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Riverview Cemetery

From Weekly Traveler, May 21, 1896

What is to become of Riverview cemetery? The present cemetery association is no longer able to look after it and an effort is being made to have the city take charge of it. That is about the only way it can be kept up. The present association has put this cemetery in good condition, but the few who have been footing the bills, feel that they are unable to continue in the good work when everyone is more or less interested in the matter. We believe that it would be proper for the city to assume charge of the cemetery.


From Weekly Traveler, May 28, 1896

The city now owns Riverview cemetery and will hereafter conduct the business connected with it. Arkansas has always had a cemetery conducted by an association. The cemetery, until the past few years, has been a most undesirable place. It was about three years ago that certain citizens pulled themselves together and raised some money among them and proceeded to fix up our burial grounds. They made the expenses even up with the receipts and assessments upon stock holders until a few months since, and the cemetery was put in good condition and has been kept that way. The past few months the cemetery expenses have over run the receipts about $250. In order to keep the cemetery up it was proposed that the city buy it and keep ut up. A special meeting of the council was called last night to consider the proposition and upon a vote being taken the vote was a tie, four for buying and four against. Mayor George W. Cunningham decided in favor of buying and the ordinance was passed and is published in today's Traveler. The city paid $250 for the cemetery and here-after will have charge of it. All expenses, receipts and improvements will be in charge of the city clerk. Mayor Cunningham says the cemetery will not be an expense to the city but that the receipts shall pay the expenses. We believe that it was the proper thing to do, that the city should have charge of the cemetery. It can be run cheaper by the city and to a better advantage and be made look better. Everyone should have some pride in having a neat cemetery, especially if he is a taxpayer.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum