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Sanborn Fire Maps

                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.


                                             Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 10, 1884.
We, the undersigned Insurance Agents of the City of Winfield, Kansas,  receive this day  as examined the new Insurance Map of said City, made by the Sanborn Map & Publishing Co.of New York and find it a complete and accurate map and recommend its use.
(Signed by) J. F. McMullen; S. C. Smith, City Engineer and Mechanic; Harris & Clark; Curns & Manser, James [?] L. Gilbert, Dalton [?] & Madden; Shivvers and Linn; Jno. D. Pryor.

September, 1884.
Copyright 1884 by the Sanborn Map & Publishing Company, Ltd.
                              Note: Population: 4,000. Prevailing Winds: South West.
FIRE DEPARTMENT. No Steam or Hand Engines, NO Hook and Ladder Trucks.
2 Hose Carts drawn by hand with 600 feet of hose each in good order.
WATER FACILITIES. Gravity and direct pumping systems, Water from pump house on Walnut River to Storage Reservoir which is located 1+ miles east of pump house. Capacity of Reservoir: 2,150,000 gallons. 1 Worthington Steam Pump.
[Cylinders: 1 foot 2 inches, 3:18-1/2 inches x 10 inch.]???
6 Miles of Water Pipes, 43 Double Fire Plugs
All Street Grades, Level.

August, 1886.
Copyright 1886 by the Sanborn Map & Publishing Company, Ltd.
                                 Population: 6,500.     Prevailing Winds: South West.
No Steam or Hand Engines.
No Hook & Ladder Trucks.
Two Hose Carts drawn by hand with 600 feet of hose each in good order.
WATER FACILITIES. Gravity and direct pumping system. Water from Pump House on Walnut River to Storage Reservoir, 1½ miles east of Pump House, and of 2,450,000 gal. Capacity. One Worthington Steam Pump
[Cylinders: 1 foot, 2 inches, 3:18½ inches X 10 inch.]???
[12½ x 48 “no”]???
Six miles of water pipes, 43 double Fire Plugs.
All street grades level.




March, 1893.
Copyright 1893 by the Sanborn-Perris Map Co., Limited.
                                                       POPULATION 6,500
                                                NO Steam & No Hand Engines.
                                                    2 Independent Hose Carts.
                                                  Water Facilities: SEE NOTE.
                                                      Prevailing Winds: S. W.
WATER FACILITIES: Gravity & Direct Pumping System.
Water from Pump House on Walnut River to Storage Reservoir 1½ Miles East of Pump House & of 2,150,000 Gal. Capacity. Reservoir Elevation 105 ft. above Main Street.
2 Worthington Steam Pumps 12½ by 18½’ by 10".
12 Miles of Water Pipes. 60 Double Hydrants.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: 1 Hook and Ladder Truck, 2,000 feet of Hose in good order.
Volunteer Fire Company, 24 Members.

July, 1899.
Copyright 1899 by the Sanborn-Perris Map Co., Limited.
117 & 119 Broadway, New York.
                                                           Population: 6,000
                                                NO Steam & No Hand Engines
                                                    2 Independent Hose Carts
                                                  Water Facilities: SEE NOTE.
                                                       Prevailing Winds S. W.
WATER FACILITIES: Gravity and Direct Pumping System of Water Works.
Water Supply from Walnut River by 2 Worthington Steam Pumps of 1,000,000 Gallons Capacity Each. Water pumped to a 2,000,000 Gallon Reservoir, 1½ Miles East of Main Street and elevated 110 feet above Main and Ninth Streets. 12 Miles of Water Mains and 75 Double Hydrants. Average Pressure about 60 lbs. per square inch. Fire Pressure: 125 lbs.
Grades: Level.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Volunteer, 25 men, 2 Hose Carts. One Hook and Ladder Truck.
2000 Feet of Serviceable Hose. All Apparatus drawn by hand. Fire Alarm Bell on City Hall.
Grades: Level.






July, 1905.
                                   WINFIELD, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS.
                                                          Population 10,000
                                                       Prevailing Winds S.W.
                                            WATER FACILITIES: SEE NOTE.
                                                NO Steam & NO Hand Engine.
                                                    1 Independent Hose Cart.
                                                     1 Hook & Ladder Truck.
WATER FACILITIES: Water Supply from Walnut River, 2 Pumps to Reservoir about 1½ East. Capacity of Reservoir: 2 Million Gallons. 2 Worthington Pumps 12 x 18 & 12 x 10.
One centrifugal f. p. capacity 1,000,000 gallons each per 24 hours. Domestic pressure: 16 lbs. Fire pressure: 150 lbs. Elevation of Reservoir about 110 feet above Water-works. Seventy-five Double Hydrants. Eleven miles of four inch, six inch, eight inch, ten inch diameter pipes. Water Main laid in 1883.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Volunteer, six men (two salaried).
One Independent Hose Cart and chemicals.
One Hose and Ladder Truck and 250 feet of extension ladders.
2500 feet of 2-1/2 inch hose in good condition.
Fire alarm at Engine House and telephone.
Business portion of city about 20 feet above Walnut River.
East Seventh Avenue, East Ninth Avenue, East Tenth Avenue, Main Street, and West Riverside Street (14th Street) partly macadamized, no public lights.











Copyright April 1912 by Sanborn Map Co.
Population: 7,500
Prevailing winds: southwest.
WATER FACILITIES: Gravity and direct pressure system of water works, water supply from Walnut River. Reservoir of 2,000,000 gallons capacity elevated 120 feet above business district. Electric valve at Reservoir operated from pumping station.
Two Worthington Compound Duplex steam pumps (one 18½ x 12 inch; and one 12 x 12 inch), capacity 1,000,000 gallons each per 24 hours, pumping from river into 2,000,000 gallons filter basin. These pumps are to be removed and replaced by two Jeansville Iron Works Volute centrifugal pumps, one of 1,500 gallons capacity per minute run by 40 hp. Westinghouse steam turbine; one of 1,000 gallons capacity per minute run by 25 hp. electric motor.
One Worthington Underwriters Compound Duplex steam pump (maximum), capacity 1,500 gallons capacity per minute, and one two-stage Worthington turbine, 1,350 gallons capacity per minute,  run by 100 hp. electric motor, drawn from clean well of 330,000 gallons capacity, and pump into distributing system.
One two-stage Platt Iron Works Co., booster pump, three-inch suction, 2½-inch discharge, run by 10 hp. electric motor, located at East Third Avenue and Michigan Street, used only on 4-inch main going to Southwestern College.
Eleven miles of cast iron water pipes from 4 inches to 12 inches diameter, originally laid 1883, 13 miles of cast iron water pipes from 4 inches to 12 inches diameter of present system laid in 1906, 170 Double Hydrants.
Domestic pressure: 54 lbs. Fire pressure: 120 lbs. per square inch. Average daily consumption: [?].
FIRE DEPARTMENT. One Chief, two men. Fully paid. Two men partly paid and twelve second call men. Two horses. Fire alarm by telephone.
One two-horse hose wagon with 1,000 feet 2½-inch cotton-rubber lined hose. Thirty-five foot ladders.
One three gallon and two five-gallon Anderson, and two six-gallon Babcock chemical extinguishers. One hook and ladder truck with 200 feet of ladders; 1,300 feet of 2½-inch cotton rubber lined hose, seven nozzles.
Grades all level.
Three miles brick paved streets (9th Avenue and Bliss Street). Public lights, electric.

[Note: Bill could have continued with further dates than those given. MAW]

                                  SENT IN MAIL TO ME/RECEIVED 6/21/99:
1884, 1886, 1893, 1899, 1905. [I did not get 1912.]


Cowley County Historical Society Museum