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Huff Family

WILLIAM M. JENKINS, on April 20, 1870, entered the borders of Cowley County, Kansas, where he remained as a resident.
Leaving Kentucky, he started on the cars for Topeka.  On arriving there, he walked to Cowley County, accompanied on the entire journey by a Mr. Huff, who afterward helped him to build his house.
Kansas 1875 Census, Windsor Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name                                                 age  sex color         Place/birth          Where from
W. S. Huff                                          34    m      w           Virginia              Kentucky
F. Huff                                                32    f        w           Kentucky           Kentucky
E. Huff                                                  8    f        w           Kentucky           Kentucky
M. A. Huff                                            4    f        w           Kansas
Ellen Huff                                            16    f        w           Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name                                                 age sex color          Place/birth          Where from
Samuel Huff                                        25    m      w           Indiana               Indiana
Olive Huff                                           24    f        w           Illinois                Illinois
L. N.? Huff                                           5    m      w           Kansas
I. M. Huff                                             5    f        w           Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census Harvey Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name                                                 age sex color          Place/birth          Where from
Elizabeth Huff                                      50    f        w           Virginia              Kentucky
Jerome? Huff                                      24    m      w           Kentucky           Kentucky
Kansas 1875 Census Pleasant Valley Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name                                                 age sex color          Place/birth          Where from
Isaac Huff                                           49    m      w           Ohio                  Indiana
Margaret Huff                                     52    f        w           Ohio                  Indiana
Mary J. Huff                                       25    f        w           Indiana               Indiana
William Huff                                        19    m      w           Indiana               Indiana
Leina B. Huff                                      13    f        w           Indiana               Indiana
                                               FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
                  NOTICE. U. S. LAND OFFICE, WICHITA, KAN., March 4, 1874.
COMPLAINT having been entered at this office by William Marshall against Swan B. Huff for illegal Osage filing, No. 8822, dated Oct. 13, 1873, upon the Lots 1 and 12 and northeast ¼ of N E ¼ Section 30, Township 32 S, Range 3 East in Cowley County, Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of said filing; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 10th day of April, 1874, at 9 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged fraud.
                                                      W. J. Jenkins, Register.

John Huff, Esq., of the Genessee Valley, New York, gave us a pleasant call yesterday morning.  Mr. Huff is a pleasant gentle­man possessed of considerable of this world's goods.  He consid­ers Winfield and Cowley County hard to beat, and expects to locate here perhaps this coming fall.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.
Our Village Blacksmith, Mr. William Huff, returned last week from a long visit to Winfield.  He is pleased with the prosperity which the county seat displays.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
Harry Ludlow, one of the pioneer printers of Southern Kansas, and one of the former proprietors of the Oxford Enterprise, was married at the Bradish House by Judge Johnson last Saturday to Miss Lizzie Huff of Sumner County.  Harry started for Wichita immediately and his bride followed the next day. At Wichita they took the train for some easter clime.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
                                                         LAZETTE NEWS.
Our Village Blacksmith, Mr. William Huff, returned last week from a long visit to Winfield.  He is pleased with the prosperity which the county seat displays.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
                                                          BLACK HILLS.
                                      Indians Make a Fatal Raid Upon Miners.
On the 20th of June, the Indians raided their camp, captur­ing nine horses and killing the following of the company:  A. M. Carter, of England, Wm. Brown, Henry Brown, Cowell Valentine, John Huff, and W. M. Page.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
SAMUEL HUFF sold his farm to John Pittman, of Elkhart County, Indiana, for $1,600 recently, and expects to return to Osowatomie, where he says he “can keep a cow without tying her by the head.”
                                               THE WINFIELD COURIER.
                                                     CENTENNIAL ISSUE.
                         WINFIELD COURIER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1876.
On the 29th day of October, 1870, a dispensation was granted to J. S. Hunt, A. H. Green, Enoch Maris, and eight others for a lodge at Winfield. J. S. Hunt was appointed W. M.; A. H. Green, S. W.; and Enoch Maris, J. W. On the 17th day of October, 1872, the lodge obtained a charter under the name of Adelphi, No. 119, with the following charter members: J. S. Hunt, A. H. Green, Enoch Maris, C. A. Bliss, A. A. Jackson, W. M. Boyer, H. Shaughness, I. L. Comfort, E. Adams, Thomas Hart, W. S. Huff, S. H. Revis, T. A. Rice, and J. Traxler.
The same officers were installed under the charter and held their offices until Jan. 1st, 1873, when Enoch Maris was elected W. M.; W. M. Boyer, S. W.; and T. A. Rice, J. W.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.

Some person or persons drove off Mr. Huff’s team from the schoolhouse at Salt City Sunday evening, Jan. 14th, and at noon, Monday, he had no trace of them.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
Twenty-nine teachers were present at the examination last Friday and Saturday. Of those present the following received second grade certificates: Misses Dora Winslow, Maggie Stansberry, Mary Stansberry, Gertie Davis, Louisa Franklin, Laura E. Turner, Mr. C. C. Holland, and Mrs. I. E. Brown. Those who received third grade certificates are as follows: Misses Sarah Bovee, C. E. Fitzgerald, Ella Davis, Albertine Maxwell, Effie Randall, Sarah E. Davis, Ella Clover, Ioa Roberts, Emma Burden, Arvilla Elliott, L. A. Bedell, M. J. Huff, and Mr. M. L. Smith.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
                                                      Grouse Valley Items.
                                         LAZETTE, KANSAS, April 17th, 1876.
On Saturday evening a large railroad meeting was held in this place. Mr. L. J. Johnson, of Elk Falls, was present and made a lengthy speech explanatory of railroad laws, and matters so far as our interests were concerned.
Speeches were then made by Messrs. Burden, Clover, Fall, Stapleton, Brooks, Story, Jones, Huff, Peebler, McGraw, and others, in almost unanimous support of the movement for an East and West road through Cowley County.
The following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That we, the citizens of Grouse Valley, stand ready to support a railroad from the East with bonds to the full extent of the law. But few opposing voices were heard during the discussion.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
                                                           Normal School.
The following are the names of teachers attending the Normal School at this place.
From Winfield: Wm. J. McClellan; J. K. Beckner; Rachel Nauman; Kate Gilleland; Maggie Stansberry; Sallie E. Rea; M. J. Huff; C. A. Winslow; Amy Robertson; Mary E. Lynn; Lusetta Pyburn; Mrs. Bell Seibert; Nannie McGee; Sarah E. Davis; O. S. Record; Byron A. Fouch; Mary A. Bryant; Mina C. Johnson; Mattie Roberts; Emma Saint.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1877.
DIED. October 12th, Edwin E. Huff, son of S. and Aramintha Huff. Aged six years.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
                                                       BEAVER JOTTINGS.
MARRIED.  Rev. Robert Kerr, assisted Mr. Al. Johnson and Miss Maggie Huff, this week to launch forth on the turbulent sea of matrimony.  Al. is fortunate in having a good start.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
William Huff, the pioneer blacksmith of Lazette, was in town last week.  He has sold out his shop to Jap Northcott and now contemplates a trip through New Mexico.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.
                                                    Township Officers Elected.
BEAVER. Trustee: W. D. Lester, elected by lot. Clerk: W. A. Freeman, elected by lot. Treasurer: Warren Wood. Justices: W. V. Sutton and H. J. Wright. Constables: R. N. Huff and W. D. Anderson.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum