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Winfield to have a Street Railway

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

An ordinance was presented to the city council on Monday evening by Messrs. W. P. Hackney, J. C. Long, T. H. Soward, and F. S. Jennings, granting to them a ninety-nine years street railway franchise. It was favorably considered by the council, but laid over for final action to the next meeting. The ordinance provides that an acceptance of its conditions must be filed in writing within thirty days after its passage, and the conditions specify that a first-class street railway, from the Santa Fe to the S. K. depot and on certain streets and avenues, shall be finished and fully and properly equipped for operation by July 4, 1885. The fare is placed at five cents for adults and three cents for children under fifteen, with no fare for those under three years when accompanied by parents. The high character and abilities of the gentlemen taking hold of this enterprise leaves no doubt of its being pushed rapidly forward to completion. The benefits to our city of a street railway are unquestioned, and the projectors are satisfied of its making a paying investment. Winfield is ascending the golden stairs with steady step and will never be behind in public conveniences.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The City Council held an adjourned session last Thursday evening. Ordinance No. 194, granting to W. P. Hackney, F. S. Jennings, John C. Long, and T. H. Soward a ninety-nine years street railway franchise, was passed.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum