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Newton J. Thompson

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Newton J. Thompson was born in Henry County, Kentucky, May 14, 1834, a son of Amasa and Ruhema (Boone) Thompson.
His father, Amasa Thompson, was a farmer and stock raiser of Kentucky, where he spent his entire life. Both he and his wife were buried in the cemetery of the homestead. In 1851, Amasa Thompson moved to Missouri, but remained there only a short time before returning to Kentucky. Ten children were born, of whom only five were still living in 1901: Mary M. (Artemesa) of Yate Center, Kansas; E. Jane (Browning), of Butler County, Missouri; Newton J.; Kate (Schmidt), of Henry County, Kentucky; and Ophelia Ann (Bobbett), of St. Louis, Missouri. Amasa Thompson’s wife, who was a first cousin of Daniel Boone, was first married to a Mr. Sisk.
Newton J. Thompson was reared in Kentucky and educated at the Masonic college, at La Grange, in that state. He accompanied his parents to Missouri in 1851, but soon afterward returned to Kentucky. During the Civil War he was in the service of the government, in Kansas. In 1859 he left Saline County, Missouri, for Kansas, where he lived afterward. For eight years he was a government freighter on the plains. He had charge of a train consisting of 25 loads and a mess-wagon, and traveled to various parts of Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico.
Newton J. Thompson drove into Cowley County, Kansas, on August 13, 1868, over the old cattle trail from Ellsworth, with three teams of mules and horses.  He built a house on the east bank of the Walnut river, about one mile below the line. Mr. Sales and family, who settled on the Walnut just below Thompson’s place in December, 1868, were the first settlers with families of whom any evidence can be found. At this time there was no house on Grouse creek, nor upon the Arkansas river below Wichita.
Mr. Douglass, after whom the town of Douglass was named, persuaded Mr. Thompson to go  into the cattle business, and he accordingly located at the mouth of Rock and Muddy Creeks, where he had a corral, of about 100 acres in extent, in a bend of the Walnut River. (Note: This is about four miles south of the north border of Cowley County. RKW.)  The cattle ranged east from this corral, and it was while out hunting them, that he came to the decision to locate where he thereafter lived. In the latter part of 1869 he preempted the northwest quarter of section 7, township 31, range 6 east, and afterward bought the southwest quarter of the same section. He first lived in a tent, and the Indians subsisted on his cattle for more than a year. About two years later, he built a stone house, the walls of which were 18 inches thick, and this later formed a part of his last residence, a six-room dwelling. At the outset he used a stone shed for a barn, 40 by 46 feet in dimensions. He was successful in the cattle business for many years, but in later years leased the greater part of his farm, and dealt extensively in standard bred horses.

Mr. Thompson was first married, in Brownsville, Missouri, to Miss Berry, deceased, as were also their children. He married again July 23, 1868, at Leavenworth, Kansas, Anna Yakel, born in Germany April 28, 1838, who had settled in Wisconsin on her arrival to this country in 1853. They had no children. She received the premium at the first fair held at Highland Park, Winfield, Kansas.
Mrs. N. J. Thompson died November 6, 1911. Buried in Wilmot cemetery.
Norman J. Thompson died April 19, 1913. Buried in Wilmot cemetery.
Silver Creek Township 1874: N. J. Thompson, 40; spouse, Anna, 33.
Kansas 1875 Census, Silver Creek Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name                           age sex color    Place/birth            Where from
N. J. Thompson            40  m     w      Kentucky                     Missouri
Anna Thompson           34    f      w      ?                                  Wisconsin
Silver Creek Township 1878: N. J. Thompson, 44; spouse, Anna, 37.
P. O. Address Moscow.
Silver Creek Township 1879: N. J. Thompson, 45; spouse, Anna, 38
Mrs. N. J. Thompson died November 6, 1911.
Norman J. Thompson died April 19, 1913  and was buried in the Wilmot cemetery.
                                              [FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
W. Heineken vs. N. J. Thompson, dismissed.
In August 1868, N. J. Thompson, the first white settler, ventured within its limits. He built a house on the east bank of the Walnut river, about one mile below the line. Mr. Sales and family, who settled on the Walnut just below Thompson’s place in December 1868, were the first settlers with families of whom any evidence can be found. At this time there was no house on Grouse creek, nor upon the Arkansas river below Wichita.
Note: C. M. Wood referred to Mr. Sayles instead of Mr. Sales.
PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. The following Granges were organized by J. H. Werden, deputy. Jan. 17, 1874, Omnia, N. J. Thompson, master.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.
The convention met at the courthouse last Saturday and temporarily organized by electing E. P. Young chairman and J. W. Curns, secretary. Committees were appointed and the conven­tion adjourned till 1 o’clock. The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates. Silver Creek Township: N. J. Thompson, Thomas J. Payne.

Judge McDonald moved that a county central committee be appointed consisting of one from each township and also a cam­paign committee consisting of five members who should be centrally located. The following gentlemen comprise the central committee: T. McIntire, W. D. Lester, N. J. Thompson, W. R. Bedell, J. P. Eckels, Wm. Moon, Adam Walck, Jos. Howard, C. C. Krow, J. B. Lynn, K. McClung, J. W. Ledlie, P. W. Smith, Wm. Morrow, Jno. Smiley, Geo. Harris, Jno. McAllister, Wm. Grow, Jno. Bobbitt, Dennis Harkins, and Wm. Anderson.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Last Saturday ended the most successful fair ever held in Cowley County. The display, especially of blooded stock, was large, and shows that our people are awake to the advantage of well-bred over common scrub stock. We hope this may result in rooting out the old scrubby breeds that are so numerous at present.
The three Short Horn cows and calves, owned by N. J. Thomp­son, showed many fine points, and carried the blue ribbon.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
“CLASS B”—CATTLE. This class was well represented, there being forty-one entries, all a good grade of stock. The exhibit shows a decided advance in the quality and grade of our stock.
N. J. Thompson of Burden carried off four 1st and two 2nd premiums, making six premiums in all on his herd of nine.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
SHORTHORNS. Best bull 1 year old, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1st premium; Bayne & Cecil, Kentucky, 2nd.
GRADES AND CROSSES. Best bull calf under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1st premium; E. Rodgers, city, 2nd. Best heifer 1 year old and under 2, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1st premium; A. Hurst, Bolton, 2nd.
SWEEPSTAKES. Best cow shown with offspring, not less than four in number, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1st premium.
SPECIAL PREMIUMS. By S. W. Phoenix, for the best colt sired by “Lilac,” ten dollars, awarded to N. J. Thompson, Burden.
NOTE: Mr. N. J. Thompson got away with everyone with his short horn calves. They were beauties in “form and finish.”
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
N. J. Thompson held one share of stock.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Mr. N. J. Thompson’s premium of his Short Horn cattle amounted to $88.50.

N. J. Thompson took $89 in premiums in the cattle ring with his thoroughbreds. His cattle were very fine.
We print below a complete list of premiums awarded from the Secretary’s books.
Colt, one year old and under two: M. L. Read, first; N. J. Thompson, second.
Mare, 1 year old and under 2; N. J. Thompson, first.
Bull, 2 years old and under 3; N. J. Thompson, 1st.
Bull calf under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.
Cow 3 years old or over, John R. Smith, 1st; N. J. Thompson, 2nd.
Heifer 2 years old and under 3, N. J. Thompson, 1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.
Heifer 1 year old and under 2, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.
Heifer under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.
Best bull any age or blood, N. J. Thompson, 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The display in horses this morning was in the “agricultural” line. The exhibit was large and in excellent form. A. J. Lyon took first premium on a 4 year old stallion and H. C. Hawkins second. S. Allison captured another blue ribbon on his 3 year old, and Frank Conkright on a 2 year old, with N. J. Thompson second. John McMahan’s one year old stallion took a blue ribbon, while N. L. Yarbrough got the red. F. B. Evan’s stallion colts took both blue and red. In the Gelding ring F. W. Schwantes’s fine iron gray took first on 4 year olds. For 2 year olds M. L. Read’s handsome chestnut colt took the blue, and Gene Wilber’s fine bay second. There was a great herd of mares competing. The first prize was won by Mr. J. S. Baker, of New Salem, and the second by Mr. E. J. Johnson, of Sheridan. N. J. Thompson’s 2 year old mare also got a blue ribbon and J. R. Smith’s the red. L. Stout got away with the yearling first prize and Joseph Hahn second. The colt prize was won by R. W. Stephens, N. L. Yarbrough second. In mule colts Henry Hahn took premiums.
CATTLE. The shorthorns were the first called in the ring. Never has finer cattle been shown at any fair. They were all beauties, and it was difficult to judge between them. The judges selected were R. M. Clark, of Beaver; Silas Kennedy, of Bolton; and S. Allison, of Winfield. N. J. Thompson took a blue ribbon on his fine bull, and Bahntge, Kates & Co., a red. Mr. J. Johnson, of Spring Creek, captured two blue ribbons and two red ones on his fine show of short horns. J. R. Smith & Son took one first and two seconds. Mr. F. W. McClellan took two blue ribbons on his fine calves.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The list given below shows money premiums only. Checks for same will be ready after October 1st, and must be claimed by November 1st, 1885, or forfeit to the association. (See rule 12.) Diplomas for exhibits having no competition may be had by calling at the Secretary’s office.

Class A.—HORSES.
Lot 5. Agricultural.
Stallion, 2 years old and under 3. F. H. Conkright 1st, N. J. Thompson 2nd.
Mare, 2 years old and under 3. N. J. Thompson 1st, J. R. Smith 2nd.
Class B.—CATTLE.
Lot 1. Shorthorns.
Bull 3 years old and over. N. J. Thompson 1st, Bahntge & Co., 2nd.
Lot 7. Grades and Crosses.
Cow, 2 years old and under 3. N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.
Heifer, 1 year and under 2. J. R. Smith 1st, N. J. Thompson 2nd.
Heifer 6 months and under 1 year. N. J. Thompson 1st.
Heifer calf, under 6 months. J. R. Smith 1st, N. J. Thompson 2nd.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum