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Arkansas City Junior College

Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, August 8, 1922.
The Board of Education met last night in the office of the superintendent in the senior high school, for the regular monthly session and there was a full house on this occasion. There were also several matters of importance to come before the session, among them being the election of a dean for the new junior college course, which will begin here in the fall, the making of the tax levy for the school year, and reorganization of the board for the ensuing year.
J. B. Heffelfinger was chosen by the board to hold the office of dean of the new college and will begin his duties with the school at once, it was stated this morning, as the schools will open for the fall term on Monday, September 4.
The tax levy for the year was made 16.05 mills for all purposes. The board was reorganized and the same officers were reelected for the coming year. They are Dr. E. F. Day, presi­dent; A. L. Newman, vice-president; W. M. Stryker, secretary.
The tax levy for the year as approved by the board at this time is as follows: General funds, 12 mills; bond interest fund, 2 mills; building fund, 1 mill; sinking fund, one-fourth mill; junior college fund, eight-tenths mill; total 16.05 miles.
R. F. Fitzpatrick was elected to make the annual audit for the books of the clerk and treasurer of the board.
John B. Heffelfinger, who was elected to the position of dean of the junior college course, which was voted upon by residents of school district No. 2, at the special election on August 1, was formerly superintendent of the city schools here, and he is one of the best known educators in the state of Kansas. For several years past he has been in the banking business here with the Security National bank, and the officials of that institution will regret to see him leave there. Mr. Heffelfinger was also secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and the Retailers association here for two years, prior to entering the banking business.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, August 14, 1922.
Superintendent St. John, Dean Heffelfinger, and Principal Gilliland returned yesterday morning from Lawrence, after a full day’s consultation and conference with the University committee on advanced standing.
Mr. Heffelfinger and Mr. Gilliland had previously inspected the Junior Colleges at Fort Scott, Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, holding conferences there with the school authorities.
The university committee assured these men that the courses offered in the Junior College here in the two years as outlined at the conference will be fully accredited by the university. The text books used will be the same insofar as possible and the outline of instruction will parallel that of the university. Accredited relations with university means accredited relations with any other college.
A conference was being held this afternoon at the old senior high school building with those graduates of this year’s high school class who could be reached by telephone, so that

after their selection of subjects the proper combination of teaching requirements could be met. All freshmen interested in the college course who were not present this afternoon are urged to meet for a conference tomorrow morning at 9:00 o’clock or as soon thereafter as convenient.
The following outline was given to each prospective freshman this afternoon and fully explains the course and requirements of the first semester.
                                                           The Curriculum.
Following are the courses offered for the first semester 1922-23 by the Arkansas City Junior College.
I. English; Library Methods, 1 hour;
         College Rhetoric, 3 hours;
         English Literature, 2 hours;
         Public Speaking, 2 hours (debate).
    II. Ancient Languages, Latin 1 (Beginning), 5 hours;
         Latin 2 (Virgil), 5 hours.
   III. Modern Languages; Spanish 1, 5 hours;
    Spanish 2, 5 hours.
    IV. Mathematics, College Algebra, 3 hours; 5 hours.
     V. Physical Science, Chemistry, 5 hours.
    VI. Biological Science (not offered first semester).
   VII. History, (Europe), 3 hours;
         Economic Geography, 3 hours;
         Elements of Economics, 5 hours.
  VIII. Philosophy and Psychology (not offered Freshman year).
                                         Rules Governing Election of Courses.
1. Library Methods and College Rhetoric is required of all freshmen during both semesters.
2. The maximum hours carried each semester is sixteen for every student, exclusive of library methods.
3. For graduation from the Junior College, the student must have completed in the two years sixty hours (exclusive of library methods) of which number five hours must be taken from each of six of the eight groups.
4. During the two years no student will be allowed to take more than 20 hours in one department.
5. Students offering two or more years of high school Spanish will enter Spanish 2. Other students will enter Spanish 1.
6. Latin 2 is offered only to those students who have had two or more years of high school Latin. Latin 1 is beginning Latin.
7. If a student begins a foreign language in college, he must offer ten hours before graduation.
8. College Algebra as offered is a three hour course for those having had one and one-half years of high school Algebra. If only one year of high school Algebra has been studied, this course is a 5 hour one.

    The preceding courses will fully meet all requirements of the college of liberal arts of the University of Kansas.
For students desiring credit in the special schools of the university, the following courses will fully meet all require­ments of the first semester of the freshman year. For the second semester of the freshman year in these four schools other accred­ited courses will be offered.
School of Law - English 5; Latin 5; Mathematics 3-5; Science 5.
School of Medicine - English 3-5; Chemistry 5; Modern Language 5; Latin 5; Economics 3-5.
School of Pharmacy - English 3; Chemistry 5; Mathematics 3-6; Foreign Language (Latin) 5.
School of Engineering - English 3-5; Mathematics 3-5; Chemistry 5.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 16, 1922. Front Page.
                                                   College Course Over Big.
The total vote cast at the primary election in this city was 1,931, out of a registration of approximately 5,500, the city clerk reports.
The proposition for the establishment of a junior college course in this city, which was voted on at a special election yesterday, held at the same time as the primary, on account of curtailing the expense of a special election on some other date, carried by nearly five to one. The vote was 1,489 for the proposition and 320 against. The vote in this connection was larger than was really expected and there is no doubt that there was a bigger vote on the matter than there would have been, had the election been held at a different time, and separately from the primary. The members of the board of education will now act accordingly and will levy a tax to take care of the expense of the two years junior college course for the high school, and for which rooms and equipment will be provided in the new high school building, now almost completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, August 19, 1922.
It was given out today that up to the present time there are twenty-one students enrolled in the junior college course, of Arkansas City, who will begin their work in the new building September 11. There are also prospects of 29 yet to be enrolled out of the class of “22", with 5 out of town inquiries, one from Osage County, 2 from Sumner County, and 2 from Bryan County.
It is estimated that between 50 and 60 students will be enrolled as freshmen in the college, and there will also be one graduate this year.
Doris Groves comes to the college with 30 hours from the Oklahoma Baptist University, and will acquire 30 more in the junior college, which graduates her this year, the first to have the opportunity to be graduated from the Junior College of Arkansas City.
There will be three teachers beside the dean, John B. Heffelfinger. E. E. Bayles, with an A. M. from Kansas State University in science, will teach chemistry and mathematics. Lulu McCandless, with an A. M. from California in history and an A. M. from Kansas State University in English, will teach English and assist in history. Miss Edna Willman, with an A. M. from Kansas State University, will teach Spanish.

The most popular course in the electives is chemistry and 18 out of the 21 already enrolled have elected the chemistry course. The second most popular course is economics.
The junior college will occupy a suite in the north wing of the second floor in the new senior high, and will be absolutely separated from the high school in all its organizations, chapels, and other activities. Dean Heffelfinger now has his office located in the new building, and he is a very busy man.
                                   [Note: Bryan County is in Oklahoma. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, August 22, 1922.
Dean John B. Heffelfinger, Superintendent C. E. St. John, and Principal J. F. Gilliland have changed their offices to the new senior high school building. Superintendent St. John’s office is on the first floor in the north wing. Principal Gilliland is located on the first floor in the south wing. Dean Heffelfinger of the junior college has his office on the second floor in the north wing, in room 203.
The junior college will occupy three rooms on the second floor for their regular class work, and one room on the ground floor for chemistry. Over eighty-five of the students enrolled in the junior college have elected chemistry, which will give cause for more than one class in this study each day.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, August 29, 1922.
The following thirty students have definitely selected their courses: Marion Adams, Zora Anderson, Hazel Beekman, Alice Biggs, Ethel Butler, Helen Christy, Catherine Creveling, John Davis, Reed Fretz, Donald Gilbreath, Othel Gill, Doris Grove, Ruby Hall, Nina Ham, Marion Higham, Irene Lewis, Charles Linnen, Carrie Kahler, Rozella Knapp, Floy McAlpin, Leland Miller, Jeraldine Parker, Thelma Pinion, Freida Post, Joe Powell, Hesper St. John, Louis Vogel, Audra Wooldridge, Blanche Willett, Lucile Wright.
Ten others have written or have phoned regarding their work and will enroll the coming week. In addition, inquiries are coming in from surrounding towns. We definitely expect a minimum enrollment of fifty. How many more depends largely upon the enthusiasm shown by our citizens and parents in bringing to young people the necessity of securing college training, and the advantages of getting the first two years here at home.
It might not be amiss to give the money value of a college education. In the United States as a whole, the average college graduate earns $2,000 per year, the high school graduate $1,000, and the eighth grade graduate $500. In the course of the average span of a lifetime each day of the four years spent in college is worth to the student $55.55.

In addition, from “Who’s Who in America,” we learn that the chances for distinguished service, for positions considered noteworthy by our people; in other words, the chances for public success and citation, are increased wonderfully by college training. The person who cannot read and write has one chance in 150,000 of doing things noteworthy enough to enroll his name in this book; the eighth grade graduate has one chance in 4,250; the high school graduate, one chance in 1,600; the college graduate, one change in 180. The honor student, who is a college graduate, has one chance in three. It does pay to go to college. Begin now, this year. Never before has such an opportunity come to you. Enroll now. Consultation daily in room 203, high school building.—John B. Heffelfinger.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, September 11, 1922. Front Page.
RECAP: Total enrollment in all the buildings of the city for the first day was 2,617. Elementary schools: 1,457. Washington 276, Lincoln 270, Willard 213, Pershing 239, Roosevelt 157, Sleeth addition school 61, and sixth grade school 236.
          NEW DEPARTMENT: Junior College Course. 52 enrolled, 18 being boys.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, September 11, 1922.
Following is a complete list of the instructors for the city schools of Arkansas City, who will be employed here during the present fall and winter term and who began their duties this morning.
                                                 Senior High School Facility.
J. F. Gilliland, principal.
Edith Warnick, English and public speaking.
Florence Waddell, English.
Pauline Sleeth, English.
H. F. Toohey, history, economics, and debate.
Gaye Iden, chemistry and physics.
Ernest Uhrlaub, biology and athletics.
Euphrasia Kirk, Spanish.
Wm. McCort, mathematics.
Phoebe Machin, mathematics and normal training.
Frances Davidson, English and normal training.
Edna Johnson, librarian.
A. F. Koontz, commerce.
Kathryn B. Fitch, typewriting.
Carrie Reed, commerce.
Mary J. Skidmore, Latin.
C. S. Huey, woodwork.
H. G. Leet, mechanical drawing.
W. R. Sheff, vocational agriculture.
Faye Orelup, home economics.
Byron Fletcher, printing.
Howard Feldman, music.
Esther Reynolds, secretary
                                                 Junior High School Faculty.
E. A. Funk, principal.
Gladys Cusac, secretary.
Olive Ramage, citizenship and European history.
Ida Holt, United States history.
Ethelle Ireton, American beginnings in Europe.
Lora Ward, mathematics.

Lurine Skidmore, mathematics.
Marie Helm, mathematics.
Elta B. Fretz, opportunity classes in English and mathematics.
Mary Hume, English.
Pearl Lock, English.
Enola Miller, English and dramatics.
Natilla Darby, Spanish and English.
Welletta Dickinson, geography.
Ada Ford, art and penmanship.
Mary J. Skidmore, Latin and debate.
Florence Harrison, director of domestic science.
Elma Stewart, cookery.
Ruth Moore, sewing.
Helen Neiman, sewing.
Dorothy Crane, general science.
Chas. S. Huey, director of shops.
Lawrence Chaplin, woodwork.
H. G. Leet, mechanical drawing.
Myrtle Johnson, librarian.
Mason Wynne, director of physical education for boys.
Edith J. Davis, director of physical education for girls.
Howard Feldman, director of music.
Lillie Anderson, music.
W. R. Sheff, director of vocational agriculture.
Albert Lamb, chief custodian.
                                                      Elementary Teachers.
Edith Mullett, Elizabeth Boyd, Emma Fisher, Lucile Hefley, Mrs. D. E. Smith, Edith Ellenberger, Gladys Perryman, Mary Abbott, Mae J. Peck, Della White, Callie Coyne, Jean Lintecum, Julia Farrar, Mateel Wynkoop, Ferne Reynolds, Helen Comegys, Helen McEvoy, Esther Henry, Maude Ramsey, Ruth Sloan, Marie Lillis, Ida Woolley, Delia Vawter, Emily Hyatt, Irma Suderman, Mildred Mayne, Florence Garringer, Stella Hall, Bella Smith, Alta Burkett, Marie Colburn, Anna Hight, Lucile Phillips, Clara Rothfus, Alice Mellor, Valeria Johnson, Gladys Ecroyd, Elea Christenson, Ruth Catlin, Glenn Sullivan, Lucile Roberts, Lois MacAllister, kindergarten assistant; Emily Main, school nurse.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum