N. J. Trusty
Emporia News, November 19, 1869.
On Wednesday we had a call from Mr. W. W. Andrews, of Cowley County, from whom we have late intelligence from that new county. There is beginning to be some anxiety about threatened troubles with the Indians, and Mr. Andrews was on his way to Topeka to lay before the Governor a petition signed by almost every legal voter in that county, asking him to take measures for their safety. He also brought us the proceedings of a meeting lately held there, at which a “Citizens Protective Union” was organized, the constitution, by-laws, and resolutions of which we publish below.
Mr. Andrews informs us that immigrants are pouring into that county at a rapid rate. Nine families arrived the morning he left, and dozens more are now on their way thither. It is becoming well known that Cowley is one of the best timbered, watered, and agricultural counties in the State, and between this and next summer the rush will be great. Mr. Andrews says there has been no outbreak with the Indians yet, but they are saucy, and are committing petty thefts among the settlers. Where the men are about home in considerable numbers, the Indians do not disturb anyone, but they watch, and when they find the men absent they visit the houses and compel the women to cook meals for them, after which they load their ponies with provisions and leave. When they can find two or three settlers out from other settlements, they make a regular business of robbing them. The Indians assert that they will not hurt anybody, but that settlers shall not open claims below the mouth of Dutch Creek. They have robbed and driven back all who have ventured below that point, and the settlers, knowing their treachery, fear trouble will break out.
It must be recollected that these settlers are not on land where the Indians object to their going, further than that they want to save their hunting ground. We hope the Governor will make speedy and decided action in the matter, and do all in his power to relieve the demands of these enterprising people. They have gone on to these lands with the assurance from Superintendent Hoag that they should have peaceable possession of them. Notwithstanding the promises the store of C. M. Wood was burned by the Indians.
COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS, November 7, 1869.
The citizens of Cowley County assembled at the house of Dr. Graham for the purpose of organizing a Citizens’ Protective Union.
N. J. Trusty was elected Chairman, and Dr. Graham, Secretary, after which the following constitution, by-laws, and resolutions were presented and adopted.
ARTICLE 1. This Association shall be called the Cowley County Citizens’ Protective Union.
ARTICLE 2. The object of the Association shall be the mutual protection of citizens, both in claims and property.
ARTICLE 3. The Association shall be composed of those citizens residing within Cowley County who subscribe to this Constitution.
ARTICLE 4. The officers of the Association shall be a President and Secretary.
ARTICLE 5. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two thirds of all the members present.
ARTICLE 1. This Association shall hold at least one session in each year, at such time and place as may be determined upon from time to time.
ARTICLE 2. The officers shall be elected at each annual session, by ballot, and shall remain in office until others are chosen.
ARTICLE 3. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Association, preserve order therein, put all questions, announce decisions, appoint committees, and call meetings at his discretion, or at the request of three members.
ARTICLE 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of meetings, answer all letters addressed to the Association, give proper notice of the meetings, and attend to such other business as generally pertains to this office.
Resolved, That the members of this Association use their influence to encourage immigration to the bounds of this county.
Resolved, That owing to the outrages having been perpetrated upon the property of citizens of this county by the Osage Indians, that we petition the Governor for protection.
Resolved, That each citizen be entitled to hold a claim of one hundred and sixty acres of land, provided he improves and resides upon the same within thirty days after making his claim, and that we recognize as improvements sufficient to entitle a man to protection that there be a house upon the claim, and at least five acres cultivated within twelve months from making his claim.
Resolved, That we recognize no man’s right to hold a claim of more than one hundred and sixty acres of land.
Resolved, That in the transaction of business this Association be governed by parliamentary rules.
Election of officers being next in order, Dr. W. G. Graham was elected President for the ensuing year, and C. M. Wood Secretary. Adjourned.
N. J. TRUSTY, President.
W. G. GRAHAM, Secretary.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session at the County Clerk’s office in Winfield, June 27th, 1871. Present: T. A. Blanchard, G. H. Norton, and E. Simpson.
Petition of Jasper Trusty and others for a new township was granted, with the following boundary lines: Commencing on the west bank of the Walnut, at the crossing of the north line of Township 33, Range 4, thence west to northwest corner of township, thence south to southwest corner of township, thence east two miles, thence south two miles, then east five miles, thence north six miles, thence west to Walnut River, thence up the Walnut River, to place of beginning. Name of Township: “Pleasant Valley.” Election ordered July 25th, 1871.
Note: Further entries relative to N. J. (“Jasper”) Trusty did not appear. He was not mentioned on the 1875 census of Cowley County. It appears that he moved from the county in 1871 or 1872. MAW