Arkansas City.
Items taken from 1920s newspapers.
Mrs. John Curtis...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Friday, April 29, 1921.
Large Crowds in Bright Lights First Night.
Prizes for Elegant Displays in Show Windows.
Novelty Auto Parade by Lady Drivers Today and Big Time at the Flying Frolic.
Program—Friday Evening.
7:30—Boy Scout review at First and Washington.
8:30—Illuminated float parade on Summit street.
9:00—Night flying by local pilots.
9:30—Battle Royal between 10 scrappers at ring at Summit Street and Fifth Avenue.
Saturday Afternoon.
1:30—Demonstration by Chilocco school (probability).
3:00—Air frolic, parachute jump. Sgt. Chambers will attempt to break his own record for a 22,000 feet drop.
Cooling zephyrs from the far north lands played upon the thousands who gathered last evening to witness the opening of the spring festival, but the sudden chill did not daunt the spirit of the performers or the crowd which had gathered. The thing went off with a bang at the opening celebration and from start to finish of the opening night it was a success.
Pep reigned supreme throughout the evening’s performance. From the blare of the band to the squawk of the jazz orchestra, the May pole dance, shouts from the ballyhooer at the side show, the motor exhibit and the window unveiling, everything portrayed the spirit of snappy work. It showed to the gathering mob that Arkansas City was up and at ‘em with the spirit which has pulled the city through.
The window displays for the occasion were some of the most remarkable seen here in many days. Every color scheme possible and every bit of originality was portrayed in the competitive window decorating schemes. The prize winners were hard to select as the many windows presented an array of cleverness which shocked the most skeptical onlookers. Prizes were awarded to the following.
General Merchandise.
First prize—Newman Dry Goods Company, $35.
Second prize—Masters-Fuhrman, $20.
Third prize—Kuhns-Gray Furniture Co., $12.50.
Fourth prize—A. H. Moore Grocery, $7.50.
Honorable mention—Kuntz Clothiers; White Star Market; J. C. Penney; Devilin; Purity Candy Kitchen; and Kirkpatrick Furniture Company.
Novelty Windows.
First prize—Gilbreath-Calvert, $35.
Second prize—A. C. Floral Company, $20.
Third prize—Fowler Office Supply Company, $12.50.
Fourth prize—Schwartz Electric Company, $7.50.
Honorable mention—Boyer Hardware Company; Hall Electric Company; Rexall Drug Company.
The judges for this contest were: D. L. Pontius of the Kerr Store at Winfield; Charles Allen, Allen Grocery at Winfield; and Oscar Gafney, Harder Implement and Motor Company, Winfield.
Motor Car Fashion Parade.
One hundred and ten cars were entered in the motor car fashion parade held this afternoon, the biggest event of this kind ever staged in Arkansas City. Cars of every description, size, make, and mileage were entered in this event, which topped off last night’s celebration in a typical Arkansas City snappy style.
Several clever entries were made in the contest. One was a Chalmers, non-competitive, driven by a bewitching looking female, who it turned out was one of the employees at the Hill-Howard Motor Car Company. This car attracted great attention through its sign, “There’s Something About Us That You Will Like.”
The prize awards made by the judges for the parade were as follows.
First Class—Dodge, driven by Mrs. Ross Jones.
Honorable mention—Maxwell belonging to Baber.
Second Class—Nash, driven by Irene Bloomheart.
Honorable mention—Elgin owned by Vogle.
Third Class—Cadillac, driven by Mrs. Roy Rinehart.
Honorable mention—Hudson driven by Mrs. John Curtis.
Fourth Class—Maxwell Sedan, owned by Mitchell.
Honorable mention—Ford owned by Heathman.
Fifth Class—Chalmers, driven by Mrs. McDowell.
Honorable mention—Buick, driven by Mrs. Willis Brandon.
Sixth Class—Franklin, driven by Mrs. W. C. Root.
Honorable mention—Cole Eight, driven by Mrs. Tyler.
Seventh Class—Marmon specialty job, belonging to “Red” Derry.
Several out of town parties were present for the occasion and several out of town women drove in the contest. A party from Winfield was: Mrs. W. C. Root, Mrs. O. A. Strother, Mrs. J. W. Shackelton, Mrs. H. W. Herrick.
A party from Ponca City was composed of the following: Mrs. J. H. McIntire, Georgia Harter, Fannie Lessert, Francis Doepel, Esther Doepel, Gladys Diamond.
Gay Manchester, of Winfield, had an attractive motor car entered in the parade. She carried out the black and white color scheme throughout her display.
The parade was headed by Mayor Hunt and Commissioners Sturtz and Clay. Following this the 100 motor cars paraded down Summit Street to Wilson Park, where they turned and returned on the opposite side of Summit Street. The parade lasted for a little over one hour, and the streets were thronged throughout the occasion.
The first number of the flying frolic was held this afternoon when about ten planes went up and went through some preliminary stunts. At press time it was unknown as to which planes were up, but several were doing fancy stunting, specializing in Immelmans, barrel rolls, falling leafs, etc. This number will again be repeated tomorrow afternoon.
Notes of the Festival.
The May pole display in the window of the People’s Store was one of the most attractive windows in the city last night and today and many people gathered around this display for another look after the unveiling process last night.
B. X. Gatwood, alias Bart Allen, who is said to be the best slide trombone player in the state, unpacked his horn last night and played in the band which is playing for the Spring Festival. Bart said as he entered the procession that this was the first time he had played in a band for three years, and it seemed good to “hit ‘em up” once more.
The automobile arch, which spans the entrance to the auto show on Washington Avenue, is “keen,” as expressed in the language of many of the visitors last night; and the big white way inside this enclosure is even “keener.” This well lighted arch would be a credit to such an affair for a much larger city and it has been suggested that the arch and the white way be left in place there for the remainder of the spring and summer.
The wax figure of a woman, located just inside the door of the Ark. Valley Gas Co., on South Summit Street, is an attraction that is a real treat. The wax woman, dressed in house attire and standing over the ironing board, looks very natural and the men who stop to look in at the door are heard to remark, “Just like wife and home.” This morning as several men were seen to enter the gas office, they were caught in the act of raising their hats to the lady in wax and saying a pleasant, “Good morning.”
The children’s week display in the window of the Traders State Bank at present is a very attractive display, and it will pay anyone to stop and look at it. The booth at the corner of Summit and Fifth in connection with their affair is registering many people this week.
Yes, the big knife which is on display in the show window of the Collinson Hardware Company this week will cut as the blades come down. The knife is arranged so that it opens and shuts by an electric appliance.
Many people of this city and vicinity are calling each day now at the hobby show to see the many relics placed there for the benefit of the public. Mrs. McConn has the display arranged in fine fashion to be viewed and the great lot of stuff there is well worth anyone’s time to go and look at this opportune time.
Geo. Cornish of the Cornish Studio says he thinks the judges failed to come down Fifth Avenue last evening while judging the different display windows of the stores. He thinks he has a keen display window—and he really has; and he takes it for granted that the judges failed to visit Fifth Avenue, or he would have won first prize for the best looking display window.
It was announced this afternoon by Secretary Seyster that the carnival costumes will arrive here this evening and they may be rented at the Kuntz Cash Clothiers tomorrow at $2 per suit, cash.
Major Richards, of Love Field, Texas, wired the local committee at the noon hour today that he expected to arrive here about 4 o’clock this afternoon, and will put on the stunts as advertised for that day. Sgt. Chambers is expected to make a parachute jump from his plane and to land on Summit Street.
The novelty show in the Gilbreath Calvert store last night attracted the crowds until a late hour.
Taken as a whole the window decorations of last evening were keen and each merchant who made an effort along this line deserves special mention, but space today forbids this to be done. The display on spring goods on this occasion is truly wonderful, and the Arkansas City merchants are not outdone in this line by any other city in the state of Kansas.
Mrs. John Curtis, Mrs. Ben Curtis...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Saturday, April 30, 1921.
A. C. Public Schools Draws First in Parade.
Dazzling Line of Auto Floats Last Night.
Flying Frolic Today and “Old Man Gloom” Will Be Squashed Tonight,
Rain or Shine.
Saturday Night
Battle Royal.
Crowning of King Optimo.
Gigantic Street Masked Carnival and Dance.
At Wilson Park 2:30 o’clock—
March—Arkansas City Band.
A. C. Choral Society.
Eight Minute Address by Rev. McQuiddy.
Ladies’ Chorus.
Xylophone Solo.
Address—Community Music—Mayor Hunt.
Overture, Arkansas City Band.
Eight Minute Address by Rev. W. H. Moore.
Choral Society (two selections).
Male Quartette.
Choral Society.
Arkansas City Band.
Low hanging clouds of the morning broke, and Dame Nature condescended to send Old Sol out for a short spree over Arkansas City in the closing hours of the triumphal spring festival. This assures Arkansas City of being able to say that the business awakening was a success.
As the first light of dawn beamed in the east this morning, murky clouds could be seen shadowing all prospects of a fair day. Much consternation reigned among the crowned heads of the festival, and we may say that abusive language was used against fate. A few drops from the clouds, and the thing was practically given up, when lo, the sun appeared, and immediately the ball was started rolling on the last and the most successful day of the event.
The dark brown taste which has been prevalent for the past few months, through the time of depression, has given away to a sweeter tone during the past three days as business has awakened and the tones of prosperity are taking a larger hold than heretofore, mainly through the big festival which has gone to show that Arkansas City is optimistic and is out after business.
Last night’s industrial parade was clever.
Need anything more be said. From the cold staid business exhibits to the highly worked out floral exhibits, the parade was one of the cleverest things of its kind ever staged in the city. Every float in the entire program showed that merchants had worked carefully and thoughtfully for something to make an attraction well worth while.
Prizes awarded were:
First prize—Henneberry Packing Company, for an industrial float, with an award of $40.
Second prize—Henneberry Packing Company, for an industrial float, with an award of $40.
Third prize—Newman Dry Goods Company, for an artistic float, with an award of $30.
Fourth prize—Collinson, for an industrial float, with an award of $20.
Fifth prize—American Legion, on general merit, with an award of $10.
Honorable mention—Globe Fashion Shop, People’s Store, Penney store, Masters-Fuhrman, Downing, Kansas Gas and Electric Company, A. C. Floral Company, the Fitch Music Company, and others.
Ninety-seven floats were entered in the parade last evening, which was eight blocks in length. Headed by the Arkansas City band, the parade started promptly at 9 o’clock from Madison Avenue and paraded to Wilson Park, where it turned and came back on the opposite side of the street.
The night flying was a success. Pilots Beech and Williams cut a number of capers in the sky during the evening’s frolic, which were easily discernible from the street. The only marring feature was when Pilot Beech attempted to land, and missing his three point landing, the plane crashing slightly. Neither of the occupants of the plane were injured, but the wheels and propeller of the plane were badly damaged.
The boy scout exhibition at the vacant lot on Washington Avenue and First Street was remarkably well attended last evening. Troop No. 1 of the local organization went through some scout craft, which consisted of making fires and boiling water. A first prize, consisting of a complete boy scout uniform, was awarded to Junior Paris; and a second prize, consisting of shirt, breeches, and woolen socks, was awarded to Nordon Rea.
As a closing number of the evening’s program, five husky negroes clambered into the ring erected at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street, and mixed it in a battle royal. The thousands of people gathered around the ringside were given one of the most pleasing exhibits of this kind ever shown here. For fully thirty minutes they battled it in the center of the ring until as a finality a big dark colored scrapper, wearing a dainty white shirt and white stiff collar, hammered loose with haymakers and strode about the ring as winner. Frankie Adams boxed four rounds with Kid Moore in a short exhibition, which was very well received by the fans.
Saturday afternoon’s festivities opened up with a parade by the students from the Chilocco Indian school. Fully 500 members of the school, both boys and girls, came in from the school on a specially chartered train, marched up Central Avenue to Summit Street, down Summit Street to Adams Avenue, and thence to the athletic field.
At the athletic field the students gave a demonstration of the drills undergone at the school. It was a sterling exhibition put on by the cadets from the school and also by the girls. The parade was headed by a band from the school. The exhibition lasted for about half an hour, after which the band paraded the streets giving short concerts for the visitors at the big show.
The vacant lot at Fifth Avenue and A Street this afternoon resembled such beautiful meadow scenes as the great masters often put on canvas. All that was lacking was the babbling brook. Tall waving trees, shade, and a herd, because the exhibits entered were large enough to make a good sized herd of cattle, presented a background which made the people realize that the livestock game is still prominent in this part of the country, especially for thoroughbred stuff.
This exhibit according to the judges was one of the cleverest impromptu affairs arranged in this section of the southwest. With just a short notice, prominent stockmen, farm clubs, and every other sort of an organization which had livestock, entered animals for the display this afternoon. The awards in the various classes will be announced on Monday.
The Side Show.
The crowds certainly patronized the Junior Chamber of Commerce last night and the attractions there are well worth the price of admission, and more than that, too. The snakes are here, the horse with his head should be (in the manger), the Peruvian chicks, the bridal scene, and many other features too numerous to mention. And then there is the men only show, which is only a joke, it may be sure, and therefore the women need not fear to have their husbands visit this attraction. Then there is the act by the two little Bennett girls, in singing and dancing, which is a thriller. These girls are clever and they attracted a large crowd on several different occasions last night. “Curly” Branine is the “barker” for the side show and he is keen in this stunt. Don’t fail to visit the J. C. of C. side show this evening.
Evening Float Parade.
The business firms and others represented in the float parade last night included the following.
A. C. Band, the new fire motor car, A. H. Fitch Music Co., Re-Nu Tire Co., Oliver & Calkins, U. S. L. Battery Station, A. C. Floral & Seed Co., Kansas Gas and Electric Co., E. Kirkpatrick, Dawson Produce Co., Busy Bee and Puritan, Masters-Fuhrman, Kuntz’s Cash Clothiers, Metropolitan Cleaners, L. E. Parman, Downing Tin and Sheet Metal Co., Newman Motor Co., Merchants Delivery, W. N. Harris, Central Hardware Co., Houston-Hill Printing Co., People’s Store, A. C. Public schools, Collinson Hardware Co., Collinson Auto Co., News Publishing Co., Newman’s, Axley Market, Star Candy Shop, The Globe, Royal Café, J. C. Penney & Co., Jazz Orchestra, American Legion, Henneberry Packing Co., Boyer-Bredenkamp-McNabb Hdw. Co., Business Women’s Club, Y. W. C. A., Boy Scouts.
One of the feature attractions at the auto show, aside from the new and up-to-date autos, is the old time Reo, made in 1906, 15 years ago, and which is still in use in this city. Until a short time ago this auto, now a relic, was used by Ed Lawson for the delivery of groceries in this city. The machine is a one cylinder affair and the engine is located under the seat. The auto has no self-starter, but the crank shaft is under the one seat of the little machine.
One of the real relics of the parade last night was the ten year old Franklin car, driven by Jay Myers, of the Newman Motor Car Co. This auto is a novelty at this time, compared with the fine Franklin’s of today.
The Business Women’s Club of this city is conducting several stands on the streets at the festival and they are raising funds to pay the expenses of a delegate to the national congress this summer. The auto of this organization attracted a great deal of attention in the parade last night.
Have you figured out where the water comes from that is flowing in the window of the Stoner barber shop? Fred Lawhon says the little copper wire has a hole in it. Can you believe it?
Ellis Billings, the plumber, has a unique display window, in the shape of a bathroom, and the housewife is there in person. It is a very attractive scene and one that is very keen, to say the least.
The Y. W. C. A. booths on the streets are being well patronized by the visitors, it is said, and the ladies are attempting to raise some funds in this manner.
The A. C. band, the jazz orchestra, and the male quartet kept the crowds interested last night until the parade started and the music was greatly appreciated.
The Boy Scouts’ demonstration was very clever last night and those who crowded around the place to witness this feature were given an insight to the workings of the boys in this line. They built their fires and cooked the bullion soup on the ground and then they had their wireless machines in working order; also, the boys of the city are becoming greatly interested in this work under the direction of the scout master, E. K. Kraul, who is a young man of high esteem and who is the possessor of many sterling qualities.
Commissioner John Clay had a hard time keeping cases on his auto yesterday, according to all reports. He lost the machine twice and one time it had been moved by someone in clearing the streets. The police force promises to look after John and the auto this evening.
Charlie Liston, one of Arkansas City’s pioneer citizens, stated today that the spring festival for the past three days has been the finest celebration ever held in Arkansas City. Charlie said everything was splendid. Mr. Liston certainly speaks with authority as he has attended every celebration held in Arkansas City for the past thirty years.
Arkansas City will climb on the motor car map following the spring festival, according to local automobile men. Pictures of the display, both from the street and from one of the buildings adjoining the show were taken this afternoon and these pictures will be sent to the Motor World for publication in one of the coming issues of the big motor car magazine.
The boy scouts are handling themselves in a manner befitting the organization in the spring festival. Working in cooperation with the members of the American Legion, they have been on police duty in the downtown districts. In gentlemanly manner they have kept the dense crowds from hindering the performers and they should be complimented on the manner in which they have worked throughout the exhibit.
A motor truck from the A. C. Dairy proved the most popular conveyance of this after-noon. Following in the wake of the parade of thoroughbred stock, four dainty little maidens, clad in white, were dispensing free ice cream cones made from the famous A. C. Dairy milk. Every boy in the city was following the wagon begging for a cone, and the girls passed them out as fast as they could work. It might be said that many grown-ups likewise took advantage of the opportunity to gargle the beloved frozen dainty.
The crowds were wondering where all the Franklins came from that were in the parade yesterday. There were twelve Franklins in the parade and all but three were sold by the Newman Motor Co.
H. A. Fowler, prominent contractor here, was one of the purchasers of a car during the automobile show. He purchased a Buick from the Collinson Auto Co.
Considerable comment was heard yesterday about the Franklin driven in both parades by Dick Drake of Hewin, Kansas. Mr. Drake states his Franklin is 10 years old and is in service every day. George Sayles, of the Newman Motor Co., Franklin dealers here, stated this Franklin has the same detail of construction as the 1921 Franklins with the exception of having the refinement of the new Franklins.
Floris Nagelvoort of the Nagelvoort-Stearns Cadillac Company of Wichita was here yesterday assisting the Collinson Auto Company at the auto show.
The Newman Motor Car Co. reports a great deal of interest is being taken in the “how many miles to the pint” contest on both the Franklin and Chevrolet cars. Over 300 guesses have been turned in. The prizes for the winners of these contests will probably be awarded Monday.
Chas. Nickey, special Chevrolet representative from the New York office, attended the automobile show yesterday. Mr. Nickey stated the Chevrolet company was now in a position to guarantee the refund of from $70 to $100 on all Chevrolets purchased before August 1, 1921. This company advertised this reduction, providing their sales would total a certain amount. This amount has almost been reached at the present time.
D. R. McWilliams, manager of the Hill-Howard Motor Co., of Hutchinson, was here this afternoon taking in the automobile show.
Harry Colvin, territory man of the Hill-Howard Motor Co., came in this morning from western Kansas to attend the automobile show.
Aviator Errett Williams arrived home this morning from Kansas City, Missouri, where he went to get the costumes for the big masked street dance for tonight. Mr. Williams made the trip by aeroplane and brought home about two hundred of the niftiest costumes in Kansas City. These costumes can be rented at the Kuntz cash clothing store.
Carl Garver, sportsman and airman. This name is given to the genial gentleman who piloted a Lincoln Standard through to Arkansas City’s flying frolic this morning. Garver, although a prominent farmer with a most modern ranch at Attica, Kansas, has recently taken up the flying game, and is one of the non-commercial pilots in the state who attends all of the big meets with his plane. Garver is holding an air frolic at his ranch tomorrow and several of the planes entered here will make the jump to Attica for the event.
Major Richards, the flying demon from Post Field, fought trouble all the way to Arkansas City. He landed in a pasture south of the city late last night, sore at everything because his plane would not work correctly. Early this morning trouble shooters from the Williams-Hill field were at work on his engine, and it will be in running order for late afternoon flying, it is stated.
The Fashion Parade.
The winners of the auto fashion parade held yesterday afternoon were as follows.
Class 1—Open cars priced at $1,500 and under, Mrs. Ross Jones, Dodge car, first prize.
Honorable mention—Mr. Baber’s Maxwell.
Class 2—Open cars priced at $2,500 and under, Miss Irene Bloomheart, Nash car, first prize.
Honorable mention—Claude Fogle, Elgin.
Class 3—Open cars priced at $3,500 and up, Mrs. Roy Rinehart, Cadillac car, first prize.
Honorable mention—Mrs. John Curtis, Hudson car.
Class 4—Closed car priced at $2,00 and under, Mrs. Lester Mitchell, Maxwell sedan, first prize.
Honorable mention—Mrs. C. M. Heathman, Ford sedan.
Class 5—Closed car priced at $3,500 and under, Mrs. Ben Curtis, Chalmers sedan, first prize.
Honorable mention—Mrs. Tyler, Cole 8 Buick coupe.
Class 6—Closed cars priced at $3,500 and over, Mrs. W. C. Root, Franklin sedan, first prize.
Honorable mention—Mrs. Tyler, Cole 8 sedan.
Class 7—Novelty arrangements, Mrs. “Doc” Shipp, first prize, Buick.
Honorable mention—Houston & Hill, Marmon.
The People’s Store this afternoon is holding a drawing for a pair of shoes. With every purchase during the three days, up to one thousand, they have a number. A local boy, probably a Boy Scout, will do the drawing and some lucky customer will be one pair of shoes to the good.
The $1,000 hat on display in one of the windows of the Newman store has attracted a great deal of attention from the visitors during the present week. You must see the hat to appreciate its value.
A number not on the spring festival program was given on the fistic platform at the corner of Summit Street and Fifth Avenue. Two small colored boys started a friendly top contest. One hit a little too hard and then they mixed it. The crowd had a good time in the bout, but one of the policemen called time and the boys had to quit with the decision in doubt.
One of the most attractive, appropriate, and beautiful floats in the parade last night was that of the American Legion. This float was large due to the efforts of Bob Wise, who is an overseas soldier. Mrs. Shank was the American nurse on the float, and she served at Kelly field in Texas. Dan Fisher was the sailor and Ed Kraul, the boy scout man, was the marine. Both are overseas men. Mrs. H. D. Howard, sister of Angus Ralston, who made the supreme sacrifice in France, was the goddess of liberty.
Mrs. Mary Curtis...
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 16, 1921.
Fund For the Relief of Colorado Flood Sufferers is Growing.
Over eight hundred dollars has been subscribed up to date for the benefit fund for the Pueblo flood sufferers, according to an announcement made this afternoon by the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Part of these subscriptions have not as yet been paid. The total sum now is $852.50.
Those people who have subscribed toward the fund are urged again to turn in their payments at once as it is necessary that this fund be sent out soon. The Pueblo people are in need of the money now and it is urgent that the money be taken in at once.
Following is a total list of those who have subscribed toward the fund for the Pueblo victims.
Mrs. Mary Curtis: $5.00 pledge.
J. W. Curtis...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 30, 1921.
Buick Touring & Ford Roadster Taken from Circus Ground.
Automobile thieves took advantage of the crowds in attendance at the circus in Arkansas City last night.
Two cars were stolen last night at the circus grounds on East Madison Avenue, while the night audience was in attendance at the show. They were a Buick touring car, 1920 model, belonging to Dick Clampett, and a new Ford roadster, belonging to the James Stanton Construction Co.
Soon after the cars were missed, the police were notified of the thefts and they worked on the cases all night long. Phone messages were sent out to all the surrounding towns in the hope of heading off the thieves. This morning, however, there had been no trace of either one of the cars; but Chief Peek was still busy burning up telephone wires at ten o’clock, in an effort to get some trace of the stolen property.
There was a large crowd in attendance at the show last night and many cars were parked in that vicinity. It was an easy matter for car thieves to spot just what they wanted and to get away with cars while the crowd was busy watching the big show.
Auto stealing in this city has become very common again, and in the past two weeks four have been stolen from here, which have never been heard from up-to-date. They were the Hudson of J. W. Curtis; Elgin of Clarence Miller; Ford of J. R. Bays, and Ford belonging to S. B. Marshall.
Mr. Clampett is offering a reward of $50 for the return of his Buick car and $50 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. Cards giving a full description of the Buick were sent out to all points near here today. Information on this car should be sent to A. A. Clampett, Constable W. J. Gray, or Chief C. H. Peek.
J. W. Curtis...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, August 30, 1921.
An Oklahoma Man Gives No Fund Checks and Takes Auto From City.
Another new game of swindle is alleged to have been worked in this city last Saturday night and as a result there is a state warrant out for a man who gave his name as Glen Porter and his address as Clinton, Okla., and a car which he hired here has just been located in Wichita. But the alleged swindler made his escape according to a message from the Wichita police to the local officers this afternoon.
The car in question was a Hudson speedster and it was hired from the Hudson Garage last Sunday by a man calling himself Glen Porter. Today Rae Hudson of the Hudson Garage is in Oklahoma looking for the man and the car and the message from the police at Wichita was received here during his absence. Hudson and a local officer will go to Wichita tomorrow to identify the car. It is alleged that Porter drove the car away from the city after he had attempted to purchase the car with a check, drawn on an Oklahoma bank, and the owner of the car told him he could not have the auto until it was learned whether or not the check was good. The stranger, Porter, was in the company with Harry Penrose here on Sunday afternoon, the police allege, and after Penrose got out of the car, after driving the stranger about the city for some time, and after Porter had agreed to take the car back to the garage, car and driver disappeared. Soon after that time the search for the man and the auto was begun. The result was that the car was located in Wichita and the police are still looking for the man.
The Wichita police also told the local officers in a phone message this afternoon that they thought they had the J. W. Curtis Hudson car, which was stolen here some weeks ago. An attempt will be made by local parties to identify this car. It was insured through the Hess Real Estate company.
Glen Porter, who claimed to be from Oklahoma, attended the used car sale and auto show here on Saturday night; and while there, he attempted to purchase a car from Rae Hudson with a check on an Oklahoma bank. Hudson told him the car might be his provided the check was good, it is said. Hudson being out of the city today, the real circumstances in this deal could not be learned.
Saturday night Porter gave two “no fund” checks to H. S. Collinson of the Collinson Auto company, saying he wanted to purchase a car. This dealer took a check from the man for $1,800, and another for $750 drawn on the Clinton National bank. Collinson told him he would find out if the checks were good and the man disappeared. It was later learned that Porter had no funds in that bank. It is stated here, however, that Porter did have money in another Oklahoma bank.
At any rate the officers are seeking Porter and he will be compelled to face a charge in the state court if he is apprehended.