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Knights of Labor

The Knights of Labor were a secret organization formed in 1869 to secure and maintain the rights of workingmen as respects their relations to their employers.
From the early newspapers that have been studied, it appears that the K. of L. first appeared after the Santa Fe railroad became active in Cowley County. I could not find any instance where the railroad workers in Winfield became members of the K. of L. The first reference I could find concerned Arkansas City members in 1884. I will denote Arkansas City when entries apply to it. The K. of L. also had members elsewhere in the area: Hackney and Caldwell for instance. I will denote them also. Otherwise, most of the articles relate to activities carried on by the Knights of Labor in different parts of the United States until, to my surprise, it became known that the organization was in Winfield in February, 1886. As to when they started in Winfield, the paper does not say. Further, it appears that the stone cutters and stone masons were the first involved.
                                                            Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 8, 1884.
We are informed by the principal officers and men of the Knights of Labor, that every member of the Arkansas City lodge are opposed to and will vote solidly against the narrow gauge swindle. No bribery there.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
Our mayor doubtless wishes he had not been quite so firm in opposing the wishes of our businessmen last spring in the occupation tax business. They simply requested him in writing to give them a few days’ time before enforcing the ordinance that they might look up the legal status of the case; but Frank proved himself a second Bismarck in ignoring the businessmen. It was a very small case of Vanderbilt, where the people could be d____d. He carried the Knights of Labor around in his capacious pocket then, and thought he could afford to snub everybody else.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
The Knights of Labor had a banquet Monday evening at the Windsor Hotel.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 4, 1885.
                                                             Fourth of July.
                                                    PROGRAM, JULY 4TH.
                                                      SECRET SOCIETIES.
                                          Listed as participants: Knights of Labor.
                                                             Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The Knights of Labor in Kansas City have boycotted Chinese laundries, but one of the Chinamen remarked to a reporter recently: “Knight of Labor, he no washee muchee, anyhow; he no wear clean shirt.” If the bank clerks were to boycott the laundries, the effect might be serious.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.

A Farmers’ Alliance has been formed in Texas to affiliate with the Knights of Labor. Political complications, it was thought, might possibly ensue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
ST. LOUIS, November 7. Warrants were sworn out last night against the street car dynamiters, now under arrest, charging them with obstructing railroads, which is a felony, and they were transferred to jail. The Cleveland Assembly of Knights of Labor, which is composed of street car men, held a secret meeting last night, and very little of their proceedings are known. It is understood, however, that they will defend their members now under arrest whom they consider innocent of the charge laid against them.
GALVESTON, TEXAS, November 5. The general strike ordered by the Knights of Labor continues, with no indications of any attempt toward a compromise or settlement. Several foreign steamers, half-loaded, are lying idle in the bay. The Missouri Pacific Railroad has instructed country agents not to receive freight for the affected points. It is believed the strike will spread all over the State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
DENVER, COL., November 20. There is a grievance among the men in the Union Pacific shops, growing out of the suspension of thirteen men from the shops. During the strike of August, 1884, an agreement was reached between the management and employees that whenever it became necessary to reduce expenses the hours should be reduced, but nobody should be discharged, and about five months ago the men were placed on eight hours’ time for five days and four hours on Saturday. Lately the work has increased and Saturday last these thirteen men were requested to return to work in the afternoon, which they failed to do, hence their suspension. From this came dissatisfaction and another strike is threatened. Efforts are being made at Omaha to adjust the matter peaceably.
                                                           Olathe, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
A vigorous and relentless war is being waged against the billiard halls of Olathe. One of the latest organized bodies put in opposition to them are the Knights of Labor.
                                                            Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
Last Tuesday evening the Knights of Labor organization of Arkansas City elected the following officers: F. M. Peak, M. W.; L. M. Ross, W. F.; W. D. Kreamer, R. S.; Pete Yount, F. S.; Gardner Mott, T.; T. Braggins, W. K.; Geo. Piles, W. I.; I. N. Dodd, I. E.; and Ed. Ferguson, O. E. Trustees: D. Baxter, V. J. Conway, and Gardner Mott. Judge of Court, Jacob Crites; Judge advocate, C. M. Johnson, Clerk of court, M. Reno.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.

DENVER, COL., December 31. This morning at three o’clock three masked men entered the engine room of the Marshall Coal Company’s works near the town of Brice, forty miles from Denver, and captured the engineer and took him several hundred yards away and tied him, then returned and set fire to the hoisting works. The engine house, tramway, and several cars were completely destroyed, throwing several hundred men out of employment. Three weeks ago the wages of the men in these mines were cut down, when the Knights of Labor ordered a strike. The miners, rather than be without work at this time of the year, refused to obey. They continued to work, and this morning’s outrage is supposed to be another outcropping of the Rock Springs troubles instigated by the Knights of Labor.
                                                          Wichita, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Now the Chinese washees are having a tough time in Wichita, the Knights of Labor having resolved against them. Refusing to pay any attention to warnings to leave, brick bats sailed through their windows and around their heads. But John washee pulled his little “pop” and stood them off. The Chinese being here by leave of law, should have decent treatment. They stand on their own merits. Their low, dirty habits are disgusting, but their frugality and indomitable energy are worthy of emulation by many a “Melican man.” They are the greatest workers and savers on earth.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
MOBERLY, Mo., January 1. The ill-feeling engendered here between the Wabash strikers and those who took their places last fall, and which was supposed to have long since been forgotten, cropped out again last night, when at precisely nine o’clock, Bill Radell, a non-union workman, stepped into McNinch’s saloon, where he met Harry Barresford, one of the locked-out men, and a pronounced advocate of what he believed to be just, and without warning fired at Barresford, shooting him in the neck. The wood-be murderer dashed out of the saloon on a run and going through alleys and dark places, managed to get several blocks from the business center, but was captured by a posse. The victim is in a perilous condition. He is a clever, jovial fellow who gained some notoriety here during the recent strike by his prompt maneuvers and who was arrested and taken to Jefferson City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
NEW YORK, January 6. Chief Executive Arthur, of the National Association of Locomotive Engineers, who was to have met the manager of the Manhattan Elevated at 11 a.m. today, is in consultation with members of his organization, and the refusal of the road to meet the demands of the employees will certainly be met by a general strike before the day is ended. Arthur, interviewed, said:

“I have examined their grievance carefully,” he said, “and I think they ask for nothing that is not reasonable. They complain of petty annoyances from small officials, but their main objection pertains to the number of hours they are compelled to work. They have shown how the road could be run at very little additional expense and very little increase in the force by making changes here and there in the present system. In 1880 the engineers received $3.50 for eight hours work. They were asked by Mr. Winslow, under whose administration the road was conducted, to assist the company by working ten hours a day without extra pay. They agreed to do so, I think, until the following spring. If the company could pay the men $3.50 for eight hours work in 1880, it certainly could do so now, as its business has increased wonderfully. The men complain that their hours have been increased bit by bit until they sometimes work more than ten hours a day. There will always be differences between capital and labor, and these differences I am in favor of settling by arbitration. The demands of the engineers are just. The company has now refused to concede that, and the upshot of this difference will be a general strike. I have heard the men’s statement. I was to have heard the company’s side today, as I had received notice that Manager Haine would be ready with an answer to the men’s proposition.”
The refusal makes a strike certain.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
CHICAGO, January 5. There is nothing new regarding the box factory strike. About thirty non-union nailers went to work this morning unmolested.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
CHICAGO, January 16. Yesterday morning a serious riot occurred at Halstead and Green streets between the strikers at Maxwell and a number of new employees. The gang of strikers, who numbered about fifteen, were armed with clubs, while the non-unionists were more than three times the number of the assailants. The attack was fierce, but short-lived. Only one man was reported injured. The police succeeded in arresting three men.
CHICAGO, ILL., January 16. The State Assembly of the Knights of Labor closed its session at Decatur last night, and in a resolution denounced five of the leading boot and shoe houses of Chicago for employing convict labor and called on the public to boycott their goods. The firms in the list are M. B. Wells, Selz, Schwab & Co., C. H. Fargo & Co., P. M. Henderson and Phelps, Dodge & Palmer. Boots and shoes are made for M. B. Wells at the Waupun prison in Wisconsin; Selz, Schwab & Co. have goods manufactured at Joliet; the Fargo firm get goods from the prisons at Ionia and Jackson, Michigan; C. M. Henderson handles boots and shoes made in the penitentiaries at Jefferson City, Missouri, and Allegheny City; and Phelps, Dodge & Palmer deal in goods turned out at the prisons in Michigan City. Without exception, these firms today expressed their indifference to the action of the Knights and disclaimed any belief that the boycott would materially affect their business.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
The article explaining the objects and aims of the organization known as “the Knights of Labor,” contains useful reading, and is published at the request of several of our readers.
                                                 THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR.
             A Powerful Organization that is Working a Revolution Among Wage Workers.
Five men in this country control the chief interests of 500,000 workingmen, and can at any moment take the means of livelihood from two and a half millions of souls. These men compose the executive board of the Noble Order of Knights of Labor of America. The ability of the president and cabinet to turn out all the men in the civil service and to shift from one post or ship to another the duties of the men in the army and the navy, is a petty authority compared with that of these five knights.

Theirs has been a strange promotion from humbler walks of life to the pinnacle of power over those they have left behind and under them. Nearly all were mechanics five or ten years ago. The name of only one of them is so well known as to be recognized by any newspaper reader when it spoken or printed before him. That is the name of Terence V. Powderly, ex-blacksmith and ex-mayor of Scranton. The names of the others are impressive when spoken in certain secret meetings, but among the people at large they are little better known than when the men whose identity they fix were working in a western mine, beating gold leaf in Pennsylvania, manipulating a telegraph instrument, or in one way or another were earning the wages of skilled laborers from wealthy corporations.
Mr. Powderly is now the head of the order. He is general master workman.
They can stay the nimble touch of almost every telegraph operator, can shut up most of the mills and factories, and can disable the railroads. They can issue an edict against any manufactured goods, so as to make their subjects cease buying them and the tradesmen stop selling them. They can array labor against capital, putting labor on the offensive or the defensive for quiet and stubborn self-protection or for angry organized assault, as they will. They have never done any of these things, but they say that those who do not know them imagine them to be demons, creatures with tongues of fire and horns on their heads.
Yet of themselves they also say that they are peacemakers, arbitrators, quellers of discord, and promoters of harmony and good will.
The history of the Knights of Labor is short, but interesting. In 1869 Uriah S. Stevens, a clothing cutter in Philadelphia, and a man of uncommon intelligence and mastery over his fellow workmen, established the present order with an ambition even grander than the realization has been, though in a most humble way. Stevens was a born reformer and philosopher, given over to the study of the conflicting ambitions of mankind and to the effort to elevate and strengthen the working people. He was born in Cape May County, New Jersey, on August 8, 1821, of well-to-do parents, and is said to have been carefully educated. His parents desired to make a minister of him, but he became a tailor, and in 1845 was working at his trade in Philadelphia. The remainder of his long life was spent in the Quaker City, excepting five years in California, and the time consumed in a short trip to Europe and another hasty journey through Central America. He was an original Republican and an original Greenbacker. The ideas he developed and impressed upon his companions in the clothing and other trades led them, with him, to conceive the idea of a national labor association for the protection of working men against combinations of capital. He was chosen to preside over this first organization, which was not properly organized as Local Assembly No. 1 until 1873. This was in Philadelphia—an organization composed largely of clothing cutters at first.
The order spread from one body of workmen to another in Philadelphia, until it combined nearly all the trades and a proportion of the working-men there. In its development it touched at Trenton, where it failed at first, and got representation in that city through one local assembly. But its vigorous growth, such as marked its history in Philadelphia, was next continued in Pittsburgh. It made no other halt, but leaped entirely across the state of Pennsylvania, and in the coal and iron capital met with an even warmer reception than in Philadelphia, and soon became formidable there. In 1878 a convention was called to form a general assembly of North America, and Mr. Stevens was chosen general master workman. Afterward he was re-elected to this post—the supreme one in the order. He was twice a candidate for congress. He died in 1882, and his memory is idolized in the organization.

If canonization ever becomes popular in this country, Stevens will be the patron saint of the American workingman and woman. For the order includes both sexes alike. Women are admitted on a par with men, and the leaders find them even more valuable. Female members and females whose husbands and brothers are members keep up the faith and the enthusiasm that the order needs. Anyone who stands well in his trade, if it is organized, and who is not less than 18 years of age, without regard to sex, color, creed, or nationality, be he statesman, manufacturer, employer or employee, or wage worker of any kind, or farmer, is eligible to membership unless he is of the interdicted class, which includes lawyers, bankers, professional gamblers, stock brokers, or any person who derives any profit or income from the sale of intoxicating drinks. In founding an L. A., as the local assemblies are called, it is first arranged that three-quarters of the candidates for membership shall be wage workers or farmers.
This is the noblest order that has been founded for many a century. It has practically no secrets, except such as pertain to its members, organization, capital, etc., matters which any business firm keeps to itself; consequently, the Catholic clergy do not object to their followers becoming members. In this it has great advantage over other orders. Its object, as originally founded, was largely educational. This, however, has been so broadcast that the “K. of L.” take cognizance of the industrial and sanitary interests of the wage worker.
The five men, who are associated with Mr. Powderly in the administration of affairs, are or were mechanics like himself. Master Powderly has never used liquor or tobacco. Frederick Turner is secretary of the executive board. He is 29 years old, and English born. He learned the gold beater’s trade, but now has a grocery. John Wayes is the third member of the executive board of the Knights of Labor. He is of American birth, has been a railroad brakeman and telegraph operator, but is now a grocer. He is 31 years old. The other members of the board are W. H. Bailey [? Baley ?], of Shawnee, Ohio, and T. B. Barry, of East Saginaw, Michigan. An insurance bureau and co-operative society are connected with the order. The executive Board recently removed the boycott from Stratton & Storm’s cigars. When the interests of the order are injured by any manufacturing firm or railroad, the command goes from headquarters to boycott the offender and all dealers using their wares. Half a million men can control in work matters perhaps three times their number. In such case the firm that sets itself against the Knights of Labor suddenly finds itself brought upstanding. The headquarters of the order are at 202 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Here under our eyes has arisen a society of plain workingmen that can make millionaires tremble. Labor at last is learning to use its power. Science and Progress.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
PITTSBURGH, PA., January 21. A dispatch from Mount Pleasant last night says: Sheriff Stewart and forty Deputies, and Detective Brophy and twenty armed police from Pittsburgh had a desperate conflict with 250 strikers this afternoon. Attacking the men at the Alice Works in the morning, the rioters rested for dinner and then massed at the Mutual Works near Stoneville. At this point a negro, without provocation, fired at the Hungarians with a shotgun, but failed to hit any of them. They surrounded his house, dragged the negro out, beat him fearfully, and left him for dead, with his skull fractured. He probably will die.

At three o’clock the strikers passed up toward Morewood, flourishing every manner of weapon, from revolvers to case scrapers. They were headed by Stephen Stannix, the main agitator in the strike. When they reached shaft “A,” the Morewood miners encountered sixty-two deputy sheriffs and policemen drawn up for battle. Detective Brophy talked to the foreigners, telling them that it was useless to resist, and that they would arrest the ringleaders. Brophy arrested one striker, which opened the ball. The combat was hand to hand, but the officers won, arresting thirteen men and one woman, who were sent to jail at Greensburg. The balance retreated. Over one hundred shots were fired and several Hungarians injured: how badly it is not known, as they were carried away by their companions. Only one officer was slightly hurt.
The authorities, it is stated, have telegraphed to Pittsburgh for more officers. The strike is only inaugurated, and more bloodshed is feared. Some little excitement was occasioned by a stupid report that the Hungarians were acting under orders from the Chicago lodge of Socialists and that dynamite taken from Lowe’s magazine during the recent raid was to be used in blowing up the company’s property. The story, however, was generally discredited.
The strike is undoubtedly the most dangerous in the history of the coke industry. The operators have entirely a different class of men to deal with, as the Hungarians when drunk are unmanageable and more like fiends than men. In former strikes this element was not in the field, and the operators had more intelligent men to deal with. A feeling of insecurity prevails, and citizens near the various threatened districts are arming themselves, and are otherwise preparing to defend their homes as best they may.
                                                    ANOTHER ACCOUNT.
STONEVILLE, PA., January 21. The situation assumed an alarming phase in the coke regions yesterday. Three hundred strikers, armed with bars, coke forks, and revolvers, started on the march. They drove the men from work at the Alice, and charged on the wardens in the coke yard at this place. The Field and Donnelly mines were visited a mile west of here. A boy named Mentzer was terribly beaten and Yard Boss McCabe hammered over the head. The oven front was crushed in. The rioters have gone across the country toward the Rising Sun Works. The greatest trouble is yet to come. Saturday will be pay day, and Monday ten days will have expired since the notice to quit was given. The strikers are in the company houses. There will likely be trouble when the ejectment is attempted. The report that the Governor had been called on for aid is untrue.
                                                 THE STRIKE SPREADING.
PITTSBURGH, PA., January 21. At Fort Hale the advance has been granted and the men are at work. Over 4,000 men are now out and the strike is spreading throughout that region. At Stoneville the employees were attacked today and five severely beaten. Trouble is also reported at the Red Stone works, and officers have started for that place. The action of the operators in sending uniformed police from Pittsburgh has aggravated the situation.
                                                     JOINED THE STRIKE.
CONNELLSVILLE, PA., January 21. The Trotter, Dexter, Clinton, and Franklin works are idle today, the workmen having joined the strike.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The executive committee of the Knights of Labor has issued an order again boycotting the Mallory Steamship Company.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Robert Mallory, of the Mallory Steamship Line, denies that his company violated the Galveston agreement with the Knights of Labor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. Among the petitions presented and appropriately referred were several by Mr. Frye, from various organizations of the Knights of Labor of Maine, praying that the territory known as Oklahoma might be opened to settlers.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. Several petitions were presented from organizations of the Knights of Labor, urging Congress to open up to settlement the Territory of Oklahoma.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. Among the petitions presented and appropriately referred in the Senate yesterday morning were a number by Messrs. Hoar, Frye, Cullom, Conger, Dawes, and Allison, from various assemblies of the Knights of Labor, praying Congress to open up the Oklahoma lands to settlement, and to establish a territorial government over the lands.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The Knights of Labor moved their place of meeting from over the postoffice over Cohen’s store Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
As is well known the Knights of Labor have had an organization here for some time, but never has this society been in so flourishing condition as at the present time, numbering one hundred and twenty-five members, and increasing every week. This organization has become a powerful one all over the whole country and has repeatedly shown its power in the last few years. The place of meeting has been changed to over Cohen’s store on account of the cramped quarters over the postoffice. Its membership includes the leading laboring men of the city. It is an institution of great importance to all laboring men, binding them together in ties that are of great advantage to them. We are glad to know we have such an organization here and hope it may prosper right along.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The Stone Cutters and Stone Masons will meet at the Knights of Labor Hall over Cohen’s store, on Saturday night at 7 o’clock.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
OLYMPIA, W. T., Feb. 10. About seven o’clock yesterday morning a mob commenced taking possession of the houses of the Chinese residents of this city. An alarm was quickly sounded by ringing the fire bells, but before the citizens could realize what was happening a guard composed of members of the anti-Chinese association here was placed in possession of each house and the Chinamen were ordered to pack up their effects and leave. The mob was led by a young man named Hetzel, who was recently employed as assistant enrolling clerk in the Legislature and who has held a position for some time in the office of the Territorial auditor, and also by a junk dealer named Bates, who took up his residence hee only a few months ago. Hetzel is a member of the Knights of Labor. The bosses of Chinese houses have been given three days to leave the town and the employees have received notice to leave at ten o’clock tomorrow. Sheriff Billings has summoned a posse and they are now being sworn in. Wagons have been hired to carry away the Chinamen’s property, and so far things are quiet, with the exception of the crowd on the streets.

                                                 SUPPRESSING DISORDER.
In response to a call of Mayor Chambers between 400 and 500 law abiding citizens met yesterday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, and enthusiastic speeches were made by prominent citizens, after which 100 names of the best citizens were enrolled to organize a Law and Order Committee, which, with the 100 deputies enrolled by the Sheriff, will be sufficient to check any lawless proceedings in the future. The Mayor has issued a proclamation calling upon all persons riotously disposed to immediately disperse, and also calling for recruits to join the law and order committee. The two ringleaders, Hetzel and Bates, were arrested at noon and bound over in $500 bonds to stand trial. From the enthusiasm manifested at the public meeting, it is evident that such a mob as appeared here yesterday morning will not be tolerated by the order-loving citizens of the city. The Chinese are anxious to leave, and will do so as soon as possible, but the peaceably inclined citizens will not allow them to be driven away by force. Everything appears quiet at present, and the Chinamen remain in their dwellings unmolested.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
CARLINGTON, Ky., Feb. 15. For some time past there has been considerable whispering and bumping of heads among the officers of the St. Bernard and Hecla Coal Companies on learning that a branch of the Knights of Labor was being organized in this place. Not being content with forcing their employees to buy provisions and raiment at their stores at exorbitant prices, they put spies out and whenever a Knight was found, he was at once discharged. About sixteen of the St. Bernard men have been let out in the past ten days. Yesterday the Hecla Company followed suit, discharging all the white men, who, on leaving the banks, were joined by the colored miners, who insisted they must go if the whites did, and as a consequence the Hecla mine will close for a while at least. They state they will remain closed before they will work any men who belong to the Knights of Labor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The stone cutters and masons of this city have completed an organization with thirty-five members. The meet Saturday evening at Knights of Labor hall, when a regular night of meeting will be designated. The organization is local and a charter will be obtained shortly. It is for the bettering of the wages and conditions of the journeymen stone cutters and masons, and is a very worthy institution.
In the month of March, 1886, the Winfield Courier published a number of items that related to the “Knights of Labor” activities and strikes occurring. The following articles were printed in three different issues: March 4, 1886; March 11, 1886; and March 18, 1886. The paper had a tendency to put the freshest items first; the earliest articles usually appearing on page 6. In order to make sense of these articles, I am showing the date on which items were initiated by various news services.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
It was reported that the Archbishop of Quebec would issue a mandamus against any Catholics in his vicarate becoming Knights of Labor or members of other trade organizations. It was thought the mandamus would be disregarded.
                                                   LEFT TO THE PASTORS.

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 26. Archbishop Ryan, when asked today whether there had been any objections raised against the Knights of Labor by the Catholic ecclesiastical authorities of the archdiocese of Philadelphia, said: “No general approval of the Knights of Labor has been made in the archdiocese, and I personally know very little about the nature of the order. The matter rests with the pastors of churches. While the Church is opposed to secret societies, the question whether any particular organization comes within the prescribed limits is left to the clergy to determine.
                                                       LOCKOUT ENDED.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Feb. 26. The nail mill of the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company, at Bayview, which has been closed for the greater part of eight months past on account of a difference between the nailers and manufacturers as to wages, will resume operations next Monday. The union men who went out on June 1 last will go back to their old places. The scale of prices has been fixed on what is known as the Mingo basis.
                                                    SUCCESSFUL STRIKE.
NEW YORK, Feb. 26. The three cigar firms, Brown & Early, Levy Bros., and McCoy & Co., have concluded to accept the Knights of Labor label. The rates paid by the union shops are accepted.
                                             DISCHARGING THE KNIGHTS.
SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, March 3. There is much excitement here caused by the action of the East Street Champion Reaper Works last night. There was a wholesale discharge of several hundred employees known to belong to the Knights of Labor or other trades union organizations. Whiteley, president of the company, said: “We were compelled to take this course in the cause of human liberty. So far as we have observed, the operation of this organization in other cities has been one of terror, intimidation, and violence, and it seems to be a question whether the factory shall have all or none of its employees members of the organization. We prefer to have all our men independent of all organizations, and believe such a course will be for the good of the community.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
CHICAGO, Feb. 26. A morning paper publishes an interview with Mr. P. D. Armour in the course of which he was asked what he proposed doing about the rates fixed on dressed meat material by Commissioner Fink of the Trunk Line pool. He replied: “We’re going to fight it in the courts and at Washington. Fink’s latest decision makes us pay 86 per cent over live stock rates. By arbitration two years ago, it was decided by Judge Cooley that the proper proportion over live-stock men was 75 per cent, but, in the courts we shall contend for a much lower, I cannot say, nor can I explain the process of law by which our attorneys may elect to try the cause. Our lawyers are now at Washington, and will favor the Inter-state Commerce bill, or any other bill directed against railroad discrimination.”
The K. of L. extended into the world of politics. Attempts were made to pass bills in the Senate. The following items explain how the Knights tried to influence Congress...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. In the Senate yesterday morning Mr. Hale gave notice that after Mr. George’s remarks on the Education bill, he (Hale) would move for an executive session upon some matters of importance that would probably occupy the remainder of the day. . . .
At two o’clock the Education Bill was laid before the Senate and Mr. George took the floor to continue his remarks in favor of the bill. During his speech quite an exciting colloquy took place between Mr. George and Mr. Morgan. The latter denied some of the inferences drawn by Mr. George from his (Mr. Morgan’s) speeches on former measures before Congress, and said Mr. George’s reading misrepresented him.
Mr. George: I shall read the Senator’s own language, and then I shall not misrepresent you.
Mr. Morgan: It does misrepresent me.
Mr. George: If I read your own language, it will not misrepresent you.
Mr. Morgan: It does misrepresent me, and the Senator knows it.
Mr. George: It is untrue. The statement made by the Senator is simply untrue, and he knows it.
Mr. George said he saw no force in the distinction drawn by Mr. Morgan, Mr. Maxey, and other opponents of the bill, between money in the Treasury drawn from taxation and money drawn from other sources.
Mr. Allison suggested an amendment which he said he would offer at the proper time, providing that in each State in which there shall be separate schools for white and colored children, the money paid shall be apportioned and paid out for the support of such white and colored schools in the proportion that the illiteracy of white and colored persons bear to each other, as shown by the census. Mr. Allison thought the bill should be so amended as to be precisely what it was intended to be, and there should be no room left for doubt to arise when the provisions of the bill came to be applied in practice as to the propositions of the money to be applied to white and colored schools respectively. The debate here closed.
WASHINGTON, March 3. Among the petitions presented in the Senate yesterday was one by Mr. Hoar from the workingmen employed in the Government workshops since the eight-hour law of 1868 had been passed, praying compensation for overtime or a reference of their claims to some tribunal that might adjudicate the question, and whether they ought to have such compensation. Mr. Hoar said he favored the request of the petitioners, and the petition was appropriately referred.
WASHINGTON, March 4. The Education bill was then taken up and Mr. Harrison spoke in advocacy of the bill and in opposition to Mr. Allison’s amendment. Debate was continued by Messrs. Edmunds, Logan, and Dolph.
An amendment offered by Mr. Hoar to the amendment of Mr. Allison was agreed to, providing that in each State having separate white and colored schools, the money received by such States under the bill should be apportioned and applied in the proportion of illiteracy of the races respectively, until an equal sum per capita should have been appropriated from the National and State funds, and declaring the object of the bill to be to secure equal advantages to all children, of whatever color or race.
Mr. Dolph called for the ayes and nays on his amendment, and pending a vote the Senate went into executive session, and, when the doors reopened, adjourned.

At one o’clock, on motion of Mr. Blair, the Senate took up the Education bill and Mr. Call addressed the Senate in opposition to Mr. Allison’s amendment. He characterized it as a reflection on the States and an abandonment of one of the principles of this Government.
Mr. Saulsbury opposed the bill whether with or without the Allison amendment. If this bill should pass the Knights of Labor would soon be asking for money in the interest of laboring people who might be out of work and with just as much a right as the demand for his bill. If the Nation had a surplus, it should be used to build a navy, or the money should be returned to the people.
Mr. Ingalls said that if this money were to be distributed, all safeguards possible should be thrown about it. He wanted to know who was to administer the fund of $77,000,000. The Secretary of the Interior, the Assistant Attorney General of whose department was one Mr. Zach Montgomery, whose views about common school education Mr. Ingalls showed by reading many extracts from a book entitled “Drops from the Poisoned Fountain, Facts that are Stranger than Fiction; by Zach Montgomery of the California Bar.” Among the extracts read were the following.
“We promise to prove that our boasted New England public school system as by law established throughout the length and breadth of the American Republic, is a poisonous fountain, fraught with seeds of human misery and moral death. It is a crime and pauper breeding system—a system which being conceived in crime, brought forth in crime and nurtured in crime, must of necessity propagate crime.”
                  [Note: The arguments continued in the Senate relative to Education Bill.]
                                                        A LIVELY STRIKE.
                  The Street Car Strike in New York Exhibits Some Interesting Features.
                                              The Attempt to Run Cars a Failure.
                                        Blocked by Timely Dumps and Accidents.
                        Knights of Labor Threaten to Strike On the Entire Gould System
                                                   Unless Men Are Reinstated.

NEW YORK, March 4. The strike of the employees of the Dry Dock street railroad lines continues and travelers by the Grand street ferries are put to much inconvenience thereby. The hearing before the State Railroad Commission was continued yesterday morning at the company’s office. Vice President Richardson made a reply to demands of the men, taking up each one separately. The company is willing to allow twelve hours to constitute a day’s work including one hour for meals. All employees who work more than twelve hours are to receive extra pay. Mr. Richardson asserted that no outside organization should have the right to dictate to the company whom it should or should not employ. There was a long debate in regard to the discharge of certain men who had remained faithful to the company during the present difficulty. The superintendent replied that the company would prefer to go to pieces rather than discharge these men. The conference ended without any agreement being reached. An attempt was made to run cars during the afternoon, but the strikers put such obstacles in the way that the trial was abandoned. During the attempted progress of the test car, a huge load of barrels crossed the track in front of it. The strikers cut the rope that bound the barrels on the truck and they rolled to the street and caused delay. A coal wagon load of coal was dumped and its contents spread before the car. A car of the Grand Houston and Forty-second street line was stopped by the strikers, the harness was cut, and the car placed square across the tracks. Passengers were turned out and travel stopped. Fifty or sixty cars were finally blocked and thousands of persons were a part of the scene. Finally 120 policemen arrived and sought to protect the trial trip car. The driver held his reins steadily and maintained composure amidst the jeers and intimidation of the mob. The conductor was surrounded and dragged off the car. He disappeared and sought refuge in the company’s office. Finally word came from the company to take the car back to the stable. The strikers construed this as a step toward victory and there were tumultuous shouts and the course of travel was permitted again to be resumed. Superintendent White said: “We intend to carry this thing through. We met the men half way, but they wanted too much. The trouble is not ended. I am told all the lines in Brooklyn and New York will tie up tomorrow.” The strikers assert that the end is near and that it will bring victory to them. Twenty-five men who are members of the Empire Protective Association, a branch of the Knights of Labor, yesterday afternoon distributed themselves quietly along the various Brooklyn routes of street cars controlled by William Richardson. They ordered drivers and conductors to strike and as soon as ever the round trip was completed, the order was in every instance obeyed, and by six o’clock every line was tied up and all the men had left the stables in an orderly manner. The stablemen cared for the horses as usual, but it is not expected that they will be on hand in the morning. Meetings were held last night and the men decided to hold out until their demands are met. The employers have advertised for men and will never yield, they say. The New York drivers and conductors who are striking met last night and discussed the situation. A prominent labor unionist said the report that all the New York roads would tie up today was ungrounded.
[It appears that the “railroads” became one of the main targets of the Knights of Labor, when strikes, boycotts, derailments, riots, etc. started against the Gould system. Before long five states were involved: Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, and Illinois.]
                                          STRIKE ON THE GOULD SYSTEM.
SEDALIA, Mo., March 4. It is reported that the Knights of Labor of District Assembly No. 101, which takes in the entire Gould system, have determined to strike unless several of their members at Marshall, in the employ of the Texas & Pacific, who were recently discharged, are reinstated and the contract entered into for one year between the Gould management and its employees is observed to the letter. Knights of Labor claim that Receiver Brown, of the Texas & Pacific, has repudiated the contract and has repeatedly ignored the executive board of the Knights. Martin Irons, chairman of the executive committee, is at Marshall, Texas, as is also District Master-workman, Levin, and P. H. Golden. It is stated, upon reliable authority, that the demands are backed by the entire organization and that unless the discharged employees are reinstated and the contract restored, the men will all strike to enforce the demands.
DALLAS, Texas, March 4. Grand Master Workman Golden and a sub-committee of the Knights of Labor from Abilene, called at the Texas Pacific Receiver’s office today to investigate the rumor to the effect that the object in suspending operations at the Gordon coal mines was to quietly displace white labor in order to make room for convict service. The railroad authorities deny any such purpose and state that the mines have been abandoned because it did not prove profitable to work them.

ST. LOUIS, March 4. Work was entirely suspended at the old Vulcan Iron Works, in Carondelet, today. The managers refused to say when they would be open, but a meeting will be held Thursday to consider the demands of the stationary engineers whose withdrawal caused the suspension of business. The engineers who are out are also arranging a meeting to be held during the week.
                                              BROOKLYN LINES RESUME.
After the strike had ended many of the Brooklyn drivers and conductors presented themselves at the offices of Mr. Richardson in that city, but that gentleman thought it not worthwhile to start until today. The obstructions placed upon the tracks were removed, however, during the afternoon and about five o’clock the Fifth and Seventh avenue cars began running. They were followed before six o’clock by the cars of all the other lines and by night the street car travel of Brooklyn was restored to its ordinary condition.
                                                  IMPORTING LABORERS.
DETROIT, Mich., March 5. The imported Canadian ship carpenters are being cared for by the strikers in this city and will not work. They have made affidavits that their labor was contracted for in Montreal by the agent of the Trenton ship yards. The Knights of Labor are considering whether they have sufficient cause to prosecute the company for importing contract labor. Another lot of Canadians were also expected, but have been detained at Port Huron. There are seventy of these, and the strikers will meet them before their arrival in this city and endeavor to keep them from working. The strikers feel confident of success and expect to resume work in a few days.
                                                         A SLIGHT HITCH.
NEW YORK, March 6. When the tie-up was declared off yesterday afternoon, the men on the Bleeker and Twenty-third street lines refused to resume work unless the superintendent, Thomas McLane, was at once discharged. The officers of the road replied that they had recently met all the demands of the strikers for more pay and less work, and they proposed not to discharge a faithful man without cause. The police were informed and Superintendent Murray kept the reserve of the Broadway squad at headquarters in case of trouble. Knights of Labor delegates went into conference with officers of the road at about 9:30 o’clock last night, and about midnight the committee of the Knights of Labor came from the conference room and said that no terms of any kind had been reached. Shortly after midnight, however, it was determined by the Bleeker street and Twenty-third street strikers to withdraw their demand for the dismissal of Superintendent McLane; but they now demand twelve hours’ work and $2.25 therefor. The officials of the road offered $2 for twelve hours’ work, which was the basis of settlement yesterday by the East Side strikers, but this was refused and the men day they will have $2.25 for twelve hours or tie up their cars again.
                                GRAND JURY. BRADFORD, PENNSYLVANIA.
The grand jury recently ignored the bills against the strikers recently locked up, charged with riot at Bradford, Pennsylvania. The costs in the case were assessed on B. F. May, the representative of the syndicate of coke manufacturers.
                                                        A BROWN STUDY.
            Missouri Pacific Officials Studying the Result of Receiver Brown’s Unpopularity.
                                  Knights of Labor Out On All Points of the System.
                                                        Conductors Laid Off.

                           The Missouri Labor Commissioner Denounces the Strikers.
                                                   Important Action Expected.
SEDALIA, Mo., March 6. Telegrams received by the chairman of the executive board of the Knights of Labor tonight indicate that the strike on the Gould lines ordered this morning in general and that at Sedalia, St. Louis, Nevada, Holden, Jefferson City, Chamois, and Kansas City, and all points in the Indian Territory, Arkansas, Kansas, and Texas have responded to the call. The leaders of the strikers are confident that the strike will end with victory perched on their banners. The railroad officials are in consultation, but refuse to say what they intend to do. The strike is unexpected to them, and they evidently regard it as the most serious outbreak of laboring men that has occurred in the West.
                                                        STRIKERS QUIET.
ST. LOUIS, March 8. Very little can be said at present about the local situation in connection with the railroad strike. The strikers were very quiet yesterday, the most of them attending secret meetings which were held at Lightstone hall, their headquarters. Nothing is known of their proceedings, and their leaders will not talk beyond saying that they are out to stay until C. A. Hall is reinstated at Marshall, Texas, and all their other grievances are redressed. Affairs in the Missouri Pacific yard have been at a standstill. No attempt has been made to move freight trains, and as all the yard men are out, considerable difficulty has attended the making up of passenger trains. The train which left for the West last night had to be made up by officials of the road, General Superintendent Kerrigan assisting in the operation. The strikers say they will see to it that engines and postal cars are made ready for the road, so that mails shall not be detained or delayed, but they will render no assistance in making up passenger trains. Whether the company will endeavor to supply the place of the strikers by the employment of new men for this work is not known, but unless they do, there is likely to be difficulty in moving passenger trains. The Pleasant Hill accommodation train was abandoned. There was no trouble on the Iron Mountain road, all trains getting away promptly. Dispatches from outside points are few and bare of important information. The most interesting item of news comes from Sedalia, and is to the effect that the men there have local grievances, and that they contemplate a strike of their own by May 1 unless they were fully adjusted before that time. The action of Governor Brown and the Texas & Pacific road, they say, simply precipitated the strike. Some definite action is expected to be taken today by Governor Brown, and the assertion of the strikers is that unless he complies with their demands, the strike will be enlarged and made more effective by ordering out all the other Knights of Labor employed on the Gould system.
                                                SUSPENDING WORKMEN.

SEDALIA, Mo., March 8. The developments in the strike have been meager. The strikers are firm and say that they are prepared to stay out until the difficulty in Texas is satisfactorily adjusted. There are now two hundred and seventy-three cars in the yards at this point. Of these only ten or fifteen are loaded with perishable freight, which is beer. There are three or four cars of household goods and stock. Forty-three engines are in the round-houses and on the side tracks. The local passenger trains between St. Louis and Pleasant Hill have been abandoned, and it is rumored that all passenger trains will be abandoned by the company and that they will only run out the mail cars with the engine. The following orders were posted at the East Sedalia depot yesterday: “To all conductors and brakemen on the Kansas City section and Lexington branch: All conductors and brakemen are suspended until further notice.” The same order was served on he Hannibal & Parsons section. The Brotherhoods of engineers, firemen, and brakemen have held meetings yesterday, but nothing could be learned as to what transpired. At three o’clock the grievance committee of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers met the executive board of the Knights of Labor, and held an executive session, the results of which were not made public. Everything is very quiet, and the property of the company is guarded by the strikers’ committee to prevent any destruction or damage.
                                           KOCHTITZKY’S CONCLUSIONS.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., March 8. The railroad strike is the absorbing topic of conversation here. The feeling is not so strong in favor of the strikers this time as it was a year ago, and several State officers condemn it as bad policy for the workmen. No trouble has occurred here, neither is any likely to take place. Labor Commissioner Kochtitzky gives his opinion to the public in the following statement, the contents of which he is familiar with and endorses. “I am surprised and pained on account of the workmen and the commerce of the country and the general good of the State to hear this morning that so many workmen at Sedalia, St. Louis, Hannibal, and so many other points, have quit work. This month a year ago Governor Marmaduke, myself, and other State officers labored effectively to get the wages of the workmen advanced, and a satisfactory agreement was made between the laborers and the railroad companies in which the wages were not only advanced but the conditions of employment were made most satisfactory by virtue of which the strike was ended, and from that day to this, the best of feeling has existed between the employees and the railroad in Missouri. It does seem to me most unwise and unjust that trouble in Massachusetts, Alaska, or Texas should disturb the good feeling and good work going on in this State. The settlement made last year is being misunderstood by the people because incorrectly represented by the press. The consequence is that suffering and bad results will come out of it. My opinion is that the majority of the men who have quit work will find that it is to their injury. The Governor entirely agrees with me that the agreement growing out of the Sedalia troubles ought to be kept by both the workmen and the railroad company, and if it were there would be no future trouble in Missouri, and he thinks the great interests involved and the good sense of the people will insure order in a day or so. Otherwise there may be serious results. The terms of the agreement do not bind the railroads to give thirty days’ notice before discharging an employee, as has occasionally been stated. It required the railroads to restore to striking employees in Missouri and Kansas the same wages paid them in September, 1884.”
                                                        DOWN IN TEXAS.

GALVESTON, March 8. The labor troubles throughout Texas remain in status quo. There are assurances that both sides will probably attempt a coup d’etat soon. At this point the twelve local assemblies of the Knights of Labor held prolonged meetings yesterday. Sherman advices say orders have been received from the Texas Pacific management to hire unemployed laborers obtainable who are not members of the Knights of Labor, and to furnish them transportation to other points. At Denton the strikers held a long secret session and show no signs of weakening. At Palestine the Knights have detailed a guard to protect property and watch the company’s shops. At Big Springs every thing is quiet. No trains came in or went out yesterday. The strike has not reached Waco, Austin, or San Antonio, but the Knights held a largely attended meeting yesterday in anticipation of today’s orders.
                                                     FORCING THE FIGHT.
ST. LOUIS, March 8. Alarming rumors are abroad this morning regarding the contemplated action by the Knights of Labor to force the railroads of the Gould Southwestern system to accede to their demands. It is stated that at twelve o’clock all the Knights of Labor employed by the St. Louis Bridge Company will strike in support of their already striking brethren. This will cause a total stoppage of all railroad connection between the Union Depot in this city and the relay depot in East St. Louis. No passenger nor freight cars are transferred by rail across the river. To avoid the possibility of the railroads using the ferries for transportation purposes, the central committee has, it is stated, ordered out all the men engaged by these companies and this will sever all connection with the east side of the river. The accommodation due here from Pleasant Hill has not yet arrived.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
The daily papers of the 8th were filled with strikes, boycotts, combinations, and other labor movements more or less threatening.
It was reported at Denver, Colorado, recently, that 600 miners in the employ of the Marshall Coal Company at Eler had struck on account of a reduction of wages.
The laborers on the Annapolis & Baltimore Short Line railroad struck for higher wages recently.
                                    MISCELLANEOUS LABOR MOVEMENTS.
PITTSBURGH, Pa., March 10. A convention of the miners of the Amalgamated Association of the fourth district is now in session at Dubois, Pa., considering the proposition to demand an advance in wages of 12½ cents per ton, and to adopt measures to introduce the eight hour system. The delegates generally favor making the demand, and assert that if it is refused, they will strike. A circular has been sent to the operators, inviting them to meet the executive committee of the miners at Dubois March 18 to arrange matters satisfactorily to all parties. About 4,000 miners are employed in the fourth district. A telegram from the Meyersdale district reports the miners still working but likely to strike at any moment for an advance. Cumberland, Irwick, Clearfield, and Huntington miners are nearly all idle, but, as the Clearfield diggers have decided in favor of arbitration, it is thought the strike will be settled in that way.
                                                  KNIGHTS DISCHARGED.
COLLINSVILLE, Ill., March 10. This morning all the Knights of Labor employed at O. B. Wilson’s stock bell establishment were discharged. Knights employed elsewhere will perhaps quit work. The coal miners will hold a meeting on Thursday, the 11th inst., to organize.
                                                      THE GREAT STRIKE.
                 The Strike on the Missouri Pacific Leading to the Most Gigantic Struggle.
                                     Between Labor and Capital of Modern Times.
                                        The Company Lays Off 5,000 Employees.

                                           The Strike Spreading In All Directions.
                                         Concerted Boycotts and Serious Rumors.
ST. LOUIS, March 10. The railroad situation is serious, but it is likely to grow more alarming in its aspect and extent, as there is no present hope of a solution. This fact seems to be thoroughly understood and to be entirely appreciated by both the railroads and their employees. The generally accepted impression is that the present strike is to be made a test case and that its solution can come only through the final adjudication of the relative positions which labor and capital shall occupy in this country. The Knights of Labor insist that the railroad managers are responsible for the existing troubles and that they not only prepared themselves for this conflict, but are combined to push it to the bitterest extreme. The allegations against the railroad managers go back even as far as the placing of the Texas & Pacific in the hands of a receiver, which was done, it is claimed, in order that the road might have the protection of the United States courts.
                                                LAYING OFF EMPLOYEES.
Yesterday over 5,000 clerks, telegraph operators, yard watchmen, and others were laid off all along the Gould system, and information from important points along the line says the greatest apprehension exists among these employees, as they have no idea that the trouble will soon be at an end. At Little Rock and other points orders have been issued by the railroad officials to transfer companies to clear the yards of freight as soon as possible, that they may be locked up. These movements, coupled with the further assertion, though not authenticated, that the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the Benevolent Order of Railway Conductors were in sympathy with the railroads and would stand by them, and that the engineers and locomotive firemen who were not Knights of Labor would receive half pay, at least, during their suspension while the strike lasts, indicates that the railroads are getting themselves in shape to make a lasting fight.
                                                       SERIOUS ASPECTS.
On the other hand the growth of the strike continues and traffic so far as Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Texas are concerned, is at a standstill. The bridge hands struck last night and the rumor prevails that a further uprising of Knights may be expected at any moment. The most important rumor is that the employees of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy at St. Joseph will inaugurate a strike on that road and that the Wabash men may also be expected to join the throng of strikers and before the trouble ends all the railroad systems of the country will be involved and the dispute will finally be reduced to a fight between railroad corporations and organized labor. The most serious move as yet made by the Knights of Labor here in attempting to gain the objects of their demands is the strike of the Bridge and Tunnel Company’s employees. As the result of this, no freight from either side of the river can be transferred. Passenger trains, however, are allowed to pass over; but officials of the roads and the yardmasters are obliged to do all the switching and make up all the trains. No violence of any kind has been attempted and none is expected.
Receiver Brown publishes his side of the dispute on the Texas Pacific. To certain letters and telegrams the company received from Knights of Labor, no answer was returned, the order being ignored. The executive committee of the Knights of Labor has published a reply to the address of H. M. Hoxie, vice president of the Missouri Pacific.

                                                   ENGINEERS TO STRIKE.
ST. LOUIS, March 10. It is said here that the men on all the Chicago railroads will strike at five o’clock this afternoon.
                                                 THE STRIKE AT SEDALIA.
SEDALIA, Mo., March 10. There are no new developments in the railroad strike today. The weather is very cold and the streets and railroad yards have been deserted. The officials have nothing to say and the outlook is more gloomy, if anything, than it was yesterday. Business is paralyzed and merchants are despondent. The supply of fuel in the city is small and if the strike lasts another week a coal famine is inevitable. Frederick Turner, secretary-treasurer of the Knights of Labor, who is attending a session of the general executive board in Philadelphia, telegraphed this morning for all the facts in the case and a statement of all that has transpired since the incipiency of the troubles which resulted in the great walk-out last Saturday. The executive committee complied with his request and it is very likely that Mr. Powderly and the general executive board will be on the ground to judge for themselves in two or three days. Labor Commissioner Kochtitzky also sent a message to Secretary Riley asking what were the grievances of the men. Secretary Riley answered him by mail, giving the strikers’ side of the story. It has been stated that the employees of the Missouri Pacific have no grievance, but this is denied by members of the executive board, who say that skilled workmen have no grievance of any consequence, but unskilled laborers have never received the advance in wages guaranteed them by the agreement of March, 1885. They assert that these grievances have been presented to Mr. Hoxie time and time again only to be ignored by him.
                                                       A WAR OF GIANTS.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 10. The conviction that the Missouri Pacific means to test the strength of the Knights of Labor is becoming widespread here, and the action of the officials in closing up te general offices in St. Louis, is further confirmation. It is also the belief that other systems will be brought into the fight, or will rather engage in it voluntarily in order to make the warfare on the laborers more effective. It is even thought (and the action of several firms give grounds for the belief) that manufacturers in all parts of the country will join in with the railroads. In this case it will be a veritable war of giants, and one involving the supremacy or downfall of the Knights of Labor. The men begin to realize this, and are settling down to a long, hard fight. It is not probable that the Brotherhood of Engineers will engage in the quarrel. Mr. Mord Roberts, of De Soto, Mo., a member of the grievance committee of the Iron Mountain road engineers, went to Sedalia yesterday to confer with Mr. B. W. Vedder, one of the committee of the Sedalia branch of the brotherhood. While in St. Louis he assured Mr. Kerrigan that the brotherhood would stand by the company and that his assembly had passed resolutions to that effect. There was nothing here to indicate that the employees of the Burlington would strike, as the telegrams from St. Joseph indicated that they might. Of the fifty men employed by the Burlington at this point, but four or five are Knights of Labor and the rest claim to have no grievance. It is rumored that the Burlington will discharge all Knights of Labor on the system.
                                                           NOT A STICK.
                         Strikers Refuse to Allow Furniture to Go by Passenger Trains.

NEVADA, Mo., March 10. There are no new developments in the strike here since last evening. The men are all out and remain firm, and everything is quiet. Every precaution is being taken by the strikers to avoid trouble of any kind. Division Superintendent J. B. Flanders, of Harrisonville, arrived here yesterday morning on passenger train No. 126, and attempted to move one carload of household goods and stock to Sheldon on the passenger train, but his attempts were foiled by the strikers, who remained firm and would not allow the car to be moved. After the passenger train pulled out and left, the strikers had the stock all unloaded and taken to a livery stable, where they have ordered the best care to be taken of it.
                                                    THE STRIKE IN TEXAS.
GALVESTON, Texas, March 10. The labor troubles continue to absorb general attention. The situation has not materially changed at this point beyond the strike of a number of cotton handlers yesterday afternoon at the Taylor compress, because they discovered that the cotton was to be shipped by the Mallory line. The local agent of the Missouri Pacific railway, under orders from headquarters, laid off a number of clerks and other employees yesterday until traffic is resumed. Special telegrams report an almost general suspension of clerks and warehouse men at points on the Missouri Pacific, owing to the inability of the road to do any business. The local agent of the Missouri Pacific is receiving no freight for that company, but is taking freight for points on the Texas & Pacific Road. The Knights of Labor held another big meeting last night. They still claim that a general strike that a general strike will ensue unless the Mallory Company recognized their organization by gradually reinstating the former strikes. There is much discussion among the Knights regarding the new political party known as the “United Labor” party, the platform of which at Decatur, Illinois, is published in this morning’s papers. The Knights generally favor the creation of a distinctively labor party. At Houston the effects of the strike on the Missouri Pacific re beginning to be felt. The agents along the line of the International & Great Northern road are all refusing to receive freight, and there are many idle about the streets. Only passenger trains are running now north from Houston on the Gould system.
                                                    DISABLING ENGINES.
FORT WORTH, Texas, March 10. The only new features in the strike here are the “killing” of one engine each on the Missouri Pacific and Texas Pacific roads, and general indignation at the rumor that the receivers of the Texas Pacific talk of arresting the leaders of the strike along the lines. The strikers at Big Springs forced open the roundhouse last night, drove out the guards, and disabled the only engine there. United States Marshal Jackman reached Big Springs yesterday and will attempt the running of trains today. Specials from Palestine, Denison, and other points indicate no change in the situation at Palestine. The strikers disabled the engine of an incoming freight train, and while leaving the yard, they discovered a citizen who had witnessed the killing of the engine and treated him very roughly, striking him a number of times. The people are growing impatient and uneasy over the situation, as business is at a standstill.
                                                     A MOVE IMPENDING.
                   Missouri Pacific Officials Preparing to Start Freight Trains at St. Louis.
                The Attempt to be Resisted to the Point of Violence.—The Strike in Texas.

                        Engines Disabled by Masked Men.—Other Labor Movements.
                                                   Thousands Ready to Strike.
ST. LOUIS, March 11. The Missouri Pacific will make a desperate effort to resume its freight traffic today, but the railway officials refuse to state where they expect to get the men to do the work. The attempt, however, is certain to be made and then it is believed a critical point will have been reached. Trade is practically at a standstill, and merchants are demanding that in one way or another the embargo should be lifted. The most important event of yesterday was the issuance of a general order by Superintendent Kerrigan notifying all the men who voluntarily quit work March 5, that they had been dropped from the list of the company’s employees, and their names stricken from the pay roll, and ordering the strikers to vacate the company’s premises. This request the Knights obeyed with alacrity and the shops at Summit avenue are now guarded by Detective Furlong, and a force of improvised police. An additional number of disaffected employees of the Gould system have been suspended temporarily. Last night about ten went out of the general freight office and six from the purchasing agent’s office and altogether about 125 were suspended from the various departments.
It was rumored here both in the morning and late yesterday afternoon that the Wabash employees east and west had gone out, but in both instances the rumor was authoritatively denied. There is no question, however, but that the Knights are anticipating this accession to their ranks, in which event the strike will proceed eastward like a contagion. In brief, nobody appears to have any conception as to what course the strike will take, and all sorts of absurd rumors are afloat. Today, however, will mark a critical point in the strike, from which some sort of results are anticipated.
                                          THE SUPERINTENDENT’S ORDER.
Superintendent Kerrigan’s order expelling from the Missouri Pacific yards all Knights of Labor, including the delegations appointed by the Knights to guard the company’s property, reads as follows.
You are hereby notified that your section in withdrawing from the employment of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company was a voluntary abandonment of the services of the company and that you are no longer in its employment and that your names have been stricken from its rolls. All such as are now about the company’s premises are hereby notified that they must immediately leave the same to the end that this company may resume the traffic of the country.
                                                     WILLIAM KERRIGAN.
Although officials will make no statement concerning the affair, it is generally believed that they are now employing new men to take the place of the strikers. It is now authoritatively stated that the Missouri Pacific Railway Company will attempt to resume the freight traffic upon its roads.
                                                 NO FREIGHTS SENT OUT.

The departure of the passenger train on the Missouri Pacific last night was delayed about two hours in consequence of somebody having withdrawn the fire in the locomotives. It was expected that an effort would be made to start out freight trains last night, but up to a late hour no attempt had been made. A force of some forty new men has been employed by the company to operate their yards, and more will be engaged as rapidly as the proper men can be obtained. No official information can be got from the Knights of Labor as to how Superintendent Kerrigan’s order is received or considered, but individual opinion is that if the railroad company attempts to run freight trains today, the effort will be resisted even to the point of violence. There is a feeling of great uncertainty as to what either side will do and much apprehension is felt regarding the result.
                                                THE SITUATION IN TEXAS.
GALVESTON, Texas, March 11. The situation in the Mallory boycott has not materially changed. The Knights of Labor employed at the Gulf City compress struck in the afternoon, but the management had anticipated the strike and other workmen took the place of the strikers within half an hour. The Knights are now out at the Taylor and Gulf City presses and it is expected that they will also withdraw from the other compressing establishments. Business about the Missouri Pacific yards is stagnated, while the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe road is doing a heavy freight traffic, but is hourly expecting a shut-down. The District Executive Committee of the Knights of Labor is now en route here from Fort Worth to issue final orders relative to the Mallory boycott.
                                                  FOUR HANDS AT WORK.
PARIS, Texas, March 11. Everything is quiet here. There were no freight trains yesterday. There are four hands at work on this section. All of the other men, with the exception of those employed on one section of the road, have quit work, and the men now working may quit at any time. The day telegraph operator at the depot was suspended yesterday. The switch yard is nearly full of cars. It was rumored here yesterday that there was a broken rail east of here and that no one could be found to mend it.
                                                    DELIVERING FREIGHT.
PALESTINE, Texas, March 11. All freight in the yard here was delivered this morning, the Knights of Labor unloading the cars. C. F. Marshall, master workman of one branch of the Knights of Labor, issued a lengthy circular this morning, the principal point being a demand that the wages of trackmen be raised from $1.15 to $1.50 per day. This has not been laid before the authorities here as a cause of the strike. The extensive iron foundry of G. M. Dilley & Sons shut down last night, as supplies could not be brought in over the railroads. The town is very quiet.
                                                        TRAINS MOVING.
BIG SPRINGS, Texas, March 11. Three trains arrived here yesterday and two departed. No opposition was offered by the strikers, as the presence of the United States Marshal and his posse of deputies held them in check. Colonel Jackman has issued about forty special deputy commissions to men in the company’s employ, and it is thought that everything will move smoothly.
                                                            A CIRCULAR.

MARSHALL, Texas, March 11. The Knights of Labor have sent out circulars, asking that laboring men do not go to any point on the Texas & Pacific railway in search of work until the strike is ended, and asking laboring men of all classes to fall into line, stating that the Missouri Pacific leased and operated the lines of the Texas & Pacific, and were employing Chinese and convict labor, to the detriment of honest labor; asserting that the railroads were constantly violating the contract of March 15, 1885, and declaring that they have resolved to come to the rescue of their down-trodden brethren. The Knights call upon all employees connected with the railroads to lend their aid in driving convict and Chinese labor from the roads.
                                                     ENGINES DISABLED.
BAIRD, Texas, March 11. About four o’clock yesterday morning a part of masked men, armed with pistols, entered the roundhouse, and after placing the men in the building under guard, disabled all the freight engines in the house. A caboose with a number of men asleep on board was turned loose on a four-mile grade and a calamity was narrowly averted by one of the men awakening and applying the brakes. Sheriff Jones with six men guarded the railroad company’s property here last night, and thus far everything is quiet.
                                                       RIVER SHIPMENTS.
FORT WORTH, Texas, March 11. Steps are being taken to have St. Louis merchants ship goods by the river to New Orleans and thence to Texas by the Texas & Pacific road, which, it is thought, can be kept open.
                                                 DISCHARGING KNIGHTS.
TORONTO, Ont., March 11. The street railway employees have formed a branch of the Knights of Labor, and were yesterday dismissed by the company, 800 men being thus thrown out of employment. The president of the company says that no union men will be employed. Very few cars are running. Yesterday afternoon a car was stopped by the strikers, the horses unhitched, and the car turned sideways on the track. Several coal carters backed their carts on the track and aided the strikers in their work. A tremendous crowd gathered and the police vainly endeavored to prevent the strikers from carrying out their design. One car on West Market street was sent down grade at a rattling speed and collided with another car, shattering windows and smashing up platforms. No violence was offered to drivers or conductors except in one instance, when a driver and conductor were pelted with mud.
                                                  EFFECTS ON BUSINESS.
CHICAGO, March 11. Commissioner Wicke of the Chicago freight bureau, when asked if the strike on the Gould system had affected the freight business of Chicago, replied that it had not materially as yet. He said that there was a belt of country in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas, where, if the strike should run along until the middle of next week, it would make trouble. Freight shippers could reach points in Texas by the Illinois Central and by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe roads. It is not the merchants, but the manufacturers, who would feel the effect of the strike. Manufacturers of plows and similar implements were the ones who would feel the effect most seriously.
                                                          ORDERED OUT.
TROY, N. Y., March 11. Spinners in the knitting mills at Cohens were ordered out yesterday morning by the Knights of Labor, causing a general shut down. The spinners claim that in the recent adjustment of wages, they were not given fair consideration. It looks like a long lock-out. About 5,000 operators are interested.
                                               SETTLED BY ARBITRATION.

WOBURN, Mass., March 11. James Skinner & Co. agreed to submit to arbitration the demands of their workmen. The price list settled upon by the arbitrators will doubtless be accepted by the other shoe manufacturers here, thereby averting a strike of 2,000 employees.
                                               QUALMS OF CONSCIENCE.
TOLEDO, Ohio, March 11. The Consolidated Street Railway Company announced yesterday that it would advance the wages of their employees and reduce the hours of work. They now work sixteen hours. This action is voluntary on the part of the company.
Every miner in the New Hampshire mine near Cumberland, Maryland, went out on a strike Wednesday.
Five hundred and fifty miners in the Broadtop, Pa., coal district struck Thursday for an increase of wages.
It is thought that, owing to a combination of the manufacturers, all the knitting mills in Massachusetts will be shut down.
The Milwaukee boot and shoe makers’ strike ended Thursday night and the last of the men went to work. The employees won all their points.
The coal miners of the fourth Pennsylvania district have decided to present to the operators a scale of wages similar to the one adopted at the Columbus convention.
NEW YORK, MARCH 11. The Times in an editorial on the Missouri Pacific strike says: “There is no justification for the continuance of this blockade of traffic which has resulted from the attempt to compel a bankrupt railroad in Texas to reinstate a man discharged for taking part in the proceedings of the Knights of Labor. It is a case in which the punishment is altogether too expensive, as applied.”
                                                        TRAFFIC KILLED.
                               Strikers Kill an Iron Mountain Wild Freight at De Soto.
                                Strikers Prevent Freight Starting West from St. Louis.
                                             Receiver Brown Snubs the Knights.
                                 Another Street Car Strike Threatened in New York.
                                                    Boycotting at Akron, Ohio.
                                                           Wages Increased.
ST. LOUIS, March 12. The critical moment in the history of the present strike, which was expected to be precipitated yesterday, was not reached, owing to the failure of the Missouri Pacific to carry out its part of the programme. The railway officials announced with a flourish of trumpets that they would resume traffic, but a survey of the situation shows that the solution of the difficulty is as far removed as ever. The progress made in the way of resumption of traffic is not sufficient so far to produce any decided change in the situation. The blockade in the yards still exists. The mills are all closing on account of lack of raw material and lack of coal and the impossibility of moving their manufactured products. The merchants are unable to receive or ship goods and the day closed with the conditions of business practically as they were Wednesday. The officials of the Missouri Pacific engaged a force of men Wednesday for the purpose of starting work yesterday, and kept the force which consisted of about fifty men, strongly guarded in their shops, but to no avail, for not a wheel could be turned. The officials confirmed their efforts to secure help, but with slight success, only a few men having been engaged.

                                                 STRICT CONSTRUCTION.
The events of the struggle have been the conferences between the Knights and the firemen and engineers and between the railway officials and the engineers and firemen with reference to the attitude of these employees. The result of the conference between the officials and engineers and firemen was the decision of the latter that they would run the engines if asked to do so. They agreed that if the engines were run out from the roundhouse ready for service, they would take charge and would obey orders in the matter of coupling, switching, and running cars, but would do no more than was actually required by a strict construction of their duties. The brakemen, on the other hand, have taken a decided stand in favor of the employees who are out and refuse to touch a car or aid the railroad company in any way to resume operations. This step on the part of the brakemen is the most important development in the local fight. The Trades Assembly of this city, which is composed of regularly appointed delegates from all the trades unions, held a meeting and adopted resolutions recognizing the railroad strike as a struggle for the right of the working men to organize, declaring that the opposition taken by the railroad managers is inimical to the rights of workingmen and the public good and should be denounced, and expressing hearty sympathy with the strikers. Preliminary steps have been taken by various businessmen with a view to holding public meetings of the merchants and mechanics, exchanges, and other organizations to devise means to bring about a settlement of the strike and restore business to its normal condition.
                                                      FAILURE TO START.

Without the knowledge of the strikers yesterday morning the Missouri Pacific railway officials succeeded in starting from the city, over the Iron Mountain tracks, a freight train consisting of about seventeen cars. When it reached Carondelet, a short distance from this city, it was going at express train speed but met with no opposition until it reached De Soto, where it was boarded by Knights of Labor, who side-tracked it and afterward “killed” the engine. The Knights say they will oppose to their utmost any attempt to resume freight traffic by the road. After the engineers had announced their willingness to go to work and run their engines unless they were actually prevented from doing so, it was decided by Superintendent Kerrigan to send a freight train west, and preparations were immediately made to make up a train. After considerable of a wait a locomotive came down the track manned by Engineer Marvin and Fireman Harris, and the work of making up a train was at once begun. Superintendent Kerrigan and Trainmaster Clark were active participants. As the time for the departure approached when the train was almost ready to start, two men appeared on the scene, one of whom proved to be John L. Williams, vice president of the local executive committee of the Knights of Labor. The latter immediately entered into a low-toned communication with Engineer Marvin, and after considerable talk and evident pleading, the engineer stepped from his cab and announced that he would not take out the train. The locomotive was returned to the roundhouse. Superintendent Kerrigan stated that no further effort would be made to move trains that day, and thus ended the first effort to resume traffic on the Missouri Pacific road. The little knot of men who had collected near the engineer when they comprehended the situation and who were chiefly strikers, or their sympathizers, congratulated Mr. Williams upon his success in inducing Engineer Marvin to abandon his engine and all quietly dispersed. It cannot be definitely stated what the company will now do, but the probabilities are that further and perhaps more persistent efforts will be made today to send out trains.
                                          BROWN REJECTS ARBITRATION.
PHILADELPHIA, March 12. Referring to the strike on the Gould system, Grand Master Workman Powderly, of the Knights of Labor, said last evening: “District Assembly No. 101, of Texas, has not appealed to the general executive for advice or assistance, and the matter is in their hands as yet. We have had the question before us several days. We telegraphed to the executive committee of District Assembly 101 for information, and the reply we received differs but little from the published reports. Thinking that we might be instrumental in effecting a settlement, the following telegram was sent out last night to the receiver of the Texas & Pacific.
John C. Brown, receiver of the Texas & Pacific railway, Dallas, Texas:
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., March 11. Will you meet with a committee selected by general executive board of the Knights of Labor to arbitrate for a settlement of difficulties with the Texas & Pacific employees? T. V. POWDERLY.
“Late tonight I received the following reply.
T. V. Powderly:
DALLAS, Texas, March 11. Your message received asking me if I will meet committee selected by general executive board of the Knights of Labor for the settlement of difficulties with the Texas & Pacific employees. I beg to say that we have no difficulties with the employees of the Texas & Pacific railway, and should any arise, we are most willing, as in the past, to confer with and right any grievance shown by them to exist. The only issue between the former employees who are now strikers and not now in our service and ourselves is that they have committed depredations upon the property in our possession by disabling and interfering by intimidation and otherwise with meritorious and honest men in our service, desiring to perform the duties abandoned by the strikers. This matter we have remitted to the United States court, and the United States marshals under writ of assistance from the court are settling the trouble for us, so that I cannot see any good arbitration with a committee of Knights of Labor could accomplish. JOHN C. BROWN.
“In an editorial the Ledger advises me to go to St. Louis in order to effect a settlement. You will see by the telegrams I have shown you that it was our intention to bring about a settlement if possible. Mr. Brown has seen fit to refuse the mediation of the General Executive Board of the Knights of Labor to secure a settlement of pending difficulties by arbitration. He must now be held responsible at the bar of public opinion for rejecting the overtures of those who, having as deep an interest in the welfare and prosperity of this country as Mr. Brown can possibly have, would do everything in their power not only to set the idle wheels in motion but to keep them going. I expect that Mr. Brown would have some suggestion or idea to offer by which a termination of this trouble could be reached, and I must confess that his reply was a surprise to me. Our board had arranged to have a committee go to the scene, but if those in authority will not meet with them, no good can come from any interference on our part.”
                                    MISCELLANEOUS LABOR MOVEMENTS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
NEW YORK, March 12. The executive committee of the Empire Association held a conference with Jacob Sharp yesterday to settle some of the details of the demands of the men who recently struck on the Bleeker street railroad. After a long session the committee left Sharp’s office in an angry mood and none of those present would say what had been the result of the conference. It may result in another tie up of all the cars on all the lines of the surface railways. Two other conferences were held afterward between him and a committee of the men. At the final one he agreed to pay $2 per day of twelve hours, and leave the matter of pay for “swings” to arbitration. This, it was thought, would end the matter, but last night the drivers said they will tie up the line this morning until Sharp not only agrees to their terms, but signs a written contract with them.
                                               AN OBDURATE COMPANY.
TORONTO, Ont., March 12. Affairs on the street car lock-out were unchanged yesterday morning. Three cars were sent out from different points, but they had to be withdrawn, as the strikers obstructed their passage. The company thereupon decided to suspend traffic for the day, as they said it was clear that proper protection would not be afforded them to carry out the provisions of their charter, which stipulates a half hourly service on the principal lines. The mayor has written a letter to the president of the company, denying all responsibility on the part of the city, and notifying him that he will hold the company to a strict accountability for a violation of its charter.
                                                EXTENSIVE BOYCOTTING.
AKRON, Ohio, March 12. The Akron trades and labor assembly yesterday issued a circular boycotting J. F. Zeiberling & Co.’s Empire mower and reaper works, the Akron straw board works, Zeiberling, Miller & Co.’s reaper works at Doylestown, the Zeiberling milling company, Akron, and the Academy of Music of this city. The boycott is the result of a recent strike of seventy of Zeiberling’s molders, information coming to the strikers today that he was about to import non-union men from Canada. Zeiberling owns the Academy of Music.
                                                   BENEVOLENT BOSSES.
PITTSBURGH, Pa., March 12. Two hundred and fifty employees of the McIntosh, Hemphill & Co.’s extensive foundry have been notified of an advance in wages of from five to fifteen cents, to take effect April 5. This action of the firm was a surprise to the men, as no demands for an increase had been made. It is expected that other foundries in this city will follow the example of McIntosh, Hemphill & Co. The foundry trade is in better condition than for years.
                                                 THE BOYCOTTED BOOTS.
CHICAGO, March 12. The matter of settling the difficulties between the Knights of Labor and a number of Chicago boot and shoe manufacturers, which commenced several days ago, is still in progress. The indications at the present time are that satisfactory arrangements will be made with all the firms against whom the boycott was issued some weeks ago.
                                                  SATISFIED SWITCHMEN.

CHICAGO, March 12. The Switchmen’s Union met at their hall in Halstead street last evening. It was said that none of the switchmen connected with any of the roads in Chicago had any cause of dissatisfaction, and that the Chicago Union would not participate in any of the strikes now in progress.
                                                          LABOR NOTES.
The boycott against the Atlanta (Georgia) Constitution has been declared off by the Knights of Labor.
Five hundred cotton mill hands at Victory, New York, struck Thursday for an advance in wages of 25 per cent. They refused a 10 per cent raise.
Helwig’s chair factory strike at Indianapolis, Indiana, was compromised by the proprietor agreeing to advance wages 20 per cent.
The East Cleveland (Ohio) Street Car Company has advanced the wages of its conductors and drivers to $1.75 a day, and made a day’s work consist of twelve hours.
All is quiet at the Greenwood mines in Pulaski County, Kentucky, but it is reported that the free miners have started for the Kensee mines in Whitley County to drive the convicts out.
At a meeting of the State Assembly of the Knights of Labor of Michigan Thursday, a committee was appointed to confer with the grangers. It is thought that this will result in a fusion of the two bodies.
About one hundred and seventy-five molders and laborers in Sargent & Co.’s foundry, New Haven, Connecticut, struck Thursday morning, by orders of the organization of which they are members. They had been granted increased wages within a short time.
A compromise had been effected between the nailers and the operators of the Falcon nail works, of Niles, Ohio, and fifteen of the forty-four machines have resumed after ten months’ idleness. The feeders refused to go to work, and the nailers themselves ran the machines.
The Fuller & Ascom Stove Company, of Troy, New York, after an eighteen months’ boycott, has surrendered to the Knights of Labor.
                                                 BATTLE ON THE BRIDGE.
                   Police On an Engine Overhaul Strikers On an Engine Near Little Rock.
              A Lively Shooting Follows.—A Striker Wounded.—Seven Taken Prisoners.
                                       A Freight Train Gets Away From St. Louis.
                                           Failure at Sedalia.—The Texas Strike.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., March 13. At 10:30 o’clock yesterday morning a freight train drawn by a switch engine left the Iron Mountain depot and reached Benton, twenty-five miles south, at noon. The passenger engine which was to take the St. Louis train south was captured at the roundhouse by masked strikers and sent after the freight train. The freight train was overtaken at Benton and disabled, when the strikers started back toward Little Rock with the passenger engine. At Mable Vale, ten miles south of the city, the strikers waited on a side track for the passenger train to go by. The train came along and when the last car had passed, they threw the switch open and dashed out in the direction of Little Rock. United States Marshal Fletcher and several deputies were on the passenger train accompanied by Superintendent Wheedon. The track was cleared for the switch engine and the officers got aboard and pursued the strikers, both reaching and dashing past the depot under full headway. While crossing the bridge the pursuing engine caught and made fast to the strikers’ engine, and the officers began climbing aboard, ordering the strikers to stop. They refused, and on reaching the north side of the bridge, several strikers jumped off and the officers began firing. About fifty shots were fired, and one striker named Sullivan was shot in the leg severely and was captured. Seven others besides Sullivan were captured and the officers are in pursuit of the fugitives, about eighteen in number. The captured strikers were released on bond, and last night everything was quiet, although considerable excitement prevailed.
                                                    STARTING A FREIGHT.
ST. LOUIS, March 13. Yesterday morning at eleven o’clock a freight train passed through the throng of strikers, and is now presumably on its way to Kansas City via Chamois. It is probable that Superintendent Kerrigan owes the local police department the entire credit for the success with which this move was attended, for it was only by the aid of the police that the cars were put through. The train consisted of thirteen freight and two oil cars and a caboose. A regular engineer named O’Neill was at the throttle when the start was made, and Police Sergeants Campbell and Bree were in the cab, the former firing and the latter pulling the bell rope. Police and detectives manned the other parts of the train. Before the shops were reached, Engineer O’Neill was called from his post by the strikers and deserted his engine. Superintendent Kerrigan secured another engineer, who had been out of work for some time, and took the train out. The police accompanied him as far as Cheltenham, when they took the San Francisco train and returned to duty near the yards. The crowd manifested a threatening aspect while the cars were leaving the yards, and one man jumped on the train and tried to put on the brakes, but detectives frightened him off. Several accommodation trains were also out with police assistance. But few responses have been received so far to the advertisement of Superintendent Kerrigan for men, and not a striker was among the number. The freight blockade on the Frisco line has been raised, the people being allowed to move their freight. In East St. Louis and Carondelet the yards are still choked and there is no hope of relief for the present.
The only other event of the day worthy of special note was the abandonment of the Washington accommodation train which runs from here to Washington, sixty miles west, and was hauled off on Tuesday. It was concluded to restore it last evening, and it started out at six o’clock with Engineer Frank Drayer in the cab and a full load of passengers. Everything went well till it reached the Summit avenue station in the western part of the city when Drayer left the engine and the train was soon run back to the union depot and the engine taken to the roundhouse. It is said that Drayer’s abandonment of his engine was voluntary, nobody having solicited him to leave it. If this is a fact, it clearly indicates that the engineers have concluded not to run freight trains.
                                              RUMORS OF A SETTLEMENT.
ST. LOUIS, March 13. Authentic information was received last night that secret negotiations were begun for a settlement of the great strike. Communication between the Missouri Pacific officials and the Knights of Labor executive committee at Sedalia was established yesterday through State Labor Commissioner Kochtitzky and today there will probably be at least a slight rift in the clouds.
                                               FAILURE TO START TRAINS.

SEDALIA, Mo., March 13. Labor Commissioner Kochtitzky and Darwin Marmaduke arrived in this city yesterday morning and departed for home last night. The former came here to investigate the strike and was in conference several hours with the District Executive Board. He stated that the strike was deplorable to say the least and that the business interests of the country demanded imperatively that the company and its former employees should come to an agreement and permit the wheels of commerce to move. He will go to St. Louis today to confer with Mr. Hoxie. The committee has received no answer to their telegram to Mr. Kerrigan asking for a conference. An attempt was made at two o’clock yesterday afternoon to start a train. The engineer was requested by a striker to leave his engine. He deemed it dangerous business go out, as he did not know the condition of the track, and declined to go out with the engine. Another attempt was made an hour afterward, which proved a grand failure. An attempt was made a third time, when a bold striker boarded the engine, threw her wide open, and after running several hundred yards, knocked the fires out. There were three police on the engine at the time, including the chief of the railroad police. The man was arrested and placed under $500 to appear for trial before the police judge on Monday next. Twenty-five additional policemen were sworn in last night by order of the mayor, at the request of Superintendent Sibley.
                                                    THE STRIKE IN TEXAS.
ALVAREDO, Texas, March 13. Receiver Brown of the Texas & Pacific railroad was hanged in effigy last night. A placard was attached to the breast inscribed, “Scabs, Beware.” It is not known by whom the act was done. The strikers are conducting themselves quietly. Their chief amusement is base ball.
                                                           TRACK OPEN.
FORT WORTH, Texas, March 13. The Texas & Pacific is open from New Orleans to El Paso. It is understood here that an effort will be made to buy off the men working for that road with money furnished by the Knights of Labor in the Eastern States.
                                                  WRITS OF ASSISTANCE.
JEFFERSON, Texas, March 13. Receivers Brown and Sheldon of the Texas Pacific Railroad applied to Judge Pardee today for writs of assistance, alleging that since March 1, a large number of mechanics have refused to work upon alleged grievances without foundation; that the mayor of Marshall, Texas, has appointed forty strikers as special policemen to protect the property of the company, and that under pretense of such authority the men have armed themselves and several of them are intimidating men employed to take their places. The officers of the road feel that their lives are not safe, as a riot may be apprehended at any moment. Judge Pardee issued an order that the Marshal of the Eastern District of Texas arrest and prosecute anyone who shall interfere with the receivers.
                                                         ALL ON STRIKE.
PARIS, Texas, March 13. All the road hands are now on strike. Not a single car has been moved for several days, nor has a local freight run since Monday. An order was received yesterday by the agent to receive any and all kinds of freight, but it was countermanded today.
                                                         IN POSSESSION.

MARSHALL, Texas, March 13. United States Marshal Reagan arrived here this morning, swore in some deputies, and took possession of the shops. A circular was being prepared last night notifying the strikers that the shops will be opened this morning and saying that all who wish to return to work can do so provided they make affidavits that they did not leave the company’s employ willingly, and that they have only desisted from work since the strike through fear of intimidation.
                                                 SECTION HANDS STRIKE.
SPARTA, Texas, March 13. The section hands on both sections struck Wednesday evening. They demand $1.50 per day. The hands on all sections west of here on the Texas & Pacific as far as Eastland have struck.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
                                                      THE GREAT STRIKE.
                              The Strikers Quiet But Firm—No Soldiers Need Apply.
SEDALIA, MISSOURI, MARCH 15. Saturday morning Superintendent Sibley notified Mayor Rickman and Sheriff Murray that the company would attempt to run freight trains and asked for protection. The mayor, chief of police, and sixty policemen, and Sheriff Murray, with a large number of deputy sheriffs, repaired to the yards. At one o’clock there were upwards of 2,000 people in and about the company’s property. Assistant Superintendent Frey and Master Mechanic Weller fired up the engine and brought it out on the main track and coupled on ten cars. An engineer and fireman and crew boarded the train, and when the engineer blew his whistle, the fun began in dead earnest. The fields on each side of the track were filled with strikers. The mayor read the riot act to them, but they crowded in on the company’s grounds when the police force and the sheriff’s drove them back. Chairman Page stepped on to the train and asked Engineer Myers not to take the engine out, and Myers left the engine. Frey asked him why he did that. “That man asked me to,” said Myers, “and he is the chairman of the executive committee of the Knights of Labor.”
ST. LOUIS, MARCH 15. State Labor Commissioner Kochtitzky arrived here last night from Jefferson City and held conferences in regard to a settlement of the strike, but he declined to say with whom he conferred or what was done, nor would he say what, if any, relations he holds to either side in the contest. He did say, however: “The strike is a mistake and it is my opinion that the Knights of Labor realize the fact, and basing my opinion on that view of the situation, it is more than probable that within four days the trouble will be settled, freight trains be running, and the embargo upon commerce raised.” When asked if negotiations were now pending between the Missouri Pacific Company and the Knights of Labor, Mr. Kochtitzky replied: “I do not feel at liberty to answer that question directly. I will simply say that the strike is in a fair way of settlement and without the interference of some unforseen issue, it will be at an end within the next three or four days.” Mr. Kochtitzky left for Sedalia last evening for the purpose, it is said, of consulting with leading Knights of Labor at that place.

The local situation in regard to the railroad strike is entirely unchanged, and the day has passed without even an incident worthy of note. Parties have been on guard in the Pacific yards, and nobody was admitted to them without a pass from some railroad official. The strikers have also been very quiet, and none of them have attempted to visit the yards or in any way trespass upon the company’s premises. An attempt will be made this morning to move freight trains, and from present indications there will be no interference in the yards, but what will be done outside of them or after the trains have left the city, nobody can tell.
P. Sargeant, grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, was asked last evening what position the fireman would take. He declined to state anything definite had been decided, etc., but added: “We will let you know about ten o’clock tomorrow.” The meaning smile that accompanied this remark evidently meant that the firemen would not show their hand till the necessity should arise. The indications now are that the strikers are very confident, relying on the assistance of both the engineers and the firemen. The injunction sworn out against the strikers does not yet seem to have affected their plans.
JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI, MARCH 15. Governor Marmaduke being asked in regard to the rumor that the officers of the Gould system had requested of him militia protection, said: “Such is not the case, and furthermore, I am of the opinion that it will not be necessary to ask for such protection. I am opposed to it except in the direst necessity. The will of the people will prevail in a few days and this will be more powerful and efficacious than the bayonet. I am hopeful that this trouble will be ended by the middle of the week at the latest. The businessmen of Missouri whose interests are now being injured more than those of either the railroad or the strikers will force an adjustment of the trouble to the end that the commerce of the country may be resumed.”
                                                THE GREAT COAL STRIKE.
                                             The Clearfield District Ordered Out.
                                                Five Thousand Miners Affected.
PITTSBURGH, March 15. At a meeting of the miners of the Clearfield region, at Tyrone, Pa., Saturday, it was resolved to strike for an increase of ten cents per ton. The Clearfield district includes sixty mines, employing 5,000 men, and is regarded as the pivotal branch of the entire soft coal region. The miners have all quit work and the collieries are now closed. The action taken at Saturday’s meeting makes the strike general. It is estimated that 10,000 miners are engaged in the strike.
                                                              IDLE MINE.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Pa., March 15. The Summit Branch Coal Company’s men are still on a strike, with little probability of an early settlement. The mine is one of the largest in the State, over 1,000 hands being employed. The decrease in the company’s earnings led to a 10 per cent reduction, which brought about the strike.
                                               RUMORS OF COMPROMISE.
NEW YORK, March 15. Nothing definite is known as to what has been done toward a compromise of the Transcontinental fight, but it is unquestioned that some sort of an understanding has been arrived at. This is evidenced by the action of the general agents at both ends of the system. In San Francisco the Western agents came to an understanding that they would not guarantee any freight rates for longer than next Saturday night, the general Eastern agents doing the same thing. It is generally agreed that while rates will be much higher than they now are, they will never be as high as they were before the war.
                                                          THE BOYCOTT.

CHICAGO, March 15. District Assembly 57, of the Knights of Labor, held a meeting here yesterday, and though the session was secret, a member after adjournment vouchsafed to sustain the striking employees of the McCormick Reaper Company, and to boycott the firm which is now employing nearly a full force of non-union men. It was also decided at the meeting to raise the Thompson & Taylor boycott, one of the firms using Maxwell Bros. goods, and to call out the full strength of the order in boycotting Maxwell Bros.
                                                     KNIGHTS OF LABOR.
A number of Chicago boot and shoe firms surrendered to the Knights of Labor on the 9th. The firms had been boycotted.
Listed below are items from Arkansas City newspapers...
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
                                                       Grave Dangers Ahead.
NEW YORK, MARCH 11. The following editorial from the evening Post on the southwestern strike is said by businessmen of this city to represent their opinions.
The statements published by Receiver Brown of the Missouri Pacific, showing the nature of the demands made upon them by the Knights of Labor, are very significant because symptomatic of the condition of industry and society everywhere. There are very few employers of labor, whether individual or corporate, who are not lying awake of nights thinking about what is going on in Texas and Missouri. There are no intelligent persons, whether employers or employed, who are not looking with anxiety for all the news from that quarter and trying to form an idea of what the end will be.
There are those who believe that a socialist revolution is and has been for a long time impending. Although the avowed socialists are an extremely small part of even the most densely populated cities, the belief is entertained by careless observation that their ideas are spreading among the trade unions which have been for the most part their avowed opponents hitherto, and that if some great strike or convulsion of industry should result disastrously to the strikers, the main body would adopt the cause of the socialist for better or worse.
Socialism has a great many queer fancies but division of property is at the bottom of them all. This signifies the overturning of law and the temporary stopping of civilization. We say temporary because after any possible social disturbance, the worst conceivable society must right itself somehow. In the first two years of the French revolution, those calling themselves “the people,” employed themselves in butchering the aristocrats and the next six [? Looked like six] years in butchering each other. But the result proved that anarchy could last forever.
If there is such a coming evil, it is quite useless to run away from it. The supporters of law and order, whether capitalists or non-capitalists, ought to and must put themselves in readiness to meet it and instead of compromising the law and yielding a point here and a point there of its authority and majesty, must make a firm stand on the first well-defined issue that presents. The Trans-Pacific case appears to be such an issue.

The statement of Receiver Brown is to be taken as a true one until proven otherwise by something better entitled to evidence than the out-givings of a secret society. The Texas Pacific road is a bankrupt corporation. It was built in advance of any real need for it. By a real need is meant such a need as would enable its operation in the country adjacent and tributary to it to pay running expenses and a fair rate of interest on the capital employed. The indispensable condition of successful industry was wanting. It was accordingly taken possession of by the officers of the law of whom Receiver Brown is one—an inferior one, to be made the most of in the interest of the creditors. Its creditors in the order of preference are: First, its employees; second, those who furnish its needed supplies; and third, those who have loaned money to build it.
Of the seven propositions submitted by the Knights of Labor to the receiver for his signature, all but one are of a kind which he had no authority to sign or agree to, because his position was that of a subordinate officer of law. He refused to sign and the Knights of Labor struck. In order to make their strike more effective, they struck on the Missouri Pacific and its leased lines also. This was the largest boycott that the country has yet seen.
It boycotts not only the Missouri Pacific, but to a large extent the states of Texas, Arkansas, and Missouri.
There are probably more working men in the city of St. Louis alone than the whole number of boycotters in the Gould southwestern system. The question now is whether Receiver Brown and Vice President Hoxie will stand firm until public opinion is aroused by the oncoming of misery to assert the majesty and authority of the law.
A telegram from Fort Worth, Texas, says that the Farmer’s Alliance is in sympathy with the strikers and will join them in political steps to control the state. This is not at all unlikely.
The farmer has been so accustomed to look upon corporations as his enemy that he will naturally join forces with any other enemy who comes in sight. Yet the alliance will be of short duration because the farmers’ interests require speedy and uninterrupted railway transportation. Moreover, in the long run, he will find that to whatever extent the artisan gets more than a fair share of the aggregate earnings of the nation—more than the share which free competition would yield—it must come out of agriculture. There is no other from which it can come. Still the farmer will probably side with organized labor in the beginning.
If Receiver Brown yields to the demands presented, he must begin by asking the court whose officer he is for permission to sign a paper which is virtual abdication of his office. If Vice President Hoxie’s statement is true—and it must be true, unless there has been some recent change in the practice of the law—no yielding on his part would affect the status of the Texas and Pacific in any degree. It would seem, therefore, that no case could be imagined upon which or where the necessity of their doing so could be more imperative, let the consequences be what they may.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
                                                                The Strike.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, MARCH 11. Labor Commissioner Frank H. Betton has returned from the scene of the Missouri Pacific trouble at Atchison. He takes the view that while the employees of the Missouri Pacific system were mistaken in tying up the whole system, yet the Texas Knights of Labor were justified in striking. From Governor Brown’s statement he thinks that it was a clear attempt to break up the Knights of Labor in Texas, and he thinks it ought to be sat down on.
                                                      BUSINESS KILLED.
                 The Railroad Strikes Most Disastrous to Business in Kansas City.
                                    A Conference of Railroad Superintendents.
                                                  A Train Ditched at Sedalia.

                                Grave Fears at Chicago of the Strike Spreading.
                                          A Freight Train Gets Off at Denison.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
SEDALIA, Mo., March 24. At 2:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon the railroad officials made another attempt to run out a freight train and succeeded in getting about three miles from the city limits when a wreck occurred, which seriously injured four men and placed the track in such a condition that it will be impossible to run any trains until workmen can be had to repair it. The train was in charge of Superintendent Frye and Trainmaster Lyons and started out of the city at the rate of from ten to fifteen miles per hour. As it passed the stockyards, three or four torpedoes exploded on the track and several men jumped on the rapidly moving cars.
                                                     THE TRAIN DITCHED.
When it got about two and one half miles further out, the engine and the first four cars were ditched and the track torn up for about 200 yards. When assistance arrived it was found that Officer Mason had his arm broken at the wrist and Special Policeman Neil had one leg broken. Superintendent Frye and Trainmaster Lyons were both bruised, but it is not believed their injuries will be dangerous. A farmer by the name of J. M. Garrett, who was plowing near the scene of the accident, says the train was going at the rate of thirty miles near thee all day and had seen no one near the track. An examination of the track shows that the fish plates had all been taken off and thrown upon the embankment; the bolts which held them in place had been carefully taken out and the nuts replaced.
Conductor Spangler, who was in the cupola of the caboose, was thrown through the window and hurled violently to the ground. He was not seriously injured. He said that his brakeman, a man named King, had told him to look out after the train got past the crossing as something was going to happen. He further stated that King was a Knight of Labor and that King knew that the accident was going to happen.
                                             DISOWNED BY THE KNIGHTS.
The greatest excitement prevailed when the news of the wreck reached the city. Hundreds of people gathered in little crowds in the streets and discussed the situation. The Knights of Labor disown any connection with the affair and say that they do not believe any member of the order had anything to do with the crime. The engineers will hold a meeting in the morning. They say that it is unsafe to venture on an engine under existing circumstances. What action they will take remains to be seen. The train was running at the rate of thirty miles an hour when the disaster occurred. The tracks are in a horrible condition, as no repairs have been made since the inauguration of the strike. Trainmaster Lyon said last night that another attempt would be made to break the blockade today. Warrants were out last night for the arrest of three men suspected of causing the wreck.
                                                        AT KANSAS CITY.

KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 24. No change has occurred in the switchmen’s strike. Several superintendents arrived in the city yesterday and held an informal meeting, which resulted in nothing definite. Vice President Smith, of the Santa Fe, and General Manager Callaway, of the Union Pacific, will reach the city this morning, when a conference will be held between the managers and President Hill, of the Switchmen’s Association, and Grand Master Monaghan, who arrived on the scene yesterday. It is thought an adjustment may be effected today. The only attempt to run trains was made by the Union Pacific yesterday morning. When three miles out of the city, the coupling pins were drawn and the train was backed into the yards. The condition of business is deplorable. Nearly all of the packing houses have shut down and several smaller manufactories have laid off their men. A special to the Times from Atchison says that on Monday night masked men captured the watchmen at the roundhouse and disabled every locomotive in that city.
                                          A GOVERNMENT TRAIN KILLED.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., March 24. The effect of the strike is beginning to be felt in this city. Many of the manufacturing industries are running on half time, and should the present state of affairs continue a day or two longer, they will close entirely for a time. The Missouri Valley Bridge Works has shut down temporarily. An attempt to get a freight train out of here, consisting entirely of commissary stores, was made yesterday, but owing to the failure to get an engine, had to be abandoned. The stores are consigned for Forts Gibson and Sill and are provisions for troops. There are four cars of this freight and each is labeled showing that they contain Government property. In the morning Captain Campbell was informed that the engine had left Hiawatha and would reach Fort Leavenworth at noon. When that hour arrived the officer was informed that when the engine had reached South Atchison, it was boarded by Knights of Labor and killed.
                                        FEARS OF THE STRIKE SPREADING.
CHICAGO, March 24. Hardly any freight for Kansas City was accepted in Chicago yesterday on account of the switchmen’s strike at that place, and but few contracts for other Missouri river points were made, it being the general opinion that the strike would spread to those points before evening. Great fears were expressed that the strike would not remain confined to the territory west of the Mississippi, but would reach Chicago and other points east before long. For the first time since the strike, the railways yesterday morning announced their inability to handle certain classes of freight destined for Kansas City and points farther south and west. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy early in the day posted notices to the effect that no perishable goods would be received and that all freight taken would be subject to delay. The Chicago & Alton insisted on the same conditions. At noon the Rock Island sent out word to the local offices to take no perishable freights for Kansas City nor to points in California by way of Kansas City. The Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific up to noon sent out no notice such as the other lines posted and was taking all classes of freight to Kansas City except shipments over the Missouri Pacific and the Iron Mountain and car-load lots to points on the St. Louis & San Francisco road.
                                              A FREIGHT TRAIN GETS OUT.

DENISON, Texas, March 24. At one o’clock yesterday a switch engine was brought out of the Missouri Pacific roundhouse for the purpose of switching freight cars to be unloaded. Several cars of beer, ice, and oil were coupled and switched to the unloading tracks. Fully 1,000 strikers and citizens had assembled to see what would be done. The strikers made a move to disable the engine; but as if by magic, a force of deputy sheriffs appeared, armed with Winchester rifles. They ordered the strikers to stand back and stood ready to fire at the first man that made a break. The strikers made no further attempt to stop the work, but remaining standing around. Five of the leading Knights were arrested and taken to the jail. Excitement runs very high and serious trouble is expected. The Knights swear no freight trains shall move and it is evidently the intention of the officers to take freight trains out. Business is almost at a standstill.
                                                       RIOT AT ST. LOUIS.
ST. LOUIS, March 24. A freight train of fifteen cars was made up this morning at the Union depot and started over the Missouri Pacific tracks in the direction of Seventeenth street. Arriving at that point the crowd called upon the engineer and fireman to leave their posts, which they did. The mob here soon became so dense that it was deemed advisable to close the yards, and the police were summoned. Soon a force of about one hundred and fifty, commanded by the Chief of Police and all the captains, arrived at the scene. The crowd was then ordered to disperse, and upon their refusing to do so, the police made a charge upon them, hoping to drive them away without using their clubs. The latter alternative, however, became necessary to resort to, the mob still resisting. During the struggle which ensued, several of the strikers were badly beaten by the police, some of whom were in turn badly bruised from rocks thrown by the mob. After a brief fight the crowd was dispersed and driven from the yards. Another engine was then procured which, after being coupled to the abandoned freight train, drew it from the scene of the riot under a guard of about fifty police, who accompanied it as far as the city limits, no interference having been met with. How far beyond this point the trains will be able to proceed cannot be conjectured, for the strikers may at any time render its progress impossible.
                                                       STRIKE AT ST. JOE.
ST. JOSEPH, March 24. All the switchmen quit work at noon today.
D. A. Millington wrote a long editorial relative to the stone masons in Winfield...
                                                    ORGANIZED LABOR.
                                          Suggestions to Winfield Mechanics.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.

We are in full sympathy with our mechanics and in favor of organized labor. Capital is in its nature an organization and can usually take care of itself. Labor should also be organized for mutual benefit. Laborers should not be the slaves of capital, neither should they be the slaves of any other tyranny or despotism. The worst tyranny that American labor has suffered under has arisen from imported cheap labor. American laborers are generally law-abiding, intelligent, industrious, peaceful, and skillful, and are always preferred to foreign laborers because of these attributes and because they understand their business. The cheap importations from foreign countries have few or none of these good qualities and must compete with American labor, if at all, by working for lower prices. Then they are the elements of nearly all the troubles, mobs, and crimes that have been committed. The mobs which destroyed so much property and so many lives at Pittsburgh a few years ago were composed almost wholly of this cheap foreign element. The Chinese committee which investigated the massacre at Rock Springs reported that there was not one American-born citizen in the mob which committed the outrages. The mobs in Oregon, as far as known, were composed of foreigners, and the officers of the law, who were assassinated, were slain by foreigners. A late strike in Pennsylvania was by a mob of Hungarians, who violated law in many ways, and the assassinations by the “Molly McGuires” are not so old as to be forgotten. Yet these foreign elements have got control of many of the labor organizations, and in their vicious ignorance, have controlled to the great injury of American labor; have organized strikes, which have ruined and impoverished native born laborers, in order to compel employers to employ foreigners, however worthless, and to pay them as much as they do Americans who are three times as valuable to the employer.
We would far rather be under the rule of the American capitalist than under the despotism of such a vicious rabble, and the first thing that organized labor needs is to emancipate itself from this kind of rule. They should organize for the protection of American labor and not for the purpose of dividing the earnings of Americans with those who do not earn it. They should exclude the element from their organizations entirely and control them in the interest of themselves.
These considerations may be thought useless in this state and in this city, especially, for here the Knights of Labor and the trade organizations are composed almost wholly of American mechanics of high character and intelligence, who will control it with judgment and ability.
This is true, but there are probably connected with the Knights of Labor many sub-organizations in the east, which are controlled by the foreign element, and there is some danger that these elements may sometime be able to foist officers of their own selection upon the national organization. The only safe way is to eliminate this element. In the next place, the supreme head of the organization should not be supreme, especially in the matter of strikes and boycotts, which seem to constitute the final weapons of the order. These are very dangerous and always damage the users seriously, we might say, to a much larger extent than anybody else. It is like sacrificing a hundred dollars to compel your opponent to pay ten, and should never be resorted to except when absolutely necessary to establish a vital principal. Therefore no autocrat in the east should have the power to compel the use of these weapons in Winfield or in Kansas. While the national order should have a general head to manage the general business and well being of the order, like as the nation has its president, yet the branch in a state should rule in matters local to the state as in the state government, and the city branch should rule in matters local to that city.
No power outside of Winfield should have power to compel the use of these weapons in Winfield. What if New York stone masons should strike and in order to enforce their demands, it should be deemed necessary by the head of the organization to make a general strike of stone masons throughout the country and such orders be issued. In such case, the stone masons of Winfield should be independent of such order and act in the matter as they may judge to be the best interest of the stone masons of Winfield. If they have no grievance or complaint against their own employers, they should go on with their work and get their money for it. It is too much to ask them to be idle a month or two on expense for the little good it might do to a lot of foreign laborers in New York, when they might be getting ninety dollars a month for their labor; and it is excessively wrong to punish Winfield men who would improve their city, for the wrongs or supposed wrongs of New York City contractors and employers.

Therefore, we would advise the Knights of Labor and other trade organizations of Winfield to maintain their independence in these respects and to use only their own good judgment in these matters. And we would further advise them to avoid strikes and boycotts just as long as possible. It is not probable that there will be any necessity for them here. Our contractors and employers seem quite ready and willing to accede to any just demand, and in case any should refuse to be just, our law passed at the late session provides for settling such differences by arbitration in a just manner without cost or loss of time or money to the workman.
We could advise them to organize and keep in good shape to promote their joint interests, and then we do not doubt that their own good sense will carry them smoothly along. We do not believe they will make any unreasonable demands for such would not only depress the building boom of our city and shut down on the building of many edifices which are projected, but would invite and bring in a new raft of workmen, perhaps “foreign cheap labor,” to compete with them for the work, and this would reduce the prices to our skilled workmen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886. Editorial Column.
Grand Master Workman Powderly of the Knights of Labor appears to be a man who thinks. Of the labor troubles in the southwest he says:
“Candidly, I do not see the necessity for this strike or for its continuance. In fact, the day of strikes is past. I never ordered one in my life, and with two exceptions never failed in an endeavor to meet employers for settlement of differences with employees.
“When a conservative tone like this is assumed generally, and less precipitation is shown in strike movements, money will be saved to both employers and employees.”
                                                       THE BITTER END.
                   Jay Gould Says He Will Fight The Strike on the Missouri Pacific
                                    To the Bitter End.—He Gets Legal Advice.
            Governor Marmaduke Issues A Proclamation Commanding the Railroad
                                To Resume Traffic and the Strikers to Disperse.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
NEW YORK, March 25. The Tribune publishes a long interview with Mr. Jay Gould in regard to the strike on the Missouri Pacific railroad, the essential features of which are herewith given.

Mr. Gould said: “There can be no compromise in this case and so far as I know there has been no attempt toward one by either side. There is no room for a compromise for the strikers have confessed in effect that they have no grievance against our company. I am bound to fight this question to the bitter end for this very reason. The proposition is a simple one: if we had once interfered with the management of the Texas Pacific, we should have been in contempt of the United States Court which has charge of that road. The men on our own lines have made no complaint against us, but are striking to enforce the demands of a workman on another road not under our control. There can be no compromise of such a strike and I have asked the opinion of Judge Dillon as to our legal rights under such circumstances, and his decision is that it is our duty, not alone our right, to prevent the interruption of the business of the road by all legal means. He says the company has a clear legal remedy against the members of the Knights of Labor organizations in suits for damages and we purpose to test this action in the courts. We shall sue members of the organization and the papers in the case now are being prepared in accordance with Judge Dillon’s opinion. We propose to recover damages from every member of the association who has any property. A great many employees of the Missouri Pacific, especially machinists and engineers, have homes which they have bought out of their savings. Some of the men are worth $15,000 or $20,000 apiece. They are responsible to us for the losses we have suffered if they belong to the Knights of Labor. We will show them that we intend to enforce all our legal rights and we shall bring suits against members of the order who have property on other lines of railroads and in other States. We shall attempt to recover damages from every member who has property that we can attach. It is time that these things should be settled and this is a favorable opportunity. I propose to fight it out on this line. There is another feature of the case, and that is that every shipper and manufacturer and in fact every person who has suffered loss by this strike has the same legal redress as the railroad company has.” Mr. Gould said that the position taken by Vice President Hoxie in his card to the strikers had been fully approved by the board of directors. The effects of this strike, he said, would unsettle confidence throughout the world, and these workmen would be the first to feel its disastrous consequences. He had no news which would lead him to suppose that the strike would extend to the East and intimated that he might ask for an injunction restraining working Knights of Labor from contributing to the support of those on strike.
                                         MARMADUKE’S PROCLAMATION.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., March 25. Governor Marmaduke at a late hour last evening issued the following proclamation relative to the strike on the Missouri Pacific railroad.
The internal commerce of the State of Missouri is carried on almost entirely by railroads. These roads are owned by private corporations belonging to that class of persons whose property is subject to a public use, and that use is in this case as a thoroughfare on public highways, as defined in section 14, article 12, of our State constitution. Railroad companies are declared by the same section of the constitution to be common carriers. As such it is their duty to receive all passengers and freight that are offered, to transport the same with reasonable dispatch and to deliver them uninjured at their destination. In order that these public highways may be opened and these common carriers established in business upon them, the State has granted to these companies the privilege of incorporation whereby these stockholders, after paying in the par value of their stock, are exempt from any further liability of the company or to its creditors, no matter what amount of debt may be incurred by it. They are also authorized to issue stock to the full amount of the cost of their property and in addition the State and its lesser public corporations such as cities, counties, and townships have subsidized these companies so liberally that in some localities debts were created therefor to pay which generations to come will have to be taxed. The State has exerted in the railroads’ favor its right to eminent domain by condemning private property for their use, which act alone stamps their property with an indelible mark signifying “devoted to a public use.”

In return for all these privileges, immunities, and favors, the State claims nothing except that her people shall have the use of the transportation facilities thus created and provided in the manner indicated by their constitutional and other legal rights. The right to the enjoyment of this use by the people is paramount, ought to be and shall be respected. The railroad companies themselves have by accepting these conditions, assumed the responsibility of securing to the people these enjoyments. Every stockholder in these companies has knowingly assumed his share of that responsibility, and every employee from president to trackman has knowingly entered a service on which this responsibility rests and has voluntarily assumed the actual performance of a part of the duties incidental thereto.
The lines operated by the Missouri Pacific Railway Company carry nearly one-third of all the railroad traffic of Missouri. On these lines no freight has been moved during the last seventeen days. Thousands of tons are stopped in transit, and the people are consequently suffering enormous inconvenience, damage, and loss. This is caused by the refusal of a part of the employees of said company to perform their duties or to allow others to take their places. It is alleged that there are unsettled grievances of some sort between them and the chief executive officers, which is to say, there is some disagreement between two classes of employees of the same company. In the eye of the law they are all component parts of the same organization and they must settle whatever differences there may be among themselves in some other way than by inflicting upon the people of the State the incalculable injury which this stoppage of the freight traffic involves.
Wherefore, I, John S. Marmaduke, Governor of the State of Missouri, by virtue of the authority in me vested, do hereby call upon the Missouri Pacific Railway Company and upon all of its officers, agents, and employees of every grade each in their several capacities to assist in resuming traffic of all kinds in the usual way on all of the railroad lines operated by said company in Missouri, and I warn all persons, whether they be employees or not, against interposing any obstacle of any kind whatever in the way of said resumption and, with a firm reliance upon the courage, good sense, and law-abiding spirit of the public, I hereby call upon all good citizens to assist in carrying out the purposes of this proclamation, and I also hereby pledge the whole power of the State, so far as it may be lawfully wielded by its chief executive officer, to sustain said company and its servants in said resumption and to restrain all that may oppose it.
In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State of Missouri. Done at the City of Jefferson the 24th day of March, A. D. 1886.
                                                   JOHN S. MARMADUKE.
By the Governor.
                                    MICHAEL K. McGRATH, Secretary of State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
                                                   GOULD SEEKS ADVICE.
NEW YORK, March 25. The following correspondence explains itself and the legal opinion it contains is of much interest at the present time.
To Messrs. Dillon and Swayne, general solicitors, New York.

Gentlemen: A secret organization known as the Knights of Labor have for more than two weeks, by combination, force, and violence prevented the company from operating its road to such an extent that for that period the company has been unable to run any freight trains or do any repairs to locomotives or cars. For example, this morning when an endeavor was made to start a freight train from St. Louis west a force, or a mob, of about eight hundred men assembled and prevented it. I am instructed by the company’s directors to inquire of you what our legal rights and duties are in the premises and particularly if this organization and the members of it are liable to the company for the damages which it has suffered by their preventing it from operating its road. Yours truly, JAY GOULD, President.
To Jay Gould, Esq., President, etc., New York.
NEW YORK, March 23. DEAR SIR: Your letter states a case of illegal conspiracy and combination against the company, accompanied with violence and force, preventing it from discharging its public duties and inflicting upon it and the community serious pecuniary damages. It is the duty of your company to use all lawful means in its power to this end: The law is well settled that, where an unlawful end is sought to be effected, all persons who, actuated by a common purpose, work together in any way in furtherance of such an end, are conspirators and co-wrong-doers, and each is liable for the acts of all. The body which directs the illegal acts, as well as all persons who aid, abet, counsel, or assist in furthering their accomplishment are equally liable, and each one is liable to the extent of the whole aggregate damage, and all or any may be sued therefor, and recovery in the civil suit in no wise affects the criminal liability. Yours truly,
                                       DILLON & SWAYNE, General Solicitors.
                                                            Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
                               ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, MARCH 23, 1886.
We, the Knights of Labor of Necessity Assembly No. 2843 of Arkansas City:
Do most positively deny that we have taken any action, and will not, as Knights of Labor. We have no ticket in the field and will not place any ticket in the field upon the school question, as has been reported. Nor have we pledged ourselves as Knights of Labor in any faction, nor will we. We are an organization in favor of education.
Note: The above was printed days later in the Traveler, which referred to “No. 2842" rather than “2843.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
ED. TRAVELER: We the Knights of Labor, of Necessity Assembly, No. 2842, of Arkansas City, do positively deny that we have taken any action and will not as Knights of Labor; we have no ticket and will not put a ticket in the field upon the school question as has been reported, nor have we pledged ourselves as Knights of Labor to any faction, nor will we. We are an organization in favor of education.
Arkansas City, March 25th.
                                              SUCCESSFUL SWITCHMEN.
    The Switchmen’s Strike in Kansas City Ends in the Reported Success of the Men.
                     The Agreement Kept Secret.—Labor Movements Elsewhere.
                              Secretary Turner in Favor of Congressional Action.
                                              New York Carpenters Succeed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 25. The switchmen’s strike, which for three days paralyzed the business of this city and stopped the traffic of a dozen roads, was brought to a sudden termination at five o’clock yesterday afternoon, and at seven the night crews in all the yards except the Missouri Pacific returned to work. The exact terms of settlement are unknown even to the men, the grand master, who conducted the arbitration for them, being sworn to secrecy. Enough is known, however, to justify the statement of a striker that the agreement is on the basis of Chicago rates. From a superintendent it was learned that the men are to return to work at the schedule of the 13th inst., and that the roads are to be allowed to regulate the working hours of crews. That the agreement does not end here is evident, and an official high up in authority did not hesitate to say that after April 1, the pay would be the same as the Chicago standard. As has been stated, until yesterday the superintendents had refused to meet Grand Master Monaghan. Vice President Smith, of the Santa Fe, General Manager Callaway, and General Superintendent Smith, of the Union Pacific, arrived in the city yesterday morning, and with General Manager Nettleton, of the Fort Scott, and General Manager Barnard, of the Hannibal & Council Bluffs, held a conference at the Fort Scott offices. It took them but a few minutes to decide that the superintendents should confer with the representative of the strikers, and at three o’clock the latter did so in the office of the Union depot superintendent. Besides Mr. Monaghan there were present Messrs. D. J. Chase, General Superintendent of the Santa Fe, and Mr. Nichols, Superintendent; Mr. T. M. Bates, General Superintendent of the Alton, and Mr. W. E. Gray, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. R. G. Butler, Superintendent of the Wabash; Mr. L. W. Towne, General Superintendent of the Fort Scott, and Mr. J. O. Brinkerhoff, Superintendent of the Union Pacific. Mr. Barnard, who went to St. Joseph at three o’clock to look after the strike there, had so far reached from his first position that he left the matter of settlement entirely in the hands of the other superintendents, agreeing to acquiesce in anything they might do.
The conference lasted two hours, at the end of which time terms of settlement had been put in writing and signed by all present. Mr. Monaghan then hurried to the hall on West Twelfth street where he found President Hill and most of the strikers awaiting him. A session was immediately held with closed doors.
“Have you confidence in me?” were Mr. Monaghan’s first words.
“We have,” exclaimed every man in the room with one voice.
“Then the night men will go to work at seven o’clock and the day men will report for duty at seven tomorrow morning. My lips are sealed until Sunday, but I assure you that your interests have not been compromised. I will say further that if this agreement is not religiously observed by the roads, I will order you out and Chicago along with you.”
A deafening cheer greeted this last remark and the session closed, the night men going to their homes to prepare for the night’s work.
“The men will work the same as though no strike had occurred,” said Mr. Monaghan. “I can’t say what the argument is. I will say, however, that we will fix this matter up so that there never will be another strike.”

The object of imposing secrecy on the Grand Master is not apparent. Some railroad men think that the superintendents have granted everything the men demanded, but expecting an early settlement of the Missouri Pacific strike, prefer to keep the fact secret for a time so that other employees may not be induced to strike by the prospect of receiving higher wages.
Five minutes after the adjournment of the superintendents’ meeting, the news had been telephoned all over the city. The effect on business was electric. Before night every manufacturer and wholesale merchant in town had telegraphed to every point in his territory and was making preparations to get delayed consignments out as soon as possible.
                                               OTHER STRIKE MATTERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
PHILADELPHIA, March 25. Secretary Turner, of the Knights of Labor, received a telegram today from a prominent official of the order at Washington, stating that ex-Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, was about to introduce and urge the passage of a resolution in the House of Representatives providing an investigation into the cause of the refusal on the part of certain railroad companies to arbitrate existing labor difficulties in the West. The Knight states that he had been requested by the promoters of the resolution to ascertain the sentiment of the order to the proposed inquiry. Secretary Turner has replied by wire that the order will approve any object having in view a possible settlement by arbitration and would concur in the proposed Congressional action.
                                                   WALKOUT EXPECTED.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
OMAHA, Neb., March 25. A delegation of Knights of Labor from Denver, Cheyenne, Rawlins, and Laramie arrived here yesterday and held meetings all the afternoon with members of the order here. It is understood that they are formulating a demand on the Union Pacific Company for an entire adjustment of the wage schedule and unless their demand is acceded to, there will be a general strike all along the line. A walkout among the yardmen at this place is expected to occur today.
                                              ANOTHER ENGINE KILLED.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
OMAHA, Neb., March 5. The fifth futile attempt of the Missouri Pacific to move freight trains out of this city occurred yesterday. At two o’clock an engine and caboose started with the intention of picking up cars at Papillion, just outside the city. The Knights of Labor killed the engine and ran it on the belt line tracks, where they left it guarded.
                                                     ENGINE WRECKED.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
PARSONS, Kan., March 25. The first violence that has been enacted here during the present strike was committed last night when some persons ran one of the switch engines, that has up to with a day or two been doing the switching of passenger trains, into the turntable at the roundhouse, completely wrecking the engine, causing considerable damage.
                                                     PICKETING A FIRM.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

CHICAGO, March 25. Brushke & Ricke, furniture manufacturers, yesterday decided to ask for an injunction against the Furniture Workers’ Union No. 9, as an organization, and its sixty-four members individually, to prevent the “picketing” of the factory, where a strike is progressing. By picketing, the firm means that the strikers have guards along all streets leading to the factory, by whom non-union hands who might be going there to work are intercepted and discouraged.
                                                THE DAYTON STRIKERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
DAYTON, Ohio, March 24. The strike among the drivers of the Third street car line still continues, with no prospect of a settlement soon. The Oakwood line struck at noon, and it is expected that the Fifth and Wayne street lines will follow in the strike tomorrow. The moulders of the city are off duty today, not on a strike, but to aid the railroad strikers. All the employees of the glass and cigar manufactories struck today because the proprietors refused to make them union factories.
                                          A NEW LABOR ORGANIZATION.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
BOSTON, March 24. Rumor for some time has been current in labor circles here that a new secret order resembling that of the Knights of Labor and to be called the Knights of Industry was in course of formation. Inquiry yesterday showed that the report was well founded. A number of meetings have been held; correspondence opened with labor leaders, and a preamble and declaration of principles provisionally adopted. The order will embrace hand and train workers throughout the country and will work on the same general lines as the Knights of Labor, but with more definiteness upon certain issues. Strikes will be discouraged and arbitration advocated. The new order is not intended to antagonize the Knights of Labor, but to supplement it, and it is believed they will have the sympathy and assistance of the older organization.
                                    COERCING STREET CAR COMPANIES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., March 25. The bill making it compulsory on the part of street car companies in Baltimore to reduce the hours of labor of the conductors and drivers to twelve hours per day was unanimously passed by the House of Delegates today, minus the obnoxious amendment which the companies sought to have attached to the bill abolishing the park tax.
                                                  CARPENTERS’ STRIKE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
NEW YORK, March 25. The carpenters’ strike, involving between 5,000 and 6,000 men, in this city, is virtually at an end, not more than twenty-five men being out now, the demand for $3.50 per day for nine hours being acceded to. The 4,000 workmen on clocks in the city who are on a strike for better hours and pay are winning their case. Most of the manufacturers are willing to concede and work will probably be resumed in a few days.
                                           DEMAND FOR ARBITRATION.
             Astonishing Success of Anderson, of Kansas, With His Arbitration Bill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

WASHINGTON, March 25. Congressman Anderson, of Kansas, achieved a success yesterday without parallel in the history of the House, by which he obtained unanimous consent that the Committee on Labor should have leave at any time to report and consider legislation proposed by them providing for arbitration between railway companies and their employees, the same not to interfere with the consideration of revenue and appropriation bills. At least one-half of the members were disposed to object, and many gentlemen were on their feet ready to call for the regular order; but when Mr. Anderson directed attention to the fact that no railroad wheel was now turning west of St. Louis and Kansas City in the transportation of freight, and that therefore immediate action had become necessary to avert an impending calamity, the objectors were compelled to desist lest they might be held hereafter to a responsibility they could not afford to meet. Even the railroad representatives on the floor, who are always alert on such occasions, dared not lift their voices to object. This order of the House makes it almost certain that speedy action will be taken in some way to meet the present emergency by legislation providing for arbitration, a consummation which under the rules of the House could not have been accomplished. This matter is a theme for general conversation in political circles, and it is evident from opinions freely expressed by members that the labor question is now overshadowing in importance, the tariff, silver coinage, and all other National issues. So great has been the demand for the Arbitration bill introduced by Congressman Anderson on Monday afternoon and printed yesterday that not a single copy can be obtained until another edition shall be printed.
                                                     MORE FAVORABLE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, March 25. The strike outlook here is decidedly more favorable, and all are more hopeful of a gradual resumption of traffic by the Missouri Pacific.
                                            A FREIGHT TRAIN GETS OUT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, March 25, 11 a.m. Another freight train started out this morning on the Missouri Pacific without any disturbance.
       The Governors of Kansas, Texas, and Arkansas Follow Governor Marmaduke
      In Proclamations Against the Continuance of the Strike on the Missouri Pacific.
                                The Yardmen in East St. Louis Go Out on Strike.
                                                 A Fight at Pacific, Missouri.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, March 26. The expectation which grew into a serious apprehension about noon yesterday that the switchmen in the yards of all the railroads centering in East St. Louis would go out crystalized into the solid fact at three p.m., when all the engines in the yards set up a shrill and prolonged whistling and all the men walked out. Between eleven a.m. and one p.m. a committee of District Assembly 93, Knights of Labor, went through the yard and served an order on all Knights to quit work at three p.m. This order was coupled with a request addressed to switchmen who were not Knights of Labor asking them to join their fellow workmen and also go out. How well this order was obeyed and the request was complied with was shown when on the sounding of the whistles at three p.m., all the yardmen in the place quietly walked out and left the yards deserted.

No question of wages was involved in the movement and it is freely stated, but not on the authority of any Knight of Labor official, that the order sent to the men was simply an extension and enlargement of the strike on the Gould system and the initiative of a general strike on all roads east of the Mississippi river. So far about 125 men are known to be out, but it is reported that all the shopmen of the Cairo Narrow Gauge and perhaps one other road quit work, or will do so. This will swell the number to nearly 400. The roads will attempt to move trains today and a good deal of apprehension is felt for the result, as it is well known that aside from the fact that the police of East St. Louis are small and therefore weak, there is a strong sympathizing element in the place and it would be an easy thing to resist either the city or county authorities.
                                                       MOVING FREIGHT.
ST. LOUIS, March 26. A large crowd of men, women, and children congregated yesterday to witness the expected attempt of the railway officials to make up and start another freight train from the scene of Wednesday’s excitement. They were disappointed, however, for the train was made up at a place some distance from there and under a strong guard of police proceeded on its way through the city. When it arrived at Twelfth street, a large crowd of men rushed for the train, but they were repulsed by the police. Further on, several attempts were made to uncouple the cars, but they all proved unsuccessful and the train finally reached the city limits without further trouble. Preparations have been made at the armory in this city by the militia to protect the property of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company in anticipation of their assistance being necessary to make possible the resumption of traffic upon that road. A regular guard is kept on duty at the arsenal and the entire force of city militia is under instructions to be ready for action at the call of the Governor. Eastern roads will announce in the morning that they will move trains as usual and that they will take all freight offered. Reports which have got abroad that Vice President Hoxie, General Superintendent Kerrigan, or any other Missouri Pacific official has been killed, shot, or assaulted in any way are utterly unfounded.
                                                                A FIGHT.
The Globe-Democrat’s special from Pacific, Missouri, forty miles west of here, says the track was obstructed with a stick of timber about a quarter of a mile from the station there yesterday afternoon, but the freight train which left here in the morning had no difficulty in removing it. About half an hour later another freight train passed through the town and when some rods beyond the station a number of strikers attempted to board it. A shot was fired by the train guards and this was followed by a volley. The strikers then responded and some forty shots were fired and a great excitement was created, but nobody was injured. The company property there is being guarded by the sheriff.
                                                 ANSWER TO JAY GOULD.
The executive board of district assemblies 101, 17, and 93, Knights of Labor, have issued an address to the Knights of Labor and trades unions throughout North America, intended as a reply to statements made by Mr. Jay Gould last night in regard to the strike of the railroad employees of the Southwest. After quoting from the statement of Mr. Gould, the sentence saying that the employees on his roads have presented no grievances to their management, the address says:

“We have wearied the press and worn the types of the world in stating grievances and demanding an opportunity to present them to Mr. Gould and his lieutenants. We have offered through the highest channels that represent us in the Nation to meet him upon any field. We have sought, we have plead, we have demanded that we be heard. To all this Mr. Gould has turned a deaf ear.
“And now before the world we challenge him to hear our complaints. Before the world we impeach his veracity, when he says we have not presented them. Before the world let the trial go on.”
Referring to the decision of Mr. Gould to sue the organization of Knights of Labor, the address says:
“Mr. Gould and his counsel well know that such silly emanations are an insult to the intelligence of our schoolboys and a challenge to the courage of our grandmothers.”
The address closes with an appeal to the strikers to stand firm until their organization is recognized and their demands granted.
                                   GOVERNOR MARTIN’S PROCLAMATION.
To the Sheriff, Attorneys, and other peace officers of the State of Kansas.
                             STATE OF KANSAS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT.
TOPEKA, March 25. Kansas has no waterways within its borders; its internal commerce is carried by its railways. The railways are common carriers and the prosperity of the State and the interests and welfare of its people, farmers, mechanics, merchants, manufacturers, laborers, and all others are dependent upon the uninterrupted operation of the railway lines of the State. The interruption of these great arteries of commerce is a disaster to all and hence is the concern of all. Their operation is vitally essential to every commercial, industrial, and agricultural interest of the people and hence not only the greatest good to the greatest number, but the greatest good to each individual citizen is subserved by their uninterrupted operation.
We are now in the third week of the most serious business disaster that has ever befallen our State. The forcible stoppage of transportation along the lines of railroads touches the interests of a third of the people of Kansas several hundred thousand in number. Supplies of food and fuel are cut off in many localities. Farmers, mechanics, and manufacturers are prevented from selling and shipping their stock and goods, and from paying thousands of laborers hitherto in their employ. Thus the strike of a few railroad men cripples and stops the business and industry of great masses of our people.
The cause of the difficulty is not our province to determine. We live in a law-abiding State and are the servants of law. Corporations and the people must alike obey the law. As new grievances arise new legislative remedies will be found and adopted, but we must act under and obey and enforce the laws we have. Those who violate the laws should be arrested and brought before the courts for trial and punishment.

The stopping of transportation and the stagnation of business have endured long enough. The wheels of industry must be put in motion. No one class of men have any right in law or equity, common sense or justice, to paralyze the business of the country, to work disaster to the tiller of the soil, to close the mills and factories of the State, and to throw thousands of workingmen engaged in every department of human activity out of employment. The rights of the many cannot be yielded to the claims of the few. The men engaged in this “strike” may have just grievances; they may be the victims of corporate greed and power, but this fact does not justify lawlessness or turbulence or the destruction of property, or the forcible stoppage of the transportation lines of the State and the resulting loss and wrong to hundreds of thousands of people is nowise responsible for the controversy between the railway company and its employees.
The people of Kansas acting through their representatives can be relied on to see that the just grievances of any class of citizens or any wrongs done by corporate power are redressed and prevented by law. The laws of Kansas in so far as the interests of her workingmen are involved, are more liberal than those of any other State in the Union. The Legislature at its last session enacted a law the object of which was to settle conflicts between employers and employees by peaceful and honorable arbitration. Kansas has taken the lead on many great questions affecting the rights or interests of her workingmen.
I therefore call upon all sheriffs, county attorneys, and other peace officers to discharge their duties under the law, to preserve the peace, to protect the property, to see that the commerce of the State is not interrupted by violence or lawless acts, and to arrest and bring before the courts for trial and punishment all who are guilty of any violation of law. In the discharge of this duty, you have power to call upon every citizen to aid you, and I appeal to all law respecting citizens to support your authority to the end that order may be restored, that commerce of the State may be resumed, and that industry and prosperity may take the place of unseemly feud, business stagnation, and industrial paralysis. All the lawful authority of the State will be exerted to support local officers in the discharge of the duties thus enjoined upon them, and all persons are hereby warned against interposing any obstacles in the way of the officers of the law or obstructing the lines of transportation on which the commerce of the State is carried.
In testimony whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great seal of the State of Kansas. Done at the City of Topeka, this 25th day of March, A. D. 1886.
                                                        JOHN A. MARTIN.
By the Governor: E. B, ALLEN, Secretary of State.
                                  GOVERNOR IRELAND’S PROCLAMATION.
AUSTIN, Texas, March 26. Governor Ireland yesterday issued the following proclamation.
WHEREAS, It has been made known to me that disturbances, irregularities, and violations of law are of frequent occurrence on various lines of railroad in this State; that trains conveying freight and passengers are interfered with by persons having no connection with said roads; spikes have been withdrawn and trains derailed to the great detriment of commerce and travel and the placing of life in great peril. It is said that this condition of affairs has been brought about by the organization known as the Knights of Labor, and that persons engaged in these lawless deeds are members of that order. Whether this is true or not, it is hardly credible that this order or the best elements in it can countenance the violations of law mentioned. Employees have the unquestionable moral and legal right to quit the service of their employers whenever their employment is not remunerative and satisfactory, providing such action does not violate their contract; but, when they quit and sever their relations, it is the duty of those quitting to get out of the way and allow any others who may wish to take the service abandoned, to do so. Intimidation or interference is a gross violation of the rights of free men and cannot be tolerated in a free government.

Now, therefore, I John Ireland, Governor of Texas, do hereby issue this my proclamation, warning all persons whosoever they may be, engaged in any of the said unlawful acts, that they are entailing on themselves disaster and ruin, and that outraged justice may sooner or later overtake and punish them unless they promptly cease their lawlessness. I do not undertake to say who these lawless persons are, or who is right in the controversy, but violence of the law and disregard for the rights of the people cannot be justified or excused. I appeal to the law-abiding people throughout the State to aid the civil officers in restoring order and in executing the laws and in discountenancing in every way this abnormal condition. I appeal to all civil officers, judges, sheriffs, constables, and city officials to make use of all the means given them by the law to restore order with the assurance that every power of the State, if lawfully invoked, will be used to enforce the laws.
                                                 JOHN IRELAND, Governor.
                                    PROCLAIMED BY GOVERNOR HUGHES.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., March 26. Governor Hughes yesterday issued a proclamation expressing the regret of all good citizens at the condition of affairs precipitated by the strike, which had caused the suspension of freight traffic over the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railroad throughout Arkansas. He said the people had waited patiently two weeks for an amicable settlement. They had an interest in the regular running of trains and commerce, and the good order and peace of the country should not be jeopardized by a longer suspension of business on the great public highways by a common carrier whose duty it was to regularly operate trains for the convenience and welfare of the country. Therefore the railway was required to proceed at once to regularly operate trains over the road under the penalty of being proceeded against at law for further failure to do so.
In order that the corporation might freely and without hindrance discharge its duty to the public, all persons have been notified to refrain from any interference with trains, tracks, motive power and appliances, under penalty of the law, and sheriffs in counties penetrated by the railway have been charged specially with the execution of these commands, and all good citizens are expected to preserve order and refrain from acts calculated to lead to breaches of the peace and from all trespasses on or interference with the railway or the operations thereof.
                                                    STRIKE EXTENDING.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, March 26. All the switchmen and those engaged in making up trains on the west side went out this morning. The feeling here is very uneasy.
                                         MOVING FREIGHT IN ST. LOUIS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, March 27. As early as nine o’clock yesterday morning, there were about 200 men at the crossing on Summit avenue discussing the probable success of the contemplated effort of the Missouri Pacific railroad to take out another train. At that hour ten patrolmen stood along the tracks and kept the crossing clear. By and by another squad came marching down four abreast and divided off on either side of the track. Later another detachment arrived at the crossing and in a few minutes a fourth came marching down the hill. The place was now literally covered with blue coats. There were at least half a hundred officers under the direction of four sergeants. Captain Truchte arrived with the last detachment. The entrance which led up the tracks to the shops was carefully guarded by the regular and special officers, and nobody was allowed within the space, although the shops were apparently deserted. There seemed to be a prevailing opinion that some demonstration on the part of the crowd in that direction was expected, and a few said that the unusually heavy guard at the Ewing avenue crossing meant more than a mere protection to the out-going freight as it passed the avenue, the guard on the train itself being considered fully sufficient to protect it from forcible interference. At 9:50 o’clock freight engine 830 steamed down the track from the shops hitched on to three box cars that stood on the track and switched them to the track where the others were and made up the train. A policeman sat on the end of each car, two men watched each coupling pin. Chief Harrigan and Vice President Blair appeared on the scene before the train began to move and took a look at the situation. There was no crowd in the neighborhood of the warehouse, not more than ten persons being on the spot who were not there for a purpose. Captain Hercules and some of his officers were in the caboose which followed the train out to Twelfth street, where it was coupled on behind, and Sergeant E. Somers and ten men were on the engine. After leaving Twelfth street the train moved faster than was the case with the trains sent out Thursday and Wednesday. At Tayon avenue there was a crowd of perhaps 300 men, who did very little shouting. Some gave an occasional shriek, and now and then there was a cry of “scab” at the crew, which consisted of Conductor Dan Linen and Brakemen James Route, G. M. Stonebraker, and “Cocky” Howard. The demonstration did not begin to reach the pitch of the other demonstration made at this point. Following the train was a switch engine carrying Chief Harrigan and Vice President Blair, with about one dozen police. This engine kept behind the train until the Missouri Pacific shops were reached, when it came to a halt and the chief and the vice president disembarked and returned to the Four Courts. Just before reaching the Summit avenue crossing, the freight slacked up a little, and when within 100 yards of the crossing, the engine put on steam and the train shot through the crowd, which was large but comparatively peaceful. There were forty or fifty policemen at the crossing, who had an easy time preserving order, as the men did nothing but make a feeble effort at shouting. At the machine shops a large passenger engine, with thirty of Furlong’s specials, each of whom carried a double-barreled breach-loading shotgun, switched onto the main track and followed the freight. Their purpose was to prevent a repetition of such disturbances along the line as occurred Thursday at Pacific. A few minutes after the train passed Summit avenue, two patrol wagons appeared there, loaded down with policemen. These had been ordered out by Chief Harrigan, who sent word from the Union Depot to have additional police at the crossing when the train went by. They were not wanted when they reached the spot, and were sent away.
                                           MOVING FREIGHT AT SEDALIA.

SEDALIA, Mo., March 27, At seven o’clock yesterday morning the first freight train that has moved since the strike was sent east by the company. It was accomplished without difficulty as the strikers were unaware of the intention of the railroad officials and were not on the ground. At two o’clock yesterday afternoon another freight was sent out on the Lexington branch, the strikers offering no objections. It was understood here last night that when the train arrived at Lexington, it was side tracked and the engine killed by an unknown man. Two switch engines were taken possession of yesterday by the strikers here and the fires knocked out. Ned Page, Frank Sparn, George Fisher, and another striker are accused of disabling the engines and warrants for their arrest on the charge of trespassing and destroying property of the railroad company as well as charge of violating the injunction issued by Judge Strother, restraining strikers from venturing on the grounds of the railroad. It is said the men will be taken before Judge Strother at Marshall, Missouri. They deny any complicity in the affair whatever. The situation is growing more deplorable every day. Fuel, coal, ore, sugar, etc., are becoming scarce, and the city is threatened with a famine so far as those articles are concerned. A delegation of prominent Knights of Labor departed for St. Louis last night to confer with Irons and the district executive board. The members of the law and order league bitterly condemn the strikers and call on them to return to work, but it is claimed by the executive board that not one man has deserted the ranks since the strike was inaugurated.
                                                POWDERLY’S WARNING.
    The Grand Master of the Knights Warns the Order Against Strikes and Boycotts.
                                                     He is Ready to Resign.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, March 27. A long, secret circular issued by Grand Master Workman Powderly and addressed to the order of the Knights of Labor has just been made public here and is the most important document that has yet been issued bearing upon the acts and condition of that order.
Mr. Powderly opens by instructing the secretary of each assembly to call a full meeting and read the circular before it. The address then orders the assemblies to cease initiating new members till the relations of capital and labor shall become less strained than at the present time.
Mr. Powderly then says: “To attempt to win concessions or gains with our present raw, undisciplined membership would be like luring an unorganized mob against a well drilled army. It is not fair to the older assemblies to bring in new members to pick up their quarrels as soon as organized and have them expect pecuniary aid from those who helped build the order up for a noble purpose.” After dwelling at some length upon the inadvisability of taking in new members, the address continues: “We must not fritter away our strength and miss an opportunity of present success in the struggle against capital by rushing into useless strikes. To the cardinal principles of the order, we must add another—patience. You have had patience for years, and had not the Knights of Labor appeared upon the scene, you would still be waiting. Your scale of prices must stand as they are for the present. If you cannot raise them by any other process than a strike, you must submit to injustice at the hands of the employer in patience for a while longer. Bide well your time; find out how much you are justly entitled to, and the tribunal of arbitration will settle the rest.”
                                                             A CAUTION.

Mr. Powderly then cautions assemblies against receiving employers into their ranks and warns them that politicians are planning night and day how to catch the Knights of Labor for the advantage of themselves and their parties, and adds that to use the name of the order in a political contest is criminal and must not occur again. Referring to the eight-hour movement, the circular says: “Knights of Labor must not strike for the eight-hour system on May 1 under the impression they are obeying orders from headquarters, for such an order was not and will not be given. Out of 60,000,000 people in the United States and Canada, our order has possibly 300,000. Can we mold the sentiments of the millions in favor of the short hour plan before May 1? It is nonsense to think of it.”
                                                  HONEST MEN WANTED.
After speaking of qualities which officers of assemblies should possess, and expecting Knights of Labor to elect honest men of even temperament, Mr. Powderly continues: “While I write, a dispatch is handed to me in which I read these words: ‘They discharged our brother and we struck. You know our motto is ‘an injury to one is the concern of all.’ Yes—an injury to one is the concern of all, but it is not wise to injure all for the sake of one. It would be far better to continue at work and properly investigate the matter, bringing it before every known tribunal, than to have struck.”
                                                           THE CHURCH.
Speaking of the relations between the church and the Knights of Labor, Mr. Powderly says: “I warn our members against hasty, ill-considered action. The church will not interfere with us so long as we maintain the law. If the law is wrong, it is our duty to change it. I am alarmed to meet with clergymen and others to tell them that our order is composed of law-abiding, intelligent men, while the next dispatch brings the news of some petty boycott or strike. The daily papers have a column devoted to strikes and boycotts every day, and some of the causes are ridiculous.
                                                     WILLING TO RESIGN.
“I write this circular to lay before the order the exact condition of things. I am neither physically nor mentally capable of performing the work required of me. I am willing to do my part, but must not be asked to maintain a false position before the world any longer. One of two things must take place: Either the local and district assemblies of the order must obey its laws, or I must be permitted to resign from a position which obliges me to play one part before the public and another to our members. I say to the world that the Knights of Labor do not approve of or encourage strikes, and in one day dispatches come to me about strikes occurring at Troy, New York; Manchester, New Hampshire; Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; Lynchburg, Virginia; Springfield, Ohio; and Montreal, Canada. It is impossible for human nature to stand the strains any longer. I must have the assistance of the order, or my most earnest efforts will fail. Will I have it? If so, strikes must be avoided; boycotts must be avoided. Those who boast must be checked by their assemblies. No move must be made until the court of last resort has been appealed to. Threats of violence must not be made. Politicians must be hushed up or driven out. Obedience to the laws of knighthood must have preference over those of any other order. If these things are done, the next five years will witness the complete emancipation of mankind from the curse of monopoly. In our members we require secrecy, obedience, assistance, patience, and courage. If with these aids you strengthen my hands, I will continue in the work. If you do not desire to assist me in this way, then select a man better qualified to obey your will and I will retire in his favor.”
                                                        STILL STRIKING.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
HANNIBAL, Mo., March 27. This morning all the Knights of Labor employed on the Missouri Pacific went out. These include forty men who had been looking after passenger trains. The Hannibal & St. Joseph and other roads must now handle their own cars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
CAIRO, Ill., March 27. Last night about twenty-five men went to the Iron Mountain switch engine, and pointing a pistol at the head of the fireman—the engineer being in the depot getting orders—compelled him to leave the cab. They then raked out the fire and ran the engine on the side track. No freight is now being handled over the Iron Mountain. The yardmaster received orders from the Knights of Labor not to deliver a train of cars to the transfer steamer, Morgan, and when the latter arrived, he refused to let the cars go on the steamer.
                                                  DITCHING AN ENGINE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
PALESTINE, Texas, March 27. An engine escaped from the yards this morning and flew down the track of the Houston division. It was waylaid and overtaken near the Howard oil mill by about two hundred strikers who, with loud yells and whoops and the use of a crowbar and a lot of wood, succeeded in ditching the engine. K. F. Marshall, white, and Hamp Derry, colored, are still on trial for contempt of court in violating the Missouri Pacific injunction. Four United States Deputy Marshals were sworn in by Commissioner W. M. Lacy today. All of them are International and Great Northern engineers.
                                                  STRIKERS ARRESTED.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
PACIFIC, Mo., March 27. Several strikers were arrested today for participating in yesterday’s riot. There are warrants out for others who have secreted themselves.
                                                      FREIGHT MOVING.
                    Trains Commence Moving on the Missouri Pacific at St. Louis.
                                      Escorted by Immense Numbers of Police.
                                                  Freight Moved at Sedalia.
                             Strike of the Yardmen in the St. Louis Union Depot.
                                                 The Strike in East St. Louis.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, March 27. Yesterday afternoon, acting on an order from the Knights of Labor executive committee, thirty men in the Union Depot shops, consisting of hostlers, wipers, machinists, and blacksmiths, threw down their tools and quit work. These men have no grievances against their employers. Very little work was done in the railroad yards in East St. Louis yesterday. In the Vandalia yards no switching was done except by one engine, Agent Creveling and Yardmaster Frank acting as switchmen, and the former, who is a green hand, acquitted himself very creditably. An attempt to make up a train was frustrated by the strikers, who uncoupled the cars. No further attempt was made in this direction, it being decided to abandon trains Nos. 28 and 32. During the day considerable switching was done by the one engine with Creveling and Frank acting as switchmen. Creveling says that he hopes to be able to place the freight now in the yards in position where it can be conveniently taken away in trucks. In the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy yards, the yardmaster, agents, and members of the clerical force took the places of the strikers and succeeded in making up a train without interference. When everything was in readiness, the train was started out of the yards, and, as nearly all the strikers had congregated around the relay depot, it was unobserved until it was too late to stop it, even if the men had been desirous of doing so. The train consisted of twenty cars and caboose. In the Ohio & Mississippi and Louisville & Nashville yards, efforts were made to give the yards an appearance of some animation by doing a little switching, but very little was accomplished. In the Indianapolis & St. Louis yards, no attempt was made to make up a train for the reason that if one were started out, it would have had to pass the relay depot, where 200 or 300 men were congregated, and serious trouble might result. Last evening the Vandalia and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy started out trains, but as they were pulling out of the yards, a number of strikers stepped up to the engines and requested that the trains be backed up into the yards again and the request was complied with. The outgoing morning passenger trains were all delayed an hour or more, but went out without any interference.
                                                   MILITIA TO BE USED.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., March 27. Yesterday a freight train which went south from Hope at the request of the citizens of Texarkana, who said it would be protected, was boarded by strikers at Texarkana, who disabled the engine. Sheriff Hamilton telegraphed Governor Hughes, asking him to call on the local militia at once to aid in preserving order and protecting property as there were about 400 lawless men in and about the yards of the Iron Mountain railroad offering and doing violence to the railroad property and resisting the sheriff’s deputies and posse.
                                                  RAILROAD ACCIDENT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 27. When rounding the curve at Walruff’s Grove this morning, the Fort Scott train coming into the city ran off the track, overturning the Rosedale coach containing about seventy-five people. None of the occupants were seriously hurt, but most all received bruises on their hands or faces. There happened to be no lady occupants in the car. The engine now lies ditched in the southwestern part of the city, near what is known as the Gillis crossing. The cause of the accident is not known, the officials claiming not to have the least clue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
The Milwaukee Daily Herald has issued an order limiting the hours of labor hereafter to eight hours per day in all departments and increasing the composition to 45 cents per 1,000 ems.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
An active boycott has been inaugurated by the Knights of Labor against the businessmen of Denison, Texas, who signed the petition against the strike and which was forwarded to Colonel Hoxie.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
                                                    THE STRIKE SETTLED.

                   Powderly and Gould Meet and Arrange the Missouri Pacific Troubles.
                                                     Arbitration Agreed Upon.
NEW YORK, MARCH 29. Yesterday morning at eleven o’clock T. V. Powderly and W. B. McDowell called on Jay Gould at the latter’s residence. There they met Messrs. Jay Gould, Hopkins, and George Gould. There was a general discussion of the situation in the southwest by both sides, and a better understanding was arrived at than had been had by either party heretofore. After talking until one p.m., the conference adjourned until evening. At seven p.m., the conference met again. At 8:30 p.m., Mr. Powderly had to leave to keep an engagement with Congressman John J. O’Neill of St. Louis, chairman of the House Committee on Labor, who came from Washington to render assistance if possible in settling the strike. Mr. McDowell, however, remained with Mr. Gould and his party, and Mr. Gould finally handed to Mr. McDowell the following communication.
Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of the 27th instant, I write to say that I will tomorrow morning send the following telegraphic instructions to Mr. Hoxie, general manager of the Missouri Pacific railroad, at St. Louis.
“In resuming the movement of trains on the Missouri Pacific and in the employing of laborers in the several departments of the company, give preference to any late employees whether they are Knights of Labor or not, except that you will not employ any person who has injured the company’s property during the late strike, nor will you discharge any person who has taken service with the company during said strike. We see no objection to arbitrating any differences between the employees and the company, past or future. Hoping the above will be satisfactory, I remain yours very truly, JAY GOULD, President.”
The executive board of the Knights of Labor have sent out the following telegram.
Martin Irons, chairman executive board, D. A. 101, St. Louis—President Jay Gould has consented to our proposition for arbitration and so telegraphs Vice President Hoxie. Order the men to resume work at once. By office of the executive board.
                                                T. V. POWDERLY, G. M. W.
The executive board also sent out the following telegram.
To the Knights of Labor now on strike in the Southwest:
President Jay Gould has consented to our proposition for arbitration and so telegraphed Vice President Hoxie. Pursuant to telegraphic instructions sent to the chairman of the executive board, District Assembly 101, you are directed to resume work at once. By order of the executive board. T. V. POWDERLY, G. M. W.
Congressman O’Neill arrived from Washington just in time to get the news. He said that the Labor Committee had prepared a bill which he would present to the House tomorrow in which he thought were provisions which would prevent future trouble like this. He said that some 9,000 or 10,000 people had been directly affected by the strike, and unnumbered thousands had indirectly been affected. He expressed great pleasure that the end came so peaceably. He returned to Washington at midnight. Messrs. Powderly and McDowell will meet Mr. Gould this morning by appointment.
                                                        QUIETING DOWN.

ST. LOUIS, MARCH 29. The strike situation on both sides of the river was very quiet yesterday. Aside from its being Sunday, a drizzling rain, with now then a brisk shower, fell most of the day, and nobody cared to loiter about the depot and yards. The Wabash sent out one train in the afternoon, but beyond this no attempt was made to move trains.
                                                   ESCORTED BY MILITIA.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS, MARCH 29. The freight blockade in this city was broken yesterday morning and a freight train was sent north with freight from St. Louis under a strong guard of militia. Great excitement prevailed, and 400 strikers were assembled in the Missouri Pacific yard. The militia overawed them, however, and the train left without opposition. At Manderville, ten miles north of Texarkana, a crowd of strikers tried to sidetrack and wreck the train. The militia scattered them and captured twelve of the strikers, who were brought back to Texarkana and put in jail. The running of this train is regarded by the people of Texarkana as breaking the backbone of the strike at this point.
                                                          NOT SETTLED.
                 The Strike on the Missouri Pacific Railroad Remains in Full Force.
            Complications Arise Over the Conference Between Powderly and Gould.
                                               Cars Upset and Engines Killed
                          Near Kansas City, East St. Louis, and Alvarado, Texas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, March 30. Last night, while the executive committee was in session, the following dispatch was received from New York.
Complications have arisen since morning as to the methods of arbitration. Another conference will be held tomorrow. By order of the board. (Signed) T. V. POWDERLY.
When this telegram was received, the committee was discussing the question of ordering the men to return to work this morning, but their plans were arrested and the committee adjourned for the night. Shortly afterward Mr. Cooper, one of the committee, said to a reporter that owing to the condition of affairs in New York, nothing could be done by the executive committee in the way of ordering the men back to work until further instructions were received from Mr. Powderly. No order will now be issued. Nothing can be done while there is no certainty that arbitration will be agreed to. Mr. Irons, the chairman of the committee, is expected back from Sedalia this morning, and he will then sit with the committee.
                                                     QUIET AT ST. LOUIS.

Warrants were sworn out yesterday at the instance of special attorneys of the Missouri Pacific road against J. J. McGarry, Judge Advocate of District Assembly 101; C. M. Chase; and a man named Burdette, under the general charge of felony, but for the specific offense of obstructing trains and trespassing upon the property of the company. Traffic has been practically resumed on the Iron Mountain road. Two trains left yesterday, one about noon, another at 2 p.m., and three trains arrived from the south. Quite a number of men applied for work at the yards of this road today and they were employed. About two o’clock yesterday afternoon three crowds of strikers left the Relay depot and went to the yards of the Ohio & Mississippi and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroads and to the National stock yards, and killed an engine at each place. The Wabash started out a train at 2:30. The situation in the Missouri Pacific yards yesterday morning was one of quietness and order. The crowd present was small and not demonstrative and no interference was offered to the running of trains. One freight train started out soon after one o’clock and another followed an hour later. Neither of them excited any particular attention. Up to noon none of the strikers had presented themselves at the shop or yards to resume work and probably none will.
                                             DISORDER IN EAST ST. LOUIS.
The situation in the East St. Louis yards was one of disorder, and at times it looked as though there would be real trouble. Large crowds congregated at the Relay depot and in various yards; and when an effort was made to start a freight train in the Vandalia yards, a crowd swarmed around it, drew the coupling pins, and otherwise obstructed its movements to such a degree that the train was abandoned. In the Indianapolis & St. Louis and the Louisville & Nashville yards, efforts were made to make up trains; but as fast as cars were brought into position, they were uncoupled by the strikers. Finally the attempt to move them was abandoned. In the Wabash yards deputy marshals are now making up a train, and it will be sent out some time this afternoon. No effort was made in the other yards to move trains and probably there will be none till protection is offered by the State authorities. It is reported that Sheriff Roplequet, of St. Clair County, who was present this morning and unable to control the strikers, has appealed to the Governor of Illinois for military aid, but this has not been verified.
                                                  TROUBLE AT PARSONS.

PARSONS, Kan., March 30. An effort was made by the railway company to move freight trains out on the different lines diverging from this city yesterday. The sheriff’s posse, numbering about 100, sixty-five of whom were armed and put into possession of engines to help them from being disabled, and others were scattered along the line of the road to keep the bystanders away. Mayor Brown, of Parsons, ordered out and had about 200 of the best citizens, property owners, and taxpayers, to aid the sheriff and the officers of the company in the movement of the trains. About 800 or 900 people assembled in the track, with women and children, and put themselves in opposition to the movement of the train. The crowd stood upon the track in front of the train and defied the engineer and fireman to run over them, using rotten eggs extensively, calling the engineer and fireman all sorts of names, and blockading the passage of the engine. The first engine had come down. The Knights of Labor saw an opportunity and disabled it by letting the steam out and drawing the fire. The second engine was not disturbed; but the multitude of people, with women and children, stood on the track and defied the engineer and fireman to run over them. Some of the women seized the guns of the guards, and others placed themselves in a position that a train could not move without injuring them, and thus they held the fort triumphant until it was ascertained it was fruitless on the part of the sheriff and posse to move the train. The engine backed to the roundhouse and ran into one of the stalls. It seems the strike is much stronger here than the officials and law-abiding citizens anticipated. The sheriff and mayor, with other citizens, have wired the Governor the status of the situation, telling him that they believe a train cannot move through this place without the aid of military force. Judge Kelso advised the sheriff and his posse not to do any shooting as it was very plain to be seen that if any shot was fired, it would provoke a collision, and probably many people might be injured who were not to blame in this matter.
                                          TRAINS UPSET AT KANSAS CITY.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 30. Three attempts were made to run trains here yesterday, two of which were attended with difficulty. The first was at 7:30. Mr. Drake, Mr. Dalby, and several other officials had been in the yards since four o’clock and at the hour mentioned, had a train of twenty cars loaded with grain ready to go out. A few strikers were in the yard, but after having pulled a few coupling pins, they were driven away by Sergeant Newgent. At Appleton the train was met by citizens with flags and a brass band. At noon another train of twenty cars was sent east. This one was flagged at the distillery by strikers and the engineer at their request backed the train to the State line. Here the fireman and two brakemen left the train and refused to go back. Their places were supplied by other men, and at three o’clock another start was made with Roundsman McGinnis and Officers Sol Davis, William Davis, Clarkin, and Foster in the cab. This time no interruption occurred, the officers remaining on the engine until Independence was reached. The last train out was one sent west at 1:30. At Rama, about eight miles from Wyandotte, some thirty men sprang out of the wood and signaled the engineer to stop. As he did not do so, one of the men turned the switch and the engine ran down on a side track. When the train was half way past the switch, the latter was turned back and two cars wrecked. The men allowed the engineer to clear the main track, but as soon as he had done so, the engine was killed. Mr. Drake says he has the names of several of the party and that one of them was a switchman who struck with the Knights of Labor. A freight engine came in on the Missouri Pacific from the east about eleven o’clock last night and started for the roundhouse in the Cypress yards. Just after it crossed the State line, it was run off the track, the strikers having opened a switch. The engine was not damaged as it was going slow at the time.
                                                  MORE ENGINES KILLED.
ALVARADO, Texas, March 30. An engine and ten cars arrived here yesterday from Fort Worth. The strikers drove the engineers from the cab and killed the engine, and last night thirty masked strikers locked up the guard at the roundhouse and disabled the engines in it. A strong guard is watching the building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
It seems that merchants and businessmen of the cities and towns are not alone in their losses and damages entailed by the strike. The farmers are suffering in consequence of it. For the last few days we have heard many complaints from Cowley County farmers, who want to sell their produce, and say nobody wants to buy; and if anyone will buy at all, he will only pay about half price. And it is so all over the state. The farmers condemn the strike as without sufficient cause and foolish, and say, if it damaged only the railroads and the strikers, they would not care much, but it is damaging everybody except other railroad companies, where there is no strike. Last year the sympathies of the people were with the strikers; this year the sympathies are on the other side.

Last year the Governors of Kansas and Missouri intervened and soon procured an adjustment of the differences between the railroads and strikers, and work was soon resumed. This year the Governors again intervened, but failed because somebody’s dignity was in the way of settlement. We don’t know all the workings of this matter, but want this strike ended as soon as possible. The men whose dignity or obduracy shall prevent a settlement will lose their popularity and power by this struggle, and it may be the cause of important changes of officers and management either of the Gould system of roads or of the Knights of Labor, whichever is believed to have been in the way of an immediate settlement.
                                                    THE GREAT STRIKE.
                                           The Line Drawn at the Right Place.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886. Editorial.
Governors Martin and Marmaduke have struck the key to the situation in their proclamations, commanding the railroad companies to run their freight trains for the accommodation of the public and commanding the police of the state to protect them in it and arrest and punish all who obstruct the movement of their trains and interfere with their business. Railroads are the creatures of law and organized and given special powers and privileges, made public highways of commerce in a sense that the public may be accommodated and benefitted by their uninterrupted operation, and it is the duty of these corporations to operate their roads. The state should see to it that they perform their duty faithfully and well, and in so doing must protect them against obstruction and interference by the exertion of all the powers of the state necessary. The line must be drawn somewhere and this is the place to draw it. Employees may organize in their own interests, may refuse singly or in a body to work longer for the corporation under the conditions it imposes, may strike and boycott and persuade as many to join them as possible, may even boycott such employees as refuse to join them in the strike; but they must offer no violence. They must not otherwise intimidate them; must keep away from the property and premises of their late employers, and place no obstructions or hindrance in the way of the operation of their roads as best they can without the aid of the strikers. The line is clearly drawn and whenever individuals or an organization cross this line, they become law-breakers and criminals, and should be dealt with as such.
The interests of the employees and workmen should be protected, their rights should be held sacred, so should the rights and interests of the farmers and businessmen, the men who must labor or who prefer to labor on the terms they can get, and of the people at large.

So long as the employees do not overstep this line, they will have the sympathies of the community, however foolish their strike may be considered. The moment they go beyond this line, they lose the sympathies and support of the people and their organization suffers the most serious injury. The Knights of Labor have suffered discredit in this great railroad strike from the fact that they have arrested and sidetracked trains, disabled engines, intimidated workmen by violence, and prevented the movement of trains by force. These unlawful acts have had the effect to convince the public that the strike was ill conceived and foolish, the work of some rattle-headed head center or boss, who may be only one of those imported cheap laborers. We know little about the Martin Irons, who seems to have bossed the job, but it looks as though it was time that some intelligent Knight with an American name was put in his place. It seems from what the national head of the order, Powderly, has said that he did not approve of, or consent to this strike and that he holds to the same ideas and sentiments which we have expressed. He seems to be a clear headed man and the right kind of a man for his place, but he does not seem to have power to control the Martin Irons of the order.
There should be no power outside of Kansas that should be able to compel Kansas employees, to strike. Kansas has a law providing for the settlement of difficulties between employers and employees by arbitration and the latter are in a better condition than in other states. Therefore, there is every reason that the workmen of other states, whether “foreign cheap laborers” or native, should not be able to cause Kansas laborers to punish Kansas farmers and businessmen for giving employees just the law demanded as their chief measure by the Knights and other labor organizations, a law intended to obviate the need of strikes which are as damaging to the employees as to the employers.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
On account of the great railroad strike, many towns in Northwestern Kansas were short of provisions.



Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
                                                         Why Martin Acted.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, April 2. The governor states that the First regiment was ordered to Parsons only after repeated calls from the sheriff of Labette County, the mayor of Parsons, and many citizens of the county, representing that the strikers openly defied the civil authorities and were lawless and turbulent in all their proceedings. The first call for troops came on Monday evening last and in reply the governor telegraphed as the dispatches that evening stated that the strike had been ordered off by the national committee of the Knights of Labor, and that he could not believe there would be further trouble at Parsons. Next day, however, the civil officers renewed the demand for troops, representing that a passenger train had been ditched and several persons injured, and that the strikers at Parsons were more defiant and lawless than ever before. The governor sent the adjutant general to Parsons that afternoon, and he spent Wednesday and Thursday in the city. He addressed the strikers at their hall, appealing to them to respect the civil authorities and conduct themselves as law abiding citizens and warning them that if they did not desist from violent and lawless acts, the state would be compelled to interfere. During both days the mobs were as turbulent and lawless as before, and on Thursday afternoon, the adjutant general telegraphed the governor that all hope of inducing the strikers to respect the law or the civil authorities would have to be abandoned; that they openly defied the sheriff and mayor and that military force would be necessary to preserve the peace. The governor then ordered the First regiment to Parsons to sustain and support the civil authorities in enforcing the authority of law.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
                                                      Troops at Forth Worth.

NEW YORK, April 5. The following dispatches were received this morning at the office of the Missouri Pacific Railway company.
FT. WORTH, TEXAS, April 5. Quiet prevails here this morning. Seven companies of state troops and one company of artillery have arrived here from Galveston. There moved yesterday two trains south on the Missouri Pacific and two trains on the Texas Pacific. No resistance was offered either in the city or country. A good many strikers are arriving in Fort Worth from other places. The adjutant general is in charge of the troops, which consist of 326 men and two pieces of artillery.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
                                                  RIOT AT FORTH WORTH.
                                 A Serious Riot in an Attempt to Run a Freight Train.
                 Three Officers Fatally Wounded. A Striker Killed. The Militia Called Out.
                                Further Threats Made to Stop Trains and Alarm Felt.
FORT WORTH, TEXAS, APRIL 5. At ten o’clock Saturday morning 1,000 people assembled at the Missouri Pacific depot to see Sheriff Maddox send out a train which he had said he would do or die. One engine with twenty armed deputies backed into the yard to take out a train of twenty cars. Sheriff Maddox and thirty deputies guarded the yards and warned the strikers to keep away. The train pulled out for the south shortly after noon, and reached the New Orleans crossing, two miles south. The suggestive quiet that marked the passage of the freight train through the city was not without its sequel. When the train left the depot, it was under the protection of a posse of officers, commanded by Jim Courtright. The train proceeded to the crossing of the Fort Worth & New Orleans road, when it stopped, as customary. When the train stopped it was noticed several men were congregated on the track in front of the train. The posse’s commander approached the men and asked why they impeded the progress of the train, to which they replied that they had nothing to do with it, that they were not armed, and had no intention of interfering with the road.

As the officers returned to the train, they noticed several men sitting or lying in the grass a few yards from the track. The entire posse advanced toward the men in ambush until they had reached the ditch alongside the track when they commanded a throwing up of hands. The command was obeyed, but as the hands came up, they brought Winchester rifles with them, which belched forth a deadly fire. The posse returned the fire, it is said, with fatal effect. There were perhaps 100 shots fired. After the first fire, the posse advanced and continued firing. The ambushers retreated behind some piles of ties, which proved a most excellent breastwork, and from which they poured a murderous fire into the posse. From this position they were finally dislodged and driven beyond range of the posse’s pistols. The casualties among the posse were found to be three: Police Officer Tulford, shot through both thighs; Special Officer Dick Townsend, shot through the left breast near the nipple, fatal; Special Officer Charles Sneed, shot through the breast and jaw. The casualties among the ambushers is only a matter of conjecture, though there seems to be good grounds for saying that three or more of them were wounded, probably fatally. The same authority says there were half a dozen or more horses visible that were ambushed, which it is believed belonged to the ambushing party. The posse carried the wounded men aboard the train, which backed into the union depot.
                                                      FIXING THE BLAME.
The Knights of Labor claim that the first shot was fired by the officers, but the weight of testimony is against the assertion. Tim Wilson, who was on the engine and within three feet of Dick Townsend, who was shot in the back, states positively that the first fire came from the strikers. D. L. Stewart was an eye witness to the shooting and gives it as his opinion that the strikers fired first. Sheriff Maddox Saturday afternoon organized two companies of citizens, which were armed with Winchesters and carbines, and marched them to the depot, the avowed determination being to suppress all opposition to the law. The people were in a terrible state of excitement and appeared completely dumbfounded. The breach between the law and the strikers has been widened and the bitterest expressions can be heard on every side. There are hundreds of Knights of Labor in the city who do not appear to regret the occurrence of Saturday. It has been learned that the strikers on Friday purchased ten Winchester rifles in this city, and the names of two or three of the men who carried rifles have been learned. The Mayor has issued a proclamation appointing seventy-five deputy policemen and ordering all the saloons to remain closed until Wednesday. A petition has been sent to Governor Ireland for State Rangers and military transportation for the troops has been applied for from Receiver Shelden.
                                                    LATER PARTICULARS.
FORT WORTH, TEXAS, APRIL 5. Six companies of the Fourth regiment have arrived here. Two companies of the First are also here. Brigadier General Roberts is in command. The dead body of Frank Pierce, a striker, was found yesterday and brought into town. Two others who were wounded have been located. Trouble is looked for this morning, as strikers are coming in from all directions. The train sent south yesterday reached Alvarado, thirty miles distant, in safety. Attorney General Templeton, who is here with Adjutant General King, says: “Since the authority of the State has been invoked, it shall be wielded, and trains must move, if it takes the whole military force of the State to do it.”
                                                        DEPOT GUARDED.

The depot and yards were guarded last night by over 200 citizens called into service by the mayor’s proclamation, and the streets were patrolled by armed men. There was great fear of fire during the night, and extra precautions were taken. One hundred firemen were in waiting at the engine houses for any emergency and the fires at the pumping stations were kept up to a high point all night. Offers of aid were sent from all surrounding points, and engines were kept in readiness to be forwarded at a moment’s notice. Strikers are arriving from various outside points and the statement is made that the Knights of Labor have determined that Fort Worth shall be the point where trains shall be stopped at all hazards, and that there they will fight their battle. On the other hand, the citizens declare that the Missouri Pacific trains shall move even though it costs scores of lives to accomplish it. The troops now number 235 men. Adjutant General King, Brigadier General A. S. Roberts, Attorney General Templeton, Inspector General Smith, and Colonel W. P. Gaines are on the grounds. The railroad yards are lined with soldiers and no one dares venture on the railroad property. The railroad yards are skirted by a line of saloons and low resorts. Here have been congregated all day a number of desperate looking men, some of whom are ex-railway employees. There were others also who heretofore had frequented the yards committing numerous depredations, but they did not attempt to enter the yards or interfere with railroad property. No further trouble is anticipated in the movement of trains from the yards or through the city, but rumors are heard of bridge-burning and dynamite plots.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The vandalism at Atchison the other night by which fifteen locomotives of the Missouri Pacific were disabled, caused a feeling of indignation. A meeting was held to denounce the perpetrators of the outrage.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
At the municipal election in Emporia, the Knights of Labor elected two of the four Councilmen.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
                                                 Prepare to Fight Another Day.
                                                 [From the Chicago Herald.]
So far as reaching Jay Gould is concerned, the strike in the Southwest has been a failure. The strikers have not carried their point. A great many of them have returned to work. Others have sought and obtained employment elsewhere. The proclamation writers are out, and will stay out. It would be the part of wisdom, therefore, for all of the men who wish to work to accept the situation, cease attempts to interfere with the transaction of business and set about restoring the organization which their recent acts have done so much to weaken.
The wise man does not persist in a mistaken course. The wise strikers of the Southwest will not much longer adhere to a case which seems doomed to failure. Jay Gould they still have with them, but he and his ilk do not menace them any more than do all American citizens. The Goulds are superior to all ordinary strikes. They are not superior to a united and determined people. They may not be reached outside of the law, for the same law which protects them also protects labor, but they can be reached by new laws, to disobey which will place them in the category of criminals.

To correct the system under which the Goulds grow should now be the ambition, not only of the men who work for them, but of all the citizens of the republic. It will take time and patience to curb these modern Titans to bring them under control of American sovereignty and to lessen their power of evil, but it can be done. In the meantime, bitter as the sense or defeat may be to the strikers, they have nothing to gain and everything to lose by blindly continuing a fight that is already lost.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
There seems to be a very general conviction settling down in the public mind that the strike on the Gould system of railways was more in the interest of stock gambling than labor and the remarkable change to the tone of Master Workman Powderly between his first and his second publication indicates an influence beyond that of the order itself.
Jay Gould is no saint, and he has had a hand in bearing as well as building stocks, and has a long account of revenges charged up against him in Wall Street. About these throat-cutting contests the public care little, and concern themselves less, so long as the general current of traffic is unaffected. But when it comes to oppressive rates by the railroad or suspension of train service by strikes, it is a horse of another color entirely. That the present strike may be engineered from Wall Street is not only possible, but the ear-marks are decidedly that way. Kansas City Journal.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Missouri Pacific switchmen at Leavenworth have been notified that they will get the same wages paid the Chicago switchmen. Their former wages were $2 per day for switchman and $2.25 per day for foremen. The pay hereafter will be $65 per month for the working day and extra for Sunday for the day switchmen. For day foreman $70 per month and extra for Sunday work. The night switchmen get $70 per month for working days and the night foremen $75 per month, and each get extra pay for Sunday. The change went into effect May 1.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
                                                            Powderly Talks.
BUFFALO, NEW YORK, MAY 22. General Master Workman Powderly and General Secretary Turner of the Knights of Labor arrived in this city this morning en route to Cleveland, and left again at 12:30 p.m. Mr. Powderly stated that one of the chief subjects to be discussed at the forthcoming general meeting will be the extension of the general executive board. The organization is growing so rapidly that the present executive board is not numerically sufficient to properly look after each state and its membership and must be increased. There were the same number of members on the board (five) at the present time, with an organization of nearly 100,000 members, as there were when the membership was only 10,000. On the subject of strikes and boycotts, which would also be considered, Powderly expressed himself as strongly opposed to conflicts of any kind between labor and capital. He hoped that measures would be taken to regulate such matters.
                                                            Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
Petition of the Knights of Labor asking that the Inter State Gas company give employment to our own citizens, referred to committee on public improvements. A. A. Davis was appointed said committee.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Arkansas City Republican, August 21, 1886.
                                                          Powderly Speaks.

NEW YORK, August 16. In an interview in the Herald, regarding the convention of Knights of Labor at Richmond, Mr. Powderly says he shall go there fully determined that no member of any other organization—socialists or anarchists—shall use the Knights of Labor to accomplish their purposes. He says that the fact that these cranks have no influence in the Knights of Labor is clearly shown by the action of the latter when the former wished to inaugurate a general strike for eight hours in May. He advised Knights to refuse to strike for that purpose and not one failed to obey the advice. Anarchists never had—never could have—influence with Knights who aim at the maintenance of law and order.
Mr. Powderly said further he thought it necessary that the convention take definite action regarding strikes. At Cleveland, so thorough a check was put on strikers and boycotts, they have not occurred since; but no sooner was this done, than employers began to strike and boycott and 200 lockouts have occurred, just because the idea was out that the Knights couldn’t strike without violating the rules of their order.
He said, “I always will oppose a strike except as a last resort; but the action of the employers since the Cleveland meeting, makes action necessary to protect our members. A committee is now in session revising the laws of the order.”
Mr. Powderly says the Knights are studying the science of government; and if they don’t get the legislation they want from the existing law makers, they will try a new party.
                                                            Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.
Bauffman, “Old Bauf,” guide and scout of Capt. Hamilton’s cavalry company that was stationed at this place last winter, is said to be the man who opened the switches during the strike at Chicago, for which he received $1,000. “Bauf” took six shooter in one hand and told the crowd of 300 strikers to shoot, “but remember, boys, it comes my turn next.” Not a shot was fired.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
                                                              The K. Of L.

RICHMOND, VA., Oct. 2. The approaching meeting of the national assembly of K. of L. has been the one absorbing topic of interest here some days. Already many Knights have arrived, including delegates from New Orleans, St. Louis, Kansas City, Amsterdam, Cohoes, Lebanon, Pa., Blossburg, Pa., and Brooklyn. Each incoming train brings new accessions. It is expected by Monday all the delegations will have arrived. All the hotels are filled and many delegates have private quarters. The sessions of the assembly will be held at the drill hall of the First Virginia retreat, the largest hall in the city. There will be accommodations for seating about 2,000, although the convention will not number more than 1,000 or 1,200. Grand Master Workman Powderly arrived tonight. His headquarters is at Ford’s Hotel. Grand Secretary Turner arrived yesterday. The assembly will have open session Monday when Governor Lee will formally welcome the Knights, and Grand Master Workman Powderly will respond and deliver the annual address. Subsequent sessions of the assembly will be secret, but the press will be furnished with all records of the business done, which it desires to make public.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The big strike in Chicago among the employees of the pork packing establishment still progresses. The strikers at first numbered about 2,000 men. Last night at a meeting of District Assembly No. 57, K. of L., it was decided to order out all employees in Armour & Co.’s beef department. This movement will add several thousand men to those already out. Y. R. Barry goes to Richmond in a few days. He says he has arrived at the conclusion that the packers are merely playing for time. He broadly hints that his mission in Richmond will be to institute, if possible, a boycott against Armour, who he is convinced is alone in the way of an amicable settlement of the stock yard trouble. The employers demand that the workmen put in ten hours per day, which the laborers refuse to do. A riot seems imminent. Chicago is having her full share of labor troubles this year.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
                                                        Will Return to Work.
CHICAGO, Oct. 18. The strike of the packing house workmen was formally ended this afternoon. The strikers held a mass meeting on the prairie about 3 o’clock, at which between 12,000 to 14,000 men were present. A proposition to return to work on the ten hour plan was carried almost unanimously, and the strike declared at an end. Shortly afterward, Mr. Barry, the Knights of Labor delegate waited on Mr. Armour and said the strike was at an end, and that the men would return to work tomorrow morning without making any conditions. The packing house owners will keep all their new men, and by running their houses up to their full capacity expect to be able to retain in their employ nearly all their old men.
                                                            Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Frank Schiffbauer is the man of all men in the county who has stood by the people and thwarted no action or move that was elevating in design and principle, and that led to the advancement of the public good. We recognize in him a leader with no other purpose than laboring for laws that will place the employer and employee on a more equilibrium basis.

We would refer our cotemporary to the Knights of Labor of this city on the labor question. They can tell some interesting facts. How Mr. Schiffbauer said to them: “Boys, elect me mayor, and I will see the water works franchise is granted to no one but who will employ home laborers.” The boys had faith in his promises. They did as he asked. They fulfilled their part of the agreement. Did Mr. Schiffbauer fulfill his?  No. Ask the Knights of Labor and their reply will be “No.” We all know the franchise was granted to the Inter-State Gas Company. We further know that our home laborers, although asking for work and needing it badly, were denied. That the Inter-State Gas Company brought in laborers to lay the mains and do all the work that the laborers of Arkansas City could do. When Mr. Schiffbauer’s attention was directed to this state of affairs by a petition from the Knights of Labor, what did he do?  Nothing. He completely went back on the boys that had put him in power, and they won’t forget him. Oh, yes; Mr. Schiffbauer always stands by the people, as long as there are any personal gains to be obtained.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
                                                      Strike at East St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, November 1. A circular posted at Whitaker’s pork packing house in East St. Louis this morning, notified employees that hereafter ten hours would constitute a day’s work at prevailing wages. The employees have been working nine hours per day heretofore. At noon they held a meeting to consider what action to take, and pursuant to agreement among themselves, demanded of their employers that the present hours of labor be not changed. The employers refused to comply with the demand, and the men at 1 o’clock refused to go to work. There is little excitement over the strike, and no trouble anticipated.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
                                                         Stock Yards Strike.
CHICAGO, November 5. In accordance with Master Workman Butler’s orders, fifteen hundred beef killers employed in Armour’s packing house joined the strikers already out in making a demand that their employers re-establish the eight hour working day. About two hundred men remained at work at Armour’s beef department, and that house is killing but few cattle. The pork men are all at work as usual. It is stated that a force of Pinkerton guards will arrive at the yards during the day. Information from the stock yards of a reliable character indicates that all porkmen will be ordered out by the Knights of Labor, thus renewing the strike for eight hours in all its former proportions, throwing between twenty and twenty-five thousand men out of employment.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
                                                      They Refuse To Do So.
ALBANY, November 8. The Butchers here are refusing to slaughter stock sent from Chicago, as the Knights of Labor are bound to support their brethren in their strike.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
There will be a meeting of the Arkansas City Knights of Labor cooperative association at Fraternity Hall, on Saturday evening, November 13th. All members are invited.

                                               BY ORDER OF SECRETARY.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Nov. 11. The strike at the stockyards is at an end. Late this afternoon Mr. Barry, who has been on the ground ever since the strike was inaugurated and who, all day, has been in consultation with Mr. Carelton, of Boston, of the general executive committee of the Knights of Labor, announced that the order sending the men back to work will be issued. The men will go back on the packer’s terms, viz: ten hours per day. What portion of the strikers will find employment is rather doubtful.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The Knights of Labor of Caldwell have organized a stock company for the purpose of erecting a carriage manufactory. We understand lots have been purchased and the building commenced. The Knights of this city should follow suit. It does not necessarily need to be a carriage factory, but let them organize and start any manufacturing industry that will aid the laboring man.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The soft coal syndicates and railroads in the east have formed a pool for the advancement of prices on coal, and an advance of 25 to 30 percent will be made at once.
Two thousand coal miners are out on a strike in Coaltown Valley, Ohio, because their employers refused to pay an additional ten cents per ton for mining.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
                                                 The Strike on the Lake Shore.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. A final settlement was reached yesterday between the Lake Shore Railroad Company and the switchmen who went out on a strike last summer. The company agreed to abolish the blacklist and take back all the strikers except a few who are known to have been guilty of violence and attempting to injure the company’s property. The rate of wages will be the same as that which prevailed when the strike occurred, and the men who were hired to take the places of the strikers will be detained.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Grand Master Powderly has absolutely forbidden any more monkeying with the Chicago Anarchists on the part of the Knights of Labor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
                                                 Hackney Items, Jan. 18, 1886.
The K. of L. is in a flourishing condition. Two new members were initiated Friday night.
                                                          Knights of Labor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
It is reported that over 2,000 workingmen in Chicago and Milwaukee have withdrawn from the Knights of Labor because they could not afford to pay the increasing assessments.


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