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Winfield - Methodist-Episcopal Church

Will C. Robinson wrote in his 1924 book “Footprints” the following. “I think the next matter of very great improtance was the establishment of the Methodist-Episcopal Church—always a power. The first service were here was with plain board seats on Main Street in what was the first store and nkown as the ‘old Log Store,’ second lot north of Ninth Avenue of West Side (Lot 11, block 108) and conducted by Rev. B. C. Swartz.”
“The First Methodist Episcopal Church building was in the second block east on Ninth Avenue, south side (block 7-8, lot 149), a little frame building well back, abouth where the Watson Grocery Store is today (1924). It would seat probably one hundred people. I think this building was erected under the supervision of Dr. W. G. Graham. I am not sure, but think he built and paid for it himself.”
Courier, January 6, 1883.         The Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. P. F. Jones, pastor, has a membership of three hundred and four. Scholars in regular attendance at its Sunday school, 175; average attendance on service, 400. The church is prosperous and constantly growing. Its church building is of magnesian limestone, is 40 x 60 feet in size with tower and entrance at corner; pulpit in rear end—lecture room 20 x 40 cut off front with folding doors and gallery same size above lecture room—oval ceiling 18 feet high at sides, stained glass windows, and handsomely furnished, cost $10,000.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum