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[FROM JANUARY 26, 1876, THROUGH MARCH 1, 1876.]

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 26, 1876.


Arkansas City, Kansas.

W. H. SPEERS & BRO., Proprietor.

Have two setts of burrs and are grinding Wheat and Corn night and day. Two experienced millers have been engaged, and the flour made is all Warranted. Custom and Merchants work a Specialty. Toll one-fifth for ten bushels and upwards. Parties coming with grists will not have to wait. Flour, Meal, Shorts, etc., always on hand and for sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Arkansas City Water Mills.

J. P. Woodyard, Proprietor.

Are Running on Full Time.

Custom Grinding a Specialty.

Flour, Bran, and Feed constantly on hand.

Highest cash price paid for wheat, corn, and rye.

Satisfaction guaranteed, and all flour warranted.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Channell & Haywood's.

More goods given away for less money than at any store in Cowley Co. Groceries, Stoneware, and Woodenware, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Grainite Water. Agricultural implements of every kind! A carload of Studebaker Wagons just received. 150 Gang and Sulky Plows, and Common Breaking and Stirring Plows, will be in by January 1st, 1876.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Dry Goods!

A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Arkansas City, Kansas.

Our Fall Purchase of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., has arrived, and we now offer, at challenging prices, the best line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Silks, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes ever put on the market in Southern Kansas.

Our trade is not confined to Arkansas City alone: We are willing to compete with or duplicate the prices of Wichita, Leavenworth, or Kansas City. If you don't believe it, come and see. Our stock of Dry Goods embraces all the latest patterns in prints, and the very best Dress Goods. We have a fine assortment of Farmers, Boys, and Girls Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. Also, Ladies' and Gents' Sewed Boots and Slippers. In Hats and Caps we have every variety, from the Cheapest to the Finest and Most Fashionable Styles. Buck Gloves, Mittens, Muffs, and Comforts.

White and Colored Shirts and Underwear.

Flannels, Muslins, Sheetings, Jeans, etc.

Prints Seven Cents per Yard!

Every variety of Gents' and Boys' Clothing, with prices to suit any. WE CAN GIVE YOU A FULL SUIT FROM $5 TO $50.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

A New Stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars, Plow Hames, Trace Chains, Halters, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, Brushes, etc.


WM. NEWTON, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Repairing Done Neatly and Promptly.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

A Rare Chance!

Don't Fail to be Benefited By it!

$10,000.000 worth of Dry Goods at Cost!

For 30 days

From January 20 to February 20, 1876.

For Cash Only!

We have on hand a large stock of fall and winter goods purchased in New York and Boston. This Fall, when Goods were Lower than they have been for fifteen years, and we Are Bound to Sell Them To Make Room For Our Spring Stock! Consequently, we will, as stated above, sell at cost for the time mentionednamely, 30 days. Come and See for Yourselves! We will sell you more goods for less money than you ever bought before. Respectfully,

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.





Does a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Domestic and Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. School Bonds a Specialty.

Collections promptly attended to.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City.

Does a General Banking Business.

Makes Collections.

Loans Money on Real Estate Security.

Loans for Capitalists A Specialty.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 26, 1876.

"In the Savings Department of the ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City, there will be received Sums as low as One Dollar, upon which will be paid Seven per cent interest.




Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Combs.

Choice Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Glass Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Dye Stuffs. Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars.

Letter Paper, pens, ink, confectioneries, coal oil, lamps, shades, chimneys, etc.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 26, 1876.


KELLOGG & HOYT (Successors to H. D. Kellogg & Co.)


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


CASH OR WHEAT TAKEN AT PAGE & GODEHARD'S! FOR ANYTHING IN THEIR LINE OF GROCERIES & QUEENSWARE, of which they keep a full and well-assorted stock. Also, everything in the Bakery & Confectionery Line. We invite our friends to give us a call and see our new stock of Queensware and Stoneware. We shall be glad to see you whether your buy or not.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Have the largest stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing! And Notions, in the Walnut Valley, which they will sell for the next Sixty Days! Cheaper than any House in the Valley for Ready Pay. We will trade for Cash, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Furs, and Hides, Cattle, Horses, or Mules. We are going to sell!

Our stock of groceries, as usual, is complete, fresh, and cheap!

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


W. B. TRISSELL, Agent.


AND NURSERY STOCK, Till you cannot rest. The undersigned (Agent of Rose Hill Nursery, Chetopa, Kansas) will deliver at Arkansas City, Kansas, on or before the FIRST DAY OF APRIL NEXT, the largest and best Nursery Stock that has ever been exhibited in the Southwest.]

We propose to make E. R. Thompson's lots our delivering grounds.

We warrant satisfaction, or no sale. Notice will be given in the Arkansas City TRAVELER of the day of delivery. Call and examine for yourselves. After reading this, hand it to your neighbor. Six months' time given to good parties. I can be found at the City Hotel.

W. B. TRISSELL, Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


A. O. PORTER, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Having purchased the shop formerly owned by Kendall Smith, on South Central Avenue, I am now prepared to do all kinds of work in my line, on short notice and on the most reasonable terms. Horse shoeing and general repairing, specialties. Mr. Kendall Smith, the former proprietor, is still at work at the old stand, ready to oblige his former customers. All former patrons of this shop cordially invited to continue with me, and new ones to try me. Farming utensils made and repaired. A. O. PORTER.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity that I will give instructions on the piano to a limited number of scholars, either boys or girls, at the residence of my parents, one door south of Mr. McMullen's bank.

Terms, $8.00 for 24 lessons for beginners.

Late of the Conservatory of Music, Lawrence, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

W. H. WALKER has repurchased his livery, and is again ready to accommodate the public, with good Saddle Horses.

Spirited Driving Horses and safe teams. He keeps the best of stock, and sound vehicles.


Hay, Corn, and Feed for Sale, and a good Yard for Cattle.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Stoves and Tinware.

E. R. SIPES, Arkansas City, Kansas.

St. Louis & Leavenworth Stoves.

Fine stock of pressed Jappaned and Porcelain Ware.

Iron pumps and lead pipe.

Sewing Machines, Door Locks, and Guns Repaired.

Stencil Plates Cut to Order.

Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of Job Work done on short notice and warranted.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.




L. LIPPMANN'S MILL On Grouse Creek.

All bills or orders left at S. P. Channell & Co.'s filled as promptly as the weather will permit, and any kind of good stock taken at market prices.


Soft Lumber, $14.50 [?] per thousand, when taken by the thousand; Oak, $2.25, under fourteen feet; Walnut $.50 to $3.25.

Grists Ground At Any Time.

And good meal insured.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Have purchased the carriage and blacksmith shop formerly owned by L. C. Wood, and are now prepared to do all kinds of wood and iron work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds of grain taken as a remuneration. Motto: "Live and let live." Give us a call.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 26, 1876.

Below we give a few of the many low prices of J. H. Sherburne & Co.'s. Remember, these prices are good only until February 20th.

Nice Blankets, per pair, $2.00.

Men's White Drawers, per pair, 35 cents.

Men's White Undershirts, each, 35 cents.

Cardigan Jackets, each, $1.10.

Fine Calf Boots, per pair, $2.90.

Nubias, from 70 cents to $1.15.

Men's Wool Shirts, $1.15 to $1.85.

Ladies' Gaiters, 95 cents per pair.

Ladies' waterproof, 85 cents per yard.

And all kinds of fall and winter goods in proportion.

Come while these prices last!

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Farmers, I intend to call upon all of you, soliciting your order for Nursery Stock! Also to give you all information possible on tree culture. You have the soil; if you will only buy the best. The best is what we sellno other. Should I not call on you all, please come to our delivery ground (notice will be given in the Arkansas City TRAVELER) before purchasing elsewhere. WM. B. TRISSELL, AGENT, ROSE HILL NURSERY.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

For Sale or Trade at a Bargain:

The livery stable, known as the Woolsey barn, on Sixth Avenue. Water at the door. Barn in good repair. Anyone wishing to engage in the livery business cannot find a better location. Inquire of S. P. CHANNELL.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Anyone intending to build a good dwelling or business house can be provided with glass and specifications by A. H. HYDE.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Wall Paper at Kellogg & Hoyt's. New lot just received. Call early.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Cowley County Bank.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the banking rooms on Tuesday, February 8, 1876, at 3 o'clock p.m. H. P. FARRAR, Secretary.

Arkansas City, January 8, 1876.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

FOR SALE: 221 acres of land 2-1/2 miles southeast of Arkansas City, well watered; twenty acres in wheat. Also 8 good residence lots, fenced, and trees set out, just south of Col. McMullen's brick residence; one house and lot on Sixth street, and my large stock of furniture, which will be sold cheap. Inquire of L. McLAUGHLIN.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Money to loan by J. D. Pryor, Inquire of Pryor, Kager & Pryor, at Winfield or Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Linseed Oil and pure white lead, at bottom prices, at Kellogg & Hoyt's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Case School Slates just opened at Kellogg & Hoyt's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

People's Drug Store, opposite City Hotel. KELLOGG & HOYT.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

New and Cheap assortment of lamps just received at Eddy's, from 35 cents to $1.00 each.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Narrow Gauge R. R. Lanterns at Eddy's: only $1.00 each.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The only good quality of writing paper is to be found at Eddy's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Fancy Note Paper: go to Eddy's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Wheat, corn, wood, butter, etc., taken in exchange for photographs, at Bonsall's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Queensware. We have added a full stock of Queensware to our stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Lemons at the City Bakery.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

A large variety of good and cheap teas at the City Bakery.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Notice: All persons knowing themselves indebted to me for professional services in `73, `74 and `75, are requested to make settlement. Come, friends, pay your obligations, and enable me to discharge mine. NATHAN HUGHES.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Smokers, Take Notice!

If you want good tobacco, call at Eddy's.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Blank Books: Call at Eddy's.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 26, 1876.

To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that, on the 15th day of February, A. D. 1876, at two o'clock p.m., at the harness shop of Jas. I. Mitchell, in the City of Arkansas City, Cowley county, Kansas, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: One large sized sewing machine for shop use; one medium sized sewing machine, lock-stitch, and one medium sized, silver-plated sewing machine, chain stitch. All of said machines are of the Grover & Baker make, and are almost as good as new, having been used but little.

Said property has been deposited with me by Robert I. Theaker as security for the payment of a debt owing by Robert I. Theaker and Richard Woolsey to myself.

C. R. MITCHELL, Bailee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Notice is hereby given that the farm in the Walnut Valley formerly owned by W. J. Keffer is now, and has been for the past year, the property of E. N. Darling. All persons are strictly forbidden, under the severest penalty of the law, to take from said premises any timber, logs, or rails, either by the consent or otherwise of the said W. J. Keffer, as he has no authority to sell or otherwise dispose of any of the above named materials.

J. C. McMULLEN, Agent.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876. Front Page.

ARKANSAS CITY, Jan. 4, 1876.
Dear Standard: The holidays are over and still our delightful weather continues. Our young folks have had, in the sense of the truth, "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." Christmas Eve, was ushered in with a festival for the benefit of the M. E. Church, a very enjoyable affair for old as well as young. Christmas night at the Presbyterian Church we had a Christmas tree where all enjoyed themselves finely. During the week we had parties, dinners, a musical concert by our famous "Silver Cornet Band," and a general good time. On Thursday night we had a most glorious rain, the heaviest in twelve months, and continued lightly all day on Friday at intervals, the ground is now well soaked, and with the extraordinary weather that we are having, the wheat all over the country is growing beautiful. It is absolutely refreshing to look over the country and see everything looking so green and bright. The streams have risen so that our water mills are running night and day grinding wheat and making flour for home and foreign consumption.

It is the general opinion of all the farmers with whom I have conversed, that never in the history of Southern Kansas has there been such a prospect for an abundant wheat crop as the year of 1876 presents, and I am creditably informed by those who have traveled over the country, that there is at least one third more acres sown this fall than last. If such should be the fact, in the name of God what will we do with it? As it is now, wheat is so abundant in town and country that every nook and corner in dwelling, store, stable, or church, and even boxes along the streets, are filled with wheat. I sometimes think as I walk along our village streets after night, and see piles of sacks of flour laying out of doors on the pavements all night, what a feast some of your Lawrence folks should have if the same custom prevailed in your city. If the reports in your papers be true, it wouldn't lay round loose in your streets long.

Our climate is so delightfully pleasant that I cannot describe it better than by stating a few facts and let you judge for yourself.

On the first day of the new year, Channell & Co. broke ground for a new stone house and every day since except Sunday the men are at work with plows and scrapers cleaning out the cellar; even the water laying in pools from the late rain is not frozen over, the prairies all around covered with wheat fields looking as fresh and green as in early spring. One can scarcely realize that it is now mid winter, that season of the year so faithfully described by the poet Burns in two or three of his pieces commencing:

"As cold November's surly blast,"

"As January winds were blowing cold,"

"When biting Boreas fell and doure,"

"Sharp shivers through the leafless bower."

But such is the fact. I am sitting in my office, writing without a fire. I see men on the streets and around town at work with their ordinary clothes on and some in their shirt sleeves: stone masons and carpenters working away as if it was indeed the spring. To say the least, it looks odd to me.

In my last letter I informed you that Newman & Co. were building a fine brick store room 25 by 100 feet. The fine weather or some other cause has struck S. P. Channell & Co. with the same fever, so that they are now at work digging out the basement, to erect a new brick store room alongside of Newman's, 25 by 100 feet, same style and finish; and from the way that Houghton & McLaughlin look across the street and see those two splendid brick stores going up, I shouldn't be astonished if they caught the fever also, and by spring another new brick store will go up on the opposite corner. "Example is a wonderful teacher."

Pitch in gentlemen, the investment is a safe one, in the opinion of a casual


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876. Front Page.

[Note: First part of this article is garbled. Gather someone from the House of Representatives, Topeka, calling himself "Don Pedeo" sent news from Topeka, January 17, 1876, concerning a resolution being introduced by Hackney, then a member of the House of Representatives.]

. . . I forward you a copy of House Concurrent Resolution No. _____, which will be offered by Representative Hackney this afternoon, "memorializing Congress to grant the right of way through the Indian Territory to two certain lines of railway."

The resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS, The material interest of the people of the State of Kansas, and particularly of those resident in the southwestern part of said State, demands imperatively that two lines of railway be at an early day constructed and put in operation from the southern border of the state in a southerly direction through the Indian Territory, thereby affording to us an outlet for our surplus productions and a cheap and practicable inlet for the lumber and coal of Arkansas and Missouri, and

WHEREAS, Such contemplated lines of railway would bring the people of our State into direct and easy communication with the ports of New Orleans and Galveston, and through them with the great marts of the world. Therefore be it:

Resolved, by the House, the Senate Concurring:

SEC. 1. That Congress is hereby memorialized by the Legislature of the State of Kansas, on behalf of the productive industries of the State and the whole people thereof, to grant by appropriate enactments the right of way through the Indian Territory, and the public (U. S.) lands in the State of Kansas, to any Railroad Company or Companies that will construct within the period of five years next succeeding the date of such grant, a line of rail from the City of Ellsworth, in the State of Kansas, by way of the Cities of Hutchinson, Wichita, Oxford, and Arkansas City to the south line of the State, and thence by the most practicable route through the Indian Territory to the City of Ft. Smith, in the State of Arkansas, and a line of railroad from Arkansas City, in the county of Cowley, State of Kansas through the Indian Territory, by the most practicable route to the City of Sherman, in the State of Texas.

SEC. 2. That our Senators and Representatives in Congress are hereby requested to use their best endeavors to promote and secure the objects of this memorial.

SEC. 3. That the Secretary of State is hereby directed to forthwith transmit to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, a copy of this resolution.

Senator Ingalls has signified his intention to push the matter with all his ability when it reaches Washington. This enterprise, whether it meets with entire success or not, is certainly commendable in our legal representatives.

The House adjourned over from last Friday evening to 2 p.m. today. Members living in the vicinity or near a line of road have gone home. They will all return however this evening as Topeka is doing her level best to entertain the "legislature men" in a social point of view. For this week's evenings we have on the boards, a German Masquerade Ball; a traveling Minstrel Troupe; a Social Dance; a Grange Lecture; and the St. Louis "Can Can" in its most aggravated form.

If your correspondent recovers from all these, you may hear again from a member of the family of DON PEDEO.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876. Front Page.

(From the Winfield Courier.)
Though one of the newest, it is one of the richest in soil and resources, most prosperous and promising counties of Kansas. The variety of soil consists of light, warm, sandy loam, and heavy, limestone, black loam. A heavy growth of grass from two feet to ten feet in height coves the sod annually and bears evidence of its productive power. All the products of this latitude in the United States do well here. The surface of the country is rolling and in some places along the streams precipitous limestone bluffs appear, from fifty to one hundred feet in height. The bottom and valley lands are considered the best for farming, but all lands where the plow can run are considered good.

The streams of the county are as follows: The Arkansas River enters the west line of the county, thirteen miles west of the north line, and winding through the southwest portion of the county, it crosses the south line thirteen miles east of the west line, and enters the Indian Territory. The streams that fall into the Arkansas from the county are Sand Creek, Lost Creek, Beaver Creek, and Evans Creek. The Walnut River, which is an elegant mill stream, enters the county from the north seven miles east of the west line and flows south through the county joining the Arkansas River within three miles of the south line. Falling into this stream from the west are the following creeks: Eight Mile, Maple, Stewart, Crooked, Squaw Creek, Posey, and Camp Creeks. The streams that fall in from the east are Muddy, Rock, Dimen [?], Little Dutch, Foos [?], Timber, Black Crook, and Badger.

Grouse Creek is a mill stream and rises in the northeast corner of the county, running west of south, and joins the Arkansas River at the south line of the county thirteen miles east of the southwest corner. The streams that fall into Grouse from the west are Canyon, Burden [?], Balimi's [?], Turkey, Horse, and Silver Creeks. Those that flow into it from the east are Armstrong, Fall, Cedar, Plumb, and Crab Creeks. Otter Spring, South Cedar, Coal, and the two Beavers are creeks that rise in the eastern and southeastern portion of the county and flows either to the Caneys in Chautauqua County or into the Territory. These streams are pure spring water flowing over gravel beds.

The soil is from one to twenty five feet in depth, and in most places is underlaved with beautiful limestone at a depth of from one to twenty feet. This stone is deposited in layers of from one inch to ten feet in thickness and which is easily quarried for building purposes.

of Southwest Kansas, more particularly that which lies within a radius of fifty miles of Winfield, is not too dry for crop raising. A residence of sixteen years in Kansas, six of which have been spent at this place, warrants us in saying that no portion of the State in this longitude is blessed with so large an annual rainfall as the region above described. The causes are local. The Arkansas and Walnut Rivers, with their tributaries, are of such importance in volume as to cause more frequent rain showers here than in any locality to the north of west of us. No one contradicts this statement who is familiar with the country. The mean temperature for December 1875 was 66 degrees above zero.

of all kinds do well, not excepting vegetables. But the staple crop is winter wheat. The season of 1864 was called the dry year, but Cowley County alone raised over 200,000 bushels of winter wheat, and the average yield exceeded twenty bushels to the acre of very choice grain. In fact, it was the best grain offered in the St. Louis market.

The winter wheat harvest in this county for the year 1875 exceeded 500,000 bushels, with an average yield of 26-1/2 bushels to the acre. Many fields yielded forty bushels to the acre and one field of seven acres turned out at the threshing machine fifty four bushels to the acre.

The marketable wheat crop this year was sold at Wichita, the nearest railroad point, forty three miles distant from Winfield, at an average price of one dollar and ten cents per bushel. A man with team enough to do the work can break up the prairie of a 160 acre farm during the months of June and July, and can sow the same in September with winter wheat and harvest enough grain therefrom the next June to pay for his land at ten dollars per acre, after having paid all his expenses and allowed himself a reasonable compensation for his own labor.

a railroad will be constructed into this county; which will add to the market facilities of this region. At present land

in this county. It will not be long before a railroad will reach from this valley through the Indian Territory to Texas, and then Galveston, 700 miles distant, will be our seaport market. When this time arrives, land will be worth fifty dollars per acre. It can now be bought for from one dollar and a quarter to ten dollars per acre, according to location, soil, timber, water, improvements, etc.

of all kinds flourishes.

grows in abundance and can be put into hay for one dollar per ton. The ruling price at present for hay is three dollars and fifty cents per ton.

need be apprehended from Indians. The county has been settled for six years and not an Indian outrage has been committed in its borders.

chinch bugs, and other pests are no more numerous than in any other locality west of the Missouri River. The first named have never visited this locality but once and then they came too late to do much harm. The region of their origin lies hundreds of miles to the northwest, and as they move south, whenever they move at all, they either distribute themselves over the region north of us entirely or arrive so late in this locality as to do no harm. They have moved out of their northwest homes three or four times in the past twenty years and only twice did they get into Southern Kansas.

command from fifteen to twenty five dollars per month according to the season. Mechanics wages are not so high as in the cities.

can make money very fast here. Persons without money can make money faster than in any locality that we know of in the State east of us. Money brings from twenty to fifty per cent per annum interest.

are not particularly needed. There is at present a full supply. Farmers with means are needed; those without means are welcome.

are required to raise crops. A herd law requires stock owners to take care of their cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep. You will drive miles and miles along the road with fields on either side and no fences.

does well here, but every man must take care of his own.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876. Front Page.

About seven hundred Pawnee Indians left their reservation in the Territory on Thursday to go on a grand buffalo hunt. They will go about 75 miles west of Camp Supply and be absent about four months.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876. Front Page.

A remarkable revival is in progress in Arkansas City. The pastors of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches are conducting a series of union meetings. The house of worship is crowded to its utmost seating capacity. At night the merchants close their stores and attend the meetings. The more prominent business and professional men of the place are taking an active part in the good work. Walnut Valley Times.






The residents of Cowley County cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield at 2 p.m., February 5th, to take such action as shall seem advisable, upon consultation, to secure the construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We hope every township will be represented at said meeting.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Mr. Hackney, of Cowley County, has withdrawn the resolution asking for an investiga- tion into the affairs of insurance companies organized under the laws of this State. He probably ascertained ____________ [last two lines are gone, gone, gone!]


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The Beethoven Society meets next Friday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

R. Hoffmaster and some others are going to Arkansas after sheep.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Wheat is $1.22 in Wichita for the best, according to the statements of freighters.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Mr. Maxwell has contracted to put out and cultivate ten acres of hedge plants for Mr. Trissell.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

A son of Mr. Buzzi had his ankle put out of joint while playing at school. His foot was caught in a hole and wrenched.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Al. Dean has moved his cattle to Pond Creek near Hopkin's Ranche, on account of the range being burnt off at the mouth of the Shawkaska.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Mr. Newton's saddle and harness stock came in last week, and he is now ready for customers. He is located two doors north of the post office.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

S. P. U.'s will meet at Benedict's Hall on Saturday afternoon, February 5th. Applications for membership will be received. R. HOFFMASTER, Captain.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Rev. S. B. Fleming will preach next Sabbath morning on the "Inspiration of the Scriptures." All persons who are in doubt on this subject are especially invited to be present.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Two deer ran across the townsite last week, closely followed by a hound and some hunters. The small dogs exerted themselves astonishingly, but could not keep in sight of the slim-legged animals.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

NEW HARNESS SHOP. Mr. Wm. Newton is now permanently located, and at work on saddles, harness, etc., in the building two doors north of the Post Office, and invites all to come and see him and his stock. He has as fine a lot of saddles, collars, bridles, etc., as can be found in the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The Beethoven Singing Society met at the frame church last Friday evening, and elected the following officers.

President, E. D. Bowen.

Vice President, C. R. Sipes.

Treasurer, Miss Eva Swarts.

Secretary, Mrs. A. A. Newman.

Organist, Mrs. R. C. Haywood.

Director, Prof. E. W. Hulse.

A concert will be given within three weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

As the railroad time in Wichita is being changed so often, and cannot be depended upon, arrangements are being made to have the standard time obtained from there every few days, and kept at E. D. Eddy's, Houghton & McLaughlin's, and elsewhere, in order that all living in the City may have the same time together, instead of so many different ones, as at present.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The exhibition given by the school pupils and Literary Society last Saturday was largely attended and duly appreciated. The exercises were all performed in a very creditable manner, and to the general enjoyment of everyone present. Through the paper several good hits were made, and many commendable articles read. The net receipts were $8, and will be used to purchase a bell for the school house. In two or three weeks another entertainment will be given, which is promised to be equal to, or even better than this, their first one.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

It was the intention of the young men of this place to organize a Young Men's Christian Association, and elect officers of the same, last evening, but as the copy of the by-laws of other associations, which had been sent for, had not arrived, it was delayed until next week. It is pleasing to see so many young men and ladies turn out to these young people's meetings. At the first meeting, held some three weeks since, over fifty young people attended, and the interest in them seems to be increasing. Let all the young people, however small, turn out every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m., and make this a powerful organization for good in this place, which is getting such a good reputation abroad.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

NEW HOUSES. The cellar for O. P. Houghton's residence, on the lot south of the First Presbyterian Church, is made.

Rev. Fleming's lumber for his residence is on the way. He will build just north of the church.

James Allen will build on a lot near Rev. Thompson.

J. W. Hutchinson will build a frame house east of Berkey's.

R. Page will build on the foundation made by M. C. Baker, on the northwest side of town.

The M. E. Church held a meeting last Monday evening, and decided to build on their lots near the parsonage.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

WORSE AND WORSE! Houghton & McLaughlin, of the renown "Old Reliable," Green Front store, now come out announcing for the next sixty days they will sell, trade, and almost give away their entire stock of winter clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, and notions, for less money than any house in the valley. This is not "talk," but an actual and unprecedented fact, and those who doubt it will do well to come and see. Never before in the history of Cowley county or Southern Kansas, have goods been marked down to the figures they have them at this place, at this day. Carry the news, and let the people have the benefit of it.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The bell for the Presbyterian Church arrived on Saturday, and was rung for the first time on Sunday morning and evening.

It will be placed in the belfry this week, when we can better judge of its tone, how far it can be heard, etc. From appearances at present, it seems to be a very fine one.

Services at this church hereafter will be at half past 10 in the morning and half past 7 in the evening. First bell will ring one half hour previous, and second one ten minutes before service, and tolled at the hour when service is to begin. Meetings during the week at half past 7; bell will ring fifteen minutes previous to service.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The Methodists have moved into Pearson's Hall, where better accommodations can be had for the many people who turn out every Sabbath to hear Rev. Wingar. There has never been a man of this denomination here who has made so many friends and done so much good as he, and we hope he will continue with us another year. Many converts have been made to this and the First Presbyterian Churches by the untiring efforts of Rev. Wingar and Fleming, and their working together so harmoniously. May they go on in their good work, so nobly begun.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

LADIES' EQUESTRIAN CLUB. An organization with the above title has lately been formed by the ladies of this place, and officers elected as follows: One Colonel, one Captain, two Lieutenants, and two Corporals. Great interest is manifested, and the first parade will take place this afternoon. Small boys are requested to keep off the streets, and the Mayor and Council have passed another special ordinance (No. 612) to prevent the use of fire crackers.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

RAILROAD MEETING. In this issue will be seen a call for a railroad meeting, to be held at Winfield, Saturday, February 5th, to take measures to secure the construction of a road. Let every township elect two or more persons to represent them. Tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at Meigs' office, will be time enough for Creswell to make its selection. Let us evince a spirit of enterprise, and try to accomplish something.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

In consequence of conflicting with other appointments, the Beethoven will meet next Friday night, instead of Saturday, as voted. As the Concert is to be given in two weeks, all must be present. E. D. BOWEN, President.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Hurrah! for the narrow gauge railroad! Quick transit cigars at Kellogg & Hoyt's, only FIVE CENTS. Best in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Considerable excitement was caused in town the other day by the announcement that coal had been struck in the shaft being sunk by the Messrs. McCampbell's. We met Mr. McCampbell in a short time afterward and he showed us a small specimen of very good, indeed, excellent coal, which he said he had taken out, together with a conglomerate of coal and sulphur not so good. We dispatched one of our attaches out to the mine for further particulars, but none were obtained worthy of mention. The character of the material taken from the last blast satisfied us upon examination that Mr. McCampbell has not reached a paying vein of coal, yet. But with the whole county we hope he may ere long reap the reward for his industry, perseverance, and large expenditure of money. The shaft is now 191 feet deep. Wichita Eagle.



Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

C. R. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law & Notary Public.

Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

JAMES CHRISTIAN, Attorney and Counselor, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Formerly of Lawrence, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


No. 456, Louisiana Ave., Washington, D. C.

U. S. Land and Mining Laws a specialty.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


S. D. PRYOR, Winfield.

E. M. Kager, Arkansas City.

J. D. Pryor, Winfield

Attorneys at Law & Notaries Public, Winfield and Arkansas City.

Will practice in State and Federal Courts.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.



Winfield, Kansas.

Office in Winfield Bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Office at his residence, on Summit St., Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Calls answered Night or Day.

Special attention given to the diseases of women.

Office at his residence, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Office on North Summit Street, opposite Central Avenue House,

Arkansas City, Kansas.

DENTISTRY, in all its branches, by an experienced operator, at Dr. Alexander's rooms.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Central Avenue.

W. D. MOWRY, Proprietor, Arkansas City, Kansas.

This hotel has been refitted and newly furnished, and now offers the best accommo- dations to be found in the Southwest. Good stable convenient.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


In one of the best built, finished, and furnished houses in Southern Kansas. Mr. Mantor, Proprietor. Stable convenient.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


Having recently taken possession of this house. I will be glad to see and entertain any of my friends and the traveling public, who may visit Winfield, with accommodations suitable to the most fastidious.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

RICHEY HOUSE. No transfer, no bus fare at the depot. Have refitted, refurnished, and reduced fare to $1.50 per day. Good stable accommodations in connection with the house.

RICHEY BRO'S., Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY MILLINERY, J. Goodnight & T. Bowers. Having purchased the stock formerly belonging to Mrs. Gibby, also a large stock of new and stylish goods, embracing the latest fashions, we are now prepared to sell all kinds of goods in our line at lowest prices. Will do dressmaking and all kinds of plain sewing.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

FARMERS MEAT MARKET, On the west side of Summit St., one door south of `s (?).

MORGAN & ALLEN, Proprietors.
Keep all kinds of Fresh Meat, Hams, Bacons, and Lard. Come and see us.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


L. W. CURRIER, Proprietor.
Is a first-class hall, fitted up in good style. No Liquors or Card Playing.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


All kinds of House Painting, Graining, Marbling, Varnishing, Sign Painting and Paper Hanging. Shop with C. R. Sipes.

Satisfaction warranted.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.



Shop under the City Hotel.

Business hours from 7 to 7 p.m. Try me once, try me always.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

CURNS & MANSER, Real Estate Agents & Notaries Public.

Office, corner of Main and Tenth Avenue, WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Have a complete set of Abstract Books of Titles for Cowley County. Titles carefully investigated and taxes paid. Deeds, Mortgages, etc., made and acknowledged.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.


J. A. STAFFORD, Proprietor.

Conveniently situated on SUMMIT STREET, BETWEEN MELTON'S BLOCK AND E. D. EDDY'S. Light and Heavy Teams Ready at a moment's notice, and extra good Driving and Saddle Horses always on hand. Good Outfits and Reasonable Terms.

Thanking the public for past favors, would like a continuance of the same. J. A. STAFFORD.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.






Arkansas City Schools.

First term begins Sept. 6th: continues sixteen weeks, and closes Dec. 24.

Second term begins Jan. 8, 1876; continues twelve weeks and closes March 25.

Third term begins April 4; continues twelve weeks, and closes June 24, 1876.


$1.00 per month, in advance, unless other arrangements are made with the Board.

Rooms can be procured for those wishing to board themselves. Board can be had at reasonable prices.

For admission, apply to E. W. HULSE, Principal.

By order of the Board: T. H. McLAUGHLIN, District Clerk.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

We are daily in receipt of letters of inquiry relative to Southern Kansas, Cowley County, and Arkansas City, and give the following condensed items for the purpose of answering general inquiries.

Cowley County borders on the Indian Territory, is fifty miles from the nearest railroad, and 150 from the State Capital.

The county embraces 725,760 acres of land, three fourths of which is fertile, tillable soil.

The area of land under cultivation in the year 1875 was 24,648 acres of wheat, average 20 bushels per acre; 40,355 acres of corn, averaging 45 bushels per acre; 2,116 acres of orchards, besides other grains.

The population of Cowley County is 8,995 souls. Number of families, 1,990. Taxable property, $1,635,451.

Prairie hay yields from two to three tons per acre.

Wood can be bought for $3.50 per cord, or $25 per acre.

Horses can be bought for $100, and ponies from $25 to $75.

Work cattle, $75 per yoke.

Good upland farms can be purchased at from $3 to $5 per acre; bottom land from $5 to $10.

Sheep raising has been tried with wonderful success. Out of a flock of 500 kept over winter, with no feed but what they could pick, and no shelter, only ten were lost.

All kinds of stock raising is very profitable here. Cattle, horses, and mules can be raised at trifling expense, compared with the cost further east and north of us.

The graded school in Arkansas City accommodates 200 scholars, and is well conducted by able and experienced teachers. More room will soon be needed.

Good teachers are always in demand. Salaries from $40 to $75 per month. The school month is four weeks of five days each.

The finest stone in the State is found in inexhaustible quantities near here. It is being used extensively in town for ornamental work, and admits a polish almost equal to marble.

Building houses for sale or rent pays well here. The amount of capital, say $5,000, is ample for the purpose.

Fruit trees should be procured as near home as possible. There are now reliable nurseries in most of the older counties. Opinions are about equally divided between fall and spring planting of orchard. Either will succeed if well done.

The annual average rainfall in Kansas, from observations taken at numerous places, varying from two to fourteen years, is 26.72 inches. In the eastern part it is 37.07 inches, middle 23.61 inches, western, 19.48 inches. At Fort Leavenworth, where the record has been kept since 1836 [? HARD TO READ ?] the least rainfall, 15.94 inches, was in 1843; the greatest, 59.65 inches, was in 1858.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The people of Cowley County want a railroad.

The Indians can play seven up as well as other people.

There are 13,299 Pennsylvanians in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The U. S. Army Medical Department furnishes medical supplies for the service at the Osage Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

It is rare indeed that in any State there is success in everything grown. Kansas has had success in everything, failure in nothing.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

We have been informed from various parties that Col. Coker, the murderer of Isaac Johnnycake, is not dead as was reported last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Gen. Chatterson, who has been acting as sub agent at the Pawnee agency, resigned his position last Tuesday and will return to Washington, D. C.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

A bill appropriating a sum amounting to a little over $45,000 to the Pottawatomie Indians in this State, for depredations committed on them in 1855-1856 during the overland travel to Utah and points further west has been introduced into Congress.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

RECAP: Albert A. Newman, plaintiff, vs. Edwin L. Chesney and Lewis H. Gardner, defendants. Sum: $1,096.35. Order for the sale of lots one and two and the south half of the northeast quarter of section two in township thirty-four south of range three east, in Cowley County, to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees, taxes, and costs, according to the three promissory notes and the mortgage given by Edwin L. Chesney to Lewis H. Gardner. E. S. BEDILION, Clerk of the District Court.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.




Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Grape Vines, Blackberry Plants, Seedling Peach Trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. A large lot for sale cheap. Will take wheat and corn at market rates.

MAX FAWCETT, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Arkansas City, Kansas.
I have on hand constantly a large assortment of INDIAN PICTURES, OF THE OSAGE, KAW, KICKAPOO, AND OTHER TRIBES.

VIEWS Of all sizes, from Card de Vista to 11 x 14. Also Stereoscopic views of this vicinity on hand, and made to order. Views of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Look Out Mountain and vicinity, made during the war for sale. All kinds of pictures copies and enlarged, plain or colored.

All Work Warranted Good or No Pay.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Repairing done on short notice in workmanlike manner and on reasonable terms.

Shop on Central Avenue.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

We learn that last Saturday orders were received from Washington to "stop all work on the Pawnee reservation except the issuing of rations."


Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

The "TRAVELER" and Its Claims!
For five years and more we have been publishing the TRAVELER at Arkansas City, dating from the 25th of August, 1870. The building in which the first papers were printed was, like the old "Arkansas Traveler," without windows or roof; and when it rained, the only dry spot was UNDER the BED.

The Arkansas, Walnut, Grouse, and Shawkaska Rivers were the favorite camping places of the Indians, and abode of wild animals. Sumner County was almost uninhabited, and Harper and Barbour almost unknown. A few settlers had "stopped" on Cedar and Grouse and many more were coming in to see. This was the beginning of Cowley County. Since then we have weekly chronicled the advancement of the new

By our frequent rambles through the county in search of news and new subscribers, every portion of it has become as familiar to us as the old home county "back East." From the flint range on the head of Grouse Creek to the deep steep banks of Bluff Creek, in Sumner County; and from the head to the mouth of the Walnut, the scenery is as well known as the picture on the wall. The early settlement of Cowley County is as a pleasant remembrance, and such as we yet expect to witness and enjoy, as it is yet

Think of it! Five years ago the first election of officers was held and the organization of the county completed. Now it has a population of 5,995 souls, 1,990 families, 26,648 acres of wheat, 40,355 acres of corn, 2,116 acres of orchards, and a total taxable property of $1,635,451. And this, too, in spite of drouth, grasshoppers and

What a future there is before us!

But we are wandering from our purpose. The object of this article is to present to all readers our claims to consideration, and to induce, if possible, every resident of the county to read, compare, and then subscribe for the paper. The foundation of a newspaper is in its circulation, and we want every man, woman, and child to be familiar with the TRAVELER. The terms are two dollars per year, one dollar for six months, fifty cents for three months, postage paid and mailed to your address. For every one year's subscription we give the companion pictures,

Or one of each to every six month's subscriber. The "TRAVELER" is the

Oldest Paper in the Arkansas Valley,
In Kansas. It is strictly a Home Paper, devoting its space to communications from all parts of the county, and from residents temporarily absent in other States. It contains the

News of the Territory,
And of Indian Matters. Has the latest weekly Market Reports, Official County Proceedings, and everything of general interest to the reader. Among its correspondence, Lazette, Red Bud, Otto, Maple City, Silverdale, Dexter, Winfield, Nennescah, Oxford, Salt City, Guelph, South Haven, Caldwell, Kaw Agency, and several Ranches in the Territory, are represented. Every man should read his own county paper, and no family should be without one or more. The terms are reasonable, and within the reach of allnot costing one-half the price of your tobacco, extracts, and "other necessaries."

Call on or address,

C. M. SCOTT, Publisher,
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Remittances can be made at any Post Office in the county.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876. Front Page. [Volume 6. No. 22.]

We would not advise persons with young and dependent families to come west without some means to start them on a farm, nor could we advise young men to come who are entirely dependent upon clerical employment, without a fair prospect of a situation on their arrival. There is generally a fair demand for manual labor, and the man who can and will work, can usually find employment with good wages.

Emigrants coming west should not bring heavy or bulky material with them. Farming implements and household goods can be purchased here as cheaply as in the eastern and middle states, after adding the cost of transportation; and if brought long distances, the cost here is less. Cattle and horses should not be brought, unless of superior quality, as ordinary breeds can be purchased for less than they could be landed here.

The greatest drawback to Kansas is that her inviting soil, climate, and resources have induced many people to come here and attempt to open a farm, without a cent in their purse. It is a great mistake to think that because the Government will give a homestead virtually for nothing, or that a farm can be obtained from a railway company at a merely figure that a fortune has been begun. Without capital, either in cash or chattels, the land is worthless.

To begin with a reasonable hope of success, it requires at least five hundred dollars. A little cabin has to be built (a "dug out," if you please), horses or oxen are necessary, and shelter for them, a plow, barrow, wagon, and harness are needed, also seed and enough provisions to sustain life until crops have been raised.

The best time to come is in early fall, and during the winter, preparations can be made for putting in an early crop. The prairie should be broken up so that the soil will rot during the winter. The time when new land is easiest broken is during the spring rains. The work should not be neglected, but preparations made for planting winter wheat which should be in the ground about the first of September.

Early in the spring is a good time to come, say middle of February. Ground can be broken up and "sod corn" planted in April or May, and preparations made for winter wheat. With means to start on and a due observation of the proper seed time and harvest, coupled with industry and economy, prosperity is certain, and a change for the older states or countries to Kansas must result in an increase of this world's goods.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876. Front Page.

Absurd rumors are in circulation throughout Cowley County to the effect that Mr. Sampson, the grange agent at Wichita, had absconded with $150,000 belonging to the members in the Southwest. Mr. Sampson, we believe, has not been absent from this county since the rumors began and has been in the city almost every week. He and the active managers of this agency owe it to their own characters, and to the patrons throughout the various counties connected with it, to make a truthful showing of the transactions of the grange agency. This is a public institution, and open to public criticism, and if these damaging charges are groundless there should be a stop put to them by an honest statement. This should be made in such a manner that no one can question the facts set forth. We must say, however, that the absence of any public explanation, and the continued delay, furnish grounds for very grave suspicions. We have no desire however to injure Mr. Sampson or misrepresent him in the least particular, but earnestly hope he may be able to sustain his claims of being an honest man. We will freely give him the use of our columns to vindicate himself from these charges of dishonor and corrupt dealings, if he can. Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876. Front Page.

McEARLY'S RANCH, TEXAS, December 29, 1875.
Night before last we had a call from an unwelcome visitor. Old Boreas came screaming, shrieking down from the North, causing all our teeth to chatter and our bones to shake. These Northers usually last from one to two days, and as they are about all there is of winter, they are a terror to the natives, but to one accustomed to a more rigorous climate, they amount to very little. Up to this time we have had only two frosts, and no weather cold enough to form ice. I am told that snow is almost unknown here.

During three days of October, your old neighbors, the grasshoppers, passed over our country in immense numbers, going south. They came down in places as thickly as they were ever seen in Kansas, but remained only a few days, when they passed on. They must have spread over much of Mexico or the Gulf.

If your readers will look on a map of Texas at the region of country lying between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, they will be impressed with the almost entire absence of towns or villages. The bone of contention during the Mexican War, it has remained since that time a kind of dividing line between the United States and Mexico, its sparse population being made up of Americans and Mexicans in about equal numbers. The former are nearly all engaged in cattle and sheep raising; the latter, a thieving, trifling, treacherous people, like their Indian cousins, seem to be good for nothing but sheep herding, which is their chief occupation. They have the Indian liking for dogs, and dislike for anything good or noble. There are a few of the better class, of some wealth, who have settled on the American side, to escape the broils of Mexico, the land of revolutions. Everybody makes a living easily, the necessaries of life being cheap and easily obtained. The luxuries are unknown.

This is essentially a grazing country, its dryness of climate rendering it unfit for agriculture. It is rarely visited by sightseers, hence is but little known outside of its own limits. It is the principal sheep raising district in the State. Game is plenty. There are turkey, deer, antelope, peccaries, or musk hogs, wolves, bears, panthers, and leopards, while the "jack rabbit" attains a size and length of ear rarely equaled elsewhere. The leopard is a beautiful but fierce and powerful animal, and it is said to crush the skull of an ox with the same apparent ease that a cat does a mouse.

Twenty years ago wild horses roamed over this country in numbers as immense as the buffalo did lately over the plains west of your city. Their old trails are still to be seen, but the animals that made them, like the buffalo, are gradually disappearingno one knows why nor how. They are now rarely seen in droves of more than a dozen or twenty. No animal is wilder or more difficult to approach, though the colts are sometimes captured, and make tough, serviceable horses, but are apt to retain the wild, restless nature of the mustang.

From time immemorial, Texas has been regarded as the home of outlaws and desperadoes. It is measurably true of this particular region. There are not many such, but these few, in connection with occasional inroads of marauding Mexicans and Indians from beyond the Rio Grande, render life and property somewhat unsafe.

Scott, tally one for Kansas. The soldier, when writing home to his girl, vowed that the further he got away from her, the better he liked her. I feel even so toward Kansas. A. K. M.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

We need a silversmith.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Marriages are frequent.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Cabbage, 5 and 10 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The Indians gather pecans.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

John Smith don't live here.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Plowing is going on briskly.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Strawberry vines are blossoming.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Corn continues to pour in steadily.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The prairie grass is growing finely.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Mild weather throughout the State.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Several real estate transfers this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Hunters are still having good success.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The skate trade has been extremely dull.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Mr. W. B. Skinner wants to locate in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The general health of the town and county is good.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The justices are anxiously waiting for something to turn up.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The protracted meetings have been discontinued in Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A firm in Elk Falls wants to purchase five hundred red birds.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Near Cedar Vale, in this county, is a settlement of free lovers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The clothing merchants are anxious for a few weeks of cold weather.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A great many railroads are beginning to advertise for the Centennial trade.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A subscription to repair the roads north and south of town has been circulated.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

It has been successfully demonstrated that the billiard hall cannot be plowed up.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A man living near Coffeyville has a turkey, which recently hatched four young ones.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Remember the railroad meeting at Winfield next Saturday, and endeavor to be present.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A tanner, a tailor, and broom maker would find a good business opening at Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Some parties were here from Wichita, last week, to start a saloon. No business room could be had.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Another grocery store is talked of being opened at this place by Mr. Musgrove, of South Haven.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Messrs. Leach and Eldridge, of Coffeyville, have sent a supply of cattle to the Pawnee Indians.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

DIED. On Sunday, January 23rd, a son of Mr. Lewellen, aged six years. Spasms was the cause of death.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

MARRIED. Chauncy Robinson married widow Woods on Grouse Creek, last week. He gave the boys a supper.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

CROWELL & CO., of Coffeyville, shipped to the Osages, two loads, and to the Pawnees, twelve loads of merchandise.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Our Mayor, O. P. Houghton, James Benedict, and R. F. Smith make regular trips to Winfield, once a week, now.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

SCALES. Houghton & McLaughlin have purchased C. R. Sipes' hay scales, and moved them on the corner near their store.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Judge McDonald, of Wellington, gave us a call of a few minutes last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Mr. J. C. McMullen was very ill last week, and for a short time it was feared he would not live. We are glad to state he has recovered.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

In order to make sure of them, many farmers have already engaged their harvest hands. Five hundred laborers could find employment during harvest in this county.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The bell brought one man to town last Sunday. He heard the constant ringing, and thought the town was on fire. From what he was heard to remark, a little church going would have improved him.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The Beethoven Society meets tonight to practice for the concern to be given next week. It is proposed to donate all or a part of the proceeds to the school bell fund.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Bill McDowell, a famous tramp, who has been everywhere, has recently taken an editorial position on the West Columbia, West Virginia, Monitor, and is making a lively paper of it.

"Old Bill McDowell!" It was "old Bill," ten years ago, when we were the cub in the old Republican office at Cadiz, Ohio, where his genial smile enlivened the dull hours of the long winter's day as he related to the boys where he "had been last."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

TWO WIVES. A man by the name of Myers, living six miles from Maple City, on the State line, has two wives and twenty children, so we have been informed. He has a small house nearby, which he uses for a schoolhouse, and employs a teacher for his children alone. He is regarded by his neighbors as a thoroughly reliable man, and is generally respected. What he wants with more than one wife is a query, unless it requires two to look after the offspring.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

We spoke of a hunchback running a race in Winfield, lately, and Walton took it that we referred to him, and went for us accordingly. It is a little strange he should think we meant him, and yet how natural for him to think so. Well, go for us on the Post Office, Amos, or originate another yarn. Anything for "revenge," you know, as you had it on the matrimonial occasion.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

MIXED. Mr. Henderson of the "Lagonda," was in town Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Mr. Newman and J. L. Stubbs returned from the Pawnee Agency, last Monday, well pleased with their visit.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Mr. Vincent Furguson and Mr. Shurts, of Coshocton County, Ohio, have bought farms west of the Arkansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Orville Smith left for Vermont yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Little cold today.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Rev. S. B. Fleming will preach a sermon next Sabbath morning on "Objections to the Inspirations of the Scriptures." In the evening he will discuss the "Philosophical and Speculative Aspect of the Doctrine of Universal Salvation."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

So, Joseph Troutman, of South Haven, that is you! We vouched for your grub at the City, and quinine at Eddy's, under promise you'd be in next week. Next week hasn't come yet, and it was a month ago. If we could kick you by mail, we'd feel like trying it.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Wheatly Gooch is now a perambulator for the Singer sewing machine, roosting at Wichita. He will make a good one, for he "can work while he sings, and sing while he works, because his machine is a Singer." Be careful, Wheatly, and don't let the "needle fly up and back stitch your nose."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

We were pleased to receive a call from Col. Hiatt, John Florer, and Dr. Dougall, who were on their way to Hopkin's Ranch. The Doctor was sent out to patch up the Osages that were wounded in a late scrimmage with some white herders, and afterwards with the soldiers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

THIEF CAUGHT. Constable Meadows and A. C. Maisler, of South Haven, returned Monday evening, with a young man who calls himself Joseph Bethel, who stole Maisler's pony last week. They followed him nearly to Independence before overhauling him.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A proposition is on foot to have several lectures delivered at the schoolhouse by home professional men, on topics of their own choosing, principally for the benefit of the students. If the proposition meets with success, the proceeds will go into the school bell fund.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

SOLD OUT. R. A. Houghton has sold his half-interest in the dry goods store to A. A. Newman. Rube says it don't pay to sell goods on close figures, and then have a man run off every now and then owing him a hundred dollars.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

AGENTS. Mr. I. H. Bonsall and S. E. Maxwell are agents for the Rose Hill Nursery. Mr. Hoffmaster, Wm. Anderson, E. Bowen, G. W. Harmon, D. Hunt, and S. P. Berryman will handle trees for the same firm.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY offers ten lots and $300 to any responsible parties who will erect a $1,500 tannery and conduct it. Hides are shipped in great quantities to be tanned, when the work could be successfully done here at much less cost.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

DANCE. On Monday evening, February 14th, the band boys will give a dance at the Central Avenue hotel. It is expected all will attire themselves in calico, or something else, and take part in having a good time.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A Union Social will be given by Mrs. Newman and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell at Pearson's Hall, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 9. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and a good time will doubtless be had.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

About 3,000 bushels of wheat has been sent from Arkansas City to Wichita within the last three days: equivalent to seven carloads, and still we haven't a railroad.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

WELL. Chas. Parker is having a well bored by the Thompson brothers. They go about twenty-five feet a day, at a cost of one dollar per foot, and insure water.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The alarm of fire was given in Winfield, Monday evening, caused by the burning of the soot in one of the chimneys of the Lagonda House.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

GEORGE ALLEN has performed a master-piece of workmanship on Wm. Benedict's doors and windows.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

M. E. Hudson, Master of the State Grange, will address the Patrons in Winfield, Saturday, Feb. 12th, at 10 o'clock a.m.; also at Arkansas City, at 7 p.m. of same day. A full attendance is desired. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master District Grange.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

POND CREEK, I. T., Jan. 26, 1876.
I thought I would drop you a few lines and give you some of the news from this locality. A number of the Osage Indians have been camped here all winter, and have sent out hunting parties to the plains. The parties met with little success hunting buffalo, having to go 50 miles beyond Camp Supply. On their return, when about twenty miles east of Supply, they commenced killing cattle, thereby getting the soldiers after them. On or about the 22nd, the soldiers struck a camp of the Indians, killed one of the Big Hills, and took one girl, one woman, and a small boy prisoners, with about forty head of stolen ponies and mules. They struck one old woman on the head with a revolver, and left her for dead; but the old lady has come in, and is in a fair way to recover. I will write again. W. J. KEFFER.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The court house came near being destroyed by fire Sunday morning. Mr. Tell Walton had taken up the ashes in a nail keg, which he placed in a corner of one of the offices, and then left the room. Returning some time after, he discovered the keg to be all ablaze, and the flames already making rapid progress upon the wooden structure of the building. The alarm was given, water procured, and in a few minutes the would-be conflagration was extinguished. This little accident should serve as a lesson to all who are in the habit of taking up ashes in wooden vessels and not emptying the same immediately. Ashes often contain fire when it is supposed they are entirely free from it, and our advice to one and all is, never habituate yourself to leaving ashes setting in vessels of any kind inside of any building. Wellington Press.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

50 bu. Early Rose potatoes for sale by D. H. Clough.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Found. A black bow, resembling a necktie. It is not a necktie, but is something worn on the back of a lady's dress, just around the waist. It will be found in the post office, where the boys have tacked it up.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

A Card. The party who removed the lumber from the Perdue place is well known, and will save trouble by returning the same or equivalent. J. T. SHEPPARD.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

For Sale. Five acres of land within one-half mile of the northwest corner of the town site. Location good and in excellent view of town. Price $90. Inquire at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

For Sale or Trade. A second hand spring wagon. Will trade for corn. W. H. WALKER.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The man who stole an iron beam, Canton Clipper stirring plow from Channell & Haywood's store last Monday night had better return it, and save trouble.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

People's Drug Store, opposite City Hotel. KELLOGG & HOYT.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

FOR SALE. 221 acres of land 2-1/2 miles southeast of Arkansas City, well watered; twenty acres in wheat. Also 8 good residence lots, fenced and trees set out, just south of Col. McMullen's brick residence; one house and lot on main street, and my large stock of furniture, which will be sold cheap. Inquire of L. McLAUGHLIN.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

Today is ground-hog day.

Hon. Wm. P. Hackney has gained the admiration of the people of Cowley by his energy and ability in representing them.

A company has been organized and the charter filed for a railroad from Winfield down the Arkansas Valley to Fort Smith, Arkansas, via Arkansas City. It is expected Congress will grant a right of way through the Territory. Some of the most prominent men of Kansas constitute a part of the company.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

An Osage Killed.
On Tuesday, January 25th, twenty Osage Indians, of the Bill Hill band, camped at the mouth of the Shawkaska. Two of them went to Wilcox's herd of cattle, killed a beef, and were carrying it off, when one of the men with the herd saw them, and shot a load of buckshot into one of them. He fell from his horse, and is supposed to have been killed. They had killed nineteen cattle altogether and would probably have taken more if rash measures had not been resorted to. Fifteen men were sent for to come down and help the herders.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The Rev. Mr. Fleming, of Arkansas City, has accepted the call tendered him by the First Presbyterian church of Junction City to become its pastor, provided he can have until February 1 to complete an engagement with the Home Mission Board. Commonwealth.

Rev. Fleming has concluded to eat his bread and butter contentedly here, for the next year.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

They Carry Off Fifty Head of Cattle Belonging to
Lee & Reynolds.
But Are Overtaken, Their Lodges Burned, and Themselves Taken Prisoners.
(Special to Leavenworth Times.)
CAMP SUPPLY, I. T., Jan. 27.
As the settlers on the border between Kansas and Indian Territory are periodically troubled by thieving bands of Osage Indians, it may interest your readers to know that at least one of their raids has ended in disaster to the noble savage.

On the night of the 19th inst., a messenger arrived at this post with news that a party of Osages had stolen about fifty head of cattle from the camp of Lee & Reynolds, about thirty- five miles south of this place. The herders had followed the trail for about fifteen miles, but being unable to overtake the Indians, one of them was sent into this place to procure aid.

Major Gordon, of the Fifth Cavalry, commanding this post, immediately ordered pursuit. Lieut. Bishop, of the Fifth Cavalry, with fifteen men, started the same night at 12 o'clock, with orders "to punish the Indians should the latter be overtaken; if necessary, to pursue them to their agency and demand the surrender of the thieves and stolen stock." Scout Amos Chapman accompanied the command as guide.

Lieut. Bishop arrived at the scene of the robbery, and started at once upon the trail.

The detachment returned today, bringing as prisoners, three squaws, one boy, and thirty- five Indian ponies.

I learn that at about noon on the 25th inst., Lieut. Bishop arrived near the Indian camp, located in high grass, their ponies grazing on a neighboring hill. Dismounting his men, and favored by a heavy atmosphere, the Indians were taken by surprise.

The latter, being dismounted, were unable to escape; and rather than surrender, made a determined fight. Three Indians were killed, several wounded, who escaped, and the whole band dispersed.

With one exception, all the lodges were burned. One old squaw declared she would rather be killed than go as a prisoner. She was left, the sole occupant of the camp that a few hours before contained so many thieving Indians. The stolen cattle had been slaughtered before the Indians had been overtaken. The prisoners acknowledged the guilt of their band.

The loss they have received will serve as a check to future raids, and the punishment upon them has been richly deserved, for their depredations for some years in this section.

Lieutenant Bishop is deserving of great praise for the prompt manner in which he executes orders and Osages at the same time. C. M. L.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.

The first salt made by the Arkansas Valley Salt Company is at Gillett & Foote's, at Hutchinson. The company have furnaces with capacity for thirty barrels of salt per day. Wichita Beacon.

Guess not. Salt has been made at Salt City, in Sumner County, for the past two years.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.





Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.

ARKANSAS CITY, February 8, 1876.
Editor Traveler:

In company with A. A. Newman, we recently paid a visit to the Pawnee Agency, and at your request, will give you a few items.

We left Arkansas City on Thursday. Owing to the rains of late, and the heavy freights that have passed over the road, it was very much cut up; but it is a natural route, and with a few days' work, would make the best road in this section. Would it not be a wise move for the citizens of this place to take measures to have some improvements made on it?

We arrived at the Agency Friday afternoon; found Agent Burgess and family comfortably located in their new quarters, and to whom we are under obligations for their hospitality, and for much information relative to the progress of the Indians, their management, etc.

The tribe numbers about 2,400 persons. Their Reservation as contemplated embraces near 600,000 acres of land. While there is sufficient good land for all farming purposes, the proportion of good land is not so great as that between here and there; but it is adapted to stock growing, being well watered and timbered.

A portion of the tribe moved on their Reservation in June last, since which time they have broken 400 acres of prairie, 90 of which is in fall wheat, and looks fine. Thirty buildings have been erected, principally for the use of employees. This includes a large frame barn, with stabling capacity for fifty horses, granaries, etc. A saw mill has also been erected, at a cost of about $5,000, with which they have cut near 200,000 feet of lumber. An office of cut stone is under process of construction, and when completed, will be a very handsome structure. A very superior quality of building stone is found within easy reach of the Agencymostly sandstone, but there is a sufficiency of limestone for all purposes.

Indian labor is employed as far as practicable, and they manifest considerable of skill in the use of tools, etc. Quite a number of full blood Indians are serving apprenticeships at the different trades, and we were informed by those over them that they take quite an interest in their work, and seem anxious to learn.

A day school is in progress, conducted by Miss Burgess and Mrs. Longshore, with an average attendance of 90 scholars, an equal number of boys and girlssomething unusual for Indians, as they are almost universally opposed to the education of their girls, and their prejudices can only be overcome by time and an unlimited amount of patience. It being Saturday, we did not have an opportunity of visiting the school, but were informed that they are easily governed, and learn quite readily, several of them being able to read quite intelligently, having only been in school a little over a year.

A portion of their tribe are on their annual hunt, but meeting with poor success. They draw an annuity of $30,000, $15,000 of which they receive in annuity goods. The balance is paid them in cash, semi-annually.

We were shown Indians, who, two years ago, were the wildest of their tribe, but who are now wearing citizens' clothes, and are evidently anxious to settle down to farming pursuits and follow the "white man's road."

The health of the tribe is not so good as on their old Reservation, owing probably to the change of climate. Their sanitary interests are cared for by Dr. Lamb, a very pleasant gentleman and a thorough practitioner.

Agent Burgess has had charge of the tribe for three years, and under his efficient management it is evident the Indians are making rapid strides toward civilization, which is nothing more than a just recompense for his efforts, as he is heartily engaged in his work, and certainly has a very rational method of dealing with his "children," and if permitted to continue his administration a few years, we may expect to see them become self-sustaining.

J. L. S.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, Jan. 19, 1876.
Col. J. C. McMullen:

DEAR OLD FRIEND: I have been waiting for Saturday to come, that I might have leisure to write to you without hurry and pressure. . . .

We are very comfortable and happy here, having pleasanter quarters than for several years, and better prospects also. I have, to my own great surprise, emerged into a field of work that more than satisfies me. My effort in the pulpit and on the lecture stand are received in such a way as makes me wonder. In the line of scientific illustrated lectures, I seem to have no competitor on this coast, and calls come from all sides, of which I can answer very few indeed. I am very well, busy, and happy; and thankful for the good Providence which has led me from the Cimarron to this beautiful city. I feel "in my sphere" here rather than there.

This is a city of churches. We are members of the Congregational Church, presided over by a thoroughly cultured Bostonian. My wife is happier and more hopeful than for years

seeming, however, somewhat dissatisfied with the sparse population of California. Our little people are very well indeed, and are progressing in their studies. My boy now plays all easy music at sight, and seems to be gradually outgrowing Kansas malaria.

The landscape outside looks queer enough: The mountains are piled deeply with snow, but the orange trees are full of ripe fruit on the foot slopes, and the valley is as Eden-like as grass and flowers can make it.

From our window we look out upon such a panoramamore than a hundred miles of snowy mountains, both verges being covered, and rising abruptly to the east and west, more than 4,000 feet; while in the adjoining yards superb callas and perpetual bud and blossom. We have much rain, but only upon one day has a snowflake come down to the valley, and then the snow melted as it fell.

Fuel is the one costly item on this coast: good coal, $16 to $20 per ton, and wood $10 to $12. However, we live on manna: Water and gas come in pipes; milk, during the night, miraculously appears in a can placed on a veranda; dirty clothing is carried off by a Celestial being in wooden shoes and a long pigtail, and returns in a fluted and enameled condition fit for the New Jerusalem; bread, the daily paper, meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, wineall are delivered at our door by similar angels, more or less in disguise; though I must admit that our Providence presents weekly or monthly bills, as that of the Hebrews did not. . . .


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.

The Texas Border.
The Commission on Texas Border Troubles called on Secretary Belknap today to ask for cavalry regiments and a sufficient number of infantry to guard posts on the river. He said he would take the matter into consideration and give them a reply in a few days.

The House Committee on Territories agreed today to have a special meeting to consider the bill of Mr. Franklin to establish a Territory to be known as Oklahoma. They did this because it was urged that there are 20,000 citizens of the United States in that country among the Indians, with no law to protect them; 8,000 freedmen, former slaves of the Indians, and 40,000 civilized Indians; that there is no punishment for crime, and that disorder reigns. Charges of enormous expenditures at the United States Court at Fort Smith are madesaid to be as high as $400,000 a yearand the committee proposes a thorough investigation of the subject.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.

Muskogee, I. T., Jan. 29. Major J. J. Upham, U. S. A., in charge of the Union Indian Agency here formally accepted the Government buildings just completed at this post, from the contractors Proctor & Maxwell, under instructions from the department of the interior. Bills and vouchers were forwarded to Washington for inspection and payment.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Omaha, Neb., January 29. A large number of citizens have left here for the Black Hills during the past week. Many persons are arriving daily from the eastern route for the gold region. Much trouble is anticipated from Indians in that section this summer. The Arapahos, who have been south this winter, say they are all determined on a war for the possession of the Black Hills country, and are prepared for it. It is not thought that the Government will interpose to keep the miners out, but it may leave them to protect themselves.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Editorial Page.

Railroad Meeting.
The largest and most enthusiastic railroad meeting ever held in the county was held at Winfield last Saturday, and resolutions passed endorsing the repeal of the present bond law, so as to place ourselves in a situation to aid a road and have some means of disposing of our surplus grain and produce. The question of gauge was not brought up, but the general feeling is we must and will have a road of some kind. Farmers who have been hauling wheat to Wichita, and have a surplus of corn, pork, and vegetables, demand some way of disposing of them. If they are obliged to keep all they raise, they will have to stop raising. It is no object to hold corn from one year to another and get no more for it, than when it was first cribbed. We want a market, and the only way to get it is to get a road and make the demand. We publish the proceedings in another column which all should read and reflect on.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

We want a railroad, and can't get it until we offer a bonus. How much will you give? If you will give the difference in the price of grain and produce, in this county and Wichita, for two years, you pay for the road. Thus, wheat is worth 90 cents per bushel here; in Wichita, $1.10. It will cost you the difference (20 cents) to haul it to market. If you will give that difference for two years, you will pay for the road, without any real outlay or expense to yourself, and then the road will have to help pay your taxes.

There is not a man in the county who would not make money by paying $20 per year for a railroad, and yet if he was to vote $150,000 towards building it, he would not have to give half of it to pay his tax. This is based on the basis that all men are worth an equal amount. The tax requires the rich man to pay more than the poor man. Everyone according to his wealth.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Editorial Page.

A number of individuals attended the Railroad Meeting at Winfield, from this place, last Saturday. The procession was headed by the Silver Cornet Band, and great enthusiasm mani-

fested. Members of the City Council and other prominent citizens mingled with the multitude, showing that the interest was general.

We were taken over the road in such a manner reminding us of "Tom O'Shanter's" wild ride, behind one of the liveliest steppers in this section, driven by a prominent merchant of this place. A general command was made, after locating at Uncle Tommy's commodious abode, to "wash your face," which was unanimously obeyed.

Sauntering around town we met Prof. Lemmon, fat and hearty, who was pleased to inform us he pulled up the beam at 200 pounds. We expressed our appreciation of his strength and afterward silently admired his ability. Passing Gallotti & Boyer's new Clothing House, we were seized upon and endeavored to be persuaded to buy a coat "vhat fit us, choost like paper on a vall. One dat vas made for de President's son, und de President's son he died, and dat is vy ve have de coat."

We went to the room where the Democratic organization was to be made and found only three persons present. Charley Black had elected himself Chairman so as to head off Amos Walton, who it was understood was to officiate.

Everywhere on the street we met patriotic railroad men, all with dirty faces.

In spite of wind and weather, the Band Boys did the fair thing, and received the thanks of the meeting. When they struck up with No. 17, the Granger's (who had just adjourned from the courtroom), could not hold their number thirteens on the floor quietly. The "Rackensack Traveler" should have set them crazy, and for that reason Joe held it back.

Another meeting should be held at Arkansas City; then Tisdale, Dexter, Lazette, and all through the county, and work up an interest that will accomplish something.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Railroad Meeting.
A MEETING of the citizens of this place was held at H. O. Meigs' office, on last Wednesday evening, to elect delegates to the Railroad Convention to be held at Topeka Monday, February 7th, and canvass matters concerning railroads generally.

Judge Christian was elected Chairman, and C. M. Scott, Secretary.

A letter was then read by Hon. S. P. Channell, and remarks made by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Dr. J. T. Sheppard, and others.

On motion S. P. Channell and H. O. Meigs were elected delegates to attend the Conven- tion at Topeka, and L. McLaughlin, Rev. Fleming, O. P. Houghton; T. H. McLaughlin, James Benedict, L. C. Wood, Judge Christian, C. R. Mitchell, C. M. Scott, Wm. Brown, Geo. Harmon, P. J. Davis, J. W. Hutchinson, I. H. Bonsall, and some others, delegates to the mass Convention at Winfield. On motion the Band was invited to go, and a Committee appointed to see that their expenses were defrayed. After some discussing of different projects, the meeting adjourned.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Mr. C. M. Scott, Arkansas City:

SIR: As one of the committee of correspondence in relation to railroads centering at this place, I write you hoping to ascertain what has been done for the Arkansas Valley R. R. Our people feel much interest in a road to the southeastone that will open the way to a southern market for our surplus produce; and when we reflect that only ten miles from this place we reach the head waters of the Little Arkansas River, and there commences a descent that continues without interruption in a southeastern direction five or six hundred miles, until it disembarges into the great Valley of the Mississippi, the idea naturally presents itself that the natural advantages of an easy grade, without a hill, through the richest valley, presents a route for a railroad which sooner or later must be built; sooner, if the people are enterprising, and have the courage to undertake an enterprise so fraught with importance to the dense population that soon will be settled all along this line of road. Have the steps been taken to organize a company to build a road as indicated? And has anything been done to forward the work?

Hoping to receive some news of this important enterprise at an early day, that I may lay the same before our people at a meeting which is to be held sometime in the near future, I am, most truly, Z. JACKSON, Com. on Correspondence.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

WINFIELD, February 5, 1876.
On motion of C. M. Scott, Mr. D. A. Millington, of Winfield, was elected Chairman. On motion of A. N. Deming, C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, was elected Secretary. On motion of Prof. A. B. Lemmon, the following committee of thirteen was appointed to draft resolu- tions to express the feelings of this meeting.

A. B. Lemmon, of Winfield.

C. M. Scott, of Arkansas City.

Mr. Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley.

W. R. Wilkins, of Liberty.

H. L. Barker, of Richland.

R. P. Goodrich, of Spring Creek.

Enos Henthorn, of Omnia.

S. S. Moore, of Tisdale.

S. M. Fall, of Windsor.

T. W. Morris, of Beaver.

Amos Walton, of Winfield.

J. B. Holmes, of Rock.

S. B. Fleming, of Creswell.

C. R. Mitchell, being absent, on motion of A. B. Lemmon, Mr. I. H. Bonsall of Arkansas City was elected Secretary in his place. On motion of Mr. Fleming, the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band was requested to give the meeting some music while the committee was absent drafting resolutions. After listening to some very good music by the band, Judge Ross, of Rock Township, was called on for a speech, and responded with an effective and pointed speech in favor of railroads, and convinced the convention that he was, as he said in commencing his speech, covered all over with the railroad fever, and must have convinced the most skeptical of the need of a railroad outlet for our crops.

J. B. Evans, of Vernon, responded to a call with a lukewarm speech favoring a road on conditions, but did not want to commit himself at the present time. Judge Christian of Arkansas City responded to a call with a few pointed remarks in favor of a railroad, when the Committee on Resolutions came in, ready to report, and Prof. A. B. Lemmon, Chairman of the Committee, read the following resolutions.

WHEREAS, We, the people and producers of Cowley County, unless we have a railroad in our county, will expend within the coming year, in time, labor, and money, half a million of dollars for transporting grain, lumber, and merchandise to and from the nearest railroad stations, and in losses by being compelled to sell in a distant town on a market temporarily unfavorable, thus leaving the producers utterly without any profits on their labor, which sum, if saved to the county, would yield to the producers an enormous profit; and

WHEREAS, The present financial condition of the country, and particularly of our and adjoining counties, and the history of railroad building in the West, proves that it impossible to get a railroad here without the aid of reasonably liberal county or other municipal franchises, which it is impossible to give under our present laws; and

WHEREAS, Though our county would probably vote such aid by a two thirds majority, as the law now requires, yet a failure by any other county along the line to give such majority would be fatal to the road; therefore, it is by the people of Cowley County, Kansas, in mass convention assembled,

Resolved, That we earnestly appeal to the Legislature of Kansas, now in session, to enact a law enabling counties and other municipalities to vote aid in bonds or cash sufficient to induce the construction of railroads where they are needed.

Resolved, That such law should allow such aid to be given by a majority vote.

Resolved, That our railroad law should be amended so as to allow the voting of a reasonable amount of bonds as aid in the construction of a railroad within our county.

Resolved, That such law should provide that all taxes collected from such railroads within any county or municipality shall, to the extent of the amount of principal and interest of the aid given, be paid pro rata to the counties and municipalities giving such aid, and applied to the payment of such interest and principal.

Resolved, That our Representatives and Senator at Topeka are hereby earnestly requested and instructed to labor to procure the enactment of such a law as is herein contemplated.








On motion the report was accepted, and committee discharged. Moved and seconded that the report be accepted as a whole. Moved by Mr. Allison that the motion be amended so that the report be considered by sections; amendment accepted and carried; motion as amended carried. On motion that the preamble be adopted, moved by Allison to amend by striking out the words, "WHEREAS. Though our county would probably vote such aid by a two thirds majority, as the law now requires, yet a failure by any other county along the line to give such majority would be fatal to the road; therefore, it is by the people of Cowley County, Kansas, in mass convention assembled." Motion to strike out lost. On motion, the preamble was adopted.

On motion, the first resolution was adopted.

Moved to reject the second resolution by Mr. Allison; motion seconded; motion to amend by adopting the resolution as read, by Prof. A. B. Lemmon, and previous question called; amendment withdrawn; motion of Mr. Allison to reject lost; moved to adopt the resolution as read; carried.

On motion, the third resolution was adopted without opposition. On motion, the fourth resolution was adopted unanimously. On motion, the fifth resolution was adopted.

Rev. Mr. Platter read a letter from Peabody, asking for delegates to be appointed to attend a meeting there on the 23rd or 27th. A motion of Rev. Platter that the chair appoint delegates was carried, and Rev. J. E. Platter, of Winfield, C. M. Scott, Arkansas City, and Judge Ross, of Rock Township, were appointed delegates.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Allison.

Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention that Cowley County should not vote aid to a narrow gauge road until there is no probability of there being a standard gauge road constructed through the county.

Moved to lay it on the table; carried.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Manning.

Resolved, That the Topeka Commonwealth, all papers in Cowley County, and other State papers interested, be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting.

Carried unanimously.

Moved by A. N. Deming that a vote of thanks be given to the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band. Carried unanimously, and responded to by music from the band.

Moved and seconded that the convention do not adjourn.

D. A. MILLINGTON, Chairman.
I. H. BONSALL, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Washington, Feb. 1. The House committee on Indian affairs today took final action on the question whether or not they should recommend appropriations to satisfy any claim for losses sustained by Indian depredations. The committee decided to report adversely on all such bills and petitions referred to them, taking the ground that the government is not liable to pay for Indian depredations, either out of the general treasury or Indian trust fund annuities.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

The Senate bill which passed day before yesterday changes the time of holding court in Butler County to the second Monday of February and August; county of Elk, first Monday of March and September; county of Chautauqua, second Monday of March and September; county of Cowley, first Monday of April and October, and the county of Sedgwick, first Monday of May and November.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.


Atchison 260

Augusta 50

Belle Plaine 23

Baker's Ranche 115

Caldwell 38

Shakaska 22

Cheyenne Agency 180

Cedar Vale 35

Douglass 32

Dexter 20

Deer Creek 12

Eldorado 60

Emporia 151

Fort Sill 327

Fort Gibson 165

Florence 111

Grouse Creek 10

Old Kickapoo Agency 18

Little Dutch 20

Lazette 35

Medicine Lodge 110

Maple City 15

Nennescah 23

Newton 82

Osage Agency 60

Oxford 26

Rock Creek 17

South Haven 22

Silverdale 16

Thomasville 12

Tisdale 20

Topeka 217

Winfield 14

Wellington 32

Wichita 60

Kaw Agency 52

Guelph 18


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Union Social at Pearson's Hall, tonight.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Dr. Hughes did not sell his place, as reported.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Rev. Turner (United Presbyterian) arrived last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Rev. Smith, of Dexter, took dinner with us last week at the City Hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

BORN: January 28, 1876, an eight pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Baker.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

S. P. Channell, Mayor of this city, is at Topeka, looking after our railroad interests.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

MOVED. E. B. Kager occupies Meigs' office now, and Judge Christian is in Kager's former office.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

We publish on the first page an interesting letter from Prof. Norton to Col. J. C. McMullen.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Mr. W. H. Harrison has taken Mr. John Grimes in with him as a partner in wagon making.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

S. M. Fall, one of Lazette's prominent citizens, called on us last week, accompanied by a substantial Indiana farmer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

The driver from Wichita to El Paso, a distance of thirteen miles, made the drive in fifty- five minutes last Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

PATRONS. Master Hudson of the State Grange will address you at Benedict's Hall, on Saturday, February 12, at 7 p.m. Turn out.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

PRYOR & KAGER have purchased Mr. Meigs' real estate business, and will attend to it hereafter. They have a large list of cheap and good lands.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

We learn that Capt. Norton did not lose anything in Florida, as he had not purchased the land spoken of. We say as much in behalf of our friend, Captain Norton.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

BORN. On yesterday morning, to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wintin, a son. Weight: standard. Mr. Wintin is in Colorado, and will have a surprise when he returns.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Dr. Houston, of Leavenworth, called on us last Monday. He is the father of John Houston, formerly at this place, and an old-time resident of Leavenworth.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

We have received another letter from J. G. Titus, now at Muskogee, Indian Territory, asking when the Parker Brothers' boat would be up the river. He has a lot of baled hay he intends shipping to Fort Smith.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Tickets for the Beethoven Concert on Saturday evening at the schoolhouse can be purchased at Kellogg & Hoyt's, Sherburne & Stubbs, E. D. Eddy's, and the Post Office. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

No appropriation has been made for the Pawnee Indians by Congress, and their supplies have stopped, leaving them in a critical condition, and compelling them to beg for food. The last time they were here, they found a hog that had died the day before, and ate it with a greedy relish.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

BIRTHDAY PRESENT. A number of the friends of Miss Georgie Sherburne gathered at her place of residence last Wednesday evening for the purpose of presenting tokens of appreciation, when to the surprise and gratification of all, a fine, seven and one-fourth octave piano, worth $700 (A. M. McPhall, Boston, Mass., manufacturer) was brought in as a present from her brother, Joseph. The surprise was a complete success, and the presents gorgeous.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

DIED. On Thursday, February 4th, of pneumonia, Charles W. Windell, Aged 36 years. Mr. Windell was a resident of this county, living near Salt City. He leaves a wife and four children; the oldest eight years and the youngest three months. The funeral procession to this place consisted of three solitary individuals, besides the widow and babe, and was a sorrowful sight. The order of Mason's took charge of the corpse, and buried it under the Masonic rule.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

The protracted meeting that was being conducted at Coburn's schoolhouse, by the Rev. Mr. Nance (Presbyterian), closed on Wednesday evening last.

The Grouse Creek Spiritualists have again commenced their mysterious works. They need another exposition.

Mr. J. G. Titus speaks of bringing two thousand sheep into Cowley County. A. E. L.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

CONCERT. The first Beethoven concert of the year will be given at the schoolhouse on Saturday evening of this week. The Society have new books, and for some time have been studying a higher class of music than they have rendered at any previous concert. The element of fun will not be wanting, and the collection of songs, duets, trios, and comic pieces is supposed to be better than that of any previous concert of the Society. All are invited to attend. A portion of the proceeds will be given to the school bell fund. It is the aim of the Society to make every concert better in all respects than any former one. Admission 25 cents; children, 10 cents. Concert to commence at half past 7 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

In an issue of the TRAVELER of two or three months ago the choir of the First Presby- terian Church announced that they would give a concert. For unavoidable reasons they had to defer it, but since that time they have been preparing, and now have their programme nearly completed. They propose to give a "Centennial Concert" in costume, introducing many of the stirring old songs and choruses that were sung a century ago. With the proceeds of the concert it is proposed to enlarge the choir platform, surround it with wainscoting, and provide new and comfortable seats for the members of the choir. The concert will be given during the first week in March. Look out for further notice. E. W. H.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

REV. A. H. LACKEY, of Peabody, will preach in the First Presbyterian Church next Sabbath, morning and evening. The series of meetings which were discontinued in January will be resumed at that time. Rev. Lackey expects to remain and preach during all of next week; services every night except Saturday. All Christians are earnestly request to pray and labor for a yet greater outpouring of the Spirit of God in our midst, and all (irrespective of denominational preferences) are cordially invited to be present at these meetings. F.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

I wish to express my feelings to the friends who so kindly remembered me on the evening of February 2, 1876, by giving them my warmest thanks for the beautiful gift presented to me on that occasion. To those present when the gift was bestowed, and those absent who were participants in it, I would say I feel certainly highly honored by your kind remembrance, and shall look back to that evening as one of the happiest of my life. You all have my best wishes. May much happiness be yours. G. B. SHERBURNE.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cowley County Bank yesterday W. M. Sleeth, T. H. McLaughlin, R. C. Haywood, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were elected Directors for the year: A. A. Newman, President; W. M. Sleeth, Vice President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier and Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

J. A. STAFFORD and family leave this week for the Wichita Agency, where they will meet Agent Williams. Mr. Stafford is a licensed trader for the Wichitas. We expect to hear from them when they are located.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Next Monday evening the Band Boys give their Centennial Calico Cotillion Dance at the Central Avenue Hotel. Invitations will be issued, and the merriest time of the season engaged in.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

MR. LEONARD, when last heard from, had reached Arkansas, but found no place that suited him as well as this section.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

We have concluded to engage in the Real Estate and Loan Business henceforth, in connection with that of the Law, at Arkansas City. We will strive to conduct the business in a satisfactory manner. To parties desiring to purchase or rent, we will show the land free of charge. In office will be found the latest papers and ample accommodations and materials for writing. If you desire to sell or rent your land, or borrow money, try us. If you wish to buy, do not fail to call on us. We also attend to the business of H. O. Meigs in this place.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

The $10,000 appropriation for the Centennial has been defeated in the Virginia Legislature, and the State will not be represented.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

HOUSE FOR SALE. I will sell at a low price, for cash, my house and lot on Central Avenue. The building is comfortably finished and in a good location. GEORGE ALLEN.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

FOR SALE. Fifteen feet of counter and shelving, painted and grained. Inquire at the post office.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

For the information of parties desiring to come to or go from Arkansas City, we publish the following time tables, in a plain form, so that it can be understood by all.

Parties leaving the East will do best to purchase "through tickets" from the starting point to Wichita, via Atchison or Kansas City. Independence, Fort Scott, or Coffeyville are not in direct connection with Southwestern Kansas.

One passenger train leaves Atchison daily, except Sunday, at 10:45 a.m., and arrives at Wichita at 10:36 p.m. Omni-busses are at the depot to convey passengers to the hotels. Fifty cents is the fee, and the distance to the up-town houses is about one-half mile. Comfortable hotels are within a few steps of the depot.

Stages to all prominent points remote from the railroad call at all hotels for passengers, between six and seven o'clock in the morning, daily, except Monday. The distance from Wichita to Arkansas City is fifty miles, and requires about twelve hours to make the trip by stage. Fare, $5.00. Dinner can be had at 1 o'clock at Nenescah, and supper at Arkansas City, on the arrival of the stage.

Stages leave Arkansas City daily, except Monday, at 6 o'clock in the morning, stopping at Nenescah for dinner, and arriving at Wichita at about 6 in the evening. In order to secure passage, and have the stage call for you, tickets must be purchased previous to the day of leaving. H. O. Meigs is Stage Agent at this place. The fare to Wichita is $5; to Winfield, $1.50.

One passenger train leaves Wichita daily, except Sunday, at five minutes past 4 o'clock in the morning; arrives at Peabody at twenty-four minutes past 6, where breakfast can be taken; arrives at Emporia at 9 o'clock and twenty-eight minutes; arrives at Topeka at half- past 12, in the afternoon, and at Atchison at fourteen minutes after 3 p.m.

The distance from Wichita to Emporia is 101 miles; from Wichita to Topeka, 172 miles; Wichita to Atchison, 212 miles; from Wichita to Kansas City, 227 miles. The railroad fare in Kansas will average about seven cents per mile.

1st Class. 2nd Class.

Albany, N. Y. $49.45 $43.60

Baltimore, Md. $47.05 $41.40

Boston, Mass. $52.45 $48.25

Chicago, Ill. $30.45 $26.45

Kansas City, Mo. $12.10

New York, N. Y. $50.45 $44.35

Philadelphia, Pa. $48.45 $42.55

St. Louis, Mo. $24.10 $22.10

Washington, D. C. $47.06


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Presbyterian Church.
F. A. Fleming, Pastor.
Meets regularly every Sabbath at 11 a.m., and 7-1/2 p.m.
United Presbyterian.
R. J. Thompson, Pastor.
Meets regularly every Sabbath at the ringing of the bell.
Methodist Episcopal.
J. J. Wingar, Pastor.
Meets every Sabbath once a day, at Norton's Hall.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.














Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

W. H. Walker has re-purchased his livery, and is again ready to accommodate the public, with good SADDLE HORSES. SPIRITED DRIVING HORSES AND SAFE TEAMS. He keeps the best of sock, and sound vehicles. Stable in the rear of the City Hotel; with water convenient. Hay, Corn, and Feed for Sale, and a good Yard for Cattle.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

Lyman C. Norton sues George O. and Ann E. Sweet...foreclosure of mortgage...$500.00 (+ interest, etc.; $50 for attorney's fee for foreclosure). L. B. KELLOGG, ATTORNEY FOR LYMAN C. NORTON.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

C. R. MITCHELL, BAILEE, SELLING AT THE HARNESS SHOP OF JAS. I. MITCHELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER: One large sized sewing machine for shop use; one medium sized sewing machine, lock-stitch; and one medium sized, silver-plated sewing machine, chain stitch. All of said machines are of the Grover & Baker make, and are almost as good as new, having been used but little.

Said property having been deposited with me by Robert I. Theaker as security for the payment of a debt owing by Robert I. Theaker and Richard Woolsey to myself.

C. R. MITCHELL, Bailee.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876. Front Page.

To the property owners and people of Cowley County, and more especially the Board of Commissioners. I wish to call your attention to a fact that many of you are aware of: the condition of your county records. A stranger visiting your courthouse at Winfield would be astonished, as I was, to find neither safe nor vault in the building.

Enter the Recorder's office: there lies in an old wooden desk, without doors, the only evidence of your title to and ownership of your farms, houses, stores, and other possessions.

Adjoining is the office of your County Treasurer, where all your taxes are paid in, and where the records of them are kept.

In case of a fire occurring about Christmas time, where would you be after your money was paid in and the records destroyed? Passing along, you come to the County Clerk's office, where all evidences of the indebtedness of your county and its finances are recorded.

Next you come to the Probate Judge's office, where are recorded the wills of your deceased friends; the appointment and proceedings between guardians and minors, children that are unable to take care of themselves or their property; the records of your marriage, and all your dearest rights.

Cross the hall, and there you find the office of the Clerk of the District Court, where are recorded all the judgments between you and your neighbor, between the State, the public against the violators of law, and disturbers of the peace, and all other judicial proceedings.

All these valuable records in these five offices are liable to be destroyed at any moment by the bursting of a lamp; the falling of a stove; or that convenient and ever occurring event, a defective flue; or by the malice of some evil disposed person, who may wish to gratify some petty revenge, or destroy some record that may be obnoxious to him or his friends, in any of the five offices above mentioned.

Let not another month pass without something being done to protect these records from fire or other means of injury. Don't whine and talk about the expense, and the increase of your taxes. Just stop and think what is at stake: what the records of these offices are worth to the county. . . .

[Writer recommends a vault over a safe as the vault would be cheaper.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876. Front Page.

The following questions have been asked us by Mr. Z. Hamer, of Marion, Indiana, and as they are such as many are desirous of knowing, we answer them publicly.

LAND. One-half of the land of Cowley County is yet owned by the Government. Probably one fourth is yet unclaimed. The unclaimed lands are generally the poorest, and remote from a post office or trading point. There is not an unclaimed tract bordering on the Kansas State line in this county, but they can be had in Sumner and farther west. Within a distance of six miles from Arkansas City are three sections of land to be had at the Government price of $1.25 per acre.

Within a distance of five miles from Baltimore, Lazette, Moscow, Tisdale, Dexter, Silverdale, Maple City, and Otto, there are a number of vacant tracts of good land, belonging to the Government.

TIMBER. Cowley County is well timbered: more so than most counties of Kansas. The Walnut River, Grouse Creek, Silver Creek, Rock Creek, and East Beaver are all well timbered. At the junction of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers is a solid body of timber, covering one section.

WATER. Drinking water is hardly an item of consideration, as all the numerous springs and streams are of the best quality of water, and wells have to be dug a distance of only from ten to forty feet on the highest points to obtain it. Water from the river and most wells is soft, and is used for washing without breaking.

BUILDING MATERIAL. We have stone, gravel, sand, and limestone for lime, in great abundance. The celebrated magnesian limestone is to be found in large quantities in this county. It is quite soft when first taken out, and becomes hard by exposure. It is worked into shape by saws and jack planes, and makes beautiful cornices, capable of receiving a smooth polish.

COAL has been found in small quantities near us, and in the eastern part of the county veins of from one foot to eighteen inches are being worked.

LEAD AND ZINC also abound in the rocky ranges of the eastern part of the county, and gypsum, ochre, and mica in the Territory south of us.

WHEAT AND CORN are the chief articles of production. Tobacco, cotton, peanuts, and the castor bean have been successfully raised. All root crops and vegetables do remarkably well, and onions weighing a pound each are common. Wheat is sown in the fall, during the months of August, September, October, November, and some as late as December 13, this year, and harvested in June and July.

HAY is made from the middle of August to the middle of October. There is a species of winter oats that yields abundantly.

IMPROVED LANDS sell for $5 and $20 per acre; unimproved from $2.50 to $10.

CORD WORD is delivered for $3 per cord.

CORN is worth 20 cents per bushel; wheat, 90 cents.

We have a daily mail from the railroad, except Monday of each week, via Oxford, Nenescah, and Winfield; a tri-weekly from Parsons, via Elgin, Hart's Mill, Otto, Maple City, and Silverdale; a tri-weekly from Caldwell, via Alton, South Haven, and Guelph; and a weekly from Eldorado, via Baltimore, Tisdale, and Cabin Valley. The post offices at Arkansas City and Winfield are money order offices of the U. S. Winfield is the county seat. Arkansas City is an incorporated city of the third class, and has a population of about 500. The best schoolhouse in Southern Kansas is at Arkansas City, built of brick, with cut stone cornices. We have two grist and saw mills, one water power and one steam. On the Walnut and Grouse Creek are grist and saw mills within convenient distances for the country surrounding.

There are in this county 58 schoolhouses: four built of logs, forty-nine of frame, one of brick, and four of stone. The estimated value of all of them is $63,476.

The wheat crop of Cowley County last year was 542,344 bushels, being the harvest of 24,652 acres, and was valued at $460,992.40. The rye crop was 28,523 bushels, valued at $14,261.50.

There are in this county 3,736 horses, 569 mules, 3,874 milch cows, 8,003 cattle, 8,092 hogs, 1,726 sheep. The horses and cattle are generally of an inferior kind, but hogs could not be improved on much.

In the county 1,969 persons are engaged in agriculture, 176 in professional services, 84 in trade, and 163 in manufacturing. By the above it will be seen that 82.1 percent are engaged in agricultural pursuits, 7.3 percent in professions, 3.5 percent in trade, and 7 percent in manufacturing.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876. Front Page.

The organization of the House includes

Journal Clerk: W. W. Walton, of Cowley.

Mr. Hackney introduced a bill for the relief of Geo. McIntire, appropriating $100. It is for that militia horse, and he ought to have it.

Mr. Hackney offered a resolution memorializing Congress to grant the right of way through the Indian Territory to certain railway companies.

Mr. Hackney, in support of the resolution, said that inasmuch as a bill providing for the organization of the Indian Territory was now pending in Congress, resolutions of the kind just submitted might have a beneficial effect. Mr. Franklin, of Missouri, has already introduced such a bill in the National House of Representatives for the organization of this Territory.

Mr. Hackney wanted the rules suspended, and the resolution considered at once, and moved to that effect.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Opening of the Cherokee Strip Lands to
Actual Settlers.
By the letter given below, it will be seen that Hon. W. R. Brown is fully in unison with the people of Kansas, and will do all in his power to re-open the unsold portions of the Cherokee Strip lands to settlement, instead of permitting it to be sold in a body to monopolists of the East. Scarcely a tract for miles east of the Arkansas City has been settled upon, owing to the high price at which it was held, and not one tenth of the land west of the river has been settled upon, or sold under sealed bids. Another year's time for settlement, with the land at $1.25 per acre, would give ample time to complete entire settlement of this vast tract of land now vacant. We congratulate ourselves upon having a Representative capable of realizing and working for it, and hope the object will be accomplished.

February 7, 1876.

DEAR FRIEND: I have today introduced a bill providing that actual settlers may, for one year, purchase the Cherokee Strip at $1.25 per acre. The Indian Bureau will of course consent that nothing be done to which the Cherokees will not consent, and we think after consultation with the representatives of that tribe now here, this is the utmost limit they will consent to. My own desire would be to open the Strip at $1.25 per acre to actual settlers only, as I am thoroughly in favor of our public domain being sold only to settlersbut half a loaf is better than no bread, and we shall do the best we can.

No particular news here, but all looks very well for the Republican party. I trust the memorial Hackney got through the Kansas Legislature will be sent to me to be referred to the Indian Committee, so that I may be able to present it, and go before the Committee and show the necessity to Kansas of opening the Territory to all railroad lines. You know this is one of my hobbies, and I would like to push it and shall. Truly Yours, WM. R. BROWN.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

The Senate last Friday defeated all of the propositions for amending the constitution except one providing for appropriations to be made for two years, which passed.

An effort was made to put the apportionment bill at the head of the calendar, but it failed.

A long debate was had on a bill requiring school money raised from taxes on railroads in counties that had voted subsidies to be divided among the several districts in the county, and it was finally referred to a special committee to perfect.

A bill to increase the fees of clerks of district courts was discussed and defeated.

A bill was introduced to reduce the number of trustees of the deaf and dumb, the blind and insane asylums, from eighteen to three. . . . Commonwealth.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

The following letter was received by E. B. Kager from a gentleman in Wisconsin, of some experience in boat building.

I noticed in the papers you sent me a communication signed "P. H. Aldridge," relative to the navigation of the Arkansas River above Ft. Smith. This is a subject in which I have taken a great deal of interest. I have for some years thought of starting a light draft steamer, and purchased a couple of engines two years ago for that purpose, and have been negotiating for some time for the building of the boat.

Six or seven years ago I was up the Arkansas River to Van Buren, and paid close attention to that stream, and also to the White River, and was told that the Arkansas River was not navigable above that place, as the river was closed by flood wood, which could not be removed.

Now, if what Aldridge said is correct, I think there is a fair chance for someone to open up a trade. How far is Oxford from your place and how near your place could I run with a boat drawing not over twenty inches of water? I could run up to Van Buren without difficulty, if I could get from there, up.

Please write me what you can ascertain in relation to the matter, what the river distance will be as near as you can, and what inducements, if any, are held out. I can build a boat here much cheaper than it can be built in your country. C. R. GODFREY.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

A telegram was received here yesterday signed John Jacobs, dated St. Joseph, Mo., at 2 p.m., saying that he had A. J. Mowry under arrest. At 3:30 another one was received from Troy, Kansas, signed by Sheriff Drouth, that he had turned over Mr. Mowry to the Sheriff of Doniphan County. At 4 o'clock a telegram was received from Mr. Mowry himself asking what his bail would be put at. He was answered that that was a matter for Esq. Johnson, who issued the warrant for his arrest, to decide. That is the last that has been heard from him or the Sheriff. We presume that he will be brought here at once and will probably reach here on the noon train from Atchison today.





Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Sheriff Walker's deputies are hunting taxpayers with warrants now-a-days.

Eight divorce cases pending in the next term of the District Court in this county.

The opposition to a railroad manifested at the meeting last Saturday came principally from Winfield men.

James Simpson has contracted for the mason work of the Presbyterian church.

More than one thousand dollars worth of horses have died in this county this winter from eating wormy corn.

If this weather holds, it will be some three or four weeks before wheat is ready to harvest. Howard Courant.

The committee to count the county treasurer's funds, Judge Gans, J. E. Platter, and H. O. Meigs, performed that duty this week.

No sweeter or more enchanting music was ever heard in the Walnut Valley than that discoursed by the Arkansas City Band at the railroad meeting in Winfield last Saturday.

Two men were arrested last week in Wichita for passing counterfeit money. They gave their names as W. M. Donegan and A. F. Miller. The latter is said to be a resident of Cowley.

The Atchison Champion, of February 5th, says that A. J. Mowry, the late representative from Doniphan County, was a representative from Cowley County in 1875. That is probably a mistake.

There have been shipped from Wichita the last two weeks, ending Saturday last, two cars of corn, eighty seven of wheat, nine of hogs. Wichita Beacon.

And still we have no railroad!

If the city authorities would shut some of the juvenile scalawags up in the calaboose who disturb our town after dark they would do peaceable citizens and the young candidates for criminal fame a good turn.

By a close reading of law and decisions our township trustee has concluded that he is not overseer of the poor in cities of the third class, that are located within Winfield Township. The Mayor has that duty to perform.

The Santa Fe road, up to date, has shipped 998 car loads of wheat, or about 400,000 bushels. This does not include what has been shipped in the shape of flour. Wichita Beacon.

And still we have no railroad!

Judge McDonald is felicitous over the result of the Oxford Bridge bond suit. The Supreme Court sustained the side of the case represented by Hackney and McDonald, and the Township of Oxford is let out of any further indebtedness in the matter.

The Register of Deeds has taken the room in the Courthouse formerly occupied by the county attorney, and Judge Gans has moved into the Register's old office, thus leaving the District Clerk and Register in adjoining rooms with a new door between them.

It is a stunning blow to the doctrine of foreordinationthe statement that if buck wheat cakes had been foreseen from the beginning, the human arm and hand would have been so formed that man could easily scratch his own back between the shoulder blades.

County Clerk Troup returned from Topeka the first of the week. A comparison of the books in his office showing the school land sales in Cowley County with those of the State Auditor revealed the fact that during Jackson's term of office $824.63 worth of sales had been made that had never been reported to the Auditor, and the money had been laying idle in the county treasury. It also showed that the county had been overcharged $48.20 on the sales of other tracts.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Wheat looks beautiful.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Green grass is showing itself.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Several cases of pneumonia lately.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Last Monday was St. Valentine's Day.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Leap Year parties and taffy pulling now.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Church meetings are held in the afternoon, each day.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Mr. Lewis, of California, has located here with his family.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Grass has been green in the timber all winter, and the larks are singing every day.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

We are glad to see Judge McIntire about again. He has had a severe time with fever and running at the ear.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

POSTPONED. The Social to be held at Mr. Page's this evening has been postponed until after the protracted meetings.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

A small boy was heard to inquire, after the concert: "What was that they sung about Polly striking a liar?" The song was, "Hark! Apollo Strikes the Lyre."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

DIED. On yesterday morning, about 2 o'clock a.m., Mrs. Sarah E. Lorry, aged 35 years. She leaves a bereaved husband and seven children, the youngest three weeks old.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

To those who wish to show an interest in inducing immigration, we will give one letter a week to answer. A few individuals in this place are bearing the burden of it alone now.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Col. Hiatt and Dr. Dougall, of Osage Agency, have just returned from the plains, where they have been looking after the Osages. Col. Hiatt's health was not the best during the tour.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

The organization of the Young Men's Christian Association was completed last week. The results appear satisfactory, and a good number of individuals have already been made members.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

L. P. WOODYARD has opened a silversmith's shop in J. H. Sherburne & Co.'s store, and will doctor all time keepers to run with the sun; Perry is well enough known, and needs no one to vouch for his understanding.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

SEVEN car loads of agricultural implements were received at the depot during the past week. One car load went down into Cowley County. Beacon.

Three cars were for Channell & Haywood, of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

M. E. Hudson, Master of the State Grange, delivered a lecture at the hall last Saturday evening. We did not have the pleasure of meeting the gentleman, but learned he made an able discourse. Grangers from many parts of the county were in attendance.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

An extensive prairie fire swept over almost the entire country between the Walnut and Grouse Creek last Saturday and Sunday, burning corn, fences, hay, and other property. The fire was started in South Bend by throwing out ashes, supposed to have been done by one Mr. Wood. The damage done is considerable.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Spencer writes John Myrtle, from Lincoln, Nebraska, inquiring as to the prospect for sheep in this county; says there is no money where he is, and thinks of coming to Cowley. McDougall and Fred. Homerston have gone to Arizona after gold, and Southerland and Jack Jones are in Salt Lake City.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

Rev. Wingar says the Methodists must, and are bound to have a church. A subscription paper has been circulated and over $700 contributed already, and men are at work getting out the timber. It will be built of logs, sided with pine, and cover a space of thirty feet wide by sixty feet long. It is to be erected near the parsonage, and will be another grand addition to the town.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

The Beethoven Society gave one of their musical feasts at the schoolhouse, last Saturday evening, at which many were present. The exercises consisted of vocal and instrumental music of the highest order, and were exquisitely rendered and duly appreciated. PROGRAM LISTED. #15 WAS "HARK! APOLLO STRIKES THE LYRE." PARTICIPANTS: C. R. SIPES, WILL MOWRY, PROF. HULSE, MRS. C. R. MITCHELL, E. D. BOWEN, E. R. THOMPSON, MISS SHERBURNE, MRS. NEWMAN, MRS. R. A. HOUGHTON, MRS. R. C. HAYWOOD. The receipts of the evening were $18.90, a portion of which will be given to the school bell fund.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

S. P. Channell returned from Topeka, last Thursday, where he had been as a represen- tative of this place on the Narrow Gauge proposition from Kansas City and Emporia to Arkansas City. On the way he met Mr. J. C. Fuller, who represented Winfield, and the two represented Cowley County. Owing to a bill pending before the House of Representatives in the State Legislature, to amend the bond law, it was deemed best not to organize the company until the result of the bill was known; and the matter, for the present, is postponed. Mr. Fuller states that the people in the northern part of the State express more confidence and assurance that we are to have a road, than we ourselves do, but that is not to be wondered at, as they have not experienced so many buncomb propositions. All agree we are to have a road soon.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

MR. HIATT, of Osage Agency, has in his house a barometer, so arranged that twenty- four hours in advance of fair weather, a puppet image of a lady appears at the door of a miniature house, and in bad weather a man appears. A number of the Osage Indians watched it for a long time, until they found it never failed, and were ready to worship it; but on being convinced a white man had made it, they exclaimed: "Whity man purty near a God." They are generally inclined to a Catholic view of religion, if they accept orthodox principles at all.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

We were pleased to receive a call from Rev. A. H. Lackey, of Peabody, Kansas, yesterday. Mr. Lackey is assisting Rev. Fleming in the religious meetings now being held regularly each evening at this place. Besides being a minister of the gospel, he is one of Peabody's best citizens, and most enthusiastic "railroad men." The representative men of this place expect to call on him and have a talk with him while he is here.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

BORN. One of the happiest men we have met for a long time came to our office last night in an exceedingly jubilant manner and informed us that he'd got one. It's a girl, and the second daughter of our esteemed friend, Prof. E. W. Hulse. Dr. Alexander presided.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

A leap almost equal to that of McCulloch's famous leap over a precipice, when pursued by Indians, was made from the ante-room of the Masonic Lodge last week, by a Granger who came prowling around to get in what he supposed was the Grange.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

MRS. SMALL brought us a branch from an elm tree in full bud. The wild plum trees are blooming, some peach trees in bloom, and wheat nine inches high. A few more weeks and the farmers will begin to think about harvesting.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

NEW HOUSE. James Allen has the frame erected for a neat residence on First East street, near Mr. Newman's. The site is one of the most desirable in town, and was given him by the City, under promise he would build.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

A gentleman on Grouse Creek was recently baptized only two days after he was enabled to be out of his bed. He had been almost given up by the doctors, but is now slowly recovering.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

SHERBURNE & CO.'s thirty days offer, to sell goods at cost, closes next Saturday evening. Make your purchases as soon as possible.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

If the paper does not give you the information desired on emigration, write to us for what you want to know, or to E. B. Kager, James Christian, or the Mayor.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

The following is a list of Marriage Licenses issued by Probate Judge Gans, during the month of January.

Cyrus Watkins and Annie Wood.

George W. Arnold and Lorenia Zimmerman.

R. L. Walker and Sadie Webb.

Joseph Seeton and Mary Ann Smith.

M. L. Martin and J. Olmstead.

D. D. Jones and S. S. Trimble.

L. L. Newton and Malissa Dawson.

Chancy C. Robinson and Mary Wood.

M. H. G. Thomas and Vilenda W. Wood.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

All in want of anything in my line will do well to call immediately, as I expect to close out my photograph business during the next week or two. Now don't delay, and put it off until it is too late. I. H. BONSALL.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

STRAYS. I have taken up two cows and two yearling calves; one cow is white, speckled; the other mostly red; calves both red. JOHN HARMON.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876.

I will sell at a low price, for cash, my house and lot on Central Avenue. The building is comfortably finished and in a good location. GEORGE ALLEN.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876. Front Page.

Editor Traveler:

For the past two months I have been in constant receipt of letters making inquiries about Cowley County and the Arkansas Valley. I have answered a number, but still they come. The questions are generally about of the same character, so I have concluded to answer them all at once through the medium of your paper, if it is not trespassing too much on your time and space.

was organized in 1870; lies on the south line of the State, in latitude 37 degrees north, longitude 97 degrees west of Greenwich, adjoining the Indian Territory. The county is 33 miles from north to south and 21-1/2 miles from east to west, containing 726,000 acres of first-class land. It is well watered by the following streams: The Arkansas River, a navigable stream for light draft boats six or seven months in the year; enters the county near the northwest corner, thence running in a southeasterly direction, enters the Indian Territory four miles south and six miles east of Arkansas City. The Walnut, one of the loveliest streams in the State, enters the county from the north, about eight miles from the west line, and thence runs almost due south, but in a very zigzag course, until it enters the Arkansas River, one mile southeast of Arkansas City, which is delightfully situated on a high mound-like promontory, at the junction of the two rivers. There are a few streams entering the Walnut from the west, leaving a strip of country between the Arkansas and Walnut from eight to twelve miles wide, the entire length of the county, comparatively level, or rather gently undulatingthe loveliest tract of farming land in the West. There are quite a number of beautiful streams that enter the Walnut from the east and northeast. The largest, Timber Creek, enters the Walnut at Winfield, the country seat of Cowley; Rock and Dutch creeks enter it higher up, near the Butler County line. The Walnut is a noble mill stream; there are now three water mills on it in this county, and just at the bend south of Winfield is the best seat for a water power that I have seen for many a day. There is now a grist mill run at the spot without any damjust a little rip rap of rough stones thrown in the bed of the stream on the riffle. With a good ten-foot dam at that point, several mills could be run more than half the year. There is such a fall in the stream that there would be no danger of back water.

GROUSE CREEK, another good large stream, enters the county at the northeast corner, thence runs in a southwestern direction until it enters the Arkansas River a few miles east of the Walnut, near Arkansas City. Several good mills might be run by that stream and its branches, but the best water power in the State could be had just north of Arkansas City, and almost within the city limits. The Arkansas River at this point runs with considerable velocity, owing to the rapid rise in the country. It is only two miles from the Arkansas across to the Walnut, and six miles around; the ground is low and flat. A canal could easily be cut from the one to the other, and if the statement be true (which I have no reason to doubt) that there is near seven feet fall to the mile in the Arkansas River, there could be a considerable head of water got at the lower end of the canal in the Walnut. The Arkansas, in winter and summer, would furnish water enough to run 100 mills, and then have plenty to spare. We can say with truth that Cowley is the best watered county in the State. The streams are more diversified and larger; the Arkansas River is the largest in the State, and affords twice as much water as the Kansas River at Lawrence, where they have such magnificent water power. The county is well supplied with springs, and good well water can be obtained almost anywhere at from 15 to 25 feet east of the Walnut, and 15 to 40 feet deep west of it.

Our climate is the most delightful of any of the western territories, having a rich agricultural soil. Our county lies along the 37th parallel, the line that divides Kentucky and Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolinathe favorite latitude of the United States, where all the productions of the temperate zone flourish and attain their highest perfection. Its southern latitude gives it the advantage of all other parts of Kansas, not being subject to the extreme summer heat or winter cold. It is also perfectly healthy. No malignant diseases are known here, and little or no chills and fever compared to what there were in the early settlement of Illinois, Indiana, or Virginia. Our altitude above the sea level being near 1,500 feet, secures us refreshing and bracing breezes in summer. The atmosphere is drying and pure, and singularly beneficial to persons predisposed to consumption and bronchial afflictions. Many enjoy health here who have been given up to die in the East. No country in the world has a finer system of natural drainage. Marshes and stagnant ponds are scarcely known, while bilious diseases, which are incident to all new countries, are almost wholly unknown here.

The winters are short, dry, and pleasant, snow usually lying on the ground but a few hours. No country in the world furnishes a larger number of days in the year in which out- door work can be done. In the hottest days of summer, there is usually a cooling breeze. One peculiarity of this climate is the nights, always cool, which make the hottest day quite endurable. The hot, sweltering, restless nights of the East are unknown here, and the laboring man rises in the morning refreshed and ready for his work.

The face of the country is generally level, about one-third of the area being what is termed bottom land, and the other two thirds gently rolling prairie soil, rich and deep.

This is a question which every Kansan answers with special pride. The youth of this commonwealth need not go "a thousand miles from home" to obtain a thorough practical or even classical education, for, to the credit of our law-makers, be it said, in no department is a more generous liberality manifested than in the cause of popular education.

Two sections (16 and 36) in each township have been set apart for a school fund. As none of this vast amount of land, over 3,000,000 acres, can be sold for less than $3 per acre, and much is sold for more than double that amount, it is not extravagant to estimate the ultimate value to be realized from this source at $12,000,000. This point is worthy of large consideration by those about to emigrate to a new country, and particularly into new counties like those at the west end of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, where, with proper management, the funds arising from this provision of the State law will secure the very best buildings and excellent talent for the educational refinement of the children.

The following statistics will indicate the advanced character of the school interests: In 1861 there were 217 school districts; in 1874 there were 4,395. The number of pupils in 1872 was 199,010; cost of schoolhouses, $3,989.085. The school fund is over $1,000,000, and is constantly increasing.

Aside from the common schools, Kansas boasts of several institutions of a higher order, foremost among which stands the State University, at Lawrence, with an eminently competent faculty, and occupying a building second in size only to the State University of Michigan. At Topeka we have Washburn College and the Episcopal Female Seminary; at Manhattan, the Agricultural College; at Emporia and Leavenworth each a Normal School. Institutions are maintained also for education of the blind and the deaf mute. Business Colleges are in existence in most of the largest towns of the State.

As to your other inquiries, I will state this is a new county, and the chances to get land to rent are not good; still there are pieces of land to rent occasionally, but the general intention of all persons coming to a new country is to get land of their own.

I send you a copy of the Arkansas City TRAVELER, a paper published in this city, at one dollar per six months. Everyone who contemplates coming to the Arkansas Valley should take it, as it gives them all the news about the county. I also send you a circular issued and published by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company, that will give you more information of this part of the Statethe Arkansas Valleythan I could write in twenty letters. All that I need say in addition is that the tier of counties south of the railroad lands are far superior to any land owned by that company; that Sedgwick, Sumner, Butler, and Cowley are the Egypt of Kansas, and Cowley is the Goshen of that land.

Another advantage that the settlers of this county possess over the more northern counties is a market for their surplus wheat, flour, corn, and vegetables in the Indian Territory. The Government and traders buy largely in the use of the Indians.

Wichita, is now our nearest railroad connection, which is 50 miles north of this place, but we expect to have a road to this place within the next twelve months. The prospects are now very flattering that it will be constructed at an early day.

If you come by rail, the route will be by way of St. Louis, thence to Kansas City, Mo., thence by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road to Wichita, thence by wagon or stage to this place, where you will be offered every facility to find a piece of land to your taste and means. As to the quality of the soil, it is as good as the best blue grass land in Kentucky or Ohio, in my opinion, and I have seen both. But the county is new, and you must not expect to find all the conveniences and advantages of an old-settled country. Land is cheap and good; homes can be secured for a little moneystill, crops don't produce without labor. This is a good country for a farmer who will work. It is, without doubt, the best wheat country that I know of, and averages more to the acre than any State in the Union. The tier of counties above named have the highest average of wheat of any other part of Kansas. In fact, wheat is the great standby to Kansas; it is not only King, but "Emperor." Corn is a little uncertain, owing to our dry climate in the latter part of the summer, but that staple rarely ever fails. Crops of all kinds do well; stock, such as sheep and cattle, do remarkably well; hogs do well when fed, but a hog will not eat prairie grass.

"How about fencing? Is timber plenty?" Timber is rather scarce, except on the streams. There is an abundance for fuel, and but little is used for fencing. We have a herd law in our county; all the farmers have to do is to plow up the sod, plant the grain, and reap it; no expense in fencingno hard work at rail splitting or fence building. Stock is not permitted to run at large unless with a herder. This is a wonderful help to the poor farmer. I know one man in this county who at this time has 420 acres in wheat, looking fresh and green, and not a sign of a fence around any of it. Last year the same man threshed out 6,000 bushels on the same farm without a fence, and hundreds of others do the same thing. I repeat that, in my opinion, Cowley County is the best body of land, with the best natural advantages of any county of the State. The Arkansas Valley and Walnut Valley are both within this county, and meet at this favored locality: Arkansas City.

I will close this letter with a few lines from some native genius in poetry, which are appropriate to the occasion.

Come, you farmers, poor and needy,

Over-worked on barren soil,

Kansas has a place already

For your home, with little toil.

Come, then, for your own salvation,

And for those that bear your name,

Health and plenty in full ration,

And a home where you may reign

It stands waiting; will you have it?

If you will, get up and come;

Don't fool `round and think about it,

Nor stand and suck your thumb.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

On Monday evening, February 21, we were pleased to meet at this place Col. H. L. Marvin, engineer of the L. L. & G. Railroad, and Col. R. H. Hunt, of Kansas City. They were on a tour of observation in the interest of the bond and stockholders of the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad, looking out the most practicable route for an extension of that road from Independence, Montgomery County, to this place, Arkansas City.

In the pursuit of this object they commenced at Independence, passing up the valley of the Elk River to Elk City; thence to Elk Falls; thence across the flint hills on the head of Big Caney, striking Grouse Creek at or near Lazette; crossing the divide in Silvercreek Township to the east branch of Timber Creek; thence down that stream to Winfield, crossing the Walnut a little south of Winfield; thence down the divide through Pleasant Valley and Creswell Townships to Arkansas City, the terminus.

From a familiar conversation with these gentlemen, we learn that that route is not only feasible, but favorable for a road, with the exception of the two divides, where some cutting will have to be done. A little better route, with less grading, could be had by bearing a little further north, but the extra length of road would more than balance the cost of cutting through the ridges; besides, the road would be bearing too far from the general course.

The wish of the company is to have a road as direct as possible from Arkansas City, at the mouth of the Walnut, to Independence, the present western terminus of their road. The chief object of the company in wishing to extend their road to Arkansas City is the want of a feeder to their present road, and like sensible men that they are, they see that the enormous wheat and corn fields of the Walnut and its tributaries in Cowley, the Elk and its branches in Elk and Chautauqua must have an outlet. These gentlemen return by a more direct route, passing through Silverdale, Maple City, and Otto, in this county, Cedar Vale and Peru in Chautauqua County, to Independence, their starting point. Col. Marvin is a brother to Chancellor Marvin, of the State University at Lawrence; Col. Hunt is an ex-Mayor of Kansas City: men of culture and responsibility.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876. Editorial Page.

In conversation with Col. J. M. Hiatt, a gentleman of more than ordinary education and culture, who has spent years with the Osage Indians, we learn that the tradition of the first landing of the Indians in the New World has been repeated over to the chosen young braves of the tribes, from one generation to another, until today they have what is supposed to be nearly the original language and words of their forefathers.

They claim their pilgrims came from the West in a boat; there were seven in number, and landed on the Pacific coast, where the Great Spirit rested on their shoulders and told them this land was their own. Until the whites came among them, they lived in happiness, but now begin to realize that step by step they must go backward, until they are driven into the waters of the ocean.

Indians are generally of a melancholy disposition, and their religion tends to make them more so. When one of their number dies, it is their belief that the spirit of the departed hovers about in agony until the scalp of an enemy is taken to accompany it to the happy hunting grounds. For this purpose they organize "mourning parties," and go on the warpath when they are otherwise peaceable.

Among the Osages are Masons, which it would seem could hardly be creditable, but is nevertheless a fact. It is supposed they were taken into the Order by the French, in the early days, and they return part of the workings of the craft to this day.

As proof of this, Mr. Hiatt (who is a member of the Commandery) was asked to walk out one day by a more than ordinarily intelligent Indian. After walking some distance, the Indian motioned him to sit down. He could not speak a word of English. Mr. Hiatt sat down, and after strict trial, found the red man to be a Master Mason.

We have been informed that among the Cheyennes there are also Masonswhich goes to show that they are adepts in secret orders, and pride and enjoy themselves in secrecy. There are many remarkable traits yet with our red brethren, which would make a volume of history if properly understood.

Among the Pawnees who grace our streets every day are men who have held responsible positions of trust in times of trouble, and whose experience would be a lesson to the world, could it be given as they only give it to those of their own kin.

There is a vast study and wide scope for the philanthropist in this region, of which few avail themselves, when it is within a stone's throw of our door.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

DEXTER, KS., February 13, 1876.
The prospect for a good wheat crop in this vicinity is better than ever before at this time of the year. People begin to talk of making a garden. Quite a number are plowing for corn and oats. Several claim hunters have come in lately and taken claims. There are quite a number of good claims to be taken yet, some with from forty to sixty and seventy acres of good bottom land lying along the smaller streams which afford abundant stock water. The best of upland claims can be taken yet.

Dexter has improved considerably this winter. We have a good grist and saw mill at this place, and another four miles below, at the mouth of Crab Creek.

Several houses have been put up; Bourdett & Graham have nearly completed their plow and wagon shop; Mr. John Harden is preparing to build a fine dwelling on the southeast corner of Central and First streets; Mr. Williams, the proprietor of the Dexter House, is finishing up a commodious feed stable. Harden & Co. are doing a lively business.

Mr. Henrion starts for Boston and New York the 15th of March, and will bring back one of the largest stocks of spring and summer goods ever brought to the Grouse Valley.

Those wishing for good claims in a thriving community, or wishing to buy farms where they can have all the conveniences of an older settled country, will find it to their interests to give us a call at Dexter. HUGO SANDERS.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The Senate yesterday refused to concur in the House amendments to the Senate bill taking the power from the courts to render judgment for attorneys' fees in the foreclosure of


It concurred in the House amendment to the proposed change in the constitution allowing county commissioners to be elected for one year.

A concurrent resolution was passed providing that constitutional amendments should only be published in one paper in a county. We would ask the honorable body how the Secretary of State is to tell which is the official paper of any county.

A concurrent resolution was passed asking Congress to pass laws for the better protection of the rights of freedmen and citizens of Indian descent in the Indian Territory and to estab lish courts therein.

The act providing for a State land office was passed on third reading.

The bill changing the fees of State printer was considered and recommended for passage nearly as it came from the committee. The Senate changed its hour of meeting hereafter to 9 a.m.

In the House the new Centennial bill got passed to the head of the calendar by a handsome majority, but when the House got into committee of the whole to consider it, it was found that it had not yet come from the printer, and could not be considered. Growing out of this there were some sharp talk and funny decisions. The debate on it will be found to be interesting. A number of minor bills were considered and disposed of in committee of the whole, one of which was to make it the duty of the Governor to issue his warrant for hanging persons convicted of murder, within six months, was rejected.

The resolution offered by the committee on state affairs to expel A. J. Mowry occupied the whole time of the House yesterday afternoon and resulted in the adoption of the resolution by a vote of 66 to 31.

In the evening the House met in committee of the whole and Sam Wood not being in attendance, 37 bills were disposed of, some being commended for passage and others stricken from the calendar.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Hon. A. J. Mowry, a member of the Kansas Legislature from Doniphan County, is implicated in the issue of some $3,000 of fraudulent school bonds in Comanche County two years ago. A warrant was issued for his arrest, but he received timely notice in some way and made good escape. The Governor has offered a reward of $200 for his capture.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The following salaries are paid to officers, at the Kansas Penitentiary.

Henry Hopkins, warden $2,000

C. J. Hanks, deputy warden 1,000

H. C. Field, chief clerk 1,000

O. M. Eddy, assistant clerk 550

J. B. McCleery, chaplain 1,000

W. E. Carpenter, physician 500

D. Mooney, hospital steward 400

A. Skinner, kitchen steward 620

Jane E. Johnson, matron 360

Dan Storrs, engineer 1,000

Charles Finley, assistant engineer 500

A. B. Willis, turnkey 510

E. N. Sleeper, telegraph operator 500

J. T. Turner, supt. of teams 360


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Information has been received that Bear Wolf, a Crow chief, had been at Fort Pease, at the mouth of Big Horn; that he had a battle with the Sioux, killed six, and that forty or fifty Sioux are around Fort Pease, killing the inhabitants at every opportunity, five persons having already been wounded.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

H. O. MEIGS is at Las Animas.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

FOUND. The damper of a new stove.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

A number of strangers are in town this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The mail on Sunday evening brought no papers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

REV. LACKEY returned to his home yesterday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

MR. NEWMAN has a $225 pony teamthe prettiest to be found in this vicinity.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

It is expected the Railroad Convention will be largely attended by representatives from the Walnut Valley.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

MARRIED. On yesterday, February 22, Mr. John Stauffer and Miss Ruth Burnett. The happy couple have our congratulations.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

It is asserted by good judges that more prairie sod has been broken this winter by farmers than at any time in the spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

On the fourth page will be found a large list of lands offered for sale by Pryor, Kager & Pryor, also a number of answers to inquiries.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

MR. JOHN FLORER came in from the plains last Friday. The Osages made a very poor hunt, and returned home very much chagrined.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

MR. MOWRY took four hogs to Wichita last week that weighed 2,160 pounds. It was the heaviest average delivered in Wichita this winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN are sending vast quantities of wheat to Wichita every week. The firm does an immense trade for the border, and deal largely in grain.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

RUNAWAY. Rev. Swarts' team took fright last Saturday, and ran away while one or two individuals had hold of the lines. They would make a good stage team.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

LAND. Col. McMullen publishes a list of cheap lands in this issue that everyone should read. The lands were obtained at a bargain, and will be sold at a small advance.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The second day after J. H. Sherburne & Co. published their double column advertisement in the TRAVELER, they sold $900 worth of goods. Nothing like advertising.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

C. M. SCOTT went north yesterday as a delegate to the railroad convention at Peabody. He will probably spend a few days at Topeka, to watch the workings of the legislators.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

A Union Festival will be given by the ladies of lower Grouse Creek, at the Coburn schoolhouse, on Tuesday evening, February 27th. The proceeds are to be donated to Rev. Mr. Nance, who is now laboring with us. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

REV. OVERSTREET, of Emporia, is announced to be here this week, to take part in the religious meetings of this place. Mr. Overstreet's reputation as a minister is not confined to Kansas alone, and many who have formerly heard him speak will be glad of the opportunity offered again.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

PRAIRIE FIRE. The grass north of town was set on fire last Friday, and spread to such a width before it was noticed that it could not be checked until it had burned six stacks of hay and about one mile of Major Sleeth's fence. Other fires have occurred east of the Walnut, burning over a wide scope of country.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

OUR devil has a pistol for sale. He went out to shoot a jay bird for breakfast the other day, and after pulling the trigger once, he found he had opened a regular cannonade of continuous shots. Fearing to run, and realizing that the safest place was behind the fire-arm, he held on like a nigger until it ceased. It is a good pistol and, like Mott's horse, won't kick.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Two Dutchmen came out and demanded fifteen dollars of Pat Somers for crossing a corner of a field near El Paso, last week. Pat thought the damages rather high, and endeavored to argue the case with them. They would not listen to him, and he had to give them a little of "ould Ireland" before he left. On hearing of it, we asked Pat if he had a fight. He said: "No. I only hit the smallest one at the butt of the ear, and planted my foot on his neck, and knocked the biggest one over." All a man has to say now, to get across that field without trouble, is "My name is Pat Somers, from Arkansas City."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

MIXED. Ed. Bird drives a four-in-hand to the Southwestern metropolis, built up from this and Sumner County.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Wichita says we don't need a railroad. If we had one and you hadn't, we could say the same of you.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Mr. J. C. Bennett, of Emporia, Mr. Bull, of Wisconsin, and Mr. Walbridge, of Kansas City, recuperated at the City Hotel this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Deer graze on the wheat fields south of the Arkansas, and the beaver are felling trees at the mouth of the Walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

A more commodious place has been made for the choir of the frame church.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The excavation for E. R. Thompson's new house, in the rear of Houghton & McLaugh- lin's store, is completed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Buildings are going up all over town.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Not much demand for corn at eighteen cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The Pawnees and Kaws haul cord wood to town to sell.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Not so many furs brought in this winter as last.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

REV. FLEMING received intelligence last evening that Rev. R. M. Overstreet's oldest son is dangerously ill with pneumonia, and that therefore he cannot be with us as announced on next Sabbath.

Communion service will be held in connection with the morning service.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

DIED. At his residence, two miles northwest of Salt City, on Tuesday, February 22, at 11 a.m., Mr. James Fernald, aged 35 years. Deceased leaves a wife and one child.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The Indian Progress says that the delegations or lobbyists sent to Washington from the Indian Territory cost the Indians the sum of two hundred and thirty-six dollars per day. Of this amount the Cherokees pay $108 per day. The remainder is paid by the Seminoles and the Creeks. The Progress says these delegations are expensive luxuries, and unless in view of the fact that the Territory might have a member of Congress on the floor without any expense to the people.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Walter S. Packard vs. Walter Vandorn.
Timothy McIntire, Justice of the Peace of Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas.

The defendant will take notice that on the 21st day of February, 1876, he was sued by said plaintiff, and on the same day said Justice of the Peace issued an order of attachment for the sum of Eighteen dollars. That said cause will be heard on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1876, at 9 o'clock a.m. WALTER S. PACKARD, Plaintiff.

Dated February 23rd, 1876.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

See What You Can Do At Salt City.
4 lbs. Best Coffee for a dollar.

Best Prints, Seven Cents.

Frazer Axle Grease, two for a Quarter.

All the Sugar you can carry for a Dollar.

Dooley's Baking Powder, 40 cents per pound.

Teas, from 35 cents upward.

I sell for sharp cash and can undersell any man who sells on time. Come and see me.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

FOR SALE. One hundred acres of growing wheat. Inquire at the Arkansas City Bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The man who told Al. Pruden that his cow sucks herself told an untruth. D. J. BRIGHT.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

WANTED. Cattle to herd at 20 cents per month. Inquire of Wm. Gross, on his farm. Reference: E. B. Kager.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.




1. Lot 3, and NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and N ½ of SE 1/4 Section 31, Tp 31, S R 1 East. Price, $550.00. Some improvements; well watered, and in good settlement. Sumner County, Kansas.

2. Lots 3 and 4, and N ½ of SE 1/4 of Section 16, Tp 35, S R 4 East. Price $550.00. On State line; fine stock farm. Cowley Co., Kans.

3. N W 1/4 Sec 31, Tp 33 and S ½ of S W ½ Sec 32, Tp 33, S R 3 E St.. Fine Bottom farm, plenty of timber and water; some improvements. Price $4.00 per acre. Cowley Co., Kansas.

4. W ½ Sec 36, Tp 34, S R 3 East. Joining Arkansas City. Price $3,000. Cowley Co., Kansas.

5. N ½ of N W 1/4 Sec 6, Tp 34, S R 4 East, and E ½ of N W 1/4 Sec 5, Tp 34 S R 4 East, and S E 1/4 Sec 6, Tp 34, S R 4 East. Good pine house; 25 acres under cultivation, being 320 acres 3 ½ miles north of Arkansas City. Price, $1,500.00. Cowley Co., Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Panthers and wolves are abundant in the Territory. Many of the above animals are killed and their skins sold.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

Crowell & Co., shipped three or four wagon loads of merchandise to the Pawnees last week, including a large lot of school furniture.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

The total contributions of the Methodist Episcopal church last year were $17,000,000, of which $16,000,000 were for preachers' salaries.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.

We have a great many desirable lots for sale in the city.

Three large stock farms for sale cheap.

No. 28. 80 acres prairie 1-1/2 miles east of city. Price $325.

No. 34. 160 acres in the Pottawattomie reserve n. e. 1/4, sec. 18, tp. 12, R 14 east. Price $800.

No. 38. 80 acres prairie 2 miles east of the city, good spring. Price $500.

No. 46. 160 acres, s w 1/4, sec 27, tp 33, R 3 east. Box house 1-1/2 story, good spring and running water for stock the year through, about ½ an acre timber, 15 acres breaking, all good level land. On Spring creek, 6 miles north w of Arkansas City. Price $800.

No. 49. 160 acres, one mile n e of Arkansas City, 158 acres bottom, 2 acres bluff with stone quarry, 15 acres good timber, good well. Price $2,100.

No. 96. N w 1/4 sec 9 tp 35 R 4E, 20 acres in cultivation, house 12 x 14, good pasture, fenced, living springs, 150 fruit trees, 12,000 hedge plants. Good stock farm. $900.

No. 103. Lot 14 in block 79. Store with basement, no 1 business location. $1,200.

No. 182. 130 acres Arkansas River bottom, first-class land. $1,000.

No. 196. 160 acres, 1-1/2 story pine house, good cellar, good well, smoke-house, a smith's shop and set of tools, barn 36 x 36, stable for 12 horses, hog-pen and corral, one thousand fruit trees, thirty different kinds of fruit, hedges growing, 65 acres under cultivation, a row of trees set out along road. $1,600.

No. 198. 60 acres n w of city. $300.

No. 213. 101 acres, 30 acres broken, 15 acres small timber on the Arkansas river, house, a good farm. $1,250.

No. 275. 147 acres adjoining city, 40 acres fenced, trees, vines, good house etc. on land. $20 per acre.




Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The new railroad law requires a petition signed by two-fifths of the resident taxpayers of the county before an election to aid a road can be ordered by the County Board of Direc tors, and no aid can be given unless voted for by two-thirds of the legal voters of the county. The same applies to cities and townships. Bonds to exceed $4,000 per mile cannot be voted by the county, and cities not to exceed $15,000 per mile, and five per cent of the assessment roll of such cities, provided in all it does not exceed $4,000 per mile in the county.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The Railway Convention.
The Railway Convention held at Peabody, Marion County, Kansas, on the Santa Fe railroad last Wednesday, was largely attended, and every town in the valley from Arkansas City to Junction City on the Kansas Pacific railroad, was represented with the exception of Douglass.

Great interest and enthusiasm was manifested, and the entire day and half of the night devoted to making the preliminary arrangements to make a proposition to the Directors of the K. P. road, who are to meet in St.. Louis to receive the delegates with the statistics of each county, and determine whether they will make a proposition to build a branch road as proposed.

The statistics of the several counties through which the road would pass, show enormous

yields of wheat, corn, pork, and products. Cowley County alone, last year produced 542,344 bushels of wheat, valued at $460,992, estimating it at eighty five cents per bushel, and more than one million and a half bushels of corn, valued at twenty cents per bushel, or $354,631.20, besides 70,000 bushels of potatoes, 68,000 bushels of castor beans, nearly 5,000 pounds of tobacco, and 11,000 tons of hayenough to keep a railroad busy half of the year of itself, to say nothing of the cattle, horses, and hogs, and continuous car loads of merchandise, groceries, etc., constantly being shipped in.

The statistics of Butler County show that it would require on an average, sixteen cars per day to transact the business of that county, and the counties of Marion and Dickenson are almost equal. The latter two have roads however.

Speeches were made by Capt. Shannon and Dr. Harrington, of Augusta; Rev. Lackey, of Peabody; Amos Walton and C. M. Scott, of Cowley, and a number of others.

After passing favorable resolutions and appointing several committees, the following delegates were nominated and elected to go before the Directors at St.. Louis to confer with the company, who offer transportation from Topeka: R. C. Haywood and J. E. Platter, of Cowley; G. W. Brown and S. M. Spencer, of Butler; A. G. Richardson, of Harvey; Rev. A. H. Lackey and Frank Doster, of Marion; and Martin Pease and H. Henguernot, of Dickenson. Notice will be given each member of the committee preparatory to starting. After many other matters of minor importance, the meeting adjourned, to meet again on the call of the Chairman and SecretaryCapt. Shannon and John P. Church.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The Apportionment Bill was worked at some in the Senate, and was turned over to a committee for the finishing touches and passed in the afternoon, 22 to 10. S. B. 104 prescribing how insurance policies shall be printed was recommended for passage in committee of the whole. S. B. 120, allowing railroads to build branches after having filed a notice in the office of the Secretary of State was also recommended. S. B. 71, exempting a years' crops from taxation was also recommended. Senator Robinson's bill in regard to the bonds to be given by county commissioners, was recommended subject to amendment. The S. B. giving the counsel for the prisoner at the bar the last speech. S. B. 202 occupied all the evening session. It is an able bodied bill of 69 pages, and is a codification of the school laws, but makes very few radical changes.

The House passed an exciting day over the appropriations for the Normal Schools. The appropriation ($10,348) for the Leavenworth school was the first to come up. Mr. Hackney led off in the fight on the appropriation. Mr. Taylor, of Leavenworth, made a good fight for the school. Most of the talk, however, came from the opposition, and finally Hackney's motion to indefinitely postpone, was carried, 56 to 37. The Emporia appropriation ($13,667.50) came up next and a very bitter debate took place on Hackney's motion to indefinitely postpone. Messrs. Eskridge, Cook, Elder and others spoke in favor of the institu tion. Hackney's motion was adopted, 53 to 43.

In the afternoon the State University appropriation came up. Mr. Waters offered an amendment appropriating $3,000 to establish a normal department in the University. Mr. Glick thought that the professors were paid too much, and moved that the bill be recommended to the Ways and Means committee with instructions to report a new bill providing for a normal department and giving an itemized statement of teacher's wages. This motion prevailed.

Mr. Hackney rushed in with a motion to indefinitely postpone the bill appropriating $22,420.56 for the Agricultural College, but was voted down, 83 to 7. Some of the items were stricken out and the bill appropriating $15,300 passed, 65 to 7.

In the evening the House complied with a request of W. C. Webb, counsel for A. J. Mowry, and the order to publish the testimony in his case was rescinded. S. B. 182 passed. As amended it provides for the appointment of the three following institutions: the Blind Asylum and the Deaf and Dumb and Insane Asylums.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

MAPLE TP., February 22, 1876.
At a meeting of our citizens, `Squire A. Walck was chosen chairman and Wm. Atkinson, secretary, whereupon the chairman opened the meeting by reading a report of a railroad meeting held at Winfield, on Saturday, the 5th inst. Moved by Mr. Allen Whipple, and duly seconded, that the resolution at Winfield on February 5th be rejected; motion carried. `Squire W. B. Norman then addressed the meeting in favor of a majority vote qualifying in regard to voting bonds, giving it as his opinion that bonds should be voted on by townships and cities only, and emphatically saying that he was opposed to Maple Township voting bonds for a railroad. He then read a resolution embodying the substance of his remarks. Mr. Lancaster then addressed the meeting, and was followed by W. E. Seaman, Allen Whipple, Thomas Conly, the Chairman, and others. Mr. Norman then presented his resolution which was on motion rejected. On motion, it was ordered spread on these minutes. The resolution is as follows.

Resolved, That the present law making a two thirds vote necessary to carry a proposition voting aid in railroad construction is wrong in principle and injurious in effect, and should be repealed, and a new law enacted in its place making a simple majority decisive, and providing that in all future elections on railroad bond propositions the vote shall be taken by townships, towns, and cities; and providing further that townships, towns, and cities voting bonds for such purpose be alone taxed on the same, and in like manner all revenues derived from shares in stock, gross earnings, or by taxation of such roads, shall accrue to the benefit of such townships, towns, and cities voting such aid.

After some more discussion, it was moved and seconded that Mr. Norman's resolution, commencing at the words, "and providing that in all future elections on railroad bond propositions the vote shall be taken by townships, towns, and cities; and providing further that townships, towns, and cities voting bonds for such purpose be alone taxed on the same, and in like manner all revenues derived from shares in stock, gross earnings, or by taxation of said roads, shall accrue to the benefit of such townships, towns, and cities voting such aid," be adopted. Motion carried.

It was moved and seconded that a copy of these minutes be sent to the Cowley County newspaper offices for publication; motion carried. On motion, the meeting then adjourned.

ADAM WALCK, Chairman.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

NENNESCAH, February 24, 1876.
Editor Traveler:

You will please excuse me for not writing sooner. As a correspondent, I have not done you much good. I was over to Wellington last week, and it being my first visit to that town, I interested myself not a little in looking around the place . . . Wellington is a fine place, and Sumner is a good county, but Cowley is far ahead of it, if wood is worth anything.

I think Arkansas City will be the city of the Arkansas Valley. It has some fine men, though there are a few who like to come up here and complain about people of whom they know nothing. Perhaps they live by trying to undermine others. I see by your paper that the people down there know how to appreciate good music, by the way they treat Profs. Hulse and E. J. Hoyt, who are excellent performers on their respective instruments.

Wheat looks well here, but is not so forward as down in your section of the county. I have noticed some fields of wheat, at least half of which were destroyed by the grasshoppersliterally eaten out of the ground as it came up last fall. HALF TWAIN.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

[From Osage Agency Herald.]
Many Osage Indians who were the first to adopt a life of civilization commenced raising hogs, and the result is that they have not only had all the pork necessary for their own use, but have sold a great many hogs to settlers in Southern Kansas. Quite a number of sales have been made by them recently, and one sold as high as $150 worth. These facts show that the present policy of dealing with the Indians has, so far, been the most successful, and if continued for a few years, the Osage Indians will show a record which will put to shame the majority of those who have been opposed to the policy. The health of these Indians who have left their former mode of living for a life of civilization has been better since than for a good many years before. They notice that such is the case and are thereby greatly encouraged.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The biggest thing on ice this year will be the price.

Wheat in Cowley County is from twelve to fourteen inches high.

The oldest white man born in Kansas is about 25 years old.

The total number of prisoners in the State penitentiary at the close of the year was 379.

Plowing has continued up to this time, in central Kansas and no wonder the immigration to Kansas this winter is larger than it has been for eight years.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

School closes this week for a vacation of two months.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Fresh fish are brought from the Walnut. Eels are caught occasionally.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The stage coach ran over a skunk one night lately. The stage didn't stop.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

JOHN LINTON has returned from Clyde, Ohio, and reports plenty of mud.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The rut between this place and Newman's mill has a culvert built over it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

MR. DAYTON, of Coshocton County, Ohio, has located among us, on a farm near town.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

MAX FAWCETT's father died at Emporia this week, and Max has gone to join in the funeral obsequies.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The derrick at the coal well at Salt City was blown down last week, and considerably damaged.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

MR. E. P. KINNE and brother visited this place last week. E. P.'s daughter has returned from Illinois.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

MRS. WOODYARD and daughter returned from Denison, Texas, last week, where they had been visiting all winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

GEORGE MELVILLE is in company with A. A. Jackson, in the grain trade at Wichita. They are doing a good business.

One firm in Wichita bought 163,000 bushels of wheat from Cowley and Sumner counties, during the winter, for the Eastern market.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

A meeting of the church choir will be held at the First church this evening to prepare for the Centennial Concert, to be given in a few weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

HEAP GOOD! A Pawnee Indian passed through town last week with a large fat dog on his shoulders, which he said was "heap goodPawnee eat him."

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Society will hold a necktie social at the Central Avenue Hotel, on Wednesday evening, March 8. All are cordially invited.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

GREAT FLOCKS of geese and ducks are to be seen every day on the Arkansas. The ducks are the large, green head mallards, weighing three and four pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Fraud, Liar and "Dead Beat."
About two weeks ago, a man of gentlemanly appearancea smooth, slow talkerstopped at the Central Avenue Hotel at this place, representing himself to be a sheep- dealer from Ohio, but of late from Colorado and New Mexico. He was an honest-looking man; talked in the old style, honest fashion, and took pleasure in giving any information he could about sheep. During his stay he endeavored to purchase articles of clothing at several places, and finally did obtain a full suit without paying for them, by representing that he would have a draft the next day. In the meantime, the following card, with his photograph, was received by George McIntire, Constable of this township.

Aged 46 years; considerably gray; wears a long gray overcoat; gray pants; whiskers worn all over the face; about 5 feet 8 inches in height. He is a

Traveling through the country, representing himself to be a wealthy sheep-dealer from Ohio, and obtaining goods through false and fraudulent representations. I have in my possession letters stating that he has been impeached in the courts of Ohio, and if he had been prosecuted, would be in the penitentiary for his crimes.

City Marshal of Hutchinson, Kans.
After reading the card (which is a good description of him, except he is not gray), the party who sold him the goods demanded the pay for them or their return. The goods were returned, and Mr. Jones left the next morning, without paying for his board. He started east from here, and it will be well enough for hotel men and others to be on their guard.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

By mere chance we happened to discover that a "Grand Centennial Panorama" was to be given this evening, by some parties from Grouse Creek, to which the public are all invited. This "splendid exhibition of art" has been given before the crowded halls of Dexter and Silverdale, and pronounced to be equal to any magic lantern performance that has ever come up the Grouse. As we have not enjoyed a magic lantern show for nearly two months (since Eddy put his away), we have no doubt a multitude of our citizens will assemble to witness it. "Doors open at 6-1/2 o'clock, Wednesday, the 1st of March."

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The brick are being hauled for Mr. Hutchinson's new dwelling, near Berkey's brick; L. H. Gardner has the contract.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Rev. Fleming has the wall up on the south side of his residence; it is to be of brick; D. H. Clough is building the wall.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Men are at work on the foundation of Mr. O. P. Houghton's house.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The frame work of Mr. Page's house is completed; Thomas Baird is doing the work.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

James Allen's house is finished, and George Allen is painting it; it was built by A. A. Chamberlain.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Mr. Wintin's family are occupying his new stone building.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Work continues on Newman's and Haywood's block; it will cost near $7,000 when completed.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Numerous farm houses and barns are being built throughout the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

As a token of appreciation and respect, the people of Maple City, through Mr. R. P. Goodrich, presented Rev. B. C. Swarts, of this place, a two-seated spring buggy, of good make and finish. We are glad to notice the high esteem in which our fellow citizen is held, and can assure them it will never grow less. Rev. Swarts is one of the earliest settlers of Cowley County, and the pioneer preacher of this place. Ever since his first residence among us, he has been an ardent and earnest worker for the cause of Christianity, and general prosperity of the country and people. On behalf of the friendship exhibited to Mr. Swarts, we extend his thanks and the thanks of this community.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

MIXED. Will Mowry is superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday School.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

No preaching last Sunday evening at the First church. Bad colds the cause.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

"My breeches! Oh! my breeches!"

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

M. R. Leonard and George Whitney returned from Arkansas last Monday. They will remain with us awhile.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Young people's prayer meeting last night.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Rev. P. G. Smith, of Dexter, occupied a good part of our sidewalk, and an important place at the Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Two parties are to be married next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

It has to be medicated now.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Plenty of commercial men again this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

WHILE AT TOPEKA, we entered the iron railing enclosure of the Commonwealth office, generally termed the masculine bovine pen, and held our sides while Prentiss related the last good joke. On leaving we informed him we had raised over 500,000 bushels of wheat and 1,000,000 bushels of corn in Cowley last year, whereupon he earnestly entreated us to persuade the farmers to raise more rye. "Less wheat and more rye," was his prayer and pleading.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

THIRTEEN persons were baptized under the rule of the Christian faith, at Oxford, last week. We have not been notified who the minister was.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Mr. Will. Mowry is the representative agent of several musical instruments for Cowley Countythe celebrated Estey organ among others, and will furnish prices and terms to any desiring to make a purchase. Through the agent at this place, the instruments will be guaranteed to be delivered in perfect order, and warranted as represented. Give him a call.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

AGENT A. C. WILLIAMS, of the Wichita, Kiowas, Caddoes, and other affiliated bands at the Wichita Agency, left Wichita last Saturday, on his way to the Agency, in company with Mrs. Williams and his family. He has been sick for two weeks, and unable to take charge of his mission before. Mr. Spray, a nephew of Uriah Spray, at the Kaw Agency, goes with him.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Editor Traveler: The members of the High School Literary Society wish, through your columns, to tender to the ladies of the former "Benevolent Society" their grateful thanks for the kind donation of $20 toward the bell fund. L. E. NORTON, President.

F. B. HUTCHINSON, Treasurer.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The Y. P. C. A. meets next Tuesday evening at the First church, when the standing committees will be appointed. The following persons constitute the officers: President, Rev.

S. B. Fleming; Vice President, M. A. Felton; Secretary, Miss Sherburne; Treasurer, Kendall Smith.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

There will be a business meeting of the "Ladies' Society" held at the First Presbyterian Church on Thursday, March 2, at 3 o'clock p.m. MRS. FLEMING, President.

MISS G. B. SHERBURNE, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

An old scalp taker presented a petition the other day to one of our merchants, which read as follows:

"This is a good Indian. He was a soldier, and fought and died for his country. Give him five cents."

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

ANOTHER carload of Mennonites went down the Santa Fe road last week to locate in Rice county, near the town of Peace. An addition to their number was made while on their way from Atchison to Emporia, by the birth of a boy.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

A large fire occurred at Dexter last Saturday, burning five hay stacks and a quantity of wheat and corn belonging to Mr. Barnhart. The fire originated from a spark from the mill in town. D. M. P.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

"Play that tune where it says a man may bum around a good while, and find mighty nice things, but after all hankers after his own ranch the most," is the way a dug-out resident called for "Home, Sweet Home."

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The time for the adjournment of the Kansas Legislature is today. They will probably hold session a day or two longer in order to finish a part of the great amount of unfinished business.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

FORTY-FIVE TEAMS, mostly from Bolton Township, camped on the Nenescah, near Belle Plaine, last Wednesday night, all loaded with wheat for Wichita. They had about 2,000 bushels all together.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

CHILD BURNED. Last Monday a child of Mr. Thompson's, living on Grouse Creek, was so badly burned by fire that it died during the night. We were unable to get full particulars.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

OCHRE. Pat McConnell allowed us some red ochre found on Sand Creek, near Nenescah, that is of a very fine grade. There is a stratum of seven inches, which can be easily worked.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

A Democratic State Convention was held at Topeka, February 25th, and one at Winfield last Saturday. The County Convention at Winfield was not very largely attended.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

A party of excursionists from Putnam County, Ill., arrived at Wichita last Friday night, and Saturday morning scattered in different directions to view the country.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Beware a Cold. Pine Tree Cordial and Wine of Tar Bitters at KELLOG & HOYT's.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

For Sale Cheap. Two breaking plows, two corn plows, and a harrowall in good condition. I will sell, or trade for corn. J. ALEXANDER.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Healing Globules! A new remedy for coughs, colds, and all affections of the lungs. Try them. For sale at KELLOG & HOYT's.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

Wanted. Cattle to herd at 20 cents per month. Inquire of Wm. Gross, on his farm. Reference, E. B. Kager.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum