J. H. Cunningham, 28; spouse, M. C., 36. [Note: J. W. Cunningham might be correct.]
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. W. Cunningham 29 m w Tennessee Missouri
M. C. Cunningham 35 f w Ohio Missouri
M. J. Cunningham 7 f w Missouri Missouri
N. H. Cunningham 6 f w Missouri Missouri
J. J. Cunningham 4 m w Missouri Missouri
A. M. Cunningham 2 f w Missouri Missouri
James Cunningham, 30; spouse, M. C., 36.
James A. Cunningham, 24. No spouse listed.
J. H. Cunningham, 34; spouse, M. C., 37.
C. Cunningham, 23. No spouse listed.
[Both Cunningham and Craven appear in Ninnescah Township.]
Jesse Craven, 26; spouse, Anna, 22.
S. C. Cunningham, 33; spouse, R. A., 29.
Jesse Craven, 28; spouse, Laura, 25.
Children: Lorah J., 6; Mary E., 4; Wm. E., 1 month.
Samuel C. Cunningham, 35; spouse, Rachel, 32.
Children: Benton Cunningham, 7; Thomas, 5; Leona, 4; Lilly, 1.
Kansas 1875 Census Ninnescah Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Jessie Craven 29 m w Ohio Missouri
Lorra? Craven 26 f w Ohio Missouri
S. J. Craven 16? f w Tennessee Missouri
Mary Craven 5 f w Missouri Missouri
W. E. Craven 1 m w Kansas
I.? E. Cunningham 86 m w Pennsylvania Illinois
Rachel Cunningham 88 f w Ohio Illinois
Benton Cunningham 9 m w Illinois Illinois
S. Cunningham 7 m w Illinois Illinois
L. Cunningham 5 f w Illinois Illinois
Lilly Cunningham 3 f w Illinois Illinois
Jesse Craven, 33; spouse, L., 28.
S. C. Cunningham, 41; spouse indicated but name not given, 39.
Jesse Craven, 36; spouse, Laura, 30.
S. C. Cunningham, 46; spouse, S. C., 42.
D. C. Cunningham, 43; spouse, N. C., 40. P. O. CedarFord.
D. Cunningham, 44; spouse, Nancy, 42. P. O. Cederford [instead of CedarFord].
R. L. Cunningham, 59; spouse, Mancey [Nancy?], 42. P. O. Little Dutch.
Robert Cunningham, 60; spouse, Nancy, 43. Also listed: Emily Cunningham, 21.
Dennis Cunningham, 22.
James Cunningham, 28.
John Cunningham, 24.
Also listed: Margaret Cunningham, age not given.
Dennis Cunningham, 23*
Dennis Cunningham, 25. Also listed: Marget Cunningham, 50.
James Cunningham, 29*; spouse, Anna, 23*.
James Cunningham, 32; spouse, Anna, 32.
John Cunningham, 25*. Also listed: Marget Cunningham, 65.
John Cunningham, 27.
Mathew Cunningham, 22*
Mathew Cunningham, 23.
[Appearance of * not explained.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Silver Creek Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
James Cunningham 30 m w New York Illinois
Anne Cunningham 30 f w Illinois Illinois
M. Cunningham 10m f w Kansas
John Cunningham 25 m w Dinegal Co., Ireland Illinois
Margret Cunningham 45 f w Dinegal Co., Ireland Illinois
Dennis Cunningham 24 m w New York New York
Mathew Cunningham 23 m w New York New York
Charley Cunningham 13 m w New York New York
Thos. Cunningham 18 m w New York New York
Mary Cunningham 15 f w New York New York
Dennis Cunningham, 24*
Dennis Cunningham, 25.
James Cunningham, 30*; spouse, Anna, 30*
James Cunningham, 30; spouse, Annie, 31.
John Cunningham, 35*; spouse, Margret, 45*.
John Cunningham, 26; spouse, Margaret, 46.
Mathew Cunningham, 23*
Mathew Cunningham, 24.
[Showed Cuninghan. Believe this should be changed to Cunningham.]
John Cunningham, 27. No spouse listed. P. O. Lazette.
J. L. Cunningham, 35; spouse, Anna, 32. P. O. Lazette.
Mathew Cunningham, 23. Also listed: Margret, 60. P. O. Lazette.
D. B. Cunningham, 28. No spouse listed. P. O. Lazette.
J. Cunningham, 28. No spouse listed. P. O. Lazette.
J. W. Cunningham, 36; spouse, Anna, 33. Also: Margret, 61. P. O. Lazette.
Don Cunningham, 28. No spouse listed.
J. Cunningham, 37; spouse, Anna, 36.
Jas. Cunningham, 30; spouse, Mary A., 21.
Matt Cunningham, 25; spouse, Sytha, 19.
Tom Cunningham, 22. Also listed: Margaret Cunningham, 62.
Kansas 1875 Census, Windsor Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
C. Cunningham 14 m w Illinois Illinois
M. Cunningham, 35; spouse, F., 35. P. O. Burden.
S. C. Cunningham...
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
County Commissioners Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, August 16th, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in County Clerk’s office, pursuant to adjournment. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The following bills were allowed for jurors.
S. C. Cunningham: $3.60.
S. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1873.
2. Petition presented by S. CUNNINGHAM, principal petitioner, for the location of a county road commencing at the N. W. corner of section 25, township 31, range 3; thence south on section line to the S.W. corner on section 1, township 32, range 3; thence E. about 80 rods, thence S. 45 degrees E, to intersect the line running north and south through the center of section 12, township 32, range 3; thence south on said line to intersect the State road from Winfield to Wichita, near the S. E. corner of the S.W. quarter of section 12, township 32, range 2.
S. C. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 6, 1873.
Notice is hereby given that there will be a petition presented to the Commissioners of Cowley County, at the next meeting, on the 7th day of March, 1873, for the location of a county road, commencing at the N. W. corner of section 25, township 31, range 3; thence south on section line to the S.W. corner of section 1, township 32, range 3; thence E. about 80 rods, thence S. 45 degrees E. to intersect the line running north and south through the center of section 12, township 32, range 3; thence south on said line to intersect the State road from Winfield to Wichita, near the S. E. corner of the S.W. quarter of section 12, township 32, range 3. S. C. CUNNINGHAM, Principal Petitioner.
S. C. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
Meeting of the Veterans.
At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to organize a permanent Soldiers’ Union.
On motion a committee consisting of A. A. Jackson, A. D. Keith, Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur, Capt. Henry Barker, and Col. E. C. Manning were appointed on permanent organization.
During the absence of the committee, D. C. Scull entertained the meeting with a few appropriate remarks.
The committee on permanent organization reported as follows.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization, recommend the following as a permanent organization for Cowley County, of the Union Soldiers of the late war.
1st. The association of all soldiers into an organization to be known as the Cowley County Soldiers’ Association.
2nd. That said association elect a president, 3 vice presidents, secretary, and assistant secretary, and treasurer, and adopt a constitution.
3rd. That said association request its members to subscribe the constitution as an evidence of membership, giving the required company or battalion to which each belonged, and to attend the meetings of the association.
4th. That said association meet semi-annually for celebrations, and as much oftener as business requires. A. A. JACKSON, Chairman.
The above was unanimously adopted. The roll being called; the following “Boys in Blue,” answered to their names.
S. C. Cunningham, Co. D, 8th Mo. Inf.
John Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
On the 22nd, Mr. John Cunningham brought suit before H. D. Gans against Eugene Millard for the sum of five dollars, money loaned the defendant by the plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff.
Charles Cunningham, scholar...
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
The following scholars deserve honorable mention for attendance, promptness, deportment, and good standing in classes during the month ending on the 13th.
Emma Burden, Ella Clover, Charles Cunningham, Lizzie Hoff, George Lee, Nannie McDaniels, Miles Smith, Chas. Walsh, and Britto Wingar.
John Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.
We notice John Cunningham and the Fitzgerald brothers are turning over prairie and quite lively this summer. We claim them as among our most industrious and worthy young men.
Dennis Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
Among the distinguished parties who have lately returned to Lazette are the following: Frank Wilkins, Indian Territory; T. Hemenway, Allen County; Lee Wade, Humboldt; Dennis Cunningham, Illinois; H. M. Rogers, St. Joseph; and Joseph Fritch, from Texas.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Elder Dave Dale and Dennis Cunningham, of Lazette, were in town on Saturday.
James Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
James Cunningham and brother drove a lot of fine hogs of their own raising to Eldorado last week.
Charles Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
There is a firm to be started here under the name of Crane & Co. Success to them. Jake’s head is level. Charley Cunningham wouldn’t give a cent to be relieved of his Burden.
Dennis Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
District Court.
The following are the names of jurors drawn for this court: Levi Fluke, O. P. West, Thos. Parvin, S. D. Klingman, J. E. Cox, Sampson Johnson, A. B. Gardner, H. S. Libby, I. B. Todd, Michael Bush, H. J. Donley, T. A. Chapin, T. B. Myers, Dennis Cunningham, J. I. Mitchell, Devine Terrill, Daniel Hawkins, G. W. Yount, W. T. Beasley, J. W. Browning, Rudolph Hoffmaster, D. M. Patton, J. P. Short, J. W. Millspaugh.
J. H. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. H. Cunningham to A. W. Graham, se 33, 34, 3; 160 acres, $800.
Dennis and Mathew Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Dennis and Mat. Cunningham, of Silver Creek, were in town Saturday.
Charles Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Charley Cunningham, of Lazette, has come over to attend school this year.
Dennis Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
SILVER CREEK, March 10, 1879.
A prairie fire was put out on the 25th of Feb. in the north part of the township, the wind blowing from the northwest a perfect gale, driving the fire through the center and east part of the township, doing much damage. Those suffering most were H. S. Millard and Daniel Kempton. Mr. Millard lost several tons of hay, one mile of hedge, his team badly burned, disabling them for spring work, and some fruit trees were killed. Mr. Kempton lost some corn and one-half mile of hedge.
We understand that Mr. A. P. Brooks will put out two hundred apple trees this spring. Dennis Cunningham has built a snug little house on his place.
Mr. Cunningham, of Illinois...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Mr. Cunningham, of Illinois, has been here and looked over the ground with a view of building a steam-mill and elevator near the R. R. track.
(?) Cunningham and Lane, at Burden...
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
Messrs. Cunningham & Lane are doing a lively business in their restaurant and confectionery. They are preparing to build a large stable and put in a stock of fine horses and carriages to do a first class livery business.
Cunningham Brothers [James and Dennis]...
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
The Cunningham Bros. are still cutting stone for their two-story business house.
James and Dennis Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Messrs. James and Dennis Cunningham are pushing work along on their stone building very rapidly.
Dennis Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Messrs. Dennis Cunningham and Will Leonard have organized a shot gun club and are making it lively for the surplus eggs. They can break at least eleven of each dozen: if not with shot, the fall is sure to smash them. Exercises alternate evenings at 6 o’clock.
(?) Cunningham, photographer...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Cunningham & Harry have rebuilt and furnished the room (formerly of Daniels & Harry) up in tiptop style and will accommodate the public in taking pictures.
(?) Cunningham...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
RAIL ROAD tickets to all points East via Kansas City, Lawrence and Southwestern R. R. for sale by Cunningham.
D. F. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
D. F. Cunningham is now running a commission house for all points of Colorado and New Mexico, and offers a good market for all kinds of produce, Summit street, Arkansas City.
D. Cunningham, physician...
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
Upon Examination of the county records we elicit the starling information that only thirty-two physicians have filed their certificates with the county clerk as required by law. Here they are.
Danl. E. Anderson, A. C. Barr, George Black, D. W. Cole, Jas. A. Chapman, F. M. Cooper, D. Cunningham, Judson A. Chapel, W. R. Davis, P. K. Dobyns, Geo. Emerson, W. G. Graham, Jas. P. Graham, Jas. A. Griffith, J. J. Harden, C. G. Holland, Geo. M. Hawkins, Jno. B. McDill, W. S. Mendenhall, M. E. Munger, A. G. Mudgett, Jas. H. Pleasants, J. W. P. Rothrock, J. W. Wright, H. B. Rude, Robert H. Reed, Jas. T. Sheppard, W. M. Schofield, S. C. Tomlinson, Jas. Vawter, Silvester Wilkins, J. J. Wolf, Wm. T. Wright, Geo. P. Wagner, Homer & Wells.
Thirty-five names were listed for doctors: not thirty-two.
D. F. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
D. F. Cunningham is buying and shipping peaches to Colorado and New Mexico.
Cunningham buildings (2)...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 7, 1880. Front Page.
Something About Their Live Men and Business Interests.
Burden is a year old, and for a yearling has made a wonderful growth. It is situated in one of the richest portions of the county, surrounded by high rolling prairie, on which are located some of the finest farms the sun ever shone on. The men who own these farms are the men who helped make Cowley what she is today, and they are possessed of the nerve, grit, and “goaheaditiveness” to build up any country. The town was named after Hon. R. F. Burden, chairman of the board of county commissioners, and a member of the town company. The other members are Ford & Leonard and Maj. Gunn, chief engineer of the K. C. L. & S. Road (which runs through the town), and are gentlemen of prominence and character. The businessmen of Burden are live and active. They have not located here simply to trade awhile and then move on, but are putting their surplus money into the town in the way of good, substantial buildings. Noticeable among these are the Cunningham buildings: two large two-story cut stone business houses, each 25 x 65 feet. They are an ornament to the place and show a faith in the future of the town.
James Cunningham...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D., 1880.
State versus: James Cunningham.
“Judge” Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
John E. Mitchell, the “hogman,” has removed his family to this burg.
Mr. Mitchell has secured the services of “Judge” Cunningham to assist him in buying hogs. The “Judge” has had a great deal of experience in the hog business, and “Mitch” could not have made a better selection. PLANTUS.
D. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
The names of the various committees having in charge the Christmas tree festivities to be held at the Presbyterian church, were handed in last week, but were unavoidably crowded out, and are presented in this issue, as follows.
Decorating Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cypher, Misses Mary Parker, Angie Mantor, Carrie Benedict, Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Linnie Peed, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Sadie Thomas, Linda Christian, Annie Hutchison, Mary Theaker, Emma and Susie Hunt, Ada Easterday; Messrs. E. G. Gray, W. D. Mowry, John Kroenert, J. D. Houston, George Howard, D. Cunningham, James Leonard, Will Peed, J. C. Topliff, Dick Chamberlain, Irving French.
Cunningham Brothers [James and Dennis]...
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Ford & Leonard have sold out their store in Burden. Messrs. Cunningham Bros. have purchased a part of the stock and are doing business in the old stand.
Dr. D. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
The Board of County Commissioners, at their last session, transacted business as follows.
Approved the road reports in the R. S. Wells, J. M. Bair, and Daniel Maher road cases, and granted the petition of Dr. Cunningham for a section line road.
Charles and Tom Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
A large majority of the farmers are discouraged by two successive failures of wheat and attendant evils such as the chinch bug. Therefore, but little wheat has been sown this fall. Chief among those whose motto is “try again,” and have sown from 30 to 50 acres with wheat are: James Goforth, Daniel Kempton, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Chas. and Tom Cunningham.
C. L. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
The following applicants were examined, Saturday, for teachers’ certificates: Wm. M. Coe, C. L. Cunningham, J. B. Curry, Ansel Gridley, Anna Martin, Ray E. Nawman, Luther Nellis, Anna L. Norton, R. B. Overman, N. J. Waterbury.
S. C. Cunningham, of Ninnescah...
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Mr. S. C. Cunningham, of Ninnescah Township, lost two horses week before last. They ate a handful of castor beans, and he thinks that was the cause of their death. Castor beans are death on stock every time.
Students at Seeley School, Ninnescah Township: Benton and Leona Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
The following is the report of the standing of scholars of Seeley School, District 31, for the month of December.
In the “A” class: Fred Lehrmann stood 100 in three branches; Bert Copple 100 in four branches; Reuben Crick 100 in five branches; Lillie Perrin, 100 in two branches; Lola Whitman and Benton Cunningham 100 in one branch.
In the “B” class: Bert Crick and Louise Lehrmann stood 100 in one branch; Isaac Senseney, Florence Barnes, and Leona Cunningham stood ninety in one branch.
The number of pupils enrolled during the month of December, 41; averaged daily attendance 36; No. Of visits from patrons of school 9. L. C. TURNER, Teacher.
C. F. Cunningham, teacher...
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Teachers Directory 1881-82. ARKANSAS CITY. MONTHLY SALARY.
C. F. Cunningham, District 69: $37.00
S. C. Cunningham...
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
W. J. H. Pollard vs. S. C. Cunningham et al.
Officer Cunningham at Grenola...
Cowley County Courant, June 1, 1882.
When a Southern Kansas man turns himself loose, there is no use trying to stop him, as he will go through without feeling. It will be remembered that our little neighboring town of Grenola, just east of the Cowley County line, just about a year ago furnished one of the finest sensations of the season, and at the time such remarks as “He did it with his little hatchet,” and “such is happiness in the far west,” were rife throughout that section of country. In fact the newspapers over there were really blessed with an actually real item, upon which their clamoring publishers wrote many a handsome “piece.”
A man by the name of Hatchett, who was keeping a hotel in Grenola, became very familiar with a young lady named Beard, who, if we remember rightly, was his cousin or some other relative. After they had been so thick that the neighbors began talking of the future possibilities, Hatchett concluded he would not linger longer in that section, and one day left to seek a more genial clime. The girl’s father, a respectable farmer of Elk County, about this time discovered that his daughter was to some extent in need of a parent’s advice and protection, so he swore out a warrant, or had the girl do it, for Hatchett, and search was instigated for him at once. He was found up at Mulvane, arrested, and taken back to Grenola for trial. The Justice before whom he was arraigned, held that he had better linger about until District Court convened, but through some compromise, by which he agreed to provide for the young lady and her little Hatchett, he was liberated, and he again skipped, we believe without keeping his word in regard to the compromise. Several weeks passed and no word was received from him, though his re-arrest had been ordered by the court. One Sunday there were two men who stopped at the Lindell Hotel in Howard for dinner, and upon close observation, one of them was discovered to be Hatchett. He was promptly re-arrested, and after being taken to Grenola, was again liberated either through the incompetency of the prosecution, or some technicality.
Since that time there has been but little thought given to him. But after all his sad experience, Hatchett would not let up on his old tricks, and now we learn that he was arrested in Leavenworth last Saturday, and is languishing within the dingy cells. The Times of Sunday gives the following report of his arrest, which savors very much of one of Hatchett’s tricks. There is still some mystery connected with his last break.
The Times says: “One week ago Friday night there arrived in this city, by the Missouri Pacific, a girl aged probably fifteen to twenty years, accompanied by a man of about forty years of age. Saturday afternoon Officer Murphy met the couple, and was at once attracted by the close resemblance of the girl to Miss Lou Watkins, the Denver young lady, who so mysteriously disappeared from St. Louis, where she had been visiting on the Thursday preceding. The girl’s dress, its trimming, her build, her age, her hair, her nose, her round, full face, everything about her that could be taken in at a glance, corresponded with the description of the missing girl. With his customary shrewdness Officer Murphy began to watch the couple, and to hunt up something about them. Their actions only caused greater suspicion, and enveloped them in deeper mystery. At last they were located in a room on fifth street, between Seneca and Miami, which they had secured at a rental of five dollars a month. Saturday and Sunday they ate their meals on Cherokee street, but on Monday they moved their eating place to the restaurant opposite John Hannon’s store on Fifth street, near Shawnee. Mr. Murphy met them several times, and each time they watched him with a sort of suspicious restlessness that betokened that they knew someone had discovered them in something wrong. After watching them several days, and becoming satisfied that all was not right, Officers Murphy and Cunningham yesterday morning went to the room on Fifth street to arrest the parties, only to find that the girl had flown or been stowed away in some un-known place. After he was arrested, the man, who gave his name as W. B. Hatchett, told the police that the young woman was his wife and that he had sent her away last month; then he said she was his niece, and that she had gone away, where he did not know. He told other very contradictory stories, and not being able to give an account of himself, he was put down below in the city jail to answer to the court.”
Dr. D. Cunningham of Omnia Township...
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
Dr. D. Cunningham of Omnia Township called Tuesday and gave us many points on mail routes in his vicinity. The Doctor is a wide awake gentleman with an eye to the best interests of his section.
C. F. Cunningham, teacher...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
County Normal.
We have here a full list of our teachers now enrolled in our County Normal, with grade and post office.
GRADE B. C. F. Cunningham.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Teachers’ Directory.
The following teachers have notified the County Superintendent of their school contracts.
C. F. Cunningham, District 69.
R. L. Cunningham, juror in Colgate Case...
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The following are the names of the jurymen in the Colgate case: A. B. Tuggle, Jacob Smith, E. A. Hardy, E. M. Freeman, J. W. Hamlin, J. Camp, Wm. Johnson, R. L. Cunningham, Woods Retherford, Daniel Moffitt, J. W. Thomas, John Nash.
The legal battle over the Colgate case was magnificently fought. The counsel for the State brought in every particle of evidence which could be adduced to prove a circumstance, and carefully and skillfully built up their case until it seemed practically impossible to overturn it—and no one on earth could have done it before a Cowley County jury, but W. P. Hackney. His argument to the jury was startling and his theories in direct opposition to those of his colleague, and they won the case in spite of the evidence and the charge of the court. It is a victory which he may well be proud of.
R. L. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Recap of Claims Submitted in report of Commissioners Proceedings given by J. S. Hunt, County Clerk of Cowley County.
R. L. Cunningham, Talesman.
Mrs. Rachel Ann Cunningham of Ninnescah Township dies, leaves five children...
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
Coroner’s Inquest.
DIED. The Coroner was called suddenly Tuesday morning to hold an inquest on the body of Mrs. Rachel Ann Cunningham, who dropped dead in her house in Ninnescah Township, Monday evening. The following jury was summoned: A. A. Jackson, E. H. Jones, Jesse Isenagle, John A. Hood, James Rothrock, D. W. Pierce. The investigation was careful and searching and the following facts were elicited. During the evening Mrs. Cunningham was very much excited and used abusive language toward her husband, who was trying to quiet her. About eight o’clock she went out doors and soon Mr. Cunningham heard someone moaning and heard a fall. He sent one of the children out to see what was the matter. The child returned and said her mother had fallen down. Mr. Cunningham then went out and found her lying on her face. He picked her up, brought her into the house, tried with camphor and water to restore her, and finding it was of no use, sent for the neighbors. A post mortem examination was made by Dr. Emerson, who ascertained that her death had been caused by heart disease, and the jury found a verdict in accordance therewith. Mrs. Cunningham was about forty years old and leaves five children.
Mr. C. F. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Ed. Traveler: Quite a pleasant affair was held at the Bland schoolhouse, last Friday, at the close of the summer term of school, in the shape of a picnic or dinner, which was intended for a picnic in the grove, but the rain of Thursday night caused the change. Quite a number of the parents and neighbors came in to enjoy themselves with the children. Declarations and dialogues were ably rendered, after which presents were distributed to all the scholars. The school then closed with a unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. C. F. Cunningham, who has given entire satisfaction in teaching four successive terms in our district, and we hope to be fortunate enough to secure his services in the future. All went away feeling benefitted by being there, and expressed themselves as having had a very enjoyable time. Parents, you can do more for the future of your children by thus showing an interest in their education than by days of toil. VISITOR.
Mr. C. F. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Our District Schools.
From the records of County Superintendent Limerick, we get the following information regarding the length of the winter terms of our district schools and the teachers who teach them.
District 53 has a 24 weeks’ term of school presided over by C. F. Cunningham, to commence Oct. 1st.
J. Cunningham, Burden...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Single roadster mare 3 years and under 4, J. Cunningham, Burden, 1st premium.
S. C. Cunningham, Seeley, Ninnescah Township...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Display of apples, S. C. Cunningham, Ninnescah, 1st premium.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
S. C. Cunningham, Seeley...
By A. B. Arment: $10 fruit chromos for ten largest apples grown in Cowley County, was awarded to S. C. Cunningham, of Seeley.
S. C. Cunningham, Ninnescah Township...
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
One entry, No. 3, by S. C. Cunningham of Ninnescah Township, was three plates of wine, extra good, two plates King of Thompkins County, extra good, 2 plates Missouri Pippin, 1 plate Willow Twig, and one plate of a seedling raised by him resembling in shape and color the Belmont, with a fine sub-acid flavor, an apple of fine appearance, and may prove after thorough trial a valuable acquisition for our climate.
Entry No. 128, S. C. Cunningham, of Ninnescah Township, was awarded chromo for ten of the largest apples. His exhibit was 3 plates Wine, extra good, 2 plates King, extra good. This exhibit was the best entry on the tables of any class.
C. F. Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
Teachers of Cowley County.
We present below a list of the teachers of Cowley, their post office addresses, and the amount they are receiving per month for their services. This list will be valuable to teachers, school officers, and the public generally. It is taken from the records, through the courtesy of Supt. Limerick.
District Teacher Amount
53 C. F. Cunningham 55.00
Mr. F. C. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
In the case commenced by F. C. Cunningham against Mr. Deweese, it was agreed to determine the rights of the parties by arbitration. Our townsmen, J. P. Musselman, Uriah Spray, and Jno. Lewis were chosen; after two days deliberation the difficulty was satisfactorily adjusted.
(?) Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
W. G. Cates shot and killed a large grey eagle out in Mr. Gafton’s wheat field last Friday evening. The bird was first seen within the corporation limits. It measured seven feet eight inches from tip to tip of its wings, and was forwarded to Dr. King, Jacksonville, Illinois, who recently purchased the antelope, wild cats, English hare, and coyotes of Crabtree and Cunningham.
Charles Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Talesman: Charles Cunningham.
S. C. Cunningham of Ninnescah...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Just as we go to press, a report comes to us that Joab Smith, of Oxford Township, fell off a stalk of corn yesterday and broke his leg. He was climbing up to see whether his corn would do for roasting ears. Wellington Press.
We want to call the attention of Harry Lester of Beaver, and S. C. Cunningham of Ninnescah, to the above statement made by the Editor of the Press, in his moments of calm, cool, and deliberate judgment. We therefore rest our past statements of the corn crop on the above from Sumner County.
(?) Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Special Meeting Horticultural Society.
Society called to order by President. Minutes of last meeting read and accepted. President appointed Messrs. Gillett and Secretary committee on fruit exhibition. Discussion by Messrs. Adams, DeTurk, and Martin on the prolongation of the grape and training. Mr. DeTurk would train low on the trellis.
Communication from State Secretary read and passed.
Posts 25 feet apart No. 8 wire below and No. 12 above, vines 15 feet apart.
Mr. Cunningham set grape posts 12 feet apart, well braced.
Mr. Cunningham exhibits specimens of grapes resembling Concord and fine bunches of Amber, probably Dracut.
S. C. Cunningham, Ninnescah...
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Best Peck Willow Twig, T. H. Jackson, 1st; S. C. Cunningham, 2nd.
Best platter King of Tompkins County, S. C. Cunningham, 1st.
Best platter Talpehoehm, S. C. Cunningham, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.
Joseph J. Cunningham...
Land Office at Wichita, Kansas, January 28, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Jno. D. Pryor, a Notary Public, at Winfield, Kansas, on March 13th, 1885, viz.: Joseph J. Cunningham for the s ½ of ne ¼ section 35 township 30 south, range 4 East of 6 P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: James Hanlen, Charles H. Holmes, and Ben White, of Rock P. O., Cowley County, Kans., and A. L. Weber, of Floral, Cowley County, Kansas.
R. L. WALKER, Register.
Ovira Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Judge Gans’ matrimonial victims for the past week; Elmer E. Miles and Carrie V. Rowe; Silas Wise and Ovira Cunningham; John S. Cravens and Cora E. McIntire; Wm. Jarvis and James E. Brown; Hiram Brotherton and Belle E. Lowe.
W. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Elections were held in the townships Tuesday for officers to serve for the ensuing year. The following is the result in Creswell.
CLERK: I. L. WADE, 86.
CONSTABLES: J. Coffey, 86; B. Summerville, 88.
ROAD OVERSEERS: 1) C. C. Holstein; 2) W. Abbott; 3) A. Goff; 4) W. Cunningham; 5) E. Bird; 6) I. N. Adams; 7) E. H. Aumann and J. W. Stansbury, tie vote.
W. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Township Elections.
The following is the complete vote of the townships as nearly as we have been able to obtain them.
Trustee. F. M. Vaughn, 74; Washington Allen, 13.
Treasurer. G. W. Ramage, 53; D. W. Ramage, 34.
Clerk. I. L. Wade, 85.
Justice of the Peace. T. C. Bird, 84; Washington Allen, 76; J. P. Close, 8; P. Endicott, 1.
Constables. James Coffey, 86; B. Summerville, 88.
C. C. Holstein, road overseer, 1st district; W. Abbott, 2nd; A. Goff, 3rd; W. Cunningham, 4th; E. Bird, 5th; I. N. Adams, 6th; E. H. Aumann and J. W. Stansbury, tie, 7th.
George Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Cowley will be pretty well married off if Judge Gans continues to turn out weekly grists like the following: Francis Guinn and Flora Knox, James Green and Laura King, William Rothrock and Cora E. Martin, Charlie Sandstrum and Annie Sandstrum, Alex. Miller and Mary Hoover, Montgomery Babb and Lena Farnsworth, Alonzo Bryant and Elizabeth Dressell, John Barton and Samantha Heardes, John Hearn and Hannah Dughard, Daniel Doty and Lizzie Littleton, Wm. Scott and Cordia Armistead, George Cunningham and Jessie Elmore.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Geo. W. Cunningham and Miss Jessie Elmore. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. Witt.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
George Cunningham and Jessie Elmore.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s parents, in this city, Miss Jessie Elmore and G. W. Cunningham, Rev. J. P. Witt, officiating.
(?) Cunningham, Burden...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Electing in the Interest of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad,
And Steps Taken For Securing It.
Mr. James Hill called a meeting of the citizens of Arkansas City at Highland Hall, Saturday last, to take steps toward securing this projected road for this part of the county. Mr. Hill called the meeting to order and stated the result of its meeting in Winfield several days before; which was, in effect, that the people of that city wanted the road very badly, and wanted equally as badly that Arkansas City should not have it. They wanted the Company to locate their machine shops there, run the road to Geuda Springs or near there, and bind themselves to leave Arkansas City severely alone. Such a proposition the company could not and would not accept.
After considerable discussion as to ways and means, a committee of seven was appointed to look over the ground relative to leaving Winfield out in the cold if she persisted in her insane efforts to boycott the Canal City, and make their report today. The action of Winfield in this matter was severely dwelt upon, and excited the just ridicule of the speakers.
They then adjourned to meet on call of the Chairman of said committee.
Monday afternoon another meeting of our citizens was called at the office of Judge Pyburn. The purpose of this meeting was to meet and confer with a delegation of Burden’s leading businessmen. The committee from Burden consisted of Messrs. Henthorn, Walton, Snow, Cunningham, Zimmerman, and one or two others, whose names we did not learn. The proposition these gentlemen came to make was in effect that as Winfield was attempting to take the bit in her teeth and walk off with the whole bakery, it was manifestly the duty of Arkansas City and Burden to combine their efforts and thus guide the unruly animal of the porcine species out of harm’s way. Their argument was to the effect that if Burden was given the go-by so would Arkansas City and vice versa. Arkansas City and Burden combined could compel Winfield to come down from her pedestal of egotism and self-glory; as she could have no hopes of carrying county bonds. This would also cut off the hope of her getting sufficient bonds from the townships. The way to the Territory line is just as near and over better country from Burden via Winfield to Arkansas City as by any other proposed route. In short, their proposal was to enter into such an agreement as would forbid the acceptance of any proposition not altogether favorable to both Burden and Arkansas City.
During this conversation a delegate from Winfield, who had become alarmed at the visiting of Burden’s diplomats, of which they were aware, called out a member of the meeting, and notified him that Winfield was ready to agree to any terms that might be offered by Arkansas City, and that it was altogether unnecessary to call in Burden to our assistance, as their intentions were fair and just toward us.
After this trivial interruption of child’s play, the discussion and consideration of the proposition was resumed. It was the opinion of the majority that this was the only way to obtain our just recognition, and it was accordingly adopted as the sense of the meeting.
The status of the affairs now is, Arkansas City and Burden hold the key to the situation. Winfield alone cannot carry county bonds nor secure sufficient township aid. When she learns this, and learns it well, she will doubtless listen to reason. If not, then there is still one way and we believe it can be made successful. Arkansas City and Burden, we believe, can secure sufficient township aid. Burden stands ready to vote $35,000, Creswell is enthusiastic on the subject. Sheridan is all right, Liberty’s heart beats accord, Silverdale is wise enough to grasp the opportunity, Bolton wants a switch. Omnia, we presume, can be carried. It is a desperate game; but when it is necessary, the Canal City will be found with flying colors on the top wave. Remember 1882.
Mathew Cunningham...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
Samuel McCarter and wife to Mathew Cunningham, lots 4-5, block 5, Burden. $75.00.
Nellie Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
The following names compose a list of the teachers who will be employed in the Arkansas City schools next year. J. C. Weir, Superintendent.
Miss Nellie Cunningham was named on the list of teachers.
S. C. Cunningham...
Six Souls Go Down To a Watery Grave.
Four Women and Two Men.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Yesterday morning at 8 o’clock one of the most terrible catastrophes that ever occurred on Cowley’s fair domain took place at Dawson ford, fourteen miles up the Walnut, just below the mouth of Rock creek, in which six human lives and a fine team were swallowed by the waves. Mr. and Mrs. Yanson Carman and their son, Jay, and his wife and Mrs. Jim Carman, residing on Rock creek, hitched up early Sunday morning and started to spend the day gathering wild plums on the Arkansas River. They drove a very fine large bay team to a farm wagon. Passing by the home of William Cates, a mile below Carman’s, they stopped, told Cates where they were going, and asked he and his wife to go along. They agreed and Cates hitched his team to the spring wagon, and started. Jay Carman and his wife got out to occupy the back seat of the spring wagon, and Mr. Yanson Carman, wife, and Mrs. Jim Carman drove on. Cates followed up some quarter of a mile behind. The old gentleman went on down to the Dawson ford. Though living only a few miles from this ford, he hadn’t crossed it for two years. There was no guide board and he noticed nothing wrong, besides he knew that Mr. S. C. Cunningham, living near Seeley, had crossed there the evening before on his way to visit his brother-in-law, John Stalter. But there had been a rain up the river, making a raise of four feet. The horses had hardly touched the water before they were swimming. The swift current whirled them down stream. The wagon box floated off with the women in it. Mr. Carman held the lines and got out on the horses, in hopes of extricating them, but one whirled over the other, and all went down. About this time the wagon box struck the current, tipped over, and sank. Mr. Carman saw the women but once—women, team, wagon, and wagon-box went as completely out of sight as though a hundred miles away, and Mr. Carman floating down the river with but little hope of ever getting out. He finally drifted into a clump of willows, and getting a death-grip, held himself up until help came. He was eighty rods below the ford, and in the excitement forgot of the others of the party, but the spring wagon seats and cushions floating down the current soon told their fate. Cates and wife and Jay Carman and wife had followed up, came to the river, noticed where the old gentleman had driven in, and seeing nothing of the head party, supposed they had crossed over. Not a riffle of suspicion could be seen. A young man named Johnson, working for Mr. Sheets, twenty rods from the ford, ran out to tell Cates he couldn’t cross, but he was too late. Johnson said he didn’t see the first team pass. Running after Cates as fast as he could, he reached the ford approach just in time to see the spring wagon and party go under. The harness were farm harness with steel tug butts, and the tugs, when slackened, slipped right off the single trees, let the horses loose, and they swam across and got out. Johnson threw off his coat, sprang in, and grabbed Mrs. Carman; but she had already gone under three or four times, and the current was so swift that he got ashore a half mile below, almost dead himself, and Mrs. Carman entirely gone. He tried to resuscitate her, but life had gone. Johnson says the last he saw of Cates and Jay Carman they were trying to save Mrs. Cates. She was a very heavy woman and it is supposed that she drowned both Cates and Carman. The terrible screaming brought Messrs. Sheets and Starling, each living twenty rods away, one on one side of the river and one on the other, but scarcely a riffle told them of the terrible disaster when they got there five or ten minutes after they heard the screaming. Yanson Carman soon let them know, by his screams, where he was, and ropes were thrown out and he was brought ashore. The alarm was soon spread and hundreds of people flocked to the scene; and the search for the bodies began. Mr. Carman and wife were about sixty years old, and he was frantic with grief over the awful calamity. Jay Carman was thirty-five and Cates about forty. Sunday the body of the old lady was found and Monday Jay’s was recovered. The others were not found at last reports. The bodies found had drifted down the stream nearly half a mile. The teams and wagons were also dragged out. The three bodies were buried Monday. The Carman’s came into that neighborhood two years ago. There were six or seven voters among them, all men of means and influence. One is a partner in the sheep business with John Stalter. Mr. Cates was formerly proprietor of the Douglass Hotel, which he traded four years ago for J. W. Medder’s farm on Rock, where he has since lived. All the unfortunates were highly esteemed and their sad ending has cast a terrible gloom over the entire neighborhood. There will now be a big clamor for a bridge across the Walnut up there. There isn’t a bridge between Douglass and Winfield. The Dawson ford is a specially mean one. Three or four teams and several lives have been lost there before. Mr. S. C. Cunningham, who assisted all day Sunday in recovering the bodies, had to come clear down to Winfield, twelve miles around, to get home, near Seeley. He was at Carman’s Saturday evening, just having crossed this ford, and they told him of their intended Sunday trip.
Dr. Cunningham, Atlanta, Omnia Township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Dr. Cunningham, the old reliable, has a fine office here.
W. O. Cunningham, Creswell delegation...
Everything Harmonious, With No Opposition to Speak of. A Ticket Unexcelled.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Convention called to order. Committee on credentials reported the following names of delegates entitled to seats in this convention.
The convention amended the report by the substitution of H. O. Wooley for Pearson in the Vernon delegation, and W. O. Cunningham for G. W. Ramage in the Creswell delegation. Report was adopted and the committee discharged. The committee on permanent organization reported that the temporary organization be made permanent. The report was adopted. The chair, on motion, appointed E. J. Wilber as assistant secretary. The committee on order of business reported as follows.
S. C. Cunningham, Ninnescah...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The Third Annual Exhibition of the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association opened this morning. Everything on the magnificent Fair Grounds had been put in perfect shape. Early this morning the city showed unusual animation and the Fair Ground Boulevard has been thronged all day.
Among leading horticultural exhibitors so far are S. C. Sumpter, of Walnut; S. C. Cunningham, Ninnescah; Henry Hawkins, Vernon; S. P. Strong, Rock; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; W. C. Hayden, Walnut; Jake Nixon, Vernon. The several displays are grand, exhibiting forcibly the fruit proclivities of Cowley.
S. C. Cunningham...
Awarded at the Cowley County Fair,
September 21st to 25th, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The list given below shows money premiums only. Checks for same will be ready after October 1st, and must be claimed by November 1st, 1885, or forfeit to the association. (See rule 12.) Diplomas for exhibits having no competition may be had by calling at the Secretary’s office.
Class H.—FRUIT.
Lot 1. Apples.
Plate Dominie. S. C. Cunningham 1st, S. C. Sumpter 2nd.
Miss Nellie Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
School will begin Monday with the following teachers.
Miss Nellie Cunningham, 4th and 5th grades.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
The public schools of this city opened on Monday, and there was a large attendance of scholars. Following is the assignment of teachers.
High school: Miss Belle Everett, principal; Joseph Bryan, assistant.
On the lower floor of the same building (first ward), Miss Nellie Cunningham teaches the 4th and 5th grades; and Miss Jennie Peterson the 6th and 7th grades.
George Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, October 10, 1885.
Bolton Items.
Some of the schools have already opened. The schools in East Bolton will be taught by the following gentlemen: No. 89, Geo. Cunningham; No. 141, R. A. Boys; and No. 80, Charles Powell. Districts 89 and 141 have each a new house, while 80 is building one at present, and when completed, will be the largest schoolhouse in the township. It is built of stone, 27 x 42 feet, with 12 foot ceiling. The contractors are Herndon and Sanburne.
Chas. A. Cunningham, Spring Creek Township...
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
The following marriage licenses have been issued by Judge Gans since the last issue of the REPUBLICAN.
Chas. A. Cunningham and Martha E. Burden.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Miss Lizzie Burden and Charlie Cunningham were married the other day, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Burden, a few miles northeast of Burden. The bride has many friends in Winfield. Mr. Cunningham is a staunch young farmer of Spring Creek township.
Matt Cunningham, Burden...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Burden Enterprise: On Tuesday morning while Matt Cunningham was kindling a fire in the big stove in the Hardware store, the gas exploded. He was minus some curls and mustache, and had some slight burns and a big scare, as he picked up what was left of him in the back part of the room.
C. F. Cunningham, teacher, Arkansas City...
A Complete List of the Teachers of Cowley County.
Their Districts and P. O. Addresses.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
District 89 C F Cunningham, Arkansas City.
Lillie Cunningham, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church gave their concert Tuesday evening in Highland Opera House. A large audience was in attendance and thus in every respect the entertainment was made a success. The performances bespeak well of the musical talent of Arkansas City. Our space this week is quite limited, therefore, we cannot mention the performers individually in detail. Little Miss Bertha Eddy and Master Geo. Fairclo rendered the song of the “Little Milkmaid” so charmingly that they captivated the audience. “Come where the Lilies Bloom,” by the quartette (Messrs. Hutchison and Meeker and Mesdames Eddy and Newman) was especially well rendered. Mrs. J. O. Campbell sang the beautiful solo, “When the Tide Comes In,” superbly and pleased the audience so well that they would not allow her to retire without favoring them with another song. The “Song of Seven” was well rendered by Misses Pearl Newman, Mary Love, Mary Theaker, Abbie Hamilton, Flora Gould, Nellie Thompson, and Belle Everett. The recitation of Miss Lillie Cunningham was pleasing and the lady was long and loudly applauded. All the performers received frequent and hearty encores.
S. C. Cunningham, Ninnescah...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Among the leading and substantial men of this county who have visited THE COURIER office in the last few days are: James E. Hattery, of Omnia; Andrew Hattery, of Omnia; John K. Snyder, of Rock; Leonard Stout, of Ninnescah; J. H. Wooley, of Pleasant Valley; C. M. McKinney, of Maple; B. H. Clover, of Windsor; W. L. Crowell, of Walnut; C. M. Easley, of Spring Creek; S. C. Cunningham, of Ninnescah; J. W. Buhrlage, of Ninnescah; E. E. Young, of Ninnescah; S. A. Smith, of Dexter; Louis P. King, of Beaver; J. R. Sumpter, of Beaver; R. G. Burleson, of Tisdale; Irving Cole, of Dexter; and W. M. Taylor, of Ninnescah.
Dr. Cunningham, Atlanta...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
The reporter visited Atlanta Thursday and found things wearing a cheerful appearance. Messrs. Gilliard & Darlington, among Atlanta’s leading men, have sold their general merchandise store to P. G. McDaniels, of Aurora, Missouri, who has taken possession. Gilliard and Darlington will remain there, going into other business. Wm. H. Day and R. S. Strother have formed a partnership in real estate business, and can satisfy anybody with any kind of real estate. Dr. Cunningham is erecting a very neat two-story building on the corner; a store room below and the upper part designed for a hall. A gentleman from Missouri will put a drug store in soon. C. D. Brown, the druggist, is doing a good business. Marshall Dunbar, formerly of this city, is holding a good trade in dry goods and groceries. Mr. Edwards is running a first-class blacksmith shop. Charlie Grant, the “Longfellow” of the prairie, keeps the country in livery rigs. The Commercial Hotel is run by Mr. Johnson, satisfactorily to all. A. H. Hixson is the accommodating agent for the Frisco. J. F. Kidwell is the agreeable postmaster; whether a democrat or not, we don’t know. The Atlanta Lumber Company will soon erect a first-class building on Main street, where Day & Strother’s land-office now stands. Atlanta has all the indications of a live business this spring.
Chas. Cunningham, Bolton Township...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
BIRTH. Born to Chas. Cunningham and wife, of Bolton Township, Tuesday night, a boy.
D. A. Cunningham, Harvey Township...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
And His Neighbors Declare He Did Not Fight the Pan Handle Bonds.
MR. EDITOR: I did not intend replying to any article that might appear against me in the canvass for probate judge, but the article headed “The Unpardonable Sin,” demands that I should state the facts in the case and leave my destiny in the hands of the good people of Cowley County. I have tried to keep aloof from all railroad fights. I have never, in word or deed, shown a preference for any of the propositions; I am a citizen of Cowley County, and her interests belong to all alike. I did not vote against the Pan Handle bonds; I did nothing to defeat them; I did not receive any money, large or small, either in favor of or against said bonds; and the good people of Harvey Township, who know me and who have no political aspiration to be gratified in the near future, will substantiate the above statements. H. T. ALBERT.
We, the undersigned, neighbors of H. T. Albert, of Harvey, who is a candidate for the nomination to the probate judgeship, who was assailed in last week’s TRAVELER, rise in protest.
Mr. Albert was not at the polls all day but during a portion of the morning only; he did not work against the bonds, and he did vote for them. His friends worked and voted for the bonds, feeling it was policy for them to do so.
Mr. Reece or Col. Burch, who by the way, took dinner with him on that day, will substantiate the above if called upon.
There are none of Mr. Albert’s neighbors who will say he received money to vote against the bonds, not one who will say he worked against them, and the prominent citizen of A. C. who informed the writer of last week’s notice, did so upon hearsay evidence only, and you all know how treacherous that is, especially in political times.
Many a man’s character has been blackened beyond redemption by the slurs of a scandal monger, or the machinations of a political shyster, of which latter, we have a good specimen in our own township.
We know Mr. Albert to be a man of sterling worth, one who would not and who did not dabble in the late railroad bond election, when he saw those standing around ready to push him at his first misstep, to his undoing.
We sincerely hope and feel assured that Mr. Albert’s old friends will rally to his support, and let this contemptible lie die the death it deserves, with no one to weep over its grave, save its originator, an office-seeking, would-be political demagogue of our own township.
No worthier man has ever appeared before the good people of Cowley County for nomination, and the last man in the world to sell his honest convictions for money, great or small, is H. T. Albert.
[Signatures of Harvey Township supporters of H. T. Albert.]
Robert Barker, A. W. McCan, Jacob A. Moser, W. H. Hill, G. W. Savage, J. F. Savage, Jack Reddick, S. Neer, J. Neer, G. Wilkins, F. Stall, T. J. Hickman, D. A. Cunningham, F. M. McHill [McGill?], J. C. Herr, J. M. Riveors, G. W. Thorp, P. Loy, L. Smith, J. K. Herr, John Parker, D. C. Herr.
Miss Nellie Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Teachers Employed by our School Board.
The school board has selected the following teachers to fill positions in our schools next year. Prof. J. C. Weir, Superintendent.
Miss Nellie Cunningham was one of the teachers named.
Nearly all the teachers of last year will be retained, they having the preference. Misses Leonard and Oberchain will seek other fields. Misses Patterson, Springer, Walton, Cunningham, and Young are teachers of last year and will remain with us. Miss Bishop is the daughter of D. D. Bishop, of our city. She has been teaching at Des Moines, Iowa, for a number of years. Miss Kreamer is of Chicago, and is a sister of Judge Kreamer. There are yet to be employed some four or five teachers. The total number of teachers employed will be about 19.
J. H. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A little son of J. H. Cunningham, residing on Amos Walton’s farm, is suffering from an attack of pneumonia.
Miss Nellie Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
A party composed of Mrs. J. W. French and family, Mrs. J. W. Strohm, Miss Leaper, Mrs. C. P. Jeffries, Miss Nellie Cunningham, Mrs. S. H. Hoffman, Miss Maggie Hoffman, Messrs. Marcey and Deming, left this morning for a two weeks’ trip down in the Territory. They will camp out, having tents for that purpose.
G. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The jury in the Brubaker case failed to agree and were discharged this morning by Judge Kreamer. Seven were for conviction and five for acquittal. The jury was composed of T. H. McLaughlin, J. F. Hoffman, Chas. Howard, G. Cunningham, W. D. Bishop, J. F. Smith, A. C. Gould, Jas. Benedict, T. B. Oldroyd, Geo. Allen, Dugal Owens, and W. S. Upp. A new trial will be had, commencing next Tuesday. This trial consumed two days and the jury was out overnight.
Miss Nellie Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Miss Nellie Cunningham started to Topeka this afternoon to attend the National Teacher’s Association, which convenes there the 13th of this month.
J. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
R. M. Jamerson, R. Porter, and J. Cunningham will give a grand ball and festival to the colored people at Grady’s hall Wednesday evening, August 18. All are invited.
Miss Nellie Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Miss Nellie Cunningham returned to this city last evening from St. Louis. She supposed that school was to begin in a few days and came to enter upon her duties as teacher. She will probably go over to Geuda and remain there until school commences.
William Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, October 2, 1886.
Pursuant to recommendation of County Central Committee and call of Committeemen for township, the Republicans of Creswell met at the Stone House, one mile north of Arkansas City, at one o’clock, called to order by Committeeman Vaughn, and organized by electing J. B. Guyer, Chairman; and F. M. Vaughn, Secretary. The following delegates, west of the Walnut, were chosen to attend the convention.
DELEGATES: S. C. Priest, A. Abrams, Jessie Stansbury.
ALTERNATES: I. L. Wade, G. W. Ramage, W. Allen.
West of the Walnut.
DELEGATES: A. B. Sankey, W. C. Guyer, F. M. Vaughn.
ALTERNATES: J. B. Tucker, Boen Louis, R. L. Marshall.
Pursuant to call of the Dist. Committeemen, at the same time and place the Delegates were chosen to attend the representative Convention.
East of Walnut.
DELEGATES: A. G. Kells, J. B. Tucker, R. L. Marshall.
ALTERNATES: [INITIALS LEFT OUT] Campbell, S. E. Maxwell, Samuel Pollock.
West of Walnut.
DELEGATES: S. C. Priest, J. L. Wade, A. Abrams.
ALTERNATES: J. E. Roseberry, Jessie Stansbury, Wm. Cunningham.
Our meeting adjourned. J. B. GUYER, Chairman. F. M. VAUGHN, Secretary.
Dennis Cunningham, Burden...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Dennis Cunningham, one of Burden’s enterprising businessmen, was in the city today between trains. Mr. Cunningham thought Arkansas City a live business town.
Miss Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The jug breaking last night at the Presbyterian Church was a great success. The ladies of the Home and Foreign Missionary Society sent out jugs into the homes of the congregation last July and met last evening to ascertain the result. An interesting programme had been arranged and was all carried out as follows.
SINGING: “Work for the Night is Coming,” by congregation.
Bible Reading, conducted by president, Mrs. Atwood.
Prayer, Mrs. Jenkins.
Quartette by choir.
Secretary’s Report, Mrs. Fleming.
Treasurer’s Report, Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin.
Recitation, “For Love’s Sake,” Miss M. Theaker.
Solo, “Not a Sparrow Falleth,” Mrs. Eddy.
Jug Breaking, by Odie McConn and Mamie Oliphant.
Counting of money, by J. C. Topliff and Irving French.
Amount: $80.
Recitation, “Last Hymn,” Miss Cunningham.
Benediction, Rev. S. B. Fleming.
The music by the choir was very fine and the recitations by Miss Theaker and Miss Cunningham merit special praise. The house, notwithstanding the stormy evening, was about full and altogether the entertainment was very pleasant and profitable to all present. It is to be hoped that the good ladies will frequently exercise their gifts in such entertainments.
Wm. O. Cunningham...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Lafe McLaughlin bought Wm. O. Cunningham’s farm north of the city today for $10,000.
Dr. Cunningham, Omnia Township...
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 31, 1891.
For Coroner, Dr. Cunningham of Omnia, has filled the office and filled it well. His record is a careful administration in regard to expenses, and close attention to his duties. The doctor has been criticized on clothes, but clothes won’t do. He is a capable physician with a good practice and there is no more popular man at home than Dr. Cunningham.