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[From October 11, 1876, through December 13, 1876.]

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876. Front Page.

Bloodshed in the Cherokee Nation.
A shooting affray which resulted in the death of two men and the mysterious disappear ance of two others occurred near the old Osage Agency, on Cana River, in the Cherokee Nation, on the 17th inst., but reports are so conflicting that facts are hard to obtain. But from the story seemingly most creditable, it appears that Frank Rogers, a deputy Cherokee Sheriff and lover of whiskey, with three assistants, was scouring the country for the purpose of arresting a Mexican who had married a Delaware woman. When at a spring near a school- house in which they expected to find him, Wilson Sarcoxie, a much respected Delaware, and others of his tribe came up, and seeing that a white man of the Sheriff's party was drunk, Sarcoxie informed him of his authority to disarm all men in that country when in his condition, attempted to do so, and a scuffle ensued. At the request of Rogers to quit the spring for a more suitable locality on the hill nearby, they did so, and the drunken white man was disarmed by a sober Indian.

When Sarcoxie rejoined the party at the spring, he discovered a flask of whiskey in Rogers' pocket, and told him that he was also authorized to take and spill whiskey. He grasped the flask, and while pouring its contents upon the ground, Rogers struck him upon the head with a revolver, whereupon Sarcoxie shot him, the ball passing through the wrist and lodging under the skin at the elbow. Rogers and his posse then shot and instantly killed Sarcoxie. After going about a mile from the battle ground, they stopped to dress Rogers' wound, and while there, were overtaken and fired into by a party of Delawares, which resulted in the instant death of Rogers, the wounding of an assistant, the capture of the white man and a half-breed Osage, who had married a Cherokee woman.

The prisoners, when last seen by parties willing to acknowledge it, were being led into the brush by the Delawares. Parties from the Agency, together with the brother of the missing Osage, have visited the scene of blood, but were unable to induce the Delawares to give any information leading to a solution of their case.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

The troops are still pushing the Indians further into the mountains.

The Indian Commissioners held their first council with Red Cloud on the 8th instant.

The editor of the Cowley County Telegram, has withdrawn his name from the Independent State ticket, taken down the flag of that party, and hoists in its stead the banner of pure Democracy.

[Above concerns Wm. M. Allison of Cowley County, who is shown in another column of paper as a candidate for Secretary of State on the "National and State Independent Ticket."]

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

On a little mud island, where the fresh water of the Mississippi River and the salt water of the Gulf of Mexico meet and mix, stands a brick fort, built by the Spaniards more than one hundred years ago, when they traded with the Great and Little Osage Indians. As the long years have flown to the past, this ancient structure has been gradually sinking into the sea, but the portions yet above water are intact, and was no doubt well remembered by Bigheart and Strike Axe of this once powerful tribe. They yet have Spanish manuscripts upon parch- ment, one hundred and forty years old, which they have carefully preserved and passed from father to son. Indian Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 2, 1876.
Board met in regular session; all present, with A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Journal of two last special sessions read and approved.

Report of viewers on F. Arnold County road read, approved, and said road ordered opened, recorded, and platted.

Also report of viewers on the Andrew Dawson County road read and approved, and said road ordered opened, recorded, and platted.

Report of viewers on the Richard Courtright County road read and approved, and said road ordered opened, recorded, and platted.

Petition of W. W. Thomas and others, of Spring Creek Township, for section line road presented and granted, and said road ordered opened, recorded, and platted.

Petition of Isaac C. Loomis and others, of Creswell Township, asking for view and survey presented, granted, and D. Logan, John Nichols, and Wm. Wilson appointed viewers, and the County Clerk ordered to give legal notice.

Petition of John P. Woodyard and others, of Creswell Township, asking for view and survey of County road, presented, granted, and Henry Endicott, John Harmon, and William Randall appointed viewers, and the County Clerk ordered to give legal notice. Adjourned.

TUESDAY, OCT. 3, 1876.
Board met as per adjournment, all present. Bills against the County were presented, and the following action taken thereon.

J. H. Land, pauper bill, $2.00

T. E. Gilliland, pauper bill, $8.25

Z. W. Hoge, assessor, $39.00

Boyer & Gallotti, pauper bill, $27.75

Boyer & Gallotti, pauper bill, $17.00

S. Moomey, pauper bill, $14.00

David Thompson, pauper bill, $15.00

Ray & Randall, courthouse repairs, $26.00

E. C. Manning, County Printing, $382.83


Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

HURRAH for Bob Mitchell.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

A. A. NEWMAN returned with his family last Saturday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

S. B. FLEMING expects to be able to resume preaching nest Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

R. C. HAYWOOD and wife returned last Thursday from the East, taking in the Centennial on their way.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

On Thursday, October 5th, Centennial year. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg, a son and daughter.

JAMES HUEY says he has "a big , fat boy." Date of arrival, Tuesday, Oct. 3rd.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

H. O. MEIGS, one of the first settlers of this community, moved his family to Wichita Monday morning. Mr. Meigs has opened a real estate office in Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

A little 12 year old brother of Ed Horn's, who was in the habit of hunting coons, got after a wild cat and treed it. He then climbed the tree after it, and knocked it off with a club. It ran up another tree, and he followed, and as he worked his way toward it, it sprang at him, but he knocked it down again, and up it went on another tree, with the boy after it, and being knocked down the third time, the dog he had with him seized it, and during the fight, the boy killed it. He had never seen a wild cat before, and as "He thought it has awful big eyes for a coon," he was afraid to take it home, for fear his parents would stop his hunting. He however, could not keep the secret, and told them all about it, and his father went to the battle ground and found a full-sized wild cat, large and savage enough to give a man a hard fight.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

It is with pleasure that we call the attention of our readers to the fact that Messrs. Finney Brothers & Hopkins, formerly of Osage Agency, Indian Territory, are conducting the "City" livery stable. They are live, energetic young businessmen, will make the interests of Arkansas City their interests, and are in every way worthy of a liberal patronage. In addition to the well-kept stock purchased of Mr. Hoffmaster, we understand they have several spirited driving teams and excellent saddle horses. They took possession last Wednesday morning, and are ready for business. Their advertisement appears on our first page.



FINNEY BROS. & HOPKINS, Proprietors.

Horses Boarded by Day or Week.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin want 20,000 bushels of No. 3 and 4 wheat at once, for which they will pay the cash.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

PRIVATE SALE. I will sell at private sale, at my residence one and one-half miles east of Arkansas City, on time, with approved security, or will trade for young stock:

One span work horses and harness. One 3 year old filly. One work mule. Two milch cows and calves. 12 head of hogs. One Sulky Rake. Two plows, one wagon, one new Marsh Harvester, besides other personal property. ALBERT CHAMBERLAIN.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

JOE HOYT is back, and the boys are organizing the brass band for the fall campaign.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

Our farmers have to haul wheat fifty miles to market, and only a mile, generally to mill.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

T. R. BRYAN has removed to Winfield, and taken charge of the County Treasurer's office.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

The Pawnee Indians who left the Agency several weeks ago have arrived at the Sioux country.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

MONTGOMERY MOORE, of Cana, has the contract to carry the Pawnee Agency mail from Independence.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

ISH-TAH-WAU CUN-I-U-GA, the Indian name for "white man doctor" called on us last week. In short, it was Dr. Hunt.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

The small boys captured a live owl in the schoolhouse last week, and amused themselves by exhibiting it on the street.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

I. D. FOX & CO. sold to the Kaw Agency Indian school, Indian Territory, one of their fine ten-stop Geo. Wood & Co. organs.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

MR. NEWMAN has purchased an immense stock of goods this fall, that he expects to trade for wheat. He says he has a suit of clothes for every man in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

J. M. JORDON started for Fort Sill last Friday with a load of flour to deliver on Newman's contract. Silas Ward went with him. He expects to remain in the Territory to work.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.

The Finney boys, A. T. Gay, and J. L. Stubbs, all of "White Hair" town, were here last week. The Finney brothers have leased Mr. R. Hoffmaster's livery, and will devote their time to accommodating the traveling public. J. L. Stubbs came home to prove up on the Arkansas, and Mr. Gay as company for the crew. Rudolph will go into the blacksmith shop with Henry Franklin, and assist in the work.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876

A meeting was held at Salt City yesterday in the interest of the steamboat enterprise. Speakers from abroad were present and much was said but little was done. If a sail-boat was built and these blowers from Arkansas City and Little Rock would take charge of it, drift sand would be but little bother. Sumner Co. Democrat.

Come boys, Sumner County is as much interested in the navigation of the Arkansas River as Arkansas City; if she is not, she should be. It requires no bonds for a steamboat.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

Col. Manning comes out again this week in a column and a half article, evading the charges made against him, and trying to mislead the people by publishing falsehoods. He says we "refused to publish his article, giving an excuse that we had not room in the paper." That is not true. We told Col. McMullen that it was the most unreasonable and preposterous demand we had ever known for one publisher to ask another publisher to publish his articles in a political contest. Such a thing was never known. He has his own paper and it is taking no advantage of him whatever, as any reasonable mind can readily see. Besides, all the Courier's sent to our subscribers are made from the list we gave him ourselves, in order that he could have every opportunity of refuting the charges.

The balderdash he puts forth to explain that we publish only portions of any act of his life, is too foolish. We made our charges of what he has done, and if he can explain them satisfactorily, why doesn't he do it?

His continual whining and declaring himself a pure, persecuted man avails nothing with those who have time and again had their trust betrayed by him. He is a smooth, oily talker, and to one unacquainted generally gains sympathy. There was a time when most people of this county trusted Mr. Manning, but owing to his repeated trickery, he has breached the confidence and lost the faith of three fourths of all who know him.

Mr. Manning said in a speech at this place that he did try to borrow money at Topeka. That he tried to borrow of political aspirants, and "would try it again," without asking anyone whether he should or not. That is just what we are afraid of, and just what we want to prevent. We don't want our representatives to be "borrowing" money. We have explained this "borrowing" business, and don't want it repeated. If Mr. Manning is hard up again, we don't want to trust him at Topeka. And again, in the last issue of the Courier, he says:

"I `stole' that 125,000 acres of land to build a railroad for my constituents in Marshall County. The company that built the road received the land, or the proceeds thereof, and my constituents got the railroadneither was I a member of the company that built the road. And I might as well say right here that there are about 12,000 acres of land left as the property of the State of Kansas, and if I am elected to the Senate again, I will, if opportunity offers, `steal' it to build a railroad into Cowley County."

Now he frankly says he did steal 125,000 acres of land to build a railroad, and openly declares he will, if opportunity offers, steal 12,000 acres for Cowley. My God, what more confessions do the people want. A man going to the capitol of the State of Kansas, to represent Cowley County, by "borrowing" money and stealing land. Supposing the representatives of every county in the State go there for the same purpose, and what will become of us.

If "Scott takes Water," the Colonel should take something stronger that will cleanse his system and restore his reason, if he has any.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

A Sample Republican Leader.
[From the Lawrence Standard.]
ARKANSAS CITY, COWLEY CO., October 1, 1876.
ED. STANDARD: As you are doubtless aware, there is a war among the roses in this CountyManning and anti-Manning, E. C., who has lain still since the Caldwell bribery bile was punctured, and raised such a stink all over the State. But the double deal in this Senatorial term, was too great a temptation for his venal nature; he saw a fair opportunity in the future to borrow some more money at a low rate, of some Senatorial candidate. So he concocted a scheme that was seconded by a few select friends, had himself nominated by the Republican party before the regular county convention was called or the great mass of the party was aware of it.

They raised a perfect hurricane, but the great borrower was too many for the honest masses, he finally succeeded, and is now on the track in defiance of Scott, of the TRAV ELER, who preferred ten charges against him.

This aroused the ire of the gentleman, so he determined to brass it through, and posted handbills all around town that he would answer Mr. Scott on last evening.

Well, he came, he fought, but he did not conquer. He consumed nearly two hours with a general denial, but no proof except a letter from Hon. Sid. Clarke, dated in last month, stating in substance that he, the Hon. Sid, and the Hon. Dan., the man who pays "my checks," had sworn to a wilful, malicious lie before the Senatorial investigating committee in Washington in the Caldwell case, that Manning never offered to sell his vote to him. This called for a reply from Scott, who literally used up Manning, so that he could scarcely utter a word in reply.

Several of our citizens were called on to prove the truth of Scott's charges. Mayor S. P. Channell and Judge Christian, formerly of your city, both testified to the point. Judge Christian objected to being called on in a family quarrel. He did not come there to speak, but to see the fun, as he knew the old adage, "When rogues fall out, honest people generally find their dues." He stated what he knew of Manning's conduct at a certain railroad convention; but of his general character he knew much, as he had known both Clarke and Manning for many years as public characters. While he did not remember of ever hearing that either of them had committed felony, they were both considered tricky.

Judge Christian knew that Manning up around Lawrence and at Topeka was considered an unmitigated shyster. He knew nothing of how he had acquired the title, but it was a maxim, that where there was much smoke, there was some fire. Nothing occurs without a cause. No man or woman ever acquired a bad character without some cause to justify it.

Poor Manning went home this morning without saying good bye to anyone, and the worst whipped man I ever saw, completely gone to grass.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

VOTE for Bob Mitchell.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

The signs are that we are going to have a long, hard winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

The editor returned this week from Leavenworth.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

MR. MOTT has just returned from Arkansas with a load of apples.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

FARMERS won't put in wheat until the middle of November this year.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

THE SIDEWALK is completed on Summit street as far down as Mr. Fitch's.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

NEWMAN has blocked the sidewalks and half the streets with his new goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

HOUGHTON & MC. have goods, trunks, groceries, and everything piled sky high in and about their store.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

M. S. FARIS is expecting a large stock of clothing and general dry goods, which have been unaccountably detained.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

COL. McMULLEN had an adventure with a fractious colt this week. No damage, however, except the buggy pole was broken.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

MRS. W. S. HUNT has been very sick. She is some better today, and there are hopes of a favorable termination. Dr. Alexander is in attendance.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

MARRIED. On Wednesday evening, October 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. J. EX. Saint and Miss Ada Millington. All of this city. Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

FREIGHTING. NEWMAN, McLAUGHLIN, and HAYWOOD have fifty teams freighting between this place and the Indian Agencies in the Territory. Two or three trips pays for a new Kansas wagon.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

AL. DEAN took the finest lot of grass fed cattle to Kansas City on Monday, Oct. 9th, that has ever been sold in that market. He got $30 per head for his two-year olds, but lost a little on his cows and some half-breed Texans. Native cattle sell the best.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

We called on Esquire Meigs at Wichita, who is comfortably located just back of the schoolhouse and above the Catholic church. His office is a few blocks above the Richie House, where he is doing a good business in real estate. They are anxious to see Arkansas City people.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

The Sheriff in charge of C. B. Howertson, arrested at Winfield under the muzzle of a pistol, went gaily on his way to Knox County, Missouri, with the prisoner and his brother, unshackled, unguarded, and uncared for. It seems Howertson was on his way home at the time of his arrest, and had written to that effect. The murderer of Hine never fled from the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

SOUTHERN KANSAS, the best stock-growing country in the world! Mr. Albert Dean, the most successful and careful stock-grazier in the West, sold in Kansas City, a few days since, one two-year-old steer that weighed 1,140 pounds. The animal never ate one mouth full of hay or grain, but lived wholly on the range. If the farmers had sufficient stock to eat up the wild grass that is annually destroyed by fire, they could pay their debts in one year.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

DIED, October 12th, 1876, Henry Zoller, of Pleasant Valley Township. Resolutions were adopted by the South Bend Grange at a meeting held Oct. 14, 1876, honoring Mr. Henry Zoller. Committee members: Xina Cowles, Anna Wright, Joseph Hill.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.

WOOD! WOOD! Sealed bids for 20 cords of hard woodoak, walnut, or hack berrycut and split, two feet in length, will be received at the District Clerk's office until the 25th of October, 1876; said wood to be delivered and corded up on the grounds of School District No. 2, Arkansas City, and measured by the School Board. T. H. McLAUGHLIN.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

Several domestic cows have died in this place with the Texas fever. When will our people learn wisdom and keep Texas cattle only.

The grasshoppers have done comparatively no damage in this vicinity. Early sown wheat is up and looking fine, though a good rain would help it very much, as well as enable our farmers to put in the remainder of their seed more rapidly and with greater pleasure. Corn sells for fifty cents per bushel in this town.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

Our readers have noticed that a treaty (?) has been made by the United States Government with the Sioux Indians, by which they are to be removed to the Indian Territory, to the south of us. There is one provision, and that is the "Young men" are to go there and see if they like it. We have tried for some days to get time to say a word on this subject, but politics have crowded most everything else out. * * * It is only a question of time when the Indian Territory will be organized into a State Government. It must be done. The grain of Kansas must have competing ports, not competing lines, in order to get cheaper transporta tion. When the country is settled, and not till then, will there be built up a port at Galveston to compete with the ports on the Atlantic seaboard. It is but half the distance there that it is to New York. But this is a subject that we shall refer to in the future. Topeka Commonwealth.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

Washington, Oct. 13. Many of the Nez Perces Indians have never been parties to any treaty, and as serious difficulties have arisen between them and the white settlers of Idaho and Eastern Oregon, the Indian bureau is now preparing to send out a special committee to them with a view of settling all questions in dispute and will avert any further trouble. The committee will consist of Gen. O. O. Howard and Major H. Clay Wood, his adjutant, Wm. Steckney, Secretary Borrel, H. D. Jerome of Saginaw, and probably A. C. Barstow of Providence, R. I; the latter Indian commissioners. Gen. Howard leaves Washington today, and the eastern members of the committee will rendezvous in Chicago Monday next.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

Cheyenne, Oct. 13. Gen. Merritt left Custer City with five hundred men on a scout today. Their destination is not positively known, but it is surmised to be the Belle Fourche fork of the Cheyenne River. The remainder of the command is still at Custer.

The party of Indians who killed Monroe near Fort Laramie, a few days since, also raided the ranch of Nick Jones, on the old Redford road, stealing twenty-five horses. Monroe's body was pierced by eight balls.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY is a cash market for wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

SEVERAL FARMS changed hands in East Bolton last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

MR. S. JOHNSON is going to Elgin, Kansas, to engage in stock raising.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

A needle was taken from the shoulder of Mr. Farrar's child last week by Dr. Hughes.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

TOM CONCANNON, formerly of Winfield, is down at Pawhuska, taking Indian photographs.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

S. P. CHANNELL sold his interest in the hardware store to R. C. Haywood last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

WOLVES in the Territory; beavers on the Walnut; rabbits in your garden. Get out your steel traps.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Davis, on Thursday, October 19, a son. Dr. Shepard acted as plenipotentiary.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

We notice another new house has sprung up on the northwest corner of the town site. It belongs to C. R. Mitchell.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

O. P. HOUGHTON started to Cheyenne Agency, Monday morning, in a light wagon. Rev. Fleming accompanied him.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

MR. WM. BENEDICT was confined to the house a few days ago from a blow he received on his leg while chopping wood.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

PERSONS with teams, wanting employment, can find it by calling on Newman, Haywood & McLaughlin at this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

DIED. On the 29th ult., Elizabeth S., daughter of John E. and Hallie C. McManus, aged two months and twenty days.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

DEPARTED. WHEATLEY GOOCH started out last week to take his chances with the world, and look out for a new location for a short time.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

A PRAIRIE FIRE was started near the State line on Monday, near Mr. Sample's, and would have done great damage if it had not been checked.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

JAMES I. MITCHELL received $1.04 per bushel for the car load of wheat he shipped to St. Louis: equal to 48 cents here. He had 386 bushels.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

REMOVED. The barber shop of Thomas Baker's has been removed to one door south of the City Bakery. A restaurant will also be kept in the same building.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

A skunk took up its abode in one of the residences on Central Avenue, and remained a day or two before the occupants could persuade him to vacate. The house is for rent.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

SAFE TEST. Mr. A. O. Porter made a test trial of J. C. McMullen's new safe, last week, to see if it could not be drilled into. A small portable lathe of great power was brought to bear on it, with one of Col's number two drills, and in 15 minutes they cut through the two outer iron plates, when everyone thought they were going right through it, but as soon as the steel plate was reached, the drill stopped and was drawn out with the point worn off. The drill was retempered and tried again with the same result and like effect, when they gave up the test until morning. Bright and early the workmen were at work again with new drills, but could go no further, when they were satisfied it could not be entered. Mr. Wood then made a trial by pouring nitro muriatic acid in the hole, but could do nothing. The safe is a beautiful piece of workmanship, with a Yale time lock, weighs 4,200 pounds, is sold at $1,600, and made at Cincinnati, Ohio.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

SEVERELY HURT. J. C. SHUSTER was thrown from his horse one week from last Sunday while riding after dark, near Whitney's hill, and severely injured. His scalp was cut and head bruised, but for a few days he felt no unusual pain, until swelling set in, when he suffered terribly. Dr. Hughes has charge of the case, and he is recovering slowly.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

HISTORICAL. The first money order ever issued in Arkansas City, was on July 17, 1872, to A. D. Keith, and the first one received for payment was from Hon. W. R. Brown to L. B. Kellogg. Since then, there have been 3,182 orders issued.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

The crowd at Newman's store is astonishing. They have worn a hole through the floor where they go in and out, and it is so crowded that goods have to be handed out to customers.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

The largest sale of merchandise ever made in this place was on last Saturday. Newman, and Houghton & McLaughlin retailed $500 worth each, and in the evening Mr. Newman sold $1,000 worth at wholesale.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

NEW STORE, NEW GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! Come and see how cheap you can buy goods with the cash at the Cheap Cash Store of

Our stock is full and complete, consisting of a full line of

Don't fail to call and see us at the old stand of Channell & Haywood, opposite the Post Office, at Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

LOST. One boar pig, six months old; black with white feet; some white on body. A liberal reward will be paid for his return to my residence on the line, due south of Arkansas City.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.

Wolves continue to howl.

Another pet deer in town.

Wild geese are going south.

Deer die of the black tongue.

Cattle are dying of black-leg.

Grasshoppers are freezing out.

The prairie is nearly all burned.

Wolves catch hogs in day time.

J. L. Stubbs has been to Wichita.

Horn frogs are in winter quarters.

No more tarantulas hop this year.

Anna J. Tompson teaches the Kaws.

Pawnees come to Pawhuska for quinia.

Quapaws are settling among the Osages.

Salt in your shoe is the latest remedy for chills.

Hungry Osages raid upon Captain's herd of cattle.

A horse thief passed through town the other day.

Eight centipedes died in the schoolhouse last week.

Dr. Schneider still labors among his friends on Bird Creek.

Kaw school opened the 1st inst.; C. L. Hunt and wife in charge.

Augustus Captain sold a pig the other day for 350 pounds of flour.

A Pawnee came in the other day wrapped in 48 American flags.

The return of Agent Beede to Osages would gladden many hearts.

The Osages want to go after buffalo, but first want permission from their agent.

Much sickness prevails among the Pawnees, and deaths are reported almost daily.

The United States flag waves over Pawhuska, and is not married by "Tilden" or "Hayes."

Creditable specimens of Osage bead and needle work will be on exhibition at the great Indian International Fair.

From the number of Pawhuskans who seek homes in Arkansas City, Kansas, we judge that place to be the first of future greatness.

The Osages are without money and have but little to eat, though they are quiet and have confidence in Agent Beede, believing that by the aid of his friends, he will better their condition.

Wah shah-sha-wah ti an kah, a leading Osage, who has remained at home for two years and advised his people to abandon the chase, now says that in the absence of help from the Government he is forced to abandon his little home and, with his people, hunt buffalo. He regrets the necessity to do this, but says that he will hunt before he will starve.

In the southeast corner of Osage Reservation, and about fifty miles distant from Pawhuska, there lives four Cherokee familiesCockram, Lookback, Bull, and Skytookewho do not invite the attention of, or mingle, with anybody save themselves. They are well armed, and are said to be outlaws or refugees from justice, depending upon the products of a corn patch, and the use of a rifle for support.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876. Front Page.

Osages are becoming restless.

Choctaw Council is in session.

Pawnees beg ponies of Osages.

One Osage has gone to the Fair.

The Kiowas have not yet arrived.

Farmers have sown but little wheat.

Indians are bringing in fresh venison.

Rattlesnakes are still crawling around.

Sickness among the Pawnees is abating.

Four Pawnees died at the ferry in one day.

Osages think buffalo meat better than poor beef.

The Little Osages are having a big war-dance.

Osage women are wearing mud on their heads.

Osages have killed another panther below town.

Osages say they don't want to go around and beg.

With Indians there are water gods and winter gods.

The "Lame Doctor" says he has five more men to kill.

The happy hunting ground is beyond a world of sorrow.

Whites bring wheat from Kansas to the Pawhuska mills.

Osages want a reliable white man to go with them after buffalo.

Osages eat bear meat and pumpkin in the happy hunting ground.

Piute Indians are going into Virginia City, Nevada, to winter.

Officer Martin, commanding officer at this place last winter, is at Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory.

Governor Osborn remonstrates against the concentration of the Indian Territory.

Cah-he kah wah ti an kah is sowing a 40 acre field of wheat. He is a full blood Indian and wears a blanket.

Gen. Merritt is said to be after the Indians who murdered a man by the name of Monroe, near Fort Laramie.

Indians think the world to which the spirits of the dead go is separated from this by mountains or bodies of water.

After being detained in the world of sorrow a sufficient time, some Indians pass into the happy land, pure and holy.

The Indian Bureau will soon send a special Committee to treat with the Nez Perces Indians in the vicinity of Idaho and eastern Oregon.

Two wolves went into the village of Sac and Fox Agency last week, and amid the howling of dogs and the firing of guns, caught and carried off a pig.

Ticoga, a son of Chochise, an Apache chief, died in Washington, on the 27th ultimo, and was buried in the Congressional burying ground. His home was in Arizona.

Hard Rope and Big Chief made us a splendid visit this morning. They do not talk English, but can think as correctly upon matters with which they are familiar as anybody else.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876. Front Page.

Accident at Pawhuska.
On Tuesday last, an Osage boy of about twelve years, went into the second story of the Agency flouring mill at this place, and threw his arms around an upright shaft while the mill was running under a full head of steam. His blanket was caught and instantly rolled, and when the boy realized his inability to help himself, he frightened, went blind, and sank near enough to the floor to be hurled against the sacks of flour sitting around the shaft, with a force sufficient to knock them over and away. The Indians gave the signal of distress, and J. P. Soderstrom, the miller, rang the bell, but the engineer not being at his post, the machinery continued to run, carrying the boy rapidly around, until the miller ran to the engine room and shut off the steam.

He then went to the boy's rescue amid the cries of terrified Indians. Dr. Dongan, the Agency physician, was summoned, and found an oblique fracture of the shaft of the femur bones of the right thigh, and a compound fracture of the upper third of the humerus bone of the left arm.

In the absence of other physicians or surgeons, the doctor called in N. P. Delarue and E. W. Hopkins as assistants, and dressed the wounds, and at this writing the boy is doing well, though his physician thinks the bone of the arm was so badly crushed, and so near the neck, that it cannot be kept straight. The Government has no hospital accommodations at this place; consequently, the practice of medicine and surgery, in many instances, must be attended with more or less dissatisfaction both to patient and practitioner. Indian Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The Lawrence Journal reports 100 Sioux at Omaha, en route to the Indian Territory, where the tribe will doubtless locate. These 100 spyers out of the land will be in attendance on the Indian Fair, at Muskogee, where it is hoped they will gather some useful information. Dr. Nicholson, superintendent of Indian affairs, is with the United States Commissioners at Omaha. Indian Journal.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

MR. MANNING has said to his friends and some of his opponents at Winfield, that he is ruined if he fails to be elected. Now it will cost him just as much if he is elected; then from his own words, he will be a ruined man either way unless he expects to "borrow" $1,000 of some candidate for United States Senate.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

To the People of Cowley County.
We believe it to be the duty of the press to frequently comment on the acts of officers, and carefully guard against and point out public misdemeanors and corruption in office of official aspirants; but as a rule, not to assail any man without sufficient reason. In the performance of that duty it is expected the publisher must meet with and bear the hate and malice of those arraigned.

The situation in this county is thus: A man comes before the people in our own party, and gains the nomination by the votes of innocent delegates who at the time thought him to be a suitable personthe votes of which party he now claims because he is the nominee.

Knowing the character and general reputation of the man, we made every effort to have him displaced and a better person placed in his stead, which we believed then, and now, to be the wish of the majority of the Republicans. By two votes in the Convention, we were defeated.

We then made known his character, that all might know fully who they cast their votes for, which has resulted in a personal and libelous attack on ourself through the journal of the nominee and the person that does his bidding.

Had it not been that the malignant charges would go abroad to those who are strangers to us, we should pay no attention to them; but as our character is there at stake, it behooves us to prove that they are wholly untrue, and point out the aim and character of the accuser.

The charges we made against Mr. Manning have never been answered, nor can they be so as to redeem the man who is guilty of their committal. Knowing this, he has attempted to drag down our character and thereby lessen the force of our statements. But however great he may vilify us, he never can build himself up on our downfall.

"Gratuitous violence in an argument betrays a conscious weakness of the cause, and is usually a signal of despair."

The attack we refer to is in the issue of the Courier of October 26, accusing us of "stealing goods from the clothing store of Topliff & French," of Emporia, in 1870, for proof of which they publish a letter from one Will Nixon, of Wellington. The writer does not state what the goods were, but the figurehead of the Courier explains it as being a suit of clothes and an overcoat.

To begin with, this William Nixon is a low, drunken gambler, who would scarcely be believed under oath, and who, by his own statements, is guilty of and accountable for the death of his own brother. In the second place, Topliff & French never had a clothing store in Emporia, and the following statement, from the very authority to whom they refer, proves the charge wholly false, and an unmitigated and scandalous lie.

ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, October 28, 1876.
Friend Scott: On my arrival in town this morning, my attention was called to a letter, signed by one Will Nixon, of Wellington, Kansas, accusing you of stealing goods from the store of Topliff & French in Emporia, in 1870, and that I had you settle to avoid arrest. Also, several insinuations in different parts of the Winfield Courier, "about your stealing clothes and an overcoat."

Was it not by the urgent request of friends, I would take no notice of the affair, coming from the source it does. I have known you for about seven years. Part of the time in Emporia, and the balance from the first settlement of this place, and I can truly say that I have never seen the time when I doubted your honesty in the least, and have always held you in the highest esteem, and think more of you today than ever, especially when those that call themselves men, stoop to such mean, low, dirty tricks, to make party capital by assailing you.

Rest assured, that you have not lost any friends by any of these charges, have gained many, and the accusers will find that they have barked up the wrong tree. In the first place, I never kept clothing of any kind, while in Emporia, so you could not have had the chance to steal any, were you so disposed. Then again, I never had any grounds or intention of making an arrest.

The old saying is, "those that live in glass houses must not throw stones." This will apply to Mr. Nixon. He must cast the beam out of his own eye first. Those that know both him and yourself can judge whose character will stand best before the public.

I knew him and some of those he was associated with in Emporia, and believe he would do most anything to damage your character. I would take no further notice of his accusations.

Your friend,

Late of Topliff & French, Emporia, Kansas.
Yet the letter of Mr. Nixon is sufficient to answer the purposes of Mr. Manning, who is always in accord with just such rascals, and has many of them for his tools and backers.

In further proof of the reputation and standing of Mr. Nixon, we append the statement of Mr. J. W. Hamilton, formerly one of the Commissioners of Sumner County, and at present a resident, who is a gentleman recognized for truth and veracity.

ARKANSAS CITY, October 28th, 1876.
Mr. C. M. Scott: At your request for me to make a statement of the character and standing of Mr. Wm. Nixon, I have to say that while I do not wish the personal enmity of the man, I believe him to be dishonest, a pirate, and common gambler, in no manner responsible and not entitled to the respect of good, respectable people.

Yours etc.,

The above evidence, we think, will be deemed sufficient, and we only refrain from publishing statements from a host of others because it is unnecessary.

The intimations made about our giving a $150 gold watch and chain to a servant for cleaning our room one month, we consider beneath our notice. We never had a $150 gold watch and chain; never had a room cleaned or attended to by a woman in Arkansas City, and no servant in this vicinity has, or ever had, a $150 watch and chain, that anybody knows of. And if the Courier will cite its authority, we will bring him or her before the courts to prove it, if the party is worth anything.

Yet the statements have gone abroad, and with many people (strangers to us) we cannot have the chance of denial. We furnished Col. Manning a list of the subscribers from our mail book, in order that his denials could reach all our readers, and loaned him the paper on which his issue was printed. Now, as a matter of fairness, we publicly ask him to furnish us a list of all who take the Courier, that we may have a chance to send our denial and proof thereof, so that we may correct the statements with those whom we can never reach in any other way. Will you?

And now, we have to say to the people of Cowley County, that the man who has attempted our ruin would scarcely stop short of anything to secure his election, and before the time of voting you may expect to see flaming handbills proclaiming some new discovery, statements not heretofore revealed, and all kinds of petty dodges to deceive the public. Such is the reputation and character of the man who has been to you endeavoring to extort a pledge that you will vote for him.

His whole record is steeped in chicanery. Before the people, in his own town, in his own home, and in the private circles of his social gatherings, it is the same.

Before a jury of twelve men, he was awarded one cent for his character after being accused of twice and thrice what we have heretofore spoken of in our charges.

He never can be elected. The good sense of the people and desire for right surely cannot be overcome by his frantic efforts. Already indignation meetings are being called, and at last Republicans see and feel it is no use to try to countenance his election.

Over different parts of the State, it is already heralded with disgust that E. C. Manning is likely to be returned to the House of Representatives of Kansas as Senator from Cowley County, and even Republican papers abroad are denouncing it. It is not a sectional or personal fight we make. The cry comes up from every section of the county against such actions by Republicans.

At his own home the opposition is most bitter. The party is at stake, and the reputation of the county in danger. Better vote for an honest Democrat than be disgraced by a Republican. By his own words he is ruined if not elected. Then how does he expect to gain anything if elected, when the office is not a paying one? Republicans of Cowley County, we cannot take such risks, or be held responsible for such actions.

FOUR years is too long a time to try the experiment of sending a man to represent us, just to see if he will be true to his promise. If he should not, it would seem like a fearful long time to wait to put in a better one.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

When we begin to pull down the strongholds of error, the batteries we level against them, though strong, and victorious at last, are received with violence and scoffs, from the besieged partisans, it the more forcibly impresses us we are in the work of reformation and renovation and must encounter various difficultiesthe hate, spleen, and venom of the men who are the associates and abettors of the party attacked. We have lain before our readers charges most corrupt and damaging to the whole community, and asked the people, in all candor, without prejudice or malice, to clearly view them in the beam of light, and then give in the verdict of the ballot, whether the party asking their suffrage as State Senator is a character deserving their endorsement.

"I don't think you should oppose Mr. Manning, even though you don't vote for him. I don't expect to vote for him myself, but I won't fight him," was the remark of a friend the other day. That is just the difference between us. You feel and know the party has made a grave error, and from fear of condemning the party to which you belong, you will quietly slip around and vote against him, in order to redeem yourself. Come out with it. If you believe he is a "man against whom the breath of suspicion has never blown," vote for him. If not, don't take the risk. One man we know is honest, the other we know politically, is not. Make your choice.

We have not made a personal fight against Mr. Manning, and while he is arraigning us through his paper, we would be justified in saying even more in reference to that scandalous marriage affair, but we have refrained.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

At a meeting of the citizens of Silverdale Township, without regard to party, the following action was taken. The meeting was organized by L. Lippmann being called to the chair, and Mr. Anderson, Secretary. Upon motion, it was voted that the selection of trustees be made by ballot. B. A. Davis and Daniel Grant were then placed in nomination, the result being Mr. Davis received thirteen votes and Mr. Grant three. Mr. B. A. Davis was declared the nominee.

The following officers were chosen by acclamation: S. Catrell, Clerk; Wm. Estus, Treasurer; Justices, W. S. Coburn and D. Francisco; Constables, W. I. Gilman and H. L. C. Gilstrap. Road Overseers chosen as follows: 1st Dist., Mathias Hoyt; 2nd Dist., H. W. Chancey; 3rd Dist., J. B. Splawn; 4th Dist., Alonzo Butterfield; 5th Dist., J. P. Mussulman.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

Mr. A. C. Williams and wife, and several of the employees of the Wichita Agency, Indian Territory, were at the Richey House last week. The party left on Sunday with several wagon loads of groceries and general supplies for their agency.

Mr. Williams relieved Agent Richards last winter. He has under his care about 1,220 Indians, made of the following tribes: Wichita, Wacos, Tawakonies, Caddoes, Delawares, and 168 Comanches. To care for these semi-savages, there are employed an agent, a clerk, a physician, miller, wagon maker, blacksmith, commissary clerk, farmer, one laborer, and one teamster.

Mr. Williams has under his charge a boarding school with over 100 pupils enrolled. This school employs two teachers, one matron, seamstress, laundress, cook, baker, and industrial teacher. He employs eighteen head of work horses and has nine cows. The agency receives an appropriation of $9,360 a year, within which, he is confined in the expenditures. Beacon.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

BALTIMORE, October 26, 1876.
EDITOR TRAVELER: The canvass goes bravely on, and your friend Manning catches it on all sides. I noticed an article in the Republican Daily Journal, published at Lawrence by T. D. Thatcher (one of the most radical Republican editors in the State, and a conscien tious, honest, reliable man), headed "Some Curious Revelations," in which he gives our Republican candidate for the Senate some hard licks, but not a lick amiss. Unless we purge the party of all such characters, ruin and defeat stare us in the face. The article is too long to copy in full, and as much of it has been in print, before, I will omit such and select a few sentences of Thatcher's comments, to show how our Senatorial candidate is viewed abroad, where he is best known.

"It seems that E. C. Manning, who figured somewhat notoriously in the Caldwell Senatorial election, is again a candidate for the Legislature from Cowley County, and is having a rather rough time of it."

After giving the substance of a letter written from your city, and the sworn testimony of Sid. Clarke and Dan Adams, with the examination of Manning himself, he winds up with these truthful words.

"It is a little singular that Manning is running for the Senate in Cowley County, Dan Adams for the Lower House as an independent candidate in one of the Shawnee County districts, while Clarke is running John Speer for the Senate in Douglass County. We think that the people have had enough of this crowd. They doubtless swore to the truth about each other before the Investigating Committee. If they did not, they committed perjury. In either case, they are a bad lot for this `reform' year."

The Democratic candidates, Pyburn and Christian, spoke at our schoolhouse a few nights ago, and made a good impression on their friends, but did not convince many Republicans that the election of Tilden and Hendricks would save the country from Rebel rule and the payment of Rebel claims. Still, both of these men will get a number of Republican votes in this and Silver Creek Townships on purely personal grounds.

The Republicans in this section of the county will not support Manning or any man that upholds him. Our people are determined to support an honest Democrat in preference to a dishonest Republican. OMNIA.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 1, 1876.

CENTENNIAL envelopes at the Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

COWLEY COUNTY warrants are paid every three months.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

"Expect nothing from him who promises a great deal."

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

HARD or soft money or cord wood taken on subscription.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

POKE STEVENS has a set of chairs in his house formerly owned by Jeff. Davis.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

MEETING at Bland's schoolhouse, Nov. 4th at three o'clock p.m., to nominate Township officers.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The eastern part of this Republican District will give Hon. C. E. Mitchell almost a solid vote.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

An emigrant train of five wagons passed through town last Wednesday, and more are coming in every day.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The new Millinery Store on the corner, of Mrs. Hartsock's, is to have its opening day one week from next Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

It is an easy matter to give the news when there is any to give. This week we have murder, scandal, and revenge.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

One hundred and ten teams, mostly loaded with wheat, were counted between Wichita and Nenescah, last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

DEMOCRATIC MEETING. Hon. S. J. Crawford, E. G. Ross, and Col. Holliday are advertised to speak at this place, tonight.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

DR. SHEPPARD started on a visit to St. Joseph and St. Louis, this morning, accompa nied by his wife. He expects to return in about six weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

We notice in the list of Kansas visitors to the Centennial, the name of E. D. Eddy and wife. Eugene don't care a snap who is to be the next President.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The skeleton of a small child was found partially buried in a cigar box, near the cemetery, by one of our citizens, who kindly placed it beneath the sod.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

DR. KELLOGG ran a needle in his foot last week, and has been disabled for several days. The needle broke off in his foot and made a dangerous wound.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The Irishman took the whiskey in a Winfield saloon last week, gulped it down, and now chuckles he is one drink ahead and will vote for an honest man after all.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The members of the Arkansas City Cornet Band are requested to meet at Baird's Shop tomorrow evening, November 2nd. Business of importance to transact.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

PERHAPS the figure-head of the Courier can enlighten the public in reference to making away with established Government corner-stones, in different parts of this County?

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

TEACHER WANTED. School District No. 51, in Silverdale Township, wants a male teacher, to begin Dec. 1st.

Address, H. M. Chancey, Director, or Wm. Herbert, Clerk, Silverdale, Kas.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

NINETY-TWO WAGONS. Last Monday we rode over town and counted ninety-two wagons. They consisted of farmers' wagons, apple wagons, broom wagons, freighters' wagons, etc. Business was lively.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

MR. HYDE was called before Esquire Bonsall, last Monday, to answer the charge of feloniously purloining and carrying away three tons of hay, when the gentleman proved the hay was his own.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

RETURNED. Joseph H. Sherburne returned from the balmy breezes of the eastern slope last Monday, accompanied by his mother. It will gladden the hearts of many to have the family once more residents of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

A Township meeting to elect officers as follows, is called for next Saturday, at Kager's office, at four o'clock p.m.

One Trustee, one Treasurer, one Clerk, two Constables, and one Road Overseer for each Road District.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The Courier says Mr. Gilstrap is not a Democrat. A few weeks ago it spoke of him as being one. Mr. Gilstrap is an honest, Christian gentleman who believes he is doing his duty as a man by denouncing political corruptionists.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

CAPT. McDERMOTT made us a call last Monday. He spoke at Bland's schoolhouse in the evening to a good audience. Capt. McDermott is regarded as one of the leading lawyers of the county, and is acknowledged as one of the best speakers. When you see his name on the Republican ticket as a candidate for County Attorney, remember him.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

A Man Found Dead, With Two Bullet Holes in His Head!
Last Friday, as some boys were hunting on Salt Creek, about one mile and a half from Salt City, Sumner County, they saw the body of a naked man floating in the stream. The children soon gave the alarm and a party gathered about and took the body from the water, and began an investigation.

On examination two bullet holes were found in the back of the head. The body had been stripped of very garment except a shirt, shoes, and stocking, and the moustache partly cut or burned off. The body had probably been in the water ten days or two weeks, as decomposi tion had set in sufficiently to deface the countenance.

A track was visible, showing where a wagon had been driven up to the deep hole in the creek, where the body was found, but no evidence gained as to who committed the foul deed.

Some three weeks ago a young man of medium height, with dark moustache, wearing cloth shoes, was in the vicinity of Salt City driving a mule team, with a new wagon. He inquired at a house in reference to a tract of land, and started to see it, saying that he would be back again. He never came, but nothing strange was thought of it.

The only man we can learn of being missing, is one from Elk County, who came to this place about the time the supposed murdered man came, with a mule team, new wagon, and a load of apples, who has yet not been heard of.

The case demands the attention of the authorities and should be traced out. The person who committed the murder, evidently was an experienced one, and knew how to conceal all chance of recognition, as the stripping of the body and cutting of the hair from the face shows.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

Last Thursday evening, as Mrs. E. P. Wright, who lives in the stone house about two miles north of town, was at supper, she heard a noise out among her chickens. As none of the male members of the family were at home at that time, she and her daughter (Miss Josie) went out to ascertain what was the matter.

They soon found the dog engaged in combat with something more than he could handle, and could only find him from his cries; but soon a young dog, by his noise, caused them to proceed to the stable, where after some time Miss Josie saw that the same object that had fought the dog was perched on the stable roof.

When Mrs. Wright's attention was called to it, she picked up a rock and threw it at the object with all her strength, knocking it to the ground. Here the dogs again rushed in, and the fight was general and furious. Finally the object was driven to a corner of the house, and after more fighting with varied success, the object at last was obliged to seek partial refuge under the door step, where Mrs. Wright and the dogs kept it at bay until Miss Josie went to the house of a neighbor, Mr. Goff, and got one of his sons to go to her mother's assistance; which he promptly did, and after a time with poles and fire tongs, they succeeded in killing the object, which proved to be a good sized wild cat.

The young man then went home, and the ladies returned to their supper, well satisfied with their evening's work. The same ladies, about two weeks ago, succeeded one night, by the help of their dogs, in capturing some wild animal about the same size, which they covered with a box, intending to see what it was; but when morning came, the animal had dug out under the box and was gone, so they never knew what they had caught.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The following incident occurred at a trial before Esquire Bonsall, Justice of the Peace, last Saturday. Mr. Kager, as attorney, called Andy Show to the stand, when the following ensued.

Attorney to a Witness. When you told the plaintiff you wanted to buy his molasses, did you intend to do so?

Witness. No sir.

Attorney. Then you lied, did you not?

Witness. Yes, sir, I suppose I did.

Attorney. Why did you do so?

Witness. Because I was afraid he would be too sharp for me if I didn't.

Attorney. Did you know that it is wrong to lie?

Witness. I do now, but didn't think so then.

Attorney. Are you sorry for it now?

Witness. Yes, sir, I am.

Attorney. I am glad to hear that, and hope you will never do so again.

Witness. I will try not to, and will try to lead a better life hereafter.

Attorney. That is right, you may go now. The next witness may come forward.

If lawyers would practice the advice they give, what a reformation would take place.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

A JOKE. When the candidate for State Senator was at this place begging votes, he met W. B. Skinner, a staunch Democrat, and while coaxing him to say he would vote for him, Mr. Skinner said: "But I hear some grave charges made against you." Which, of course, the little man denied, but by his own words left the impression on Mr. Skinner that they were true; so he finally said: "Mr. Manning, if you will just come out and say the charges are true, as your statements surely show to me that they are, I will vote for you as a fit representative of the Republican party of Cowley County." Whether Col. Manning acknowledged the charges or not we do not know; but it is understood that Skinner is down on Manning's slate, as one of his men.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

A yoke of oxen were driven in town last Saturday and offered for sale. As the owner was leading them along, E. B. Kager asked S. P. Channell: "What will you give for those oxen?" "Sixty-five dollars." Kager stepped over to where they were and bought them for $60.00; and then turned them over to Mr. Channell, making $5.00 on the sale. Mr. Channell then traded them to Al Woolsey for a mule team, giving some boot, and Woolsey sold them to Mr. Logan for $70.00. The trades all took place in a few hours. Beesnees.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

PRAIRIE FIRE. On last Monday a fire got out in west Bolton Township, and for awhile swept everything before it, taking in its mad course a quantity of wheat, belonging to George Hager, and $500 worth of wheat, a Marsh Harvester, and other property belonging to Samuel Wood. A subscription was raised for Mr. Wood, who was left destitute. Many others suffered great loss.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

BULL WHACKERS. Ox teams leave this place every day now for the different Agencies, generally attended by a man on horse back, carrying a monstrous whip, which not unfrequently cuts the hide open when it strikes. We noticed one that measured sixteen feet, and was one and one-half inches thick at the butt end.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

GREY EAGLE. Mr. Caldwell shot a large grey eagle near the Arkansas Bridge last Saturday, and left it with us. It measured eight feet from one tip of the wing to the other, and three from the beak to the tip of the tail. Its talons were fully one inch in length.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

The firm of Channell & Haywood is this day dissolved by mutual consent. R. C. Haywood will in the future conduct the hardware business, and collect all accounts and pay all indebtedness of the late firm. S. P. CHANNELL, R. C. HAYWOOD.

Arkansas City, November 1, 1876.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

A GOOD FREIGHT WAGON and harness and one horse for sale, on time.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

W. B. TRISSELL is with us again in the interests of Rose Hill Nursery, Chetopa, Kansas, of which Lewis Williams is proprietor. These gentlemen have given perfect satisfaction the past season. They will bring to Arkansas City this fall 12,000 apple trees, and a complete assortment of nursery stock, such as pear, cherry, peach, plum, apricots, nectarines, ornamentary trees, etc., including 1,000,000 of hedge plants. We heartily commend our farmers to call and satisfy themselves of their liberal terms and prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

PAY UP! PAY UP! All over-due notes and accounts must be paid immediately. We mean this to apply individually.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

A Cross Bear.
In many of the eastern States "bear" is a word so rarely spoken or read that the animal of which this word is the name, together with the annoyances that grow out of its presence in the neighborhood of white settlers, are not even imagined. While the eastern farmer slumbers in security from bruin's depredations upon his premises, the pioneer of the west suffers frequent losses in stock, and in his efforts to make proper provision for his wife and little ones, finds that his life is somewhat jeopardized.

On the 1sth inst., as Harry Broome was carrying the mail from the Sac & Fox Agency to this place, and when within about 18 miles of the Cimarron River and near Beaver Lake, he came in contact with a large black bear.

The bear was on the trail, and, until after the firing of several pistol shots, refused to give the road, exhibiting a degree of obstinacy seldom witnessed except in the immediate vicinity of cubs. As soon, however, as Mr. Broome effected his passage, hostilities ceased, and bruin was left in the undisputed possession of that wild region. Indian Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.

Advices have been received at the War Department that General Terry will immediately leave Fort Abraham Lincoln in pursuit of hostile savages.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876. Front Page.

Brants are going south.

Pelicans are on the prairie.

Turkeys are reported around town.

Another centipede in the school house.

Agent Beede is in Lawrence, Kansas.

Freight for the Pawnees pass every day.

With the some Indians, the good world is below.

About 45 children are in the Kaw school.

The Indian International Fair was a success.

Agent Burgess has returned to the Pawnees.

The Sioux were not in attendance at the Fair.

Osages are becoming clamorous for their annuity.

The Delaware Indians are holding their fall feast.

Since the rain, Osages have sown considerable wheat.

The happy hunting ground is sustained by magic.

The Government will feed the Pawnees on "hard tack."

More whites than Indians attended the late Fair at Muskogee.

Indians have a god for each mammalbear god, wolf god, etc.

Buffalo robes to the number of 2,250 were recently brought into Fort Dodge.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The Fort Scott Monitor says that a Cheyenne chief is in the State looking for a home for his people.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The Quapaws had an abundance of whiskey last week, and gave enough to Osages to make some of them drunk.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

From the movements of General Sturgis and Terry, with cavalry, artillery, and infantry, on the Sioux country, they would have the world believe just now that they have struck something leading to the extermination of the Indians and the glory of American arms.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

"Sitting Bull asked permission for his warriors to visit Fort Peck, to trade for ammuni tion. If disappointed there, K. C. Journal of Commerce, says that he should address his request to Hamburg Butler, who in consequence of the disbandment of Democratic rifle clubs will have more ammunition than he can use.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

Turkey shooting by moonlight is good sport for the Pawhuska boys. Stubbs of the Indian office thought he would try his hand recently and after tramping through brush until weary he saw the birds in a tree overhead, took aim, and fired. One bird came down while the others from appearance continued to roost; so he tried his hand a second time and brought down the second turkeybuzzard.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

Our pressman went hunting the other night on horseback, and when within gun range of the game, he dismounted, fired, and killed a turkey. This being a new business for a man of the press, he became somewhat excited, forgot his pony, and walked into town with the turkey on his back. Next day a Kaw Indian led the deserted pony into town without a saddle and stated that it was stolen by an Osage; so he thinks he paid too dear for his whistle.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

On Thursday night of last week while the Quapaws were dancing around a large bonfire a woman suddenly broke ranks and when but a few feet from the ring, fell dead. The medicine men of the band were assembled, and after communing with the Great Spirit they informed the excited multitude that about a year ago an Indian woman had died in that vicinity and that her spirit had got inside of their recently deceased sister, causing her instant death.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876. Front Page.

St. Paul, Oct. 31. The Pioneer Press has a special from Bismarck which says that Gen. Miles had a successful fight, after an unsuccessful council, with Sitting Bull, on the 21st and 22nd, on Cedar Creek, killing a number of Indians and wounding many, his own loss being two wounded. He chased the Indians about sixty miles, when they divided, one portion going toward the agency and Sitting Bull toward Fort Peck, Gen. Miles following.

Gen. Hazen has gone to Fort Peck with four companies of infantry and rations for Gen. Miles.

Sitting Bull crossed the river below Peck on the 24th, and had sent word to the agent that he was coming in and would be friendly, but wanted ammunition.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876. Front Page.

The new territory, which it is proposed to make out of the northern portion of Dakota Territory, and call Pembina, will encompass 73,000 square miles, about one-third more area than the State of Illinois, and start out with a population of some 12,000 inhabitants.

The Missouri, Yellowstone, and Red rivers will contribute to its commerce, furnishing 2,000 miles of navigable waters to its resources. Pembina will be an extremely Northern Territory, but promises to become a useful sister in the Union galaxy, as a wheat growing and stock raising district.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876. Front Page.

Mother Baltimore, a leading Quapaw, is cutting down the pecan trees on the Osage Reservation, and we predict for her trouble, if she does not quit it at once. Osages will not stand oppression from whites and Indians at the same time.

Indian Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 8, 1876.

The Courier did not send its last week's issue to our subscribers, so they could see its defense of the charges made against us. Neither has it furnished us a list of its subscribers as promised by the proprietor.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876. Editorial.

The County Surveyor Accepts $5 for Surveying Lands Fraudulently.
Charges sufficient to disqualify our present County Surveyor have been brought to our notice within the past ten days. While surveying a road from Wintin's, up Silver Creek, he dined at the house of J. G. Titus, and was asked in reference to moving established Govern- ment corners, when he said:

"In my official capacity, it would not be advisable for me to advise anyone to move the Government corner stones, but I frequently tell them that if their lines do not suit them, if they would hide the Government stones, I would set one to suit." J. G. Titus and John Brannon are witnesses to the fact.

Then Mr. Charles Seward testified that for five dollars, Mr. Walton moved a corner stone himself, on Squaw Creek, three miles below Winfield, so as to make a farm "take in water." There are a number of other complaints afloat in reference to the gentleman's actions that should be looked into and the perpetrator held accountable for "in his official capacity."


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The Republican Party of Cowley County, by its Own Vote, Shows to the World
That They Do Not, and Will Not, Countenance Corrupt Men,
Even Though They Have to Seek Outside of the Party for Honest Men!
The returns from Creswell Township this morning give Pyburn a majority of 220.

From East Bolton: 14

From West Bolton: 51

From Pleasant Valley: 26

From Rock: 29

From Tisdale: 33

From Windsor: 20

Total: 393

In Maple Township Manning has a majority of 13.

In Richland: 31

In Sheridan: 15

In Vernon: 69

In Beaver: 23

In Winfield: 40

In Silverdale: 1

Total: 192

At present writing, Pyburn has a majority of 201, and most of the townships casting large votes have been heard from. Dexter, Nenescah, and some other townships will give Manning a majority, but not enough to elect him by at least fifty votes.

The votes on Senator are here given:




ROCK 60 89






Total for Manning: 250

Total for Pyburn: 595

Richland, Manning's majority: 31

Vernon, Manning's majority: 69

Beaver, Manning's majority: 23

Silverdale, Manning's majority: 1

Winfield, Manning's majority: 40

Windsor, Pyburn's majority: 20


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

Gen. Crook captured 480 lodges of the Red Cloud and Red Leaf bands, and made Spotted Tail chief of the Sioux in place of Red Cloud.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The old Indian Chief, "White Loon," died at Roanoke, near this city, a day or two since, at the advanced age of 107 years. "White Loon" was a relicand about the last one in this part of the countryof the Miami tribe of Indians, which were formerly so powerful in this section. He was born at the place where Peru is at present situated, in 1769, when the famous chief, Richardville, the Shawnee, was in command.

"White Loon" retained his faculties in a wonderful degree until a few months since. His sight and hearing were somewhat impaired, but his memory was not at all affected, and he could distinctly remember events which occurred ninety-five years ago. He recollected Tecumseh distinctly, and described the building of old Fort Wayne frequently. He under- stands no other tongue than the Miami, and never referred to our city save as Kekionga.

A year ago "White Loon" was thus described in the Sentinel: "He is tall and straight as an arrow, his hair and beard are white and straight, and his complexion unmistakably red. His eyes are small, keen, and piercing; and he has the high cheek bones, flat forehead, and facial traits so unmistakably characteristic of the aborigines."

His place of residence for many years has been on the "Reserve," sixteen miles west of this city, in Lafayette Township. Fort Wayne Sentinel.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.

Creswell Township. Trustee, Timothy McIntire; Treasurer, Wyatt Gooch; Clerk, L. W. Currier; Constables, Geo. McIntire, W. J. Gray.

Bolton Township. Justices, John Linton, Aaron Marshal; Trustee, James Sample; Treasurer, A. J. Kimmell; Clerk, Thomas Parvin; Constables, John Myrtle, Evan Lewis.

Pleasant Valley Township. For Trustees of the Peace, Henry Forbes, T. H. Henderson; for Constables, Samuel Waugh, L. Birdzell; for Township Trustee, S. H. Tolles; for Township Clerk, C. J. Brane; for Road Overseers: Dist. No. 1, Frank Chapin; Dist. No. 2, W. J. Keffer; Dist. No. 3, Joe Hill.

Silverdale Township. For Justices of the Peace. W. S. Coburn, D. Francisco; for Constables, W. I. Gilman, H. L. C. Gilstrap; for Township Trustee, B. A. Davis; for Township Treasurer, Wm. Estus; for Township Clerk, S. Cattrell; for Road Overseers: Dist. No. 1, Mathias Hoyt; Dist. No. 2, H. W. Chancey; Dist. No. 3, J. B. Splawn; Dist. No. 4, Alonzo Butterfield; Dist. No. 5, J. P. Musselman.

Spring Creek Township. For Justice of the Peace, W. E. Ketchum; for Constable, David McKelvey; for Township Trustee, A. A. Wiley; for Township Treasurer, J. H. Gilliland; for Township Clerk, W. W. Thomas.

Cedar Township. For Justice of the Peace, F. M. Osborn; for Constable, Enis Patten; for Township Trustee, D. W. Willey; for Township Treasurer, Zenis Condit; for Township Clerk, J. W. Ledlie.

Windsor Township. For Justices of the Peace, C. W. Jones, A. J. Pickering; for Constables, Wm. Fritch, J. W. Tull; for Township Trustee, John Brooks; for Township Treasurer, Joseph Sweet; for Township Clerk, S. Tyler; for Road Overseers: Dist No. 1, E. Rockwell; Dist No. 2, Pike Everetts; Dist. No. 3, E. M. Freeman; Dist No. 4, T. B. Washam; District No. 5, J. W. Hiatt.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

St. Paul, Nov. 4. A Pioneer Press special, dated Camp in the Field, on the Yellowstone, Oct. 27, via Bismarck, Dakota, Nov. 4, says: Gen. Miles, commanding the troops on the Yellowstone, after fighting, defeating, and pursuing Sitting Bull and the confederated tribes under him, this day accepted the surrender of four hundred lodges of Indians belonging at the Cheyenne agency, these tribes surrendering five of their principal chiefs as hostages and guarantee of their faithful compliance with the terms of surrender. These bands are to go at once to the agency, where, upon their arrival, they will submit to the requirements of the Government. The Indians held as hostages left this evening for St. Paul under the charge of a strong guard.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

I was called to hold an inquest on a body, found one mile west of Salt City, on the 26th ult. The deceased evidently had been murdered three or four weeks previous, and the body hauled to this pool in Salk Creek, and thrown into it.

The body had been floating some days, and the sun had changed that portion of the body which was above water. It was the body of a man about 25 years of age, with light complexion, sound front teeth, dark brown or black hair, little or no beard, appeared to have had light brown mustachevery thin and shortdecomposed so this was not certain, height about 5 feet 10 inches, weight about 150 pounds; had on congress gaiter shoes, white cotton socks not mates, a cheviot striped shirt white and brownsome worn; nothing else was worn on the body.

Had been shot with a pistolcalibre about 22near the crown of the head. The wounds were about two inches apart, one ranging directly down the middle of the neck, the other slanting toward the right ear. Neither came out. Either would have caused instant death.

A wagon, drawn by ponies, had passed from the road to the pool and stopped, where the grass had been broken on the bank, and then turned north and all traces were lost near the road. Believed to have been a land buyer, and to have been murdered for money and brought some distance, and stripped to hide his identification, and thrown into the pond.

The above facts were found by the jury, and the conclusions were that of the people present when inquest was held. The body was interred in the Salt City cemetery. Any information concerning the matter will be given, by addressing George T. Walton, Oxford, Kansas. Independent.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 8, 1876.

MR. RAY lost another horse this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

GEESE fly over town almost every day.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

EDDY has begun to prepare for the holidays.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

HENRY FRANKLIN left for Iowa last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

OUR MAYOR is rusticating in the suburbs, granging.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

RICHARD ROSEY has just returned from the sight-seeing at Philadelphia.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

DR. KELLOGG has to hobble about yet, from the effect of the needle in his foot.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The first opossum ever seen in this County was caught a few evenings since.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

OSAGES. Little Chief and several members of the Osage tribe were in town last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

MEAT SHOP. Henry Endicott has a meat shop in with R. A. Houghton & Co.'s grocery.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The Indians are making sad havoc on the pecan trees in the Territory. They cut the trees to get the nuts.

PECANS sell from two to three dollars per bushel, when offered by the Indians. R. C. Haywood has sixty bushels.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

$34 LOST. Mrs. Lee, living east of the Walnut, lost a pocket book containing $34, while in town last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

MRS. FITCH is now receiving a new and beautiful stock of millinery. Hats from $1.50 to $20.00. Call and see them.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

MARRIED. At Maple Township, by William P. Norman, J. P., on the 26th inst., G. D. Akers to Miss Orra Scott, all of Cowley County

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876..

EMBARRASSING. A Bolton Township teacher has fifteen young ladies, as pupils, all older than himself. That young man is on dangerous ground.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

MR. FARRAR, of Phillips, Maine, father of H. P. Farrar, intends spending the winter here to escape the cold, chilly winds of December, of his native State.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

FROM FT. SILL. Rev. Fleming and O. P. Houghton returned from Fort Sill last Saturday, after a journey of two weeks. The trip paid them for the time spent.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

A. A. NEWMAN bought 1,700 bushels of wheat last Friday, and paid the cash for it. 1,500 bushels he purchased of J. G. Titus, who is to haul it from Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

TURKEY HUNTERS. The hunters who returned from the Territory last week report deer and turkeys plentiful, but hard to get on account of the grass being burned off.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

BONES. In another column will be found the advertisement of bones wanted by Messrs. Baugh & Son's, of Philadelphia. Parties gathering them in quantities could well afford to ship them themselves. Write for prices.

AD: BONES WANTED. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of bones. BAUGH & SONS, PHILADELPHIA. Write for quotations.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

A PARTY of ladies and gentlemen who are with Chaplain McCabe are highly pleased with this part of Kansas. The chaplain is so greatly pleased that he has expressed his determination to try and become the owner of 1,000 acres of Cowley County land.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

LAND SALES. Within the past few weeks, the following sales of real estate have been made.

E. B. Kager to Mathew Chambers, 160 acres in Bolton Township; consideration, $500.

M. A. Felton to E. B. Kager, 80 acres in Nenescah Township, $300.

Depuw to L. C. Wood, 160 acres in Bolton Township, $700.

L. C. Wood to M. A. Felton, 80 acres in Bolton Township, $300.

N. Goatley to C. S. Weatherholt, 160 acres in Bolton Township, $300.

Evan Lewis to W. B. Skinner, 160 acres in Bolton Township.

Robert H. Cox to Mathew Chambers, 130 acres in Bolton Township, $2,200.

Depuw to L. C. Wood, 160 acres in Creswell Township, $600.

H. P. Farrar to Wm. Cowgill, house and lot in Arkansas City.

Many others have occurred of which we failed to learn particulars.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

ROAD. ISAAC LOOMIS and others have petitioned the County Board for a public road commencing at the quarter section stone between sections 24 and 25, in Township 34, thence north along quarter section line across sections 24 and 13. D. Logan, John Nichols, and Wm. Wilson are the viewers, and meet at the place of beginning November 15th, at 10 o'clock a.m.

J. P. WOODYARD and others also have petitioned for a road commencing at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section nineteen, in Township 34, thence running west one-half mile, on half section line to the center of section 19, to be located as follows: Beginning at the northwest quarter of section 19, thence south one-half mile, thence west one-half mile. Henry Endicott, John Harmon, and Wm. Randall are viewers, to meet November 14th, at 10 a.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

ORDER. While Wm. Allison, of the Telegram, was speaking at Thomasville one evening this week, one man persisted in interrupting him, and we are informed, made some threats. Mr. Allison asked the Chairman to preserve order and not have the assembly as well as himself disturbed by the unruly one; but the Chairman's voice was very weak, and the man continued to interrupt the speaker, until he said: "I guess we'll have order here, and I will appoint that rowdy a committee of one to keep it." As Mr. Allison said this, he deliberately stepped to his overcoat and took therefrom "a friend," which he placed on the table beside him, and order was preserved.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

LECTURE. The parties who attended the second lecture of Chaplain McCabe, did not seem to appreciate the entertainment as well as they did the evening before. After some remarks, they were informed that a subscription would be collected for the purpose of having enough subscribed to build a Methodist Church. Seven hundred dollars was put down, counting that taken from last spring's subscription, and the contract for the church is to be let. The estimated cost of the building when completed is $1,400. It is to be of brick. There should be a Methodist church in town, and we hope the enterprise will be speedily completed.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

NOTICE. In order to give farmers an opportunity to advertise strays, animals taken up, stock for sale or exchange, or any other like notices, we have concluded to give them special rates in our columns, believing it will be of mutual interest to all concerned. Any notice of cattle, stock feed, seed, or grain for sale or exchange, not exceeding three lines, will be inserted in our columns two weeks for 25 cents. This will give our farmers a chance to advertise anything they may have for sale, or give notice of anything they may want to buy. Will farmers please take notice?

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

NAUGHTY. We have received a letter from John Hinkle, of Belmont County, Ohio, asking the whereabouts of his son, Samuel, who has been writing home that the Indians have him a prisoner, and he receives and sends mail through a friend who steals into the camp. Now, Sammy, this is very romantic, and no doubt amusing to you, but your poor old father is nearly distracted, and you better own up you were "playing it" on him. Come, now, don't be bad anymore.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

From the Bath, Maine, Daily Times, we clip the following:

MARRIED. In Phipsburg, Oct. 11, by Rev. Wm. Hart, Eugene D. Eddy, of Arkansas City, Kansas, and Georgia B. Sherburne of Phipsburg.

In the same issue, is a lengthy article on "The Physical Training of Children," by Dr. Chabasse. We don't see that that has anything to do with Eugene's marriage.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

"CULLED `LECTIONEER." The darkey barber that came down from Winfield to electioneer for Manning in West Bolton Township distinguished himself considerably at the polls. In fact, he made a good stump speech, something after the following style: "Ise been a slabe sixteen years. I knows de Democrats. De whites set me free, and Ise goin' to stan by um. If the Pybun man is elected, he will try to put me back in slavery. Vote for de Republican. He's honest. He won't steal."

The judge then asked him if he had been naturalized, but he didn't comprehend. He then asked him if he was a citizen of the United States.

"I don't know anything bout de naturalizing de United States. I was born in Alabama. Where is dese United States."

It was disgusting to some of the better elements of the Democratic party in Bolton, and they did not hesitate to say so. One of them said, "I had a notion to knock him over." "Well, why didn't you?" "I would have, but there were four other big niggers standing by." The barber evidently made some votes for his man, for word came over in the evening that Wilkinson and the other niggers would carry the township.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The following is the vote on township officers in Creswell Township.

Constables: Geo. McIntire 260; W. J. Gray 252.

Trustee: T. McIntire 145; A. Chamberlain, 125.

Treasurer: Wyard Gooch 286.

Clerk: L. W. Currier 126; Will Mowry 142.

The vote on township officers was not a party vote.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

Yesterday morning, to the surprise of everyone, the Democratic pole on Benedict's corner was laying across the street, having been bored through with an auger and pulled down. The act has called forth the indignation of almost everyone, who condemn the shysters who did the work. If he was a Republican, he had but little judgment, and much less sense, to pull down a party pole on the morning of election.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

TEN TEAMS left this place this week for Chetopa, to bring fruit trees from Rose Hill nursery, and will return on the 20th. Give them a call. Patronize home industry. W. B. Trissell is the agent: a perfect gentleman in every respect.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

The wife of James Penton was very sick Monday evening, having one convulsion after another. She had no one to take care of her except the ladies of town who kindly care for her. Her husband is freighting to Cheyenne Agency, and she has a young babe.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

A gentleman asked A. A. Newman what he would take for his house the other day. He said $800. "Make out your deed," he remarked. "Well, but, ah, are you in a hurry?" "Yes." "I guess I don't want to sell."

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

BORN. AL. WOOLSEY is the happy man this time. We did not learn the sex or weight, but take it for granted it is a ten pound boy, as usual.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

We notice in some of our exchanges from the western part of the State in this Congressional District, that Col. C. K. Holliday is announced as a speaker with George Crawford and E. G. Ross. This we presume, is done without his consent or knowledge. He is in the city and has not been out of it. He is a Republican and supports the whole Republican ticket. Commonwealth.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

FOR SALE. One mule about 14 hands high, with harness; is a good worker, and in fine order; inquire of Houghton & McLaughlin or of myself, 2-1/2 miles southeast of town.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

All parties holding militia guns are required to leave them at the post office in Arkansas City in ten days. A penalty will be exacted if they have to be collected.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.

One large fine work team for sale; enquire of J. C. McMullen.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876. Front Page.

Deadwood City, Black Hills, has one editor and twenty saloons. After the editor had visited all the saloons to glean the news, his paper is so intoxicated that it doesn't come out, and the Deadwooders don't miss it until they want paper for gun wadding.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

Tom Gilbert, of the Kaw Agency, went to Dexter, Kansas, last Saturday, and at night accompanied some young folks to a party. Tom had no acquaintances in the burg, and when he went to settle his hotel bill next morning, he missed his pocket book; and not until the girls whose acquaintance he had courted so earnestly the night before told the landlord that they would see the bill paid, could he get back into the nation. Indian Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 15, 1876.

The Courier was exasperated last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The Courier states that "It ain't sick. The symptoms, then, were deceiving.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.


Of the votes cast:

Hayes received 1,670, Tilden 955; Anthony 1,401, Martin 1,174; Campbell 1,638, Harris 980. Manning 1,140, Pyburn 1,318.

Hayes received a majority of 725.

Anthony received a majority of 227.

Campbell received a majority of 658.

Pyburn received a majority of 178.




















Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876. Editorial.

The Courier says "the falsehoods of his personal enemies and the hate of Arkansas City did the work" that resulted in the defeat of E. C. Manning. That's the same old cry of local issue we hear every time they endeavor to force a man on the party. If every Republican voter in Creswell Township had cast his ballot for Mr. Manning, it would not have saved him from defeat. And when he speaks of the "sink of iniquity," he should remember there are several "sinks" in the County, and that it only lacked 40 out of 432 votes of making the gentleman's home a "sink," as he calls it. If the "vagabonds" have such remarkable memories, they will do well to remember there are 1,318 people who have said they will not have the Courier's editor as a Representative in the State Senate. Please remember that.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876. Editorial.

The vote of Nov. 7th on the aspirants for State Senator shows conclusively that with everything in his favor, Col. Manning has been discarded by the true Republicans of Cowley County, and it remains to be seen whether the action was a wise one or not. We need not go back to the manner in which he gained his nomination, or repeat the effort made by nearly half the representatives of the different townships to have him withdraw or force him from the field, in order to put forward a better man; suffice to say that it had to be settled by the people. With the advantage of this being a Presidential campaign, having a number of men at work for him, and the support of many of the State candidates and officers, he has failed. Failed with everything in his favor, except the support of honest voters. So mote it be. In peace let him forever rest.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

A Little Evidence to Substantiate a Charge.
Mr. Walton, in last week's Courier, denies the charge of fraudulent surveys, and says: "We defy any man, friend or foe, to substantiate a single charge reflecting upon our honor or integrity in our official capacity." Now we do not desire a personal wrangle with the man, but since he openly defies anyone to "substantiate a single charge," we gave place to the following, which can be verified by several others.

EDITOR TRAVELER: In the Courier of the 9th inst., I noticed an editorial making charges against you, and denying any charges made against Wirt W. Walton as County Surveyor.

In 1874 I employed him to survey a quarter section of land. On the east line, or near the line, there was a very valuable spring. I had my doubts about the spring being on my land, and so told Walton. I also told him that if, on surveying the land, he found the spring to be east of the line, I would like to have the corner so placed as to take in the spring, which would give me a chance to buy the land east of me. This he has sworn to in court in this town. He commenced the survey at a quarter section corner, and ran east 40 chains. This let the spring about ten rods off from me. The chainmen, O. C. Skinner and John Wooley, then stopped, when Walton shouted to them to go on, that he was running to the river. They then surveyed to the river, which was about thirty rods further east. From the river he ran back so as to give me the spring by two rods, and there placed a corner. He then changed the quarter section corner (which he stated he believed to be a Government corner) eleven rods, to correspond with the distance called for by the Government field notes. When the survey was over, he stated to A. H. Acton, of Salt Springs, in substance, that if trouble should follow, the corner he had removed would have to be put back.

I was not satisfied with the removal of the Government corner, and urged him to re- establish it. This he refused to do, stating as a reason that he had made other surveys to correspond with the removal, and it would be too bare-faced to do so. I then employed Mr. Kager to make arrangements to have him come down and re-establish the corner, or I would have him indicted in the United States Court at Topeka. He told Mr. Kager that as soon as the Legislature adjourned, he would come down and make the survey, so that I could establish or identify the corner in the future, as there would probably be litigation about it, and so mark it as a Government corner on the records. I do not say I paid Mr. Walton for making a corner to give me the spring, but I do say that to oblige me, as he thought, he changed a Government corner, or at least a corner that he swore in court had every appearance of a Government corner, and a corner that no one disputed. And if he so desires, a few facts not here stated, that can be sustained, might be given that will put an end to his acting as County Surveyor. WM. B. SKINNER.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

We notice in the Commonwealth the name of A. J. Pyburn, with his residence given as Arkansas City. While we would be glad to claim Mr. Pyburn a resident of this place again; we have to state that he has not resided here for two years; has no property or interest here, any more than in any other part of the county, and never had any intention of returning.

The object in placing his name as coming from this place was to make the defeat of Mr. Manning appear as though it was a local issue, when in fact his opponent was one of his own townsmen, and a nominee on the straight Democratic ticket. The only excuse for his overwhelming defeat, while every other Republican candidate was elected by a large majority, is that he was so fearfully unpopular and his record so bad, that in the county where there is over 700 Republican majority, he was beaten by 178 votes.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

Last Friday afternoon sixteen wagons, loaded with ninety-six Sioux Indians, including about one dozen squaws, passed through this place and camped on the Walnut. They were under charge of Col. A. G. Boone, Major E. A. Howard, and Dr. J. W. Daniels, who accompanied them to the Territory to select a location.

Col. Boone has been fifty years in the Indian service, and was the party who extinguished so many Indian titles in Kansas. Dr. Daniels was acting commissioner for the United States. Major Howard, their former Agent, is disbursing agent.

The Indians were not pleased with the country between here and Wichita on account of the scarcity of timber and the flatness of the prairie lands, and expressed themselves in favor of a hilly or mountainous place for their future home.

In the evening, accompanied with Messrs. Haywood and McLaughlin, Indian contractors, the Mayor, Mr. Brown, and our worthy Representative of the Legislature, we paid the camp a visit, and were cordially received. In the officer's tent we were introduced to the famous chief, "Spotted Tail," and in the camp met "Red Dog," "Young Man Afraid of his Horses," "American Horses," and others, among them two Cheyennes and four Arapahos.

They were all large, powerful men, and wore a look that one would not like to meet alone on the prairie.

From Dr. Daniels, we learned that "Spotted Tail" is only a nickname, and that the great chief's real name was "Bear Legs." "Red Dog," derived his name from his coming into camp on all fours, being so badly wounded and covered with blood that he resembled a red dog. "Young Man etc.," explains itself. He was the owner of a number of horses, and was always so uneasy for fear they would be stolen, that he was given that name.

The Sioux expressed their desire to see the Osages, and an effort will be made to meet them on the trail as they go to Cheyenne Agency. The Agents did not want them to see the Pawnees, as they are deadly enemies, and the sight of them would be apt to make them discontented.

"Spotted Tail" is said to be an intelligent, shrewd man, and one of the most remarkable full blood Indians living. He seldom says much and depends solely on his own judgment. On his person he wears several medals from President Grant and other distinguished men. We noticed small boys with them that wore hair piping, costing from $50 to $300, and some ornaments of no meager value.

The company went from this place to the old Kickapoo Agency, thence to the Cheyenne Agency, and from there to the Sac and Fox Agency, then to Muskogee, and then home by the way of the M. K. and T. Railway.

We have not learned what has been decided on, but think they will be located not a great distance from the State line.

There are about 25,000 of them in all, and it is expected from 10,000 to 15,000 would be brought down in case they are satisfied. In that event, a post of not less than five companies of soldiers would have to be stationed along the line, which would give consumers sufficient to raise the price of wheat, oats, and corn equal to that at Wichita or any railway town, and would be the next best thing to a railroad, and that, too, without any tax on the people.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

"Hurrah for Bob Mitchell."
In the opening of the campaign, the cry went up "Hurrah for Bob Mitchell," and it has been re-echoed throughout the County. Everywhere he has been endorsed by the people, and in a number of precincts he ran ahead of anyone on the ticket. The Republicans could not have put forward a better man, and the voters have shown they know it. Mr. [Ed.] Green, his opponent, is a good man, and would have beaten a poor one, had the nomination been made.

This Representative District, comprised of Beaver, Bolton, Creswell, Cedar, Dexter, Liberty, Otter, Pleasant Valley, Silverdale, Spring Creek, and Windsor Townships, cast 1,242 votes. Of these C. R. Mitchell received 772, giving him a majority of 302 votes. At his home in Creswell Township, he received three more votes than the Republican candidate for President, and eighty-eight more votes out of 271, than his opponent. This should be a great source of satisfaction to his friends, and we know it is appreciated by himself. Mr. Mitchell is a man who has few enemies, and many firm friends. He has a mind and will of his own, with intellect sufficient to maintain it, and will make an able and impartial legislator.


WINFIELD, KAN., Nov. 8th, 1876.
C. M. SCOTT: MANNING IS DEAD, BUT IN DYING HE KICKED AS MEAN AS HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN. Last night we had the band out, and built bonfires in jollification of the great event. Pyburn was cheered enthusiastically, and he appeared to thank, in a genteel manner, the Democrats and Republicans who voted for him. Several others were called out, and made their appearances to say a few words on the occasion, but Col. E. C. Manning acknowledged his defeat in the most bitter language against everybody that opposed him, and protested that had it not been for the "traitors and renegade Republicans, and that sink of infamy, Arkansas City, he would have been the next Senator from Cowley County." Glory to God that he is not!

What impression his speech made, not only among the Renegade Republicans who did not support him, but also among many of his best supporters, I let you imagine.

Yours, Truly,

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

A Pioneer Press special, dated camp in the field, on the Yellowstone, Oct. 27th, Bismarck, Dakota, Nov. 4th, says:

Gen. Miles, on the Yellowstone, after fighting, defeating, and pursuing Sitting Bull and the confederate tribes under him, this day accepted the surrender of four hundred lodges of Indians belonging to the Cheyenne agency, these tribes surrendering five of their principal chiefs as hostages and guarantee of their faithful compliance with the terms of surrender. These bands are to go at once to the agency, where upon their arrival, they will submit to the requirements of the Government. The Indians held as hostages left this evening for St. Paul under the charge of a strong guard.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The friends of the man who "only wanted a chance to go before the people to vindicate himself," wince terribly when you flaunt the people's verdict in their faces, and sing out, Oh! Well, if we had the Republican majority in that "sink hole of infamy, Arkansas City," we would have beaten you.

That is thin. Take the Republican majority in Creswell from Mr. Pyburn's majority, and add it to Mr. Manning's and it makes no change in the general result, only lessens the majority. Telegram.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

A Grand Ovation to the Successful Senatorial Candidate.
Bonfires, Music and Speeches!
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
One of the grandest ovations ever tendered any man in Southwestern Kansas was upon Wednesday night of this week, given the Hon. A. J. Pyburn. Hundreds of citizens proceeded en masse to the office of Mr. Pyburn on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, and headed by the silver cornet band, serenaded Mr. Pyburn. Bonfires were kindled and the city was wild with enthusiasm over the result of the Senatorial contest.

When Mr. Pyburn appeared upon the balcony in acknowledgment of the serenading party, he was greeted with prolonged cheers, and it was many minutes before the crowd could be quieted so as to hear him. He made a few remarks acknowledging the "honor conferred upon him," and thanking the citizens for their support in the contest, and "promising a faithful representation of the interests of the County." After him Judge McDonald was called for and made a neat little speech which was received with wild enthusiasm, especially when mention was made of the favorite candidate for Senator.

Seeing the enthusiasm which prevailed and being so completely filled with bitterness that he could not hold himself, Manning sneaked across the street; and having had it arranged before hand with "backers" to call him, he passed half way up the stairs and there stopped, exclaiming that "he thought it was about time the Republican flag was run up at half-mast" and gave vent to his feelings in a bitter denunciation of his political opponents, denouncing those Republicans who voted against him as "Renegades," and declaring that if it had not been for that "sink hole of Infamy, Arkansas City" that he would have received a majority of the votes cast," which was utterly false, for with every Republican vote cast in Creswell Township, there would still have been a clear majority against him.

After considerable more blubbering of the same sort in which he showed his deep chagrin at his defeat, he attacked Hon. W. P. Hackney, and then he subsided; and the crowd called on Mr. Hackney, who in a few minutes speech completely upset everything that Manning had said, and again filled the crowd with enthusiasm for Pyburn and reform.

Manning and his friends, still wishing to turn the meeting into his favor, called for several of his backersWalker, Kelly, Webb, and McDermottwho in turn pronounced a requiem over the corpse of Manning, which brought tears to the eyes of their hearerstears of joy that the County had been saved the disgrace of electing such a man as Manning to the State Senate.

Taking all in all there was on that evening a greater display of wild enthusiasm than we have ever before witnessed in the State, and a greater display of petty spite, malice, and chagrin by the friends of Manning, than we have ever dared think they could be guilty of. A display of good feeling on one side and a display of despair and hopelessness on the other, which prompted them to make complete asses of themselves, thereby losing the respect of the honorable minded citizens who were present at the demonstration.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

On the outside of this issue will be found the letters of Messrs. Topliff and J. B. Hamilton, in refutation of the charges made against Mr. Scott by the Courier. It is a complete vindication, and bears so decidedly the impress of truth that the ignomy and disgrace thus sought to be brought upon Mr. Scott reverts to the parties who for the purpose of attracting the voters attention to themselves would bring into disgrace an honest man.

Cowley County Telegram.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

W. J. HOBSON, of this city [Wichita], was awarded the contract for transporting the Sioux and their officers on their tour through the Indian Territory. Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

No sleighs out yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

MR. MITCHELL'S majority is 302.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

More than thirty persons board at the Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

"TELL" WALTON is surveying the Woodyard road today.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

MANNING has grown two feet taller, but it is all in his face.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

Quail and rabbit hunters are out in every direction today.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

C. R. MITCHELL resides in his new house, in the suburbs.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

QUAILS. HENRY MOWRY killed 17 quail at one shot yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

COMMISSIONERS meet again the first Monday in January.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

There are 76 more Republicans than Democrats in Creswell Township.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

ARKANSAS CITY has a cheese manufactory. Charles Mummert manages it.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

SATURDAY night is the time set for the arrival of E. D. Eddy and his better half.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

SNOW fell Monday morning to the depth of three inches. It is the first of the season.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

THE INDIAN TERRITORY contains 71,200 Indians, consisting of over forty different tribes.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

THE OSAGES received an appropriation of $255,000 last year, to advance them in civilization.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

THE MILLINERS are opening their winter stock of goods. Mrs. Godehard has just received her order.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

RESTAURANT. The bell of the Delmonico Restaurant peals forth three times a day. Thos. Baker is proprietor.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

DIED. The infant child of Dr. Kellogg died on last Saturday, and was buried on Sunday. Aged six weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The Masonic brethren meet at Benedict's Hall, this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and tomorrow evening at 7.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

PROF. KELLOGG was elected Representative from Lyon County. His opponent withdrew and left him a clear field.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

Now it comes to light that some of the men who had promised to work for the "Republican" Senator, did not vote for him.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

"WILL NIXON," who made the statements for the Courier vilifying us, has left Wellington and gone to parts unknown.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

An extensive prairie fire swept over East Bolton Township last Friday, burning a quantity of hay, and causing considerable damage.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

JOHN PRYOR, one of Winfield's most promising young lawyers, in company with Miss Greenlee, paid this place a flying visit last week. They stopped at the popular Central Avenue, of course.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The following statement shows the increase in Townships, from when the vote was taken in 1875, one year ago.

Townships. Vote in 1875. Vote in 1876. Increase.

Beaver 54 107 53

BoltonEast 37 42 5

BoltonWest 47 87 40

Creswell 187 271 84

Cedar 20 45 25

Dexter 82 144 62

Harvey 23 61 38

Liberty 58 90 32

Maple 38 84 46

Nenescah 24 65 41

Omnia 32 42 10

Otter, 1st precinct 48 32 ---

Otter, 2nd precinct 12 60 48

Pleasant Valley 56 85 29

Richland (Barker's) 41 74 33

Richland (Groom's) 29 63 34

Rock 100 164 54

Silver Creek 28 76 48

Silverdale 59 105 46

Sheridan 41 70 29

Spring Creek --- 76 ---

Tisdale 55 94 39

Vernon 55 138 83

Windsor 66 131 65

Winfield 280 431 151

TOTAL: 1,472 2,637 1,095


Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

GRASSHOPPERS. On the banks of the Walnut, last Sunday, we ran a knife blade into the ground in a number of places where we had seen great numbers of grasshoppers, and in every instance, found one-sixth of the entire soil for a half inch down, filled with grasshopper eggs. One-third of them, however, had been destroyed by a small white worm, which was steadily at work. In the eggs not destroyed, could be seen two small black specks, which proved to be the eyes. It is the opinion of most farmers, that in their present advanced state, they cannot live through the winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

LON BUTTERFIELD, of Silverdale Township, visited one of the stores in Arkansas City last week, and the proprietor said to him, "A man that would vote for E. C. Manning ought to have his throat cut." Mr. Butterfield climbed down from the counter and started for him, when he immediately "took it back," apologizing, by saying he was "only in fun." There are "vagabonds" in Silverdale that would fight for their principles. Winfield Courier.

The above is another of the Courier's unmitigated and slanderous lies, as every citizen cognizant of the fact knows, and, as we believe the writer knew, when he wrote it.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

A. F. & A. M. LECTURE.
C. R. MITCHELL, W. M. of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, will deliver lectures to the Fraternity, at the Masonic Hall in Arkansas City, as follows: Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, for the next two weeks. All brethren in good standing are cordially invited to be present.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

THAT "OLD WHEEL-HORSE OF NENESCAH TOWNSHIP," who stood out so boldly for Manning in the County Convention, is now indicted for stealing a wagon box from S. H. Myton, and stands a good chance of being sent to the Penitentiary. He was recognized mostly as a "tar barrel" on the day of the Convention, from the amount of grease he carried with him.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The County Treasurer will offer the following school land for sale at his office in Winfield, on Saturday, Dec. 23rd: The northwest quarter of sec. 16, Tp. 31, R. 3 east, appraised at $3 per acre. It is to be sold in 40 acre tracts.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The Commissioners want bids for keeping the poor to be filed with the County Clerk on or before January 1st, setting forth the price per week, at which paupers will be kept, exclusive of clothing and medical treatment.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

PAINTING. See the card of W. M. Parker, painter. Mr. Parker has had twenty years experience at his trade, and warrants satisfaction, or no charge. His room is in L. C. Wood's building, on South Summit street. Try him.

AD: Wm. M. PARKER, PAINTER, Has opened a shop in Wood's building, where he can be found at all times, ready to accommodate the public. All kinds of painting, glazing, calsomining, graining, marbeling, varnishing, paper hanging, buggy painting, and everything pertaining to the trade. All I ask is a fair chance, and if I do not give satisfaction, no charge will be made. Give me a call before letting your work.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

THE SIOUX INDIANS AND COMMISSIONERS will have a rough time of it in the Territory during the storm. The freighters, too, will fare hard, as many of them were not prepared for exposures.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The man found dead in the creek, near Salt Springs, is supposed to be a man by the name of Kellar, of Missouri, who had come out to see a Mr. Sprague, of Sumner County.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

CATS. A few months ago the Assistant Postmaster made himself the possessor of a cat, regardless of sex. He now has five, namely: Old Lady, Blazes, Tempest, Ginger, and Mixed. If the increase continues, either the Postmaster or the cats will have to vacate the office, Tilden or no Tilden.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

PROPHET. An old farmer told us that whenever we see a hog rumping about with straw in its mouth, we might know that there would soon be a storm. Last Saturday we saw a hog with the straw, and on Sunday night saw the storm, and now we believe the farmer was right.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

THOSE who voted for the promising State Senator simply to be on the winning side, begin to see that "you can't sometimes most always tell" who will be elected.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

The freighters who started for Wichita Saturday, unloaded their wheat at Nenescah and came back to wait until the roads were in good condition for travel.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

JOHN FLORER, one of the licensed Indian Traders at Paw-hus-ka, paid this place a visit this week, and made us a pleasant call. Come again.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

BORN. On Friday, Nov. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Embry, a daughter. Weight two lbs. Dr. Hughes was called in as the proper agent, with licensed authority to act.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

TRAVELERS. Dick Wilson, J. C. Bennett, and C. L. Knapp, registered at the Central Avenue last week. They all do a good trade in these diggins.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

WALL PAPER. KELLOGG & HOYT want to sell out their stock of wall paper, and will sell it cheap.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876. Front Page.

When we think how little the whites of the border care or think about their dusky brethren whose home is only across the line, and beyond the stone mounds Uncle Sam has placed along the southern portion of the State, as a warning to whites not to trespass, it is surprising that natural curiosity does not tempt them to make further inquiry. But then, when we remember that we lived "next door" to them for two long years, we are impressed that our curiosity was exhausted, burdened, and disgusted.

Few have any idea now of the number in the "Nation," and what they are doing. From the "Superintendents and Agents Report," furnished us through the courtesy of some of the new Agents, we find complete statistics of the number and their progress.

The following are the tribes and numbers.

The Potawotomies, Kickapoos, Chipewas, and Muncies, all under the agency of Mr. M. H. Newlin, number in round numbers, 1,000.

Quapaws, Peorias, Miamis, Ottawas, Wyandottes, Shawnees, Senecas, and Modocs, under H. W. Jones, as Agent, at Quapaws Agency, 1,300.

Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles, at Union Agency, under S. W. Marston, number 54,000.

The Great and Little Osages under Mr. Cyrus Beede, number 2,700. The Kaws, who speak the same language as the Osages, are also in his charge, although they have a separate Agency. They number 500 souls.

The Pawnees located 60 miles southeast of this place, under charge of Wm. Burgess, number 2,000.

The Sac and Foxes of Mississippi, Absentee Shawnees, Mexican Kickapoos, Southern Cheyennes, Southern Arapahos, and Apaches are controlled by John D. Miles. They number 4,000.

The Wichita, Caddoes, and affiliated Bands, at the Wichita Agency, are under Agent A. C. Williams, formerly special Agent of the Kickapoos, near this place. They number 1,200.

The Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches, are under J. M. Haworth, and number 3,000.

In all, there are 71,200 Indians in the Territory.

Among the Osages there are 1,397 males, 1,282 females.

Among the Kaws, 229 males, and 214 females.

Among the Pawnees, 866 males, and 1,160 females. The Pawnees usually half support themselves by labor.

174 Osages live in houses, and they sold $5,000 worth of robes last year.

The Kaws and Pawnees sold $590 worth each.

The Osages own 12,000 ponies, 100 mules, 600 head of cattle, and 1,500 head of hogs.

The Kaws own 300 ponies, 8 mules, 15 cattle, and 125 hogs.

The Pawnees have 600 ponies, 12 mules, and 15 head of cattle.

Some have been making rapid progress in education, and others farming, but the ratio is very small. Out of the 2,679 Osages, only 25 of them labor in civilized pursuits, 25 live by hunting, 244 wear citizen's clothes, 50 adults and 100 youths can read, and 15 of those have learned this year, during the nine months school. The school this year was maintained solely by their own funds, at a cost of $7,000 and a donation from Orthodox churches and private parties to the amount of $300. Where the children come to school, they are clothed and fed.

During the past year the Kaws have sawed 10,000 feet of lumber at their new mill, and 40 of them are now living in houses. 59 Kaws wear citizen's dress, and most all of them labor. They have cultivated 600 acres of land this year, and have 350 acres fenced. They raised 10,000 bushels of corn, 500 bushels of wheat, 150 bushels of beans, 800 bushels of potatoes, and put up 160 tons of hay. They employ one teacher almost constantly, and 20 adults and 24 youths can read; 18 have learned this year during the ten months school.

Of the Pawnees, 12 of them live in houses: three of which they built themselves, and nine that the Government built for them. 264 Pawnees wear citizen's dress, and one-half of them labor. During the last year they have cultivated 150 acres of land themselves, broke 20 additional acres, and fenced 280 acres. They raised 1,600 bushels of corn, 100 bushels of beans, 150 bushels of potatoes, and put up 100 tons of hay. 25 of the adults and 115 youths can read, and 15 learned during the last nine months of school.

Considering the lack of funds, and embarrassments they have had to undergo, the progress they have made is very commendable.

While we have but little hope and less faith, of the Agents being able to accomplish much in the way of civilization, yet we believe they are making strong and earnest efforts.

To any who have the time to spare, a trip to the Territory will not only be a rare treat, but a very profitable one, educationally considered.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876. Front Page.

A band of Apaches attacked Eagle Springs Station, Texas, on Oct. 10th, and were driven off after an hour's fighting. The force at the post consisted of two negro soldiers, three Mexi cans, the station keeper, and a stage driver. The Mexicans had gone to a spring near the station, and on discovering that the Indians were close at hand, had run back to the post. One of them fell to the ground, pierced with arrows and bullets, but his companions gained a place of shelter. The stage driver and a colored corporal posted themselves behind a rocky knoll commanding the approach of the body, and when the Indians rushed forward to take the scalp, a murderous fire checked their advance. Then the avengers, black and white, rescued the body, and buried it in a shallow trench, piling up a little mound of stones and sur mounting it with a rude wooden cross bearing his name in pencil.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876. Front Page.

One of the Northfield bank robbers, Jesse James by name, stole a shawl in St. Louis once, and gave it to a "lady friend." It was worth $1,500, and one day when she was promenading with it on, she was arrested, and not being willing to account for the possession of it, was sent to prison for five years.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

The Courier has nothing to say about Mr. Skinner's statement of fraudulent surveys. The facts are too plain and the evidence too positive.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

BOLTON, November 20, 1876.
The electioneering season is over, politics dead, and father Hollenbeck has again resumed the quietude of a farmer. The clatter of the grain drill and the "Whoa! haw!" of the farmer's voice are no more heard since the recent snow storm.

Many of our sportsmen have been engaged in hunting and gathering pecans in the Territory since seeding is done.

The first spelling school of the season was held at the Mercer schoolhouse on last Friday evening. Mr. Young was chosen to act as chairman. Ed. Parker and Lester Burnett were selected as leaders. After spelling twice around, Mr. Myrtle spelled "rouster" and took a back seat. In course of time, and after wrestling with many difficult words, all but Lester Burnett were floored.

Bolton has more acres in wheat, more bachelors, more rabbits, and more marriageable young ladies than any other township in the County.

Mr. L. E. Norton has given up his abode to a family of seven cats, which are having a general jubilee with the vermin of the ranch.

Mr. Burnett has been threshing almost constantly since some three weeks before the election, and has yet nearly 500 bushels of wheat and oats to thresh.

Our township is in need of a singing teacher, and I think one could easily get up a school in our vicinity.

C. C. H.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

MAGNOLIA, COL., Nov. 12, 1876.
Friend Scott:

The Arkansas TRAVELER comes to Jack as regularly as an old town clock strikes the hour of twelve, and it is as welcome to me as a large chunk of pound cake is to a hungry editor. I see by your paper that you are hard up for wood there. If it had not been for the knots on the wood, I would have sent you a couple of cords in this letter.

We are having a heavy fall of snow at present, so you may look out for plenty of rain next spring, and big crops in Kansas. I must let you and all of my old friends know that I am doing well in Colorado.

I am foreman of the great Mountain Lion gold mine, and have been since the first of last August. This is supposed to be the richest kind of gold in the world. It is called the sylvanite of gold, or Tuleride gold mines, and in value it ranges all the way from $100 to $40,000 per ton. The mine that I have charge of is down two hundred feet, and is turning out from five to ten thousand dollars per month, furnishing employment to thirty or forty miners. The mine adjoining this one also has a widespread reputation. It is called the Key Stone, and works about twenty-five men. I would like to send you some specimens, but I understand you are going to visit Colorado soon, and if you are, you must be sure and give me a call, when I will give you some fine specimens of our Colorado productions. If you are not coming out here soon, I will contrive to send you one of our best burnt specimens. JOHN McLAY.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

SAVE MONEY - By buying your millinery at Mrs. Hartsock's new store, corner of Central Avenue and Summit street. I have a fine assortment of hats, flowers, tips and notions, which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. Call and see what cash will do. Hats from 75 cents up. MRS. D. B. HARTSOCK.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

FOR SALE. MY FARM. Lying in Walnut Valley and adjoining Arkansas City, Kansas. There are forty acres, mostly in wheat, balance in woods, pasture, well watered. This farm is desirable for a farmer or professional man, as it is in the immediate vicinity of popular schools, churches, and excellent society. Price $2,200. Also, seven head of horses, two sets of harness, one top buggy, one farm wagon, and farming implements. If purchased by a physician, will dispose of No. 1 surgical and obstetrical instruments and other supplies.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

FOR SALE. Ten acres under good cultivation, and house, 80 rods north of northwest corner of townsite. The house is of brick, 18 x 24, with frame addition 12 x 20; well finished inside, with five rooms; stable and outbuildings; good well of soft water; 8 acres of wheat, 100 fruit trees, a row of cottonwoods on three sides of field. $800 cash. H. D. CLOUGH.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, will, at their regular session, commencing on the first Monday of January, 1877, receive sealed proposals for the board and care of the paupers of said county. Said bids to set forth the price per week at which said paupers will be kept, exclusive of clothing and medical treatment. The successful bidder to have exclusive control of the keeping of said county paupers, and to be a resident of said county of Cowley. Bids to be filed with the County Clerk on or before January 1, 1877. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Done by order of the Board of Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas.

M. G. TROUP, Clerk of said Board.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

OXFORD has a Silver Cornet Band.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

VENISON for sale on the street, Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

BRICK for the new M. E. Church is being hauled.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

The choppers on the Walnut had beaver tail soup for dinner yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

The crossing at Newman's mill is very bad, and should be made better.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

A wood yard is spoken of, for the accommodation of the public, at $4 per cord.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

GREAT quantities of rabbits and quails were killed by our sportsmen during the snow.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

BORN. On Monday evening, November 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Haywood, a bouncing boy of 10-1/2 pounds weight.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

From the top of Newman's building, some of the finest scenery in the west can be viewed. Go up and take a look.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

Mrs. Foss, of Portland, Maine, mother of Mrs. Farrar, arrived by stage Monday night. She will spend part of the winter here.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

Last Saturday night's stage and mail did not arrive until Sunday noon. Bad roads and heavy loads was the cause of failure.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

SOLD OUT. "CHET." WARD has purchased M. A. Felton's interest in the blacksmith's shop on Central Avenue, and is working there.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

REV. W. C. SOMERS, of the U. P. Church, a man of ability and experience, has come to supply for some time in the U. P. Church of this place.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

JUDGE GANS and J. H. IRVIN were in town last Saturday. Mr. Irvin preaches at Spring Side Schoolhouse every third Sunday of each month.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

BORN, to Mr. and Mrs. Pennewell, on Thursday, Nov. 9th, a daughter. Dr. Hughes represented the medical faculty. If a boy, it would have been another Republican voter.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

THE EVENING STAR CLUB of Winfield will open a series of entertainments with a Thanksgiving ball, at the courthouse, Thursday, November 30th. Special invitations are issued.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

It is a fact worth mentioning that, while deaths have occurred in every locality about us, Arkansas City has had but few. We attribute it to our healthy location and skill of our physicians.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

NECK-TIE FESTIVAL. The members of the Frontier Union Sunday School will hold a neck-tie festival at Mercer's schoolhouse, in Bolton Township, at 7 o'clock on Friday evening next. The object of the entertainment is to purchase singing and Sunday school books. Admission 25 cents. A general invitation is extended.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

All who desire a rare treat and hearty laugh should make it a point to be at the Central Avenue Hall on this (Wednesday) evening, to see the performance of Mr. George Burt's comedy troupe. Mr. Burt is one of the oldest theatrical managers in the West, and the first man to successfully start and keep going a theater in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

Last Thursday morning at about two o'clock someone came to the door of Dr. Alexander's house, and endeavored to get in by trying to unlock the back door. A key was on the inside, and prevented the door from being unlocked. The Doctor heard the noise, and supposed it was his son, Will, but soon heard him call out, "What do you want?" The man on the outside ran away. In the morning the tracks in the snow showed it to be someone wearing a number ten boot. We can't imagine what the thief was after unless it was quinine.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

E. D. EDDY returned with his wife (nee Miss Georgia Sherburne) last Friday morning, and was complimented by a serenade by the Cornet Band on Saturday evening, the members of which he invited into an oyster feast. They spent some time in the East, and before returning, visited the Centennial and other points of interest. The new bride's unexpected return is a gratification to her many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

A vote was taken on the proposition to vote $1,000 to build a schoolhouse in District No. 35, in Silverdale Township, last Monday, and was carried. During the voting, a discussion arose between Will Estus and Charles Hawkins, resulting in the drawing of knives. Otherwise, everything was quiet.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

SINGING. The members of the First Presbyterian Sunday School, and all who are interested in singing, are requested to meet at the church Friday evening, at 7-1/2 o'clock. The members of the choir are also requested to attend, to practice hymns for the following Sabbath. E. R. THOMPSON, Chorister.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

MARRIED. On Thursday, Nov. 16, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. Israel Swickard and Miss Jennie Pruitt, both of this county.

On the day following, by the hand of Mr. John Pruitt, father of the bride, the TRAVELER received a handsome assortment of delicious cake, for which the "boys" all unite in returning thanks.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

ONE OF THE NEATEST MILLINERY STORES to be seen in the Southwest is that of Mrs. D. B. Hartsock, on the corner of Summit street and Central Avenue. The location is good, and the room and goods neatly displayed. Call in and see the new stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

The Courier says "24 true blue Republicans in Bolton Township, and 23 in Creswell, stood by the straight Republican ticket." It happens that a number of those "true blue Republicans" were Democrats.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

THE BAND BOYS are estimating the practicability of a social dance in Newman's new building as soon as the floor is laid. Anything for a little amusement is the general exclamation among the young folks.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

W. J. Hobson, of this city [Wichita], to whom was awarded the government contract for carrying the Sioux Indians on their tour of inspection through the Indian Territory, received a letter from Col. A. J. Byon, who has the outfit in charge, dated Arkansas City, Nov. 11, and reads as follows.

"Getting on well. Have not taken a second pull, or broken a ham string since we left Wichita. Teams look well, with plenty of hay and corn. Everybody feeling good. Splendid weather and roads in excellent condition. All we ask is a continuance of the same. They are still voting for Spotted Tail down in these parts. We passed two hundred wagons loaded with wheat for Wichita between here and your place. Arkansas City is a nice little place with very clever people and the promise of a good future." Wichita Eagle.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

WANTED. Two gentlemen boarders; accommodations good, terms reasonable, location pleasant. Inquire at TRAVELER office.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.

Cowley County Telegram: The whole face of the country between the Grouse and Cana, four miles up and down, was burnt over last week. Much hay, grain, and a number of horses and barns fell victim to the "demon of the prairie." Mr. Ratcliff, living on Plumb Creek, lost everything but his house and horses; Mr. Williams, of Dexter, is minus some two hundred dollars' worth of fine broom corn. These are the only losses of which we have received any certain information, but are, of course, only two of many.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876. Front Page.

ARKANSAS CITY, Nov. 13, 1876.
Ed. Telegram:

"`Tis sweet to court, but oh! how bitter

To court a gal and then not git `er."

It is a rare occasion where both political parties can rejoice over the result of the same election, but that happy occasion was celebrated here last Wednesday evening, with fire balls, bonfires, and anvils.

One enthusiastic Manningite was determined to fire one salute for the "Little Booby." He applied the red hot iron to the extempore cannon, but alas! his zeal was only awarded by a "flash in the pan;" the second and third attempts resulted like the first, and nothing but a "rah for Pyburn," would make the thing speak.

It is rather humiliating to a radical Republican to see a Democratic Senator elected in a strong Republican district, but if the recent defeat of the Republican candidate will teach the "manipulators" to build their platform first and then place their man upon it instead of setting up their man and trying to cover him up with a "buncombe" resolution, we are satisfied.

If, according to the Courier, we have "drawn an elephant" (which we have not), we have at least driven this political hyena back to his den for another four years.

There is not much "hollerin" here, either for Hayes or Tilden, but the post office is crowded every night, everybody on tiptoe for the latest newsone night it's a Democrat who goes with a broad grin under his arm (the news is too uncertain to come out boldly with such things), and the next night it is a Republican.

Berkey says he shall "employ forty deputies and have a round stool in front of the hole," but Scott can't see the "hole."

The TRAVELER's allusion to "Tom Wilkinson and the other niggers" is causing considerable indignation here, and Scott will probably be compelled to apologize (to the niggers).

The Indians with the spotted narrative passed through this "sink hole of Infamy" the other day en route for the Territory, hunting claims. Here we take a more hopeful view of the case than that expressed in the TelegramIf, still we have no railroad, Ingines are the next best thing." `Rah for Pyburn! RENEGADE. Telegram.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 29, 1876.

The friends of Capt. Henry Booth are urging him to become a candidate for Chief Clerk of the House again, this winter. He can't be beat in the State for essential qualifications as Chief Clerk. Trot him out.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

WIRT WALTON wants to be Chief Clerk of the House this winter. Well, Wirt is ambitious, and with Pyburn in the Senate and Mitchell in the House, he ought to get two votes, by some turn or another, but it is doubtful.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

[From the Telegram of Nov. 17th.]
Ed. Cowley County Telegram:

DEAR SIR: Wirt Walton wishes me to call the attention of the citizens of Winfield and vicinity to the fact that he confiscated $30 of the 4th of July fund (while acting as committee of "4th of July Ball") and appropriated it to his personal use.

Should any person have an office of trust at their disposal, I would recommend the boy. (On trial.)

Yours Respectfully,

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

A Few More Facts for Our County Surveyor.
Editor Traveler:

For some inscrutable purpose, Providence sent W. W. Walton into the world, scarce half made up in brains, to vilify and abuse others through the columns of his dirty sheet, and as he has seen fit to attack me personally, I claim your indulgence to reply.

Every sentence contains a lie. To his first charge of leaving Illinois, I will only say that I was not the clerk in the House of Representatives who was kicked out of the back door of a fourth rate hotel at Topeka for having a mass of corruption in his room.

He lies when he says I sold land (or told him I did), describing it by metes and bounds. Walton swore that the corner he moved "had the usual marks of a Government corner." You may believe him under oath or not, as you like.

He lied when he said I tried to steal land of Mr. Acton. I never claimed an acre of land that Mr. Acton claimed, or thought I owned any, until Walton, while surveying for Mr. Acton, cut off several acres of Mr. Acton's land and gave them to me; and if I "tried to steal the land," it must have been through this County official that I did it. I still hold the land, given me by this honest official, which (as he says) I tried to steal.

He was either a dishonest scoundrel in giving me Mr. Acton's land, or a liar in making the charge.

I tried "to steal land from Mr. Myers." Had he let the old corner stand, I should not have got the springs by eight rods, according to the field notes. He moved the corner about eleven rods and I now hold the springs (worth to my place five hundred dollars) by about three rods; so the fact still remains, that by moving the corner eleven rods, he gave me the spring by about three rods. Many thanks, Mr. Walton, whether you were paid for it or not.

Now, I assert that he lied, or ought to have known it was false, when he said I had a suit with Mr. Kay and had the costs to pay. The court, as the records show, ordered the costs on Mr. Kay, who paid them like a man. By his bungling, or ignorance of surveying (more likely the latter), he succeeded in getting us into trouble. Mr. Kay is out of pocket fully two hundred dollars, which he would have in his pocket today, but for that swell head, who promised to see him out, only to send him a bill of over ten dollars for his lordship's attendance as witness.

He lied, and knew he was lying, when he said any one of the witnesses, either directly or indirectly, uttered a single word under oath that could be construed as reflecting on me.

He utters one truth when he says he was a witness in that case. He was, and he swore that "he had pencilings of the Government field notes."

Finally, this brainless figure-head of the Courier says, "The TRAVELER gave Skinner a terrible skinning a short time ago." This statement will be branded as a lie by every reader of the TRAVELER.

Come out, Wirt, for once, and act the man. Don't try to cover your tracks by the old cry of "Stop, thief!" For your sake, and with the sincere hope that you may reform, I will not in this place ask you to explain how it is that your bills, to the extent of fifty dollars at a lick, are rejected by the County Commissioners. I will not produce the records to show that you have taken hundreds of dollars out of the tax-payers' pockets, to pay for platting private surveys, and to which you had no legal right, whatever.

Now, Wirt, if you will reform, I will not speak of your survey where W. T. Estus, J. C. Smith, and others were interestednever lisp a word about little wash bills. And should you ever become a candidate again, you might get more than one vote in East Boltonalways provided that you can convince the public that you have truly reformed.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

Fight at Elm Springs, Indian Territory, Between Charley Lyons, of This Place,
and Three Robbers, in which Lyons Kills Them All.
Editor Traveler:

I am keeping a ranch about 75 miles from Kiowa, Barbour County, in the Indian Territory. A man by the name of Charles Lyons came to my camp yesterday, and said that he was on his way to the panhandle of Texas, and that he was wounded in the thighthat he had a fight with a party of three men who had tried to stop him.

I dressed his wound for him, which was bleeding profusely, and was getting him something to eat, when three men rode up to the door, and pulling their guns on me, wanted to know if Lyons was there; that he had killed one of their party, and they wanted him. I told them there was a wounded man in my ranch, but I did not want any trouble, when one of them dismounted and said, "We will hang the s___ of a b_____ if he is wounded. Boys, come on; we've got him rounded up."

Lyons was standing behind the door, and heard all the conversation. When they came in, Lyons fired on them with a Henry rifle, and killed two of them with the first two shots. The third man ran back, only to get killed while trying to mount his horse. Lyons walked out, looked around, and said:

"I wonder if there are anymore of them that want to make my acquaintance. I am a bad man, but the world has made me what I am. These men are robbers and murderers, and are mistaken in their man. I saw one of them in Houston, Texas, and one in Kansas City. I never murdered a man in my life, nor robbed anyone. These men have hunted me down, and they have found me. I don't know this man." (He was speaking of the last one he had shot.) "I never saw him before. I wish I had let him go, but he is shot through the heart and did not suffer much."

"Here are fifty dollars. Dig a trench, and throw them in, and cover them up, if that will pay you for your trouble."

He then mounted his horse and rode away to the south. I examined the pockets of the dead men, and found a letter addressed to J. W. Hinslow, from his sister in Missouri. In one of their pockets I found an army discharge of "Chas. Cox, of Ills."

I am short of paper and can't give you all the particulars I would like to. I have buried the men, and am going to Cheyenne Agency to report the affair to Mr. Miles, the Agent.

I think Lyons will die before he gets to a settlement, unless he falls in with some buffalo hunters. He told me he was acquainted in your town, and had friends in the vicinity. He is about six feet tall, with light complexion and heavy moustache; about thirty years old, and quite good looking. I know nothing about the history of the man, but he was justified in doing what he did here. Yours, etc. J. RUSSELL.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

Two men returning from the Salt Fork made the statement that they had been told by parties on the river that two men were supposed to have been killed by Indians, about one mile and a half above the Pawnee crossing. The grounds for their supposition is as follows, as stated by one of them.

"We were on the river gathering pecans. The day before we saw two men on the opposite side of the river with a lot of nuts piled up, who had a mule team. The next day we were near the same place when we heard a man moaning and crying: "Oh! Lord! Help! Help!" as if in terrible pain. Shortly after we saw Indians riding ponies and leading the mules of the white men. The pecans laid where they were the day before. We did not wait to see what the trouble was, as we were unarmed, but started at once for Arkansas City; driving rapidly. We have not heard anything further from the men, and believe they were murdered by the Indians."

The above is the statement from one of the parties, and can be taken for what it is worth. The party giving the information gave it as he received it, and was earnest in what he said, yet, everything considered, we believe there is little foundation for supposing anyone was killed under the circumstances. The man calling for help might have had the stomachache, or have eaten too many pecans, and the Indians might have stolen the mules without disturbing peaceful rest of the sleepers. And even though two men were murdered, it is yet in doubt whether it was done by Indians, and if by them, there would be no cause of another hullabaloo or Indian excitement.

A few days ago one white man killed three others, and there will be little said or thought about it. Yet if some of the unruly whites infesting the Territory should quarrel and get shot by an Indian, the whole of Southern Kansas becomes alarmed, and many are ready to flee to a place of imaginary safety.

Our community has undergone an Indian scare once, and we can't afford to have it repeated.

With Agent Beede at the head of the Osages, if there is any difficulty, he will have them brought to justice if it has to be done at the point of the bayonet, and the Indians know they have a different person than grandmother Gibson to deal with.

And we might as well say here, that the whites who have been guilty of cutting the vast amount of pecan trees in the Territory should be held responsible for their acts. Enough trees have been felled, we are told by responsible parties, to make 3,000 fence rails, and the whites have assisted in the work.

Let us be fair. If an Indian commits any depredations in Kansas, we believe in following him to Texas, if we have to, rather than let him escape; and on the other hand, if a white man destroys their timber, he should be brought to justice. It is injustice to destroy their trees, and they do not hesitate to tell the perpetrators of it wherever they find them.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

TOMORROW is Thanksgiving.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

WILL BURKEY is visiting Iowa.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The roads are much better now.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

No eggs at fifteen cents per dozen.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

A great many strangers in town the past week

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876..

EVENING STAR BALL at Winfield, tomorrow night.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

KELLOGG & HOYT have some fine chromos coming.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

THE POST OFFICE closes tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

HOUSES rent from $2 to $10 per month, and are very hard to get.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The Band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Breene, Saturday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

APPLES were retailing for 75 cents per bushel, from the wagons, yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The Band Boys furnish the music for the ball at Winfield tomorrow evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

MRS. SLEETH returned from Cambridge, Ohio, last Thursday, after a visit of many weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

WIRT has no more challenges to make for charges since Mr. Skinner's statement came out.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

FRANK SPEERS is building a house in town, and the query is what does Frank want with a house.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The receipts of the Neck-Tie Festival, held at Mercer's Schoolhouse last Friday evening, were $14.90.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

A. O. PORTER has one of the most comfortable and convenient blacksmith's shop we have seen in southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

L. C. WOOD is the maker of that new buggy of Dr. Kellogg's. It is something to be proud of for a town of this size.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

JUDGE T. McINTIRE has resigned the office of Justice of the Peace in this Township in favor of W. Sherb. Hunt.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The bonds failed to carry in School District No. 35, last week, and some of the residents want the District divided now.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

CAPT. HUNT and others who have just returned from the place where the two men were reported killed, say there is nothing to it.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

CAPT. HUNT and a party from Winfield and Vernon Township, passed by last week, on their way to the Territory, to hunt and fish.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

THERE ARE NEARLY 100 pupils in attendance at the public school of this place. Sixty in Miss Christian's department, and forty with Prof. Bacon.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

CHARLEY McINTIRE and WILL LEONARD are at Little Rock. The rubber stamp business was not a success, and they have gone to work at their trades.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

DR. KELLOGG, S. P. CHANNELL, and T. H. McLAUGHLIN are the School Board of District No. 2. The first is Director. The second is Treasurer. The last is Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

MARRIED. At Winfield, Thursday, Nov. 23rd, Mr. R. T. Coulter and Miss Margaret A. Logan, both of this place. Long may they live and prosperous be.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

DIED. At the residence of her parents at Salt City, Kansas, Nov. 18th, 1876, of paralysis, Anna L. Couden, daughter of Wm. A. and Rachel Couden, aged 16 years. She was paralyzed two years ago, but had partially recovered therefrom.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

DIED. At the residence of Rev. S. B. Fleming in this city, Tuesday morning, Nov. 28th, infant daughter of J. D. and Annie E. Guthrie. Mr. Guthrie came to this place with his family only a little over a week ago. The deepest sympathies of the community are with these bereaved parents. S. B. F.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

LAND AND PROPERTY DISTRIBUTION. In another column will be seen the advertisement of W. D. Clark and A. S. Williams, Grand Sale of Real Estate and Personal Property, to take place January 1st, 1877. The men are well known in this County and have the reputation of being straightforward, honorable men. The property can be seen at the residences of the owners. I. H. Bonsall and Geo. McIntire are Agents for this locality. Price of tickets $1 each.



In case the whole number of tickets should not be sold, the value of those unsold tickets will be taken from the personal property at the schedule price; and in case there should not be a sufficient number of tickets sold to justify a sale of the real estate, then the money arising from the sale of the tickets, after deducting the expenses that have accrued (not exceeding twenty percent), WILL BE REFUNDED TO THE HOLDERS OF TICKETS, UPON PRESENTATION OF THE SAME TO THE TREASURER.

For the faithful performance of the above stipulation, the following persons are named respectively: M. L. Robinson, Treasurer; W. D. Clark, Secretary; F. W. Schwantes, and C. A. McClung, Trusteesinto whose hands the property is placed, and by them to be delivered and conveyed to the ticket holders.

All sales of tickets must be immediately reported to the Secretary, and all moneys arising from such sale placed in his hands, and by him placed in the hands of the Treasurer.

Article No. 1 is

Containing 160 Acres, 130 of which are in cultivation;
Living water, comfortable dwellings, etc.; a schoolhouse on southwest corner, situated on Wichita and Winfield road, about four miles from Winfield; the northeast quarter of section twelve, Township thirty-two, range three east.

Article No. 2 is also an

On the west, in good state of cultivation, comfortable
buildings, etc.; sixteen acres of growing wheat. And
From a garden hoe to a threshing machine.
Also, cattle, mules and horses.
Every ticket holder will receive some article of value for
his ticket.
The following is a schedule of some of the principal property and articles, with valuation of the same.

1. 160 acres of Land, Northeast 1/4 of section 12, Township 32, range 3: $4,000.

2. 160 acres of I and, Northwest 1/4 of section 12, Township 32, range 3: $1,600.

3. Undivided half interest in one Aultman & Taylor Vibrator: $400.

4. One span of Mules, seven years old: $350.

5. One span of Mules, four and seven years old: $350.

6. One span of Mules, nine and ten years old: $225.

7. One Draft Horse, nine years old: $112.

8. Lease on eighty acres of plow land for three years: $300.

9. Marsh Harvester: $200.

10. Champion Self-Rake combined Reaper and Mower: $125.

11. Dayton Grain Drill: $85.

12. Two-Horse Wagon, 3-1/4 spindle: $60.

13. Two-Horse Wagon, 3-1/4 spindle: $60.

14. Two-Horse Wagon, 3-1/4 spindle: $60.

15. Two-Horse Wagon, 3-1/4 spindle: $60.

16. Sewing MachineSinger: $60.

17. Sewing MachineWheeler & Wilson: $75.

18. Sewing MachineWilson Shuttle: $40.

19. Sod Cutter: $40.

20. Milch Cow: $143.

21. One two-horse Top Buggy: $30.

22. Set of Buggy Harness: $30.

23. Cultivator: $30.

24. Set of Harness: $25.

25. Fourteen inch sod plow (Prairie Queen): $25.

26. Set of Harness and one twelve inch Clarinda: $10.

27. Set of Harness: $12.

28. Double A Harrow: $15.

29. Twelve inch John Deere Sod Plow: $15.

30. Eight-day Clock: $15.

31. Double-barrel Shot Gun: $10.

For further information address the Secretary, at Winfield, Kansas.
I hereby consent to act as Treasurer of the above enterprise, according to the conditions above named.

M. L. ROBINSON, Cashier for Read's Bank.
WINFIELD, COWLEY County, KAS., November 29, 1876.
We, the undersigned, having been selected as trustees to superintendent and conduct the above sale, to be made by Messrs. Clark and Williams on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1877, do hereby accept the trust, and will use our utmost endeavors to see that the distribution, and everything connected with the enterprise, is conducted in a fair and impartial manner, and that the property shall be delivered and conveyed according to the drawing. Personal property prizes to be delivered immediately after the drawing, and real estate to be conveyed immediately and possession given of the same on the 1st day of March, 1877.

We, the undersigned, having considered the within proposition, and being well acquainted with the Trustees and Managers thereof, would cheerfully recommend it to the patronage of the public, believing that the managers thereof will be impartial, faithful, and honest.

A. H. MYTON, Merchant. B. F. BALDWIN, Merchant.

C. A. BLISS, Merchant. T. E. GILLELAND, Merchant.

R. L. BROOKING, Farmer. J. B. LYNN, Merchant.

J. D. COCHRAN, Farmer. C. C. BLACK, Capitalist.

Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The Masonic Lodge at Dexter, numbers thirty members, and is well attended.

One week from last Monday the boiler in Service & Dart's mill cracked, but no accident resulted to the employees. Mr. Graham, the village blacksmith repaired it, and the mill is running again, and doing a good trade.

It is proposed to put up a wind mill, and the matter is being worked up.

Mr. Avery of Cedar Vale is teaching the winter's school.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

In another column will be found an interesting communication from Mr. J. Russell, of Russell's Ranch, at Elm Springs, in the Territory, relating the killing of three men by Charley Lyons, formerly of this place and Salt City. While a resident of this County, Mr. Lyons was a quiet citizen, residing on a farm. We have heard but one side of the story, by which it seems Mr. Lyons committed the murder of the three men in self defense.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

MARRIED. At the residence of, and by Rev. J. C. Platter, at Winfield, Thursday, November 23rd, 1876, MR. JOURNEY J. BREENE, and MISS JOSIE WRIGHT, both of this place, and both formerly of Dayton, Ohio. It was the first marriage we have had for a long while, that everyone did not know all about it, and was a complete surprise to everyone. Our congratulations are extended to the happy couple.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

A citizen remarked the other day: "I want to sell my lots in the Cemetery. I will trade them for a pony, or cord wood. Or, I will sell on long time. I have two and want to sell them. I bought them as a matter of speculation, and at the present rate at which the people are dying off, it will take sixty years to fill up that forty acre tract."

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The attack the Courier makes on our fellow-townsman, W. B. Skinner, does not answer the charges of fraudulent surveys, but is only an attempt to get around them. Mr. Skinner's statements can be substantiated by some of the best citizens in the county. And the charge he makes of the TRAVELER skinning him, all of the readers of the paper know to be entirely false.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

HANK ENDICOTT will have an old-time Indiana shooting match at Harmon's ford tomorrow morning. He has forty-four turkeys, which will be offered to the best shooters, regardless of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude. Terms and conditions will be agreed upon on the grounds, where all fun-lovers are expected to meet by 10 a.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

There were two law suits last Thursday. One before Judge McIntire, between Capt. Chenoweth and A. H. Acton, in reference to some taxes, and the other before Esquire Bonsall. The latter was brought by J. M. Felton against McCracken, of Lazette, for taking a watering pail. The defendant plead his own case, and was discharged, free of costs.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

WITH WOOD AT $4 AND $4.50 A CORD, it is going to cost something to keep warm this winter. Why don't the freighters coming from Pawnee Agency bring back a load of coal on their return? It is said there is plenty of it within eight miles of the Agency, and the Pawnees will be glad to open a bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

A Society under the title of a Reading Circle, was formed last week. The object is to have social entertainments during the winter, to consist of select reading, vocal and instrumental music, charades, and probably a dramatized play. Meeting tonight at the Central Avenue, at 7 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The man who run his face for $52 at H. & Mc's. under the promise to do freighting, sold all the property he could and started for Texas last week. Wm. Burkey started soon after and succeeded in having the proper papers served that will hold him until he pays the debt.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

We never knew until a few days ago how Gutches lost his eye. He was drinking cider with a friend, and when they clashed their glasses together in token of friendship, a piece of the glass was broken from the tumbler and flew with such force that it put his eye out.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The defeat of Mr. Manning as the Republican candidate for Senator is an unfortunate blow to the best interest of Cowley County. The method of his defeat has created a bitterness in the county that will last for years. Courier.

The only "bitterness" is on the part of the Courier's editor.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

There are enough laboring men here to supply all demands. We are constantly in receipt of letters asking if this is a good country for a poor man with a large family, and make the above statement that all may know.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

We have never received a list of the Courier's subscribers, as promised, so that we could send our vindication to their patrons. We furnished the Courier a list of ours, and paper to print their statement.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

SKATES. R. C. HAYWOOD has a large number of different patterns of skates, ready for this winter. Buy a pair and join the party that is to skate from this place to Winfield, the first freeze up.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

The Indian contractors have all the teams they want at present for freighting. Some parties came a distance of forty miles last week, to secure work, and were disappointed.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

P. O. NOTICE. The post office will be closed from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thanksgiving Day. No registered letters or money order business will be done during the entire day.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

BUFFALO MEAT, with no bone, was sold on the streets last week at ten cents per pound. It was brought from the plains 200 miles west, where buffalo are reported numerous.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

ANOTHER SURVEYOR has "gone and done it." It is Charley Bratt, this time, who used to perambulate on this sand hill.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

WOOD. Orders left at the Post Office for four foot wood, green or dry, or part of both, will be promptly filled. Price $4 per cord, cash in advance. None delivered any other way.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

DRESS MAKING. MRS. R. A. HOUGHTON begs to inform the public that she is prepared to do dressmaking and all kinds of plain and fancy sewing. Work-room at Mrs. Godehard's millinery store. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

SIPES has stable room to rent, for one horse.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

Great herds of buffalo have been seen within eighty miles of the Red River, after ten years total absence. From all accounts the herds are immigrating eastward. The Sioux Indians residing at Devils Lake, in Dakota, have already been on a great hunt, and have returned to their homes with an abundance of buffalo meat and numbers of robes. Travelers from the Northwest, who have lately come into Winnipeg, report very large numbers of buffalo very much further east than heretofore.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

Like Horace Greeley, when he became a candidate, did E. C. Manning, of the Winfield Courier, when he became a candidate for State Senator, commit his paper to the hands of a friend, that he might not be regarded as an organ grinder, and after all, like Horace Greeley, he did not get elected. A. J. Pyburn "scooped" him. Emporia Ledger.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876. Front Page.

We pass to our new neighborsand there are lots of them, and more coming, all expressing themselves well pleased with Cowley County, while some are as enthusiastic in regard to our future as any old resident. Our new and commodious schoolhouses elicit frequent remarks in favor of the good taste and enterprise of our citizens. Immigrants are surprised to find, not only a schoolhouse in every district, but schools in session ready to receive their children, where they expected to find a wilderness, and the children running wild. Our school at the Centennial schoolhouse is now in session, to be continued some six months, and taught by Mr. Porter Wilson, a first class educator. Mr. Wilson is now teaching his fifth school in Cowley County. A Good Templar lodge (Red Bud No. 41) has been organized at this house, with a membership of 41. The P. of H. Grand Prairie Grange, No. 881, also meets here, and the M. E. Church holds meetings here every second Sunday. Revs. Jones and M. T. Armstrong officiating. The Catholics hold meetings at Wm. Atkinson's, and number about 20 members. The services are conducted by Rev. Mr. Schurz. The Baptists, Presbyterians, United Brethren, Seventh Day Advents, Christians, and Universalists have their representatives among us, hence the peaceful character of our community.

Mr. Editor, I claim the banner for Maple Township. We have been organized five years, have had no murder, horse stealing, assaults, or slanders, serious law suits, or land contests, in all that time. If there is another township in this county that can say as much, we should be glad to hear from it.

Fall wheat, though late, is of a large healthy growth, and promises well for a crop. The grasshoppers have not troubled it, or done any damage of note in this township.

The general health is good, and people prospering. RED BUD.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

W. C. WEBB, father of the Representative of this county, is a candidate for Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, and is among the best we have heard mentioned.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

Only the Gentle Sioux, Homeward Bound.
St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 2. Spotted Tail, now chief of the Sioux nation, and the 96 Sioux braves sent to examine the Indian Territory, with a view to the removal of the Sioux nation there, passed through the city this p.m., homeward bound, in charge of Col. A. G. Boone and Dr. J. W. Daniels, a Sioux commission and disbursing agent, and Maj. Howard. They have been five weeks from home.

A St. Joe Herald's interview says the delegation took wagons at Wichita, 424 miles through the Territory to Muskogee, on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas road, driving twenty- five days.

At Okmulgee, two chiefs of the Creek nation made speeches, and Spotted Tail replied. The Indians say nothing, being under bonds to those at home to say nothing until the return of the commissioners. They say they see that the Indians are placed with the country, and think if the right men are sent to treat with them, the whole of Spotted Tail and Red Cloud agencies, 12,000 in number, will move to the Territory without any trouble in the spring. The Indians liked their trip.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

PLANT your trees.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

BUSINESS is improving.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

FEED your corn to hogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

HOGS are scarce and in demand.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

NO MORE Centennial tickets.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

DON'T bring us wood the devil can't split.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

GREY EAGLES hover near the Arkansas River bridge.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

WOOD RATS as large as kittens are killed in the woods on the Walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

COL. HUNTER, of South Haven, has purchased the store at that place.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

THE THERMOMETER indicated four degrees above zero early Friday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

CORN GRINDING AT LIPPMANN'S MILL goes on all the same during cold weather.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

TWO DEER were seen grazing on Swarts' wheat field north of town last Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

PREPARATIONS are being made to put up Walnut River Ice during the first cold spell.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

JOE RICKELS is making a good salary picking his guitar for a restaurant in the Black Hills.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

DR. SHEPARD and wife returned from their vacation in Nebraska and Missouri last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kager, Sunday, December 3rd, a daughter. Dr. Hughes was ex-officio.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

The boys on Grouse Creek got up a ghost and frightened their school teacher away. Naughty boys.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

MRS. FITCH has rented the building south of Benedict's, and will remove her millinery store thereto.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

A wholesale liquor store has been talked of lately. No less than a pint of liquor can be sold at wholesale.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

FISHERMEN have built cabins on the Walnut, and will supply the people with fresh fish during the winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

OLD CHAIRS. Geo. Allen has just repainted some chairs for Mrs. McCoy, that she has had in use in her house for forty years.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

MR. ESTUS, of the Colorado San Juan mining country, will spend the winter on Grouse Creek, and return to his claim in the spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

DR. HUNT, of Kaw Agency, and J. L. Stubbs, of Pawhuska, were in town last week for a short time.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

ANOTHER BEAVER was killed near the mouth of the Walnut last week, and its tail sent to this office. Some people are very fond of tail

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876..

E. P. KINNE and Jas. L. Huey favored the office with a call last Thanksgiving. Jim was the man who didn't complain of cold feet on that day.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

The report of the two men being killed by Indians near Pawnee crossing last week proves to be erroneous, and the price of freighting remains the same.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

FAT HOGS sell at four cents per pound gross, and corn at fifteen cents per bushel. No thrifty farmer can afford to sell a bushel of corn at the above figures.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

WHY is the boy who rode a bareback horse from Newman's mill to town in ten minutes like the locomotive on a fast mail train? If you can't guess it, ask our devil.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

WHEN the boys set their traps on the Walnut, they never can tell what they will get. One trap has caught three skunks, two rabbits, one coon, and finally a wild cat.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

WOLF HUNT. The residents of West Bolton are to have a grand wolf hunt when the first snow falls. The howling animals are becoming very numerous and annoying.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

It cost $1,096 to run Creswell Township last year, and over $500 of that was expended on the Arkansas River bridge, leaving only $400 to pay for the draining east of Dr. Hughes', the saving of the Walnut River bridge timbers, and current expenses of the township.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

The Ladies of the Presbyterian Society expect to give an entertainment, in connection with the Christmas tree, on Monday evening, December 25th. Full programme will be announced next week. Society meets today at L. C. Norton's, at 2 p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

L. H. GARDNER has purchased the lot next to Benedict's store of P. J. Davis, and intends to erect a two-story frame building thereon, to be used as a store room. He sold his house and ten acres north of town to Mr. Cox.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

JOHN W. TULL, of Lazette, came down to see some of his old friends at this place. Mr. Tull is a model farmer himself, and knows a good farm when he sees it. He says there are some of the finest farms about here he ever saw.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

BRICK $6 per thousand; sand can be had for the hauling; lime 13 cents per bushel, and stone $5.00 per cord. Where is there a town in Kansas or the West with better facilities for building substantial houses?

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

SINGING. Owing to the inconvenience in warming the church, the singers will meet at the Central Avenue House, Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock. Choir meeting at 8 o'clock. The bell will ring as usual.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

WHEAT. Owing to dry weather, and other causes, our farmers failed to sow as much wheat this year as usual, and most of what was sown is late, yet the prospect for a fair wheat crop is decidedly good.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

TO OUR DEBTORS. We will consider it not only a matter of justice, but a source of accommodation, if all parties indebted to us will call and settle before the 20th of December (tax paying time).

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23RD, is the day set to determine whether this township will give $2,000 for replacing the bridge across the Walnut. A meeting should be called, and the project talked over.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

A TURKEY SHOOTING MATCH is to take place on Saturday, Dec. 23rd, near Lippmann's mill on Grouse Creek. It will be the Saturday before Christmas, and gives all a chance for a turkey.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

DISTRICT NO. 32 (near the mouth of Grouse Creek) wants a teacher for the continua tion of their school, four months. They were paying $40 per month. J. P. Musselman is Director.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

A FIRE occurred in Winfield last night, burning a small house.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

CALDWELL, KANSAS, Dec. 2, 1876.
Mr. C. M. Scott: I read a communication in your paper today about Charley Lyons, formerly of Arkansas City and Salt City, stating that he had killed three men in the Indian Territory about November 12. I will say for Mr. Lyons that he has been at this place about two or three months, and it would be impossible for him to have been at Elm Springs at that time. Yours Respectfully, JOHN A. BLAIR.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.

SEALED bids will be received by the undersigned at the Osage Agency, Indian Territory, until 12 m., Tuesday, the 19th day of December, A. D. 1876, for furnishing material and building one hundred rods of fence, more or less, at the discretion of the U. S. Indian Agent, enclosing and partitioning Mission School Building at this Agency; also, re-roofing a portion and otherwise repairing said building, as the Agent may direct. The bids on fence must state price per rod.

In order to bid understandingly, bidders should make a personal inspection of the premises. The successful bidder will be required to give bond with satisfactory security for the faithful performance of the work.

Specifications will be furnished on application to this office, or can be seen at the TRAVELER Office, Arkansas City, Kansas, or office of the Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kansas. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. CYRUS BEEDE, U. S. Indian Agent.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876. Front Page.

Answer to Questions.
Mr. H. M. Pettingill, of Peoria, Illinois, writes as follows, and as his questions may interest others, we answer them publicly.

1. There are excellent mill and dam sites along the Walnut, that can be leased or purchased very reasonably.

2. We have two mills at this place. One a water power saw and grist; the other a steam saw and grist mill. Both are doing a good trade.

3. There are two grist mills at Winfield, one at Dexter, one at Lazette, and one for corn grinding at Silverdale. All in this County.

4. The nearest Railway station is Wichita, and is fifty miles distant. There is a daily stage and mail between Wichita and this place, traveling via El Paso, Nenescah, and Winfield to Arkansas City.

5. The Railway prospects of Cowley County are as good, if not better, than any County in Kansas; and we expect to have a road built and in running order before the next two years.

6. The "nearest mill" from the places we have mentioned, are but a few feet from the center of the towns. Enterprise in the West doesn't permit the hauling of grain twenty miles to a mill, as it used to in the East.

7. Immigrants are coming in every day, and the country is rapidly settling with an intelligent and industrious class of people, from almost every State in the Union.

8. There are good schoolhouses in almost every School District, and there are nearly 150 Districts in the County.

9. Land can be purchased at from $3 to $20 per acre, according to location and improvements. Timber land at $15 and $25 per acre.

10. Our only fuel is wood, the market price of which is $4 per cord, delivered to your door.

11. Arkansas City has a population of about 500 when the last census was taken.

12. The Arkansas River at this place affords one of the best water powers we have seen in the State. There is a low tract of land between it and the Walnut River, that can be cut through at a comparatively small expense, for one mile, that would unite the two streams and give a fall of fifteen feet.

13. The Arkansas River is navigable as far as Ft. Gibson, and the recent exploration by Capt. Barnes, and his party, proved it could be navigated as far north as this county. A test is being made at the present writing.

14. The farms raise enough wheat for their own flour and frequently have from 500 to 2,000 bushels to sell.

15. This is a good corn country. It sells for fifteen cents per bushel.

16. Government land can be pre-empted at $1.25 per acre. There are hundreds of vacant tracts of good upland prairie to be had at the Government price.

17. There is no Homestead land in Southern Kansas, and Land Warrants are not received in payment for land.

18. Money loans readily at the enormous rate of 25 percent, per annum, on the best of security. The legal rate of the State is 12 percent.

19. Town lots vary from $5 to $300 each.

20. The Arkansas is bridged at this place. Also at Oxford, El Paso, and Wichita.

21. Coal has been discovered in the eastern part of the County, and in the Indian Territory south of us.

22. It is four miles from this place to the Territory line.

23. You will find the people of Cowley County a sociable, industrious, and educated class, that will be glad to receive any and all of the same kind that may determine to make their new home with them.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

Recap: A. D. Keith wrote from Geyserville, Sonoma County, California (close to San Francisco) stating that when railroad extension was completed in the spring, it would take three hours to reach San Francisco. He was trying to organize a Presbyterian Church: only one other family in area of his faith. He thought the society where he was living was demoralized: more Democrats than Republicans. He stated that he had six acres of level land and about sixty acres of mountain; a fair orchard; a splendid vineyard and spring up in the mountain with water carried into the house through pipes and also into the hotel, for which he got $60 a year. He stated he was busy planting peas, beets, lettuce, radishes, cabbages in his garden. He had wheat and alfalfa. He still had tomato vines in bloom as well as pumpkins and squash vines. He had dug up the cucumber vines as he wanted ground for other crops.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

About two hundred and twenty-five miles from Pawhuska, in a southeastern direction, is Ft. Smith, located on the Arkansas River, near the southeast corner of the Cherokee, and the northwest corner of the Choctaw Nations, but in the State of Arkansas.

To this place the inhabitants of this Territory go to attend the United States District Court. The Cherokees, Choctaws, Seminoles, Chickasaws, Creeks, Shawnees, Delawares, Osages, Kaws, Pawnees, Comanches, Arapahos, Kiowas, Cheyennes, and others, educated or uneducated, are compelled to attend court at this place, unknown and uncared for by those who are able to help them, and submit to trial by a class of whites who, in some instances no doubt, are too much prejudiced against the interests of their neighbors of the Territory to be able to do them justice.

The law-making power of the United States should establish a court in this Territory at which the Indian inhabitants could feel at home and with friends. When this provision shall have been made, even though there is no perceptible difference in the enforcement and execution of the law, its effect upon the minds of an uneducated people will be much more satisfactory, and the feeling of distrust that now exists will rapidly disappear. Indian Herald.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

Editor Traveler:

Sunday, while my wife and I were visiting Mrs. Deweese, who is sick, a fire broke out in an old board leech in which we keep ashes. We took up some ashes the night preceding the fire in an iron vessel, which the next morning my wife emptied into the leech, and it seems there was fire in them. It caught on a board, and reaching some dry grass and weeds, ran from these to the stable, burning stable, sheds, hog pen, hen house, a large straw stack, and about ten tons of hay; my cow, one horse, three hogs, one set of harness, a plow, and a number of other small articles. My thanks to Messrs. Passmore, Chaffee, and Bowers for saving my house and what little else I had. Loss about $300: hard on the poor.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

Another Murder in the Territory.
Editor Traveler:

On the morning of the 29th of November, I received word through a Mr. Harris, who was in charge of a bull train resting near this place, that there had been an old man killed on Turkey Creek, some ten miles above my ranch, and that he thought the body was secreted in the brush along the stream.

In company with Mr. Harris, I started out to investigate. Riding up Turkey Creek until we found the trail of the wagon, to which it was supposed the old man belonged, we took the back trail, as the party had come from Medicine Lodge, on the Dodge trail, and traveled south. We followed it some two miles, when, riding up on a high mound, we discovered in the bottom about 30 head of ponies quietly grazing, which filled the description (Harris thought) of the stock belonging to the supposed murdered man. Upon following the wagon trail to the crossing of the creek, we found the camping ground of the party, and the feathers of a turkey, which Mr. Harris had learned they had killed.

Everything as discovered confirmed the suspicion that there was wrong somewhere. We commenced search, but seeing a band of Indians along the stream below us (and not knowing but they might be "friendly Osages" who would beg tobacco of us), we rounded up the ponies that were scattered over the bottom, and started for the ranch.

After we had traveled about four miles, we saw two Indians coming behind us at full speed, and I rode back to meet them. When they came near, I saw they were Sac and Fox Indians. To the inquiry as to what they wanted, they replied in broken English: "See white man, deadsquaw find him," etc. Leaving Harris to take the stock to the ranch, I turned back with the two Indians, who said they would guide me to the dead white man.

Just as we descended into the bottom, after a ride of four miles, the sun was setting. A cold wind from the northwest blew in our faces, and the tall waving grass made specters of the long shadows that fell across our path as we sped along. Turning a bend in the stream, we passed down a steep bank into the timber, and I found myself in the midst of the Indian camp, where everything was in confusion. At a word from one of my guides, they all uttered something which was unintelligible to me, but quiet was restored. My guide, dismounting, signaled me to do the same, saying, "Come." Then on foot I followed the Indian, who went stooping and dodging through the brush some four hundred yards, when he halted, and pointing ahead, said, "See;" and in the growing darkness I beheld the body of a dead man.

Upon approaching the body, I found it to be that of a man about fifty years of age. He was lying upon his back, his right arm across his breast, and his left arm thrown out; had been shot with a shot gun, the charge entering the left side of the face, and many of them coming out on the right side around the ear. The left pocket in his pants was wrong side out, showing that he had been searched.

Returning to my pony, I mounted and rode to my ranch, where I was told that some soldiers had arrived that evening on their way to investigate the matter, and were camped in the sand hills. They had got word at the Agency of the murder.

Yesterday morning four soldiers came to the ranch, with Ben Clark as guide, and together we rode to the scene of the murder, finding the body as I had left it the evening before. A young man the soldiers had brought from Cheyenne with them identified the corpse as an old man who had employed him to help him through to Texas with some ponies; that the old man was the owner of the stock I had taken the day before; could not tell the man's name. The body was searched, but nothing could be found to throw any light on identity. Some wild animal had eaten away part of the flesh from the face of the corpse. A grave was dug, and the old man buried from sightno friend or kindred near to shed a tear over his remains. An ash tree at his head marks his last resting place.

The soldiers took charge of the stock, and started for Reno this morning. The cause of the murder is not yet fully known, but the murderer is thought to be a young man in the old man's employ, who has fled south, and of whom they are in hot pursuit. The murder was committed on the night of November 24th, and the body had lain five days. When more light is obtained upon the deed, I will write again. D. W. JONES.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The farmers are busily engaged in hauling wheat to Wichita and freighting to the Agencies.

Mr. Wm. Randall is building a nice frame residence on Mr. Channell's farm which, when completed, will be a credit to the Township.

W. H. Dickinson, the earliest resident of Bolton, is adding greatly to the appearance of his farm. Mr. Dickinson has the best selection of fruit and forest trees, grape vines, and evergreens in the county. Take it all in all, "Dixie" is the most desirable place in the Southwest.

Last Saturday was a day long to be remembered by those who participated in the turkey roast and birthday feast at Thomas Parvin's. It is especially remembered with regret by Mr. Steward and another young man, who declined the honor of carving the turkey. The first declined on the ground that he was "too hungry to accept the position." The second declined under the pretense of being left handed. They will never decline again. The dinner was given to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of Thomas Parvin's birth.

Bolton has six schools, consisting of 186 students. Five of the schools have female teachers, and one is male. Our township is better supplied with zealous, energetic teachers than ever before.

Mr. L. C. Norton's house is now occupied by a family from Minnesota, who have moved in this district in order to be benefited by the school.

Polk Stevens sold his farm to S. P. Channell for $800. Polk contemplates moving into the Indian Territory and starting a ranch.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

Father Hollenbeck has made his assertion good, and left the country to take up his abode with the Indians at Cheyenne Agency.

Mr. John Stauffer and wife, of Sumner County, were down visiting their parents last week.

Mr. Ed. Burnett desires to have the party who borrowed his portable well bring it back. Mr. Burnett also wants six pitchforks and seven sacks returned to the place from which they were taken.

Singing and spelling schools are successful so far. C. C. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. C. R. Sipes. Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Mrs. Wm. Benedict.

Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. J. Breene, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Mrs. T. Mantor, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Miss F. Skinner, Mrs. S. P. Channell, W. H. Gray, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Al Mowry, Mrs. James Benedict, L. C. Norton, I. H. Bonsall.

Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Wm. Newton.

Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Mrs. I. H. Bonsall, Miss M. Houghton, Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, O. P. Houghton, Miss Bowers, Kate Hawkins, Miss Lizzie Ela, J. H. Sherburne, T. R. Houghton, Mr. Ela, J. C. Topliff.

Mrs. S. B. Fleming, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. W. S. Ela, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. O. Bird, Mrs. B. W. Sherburne, Mrs. E. Parker, Mrs. M. Marshall, Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mrs. T. H. McArthur, Mrs. M. Peede, Mrs. Hartsock, Mrs. Anna Guthrie, H. P. Farrar, J. I. Mitchell, C. R. Sipes.

Mrs. J. Alexander, Mrs. V. Hawkins.

Mrs. E. D. Eddy, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Miss M. Greene, Miss A. Mantor, Miss Delia DeMott.

Mrs. W. J. Mowry, Mrs. Wm. Coombs, Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. L. Theaker, Mrs. W. Packard, Mr. A. A. Newman, Mrs. R. L. Marshall, Dr. Shepard.

Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Prof. Bacon, Mrs. A. A. Newman, W. D. Mowry.

Ed Thompson, Mrs. R. C. Haywood.

Miss M. Mitchell, Miss A. Norton, Miss May Benedict, F. Hutchinson.

J. W. Hutchinson, J. J. Breene, A. O. Porter.

R. C. Haywood, R. A. Houghton, E. D. Eddy.

Mrs. Dr. Hughes, O. C. Skinner, E. D. Eddy.

J. D. Guthrie, Wyard Gooch.

C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, E. G. Gray.

Admission fee one pound or ten cents.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

CONGRESS is in session!

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

WINFIELD has a fire extinguisher on wheels.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The charades at the Festival will be comical.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

MORGAN & COWGILL are making sausage by the tub full.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

COWLEY is the best watered and timbered county in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

FINNEY's sorrels and Walker's bays were in demand last Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

J. K. STEVENS traded his farm of 150 acres to S. P. Channell for about $1,800.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The annual payment of the Kaw Indians was made at their Agency last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The money will be refunded in case the Real Estate Distribution does not come off.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The five percent penalty on unpaid taxes will be made one week from today, Dec. 20th.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

HOLLOWAY's experiment with the hog was a failure. The jig is now up, and the pig has expired.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

A gentleman was in town yesterday to rent a building for the purpose of opening a $4,000 grocery store.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

T. K. MONGER, of Indiana, made us a call yesterday. He comes every year or two to see the Sunny South.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

10,000 bushels of wheat left this place yesterday morning for Wichita. Henry Pruden had 70 on his wagon.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

SATURDAY, December 23rd, the election to determine the erection of the Walnut River bridge is to be decided upon.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

TAXES. Curns and Manser, at Winfield, will pay taxes for anyone sending a description of their land and 50 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

GOOD HARD WOOD brings $6 per cord in Sumner County. It will be $10 when the cutting of timber in the Territory is stopped.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The officers of the Masonic Lodge of this place will be publicly installed on Wednesday evening, Dec. 27thSt. John's Day.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

MR. NEWMAN started for Cheyenne Agency and Fort Sill this morning, in a carriage. He will be absent about two weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The average market price of wheat at this place is from 55 to 75 cents per bushel, Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin are buying.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The highest price and most stylish foot apparel Al. Horn makes now, is the alligator boot. It is ahead of anything on the carpet.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

MR. HENRY TISDALE, of Lawrence (proprietor of the Southwestern Stage Line), was in town Thursday evening and Friday morning, of last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

RUDOLPH HOFFMASTER has reopened his blacksmith shop on Central Avenue, and has employed a good blacksmith to help him. Both are good workmen.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

A meeting will be held at Parker's Schoolhouse, on Thursday evening, Dec. 21st, to complete the purchase of the burial ground known as Prairie View Cemetery.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

JOSEPH DISSER has arranged a new shoe shop one door south of J. I. Mitchell's, where he will be glad to have his old customers call, and new ones come in to try him.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

A gentleman writing from Salt Lake, asks the editor of the Indian Herald, published at Osage Agency, whether the paper is edited by half- or full-blood Indians. That's tough on Doc. Dougan.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

MR. REYNOLDS, the gentleman who came from Ohio and stopped in town for a short time, has purchased a farm one mile south of Salt City, and is building one of the finest residences in that section.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

MAN SHOT. The freighters returning from Wichita bring the statement that a man was shot on "Four-Mile Creek," last Friday morning, by a man giving his name as Horneman, who lives on Rock Creek, north of Winfield. The night before, it is said, he who did the shooting stole ten sacks of wheat from Dwyer, while they were encamped on Bitter Creek. Dwyer missed the wheat in the morning, and started in pursuit of the man, overtaking him at the creek, four miles from Wichita, where he endeavored to stop him, and after a few words, the thief got his shot gun and shot the man in the face. He then unhitched his horses and fled. An account of the affair was carried to Wichita, and the Sheriff of Sedgwick County is in pursuit of the murderer. The man shot is not seriously wounded.

LATER. Horneman, the man who shot Dwyer, of Grouse Creek, was caught by Deputy Marshal Jones, near Douglass, and taken to Wichita to stand trial. Many of our readers will remember him as the storekeeper on Rock Creek during the early settling of this county. It seems he stole ten sacks of wheat from Dwyer, and three sacks from A. W. Patterson, and was trying to get to Wichita with them when Dwyer overtook him and asked him if he did not have some of his wheat. Horneman said: "Well, what are you going to do about it?" Dwyer replied, "When we get to Wichita, I'll have you arrested." Just then, Horneman took up his shot gun and fired on Dwyer, the charge grazing his face. Dwyer then fled and Horneman followed him some distance, trying to get another shot at him. Thinking there would be trouble, he left his wagon and ran away with the horses. The load of wheat was taken to a house near by, and guarded, and the same night Horneman came back and was in the act of hitching his team on when Jones, the Marshal, halted him. He then ran away, leaving his horses, gun, and hat. The horses were put in the stable, but during the night the thief came back and stole them, and started toward Douglass, where he was afterwards caught.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The singers in Bolton Township met Monday evening at Lorry's Schoolhouse, for the purpose of instructing themselves in music and general improvement.

While everything was serene, J. M. Jordon struck one of John Dean's boys, and then went to the door of the schoolhouse, declaring he could lick any man in the house.

Bob. Wood happened to come, not with any intentions of fighting, however, when Jordon laid him out.

Chet. Ward came soon after and endeavored to have all noise and trouble cease, when he got a lick from the same man. Chet. didn't want to fight; but when he had such a pressing invitation, he let loose the arm he swings the sledge with and Jordon fell down, but scrambled up again in time to get another blow from the same sledge arm that had got up a kind of perpetual motion. Jordon jumped up and down eight times, our informant says, before he was satisfied that he had tackled the wrong kind of an infernal machine.

Some of the bystanders endeavored to interfere, and came near having a general row.

Bolton Township is not a place for quarrels, generally, but something must have been in the air for once. We give the statements just as we received them, and do not know if they are entirely correct.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

There is one noticeable feature in Arkansas City every Sunday, and that is all the boys are off of the streets except when they are going to or from Sunday school. This speaks well for the parents of the children as well as for the boys. No young person can afford to grow up outside of the Sunday school. Every parent and guardian should make an effort to secure the advantages of the Sunday school for those under them. It is there the young mind is instilled with the principles of truth and religion never to be forgotten when the trials and changes of life demand the attention. Boys, take advantage of the opportunities offered.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

Two of our townsmen had an animated political discussion yesterday morning, when one said something about Grant should be assassinated. The other called him a coward, and the party of the first part called him a liar. The party of the second part then ordered him out of his office, and the first party refused to go. The second party then tried to put him out and a tough scuffle ensued before the parties were separated.

Moral: If you will talk politics, don't get mad.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The last Quarterly meeting for this (Arkansas City) charge, in the interest of the M. E. Church, will be held at the M. E. hall on next Saturday and Sabbath.

Quarterly conference on Saturday at 2 p.m., and services commence at 10 a.m. Sabbath. There will be preaching on Saturday evening. Elder Pye presiding. All cordially invited.

J. J. WINGAR, Preacher in charge.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

There will be a grand festival and supper held in the interest of the M. E. Church on New Year's evening, at Arkansas City. Proceeds to be applied to aid in the building of the M. E. Church, now in course of construction in this city. Full programme will be published next week, and committees notified. By order of M. E. Church.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

C. M. Scott. Please give notice that on the first Saturday there will be an election of officers of County Grange at the courthouse in Winfield. We desire that there may be a general attendance, as there is business of importance to transact. Come in full regalia. A rehearsal of the secret work will be given by the State delegate. J. O. VANORSDOL, Master.

FLORAL, December 11, 1876.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

MR. M. E. WELCH, of this place, desires to contract for any church, house, or barn that may be built in Cowley or Sumner counties. Mr. Welch is a thoroughly reliable and expert workman, and can do as good work in his line, for as little money, as any man we know of. He is now engaged in building the new church at Winfield. Try him.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

KEFFER says he did not set the fire out in South Bend last Saturday, but found the man who did, and made him pay $5 for damages. The fire destroyed considerable property, burning Mr. Hydes' 40 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of corn, hay, and stable, Shuster's hay; and some hay of Tucker's was burned. Mr. Lewis lost his stable, hay, and corn.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

That portion of Beaver Township lying west of the Arkansas River, composed of about twenty quarter sections of land, boasts of raising the best corn in Southern Kansas. They also have over 1,300 acres of wheat sown, have a fine schoolhouse, and the general appearance of the farmers indicates that they are in a prosperous condition.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

HON. WM. P. HACKNEY, one of the most noted lawyers in the Southwest, and the most efficient Legislator Cowley County ever had, paid us a flying visit Monday morning. It was Hackney's speech that did the work in Rock Township, at the late election.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

CHARLEY LYONS, the man who was reported wounded at Elm Springs ranch, turned up all right last Thursday at Salt City. He did not know that he had been wounded until he saw an account of the affair in the papers. It was another Lyons.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

An attempt is being made to organize a Dancing Class for home amusement and improvement, this winter. Professors E. J. Hoyt and Ide will conduct it. The gentlemen will be required to learn first and the ladies afterwards.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The people in Bolton and the neighborhood of Slate Creek have raised a subscription to bridge Slate Creek where the Wichita road crosses. This will give Bolton a good road to Wichita, on the west side of the river.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The other side of the Bolton fight is that some boys were trying to break up the school, when Jordon punished them. Both sides agree Chet. Ward was not to blame, and did not fight until after he had been struck.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

A cheap jewelry man "took in" some of the residents of this vicinity last Saturday by selling goods and giving their money back, and then by selling more and "lighting out," without giving the money back.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

Brick Laying or Stone Work.
M. E. WELCH, Arkansas City, Kansas, desires to inform the people of Cowley and Sumner counties that he is prepared to contract for and build Churches, Houses, and Barns of any description. Best of references given.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

NOTICE. Please call at once and settle your account. I will take corn or wheat.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

WE WILL RECEIVE AND PAY TAXES for parties in Creswell, Bolton, Beaver, Silver Dale and Spring Creek Townships at the office of C. R. Mitchell in Arkansas City.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

From Utah Territory.
[From the Indian Herald.]
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, October 27, 1876.
W. McKay Dougan & Co.:

I wish to ask a few questions to be answered in the Herald. 1st. Is the Herald edited by half or full blooded Indians?

2nd. How far is Pawhuska from the western boundary of Missouri and Arkansas?

3rd. Is your Territory governed by whites or Indians?

4th. What is the prevailing religion? Or, are all religions tolerated?

5th. By whom are your churches and schools kept up?

6th. How many newspapers are published in your Territory? And by what Nations and where?

7th. Are the Indians of your country self supporting?

8th. Have you regular mail facilities?

Very Respectfully,
F. KELSER, Bishop.

1st. By whites.

2nd. About 80 miles.

3rd. We have no Territorial government, but the several tribes or Nations make their own laws for local governments.

4th. There are Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, Friends, and Baptists here, and there is nothing, either in the government or disposition of the people, to preclude any

religious order the full enjoyment of its rights and privileges.

5th. By the people of the five civilized tribes of the east, and by the Government of the blanket Indians of the west.

6th. Five.

The Advocate by the Cherokees at Tahlequah.

The Journal by the Creeks at Okmulgee.

The Vindicator by Doctor J. H. Moore, of the Choctaws, at Atoka.

The Star by G. McPherson, a white man, at Caddo.

The Indian Herald, of Pawhuska.

7th. The civilized tribes of the east are self-supporting and advancing in the arts and sciences, while the blanket Indians of the west have to be partially supported.

8th. Yes; but not enough of it.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.

The Osage annuity payment is yet to be.

Osage braves and warriors shave their heads.

The Pawnees think the Bad Spirit is in their sod houses.

The Kaws have agreed to quit choking horses over their dead.

John Jumper, chief of the Seminoles, is a minister of the gospel.

Fourteen of the Sac & Fox Indians have been recently converted.

Osages think that toothache is pain caused by worms eating the tooth.

A Choctaw woman, a full blood, is President of a missionary society.

Osages mourn the death of relatives or friends for the term of one year.

Cana half breed Osages are coming in to receive their annuity money.

Rev. Daniel Rogers and wife are appointed missionaries to the Cherokees.

Pawnees destroy their best made lodges in their efforts to route the Bad Spirit.

Before the break of day, the cries of weeping Indians may be heard for miles.

The native Indian preachers of this Territory are preserving in a noble work.

Everything is quiet in this section of the vineyard, but Kansans of the border shed blood.

The Governor of the Osage Nation says that his children are suffering for the want of food.

Osages wear roaches on their heads and think that a long growth of hair would be followed by baldness.

Osage women wear long hair and refuse to part with even a "lock," except when at a funeral or in battle.

Osages spend large sums in securing the services of their favorites as mourners in the loss of their relatives.

Osages think that the spitting of blood in pneumonia and consumption is caused by worms eating the lungs.

There is a similarity in the languages of the Sioux and Osages; and the Sioux think the Osages belong to their tribe.

Mrs. Blackall, of Chicago, organized the first Indian Woman's Missionary Society among the women of this Territory.

Osages think that the spirits of their white enemies will act the part of servants to them in the happy hunting ground.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum