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T. H. Johnson

Trying to wade through the JOHNSON families is a mess.
It appears that T. H. Johnson arrived in either 1868 or 1870...but I am not certain. The T. Johnson mentioned in early papers could have been someone else. At any rate, Judge T. H. Johnson departed from Cowley County in 1875. MAW
Emporia News, October 16, 1868.
T. Johnson and C. R. Sipes have bought the house and lot next to Jones’ new building.
Emporia News, October 8, 1869.
Asa Gillett has purchased, for the firm of Gillett & Hadley, the lot and building now occupied as a residence and millinery shop, next door north of Newman & Houghton’s. He bought of T. Johnson and C. Sipes, paying them $2,000. Less than a year ago these gentlemen bought the property for $800.
Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.
Our friend, Mr. Johnson, of Winfield, called on us this week to have tickets printed for the “coming election in Cowley County.” Johnson says that Winfield is a good town, but will still admit of improvements, and there is much truth in it.
[Note to file. There was much confusion over Johnson and Johnston in Winfield. I had the name wrong in the following article, which pertains to the election in 1870. I am therefore placing the next article in 1870 rather than in 1876. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
                                          WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 9, 1876.
C. M. Scott, Esq.: DEAR SIR: In reply to your question as to Manning bolting the Republican ticket in 1870, I have this to say. The party was organized by the appointment of a Republican Central Convention of one from each voting precinct in the County. This was done in Convention at Dexter. At the same time a delegate was elected to represent this County in the State Convention and he was admit­ted. Col. Manning, although there and claiming to represent the county, was rejected. That Central Committee called a Republican County Convention to be held at Winfield, I don’t remember the date. At the appointed time the Convention met in the building, then unfinished, in which Green’s Drug Store is situated, and organized by the election of John Irwin as Chairman and myself as Secretary.
All the precincts were represented but Winfield, and we nominated a straight Republican ticket. Afterwards a People’s Convention was called at Winfield and E. C. Manning nominated for Representative; Judge T. B. Ross, of Winfield, for Probate Judge; A. A. Jackson, of Winfield, for County Clerk; John M. Pattison, of Rock, for Sheriff; William Cook, of Winfield, for Register of Deeds. The other members on the ticket escape my memory. My recollection is the ticket was composed of three Republicans and three Democrats. This ticket was the only ticket nominated that fall against the Republicans.
Manning was defeated at the polls, but the easy conscience of the County Board resulted in the throwing out of the votes returned from six precincts, resulting in Mr. Manning being declared elected.
I commenced a contest against him, and the notice was served on T. H. Johnson at Manning’s residence, he (Manning) having absented himself to avoid such service.

When the Legislature met, the contestor, H. B. Norton (who was the choice of a majority of the voters of the county as aforesaid at that election), was very sick, and confined to his bed until towards the close of the session: hence the contest was abandoned. Respectfully,
                                                         W. P. HACKNEY.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
T. H. JOHNSON. Attorney at law, notary public, and Real Estate agent, Winfield. Address not given.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
                                             WINFIELD TOWN COMPANY.
Cowley County Censor, Saturday, July 1, 1871.
Johnson sports A new hat.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
J. B. Fairbank, Esq., is at Augusta attending contested cases in the Land Office.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
T. H. Johnson, of Manning & Johnson, ditto.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
MANNING & JOHNSON, COUNSELORS AT LAW, -AND- REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS AGENTS. [E. C. MANNING, NOTARY PUBLIC/T. H. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW]  The undersigned have associated themselves together for the purpose of practicing law, and engaging in the real estate and general agency business.
                                                  MANNING & JOHNSON.
Winfield, Kansas, June 1, 1871.
Winfield Messenger, June 28, 1872.
                             That Road, and What are We Going to Do About It?
Some forty or fifty legal voters and land owners living in town and in the Walnut Valley north of town, some weeks ago petitioned for a county road commencing at the northwest corner of section 16, at a point on the Oxford road, immediately north of Winfield, thence running south to the southwest corner of Judge T. H. Johnson’s farm, thence east on his south line to a point north of the present ford on Timber Creek, thence south till it intersects the Winfield and Augusta State road, thence on said road to Winfield.
Viewers were duly appointed who viewed the route as peti­tioned for, and reported that the route was a good and practical one, but of no public utility, not convenient for the use of the general traveling community, because the present State road running so near and parallel with it would answer every purpose that the proposed County road would.

But when we take in view the fact that the State road runs diagonally thro’ section 16, entering at the northwest and leaving at the southeast corner, and that a heavy petition is before the “Board” to move that road to the east or west line of said section 16, then we must admit that the farmers living in the bend of the Walnut north and west of Mr. Johnson’s farm must have a road by which to come to town, and the shortest route by one mile is on the line petitioned for.
Mr. Johnson claimed heavy damage, and we think very justly too, for running the road on his west and south line, as it cuts off an 80 acre lot recently added to his home place, and causes him to build three fourths of a mile of extra fence, and injures a very fine farm by having a public road run through it.
Now the question is, can we of Winfield afford to lose the custom and patronage of twenty or thirty of our best farmers, living so near and yet so far away from us, for the simple reason that they can’t have a direct road to town?
Three fourths of the wood we burn in winter is hauled from the valley north of town. Now must we pay for hauling it one or two miles farther, when we haven’t a more direct road? Certainly we must, or do without it.
Then again, Oxford is bridging the Arkansas River, and a high, dry road connects that place with the starting point mentioned in the petition. Her businessmen are doing all they can to draw custom away from Winfield, and our friends up the Walnut feeling a little sore over the failure of their road project, are going en masse to Oxford to spend the 4th, where they can and will be treated with all the respect due to the farmer, “the lord of the soil.”

Now to be brief, we have the interests of one individual on one side and that of several of our best farmers in the county, and the businessmen of the town, and the town interests generally upon the other to look after and take into consideration. Had we better not then allow Judge Johnson liberal damages and have a good and direct road to town and keep peace and harmony between town and country, than to have continual strife between citizens whose interests are one and the same? I think we had. Then I would suggest that at the July meeting of the County Commission­ers, they appoint a new board of viewers, to take that matter into consideration, and act as in their judgment they may deem best for all parties interested. Respectfully, WALTON.
Winfield, June 25th, 1872.
Winfield Messenger, June 28, 1872.
J. B. Fairbank will address the people of Pleasant Valley on the fourth. Judge Johnson and other legal lights have been called on to orate to the people of surrounding towns on that glorious day.
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
A Convention of the Attorneys of the 13th Judicial District will be held at Winfield, in Cowley County, on the 25th day of July, A. D. 1872, for the purpose of recommending to the District Convention, or Conventions, to be held for that purpose, a Candidate for nomination for Judge of said District to be voted for at the next general election.
W. S. TUCKER.                                        J. T. SHOWALTER.
M. W. SUTTON.                                      J. M. HOOVER.
D. F. BAYLESS.                                       J. B. FAIRBANK.
THOMAS MASON.                                 W. H. KERN.
J. M. McCOLLEN.                                   JOHN REED.
J. J. WINGAR.                                          E. B. KAGER.
R. B. SAFFOLD.                                       E. L. AKIN.
D. N. CALDWELL.                                  A. H. GREEN.
T. T. TILLOTSON.                                   D. S. HEISHEY [?HEISNEY].
L. J. WEBB.                                              JOHN G. TUCKER.
E. S. TORRANCE.                                    REUBEN RIGGS.
J. M. ALEXANDER.                                 S. D. PRYOR.
E. C. MANNING.                         T. H. JOHNSON.
H. D. LAMB.                                             G. P. GARLAND.
D. DODGE.                                               J. McDERMOTT.
and many others, attorneys of said district.
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in Co. Clerk’s office in Winfield July 1st, 1872. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The following bills were acted upon.
One of J. T. Paul for other rent $30, additional; one for Lyon County for keeping prisoners $107, allowed; one of M. J. Brower’s, and others as Road viewers $15, allowed; one of L. Holcomb as judge of election $2, allowed; one of J. P. Short, for office rent, $27, allowed; one of S. Belveal, judge of election $2; one of J. S. Baker, laid over for want of form; one of C. G. Handy, as assessor of Tisdale Tp. $81.; one of J. D. Cochran rent of Dist. Clerk’s Office, $7.50; one of T. H. Johnson for expressage on books, $2.50.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
The following bills were allowed.

One of Z. Stubbs, as Township assessor of Rock Township, $60.; one of W. A. Freeman, as assessor of Beaver Township, $34.50; one of W. White, as assessor of Rock Township for 1872, $45; one of T. Henderson, as assessor of Pleasant Valley Town­ship; one of T. J. Johnson and others as Road Viewers, $9.50; one of B. H. Kelly, as erroneous assessment, $2.00; one of J. H. Ramsey for stationery and County books, $180.55; one of Jackson & Myers for coffin for Pauper, $25.

Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
Convention proceeded to ballot for the following officers.
Probate Judge:
T. H. Johnson 52; _____ Millspaugh 13; J. B. Parmlee 1.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.
                                          REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET.
For Representative: J. M. McDermott.
For Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson.
For County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.
For Dist. Clerk: James Kelly.
For Supt. Pub. Inst.: T. A. Wilkinson.
T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge, by appointment by the Gover­nor, is nominated for Probate Judge. He was nominated by a larger majority than any other candidate. Suffice it to say, that a majority of the people will think of the Judge as did a majority of the convention, and he will be elected.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.
Report of viewers on the county road of A. S. Williams, was adopted and ordered opened, fifty feet wide, and damages allowed T. H. Johnson to the amount of $350.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 11, 1872. Front Page.
PROBATE JUDGE: Formal ballot, T. J. Johnson received 24, A. A. Jackson 5, Boutwell 2. Johnson was declared the nominee.
Next reference refers to two Johnsons running for Probate Judge. Most confusing.
Winfield Messenger, October 18, 1872.
                                                      THE CANDIDATES.
The candidates for the various offices to be filled this fall are now before the public.
The Messrs. Johnson, aspirants for the Probate Judgeship, are telling what they know about farming and matrimony. T. H. Johnson, the present incumbent, by appointment, has filled the office with ability, and with general satisfaction. He is one of Winfield’s promising young attorneys.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872. Front Page.

ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. And will Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Business at the U. S. Land Office made a specialty. Office on South Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners met in County Clerk’s Office, January 6th, 1873.
Present, Frank Cox and J. D. Maurer.
Bills allowed:
T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge for 1872: $500.00
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
                                                      COUNTY OFFICERS.
Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners: Frank Cox, Chairman; O. C. Smith, J. D. Maurer.
County Clerk: A. A. Jackson.
County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson.
Register of Deeds: J. F. Paul.
Deputy Register: Jno. W. Curns.
Sheriff: James Parker.
Deputy Sheriff: W. E. Dowd.
Coroner: G. P. Waggoner.
County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.
Clerk District Court: James Kelly.
County Surveyor: Manley Hemenway.
Deputy: W. W. Walton.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
MARRIED. In Winfield Wednesday, March 12th, by Judge Johnson, Wm. Pearson and Nancy Robinson, both of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 10, 1873.
An event transpired in Judge T. H. Johnson’s family last Monday night that deserves mention. The Judge has a very fine Magee hog of the female persuasion that has been the charm of the neighborhood and pet of the household from infancy. Its winsome ways and docile nature drew many friends to its side, and was particularly drawing on the Judge. Under his tender care and yearning solicitude she has waxed from tender pighood to matronly hoghood. As time sped apace she manifested signs of more than maidenly proportions; whereupon the Judge’s anxiety grew with the budding promise of his idol.
In the cold and snow of Monday night a path was beaten between the couch of the Judge and that of the pet in his watch for events that had “cast their shadows before.” The morning dawned upon a mother and eight spotted children and joy reigned in all the household. During the day the newly elected Mayor and City Council waited upon the Judge and showered their con­gratula­tions upon him. The mother is doing as well as could be expected and is to have a lot deeded her when they get flying round loose.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 1, 1873.

Judge Johnson sold ten acres of land in the town site of Arkansas City for four hundred dollars, last week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873.
Judge T. H. Johnson has sold nearly all his fine pigs at $10 apiece. Eighty dollars for the brood. Think of that farmers and see if it don’t pay to raise good stock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 26, 1873.
We propose to show at the next County Fair that Capt. Chenoweth of this township has as fine a lot of stock hogs as any man in this county, Judge Johnson’s celebrated swine family to the contrary notwithstanding.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
T. H. Johnson vs. J. L. M. Hill: motion to set aide order of delivery, overruled.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
BIRTH. “What is it that makes Judge T. H. Johnson look so pleasant and patronizingly at all the old bachelors?” It is a girl, and she weighed just seven pounds. Do you know now?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.
Let Allison tell if the COURIER has the ablest editorial corps of any paper in the Southwest: J. B. Fairbank, E. C. Manning, T. H. Johnson, and until recently, L. J. Webb. We expect before long to add two or three more to our staff. And, by the way, it accounts for the Telegram’s editorial being so thin. Allison’s friends have all forsaken him, and he tries to write them himself.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
The following cases will stand for trial at the October term of the District Court of Cowley County and have been placed upon the trial docket in the following order.
CIVIL DOCKET, SECOND DAY: T. H. Johnson vs. Jas L. M. Hill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Among the lawyers in attendance at the District Court from abroad, we notice Col. J. M. Alexander of Leavenworth; Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, of Wellington; Gen. Rogers of Eureka, and Judge M. L. Adams of Wichita. From Arkansas City are C. R. Mitchell and A. J. Pyburn. From Dexter, Hon. James McDermott. Our own bar is, as usual, ably represented by Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Webb & Bigger, Manning & Johnson, Louis T. Michener, Pryor & Kager, and T. H. Suits.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
T. H. Johnson vs. Jas. L. M. Hill, judgment for plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
T. H. Johnson, office rent: $57.50
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Last Wednesday, Manning & Johnson sued James Jordon before Justice Boyer, for attorney fees for the amount of two hundred and fifty-four dollars. A jury awarded the plaintiffs forty dollars, whereupon they took an appeal, and the case will be carried to the District Court.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.
David Slater and James W. Bryant, the two men who were arrested a short time ago on the charge of assisting Rucker to break jail, were up before Justices Millington and Boyer last Saturday, for a hearing. Judge T. H. Johnson appeared for Slater, and asked a continuance, which was denied. He then waived an examination for his client, and Slater accordingly gave bail in the amount of $1,500.00, to appear at the next term of the District Court. County Attorney E. S. Torrance dismissed the charge against Bryant, in order to make him a witness in the case. The bail for his appearance as a witness was fixed at $1,000.00, which he has so far been unable to give, and is yet in the custody of the sheriff.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
Died at Cleveland, Ohio, February 27th, 1874, Hiram B. Whiting, aged 24 years. Cleveland (Ohio) Leader.
Many of our citizens will remember Mr. Whiting, who spent most of the winter here as the guest of his brother-in-law, T. H. Johnson. He was here but a short time, but his manly bearing and social qualities made him many warm friends who will be pained to learn of his untimely death.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
Mrs. Judge Johnson, who has been visiting her parents in Cleveland, Ohio, during the past winter, returned home yesterday.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
                                                        Dissolution Notice.
The copartnership heretofore existing between the under­signed under the firm name of Manning and Johnson is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The firm owe no debts. The debts due the firm will be collected by and receipted for by either member of the late firm.
                                           E. C. MANNING, T. H. JOHNSON.
Winfield, Kan., June 1st, 1874.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.
                                                      Patrons of Husbandry.
The following will be the programme for the grand social feast, August 22nd, 1874, to be held on the grounds of T. H. Johnson, C. M. Wood, and J. F. Graham, one-half mile north of the city of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Mrs. Judge Johnson and Mrs. W. L. Mullen started east last Tuesday. Mrs. Johnson goes to Cleveland, and Mrs. Mullen to Champaign, Illinois. In the meantime Messrs. Mullen and Johnson are disconsolate.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
                                                Commissioners’ Proceedings.

                                             OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK,
                                            Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 7th, 1874.
Board met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
Mrs. Hannah Marquis appeared with her attorney, T. H. Johnson, in pursuance of an order to correct her personal proper­ty assessments for the year 1874, and it is hereby made known that the board have this day allowed the said Mrs. Hannah Marquis to correct her said assessment by returning for taxation $1,000 in money not heretofore returned by the assessor, for the year 1874. And the County Clerk is hereby ordered to place the same on the tax roll for the year 1874.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
We, the undersigned citizens of Winfield, agree to attend a public meeting to be held in this city, to take into consider­ation the desirability of organizing a Literary and Scientific Association, having in view the establishment of a Library and Reading-Room, the employment of public lecturers, the encouragement of literature, and otherwise promoting moral and intellectual improvement. Said meeting to be held at the Court­house, at 7 o’clock p.m., on Tuesday, September 22, 1874.
(Signed) D. A. Millington, W. Q. Mansfield, E. S. Torrance, V. B. Beckett, M. L. Robinson, John E. Allen, James E. Platter, E. C. Manning, T. H. Johnson, A. H. Green, Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Hane, J. B. Fairbank, J. W. Curns, G. S. Manser, and M. L. Read.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Civil Docket, Third Day. T. H. Johnson vs. Zachary T. Swiggart.
Civil Docket, Fourth Day. T. H. Johnson vs. J. L. Richie.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]
Portion only of a long article...
The two acts above mentioned are all that could in any fairness be censured, unless it be claimed that the salaries allowed some of the county officers be considered too high. This may be true, but no party is to blame for that. Col. Alexander and other pets of the Telegram told the board that the salaries allowed the County Attorney and Probate Judge ought to be al­lowed, and several Republicans, among the number, E. C. Manning, discountenanced all these propositions, and Col. Manning de­clined to accept one half of the salary of the Probate Judge, notwithstanding he was entitled to it under the terms of his partnership association with Judge Johnson. He told Judge Johnson at the time that the salary was too large and he would not have a cent of any such money. So much for Colonel Manning, who we think deserves this mention at our hands, in passing, as he has been accused by the Telegram and its snuffers with being at the head, or bottom, of all the rascality ever perpetrated in the county.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Court convened last Monday, the following lawyers in attendance: Webb & Millington, Pryor & Kager, Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Alexander & Saffold, Suits & Wood, E. C. Manning, W. P. Hackney, T. H. Johnson, and John E. Allen, of Winfield. J. Wade McDonald, of Wellington. M. S. Adams and Chas. Hatton, of Wichita. James McDermott, of Dexter; and C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg, of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
Harry Ludlow, one of the pioneer printers of Southern Kansas, and one of the former proprietors of the Oxford Enter­prise, was married at the Bradish House by Judge Johnson last Saturday to Miss Lizzie Huff of Sumner County. Harry started for Wichita immediately and his bride followed the next day. At Wichita they took the train for some eastern clime.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
T. H. Suits has resigned the office of City Attorney, and W. P. Hackney has been appointed in his stead to serve the balance of the year. The City Council has appointed T. H. Johnson to the office of Police Judge to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of N. H. Wood.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Judge Johnson has finished up a tasty residence upon 7th street, and moved therein.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
Council met November 16th, 1874, at usual hour. A quorum being present, after reading the minutes of the last meeting and approving the same, the following business was transacted.
T. H. Johnson and W. M. Boyer were placed in nomination for the office of Police Judge to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of N. H. Wood. A vote was taken which resulted as follows: For Johnson, R. B. Saffold, S. Darrah, H. S. Silver, 3. For Boyer, J. D. Cochran. Mr. Johnson having received the highest number of votes cast, was declared duly elected Police Judge for the balance of the year.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
                                                     City Council Proceedings.
The city council met Dec. 7th, 1874, at the usual hour. Present: S. C. Smith, mayor; J. C. Cochran, H. S. Silver. R. B. Saffold, S. Darrah, councilmen; J. W. Curns, Clerk.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, and after insert­ing the record of vote cast at the meeting Nov. 16th on the election of T. H. Johnson, police judge, were approved.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
Judge Johnson goes to Cleveland, Ohio, after his wife next Monday. He expects to be gone a month.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
T. H. Johnson started for Cleveland, Ohio, Monday morning last. W. M. Boyer will officiate as Police Judge during his absence.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
We neglected to note the fact last week that the examining board, consisting of Probate Judge Johnson, John B. Fairbank, and Wirt W. Walton, “went through” the Treasurer’s office week before last. They found everything, we believe, as contemplated by the late law, except that Mr. Kager had in lieu of the currency which the law requires him to have on hand, some $700 or $800 in post office orders and bank checks. We cannot well see how the law can be complied with in this respect. Nevertheless it is the law. The committee will make their report to the county board at its April meeting.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
The District Court is in full blast, Hon. W. P. Campbell presiding. The following attorneys are in attendance: Webb & Millington, Hackney & McDonald, E. C. Manning, J. B. Fairbank, Pryor & Kager, T. H. Suits, John E. Allen, A. H. Green, Alexander & Saffold, T. H. Johnson, M. S. Adams of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg of Arkansas City, James McDermott of Dexter, and A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 17, 1875.
T. H. Johnson and family left last Monday for Cleveland, Ohio, where they will make their future home.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.
                                                            Lazette News.
Judge T. H. Johnson and wife visited friends in Grouse Valley, a few days before their departure for the East.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.
Judge T. H. Johnson is back on a visit. He has sold his farm near town for about $6,000.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
E. C. Manning was the first settler and merchant; Max Shoeb, the first blacksmith; Frank Hunt, the first hardware dealer; W. Q. Mansfield, the first druggist and physician; J. P. Short, the first hotel keeper; A. J. Thompson, the first feed store keeper; B. H. Dunlap, the first livery man; T. H. Johnson, the first lawyer; D. A. Millington, the first engineer and surveyor; J. C. Fuller, the first banker; M. L. Palmer, the first tinner; C. A. Bliss & Co., the first mercantile firm; J. C. Monforte, the first painter.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. “Personals” Page.
                                   TO THE VOTERS OF COWLEY COUNTY.
Having been named by the Republicans of this, the 27th senatorial district, as the candidate for State Senator, I feel it to be a duty I owe the party to which I belong and to the men who have placed me in nomination to contradict the lies that have been in circulation about me for five years. So long as I was a private citizen, it was not worthwhile to confront the liars or chase down the lies that have cursed the earth and poisoned the air of Cowley. To this end on Monday, Sept. 11th, I sent the card which appears below to the editor of the Traveler.
Instead of publishing the notice and then attending the meeting in person, or having someone do so, to face me with the falsehoods which he publishes, he takes the dishonorable course of refusing to meet me in open field, but puts the following stuff into his paper and sends it to hundreds of readers whom I can never meet. He further refuses to publish my reply. Could a man be more unfair? Could a pretended Republican be more dishonorable?
                                               [From the Traveler, Sept. 13th.]
                                              CHALLENGE FOR CHARGES.
We received from E. C. Manning, and by his request, publish the following notice:
                                                        PUBLIC MEETING.

“I will address the voters of Silverdale Township at Lippmann’s Mill, Saturday evening, Sept. 23, 1876. At that time I respectfully challenge all persons who have aught to say against me to be present, and make their charges publicly, that I may answer them
                                                         E. C. MANNING.”
                                       [COMMENTS FROM C. M. SCOTT.]
We have not the time, nor do we think it necessary, to follow Mr. Manning over the county and make charges that have been through the courts and before the people sufficiently often and long enough to condemn him to every honest voter; but, since he asks for charges, and openly challenges any and all to make them, we have a few to make:
[Charges by Scott followed by answer of Manning.]
1. As he pretends to be a true Republican, and is for reading out any of the party who are in opposition to him, we charge him with bolting the party in 1870, resulting in the defeat of his election; and afterwards fraudulently manipulating the throwing out of the votes of six precincts, in order to gain his aim and thereby defeating the person really elected, against the will of the people.
The first charge is not true. I refer to W. Q. Mansfield, who was deputy county clerk at the time, for proof of my denial. Also to any of the early settlers of this county who are familiar with the facts.
2. We charge him with being interested in and connected with the bridge swindle at Winfield, as published in the Telegram of Oct. 2nd, 1873.
The second charge is not true. I refer to D. A. Millington, J. P. Short, and O. P. Boyle, who were the township officers of Winfield Township at the time for proof of my denial.
3. We charge him with opposing the proposition to vote aid to the Kansas and Nebraska railroad company, until after he had extorted a bond of $1,000 from the president and secretary thereof.
The third charge is not true. I challenge any evidence to prove the truth of the charge.
4. With his attempt to have the $150,000 bonds of Cowley County issued to the Kansas and Nebraska railroad company after he knew the company had become bankrupt, and there was no possi­bility of the road being built.
The fourth charge is not true. I refer to Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, and O. C. Smith, who constituted the board of county commissioners at the time the subscription book of the Kansas & Nebraska railway company was presented to the board, for evidence to prove the truth of my denial.
5. With mutilating the records of the Probate Judge, in the case of his pretended marriage license.
The fifth charge is not true. For information on this subject, I refer to Judge H. D. Gans.
[Note: With reference to Charge No. 5—
A check was made of “Marriage License” of Edwin C. Manning and Maggie J. Foster in Cowley County Courthouse.
Document shows that T. H. Johnson was Probate Judge and W. M. Boyer was Justice of the Peace. Boyer acted as witness.

Marriage License shows: Cowley County, State of Kansas, Jan. 1st, A. D. 1874, To any Persons Authorized by Law to Perform the Marriage Ceremony, Greeting. You are hereby authorized to join in Marriage Edwin C. Manning of Cowley County, aged 31 years, and Maggie J. Foster of Cowley County, aged 21, and of this License you will make due return to my office within thirty days. (Signed) T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge.
And which said Marriage License was afterwards, to-wit: on the 30th day of January, A. D. 1874, returned to said Probate Judge, with the following Certificate endorsed thereon, to-wit:
STATE OF KANSAS, Cowley County. ss.
I, William M. Boyer, do hereby certify, that in accordance with the authorization of the within License, I did on the 3rd day of January, A. D. 1874 at Winfield in said County, join and unite in Marriage the within named Edwin C. Manning and Margaret J. Foster. . . . .
Witness My hand and seal the day and year above written. (Signed) W. M. Boyer, Justice of the Peace.
ATTEST: T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge.
Note: The name Edwin appears to have been “messed with.”
Across the face of this “Marriage License” is the following penned statement.
“The license of which this purports to be a copy was issued in the month of November, 1873, to Charlie A. Craine and Maggie J. Foster, and the dates together with the name of Charlie A. Craine were erased by some person unknown to me and without my knowledge and consent and the name of Edwin C. Manning was inserted.  I never at any time issued a license to Edwin C. Manning and Maggie J. Foster.
                               “T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge, Cowley County.”


Cowley County Historical Society Museum