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The Nation's Capital

                           Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our
                                          Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
The winter’s session of Congress may be said to have now begun, for the December term was as barren of legislation as ever, in spite of brave promises. There are now about fifty working days left, and it is not too much to say that, ignoring all private and special legislation, there are at least fifty important matters of common concern awaiting action. Of the time left, half will be necessarily occupied over appropriation bills, so that Congress cannot afford to waste an hour. But it will waste a good many, and the fifty important matters will have to wait for a more convenient season that never comes.
The Administration is undergoing sharp questioning in reference to some of its doings in the development of a new American foreign policy. Last week two notable resolutions of inquiry were introduced in the House of Representatives: one by Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, the other by Mr. Belmont, of New York. The inquiry in substance was the same in both. They requested the President to inform Congress if he accredited Mr. Kasson, Minister to Berlin, and Mr. Sanford, who was once Minister to Belgium, delegates, to represent the United States at Prince Bismarck’s Congo Conference; what was his purpose in doing so, if he did accredit them; what the exact nature of their authority was, and in fact, what business or interest the American Republic had any way in a European congress the avowed purpose of which was to create a new State under continental government on the African Continent to be ruled by a king.
The inquiry in the House is timely. The American people want to know what they are being let in for. What with the Mexican, the Dominican, Spanish, and the Nicaraguan treaty we are in danger of biting off more than we can chew. We had better see where we are likely to bring up to all this reaching forth for foreign complications. With a Navy that is the laughing stock of the world, we are in a nice fix to be stepping on people’s coat-tails and hunting up a fight. France has planted 50,000 men on the Isthmus, who Capt. Benford Pim, of Her Majesty’s Navy, who is new in Washington, is reported to say could be mobilized into two army corps in a fortnight’s time. Germany is growling ominously at our friend and ally, Spain. England is seriously thinking of the feasibility of trying to cut the ground from under our feet in the canal scheme by entering into an arrangement with Nicaragua which will be pecuniarily better for certain enterprising and ingenious gentlemen of that republic than ours is. Some day a real emergency will be upon us, and then the rural idiot who believes that the American flag on a pole hoisted above two logs tied together and set afloat is enough to make the effete monarchies tremble, will be calling on the rocks and mountains to fall on him and hide him from the wrath and scorn of the people of the great Republic.

Apropos to the Nicaraguan question, the senate is giving Capt. Eads a great deal of unnecessary trouble; they have compelled him to shift his quarters and his $10,000 model of the gigantic ship railway from the room of the committee on naval affairs to the Butler building, opposite the Capitol, which has been rented for use as Senate committee rooms, etc. It is true that Senate employees were made to do the work of taking down his model of the Tehuantepec ship railway, conveying it over to the other building, and putting it up again. But still it was putting the gallant captain to a great deal of inconvenience, and was a piece of mere thoughtlessness.
This generosity towards this particular Eads scheme opens up a perfectly dazzling prospect to the gentlemen of the vestibule of the genus lobbyist. No more cooling of heels with the common herd out in the corridors! No more rebuffs from busy congressmen who will not receive cards during the session! No! Each and every scheme for getting money out of the treasury will be provided by Congress with a fine room, elegantly appointed and equipped with a clerk or so, and a messenger or two, with laborers galore to do the heavy work, and all paid for out of the public treasury! No one who is not an absolute porker could ask anything better than that.
From now till Lent there will be no rest for society. The President announces his series of official receptions, and fashionable people are following in his footsteps with every species of social gatherings. The President himself is accepting one or two invitations out to dinner each week, and General Sheridan and Senator Hale have already entertained him. In less than two months a great change impends, but the administration means to die with its pumps on.
                                                 THE NATION’S CAPITAL.
                               Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by
                                      Our Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
The state of business in Congress is more favorable to adjournment. That the end is near appears from the fact that the deficiency appropriation bill, the last of the series, is about ready to be reported to the House. The naval bill has been considered. It is comparatively free from controversial features, and the Randall provision for reorganizing the navy is the only feature which provokes discussion. The sub-committee on the fortifications bill, which swelled the bill to $5,000,000, have been instructed in committee to cut off the new features and report simply the usual bill. This action will tend to facilitate proceedings in the House. The sundry civil bill has some features that may precipitate a struggle, especially if silver legislation is attempted.
Apropos of Mr. Randall’s plan for the construction of a new navy, it is regarded in Washington as being comprehensive and radical in character, and on that account has found many active friends and active enemies, the latter mostly among naval officers. The plan provides, first, for the collection of all possible information on the subject of naval construction; second, for the selection of plans; and lastly, for the building of the navy according to these plans without any further action by Congress. The language of the paragraph is that all necessary money to pay expenses of the board, its awards and purchases, and building of the vessels provided for is appropriated out of the money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Thus there is no limit to the sum to be expended in the construction of the new navy. The fact of the matter is that the country at large will be satisfied with almost anything which will give a start to the needed work of providing the United States with a navy.

Speaking of the navy reminds me that a change in the command of that festive craft, the “Despatch,” took effect the other day, and has made a great deal of talk in naval circles. It is said that the displacement of Lieutenant Reeder, the ex-commanding officer, is entirely the result of personal influence brought to bear in favor of Lieutenant Emory, who commanded one of the ships in the Greeley relief expedition.
Naval officers who have the welfare of the service greatly at heart are very desirous that when the new administration comes in, both the “Despatch” and the “Tallapoosa” shall be gotten rid of. The talk in the newspaper of the use that has been made of these vessels has been a constant injury to the service. Neither ship is needed for the duty it has been employed on during the past few years. Mr. Cleveland could not do a better stroke of business than to send both of these vessels away from the Atlantic coast, and keep them away during his entire administration. But this would go hard with the beaux and belles of the Nation’s Capital, who have been having such good times on the excursions of these crafts at Government expense.
                                     DEMOCRATIC PROGNOSTICATIONS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
The Post-Dispatch publishes a special from Albany which it claims is perfectly authentic and reliable. It states that Cleveland has already offered five Cabinet portfolios, and that they have been accepted by the following gentlemen: Bayard, Secretary of State; Manning, the Treasury; Lamar, the Interior Department; Vilas, Postmaster General; and Garland, Attorney General. Cleveland wishes to appoint Whitney Secretary of the Navy, but hesitates to take two Cabinet officers from New York State. It is probable, however, that the portfolio of the War Department will be tendered either to Judge Endicott or Patrick A. Collins, both of Massachusetts, with a preference for Endicott, who was the Democratic nominee for Governor last Summer, and who will come nearer than any other gentleman representing the Independents in the Cabinet. Cleveland, in his inaugural, will take his stand on the tariff question on the plank in the Chicago Convention platform. He will take a positive position on the silver question in favor of one standard.
                                                          THE CABINET.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Mr. Cleveland has confirmed the semi-official announcement of his cabinet a few days ago, by sending to the Senate for confirmation the following gentlemen to the respective departments indicated.
Secretary of State: T. F. Bayard.
Secretary of the Treasury: Daniel Manning.
Secretary of the Interior: L. Q. C. Lamar.
Attorney General: A. H. Garland.
Postmaster General: Wm. F. Vilas.
Secretary of War: W. C. Endicott.
Secretary of the Navy: Wm. C. Whitney.
The appointments were promptly confirmed by the Senate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.

The library in the White House, where the President receives Congressional visitors, was converted into a library by Mrs. Fillmore, the first wife of the President of that name. The desk in the room was made of the timbers of a British ship found at sea by an American vessel and restored to England. The Navy Department of Great Britain had the desk made and presented it to the United States.
                                           THE ANGLO RUSSIA DISPUTE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The Queen will start for Aix-Les-Baines Monday. The Queen’s message of March 27, calling out the reserves and militia for permanent service, has been received by the country with great enthusiasm. The enthusiasm is especially marked at the various military stations throughout the kingdom. Everywhere active efforts are being exerted to get barracks ready for the reserves, and have areas and accoutrements at hand to equip them. Immense stores of arms are at the tower ready to be distributed when required. The war feeling is strong among the reserves, and many have already joined the guards before the orders summoning them to service were received.
Great preparations are being made at Aldershot for the reception of the army reserve forces and militia called out by the Queen’s message. Quarters are ready in Chatham for a large force. The greatest activity prevails in the ordnance department in hastening the armament of vessels ordered for immediate service. Extra hands are employed and all available quarters at Chelsea have been made ready for occupation. It is reported that the naval service will be at once called out for service. The government has given contracts for 10,000 uniforms.
Active preparations are making to get available cruisers and iron clads belonging to the navy into condition for active service as soon as possible. It is known that the destination of these vessels is the Baltic sea and the Black sea; the entrance to the latter, however, being conditioned on the assent of Turkey. Members of the Third royal fusileers and Fifth rifle brigade, both military organizations, are responding largely to the Queen’s call for volunteers to serve with the regulars.
The total reserve force of English navy in 1884 was 20,500.
In the event of war 25,000 militia will be assigned to garrison duty in Ireland and that number of regulars will be released for active service.
                                         AN ANECDOTE OF GEN. GRANT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Ex-Secretary Robeson tells a story which illustrates alike Gen. Grant’s common sense and his quiet manner.

“When I was secretary of the navy some hundred of the sailors of the better class came to me and asked to have some rank given to them. They didn’t care about an increase of pay, they said, but they wanted relative rank. I couldn’t do anything for them, but they came several times and were rather importunate; and I finally led a delegation of them over to the White House and let them present their petition to President Grant in person. They told him what they wanted, and argued for a redress of their grievances, plainly but forcibly. At last an old boatswain came to the front, and hitching up his trousers and turning over his incumbent quid, he said: ‘Mr. President; I can put this ere matter so you can see it plain. Now, here I be—a parent; in fact, a father. My son is a midshipman. He outranks me, don’t you observe? That ain’t right, don’t you see?’ ‘Indeed!’ said Grant! ‘Who appointed him a middy?’ ‘The secretary here,’ the bo’sun said; and encouraged by the question, he went on. ‘It ain’t right; don’t you see that I should be beneath him? Why, if I was to go on to his ship, the boy I brought up to obedience would boss his own father! Just think o’ that! And he has better quarters than me, and better grub, nice furniture and all that; sleeps in a nice soft bed and all that. See?’ ‘Yes,’ the president said. ‘Yes, the world is full of inequalities.’ The old bo’sun chuckled quietly, and gave another hitch to his lower gear. ‘I know of an old fellow,’ said Gen. Grant, ‘who is postmaster of a little town in Kentucky. He lives in a plain way, in a small house. He is a nice old man, but he isn’t much in rank. His son outranks him more than your son does you. His son lives in Washington, in the biggest house there, and he is surrounded by the nicest of furniture, and eats and drinks anything he takes a notion to He could remove his father from office in a minute if he wanted to. And that old man—that’s Jesse Grant, you know—doesn’t seem to care about the inequality in rank. I suppose he is glad to see his boy get along in the world.’ The old bo’sun looked down at the carpet and tried to bore a hole in it with his toe, and his comrades all laughed at him joyously and slapped him on the back and filed out in great glee. It was the last I ever saw of the petition or the petitioners. The old bo’sun flung his cud into a cuspidor as he left. Probably he had concluded to give up thinking.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
It is rumored that President Cleveland proposes to appoint Secretary of the Treasury Manning Collector of the port of New York, which is a more desirable office; that he will transfer secretary of the Navy Whitney to the office of Secretary of the Treasury and fill the vacancy in the Navy office with Joe McDonald, of Indiana.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The Suez Canal Commission has decided to place the prizes captured in naval warfare traversing the Suez Canal upon the same footing as men-of-war. The work of the Commission is progressing favorably.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Admiral Jonett and Commander McCalla informed the Navy Department that the American forces were withdrawn from Panama because of promises made by the rebel, Alzpura, that he would not interfere with the American interests in that city, and that he would not erect barricades in the streets.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The Philadelphia Times says John Roach has been offered $100,000 more for the dispatch boat Dolphin than this Government has agreed to pay. The offer comes from the Russian Government and Roach has demanded an immediate answer to a letter, requesting final payment by the United States.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The entire force of the construction department of the Brooklyn Navy Yard was discharged recently because of the lack of money.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.

Secretary Whitney and John Roach have agreed that the Dolphin shall have another trial trip before her final acceptance by the Government. The trial will take place in the sound and will be a six hours’ run.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
Another attempt of John Roach to bring the Dolphin up to schedule resulted in a failure due to an over-heated journal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
The Secretary of the Navy was considering the advisability of appointing a board to investigate the expenditures on the repair of the United States steamer Mohican, at the Mare Island Navy Yard. The reported cost of these repairs amounted to about $700,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
A party of sub-lieutenants in the navy becoming enraged at some stories which appeared in a local newspaper at Portsmouth, N. H., forced an entrance into the residence of the editor and assaulted him the other morning.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
It was thought recently that on account of defects existing in the bookkeeping of the Navy Department, the Government would adopt the system in vogue in the British Navy Department.
                                                  WASHINGTON LETTER.
         Political, Official, and Social Notes as Gathered by Our Regular Washington
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
While walking through the Navy Yard the other day, I met Commodore Sicard. “This,” said the Commodore, holding up a chocolate-colored, six-sided prism an inch and a half in diameter, with round holes through it, and weighing over two ounces, “is a grain of the celebrated cocoa powder of which you have heard so much.” “Is it made of cocoa?” I asked. “No, there is probably not a particle of cocoa in it. It takes its name from its color, but its composition is a profound secret. It is made abroad and furnished to the world at a reasonable rate, but I think we shall soon be able to make it ourselves. There are experiments going forward here which we expect to be crowned with success. The particular points of excellence of the cocoa powder over the old kind are that it burns slower at the beginning and more rapidly toward the end. In other words, it has a tendency to burn more rapidly under increasing pressure. With the black powder it is difficult to keep down the pressure, but it requires high pressure to make cocoa burn rapidly.” “Is the cocoa powder economical?” “No, I cannot say that it is. It takes a good deal of it to impress a high velocity to a projectile. But when everything is properly adjusted, it is not impossible to give a velocity of more than 2,000 feet per second to a projectile.” I thanked the Commodore and was glad to note another evidence that our Navy was waking up.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The Secretary of the Navy has appointed a board to examine the present force of navy yard shops and applicants for such positions with a view to determining the efficiency of the incumbents and making changes where it is necessary.

                                          DOLPHIN AND OWNER ROACH.
                                                  WASHINGTON LETTER.
                    Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our Regular
                                                 Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The opinion of the Attorney General in the case of the Dolphin is likely to be a surprise to the country, and will be little less than a thunderbolt, not only to Mr. Roach, but to all government contractors. We may expect to see the opinion vigorously combated, and, until Mr. Roach has a chance to reply to Gen. Garland with regard to the legal aspects of the case, it may not be becoming in laymen to prejudge the merits of the controversy. It will occur to most people, however, to ask what security a contractor has under existing usages that his work will finally be accepted by the Government. The opinion will certain make contractors more cautious in the future, and will have a tendency, as has already been illustrated on a recent occasion, to keep them from bidding for government work. In almost all large jobs the work is passed upon by a subordinate officer or board, and partial payments made to the contractor, if the work is deemed satisfactory by the authorized inspector. A new and perplexing element is introduced, if we are now to understand that these under-officers have no authority to represent the government or construe an act of Congress, and that the contractor at any stage of the work is liable to have his work rejected and to be used by the government for the money paid him in installments by the Treasury by the authority of the board of review.
Of course, if it can be shown that there was a conspiracy to defraud the government, to which the contractor, the board of review, and the Secretary of the Navy were parties, then there would be no difficulty in bringing the action, but in the present case no such charge is made, although it seems to be part of the creed of good Democrats that all the navy dealings with John Roach are steeped in corruption. Probably this conviction has had its influence in the present attitude of the administration. No doubt we shall all be sufficiently enlightened on the law and equity of the matter as the opinion opens the way to extended and expensive litigation.
                                   THE WAR ON AMERICAN INDUSTRIES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
There has always been a party or faction in this country who have labored to promote the interests of English factories and to give them the monopoly of the manufacturing business. These have, therefore, always fought against American manufacturing industries and have never missed an opportunity to strike a blow which would cripple them or some one of them. This faction consists of the free traders and is led by men though Americans, seeming to be the paid agents of the Cobden club and the English monopolists who flood our country with the most specious free trade documents with which to gull the ignorant and unwary.

The Laird Brothers and other British monopolists have had the main business of ship building for the world, but in the last twenty-five years John Roach has built up in America on the banks of the Delaware a rival ship building interest. The work done at this establishment has been the best and has gradually won its way to the front until the wonderful energy, ability, and success of the ship building interests of John Roach has very materially reduced the business and profits of the British ship builders, and it became a matter of moment to the latter that John Roach should be “squelched.” The opportunity has now arrived, the agent for the job has been found, and he has done his work effectively. John Roach has been forced to make an assignment. The British ship builders have recovered their monopoly and now there will be an advance in the price of ships and ship building.
John Roach had too many resources to be headed off by any ordinary means. Nothing short of the weight of the government of the United States seems to have been sufficient. The opportunity came and the government in the person of the Secretary of the Navy, Whitney, has been made the agent of the British ship builders and has done up the job.
John Roach had a contract with the United States government to build four steel clad steam vessels under plans and specifications as to form, model, material, and everything else, furnished by the department, which also voted that their plans would furnish a speed of fifteen miles an hour against the wind in a storm. John Roach proceeded with his contract and invested about twenty millions of dollars on the faith that the government would do as it had agreed. He had run deeply in debt to raise the means to invest so much in the government contract, but expected on the completion of one vessel to get his pay for it as per contract. The first completed was the Dolphin. It was examined and tested in all its parts and proved to be according to contract and specifications in every particular, and there was not the slightest excuse for rejecting it. But the test showed that the department had been mistaken in its opinion that such a vessel would make fifteen miles an hour against a storm. Here was a pretext, and it was readily seized. It was claimed that the opinion which had been expressed by a vote, that it would make fifteen miles an hour against a storm, was a part of the contract, which part had not been fulfilled; and therefore, the secretary, supported by the opinion of the attorney general, whose opinion was of course what the secretary desired, has rejected the Dolphin.
Of course the other three vessels, if completed, would come under the same rule, for a test had proved that a vessel constructed according to the plan of the contract, could not do what the secretary demanded. John Roach had no other alternative than to fail, with the government owing him nearly twenty millions, which he could not get. It was a glorious triumph for free trade and British monopolies. It throws thousands of men out of employment or compels them to compete in other branches of labor. It cheapens labor generally and brings suffering and distress upon many. John Roach may stand it to be sacrificed, but will the American people stand it to be sacrificed also?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The massive machinery in the great workshops of John Roach & Son was idle, Monday, amid deserted rooms, for the first time in eighteen years. The men in Mr. Roach’s employ speak very kindly of him. He is always liberal to them. There was no dispute in his shops about wages, or other labor issues. Mr. Roach was honest in his theory of upholding the wages of labor as the true source of business prosperity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The Democratic administration are making a pretty mess of it out of the cattle lease business, the Roach matter, and the seven hundred thousand dollars of money lost in transmission.

                                                THE DOLPHIN OUTRAGE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Since 1862 John Roach has received from the government over $10,000,000, besides numberless ships and valuable machinery sold to him at old junk rates. Among all the vessels built by Roach for the government, not one of them have been available for purposes of modern warfare, and in fact, have hardly been seaworthy. Telegram.
We would suggest to our c. c. that it is not necessary to pick up and circulate all the lies invented to help Whitney out, which it finds in the papers whose managers are licking boots to get the recognition of this administration for some office. The editor of our e. c. has got his office and now should tell only the truth in this case, viz:
Congress passed an act providing for the construction of three steel cruisers and also another vessel of greater speed. In pursuance of said act, Secretary of the Navy, Chandler, appointed an advisory board of the men of the United States reputed to be best acquainted with naval affairs and ship building, to prepare models, plans, and specifications for the ships and superintend their construction. This board prepared these and the letting of the contract to build the vessels was advertised in the regular way with the right reserved to reject any or all bids, the ships to be built according to the models, plans, and specifications on file.
John Roach was the lowest bidder on all the vessels and the contracts were awarded to him.
The first of the four ships completed was the “vessel of greater speed,” named the Dolphin. Within the contract, and according to custom in such cases, the ship was allowed, and required, to make three several trial trips before acceptance or rejection. This is for the purpose of thoroughly examining and testing the ship. It is expected that on the first trial, some defects will be discovered, and that on the second, they may not be wholly remedied. The third trial ought in reason be sufficient to test any machinery. In this case, as is common, the first trial showed defects; on the second, there was nothing wrong beyond a little heating of journals, and on the third test there was nothing wrong. The advisory board, having watched the building of the ship as it progressed, knew what materials had been used in its construction, and then being present on everyone of the trial trips, they knew just what the ship was. The board was satisfied with the Dolphin, passed it on careful examination, and recommended acceptance. Secretary Whitney refused to act upon the board’s advice, and he appointed a special examining board. The report of that board shows that the work was done according to the plans and specifications, but the examiners say the ship is “structurally weak,” and that in their opinion, it has not power enough to make the desired speed on a rough sea. There is nothing in the contract about speed, but it was intended by the department, by Congress, and by the advisory board that the ship should have a speed of fifteen knots an hour and 2,300 horsepower. On the third trial of six hours on Long Island Sound, the Dolphin made more than fifteen knots an hour, and ran so steady that a glass even full of water set on deck did not spill a drop; and when the ship was maneuvered rapidly in turning about and being thrown against a new position of the rudder, the tremor of the ship was so slight that the test glass on deck displaced so little water as to be barely measurable.

The advisory board in their criticism upon the report of the examiners say that compared with other vessels the Dolphin is exceptionally strong structurally and that it is not reasonable to accept the fact of the heating of a crank pin to which engines, and particularly new ones, are at times liable, as evidence of weakness of any character. And they also say that a vessel’s speed depends on its design and that when fifteen knots of sea speed was mentioned by the board as what the Dolphin should show, it means making fifteen knots on a calm and for an ordinary day’s run, and the board asserts that this is the only proper way of measuring sea speed.
Secretary Whitney having predetermined to “sit down on John Roach,” and seeing that this “structural weakness” business was too thin to go down well, called off Attorney General Garland, whose offices seems to be, to do the dirty work for the administration, to help him out. Garland understood his business and promptly came forward with an “opinion” that the contract was illegal or rather was no contract, and therefore the Secretary could not recognize it by accepting the vessel. Thereupon Whitney rejected the vessel, bankrupted John Roach, and threw out of employment 2,500 workmen, depriving their families and dependents of their means of living. It was one of the most atrocious outrages ever committed by a government, done evidently for political spite and political capital. We shall see how much capita is made by it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
The eastern Democratic press are now sneering at old John Roach because he shows enough assets to pay dollar for dollar his debts, and will have money left. Nothing short of his entering the poor house would have pleased them.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
W. A. Croffutt makes the following statement and prediction: Roach & Son are going ahead to finish the contract (as ex-Secretary Chandler predicted they would), Mr. Whitney imposing no new conditions whatever. And this is the man against whom some partisan papers launched infamous charges only a fortnight ago. It is understood that the Dolphin is to be presently accepted by the Government too.
                                                  WASHINGTON LETTER.
                    Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our Regular
                                                 Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Fears are expressed lest the Swatara, which is to bring a cargo of silver dollars from New Orleans to this city, may be overhauled by pirates and despoiled of her treasure. But such alarms are idle, for it is doubtful if even a pirate would take the cartwheel dollar unless it was forcibly dumped on the deck of his rakish craft and he was given no option.

There is a contract in existence between the Treasury department and Adams Express company, made during Secretary Sherman’s term, by which the department agrees to employ that company as its exclusive agent for the transportation of money from the sub-treasuries to the Treasury at Washington and the reverse. It is stated that the Adams Express company hold that the project to carry $5,000,000 from New Orleans to Washington in the Swatara is a violation of this contract, and that they will probably bring suit against Treasurer Jordan. Thus far, however, Mr. Jordan has not been notified of any suit. This position is that the contract gives the Adams Express company over all other companies, but does not preclude the government’s transporting its own money to government vessels. Moreover, it is thought that the contract might be open to objections on the ground that it is against public policy.
President Cleveland, in his purpose to keep the public good in his eye, manages to run against a large assortment of private interests. The ocean steamship companies cannot have their subsidy, the cattle barons must get out of the Indian lands, and must pull down their fences; the land grant railroads must not impose on settlers; political bosses are kept from looting the offices; and the army and navy pets must take their share of service. The latest sufferer is the express company, which claims that the government is taking fat contracts out of its mouth by transporting coin in a government vessel instead of sending it as freight. This style of administration may not be popular among those who feel the shoe pinch, but in the historic words of Gen. Bragg, the people ought to love it for the enemies it makes.
The Secretary of the Navy will soon issue an order to navy officers similar to that recently issued by Secretary Endicott, with relation to army officers on detached duty. The navy regulations require that officers shall serve three years at sea and three on shore, returning at the end of the latter period to sea duty. Complaint has been made by some officers that they did not receive their full time on shore. To remedy any such evil that may exist, two officers, one from the line and one from the staff, will probably be detailed at an early date to keep record showing the kind of work officers are employed on and the length of time that they have been engaged. When three years of shore duty have elapsed, the officers will be sent to sea. It is said at the Navy department that if such an order is issued, there would not be more than ten or twelve officers affected by it.
                                                     FIRES AND FIENDS.
                   Six Old United States War Vessels Burned to the Water’s Edge.
                   A New York Murderer Suffers the Extreme Penalty of the Law.
   A Number of Arkansas Convicts Make a Bold Dash for Liberty and Seven Escape.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.

PORT WASHINGTON, L. I., August 22. A fire causing a loss of over $100,000 broke out on board the steamer Colorado, lying off Plum Beach, near here, last evening. The flames spread from the Colorado to the following ships, all of which were burned to the water’s edge and sunk: Minnesota, Susquehanna, Congress, South Carolina, Iowa, Lottie Grant, and Fair Play. All with the exception of the last two formerly belonged to the United States Navy. They had been condemned and were bought from the Government by Stannard & Co., who were to break them up for the old iron and planks they could get out of them. The fire broke out on the forward deck of the Colorado, where men were at work burning up planks to get the iron spikes. On the right of the Colorado was the Susquehanna, to which the flames spread rapidly, and before either it or the Colorado could be towed out, the flames had spread to the other boats. They all burned. [Next sentences almost obliterated. Impossible to read clearly.] They all burned so fiercely that within three hours nothing was left of the once defenders of the United States but a few charred planks and floating timbers. The hulks sank at once to the bottom, going down with a hiss and a gurgle, amid a cloud of steam from the water as it swept over the burning wrecks. The Colorado was the first to sink, and as the water closed over her, a mast from the Minnesota toppled over on the Congress, and together they sought the sandy bottom of the sound. The Susquehanna burst loose from her moorings, and at one time the various fishing crafts anchored along the shore appeared to be in danger. She floated about fifty yards from shore, and after trembling for a minute, keeled over and sank. The South Carolina and Iowa followed her to the bottom in short order, but before going down the flames spread from the Iowa to the Lottie Grant and Fair Play, two schooners lying near the shore, and they, too, sank. Who the owners of the schooners are could not be ascertained, as the crews became so mixed up in the crowd of spectators that they could not be found. Mr. Stannard said: “The loss to me is not less than $100,000, as it was only for the iron in them that I bought them. Had they been serviceable, the loss would have footed up in the millions.” The loss on the schooners will not be less than $15,000.
                                                   THE THIRD AUDITOR.
                   Colonel Williamson Claims to be a Wonder in the Way of Work.
           The Treasury Department Brought Out of Egypt into the Land of Beulah.
                                Admiral Jouett and His New Orleans Festivities.
                                             Advised to Sue for Stopped Pay.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
                                                       REPLY TO JOUETT.
WASHINGTON, September 12. Second Comptroller C. Maynard has written a reply to Rear Admiral Jouett in regard to the item of $400 paid for the entertainment of visitors to the flag ship Tennessee at the New Orleans Exposition, in which he reviews the whole question in the light of the points raised by the Admiral in defense of the expenditure. He takes issue with the Admiral on the point that the expenditure could properly be made from the naval contingent fund, and quotes from a decision made by Attorney General Devens “that the words ‘contingent expenses,’ as used in the appropriation acts, mean such incidental casual expenses as are necessary or at least appropriate and convenient in order to the performance of the duties required by the department or the office for which the appropriation is made.” The Comptroller says that he has been unable to find any law which requires the Navy Department or any officer of the navy to entertain public officials at the expense of the Government, and says that he cannot assent to the Admiral’s statement that it has been the practice of the accounting officer to allow such disbursements under the head of contingent or extraordinary expenses. But, whatever the practice may have been in this respect, he says it will be conceded that if unlawful, it cannot be too promptly discontinued. The Comptroller adds that the records of the Treasury Department will bear him out in the statement that from time immemorial it has been the practice where a public officer had received money belonging to the Government, which he was for any reason not entitled to, to make a stoppage in his pay account until the amount illegally received has been made good. In closing, the Comptroller suggests that the Admiral bring suit for the portion of his pay withheld, and so test the whole question.
                                                      DOLPHIN. ROACH.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.

The new board of examiners appointed by Secretary Whitney to overhaul the Dolphin and report what changes and improvements are necessary to bring her up to the standard required by the contract and the act of Congress providing for her building have completed their labors. They report that the sum of $325 will be all that will have to be expended for the purpose. Now let the heathens rage and the inhabitants of Kentucky imagine a vain thing. Whitney has a black eye and his war on old John Roach appears in the most contemptible light. $325 is a vast sum to make all this expense and row about.
                                                 THE NATION’S CAPITAL.
                           Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our
                                          Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The transfer of the silver cargo of the United States steamers Swatara and Yantie, amounting to $10,400,000 in standard dollars, to the U. S. Treasury, was completed Wednesday. The coin will be counted in a few days. It is believed, however, that it has all been safely delivered. The Yantie, which was unloaded first, started from the Navy Yard last Tuesday for Norfolk, but had not proceeded far when she got out of the river channel and ran aground. Tugs were engaged Wednesday in dragging her out of the mud into deep water. It is said at the Treasury Department that owing to the trouble and delay in transporting money by water that railroad transportation only will be employed in the future.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
WASHINGTON, October 26. A report has been received by the Secretary of the Navy from Rear Admiral McCauley at Panama, stating that everything is quiet there. Work on the canal is at a standstill. At the Pacific end for a distance of one mile from Colon, one-half of the depth and less than the width of the cutting has been excavated.
                                                 THE NATION’S CAPITAL.
                    Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our Regular
                                                 Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The accounting officers of the Treasury department have consented to delay charging to his personal salary the amount expended by Admiral Jouett in entertaining visitors to the Tennessee at the New Orleans exposition, according to the decision of the second controller, until the matter has been brought to the attention of Congress. The amount in question is only about $400, but it is desired to have some definite action taken which may serve as a precedent in the future. The Secretary of the Navy now has the matter in charge; and through him, it will be brought to the attention of Congress. Admiral Jouett, when asked about it this morning, said he knew nothing on the subject, as it was in the hands of the secretary, but he was satisfied that Congress would have something to say about it this winter. He added: “I have yet to find the man in the United States who is not opposed to the position in which naval officers are placed when brought into relations with naval representatives of foreign countries.” L.
                         Success of American Farming in Corea.—Appointments.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
                                                  COREAN CIVILIZATION.
WASHINGTON, October 31. Ensign George C. Faulke, United States navy, Charge d’Affaires at Seoult, Corea, in a report to the Secretary of State, describes the so-styled “American farm,” established by the King of Corea in 1883, upon the return of the Corean embassy from the United States. The farm is in a thrifty and flourishing condition. It was planted with seeds presented to the embassy by the American Commissioner of Agriculture. Last year the entire crop was allowed to go to seed after a very successful season. Large quantities of all varieties of seeds were thus obtained, which were distributed to more than 300 localities, accompanied by directions for planting and use. The farming of these seeds this year has been very successful. The American farm has been successfully stocked with blooded animals from California.
                                                              THE NAVY.
                                             Report of the Ordnance Bureau.
                                        American Powder Better Than Foreign.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
WASHINGTON, November 14. Commodore Montgomery Sicard, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance of the Navy Department, in his annual report to the Secretary of the Navy, asks as his estimates for the expenses of the next fiscal year for $3,648,842. Of this $207,000 is asked for the ordnance outfit of the Miantonomah, $866,000 for the outfits of the Puritan, Terror, Amphitrite, and Monodanock, and $878,770 for the armaments of the four new vessels authorized at the last session of Congress. The results of the trials of cannon and experiments with foreign and domestic powders are given, the trials showing favorably for American powder. Experiments with shells are also reported, among them that of controlling the action of gun cotton when used in armor-piercing shells with success. The delayed action fuse for the same purpose proved successful.
                                     ESTIMATES FOR THE NEW VESSELS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
WASHINGTON, November 19. Chief Naval Constructor Wilson has submitted his annual report. His estimates for completing the four double turreted monitors are as follows.
For the Puritan, $955,343.
For the Terror, $627,288.
For the Amphitrite, $639,584.
For the Monodanock, $791,445.
He also asks $5,000,000 for building hulls of the new steel vessels.
He submits his views with regard to the dimensions and character of the new vessels, which he recommends shall consist of one of 2,000 tons, one of 2,400 tons, one of 3,600 tons, one of 5,000 tons, one of 7,500 tons, and two of 8,000 tons displacement.

The following are the dimensions and a few of the characteristics which he mentions as required by these new vessels: The early completion of double turreted monitors for coast defense as the best type of vessels for that purpose, is strongly recommended; also the construction of two composite auxiliary power, bark rigged vessels of 8,000 tons, to take the place of the old sailing sloops Saratoga, Jamestown, and Portsmouth.
Constructor Wilson describes the condition of the vessels of the Navy at the several yards, and submits estimates of the amounts required to complete the work of construction or repair which each requires. He recommends the consolidation of the work at one of the large Navy yards, preferably that at Philadelphia.
Excerpts from long article...
                                                    CLEVELAND’S FIRST.
  President Cleveland Sends His First Message to Congress, Pursuant to Constitution.
                           Relations With Foreign Powers Continue Satisfactory.
                                                     Objectionable Treaties.
                                                  The Various Departments.
           The President Argues the Silver Question.—Deprecates Further Coinage.
  President Discusses the Mormon Question, Public Lands, and Civil Service Reform.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
WASHINGTON, December 9. The first message of President Cleveland was delivered to both Houses of Congress yesterday.
                                                   FRIENDLY RELATIONS.
It is gratifying to announce that the relations of the United States with all foreign powers continue to be friendly. Our position, after nearly a century of successful constitutional government, maintenance of good faith in all our engagements, the avoidance of complications with other nations, and consistent attitude toward the strong and weak alike, furnish proof of a political disposition which renders professions of good will unnecessary. There are no questions of difficulty pending with any foreign Government. The Argentine Government has revived the long dormant question of the Falkland Islands by claiming from the United States indemnity for their loss, attributed to the action of the commander of the sloop Lexington in breaking up a piratical colony on those islands in 1811, and their subsequent occupation by Great Britain. In view of the ample justification of the act of the Lexington and the derelict condition of the islands before and after their alleged occupation by Argentine Colonists, this Government considers the claim as wholly groundless.
                                          CENTRAL AMERICAN TROUBLES.
Early in March last war broke out in Central America, caused by the attempt of Guatemala to consolidate the several States into a single government. In these contests between our neighboring States, the United States forbore to interfere actively, but lent the aid of their friendly offices in deprecation of war to promote peace and concord among the belligerents and by such counsel contribute impartially to the preservation of tranquility in that locality.

The emergencies growing out of the civil war in the United States of Colombia demanded of the Government at the beginning of this Administration the employment of an armed force to fulfill its guarantees under the thirty-fifth article of the treaty of 1846, in order to keep the transit open across the Isthmus of Panama. Desirous of exercising only the powers expressly reserved to us by the treaty, and mindful of the rights of Colombia, the forces sent to the Isthmus were instructed to confine their action to “positively and efficaciously” preventing the transit and its accessories from being interrupted or embarrassed.
The execution of this delicate and responsible task necessarily involved police control where the local authority was temporarily powerless, but always in aid of the sovereignty of Colombia. The prompt and successful fulfillment of its duty by this Government was highly appreciated by the Government of Colombia, and has been followed by an expression of satisfaction. High praise is due to the officers and men engaged in this service. The restoration of peace on the Isthmus by the reestablishment of the constituted Government there being thus established, the forces of the United States were withdrawn.
Pending these occurrences a question of much importance was presented by decrees of the Colombian government proclaiming the closure of certain ports, then in the hands of insurgents, and declaring vessels held by the revolutionists to be piratical and liable to capture by any power. To neither of these propositions could the United States submit. An effective closure of ports not in the possession of the government, but held by hostile parties, could not be recognized. Neither could the vessels of insurgents against the legitimate sovereignty be deemed hostis humani generis within the precepts of international law whatever might be the definition and penalty of their acts under the municipal law of the State against whose authority they were in revolt. The denial by this Government of the Colombian proposition did not, however, imply the admission of a belligerent status on the part of the insurgents. The Colombian Government has expressed its willingness to negotiate conventions for the adjustment by arbitration of claims of foreign citizens arising out of the destruction of the city of Aspinwall by the insurrectionary forces.
                                                     BRITISH GOOD WILL.
The marked good will between the United States and Great Britain has been maintained during the past year. The termination of the fishery causes of treaty of Washington in pursuance of the joint resolution of March 3, 1884, must have resulted in the abrupt cessation on the 1st of July of this year, in the midst of their ventures, of the operations of citizens of the United States engaged in fishing in British American waters, but for a diplomatic understanding with her Majesty’s Government in June last, whereby an assurance was obtained that no interruptions of these operations should take place during the current fishing season.
                                           ON GOOD TERMS WITH RUSSIA.
Our good relationship with Russia continues. An officer of the navy, detailed for this purpose, is now on his way to Siberia, bearing the testimonials voted by Congress to those who so generously succored the survivors of the unfortunate “Jeannette” expedition.
The total ordinary expenditures of this Government for the fiscal year were $280,226,935.56, leaving a surplus in the Treasury at the close of the year of $48,463,771.20. $40,929,854.32 less than the surplus reported, at the close of the previous year. The expenditures are classified as follows.

For civil expenses: $23,826,242.11; For foreign intercourse, $5,420,604.11; For Indians, $6,552,494.62; For pensions, $56,102,267.40; For the military, including river and harbor improvements and animals, $42,609,571.40; For the Navy, including vessels, machinery, and improvements of Navy yards $16,024,079.43; For interest on the public debt $53,386,356.47; For the District of Columbia $3,490,650.70; For miscellaneous expenditures, including public buildings, lighthouses, and collecting the revenue: $54,128,650.80.
                                          THE MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE.
The Supervising Surgeon-General reports that during the fiscal year 41,714 patients have received relief through the marine hospital service, of whom 18,803 were treated in hospitals and 28,911 at dispensaries. Active and effective efforts have been made through the medium of this service to protect the country against an invasion of cholera, which has prevailed in Spain and France, and small-pox, which recently broke out in Canada.
                                                         COAST SURVEY.
The work of the coast and geodetic survey was during the last fiscal year carried on within our boundaries and of the coasts of thirty-two States, two Territories, and the District of Columbia. In July last certain irregularities were found to exist in the management of this bureau, which led to prompt investigation of its methods, the abuses of which were brought to light by this examination, and the reckless disregard of duty and the interests of the Government depending on the part of some of those connected with the service made a change of superintendency and other offices necessary.
The Judge Advocate General reports that the number of trials by general court martials during the year were 2,328, and that 1,184 trials took place before garrison and regimental court martials. The suggestion that probably more than a tenth of the army has been tried for offenses great and small in one year may well arrest attention. Of course many of these trials of garrison and regimental court martials were for offenses almost frivolous, and there should, I think, be a way devised to dispose of these in a more summary and less inconvenient manner than by court martial. Of some of the proceedings of court martial, which I had occasion to examine, the present ideas of justice which generally prevail in the trials, I am satisfied, should be much reformed if the honor and the honesty of the army and the navy are, by their instrumentality, to be vindicated and protected.
The Board of Fortifications and Harbor Defenses, appointed in pursuance of provisions of the act of Congress, approved March 3, 1885, will, in a short time, present a report, and it is hoped that this may greatly aid the legislation so necessary to remedy the present defenseless condition of our sea coast.
                                                    NAVIGABLE WATERS.
There should be a general law of Congress, prohibiting the construction of bridges over navigable waters in such a manner as to obstruct navigation, with provisions for preventing the same. It seems, under existing statutes, that the Government cannot intervene to prevent such a construction, when entered upon without its consent, though when such consent is asked, and granted upon condition that authority to insist upon such condition is clear.
                                             Dolphin Mentioned in Next Item.
                                                 THE NAVY DEPARTMENT.
The report of the Secretary of the Navy gives a history of the operations of his department, and the present condition of the work committed to his charge. He details in full the course pursued by him to protect the rights of the Government in respect to certain vessels unfinished at the time of his accession to office, and also concerning the dispatch boat, Dolphin, claimed to be completed and awaiting the acceptance of the department.

No one can fail to see from recitals contained in these reports that only the application of business principles has been insisted upon in the treatment of these subjects, and that whatever controversy has arisen was caused by the exaction on the part of the Department of contract obligations as they were legally construed. In the case of the Dolphin, with entire justice to the contractors, an agreement has been entered into providing for the ascertainment by a judicial inquiry, of the complete or partial compliance with the contract in her construction, and further providing for the assessment of any damage to which the Government may be entitled on account of a partial failure to perform such contract, or payment of the sum still remaining unpaid upon her price in case a full performance is adjudged. The contractor, by reason of his failure in business being unable to complete the other three vessels, they were taken possession of by the Government in their unfinished state, under a clause in the contract permitting such a course, and are now in process of completion in the yard of the contractor, but under the supervision of the Navy Department.
Congress at its last session authorized the construction of two additional new cruisers and two gunboats, at a cost not to exceed in the aggregate $2,995,000. The appropriation for this purpose having become available on the 1st day of July last, steps were taken for the procurement of such plans for the construction of those vessels as would be likely to insure their usefulness when completed.
These are of utmost importance, considering the constant advance in the art of building vessels of this character, and the time is not lost which is spent in their careful consideration and selection.
All must admit the importance of an effective navy to a nation like ours, having such an extended sea coast to protect, and yet we have not a single vessel of war that would keep the seas against a first-class vessel of any important foreign power. Such a condition ought not longer to continue. The nation that cannot resist aggression is constantly exposed to its foreign policy, is of necessity weak, and its negotiations are conducted with disadvantage because it is not in a condition to enforce the terms dictated by its sense of right and justice.
Inspired as I am by the hope shared by all patriotic citizens that the day is not far distant when our navy will be such as befits our standing among the nations of the earth, and rejoiced at every step that leads in the direction of such consummation, I deem it my duty to especially direct the attention of Congress to the close of the report of the Secretary of the Navy, in which the humiliating weakness of the present organization of the department is exhibited, and the startling abuses and waste of its present methods are expressed. The conviction is forced upon us with a certainty of mathematical demonstration that before we proceed further on the restoration of a navy we need a thoroughly reorganized navy department.
Excerpts from article re President Cleveland reception...
           Great Reception at the White House of Foreign and Home Notabilities on
                                                          New Year’s Day.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
                                                       ARMY AND NAVY.

At a few minutes to twelve o’clock, a long line of army officers wended their way from the War Department across the way. The line numbered nearly three hundred. Although only forty officers are stationed in this city, between seventy and eighty retired officers reside in Washington, and all who were able to be present were in line. Besides those from the different bureaus of the War Department, the barracks, and Fort Myer, a number came over from Fort McHenry to pay their respects, and the force was largely increased by the number on leave, who are stopping here temporarily. General Sheridan, of course, headed the line, accompanied by his personal staff. Adjutant General Drum followed with the officers of the Adjutant General’s department. Then in order came the officers of the corps of engineers, headed by Colonel McComb, retired; the signal corps, headed by General Hazen, cavalry, artillery, infantry, medical corps, and pay corps. There was no intermission between the army and navy receptions. The line of naval officers followed in the footsteps of army officers. It was headed by Admiral Porter, and by his side walked Admiral Warden. Following came the different Chiefs of Bureaus of the Navy Department and many other naval officers of prominence. In fact, like the army, the navy was represented by nearly every officer who is at present in Washington.
                                                 TAG, RAG, AND BOBTAIL.
The gates were not opened to the general public until after the Grand Army reception was completed. The crowd of waiting citizens was immense. It extended from the eastern gate in a solid mass far down the avenue, occupying the middle of the street. When the time arrived for the general reception, the gates were opened and the line passed through the White House. Notwithstanding the immense crowd, the best of order prevailed and everything passed off in the smoothest possible manner. During the reception all the parlors except the east room were darkened and when the diplomats, the army and navy and other officials entered the beautiful room, the effect was most brilliant. The sun shone brightly through the southern windows and the splendid landscape viewed from them added no little to the charming scene. It is estimated that over 6,000 people shook hands with the President. The President lowered the record of handshaking considerably. In eight minutes he shook the hands of 974 persons, or about thirty-four a minute. The highest number previously greeted by a President on New Year’s day was by General Grant, when he grasped the hands of twenty-eight persons a minute for thirteen minutes.
                                                   HOUSE COMMITTEES.
       Speaker Carlisle Announces the Committees in the House of Representatives.
                              Randall Chairman of Committee of Appropriations.
                            Morrison Chairman of Ways and Means Committee.
                       Bland Chairman of Rivers and Harbors, Springer of Claims,
                                                  King of Mississippi River.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
WASHINGTON, January 8. Speaker Carlisle yesterday afternoon announced the names of the chairmen of the following House committees:
                                              Naval Affairs, Herbert of Alabama
                                          Rivers and Harbors, Willis of Kentucky
                                        American Ship Building, Dunn of Arkansas
The following is the list of the House committees announced by Speaker Carlisle.

Rivers and Harbors: Willis of Kentucky, Blanchard of Louisiana, Jones of Alabama, Murphy of Iowa, Gibson of West Virginia, Stewart of Texas, Carlton of Michigan, Cutchings of Mississippi, Glover of Missouri, Henderson of Illinois, Bayne of Pennsylvania, Stone of Massachusetts, Burleigh of New York, Grosvenor of Ohio, and Markham of California.
Naval Affairs: Herbert of Alabama, Hewitt of New York, Wise of Virginia, Ballentine of Tennessee, McAdoo of New Jersey, Norwood of Georgia, Love of Delaware, Sayres of Texas, Harmer of Pennsylvania, Thomas of Illinois, Goff of West Virginia, Boutelle of Maine, Buck of Connecticut.
Expenditures in the Navy Department: Taylor of Tennessee, Sowden of Pennsylvania, Davidson of Florida, Tim J. Campbell of New York, Rowell of Illinois, Brown of Pennsylvania, Thomas of Wisconsin.
                                       REVISING THE CODE OF SIGNALS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
WASHINGTON, January 4. The committee selected by the Secretaries of War and Navy, consisting of General Hazen of the army and Lieutenant Reeder and Commander Hoff of the navy to report upon a more desirable code of signals for the United States, has held several meetings the past week. It was agreed to procure the different codes now used by the different Governments of the world and to instruct a certain number of the men at Fort Mier in the use of each of them. When sufficient time has elapsed, the committee will hold a sort of competitive examination to ascertain which power in their estimation has the best system. It will then be the duty of the three officers to endeavor to devise one better than that selected at the trial. Their report will be submitted to the Secretary, who in turn will submit it to Congress for action. By this course it is hoped that a simplified and improved code of signals will be produced to be used in both the naval and military services.
                                                    PAYMASTER SMITH.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
WASHINGTON, January 5. The Supreme Court of the United States today rendered a decision in the case of Paymaster General Smith, of the United States Navy, against whom charges of irregularities in the accounts were preferred. Counsel for the Paymaster General contended that the client, being a disbursing officer, was a civil officer, therefore not amenable to court martial. The Supreme Court of the District of Columbia decided that General Smith was accountable to naval law and therefore within the jurisdiction of the court-martial. The case was an appealed one and the United States Supreme Court’s decision today affirms the decision of the court below. The Paymaster General will consequently have to stand a trial by court-martial.
                                                    HOUSE COMMITTEES.
WASHINGTON, January 3. Mr. Carlisle was at work upon his committees until one o’clock this morning, and the following are the chairmen to be announced.
Naval Affairs, Mr. Herbert of Alabama.
Rivers and Harbors, Mr. Willis of Kentucky.
Expenditures of the Navy Department, Mr. Hewitt of New York.
        Republicans Friendly to the Executive Nominations.—Speaker Carlisle Busy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

The Republicans in the House, as a rule, are very well disposed toward President Cleveland and are in favor of giving him a fair show. They will, to a great extent, it is said by some who are in a position to speak for the party, favor liberal appropriations, particularly for the navy and for land defenses. They are in favor of giving Secretary Whitney all the money he needs to carry out his plans for building up the navy, and they say they will not use the argument that was advanced against them when in power, that the navy ought to be built, but the present party can’t be trusted to do it. They will favor just as liberal appropriations under Whitney as they favored and could not get under Chandler.
                                               OBSTREPEROUS CADETS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
ANNAPOLIS, MD., January 4. It has leaked out that four or five days ago Naval Cadets Welch, Waters, Gillespie, and Steber went into the room of Cadet Lewis Driggs, for hazing whom Cadet Wiley was recently dismissed, and gave him a thrashing. Driggs made a statement of the affair to Captain Ramsey, and the belligerent cadets will have to face a court martial. In the meantime a second classman is detailed daily to protect Cadet Driggs. The members of the second class are highly indignant because one of them is kept on guard at the door of a fourth classman, and they intend to send a protest to the Secretary of the Navy.
                                                   HOUSE COMMITTEES.
                                Some of the Matters Before House Committees.
                                             Organization of Sub-Committees.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The Committee on Naval Affairs of the House met yesterday and adopted the plan of subdivision of its work proposed by Chairman Herbert. The following sub-committees were constituted and the members assigned as follows: Organization of the Navy, Messrs. Hewitt, McAdoo, Herbert, Hefner, and Goff; Construction and Repairs and Steam Engineering, Messrs. Herbert, Love, Harmer, Goff, and Thomas; Ordnance and Navy Yards, Messrs. McAdoo, Sayers, Love, Harmer, and Boutelle.
Mr. Boutelle’s resolution of inquiry relative to the alleged misconduct of the United States Commandant of the Norfolk Navy Yard was referred to the Sub-committee on Ordnance and Navy Yards.
         But Little Expected to be Done This Week in Congress.—Speaker Carlisle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The Boutelle resolution relative to the Norfolk Navy Yard will be further considered by the Committee on Naval Affairs tomorrow or Tuesday. The author of the resolution has little doubt that it will be reported to the House on Wednesday and as it is a privileged resolution, immediate action can be demanded. If the tone of the discussion of the measure in the committee can be taken as an indication of the discussion to follow in the House that body will find thrust upon it an especially political debate.
“Legislation is too much in an embryotic state to give one any chance to make a prediction,” said Speaker Carlisle last night.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, January 22. The Senate met at ten o’clock yesterday.
A resolution asking Congress to strengthen our coast defenses and increase the navy was introduced by Mr. Donnell, was discussed at some length, and referred to the Federal Committee.
                                             A COMPREHENSIVE SCOPE.
               The Executive Committee of the National Board of Trade Has Ideas
                                                 Upon a Big Run of Subjects.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
WASHINGTON, January 20. Representatives of nearly every board of trade and chamber of commerce in the country have arrived here to participate in the annual convention of the National Board of Trade, which opened this morning under the presidency of Hon. Frederick Fraley, of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, and will continue in session until Saturday. At a meeting of the executive committee this morning, the resolutions to be presented at various stages of the proceedings were approved, and a resume was furnished by Secretary Hamilton A. Hill, of Boston. They urge Congress to provide for a National Board of Railroad Commissioners; ask that a mail subsidy not greater than thirty cents per ton gross register be paid for every one thousand miles of actual voyage to American vessels over 1,000 tons actually engaged in foreign commerce; urge that retaliatory legislation be enacted upon foreign governments which have laws against American pork; favor reciprocity treaties with Canada and Mexico; favor suspension of the silver coinage; urge provision for ample sea coast defenses; ask that Congress define the jurisdiction of the United States over the navigable waters of the country; demand that the bonded period of three years, except for perishable fruits, etc., be abolished; denounce the tax upon commercial travelers; favor a National bankrupt law, as set forth in the Lowell bill; demand the abolition of taxes upon alcohol used in the arts and manufactures; favor a postal telegraph system; suggest an amendment to the constitution so that the President can veto separate items in appropriation bills; ask the abolition of certificates of United States Consuls in relation to importations; suggest that the Presidential term be extended to six years, and that no President should be eligible for a second term. The resolution in relation to ship building, which is one of the most important, reads as follows:
Resolved, That the National Board of Trade recognizes the necessity, if we are to secure our share of the world’s trade, of adopting the same methods pursued by our competitors to establish quick and frequent communication with foreign markets and place our ship owners upon an equal footing with those of other countries.
                                                  NORFOLK NAVY YARD.
         The House of Representatives Engaged All Day With Boutelle’s Resolution.
              He Bitterly Arraigns Commandant Truxton and the Democratic Party.
                                   Wise, of Virginia, Defends the Commandant.
                                           The Amended Resolution Adopted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.

WASHINGTON, January 23. When the House met yesterday, Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, reported back the Boutelle resolutions calling on the Secretary of the Navy for information relative to the alleged erasures of certain inscriptions and the dismissal of Union soldiers at the Norfolk Navy Yard, with an amendment extending the inquiry to dismissals made at the navy yard and light house district at Norfolk during the terms of the immediate predecessors of the present Secretary of the Navy.
Mr. Herbert stated that the resolution was substantially the same as that originally offered by Mr. Boutelle except that it was somewhat broader, and demanded the previous question.
The Republicans resisted this, but on a division were outvoted: 87 to 84. Tellers were ordered, but most of the Republicans refrained from voting, and upon the announcement of the result—111 to 70—Mr. Perkins, of Kansas, raised the point of order that no quorum voted.
“It is evident, then,” said Mr. Herbert, “that the gentlemen do not want their own interrogations answered. I withdraw the report.” [Applause on the Democratic side.]
Mr. Boutelle objected.
The Speaker held that as the report was made to the House by order of the committee, it could not be withdrawn without leave of the House. [Applause on the Republican side.]
Mr. Reed remarked: “I suggest that the gentleman from Alabama allow amendments to be offered by my colleague.”
Herbert declined to accept the suggestion and moved a call of the House.
The Republicans opposed the motion for a call of the House, but it was ordered by a vote of 153 to 128. The call disclosed the presence of 206 members, there being 29 absentees, and on motion of Mr. Herbert, a resolution was adopted directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest and bring to the bar of the House such members as were absent without leave.
Mr. Reed moved that all further proceedings under the call be dispensed with and called attention to the fact that there was an unusually full attendance of members. Mr. Reed suggested that the Committee on Naval Affairs had added an amendment to the resolution, which debate would show to be a mistake and entirely futile.
Mr. Herbert replied that his side of the House was entirely willing to accept the consequences of any mistake which might be made by amending the resolution.
Mr. Reed insisted that the House had the right to debate any question coming before it and it was not for any man or any set of men to decide whether a proposition was a proper one to be debated.
Mr. Hewitt, of New York, agreed with Mr. Reed in maintaining the freedom of debate, but held that in the present case there was nothing to debate. The Democratic side had had to maintain for many years the right of the Representatives of the people to discuss important political questions and many a time had he seen the other side trying to suppress a debate. It did not lie in the mouth of the gentlemen of the other side to taunt Democrats with any attempt to limit debate. To undertake to come in now with partisan statements was a waste of public time and abuse of the confidence of the House.
Mr. Reed’s motion was voted down, and after a short wait the Sergeant-at-Arms brought to the bar of the House Messrs. Snowden, Riggs, and Bingham. After being considerably guyed by their associates, the excuses presented by these gentlemen were deemed satisfactory and they were released from custody.

At 2:30 Mr. Herbert thought he had secured a quorum of Democrats and accordingly further proceedings under the call were dispensed with.
The previous question was then ordered on the resolution and the vote was: yeas, 150; nays, 91. Then commenced a political debate, which was opened by Mr. Boutelle, who prefaced his direct speech upon the resolution with a remark calling attention to the fact that the first legislative act of the House had been the passage, by unanimous consent, of a bill removing the political disabilities of an ex-Confederate, who had waited more than twenty years before discovering a desire to be placed in the line of eligibility to an appointment under the executive department of the United States. In contrast with this, Mr. Boutelle had been tauntingly informed that fifteen minutes of time was an ample allowance in which to present the case of outrageous dismissal of disabled soldiers of the Union army from the employment of the Government, and the obliteration and removal of inscriptions, commemorative of the success of the Union army. A Norfolk paper, declared Mr. Boutelle, had stated that Commandant Truxton, in place of censure, was entitled to praise. The paper said that when he had taken charge of the Norfolk Navy Yard, he had found inscriptions tending to keep alive the bitter memories of civil strife, and had patriotically ordered them to be removed. Mr. Boutelle then referred to the removal of the superintendent of machinery in the navy yard because of his demurring to the defacement of the dry dock, and the appointment of a man whose title to the position rested on service in the Confederate army. “If,” said Mr. Boutelle, “the time had come or should come to obliterate the memorials of the rebellion, the monuments of the rebellion itself should be first torn down. Let not the work be begun by taking down inscriptions commemorative of the victories of the armies of the United States.” The speaker had a list of great marble memorials growing up all over this land to perpetuate the cause of treason and rebellion. The soldier who came to Washington, he said, might wander in and out of the great art repository of the city looking for the counterfeit presentment of one of the heroes who sustained the flag of the Union. He would find that the only men who were remembered in the art gallery were Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. There was no justice, Mr. Boutelle declared, in the claim that a broad patriotism required the obliteration of the record of the grandest triumph ever made for humanity since the morning stars sang together. [Applause on the Republican side.]
Mr. Boutelle continued, “The people of the country ought to say as old General Dix did in regard to the American flag, ‘If any man attempts to pull down a memorial of the great triumphs of the loyal people of this country, shoot him on the spot, whether his position were that of a member of Congress or a citizen in private life.’ “He entered his protest against this morbid sentimentality , against this false idea of magnanimity which would for one moment tolerate the laying of the hands of desecration upon the memorials of the triumphs of the Union arms. In the case of the Norfolk Navy Yard and Custom House, gallant, efficient, worthy, faithful public servants, who had followed the flag of their country across a hundred battlefields, had been turned out that their places might be given to men who had fought to destroy the Government.” [Prolonged applause on the Republican side.]

Mr. Wise, of Virginia, said that the Secretary of the Navy was called upon to report if any tablet had been destroyed at the Norfolk Navy Yard, which had commemorated that the dry dock at Portsmouth had been destroyed. He was glad of the opportunity to inform the gentleman from Maine that the dry dock at Portsmouth had never been destroyed. [Applause on the Democratic side.]
A gentleman had asked the Secretary of the Navy if the inscriptions had been removed from the cannon captured from the Confederate army. He would inform the gentleman from Maine that no cannons with such inscriptions had ever been in the Portsmouth Navy Yard. [Applause on the Democratic side.]
The gentleman from Maine wanted to know if a Union soldier had been discharged and a Confederate put in his place. He would inform him that the man who was discharged had never been in the Union army, had never been within a thousand miles of a line of battle, had never heard the music of a Minie bullet. [Applause and laughter on the Democratic side.]
Mr. Boutelle asked: “Did he not render great service to his country?”
“No, sir,” replied Mr. Wise. “He, sir, was in receipt of a large salary in a bomb-proof position, while brave men fought the battles of the country.”
Mr. Brady, of Virginia, asked permission to propound a question.
“No, sir; no, sir,” exclaimed Mr. Wise. “I will give my attention to you in one minute. The Confederate, or the one whom you (Mr. Boutelle) allege was appointed on account of his service in the Confederate army, was appointed on a competitive examination and the man to whom you refer was removed for beastly intoxication.”
[Applause on the Democratic side.]
“One other fact I commend to your consideration. During the Arthur administration the postmaster at Portsmouth, who was a Union soldier, twice wounded and twice promoted for gallantry, was removed at the dictation of William Malone.”
[Applause on the Democratic side.]
“O! Mr. Speaker, it is a good thing to raise a fuss over this, isn’t it? You fellow citizens of Maine, (addressing Mr. Boutelle) “are anxious to know if a Confederate has been appointed in the Norfolk Navy Yard, by this administration. Have you forgotten that during the Grant administration and during the administration of Hayes and Arthur, you sent the Captain of the Confederate guerrillas, John S. Mosby, to represent the Government of the United States in a foreign country.” [Applause on the Democratic side.]
“Have you forgotten that Longstreet, a Confederate Lieutenant General, was selected by your Republican administration for the most important office in Georgia? Why is it that we have not heard a howl from the icebound regions about these appointments?”
[Laughter on Democratic side.]
“Does the gentleman desire a reply?” inquired Mr. Boutelle.
“No, sir,” exclaimed Mr. Wise, “go, read the speech of the Senator of the United States, who with all kindness is in the estimation of the whole country, a better man than you are. Go read the speech of Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts.”
“If Charles Sumner knew that his magnanimous suggestions would be quoted by you for such a purpose, he would turn in his grave,” exclaimed Mr. Boutelle, amid much confusion.

“Go,” continued Mr. Wise, “read the speech of Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts. If I mistake not, he was the first in the country who declared some fifteen years ago that the time had come for peace, and that the bitter memories of the war should be removed. And mark the contrast between the leader of the Federal army and the gentleman from Maine. The last words spoken by that great leader on his dying bed at Mt. McGregor were, that he thanked God that he closed his eyes on the world believing that peace had returned to a distracted country.” [Applause on the Democratic side.]
“Now, Mr. Speaker,” continued Mr. Wise, “I want to say one word more to the gentleman from Maine, while we sit here and vote pensions to our soldiers.”
“Our soldiers?” exclaimed Mr. Boutelle.
“Yes,” replied Mr. Wise, “our soldiers, and we are in the house of our fathers and we have come to stay.” [Applause on the Democratic side.]
“While we are ready and willing to vote pensions to honorably discharged soldiers who served their country in time of war, we will never consent that it shall be held and proclaimed on high that one who happened to have been in the Confederate army is forever disbarred from the service of his country. I protest that these honorable soldiers of the Union army shall never again be subjected to the treatment which they were subjected to under the last administration, when men who had fought bravely for the Union, under the circular bearing the name of William Mahone as chairman and James D. Brady, the present member of this House, as secretary    ”
“There was no such circular,” interrupted Mr. Brady. “I challenge him to produce the circular.”
“When,” continued Mr. Wise, not heeding the interruption, “they were required under the whip of a master to give money for partisan purpose, required like slaves to hold their ballots up that their bosses might see whether they voted right. Oh, what an attitude in which to place a discharged soldier of the Union, under the whip and lash of a Confederate brigadier!”
[Loud and continuous applause on the Democratic side and in the galleries.]
The resolution, as amended by the Committee on Naval Affairs, was then adopted and the House took a recess, the evening session to be for the consideration of pension bills.
The House at its evening session passed sixteen pension and two disability bills and adjourned until Monday.
The following excerpts pertains to shipping in general introduced in House...
                                         The Dingley Shipping Bill Provisions.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Mr. Dingley will today report his bill abolishing certain fees for official services to American vessels and to amend the laws relating to shipping commissioners, seamen, and owners of vessels. He thinks he will be able to get the bill before the House for action sometime during the next week, and is confident of its passage as reported from the committee.
                                               DINGLEY’S SHIPPING BILL.
WASHINGTON, January 245. The Shipping Committee of the House has finally considered Mr. Dingley’s bill to abolish certain fees for official services to American vessels and for other purposes. The bill was considerably amended and Mr. Dingley was instructed to report it to the House and secure action at the earliest opportunity. The bill as agreed upon by the committee is substantially as follows.

Section 1 abolishes on July 1, 1886, the following fees to collectors and other officers of customs, inspectors of steam vessels, and shipping commissioners for services to vessels of the United States: Measurement of tonnage and certifying the same, issuing of licenses, or granting certificates for registry, record, or enrollment including all endorsements on the same and bond and oath, endorsement of change of master, certifying and receiving manifest including master’s oath, granting permits, granting certificates of payment of tonnage dues, recording bill of sale, mortgage, hypothecation or conveyance, or the discharge of such mortgage or hypothecation, furnishing certificate of title, furnishing the crew list, including bond, certificate of protection to seamen, bill of health, shipping, and discharge of seamen as provided by section 53, revised statutes, apprenticing boys to the merchant service, inspecting, examining, and licensing steam vessels, including inspection certificate and copies thereof, and licensing of master, engineer, pilot, or mate of vessel. These fees amount to about $800,000. It is provided that these officers shall make a return to the Secretary of the Treasury of their services performed and where paid, wholly or in part, by fees, and that the Secretary shall grant them compensation from the Treasury so as to make their compensation what it would have been before the passage of this act.
Section 2 authorizes shipping commissioners to ship and discharge seamen for the coastwise trade.
Section 3 amends section 10 of the shipping act of 1884 so as to authorize the payment of advance wages to liquidate any just debt for board or clothing contracted prior to the shipping, not to exceed two months’ pay.
Section 4 extends the provisions of the limited liability section of the shipping act of 1884 so as to cover all vessels in the inland trade, excepting canal boats, lighters, and barges.
Sections 5, 6, and 7 substitute small penalties for certain violations of the navigation law, where now a forfeiture of the vessel is involved.
Section 8 provides that foreign vessels found transporting passengers between places or ports in the United States when such passengers have been taken on board in the United States shall be liable to a fine of $1 for each passenger landed.
Section 9 empowers the Secretary of the Treasury to remit the fines provided in the previous sections when the offenses were not wilfully committed.
Section 10 construes the provision of law allowing a drawback on bituminous coal used as fuel by steam vessels to apply only to vessels of the United States and to vessels of such foreign countries as allow a similar drawback to vessels of the United States.
Section 11 amends the tonnage tax section of the shipping act of 1884, which was authorized by the President to suspend the collection of the tonnage duty on vessels entered from any foreign port in North, South, and Central America that had abolished similar taxes on American vessels entering their ports.
Section 12 directs the President to cause this tender to be made known to foreign Governments.
                                                      [Senate. Washington.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. A resolution offered by Mr. Edmunds was agreed to, directing the Secretary of the Navy to transmit to the Senate copies of the drawings and the report of the recent survey of the Nicaragua canal route.

                                                      [House. Washington.]
Mr. Dingley, of Maine, from the Shipping Committee, reported a bill to abolish certain fees for official services to American vessels. This went to the Committee of the Whole.
In the morning hour Mr. Thomas, of Illinois, on behalf of the Committee on Naval Affairs, called up the bill authorizing the voluntary retirement of certain officers of the navy who have rendered conspicuous service in battle or served thirty years in the navy. He explained that the bill would benefit those men who were known as “forward officers,” such as boatswains, gunners, and sailmakers, who, though having performed meritorious service, had never received any advancement. It would also benefit the navy, because it would result in removing from the way of promotion officers who were known as “dead wood” who held their duties. The bill had been introduced for the purpose of relieving the present stagnant condition of the nay and bringing to the front some active young men who have had the advantages of modern education. The tide of promotion should be started in order that the best men in the service would not quit in disgust after being ensigns for ten, twelve, or fifteen years.
Mr. Dunham, of Illinois, suggested that the bill should be entitled, one to get rid of the deadwood of the navy.
Mr. Thomas replied that that would not be a proper title, as under the bill many gallant men would be permitted to retire from active service.
Mr. Reagan, of Texas, opposed the bill as one adding another batch to the American aristocracy, to be fed and clothed by the labor of men. The country had gone far enough on the road toward establishing an American aristocracy. The country should get back to where all men were equal and where exclusive privileges were granted to none.
Mr. Thomas inquired what the gentleman would do with the present retired list of the army and navy.
Mr. Reagan replied that he would repeal these un-American and un-republican laws and leave the officers to work for their living like other men. He would have no man live on the work of other men in a country claiming to be a free constitutional republic. If he could succeed in preventing the spread of the evil, he would congratulate himself, even though he could not secure the repeal of the retirement laws.
Mr. McMillan, of Tennessee, took the same view of the question as Mr. Reagan, and announced his resistance to any extension of the retired list. It was proposed in the bill to get rid of the “deadwood” by promotion on the retired list, instead of burning it up in a court martial.
Mr. McAdoo, of New Jersey, supported the list as being in the line of reform in the navy.
Pending action, the morning hour expired and the House adjourned.
                                                 KANSAS LEGISLATURE.
The Senate resolution asking of Congress an increase of the navy and the strengthening of the coast defenses was non-concurred in.
                                                     SENATE’S SESSION.
                            Berry Takes Up the Hot Springs (Arkansas) Leases.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Senator Berry called up his resolution submitted some days ago providing that the leases of the bath houses and hot springs at Hot Springs, Arkansas, be not renewed until Congress shall decide whether further legislation in regard thereto be necessary. In calling it up Senator Berry stated that some little time since he had called on the Assistant Secretary of the Interior and told him that he (Senator Berry) did not think it for the interest of the public that the leases referred to should be renewed until Congress should determine whether further legislation in the public interest was necessary. The officer alluded to had then informed him that no such lease should be renewed till Congress should have decided as to whether further legislation was desirable. Since that time Senator Berry had learned that one, if not two, of the leases had been renewed. He did not mention the matter for the purpose of criticizing the Interior Department or reflecting on its action. He presumed the Assistant Secretary had either forgotten the statement he had made as to the intention of the department or had not deemed it any part of his duty to inform Senator Berry of his change of intention as to the matter. The resolution had been introduced, Senator Berry added, in order to prevent, if possible, any further lease being granted, or at least that the leases might be put upon notice so that they could not come in hereafter and claim equities arising from such new leases. Senator Berry said it would be impossible to beautify and improve the springs so long as the present system of management prevailed. The place intended for the special benefit of invalids was made a general dumping ground for unseemly articles, and persons who had the leases had a complete monopoly of the water. Even the army and navy hospital authorities had to pay for hot water used in the construction of the building.
Senator Logan feared the resolution would leave the matter of new leases too long indefinite, as Congress might not come to a determination as soon as Senator Berry might expect. He saw no better way than to leave the matter to the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior. He (Senator Logan) thought the service and arrangements at Hot Springs heretofore good.
Senator Voorhees opposed the resolution. Some of the bath houses had cost large amounts of money, and a failure to renew some of the leases would be very much like confiscation.
Senator Ingalls thought the Hot Springs administration satisfactory, but said there had been a persistent effort on the part of speculators to get control of the waters for private gains.
Senator Jones favored Senator Berry’s resolution. It would keep the control of the matter in Congress, he said, till the subject was considered. The resolution could do no harm.
After further debate the matter went over.
                                                 KANSAS LEGISLATURE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The first bill taken up was that relating to the appointment and employment of persons who served in and have been honorably discharged from the army and navy of the United States. The bill was finally recommended for passage.
                                  ANOTHER THREATENED REVOLUTION.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. The Secretary of the Navy has received information from the Pacific Mail Steamship Company to the effect that another revolution is threatened on the isthmus of Panama, and Rear Admiral Jouett, commanding the North Atlantic station, has been directed by wire to remain at Aspinwall with the Tennessee for the present. It is possible that the Tennessee had sailed from Aspinwall for Key West before the receipt of these instructions, in which case she will be ordered back in case the situation demands it, and other vessels will also be ordered to his assistance. Not much importance is attached to the present reports of damage.
                                                      MOSTLY MARINE.
         The Senate Ventilates the Necessity of an Additional Secretary of the Navy.
                                                     Dingley’s Shipping Bill.
       The House Considers It In Committee of the Whole, After Which It Is Passed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. Mr. Cameron then called up the bill providing for the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of the Navy. The amendment suggested by the Naval Committee requires that the assistant should come from civil life.
Mr. Hawley favored the bill. He thought it one of the most palpable indications of the times that the American people wanted something like a respectable navy, although a businessman would be necessary in such a case as the confidential assistant of the Secretary of the Navy.
Mr. Beck said that Secretaries Lincoln and Chandler had two years ago made plain to the Senate committees the necessity for an assistant in each of the departments. A bill was then passed providing for such officers in the War and Navy Departments, but the salary ($3,500) had not proved sufficient, and the officers were not appointed. The main argument then used was that a civilian was necessary in order to avoid the jealousies, and as was said, “the Bourbonism” of naval and military officers. He favored the bill and the proposed amendment.
Mr. Plumb’s recollection was that the act had been repealed by the request of Secretary Chandler.
Mr. Allison said the measure had been passed, but as no officers had been appointed, Congress had subsequently repealed it. He thought that if the new assistant was to have a larger compensation, it would be necessary to increase the salaries of the other assistants.
Mr. Dawes thought it very necessary to rehabilitate the navy and spoke in favor of the bill.
Mr. Plumb did not think the present Secretary of the Navy had done anything to help the navy.

Mr. Van Wyck thought this was an attempt on the part of the Republicans to force the present Administration to accept another officer. Perhaps, however, the word “force” was too strong. Certainly additional officers were contrary to the expressed desire of the published platform of the new administration as it was of the old. He thought he had better put the Democratic Senators on their guard so that they might make sure whether this additional officer was needed. He presumed the Democrats might be suspicious of the Greeks even when they bore gifts. They might be entrapped. He had heard of the great enthusiasm with which the country some months ago had heard of the discharge of some laborers from the bureau of engraving and printing. The reduction had been from men receiving a dollar a day, but an assistant was required who should have the salary of fifteen discharged laborers. He prophesied that this thing would be repealed.
Mr. Blackburn spoke for the bill. He did not want to relieve the Secretary of the Navy of his responsibilities, but on the contrary to rivet and clinch them on himself. It was impossible for the Secretary of the Navy to be always present in his office, and it was indispensable for him to have for an assistant a man from civil life, of active business habits. The bureau of detail in the Navy Department was in charge of a Captain whose name was twelfth on the list of Captains of the navy, yet there was not an officer in the navy, including Admirals, whose detail of duty was not made by that subordinate officer.
Mr. Plumb asked, “Who is responsible for that?”
Mr. Blackburn did not think it lay in the mouth of a Republican Senator to make that inquiry because the same system had existed under the Republican administration.
Mr. Ingalls intended to treat this administration with absolute justice. Whatever assistance any officer might certify that he needed for the proper administration of his department, he would vote to give it to him, but he would not give any assistance that was not certified to be necessary.
Mr. Butler said the Secretary of the Navy had recommended the appointment, and read from the report of the Secretary that statement that “an Assistant Secretary of the Navy would seem to be an essential feature.”
Mr. Ingalls, looking at the report, said: “The remark appears to be an interpolation, and is put in a parenthesis, being evidently an afterthought.” He then read the clauses preceding the one read, to show that it was only in the “system of organization” that the Secretary had said an Assistant Secretary was wanted—not for the performance of the duties, for America had no navy. [Laughter.]
Mr. Ingalls animadverted with some severity upon the course of the Secretary of the Navy in connection with the Dolphin, saying “he had sent it to sea time after time in special search of a cyclone [laughter] in order to show structural weakness, and the Dolphin finally succeeded in encountering a cyclone off Cape Hatteras, and the waves were so high and the winds so tempestuous that the experts appointed by the Secretary had to go below sea sick.”
“The American people,” Mr. Ingalls continued, “could not forget that a studious attempt had been made by the Secretary of the Navy to crush out a great American enterprise and that by a pre-determined plan one of the greatest of American industrial establishments, employing 3,000 men, had been forced into bankruptcy. At last, however, by some sort of subterranean arrangement, for no public notice had been issued, the Secretary seemed to have decided that the Dolphin had to be accepted.”
Mr. Cameron urged an immediate vote on the bill, but Mr. Logan opposed this, and at two o’clock the matter went over.

. . . the morning hour expired and the House went into Committee of the Whole for consideration of the Shipping bill, the pending amendment being that offered by Mr. Holman, of Indiana, limiting the compensations of collectors, inspectors, and shipping commissioners. After a short debate, the amendment was withdrawn.
Mr. Dunn of Arkansas supported the bill and pictured the burdens under which the shipping interest was suffering. Nobody would put capital in a business which was taxed 13- ½ per cent.
On motion of Mr. Dingley, of Maine, the clause repealing section 4,371, revised statutes, was stricken out and one inserted repealing that portion of the section relating to vessels entitled to be documented as vessels of the United States.
Mr. Buchanan, of New Jersey, offered an amendment providing that any vessel arriving from a foreign port in a port of the United States in distress or not engaged in trade could be exempt from tonnage. This was adopted.
Mr. Hewitt (New York) asked and obtained unanimous consent to strike out the amendment agreed to on his motion providing that only one consular certificate should be required on any tow or canal boats or barges trading between the United States and Canada.
The committee then rose and the bill was passed.
Mr. Bragg (Wisconsin) asked unanimous consent to offer a resolution setting apart Friday and Saturday next for the consideration of the Fitz John Porter bill, the previous question to be ordered at five o’clock Saturday afternoon; but Mr. Reed (Maine) objected.
The House then adjourned.
                                                              THE NAVY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. Secretary Whitney today ordered Chief Constructor Wilson to report at the Brooklyn Navy yard Monday to inspect the Juniata and to further investigate the necessity of so large an expenditure for repairs. The estimates recently made call for an expenditure of from $20,000 to $25,000, which Secretary Whitney regards as excessive. It is with a view of reducing this that another inspection is to be made at which it is probable that the Secretary will be present.
                                                 Work in Congress. [House.]
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. In the morning hour on Wednesday the further discussion of the Dingley shipping bill takes place.
Upon any day of the week a political discussion may be forced upon the House by the reply of the Secretary of the Navy to the Boutelle resolution.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Mr. Cameron called up the bill to provide for the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and Mr. Logan submitted an amendment providing for the appointment also of an Assistant Secretary of War at $4,000. The amendment was ordered printed and the bill went over.

                                               FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS.
            The Senate Again Takes Up the Education Bill.—Some Pertinent Points.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
WASHINGTON, March 3. Among the petitions presented in the Senate yesterday was one by Mr. Hoar from the workingmen employed in the Government workshops since the eight-hour law of 1868 had been passed, praying compensation for overtime or a reference of their claims to some tribunal that might adjudicate the question, and whether they ought to have such compensation. Mr. Hoar said he favored the request of the petitioners, and the petition was appropriately referred.
At one o’clock, on motion of Mr. Blair, the Senate took up the Education bill and Mr. Call addressed the Senate in opposition to Mr. Allison’s amendment. He characterized it as a reflection on the States and an abandonment of one of the principles of this Government.
Mr. Saulsbury opposed the bill whether with or without the Allison amendment. If this bill should pass the Knights of Labor would soon be asking for money in the interest of laboring people who might be out of work and with just as much a right as the demand for his bill. If the Nation had a surplus, it should be used to build a navy, or the money should be returned to the people.
                                                    ENGLAND IN EGYPT.
                                    A General Desire to Evacuate the Country.
                                                      The Canal Unreliable.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
LONDON, March 4. The debate last night in the House of Commons was interesting for the hints it gave of the desire of both parties to vacate Egypt. Colonel Duncan, a distinguished soldier, knowing the country thoroughly, declared that the Egyptians were perfectly able to govern themselves. Some of the ablest rulers he had ever known were Egyptians. Lord Charles Beresford, speaking with authority for the Navy, created a slight sensation by declaring that it was impossible to prevent the blocking of the Suez Canal by any occupation, even by possession of the country. In spite of 50,000 men it could be blocked by the enemy or by one’s own men, if bribed, in the course of the afternoon watch. He said that in case of war, were he the Admiral, he should wish to block the canal himself, though he might be court-martialed. He favored the use of England’s old highway around the Cape.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
WASHINGTON, March 5. At the expiration of the morning hour, Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, moved to lay aside the Pension Appropriation bill for the purpose of taking up the Urgent Deficiency bill. He stated that the object of his motion was that the Deficiency bill might be immediately passed in order that the work at the navy yards which had been stopped might be resumed, and the men who had been thrown out of employment might again obtain work.

The House refused—yeas, 103; nays, 148—to proceed to the consideration of the Deficiency bill and went into Committee of the Whole on the Pension Appropriation bill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
WASHINGTON, March 6. A resolution offered by Mr. Hale was agreed to calling on the Secretary of the Navy for a variety of information concerning the Dolphin, Boston, Atlanta, and Chicago. The call includes information as to the changes from the original plans of these ships and the causes of such changes; correspondence with the naval advisory boards at various specified periods; memoranda showing when the opinion of the Attorney General as to the Dolphin was received by the Secretary of the Navy, and by whom and when and in what manner it was published; also information as to the present condition of the Dolphin, and whether she has been accepted by the department; all correspondence and information concerning the payment of reservations on the other ships armed, all opinions of the Attorney General relating thereto, and any correspondence showing that the contractor was in any difficulty when such payments were made.
After the call of the committees for reports of a private nature, the House yesterday morning went into Committee of the Whole on the Urgent Deficiency bill.
Mr. Burnes, of Missouri, took up and explained the provisions of the bill. The total amount carried by the bill was $634,452. Of this $5,500 was appropriated for the compensation of special agents of the treasury to examine the books of the several sub-treasuries. Part of this deficiency arose in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, on account of a special examination required by a defalcation in the New Orleans sub-treasury. The appropriation for the current year had become exhausted, principally because the expense of examination had become greater on account of the large amount of silver in the various sub-treasuries. Six thousand dollars was appropriated for repairs of the Treasury Department building; $12,000 to continue the propagation of food fishes in the Gulf of Mexico; $5,000 for furnishing artificial limbs to Union soldiers; and $185,000 for the fees of jurors and witnesses, caused by the extraordinary expenses attending trials in Utah Territory. There was appropriated for the armament of the four new cruisers $251,863. The first appropriation for the cruisers had been left unguarded. It had left it within the power of the Secretary of the Navy to leave the money in one bureau and take it out of that bureau after the obligations had been incurred and place it in another. Congress had steadily improved the modes and methods of making the appropriations, and from the date of the Robeson bill to the present hour legislation under the direction of the Appropriation Committee had been a vast improvement over the legislation that preceded it.
After a somewhat partisan debate, the committee rose and the bill was passed—yeas, 229; nays, 20.
                                                  A LITTLE BIT OF NAVY.
               The House Committee on Naval Affairs Makes an Energetic Report
                                              On Our Defenseless Condition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

WASHINGTON, March 6. The House Committee on Naval Affairs has completed its report to accompany the bill providing for an increase of the naval establishment. It points out that the sea coast cities of the United States are absolutely at the mercy of a second rate naval power, and that the Government is without adequate means of defending its foreign coastwise commerce. It shows that while foreign powers are building formidable naval vessels, the United States is about at a standstill in this particular, and says: “After studying the characteristics of other nations, we find that we are not only at the mercy of foreign nations but our neighbor Brazil might exact tribute of any city along our gulf or Atlantic coast while Chili could enforce similar demands on the shores of the Pacific. The Reachuels and Aguidabas, those formidable
                                            BRAZILIAN ARMED CRUISERS,
could steam at thirteen or fourteen knots an hour from Brazil to New York in ten days. They could with impunity pass our forts and anchor in New York harbor. But without doing this their guns could easily throw shells into New York City from off Coney Island beach. The Chilian vessel, Esmeralda, carries coal enough to enable her to steam at eight knots an hour from Chili to San Francisco without exhausting half her supply, and with her high power guns she could lie outside the Golden Gate and lay the city of San Francisco under contribution without going within the reach of its guns. The Cochran and Blanco Eucalado, other Chilian ships, are protected by nine inches of iron armor and carry batteries of six and eight inch breech loading rifles. In view of this state of affairs, the committee recommend the completion of the monitors and the building of the vessels and torpedo boats discussed in the bill already published. The committee hopes that in view of the very considerable quantity of armor required for the vessels, that
                                          RESPONSIBLE AMERICAN FIRMS
may be induced to enter upon the work of making the armor needed, and the opinion is expressed that the needed workshops will grow up along with the navy and that the arts of forging heavy steel and of building guns and ships of war will develop in America side by side. The report explains and defends the provisions of the bill submitted by the naval commission and concludes as follows: “We trust the bill may meet with the approbation of both Houses of Congress, and that its enactment into a law may, as an important step toward the creation of an efficient navy, contribute to a feeling of increased National security. At present such a feeling of security among well informed people can only come from the belief that no Nation dare attack another when it is helpless.” The report is signed by every member of the committee.



Cowley County Historical Society Museum