[Patrick Franey, wife Jenny, and Daughters, Hattie and Netty Franey.]
Arkansas City.
John Franey was a native of County Mayo, Ireland. He married Ellen McManus, who was also a native of County Mayo, Ireland. He was a merchant tailor. Three of his twelve children came to the United States. They were Austin, a farmer of Minnesota; James, who also farmed in Minnesota; and Patrick H. Franey, who came to Arkansas City.
Patrick H. Franey was born in County Mayo, Ireland, May 17, 1847 and died at Arkansas City, Kansas, June 12, 1915. He came to America in 1858 with his brother Austin. They became pioneers in Minnesota Territory, locating at St. Paul.
Patrick lived in Minnesota only a few years when, in 1862, at the age of fifteen, he enlisted in Company A of the Sixth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. He was with that regiment during its service in the Northwest and also during nearly all of its gallant conduct in the Southern campaigns. He fought in numerous engagements, including Shiloh, and was once wounded and incapacitated for active duty some time.
Following the war he spent a short time at Oregon, Missouri, where he married Miss Jennie Elizabeth Myers on April 6, 1867. In 1869 they moved to Nemaha County, Kansas, where a daughter, Hattie Franey, was born on December 1, 1869. On July 22, 1871, a second daughter, Nettie Franey, was born. In 1876 the family moved to Geuda Springs and the following year to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City 1893.
Franey, P. H., age 47; spouse, Jenny, age 42.
Also: Franey, Hattie, 23; Franey, Netty, 21.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Report of senior department of Arkansas City High School, for first month, of those who did not communicate without permission, and whose absences and tardiness were excused.
Charley Randall, James Robinson, Frank Theaker, Frank Barnett, Horace Vaughn, Jessie Norton, Jessie Finley, Cora French, Lula Walton, Ella Mann, Alto Maxwell, Flora Gould, Hattie Hand, George Beech, Mollie Christian, Etta Barnett.
The following were neither absent nor tardy during the past month: Hattie Franey, Annie Speers, Archie Coombs, Ella Hoyt, Emma Redden, Sarah Hill, Arthur Coombs, Johnnie Garris, Nettie Johnson, Libbie Fouke.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Our Schools.
SENIOR DEPARTMENT. Pupils perfect in deportment during third month.
Charley Randall, James Robinson, Walter Pickering, Fred McLaughlin, Eddie Garris, Frank Barnett, Horace Vaughn, Mollie Christian, Jessie Finley, Stella Swarts, Zonie Hostetler, Dora Pearson, D. O. Deets, Ella Barnett, Annie Bowen, Emma Theaker, Fannie Peterson, Lula Walton, Alto Maxwell, Willie Edwards, Frank Gamel, Alice Warren, Abby Pettit, Cora Pettit, Hattie Hand, Alvin Sankey.
INTERMEDIATE GRADE. The following were neither absent nor tardy during the past month.
Clara Ford, Archie DeBruce, Nettie Franey, Sarah Hill, Maggie Ford, Flora Creamer, and Ella Pettit.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Pat. Franey, the popular and gentlemanly construction boss on the canal works, was the recipient of a very handsome Christmas present. The testimonial which was presented by the Canal Company and employees, as a token of their respect and appreciation of his services, and faithful discharge of the onerous duties devolving upon him, took the shape of a very elegant gold watch and chain, and will doubtless be a much valued, as well as very useful souvenir, of the friends by whom it was presented.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
The following pupils of the Intermediate Department of the Arkansas City schools were neither absent nor tardy during the past month: Clara Ford, Annie Wagstaff, Hattie Franey, Minnie Wilson, and Ella Pettit.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
Pat. Franey, foreman on the gravel works, called the other day to pay in advance for the TRAVELER, and “saw” the boys happy. Call again, Pat.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
The following pupils were neither absent nor tardy during the past month: Phillip Huff, Clara Ford, Hattie Franey, Minnie Wilson, Sherman Coulson.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
The following pupils were neither absent nor tardy without an excuse during the past school month: Annie Wagstaff, Ida Lane, Fanny Forrester, Ethel Clifton, Clara Ford, Belle Johnson, Hatty [Hattie] Franey, Nettie Franey, Annie Speers, Emma Mann, Renna Grubbs, Laura Jones, Laura Ware, Lillie Rarick, Gertie Peterson, Sam Cleveland, Eddie Scott.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
Our Schools. The following pupils of the First Intermediate Department were neither absent nor tardy, without an excuse during the past month: Dell Clifton, Howard Warren, Belle Johnson, Ella Hoyt, Ethel Clifton, Lulu Hamlin, Nettie Franey, Hattie Franey, Eddie Scott, Dean McIntire, Henry Mott, John Garris, Gertie Peterson, Rena Grubbs, Luna Ware, Helen Jordan.
The following pupils were imperfect in deportment during the past month: Charlie McConn, George McConn, Eddie Scott, Henry Mott, Porter Holloway, Perry Fullerlove, Schuyler Hand, Clara Delzell, Nettie Franey, Otis Endicott, Oscar Ball, Mary Kitch, Maud Benedict, Hattie Sipes, Rena Grubbs, Willie Kellogg, John Garris, Lulu Hamlin, George Snyder, Hattie Franey. ANNIE NORTON, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
WANTED, 20 good men to work on gravel works. Apply to Pat Franey.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Robbers Arrested.
On the night of January 29th, 1884, a car was broken into at the depot, and a lot of cases of canned goods, tobacco, and other merchandise was stolen. Sheriff McIntire, with his deputy, O. S. Rarick, constable John Breene, and others, have been hard at work ever since trying to find a clue to the parties that committed the robbery. Some goods were found several nights ago, and Pat Franey got on the right clue, and with the assistance of the above named officers, traced the goods up, when O. Ingersoll, railroad agent, ordered out a warrant before I H. Bonsall, J. P., for the arrest of T. S. Marston and McStraight. Mr. Higgins, detective from Topeka, was on hand, and took an important part in ferreting out the rascals. Higgins and Rarick started for the Territory for these men, but got ahead of them. J. J. Breene, in the meantime, got on the right track, and arrested the men. Part of the stolen goods have been recovered.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
P. H. Franey is building a fine new addition to his residence.
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.
P. H. Franey and David Shields, old army mates, met Monday evening at the Blaine and Logan club for the first time in twenty years. It was, indeed, a fitting place for such a meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
I. H. Bonsall, Archie Dunn, Chas. Holloway, John Shelden, Dr. Sparks, Pat Franey, Robt. Hubbard, and Gardner Mott, in company with Grand Master Workman, Donnelly, visited the A. O. U. W. Lodge at Geuda Springs Saturday night.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Ed. Franey wears a Blaine and Logan hat, won off of Capt. Ed. Haight. Pat looks as sweet as an orange blossom in Republican clothing.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Last Saturday night the following officers were elected at the G. A. R. Meeting.
Allen Mowry, P. C.; P. A. Lorry, U. V. C.; P. J. Davis, J. V. C.; S. C. Lindsay, Adjt.; A. A. Davis, Q. M.; C. G. Thompson, Serg.; Harry Lundy, Chaplain; H. D. Kellogg, O. D.; John Cook, O. G.; Wm. Kirtley, inside Guard; P. H. Franey, outside Guard.
Allen Mowry and S. C. Lindsay were chosen to represent the Post in the grand encampment of the state when it comes off. It has not yet been decided when and where it will be held.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
G. A. R. Post, No. 158.
The officers of the Post in this city were installed last Saturday night by Mr. N. Sinnott, special muster officer.
Allen Mowry, P. G.; T. A. Lowry, S. V. C.; P. J. Davis, J. V. C.; A. A. Davis, Q. M.; H. D. Kellogg, O. D.; C. G. Thompson, Surg.; H. S. Lundy, Chaplain; S. C. Lindsay, Adj.; John Cook, O. G.; P. H. Franey, O. S.; Wm. Kirtley, I. S.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 17, 1885.
Edwin Dalton (Union man) D. D. Dobbs
Edward Sinclair (Southerner) J. H. Johnston
Park Sinclair (Edward’s father) P. A. Snyder
Charlie Dalton (Edwin’s brother) L. V. Coombs
Farmer Dalton (Northern Union man) E. L. Kingsbury
Jake Schneider (fat Dutchman, true blue) S. V. Devendorf
Capt. Mason (U. S. A.) J. J. Clark
Pete (colored gentleman) B. F. Cooper
Gen. Sherman (U. S. A.) S. C. Lindsay
Gen. McPherson (U. S. A.) W. D. Mowry
Gen. Logan (U. S. A.) L. D. Davis
Maj. Wilber (U. S. A.) C. C. Sollitt
Col. Harrison (U. S. A.) T. J. Stafford
Sargt. Bates (C. S. A.) Pat Franey
Corporal Ogden (C. S. A.) N. T. Lawton
Maud Dalton (wife of Edwin) Miss Nellie Nash
Carrie Dalton (sister of Edwin) Miss Minnie Stewart
Mrs. Dalton (wife of farmer Dalton) Miss Etta Barnett
Little Willie (Edwin’s brother,
the drummer boy) Willie Rike
Little Annie (daughter of Edwin and Maud)
Schneider’s volunteers; Citizens; Soldiers; and 14 young ladies for tableau.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Pat Franey says he found the largest corn-cob in America Monday on “Budd” Beck’s farm. It was 14½ inches in length. He presented it to Frank Hess’ real estate agency.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
The gravel works have resumed operation and Pat Franey is hard at work getting out the little pebbles. Monday the first train load of 25 cars went up the road, Tuesday 22 more followed.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Willie Rike.
DIED. The remains of the drowned boy spoken of in last week’s REPUBLICAN were found Saturday night at about 11:30. They were discovered by a young man by the name of Billy Robinson and Pat Franey. They were lying at the bottom of the Walnut near where he went down. The search commenced Friday evening directly after the drowning and continued the greater part of the night, all day Saturday, and until about 11:30 Saturday night. The remains were properly cared for and removed to the home of the bereaved family. Sunday afternoon the funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church, Revs. Fleming and Walker officiating. The house of worship was crowded beyond its capacity by the many friends of the deceased. He was a member of the Presbyterian Sunday school. After the impressive funeral ceremony, a very large number of friends accompanied the remains to Bolton Township Cemetery to consign them to their resting place. On arriving at the new-made grave, the body was placed in and a number of youthful friends came forward with beautiful bouquets in their hands and scattered them over the remains.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Council convened last Monday evening in regular adjourned session. Mayor Schiffbauer presided. Councilmen Davis, Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey were present.
The allowance of bills was the first thing on docket.
Bill of Pat Franey, J. E. Beck, Ed Horn, J. Herbert, and L. S. Brown for special police service, allowed $5 each.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Water Works Wrangle.
Thursday evening in Highland Hall a goodly number of citizens congregated to hear a submission of Mr. Quigley’s proposition to put in water and gas works in our city. At previous meetings a committee had been appointed to prepare plans and specifications for water works, which it did, and the report was accepted. Advertisements had been prepared stating that the city clerk was ready to receive bids. Just at this stage of the proceedings Mr. Quigley appears on the scene from St. Louis and makes the citizen’s committee and council a much better proposition by at least $1,000 in cash than he made to our citizens some six weeks ago. Besides, he offers to put in a much better system of works than he proposed heretofore. As a consequence of this proposition, a meeting was held Thursday night to see if our citizens were desirous of accepting Mr. Quigley’s proposition. J. L. Huey was chosen chairman of the meeting and N. T. Snyder, secretary. Everyone present considered Mr. Quigley’s proposed system of water works a good one for this city, but the meeting was about evenly divided when a motion was made to accept the proposition. Mr. Quigley proposed that he receive the franchise of the city for 21 years for the putting in of gas and water works. The city was to take 65 fire plugs at an annual rental of $50 per plug, making the water works cost the city $3,250. The system was to be the Standpipe and Holly system. The gas works were to be put in without any cost to the city, and at any future time the city should desire, we were to take 30 street lights. In the meantime, the gas company was to derive their profit from private consumption. Mr. Quigley’s proposition had to be accepted then and there or not at all, and yet he asked for 30 days in which to file his bond of $5,000 for the faithful performance of his contract with the city. This was where the kick came in. Many thought that if Mr. Quigley saw a good thing in putting in water works of this kind here, there were other companies who could see a better thing and put in the same system a great deal cheaper. In other words, they desired to exercise the right of competition, place Mr. Quigley’s proposition on file, and proceed to receive propositions from other parties. But this was not as the other side desired. They wanted Mr. Quigley’s proposition accepted then and there, claiming that it was a good one, and no competition was necessary. That no better proposition could be secured. When a vote was called upon the question, it resulted in a tie. At this time the war began. R. U. Hess claimed that minors, non-residents, and non-taxpayers voted that the city accept Mr. Quigley’s proposition, which was unfair. Pat. Franey demanded that Mr. Hess show his property; upon which that gentleman said he did not vote upon the question. Champions of both sides began to make speeches as to who had a right to vote. When the discussion had reached fever heat and an opportune moment presented itself, a motion was made to adjourn, which was unanimously carried. Thus nothing was done except to widen the breach between the two factions of Arkansas City.
The REPUBLICAN thinks, as it always has, that competitive bids should be secured. We think that Mr. Quigley made a good proposition. Yet the 30 days which he asks of the city in which to file his bond, he should allow us the same time in which to secure bids from other companies. His proposition should have been placed on file. If Mr. Quigley wanted to establish gas and water works here $1,000 cheaper on his second visit to our city than he did on the first, why is it not reasonable to suppose that there are other persons who will furnish the same system of works at a less figure. It was evident that our friend from St. Louis was slightly afraid he would lose the job if any other bids were put in and probably that was why he left no alternative but to accept his offer then and there. If bids had been received and not opened until Oct. 12 as some desired, the putting in of water works would not have been delayed any, because Mr. Quigley asked for 30 days, which a portion was ready to grant to him but not to the city. We see no objection to the city securing bids and we think it should. The matter would not have been delayed any at all by so doing even if Mr. Quigley’s proposition had been accepted.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Wednesday afternoon, in fraternity hall, mugwump Democracy held their primary pow wow. Friends, it was astonishing what a select crowd was in attendance. Just cast your eye on the following array of talent, which goes to the county convention today.
M. B. Vawter and Judge McIntire were chosen delegates from the first ward; Austin Bailey and Dr. Westfall, alternates. In the second ward, Ex-Street Commissioner Jim Moore and Dr. J. W. Sparks were made delegates and Pat Franey and Tom Braggins, alternates. The third ward, Jas. Benedict and J. M. Collins were denominated delegates, and Wyatt Gooch and E. Elerding, alternates. Fourth ward: Delegates, D. A. McIntire and Hon. E. C. Gage; alternates, John C. Willoughby and Capt. H. M. Maidt. Billy Gray and G. W. Ford were made delegates at large and C. T. Thurston and D. J. Buckley, alternates. Judge McIntire was chairman of the meeting and Edward C. Gage, secretary. A new departure was made in the convention. The delegates were left uninstructed. How are they to vote intelligently?
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
On Saturday evening, Oct. 17th, Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Witt were completely and pleasantly surprised by some of their friends, who brought with them some very valuable and useful presents, Judge Bryant and wife constituting the van guard. Then followed Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Pile, Mr. and Mrs. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Lewis, Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. Ed. Pentecost, Mrs. J. M. Ware, Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Theo. Fairclo, Mrs. Frank Speers, Mrs. Wm. Gray, Mrs. Franey, Mrs. Chapel, Mrs. Bluebaugh, Mrs. Pickard, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Murphy, Misses Sadie and Mary Thomas, Clara Bryant, Nina Pickering, Fannie Harding, Lou Murphy, Mr. E. Baldwin, Mr. Walter S. Pickering, and Mrs. C. R. Sipes. The evening was spent sociably, enlivened with vocal and instrumental music. All seemed in love with life and will long remember the very pleasant hours spent together on that occasion.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Pat Franey let a sharp cornered rock fall on his foot Tuesday while at work putting in the street curbing, and cut two of his toes almost off. It was thought at first that the injured members would have to be amputated, but later on the doctor concluded they would grow to their places all right. Pat hobbles around on crutches now.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
G. A. R. Election of Officers.
At an election of officers by the G. A. R. Post of veterans in this city, on Saturday evening, the following comrades were chosen to serve during the ensuing year.
Post commander: Philip A. Lorry; Senior Vice commander: John Cook; Junior Vice commander: Jacob Dunckle; Officer of the day: Pat Franey; Superintendent: G. W. Miller; Surgeon: Dr. E. Y. Baker; Chaplain: Rev. H. L. Lundy; Officer of the guard: Philip Jones; Inside guard: Aaron Hopp; Outside guard: M. N. Sinnott.
The offices of adjutant and sergeant major being appointive, these selections will be made when the new officers are installed. Comrades G. W. Miller and Frederic Lockley were elected delegates to the state encampment at Wichita, with Dr. Kellogg and A. B. Sankey as alternates. The installation takes place January 9th, and the veterans propose to make a time of it by inviting their friends to be present and partaking in an oyster supper. The exercises will be held in Highland Hall.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
The widow Matlock running out of provisions last week sent her little son to Pat Franey’s restaurant to make known her wants. Pat raised $1.50 at his own counter and repaired to Hasie & Co.’s to buy a sack of flour. The Major learning the facts of the case filled a large basket with necessaries and abundance reigned in her impoverished home.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
Capt. Thompson and Pat Franey, in behalf of the post of veterans, were out soliciting contributions for distressed comrades on Monday and Tuesday, and gathered in upwards of $100 in money and provisions. This is certainly a liberal response to the call of the needy.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
The contract for the grading of 5th Avenue and bridging the canal was awarded to C. Mead Monday. The bids were as follows.
FRANEY, $735; BLAIR, $840; MEAD, $640.
MITTS, $525; TRASK, $725; MEAD, $390; GILLESPIE, $304.
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
Pat Franey got into a dispute with one of his boon companions Sunday evening and the result was the former knocked the latter down. Spectators interfered and pulled Pat off. All parties got away before any arrests were made.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Pat Franey, this morning, set a large force of hands and teams at work upon the Canal extension. It is to be completed in 30 days and Pat says he will have it done by the specified time.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Pat Franey tells us that work on the canal is not progressing as rapidly as he desires and that he wants 50 more teams immediately.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
From Mr. W. T. Wingate we learn that the work of excavating the canal is proceeding more satisfactorily, now that the ground is in better condition for working. Messrs. Franey & McCrea have thrown up their contract, and H. J. Locnan, who had the upper mile to dig, has undertaken the excavation of the entire length, which is about two and a half miles. At present one-fourth mile of the upper end has been dug, and half a mile at the southern extremity. The ground is of a difficult nature to handle, being composed of sand, loam, marl, and again quicksand in successive layers. The piers to the head gates are now above water line, being built in solid rock, and will be carried thirteen feet above the foundation, or eight feet above the water line. All possible expedition is being made to complete the work, as the mills are lying idle, and serious loss and inconvenience are incurred in consequence of the delay.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Pat Franey is able to be out once more after a ten day’s siege of sickness.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
The following have been installed officers of the A. O. U. W. Lodge of this city: Edward Grady, M. W.; I. H. Bonsall, F.; J. C. Thomas, O.; M. N. Sinnott, Rec.; N. W. Winton, F.; H. D. Kellogg, Re.; Pat Franey, G.; J. W. Sparks, I. W., and J. Mercer, O. W.
Pat Franey was the man who superintended the construction of the canal, numerous buildings, bridges, roads and the streets of Arkansas City. He also served as Police judge for the city, and Street commissioner. He passed away June 12, 1915, and was survived by his wife and two daughters.
Miss Jennie Elizabeth Myers was born in Canada, April 18, 1850. Her father, Daniel Myers, was born in Canada in 1827, and grew up a farmer. Her grandfather was a German who moved to Canada. Her grandmother was Elizabeth Collins, who was born in Ireland in 1823 and died in Cowley County, Kansas, in 1899. Daniel and Elizabeth Myers had nine children: Susanna, Jacob, Jennie, Mary, Daniel W., Maria, Katherine, Wesley, and Margaret. In 1865 Daniel Myers and his family moved to the United States and located at Des Moines, Iowa, and then moving to Missouri. The Myers family settled in Nemaha County, Kansas in 1869, but moved to Cowley County in 1870, where Mr. Myers continued farming until his death in 1873. His daughter, Mrs. Jennie Myers Franey, died October 20, 1920.
Mary Myers was a primary teacher in the Fourth Ward school in Arkansas City for over 26 years. Maria Myers married Alfred B. Woolsey December 5, 1875 (Marriage book A, page 202). Katherine Myers married William J. Gray, who was constable at Arkansas City for over 40 years. Margaret Myers married Christopher C. Tubbe, who was a farmer near Arkansas City.
Patrick and Jennie Franey had two children, Hattie and Nettie Franey, neither of whom married.
Miss Hattie Franey lived in Arkansas City since she was about ten years old. She attended the local Catholic grade school, graduating from high school in 1892. (Her obituary stated that she graduated in the same class with Albert Denton. Allan Maag’s history of the High School does not list Hattie of Nettie as graduates. Perhaps they graduated from a Catholic High School in Wichita.) Hattie then enrolled and completed the business course in the Southern Shorthand School at Arkansas City. Miss Franey started her business career as a stenographer in the law office of Charles S. Brown. She then spent three years with the lawyer, C. T. Atkinson. For a long time Miss Franey was known as the only shorthand expert fast enough to take court work and extremely rapid dictation. She continued as a law stenographer until 1899; and in the meantime, had acquired a practical mastery of many phases of the law business, which caused her judgment and service to be sought often in preference to regularly licensed attorneys. In 1909 she became a partner with C. T. Atkinson, an old and prominent attorney, and after three years opened an office of her own in 1912.
Miss Franey was regularly admitted to the Kansas bar in 1914 and practiced law for over 40 years. Her offices were in the Crescent Building at the southwest corner of Washington Avenue and South Summit Street. In her later years she was not a very attentive automobile driver, and her car was readily identifiable by its battered appearance. She died December 25, 1957, and was buried in the Riverview mausoleum.
Miss Nettie Franey never enjoyed good health. She attended local school and was an accomplished musician on the piano. She made her home with her sister, Miss Hattie Franey, and worked as her bookkeeper. She died at the Kansas State Hospital at Osawatomie, Kansas, on September 11, 1955.