[Note: One of the newspapers calls him Robert Earnest Lewis.]
[Lewis’s stepfather was Dunham. Covering both Dunham and Lewis. MAW]
[Note: “Lewis” and “Dunham” found in newspapers starts on Page 5.]
Microfilm Roll No. 1. 1871-1894 [Janel Hutchinson, A. C. Public Library, got this from Kansas State Historical Society. [Company: CENSUS MICROFILM RENTAL PROGRAM, P. O. BOX 30, ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, MD 20701-0030, TELEPHONE (301) 604-3699.]
From Cowley County. First Index, Alphabetical Listing.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
[Skipping Race, Color of Hair, Color of Eyes, Complexion]
2378 - Robert E. Lewis
Sentenced December 18, 1880. Received at Prison December 20, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 16. Height: 5'9-3/4"
Laborer. Born: Missouri. Father dead; mother living. Step Father R. C. Dunham in Jail,
Winfield, Cowley County. Mother: E. E. Dunham, Maysouth, Arkansas.
No children. Reads and writes a little. Time in Jail: 1 month. Term: First.
[Signature: R E Lewis]
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley Cty. 3/1/1875
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
W. H. Lewis 24 m w Illinois Missouri
D. G. Lewis 30 m w Illinois Iowa
Rebecca Lewis 25 f w Missouri Missouri
R. E. Lewis 54 f w South Wales Iowa
Emma T. Lewis 28 m w Illinois Iowa
Olnor? H. Lewis 28 m w Illinois Iowa
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
John Lewis 30 m w On Lake Michigan Iowa
Louisa Lewis 28 f w Missouri Missouri
M. A. Lewis 7 f w Kansas
Libby A. Lewis 3m f w Kansas
Chas. Lewis 48 m w England Indiana
Margaret Lewis 48 f w Ohio Indiana
David Lewis 13 m w Indiana Indiana
D. D. Lewis 26 m w Wales Illinois
Kansas 1875 Census Richland Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Wm. Lewis 45 m w England Illinois
Jane Lewis 34 f w England Illinois
Hattie Lewis 17 f w England Illinois
Charles Lewis 13 m w England Illinois
Clara Lewis 9 f w Illinois Illinois
Samuel Lewis 8 m w Illinois Illinois
Walter Lewis 6 m w Illinois Illinois
Isaac Lewis 4 m w Illinois Illinois
George Lewis 2 m w Illinois Illinois
Sarah M. Lewis 4m f w Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census Rock Creek Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Jason Lewis 42 m w Canada Canada
C. N. Lewis 35 f w Canada Canada
W. E. Lewis 13 m w Canada Canada
G. Y.?? Lewis 7 f w Canada Canada
Kansas 1875 Census, Tisdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. Dunham 31 m w Wisconsin Ohio
G. F. Dunham 32 f w Indiana Ohio
A. Moses 10 m w Ohio Ohio
F. Dunham 4 m w Kansas
Forrest Dunham 2 m w Kansas
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Elizabeth Dunham 47 f w Illinois Illinois
Ellen Dunham 17 f w Illinois Illinois
Harvy Dunham 12 m w Illinois Illinois
Wm. C. Dunham 8 m w Illinois Illinois
Vol. 1, Early Day Residents Cowley County, 21 and over.
Omnia Township 1872, Dunham, Mrs. Joe, age 30.
Vol. 2, Early Day Residents Cowley County, 21 and over.
Silver Creek Township 1880, Female: P. Dunham, age 53.
Tisdale Township 1873
Dunham, Jo__, age 30. Female: Dunham, S. F., age 30.
Tisdale Township 1874
Dunham, J., age 30. Female: Dunham, S. F., age 31.
Tisdale Township 1878 or 1879
Dunham, J., age 34 (Tisdale). Female: Dunham, S. F., age 35.
Tisdale Township 1880
Dunham, Joe, age 35. Female: Dunham, S. L., age 36.
Walnut Township 1881
Female: Dunham, Elizabeth, 55.
Walnut Township 1882
Female: Dunham, Elizabeth, 55.
Winfield 1878
Female: E. Dunham, age 51.
Female: Ella Dunham, age 21.
Winfield 1880
Dunham, R. C., age 37, Female: Emily E. Dunham, age 38.
Dunham, Clark, age 25
Vol. 1, Early Day Residents Cowley County, 21 and over.
Arkansas City 1893
Lewis, J. D., age 26. Female: Lewis, Carrie, age 25.
Lewis, W. D., age 46. Female: Lewis, Kate, age 40.
Lewis, T. J., age 48. Female: Lewis, Laura, age 32.
Lewis, J. S., age 49. Female: Lewis, Louisa, age 44.
Bolton Township 1873
Lewis, David G., age 28. Female: Lewis, Rebecca A., age 22.
Lewis, John S., age 29. Female: Lewis, Louela J., 24.
Bolton Township 1874
Lewis, D. G., age 28. Female: Lewis, Rachel E., age 52. Female: Lewis, Rebecca A., 23.
Bolton Township 1876
Lewis, D. C., age 31. Female: Lewis, Rebecca, age 23.
Lewis, Evans T., age 29. Female: Lewis, R. E., age 55.
Lewis, W. H., age 25. Female: Lewis, Elizabeth, age 22.
Bolton Township 1878
Lewis, D. G., age 33. Female: Lewis, Rebecca, age 25.
Lewis, John, age 34. Female: Lewis, Louisa J., age 30.
Lewis, W. H., age 27. Female: Lewis, Sarah E., age 24.
Bolton Township 1880
Lewis, J. L., age 36. Female: Lewis, L. J., age 31.
Lewis, W. H., age 29. Female: Lewis, S. E., age 25.
Bolton Township 1882
Lewis, W. H., age 30. Female: Lewis, S. E., age 27.
Creswell Township 1874
Lewis, Chas., age 47. Female: Lewis, Mrs., age 43.
Lewis, D. D., age 25.
Dexter Township 1882
Lewis, W. L., age 28.
Otter Township 1873
Lewis, C. H., age not listed. Female: Lewis, Emogine, age not listed.
Vol. 2, Early Day Residents Cowley County, 21 and over.
Richland Township 1874
Lewis, Wm., age 42. Female: Lewis, Jane, age 36.
Lewis, Wm., age 21.
Richland Township 1881
Lewis, Charles, age 21. Female: Lewis, Jane, age 39.
Lewis, Wm. H., age 30. Female: Lewis, Sarah F., age 21.
Rock Creek Township 1873
Lewis, W. R., age 25.
Rock Creek Township 1875-1876
Lewis, Jason, age 42. Female: Lewis, Charlotte A., age 35.
Silver Creek Township 1881
Lewis, G. W., age 22.*
Lewis, George W., age 23.
Silverdale Township 1878
Lewis, Joel, age 50. Female: Lewis, Mrs. Joel, age not given.
Lewis, W. L., age 23.
Silverdale Township 1879
Lewis, John D., age not given. Female: Lewis, Mrs., age not given.
Lewis, S. N., age 35. Female: Lewis, Mrs., age not given.
Windsor Township 1873
Lewis, A. C., age 27.
Lewis, Peter, age 35. Female: Lewis, D. L., age 46.
Lewis, W. D., age 25.
Winfield 1873
Lewis, Da__n, age 41. Female: Lewis, Charlotte, age 34.
Charter Member
Siverd Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Department of Kansas Organized July 6th, 1882.
No. 104.
Adam S. Lewis, 5th Mo. Cav. And 43rd Mo. Infty. March 14, 1862: June 30, 1865.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 25, 1873.
A Sad Loss. Joseph Dunham, who lives on Silver Creek, about two miles from Tisdale, lost a valuable span of horses, by drowning, that he had paid two hundred dollars for two weeks ago. They were hitched to the wagon by the lines and commenced backing; before Mr. Dunham could reach them from the house, they had descended the creek bank and were floundering in deep water. All endeavors to remove the harness and free the horses from the wagon were fruitless, and after a half-hour’s struggle, they yielded from exhaustion. This is the second team drowned within a week: one from careless driving, the other by accident.
The small streams of Kansas are very treacherous and great care should be observed to prevent swamping during a freshet.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
I hear it rumored that Sim Moor, while binding wheat last Saturday for Joe Dunham, drew the bands so tightly that he broke the machine.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 30th day of Jan., 1878.
Cyrus Dunham was on this list.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 10th day of April 1878.
Cyrus Dunham was on this list.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s mother, near Winfield, June 13, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Irving Bell, of Wellington, Sumner County, and Miss M. E. Dunham, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
All the May wheat was harvested before the storm. Walker wheat, blue stem, and other late wheat was not cut. The farmers on Silver Creek met with very heavy losses in their wheat crops. Some lost as much as twenty acres, being swept away by high water. Mr. Hammons was compelled to move out of the bottom at a late hour of the night. Mr. Joseph Dunham lost sixteen head of hogs. Horses and other stock are reported lost.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
The flood has come and passed away but its track is traced by a great amount of damage. Silver Creek with all its tributaries overflowed the bottoms, carrying away stock, wheat, and corn. Those suffering most from the flood are Mr. O. A. Vanfleet, who had a pair of yearling colts, Norman stock, drowned. He has now lost three horses in Kansas. Frank Hammon lost 18 acres of wheat, not one bundle left. Harvey Treadway and Tom Bevins lost nearly all their wheat. Joe Dunham’s corn is badly washed out. Nearly all the farmers on the bottoms are hunting hogs and cattle. I do not know anyone who has hogs drowned excepting Mull, Dunham, and Hammon, and their loss is light. Fences, both stone and wood, are gone down stream. Bad as matters are it is amusing to hear the “creek fellers” cuss when the “prairie dogs” sympathize with them. On the uplands considerable damage was done by wind and lightning. Frank Smith had a horse killed by lightning, while the wind blew over out houses, untopped wheat stacks, lightened the peach crop, drove water through house roofs, and John Mac to the cellar.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Harry Dunham has peaches on trees set out this spring. They were in bloom at time of setting.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
BETHEL, AUGUST 18, 1878.
Harvey Dunham thinks he will take a trip down in Arkansas before long if he can arrange matters at home so he can leave.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Last week the commissioners released Dunham, who was confined in the county jail in default of fine. He was immediately arrested on another charge, convicted, and sentenced to three months more, and until the costs were paid.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
Joseph Dunham is the champion jack-rabbit killer of this settlement.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Kansas, January 31, 1882.
Mrs. E. E. Dunham was on this list.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Miss Alice Dunham, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a cousin of the writer, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Greer.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
The lack of funds to run the public schools does not stop the schools by any means. Four teachers are at work in the East Ward, and have all the scholars they can manage, the parents paying $1.25 and $1.50 per month each pupil. In the West Ward Miss Klingman is the only one holding school at present, but next Monday Miss Alice Dunham, a young lady who has been very successful as a teacher in Nebraska, will open another subscription school for mixed grades. This will furnish schooling for forty or fifty more of our “young Americans.” Those who entrust their children’s schooling to Miss Dunham will secure most satisfactory results, as she is an accomplished teacher and used to conducting mixed schools. She will occupy one of the rooms in the West Ward school house, and will charge $1.00 per month for each pupil.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
Harvey Dunham returned from Wellington last Monday morning. He has been visiting his sister in that burg.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
The private schools, which take the place of the public schools for the summer, are prospering and seem to be quite popular with the people. In the east ward Prof. Trimble, Mrs. Caton, Miss Gibson, and Miss Mariam have all they can do. In the west ward Miss Allie Klingman, Miss Dunham, and Mrs. Hamilton are at work and will soon have full schools. With these schools at work there is no reason why the lack of funds to run the public schools should cripple education. Most any parent can better afford to pay $1.00 a month for the tuition of his children than to allow them to run at large for seven months.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
On last Friday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of one of the merriest as well as the “toniest” parties ever given in Winfield. Mrs. Fuller has entertained her friends several times this winter without any of the young folks being present, but this time she honored them by giving this party, which was duly appreciated. Everyone invited, with but two exceptions, was present and never were guests more hospitably entertained. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while an elegant collation consisting of cakes and ice cream was served at eleven o’clock. At a late hour the guests dispersed, all thanking their kind host and hostess for the pleasant evening so happily spent. The costumes of the guests were elegant and worthy of mention. We give below a list which we hope will be satisfactory to the ladies mentioned.
Miss Alice Dunham, dainty dress of cream bunting.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Lodge Items—Communicated.
The Good Templars had one of the most pleasant meetings at their hall on last Saturday evening of any since their Lodge was organized. It was the evening for installation of officers, and they were regularly installed by Lodge Deputy, E. T. Trimble.
The officers for the ensuing quarter are:
W. D. M., Miss Alice Dunham.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
We give a list of the teachers enrolled.
Winfield: Alice Dunham included in list.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Program. Following is the program of the literary and musical entertainment to be given in the Opera House on Thursday evening, June 1st, by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Winfield.
“The Aged Tramp”: Miss Dunham.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
County Normal.
We have here a full list of our teachers now enrolled in our County Normal, with grade and post office.
WINFIELD. GRADE A. Alice Dunham.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Kansas, September 1st, 1882.
Among the list: C. M. Dunham.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Joseph Dunham, Co. D, 21st O.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
At the regular July meeting of the Library Association the following ladies were elected as directors for the year ending 1883: Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mrs. D. C. Beach, Mrs. J. Curns, Mrs. M. L. Jewell, Mrs. A. L. Scheffhausen, Mrs. Fahnestock, Mrs. Albro, and Miss Alice Dunham.
MRS. E. T. TRIMBLE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Miss Alice Dunham opened school Monday at Fairview, three miles southwest of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Miss Alice Dunham, cousin of the writer, returned to her home in Lincoln, Nebraska, Wednesday afternoon, having spent the past year in this city with relatives.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66-3/4. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that “Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans.”
LISTING “Number of Certificate.” MAW]
Dunham, Joseph, Tisdale, g s w rt thigh, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
TO BE MARRIED. Frank W. Finch left Monday afternoon for Roca, Nebraska, where he will lead to the altar Miss Alice Dunham. The lady visited here about a year ago, and is known to many Winfield people. Frank is one of our most substantial young men, ambitious, energetic, and combining many qualities which are requisite to success. They have the hearty well-wishes of many friends.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Miss Anna and Master Fred Dunham, cousins of the writer, arrived Monday from Roca, Nebraska, and will visit some time with their sister, Mrs. Frank W. Finch, and other relatives.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
A boy by the name of Dunham purloined something over $3 in money from his mother’s residence last Thursday. Bill Gray captured him and recovered the money.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Frank Dunham, manager of the New Jersey Cattle Company, with Maj. Sleeth, gave the REPUBLICAN a call Thursday. Mr. Dunham informs us that the company at present has 1,200 cattle, but are buying all the time. He came here two weeks ago from New Jersey. The ranch is located 30 miles southeast of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
MARRIED. Near Rome, Sumner County, on the evening of the 10th inst., Mr. H. E. Dunham, of Ashland, to Miss Ellen Hays. Mr. Dunham for some time has been on the frontier holding down his claim, where he will now take his bride to share the comforts of the “little old sod shanty on the claim.” May success and happiness attend them in their new home.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Fatal Accident.
DIED. An extremely sad accident occurred on the farm of Wm. Bell, the old Stubblefield place, in Sheridan Township, yesterday afternoon. Charley Bell, the twelve-year-old son of Wm. Bell, hitched up the team and with three of Joe Dunham’s boys, went to Silver Creek after a barrel of water. They drove into the creek, filled the barrel, and started back. As they came up the bank and out of the timber, one of the horses scared, made a sudden spring, throwing Charley Bell out at the back end of the wagon, which had no tail gate, against a stump. The water barrel followed with great force, the edge striking him on the left side of the head, just above the temple. The skull was crushed in horribly. He was picked up totally unconscious and died in half an hour. Before he died, his brains oozed from his mouth and nose and several pieces of skull were taken out of his mouth. It was a terrible death, and set the family wild with grief. The father is out at Ashland, where he went last Tuesday, and was telegraphed today. Charley was a bright boy, the pride and joy of his parents, and his tragic death has produced a shock whose effect will never be shaken off. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Prof. J. R. Dunham is the name of the gentleman who will give the concert tomorrow evening at the Presbyterian Church. The REPUBLICAN was mistaken when it stated it was to be given under the auspices of J. W. Duncan. Prof. Dunham is from Chicago.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The musical convention under the direction of Prof. Dunham and wife of Chicago, will close with a grand concert at the Presbyterian Church Thursday evening, July 8. Everybody invited; admission 25 cts.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Prof. Dunham’s concert at the Presbyterian Church tonight.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Last night being an extremely warm evening, it required some courage to start for a concert, but those who attended Prof. Dunham’s entertainment at the Presbyterian Church felt themselves well repaid. Much of the entertainment consisted of duets by the Professor and his wife, which were well rendered and highly appreciated by the audience. The music in some parts was very difficult and only those with well cultivated voices would dare undertake its execution. In the song, “Courtship and Six Months After Marriage,” they put so much earnestness into it that it was particularly discouraging to the old bachelor, especially when a man like Bro. McConn can cause so much trouble to a newly married couple. Little Bertha Dunham charmed the audience with her sweet, clear voice and perfect enunciation. The class songs were well rendered and showed the real work of a week’s practice. They sang in good time and in many ways showed the results of careful drill. The class is permanently organized and will be lead by one of its members. The professor is not only an artist in his line, but a pleasant and sociable gentleman. We hope his path in life will lead this way again.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Prof. Dunham’s singing class will meet at the First Presbyterian Church Friday evening at 8 o’clock. A full attendance of the class is requested.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
R. J. Dunham, of Flemington, New Jersey, arrived in the city today. He was sent here by the Santa Fe company to assist in the material yards. Mr. Dunham informs us that all the talk on the way out here was of Kansas City, Wichita, and Arkansas City. He was here two years ago. His surprise at the growth of the town was so great that he could scarcely realize this was the right place. In his opinion Arkansas City enjoys the biggest boom of any town in the state.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
A. Dunham, of Jamestown, New York, is prospecting in the city.
Do not think the following is related to Robert Ernest Lewis...
Cowley County Censor, Saturday, October 28, 1871.
Elder C. E. Lewis will preach at the M. E. Church tomorrow (Sunday) at 11 o’clock, a.m.
Possible connection to Robert Ernest Lewis...?
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in Co. Clerk’s office in Winfield July 1st, 1872. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
Proceeded to act on the following Road Petitions.
One of J. H. Rudloff, granted with Geo. Lidley, John Ameand, D. Lewis as viewers. Survey July 8th, 1872.
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Class E—Sheep.
Two second premiums were awarded to G. M. Miller & Co. and W. K. Davis.
Class F—Lot 16—Swine—15 Entries—Poland-China,
Chester White, and Other Large Breeds.
Premiums to W. K. Davis, B. C. Swarts, A. S. Monger, W. J. Lewis, W. H. H. Maris.
In the department of swine we have never seen a finer exhibition. No one supposed that there were so many and so fine hogs in this part of the State. We have never seen such a display at a county fair before, and, in quality, we have never seen it surpassed at a State fair. The growing and feeding of swine will be one of the most profitable branches of industry of the county, and we are glad to know that so good a start has been made in their breeding. Great credit is due to Messrs. Voris, Swarts, Maris, Lewis, Allen, Stewart, Johnson, Cottingham, Boutwell, Snodgrass, and others for the interest they have taken in this department. Hereafter, in this department, we shall look for the finest display of any fairs of the State.
Lot 17—Berkshire, Essex, and Other Small Breeds—15 Entries.
Premiums to W. S. Voris, W. J. Snodgrass, D. W. Boutwell, D. W. Allen, L. Cottingham.
Lot 18—Sweepstakes—Sixteen Entries.
Premiums to W. J. Snodgrass, W. J. Lewis, D. W. Allen.
Forty-Six Entries—Class F—Lot 16.
Finest display in the State. Poland-China, Chester White, and other large breeds. Boars over one year old, B. C. Swarts; First premium under one year old, W. K. Davis; second premium, A. L. Menser; sows over one year old, First premium, W. J. Lewis; sows under one year old, First premium; best litter of pigs, shown with sire and dam, First premium, W. K. Davis.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Teacher’s Report. To the Clerk of Public School Board of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873. Upper Room: Walter A. Lewis was one of the students.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
WEST SIDE MAIN STREET, opposite Hitchcock & Boyle’s. WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
Sweet & Lewis, furniture dealers, have dissolved partnership, Mr. Sweet now having entire control of the business, which he will continue at the old stand. The old firm have by their enterprise and industry worked up a flourishing trade, which we are sure will still increase under Mr. Sweet’s judicious management. See dissolution notice.
Dissolution Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing under the name of Sweet & Lewis, furniture dealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts will be settled by J. B. Sweet, who still continues the furniture business.
Winfield, April 14th, 1874.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Commissioner’s Proceeding.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
Sweet & Lewis, Chairs: $5.50
Sweet & Lewis: $7.50
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
John B. Lauffer vs. D. D. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
Bills Allowed by County Commissioners.
Witness Fees:
Evan T. Lewis
Howe Lewis
Rachel Lewis
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #8
OTTER OCT. 12, 1872. 81 466 C. H. LEWIS
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.
Mr. Lewis, of California, has located here with his family.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
A neck-tie festival was held in School District No. 31 on last Wednesday. It was well attended, and all present had a good time. The proceeds, which amounted to $23.10, were presented to Rev. Arthur E. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
DAVE LEWIS writes from the Black Hills that the Indians—Sioux—attacked Custer City, killing one man and driving off all the stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
Rev. Lewis, of the M. E. Church, preached to a good audience in Davis’ Hall last night.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
John Worthington vs. W. R. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 13th day of April, 1876.
One of those on list: W. N. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Bills were presented and disposed of as follows.
Howard Lewis, Witness: $6.00 claimed; $2.50 allowed.
R. E. Lewis, Witness: $6.00 claimed; $2.50 allowed.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
MARRIED. STINSON - STOVER. On the 23rd day of April, Mr. Isaac Stinson and Miss Mary E. Stover were united in the bonds of matrimony, by Rev. A. E. Lewis. All of Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
A. C. Holland and H. Holtby tested the merits of their new Vibrator on the 2nd inst., by threshing West Holland’s wheat. The machine gives entire satisfaction, and threshes at the rate of 400 bushels per day. Messrs. Frederick, Lewis, and Retherford are also running a threshing machine in this vicinity, which does good work.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 16th day of August, 1876.
One of those on list: Amy A. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Bolton Township. Justices, John Linton, Aaron Marshal; Trustee, James Sample; Treasurer, A. J. Kimmell; Clerk, Thomas Parvin; Constables, John Myrtle, Evan Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
LAND SALES. Within the past few weeks, the following sales of real estate have been made.
Evan Lewis to W. B. Skinner, 160 acres in Bolton Township.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
HAROLD MANSFIELD and Walter Lewis have constructed a kite 9 feet high and 6 feet wide, which they name “Samuel Tilden.” It will go up.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Township Officers.
Bolton Township:
J. Sample, Trustee; T. Parwin, Clerk; A. J. Kimmell, Treasurer; J. Linton, J. P.; E. Lewis and J. Myrtle, Constables.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1876.
Dr. Lewis, of Cedarvale, was in town Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
KEFFER says he did not set the fire out in South Bend last Saturday, but found the man who did, and made him pay $5 for damages. The fire destroyed considerable property, burning Mr. Hydes’ 40 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of corn, hay, and stable, Shuster’s hay; and some hay of Tucker’s was burned. Mr. Lewis lost his stable, hay, and corn.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
Mr. Johnson & Lewis, of Elk Falls, are building a good grist and saw mill, on Mr. Mann’s farm on Grouse Creek. Work on the dam has begun. It is estimated the cost of the mill and dam will reach $16,000. By cutting across a bend in the creek and building a twelve foot dam, he gets a fall of nineteen feet and eight inches.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1877.
O. C. SKINNER intends putting up a stone house, 18 x 26, two stories high, upon his farm in Egypt. E. T. Lewis has the contract, and is now getting out the rock for the same. Wonder what he’s going to do with a house? Guess he’s after some small game or other.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
MR. JOHNSON, of Elk Falls, and Mr. Lewis, the parties who are to erect the grist and saw mill near the mouth of Grouse Creek, are on the grounds and are ready for work.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
We were happy to see the familiar face of Mr. Walter P. Lewis, of St. Louis, last Monday. Mr. Lewis is running for the wholesale boot and shoe house of Orr & Lindsly.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
The scholars of District No. 33, two miles east of Parker’s schoolhouse, will given an exhibition on Wednesday evening, March 28, 1877.
Participants: Risdon Gilstrap, Emma Gilstrap, Frank Lewis, Lizzie West, Anna Hyde, J. O. Wilkinson, Mary Shoemaker, Frankie Hyde, Erastus West, Fred Lewis.
The whole to be sandwiched with tableaux, charades, etc. The best of music has been engaged for the occasion, led by Prof. E. J. Hoyt, long known as the best musician in Kansas. A small fee of 20 cents will be charged to pay contingent expenses.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
Mrs. Lewis is visiting at Manhattan this week.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
[County Commissioner Proceedings...am only putting down amount allowed. Skipping amount claimed].
Chainmen—P. T. Walton, $1.50; A. W. Lewis, $1.50.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
Mr. Lewis tried the ford at Murdock’s after Mr. Rhodes went downstream, and returned home to tell his friends he got wet.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Coal at Salt City.
SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future goal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, I. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.
Moved and seconded that H. B. Pruden be the Treasurer of the company. On motion, W. E. Chenoweth was chosen Secretary.
Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd & Royal and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft.
Motion made by Mr. Lewis that the two men who confer with Todd & Royal meet the Board of Directors on Saturday, May 5th, 1877, at 10 o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference, and that they invite Todd & Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse at Salt City.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877. Back Page.
From Salt City.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. F. Chenoweth Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. W. Berkey, from Todd and Royal with regard to the proposition on the shaft already begun.
Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past prospects and future coal prospects.
Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Berkey an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. Respectfully in the selection of the following gentlemen:
George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and W. Berkey. Moved and carried that H. B. Pruden be the treasurer of the company.
On motion W. E. Chenoweth, was chosen secretary, Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd and Royal, and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft. Motion made by Mr. Lewis that these two men who confer with Todd and Royal, meet the board of directors on Saturday, May 12th, 1877, at ten o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference and that they invite Todd and Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse in Salt City. Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity and all interested parties, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the same place May 5th, 1877. Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield COURIER, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes. On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877.
Nephler, Holloway, Devering, and Lewis, four “boys of the road,” have been resting at the Central for a few days. They represent wholesale houses in St. Louis, Kansas City, and
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
A Basket Picnic will be held in Captain Smith’s Grove, west of the Arkansas, on the Fourth of July. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The following committees have been appointed.
MARSHALS: J. K. Stevens, John Lewis.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Mr. T. D. Lewis, capitalist of Utica, New York, is looking after his investments in this county.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
That Pony Story.
MR. SCOTT: I am a reader of your paper, and like to see the Bolton items. I saw one in your last week’s paper about Mr. Parvin having a pony stolen. I think Mr. Parvin’s pony story is like fried wool—it is a little mixed. Mr. Whitney was to work for Mr. Parvin four months for a “jack,” and Mr. Parvin gave him the privilege of trading it off for two ponies. One of them died, and he traded the other one to Mr. Lewis for a pony.
Then he traded it to Mr. Trissell, the pony he rode off. Mr. Whitney worked for Mr. Parvin about three months and a half, and as a good hand on a farm is worth twenty dollars a month. I don’t think Mr. Parvin lost any pony, and his neighbors think as I do. Now I will give the pony and Mr. Parvin a rest. E. A. EATON.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
Tom Mills, Baker the blacksmith, and Lewis left Salt City last week for Arkansas. The blacksmith made $710 at that place in five months.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
A meeting of the voters of Bolton Township, regardless of party, was held on the 13th pursuant to appointment. On motion, John Linton was elected chairman and Lyman Herrick secretary. On motion, the following nominations were made: James Sample, Trustee; A. J. Kimmell, Treasurer; A. H. Buckwalter, Clerk; F. C. Davis, Justice of the Peace; John S. Lewis and John W. Brown, Constables. On motion, the meeting then adjourned.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
This grand body was organized in this city September 28th, by Past Supreme Dictator, A. E. Keyes, of Mansfield, Ohio, with the following officers.
The Grand Dictator appointed the following committees.
On Returns: E. B. Kager, C. W. Rambo, and Dr. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Bolton—James Sample, Trustee; A. J. Kimmell, Treasurer; A. H. Buckwalter, Clerk; F. C. Davis, Justice; J. S. Lewis, J. W. Brown, Constables.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 1st day of Jan., 1878.
On this list: J. D. Lewis and Wm. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
The articles taken from Schiffbauer’s store on Monday night were six silver plated knives, some finished Elgin staffs, some roller jewels, and eighteen watches, in all valued at $482. The watches belonged to the following named persons, with the values set opposite their names.
Samuel Lewis, silver, $20.00
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 30th day of Jan., 1878.
On this list: Adolphos V. Lewis and Wm. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
If David or James Lewis, who belonged to Co. E, 7th Kansas regiment, will write to Mrs. S. White, of De Soto, Kansas, they will confer a favor.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 4th day of June, 1878.
On this list: John D. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
William Martin vs. Laura Lewis, et al.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
District Court.
Martin vs. Lewis, M. G. Troup appointed guardian of minor defendants ad litem; judgment against others.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Cassius M. Lewis and wife to Wm. Martin, nw 23, 32, 3; 160 acres, $200.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, to F. L. Lewis, lots 2 and 3, 5, 35, 7, and e. ½ off se. ¼ 22, 34, 3, and e. ½ nw, 31, 33, 5; and part of lots 1, 2, and 3, and ne. 18, 33, 3, and w. ½ of nw. 28, 32, 6, and w. ½ of ne. 29, 34, 3.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office October 22, 1878.
On this list: T. D. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
OMNIA TOWNSHIP, Dec. 6, 1878.
We had a very destructive prairie fire last week. The fire started north of Mr. Daggett’s on Thursday night, and the first damage it did was burning a hay stack for Steve Elkins. It then ran north and burned some hedge and a part of Mr. Davis’ orchard. On Friday morning the wind changed and drove it west, burning some hedge for Amos and A. J. Henthorn, and eight or ten tons of hay for William Lewis. We hear Mr. Phenix suffered considerable loss, but have been unable to get the particulars. If somebody gets a free pass to Leavenworth, perhaps they will stop setting the prairie on fire every year just to see it burn.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879.
Lewis, J. W.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
LEWIS. We received a very pleasant call from our former bachelor friend, Mr. D. D. Lewis, of Coal creek. Since last we met D. D. has taken to himself a wife, Miss Kate, the fair daughter of Mr. Fred A. Stanton, of Denver newspaper fame. Mr. Lewis is now one of the happiest men in Fremont County, having a host of friends and a bright future before him.
We clip the above from a Colorado paper. Many of our citizens remember Dave, and join in wishing him and his wife a happy and prosperous future.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
T. D. Lewis J. E. Allen
Francis A. Bailey
T. D. Lewis J. E. Allen
Antoinette Manara
Thomas D. Lewis J. E. Allen
T. H. Geuthuer M. G. Troup
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
Lewis vs. Bailey, judgment for the plaintiff.
Lewis vs. Manara, judgment for the plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Ye local had the pleasure of a ride behind L. J. Webb’s roadsters, last Saturday evening, taking in the depot, railroad bridge, and Bliss mill in the rounds. The south pier of the railroad bridge will be finished by Wednesday, when both gangs will be put on the north pier, and will be worked night and day until it is completed. Mr. Lewis, the contractor, informed us that he intended to have the piers ready for the bridge by the 27th.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, September 1st, 1879.
Included in list: Louisa Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kas., December 1st, 1879.
Included in list: J. W. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
The City authorities caused the arrest of Lewis for transporting lumber last week from the depot to S. P. Channell’s yard. Lewis has no license though he is not in the regular transfer business. We understand that a suit against the city will grow out of the transaction.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
Major H. W. Lewis, one of the principal bankers of the Great City of Wichita, gave us a call last Monday. He is an enterprising, successful businessman, whom Wichita could not well spare, but it will not be strange if he should move to the live town of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
MARRIED. By Elder Broadbent, at his residence, January 13th, 1880, T. J. Lewis and Laura Edds, both of Sumner County.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, March 1st, 1880.
Included in list: Mrs. Lewis, John F. Lewis, N. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 7, 1880.
BORN. On Monday, April 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bone Lewis, a son; weight 9 pounds, and every bit Bone—principally back Bone.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 7, 1880.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, April 1st, 1880.
Included in list: J. W. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, May 1, 1880. Persons calling for the same will please state that they were advertised.
Included in list: H. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Mr. J. Lewis, of Ohio, dropped into our sanctum Monday evening. He is prospecting in Cowley with a view to locating in the sheep business.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Kansas, uncalled for June 1st, 1880.
Included in list: Mattie Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, July 1, 1879.
Included in list: Charlotte Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
BOLTON RANGERS. All members of this military company are requested to meet at the Bland school house one week from next Saturday, July 17, at 2 p.m., without fail. There is considerable business of utmost importance to transact. It is the intention to draw new arms for the company, also new uniforms. Don’t fail to be on hand.
JOHN LEWIS, Lieutenant.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
BOLTON RANGERS. All members of this military company are requested to meet at the Bland schoolhouse next Saturday, June 17, at 2 p.m., without fail. There is considerable business of utmost importance to transact. It is the intention to draw new arms for the company, also new uniforms. Don’t fail to be on hand. R. HOFFMASTER, Captain.
JOHN LEWIS, Lieutenant.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Last Thursday morning, on Andrews’ addition, Jesse Wilmot while cleaning a well was so overcome by noxious gases that he could not escape, and the man at the crank could not help him, but called loudly for help. Soon a crowd arrived, but none dared venture down into the malaria. A young man from Illinois named Herbert Lewis volunteered to go down, and succeeded in bringing the suffocating man to the surface, where under the treatment of physicians he recovered. All honor to Herbert Lewis.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 7, 1880. Front Page.
Something About Their Live Men and Business Interests.
S. A. Brown & Co., have a lumber yard here and are doing a good business. They have been fortunate in securing G. W. Lewis, Esq., as general manager of the establishment. Mr. Lewis is not only popular with his patrons, but the citizens, in general, speak of him as a strict businessman and a gentleman in every respect.
And now we come to the main party: Robert Ernest Lewis...
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D. 1880:
Robert E. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D., 1880.
State versus: Robert E. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Criminal Calendar.
Parents look after your boys. Thieves keep out of Cowley County.
An Appeal for Conway.
When the curtain dropped last Saturday upon the last official act of Judge W. P. Campbell, so far as Cowley County is concerned, there was gladness in the hearts of some, and sorrow in those of others. It is not in my province to speak of the Judge as a jurist. I am incompetent, but to one not “learned in the law” he has been an honor to the Bench and the friend of the “Toilers” and the poor and from many of this class go with him their best wishes for the future, be his surroundings what they may. Perhaps the most painful causes in the court just closed were the large increase of divorce cases and crime. There seems to be something radically wrong somewhere. Men swear devotion to love’s most ardent desire and then send their wives into the divorce court to have a long list of domestic trouble and horrors laid before the public, while men look on and chuckle with devilish delight at the woes and sufferings of heart broken wives whose highest hopes have been strangled and their future clouded, perhaps forever; but to the criminals:
Thomas King, aged 20 years, well educated, temperate in his habits, arrested for stealing money from the Rev. Father Kelly, plead guilty and was sent up for one year.
Ernest Lewis, aged 16, robbed Mr. Kelly’s boot shop in Winfield, plead guilty. One year.
Clinton Grimes stole ten dollars from Mr. Venable of Richland Township by entering his house in the night time. One year.
Theodore Miller, aged twenty, charged with having stolen a buggy belonging to William Ausbrook of Winfield last February and brought back from Toledo, Ohio. Jury disagreed and in the very slightest manner he escaped a long term, probably, in the penitentiary.
Willie Fogg, aged fifteen, a smart, active, intelligent boy, for taking a horse from Mr. Bonnell, was sent to the county jail for six months. Is there not some good man who will interest himself in this boy’s welfare? He is from New Hampshire and probably tells the whole story when he says he has a stepfather and that he has not seen his mother for two years. He wants to go to school and learn a trade.
Alfred Conway Trial Awakened Strong Interest.
The trial that awakened the strongest interest was that of Alfred Conway of Bolton township, tried for assaulting Rialdo Blackman with a deadly weapon with intent to kill: prosecuted with the energy and skill for which Torrance and Asp are noted; defended by Houston and Mitchell with the same stubborn determination as the prosecutors. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. Guilty? Yes, horrid word! It fell like a funeral dirge on the ears of the Conway family and that of his young bride; to her it meant more than death; to her it meant the shutting out of the last ray of sunshine that makes this life worth living; to her it meant the snatching away by the iron arm of the law, the Idol of her soul; the sheet anchor of her hopes upon this side of eternity. To her vision, seen through her tears, may have arisen the towering walls of the state penitentiary that seemed more terrible than the grave. Possibly, for the first time Andrew Conway realized his true position and may have regretted the hot blood of anger that when aroused flowed through his veins. The court, moved, maybe, by pity and the extenuating circumstances that surround the case, sentenced Conway—for six months to the county jail and to pay the costs. He has resolved to enter upon a new life and henceforth will devote his attention to the care of his young wife who was so faithful to him, and thereby challenge the respect of his neighbors and by their aid build up what he has torn down. Will they help him? OCCASIONAL.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Sheriff Shenneman started for Leavenworth, Monday, with Lewis, Grimes, and King, candidates for the penitentiary. Frank Finch went with him to see the sights and help guard the prisoners.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Sheriff Shenneman and Deputy Frank Finch returned from Leavenworth Wednesday morning last, having safely delivered to the warden of the penitentiary Tom King, Kenton Grimes, and Earnest Lewis, who were sentenced at the late term of court. Cowley County now has eighteen representatives in that institution.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post-office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, January 1, 1881.
Included in list: J. W. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Mr. Lewis, near Summit, died of typhoid pneumonia, on Saturday 15th and was buried Monday the 17th inst. His daughter is very sick of the same disease.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
On the morning of the election, we determined to spend the day at the polls, as home business was not very pressing. The polls were not as well attended as the friends of the move to sell our railroad stock had hoped, though if all the townships do as well as Vernon, the stock will surely be sold.
One of the most important subjects of conversation of election day was in regard to the erection of a suitable building by the township for the education of the more advanced scholars in the higher branches. It will probably cost not less than $5,000 or $6,000, which will require a tax of .01 to .015 percent on the dollar for three years to build such a house, for a high school would not make our taxes burdensome, being supported by the township. The project has many warm supporters, and really, with a population of 1,600 and many of our school houses too small to accommodate all the scholars, it is a real necessity and we believe will be built.
Before the election board were done with the count, the members of the Vernon Library Association began to gather. This organization is progressing very rapidly. In about two weeks the members of this society will be prepared to give several exhibitions for the benefit of the library.
Wheat looks well, even though the winter has been dry, cold, and severe, and our citizens look contented and happy for they love plenty to eat; and there is yet plenty of corn in the Egypt of Vernon.
There has been considerable improving going on the past few months. Mr. Overly’s and W. C. Clark’s residences look substantial and comfortable. Mr. J. H. Worden’s barn and wind-pump, and also Mr. D. D. Kellogg’s wind-pump can be seen for miles, and betoken prosperity and enterprise. Mr. J. M. Householder has just enclosed a neat little house, and if you value your pate, when you meet him, don’t make a mistake and call him Sodholder, for if you do, we will not be responsible for the consequences.
Many of our people have sunk stock wells this winter. Ten years ago Vernon was one vast prairie, dotted only with bleaching buffalo bones; but today it is dotted with hundreds of houses, groves, orchards, and vineyards, and our citizens are justly proud of their homes.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
I have done no scribbling for two or three weeks. Reason why, fingers have been too tender and sore, the affects of pruning blackberries and digging and walling up a stock well. That portion of the well which is in the water being laid in cement keeps the sediment and sand from roiling, and I would now announce to the thirst tipplers of Winfield and vicinity that I have two excellent and almost inexhaustible wells, the thirst-quenching capacity of which we will warrant to be greater than the dried up saloons of Winfield combined.
Mr. Editor, I think Susan B. Anthony hurt the woman suffrage cause (but herself more) when she vowed she would labor for the election of Hancock, because the republican convention would not introduce a woman suffrage plank in their platform; and we know
D. R. Anthony has destroyed much of the influence of the Leavenworth Times by his enmity and bitterness towards the cause of temperance.
On last Sunday evening, just as the rain and snow began to make doleful music on our cottage roof and door, inspiring within us due appreciation of “home, sweet home,” our door opened and in stepped the amiable squaw of Pawnee Waddie, whose liege lord soon followed in her tracks, and as they seated themselves by the fire there fell from their lips the guttural sounds, “Heap rain, heap snow, heap tired, sleep in house.” We invited them to our board. They did ample justice to he inner man without exhibiting greed. Mrs. Waddie did not help herself to pie until invited.
And as the storm increased in fury, we had not the heart to turn them out. So we sent them not forth till the morn. They were clean and respectable looking Indians.
Mr. Carter, of district 50, built a splendid residence. We believe it was he who introduced the Fultz (or furlee) wheat in Cowley, at least he is one of Vernon’s most successful wheat raisers.
J. B. Evans is making his new home look cheerful and home-like.
Kile McClung’s new house and barn and lately set orchard look like his longings for the clay hills of Virginia and the blue grass pastures of Missouri had ceased.
The wheat in district number fifty looks splendid.
Mr. Pennington on the Arkansas has built a neat story and a half house. I think his and Mr. Hon’s catalpa and walnut groves the finest in the township.
T. B. Ware has one of the finest maple groves I ever saw.
Ike Wood, John Dunn, and one of the McCarsons are erecting new residences, I understand.
Jacob Nixon’s new house will soon be completed.
E. C. Martin, having sold his home and 80 acre farm, is pushing improvements of his other farm of 160 acres. He will build a snug little house.
Vernonites sell not to emigrate, but to become more substantial citizens than ever.
Mr. Croco, our new neighbor who purchased E. C. Martin’s place, is a pleasant, amiable gentleman from the good old state of Ohio, and I believe he is a bachelor. We warn him that Vernon’s fair maidens are setting their caps for him.
Mr. Editor, I believe that bird who signs herself “Blue Jay,” is a migrating bird that takes to a horse, and if some one of Vernon’s sons do not capture her, I miss my guess.
The happiest man in all Vernon is William Steinhour. It is a bouncing boy this time.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
Report of the Parker school for the month ending March 25, 1881. No. of days in session: 20. No. of pupils enrolled: 29.
Names of pupils perfect in deportment: Rosetta Shearer, Etta Barnett, F. Barnett, Horace Vaughn, Fanny Vaughn, W. E. Edwards, Lena Christian, Hattie Lewis, Chas. Lewis, Cora Monroe, Sarah Monroe, Arthur Parker, Belle Jones, R. Jones, D. Jones, Cora French, George Lewis, Jessie Sankey.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
T. E. Lewis vs. E. A. Wilson.
Rufus B. Wait vs. E. E. Lewis.
F. E. Lewis vs. Charles Jones.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881. Front Page.
T. E. Lewis vs. E. A. Wilson.
Rufus B. Wait vs. E. E. Lewis.
F. E. Lewis vs. Charles Jones.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
May 1st, 1881.
EDS. COURIER: We may now say with some degree of certainty that spring has come to stay with us, till she be lost by mingling and blending into summer.
We now hear the pipings and carolings of a dozen of more familiar songsters. But I think it strange we have no robins here, the mocking bird often fools me, and causes me to look and listen for the robin. How pleasant it is to enjoy spring arraying and clothing herself in beauty and splendor, how cheering was the first sight of the daisies and crocus; but how beautiful and fragrant are the blossoms of the apple, peach, plum, pear, and cherry trees as also how full of promise.
Mr. Editor, to be in the midst of all these and then to be receiving letters from Iowa and Nebraska telling of snow and ice, brings a chill in thought if not in bodily action. But judging from the musterings in the north, we may look for a large emigration this fall. All kinds of trees are bursting into leaf and bloom, and the corn planters are abroad in the land have been doing good execution for the past three weeks; but I presume the click-clack will continue for some two weeks to come so great will be the acreage planted, first planting is coming up nicely.
Wheat is improving wonderfully the last week or two.
Three happy Fathers: John Hawkins, Milton Rhoads, and Wm. E. Martin. The late arrivals are all boys. Now if the Fair Association gives a premium for the greatest number of boys born in 1881, we think Vernon will “knock the socks” from every other township in Cowley County.
Improvements still continue in Vernon. Joseph Corson will soon complete his cottage house of some five rooms and cellar, we believe. Mr. James Patterson has completed a small house and now resides on his newly made farm and enjoys the Kansas zephyrs, and can view the valleys of the Arkansas and Walnut.
If the weather continues warm, we think an ice cream supper for the benefit of the Vernon Library will be in order.
“Chant” speaks of “consistency being a jewel,” and the Governor is on a boom. He certainly does not mean St. John, for St. John has been a consistent temperance man for the last eleven years, to my knowledge.
The Editors of the COURIER may not be getting rich advocating the temperance cause, but we know they are making hundreds of good temperance friends. But we must give your typo a scolding and then close, one he changed have to love, which was not so bad, as it did not change the truth of the sentence in which it occurred. But the next time he changed house to horse, and left the sentence meaningless as well as ridiculous. M. LEWIS.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Court met promptly Monday morning. The first cases taken up were the indictments made by the grand jury at the last term. A plea of guilty was entered by all of the parties present, and a uniform fine of $10 and costs assessed against those indicted for gambling, and $25 each for three cases of selling liquor on Sunday. Civil cases were then taken up, and the following ones disposed of.
Waite vs. Lewis, dismissed.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Mr. Croco has corn knee high, and he is not a short man either: something over six feet, we believe. Rain, rain. If this continues, there will still be hope for late thin wheat.
I think, if not destroyed by hail, I will have the largest crop of grapes I have ever had.
On the 6th inst., M. L. Martin’s team ran off, hitched to a wagon loaded with hedge brush, making a lively race till they took west on the railroad track, when one horse crowded the other up on the track, turning the wagon on its side; the hubs, dragging deep in the ground, soon stopped the team.
Mr. Cowpie, in Ninnescah township, has a neighborhood herd of cattle, of some 150 head, composed principally of calves, yearlings, and two-year-olds, in which M. L. Martin has two calves and two two-year-olds. One of his calves looked drowsy on the eve of the 16th, and died with “black leg” before noon on the 16th. We visited the herd about noon of the same day and Mr. Cowpie and Mr. Worthington busily employed, performing what they call “nerving” the cattle, as a cure and preventative of the disease, which consists in cutting a slit about one inch long just above the hoof of each foot, and lancing two small veins, causing them to bleed quite freely. Do any of the readers of the COURIER know whether there is any real virtue in the operation?
Mr. George Wilson was presented, recently, with a male heir, of which he is very proud. Said heir is about two weeks old, and doing well.
Joseph E. Cain, a Christian minister, preached at Vernon Center Saturday night and Sunday morning at eleven, and at four o’clock in the afternoon, and at Mount Zion school house at lamp lighting; and such will be his appointment once a month. He has been laboring for the Church of Christ at Vernon Center for over two years, and he is much esteemed by this congregation. His wife and family have been visiting friends here the past week, and on last evening there was a social given in their honor at the residence of Henry Hawkins. It is estimated that there were seventy-five or eighty persons present.
On the 12th inst., a number of our young folks attended the wedding of Mr. Richards and Miss Minnie Owens, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Sumner County.
E. C. Martin is moving into his new house today, using a covered wagon, in consequence of the pouring rain. As he vacates, Mr. Croco’s brother-in-law is to move in. (There is growing up, in Vernon, a “rag-carpet” aristocracy.)
We see nothing from the pen of “Blue Jay” anymore. We understand she has changed States. Though the rain ceases not, I must cease scribbling, and if this made the way to the wastebasket, it will only be a little paper and ink wasted. M. LEWIS.
May 18, 1881.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
The following is a list of letters remaining in the post office at Arkansas City, Kansas, June 1st, 1881.
Included in list: Mrs. Mattie Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
A. C. Wells writes us from Pueblo. He has gone to work for D. D. Lewis, one of the early settlers of this town. Albert’s report of Pueblo is as follows: “Times lively, wages good, work plenty, but water poor.”
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
It has long been the boast of the people of the Walnut Valley that this favored locality was wonderfully exempt from cyclones and destructive storms, but the pitcher has gone once too often to the well,” for on Sunday evening the northwestern part of Cowley County was visited by a destructive cyclone with all its attendant phenomena.
Widow Lewis had a small frame house destroyed. No one was hurt. Loss: $200.
Since our special reporter returned, we have gathered the following additional particulars from various sources.
The Telegram estimates losses as follows. W. Lewis $150.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
Contributed to fund: H. Lewis $1.00
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office, at Arkansas City, July 1st, 1881.
Included in list: T. J. Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.
Ed. Traveler:
I write to have you continue sending my TRAVELER here for a few weeks longer, as it is looked for with interest each week. I meet many of Arkansas City’s former citizens: among them, W. H. Walker and Dave Lewis, who are glad to see the old TRAVELER.
Coal Creek is thirty-five miles west from Pueblo and five miles from the Green Horn mountains, and is a lively coal mining town—or camp, as they term it here, of over eight hundred inhabitants.
Our friend, Dave Lewis, has been here about four years, during which time he has tried his hand cutting stone, keeping boarders, and now owns a well-stocked drug store, and is Postmaster. He has lately received the contract for building the stone work, for mining machinery, to be put in at Rockdale. Rockdale is a new coal camp one mile from here, and is owned by the Santa Fe R. R. Co., who are sinking a shaft, for mining purposes, 400 feet deep. Two coal veins in this vicinity are respectively four and six feet in thickness. This will be a good place for coal miners as soon as the machinery is put up.
T. A. Wilkinson is running a general merchandise store at Rockdale, and seems to be doing well.
On the whole, I think Colorado is a healthy State: there is no ague here, but rheumatism and neuralgia take its place. The extreme rarity of the atmosphere affects newcomers disagreeably at first, causing them to bleed at the nose, but this wears off after a time. The nights and mornings are cool and pleasant, but the mid-day heat is intense, yet people tell me that the hottest part of the summer is past.
It is commonly believed in Kansas that the June rise of the Arkansas river is caused by the melting of the snow in the mountains. I think differently, and believe it is due to the rain storms which daily arise in the heights and pass over to the western portion of Kansas.
Wages are good and work is tolerably plenty. Laborers, $2.00 per day; hod-carriers, $2.50; carpenters, $3.00 to $3.50; plasterers, $4.00; and brick masons, $5.00. Girls working out get from $18 to $30 per month. Board is $1.00 to $5.00 per week. Colorado flour, beautiful and fine, costs $1.00, but a good flour can be bought for $3.50 per 100 pounds. Vegetables are plenty and much cheaper than I expected to find them. A. C. WELLS.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881. Editorial Page.
Roll of Old Soldiers.
The following is a list of the Old Soldiers of Creswell Township.
D. G. LEWIS E 11 Kas. Private
J. S. LEWIS E 11 Kas. Private
CHAS. LEWIS G 29 Ills. Private
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Kansas, September 1st, 1881.
Included in list: John Lewis, Mary Ann Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Arkansas City, Kansas, November 1st, 1881.
Included in list: J. Cold Lewis.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Cowley County, Kansas, November A. D. 1881 Term.
F. E. Lewis vs. D. W. Pierce, administrator, et. al.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Christmas has come and gone, leaving many pleasant memories. We had a beautiful Christmas tree well filled with gifts for old and young, a splendid Santa Claus, with a good looking frow, who caused a great deal of fun for all. Music, furnished by Messrs. Lewis, Sellers, and Goodrich, brought down the house. Miss Mamie Young recited “The Dead Dolly” in a manner that would have done credit to a much older person. Miss Jessie Goodrich’s select reading was first class in every particular. The evening passed almost before any were aware of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
The following is list of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Kansas, Jan. 1st, 1882.
Included in list: Susan A. Lewis.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
The county refunded to Samuel Hoyt the amount of a certain erroneous tax sale certificate. The county also refunded to T. D. Lewis the amount of a certain tax sale certificate, on which an erroneous tax deed had been issued. Several claims have also been allowed.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Marriage licenses have been issued by Judge Gans lately as follows:
J. W. Sargent and Jane Lewis.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
M. C. Headrick, an administrator of the estate of Wm. Lewis, deceased, has filed his first annual account showing a cash balance of $783,04, after payment of all debts.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
WILMOT, February 7th, 1882.
Jones and Lewis of Polo have dissolved partnership. The old firm is still running Jones & Co.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: In the quiet and peaceful community of Vernon, there seems to be but few happenings worthy of record. Our citizens are of a sociable, home-loving class, therefore frequently pursue happiness in social gatherings, of which there have been a goodly number of late. During and since the holidays the young people have held sway at the residences of D. Hopkins, Charles McClung, John Dunn, Wm. Martin, and John Millspaugh. On last Tuesday eve a number of the young people enjoyed cake and oysters at M. L. Martin’s, at which place a certain young man was heard bemoaning the fact that so many of Vernon’s maidens were departing the state of single blessedness. The cussedness of the feature being the uncertainty of securing fair partners for festal occasions. The occasion of the foregoing remarks was the recent demise of the two Miss Wards, which caused us to recall an incident of the grasshopper year, when we went out to see what the turnips were doing and found a hopper on every clod waiting for the turnips to come up. In Vernon there are two or three clod-hoppers waiting for each maiden as she arrives at the stature of womanhood.
On last Saturday Mr. John Olmstead and Mr. ______, who wields the ferule in the vicinity of Green Valley, paid us a very pleasant visit. Come again.
DIED. On last Friday eve, the 20th, little Orvil, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Martin, departed this life, with membranous croup. Everything possible was done to relieve the little sufferer, but to no avail. [POETRY FOLLOWED: I SKIPPED.] M. LEWIS.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Mr. Harve Lewis took about 80 hogs to market the other day and got near one thousand dollars for them.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
From a recent copy of the Coal Creek, Colorado, Enterprise, we learn that our former townsman, D. D. Lewis, is doing a lively business as a druggist, a justice of the peace, and postmaster. Good luck to you, Dave.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Our town has been doing well since W. H. James has opened up his stock of goods. I think Mr. James will make an excellent merchant.
Rev. Mr. Snyder has been holding a protracted meeting and has organized a church of some 40 or 50 members. Mr. Snyder is a very able minister, and has done a great deal of good here with his meetings.
One of the most pleasant events of the season occurred last night at the residence of N. J. Johnson. Mrs. L. C. Turner, who had just closed a term of four months’ school at this place, was invited to join her pupils at Mr. Johnson’s in a social union, and by 8 o’clock a more jolly crowd never was assembled under any roof, and it did one good to see the bright eyes and hear the joyous laugh of the little ones. At 9 o’clock order was maintained, and Mr. Jackson stepped forward and addressed Mrs. Turner as follows.
“You cannot but have been mindful of the friendship we as pupils have felt toward you as teacher in your earnest efforts in our behalf. I have the pleasure of representing the school in presenting this cup as a slight token of our friendship, and may it represent your cup of happiness in after life, and may it even be full to overflowing, is the wish of all your pupils.”
Mr. J. Lewis then presented Mrs. Turner with a very nice gold-lined silver cup with her name beautifully engraved thereon. Mrs. Turner was very much overcome, as it was wholly a surprise. She thanked the pupils for their kindness, and in a very appreciative manner. The affair was a grand success. MORE ANON.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
An entertainment for the benefit of the Ladies Library Association will be given on Thursday, March 165h, at Manning’s Opera House. It will consist of the Drama of “Esmaralda,” by home talent, and some fine orchestra music. The cast is as follows.
“Old Man” Rogers ................... C. F. Bahntge.
Lydia Ann Rogers .................... Miss Jessie Millington.
Esmaralda ................................. Miss Florence Beeny.
Dave Hardy ............................... D. L. Kretzinger.
Eslabrook .................................. C. H. Connel.
Jack Desmond .......................... W. C. Robinson.
Nora Desmond ......................... Miss Kate Millington.
Kate Desmond ......................... Miss May Roland.
Marquis De Montessino .......... Henry E. Lewis.
George Drew ........................... R. P. Boles.
This play is founded upon the story by that name written by Mrs. Francis H. Burnett, and is something new in its style, presenting a charming picture of American life.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
DIED. On Saturday last, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis, of Silverdale.
[Note: One paper states “J. R. Lewis” while another states “S. E. Lewis.”]
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
The following named gentlemen have been drawn as petit jurors for the next term of District Court, which convenes in this city on the fourth Tuesday in April.
J. R. Lewis, J. B. Tucker, and S. B. Fleming, of Cresswell.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
The following named gentlemen have been drawn as petit jurors for the next term of District Court, which convenes in this city on the fourth Tuesday in April: Henry Gardiner of Cedar Township; S. E. Lewis, J. B. Tucker, and S. B. Fleming of Creswell; Willis Elliott, Samuel Wells, John Moreland, and Frank Moreland, of Liberty; J. D. Hon of Pleasant Valley; Wm. Beeson of Silver Creek; W. P. Heath of Maple.
Portions only of long letter from M. Lewis...
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Orchard Cottage.
EDS. COURIER: Once more I find a few leisure moments to record a few Vernon happenings. Once again “Dame Nature” is robing herself in velvet green; not pea green, but wheat is the favorite shade of coloring. Decked in colorings of peach blossom, spiced and perfumed with “clove,” plum, and daisy, but soon she will doff the peach and don the cherry, for like the “Queen of Fashion,” she soon tires of faded blossoms.
Jack, the Frost King, recently paid us two informal visits in this vicinity, as elsewhere, and wherever his tingling fingers touched, withering blooms mark the track of his train. But thankful we are, and will be, if that which is left but be permitted to ripen to hope’s full fruition; for at Orchard Cottage at least, there is plenty left for a fair crop of fruit.
Prairie fires illumine the night, and fire is the scavenger of yard and garden plats.
And now, Mr. Editor, we must enter a protest. We can stand the smiles of Lydia E. Pinkham, Clark Johnson’s Indian, The Texas Mustang, and Cole’s picture of Wahoo Bitters (but not the bitters) or half a dozen or so other patent medicine trade-marks; but the Old St. Jacob is a regular wolf in sheep’s clothing. He assimilates the minister, the editor, the lawyer, and all trades and professions. We take up a paper and think we are going to get a moral treat, but behold! The moral has been soaked in St. Jacobs Oil. Turn to the local column and he has inserted his oil there; to the editorial page thinking to gather editorial wisdom, and behold his pen has been dipped in St. Jacobs Oil; to religious reading in secular papers, and the religion has been saturated with St. Jacobs Oil. Now, in the name of an outraged reading public, we demand that this demon St. Jacob and his oil be consigned to purgatory or the advertising columns where he belongs, and give us instead of St. Jacob, St. John, is the wish of many of your COURIER readers as well as of M. LEWIS.
Lead-in story to Lewis mention in next item...
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Burden comes to the front with a shooting affray, though so far we have been unable to get the full particulars, only being able to get one side of the story, that of the man who did the shooting. The man who was shot is Ben Saunders, and his assailant is Henry Causey. The two live on adjoining farms about four miles west of Burden, and from what we can learn, have not been on the most friendly terms. Causey is an old resident; and according to his story, some eight years or more ago had his land surveyed and planted a hedge on the line, as then established between him and the farm now owned by Saunders. It appears that recently Saunders had a new survey made without giving notice to Causey, and the new line established runs over onto Causey’s land, taking away from his hedge and a strip of cultivated land. Thursday, Saunders went over into Causey’s field and began plowing, when Causey went out with a shotgun and ordered him off. Saunders refused to go, and said he had a notion to go and get his gun. Causey said to go ahead and get it, when Saunders replied that if he should, Causey would run. Causey said for him to try it and see, and Saunders started toward his house, but after going about a hundred yards turned and came back and picked up some stones and threw them at Causey. He then started on to plowing when Causey fired at him, the shot taking effect in Saunders’ legs, which seemed to lessen his appetite for agricultural pursuits the remainder of the day.
Causey came over to Winfield in the evening and tried to have the County Attorney have him arrested for assault and battery, but Mr. Jennings refused to file a complaint against him until he had time to look up the case. Causey has retained Henry Asp to defend him, and is expecting to be arrested any hour. He says he would much rather have a preliminary examination here in Winfield than over at Burden.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The district court has been grinding along slowly this week. The jury in the Causey trial returned a verdict of assault and battery and Causey was fined $100, and costs. The case against Dr. Fleming for unlawfully selling liquor was nullified. In the case against him for unlawfully prescribing, the court instructed the jury to bring in a verdict of “not guilty.” A new lot of special jurors were drawn. The following are the gentlemen selected: Justice Fisher, H. S. Buckner, John Bowen, A. Hurst, J. W. Hiatt, A. Balwin, [Baldwin?], C. S. Weatherholt, John Crap, Calvin Sturm, Daniel Campbell, Isaac Schurtz, R. W. Stephens, C. F. Harper, J. B. Tucker, M. A. Graham, A. V. Carvin, A. J. Walk, David G. Lewis, Levi Wymer, David Meriden, D. S. Sherrard, V. Hawkins, and Chas. C. Smith.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Deeming that I have a few items of sufficient interest to find a place in the COURIER, I send them to you. In fact, Mr. Editor, we think if we undertook to keep you posted on all such little items as to when Mrs. Jones visited Mrs. Smith and when Mrs. Brown visited Mrs. Johnson or, when a Mr. Hawkins buys a cow or horse or swaps a mule or when somebody or person was suffering with erysipelas, neuralgia, or dumb ague, etc, ad infinitum (or soon without end), we would need about five columns of the COURIER every week, but I do not deem such little local items of sufficient importance to occupy space in so valuable a paper as the COURIER.
The Disciples or Christian and Baptist have organized and are conducting a union Sunday school very successfully at Vernon Center schoolhouse, and in the language of Mr. Millspaugh, “If the Bible is taught in its simplicity, christians will be the harvest reward.”
The trustees of our cemetery have secured two acres more of land of Messrs. Lee and Paterson, which incurred a little expense and will make one of the finest graveyards in Cowley County. The aged must, and the young do die, and one by one our loved ones are passing on before, and some of our thoughtful citizens at an early day secured one of nature’s most beautiful spots for the burial of our dead.
The Cottage Home, or residence of Messrs. Croco, Holmes, and Ware, are fast taking shape and proportion, and we deem them worthy ornaments of enterprise and thrift.
Lady Madge; recently we were visiting in Nenescah and our eyes did discover one of the “neat little cottages” of which you spoke, and could not forbear a comparison with some of Vernon’s cottages, but we should not despise “the day of small things,” but Lady Madge, we just thought you were short of items, that’s all.
Last week we saw Mr. Wilson taking out barbed wire for a pasture fence. We understand he and Mr. Cole are fencing 80 acres of Mr. Cole’s land, and you can tell the east Cowleyites this is the way we Vernonites believe in doing-a-way with the herd law, when you get your own places all hedged and have too much stock to keep at home, fence part of your neighbor’s farm for the use of his grass, this is just and right. Mr. Editor, three years ago if a neighbor told us he intended to fence a ten acre pasture, put up a wind pump or small barn, or a 12 x 16, story and a half house, wide open flew our eyes in astonishment, but now if one speaks of building a house 28 x 30 with a 14 x 20 cellar under it, a large barn, or an 80 acre pasture, we but smile and remark that we think it a fitting monument of his prosperity.
Farmers are all done planting corn and now comes cultivating.
Fruit prospects, promising. We anticipate a large crop.
Farmers are all anxious to get stock, consequently the prices are very high now.
I was much amused at H. C. Hawkins’ “Didn’t try to stand it,” have seen little boys compelled to take some awful doses of Vermifuge, Boneset, and Lebelia, and they made some sorry faces, but H. C. Hawkins took his medicine like a little man, with but little squirming. Rather think he had made up his mind to stand it, however, am glad to have him back with us. We are glad he thinks so much of home. Long may he live to sit beneath his own vine and fruit tree, and as the little ones gather around him may they rise up and call him blessed. April 29th, 1882. M. LEWIS.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
NOTICE. There will be a Cemetery meeting held at the Parker Schoolhouse on Monday evening, May 29th, 1882, at 7 o’clock, p.m., for the purpose of a general settlement with the Treasurer and Secretary, and transacting all general business. The fence is about completed, and all are requested to attend without fail.
By order of G. H. SHEARER, J. COOK, M. LEWIS, Committee.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Having tired of using the hoe in the destruction of weeds, after resting the physical nature and giving the mental food by a short time spent in reading, I will now try and collect a few thoughts for the reading of the COURIER.
The last week will, we think, be one long remembered as the cold week of May, 1882. Although two frosts fell the same week, yet we think there was no serious damage in this vicinity, and think the cold, cloudy days were a great blessing, being just what the wheat needed. And now comes just such grand growing weather as the corn needs, such fine weather for the destruction of weeds, and our farmers are improving the time. How much more we would all enjoy life with its varied changes if there were welling up from our inmost souls constantly, such beautiful sentiments of prayer as one expressed by the so called virtuous pagan, Marcus Aurelius, “Everything harmonizes with me which is harmonious to thee, O, Universe! Nothing for me is too early or too late, which is in due time for thee. Everything is fruit to me which thy seasons bring, O Nature.” If we could but put our whole trust in Him “who doeth all things well,” we then could enjoy the recurring seasons with all their varied changes. Spring will soon be past, but let us one and all enjoy to the full its lingering days, the days of bud and blossom, knowing full well that the ripe fruit and golden grain will soon be ours. God pity the man that is ever alloying present joys with anticipating evils.
Harry Hopkins is doing well, and being young will pull through all right.
We learn from Dr. Maggart that the young man on Slate Creek, who accidentally shot himself while out fishing, is still living, and stands a chance yet to live, though the wound was a bad one.
Sile Carter and several others now rejoice over the completion of pasture fences. When recently journeying northward, passing Bud Bernard’s place, was surprised to find he had almost completed a snug and commodious house, with good cellar under the entire house. The hedges, groves, and orchards of Vernon are assuming such mammoth proportions that one needs to penetrate them to see all the fine new houses and barns that are being built.
Vernon is becoming somewhat noted for patent right men. Dougherty and Tyre selling patent washing machines in Kansas. Charles McClung has bought the State right of West Virginia, John Circle, Virginia, and Bob Taylor, Kentucky, and are now selling this celebrated washing machine.
And now comes Mr. J. M. Householder with a patent “hen’s nest” which is quite an ingenious invention. Each nest has a door which the hen opens when she goes in to lay. The fastening of the door is so neatly contrived that no other hen can get in to lay, till the one that is in comes out. We doubt not he will be hailed as a great benefactor by all those who have been put to their wits ends, to keep half a dozen from setting in the same nest. Now we Greenbackers expect soon to capture the government and all its offices if Mr. Householder could so contrive his patent as to keep Republicans out of the government nests, when the Greenbackers get in. There would be millions in it.
Mr. Mears has sold his farm and will move to Belle Plaine. M. LEWIS.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
CATTLE FOR SALE. We offer for sale 45 head of two year old steers, 58 head of two and three year old heifers, 36 yearling steers and heifers and 31 head of milch cows. The above cattle will be found on Grouse Creek in Dexter Township, at the mouth of Crab Creek at Alex Busey’s corral. The cattle will be on sale at that place for ten days.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: As the first item of interest, I will insert the minutes of the Vernon Pioneer’s Reunion, as furnished me by the Secretary.
Minutes of the first reunion of the Pioneers of Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas.
Pursuant to a previous call, the old settlers of Vernon Township met at Riverside Park at 10 o’clock a.m., and Mr. Henry Hawkins was called to the chair and M. L. Martin was chosen temporary secretary. After which all the old settlers who immigrated to Vernon previous to January 1st, 1873, were requested to come forward and sign their names to the roll, or have the secretary to do so, as by a previous motion, and vote it was decided that all who settled in Vernon previous to that time should be considered old settlers.
The secretary then called the roll, after which a permanent organization was affected by electing officers for the ensuing year as follows: J. W. Millspaugh, president; T. A. Blanchard, vice-president; H. H. Martin, secretary and treasurer. The meeting was then adjourned until 2 o’clock, to give all a chance to partake of a bountiful dinner prepared for the occasion, and to which old settlers and friends did ample justice.
At 2 o’clock p.m., the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh, who made a short address stating the object of the afternoon session. A number of old settlers were then called to the stand, and short and appropriate addresses were made by T. A. Blanchard, A. Hetrick, J. B. Evans, Albert Werden, M. L. Martin, and F. W. Schwantes. T. A. Blanchard stated that Benj. F. Murphy was the first white man that settled in Vernon Township, and that Mother Blanchard was the first white woman who died in the township, a martyr to the trials and privations of pioneer life.
P. M. Waite claims the honor of hauling and offering for sale the first load of wheat in the city of Winfield.
Mr. T. B. Ware claims the honor of raising the seed wheat from which Mr. Waite raised his load of wheat.
M. L. Martin has the honor of having planted the first shrubs and rose bushes set in Vernon soil, from which hundreds of bushes have been taken and are now blossoming around the homes of others.
Moved and carried that our next reunion be held on May 31st, 1883. On motion a committee of five were appointed on program by the chairman. They were: T. A. Blanchard, chairman of committee, J. H. Werden, H. H. Martin, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, and Mrs. J. H. Werden. On motion a committee of three on arrangements were appointed by the chair.
H. C. Hawkins, T. Thompson, and T. B. Ware were the committee appointed, after which the meeting adjourned to meet one year from date, May 31st, 1883.
J. W. MILLSPAUGH, President.
H. H. MARTIN, Secretary.
I failed to get the roll of the old settlers, but I think I can give them by memory; at least all those who answered to their names.
Messrs. Ives, Brown, A. Beaman, Bud Bernard, F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, Wm. Schwantes, Fahnestock, Thos. Thompson, E. C. Martin, D. S. Beadle, J. H., A. J., and F. A. Werden, H. C. Hawkins, Benj. Dougherty, D. G. Hawkins, Henry Hawkins, J. W. Millspaugh, L. A. Millspaugh, N. Millspaugh, R. Millspaugh, M. L. Martin, James Foster, T. B. Ware, N. C. Clark, P. M. Waite, Charles McClung, Ile McClung, Milt Rhodes, and J. B. Evans.
It was moved and carried that at the next reunion we should have a book and record the names of both males and females, and all children who were with or born to their parents prior to January 1, 1873. There was as good a turn-out of citizens, both new and old, as could have been expected, considering the inclemency of the weather and short time of notice. There were several hundred present, and everything went off pleasantly. We are sorry the editor of the COURIER failed to be there to give us an address. Hope he will be sure and attend our next.
I will forbear making any remarks about the address, as it has been hinted to me that I am capable of telling all I know and a little more, and I have a sincere desire to write nothing but the truth. Anything from Vernon needs no high coloring, no extra touches or polishing, for she stands forth in grandeur and beauty; an honor to herself, and the county.
Robert Taylor has returned from Kentucky, and says he washed about one-half of the state with the washing machine he is selling, and made some money. He will return to Kentucky again after harvest.
Considerable damage was done the wheat by hail on Saturday morning, May 27, but the area of damage was small.
Mr. Tharp lost a horse last week with inflammation caused by a bad spell of colic. It is a pity so many horses die with this disease when a little knowledge of proper treatment would save them. W. W. Painter had a fine mule get loose in his wheat and it was taken with the same disease. He took the mule to Winfield to his brother, Charles Painter, to see if he could relieve the animal, but he soon returned home, leaving word with his brother to have the mule buried as soon as it died. On returning to Winfield the next day, he found the mule alive and worth more than a cat with nine lives, $150, at least. Charles Painter is becoming famous as a horseman. M. LEWIS.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
We are sorry to learn that our excellent Vernon correspondent, M. Lewis, is sick. He has the con amore, aut vincere aut mori. If we had it, we’d get cured, quick.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Orchard Cottage.
EDS. COURIER: Wheat though filling slowly is surely filling grandly. Such a growth of straw we never had before, and I now believe the wheat yield will be even greater accordingly. The kernels are so large they are fairly bursting the chaff. Harvest will commence this week.
Mr. Henry Hawkins, I think, has the finest pear orchard in Cowley County, and I trow, the finest crop of pears.
The Davis boys have purchased a tractable steam thresher, as also has N. B. Clark, and from what we know of these gentlemen, they have the necessary energy and push to make them successful threshers.
Mr. Croco once more is happy. The same old bell calls him from labor and the field. Only time, place, and scenes have changed. As my mind reverts to the past and the old hills of Ohio, as in reverie I hear the sound of that bell, me thinks I see Mell, with a spring and a bound, leave his throne (a big stump) on which he had been sitting, and hasten to the bountiful board his mother had filled. Though the hills of Ohio have changed for the rolling prairies of Kansas, though other than a mother presides at his board, when he hears the familiar sound of that bell, he hoists the shovels of his carriage plow, and as his prancing steeds bear him from the field, a pleasant smile wreaths his lips. (Mr. Editor, I asked a young lady if wreaths was the proper word in the last sentence. She said she thought so for it went clear round.)
We understand that the Christians will hold a basket meeting in a grove at Beaver Center the first Lord’s day in June. Old Brother Crenshaw from Missouri will be there to preach. There will be preaching the evening before.
June 8. Harvest has commenced.
Thoughts that the season suggests:
Warmly the sun doth shine,
The weeds in rankness grow.
The fly is on the wing
Like a conquering hero.
The mosquito now presents his little bill.
Do not forget to take your dose of quinine, for at present the weather is rather “chilly.”
Birds are jolly at Orchard Cottage—cherries are ripe.
But con amore, aut vincere aut mori. M. LEWIS.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Orchard Cottage.
EDS. COURIER: Ed., couched in terse and pointed words (we notice in the local column), is your sorrow over our late illness. But having faith in your great sympathetic heart, we can but believe you will in kindness view our infirmities, e’en though it be with a critic’s eye. Really, Ed., we hardly know why we used those big words. Perhaps the big wheat crop threw our mental machinery out of balance. For instance, if you were to commence cutting around a thirty acre field of wheat that would yield forty bushels to the acre, and when you arrived at the center of the field, the grain all being shocked, you should find the shocks so tall and close you could not get the reaper and team out of the field, don’t you think that the first local you wrote would contain some big words? Or perhaps luxuriating on fruit of late has caused softening of the brain. But more likely still, the use of those big words, or superfluous words, was the effect of reading so many St. Jacobs Oil advertisements in the columns of the COURIER, for we have heard some terrible words used and anathemas pronounced against the COURIER for their insertion in news and editorial columns. Some have accused me of having political aspirations. Politically my highest aspiration is to be a good law-abiding citizen. Object in writing for the COURIER: Intellectual improvement. But to the disease, “con amore,” Italian, with love; earnestly. “Aut vincere, aut mori,” Latin, either to conquer or die. Con amore, aut vincere, aut mori.” In all life, as well as in the capacity of a COURIER correspondent. Our ambition. With love; earnestly, either to conquer or to die. (Trying) The remedy, a homeopathic dose of editorial ipecac.
I perused with much interest the editorial on third parties, the body and substance of which I heartily indorse. “In union there is strength.” Let the temperance people of all parties vote for St. John and not act the fool and get defeated by voting temperance in three different parties. Temperance today is vastly more important to Kansas than anti-monopoly and greenbacks. But I have faith in Kansas and wisdom. Mr. Editors, I have no sympathy with persons or parties that are constantly proclaiming the corruption of others. A guilty boy is ever ready to accuse some other boy. We need a national prohibition law as well as anti-monopoly laws, but for the present, states must do what the government does not do. We need a more adequate currency. The National banking system, the best this government ever had, is not perfect. A perfect system might soon liquidate the national debt.
June 24. Another week of grand harvest weather. Ten days more such weather and Vernon’s 130,000 bushels of wheat will be harvested. Day by day the keen blades are pressed to the golden grain. Every manner of implement is being used, from the cradle to the header, and all are doing good execution, too. The luxuriant blades of the maize are furled to the breeze, and the farmer rejoiceth accordingly. M. LEWIS.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Our former townsman, D. D. Lewis, now of Coal Creek, Colorado, is getting to be quite a legal character, being recently appointed Police Judge of that city.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
A double wedding occurred in this place on Sunday last, the contracting parties being Mr. Chas. Jones and Miss Louisa Jones, and Mr. George Brown and Miss Alice Rule, all of Coal Creek. The ceremony was performed by Justice D. D. Lewis, at the residence of Mr. J. Jones.
Coal Creek (Colorado) Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
S. P. Strong, Rock, elected temporary chairman; W. D. Mowry, Creswell, secretary.
Delegates entitled to seats.
Creswell: J. Tucker, J. B. Nipp, I. H. Bonsall, C. L. Swarts, G. D. Lewis, R. L. Marshall,
W. D. Mowry.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 7, 1882.
AD. J. E. NEAL, President. T. R. NEAL, Cashier. S. P. G. LEWIS, Vice President.
GEO. W. REILLY, Secretary.
CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.
Do a General Banking Business.
Could Ernest Lewis have been a party to Boomers?
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Lieut. C. W. Taylor, 9th U. S. Cavalry, with a squad of ten men, arrived at Fort Smith on the 21st inst., with Capt. Dave Payne and his party consisting of the following persons: W. P. Miller, A. P., A. L., and E. Lewis, A. C. McCord, M. Hatfield, P. W. Odell, M. Rumman, H. A. Weatherby, W. H. Osburn, wife and child, and Miss Dicy Dixon. The entire party were served with summons to appear at the November term of the U. S. District Court at Fort Smith, and then released. Payne and his party were taken from Fort Reno, via Henrietta, Texas, and in that place Payne served out a writ of habeas corpus, which Lieut. Taylor resisted all attempts to serve. While it makes little or no difference what becomes of Payne, Lieut. Taylor ought to be made to understand that the military are subservient to the civil authorities, and any attempt on the part of a Lieutenant, or any other officer, to resist civil law, makes him just as liable to punishment as Payne can possibly be for his attempt to settle upon the Oklahoma lands. That young man Taylor needs a lesson on the firm of the United States government.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
The following is a list of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office.
Included in list: Hervert Lewis and Willie Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
List of letters remaining uncalled for in Post Office at Arkansas City, Kansas, December 1st, 1882.
Included in list: F. M. Lewis.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
We learn of a very bad case of destitution in the south part of town. A family by the name of Lewis, comprising an old lady who is paralyzed and her husband who is sick, a son, nearly dead with the consumption, and a small granddaughter. They want to get back to Pennsylvania, their old home. The Commissioners were applied to for transportation, but refused to furnish it, preferring to keep them in the poor house. Our charitable citizens should look after this case.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Mr. T. D. Lewis came in last week and will spend this week looking over his property interests here.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Mr. J. R. Lewis made us a pleasant call yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Mr. M. Lewis, who is now located on Chicaska, Indian Territory, contemplates starting for Las Vegas, New Mexico, with about 2,000 head of cattle the middle of next month.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
New Salem Pencilings.
Miss Jennie Lewis returned from Winfield quite awhile ago badly crippled with a scalded foot, but she is now all right and is a welcome Salemite. OLIVIA.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Messrs. L. C. Norton and Ira Barnett last week purchased of Messrs. Burress and Lewis about $12,000 worth of stock and are now holding the same upon the ranch lately occupied by the latter named gentlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
M. B. Lewis gladdened our sanctum with his presence last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
The Jasper Hartsock farm, east of the Walnut, was sold last week by Mr. M. B. Lewis to Jerome B. Henderson, of Saybrook, Illinois, for $1,800. There are 240 acres in the tract, which is one of the best farms in this part of the county.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Mr. Edward M. Lewis, late proprietor of the St. James Hotel, Kansas City, has leased the Occidental Hotel of this city, taking charge last Wednesday. Mr. Lewis is an experienced hotel man and has a very large acquaintance throughout the west with traveling people and will make a popular home. In making the lease, Mr. Lewis bought outright the entire furniture. Wichita Eagle.
This relieves Frank Williams of everything except his water works, street railroads, gas works, and other minor cares.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Republican Convention.
The Cowley County Republican Convention met at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, September 1st, 1883, at 11 o’clock a.m.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
CRESWELL: O. S. Rarick, C. G. Furry, C. L. Swarts, G. W. Ramage, Theo. Fairclo, F. M. Vaughn, I. H. Bonsall, A. B. Sankey, A. A. Wiley, James Ridenour.
Alternates: L. McLaughlin, John Smalley, Frank Schiffbauer, Dave Lewis, Frank Hess, C. W. Burt, R. J. Maxwell, R. L. Marshall, N. T. Snider, S. J. Rice.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Entry for Courier Prize.
William Martin was born in Virginia in 1812. Was married to Sarah Lewis in 1835. The following are the family of these so far as they now live in Cowley County, Kansas.
Sons and daughters of William and Sarah (Lewis) Martin.
1. Mary A. Wellman.
2. Elizabeth Painter.
3. Hartzell H. Martin.
4. Morgan Martin.
5. Ellery C. Martin.
6. Wm. Emerson Martin.
7. Emma L. Hawkins.
8, Minerva C. Martin.
9. Alice J. Martin.
10. Parker W. Martin.
There were four entries for the premium, two of them being incomplete in that they did not state the names of the persons composing the families, only giving figures. These were thrown aside for that reason. Of the two remaining, Mr. Philip Teter’s family numbered thirty-nine, all living within a radius of two and one-half miles. Mrs. Sarah Lewis Martin’s family, listed above, numbers forty-two [THANKS TO THE FUNNY WAY COURIER COUNTED], all living in Cowley County. She is awarded the special premium, consisting of a ten dollar gold piece and a life subscription to the “COURIER.”
Gather No. 1 on their list was SARAH LEWIS MARTIN rather than William Martin due to the fact that she was the one who entered. William Martin was not counted.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
Prairie Home Items.
Mr. McKinnon has rented his farm to Messrs. Read and Lewis, and Mc. has moved his family to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
Northwestern Teachers Association.
UDALL, November 3rd, 1883.
There being a political meeting in the schoolhouse Friday evening, no meeting was held by the teachers, but they met according to appointment on Saturday morning.
Those present were Misses Lida Strong, C. L. Cronk, Jennie Knickerbocker, Kate Martin, Hattie Andrews, and Fannie McKinley; Messrs. R. B. Corson, S. L. Herriott, J. W. Campf, J. W. Warren, C. A. Lewis, Chas. Daugherty, and L. McKinley.
It was decided to hold the next meeting at Akron schoolhouse, beginning on Friday evening, Nov. 30th. The program was arranged for that time as follows: Address of welcome, J. W. Warren; Response, J. W. Campf; Exercises by Akron school; Declamation, C. A. Lewis; Essay, J. W. Campf; Recitations, Misses Lida and Lou Strong; general discussion of the subject, “Needs of our School System.”
The topics for Saturday’s session were assigned as follows: “Methods of Teaching Primary Reading,” Misses Jennie Knickerbocker, Leota Gary, and Lou Strong; “Causes of the Revolution,” Mrs. Gammon, Miss Fannie McKinley, and Mr. J. W. Warren; “Franklin and Hamilton,” Miss C. A. Cronk and Messrs. C. A. Lewis, C. Bradshaw, and J. W. Campf; “To What Extent Shall Teachers Share in Amusements?” Misses Lida Strong and Annie Barnes and Mr. L. McKinley.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
The school under the guidance of C. A. Lewis is progressing nicely. The schoolhouse will soon be refitted with new furniture.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
The following is the list of jurors drawn for the January 1884 term of district court.
Henry Chitwood, Rock; John M. Smiley, D. G. Lewis, and G. L. Kirkpatrick, Creswell; R. Combs, Vernon; A. T. Cooper, Bolton; J. W. Elkins, Silver Creek; Adam Walck, Maple; J. A. Sanborn, Windsor; Andrew Harvey, Liberty; James Utt, Cedar; Henry Glaves, Harvey.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1883.
The G. A. R.
Arkansas City post, No. 158, gave a supper at the Perry house last Saturday night, after which the officers for the coming year were elected. The supper was a most bountiful one, and considering the great rush was very neatly managed. The exercises in McLaughlin’s hall were necessarily cut short, Mr. Walton giving a very appropriate speech to an audience composed of old soldiers and their wives. From this place they repaired to their regular meeting room and elected the following officers.
Commander: M. N. Sinnott.
Senior Vice Commander: P. A. Lorry.
Junior Vice Commander: Allen Mowry.
Officer of the Day: H. D. Kellogg.
Officer of the Guard: Perley Davis.
Quartermaster: A. A. Davis.
Chaplain: F. M. Peak.
Inside Guard: P. Jones.
Outside Guard: John Lewis.
D. P. Marshall was elected representative to the grand encampment. Four new members were mustered in, making something over eighty members now enrolled into this post.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 19, 1883.
Mr. J. W. Oldham resigned the position of city marshal last week, and the council at a meeting last Friday appointed Mr. John Lewis to fill the vacancy.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 13, 1884.
Township Election.
The following shows the result of the election held on the 5th inst. There were eight tickets in the field, and the total vote polled was 444.
CONSTABLES: J. J. Breene, 257; J. S. Lewis, 202; J. E. Beck, 178.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Township Officers.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Beaver, Irwin Graves; Bolton, C. J. Beck; Cedar, D. Baird; Creswell, James Huey; Dexter, C. A. Walker; Fairview, J. H. Curfman; Harvey, Henry Fromm; Liberty, J. H. D. Mounts; Maple, T. C. Daniels; Ninnescah, H. H. Suss; Omnia, Andrew Hattery; Otter, J. W. Hosmer; Pleasant Valley, D. Gramm; Richland, D. F. McPherson; Rock, H. F. Hornaday; Sheridan, E. J. Johnson; Silver Creek, J. Chandler; Silverdale, Joel Lewis; Spring Creek, John Robinson; Tisdale, John W. Conrad; Vernon, T. B. Ware; Walnut, F. M. Chaffee; Windsor, J. S. Mohler.
Creswell, J. J. Brain and John Lewis.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Office of the County Clerk, Winfield, Kansas, February 12th, 1884.
BOARD met in regular session agreeable to adjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton, Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.
Henry Chitwood, John M. Smiley, R. [?B.?] D. Combs, D. G. Lewis, A. T. Cooper,
J. W. Elkins, Adam Walck, J. A. Sanborn, Andrew Haney, James Utt.
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
Those who contemplate building will find it to their interest to call on Park & Lewis, carpenters, contractors, and builders. Shop on North Summit street.
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
The following is a list of people of Miss Hunt’s department that received 100 percent: Ida Lane, Mary Dunn, Cora Taylor, Anna Wagstaff, Mervam Miller, Harry Gilstrap, Jimmie Kirkpatrick, Willie Wilson, Mattie Patterson, Elza Darrough, Sarah Hill, Maggie Ford, Emma Wilson, Wyatt Hutchinson.
Those who were imperfect in the same department are: Larkin Endicott, James Williams, Eddie Endicott, Charley Taylor, Jay Fairclo, Amy Landes, Flora Kraemer, Ella DeBruce, Mary Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Park & Lewis, carpenters and builders, have opened a shop on North Summit street, where they will be pleased to meet any who have work to be done in their line. See their card in this issue.
AD. PARK & LEWIS, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. We solicit the patronage of the public and guarantee satisfaction. Shop on North Summit street between Central avenue and Aldridge’s lumber yard.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
Mr. D. D. Lewis, a former citizen of this city, has purchased the Coal Creek Enterprise, of Coal Creek, California. The paper was, before the change in editors, solidly Democratic. It will now, under its new manager, be as solidly Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Our old-time townsman, D. D. Lewis, is now editor and publisher of the Coal Creek Enterprise, of Colorado. The initial number under his management reached us last week. Honors are falling plentifully upon Dave, of late, he now being editor, postmaster, druggist, and justice of the peace of his city.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Otter News.
Dr. C. H. Lewis has sold his old farm northwest from town, price $1,500.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
Park & Lewis report all the work they can do. Their office is on east Summit and they are prepared to do you a first-class job.
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
In the case commenced by F. C. Cunningham against Mr. Deweese, it was agreed to determine the rights of the parties by arbitration. Our townsmen, J. P. Musselman, Uriah Spray, and Jno. Lewis were chosen; after two days deliberation the difficulty was satisfactorily adjusted.
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
Officer John S. Lewis arrested a young man named L. H. Brown the first of this week, charged with bastardy, and took him to the county jail at Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
James Park, of the firm of Park & Lewis, has been in Winfield this week finishing a contract of carpentering for a Mr. Hamilton.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 17, 1884.
Silverdale Stabs.
Andrew Lewis lost his best horse last week. Andrew is another unlucky hostler; he has lost a good horse every year since he has been in the state.
Same convention covered. Lewis ends up with different initials.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Judicial Convention.
The Republican Judicial convention for the 13th Judicial District met at the Courthouse in Winfield Tuesday, May 20th, at 2 o’clock p.m. It was called to order by Adrian Reynolds of Elk County. Isaac G. Reed, of Sumner County, was elected chairman and Adrian Reynolds secretary.
The following committees were appointed.
On credentials: J. M. Thralls, M. G. Troup, S. W. Chase, Wm. P. Lynch, Richard Speed.
On order of Business: Jas. Lawrence, G. L. Gale, I. H. Bonsall, J. I. Crouse, A. P. G. Lewis.
The committee on credentials reported the following list of DELEGATES.
Sumner County: James Lawrence, Isaac G. Reed, I. M. Thralls, L. P. G. Lewis, Orie Fitzgerald.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
The Republican Judicial Convention met in Winfield Tuesday, May 20. The convention was called to order by Adrian Reynolds, of Elk County, and Isaac Reed, of Sumner County, was elected chairman, and Adrian Reynolds, secretary. James Lawrence, of Sumner County, nominated Judge E. S. Torrance for re-election, and the rules were suspended and the nomi-nation made unanimous. Judge Torrance being present was called for and responded in a short speech expressing his appreciation of the honor of re-nomination and promising to perform the duties faithfully and impartially as in the past.
The following persons were chosen as a judicial central committee.
Cowley County: M. G. Troup, Geo. L. Gale, I. H. Bonsall, and T. H. Soward.
Chautauqua County: R. G. Ward, D. E. Shartell.
Elk County: Adrian Reynolds, C. W. Rambo.
Sumner County: J. M. Thralls, S. P. G. Lewis, Jas. Lawrence.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 28, 1884.
Judicial Convention. The Republican Judicial convention for the 13th judicial district met at Winfield courthouse on the 20th inst. The meeting was called to order by Adrian Reynolds of Elk County. Isaac G. Reed, of Sumner County, was elected chairman and Adrian Reynolds secretary. Committees on credentials and order of business were appointed and the former reported the following list of delegates.
Sumner County: James Lawrence, Isaac G. Reed, J. M. Thralls, L. P. G. Lewis, Orie Fitzgerald.
The following persons were chosen as a JUDICIAL CENTRAL COMMITTEE.
Cowley County: M. G. Troup, Geo. L. Gale, I. H. Bonsall, T. H. Soward.
Chautauqua County: R. G. Ward, D. E. Shartell.
Elk County: Adrian Reynolds, C. W. Rambo.
Sumner County: J. M. Thralls, S. P. G. Lewis, Jas. Lawrence.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
James Lewis, of the firm of Park & Lewis, returned from a week’s pleasure trip to Holton, Kansas, Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
We received an appreciated visit from Mr. J. B. Lewis one day last week.
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
J. L. Huey is building a large addition to his already commodious residence. Park & Lewis have the contract.
Arkansas City Republican, August 9, 1884.
Election Times.
A circumstance peculiar to election times took place one day this week. Commissioner Moore and Capt. Nipp were conversing concerning the number of votes St. John would poll in Arkansas City. The Captain offered Mr. Moore five dollars for the presentation of a St. John man. Mr. Moore readily accepted and offered five dollars in return if he failed to secure his specimen. Capt. Nipp refused, saying that cigars for the crowd would be sufficient. In good spirits, Mr. Moore started and having secured our fragile little townsman, John Lewis, asked him to go down the street and see a gentleman. John good naturedly consented and after the crowd had been reached, someone said, “Mr. Lewis, for whom will you vote for president?” “For Blaine and Logan, of course,” came the quick response. His hat was snatched from his head and torn in shreds, and in its place a $3.50 new one, purchased by Capt. Nipp, adorns his cranium. Mr. Moore furnished the cigars for the crowd with excellent grace.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
The primaries last Saturday were hotly contested throughout, and drew out more votes than at any primary election yet held in this city.
The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the county convention: F. M. Vaughn, C. L. Swarts, E. G. Gray, T. Fairclo, F. E. Pentecost, Dave Lewis, L. E. Woodin, Sr., O. S. Rarick, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Ridenour.
The delegates to the district convention in this city, to be held one week from next Saturday, are: A. E. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Burt, J. W. Warren, F. M. Vaughn, E. G. Gray, Bowen Lewis, S. C. Murphy, D. G. Lewis, J. L. Huey, T. H. McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 27, 1884.
Entitled to seats in the convention:
Creswell: F. M. Vaughn, C. L. Swarts, E. G. Gray, T. Fairclo, F. E. Pentecost, Dave Lewis, L. E. Woodin, O. S. Rarick, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Ridenour.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
The county convention met pursuant to call, and was called to order by D. A. Millington, chairman of county central committee. After the reading of the call by the secretary, E. A. Henthorn, of Silver Creek Township, was nominated for temporary chairman and E. G. Gray, of Creswell Township, for temporary secretary.
The report of the committee on credentials was then submitted, and the following parties reported as entitled to seats in the convention.
CRESWELL. F. M. Vaughn, C. L. Swarts, E. G. Gray, T. Fairclo, F. E. Pentecost, Dave Lewis, L. E. Woodin, O. S. Rarick, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Ridenour.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
Grandma Hartsock arrived from Colorado last Saturday, and is now visiting with the family of Bowen Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
The Representative Convention.
The committee on credentials reported the following delegates or proxies present and entitled to seats.
Creswell: A. E. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Burt, Bowen Lewis, S. C. Murphy, T. H. McLaughlin,
E. G. Gray, J. L. Huey, D. G. Lewis, F. M. Vaughn, J. W. Warren.
Nominations then being in order, J. R. Sumpter presented the name of L. P. King. On behalf of Bolton Township, R. L. Balyeat placed Dr. Z. Carlisle in nomination. Bowen Lewis, of Creswell, offered the name of J. R. Tucker, and J. A. Cochran nominated S. G. Castor, of Liberty.
The first ballot resulted as follows: King, 7; Carlisle, 8; Tucker, 10; Castor, 8.
The balloting proceeded with little change until Tucker withdrew on the seventy-second ballot.
The seventy-third ballot stood: King 13; Carlisle, 14; Castor, 6.
Castor withdrew on the eighty-eighth ballot, and the eighty-ninth resulted in the nomination of King by a vote of 19 to 14. Mr. King’s nomination was then made unanimous.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 6, 1884.
M. A. Lewis, a boot and shoe man of St. Louis, will probably lease the north room of the Hasie block and occupy it with a $15,000 stock of boots and shoes. If Mr. Lewis does not accept the room, a firm by the name of Watt & Powell is already to take possession with a similar stock.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Thursday we called on C. R. Sipes. We found Mr. Sipes astride of a box leaning over a grindstone sharpening a butcher’s knife. His workshop is nearly completed, and he is now moving into it. The basement and upper story will be used as storage rooms. His main room is now more tastily arranged than ever. We enjoyed a ride from basement to roof on the new elevator put in the workshop by Park & Lewis. It works like a charm.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
The Prohibition Mill.
Justice Buckman has had his hands full during the past few weeks in entertaining Arkansas City unlawful dealers in the ardent, introduced by Sheriff McIntire and his assistants. So warm has the atmosphere of the Terminus become for whiskey vendors that few of them have had time to look back as they made a hasty exit into the Territory—what few escaped much costlier justice. E. C. Mason, who appealed a case to the district court two weeks ago, was re-arrested again Monday. He deposited seventy-five dollars and the case was continued to give him a chance to raise the remaining fines and costs. W. N. Lewis lies in the county jail awaiting a trial next Friday, aside from a fifty dollar fine in Judge Kreamer’s court at Arkansas City. One Bluebaugh is also in the toils. This onslaught of justice cast consternation among the other violators and Bercaw, Griffith, and others of the Terminus skipped for the dark recesses of the Territory.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Cowley County District Court, First Tuesday, October 7th, 1884.
55. Fannie E. Lewis vs. Irwin Cole.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
The Misses Collins and Lewis, teachers in our public schools, were off duty the first of the week on account of the chills.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Mrs. Emily Houston, of this city disposed of her half interest in the Occidental Hotel at Wichita, last week, to Col. H. W. Lewis, for $15,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
Mr. Joseph Lewis, of Silverdale Township, brought into our office last Saturday a turnip which measured over two feet in circumference.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Public Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public auction at the Widow Hartsock farm 4 miles northeast of Arkansas City, on Wednesday, December 10, 1884, commencing at 10 a.m., the following described property.
3 Work horses, 3 good milch cows, 1 two-year old graded bull, 3 yearling calves, 20 stock hogs, 1 farm wagon, 1 top buggy, 800 bushels corn. Farming implements, household goods, and other things too numerous to mention. Terms of sale. Sums of $5 and upward 9 months time with approved security. Sums under $5, cash in hand. 7 percent discount given for cash on on time sales. No property to be removed till terms of sale are complied with.
___ BAILEY, Auctioneer.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
The following are the newly elected officers of the State Temperance Union.
For president, B. Kelly, of Winfield; for vice president, Jacob, Mulvane; for treasurer, P. J. Bonebrake; for secretary, J. A. Troutman. Executive committee: A. B. Campbell,
G. W. E. Griffith, W. B. Slosson, W. Wake, Albert Griffin, J. J. Buck, W. H. Stout, H. W. Lewis, and Philip Krohn.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Miss Abbie Lewis, one of the teachers employed in the Central school building, was summoned home by a dispatch stating that her father was very ill. She left yesterday for Quincy, Illinois. Miss Edith Heitkam will supply her place as teacher.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
School Report.
To Editors Republican:
I have the pleasure of presenting for publication the names of those students who are on the Roll of Honor for the month ending November 28.
The requirements are as follows: the Attendance must be 100—that is, the student be neither absent nor tardy during the month. Deportment must be 100, and the Scholarship must average 90 percent at least.
EIGHTH GRADE. Note that both Edna Worthley and Mary Lewis were included.
HATTIE HORNER was the teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Miss Lewis, one of our teachers, was summoned home in the last week on account of the illness of her father.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Miss Emma Campbell is teaching instead of Miss Abbie Lewis. We stated lat week Miss Edith Heitkam was, but have since learned that we were misinformed.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Messrs. Park & Lewis, Blue and Brown, are off on another hunt this week. They will visit the Oklahoma regions while away.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Miss Abbie Lewis, one of our school teachers, who was called home by her father’s illness last week, will be at her post again after the holidays. Her home is at Quincy, Illinois.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
M. B. Lewis leaves this week for Illinois, where he will make his home in the future. We are sorry to lose M. B., but as he will read the TRAVELER each week, we think he is not irrevocably lost, but may return after many days.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Bold, Bad Men from Butler.
J. J. Breene, W. J. Gray, and Henry Coryell captured three men hailing from El Dorado, who were wanted there pretty badly. A reward of $100 had been offered for their arrest and was divided by the officers who effected their “round-up.” The circumstances as nearly as we can learn them were that the men, Riley Bennett, Warren Bennett, and Dick Roe had been working for Judge J. H. Hill, of El Dorado for some time. A few weeks ago they bought two shotguns, two Winchesters, and three six-shooters, promising to pay for them in a month. Last week they went to a bank in El Dorado and obtained $200, mortgaging some stock that belonged to Judge Hill. As soon as they had obtained this money, they made arrangements to leave. This they did, taking with them two span of fine horses, a spring wagon, and a farm wagon, all belonging to the judge. The parties in El Dorado offered $100 for their capture, and our officers being on the lookout, firmly, yet gently, took them in when they arrived here last Saturday morning. Saturday John Lewis took them up to Wichita and turned them over to Judge Hill, and obtained the reward.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Miss Elsie Oberchain, of Parsons, succeeds Miss Lizzie Holbrooke in our public schools as instructress. Miss Florence Patterson, of Emporia, Miss Abbie Lewis, and Miss Belle Everett, of Garfield, Kansas, Miss ____Bissel.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
James Park and James Lewis and others returned from the territory Wednesday, where they had been hunting. They were within a few miles of Oklahoma camp, but did not visit it. One of the boomers informed them that there were about 800 colonists in camp. They were expecting the soldiers and were going to resist.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted.
J. D. Munford and Hattie Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We see some of our neighboring towns making loud brags about the amount of improvements made in their respective localities. We are candid in saying that it is impossible to ascertain the amount of improvements made here in the last year. The number of dwellings amounted at the very least to 250. We will put them at a very low estimate, $500 each. This makes $125,000. Then we have the Commercial and Hasie Blocks, $75,000; the Cowley County Bank, $25,000, the new schoolhouse, $10,000; the Houghton Block, $7,500; the Mason building, $2,000; Sipes’ block, $7,500; H. P. Farrar, $5,000; addition to the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son, $2,000; Baptist Church, $3,000; Christian Church, $2,500; Free Methodist Church, $1,000; Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, repairs, $1,500; W. M. Blakeney, $1,500; Leland Hotel, $4,000; Newman, building block 69, $1,000; Arkansas City Building Association, $5,000; Skating Rink, $1,500; J. H. Punshon, $1,000; D. W. Stevens and L. Eldridge, $1,000; Beecher & Co. and McLaughlin Bros., $1,500; J. H. Hilliard, $1,000; Thompson & Woodin, $1,000; Chambers, $1,000; J. Alexander, $1,500; Ayres’ Mill and Landes, Beall & Co., improvements, $1,000; DeBruce, $1,000; Park & Lewis and W. M. Rose, $1,000; Kroenert & Austin and Steadman Bros., $1,000; A. Harly, $1,000.
Could Charles Lewis be another name used by Ernest Lewis???
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Mrs. Jennings and Charles Lewis, the parties arrested for alleged complicity in the Smith & Zook safe robbery, had their preliminary examination before Judge Buckman last Thursday. The woman was held under $700 bonds for her appearance at the next term of court, while the man was discharged; but was immediately re-arrested again on the same charge and committed, his bond being placed at $700 also. Not being able to furnish bond, they languish. Telegram.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Jas. Lewis, of the firm of Park & Lewis, went to Holton, Kansas, to build a residence. He will be gone several weeks, but will return to Arkansas City when through with his job.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Attempt to Break Jail.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Feb. 25. Chas. Lewis, who is held here on the charge of blowing open the safe in Smith & Zook’s store, attempted to break jail last evening, and came very near being successful. The other prisoners, who were not locked in their cells at the time, would also have escaped had the attempt been made a few minutes earlier. Lewis was the only one who succeeded in getting out, and he was recaptured by the deputy sheriff, Frank Finch, just outside of the jail yard. It is the custom to lock the prisoners at 9 o’clock, and then Lewis was missing. He had torn up the flooring in the west room, where the wood had become rotten, and then dug from under the foundation to the outside of the jail. The means used for digging out was a two-inch augur; which must have been supplied from the outside.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Our Roll of Honor.
The following is a list of our subscribers taken since Feb. 20.
Listed: James Lewis, Holton.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Southwestern Colony Company.
Yesterday the Southwestern Colony Company, composed of men and families from all parts of the State, met at the Occidental to discuss plans and determine the methods that shall govern them in settling and colonizing new lands. The company is composed of families who desire to build up a good community, having the advantages of schools and churches, on government or other cheap lands in Southwestern Kansas. The members must have a capital of not less than $500, and a membership fee of $10 is assessed on each person belonging to the organization. They must invest in either farm or town lands. Those living in the town will not be subject to the rules governing the farm districts and vice versa. The company will issue shares of stock of $25 each, and not more than eight of such shares can be purchased at first by any one man. Each member of the townsite must erect either a residence or a business house, to cost not less than $300, on a lot before the 1st of next July. The location committee will fix a minimum value upon each business and residence lot, and on an appointed day auction them off to the highest bidder. But no person shall have more than one choice until each member of the colony has chosen one first. The farm lands within three miles of the townsite, in tracts not exceeding 160 acres, will be put up to auction under the same condition as the town lots. The board of directors are W. C. Girard, Crawfordsville; C. Holler, South Bend; P. A. Huffman, Thorntown; W. H. Taylor, Bellefontaine; E. T. Allen, Indianapolis; H. C. Nichols and Anson Porters, Fowler; Harvey Lewis, Edinburg; W. F. Newhouse, Argus; Nathan Lamar, Dalton; and Nathan Brown, Charlottesville. The president of the company is C. Holler, while the secretary and treasurer are respectfully H. C. Nichols and P. A. Huffman. Indianapolis Journal.
The TRAVELER will visit each of these gentlemen in the interest of this part of the West.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Citizen’s Meeting.
For Constables, J. J. Breene and J. R. Lewis walked off with the bread basket, no one dissenting.
The several gentlemen made short speeches after their nomination.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
District Court.
From the Daily Courier we glean the proceedings of the mill of justice.
Court met Tuesday morning and went through a few cases. The term will last six weeks and the docket is quite heavy.
The bond of Alice Jeffries, charged with being an accomplice in the Smith & Zook safe burglary last January, was forfeited and her case continued to the next term. New bonds fixed at $9,000.
The case against Lewis for burglarizing this safe, will be dismissed, and he will plead guilty to jail-breaking. Having been caught emerging from the three-foot tunnel made under the wall of the jail, he couldn’t get out of that charge. The penalty is imprisonment in the “pen” not exceeding two years or more than six months in the county bastile.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Dean, Hight, Davis, and Bailey. As Wm. Benedict was absent, Frederic Lockley was chosen by the mayor to act in his place.
The allowance of bills was as follows.
County bill of D. G. Lewis of $10 for money advanced to a pauper to go to Missouri, approved.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Police Court.
Big Dick Hoskins and Dave Lewis were arrested Wednesday night by night watch Stafford for using profane language on the street. Yesterday they were arraigned before Judge Bryant. Hoskins stood trial and fine and costs amounted to $11.65. Lewis also stood trial, but judgment was rendered against him before the evidence was all in. While the second witness was testifying, Big Dick pulled a pint flask of whiskey from his pocket and flourished it over his head. This caused a wrangle between the lawyers and Big Dick, and made the court mad. He slapped the docket books together and said that the trial was at an end. He fined Lewis $5 and costs. Both of the prisoners had an appeal bond made out. Judge Sumner made out the bond and presented the papers to the ex-city attorney, Stafford, for approval. Stafford did not know whether they were correct or not and asked to be excused a few moments. When he returned he became engaged in a quarrel with one of the witnesses and almost had a go-as-you-please fight. No one was fined for contempt.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Letter List.
On the list: Sadie Lewis.
Believe this is the entry I first uncovered for you re Earnest Lewis...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.
A mysterious murder is coming to light at Vinita. A stranger at the Fair there two years ago suddenly disappeared. Lately a notorious woman named Annie Robinson has been doing some talking, which led to an investigation by the authorities and her arrest and the implication of her brother, Earnest Lewis, and Tom White. It seems the woman decoyed the man to a creek near town, where the trio murdered him for his money.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
Delegate Convention.
The primaries were held in this city and in Creswell Township on Saturday evening, notwithstanding the severe rain storm. The proceedings were orderly and the selection of delegates was gone through with as a routine matter.
The Star Stable was the election place in the second ward. I. H. Bonsall was chosen for chairman and Frederic Lockley, secretary. The delegates elected were Frank J. Hess, Edward Pentecost, Theo. Fairclo, Charles Bryant. Alternates: E. Baldwin, E. G. Gray, David Lewis, Ira Barnett.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 19, 1885.
The Delegates to the Republican Convention to be Held at Winfield Today.
Last Saturday evening the Republican primaries were held in the four wards of Arkansas City and Creswell Township. The following are the delegates chosen.
SECOND WARD. In this ward, as in the 3rd and 4th, none but Republicans were chosen delegates. The convention was held at the Star livery stable. I. H. Bonsall was made chairman of the meeting and F. Lockley, Secretary. The delegates chosen were F. J. Hess, Chas. Bryant, Theo. Fairclo, and Ed. Pentecost. The alternates were E. Baldwin, E. G. Gray, David Lewis, and Ira Barnett.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
W. D. Lewis, while engaged in cleaning the well of J. Frank Smith, received a severe bruise on the shoulder last Saturday. He was down in the well, and in removing the pump, the rope slipped off, letting the stock fall back on him. The injuries sustained were quite painful and severe.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Teams and vehicles have been fording the Arkansas River at this place all week, and no accident occurred until Thursday morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Lewis started across, driving a pony to a buggy. When part way across the pony struck quicksand and got down. The alarm was given and large crowds from town started down to the rescue; but before anyone on foot reached the river, somebody nearby went out in a boat and helped Mrs. Lewis from the buggy. The pony was got out and the party went on to the Winfield Fair, none the worse for their fright. The Arkansas is rather a treacherous stream, and it is not safe to ford anywhere, especially with a light horse and any kind of a load. Oxford Register.
Arkansas City Republican, October 10, 1885.
Items from School District No. 32.
Miss Hattie Lewis, who, for some time, has been suffering from throat disease, is now convalescing.
Could I have mistaken the name? Item appeared right beneath that of Hattie...
A. H. Durham has sold his farm to E. Parker. Mr. Durham says he is going to Arizona in the spring, but I guess not.
Could the name be Dunham instead of Durham? Really do not think so!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 17, 1885.
Items from District No. 32.
Look out for wise saying from this district. The question for debate, Friday the 16th, is: Resolved “That a Spendthrift is a greater detriment to a neighborhood than a Miser.” Ben Lewis takes care of the affirmative; Sara Campbell sees that the negative is not slaughtered. Instrumental and vocal music will be rendered. Declamations, essays, and select reading will also be in order. The Lyceum is in a prosperous condition and we propose to keep it so.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Letter List.
Letters remaining uncalled for in the post office, Oct. 17.
Included on list: Rebecca Lewis and D. H. Lewis.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
On Saturday evening, Oct. 17th, Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Witt were completely and pleasantly surprised by some of their friends, who brought with them some very valuable and useful presents, Judge Bryant and wife constituting the van guard. Then followed Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Pile, Mr. and Mrs. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Lewis, Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. Ed. Pentecost, Mrs. J. M. Ware, Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Theo. Fairclo, Mrs. Frank Speers, Mrs. Wm. Gray, Mrs. Franey, Mrs. Chapel, Mrs. Blubaugh, Mrs. Pickard, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Murphy, Misses Sadie and Mary Thomas, Clara Bryant, Nina Pickering, Fannie Harding, Lou Murphy, Mr. E. Baldwin, Mr. Walter S. Pickering, and Mrs. C. R. Sipes. The evening was spent sociably, enlivened with vocal and instrumental music. All seemed in love with life and will long remember the very pleasant hours spent together on that occasion.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
Items from District No. 32.
Boen Lewis’ residence has been completed and once more Boen is happy.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
Dollars Worth of Improvements Made to Arkansas City This Building Season.
The following is a partial list of the improvements made in Arkansas City since March 1, 1885.
D. G. Lewis, residence: $1,000
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
DIED. Died in this city No. 6th, 1885, Mrs. Lewis, wife of Chas. Lewis, aged 57 years. Funeral services were held at the Christian Church, Nov. 7th, by J. P. Witt. Remains were interred in the cemetery at Parker Schoolhouse.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
The Leland Hotel Comes Near Going Up in Smoke.
Jerry McGee, a Discharged Employee, Arrested for the Crime.
He is Examined and Committed for Trial in the District Court.
Judge Kreamer held the accused to appear before the district court of Sumner to answer to the charge of arson, and fixed his bail at the sum of $2,500 dollars.
The following day DeWitt McDowell, W. B. Hagins, Asa Lewis, and H. T. Sumner went on his bond, their sureties were approved, and the accused was discharged.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Statement of the amount of orders issued, to whom issued, and for what purpose issued, on the bond funds for the building of the Central or Stone School Building, between June 24, 1884, and December 19, 1884; and orders issued to teachers from October 1, 1884, to June 3, 1885. Also, amount orders issued on the Incidental fund from July 10, 1884, to June 3, 1885. This is the best the present board can do. Not having any receipts recorded on the district clerk books, drawn from the county treasurer, we can give nothing but the one side.
Oct. 28 ‘84 Miss Abby Lewis, One month as teacher to October 31, 1884: $40.00
Nov. 29 ‘84 Professor Weir, One month as teacher, Ends November 30, 1884: $137.50
Miss Abby Lewis: $40.00
Jan. 14 ‘85 Abbie Lewis, teacher, 8-1/2 days: $17.00
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.
Letter Lists.
List of letters remaining in Post office January 15, 1886.
Included: C. H. Lewis, W. J. Lewis, Hattie Lewis.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
The voters of the 4th ward held a caucus Wednesday evening in Dr. Alexander’s building on Summit street. Capt. Maidt was chosen chairman and John Daniels secretary. J. C. Thornton received the nomination for councilman and Thos. Watts, school director. The convention instructed for W. D. Kreamer for justice of the peace and Jonathan Sandusky Lewis for constable. Hurrah for Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
At the first ward caucus on Monday evening, Col. E. Neff was nominated for the city council, S. B. Adams for trustee, and John Lewis endorsed for constable. Judge W. D. Kreamer was heartily endorsed for justice of the peace. There was a large gathering, and the proceedings were entirely harmonious.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
Election Notes.
In the first ward caucus John Lewis was endorsed for constable, but Austin Bailey’s name was mentioned, and he says he is still in the field.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
Monday evening about 75 voters of the First ward met at the schoolhouse to place candidates in nomination for the offices to be filled next Tuesday. Judge Kreamer was chosen chairman of the meeting. The contest for the nomination of school director was warm, but finally resulted in S. B. Adams being selected. Col. Neff received the nomination for councilman. It was the will of the convention that Judge Kreamer be endorsed for justice of the peace and J. S. Lewis for constable.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The Election was hotly contested Tuesday. The People’s Ticket had a walk over the Citizens’ Ticket. The result was as follows.
Councilman: Hill 139, Neff 48.
School Board: Ruby 126, Adams 60.
Justice: Kreamer 167, Meigs 18.
Constable: Lewis 105, Bailey 83.
Councilman: Ingersoll 106, Fairclo 80.
School Board: Landes 110, Fowler 72.
Justice: Kreamer 153, Meigs 30.
Constable: Bailey 95, Lewis 83.
Councilman: Prescott 130.
School Board: Love 77, Woodin 53.
Justice: Kreamer 114, Meigs 15.
Constable: Lewis 65, Bailey 37.
Councilman: Thurston 204.
School Board: Watts 116, Mowry 94.
Justice: Kreamer 178, Meigs 30.
Constable: Lewis 164, Bailey 41.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers of Monday and Tuesday.
HOWARD, DIX & CO.: Jamison Vawter to Bly Lewis, 1 lot, $150.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
John A. Lewis, of St. Louis, is visiting in the city. Mr. Lewis is the uncle of C. E. Salisbury.
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
Republican Primaries.
The Republican primaries of the city were held Thursday evening.
In the 1st ward the meeting was held in the office of G. B. Shaw & Co. Jacob Hight was chosen as chairman and R. C. Howard as secretary. By motion the rules were suspended and the nomination of delegates proceeded by acclamation, as follows: A. E. Kirkpatrick, Jas. Ridenour, W. D. Kreamer, Judge Bryant. Alternates: A. D. Hawk, John Lewis, Thos. Mantor, R. C. Howard. On motion the meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
This morning, just before noon, Marshal Gray, Capt. Rarick, Sheriff McIntire, Johnnie Breene, and John Lewis visited the Monumental Hotel and made a raid upon the basement for whiskey sellers. The building was surrounded and an officer detached to make the search. A thorough search was made, but the jointists had gone, taking with them their liquors before the officers got there. It is supposed the criminals had gone to the Territory.
First mention of a colored Lewis...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Ed. Lindsey and Willie Lewis (colored) were brought down from the Winfield jail yesterday by Sheriff McIntire for their preliminary examination before Judge Lindsay. Ed. Lindsey was arrested a few days ago for cutting open a grip in the Nickle Plate Restaurant and stealing $10. He pleaded “not guilty,” but the court thought from the evidence that he was guilty, and sentenced him to lay in jail and to pay the costs of the action. Willie Lewis was up for breaking into Wm. McDowell’s trunk in the Occidental Hotel and stealing a watch and revolver. The Judge bound him over in the sum of $500 to appear for trial in the district court. Both were returned to jail last evening.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Saturday night Marshal Gray, J. J. Breene, and John Lewis made a raid on a gambling den in the Grady block. They captured 13 men; one got away in the darkness. The 12 were held in custody until this morning at 10 o’clock when five plead guilty before the acting police judge, Kreamer, and were fined $10 and costs; total $21 each. The remaining seven plead guilty this afternoon and were fined the same. All have paid up except two and they are rustling for the money and will have it in the city treasury before night. The names of the parties arrested were John Boucher, Wm. Fullerlove, F. A. Hale, H. Armstrong, Jos. Rogers, C. Tuby, Chas. Harkins, J. R. Vanskye, Harry Gage, Clate Jones, Harry Hughes, and De Witt Moonhouse. The officers also captured some poker chips. Who runs the establishment is not known.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
John Lewis, our light weight constable, sprained his ankle running to the fire on Saturday night, and now he goes about with his foot in a sling.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Big 300 pound John Lewis started to run to the fire Saturday night and in crossing the street sprained his ankle quite badly. John is compelled to wear only one boot and do most of his walking with one leg.
Arkansas City Republican, August 27, 1886.
Gala Picnic.
The Woman’s Relief Corps, of Winfield, having invited their sister corps of Arkansas City to enjoy a festivity with them yesterday, the following ladies responded to the call.
Mesdames Ashton, Guthrie, Mansfield, Ruby, Taylor, Lewis, Chapin, Bluebaugh, Nelson, Neil Shields; and Miss Pickering.
Arriving at their destination, they were met by their entertainers, who conveyed their guests to Winfield’s beautiful park near the placid waters of the Walnut, where they were greeted by some 60 co-workers in that grand old regiment—Relief.
The sociability and encouragement of these ladies with each other was pleasant to behold. And when the hour for dinner arrived, quite a number of Winfield’s veterans of 61 and 65 came down to the happy throng to assist in doing away with that bountiful repast, which was spread upon a table rock, 12 x 20 feet, and which seated about forty persons. The dinner was simply immense and the ladies of Winfield with Mesdames Walton, Beach, and Thompson at the head, spared no pains to make this social gathering one to be long remembered by their guests. The quarter-master and chaplain of the Arkansas City post were also present to keep a protective eye on the ladies (as it were). And the ladies (oh my) didn’t they do themselves proud in catering to the wants of the inner man, a day long to be remembered by ONE WHO WAS PRESENT.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
J. R. Lewis, an old subscriber from Creswell Township, looked into our sanctum last week to give his opinion of listed corn. He has tried it wet seasons and dry, he says, and under both conditions came out behind. He proposes to return to the old method of planting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. R. Lewis, who formerly built houses in Arkansas City, has located in Florida.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Willie Lewis was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. He was up for stealing a revolver and watch from Wm. McDowell’s trunk. Lewis is a colored youth about 16 years of age. [Note: First time they had Lewis; later, Louis.]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886.
City Primaries.
Last evening at the appointed hour, the Republican voters of the city convened in their respective wards and elected delegates and alternates to the county convention to be held in Winfield Saturday, and the Representative convention to be held in this city Oct. 4, in Highland Opera House.
In the first ward the meeting was called to order and Judge Kreamer elected chairman, and R. C. Howard, secretary. The election of the following delegates and alternates to the county convention then occurred.
DELEGATES: W. D. Kreamer, Jas. Ridenour, C. P. Jeffries, Chas. Bryant.
ALTERNATES: W. S. Thompson, A. D. Hawk, J. S. Lewis, E. Baldwin.
Arkansas City Republican, October 2, 1886.
Creswell Township held her primaries yesterday afternoon. As the committeemen failed to publish the call for the township, there was a mistake about the hour of meeting, and consequently Creswell held two conventions, and has two sets of delegates.
Committeeman Vaughn called the primary for one o’clock, although it was not published in any of the papers. The county central committee recommended that it be held at two o’clock, and it was generally understood by the Republican voters of the township that that would be the hour. The first convention was over and the participants had gone home before two o’clock.
When the second convention voters arrived, they were indignant and accordingly met and elected delegates.
The delegates of the first convention are as follows.
Messrs. Priest, Vaughn, Guyer, Sankey, Abrams, and Stansbury.
The delegates of the second convention are as follows.
Marshall, Lowe, Daniels, Allen, Lewis, and Hammond.
We are informed the last will contest for recognition. There were more voters present at the last convention than the first. Many who started to the convention at two o’clock were turned back by the first parties returning home and telling them it has been held. The delegates were instructed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
S. I. Perring was elected trustee of Silverdale Township yesterday; Joel Lewis, treasurer; E. Scott, clerk; Justice of the peace, Ed Powers, and constables, Jack Paugh and Wm. Miller.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Kansas, November the 15th, 1886.
Included in list: Sophia Lewis.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Fred Wahlenmaier, of Creswell Township, has lost seven cattle lately from “smut.” Bowen Lewis lost one from the same cause one day this week. We have heard of no other losses in this vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1886.
Election of Officers.
At an election of officers of Arkansas City Post, No. 158, G. A. R., on Saturday evening, the following were elected.
Post Commander, M. N. Sinnott.
Senior Vice Commander, John R. Nelson.
Junior Vice Commander, Jacob Dunkle.
Quarter Master, G. W. Miller.
Surgeon, Capt. C. G. Thompson.
Chaplain, Jacob Crites.
Officer of the day, Dr. Kellogg.
Officer of the guard, John Lewis.
Inside guard, I. N. Dodd.
Outside guard, Amos Walton.
Comrades Frederic Lockley and Amos Walton were elected delegates to the next department encampment to be held in Abilene, Kansas, and Comrades H. T. Sumner and G. W. Miller alternates.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The annual election of Arkansas City Post No. 158 occurred Saturday night, Dec. 13, with the following officers elected:
M. N. Sinnott, P. C.
R. Nelson, S. V. C.
J. Dunkle, J. V. C.
Capt. C. G. Thompson, Surgeon.
G. W. Miller, Q. M.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg, O. E.
I. N. Dodd, I. G.
J. Lewis, O. G.
Amos Walton, O. G.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Judge Kreamer issued a warrant last evening for the re-arrest of Thos. Place, who was up before him Saturday for assaulting L. F. Randall with intent to kill. The Judge fined Place $20 and costs and told him to leave Randall alone. He promised to do so and secured Wm. McCoy to stand good for the judgment until he could visit his brother-in-law over in Silverdale Township and procure money to pay his fine. Instead of doing what he agreed to, Place sought Randall out and gave him a terrible pommeling and then skipped out, leaving McCoy to pay his fine. He has not been heard of since but officer John Lewis and McCoy are looking after him. Should he be captured, he will most likely enjoy a term in jail.
The following contains a very interesting story about Lewis Family. Hard to tell if this family was connected with the outlaw Lewis...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Yesterday was David Lewis’ 42nd birthday. He would doubtless have forgotten to note the flight of time had not his good wife celebrated this anniversary by an excellent supper. Those present report a very pleasant time. Mr. Lewis came to Kansas 32 years ago, and has grown up with the state, enduring all the hardships and trials of pioneer life. During the perilous times of “border ruffian” lawlessness he saw his father driven into hiding for months at a time, the roof burned over their heads, his mother with a large and helpless family set out on the open prairie in the depth of winter. He has lived in Arkansas City for 15 years, and has watched its growth from a small, straggling village to its present healthy proportions. Should he be here fifteen years from yesterday, he will see our city the Chicago of the west, its growth of the coming 15 years far exceeding the growth of the past 15.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Frank Lorry, C. Atwood, T. V. McConn, Maj. L. E. Woodin, John Lewis, and Judge Bryant, today, after having eaten their dinner, stepped on J. M. Ware’s hay scales and were weighed. They tipped the beam at 1,522 pounds. Evidently these gentlemen are the “feather (?) Weights” of the Arkansas Valley. They all met at the corner in front of the First National Bank at one time.
Winfield Monthly Herald, August, 1891.
MARRIED. Married at the Parsonage July 22nd by the Pastor, Mr. Chas. H. Lewis and Ella McDonald, both of Arkansas City. Mr. Lewis was formerly from Jackson, Michigan, near the Pastor’s old home.
Daily Calamity Howler, Thursday, October 1, 1891.
TO BE MARRIED. George W. McDaniel, of Fowler City, Indiana, and Miss Addie Lewis of Arkansas City, secured a marriage license today.
The Life Line
Arkansas City, Kansas, May, 1895.
Membership of Ladies’ Willing Workers Association.
Listed as member: Sibbie Lewis, Hattie Lewis, Mrs. D. C. Lewis, Mrs. Bowen Lewis.
The Life Line, Arkansas City, June 12, 1895.
D. B. LEWIS, Elder.
Note: I quit at this point. Did not go into 1918 and years that I covered at that time since I was only picking out parts of the Traveler newspapers. MAW