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Kirk and Alexander Connection

                                                         TUNNEL MILLS.

Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse shoeing and everything in the blacksmith line done in the best style at moderate charges. Having had more than 20 years experience in the business, all work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Shop north end of Main Street West Side.
                                                            JAMES KIRK.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872.
AD: BLACKSMITHING. KIRK & GORDON. HORSE SHOEING AND PLOW REPAIRING. Shop at south end of Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 24, 1873.
Friend Kirk is doing a brisk business at blacksmithing since moving his shop nearer the center of business.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.
                                                  A Peep Over the Shoulder.
This number completes Volume 1st of the WINFIELD COURIER. One year ago it was started to supply a want long felt, not only in the Republican party, but among businessmen of all shades of opinion, who desired a good advertising medium. . . .
The buildings erected during the year just closed have been of the most substantial kind, the most prominent of which we call to mind, the splendid brick Bank building of M. L. Read; the neat Drug house of Maris, Carson & Baldwin; the magnificent flowering mills of C. A. Bliss and Blandin & Covert; the jail and Court­house; the residences of Kirk, McMillen, and Dr. Graham. These are but a few of the many built during the last twelve months, and they are such as to do credit to any town in the state. Bridges of magnificent proportions span all main streams on the roads leading to town. . . .
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
The editor-in-chief of this paper made the best race for councilman that was made at the late city election. He beat Dr. Mansfield, S. H. Myton, James Kirk, Jones, Williams, Gray, Austin, Jack-of-clubs, and Tom Wright’s dog.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
                                                   Witness: James Kirk, $3.00.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
                            They believe in the principle of Good work at Low Figures.
                                    Shop on Corner of Main Street and 8th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
We called at George Brown’s wagon factory the other day and found him busy making wagons, harrows, etc. George is a good workman, and uses the best Indiana and Michigan well seasoned timber, and the fact that Kirk & Gordon does the iron work, is sufficient guarantee that it is done well.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
Mr. Jas. Kirk is putting up some valuable additions to his residence on 8th avenue.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Kirk’s new cottage residence on 8th Avenue is nearly com­pleted, and Dave Kenworthy’s foundation started for a dwelling on same street.
                       [Note the change from “Gordon” to “Gordan” in ad below.]
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
                                                 WAGON SHOP TO RENT.
                                            Inquire at the Blacksmith Shop of
                                                       KIRK & GORDAN,
                                            Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
                                                     CENTENNIAL ISSUE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
The Congregational denomination has one church organization. It is located in Winfield. Its organization was perfected in January, 1871, S. B. Johnson, Pastor. J. B. Fairbank and A. Howland, Deacons. It became a chartered corporation June 13th, 1873: Directors A. Howland, J. B. Fairbank, James A. Kirk, Ed T. Johnson, Ed W. Perkins. Rev. J. B. Parmelee became pastor in 1873. Mr. Parmelee moved to Indiana in the spring of 1875, since which time the church has been without a pastor.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

Monday morning the citizens of the west part of town were startled with the cry of “Help! Help! Murder!!” Three men were seen scuffling on the street near Kirk’s blacksmith shop. Sheriff Walker rushed to the scene, and found old man Hornemann in the hands of two men, who were trying to put him in a wagon. He was shouting vociferously and calling on the bystanders for help. Dick enquired of the parties by what authority they were acting, and they showed him a warrant for Hornemann properly signed by the authorities of Rice County. Having the proper credentials, they chucked the old man in the wagon, and hurried off towards Wichita. Dick hurried up to the office of Pryor, who made immediate application to, and obtained of Judge Gans, a writ of habeas corpus. Armed with this and other necessaries, Dick started out after the kidnappers. A novel race ensued. The old man was pinioned to the lower deck of the wagon box by a two hundred pound deputy sheriff sitting on his broad chest, while the other sat upon the seat and drove furiously. As Walker came in sight, they redoubled their speed, thinking to reach the county line before him. They didn’t know the man or the mettle of the little bay team that was slashing up behind them. He came up, halted them, and demanded the prisoner. They gave him up without any “back talk.” As Hornemann, almost breathless, climbed into the buggy with Dick, he shook his fist at the big Rice deputy man and said: “By shimminy, you don’t sit on mine pelly so much now as before Valker came you did, eh!” The cause alleged for the arrest was that Hornemann stole a horse up in Rice and brought it down here. The truth of the matter is this: Hornemann hired a horse of Mr. Fitzsimmons, of Red Bud, loaned it to Tom Deering, who drove it up to Rice County and sold it. Hornemann, having a chattel mortgage on the horse, went up and got it. Then he was followed and arrested for stealing the horse, as above stated. His trial will come off next Monday. The old man’s description of his ride, with the deputy sheriff sitting on him, was too funny for any use.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
The Union Sunday school has lost none of its prestige. Mr. Kirk makes a very successful Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1876.
                                                   City Council Proceedings.
Bill of James Kirk, $37.00, for ladder trucks for the City, and repairing ladder, 50 cents, total $37.50, was read, approved, and ordered paid.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
                                                   HURRAH FOR TUCKER!
                              THE WINFIELD WAGON AND CARRIAGE SHOP
is doing the best business and best work in this line ever done in Cowley County.
                                                        Repairing a Specialty.
                                            SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.
                           Shop in connection with Kirk & Gordon’s Blacksmith Shop.
                                                           R. H. TUCKER.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
The suit of Seely vs. Kirk is compromised. It created considerable interest. Seely was the owner of a horse in Septem­ber last which Kirk shod. Shortly afterward the horse’s feet became useless. Seely claimed that the hoofs had been burned by Kirk’s shoeing and brought suit for damage. A jury trail was had before Squire Boyer. The jury were out thirty-six hours and failed to agree. The costs in the case ran up to over one hundred dollars, and then the parties compromised. Hackney & McDonald for plaintiff, and E. S. Torrance for defendant.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
                                                          Hurrah for Tucker!
                              THE WINFIELD WAGON AND CARRIAGE SHOP
is doing the best business and best work in this line ever done in Cowley County.
                           Shop in connection with Kirk & Gordon’s Blacksmith Shop.
                                                           R. H. TUCKER.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mrs. N. J. Ross has removed her dressmaking and hair working establishment to the third door west of Kirk’s blacksmith shop. She also has a machine for fringing dress trimmings.

Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
LIGHTNING. There was a ball of lightning passed across block 107 in Winfield, near the ground, Wednesday, passing through James Kirk’s blacksmith shop. No one was hit, but it was a shocking affair. Mr. Kirk, a Mr. Cary, and several others were considerably shocked, and Mrs. Dixon was so stunned that she did not recover for an hour. Royal Tucker says: “It knocked the bottom out of my pocket.”
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Mr. W. T. Roland, traveling agent for the Fairbank’s Scales Company, is now permanently located in this city. He can be found at his residence, the house lately occupied by Mr. James Kirk. Persons desiring the best scales made, should call on him. He is a gentleman who can be relied on.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
The store room and hardware stock of H. Jochems has been removed to the Kirk lot, just north of Lynn and Gillelen’s store, where his many customers will find him until the completion of his new building.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Mrs. Kirk is quite sick, and is not expected to live.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
The store room and hardware stock of H. Jochems has been removed to the Kirk lot, just north of Lynn and Gillelen’s store, where his many customers will find him until the completion of his new building.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
Mr. Warren Gillelen has purchased the Kirk lot, on the corner of Main street and 8th avenue, and will soon begin the erection of a large two story brick building thereon.
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.
J. B. Lynn has purchased the Kirk lot, on the corner of Main and Eighth avenue, for $10,000.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Mr. Frank Williams returned Monday from a trip to the new mineral springs in Arkansas. Frank thinks the springs have some medicinal qualities but do not possess the healing qualities that are ascribed to them. He is much improved in appearance and enjoyed the trip. Messrs. Kirk and Service, of our city, are still there. Although only a few months old, the town, Eureka Springs, has a population of 15,000.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Mr. James Kirk returned from Rockford, Illinois, Tuesday evening. He left Mrs. Kirk at Rockford, under treatment for a couple of months longer. She is getting some relief and it is hoped will receive permanent benefit.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
                                                  Horticultural Society Meeting.
Jas. Kirk, Jas. M. Bair, A. H. [?M.?] Broadwell, Mahlon Fatout, H. C. Catlin, F. H. Brown, H. E. Asp, T. A. Blanchard, and F. W. McClellan enrolled as members of the Society. J. F. MARTIN, President. JACOB NIXON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
                                           Jas. Kirk, seedling peaches, very good.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
D. F. Best has moved his stock of sewing machines and musical instruments to the Kirk building, one door north of Lynn’s.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. Kirk is fitting up the old building removed from his Main street lot for a grist mill. He is putting in a large engine and several runs of burrs for grinding corn, exclusively. The building has been placed on the lot just back of Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
WINFIELD CORN MEAL & FEED MILL is now running, and farmers can get their corn ground either into meal or feed at very reasonable rates.
Our Choice Graham Flour and Corn Meal can be had of all grocers in the city.
Winfield Corn & Feed Mills,
JAMES KIRK, Proprietor.
West of Lynn’s store, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Mr. Kirk’s mill did a rushing business Saturday, grinding corn meal and chop feed. The adjoining street was crowded with waiting teams.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
Mr. Kirk’s corn meal and feed mill seems to be “filling a long felt want,” by the way farmers are crowding in their corn. When ground, the corn will feed twice as far.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
At a meeting of the session of the 1st Presbyterian church at Winfield, Kansas, held June 18th, 1883, the following resolutions were adopted.

WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his wise yet inscrutable providence to remove from our midst to his heavenly home our Pastor, the Rev. James E. Platter, who has been with us almost from the very origin of this church, and whose care and fidelity more than all other human agencies has been the cause of the growth and prosperity of this church, we would record here our sense of the greatness of our loss and our estimate of his character; we regarded him as an able expounder of the Scriptures, a man who loved and studied the Word of God with a devout mind and a deep desire to know the truth. He was an able preacher; he set forth the doctrines of the Gospel clearly and urged them upon the mind and conscience of his hearers with great earnestness and a studious endeavor to convince the understanding, warm the heart, and thus bring all to Christ. He was a good pastor, eminently large hearted, ready in his sympathies, able to comfort the sorrowing, instruct the ignorant, guide the inquiring, and gently yet firmly reprove the erring, ever telling by his instructions the way to heaven and showing by his example how to walk in it. He was a good citizen, always interested in all things pertaining to the welfare of the community, anxious for the development of all that was good, and ready to assist liberally with his means. We mourn his loss with deep sorrow that is personal to each of us. We record with pleasure the fact that in all our intercourse with him as pastor, he was ever kind, honorable and true, seeking the good of the church and the welfare of us all, Therefore be it
Resolved, That we extend to the widow and the orphaned children and the bereaved mother our deepest sympathy. Our prayer is that God may bless them all with the infinite riches of His grace, and that they may be sustained in this hour of trial and reach the home of heaven when God shall call.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased as an expression of our appreciation of his Christian character, and of our sympathy with them in their bereavement.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the session records, and that a copy be furnished each of the City papers for publication.
By order of session. J. W. CURNS, Clerk. JAMES KIRK, Acting Moderator.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
Fresh ground Graham Flour, White Corn Meal, and Feed always on hand at Kirk’s mill, West of Lynn’s Store.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Quite an excitement was caused Saturday by an alarm of fire. A very high wind was prevailing at the time, and had a fire ever got under headway, a large destruction of property would have been the result. The fire came from James Kirk’s mill, on Eighth Avenue. James F. Martin was in the lumberyard opposite and saw smoke arising from the roof around the smoke stack in time to give the alarm before it blazed up. But little damage was done.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Fresh ground Graham Flour, White Corn Meal, and Feed always on hand at Kirk’s Mill, West of Lynn’s Store.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Winfield corn meal and feed mill for sale or trade. For particulars apply to James Kirk, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
                                                       Talesman: James Kirk.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Mr. Jas. Kirk has added a second story to his mill and intends putting in two wheat burrs, which will enable him to do custom work in that line as well as in corn.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
From the books of H. G. Fuller & Co., we copy the following sales of city and county property made by the firm between the 6th and 18th of this month. It is a wonderful record in real estate movement.
WINFIELD CITY PROPERTY. James Kirk to James M. Renick, 1 lot: $52.50.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.

Mr. James Kirk has been putting another story on his grist mill back of Lynn’s and is putting in machinery by which he can grind wheat as well as corn. Heretofore he has been grinding corn exclusively.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
A girl wanted to do general housework. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Kirk, first house west of Lynn’s store.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
For sale cheap: a 20 horse power engine and boiler. Also an iron mill for grinding corn. Inquire at Kirk’s mill on Eighth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
A fire caught in James Kirk’s corn and feed mill Monday afternoon from cinders which had been taken from the engine. The alarm had hardly been given before our fire companies were on the ground and had the blaze extinguished. The damage was only a few dollars, but had we been without waterworks, the result would certainly have been very disastrous.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Miss Annie Service came in last week and is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk. She will probably remain some time.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
An ordinance dividing the city into five wards, and regulating fire alarms was passed.
The following bills were ordered paid.
Hose Co. No. 1, fires at Whiting’s, Mann’s, Kirk’s, and call of mayor to exhibit waterworks in May last, $42.00.
Hose Co. No. 2, fires of Whiting, Mann, and Kirk, and call of mayor to exhibit waterworks to Independence officials, $43.00.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Farmers, Attention! Having now got complete FLOURING MACHINERY into my mill, and all running in good order, I am ready to supply a First-Class Straight Flour. Bring on your grists.       KIRK’S STEAM MILLS,
                                          West of Lynn’s Store, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Farmers, Attention! Having now got complete FLOURING MACHINERY into my mill, and all running in good order, I am ready to supply a First-Class Straight Flour. Bring on your grists. KIRK’S STEAM MILLS. West of Lynn’s Store, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
The “Cowley County Bible Society” held its annual meeting at the Methodist Church last Sunday evening. The old officers, James Kirk, president; John Rowland, secretary; W. R. McDonald, treasurer; and Henry Brown, depositor; were re-elected. An excellent lecture on the Great Book of Books, the Bible, was given by Dr. Kirkwood, followed by remarks from the State agent of the American Bible Society, Rev. J. J. Thompson. About $196 worth of Bibles were distributed by the Cowley society during the past year.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.

Flour, corn, meal, and feed always on hand at Kirks’ mill, 8th avenue, west of Lynn’s store.



Cowley County Historical Society Museum