends.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Clarke & Dysart are putting the machinery into their foundry and machine shop building, and it will be in operation in a reasonable time. It will be of great value and convenience to the people of this county.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
N. T. Snyder, from Muskegan, Michigan, arrived with his lady to become residents of this city. He will soon open a stock of books, stationery, notions, and fancy goods in this place. They will be a pleasant addition to the society of this city.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Henry Goldsmith, from Clinton, Missouri, will, about the 10th inst., occupy the corner of Manning’s new block with a full stock of books, stationery, tobacco, cigars, and gent’s furnishing goods; also news depot. The post office will occupy the rear end of the room.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Allen B. Lemmon recently purchased the house and lot now occupied by Neal Fuller on the northeast corner of block 191, Winfield, which is the second block south of the residence of the senior editor. This will probably be the future residence of the junior.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
The Russian Court invited Dr. Ayer and his family to the Archduke’s wedding in the royal palace. This distinction was awarded him not only because he was an American, but also because his name as a physician had become favorably known in Russia on its passage round the world. Pueblo (Colorado) People.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
A. B. Steinberger, of the Howard Courant-Ledger, called on us last Tuesday. He runs a live Republican paper and is doing a good work for Elk County. He says the Greenback labor party men of his county go for absolute fiat irredeemable scrip to the amount of the national debt, and do not mince matters as they do here.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
MARRIED. Mr. Quincy Glass has just returned from a visit to Chicago, where he was supposed to have gone to buy drugs, but it seems that he was after something besides drugs. A fair lady accompanies him, who has taken him for better or worse. We congratulate the happy couple, and hope this fabric of glass will prove of the “can’t break ‘em” variety.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                                          Judge H. D. Gans.

Our readers will notice the announcement of this gentleman as a candidate for reelection to the office of Probate Judge. Though this office affords but little remuneration to the incumbent, yet it requires much more than ordinary judgment, integrity, experience, and knowledge of the law. These qualities are possessed by Judge Gans. He entered upon the duties of that office nearly four years ago, with considerable experience in similar situations, a matured judgment, and a determination to do right and justice. . . .
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                                           Hon. Thos. Ryan.
Our member of congress, addressed a large audience at the courthouse in this city on the evening of the 25th ult. He stood squarely on the Topeka platform and delivered the most powerful political speech we have heard for a long time. He was in favor of greenbacks payable on demand, that they may always be at par with coin, and then he wanted a plenty of them to supply all the demands of trade. He was in favor of a repeal of the national bank law, the retiring and canceling of their notes, and the issue of greenbacks to fill the place, which greenbacks should be used by the government to take up and cancel an equivalent amount of the interest-bearing debt. On other subjects he explained his position fully. He is with the Republican party of the state and enthusiastic in promoting everything that can advance the material interests of his constituents.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                             Call for Sunday School Convention.
A Union County Sunday School Convention will be held at Winfield, Kansas, commencing on Friday, October 18, 1878, at 10 o’clock a.m., and continuing two days. The convention will be held at the Presbyterian church, and it is desired that every Sunday school in the county send three delegates with credentials to admit them as members, and also that the delegates from each school be furnished with statistics of attendance, members enrolled, and all other matters pertaining to the schools they respectively represent.
Entertainment during the convention will be gladly furnished all delegates from schools outside of Winfield free of cost. . . . F. S. JENNINGS, Chairman.
HENRY E. ASP, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
The members composing the Fairview Literary Society will meet at the Fairview schoolhouse on Friday evening, the 4th of October, 1878, to organize for the coming winter. All are invited to attend. A. B. TAYLOR.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                                           J. W. Millspaugh.
Citizens of Vernon Township request us to say that they will present this name to the Republican convention next Saturday as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner of the first district and claim that as that township asks nothing else their candidate should be favorably considered.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                                               A. A. Wiley.

This gentleman is the Republican nominee for Representative of the 89th representative district. He is a man of culture, intelligence, and business capacity; has been a farmer and merchant, and is now entirely in the farming and stock business. His farm shows great industry and care, and is one of the best in the county. He is a representative farmer, knows what the farmers of this county want, and is the kind of a man to get it for them. No better nomination could have been made, and we predict his election by a very flattering majority.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                                    Concert at the Courthouse.
A grand concert will be held at the courthouse on Friday evening next under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. The best musical talent of the city will perform on that occasion and the proceeds will be applied for the relief of
                                          THE YELLOW FEVER SUFFERERS
of the South. Let everyone turn out and enjoy a rich treat and at the same time relieve suffering humanity. Admission 35 cents; reserved seats 50 cents, to be had at McCommon and Harter’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                                              Dexter Items.
Jesse V. Hines is still improving his hotel.
James Harden is doing a driving business in the mercantile line. EXAMINER.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to James A. Loomis, s. ½ of sw. 6, 36, 4.
Moody Currier and wife to S. Shepard, sw. ¼ 29, 32, 44.
W. R. Land and wife to S. Shepard; same tract.
Daniel Thomas to Isabella A. Miller, s. ½ 33, 31, 6.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to H. C. Day, nw. ½, 29, 30, 4.
Henry Goram & wife to John A. Cochran, w. ½, sw. ¼, sec. 4, and w. ½ nw. ¼ 9-33-6.
Dempsey Elliott & wife to N. E. Skees, s. ½ sw ¼, sec. 5; part of w. ½ se. ¼, 5, 32, 7.
Robert E. Howe to J. C. McMullen, lots 3 and 4 in 4, 35, 6.
Ulysses Burger to Mildrit F. Radish, lots 5 and 6, se. of nw. ¼ and sw. ¼, 6, 30, 3.
Ephraim Owings to Joel Jackson, w. ½ of se. ¼, 28, 31, 5.
Frances E. Owens to Joel Jackson, w. ½ of se. ¼, 28, 31, 5.
Sarah M. Payton to Nancy J. Bishop, lot off nw. ¼, 27, 32, 4.
Austin Corbin and wife to Manton T. Cover, sw. ½, 17, 31, 4.
Emma J. Repper and husband to G. H. Nolf, w. ½ sw. ½, 3, 35, 3.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to H. C. Shock, ne. ¼, 20, 31, 4.
John A. Walk to J. Walk, w. ½ ne. ¼, 20, 30, 3.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                      CEDAR TOWNSHIP, September 23, 1878.

We had a Greenback meeting in our township last Saturday evening at the Smith schoolhouse. ‘Squire Callison, the “grand mogul” of the Greenbackers in this county, came over and made a speech and organized us. In his speech he said that he had always been a Republican, but the Republican party had strayed from its ancient landmarks and had left him and he could not go with it. During his speech he used the following language: The government had issued one billion eight hundred millions in greenbacks as pay to the soldiers that saved the Union; and the mistake was not in issuing it, but in redeeming it. This money should have been kept afloat. As it became mutilated or worn out, it should have been replaced with similar money and kept in circulation. But as that was not done, the remedy was in a new issue of greenbacks, the amount to be regulated by congress. Now, I wish to submit this to the candid and thinking Greenbacker, that I am a Greenbacker as far as is consistent with a stable money—a money that is the same today and tomorrow; but the proposition to issue a lot of money, the amount of which shall be entrusted to a congress of the United States—to an accidental majority—seems to me to be a very precarious proposition. Every man’s contracts, every man’s bargains, every man’s sales would be subject to the will of a majority of congress. Do you think you could stand that? This is a country governed by parties, sometimes one being successful and sometimes another. Sometimes men go in upon the heels of an election, promising prosperity to certain classes, and therefore the volume of currency and its value are to depend upon the loss or gain of political power. There is no stability in that nothing that an American can ever tolerate. The strength of our country is that it permits men to exercise their rights freely. There is no bar of rank, sect, party, or prejudice. It is the non-interference of the government that permits men to rely upon their rights as citizens, and restricted only by general laws, which are for the benefit of all. Now may God forbid that the time shall come when the value of every man’s farm and every contract he shall make shall be subject to the will of an accidental majority in congress, that may, and in all likelihood would, change every two years. I can see nothing but the ruin and prostration of both public and private credit and the utter destruction of confidence between man and man. No, I am not that kind of a Greenbacker, nor never can be.
                                                   Very respectfully, W. A. M.
[In reference to the statement of Mr. Callison and of other sensational speakers, that the government issued from a billion up to a billion eight hundred million of greenbacks, we will state that four hundred and fifty millions of greenbacks is all that was ever authorized by law and of that sum only $447,300,203 was ever issued. The greatest amount outstanding at any one time was $432,687,966, on June 30, 1865. EDITOR.]
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
DIED. Dr. and Mrs. Mendenhall have been visiting in Illinois, and have recently returned. The following from the Mt. Pulaski Citizen of that state will be appreciated and endorsed by their friends in Winfield.
“It is our painful duty this week to record the death of little George, only child of Dr. W. S. and Anna C. Mendenhall. Two or three months ago Mrs. Mendenhall left her home in Winfield, Kansas, to recruit her health and visit her parents, bringing with her one of the healthiest, sweetest babies that ever drew the breath of life. Last week the little fellow was taken sick with malarial fever and then cholera infantum, and today he sleeps beneath the sod in our cemetery. . . .”
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
                                     Representative Convention of the 89th District.
The Representative Convention of the 89th District met at Dexter at 2 o’clock p.m., Saturday, September 28th, pursuant to the call.

The call, as published in the Winfield COURIER, was read by W. A. Metcalf, and on motion, R. R. Turner, of Otter Township, was made temporary chairman and W. A. Metcalf secretary.
On motion, the chair appointed a committee on credentials consisting of H. L. C. Gilstrap, James Utt, and Mr. Ketchum.
On motion, the temporary organization was made permanent.
Nominations being in order, C. M. Scott, of Creswell Township, placed A. A. Wiley in nomination.
On motion that the candidate be nominated by acclamation, Mr. Wiley receiving the entire vote of the delegation, was declared the nominee.
On motion, the convention proceeded to select the District Central Committee, consisting of W. A. Metcalf, C. M. Scott, S. M. Fall, and S. F. Cook.
On motion, convention adjourned. R. R. TURNER, Chairman.
W. A. METCALF, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office September 30, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Allen, B. F.; Alers, F. D.; Arcken, Wm. F.; Brown, B. F.; Bordolph, George; Boyles, C. J.; Barker, J. S.; Crosby, Rev. B. S.; Downing, B. J.; Decamp, J. F.; Davis, Eliza; Freikinger, J.; Graves, B. S.; Gilleland, George; Hugs, Wm.; Hill, Winfield; Hefner, Jacob; Hart, Thomas; Johnson, N. W.; Johnson, E. L.; Kelly, Wm.; Lund, G. W.
SECOND COLUMN: Linscott, Mrs. Nancy; McGinnis, Robt.; Page, James H.; Park, Orphia; Porter, Joseph; Russell, Milton; Ridey, Sadie; Reaman, Wm.; Smith, Robert; Smith, Isaac; Shinley, Margarette; Schubb, Washington; Timonds, Milton; Wilson, Bell; Winield, Mrs. S. S.; Williams, John S.; Wilson, A. C.; Wilson, James L.; Walkins, Miss E.; Walker, Laura; Warren & Pea.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
To the many friends who have solicited me to become a candidate for Representative of the 88th District, I would say that I shall not be a candidate for any office. Hoping this course will be best for the Republican party, and thanking my friends who have so kindly interested themselves in my behalf, I am respectfully, F. S. JENNINGS.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                              REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET.
For Governor, John P. St. John, of Johnson County.
For Lieutenant Governor, Lyman U. Humphrey, of Montgomery County.
For Secretary of State, James Smith, of Marshall County.
For Treasurer, John Francis, of Allen County.
For Auditor, P. I. Bonebrake, of Shawnee County.
For Attorney General, Willard Davis, of Labette County.
For Supt. of Public Instruction, Allen B. Lemmon, of Cowley County.
For Chief Justice, Albert H. Horton, of Atchison County.
For Congress—3rd District, Thos. Ryan.
                                           REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET.
For Representative—88th District, E. C. Manning.

For Representative—89th District, A. A. Wiley.
For County Attorney, E. S. Torrance.
For Probate Judge, J. W. Millspaugh.
For District Clerk, E. S. Bedilion.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction, R. C. Story.
For County Commissioner—1st District, G. L. Gale.
E. C. Manning is the nominee for representative of the 88th representative district. We did not support him before the convention, but preferred that some other man should be nominated because of the hostility that he has heretofore encountered and we hoped to nominate someone who would not encounter opposition from any Republican. . . . he got 26 of the 41 votes . . . .
J. W. Millspaugh is our candidate for Probate Judge. He received 40 votes and the nomination on the first ballot. Mr. Millspaugh is a quiet man who never sought an office in his life and would never hold one unless that office should seek him and find him as this office evidently has.
E. S. Torrance is our candidate for County Attorney. He has before this held the office for two terms, when he was but just entered into his practice of law and was comparatively inexperienced. In the language of Hackney, “He was the best county attorney we ever had or ever will have.” We do not agree with Hackney in the last clause, “ever will have.” Since Torrance left that position he has read, studied, and practiced law tirelessly and incessantly until now he stands at the head of a talented and brilliant bar as a criminal lawyer. . . .
G. L. Gale, our candidate for Commissioner, is an able, intelligent, sensible, and honest man of the soundest judgment, and ever awake to the best interest of the county. . . .
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Skipped long article re Republican County Convention actions taken at Courthouse on Saturday, October 5th.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                                               A. A. Wiley.

The Republican nominee for representative of the 89th district of this state was born in Windsor County, Vermont, in 1840, and is therefore 38 years old. He was educated at West Randolph Academy, in Vermont, teaching school winters and attending the academy during the summer. At the age of 18 he came to Douglass County, Kansas. This was three years before the commencement of the war. He became an agent for Caldwell & Co.’s overland transportation company between Leavenworth and the mountains and afterwards was stationed at Salt City (Salt Lake City). Subsequently he engaged in the transportation business from Salt Lake to Montana. He went to California with a large drove of beef cattle in 1869. In the fall of 1870 he came to Cowley County, Kansas, bringing with him a herd of cattle and in the following spring settled on the state line in Spring Creek Township, where he now resides. He is engaged in farming and stock raising which he pursues successfully. He has another farm near Dexter and was engaged in mercantile business at that place from February, 1877, to the same month in 1878. At present he devotes his whole attention to his farm and stock. He is a wide awake, intelligent, and consistent Republican and always has been. He is thoroughly well posted in state affairs and is a gentleman who will make a record in the state legislature.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
The Republican candidates for county offices are in the field and now it is in order for such Democrats and nationalists as are used to making and throwing mud to commence the game. We would suggest the most effective mud to throw at Millspaugh is to charge him with drunkenness, robbing hen roosts, and being a bloated bond-holder. Manning should be charged with giving $500 to send off the “Aunt Sally” without a load, with trying to sell out to Sid. Clark for $1,000. If these are a little too old, charge him with cheating the cost of his block of buildings out of poor laborers and with being an Anthony man and opposed to Ingalls. Gale should be charged with being a Butler County man, and with being too young and gay. Charge Bedilion with refusing greenbacks for fees and Story with robbing the county treasury and the banks that he may live in luxury and idleness. Anything will do so long as it is well stuck to and constantly repeated.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Plants, roots, and bulbs for sale by Mrs. Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Something new and neat in Ties at Stuart & Wallis’.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
BIRTH. George Crippen and lady are blessed with a new baby.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. Hiram Silver is about again after his severe illness.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
BIRTH. J. C. McMullen is the happy possessor of a brand new baby.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. Best is building an addition to his house on Eleventh Avenue.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
The Presbyterian Aid Society will meet this week with Mrs. Swain.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Waite will start for a visit to Northern New York next week.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
DIED. Mr. A. J. Allen, late of New York, died in this city on Tuesday of spinal meningitis.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black will start for Leavenworth next Sunday to visit Mrs. Braidwood.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
J. M. Alexander is putting a brick second story on top of his cut-stone law office on Ninth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Dr. Bull has recovered from a spell of fever and is now ready to accommodate his many patrons once more.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.

Mrs. J. B. Lynn, who has been away for some time, returned last week, bringing with her Miss Lynn, who is a sister of J. B. Lynn.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Some four or five families from Belle Plaine, Sumner County, intend camping at Salt Springs during the next two weeks for the benefit of their health.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
The great caravan of the season consisted of eleven loads of drugs and fixtures for Mr. Fleming, who will open a new drug store in Manning’s block.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Since the Cheyenne raid, further west, the tide of emigration stops in Cowley. We have seen hundreds of covered wagons occupied by newcomers during the past week.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
We understand that the Knights of Honor have taken up a collection for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers but have not been informed of the amount collected.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
ANOTHER TRADE. We have been told that Dr. Hughes has bought the Traveler outfit of C. M. Scott, and it is intimated that he will move the establishment to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Miss Etta Grow, of Mt. Carroll, Iowa, is in the city and intends having a class in elocution. She gave a free reading at the Baptist church on Monday evening which was well received.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Prof. Marshall will give a free exhibition of driving a spirited horse on the streets of Winfield without bridle or reins next Monday. He proposes to make up a class of learners in the art of managing horses.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
We would invite attention to the card of Doctors Wagner & Hopkins, of Dexter, which appears in this issue. These gentlemen are well known and successful physicians and will secure a large practice in their profession.
AD:                                              WAGNER & HAWKINS
                                                      Physicians and Surgeons
                                                       DEXTER, KANSAS.
Dr. Hawkins will resume the practice of his profession in co-partnership with Dr. Wagner.
All calls attended to, day and night. Both will attend, when necessary, without additional fee.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
A. McInturff left yesterday morning for Florence. He will probably go into business at that place. He is a first-class artist in the photograph line, and we wish him the success he so well merits wherever he may locate.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.

Maj. Gunn, chief engineer of the Burlington railroad, called on us Tuesday. He had been surveying another route for his railroad from Burlington to Winfield. Major Gunn is one of the most competent civil engineers in the West.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. Will Allison has been laid up for a few days with a sprained ankle. He caught it in trying to organize a Greenback club in Rock to beat the Republicans with. He may break both ankles, both arms, and his neck in his efforts in that direction and then fail.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. John Byard, of Dexter, called last Monday with his lady and daughter. Mrs. Byard and the Misses Belle and Emma, her daughters, were on their way to Topeka to visit their friends in Shawnee County. We were much pleased with the call and hope to meet them again when they return.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
DIED. Died, in Spring Creek Township, near Maple City, September 18th, Ada A., youngest child of A. A. and E. E. Wiley, aged 2 years, 4 months, and 10 days. The deceased was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, and their loss is very deeply felt. They have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Dr. G. P. Wagner, of Dexter, brought us the mammoth sweet potato last Saturday. It was only 12 inches long, but it measured 21 inches around and weighed 8½ pounds. We intend to invite the Republicans of the county to help eat that potato. We can roast it out of doors and have a grand barbecue.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. J. H. Olds, on Monday, October 7th, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Joseph Harter and Miss Carrie Olds, all of Winfield.
The ceremony was performed at half past nine o’clock in the morning and the newly married pair started immediately for St. Louis to attend the Annual Exposition now in progress at that place.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Warren Gillelen is one of the best businessmen in Winfield. Active, sagacious, and prudent, he turns many things to small profit that are a loss to others, and by this means Lynn & Gillelen are able to sustain the reputation they have for selling at uniform low prices. For the past week there has been one continual rush of customers to their store and their trade has been immense. See their big “ad.” in this issue.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
John Moffitt has gone to Illinois on a visit. Ed. Clisbee will dispense lumber to the builders in his absence.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Col. St. John is winning friends wherever he goes. His addresses are attended by the plaudits of the people. Crowds turn out to hear him and go away highly impressed with his ability and eloquence and the soundness of his views. He treats his subject in a manly, honest manner, that carries conviction and places his integrity of purpose beyond question. He will speak at the Courthouse, in Winfield, on Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.

Mr. John Hoensheidt has made arrangements to publish 10,000 copies of a map and description of Cowley County, printed on a twenty column folio sheet in both English and German. This will be a first rate advertising medium and the citizens should sustain him in the undertaking. He has had much experience in that line and his map of Greenwood County and of Eureka have met with many high compliments. This will be a great engine to help fill up our county with good, substantial citizens.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. A. C. Finney, on Thursday evening, October 3rd, by Rev. E. P. Hickok, Mr. S. M. Ford, of Kansas City, to Miss Minnie H. Finney, of Winfield.
The wedding was a quiet one, and passed off in the usual manner, Mr. and Mrs. Hickok, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Bixby, and Messrs. Suss and Seward being the only guests. The bride was attired in a dress of cream colored silk. Although Miss Finney has been with us but a short time, she has made many friends who will miss her bright face and pleasant manners. Mr. Ford, as a correspondent of the Kansas City Times, is known to all Kansas. He has made many visits to our little city during the past six months, and we were not surprised at his capturing one of our fairest young ladies. The happy pair started for their future home in Kansas City on Saturday morning, and the best wishes of the COURIER go with them.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Dr. D. V. Cole & Sons, of this place, have purchased the entire stock of drugs, medicines, etc. of the administrator of the estate of the late Dr. Mansfield, at Winfield, at a great reduction from the original cost, and will keep a complete stock of pure goods to sell to the trade at low prices.
One of the sons will remain at Oxford, where the public will always find a complete stock of pure goods.
The doctor will hereafter devote his entire time to the practice of his profession. With the conceded ability of the doctor and his long experience in the practice, he will be a valuable accession to the profession at our neighboring city. Our people much regret his departure just at this time, but may console themselves with the thought that the distance is not great; and his interests here are such that he will, in any event, make frequent visits, and be always ready to respond to calls from this place. Oxford Independent.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
                                                      A Distressing Accident.
Hoover Gibson, of Sheridan, with his wife and nephew, Wm. Sheets, of Neosho County, aged nineteen years, on Tuesday evening went to the Grouse for grapes. They stopped at the Bill Oates place and Hoover Gibson went to a spring to drink, leaving his wife and Sheets in the wagon. In order to show his aunt how he saw a man kill himself, the young man went through the motions with a gun, and while it was aimed at his neck, he accidentally hit the hammer with his foot, which discharged the gun and killed him on the spot. As we go to press the coroner starts to hold an inquest. We get the above particulars of Mr. H. H. Higbee.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
                                                             Citizens’ Bank.

This institution is now organized as a corporation under the laws of the State of Kansas, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen is elected president, John D. Pryor, vice president,
B. F. Baldwin, Cashier, and A. W. Berkey assistant cashier. All these gentlemen are stockholders in the bank and are gentlemen of honor and excellent business qualifications. This will become the popular institution of the county and we expect to record its abundant success.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
                                                       Council Proceedings.
City Council met in council chamber Monday evening, October 7, 1878. Present: J. B. Lynn, mayor, and Councilmen Gulley, Manning, Robinson, and Wood; N. C. Coldwell, city attorney; and J. P. Short, clerk.
A committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Wood, Robinson, and Manning, was appointed to confer with the Board of County Commissioners in relation to deeding the county jail building and the county purchasing balance of block on which the courthouse stands and improving the same.
The following bills were allowed:
Walck & Co., for laying cross-walks: $37.90
Harter & Speed, livery: $8.40
J. F. Short, city clerk: $5.00
Ed. Nicholson, special police: $5.00
John Weatherspoon, special police: $5.00
Maggie E. Page, office rent: $30.00
E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk’s fees: $3.00
On motion, Council adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
                                         PLEASANT VALLEY, Sept. 26, 1878.
We held our primary meeting today and did a good job in a harmonious way, by electing delegates to our Representative Convention in the persons of Lem. S. Cook and Mr. Sparks, and delegates to County Convention as follows: Wm. Crawford, Wm. Teter, and Mr. Pittinger. . . . DAN LAMME.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
                                                          The Yellow Fever.
The concert given by the Odd Fellows for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers was well attended notwithstanding the muddy condition of our streets on account of the recent rains. The concert was opened by the I. O. O. F., in regalia, and consisted of a short address by M. G. Troup, singing by Lodge, and prayer by J. W. Curns. Then came music by orchestra, followed by a quartette by Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, Miss Thomas, and Prof. Farringer. . . . OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Misses Dover and Hane, Mr. Wilkinson, Willie Farringer, Roberts Brothers, Misses Lillie Wilson, May Beach, and Mary Schofield. Net receipts were about $60, with $10 of expense, leaving about fifty dollars to be forwarded to the suffering South. The Odd Fellows deserve great credit in taking hold of this project with so much zeal. Mr. Hoenscheidt is especially deserving of credit for his labor in arranging and working up the matter, as is also Prof. Farringer for arranging the musical performances.

Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Bent Murdock, in the Walnut Valley Times, illustrates the “absolute fiat money” demanded by the National Labor Greenback party a little the best of any of them. He says:
“Our friend Jim Thomas has some tickets printed “Good for One Drink—JIM THOMAS.” Now the fellows around here know that Jim is all right—that he has barrels and barrels of drinks, and that he has money to buy more when his barrels are empty. Therefore, Jim’s tickets are worth their face in gold. But under the new platform it will not be necessary to keep any whiskey at all. Jim can call in his tickets and get some new ones on which he can have printed, ‘This is a Drink.’  A man can pull one out of his vest pocket, take a look at it, and then go to the town pump and get a drink of water and be just as happy as if he had taken a drink of Jim’s best rye; besides he will save himself the chance of being licked by his wife for going home drunk. No use of talking, this thing is going to work well for everybody.”
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
There will be a Republican caucus held at the usual voting place in Silver Creek Township on Saturday, October 19, 1878, at 7 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for said township in the November election. A. P. BROOKS, Township Clerk.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
                                          VERNON TOWNSHIP, Oct. 1, 1878.
The Freeman Brothers have secured nearly $2,000 in subscriptions in Oxford Township and West Vernon to their proposition to build a tow boat to navigate the Arkansas between Oxford and Little Rock.
We have been favored with a visit this week from John K. Fees, one of Vernon’s old settlers, but now a resident of Reno County.
A team belonging to Anderson’s show fell off of Murphy’s pontoon bridge on the 19th ult. and one mule was drowned. A drunken driver was the immediate cause of the accident.
Vernon has been inflicted with an agent selling Prof. Ostrand’s non-explosive powder for use in coal oil lamps to prevent explosions. We had supposed that this humbug was exploded long ago. Ask your merchant for 1502 fire test oil, and use a burner with a tube or passage parallel with the wick, tube to carry the gas as fast as generated to the flame of the lamp wick and consumed, and you will have no use for such frauds as the above.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Rev. J. W. Cain, of Belle Plaine, will preach in the M. E. Church of this city next Sabbath, morning and evening. The Presiding Elder of the District will also be here over Sunday.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Skipped the call for Sunday School Convention given by F. S. Jennings, Chairman, and Henry E. Asp, Secretary. Purpose: Temperance.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office, October 8, 1878.

FIRST COLUMN: Byers, W. D.; Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth; Bossner, F.; Beeman, Able; Beck, A. H.; Beasley, Rachel; Beeman, I. N.; Chapman, H. I.; Chapin, Edward R.; Elliott, Abram; Edwards, Niram [? Hiram]; Ford, H. T.; Farnsworth, D. M.; Gales, R.; Garwood, Jacen; Heffner, Jacob; Haney, Alex.; Hahn, Joseph; Johnson, Ransom; Kennedy, Martha M.;
Kendall, A. D.; Laper, Miss Norah; Lippmann, L.
SECOND COLUMN: Lee, Mary Ann; Morgan, Wm.; Marshal, Mrs.; Nickerson, Ines; Nutter, James G.; Patterson, Edward; Patterson, W. F.; Reese, John; Ratliff, Chat.; Stephens, M. E.; Stephens, R. E.; Slagel, Emily V.; Thomas, H. D.; Wright, Rose; Willson, Lizzie; Willson, Emma; Willcox, Emma; Wilson, Jonas; Wilson, F. P.; Weaver, Anna; Ward, J. L.; Ward, David.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Back Page.
                                                          BY R. C. STORY.
                                                  TEACHERS’ DIRECTORY.
District No. 1, Winfield: Geo. W. Robinson, Emma Saint, Sarah Aldrich, Sarah Hodges, Mary Bryant, Allie Klingman, Ioa Roberts.
District No. 48, Winfield: Alice Aldrich. District No. 43, Winfield: Mattie Minnehan. District No. 13, Winfield, Mina Johnson. District No. 9, Winfield, Celina Bliss. District No. 106, Winfield, Mrs. Alice Bullock. District No. 41, Winfield, H. G. Blount. District No. 12, Winfield, John Bower. District No. 77, Winfield, R. A. O’Neill. District No. 21, Winfield,
A. B. Taylor. District No. 2, Arkansas City: C. H. Sylvester and Mrs. L. M. Theaker. District No. 20, Floral, G. B. Richmond. District No. 45, Tisdale, E. A. Miller. District No. 47, Tisdale, S. A. Smith. District No. 20, Moscow, R. B. Hunter. District No. 26, Little Dutch, T. J. Floyd. District No. 52, New Salem, Ella Davis. District No. 39, New Salem, Sarah Bovee. District No. 14, Lazette, Mary A. Tucker. District No. 15, Lazette, H. T. Albert. District No. 95, Lazette, Emma Burden. District No. 5, Dexter, H. Trevett. District No. 7, Dexter, R. C. Maurer. District No. 84, Cedar Vale, H. P. Attwater.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878. Editorial Columns.
                                                            M. G. TROUP.

This gentleman is in a predicament. He has stated positively that he would not be a candidate for representative on any ticket whatever. He tells us that he has told a hundred different men that he would not be a candidate, that he was nominated last Saturday without his consent, that if he refuses to run some will be angry and if he accepts others will justly accuse him. We should think there was one way to get out of this predicament honorably, and that is to absolutely refuse to accept the nomination or to serve if elected. In that way he can maintain his own truthfulness and the respect of the people of this country. We have no dirt to throw at Mr. Troup. Personally we like him. As county clerk he is justly popular with the people, but we do not believe it is right in him or just to the county to go away from his work in the county clerk’s office to spend two months at Topeka. The people of Cowley County by their votes last November said that they wanted his services in that office. They are paying him the magnificent salary of two thousand dollars a year for his services, while they are earning this money for him by hard labor on their farms and in their shops, labor at least as exhausting as his with not one fourth of the remuneration and they have a right to his undivided attention to the duties of that office. He is not the only man in this district who is capable of representing the people at Topeka. There are many others who if given a chance would prove equally valuable public servants, and we do not believe in heaping all the paying offices upon any one man. We do not believe in giving any one man all the opportunities of gaining distinction and amassing wealth. We are satisfied that Mr. Troup should earn if possible and enjoy his two thousand a year, but we do not wish to ruin him by making him a bloated bondholder in too much haste. True he is an ambitious man and when he has served out his present term of office, should he decline a reelection, we can surely find something else for him to do even if we have to run him for congress.
Besides at present we do not know exactly where or what he is. He was always a republican, was a first time and a second time nominated and elected to the office he now holds by the Republican party and a year ago, though not a Republican nominee, he was elected by Republican votes, or at least could not have been elected without them. They say he is a greenbacker now, but so are the Republicans, and he claims to hold the same opinions on the finance questions as are held by the Republicans. Yet when he is put in nomination at the dictation of the Democrats of Winfield and by a corrupt ring foisted upon the National party through a trick, should he accept the nomination there is every reason to believe that he is in the ring now and will soon be in the Democratic party. We do not see how he could honorably accept even were he not bound to give his time and talents to the earning of his $2,000 salary.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
                                      Sold Out by a Ring—The Way It Was Done.
During Thursday and Friday of last week, Allison, A. A. Jackson, J. E. Allen, and two or three other greenbackers of this city were apparently very industrious and busy with the Democrats fixing up something. It seems that they arranged who should be chairman of the greenback convention, what he should do, who should be the committees, what they should do, who should be nominated by the convention, and how it should be done. They had their tickets printed and everything well cut and dried. At least the developments of Saturday show such a state of facts.

The National Greenback Labor Convention met on Saturday at 11 o’clock a.m. J. B. Callison was chosen chairman and A. J. Pickering secretary. A committee on credentials and permanent organization was appointed and then Allison moved that a committee be appointed by the chair to confer with a similar committee to be appointed by the Democratic convention, then in session, to agree upon terms, and candidates for a fusion of the two parties. This motion was opposed by several delegates. When one of them commenced to speak against the motion, Allison would boisterously call him to order and the chairman would help choke the speaker down. Then Allison would make a speech for the motion abusing the opposers. In this way they choked down several delegates and finally crowded the motion to a vote taken standing. Fourteen delegates voted for and sixteen against the motion. The chairman looked beat and at a loss what to do, but Allison was equal to the occasion. He said, “It is carried, Mr. Chairman,” and then the chairman said, “it is carried,” and took up a paper from his table and read from it the names of the pre-arranged committee, of which Allison was made chairman. The convention then adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m.
At the hour named the convention again met and the committee on credentials and permanent organization reported the names of delegates entitled to vote, and in favor of J. B. Callison for chairman, A. J. Pickering for secretary, and T. J. Floyd for assistant secretary. The report was accepted but was not adopted or otherwise disposed of.
Allison then sprang to the floor and in a loud, hurried, and excited manner read without leave the report of his fusion committee nominating M. G. Troup for representative 88th district, M. R. Leonard for 89th district, H. D. Gans for Probate Judge, John E. Allen for County Attorney, J. S. Allen for District Clerk, J. S. Baker for Superintendent, and A. G. Wilson for commissioner first district. He said that the Democrats would nominate this ticket and moved that his report be accepted. This immediately raised a storm. The anti-fusionists were in a majority and a number of speakers arose to oppose, among whom were Douglas and Tansey and Crum, who would not be choked down, as their speakers had been in the morning. A standing vote was taken on the motion to accept, which resulted 17 for and 20 against. This did not trouble Allison much. He pronounced his motion carried and so did the chairman, but Tansey demanded in a motion a call for the ayes and noes. Allison made several speeches and Alexander and Jackson spoke. Seeing they were in a minority they changed their tactics to entreaty, said a vote to accept was not a vote to adopt, that it was necessary to vote to accept in order that the convention might get to work, that after they had voted to accept, they could kill the report by laying it on the table or in any other way they chose and that it would be a terrible insult to the committee to refuse to accept. After an hour of choking down speakers who opposed, of entreaty, bulldozing and confusion that would have put Babel or the gold room into the shade, some of the anti-fusionists yielded and the vote to accept was carried. A part of the anti-fusionists announced their withdrawal from the convention. Allison then decided that the report was adopted so far that the convention must vote for or against the nominees of the report. The anti-fusionists not having the matter cut and dried as had the fusionists, were taken at a disadvantage and were caught and beaten by the trick. In order to make the trick sure to win a motion was made that the candidates having the highest number of votes should be the nominees and was carried before the anti-fusionists had time to see the drift of it. The balloting then commenced and of course the fusion nominees got a plurality and were declared the nominees of the convention. By some blunder some of the fusionists voted for Millard instead of Baker which was the only flaw in the execution of the program.

A cold deck had been prepared, the cards were stocked carefully, the deal and cut were in the hands of the fusionists and the moment a few anti-fusionists consented to play with them they were beaten. It was perfectly clear to any unprejudiced observer that the anti-fusionists were in a majority but were beaten by the cut and dried tactics of Allison and his ring. This ring had completely sold out the convention to the Democrats. They did not even adopt a platform but adjourned hastily. This omission of the platform was evidently not accidental, but was probably a part of the pre-arranged program. The Democrats furnish the platform as they dictate the candidates for the new fusion party. The Democratic snake has swallowed the tail end of the National party but we imagine that the head end will separate and go for principles rather than for fusion with the democrats. After the adjournment of the Nationals the Democrats accepted their blunder and nominated Millard, Allison, Jackson, Allen, and perhaps a few others composing the ring that has done the business.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
                                                     COUNTY ATTORNEY.
Ever since John E. Allen has been in this county he has been a Republican of the ultra stripe and a probable candidate of that party for county attorney. He tells us that he never was a hard money Republican. We don’t know what he calls a hard money man, but he was but recently opposing the greenback movement and offering to discuss before the people the finance questions against Payson and Coldwell. Now, so far as we have been able to discover, Payson and Coldwell are not fiat greenbackers, nor in favor of issuing enough greenbacks to pay off the national debt, so that any Republican who wishes to take issue with their greenback doctrine could not be a very soft money man. He has made many speeches and the “bloody shirt” has always been his stock argument. But shortly before the Republican convention, it became apparent that Torrance, and not Allen, would get the Republican nomination for county attorney and from that time it became apparent that Allen was under conviction. He was immediately converted to the fiat extreme of the finance question, became very hostile to the “bloody shirt” argument, and joined the greenback club. He suddenly became a bitter opponent of the Republican party, discovering that it was rotten and corrupt, the Democrats had never done anything wrong, and became a full fledged fiatist. Here was Chas. H. Payson, an attorney every way his equal, and in many ways his superior, a young man of bright promise. Industrious and honorable, but not like Allen a capitalist or bloated bondholder, who is loaning money at 26 percent; a man who had spent his energies, time, and money for most of the past year in traveling over the country making greenback speeches and organizing the National party, working in storm and shine, and laying on the prairie of nights; a man whom the young party, the Nationals who are such for principle and not for spoils, would have delighted to honor with the nomination of county attorney; such a man is rudely assaulted in convention of his friends, called a dead beat by Allison and set aside by a corrupt ring with a cut and dried ticket sprung upon the convention and carried by a trick of such unblushing effrontery as would put to blush the heathen Chinee with his twenty-four jacks. Will the real greenbackers at the clubs that Payson and Coldwell have helped to form under adverse circumstances, support this ring by voting for Allen while he is now hurrying into the Democratic camp?
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
The “Stub” at Cole & Sons is the boss cigar about now.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
All New Goods at the new store opposite the Williams House.

Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
J. T. Weston has built a sheet-iron storehouse back of his store.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Mrs. Bruner will move into her new house the latter part of this week.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Miss Norman is teaching the school in District No. 55, Tisdale Township.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
J. E. Allen attended the Grand Lodge of the Odd Fellows at Topeka last week.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Miss Frankie Pierce, of Elk City, is making a short visit to Mrs. Tuck. Southard.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
BIRTH. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Read, of Floral, last Saturday morning.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
E. W. Kenning, a veterinary surgeon, is stopping in the city at By Terrill’s livery stable.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
BIRTH. Born, on Saturday night, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson, a son; nine pounds and a half—cigars.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
E. E. Bacon has moved his jewelry shop into Manning’s corner brick with Goldsmith’s stationery.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Dave Harter is stopping in McCommon & Harter’s drug store while Joe is gone on his wedding trip.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Dr. Bull has recovered from a spell of fever and is now ready to accommodate his many patrons once more.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
E. E. Bacon says that if the city will buy a town clock, he will put it up free of charge. Let us have a town clock.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, and A. B. Lemmon go from this place as delegates to the Masonic Grand Lodge, held at Atchison this week.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
There is now a weekly mail running direct to Polo through Floral. A petition is in circulation to have it increased to a tri-weekly mail.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Mr. Henry Goldsmith has just opened a stock of stationery, candles, cigars, etc., in the corner building formerly occupied by the New York store.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Mr. R. B. Hunter, who has been teaching school in district No. 30, the Jarvis district, became deranged last week. His case was on examination at the courthouse on Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.

The Winfield Mills of C. A. Bliss are turning out large quantities of the best flour ever made in the West. They get the best wheat, have been one of the best mills and best millers that can be found anywhere.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
S. C. Smith, having resumed the Fire Insurance business, starts out with the old and reliable Niagara of New York. If you want your property safely insured, he will attend to it in the most satisfactory manner.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
We would call attention to the law card of Pyburn & Boyer in this paper. They are gentlemen of much experience in the law and can be relied upon for honor and strict attention to the interests of their clients.
AD:            A. J. PYBURN.                                                                       W. M. BOYER.
                                                       PYBURN & BOYER,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas. Office in Page building.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
The Township Board of Trustees has awarded the building of the new abutments of the South bridge to Mr. Kavanaugh. If he rushes them up as fast as he did the new stone and brick building of Mr. Bahntge, we can soon have that bridge to use again.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Mr. Lemmon met Angel Mathewson, president of the Parsons Narrow Gauge road, in Topeka last week. Mr. Mathewson says that the financial condition of their company is now become such that they will be able to build from Parsons to Winfield within a year.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Just received. Anaesthetics by which teeth are “extracted” without pain or danger at Dr. Van Doren’s.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Col. Manning and James Kelly have gone to Parsons to attend the directors meeting of the Narrow gauge railroad. It is expected that matters of importance to this county will be acted upon by the meeting.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Hon. Ross Burns visited Winfield last Saturday morning in the interest of the A. T. & S. F. railroad. It is the intention of that company to submit a proposition to the voters of this county to build the Wichita branch of their road through this county, to be completed as far as Winfield during the year 1879, and to be made a part of their through route from Memphis to the Pacific. The matter is not in shape at present, but may come before our people after the November election. Probably the Schofield road people will be in such condition by that time in relation to their route between this place and Burlington that we may accept their proposition to vote bonds to them.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.

Mr. J. C. Walter and family left this week for Winfield. Mr. Walter has rented commodious rooms in the Manning block and will open a first-class restaurant, confectionery, and fruit stand, and when our citizens go to this thriving city, they will know where to go to have the inner man strengthened. Mr. Walter is one of the best hotel keepers in the state, and if the Winfield people want to get the most out of his ability, they will persuade him to run their best house. Miss Nellie’s numerous friends will very much regret to lose her from the social circle, and will join us in bespeaking for her a cordial welcome from the young folks of Winfield. We wish Mr. Walter and family abundant prosperity in their new home, and, as it is not far off, we hope to see them frequently in Wichita.
Wichita Beacon.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office October 15, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Abbuhl, Arnold; Baylen, E.; Barrett, James; Baker, Libbie; Brown, S. E.; Bryan, Henry; Boyland, John; Bonwell, Allie; Brothers, Dean; Boylan, George H.; Blachly, J. W.; Bechtel, Amistre; Cooper, John; Durham, Wm.; Duff, Wm.; Dodge, John; Dana, Wm.; Evans, E. R.; Fife, J. O.; Fife, K. G.; Greenlee, Hattie; Gordan, John; Hudson, John; Hodges, Ella M.; Hoskins, Joel; Hill, J. H.; Haynie, Ellen; Hall, E. A.; Hall, Rebecca; Jones, Edgar H.; Jones, Laura; King, Charles A.; Loten, D. E.; Lee, Margaret or Julius Wood, Emma F.
SECOND COLUMN: Leonard, Benj. F.; Lee, Mary Ann; Martin, James; Margro, Theoff; Murray, W. R.; Murray, W. K.; Murfey, John A.; Miller, Maggie; McClanahan, Chas.; McKinnon, Mary; Norriss, Henry; Norton, William; Oppeal, Arnold; Parsons, Milton; Robinson, Rev. J. J.; Race, E. D.; Robertson, Quincy; Stevens, E. W.; Smith, Pressie; Smith, Isaac; Smythe, George W.; Sickles, John; Sheffield, Isabelle; Sharp, P. W.; Sexton, M. M.; Scott, James; Thompson, I. M.; Thompson, Wm. F.; Vanskite, Lewis H.; White, Mollie; Whelchel, John W.; Watt, Jerusha; Wilson, Jennie.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
                                                      Democratic Convention.
This body met in the office of C. C. Black, in Winfield, on Saturday last, at 11 o’clock a.m. E. P. Young was chosen temporary chairman and C. C. Black secretary.
A committee on credentials was appointed consisting of Williams, Lester, and Yount; and as committee on permanent organization, McIntire, Howard, and Pratt; also a committee to confer with a similar committee from the National Convention to report a fusion ticket, consisting of Judge McDonald, Sol. Smith, and Amos Walton.
Adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m.
Met according to adjournment, and committee on credentials reported, which report was adopted.
Committee on permanent organization reported for chairman E. P. Young, of Tisdale, and for secretary W. H. H. Maris, of Winfield. Report was adopted.
Committee on conference with Nationals reported.
For Representative 88th Dist., M. G. Troup; 89th District, M. E. Leonard; Probate Judge, H. D. Gans; County Attorney, J. E. Allen; District Clerk, J. S. Allen; Superintendent, J. S. Baker; Commissioner 1st District, A. G. Wilson. The report was received.
The report was amended by the substitution of E. A. Millard in place of Baker for superintendent and adopted as amended.
A platform was adopted, committees appointed, and convention adjourned.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.

                                                   Democratic Ticket for 1879.
[NOTE: Courier attempt to be funny????!!!!]
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
                                         VERNON TOWNSHIP, Oct. 11, 1878.
This is such beautiful weather no one ought to complain. The farmers are about through seeding and the wheat looks splendid. Corn is being gathered and is yielding well. The sick folks are about all well again, except Mr. Gaitland, who is very sick. Miss Aldrich is teaching at Oldham’s schoolhouse. The scholars say she is an excellent teacher, only they seem to think she leads them around by the ears too much.
There was an agent around selling some medicine to keep your lamp from exploding. We tasted it and pronounced it salt, so we got a box and set it away. Our lamp has never exploded since, or before either. We felt like telling him that we would color our own salt.                                      SCREECH OWL.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
                                           NEAR LAZETTE, October 11, 1878.
On one day last week, while our school was in session, some dozen or more sportsmen came dashing across the prairie, Comanche style, in chase of a jack rabbit, at sight of which our beloved teacher retreated into the house (it being noontime), her nervous system too much overcome to conduct school in the afternoon. Now we want to caution those Silver fellows the next time they go on a chase to keep away from schoolhouses, for it makes things look rather skittish around here to see lots of folks galloping across the prairie. BLIZZARD.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Best Bros. have removed to Manning’s block their stock of Musical Instruments and Sewing Machines. Lowest prices and best goods is our motto.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
                                                 DEXTER, October 14, 1878.
I am a greenback man, but Saturday that old devil Democracy gobbled us body and breeches, poked down our throats their ticket, not ours. They put Troup on to get him on their side in the future. He holds one office now and I for one will not give him my vote this fall because I think he is asking for too much. If he wants to join the Democrats, why, join them; but one county office is enough for one man to hold at once. We organized so as to have a pure party and we sent honest delegates to Winfield to represent us, but somehow or other the Democrats got hold of the convention and ran it to suit themselves. Now, Mr. Editor, I have but little education but can see a thing or two. Give my old hat to them Democrats and tell them I thank them for this trick, but it won’t win in November. A GREENBACKER.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.

                                          OMNIA TOWNSHIP, Oct. 13, 1878.
Since my last, everything has transpired: county convention, district convention, Democratic convention, and National Greenback Labor party convention, and still we live. On Wednesday night of last week the voters of Omnia Township met at Baltimore to perfect the organization of a greenback club and send delegates to the N. G. L. “pow-wow,” held in your city on the 12th, and although it was reported that a club of 15 members had been organized the Saturday night before and the house was well filled on the said last Wednesday night, not a single man could be found in the entire assembly that would acknowledge any connection with the said N. G. L. club at Baltimore, and consequently Omnia could not be legally represented in the Winfield show. However, the people resolved themselves into a meeting and although not in strict accordance with the original programme, listened to genuine Democrat speeches from E. Harned and R. W. Pester, and Republican speeches from J. C. Stratton and E. A. Henthorn, and I will say they differed very little on the all important issue of the day, to-wit: finance. Next Saturday at 3 o’clock p.m., the voters of Omnia Township, regardless of former political associations, will meet at Baltimore for the purpose of nominating township officers. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Hurrah! Best Bros. are selling machines of better quality and at lower prices than any firm in Cowley. Call and see them at their new rooms, Manning block.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Norman Shomber is no longer in our employ and we caution our patrons not to allow him in any manner to tamper with our machines, nor will we be responsible for any money paid him on our account.                   BEST BRO’S.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
If you wish any nice Furnishing Goods, go to Goldsmith’s corner of Manning’s block.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Mrs. E. Harter, two blocks west of Main street, in Mr. Allen’s house, has concluded to take a few boarders. Those wishing for board will please apply at the house.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
One woman cook and one dining-room girl that understand their business can get from $12 to $20 per month at Walter’s Restaurant, under Manning’s Hall.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
                                                    ROBINSON & MILLER
Have a fine lot of furniture for sale at the Old Log Store.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Sheet Music at Goldsmith’s, corner of Manning’s block.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.

                                                        OYSTER SALOON,
Opens in Manning’s Block (rear of post office), Thursday, October 24, with a new house clean and neat in all its apartments. We hope to merit a share of the public patronage.
                                                      Day Boarders Solicited.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Skipped all the editorials: politics, politics, and railroad!
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Elder Walter filled the Methodist pulpit Sunday morning.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Mrs. Frank Williams is building a house to rent on Eighth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Geo. Hudson has quit blacksmithing and gone to work in the jewelry store.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Bliss’ Winfield Mills and new kiln of pressed brick are the great attraction at present.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
DIED. Died, on Monday evening, at 4 o’clock, of croup, Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. McInturff, aged 6 years.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid Society meet this (Thursday) afternoon with Mrs. James Holloway, on South Millington street.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Mr. J. O. Stuart and Ed. Walker have just returned from a hunt in the Indian Territory. They report game plentiful, especially turkeys, and had a good time generally.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
DIED. Mrs. Joseph Mee [?Gee or Meek?], of New Salem, died last Monday of consumption. She was a very estimable lady, and a wide number of friends sympathize with the bereaved.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
The dry goods department of the new store in Bahntge’s new building opened up in grand style Tuesday morning. The grocery department will open up for business next Saturday.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Mr. Paul, of Peoria county, Ill., in company with Mr. S. S. Holloway, called on us last Monday. Mr. Paul is looking up a location for several families, is well pleased with this county, and, with his friends, will probably become valuable acquisitions to our society.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
We are glad to state that the first lot of lumber for the repair of the south end of the Arkansas Bridge was delivered on Monday last—not a bit too soon, however, for it was high time something was done, or travel would have been stopped. Col. Whiteman had to lead his horses over on Sunday, he not caring to run the risk of driving over. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Last week, on Wednesday evening, quite a little disturbance was created on Main street. Tom Wright and a man named Patterson got into a dispute, which, after considerable blowing and calling of hard names, resulted in a few blows being exchanged. They clinched, and after a pretty lively tussle they were separated, and then made it up and went off to get a drink.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
                                                         Hold Your Wheat.
The wheat market, yesterday morning, was crowded—jammed and packed—with wagons, for three squares; and but few buyers on the street. Three of the elevators are filled to their utmost capacity. This is caused, as usual, by a shortage of cars. The bottom seems to be dropping out, and the end is not yet. The correspondents of some of our dealers have advised them not to touch wheat for the present. The failure of the Glasgow, Scotland, Bank, involving a frightful loss of fifty millions of dollars, which was announced last week, and the failure of the bank in Manchester, with liabilities exceeding ten millions more, have caused a widespread panic in the British Isles, and a general shrinkage of values. The English demand for American wheat has fallen off. The effect is almost instantaneously felt in the remotest wheat fields of Kansas. This shows how intimately the material interests of the world are bound together, and how impossible it is to cut ourselves off, financially or otherwise, from the rest of mankind. We advise our farmers to hold on to their wheat until stability is again reached. The highest price paid yesterday was 55 cents, but 50 cents was the ruling figure. If the farmers crowd the market when there is no demand, they will have to take whatever is offered. Therefore, we say, hold on. Wichita Beacon.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
MARRIED. PRICE-WALRATH. On Thursday evening, October 3rd, 1878, by Rev. Hopkins, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Theo. C. Price, of Cowley County, to Miss Lizzie Walrath, of Sumner County.
MARRIED. BEST-SMITH. At the residence of the bride’s sister, in Oxford, on the 16th inst., at 7 o’clock p.m., by the Rev. Brooks, C. E. Best, of this place, to Miss Lulu F. Smith, of Warsaw, Indiana.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
                                                 RED BUD, October 19, 1878.
MARRIED. At the marriage of David Walck to Miss Bader, last week, the Sons of Apollo and the Muses met at the residence of the bridegroom and discoursed such sweet music as they could get out of a band of miscellaneous instruments for the especial delectation of the bride and groom. About fifty persons were present, noticeable among whom were such grave and reverend seigniors as A. M. Fitzsimmons, I. N. Adams, J. F. Lingenfelter, Michael Rusch, and Adam Walck, Esqs. After a few rounds of such music as would have brought tears of ecstasy into the eyes of a wooden man, the musicians were invited by the happy couple to partake of refreshments. A keg of lager was tapped, supper partaken of, and all returned to their houses satisfied and happy. O.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
                          Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.

                                           WINFIELD, KANS., Oct. 18, 1878.
To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association: I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the association from its organization to the present time, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.
Received from sale of stock: $57.40
Received from sales of tickets: $567.25
Received from entry fees: $42.00
                                                  Eugene E. Bacon, Secretary.
Interesting with regard to people named under disbursements.
A. Brown, work on grounds; F. M. Freeland, work on grounds; J. Mentch, work on grounds; H. Whistler, work on grounds; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; P. Gardner, work on grounds; M. W. Brown, work; Mrs. Andrews, rent of ground; Sam’l. Trowbridge, race track; Jas. Benson, race track; Jas. M. Riser, police; Isaac Davis, police; J. W. Beal, police; C. C. Cruck, police; W. R. Sears, police work; J. E. Bates, police; A. W. Jones, police; Geo. Klaus; J. C. McCollum, police;  Cyrus Walker, police; E. S. Eades, police; Perry Martin, police; J. W. Beal, work on track; J. F. Force, gate keeper; John Snyder, police; H. Grommes, police; Bert Crapster, chief police; D. A. Millington, printing; J. H. Raney, clerk; W. O. Lippscomb, clerk; Baird Bros., merchandise; S. M. Jarvis, asst. marshal; H. Jochems, nails, etc.; J. VanDoren, police; Brown & Glass, stationery; S. H. Myton, hardware; F. M. Freeland, hay; D. F. Jones, premium; Jas. Benson, premium; A. Brown, premium; S. G. Miles [? Mills ?], premium; Wm. Allison, premium; W. Ensign, entrance money forfeited; W. C. Hayden, police; McCommon & Harter, books; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Ed. Nicholson, police; Wallis & Wallis, goods; L. C. Hyde, carpenter work; John Reynolds, hauling; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Lynn & Gillelen, goods; John Moffitt, lumber; Geo. H. Crippen use of band; John Moffitt, fencing; Will Allison, diploma.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
The following is taken from the Coffeyville Journal in relation to Dr. J. Fleming of the Flag Drug Store, recently located in this city.
“Dr. Fleming, druggist, of this city, packed up his goods, and with his family, left in a little train of some twelve wagons, last Wednesday. He intends locating at Winfield. We wish the Doctor all manner of success, yet we fear the move is not the best that could be made. He had a good business here, in his own building, where no rents were required. He will undoubtedly have more competition there than here. But we shall hope for the best. He was a good citizen and an excellent druggist.”
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
                                                 RED BUD, October 19, 1878.

ED. COURIER: A chestnut sorrel mare was found dead in the brush, having been shot by some malicious person or persons. Said mare is 12 years old, 15 hands high, and has a star in forehead; had an old 3/4 inch rope around her neck, and a ½ inch rope tied in this and used for a halter. EDWARD A. BURCH.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office October 22, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Allison, Capt. Robert; Allen, J. H.; Brown, J. T.; Beach, J. J.; Cook, A. M.; Davis, Sarah E.; Dome, C. H.; Domoun, Wm.; Dale, John; Davis, Mollie A.; Davis, Bettie; Flint, Wm.; Harris, Mrs. Geo. P.; King, Charles.
SECOND COLUMN: Lobdell, James; Lewis, T. D.; Lane, John W.; Martin, Perry; Murray, Pat.; Pickett, W. S.; Ross, Frank P.; Stevenson, T. P.; Wietrick, Martin; Welsch, Wm. M.; Woods, Jennie; Wadkins, Emma; McQuins, Frank.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.”
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
                                               STEALING THE TOWN SITE.
                                                    A SCRAP OF HISTORY.
Allison and other speakers in the interest of Troup, in their violent efforts to charge some evil against E. C. Manning, are making the statement that Manning stole the townsite of Winfield, and that it is from the money that he got for lots belonging to others, which has erected his magnificent building.
Now, some of the men who most strenuously insisted on Manning’s candidacy at this time, and who are among his most earnest supporters, are men who fought him all through this townsite contest and know, if anyone does, of any wrong that he did in relation to that matter. If they do not know of any, no one does.
But when such a charge is made, it is not against Manning alone, but becomes a personal charge against the senior editor of this paper and others associated with Manning in the town site enterprise, and we now propose to answer it by stating the facts which all who are familiar with the past history of this city know to be true, for the information of such voters as were not here, and know these matters only by hearsay.
The settlement of this county commenced in 1869, before the treaty for the removal of the Indians was made; before there was any survey of the lands or any steps taken to open these lands up for settlement, by settlers coming in and making claims of 160 acres each and improving them, which claims were afterward secured to these settlers by law. Among these claimants were E. C. Manning and A. A. Jackson, who made claims on what is now the north half of section 28. A. Menor and H. C. Loomis laid claims on the south half of same section, and C. M. Wood and W. W. Andrews claimed the half section next north of this section. Each of these claimants proceeded to occupy and improve his claim, and had as good a right to his claim as any man had on this reserve. Each had the undisputed right to prove up and enter his claim when the land should be ready to be offered.
In 1870 these several parties and others formed the project of making a town site. A town company was formed and Manning was to give the town company a certain 40 acres of his claim when he had entered it, for which the company was to pay one-half of the expense of building the old log store. Jackson, Wood, Andrews, Loomis, and Menor were all to sell portions of their claims to the town company at about seven dollars per acre, so that in the aggregate the town site should be 160 acres.

In August, 1870, we, in company with J. C. Fuller, came here. Jackson was then “off the track,” denying having agreed to sell any part of his claim and stating that he never would sell any of it to the town company. We bought Jackson’s claim for J. C. Fuller, paying Jackson $1,000 in cash for it.
It was found that neither of the other parties would sell any part of their claims to the town company, but Manning turned over his 40 acres to the town company as it had been agreed, and this was all the land that the town company could get out of the original arrangement.
No one then doubted the right of E. C. Manning to the remaining 120 acres of his claim, or of J. C. Fuller to his 160 acre claim bought of Jackson. In the meantime, through the efforts of Manning exclusively, the county seat had been located at Winfield, at which time Manning was the only occupant, and, deeming it necessary to move ahead in building up the town in order to retain the county seat and other advantages, and as there was not land enough belonging to the town company, the Winfield Town Association was formed by Manning, Fuller, and others, including ourself, to handle another 40 acres of Manning’s claim with the west 80 acres of Fuller’s claim, which, with the town company’s 40 acres, made a town site of 160 acres in square form. This was surveyed and platted, and the two companies proceeded to give away lots to persons who would improve and occupy them, to other persons who would work for the benefit of the town in any way, and for other purposes to benefit the town. More than one-third, and nearly one-half of the lots in value, have been given to occupants, to stage companies to induce stage service to Winfield, for services in and outside of Winfield, for churches, schools, courthouse and jail, and for other public purposes.
The two companies with Manning, Fuller, and ourself, have paid out in the aggregate more than five thousand dollars in cash for the general benefit of the town site in various ways, aside from buildings for personal use. These expenses are too various for enumeration, and perhaps some of these expenditures were not judicious. One hundred dollars to procure early railroad surveys to this place, for instance, also ninety dollars for printing and circulating posters and papers to advertise the town, two hundred dollars to enter the town site, expenses in traveling to railroad director’s meetings, making a ferry across the Walnut, running roads, surveying the town site, employing legal counsel, etc. Each of us have expended a great deal of time in various ways intended to benefit the town.
The parties who were induced to occupy and improve lots on the town site before the survey and before the entry, did so under an express agreement, generally in writing, as to what their individual interests in the town site should be and what should be the interests of the town companies. The government survey took place in January, 1871, and on the 10th day of July, 1871, the land became subject to entry at the land office at Augusta.

In nearly all the other town sites of the state made before entry, the original claimants entered the land and then deeded to the occupants, town companies, and others, according to previous agreement, and that was originally the intention with regard to this town site, but the commissioner of the general land office had made a ruling in the case of this reserve, that the claimant must, before entering, subscribe an oath, that he had not sold or agreed to sell or otherwise dispose of, any part of the claim he proposed to enter, and though this ruling was clearly outside of law and the oath if taken would not be an oath at all in fact (as afterwards decided by the courts) yet Manning and Fuller did not like to conform to it as others were doing. They, therefore, procured the probate judge of the county to enter the town site under the town site laws, and then each entered the other 80 acres of his claim in his own name.
About this time became manifest a disposition of some of the occupants to claim more of the town site than the lots they had improved and quite an excitement sprung up. In order to avoid litigation and make an equitable settlement, Manning called a public meeting in which he offered for the two companies to submit all the matters of difference to arbitration, the companies naming one arbitrator, the dissatisfied occupants the second, and the two thus appointed to select the third, who should hear the evidence of all parties and determine their interests and rights in the town site and their decision should be final, which proposition was voted down and rejected by the dissatisfied occupants. It has since frequently been offered to individuals.
The probate judge, under the law, appointed three commissioners to set off the lots to the several occupants according to their respective interests, and they made their award in accordance with the previous agreement between the occupants and companies as to what those interests should be as above stated and the probate judge executed the deeds accordingly.
The larger number of the occupants expressed themselves satisfied, and to quiet the titles made quit claim deeds to the companies of their interests in the unimproved lots. A few would not be satisfied, but commenced an action to set aside the deeds made by the probate judge. This action was in the courts some time and was finally beaten in the Supreme court on demurrer.
Another action was commenced having the same final object in view, which was finally beaten in the Supreme court. The companies in order to try to get the people to work in harmony for the general benefit of the city, made a great many concessions to pacify these litigants.
During the pendency of the first action, a settlement was made with A. A. Jackson, a leading disturber and plaintiff in that action, by which, in addition to the $1,000 and the two valuable lots that had already been given him, the companies gave him two other valuable lots for any remaining or supposed interest he had in the balance of the town site and the nominal sum of $25, and he withdrew from the suit.
Others were compromised with in various ways, and made quit claims, quiet was restored and all seemed united to promote the general prosperity. These litigations had been very expensive and damaging to the prosperity of the town and had stirred up much bad blood, making Manning many bitter opposers, but in the few years since, the bitterness has mostly died away.

Jackson concluded to grab another valuable lot and Hill & Christie brought suit for possession. Jackson defended on the ground that the deed of the probate judge to the Winfield town company on which Hill & Christie’s title was founded was illegal and void. Jackson employed Hon. A. J. Pyburn and two other attorneys to defend, but was beaten in the trial. As the law provides for a second trial in a case of this nature, this action is now pending in the district court for a new trial.
Two attorneys whom Jackson employed were newcomers and had not gained a practice in the courts. They attempted to start a practice and make a reputation by stirring up a grand litigation on this old town site matter, assured parties that they could burst up the whole thing, get the deeds of the probate judge set aside and a new deal of the town lots. They offered to take the job for one-third of the spoils and urged upon the city council to commence litigation at the public expense.
They finally got A. A. Jackson to go in as plaintiff and a suit was commenced against the Town Company, Manning and Fuller, with a great flourish of trumpets about their ponderous papers and pleadings, but no notice was taken of their summons until court time and they demanded judgment for default, when they learned that they did not know how to get a case into court. They now seemed to conclude that the reason they got beat each time was the fault of the law, and set themselves to manipulate politics so as to get a law passed that would help them beat in these cases, and in another case in which they have succeeded in getting an elderly woman, who had a lot given her, and a slab shanty on it at the time of the entry, to start another suit for a rip up of titles and a new deal.
Pyburn, one of Jackson’s attorneys, is a member of the State Senate and it is thought he can be depended upon to get the new law through the Senate, and, if they can get Troup elected to the House, they feel confident they can pass a law that will beat Hill & Christie, town company, et al., in their pending suits and everybody else that holds title under either of the town companies.
This is the real attempt to steal the town site, but not by Manning. We have no apprehension that any law they can get passed, or any litigation under it, or under the present law, will ever void the titles to the town site, but we do apprehend that it might promote and cause a vast amount of expensive litigation which would be a great detriment to the city by throwing doubt upon titles; make much room for vicious lawyers to practice barratry and champerty, and stir up more bad blood without the least benefit to anyone except the lawyers employed in the matter.
By the way, the lots which Manning has been selling to help build his brick block are in the part of his original claim which he entered himself, and not in that part which was entered by the probate judge, if that makes any difference. Manning probably never got much, if anything, more for lots on the town site than he has expended for the general benefit of the town.
This way of commencing a suit in the courts and then getting a law passed by the legislature to rule and decide the case is a new invention in litigation which no Yankee lawyer would have ever thought of. Such are the facts about stealing the town site.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
There will be a Republican meeting held at the Fairview schoolhouse (better known as the Limbocker schoolhouse) on Friday evening, November 1st. The meeting will be addressed by Frank S. Jennings and other persons from Winfield. Greenbackers are cordially invited to join in the discussion.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878. Editorial Page.

                                                REPUBLICAN BARBECUE!!
                                       THE FINAL GUN OF THE CAMPAIGN
At Winfield, Saturday, November 2, at 2 o’clock, p.m.
Senator P. B. Plumb and Judge Sam’l. R. Peters, two of the finest orators in Kansas, will address the people. A barbecue lunch will be served on the ground. THE WHOLE COUNTY IS INVITED TO ATTEND.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                                  The Election is Next Tuesday.
Let every friend of order and good government turn out and vote the straight Republican ticket.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                                   Farmers and Laboring Men.
Do not fail to vote for farmers and laboring men when you have such candidates who are honest, faithful, and efficient. Such are G. L. Gale, J. W. Millspaugh, A. A. Wiley, and E. C. Manning and such Troup, Gans, and Leonard are not. Surely enough professional men get into office at best.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                                          SAD DISASTER.
The beautiful State Normal School building at Emporia was destroyed by fire last Saturday morning. The loss is a heavy one, the building being worth about $100,000. The fire was caused by spontaneous combustion of coal stored in the basement of the building. We have not learned whether the building was insured or not.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Cowley County has had some experiences in the fiat business. For several years we have had several very fine fiat railroads. Over these railroads our wheat has been taken to market at an extra cost to the farmers of fifteen to twenty cents per bushel. Our experience should lead us to prefer the genuine article. Is not this as true of money as of railroads? At an early day we shall secure both a genuine railroad and an honest dollar. Our people are to be congratulated on the deliverance that is so near.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Allison expects Wilson to help him get the county printing at legal rates for his any-thing-for-five-dollars, infamous, blackmailing sheet. If you are not willing to help him in his scheme, see that Gale’s and not Wilson’s name is on your ticket for commissioner from this district.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Troup gets $2,000 a year as salary and perhaps $300 extra for making the tax lists, but is not satisfied and wants another office so as to get twice paid for the time he spends at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
John Moffitt returned last Sunday from his trip East.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.

MARRIED. Married, October 24th, 1878, by Rev. L. Rigby, Mr. John W. Smith and Mary C. Hashley; of Douglas, Butler County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Mr. Case Friedburg, of Independence, was in town last week. He has been to Wichita and out through Sumner County looking at the country.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Henry Goldsmith opened up his news stand Saturday. He keeps all the leading Eastern dailies and weeklies on hand as well as the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
The Winfield gun club have received their glass balls, and tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock they will have a shoot northeast of town on Manny’s farm.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
The firm of Mater & Miller, blacksmiths, have dissolved partnership, and the shop will hereafter be run by Mater & Son, who will endeavor to keep up the reputation of the shop for good work.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
TO THE CITIZENS OF WINFIELD AND VICINITY: Friends—We wish it distinctly understood that we sell Liquors only for Medicinal Purposes. FLAG DRUG STORE.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Marshal Stevens created some excitement while taking Tom Wright to the “cooler” last Thursday. We will bet two to one that Tom has the best lungs in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Last week, Wednesday night, the post office took Greeley’s advice and went west and located in Manning’s corner building. The wheels have been taken from under it, and it looks as if it had made a permanent settlement.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the Republicans of Winfield Township at the courthouse on Friday, Nov. 1st, at the hour of 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating Township officers.
R. L. WALKER, Chairman, Township Central Committee.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
The gayest little affair of the season occurred at the residence of Mrs. Bruner on last Monday evening. The young folks found out that she had moved into her new house and rushed in upon her without warning, and warmed the house in a way that will not soon be forgotten, either, by the amiable hostess or the delighted guests.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.

We have just heard that Allison and his friends are circulating the story in some portions of the county that, when Mr. Torrance procured a writ of mandamus from Judge Campbell directing the county treasurer to issue personal property tax warrants against delinquent tax-payers, he was employed by Sheriff Parker for that purpose. This is not true. The facts are these: Complaint was made to Mr. Torrance by a number of tax-payers who had paid their personal property tax that many of the delinquent tax-payers were leaving the county with their property, so that the county was thereby losing their tax. The statute required the county treasurer to issue the tax warrants on or before the 10th day of January. Mr. Kager had neglected to issue them, and although Mr. Torrance informed him that the county was losing hundreds of dollars of tax on that account, he said he would not issue them until the next spring. This was not fair to those who had paid their taxes, and by such a course the county would have lost a large amount of taxes. Mr. Torrance then applied to Judge Campbell for a writ of mandamus, as it was his bounden duty to do, and he issued one compelling Mr. Kager to issue the tax warrants. In so doing Mr. Torrance acted purely for the interests of the county.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                                               Serious Fire.
On last week Wednesday evening about 10 o’clock a fire occurred in the new barn on
J. C. McMullen’s place in the west part of the city. The barn was a large building, well constructed, had been used as a shop by the mechanics at work on his palatial residence nearby, and there were shavings and pieces of lumber therein; besides, it was stored nearly full of the fine work for the house such as mouldings, inside finish work, windows, doors, and ornamental work for ceilings, paints, oils, carpenter’s tools, and a large quantity of house furniture and winter clothing. Two boys were to sleep in the building as a guard, and as they were about to retire, to finally extinguish their light, one of them blew down the chimney of their kerosene lantern, which exploded, setting fire to the surrounding inflammable material, and the building was completely enveloped in flames before any force could arrive to extinguish them, and the building and contents were totally destroyed. Loss about $2,000. McMullen, Swain, Barclay, and Hetherington are the principal losers. A more serious loss of Mr. McMullen is not of a nature to be estimated in cash, consisting of family mementoes, which had accumulated for generations.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                                             Fatal Accident.
DIED. Mr. Ira Howe, of Dexter, last week, in company with several of his neighbors with two wagons, went hunting in the Indian Territory south of Caldwell. While moving along in their wagons in the Territory, three men who seemed to be hostile attempted to stop the teams, at the same time cursing the occupants of the wagons. Ira Howe was lying in the bed of a wagon, and one of the occupants of that wagon in the excitement of the moment undertook to draw a gun from under the seat, and, while doing so hastily, the gun was discharged, killing Mr. Howe almost instantly. He was brought into Sumner County and buried. Mr. Howe was a friend of ours and a very estimable man and citizen. His bereaved relatives and friends have our heartfelt sympathies.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
MARRIED. GREER-KINNE. On Wednesday morning, October 30th, at the residence of E. P. Kinne, the bride’s father, in Winfield, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Ed. P. Greer and Miss Lizzie Kinne.

Ed. is one of our boys; intelligent, honest, industrious, and of unexceptionable habits. He is one of the most reliable young men you will meet, and has a future of promise before him. The bride is one of the most accomplished and beautiful of the Winfield ladies and would be a prize to any young man who should have the fortune to win her.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                               WINFIELD, October 30, 1878.
After this date Mexican dollars will be received by us at 90 cents.
                                       M. L. ROBINSON, Cashier Read’s Bank.
                                       J. C. FULLER, Winfield Bank.
                                      B. F. BALDWIN, Cashier Citizens’ Bank.
                                               WINFIELD, October 18, 1878.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Having been informed that Will M. Allison has been making charges against E. S. Torrance, the Republican candidate for county attorney of Cowley County, in reference to his connection while formerly county attorney of Cowley County with the allowance of a salary of $500 to T. H. Johnson, then probate judge of said county, and the allowance of damages to said Johnson on account of the laying out of a road on his premises, I desire to make the following statement.
At the time the salary and damages were allowed to Mr. Johnson, O. C. Smith, Frank Cox, and myself constituted the Board of County Commissioners of said county. Mr. Smith has since died and Mr. Cox has removed from this state. I was present at the sessions of the county board at which the salary and damages aforesaid were allowed. In relation to the salary, Mr. Torrance advised the board that, under the law, it was in their discretion whether they should allow a salary to Mr. Johnson for his services as probate judge, and that if they saw fit to allow such salary, it could in no event exceed $500. Mr. Torrance had nothing to do with the allowance of his salary, and if any blame is to be attached to anyone on account of the allowance of the salary, it should fall on the board and not on Mr. Torrance.
In relation to the road damages, the board allowed Mr. Johnson what they thought was right, and Mr. Torrance had nothing to do with the matter whatever, except to advise the board that, under the law, they should allow such damages as in their judgment they thought just and reasonable. J. D. MAURER.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                               WINFIELD, October 28, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Allison, in his paper of last week, devotes some space to me as the Republican candidate for county attorney, and closes by asking me five questions. I have furnished him brief answers to these questions for his paper this week, but lest he may adhere to the tactics he has started out on, and not publish my answers, I ask the privilege of a hearing through your columns.
Allison’s hostility toward me has been of long standing, growing out of the fact that he failed to get the county printing from the county board when I was county attorney. He claimed that my advice to the board concerning the law was what defeated him. When he says that he made attacks upon me through his paper before he made a bid for the county printing, he states an untruth.

Every unprejudiced person who attended the late Greenback county convention and heard Allison’s harangues there in relation to whom he wanted for county attorney will be satisfied that his grudge toward me arose out of the matter of county printing. His imputation that I have been trying to patch up my official record in advance of his charges is a fitting innuendo from his libelous pen, since, from the moment of my nomination, he has been busy retailing false charges against me.
The first three questions he asks he puts in the form of charges against me at a meeting at New Salem, and when Mr. Asp, who was present, asked him if he had any more charges to make against me, and if so, to make them then so that I could reply before the election, Allison said he had, but did not propose to exhibit his powder and shot in advance. He closes the article in his paper with the statement that when these questions are answered he shall propound more in next week’s issue, well knowing that it will be impossible for me to reply to them before the election.
Unless Allison is a true exponent of his party, which I do not believe, his manner of conducting the campaign against me will not be approved by his party, and will be considered worse than bush-whacking by every fair minded person.
And now I will answer his questions in their order.
1st. I was not guilty of a back salary grab in 1872 or in any other year, nor did I ever receive a cent from the county that I was not justly and legally entitled to. I was county attorney from January 1871 to January 1875. Under the law the county board had to fix the salary of county attorney, the amount depending upon the population of the county on the first of March of each year, to be ascertained by the returns of the township assessors, to be made by July 1st, and the board could not legally determine the population until their July session. The board at their July session in July, 1871, fixed the salary of county attorney for that year at $450, and I received that amount in the scrip of the county. At the July session for 1872 the population was such that the county board legally fixed the salary for that year at $1,000, and I received that amount in county scrip worth sixty to seventy cents on the dollar.
2nd. The only part which I had in the allowance of a salary to T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge, was to advise the board that it was in their discretion whether to allow him a salary at all or not, and that in any extent it could not exceed $500. That opinion was correct. The board did allow $500, and this violated no law.
3rd. In relation to the road damages allowed Mr. Johnson, all I had to do with it was to advise the board that it should allow such damages as were just and reasonable.
4th. I never advised the Board of County Commissioners in 1873, or at any other time, that it had a right to grant a whiskey license on the same petition upon which a license had been granted the year before, and, having never given such advice, I of course never received any money on account of such advice; nor did I ever receive, nor was I ever offered, a cent, or any sum of money or valuable thing, to do or forbear to do any official act during the four years that I was county attorney.

5th. John B. Fairbank, A. H. Green, and myself at one time were associated together in the civil practice of the law only. During that time I prosecuted a man by the name of James Stewart on the charge of being implicated in the shooting of a deputy U. S. Marshal on Grouse Creek. Stewart was defended in court by W. P. Hackney and Messrs. Putman & Case, of Topeka, and Mr. Green was in some way connected with the defense, but did not take any active part in the trial of the case. Whether Mr. Green offered Stewart any such inducement to secure his employment as Mr. Allison insinuates, I have no personal knowledge, nor do I care. Mr. Green says he did not, which settles the question in my mind that Mr. Allison lies on that score. This much I do know, that, although Stewart was defended by as good lawyers as the State afforded, the only favor I showed him was to procure his conviction and have him sentenced to the state penitentiary.
I have been informed that Mr. Allison, at a meeting at Beek’s schoolhouse, in Ninnescah Township, on last Saturday night, said that I had been given a yoke of cattle for loosely prosecuting a case in Beaver Township in which two men had been arrested on a charge of bringing Texas cattle into that township. That charge is absolutely false.
Mr. E. B. Johnson was the prosecuting witness in that case. I told Mr. Johnson after he had these men arrested and before the commencement of the trial before the justice of the peace that I believed the statute under which they were held was in contravention of the constitution of the United States, and that they would finally be discharged on that account. Mr. Johnson insisted however on testing that question, and as the county could in no event be liable for the costs, I proceeded with the trial before the justice and a jury. One of the defendants was acquitted because proof could not be obtained that he had any connection with bringing the cattle into the county. The other was convicted and he appealed to the district court, and was there discharged on the ground that the statute was unconstitutional.
It is perhaps a matter of general information that a short time ago the Supreme Court of the United States decided that a similar statute of the State of Missouri conflicted with the constitution of the United States, and on that account was null and void.
These comprise the batch of lies that Mr. Allison, so far as I am advised, has thus far charged against me in this campaign. If he didn’t lie in the last week’s issue of his paper, he intends to publish a new string of falsehoods in the last issue of his paper before the day of election.
In conclusion I have to say that any charges he may make affecting my honesty or integrity as county attorney of this county will be absolutely false; that whatever my ability may have been when acting as county attorney, I honestly and conscientiously endeavored to discharge the duties that the office devolved upon me. E. S. TORRANCE.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                  GRAVEL POINT, KANSAS, October 25, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Items there are plenty. We are having quite a young winter at present. Everybody is excited over politics. T. E. Williamson is walling his cellar and proposes to take up winter quarters there ere long. There is a well driller in our vicinity now, and all the cry is “Water!” “Water!” Hon.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
BIRTH. E. A. Henthorn, of Omnia Township, thinks politics don’t pay since he has become the father of a 10½ pound boy. STRANGER.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Fine Michigan Apples, Lemons, cocoanuts, Dates, and other fruit at Goldsmith’s, Post Office Building.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.

                                                       THE CHEAP STORE.
The Cheap Store (in new brick building corner Tenth avenue and Main street, and opposite the Williams House) is now open with a full stock of NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Queensware, etc. Everything new and the best in the market, and sold at LOWEST CASH PRICES. Call and be convinced.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
                                                  Dissolution of Partnership.
The firm of Miller & Mater, in the blacksmithing business, is dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the firm are left in the hands of W. P. Hackney, for collection. Mr. Mater will continue the business at the old stand and Mr. Miller will immediately open a shop a short distance south of that stand.
                                       DANIEL D. MILLER, DANIEL MATER.
Winfield, October 29th, 1878.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                                 BRING OUT THE BIG GUN
                                                          The Fusion Busted.
                                                    Manning Goes to Topeka!
                 The Allison Jackson Ring Split Wide Open—Torrance County Attorney!
                         Gale, Bedilion, and Story are to Continue to Serve the People!
                  The Republican State Ticket Gets a Large Majority Over all Opposition!
                                 The Fiat Goose is Dead—Never to be Resurrected!
Returns have not come in as was expected and as we go to press we are only able to announce the vote of this county as stated in the accompanying table. [SKIPPED TABLE.]  Manning is elected by 108 majority over the fusion candidate, and the whole Republican ticket, with the exception of Millspaugh, and possibly Wiley, are elected over the fusion nominees by good majorities. SKIPPED THE REST!
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
The petition to call an election to vote bonds to the A. T. & S. F. road is being circulated. A meeting has been called at the courthouse this evening to enthuse the people.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
We print today the Burlington Railroad petition that our readers may have a look at it before it is circulated for signatures. The Telegram will contain the Santa Fe proposition.
Skipped long petition re Kansas City, Burlington & Southwestern Railway and Telegraph Company. They wanted $4,000 per mile: subscription of $170,000.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Mrs. Stump has a fine assortment of ladies’ cloaks.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Miss Lena Curry has returned from her visit to Mound City.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Dr. W. S. Mendenhall has been appointed U. S. Examining surgeon.

Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Go and see “East Lynne” at the Opera House tonight.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Rev. J. E. Platter and lady returned from the State Sunday School Convention last week.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Go and see Selden Irwin in the character of “Col. Sellers” in Mark Twain’s “Gilded Age,” tomorrow evening, at the Opera House.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Mrs. M. S. Davis, mother of Mrs. E. Swain, has moved to town to spend the winter with her daughter.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
DIED. On Wednesday morning, November 6th, of membranous croup, Herman, youngest child of Leland J. and Helen Webb, aged 4 years. The afflicted parents have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their beautiful child.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Last Friday the Gun Club had their first glass ball shooting match with the following score. This is the first shoot and the score is not very good, but we hope that the next score will give a better showing. Dick Gates carried off the leather medal.
Cannot put scores down: too complicated. Club participants were E. Hersinger (not in town), James Vance, Bert Crapster, F. C. Nommsen, Frank Manny, B. M. Terrell, Chas. Steuven, Dick Gates.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
                                                              Fair Warning.
After this date any person or persons guilty of trapping or netting prairie chicken or quail or killing game out of season in this county, will be fined to the full extent of the law. Five dollars reward will be paid to anyone giving reliable information of the same.
By order of the Winfield gun club. FRED HERSINGER, President.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
MARRIED. LAHR—ANDREWS. By Rev. A. H. Walter, Oct. 20, 1878, Rev. P. G. Lahr to Mrs. M. L. Andrews, all of Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
Dick Oglesby’s Troubadours and Swiss Bell ringers will be here next Thursday.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
For sale or trade for corn or oats: three head of fine stock hogs. R. C. STORY.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
                                                   SHERIDAN, Nov. 1, 1878.
Since our last items were sent, a great many changes have been made in our neighborhood. Farms have exchanged hands, old settlers have left, and newcomers have moved in.
There has been a great deal of sickness here and the dark wings of the angel of death have overshadowed some of our homes and left a sad vacancy in our home circle. Among those still quite ill are Mr. Burnett, and Mr. Kepliast.

Presbytery convened at the Sheridan schoolhouse Oct. 17th. It lasted until Sunday, 20th, with good meetings and a fair attendance of ministers.
Mr. Johnson, who taught our school two years ago, has returned from a visit to his home in Illinois.
Wheat is looking splendid. Mr. Barney Shriver has a field tall enough to hide a rabbit and affords his cows daily pasture. This is on the upland.
Our old friend and school mate, Sol Smith, is making quite a success teaching school in this district.
Among those visiting our country with the view of making it their permanent home in the future may be mentioned Mr. Edgar Cornell (nephew of Mr. Wm. Reynolds) from near Fondulac, Wisconsin, and Mr. Dick and son-in-law, friends of G. W. Burnett, from Kentucky.
The farmers are quite busy gathering their corn. The yield is very good.
                                                          CHATTER BOX.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
                                                  LAZETTE, Oct. 28th, 1878.
The so-called Greenbackers in this place are not so sanguine as heretofore. You see Gen. Davis was over the night of 22nd inst., and pulled all the “stuffin” out of them, so completely knocked the wind from their sails till they look as lank and limp as a wet rag. Some have declared their intention to vote the republican ticket while others are in sackcloth and ashes.
The fiat party here is going the way Ward’s ducks went.
MARRIED. The next evening after the speaking Julius C. Wilcox and Stella M. Stafford were united matrimonially at the schoolhouse before a large crowd. May peace and prosperity attend them.
BIRTH. Will Fritch was son struck the other day—weight five pounds.
Dr. Wilkins, our old time friend, has been doing all the practice since he located with us.
Cal. Dwyer was thrown from his horse recently and seriously injured.
The committee appointed to look after the interest of one Sol Frazier was presented with a bill of $7.33. Whose laugh is it now? [SIGNED WITH THREE DOTS ???]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 14, 1878. Front page.
CHAS. C. BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office west side Main street, upstairs, between 8th and 9th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                    WAGNER & HAWKINS
                             PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND ACCOUCHEURS,
                                                       DEXTER, KANSAS.
Dr. Hawkins will resume the practice of his profession in co-partnership with Dr. Wagner.
All calls attended to, day and night. Both will attend, when necessary, without additional fee.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                    DR. N. M. SCHOFIELD,
Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Will give his entire attention to the practice of medicine in all its branches, both in city and country. Particular attention given to chronic diseases. Office No. 80 Main street, 2 doors south of Horning’s grocery store.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                DRS. BLACK & EMERSON,
will attend to calls promptly in city or country. Particular attention given to Surgery and Diseases of Women and Children.
Microscopy and chemical analysis a specialty. Office in McCommon & Harter’s drug store, upstairs.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                     F. H. BULL, DENTIST,
Rooms upstairs in S. C. Smith’s building, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                       DR. F. M. COOPER,
ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Prompt attention given to all calls in the city and adjacent country. Chronic and Nervous diseases specially treated.
Office over Lynn & Gillelen’s store. Residence west on 11th ave.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                DR. VAN DOREN, DENTIST.
Office and resident in the Page building, upstairs.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                          MEAT MARKET.
                                                        MILLER & KRAFT
Have always on hand the choicest steaks, roasts, and other fresh meats. Particular attention paid to neatness.
Shop on Ninth avenue, one door east of McGuire & Crippen’s store.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                PEOPLE’S MEAT MARKET,
                                                        JAS. ALLEN, Prop.
                                Two doors South of Read’s Bank, Winfield, Kansas.

Choice and tender steaks, roasts, and all kinds of fresh meats always on hand.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                             J. HOENSCHEIDT, ARCHITECT.
Drawings, plans and specifications furnished.
Deputy Co. Surveyor.
                                        Office north side Ninth [? OBSCURED ?]
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                   THOMAS J. JONES, PRACTICAL PAINTER.
House, Sign and Carriage Painting, Graining and Papering.
Office under Read’s Bank, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                           ALVIN BISBEE,
                                     MANUFACTURER OF BOOTS & SHOES
                                                to order from the best materials.
                                             A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                            J. H. O’BRIEN,
                                                  Plastering & Cistern Building.
Boards at Mrs. Whitehead’s, one door north of Brown & Glass drug store.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                                  RAILROAD PROSPECTS.
We do not doubt that our readers are very anxious to learn all that can be known concerning the railroad situation, and we consider it due them to state what we know about it. The situation at present is not encouraging. With two railroad propositions before us, each demanding nearly all the aid, in bonds, that the county can issue, it looks as though each would defeat the other and that we shall get neither.
The Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith Company, backed by the A., T. & S. F. propose to build from Wichita via Winfield and Arkansas City to the State line and demand that we vote them $180,000 of Cowley bonds. If we do this we will, without reasonable doubt, get their road, but at the same time nearly exhaust our ability to give aid to any other road and practically decide that we will have no other and will remain at the mercy of the Santa Fe company for freights and fares so far as we cannot control them by legislation.
If it is a fixed fact that we cannot get this road without voting them the $180,000, the question is narrowed down to one point, viz: shall we take the road on these terms. But there are many who do not believe that these are the best terms attainable. Some even contend that they will build the road without aid if we vote to the Burlington road the $170,000 demanded.
This position is simply absurd. If they build the road through this county, it will be because they can make money by it, and aid is an important element in their profits. If they wish to build a through route to Fort Smith, they can build through Wellington at least as cheaply with as few miles of road as through Winfield, and there is no doubt that Sumner County would vote them a reasonable amount of aid.

It is however believed that they will accept a vote from us of $140,000 in bonds. If they will do this, it will be possible to get a competing road by such further aid as we can give.
A strenuous effort is now being made at Topeka to get the amount reduced to $140,000 and we hope it will succeed. In that case we should say, vote the bonds by all means. Whatever amount we vote them they will doubtless get, for they will build the road in time to remove our next year’s crop which will be worth the $140,000 to us for a single year.
Then if we can get the Burlington road the next spring for competition the second year and the years thereafter, our county will be on the high road to wealth. Under our present assessment as we understand the law, only a little over $200,000 can be issued to both and all roads together. An increased assessment in the spring of 1880 could not possibly, in our opinion, authorize the issue of more than $250,000 in aggregate, and, after voting to both the Wichita and Burlington road, both together, could not in any event, get over $250,000, of which the Wichita road would get the amount voted to it and the Burlington only the residue.
If both propositions are voted upon in the present shape neither would probably be carried, and we hope that the Wichita company will accept the reduction and that proposition be voted on first so as to avoid a complication which will defeat both. Probably before our next issue we can give further information on these matters.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                       Further Preparations for the Survey of the Arkansas River.
Capt. I. D McKown, of the U. S. A. Engineer corps, with his assistants, Messrs. Kimball and Davis, are now at the Douglas Avenue Hotel. They will remain here till the latter part of the week to complete their arrangements for the preliminary survey of the Arkansas River from Wichita to Fort Smith, Arkansas.
The surveying party will consist of five or six persons all told, with flat boats, 8 x 20 feet, and covered with a canvass awning. Capt. McKown and party have just completed a like survey of the Kaw from Junction City to Kansas City, and have made navigable between the above points, a distance of 20 miles a day on this stream.
The party will leave here on Friday or Saturday and proceed down the river, making an accurate record of distances, the amount and flow of the water, width of the river, height of the banks, amount and quality of the timber, and character of the bed of the river generally. When completed, a report will be made through Major Sutter, of St. Louis, Chief Engineer of the department, to General Humphreys, at Washington, the head of the Engineer corps. Out of the general appropriations made by congress of $20,000 for the survey of the White and St. Francis rivers in Arkansas, the Gasconade in Missouri, and the Kaw and Arkansas rivers, a special assignment of $3,000 was made for the survey of the two latter. The people of this part of the Arkansas Valley will watch for the report with a great deal of interest. The jetty system is the plan proposed for the opening of these rivers for commercial purposes.    Wichita Beacon.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                           Horses Stolen and Afterward Shot.
                                                           (Eldorado Press.)

A gentleman from Caldwell, Sumner County, by the name of Gilmore, came up this way this week looking for five head of horses and mules which had recently been stolen from him. Before reaching El Dorado, he had found four of them, three dead. One near Red Bud, Cowley County, had been driven to death, two near the south line of this county, were shot. It is supposed that they had been ridden down, and that the thief, to conceal his tracks, had killed them rather than leave them alive. The fourth animal was found between El Dorado and Augusta, where it had been left alive and another horse stolen in its stead.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Skipped official vote tally of Cowley County November 5th and township officers elected.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Mrs. W. M. Boyer is seriously ill.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
John Buell, son of S. W. Buell, is quite sick.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Mrs. P. Stump has Harper Bazaar Patterns for sale.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Fine gent’s underwear at Goldsmith’s, post office building.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
J. C. Fuller has gone to Topeka to talk railroad.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
DIED. A child of Mr. Lipscomb, our sign painter, died last Monday.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Choice lemons at 50 cts. per dozen at Goldsmith’s, Post Office Building.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Fine cocoanuts and Michigan apples at Goldsmith’s, post office building.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
John J. Todd, the great peach raiser, is seriously ill. His situation was critical last Monday.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Our county superintendent is again able for duty, and hopes soon to take the field in visiting schools.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Doctor Tomlinson, of Indianapolis, is visiting friends along the Walnut. The Doctor thinks of locating in Cowley.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Mr. Warren Gillelen has purchased the lot on 8th Avenue, next east of Mr. Curns, and will immediately erect a brick house containing six rooms. We always wondered why Mr. Gillelen went to Ft. Scott so often.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Charles H. Miller, ex-U. S. Marshal, has purchased the Leavenworth Daily Public Press, and will manage its affairs.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.

Maj. Schofield was here again last week on railroad matters. He was accompanied by Col. Fisk, of New York, an experienced railroad builder and capitalist, who is a brother-in-law of Joseph P. Hale, the principal capitalist of the Burlington road. Col. Fisk will have a large interest in the road and superintend its construction. They were accompanied by Mr. DeLong, attorney for the company, and Maj. Gunn, the chief engineer. The company is thoroughly and powerfully organized with able and experienced men in every department and claim an abundance of capital to build the road. These gentlemen went on to Sumner and to counties west to make arrangements with those counties having ordered that their proposition be circulated in the form of a petition in this county at once.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Jack Redick, of Harvey, was in our city Wednesday last.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Mr. M. D. Herman, father of Mrs. Webb, is visiting in this city.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Mr. A. C. Finney has moved with his family to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Prof. Pepard gave a free lecture at the courthouse Monday night.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Rev. J. E. Platter was quite ill Monday, but has since been improving.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
BIRTH. Mr. John W. Curns is the happy father of a new born son; weight nine pounds.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Goldsmith has put up a guard to protect his show cases and for the benefit of loungers.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
The splendid new hotel between the Central and the American hotels is nearly completed.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Dick Walker, Cornie Wallis, and George Walker started for the Territory for a hunt Monday.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Mr. Alonzo Moffitt, of Illinois, cousin of John Moffitt, our “boss” lumber dealer, is visiting in this city.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
I. L. Millington, a brother of ours, and John Buell have fitted up the building lately occupied by the post office for a feed store and will soon be ready to buy corn, oats, and other produce from the farmers.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
MARRIED. On the 7th of Nov., 1878, by Rev. Joel Mason, E. Anmaun and Cora Haven, all of Cowley County, Kansas. [Not sure of Anmaun: could be Aumaun.]
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
MARRIED. By the same on Nov. 9th, 1878, Charles J. Pempton, of Sedgwick County and Paelle [?] C. Holland, of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
List of Jurors drawn Nov. 4, 1878, to serve at the December term of court, 1878, in the District Court of Cowley County:

J. J. Jackson, Windsor.
W. G. Hill, Winfield.
William McCullock, Beaver.
C. S. Smith, Vernon.
A. J. Thomas, Sheridan.
J. R. Perry, Creswell.
William Coombs, Creswell.
H. Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley.
Joseph Cole, Liberty.
William Moore, Dexter.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                               LITTLE DUTCH, Nov. 6, 1878.
A grand display of Good Templars took place here on the 2nd inst. The house was called to order by Worthy Chief. Prayer by brother Howard. First on the program was an address by the Worthy Chief; some very fine music by Miss Green, who sang and played an accompaniment; speech by Hans Peter, giving his experience of “Dakin a Swheat.” temperance speech by Brother Beach, depicting the horror of the drunkard life. Mr. Beach is a strong advocate of the temperance cause and is an able speaker. Next was an Ethiopian song by W. Hart. An Ethiopian farce was acted by four amateur actors which was loudly applauded by the audience. Address by Judge Gans, who held the audience under his will [?] of eloquence for about thirty minutes, who adheres very much to the subject of temperance. A song by the two Misses Savage. Edward Mount gave a very interesting declamation. Installation of the officers of the lodge, which closed the program. Little Dutch Lodge is in a flourishing condition, owing to the interest manifested by the members.      DEADWOOD.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                         PLEASANT VALLEY, Nov. 11, 1878.
The conflict is over. A great victory is won, but representative district 89 lost one gun. Two years ago we pitted our Mitchell, of the sand-crested village on the Rhine against their Ed. Green, a very successful agriculturist, and we won by 302. Now in 1878 we pitted A. A. Wiley, a horny-handed, hard fisted son of toil from our agricultural district against their Dr. Leonard, of the aforesaid sand-crested village on the Rhine and they won. Our solemn judgment is that sand has some weight in this district and in future will govern ourselves accordingly. Our seaport metropolis is weighty in this matter of voting for her own citizens no matter what convention nominated them. But on the other hand, Mr. COURIER, your dist. 88 has proven conclusively that some doubtful things are not uncertain, viz., in the election of Col. Manning. Column after column of mud has been dashed upon him and he blooms in it like a pond lilly. He has calmly, quietly, silently awaited this vindication at the hands of the people. He will no doubt as calmly advance to the front and say “Cowley County, your will is my pleasure, name it,” and Cowley County will say to her representatives, “We only expect you to do your duty and certainly nothing less.” Some people in this county have learned that Manning’s friendship is detrimental to no one. More of them had better court it.

Pleasant Valley folks are busy husking corn, and hauling wood and wheat to market. We are waiting for Winfield blowers to come and give us a railroad project and the rebuttal from the sand crested village on the Rhine so that we won’t know what is trump. We “hear” it is christened the Santa Fe, Sumner, Kansas City, Topeka, Cowley, Fort Scott & Atchison. What, and only to cost $4,000 per mile? Whatever it is, Pleasant Valley will know what is at the bottom of any R. R. project before she casts one vote for it, “now don’t you forget it.”
Kind wishes, DAN LAMME.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                                   LITTLE DUTCH, Nov. 11.
Election over and 76 good Republicans are happy because Col. E. C. Manning goes to Topeka this winter. Hurrah for E. C.
J. W. Douglass was elected justice of the peace by 80 majority. Also Wm. Huston for constable by about the same. The literary society at Prairie Grove is in full blast and have a good time every Tuesday night. Everybody happy, wheat looks well except some few pieces. We don’t want to see the A. T. & S. F. petition in Rock, for we intend to vote it down, you bet. Give us the Schofield road, please. HORNET.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
                                             ARKANSAS CITY, Nov. 7, 1878.
EDITOR WINFIELD COURIER: Dear Sir: According to promise I send you an account of the steamboat Cherokee now building at this point.
On Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 6th, the Cherokee was successfully launched and is afloat in the Arkansas River opposite this town ready for the machinery, which will be put on her during the next ten days. McClaskey & Seymour are the owners, and the boat was built by Cyrus Wilson, one of our mechanics and an old experienced boat-builder.
The hull is sixteen feet wide and eighty feet long on the bottom; eight-five feet long and eighteen feet wide on the main deck, with guards projecting two feet all around, making the boat on the main deck twenty-two feet wide and eighty-five feet long, making her four feet wider and several feet longer than the “Aunt Sally,” and, having a model bow, she looks more like a steamboat. The hull is built of oak ribs and two inch oak plank on the bottom and two inch pine plank for the sides. Her draught when she went into the water was less than four inches, while empty. After the crowd rushed on board, with ninety men, besides several boys and children not counted, her draught was six and a half inches. That number of men will weigh as much as her machinery; if not more, and her draught will not exceed seven inches. With fuel and all ready for a trip, fifty tons of freight will put her down one foot more, making her draught 19 inches; so that she can carry at least one thousand bushels of wheat on 20 inches. As the river at its lowest stages and on the shallowest bars or fords has never been less than 18 inches to two feet of water, we feel confident that this boat can run ten months of the year and carry at least one thousand bushels of wheat at a trip.
The Arkansas River, once opened for boats, will give Cowley County the best outlet for her surplus crops that we can hope for. If this boat can make one or two successful trips between Little Rock and Cowley County this winter, other boats will follow in the spring, and there will soon be a line of steamboats making regular trips up and down the long neglected Arkansas.

This enterprise, pushed on to a successful issue, farmers will be enabled to sell their wheat in Winfield and Arkansas City at Wichita prices—saving to them the cost of hauling fifty miles to an uncertain market. Cowley County wheat once started down the river, will bring railroads to Cowley County sooner than anything else that we can do. Now the railroads have our trade where they are, without building into the county to hold it, but with navigation fairly established down the Arkansas, they would have to come to the county to secure our trade.
River navigation means to all of Southern Kansas, and especially Cowley and Sumner counties, increased prosperity that a ready market always brings. It means cheaper rates for freight on all we have to sell, and every cent saved on price of freights goes into the pockets of the producer. It also means lower prices on all we consume; in short, higher prices on all we have to sell and lower prices on all we have to buy; thus being a two fold benefit to all.
River navigation has several advantages over railroad lines, as all freight can be carried for less than one-half railroad charges. It cannot be monopolized by any company. No combination can be formed for pooling earnings, and it will give Cowley County cheaper railroad rates, as it will be a check upon any railroads after they do come, and we shall be able to obtain better terms from them than we could possibly hope for if we were entirely at their mercy.
With railroads north and east and the river carrying our crops south, Cowley County will be in a fair position to advance to the front ranks and will soon be able to offer better inducements to turn the tide of immigration to her borders than any other county in the southwest. The time has come when every man in Cowley County should lay aside all personal feelings and local interest and put his shoulder to the wheel and give the county a shove ahead. That will secure to her these much needed facilities for years to come.
Don’t let the golden opportunity pass while we stand quarreling over localisms, but let us all work together for the true interest of the whole county.
Most respectfully, I. H. BONSALL.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office November 12, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Asher, Wm.; Autrine, Jas.; Arnold, F. J.; Adnig, S.; Biley, Geo. C.; Billing, W.; Blakeney, Will M.; Borton, D. B.; Boaf, Jas.; Bonil, Julia; Bradford, Cyrus; Butler, Wm. H.; Coates, S. R.; Cooper, A. A.; Croso, Dema; Culison, Calvin; Dodge, John; Deidrick, Henry; Drennon, Sarah A.; Dabney, Graham; Davis, R.; Davis, W. W.; Davis, L.; Dunbar, Ephraham; Graham, A. H.; Graham, C. P.; Hunt, Margaret M.; Harpster, Cyrus; Henry, Mr.; Hubbs, Geo.; Handy, Ettie; Hoffman, John W.; Hamilton, Mr.; Jordon, John;
Jodes, Laura.
SECOND COLUMN: Kelley, Bendie; Maurdzin, J. H.; Mackey, J. C.; Miller, W. W.; McDonal, David; McKeny, John; Murphy, John A.; Myers, G. W.; Nichols, P. S.; Osborn, Chas.; Orcutt, Frank; Page, Louis F.; Peter, S. H.; Pearson, John W.; Phillips, M. V.; Rithrock, P.; Raif, Caspar; Risley, C. C.; Rohrer, I. H.; Rhoads, A. Z.; Scales, R. B.; Sibbitt, Richard; Smith, Lizzie; Telf, I. D.; Thompson, Millard F.; Tibbetts, Judy; Turner, Geo.; Thompson, Osborn or Levi; Tanahall, I. H.; Williams, Sarah; Wilson, M. L.; Wilson, Mrs. J. J.; Watson, John H.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.

Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                     ELECTION ORDERED.
The Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith Railroad is the name given to the branch of the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe road. On Tuesday last our County Commissioners ordered an election to be held Dec. 24th, to vote for or against bonds to that company to the amount of $144,000. The condition is that the road shall be built from Wichita to Winfield on or before the 20th of next September, when the company will be entitled to bonds at the rate of $4,000 per mile when built in the county, and if they shall within one year from that time have built to Arkansas City then they shall be entitled to $4,000 per mile from Winfield to that place. The balance of the $144,000 to be delivered when they get to the State line if so much is required to make them $4,000 a mile. We think none can afford to vote against this proposition for it is the best we can now hope to get and insures us one road in a very short time. The proposition will go before the people in accordance with the petition, namely to vote $180,000 in bonds, for the reason that the law requires the order to correspond with the petition, but the company have filed with the county clerk a stipulation by which they agree that the gross amount of bonds shall not exceed $144,000 and that the excess of $36,000 shall not be issued. Our best attorneys say that this is sufficient and will surely limit the issue to $144,000.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                      AMENDED RAILROAD PROPOSITION.
We have been severely criticized for our course in regard to the A., T. & S. F. proposition for the construction of a railroad into and through this county because we protested against voting $180,000 bonds. A packed meeting was held in Winfield about two weeks ago seemingly for the purpose of “sitting down” upon us. In that meeting we claimed that the amount asked was too great and urged that an effort be made to secure a reduction. We plead for the men who will have to pay these bonds rather than for the ones who hope to make a few hundred dollars out of town lots. We were satisfied that in accepting that proposition our county was made the victim of somebody’s stupidity. In all our conversations with Mr. Strong, of the Santa Fe road, no such a sum as $180,000 has ever been mentioned. We were confident that by proper management the road could have been secured for $130,000 or less, and were unwilling to fasten this additional burden of $50,000 upon the industries of this county.
The meeting refused to make any attempt to secure a reduction of the amount proposed. Men who seemed to have the interest of the A., T. & S. F. corporation more at heart than those of our county, allowed a determination to carry these bonds in spite of everything. We were quietly informed that unless we “came to time” and “danced to the Music” of a little railroad ring, it would not be well with us. We did not dance, but in spite of the action of the meeting mentioned above continued to work for a reduction.

Last week the senior editor of the COURIER wrote an amended proposition reducing the bonds to be voted $40,000 and locating the depot a half mile nearer the center of town than the old. This proposition was carried to Topeka by J. C. Fuller and C. M. Wood. They and Mr. Lemmon presented the proposition to Mr. Strong and urged its acceptance. After a short discussion he consented to a reduction of $36,000, and promised to have a new proposition for not more than $144,000 written and ready for the committee by the next morning.
Whether or not Mr. Strong received dispatches from this place, we do not know, but for some reason he afterwards increased the amount to $148,000, and this sum was mentioned in the amended proposition that was forwarded the next day.
While this amount is $18,000 more than we think it should be, while it is that sum greater than we think it would have been had this matter been properly arranged from the first, we believe that the best thing that can be done now is to accept the proposition and vote the $148,000 bonds.
That the Santa Fe folks intend to build the road at once if we vote these bonds we have no doubt. It will surprise us if the cars are not running to the south line of the State in time for the Texas cattle trade of next year. We are satisfied that the company means business and that the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The grading of the road will probably be done this winter. This will give work at good prices in cash to many laboring men. Men of capital will find their way to our town and county and a new era of prosperity will dawn upon us. Business of all kinds will receive a new impetus. The building of the road will put money into the pockets of all of us. It will give that stability which is necessary to prosperity. Let us do our part at once. We cannot afford to delay longer.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
“Winfield wants two or three railroads, but don’t want any of them to go to or run through Lazette, Tisdale, Oxford, or Arkansas City. Perfectly natural for Winfield.”
[Arkansas City Traveler.]
Frequently items similar to the above have appeared in the Traveler. That paper has always been noted for its unfair treatment of Winfield. It never loses an opportunity to misrepresent our people. When the paper changed hands recently we hoped its new proprietor would have the honesty and manliness to tell the truth about all parts of our county, but it seems that we were mistaken. The above item is a contemptible slur made by a very silly slanderer. We believe that such misrepresentation is condemned by the most of the good people of our neighboring city. We cannot believe that they encourage such wicked and groundless statements.
The people of Winfield want railroad connections. They have long wanted them and they have spent much time and money in their attempts to secure them. They have not sought them for the benefit of the town alone, but for the entire county. In our discussions here the question has always been asked, “What is the best for all?” We want every part of the county to grow and prosper.
Our people have not been disposed to take up with every wild-cat project that has been suggested. Had we listened to the Traveler’s proposition to vote about $100,000 bonds to the Emporia Narrow Gauge and put the bonds in escrow, our county would today be tied hand and foot with no hope of securing a road from any direction. It is wholly owing to the good sense and forethought of the citizens of Winfield that the county is now in a condition to consider any kind of a proposition.

As to our not wanting a railroad to run through Lazette, Tisdale, Oxford, or Arkansas City, bless your silly old soul, the people of Winfield would do all they could to help either of these towns, or any others in southern Kansas to secure these useful institutions. Of course, we expect to get our share of the good things. We shall try to have about two of the roads that may be built into this part of the state come by way of Winfield. We believe in our town. We are proud of what it now is, and we believe nearly everybody in the county except the editor of the Traveler shares our pride.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
“It is plain why a small section in Winfield would like to kill off the Santa Fe. They fear they cannot induce the company to build a depot in special door yards, and rather than fail in the scheme, they would see the people of Cowley tied up to Schofield to build—nothing!” [Traveler.]
Wrong again, Mr. Sand Hill Crane. Nobody in Winfield wants to “kill off the Santa Fe.” We are united on a fair proposition to vote bonds for the construction of that road. We have always been anxious to secure such a proposition. We have always believed this would be the first company to build into this county and we have repeatedly said so. The opposition to this project so far as we have been able to learn, has always come from the Traveler and its backers. When the junior editor of this paper wrote from Topeka to the Traveler man eighteen months ago that he believed that by working together a fair proposition could be secured from the Santa Fe people, the latter individual took occasion to say in his paper in a polite and delicate way, that he believed the former lied, and that the A., T. & S. F. company had no intention of doing anything for us. Until the Schofield proposition was started, the Traveler man never had a good word to say to the Santa Fe people.
This frightened him and at once he became the warm advocate of a proposition from them that would for many years make it impossible for us to secure a competing line from the east or northeast passing through either Lazette or Tisdale or both. Because the mass of the people here could not and would not accept that unfair and ungenerous proposition, he seeks to detract attention from his own perfidy by throwing mud at Winfield. If he would work for the interests of the entire county instead of nursing a spirit of jealousy that should long since have been buried, everybody would have more respect for his opinions. Now stop your whining, admit that the sensible men of Winfield have saved the county $32,000 in the Santa Fe proposition, and made it possible to secure eastern connections and go to work like a man to help carry the proposition now before the people.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Dacota will knock at the doors of the Union for admission as the thirty-ninth state during the approaching session of Congress. It has 125,000 inhabitants and is rapidly increasing in population and wealth.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
From the best information which we can get from the records and from other sources, the number of resident taxpayers is about 2,250. The number cannot be less than 2,000 nor more than 2,400 in this county.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
The director of the mint estimates the amount of bullion in the country at $214,000,000 gold, and $88,000,000 silver. The production during the past year was $47,000,000 gold, and $46,000,000 silver. It is estimated that $2,500,000 gold and $3,000,000 silver was consumed in arts and manufactures and that $8,000,000 of silver was exported.

Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
We desire to give M. L. Robinson, the commissioners, and others full credit for saving $4,000 to the county in the final reduction of the Santa Fe proposition to $144,000.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Fish from the Arkansas last week.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
The Walnut River has risen a few inches.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
R. A. O’Neill has opened school in District 77.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Mr. Bull, living a mile southeast of the city, is seriously ill.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
We are glad to see B. F. Baldwin again able to attend to business.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Ed. Bedilion is building a frame house in East Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Several new dwellings are in process of erection on the Andrews addition.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Fine lemons at 25 and 50 cents per dozen at Goldsmith’s, P. O. building.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
L. J. Webb has fitted up Room No. 1 of Bahntge’s new brick for a law office.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
The awning in front of Goldsmith’s has been taken down, which is quite an improvement.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Mr. Henry Bahntge, of the firm of Bahntge Bros., started for Charleston, South Carolina, Sunday, to be gone two months.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Mr. N. B. Robertson, of Illinois, called on us Saturday. He is out here taking a look at the country.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Dr. H. H. Arnold, the celebrated singer, is stopping in the vicinity of Belle Plaine. He will spend a week with us.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
The Methodists have put stoves in their church because the furnace does not warm up the church in time for services.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Col. C. H. Robinson has moved his office from Manning’s block into A. H. Green’s office, one door south of Read’s Bank. When you want money, give him a call.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Joseph Shaw, a prominent citizen of Windsor Township, called last Monday. He was suffering with cold and fever. We hope to hear of his full recovery soon.

Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Hon. D. B. Emmett, of Wichita, made us a pleasant call last Monday. He is one of the early settlers of Kansas, has resided in both Fort Scott and Humboldt, and has made an enviable record in the political history of this state.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Mr. H. E. Brooking, who holds forth at the boot and shoe store of W. C. Root & Co., will be in the field next year, “Deo volente,” as a candidate for sheriff of this county. He is a capable man in all respects, and has been a staunch Republican ever since there was a Republican party. We doubt not he will obtain a large support.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
J. C. Franklin and lady have returned from California, the land of gold and of promise, and have concluded that Winfield and Cowley County are better than San Francisco and California. He will go into business again in Winfield when a suitable opening offers. He is a valuable citizen, and we commend his wisdom in returning to the best county in the world.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
A few days ago while Mrs. D. F. Best and Mrs. Charlie Best were out for a drive the horses took fright and ran away, throwing both ladies from the carriage and injuring them both severely. They were taken to the residence of Mr. Doolittle, where they were kindly cared for until they were able to be taken home. They are getting along nicely at present. Miss Anna Clark, a sister of Mrs. D. F. Best, was taken ill at the same time of a congestive chill and is now lying at the point of death.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
DIED. John J. Todd, one of our best and most industrious farmers, died of inflammation of the bowels last week Wednesday evening at his residence four and a half miles east of this city. He came to this county from Fort Scott in 1871 and opened a high-land farm, which he has improved extensively, and has made one of the best orchards in the county. His crops of peaches this year and last amounted to thousands of bushels. Mr. Todd was about sixty years of age and has been one of the most energetic and persevering workers we ever knew. His loss will be deeply felt, not only by his family and friends, but by the whole community.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Gen. W. H. Schofield has been in our midst for many days working up his railroad interests with his usual energy. He is a gentleman of dignity and character, and has worked honorably and fairly. He has made a host of warm friends in this city and county. On the announcement of the decision of the county board that the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith proposition had preference in the time of election, Mr. Schofield withdrew his proposition, filing a statement of his reasons therefor, to the effect that if carried the C. S. & F. S. road would absorb nearly all the bonds that the county has ability to issue being preferred in time; that the total ability of the county is $201,000, and after giving $144,000 of that to the C., S. & F. S. company only $57,000 would be left for his company if the bonds were voted to it, an amount less by more than $100,000 than they could accept and build. Under these circumstances he felt compelled to withdraw his proposition.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Prof. E. P. Hickok conducted the services in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Our city schools are now full, about three hundred and fifty pupils being on the rolls.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
More than fifty new buildings are in process of erection in this city and a large number of others are projected.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Major T. J. Anderson, agent, and Major Ross Burns, attorney of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., arrived in this city last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
J. T. Weston has filled up the other half of the store formerly used by Sparr Bros. with stoves and tinware and now occupies the entire room.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Charles McIntire, who has been assisting in the Telegram office, assumes the charge of the local department of the Arkansas City Traveler. Charlie is a good fellow and we wish him success as a local editor.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Major Schofield has been attending personally to the circulation of his petitions for the Burlington road for the past week. He is a great conversationalist and has great influence with those with whom he converses.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
J. C. Fuller and C. M. Wood returned from Topeka, where, with the assistance of A. B. Lemmon, they succeeded in getting the Santa Fe railroad proposition to our county reduced $32,000 in the amount of bonds required.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
J. J. Johnson gladdened the COURIER office with a call last Monday. He is a former resident of Fort Scott and has been a prominent citizen at New Salem, in this county, for the last seven years, where he has a well improved farm and plenty of stock.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the Presbyterian Church on the morning of Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28, 1878. Sermon by Rev. J. Cairns, of the Baptist Church. The exercises will consist of prayer, preaching, and songs of praise.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                            Fatal Accident.
DIED. A young man late from Illinois named George Bailey recently took a contract of Harter, Harris & Co. to excavate the earth at the mouth of the tunnel at the Tunnel Mills. While engaged at this work last Monday the perpendicular bank of earth above him slid off and fell on him, crushing him down and burying him five feet deep. Before the earth could be removed from him, life was extinct. He had noticed the first symptom of the slide and started to run from under but did not succeed. Another man at work with him was more fortunate. He was pushed over and buried up to his waist but not injured.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.

The following are the names of the scholars in the Second Intermediate Department of the Public Schools in this city who have been perfect, both in their lessons and deportment: Pearl Van Doren, Cora Finch, Ella Trezise, Emma Rodgers, Mary Kingsbury, Noah Davis, George Heisinger, Eddie Kelley, Paris Hittle, Jerome Vandeventer, and Jay Bryan.
                                                    EMMA SAINT, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Mr. R. D. Jillson, late of Hornersville, New York, has built a fine large store on Main street in this city, and has moved his family here for a permanent residence. He has been engaged in railroad business for the last ten years, in the ticket office at Hornersville, and has enjoyed various important offices and the respect and confidence of the people of that city and county. We gladly welcome him and his estimable family to this place, and congratulate ourselves on such a valuable acquisition to our society. We clip the following from the Hornersville Times:
“Robert D. Jillson and family are located at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. They leave hosts of friends here who will speak for them the good will and esteem of their new neighbors in the far West.”
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                        Our County Board.
We cannot forbear a word of commendation for the fearless, just, and manly course of action of our county commissioners in relation to the two railroad petitions which were presented to them last Monday. There was a struggle between the partisans of the two roads for priority in the time of holding the elections. The advocates of the road whose petition was first presented were present in force, demanded immediate action, and got hot and clamorous. They indulged in insinuations and threats against the board, and more particularly against Mr. Burden, who told them to go ahead and execute their threats for he would not act until he had time to consider the matter and to advise with the county attorney, who was absent that day. The matter was postponed until the next morning, when the county attorney was present and the board had carefully examined and considered the matter. The order for the election was then made under the condition and understanding that a stipulation should be filed limiting the amount of bonds to be voted to that road to $144,000. The board did right, as they always do.
Burden cannot be persuaded or intimidated into any action until he is sure it is right, and will do right and for the best interests of his county whether it suits his personal interests or not. The same may be said of Gale and Sleeth. A better, truer, more efficient board of county commissioners no county ever had.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
The young folks are preparing for a grand ball on Thanksgiving evening at the courthouse.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                       Teachers’ Examination.
There will be examinations of applicants for teachers’ certificates at the following times and places:
November 29, Winfield.
January 21, Winfield, Arkansas City, and Dexter.
March 28, Winfield.

Parties interested will please appear promptly at 9 o’clock a.m.
                                                     R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                              Town Clock.
Why don’t we have a town clock? One that would keep correct time, that would tell the laborer when to begin and when to quit work, and one that would, by its hourly striking, almost dispense with clocks in our houses? Who can give us statistics and information on this subject? Such an improvement as this is much needed, and would well repay our citizens for the cost of erecting one. Give us the town clock.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Scores given for gun club meeting called the “glass ball shooting” last Friday. Participants listed: Bert Crapster, F. C. Nommsen, Frank Manny, B. M. Terrell. “And now the shining leather medal hangs upon the heaving bosom of Bert Crapster.”
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Mr. Wm. McCracken, of Sedgwick County, is said to have fallen heir to an immense estate near Dublin, Ireland, valued at forty millions of dollars. He has been summoned to go to Ireland and attend to this business and left immediately. He says he shall return to Sedgwick County and continue to make it his home. Wonder if our McCracken over at Lazette is not entitled to at least two or three millions of dollars of that estate? We “bet” he is a better man and worthier of such good fortune than the Wichita McCracken.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                NEW SALEM, Nov. 18, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: A rousing Lodge of Good Templars was organized here last Friday night by D. C. Beach, Esq., of Winfield. The Lodge numbers about 25 members on starting and its chief officers are as follows:
W. C. T.: A. W. Davis.
W. V. T.: Mrs. Amelia Rupp.
W. S.: Miss Mollie Buck.
W. T.: William Cayton.
Chaplain: Rev. Mr. Graham.
Lodge Deputy: John Shields.
The Lodge starts out under the most favorable auspices, with intelligent, capable membership and efficient officers, and will do a good work.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
LIST of Jurors drawn Nov. 4, 1878, to serve at the December term of court, 1878, in the District Court of Cowley County.
J. M. Jackson, Windsor.
W. G. Hill, Winfield.
William McCullock, Beaver.
C. S. Smith, Vernon.
A. J. Thomas, Sheridan.
J. E. Perry, Creswell.
William Coombs, Creswell.

L. C. Norton, Creswell.
John Devore, Pleasant Valley.
Joseph Cole, Liberty.
William Moore, Dexter.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Ed. Gray, the talented young “Traveler” man, called on us last Monday. He says that by the change in the proprietorship of the paper, he has “got left.” We do not think he will “subside” for many long years to come.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office November 19, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Bulb, Alois; Buss, H. H.; Brown, Mrs. Nellie; Brooks, Mrs. Carrie C.; Bennett, Arthur H.; Baker, Mrs. J. S.; Crockett, Walter; Corley, D.; Cheny, W.; Chenoweth, J. S.; Campbell, Mrs. Anna; Dunbar, E. D.; Daugherty, Elizina; Evans & Gump; Giles, Mrs. Emma; Gillman & White; Green, Lillie; Green, Mrs. L. C.; Grear, A. H.; Goodwin, Thos, J.; Harris, Geo B.; Hann, Mrs. B. S.; Hawekee, Leanea.
SECOND COLUMN: Hopkins, Mrs. J. R.; Hisson, Wm.; Hill, J. H.; Jameson, Mory; Lyon, Hiram; Lee, Mrs. M. J.; Land, Job; McMillen, Sadie; Moore, Ida; Mohr, Math.; Martin, T. S.; Pape, Jason; Pennington, Walter H.; Pallett, W. B.; Pynersod, Ike; Sheridan, Ellie; Shannon, Julia A.; Saddlear, AL; Timmerman, Nancy; Tisemore [? Lisemore ?], Louie; Williams, S. L.; Wallis, Hattie; Welsh, James P.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.”
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
For some time Courier has printed prices for various items. I have skipped these.
Am showing list from this issue.
                                               WINFIELD MARKET PRICES.
Wheat No. 2, new, per bu.: $.45
Corn, per bushel: 18 to 20
Oats, per bushel: $.20
Potatoes, Irish, per bushel: $.40
Turnips,  NOT GIVEN.
Flour, per 100 pounds: $1.40 to $2.50
Flour, Graham, per 100 pounds: $2.00
Flour, Buckwheat, per 100 pounds: NOT GIVEN.
Corn meal: 75
Lard, per pound: 8
Butter: 20
Chickens, per dozen: $1.25 to $1.50
Eggs: 10
Wood, per cord: $5.00
                                                        RETAIL MARKET.
                                          (As corrected by McGuire & Crippen.)
8½ lbs. C sugar: $1.00

10 lbs. B. sugar: $1.00
7½ lbs. Granulated sugar: $1.00
7 lbs. Pulverized sugar: $1.00
4 lbs. best Rio coffee: $1.00
5 lbs. good coffee: $1.00
1 lb. best Gunpowder tea: $1.00
1 lb. best Imperial tea: $1.00
1 lb. best Japan tea: $.75
1 lb. best Young Hya’n tea: $.70
1 lb. best good Green tea: $.40
8 [?] lbs. Soda: $.25
14 lbs. Michigan dried apples: $1.00
16 lbs. dried peaches: $1.00
8 lbs. best rice: $1.00
3 bars White Russian soap: $.25
Flour: $1.50 to $2.50
                                                       WICHITA MARKET.
Wheat No. 1, red winter: NO PRICE GIVEN.
Wheat No. 2, red winter: 60
Wheat No. 3, red winter: 56
Wheat No. 4, red winter: 50
Rejected: 48
Corn: 23
Oats: 15 to 17
Hogs: 8.25
                                                  KANSAS CITY MARKET.
Wheat No. 1, red winter: NO PRICE GIVEN.
Wheat No. 2, red winter: 77½
Wheat No. 3, red winter: 73
Wheat No. 4, red winter: NO PRICE GIVEN.
Corn No. 2: 24
Corn, rejected: 22½
Oats No. 2: 17
Cattle native steers, shippers: $3.35 to $4.25
Cattle native steers, butchers: $3.00 to $3.50
Cattle native stockers and feeders: $2.35 to $3.25
Cattle Texas steers: $2.50 to $2.75
Cattle Texas cows and heifers: $1.90 to $2.25
Hogs: $2.30 to $2.60
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                                   To Let.

After Dec. 1st, 1878, my NEW STORE on Main street, suitable for Grocery, Dry Goods, or Hardware, will be to rent. Also ONE ROOM, 20 x 22, upstairs, entrance from the front, outside. This room is light and airy and very convenient for an office of any kind. Building entirely new. Enquire on the premises, three doors south of Williams House, for terms.
                                                           R. D. JILLSON.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                        Miss H. E. Westlake
Will give instruction to the young ladies of Winfield and vicinity in a system of cutting and fitting by actual measurement. She also makes drafts for fifty cents each, from which ladies can cut and fit for themselves. Rooms at Mrs. Kelly’s, the brick house, 9th Avenue, west of Main street.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
COWS FOR SALE. 7 good milk cows for sale. Enquire of H. S. Standsberry, town of Creswell.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
                                                             1000 DOZEN
                                                     Clark’s & Coat’s Thread,
                                                       57½ Cents Per Dozen,
                                                      At the New York Store.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878. Editorial Page.
The A., T. & S. F. rate on wheat from Wichita to Kansas City is 21 cents per 100 pounds, equivalent to 12 and sixth-tenths cents per bushel or 5½ cents per bushel per 100 miles. If the road is built to Winfield and the rates are unchanged from Winfield to Wichita, they will be 2½ cents per bushel. We expect, however, that wheat will be shipped from Winfield to Kansas City for ten cents a bushel within a year.
If the road is built from Wichita to Winfield before Oct. 1st, within a year from that time it will carry from this county 720,000 bushels of wheat, saving our farmers ten cents a bushel amounting to $72,000; then the saving on all other kinds of freight, going out and coming in, would be as much more, making $144,000, all the road would cost the county saved in hauling to and from Wichita alone in a single year.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Editorial Page had a number of notices, which I skipped, as they were too lengthy.
Pertained to railroad election notices (Rock Creek, Ninnescah, Maple Townships, etc.)
Concerned construction of Kansas City, Burlington & Southwestern Railway and Telegraph Company, to aid in securing construction of a line of railroad through said townships. Amount of subscription varied according to township.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Prairie fires are numerous.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Captain Siverd, of Rock, was in town Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Rev. J. E. Platter has recovered sufficiently to be out.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.

Mrs. B. H. Clover and Mrs. Dr. Chapman, of Lazette, were in our city Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Rev. F. P. Berry, now of Wellington, preached in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Mr. Cotton, of Independence, was in the city last week. He came over to look after his interests in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Mrs. Emily Houston returned from Ohio last Saturday. We suppose the illness of her son, Mr. Platter, hastened her return.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
The Hope Brothers presented, last week, a beautiful eight-day clock to the Baptist Church, for which kindness the members thereof return thanks.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Our worthy Register, E. P. Kinne, has been gone from home some ten days on a visit to his old tramping ground in Illinois. He returned last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
We learn that Dr. Chapman, of Lazette, has about finished his handsome storeroom. It is said to be one of the best business buildings in Grouse Valley.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Will Henshaw arrived Saturday last from California. He had a delightful visit, and speaks well of that state. He brought a lady with him, but not Mrs. Henshaw.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
William Huff, the pioneer blacksmith of Lazette, was in town last week. He has sold out his shop to Jap Northcott and now contemplates a trip through New Mexico.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
The “Deutcher Unterhaltungs Verein” proposes holding a first class masquerade ball on New Year’s eve. Proceeds to be used in securing immigration to this town and county.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
The stencil man on one corner, the “boiled cider” man on another, and auctioneers on each one of the other corners and in the middle of the street made things pretty lively Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Miss Alice Aldrich has been compelled, through sickness, to give up her school in district 48. Miss Alice is one of our best teachers, and both patrons and scholars will deeply regret the loss of her services.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, of Lazette, recently returned from a long visit to their old home in Indiana. Their many friends are glad to know that they have determined to make Lazette their permanent home.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
The Baptist Sabbath School had an attendance last Sabbath of one hundred and forty-three scholars and teachers. The school has become one of the most vigorous and most interesting of our city Sabbath schools.

Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
This blocking the streets at the corners of Ninth avenue and Main street to auction stock and goods, to howl, sell snide jewelry and notions, and to cut stencil plates or spin candy before gaping crowds, is getting to be a nuisance which should be abated.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
A German Association has been organized in this city for the purpose of encouraging immigration, assisting newcomers, and providing amusements. It is named “Deutcher Unterhaltungs Verein,” with J. G. Kraft as president and John Hoenscheidt as secretary. Meet every third Sunday of each month at 7 o’clock p.m.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Maj. W. H. Schofield has for the past week been working up petitions to submit to the voters of Rock, Ninnescah, and Maple townships, propositions to vote the bonds of those townships to the extent of their legal ability to issue to his railroad company. The result of this work appears in the three proclamations published today in this paper.
Courier constantly misspells Ninnescah: showing Nennescah.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
The great “Doctor” of the “Traveler” has fairly covered himself with filth in this week’s issue. He has devoted his entire editorial work to us and has surprised us with his capacity for mud-slinging. He is sore all over, probably suffering terribly from some odious disease. “Doctor,” cure thyself, and then do something for the C. S. & F. S. railroad bonds.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
School boards can now examine, in the county superintendent’s office, four handsome and valuable, though not expensive, sets of wall maps. Mr. Story has had them placed in his office by the publishers for exhibition. Parties interested should call and examine these maps. School boards can do better by so doing than by waiting for the appearance of some interested agent. Every schoolroom in the county should have one or more of these wall maps.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
DIED. From an item published in the Winfield Courier lately, we learn that Ira Howe, formerly of Ottumwa, this county, and a brave soldier of the old 5th Kansas cavalry, was accidentally killed near Winfield several weeks since, by the discharge of a gun. Mr. Howe married his second wife here, a daughter of Mr. Newton, and removed to Winfield several years ago. He was an industrious and worthy citizen, and his old comrades will regret to hear of his sudden death. Burlington Patriot.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
When the Baptist Sunday School assembled last Sunday morning, an elegant eight day clock was found on the wall of the church. No one knew how it came there except the sexton and he was dumb when asked. Persistent inquiry developed the fact that our city jeweler, Mr. L. H. Hope, was the donor. It was a good deal gracefully done and was a failure only in one respect, he couldn’t keep his left hand from knowing what his right hand had done. He has the thanks of the Baptist Church and Sunday school.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.

There will be a festival held at Darien schoolhouse, in Rock Township, on the night of the 28th of November, for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Graham. All are invited to come.
By order of Committee. Mrs. Anna Palmer, Mrs. H. Grow, Mrs. Brown.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
                                                             Lazette News.
The handsome stone barn of John Brooks attracts the eye of every person passing this way. Indeed, it is a model of convenience and an ornament to the Grouse Valley.
Dr. Chapman’s business has compelled him to build larger quarters for his drug store. He is now erecting a two-story frame storeroom near the celebrated “corner of Cherry and Broadway.”
Stapleton’s large stock of goods will prove to anyone that Mac still does a “rushing” business.
George Lee is improving his storeroom, and shows that his new calling agrees with him.
Sam. Sherman is again able to be out, but looks rather feeble.
Miss Mary Tucker is teaching in district 14.
Mr. H. T. Albert has begun his second year of school.
Estie Burden is slowly recovering the use of his eyes, and hopes soon to reenter school.
Rev. Mr. Green has forsaken this part of the vineyard and has gone to Baldwin City.
‘Squire Heisler still keeps the hotel on the hill and serves his guests in the best style.
Westward the train of immigrants goes in great numbers.
Calvin Dever is slowly recovering from the almost fatal fall given him by his horse taking fright and throwing him violently against a fence.
Uncle Jimmy Lee is wintering about 60 head of young cattle. R. F. Burden and S. M. Fall are each corn-feeding fifty head of cattle.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
                                                              Tisdale Items.
It has been so long since I wrote to you I hardly know where to begin, therefore will commence with the present and go backward.

On Saturday last this part of Tisdale Township was visited by a prairie fire of the most vehement kind; in fact, we were favored with two fires, one from the south, which did not do any great amount of damage that I heard of, and one from the north, which has done more toward wiping out the Greenback party then all the campaign speeches. The fire started two miles north of town, coming south and slightly east. The veering wind gave it a broad front, which headed for George Divilbiss’ hay stacks and house, but was here stopped by Messrs. Gould, Burleston, and Moses. A small point crossed the road west of Divilbiss’ house and was burning slowly down a ravine, guarded on each side by breaking. Here it was stopped by Napier, Wilson, and Gould. After that was checked, we went back and back-fired against it on the line running west and between John King’s and Mr. Divilbiss’ farms. While at work there we saw a signal flag, started for the danger, and found the fire had crossed the line again and was burning on Mr. Hodges’ north quarter and running south across Mrs. Newton’s farm. Knowing that the buildings on Newton’s farm were not burned around, we put our horses to the run, hoping to get there in time to save the barn, in which was Mrs. Newton’s wheat (nearly 70 bushels); Mr. Armstrong’s harvester; and about 100 bushels of corn belonging to Mr. Bush. In spite of the speed of our horses—and they were good ones—the fire drove us south of the barn; but here we got ahead, and passing the fire rode back and began firing. Just as we began to hope all was safe, another head-floe struck us fairly, drove us from the work, and caught the barn and granary (the granary was covered with straw and the barn was a Kansas concern, built of poles, with straw sides and top); so the only thing left was to sand away and think of the flames that lit “the battle’s wreck.” Then we fired around the house and saved it. A summary of the loss sustained on these two places gives the following: 70 bushels wheat at 45 cents, $31.50; 100 bushels corn at 20 cents, $20.00; 1 harvester, nearly new, $150.00; granary and barn, $45.00; hay burned on the two farms, estimated at 65 tons, $97.50; E. A. Millard, 1 coat, pair of gloves, etc., $7.00; A. T. Gay, 1 pair pants and pair of boots, $8.00; total $359.00. Besides this, corn burned in the field, hedge and fruit trees killed will make an aggregate of $500.00. As the fire passed on toward the south it again
“Wrapped the ship in splendor wild
 And caught the flag on high.”
That is, it burned a hay stack for J. A. McGuire. I have not been able to learn of any other damage, and do not know who set the fire out.
Dr. Wright has finished his house and moved into it.
Miss Clara Waters, from El Paso, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. A. McGuire.
J. A. McGuire is busy selling goods. John has a good general stock this fall and sells low.
Our cash blacksmith, Mr. Bradley, is building a nice little stone house in the north part of town.
Mr. E. P. Young is visiting his mother and sister at Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Mr. Page, from Little Dutch, Rock Township, is teaching a good school in Tisdale this winter.
Arb Tanner is rebuilding his house on the hill. Arb goes according to Scripture and founds his house on a rock.
David Sellers is building an addition to his house.
S. S. Moore is notary public, attorney at law, wagon maker, carpenter, stone mason, and undertaker. Still we have no railroad.
Mrs. E. A. Millard is quite ill.
DIED. Robert Shinn’s little child died on Saturday night last.
Phil. Hedges is happy as ever and just as busy.
Send on your railroad election. Old Tisdale is ready to vote. But how the d___l will it go? For or against. NIP.
Tisdale, November 25, 1878.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Bring your Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Apples, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, etc., to us, and receive IN CASH the highest market price therefore. WINFIELD FEED STORE,       North side Ninth avenue, next door west of Citizens Bank.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
                                         WINFIELD, KANSAS, Nov. 25, 1878.

ED. COURIER: In answer to some questions asked through your columns in regard to “Town Clock,” I will say that there are now two towers of sufficient capacity and eligibility of position for a clock of this kind. The “Hotchkiss” town clock, manufactured by the Seth Thomas clock company, is the best by far now in the market, and one could be erected at a cost not exceeding $350, and to use a bell of 1,000 lbs. weight or less, three dials, six feet in diameter, and running eight days. I have put up three such clocks before—12 years ago—and all are keeping excellent time yet. I will make this offer to the people of this city: that if they will procure the clock and do the carpenter’s work, I will put the clock into position and adjust it to true time. Any information in regard to this matter I will give at any time to the best of my ability. A clock of this kind is needed in any town of 2,000 people, and would be an ornament useful to all. There is scarcely a place of 1,500 inhabitants in the East which cannot boast its town clock. Very respectfully, E. E. BACON.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
                                                            Fatal Accident.
                                                   LAZETTE, Nov. 22, 1878.
DIED. A very serious accident befell Robert Armstrong yesterday. He and his daughter started to Lazette in the wagon. Just after crossing what is known as Goose Creek, the team took fright at the noise made by persons gathering corn in a field close to the road. In making an effort to hold his horses, Mr. Armstrong broke one of the lines, when the horses ran, circling around toward a steep bank, over which they plunged. The fall was ten or fifteen feet. One horse was killed immediately, the girl was bruised some little, while Mr. Armstrong was seriously and fatally injured internally. Dr. Wilkins was sent for at once, and upon examining Mr. Armstrong he pronounced his recovery as extremely doubtful. Mr. Armstrong settled in Harvey Township, six miles north of this place, is widely known and generally esteemed for his industry, his honesty, and his habits in behalf of law and order. He died Friday and was buried Sunday.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
School district 92 has begun building a schoolhouse.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office November 26, 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Ashley, Frank; Ball, C. A.; Boyt, Jane; Boneer, John; Boatman, Stella; Brown, L. J.; Boyd, Jane; Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth; Hughes, Miss Madge; Lapham, Mrs. Mollie; Lapham, W. W.; Robison, Mrs. Annie B.
SECOND COLUMN: Rockwell, Thomas; Sanders, Miss Clara B.; Smith, L. H.; Smythe, George; Stokes, J. D.; Stevens, L. D. W.; Tomlinson, S. C.; Tomlinson, Dr. S. C.; Wells, Elijah; Wells, Wm. (in haste); Wilkins, Frank.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.” JAMES KELLY, P. M.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Dr. Cooper has removed to the new brick building, opposite the Williams House, upstairs.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy Tobacco.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.

                                                  Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Drs. Black & Emerson has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
The accounts of the firm have been left in the hands of O. M. Seward for Collection.
                                            G. BLACK, GEORGE EMERSON.
Winfield, Nov. 22, 1878.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
                                                           Strayed or Stolen
From my place near Floral, Nov. 21st, a large Bay Mare, about 17 hands high, and weighs about 1400 pounds. Her back legs are swollen almost twice their usual size. A liberal reward will be given for any information that will lead to her recovery.
                                                      J. I. COTTTINGHAM.
                                                           Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned, residing in Silver Creek Township, Cowley County, Kansas, will not be responsible hereafter for any debts which his wife, Julia C. Thomas, may contract, since she has deserted him without any just cause or excuse.                                DAVID THOMAS.
November 28, 1878.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 5, 1878. Front Page.
                                                        BAHNTGE BRO’S.
                                 CHEAPEST GROCERY HOUSE IN WINFIELD.
                                                   LOOK AT OUR PRICES!
8½ pounds “A” sugar for $1.00
9½ pounds Yellow sugar for $1.00
10½ pounds Brown sugar for $1.00
4-3/4 pounds Best Rio Coffee for $1.00
3¼ pounds O. G. Java Coffee for $1.00
3 pounds Mocha Coffee for $1.00
Best Gunpowder Tea, per pound: $.80
Best Japan Tea, per pound: $.65
10 pounds Carolina Rice for $1.00
5 pounds Dried Peaches for $.25
4 pounds Dried Apples for $.25
Standard Tomatoes, 3 pound cans: 16¼
Boyer’s Oysters, 2 pound cans: 16½
Boyer’s Egg Plums, 2 pound cans: 20
Standard Peaches, 3 pound cans: 30
Honey Drip Syrup, per gallon: 85
Loaf Sugar Drip Syrup, per gal.: 65
Coal Oil, per gallon: 30
And everything in our line in proportion.

All New, and Fresh Goods and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Skipped editorials re railroads, arguments presented relative to decrease in taxation, query as to whether the Santa Fe would build, value of Santa Fe stock, voting township bonds. etc.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                              MANNING’S OPERA HOUSE.
                                                             Opening Night.
This magnificent building is nearly completed and the citizens of Winfield and vicinity propose to make up a social party and give the hall an opening benefit on
                                         MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 16, 1878.
The proceeds will go to seat and light the hall.
This is a praiseworthy effort on the part of our citizens to place the hall in an excellent condition to hold lectures and other social and literary performances therein. Col. Manning has expended some twelve thousand dollars on the building. How much this enterprise has involved him in debt we do not know, but we may well believe that he has exhausted himself both financially and physically in the construction of this building. No one believes that the hall is ever going to pay five percent on its cost, but it is a grand thing for our city and the citizens can well afford to raise the means to provide seats and chandeliers which will cost about $500.
This hall is probably the largest and finest in the State. The whole room is 50 x 100 feet, with ceiling 20 feet high. The stage is 20 x 50 feet and has two dressing rooms beneath. The auditorium is 80 x 100 feet and will seat more than 800 auditors. It is finished in the best of style and is convenient of ingress and particularly of egress, for the wide doors open outward making it impossible to block up the outlet in case of a panic.
Let every citizen turn out and make the social a success. No dancing will be permitted until after 10 o’clock.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                WEED SEWING MACHINES
                                                   AND RUNS LIKE A TOP.
                        NO CANS, NO GEARS, NO SPRINGS, AND NO NOISE.
This BEST Machine Can be Sold at Hard Times Prices. Insist upon seeing it.
                                         Circulars and Price-Lists on application to
                                            WEED S. M. CO., CHICAGO, ILL.
                                                            FOR SALE BY
                                              F. M. FRIEND, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Opens in Manning’s Block (rear of post office) Thursday, Oct. 24, with a new house clean and neat in all its apartments.

We hope to merit a share of the public patronage.
                                                      Day Boarders Solicited.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Miller & Kraft come out with a new meat wagon.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen are having the front of their store painted.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Brotherton & Silver are putting in a new platform for their big scales.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The sidewalk has at last been put down in front of the Flag Drug Store.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Hudson Bros. have just received two hundred new, elegant clocks, which they will sell at low prices.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. C. F. Bahntge is one of the finest penmen in the city, besides being an accomplished businessman.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Ballou & Hyde sell fresh meats of all kinds at the lowest market price. Cash paid for hides. Sparr Bros. old stand, Main street.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Dr. Cooper has removed to 3rd door upstairs in the Bahntge building, where he will be found at all hours unless professionally engaged.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The old sidewalk east of Main street, on the north side of Ninth avenue, has been taken away and a good stone one put down in its place.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Messrs. Will and Ed Holloway do the honors at Suss’ clothing and dry goods house, and their well known popularity is making a large trade for their employer.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Excelsior Hair Dressing, warranted to restore gray hair to its original color by a few applications or money refunded. For sale at Nommsen & Stueven’s Barber Shop.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The New Years Eve masquerade ball promises to be a grand success. Masquerade suits will be on hand and each person will be able to dress in character without great expense.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The score of the shooting match last Thursday is as follows: Dick Gates, 10; Frank Manny, 9; James Vance, 9; Charles Stueven, 9; B. M. Terrill, 5; Bert. Crapster, 2; S. Suss, 3; Ed. Clisbee, 2; F. Nommsen, 1.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The ladies of the M. E. church will give a social at the residence of Mrs. Dever on next Friday evening, December 6th, for the benefit of said church. All are cordially invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mister Hughes puts himself squarely on the record as opposed to more than one railroad and in favor of voting $180,000 to that one while $141,000 would answer the same purpose.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
We called on Brown & Glass, Monday, and found displayed there the finest display of holiday goods ever brought to this city, consisting of Bohemian Glass and china ware, Holiday Books, Albums, Fancy Toilet Goods, etc. Give them a call.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Ballard Cox, of Richland Township, met with a painful accident a few days ago. He was on his way to Wichita with a load of wheat and at Rock Creek his team became detached from his wagon and jerked him out, breaking his left leg at the ankle. Mr. Cox is one of our best citizens, is about 50 years old, and we deeply regret to hear of his misfortune.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Homer A. Fuller, of Mason City, Illinois, brother of our banker, is visiting in this city.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Gordon, of Mt. Pulaski, Illinois, a friend of Dr. Mendenhall and the editor of the leading paper of Mt. Pulaski, called on us last week.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Persons who rode from Wichita to Winfield last Thursday met in the 45 miles one hundred and forty teams loaded with wheat for the Wichita market. And still we have no railroad.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Geo. L. Walker is employed at the grocery house of Bahntge Bros. His pleasant gentlemanly deportment, his wide acquaintance, and his general popularity will make him a valuable salesman to this new firm.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Did Mister Hughes say he bought the Traveler that he might use it as an engine to bring the government to terms and compel his appointment as agent to protect timber in the Territory and give him the privilege of taxing herders and drovers for his fees?
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Ira N. Holmes has purchased a lot corner of Eleventh avenue and Main Street and will build immediately. He is a brother of the great farmer of Rock Township, and has the family vim and energy. His enterprise will be a valuable acquisition to the business of this city.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
For sometime A. H. Green, Esq., has had a boy distributing his Real Estate News on the trains passing through Topeka. Last week the Santa Fe company put a stop to this work on their trains because, as they claimed, it injured their business to have the lands of this county advertised.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.

Is that Hughes who edits the Traveler the same fellow who went to Dexter last September as a delegate to the Republican convention and helped to procure the nomination of A. A. Wiley as the Republican candidate for representative and then went home and did all he could to defeat Wiley and elect his competitor?
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Please notice the new advertisement and price list of Bahntge Bros. on first page. The list necessarily is only a partial one, but they assure us that their whole stock is offered at proportionate prices. These very low prices show that they are determined to merit a large trade. They have one of the finest stocks of goods ever brought to Winfield, and there is an air of neatness and taste about their establishment that is truly refreshing. They are gentlemen and well know how to please their customers.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Wonder if Mister Hughes, who runs the Traveler, is the individual who last spring circulated exaggerated reports about settlers in Cowley and Sumner counties stealing timber in the Territory and who tried to get an appointment from government as agent to protect the timber and have for his services all the grass, proposing to charge persons pasturing stock in the Territory a dollar a head. That would have been a nice job had it succeeded. If we have exhibited “long ears” as granny intimates, it was when we believed and published one of those reports. [Last sentence does not make sense to me!]
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
The stage, a hack, and a buggy, all well loaded with passengers, made a race of the trip from Wichita to Winfield last Thursday. They left Wichita about 8 o’clock in the morning and until they passed Bushnell it was doubtful which would win. Soon after passing that place a wheel ran off and let the stage down. Not long after that the buggy horses began to wilt. The hack, which was one of Terrell & Ferguson’s rigs, got in before three o’clock p.m., loaded with M. L. Robinson & wife, Mrs. Millington, an Alton gentleman, and the driver, with the team in excellent condition; the stage mended up and got in two hours later, and the buggy got in a little later still, but one of its horses died before morning and the other was not much better off.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Dr. D. V. Cole, of Des Moines, Iowa, has permanently located in Winfield, and will devote his entire time to the practice of medicine. Calls promptly attended in the city or county. Office in Mr. Bahntge’s new brick block, upstairs, west room. Particular attention given to the treatment of diseases of women, children, eye, ear, throat, lungs, and all forms and conditions of chronic disease. Dr. Cole has had an extensive public and private practice of more then 25 years in treating the diseases in the west. His facilities for acquiring a knowledge of his profession in the public and private hospitals has not been surpassed by any physician in the state. He can assure the citizens of Winfield and vicinity that he can treat with success all forms of curable diseases.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                            District Court.
Judge Campbell came down from Wichita on Monday and the session of court commenced.

Present: His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, district clerk; J. McDermott, county attorney; and Messrs. J. E. Allen, C. C. Black, S. D. Pryor, A. J. Pyburn, J. M. Alexander, F. S. Jennings, C. R. Mitchell, L. J. Webb, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, W. M. Boyer, W. P. Hackney, O. M. Seward, C. H. Payson, H. E. Asp, G. H. Buckman, J. D. Pryor, D. C. Beach, W. M. Boyer, C. Coldwell, M. G. Troup, S. M. Jarvis, A. H. Green, attorneys.
In two or three unimportant State cases, the defendants plead guilty.
Mendenhall vs. Kelly. Dismissed by plaintiff.
Craig vs. Pennington. Settled.
Hamilton vs. Pryor. Demurrer sustained; plaintiff amended and defendant required to answer instanter.
Jackson vs. Winfield Town Company. Demurrer sustained.
McClellan vs. Winfield Town Company. Demurrer sustained.
Porter vs. Coulson. Continued.
Several judgments were taken in default in foreclosure of mortgage cases.
Harris vs. Day. This case is on trial before a jury this Tuesday evening.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                               Baird Bros.
This firm carry the large stock of Southern Kansas. They have almost everything that can be wanted in large quantities, and at low prices. The New York Store is widely known and is as widely popular. Their storeroom is perhaps the equal of any in the State in size and convenience. No one coming to Winfield to trade can afford to pass this house by.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                          Wooden Wedding.
On Friday of last week invitations were issued by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Holloway to their many friends requesting their company on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd, to assist in celebrating the fifth anniversary of their marriage. Accordingly at the appointed time about 25 couples of our bravest and best assembled at their residence on the corner of 11th Avenue and Wood Street, and proceeded to make merry. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements which enabled the guests to do justice to the ample refreshments provided by their kind hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, assisted by Miss W. Thomas, spared no pains to make the evening an enjoyable one. The party broke up at a late hour and all expressed themselves satisfied with their evenings entertainment. Some very pretty, elegant, and useful presents were received (although none were expected) of which the following is a partial list: Carved cigar holder, Geo. and Will Robinson; fancy table for flowers, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison; pair brackets, Mrs. Bruner and Mrs. Kate Holloway; brackets and matchsafe, Wilbur and Maggie Dever; card basket, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman; wooden sugar scoops, Dr. and Mrs. Emmerson; moulding board and matchsafe, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Randal; wooden jewelry, Miss Minnie Bacon; spool box, J. F. Holloway; jumping jack, Justin Porter; tooth pick, O. M. Seward; child’s rocking chair, Mr. John Moffitt; large rocking chair, Messrs. Speed, Clisbee, Harris, Seward, Suss, Root, and Baldwin. Mr. Holloway presented his wife with a handsome eight day clock and she returned the compliment by presenting him with an elegant clock shelf.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                               E. E. Bacon.

This gentleman is one of the most skillful mechanics and neatest workmen in the state. We have particularly noticed his work in the jewelry line and our judgment coincides with the general verdict that it cannot be beat. Since he has moved into the post office building, he is crowded with work but he gets time to put in neat inventions of his own which add much to the value of his work. He keeps a good stock of time keepers and jewelry.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                              Spelling Bee.
A Spelling Bee will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 1878, in District No. 77, at the Holloway schoolhouse. The citizens of Winfield and surrounding country are cordially invited to attend. R. A. O’NEIL, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                        VERNON TOWNSHIP, Nov. 29, 1878.
Farmers are busy threshing and marketing wheat. Threshing is about two-thirds done, and of the marketing probably one-third.
How much can the members of that game protective association earn per day breaking glass balls? We will of course observe strictly their mandate in regard to shooting game. We will fatten up the game on our crops and then invite this great association out for a week or two to recruit and shoot. Come along, boys, and we will feed you gratis if you say so.
There is talk of putting up a new grist mill up on the Walnut somewhere. The farmers are getting tired of eating shorts. They cannot get the product of their own wheat unless they chance to have some very poor, in which case they get very fair flour. A great many of the farmers are taking their grists to Wichita, where they can procure edible flour.
Some time since I saw an account of a man paying 60 percent on money borrowed in Garnet, Anderson County. That is quite reasonable here. I am acquainted with a man who paid at the rate of 180 percent on money borrowed at one of the Winfield banks not over two years ago. Who can beat that? Hurrah for our home institutions. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                         A Mammoth Stock.
Messrs. Lynn & Gillelen, at the Cowley County Store, display one of the grandest stocks of goods in Southern Kansas. Scarcely anything that is wanted in general merchandise is absent from their stock. The people of this county may well be happy and proud that an establishment is in their midst capable of competing with the largest retail houses of the large cities of the West.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                               Bliss & Co.
This is one of the most enterprising firms of the Southwest. C. A. Bliss runs the celebrated stone flour mills, known as the Winfield Mills, and its flour is widely celebrated for both quality and quantity. The firm carries an immense stock of goods, and enjoy an enviable reputation for good wares and low prices.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. R. B. Waite returned last Friday from a long visit in the East.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                        From J. P. McMillen.

As we doubt not that the following letter from our former citizen will be read with great interest by a large number of warm personal friends in this city and county, we give it entire.
                                    COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, Nov. 23.
EDITOR COURIER: Please let me know how I stand on your books as to subscription, and add in six months for COURIER from January 1, 1879. Send statement and I will remit, but do not fail to send the COURIER right along, as I wish to keep track of you all in Winfield and Cowley County.
Weather here fine. Business of all kinds very good. Mining interest looming up; rich strikes taking place frequently. I am troubled myself a little lately with mining fever. I think this State is only in its infancy in regard to mining. They are continually making new and some very rich discoveries. Most all seem to be prospecting for carbonates, which, you know, is the deposit at Leadville, and which is a new ore even to the oldest miners. They have been throwing it aside as of no account until about one year ago, when it was discovered to be rich mineral and very easily worked, a great deal of it running from $800 to $1200 per ton. When I strike carbonates, I will let you know.
I have no asthma as yet, and weigh 20 pounds more than when I left Winfield 14 months ago. Colorado Springs is improving more at this time than it has for four years. Our water works will be completed in six or eight days.
I see your town and county continues to improve, and I hope they may have the gift of continuance, as I know of no town or county that I feel as deep an interest in as I do in Winfield and the county of Cowley.
With the best of wishes, I am yours, respectfully. J. P. McMILLEN.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Thomas Royal, of Salt City, called on us last Saturday, having just arrived. He owns the town site of Salt City and has had it surveyed and platted. He is prepared to sell lots on advantageous terms to settlers. Mr. Royal informs us that large numbers of invalids are coming to Salt City to use the waters of the medicinal springs which are near Salt City, and that the water is proving highly beneficial. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, who are the proprietors of the Springs, propose putting in tubing for the conveyance of the water to baths and drinking reservoirs. This may yet be a popular resort not only for invalids but for the fashionable world. Wichita Beacon.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
                                                          Going to Winfield.
We regret to learn that Mr. W. T. Roland and his family will remove to Winfield in a few weeks. Mr. Roland is a good and an energetic citizen, and wherever he may go we take pleasure in recommending him to the confidence of those he meets. Mrs. Roland and her daughter, we understand, will open a millinery and dressmaking establishment, while Mr. Roland will still work for the Fairbanks Scale Company, as at present. Walnut Valley Times.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Skipped a long editorial re Santa Fe being the only road Cowley County can get in the near future.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                             ROCK, KANSAS, Nov. 27, 1878.

EDITOR COURIER: Please answer the following questions in your next issue. In your last you claim that somebody has saved the county the excess of the difference between $180,000 and $144,000 on the A., T. & S. F. railroad proposition now before the people. I desire to ask you whether as a lawyer you believe that the remitter and stipulations published in the Telegram will be binding on the said railway company, and is that instrument properly signed so as to bind the company? In fine, is it not signed in such a manner as to bind nobody but Ross Burns? And lastly does it not mean that the citizens of Cowley County will have to pay $180,000 in bonds if they vote that amount?
Very respectfully, C. H. EAGIN.
Well, suppose the bonds to be carried on the proposition as published, then suppose the company comes and demands that the county commissioners subscribe $180,000 to the capital stock of the company. They will of course refuse to subscribe more than $144,000, and how can they be compelled to subscribe the balance? Will you try mandamus? “As a lawyer” we venture the opinion that no court, with the existing facts before it, would make the mandamus absolute. Well, suppose the road be built 45 miles in the county and the company demand the issue of $180,000 in bonds. The commissioners will refuse to issue more than $141,000, and how can they be compelled to issue more? We venture the opinion that it cannot be done and that it never would be undertaken.
It is usual that the action of an attorney is binding on his principal. Ross Burns is the accredited attorney for the company.
But we are not left to the equities in a court nor to the signature of Ross Burns as attorney for the company.
A copy of the stipulation has just been filed with the county clerk, stating that it is for publication for the information of voters, signed by the proper officers of the company in as binding a manner as any corporation can execute a contract. And this contract has a consideration—It tells the voters that in consideration of their votes for the proposition the county shall only subscribe $144,000 and the company shall receive only $144,000 of bonds. That stipulation is published below. Is it satisfactory to our correspondent?
WHEREAS, Ross Burns, the attorney of the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith railroad company, did on the 19th day of November, 1878, make and execute for and on behalf of said company the following agreement:
  County of Cowley,          )   ss:
WHEREAS, It has been ascertained that the total length of the line of the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith railroad from where it enters the said county of Cowley to a point on the south line of said county and the state line will not exceed thirty-six miles, in place of forty-five miles, as the same is petitioned for and acted upon by the board of county commissioners of said county, and
WHEREAS, It is desirable to secure the shortest practicable line with the view of forming a connection with the Little Rock & Fort Smith railroad and thus completing a through line between the Southern States and the Pacific Ocean.

It is therefore stipulated and agreed by the said Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith railroad company, that said proposition be so modified and changed that the total number of miles of railroad for which aid is voted shall not exceed thirty-six miles in said county of Cowley and that the total amount of stock subscribed by said county of Cowley under said proposition and the total amount of bonds to be issued by the said county of Cowley shall not exceed the sum of stock and issue of bonds of said county of Cowley to the amount of one hundred and forty-four thousand (141,000) dollars.
And it is further agreed and stipulated on the part of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad company, that in consideration that the proposition to take stock by the said county of Cowley in said railroad company and to issue the bonds of said county in pursuance of the terms contained in the petition this day presented to the board of county commissioners of said Cowley County, with the modifications or abatement made by said railroad company in the amount of one hundred and forty-four thousand (144,000) dollars, is voted by the qualified voters of the said county at the election this day ordered for that purpose the said railroad company agree to modify or change the said proposition, as follows, to-wit: It will locate a freight and passenger depot on the East side of the Walnut River, and the South side of Timber Creek, within one-half mile of the crossing of Main street and Ninth avenue in said city of Winfield; provided that three acres of land in a suitable location and shape so as to be acceptable to the engineer of said company for depot purposes and the right of way through said city of Winfield by way of said depot grounds, be furnished said company free of costs, but in no event shall said depot be more than three-quarters of a mile from said crossing of Main street and Ninth avenue in said city of Winfield. And it is further stipulated and agreed in consideration aforesaid, that said railroad company will locate a freight and passenger depot within three-fourths of a one mile of the crossing of Summit street and Central avenue in said city of Arkansas City.
                                                            ROSS BURNS,
                                                    Attorney for said R. R. Co.
Now, the said railroad company by Wm. B. Strong, vice President and General Manager and acting President does hereby consent to ratify, approve, and agree to carry out each and every of the above agreements entered into by said Ross Burns, and a duly attested copy of this approval is directed to be filed in the office of the county clerk of said Cowley County, and the same be published in the Cowley County Telegram, along with the proposition as submitted for the benefit and information of the electors of said Cowley County.
Dated this 28th day of Nov. 1878.
                                                         WM. B. STRONG,
                            Vice President and General Manager and acting President.
                                                      E. WILDER, Secretary.
  [L. S.]
Cowley County,            )    ss.
I, M. G. Troup, county clerk in and for the county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true copy of a document now on file in this office.
Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of December, 1878.
[L. S.]                                       M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.

                                                   By Will. R. Stivers, Deputy.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                                           W. B. STRONG.
Gen. W. B. Strong is developing in the management of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, executive abilities of the very highest order. He is a western man, is familiar with the wants and feelings of the west and grapples with his business not only with a view to complete success but with an effort to make his road as valuable as possible to the public.
When his attention was called last summer to the subject of high rates, he examined the subject; and the result was that the rates were reduced nearly one fourth from Wichita to Kansas City. Since then he has had the matter under further investigation and now proposes to make a further reduction in freights and a reduction in fares to affect the whole line and to take place on the first day of January prox. We are not yet informed as to the amount of the contemplated reduction, but we believe it will be liberal.
If Mr. Strong continues to pursue the liberal policy he has indicated, he will soon be the most popular railroad man in the West and will entirely counteract the prejudices that have prevailed against that company. It will be a grand thing for Kansas when she shall have the most magnificent railway on the continent traversing her territory and ramifying with branches in every direction, owned by the soundest railroad company in America and managed with prudence and tact in the interest of the people of the state.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Coal oil twenty-five cents per gallon.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
New goods just received at B. E. Johnson’s.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Ed. G. Cole hangs out a new sign in front of his drug store.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Ladies’ and children’s underwear, very low, at Mrs. Kretsinger’s.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Our friend, Mr. Sol. Smith, is elected road overseer of District No. 2, Sheridan Township, and though he may not like work for himself, the condition of the roads shows that he likes to see other men work.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
John Moffitt exchanged canopies with some individual one night last week when John wasn’t looking. As it didn’t prove a very good fit, the man with the other hat can exchange the same at this office and no questions asked.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
John M. Spencer, proprietor of the Winfield House, is now ready to accommodate both day and transient boarders. The house is new and elegantly furnished. Mr. Spencer has had considerable experience in the hotel business, and feels confident that he can please all who may favor him with a call.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.

Among the substantial citizens of Cowley County who have favored the COURIER in the past few days by payments on subscription, are, D. S. Brown, W. H. Denning, W. W. Bush, D. Thompson, R. W. Anderson, George Walker, N. B. Sipe, B. Alexander, W. Christopher, J. J. Christopher, E. Wilson, L. Prickett, A. Booth, F. M. Savage, E. Pate, H. L. Barker, J. M. Harcourt, J. M. Rosson, A. D. Edwards, R. R. Longshore, J. F. Lacey, T. R. Carson, A. E. Silliman, R. White, W. H. Hartman, M. S. Troxel, Warren Wood, B. F. Saunders, J. J. Michener, C. R. Myles, J. H. Lee, W. A. Butterfield, J. H. Beckley, W. H. Gilliard, S. B. Littell, P. W. Crawford, W. H. Melville, D. W. Pierce, J. W. Haynes, J. Nixon,
A. J. Pickering, Joel Mason, Daniel Kempton, H. S. Brooking, P. Buckley, J. R. Scott, W. C. Briant, J. J. Johnson, S. Pennington, J. Shaw, R. Gilstrap, J. A. Goforth, S. W. Huff, L. Stout, and S. Cavanaugh. Thanks, gentlemen.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Nommsen & Stueven are putting up a brick barber shop between Curns & Manser’s and Wallis & Wallis’.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Cross & Blackwell’s English chow chow at 40 cents per bottle, and Worcestershire table sauce at 30 cents per bottle, at Bahntge Bros.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Mrs. Hahn, of Leavenworth, will be here four days before the masquerade ball with over one hundred and fifty suits.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Mr. George Elliott has returned to his home in Missouri.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Holmes & Brother’s new packing house is almost completed, and Messrs. Holmes will be ready to buy hogs in a few days.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
One yoke of good young work cattle and span of ponies for trade or sale. Enquire at this office.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Do not fail to attend the opening of Manning’s Opera House next Tuesday evening.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
By repeated solicitations of the young people of Winfield, Mr. Goldsmith has decided to teach a dancing class in this city.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
The German masquerade ball is to be a strictly first-class affair. None are to be admitted except those having invitations.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Mr. J. K. Hoffman called on us yesterday. He is agent of the Iowa City nurseries and is a gentleman on whom the people of the county may rely. The nurseries he represents have a long established reputation.
                                                        Iowa City Nurseries.
                                            IOWA CITY, IOWA, Dec. 1, 1878.
We take this method of introducing J. K. Hoffman and our salesmen under him to the people of Cowley and adjoining counties.

Wishing our patrons to know who we are, and if we deal fair and just, we give them the opportunity to inform themselves by referring to Hon. S. J. Kirkwood, U. S. Senator of Iowa, and J. C. Rutan, formerly cashier of the Johnson County savings bank, Iowa City, but now a resident of Wichita.
We also call your attention to the recommendation of our general agent, J. K. Hoffman, by parties who have dealt with and are personally acquainted with him.
We the undersigned are personally acquainted with J. K. Hoffman, general agent of C. H. Kimball, of Iowa City, and having purchased nursery stock of him and his agents, and also carefully examined stock bought by others, cheerfully recommend him to the people of Cowley and adjoining counties as reliable and worthy of patronage. The stock that he delivered at Eldorado and Douglass this fall was the best and handled in the best manner that we have ever seen: F. M. Anderson, sheriff; J. P. Gordon & Son, druggists; J. M. Satterthwait, editor Eldorado Press; C. E. Wing, proprietor National Hotel, Eldorado; E. Bishop; John Cannon, Chelsea; N. Wilkie, president Exchange bank, Eldorado; A. J. Uhl, John Gayman, Owen Barnes, Douglass.
For other information address me at Iowa City, Iowa. C. H. KIMBALL.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Mr. Berkey, of Tannehill, in this county, has Osage orange hedge plants that grew this year fifteen feet from the seed, and still we have no railroad.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
R. B. Truesdale, a jeweler from Illinois, will open a jeweler shop in the front part of the Flag drug store.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Last Friday evening the young folks assembled at the residence of Mrs. Bruner and spent the evening in a very enjoyable manner. Another such an evening would be appreciated.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Dr. R. P. Jennings, of Delevan, Illinois, is visiting his brother, Mr. Frank S. Jennings, in this city. He is delighted with the place and surroundings and has a view of remaining to improve his health.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Mr. Joseph Furman, of Dexter, sold to James Harden on the 2nd inst., a Poland China hog eighteen months old that weighed seven hundred and sixteen (716) pounds. Who has a better one?
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Notice Mr. Hoenscheidt’s call for sealed proposals. The building is to be 25 x 50 feet, two stories and a basement, to be built of brick, and will be a fine building.
                                                           Sealed Proposals
For the labor to be performed and materials to be furnished in the erection of a brick and stone building, 25 x 50 feet, 2 stories high, with basement, to be built at Winfield for Mr. James Fahey, will be received by the undersigned, by whom plans and specifications can be seen. The right to reject any and all proposals presented will be reserved by
                                                    JOHN HOENSCHEIDT,

Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Mr. George Elliott has returned to his home in Missouri.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
The M. E. social will be held at the residence of Mrs. Olds, the American Home, on Friday evening of this week. This series of socials are proving a success and will help to pay off the church debt. All friends of the church and of the city should attend and help.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
The score of the shooting match last Friday is as follows: Fred Heisinger, 8; James Vance, 9; Bret. Crapster, 3; Chas. Stueven, 6; S. Suss, 4; C. C. Wallis, 7. For want of glass balls, they had to content themselves with shooting at apples.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Prof. D. D. Morse has been in town for the past week or more making pencil sketches of the city and buildings therein, which he proposes to have engraved, and will furnish copies to our citizens in about a month. We have seen his sketches, and pronounce him an artist of the first class. The city will be pictured in the most complete and beautiful style, and he deserves from our citizens a very liberal patronage in the purchase of the results of his labors.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                                           Now You See It.
B. E. Johnson sells a fine Diamond Shirt for $1.00.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                           LITTLE DUTCH, KANSAS, Dec. 5.
ED. COURIER: The following is a report of the Little Dutch school, for the month ending November 28, 1878: Number enrolled, 49; average daily attendance, 34.6; total days of attendance, 673; number of recitations per day, 26; number of days school was in session, 20. Those perfect in deportment were: Una McCollim, Alice Foster, and Ida Schock. Those present every day during the month were: Mat, Una, and Maggie McCollim, Joseph and Grant Foster, Burta and Elfrida White, Nettie Lacy, Franklin Savage, Emma Darling, Mary and Thos. G. Taylor, and Ida Schock. T. J. FLOYD, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                                     All Ladies and Gentlemen
Interested in fine work should not fail to call at the office of D. F. Best on Saturday next and see the fine work done on the New Improved No. 8 Sewing Machine. It will be operated between the hours of 9 and 11 a.m., and from 2 to 4 p.m. Don’t fail to see it.
                                                         D. F. BEST, Agent.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                             MANNING’S OPERA HOUSE.
                                                          Opening Benefit.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on
                                         TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 17, 1878
at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.

Winfield—J. B. Lynn and O. M. Seward.
Arkansas City—C. M. Scott.
Dexter—Dr. Wagner.
Lazette—Mc. D. Stapleton.
Douglas—Neil Wilkie.
Oxford—Dr. Maggard.
Doors thrown open at 7 o’clock.
Opening overture (orchestra) 7:30.
Social intercourse and vocal and instrumental music from 7:30 to 8:30.
Address (welcome and congratulatory), J. W. McDonald, 8:30.
Banquet and Toasts, 9 o’clock.
Dancing to commence promptly at 10:30.
Tickets to social entertainment and supper, per couple, $1.50.
Dance, per couple, $1.50.
Tickets sold separately, so that only those who wish to remain and take part in the dancing need purchase dancing tickets.
A general invitation is extended to the public to participate in this entertainment.
                        E. P. KINNE, Chairman, Committee of General Arrangements.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                          FAIRVIEW, KANSAS, Dec. 6, 1878.
The following is the average standing of the following named pupils of District No. 21; on a scale of 10, for the first two months ending Nov. 22, 1878: Mary Orr, 7½; Maggie Limbocker, 7-1/10; Mary E. Curfman, 7-3/5; Archie Harlow, 6-3/5; Lillie Wilson, 7; Elmer Curfman, 6½; Richard Morgan, 7-4/5; Emma McKee, 9; Maggie Heffner, 8; Mattie Baird, 7½; Clara Limbocker, 7½; Bell Curfman, 8; H. U. Curfman, 9; George Carter, 9. Total number enrolled at end of second month, 42. By the end of the third month, we hope to be able to make a much better and longer report of District 21. A. B. TAYLOR, Teacher.

Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                           OMNIA TOWNSHIP, Dec. 6, 1878.
Everybody is talking railroad, and a warm time is expected on the 24th. Everybody is going to the election and take all their neighbors, and you may expect Omnia to poll the largest vote ever cast in the township.
We had a very destructive prairie fire last week. The fire started north of Mr. Daggett’s on Thursday night, and the first damage it did was burning a hay stack for Steve Elkins. It then ran north and burned some hedge and a part of Mr. Davis’ orchard. On Friday morning the wind changed and drove it west, burning some hedge for Amos and A. J. Henthorn, and eight or ten tons of hay for William Lewis. We hear Mr. Phenix suffered considerable loss, but have been unable to get the particulars. If somebody gets a free pass to Leavenworth, perhaps they will stop setting the prairie on fire every year just to see it burn.
Mr. George Blue moved into his fine residence in Omnia. He has been living in Richland while building his new house.
Mr. Joseph Powell has sold out in Omnia and bought a farm from Mr. Edwards, in Richland. Mr. Doty, of Iowa, attorney at law, bought one quarter from Mr. Powell and Mr. Davis bought an 80. Mr. Powell intends keeping an 80. We now boast of a lawyer in Omnia.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                            BETHEL, KANSAS, Dec. 5, 1878.
The pronunciamento of the New York bankers nullifying the act of Congress, making silver a legal tender, has been received and contents noted. We cite them to the proclamation of Andrew Jackson to the citizens of South Carolina and also the result of a similar movement from 1861 to 1865, and note who got the honor at Appomattox. “A word to the wise is sufficient.”
Mr. Fred Arnold’s team ran away last Friday, smashing the wagon and totally injuring one of the horses.
Mr. George Youle is freighting his wheat to Eldorado—cost $400. When the railroad is built to Winfield, the cost will be $50, a clear saving of $350 to one man.
As soon as the ground is sufficiently moistened to admit of the digging of a suitable sepulcher, the corpse of the Bethel Literary will be held in the cold and silent [? cannot make out what the last word is ?].
The residence of Mr. McAns caught fire on the 27th ult., doing considerable damage. The energy and presence of mind of the ladies of the family saved the building from entire destruction. PLOUGH BOY.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Anyone purchasing the Wheeler & Wilson New No. 8 Sewing Machine from any other than our regular authorized agent, in Cowley, Sumner, and Chautauqua counties, does it at their own peril, as we will not be responsible for the title to said machine. We have lost three new No. 8 machines, and they will be taken up when found. D. F. Best is our regular authorized agent for the above counties and his title is good, and receipts will be given in his name for all machines sold by him or his agents. Be careful to see that plate numbers are mentioned in receipt or notes given.

Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                                   City Council Proceedings.
                                      WINFIELD, KANSAS, December 9, 1878.
Council met in council chamber.
Present: J. B. Lynn, Mayor; Councilmen Gully, Manning, and Wood. Councilman Jochems, having moved outside the city limits, his name was dropped.
The case of Mrs. Fox applying for aid from the city was discussed. On motion of Mr. Wood, the mayor was directed to take such action as the law and the necessity of the case required. Action was then had on the following bills:
Lynn & Gillelen, wood, etc.: $3.00
Walch & Smiley, cross walks: $18.87
C. C. Stevens, City Marshal: $40.00
J. P. Short, City Clerk: $10.00
Harter & McCommon, merchandise: $3.05
Andrew Smith, cutting wood, etc.: $1.30
J. H. Finch, boarding prisoners: $5.25
The above bills were allowed.
Geo. Gray, digging grave for pauper, $4.00. On motion the sum of $2 was recommended for payment by the county commissioners.
There being no further business, council adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                       MAPLE TOWNSHIP, December 5, 1878.
The blowers and strikers for the Schofield railroad have been talking township bonds and circulating petitions for a bond election in Maple, Rock, and Ninnescah townships. The people of Maple are assured that the road will enter their township at the north line; that they will be given a station somewhere near Red Bud, while the people of Ninnescah are told the road will cross Maple Township on section 36 and enter their township near that point, make a junction with the Sumner, Cowley & Fort Smith road near Beck’s schoolhouse, and build up a town that will kill Winfield, deader than a smoked herring.
Look to your laurels, oh, ye Winfieldites! And stand from under, for the Schofieldites have weighed you in the balance and are about to write “tekel” [?] high up on the page of your history. O.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Noticing in a late issue of your paper a few words concerning the auctioneers taking possession of the streets on Saturdays, at the corner of Main street and Ninth avenue, we have often wondered why the city authorities did not take the matter in hand and in issuing the license to the auctioneers give each a particular locality in which to vend his wares. For instance, locate one in the vicinity of Lynn & Gillelen’s store on that crossing, one at the crossing of Main street and Ninth avenue, and one a block lower opposite the Williams House.

Such an arrangement exists in Wichita and many other towns and has given perfect satisfaction.
By making such distribution the usual jam and crowd blockading the sidewalk and street at any one point would be avoided and pedestrians would have an opportunity to get from one part of town to the other. CITIZEN.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
All persons indebted to me will please call and settle within thirty days from this date.     MAX SHOEB.
Winfield, Dec. 9, 1878.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
We dropped in at the Winfield Drug Store of Ed. G. Cole, a very clever young man and always ready to wait on customers in the most polite manner. His stock is neat and of the best quality. All persons wishing to buy good drugs will do well by giving him a call.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Buy the Kansas Queen Breaker of Brotherton & Silver.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
                                                    Gove’s Domestic Washer.
Mr. Hardenbrook, the agent of the above washer, is in town selling the same. He will wash for any family in city or country free of charge to introduce his machine, THE BEST WASHING MACHINE EVER MADE. The machine and testimonials can be seen at the hardware store of H. Jochems, where orders may be left. The following named persons who have seen the machine work are referred to: Mr. & Mrs. Sid Majors, Mrs. S. I. Parr and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tansey, Mrs. Hannah Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Olds, Mrs. A. J. Rex, H. L. Robbins, laundryman, and numerous others.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Dr. Cooper has removed to the new brick building, opposite the Williams House, upstairs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 19, 1878. Front Page.
                                                          Parents, Attention!
                                                          BY R. C. STORY.

It is not too much to say that there are now seventy-five schools in session in this county. The enrollment may be put at two, if not three thousand pupils. How can these children receive most good from their work in the school room? The rooms should be comfortable and clean at all times and supplied with an abundance of pure air. The books in use should be of the best character, and the classes using them should be as well graded as possible. The teachers should be conscientious, energetic, enthusiastic, and thoroughly qualified. They should be willing and anxious to keep abreast of their profession, constantly reaching out in every direction for new ideas, new methods, and fresh inspirations. School boards should equip their teachers with all possible aids and conveniences. Parents should look upon the teachers as their representatives: should rally ‘round the teachers in season and out of season; should enforce prompt and regular attendance; should see that no ill humor, no stubbornness, no wilfulness, no idleness, and no vice break in upon the work of the school room. Further than this, parents should allow no work, no pleasures, no dissipations out of school hours to invade the sacred hour of pupils’ studies. This disastrous intrusion may be accomplished in many ways, and it is on this point we raise the cry of warning.
Many a district in this county has its school room made filthy by tobacco, spued and spit over the floor during the evening’s entertainments. Spelling schools, literaries, socials, dances, and religious gatherings take up the entire week, and too frequently the five, if not the seven evenings of the week, are spent by the children away from home. This is a dissipation that can be productive only of evil so far as the work of school may be affected.
Let this point be emphasized! Let it be thoroughly understood! Let parents fully comprehend the fact that the evening hours of the week should be as sacred as the six hours called a day by our school law. The work of the time spent outside the school room in no case should be such as to unfit the child for the labors of the following day. Neither teachers nor pupils can work with clear heads and strong wills after spending half the previous night in any of the forms of dissipation just mentioned.
If young in years, children need the hours of night for rest and sleep. If pupils are of an advanced age, the hours of the long winter evening can and should be spent in profitable study, in work that will make them stronger and more capable for the exercises of school, and in forming habits of industry and economy that will shape the destinies of their lives for happiness, respectability, and virtuous living and manly, independent thinking. Other things being equal, that boy or girl will succeed best whose leisure hours are spent in the home circle and in worthy and aspiring study.
These entertainments, if allowed at all, should come only on Friday or Saturday evening. Some of them often produce more bad than good results. But no argument here is made for or against any of them. The point to be emphasized, to be held in mind by parents, by boards, by teachers, is this: The scholars who attend these night sessions tax their energies as to impair their working power for the next day; break up their habits of home study, and get a passion for public gatherings and public entertainments that is disastrous in far too many particulars. The habit of spending one’s evenings away from home can be formed just as the habit of smoking and chewing can be formed, and the first may be as controlling as the latter, and may be considered the more dangerous of the two.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Skipped long editorial warning of dire consequences if Santa Fe Railroad Election is defeated by Millington.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Pure apple cider at Dever’s Star Bakery.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Judge Gans preached at the Parker schoolhouse Sabbath last.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
District 65, Thomasville, enjoyed a dance in the new schoolhouse last week.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Doctor Graham is putting down around his residence a handsome stone walk.

Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Mrs. Thompson, of Denver, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Judge McDonald, in this city.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
A new curb has been put around the city well on west Ninth avenue, which makes it look more substantial.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
We learn that the examining board will hereafter require teachers to pass examination in the metric system. This is a good sign.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Anyone wanting 50 tons millet hay and good timbered feed lot for stock will do well by calling soon on J. G. TITUS, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
The opening benefit of Manning’s Opera House was a success. A large concourse of people assembled notwithstanding the zero condition of the atmosphere outside, and all seemed to enjoy the occasion.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Ed. G. Cole, in Dr. Mansfield’s old stand, has added largely to his stock of drugs and medicines, and will sell as low as the lowest. Ed. is a competent man to do business. Do not forget to call and see him.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Being the only engraver in the city, I am enabled to engrave my own goods free of charge, and warrant satisfaction to all wishing engraving of any kind done. L. H. HOPE.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
An exhibition for the benefit of the Crooked Creek Library Association is to be held at the Crooked Creek schoolhouse Friday evening, December 27, 1878. A good time is expected, as that district is famed for its good exhibitions. Some of the best musical ability of Winfield will be in attendance. Admission for grown persons, 20 cents; for children under 12 years of age, 15 cents.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
L. H. Hope and Hudson Bros. have on exhibition in their show windows two excellent premiums, consisting of a very fine flower vase and a silver castor, valued at $22.50, which premiums will be given away at the Grand Masquerade Ball on New Year’s Eve to the finest and best appearing lady’s and gent’s mask. Therefore, brace up; secure an invitation and a masquerade suit in time, and whatever character you represent act well, and you will have a chance to be the “lucky person” and carry home the prize. There will be no extra charge for your chance; it only costs $1.50 per couple, the regular price of admission.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Candy toys at Dever’s Star Bakery.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Ice from four to six inches thick this week.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
The Cantata next week will be the finest thing of the season. All should make calculations to attend.

Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
There will be a Christmas tree at the Beck schoolhouse on Christmas eve. All are cordially invited to attend.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Lang & Lape have opened a new meat market on the south side of Ninth avenue, next door west of Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
M. S. Headrick, one of the live men of Richland Township, called on us Monday. He is enthusiastic for the C. S. & F. S. railroad and is working nobly for the county bonds.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
The oration delivered by J. Wade McDonald at the opening of Manning’s Opera House on Tuesday evening was peculiarly fine, and was delivered in the happy manner so characteristic of the orator.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
DIED. Jerome Copple, of Ninnescah Township, died on last Wednesday night after an illness of but four days. He was a very promising young man, of 19 years, and greatly respected by all who knew him.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
The George Minstrels are receiving the highest encomiums of the press for the excellency of their performances. For fun and amusement they are said to have no superiors. They perform at Manning’s Opera House Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings of this week.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
                                                            From Baltimore.
MARRIED. Mr. P. S. Loy has been reading the good book, and there learned that it is not good for man to be alone, so he went to Harvey Township, found favor in the eyes of one of its fair daughters, asked the old folks for her like a little man, went twenty miles to Winfield to get Judge Gans’ consent for a small consideration, returned and consulted Rev. R. S. Thompson, and now Mr. P. S. Loy and Miss Parthena Smith have become man and wife. They have moved to their new home, just west of Baltimore, with the best wishes of their many friends.
Our school is progressing finely under the management of Miss Lou Bedell.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
                                                NEW SALEM, Dec. 17, 1878.
BIRTH. Joe McMillen is the happiest man at Salem. Cause, a bright, little lady one week old. Joe says he will now vote for the railroad bonds.
There will be a festival given at the Pleasant Hill schoolhouse on evening of Dec. 20th, 1878, for the benefit of the Baptist minister and to provide lights for the hall. All are invited.
New Salem folks have purchased an organ for their church, cost $75.
Mite society busted.
Good Templar’s Lodge flourishing, if some of their best members do violate some of the rules of the order.
W. C. Douglass’ mother, from Illinois, is visiting him.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.

                                                     TISDALE, Dec. 9, 1878.
We are having a good school, the number of pupils being 50 and still on the increase.
Tisdale is improving. Mr. Bradley, the blacksmith, is putting up a stone residence in town. John McGuire is having his dwelling repaired. Miss Clara Waters is still giving music lessons in town. Dr. Wright has removed to his farm, one mile south of town. Mr. Alexander, a gentleman living a few miles from town, was thrown from his horse and badly injured.
Emigration is coming in rapidly. A good many of the houses have from two to three families living in them.
The Odd Fellows of this vicinity are talking of building a hall here. ADDIE B.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
                                     WALCK SCHOOLHOUSE, Dec. 12, 1878.
The schoolhouse in District 91 has been repaired and painted, which adds greatly to its looks.
Mrs. H. L. Daniels has returned from Missouri, whither she has been for several weeks visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. Johnson for some time has been afflicted with something like catarrh in the head, but is decidedly better at this writing.
Mr. Haynes met with an accident recently, which resulted in the loss of two or three of his toes. He dressed the wounds himself, and is able to get about again. Dan is not a good surgeon, but with an ax he is above the average.
MARRIED. Thomas Daniels and Miss Sallie Adkinson were united in marriage some time ago, and the boys concluded to make him a treat. They assembled in small numbers, and without any definite orders marched to the house, and finding Tom indisposed, they decided to go home. The next night they concentrated in large numbers under the leadership of Charley Shubert; went to the house, discharged a few old guns, rang an old bell, and yelled a few times, when Charley disappeared in the dark. He left school and hid in the brush for a few days, but was finally induced to come back and made to understand that Thomas had no desire to hurt him. Now, boys, if in the future you feel any disposition to go on such a mission (though I hope you never will), you had better elect another captain.
Mr. D. H. Haynes expressed an opinion to the effect that Maple Township would go almost solid against the bonds for the A. T. & S. F. railroad.
A report has been in circulation that, in my opinion, does great injustice to the pupils of the Walck school; at least nothing has taken place recently that would justify such report.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
                                              The Cantata of the Flower Queen.
This beautiful cantata will be presented to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity at
                                              MANNING’S OPERA HOUSE,
on Thursday and Friday evenings, December 26 and 27.
It will be performed by a full orchestra of the best musical talent in Winfield, under the direction of Prof. C. Faringer. The proceeds will be applied to organize a permanent musical society at this place. Tickets will be on sale at McCommon & Harter’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.

                              SANFORD’S ORIGINAL GEORGIA MINSTRELS.
At Manning’s Opera House, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday—Three Nights Only—Dec. 19th, 20th, and 21st.
Behold our list of specialty artists:
Master George Freeman, the champion Boy Cornet Soloist.
Prof. T. M. Nickels, Ethiopian Comedian, whose oddities never fail to set the house in an uproar.
Mr. F. A. Lyons, Banjo King and Musical moke.
Mr. Joe Love, Old Man specialty, and only true interpreter of Stephen Foster’s Southern Ballads.
Mr. Alex. Reynolds in original essences of old Virginia, whose negro specialties will convulse the most skeptical with laughter.
Our Quartette: R. A. Johnson, T. M. Nickels, Mrs. Sylvester, T. Richardson.
Mrs. Sylvester in her own specialty, entitled “Quicksteps in the Sand.”
Don’t fail to see our parade on day of each performance.
An entire change or program every evening.
Admission 50 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. Tickets for sale at Goldsmith’s Book Store, post office building, on days of exhibition.
Remember the dates, December 19th, 20th, and 21st.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
DIED. Henry Dillman, of Ninnescah Township, died of Cancer on Sunday evening, December 15th.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
                                                            Something New.
I would respectfully inform the citizens of Winfield that I have just opened a first-class City Laundry on Tenth avenue, first door south of Farmer’ Restaurant, and am prepared to do the laundry work for the people of this city in a style second to none, and at reasonable prices. Work called for and delivered in any part of the city daily, except Sunday. Please call, examine our work, and give us a trial. We also gloss and finish up shirts, collars, and cuffs in the best style. H. L. ROBBINS.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
                                                         The Ball is Opened.
Being prompt pay I am able to sell you the W. & W. No. 8 [d. L, 2 drs, etc.] and full set of attachments for $33, cash. New Home, $25; Bogus Singer, $22, without lying, and will give you bill of sale and guarantee title. Largest assortment of machines and lowest figures for cash. Don’t go and get cornered and swindled but come to my office and get a square deal. Respectfully, F. M. FRIEND.
References, bankers here and my customers.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                                                       COWLEY COUNTY.
                                             One of the Garden Spots of Kansas.
                        Winfield, Its County Seat—Its Wonderful Growth and Business.
                                    [Special Correspondent, Atchison Champion.]

                                                  WINFIELD, Dec. 18, 1878.
As yet Cowley County has no railroads, but before another year passes away it is confidently predicted the iron horse will be running through her borders. Two roads, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the other, known as the Schofield road, are now trying to get bonds to build through the county, and in all probability the former will be completed in time to move next year’s crops. One would naturally think a railroad was badly needed to move the enormous grain crop of the present year, for any day a hundred or more teams can be counted loaded with wheat, passing over the road between here and Wichita, a distance of over forty miles. The trade of this county is all done by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, at Wichita and El Dorado, and the enterprise of that gigantic corporation will hardly permit another  road to get the start of them in the trade of the Walnut Valley. The Company has accordingly submitted a proposition asking bonds to the amount of $144,000 to extend the Wichita road to Winfield, to be completed by September 1st, 1879. The election on the bond proposition occurs on the 24th of December. There seems to be no doubt but that this proposition will be carried, as the farmers are anxious for a railroad, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe is the one they want.
Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County, is situated on the east side of the Walnut, at the junction of Timber Creek with that stream, and in what is familiarly known as the “garden spot of Kansas”—the great Walnut Valley. The average width of the valley is about two miles, and more fertile farming land than this valley contains cannot be found in the State. The width of the timber belt on the Walnut is one-fourth of a mile. The town grew up slowly, and in 1870 there was scarcely a building on its lovely town site. Year by year, however, it has steadily gone forward, and today, despite the drouth and grasshoppers, it has a population close on to 1,800. The early buildings completed were frame, and small at that, but each year has added more capital, until now there are in Winfield many of the finest and most costly buildings, private and public, to be found in the State.
Winfield is the center of business for the county, as anyone can see by the number of people on the streets every day in the week. I spent Saturday here, and I was convinced that it was the liveliest city of its size in the State. From morning till night the streets were crowded with people and a look into the different business houses confirmed the impression I always had of the town, that Winfield is bound to be the metropolis of Southwestern Kansas. Her main business street, 120 feet wide, would remind anyone who has been there, of Broadway, New York, it was so jammed full of teams, and it was really surprising to know where so many people came from. But when a person stops to think that Winfield is situated in the center of one of the richest agricultural counties in the State, and whose population has almost doubled during the past two years, these facts become apparent to everybody.

Winfield has two large flouring mills, each with four run of burrs, running day and night. They are both run by water, the Walnut and Timber furnishing good water power; a handsome courthouse, costing $10,000, presided over by the following trusted and efficient officials: M. G. Troup, county clerk; T. R. Bryan, treasurer; H. D. Gans, probate judge; E. P. Kinne, register of deeds; R. C. Story, county superintendent; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk of the district court; James McDermott, county attorney; M. G. Graham, coroner. The enterprising mayor of the town is J. B. Lynn. There is a commodious graded school building completed, with nearly 500 scholars enrolled. The church structures completed are five, costing all the way from $2,000 to $9,000. There are but few towns in the State having handsomer or more costly church edifices than are to be found in Winfield. Besides, there are two excellent newspapers working for Winfield and Cowley County; three banking institutions, all doing a large business; plenty of lawyers and doctors; and one of the largest public halls in the State. I refer to that of E. C. Manning, one of the leading public-spirited citizens of the town. This hall is 20 feet high, 50 wide, and 100 feet long, and will comfortably seat 800 people. It will be fitted up for theatrical purposes, the scenery painted, by careful artists, and when completed will be one of the most convenient halls west of the Missouri. The cost of the building is $15,000. All the iron used in its construction was furnished by Capt. John Seaton, of Atchison.
Mr. A. H. Green, the live and energetic real estate agent, land broker, and attorney of Winfield is one of the most successful business gentlemen I ever met. A person is really at home in his office, which is thronged from morning till night with land buyers, and the amount of business he transacts daily is astonishing. His office is fitted up in elegant style, carpeted, plenty of chairs, writing desks, a large law library, and the walls hang full of maps and plates, descriptive of the lands he is selling. Mr. Green is a thorough businessman, and if there is such a word as success he will succeed. He is agent for a good share of the vacant property in Winfield, and he informs me that residence and business lots are rapidly advancing in prices in anticipation of the railroad, the former selling all the way from $40 to $125, and the latter from $100 to $1,500. Corner lots can be had for less than $2,000. Rents are rising, and there is a big demand for houses.
I was pleased to meet here J. H. Finch, deputy sheriff and deputy U. S. Marshal; also delivery clerk in the post office. Mr. Finch is an old Atchisonian, who has many warm friends there who will be glad to hear of his success.
I was also glad to meet J. C. Walter, an old reader of the Champion, who has recently engaged in the restaurant business in Winfield. For a “square meal” or a first-class dish of oysters, give Mr. Walter a call.
H. Jochems, dealer in hardware, stoves, tinware, etc., is another Atchisonian, doing an extensive business. He buys of Blish, Mize & Silliman, the live hardware men of your city.
L. H. Hope, dealer in jewelry, makes a specialty of engraving. He carries a large stock, and is among the most successful businessmen of Winfield.
W. C. Root & Co., dealers in boots and shoes, carry the only exclusive house in town, hence are doing a good trade. They are pleasant gentlemen, and are located in one of the best towns in the State.
If you want a good cigar, call on Charles Birnbaum. His stock is large, and he keeps only the choicest of cigars and tobaccos.
James Kelly, the good-natured postmaster, is the “right man in the right place.” I am under obligations to him for favors extended.

There are two excellent newspapers published here, the COURIER and the Telegram, and they are patronized liberally by the businessmen and citizens of Cowley County. While there is no room for a third paper, I am informed someone has brought here a handful of type, with the view of establishing a third paper, thus dividing the patronage barely enough for two papers, among three. I have no doubt this gentleman could buy either of the two newspapers here, which would be a more sensible transaction.
Winfield has excellent hotels, and of course your correspondent “put up” at the Central, where the majority of the traveling public do, kept by those good-natured, obliging gentlemen, Messrs. Majors & Vance. What these gentlemen don’t know about keeping hotels, it is useless for anyone else to undertake. H. C. R.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Skipped article by J. S. Baker, Vernon Township, in which it appears he is setting down rules of behavior for teachers.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Written for the COURIER.
                                                        Our School Building.
By your leave, Mr. Editor, I would like to ask the people of this community some questions. What are you going to do about your schools for next year? Last year an effort was made about this time, or a little later, to have the district vote bonds to build a new schoolhouse. It was clearly to be seen then the increase of population would demand increased accommodation for our schools. But there was exhibited quite a disinclination to vote bonds and so the project fell through. The people were satisfied to trust to luck for something to turn up by which we could get through this year. Things were allowed to drift until the annual school meeting, when the district found itself compelled to build a temporary barracks for two departments, which answers the purpose very well, but which cost 15 percent more than it ought to have done, and is besides an eye-sore to the community. The additional cost arose from the necessity of the school boards issuing scrip which could not be paid at once, and which had to be discounted.
Our schools are first-class in every respect, and the question is, Shall we provide them with suitable accommodations? It was thought at the school meeting that when we had provided for 350 pupils and employed two additional teachers, we had made ample provision for our wants this year. But the enrollment already exceeds that number and some of the departments are becoming crowded, and before the year is up some teachers will have more pupils than they can do justice to.
Next year it will be necessary to provide for at least 450 pupils if Winfield maintains anything like her present rate of growth. At an average of 50 pupils to the teacher, this would require nine school rooms and as many teachers. Now is the time to settle this question. What do we propose to do about it? Being in the same predicament as the old woman who lived in a shoe, we can’t settle it in the way she did; we are not able to put them all to bed—we must put them in schools, for so the law requires. If we leave the question unsettled until the next school meeting, we will be compelled to act in the same way we have done this year—put up another temporary building. There are three ways in which we may solve the difficulty.

1st. By dividing the pupils in each of the three lower grades into two divisions and allowing to attend only half a day, one division going in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, we could possibly get along with our present rooms.
2nd. By commencing immediately, we could vote $7,000 to $10,000 in bonds and erect a building in connection with our stone schoolhouse, which would give us ample room for our schools. No time must be lost, however, if we wish to secure this building for next fall term.
3rd. The only other alternative is to vote bonds sufficient to build another frame building of about three rooms. A great many would say at once, “I will never vote bonds to build anything but a good schoolhouse.” But we had better determine on something definite at once, even to the voting of bonds for a frame building rather than to let this matter go by default and compel the board to issue depreciated scrip to force a building up in the short time between the school meeting in August and the fall term in September. I have not thought worthwhile to suggest that we might neglect the schools and provide for them in any way. I have taken it for granted that this community will not tolerate this idea. The question now before us is, “Shall we build a schoolhouse worthy of the place? CITIZEN.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                                                         The Bonds Carried!
                                                 BY A ROUND MAJORITY.
                                                       COWLEY COUNTY
       On the Through Route From Indigence to Wealth, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific!
                                              The Speedy Construction Assured.
Notwithstanding the coldness of the weather on Tuesday, the proposition to vote $141,000 of the bonds of this county to the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith Railway Company was carried by a large majority. We have not yet got full returns, but the townships heard from give so large majorities for, as to place the result beyond a doubt. We congratulate the people of Cowley County on this auspicious result and predict that one year from today those who have opposed this proposition will be ready to admit that we were right and thank us for the position we have taken.
The vote of Winfield stands 873 for, 5 against, and 6 scattering.
Reports in:
Winfield, 868 majority for.
Creswell, 300 majority for.
Beaver, 86 majority for.
Vernon, 60 majority for.
Ninnescah, 3 majority for.
Bolton, 80 majority for.
Tisdale, 20 majority for.
Sheridan, 34 majority for.
Pleasant Valley, 48 majority for.
Rock, 88 majority against.
Liberty, 7 majority against.
Dexter, 19 majority against.
Windsor, 106 majority against.

Richland, 48 majority against.
Silver Creek, 74 majority against.
Maple, 35 majority against.
It is now evident that the vote of Winfield Township might be thrown out and not counted and still the bonds would be carried.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                                                  GROWTH OF WINFIELD.
The vote polled in Winfield Township is larger than ever before polled. Its vote November 5th was 726 when the polls were guarded by argus eyed candidates and their friends to prevent illegal voting against them. It was then estimated that 150 legal voters of the township did not come to the polls. Many residents from other parts of the state who arrived between Oct. 8th and Nov. 24th and many who arrived from other states from May 7th to June 24th have since become voters. The number of these is estimated as high as 150 and the total number of voters in the township at over 1,000.
As tending to corroborate these estimates we will mention the fact that in the City of Winfield there have been built within a year upwards of 400 dwellings and business houses, that there is not a house in the place to rent for “love or money,” and that in many of the houses are from two to four families each.
We shall next week give a detailed list of new buildings in this city.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
We wish all our readers a “Merry Christmas,” if it is not too late and if it is, we wish them a “Happy New Year,” though this is a little early, for you know that if we wait until next Thursday, it will be late again.
With this number closes volume six of the COURIER on which we have expended much care and thought and in which we have said many things to our readers which we hope have contributed much to their well being and enjoyment. . . .
For the last few weeks our columns have been too crowded with railroad proclamations and holiday advertisements to contain as much matter of general interest as we desire, but these will be left out after this week and we hope to make the paper more interesting and valuable than ever before.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The Senate committee that has been investigating the Indian Territory will report in favor of opening up the Territory to settlement on the ground that it will be better for the Indians.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Gen. Sherman estimates that the United States will in twenty years have a population of eighty million and that all the Indian reservations will before that time be required for the wants of the white people.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Hon. Thos. Ryan has presented a bill to give the Kansas courts jurisdiction over the Indian Territory. This, if passed, will be a check upon running across the line to escape justice, and trials will be less expensive to the northern part of the territory than now when they must go to Ft. Smith.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878. Supplement.

                                                  COURIER SUPPLEMENT.
                                                 BANKRUPT! BANKRUPT!
                                            Great Bankrupt Sale of the Goods of
                                                     McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
These goods MUST BE SOLD to satisfy creditors. Avail yourselves of this opportunity. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Queensware and Glassware, all at cost, or less than cost. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Solid silverware, of the best make, at low prices, at Hope’s.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Hardware at reduced prices for the next 30 days at J. T. Weston’s.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Mr. and Miss Speed, from New York, mother and sister of Mrs. W. M. Boyer, are visiting in this city.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The ice business has been brisk during the last few days, and about one thousand tons have been secured by our citizens.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Leave orders at B. M. Terrill’s for carriages to and from the Grand Masquerade: 25 cents a person for round trip.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
J. C. Walter will keep open all night to accommodate those wishing refreshments on the night of the Grand Masquerade Ball.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Bolton & Heidy have removed to the Telegram building, where you will find fresh meats of all kinds and at all times at the lowest market prices. Cash paid for hides.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Mr. W. T. Roland, traveling agent for the Fairbank’s Scales Company, is now permanently located in this city. He can be found at his residence, the house lately occupied by Mr. James Kirk. Persons desiring the best scales made, should call on him. He is a gentleman who can be relied on.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
If the party that received (by mistake) a five dollar gold piece ($5.00) Saturday at McCommon & Harter’s drug store, will return the same and oblige
                                                  McCOMMON & HARTER.

Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
We would call especial attention to the article of “Citizen” on our first page, “Our Schoolhouse.” The writer is one who has large interests here and whose name commands the highest respect. We second his views and would impress it upon our citizens that something must be done at once.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Mme. Roland has taken the stock and stand of Mrs. Pixley on Main street, east side, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, where she will serve the ladies of this city and vicinity with millinery and dressmaking. She is an artist in her business and profession, and comes to us highly recommended.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
BIRTH. Mr. Frank Jennings came around on Tuesday morning with a proud step, a smiling countenance, and a bundle of cigars. He says that the boy is all right, weighs nine pounds, and will go into the practice of law at once.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The opening benefit of Manning’s Opera House on Tuesday evening of last week was a success. Notwithstanding the cold weather, there was quite a crowd in attendance, the banquet was excellent and highly enjoyed, and the young folks “tripped the light fantastic toe” until “the wee sma’ hours.”
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
John M. Spencer, proprietor of the Winfield House, is now ready to accommodate both day and transient boarders. The house is new and elegantly furnished. Mr. Spencer has had considerable experience in the hotel business, and feels confident that he can please all who may favor him with a call.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The members of Winfield Lodge, No. 110, I. O. O. F., have chosen the following named brethren as officers of this lodge for the term commencing January 1, 1879.
M. B. Shields, N. G.
David C. Beach, V. G.
John Hoenscheidt, R. S.
E. S. Bedilion, P. S.
Max Shoeb, Treasurer.
John E. Allen, W.
D. W. Southard, C.
J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.
R. L. Walker, L. S. to N. G.
B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.
Wm. Hudson, L. S. S.
J. W. Smiley, I. G.
C. C. Stevens, O. G.
A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. C.
T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.
J. W. Curns, Chaplain.

J. S. Blue, Host.
A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order in good standing to be present at the installation ceremonies on the first Thursday night in January. The lodge is in a prosperous condition, and is increasing its membership from among our best citizens very rapidly.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
MARRIED. JOHNSON - SMITH. On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. John R. Smith, by the Rev. F. Gorsline, Mr. Emmery J. Johnson and Miss Delia Smith, all of this county.
MARRIED. MARKS - SEACAT. On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the same, Mr. John M. Marks and Decta Seacat, all of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                                         POLO, COWLEY CO., Dec. 20, 1878.
Lots of snow in Omnia Township, and also plenty of newcomers. Mr. John N. Henry, of Henry County, Iowa, arrived in our township last week. He is an old neighbor of Amos Henthorn, and quite an addition to our community. He has been in Texas, Arkansas, and as far west as Hutchinson, in Kansas, and says Cowley beats them all. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                                                   City Council Proceedings.
                                                  WINFIELD, Dec. 16, 1878.
Council met in council chamber.
Present: J. R. Lynn, mayor; and Councilmen Gully, Manning and Wood;  Absent, T. C. Robinson.
Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.
The matter of the sidewalk on Tenth avenue was discussed, but no action taken.
The following resolution was introduced, read, and unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That that portion of the southeast quarter of section 28, township 32 south, of range 4 east, known, platted, and filed for record as Fuller’s second addition to the city of Winfield be, and the same is hereby declared to be within the incorporated limits of the city of Winfield.
Action was taken on the following bills, which were allowed.
H. Jochems, merchandise: $6.65
C. C. Stevens, city marshal: $40.00
Walck & Smiley, well rock, etc.: $6.50
Maggie E. Page, rent: $10.00
Levi Seabridge, repairing well curb: $1.50
Max Shoeb, repairs on engines, etc., $16.40, referred to finance committee.
There being no further business, Council adjourned. J. B. LYNN, Mayor.
Attest: J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
All parties owing us will call and settle by first of January. We must have a settlement. Call and see us. LYNN & GILLELEN. Winfield, Dec. 13, 1878.

Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Bring your Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Apples, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, etc., to us, and receive IN CASH the highest market price therefor.
      WINFIELD FEED STORE, North side Ninth avenue, next room west of Citizens Bank.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Skipped poem, “Christmas Bells,” written for Courier by M. J. Leffingwell December 23, 1878.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                             COLESBURG, KENTUCKY, DECEMBER 18, 1878.
EDITORS COURIER: Dear Sirs: As I am an owner of land in Cowley County, I suppose I may have a little right to speak concerning a railroad in the county, and what I have to say is, if you have anything like a certainty that the Sumner, Cowley & Ft. Smith railroad will be built as per contract, vote the $144,000 and get it.
That will give one road certain, and by the time Major Schofield gets ready to run his road through, the county can and will be perfectly able to help him as well, if not better than we are now to help the A. T. & S. F. Co. to build their branch called the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith road. Now, after we get this road, if the Schofieldites want to run in their road, all right. We will be able to help them, and will do, even if they do connect with the C. S. & F. S. at Beck’s schoolhouse and build up a great city, and by so doing knock Winfield into a ______.
Well, by the way, I do not know what kind of a thing or place it is to be knocked into, according to the correspondent from Maple Township who signs himself “O.” He says, “The Schofieldites have weighed the Winfieldites in the balance and they are about to write “Jekel” high up on the page of your history.” Now I have looked Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary through pretty thoroughly and have not found any such word; so you will please have “O.” explain the meaning of the word, as it appears to be one of his own get up. If he will explain, then we can all know what Winfield is destined to be, providing there ever should be a junction of railroads anywhere in Cowley County, especially near Beck’s schoolhouse.
I see by the paper that Prof. D. D. Morse is making sketches of the city of Winfield. Let me ask if they are done, what they cost, and can you send me one by mail with the COURIER? Please let me know and I will recompense you for it. I want one if they are not too expensive; yes, I want two, certain, and perhaps more. There are some people in this vicinity that are talking quite strong of Kansas and like Cowley County, but they do not like the idea of getting so far from a railroad; therefore, I say get a road of some kind as soon as possible, and by so doing draw settlers to Cowley County that would otherwise settle elsewhere. The way to make the county rich is to get it settled up with good, enterprising people, and to do that you must show them some inducements.
                                          Yours, respectfully, W. F. STERLING.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                                         VERNON TOWNSHIP, Dec. 20, 1878.

We have been enjoying a week of regular old Pennsylvania winter. We built a sleigh in about two hours, and took a glorious old ride. Sleighs are as scarce here as hen’s teeth.
BIRTH. Mr. DeWitt has a young daughter. This makes three. “Scoot west, old man,” for I understand two more Vernonites are to be married over in Sumner County—daughters of William Gault.
Grain dealers in Winfield are “playing hob” with us farmers, offering 60 cents for our wheat, and when we get there, they give us 55 cents “by the skin of their teeth.”
Notwithstanding the storm we are going to have two Christmas doings: one at Pleasant Grove, the other at Mt. Zion. They are for the benefit of the Sunday schools, both of which are still alive.
The school ma’am in District 48 got sick and gave up her school. Wish her much joy. We understand she was well received.
Mr. McGin has had bad luck with one of his horses, it having about lost the inner part of its feet with the rot. He cannot use it until a new one grows in. SCREECH-OWL.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
At the annual election, on the 17th inst., Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. A. M., selected the following officers for the ensuing year.
C. C. Black, W. M.
W. C. Robinson, S. W.
H. Brotherton, J. W.
B. F. Baldwin, Treas.
R. C. Story, Sec.
J. E. Saint, S. D.
P. Hill, J. D.
M. L. Read, C.
John C. Roberts, S. S.
W. D. Byers, J. S.
S. E. Burger, T.
The installation will take place Friday evening of this week. All members of the Order are invited to be present.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
A. T. Stewart came down from Kansas City last Friday to advocate the railroad and spend Christmas among his relatives and old friends here. He is an able and ardent friend of Winfield and Cowley County; and it does us good to see him here.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Mr. Ivan Robinson has come home to spend the holidays. He has been absent many weeks.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
S. L. GILBERT, Notary Public.                        S. M. JARVIS, Att. at Law.
                                                       GILBERT & JARVIS,

                                        REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS.
Loan money at low rates on improved farms and city property. Also furnish money to “prove up” at U. S. Land Office. Office upstairs in Bahntge’s new block, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
                                                            Money to Loan.
We are loaning money at lower rates than any loan agency in this part of the state.
                                                      CURNS & MANSER.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum