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Winfield Carriage Works

In searching for the “Winfield Carriage Works” I came across the following items in the 1885 Winfield Directory. MAW
Alford H, carriage maker & trimmer, works 114 e 8th, res 711 e 7th
Chiverall Arthur, foreman carriage works, 114 e 8th, res 507 e 6th
Clatworthy J H, carriage painter, 1106 Main
Githens & Bishop, Winfield carriage works
Githens H W, carriage painter, etc., 605-7-9 Main, res 600 e 7th
Hartman Elmer, works carriage shop, 607 Main, res 606 e 8th
Henry J M, painter, works carriage works, 607 Main, boards at Keller’s
Hudson Henry, finisher, carriage works, 114 e 8th
Keller John P, carriage maker, res 216 e 6th
Monforte & Rogers, carriage and wagon works, 114 e 8th
Monforte J C, res 3 miles n e of city
Nation Wm. E, carriages and buggies, 610 Main, res 417 Bliss
Rogers E T, carriage maker, 114 e 8th, res 617 Millington
Noted that two addresses seemed to prevail for Carriage Works:
605-7-9 Main -OR- 607 Main
114 East 8th
Directory shows “Githens” and “Monforte”
[Have changed newspaper items to show “Githens” and “Monforte.”]
                                               FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.
George Brown: Carriage & Wagon Maker, Winfield.
Shop on corner of Main and Eighth Streets.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
Read George Brown’s new wagon shop ad., in another column. Mr. Brown is a first-class workman and keeps a full stock of the best seasoned wagon timber to be found in the country.
     ALL KINDS OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, AND OTHER ARTICLES IN HIS LINE Put up Promptly, in the Best of Style, and on Reasonable Terms. Repairing made a Specialty. SHOP ON THE CORNER OF MAIN AND EIGHTH STREETS, WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Max Shoeb is making arrangements to erect an addition to his blacksmith shop to be used for a wagon and carriage shop.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
THE WINFIELD WAGON AND CARRIAGE SHOP is doing the best business and best work in this line ever done in Cowley County. All kinds of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS, CARRIAGE, SULKYS, ETC., PUT UP ON SHORT NOTICE. Repairing a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop in connection with Kirk & Gordon’s Blacksmith Shop. R. H. TUCKER.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
The Star wagon and carriage shop is doing a live business. Several work-hands are constantly employed to do the work which presses them so closely. They are turning out considerable new work.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Max Shoeb is putting up a carriage for his own use, that would do credit to any manufactory in the country. Max is the “pioneer” blacksmith of Winfield, and as a workman, is not surpassed in the southwest.
Swain & Watkins, carpenter shop on Eighth Avenue: part of it to be occupied by Pool & Hendricks, who had a carriage painting establishment...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
Messrs. Pool & Hendricks, from Quincy, Illinois, have opened a paint shop over Mater & Son’s blacksmith shop, on South Main street. These gentlemen come recommended as first-class carriage painters, having worked in some of the best carriage shops in the country, and they will undoubtedly do well here.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879.
Messrs. Swain & Watkins are building a large carpenter shop on Eighth avenue, part of which will be occupied by Pool & Hendricks’s carriage painting establishment.
First Notice: Winfield to have a carriage manufactory...
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Winfield is to have a first-class carriage manufactory.
First Carriage Manufactory: Dorley & Myers...
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Messrs. Dorley & Myers have the credit of establishing Winfield’s manufacturing enterprise. Their first carload of material arrived Tuesday evening. With the new additions they now have five rooms: a blacksmith shop, a wood-work shop, a paint shop, an office, and stock room. They will manufacture light work exclusively, such as buggies, pha­etons, carriages, and light wagons. They are now building six light wagons, most of which are sold. They have already turned out two buggies, one of which was sold to John Whistler, of the territory. They will work at present from six to eight men and will add more help as a market is created for their work. Mr. Dorley is a thorough carriage builder and has at different times superintended many of the largest establishments of the United States. His object is to build up a large manufactory here, and in this he will be heartily seconded by our citizens.
Note: Speed & Schofield’s livery stable located on Main Street, east side, between 8th and 9th avenues...
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Nate Roberson came down from El Dorado Tuesday. He drove up in front of Speed & Schofield’s livery stable and alighted, giving the lines to the attendant, who started to unhitch the team. Not being used to strangers, they became frightened, started off down the street, and finally brought up against one of the carriage factory’s new wagons. The injury was not very heavy.

Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Winfield had the following according to report from Leavenworth Times...
Eleven grocery stores, three fruit stores, four general stores, two boot shoe stores, seven drug stores, four hardware stores, two saddlery and harness stores, three clothing stores, two firm banking establishments, one foundry and machine shop, plans arranged to build a large woolen mill, two large flouring mills, two furniture factories, two retail furniture factories, one tailor shop, four millinery establishments, three agricul­tural depots, three lumber yards, two jewelry stores, three elevators, four barber shops, one brewery (closed for two years or during the war), four vacant saloon buildings, one large lime­stone quarry, which is furnishing the stone for the Custom House in Topeka, and the Brettun Hotel in Winfield, two bakeries, four restaurants, four express offices who ship more fruits and eggs to Colorado than any other city in the State, three fine stables, four hotels, one vinegar factory, one pork packing house, three photograph galleries, two marble works, one carriage factory that turns out twelve buggies per week, two gunsmith shops, and five large land agencies.
Dorley and Albro: W. H. Albro replaces Mr. [?] Myers, who retired...
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
The Winfield carriage manufactory has changed hands. Mr. Myers has retired, and Mr. Albro takes his place. They have all the work they can do and are turning out fine wagons.
Name of painter in charge not given...
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The carriage painter in charge of the paint shops of the Carriage Factory is turning out some splendid work. He was brought on from New York to take charge of this work.
Note: Factory had moved from Ninth Avenue to Main Street. In November 1881 the Winfield Carriage Works were in Alexander’s brick block [three rooms, 25 by 76 ft. on the first floor] and 1,800 square feet of storage space in basements...
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Last Friday afternoon we visited the Carriage Works and were shown through the institution by the Superintendent, Mr. W. F. Dorley. Since their removal from Ninth Avenue to the commodious buildings on Main street, the business has increased to propor­tions hardly realized by our citizens. The works now occupy all of Alexander’s brick block, three rooms 25 x 76 on the first floor, and have 1,800 square feet of storage room in the base­ments. They work fifteen hands and turn out five buggies and spring wagons each week.
Their orders come in much faster than the work can be completed. Since the commencement they have manufactured and sold 150 buggies and spring wagons. Ninety-nine of these have been furnished with the Elliptic side-bar spring: the invention  and property of Mr. Dorley. They now have on hand $1,500 worth of work ready for delivery. Their buggies range in price from $60 to $250, and are built and sold cheaper than a buggy can be laid down here from Chicago. The reason of this is that they can ship the material for ten buggies in at less than the rates for one finished.

The quality of work being turned out is equal to any eastern manufacture. Mr. Dorley has built buggies all his life and has been foreman of several of the largest carriage factories in the United States. He is an enthusiast in his line, and knows more about a wagon than any one.
The shops are run on the most business-like principles. Everything moves like clock-work. One man does nothing but make buggy boxes, another works exclusively on another part, and every hand does nothing but that with which he is most familiar; thus all the parts work harmoniously. They have turned out buggies and wagons for Wichita, Wellington, Arkansas City, and many other neighboring towns. The finishing touches are just being put on a buggy which goes to Iowa. One of the greatest troubles they have had to contend with has been to secure skilled workmen, and especially carriage painters. Last week they overcame this difficulty by securing the services of one of the finest carriage painters in the country, who came on from New York and took charge of their paint shops.
Such manufacturing interests as this is what, above all else, Winfield wants to encourage. This one has added nearly fifty souls to our population, as their skilled mechanics were all brought from the east. Their payroll foots up about $200 per week, all of which goes into the hands of our merchants and helps to build up business and make a market for produce. It brings in money from other localities and helps to swell the name and fame of our city. This is good: let’s have some more. It is pros­pering, and so can others.
We want a paper mill, a sugar factory, and more grist mills: and we want them bad. We must have a woolen mill to furnish wearing apparel for the carriage builders and a sugar factory and more grist mills to feed the woolen mill men, while we want a paper mill to furnish the COURIER with white paper on which to blow about it.
Let us all take hold of this business with a will and give a long pull and a strong pull toward bringing about the desired end. Let the Board of Trade take immediate steps toward getting mill men interested and bring to their knowledge the many advan­tages of location and raw material to be worked up. Now is the accepted time and if Winfield wakes up, she can be the future great city of the southwest. She cannot afford to sit idly by and let these “golden moments fleeting pass.”
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
The proprietors of the carriage factory have invented and patented a new and valuable improvement in buggy and carriage springs, and are putting up a number of buggies with them. They now have ready to turn out, an elegant phaeton of the latest pattern and most elegant design.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
The Carriage Factory turned out last week one of the handsomest buggies we have ever seen on our streets. The style was much nicer than most of the eastern buggies brought in, and the painting and finishing almost perfect. It was set on the latest Dorley patent spring and rode like a cradle. The Winfield Carriage Works are doing themselves proud by the beauty and completeness of the work they are turning out. Their fame is spreading and they will have to have more room before long.
Redfield of Humboldt looking Winfield over for place to move his factory...
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.

Mr. Redfield, of the Humboldt carriage factory, is in Winfield taking an inventory of our future. He wants to find a live town to which he may remove his factory, and has about made up his mind Winfield is the place of all others he has been looking for. We think so too.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
There is considerable talk of another large carriage manu­factory coming to Winfield. There is no better town in southern Kansas for it.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Gregg Brown, banker, and Charley Clark, stock dealer, of Sigourney, Iowa, are in the city on the lookout for stock. They are friends of that bundle of energy, Mr. Dorley, Winfield carriage manufacturer.
Redfield did not come to Winfield according to next item...
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Winfield. We have eight manufacturing industries, namely: Two flouring mills, two furniture factories, a carriage factory, a foundry, a machine shop, and one of the finest tanneries in the country. The capital invested in them is $81,000, and they employ seventy-five hands.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
A great change is noticed in the kind of vehicles used by our farmers and others for transporting themselves from place to place since the Carriage Factory was established here. Many farmers are now coming to town in neat spring wagons which are a grand improvement on the heavy farm wagons, and are much easier on their animals. The Factory has a large variety to select from, and they are sold at prices which will enable everyone to secure a light vehicle at very reasonable rates, and when you do get one of them, there is no risk taken as to quality of stock.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
This class was the most closely contested on the grounds. The competition in churns, sewing machines, washing machines, and such like is always lively. J. E. Mitchell carried over the first honors for best washing machine, and T. A. Miller the second. The 1st premium for best churn was awarded to Brotherton & Silver, and the 2nd to Geo. Bull and John D. Pryor. The high honors on sewing machines were easily won by D. F. Best with his “Silent No. 8.” Fitch & Barron, of Arkansas City, got the second prize. For the best twelve brooms C. E. Smith got 1st and J. A. Grop 2nd premium. The display of buggies by Albro & Co., of the Winfield Carriage Works, and the Columbus Buggy Co. of Ohio, was very fine and resulted in a complete victory for the home institution, Messrs. Albro & Co., taking 1st premium for best top buggy and best display of buggies.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Home Enterprises. The proprietors of the Winfield Carriage Works are to be congratulated on their victory over the Columbus Buggy Company at the fair. They took first premium on every display. The work exhibited was very fine, and reflects great credit upon our Winfield institution. The painting could not be beat in or out of the state, and the work was as smooth and perfect as any we have ever seen.
According to the next item, Winfield had only one carriage factory...

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Winfield has thirty-five two-story and seventeen one-story brick or stone business buildings, while there are something over 70 one and two story frame business houses. This includes shops, livery stables, and some few offices; the most of the latter, however, are found in second stories of buildings. We have a $16,000 brick courthouse, with four fire-proof vaults, and a two-story brick jail, which cost $3,000.
The city contains quite a number of fine residences, three or four of which cost not less than eight or ten thousand dollars each. These finest buildings have all the modern improvements, are heated with hot air, lighted with gas, and most of the rooms are supplied with hot and cold water.
We have two large flouring mills, one a water power and the other water and steam power combined. This is a magnificent structure, being 40 x 60 feet in size, 5 stories high, built of magnesia limestone, gang saw finish, and is supplied with the most modern and latest improved machinery. Cost of building and machinery: $50,000. There is also a large and fine elevator near the mill with R. R. switch to each.
To give the reader some idea as to how different lines of business are represented in our city, we will say we have 1 exclusive dry goods store, 2 exclusive clothing houses, 4 dry goods and groceries, two of which carry clothing; 1 dry goods and clothing, 3 hardware (general stocks), 1 tin ware and stoves, 3 harness shops, 7 drug stores, 2 jewelry stores, 3 restaurants, 9 exclusive groceries, 2 banks, 3 furniture stores, 3 merchant tailors, 1 book and notion store, 4 millineries, 2 exclusive boot and shoe houses 4 livery and feed stables, 3 hotels (one of which is the Brettun house, a very fine sawed stone building, cost $30,000), 1 carriage factory, two marble works, 1 furniture factory, 1 dollar store, 2 billiard halls, 2 lunch rooms, 2 bakeries, 4 butcher shops, 3 picture galleries, 4 barber shops, 1 foundry, 1 machine shop, 3 seed and feed stores, 3 lumber yards, 1 plumbing, steam & gas fitting establishment, 22 preachers, 47 doctors, and 999 lawyers (and new ones sprouting). How ish dot?
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The Council had a lively time on Monday evening with an ordinance letting the Brettun House block out of the fire limits. Charley Harter had erected an ice house to which Dorley, the carriage maker, objected, claiming that it added to his insurance rate. He had Harter up before the police court, so the matter was brought to the Council for adjustment. Holders of eight out of the twelve lots in the block were in favor of letting Harter have his ice house,  so the matter was laid over till next meeting with the understanding that the suits be dropped and it be then passed.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.

The Winfield Carriage Works are meeting with most gratifying success. The capacity of the works has been increased until it now furnishes employment for thirty-three persons, and turns out from twelve to twenty finished rigs every week. The work is giving most excellent satisfaction and the stamp of Albro & Dorley is becoming almost as well known in this county on buggy work as is that of “Studebaker” on wagon work. A large market is found for their buggies in all surrounding towns and counties. They are meeting with success, which is both a matter of pride and profit to Winfield.
Changes made in carriage factory: In addition to the Alexander block, two stone buildings on the opposite side of the street now occupied by carriage factory workers. Factory did over $50,000 worth of business in past year. The erection of a new factory, three stories high, was contemplated at this time...
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
We spent half an hour at the carriage factory Monday. They work about thirty men and now occupy, in addition to the Alexander block, the two stone buildings on the opposite side of the street. The display room contains some twenty finished buggies, carriages, and spring wagons, while the sidewalks and paint rooms are crowded with gearing and a great variety of work in the “knock-down” state. In the blacksmithing and wood-work rooms a large force of men are employed making buggy and phaeton boxes and ironing up new work. In the repair department of the work a force of half a dozen men are employed repairing second hand vehicles brought in from the country round about. The firm has a large sale of buggies and carriages in all the surrounding countries and during the past year has done a business of over fifty thousand dollars, which they expect to double. The erection of a new factory, three stories high, is contemplated as the business is fast outgrowing its present quarters. We are glad to note the prosperity of this our first manufacturing enterprise.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Dorley, the carriage maker, has been laid up for a week with a bad attack of rheumatism.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best open buggy, home manufacture, Albro & Dorley, city, 1st premium.
Best spring wagon, home manufacture, Albro & Dorley, city, 1st premium.
Best top buggy of any manufacture, exhibited by manufacturer or his Agent, Albro & Dorley, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
W. F. Dorley has accepted an offer of one thousand dollars and lots on which to erect buildings from Harper City to locate there and start a carriage factory.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
The Winfield Carriage Works turned out a splendid two seated carriage last week for Billy Hands livery stable. It was as finely finished as any carriage we have seen on our streets. The carriage works are getting out an excellent line of work lately.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Frank Dorley came in from Harper Wednesday morning. He has his carriage factory buildings up and started ten men to work Tuesday.
Next item talks of Winfield having started another carriage factory, which specialized in lumber wagons???...
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.

Prof. C. Marsh, who instructed our pretty songsters and brought out last week in the Opera House the Cantata of the four seasons, gives his observations of Winfield to his home paper, the Lyons (New York) Republican, in the following interesting letter. The Professor is an old newspaper man and shows up the “Queen City” meritably.
There is a large grist mill, and also a flouring mill. They are considered the finest mills in the state. They are of sawed stone and run by water. The flouring mill, with thirty four sets of rollers, has a capacity of 500 barrels per day. Winfield has also the largest carriage factory in the state; and another has just been started which will turn out carriages of all kinds, and also make a speciality of lumber wagons.
[NOTE: The very next item has no follow-up, so to speak. Did someone make a mistake in inserting this item in the newspaper??? The name “Wheeler” does not appear again with respect to a carriage factory in Winfield. MAW]
Mr. (?) Wheeler started second carriage factory on 8th Avenue: more than one building referred to...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Mr. Wheeler, who recently started a second carriage factory, on 8th Avenue, has been extending his buildings until they now assume large proportions.
W. H. Albro’s carriage factory...
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
W. H. Albro’s carriage factory is turning out a large number of fine vehicles. A large bus was sent to Oxford last week and much work is being done for parties abroad. The buggies and carriages manufactured by Mr. Albro are gaining a wide reputation for beauty and durability.
James Clatworthy, brother of Mrs. W. H. Albro, mentioned in next item...
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
The Winfield Carriage Works carried off the blue ribbon at the fair on their beautiful phaeton. It was a fine piece of work and reflects credit on our home manufactory. The painting was especially smooth and glossy. It was done by Jim Clatworthy, the peer of any carriage painter in the west.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
The following are some premiums overlooked last week.
Best 2 spring phaeton, Winfield Carriage Works, 1st; Columbus Buggy Co., 2nd.
Best one horse carriage, Columbus Buggy Co., 1st.
Best display of Buggies, Columbus Buggy Co.
Best spring wagon, Winfield Carriage Works.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
We propose to do the best work for the price of any one in our line. Bring us your buggies, carriages and spring wagons for repairs. Albro & Bishop.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Those owning buggies, carriages and spring wagons, will find it to their interest to have them overhauled and repaired now, before the rush of spring trade fills up the shop with new work. For a good job at reasonable prices, bring them to the Winfield carriage shop. Albro & Bishop.
Albro and Bishop...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Nothing so helps to swell the onward growth of a city toward the metropolitan as manufactories. Winfield can point to none of her prominent industries with more pride than to her carriage works. The works are owned and controlled by Messrs. Albro & Bishop. Mr. Albro’s long residence here has shown him to be one of our most active and straightforward businessmen, and Mr. Bishop, though connected with the works but a short time, has exhibited superior mechanical skill in this line. The success of this institution has been very marked. During its five years existence it has continually had all it could do, giving employment to thirty or more expert workmen in the different departments. Every employee is first-class in his particular part of the business, and the buggies, carriages, and vehicles of all kinds turned out by the Winfield Carriage Works are the handsomest, best constructed, and easiest running, and have walked clear away with eastern made work. Its patronage has not been confined to Cowley, but extends all over the southern portion of the state.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
We propose to do the best work for the price of anyone in our line. Bring us your buggies, carriages, and spring wagons for repairs. Albro & Bishop.
Winfield Carriage Works to provide wagon to be used for deliveries...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
A NEW ENTERPRISE. Winfield has a new manufactory in the Winfield Bottling Works, which opened up in the block north of the Brettun on Wednesday of last week. It is owned and conducted by Messrs. J. M. Barnthouse and C. Dufey, from Columbus, Ohio. They have machinery for manufacturing all kinds of light drinks—sarsaparilla, ginger ale, pop of all kinds, etc., and have capacity for two hundred dozen bottles daily. They are having an elegant wagon constructed at the Winfield Carriage Works for local and county deliveries, and are starting in a way that means business. Their experience in this line is extensive, and their facilities and territory insure success.
[Note: I looked at the two Arkansas City newspapers in the hope of finding out something about the Winfield Carriage Factory or Factories. I only found one item relating to Winfield. It follows next. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 25, 1885.
We received the 4th Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture from Wm. Sims, Secretary, from which we extract the following.
Winfield, steam grist mill, capital, $3,000, product $3,000; two carriage factories, combined capital $4,000, product $10,000; brick, stone, and tile works, capital $10,000, product $20,000.
Montford & Rogers Carriage Factory??? This turned out to be a joke relative to Kraft & Dix, who handled a meat market...Note that they did not even spell the name of “Kraft” correctly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.

The Montford & Rogers carriage factory is putting up an immense grated animal cage for Craft & Dix. What their menagerie will consist of we do not know. They will probably add at least a monkey and a parrot to their two bears.
Githens & Bishop: Replace Albro & Bishop...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AND SPRING WAGONS, Made and repaired in the best style and at as low prices as can be given anywhere for same quality of work at Winfield Carriage Works. GITHENS & BISHOP, Proprietors.
Two carriage factories at Winfield: consolidated into Monforte & Bishop. [Rogers, of Monforte & Rogers, gone; Githens, of Githens & Bishop, retired.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
A CHANGE. Quite a change has taken place in our carriage factories. The two have been consolidated and will continue to do business in the shop heretofore run by Monforte & Rogers, under the firm name of Monforte & Bishop, Mr. Rogers and Githens retiring from the business. Messrs. Monforte & Bishop are both men of undoubted business integrity and will meet with the success they deserve. By the consolidation of the two shops, they will have a wider field of demand for vehicles and will give them all the work they will be able to do. They are invoicing the stock today preparatory to the change.
According to the next item Monforte & Bishop are the new firm. Article goes on to say that Rogers & Githens are retired. The article also states that Rogers’ old shops is the place of business...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Our Carriage Works have consolidated, sure this time. Monforte & Bishop are the new firm. Rogers & Githens retire. Rogers’ old shops is the place of business.
Carriage factory on North Main: being remodeled by Mrs. Silver. Appears that she will turn it into a hotel???...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Mrs. Silver is bringing light out of darkness. She has completely remodeled the carriage factory on North Main, painting and papering it, running partitions through it. She will have twenty-eight bed-rooms and everything will be conducted in first-class style. We predict for her a good business as she has a good location and is well known to be a thorough hotel woman.
Bishop & Monforte (Winfield Carriage Works)...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
W. P. Hoyland appeared on the street Tuesday with his bright new street bus, creating quite a sensation. It was turned out by Bishop & Monforte, at the Winfield Carriage Works, and is a beauty. It will readily get its share of the custom.
Abbott: First brought up in Arkansas City papers...
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Will Smith, of Chicago, has been in the city several days seeing what inducements Arkansas City would give toward locating a carriage factory here. Mr. Smith was the foreman of the Abbott Carriage Works of Chicago for a number of years, but lately had accepted a position as a traveling salesman. Nothing definite has been done yet towards securing this enterprise, but it is being investigated by some of our prominent citizens.
Abbott & Bishop (Winfield Carriage Works)...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Light spring wagons, open buggies, top buggies, and Phaetons always in stock of our own make. All kinds of wagon work and blacksmithing done promptly and to order. Horseshoeing and plow work a specialty. Builders of street hacks and busses.
Another change (Winfield Carriage Works): J. C. Monforte bought the interest of A. A. Abbott. New name: Carriage Works of Abbott and Bishop...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
J. C. Monforte has bought A. A. Abbott’s interest in the carriage works of Abbott and Bishop.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. A. A. Abbott left yesterday afternoon on a visit to relatives in Illinois.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Some time ago a gentleman by the name of Prevost, a wagon maker by trade, moved to Winfield. He is a friend of A. A. Abbott, of this city, who has frequently importuned him to come to Arkansas City. He has always refused until the first of this week, because he had become prejudiced. He came down and was so surprised with our city that he concluded to change his base and make this place his future home. He is now working in W. G. Miller’s shop and will remove his family here shortly.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
A. A. Abbott has purchased a half interest in W. G. Miller’s blacksmith shop. Miller & Abbott is the style of the firm. Both gentlemen are good mechanics.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
D. L. MEANS, has moved to his new warehouse in the UNION BLOCK, where he keeps in stock full lines of Implements, Wagons, Buggies, windmills, gas supplies, plumbing materials, and other machinery. Agent for the Schuttler wagon and Abbott’s steel gear buggies. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. D. L. MEANS.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
A. A. Abbott has concluded that Arkansas City is the place for a carriage and wagon factory and accordingly has begun to establish one. At present he is erecting a building for that purpose on Central Avenue. The first floor is to be used as a blacksmith shop and for wood-work, the upstairs as a paint shop and trimming department. Mr. Abbott is one of our most substantial citizens and when he puts his shoulder to the wheel, it always turns. This is another industry in the establishment of the monthly payroll.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.

Charles DeLay and family have removed here from Winfield. Mr. DeLay is employed in A. A. Abbott’s Carriage manufactory. He could not obtain employment any longer in Winfield, and so removed here. He was up to the county seat, and while there heard Bill Hackney discussing the two towns. Bill was cussing everyone in Winfield and Arkansas City, and said the former would be a dead town unless John Eaton was elected representative. This evening will tell the story.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
A. A. Abbott, who has been on the sick list ten days past, is once more able to be out and attend to the business of his carriage establishment.
Winfield Monthly Herald, June, 1891.
A Word about our Advertisers. We have selected good, reliable business firms, and endeav­ored to get only one of a kind.
J. B. LYNN, the popular Dry Goods man of Winfield, took a space and paid for the year in advance, and he has sold one Baptist family over $100.00 worth that we know of.
THE WINFIELD CARRIAGE WORKS, followed Mr. Lynn’s example, and voluntarily advanced the money for their ad.
THE WINFIELD WAGON CO. is now managed by H. G. Fuller. They have furnished carriages and carts to our Baptist readers and a host of others. They are doing an extensive business in Winfield, and a great addition to the business of Winfield.
WINFIELD WAGON COMPANY, H. G. FULLER, Manager...address not given.
[Note: The papers that I covered ended with the last item. There appears to be quite a mystery about Winfield carriage facilities, etc. MAW]


Cowley County Historical Society Museum