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Winfield Parks

May 12, 1881 - Mr. Vandeventer has granted the city the use of his timber land north of town, known as "the bayou." [MAN! WAS THIS EVER HARD TO READ...BAYOU HAD AN ACCENT MARK OVER THE A, OR ELSE IT WAS A SMUDGE!] The grounds are being cleaned up and put in order by E. P. Kinne. Funds enough were raised by the citizens to complete the work. The grounds will be used for the grand camp meeting this fall and for picnics and celebrations. This can be made a most attractive park at slight expense, and will be of superb benefit to the city.

May 26, 1881 - Messrs. M. L. Read, S. C. Smith, Captain Lowry, and M. L. Robinson have purchased the grove west of town, known as Lowry's Grove, and will improve and throw it open for the benefit of the public as a park. [IS THIS NOW WHERE THE FAIR GROUNDS ARE LOCATED?]

June 9, 1881 - RIVERSIDE PARK. - Winfield, behind the large cities of the State in nothing, has taken a step ahead of them by the establishment of a pleasure ground for her citizens, to be known as Riverside Park. The park grounds include forty acres, situated but a quarter of a mile from the depot of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, and is easy of access from all parts of the State, from the fact of two lines of railroads running into the town. A splendid flagstaff has been planted in the middle of the park, from which will float the national colors, while a fine fountain of unique design is also to be erected. The river here affords splendid opportunities for boating, and a steam pleasure boat is to be put upon the waters soon, in addition to which will be several small boats, which be let out to parties for a reasonable consideration. Rustic seats will be placed all around and through the park, which, with the beautiful, shaded and winding walks, fine lawns, the pleasures of the river, the luxuriant velvet grass upon the finest camping ground in the State, will render it the most favored spot in all the West. The citizens of Winfield have taken hold of the matter in earnest, and what they undertake they never fail to put through. A fine flag pavement is now being put down between the city and the park, while the highway between the two constitutes as fine a drive as can be found in the State.

The ground comprising the park was purchased a short time ago by Captain Lowry, M. L. Robinson, Captain S. C. Smith, J. L. Horning, A. Spotswood, and M. L. Read, who give it to the city free, for the purpose of holding public gatherings of all kinds, Sunday and public school picnics, camp-meetings, and other pleasure and business assemblage. These gentlemen have shown a public spirit that is commendable, and deserve, as they have received, the thanks of the people of the city, for whom they have done so much.

This park is, without doubt, the finest place in the State for the holding of camp-meetings, as there are high and dry places for the putting up of tents, and shaded by lordly monarchs of the forest, making it delightfully cool and pleasant in every way. Over three miles of winding drives are now being built, which will add materially to the beauties and pleasures of this place. The spot selected for this park is in every way a delightful and superior one, and it will prove a joy forever, to no not only the good people of the enterprising city of Winfield, but to the whole State as well.

June 9, 1881 - THE ISLAND PARK. - This park is situated at the north end of Main street of the city of Winfield, only a few rods north of the K. C. T. & W. railroad depot, and scarcely over a hundred rods from the center of business of the city. It is an island of almost twenty acres in an almost exact circular form, surrrounded by a bayou or older bed of Timber Creek forming a beautiful stream at high water. This stream is skirted with a gay fringe of luxuriant young trees. The island is reasonably high land, beautifully rounded over, and is well covered with a fine grove of forest trees mostly of moderate size, but many of them quite large. The grounds are dry, well shaded, and airy, and the grove is the most charming spot for fairs, picnics, and camp meetings to be found in the state of Kansas. The famous Bismark grove is no comparison to it in any particular.

Men have been at work for the last three weeks in cleaning the underbrush, trimming up the saplings, training the vines, working the avenues and foot paths, and otherwise improving the grounds. It is proposed to make an eight foot stone flag sidewalk along each side of Main street to the grove, each passing over a rustic arch bridge into the grounds. On each side of each walk is to be planted a row of fine shade trees. The wagon road is to be ornamented by a fine bridge over the stream. A dam is to be built across Timber creek at the intersection of the bayou turning the whole stream into the circle around the grounds. Flowers will be cultivated, fine sylvan and ornamental buildings and stands will be erected, and everything will be done that will enhance its attractions. In a few years this park is expected to be known far and wide to the lovers of the beautiful of this and other states.

June 16, 1881 - Celebration to be held in the Riverside Park west of the Santa Fe depot, where will be found an abundance of shade, ample room for teams, and an abundance of good water for man and beast. The speakers' stand consists of one solid stone, donated by Wm. Moore, Winfield citizen. There will be plenty of seats provided so all may be comfortable and happy. There was a postscript telling everyone to "bring an abundant supply of good things to eat."

St. John's Battery, under the command of Capt. Haight, will perform at Riverside Park on the 4th.

Two or three hundred of our colored children and citizens will march as Freemen in the Fourth Celebration procession.

The Ponca Indians, in Indian costume, are expected at Riverside Park on the 4th, to give an exhibition of Indian customs and manners.

June 30, 1881 - Riverside Park - It lies a quarter of a mile west of the A., T. & S. F. depot, on the north bank of the Walnut river, and consists of forty acres of grand old trees, and aspiring younger ones not yet freed from the clinging vines which make shade and add a grotesque and charming appearance to them. The place is named Riverside Park, and is the property of M. L. Read, the banker, Mr. M. L. Robinson, his nephew, Mr. S. C. Smith, and Mr. Lowry. They have ad a force of men in it cleaning out the underbrush, and locating and clearing drives all the spring, and have really succeeded admirably.

There is a long drive and a promenande along the waters' edge, covered by the shadiest of trees, and allowing glimpses of charming scenery upon either bank of one of the most beautiful of Kansas streams. Other drives run at all angles in and about beautiful groves, affording a ride of more than ten miles within the enclosure. The trees are full of birds, which are protected and fostered. A speaker's stand will be placed for the 4th of July, when the park will be used for celebration purposes. This stand will consist of a stone twenty feet square, placed upon pillars off masonry, and will be donated by the proprietors of the celebrated Cowley county stone quarry, Messrs. Holmes & Co. The river affords a fine boating course, and boats will be placed upon it at once. A steamboat is being secured, which will make excursions up and down the river. The park is certainly a great improvement.

June 30, 1881 - Courier - Another park has been cleared at the north end of the city, which is also at the disposal of the public, though owned by private gentlemen. I believe it is owned by the other bank, and that there is considerable rivalry between the banks for the approval of their respective efforts for the public good.

Arkansas City Republican, December 11, 1886. The Island Park Association has taken on a new lease of life. The company has let the contract for clearing the island off. All trees, except what is necessary for shade, rubbish, etc., is to be removed. The Association intend to try and have it ready for public entertainment by the middle of next summer.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum