Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
The new County Clerk has struck a rich lead. The books and records are in such a condition that no one can make any sense out of them. Errors are apparent everywhere. In one instance, that of the school district at Arkansas City, the bond levy by the Commissioners was nine mills, but the County Clerk put it on the tax roll ten mills all the way through. In the Winfield Township tax roll, many errors have come to light. The State Board of Equalization raised the valuation of land twenty-two and a half percent; the County Clerk raised it only twenty percent. There is a large difference between the amount charged to the Treasurer, and the tax roll that was put into his hands to collect by.
The new County Clerk is so nonplussed by the situation that he has suggested to the chairman of the county board that it would be well to have a meeting of the Commissioners to examine the affairs of the office so as to relieve him of an irregularity, and to give the new incumbent a fair start in the business.
As we said in regard to the mortgage business last week, we are careful not to charge anyone with irregularity or improper conduct wrongfully, but give all an opportunity to explain or defend; but as there has been no explanation to that matter offered to the public, so there may be none to this.
We await future developments with interest.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
By reference to a table published this week, we find that Winfield Township pays one fifth of the entire state and county tax of this county, and that it pays more state and county tax than Silver Creek, Sheridan, Omnia, Cedar, Harvey, Spring Creek, and Creswell Townships combined, including the town of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
The Winfield Board of Trade.
We are informed that several of our influential citizens have organized an organization to be known as the Winfield City Board of Trade. The purpose of the organization is the welfare of the city and county. We have been presented with the following resolutions for publication as having been passed at their first meeting.
Resolved: That the interests of Winfield are not promoted by the publication of three papers therein.
Resolved: That the spirit of strife manifested among our people bodes no good to the welfare of the place.
Resolved: That the Winfield city organization is an expensive and useless humbug.
Resolved: That our city schools should be closed by the middle of March and that a three months term should immediately be commenced thereafter with female teachers at lower wages as an economical measure.
Resolved: That it is the duty of every citizen of Winfield to aid by word and deed the husbandmen of the county who must soon prepare for seed time.
Resolved: That it is the duty of the Winfield Township authorities to rebuild the bridge across the Walnut south of town.
Resolved: That in the opinion of this board the money collected for liquor licenses in Winfield Township, before the organization of the city, is sufficient to repair said bridge if the funds could be reached.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.
The bridge south of town is attempting to conform to the advice of the noble Horace G. It’s “going West,” and unless something is done to it soon, it will go South via the Walnut River. Immediate steps should be taken to save it. Twelve hundred dollars will put it in good shape. If not attended to at once, the township will lose six thousand dollars and the use of the bridge.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.
The Winfield Township ticket created some strife at the late election. The Republicans elected all their candidates, however, but W. E. Tansey, the Republican candidate for justice of the peace, failed to get the certificate of election notwithstanding he received about thirty majority. The judges of election refused to count about forty ballots that had the names of two candidates for justices of the peace upon them. This they did under the law as they understood it. It was well known however that Mr. Tansey was being voted for the vacant office and that A. G. Green was being voted for the vacancy that is thought will occur next spring. The judges undoubtedly erred, and consequently Mr. J. W. Curns received the certificate. The officers are: Trustee, J. H. Hunt; Clerk, E. S. Bedilion; Treasurer, B. Baldwin; Justice of the Peace, J. W. Curns; Constables, Ed. Evans and Burt Covert.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, January 10, 1876.
New Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and Wm. White.
On motion of W. M. Sleeth, R. F. Burden was elected chairman of the board for the ensuing year.
J. S. Hunt, trustee of Winfield Township, appeared and asked the board to repair a bridge built by Winfield Township across the Walnut River south of Winfield. The board, after being fully advised in the matter, agreed to lay the matter over for the present.
W. B. Turner appeared and asked the board to remit his personal property tax for the year 1876, and after being fully advised of the facts in the matter, the board agreed to lay the matter over until the next session of the board.
Petition of R. D. Ford and others, of Vernon Township, for section line road presented, and the board being satisfied that all the resident claim owners had agreed to the location of said road, and that said road is practicable, the same is hereby ordered opened, recorded, and platted; said road to be 50 feet wide.
E. B. Kager, County Treasurer of Cowley County, appeared and asked the board to revoke an order made at the last session of the board requiring the County Attorney to commence an action against said Kager for a fine as provided for in section 6, chapter 8, special laws 1874. The board after being fully advised in the matter agreed to revoke said order upon the following vote: W. M. Sleeth and Wm. White voting aye to the proposition to revoke and R. F. Burden voting nay to said proposition.
The board hereby agrees to appropriate enough money out of the general county fund to pay for the abstract of entries of lands required by law, to be obtained by the county after the 1st day of March, 1876; and the County Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay the amount of money necessary to obtain said abstract.
On motion of W. M. Sleeth, board adjourned till tomorrow at 9 o’clock A. M.
JANUARY 11, 1876.
Board met as per adjournment. All present.
The following named persons, H. O. Meigs and James E. Platter, were appointed a committee to assist the Probate Judge to count the funds in the County Treasury at the next quarterly statement; and the County Clerk is hereby ordered to notify said persons of their said appointment.
In the matter of the county printing the board hereby agree to do nothing toward the letting of said printing until the next regular meeting of the board; and the County Clerk is hereby ordered and empowered to have the necessary county printing done as he may deem best until the contract shall be let by the board.
The County Clerk is hereby ordered to go to Topeka, Kansas, for the purpose of straightening up our school land sales account with the States; and the board hereby agree to pay the necessary traveling expenses of said County Clerk to and from the State capitol.
In the matter of the Winfield Township bridge, the board have on this day agreed not to repair said bridge for the reason that the county did not appropriate money in the construction thereof; and hence the county has nothing to do with said bridge.
In the matter of insuring the courthouse, the board, after first ascertaining the rates of different companies represented by the local agents of the city of Winfield, agree to take a $5,000 policy on said courthouse, $2,500 to be taken in the “Home” of New York and $2,500 to be taken in the “Kansas” of Leavenworth, Kansas. It is hereby ordered that an order be drawn on the County Treasury in favor of T. K. Johnston, agent of the “Kansas,” for $75.00 and an order in favor of A. H. Green, agent for the “Home,” for $75.00 in payment of said policies.
Board adjourned to meet on the first Monday after the first Tuesday in April at 1 o’clock P. M.
I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk in and for the county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Commissioners’ Journal for a session of the board held on the 10th and 11th days of January, 1876.
Witness my hand and seal at Winfield, Kansas, this 12th day of January, A. D. 1876.
M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
FOR THAT BRIDGE! Now that the County Commissioners have resolved that they won’t repair the bridge south of town, Winfield Township must do it. The township board should at once make an examination of the structure and, if necessary, call some practical bridge builder to their aid and decide at once what is necessary and then go to work. The township had better spend twelve hundred dollars if necessary than lose the bridge.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.
By a close reading of law and decisions our township trustee has concluded that he is not overseer of the poor in cities of the third class, that are located within Winfield Township. The Mayor has that duty to perform.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876. Editorial Page.
Families Driven From Houses.
$100,000 Damage.
Last Friday night the rain descended in floods in this region of country. Nearly all night and for some hours during Saturday morning the clouds poured a deluge of water upon the face of the earth. During the night light showers of hail accompanied the rain. The ravines and creeks were soon full. Then the larger streams began rising with unparalleled rapidity.
At noon of Saturday the stream north of town, known as Timber Creek, was over its banks and surging against the bridge. About noon the bridge left its moorings.
By this time the water was spreading over the farms in the bottoms. Houses, families, crops, and stock were in peril. The real danger now broke upon the minds of the people. The water had passed all its former limits and was still rising. There was “hurrying to and fro.” The bridges and mills adjoining town on the Walnut were the objects of solicitude next. Bliss & Co. carried all the wheat and flour into the upper story of their mill. Ropes and axes were used to keep flood wood away from the upper bridge. Communication with the lower bridge was cut off before the bridge was in great peril itself.
Up, up, came the water. All the north part of town was overflowed. Families were rescued by boat and team. The brick yard was three feet under water. A heavy current flowed from Timber Creek on the north through town on Loomis street and across Col. Loomis’ farm to the Walnut on the south. The east and west part of town each “stood upon a shining shore, while Jordan rolled between.”
Along the creeks birds took to the air, rabbits to stumps, and serpents to the trees. On the bosom of the mad Walnut, during the afternoon of Saturday, several head of cattle and swine were swept past the bridge. In their struggles for life they cast imploring looks upon the throng above that could but sympathize with them.
By 6 p.m., of Saturday, the water reached the highest point: at least six feet higher than ever before within the knowledge of the oldest settler. About five o’clock the bridge across the Walnut south of town yielded to the torrent. The water was flowing over the floor of the bridge about one feet deep at the time. It lacked one foot of reaching the upper bridge at any time. One vast expanse of water covered all the bottom lands along the river and Timber Creek in this vicinity. The wheat and other growing crops were out of sight and considered lost.
By 7 p.m. it became apparent that the mad element had spent its force. The water began slowly, about one inch in an hour, to recede. It had risen about twenty feet in twelve hours.
At the time of the flood grave apprehensions were entertained as to the extent of the damage likely to ensue. But as reports came in
of the unpopular uprising are not so serious as expected. C. A. Bliss & Co. were damaged to the amount of $500; Fin Graham lost sixteen head of cattle, some wheat and corn in bin and grain in field, about $500. McBride & Green, in brick yard, about $200. These are the heaviest individual losses.
The two bridges swept off are a loss to Winfield Township of about $4,000. The bridge across the Walnut at Arkansas City was swept off, damage $5,000.
A great many small losses were experienced in this vicinity and throughout the county. A large amount of planted corn, with the soil and hedges, were washed away.
Along the valleys of Timber, Silver, and Grouse, the bottoms were overflowed.
The total damage throughout the county must approximate $100,000. The most of the water came from Timber Creek. The Walnut above this point rose to the highest water mark, but did not get out of its banks.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Item skipped entitled “Statistics of Population and Growing Crops of 1876 and Productions of Cowley County for the Year ending March 1st, 1876.
AFTER TABULATIONS: In addition to the foregoing there are in the county of other products, 49 acres of spring wheat; 32 acres of barley; 21 acres of buckwheat; 28 acres of sweet potatoes, but which are added into the potato total above; 4 acres of castor beans; 9 acres of cotton; 362 acres of flax; 1 acre of hemp; 13 acres of tobacco; 47 acres of broom corn; 25 acres of timothy; 42 acres of clover; 99 acres of blue grass; 113 acres of fruit nurseries; 35 acres of vineyard; 1,512 bearing apple trees; 763 bearing pear trees; 60,864 bearing peach trees; 272 bearing plum trees; 1,108 bearing cherry trees; and 340,704 fruit trees of all descriptions set out and not bearing.
Garden produce marketed last year, $2,837.00; poultry and eggs marketed, $2,284.00; cheese manufactured, 648 pounds; butter, 185,327; value of animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter, $81,092.
The number of horses in the county March 1st, 1876, 4,074; mules, 707; milch cows, 3,658; other cattle, 7,168; sheep, 3,919; swine, 7,139.
Total valuation, $1,887,678.50.
Winfield Township valuation is over one-fifth of the same, being $380,967.
And still we have no railroad.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The following are the delegates to the Republican county convention for Winfield Township.
Delegates: J. D. Pryor, W. P. Hackney, J. S. Hunt, C. M. Wood, H. Brotherton, G. W. Robertson, Joel Mack, E. C. Seward, Geo. Youle, W. D. Roberts.
Alternates: W. C. Robinson, R. H. Tucker, J. H. Curfman, B. B. Vandaventer, John Park, C. A. Seward, Geo. Bull, Frank Hutton, J. L. M. Hill, A. B. Lemmon.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.
Following this Dr. Graham was elected Coroner, E. P. Kinne, Registrar of Deeds; Thomas Bryan, County Treasurer; Capt. Hunt, County Clerk; N. A. Haight, Surveyor; Geo. L. Gale, County Commissioner of the first district of Rock, Maple, Vernon, Beaver, and Winfield Townships; Major Wm. Sleeth, Commissioner of the second district, comprised of Creswell, Bolton, Pleasant Valley, Silverdale, Liberty, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Otter Townships; R. F. Burden, Commissioner of the third district of Tisdale, Windsor, Dexter, Silver Creek, and Sheridan Townships.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Ed. Bedilion’s name appeared on the Republican tickets in two places, as candidate for Clerk District Court, and Clerk of Winfield Township. Several demagogues deceived voters by telling them that it was through a mistake and persuaded them to erase his name in the county ticket and place in its stead that of his opponent, Mr. Houx. Ed. lost several votes by this infamous trick, and yet these fellows have sore throats from the efforts of shouting “reform.”
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
The Republicans of Winfield Township met pursuant to call, at the Courthouse Saturday, the 4th instant, and proceeded to nominate the following township ticket:” For trustee, J. S. Hunt; for Clerk, Ed. S. Bedilion; for treasurer, B. F. Baldwin; for justice of the peace, W. M. Boyer; for constables, Ed. R. Evans and Burt Covert. After which the following township central committee was chosen: Wirt W. Walton, C. C. Pierce, and S. E. Burger.
J. M. ALEXANDER, Chairman.
E. S. TORRANCE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
The time has come when plain talk is necessary to awaken the people of Cowley County to the dangers that beset them. All pretend to want a railroad constructed into this county. We know that some men do not want one constructed. We know that the farmers, the mechanics, the laborers want one; we know that the men who are so involved in debt that they cannot save their farms except by favorable crops and cheap access to market or by selling at such figures as the construction of a railroad only can bring are also seriously in favor of a railroad. We know, that as a rule, the money loaners do not want a road, and that some of the merchants do not want a road, and the A. T. & S. F. company does not want a road, and that the paid attorneys of the various parties, corporations, and interests above mentioned, do not want a road built into Cowley County.
Now, oh, most respected legislators for whom are you going to legislate? If you allow the present railroad bond law to stand upon the statute book, you do it in the interest of the latter class, so far as Cowley County is concerned. If you allow the majority of the voters of Cowley County to decide whether they will aid a railroad or not, even at an election called by a petition signed by two fifths of the taxpayers of the county, then will you legislate for the first enumerated class.
Most wise A. J. Pyburn! We warn you that it would be better for you to never have seen the valley of the Walnut River than to record your vote against a bill which allows a majority of the people of Cowley County to settle this railroad question for themselves. If you are even the remote cause of maintaining the present law, then shall you be made responsible for all the evils that follow.
At a meeting held in Winfield last Tuesday week, which was called for the purpose of having some railroad men talk to our citizens, a resolution was offered asking the Representatives and Senators from this county to vote in favor of a change of the bond law from two thirds to a majority vote. That resolution was tabled. The Telegram of this place, which is the tool of those who do not want a railroad, parades the action of the meeting as an indication of public sentiment on the question of the change of the bond law. But such is not public sentiment. The men who want railroads feel outraged by the action of that meeting.
The unwise and unjustifiable impulse that prompted the persons who opposed the adoption of the resolution will be better understood and properly corrected in due time. The action of that meeting itself would not have been noticed had it not been given a significance it does not deserve by the tool of the anti-railroad men. It is not time now to stop and quarrel. Unless that law is changed, we get no railroad in Cowley County for three years. There are but a few days in which that work can be done. The taxpayers of Winfield Township are called together for consultation next Saturday, Feb. 17th, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of taking such action on this question as the situation demands. Let every farmer, every taxpayer in this township who wants a railroad, be on hand. If you wish your voices heard, NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK.
Skipped the rest of Manning’s editorials. He criticized Hon. L. J. Webb for being a member of five different committees and as a result neglecting his house duties. He pushed for a narrow gauge railroad in two or three articles. He praised Senator Plumb in another article. He condemned government for pushing 500,000 acres of land belonging to the common school fund into the hands of railroads.
“By act of February 23, 1866, the Legislature passed a law by which these lands were ordered sold and the proceeds given to certain railroad companies therein named to aid the construction of the several lines of railway represented by such companies. This act has been ‘a harp of a thousand strings,’ whereon demagogues have made music to the bewilderment of the people.”
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
To Obtain Money to Pay Interest upon
Your Mortgages.
The object of the meeting of Winfield Township taxpayers, which assembled last Saturday at the Courthouse, was thwarted by the opponents of a railroad. A large number of men were present and voted to defeat the object of the meeting who were not taxpayers; a large number of men who did not belong in the township were present and did the same thing; the meeting was not allowed to vote upon the resolution offered; false statements were made to mislead men who wanted to adopt the resolution asking the legislature to change the law.
Since the action of the meeting held two weeks ago last Tuesday and prior to last Saturday’s meeting, at least one hundred taxpayers of Winfield Township had told us that they wanted the law changed and desired an opportunity to so express themselves. In response to this desire the railroad committee issued the call for a meeting. About two hundred people assembled to that call. As soon as the call was issued, certain individuals, referred to elsewhere in these columns, set themselves very busily to work to prevent the passage of the resolution to be offered. They could not do it by fair means, and so unfair ones were adopted.
In the first place, under the call, no one had any business there except taxpayers who were residents of Winfield Township. In the second place, no other question was in order except that of voting for or against the resolution for which the meeting was called to act upon. On the contrary, however, men voted who were not taxpayers and who were non-residents of the township. And to prevent action on the resolution, the following substitute was offered and bulldozed through the meeting:
[NOTE. We have not been able to obtain the resolution, but it practically nullified the other.]
We were not present at the meeting, but previous to its assembling, the sentiments of three out of every four persons who intended to be present was that the resolution should be adopted. But parliamentary tactics and misrepresentations thwarted their wishes.
The result of this meeting is to be regretted. The legislature will not adjourn until about ten days after the holding of that meeting. If the taxpayers of this township had expressed themselves decidedly in favor of that change, and then a delegation of three or four active citizens had presented that expression to the legislature, there is no doubt but the present two thirds restriction would have been removed, and thereby we would have been able to secure a railroad.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
REV. J. L. Rushbridge.
The gentleman above named made a grave mistake last Saturday. He is not a taxpayer. He attended a taxpayer meeting which was called for the purpose of voting for or against a resolution asking the legislature to change the bond law. He did all that he could to prevent the resolution from coming before the meeting. He made a speech calculated to alarm people against voting bonds to aid railroads. He said the adoption of the resolution asking for a change of the law would do no good for the Legislature would adjourn before the proceedings of the meeting could get to Topeka. This statement was a point-blank falsehood. And this statement coming from such a source, had much to do with the defeat of the object of the meeting. By his unwarrantable course in this matter, he has destroyed his influence for good in this community. We regret this on his account, and because there is ample field for doing good. Everybody understands that this action of his was dictated by the ring which is opposed to railroads. We are aware that he is under special obligations to them for his bread and butter, but the measure of his usefulness is sadly circumscribed by obeying their behests in a matter outside his calling and duty. We hope the action of the conceited reverend will be looked upon charitably and that due allowances will be made for his dependent circumstances.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
The taxpayers and farmers of Winfield Township are grievously disappointed at the action of Saturday’s meeting. They are no more so than the same class of men all over the county. It is a common cause. That our readers may see that our conclusions are justified, we give the names of the following heaviest taxpayers in town, who were in favor of a change of the law, and who have so expressed themselves: C. A. Bliss, C. C. Black, Dr. W. R. Davis, Col. J. M. Alexander, J. C. Fuller, J. B. Lynn, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, B. F. Baldwin, D. A. Millington, Rev. J. E. Platter, J. P. Short, S. H. Myton, E. C. Manning, R. Hudson, W. L. Mullen, Wm. Rodgers, Max Shoeb, Ira Moore, J. P. McMillen, J. M. Bair, J. S. Hunt.
Besides these gentlemen there is a large class of smaller taxpayers in town of the same mind. Outside of the city limits four-fifths of the farmers are in favor of a change in the law.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
Last Saturday Bill Hackney said in his speech at the railroad meeting that the Legislature would adjourn on last Monday, the 19th inst., and that it would do no good to ask the Legislature to change the bond law, for the proceedings of that meeting could not get to Topeka before adjournment day. When he made that statement, he knew it was not true. The Legislature will not adjourn before the 1st of March.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
The final letting of a contract to build an iron bridge across Timber Creek shows what a few determined men may accomplish. A half dozen farmers in the north part of Winfield Township began working that project up a few weeks since and now success crowns their efforts.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
The “ring” said the bond bill couldn’t pass; they said it shouldn’t pass; they said the legislature would adjourn before action could be taken. Presto! Now they say the bill passed before Manning got there, that there was no trouble about passing it, that they were in favor of it all the time, and knew it was going to pass. They haven’t heard about that petition signed by over one hundred farmers of Winfield Township. They don’t sit nor stand still more than two minutes in a place, but go bobbing around, cussing a little, and lying a good deal. They gather in little squads and scatter again; they caucus, and then they cuss without the caucus; then they wonder where the next move will be and how they can beat it.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
At this week’s meeting of the county board, Mr. M. L. Robinson was appointed Trustee of Winfield Township in place of J. S. Hunt, resigned. P. Hedges was appointed constable of Tisdale Township, and G. H. Norman was appointed Clerk of Maple Township.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
The Tax Levy.
The county commissioners have been in session this week, and among other things done by them the annual tax levy was made. Below we give the levy. The school district tax is not given, because that cannot be known until the annual school meetings are held, which come off today.
State tax 5½ mills (Levied by the Legislature).
County tax, general purposes, 6 mills.
County Bond tax, 1½ mills.
Beaver township, general tax, 1 mill.
Bolton township, general tax, 1 mill.
Bolton township, bond tax, 3¼ mills.
Bolton township, road tax, 3 mills.
Creswell township, general tax, 2 mills.
Creswell township, bond tax, 9 mills.
Creswell township, road tax, 3 mills.
Cedar township, general tax, 1 mill.
Dexter township, general tax, 1 mill.
Harvey township, general tax, 1 mill.
Liberty township, general tax, 2 mills.
Maple township, general tax, ½ mill.
Ninnescah township, general tax, 1 mill.
Omnia township, general tax, 1 mill.
Otter township, general tax, 1 mill.
Pleasant Valley township, general tax, 1 mill.
Richland township, general tax, 1 mill.
Rock Creek township, general tax, 1 mill.
Spring Creek township, general tax, 2 mills.
Silver Creek township, general tax, 1 mill.
Silverdale township, general tax, 1 mill.
Sheridan township, general tax, 1 mill.
Tisdale township, general tax, 1 mill.
Vernon township, road tax, 2 mills.
Windsor township, general tax, 1 mill.
Winfield township, general township, 1 mill.
Winfield township, bond tax, 6 mills.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
The city of Winfield has over 1,500 inhabitants, and more coming. Houses, shops, cellars, barns, and corn cribs are in demand for dwellings. Winfield Courier.
If you will make a careful examination of the assessment rolls of Winfield Township, for March, 1877, you will find that you did not have at that time, 1,500 in your town and township. Winfield is a fine young town, and next to Eldorado, the largest in the Valley, and if her people will only wait till they get cross roads at that place, they will have a larger town than they now have. Walnut Valley Times.
“Next to Eldorado, the largest in the Valley,” ha, ha, ha! But, that is good. During the last six months five dollars have been invested in new buildings in Winfield to one in Eldorado, and our population is increasing more rapidly than that of any other town in the southwest. Move some of your empty buildings down to Winfield, so they can be rented. Eldorado is a nice lively town, but then when one undertakes to compare it with Winfield—tut, tut. But you ought to know better. Come and see for yourself.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
Bond Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the board of Winfield Township, in the county of Cowley, state of Kansas, will, on the 21st day of January, 1878, at the office of the township clerk, in the city of Winfield, issue the bonds of said township to the amount of five thousand five hundred ($5,500.00) dollars, in payment for the construction of two bridges across the Walnut River in said township, the one at a point on the W. S. Voris county road, the other at a point on the C. S. Smith county road. C. C. PIERCE, Trustee.
Attest: E. S. Bedilion, Township Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
At the regular meeting of January 7th, the board ordered the opening of the Laubner, Loy, and Owings roads; rejected the report of the commissioners to locate the Arkansas City and Independence state road, and refused to pay the expenses; allowed various claims, amounting to $3,878; approved the bond of Chas. Harter, sheriff; approved the bonds of a large number of township officers; received and approved the reports of trustees of all the townships except Otter, Sheridan, and Silverdale; canceled county orders paid by the treasurer to the amount of $4,403.17; canceled $27.50 in orders that had been left in the county clerk’s hands three years uncalled for; and granted ferry license across the Arkansas River, near Salt City, to Henry Pruden.
Monday, the 14th. New board: R. F. Burden, chairman; W. M. Sleeth and G. L. Gale. Appointed John B. Lynn and Frank Williams to assist Judge Gans in counting the county funds; appointed Jas. L. Huey trustee of Creswell Township, vice Leonard, resigned; let the pauper contract to Butterfield, of Silverdale Township; let the medical attendance to Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City.
We are indebted to the courtesy of M. G. Troup, county clerk, for the above items, and also for the following.
Total assessment of the county, $1,967,563; total tax levy for all purposes, $70,784.92, of which $18,793.20 is school tax and $17,633.07 is school bond tax.
Treasurer Bryan has collected about $29,000 of the taxes for 1877, which is about 41 percent. Winfield Township has paid over one-half of its taxes. Mr. Bryan has gone to Topeka to settle with the state treasurer. He will pay there about $7,000, including payment of all the school bonds that are matured.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
[From the Winfield Courier.]
At the regular meeting of Jan. 7th the board ordered the opening of the Laubner, Loy and Owings roads; rejected the report of the commissioners to locate the Arkansas City and Independence state road, and refused to pay the expenses; allowed various claims, amounting to $3,878; approved the bond of Chas. Harter, sheriff; approved the bonds of a large number of township officers; received and approved the reports of trustees of all the townships except Otter, Sheridan, and Silverdale; canceled county orders paid by the treasurer to the amount of $4,403.17; canceled $27.50 in orders that had been in the county clerk’s hands three years uncalled for; and granted ferry license across the Arkansas river, near Salt City, to Henry Pruden.
Monday, the 14th. New Board: R. F. Burden, chairman, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale. Appointed John Lynn and Frank Williams to assist Judge Gans in counting the county funds; appointed Jas. L. Huey trustee of Creswell township, vice Leonard, resigned; let the pauper contract to Butterfield, of Silverdale township; let the medical attendance to Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City.
We are indebted to the courtesy of M. G. Troup, county clerk, for the above items, and also for the following.
Total assessment of the county, $1,967,563.
Total tax levy for all purposes, $70,784.92, of which $18,793.30 is school tax and $17,633.07 is school bond tax.
Treasurer Bryan has collected about $29,000 of the taxes for 1877, which is about 41 percent. Winfield township has paid over one-half of its taxes. Mr. Bryan has gone to Topeka to settle with the State treasurer. He will pay there about $7,000, including payment of all the school bonds that are matured.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Up to January 1, 1878, Treasurer Bryan had received of the taxes for 1877 the following amounts.
State $4,386.88
County $4,785.70
County bond $1,196.41
Beaver township tax $24.13
Bolton township tax $48.41
Bolton township road $157.33
Creswell township tax $249.96
Creswell township bond $1,078.36
Creswell township road ______
Cedar township tax $16.77
Dexter township tax $36.86
Harvey township tax $14.80
Liberty township tax $36.72
Maple township tax $12.25
Ninnescah township tax $52.23
Omnia township tax $9.05
Otter township tax $28.62
Pleasant Valley township tax $35.48
Richland township tax $35.22
Rock township tax $38.18
Spring Creek township tax $24.99
Silver Creek township tax $16.29
Silverdale township tax $18.77
Sheridan township tax $14.64
Tisdale township tax $28.58
Windsor township tax $32.61
Winfield township tax $169.46
Winfield township bond $1,016.74
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Treasurer’s Quarterly Statement for
Quarter Ending Dec. 31, 1877.
State $4,571,486
County $14,561,870
County bond $2,131,750
School district tax fund $7,863,733
School district bond fund $12,769,626
Winfield City $14,200
Arkansas City $283,846
Beaver township tax $24,740
Bolton township tax $48,670
Bolton township road $16,540
Bolton township bond $290,030
Creswell township tax $335,224
Creswell township road $138,890
Creswell township bond $1,114,482
Cedar township tax $20,650
Dexter township tax $37,080
Harvey township tax $21,010
Liberty township tax $46,650
Maple township tax $12,270
Ninnescah township tax $32,630
Omnia township tax $12,180
Otter township tax $29,310
Pleasant Valley township tax $57,875
Rock Creek township tax $40,970
Richland township tax $55,670
Silver Creek township tax $21,050
Spring Creek township tax $24,990
Sheridan township tax $56,720
Silverdale township tax $19,310
Silverdale township road $28,200
Tisdale township tax $28,580
Vernon township tax $8,270
Windsor township tax $32,617
Winfield township tax $210,560
Winfield township road $151,020
Winfield township bond $1,306,930
County school fund $159,290
State school fund $1,280,280
Personal redemptions $1,645,992
County redemptions $3,760,260
School land sales, interest $1,016,700
School land sales, principal $865,650
Delinquent taxes $131,920
District court fines $67,000
Normal Institute fund $37,550
County fees $43,400
Office Expense $23.87
Refunded taxes $997.02
Cash: $54,452,781
Total: $55,473,671
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
[Skipped School District Tax/Bond items in this issue submitted by H. W. Holloway, Deputy Treasurer.]
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Mr. C. C. Pierce, assessor of Winfield Township, has his report about ready to make returns. The total assessment of the township will foot up $447,415 and the population a little above 2,400.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
It appears from the caucus returns of C. C. Pierce, township trustee, that Winfield Township has increased for the past year 1,098, or seventy-five percent.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
To Mr. Charles Cole, a painter in this city who came here with the men who put up our iron bridges, Winfield Township is largely indebted for saving the south bridge. He went into the rough and dangerous part of the work, risking his life; and by his skill, energy, and good judgment, was the leading factor in the work. Winfield will remember his services.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Notice for Stone Work.
Bids will be received by the Township Board of Winfield Township, at the Township Clerk’s office, in Winfield, up to July 9th, 1878, for rebuilding pier under the bridge on W. S. Voris’ county road. The Board reserving the right to reject, any and all bids. See specifications at Clerk’s office. E. S. BEDILION, Township Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
WINFIELD township elected the following delegates to the county convention next Saturday: C. C. Pierce, R. L. Walker, W. P. Hackney, F. S. Jennings, L. W. Spach, E. S. Torrance, Om M. Seward, James Kelley, E. C. Manning, D. A. Millington.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Tax Levy.
The County Commissioners made a levy at their meeting August 1, of 8 mills general fund county tax and 1 ½ mills bond tax. Winfield Township tax general 7 mills, road 8 mills, bond 4 mills. Creswell, general 3 mills, road 2 mills, bond 6 mills. Each of all the other townships general tax 1 mill. Dexter and Tisdale road tax 2 mills each.
The returns were not all in, especially the school districts which are not required to be returned before August 25. The board adjourned until the first Monday in September, to complete the levy.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The Bonds Carried!
On the Through Route From Indigence to Wealth, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific!
The Speedy Construction Assured.
Notwithstanding the coldness of the weather on Tuesday, the proposition to vote $141,000 of the bonds of this county to the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith Railway Company was carried by a large majority. We have not yet got full returns, but the townships heard from give so large majorities for, as to place the result beyond a doubt. We congratulate the people of Cowley County on this auspicious result and predict that one year from today those who have opposed this proposition will be ready to admit that we were right and thank us for the position we have taken.
The vote of Winfield stands 873 for, 5 against, and 6 scattering.
Reports in:
Winfield, 868 majority for.
Creswell, 300 majority for.
Beaver, 86 majority for.
Vernon, 60 majority for.
Ninnescah, 3 majority for.
Bolton, 80 majority for.
Tisdale, 20 majority for.
Sheridan, 34 majority for.
Pleasant Valley, 48 majority for.
Rock, 88 majority against.
Liberty, 7 majority against.
Dexter, 19 majority against.
Windsor, 106 majority against.
Richland, 48 majority against.
Silver Creek, 74 majority against.
Maple, 35 majority against.
It is now evident that the vote of Winfield Township might be thrown out and not counted and still the bonds would be carried.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The vote polled in Winfield Township is larger than ever before polled. Its vote November 5th was 726 when the polls were guarded by argus eyed candidates and their friends to prevent illegal voting against them. It was then estimated that 150 legal voters of the township did not come to the polls. Many residents from other parts of the state who arrived between Oct. 8th and Nov. 24th and many who arrived from other states from May 7th to June 24th have since become voters. The number of these is estimated as high as 150 and the total number of voters in the township at over 1,000.
As tending to corroborate these estimates we will mention the fact that in the City of Winfield there have been built within a year upwards of 400 dwellings and business houses, that there is not a house in the place to rent for “love or money,” and that in many of the houses are from two to four families each.
We shall next week give a detailed list of new buildings in this city.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
We wish all our readers a “Merry Christmas,” if it is not too late and if it is, we wish them a “Happy New Year,” though this is a little early, for you know that if we wait until next Thursday, it will be late again.
With this number closes volume six of the COURIER on which we have expended much care and thought and in which we have said many things to our readers which we hope have contributed much to their well being and enjoyment. . . .
For the last few weeks our columns have been too crowded with railroad proclamations and holiday advertisements to contain as much matter of general interest as we desire, but these will be left out after this week and we hope to make the paper more interesting and valuable than ever before.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 27, 1879.
MANUFACTURES.—Creswell Township: steam saw mill, capital, $3,000; water grist mill, capital, $30,000; steam saw and grist mills, capital, $3,500. Dexter Township: steam saw and grist mills, capital, $5,000. Windsor Township: steam saw mills, 2; capital, $550. Winfield Township: breweries, 2; capital, $5,200; water power grist mills, 2; capital, $42,000.
VALUATION AND INDEBTEDNESS.—Assessed valuation of personal property, $447,200; total assessed valuation of all property, $2,020,074.60; true valuation of all property, $3,866,789.33. Total indebtedness of county, township, city, and school districts, $145,668.82; percent of indebtedness to assessed valuation, .07+.
SCHOOLS.—Number of organized districts, 115; school population, 5,681; average salary of teachers, per month, males, $33.35; females, $26.48. Schoolhouses built during 1878, 9; frame, 8; stone, 1. Total number of schoolhouses, 98; log, 1; frame, 89; brick, 8; stone, 5. Value of school property, $77,250. No report on shade trees.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of Winfield Township at the courthouse on Saturday, the 29th day of March, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting township officers to fill the vacancies caused by the city becoming a city of the second class.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879.
C. C. Pierce, trustee of Winfield township, was in town Monday, and informed us that he would commence harvesting his wheat this week, and that the yield would be some lighter than that of last year.
Break Away from Winfield and Start-Up of Walnut Township.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
At the meeting of the commissioners on Monday some important changes were made in the boundaries of the townships of Vernon, Rock, and Pleasant Valley, and a new township called Walnut was created, composed of the eastern and northern portions of the old township of Winfield, and a slice off the southern portion of Rock. Pleasant Valley gets the south part of Winfield township, including the south bridge and the Tunnel Mills, and Vernon gets the western portion including both west bridges and Bliss’ mill. This leaves Winfield a municipality of itself. This new township of Walnut holds an election for officers on the 23rd of this month.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
The people of Vernon are in a peck of trouble about the new territory which they acquired by the dismemberment of old Winfield township. Some are satisfied with the township as it is now, while others are in favor of getting rid of the new territory as soon as possible.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879.
Pursuant to call, the Republicans of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield and organized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being the election of a Township Republican Committee. The following gentlemen were chosen: T. A. Blanchard, D. Robertson, and S. E. Burger.
J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879.
Pursuant to call, the citizens of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield on the 12th day of July, 1879, and organized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, the nomination of a township ticket to be voted upon at the coming township election on the 22nd day of July, inst.
Committee on nominations appointed as follows: Rob’t Weakly, John Mench, and John Hoenscheidt, who, after due deliberation, made report, which was received and unanimously adopted as candidates at the approaching election: trustee, J. C. Roberts; treasurer, Joel Mack; clerk, T. A. Blanchard; Justice of the Peace, Jessey King and S. E. Burger; Constable, T. J. Johnson and Abe. Land. Messrs. Mench and Hoenschedit were appointed a committee to procure ballots.
Resolved, That Winfield papers be requested to publish.
J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
LAZETTE, July 7, 1879.
The great talk and gossip of the neighborhood at the present time is the railroad station, and where the future town is likely to be located. The road is surveyed down Cedar creek, crossing Grouse on the north line of Squire Ballou’s farm, passing up the Canyon to the west. On the west side of the road running north and south would be the place for the town and as we have been expecting a town in the valley at the crossing of the railroad, no one doubted for a minute but this would be the place; but according to present reports, the town is located some distance east of Grouse creek among the hills, a part of the country wholly unfit for settlement and certainly not intended for a town site.
Since writing the above, I have been informed that the place selected for the station is in the canon on Cedar creek on a farm lately owned by one Hawkins. Two of our leading citizens are blamed for the above arrangement. As they cannot build a town at the station, Lazette will be the nearest point and hence will not need to be moved. As one of them was agent for the sale of this place and refuses to give the name of the two parties that the place has been sold to, the supposition is that it is sold to or in the interest of the railroad company.
Mr. B. is blamed for using his influence for the above for two reasons: One is in the interest of Lazette and the other to have the station so situated that there cannot be a town of any consequence in this part of the county. And if he accomplishes his object, he is to receive a recompense. The purpose is to destroy this town to build up the commercial interest of towns further west. I cannot vouch for the truth of the above statements further than the people in this vicinity believe it to be truth. If it is true, the sooner the general public finds it out the better, and if not true, in all justice to the parties it ought to be corrected at once. I cannot believe myself that Mr. B. would lend himself to any such arrangement or intrigue, and hope that he will, at his earliest convenience, clear the matter fully up through the columns of your paper. GROUSE VALLEY.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
The foolish business of cutting and slashing up townships, which commenced in this place by making it a city of the second class, has been continued. While we were absent, the new township of Walnut was made and Winfield township was whittled to pieces. We are disgusted with the whole business. Nothing but harm will be the result. Winfield has lost much of the value of its schools by weakening them, has assumed a much more expensive city government, and cut itself off from its best helpers and supporters. The change of township lines has done no one any good, while it has complicated everything and will doubtless lead to much litigation and bad blood. If anyone expects that these changes will in any way release him from taxes on the bridge bonds, he will find himself mistaken.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1879.
The foolish business of cutting and slashing up townships, which commenced in this place by making it a city of the second class, has been continued. While we were absent the new township of Walnut was made and Winfield Township was whittled to pieces. We are disgusted with this whole business. Nothing but harm will be the result. Winfield has lost much of the value of its schools by weakening them, has assumed much more expensive city government, and cut itself off from its best helpers and supporters. The change of township lines has done no one any good, while it has complicated everything and will doubtless lead to much litigation and bad blood. If anyone expects that these changes will in any way release him from taxes on the bridge bonds, he will find himself mistaken. Courier.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
The county commissioners met last Monday to make the tax levy for the county and for a contingent fund for such townships as petitioned therefor. The trustee of Walnut township asked for a levy of two mills for contingent purposes, but the county clerk and attorney, not being able to determine as to the lawful manner of collecting the tax, the commissioners adjourned to meet on the first Monday of September without taking action in the matter. This is only one of the many questions that will undoubtedly arise from the general tearing up of the township lines.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
We interviewed J. C. Roberts, the trustee of Walnut township, in relation to these matters. He admits that he was one of the workers in getting the Walnut township scheme, and that he circulated petitions by the “pale light of the moon,” but denies that his acts or those of any other men, who were active in the scheme, were the result of a desire to escape from the liability to pay their just proportion of the old Winfield township debt. They desire to pay such proportion and no more.
He says they were compelled to this action in self defense by the action the city had taken; that so long as the city was a part of Winfield township, the township board could levy the tax to pay principal and interest of the bonds and incidental expenses on all the property of the township, but when the city by the acts of her citizens obtained an organization as a city of the second class, the township board could no longer levy a tax on the personal property in the city, and the city could not levy a township tax so that the city would escape its just proportion unless the city authorities should determine to levy the tax anyhow; that the bridge at Bliss’ Mill needs a considerable expense to secure it from danger and destruction, and that the city authorities refused to assist in that matter, claiming that they had no jurisdiction and showed a disposition to saddle the whole debt upon those outside the city, as in fact they seemed to believe they had done; that lawyers advised him and his associates to that effect. He says that the men left in Winfield township had but one of two things to do: either to pay the whole bonded debt amounting to some $16,000 and interest, which the city men had voted upon the township, and the $5,721.74 of floating debt, which city men had contracted; or to put the balance of the township in a way that it could not be compelled to pay more than its just proportion.
He says they studied the matter carefully and determined upon the latter. They worked secretly because they knew they would otherwise probably be defeated.
He says he made a demand of the county commissioners that they should levy a tax on Walnut township sufficient to pay its proportion of the floating debt and the maturing bonded debt and interest; also, a small tax for incidental expenses, that he did not name; a two mill tax as we stated last week.
We shall have to admit that the foolish move of organizing the city as second class evidently placed our Walnut friends in a bad predicament and that they had a show of justification for the course they took to get out of it.
The more we learn of its effects, the more we see that the second class move plunged us into a labyrinth of difficulties. There seems to us but one way out of this part of the scrape. The commissioners must make the tax levy on the whole property within the lines of the old Winfield township. We think it their duty and the only way to save our credit and cost of suits.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
RECAP: HE STATED THAT THE PEOPLE OF WALNUT TOWNSHIP ARE FOR SHENNEMAN....Mr. A. T. Shenneman at the age of sixteen entered the war of 1861, served till its close, and was honorably discharged from the service. Thus early in life he was inured in the trials and hardships of the fiercest war that has raged in modern times, and which have so effectually marked his career from that time to the present. Besides he has had the requisite experience in the line of duty pertaining to the office of Sheriff. We can say of a truth, as can a great many more, that he has performed duties without any compensation whatever and that too, when the proper officials refused to act at the time called upon to do so.
For instance, when A. B. Graham’s horse was stolen, not one of the proper officials could be prevailed upon to perform their duty. Not so with Shenneman. He was willing to go and did go, although he was not the officer elected to perform that duty, neither was he the deputy. Had he been Sheriff at the time the Arkansas City bank was robbed, instead of lounging around town, he would have pursued those desperadoes in person, and the probabilities are that he would have succeeded in securing them.
With A. T. as sheriff, cattle thieves, horse thieves, and desperadoes of all kinds will give Cowley County a wide berth, as they well know that they will have more than a mere pigmy to contend with.
[Note: Article, like others, said “Shinniman” - which I corrected to Shenneman. MAW]
Cowley County. ) ss.
J. C. Roberts, after first being duly sworn, upon his oath, doth say that he is a resident of Walnut township, formerly Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for more than eight years last past.
That in the month of November, 1878, my son-in-law had a horse stolen in said county, and my son-in-law, A. B. Graham, and myself went to the city of Winfield and endeavored to get Charles L. Harter, the Sheriff of said county to go with us after the thieves. Harter not being at home I went to Finch, the Deputy Sheriff, and asked him to go with us. This he refused to do then and wanted us to wait until the next day as he had ridden all the way from Wichita that day and was too tired.
We then went to look for A. T. Shenneman to get him to go with us. He was absent with passengers brought from Wichita and taking them to east part of this county. Learning that he would be back that night, we waited until 12 o’clock, at which time Shenneman came home. We told him what we wanted, and notwithstanding he had the day before driven from Winfield to Wichita and that day from Wichita to Winfield and thence some 12 miles and back that night, he immediately got his shot-gun and borrowed a revolver from J. H. Finch, Harter’s deputy, and we went at once after the thieves, traveling all that night and all the next day and the day following and got home at 12 o’clock that night, and while we were unsuccessful in our search for the thieves, the facts show what the Republican candidate for Sheriff will do when he is elected, and what the conduct of our present officials has been and will continue to be if Mr. Harter is elected. J. C. ROBERTS.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1879.
W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.
Monday word was brought to Clerk Roberts, of Walnut township, that a strange man was lying sick on Black Crook, without money or friends, and that the township would have to take him in charge. Mr. Roberts visited the place and found the man in a tent, and almost dead from cold and starvation. He was brought to town, given food, and placed under medical treatment and at last accounts was doing well.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Death of an Old Settler.
Just as we go to press we learn with pain of the death of Judge T. B. Ross, of Walnut township, in this county. Judge Ross was, we believe, the first settler in Cowley County, and the only man who dared to remain when the Indians drove out the few settlers in the fall of 1869. He has been prominent and highly respected in this county ever since, and had arrived at the ripe age of eighty-four, preserving his faculties in an eminent degree to the last. The immediate cause of his death was a violent cold. Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
Through some oversight the call for township convention of Walnut township was omitted last week. We publish it this week, however, and will try and let no such mistakes occur hereafter.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
Mr. J. C. Roberts, trustee of Walnut township, made us a pleasant call Saturday. Mr. Roberts’ friends are making an effort to put him in as trustee for another year. He is one of the best and most efficient officers that could be found and the business of the township could not be placed in better hands.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
The Republicans of Walnut township will meet in convention on Saturday, the 31st of January, 1880, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the school house near Mr. Hoenscheidt’s residence, to nominate the following officers: One township trustee, clerk, treasurer, two justices of the peace, and two constables. All voters of the township are earnestly requested to attend. By order of the committee. S. BURGER, Chairman. J. HOENSCHEIDT, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The fight in this township was very lively, over 170 votes being polled. Both the Republicans and Democrats had tickets in the field. The following was the vote.
For Trustee, J. C. Roberts, 113; D. W. Ferguson, 63.
For Clerk, T. A. Blanchard, 116; C. A. Roberts, 62.
For Treasurer, Joel Mack, 158; A. J. Thomspon, 62.
For Justice of the Peace, John Hoenscheidt, 158; S. E. Burger, 112; G. W. Prater, 65.
For Constable, Frank Weakley and H. L. Thomas were elected.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Pursuant to the call for a Republican convention for this township many of the leading men of the party assembled at the place appointed.
Mr. John Mentch was duly elected president, and Mr. John Hoenscheidt, secretary.
A number of high-headed democrats, with blood in their eyes, were also in attendance. They solicited one another of their own accord to join hands and mix in with the Republicans and to do their best licks to defeat J. C. Roberts for township trustee. Mr. Roberts received the unanimous vote of the Republicans, which caused the “Hotspurs” of Walnut township to boil over with rage. J. H. Curfman, a straight out Republican, was put in nomination against Mr. Roberts. Mr. Curfman politely informed the “democracy” that he would not be a candidate. They were then compelled to fall back on their own resources, and in conse-quence nominated David Ferguson, one of their own stripe and color. REPUBLICAN.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
The Census Enumerators are hard at work. The following is the list of districts and Enumerators of Cowley County.
169 M. S. Roseberry, Beaver township.
170 Wm. Trimble, Bolton township.
171 Jas. Utt, Cedar and Otter Townships.
172 I. H. Bonsall, Cresswell township.
173 J. A. Bryan, Dexter township.
174 E. M. Annett, Harvey and Omnia townships.
175 Justice Fisher, Liberty and Spring Creek townships.
176 W. B. Norman, Maple and Ninnescah townships.
177 Samuel Watt, Pleasant Valley township.
178 I. N. Lemmon, Richland township.
179 J. M. Harcourt, Rock Creek township.
180 E. A. Millard, Silver Creek township.
181 W. H. Clay, Sheridan township.
182 J. P. Musselman, Silverdale township.
183 W. C. Douglass, Tisdale township.
184 E. D. Skinner, Vernon township.
185 Chas. W. Jones, Windsor township.
186 S. E. Burger, Walnut township.
187 J. H. Finch, Winfield City, 1st ward.
188 Jas. Kelly, Winfield City, 2nd ward.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The assessor has made his return of agricultural and other statistics for the city of Winfield, from which we get the following.
Number of horses, 305.
Number of mules, 18.
Number of cows, 69.
Number of other cattle, 58.
Number of swine, 38.
Number of bushels of corn on hands the 1st of March, 17,500.
Number of families, 567.
Number of inhabitants, 2,766.
The above figures are those within corporate limits of the city on March 1st. Since the limits have been extended, the residents of Andrew’s, Thompson’s, and Citizens’ Additions, all adjoining the city on the north and east, are on the Walnut township books, and a few adjoining the city on the west in Vernon township. They number 375 on both books. These added to the 2,766 in the city proper, would make 3,141 as the number of inhabitants in Winfield on March 1st, 1880. Monitor.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The building boom in and about Winfield continues. On Main street about a dozen good business houses are in process of erection or under contract to be built soon. Quite a number of our citizens are building neat and substantial residences. In addition to those heretofore mentioned by us, we note S. M. Jarvis and John Moffit in the east part of the city, John W. Curns in the west, and Mr. Gibson in the south. Mr. Rigby’s new house progresses rapidly, and Mr. Lemmon is having the material delivered for his house east of the city in Walnut township. Almost every day a new foundation for a house is laid in or about the city. In our opinion, more money will be put into new buildings in Winfield this than any previous year.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
H. L. Barker, one of the most substantial citizens of Walnut township, has sold his farm four miles north of town for $2,500. He will not leave Cowley, however.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
At the Primary Republican Meeting held in Walnut township last Friday J. C. Roberts was elected chairman, and L. J. Webb, Secretary. John H. Morgan was elected a member of the County Republican Central Committee. J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and Robert Weekly were elected a township Republican Committee.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The polling place for Walnut township has been fixed at the Chenault house, in the Northwest corner of the Thompson addition, opposite the old Wm. Maris residence.
J. C. ROBERTS, Trustee.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Adam Sipe, one of our successful farmers of Walnut township, called on us the other day and suggested that it would be well to canvass the county about with a view to find and assist persons who will suffer from want, but are too sensitive to let even their near neighbors know of their situation.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
The polls for Walnut township will be in the second house west of the old Maris residence near Manny’s brewery. J. C. ROBERTS, Trustee.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Owing to an uncalled for attack being made on Mr. John C. Roberts, the present trustee of Walnut township, I respectfully ask a place in your columns for the following communication.
Mr. Roberts, the present trustee, has acted in that capacity for two years with perfect fidelity and integrity to his constitutents. The great cry of those opposed to him is his inefficiency to perform the duties pertaining to the office of trustee. To satisfy these persons I refer them to the Walnut township books, which are in possession of Jas. Hunt, our worthy county clerk. The most difficult thing a trustee has to perform is that of getting the different lots of land correctly stated and accounted for. Before Winfield was made a city of the second class, this was a hard feat to perform; since then the labor has been less laborious, yet in the main its difficulties are almost the same as before. Mr. Hunt says that Mr. Roberts executed this difficulty admirably and with credit to himself.
The Democrats of Stringtown [??] are anxious to beat Mr. Roberts for no other reason than that he completely scooped them one year ago. They have put in circulation false reports concerning his official career, which are as false as the perpetrators themselves. The maliciousness of certain individuals in this affair was prompted in order that they might obtain the office of trustee and thereby gain a little notoriety.
Hoping the Republicans of Walnut township will again lay the Democracy in the shade, I will close for the present. JUSTICE.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
J. C. Roberts was reelected trustee of Walnut township Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
“BRIDGE OR NO BRIDGE” is the prevailing topic of conversation this week. It certainly looks to us as if this was a one-sided question. That the bridge across Dutch creek is needed no one will deny. The people in North Walnut township are paying taxes on the bonds which were used to build the old Bliss bridge, the west, or brewery bridge, and the south bridge. They can make no possible use of these bridges and they are paying their money for the convenience of others. The time has now come for the balance of the township to help them by allowing the use of the funds now in the treasury to place a new bridge on the abutments which now stand there. The amount, in comparison with that used in the construction of the other three bridges, is small, and it is, in all justice and fairness, due to them that this money be appropriated to build the Dutch creek bridge. The abutments now standing there were built by private subscription; they have spent much time and money in trying to get a good bridge, while they have paid taxes far out of proportion to the amount they have received in improvements. They did not kick and squeal when asked to tax themselves to build bridges over which they would never travel; but as soon as they desire help and ask for money already in the treasury, part of which they themselves have paid, others come in and object. One of the loudest opponents of the bridge scheme wants to apply the money toward paying off the bonds now outstanding, and howls for “a reduction of taxation.” This is very good. We all want to reduce taxation, but it is hardly fair to get all we can out of a fellow, and about the time he wants something substantial in return to sit back on our dignity and tell him that we have inaugurated a system of “retrenchment and reform.” Be fair, gentlemen, and it will pay in the long run.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The Walnut township nominees were elected unanimously.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
On Tuesday Messrs. Weakley, Burger, and Brown, of Walnut township, obtained a large number of signatures of our citizens asking that the fifteen hundred dollars now in the county treasury be used to build a new bridge across Timber creek. Many of our citizens signed under a misapprehension. We call the attention of our readers to an interesting communi-
cation on this subject from a prominent citizen.
The council met in special session on Wednesday to protest against the funds of old Winfield Township being used for any other purpose except to pay the indebtedness of such township according to the original agreement; and further protesting against a petition that had been placed on the streets Tuesday asking that these funds be used to build a new iron bridge across Timber creek. This action was unanimous on the part of the council. The protest was then submitted to a number of our largest taxpayers who signed it, and the entire document was forwarded to our delegation at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Frank Jennings lives in Walnut township now. He has removed to east 12th avenue.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
The bill providing for an asylum for the feeble minded is also made a special order for Monday. The bill passed the Senate locating the institution for the present at Lawrence and permanently at Winfield, Mr. Hackney having succeeded in tacking on the latter provision in the Senate.
A bill has passed the Senate authorizing the Treasurer of Cowley County to pay to Walnut township the road and tax fund of old Winfield township, providing that Walnut township shall build an iron wagon bridge across Dutch creek, north of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
Walnut township has been convulsed by a law suit between Tom Johnson and Charley Roberts, in which Charley sued Tom for $34.20. The jury gave him a verdict for 25 cents and the festive Charles is disconsolate. The suit will be before Justice King.
Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.
Trustees of the several townships met at Winfield, March 7th, for the equalization of the personal property of Cowley. The following trustees were present: J. C. Roberts, Walnut township; J. Gregory, Omnia; E. Haynes, Harvey; U. Sparly, Cresswell; N. W. Dresse, Cedar; A. A. Becker, Pleasant Valley; J. F. Teter, Silver Creek; W. J. Johnson, Sheridan; S. D. Jones, Beaver; Joseph Craft, Maple; W. R. Wimer, Fairview; H. J. Sanford, Richland; A. B. Booth, Windsor; A. H. Serviss, Otter; J. Fisher, Liberty; J. D. Harkleroad, Silverdale; Wm. Trimble, Bolton; J. P. Short, Winfield City.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
Last Thursday the Walnut Township Board completed the contract for the erection of the Timber Creek bridge. They worked for five days before getting a satisfactory proposition. The abutments are to be thoroughly repaired and straightened, and the superstructure is to be of the best wrought iron. When completed this will be one of the best bridges we have, and will be “put there to stay.” The Board will superintend the work closely, and see that no inferior material is used. The people are largely indebted to Mr. Robert Weakley, Samuel E. Burger, George Brown, and others for the work which made it possible to secure the bridge. The Board also put in some faithful work and showed much business ability in bringing the propositions within the limit of money on hand.
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Mr. J. C. Roberts, trustee of Walnut township, has been putting in the week superin-tending the repairs on the Timber Creek bridge. He informs us that the abutments will be ready for the iron by Friday. The bridge will likely be opened for travel inside of thirty days.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
A meeting of the Walnut township Stock Protection Union will be held June 18th at Black Crook school house at 7 o’clock p.m. All members are requested to attend as there will be important business to attend to. G. W. PRATER, Captain.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
The school board of district number 127, Walnut township, Cowley County, Kansas, will receive sealed bids until June 25th for the erection of a stone school house, in said district, either for the house complete or for the stone work, carpentry work, plastering, and painting separately. Specifications can be had by calling on the clerk of said district.
T. POULE, [?] Clerk.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
J. C. Roberts, Trustee of Walnut Township, called on us last Thursday, and invited us to go along and see the new bridge, while they examined the structure for final acceptance. We soon found ourself at the bridge, where were the treasurer and clerk of the township, Messrs. Blanchard and Joel Mack; Col. Bullen, of Leavenworth, the contractor, and his brother, J. G. Bullen; S. E. Burger, and a few others. We did not go as an expert, so our opinion was not given and did not count, but we were much pleased with the bridge. It appeared to us to be thoroughly well constructed, and a complete bridge in every particular. It is a beautiful bridge, of a hundred feet span, on abutments far above high-water mark.
We came back, and all took some lemonade, at Col. Bullen’s expense. Then the parties sat down in the COURIER office and settled up, and the board paid for the bridge. A great deal of work has been done by Robert Weakley, S. E. Burger, George Brown, and others, to get up an interest, get the necessary legislation, and the necessary subscriptions. The Township Board have spent their time, and used the greatest care to make the bridge perfect in every respect, and have attended to their work faithfully. The people most interested give them full credit and grateful thanks.
This bridge is of much importance to Winfield in many respects, and the efforts of those whose exertions have secured the bridge will be appreciated.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
What is the matter with the road overseer in Walnut township? The road in some places is in a bad condition for heavy loads.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
John C. Roberts, of Walnut Township, will be a candidate for county commissioner for the first district. He is a first rate man for the place, full of vim and good sense, economical, and careful in his public duties, a sound republican, and was a brave soldier in the late war, in which he was seriously wounded.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The old soldiers of Walnut township will meet at Island Park on Friday, September 2nd, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing to attend the Soldiers’ reunion and State fair at Topeka. CAPT. STUBBLEFIELD, V. P.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
MARRIED. At the residence of Robert Weakley, Sept. 17th, 1881, by S. E. Burger, J. P., Mr. Jacob W. Weakley and Miss Elizabeth Dressell, all of Walnut township.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
EDS. COURIER: The old soldiers of Walnut township met at Island Park Sept. 24th, and organized by electing H. W. Stubblefield, Captain; Silich Cure, 1st Lieutenant; D. C. Roberts, 2nd Lieutenant; S. E. Burger, orderly sergeant; and T. A. Blanchard, D. W. Ferguson, B. E. Murphy, Lewis Myers, G. W. Porter, Sergeants. The propriety of organizing as cavalry or infantry was decided to drill as infantry, and appointed Oct. 8th and 15th at Island Park as the time and place of drill. All soldiers were requested to attend the drills, so that at the reunion the company would be enabled to make a fair show of proficiency.
The orderly has been instructed to make a complete muster roll of soldiers giving name, rank, company, regiment, state, and arm of service to which they belonged, and to enable him to do this all are requested to hand their names to him or leave the same at the COURIER office prior to the 8th of October.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
J. C. Roberts, trustee of Walnut township, made arrangements on Monday to send a family which had been camped on the creek north of town to the coal regions in Missouri. The family have been living on this creek for upward of a year, with an old tent to cover them and eating whatever they could pick up. The man seems to be an able bodied citizen, but a little “cracked,” while the woman is a poor creature, who has followed him around until all the life she ever had has left her.
They have two little children who look like skeletons, and seem to have grown old with suffering. The only thing in the way of edibles Mr. Roberts could find was about a pint of boiled corn. They gave Mr. Roberts their history, which is a very sad one. The woman ran away from home to get married. If she had sense enough left, she would doubtless run back as fast as she could. They wanted to go to Missouri where “the mast” is plenty, and Trustee Roberts concluded that the county would have to support them if they stayed, so it would be cheaper to pay their way and let them go. We thought we had seen suffering, but we have never seen such abject misery depicted on the faces of human beings as shown in the white, pinched features of that woman and her babies. It is as bad a case as we have ever seen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
The Walnut township polls are still traveling. This time they are to be held at Black Crook school house, one mile north and a mile east of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
DIED. John Wiggins, of Walnut Township, died last week of malarial fever. John was an honest, Christian boy, and has been working faithfully to help support a large family of brothers and sisters. He was taken sick while working for a neighbor and was taken out of bed and hauled several miles to another place. We think this was very indiscreet and certainly anything but a human way to treat a fellow creature who was poor, friendless, and homeless. The people of the Limbacker district, however, took him in and did all they could to save him.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
A young son of Joe Furguson, of Walnut Township, received the premature discharge of a shot gun in his arm Monday, while out hunting with some companions. The arm was terribly mangled and had to be amputated near the shoulder.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
The following is a statement of county expenditures for which your Honors have issued orders on the general county fund.
County Treasurer: $3,269.14
County Clerk: $2,114.77
County Attorney: $1,300.00
County Superintendent: $1,070.38
County Commissioners: $400.50
Sheriff’s fees: $2,080.70
District Clerk’s fees: $135.60
Justices of the Peace: $63.90 (Fees in criminal cases)
Constables fees: $72.40 (Fees in criminal cases)
Coroner: $25.00
Grand Jury $307.80
Petit Jury: $784.40
Witnesses, Grand Jury: $94.40
Stenographer: $60.10
Bailiffs: $141.00
Duplicate tax roll: $200.00
County printing: $998.13
County maps: $300.00
Foundation—Sheriff’s Office: $13.00
Architect, for vaults: $136.00
Books and stationery: $981.07
Fixtures for court house: $113.90
Survey & view, county roads: $348.40
Rent for jail: $60.00
Expenses of insane: $96.93
Express, freight, postage, etc. $138.03
Fuel: $513.98
Elections: $734.90
Completing vaults: $2,695.19
Repairing courthouse: $1,859.92
Drawing jury: $18.00
Drawing grand jury: $6.00
Examining county treasury: $22.00
Meals for jury: $41.90
Abstract of entries: $68.20
Journal index: $25.00
Bond Committee expenses: $243.73
Insurance: $150.00
Acknowledging tax deeds: $3.00
School examiners: $61.50
Road damages: $1,046.60
Assessors: $1,731.00
Repairs on jail: $63.60
Rewards: $50.00
Courthouse lots: $935.00
Lot in cemetery: $17.00
Dirt on courthouse lots: $222.80
Boarding, merchandise, and medical attendance of prisoners: $1,509.60
Pauper expenses: $2,659.83
Sheriff, Sumner County: $14.80
TOTAL: $29,859.10
The following is a report of the resources and financial condition of the county for the fiscal year beginning on the 12th day of October, 1880.
Amount of State tax levied: $15,394.43
Amount of County tax levied: $26,839.78
Amount of Bounty Bond tax levied: $3,078.64
Amount of Railroad tax levied: $13,185.49
Arkansas City sidewalk tax levied: $2,041.62
Winfield City sidewalk tax levied: $456.60
Bolton Township tax levied: $325.65
Bolton Township bond tax levied: $1,042.05
Bolton Township road tax levied: $80.86
Creswell Township tax levied: $1,325.72
Creswell Township bond tax levied: $3,314.32
Creswell Township road tax levied: $323.99
Dexter Township tax levied: $90.68
Old Winfield Township bond tax levied: $3,192.58
Liberty Township tax levied: $132.11
Liberty Township road tax levied: $75.50
Maple Township tax levied: $180.95
Otter Township tax levied: $100.98
Richland Township tax levied: $120.42
Rock Creek Township tax levied: $86.18
Vernon Township tax levied: $380.22
Walnut Township tax levied: $388.07
Walnut Township road tax levied: $272.57
Arkansas City tax levied: $314.36
Arkansas City bond tax levied: $1,571.80
Arkansas City interest fund tax levied: $471.53
Arkansas City sinking fund tax levied: $314.38
Winfield City tax levy: $1,409.54
School districts tax levied: $31,016.57
School districts bond tax levied: $11,445.19
Rate percent, on each $100: $3.86.
The following is the indebtedness of the county.
Ten percent county bonds $31,500.00
Six percent C. S. & F. S. RR Bonds $128,000.00
Seven percent S., K. & W. RR Bonds $29,500.00
County warrants outstanding $2,262.40
I hereby certify that the foregoing accounts and statements are correct.
Witness my hand and seal at Winfield this 12th day of December, A. D. 1881.
J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
The readjuster party has sprung into existence in Walnut. Perhaps its success in the old dominion helped to quicken the energy here. “To pay or not to pay, is the conumdrum that puzzles the brain” of our leading politicians as they gather in squads of 3 or 5 on the corner of your streets on Saturday evenings.
Mr. M. A. Graham and wife, of Ohio, on a trip “utile dulce” are stopping with friends and relatives in Walnut.
Mr. John Parks has gone to visit the home and friends of his childhood.
Mr. G. W. Yount is building a barn 40 x 60 of stone. Mr. Prater has the carpenter work. Mr. Young proposes to go down into the Territory and bring up a mammoth menagerie of wild beasts and birds. It is thought that he will be successful as he has just purchased a barrel of salt.
Mr. George Youle and wife have gone on a visit to his father’s in Illinois. Mrs. Youle will remain there while George visits England to look up an interest in an estate to the amount of $500,000. I hope he will be successful.
Mr. G. N. Searcy has nearly completed a residence, built in cottage style, and is conceded by all to be the handsomest residence in this vicinity. He intends giving a house warming as soon as it is ready for occupancy.
Mr. Jacob Binkey has returned from his visit to Pennsylvania. His father and mother came with him and will hereafter make their home here; the addition to his family rendered more room necessary, and Mr. Binkey is putting in an addition to his dwelling.
Mr. George Brown, not to be outdone by everyone, has just completed a neat residence, and George and his estimable lady are “at home” to their friends at all times.
Mr. R. I. Hogue is absent, attending the annual session of the State Horticultural Society at Lawrence, as a delegate from this county. Mr. Hogue is a live, wide awake horticulturist.
The prospect for a peach crop next year is good, the fruit buds have not been injured yet, and are in prime condition to pass the winter.
Circumstantial evidence points to a wedding soon. The young man wanders around listlessly during the week and on Sundays. Well, I will not tell where he goes to. He had a long talk with his father; straightway his father goes to the mill, stops in the city, and buys a barrel of sugar, a box of raisins, etc.
The inmates of the county poor house number five, viz; two insane, one idiot, one deformed, a young man, and an aged man, which is not so bad a showing for a county of 21,000 people; one of every 4,200 is a small average and speaks volumes for the thrift and energy of our people and of the ease whereby the necessaries, at least of life, may be obtained by all. Also the absence of unavoidable calamities, either public or to the individual, incapacitating from earning a living. Since the poor have been cared for in this township, the number admitted aggregates 26, of which four have died and seventeen were discharged.
The wheat is looking fine and but for the fact that the acreage is 25 percent short, would be the largest ever harvested. B.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Walnut Township.
There will be a peoples’ caucus at the Olive Schoolhouse north of John Mentch’s, on Saturday, the 21st, at 7:30 p.m., to put in nomination a people’s ticket for township officers of Walnut Township. MANY CITIZENS.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Township Meeting.
A meeting of the Republican voters of Walnut Township will be held at Frank Manny’s Saturday, January 28th, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for township officers. S. CURE, Chairman Township Central Committee.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Township Scrip.
EDS. COURIER: Since there has been so much said about that Winfield township scrip business, I suppose it is about time for me to rise and explain. I will say that I am no repudiator. The very active part I took in disorganizing old Winfield Township was for another purpose. For those who think there is only one side to that scrip business, I will say that the Township Board were full advised by our County Attorney and two of our very best law firms. C. C. PIERCE.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
TO THE VOTERS OF WALNUT TOWNSHIP. There will be a people’s convention held Saturday evening, January 21st, 1882, at Olive schoolhouse, three-fourths of a mile north of John Mentch’s, for the purpose of putting in nomination township officers, and selecting a people’s ticket, independent of party politics. C. A. ROBERTS.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
TOWNSHIP MEETING. A meeting of the Republican voters of Walnut Township will be held at Frank Manny’s Saturday, January 28th, at 2 o’clock, p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for township offices.
S. CURE, Chairman, Township Committee.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
The people’s caucus in Walnut Township nominated A. Howland for trustee, A. Frazier for clerk, Frank Weekly for treasurer, T. Euell for justice, and D. W. Fergusen and A. Mentch for constables. The Republicans will hold their caucus on Saturday. Giles W. Prater is talked of as trustee and no better man could be named. If he is nominated, he will be elected because he is the right kind of a Republican, always there, always energetic and popular.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Walnut Township.
EDS. COURIER: It has been said that a Bourbon never learns anything. All rules, however, have their exceptions. The “People” of Walnut met in mass convention at Olive schoolhouse on Saturday, the 21st inst. The “People” were nine straight democrats and one to three sore head republicans. The audience outnumbered the “People.” After a bit, steam was turned on and the mill started to grind out an honest candidate for trustee. When the sack was opened, lo and behold! Out popped the Boston 3 score with weekly baby show and all, and honest Farmer Alonzo pronounced xxxx horny handed son of toil. For Clerk the mill did grind, and again the sack was opened. “O glorious thought!” “Oh happy day!” Our son-in-law, brother-in-law et sequa came out like Caesar’s wife, above suspicion, also marked xxxx. “Let’s make it strong,” says one, and forthwith out came a Weakly to hold the filthy lucre. The Judicial ermine will now lie suspended in air. Surely it will fall on some transcendent demo—ah! No, here it comes hovering over a republican. Shades of Jackson and Buchanan! Will it dare? Yes, here it fell on the shoulders of Mr. Youle who will unquestionably—well, we will see what we shall see. The mill again brought forth and Democracy was herself again, for D. W. Ferguson and he of the imperial Roman de Teutonic name were marked “right side up with care,” for constable. This exhausted the list of honest men in Walnut Township, except one for road overseer, and the “People” adjourned until after the spring immigration. Three more honest men wanted to complete the official roll of Walnut. Surely we are living in degenerate times when out of 300 voters, there cannot be found 10 righteous ones. No wonder Ben Butler wrote, “Ah, Honesty, thou art a jewel whose price is above rubies—neither are the diamonds of ‘gold ore’ equal to O. O. (Which means Olive Oil.)
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
The Republicans of Walnut Township met last Saturday and nominated J. C. Roberts for trustee, T. Blanchard for clerk, Joel Mack for treasurer, and S. E. Burger for Justice. The first three are the officers who have been managing the affairs of the township for several years, and their re-nomination is an assurance that their official acts have been satisfactory to the Republicans of the township—an endorsement that was fully deserved. Jethro Cochran received again the nomination for constable. Henry Perry, a colored man, was nominated for constable against Mr. John Ferguson, and the boys say they are bound to elect him. From what we can learn, he is fully qualified to fill the office. We hope to see the ticket go through with a rousing majority, as it certainly will. Is “Olive Oil” satisfied with this convention?
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
The Walnut Township Republican convention met according to published notice at Frank Manny’s stone building. Ezra Meech was appointed chairman and F. S. Jennings, secretary. The following nominations were made: For Trustee: J. C. Roberts. For Clerk: T. A. Blanchard. Treasurer: Joel Mack. Justice of the Peace: S. E. Burger. Constables: Henry Perry, colored, and Jethro Cochran. Road Overseers: District No. 1, George Brown; District No. 2, Perry Hill.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Up to the time of going to press, we have heard from the following townships: In Pleasant Valley, J. S. Hill, Greenbacker, received 44 votes and was elected trustee over Z. B. Meyers, Republican. With this exception the straight Republican ticket was elected. In Walnut Township the straight Republicans carried the day by a large majority and J. C. Roberts is trustee for another year. Tom Blanchard and Joel Mack got all the votes cast. In Fairview the straight Republican ticket was elected, which makes Wm. White, trustee; J. H. Curfman, treasurer; and R. B. Corson, clerk. There was a tie between A. J. McCollum and B. Hanlan, for Justice, each receiving 18 votes. W. F. M. Lacey and N. E. Darling were elected constables.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882. Editorial.
We wish to brace up our city council in relation to these suits. They are in relation to the debts incurred by the last trustee of the old township, in building the bridges in excess of the amount voted by the people. For this excess township scrip was issued, the legality of which was questioned or denied at the time, and has never yet been decided. Three suits against the territory which comprised the old township are commenced to collect this scrip and the question to be determined by the court is: Is this scrip legal and binding? If so, what existing municipal corporation is liable and in what proportion? And in what way shall the money be raised? The suits already commenced involve the sum of about $5,000. It is necessary that these be defended in order that either of these questions should be properly settled and the interests of the corporations interested be protected and secured on equitable principles. John C. Roberts, trustee of Walnut Township, has been at work in the matter for sometime and has made, with the approval of the other townships and a majority of the city council, complete arrangements for the defense of these suits at a minimum cost. The county clerk has furnished the assessment rolls and a schedule of the proportion of the expense to each municipality is agreed upon. The officers of each township interested have signed a contract to pay their proportion of the expenses. It is doubtless the wish of the citizens that the city council also ratify the contract. It will cost $150 to defend these three cases and it is worth much more than this to learn the legal status of the claims. We cannot afford to let it go by default. This sum is the fee of H. C. Sluss, who has been selected as the counsel for the defense. In case the two principal suits are defeated, the sum will be double. The proportion of the $150, among the municipalities, will be about as follows.
Winfield City, $92; Walnut Township, $37; Pleasant Valley, $7.50; Vernon Township, $7; and Fairview Township, $4.50. The city of Winfield can well afford to stand the $92, and the council should promptly ratify. In case the suits are successful, Winfield City alone will have $3,000 to pay besides its proportion of some further claims which will be prosecuted. She can well afford to pay $92 or twice that sum to have her interest thoroughly looked after. Mr. Roberts has done the work; now let the council stand to and go ahead.
I quit at this above article corresponds with one in “SCRIP” WHICH WAS PUT IN ANOTHER FILE..COUNTY SCRIP. MAW 10/20/99
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Henry B. Pruden has sold his farm of 160 acres in Creswell Township to James Fair for $4,000.
Joe Roberts got $2,700 for his farm in Walnut Township. David Tomkinson is the purchaser.