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Daniel Read

                                           [Also: Eli Read, Daniel’s Brother.]
                                                  [Daniel Read raised hogs.]
Note: Daniel Read was an early merchant in Floral. Later he manufactured a patent vehicle tongue support.
Omnia Township 1872:
Daniel Read, 29; Mrs. Daniel Read, 28.
Eli Read, 25; Mrs. Eli Read, 27.
Tisdale Township 1873:
Daniel Read, 30; spouse, Lucinda A., 30.
Eli Read, 25; spouse, E. J., 27.
Richland Township 1878:
Daniel Read, 37; spouse, L. A. Read, 36. Post Office Address: Floral.
Tisdale Township 1878 or 1879:
Read, Daniel, 36; spouse, L., 33.
Richland Township 1881:
Daniel Read, 38; spouse, L. A., 37.
                                               FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1877.
Mr. Daniel Read, who lives on upland prairie land, in Tisdale Township, two and one half miles west of New Salem schoolhouse, has a farm and an experience in Cowley County that shows what an energetic man can do. He settled there six years ago. Two years ago he became a little discouraged and went to California for a new location. He thought that no improvement on this county and in seven months was back upon his place in this county.
He has 820 eight-year-old bearing apple trees, 850 bearing peach trees, many of them the choicest varieties, one acre of blackberries, three acres of cottonwood trees, 1,800 in all, some of them thirty feet high. This grove he used for a hog and stock lot, and it contains a large artificial pond of water. He has sixty acres of fine corn and raised this year considerable other crops. Twenty months ago, on his return from California, he purchased a six-months-old pig for $3.50 and from that start in hogs he now has seven brood sows and altogether thirty hogs, and has twenty-five dollars worth besides. He is now selling peaches from his orchard and has had ripe peaches for four weeks. He has been in twenty-one different states of the Union and considers this section the best country for a man of moderate means that he ever saw. Some specimens of Early Amburge peaches from his orchard are before us as we write.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877.
D. Read, of Tisdale Township, called this week and tells us of having a pig, which, at the age of sixteen months weighed five hundred and twenty pounds.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Last Saturday Mr. D. Read, of Floral, brought the COURIER boys a lot of ripe, delicious peaches. Mr. Read brought into town twenty bushels. His crop this year promises to reach 800 bushels.

Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
D. Read, of Floral, sold his crop of peaches, delivered on the trees, to a Wichita fruit firm for $245. Wichita men know where to find the best peaches. Mr. Read brought the pits from Illinois, from which he raised his trees. They are seedlings, but produce here finer and better flavored peaches than the budded trees did in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
BIRTH. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Read, of Floral, last Saturday morning.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
D. Read is building a large store at Floral and will soon be ready to stand behind the counter “with a pod of pepper and a bunch of knitting needles,” ready to wait on his customers.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Mr. Read and wife, of Floral, spent a week visiting at their old home in the country; they contemplate visiting Illinois, the home of their childhood. On their return Mrs. Read will lay in a stock of millinery goods.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
Read’s stone building is rapidly approaching completion and when done will be the finest in Richland township. John Herndon is the lively lad who plies the mort and lays the stone, and it is supposed that he whistles, sings, or dances a jig for every stone laid, and a regular hoe-down thrown in when he jams a finger.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Mr. D. Read, of Richland, has sold his fine farm for $2,500 to Thos. Walker, of Goldore. It was a well-improved farm, with one of the finest peach orchards in the county. Mr. Read will go into the mercantile business at Floral, where he will put in a full stock of goods in a few days. Success to him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1879 - Front Page.
Mr. D. Read is still absent.
Mr. Robinson, from Northern Kansas, has rented rooms in Mrs. D. Read’s new building.
Mr. D. Read has opened his store in his new stone building, with very favorable prospects for a good trade, and is now east purchasing goods. We hope success may attend the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
Mr. D. Read gave us a pleasant call last Saturday. He is now engaged in the mercantile business at Floral, and has just returned from St. Louis, where he has been purchasing goods.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
Mr. D. Read has returned from St. Louis and opened sale.
Mr. L. Stone has “abdicated” as postmaster in favor of Mr. Read.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.
Mr. D. Read is the Floral postmaster.
Mr. Walker, who purchased the Read farm, has completed his new dwelling, and will move in this week.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
                                                                D. READ,
                                                             -DEALER IN-
                                                GENERAL MERCHANDISE,
                                                       FLORAL, KANSAS.
Would respectfully inform the people of Floral and vicinity that he has just opened up a complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, etc., and is prepared to sell at the MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Produce taken in exchange for goods at highest market price. Don’t fail to call at READ’S STORE, Floral, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 18, 1879. Front Page.
Mr. D. Read is doing a good business in his store.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Mr. Read was honored with a surprise birthday party on the 13th.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Daniel Read, postmaster and merchant of Floral, called last Monday. He reports an excellent rain on Sunday and brighter prospects. He says he has a good trade, sells goods as cheap as anybody in the county, and can well afford to do so because he has some of the expenses attending the trade in the large towns.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Miss Bella Read’s 12th birthday party on May 29th was quite a success. There were thirty-eight young Americans there. It was quite a sight to see the young braves march with their little sweethearts down to dinner, where they found a long table spread with a bountiful supply of good things. Miss Hattie McFinley and Miss Bella entertained them with splendid music on the organ.
Mr. Read seems to be doing a thriving business and is still getting new goods. Mrs. Read is expecting another lot of milli­nery goods. Then if I wore ribbons in my hat, I should invest.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
Mr. Read will give a dinner to his Sunday school class next Sunday.
Mr. Read had a well drilled in front of his store, which promised a fine supply of water but the extreme drought caused it to fail.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.

D. Read surely has a good well, judging by the number of teams that water there. Also, we see he has a pair of Fairbanks scales, which are capable of weighing anything from a cat up to a Garfield ox.
      Mr. S. Cox thinks of clerking for D. Read this winter.
Miss Frankie Miller, of New Salem, is visiting her cousin, Brilla Read, of Floral.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
The company, composed of Messrs. Read, Ferguson, Hart, and others, who went to Oklahoma some time ago, returned last Tuesday looking fat and greasy. They report a pleasant trip.
Our merchant, Mr. Read, has a new and handsome tea safe.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
Our merchant, Mr. Read, has a boil on his wrist that is quite painful.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Mr. Read, our merchant, has purchased a fine horse. I suppose he is going to have a team as soon as he can find a match for him.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881 - Front Page.
Our merchant, Mr. Read, had a Christmas tree for the Sunday school children in his rooms above the store. There was a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Read received several presents, and each of the children received something. All seemed to enjoy the treat.
A. J. Yarbrough returned from a trip to the eastern part of the state, where he had gone for apples, last week. Mr. Read bought the most of his load.
Mr. Read is going into the hog business quite extensively. He has fenced in quite a pasture and has several hogs on hand already. SIMON.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
The following is a report of the Floral schools for the months ending December 24th, 1880. Advanced Grades: Number enrolled, 35; number of days of attendance, 607; average daily attendance, 30.85. Those having an average of 90 percent, and upwards, in scholarship and deportment were: Brilla Read, 91
Those perfect in deportment were Brilla Read, Mary Dalgram, Etna Dalgram, Helen Wright, James Cottingham, Mary Mount, Harry Blair, Maggie Wright, Willie Holloway, Frank Miller, and Lewis Dalgram. T. J. Floyd, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Local politics is all the talk now among the loafers at Read’s store. L. B. Stone is talked of for township trustee. I think we could not do better than select him.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Our merchant, Mr. Read, has given the inside of his store a new coat of paint. I consider him a first-class country merchant.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
Mr. Daniel Read, ye Floral merchant, paid us a pleasant visit Monday.

Daniel Read, of Floral, carries everything in the line of general merchandise.
Mr. Read, Floral’s enterprising merchant, knows how to run a store. He has just put in his spring stock, and has added many new features. He is doing a good business and we know of no one whom we would rather see succeed than Dan. He deserves the patronage of the Richland people.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Dan Read, Floral’s enterprising merchant, came to town Wednesday with some of the finest hogs we have seen. He intends to sell or ship them himself. Mr. Read is becoming considerable of a stock dealer in connection with his merchandising, and has a corral capable of holding 150 head of hogs. He will buy, sell, or trade, or any other way, to keep things going.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Mr. Read has purchased from Mr. Crapster the property across the street from his store; he has also purchased the forty acres on the hill north of Floral, formerly owned by Mr. Cole.
Mr. Daniel Read took the train at New Salem last Tuesday for the east. He will return in a few days. Mr. Sandford is assisting in the store during his absence.
                               A FEARFUL CYCLONE. FLORAL HIT HARD!
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
It has long been the boast of the people of the Walnut Valley that this favored locality was wonderfully exempt from cyclones and destructive storms, but the pitcher has gone once too often to the well,” for on Sunday evening the northwestern part of Cowley County was visited by a destructive cyclone with all its attendant phenomena.
Last Sunday evening at about 5 o’clock when all the southern part of the heavens was clear, the citizens of Winfield observed that a fresh strong wind from the south had suddenly started up. This directed their attention to the northwest where were gathering clouds in great agitation. Soon these clouds assumed form and in close proximity to Seeley, seven miles to the north­west, the clouds sagged downward like a great hopper and from the lower extremity hung down first a rope looking form, which writhed sinuously and expanded rapidly, assuming much the appear­ance of an elephant’s trunk.
This writhing trunk was whirling rapidly in the direction opposite to that of the movements of a watch face up, and moved slowly in an E. N. E. direction toward Floral. Our citizens watched it for a full half hour, the trunk sometimes reaching down to the earth and sometimes rising, but always in intense rotation and gyration.
One eyewitness de­scribed the appearance of the cloud as like several swarms of bees circling a crooked shaft. One describes the approach of the storm to Floral as like the roaring of forty locomotives run mad and tearing up the ground, raising clouds of earth, rocks, rails, lumber, and vegetation, and circling them around the tumultuous centre.

It was a huge funnel shaped cloud of a greenish black hue, with light and vivid arms which were probably electrical in character. One of the startling characteristics of a cyclone is the extreme electrical disturbance in the equilibrium of their forces, which  results in the frightful phenomenon known as the cyclone. This monster started into being when its evolutions could be seen for miles; it was not in a hurry, but gyrated to and fro, and one at its outer edge could apparently dodge it. It would not be satisfied with going over the ground once, but would return and pass over the same place. One visit though, was enough, for when it struck, death and desolation marked its track.
Where once were happy homes, now naught remains except a pile of stones or scattered and broken pieces of lumber; the household goods and the treasured relics possessed by every family were broken and destroyed or scattered to the four winds of heaven. Where but a few hours before the farmer felt he had secured his reward for his faith, patience, and work in the large shocks of wheat that decorated his field, now nothing remains except dirty piles of straw that line the hedge rows. The great fields of corn that covered the earth with a waving coat of dark green were torn to ribbons, and in many instances laid level with the earth.
In reading a pen picture of such a scene, you may imagine you can realize it. Far from it! Columns of the best written descriptions would no more than give you an idea of the horrors of such a catastrophe.
The greatest sufferer from a financial point of view is Daniel Read. He had a fine stone store building in which there was a country stock worth almost $3,000. The store building is no more, and we found stock scattered over the prairie. We should think that the damage of stock would be fifty percent. The dwelling house was also stone, and it shared the same fate as the store building. On the same lot, he had another building occupied by Dr. Knickerbocker, who, with his young wife, is now houseless. There was also a stable, farm implements, buggy, crops, etc., all of which are gone. Both families escaped injury by going into a cave cellar. At this time it is hard to estimate Mr. Read’s loss, but we should say that it would reach $5,000.
The Telegram estimates losses as follows: Daniel Read, $2,500.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Mrs. Daniel Read was in town Tuesday. She talked cheerfully of the heavy losses she sustained in the cyclone and is not at all discouraged.
A notice dated July 7, 1881, was put in the Winfield Courier by the people of Floral thanking all those who contributed by a resolution. Daniel Read was the Chairperson; J. M. Bair, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Daniel Read is working seven hands on the stone work of his store at Floral, and the walls will be rebuilt next week. He is working hard to recover from the ruin of the cyclone, and will be in full operation, with a full stock of goods, in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Mr. Daniel Read’s store will be completed this week. He then expects to go east for goods.
Mr. Grover Cole sold his farm north of Floral to Mr. Daniel Read. Mr. Cole has moved to New Salem.

Mr. John Cox, who came out from Illinois a few weeks past to regain his health, having improved so much, has concluded to remain with Mr. Read. Mr. Cox is a steady, obliging young man, and we think Mr. Read has done well in securing so trusty a young man for his store.
Mr. Ed. Hall came out from Winfield and spent Sunday with our Reads’s. Ed says the Normal is booming.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
Mr. Read is moving into his new store. His building is more convenient than the old one.
Gully & Shue have just finished a fine job of plastering for Mr. Read.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Daniel Read, of Floral, has his building completed, and is once more ready to furnish the people goods in exchange for produce or money. Chickens wanted; also butter and eggs, and everything else.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Mrs. Read is looking forward to the time when she can use water out of their new cistern.
Daniel Read started for the east last Friday after goods which will be here this week.
Mrs. Miller of New Salem, is visiting with her brother, Daniel Read.
Brilla Read and Franky Miller have been spending a few days with Miss Ray Nawman, south of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 6, 1881 - FRONT PAGE.
Below will be found the proceedings of township meetings, organizations, and muster rolls as far as heard from. The last week before the reunion we will publish the muster rolls
                                          D. READ, CO. F, 46 ILL., PRIVATE.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Mrs. D. Read and children started for Illinois Monday last. They intend staying three or four weeks. Daniel will batch it, though he says washing dishes is full business for him.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
There are three new buildings going up near the (imaginary) station. Mr. Read, of Floral, is putting up a store. Mr. Allen intends to have a coal and lumber yard. Wonder who will be our editor! Well, we are not that far along yet.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
The Salem Depot has arrived, I hear, and is going up on double quick time.
Mr. Read has a full supply of groceries and invites all to come and test his variety and prices and save the long trip to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Floral, the great mercantile mart of Richland Township, on the flat iron shaped point of land formed by the junction of the mighty Timber and romantic Dutch creeks.
Read’s store enjoys a good trade, fair treatment of custom­ers, full weights, and jokes thrown in that are satisfactory to the customer.

Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Dan Read has sold his interest in the grocery business at New Salem to John Cox. The firm now is Cox & Chrisman.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Mr. Dan Read, of Floral, made an assignment last Wednesday to Judge Gans in favor of his creditors. The list of liabilities foots up over $4,000, and the assets are about $1,500.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
We are sorry to note the failure of Daniel Read, of Floral, who has made an assignment of his stock of goods to H. D. Gans. The liabilities are upward of $4,000, and the assets are estimat­ed at $1,500. We believe that Mr. Read has made this assign­ment as a last resort, and that it has come about through no desire whatever to defraud his creditors. It will be remembered that Mr. Read was a heavy sufferer in the cyclone last June, and though his store was blown down, and many of his goods ruined, in the face of the most disheartening prospects, he went to work to retrieve his losses, working with a faith and energy that was highly commendable, and gained for him the confidence and sympa­thy of all. Believing he could recuperate, he was led to pur­chase additional goods, and to contract obligations which he has been unable to meet. Mr. Read is one of the most respected citizens of Richland Township, and his friends and neighbors generally will be sorry for his misfortune.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
DEAR COURIER: 1882, the legal successor of 1881, has become fairly established and Father Time has already scored 20 days with about the usual run of business.
The people of this community have cause to regret the calamity that has fallen upon us in the shape of the assignment of Mr. D. Read, Merchant. The store has been a place of great convenience to us, and already we feel the effects when we have to seek other markets. The main cause, I believe, dates back to June 12th—a day that many of us have cause to remember. His severe loss by the cyclone, and business complications growing out of the same, has forced this measure upon him. We hope the business will be resumed by someone. This is a good business point, and any person with even a small capital and a good stock of business tact would be sure of making a good living here.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Mr. Daniel Read’s assets are $2,800. His liabilities are $3,000. So it seems that Dan’s affairs are not so bad as might appear. Everything goes to show that Dan tried to do the square thing.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Daniel Read has returned from Washington Territory. He says he likes the lay of the land there and the fertility of the soil, but the people indulge in shakes, neuralgia, rheumatism, and similar amusements, which he considers immoral in their tendencies, and so he won’t stay there.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Daniel Read is off to northwest Missouri, on the patent hens’ nest. Success to you Dan.

Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
J. W. Randall’s trade is improving. His customers flock in on him in such force, it makes a person think of old times when Read was boss.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
                                                CIVIL DOCKET—3RD DAY.
                                           1500. The Assignment of Daniel Read.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Salem needs good houses, and intends from the looks of things now to have them, as Mr. Read is putting up a fine building.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Mr. Daniel Read, the former merchant of Floral, has recently returned from Chicago, where he made arrangements for the manufacture of his patent Vehicle Tongue Support. It is far ahead of anything yet invented in that line, and promises him a fortune. He has already sold many State and county rights.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Some burglars broke into Eli Read’s store at New Salem, Saturday night, and took about a hundred and fifty dollars in merchandise. They pried open a back window.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
Mr. Eli Read has a good organ for sale. A good bargain for someone.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Assignment of Daniel Read. Jas. McDermott appointed to examine assignee’s final report. Commissioners’ report approved and he allowed $25 of the remaining amount and balance allowed the assignee for himself and attorneys, after paying accrued costs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Eli Read, New Salem’s enterprising merchant, was in town today. Eli is as good natured as he is handsome.
                                                           LAND SLIDES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
                          Valena L. Irwin to Eli Read, lot 12, blk 4, New Salem: $3.00.
                                                           LAND SLIDES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
                       W H H Maris et ux to Eli Read w hf sw qr 3-34-5-e. $2,500.00.
                                                           LAND SLIDES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Eli Read et al to John Cox et al, lots 3 & 4, blk 8, and lots 2 & 3, blk 7, New Salem: $1,500.00.
C W Jones et al to Read & Walker, lots 3 and 4, blk 8, and lots 2 and 3, blk 7, New Salem: $1,500.00.
                                               NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
On Monday morning last there were five new pupils enrolled at the Normal; C. J. Herrin, F. A. Limbocker, of this city; Miss Brilla Read, of Floral, and Misses Alice and Estella Harbaugh, of Hackney.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum