[Sometimes Referred to as “Standard Oil Company.”]
1882: December 28, 1882, Commissioner Price wrote to Secretary of the Interior, Henry M. Teller, urging “an end ... to ... unauthorized settlement and improvement” of the Outlet, motivated from information received from C. M. Scott, a taxpaying rancher from Arkansas City, Kansas. Scott claimed that part of his Outlet range had been illegally fenced by a Cherokee citizen acting in behalf of the Pennsylvania Oil Company. The company’s wire, Scott said, threatened to close United States mail routes across Indian Territory. Price cited an interpretation of the 1866 treaty, issued two years earlier by the Attorney General, to support his contention that fencing on the Outlet was in violation of federal law. He enjoined Teller to use military force to remove enclosures and thereby protect “the rights reserved to the Government.” Teller did not hesitate to act. On December 29, 1882, he sent Price’s letter, together with his own instructions to Secretary of War Robert Lincoln. Upon written request from Agent John Tufts, Lincoln was to dispatch troops to destroy “all improvements of every character” on the Cherokee Outlet, unless they were first removed voluntarily by the cattlemen who had constructed them. Notified of Teller’s decision, Price ordered Tufts to inform ranchers that fences, corrals, and dwellings should be dismantled within twenty days, or federal troops would be sent to carry out the order.”
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 26, 1882.
Special Meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association.
Col. J. H. Windsor and Major J. Gore were elected members of the Cherokee Strip Association upon paying the requisite admission fee.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, October 26, 1882.
Col. J. H. Windsor and Major J. Gore of the Pennsylvania Oil Cattle Company, were in attendance at the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association on Tuesday. The company have their ranch south of Arkansas City, and sufficient pasture room for 10,000 head of cattle. The company’s brand will be P on left shoulder, O on the side, and Co on left hip. Senator Roberts, of Pennsylvania, is a member of the P. O. Company, and takes a great interest in it. It is perhaps unnecessary to add that the company, with commendable forethought, made arrangements to have a copy of the COMMERCIAL every week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Messrs. N. T. Snyder, C. H. Searing, and Capt. C. M. Scott left on Monday’s train for the East. Before returning all three of the gentlemen will visit Washington, D. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Sheep in the West.
A Colorado man, in writing of sheep husbandry on the western plains, says: “Alfalfa has proved to the Colorado ranchman that more sheep can be kept on a given acre of land than was ever dreamed of by the most enthusiastic ranchman of the plains. This plan may be considered by some as visionary and impracticable. It is the only way to meet the continual emergencies now arising in Texas, Colorado, and many other sections now suffering from lack of sufficient feed and shelter; these two are the only lacking essentials to the Texas-Missouri country, and they have to be met somehow.
“Thousands of sheep will be driven this fall to cheap corn in Kansas and Missouri for wintering, and back again to summer pasturage in other States.
“Large capitalists are preparing cattle ranches upon a more secure method for future handling. To do this will necessitate the owning of lands, and the establishing of homes, where comforts and culture may surround the owners of attendants of the flocks. It is the right way, and the sooner adopted by the wool-growers of the South and West, the better. It has been evident to observers that flocks and herds have to go further out, year by year, to find pasturage.
“Some ranges are left as untenable, but subdued and ready for fencing and tame grasses, that, with another system of handling, would support more and better improved flocks than the wild grasses ever did.”
Acting on this plan, and idea, our fellow townsman, C. M. Scott, formerly editor of this paper, has purchased twenty-five hundred acres of land in one body, twelve miles east of this place, and will fence and improve it. C. M. Scott proposes to feed his stock during the winter and shelter them from the storms. To do this he will put in about one hundred acres of rye for winter pasture, and leave the corn stalks in the fields, besides having hay and straw at convenient places. The enterprise is bound to succeed, and we predict his example will be followed by many stockmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
C. M. Scott is now at Cadiz, Ohio, having left Washington on Friday last in order to spend the Holidays with his parents.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
A Washington special says that Capt. Scott, of Arkansas City, Kansas, is there to consult with the interior department respecting the conflicting leases of land in the Indian Territory made by the Cherokee Nation to various cattle men of Kansas and Missouri for grazing purposes. This is the inauguration of a big fight between the original lessees, who are small cattle owners, and the large companies, who are striving to acquire control of these lands to their prejudice.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
It would please us to hear of a nice little rebellion and uprising of the people along the line of the Territory on both sides. A company in Pennsylvania is fencing in large tracts of land already occupied by settlers, to the exclusion of any who may choose to cross the border. Barb wire fences twenty-five miles long are being stretched all along the line. One of the pastures south of Arkansas City contains 190,000 acres. This is being fenced by Col. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, under cover of the names of two Cherokee Indians.
Burden Enterprise.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
The Secretary of the Interior positively declined to approve the lease of the Standard Oil Company to the land they proposed to fence south of the State Line at this place. They were just one day behind C. M. Scott’s visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 21, 1883.
Wire Fence Again. Senator Roberts, of Pennsylvania, accompanied by Mr. Windsor, arrived at this place Tuesday of last week, and remained several days looking up their interests in the stock speculation they are about to engage in, in the Territory south of this place. It was the intention of these gentlemen to fence in all that country west of the Arkansas River, and north of the Ponca Reserve, as far west as the Shakaska River; but another Cherokee, Mr. Mills, laid claim to the range as far east as Bitter Creek, and that portion of it was abandoned. The original intention as suggested by Mr. Gore, superintendent of the company, was to run the fence on the divide between Deer Creek and Chilocco, leaving a strip about four miles wide on the State Line. After losing the Shakaska country, he was overruled in this and the posts were set about one mile below the line, cutting off the ranges of Mr. Chambers, Mr. Hill, Scott & Topliff, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Parvin along the State Line, who had paid the Cherokee tax, besides a number who hadn’t paid, and several in the Territory who had paid. This wanton overriding of the rights of these gentlemen naturally produced trouble and the Secretary of the Interior interfered and stopped it.
Mr. Roberts then came out to see what had been done, and returned with the conviction that the people had not been treated fairly, and with the determination that they should be, and the result is that the rights of all those who have paid the tax will be respected. C. M. Scott’s range will be left entirely out, as well as all of his neighbors, and the fence placed west of the Ponca road and south of Chilocco Creek.
There is a disposition with some to crush out the company entirely, which is wrong. These gentlemen have the same right to the unoccupied range as anyone when they have paid the tax imposed by the Cherokees, and as long as they hold themselves within the bounds of right, without infringing on others, we would rather have them there than not have them. That the Cherokees have a right to impose a tax is recognized by the Department of the Interior, and having that right, it is clearly a matter for them to decide the terms and the parties to whom the grazing permit is granted. Those having paid the Cherokee tax are protected, and we cannot well see what more could in justice be demanded.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
We received a pleasant call from Mr. Roberts, of Titusville, and Colonel Windsor, last Wednesday. These gentlemen are the parties who are fencing in the range south of town about which so much excitement has prevailed. From the way they expressed themselves, it is intended to do nothing that will in any way clash with the rights and privileges of any of our people. This being the case, we can gladly wish them success.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
On re-assembling at 2 p.m., the committee on credentials reported the following list of new members, which report was accepted.
D. R. Streeter, Northup & Stephens, C. W. Blaine, F. M. Stewart, R. B. Clark, R. H. Campbell, W. J. Hodges, G. A. Thompson, S. A. Garth, W. H. Harrelston, W. M. Dunn, G. B. Mote, Crutchfield & Carpenter, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, W. B. Lee, W. W. Wicks, J. A. Emmerson, John Myrtle, J. H. Hill, A. J. Snider, A. G. Evans, R. W. Phillips, E. W. Payne, Tomlin & Webb, H. W. Roberts, E. P. Fouts, W. W. Stephens, A. Mills, C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, Lafe Merritt, J. N. Florer, D. W. Roberts, C. H. Dye, M. W. Brand, Drury Warren, W. P. Herring, S. T. Tuttle, E. W. Rannols, N. J. Thompson, W. H. Dunn, E. A. Hereford, J. Love, Johnston & Housner, S. T. Mayor, D. A. Streeter, M. H. Snyder, P. S. Burress, C. C. Clark, J. C. Weathers, G. V. Collins, and H. H. Campbell.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
A Desirable Stock Farm.
The two thousand acres of land on the State Line twelve miles east of this place, known as Scott’s range, is one of the most desirable locations for stock that we know of in this or any other section of country, and we are glad to know that gentleman will stock it with the best of cattle and horses. Adjoining it on the south is the Kaw Indian Reserve, where stock can roam at will. We know of no more beautiful sight than to see the herds grazing undisturbed on this elevated plain, when the earth is covered with a carpet of green for miles around. It is the home of the stockmen and land of the free. A little figuring will soon convince anyone that stock pays, and that too, largely accounts for the large number that are engaging in it. A cow worth $25 brings a calf worth $10 in one year, at a cost of only $3 for keeping the cow. A calf at $10 in one year is worth $20. In two years it is worth $30; and in three years brings from $40 to $60, which has cost not to exceed $10. There are losses, of course, but in many cases no occasion for it. Hold the cattle in the State during the winter where hay, corn, and fodder can be had and shelter provided; and it will pay forty percent on the money invested, from one year to another.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Messrs. Hays and Fouts have sold the Willow Springs Ranch to Roberts & Co. The latter firm will run the stage station at the Springs, and in addition build a bridge across the stream at that point for the accommodation of travel. Willow Springs is out of our bailiwick, being directly south of Arkansas City, still we are glad of the change because it will make travel more convenient in the eastern portion of the Strip.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
This resolution adopted by the Live Stock Association, thanking Messrs. Plumb and Ryan, could have been very properly amended by striking out that portion relating to the Pennsylvania Oil Company. That company took their range on the same plan and under similar conditions to other cattlemen who had fenced. It did not attempt to take any advantage of those rightfully holding cattle on the range which they had hired; on the contrary, the company had offered to buy out all such parties, if said parties would sell. Those who did not want to sell were given to understand that they could remain, without interference on the part of the company, so long as the Cherokee authorities were satisfied.
The whole hue and cry against the Pennsylvania Oil Company came from men who had for years held cattle upon the grounds leased by the company without paying one cent to the Cherokee Nation, or to any other government. Under the laws of the United States and the Cherokee Nation, they had no right to occupy one foot of the ground in question, and therefore their howls about monopolies, etc., should never have received the least attention or support from stockmen who had acted in good faith to the Cherokees.
It is the fashion just now to howl against corporations and men of large capital, and there-fore any defense of the Pennsylvania Oil Company will meet with but little consideration. Notwithstanding all this, the COMMERCIAL claims that the company and its managers are entitled to fair treatment, especially at the hands of those whose right to hold a range and fence it is not one whit better than that of the above named company.
Since the above was put in type, we have learned that there is no such organization as the “Standard Oil Company” or the “Pennsylvania Oil Company” laying any claim to a range or doing any business on the Cherokee Strip. The firm all the fuss has been kicked up about is composed of W. B. Roberts and J. H. Windsor, and their cattle business has no connection in any way with any oil company on the face of the globe. As individuals, they have put their own money into the stock business, secured a defined range from the Cherokee Nation, and they have not sought in any way to infringe upon the rights of others. When they obtained the privileges of the range they now hold, Messrs. Roberts & Co., were informed by Major Lipe that the range was unoccupied, or if it was, the parties so occupying it were intruders, because they had never paid any tax to the Cherokee Nation. Now, if Messrs. Roberts and Windsor are treated fair, as they should be under the circumstances, they will do what is right by all parties concerned. But if there should be any attempt to coerce them, or trample upon their rights, they are not the men we take them to be if they quietly submit. Give them a fair deal, and the rights of all will be strengthened thereby.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Messrs. Hays & Fouts have sold the Willow Springs ranch to Roberts & Co. The latter will run the stage station at the Spring, and in addition build a bridge across the stream at that point for the accommodation of travel. Willow Springs is out of our bailiwick, being directly south of Arkansas City. Still, we are glad of the change, because it will make travel more convenient in the eastern portion of the Strip. Caldwell Commercial.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
Tufts Report to Interior Secretary Relative Wire Fences.
The following synopsis of Agent Tufts’ report to the Secretary of the Interior on the question of Wire Fences in the Territory, will doubtless be of interest to many of our readers.
It is estimated that 300,000 head of cattle are being herded on the Strip, 100,000 of which do not pay taxes to the Cherokees. There are 950 miles of fencing belonging in the main to citizens of the United States, and all of which has been put up in the past year. These parties are supplied with gates for traveling through, so that they do not interfere with legitimate travel or mail routes. Agent Tufts thinks that these fences will be of incalculable good in restraining the cutting of timber which has been ruthlessly going on in the past, and therefore says: “I respectfully recommend that the fences now on these lands be permitted to remain, and other parties desiring to fence be permitted to do so subject to the following conditions.”
“1st. Permission from the Cherokee Nation must be obtained.
“2nd. That no fences shall be erected within two miles of any post road.
“3rd. If any parties fencing their range cut or permit any timber to be cut within their pastures, shall be subject to removal from the Territory and the fences destroyed.
“4th. All fences shall be removed at once from the Territory whenever those in possession shall be notified to do so by the department.
“The effect of a settlement of this matter in this way will be that the Indian office will not be called upon every few months to remove from the Territory cattlemen who refuse to pay tax. The Cherokee Nation will collect double the tax; the destruction of the timber will be effectually stopped, and the young timber protected from fire.
“The only opposition I found to this fencing was from those who claimed that the timber on these lands belonged to anybody that got it, and from those who live in the States and own large herds of cattle on these lands and refuse to pay taxes. The Pennsylvania Oil Company, who attempted to fence without permission from the Cherokee authorities and enclose the ranges, and owners of small herds of cattle on which they had paid Cherokee tax, have agreed to settle with those whose ranges they had intended to enclose in their pasture, and obtain permission of the Cherokee authorities, or go elsewhere for their range.
“This arrangement satisfies Mr. C. M. Scott, and others, who complained to the Department of the action of the Oil Company, and if permitted to do so, will fence their ranges during the coming summer.”
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
There is no mistaking C. M. Scott’s cattle, as they all bear the name of their owner on their sides, with the exception of one letter, Thus, S C O T.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
We call attention to the brands of the Willow Springs horse, sheep, and cattle ranch, which appear this week.
Ad. WILLOW SPRINGS STOCK RANCH. Sheep, Horses & Cattle, PINK FOUTS, MANAGER. Horse Brand: O I L on left hip. Cattle brand: O I L on either side. Information given of strays of above brand will be rewarded. P. O. Address, ARKANSAS CITY, KS. Ranch at Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
STRAYED. 1 gray horse about 14½ hands high, in good condition, brand bow and arrow on hip. 1 spot pony about 14½ hands high, good condition, brand S U on shoulder. Above horses left Willow Springs about two weeks ago and are supposed to be in the State. A liberal reward will be paid for their recovery. PINK FOUTS, Manager.
Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The following stockmen are here in attendance upon the Arbitration committee: T. H. Stevens, O. F. Casteen, C. C. Clark, O. S. Northrup, of Anthony; Fin. Ewing, F. H. Shelly, M. Strong, of Medicine Lodge; Charles W. Moore, M. J. Lane, Sam T. Ishmael, J. W. Carter, of Eagle Chief; N. B. Roberts, J. H. Windsor, A. D. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania (the two former are accompanied by their wives); John W. Blair, of Pond Creek; Ben Garland, city; John Tucker, Wichita; W. J. Hodge and J. H. Tornberien, Winfield; Capt. Nipp, C. M. Crocker, D. F. Fagins, Tipton Brothers, Arkansas City; W. Wicks, Hunnewell; Pink Fouts, Willow Springs; and a number of others whose names our reporter failed to obtain.
Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
Decisions Rendered.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, convened on the 12th, inst., adjourned on Friday, and on Monday resumed the task of settling disputes over ranges and range lines.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, owing to the absence of the defendants, was continued until the next meeting of the Board.
The case of John Love & Son vs. Standard Oil Co., P. Fouts, Manager, was next heard. Plaintiff moved for a continuance. Motion refused, and the Board decided that as plaintiff had no tax receipt, or other evidence that they had paid for range privileges, and there being nothing to show that they had a range, therefore, plaintiffs had no rights before the Board. The representatives of the defendants protested against the name “Standard Oil Co.” It was therefore ordered by the Board that the same should be changed to “Roberts & Windsor.”
The case of M. Blair & Co. vs. Windsor Bros. was continued until next meeting of the Board.
Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association began its session on Monday afternoon, and adjourned until Tuesday. Up to the time of going to press no decision had been made on the appeals before the Board.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Love & Son, on appeal of the latter from the decision of the Board of Arbitration, the Board of Directors sustained the decision of the Arbitrators, to the effect that Love & Son, having failed or refused to pay taxes to the Cherokee Nation for pasture privileges, had no range rights.
Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Second Session.
The Board met on the 5th day of July. The first case, Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, compromised.
Next in order was the continued case of Blair, Battin & Cooper vs. Windsor Bros. The board decided that the plaintiffs were entitled to all the lands in controversy.
The following cases before the Board were continued until its next meeting.
1. Windsor & Roberts vs. Beach & Welch.
2. Same vs. W. W. Wicks.
3. Same vs. Estes & Bros.
4. Same vs. Tomlinson & Webb.
Caldwell Journal, July 26, 1883.
Trouble on the Range.
Reports come to us to the effect that parties have been killing sheep and driving stock off the range of Roberts & Windsor, on Willow Creek, south of Arkansas City. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Fouts, manager of the above firm, received a telegram stating that a party of men had driven the stock off the range. If these reports are correct, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will be compelled to take some action for their own protection, for the reason that if lawlessness of that kind can go unpunished in one single instance, it will be but a very short time before others will suffer, and the fact of being a member of the Association will be no protection whatever.
It would seem now that the Strip is made a part of the U. S. District of Kansas, there should be some way of punishing those who commit depredations upon the property of persons occupying the Strip in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States and the Cherokee Nation. If not, a range on the Strip is not worth a song, and if any man undertake to hold one, he will have to do so through force. No argument is necessary to show that if such a condition of affairs is brought about, the Strip will become a strip of terror, where no man’s life or property will be safe for a single moment.
Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
Arbitration Notes.
Since our last issue, the Board of Arbitration have decided the following cases.
M. Chambers vs. Roberts & Windsor. Settled by compromise, defendants giving plaintiff all the range he claimed.
Roberts & Windsor vs. Beach and Welch. The latter were given a range 3½ by 4 miles on the head of Wolf Creek.
Roberts & Windsor vs. W. W. Wicks and same against Estes Bros. The Board gave defendants in these two cases a combined range of 24,000 acres.
The case of Roberts & Windsor vs. Tomlin & Webb was compromised.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Sheep, Horses & Cattle. PINK FOUTS, MANAGER. Horse Brand: O I L on left hip. Cattle Brand: O I L on either side. Information given of strays of above brand will be rewarded.
P. O. Address, Arkansas City, Ks. Ranch at Willow Springs, Indian Territory.
Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The following stockmen registered at the JOURNAL office yesterday: J. H. Windsor, Pink Fouts, Arkansas City; J. F. Lyon, Fort Gibson, I. T.; Walter Treadwell, Prospect Park, Harper County; S. Jackson, Camp Supply; S. W. Phoenix, Winfield; Albert Dean, Earl Spencer, M. J. Lane, Eagle Chief Pool; C. H. Vautier, Kiowa; Nick Schlupp, St. Joe, Mo.; Wm. Hobbs and Arthur Gorham, Kinsley, Kansas; Tom Hutton, Ind. Ter.; D. Donovan, Kiowa; A. O. Evans, St. Louis; C. H. Dye, Wellington; Crate Justus, Harper.