[Inhabitants of Posey Creek, Pleasant Valley Township.]
Reference to the creek...
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
ROAD NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there will be presented to the board of County Commissioners of Cowley County on the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1871, a petition to lay out a road, beginning at the town of Winfield and terminating at Arkansas City, Cowley County, crossing the Walnut River at or near the ferry of Thomas Wright, and Posey Creek, at or near the claim of Ludolphus Holcomb. Dated this 9th day of March A. D. 1871.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.
Pleasant Valley Township. In regard to voting bonds for the erection of a courthouse and jail in the town of Winfield, the writer of this has not as yet had but little conversation with the people on that subject, but thinks there will be quite a number that will go for the bonds.
Our valley here is fast settling up and good houses are being built. Now is the time for persons who wish to secure lands at low figures in this valley. A POSEY CREEKER.
Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.
T. K. Johnston, at the post office, has on exhibition the largest water melon of the season.
It was donated to Mr. Johnston by L. Small, of Posey Creek, and weighs 42 pounds.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in adjourned session in County Clerk’s office, September 16th, 1872. Present: Frank Cox and J. D. Maurer. Proceeded to levy the tax for assessment year ago. Ordered that a county tax of one mill on the dollar levied on the Township of Vernon as a Township tax; also of one and one half for Dexter Township; also one and one half for Beaver Township; Richland, two mills, Bolton, two mills; Windsor, one; Cedar, one mill; Creswell, one mill, Posey Creek, one and one half; Pleasant Valley, one mill, Nenescah, two mills; Silver Creek, two mills; and Tisdale, two mills.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Geo. Melville and several others on Posey Creek sent a cargo of unthreshed wheat down to Ft. Smith via the Walnut & Arkansas rivers. If they get good returns from it, they may try it again. They weren’t quite ready to send it, but Posey came along on a “high,” so they let it go.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
The Frazee Bro.’s are improving a nice little farm down on Posey Creek.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
HISTORY OF COWLEY COUNTY. Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1876, at Winfield, Kansas. BY WIRT W. WALTON. In June, 1869, E. C. Manning assisted P. Y. Becker to erect a claim cabin in the bend of the Walnut about two miles below Winfield. This was the first building South and West of the river. On the same day they found encamped at the mouth of Posey Creek, a Mr. and Mrs. Bridges and two or three men. Mrs. Bridges is the first white woman that is known to have crossed the Walnut River in this county. She corresponded for some eastern paper at the time, and afterwards wrote the “CARRIERS ADDRESS” and other political effusions for the Traveler.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876. Front Page.
Russ. Cowles got stuck in the mud in Posey Creek last week, while coming from Wichita with a load of hardware. Where is our road supervisor? C. C. H.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
There will be a Sabbath school picnic held in the grove near the mouth of Posey Creek, on the 29th of this month. C. C. H.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
I would refer to G. W. Melville, now at Wichita, having a farm on Posey Creek, where said surveying is said to have been done.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877. Front Page.
South Bend Grange has “broke ground” for a Grange hall on Granger Jo Hill’s farm near Posey Creek, he donating 2½ acres. Building, 24 x 28 x 10.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
The South Bend Grange is building a hall on Joseph Hill’s farm, one mile south of Posey Creek. They have it well underway. H. G. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
During the thunder shower Sunday evening, William Crabb, residing on Posey Creek, was struck by lightning. He had been to church and returned home, and took the saddle off his horse, and was picketing his horse out when he was struck near the neck, the bolt ranging down his body, tearing his vest and pants, and breaking both legs. He was not found until the next morning.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
A camp meeting will be held at a grove on Posey Creek, one mile south of the Brane schoolhouse, in Pleasant Valley, commencing Wednesday, Sept. 26th, under the auspices of the United Brethren. A number of ministers from abroad will be in attendance.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
The camp meeting of the United Brethren on Posey Creek, 5½ miles south of Winfield, commenced last evening and will continue until Sunday night or longer. There are refreshments provided on the grounds.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Darwin Eastman, from Iowa, yesterday bought the Lance farm, on Posey Creek, for $1,300. Mr. Eastman is a substantial man and will be an acquisition to this county.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
We are promised a cheese factory on Posey soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
The Centennial Sunday School accepted an invitation to attend a picnic, gotten up by the Brane Sunday School, on the 1st inst., and the grand and impressive display made by the Centennialites so astonished the “natives” in the vicinity of Posey creek, that they were considerably abashed. The Centennial school carried away the honor of producing the most excellent vocal and instrumental music on the occasion. The Centennial infant class acquitted themselves admirably in the singing line, and will compare favorably in this respect with any school in the county. Enthusiastic addresses were made by Rev. Blakey, Mr. Mark Williams, and another gentleman, whose name I have forgotten, of the legal fraternity, of Winfield, which were highly appreciated by the assembly.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
STRAYED. From the premises of the undersigned, on Posey Creek, in Cowley County, a Dun Pony, black tail and mane, two segments of circle like rim of half moon on right shoulder; had about 50 feet of rope tied to his neck. Anyone giving information where he may be found will be suitably rewarded. D. EASTMAN.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Henry Harbaugh, the Republican nominee for Commissioner for the Second District, is one of the most active, intelligent, and enterprising farmers in the county. He has the model farm of the county, it being 160 acres of second bottom land on a gradual slope north of Posey Creek, naturally fertile, and improved in the highest style of art. He has about four miles of the best kind of hedge fence on this farm, which extends entirely around it, divides it up into several fields and lots, and being kept trimmed neatly, gives the place an appearance of surpassing beauty.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1879.
The engine is puffing at Posey Creek, and a few more days will bring her at Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
Old Mrs. Clarke, who lives on Posey Creek, in Pleasant Valley township, was arrested last Saturday on complaint of Charles H. Payson, charged with having committed adultery with a man named McCrate. The case was tried before ’Squire Boyer, and was the most disgusting affair that ever encumbered the docket of a criminal court. If one-half the facts that come to our ears are true (and the neighbors seem to think they are), this Clarke outfit ought to be drummed out of the community. COURIER.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
From the North Side. Mr. Editor: On Saturday last we boarded the train at the A., T. & S. F. depot, at Arkansas City, bound for the north line of Cowley County. Passing up the Walnut valley from your city out over the divide into Pleasant, or Posey Valley, we find as beautiful farming lands as it has ever been our privilege to look upon. This valley has an area of some six or eight miles, being almost level in the center, but rising with a gentle and very gradual slope to the north, south, and west. Farms here are well improved, the land rich, and very productive, the citizens apparently being of the true stamp to make a success of life.
The road passes through this valley diagonally from southwest to northeast, injuring farms on its line pretty badly. A run of one hour and five minutes brought us to the depot at Winfield, where the trains are detained until 12:30 p.m. We found Winfield, like all other Western towns on Saturdays, full of life and business, the rural class setting aside the last day of the week to visit town and do their shopping. The S. K. & W. railroad is completed to this place, the company having erected here the model depot of the West. A large number of cars were on the side track near the depot, many of them being fitted up and used by the road hands as quarters and are moved forward as the track is laid.
North from Winfield the country is more rolling, however there are some good farming lands to be seen, especially in the valley of the Walnut.
Leaving the train at Barstow we proceeded directly north to our destination.
We are not given to flattery, however we can truthfully say that the southern half of Cowley County excels by far the northern half, both in improvements and fine lands. While our attention was attracted to the fine appearance of the growing wheat through the entire county, we could not help noticing the superior appearance of that in the vicinity of and south of Winfield. Whether the fact is attributable to the difference in the soil, time of seeding, or both. However, to take all things into consideration we think that Cowley County, as a whole, is the banner county of southern Kansas, and we feel safe in saying that the large number of annual accessions to our population from the other States will bear us out in this assertion. MAPLE. Feb. 22nd, 1880.
Following item refers to “Posey Valley.” Believe this refers to Pleasant Valley rather than Posey Creek...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 7, 1880.
A number of improvements are being made over in Posey Valley, north of this place. Several new buildings have been erected during the past winter and this spring, and still others are building. A new store house will soon be completed, and it is reported that the Santa Fe intend putting in a station at some point in the valley.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
R. Harbaugh, Secretary, announces that the Pleasant Valley Sunday School Convention will meet at the Odessa schoolhouse on August 6, at 10 o’clock a.m., and proceed to the grove on Posey creek, where the business will be transacted and a picnic will be held. A general invitation is extended.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
The Pleasant Valley Sunday school is preparing to take part in the Sunday school picnic and convention, to be held in Posey creek timber, near Joseph Hill’s place, on Friday next, August 6.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
We came near having a serious accident in the Bend a day or two ago. A child of Bill Wilson fell in a slop barrel, which had been sunk in the ground, and but for the timely arrival of its mother, death would have ensued. Slop barrels in such a position had better be kept covered when children are around.
Billy Wilson has moved to Posey creek.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Mr. Theodore Wright, of Pleasant Valley township, brought in a load of his new wheat Saturday. It is plump, good color, and yields 22 bushels per acre. It was grown on the Mackeral place on Posey creek.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
Miss Julia Bovee lately visited friends on Posey creek.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
At last the Cronk-Constant difficulty, which has so long disturbed the peace and quiet of the Posey Creek neighborhood, has been brought to a quietus by the conviction of Fogg and Cronk for assault and battery on the Constant boys; and Messrs. Fogg and young Cronk now languish in the County jail. This has been a most distressing affair from the beginning—a regular neighborhood row—and a neighborhood row is the worst row in the world. This is the third or fourth time the matter has been dragged into the courts, and we sincerely hope that it will be the last. If the thing goes on, someone will pass the remainder of their days in the penitentiary. Fogg and Cronk were fined $25 each and the costs, amounting in all to nearly $150. County Attorney Jennings did all he could to allay the feelings he foresaw would grow out of these bickerings; but finding it of no use, he determined to prosecute vigorously and to the fullest extent of the law every disturbance of the peace: and when our County Attorney clears the decks for action, someone is bound to get hurt.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of our school district. He says there has been many changes there, but few of the old “boys” are left, and Winfield does not appear now as it did in 1870-74. Caldwell Commercial.
Well, that’s a fact; there have been a good many changes in and around Winfield since those days.
Patrick, the editor of the Censor, (our first newspaper) and Walt Smith, the proprietor of the “Big Horn ranch” on Posey Creek, have both gone west to grow up with the country.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
MARRIED. On Posey Creek, in Pleasant Valley, Nov. 29th, at the house of the bride’s father, by Rev. Thos. N. Borchers, Mr. Wm. Barber and Miss Hattie Camp.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
We received a very pleasant call from Mrs. C. C. Pierce and her daughter, Ella, and Mrs.
W. H. Nelson, and friends of Pleasant Valley Township today. They came in to see how newspapers are made and to examine into the mysteries of the all preservative. Mrs. Nelson and her husband are up from Nez Perces Agency, where they are now located, and spent last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. They were among the earliest settlers on Posey Creek. We have not enjoyed a visit more for many a day.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Our streets were the scene of one of the saddest accidents on Saturday, that has ever happened in the county. A street peddler by the name of Wood, from Topeka, had opened out his wares on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, and was selling them from the wagon. There was quite a crowd of people in town, and as usual those who had finished their business gathered around to see what the peddler had to say. Before commencing to sell he pulled off his coat and laid it on the front end of the wagon. Afterward, finding it in the way, he picked it up, carried it to the back end of the wagon and laid it over a trunk. As he threw it over the trunk a five-barreled revolver fell from the inside breast pocket, dropped over the side of the wagon, the hammer struck the hub of the hind wheel, and the weapon was discharged. The wagon at the time was surrounded by a dense crowd. After the report the peddler asked if anyone was hurt, and receiving no answer, proceeded with his selling. When the pistol dropped, John Wesley Snyder was standing just back of the hub and about two feet from the hind wheel of the wagon. Those standing nearest to him noticed that immediately after the report he brought his hand up to his breast, but made no remark. In a moment he turned, walked around the back end of the wagon to the south side, and sank down on the ground, the blood gushing from his mouth in torrents. Drs. Emerson and Mendenhall were on the ground in a few moments and pronounced the sufferer beyond the reach of human aid. In a few minutes they pronounced him dead. Just as he breathed his last, his wife was led through the crowd with a little baby clinging to her skirts. Her anguish as the terrible reality flashed upon her mind cannot be described. Added to the terrors of the scene were the frightened cries of the little child, just old enough to lisp its father’s name. Strong men were unable to control their emotions and turned away. After a time the wife was quieted sufficiently to be led away, the body was picked up and carried to the Coroner’s office where an inquest was held. Upon examination it was found that the ball had entered the body about four inches below the left nipple, ranging upward, cutting several of the larger blood vessels near the heart. The peddler was placed under arrest, but upon the rendering of a verdict by the Coroner’s jury that “deceased had come to his death by an accidental shot from a pistol belonging to W. H. Wood,” he was released.
Mr. Snyder was a resident of Pleasant Valley Township, and lived on the old Brane farm, near Odessa Schoolhouse on Posey Creek. He formerly lived in Fairview Township, northeast of Winfield, and has been a resident of the county for about eight years. He was forty-six years old and the father of eleven children, five of whom are dead, a member of the Christian Church, and one of Cowley’s most respected citizens. His taking off is a calamity that is deeply felt by neighbors and friends.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
The old Cronk-Constant feud in Pleasant Valley Township has broken out again. This has been altogether a most disgraceful neighborhood row, and it is about time for the State to step in and demand that her peace and dignity be respected. The affair began by one of Cronk’s hogs getting on Constant’s land. Constant shot the hog and was arrested by Cronk. Then Mrs. Constant slapped Cronk’s boy and there was another arrest and lawsuit. Then Fogg and Cronk’s boy, to use a vulgar term, “laid for” Constant’s boys and fought a fight with them, which was the cause of another arrest and lawsuit, and resulted in placing young Cronk and Fogg in the County jail, from whence they secured release at a heavy expense to Cronk. Then Fogg left, and it was hoped a permanent truce had been declared. But on Tuesday Cronk files complaint against Constant for breaking fence, or something of that sort, and the war will range once more as fierce as ever. We would advise these people not only for their own good, but for the welfare and good name of the community to let up on this business. It will ruin them all in the end and benefit no one but the devil. A man had better keep seven dogs than have a row with a neighbor.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
The folks about Pleasant Valley will have a grand dance at Grange Hall on the evening of July 4th. Both the old and young folks on Posey Creek believe in having a good time whenever opportunity offers.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
We took a little drive out into Pleasant Valley Township Thursday evening, with a designing politician. We regretted being caught in such company, but the temptation for a free ride was stronger than we could stand, and in less than a minute we were whirling along the old familiar road that leads to the flowing banks of Posey Creek. In almost every wheat field the reapers were busy in grain that will yield twenty-five to thirty bushels to the acre. Sam Watt was just turning his harvester loose; Commissioner Harbaugh was chopping down his magnificent wheat field, and J. H. Teter, assisted by Mr. Holcomb, was running a whole field with a twine binder. We supped with M. H. Markcum, drank a quart of new milk at D. S. Sherrard’s, and had a pleasant visit with our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Nawman. Mr. Nawman is one of the oldest settlers along the Valley, and many were the reminiscences of early times discussed during the two hours we were permitted to spend at his home. A person can see more fine country and magnificent crops by a drive through Pleasant Valley, Beaver, and Vernon Townships than in any territory of the size in the United States. These townships contain but very little untillable land and their farms are under a high state of cultivation, being among the first settled in the county.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
Mr. D. M. Fisher, from Indianapolis, Indiana, has been looking over Cowley during the past week with a view to locate. He has found a farm on Posey Creek six miles south of here that suits him and which he will probably purchase. Mr. Fisher says he has traveled over many counties of Kansas, and has come to the conclusion that Cowley cannot be excelled in richness of soil, and general advantages for agriculture.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
T. F. Axtell has disposed of the English Kitchen Restaurant to Messrs. Bacastow & Fashing, and will settle on his farm on Posey Creek. Since Mr. Axtell took hold of the restaurant, it has grown steadily in favor until today it stands in the front rank as regards business. We are sorry to part with Mr. and Mrs. Axtell, and should they at some future time return to Winfield and engage in the same business we venture the assertion that the house will be “packed to overflowing.” May their rural life be a pleasant one.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
Another one of our old residents, Bob White, is afflicted with the Missouri itch, and has disposed of his choice farm, for $4,000, to John Bowers, from Illinois. Bob is one of the few pioneers who have been remarkably successful in business. His capital, when he commenced cultivating the virgin soil of Posey Creek Valley, consisted chiefly of pluck, energy, and enterprise. With these traits of character, together with robust health and a “best half,” who has proved a jewel without exception, he has accumulated a comfortable competency amounting to $8,000.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
DIED. A little son of Mrs. McCallum—a widow lady who resides at the mouth of Posey Creek, in Pleasant Valley Township—while sliding on the ice on the river last Thursday broke through and was drowned. A man who was chopping wood nearby heard the boy scream for help, but before he had time to reach the river bank, the boy had disappeared beneath the ice. A number of the neighbors were immediately summoned and every effort made to rescue the boy, but it was some time before his body could be found, and he had probably been dead about a half hour when taken out. Democrat.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Sampson Johnson was up from Posey Creek Monday. He has about recovered from a severe attack of rheumatism.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Rev. Harris will hold basket meetings as follows: In his own grove two miles northeast of Arkansas City, June 1st; near Science Valley schoolhouse June 8th; at Maple City June 15th; south of Odessa schoolhouse on Posey Creek June 22nd. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and at 2 p.m., dinner at 12 m. All are requested to bring Gospel hymns and provide chairs and spring seats as far as convenient.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Supervisor Martin has repaired Posey creek crossing, which was rendered almost impassible during recent thaws.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Will Birdzell is feeding his cattle on Mr. Carter’s farm on Posey creek.
Will Scott, of Posey Creek fame, and Miss Cordia Armistead, one of Arkansas City’s fairest ladies, were united in the holy bonds of double life, recently. May fortune smile upon a happy voyage across the sea of futurity, is the wish of their many friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The muchly anticipated Union Sunday school picnic missed fire but struck an abundance of water. Owing to the protestations of the aqueous elements, the gathering in the shady groves on the verdant banks of classical Posey was abandoned. A few of the neighbors met under the protecting canopy of Irvin Chapel, spread their luscious lunches, and devoured them amid a volley of unkind anathemas directed toward the weather clerk. It was ever thus with mortals from the earliest dawn of human existence. They are subject to disappointments, discouragements, and displeasures.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
Lou Albert found a pair of upper false teeth near Posey Creek a few days ago.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The many friends of James Scott, who formerly resided on Posey Creek, will regret to learn that he has answered the last roll call between here and eternity. He lived here several years, with his cousin, Joe Hill, but later married and went to Washington territory, where he leaves a wife and two children to mourn his departure to the veiled unknown.
Arkansas City Republican, July 10, 1886.
The Farmer’s picnic in Pleasant Valley last Saturday was a grand success. It was held in a grove on Posey Creek, two miles east of Hackney. Farmers from far and near assembled until there was a crowd of some 600 sturdy tillers of the soil. In the forenoon the Declaration of Independence was read by Miss Gregg, of Winfield. After which came the sumptuous feast, which the farmers’ tidy housewives had prepared for the occasion. In the afternoon Rev. Reider, of Winfield, delivered an oration, followed by the adjournment of the picnickers to their respective homes. This occasion will be long retained in the memory of those present.