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Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.
A Peep Over the Shoulder.
This number completes Volume 1st of the WINFIELD COURIER. One year ago it was started to supply a want long felt, not only in the Republican party, but among businessmen of all shades of opinion, who desired a good advertising medium. . . .

The buildings erected during the year just closed have been of the most substantial kind, the most prominent of which we call to mind, the splendid brick Bank building of M. L. Read; the neat Drug house of Maris, Carson & Baldwin; the magnificent flowering mills of C. A. Bliss and Blandin & Covert; the jail and Courthouse; the residences of Kirk, McMillen, and Dr. Graham. These are but a few of the many built during the last twelve months, and they are such as to do credit to any town in the state. Bridges of magnificent proportions span all main streams on the roads leading to town. . . .


Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

One of the saddest affairs we have ever been called upon to chronicle occurred at the town of Lazette, in this county, at a masquerade ball given there last Christmas eve. The chief actors in the horrible tragedy were Winfield Scott Osborn, the victim, and Thomas T. Rucker, the accused, of Lazette. Being somewhat acquainted with the accused, and desiring to give a true version of the affair, we went to the jail and got the story from Mr. Rucker himself, and which runs something like the following.

Rucker was introduced by Osborn to a Miss Della Coates and requested her to dance with him, which she refused to do disguised as he then was (Rucker being masked) and on turning to leave her he encountered Osborn, who said: "What is this game you're trying to play on me?" Rucker replied that he was not trying to play any game on him, when Osborn retorted in an angry and excited manner, "Come out here G__d d___n you; and I'll whip h__l out of you." Rucker told him that he had done nothing but was not afraid to fight; whereupon the pair accompanied by a number of others went outside.

What happened after that the accused very properly refuses to disclose, and only adding that the many wild and exaggerated accounts already afloat will not be believed, but asks the public suspend their judgment until the facts are brought out in a fair and impartial trial.

Thomas T. Rucker, the accused, was born in New Orleans, and was 27 years old last July; he is of medium height, light hair, blue eyes, and has none of that "bully look" generally accredited to persons accused of such a crime, but on the other hand would strike the close observer as a young man who must have had the advantage of good moral training in his younger days. He is well known at Lazette and on Timber Creek, where he bears an excellent character.

Of the murdered Osborn we can say but little. He, we understand, was almost a stranger in Lazette, having come there from Joplin, Missouri. Rucker says he never met him to speak to him until the evening before the fatal Christmas eve.

The prisoner after learning what he had done, no doubt overcome with fear and remorse as well as appalled at the consequences of the bloody deed, attempted to kill himself. In speaking of his widowed mother, who lived at Burlington, Missouri, and how the sad news would affect her, the prisoner was deeply moved and could hardly answer our questions, which shows that he is not at all insensible, nor without feeling. What the Coroner's Jury will show we do not at this writing know, as the result of their deliberations have not been transmitted to this place.


Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

A murderer now occupies the county jail.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

Horse racing is now attracting the attention of our sporting men.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

The Thermometer has never gotten lower than 10 degrees above zero this winter.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

Union Sunday school concert on next Sabbath evening at the Baptist Church.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

This week we issue one day ahead of time to wish our patrons a happy new year.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

Kansas as a grange state ranks fourth on the list. First comes Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois. Kansas has about seven hundred granges.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

Corn is becoming very scarce in the country, which will result in a thinning out of hogs and fattening of cattle. Advanced to fifty cents per bushel. Emporia News.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

Rev. Mr. Rigby baptized his first convert, a young Englishman named Jones, who has been staying with him for some time, in the Walnut River, Sunday before last.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

The regular communion service of the Congregational Church will be held on the 11th of January, 1874, at 11 o'clock a.m. Preparatory and business meeting on the evening of the 10th, at 6-1/2 o'clock, in the Baptist Church.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

It puts a person in mind of old times to hear the mellow tones of the new bell ring out on a Sabbath morning. The bell weighs five hundred pounds and is a fine improvement to our young city.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

By request of T. A. Wilkinson, I would like to state that the bill of T. R. Wilson was credited to T. A. Wilkinson, in the amount of $27.00 of the last commissioners' proceedings, and the Journal Record shows the same not to be T. A. Wilkinson's.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

The bummers of Arkansas City and Oxford attended the dance at Thomasville on Christmas night, and got away with all the odd hats, caps, and coats that happened to lie around loose, and many was the poor country boy who went home bareheaded. They should have had better luck.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

RUNAWAY. Thursday morning a team belonging to J. G. Service, which was left standing unhitched in front of the post office, took fright and started at a lively gait up main street. Turning the corner at W. H. H. Maris', they left the seat in the road, and one horse was picked up, and, Mr. Service went on his way rejoicing. Nobody hurt.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

The Holidays are a good time for the printers. Cake is always plenty and there are always a few who remember the good type stickers. Since our last issue we have received a supply from Joe Lipscomb, who remembered us during the festivities of the Christmas Tree at W. H. H. Maris' on Friday eve. Good boy, Joe. Mrs. Newman also presented the editor with a huge slice of the mountain cake at Masonic festival.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

Yesterday we stepped into the furniture shop of J. W. Johnston, three doors south of the post office, and were surprised to see his excellent stock of furniture of all descriptions suited to this country. We know Mr. Johnston to be a first-class workman, and as he manufactures the most of his stock himself out of the best of timber, anything purchased of him can be relied on as good and durable. He doesn't advertise to sell at cost, but he does sell at terrible low figures.

Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.

Number of Marriage Licenses issued for the year ending December 31, 1873: 88.

The following were issued for the month of December just ended.

F. C. Johnson, to Miss Naomi Bickel.

David Perry, to Eliza Cooper.

J. L. Cottingham, to Adorista F. McKee.

Emma Dean, to Estella Tyner.

John Hanahan, to Isabella Anderson.

S. E. Woodard, to Caroline A. Lee.

Jacob Sharp, to Florence M. Lacy.

Charles Fisk to Olive A. Hunt.


Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Mr. T. H. Benning is in town on a short visit.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

The new county officers take possession next Monday.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

After tomorrow the ten percent penalty is added to unpaid taxes.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Rev. J. E. Platter will preach in the Courthouse next Sabbath, at 11 p.m.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

The citizens of Vernon Township will have a grand wolf hunt on the 15th inst.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

T. A. Wilkinson has a splendid team of horses which he will trade for city property.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

C. M. Scott, of Arkansas City, was in town last Tuesday. He isn't going to Topeka.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Cliff Wood killed five hogs yesterday 221 days old which netted 210 pounds each. How is that?

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Last Friday Mr. Titus dug his potatoes on the Black farm near town and they turned out in good condition.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Allison came to grief by having his pony come out behind in a race with Kimble's horse last New Year's day, a bad beginning for 1874 for Allison.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

We regret to notice that Mr. L. B. Paul has packed up his goods and removed with his family to Independence. Mr. Paul was a good citizen and an enterprising merchant, and his loss is deeply felt by our citizens.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Clint. Arnold has sued William Thurman in the sum of $5,000 to repair a breach supposed to have been made in his character by being called a horse-thief by Thurman; and now Thurman has sent J. C. Bigger to Council Grove to take depositions to prove it on him.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Harry Ludlow, who recently sold out his interest in the Sumner County Press, and who has been in our city with a running horse for the past week, started west on a hunt last Wednesday in company with a number of our sports.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

That weathervane again. And now comes Stewart & Simpson and the Board of County Commissioners, who say that T. A. Rice did not give, donate, or make the county a present of that vane, but that the county paid for it as a part of the contract. Give us a rest.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Horneman, of Little Dutch, had another dance New Year's night, and although the crowd was large everything was conducted in a very quiet and orderly manner which did credit to the management. The cause assigned for the contrast between this and the one previously mentioned by us, was the fact that a different party of Winfielders attended.

Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Every person in Cowley County who can raise enough money to pay half fare is going to Topeka as a delegate to the third house. Our worthy legislator, Hon. Wm. Martin, and his noon-day shadow, Allison, have already taken their departure and they will be followed in due time by W. W. Walton, R. L. Walker, E. B. Kager, James McDermott, James Kelly, and others too numerous to mention.


Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

Wolf Hunt.
The citizens of Vernon Township and vicinity assembled January 5, 1874, for the purpose of organizing for a wolf hunt. D. Hopkins was chosen chairman of the meeting. A committee was appointed to draft a programme for the hunt consisting of Dr. A. S. Capper, E. D. Skinner, and T. Thompson. The place of closing the circle is the northeast quarter of the 16th section of Vernon Township, the boundary lines as follows.

The Walnut River on the east, the Arkansas on the west, the south line of Vernon Township on the south, two miles north of the north line of Vernon Township on the north.

The day designated for the hunt: January 15, 1874. Time of starting at the boundary lines 10 o'clock A.M. The men are allowed to carry fire-arms, but no shooting is allowed inside of the ring. Dogs are not allowed to run loose when the ring is closed. The Chief Marshal gives the signal when the dogs are to be loosed. The proceeds of the hunt to be donated to the Cowley County school fund. T. A. Blanchard is Chief Marshal. There shall be a marshal for each line and he shall call as many aides as needed; everyone having a horn or bell is requested to bring it. The chief marshal shall wear a blue scarf; the marshal on the lines and their aides shall wear a red scarf or ribbon.

A general invitation is extended to all, and a special one to the editors of the Oxford and Winfield papers. By order of Committee.


Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Frank Cox, John D. Maurer, and O. C. Smith, completed their labor, as a Board, last Monday. We have not the time or space to review their actions for the last two years, except to say that, although we have differed with them on some things, yet on the whole we believe that their every action will bear the closest scrutiny of the veriest fault finder. No one will doubt their honesty except he who never drew an honest breath or had an honest emotion. Their ability will compare favorably with the average, and we doubt if other men could have been selected in the county who would or could have done better.

The completion of the Courthouse, securing a splendid jail to the county without the expenditure of one dollar, the successful defense of two vexatious lawsuits, at but little cost to the county, all attest the honesty and faithfulness of the late Board of County Commissioners of this county, and just so sure as time rolls the time will come when the people of this county will be free to acknowledge that the old Board has been foully and maliciously misrepresented.

The new Board enter upon their duties next Monday, under the most favorable auspices. Everything in working order. The affairs of the county shipshape and little to do but hold her "so steadily" for the next two years. We shall deal fairly by them as we have with their predecessors, and we hope that the new Board may prove themselves as able, honest, and efficient as the old.


Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

MARRIED. MANSER - WALTON. Married in Arkansas City at the residence of Amos Walton, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, on Sunday eve., Jan. 4th, Mr. G. S. Manser of Winfield, to Miss Fannie Walton of Arkansas City.

The happy couple have taken up their residence in our little city, amid the best wishes and warmest congratulations of their numerous friends both in this place and Arkansas City. The bride, without resigning her position as a lady, has become a Man-ser.

MARRIED. KELSEY - POLK. Married at the residence of the groom's parents ten miles north of Winfield on New Year's night, Mr. Cleveland Kelsey to Miss Sophia Polk, both of this county.


Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.

DIED. In this city, of consumption, January 7, 1874, William T. Dougherty, in the 33rd year of his age. The deceased had been afflicted for a long time and suffered a great deal. He experienced religion a short time ago and died in the triumph of a living faith. He leaves a wife, and family of small children to mourn his loss.


Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The Kaw Agency. Cuteness of Arkansas City Officials.
A short time ago I had occasion to visit the Kaw Agency and if you will permit me I will give you a few of the observations that I made.

We crossed the state line south of Maple City, and the road led down the little Beaver. Of this stream little need be said, more than that it runs through as fertile and fine a valley as there is in this country of the same size. About four miles below the junction of the two Beavers, the agency is situated. The confluence of the Big Beaver and the Arkansas is something like a mile below. The buildings at the Agency are being built in as beautiful a natural grove of oaks as can be found, it being on a gentle eminence that commands a good view of the surrounding country. Here you can find all that is necessary to constitute a rich and fort_____ [?] country. The soil is as good as can be found; water is plenty. In the Beaver it is as clear as crystal, but the Arkansas presents a rather murky appearance. There is sufficient timber for all demands, also good building stone and within easy hauling distance.

The buildings being erected are three of stone, viz: the mission, the schoolhouse, and the agent's house. Besides these there are several wooden ones already up. The mission is the largest of all, it being three and a half stories high. It is intended for the Indian children's home, as they are to be taken away from their parents and kept here to themselves. The idea seems to be a good one.

Mr. Stubbs, the Agent, whose hospitality we enjoyed, is deeply interested in his work, as his labor shows. He has been among these Indians for the last ten years, and the regard evinced for him by his charges is good proof that sordidness and rapacity are not his characteristics and which have so often been a controlling element in many Indian agents' characters. Notwithstanding the oft repeated saying of many that the present policy of the government was a failure, if it works as efficiently in other places as Mr. Stubbs is carrying it out here, I venture the opinion that the end of Indian difficulties will be seen by the time the present generation passes away. I opine that the hue and cry that is raised by many against the humane policy that is now being tried have expectations not altogether disinterested, could the system be done away with.

There is a store at the Agency belonging to parties who own stores at the Osage Agency. This store is under the control of Mr. Lindsay Stubbs, a son of the agent, whose affability makes one feel at home when he gets down there, though he be among the "red men of the west." Mr. Lindsay is, I believe, clerk, a position he is well qualified to fill. A school is taught here by Miss Thompson, an able teacher from this state, but as the Indians are out on a hunt now, she has but few scholars, those of the employees, and those belonging to the half breeds.

A word or two might be said about the half breedsthat is the way they are taking hold of work; the interest they manifest in sending their children to school; their attendance at church, and their general demeanor shows they aim to reap the benefits of the policy that intends to educate and elevate them, instead of debasing and destroying them.

Speaking of the half breeds brings to mind the facts that S. P. Channell of Arkansas City, was down there at the time that we were, to see one of these half breeds, Fredrick Handy by name, the one that created such confusion among the merchants of the City a short time ago. Mr. Channell, I believe, had better success than did the officials that were sent down a short time before, to decoy this poor untutored child of the plain out of his native fastness into the jurisdiction of white man's law. As the officials exercised so much shrewdness, as they thought, I will relate the circumstances as told to me.

The city marshal and a constable of Arkansas City went to the Agency armed with warrants, summons, and "sich," to bring Hardy to grief before the tribunals at the city. In order to make things work, it was essential that their victim should be decoyed within the limits of the state. To do this, in the morning the two officials started from the Agency, and before they got to Hardy's house, one of them dismounted and gave his horse to the other one to lead, and told him to go to some agreed place, on the line, and he would bring their man there. So he started off towards Hardy's limping, and when he arrived there he told Hardy that he was a cattle man and had a drove of twelve hundred head up near the line which he wished to visit, but was so lame that he could not walk, and he wished to get Hardy to take him up there with his team.

Fred readily consented to go, and drove up to where the official directed. The house where they stopped is situated near the line, and Fred instead of taking his team into the state, left it across the line. They went into the house, ate dinner, and after dinner Fred heard the officer state that the people of Arkansas City would have to give him credit for a great deal of shrewdness, in getting the half breed out of the Territory. But he had no sooner said it than Fred was again free, having crossed over the line at a bound, and that is why the scheme set on foot by the victimized merchants to get this man where they could make him "fork over" failed.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Something for the Taxpayers to Think ofUnequal TaxationOfficial NeglectWho is to BlameFrom Five to Ten Thousand Dollars of Unpaid Taxes.

This year has been a hard one for taxpayers. Owing to the constant drain upon the county for money wherewith to pay the government for the land that is being entered, and to the fact that products are very cheap and plenty, and to the unusual (for a new country) amount of school bonds that have been issued, money is scarce, and taxes high. But the man who lives upon the bare necessities of life is called upon to bear his portion of the public burden, while four-percent-a-month gentlemen who have mortgages upon every alternate quarter of land in the county pay no taxes upon the thousands of dollars thus invested.

It will be remembered that the last Legislature enacted what was called a mortgage exemption law. At once the Attorney General pronounced the law unconstitutional. It is not only unconstitutional but manifestly unjust. The township trustees or assessors of Cowley County met at the County Clerk's office last spring after election and were directed by the County Clerk to tax all promissory notes held on March 1st, 1872. This means mortgage notes also. Very few, if any, assessors obeyed the instructions. At a later date the County Commissioners directed the County Clerk to examine the Register of Deed's books and take therefrom all evidence of individual credits and charge them to the proper persons on the tax rolls. It has just come to light, now that the personal property taxpaying season is substan- tially over, that said order was not obeyed. This is an outrage, and somebody is to blame for it. We are careful not to accuse any man wrongfully. Perhaps the County Clerk can explain this away, but it looks pretty bad.

The records of Cowley County show a mortgage indebtedness of about two hundred thousand dollars. It is estimated that at least one-half that amount is taxable for 1873. Had this amount been assessed, it would have put into the county treasury twenty-five hundred dollars of county money and as much more of other funds. If this amount had been assessed, every other man's taxes would have been lighter. The very men who can best afford to pay taxes have thus escaped. It was a blood stirring sight, the other day, to see a man who had several thousand dollars worth of mortgages in his pocket walk into the County Treasurer's office and pay forty cents of tax.


Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Butter is fifteen cents. Corn is eighteen cents. Eggs are twelve and a half cents.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

A cold one was last Tuesday night.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The new county officers took possession last Monday.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

County Attorney Torrance is expected home next week.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

See notice in another column inviting bids for twenty cords of wood.

NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will accept bids for furnishing 20 cords of wood for the county, to be delivered at the Courthouse. Please make your bids for hard and soft wood of merchantable quality. Bids to be opened and contract let on the 24th day of January.

M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.
Winfield, Jan. 13, 1874.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Ice is four inches thick, and our ice men are shoving it under cover before it melts.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Henry McDorman, F. Rix, and R. T. Wells, of Dexter, brought 14 bushels of wheat to Bliss Co.'s mill which made 43 pounds of flour to the bushel, besides the toll.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Wichita merchants are buying corn and shipping it to Kansas City. No! We don't need any railroad? Corn sells at Wichita for thirty cents. We are told that it brings $1.75 per bushel out on the Medicine Lodge.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The St. Joseph, Kansas and Texas Pacific railroad company has filed their mortgage for record in the office of the register of deeds for this county. It is a pretty lengthy document and looks like business.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The Telegram comes to us this week on time and looking better than usual, neither does it contain the usual amount of insults and dirt. W. E. Doud is now connected with the paper as publisher and editor, and bids fair to improve its character.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The popular opinion, and one which we entertained ourselves, was, that the county owned the jail, it having been built by the city of Winfield and donated to the county, as we supposed. But the new board of commissioners discovered the other day that the city owned the jail and only gives the use of it to the county.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The daily stage line from Wichita to this place is to be changed from the present route and come down the Arkansas Valley to a point about two miles this side of Oxford and then runs into this place and down to Arkansas City. A buck-board will run from here to Douglass.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Sheriff Parker goes out of office with the respect of all who know him. Some prejudice has been raised against him in certain localities by misrepresentation. But James Parker is an honest man, and those who know him have unlimited confidence in his integrity and humanity. Would that we had more like him.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The new Board of County Commissioners met last Monday at the courthouse and organized by electing R. F. Burden of Windsor Township, chairman. Mr. Burden is a careful, prudent, and experienced man. He held the position of county commissioner in Iowa for six years, so that he is no novice. The new board appear to be an intelligent and practical set of men, and bid fair to meet the expectations of all the well wishers of the county.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The wolf hunt in Vernon Township for which so much preparation was made, happened yesterday. Owing to the stiffening condition of the air there were not many outabout one hundred, probably. The brush, ravines, hills, and vales were scoured and ransacked and tested; and in closing the line, it wouldn't close, it was too ragged. Two wolves were frightened into existence and out of sight and that was the whole of it. Nary wolf killed.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Foughty is in courtthe Foughty that the COURIER noticed last fall. He sues one S. A. Moses for libel, damage, five thousand dollars. Moses called him a "lying-son-of-a-b____h" and said he had "stolen corn, and been stealing ever since he came to the county." In his petition, Foughty says he has always borne a good character and that the above language has damaged him to that amount. Perhaps it has (?).

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Captain Dick Walker, the new sheriff, is one of the most popular men in the county. Everybody that knows him bets on him. His personal appearance is strikingly favorable

except to criminals. In form, tall, straight, and well proportioned; in motion, lithe, graceful, and dignified, and to those graces are added an intelligent countenance whose flashing eyes and strong, well turned features at once attract the attention of the observer. In repose grand, in action awfulhis is a happy combination of the powers, arts, faculties, graces, and acquirements of the remaining members of the "ring." With the length of a Johnson, the sinews of a Green, the muscle of a Torrance, the nerve of a Kelly, the bearing of a Fuller, the decision of a Millington, the address of an Irwin, the brains of a McDermott, the brilliancy of a Webb, and the intuition of a Manning, Dick is calculated to get away with the baggage of all the passengers he goes for. Girls, he is not married, but wants towell, you can guess the remainder. His mustache is so ticklish!

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

At a meeting of medical men held at the office of Dr. Egbert, Winfield, on Tuesday, January 8th, 1874, it was unanimously resolved to organize a County Medical Society, and the following temporary organization was effected to carry out the necessary arrangements: Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, President; Dr. D. N. Egbert, Secretary; Dr. T. G. Peyton, Treasurer.

Dr. Nathan Hughes, of Arkansas City, and Drs. D. C. Cram and W. A. Andrews, of Winfield.

It was resolved that the society meet at 2 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday in February, at Dr. Egbert's office, to form a permanent organization. Also resolved that the members of the medical fraternity of the county be respectfully invited to be present.

Dr. W. Q. MANSFIELD, President.
D. N. EGBERT, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

Last Saturday, Deputy Worden organized a Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry in Winfield. There were twenty-four charter members present, fourteen gentlemen and ten ladies. The officers so far as we could learn are: A. T. STEWART, MASTER; J. D. COCHRAN, OVERSEER; N. C. McCULLOCH, LECTURER; J. G. SERVICE, SECRETARY; JETHRO COCHRAN, CHAPLAIN; MRS. SERVICE, CERES; MRS. MARY A. McCULLOCH, POMONA; MISS BURGER, ASSISTANT STEWART.

The next meeting will be held at the Courthouse next Saturday, the 17th.


Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The Beaver grange of the order of Patrons of Husbandry was organized at Thomasville, Cowley County, Kansas, on the evening of December 26th, 1873, by Deputy J. H. Worden. The following named persons paid their fees, took the obligations, and were duly installed into the following offices: W. A. FREEMAN, MASTER; B. F. NESMITH, OVERSEER; Z. B. MYERS, LECTURER; A. K. JENKINS, STEWARD; JAMES DALTON, ASSIS TANT STEWARD; M. S. ROSEBERRY, CHAPLAIN; WARREN WOOD, TREASURER; C. M. ROSEBERRY, SECRETARY; PHILO KENT, GATE KEEPER; MRS. JENNIE WOOD, CERES; MRS. MARY J. FREEMAN, POMONA; MRS. SUSAN DALTON, FLORA; MRS. MARY C. McCULLOCH, LADY ASSISTANT STEWARD.

Other members are J. A. McCulloch, Harvey Dwyer, Jasper Smalley, Mrs. C. J. Dwyer, Mrs. M. A. Roseberry, and Maggie Kent.

After instructing members with reference to their duties, the Deputy closed the meeting.

C. M. ROSEBERRY, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The Board of County commissioners met in Clerk's office. All present.

Resignation of J. W. Tull, of Windsor Township received and accepted and Wm. Fritch appointed to fill the vacancy.

Resignation of H. H. Martin, clerk of Vernon Township, and W. Nixon appointed to fill vacancy.

Resignation of D. C. Onstott, trustee of Ninescah Township and L. B. Walmsey appointed to fill vacancy.

R. Shoen and L. Baldwin were appointed road viewers on A. A. Mills county road to date from Nov. 7th, 1873.

Report on A. A. Mills county road received, and accepted, and the road ordered opened 40 ft. wide.

Report on Wm. Steele's county road received and accepted as far as station 24 as per Surveyor's plat and report.

Report of County Surveyor on the re-survey of a portion of the T., A. & Winfield state road received and accepted as reported.

Petition of E. K. Kouty for Co. road laid over, bond being deficient.

Petition of M. R. Leonard for sec line road. Granted.

Sec line road of W. R. Wadkins laid over under the rule for want of affidavit.

Official bond of R. L. Walker, Sheriff, received and approved January 6th, 1874, amount of Bond $10,000.

Proceeded to take up bills.

Perry Knote, attendance on pauper, allowed. $40.75

Sam'l Khens, for pauper: $28.00

Lyon County boarding prisoners: $113.00

M. Hemingway et al road viewers: $62.00

J. P. Short, office rent: $48.00

Stewart & Simpson, grading: $4.75

E. C. Manning, office rent: $19.00

J. T. Stewart, Sawing wood: $18.00

Shoman & Purcell, court house seats: $297.70

M. L. Read, office rent [claimed $165.00]: $142.08

E. B. Kager, office rent: $30.00

Hitchcock & Boyle, brooms: $2.00

Braden & Burford, stationery: $26.25

Jas. Kelly, office signs: $5.00

H. H. Beck, Road damages: $5.00

Rice & Ray, building outhouse: $85.00

C. M. Scott, Co. printing: $15.25

Jas. Parker, Sheriff: $5.00

Coroner's inquest: $23.10

W. D. Roberts et al road viewers: $16.50

Jas. Parker, repairing chair: $1.00

A. A. Jackson, Co. Clerk [claimed $290]: $190.00

W. W. Walton, Co. Surveyor: $6.00

J. M. Young, Jailer [claimed $10.80]: $7.65

E. S. Bedilion, desk for blanks: $6.25

D. M. Patton et al road viewers: $43.00

A. H. Green, office rent: $7.50

J. W. Johnson, repairing desk: $4.50

T. H. Johnson, office rent: $57.50

H. Chamberlain, treasurer's desk: $50.80

S. Dodsworth, stationery: $149.00

W. W. Walton, Co. Surveyor: $89.76

T. A. Wilkinson, Co. Supt.: $310.00

Jno. Dudley, road commissioner: $14.60

O. C. Smith, gopher scalps; Co. Commissioner: $16.20

T. A. Cowles, gopher scalps: $.80

Jas. Parker, Sheriff: $10.60

J. D. Maurer, Co. Commissioner: $12.40

Frank Cox, Co. Commissioner: $18.40

The following bills were laid over and rejected.

Samuel Khens, boarding pauper laid over: $7.00

E. P. Hickok Co. Supt. rejected: $12.00

McMillen & Shields pauper bill rejected: $19.00

Geo. Millen rejected: $9.22

G. P. Wagner, medical attendance on pauper rejected: $43.50.

E. C. Manning, Probate Judge, office rent rejected: amount not given.

S. Tarrant boarding jury rejected: $9.10

Geo. W. Crane letterheads rejected: $9.00

E. D. Eddy, pauper bill, rejected.

T. A. Blanchard, bailiff, laid over.

G. W. Craine, stationery, rejected.

J. G. Titus, Pauper bill, rejected.

Farrar, Houghton & Sherburne, supplies for pauper Welch, rejected. Endorsed that Cowley County does not feel able to sustain this family any longer.

Ordered that the personal property assessed to James Kelly be transferred on the tax roll to R. W. Waddell & Co.

Jas. Kelly was permitted to withdraw from the files a bill enacted upon filed January 7th, 1874.

E. C. Manning was allowed to withdraw a claim for office rent for probate judge filed January 6th, 1874.

County Attorney was instructed to notify parties who had been ruled for costs on county roads to come forward and pay costs on same.

Board adjourned. A. A. JACKSON, Co. Clerk.

By J. P. SHORT, Deputy.


Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

The new Board of County Commissioners met in the clerk's office.

Present: R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, John Manly, who had been duly elected and qualified.

Moved by M. S. Roseberry, and seconded by John Manly, that R. F. Burden act as permanent chairman of the Board.

Road Petition of Wm. Steele received and granted, the same being in accordance with law.

Ordered that the Sheriff be allowed the sum of $1.33-1/2 each per diem, for boarding and taking care of prisoners until further action in the matter by the board.

E. B. Kager appeared and asked the board to provide a safe for the safekeeping of the funds in his possession. Matter laid over.

The county clerk was authorized to advertise for responsible bids for 20 cords of wood.

Ordered that the county clerk have the sheriff hunt up all the county property that can be found, and invoice the same to said sheriff who shall receipt for said county property.

The county clerk was also instructed to have bolts put on jury-room doors, and sash stops put on all the windows of the courthouse.

Board adjourned until 8 a.m. tomorrow.

Board met at 8 o'clock a.m., January 13th, 1874. All present.

The following bills were presented and allowed.

Joseph Stewart, road damages: $10.00

George Stewart, road damage: $5.00

J. M. Young, jailor: $8.05

A. A. Jackson, County Clerk: $110.10

James Parker: $4.00

R. F. Burden, Commissioner: $10.00

M. S. Roseberry, Commissioner: $8.00

John Manly, Commissioner: $8.00

Bill of G. Black was presented for medical services rendered pauper, and laid over for further information.

Board adjourned to meet again at regular April term.

R. F. BURDEN, Chairman, Board.
M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

RECAP: George D. Appleton, Nathan D. Noyes, John B. Maude, as partners trading under the firm name of Appleton, Noyes & Co., plaintiffs, versus Charles C. Stevens, defendant...Judgment on the first cause of action in said petition stated for the sum of $861.55 after the same shall have become due with interest thereon from and after January 1, 1874, and for the further sum of $246.00 as alleged in the second cause of action, with interest thereon from and after the 7th day of February, 1874, and for the further sum of $11.25 as in the third cause of action alleged in said petition, after the same shall have become due, with interest thereon from and after Feb. 11, 1874, together with the costs of said action, and that the said Chas. C. Stevens must answer the said petition by Feb. 9, 1874. Attachment: Sheriff seized defendant's property: northwest quarter of Section 16, township 33, range 4 east, Cowley Co. Further, Sheriff garnished all bills, notes, accounts, goods, chattels, effects, and property of Charles C. Stevens in the possession or under the control of L. J. Webb and J. C. Bigger, partners as Webb & Bigger. Said property and effects will be sold and applied to the satisfaction of said judgment.



Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.

RECAP: Adam Long and John Long as partners doing business in the name of Long Brothers, plaintiffs, versus Charles C. Stevens, Defendant. Judgment demanded in said petition for $445.74 (with interest from Oct 8, 1873, together with the costs of this action)...defendant must answer said petition by Feb. 9, 1874...Attachment has been issued...Sheriff directed to garnishee all bills, notes accounts, goods, chattels, effects, and property of defendant in the possession of L. J. Webb and J. C. Bigger, partners, as Webb & Bigger, on Nov. 11, 1873. Said property and effects will be sold and applied to the satisfaction of said judgment.



Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

From the Arkansas City Traveler of Jan. 21st.
To the Editor of the Traveler:

In the Dec. 24th issue of your paper you say:

"An attempt was made at the last meeting of the County Commissioners to have the bonds voted to the Kansas & Nebraska Railroad issued to that company. The commissioners however, foreseeing the evil effects that would result from such action, refused to issue them, which course will be sanctioned by the people of the county. We want no bonds issued until we have the road, as it would prevent a transfer to any other company."

As I was acting as the agent of the company in the matter of presenting the subscription book for the county subscription, and as there are several errors in the above item, and as I presume you were honestly misled into making the statement by misunderstandings and misstatements I make this reply.

I will endeavor to correct every error in the above item, and also to so put the whole matter before the public as to allay any suspicion that may have been bred by misrepresenta tion in other quarters. The criticism you make is honorable and the error one you might naturally fall into without looking the question up.

In the first place no "attempt was made at the last meeting of the county commissioners" nor at any other meeting "to have the bonds voted to the Kansas & Nebraska railroad issued to that company." Nor was any attempt made to have the bonds issued to any company, nor to have any bonds issued at all.

Neither is there any "Kansas & Nebraska railroad company" in the state.

Nor did the commissioners foresee any "evil effects that would result from such action."

Nor did they "refuse to issue them."

Consequently, their course will not be "sanctioned by the people of the county."

Nor is it true that "we want no bonds issued until we have the road."

Nor would withholding their issue "prevent their transfer to any other company."

Having stricken the errors from your item there is but little left save conjunctions and punctuation marks.

The company intends to build the road. Their financial agent sailed for Europe on the 10th day of December to negotiate the securities preparatory to commencing work early in the spring. I am advised by letter of such action already taken preparatory to spring work as convinces me that the company is acting and will act in good faith.

I suppose the foundation of the item you published lays in the following facts: Some weeks since, Mr. G. B. Duy, the secretary of the St. Joseph, Kansas and Texas Pacific (late Kansas and Nebraska) railway company forwarded to me the subscription book of the company, with the request that I present the same to the chairman of our county board for his signature whereby the county was to subscribe to the capital stock of the company to the amount of $150,000, and for which subscription the county is to receive an equal amount of paid up stock when the bonds are delivered. In said subscription book are the subscriptions of Butler, Marion, and other counties and townships along the line. Upon presenting the book to Mr. Cox for his signature, he thought that as the company had changed its name since the bonds were voted and as there seemed so little probability of its compliance with the terms upon which the subscription was authorized and the bonds voted, that, first; the county was not held to the contract because the name of the company was changed; second, that the subscription would be followed by the issue of bonds, which would be an additional expense to the county of about one hundred dollars, and which amount would be lost in case the road was not built.

At a meeting of the county board shortly after the subscription book was presented to Mr. Cox, chairman, for his signature, the question of making the subscription was brought up again to ascertain if the board entertained the same view of the matter that its chairman did, and a majority of the board decided that if the railroad company would contract to pay the expense of the two elections already held and for issuing the bonds in case of its failure to build the road according to contract that the chairman would make the subscription and issue the bonds.

Now let us see whether the chairman was right in refusing, or whether the company was right in demanding that the subscription should be made.

On the 15th day of April 1873, an election was held in Cowley County upon the question of subscribing to the capital stock of the Kansas and Nebraska railway and issuing bonds therefor.

On the 18th day of April 1873, the board of county commissioners met at the county seat and canvassed the votes of said election and declared at the end of said canvass "that there were eleven hundred and sixty-five votes cast for the railroad stock and bonds and eight hundred and seventy-four votes cast against the railroad stock and bonds, and that there was a majority of two hundred and ninety-one of the votes cast at said election "for the railroad stock and bonds," and in favor of said proposition. Thereupon it was determined and declared by the board that said proposition voted upon at said election had been adopted. And it was further ordered by the board that the chairman of said board be and is hereby instructed and authorized to subscribe for fifteen hundred shares of the capital stock of the Kansas and Nebraska railway company and issue the bonds of said county for the amount of said subscription!"

This is the action of the county board immediately after the election; and had the subscription book been here at the time the chairman would have subscribed the stock according to the above order.

Why did the commissioners make the order? Because the law required it.

By reference to the act under which said election was held we find in session laws of 1872, page 114, as follows:

* * * That if the proposition voted for be to aid in the construction of a railroad (either by donation thereto or the taking of stock therein) or other work of internal improvement, that the proper officers of such county, city, or township shall at once subscribe upon the books of such railroad company, specifically setting forth the conditions upon which such subscription is made, the amount of such donation thereto, stock taken therein, or bonds voted therefor.

Sec. 11. That if the proposition for which bonds were voted be to aid in the construction of a railroad, or any bridge or other work of internal improvement, either by donation thereto or the taking of stock therein, then upon the subscription being made therefor as hereinbefore provided, the officers of such county, city, or township [shall thereupon issue the bonds of such county, city, or township] for the amount of such subscription, and shall forthwith deliver the same together with the original or a copy of the subscription setting forth the terms in full, to the treasurer of state, which said bonds shall be held by the said treasurer of state in escrow until the conditions in the terms of said subscription to such railroad or other work of internal improvement shall be in all things fully complied with; thereupon the conditions of the said subscription being in all things fully complied with, then the treasurer of state shall deliver such bonds to the parties entitled thereto, who shall have the same registered as hereinafter provided: Provided, That such bonds shall not bear interest or be negotiable until after the delivery and registration thereof; And provided further, That in case of a failure to comply with the conditions in the terms of such subscription then such bonds shall be by the said treasurer of state canceled, and redelivered to the county, city, or township issuing the bonds."

Thus reads the law. Thus read the law when the vote was taken. Every voter should have known the law at the time of voting. It is to be hoped that every man voting in this age and country votes intelligently.

The proper officer to make the subscription in this case is the chairman of the county board, which subscription should be attested by the county clerk. All this was known to the board when the above mentioned order was made. Now, what are the terms upon which the subscription was authorized? Here they are.

"That said Kansas & Nebraska railway company shall construct or cause to be constructed and have in full operation within eighteen months from the date of said subscription being authorized by a vote of the legal voters of said county, voting at an election to be duly called and held for that purpose, a railway of the ordinary gauge of four feet eight and one-half inches, and of a class equal to the average of Kansas railways from the north line of said county by way of the town of Winfield to the city of Arkansas City in said county."

Five depots are to be established in the county, two of which are to be convenient to Winfield and Arkansas City respectively. We further find:

"That when said railway from the north line of said county in the direction of the town of Winfield is completed and in full operation to the said town of Winfield and the rolling stock placed thereon one half of said bonds shall be due and deliverable to said Kansas and Nebraska railway company; that when the said railway is completed and in full operation to the city of Arkansas City, the residue of said bonds shall be due and deliverable to said Kansas and Nebraska railway company, the said railway company giving to said county in exchange for its bonds delivered as aforesaid an equal amount in valuation of the full paid up stock of the said Kansas and Nebraska railway company."

These are the terms upon which the subscription is to be madethese the terms upon which it is authorized. Nor until said terms are complied with are the bonds "due and deliverable." The bonds are to be made out and held by the state treasurer until the work is done or the time expires in which to do it. If the work is performed in time the bonds are then delivered, and after delivery they are registered, and they are not negotiable nor do they bear interest until they are registered.

We see therefore that the company has until the 15th day of October 1874 to build the road to Arkansas City. That it is possible for them to do so none will deny. That the hue and cry raised last summer and fall in the west against railroads and railroad bonds has materially embarrassed all efforts at obtaining eastern capital to build western railroads should be born in mind. That the financial panic of the last three months has aggravated these difficulties is also true. That we here should also withdraw our sympathy and encouragement at this time is somewhat embarrassing.

Mr. Cox ought to have made the subscription.

The name of the company was changed to that of "The St. Joseph, Kansas and Texas Pacific" railroad on the 19th of April last by a vote of the directors, as the law prescribes. The corporation is the sameits franchises are as firmly held as under the old name.

The idea of transferring the subscription or the authority to make the subscription to another corporation by a vote of the people without the consent of this corporation and before the time expires in which they are given to earn the bonds is the sheerest nonsense.

The intimation or insinuation made by habitual liars in another quarter, that I or someone else that had no right to them could or would get hold of the bonds and use them is malicious slander steeped in ignorance.

If, in the face of the law and facts, liars will tell it or fools believe it, let them so do. But what man of ordinary intelligence will hazard it by giving credence to such stuff? And what man with any regard for his reputation for truthfulness will stain himself by repeating it?

While upon this strain, I must say, that the vicious cupidity of the scandal swallowing public is amazing. The haste in which falsehoods are seized and swallowed and then half digested are cast out again to be a hundred times seized and swallowed is appalling. No attempt is made to protect by public opinion the most spotless character from calumny's stain. It seems to be forgotten that the strongest safeguard to social order is an intelligent, quickened public conscience; that laws cannot be so stringent as to secure to each his own; that they are but the work of minds, and that minds equally as strong may outwit them. It will not do to justify men in keeping within the law when moral law is violated. A community governed by and living within the law alone becomes a licensed banditti. In such an atmosphere the poor and ignorant are at the mercy of the rich and learned, and popular opinion is the child of passion goaded by the lash of wrong. A people who countenance a public slanderer are nursing a viper that may at any time turn upon anyone that crosses its heedless path.

As for myself, I cannot stop every day to tread upon the vermin in human form that spends its vicious energies in attacks upon me. Several of the maggots that have essayed to devour my body have fled the country or withered into oblivion. A few are spared by an inscrutable Providence to breed and stick. Let them crawl and squirm and bite. Honest or intelligent criticism is worthy of notice. Slanderers, fools, and liars will have their day.

Hoping that I have so put this question of the one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in county bonds that "he who runs may read" please allow me to subscribe myself as a humble reader of the Traveler. E. C. MANNING.


Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

The following bill was introduced in the Senate by Mr. Ingalls and after twice reading was ordered printed.

Section 1. Provides for the organization of the Indian Territory into a Territory to be called Oklahoma.

Section 2. Provides for the enumeration of the several tribes within said Territory.

Section 3. Provides for the manner of forming a general assembly.

Section 4. Provides for the meeting of the general assembly.

Section 5. Defines the power of the general assembly, and prevents the enactment of any law inconsistent with the constitution of the United States and the laws of Congress, or any treaty stipulations with the United States.

The Superintendent of Indian Affairs presides over the general assembly; the judicial power of the Territory is vested in a supreme court and district courts; their present tribal organization is in no way to be interfered with; the Superintendent of Indian Affairs is to be Governor of the Territory. As soon as considered practicable by the Governor, an election shall be held in each of the nations represented in the general assembly for the purpose of determining the sentiment of the people with regard to a survey, sectionizing and allotment of the lands of the several tribes or nations. If such survey meets with the favor of a majority, it shall be done in accordance with the treaties of 1866.

Section 16. Provides that nothing in the act shall be constructed in any way to impair the right or title of the Indians to their land, or any part thereof, nor to annul any previous obligation THE NEXT FIVE LINES WERE CHOPPED UP...LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE PARTIALLY TORN the Nation, that congress is not going to open up the Territory, permitting the whites to rush in and dispossess those to whom the land belongs. Independence Tribune.


Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

He Refuses to Give Up His Railroad Passes.
He Renounces the Republican Party.
And now we have a word to say about Rev. Wm. Martin, the reformers' representative from Cowley County. He made haste to get to Topeka four or five days before the Legisla- ture met to join in a grand rally of the forces organizing to break up the Republican party under the head of what was called "opposition." He signed a pledge to ignore party and adhere only to reform. Railroads and railroad monopolies were the special object of their hate. In the meantime they had all received and accepted passes from the railroad companies. Anthony, who is a Republican, in order to test the mettle of the reformers, introduced a resolution requiring every member to deliver his railroad pass to the Clerk of the House to be returned to the railroad companies. Rev. Martin and seventy-five others voted against allowing the resolution to be considered, thus keeping his passes and acknowledging his obligations to the hated monopolies.

On Monday last, there was a caucus of the Republican members of the Legislature at which there were present seventy-seven out of one hundred and thirty-nine members of both Houses, including Speaker McEckron. This number declared their fealty to the Republican party and pledged themselves to stand by it. Rev. Martin, of Cowley, went into the caucus but formally withdrew from it saying that he belonged to no party. How does this tally with the editorial of his manager, Mr. Allison, published in the Telegram immediately after the election, in which it was said that Martin's election was not an anti-Republican victory, but an anti-Manning and McDermott victory? Martin seems intent upon "busting" the Republican party by abandoning it, and to "bust" the railroads by riding on them free.


Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

The new County Clerk has struck a rich lead. The books and records are in such a condition that no one can make any sense out of them. Errors are apparent everywhere. In one instance, that of the school district at Arkansas City, the bond levy by the Commission ers was nine mills, but the County Clerk put it on the tax roll ten mills all the way through. In the Winfield Township tax roll, many errors have come to light. The State Board of Equalization raised the valuation of land twenty-two and a half percent; the County Clerk raised it only twenty percent. There is a large difference between the amount charged to the Treasurer, and the tax roll that was put into his hands to collect by.

The new County Clerk is so nonplussed by the situation that he has suggested to the chairman of the county board that it would be well to have a meeting of the Commissioners to examine the affairs of the office so as to relieve him of an irregularity, and to give the new incumbent a fair start in the business.

As we said in regard to the mortgage business last week, we are careful not to charge anyone with irregularity or improper conduct wrongfully, but give all an opportunity to explain or defend; but as there has been no explanation to that matter offered to the public, so there may be none to this.

We await future developments with interest.


Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

A fine rain here Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Dr. Hunt has gone to Missouri on a short visit.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

All stock being wintered in this locality looks remarkably well.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Deputy Worden is engaged a good share of his time in organizing Granges.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

The Kimble race horse was badly beaten by a horse from Missouri last Monday.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

There is a proposition before the legislature to remit the ten percent penalty upon unpaid taxes.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Curns and Manser, the real estate men, must be prospering; they appear in a new suit of clothes frequently.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

George Oaks has bought over one hundred stock hogs this winter at three cents per pound gross. His corn fed cattle are doing finely.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

The oratorio of Esther is to be put upon the boards at the courthouse some time next month under the auspices of the congregational church.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Nate Robinson has moved his harness shop into the building formerly occupied by the Telegram office.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Owing to the "stringency of the times," the Telegram has been compelled to move out of its former office to cheaper quarters.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

P. M. Sholl, left for his home in Illinois Wednesday morning, and his landlord wants to know where to send his little bill.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Allison, instead of staying at Topeka all winter as was his intention when he left here, has notified his partner that he will be home in a week or so.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Messrs. Lacy and Newland have filled two ice houses with nice ice. Fisher & Ehret have filled one. Mr. Stewart has not put up any yet, he is waiting for a better freeze.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

T. K. Johnston, the Winfield Postmaster, is the only man heard of in the county thus far that publicly justifies Rev. Martin for refusing to give up his railroad pass. Stick to him, T. K., you brought him out.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Wishing to treat representative Martin fairly we give him credit for voting in favor of remitting the ten percent penalty upon unpaid taxes, for it is true as he says, that our people are hard pressed for money to pay their taxes.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Messrs. Webb and Manning tried skating on the mill pond the other day and broke through. The latter went down to his arm-pits several times in water over his head in depth, but caught on the edge of the ice each time and managed to keep from dying a "stiff cold water man," until Mr. Webb by resolute daring got a board to him whereby he was enabled to get ashore.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

"There is great excitement in Howard County over the county seat question. On the 20th inst. about one hundred and fifty armed men from Boston and vicinity entered Elk Falls at midday and loaded all the county books, records, desks, etc., into wagons and took them to Boston. It appears that Boston had won the county seat by vote, but Elk Falls or the county officers prevented the removal of the records and offices. The county officers give notice that they will continue to do business at Elk Falls."

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Mr. Manning's communication to the Traveler, which we republish this week, is a forcible and complete answer to and expose of the misrepresentations regarding the issue of railroad bonds. We produce the law and terms of subscription as appeared in the original manuscript; whereas the Traveler for want of space left them out. It is not everyone that has access to the law and terms and it is better to publish it all.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

Our fellow townsman, W. W. Walton, was defeated in his race for assistant Chief Clerk of the House. He received ten votes and Mr. Allison of the Telegram received ten votes for the same place, but they were both beaten. Representative Martin supported Allison very warmly, so that it appears that a man can get just as many votes who is a candidate for a position from Cowley County without Martin's assistance as with it. Before the result of the vote was announced, several men had changed their votes, thus making the record show that Allison received six votes and Walton only two.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

T. B. Stevenson, Esq., of Nebraska City, Nebraska, is in the city taking depositions of witnesses before L. J. Webb in a case pending in the District Court of Pawnee County wherein the people of the State of Nebraska are plaintiffs; and Ortigal N. Palmer, George W. Waldo, and Celesta Randall are defendants. The defendants are charged with the murder of George Randall, the husband of Celesta Randall, one of the defendants. The deceased was the son of a citizen of this county, and the witnesses whose testimony is being taken are children of the deceased. The deceased was found dead some months since near his home in Nebraska.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

An Explanation.
Mr. Ed.: I rise to explain. I saw in the COURIER of last week that some person wants to know why the mortgages were not put on for taxation. The statement is true that the County Commissioners authorized the County Clerk to put them on for taxation. Accord ingly, I hired a man to take an abstract from the recorder's office of all mortgages on record the first of March, thinking I should notify the parties to appear before the County Board on their first meeting in January, and when I got the abstract the last of December, I found that a mistake had been made and that instead of showing the mortgages on the first of March, it showed all on record from the first of March to the present time which were not taxable. I then ordered a new abstract and owing to the great press of business in taxpaying, and the time necessary to get up the abstract, my term of office ran out before I could get them.

There have been some decisions in the Supreme Court that decides that any property subject to taxation and not listed can be put on the tax roll anytime before the settlement with the County treasurer in July. Therefore, I presume it will be attended to. Hoping that the above explanation will be satisfactory, I am

A. A. JACKSON, ex-County Clerk.
LATER. Since the item concerning the County Clerk's office was put in type, Mr. Jackson sent in what he calls an explanation.


Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

W. H. SOUTH has bought W. H. H. Maris' entire stock of dry goods, notions, hats, caps, boots, shoes, glassware, and queensware, and will continue the dry goods trade at the old stand of Maris & Co. Mr. South will also continue the Jewelry trade.


Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

The highest market price paid for CORN at the Old Log Store.

Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.

TO RENT. Two bottom farms, well improved, plenty of water and timber. One two miles, the other ten miles from Winfield. Or would sell one reasonable and give time on a part of payments. Enquire at City Meat Market. J. G. TITUS.


Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

From the Traveler.
The delegates of the County Grange meet at Winfield next month.

Fire. Last Sunday the house of Mr. Chaffee, four miles north of town, was totally destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee were absent, and their son tried to light a fire, but could not make it burn. Soon after he started to go to one of the neighbors, when he saw his home in flames. Only a few articles were saved.

Shooting Scrape.
On Sunday January 18th, John Easton, of South Haven, went out hunting when he was met by Eckles, two Ward boys, and Kirtland. Eckles told Easton that he had been telling lies on him about stealing, etc. Easton said that Eckles had stolen and that he could prove it, when a fight took place. Easton had the gun in his hand, and during the scrape it was discharged close to Eckles' head, taking his hat off. This was more serious than Eckles had bargained for, so he quit, and the escaped man had Easton arrested. Easton was released on bail and then had Eckles and the two Ward boys arrested, who are now at Wellington await ing trial.

Mule Team Drowned.
Frank Lorry's mule team was drowned in the Walnut at Harmon's ford last Saturday. Ed. Keho was driving and barely escaped with his life. He did not know the river was up and drove in with the mules checked and straight across the river. After floundering sometime both animals were drowned, but not until they had drifted almost to Speer's mill. The wagon and mules were drawn out and the harness saved.

The law provides that a gauge shall be placed at every ford, indicating the depth of the water, but we never have had one at any of the fords in this township. Soon after the mules were drowned, a wagon with men, women, and children was about to attempt a crossing and were only saved by the warning of John Harmon, who told them of the danger.


Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

CRAINE - LAMB. On Sunday, Jan. 25th, 1874, at the residence of the bride's father, in Rock Township, by the Rev. Mr. Platter, Mr. C. A. Craine to Miss May Lamb.

The marriage was somewhat sudden and took the people by surprise, particularly the boys mentioned in the following.



Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

The Social Club of Arkansas City gave a ball last night.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

S. Varner is putting a fine stone walk in front of his shop on South Main Street.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Col. Manning went to Topeka to attend the senatorial election. Winfield is well represented at the capital.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Cliff. Wood makes pretty good wood. The county has contracted for twenty cords of that wood at $4.25 per cord.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

The Ladies of the M. E. Church will give an Oyster supper and Social in the Courthouse at Winfield, Feb. 4, 1874.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Owing to the uncertainty of transportation between this city and St. Louis, we have been compelled to issue our entire edition this week upon yellow paper.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Last week Mr. Blandin's team got away from him and ran savagely down Main street and brought up in front of Requa & Bing's clothing store. No damage done.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

The sidewalks in this city are "looming up." `Squire Saffold is putting a handsome stone walk in front of one of his lots on Main street. J. P. also put a plank walk in front of one of his lots.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Nearly the entire population of Little Dutch was in town on Monday attending a lawsuit between Messrs. Horneman and Lacy, which was tried before `Squire Boyer. The former got judgment.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Maj. J. M. Crowell, special agent of the post office department, arrested Lafayette Reed at Wellington last week, charged with having abstracted from the mails a draft for the amount of $395.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

The saloon keepers of this city got "up on their ear," last Saturday and went for two drug firms for selling whiskey without license. One firm sold it by the drink and the other by the gallon. Each firm was fined twenty-five dollars and costs.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

The body of Mr. Townsend, the young stranger who died recently at the Hudson House, was last week claimed by his relatives, who paid the bills contracted by him during his illness, as far as they thought right and proper (but refused to be fleeced) and took him to his home in Pennsylvania to die no more.

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

"About as original a proceeding as we have heard of lately is that of the citizens of Boston, in Howard County. As we noticed in our issue of last week, the citizens of that town collected en masse and forcibly possessing themselves of the county books then at Elk Falls, conveyed them to their own city. Finding that none of the officers would follow the books, they took matters into their own hands. The mob established a criminal court, appointed a judge, jury, etc., and proceeded to try each member (amounting to over a hundred) for riotous conduct, the other members of the mob being the witnesses. Of course, all were acquitted and the costs taxed up to the county."

Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

The Board of County Commissioners held a special meeting yesterday for the purpose of examining the condition of the County Clerk's books as left by A. A. Jackson. Although no order was made against Mr. Jackson, yet the Board was unanimously of the opinion that a worse kept set of books would be hard to find within the limits of the state of Kansas. Their examination corroborated the statements made by the COURIER of last week in regard to the matter. The Commissioners decided that the trouble was due more to carelessness and ignorance than to wilful dishonesty, although of course that doesn't exonerate Mr. Jackson from blame. The Commissioners will appoint a special committee to help Mr. Troup, the present Clerk, put the books in shape.


Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Rucker's Lodgings Vacated!!
Worthlessness of the City Jail!!
Wednesday morning last, our city was thrown into a tumult of excitement by the announcement that Thos. Rucker, the Lazette murderer, who had been confined in the city jail at this place since the tragedy last Christmas was missing. The inhabitants of the town immediately proceeded to the jail and soon found that it was no hoax, but a bona fide fact. Scouts were immediately dispatched in every direction, but failed to discover any trace of his whereabouts.

The means by which he escaped are very indefinite. It is generally supposed that some outside party opened the doors and gave him his liberty, although it is possible that he had the tools furnished, and did the work himself. At any rate he has gone and the next thing is to find him, although Sheriff Walker is confident that he will soon have his hands on him, as well as the one who gave him his freedom.

And while he is gone, it would be well if the city council would put the jail in a condition to hold him an hour or so if he should be brought back. A man who has a friend in the world and wishes to get out need not stay in his cell an hour. In the first place, there is nothing to prevent anybody giving a prisoner anything they wish, as the windows have nothing to protect them except some iron bars with space enough between to throw a sledge hammer.

Then again, the jail is at least twenty rods from the nearest human habitation, and the building could be bombarded with a ten pound cannon and the noise would be hardly heard by the citizens at home. The doors are also in such a shape that Rucker could easily have lifted them off the hinges with a crow bar. If some protection was put around the windows and the upper story occupied by a family, it would become more difficult for a prisoner to make his escape when LAST THREE LINES IMPOSSIBLE TO READ.


Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

County Medical Society.
At a meeting of medical men held at the office of Dr. Egbert, Winfield, on Tuesday, January 8th, 1874, it was unanimously resolved to organize a County Medical Society, and the following temporary organization was effected to carry out the necessary arrangements: Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, President; Dr. D. N. Egbert, Secretary; Dr. T. G. Peyton, Treasurer. Dr. Nathan Hughes, of Arkansas City, and Dr.'s D. C. Cram, and W. A. Andrews, of Winfield Executive Committee.

It was resolved that the society meet at 2 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday in February, at Dr. Egbert's office, to form a permanent organization. Also resolved that the members of the medical fraternity of the county be respectfully invited to be present.

DR. W. Q. MANSFIELD, President.
DR. D. N. EGBERT, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.

Arrest of the Murderer of Henry Route, Who Was Killed
In This County Two Years Ago. He Commits Suicide.
Chas. G. Brooks, a Labette County detective, arrested at Danville, Illinois, sometime in the middle of the month, a man named Reuben Bloomfield, charged with a number of crimes, the principal one being the murder of Henry Route in this county about two years ago. Word was received at this place by Acting Co. Attorney Fairbanks to the effect that Bloomfield was in custody and wishing to know if he was wanted here, and if he was not, he would be tried for some minor offense with which he was charged. Mr. Fairbanks told them to bring him along; but in a short time he received notice that he had committed suicide by taking strychnine shortly after his arrest.

We take the following particulars from the Danville Times, which was kindly furnished us by Mrs. Mullen.

"There are a few items in regard to the murder of Henry Route not yet made public, which by the kindness of Mr. Brooks, the reporter, is able to lay before our readers. In April 1872, Route started with his own team from the neighborhood of the Bender murders in Labette Co. in company with Bloomfield, with the ostensible purpose of visiting Cowley County in the same state, where Bloomfield claimed to have some land. Route had a little money and a team, and it was the proposition that if Route liked the land and the price, he would buy it. Nothing was heard of the parties until sometime in May when Bloomfield returned without his companion, but with his team. He said that he had sold Route a quarter section in Cowley County and taken his team in payment. In the meantime he had been in various places spending money freely and leading a dissolute life on the strength of the money, which it is now believed he had robbed of the murdered man.

Time passed away and no tidings came of Route, whose wife yet lived in Vermillion County. Sometime in the summer Route's coat was found on Big Hill Creek, in Labette County, cut and slashed by a knife in several places, together with his hat, but no traces of the body. The hat and part of the coat were sent to Mrs. Route, who identified the hat, and believed the coat from its texture to have been her husband's.

The body was found in Cowley County in July, by a party looking for land. One hand and part of the arm attached, were first found, and it was not until several days had elapsed that the other remains were discovered. These were hauled about the prairie, and the flesh eaten off by wolves and buzzards. Some remnants of clothing were found, which identified the body as that of Route. It is supposed that the hat and coat were brought this long distance80 milesand left as a blind to mislead. The cloud of death hangs over all con cerned. The entire circumstances of the terrible crime will, as a matter of course, forever remain a mystery. Henry Route was twenty-five years of age, and left a wife and two small children.

Bloomfield was living in the country near Danville, and when he was arrested he was not far from his house cutting hoop-poles. When the officer made known his business, he made no resistance, but seemed rather pleased; he said he wanted to go to Kansas anyhow, and wished to know if this would afford him a chance to get there on a free pass, and was told that it probably would if he went with an officer. He then asked leave to change his clothes, which was granted, and it was at this time that he is supposed to have procured the strychnine which he doubtless kept concealed in the cabin. He then told the officers the best route to follow to the city and after kissing his wife good-bye, took his seat in the buggy with four officers. On his way to the city he turned round and took the poison, spilling a portion on his clothes. The Sheriff hurried ahead to a house for an antidote, but before the carriage arrived, Bloomfield was dead.

It is now established that Bloomfield was engaged in building the Bender houseand

arranged the screen in front of which the victims were placed in order to dispatch them, and was an inmate of the house for some months during the scenes of those terrible murders which so shocked the civilized world and made Labette County so notorious.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874. Front Page.

Special Correspondent, "J. K." sent news from Topeka January 26, 1874, re Kansas Legislature. [J. K. is James Kelly.]

The Senate passed a resolution declaring that members should not draw pay for services not rendered; in other words, should not receive their per diem for such time as they might be absent from the sessions. In the House Mr. Boyd, farmer, from Montgomery County, moved to indefinitely postpone it (which motion would kill it) and the motion carried. Martin of Cowley voted "Aye."

The Senate also passed a resolution that members who had accepted free passes from the railroads and whose passage to and from the legislature cost them nothing, should not draw their mileage of 15 cents per mile each way. This was indefinitely postponed in the House on motion of Mr. Potter, reformer, of Coffey County, the farmers and reformers all voting "Aye."

The "Act to exempt mortgages from taxation," as it is called, has been repealed.

A bill has been introduced into the House to create the county of Yates, including that part of the 20 mile strip which is in Butler County.

A bill has also been introduced to create the county of Elk, out of the north half of Howard. It is waiting the action of the House.

The petitions signed by our people praying for an extension of the time in which to make payment for our lands, was put into the shape of a concurrent resolution, and offered in the Senate by Senator Murdock the second day of the session and laid over one day under the rules. The next day it was taken up, adopted, and sent to the House, where it was referred to the Judiciary committee, which committee reported it back recommending its adoption. Since then nothing has been done with it. It might have been adopted in five minutes, at any time, but it seems to be left to float around loose, without anyone to look after it, and today, the fourteenth day of the session, it has not yet been adopted.

Our Representative, Mr. Martin, has introduced a bill to vacate the state road from Nennescah to Winfield. He tried to introduce it under the head of "Presentation of Petitions," and sent it up to the Clerk's desk, but it was returned with the information that it was out of order. Afterward he was more fortunate and succeeded in getting it in. J. K.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

We understand, since our arrival at home, that an effort is being made to have Mr. Martin procure the necessary legislation allowing the Board of County Commissioners to fund, or rather bond, the county indebtedness. We do not believe that the people of Cowley County wish this thing done. Twelve months ago, the circumstances were altogether different. Then we had a Courthouse to build and many thought it necessary to provide funds for that. But now that our county buildings are all complete, we can see no necessity for it. We are very well aware that it would be money in the pockets of a few, for instance, county officials, who have to take most, or all their fees, in scrip. But we are now hopeful that the tax next year, with care and economy, will clear the county almost, if not altogether, of debt. In the present state of affairs we would not favor any bill authorizing the Board to bond the debt without first submitting the question to a vote of the people of the county. And we hope that whatever legislation Mr. Martin secures in that particular will provide that the question be so submitted. We would be glad to hear from our readers on this subject, that we may act understandingly in the matter and take such action as will place the county on the best financial basis having due regard for those who hold the county's "promises to pay."


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

A Card.
TISDALE, KANSAS, February 2, 1874.
ED. COURIER: Will you allow me space in your valuable paper to expose one of the biggest swindlers and one of the biggest swindling associations in Cowley County? The swindler above referred to is Mr. E. P. Young. The association is the Tisdale Town Company. I take this method of informing the public in general of both of them. I do not do this through any malicious purpose whatever. I do it simply because I have been swindled by both of them. Mr. Young is a man of no honor. He has defrauded me out of honest labor. Mr. G. W. Foughty (who, by the way, is Mr. Young's tool in the town company) has done the same. Now I don't intend to accuse these so-called gentlemen or farmers and laboring reform advocates of anything that I cannot prove. I am willing to test what I charge them with before any court of justice in Kansas.

Mr. Foughty has maliciously lied me out of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) worth of labor, and it has cost me a great deal more to find out Mr. Young's honesty and truthfulness (which I found both to be rotten). I would like if E. P. Young or G. W. Foughty would test this thing in some court, and I defy either of them to throw blemish on my character, or I defy them to show as clear a record as I can, before I took up my residence in Kansas. And I want to say this much in regard to one member of the town company, Mr. J. M. Benbrook, the secretary. I believe him to be strictly honest in every respectI have always found him to be so both in town and personal affairs.

It is no wonder that Tisdale does not prosper any better than it doeshow could it prosper with two such swindlers to run the town affairs. Young and Foughty are a majority. They can pass a bill over the head of J. M. Benbrook even if he does protest it, as they did a bill for work which I done myself, but which Mr. Young claimed he had done. Mr. Foughty said he didn't know anything about the bill, but he thought it must be all right, although he knew I had done the work. Now this looks a good deal like honesty for a man to pass a bill that he will swear that he don't know anythinga specimen of the reform partyI think both of these men were sworn to do the best in their power for the company they represent. Now if Mr. Young wanted to do the best he could for the company, why did he not settle with me honestly, as I proposed? I offered to settle with him before a court of arbitration. Now let these reformers and advocates of the reform party come up to time and answer to these few charges. I can prove what I have charged them with. If they are honest men, they will come up and defend themselves. I intend to keep the public posted in regard to this Tisdale Swindling Association. M. G. CROWLEY.

[We have no desire to occupy our columns with personal attacks, such as the above, and would not, under any circumstances, do so now, if the party had not signed his name in full, and we understand him to be a responsible man. And as we have given him space we, of course, will publish any reply that Messrs. Young & Foughty may see fit to make.] ED.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

The ground hog saw his shadow Monday.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

About six inches of snow fell last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

There are twenty granges in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Col. Manning returned from Topeka last Sunday night.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

James McDermott, E. S. Torrance, W. W. Walton, and James Kelly returned home last Monday night.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Mr. C. A. Bliss has the hams of thirteen hogs in his smoke house, undergoing the curing process. We believe that this is the largest lot of hams ever cured at one time in this county.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

A dance will be given at Hudson's Hall on Friday evening Feb. 13th. Good music will be provided, and no pains will be spared to make the affair enjoyable. All are invited. Tickets fifty cents. T. M. CONCANNON, Manager.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Sheriff Dick Walker has a new and safe way of keeping his prisoners. Since the jail has been "broke" so much, he takes them to bed with him. We understand that Mr. Walker will not trust anymore of his prisoners in the jail while the city authorities carry the keys.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Last Wednesday, Manning & Johnson sued James Jordon before Justice Boyer, for attorney fees for the amount of two hundred and fifty-four dollars. A jury awarded the plaintiffs forty dollars, whereupon they took an appeal, and the case will be carried to the District Court.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Last Tuesday Sheriff Walker arrested, on Grouse Creek, Wm. Slater and a man named Bryant charged with assisting Thomas Rucker to break jail last week. Mr. Wm. Slater is an uncle of Rucker's. Before leaving, Rucker gave Slater a deed to his land. Bryant owned up to his part of the transaction, which was the bringing of a horse from Slater's to Rucker wherewith to make his escape. The men were up for a hearing before `Squire Boyer yesterday, but the case was continued until Saturday, when if any charge is found against them, they will be taken to Emporia for safe keeping.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Married. E. B. Kager and Miss Wright.
MARRIED. [VINCULUM MATRIMONII.] One by one the lilies fade. E pluribus unum, ad astra per aspera, sic semper tyranus, Vox populi vox Dei, Erin go bragh, vis unitr fortios vive vale Dum vivimus vivamus, etc.

For the benefit of our readers we will say that the above quotations means that our kind jolly friend, and worthy and efficient County Treasurer, E. B. Kager, has gone and got mar ried. The bright eyes and sunny smiles of Miss Wright of Arkansas City did the business for him. Well, poor fellow, he has been ailing for some time, and his exit from bachelordom was not altogether a surprise to his friends. The young couple have the best wishes of the entire COURIER force.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Fifty-seven grange delegates, being nineteen granges represented by three delegates each (the Lazette grange not being represented), met at the Courthouse in Winfield, on Monday, February 2nd, at 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of organizing a County council. The meeting being called to order Mr. A. S. Williams was made Chairman, and N. C. McCulloch, Secretary pro tem. The Council was then organized and the following officers were elected: A. S. Williams, Master; T. A. Blanchard, Secretary; A. T. Gay, Overseer; W. A. Freeman, Gate-keeper. A. H. Acton of Bolton Township, Simeon Martin of Maple Township, and John Irwin of Rock Township were elected Trustees. A Constitution and By-laws were adopted, a copy of which we are sorry to say we have not yet received. After the matters pertaining to the County Council were satisfactorily settled, they proceeded to choose delegates to the State Council. The following are the delegates chosen: J. J. Johnson of New Salem, B. A. Davis of Silverdale, and Adam Walk of Grand Prairie.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

At a meeting of medical men held at the office of Dr. Egbert, Winfield, on Tuesday, January 8th, 1874, it was unanimously resolved to organize a County Medical Society, and the following temporary organization was effected to carry out the necessary arrangements: Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, President; Dr. D. N. Egbert, Secretary; Dr. T. G. Peyton, Treasurer. Dr. Nathan Hughes, of Arkansas City, and Dr.'s D. C. Cram and W. A. Andrews, of Winfield, Executive Committee.

It was resolved that the society meet at 2 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday in February, at Dr. Egbert's office, to form a permanent organization. Also resolved that the members of the medical fraternity of the county be respectfully invited to be present.

DR. W. Q. MANSFIELD, President.
DR. D. N. EGBERT, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

MARRIED. MUSGROVE. GRAHAM. Married in Winfield January 27th, 1874, by the Rev. B. C. Swarts, of Arkansas City, Mr. J. R. Musgrove, of South Haven, Sumner County, to Miss Lessie Graham of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned and J. C. Bigger is this day dissolved, Mr. Bigger having opened an office in St. Louis, Missouri. I shall continue in the practice at my office heretofore occupied by the firm of Webb & Bigger. The firm business will be carried on by me, and I will collect all monies due the firm and pay its debts. L. J. WEBB.

Jan. 17, 1874.


Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

In Justice's Court before D. A. Millington, J. P., in Winfield Township, Cowley County, Kansas.

George W. Foughty plaintiff.
Perry Chance, defendant.
On the 10th day of January A. D. 1874, said justice issued an order of attachment in the above entitled action for the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) which has been returned served and on the 15th day of January, A. D. 1874, continued said cause for further hearing until the 14th day of February, A. D. 1874.

PRYOR & KAGER, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

The readers of the COURIER will remember that we published sometime ago an intimation that the county records, as left by Mr. Jackson, were in a bad condition, and should be thoroughly investigated.

The County Board, no doubt acting on the COURIER's suggestion, met at the County Clerk's office, and after careful deliberation, concluded to appoint a committee of three to straighten out the records and give the new County Clerk a fair start with the world. They accordingly selected S. M. Fall, of Lazette; Lucius Walton, of Pleasant Valley; and Wm. H. Grow, of Rock; three as good men as the county affords, men of integrity and ability.

The committee met last Monday and began their labors. They had not proceeded far, however, until they came to the conclusion that they had an elephant on their handsseeing that to go over the records from the time the county was first organized would be a summer's job. They very wisely asked the Board to meet and advise them as to their duties in the matter before proceeding any further. The Board of County Commissioners have not met at this writing, so we are unable to tell what they will do. We hope, however, that now that the matter has been commenced, it will be probed to the bottom. The people of this county have a right and they demand to know how their affairs stand. We believe that the COURIER has never yet accused anyone of "defalcation," "corruption," or anything of the kind, and we hope that the gentlemen who have made the records will be able to clear themselves of any corrupt intention. But should such turn out to be the case, the guilty one, be he friend or foe, need expect no mercy from the COURIER.

LATER. Since the above was put in type, the Board of County Commissioners met, and yesterday were in secret session with the committee. The cauldron is boiling. It has been ascertained that Devore, our former county treasurer, is a defaulter to a considerable amounthow much, cannot at this writing be ascertained. J. P. Short, Mr. Devore's deputy, has turned over to Mr. Kager, as near as we can come at it, some $680.00, which he should have turned over with the office in July, 1872. There is also found to be a large amount of scrip afloat which Mr. Jackson's books show to have been canceled, rumor variously estimating the amount of such extra scrip, all the way from $5,000 to $10,000.

Let us look into this matter. Here is say, to strike an average, $5,000 in scrip taken in as county tax by Mr. Short, while deputy for Devore; he presents it to Mr. Jackson for cancellation. Jackson takes the No. and amount and marks canceled on his book, hands them back to the treasurer, who may sell it, thus putting it afloat once more to be taken up at some future time.

Now follows a few pertinent queries: What right had Mr. Short to present these orders to Mr. Jackson to be canceled, until he had marked them "paid" across the face, in red ink, as the law requires?

Then, why did Mr. Jackson cancel these orders if they were not marked "paid?" Then naturally follows another most painful query: was this whole transaction a big steal? Or was it simply negligence and want of knowledge of the law?

We most sincerely hope the latter is the correct conjecture. [We could not get at the exact figures as the committee of investigation together with the County Board sat with closed doors so that we could not get in.]

We hope these gentlemen will think better of this matter, and allow at least the accredited representatives of the press to know what is transpiring. The people who read the papers are the taxpayers of the county and they have a right to know all about it, and will know, let it cost what it may, so long as we run a paper.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874. Editorial Page.

"Mr. A. L. Williams, attorney-general of the state, and Chester Thomas, Jr., of this city, who had been sent to Howard County by Gov. Osborn to settle the troubles down there, returned home yesterday. They went to Boston and found matters there as they have been heretofore detailed in this paper, and after some discussion with citizens of that place, a committee was appointed which went with these two gentlemen to Elk Falls, where, after more talk, it was finally decided that the matter should be arbitrated in the courts, the archives of the county meantime to remain at Elk Falls, the Boston people agreeing to submit to legal process without any resistance of any kind. As this disposed of the matter for the present, the gentlemen above named came home very much pleased that the affair was so well settled, as they supposed. But arriving at Ottawa, a telegram from the sheriff of Howard County informed them the trouble had broken out afresh.

"It seems that an officer went to Boston to secure the books and records, but after the most diligent search failed to recover them, and on attempting to arrest the parties who had removed them was met by armed resistance, the parties alleging that they had been tried once and punished for the offense for which their arrest was sought. The sheriff did not persist, but again sought help from the governor. It is understood that Messrs. Williams and Thomas will return to that county next week, when it is to be hoped a settlement will be had that will bring the whole question into the courts where it can be properly decided. Commonwealth."


Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Attend the ball at Hudson's hall tonight.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Geo. Richmond has a large lot of full blooded Brahma hens which he is anxious to dispose of.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Our people should not forget the concert and play at Arkansas City next Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Robert Thirsk, Esq., of Richland, dropped into our sanctum last Tuesday. But being an active granger, he couldn't fool away much time with us.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

The stage from Wichita has been taking a rest up at Augusta, because the lazy denizens of that place are too stingy to bridge their streams.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

The price of corn is gradually raising. A short time ago it was plenty at eighteen cents while now it is scarce at thirty cents. A large number of cattle have been brought into this county lately and more is expected, which will make corn rather scarce before next Fall.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Joe Lipscomb says it always did amuse him to see a playful horse, but it isn't so amusing when they begin executing double shuffles on the top of his head, like that one did the other day. The doctor sewed up the tracks and Joe now wears a pocket handkerchief on his cranium for convenience.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

TISDALE, Feb. 9th, 1874.
Ed. COURIER: Allow me to say in explanation to a remark I made in my card of last week in regard to Mr. Foughty being a specimen of the reform party, that I had no reference to the Grangers or the reformers of today, but the howling reformers of last fall.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Mr. Barrett, who lives east of town, last Tuesday set fire to the grass near his house for the purpose of burning off a small space, but the grass being very dry, the fire started off with a flash and didn't stop where he expected but went flying across the prairie at a lively gait. A large tract was burned before the flames were checked. No damage is known to have been done.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

It will be seen by reference to the proceedings of the County Council of Grangers that T. A. Blanchard of Vernon was appointed the General agent for this county. Thus far, at least, the Council has acted with rare good judgment. We have known Tom Blanchard almost since the county was first organizedhave been associated with him at various times and places and we know him to be in every way reliable.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Thomas R. Bryan, Esq., of Dexter, gave us a call last Monday and like a sensible, successful farmer, left us $3 for the COURIER and KANSAS FARMER for one year. He also informed us that there is a good prospect for a grist mill on the Grouse River at Dexter. A good grist mill would do well at that place, and is one of the very things our friends at that place need.

Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

David Slater and James W. Bryant, the two men who were arrested a short time ago on the charge of assisting Rucker to break jail, were up before Justices Millington and Boyer last Saturday, for a hearing. Judge T. H. Johnson appeared for Slater, and asked a continuance, which was denied. He then waived an examination for his client, and Slater accordingly gave bail in the amount of $1,500.00, to appear at the next term of the District Court. County Attorney E. S. Torrance dismissed the charge against Bryant, in order to make him a witness in the case. The bail for his appearance as a witness was fixed at $1,000.00, which he has so far been unable to give, and is yet in the custody of the sheriff.


Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

To Grangers.
To Patrons of Husbandry throughout my district, I would say that having been elected agent, I have put myself in communication with the State agency, and expect soon to publish all needed information for your guidance in making purchases. In the meantime talk the matter up and if possible bulk orders for your Grange. We will as soon as possible make contracts with retail dealers in our district of which due notice will be given. All communica tions to this agency to be addressed to me at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

MARRIED. KAGER. WRIGHT. Married on the evening of Feb. 5th, 1874, at the home of the bride near Arkansas City, Mr. E. B. Kager, of Winfield, to Miss Ada Wright of Arkansas City.

Many of the friends of both bride and bridegroom were present, and everything went off in a manner to reflect much credit to the Rev. J. E. Platter, who performed the ceremony, and to Mrs. Wrightmother of the beautiful bridewho feasted the welcome guests with a rich repast, prepared with excellent taste and artistic skill. After the supper, and before the guests had retired from the table, Mr. Platter, in behalf of the friends of the happy couple, presented them with some fine presents as token of friendship and esteem, followed by some very appropriate and fitting remarks. At a seasonable hour, the guests dispersed, and the happy pair took their departure for their new home at Winfield.


Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

Died in this city, February 11th, 1874, of inflammation of the bowels, Dr. D. N. Egbert, in the 29th year of his age.

The death of Dr. D. N. Egbert has cast a gloom over the entire community. He was universally respected by all, and especially beloved by the Sabbath School children, with whom and for whom he has labored faithfully ever since he came to Winfield, some two years and a half ago. He was buried yesterday by the Odd Fellows with very impressive ceremonies. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Platter of the Presbyterian Church.


Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.

County Council.
10 o'clock A. M., Feb. 3d, 1874.
Pursuant to a call of Deputy J. H. Worden, the delegates from the different subordinate granges throughout the county met at the Courtroom in Winfield. The meeting being called to order by the worthy Deputy, proceeded to temporary organization by electing brother A. S. Williams temporary Chairman, and N. C. McCulloch Secretary pro tem. Whereupon the Master appointed the following committees.

On Constitution and By-laws: J. H. Worden, Jos. Stansberry, and Frank Cox.

Committee on Credentials: W. H. Grow, H. H. Martin, and A. Walk.

Committee on Resolutions: T. A. Blanchard, John Irwin, J. C. Vanorsdol, C. G. Handy, and A. T. Stewart.

Adjourned to meet at 1:30 o'clock, p.m.

1:30 p.m.: Meeting called to order by the sound of the gavel, whereupon the committee on Credentials made the following report and declared the following members entitled to seats.

Pleasant Valley grange: Lucius Walton, E. Frederick, H. H. Constant.

Winfield grange: A. T. Stewart, J. D. Cochran, N. C. McCulloch.

Darien grange: W. H. Grow, John Irwin, Wm. White.

Eagle grange: Daniel Grant, Samuel Jay, J. Tipton.

Bethel grange: Jos. Stansberry, John Mentch, Geo. Yount.

Silverdale grange: B. A. Davis, Wm. Butterfield, S. C. Winton.

Beaver grange: W. A. Freeman, Warren Wood, J. A. McCulloch.

Grand Prairie grange: Adam Walk, W. P. Heath, Thos. Cooley.

Sheridan grange: Jos. Burt, H. W. Stubblefield, W. H. Clay.

Vernon grange: A. S. Williams, J. H. Worden, T. A. Blanchard.

Philomathian grange: H. H. Martin, A. H. Beck, John Boyd.

Richland grange: S. W. Phoenix, N. J. Larkin, Frank Cox.

New Salem grange: J. J. Johnson, C. C. Crow, J. C. Baker.

Centre grange: C. G. Handy, Ed Millard, A. T. Gay.

Committee on Constitution and By-Laws made the following report, which was unanimously adopted.

ARTICLE I. The association shall be know as the Cowley County Central Committee of P. of H.

ARTICLE II. The object of this Council is to aid Patrons and persons connected with the business department of our order in buying supplies, in selling, in marketing, and shipping their surplus products, and for mutual consultation and action of all members upon matters that effect their financial interest, and relate to the good of the order.

ARTICLE III. This Council shall be composed of delegates from the subordinate granges of Cowley County and others adjacent thereto, as follows: one for each grange at large and one for each ten members or fraction equal to six, who shall be elected by the subordinate granges at their last regular meeting of the Council in February next following their election, and hold their office for one year, or until their successors are duly elected.

ARTICLE IV. The officers of this Council shall be a Master, Overseer, General Agent (who shall be ex-officio Secretary), Gate Keeper, and an Executive Committee of five, two of whom shall be the Master and Overseer. The Council agent shall be the Assistant State Agent within his council district, and shall give suitable bond to the Executive Committee of the Council for the faithful performance of duty. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the first regular meeting after the meeting of the State Grange in each year.

ARTICLE V. This council shall hold its regular meetings on the second Saturday of each month at 10 o'clock a.m. Nine members shall constitute a quorum for doing business.

ARTICLE VI. The Executive Committee shall have the general supervision of the officers of the Council, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum for doing business, and shall have the power to remove at any time the Council and appoint someone in his place.

ARTICLE VII. It shall be the duty of the Council agent to receive, bulk, and forward all orders for goods, under the seal of the State Agency and upon their arrival see that the same are properly distributed to the parties ordering. He shall levy such percent upon goods purchased, and upon products sold through this agency, as the executive committee of the council shall direct, and at the end of each quarter report the total cash value of such purchases, and, sales to the office of the Central State Agency. He shall keep a correct cash account of all money received and paid out by him as Council Agent and keep his books open to inspection at all times by the Executive Committee, and under their direction make arrangements with the retail dealers and business houses of his district for supplying goods to members of the order. He shall open a stock record, keep prices current from different localities that are deemed of importance, attend to the business correspondence of the Council, and perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or Council may from time to time direct, and receive such compensation for his services as the Executive Committee may designate, subject to the approval of the council.

ARTICLE VIII. Any article of this constitution may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting of the Council by a vote of two thirds of all the members present, provided notice of such change was given at some preceding meeting of the Council.

SECTION 1. Each subordinate grange represented in this Council shall pay to the Council Agent a quarterly due of 25 cents for each delegate.

SECTION 2. Purchasing tickets shall in no case be transferable, but all members of the order shall be entitled to one; all tickets to be stamped with the seal of the State Agency kept in possession of each council agent, and when so stamped shall be good in any part of the state; one person is not to be permitted to do business on another ticket, but each individual entitled shall procure a ticket of his own.

SECTION 3. The rules of order of the Kansas State Grange as passed at the last session held July 30th, 1873, and found in the 1st Article of the By-Laws, shall be the rules of the order of this Council, with the following exceptions, viz: Where the word Grange is used read Council and consider the last clause of Section 1 stricken out.

SECTION 4. Order of business of this Council shall be as follows:

1st, calling to order by the Master and examination by the Overseer.

2nd, calling roll and reading minutes.

3rd, report from the Council Agent.

4th, report of the standing committee.

5th, report of special committees.

6th, unfinished business.

7th, new business.

8th, suggestions for good of the order, and financial prosperity of the council.

SECTION 5. The following standing committees shall be appointed by the Master of the Council.

1st, a committee on crop reports and the best method of marketing products on hand.

2nd, committee on warehouses, mills, factories, etc.

3rd, committee on banks, currency, and insurance companies.

4th, committee on taxation, transportation, and needed Legislation.

SECTION 6. Any of the by-laws may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting, by a majority vote of all the delegates present.

The Council then proceeded to permanent organization by electing brother A. S. Williams, Master; A. T. Gay, Overseer; T. A. Blanchard, Central Agent; Wm. Freeman, Gate Keeper; and A. A. Acton, John Irwin, and H. H. Martin Executive Committee.

The Master appointed the following standing committees: On taxation, transportation, etc., A. T. Stewart, John Irwin, and T. A. Blanchard.

County papers requested to publish. Council closed to meet on second Saturday of February, 1874, at 1 o'clock p.m. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

"Boston, the late captured county seat of Howard County, as we were informed last night, has been thoroughly fortified, and three hundred armed men guard the county records. The sheriff of the county was at Leavenworth yesterday soliciting aid from the Governor."

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

A special dispatch from Cheyenne W. T. of Feb. 14, says: "A Cheyenne runner has just arrived there from Red Cloud Agency, saying that Red Cloud was killed last Monday night by a party of Sioux of whom he had complained for not returning stolen stock. He reported that nearly all the Cheyennes and Sioux have left the agency and that 150 lodges are now within fifty miles of Fetterman and will come in or send to that post. He reports plenty of buffalo in the Big Horn country and thinks the Sioux will go there. Two companies of cavalry were ordered from here to Fort Laramie today."

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill directing the Secretary of the Interior to appoint commis sioners to locate and open a road for military, postal, and commercial purposes across the Indian Territory from the mouth of the main Caske River, in Texas, via Fort Cobb, Fort Sill, and the Wichita Agency to the mouth of Walnut River in Kansas, the said road including the belt of country one and a half miles in breadth, to be kept open to driving stock and the transit of merchandise free from any charge forever.

This has long been a pet project with our people and Mr. Ingalls deserves our thanks for his attention to this matter. The bill however should be amended so as to make the right of way five miles instead of one and a half. By all means let us have this route, it is just what our people want, and just what drovers want.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Iron Point, in his items to the Traveler, alludes to the "side editor" of the COURIER. For what we will say to you here, sir, Iron Point, you need not go around the bush to find the "side editor" to lay the blame upon. What appeared in the COURIER last week, in reference to the records of the county, seemed to us then (and we have nothing to take back) to be justified by the facts.

We think so still. There is nothing in that article that could compromise you, if you could make a satisfactory explanation (which you had better have done than occupy your time attacking an imaginary "side editor" of this paper.). While the defunct Allison talked the way you do, we had nothing to say. But when such chat comes from an official of the county, a person from whom we might expect, at least, fair dealing, the matter changes; hence this article.

Your "pooh, pooh! Manning wrote it," is of the same piece as your items to the Traveler a year ago. Your cry of "stop thief," at the Probate Judge and County Attorney was to divert attention from yourself, by making the people believe they were the thieves and scoundrels, and now you would fain have people think that it was Manning who was after you, and that he was actuated by personal spite toward yourself and Mr. Jackson, on account of the town site difficulty.

Now we wish it distinctly understood that this article is not written because we object to having Col. Manning's name associated with the COURIER. By no means, we only wish that we could induce him to take editorial control. As a newspaper writer we know he has few equals, and as to his honesty, much as has been said, and written about him, certain it is, he has never been accused of stealing. You, however, had better busy yourself in clearing up those dark suspicions which permeate the air and hover as a dark cloud just now over the Courthouse, and which seem to be inclined to centre upon you, who were one of the main instigators in the senseless howl raised against honest county officials a year ago. After fair consulting with the committee of investigation, we have concluded to suspend our account of these dark transactions, but a few more insults like the above may compel us in self- defense to tell the public what we already know, and should you be struck by a barbed arrow in a tender spot, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you yourself invited the attack.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

The Militia Called For To Enforce Order.
"Mr. Titus, sheriff of Howard County, arrived in this city last evening on the 9 o'clock train from his county to advise with the governor and attorney general on the state of affairs in relation to the county seat question.

"The readers of the Commonwealth are already advised of the visit of Messrs. Williams and Thomas to that county and the refusal of the Boston people to surrender the records as it was supposed they would under the advice of Attorney General Williams. Since that time Capt. Berry of Howard County was deputized by Gov. Osborn to go down there and try to settle the matter. But it seems his efforts were as fruitless as those of the first named gentlemen. On arriving in the county Capt. Berry had a written agreement drawn up at the instance of the Boston party which after some demur was agreed to by the Elk Falls people. This agreement was to the effect that the books and records were to be peaceably given up by the Boston party and that in the suit in the district court Boston was to be made a party so that their rights might be adjudicated at once. After this agreement was signed, the Boston people backed out and refused to deliver up the books, etc.

"Under this state of affairs the sheriff, Mr. Titus, has come here to ask of the governor the aid of the state Militia to enable him to execute the laws of that county.

"Mr. Titus says some of the Boston people have made some very loud threats as to what they will do in case the militia is called out, but it is very possible that even armed as they are and with all their warlike demonstrations, Gov. Osborn will surely enforce the law if he commences. It is understood that a conference is to be had by the governor, attorney general, and Mr. Titus, this morning, when it will be decided what course the state authorities will pursue. Commonwealth."


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

The Cowley County Medical Society meets in Winfield next Wednesday, Feb. 25th.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

We regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Paul intend shortly to remove to Leavenworth, there to permanently reside.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Read the card of Mr. Waite, money loaner and Real Estate Agent in this city. Mr. Waite is a clever gentleman, and deals on the square.

AD: R. B. WAITE, LOAN & LAND OFFICE. Particular attention paid to making CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES, DEEDS, AND PROOFS. Also to buying and selling REAL ESTATE. Money Loaned on real estate security. Office over Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Next Sabbath evening (22nd) the Congregationalists will hold their annual Home Missionary meeting at the Baptist Church. Discourse by the pastor, J. B. Parmelee.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Our city dads have taken hold of the sidewalk business in downright earnest. Under their energetic management, Winfield will soon be one of the best sidewalked cities in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

The Commissioners at their last meeting made a new township in the northeast corner of the county, embracing fifty-four square miles, and called it Harvey, in honor of our new Senator.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

J. J. Dawson, living six miles south of town, had his house with everything in it destroyed by fire last Sunday, while he and his family were at church. The fire is supposed to have originated in a defective flue.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

The Presbyterian Church holds a communion service next Sabbath at 11 A.M. in the courthouse. Preparatory lecture on Saturday afternoon at the same place. Preaching in the evening. J. E. PLATTER, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

We understand that John Swain has purchased the house and lots in this city formerly owned by James Parker, together with Mrs. Parker's piano. Boys, prepare your congratula tions, for where is the lady who can withstand these new attractions.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

It will be seen by reference to Mayor Smith's card in another column that the city authorities have proposed a fair and honorable adjustment of the jail difficulty to the county board. They cannot expect more than the entire control of the building and its occupants.

[Article follows later entitled "An Explanation" in this issue of paper.]

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

We walked into Ellis & Black's last night, as we often do, to borrow a couple of peanuts, when we saw, what we thought at first, were a couple of ghosts; but on close examination we discovered them to be only J. J. Ellis and Charley Harter, who were so exhausted after the enormous sales of the day that they looked like ghosts.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

HORSE THIEVES. Two men named James Smith and Jessie Russell, charged with having stolen two ponies from the stable of Mr. Hilton near Arkansas City last Saturday night, were overtaken by A. W. Patterson and John Garahy, near Cedarvale, in Howard County, on Monday, and brought to this place to await trial at the next term of court.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Mr. Lynn, of Johnson County, has rented the building formerly occupied by Close & Greer as a furniture store, and is going to put into it a big stock of dry goods and groceries. Mr. Lynn comes well recommended, and will be quite an addition to our city. Winfield is under obligation to the enterprising young firm of Curns & Manser, Real Estate Agents, for advertising our city and county so extensively.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Every farmer in Cowley County should take the COURIER. Many times one copy will pay, and more than pay, the price of subscription. For instance, the following item will pay any man who has corn to sell.

The Government has contracted for two million pounds of corn to be delivered at Fort Dodge and as much more at Fort Sill, and other places in the Indian Territory, and Colorado. This is bound to make corn higher. No doubt it will be 75 cents per bushel before midsummer. Those who have corn to sell, or buy either (for it affects both alike only in opposite pockets) should know this and govern themselves accordingly.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

The slander suit Arnold vs. Thurman for $5,000 worth of greenbacks, has resulted in a verdict of jury and people in favor of the defendant. This suit has occupied several days' time and has created more than ordinary interest on account of the prominence of those interested, as well as of others connected with the past history of our county, as brought to light in the evidence or testimony given. It is to be sincerely hoped that there may never be occasion for another suit similar to this one with its attendant revelations, but that the past may be blotted out and forgotten and that in the future, men may be known and estimated by their actions, and by their worth in the community in which they may reside. Walnut Valley Times.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

Mr. John M. Crowell yesterday evening returned from Leavenworth, where he has had under arrest Dr. S. Mann, the present postmaster at Wellington, Sumner County, Kansas. Dr. S. Mann was accused of embezzling mail matter and forging drafts, by the man, Lafayette Read, who was arrested some two weeks ago by Major Crowell, and is now confined in the Leavenworth jail. Read represented that Dr. Mann was one of the combination organized to systematically rob the mails of Southern Kansas. He had a preliminary examination before Judge Lecompe yesterday, and was bound over to appear at the April term of the U. S. Court in the sum of $2,000. We are glad to say that many of Dr. Mann's friends around Wellington believe him to be the victim of a conspiracy and we sincerely hope he may vindicate himself.

Atchison Champion.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

The following are the names of those drawn to serve as petit jurors for the March term of the District Court.













Resolution of Approval.
The Pleasant Valley grange met at Holland's Schoolhouse February 14th, 1874, and after transaction of other business pertaining to the order, the following resolution was read, and unanimously adopted, viz:

Resolved, That this grange heartily indorses the action of the County Commissioners in appointing a committee to correct the errors in the County Clerk's and Treasurer's office, and that the Secretary present a copy of this resolution to the county papers with a request of publication. H. H. CONSTANT, Master.

Art C. HOLLAND, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

An Explanation.
Winfield, February 17, 1874.
EDITOR COURIER: As a misapprehension seems to exist in the minds of some in regard to the ownership and occupancy of the jail in this city, will you allow me through your columns to make a statement of the facts in the case.

On the 19th of April last, a written contract was entered into between the City of Winfield and the County of Cowley, according to the terms of which, the county was to build a Courthouse at Winfield at a cost of $10,000 county orders, or $8,500 cash. The City of Winfield was to erect a city building at the cost of $2,500 in which was to be a jail for the accommodation of both city and county, and the city was to give to the county the free use of the jail for the confinement of prisoners, so long as the county should want it for that purpose. Both buildings were built according to contract, each costing something more than the specified sum. The city building is two stories high. On the first floor are six cells with grated windows, and four of the cells have iron doors; the doors of two are of hardwood. The second story is finished as a hall. On the completion of the jail, the key was delivered to me by the builder, and at the request of Sheriff Parkerhe having a prisoner ready to occupy the jailI delivered the key to him, since which time the city has never had control of the jail proper. The city has held possession of the hall over the jail, which has been used for various purposes by permission of the city.

I presume that the misapprehension that exists arises from the fact that J. M. Young, who was acting jailor by appointment of Sheriff Parker, and afterwards by Sheriff Walker, was also City marshal; but the city never claimed any control of his acts as jailor, nor did he receive any instructions as such from the city authorities. Since the escape of the prisoner Rucker, the Sheriff deeming it necessary that the hall over the jail should be constantly occupied, the County Commissioners asked for a conference with the City Council, which was immediately convened for that purpose. At this conference the city offered to give to the county the use and control of the entire building, both stories, on condition that the prisoners of the city should be taken care of without expense to the city, except for board which the city would pay for. I believe the city has honestly and faithfully complied with the terms of the contract, and even offered more than required. S. C. SMITH.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

COUNCIL ROOM, Winfield, February 14, 1874.
Council called to order by the Master whereupon the following business was transacted after calling the roll, etc.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That our delegates to the State Grange of patron's of husbandry, be instructed to ask our Representative in the Legislature to vote and use his influence against authorizing the Commissioners to bond the indebtedness of Cowley County.

Resolved, That our delegates to the State Grange be instructed to inform our Representa tive that his action on the pass and per diem resolutions is not approved by the patrons of husbandry of Cowley County.

Resolved, That we approve the action of the County Commissioners in the present investigation of the County Clerk's office, and say, make the examination thorough, and extend it to other officials if thought necessary, even if it takes six months.

Resolved, That our Council agent be requested not to purchase implements of those firms who refuse to contract with the agency.

The following committees were appointed by the Master.

Committee on crop reports: Lucius Walton, John Mentch, S. C. Winton.

Committee on warehouses, mills, etc.: Adam Walk, H. W. Stubblefield, Frank Cox.

Committee on banks, Insurance companies, etc.: T. C. Bird, P. M. Waite, John Manly.

Adjourned until the next regular communication, unless otherwise convened.

A. S. WILLIAMS, Chairman.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

The Cowley County Medical Society met at the City Council Room in Winfield on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, 1874, according to adjournment. Present: Drs. Mansfield, Wagner, Cram, Andrews, Black, Graham, and Peyton. Dr. Mansfield presiding. The Secretary being absent, Dr. Peyton was appointed to fill the vacancy, pro tem.

The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and approved, after which Dr. Wagner moved for a permanent and immediate organization, to be termed "The Cowley County Medical Society." Motion carried.

Society then proceeded to the election of officers, which resulted as follows: Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, President; Dr. Wagner, Vice President; Dr. D. N. Egbert, Secretary; Dr. T. G. Peyton, Assistant Secretary; Dr. W. G. Graham, Treasurer. Upon motion, Dr. Hughes of Arkansas City and Drs. Cram, Andrews, Black, and Mansfield, of Winfield, were elected Censors for the society for one year. President Mansfield then appointed Drs. Wagner, Graham, and Peyton as the committee to draft a Constitution and By-laws to be acted upon at the next meeting of the society. By vote of the society, the Secretary was instructed to furnish each of the County papers with a copy of the minutes of this meeting.

There being no further business to transact, the society adjourned to meet at this place in two weeks (Wednesday, Feb. 25th, 1874) at 2 o'clock p.m. All physicians are requested to be present. T. G. PEYTON, Assistant Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

A Card.
ED. COURIER: Some pigheaded galoot whom I dare say pretends to belong to the genius homo, but one who, if he has a right to claim a place among the "species" certainly obtained that right through the latitude of the Darwinian theory, has seen fit to abuse me this week through the columns of the Telegram. Now the facts are these. This man with more initials than brains employed me to make, and acknowledge a deed, for all of which service I charged him two dollarswhich, I believe, is the usual price for such service. Now I have no objection to this many initialed individual employing some other attorney to do his business, but I don't want him to assert through the public prints that I have charged illegal fees for service as County Clerk, or I shall certainly have him verify his statements.

Now in conclusion I have this to say to Mr. W. F. M. Lacy: I hope to do the business of my office in an efficient manner, and expect to charge the legal fees for my services. In the meantime if Mr. Lacy or anyone else gets me to make a deed, or any other legal paper, I shall expect to charge the fees that any other attorney would charge for the same services.

Yours, M. G. TROUP.


Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

MARRIED. McNOWN - STEELE. At the residence of the bride's father, Wm. Steele, in Spring Creek Township, February 19th, 1874, by Rev. T. Axley, Mr. Isaac A. McNown to Miss Maggie Steele, all of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Butter is 25 cents. Corn is 35 and 40 cents. Eggs are 6 cents per dozen.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Four horse thieves are now residing in the County jail in this city.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

There are 85 cases on the docket of the District Court for the March term.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Dr. Houx returned from his visit to Missouri last week, looking fat and health.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Rodocker has his new photograph gallery nearly finished and will soon commence business.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

B. F. Baldwin has been appointed clerk of the School Board of this district, in place of Dr. Egbert, deceased.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Dr. Wagner and Mr. Moore of Dexter, called upon us last Wednesday. They report everything prosperous in that city.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Remember that Col. E. C. Manning lectures before the Teacher's Institute this evening at the courthouse.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Taxpayers will take notice that after the first day of March the delinquent tax list will be published, and that on the first day of May the property will be sold. The sooner the delinquents pay up the less it will cost them.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Under a misapprehension we stated last week that Mr. James F. Paul intended to permanently reside in Leavenworth, to which place he will shortly remove. Mr. Paul will not dispose of any of his property in this city, and will return at the close of the summer.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Last Monday night the city fathers deposed Mr. Young from the marshalship of this city, and appointed Mr. Z. T. Swigart in his stead. Mr. Swigart is a young man of energy and integrity and will no doubt make a good officer.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Constable Burt Covert arrested Albert G. Headrick a few days ago in Howard County, on a charge of stealing a pair of horses from Judge Saffold sometime last Fall. He had a preliminary examination before `Squire Boyer and in default of bail was lodged in jail to await his trial at the March term of the District Court.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

The prisoners now boarding at the Covert House were each treated to a new suit of clothes yesterday morning. Our "devil" declares himself in readiness to commit fornika- boogry, of some kind, in order to be sent to jail, and get a new suit. If anybody ever did need new clothes, our "devil" does.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

On last Monday a team belonging to Mr. A. S. Williams of Vernon Township became frightened, and after traveling over the prairie at a 4:40 gait, scattering robes, blankets, and buggy seats along the route, finally leaped a fence and brought up in Mr. Hawkins' corral without materially injuring anything.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

To Patrons of Husbandry. Each member of the order is required to have a "trade" ticket to enable them to purchase on our special terms. Tickets can be procured by calling on me at the store of Ellis & Black, in Winfield. T. A. BLANCHARD, Agent.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

We take pleasure in being able to chronicle the fact that Hon. Wm. Martin has voted for the resolution submitting to a vote of the people whether we will have a Constitutional Convention, but are sorry to miss his name from the list of those who voted on the Apportionment bill. No doubt Mr. Martin had some good excuse for being absent when that very important measure was voted upon, and he can, perhaps, now see the senselessness of the howl made by his backers last fall, over the fact that McDermott failed to vote on the Mortgage Exemption bill.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

On Sunday evening of last week while the proprietor and clerks were absent (at church), some miscreant entered the store of W. H. South and carried off about twenty watches, together with quite a lot of other jewelry. The watches were packed in a small walnut box and the robber carried away the box and all. Although at the time, there was considerable change in the money-drawers, nothing else was touched. The thief entered the store by a rear window, and from his hasty movements (as shown by his muddy tracks upon the floor), it is inferred that he is a new hand at the business. He is still at large.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Last week we neglected to call attention to the new roller patented by our farmer friend, Wm. H. Grow. It is certainly one of the most original of the roller tribe. With utility it combines cheapness; anybody can make one of them. Mr. Grow has already disposed of the "right" of fourteen southern states for the sum of $1,500 together with a royalty of $3 for each roller made. We would suggest that Mr. Grow, owing to the cheapness of the machine, call it "Rustle," or "Granger."

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Och-tun-ba-ka, and Nan-hunk-gah, stopped with us last Wednesday night and breakfasted with us the next morning. The former is a runner, and had a number of dispatches for different Agents. The latter was sent in by Hard Robe [Rope], who is camped on the west side of the Shikaska, to have someone come down there to trade, which he failed to do. Och-tun-ba-ka is known as "Stanislaw" among the whites, and will be remembered by the early settlers. The peace treaty between the Osages and Cheyennes is very uncertain, and the Osages say, "maybe we fight, maybe we not when we meet. Don't know." Traveler.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

Miles, the horse-thief who made his escape from the city jail last Friday week, was retaken by constable McIntire, A. W. Patterson, and Mr. Draper last Saturday, on Coal Rock Creek, thirty miles east of this place, at the house of Mr. Johnson. He made his escape by chipping the wood with a hatchet and burning the door of the jail. The hatchet used he claimed to have stolen from Bowen's Grocery. After his escape he laid out in the grass near Pat Somers' place all day and all night, and then went to houses on the Walnut, where he was fed by people knowing him to be the identified thief who had escaped. He was delayed two days on account of not finding the Walnut River bridge, but afterwards crossed it and went to Grouse Creek and from thence to Coal Rock Creek, where he was taken. Traveler.

Miles was brought to Winfield and placed in the county jail for safekeeping.


Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

A Forger Nabbed.
A few days ago a young man by the name of Wheeler, from Cedar County, Iowa, arrived in Winfield and immediately sought out Sheriff Walker, to whom he made known his errand, which was somewhat as follows.

Wheeler and his father do a general brokerage business in Cedar County, Iowa; that a man named A. J. Reeder, living in that county brought to their office, some six weeks ago, four or five promissory notes purporting to have been executed by parties living there and offered them for discount, which was readily given, as the parties whose names were attached were all good men. It turned out, however, that the notes were cleverly executed forgeries (amounting to about $2,000) and that this man, A. J. Reeder, was the forger. That he (Wheeler) had tracked Reeder to Winfield; that he was known here as Jackson, and further, that he (Reeder) was on the eve of a new departure for that Mecca of thieves and robbersTexas; and that this man, Reeder, was a desperate character, who would never suffer himself to be taken without a desperate struggle. That, rather than be taken back to the scene of his crime, he would kill himself or the officer.

Sheriff Dick Walker got the situation through his head at once, and tightening his belt, proceeded to George Fisher's saloon, where he was soon enabled, by the description given him, to spot his man, who was intently engaged in a game of "pigeon hole" with some of the frequenters of that place. Dick quietly lighted a cigar, watched his opportunity, and placing the muzzle of his navy to "his man's" ear, said, "Come Reeder, and go with me." At the mention of his name and the determined manner of the Sheriff, Reeder was taken completely by surprise, and before he recovered, was unarmed and completely under the sheriff's con trol. The next morning he was taken by Sheriff Walker and Mr. Wheeler to Florence, where he was put on the train and started for Iowa.

The arrest of this man, Reeder, alias Jackson, who, if he is the desperado he is represented to be, is one of the neatest jobs that has ever been done in Southern Kansas, and Sheriff Dick Walker has proved himself to be what his friends knew him to be when they elected himthe right man in the right place.


Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

At a regular meeting of the Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., at Winfield, Kansas, Feb. 21st, 1874, the following resolutions were adopted and ordered printed.

WHEREAS, an all-wise and beneficent Providence has seen proper to take from our midst brother D. N. Egbert, Jr., and

WHEREAS, this Lodge as well as this community, has by his death lost a valuable, efficient, and influential member; and

WHEREAS, this Lodge desires to express its deep sense of the great loss of one of its first and most worthy members; therefore

Be it Resolved, That this Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

By order of the Lodge. J. W. CURNS, NL. G.

Louis T. Michenor, Rec. Sec. pro tem.


Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

District Court Docket.
The following are the cases which stand for trial at the March term A. D. 1874, of the Cowley County District Court, and have been placed on the docket in the following order.

1. The State of Kansas versus John B. Plumb.

2. The State of Kansas versus T. T. Rucker.

3. The State of Kansas versus William Slater.

4. The State of Kansas versus Jesse Russell and James Smith.

5. Zimri Stubbs vs. Samuel Jay, et al.

6. Joseph T. Hooker vs. Emanuel Davis.

7. Chauncy P. Spaulding vs. Will M. Allison.

8. John C. Smith vs. Sam'l P. Berryman.

9. Helwig & Lane vs. A. D. Keith.

10. Geo. W. Ballou vs. James A. Brake.

11. C. J. Brane vs. E. Fredrick.

12. Thos. L. Clark vs. A. D. Keith.

13. Richard Woolsey & John Brown vs. W. J. and R. A. Mowry.

14. Geo. W. Bailey et al vs. Frank Cox et al.

15. Garrett W. Thompson vs. Samuel P. Reynolds.

16. Thomas Tool vs. W. W. & M. A. Andrews.

17. John C. McMullen vs. W. D. & R. L. Wilson.

18. William Bartlow vs. Phillip Koehler et al.

19. Land E. Greenwold vs. Phillip Koehler et al.

20. Mary E. Porter vs. John Porter.

21. C. M. Wood vs. John W. Milspaugh, Recv'r.

22. L. Ray Blake vs. Elter Arlet Blake.

23. Sarah E. Apple vs. Jacob Apple.

24. State of Kansas ex rel A. L. Williams vs. the Board of County Commissioners.

25. Benj. Haywood vs. Adolphus H. Green.

26. Benj. Haywood vs. Samuel W. Greer.

27. Benj. Haywood vs. Samuel W. Greer.

28. James C. Fuller vs. Allen B. Lemmon.

29. C. L. Rood vs. John H. Warrenberg.

30. City of Arkansas City vs. Norman Shether.

31. Amos Sanford vs. Enoch Maris et al.

32. Howard M. Holden vs. Jas. A. Myton et al.

33. Jacob A. Wickline vs. Jacob Richie.

34. Appleton, Noyes, & Co. vs. C. C. Stevens.

35. Thomas Wright vs. J. G. Titus.

36. Thomas Wright vs. J. G. Titus.

37. Long Bros. vs. C. C. Stevens.

38. Solomon Tyner vs. J. G. Titus.

39. Dora Kiger vs. Henry Kiger.

40. James Hedley vs. Brainerd Goff and Jane Goff.

41. Thomas Wright vs. Amanda Corkins.

42. Conrad Oliver vs. W. C. Hillyer.

43. Samuel Mullen vs. Armstrong Menor.

44. Mary C. Riggs vs. Benj. H. Riggs.

45. Ransom Johnson et al vs. Nancy Fay et al.

46. L. Bauman & Co. vs. John N. Yerger.

47. John Swain vs. Seymour Tarrant.

48. Will M. Allison vs. John N. Yerger.

49. William Bartlow vs. School District No. 6.

50. R. B. Corkins vs. W. L. Mullen.

51. Abijay Darnall et al vs. John Tipton.

52. Wm. A. Sharp vs. Samuel Jenkins.

53. Geo. W. Foughty vs. Sidney A. Moses.

54. E. P. Hickok vs. Board of Co. Commissioners.

55. John F. Graham vs. Leland J. Webb.

56. Blair Bros. vs. Chas. W. Phoenix.

57. Ransom Johnson et al vs. Nancy Fay et al.

58. Thompson H. Johnson vs. F. O. and H. G. Crow.

59. Jerry McCans vs. Isaac H. Phenis.

60. S. L. Brettun vs. Andrew J. Covert et al.

61. Oscar M. Stewart vs. Geo. W. Nelson.

62. Theodore Mathews vs. Geo. Lobinguire.

63. Mark Phillips vs. Hamilton Gerrard.

64. Jas. M. Shelly et al vs. Thos. H. Benning.

65. Jas. M. Shelly et al vs. J. W. Meadow.

66. Jas. M. Felton vs. John T. Stewart et al.

67. Andrew H. Hoerneman vs. Ephraim Tucker.

68. Leland J. Webb vs. Thos. T. Rucker.

69. Andrew Dawson vs. William J. Funk.

70. Wm. W. Brown vs. Samuel W. Greer et al.

71. Herman Sartin vs. Charles Johnson.

72. James A. Bullene vs. School Board of School District No. 60.

73. Aaron J. Stanley vs. Permelia D. Stanley.

74. John Weis vs. John N. Yerger.

75. Reuben B. Saffold vs. Earl F. Martin et al.

76. S. L. Brettun vs. Wm. D. Cady.

77. Wm. D. Carver vs. G. W. Rouse et al.

78. Elisha S. Babcock vs. John Jones.

78. John Manly vs. Geo. W. Bailey et al.

79. John F. Graham vs. Geo. W. Bailey.


81. John B. Fairbank et al vs. M. Miller.

82. Leonard Stout vs. E. S. Gray et al.

83. Manning & Johnson vs. James Jordon.

84. Martin L. Read vs. S. E. & J. Dudley.

85. The City of Winfield vs. Adolphus H. Green.


Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

We are prepared to furnish horse bills better and cheaper than any other office in the county. We have a fine large cut, and our work always gives satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

SWEET CIDAR at Newland's Bakery. [YES...THEY HAD "CIDAR".]

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

WANTED: To buy a good young stallion from three to five years old; would prefer a dark bay for color. Apply to, or address the COURIER, Winfield, or myself five miles north of Winfield on the Walnut River. JOHN WATSON.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

HOUSE TO RENT. Five rooms on Manning street. Enquire of R. B. Waite at his office over Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

MONEY TO LOAN. C. C. Harris loans money cheaper than any other man in the county. Apply to Fairbank, Torrance & Green, or to himself at Winfield.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

NOTICE. All persons owing the late Dr. D. N. Egbert will please settle with me at once, and save trouble and costs. SAM'L DARRAH, Adm'r.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

DAY BOARD. $4.00 per week at Newland's Bakery.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

W. H. South has bought W. H. H. Maris' entire stock of dry goods, notions, hats, caps, boots, shoes, glassware, and queensware, and will continue the dry goods trade at the old stand of Maris & Co. Also will continue the Jewelry trade.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

J. C. Fuller, of the Winfield Bank, pays highest market price for School Bonds.

Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.

TAX-PAYERS will take notice that the warrants for the collection of delinquent taxes on personal property, will be placed in the hands of the sheriff, on the 1st day of March, and, also, that delinquent real estate, will be advertised, on and after the first day of March, and that there will be added ten cents for each lot and twenty-five cents for each tract of land so advertised to pay for the same. There will be no additional cost until the first day of May next, when the land will be sold. E. B. KAGER, Co. Treas.


Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874.

The correspondent of the Kansas City Times, speaking of the debate on the Hayes impeachment resolution, pays the following well merited tribute to Mr. Hackney.

"Hackney, of Sumner, arose, and hardly had he uttered a half dozen words before he was honored with the keen attention of the entire House, his calm, dispassionate, and perfectly even tempered expressions creating no little surprise after the rather hot-headed and sharp- worded manner which had generally characterized his brief speeches of joint convention and ordinary session times.

It soon appeared that he had more in him than he had received credit for, his fluent expressions and decidedly effective manner of making points taking the house as but few speakers have this winter. He opened with a calm and deeply earnest statement that at the start he had been with Mr. Hayes, almost from the start, had sympathized with him, believed in him, and until within a few days had intended to defend him. But he had looked in vain for a loophole for Mr. Hayes to escape through. His violation of the law had been so flagrant, so unjustifiable and defiant, that there could be no excuse! No defense!

With these perfunctory statements, Mr. Hackney commenced a brief and very telling review of the evidence, representing its strong points with a clearness and power equal, if not superior, to all other efforts that had proceeded. In closing, he called upon the members to do their duty in the premises, and while he favored a postponement of the matter for a day or two, he could see no reasons for delay in voting for or against the resolution."


Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874


Sir: Feeling that an explanation is due to the public and to myself, concerning the management of the affairs of the office of County Treasurer of Cowley County during the years 1870, 1871, and 1872, I desire to make the following statement.

In the spring of 1870, I was elected to the office of Treasurer of Cowley County, and held said office until the next January, by virtue of said election. In the fall of 1870, Mr. G. B. Green, of Grouse Creek, was elected; but owing to some cause, he failed to qualify and take the office, consequently, I held the office until August, 1872.

At the time of my election, the office was of little consequence, and I could not afford to leave my farm to live at the county seat to attend to its duties. Having been for some time acquainted with Mr. J. P. Short, and having confidence in his ability and integrity, I appointed him my deputy as soon as there were any duties to perform in the office, and he held said appointment and attended to all the duties of said office until it was turned over to my successor, Mr. Kager.

I paid no attention to the office, never handled any of its money in any way or shape, never received a cent of profit, not even a fee (as I gave all the fees to Mr. Short to attend to the office) from first to last. But the office actually cost me my bond and stamp then required by law. Nor until last week, did I know that there was any irregularity in the accounts or books of said office. JOHN DEVORE.

Winfield, Kansas, March 5, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874

The school in District No. 45 closed on Thursday, Feb. 26, 1874. The three last days were passed in an examination on the different branches. In this the scholars took great interest, evincing the same determination to stand at the head of their classes that they have shown throughout the term. Several of them passed creditably, and would have done honor to any graded school.

The following is the average standing of the advanced classes.

Hattie Monfort, 9.4; Emily Roberts, 9.2; John Wiggins, 9; Iowa Roberts, 8.5.

Of the second classes Lizzie Bush, Rolland Johnson, Emma Ferguson, Minerva Ferguson, Florence Prater, and George Wiggins gave flattering proof of good lessons and a thorough study of principle.

Of the primary classes, Charlie Roberts, Robert Bush, Bell Bush, Ella Roberts, and Maggie Ferguson proved to the visitors that "old fogyism" is at discount.

The classes all gave proof of very rapid development.

The crowning of these exercises was at noon of the last day, when the kind parents and friends came to the schoolhouse with large baskets of goodies for the scholars. These under the supervision of Messrs. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Bush, and Newhouse were soon formed in a tempting array. The scholars then took their places at the table and for sometime were as happy as the kind donors could wish them to be.

On Friday evening they gave an exhibition, which, notwithstanding the storm, was well attended. The exercises consisted of charades, proverbs, dialogues, tableaux, Declamations, and essays. The parts were well acted and gave general satisfaction. G.


Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874.

Minutes of the Teachers' Association, Held at Winfield, Friday, Feb. 27th, 1874.
The Teachers' Association of Cowley County, Kansas, met in the council room of the Courthouse, according to published arrangement, Supt. Wilkinson presiding.

The following teachers were present: Miss Jennie Greenlee, Miss Mary Graham, Miss Allie Klingman, Miss E. Fowler, Miss Ellen Wickersham, Miss Jennie Hawkins, G. W. Melville.

The association proceeded to business by electing G. W. Melville Secretary pro tem. The constitution and by-laws being read, the election of officers for the coming year was then taken up, and resulting as follows.

H. H. Martin, President.

Miss Jennie Greenlee and Miss Jennie Hawkins, Vice Presidents.

Miss Mary Graham, Treasurer.

G. W. Melville, Secretary.

Mrs. Mina Hawkins, Cor. Sec'y.

Organization of classes and method of conducting recitationMiss J. Greenlee.

A general discussion of the following topics:

Uniformity of text books in our schools, bad wood, etc. Participated in by Miss Wickersham, Miss Greenlee, and others. Some very good ideas were brought out.

Parents and friends visiting schools was well discussed, and it would have been well if parents generally could have listened to what the teachers said upon that subject. It was said, and on good grounds, that if parents would visit the schools more frequently that there would be less fault found with teachers.

The question was then asked if it were right for teachers to offer an inducement in the way of a literary exercise once a week to induce parents to visit the school? Miss Millspaugh taking the side that it was wrong, that parents who took so little interest in the schools that they had to be coaxed there by a treat of something outside of the every day exercises, that there ought not to be any trouble taken by the teacher to induce them to come.

Supt.. Wilkinson made the suggestion, or rather requested the teachers of Cowley County, to teach the map of the county by townships and ranges, and gave the method of doing it.

The following subjects were merely touched upon:

Neatness in children, indicative of intelligence in parents. Teaching as a profession, or as a stepping stone to something higher.

Committee on programme for the morrow to report after the lecture in the evening.


Mrs. Mina Hawkins

Miss Jennie Greenlee

Miss E. Fowler

Miss Ellen Wickersham

Miss Mary Graham


G. W. MELVILLE, Sec'y, pro tem.

Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874

RECAP: Resolution to impeach Treasurer, Col. Hayes, was debated at length in the House of representatives in Topeka. State Treasurer Hayes was charged with gross violation of the law by Hackney. The Leavenworth newspaper stated that it did not believe Hayes was guilty of high crime and misdemeanors."In our opinion the evidence elicited by the committee of investigation would not be sufficient to bind him over on a preliminary examination. He has violated the letter of the law and placed himself in the way of much censure for neglecting the duties of his office, but we do not believe the state will lose one dollar in consequence of his misconduct." Leavenworth Times.




Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Several distinct shocks of an earthquake, accompanied by loud roaring, were felt at Charleston, Missouri, about daylight Saturday morning.


Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Hon. Wm. Martin has returned from Topeka.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

James Parker and wife started for California last Monday.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Sam Myton is putting a pair of hay scales in front of his store.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

The disciples of Christ are holding protracted meetings at the M. E. Church.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Nichols, the barber, has sold a half interest in his stop to a fellow craftsman named Roberts, whom we can recommend as a first class workman.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Mr. J. J. Ellis has a fine residence in process of erection in the north part of town in which himself and his young wife will reside upon their return from St. Louis.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

T. E. Gilleland has fitted up, and moved his stock of boots and shoes into the room formerly occupied by the Parlor Bar saloon. Mr. Gilleland now has a handsome and commodious room, and a larger stock of goods than any firm in the southwest.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

And now it is two Railroads instead of one. The St. Joe. K. & T. P. Co. have filed their mortgage to the New York loan and trust company in the register's office, Eldorado, Butler Co. This Mortgage is for $6,000,000, sufficient to build and equip the entire line, while word comes from Garnett that the contract to build the Paola Garnett and Fall River road was signed in the city of New York last Saturday. The contractors assume all the debts and begin work immediately. We look for lively times in the Walnut Valley this summer.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Notice to Teachers.
By request of many of the patrons of School District No. 1, in the city of Winfield, the School Board have determined to have a spring term of school and wishing to secure the services of two first class teachers do hereby solicit applications for the same claiming a right to reject any or all applications. By order of School Board. B. F. BALDWIN, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

One Man Killed and Ten Seriously Wounded.
An accident occurred last Saturday at the saw and grist mills of Lacy & Roberts on the Grouse Creek. One man was killed and ten seriously wounded, besides a large number slightly wounded. Below we give our correspondence on the subject, which will give the details.

LAZETTE, March 8th, 1874.
ED. COURIER. A terrible accident occurred at the mill of Lacy & Roberts on Saturday about 12 o'clock M. by which one man was killed, ten wounded. The mill was running at its usual speed, grinding corn, the steam gauge standing at forty pounds. Everything seemed to be in perfect order; the mill house was full of men waiting for their grinding, when by some unknown means the iron band that held the stone together bursted and runner flew into atoms knocking people down and tearing the mill house to pieces, throwing fragments some twenty or thirty yards.

Freeman Wedding was struck by a large stone, which crushed his hips to a jelly and dislocated his back. The poor sufferer lingered for an hour and then expired. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss.

Among the wounded were Samuel Sherman, Gear Dawson, Wm. Gintes, Wm. Gubbond, Hezis. Hodgkiss, Delfunt Sutton, My Kimble, Messrs. Lacy and Roberts, and two others, names unknown. It is thought by the physicians in attendance that all the wounded will recover.

The mill is situated on the Grouse Creek four miles above Lazette, and has been doing a prosperous business for some two years. The proprietors are deeply grieved at the disaster, and they have the sympathy of the entire community.

Yours respectfully, COLUMBUS SPRAGUE.
We, the undersigned, who were present at the mill of Roberts & Lacy at the time the burr burst, by which one man was killed and others wounded, take this method of exonerating the proprietors and employees of the mill from all blame, It was in our opinion, an unavoidable accident.


H. B. Clover

J. H. Welch

G. W. Dawson

J. W. Kannard

J. H. Smith

Wm. H. Sheras

G. H. McClung

R. F. Burden

Wm. Tilchworth

J. H. Sweet

I. H. Pickett

John H. McDupper

John R. Nugent

David Peel

John H. Wilson

A. T. Smith

J. W. Tull

D. H. Hotchkiss

Geo. Lobinger

B. F. Fritch

E. S. Gield

Columbus Sprague

John Moses

E. Simpson

Stephen Simple


Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Last Monday evening, the most brilliant assemblage of "fair women and brave men" was gathered together at the residence of the Rev. J. B. Parmelee, that has ever assembled in the Walnut Valley. The occasion was the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee, what the knowing ones call the "china wedding." J. C. Blandin, with malice aforethought, enticed the unsuspecting couple to town and there kept them, not altogether unwilling, prisoners at his house. Taking advantage of the absence of the Rev. gentleman and his estimable lady, the "company" to the number of about one hundred and fifty persons gathered in with buckets, baskets, sacks, etc., each containing something calculated to gladden the inner man.

At the proper time Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee having arrived, were peremptorily ordered to prepare for the trying ordeal, which they calmly and resignedly proceeded to do. When all was ready the bride and groom were led into the parlor. Enoch Maris, D. A. Millington, Esq., and T. A. Wilkinson acted as Groomsmen, and Mrs. Enoch Maris, Mrs. ____ Johnson, and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson as Bridesmaids. Rev. James E. Platter, of the Presbyterian Church, then proceeded to "lecture" the happy pair substantially as follows. . . .

Rev. N. L. Rigby then pronounced them "man and wife," and offered up a short prayer. $103.00 in greenbacks was made up, enclosed in a soap dish, and presented to Mr. Parmelee by Maj. J. B. Fairbank, on behalf of the company. . . .

A splendid supper was served and everybody felt that it was "good to be there." The party broke up about 12 o'clock M., everyone boasting that it was the most enjoyable affair ever got up in the romantic Walnut Valley.

Messrs. E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. B. Fairbank, and A. T. Stewart, as far as we can learn, were the originators of the plot. We hope these liberal minded gentlemen will give another such at no distant day.


Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

WAGNER - HIGHTOWER. At Dexter, Kansas, March 8th, 1874, by Rev. P. G. Smith, Mr. S. H. Wagner and Miss Mellie Hightower, all of Dexter.

MILLER - WILSON. By Rev. Jesse Stone, at his residence, Richland Township, Feb. 18th, 1874. Mr. Jas. H. Miller to Miss Mary E. Wilson, all of Cowley County, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Died at Cleveland, Ohio, February 27th, 1874, Hiram B. Whiting, aged 24 years. Cleveland (Ohio) Leader.

Many of our citizens will remember Mr. Whiting, who spent most of the winter here as the guest of his brother-in-law, T. H. Johnson. He was here but a short time, but his manly bearing and social qualities made him many warm friends who will be pained to learn of his untimely death.


Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

Loans Negotiated.
Having made arrangements with eastern parties, we are prepared, through them, to negotiate loans for five years upon

The advantage of borrowing for a long over a short time, is apparent, when in the latter the sacrifice upon sales of stock or grain to meet maturing obligations is considered, while in the former ample time is given for stock or produce to be held over seasons when the market is depressed, that the highest prices may be realized. Again the rise in value of improvements and lands, which time only can bring about, and ability of borrower to meet the small amount of interest which would each year become due when he could not meet principal and interest, and on account of this inability very likely lose his place, are points which should be considered important.

To men who have firms upon which they desire to secure loans. We say we believe we can now negotiate for you upon terms which will be satisfactory.

Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

A farm two and a half miles from Winfield. For particulars, call at Newland's bakery.

Enquire at Titus' Meat Market.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

If you want to build a house and take for pay a choice piece of land near Winfield, call on J. G. Titus, at City Meat Market.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

DURHAM BULL, 3 years old for sale, or trade for other stock.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.

LOVERS OF THE WEED will be pleased to know that A. H. Green has been appointed exclusive agent for the celebrated California cigars, which are acknowledged by all good judges, to be the best in the market. They are kept for sale at his drug store. S. M. CLINE.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Fight with Cheyennes.
Oscar Wheeler, Willis McCarty, and McGinnis, who reside on the Strip; the former two well known by our citizens, left this place about two years ago to work on the railroad. After working a year or more, they left Dodge City last fall and went hunting through the territory until they reached the South Canadian in Texas, where they wintered, trapping and hunting, with tolerable success. One morning, about six weeks ago, seven Indians supposed to have been Cheyennes, came into their camp and asked for something to eat. Breakfast was made ready for them, and all ate. After breakfast the Indians, who were only armed with bows and arrows, left in an apparently peaceable and friendly manner. But the boys became suspicious from the fact they had not shown their guns, and concluded to move camp that morning, as they expected to move in a few days. While they were loading the wagon, a shot was heard and Oscar Wheeler fell to the ground, pierced with a rifle ball in the left breast, the ball coming out at the back and lodging under the skin. He was not unconscious; and rising up, told the boys to run on the ridge and see if they could see them, while he would drive on with the wagon. The boys did as requested and saw the Indians retreating behind the sand mound, during which some fifty shots were exchanged. Finally, McGinnis got good aim at one and shot, when the Indian threw his gun high in the air and leaped forward, dead. McCarty soon followed, knocking one down, and it is supposed, killed him. The boys drove them back for several miles and then began to retreat to the wagon, the Indians following some ten miles or more when they left. Wheeler was almost prostrated when the two came to him, from loss of blood, but they reached the settlements in safety, and Wheeler is now at Wichita under treatment of a physician, and is in a fair way of recovery. He will be brought to this place as soon as his condition will admit, to be taken care of by his brother-in-law, Mr. Pepper. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

We are glad to learn that the action of the County Council in reference to the appointing of Agents was repealed at their meeting on last Saturday, and the contracts are to be let to the lowest bidders. We are now satisfied that it was not done by trickery, but owing to the negligence of one of the officers for this part of the county. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

I will give my mode for peanut culture.

First: The land selected, should be a sandy loam, so as not to retain too much moisture, and to prevent baking, and further, to allow the rootlets that bear the nut, to enter the ground. Plow the ground deep, and keep in good cultivation. Lay soil in low flat ridges about four feet apart, as the vine will not adapt itself to uneven surfaces.

Prepare the seed by breaking the hull and putting in one nut every two feet. Plant about bean planting time, as the vine is easily injured by frost.

Cultivation, about the same as corn, only that the weeds must be removed by hand, to prevent breaking and cutting the vine. I don't consider it necessary to cover the vine as the rootlets will enter the ground and bear just as freely without.

Gather nuts with a potato fork, and dry them on a scaffold, or stack them around stakes, as you would beans.

The large white peanut is the best variety for this climate.

Last year I gathered from half an acre, 50 bushels20 bushels of good ones, and sold at $1.00 per bushel. THOMAS PERDUE. Independence Tribune.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

A recent amendment to the school law changes the time of holding the annual meeting of each school district, from the last Thursday of March to the second Thursday in August of each year, at 2 o'clock p.m. The district board as now constituted will continue to hold office until the annual meeting in August, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Under the new law, at the next election, a director, clerk, and treasurer shall be elected and hold their respective offices as follows: Director, for three years; clerk, for two years; treasurer, one year; and thereafter at each annual meeting, there shall be elected one member of said board in place of the out-going member, who shall hold his office for three years, or until his successor is elected and qualified.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

The apportionment of Kansas into three Congressional districts will give Kansas three each, instead of one, Masters in Chancery and Commissioners in Bankruptcy; as the U. S. statutes provide for the apportionment of one such officer in each congressional district. The appointing power rests with Chief Justice Waite.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Township officers will be elected April 7th.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Quarles & Ferguson have raised the frame of their new barn.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

J. P. Short has built a neat little office on his lot on Main street.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Remember the Cantata of Queen Esther next Monday and Tuesday evenings.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

G. G. Grady's mammoth circus will exhibit in Winfield, April 8th. As this is the first circus to visit our city and county, our people should give it a generous reception.


This is the Most COMPLETE CIRCUS That has ever visited the West. MAMMOTH PAVILIONS! FOUR LADY GYMNASTS! 49 First Class Performers! THREE GREAT CLOWNS and a Grand Free Balloon Ascension Daily! Trained HORSES and DARING RIDERS!!

Grand Procession at 10 O'CLOCK A.M.
April 8th, 1874.
Come out everybody and visit this Grand Combination.

ADMITTANCE, 50 CENTS. Children under ten, half price.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Capt. Hunt, a former resident of our city, has returned and is now located in the house formerly occupied by James F. Paul. We are pleased to welcome Captain Hunt back to his old stamping ground.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Isaac Bing has returned from the east where he has been selecting new goods, and in about ten days Requa & Bing will open the largest and best stock of gent's furnishing goods ever brought to southwestern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

We are under many obligations to Bros. Ludlow & Davidson of the Oxford Enterprise for favors received. The Enterprise is a good paper and has a good office and well merits the support which it has so far received from the good people of our neighboring city of Oxford.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

The Grand Balloon ascension. From C. G. Grady's circus grounds April the 8th at this place will be one of the most grand and terrific affairs ever witnessed on this continent. A man will hang by his toes from the balloon at a distance of one mile from the ground.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

J. M. Dever has purchased an interest in the Grocery and Provision store of Weathers & Bro. Mr. Dever is one of our oldest and most trusted citizens. A man of strict integrity and upright manly principles. And those doing business with the firm of Weathers & Co. can safely rely on being fairly dealt with.

All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Weathers & Bro., will save cost by calling at the store of J. C. Weathers & Co., and settling up. J. C. WEATHERS.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Some half-dozen of the Winfield beauties, accompanied by Miss Mowry, of Arkansas City, the bevy led by Charley Harter, paid us a visit last Tuesday, and circulated around to the consternation of comps. and "devil," who full expected to see the entire office knocked into "pi." Come again, ladies, it does us good to receive a visit from wit and beauty.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Read the new advertisement of H. C. Leedy in another column. Mr. Leedy has bought the butcher shop formerly owned by Davis & Cawlfield, and will continue the butchering business at their old stand. In connection with beef and pork steak, he will keep flour, potatoes, etc. Mr. Leedy comes to us well recommended, and we have no doubt will be a valuable addition to our city.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

We are publishing a continued story this week, the joint production of some two thousand delinquent tax payers of Cowley County. That the story is not just what those two thousand readers would like to read in the bosom of their families to their children is no fault of ours; we give it as we received it from the hands of the compiler, E. B. Kager, Co. Treasurer.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

J. B. Lynn, formerly of Olathe, Johnson County, this state, has opened out a splendid stock of Dry goods and Groceries in the building formerly occupied by Close & Greer, opposite the Lagonda House. The store has lately been remodeled and repainted, and presents a very neat appearance. Mr. Lynn seems to be a gentleman of enterprise who we have no doubt will do a good business. We welcome him to our midst.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

The Oratorio of Esther will be presented at the Courthouse on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week under the auspices of the congregational church of Winfield. Prof. A. D. Battey of Topeka has charge of the exhibition. Our friends in town and country will be treated to the finest entertainment that has ever been presented to the public in Winfield, upon this occasion. Rev. Parmelee takes the part of King, and Mrs. M. A. Arnold is to be Queen. Thirty-five actors, dressed in costumes, take part in the performance. Everybody should be present.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Below we give the names of our businessmen who advertised in the "COURIER EXTRA" this week. Our readers may rest assured that men who advertise liberally will deal liberally.

Ellis & Black, W. L. Mullen, Darrah & Doty, O. N. Morris & Bro., T. E. Gilleland, George Miller, Maris, Carson & Baldwin, J. C. Weathers and Co., C. A. Bliss & Co., Hitchcock & Boyle, W. M. Boyer, Lagonda House, Banking Houses of M. L. Read and J. C. Fuller, J. B. Lynn, N. Roberson, M. Miller, Frank Williams, Geo. W. Martin, and the Arkansas City Traveler.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

ELLIS & BLACK, General dealers in GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, QUEENS-WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Corner of Main and Ninth St., Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

McMillen & Shields, General Dealers in Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. AT OLD LOG STORE, West Side Main Street.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

G. W. MARTIN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Main Street, next door south to C. C. Stevens' Grocery. Winfield, Kansas. Fine Work and Neat-Fitting Boots a Specialty.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

A. BISBEE, BOOT & SHOE MAKER. Makes a thorobred boot. Works the best French brands of calf, and kip, and all work warranted.

2 doors north of Bliss & Co.'s on Main St., Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

At the Sign of the Big Boot, Opposite Myton's Hardware Store. NEAT WORK AND REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Call and see me.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Ladies' Hair Dressing A Specialty. Shop Two doors south of Read's Bank, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

NEATEST ROOMS IN THE CITY. The oldest and most reliable workman in the West. Special attention given to Ladies' Hair-Dressing. ROOMS, One door south of Bliss' Store, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


WEST SIDE MAIN STREET, opposite Hitchcock & Boyle's. WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

J. W. JOHNSTON. Retail dealer in FURNITURE. Cabinet-Maker and Undertaker.
CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. SHOP three doors south of post office, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Having bought the shop formerly occupied by Robinson Bros., I am prepared to do all work in my line. Prices reasonable and all work warranted. Shop on Ninth St., Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

S. H. MYTON. Dealer in HARDWARE.
His stock comprises: CUTLERY, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, EDGE TOOLS, STOVES, TINWARE, etc. West side Main Street, two doors north of Log Store, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

On Eighth Avenue, East Lagonda House, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

W. M. BOYER, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND NEWS DEALER. WALL PAPER. All late publications and Kansas dailies kept constantly on hand. Diaries for 1874 at cost. Kansas maps, albums, pocket wallets, and all goods in their line. Tobacco, Cigars, Smokers articles, etc. Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

J. N. YERGER, JEWELER, Winfield, Kansas.
KEEPS CONSTANTLY on hand a Complete stock of Fine Jewelry, Good and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Ware. Also a full Stock of Musical Instruments.

A Specialty of GOLD PENS and SPECTACLES.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Particular attention paid to making CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES, DEEDS, AND PROOFS. Also to buying and selling REAL ESTATE. Money Loaned on real estate security. Office over Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

JOHN MANLY Is sawing and selling lumber cheap at his SAW & GRIST MILL, One Mile North of Little Dutch Postoffice, On the WALNUT RIVER. He also grinds corn in any way to suit customers. Give him a call, for he will do fair thing by you.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.




Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ellis rounded up their wedding tour by arriving at home last Wednesday. They will now settle down to business on their own "hook." Mrs., to the old fashioned button sewing, stocking darning, trousers mending, cooking, washing, ironing (the fire-building question will soon be settled), sweeping, scrubbing, etc., of our grandmother's days. Mr. to carrying wood and water, making garden, setting the hens, hunting eggs, selling standard prints at ten cents, barking his shins over chairs in the night to hand the soothing syrOh! goodness nothe paregothunderation! We're too soonthe camphor bottle, and making himself generally useful, as a kind, dutiful and loving husband should. We wish the young couple complete happiness. May the sun of their prosperity never set, until they have rounded off the full period of three score years and ten, and then as "they are lovely and pleasant in their lives so in death may they not be divided."


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

MARRIED. CURE - MONFORTE. On March 4th at the residence of the bride's father on Dutch Creek, by the Rev. J. W. Lowry, Mr. M. S. Cure to Miss Julia M. Monfort, all of Winfield Township.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

WALL PAPER lower than the lowest at W. M. Boyer's.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

FOR SALE OR TRADE. A splendid cook stove for sale, or trade for a good cow. The stove is nearly new with furniture complete. Inquire at the store of J. C. Weathers & Co., in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

STEWART & SIMPSON are gong to burn 200,000 brick this Spring. Those who contemplate building will do well to send in their orders early.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

If you want to build a house and take for pay a choice piece of land near Winfield, call on J. G. Titus, at City Meat Market.


Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.

MR. JONESDear Sir: In reply to your favor in reference to the Osage lands, I have to say that it would give me great pleasure to be able to secure the points desired, time payments, etc. But it may be impracticable to accomplish it. Time payments on sales at minimum prices is entirely without precedent, and so embarrasses the operations of the land offices and the departments that there is great opposition to it. Taxation before final payment is also impracticable for the reason that taxation of lands can only be enforced by a sale of the land, and the Government will not allow its own rights to be prejudiced or defeated by tax titles. I think, however, we shall be able to get a bill through extending the time and thus give substantial relief. Yours, very sincerely, D. P. LOWE.

The above letter from Hon. D. P. Lowe to Mr. Jones will show what the Judge thinks about the matter of extending the time for the payment of the Osage lands and taxation of the same. Judge Lowe makes the same mistake that most of those high in authority generally make, viz: do nothing without a precedent. Now we have great respect for precedents, and think that it would be well for some of the servants of the people that we could name to model after some others, who have gone before; but when it comes to a matter of this kind we beg that precedents, of whatever name or description, will be discarded. Ours is just one of those conditions that want to get away from precedents. There is no precedent in the land laws of the United States that will suit our case. Just the opposite of all precedents in the management of these lands is what we want, and what we must have if we get relief at all. Away with your straight jacket precedents, and give us some original common-sense legislation.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

DEXTER, KANSAS, March 23rd, 1874.
We are still alive and kicking over here, notwithstanding we are making so little noise in the world, and you hear from us so seldom. Your paper is well liked over herejudging from the large bundle arriving at our post office every week. The COURIER is necessary to our happiness, in fact, we can't keep house without it.

The weather has been, and is now, very beautiful. We farmers are very busy preparing for our spring and summer work. Plows are running here and there, turning over the soil, preparatory to the reception of the seeds of various kinds. Gardens are being made, oats and spring wheat sown, potatoes planted, and other work pushed along briskly. Fall wheat looks well, perfectly splendid, and the prospect for a larger yield was never better.

But while we are attending to our farms, we do not neglect the moral and intellectual improvement of ourselves. During the winter we had a literary society, which met weekly. It has been a complete success. The paper, the Grouse Quill, was hard to beat. Last Tuesday night the society closed, for the season, with an exhibition. The exercises consisted of declamations, dialogues, tableaux, and music. The schoolhouse was crowded to its utmost capacity, and everybody was in a jolly good humor. Of course, it was a success.

Last Monday night, twenty of our farmers, with ten of their wives and daughters, were organized into a Grange, by Deputy Worden, Esq. T. R. Bryan is Master, and J. A. Bryan, Secretary. J. B. Callison is Overseer, and the other officers are all in the right place. We predict a successful career for our Grange.

Mr. H. H. Martin closed his school at this place last Friday, after having taught five months. The school has been very largenumbering as high as 74 pupils, and averag-ing nearly 50. GRANGER.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Work Commenced Upon the Paola & Fall River Railroad.
Gentlemen prominently connected with the Paola and Fall River Railroad were in this city yesterday making arrangements for men and material for the Paola & Fall River railroad.

This railroad is one of the natural features of Kansas City, and is chartered to run from Paola, Miami County, to Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. It will strike the Arkansas River about fifty miles south of Wichita, and from the time it leaves Garnett, where it crosses the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston railroad, it runs through a fertile section of country as yet unblessed by a railroad; it runs in a southwesterly direction, and intersects the fertile counties of Miami, Anderson, Woodson, Greenwood, Howard, and Cowley. The northern terminus of the road is Paola, on the Missouri River, Fort Scott & Gulf road, fifty miles south of Kansas City. The road has been graded southward from Paola; work will at once be put on the road and kept up until the road reaches the fertile valley of the Arkansas. To Paola, the completion of this road will be of great importance; as the terminus, it will bring her much of the trade of the Southwest. The road will connect at Paola with the M., K. & T. for Holden, and the M. R., F. S. & G. R. R. for Kansas City, with which it will no doubt be run in close connection, thereby giving Kansas City a direct route to the Arkansas Valley, striking it fifty miles nearer the Texas cattle fields. Kansas City Times.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Paola, Garnett and Fall River Rail Road.
It is now but a few days before work is to begin on the resumption of construction of this road. When the time comes, the work of construction will be prosecuted very rapidly and we shall then have the cars of this route running through our city soon after. Mr. Tompkins, whom we mentioned last week, has spent several days visiting this point, Leroy and Paola, and has gone to New York, to return to Garnett next week.

We should not be surprised to see Garnett still more favored than has heretofore been anticipated, for indications now promise that the eastern connection for St. Louis, will be at Clinton, Missouri, instead of at Paola, which will be much nearer an air-line to the "Future Great City." An air-line route from St. Louis to Arkansas City is what is determined on, or rather, one so nearly so as to strike Garnett and Leroy. This much seems to us, as certain. The future is full of hope and of good prospects for Garnett, as the completion of this road on the route contemplated, making a through route from St. Louis to Albuquerque will open a new era in our history as a city. Garnett Plaindealer.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The war in our sister county has been at last amicably settled. To the sagacity, firmness, and inflexible integrity of the Hon. W. P. Campbell, Judge of the District, the people of Howard are indebted for their salvation; and the world from witnessing the mournful spectacle of a disgraceful civil war. Below we give our readers Judge Campbell's letter to the people of Howard. The manly and dignified stand taken by his Honor, is well worthy of imitation.

"Every court is vested with the power to enforce obedience to its process and respect for its authority. It has become my duty as Judge of your District Court, in view of the unfortunate state of your public affairs, and the recent alleged unlawful interference by certain persons with the due administration of the law by said court, to resort to the time honored process of attachment for contempt. This is not a rash unpremeditated move, but the result of an honest desire, and a firm purpose to perform a sworn duty.

"Sufficient has been made to appear, to induce the belief that certain proceedings and orders of the court over which I have the honor to preside, have been set at defiance by the open and forcible resistance of some of the citizens of Howard County. If such a circum stance should pass unnoticed, the people might well doubt the stability, and lose confidence in the efficiency of the courts. In such a case, there remains but one course for me, as a public officer resting under the obligations of an oath, to pursue, and that is, to bring the strong arm of the court to bear in its own protection, and to enforce its lawful authority by all the means known to the law. This duty will be resolutely performed. I am actuated by no hostile feeling. The notorious fact that for two months the authority of the court has been openly defied, without proceedings being taken to enforce submission, shows no less than a proper spirit of forbearance. It has now become a matter of importance to the people generally, that the county records and files shall be preserved in their proper places of deposit, in the custody of the legally constituted authorities. Compared with this, the particular location of the county seat is of minor importance. The pending questions affecting the location of the county seat, are matters of law and fact, which will in due time, be settled by the courts.

"In the meantime, it is the duty of all good citizens to let the law take its course.

"Personally, I have no interest in your local controversies, only desiring, when required to decide upon them judicially, that they shall be decided according to the law and the fact. I have no feeling against any locality in your county, only desiring that when the will of the people has been expressed in a lawful manner, the same shall be enforced. I have no apology to offer for any of my judicial determinations affecting your local affairs. They speak for themselves. I care nothing for idle and groundless stories affecting my integrity, circulated in your midst, trusting implicitly in the ultimate good sense and justice of an intelligent people for a complete vindication. I try to act in a manner which will gain your confidence, for no court can expect to fulfil its mission perfectly without being sustained and confided in by an enlightened public sentiment. But most of all, I desire to faithfully discharge the varied and responsible duties of the exalted position to which I have been elevated by a magnanimous people, and leave the bench with a pure and unspotted record, so that the state will have been none the worse off because I have occupied it.

"Attachments have been issued for the arrest of certain persons charged to have been engaged in removing the county records in violation of an order of the court, and for the seizure of the records and their restoration to proper custody, directed to the sheriff. The sheriff and his deputies are bound to serve the process, and are vested with authority to call to their assistance all the forces necessary to execute the writs, and all citizens of the county are bound to obey their orders in that behalf. We desire your sympathy, your confidence, and your assistance in restoring order, and upholding the majesty of the law.

"I know not who are the guilty partiesthat is to be hereafter determinedafter due investigation. If any sincere and honest men have been led into an unlawful interference with the court, by deception, misrepresentation, or under excitement and passion, they owe it to themselves, their families, and their country, to abandon their vain attempt, as they would flee from a pestilence, and hasten to restore the county records to their proper custodians, and otherwise as much as lies in their power to atone to an outraged law.

"It is for the people to say whether by sustaining the courts and the officers, they will have peace, order, and protection, or by a contrary course produce disorder, crime, and ruin.

"It may cost something to restore order in your county, but it will be money well spent. It is the purchase of immunity to a more or less extent, from crime and violence in the future. The law must govern. Respectfully, your obedient servant, W. P. CAMPBELL, Judge."

March 13th, 1874.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

U. S. LAND OFFICE, WICHITA, KAN., March 4th, 1874.
COMPLAINT having been entered at this office by William Marshall against Swan B. Huff for illegal Osage filing, No. 8822, dated Oct. 13, 1873, upon the Lots 1 and 12 and northeast 1/4 of N E 1/4 Section 30, Township 32 S, Range 3 East in Cowley County, Kansas, with a view to the cancellation of said filing; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 10th day of April, 1874, at 9 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged fraud. W. J. Jenkins, Register.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to me are hereby notified that they must come forward and satisfy their accounts as I must have money or its equivalent. Save cost by immediately complying with this notice. T. G. PEYTON, M. D.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

NOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at my office in Winfield, Kansas, up to Saturday, April 4th, to furnish merchandise, agricultural implements, etc., to the Patrons of Husbandry in Cowley County. Bids may be sent through the mail. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Bids will be opened at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

I, R. L. WALKER, Sheriff of the County of Cowley, in the State of Kansas, do hereby proclaim and make known unto the qualified voters of said county of Cowley that on the first Tuesday of April A. D. 1874, there will be held an election in the several townships of said County at the usual place of holding elections, for the purpose of electing in each of said townships the following officers, to wit: One Trustee, one Treasurer, one Clerk, two Constables, two Justices of the Peace; and one Road Overseer, in each road district of the several townships.

Given under my hand at my office in the City of Winfield, this 10th day of March 1874.

R. L. WALKER, Sheriff, Cowley Co.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The public schools in this city close today.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Mr. J. F. Paul and lady have departed for Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Charley Black returned from his trip to Illinois last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Today is the fifty-first day of the session of the Kansas State Legislature.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

We are informed that the large flouring mill at Wichita was totally destroyed by fire last Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The sociable at A. H. Green's on Wednesday eve, was, we understand, a pleasant affair and quite largely attended.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Winfield has the best flouring mills in Southwestern Kansas. Nearly all the people of Sumner County bring their grists to this place.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The ladies of the M. E. Church will give a social at the residence of J. M. Dever Wednesday evening, March 11th. Tableaux and refreshments given.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The advertisement of Mr. Keagy, published in another column, informs our patrons that he has full blooded Berkshire pigs for sale at his residence near Wellington, Sumner County.

AD: M. B. KEAGY, Dealer in, and Breeder of Pure Blood Berkshire SWINE.

Persons wishing choice PIGS should call on me at my residence 5-1/2 miles southeast of WELLINGTON, Sumner Co., KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Bing has gone east to lay in a new stock of goods for the spring trade, but Requa is still at the old stand, good natured as usual, selling clothing at prices that even makes grangers smile.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

In our "Notice to Grangers," last week we stated that seals would be furnished to sub- granges at $8.50 apiece, when it should have been $3.50. Grangers will please notice this correction.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The State Grange spent considerable time in trying to find something against Sam Wood, of Chase County. Sam is Master of his grange, and as he is one of the largest farmers in that county, we fail to see the point.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Owing to the bad weather the meeting of the Teacher's Association in this city last Friday and Saturday was poorly attended. The usual business was transacted however. The full proceedings will be found elsewhere in this issue.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Everyone who visits this office exclaims, "What a beautiful picture," when they look at a chromo which was presented to this office by J. W. Johnston. Mr. Johnston has a large stock of handsome pictures on hand which he is selling cheap.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Through the agency of the Real Estate firm of Curns & Manser, D. A. Millington, Esq., sold half of the block upon which his house stands, to Rev. James E. Platter. Mr. Platter intends to erect a fine residence upon his new purchase this spring.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

A couple of the saloon keepers in this city were arrested yesterday for selling liquor without license, they having obtained their license of the city when it is claimed they should have been obtained of the county. It is a test upon the legality of the city ordinance.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

An attempt was made by the prisoners in the county jail to escape, a few nights since. With a nail and a stick of wood, they had broken the lock so that the door could be easily opened when the shades of night furnished an opportunity for escape. But about this time the jailor, Burt Covert, walked in and stopped their little game.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The Disciples of Christ will commence a series of meetings in Winfield, on Saturday evening, March 7th, at the M. E. Church, to be continued indefinitely. All are cordially invited to attend. Preaching brethren are expected from a distance. It is hoped that the brethren everywhere will unite in securing the success of the Gospel in its purity. S.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Last Wednesday we were favored with a call from Mr. Houghton of the firm of Farrar, Houghton & Sherburne of Arkansas City, and Mr. Davidson of Wellington. Mr. Houghton had been having a troublesome tooth operated upon by the dentist, but was as sociable as ever. Mr. Davidson reports considerable excitement at Wellington over the coal question.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Each member of the order is required to have a "trade" ticket to enable them to purchase on our special terms. Tickets can be procured by calling on me at the store of Ellis & Black, in Winfield. T. A. BLANCHARD, Agent.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The attention of our readers is directed to the new advertisement of Conover Bros., music dealers at Kansas City. These gentlemen are honorable and reliable, and have the largest stock of musical instruments to be found in the west. Pianos and organs, of the best manufacture, can be purchased of them at a surprisingly low figure. They also deal extensively in sheet music, which will be mailed to any address upon receipt of price. In short, anything in the music line from a comic ballad to a grand upright piano can be purchased of them. Skipped ad.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The committee appointed to investigate the County Records have finished their work as far as the term of Devore is concerned, and are preparing a report which will be published as soon as the committee get one or two items which they are after red hot. Hon. S. M. Fall concluded that he could not stay to investigate and retired from the committee. The other two members, Messrs. Grow and Walton, are determined to unearth everything unholy if it takes all summer. We have been collecting facts and figures which we will publish in connection with the committee's report. We have no desire to prejudge the case and will withhold it until then.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

A couple of the lads in this city overreached themselves slightly when they plundered the store of W. H. South, a few weeks ago. The boys were hunted so closely that they concluded the best thing they could do would be to bring the property back, which they did. They wrapped the watches and other jewelry (with the exception of a few rings and a pocket-knife or two) in a gum cloak (stolen at a dance at Little Dutch recently) and deposited them upon the salt barrels in front of the store where they were soon discovered by Mr. South. The walnut box which contained the watches when stolen, had been deposited in the Walnut River for safekeeping, and was not returned.

On the evening of the day upon which the goods were returned (Wednesday), Lucian McMasters turned states evidence, confessing that Tom Quarles and himself had stolen the jewelry and kept it hidden in Cliff Wood's timber. The boys were immediately arrested, and yesterday, after an examination before `Squire Boyer, were committed to bail in the sum of $500; Quarles to appear before the District Court on charge of grand larceny, and McMasters to appear as a witness. It appears from the confession that there are some dozen boys in this town who have kept up a systematic thieving for the past two years, and it is hoped that this will be a lesson for them.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

List of marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge, during the month of February 1874.

E. B. Kager, to A. L. Wright.

Charles W. Rockhill, to Malinda Hart.

Isaac McNown, to Maggie Steel.

Jasper West, to Sarah J. Skinner.

James H. Miller, to Mary E. Wilson.

Edward B. Taggart, to Mary E. Sweet.

Nelson E. Newal, to Mary A. Arnold.

J. D. Pruden, to Susan A. Jenkins.

Charles Balcom, to Emma Randall.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The thirtieth grange in this county was organized by deputy Worden at Pleasant Grove schoolhouse on the night of Feb. 21st. The Charter members number 28.

J. M. Midkiff, Master.

Dr. J. P. Taylor, Overseer.

Dr. C. G. Holland, Lecturer.

Wm. Bonnewell, Steward.

Enos P. Copple, Asst. Steward.

Lit Bonnewell, Chaplain.

Jessie Chatfield, Treasurer.

S. B. Littell, Secretary.

R. L. McCulloch, Gate Keeper.

Kate Kizer, Ceres.

Mrs. Lou Oliver, Pomona.

Tilly Weitzel, Flora.

Mrs. Susan M. Taylor, Lady Asst. Steward.

Members of other granges are invited to visit us. J. M. MIDKIFF, M.

S. B. LITTELL, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

FLORAL GRANGE, Feb. 20th, 1874.
At a recent meeting of the Floral Grange the following resolutions were adopted.

WHEREAS, Brother Martin, our representative from Vernon grange, did before his election to office declare his opposition to all monopolies and unjust taxation, and since his election has violated the same by voting in favor of the "per diem" resolution, and refusing to table his railroad pass, thus sanctioning and patronizing railroad monopolies, and unjust taxation, thereby violating the trust reposed in him and knowingly wronging us as brothers and sisters, therefore

Be it Resolved, That we, the members of Floral Grange, disapprove and condemn the proceedings of brother Martin as set forth in the preamble; and

Resolved, That we furnish a copy of the above resolution to the COURIER for publication. JAMES VANORSDOL, M.

J. A. PHELPS, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Resolution of Respect.
The undersigned Sunday School Class at a recent meeting passed the following resolutions.

WHEREAS, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from us our much loved and valuable friend and teacher, Dr. D. N. Egbert; and

WHEREAS, We, as a class, wish to express our deep sorrow at the loss we have sustained in the removal of so worthy a teacher; therefore,

Be it Resolved, That we tender to the mother and other relatives of the deceased our sincere sympathy in their and our loss, praying that our Father in Heaven will keep us unto that glorious day when we shall sing with our departed friend the songs of the redeemed.

Luella Blandin and Annie Newman, Organists.

Hortie Holmes

Inez Griswold

Callie Blandin

Ella Freeland

Eugenie Holmes

Dora Higginbottom

Josie McMasters

Maggie Dever

Ida McMillen

Laura McMillen

Ettie Johnston

Alice Johnston

Ora Lowery

Plesie Johnston

Emma Howland


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

MARRIED. ELLIS - LOWRY. On March 4th, 1874, at the M. E. Parsonage, in this city, by the Rev. J. W. Lowry, assisted by Rev. J. B. Parmelee of the Congregational church, Mr. James J. Ellis to Miss Kate A. Lowry.

The happy couple immediately started on their wedding tour to St. Louis, via Wichita and Kansas City, and will return by way of Ft. Scott and Independence, visiting numerous friends and relatives at different places along the route. We wish them a pleasant journey and a safe return.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

MARRIED. BALCOM - RANDALL. At the Lagonda house in this city, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Charles Balcom to Miss Emma Randall, both of Arkansas City.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Arrangements have been made with the following retail dealers of Winfield for supplying members of the order with merchandise at special rates. With Ellis & Black for dry goods and groceries; S. H. Myton for hardware, implements, etc.; Max Shoeb for blacksmithing. Sub-granges can procure all needed blanks at the lowest rates at the COURIER office in Winfield.

Members will be furnished with tickets upon application, and for protection against fraud, members are requested to take bills for all goods purchased, or work performed, and file the same as often as convenient with the agent. Sub-granges are requested to send me their orders accompanied with $3.50, for sub-grange seals, that I may bulk the order.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

AFTER consulting with the Board of Education and the State Superintendent, I hereby announce that it has been decided to call a convention of all the school district officers who shall be elected on the last Thursday in March, next, in this county, with a view to promoting the educational welfare of the county. A full detail of the objects and aims of said convention together with the time of meeting will be announced in connection with the programme of the Teacher's Institute, to be held at Winfield some time in April, 1874.

T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Supt.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

District Court is in full blast.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Township officers will be elected April 7th.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Billy Anderson has "skinned out" for Texas.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The Cantata of "Esther, the Beautiful Queen," will be rendered in Arkansas City on Friday evening next.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Ex-Marshal Young was arrested last Tuesday, charged with having assisted in the escape of T. T. Rucker from the jail at this place, some time since.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Our people will be pleased to learn that Rev. J. W. Lowry has been returned to the Winfield charge by the M. E. Conference lately held at Ft. Scott.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The public schools of this city will commence Monday, April 6th. Miss Helen Parmelee teaches the higher department and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson the lower.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

D. A. Millington, Esq., was examined by lawyers McDermott, Mitchell, and Adams, and admitted to the bar by Judge Campbell at this term of Court.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Prof. Battey, the musical manager of the cantata of "Esther, the Beautiful Queen," returned to his home in Marion Centre last Wednesday. Mr. Battey is a true gentleman, a fine musician, and we were sorry to see him depart.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The members of the Silver Cornet Band of this city have taken a fresh start. They have engaged Prof. Hoyt of Arkansas City to teach them and practice unceasingly, and we have no doubt we will soon have a band to be proud of.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Owing to the fact that the District Court is in session this week, and the fact that he is engaged in quite a number of important cases, prevented L. J. Webb, Esq., member from this district, from attending the meeting of the Republican State Central Committee at Topeka last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Rev. N. L. Rigby is making up a club for the Kansas Evangel, edited by Rev. I. S. Kalloch. The paper is devoted to the interest of the Baptist church as well as being a general newspaper. Two dollars a year or in clubs of twenty, one dollar a year.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Our devil almost threw us into a fit the other day when he ran into the office bareheaded, and barefooted, as usual, declaring that he could prove to us that Mother Eve had profane thoughts and hated the male sex. When we asked him how he knew, he coolly replied: "She would not give a-dam for all the men in the world." That devil is now no more. He departed this life with a flea in his ear.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The following are the Attorneys attending at the District Court: Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, Wellington; Hon. Jas. McDermott, Dexter; C. R. Mitchell, A. J. Pyburn, L. B. Kellogg, Arkansas City; Gen. Rogers, Eureka; M. S. Adams, Wichita; Fairbank, Torrance & Green, L. J. Webb, Manning & Johnson, Judge R. B. Saffold, Lewis T. Michener, Esq., Suits & Wood, D. A. Millington, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

A mortgage given by the Paola & Fall River Railroad Company, to the Farmer's Loan and Trust Company of New York City was recorded in the recorder's office of this county last Wednesday. The mortgage is for $17,000 per mile for two hundred miles amounting in the aggregate to $3,400,000. This instrument has been recorded in the counties of Miami, Franklin, Anderson, Coffee, Woodson, Greenwood, Butler, Cowley, and Sedgwick.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

As Mr. T. A. Wilkinson with his wife and baby were returning from Arkansas City last Monday, the fore wheels of their carriage suddenly dropped into a deep rut precipitating the occupants over the dashboard upon the heels of the horse, who taking fright, began to kick vigorously. Mrs. Wilkinson received a slight bruise upon the head, and Mr. Wilkinson's hand was bruised considerably, but no further damage was done other than the ruining of the clothes of the lady and child by the mud into which they plunged.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

"Howard County Records. We learn from Mr. Lippmann of Dexter that the stolen records of Howard County were secreted during the county seat trouble, in a ravine three miles from Dexter in this county. They were kept concealed in three wagons under the guardianship of a young lawyer of the town of Boston, who with the others of his party pretended to be hunting claims until word was sent from Boston that the difficulty had been settled and for the books to be returned, when they informed one of the citizens of Dexter what they had in their wagons. The citizens of that town say that if they had only known what those wagons contained in time, they would have captured the books and proclaimed Dexter the county seat of Howard County."

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

We would call the attention of our readers to the new law firm of Webb & Millington, formed by the co-partnership of L. J. Webb and D. A. Millington. These gentlemen are too well known in this city to need any recommendation from us, but we will say for the benefit of strangers that they are both energetic businessmen, and can be depended upon.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

This morning we called into the clothing house of Requa & Bing and found these gentlemen engaged waiting on the many customers who crowded their room examining their immense stock of goods. Their stock of clothing surpasses anything of the kind ever brought to this county. Their suits range from seven dollars to a hundred, and they keep nothing but the latest styles and best quality. They also have a large stock of Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, gents' Shirts, fine and coarse, and in fact, everything in the line of a first class gents' furnishing establishment.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

We learn from Dr. Walmsley of Douglass that Columbus Chelse was shot and instantly killed by Ira Slayton last Saturday evening at Douglass, Butler County. It seems that an old grudge existed between the parties, and getting drunk that day, they met, exchanging angry words when each got their guns and Slayton getting the drop on Chelse shot him in the right side, the bullet ranging upwards and making a lodgement in the heart. Slayton was immediately arrested and taken to Eldorado and from there taken to Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, for safekeeping. The unfortunate Chelse leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

At nine o'clock Monday morning, smoke was seen issuing from the roof of A. N. Deming's house; and the cry of fire given. Many persons were close by, some with pails of water, but the majority without. The fire had gained good headway, burning on the under side of the pine shingles and rafters, and was very difficult to get at with water, and but little was accomplished until the arrival of the extinguishers when it was soon subdued. Without the extinguishers, the building in our opinion would have burned to the ground, and we think the City Council never made a better investment than when they purchased them.

Arkansas City Traveler.

Why isn't some measure taken by our citizens to guard against fire? There is nothing in this city with which to stay the progress of a fire should one get well started. Ladders are scarce and the wells are not very near together and fire with the aid of a good wind could burn the entire town with but little opposition. We hope our people will give this question their consideration and see if something cannot be done in this matter.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

The cantata of Esther the beautiful Queen, which was rendered at the courthouse last Monday and Tuesday nights, was a splendid affair in every instance, and is universally pronounced to be the best home talent entertainment ever given in Winfield. The adaptability of each player to the particular part assigned them was a noticeable feature, and each performed their part so well that we dare not make "any invidious distinctions."

We cannot however avoid mentioning those who took the more prominent parts. Mrs. M. A. Arnold as Queen, Rev. J. P. Parmelee as King, E. C. Manning as Haman, A. T. Stewart, Mordecai; Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Zeresh; Miss Kate Johnson and Miss Mary Braidwood as Maids of honor; Charles Black, Harbonah (the King's Chamberlain); Ed. Johnson, Hegei; A. A. Jackson, Hatach; W. L. Mullen, High Priest. They could not be surpassed in any city in the land. Miss Helen Parmelee as organist deserves special mention, as very much depended on her, always prompt, making no mistakes. The chorus was good, and taken as a whole, we venture to say that Winfield will not soon witness the like, and few towns in this country with their home talent could produce so splendid a spectacle. Too much cannot be said in praise of Prof. A. D. Battey, who drilled the class, and superintended the performance to its close.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

District Court Proceedings.
State of Kansas vs. J. B. Plumb, Dismissed.

State of Kansas vs. Henry Miles, Plea, Guilty.

State of Kansas vs. Jesse Russell and James Smith, Plead Guilty.

State of Kansas vs. E. R. Parker, $5 and costs.

State of Kansas vs. E. R. Parker, $5 and costs.

State of Kansas vs. Joseph Leroska, fine $5.

Zimri Stubbs vs. Samuel Jay et al, Continued.

J. T. Hooker vs. Emanuel Davis, Settled.

J. C. Smith vs. S. P. Berryman, Continued.

Helwig & Lane vs. A. D. Keath, Dismissed.

C. J. Brane vs. E. Fredrick, Continued.

T. L. Clark vs. A. D. Keath et al, Judgment for Plaintiff.

G. W. Bailey et al vs. Frank Cox et al Board of Co. Commissioners, Dismissed.

S. W. Thompson vs. S. P. Reynolds, Judgment by defendant.

Thos Toole vs. W. W. and Maria A. Andrews, Dismissed.

J. C. McMullen vs. W. D. and R. A. Wilson, Judgment by default.

Mary E. Porter vs. John Porter, Divorce granted.

C. M. Wood vs. J. W. Milspaugh, Rec. Continued.

L. Ray Blake vs. Elter Arlet Blake, Dismissed.

Hushfield and Mitchell vs. J. N. Yerger, Judgment for Plaintiff.

State of Kansas ex rel A. L. Williams vs. Board of Co. Com. Judgment on the rules.

City of Arkansas City vs. Norman Shether. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

Amos Sanford vs. Enoch Maris et al, Continued.

H. M. Holden vs. J. C. Myton et al, Dismissed, plaintiff's cost.

J. A. Wickline vs. J. L. Richie, Judgment by defendant.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

How is That for Low?
A No. 1 Tea for 50 cents per pound at McGuire's in Tisdale.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

THE WINFIELD BOOT & SHOE STORE have already received their spring stock being the largest and most complete stock of boots and shoes ever brought to Southern Kansas. They will be sold at prices that cannot fail to please.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

500 YARDS OF PRINTS AT 10 CENTS PER YARD at J. B. Lynn & Co., opposite the Lagonda House.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

ELLIS & BLACK are almost giving their goods away to make room for their spring goods which will soon arrive.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

EVERYBODY COME and get a pound of 60 cent tea at J. B. Lynn & Co.'s new store.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

3 lbs. BEST COFFEE AT McGUIRES store at Tisdale for $1.00.


Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

To School Districts.
Office of Supt. of Public Instruction,
Topeka, March 14th, 1874.
All parties wishing to sell school district bonds to the Commissioners for the investment of State permanent school fund, must observe and comply with the requirements of the following rules and regulations of the Board.

1st. All bonds offered for sale to the commissioners of the school fund shall be presented to the Superintendent or to the Commissioners whenever together.

2nd. No bonds shall be bought (unless offered direct by the district issuing them) unless accompanied by a written and responsible guarantee that the interest and principal of such bonds shall be promptly paid when due.

3rd. No bonds shall be purchased until the Attorney-General has examined them, and satisfied himself that they are legal in form and substance.

4th. The desirability of any investment shall be determined by a majority of the Commissioners.

5th. The Superintendent shall issue a circular, to be sent to every newspaper in the state, every County Clerk and County Superintendent of Public Instruction, and to every school district stating the price paid for bonds, a copy of these rules, and a request that bonds be sent direct to the Commissioners so as to avoid paying commissions to "middle-men."

6th. No bonds shall be bought unless the certificate accompanying is full, explicit, and filled out in every particular, and in all cases the number of electors in the district, the number signing the petition for an election, and the number voting for and against the issuing of such bonds must be shown.

7th. Until further notice, 90 cents on the dollar will be paid for school district bonds.

8th. These rules shall be recorded, and shall also be published in the Commonwealth, with a request that all papers in the state friendly to the interests of education copy them.

By order of the Board. H. D. McCARTY, Supt. of Public Instruction.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874. Editorial Page.

One year ago, one, or rather two, of the most disgraceful elections it has ever been our misfortune to witness, was held in this city. Crimination and recriminationmis- representation and calumnywas then the order of the day; issues were made that were no issues at all. So far as we were concerned we had in the multiplicity of candidates, only, what might be termed, a personal preference, we said then, and time has vindicated our assertions, that there could be no significance in that election, any farther than to elect our best citizens to fill the various municipal offices. On the other hand, it was claimed that the settlement of the suit then pending in the supreme court between the citizens and the town company depended on that election.

It is no part of our object in this article to discuss the merits or demerits of the town site difficulty any farther than to say, in passing, that every sensible man knows by this time, that difficulty cuts no figure in our municipal election, nor can it be affected in any manner, no matter who our city fathers may be. Then if the town site question has no bearing, and political faith seems to be out of the question, it is clearly the duty of every good citizen to support and vote for men who will best promote the interests of the town and the welfare of our people. Captain S. C. Smith has been the acting Mayor of the city for almost a year last past, and so far as we know, he has made a good, careful, and efficient officer, guarding well the interests of the town. We are therefore in favor of the election of Mayor Smith, believing that his experience will better enable him to discharge the duties of the office, than any new man, no matter how well qualified.

In the election of the council we, in common with others, have our preference. Although that preference is not of such a character that we could not support almost anyone of well known honesty and ability. We only ask that the same test be applied to candidates for council that would be demanded in our choice for Mayor.

Let us for once, in the history of Winfield, lay aside our petty spites and quarrels, which has a tendency to sour the sweetest temper, and mar the usefulness of the noblest and the best, and unite on men and measures, that will make Winfield what she ought to bethe city of Southern Kansas.

Let us have peace.


Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

The Indians made an attack on a ranch at Scott's Bluffs, Nebraska, Tuesday, killing one man and running off horses. The Sioux at Fort Laramie and the various Sioux agencies are reported very sullen and discontented. It is thought that they mediate immediate hostilities. Red Cloud and Spotted Tail are among those declared unfriendly.


Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

On Friday evening, March 27th, I had the pleasure of attending a school exhibition at the schoolhouse in district No. 9. The school was conducted by Miss Jennie Greenlee, to whom great credit is due. The exercises were opened with singing, in which the greater portion of the scholars took a lively part. Declamations, essays, and select reading were next in order, and were good; the subjects were well chosen, and they were delivered in a manner to elicit praise.

A number of pleasing charades and tableaux were acted next, among which was one entitled "Scenes now being Witnessed in our Eastern Cities," in which a number of men were represented playing cards and drinking, around whom were a group of women in the attitude of prayer; the scene was very interesting and impressive. The exercises were quite lengthy, lasting until nearly half past 10 o'clock. At the close everybody shook hands with everybody else, each having a good word for his neighbor, plainly indicating that they were all actuated by the spirit of concord, and as I took leave of my friends, I whispered to myself, "It is good for me to be here," and then I departed. A SPECTATOR.


Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

Grange blanks of every description on hand at this office.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

The rendition of the Cantata of "Esther, the Beautiful Queen," at Arkansas City, has been indefinitely postponed.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

From and after April 1st, 1874, the Kansas Farmer and the COURIER will be clubbed together at $3.50 per year, instead of $3.00 as heretofore.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

S. M. Fall of Lazette has purchased the right to manufacture one of W. H. Grow's new patent rollers, and can now boast of having the largest and best roller in Windsor Township.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

Mr. L. B. Paul was in town this week. He purchased twenty pounds of butter at twenty- five cents per pound and shipped it by express to Indianapolis, Indiana, where he says it is worth fifty cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

D. A. Millington, Esq., having been admitted to the Bar of this county as a practicing attorney, has resigned his office of Justice of the Peace, so that there will be two Justices to elect in this township instead of one.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

The Congregational social at the residence of D. A. Millington last Wednesday eve was a very enjoyable affair, but on account of the mud, there were not so many out as otherwise would have been. The receipts were about $5.00.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

There will be a special meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., on Friday evening April 17th. All brothers and members of the order in good standing are cordially invited. Business of importance. J. W. Curns, N. G.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

`Squire Swasey of Beaver Township informs us that the present prospect for fruit with him is good, as he has seedling and budded peaches, also plums, apricots, nectarines, and almonds all in bloom. Nothing but late frost will prevent him from showing some of the finest fruit in the state of Kansas this fall.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

We are glad to learn that work is about to be resumed on the Paola & Fall River Railroad. The gentlemen who have worked this measure up have triumphed over obstacles and discouragements that would have daunted most men. The greater their triumph now if they shall succeed in building the road. Lawrence Journal.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

David Parmelee, eldest son of Rev. J. B. Parmelee, while leading a colt to water last Friday evening, received a kick from the playful animal, knocking him senseless and breaking out six of his front teeth and a portion of the lower jaw. The wound was dressed by Dr. Graham, and at last accounts he was getting along as well as could be expected.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

A ventriloquist and sleight-of-hand performer gave a show in Hudson's hall last Friday and Saturday evenings. The show was a very poor affair and the proceeds were small, and the performer decamped without interviewing his landlord. The majority of our citizens are not easily duped by such fellows, but once in a while one gets "bit."

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

We notice that the school ground is being beautified by the planting of elm shade trees. This will be a vast improvement upon the appearance of that lop-eared stair-case, which will appear better when the trees hide it entirely from view. The trees should now have a light coat of tar or something of that sort, and mischievous boys will let them alone.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

The ladies of school district No. 9, two miles south of Winfield, will hold a necktie festival on the evening of April 7th, at the residence of Mr. R. Anderson. The public are cor dially invited. Plenty of the best of refreshments will be served during the evening; the proceeds of the festival will be used to furnish the Sabbath school with books and papers.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

Mr. Geriel Wildy of Morgan County, Illinois, has been in the city several days visiting friends and looking up a location. Mr. Wildy has just sold fourteen hundred acres of land at ninety-five dollars per acre. He also disposed of his personal property at public sale and had larger receipts than any sale ever held in that county. Mr. Wildy contemplates locating in Winfield; he thinks this county equals Morgan or any other county in Illinois. We will be pleased to welcome him to our town.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

Four papers have been going the rounds of the city this week. One was a petition to the city council to grant Joseph Lekoska [Likowski] license to retail spirituous liquors, another was a petition to the City Council to grant E. R. Parker license to sell spirituous liquor, another was a petition to Judge Campbell to make the sentence of Wm. Bryant as light as possible, and the fourth was to raise by subscription enough money to pay the fine of Al Headrick and liberate him from jail. Every man keeps his lead pencil handy now.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.

C. M. Scott of the Arkansas City Traveler passed through this town Wednesday on his way to Lawrence to be gone about a week.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

District Court Proceedings.
State of Kansas vs. Thomas Quarles, Recognizance forfeited, alias warrant issued, and bail fixed at $1,000.

Stubbs vs. Jay, Continued.

Spaulding vs. Allison, Compromised.

Ballou vs. Brake, taken under advisement until next term.

Clark vs. Keith, new trial and continued.

Woolsey et al vs. Mowry et al. [NOTHING STATED.]

Haywood vs. Greer, Judgment for plaintiff.

Haywood vs. Greer, Judgment for plaintiff.

Fuller vs. Lemmon, Judgment for plaintiff.

Rood vs. Warrensburg, Sale set aside.

Appleton, Noyes & Co., vs. C. C. Stevens, Judgment for plaintiff.

Wright vs. Titus, dismissed at defendant's cost.

Wright vs. Titus, Remanded.

Long Bros. vs. Stevens, Judgment for plaintiff.

S. Tyner vs. Titus, Judgment for plaintiff.

Kiger vs. Kiger, Continued.

Hedley vs. Goff et al, Continued.

Wright vs. Corkins, dismissed by arrangement.

Oliver vs. Hillyer, Judgment for plaintiff.

Riggs vs. Riggs, Judgment for plaintiff.

Johnson et al vs. Fay, dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

Burman & Co., vs. Yerger, Judgment for plaintiff.

Bartlow vs. School Dist. No. 60, Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

Corkins vs. Mullen, Dismissed at defendant's cost.

Darnell vs. Tipton, Dismissed at defendant's cost.

Sharp vs. Jenkins, Judgment for plaintiff.

Foughty vs. Moses, Dismissed at defendant's cost.

Hickok vs. Cowley Co., Judgment for plaintiff.

Graham vs. Webb & Bigger, dismissed and cost paid.

Blair Bros. vs. Phenis, Judgment for plaintiff.

Johnston vs. Fay, Plaintiff to give security for cost.

Johnson vs. Crow et al, Judgment for plaintiff.

McGans vs. Phenis, dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

Breton vs. Covert et al, dismissed and cost paid.

Mathews vs. Lobinger, Settled and costs paid.

Phillips vs. Gerard, Dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

Shelly et al vs. Benning, continued, defendant having twenty days to answer and plaintiff ten days to reply.

Felton vs. Stewart, dismissed at plaintiff's cost.

Horneman vs. Tucker, Continued.

Webb vs. Rucker, Judgment for plaintiff and order of sale granted.

Dawson vs. Funk, Continued.

Stanley vs. Stanley, Divorce granted.

Saffold vs. Martin, Continued.

Breton vs. Cady, Judgment for plaintiff.

Carver vs. Rause et al, Dismissed.

Babcock vs. Jones, Judgment for plaintiff.

Manly vs. Bailey, continued.

Graham vs. Bailey, continued.

Manning & Johnston vs. Jordon, Dismissed.

Emerson & Co., vs. Clark, Continued.

Jeffries vs. Read, Referee ordered.

W. Tyner vs. Titus, dismissed at defendant's cost.

Kaylor vs. Veitch, Continued.

State of Kansas vs. Young, Acquitted.

State of Kansas vs. McMasters. Charged with petty larceny. Plead guilty and fined $50 and sentenced to 48 hours in county jail.

State of Kansas vs. McMasters. Charged with grand larceny. On preliminary held in bonds of one thousand dollars to appear at next term of court.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

As W. M. Boyer has made a good Justice of the Peace the last two years, we take the liberty to announce his name as a candidate for re-election to that office.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

EDITOR COURIER. As our township election is near at hand, and it is our duty to select our very best men for various offices, we suggest the names of the following gentlemen for the office set opposite their names.

For Justice of the Peace, N. H. Wood, Esq.

For Constables, Z. T. Swigart and A. T. Shenneman.

Believing them to be well qualified, we would be glad to see them unanimously elected.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

RIGBY - TOUSEY. In this city March 31st, by Rev. A. M. Averill, of Emporia, Rev. N. L. Rigby, pastor of the Baptist church in this city, to Mrs. Jennie S. Tousey.

BLISS - HAWKINS. In this city March 31st, by Rev. A. M. Averill, of Emporia, Mr. E. S. Bliss to Mrs. Mina Hawkins, all of this city.

GRIFFIN - GUY. On the 25th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, in Beaver Township, by Esq. G. C. Swasey, Mr. Geo. W. Griffin to Miss Mary Guy, all of this county.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Ferguson & Quarles have their new barn nearly completed.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Dr. Graham has moved into his new office next door to Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

We are informed by the County Clerk that the debt of the county amounts to upwards of $28,000.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

D. Rodocker has opened up his new picture gallery and is now prepared to do first class work.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

The circus has come and gone, and a good many people now wish they had their money back.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

With this week ends the publication of the delinquent tax list. We are glad of it, and suppose our readers are also. Note: Did not print delinquent tax list.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

The ladies of the Baptist Church and congregation will hold a social at the residence of Mr. C. A. Bliss on next Tuesday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

On Wednesday last we dropped into the store of Ellis & Black, and counted 95 persons, all waiting their turns to purchase goods from the new stock of spring goods. How is that for Winfield?

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Through the energy and efficiency of Prof. Wilkinson, Superintendent of Schools, this county has received $469 more money from the state fund, than was received last year. The Prof. has also ferreted out 238 more school children than were reported last year.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

A team belonging to Mr. C. B. Cox of this township ran away last Tuesday evening. They crossed the Walnut River, leaving the larger portion of the wagon in the water, and kept steadily on, and at last accounts nothing whatever had been heard of them.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Winfield City Officers.
The following are the officers elected in this city last Monday.

Mayor: S. C. Smith.

Police Judge: N. H. Wood.

Councilmen: Samuel Darrah, J. D. Cochran, H. S. Silver, J. P. McMillen, and R. B. Saffold.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Winfield Township Officers.
The following are the officers elected in this township last Tuesday.

Trustee: H. S. Silver.

Clerk: E. S. Bedilion.

Treasurer: O. F. Boyle.

Justices of the Peace: N. H. Wood and W. M. Boyer.

Constables: A. T. Shenneman and Burt Covert.

Road Overseers: 1st district, James Renfro; 2nd district, Hiram Silver; 3rd district, Charles Seward; 4th district, C. Cook; 5th district, J. C. Roberts.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Matt. Foster & Co., wholesale dealers in books, stationery, etc., of Kansas City, Mo., have their agents just now busy canvassing the county. We had the pleasure of a call from Mr. T. S. Martin, of their house, a few days ago. Mr. Martin wishes to advertise Matt. Foster & Co.'s wares in the COURIER, all of which would be a very sensible thing for them to do. But Matt. Foster & Co., only propose to pay about one-half the regular rate for advertising, and as that is not our way of doing business, they didn't advertise. We always make it a rule to charge just so much for a given amount of advertising and we make no reduction. We hold that our own businessmen are entitled to our lowest rates, and we wish it distinctly understood by foreign advertisers that if they wish to advertise in the COURIER, they must expect to pay for it.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

The gentlemen elected last Monday and Tuesday for city and township officers are, we are satisfied, all good men. Capt. Smith in the past has given evidence of ability, honesty, and efficiency, so much needed in the chief officer of a young and growing city. The council as a whole is a good one and we look for wise counsel in the next twelve months.

Hiram Silver as Trustee we believe to be a judicious selection. He is acquainted with our people and their circumstances, a gentleman of good address and plenty of energy, and notwithstanding his "cussed" political proclivities, will make a good officer.

E. S. Bedilion, for clerk, we will venture has no equal in Cowley County. O. F. Boyle, for Treasurer, is the right man in the right place. W. M. Boyer has held the office of Justice for some time, and given general satisfaction, and of course will be better qualified by experience to discharge the duties of that office for the next two years.

His colleague, N. H. Wood, elected for the first time, is a young lawyer of good ability, pleasing manners, and we doubt not will make a popular Justice of the Peace as well as Police Magistrate. We bespeak for Judge Wood the charity that should be exercised toward all new beginners.

Thus once more, is our city and township, afloat, in charge of good crews. Let us hope for a safe and prosperous voyage.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Marriage Licenses.
The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge for the month of March.

S. Cure to Julia M. Monforte.

J. J. Ellis to Kate Lowry.

Victor Thompson to Ada Fitzsimons.

J. H. Harris to Catherine White.

T. H. Wagner to Mellie E. Hightower.

D. R. Gross to Eliza E. Mark.

F. M. Osborn to Ester J. Easley.

H. F. Ford to Hattie Hopkins.

Geo. W. Griffin to Mary Guy.

B. S. Godderel to Kate Gordon.

John S. Bryant to Emma Ross.

E. S. Bliss to Mina Hawkins.

N. L. Rigby to Jennie S. Tousey.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

MARRIED. ROBERSON - MENTCH. At the residence of the bride's father on the 5th inst., Mr. N. Roberson to Miss Maggie Mentch, all of this township.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

Millinery Goods.
Just received: Spring and Summer Styles, which will be sold cheaper than any place in Southern Kansas at the Factory store, one door North of Maris Drug Store.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.

DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT REQUA & BING'S CLOTHING HOUSE, where they are now receiving their great stock of spring and summer CLOTHING and a splendid assortment of Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, etc. Their goods are bought at the head of the marketdirectly from the manufacturersand of course get them lower than they can be bought of jobbers. They keep first class goods and are selling them at the lowest prices.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.


Four Parlor heating stoves; three No. 8 cooking stoves; two No. 7 cooking stoves; sixty kegs of nails; two cross-cut saws; three kegs horse shoes; two No. 7 cooking stoves; one No. 8 cooking stove; one box heating stove No. 88; one No. 25 parlor heating stove; one No. 22 parlor heating stove.


Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.


PLAINTIFFS: Aug Kurtzeborn, M. A. Rozenblatt, Sol Bauman and Meyer Bauman, partners under the firm name of L. Bauman & Co.

DEFENDANT: John N. Yerger.

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that under, and by virtue of an Execution issued on the judgment in the above entitled cause and to me directed and delivered, I will on the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1874, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the brewery of Himelspaugh & Yerger, about one mile west of Winfield, in said county of Cowley, offer at public sale, and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title, and interest of the defendant, John N. Yerger, in and to the following described chattels to-wit: Three (3) large barrels. One (1) tub. One (1) mash tub. Thirty (30) beer kegs. One (1) force pump and hose.

Said property having been levied upon as the property of said defendant, John N. Yerger.

R. L. WALKER, Sheriff.
Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Attorneys for plaintiffs. April 10, 1874.

Note: Believe this was the "Cave Brewery."


PLAINTIFFS: Aug Kurtzeborn, M. A. Rozenblatt, Sol Bauman and Meyer Bauman, partners under the firm name of L. Bauman & Co.

DEFENDANT: John N. Yerger.

RECAP: Sheriff selling at the courthouse in Winfield to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title, and interest of John N. Yerger in and to the following described land situate in said county of Cowley to-wit.

Beginning at a point on the North line of the South half of the South West quarter of section number twenty-nine (29) in township number thirty-two (32) South of Range Four (4) East twelve (12) chains East of the North West corner of said South half of said quarter section, thence South 6" West Four (4) chains, thence North 54" 15' east four (4) chains, thence north 6" East two (2) chains and eighty-two (82) links, thence due West on line three hundred and eighty-two (382) links to the place of beginning, containing land 86-100 acres more or less. The said land having been levied upon as the property of said John N. Yerger.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Suit has been commenced in the U. S. Circuit Court of the District of Kansas, by one George L. Thompson, for the recovery of something over $6,000, interest included, for which he holds the warrants of this county. Who Mr. Thompson is, we know not, neither does it matter for the purpose of this article. The best legal talent concur in the opinion that judgment will be rendered against the county, for the amount claimed, and the costs of the suit.

The COURIER is charged with being in some way the remote cause of the action against the county, because it is alleged that we opposed bonding the debt. Here is what we did say in the COURIER of Feb. 6th, last.

We understand, since our arrival at home, that an effort is being made to have Mr. Martin procure the necessary legislation allowing the Board of County Commissioners to fund or rather bond the county indebtedness. We do not believe that the people of Cowley County wish this thing done. Twelve months ago, the circumstances were altogether different. Then we had a Courthouse to build, and many thought it necessary to provide funds for that. But now our county buildings are all complete, we can see no necessity for it. We are very well aware that it would be money in the pockets of a few, for instance, county officials, who have to take most or all their fees in scrip. But we are now hopeful that the tax next year, with care and economy, will clear the county almost, if not altogether, of debt. In the present state of affairs, we would not favor any bill authorizing the Board to bond the debt, without first submitting the question to a vote of the people of the county. And we hope that whatever legislation Mr. Martin secures in that particular will provide that the question be so submitted. We would be glad to hear from our readers on this subject, that we may act understandingly in the matter and take such action as will place the county on the best financial basis, having due regard for those who held the county's `promises to pay.'

It will be seen that the main feature of the above article is to submit the proposition to the voters of the county. If the majority of the legal voters think it would be best to bond the debt, they can so express themselves, and then should it turn out to be a bad bargain, they can blame no one but themselves.

But it is useless to argue the point now; no enabling act was passed, and consequently, the Board can take no action in the matter, unless they may proceed under the act of a year ago, and bond $15,000 of the debt, which is all that act will admit. But it is a "leetle" queer that the very argument we made use of last year in favor of bonding the debt, should be used against us this year, by those who opposed the measure, and signed a remonstrance against it last year.

Whatever else the COURIER may be accused of, ambiguity is certainly not one of our failings; we endeavor to make ourselves understood. The COURIER frankly gives its reasons for the faith it held a year ago. Here they are: "Twelve months ago the circumstances were altogether different. Then we had a Courthouse to build, and many thought it necessary to provide funds for that. But now our county buildings are complete, we see no necessity for it." There, gentlemen, are the COURIER's reasons for its seeming opposition to the proposition to bond the county debt. Now, gentlemen, you who signed a remonstrance against it last year and talked, and argued against it, you who denounced those who favored it as being a ring of county officials, to defend the county, what has come over the spirit of your dreams, that you now so ardently advocate what you denounced as a steal last year? Did you oppose it because you hadn't all the scrip you wanted? And favor it now because you have your wallets full of warrants ready to convert into the bonds of the county? Honest, straightforward answers will relieve the public mind wonderfully.

We will have more to say on this subject hereafter.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

A correspondent of the Cheyenne Leader states that the United States Indian Peace Commissioners have returned from interviews with the Chiefs, Spotted Tail and Red Cloud, without having accomplished anything. They refused to consent to the removal of the agencies, and Spotted Tail wants his words written down "this time" to the effect that he has been "pestered so much by these flies from the Great Father that he won't talk to them any more."


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Ordination and Dedication. The exercises at the liberal church last Sunday were interesting and well attended. Prof. Norton was ordained according to the Congregational order in the forenoon. In the evening, Rev. Mr. Platter conducted the dedication exercises.

Prof. Kellogg gave an interesting history of the origin, nature, and progress of the enterprise, announcing that the church had been built without foreign aid, had but a small debt, and was in a prosperous and hopeful state. Mr. Platter preached a sermon appropriate to the occasion. The church is a neat and tasteful edifice, finely and completely finished, and is in all respects an honor to its founders.

Butler County has but one newspaper, while Cowley and Sumner have three each. There is hardly enough enterprise in that county, outside of Eldorado, to run a saw mill.

Forty-two beds were made at the City Hotel on the night of the circus. This Hotel has been compelled to put on another addition in order to make room for the traveling public. H. O. Meigs is well known as a landlord, and his many friends are glad to hear of his resuming control of this most estimable house.

The city council met at Meigs & Kinne's office last Monday evening, and after being sworn in, appointed R. C. Haywood, City Treasurer, and H. P. Standley, Clerk. The Council consists of H. O. Meigs, Mayor; and A. K. Melton, W. S. Packhard, Dr. Sheppard, E. P. Kinne, and I. H. Bonsall, councilmen.

Mrs. G. H. Norton writes from Vicksburg bitter complaints of the weather there; rain and mud all the time. We have about the right latitude and climate. Let us try and make the most of it.

The peach trees are in full bloom this week, and the weather is warm, showery, and beautiful.

Bound to Win.
We learn from Senator Ingalls that the "Trail Bill" will become a law, which will not only be of great advantage to the state but make a rush for claims on the border. A project is on foot to have the right of way granted for a railroad through the Indian Territory, which will open the pine forest of Arkansas, and build large commercial cities on the banks of the Arkansas River.

With these and many other projects, the future of Arkansas City is preferable to any young town in Kansas. Both the measures alluded to will not fail, and if more than one is carried through, our prospects are flattering.

What We Claim.
The various cities of Kansas are each in the habit of claiming special merit, and especially in some particular direction. Thus Lawrence is the Fast Horse Centre, Fort Scott the Manufacturing Centre, and Emporia the Gooseberry Centre.

Arkansas City proudly claims pre-eminence in the most important of all human industries. Arkansas City is surely and emphatically the Baby Centre.

We speak according to the facts. There is surely no other portion of Kansas where babies are so numerous, and have such healthy lungs. It never rains but it pours in this country, and the babies come in showers, and warble in unison. It is enough to strike envy into every bachelor's soul to waken at midnight and hear the dulcet notes that resound from every house. The cooing of cats is forgotten; the voice of the nightingale is no more attractive. We lie awake and listen and envy the married men their happiness.

We say to our people, go on! You are doing well. The Centennial comes in `76, and the Census in 1880. We believe that all will render a good account of themselves. We have faith in corn-culture, tree-culture, mental culture, and especially in Stirpiculture.

Meanwhile we want our brethren of the press to distinctly understand that Arkansas City is the Baby Centre of Kansas.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Cold winds. Grass is green. Fruit trees in blossom.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

The weather, the weather, the beautiful weatherUgh!

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

We noticed M. M. Jewett's good natured countenance in town the other day.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Col. E. C. Manning returned from his visit to Wichita last Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

The Grangers are so close-mouthed that we cannot find out what was done at the meeting of the Council last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Mrs. Judge Johnson, who has been visiting her parents in Cleveland, Ohio, during the past winter, returned home yesterday.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Sheriff Walker is back from Leavenworth, where he has been to take the prisoners sentenced at the last term of the District Court.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

The Presbyterian church holds service next Sabbath in the Courthouse morning and evening. J. E. PLATTER, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

At the recent teacher's examination in this place and Arkansas City, 18 applicants were examined: 13 in Winfield and 5 in Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

The Paola & Fall River Railroad Company are advertising for 2,500 laborers and 150,000 ties, to complete their road to the east line of Greenwood County.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Scott of the Arkansas City Traveler would have us believe that he stopped at the Mansion House, while in Leavenworth. The idea of a Southern Kansas Editor putting up at a first- class Hotel.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

The new stone house of Captain Lowery is now ready for occupancy, and is one of the finest and most complete residences in the county. We would be pleased to see more such residences built this summer.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

The editor-in-chief of this paper made the best race for councilman that was made at the late city election. He beat Dr. Mansfield, S. H. Myton, James Kirk, Jones, Williams, Gray, Austin, Jack-of-clubs, and Tom Wright's dog.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Those oranges donated us by George Miller were nice and disappeared lively. George has a lot of candies, lemons, and other good things which he hasn't brought around yet but which we are expecting daily.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

I. F. Newland has closed out his restaurant and bakery and opened out a grocery store. He has purchased a large stock of goods at the lowest cash figures and he is prepared to sell the same way. Mr. Newland is a good businessman, gentlemanly and courteous to customers, and those who trade with him can rest secured they will get the worth of their money.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Sweet & Lewis, furniture dealers, have dissolved partnership, Mr. Sweet now having entire control of the business, which he will continue at the old stand. The old firm have by their enterprise and industry worked up a flourishing trade, which we are sure will still increase under Mr. Sweet's judicious management. See dissolution notice.

Dissolution Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing under the name of Sweet & Lewis, furniture dealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts will be settled by J. B. Sweet, who still continues the furniture business.

Winfield, April 14th, 1874.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Capt. E. Davis, who, with his estimable lady, has been sojourning in St. Joseph, Missouri, for the last six months, has returned to town, and gone straight to work beautifying the grounds in and about his elegant stone house. The Captain looks hearty as if life in St. Joe quite agreed with him. We hope he will conclude to make his home with us in the future.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Our prediction about the price of corn, made last January, has been fully verified. We told the farmers then that before the summer, corn would be worth from 50 to 75 cents per bushel. It is worth 60 cents now. Beef has also raised to a good round figure, fat cattle being worth 4 and 5 cents per pound. Surely those of our farmers who have corn or beef to sell, cannot complain of hard times.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Lucius Walton and W. H. Grow, the investigating committee, are still hard at work looking at long lines of figures, receipts, vouchers, etc. They were not prepared to make any report to the county board; consequently, we have nothing new to give our readers in that line. It is a herculean task to go over the records of the county since its first organization, but these men are equal to the emergency, and hang to it with a pertinacity truly commendable.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

The Board of County Commissioners met last Monday, and forthwith were flooded with bills. We noticed quite a number before the board asking to have their taxes remitted, rescinded, rebated, cut-down, modified, etc. Some blame the assessor, some their neighbors, some the County Clerk, and a few, a very few, acknowledge their ignorance of the law. The board, two of whom only are here, are up to this writing, up to their eyes in business. R. F. Burden and Mr. Roseberry, the two in attendance, have settled down to business manfully, and wear their new honors gracefully. They have our hearty sympathy at this, the beginning of their term. They surely need it.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

Plant trees, plant trees, Messrs. Grangers, and farmers in general, and many of your grievances will vanish of themselves. Your lands will become more fertile, your districts more salubrious, your landscapes more picturesque, and your pocket-books and bank books more interesting inside. Now is the time, the glorious time of spring.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

KELLY - GROOM. On Sunday April 12th, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Alex Kelly to Miss Alice Groom, all of Richland Township.

This is an instance in which the bride was also a Groom.

BOWER - STUMP. On Sunday, April 12th, at the residence of the bride's father, by J. M. Barrick, J. P., Mr. Geo. Bower to Miss Maggie A. Stump, all of Rock Township.

The Bower takes the Stump and wins the game; shuffle the cards and make ready for a new deal.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.

To Builders.
BIDS will be received until Wednesday, April 30th, for the erection of a brick dwelling house in Winfield. The building is to be 26 x 32 with a one-story wing 14 x 14. Plans, specifications, and conditions of contract at Curns & Manser's. J. E. PLATTER.


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874. Front Page.

The Belle, which our neighbors of Arkansas City have been searching for so long, has at last been found. Her absence was but temporary, just while her breath was shut off by the wax in her throat. Our friends at the mouth of the Walnut will certainly vote our poet a brass medal for his services in discovering the belle who baffled all the Uncle Dudleys in Arkansaw, so long to discover. But we will let him tell the story himself.

Here it is.

He was young, he was fair, and he parted his hair, like the average beau, in the middle; he was proud, he was bold, but the truth must be told, he played like a fiend on the fiddle. Barring his voice, he was everything nice, and his heart was so loving and tender that he always turned pale when he trod on the tail of the cat lying down by the fender. He clerked in _____'s store and the way he tore off calico, jeans, and brown sheeting, would have tickled a calf and made the brute laugh in the face of a quarterly meeting. He cut quite a dash with a darling moustache which he learned to adore and to cherish; for one girl had said, while she dropped her proud head, that `twould kill her to see the thing perish. On Sunday he'd search for the Liberal Church, unheeding the voice of the scorner, and demurely he sat, like a young tabby cat, with Scott in the amen corner. He sang like a bird and his sweet voice was heard fairly tugging away at long meter; and we speak but the truth when we say that this young man could outsing a hungry mosquito.

She was young, she was fair, and she scrambled her hair as became the belle of the City; she was proud, but not bold, yet the truth must be told, the way she chewed wax was a pity. Barring this vice, she was everything nice, and the surveyors admired her bustle, and the Thomasville boys, being calmed by the noise, walked miles to hear it rustle. She cut quite a swell, did this Arkansaw belle, and men flocked in crowds to meet her; but she gave them the shirk, for she loved the young clerk, who sang like a hungry mosquito. So she hummed and she hawed, and she sighed and she "chawed," till her heart and her jaws were broken; then she walked by his store, while he stood at the door awaiting some love token. She raised up her eyes with a mock surprise, and tried to enact the scorner; but to tell the truth, she grinned at the clerk who loved the amen corner.

* * * They met, alas! What came to pass was soft and sweet and precious: they wooed, they cooed; he talked, she chewedO, how they loved, good gracious! They had to part, he rose to start; her grief cannot be painted; these are the facts. She swallowed her wax, then screamed, then choked, then fainted. Her pa appeared. Her beaux, quite scared, rushed out to get some water. The watch dog spied his tender hide, and bit him where he'd "oughn'ter." The tale is sad, the sequel sternso thinks the youth thus bitten. He sings no more, as oft of yore: he gave that girl the mitten.

She pined apace; her slender face looked slender and dejected; her father kind, but somewhat blind, beheld her, and reflected. His income tax he spent for waxshe smiled and called him clever. She went to work, forgot that clerk, and now chews more than ever.


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

The editor of the Telegram is howling at the COURIER, charging it with having so much influence with the granges of Cowley County, and Representative Martin, as to prevent the bonding of the county indebtedness. Among other idiotic statements he asserts that it would take a direct tax of, from seven to ten, percent to pay the county indebtedness, which he asserts is $28,000. This modern Euclid don't know that a tax of one and one-half percent upon the taxable property of the county would raise $30,000. The valuation of the property of the county last year was $1,260,963.33-1/2. There were entered, prior to March 1st, 1873, 1,240 tracts of land, which were taxable last year; since which time, there has been entered and placed on the county clerk's books 722 other tracts. Now, it is safe to estimate that the value of all property will have risen in the same proportion, or seven-twelfths more property for the purposes of taxation, then last year. This would give us a total valuation of $1,902,823. Then, including what mortgages can be taxed, and we have an aggregate in round numbers of $2,000,000. Then on a valuation of $2,000,000, a levy of one and one-half (1-1/2) percent, instead of 7 or 10, as the Telegram has it, would wipe out the debt. Pick your flint and try it again, brother Allison, or come over and take lessons in Arithmetic of our devil. But we do not propose to make any extra levy this year, to pay off the entire debt. If we can pay one-half this year, and the remaining half, next, we can do so, and scarcely feel it.

We were not aware that the COURIER had so much influence with Mr. Martin, last winter, as to deter that gentleman from putting an enabling act through the Legislature. Had we then but known, the COURIER's most potent influence, we would have certainly used it to prevent the passage of some of the outrageous measures that were enacted last winter. And, perhaps, had we been employed by certain scrip holders to go and stay in Topeka all winter, to run the Representative from Cowley, and see that he put a bond bill through, and then failed, after all our peculiar efforts, we might howl too.

[Note: This issue had two articles relative to stupidity on the part of the County Board in giving county printing to Allison. It worked! Kelly got printing soon after.]


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

The Indian Territory.
The Kansas City Times says that "the people of Kansas are almost a unit in favor of the Indian Territory." If it means that the people of this state are in favor of the opening of the Indian Territory to general settlement, its assertion is absurd. Not one in ten is in favor of any such thing. Atchison Champion.

The Champion might go still further and truthfully say that the only support any such movement has in the states comes from a class of roving and impecunious political adventurers who are seeking new fields wherein to plant themselves. That is the only element in the state which favors opening and organizing the Territory. Paola Spirit.

No sensible Kansan wishes to see the Territory, just south of us, opened up, not because it is a better country than this, for it is not. But because people would make a rush down there all the same, leave pleasant homes here, and although at the end of the year they would find themselves willing to come back, the mischief would be complete. No, gentlemen, none but the politicians about Washington and the hangers-on and loafers about our own towns wish to see the Territory open for settlement.


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Chetopa, Kansas, is moving to a new town site to avoid paying a bonded indebtedness of $300,000.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

It would seem that New Mexico stands a fair chance of being admitted as a state into the Union. The Senate committee on Territories has come to the conclusion to report a bill to this effect.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Livingstone's funeral is represented as having been the greatest and most imposing ceremony of the kind during the present generation. Stanley occupied the post of honor, heading the right-hand side of the line of pall bearers.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Col. Boudinot, the Cherokee, who is now lecturing in Connecticut, was once a student in a school for Indians at Cornwall, in that state, but the institution was broken up because Boudinot and another Indian married white girls of Cornwall, and the people got very mad about it.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

A special dispatch from Kearney, Mo., of April 18th, gives particulars of the killing of another detective by one of the notorious James Brothers. The victim was found dead and covered with blood on the road, four miles east of Elkhorn, Ray County. A card crossed with blood was pinned to his coat, and inscribed, "This shall be the fate of all Pinkerton's detectives who come to hunt the James Brothers." Signed, Jesse James, Frank James. A handkerchief in the murdered man's pocket was marked "P. K. Cole."


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

The City Council met at the Courthouse April 20, 1874, at 7 p.m. Mayor S. C. Smith in the chair. Councilmen present: J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, S. Darrah. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

On motion, S. Darrah was duly elected as President of the Council for the ensuing year. H. S. Silver, S. Darrah, and R. B. Saffold were appointed a standing committee on finance for the ensuing year. S. Darrah, J. D. Cochran, and J. P. McMillen were appointed a standing committee on streets and sidewalks.

City Council Proceedings.
The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, appointed the following city officers for the ensuing year. M. L. Robinson was duly appointed City Treasurer; J. W. Curns was duly appointed City Clerk and qualified as such. T. H. Suits was appointed City Attorney. Z. T. Swigart was duly appointed City Marshal.

The bill of A. J. Jones for services as policeman one day and one night, $3.00, was audited, allowed, and ordered paid. Bill of Burt Covert, $12.25, for boarding prisoners was referred to the finance committee. Fee bill "City of Winfield vs. Adolphus H. Green" of $36.40, was referred to the finance committee.

The sealed proposals for the City Printing were opened and rejected. The clerk was authorized to ask for new bids.

On motion, the Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to build sidewalks along 9th and 10th avenues, where they have not been built as required by ordinance.

The time fixed for the regular meeting of the City Council was the first and third Mondays of each month.

On motion adjourned to meet Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock a.m.

J. W. CURNS, Clerk.
City Council Proceedings.
Council met in pursuance of adjournment April 22nd, at 9 a.m. Present: Mayor Smith, and councilmen Cochran, Silver, Darrah, and Saffold. The Clerk being absent, R. B. Saffold was chosen as Clerk pro tem.

The bids for the City printing for the ensuing year were then opened and read, and the contract awarded to James Kelly, editor of the Winfield COURIER, he being the lowest bidder.

On motion a committee of three were appointed, consisting of McMillen, Cochran, and Silver, to provide a "pound" for the city and have the same enclosed. On motion, adjourned.

R. B. SAFFOLD, Clerk, pro tem.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.


Sidewalks to be along lots 12, 13, 14, and 18 in block 128; along lots 1, 19, and 7 feet along lot 20; 7 feet along lot 21 and along lot 22, all in block 129; along lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, in block 149; along lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, in block 169 on 9th avenue. Also along lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 in block 149; along lot 1, block 130; along lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in block 150; along lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in block 170, on Tenth avenue in the city of Winfield.

Sidewalks to be constructed as follows: To be built four feet in width, the outer edges of which shall extend out five feet from the front of the lots along said blocks; to be built of hard wood or pine lumber one inch in thickness, well nailed to three stringers of hard wood or pine lumber, said stringers to be 2 x 6 (said walk may be constructed of stone) to be placed on the established street grade.

Bidders are required to state the amount for which they will contract each walk separately, and where parts of walks are required to be built to state the amount per front foot thereof. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

J. G. Titus has sold out his butcher shop.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Bills were allowed at the late meeting of the Commissioners to the amount of nearly $4,000. See proceedings.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

The COURIER is now the official City, as well as the official County paper. See Council proceedings elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

The Congregational church will have service at the courthouse next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7-1/2 p.m. Preaching by Rev. J. B. Parmelee.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

The Cowley Co. Medical society will meet in Winfield Saturday, April 25th, 1874. All physicians of the county are invited. T. G. PEYTON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Rev. I. A. Koons will preach at Pleasant View Schoolhouse Sunday the 26th inst. at 3 o'clock p.m. Pleasant View is only three miles east of Winfield on the Tisdale road. Just a pleasant ride, and all who come will be welcome.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

The judges and clerks of the late township elections cost the county about four hundred dollars, to which add the cost of publication and posting of proclamations, and other incidental expenses, and it will be found that the total cost of holding an election in this county is over five hundred dollars.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

In another column will be found the advertisement of Leon Lippmann's saw and grist mill, situated upon the Grouse Creek in this county. He has any quantity of lumber which he offers cheap. His mill is in good running order and grists will be ground on short notice. Mr. Lippmann is a reliable businessman, and one who can be depended upon.

AD: SAW AND GRIST MILL! GOOD LUMBER AT FAIR PRICES AT L. LIPPMANN'S MILL, ON GROUSE CREEK. All bills filled promptly and any kind of good stock taken at market price. PRICE OF LUMBER. Soft lumber $21.50 per thousand, when taken by the thousand. Oak $2.25 under 14 feet. Walnut $2.75 to $3.50.

GRISTS ground at any time and good meal insured.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

We wish to call the attention of our readers to the fact that the county printing, which Allison, of the Telegram, says is worth $1,500 a year is actually worth less than $500 all told. A table which we are preparing, and which we hope to have ready for publication next week, shows just what the county has paid out for printing both at home and abroad for the past twelve months.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

A. H. Barnard of Belle Plain, and James F. Hall of Wichita, have formed a co-partnership and rented the Hudson House in this city. They are both gentlemen of experience in the Hotel business, and will make the Hudson House one of the best in the city. We are always glad to welcome such men to our midst.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

A little misunderstanding arose one day last week between Mr. S. Jones, of Arkansas City, and D. F. Best, of Winfield, with reference to money matters. From words the disputants proceeded to blows, and after a short but lively scrabble, Mr. Jones succeeded in placing Best in a position unfavorable for the well being of his optics, when the latter yelled "enough," and was let up glad enough to come out second Best. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Arkansas City poets have been spending their time, and puzzling what little brains they have, for some time, over the "Belle" of that rural seaport, and have not as yet come to any definite understanding as to whom the term will apply. Now we think we have solved the problem and if our readers will turn to the first page of this paper, they will read a full account of the proceedings that brought the matter to our notice. [See "Belle" story.]

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Rev. P. B. Lee of Duncan, Illinois, is now here visiting his uncle, Rev. J. B. Parmelee, and spying out this goodly land of ours. Mr. Lee represents some twenty families in Illinois, who are preparing to immigrate to Cowley, provided he brings them a good report. He has bought one quarter section a few miles above Winfield on the Walnut River. This is one more instance of the value of the COURIER's judicious advertising. Mr. Lee is perfectly satisfied with the country and we may expect a large immigration, through his representa tions, to our county this summer.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

J. M. Johnson, living on the Nenescah near Belle Plain, Sumner County, brought to this city a lot of the finest sweet potatoes we have ever seen. They were in a perfect state of preservation, which is something remarkable even in this latitude. He sold them to McMillen & Shields at $3.75 per bushel. Mr. Johnson raised some 300 bushels, put them in a cave, or "dugout," where he maintained a temperature, by means of a stove, from 40 degrees to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Would it not be well for some of our farmers who are in a hurry to get rich to try Mr. Johnson's plan? He says that he intends to raise a thousand bushels the coming season. Success to him.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Nearly every letter received here from other states in regard to this country, speaks of having read the description of Cowley County in the COURIER. Just so; the COURIER is by far the best advertising medium in this part of the state. It is read every week in nearly every state in the Union. It is read in England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and France, that we know of, and to how many other parts of the world it be sent by others, we don't of course know. Everybody should subscribe for it and send it to their friends in the east. It will give them a much better idea of the country than any letter they may write.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Mr. S. H. Myton met with a somewhat serious accident last Sunday evening. He had been for some time apprehensive that burglars were trying to break into his store. On that particular night he was aroused by a noise as of someone trying to raise the window. He got out of bed, and taking a loaded rifle, rested it upon a stove, the muzzle pointed toward the said window to await developments. While awaiting the supposed thief, he fell asleep and by some mismanagement pulled the trigger and the gun went off at the same time bursting the barrel to pieces scattering Sam around in all directions, burning his face and completely closing one of his eyes. NEXT LINE IMPOSSIBLE TO READ. swelling, all right. We hope that Sam will be more careful in future, and buy himself a good gun.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

"Quite a novel lawsuit is pending before `Squire Boyer, between Geo. Miller and a prominent lawyer in this city. The case is as follows. Just before court adjourned at the last term, T. H. Suits, Esq., arose and addressed the Court in a little short facetious speech and informed his honor, Judge Campbell, that as it has been the custom from time immemorial for the members of the bar, on the occasion of the departure of anyone of their number from their midst, to meet and jollify in some way, pass resolutions of respect, etc. And now it was generally understood that one of them was about to depart a life of single cussedness, and submit his neck to the benedictine yoke. Therefore, the speaker moved that said candidate for matrimonial honors be notified that the Court and bar expected him to set up the oysters.

"The Court entering at once into the spirit of the joke, appointed T. H. Suits, R. B. Saffold, and E. S. Torrance to carry out the programme. This was faithfully attended to by the committee and about 9 o'clock p.m., of that day, the Court, members of the bar, clerks, and sheriff's, sat down to a splendid supper at the St. Nicholas, kept by Geo. Miller, who is noted the country over for serving his guests with the best the market affords. A jollier time was never seen in Winfield. The lawyer seemed to enjoy the good things set before him as much as the worst gourmand there; perhaps in anticipation of the way he was going to fool that court and bar, or perhaps he liked the tone of the speeches, or the sentiment of the toasts, or the sparkle of the wine, or, perhaps it was because he was hungry, he, perhaps not having eaten a good square meal for some days previous, or it may have been all combined; certain it is that he seemed well pleased with the entertainment.

"After allowing a reasonable time to elapse, Mr. Miller sent his bill to the victim, who refused to come down with the scads, greenbacks, dingbats (or whatever those things are called which you swap for oyster suppers). The other members of the bar learning that the `little bill' had gone to protest, magnanimously agreed each to pay for his own. And now our friend is sued for the quantity of oysters and wine he was supposed to have stowed away under his vest, on that, to the other starvelings, very pleasant occasion, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of one dollar and seventy cents.

And now the case is set for hearing next Monday. How it is likely to turn out, we, of course, don't pretend to say, nor is this article written to bias public opinion, to suborn wit nesses, or to assist the average Kansas juror to form an opinion; no, none of these; but it is written for the purpose of insisting that the public suspend their opinion and never condemn a man unheard, no matter how guilty or deserving of the gallows you may know the man to be. Let justice be done though the oysters be never paid for. George has retained all the lawyers in town, and if he don't win, it will be because he has `too many cooks.'"


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Commissioner's Proceeding.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.

Judges of Election: U. H. Demott $4.50; John Liston, $2.00; R. I. Theaker, $2.00; T. H. Morris, $2.00; Warren Wood, $2.00; W. A. Freeman, $3.90; D. M. Patton, $6.00; J. H. Patton, $2.00; J. Q. Searle, $2.00; Tim. McIntire, $2.00; D. Thompson, $4.50; A. J. Pyburn, $2.00; T. R. Bryan, $2.00; D. A. Merydith, $5.00; G. L. Burdett, $2.00; John Mosier, $2.00; C. Sprague, $2.00; J. H. Pricket, $5.70; A. Weatherhead, $2.00; Wm. Adkinson, $2.00; Adam Walk, $5.00; A. McKinley, $2.00; Isaac Onstott, $2.00; P. J. Copple, $4.00; R. S. Strother, $5.00; W. M. Gillard, $2.00; Wm. Jenkins, $2.00; Thos. Shaver, $7.00; A. A. Mills, $2.00; T. L. Thompson, $2.00; John Boon, $7.00; F. M. Ross, $2.00; J. J. Smith, $2.00; T. H. Henderson, $2.00; H. H. Constant, $3.60; M. L. Devore, $2.00; Robert Thirsk, $2.00; H. L. Busher, $4.80; S. B. Johnson, $2.00; J. W. Miller, $2.00; N. J. Larkin, $4.30; S. D. Groom, $2.00; Wm. White, $4.40; G. H. Williams, $2.00; J. M. Barrick, $2.00; A. P. Brooks, $4.80; S. F. Draper, $2.00; T. P. Carter, $2.00; W. Ketcham, $2.00; M. B. Hennon, $5.80; I. How, $2.00; B. A. Davis, $5.00; J. N. Fleharty, $2.00; W. M. Butterfield, $2.00; J. B. Smith, $4.20; C. D. Willeston, $2.00; D. Terrill, $2.00; G. W. Foughty, $3.80; J. G. Young, $2.00; J. M. Marks, $2.00; G. C. Swasey, $3.90; T. A. Blanchard, $2.00; D. B. Ware, $2.00; M. Hemenway, $2.00; H. D. Gans, $2.00; H. D. Wilkins, $5.00; J. D. Cochran, $2.00; W. Williams, $2.00; J. P. Short, $3.00.

Clerks of Election (each paid $2.00): Isaac Shuster, W. M. Wilson, Geo. Wright, L. P. King, J. W. Blair, J. W. Ledlie, G. H. McIntire, S. W. Emmerson, Jesse Hines, Jas. McDermott, _____ Horneman, _____ Walbert, A. J. Walk, Samuel Adams, D. A. Byers, L. Goodrich, C. B. Hall, Wm. Stalp, Alvin Barris, John Stockdale, C. R. Miles, T. H. Aley, Samuel Watt, L. Holcomb, S. J. Holebrit, Peter Hansen, H. H. Hooker, J. N. Groom, C. M. Stowe, _______, M. Brooks, S. M. Jarvis, W. Estes, J. B. Waggoner, _______, J. C. Felton, J. W. Hamilton, W. H. Clay, S. S. Moore, Ed Millard, D. H. Worden, Chas. McClung, A. J. Pickering, J. B. Todd, C. M. Wood, John Swain.

Other bills:

W. M. Boyer, Stationery: $3.85

E. P. Hickok, Co. Supt.: $12.00

James Kelly, District Clerk: $2.90

John Swain, Carpentering: $18.00

R. L. Walker, Sheriff: $79.60

J. W. Johnson, Repairing table: $3.50

J. W. Tull, guarding prisoner: $11.80

C. Brintzenhoffer, guarding prisoner: $3.00

Isaac Kaylor, guarding prisoner: $1.00

Fred Ward, guarding prisoner: $2.00

R. Fitzgerald, guarding prisoner: $3.00

W. Fritch, guarding prisoner: $2.00

G. M. Rouse, guarding prisoner: $1.00

Elmer Kinney, guarding prisoner: $1.00

J. L. M. Hill, Deputy Sheriff: $1.50

Burt Covert, Jailor: $36.00

Burt Covert, Jailor: $104.88

Jurors: W. A. Wood, $24.00; J. W. Tull, $26.60; G. W. Gardenhire, $16.60; J. H. Kinney, $22.80; C. A. McClung, $22.60

Witnesses: Joseph Requa, $4.50; G. W. Ballou, $8.50; Geo. Walker, $4.50; R. L. Walker, $4.50; John Seis, $2.50; Wm. Fritch, $6.10; H. D. Gans, $6.10; T. J. Jones, $1.50; W. E. Doud, $4.00; Barney Shriver, $4.50; Thomas Lawson, $4.50; James Parker, $1.00; Napoleon Bryant, $4.50; Harrison Barton, $3.50; W. M. Boyer, $6.35; C. S. Smith, $2.30.

W. M. Boyer, Justice of the Peace: $10.75

R. L. Walker, Sheriff: $30.25

J. L. M. Hill, Constable: $9.65

M. G. Troup, for land abstract: $72.95

J. G. Titus, meat: $3.80

W. M. Boyer, Justice of the Peace: $7.50

Burt Covert, Constable: $55.60

Burt Covert, witness: $.50

R. B. Saffold, witness: $.50

M. G. Troup, Co. Clerk: $90.15

W. M. Boyer, Justice of the Peace: $5.75

R. L. Walker, Sheriff, paid as follows: $2.25; $14.25; $56.00; $2.00; $32.00; $73.50; $3.55; $4.15; $2.25.

Geo. L. Walker, Bailiff: $22.00

J. L. M. Hill, Bailiff: $18.00

T. A. Blanchard, Bailiff: $8.00

Burt Covert, Jailor: $17.77; $52.44; $8.00; $6.75.

Gophers: Stephen Mann, $1.70; T. W. Morris, $3.50; A. J. Burrell, $3.00; A. C. Holland, $4.60.

James Kelly, District Clerk: $12.00; $2.00.

Witnesses Burt Covert, $4.50; S. Tarrant, $3.00; H. S. Silver, $3.00; James Kirk, $3.00; A. A. Jackson, $7.50; Arthur Hane, $4.50; C. W. Jones, $5.70; C. Mayes, $7.70; J. E. Mayes, $7.70; Robert Bailey, $7.50; Geo. Mayes, $7.70; T. H. Suits, $1.50; T. H. Johnson, $6.90.

Jurors: H. S. Millard, $25.00; F. Brown, $93.80; W. H. Brown, $24.80; D. A. Cawlfield, $22.00; C. M. Sloan, $24.20; Benj. S. Turner, $24.40; H. C. Loomis, $22.00; Wm. Burkey, $24.80; S. C. Wood, $24.80; Wm. Fowler, $24.80; J. H. Penix, $22.00; J. E. Davis, $4.60; J. R. Davis, $4.60; W. R. Land, $4.40; S. M. Jarvis, $6.80; J. L. King, $4.80.

Timothy McIntire, Justice of the Peace: $3.70.

G. H. McIntire, Constable: $12.50

J. L. M. Hill, Deputy Sheriff: $2.00; $10.00.

A. T. Shenneman, Agent: $136.65

John M. Young, Jailor: $21.33

W. M. Boyer, Justice of the Peace: $2.20; $9.00.

D. C. Cram, Medical Service: $8.00

Braden & Burford, Stationery: $50.90

George W. Crane: $83.85; $45.00; $9.80; $190.50.

James Kelly, Printing: $35.00; $12.50; $7.90; $2.25; $6.25; $6.75.

C. M. Scott, Printing: $18.10

H. B. Norton, Examiner: $6.00

M. S. Roseberry, Commissioner: $30.00

R. F. Burden, Commissioner: $40.05

Lucius Walton, Investigating Committee: $60.00

W. H. Grow, Investigating Committee: $60.00

Witnesses: A. Wood, $1.50; B. Wood, $1.50.

Sweet & Lewis, Chairs: $5.50

Chas. Brush, Road Damage: $10.00

T. McIntire. J. P.: $4.40

G. H. McIntire, Constable: $11.80

A. M. Patterson: $.50

S. Tarrant, Board: $6.50

Margaret Winner, Washing: $4.50

E. D. Eddy, Medicine: $12.30

J. W. Johnson, coffin: $8.00

J. T. Stewart, sawing wood: $38.00

Hitchcock & Boyle, goods: $6.25; $12.50; $6.25; $32.50.

Wirt Walton, Co. Surveyor: $70.33; $73.45; $4.00.

J. P. Fairbank, examiner: $27.00

T. A. Wilkinson: $308.00

E. S. Bedilion, book rest: $1.50

James Kelly, District Clerk: $2.00; $9.30

E. S. Torrance, County Attorney: $250.00

Witnesses: G. H. McIntire, $9.50; W. M. Boyer, $3.00; Ben Townsend, $3.30; Burt Covert, $1.50; T. A. Suits, $3.00.

J. W. Johnson, furniture: $7.50

Sweet & Lewis: $7.50

Robert Robinson, digging grave: $2.00

M. G. Troup, Co. Clerk: $135.20; $108.60.

T. A. Rice, Carpenter: $10.90; $7.10.

C. M. Wood, wood: $43.50

Samuel Kuntz, pauper: $29.50

S. H. Myton, wood, etc.: $50.86

G. Black, medical service: $25.00

R. L. Walker, lantern: $1.75

T. McIntire, J. P.: $5.25

G. H. McIntire, Constable: $6.80

W. Parker, witness: $1.30

E. Parker, witness: $1.30

I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk in and for Cowley County, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above is a true statement of all the claims against Cowley County at the last regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.

Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of April, A. D. 1874.

M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.
Note to file: Above was very hard to follow. Redid the entire article in order to place it in George McIntire file. Some of the names given in paper do not seem to be correct. When I redid this, I also corrected (or tried to) some of the names. MAW 7/15/1999

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874. Commissioner's Proceeding.

Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.

Judges of Election.

Wm. Adkinson, $2.00; J. M. Barrick, $2.00; T. W. Blanchard, $2.00; John Boon, $7.00; A. P. Brooks, $4.80; T. R. Bryan, $2.00; G. L. Burdett, $2.00; H. L. Busher, $4.80; W. M. Butter- field, $2.00; T. P. Carter, $2.00; J. D. Cochran, $2.00; H. H. Constant, $3.60; P. J. Copple, $4.00; B. A. Davis, $5.00; W. H. DeMott, $4.50; M. L. Devore, $2.00; S. F. Draper, $2.00; J. N. Fleharty, $2.00; G. W. Foughty, $3.80; W. A. Freeman, $3.90; H. D. Gans, $2.00; W. M. Gillard, $2.00; S. D. Groom, $2.00; M. Hemenway, $2.00; T. H. Henderson, $2.00; M. B. Hennon, $5.80; I. How, $2.00; Wm. Jenkins, $2.00; S. B. Johnson, $2.00; W. Ketcham, $2.00; N. J. Larkin, $4.30; John Liston, $2.00; J. M. Marks, $2.00; Tim. McIntire, $2.00; A. McKinley, $2.00; D. A. Merydith, $5.00; J. W. Miller, $2.00; A. A. Mills, $2.00; T. H. Morris, $2.00; John Mosier, $2.00; Isaac Onstott, $2.00; D. M. Patton, $6.00; J. H. Patton, $2.00; J. H. Pricket, $5.70; A. J. Pyburn, $2.00; F. M. Ross, $2.00; J. Q. Searle, $2.00; Thos. Shaver, $7.00; J. P. Short, $3.00; J. B. Smith, $4.20; J. J. Smith, $2.00; C. Sprague, $2.00; G. C. Swasey, $3.90; R. S. Strother, $5.00; D. Terrill, $2.00; R. I. Theaker, $2.00; Robert Thirsk, $2.00; D. Thompson, $4.50; T. L. Thompson, $2.00; Adam Walk, $5.00; D. B. Ware, $2.00; A. Weatherhead, $2.00; Wm. White, $4.40; H. D. Wilkins, $5.00; C. D. Willeston, $2.00; G. H. Williams, $2.00; W. Williams, $2.00; Warren Wood, $2.00; J. G. Young, $2.00.

Clerks of Election (each paid $2.00). [Two names not listed.]

Samuel Adams, T. H. Aley, Alvin Barris, J. W. Blair, M. L. Brooks, D. A. Byers, W. H. Clay, T. W. Emerson, W. Estes, J. C. Felton, L. Goodrich, J. N. Groom, C. B. Hall, J. W. Hamilton, Peter Hansen, Jessie Hines, L. Holcomb, S. J. Holebrit, H. H. Hooker, A. H. Hornemann, S. M. Jarvis, L. P. King, J. W. Ledlie, Chas. McClung, Jas. McDermott, G. H. McIntire, C. R. Miles, Ed Millard, S. S. Moore, A. J. Pickering, Isaac Shuster, John Stockdale, Wm. R. Stolp, C. M. Stowe, John Swain, J. B. Todd, J. B. Waggoner, J. Walbert, A. J. Walck, Samuel Watt, F. H. Werden, W. M. Wilson, C. M. Wood, Geo. Wright.

Other bills.

County Clerk: M. G. Troup, $90.15; $135.20; $108.60.

District Clerk: James Kelly, $12.00; $2.00.

Justice of the Peace: W. M. Boyer, $10.75; $7.50; $5.75; $2.20; $9.00.

Justice of the Peace: Timothy McIntire, $3.70; $5.25; $4.40.

Sheriff, R. L. Walker, paid as follows: $79.60; $30.25; $2.25; $14.25; $56.00; $2.00; $32.00; $73.50; $3.55; $4.15; $2.25.

Deputy Sheriff: J. L. M. Hill, $1.50; $2.00; $10.00.

Bailiff: Geo. L. Walker, $22.00; J. L. M. Hill, $18.00; T. A. Blanchard, $8.00.

Constable: Burt Covert, $55.60.

Constable: G. H. McIntire, $6.80, $12.50, $4.40, $11.80.

Constable: J. L. M. Hill, $9.65.

Jailor, Burt Covert: $36.00; $104.88; $17.77; $52.44; $8.00; $6.75.

Jailor, John M. Young, $21.33.

Guarding prisoner: C. Brintzenhoffer, $3.00; R. Fitzgerald, $3.00; W. Fritch, $2.00; Elmer Kinney, $1.00; G. M. Rouse, $1.00; Isaac Taylor, $1.00; J. W. Tull, $11.80; Fred Ward, $2.00.

Witnesses: Robert Bailey, $7.50; G. W. Ballou, $8.50; Harrison Barton, $3.50; W. M. Boyer, $6.35, $3.00; Napoleon Bryant, $4.50; Burt Covert, $4.50, $.50, $1.50; W. E. Doud, $4.00; Wm. Fritch, $6.10; H. D. Gans, $6.10; Arthur Hane, $4.50; A. A. Jackson, $7.50; T. H. Johnson, $6.90; C. W. Jones, $5.70; T. J. Jones, $1.50; James Kirk, $3.00; Thomas Lawson, $4.50; C. Mayes, $7.70; Geo. Mayes, $7.70; J. E. Mayes, $7.70; G. H. McIntire, $9.50; E. Parker, $1.30; James Parker, $1.00; W. Parker, $1.30; Joseph Requa, $4.50; R. B. Saffold, $.50; Barney Shriver, $4.50; H. S. Silver, $3.00; C. S. Smith, $2.30; T. A. Suits, $3.00; T. H. Suits, $1.50; S. Tarrant, $3.00; Ben Townsend, $3.30; Geo. Walker, $4.50; R. L. Walker, $4.50; John Weiss, $2.50; A. Wood, $1.50; B. Wood, $1.50.

Gophers: A. J. Burrell, $3.00; A. C. Holland, $4.60; Stephen Mann, $1.70; T. W. Morris, $3.50.

Jurors: F. Brown, $93.80; W. H. Brown, $24.80; Wm. Burkey, $24.80; D. A. Caulfield, $22.00; J. E. Davis, $4.60; J. R. Davis, $4.60; Wm. Fowler, $24.80; G. W. Gardenhire, $16.60; S. M. Jarvis, $6.80; J. L. King, $4.80; J. H. Kinney, $22.80; W. R. Land, $4.40; H. C. Loomis, $22.00; C. A. McClung, $22.60; H. S. Millard, $25.00; J. H. Phenis, $22.00; C. M. Sloan, $24.20; J. W. Tull, $26.60; Benj. S. Turner, $24.40; S. C. Wood, $24.80; W. A. Wood, $24.00.

Agent, A. T. Shenneman: $136.65.

County Attorney: E. S. Torrance, $250.00.

County Clerk: M. G. Troup, $90.15, $135.20, $108.60.

County Commissioner: R. F. Burden, $40.05; M. S. Roseberry, $30.00.

County Superintendent: E. P. Hickock, $12.00.

County Surveyor: Wirt Walton, $70.33; $73.45; $4.00.

District Clerk: James Kelly, $2.90, $2.00; $9.30; $12.00; $2.00.

Examiner: J. P. Fairbank, $27.00; H. B. Norton, $6.00.

Investigating Committee: W. H. Grow, $60.00; Lucius Walton, $60.00.

Land Abstract: M. G. Troup, $72.95.

Board: S. Tarrant, $6.50.

Book Rest: E. S. Bedilion, $1.50.

Carpenter: T. A. Rice, $10.90; $7.10; John Swain, $18.00.

Chairs: Sweet & Lewis, $5.50.

Coffin: J. W. Johnson, $8.00.

Goods: Hitchcock & Boyle, $6.25; $12.50; $6.25; $32.50.

Furniture: J. W. Johnson, $7.50.

Grave Digging: Robert Robinson, $2.00.

Lantern: R. L. Walker, $1.75.

Meat: J. G. Titus, $3.80.

Medical service: D. C. Cram, $8.00; G. Black, $25.00.

Medicine: E. D. Eddy, $12.30.

Pauper: Samuel Kuntz, $29.50.

Printing: James Kelly, $35.00; $12.50; $7.90; $2.25; $6.25; $6.75.

Printing: C. M. Scott, $18.10.

Repairing Table: J. W. Johnson, $3.50.

Road Damage: Chas. Brush, $10.00.

Stationery: Braden & Burford, $50.90; W. M. Boyer, $3.85.

Washing: Margaret Winner, $4.50.

Wood, etc.: C. M. Wood, $43.50; S. H. Myton, $50.86.

Wood (sawing): J. T. Stewart, $38.00.

George W. Crane, $83.85; $45.00; $9.80; $190.50;

A. M. Patterson, $.50

Sweet & Lewis, $7.50.

T. A. Wilkinson: $308.00.

I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk in and for Cowley County, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above is a true statement of all the claims against Cowley County at the last regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.

Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of April, A. D. 1874.

M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

McMILLEN & SHIELDS will not be undersold.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

W. H. SOUTH, at Maris' old stand, offers at auction for the next 30 days his entire stock of dry goods, notions, queensware, glassware, etc. Mr. South means just what he says. Anyone wishing to buy anything in his line can buy very cheap for cash.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

9 POUNDS of SUGAR for $1.00 at Newland's Cash Store.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.



Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

As we promised our readers last week, we now lay before them a statement of the cost of Stationery, Printing, etc., since the 1st day of January, 1873. This includes books that have ben ordered for the County Clerk and Treasurer's offices, and probably some others.

R. S. Wadell & Co. $125.12

W. M. Allison 76.08

C. M. Scott 295.00

James Kelly $238.81

Total: $740.01

Brayden & Burford, Indianapolis, Ind.: $77.65.

Dodsworth & Co., Leavenworth, Kansas: $594.40.

Crane & Byron, Topeka, Kansas: $1,013.90.

Total: $1,688.95

It must now be borne in mind that included in the county printing is the item $229.25, for advertising the delinquent tax list, every dollar of which the county gets back. Several other items included in the printer's bill which the county does not lose, as, for instance, in the case of rejected road petitions, etc., where the principal petitioner has the cost to pay.

We are inclined to take the most liberal view of the amount that went out of the county in that time and allow two thirds of the amount for books, legal cap, ink, pens, pencils, etc., which could not be had here, and that leaves us the sum of $562.98-1/2 that should have been paid to some printer in Cowley County. Now, we do not mean to say that the above sum has been thrown away, by no means; but on the other hand we suppose the county has got value received for its money. But, we do say that the work can be done in Cowley County just as well and for the same price. Then, why not have it done here? Echo, please answer. As we said last week, no agency in a county does so much to settle up that county as its newspapers. Then why not give them all the encouragement possible and the crumbs which will fall from the county table, anyway? We hope that those who have charge of county affairs, will, in the future, look at the subject in a higher, broader sense than they have heretofore.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

The Postmaster, at Dexter, sometime ago received a postal card addressed to the "Dexter Base Ball Club," and containing a challenge to play. After vainly endeavoring to deliver it, he returned it to the writer with the following excuse.

FARMERS' BASE BALL CLUB: Cedarvale, Kansas.
Gentlemen: I return to you the enclosed card, which was received here several days ago; and when you shall have received it, I may reasonably hope to be happy again. I have been reluctantly forced to the conclusion that there must be a marked difference between the farmers who compose your club and the specimens of that genus who flourish in this immediate vicinity.

Here, they are men of kind hearts and charitable dispositions, and could never be guilty of that refinement of cruelty which you have exhibited toward the humble individual who represents the majesty and power of the great Republic, at this place, and who, four times a week regularly distributes to the hungry farmers, their rations of intelligence, both through the medium of the public press, and especially correspondence, to each his proper proportion in due season, and all for the paltry sum of $140 per annum.

I have been in this position a sufficient length of time to enable me to distribute nearly every kind of matter with a reasonable degree of certainty; but this card has brought me up standing. Sleeping or waking, at all times and under all circumstances, whether engaged in the multitudinous duties of my office, or attempting to recuperate this frail body of mine by partaking of a small portion of generous food, this card rises like a specter before my mind, demanding that it be delivered according to the letter and spirit of the laws and regulations which have emanated from that autocrat of the Postoffice Department, he of the many initials, J. A. J. Creswell, and whose bold signature adorns my commission.

Visions of postal cards and base ball clubs have hopelessly mixed and confused in my dreams until I have literally Bawled in my agony, and have come to think that I have reached the lowest depths of Base ness. What shall I do with it? is the all absorbing question. This I have prayerfully and tearfully considered, seeking only for light to enable me to do equal and exact justice in this matter, as I know my duty to be under the 15th Amendment to our great Magna charter. I have suffered agonies over it, until I have convinced my friends that I would soon compel them to send me to Ossawatomie, where the power of the great State of Kansas, with its broad prairies, its crystal springs, and babbling brooks, might be able to exorcize this fell spirit, whose presence has destroyed my peace of mind and nearly unsettled my reason. I have made herculean efforts to deliver this card according to the intent of its superscription, but have lamentably failed. I delivered it to the village blacksmith, but he would have none of it; I sent it to the proprietor of our rival store, but he viewed it as an insult, and I rejoice that my head has not been broken; I gave it to the school ma'am, but she declared that the bawls she had to submit to daily, now, were sufficient without being affected with the farmers of Cedarvale, whose lungs she had reason to believe, was none of the weakest, but if they should intrude their presence upon her, she would score them one; I gave it to our limb of the law, but he said, that, while he had been in practice for a number of years, and believed he was making considerable progress, on the downward road, he never would admit that he was base enough to bawl in unison with the common tillers of the soil, the horny, handed sons of toil, therefore he declined it, but suggested that it might be intended for some of the grangers.

Catching at this last idea, I gave it to the Master of our Grange, who is also a Justice of the Peace, but he said they had evidently mistaken their man; he was familiar with nothing connected with the business except the home run; he would therefore bid me good day; I gave it to our shoemaker, but he, being deaf and dumb, said nothing. I gave it to our doctor, who, after examining the address long and attentively, readily remarked: "I have never objected to being called a billiard cue, but a base ball clubit's too bad" and he burst into tears.

I gave it to our Minister of the Gospel, who told me to search diligently for the "Dexter Base Ball Club," and when I found it, to let him know, and if it could be used for the purpose of beating a little sense and charity into the heads of the farmers of Cedarvale, he would be happy to receive it in part payment of his next quarterly dues, and he, being a man equal to 240 pounds avoirdupois, is well calculated to use it. I think I will accept his offer. The law forbids me to advertise the card in the usual way, but on my own account, I have made great efforts to find the person or thing for which or whom that card was intended. Diligent search has been made in and about this place, but without success so far. Mounted carriers have been sent in every direction, southeast, some west, some north, and some south, even to the uttermost limits of our delivery, with strict instructions to find that Club, and not to return without tidings, under pain of having the card forced upon them. Their success was not encouraging. One party brought a stone from the Flint Hills, somewhat resembling a club; one brought a stick of strong wood, from the home of the Kaw, evidently a ball club, but not base enough to fill the bill; one brought a saw log from the mill on upper Grouse, while those from the west brought only the last lingering rays of the setting sun.

I would have advertised it in the county papers, but I feared my mind would not bear the strain long enough for them to get their paper out. You will see from these few lines that I have done my duty according to the light I have, honestly and fearlessly, albeit tremblingly, and in the earnest hope that no other poor devil of a bloated office holder may be afflicted as I have been. I subscribe myself POSTMASTER.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

We notice several new houses in process of erection in different parts of town.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

This week we publish a table showing the full amount of taxes levied upon the several townships and school districts in this county, in 1873.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

The Hudson House, under the management of its new proprietors, Hall & Barnard, and under the name of the Valley House, will be opened by a grand ball upon the 19th of this month.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Captain Davis has bought Cal. Quarles interest in the new Livery Stable and has settled down once more to his old business. The Captain is an old hand at the business, and a good one

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Mr. H. C. Leedy, the popular butcher at this place, started on a visit to his old home in Michigan last Sunday morning. He has some property there which he intends to dispose of in order to enlarge his business here.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

On account of the scarcity of feed in this county, Messrs. Cochran, Land, and Graham have driven their cattle up to the central part of the state where they will keep them until grass gets bigger.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Mr. J. C. Roberts, Sen., of this township, showed us peach trees in his orchard only twenty-two months old, that were loaded with blossoms, one tree having four hundred upon its branches. As yet we have heard of nothing that beats this.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Mr. C. M. Perrine has 100,000 grafts which he is busily engaged in putting into the ground upon his place east of town. Mr. Perrine intends to have one of the best nurseries in Kansas. A good nursery is a valuable acquisition to any town and we will be glad to see one at this place.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

It having been left with the various school Superintendents in each county to select representatives to the July session of the Musical Academy which meets in Leavenworth, Messrs. C. C. Black and C. A. Hays have been appointed by Prof. Wilkinson. No better selection could have been made.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

The case of C. P. Spaulding, of Tisdale, before the U. S. District Court at Topeka, for selling liquor and tobacco without a government license, was tried last Tuesday, but the jury failing to agree, the case still hangs. The jury stood eleven for conviction and one for acquittal.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

LOST. On the street between Judge Saffold's office, and the office of Manning & Johnson, a leather pocket-book containing about $40.00. The loser, Mrs. S. M. Morgan, is a poor woman little able to lose it, and the finder will confer a great favor by leaving it at either of the above named places, or at this office.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Mrs. E. F. Kennedy has purchased an interest in the millinery and dress-making establishment of Mrs. A. H. Gibson. They have had their room refitted and repainted and now have as fine a store as can be found anywhere. They already have a fine stock of goods to which they are making additions daily.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

We have often admired the pluck and energy of the real estate firm of Curns & Manser. Ever ready to oblige their customers; sparing neither pains nor expense to show newcomers the country, and above all, they fully understand the use of printers ink as the columns of the COURIER will plainly indicate. We would advise any and everybody to give them a call, when anything is needed in their line.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

The following is a list of the teachers who obtained certificates at the late examination held in Winfield and Tisdale. Mr. E. A. Millard and Miss Carrie Morris deserve special notice as having the best evidence of good scholarship of any of the applicants.

2nd Grade: T. M. James, J. T. Tucker, Porter Wilson, T. W. Gillard.

3rd Grade: Miss E. Burden, Miss J. Hawkins, Miss Belle Dudley, Miss Libbie West, Mrs. M. A. Tucker, Miss Ettie Fowler, Miss M. Hawkins, Miss G. L. Davis, Miss M. A. Tucker.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Ye Editor went to Arkansas City last Monday. Here is what he says. "In company with W. M. Boyer, Esq., we borrowed one of Darrah & Doty's splendid rigs and went on a flying trip to Arkansas City. Of course, we called on C. M. Scott of the Traveler, and found that gentleman in one of the finest furnished offices we have seen anywhere; we concluded that C. M. was making money, and that his patrons were that kind of men that make a city.

The Traveler is a good paper and well sustained. The businessmen of that town know the worth of a good newspaper and use its columns to some purpose. We met several old friends, but our time was too limited to look around much. Arkansas City can boast of one of the finest school buildings in the state, and it would be well for us to imitate her example in this respect. Prof. E. W. Hulse from the state university of Wisconsin has just arrived to take charge of it, and we learn from Prof. T. A. Wilkinson, who brought him here, that Mr. Hulse is in every way well qualified for the position.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Lead in Cowley County.
T. A. Blanchard, Esq., has left in our office a specimen of lead ore which he found on his farm north of town. It is as large as a hen's egg, and contains about 75 percent pure lead. Mr. Blanchard has found several "chunks" of this quartz in the last few weeks, and is quite sanguine that there is plenty of the mineral there, enough at least to warrant him in making a thorough examination. We have no doubt but it exists in paying quantities. What with coal, salt, lead, etc., Cowley County is blessed far beyond the most of her sister counties. Mr. Blanchard has already taken steps to satisfy himself on the subject, and will let us know in a short time the result of his "prospecting," when we will give it to our readers.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

A gentleman writing to a friend in this city says this in regard to the railroad: "I attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Paola, Fall River & Garnett Railroad, in Garnett on last Friday, the 17th. I think from what I learned there, that the road is surely going to be built. Mr. Tomkins of the N. Y. firm said that the iron was purchased and the bridges contracted for, and that they would commence laying the iron inside of two weeks in Garnett and continue to the Arkansas River."


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the month of April.

Henry Coryell to Amy K. Parker.

Nathan Robinson to Margaret E. Mentch.

Alexander Kelly to Peoria A. Groom.

Abram S. Kapper to Elizabeth Martin.

Wm. H. Hyde to Mary Ruddick.

Geo. Bauer to Maggie A. Stump.

Wm. R. Bedell to E. A. Straghan.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, called on us yesterday.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Dr. Hughes, of Arkansas City, dropped into our office yesterday.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Mr. R. F. Burnett, of Monticello, Kentucky, was in town this week looking after his interests.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Mr. S. S. Dickinson, agent of the Humboldt Bridge Company, gave us a call last Monday.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

Bender Against the World.
A regular will-o-the-wisp is this same old Bendernow you have him, and now you hain't got him. A short time ago the old man was caught in the mountains of North Carolina, then in Texas, again in Iowa, and Missouri. Doubtless few states in the Union but have at some time or other caught a Bender. But he always turned out to be other than the old king of butchers. Now he has been caught running wild in the mountains of Utah, and brought to Topeka, and again it turns out that it is not old Bender, at least there is doubt about it, and under the circumstances we are inclined to give the old man the benefit of the doubt. Several witnesses have been to Topeka to look the supposed Bender square in the face, but they cannot agree as to whether he is the Bender, or some old Mormon curmudgeon, who by having too many wives, was driven distracted into the mountains. This Bender business is growing somewhat monotonous.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

A good sow and six nice pigs, and two good calves, to trade for a No. 1 milk cow. Will pay the difference in cash. Apply to E. C. Manning.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

THE GREEN FRONT STORE at Arkansas City, Kansas, will sell you

Choice Natural Leaf Tea at (per pound) $.40.

Choice Rio Coffee (per pound) $.30.

7 lbs. peaches for $1.00.

15 1 lb. Bars of Choice Family Soap: $1.00

14 lbs. Choice White Beans: $1.00

4 Spools Best Thread: $1.00


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The following letter will explain itself.

LUCIUS WALTON, ChairmanWinfield, Kansas.

Dear Sir: Enclosed, find copy of Reports of Sale of School Lands of Cowley County, as requested in yours of the 10th inst. I find upon examination of the reports the following errors in addition, etc., which are now charged to your county, to-wit:

To error in adding report Dec. 31, 1871. $ 400.00

To error in adding report Dec. 31, 1872. 2,259.20

To error in adding report June 30, 1873. 0,000.00

Extending amount, June 30, 1872. .80

Extending amount, June 30, 1873. .20

Total Corrections: $2,660.20

There are some other minor errors, but they do not change the total foot, and no account is made of them on the books in office. I regret the delay in furnishing reports, but could not furnish them sooner and take the precaution to have them carefully compared with the original reports on file in this office.

Please acknowledge receipt of same. Very respectfully, D. W. WILDER, State Auditor.

The foregoing letter was received by the committee that is examining the records of Cowley County, in response to an inquiry made to the Auditor of State for information. The Auditor of State receives reports from the County Clerk of each county, of the amount of School Land Sales, and charges said amount to the County Treasurer. If there are no mistakes in the County Clerk's reports, from this county, then there is considerable School Land money in the hands of the County Treasurer.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

If the real Katie and Johnny Bender have been arrested at Salt Lake, let us hope that they will be held there. Bitter experience of the past has demonstrated the impossibility of identifying anybody in Topeka, and we protest against having any more Utah paupers inflicted on this already outraged community. Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Mr. Hampton, the officer who brought the spurious Bender to Topeka, has returned to Salt Lake, leaving his prisoner in charge of Sheriff Wade. All efforts to identify the poor old man have failed, and the Salt Lake authorities have squandered over $600 in his arrest and transportation. He is now boarding at the cooler at the expense of Shawnee County, and there is no telling what will be done with him, unless Clemens takes him out on a writ of habeas corpus, and sells him to the Great Eastern circus. Anybody can have him, however, by proving property and paying charges. Photographs exchanged if desired. Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Valuation of taxable property of Cowley County, Kansas, agreed upon by the Trustees April 30th, 1874, is as follows.

Lambs: 1st grade, $10.00; 2nd, $8.00; 3rd, $6.00; 4th, $4.00; 5th, $3.00; 6th, $2.00; 7th, $1.25.

Horses: 1st grade, $60.00; 2nd, $40.00; 3rd, $25.00; 4th, $10.00. Stallions, $100.00.

Mules and Asses: Jacks, $100.00. Mules, 1st grade, $75.00 2nd, $50.00; 3rd, $25.00; 4th, $10.00.

BULLS: 1st grade, $40.00; 2nd, $20.00.

CATTLE: 1 year old: $3.00. 2 year old: $5.00. 3 year old: $10.00 to $15.00. 4 year old: $15.00 to $25.00 including cows. A deduction of 20 percent on Texas cattle.

Oxen: $25.00 to $50.00.

Sheep: $1.25 to $2.50.

Hogs over 6 months old: $.50 to $10.00.

Wagons: $10.00 to $60.00.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The Lawrence Tribune says fifty-seven Kansas newspapers have died since the spring of 1872.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

A good many immigrant wagons have passed through the city this week. Quite a number of them were heading for Cowley County. Emporia News.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The Kansas City Times, of last week, after giving a history of the above road goes on to say that "C. H. Dillingham, of New York, agent of an English bondholder's association, has been called to this enterprise. They have assumed the indebtedness of the old company, and are already paying the accounts. A meeting of the directors was held in Garnett on last Saturday, at which final arrangements for building the road were made. Five hundred men were set to work last week between Garnett and Leroy. Ties have been contracted for, and iron has been purchased. It is now in Decatur, Illinois, and will be shipped within a few days. There is no longer any room to question the early completion of this road. It passes through a fine agricultural region and terminates at the head of the Texas cattle trade on the Arkansas River. It will prove a formidable competitor to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe for the trade of the Arkansas Valley. It brings this section over seventy miles nearer Kansas City, Chicago, and St. Louis then by way of Atchison."

From all we can learn, we conclude the above road will be built some distance the coming summer. It is the intention of the company to complete the road to the Arkansas River as soon as possible. It looks as though Arkansas City would be the objective point, and that the road would pass down the Walnut Valley.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Attention Road Overseers.
Road overseers would do well to pay a little attention to the following section of the general statutes of 1868, chap. 80, page 902.

Sec. 14. Each road overseer, within his district, shall erect and keep up, at the expense of the township, posts and guide boards at the forks of every state and county road, con taining an inscription, in legible letters, directing the way, and naming the distance to such town or towns or public place or places as are situated on said road; and any overseer of roads, failing to do so in a reasonable time, shall, upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace of the proper county, be fined in any sum not exceeding five dollars, with costs of suit; and when collected, it shall be paid into the county treasury for school purposes.

From the above it will be seen that any traveler who may miss his way, by reason of not finding guide boards at road crossings, can bring an action against the road overseer. In fact, action can be brought by any person against a road overseer who fails to perform his duty.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

J. C. Horton is said to be a candidate for Governor of Kansas.

Messrs. Danford and Foulks, formerly of this town, have concluded to locate at Cannon City, Colorado Territory.

Mr. Bobb, in the northwest part of town, made quite a success the past season in the cultivation of peanuts. About seven acres planted in peanuts yielded three hundred bushels. He says dry weather does not affect them, and that no crop will give a better profit than this.

If the Paola & Fall River railroad is built to Arkansas City, the Wichita branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road will be pushed to that point at once. This will make Arkansas City one of the largest towns in Southern Kansas. Amos Walton will please pay the taxes on our town lots in that town and draw on us for the money.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.




Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.


OFFICE OPPOSITE LAGONDA HOUSE. HOURS 10 to 11 A.M., 2 to 4, 7 to 9 P.M.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

They believe in the principle of Good work at Low Figures.

Shop on Corner of Main Street and 8th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The Liveliest Steppers In the Business.
Furnished at all hours of the DAY OR NIGHT. Eighth Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Ordinance Number 34.
An Ordinance providing for street crossings in the City of Winfield.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:

SEC. 1. That street crossings shall be constructed on the south side of 10th avenue across Millington Street and across Loomis Street, and on the south side of 9th Avenue across Millington Street and across Loomis street.

SEC. 2. Said crossings shall be four feet wide laid on three stringers 2 x 6 inches and shall be made of native hard word lumber 1 inch thick on the established grade.

SEC. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect on and after its publication.

Approved May 4th, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

Ordinance Number 35.
An Ordinance repealing section (8) eight of ordinance number (10) ten of the City of Winfield.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and councilmen of the City of Winfield:

SEC. 1. That section eight of ordinance number ten be and the same is hereby repealed.

SEC. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication.

Approved May 4th, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

W. H. South is selling at auction.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

"Old Arch," Morris & Bro.'s fast pacer, is dead.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The Senate saloon is closed for the want of a license.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The sale of land for delinquent taxes has been going on lively this week.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The meat shop on the 9th avenue has moved a couple of rods to the east.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Crowds of "Prairie Schooners" are now navigating in every direction.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Boys, why don't you organize a base ball club and keep up with the times?

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Remember the ball, upon the opening of the Valley House on the 19th inst.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

We are under many obligations to Hon. Wm. D. Kelly, M. C., for valuable documents.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Fishermen are happyexcept Manning and Kelly, who went angling the other evening and didn't get a bite.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

New signs are all the rage now. We notice one on the St. Nicholas restaurant, and one upon Darrah & Doty's Livery stable

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874..

C. M. Scott of the Arkansas City Traveler, has been invited by his red brethren, the Osages, to accompany them on an extensive hunt, but declines with thanks.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

We learn from the Traveler that a Mr. Chatman, living near Thomasville, found a small vein of iron ore on his farm.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

There will be a meeting of the directors of the Cowley County Agricultural Society on Saturday, May 16th, 1874, at 2 o'clock p.m. at the courthouse. J. B. FAIRBANK, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

A fellow by the name of Polk, got drunk in Caldwell a few days ago, and brandishing a six shooter, let it off accidentally, shooting one "Pony" Marshal through one leg and lodging the ball in the other. So says the Traveler.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Another huge mass meeting of the Osage settlers is called to meet at Parsons on Wednesday, the 27th inst. Among the distinguished speakers who are announced to be present are Generals Logan and Butler, and Judges Lawrence and Black.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The stage and "buckboard" have swapped roads and now we ought to be happy as we are two or three hours ride nearer Wichita. We are not, however, as happy as might be expected, owing to the fact that the mail is very irregular. What is the matter with the post office at Wichita?

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

We called at George Brown's wagon factory the other day and found him busy making wagons, harrows, etc. George is a good workman, and uses the best Indiana and Michigan well seasoned timber, and the fact that Kirk & Gordon does the iron work, is sufficient guarantee that it is done well.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Fruit of all kinds promises an abundant yield the present season. S. G. Swasey, Esq., informs us that he expects to have plenty of the following varieties: Apples, peaches, (seedling and budded) apricots, nectarines, soft and hard shell almonds, currents, strawberries, and grapes. Ugh! Just imagine yourself in `Squire Swasey's orchard this Fall.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

McMillen & Shields are moving their goods into the room formerly occupied by the drug store of A. H. Green. They are getting on a fine stock of goods and expect to do a good business in their new location. The room which they vacate will be immediately occupied by the grocery store of I. F. Newland, who will have a large stock and sell cheap.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Forty acres of land from the farm of W. W. Andrews and adjoining the town site on the north is being laid off into town lots preparatory to being made a part of the City of Winfield. The addition embraces the residences of M. L. Read, T. A. Wilkinson, E. B. Kager, Dr. Graham, N. C. McCulloch, and J. J. Ellis, and will be one of the prettiest portions of the City.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Rev. James E. Platter has let the contract for building his new residence to Messrs. Stewart & Simpson for the sum of $3,700. Had Mr. Platter searched the country over he could not have found more able, honest, and energetic men to build his house than the firm of Stewart & Simpson. Life-long contractors and builders, they are just the men to build quickly, cheaply, and well.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Children's carriages, picture moldings, and a general assortment of everything kept in a first class furniture store, at Johnstons. Being a practical workman of over 25 years experi ence, having worked in some of the best establishments in the United States and Canada, Mr. Johnston has a right to think he can do as good work and sell as cheap as any other establishment of this kind in the Southwest.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Rev. Mr. McQuiston, the newly appointed Methodist minister of this city, had one of his horses stolen from his stable last Tuesday night. Between nine and ten o'clock in the evening, Mr. McQuiston heard the neighing of a horse and upon going out, found a horse with a lariat and stake attached, wandering around near his stable. Thinking that it was a neighbor's horse which had broken loose, he caught the animal and fastened it to the fence and then informed Mr. Dever that he thought his horse had broken loose and that he had fastened it to the fence. After an examination Mr. Dever reported that his horses were safe, and when Mr. McQuiston went to look after the horse he had caught, the animal was nowhere to be found. It is supposed that the horse which was found loose belonged to the thieves, and that it was at this time the horse was stolen. Mr. McQuiston has offered fifty dollars reward for the return of the horse and thief or thirty dollars for the horse.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

While at Wichita the other day we met the owners of the first droves of Texas cattle which have reached Kansas this season. These gentlemen inform us that the "drive" this year will be fully up to, if not longer, than any year in the past. We stopped at the Occidental, which is a magnificent hotel, kept by gentlemen who seem to understand the difficult art of catering to the wants of the traveling public. The wheat along the route from this place gives promise of an abundant crop, and if our millers here will just let the public know where they can get their grinding done, we venture to say that their mills will, ere long, be taxed to their utmost capacity.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of Kirk & Gordon. These gentlemen are first class workmen, and should be patronized by everybody who wants their blacksmithing done right, also to the card of Dr. Graham. The Doctor has a splendid reputation as a physician and surgeon. Give him a call. O. N. Morris & Bro., also being convinced of the value of the COURIER as an advertising medium, have enlarged their card to about twice its former size. They have fine rigs and deserve patronage. N. Roberson inserts a card this week calling attention to his stock of Horses and Saddles. He has the best shop and does the best work of any one in the county. Call around and see him.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

Church Services.
The Disciples of Christ will hold a co-operative meeting in Winfield, commencing on the last Tuesday in May, 1874, composed of the counties of Greenwood, Butler, Sedgwick, Sumner, Howard, and Cowley.

There will be preaching in the Baptist church next Sabbath morning and evening. All are invited. N. L. RIGBY.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

The Catholic minister, Rev. Z. C. Schurz, of Wichita, successor to the Rev. Sweenburg, will hold service at Winfield on the 14th inst. All Catholics are requested to be present.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

On Saturday, May 2, 1874, at 6 o'clock p.m., little Gertrude, only daughter of M. L. and A. G. Robinson, aged 7 months and 7 days.

A ray of sunshine comes gleaming from the sky, and falls upon our floor, and cheers and warms our home. A curtain falls and it is there no more. But has it ceased to shine? No! If we but look upward to the sky we see it shining still. This little life came like a ray of sunshine to this household; it warmed the hearts of the parentsit brightened home. The light that shone so brightly in the life of Little Gertrude is not quenched, it is only hidden from our view. Let us but keep the window of our souls open toward Heaven, and when the cloud is passed, the light of His countenance will shine in upon us, and give to our stricken hearts that peace which the world cannot give, and which no earthly trouble or bereavement can take away.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

City Council Proceedings.
The Council met at Sheriff Walker's office May 4th, 1874, at 7-1/2 o'clock p.m. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor, and Councilmen J. P. McMillen, R. B. Saffold, S. Darrah, and H. S. Silver. J. W. Curns, Clerk. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The committee on pound, reported they had done nothing toward providing for a pound, and asked further time, which was granted, and the committee were authorized to purchase a suitable lot for said pound, and to fence the same.

The committee on grade of 10th avenue reported they had not established the grade on said avenue. On motion the said committee were discharged and the establishing of the grade was left to the committee on streets and sidewalks.

The following bills were audited by the committee on finance and severally allowed and ordered paid.

Bill of Burt Covert boarding prisoners, claimed $12.75, allowed $9.33.

Bill of City of Winfield vs. A. H. Green, claimed and allowed $36.40.

Bill of Eben R. Parker, expense of suit, claimed $84.20, allowed $59.20.

Bill of Joseph Lekoski [Likowski], expense of suit, claimed and allowed $26.85.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

City Council Proceedings.
Bill of A. T. Shenneman, services as police, claimed $2.00, allowed $1.50.

Bill of Z. T. Swiggart, services as marshal, claimed and allowed $35.50.

Bill of T. H. Suits, Attorney fees, claimed and allowed, $25.00.

Fee bill City of Winfield versus A. H. Green for $6.00 for attendance of Thos H. Benning was referred to finance committee.

Bill of A. A. Jackson was referred back to finance committee.

A petition was presented signed by Joseph Lekoski, R. Ehret, and E. R. Parker, asked that the license tax on saloons be reduced from $300 to $200; on motion the petition was rejected, the vote being as follows: ayesJ. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver and S. Darrah3; nays 0.

A petition was presented by Joseph Lekoski asking for a dram shop license under and by the laws of 1868, and that he be allowed to retail spirituous and fermented liquors in his frame building on lot 8, in block 109, in Winfield. On motion the petition was granted and ordered that a dram shop license be issued to Joseph Lekoski for the period of one year from May 1st, 1874, on the payment of $300 per annum, payable semi-annually, and also that the said Joseph Likoski be required to give a bond in the sum of Two thousand dollars to the City of Winfield as required by law.

[Note: Correct name is Joseph Likowski.]

A petition was presented by R. Ehret asking for a dram shop license. The petition not having sufficient names was referred back to R. Ehret.

An ordinance was read and passed repealing section 8 of Ordinance No. 10; the vote on the final passage being, ayes: McMillen, Saffold, Darrah, and Silver; nays none.

An ordinance in relation to street crossings on south side on 10th avenue, and on the south side of 9th avenue, was read and passed, the vote on the final passage being as follows: ayes McMillen, Darrah, Silver and Saffold; nays 0.

On motion the clerk was instructed to certify up to the County Clerk the amount which was paid by the City for the construction of sidewalks along lot 3 in block 130, and lot 4 in 129 in Winfield. On motion the clerk was authorized to advertise for bids to build street crossings, and also to build sidewalks along such lots as the committee shall report necessary to be built along Main street and 9th and 10th avenues in Winfield as have been required by ordinance, the bids to be handed in at the next meeting of the council.

The Clerk was authorized to purchase dog tags.

The City Attorney was instructed to revise the City Ordinances and present the same at the next meeting of the council for approval.

On motion adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

The Council met at the office of S. C. Smith May 5th, 1874, at 8 a.m., in pursuance of a call. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor, and Councilmen Darrah, McMillen, Saffold, and Silver. The call was read which was as follows:

To the Honorable Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

We, the undersigned, members of the City Council of the City of Winfield, would respectfully request that you call a special meeting of said council this 5th day of May, 1874, at 8 o'clock a.m. for the purpose of considering the matter of granting a dram shop license to R. Ehret. (Signed) J. F. McMILLEN, H. S. SILVER, R. B. SAFFOLD.

R. Ehret then presented a petition asking for a license to keep a dram shop; on motion the petition was granted and ordered that a dram shop license be issued to Reinhard Ehret for the period of one year from May 1st, 1874, on the payment of $300 to the City, said tax to be paid semi-annually; And further that the said Reinhard Ehret be required to give a good and sufficient bond in the sum of two thousand dollars to the City of Winfield, as required by law. On motion adjourned, J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

CONSTITUTIONS and Bylaws of the Patrons of Husbandry are kept for sale at the Traveler office in Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

WE HAVE ENLARGED AND refitted the building formerly occupied by Mr. Green as a drug store, two doors north of the post office, and have removed our stock of goods from the old log store to the above mentioned building where we will be pleased to wait on our old customers and as many new ones as may be pleased to call on us. We have just received a new and fresh stock of dry goods which we will sell very cheap for cash. Remember the place: two doors north of the post office. McMILLEN & SHIELDS.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

AUCTION SALE of dry goods and queensware at W. H. South's every Saturday.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

MONEY TO LOAN. C. C. Harris loans money cheaper than any other man in the county. Apply to Fairbank, Torrance & Green, or to himself at Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

I Hereby announce to the public in general, that for the NEXT 30 DAYS I will sell LUMBER AT WICHITA PRICES without Freight. By the time this reaches you, I shall have in stock a Complete Assortment of the BEST GRADES and ask you to give me a Call and be Convinced.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

A Cherokee Indian, William Adair, has been admitted to practice law at the bar of the United States Supreme Court.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

The Olathe horse, Smuggler, has been entered for the $10,000 trotting race to take place at Boston in September.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Five men from Osage Township, in Labette County, who had known the veritable Bender, visited the reputed article from Utah, and declared him bogus. The old man was accordingly released, and has been sent to the poor house.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

The Arkansas valley will again be used, as it was last year, as a great pasture field for immense herds of Texas cattle. It is estimated that the drive this season will exceed that of last year, which amounted in round numbers to four hundred thousand head.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

The blackbirds are destroying large fields of corn on the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. A little strychnine inserted in the colonel of a grain of corn will finish them. Traveler.

We have a great many titled gentlemen in Kansas: Colonels, Professors, Judges, Majors, Generals, etc., but this is the first time we ever heard of Colonel Corn!

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Prof. Henry B. Norton, of Arkansas City, is just now being talked up by the Emporia Ledger, Topeka Commonwealth, and Arkansas City Traveler, for the position of State Superintendent of Public Instruction. It is really encouraging to see the newspapers bring out such men as Prof. Norton, for places of trust and honor. We know of none in the state better qualified for the position than he, and the Republican party of Kansas will honor itself and the State by nominating and electing Henry B. Norton.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

We have a few words to say to the trustees of this county, and hope that it may be of some benefit even at this late day. They met in this city a few weeks ago, and agreed to value real estate from $1.25, to $10.00, per acre. Now under any circumstances, $10 is an extraordinary rate to value land for the purposes of taxation, and especially is it so when compared with the rates agreed upon by the other counties of the state. The Doniphan County assessors agreed to rate land at from $2.00 to $4.00 per acre; Greenwood County, at $2.00 to $8.00 per acre; and Butler, $3.00 to $8.00, and so on in nearly every county in the state. Doniphan County is an old settled, well improved county. It has railroads, large cities, fine houses, big barns, etc., and her land would, no doubt, on account of her advantages, improve ments, etc., sell for double what land in Cowley would bring, and yet by the action of our trustees, our county will have to pay more than double the state tax Doniphan County pays.

We pay too much tax; everybody admits that; and yet it is our own fault. There is no one to blame but ourselves. $1.25 to $5.00 at most would have been a fair valuation for any of these new counties; and our tax next year would then be at least tolerable. Cannot something be done even at this late day. We here in Cowley have not a single dollar to throw away by way of paying taxes for older and richer counties than our own. Then let something be done. Value the lands you haven't reached yet at the lowest figure and let the county board of equalization bring what you have already assessed down to it. We know of no other plan now.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

L. B. Kellogg has returned from Washington. He does not think the "Cattle Trail Bill" will become a law much before the close of the present session of Congress. Some modification of the bill will be necessary to insure its success. Some enactment to legalize and regulate the cattle driving from Texas to Kansas is absolutely necessary for the mutual protection of the drovers and Indians.

The little son of Mr. Mott, aged eighteen months, drank from a cup of strong lye, last Monday, and is not expected to live. The mother had just left the house, and when she returned, the child was lying on the floor with its mouth so much swollen as to be unable to make any noise. Assistance was called as soon as possible and it may possibly recover.

Orin Wilkinson, formerly of this place, but late of Arkansas, writes that the whole country is under water, and the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers still rising, and people and stock are being drowned and starving to death. During all this the Governors are fighting for their positions. That would be a lively state to emigrate to, surely.

Prof. Norton's discourses bring out a class that have heretofore been unknown at church.

A herd of buffalo, seven in number, came in on the townsite of Caldwell, May 4th, became frightened at the school children, and ran away.

The tuition for the common branches of English for non-residents of this school district is $3 and $5 for the higher branches for the whole term.

M. Cowgill, Custodian of the Masonic order for this district, is delivering a course of lectures at this place. The order has been in session since last Thursday evening and will continue until Friday of this week. Members from Winfield, Dexter, and South Haven are present.

Four stage horses were stolen on the west line of the stage company, one from the Rev. McQuiston, at Winfield, and one from Mr. Harris, near the mouth of the Walnut. Mr. Harris' came back two days after being taken. The thieves had also stolen a boat, and finding they were being pursued, left the boat and horse.

Mr. Read, a young man who was tried and held to bail for his appearance at the present term of the District Court for robbing a gentleman on Big Cana of $600, has absconded from the county, and left his bondsmen to settle the bill. There is $2,200 reward offered for his arrest, and we are told there are about fifty men after him. He murdered a man in Texas, and robbed a gentleman in Missouri of $1,700 last fall. Detectives were in the Falls with the necessary papers to arrest him for the different crimes he had committed, expecting him to make his appearance at court, and it is supposed he got wind of it and has so far made his escape. He had two hours start of his pursuers. It is confidently hoped that he will be arrested, and that full and complete justice may be meted out to him.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Mr. S. Wilkins, of Cowley County, dropped into our office Tuesday, and left on our table as fine a specimen of lead ore as we have seen brought from Joplin, Mo. It was taken from Lazette, forty-five miles south of Eureka, in Cowley County, and was found in a well, twelve feet from below the surface, in the tract of country known as the flint hill ridge, that extends from Cowley into the western portion of Greenwood. This specimen contains from seventy- five to ninety percent pure lead, and if an extensive vein of that kind can be found in that locality, Cowley County may consider herself fortunate. Such a lead mine would pan out a mint of wealth. Burlington Patriot.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

We have been inquiring a little after that ten tons of cotton seed purchased by the city and county for gratuitous distribution, and from Commissioner Hobbs, with whose firm it was left, we learn that about 130 sacks of the 190 sacks purchased have been distributed to parties who will plant and carefully tend. Each sack contains 100 pounds. Two sacks have gone to Butler County; two sacks to Harvey County; eight sacks to Sumner County; four sacks to Cowley County; two sacks to Barbour County, and the balance or over 100 sacks have been distributed to farmers in Sedgwick County. Commissioner Hobbs says that the entire carload will be planted. He has taken care in the distribution, and none but reliable men in the outside counties got any of the seed. If the season should prove favorable there is no estimating the importance that this purchase and gratuitous distribution may prove to the valley. If the crop matures successfully, cotton in the Arkansas Valley will be set down as a staple.

Wichita Eagle.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

The Neutral Land Case.
The editor of the Columbus Journal, having written a letter to Messrs. Lawrence & Butler, former council for the neutral land settlers, inquiring whether there was a probability that the supreme court of the United States would reserve its decision on the neutral land case, received the following reply.

WASHINGTON, March 27, 1874.
Hon. C. C. McDowell, Columbus, Kansas.

Dear Sir: Yours of the 24th ult. was duly received. We have never believed that the treaty sale of the Cherokee neutral lands was valid under the constitution of the United States. We, of course, entertain high respect for the supreme court, but its decisions have sometimes been reversed by the same court, so that it cannot be infallible; but it has decided against the neutral lands, and we do not suppose that the decision can be reversed. We do not think the decision met all the points made, but we do not feel it proper to advise more litigation when we believe it would result as before. Respectfully, WM. LAWRENCE, B. F. BUTLER.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Hail fell last night.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Geo. Miller keeps lemonade.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee has returned from Independence.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

W. W. Andrews is putting up a brick residence in the north part of town.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Quite a number of good substantial buildings are being erected in town just now.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Hunt, the tailor, has moved his shop to 9th avenue two doors east of Mr. Saffold's office.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

I. F. Newland donated us some oranges and an onion yesterday. He has a few left yet however.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Mrs. Howard desires to call attention to her large and well selected stock of millinery.

AD: MRS. L. H. HOWARD HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS. The Finest and Best styles of Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, etc., ever brought to Southern Kansas. LACES, COLLARS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, HOSIERY. New Style Hair Goods. Notions, etc., All of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. No address was given.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

I. F. Newland has moved his goods into the old log building. He expects to put in a stock of Dry Goods in a few days.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Mrs. Gibson & Co. have erected an awning in front of their millinery store. It improves the appearance of their room very much.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Mr. H. B. Lacy is now ready both morning and evening to deliver ice. He has a nice wagon and expects to run his business in style.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

There will be an examination of teachers held at Lazette on Monday and Tuesday, May 18th and 19th, 1874. T. A. WILKINSON.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

A number of horses were stolen in and around this city last week and as far as we have learned no trace of any of the thieves has been found.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

John Huff, Esq., of the Genessee Valley, New York, gave us a pleasant call yesterday morning. Mr. Huff is a pleasant gentleman possessed of considerable of this world's goods. He considers Winfield and Cowley County hard to beat, and expects to locate here perhaps this coming fall.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

The disciples of Christ in Winfield and its vicinity are especially invited to attend the cooperation meeting commencing on the 26th of May, bringing with them baskets well filled with provisions, as dinner will be served at the meeting house, giving to our brethren of the adjoining counties a truly cordial welcome. S.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

In a short time the Superintendent of Public Instruction will send to the clerk of each school district a correct map from which he can make out his report of all those persons liable to personal tax, and thus avoid the mistakes so frequently made of reporting parties not living in the district.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Attention Battalion.
Isn't it about time that those who have charge of the Soldiers' Association were making some arrangements for their annual celebration on the 4th of July. There is now only about six weeks to prepare in, and some action ought to be taken at once. Let the soldiers speak out.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

`Squire Swasey of Vernon Township says he can best J. C. Roberts on peach blossoms. He has a peach tree in his orchard eighteen months old from bud that had 485 blossoms. Mr. Robert's tree was twenty-two months old from seed with 400 blooms. We are not well enough posted in the peach culture to know which is the best showing.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

We notice that the City Council has paid the costs in the District Court which Eben R. Parker and Joseph Likowski were adjudged to pay for selling liquor without license, amounting to $86.05. Why should the City have this to pay? Every taxpayer in town would like to know. Will our City Fathers, City Attorney, or anyone with a knowledge of the facts, rise and explain?

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

The subject of buying a cemetery, we understand, again agitates some of our citizens. Our city ought to have some good convenient place in which to bury her dead. The one now used, northeast of town, is owned by an association. That association purchased the ground from Dr. Graham, to whom it is still indebted for part of the purchase money, and now they are anxious that the city purchase the grounds from them and assume the debt.

We have opposed the measure thus far merely as a matter of taste. The grounds is not the spot we would select as the last resting place of our departed friends. But it is true that the remains of nearly all who have died here since the location of the town, have been deposited there.

It is a burying ground, and some argue from this that it ought to be continued as such, rather than go to the trouble and expense of removing those who are there to some other place which might be selected by the city.

We do not know how much the association is asking for it, but we have been told the city can purchase ground that would be considered, at least by us, much more preferable, for less money. If that be the case, our city council should act with caution, bearing in mind that their action in this matter is not for a day, but reaches far into the future in its consequence; and as public opinion seems to be so nearly divided on this subject, we think it would be well to have an expression of the wishes of the taxpayers of the city in regard to the matter, and let them decide. Why can't we have a meeting called at an early day and settle the matter of cemetery or no cemetery. Who will move first in the matter?


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Items from Vernon Tp.
W. J. Bonnewell, living on the Arkansas River, found, growing wild on his place, a pure hill of the Lindens pie plant.

Vernon Township can beat any other township in the county for wheat. We measured some that was twenty inches high May 5th.

From the present prospect of our crops, we can supply Sumner and all the western counties at liberal rates, by another year.

F. Brown, Esq., of Beaver Township, took his place, as a claim, three years ago, the 1st day of last April. He has as good frame buildings as there is in the township, a fine orchard with a No. 1 prospect for fruit, 40 acres in wheat and oats, and is now finishing corn planting of which he has 60 acres. Everything looks lovely and he is bound to make farming pay.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

Resolutions of Respect.
At a regular communication of Douglass Lodge U. D., A. F. and A. M., at Douglass, Kansas, on Saturday, the 2nd day of May A. D. 1874, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, God in His superior wisdom and goodness hath seen fit to remove from this life the bosom companion of our friend and brother Adelbert D. Lee; therefore be it

Resolved, That we extend to our beloved brother our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in his great bereavement and recommend him to look for consolation to the supreme architect of the universe whose power is mightier than ours.

Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to our worthy brother and also to the Eldorado and Winfield newspapers for publication.

W. M. LAMB, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.

We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate for the week ending Friday, May 15, 1874.

Geo. Blanchard to W. D. Clarke: n e 1/4 sec 12 tp 32 s r 3e; 160 acres; $1,400.

C. C. Harris to Joseph Park: s w 1/4 sec 2 and e ½ of s e 1/4 sec 3 tp 32 n r 4e; 240 acres, $3,100.

Geo. W. Bailey and wife to William Brown: n e 1/4 sec 29 tp 30 s r 4 e; 160 acres; $1,450.

Fredrick Moe to Amos E. Mahaney: n w 1/4 sec 11 tp 20 south r 3 e; 160 acres, $1,000.

Geo. Walz and wife to Sallie W. Tillson: n w 1/4 sec 33 tp 31 s r 7 e; $1,200.

Matilda J. Davis and husband to R. B. Waite: n ½ of s w 1/4 and n w 1/4 of s e 1/4 sec 29 tp 30 s r 4 e; 120 acres, $800.

Major F. Strout and wife to Chas. F. Hilton: w ½ of s e 1/4 and s w 1/4 of n e 1/4 of sec 33 tp 34s r 5 e; 120 acres, $800.


Winfield Courier, Friday, May 22, 1874.

The good people of Arkansas City are anxious that the soldiers reunion shall be held at that place on the 4th of July. The Traveler says:

Arkansas City has expressed her willingness to take a part in the reunion, and offers its assistance and warrants amusement if the committee will designate this place for the meeting this year. We should like to welcome, and will do our best to entertain you, with speeches, music, and all the amusements at our command, such as footfall, velocipede races, and Indian war dances.


Winfield Courier, Friday, May 22, 1874.

"The people of Howard County are in mourning. Their county treasurer has pocketed the funds of his office and `lit out.' The Longton Ledger tells it this way.

"It will be remembered that in the county seat difficulty last winter, the books and records were carried away from Elk Falls, and for some time concealed. A short time since all were returned except the tax roll for the year 1873. The Boston people claimed they did not take it. Lately a warrant of arrest was issued against the treasurer and several other parties, for keeping this tax roll. Judge Campbell held the parties to bail, each in the sum of $2,000. Upon the return day, Custer asked for a delay of a day or so, on account of absent witnesses.

"On Friday last, the final day for trial, Mr. Custer was not on hand, having left during the night previous. It is not known how much he is short as the books are in confusion and the tax roll of 1873, upon which most of the money has been collected, is not yet produced. It is thought the county will lose about $15,000.

"This is the second time Howard County has lost money through default of her county treasurer."


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

RECAP: SHERIFF R. L. WALKER SELLS ON SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1874, LAND OWNED BY W. H. CADY, WHO HAS BEEN SUED BY S. L. BRETTUN: West ½ of the southeast 1/4 of section 21, tp. 30, south of Range four East of the sixth principal meridian in Cowley County, containing 80 acres, the said land having been levied upon as the property of said W. H. Cady.

Attorneys for plaintiff, S. L. Brettun: Alexander & Saffold.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

[Published May 22nd, 1874.]
Ordinance Number 36.
An Ordinance providing for levying and collecting license tax.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SEC. 1. That an annual license tax shall be levied upon and collected from each and every person or association of persons, prosecuting their trade or business within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, and coming within the provisions of this Ordinance as follows.


Auctioneers: $6.00

Contractors and builders: $2.50

Druggists: $3.50

Brokers: $10.00

Pawn brokers: $15.00

Confectioners: $4.00

Restaurant keepers: $3.50

Butchers: $3.00

Public boarding housekeepers: $3.00

Hotels and taverns: $5.00

Keepers of billiard tables for pay for each table: $5.00

Keepers or owners of drays or wagons or other vehicles used within the limits of the city for pay, for each one horse dray wagon or other vehicle shall pay: $2.50

For each two horse dray or wagon or other vehicle, must pay: $4.00

Provided, That no livery stable keeper or keepers shall by virtue of his or their license as such, so keep and use any such dray or wagon or other vehicle for pay without first having procured the prescribed license therefor in addition to the license prescribed hereinafter for such livery stable keeper or keepers.


Lumber dealers: $5.00

Furniture dealers: $3.00

Saddle and harness dealers: $2.50

Stationers: $2.00

Jewelers: $4.00

Livery stable keepers: $5.00

Real estate agents: $2.50

Attorneys at law: $2.50

Physicians: $2.50

Express companies or agents for each company represented by the agent shall pay: $5.00.

All persons or association of persons engaged in general merchandise (which includes any three or more branches of trade retail): $10.00

For wholesale and retail: $15.00

Grocers retail: $5.00

Grocers wholesale and retail: $10.00

Hardware merchants exclusively: $5.00

Dealers in agricultural implements: $2.50

Dealers in stoves and tinware: $2.50

Dealers in clothing exclusively retail: $5.00

Dealers in clothing wholesale and retail: $10.00

Merchants of all kinds engaged in any one or more branches of trade not named or mentioned in this ordinance, for each and every branch of such trade retail, shall pay $2.00.

Wholesale and retail: $10.00

SEC. 2. Hawkers and peddlers or other persons who shall sell or offer to sell on any street, lane, or alley, or upon any public square or area, or upon any sidewalk within the limits of the City of Winfield any goods, wares, or merchandise excepting the same be of their own manufacture or production, shall pay $10.00.

Provided, That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to require any person to obtain a license or pay a tax for selling newspapers or periodicals or for the sale of beef, veal, sheep, pork, deer, elk, antelope, or buffalo, when the same is sold by the quarter or in bulk, or for selling fish or game; or for the selling of apples or for the selling of potatoes or other vegetables.

Provided, Further that no hawker or peddler by virtue of his license as such, vend, sell, or offer to sell his wares or merchandise in the street or upon the sidewalks at auction or any species of outcry.

SEC. 3. That upon payment into the city treasury of the prescribed tax by any person or association of persons coming within the provisions of this ordinance, a license shall be issued to such person or association of persons, authorizing him or them to prosecute their trade or business within the limits of the city of Winfield, which license shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer, and the City Clerk shall affix the corporate seal thereunto, such license shall not be transferable.

SEC. 4. That any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars.

SEC. 5. That ordinance No. 14, relating to license tax approved April 28th, 1873, is hereby repealed.

SEC. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication.

Approved May 18, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Winfield, Kan., May 14th, 1874.
NOTICE is hereby given that I will on Monday the 22 day of June A. D. 1874 and the next succeeding days, sell at public auction, at my office, so much of such tracts of land and town lots in the following list for the taxes and charges thereon, as may be necessary for that purpose. The tracts of land and town lots in said list remains unsold for want of proper advertising. E. B. KAGER. County Treasurer.



Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Al Bisbee got married last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Bing has a summer trim on his hair.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Dr. Cram has gone to Leavenworth to be gone two or three weeks.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

John Davis had his arm broken by the kick of a horse last week.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

P. Hill and McMillen & Shields have each erected new awnings over their doors.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Corn is six inches high in some parts of the county, and wheat is beginning to head.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Two ice wagons are delivering ice morning and evening to the heated inhabitants of our city.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

R. F. Burden, chairman of the board of county commissioners, has six miles of fine growing hedge.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Ben Clover of Lazette, one of nature's noblemen, has been spending a few days in town this week.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

There will be services at the Baptist church morning and evening next Sunday by the Rev. N. L. Rigby.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Mrs. Bradish, the accomplished landlady of the Bradish House, has returned to town after an absence of about a year.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Dr. J. E. Williams, one of Cowley's oldest settlers and best citizens, has gone with his family on a visit to his old Kentucky home.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

The ladies of the Congregational Church will give an ice cream sociable at the residence of Rev. Mr. Parmelee next Wednesday evening.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Yesterday morning, A. T. Shenneman started for Ft. Worth, Texas, with twenty-five head of horses. He will be gone a month, more or less.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

A. B. C. Steinbarger, one of the COURIER force, started yesterday morning for Indepen- dence on a visit to his parents. He will be gone about ten days.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

George Carman of Sturgis, Michigan, one of the earliest settlers of our county, is now here looking after his extensive interest in Cowley County. Mr. Carman has one of the finest farms in the county.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

From this time on the temperance people of Winfield intend to publish the names of all persons who sign a petition to the council of this city, asking the granting of a dramshop license to anyone. L. T. M.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

It costs the county of Neosho over $1,100.00 to publish her delinquent tax list, the county of Butler over $600, the county of Labette $2,000, and the county of Cowley $484.60; published in two papers at that.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

We have just turned out of this office for John H. Davis, some of the finest horse bills ever turned out of any office in Kansas. Mr. Davis had two of the best blooded horses in the state in his charge, and farmers would do well to give him a liberal patronage.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

A petition is being circulated for the purpose of starting another saloon in this city. We are suffering for the want of a dozen or more saloons, and we see no surer way for a man to get away with what little money he has than for him to start the third saloon in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

One of the boys of this city was arrested last Tuesday for bathing in the Little Dutch Creek where the road crosses, just north of town. He was brought before Justice Boyer, who fined him ten cents and costs, amounting in all to a little over five dollars. The boys must all watch out or some others may have to pay fines.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Mayor Smith, Miss Hatch, and Rev. N. L. Rigby and lady, are on a visit to the Kaw Indians. We don't hardly know what to think about it when two unmarried persons go off on a long visit with a minister and his wife, but the report is circulating that Mr. Smith is prejudiced against single blessedness. Some ill-favored individuals also report that the trip to the Territory was to save paying license. We don't believe it however and shall take every opportunity to contradict such report.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Perambulating the street the other day, as the once celebrated Beau Brummel would put it, we discovered several new awnings erected since our last issue. Notably, one in front of the new store of McMillen & Shields. On entering we found John P. McMillen, his father, and the clever gentleman, Everleth, busy waiting upon their hosts of customers. One glance at their surroundings revealed to us the secret of their immense trade. A beautiful and tastily arranged stove, everything on their shelves that any person would be likely to ask for, in the line of dry goods, groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions of every kind, and all of the very best quality, and at the very lowest price possible. We came away full convinced that at the splendid new store of McMillen & Shields two doors north of the post office, was the place for the public to buy the best goods for the least money.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Sunday School Festival.
There will be a festival in the courthouse next Tuesday eve. It is got up entirely by the children of the Union Sunday school. There will be a supper, and fine music by the children. All turn out and have a good time.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

The County Commissioners met last Monday and continued in session three days. After mature deliberations they came to the very wise conclusion that the county printing was in good hands and that the county was getting the worth of its money. Some little changes were made in the old contract, but the COURIER and Traveler are still the official papers of the county, and Allison is displeased about something.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Mr. H. C. Leedy, Esq., who has been for some time past at his old home in Michigan, returned home night before last, and glad to get back to Winfield. Mr. Leedy informs us that times are hard there. That farmers have nothing to sell and no prospect for the next year except an abundant crop of fruit. When things are simmered down to factsmind we say factsit will be found that Kansas is one of the most favored countries on earth.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

Al Headrick is in limbo again; this time it is for stealing a horse in Labette County. He had been working for a man named Humphries, living twelve miles southwest of Parsons, and being out of work and out of money and not being anxious to walk away, he "borrowed" a horse and rode away. He says he meant to turn the horse loose and start him back home after he got to Grouse Creek, but his great aversion to treading on mother soil overcame his scruples in regard to keeping other people's property and so he rode on. He stopped at a schoolhouse to attend church, a few miles north of town, on Timber Creek, where he was arrested by Sheriff Walker and Constable Shenneman, and lodged in jail at this place. Sheriff Walker started with him for Labette County, yesterday morning.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

The Ball given at the Valley House last Tuesday evening was a decided success in every respect. The crowd was well selected and the music was fair and although the dining room was rather small for the crowd, under the gentlemanly management of Mr. Hall, time passed pleasantly. Messrs. Barnard & Hall, the new proprietors, have fitted the house up in splendid style. Everything about the premises is new, and the house has undergone such a thorough renovation that the patrons of the old Hudson House would never surmise from the appearance of the interior that it is the same building. The cooking, which is a very important feature of a hotel, is done by Mr. Hall, who is an old hand at the business, and understands all the secrets of the art, as those who were wont to visit him at the Oyster Bay in Wichita can attest. Mr. Barnard, as a landlord, cannot be surpassed; always amiable and accommodat ing and a gentleman in every sense of the word. Both of the proprietors have served their apprenticeship at the hotel business, and fully understand the wants and requirements of the public, and we have no doubt that they will ere long, have a large share of the patronage of the citizens of the city, as well as the public generally.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

SWAIN - LEFFINGWELL. At the residence of the Rev. James E. Platter, by the same, May 21st, 1874, Mr. John Swain to Miss Emma Leffingwell.

Accompanying the above notice, was a beautiful bride's cake, and a choice lot of Havanas, for which Mr. Swain and his fair bride have the unified thanks of the COURIER force. The happy pair have settled down like sensible people at home, and began already the arduous task of paddling their own canoe. They have our best wishes for their future. Reader, are you will wallowing in the slough of single cussedness? Go right off and do likewise.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.

County Commissioners Proceedings.
The following is a list of the bills allowed by the board of County Commissioners at their meeting commencing on the 18th day of May A. D. 1874.

R. L. Walker, sheriff: $10.50; $11.00; $25.00.

A. T. Shenneman, bailiff: $10.00

McMillen & Shields, pauper bill: $20.57

Jurors: J. E. Jarvis, $4.80; W. B. Norman, $5.60; J. H. Curfman, $3.10; F. M. Vaughn, $5.00; James G. Utt, $9.00.

Wm. Slater, witness: $10.00

Burt Covert, Jailor: $2.21

Farrar, Houghton, & Sherburne, pauper bill: $36.50

Braden & Burford, books: $28.00

G. W. Crane, books: $39.00

A. S. Thomas, fee bill: $40.45

N. C. McCulloch, lock: $1.00

W. H. Grow, investigating com.: $102.00

Braden & Burford, books: $28.85

Burt Covert, bailiff: $18.00

J. W. Johnson, furniture: $2.50

J. L. Mitchell, pauper bill: $10.00

R. F. Burden, commissioner: $1.00

M. S. Roseberry, commissioner: $12.00

John Manly, Commissioner: $12.00

M. G. Troup, Co. clerk: $144.40

Road Viewers: G. W. Melville, $2.00; S. W. Greer, $2.00; D. W. Mumaw, $2.00.

W. W. Walton, Surveyor: $8.00; $12.00; $8.00.

Road Viewers: A. J. Dawson, $2.00; A. J. Reeves, $2.00; W. W. Limbocker, $2.00; J. F. Graham, $2.00; John Worthington, $2.00.

John Worthington, Marker: $1.50

J. P. Allen, Road Chainman: $1.50

Joel Stewart, Road Chainman: $1.50

Hitchcock & BoyleLocks $4.85; wood $4.75.

George Gray, sawing wood: $1.00

James Kelly, county printing: $242.65; $17.00; $2.50; $34.00.

C. M. Scott, county printing: $242.65; $20.26.

W. M. Allison, county printing: $2.00

J. L. M. Hill, Bailiff: $20.00

Total amount allowed: $1,235.34
I hereby certify that the above is a correct statement of all the bills allowed by the "Board" at their last meeting.

In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my name and official seals this 20th day of May, A. D. 1874. M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Items from the Traveler.
Stolen. A mule was stolen from James Alexander last Saturday night and parties are in pursuit.

One mule and a black mare were taken from South Haven on Sunday night. The thieves started east on the line.

Another mule stolen. Mr. Wagstaff, living about three miles southwest of Flag Station, had a dun mule stolen from the lariat last Sunday night.

Out of ten men who have stolen horses in this locality, only one has escaped, and he had to leave the mules and run for his life. Four are in the penitentiary, two are in the county jail, and three were shot. It is no use to steal horses from about Arkansas City. The people are too determined and too full of energy to endure it.

The dedication of the new schoolhouse last Saturday evening was a grand success. Parties from adjoining school districts were well represented and well pleased. The exercises caused considerable interest, and enlisted many in the cause of education. At the close a vote of thanks was extended to the speakers, the band, the manager, and the contractor of the school building.

A "Fishing Party" was organized on Stewart Creek, Maple Township, Thursday nightthe 14th inst.with an attendance of about thirty of the best and most sturdy farmers of this vicinity.

The fish have been acting in a new and singular role recently, some four or five horses having mysteriously disappeared from the neighborhood, and no trace of them has yet been found. The "lines" they propose to use will be 3/4 inch hemp rope. They named their party


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

The new hotel in full blast.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

A son of John Rhodes mounted a horse and made himself scarce this week.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

The work on Andy Gordon's new house on 8th avenue is rapidly progressing.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

H. Brotherton has returned home and is now engaged in selling mowers and reapers.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

J. P. Short has green peas and new potatoes of the early Rose variety for his table.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

L. J. Webb, Esq., went to Dexter last night to assist in organizing a Masonic Lodge at that place.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Mayor Smith, Miss Hatch, Rev. N. L. Rigby and wife, returned all safe from their visit to the Kaw Agency.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give an ice cream and strawberry festival on Friday evening, June 5th.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

The Ice Cream sociable at the residence of Rev. J. B. Parmelee, last Wednesday night, was we understand, a complete success.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

The disciples of Christ are holding a co-operative meeting this week in their new church. Quite an interest appears to be manifested in the work.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

T. M. Concannon went down to the Territory on a hunt, a few days ago, and captured a pair of young antelopes, one of which he brought home with him.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

The attention of our readers is directed to the card of John Weis, who is engaged in blacksmithing at his shop opposite the Methodist Church. Johnny is a good workman, and those who have any business in his line should give him a call.

AD: JOHN WEIS, BLACKSMITH, Has fitted up his new building Opposite the M. E. Church, and is now prepared to do everything in his line. HORSE-SHOEING A SPE CIALTY.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Green's soda fountain is getting to be one of the principal attractions of this city. Every lady, gentleman, and child knows where to go when they want a nice drink. Frank Lutz, the handsome and gentlemanly clerk, will always be found ready for business.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

The building formerly occupied by the Senate saloon is being repainted and otherwise improved, and will be occupied by the Real Estate office of Curns & Manser. These gentlemen have, by their business talent and judicious advertising, established such a business that a larger office was found to be necessary.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

An effort is being made by the "boys" of this city to organize a base ball club. A meeting was held on the grounds last Monday, which resulted in the election of a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and a meeting is being called for next Saturday afternoon. We hope that the "boys" will take an interest in this matter, and put it through, for they need something of the sort to exercise their muscles. All turn out and help organize tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

By close calculation, should no unforseen accident happen, the winter wheat crop of the county will yield 180,000 bushels. We have three splendid flouring mills capable of grinding each 200 bushels per day, which in a year of 300 days will grind the entire crop. Is there a county in the state of our age can do so well?

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Sheriff Dick Walker, who left here a week ago yesterday to take Al. Headrick to Labette County, arrived at home last Wednesday evening. He reports that the vigilantes had formed a plan to intercept him at the west line of that county, for the purpose of lynching his prisoner. But he, suspecting something of the kind as well as being warned by some of the citizens, eluded the committee by taking a circuitous route. Fortunate for Mr. Headrick's neck that he was in charge of so brave and intrepid an officer as Sheriff Walker.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Prof. H. B. Norton will deliver two lectures at the Courthouse on Tuesday and Wednes- day evenings of next week. The subject on Tuesday evening, June 2nd, will be "Glacial period of the Northern Hemisphere." On Wednesday, June 3rd, his subject will be "Genesis and Geology."

The popular interest awakened in regard to scientific subjects has led many of our scientific men to prepare lectures suited to meet this demand. Prof. Norton is one of the leading educators and scholars in the west, and as a popular lecturer meets with favor everywhere. Go and hear him. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Presbyterian church building fund.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Hon. J. D. Maurer, late County Commissioner, and one of the best the county ever had, was in town a few days ago.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Geo. W. Ballou, one of Grouse Creek's substantial farmers, paid our city a visit the other day.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

It is rumored that Dr. Maggard of Oxford is about to locate in Winfield. It would please us muchly to welcome the M. D. to our town.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Found. A large woolen ottoman Shawl, near Black Crook, which the owner can have by paying for this advertisement and proving the property, at the Ladies Bazaar.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Report of Winfield Graded School for the month commencing April 27th, and ending May 22nd, 1874.

Note: Perfect, 100; good, 80; failure, 40.

No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 38. Average daily attendance: 19.20. No cases of tardiness: 65. Average time lost by tardiness daily: 34 minutes. Average deportment: 80.

No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 48. Average daily attendance: 30. No. cases of tardiness: 30. Average time lost by tardiness: 5 minutes.

Names of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Oliver Newland, Jordan McDonald, Mary Davis, Sylvia Darrah, Katy Davis, Leela Doty, Jennie Hulshopple, Alice Hill, Jennie Weathers.

MRS. T. A. WILKINSON, Teacher.
No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 57. Average daily attendance: 40.95. Average number of cases of tardiness daily: 6. Average amount of time lost by tardiness daily: 1 hr. 23.45 min. Average deportment: 95.

Names of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Frank Cochran, Bruce Hill, Anna Bartlow, Sarah West. MRS. M. A. BRYANT, Teacher.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Horse Thieves Caught.
Two men, William Gilmore and Francis J. Seltz, who have been stopping at the mouth of Grouse for some weeks, and of whom we spoke last week, warning the people to look out for them, were overtaken and captured on the Shawkaska River, by Curry, Keho, Blair, and Roberts, last Sunday morning. The men took the horses from the Kaw Agency on Thursday night, came up Grouse Creek, and were going west. The horses belonged to Big and Little Lewis Pappan; half breed Kaw Indians. The horses were missed at daylight, and the Indians started in pursuit, tracking them all the way to Bolton Township, where they received the first news of them. Pappan's horses were tired out and he persuaded the above mentioned men to follow them on Saturday night, by whom they were captured the next morning.

At sight of the men the thieves ran and were only stopped by the firing of Curry. Seltz received the shot from Curry's carbine, the ball entering near the wrist and paralyzing his arm. At this, the thieves gave themselves up and begged to be well treated. On Monday morning they were arraigned before Justice McIntire and plead not guilty. The preliminary trial was waived, and the parties were bound over to appear at the district court in the sum of $1,000. Failing in bond, they went to jail.

Bill Gilmore is a man of about 26 years of age, over six feet tall, dark hair, intelligent expression, and mild countenance. He was born and raised in Arizona, and has spent most of his time on the border and among the Indians. In 1861 he was with General Custer, and carried dispatches from Camp Supply to Fort Dodge for General Sheridan, during the fight on the WashitA. He is deeply prejudiced against Indians, and claims he would not have stolen from the whites. In conversation with Mr. Gilmore, we find him to be a well read and experienced man. Wild life and excitement is as familiar with him as his every day meal.

Francis J. Seltz is a younger man than Gilmore, with a countenance not as good or mild. He is a good conversationalist, however, and speaks fluently and rapidly. Seltz did not care to give his history, and was perfectly indifferent on some subjects. His life has been mostly confined to the east, until a few years past. He has had some difficult encounters, but only in self defense. He was free to say that he was a good shot with a carbine and could have killed the four men that were after him if he chose to, but did not want to do it.

With these additional captures, we should think horse thieves would choose some other locality for their operations. Traveler.

The thieves are now resting quietly in jail in this city.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Mr. M. L. Robinson and wife and Mr. Sam. Robinson, of Winfield, arrived in the city, yesterday, and are stopping at the Caldwell House. M. L. reports Winfield prosperous, business not overdone, the county improving, and an almost certainty of getting the Fall River & Paola Railroad. Our Independence men at Winfield are all reported as doing well, and having a large business. Independence Tribune.

Yes, Bro. Burchard, Winfield is prosperous far beyond most of her sister towns, and the businessmen you sent us, are generally, doing as well as could be expected considering the town came from.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Public Sale at Winfield.
June 6th, 1874, there is to be sold the largest lot of household furniture ever sold in this county, consisting of Bedsteads, Bedding, Stands, Bureaus, Chairs, Wardrobes, Carpets, Stoves, Queensware, Silverware, Tableware, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. Now is the time to get furniture cheap.

REUBEN ROGERS, Auctioneer.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Keep Cool and Comfortable By wearing Lyle thread and gauze Undershirts, light drilling and linen Drawers. Keep Clean by wearing white and fancy shirts when you can buy them so cheap at Requa & Bing's Clothing house where they keep a full line of Gentlemen's wear of every description, such as neck ties, scarfs, handkerchiefs, collars, gloves, etc.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

Piles of Hosiery and notions at McMillen & Shields, new and fresh.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.

ICE! ICE! ICE!! Mr. H. B. Lacy desires to announce to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity that he is prepared to deliver ICE to any part of the city both morning and evening in city style.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

We publish in another place the report of the committee of investigation. It will be seen that the report brings Mr. Short and Mr. Kager several thousand dollars behind. Mr. Short claims that he holds receipts to, nearly or quite, cover the amount charged against him, and we have Mr. Kager's word for it, that he has in his hands, even more money than the committee found against him. However this may be, we have no comments or criticisms to make until these gentlemen have had an opportunity to settle with the county board. We cannot however close this article without saying a word for the committee. They, we believe, have discharged their duty faithfully and conscientiously, and their report shows with what ability that work was done. We will have more to say of this when we have looked the field all over. Let this suffice for the present.

WE, your Committee appointed to examine the books and accounts of the County Clerk and County Treasurer, beg leave to submit the following report as the result of our investiga- tion. In instituting the examination, we first took the books and accounts from the organization of the County up to the 16th day of July, 1872, at which time J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasurer, turned the office over to E. B. Kager, the present incumbent of the office. On examination of the books and accounts of A. A. Jackson as County Clerk, and John Devore as Treasurer, under the management and control of J. P. Short, Deputy, we found the books and accounts in a very confused and tangled condition, the Treasurer not having made a settlement of his accounts during his term of office, and turned the office over to his successor without paying over moneys in his possession.

After due deliberation as to the best method of instituting the examination, we concluded to take the Tax-roll as it was furnished the Treasurer, by the County Clerk for collection, as a basis for our settlement and hold the Treasurer for all moneys coming into his possession by virtue of his office.

In making up the roll we found many mistakes for and against, but these, we consider merely the result of incompetency and inexperience on the part of the County Clerk.

In our report, $3,075.47 stands charged to Mr. Short, on account of the County which in reality is covered by county warrants which have been canceled on account of Short, but have not been destroyed or ordered applied on his account by the County Commissioners.

The tax-roll of 1872 is the greatest complication of figures and erasures that we ever saw, and we regard it as a matter of impossibility to arrive at just conclusions in every particular in making up the accounts, but we have made our figures from the most reasonable conclusions in the premises always giving Mr. Kager the benefit of the doubts. Mr. Kager has not made a settlement of his accounts since he came in possession of the office of County Treasurer, and reference to our report reveals the fact that he had a large sum of money in his possession on the first day of July, 1873, at which time the law requires him to make his annual settlement, and at which time most of the funds in his possession should have been paid out.

The accounts in both the County Clerk's and County Treasurer's ledgers, in most instances show clearly to our minds that the original charges have been erased and figures changed. In making up the account of School Land Sales, we took the County Clerk's and Treasurer's accounts in connection, from which to base a settlement; even then there may be, and doubtless is, discrepancies. We are informed that persons have made payments on school lands and have taken the Treasurer's receipt therefor but failed to have it countersigned by the County Clerk and charged to the Treasurer as the law requires, and in other instances parties have made payments on School Lands for which neither Treasurer nor Clerk have given the proper credit.

We would recommend that notice be given through the papers of the County to parties who have purchased School Lands to examine the records and see if any such irregularities exist.

On comparing our School Land sales account with an abstract of school land sales received from the Auditor of State, we found Mr. A. A. Jackson had made an error in addition of the school land sales reported on account of Mr. Short in favor of the County Treasurer to the amount of $400.00, and $1,252.26 remained unreported. The same error occurs in his report to the Auditor of State of school land sales on account of E. B. Kager to amount of $2,260.20, and $97.80 remained unreported.

Mr. Kager says he has money in his possession that he does not know where to apply, but when he finds the proper place for it he is ready to pay the same over. This admission of the County Treasurer seriously involves his competency, in our opinion, for the faithful and efficient discharge of the duties of the office.

In justice to ourselves we must say that we have prosecuted the investigation under very unfavorable circumstances. There has been a continual disposition on the part of those directly interested in the settlement, and our County Clerk, M. G. Troup, to cover up and withhold information that would lead to a solution of the complications connected with the work, hence it has been very tedious and discouraging to the Committee.

We found many irregularities in the accounts, particularly in the manner of making them up, and entering the same on their books. We have brought the best order out of the confused mess that we could and feel safe in saying that we have arrived at a good state of perfection in making up our accounts, and now submit the following figures as the result of our investigation, showing the amount collected on each fund, the amount paid out on the same, and the amount remaining in the hands of the Treasurer, up to the date of each settlement as the exhibit will show. LUCIUS WALTON, W. H. GROW, S. M. FALL. COMMITTEE.

Winfield, Kansas, May 30th, 1874.

Report of the Committee of the financial condition of the County; Showing the gross amount collected on each fund and the amount paid out on the same; also the amount due the different funds at the expiration of the official term of J. P. Short as deputy County Treasurer, up to the time (July 16, 1872) E. B. Kager took possession of the office.

Amount collected: $14,658.81

Amount Paid out: $ 8,903.80

Remains Unpaid: $ 5,759.08

Overpaid: $ 4.07

Report of the Committee on the financial condition of the County from the 15th day of July, 1872, at which time J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasurer, turned the office over to E. B. Kager, County Treasurer, to July 1st, 1873; showing the net gross amount due each fund, the amount paid out on the same, and the amount remaining in the treasury on the first day of July 1873.

Due Fund: $44,572.70

Paid out: $34,066.12

Remaining in Treasury: $10,604.11

Overpaid: $97.53


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Items From the Traveler.
A dancing master was in town Monday evening, trying to get a school.

One of our painters has been called to Winfield to paint Rev. Platter's new house.

A man came into our office the other day and offered us a wild cat in payment of subscription.

The editor goes to the Kaw Agency this week, to interview Agent Stubbs, and the Kaw brethren.

Mr. Oaks, near Remanto, had his wagon burned last week by prairie fire. The Indians started the fire.

D. H. Clough had the lowest bid to drill a six inch hole for coal, but the award is not yet made.

C. R. Mitchell is to return in one week.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Endicott, a daughter.

MARRIED. Max Fawcett has returned, no longer a bachelor.

Esquire Meigs proposes a baby show for the 4th of July.

BEES. Peter Pearson caught the swarm of bees that passed over town a few days since.

The young man drowned in the Nenescah, spoken of two weeks ago, was Lewis Roach, son of Simpson Roach, who resides near Oxford.

Cowley County will raise and grind 3,500,000 pounds of flour this year; affording on an average, to each family, 5,330 pounds.

Loads of bacon have been brought to this market from Howard County. The farmers of Howard smoke and pack the meat themselves.

John Cattrell has ten acres of castor beans on the sod, on the Grouse, doing well.

It will be seen by the proceedings in another column that the people of this place have determined to celebrate the 96th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Extensive arrangements are being made, and it is believed the grandest celebration Cowley County ever witnessed will be the result. A general invitation will be extended to all, especially the citizens, soldiers, and Grangers of this and adjoining counties.

ADDRESS. Prof. Norton goes up to Lawrence to attend the University Commencement next week. He has been selected as one of the orators on that occasion. He also addresses the literary societies of the Emporia Normal School, June 18th.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

[Both Ordinances Published June 5, 1874.]
Ordinance Number 37.
Relating to Dog Tax.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Winfield.

SEC 1. That an annual tax of one dollar per year be, and the same is hereby levied upon all dogs six months of age or over.

SEC 2. That an annual tax of three dollars per year be, and the same is hereby levied on every bitch six months old and over.

SEC 3. That the above tax shall be paid to the city Treasurer upon the receipt of which the Treasurer shall deliver to the owner of each dog or bitch a receipt for the same and upon the presentation of each receipt to the city clerk, he shall register the name of the owner of such dog or bitch and the clerk shall deliver to said owner a metal tag stamped with the letters "T. P." to be securely fastened to the collar of each dog or bitch.

SEC 4. That any person owning or harboring any dog or bitch within the limits of the city of Winfield without paying the tax upon the same, as required by this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in the sum not exceeding ten dollars. That such dog or bitch so owned or harbored shall be killed by the Marshal wherever found within the limits of said city.

SEC 5. That ordinance No. 5 and 16 are hereby repealed.

SEC 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication.

Approved June 3rd, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

Ordinance Number 39.
An ordinance amendatory of ordinance No. 36 Relating to general license tax.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Winfield.

SEC 1. That section 3 of ordinance No. 36 shall be amended to read as follows: "SEC 3. That upon payment into the city Treasury of the proscribed tax by any person or association of persons coming within the provisions of their ordinance, a license shall be issued to said person or association of persons authorizing him or them to prosecute their trade or business within the limits of the city of Winfieldwhich license shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer and the city clerk shall affix the corporate seal thereto. All licenses granted under and by virtue of this ordinance shall terminate on the first day of May next after the same are issued and shall not be transferable."

SEC 2. Section 3 of ordinance 36 of which this is amendatory is hereby repealed.

SEC 3. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force from and after its publication.

Approved June 2nd, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Dissolution Notice.
The copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of Manning and Johnson is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The firm owe no debts. The debts due the firm will be collected by and receipted for by either member of the late firm.

Winfield, Kan., June 1st, 1874.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Butter is worth 10 cents per lb.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

The Walnut River is up and booming.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Judge R. B. Saffold has gone to Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

S. H. Myton has returned from Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Winfield has three daily and two tri-weekly mails.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Miss Sadie Webb was thrown from a horse last week and slightly injured.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

And now comes Barbour County, raving distracted over the county seat.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Green has a new awning. So has Boyer; and the Ladies' Bazar has a new awning and beautiful new sign.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Col. E. C. Manning is to deliver a lecture before the Teacher's Association at Arkansas City Saturday evening, June 27th.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

John Rhodes' son, who left home a short time ago on a French leave, was overtaken at Wichita and brought back by C. C. Harris.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Mr. Sharp, living south of town, was bitten by a copperhead snake a short time ago. He is now considered out of danger.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

A young man by the name of Taylor was severely injured a few days ago by having a wagon loaded with lumber run over him.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Isaac L. Comfort, the "old boy" of the Censor of blessed memory, has been for the past two weeks playing the "devil" with the roller in this office.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Ned Perkins, who has been for some time past in Texas, came through with a drove of cattle a short time ago, and is now here visiting his friends.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

A first class runaway took place yesterday. Mr. McDonald's pony team made things lively on the street awhile without doing any damage.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

C. M. Scott, of the Arkansas City Traveler, says that he has been offered a wild cat kitten in payment for his paper. That man evidently thought the Traveler was a wild cat concern.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Hon. E. S. Torrance is in attendance upon the U. S. District Court, at Leavenworth, on behalf of the county in the case of George L. Thompson, versus Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Geo. C. Hill, Esq., of the state of New York, paid us a visit the other day and expresses himself so well pleased with Cowley that he intends to locate here.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Geo. W. Martin, the popular fine boot and shoemaker, has turned out lately some of the snuggest new style shoes we have seen for a long time. He calls them Bon-tons.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Rev. James Cairns, of Polo, Illinois, is now here visiting his friend and co-worker, Rev. N. L. Rigby, and viewing the country generally. He will preach in the Baptist church next Sabbath morning and evening.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Mr. C. L. F. Johnson, whom everybody knows to be one of the jolliest and cleverest of gentlemen, is now paying Winfield his semi-annual visit, looking after his large interests here.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Capt. T. B. Myers, who has been for some time past on a visit to his old home in West Virginia, returned a few days ago and declares that Cowley County is the best country he has seen yet. Of course it is.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Township assessors will bear in mind that if they do not take a report from each farmer in the county of the amount of grain put in and other grain and stock statistics, that the County Board will not be likely to pay anything for services in which so important a matter is left out.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Langdon, the leader, for years, of the Cherokee settlers, went through here bag and baggage last Saturday, bound for Colorado. He gives it up at last, that Joy has gotten the underhold on the Neutral lands.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

A complete organization of the first nine of the "Frontier" base ball club was effected last Saturday. The officers are E. C. Manning, President; W. W. Walton, Secretary; A. H. Hane, Treasurer; and L. J. Webb, Captain. The second nine should, and doubtless will, organize tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

A little child of Mr. Jeffries, living in the south end of town, had one of its eyes badly injured by having a sharp pointed knife run between the eye and the socket, very nearly to the base of the brain. Dr. Black, who dressed the wound, has hopes that the sight may be preserved.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

The lecture of Prof. H. B. Norton last Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, owing to a misunderstanding as to the time, and owing to this, and owing to that (but we believe owing to the fact that many of us do not yet appreciate such talent as Prof. Norton, and are not particularly fond of intellectual treats) anyway, the attendance was not so large as it might have been.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

A good joke is told on Sheriff Walker, who, besides being the best Sheriff in Kansas, is one of the most bashful of bachelors. Well, a short time ago, the amiable Richard was called upon to serve an attachment against a certain young and lovely widow living out in the country. He called upon her and said, "Madam, I have an attachment for you." The widow blushed, and said his attachment was reciprocated. "You don't understand me, you must proceed to court," said the gallant sheriff. "No indeed," replied the blooming widow, "This is not leap year, so I prefer you to do the courting." "Mrs. H., this is no time for trifling, the Justice is waiting." "The Justice," replies the blushing fair one, "I prefer a parson." Dick retired in disgust, and that widow is single to this day.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

The teachers of the Winfield graded schools together with Superintendent Wilkinson's singing class, will close the spring term of school with a musical and literary entertainment. It is proposed by combining outside talent with that of the school children, to make this entertainment worthy of the patronage of the parents and friends of education. Prof. Hulse, Principal of the Arkansas City schools, will aid Mr. Wilkinson; also, Prof. E. J. Hoyt, with the musical part of the entertainment. A paper will be read by Miss Helen Parmelee and Superintendent Wilkinson, and essays by Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson and Miss Bryant. The proceeds of the exhibition will be expended in purchasing an organ, for the use of the public schools of Winfield. Therefore, all are directly interested in the success of the enterprise.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Correction. The note in the teacher's report of last week had reference to the deportment only. By mistake the average deportment of the scholars in the intermediate department (which was 90) was omitted.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

The Presbytery of Emporia will hold an adjourned meeting at Oxford on Saturday and Sunday, June 13th and 14th; on Saturday evening at 7-1/2 o'clock, the opening exercises will be held in the church. On Sabbath morning at eleven o'clock the ordination and installation of Rev. S. B. Fleming will take place. In the evening at 7-1/2 o'clock, the newly completed house of worship will be dedicated. All are cordially invited to attend these exercises.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Lost! Lost! Saturday, May 23rd, 1874, five miles west of Lazette on the Lazette and New Salem road, a valuable silver watch, open face. It had one yard of narrow black tape attached as a guard; any person finding said watch, please leave it with Miss B. M. Dudley, Floral, Kansas, or M. Hemenway, Lazette, Kansas, or the COURIER office, Winfield, and they will receive due reward.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Marriage Licenses.
List of marriage licenses issued during the month of May.

Isaac Darnell to Cerilda Cessna.

H. L. Brown to Emma E. Morgan.

Wilson Shaw to Nan V. Bradford.

Alvan Bisbee to Lucy Bates.

L. J. Wells to Lydia R. Hildreth.

Russel H. True to Francis T. Morris.

Levi J. Montgomery to Emma Wiggins.

David Thompson to Diantha T. Wetherbee.

John Swain to Emma S. Leffingwell.

William Doolen to Ida Baldwin.

Henry C. Harns to Electa Hosmer.

Wm. H. Bartholomew to Alice A. Stockdale.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

Council met at Courthouse May 18, 1874. Mayor S. C. Smith in the chair; Councilmen present, H. S. Silver, S. Darrah, J. P. McMillen, and R. B. Saffold. J. W. Curns, Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The bonds of Joseph Likowski and Reinhart Ehret to the City of Winfield as dram shop keepers were presented to the Council and on motion were approved.

Finance committee asked further time on the bill of Thos. H. Benning. The bill of J. W. Curns for service as Clerk, and stationery $9.23, was allowed.

The application of Z. T. Swiggart to have his salary raised from $35 to $50 per month was referred to the finance committee.

The petition of J. C. Weathers to have the grade lowered between 10th and 12th Avenues on Main Street was referred to the committee on sidewalks.

On motion order number 195, on the treasurer of Winfield in favor of J. M. Young, marshal, was canceled.

An ordinance providing for the levying and collecting of license tax was read by sections and duly passed; the vote on passage stood, ayes McMillen, Darrah, Silver, 3; nays 0.

On motion council adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.

The council met at the courthouse June first, and there not being a quorum present, council adjourned to meet June 2nd, at 4 o'clock p.m. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

MONEY TO LOAN. C. L. F. JOHNSON, Bradish House.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

For Sale. A farm in Badger Valley; rich soil and never failing water; 5 miles from county seat. Apply at Tarrant's City Bakery.


Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

[Published June 5th, 1874.]
Ordinance No. 38.
An Ordinance relating to the pay of City Marshal and Street Commissioner.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SEC 1. That the pay of the City Marshal of the City of Winfield shall be $40 per month.

SEC 2. That the pay of the Street Commissioner of the City of Winfield shall be $10 per month.

SEC 3. That the above sums be allowed the City Marshal and Street Commissioner for their service, from and after the first day of May 1874.

SEC 4. That said sums shall be in lieu of all fees.

SEC 5. That all fees of the city marshal shall be paid into the treasury of the City of Winfield.

SEC 6. That ordinance Number thirteen be and the same is hereby repealed.

SEC 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication.

Approved June 2nd, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, Winfield, June 6th, 1874.
Much as I dislike the task of replying to every "fist" who sees fit to assail me, yet the report which lies before me, namely, the report of the late Investigating Committee, coming from the source that it does, is perhaps worthy of notice on my part. I dare say the people fancy this "good state of perfection" report, from a committee appointed to investigate the affairs of this county, ought at least to be accurate, reliable, and truthful. But I am sorry that truth compels me to say it is neither of the three.

I wish to say a word as to the history of this investigation. When I first came into office, I ascertained that the accounts of a former treasurer, who had been out of office nearly two years, were still open, and apparently unsettled. I wrote to the chairman of the board and apprised him of the fact, and saying I would like to have himself, and the balance of the board, at an early day, examine the records of my office. The board came to my office, examined the records, and concluded to appoint a committee to assist the Clerk, Treasurer, and County Attorney to straighten, and close up, the accounts of the county.

Now mark you, this committee was to assist the proper officers to do this business, or, as was suggested at the time, to see that the records were properly investigated, in all fairness to all parties concerned. I, of course, cheerfully acquiesced in the action of the board, and met the committee in all candor and frankness. The same civilities were observed on my part throughout the entire investigation. But not so with the committee. They soon began to feel the importance of their position, and began to run the investigation with an eye to their own welfare. I now come to the place where I suppose this "good state of perfection" committee took umbrage at my course in this matter. I say I suppose the difficulty arose from what I shall now mention, for in all candor and seriousness, I cannot for the life of me tell why this committee should throw dirt on my unoffending head.

After the committee had prosecuted their labors to a certain point, I meekly suggested to them and to the chairman of the board that it was a useless expenditure of the county's funds to carry the investigation any farther.

About that time the committee began to look wise, whisper mysteriously, and to shun me. Now mark you, I did not like said committee to go about the streets of this city, look wise, and insinuate sly malicious slanders against any of the parties interested, but I went to the chairman of the board direct, and told him that it was certainly bad policy to prosecute the investigation any farther as it was certainly spending money that would result in no pecuniary benefit to the county.

The sequel shows I was right and hence the "ire" of this committee. But the board saw fit to listen to the malicious insinuations of this office seeking committee rather than take the advice of your humble servant, and what is the result. The county has squandered several hundred dollars for a report by which, if the county would settle, it would lose several hundred more. This committee, after arriving at a "good state of perfection," declare Mr. Kager had on hand, on the 1st day of July, 1873, a certain sum of money. I suppose it never occurred to these wiseacres to ask Kager whether he had that amount at the time specified or not. If they had done so, it would certainly have prevented them from making such asses of themselves as they have done. No, that would not do, they must needs rush into print, and say he ought to have had that much money, and leave the impression on the minds of the public that he did not have the money. Bah! Gentlemen, is that what you call a fair, honest, and impartial way of doing things?

Perhaps men who will resort to the same tricks that two-thirds of this committee practiced last fall to secure the offices they were investigating might call that an honest way to treat a fellow creature, but I hardly think the public will think so. Suppose Mr. Kager admits the amount they claim as correct, the county will have squandered several hundred dollars, and have its labor for its pains. But suppose Kager says he has more money on his hands than they claim, what a grand farce the whole thing is, and what asses this trio of chronic office seekers have made of themselves. And let me say right here that the latter supposition is the true one.

The treasurer had more money on the 1st day of July, 1873, than this "good state of perfection" claimed he had. But I beg pardon for intruding myself on the public in this matter. In fact, it is not my corpse. But since the committee, with the same degree of maliciousness that characterizes their entire report, have seen fit to say I threw especial obstacles in the way of their investigation, I should like to have them state publicly and positively what those obstacles were. If they had not willfully and falsely, and without any cause, threw the first dirt, I should not have said a word. But when I am so unjustly assailed as I have been in this case, I deem it a duty to defend myself.

If this investigation had been properly conducted with a view to perfecting the records of the county, it would have been a good thing. But since it was prosecuted wholly for the purpose of blasting the reputation of a few persons, and not for the purpose of closing the accounts of the county, as was intended, it can result in no good. A word about the records of the county, and I am done for this time. The records are in exactly the same condition they were, ere this committee was appointed. This office knows just as much as it did before. The accounts are still all open, and some future officer may want them closed, which will necessitate more investigating. Yours, M. G. TROUP.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

A Card.
MR. EDITOR: I settled as the board of County Commissioners ordered, and have their certificate that I did make a settlement August 16th, 1873, and the proceedings of the County Commissioners will show the same. I did not make the settlement in July because I was making my settlement with the State Treasurer as the law directs, and I could not make myself "numerous." Most of the funds in my hands July 1st, 1873, were township and school district funds, and could not be paid out until the treasurers demanded them, and as they had not demanded the money, it remained in my hands and some of the same money is in my hands now. Figures in our books were often changed because the board would change so many taxes. Still I am free to confess it would be much better to have done otherwise.

I had more money in my hands on the 1st day of July, 1873, than the committee charged me with having, and if the board of County Commissioners will settle by that statement and give me bonds that I will not have the balance in my hands to pay, I will make Cowley County a present of several hundred dollars. The committee must think me incompetent because I did not keep still and put the money in my pocket or divide with them.

The only attempt I ever made to withhold anything from the committee, was, I refused to let them have a receipt book, as I thought they were too careless with our books. But I offered to let them have the book if they would use it in my office. I showed them mistakes to the amount of $200 or $300 made by them against me. The others interested can answer for themselves. Yours, etc. E. B. KAGER, Co. Treas.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

And Worthy the Day She Celebrates.
A Special Invitation to the Soldiers and Grangers.
By reference to another place, it will be seen that our people have taken decided action, and will celebrate the 4th in glorious style. On that day the soldiers' association is also called to meet at the same time and place. Let everybody turn out. Let the grangers come by the thousands and mingle with the tradesmen, mechanics, and merchants. Let the soldiers and sailors of both sides come. Let him who wore the blue, and him who wore the grey, forget, for that day at least, that they ever were enemies. Let everybody come determined to celebrate as becomes American citizens loving but one flag, owing allegiance to but one country, and our word for it, Winfield, the queen city of the plains, will do her part to make this celebration the grandest affair ever yet contemplated in the Walnut valley.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate.

Elisha Babcock, Jr. to Samuel Darrah, Lot 7 in block 128 in Winfield, $350.

Leon Lippmann and wife to Miles W. Hart, sw 1/4 of se 1/4 of sec 31 tp 32 S 7. $407.

E. L. Hackney to Samuel A. Adams, n w 1/4 sec 8 tp 31 s r 4 e $1,100.

Thomas J. Raybell and wife to Miles W. Hart s ½ of s w 1/4 sec 31 tp 32 s r 7 e and n e 1/4 of n w qr sec 6 tp 33 s r 9 e $1,300.

Annie J. Norton and husband to Lyman C. Norton s w qr sec 9 tp 35 s r 3 e $750.

Andrew J. Thompson to Cyrus M. Perrine 40 acres out of n w qr sec 27 tp 32 r 4 $2,400.

William J. Driver and wife to N. F. Smith, s e qr sec 5 tp 33 s r 5 e $800.

John Stauffer to William Turner s e qr sec 10 tp 35 s r 3 e $1,050.

Patrick F. Endicott and wife to William Turner 7 acres in s w qr sec 32 tp 34 r 4 $210.

Joseph Bossi to Ellis Rockhill e ½ of lot 9 sec 5 tp 35 s r 4 e $265.

John Wallace and wife to Isaac M. Smith n w qr of n w qr sec 18 tp 33 s r 7 e $400.

Isaac Smith and wife to Joseph H. Reynolds and Leon Lippmann n w qr of n w qr sec 18 tp 33 s r 7 e $300.

John Woodyard and wife to William and Edward Green n w qr sec 8 tp 34 r 4 e $450.

Richard D. Miller and wife to James H. Lee q c e ½ of s w qr sec 16 tp 31 s r 7 $1,000.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Notice of Final Settlement.
ALL persons interested are hereby notified that I shall make final settlement of the estate of Delphine P. Manning, late of Cowley County, Kansas, before the Probate Court in and for said county on the 10th day of July, 1874. Any person having claims against said estate are notified to present them, on, or before this time or they will be forever barred.

E. C. MANNING, Administrator.
June 2, 1874.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

There is to be a dance at Thomasville on the 4th of July.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Hon. W. P. Hackney has gone to the mountains of Colorado.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Darrah & Doty have the contract for sprinkling main street during the season.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Capt. E. Davis and lady have returned to Winfield to reside permanently.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

O. C. Smith, late county commissioner of Cowley County, is now a boat captain on Lake Erie.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

It is said that Mr. Holmes Smith of the Fair grounds has been offered $10,000 for his farm.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Judge R. B. Saffold and county attorney E. S. Torrance are back from Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

The jury found Winner guilty of murder in the first degree. McNutt is being tried this week.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

There is to be a grand platform dance at Manly's Saw Mill on the Walnut above Little Dutch June 26th.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Father Schurz, of Wichita, will hold service in this city Saturday, July 5th, 1874. All are invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

A. H. Green, Esq., was thrown from his buggy on main street and slightly hurt last Tuesday and his team ran away.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

John Nichols has removed his barber shop to A. A. Jackson's building east side of Main St., where his friends will find him ready to give them a shave or hair cut at a moment's notice.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Mr. Service of New York City has been here on a visit to his brother, James G. Service, for a week past and expresses himself highly pleased with our county.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Dr. Austin of Oxford has been in town for several days tending to Mrs. L. H. Howard, who has been sick with a fever for some time. The Dr. is highly spoken of by those who know him best, as a successful physician.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

The farmers have commenced cutting their winter wheat of which there is a very large breadth and heavy yield in the county. Who will have the first wheat in market? Let us hear from the enterprising man.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

B. B. Manning picked up an unknown nine and cleaned out the first nine of Winfield last Saturday. The boys who sent the challenge to Wichita, say it cannot be done again. It will be tried again tomorrow afternoon. [Base Ball item]

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Tom Wright's running mare put thirty feet between itself and a running gray that wandered through here last Saturday in search of a soft snap.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

The ladies of the Methodist church will give a sociable at the residence of Mr. D. Rodocker next Wednesday evening.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Before Judge Miller of the U. S. circuit court, sitting in Leavenworth last week, G. L. Thompson obtained a judgment against Cowley County upon unpaid county scrip for $6,299.48.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Three rough looking strangers were seen camped in the brush on the Walnut last Wednesday night. They were on foot, had no blankets, and looked as though they might be looking for horses.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Al Headrick, who was taken to Labette County by Sheriff Walker a short time ago, broke the Jail of that county in company with another man and is now at large. A reward of $50 is offered for his apprehension.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

In the Traveler report of the judgment taken against the county by Geo. L. Thompson, it erroneously gives it as "Scrip issued for the building of the courthouse." This is incorrect. It was not the scrip issued to build the courthouse on which the county was sued.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Rev. James Cairns, of Polo, Illinois, paid us a farewell visit on Tuesday morning, as he was about to depart for his home in the Sucker state. He expressed himself as highly pleased with his visit, and delighted with the country. Mr. Cairns is one of those frank, earnest, great hearted men, who seem to be placed at intervals along the road from the cradle to the grave, to give the ordinary travelers a better opinion of mankind. We are always sorry to part with such men.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

At a meeting of the officers of the Soldiers' Association of Cowley County, held at Winfield, June 4th, 1874, it was decided to have the reunion of the Association at Winfield July 4, 1874. All soldiers are cordially invited to attend and participate in the exercises of the day. Citizens are cordially invited, and the Patrons of Husbandry are especially invited to come and take part in the general exercises. A programme will be published in due time.

C. M. WOOD, Pres.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Two Men From This County Hanged for Horse Stealing.
Both Thought to be Innocent.
The following note from A. L. Austin, a prominent cattle dealer in Texas, was handed us by his brother, Dr. Austin, of Oxford. The James Brown spoken of is probably the son of Mrs. Myers, who lives a few miles north of town, and who went to Texas sometime last March. We can find no one who knew Hedges and he probably does not belong here. It is a sad commentary on the laws of the state when mobs are permitted to shoot and hang on mere suspicion.

"`Hanged' in Earth county Texas about the 15 day of May one James Brown & John Hedges both from Cowley County, Kansas. I think the latter was innocent of the charge against boththat of horse stealing. A Bill of Sale was found on the person of Hedges for the horse he hadprocured of a man in my employ gathering cattle. A. L. AUSTIN."


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

Proceedings of the Meeting held Monday, June 8th, to
Provide for the Celebration of the 4th of July.
Public meeting of the citizens of Winfield, was held last Monday evening at the office of Curns & Manser for the purpose of preparing for a celebration of the 4th of July at Winfield.

On motion G. S. Manser was chosen chairman and L. J. Webb, Esq., Secretary.

C. M. Wood offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, By the citizens of Winfield and vicinity that we celebrate the 4th of July at this place, and that we extend a cordial invitation to the citizens of the county to participate with us in the celebration.

N. H. Wood, James Simpson, and J. T. Hall were appointed a committee to confer with the Soldier's Association and invite them to take part in the celebration.

On motion it was resolved that the celebration be a basket picnic.

T. K. Johnston, Enoch Marrs, and C. M. Wood were appointed a finance committee.

M. L. Robinson, James Kelly, and J. T. Hall were appointed a committee to procure speakers.

A. T. Stewart, Max Shoeb, and H. B. Lacy were appointed a committee on grounds.

J. T. Hall, T. A. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John Swain, Miss Mary Stewart, and Miss Baldwin were appointed a committee on music.

H. B. Lacy, C. M. Wood, and J. P. McMillen were appointed a committee on ice water.

J. P. McMillen, Wirt Walton, and L. J. Webb were appointed a committee on fantastics and amusements.

L. J. Webb and James Kelly were appointed a committee on artillery.

Captain R. L. Walker was appointed Marshal of the day.

James Kelly offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That we extend a cordial invitation to the several Granges of the county to attend and participate in the celebration.

The meeting then adjourned to meet Monday evening June 15th at 8 o'clock P.M.

G. S. MANSER, Chairman.
L. J. WEBB, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

LAZETTE, KANSAS, June 15th, 1874.
BRO. KELLY: In answer to an article which appeared in your paper June 12th, written by one M. G. Troup, we would say that the spirit of his piece is not good, and any man to read it carefully can see that it is a boastful, headstrong, lengthy, labored article.

Said committee considered it would be much better, and give more general satisfaction to be governed by instruction and advice from the County Commissioners, than a swell headed County Clerk, who repeatedly refused to let us have paper, pencils, receipts, etc., which we were justly entitled to in the prosecution of the work.

If we had prosecuted the work in a way that Mr. Troup wanted us to, instead of the Commissioners, we would have been first rate fellows.

But because he could not run the committee and Commissioners to whitewash the thing and have it said that he is the Grand Mogul of the whole concern, he became impudent and sulky.

A man that undertook to find a delinquent list and upon trial couldn't find a correct one, and yet swore he knew he was right and the committee a set of fools, and did not know anything about it, this committee has no use for.

I would suggest that brother Troup part his hair in the middle, take county scrip, and buy a new plug hat, let Cowley County furnish him a gold headed cane, in order that he may walk about the city, put on style, and be more in his natural element.

I do not wish to enter into a long personal dispute or quarrel in this matter, but if brother Troup don't go a little slow, he will be shown up in a more minute and particular manner at no very distant day. Respectfully, S. M. FALL.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

County scrip is selling for sixty cents.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

New potatoes are plenty at $2.00 per bushel.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Corn is selling for 50 cts., butter 10 cts., eggs 7 cts.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Our silver cornet band is brushing up for the 4th.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The farmers report the cotton crop is looking well.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Deputy Clerk Bedilion has his new cottage enclosed.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Six cents a bushel is the going price for threshing wheat.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The bridge across the Walnut below town is reported in an unsafe condition.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The Winfield Meat Market is supplying Arkansas City with fresh meat.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The new school organ has arrived and is established in the school building.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

I. L. Comfort cuts wood and will attend to orders left at the Lagonda House.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

We have heard of fifteen new thrashing machines brought to Cowley County this season.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Tom Collins has been in town this week, and several bloods have been on the search for him.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Mr. Blandin has built a large addition to his commodious dwelling, which looks very comfortable.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

E. B. Johnson, of Beaver Township, has been selling elegant, clean dressed cat fish on the streets at ten cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Cal. Ferguson, of the firm of Davis & Ferguson, has returned from Baxter Springs, bringing with him his wife.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Richland Township contains 600 population. Rock Township has 314 acres of winter wheat, and 3,127 acres of corn.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The two horse thieves recently committed to the county jail, were but recently discharged from the Kansas Penitentiary.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

B. B. The first nine vanquished the second of Winfield, last Saturday. Tomorrow afternoon decides the best two in three.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

T. A. Blanchard has been chosen by the County Council P. of H. to represent Cowley at the coming State Fair.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Winfield Township contains ninety more male than female inhabitants over the age of twenty-one years.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The farmers in the vicinity of the Blanchard schoolhouse are going to have a neighbor hood celebration on the 4th. T. A. Blanchard, orator of the day.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

$185 has been subscribed towards defraying the expenses of the celebration on the 4th.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

We never saw better cocoanuts than those kept by George Miller. They are sound and sweet, and taste as delicious as it is possible for cocoanuts to taste. George is the only person in town who keeps them, and he sells reasonable.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Capt. Cook, of Virginia, was in the city the fore part of the week visiting Dr. Mansfield, and looking at the country.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

A gentleman named Anderson, living between this city and Arkansas City, lost a horse last week which is supposed to have been stolen, as a suspicious looking character was seen lurking in the neighborhood the day before.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

A daughter, aged about five years, of a Mr. Acton, living near the south line of the county, was bitten by a mad dog last Friday. The father took the child to Wichita in search of a mad stone, and failing there, telegraphed to various places in search of one, until finally he heard of one in Howard County. He passed through here on Monday last with the child on his way to Howard. The dog was killed after having bitten some domestic animals.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The ladies of the Congregationalist church will give their next ice cream social at the residence of Mr. T. A. Wilkinson on next Wednesday eve.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The members of the Congregational sewing circle are requested to meet at the residence of Mr. Blandin on Tuesday next. a full attendance is desired. MRS. LOWRY, Sec.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The Elk City Courant is a new paper published in Montgomery County, and the first number is before us. It looks well. Clark & Steinbarger are publishers. Abe Steinbarger graduated as a publisher in the COURIER office and of course knows how to get up a paper.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The members of this office are indebted to Miss J. E. Daggart, for an invitation to attend a picnic at the Floral and Pleasant Hill schools. The picnic will be held at the junction of the Dutch and Timber creeks, on Wednesday next, the 24th inst.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

For the year 1874, Winfield Township makes the following showing, for which we are indebted to our efficient Trustee, H. S. Silver. We are proud of the record. What township only four years of age in the State can beat it. Its size is seven miles east and west and nine miles north and south.


Population of Winfield township: 2,399

Males over 21: 395

Females over 21: 365

Males under 21: 355

Females under 21: 344

Acres of improved land: 6,299

Acres timber: 990-1/2

Acres fall wheat: 1,209-1/4

Acres rye: 11

Acres spring wheat: 158

Acres corn on sod: 493

Acres corn on old land: 3,937

Pounds butter made: 12,389

Horses: 446

Mules: 48

Cattle: 2,789

Hogs: 1,686


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Citizens met Monday evening, June 15th, at Curns & Manser's office, pursuant to adjournment.

Finance committee reported that the committee had received subscriptions to the amount of $180.50.

Committee on invitations reported that they have extended invitations to the several granges of the county and to the soldier's society, and that the latter had accepted the invitation.

Committee to procure speakers reported progress.

Same report from committees on grounds and music. Prof. Wilkinson, of the latter, requested to be excused from serving on the committee on account of a previous engage ment, and was excused.

L. J. Webb, L. T. Michener, J. B. Fairbank, W. M. Allison, and J. E. Allen were appointed committee on Toasts.

G. S. Manser, C. M. Wood, and J. P. McMillen were appointed committee on programme.

Mayor Smith, Dr. Mansfield, and D. A. Millington were appointed reception committee.

T. K. Johnson, H. S. Silver, and W. W. Andrews were appointed committee on fireworks.

On motion of H. B. Lacy, resolved that the ladies be invited to attend the next meeting.

Adjourned to meet Monday evening, June 22, at 8 o'clock p.m.

G. S. MANSER, Chairman.
L. J. Webb, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

City Treasurer's Report.
The City of Winfield in account with M. L. Robinson, Treasurer, June 15th, 1874.

March 28 By Z. T. Swigart, show license: $5.00

April 2 By Z. T. Swigart, Fines, E. G. Headrick ($6.50); Jno. Inman (3): $9.50

April 8 By J. M. Hamilton, Dol. store: $3.00

April 8 By J. Herrington, gift store: $3.00

April 8 By T. A. Bancroft, license to sell medicines: $1.00

April 8 By Z. T. Swigart, license from Grady's circus: $10.00

April 9 By Furgeson & Quarles, license, Livery stable: $2.50

May 5 By Reinhart & Ehret, saloon: $150.00

May 9 By Joe Likowski, saloon license: $150.00

May 12 By T. E. Gilleland, license merchant: $5.00

May 12 By A. H. Green, license druggist: $3.50

May 12 By Fairbank, Torrance, & Green, attnys, license: $2.50

May 26 By W. R. Sheppard, license job wagon: $4.00

May 26 By Jones & Reynolds, license butcher: $3.00

May 29 By S. C. Smith, license real estate agent: $2.50

June 5 By W. M. Boyer, license stationer: $2.50

June 5 By W. M. Boyer, license dog tax: $1.00

June 6 By Darrah & Doty, license livery stable: $5.00

June 8 By Z. T. Swigart, fine of Burns, Impounding: $4.35

June 8 By Z. T. Swigart, Impounding (5.60) pro stock sold (10.00): $15.60

June 8 By N. H. Wood, J. P. fine Wm. Thoughman: $4.35

June 15 By Frank Williams, grocery license: $5.00

June 15 Balance due treasurer: $89.14

March 15 To balance due treas. as statement published: $168.03

March 20 142 paid: $1.00

May 6 174, 169, 164, 178, 166, 141, paid: $145.02

May 16 196, 143, 153, 31, 152, 139, 145, 140, 165, 172, 186, 168, paid: $155.29

June 9 107, 183, 194, paid: $12.10

M. L. ROBINSON, City Treasurer.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

MAPLE GROVE GRANGE, June 16th, 1874.
WHEREAS, Believing it to be very detrimental to the peace, prosperity, and brotherly love of our order to participate in or in any way encourage anything that is calculated in its nature to cause discordance, disunion, and

WHEREAS, It has been nine years since the Rebellion ended, giving all true American citizens full time to bury deep in their breasts all animosities caused by the Rebellion, or any past political affiliation, and

WHEREAS, Believing that the so-called soldiers' re-union was instigated and is kept up for party political purposes, and as our order is composed of both federal and confederate soldiers, and adherents of different political opinions, therefore

Resolved, That Maple Grove Grange, No. 714, of the order of P. of H., of Cowley County, Kansas, will not participate in or in any way encourage the so-called soldiers' re- union, or anything of the nature on the coming 4th of July, or thereafter.

2nd. That all subordinate granges in Cowley County are requested to co-operate with us and be governed by this resolution.

3rd. That a copy of this resolution be furnished each of the county papers for publication.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The Council met at the courthouse June 2nd in pursuance of adjournment. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor, and councilmen McMillen, Silver, and Darrah, J. W. Curns, Clerk.

The committee on Marshal's salary reported favorably on allowing the Marshal $40.00 per month for his salary, provided he charge nothing for removing nuisances. On motion the report was accepted and approved.

An ordinance in relation to the pay of the City Marshal and Street Commissioner was read and duly passed. The vote on the final passage was ayes McMillen, Darrah, and Silver, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

The committee on the petition of J. C. Weathers and others to have the grade on Main street lowered reported unfavorably thereon; on motion the petition was referred back to the petitioner.

A petition was presented signed by Wm. F. Marshal and others asking that a dram shop license be granted to A. G. Vinson. Two remonstrances against granting gram shop license (unless every requirement of the law be strictly complied with) were presented, signed by S. H. Myton and others and one signed by John McQuiston and others. On motion the petitions were all referred to a committee consisting of H. S. Silver, J. P. McMillen, and Samuel Darrah.

A petition was presented asking the council to call an election to determine whether the city should issue scrip to purchase the grounds of the Winfield Cemetery. On motion the petition was referred back to the petitioners.

An ordinance in relation to dog tax was passed; vote on passage was as follows: Ayes McMillen, Silver, and Darrah.

The bill of Z. T. Swigart of $50 for services as marshal and street commissioner.

Bill of Wm. Allison of $6 for printing was presented and referred to finance committee, and severally allowed and ordered paid.

On motion the council adjourned to meet June 15th, 1874, at usual hour.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.
Council met at courtroom June 15th at usual hour, and there not being a quorum present, adjourned to meet Wednesday at 4 o'clock p.m. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

A Camp Meeting will be held on Grouse Creek one mile north of Dexter, Cowley County, commencing Thursday, 30th day of July. All are cordially invited. Our Elder, Allen Buckner, will be present. All ministers invited. J. J. WINGAR, Pastor.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Money to Loan. Money can be had at the office of Alexander & Saffold, at reasonable rates and on time to suit borrowers, for the purpose of deeding land, etc., by giving good real estate security.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

Have you seen the large stock of candies, lemons, oranges, nut, and cocoanuts, that Geo. Miller has just received? If you haven't you had better take time and examine them.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

WANTED! A furnished room in some private family by two young men. Best of reference given if required. Address F. & B. care, COURIER Office.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

WE HAVE ENLARGED and refitted the building formerly occupied by Mr. Green as a drug store, two doors north of the post office, and have removed our stock of goods from the old log store to the above mentioned building where we will be pleased to wait on our old customers and as many new ones as may be pleased to call on us. We have just received a new and fresh stock of dry goods which we will sell very cheap for cash. Remember the place two doors north of the post office. McMILLEN & SHIELDS.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.

The attention of parties doing business in the city of Winfield is again called to the provisions of license tax asall parties not paying their tax as required by said ordinance on or before the 25th day of June will be proceeded against for the collection of the same.

Dated June 15th, 1874. Z. T. SWIGART, City Marshal.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, June 22nd, 1874.
ED. COURIER: Again, and for the last time, on this, to me, unpleasant subject, I ask the privilege of saying a few words.

The late investigating committee charge me with hindering their investigation and trying to cover up the records, etc. And after I publish a reply in your columns, they in turn through the same source, in a silly article written by one of their number, call me "pet names," and threaten if I don't go slow, they will show me up in a more minute and particular manner.

Now I don't know what the gentleman of legislative aspirations meant by said threat. If he intended it to frighten me, I am not his man. I don't scare worth a cent. If he meant what he said, I shall be most happy to have him proceed with his "show;" and I would most respectfully suggest that he at once tell the public all he knows about my official conduct, that is dishonorable, or unbecoming to an officer or gentleman.

But please, Mr. Fall, do "speak your piece," in a straight forward business way, and don't "slop" over, in the same silly style you did last week.

These gentlemen make certain charges against me, and I declare those charges to be false, and I shall now leave the public to decide which of us should be believed. But allow me to make one suggestion to the public before they form their verdict. Watch us all closely in our dealings with you, and then form your own conclusions. As for me, I will say I am here as the tool of no man, or set of men, but am here as the servant of the people of Cowley County, and whenever I don't perform my duties in an honest, gentlemanly manner, with any citizen who is entitled to fair treatment at my hands, I will thank him to tell me so, and I shall willingly make him ample restitution.

I am ready to stand or fall by my own official acts, only asking the people of this county not to judge me by what S. M. Fall may say about me, but render your verdict according to your own personal observations and I shall cheerfully accept your decision whatever it may be.

I am now done with this disagreeable subject, and the gentlemen of that committee are at liberty to occupy the field. In fact, if their effort last week is a sample of the ability, anything they may offer in the future will be beneath the notice of an intelligent mind. But be that as it may, I shall not again be provoked into a reply on this subject but shall now bid it farewell, trusting to an intelligent public for a verdict on the side of truth and right.

Yours respectfully, M. G. TROUP.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Kansas Penitentiary.
The labor of the prisoners in the Kansas penitentiary was let a few days since for a period of ten years. It was awarded to Alexander Caldwell & Co., of Leavenworth, they being the highest bidders. The labor of two hundred men was hired to this firm at an average of fifty- one cents per day for each laborer. The state provides not only food, raiment, and habitation, but furnishes a shop, with engines and steam power for the use of this company. Messrs. Caldwell & Co. have established an extensive carriage and wagon manufactory at the penitentiary in which they will utilize this immense labor which they have secured. This penitentiary institution has completely closed out every carriage and wagon factory in Leavenworth, and is injuring the business in neighboring towns. No manufacturer of wagons and buggies can compete with a firm that is furnished shop and steam power free and laborers at 51 cents per day. Kansas City Times.

Ten years is a long time to let a contract of that kind for.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

We need some more rain.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Charley Stevens is in town again

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874..

Tom Benning returned from Missouri last Friday.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

The teachers association meets at Arkansas City tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Chintz bugs have damaged the wheat in this county some.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

There will be a big dance at Thomasville on the evening of the 3rd of July.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

New wheat has been in the market this week and some of it sold for 80 cents.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Winter wheat is nearly all harvested, and threshing machines are running steadily.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

The Kansas Southwestern Baptist association will meet in this city in August next.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

It will gratify the numerous friends of John P. McMillen to know that he is around again after his sickness.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Our Catholic friends will take notice that Father Schurz of Wichita will be at Winfield to hold service on Sunday the 5th of July.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

There is going to be big times at Winfield on the 4th among the sporting men of this and adjoining counties. Some 15 or 16 horses are expected to be present.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

At the platform dance, in the grove, on the 4th under the supervision of the Craine Bros., a beautiful gold ring will be given to the best lady waltzer, and a massive silver ring to the best gentleman dancer.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Complete arrangements have been made at the Courthouse for the dance on the eve of the 4th, for music, ice water, and refreshments. Dancing begins at 7 o'clock, promptly.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Although celebrations upon the 4th are to take place in all the adjoining towns, there is no doubt that Winfield will draw the crowd. The preparations which have been made are more extensive than were ever before conceived in Southern Kansas. Everybody come and help swell the crowd.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Capt. McDermott, of Dexter, was in to see us this week. He in company with L. J. Webb, Capt. Hunt, and T. A. Rice, visited Wellington on Tuesday on business connected with the Masonic Order.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

John Manly's platform dance takes place this afternoon and evening. All the sports of this city are intending to be present and have a little fun. Geo. Miller will be on the ground with his lemonade and candy stand to supply all thirsty lads and lassies.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

The year for which the Rev. N. L. Rigby was engaged as pastor of the Baptist church in this city expired, we believe, last Sunday. In that time Mr. Rigby has done a great deal to build up the church, raising it from a membership of 16 up to 34; more than double. We hope the arrangements to secure his services for another year may be consummated. Mr. Rigby has in the twelve months spent with us, endeared himself to our people, by his Christian walk and conversation, besides being a clever social gentleman. We sincerely hope that he may be retained in Winfield not for a year, but many years to come.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

It is acknowledged now on all hands that the men Brown and Hedges, who were hanged a short time ago in Texas, were entirely innocent of the charge for which they were executed. The authorities of Texas should spare no pains to ferret out and bring to justice the cowardly assassins who perpetrated the outrage.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

The Frontier base ball club is going to Eldorado to play a game Saturday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

Ida E. Daggett, teacher at the Floral school, sent the COURIER force two splendid cakes in the name of the Floral school.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate.

John Stauffer to William Turner, s e 1/4 sec 10 tp 35 s of r 3 east; 160 acres $1,050.

Wm. J. Gray and wife to Cyrus M. Hinshaw n e 1/4 sec 34 tp 34 s of r 4 east; 160 acres $1,500.

John B. Noffsinger and wife to Nelson Litton, s w 1/4 sec 21 tp 30 s of 4 3 e; 160 acres $1,000.

James L. Hodges and wife to Mary Ann Seely, s w 1/4 sec 21 tp 33 s of r 4 e; 160 acres $900.

John W. Fenguay to James Fowler, n e 1/4 s e 31 tp 33 s of r 4 e; 160 acres $1,000.

Geo. Stewart and wife to Sarah Fowler, e ½ of n e 1/4 section 2 tp 32 s of r 3 east, 80 acres $500.

Calvin Ferguson and wife to Mary Ann Seely part of s e qr sec 4 tp 33 e of r 4 e; 120 acres $1,637.50.

George W. Hewitt to Moses J. Miller, s ½ of n e 1/4 sec 11 tp 33 s of r 5 east; 80 acres $250.

John Swain to J. W. Johnston, lot 10, block 129, City of Winfield; $325.

Lucy Smily and husband to Wm. H. H. Maris, lot 1, block 187, city of Winfield; $200.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.

DIED. On Monday morning, June 22nd, of inflammation of the brain, Wm. W. Mentch, in the 25th year of his age.

Mr. Mentch was born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, and came to Cowley County nearly five years ago. He was a young man of unexceptionable habits and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his early death.


Winfield Courier, Friday, July 3, 1874. Front Page.

Special Correspondence.
DEL NORTE, COLORADO, June 10th, 1874.
As there are many readers of your valuable journal meditating a trip to the mines of Colorado, and knowing the great interest you take in furnishing your patrons with the latest and most reliable information of the passing events of the day, I thought it might be interesting to you, or otherwise, to hear a voice from among the snow clad peaks of the Rocky Mountains. I will not weary the reader with a tedious detailed account of the journey; but only notice the leading points en route to this place.

Wheeler, Captain Jack, Brown, and myself left Cowley County for Colorado May 4th, 1874, and passed through WichitA. Struck the A. T. & S. F. railroad at Hutchinson on the 8th inst., county seat of Reno; eight hundred inhabitants; an unusually windy day; a perfect land storm passed through the streets. Wheeler stole a hound, owner came and claimed his dogno fight. Passed through place; temperance town; did not camp for private reasons. Soil poorsand and gravel. Encountered a terrific hail storm, the green fields of corn and wheat withered before the cutting blast. Camped in Raymond, a deserted railroad town and one of the inhabitants regaled us with the past glories of the place, how it had run ten dozen houses in the flush times, and thirty-three murders had been committed in one year. The chivalrous inhabitants were too brave to live long.

Elmwood, small town; fine lands but no timber. Good schoolhouses on the line of the Fort Sarah railroad, abandoned; they are made of fine cut stone. The people's money wasted.

Cross big Walnut at Great Bend city, which is a snug little town, has a splendid courthouse and is surrounded by some of the best land in Kansas.

We nooned at Bull Chip Grove, in the vicinity of which wild lands are $5 per acre. We next came to Pawnee Rock, named from a big fight between the Sioux and Pawnee Indians many years ago, in which the latter were victors. Kit Carson, while standing here on guard, shot his own mule, mistaking it for an Indianrather a bad joke on the mule, but a good shot for Kit.

Larnard [Larned] is a quiet town with no business, and the neighboring towns are staked out with buffalo heads.

Camped on Muskrat Creek next and shot three rats. It rained hard all night, and horse thieves tried to stampede our stock. The boys turned out of their blankets in the morning, wet and disgusted, but the cheering presence of the demijohn revived their then drooping spirits. Cars passed while taking a drink, engineer wanted some, could not stop. Saw two Indians and plenty of antelope. Four lead miners from Missouri joined the train, and stood first guard. It rained, blowed, and thundered all night. The next morning was pleasant, prairie lands good, shot twice at antelope, missed, too far off, rain again, mercy how the wind blows, no wood, no duck, no supper tonight, serious reflections about the comforts of home.

Rode over to Fort Dodge, no better, don't feel any better. Arrived at Dodge City, took everything out of the wagons to dry after the storm. Villainous looking set here, a few stock ranches around Dodge City.

Country getting high and rolling, camped at railroad tank, ten soldiers stationed here. The soldiers say that about four months ago a part of Indians fired into this tank, and a guard of ten men was immediately stationed at each tank on the line of railroad for the protection of section men. Emigration to Colorado this spring is sufficient to protect all soldiers stationed on the route. Went antelope hunting, no luck. Good lands. The river bottoms and plains are covered with sheep and cattle. Saw first sage brush and Spanish caynots, stood guard last night and think the boys throwed off on us about an hour. Killed eleven duck, Captain Jack shot the first antelope on the trip, they are good meat; three prairie dogs killed, nooned at a cool spring of water, all hands took a wash.

Camped on Arkinsaw [Arkansas] River; three men waded over to an island for wood in the still hours of night, and loud splashes were heard over on the island. An alarm in camp, all hands under arms except Glasford, who had to unload his wagon to find ammunition. We laid in wait for the enemy fifteen minutes and discovered that Bouroes [Burros] had caused the alarm.

We passed on by Syracuse, a few ranches, some poor lands, and the dilapidated little town of Sargent, situated near the state line of Kansas and Colorado.

Grenada, the terminus of the railroad, is a lively town and has a large depot. It also does an extensive wholesale business. A company of cavalry camped here for a few days.

Our boys are beginning to get disgusted with the monotony of the culinary department, but there is no help for it now. Saw large herds of stock grazing on both sides of the river.

Men working on irrigating ditch at Ella, don't think it will ever be much of a town as there is too much sand and gravel there.

Our next camping ground was near two abandoned Forts: Bent and Lyons, large droves of cattle going to Colorado.

Regular old salt grass now, and out of the buffalo range, none were seen on the trip. One of our horses was bitten by a rattlesnake, we drenched him with a quart of whiskey, lanced him, and burned powder on the wound. We then wiped off the green poison that raised to the surface after each blast, and old Tom is all right again.

New Fort Lyons is a large and extensive military post. But the old Fort was just as good a provision depot for the soldiers. The people's money wasted again.

The country is now dry and desolate, scarcely a blade of grass to relieve the wearied eye. There is an oasis ahead. Hurry up, boys, and we will graze our stock. How green the tall waving grass; how cool and inviting the shade of yonder cottonwoods; what a splendid camping ground. Halt! What is this notice? "No camping allowed on government reservations." So there is no help for it, we must drive on, no matter what the condition of the emigrant's stock. They are not permitted to pluck one blade of grass within the sacred limits of these reservations. We drive slowly on and in language more profane than poetic, we express our opinions freely of the manner in which government protects emigration.

This morning I rode ahead as usual and how very familiar did these old landmarks look; there to the northwest stands Pike's Peak, towering its frosty head high above the fleecy clouds; and there again to the southwest can be seen the snow-capped Spanish peaks, standing away out on the plains in cold relief. My ride from Las Animas to Pueblo was really delightful, as I passed through a beautiful country, and scenery characteristic of Colorado, one decided anomaly.

I observed the view on the west was particularly Californian, and on the east was as markedly central in appearance; the country to the west undulating and marked with lines of trees and foliage, skirting the streams, and irrigating canals led the eye far beyond to the foot hills; and they again to the snowy range, and lofty peaks towering to the skies, the interval interspread with pleasant houses of the farmers. Looking back or east a vast extent of plains dotted with grazing stock met the eye; such a sight as can nowhere be met with except in the great west.

Today we are getting well up to the foot of the mountains, dwelling houses comfortable and pleasant surroundings.

Arrived in Pueblo, nice little town nestled between the bluffs of the Arkansas; elegant private residences and delightful gardens, a large wholesale and retail business done here; a central outfitting point, supplying all the mining camps in southern Colorado narrow gauge R. R. to Denver City.

Stock raising the principle business of the inhabitants in the adjacent country; heavy rains in the mountains, road closed to Del Norte.

Wheeler, Brown, and Winfield party switched off for the mining town of Fairplay. I stopped at the Lindell Hotel. Landlord glad to see Californians come into the country, and requested me to recommend his house to the traveling public. My conscience forbids me: George Washington never told a lie and I cannot, after paying first-class prices for common hash house fare.

Pleasant weather again. The birds are singing gaily in the trees, and all nature seems refreshed; the great mountains covered with their white mantles, and it seems more grand and majestic than ever before.

As I started out on horseback for Del Norte, passing round the southern point of the snowy range, crossing the summit by the Sangree Christo, "Blood of Christ," I passed grand mountain scenery on every hand; but I am too tired to be romantic. The Spaniards in their search for gold discovered this pass upwards of one hundred and fifty years ago, a gradual descent from the summits to the far off Rio Grande. A grand panorama of mountains, hills, and valleys presents itself to the view as I rest beneath the tall pines, graceful poplars that grow on the summit, and discovered copper mine at "Dead man's camp,"

Fort Garland, two companies stationed here, arrived at last on the inundated banks of the Rio Grande; the river bottom is either crusted with white alkali, or deep sand; camped near Mexican stock ranch; good grass, slept with horse, lofty mountains covered with snow, nearly surrounding this nook in the valley.

The snow falls in the mountains in November and melts in July, very little land under cultivation, late frosts have an injurious effect upon early crops.

Arrived in Del Norte Sunday, June 7th, having traveled six hundred and sixty-four miles in thirty-four days. "What constitutes the town of Del Norte?" There are two lines of disconnected houses one and three quarters of a mile long with a good wagon road between; the buildings are on every third and seventh lot, all the vacant ones are for sale. At some of the business houses I observed the following notice posted in a conspicuous place, "Town here, inquire within."

The celebrated San Juan mines are one hundred and ten miles distant from this point. The only communication between the two places is by a burro trail which crosses forty miles of deep snow on the crust. I have not been to the mines yet, but I have investigated the matter pretty thoroughly and examined large quantities of ore from the mines; they are low grade and what we call base ores on the other side of land, containing some silver, but it yet remains to be seen whether in sufficient quantities to pay for working where the seasons are so short and they have such big snows to contend with. The mines are numerous, large, and well defined, and of fuel for smelting purposes there is no lack. Machinery is now on the road to the mines, and I have no doubt that in one or two years from this date, the mines will be in full blast and pay well. WILLIAM CHATFIELD.


Winfield Courier, Friday, July 3, 1874. Front Page.

The Traveler last week had a well written description of the three great valleys of the southwest. We would be pleased to publish the whole of the article did we have the room. As it is, we give that part which more particularly describes our own.

The Walnut Valley is next in importance to the Arkansas, and forms an important part of what is known as Southern Kansas.

The climate of this valley is most delightful, and the scenery is inspiring. Dull minds that can see little that is beautiful in nature are here compelled to exclaim, "This is grand."

The valley proper consists of a large number of small valleys separated from each other by belts of prairie and high bluffs. The soil of these valleys is rich and productive.

A number of the better class of farmers frequently get 30 bushels of wheat to the acre by the fall sowing, and 50 bushels of oats or barley. The nearest port for shipping from this valley is Wichita, an average of 60 miles from the center of the valley. The inland carriage and freight would cost more than the value of the wheat, oats, or barley.

To meet this difficulty, the farmers are raising hogs and curing hams and bacon, which they have done successfully. The hogs, hams, and bacon of the Walnut Valley are equal, if not superior, to any shipped in, and bring at least one or two cents a pound in the same market above any others, except celebrated hams. The feeding, water, and climate are all favorable to the production of good hogs.

The climate, soil, high grounds, rolling prairies of the valley are the home of the cattle. Here are herds ranging from 500 to 1,000 head of as good cattle as any in the state. No housings or winterings of stock is required in this valley. An average of an acre of land is sufficient to feed an animal.

Fruit and vegetables are raised in great variety and perfection. It is the climate for peaches, plums, and grapes. Tobacco can be raised here to a considerable extent. Corn matures here as well as in the middle states.

The Paola & Fall River Railroad has been commenced to this place, and will be extended as fast as possible. This road, when completed, will open up the valley to the markets of the world; it will make great changes and work out a complete revolution in favor of the farmers.

The production of wheat and corn, oats and barley, will be doubled; cattle, hogs, and horses will be improved and multiplied, fruit and vegetables will be extensively cultivated.

The whole industries of this valley will find sure and profitable market. Land is advancing rapidly in anticipation of the advantages of this railway. The position of the valley heightens its beauty and enhances its value. Nature has done much in climate and soil, valleys, and geographical position to make this a delightful valley. It may well be called the home of the plowman and herdsmanthe abode of a happy and prosperous people, and the future of a large population, rich in the abundance of a prolific soil and high cultivation.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Chinch bugs and candidates for Congress are very troublesome this year.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

There is no longer doubt of threatened Indian troubles on the western borders of the state. The red thieves and murderers made a raid into Barbour County, killing one man and stealing some horses, which they ran off. A Mr. Kyme, living near Medicine Lodge, was killed and scalped last week, so the governor has been informed. Out in Ford County trouble has been threatened and one man reported killed. The governor has forwarded all the arms and ammu- nition at his disposal, and authorized the raising of militia for the protection of the settlers.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Indian Troubles.
The latest news we have from the Indian country and the border counties is to the effect that the troubles reported last week are not so severe as at first thought, and that no tribe as such is committing depredations, but that a band of Cheyennes, headed by Little Robe, who had a son killed last winter, is probably seeking to avenge his loss. This opinion is concurred in by Mr. Mathewson, who is now in Wichita, and who is a trader possessing every opportunity to be correct in his conclusions upon the Indian question.

Before going to press last night we saw and conversed with a party who was just in from the border. He represents matters as looking very dark. Five more men had been killed somewhere on the Medicine River, and the settlers near Medicine Lodge in Barbour County were stockading their stock and erecting defenses.

We call upon Governor Osborn to protect our frontier or arm the settlers without reference to what the government's army may do or promise. Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Col. Manning's Lecture.
Col. E. C. Manning lectured at Plymouth Church to the Teacher's Association last Saturday evening.

The Colonel appears before the world as a vegetarian, hydropathist, and radical of the most pronounced type. He is opposed to meat, salt, sugar, coffee, and in fact, most of the bill of fare.

Notwithstanding his starvation principles, the Colonel looks reasonably well fed. We are inclined to a private opinion that his practice is not entirely conformable to his principles in this regard. We can't help thinking that "a half dozen on the shell," or a broiled quail on toast" would still have some fascinations.

In regard to the question of dress, bathing, ventilation, chastity, and other points of hygiene, the lecturer had admirable features, and was well received. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Col. O. P. Johnson has brought in several specimens of coal, of excellent quality, from a seam near the edge of the coal basin, about twenty miles south of the State line. He declares the supply to be abundant, and the mine entirely accessible. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The 98th anniversary of American Independence will be celebrated at WINFIELD! On the votive day, JULY 4th!

Arrangements have been made to make this one of the Grandest Celebrations ever held in Southwestern Kansas. No labor or expense have been spared to make it an ENTIRE SUCCESS.

An invitation has been extended to the SOLDIERS' ASSOCIATION to be present, and they have accepted and will without fail participate in the exercises adding to the interest of the occasion by giving a DRILLING EXERCISE.

The Patrons of Husbandry (Grangers) are expected to be present in FULL REGALIA!

Hon. John Guthrie!
and Geo. R. Peck, have been invited and are expected to be present.

The festivities of the day will be closed in the evening with a grand display of FIREWORKS. (In the purchase of which over $200 have been expended) after which a

Grand Ball
Will be given in the fine Hall at the Courthouse.

A national salute of thirty-seven guns will be fired at sunrise.

The procession will form on the north end of Main street, at 10 o'clock, in the following order:

Winfield City Silver Cornet Band.

Floral Car with goddess of liberty and thirty-seven young ladies, representing the several states in the Union.

Reception Committee and Speakers.


Patrons of Husbandry in Regalia.


And march through the principal streets of the city to the grove on Walnut River.

Exercises of the day will commence by Music by the Band.

Reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Vocal music, Red, White and Blue solo, by Mr. John Swain, and chorus.

Orations by Hon. John Guthrie, and other eminent speakers.

Music by the Band.

Vocal music, solo by Mr. Hall.

Music by the Band.

Basket Dinner and Toasts.

Music by the Band.

Vocal music, Star Spangled Banner solo by Mrs. A. H. Green, and chorus of 37 young ladies in costume.

Music by the Band.

Grand Tournament by the Fantastic company of Winfield, after which there will be several heat and dash races at the Fair Grounds, for which some celebrated horses are now in training.

The exercises of the day will close with a grand display of fire-works at 8 o'clock p.m., and a Grand Ball at the Courthouse.

By order of committee. G. S. MANSER, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Jones & Reynolds is this day dissolved by mutual consent. T. J. Jones will assume all liabilities and collect moneys due the old firm.

Winfield, Kan., June 22nd, 1874.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

We will run a double seated carriage with careful driver from all parts of the city to the picnic and fair grounds the 4th. Also to the ball at the courthouse at night. Parties wishing to engage can leave their orders at our office in stables on Manning street.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

We notice that A. T. Shenneman has returned from Texas.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

H. M. Swasey of Independence has been in town for the last few days.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

B. B. The Winfield club were "scooped" at Eldorado last Saturday two to one.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Reynolds and Jones have dissolved partnership; see dissolution notice elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Winfield is well stocked with fast horses and sporting men, all waiting for tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Miller & Jones are erecting a new Meat Market between Miller's restaurant and Nichols barber shop.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

F. M. Concannon has opened a tobacco store in the building formerly occupied by Bakers barber shop.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

A matched game of base ball will be played at the fair ground, on the 4th of July, at 2 o'clock P.M. All persons are invited to be present.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Elder Wm. Martin will deliver a discourse at the meeting house of the disciples of Christ on Lord's day, July 12th, at 4 o'clock P.M. Subject, "Duties of Elders and Deacons," after which an ordination will take place.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

We are pleased to see the smiling countenance of Col. J. M. Alexander back in Winfield. The Col. has been for some months past in Leavenworth, looking after his large property there. He came through, as Sid. Clarke went to Topeka last winter, in his own conveyance.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The Galveston market reports show the following prices: Wholesale, flour from $7.50 to $10.50 per barrel; butter 20 to 35 cts.; corn $1.10 per bushel; oats 75 cts.; coffee 23 to 27 cts.; sugar 6 to 11 cts.; potatoes $1.50 to $1.75; cornmeal $1.60 per cwt.; hay $2.00 per cwt.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The medical fraternity of Winfield has received an addition in the person of Mr. Anderson, who was formerly located for a short time between this town and Arkansas City, but who has now made up his mind to locate in this city. We hope he will be successful in securing a large practice.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The advertisement of J. C. Weathers & Co., which will be found elsewhere in this issue, will inform our readers where they can purchase their groceries, queensware, etc., cheap and at the same time be sure of getting a good article. Both members of the firm are well known to most of our citizens and need no recommendation from us.


Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Isaac L. Comfort (our old boy) having been superseded by a younger "devil" has left this office, but has not gone to Texas nor upon the warpath, neither is he expecting to go east after his wife, but proposes to continue in the business of manufacturing stove wood. Orders left at the Lagonda House will receive prompt attention.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

R. C. Story, Esq., is now here looking up a location in which to practice his professionthe law. He expresses himself as being well pleased with Cowley County, and especially Winfield. He thinks, as does everyone that has ever visited us, that Winfield is destined to become the metropolis of the southwest. We hope that he will conclude to remain with us for although there are quite a large number of local gentlemen located here, reinforcements are always in order.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, while driving out to the cemetery the other day, met with rather a serious accident. a pair of mules ran up behind them, frightened their team, which started to run, and before Mr. Read could check them up, upset the buggy, dislocating Mrs. Read's collar bone and otherwise injuring her. Mr. Read had his arm considerably hurt; the buggy was badly smashed; the horses ran but a short distance, however, when they stopped. It is hoped that neither will sustain any permanent injury.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Reports from Arkansas City state that the new cattle trail to that place is being extensively used. The route is said to be a good one and the prospects are that the first railroad to strike through that section of the country will reap a rich harvest in the transportation of cattle. Garnett Plaindealer.

Now really that's too bad. Why didn't you tell us of your good fortune, Bro. Scott? so that we might have rejoiced with you. Coming as it does, by the round about way of Garnett, we will not believe that our neighbor's cattle trail "is being" extensively used. We don't believe they have got a cattle trail. And more, we don't believe they will get that, or anything else, until we have a member of congress from this district, who will pay some little attention to our wants.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Attention Everybody.
Go and see the fun at the Fair Grounds on the 4th. Admission only 25 cents, the proceeds to be applied in repairing grounds, etc.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

In the Courts.
Last Monday night Mrs. W. D. Roberts was brought into her own househaving previously been arrested by officer Bliss of the police force, upon the charge of disturbing the peace. Upon being brought before his honor, Judge Hickok, Hon. S. D. Pryor arose and gave the Court to "understand and be informed, that Mrs. W. D. Roberts, at the county of Cowley, and on the 10th day of May, 1873, and on every Sunday save one, since said 10th day of May, 1873, at the Baptist church in Winfield, she, the said Mrs. W. D. Roberts, in a bold fearless manner, wilfully and knowingly disturbed the peace and quiet of many citizens of Winfield by using her tongue wilfully and fearlessly, in a loud voice, singing songs of praise to God, against the peace and quiet of many saloon-keepers, and contrary to the laws of king alcohol."

The prisoner was ably defended by Rev. N. L. Rigby. Before the counsel for the defense had concluded, however, the prisoner was discharged.

To show that they didn't believe her guilty of any crime and as a slight token of their esteem, Mr. Rigby, on behalf of the company, presented her with a beautiful silver cake basket, which was indeed a surprise to Mrs. Roberts, but nevertheless appreciated by her. After the presentation the guests were right royally regaled with Ice Cream and cake. All went home glad that they had been there, and glad that so much affection exists in the human family, and hoping that many such occasions may be experienced "ere the roses droop and die."


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Our Trip to Eldorado.
Last week, in company with the Frontier Base Ball Club, we took a trip to Eldorado, for the purpose of witnessing a match game of ball between the Eldorado club and the above mentioned Frontier. The game was played Saturday afternoon, and resulted in favor of the Eldorado's by a score of eleven to five. The day was a bad one, as the wind blew very hard, and we think that everything considered, the game was a remarkably good one upon both sides, and especially that of the Eldorado's. The Eldorado people have good cause to be proud of their Base Ball Club, as it is the universal opinion of those who have seen them play, that there are few clubs in the state that can compete with them. The Winfield boys consider it no disgrace to be beaten by so good a club as the Eldorado.

Just before the game was called the scene was enlivened by the running away of a team attached to a buggy containing two young ladies and a gentlemen named Cooper. When the horses started, one of them got the reins over his head, and Mr. Cooper, seeing there was no possibility of stopping them with the reins, leaped to the ground while the team was dashing across the prairie, and grasping one of the horses by the bit, finally succeeded in stopping them, but not until the buggy was overturned, and its occupants spread around on the prairie. The vehicle was totally wrecked, but the young ladies received only slight injuries.

While in the city we found time to call upon Mr. Murdock, the editor of the Times, whom we found snugly ensconced in as pretty, if not the prettiest little office we have seen in the state of Kansas (and we have seen a good many). After taking a survey of the office and its editor, we are not surprised that the Walnut Valley Times is one of the neatest and best papers in the state. Mr. Murdock has a nice residence nearly completed.

In behalf of the Frontier ball club, we would thank the Eldorado club and the citizens generally (excepting the National Hotel and Phillips & Bro.' livery stable) for the kind and gentlemanly treatment we received at their hands, and we hope to return the favors upon their visit to Winfield. For the benefit of the traveling public, we would say that the above mentioned hotel and livery stable are first-class swindles, and only await the opportunity to gull their customers. As they have but little patronage, they expect to make a fortune by charging those who are unfortunate enough not to know them, two or three prices for their third class accommodations. We were taken in once, but we shall give them a wide berth next time. We are glad for the sake of Eldorado that she has few like them.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The following is the programme of set races at the Fair Grounds on the 4th of July, commencing at 3 o'clock p.m., after the exercises at the Grovebesides a number of other races.

First Race: purse twenty dollars. Half mile dash. 1st premium fifteen dollars. 2nd premium five dollars. Entrance fee: two dollars and fifty cents, three entries required.

Second Race: purse fifty dollars. Half mile heats. 1st premium twenty-five dollars. 2nd premium ten dollars. 3rd premium five dollars. Entrance fee: five dollars, three entries required.

Third Race: purse fifteen dollars. Quarter mile dash. 1st premium ten dollars. 2nd premium five dollars. Entrance fee: two dollars and fifty cents.

Fourth Race: citizens purse. One mile heats. Best two in three.

The following are among the horses now here in training, and expected to take part in the races:

Minnie Warren, Commodore Nutt, Tom Thumb, Bill Funke, Black Bess, and Grey Eagle, of Cowley County. Sleepy Pete, Yellow Hammer, Gray Cow, and Robert E. Lee, of Sumner County. Sorrel Frank and Arthur Miller, of Independence. Hickory Creek, of Douglass. Big Liz, of Wichita.

Tickets may be had at W. M. Boyers, A. H. Green's, Maris & Baldwin's, and the Post Office. Only 25 cents.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Report Showing the Resources of Cowley County,
For the Year ending March 1st, 1874.
Acres improved land 55,447

Acres native wood land 11,475

Acres artificial wood land 203

Old corn on hand 44,970

Acres winter wheat 10,999-1/2

Acres spring wheat 2,197

Acres rye 415

Acres sod corn 6,029

Corn on old ground 28,329

Barley 30

Oats 3,558

Buckwheat 35-1/4

Irish potatoes 4,235

Sweet potatoes 19-3/8

Sorghum, gals. 41-1/4

Castor beans 97-1/2

Cotton 85-1/2

Flax 33-3/8

Hemp 2-3/4

Tobacco 5

Broomcorn 11-3/4

Millet 238-3/4

Hungarian 208-1/4

Meadow timothy 27-1/4

Meadow clover 51-1/2

Pasture and meadow fenced 15,444

Tame grass pasture 34

Nurseries 31-7/8

Orchards 1,967

Vineyards 42-1/4

Capital invested in cheese factory $1,600

Cheese made, lbs. 2,000

Cheese sold, lbs. 2,000

Pounds of butter made 113,170

Pounds of butter sold 28,486

Horses 3,579

Mules 572

Cattle 14,667

Sheep 1,526

Wool 1,160

Swine 13,602

Pounds grapes 2,500

Bees stands 10

Honey 86

Capital invested in mills $34,500

Pop. males over 21 2,545

Females over 21 1,956

Males under 21 2,655

Females under 21 2,428

Total population: 9,584

Total value of personal property: $354,714

Total value of real estate: $1,146,356


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Winfield Produce Market.
The following quotations of the Winfield market may be relied upon as being correct, at the date of this issue.

Wheat (white) per bushel 80 @ 90

Wheat (red) per bushel 75 @ 80

Oats (old) per bushel .50

Corn per bushel .60

Potatoes per bushel 2.00

Turnips per bushel 3.00

Flour, per hundred 3.50 @ 4.50

Meal, per hundred 2.00

Butter, per pound .15

Lard, per pound .12-1/2

Bacon, per pound 10 @ 12-1/2

Eggs, per dozen .10

Chickens, per dozen 1.50

Cattle (fat) 2.00 @ 2.25

Hogs (fat) 4.00 @ 4.50


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

FRESH Turnip seed of the very best variety grown at home for sale at Hitchcock & Boyles.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

PORK VEAL and Mutton especially for the 4th at Parks meat market.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

SWEET SINGERS. A few young Canaries for sale by Geo. W. Martin. All good singers.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

THE BEST Tea and Coffee in southern Kansas at the Blue Front.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

THAT BARNARD & HALL, at the Valley House, in order to be Patriotic, will feed the multitude on July 4th, at 40 cts, per meal, or two meals for 75 cts. Come everybody. Plenty of yellow legged chickens, and bully ham and eggs.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

LADIES and gentlemen! when you wish to refresh yourselves call at Tarrants stand, in the grove on the 4th of July.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

GO TO CON'S for choice Cigars, Fine cut, and plug tobacco, 2 doors north of Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

FISH! FISH! FISH! at Old Log Store.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

NICE canned honey at the Blue front.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Millinery Goods.
Just receivedSpring and Summer Styles which will be sold cheaper than any place in Southern Kansas at the Factory store, one door North of Maris Drug store.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

THE FINEST Syrup in the market at the Blue Front.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Bill Conner, an Osage Chief, married a Miss Angie Pyne, of Osage Mission, last week.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Off For the Indian War.
Seven companies of the Nineteenth infantry reached Leavenworth, Thursday night, on a special train from St. Louis. Three companies left Kansas City for Forts Wallace and Lyon, on the Kansas Pacific. The others will go to the seat of the Indian troubles via the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, and are detailed as follows: Two companies to Ft. Larned, two to Fort Dodge, and three to Camp Supply This regiment relieves the Third, and came from LouisianA. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Another Bender Caught.
The Dallas, Texas, Commercial, of the 1st inst., gives an account of the arrest of a man supposed to be John Bender, Jr. The man arrested seems to be familiar with the country in and about Cherryvale, the scene of the butchery. He appears to have the requisite amount of uneasiness about him to warrant detective somebody in holding him for identification. Attention was first directed towards him by the necessary peculiar actions, etc. His time is occupied between being lodged in jail and having his photograph taken, which will be sent here to be recognized by his friends. The usual "teamster," who drove past the Bender mansion fifty times, and often stopped to chat awhile with the family, fortunately for the ends of justice, happened to be in Texas at the proper time, to give it as his opinion that the individual caught is John Bender, Jr.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

The Biggest Gathering Ever Seen on the Walnut River.
Five Thousand People Join in the Celebration.
The 98th anniversary of the declaration of American independence was ushered in at Winfield with a round of 37 guns. a more beautiful morning never dawned on the day made immortal by the heroes, who, to achieve the independence of the thirteen colonies, pledged their "fortunes, their lives, and their sacred honor." Before 10 o'clock the city was a perfect jam of people. But Chief Marshal Walker, with his corps of able assistants, soon had the mass in motion headed for the grove. The Winfield Silver Cornet Band, closely followed by the car of freedom, containing 37 beautiful young ladies, and drawn by four horses driven by Mr. N. Roberson, headed the procession. Arrived at the grove everything was found to be in first-class order.

The meeting was called to order by G. S. Manser, president of the day. The Declaration of Independence was read by L. T. Michener, Esq. Speeches were then made by Col. John M. Alexander and Judge Ross. The "Star Spangled Banner" was sung by Mrs. A. H. Green, assisted by J. T. Hall, and a full chorus of young ladies, when a short recess was had for

Everybody seemed to have plenty and to spare as we can testify, for we sampled more than one dinner basket.

After dinner several toasts were proposed, and responded to, by Judge Ross, L. J. Webb, Col. Manning, Capt. S. C. Smith, and L. T. Michener.

3 o'clock, the hour announced for the races having arrived, the assembly adjourned to the Fair Grounds. (As the races formed no part of the celebration proper, we will treat of them in another place.)

The day was finished with a beautiful pyrotechnic display and a ball at the Courthouse where all went merry as a 4th of July belle, and everybody went home fully satisfied with themselves and all mankind.

There were none. Any ordinary Saturday would have furnished a greater variety of incidents or accidents. Never has a more orderly day been passed in Winfield. Not a solitary case of drunkenness; no fights, no cursing or swearing, nothing of the sort.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

The Harper County Swindle.
W. H. Horner, who last winter voted so persistently for Major E. S. Stovah, as our friend Morgan of the Chase Co., Leader, would say, has again turned up in St. Louis; this time to say that he did not steal the bonds. Well, nobody said he stole the bonds, but he sold the bonds and stole the money, which according to our way of thinking, is equally as bad.

Captain John H. Folks of the Sumner County Press, who on the track of a villain equals the far famed South Carolina blood hound, and who deserves a gold medal for first bringing this villainous Harper County bond steal to the light, in the Press of last week says:

"The whilom legislative reformer and immaculate gentleman, the Hon. William Henry Horner, farmer, has been heard from. From the fifth story of his hotel in St. Louis, he swoops down upon the press of the state, circles round, and then retires to his eyrie again and settles down to complacently count the profits of the Harper County bond steal. He says Weaver got the bonds. Walker, the clerk of the board, says Uncle Noah [Weaver] didn't get a cent, and that Horner gobbled up the pile.

"We have Walker's letter, and in our next we propose to review Mr. William Henry's statement and give some facts in regard to the nefarious swindle planned by Horner and executed by him with the assistance of the late reform legislature that have not been made public. In the meantime we demand of the state authorities, that immediate measures be taken to secure and cancel the bonds which Horner says are in the hands of Noah Weaver of Cherokee County; and further, that W. H. Horner be arrested and punished as the arch conspirator in this transaction, which unless remedied, has forever blighted the future of one of the most promising counties in the state."


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Indian Scare.
* * * * We have used every means at command to ascertain the truth in regard to the Barbour County raid; and we have become satisfied that the current reports of Indian outrages are greatly exaggerated, that the scare is over, and that all is quiet on the Medicine. That parties have been murdered and scalped as above stated we have no reason to doubt. But that it was done by roving bands without concert of action is equally certain. Hence the fear of an Indian war upon our frontier is groundless; and no one need apprehend any more danger than though he or she was living in the heart of PennsylvaniA. Many absurd rumors in regard to Indian hostilities and outrages have been set afloat by foolish persons, and some of our own citizens are needlessly alarmed. We repeat that no more danger need by apprehended by our people from an Indian attack than by the people of Ohio or IndianA. Sumner County Press.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Judge Peffer, Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Mr. Loomis, and several ladies, also the "Special Contributor," visited the salt works on the 6th. We found Judge McIntire superintendent of the works. Our July sun is doing the handsome thing for these just now, giving a product of a ton per week.

There are also springs containing, apparently, glauber's salts and other minerals in solution. We concluded the "warm spring" to be caused by the action of the solar heat.



Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Calls attended to promptly day, and night. Office over Requa & Bing's clothing storenext building north of post office.

General Dealers in
Dry Goods, Groceries, etc.
AT OLD LOG STORE, West Side Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

C. L. F. Johnson has gone to Parsons.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

I. F. Newland has gone to Kansas City for new goods.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

W. W. Walton has one of the "nobbiest turnouts" in the city.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

We notice uncle Billy Steele in town this week.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Tisdale boasts of having the meanest man in the county.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

The Frontier base ball club have organized a third nine.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

N. C. McCulloch, Register of Deeds, and wife have gone to Wathena on a visit.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Parties have started for the Arkansas River to gather plums, which are said to grow there in great abundance.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

E. B. Kager, County Treasurer, has gone to Topeka to make his annual settlement with the State.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Mr. R. Houghton, of Arkansas City, passed through town on his way east where he intends spending a few months.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

The Courthouse is reported as being in an unsafe condition. The self-supporting roof, is not a self-supporter at all, but is pushing the walls over.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Stewart and Simpson have now 100,000 good brick for sale at $8.00 per thousand, and will have another lot of 100,000 ready inside of two weeks.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Prof. Kellogg, C. R. Mitchell, and A. J. Pyburn, of Arkansas City, have been in town for the past week attending the meeting of the County Board.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Captain Henry Barker, Alex Kelly, and John Groom of Richland, John Irvin of Rock, and C. R. Mitchell of Arkansas City, called on us this week.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Two runaways occurred on the 4th. Charley Harter's horse ran away and broke his buggy all to smash, and Allison had a team run away with him, which tore things end ways.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

The Marshal is making it quite hot on the street, shooting at worthless dogs. We would advise people who wish to keep out of danger, to stay close to the dog.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Thomas H. Benning, Esq., T. G. Peyton, of the Lagonda House, Mr. Haywood of Arkansas City, and C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, left here this morning on the stage for the east.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

McNutt and Winner have been found guilty of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to the penitentiary for the period of one year, when they are to be taken out and "hanged by the neck until they are dead, dead, dead, and may God have mercy on their souls."

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Hon. W. P. Hackney has notified friends in this city that he does not want any Colorado in his'n, and that he will return to Kansas as soon as he can accomplish the journey with a pair of first-rate mules. Sumner County Press.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

J. B. Lynn & Co., have a new advertisement in this issue, to which we would call attention. This firm is good and reliable, keep a large stock of dry goods and groceries, which they wish to sell at reasonable rates; call and see them.

AD: J. B. LYNN & CO., DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, And a splendid assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS, Also a Full Line of Groceries and Provisions, Which they will sell at veto prices. Call and see them and save your money by purchasing a good article at low figures.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Read the advertisement of W. L. Mullen, which will be found elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Mullen has advertised to sell groceries and provisions at cost, and when he advertises to sell goods at cost, you may be certain of getting them at a very low figure.


Keeps a splendid assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

The Frontier Base Ball club have issued invitations for a Ball, which was to be given in the courthouse, but owing to the unsafe condition of that building will be held in the Lagonda House. The members of the Eldorado Base Ball club are expected to be present. The company has been carefully selected, and the boys propose to make the Ball a first class affair.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Our readers will remember reading some time ago an account of young Brown and Hedges having been hung in Texas. We are pleased to learn that it was a false report and that the boys, although they had everything taken by the banditti, escaped with their lives and bid fair to live many years yet.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

RUNAWAY. Day before yesterday a team belonging to Darrah & Doty and attached to a buggy in which were Mrs. Darrah and child, and Mrs. Hewins and two children, became frightened and started to run. Mrs. Darrah, who was driving, had almost gained control of the team when a lot of more than useless dogs ran out and frightened them with their barking. In turning the corner at the Lagonda House, the buggy was upset and they were thrown to the ground. Mrs. Darrah was picked up insensible and for a time it was thought she was dangerously hurt, but a careful examination disclosed the fact that no bones were broken. She is at this writing doing well, and will be around in a short time. Mrs. Hewins and the children escaped with a few external bruises.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

One of the last things Congress did on the eve of adjournment was to pass the bill extending the time for making proof and payment on the Osage Trust and Diminished reserve lands.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

List of Marriage Licenses.
The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the month of June.

J. W. Bryant to Mary Simons.

A. D. Lee to Mary Atkinson.

R. McCulloch to Minerva J. Davis.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

The following named gentlemen compose the Republican Central Committee for the 25th senatorial district, to which Cowley belongs.

E. C. Manning, of Cowley, chairman; T. B. Murdock, of Butler; J. M. Balderston, of Sedgwick; H. C. St. Clair, of Sumner; C. C. Hutchinson, of Reno; J. W. Custar, of Howard; and Joel T. Davis of Harvey.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

JOHNSON - WARD. At the Baptist church in Winfield on the 4th inst., by the Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Edmund T. Johnson to Miss Eugenie Ward.

LEE - ATKINSON. On the 16th day of June, 1874, by `Squire Adam Walck, at his residence, Mr. A. D. Lee and Miss Mary Atkinson, all of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

Real Estate Transfers.
We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate.

George W. Robertson and wife, to P. G. Corkins and N. G. Robertson, s ½ of n e 1/4 of sec 5 tp 33 s r 4 e $450.

David Thompson and wife to Clinton R. Mitchell, s ½ of n e 1/4 of sec 23 tp 34 s r 3, and s e 1/4 sec 7 tp 34 s r 4 e $1,810.

Samuel Roseberry and wife to Milton S. Roseberry, n ½ of n e 1/4 sec 33 s r 3 e also 3 acres in n e cor of s ½ 83 a $400.

Francis D. Davis and wife to Reuben D. Ford s w 1/4 sec 12 tp 32 s r 3 e $700.

Milton S. Roseberry and wife to Samuel Roseberry, s ½ of n e 1/4 sec 33 tp 33 s r 3 except 3 acres in n e cor 77 acres $400.

Albert T. Shenneman to William Carter s we 1/4 sec 33 tp 32 s r 3 e $1,100.

Malachi Dwyer to George Hager n e 1/4 sec 30 tp 34 s r 3 e except 20 acres $400.

Armstrong Menor and wife to Alvin Bisbee, L 1, Blk 92, Menor's Addition to Winfield, $100.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.

City Council Proceedings.
City Council met June 17th, at 4 p.m., in pursuance of adjournment. Present: Mayor S. C. Smith and Councilmen S. Darrah, H. S. Silver, R. B. Saffold, and J. P. McMillen. J. W. Curns, Clerk.

The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The committee to whom was referred the petition of A. G. Vincent, for dram shop license, reported the petition not sufficient. L. J. Webb asked leave to withdraw the petition, which on motion was granted. L. T. Michener then asked leave to withdraw the remonstrance against issuing dram shop license, which on motion was granted.

The sealed bids to build sidewalks were opened and read. Mr. L. Lippmann having the lowest bid, the contract was awarded to him. On motion the committee on sidewalks were empowered to contract with Mr. Lippmann to build such sidewalks as are necessary to be built.

The bill of J. W. Curns for one month's services as Clerk, allowed: $8.33.

The bill of J. W. Curns for dog tags, allowed: $9.75.

Mr. R. B. Saffold offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted.

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to procure for the city six ladders, to be placed at different business places along Main street, where the use of water buckets can be had, said ladders to be the property of the city and to be under the control of the City Marshal, to be used in case of fire. On motion R. B. Saffold, S. Darrah, and H. S. Silver were appointed a committee to procure said ladders.

On motion adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting at Curns & Manser's office.

S. C. SMITH, Mayor.
J. W. Curns, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, Friday, July 17, 1874.

"It will be observed that our $12,000 courthouse is a failure. That was a pretty little job to put on the county. We hope that the responsible parties, and those who voted for them will feel proud of their work." Arkansas City Traveler.

The above was written by Prof. H. B. Norton, who is left in charge of the Traveler during the absence of the editor. How did you observe that our $12,000 courthouse was a failure, Professor? We promise that Prof. Norton got his information from the follow ing, published by us last week.

"The courthouse is reported as being in an unsafe condition. The self-supporting roof, is not a self-supporter at all, but is pushing the walls over.

Is there any failure in the simple fact that some of the braces in the roof are insufficient? But the Prof. says, "It was a pretty little job to put upon the county, and hopes that the responsible parties who voted for them will feel proud of their work." We have always entertained the highest regard for Professor Norton, believing that he was incapable of anything cruel or mean, but if the above is a fair sample of his spirit, if he still loves to be revenged on Winfield, then we are compelled, though with the greatest reluctance, to change our opinion of Professor Norton. The Prof's squib is of the same piece as that of C. M. Scott, in his letter to the Cadiz (Ohio) Republican, when he says, "Arkansas City is the principal town in Cowley County." No, Prof., there was no job about the courthouse, so far as the County Board, or those who voted for them were concerned.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The Indian Scare.
The scare is now about over, and people who have been frightened out of their wits, are just beginning to realize the situation. There has doubtless been some killing done by the Indians, but it has all been done in the Territory. And to say that it is anything unusual is to ignore the truth of history.

A year ago a party of surveyors were set upon, murdered, and scalped by the red devils. Buffalo hunters were killed and driven off the grounds, but nothing was done by the government or anybody else to bring the offenders to justice. There has been no occasion for a stampede at any time. The border is just as safe, and far more so, than the streets of New York or Chicago.

The paltroon, Miles, agent of the Kickapoos, who so ingloriously fled the field and left the border settlers to their fate, is more than any other man responsible for the unfortunate scare. There is nothing left now for the government to do but remove this man, and appoint someone who will stay with the settlers and advise them what to do should such another "war" seem imminent.

We have no objections to Miles getting out of the territory to save his cowardly hide. But he might at least have stopped at Caldwell or Wichita, where he could be of service, with his knowledge of the Indians, among whom he has lived for some time.

Instead of which he only halted once to breathe until he reached Atchison. Our own State papers, by circulating the story of a man, who was rendered half witted, by fright, have done us a great injury and should now make all the reparation in their power by informing the public the real facts in the case, which we have no doubt they will cheerfully do.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Another Harper County Bond Swindle in Contemplation.
We have received what we consider reliable information tending to prove that the same set of scoundrels who executed the Harper County bond swindle last winter, have a little scheme on foot whereby they hope to realize an additional forty thousand dollars. Their plan contemplates the organization of the county into school districts and the fraudulent issue of school bonds, which being fair on their face and showing a legal registration by the county clerk, would readily sell for ninety cents on the dollar. To perfect the arrangement for this nice little swindle it was found necessary to secure a meeting of the board of County Commissioners.

Accordingly the chairman of the board, Noah Weaver, who resides in Cherokee County, accompanied by Col. Boyd of Baxter Springs, came to Wichita last week, and tried to induce Geo. R. Lutz and H. P. Fields to meet them there and appoint a clerk to succeed Walker, who for fear of arrest for his implication in the steal of last winter, had jumped the country.

As we have been informed, both Lutz and Fields refused to attend, so it is to be presumed that Boyd and Weaver will proceed without them. That they are seriously contemplating this nefarious swindle, we have but little doubt. The success that Horner, Boyd, and Company met with last winter, and the failure of the state authorities to take any cognizance of their crime against a county and state has inspired them with a confident recklessness characteris tics of successful robbers.

Col. Boyd is the man who shot Taylor, the marshal of Baxter Springs, a few years since, and was the partner and adviser of W. H. Horner and Noah Weaver in the fraudulent organization of Harper County, and is the only one of the conspirators, it seems, with whom Horner shared any portion of the forty thousand dollars in Harper County bondsand that under compulsion; Boyd threatening to shoot him in case he refused.

Satisfied that these cormorants will continue to prey upon the credit of the county, the few families who have settled in Harper are preparing to leave and settle in Sumner. As they are powerless to protect themselves against these conspirators, they are compelled to abandon a country which is being buried beneath a mountain of debt. On behalf of this handful of outraged citizens, we demand of our state authorities that justice be meted to these public plunderers and that Horner, Boyd, Weaver, and the whole outfit engaged in this wholesale robbery be brought to condign punishment. Sumner County Press.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

A Letter from Superintendent Hoag.
LAWRENCE, KAN., July 4, 1874.
Hon. D. R. Anthony, Ed. Times:

It is due both the readers of the Times and myself that a statement embraced in the letter of "J. H. B.," written from Arkansas City, and appearing in the Times of the 11th inst., be corrected.

Said letter gives currency to the report that Agent Miles applied to me "some time ago for troops to help him control the Cheyennes," and that I replied that "if he could not stay there without troops, I would send a man down there that could." No application was ever made to me by Agent Miles for troops to control his Indians, but he did ask for police or marshal force to enable him to rid the reservation of horse thieves, buffalo hunters, and whiskey venders, who were goading the Indians to desperation by their unlawful deeds. And his appeals for this force were promptly responded toboth by correspondence with the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, and by personal successful application to the President for the necessary relief.

Agent Miles reports that two hundred and fifty head of stock have been stolen from the Indians of his agency during the past year, and great numbers of buffalo have been killed, principally for their skins. Their carcasses were left to rot in view of the Indians, who regard them as their property and their means of support. Their protection against these intrusions has been promised by the Government, and this unwarrantable interference has been repeated and continued by men who have no more rights in the Territory than the Indians have upon the soil of Kansas.

These depredations by citizens, which the force at the Agent's command was entirely insufficient to prevent, have beyond all doubt been the exciting cause of the late outbreak; and if citizens of the United States would set a good example of obedience to laws of their own Government, they might have fewer occasions to complain of Indian barbarities, committed generally in retaliation of the nation's broken faith. Respectfully,


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Green corn is in the market.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Ripe grapes from the Arkansas are in the market.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

J. T. Hall is going to Salt Springs to start a restaurant.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The first watermelons of the season were brought to town yesterday.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Dr. Maggard of Oxford showed his smiling countenance on the street the other day.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

J. M. Reed is putting up a fine paint shop on the corner of Manning street and Ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Cowley County domestic blackberries have been selling on the streets this week at 20 cents per quart.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Mahlon Stubbs, one of the cleverest Quakers, and late, the agent for the Kaw Indians, was in town one day this week.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

A. J. Patrick, formerly of the Censor of this place, was married at San Juan, CaliforniA. For old time's sake we wish him and his bride very much joy.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Green apples in market from Missouri at $2.50 per bushel. The crop of winter apples over there is reported bountiful but the fruit is small.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

W. H. Grow has gone to Illinois. Since his departure an unpleasant story concerning him and a young lady that kept house for him as been circulating in his neighborhood.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Geo. Brown has turned out three new wagons from his shop, and has orders for several more. George is a good workman and can manufacture as good a wagon as can be found in the county.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The ladies of the Congregational society will give an ice cream social in the Courthouse on Wednesday evening, July 22nd. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

MRS. LOWREY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

We have had the pleasure of a call from Judge W. R. Brown, Judge of the 9th district, and Captain Sam Peters. Judge Brown will, we understand, be a candidate for Congress in this district, and should be elected. We have no doubt that he will make a good member.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The Southwestern Kansas Baptist Association will hold its annual meeting at Winfield, on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of August. This organization embraces Cowley, Butler, Sumner, Sedgwick, and counties west. All the churches are cordially invited to send delegates, and churches not previously represented, to unite with this body. Ample provision will be made for all.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Ex-Deputy County Treasurer J. P. Short has settled with the County Board and paid into the Treasury and produced receipts sufficient to cover the delinquency claimed by the investigators. The board has ordered the committee to proceed with the examination of Treasurer Kager's books up to date.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Mr. Blandin tells us of having bought two hundred bushels of wheat from a farmer from Grouse Creek and that upon grinding a sample of the same, it turned out forty-nine and one- half pounds of first-class flour to the bushel. He says that the best wheat he has seen this year came from Grouse Creek.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The contract for furnishing the wild Indians of the Territory with flour for the year ending June 30th, 1875, was awarded at Washington June 11th to J. W. Sleaven of Kansas City for $2.40 per hundred. This flour must be sent over the railroad to Wichita and transported in wagons to various agencies south of here. At this rate the government could afford to pay about $8.00 per hundred for flour in this county.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

WINFIELD, July 15, 1874.
EDITOR COURIER: Dear Sir, In the last week's Telegram, I find that my dog is blamed with causing the unfortunate run-away of Mrs. Darrah's team, and further, that the dog was not to blame because he had been so trained by his master. Please allow me to say that Allison is altogether mistaken as my dog is not a worthless, contemptible, cur as he would have his readers believe and bark at him, as my dog never barks at such people. Neither was it my dog that started Mrs. Darrah's team, because I have no dog, and never owned one in Winfield. Very Respectfully, JAMES L. M. HILL.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

A Big Capital To Bank On.
In looking over the assessment rolls returned by the Trustees of the various townships, we notice that the Cowley County Bank of Arkansas City is doing business on a capital of $300.00 only. We would think that was not much of an inducement for people to deposit their money there.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

For want of space we omitted to notice the card of Dr. Wm. H. Anderson in our last. We now take pleasure in recommending the Dr. to the people of Winfield and vicinity. He comes to us with the very best of references. He has practiced extensively for years in the west and is perfectly familiar with diseases incident to our climate. The Dr. will be quite an accession to our community.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Geo. Miller and T. J. Jones have built them a nice shop on Main Street adjoining the St. Nicholas restaurant, and will run a meat market there. They have fitted it up in the latest and best style, with a refrigerator and all the paraphernalia of a first-class meat shop. They are both clever, accommodating gentlemen, experienced butchers, and will give their customers entire satisfaction. All those who like a good beefsteak or good fresh meats of any kind will do well to purchase of Miller & Jones.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The valuation of all the property in the county foot up $1,501,070. Winfield Township alone is valued at $355,684.90 or over one-fourth the entire valuation. Creswell Township comes next with $291,816 or $158,868.90 less than Winfield; consequently, Winfield Township pays over one-quarter of all the taxes paid in the county.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The Ball given by the Frontier Base Ball Club in this city last Friday evening was a complete success in every particular and was acknowledged by all to be the best conducted public dance ever given in Winfield. In behalf and by request of the members of the club, we would thank Drs. Peyton and Mrs. Peyton, of the Lagonda House for their kindness in allowing the free use of their house for the accommodation of the party.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Lost. A large woolen shawl lost by somebody in town a few days ago, which the owner can have by paying for this notice, and calling at the Log Store.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The Fair.
Now that the fourth of July is over and the National bird has retired again to her eyrie, attention is turned to the Agricultural fair, which is to come off on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of September.

The parties interested with the arrangements are hard at work in such a manner as will insure success.

There will be no pro rata and no delay in the payment of the premiums this year.

Whenever a committee makes an award, the prizes will be paid at once and in full on the grounds.

We think that is an important reform in the right direction, and will add greatly to the interest and enthusiasm of the exhibitors.

This will doubtless be far superior to the former fairs in every respect.

Arrangements are being made to secure the attendance of the best blooded trotting and running stock in the State, at the approaching Agricultural fair at Winfield.

The display of horses will be exceptionally good.

One or more races will come off on each day of the fair. If there is any difference, the best will occur on the first day.

The citizens of Winfield are raising a large fund for prizes in this department which will attract the best stock of this and all the surrounding counties.

This feature alone will make each day of the fair a gala day.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

Statement of the Expenses of the Old Board
Of County Commissioners.
The following is a statement of the expenses of Cowley County for all purposes during the year commencing July 1st, 1873, and ending July 1st, 1874. Showing the amount expended during the last half of 1873, and the amount expended by the new board for the first half of 1874. Also the receipts of the year and the liabilities of the county at the beginning and end of the year.

Note: Lengthy and complicated statement skipped. Giving totals only.

Expended by Old Board: $20,305.70

Expended by New Board: $5,499.89

Total Expended For the Year: $25,805.59

Old Board spent $10,600.69 for courthouse and $670.03 for furniture for it.

New Board spent $129.19 for courthouse furniture.

New Board spent $222.00 for investigating committee.

Statement had other pertinent entries:

Amount of scrip afloat July 1st, A. D. 1873, $16,971.17.

Total expenditures for the year: $25,805.59

Receipts for the year: $15,151.59.

Amount of scrip afloat July 1st, 1874: $27,625.07.

I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk of the board of County Commissioners, hereby certify that the above is a correct statement of the expenditures, receipts, and indebtedness of Cowley County for the year ending July 1st, 1874.

Witness my hand and official seal this 14 day of July, A. D. 1874.

M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

DIXON - BOUCHER. At the Moreland House in this city, on the morning of the 4th inst., by Judge J. Wade McDonald, John G. Dixon and Miss Adida V. Boucher, all of this county. Sumner County Press.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

BY REQUEST, the able bodied citizens of Vernon Township, subject to military duty, are requested to meet at the voting precinct Saturday, July 25th, at 1 o'clock p.m., prompt, for the purpose of organizing an Independent Light Horse Company. Let all be prepared to report number, kind, and condition of arms in the township.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The partnership heretofore existing between Barnard & Hall in the hotel business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Hall retiring from the firm. Mr. Barnard assumes all the liabilities and collects all the debts. A. H. BARNARD, J. T. HALL.

July 15th, 1874.

Mr. Barnard will continue as heretofore at the Valley House, where he will be pleased to see all his old customers and as many new ones as may favor him with their patronage. Confident that he can maintain the good reputation of the house by furnishing at all times the best the market affords.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

We, the undersigned, authorize any man to act as an agent to sell the Tryon Farm, on the east side of the Arkansas River two miles from Oxford, containing 320 acres. 51 acres under cultivation, a log house, 12 x 19 with kitchen 19 x 16; a grainery, and other outbuildings. 35 acres of timber; corners on river bank. A splendid good well of never failing water. We will give any man 5 percent to sell or bring us a purchaser that will buy inside of the next 3 months at $10 per acre. Cheap No. 1 farm. Schools and churches handy. Healthy location, not too sandy or wet. M. E. TRYON, A. F. TRYON.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

My wife, Rebecca Keeler, has left my bed and board without cause, and I notify all parties that I will not pay any debts contracted by her. ABRAHAM KEELER.


Winfield Courier, Friday, July 24, 1874.

The Howard County Messenger says: A large flock of sheep passed through town yesterday on their way to Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Prof. Norton called us Colonel in the Traveler this week. Well, Colonels, like Professors, are easily manufactured here in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

By reference to the proceedings of the P. of H. of this county, in another column, it will be seen that they intend to hold a grand social feast on the 22nd of August, at Winfield. They contemplate a grand time.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Salt Springs.
In company with W. W. Walton, our efficient county surveyor, who kindly furnished the rig, we tripped over to the Salt Springs last Monday, where we arrived just in time for dinner, of which we were bountifully supplied at the "Mills" House. There we met J. T. Hall, formerly of the Valley House of this place, who expects to do the honors for the new Hotel, which they hope to build in a short time. After dinner we went down to see the "Springs," which spurt out in a low flat, near the Arkansas River. There we found Judge McIntire and son, busy filling and refilling the vats, in which, by the action of the sun, the brine is crystallized.

There is plenty of salt in the water there; we know for we drank an abundance of it, and one or two of the springs seem to be impregnated with sulphur, for the water tastes just like rotten turkey eggs mixed in wet gun powder. It isn't considered the most delicious drink in the world; in fact, few strangers take more than a taste, sometimes contenting themselves with the smell. But the people over there are hopeful that a fortune is certainly in store for them, and he would be foolhardy, indeed, who would intimate, to a dweller near the salt marsh, that such is not the case. Yea, better not say, that even gold and silver ore, is not to be found in plenty, when by the aid of machinery the bowels of the earth be properly torn up.

We were shown a handful of black sand by an enthusiastic individual, who insisted that we must have poor eye sight to fail to detect the golden particles mixed therewith.

Todd and Royal of Wichita have bought a quarter section of land near the springs, and expect, so we learned, to bore for coal in a short time. All agree that the coveted anthrax can be found at the trifling distance of from 700 to 1,000 feet.

The town is laid out very nicely on the hill a mile or so south of the Springs. There is one store, one saloon, and one blacksmith shop. The capacity of the works at present is about one ton per week, but it seems to us that it could, with the proper fixtures, be made to turn off 100 ton just as well. We do not predict any very great future for Remanto on account of the Springs alone.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Council Room P. of H.
WINFIELD, July 11, 1874.
Council called to order by the worthy Master, and corrected by the Overseer. After reading minutes of last meeting, etc., and under the suggestions for good of the order it was

Resolved, That the Patrons of Cowley County hold a grand social feast on the 22nd day of August, 1874, at Winfield, and the following committees were appointed:

Committee of 5 on general arrangements consisting of Brothers A. S. Williams, T. C. Bird, A. T. Gay, J. O. Vanorsdal, and P. Smith, and that Winfield Grange be requested to act in conjunction with said committee in procuring grounds. etc.

Committee to procure speakers consisting of Brothers Irwin, Deming, and Stewart.

Ordered that Sub. Granges appoint each a Committee of 2 whose duty it shall be to properly arrange the table.

Brother Stubblefield was elected Marshall and Brothers Deming and Stewart assistants.

Resolved, That members of the Order in adjacent counties be invited to meet with us and that the invitation be also extended to persons not members but who are friendly to the cause.

Ordered that these proceedings be forwarded to the county papers with the request to publish.

Council closed in due form. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Fun for the Lawyers, But Death to the Tax-Payer.
A High Old Time.
Last Saturday three young men who had just returned home from Texas were arrested here on charge of horse stealing. They had been followed from the Indian Territory by the parties who owned the stock, and overtaken in this city just as they were trying to dispose of the stolen property. It being late Saturday evening the boys were lodged in jail to await examination Monday morning. However, late Saturday night, Brown, one of the number, with his attorney, L. J. Webb, Esq., appeared before Squire Boyer, waived examination, and in default of bail, was sent to jail to await the September term of the District Court.

The other two, Brocknell and Onstott, were brought up for examination on Monday morning. Squire Boyer, on the motion of the County attorney, and knowing that the U. S. Marshal was ready to re-arrest and take them before the Federal court at Arkansas City, discharged the prisoners. No sooner was this done and Hill, the U. S. Deputy Marshal, attempted to serve his warrant then revolvers were flashed in his face, by two or three deputy Sheriffs of the county. Of course, he was powerless, and the prisoners were immediately re- arrested by a warrant issued by Squire Wood.

Again they were locked up for the night, and Tuesday morning brought before N. H. Wood, Esq., where they plead guilty, and in default of $1,500 bail, each, they were again sent to board at the expense of the county, where all three now await their trial at the next term of the District Court.

This case certainly presents many curious and anomalous features. It is the only case we have ever seen where the accused insisted upon their own guilt, and retained three prominent lawyers to help them plead guilty. The County attorney was willing and even anxious to have them turned over to the U. S. Courts, and thereby avoid expense to the county. But, not their attorneys, Messrs. Webb, Hackney, and Johnson, who insisted that their clients were undoubtedly guilty, and should be held for trial here.

We have no wish to manufacture sentiment one way or the otherbut of one thing we are sure, and that is, if the ends of Justice could be reached just as well (which in our opinion it could) by handing them over to the U. S. Commissioner Kellogg, at Arkansas City, and save this county considerable expense, that was just what should have been done. Cowley County has no desire to pay for anybody's whistle but her own.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Border Settlers.
It is entirely in order at Washington for delegates from the eastern states, while discussing Indian affairs, to represent our border settlers as a mere riff-raff of roughs and criminals, who are perpetually encroaching on the homes of the Indians.

This is cruelly unjust, and great wrongs are inflicted upon our settlers through the constant reiteration of this ideA. Kansas is settled with a class of men who will average with those of any other state in all good qualities. If we analyze the society of our midst, we find it to consist of a surprising proportion of men of refinement and culture. It would be hard to find a more orderly temperate, well-informed, scholarly class of people than those who read the Traveler. This may be incomprehensible to the philanthropists of Boston and Philadel-phia, but it is true.

All our settlers want is to be let alone. It is surely their right to hunt at proper seasons upon the lands belonging to the public domain of the Nation; and this is the only thing the Indians allege against them. They are not encroaching upon Indian lands, or interfering with Indian rights. It is true that there are wandering horse thieves and outlaws here as every- where; but those do not represent the settlers of Kansas.

The only thing specifically demanded of the Government is that an efficient police be established in the Indian Territory and on the border, and that the present harassing restrictions to commerce across the Indian Territory be removed. We want right of way to the Gulf, where are our natural market and ports of entry. Let Kansas have this and her people will ask no more. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Contributors to the 4th of July Celebration fund are requested to meet at the office of Curns & Manser on Saturday evening, the 25th inst., at 8 o'clock to hear the report of the finance committee, and direct the disposition of surplus funds.

Finance Committee: T. K. JOHNSTON, C. M. WOOD, ENOCH MARIS.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The county jail has now six boarders.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

C. C. Stevens is now holding forth at Remanto.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Dr. Anderson has gone to Remanto to practice his profession.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

A petition is in circulation for starting a new saloon in this place.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Mr. Mills and Mr. Darlington, of Remanto, were in town one day this week.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Several new houses are being erected in town, most of stone and brick.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Mr. William Bartlow had one of his fingers sawed off in his sawmill the other day.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

We had the pleasure of a short call from Elder P. G. Smith and wife, of Dexter, last Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Concannon is opening a cigar store and billiard hall next door to Millers meat market.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

MARRIED. Mr. Harmon and Miss Larton, of Arkansas City, were married at the Lagonda House, yesterday evening.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

There will be preaching at the courthouse by Rev. J. B. Parmelee Sunday, August 2nd, morning and evening at the usual hour.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

James H. Land, Esq., who has been north disposing of his stock, has returned home again looking well and hearty.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

We would be pleased if those who know, would hand us their time of Service, as we wish to publish a directory of all the churches in town.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The best road overseer in the county is Hiram Silver. He is making the roads leading into this town second only to turnpikes.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

A match game of base ball will be played upon the grounds in Winfield tomorrow afternoon between the Eldorado Club and the Frontiers.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

All you who wish to visit the Salt Springs remember that John Austin runs a tri-weekly Hack between this place and that, and you can't go with a cleverer fellow.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Mr. Thomas Henderson of Pleasant Valley passed through town yesterday morning with a lot of fine stock which he intends taking to some northern market.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Courthouse is now perfectly safe; in fact, safer than it was at first. Mr. J. Williams deserves special mention for the manner in which he performed the work.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

FUNERAL. The funeral sermon of Cornelius May will be preached on August 2nd at the crossing of Silver Creek between Tisdale and Lazette at 11 o'clock a.m. by the Rev. E. Thomas. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Lagonda House certainly deserves to be considered a first-class hotel now, as it had for a guest last Sunday, the first real live governor who ever visited this part of the state, in the person of Governor Osborn.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Frontier baseball club will give a Ball at the Courthouse tomorrow evening complimentary to the Eldorado base ball boys.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Will Siemmons let a base ball "put a hand on him," yesterday. He says that was a Laser ball than he had been in the habit of playing with.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Charley Black presented this office with a box of choice cigars on the strength of his late matrimonial venture and those of our force who use the weed, are happy.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

While carelessly handling a revolver last Tuesday morning, Miss E. J. Greenlee, accidentally discharged one of the barrelsthe ball of which entered her thigh, inflicting a severe flesh wound. The ball was extracted by Dr. T. G. Peyton and the wound, under the Dr.'s skillful treatment, is doing well.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Last Sunday we had the pleasure of a call from his excellency, Governor Osborn, who was on his way to the southern border to see and hear for himself what our late Indian scare amounted to. The Governor looked in excellent health and expressed himself highly pleased with our country and especially with Winfield. He was accompanied by Mr. Levy of the real estate firm of Steele & Levy of Wichita.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

A. T. Shenneman wants to buy some County Scrip.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Presbyterian church holds service in the courthouse next Sunday. Subject of sermon in the evening: The vice of Gambling. JAS. E. PLATTER, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Cowley County Bank of Arkansas City is out with a sworn statement in the Traveler this week in which it appears that the capital of the concern is some $18,000, instead of $300, as given to the assessor. We are glad of the prospects and ability of the Cowley County Bank, and now all the County Clerk has to do is to add $17,700 to the $300 already returned by them for the purposes of taxation.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Lost. A small blue and drab cloak on the Wichita road, between Winfield and Conrad Olivers. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at this office.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

A Stampede.
Reader, perhaps you have seen a herd of Texas cattle stampede; perhaps the rush of animals, the clatter of hoofs, the cracking of horns that give terror to the scene are familiar to you; perhaps the thunder of a million buffaloes shaking the earth and startling all living things in their rush from the hills down into the waters of the Arkansas may have wakened you from your nap by the camp-fire, and sent the blood leaping through its courses like an electric shock; perhaps the sight of the sudden retreat of five thousand men as they were hurled back over the reserves by an overwhelming force may have clenched your teeth in fear and anger some day.

We have seen, and felt, all of these things, but the terror of men and stampede of animals was never more perfect than the occurrence that transpired last Monday in the building occupied by Curns & Manser at the time Justice Boyer discharged the prisoners, Brown, Onstott, and Brocknell.

The house was full of spectators, at least one hundred and fifty in number. Some of the knowing ones had predicted "bloody work" that day and expectation was on tiptoe.

Sheriff Walker had warrants for the re-arrest of the prisoners in the event of their discharge, while deputy U. S. Marshal Hill, backed by two or three resolute men from the Territory, was determined to take the prisoners with a U. S. warrant. At the instant the word "discharged" escaped the mouth of the Justice, Sheriff Walker and deputies took possession of the prisoners and at the same instant Hill and his posse attempted to seize them.

At this instant revolvers were drawn by some of the officers, and a panic struck the spectators. A rush was made for the doors and windows. Small men were knocked down and run over, a board petition extending clear across the room was thrown flat down, a long railing was torn out, windows were smashed out and tables, chairs, and bookcases, upset.

A man, who had boasted of having looked down the belching cannon's throat, appeared suddenly from some aperture hatless, and with hair on end. A burley merchant escaped through a window, and was seen to cross the street at full speed with a window sash sticking midway upon his body. Two long legged lawyers, who have boasted of their exploits in bullying county justices into favorable decisions, escaped through the nearest window, hatless and breathless. One took refuge in the nearest kitchen, while the other held his panting bowels against the unexposed side of a small "out house." A fleeing spectator declared, "They were killing lots of men in there." Two ministers of the gospel were thrown down and tramped upon by the rabble, and at least twenty laymen suffered the same treatment.

Not a shot was fired!

Next week this blood-thirsty mob start for the front to clean out the redmen.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

MARRIED. On the 4th day of July, 1874, at the Congregational Parsonage, Winfield, Kansas, by the Rev. J. B. Parmelee, Charles C. Black and Miss Marian E. Braidwood.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

Council Proceedings.
Council met July 6th, 1874, at usual hour. Mayor S. C. Smith in the chair. Present: councilmen S. Darrah, R. B. Saffold, and H. S. Silver. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The committee on sidewalks reported they had contracted with L. Lippmann to build the sidewalks required to be built.

Committee on ladders to be used in case of fire, reported they had completed the same. They were instructed to place the ladders at such place or places as will be most convenient in case of fire.

The bill of Calvin Gay, of $40.00, for six ladders was allowed.

A petition was presented asking the council to call an election to take sense of the voters upon the proposition of the city purchasing the ground of the Winfield Cemetery Associa- tion, and issuing scrip and bonds to pay for the same.

On motion the petition was referred to a committee consisting of R. B. Saffold, H. S. Silver, and S. Darrah, who were instructed to examine and report at their next meeting.

Bill of Z. T. Swigart for $50.00 was allowed.

On motion council adjourned to meet at next regular meeting. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

[Published July 24th, 1874.]
Ordinance No. 40.
An Ordinance to protect property in the City of Winfield.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SEC. 1. That it shall be unlawful to sell or give away any fire crackers within the corporate limits of the city of Winfield. Any person violating the provision of this section, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five dollars for each and every offense.

SEC. 2. That it shall be unlawful to fire off fire crackers within the corporate limits of the city of Winfield. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section, shall, upon conviction, be fined five dollars, or imprisoned in the city jail not less than twenty-four hours, nor more than seven days for each and every offense in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication.

Approved July 21st, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Mr. James Harden, of Dexter, threshed his crop of wheat the other day, and it yielded 28- 1/2 bushels per acre. He sent a sample of it to Independence, where it was quoted at 85 cents per bushel, while good wheat was only worth 70 and 75 cents.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

In another place we publish a card from Hon. J. C. Horton, of Lawrence, which in a great measure explains itself. Some cowardly sneak, writing to that delectable sheet, the Chicago Times, charges Mr. Horton with being scandalously intimate with his servant girl. The attack at this time could have no other object than to injure Mr. Horton's chances, now that he is a candidate for Governor. Notwithstanding Mr. Horton is not our choice for Governor, we are ready to defend him as a gentleman, against the senseless, libelous attack of such miserable paltroons as the one who wrote the said article.

A Card from Mr. Horton.
A correspondent of the Chicago Times, writing from Lawrence, signing himself "S," has assailed my character in a statement which, if true, must brand me as a man unfit for decent society, and unworthy of respect and confidence of my fellow men. I deem it not only due to myself but to my family and friends, that I should take this, the first opportunity, to deny explicitly, this infamous charge. It is a base and malicious slander, and I challenge the cowardly author to give the public his name. JAMES C. HORTON.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

The Parsons Sun, speaking of the probable nomination of Hon. Jas. McDermott for Congress, in the 3rd District, pays the Captain the following well merited tribute.

We see it announced that Captain James McDermott of Cowley County will be a candidate for Congress before the Third District Convention of the Republican party. We don't know of a man in the district who would make a more energetic, resolute, and able representative.

He was a brave and gallant soldier and never flinched to go where duty called. In one of the most critical moments of our military life just at the dawn of day, during General McCook's raid around Atlanta, Georgia, Mac stood fearless and gallantly by our side as he had often done before and often did afterwards. He served his country faithfully, honorably, and well, and his blood mingled in the crimson tide that attained the field at the great battle of Chicamauga.

He represented his county with great credit to himself in the legislature of 1873, and his constituents would honor themselves by sending him to congress.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Cowley County.
A writer to the Fredonia Citizen, writing of a trip to Arkansas City, has this to say of Cowley County.

Cowley County is certainly one of the best in the State. It is well watered by springs and streams. The valleys of Grouse and Dutch afford a very fine agricultural region and the farmers are using them to good advantage. It is perhaps not extravagant to say that the valleys of the Walnut and Arkansas are not surpassed in fertility anywhere in the world, and the splendid crops of wheat and corn which they exhibit this year is sufficient evidence in this direction.

The mills of Winfield and Arkansas City alone are capable of turning out 800 barrels per day. The extent of crops in this region is simply immense and I never saw a happier looking set of farmers anywhere.

Winfield is the county seat, situated on the east side of the Walnut River at the junction of Dutch Creek. After leaving Winfield, crossing the bridge on the Walnut and rising the ridge southward, we came in full view of the magnificent valley of the Arkansas. I had expected to find a great sandy, dreary, and monotonous plain, but instead I found a most beautiful, undulating prairie, extending as far as the eye could reach to the west, southwest, and south, made picturesque by beautiful farms, fields, hedges, young orchards, wheat stacks, farm and schoolhouses, and for many miles we would trace the outlines of the winding river by the trees upon its banks.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Items from the Traveler.
Last week's Telegram incontestably proves that the bad temper is not running short if the grammar is.

The Cadiz, Ohio, Sentinel, suggests that "Cy leave that young wildcat at Cadiz and bring back an Ohio `kitten'one pickled in crinoline preferred." That's good advice and we hope he will profit by it.

The regular services at Plymouth Church will close for the season upon Sunday the 16th prox. It is possible that no regular pastor will be appointed for the present, but that there will be occasional exercises as opportunity offers.

PERSONAL. The following is taken from the Cadiz, Ohio, Sentinel: C. M. Scott, son of Dr. J. W. Scott, of Cadiz, and editor of the Arkansas Traveler, Cowley County, Kansas, is in town on a visit to his friends. "Cy" has the necessary snap to get along in this world, and is a representative Cadiz boy. He brought with him a young wild cat, which he has named out of affection, "Susan B. Anthony." If the "Col." should hear of this, "Cy" had better have his head shaved too close for Susan's fingers.

A very sad accident occurred Tuesday, July 21, on the Chisholm Train, near Big Wild Horse Creek, some forty miles from Caldwell. It would appear that the unfortunate man, whose name was Alic Adams, was riding on a sulky, and carrying a carbine, which he very carelessly kept full cocked. By some means he let the weapon fall and the hammer, striking some part of the vehicle, the carbine was discharged, the bullet from which entered his thigh and ranged upward, coming out near the heart, killing him almost instantly. He had been at work for some time at Fort Sill and was on his way to commence work for the new stage line when he so suddenly met his death. He was about 22 years of age.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

To Our Patrons.
In order to simplify our business, and make it more agreeable to publisher and patron, we have agreed, from and after this date, to charge the uniform price of ten cents per line for each and every insertion for local or special advertising.


W. M. ALLISON, Cowley Co. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Watermelons are plenty.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

J. C. Lillie has obtained a situation as foreman of the Telegram.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Manning brings us up a watermelon nearly every day now. Good for Manning.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Read Newland's advertisement and then go and try him at the Old Log Store.

AD: NEWLAND'S CASH STORE, Goods sold 10 percent lower than the lowest. Call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

A match game of Billiards will be played at Concannon's billiard hall on Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Capt. James McDermott, of Dexter, and Henry Smith, of Cloverdale, called on us last Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

70,000 pounds of flour, Cowley County's first exportation, was sent to Wichita yesterday from the Tunnel Mills.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

The Frontier base ball club of this city was victorious in its second game with the Eldorado's in this city last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

It has been decided to purchase a flag for the use of the city of Winfield, with the surplus funds of the 4th of July celebration. Said funds amounted to $17.18.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Base ball clubs are getting numerous around this city. Vernon organized a club this week, and another was organized in the northeast portion of this township.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Mr. Nolin from Iowa gave us a friendly call a few days ago. He is here looking out a location for a number of families who contemplate coming to Cowley this fall.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

MARRIED/DEPARTED. Will Lipscomb married Melinda Hawkins last week, and departed for Illinois immediately. Lipscomb wasn't in our way much, but still we are not very sorry not to see his hungry form around anymore.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

The quick, sharp yelp of the coyote, intermingled with the howl of the hungry canine, may be heard almost every night in their mad endeavors to drown the shrieks and groans of Marshal's string band.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

The Winfield Silver Cornet band has been practicing with untiring zeal for some time and under John Kirby's training, has made rapid improvement. It is now second to few bands in the state.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Mr. T. G. Peyton, the good looking landlord of the Lagonda House, who has been east for some time, returned home last Saturday evening. Mr. Peyton reports drought everywhere he has been. He considers Cowley County a better country than any he has visited.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Sam Myton is preparing to build a two story brick building, 25 feet wide and 60 feet long, on the site of his present building. The lower story will be used for his hardware store and the upper story will either be used by the Masons or made into offices. The front will be made of cut stone and the building when finished will be one of the finest structures in the city.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Three buffalo calves strayed up the Flint Hills nearly to Lazette last week, and the inhabitants near there had the pleasure of a buffalo hunt; but in spite of all their exertions, the animals escaped unharmed, and the last seen of them they were moving at a lively gait towards St. Louis. If they didn't change their course, they have arrived at that city by this time.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Marriage Licenses.
The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge, for the month of July.

Joel P. Cole, to Helena F. Hort.

Chas. C. Black, to Marian E. Braidwood.

Edmund T. Johnson, to Melinda Hawkins.

M. B. Rhodes, to Maggie Walworth.

G. W. Harmon, to Louisa J. Larton.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Abiah J. Rhodes, wife of John Rhodes, died at their residence near Winfield, Kansas, on the 21st day of July, 1874. She was born August 15th, 1834, and her fortieth year was nearly completed when she was unexpectedly called to her reward. She was an earnest and consistent member of the Baptist church. The last sad rites were performed by the order of the Patrons of Husbandry, of which she was an active member. An excellent wife and mother, her loss is keenly felt by her husband and children.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.

Base Ball.
The Eldorado base ball club of Eldorado, played the Frontiers of this place a match game of ball on the grounds of the latter last Saturday, which resulted in the victory of the Frontier's by a score of 35 to 38. Play was "called" at 3 o'clock p.m., and the game was called at 7, in the middle of the ninth inning, it being too dark to finish the game with safety. According to the rule, therefore, the score was counted at the end of the eighth inning.

The game was a very poor one, which was mainly owing to the strong wind which blew from the south, carrying the dust into the eyes of the catcher, and taking the ball whereso'er it listeth. The Winfield boys in none of their scrub games ever played so poorly. Not a whitewash was made on either side.

Bob Shethar of the Frontier's, made the only home run, and put ten men out on first base, Cruden assisting six times. Walton caught two fouls and put two men out on 3 strikes, but at the fifth inning, having badly bruised his hand, he took second base and Cruden took his place behind the bat. Cruden caught one fair fly, five fouls, put one man out on second base, and one on three strikes. Hane put one man out on second base, and Morris one on third. Webb assisted once, Morris once, Walton once, Siemmons once, and Kenan twice.

On the side of the Eldorado's, Gossard caught two fair flies, Shryer two, and Myers one. McIntire caught nine fouls, put one out on three strikes, and one out on home base, etc.


Walton, Kenan, Siemmons, Shethar, Cruden, Morris, Webb, Hane, and Stewart.

Scorers: FrontierV. B. Beckett. EldoradoJ. C. Elliott.

The ball in the evening was not as great a success as it would have been if Sheriff Walker had allowed the use of the courthouse, which he refused to do, whereupon the Valley House was procured and used, and a select, though small crowd, was in attendance. But everything passed off pleasantly, and as far as we know, the boys were well pleased with the entertainment.

The third game will be played at Douglass, on one of the days of the fair, which will be held in the middle of September next.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874. Front Page.

Note: Skipped details re exhibition September 1, 2, 3, 1874.

Officers of Cowley County Agricultural Society: A. T. Stewart, President; C. M. Wood, Vice President; J. D. Cochran, Treasurer; J. B. Fairbank, Secretary.

Directors: A. T. Stewart, W. Q. Mansfield, H. S. Silver, J. P. Short, F. W. Schwantes,

W. H. Grow, D. A. Millington, Amos Walton, W. K. Davis, C. M. Wood. J. D. Cochran, J. R. Smith, J. B. Fairbank.

Chief Marshal: H. S. Silver.

Chief of Police: R. L. Walker.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Another Indian Outrage.
On the morning of the 22nd inst., as Mr. H. H. Wiggins and son were returning from Medicine Lodge, and when about twelve miles southeast of that place, they were suddenly surrounded by about thirty Osage Indians and robbed of their teams. The men were not otherwise molested. The Messrs. Wiggins had been to Barbour County attending a lawsuit in which they were interested, and were returning loaded with cedar posts. The two teams are valued at six hundred dollars, and the loss falls with crushing weight upon the owners. Sumner County Press.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

LAZETTE, KANSAS, August 3, 1874.
A sojourn of a few days in this part of Cowley County has increased my estimation of the resources of this country. The valleys of the Grouse and its tributary streams, while smaller than those of the Arkansas and Walnut, are among the richest lands in this section of Kansas. Though the season has been unusually dry, many of the corn fields will produce an average crop. I was agreeably surprised to find that the dry weather and the chinch bug had failed to make a total destruction of this product. Both of these evils have been severely felt in this as well as other parts of the state of Kansas.

The grass looks considerably greener and fresher here than in other parts of the county where I have been. The farmers generally are busy putting up this crop, now all the more essential in view of the partial failure in corn.

Just now Lazette is quiet, though business keeps navigating. The school closed on Friday, July 31st. Miss Kate Fitzgerald has been quite successful as a teacher and has given good satisfaction to her patrons. Miss Emma Burden's school closed on the 31st ultimo, after a pleasant and profitable term of twelve weeks. These young ladies are among the rising teachers of this county.

Judge Sprague has sold his farm to parties in Iowa, and has moved his household goods from these parts. His judicial learning will be missed here, and the courts of justice will long mourn the eloquence which departs with this member of the Bar.

The camp-meeting at Dexter drew quite largely on Lazette for attendance, and a fine rain made traveling pleasant last Sunday. HOOSIER.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Items from the Traveler.
The City Council at their meeting on Monday night assessed a tax of one percent on all accessible property and also levied a poll tax of $1.00 per head on all male residents of the city between the ages 21 and 50 years.

Yesterday was the last of E. D. Eddy's soda fountain for the present season. The supply of ice is exhausted and none to be obtained nearer than Winfield. The same cause will also compel Hermann to close up his ice cream saloon. It is strange that sufficient ice is not stored up to last the summer through, when the cost of putting up compared with the profits made is so small.

The specimen of cannel coal handed us at Salt Springs, turned out on inspection to be nothing but bituminous shale. We are sorry to dispel the pleasant illusion of the finder, but to somewhat ameliorate the blow, will say that this shale is a good, though not infallible, indication of the proximity of the genuine article.

Wm. Speers has completed all arrangements for the erection of a flouring mill in this city and proceed to work at once.

A company of Militia was organized at South Bend last week, by Capt. J. B. Nipp. This makes the ninth one in this county.

We learn that the basket picnic at Salt City last Saturday was a decided success, everybody getting plenty to eat; they filled themselves with the briny fluid, danced all night, and came home with the girls in the morning.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Bridge Notice.
Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Township Clerk of Winfield Township, in Cowley County, Kansas (The District Clerk's office), up to Tuesday, the 1st day of September, 1871, at 1 o'clock, p.m., for the building of a bridge across Timber or Dutch Creek at or near the point where the road, known as the A. S. Williams county road, crosses said creek in the S W 1/4 of sec. 21, T P 32, Range 4 east. Beginning at a stake on the left bank of said creek and bearing across said creek N 35 degrees W 3.57 chains passing a blazed walnut tree about six inches in diameter at 2.37 chains. Said bridge to have a roadway as high as the highest point on the left bank of the creek at said point.

Proposal for the building of said bridge must be accompanied with complete plan and specification of the same; the price to be charged therefor in the bonds of said Township at par value, together with a bond with good and sufficient security in double the amount of the proposed costs thereof, conditioned for the faithful execution of the work proposed, and the carrying into effect any contract made in reference thereto. The right to reject any and all proposals reserved. H. S. SILVER, Trustee.

E. S. BEDILION, Tp. Clerk.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Hon. W. P. Hackney is in the city.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

A. A. Jackson and family have returned from their late visit.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

The grasshoppers came in the day before yesterday, and have settled down to business.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

W. W. Walton has gone to the east part of the county on an extended surveying trip.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

The Telegram can't stay a great while in one place. The last move took it clear downcellar, under Read's bank.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

C. C. Harris realized $140 for his pacing mare last week and now he can be seen nearly every morning "hoofing" it to town.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

The Catholics in this city are hereby notified that Rev. Z. C. Shurz will preach at Winfield on Thursday, August 20th at 9-1/2 o'clock A.M.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

This week's issue of the COURIER reaches the enormous (for a country paper) figure of 888 copies. Think of that ye who wish to advertise.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Sam Myton has commenced the excavation of the cellar for his new building. He talks some of using the upper story for a public Hall, a thing which this town really needs.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Vernon Township, we understand, has organized a company of militia and have sent to Leavenworth for arms. The Indians want to go slow now or they will get "chawed up" in a minute.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

T. A. Wilkinson has returned, bringing with him his brother, who reports that in Arkansas, what with the drouth and flood, etc., there is a large proportion of the inhabitants of that state who will starve to death next winter if they do not receive assistance.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Lager beer was free on the "Smith road," last Friday. We draw this inference from the appearance of the Surveying party when they reached town. This road puts the brewery two and one-half miles nearer the city.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

The M. E. Church South will hold a protracted meeting in Murphy's grove 3-1/2 miles north of Winfield, beginning on Friday night, the 21st day of August.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

We have hanging in our office a specimen of corn grown on the farm of B. F. Turner, near Nennescah, which is about as good as corn generally gets to be, and yet some people say that there will be no corn this year.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

The notice we made last week in reference to the marriage and departure of Will Lipscomb was not intended to reflect upon the wife or relatives of the one mentioned, and we are sorry that any of them should take our remarks as personal towards themselves.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

The city marshal came into our office yesterday morning and read us a short note with the compliments of Judge Wood, requesting an interview. Of course, we could not under the circumstances decline so pressing an invitation. We went. The Judge read us a letter from one T. M. Concannon, charging us with disturbing his peace and quiet, to all of which we answered nay. Our friend Con was then sworn and put on the stand where to our certain knowledge he told about as many lies as he has jumped printers' bills. After hearing the evidence the Judge kindly but firmly asks us to loan the City of Winfield the sum of $1 and costs making in all about $8.00. We haven't paid it yet and don't expect to, although if Con would pay the bill he owes this office, we could afford to pay the bill and give him the 50 cents he lied so hard for. If we had space to devote to so insignificant a subject, we might tell some very naughty stories in regard to dead chickens, etc., but we will merely say that if he doesn't watch out, he will soon be compelled to limp double.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

The C. S. Smith Road.
One of the most important roads in the county, petitioned for by C. S. Smith, and two or three hundred others, was located last Friday by Messrs. Lucius Walton, E. G. Willett, and Jas. Vanorsdol as viewers, and W. W. Walton, as Surveyor, from the Arkansas River eight miles east via the brewery, and Lowrey's ford, on the Walnut River, to the West end of Court House Street in Menor's addition to Winfield.

This road has put the county to considerable expense, there having been two surveys during Mr. Hemenway's term of office, the report of each irregular. Not being discouraged, however, the petitioners employed A. H. Green as counsel and commenced again, the result being the order for a new survey.

The citizens of Vernon and Beaver townships turned out en masse and showed the viewers by their presence how much in earnest they were in regard to the matter, as they have been compelled for three years to travel three or four miles in a roundabout way to get to their market town and county seat.

The viewers reported "the route practicable, of great public utility, and much needed by the traveling community," and advised its immediate opening. On the one-thousand dollars damage claim of John Lowrey, Esq., (the road having cut off about three acres of his land) they awarded him $50, to which of course he excepts, and consequently the end is not yet. Mr. Green has had prepared by the Surveyor an elaborate plat, showing Winfield and the roads for miles around it, in order to better impress the commissioners of the importance of this one. We await the action of the County Commissioners for further information.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

County Treasurer's Statement for July 1874.
Paid State treasurer: $ 9,338.09

Paid Township treasurer: $45.60

Paid School treasurer: $65.92

Paid School bonds: $,467.00

Tax sales refunded: $26.82

Total: $11,583.63

Rec'd School Land sales: $730.11

Rec'd Personal property warrants: $311.50

Total: $1,041.61

State school fund has been received for July.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the transfers of real estate, as handed us by Curns and Manser of this city.

Abraham Keller & wife to Joseph Smalley, S E 1/4 sec 9 T 34 S R 3 E. 153 acres $1,500.

Isaac Todd & wife to Robert Harris, W ½ N E 1/4 Sec 28 T 31 S R 7 E. 80 acres $1,000.

Mary Davis and husband to Robert Harris, Lot 6, Block 12, Lazette, $400.

William H. Sharp to Lyman S. Kibbe, N E 1/4 sec 25 T 30 S R 4 E. $500.

Mary A. Millington and husband to Allen Carlson, Lot 3, B 9, city of Winfield. $65.00.

James Wainscott to George N. Towler, S ½ of N E 1/4 and N W ½ of N E 1/4 sec 19 T 31 S R 4 E, 120 acres $1,000.

William M. Sleeth and wife to Rev. David Thompson, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Block 42, Arkansas City.

William McGuire to Sarah McGuire w ½ of n w 1/4 sec 6 t 32 n r 6 e, 80 acres $400.

Mary A. Millington & husband to John M. Read, lot 1, block 89, city of Winfield. $80.

William Copeland to Milton L. Oldham, s e 1/4 of n e ½ sec 4 t 33 s r 3 e 40 acres $400.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

City Council Proceedings.
Council met at council room July 20, at usual hour. Present: Mayor S. C. Smith and councilmen Silver, Darrah, and Saffold. J. W. Curns Clerk. The minutes of last meeting were read, and after being corrected, were approved.

The committee to whom was referred the petition of the citizens of Winfield, asking the council to call an election, reported unfavorably on said petition, which report was received and the committee discharged.

It was moved and carried that further action on said petition be deferred until the next regular meeting, an ordinance providing for the protection of property was duly passed.

Being no other business, council adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

Winfield supplies Arkansas City with ice.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

DIED. A little child of W. L. Fortner died last Monday.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

A `Schooner" passed through this city yesterday, having on board a young antelope and a buffalo calf, which were objects of interest to many of our citizens.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

The meeting of the Baptist Association of this place last week was well attended, there being some forty or fifty delegates present.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

A. A. Jackson is now the proprietor of the St. Nicholas restaurant, he having taken Geo. Miller's place in the business. George now has nothing to attend to but his meat market.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

The singing books belonging to this District in the hands of school children will please be left with the clerk. B. P. Baldwin, at Maris & Baldwin's Drug Store.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

The Winfield Silver Cornet Band will give a dance at the Lagonda House on the evening of the 22nd inst. The best music will be furnished, and everything will be done to make the party pleasant and enjoyable.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

We were shown by Mayor Smith a postal card received by him from J. O. Mathewson, who now resides at Los Angeles, California, in which he says the hottest day during the month of July was but 90 degrees, which was on the 29th of the month.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

At the election for school board, the following were elected: D. A. Millington for director, G. S. Manser for clerk, and M. L. Robinson for treasurer. Very good.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

The third nine of the Frontier base ball club, the Modocs, of this city, played a game of ball with the Maple Grove club on their grounds last Saturday; the score standing 25 to 84 in favor of the Modocs. The Maple Grove club is lately organized and is composed mostly of inexperienced players. They think however that with a little practice they will be able to scoop the boys and the visit will be returned in a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

The Modocs will play a match game of ball with the Vernon club next Saturday. The prize will be a ball.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

T. O. Hill had one of his horses taken out of the pasture last Saturday night by some person, who, after appropriating A. T. Shenneman's saddle, lit out for parts unknown. Mr. Hill immediately advertised to pay fifty dollars reward for the recovery of the horse and thief, and he has received word that the thief was arrested in Independence, on suspicion, while trying to dispose of the animal on the streets at a remarkably low figure. Deputy Sheriff Geo. Walker will bring him back with him on his return from Independence whither he has gone in charge of a Montgomery County horse thief.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

Patrons of Husbandry.
The following will be the programme for the grand social feast, August 22nd, 1874, to be held on the grounds of T. H. Johnson, C. M. Wood, and J. F. Graham, one-half mile north of the city of Winfield.

1st. Each subordinate Grange will come in procession, accompanied by its Marshal, or his assistants, who will be at the courthouse.

2nd. The grand procession will form on the courthouse commons, at 11 o'clock a.m. sharp, and march through the principal streets of the city, thence to the picnic grounds in the following order.

Winfield Cornet Band, Patrons of Husbandry in regalia.

Arkansas City Cornet Band, Patrons of Husbandry in full regalia.

Music by the Winfield band.

Song by Supt. T. A. Wilkinson.


Music by the Arkansas City Band.


Instrumental String Band, Supt. T. A. Wilkinson.


Music by both bands.

Toasts, responses, and songs.

Suggestions for the good of the order.

Music, Home Sweet Home, by the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band.

A. T. STEWART, Committee of Arrangements.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

DEXTER, KANSAS, Monday, Aug. 10th, 1874.
FRIEND BECKETT: After a hard week's work among the flint hills of Cedar and Otter Creeks, I enjoyed the quiet and rest of a Sunday at the "Mecca" of Grouse Valley.

Arriving here late Saturday evening, I found everything dull compared with the great furor of excitement on Otter, eight miles northeast of hereso dull, that even Uncle P. G. Smith's "magic oil" can't enliven the place, though he claims that it will cure any case of chronic rheumatism. Whenever Uncle Peter gets Dexter to moving along smoothly and rapidly as it did in its youth, then his fortune is made, for the Arkansas City Town Company will engage him at any figure to apply the same remedy to their place.

At present I doubt if there be a place in the state where people in so short a time can create so big a stir, unless it be Winfield on the occasion of the arrival of the "Mayor and his staff" from the Indian war, as have the settlers at the "new Joplin," on Otter Creek, on their discovery of "mineral," in a gulch over there last Tuesday.

I was shown specimens of "pure lead," Pyrite of Iron, "ninety-five percent iron," Magnetic ore, "gold quartz," sand triff, and "pure water diamonds," crystal quartz, all picked up in this same gulch.

Upon examination I find the facts of the case to be as follows.

For some time it has been supposed that the "hard-finished" parts of Howard and Cowley counties were rich in minerals of some kind, as it evidently was never intended for anything else. Acting upon this supposition, a party of men, headed by two experienced miners from Joplin, Missouri, commenced prospecting on last Monday, which resulted in finding "lead blossom," in a canon on the farm of John G. Harris, in section 6, township 32, range 8 east, in sufficient quantity to convince them that they had struck a "lead" and with work and capital it might "pan out" a fortune for each of them.

They immediately opened a joint stock mining company, sent for the necessary tools to prosecute the work, and will commence this morning to sink a five-feet shaft, resolving to go down so long as their money lasts.

I have made arrangements to secure a specimen of the gold, lead, or dirt that they may encounter at every foot of their descent. I now have several of the surface specimens of lead that will compare favorably with those of the Blanchard or Gallotti mines in the west part of the county.

As an item of interest to the stock raisers and livery men on the Walnut, I will say that Grouse Creek will have several hundred bushels of corn to spare, and the best corn in the county is now growing on Cedar Creek, near Lazette, so they need not despair.

Mr. Isaac Rice, living a half mile north of this place, had his house and all his household furniture, except two beds, burned yesterday while he and his wife were away at a neighbors.

Two small children were left in charge of it and while preparing their dinner the roof caught fire from the stove pipe, and the whole building was in flames before any of the neighbors could get on the ground. A Mrs. Smith, a widow lady, was also making this her home, and everything she had was burned, leaving her entirely destitute. The promptness with which a call, for a meeting this evening of Dexter grange, was issued by Master T. R. Bryan, is indeed commendable. Mr. Rice is also a member of the "Mystic Order," and of course will receive due attention. But the widow, alas!

I will say no more, for fear of being dubbed a "Humanitarian," and that you know at present is not popular.

Therefore, to be up with the times, will content myself by signing, Yours, MAGNET.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

DURHAM - HOWL. Charles J. Durham, of Kankakee, Illinois, to Miss Laura E. Howl, of Cowley County, July 8th.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

At his residence on Grouse Creek, in this county, on the 25th day of June last, of congestion of the lungs, Mr. John H. Coats, in the 46th year of his age. Also, a child four or five months old, which was buried in the same grave as its father.

Mr. Coats was born in Marion County, Indiana, and was among the first to settle in this county, having immigrated from IowA. He was well respected by the community in which he resided and his death was deeply felt by his neighbors as well as his family. He leaves a wife and nine children.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

THE LARGEST stock of saddles ever brought to Cowley County, at Nate Roberson's, cheap for cash.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

THE MOST delicious drink this hot weather is the soda water at Green's drug store.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

CASH PAID for County Orders by J. D. Pryor. Office with:

PRYOR & KAGER, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

THE BEST FLY TRAP in the world is the new one at Maris & Baldwin's drug store.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, June 21st, 1874.
ED. COURIER: My last letter was written from Del Norte, Colorado. After a stay of one week, I concluded not to take any stock in the celebrated San Juan mines, but strike out for the more genial climes of Arizona, via Fort Garland, Taos, and Santa Fe. Taos was settled by the Spaniards about two hundred years ago, and contains six thousand inhabit antsMexicans. It was long the home of Kit Carson, the famous mountaineer.

Ranching is carried on in the Taos Valley to some extent by a system of irrigation, which would disgust our grangers of Cowley County. The wheat yield is said to be enormous. From a half bushel of seed, twenty-nine bushels have been raisedthe flour is excellent.

While encamped on the banks of the Rio Santa Cruce three young Mexican ladies went in bathing near my lonely camp. After lunch, I smoked my pipe with perfect indifference, of course.

June 21st: arrived at Santa Fe, the great commercial center of New Mexico and adjoining Territories. Pleasant town, population 5,000 Mexicans and about 200 Americans. The United States military headquarters are situated here. The brass band performs on the public plaza every evening, while the Don's and Dona's promenade the delightful macadamized walks, until away in to the wee sma hours of night. Talked with an American who had lived here twenty-eight years and had never seen a railroad. He was a genuine fossil of old fogyism. Laid over one day to witness the grand procession of the Virgin Mary. The sacred image was placed in a standing position upon a portable throne, carried upon the shoulders of four stout greasers. The holy mother wore a crown of pure solid gold and robes of royal purple, diamond necklace, and costly rings on nearly every finger. She seemed to bow and hob nob to everybody as the procession moved slowly through the street toward the church. Fifty priests with gilded crosses and banners of the church of Rome lead the way. I observed a shaved spot about the size of a Mexican dollar, on the crowns of each of their devoted heads. Then followed forty native boys with burning tapers. Next came five hundred young and dusky Virgins in the purest white, and now, the immaculate Virgin, as described above, followed by one hundred young men bearing lighted Roman candles. The rest of the procession was made up of Virgins regardless of age or beauty, and straggling native citizens. At intervals of about three hundred feet were seven tables, said to represent the seven sorrows of woman, where all paused for a moment, knelt, crossed themselves, and then passed on, the priests keeping up a Latin chant; meanwhile, the church bells were ringing out their solemn peals since early morn.

All the principal business houses were decorated with designs appropriate to the occasion. Citizens remained uncovered until the procession had passed into the church.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874

ED. COURIER: After leaving Santa Fe I continued south, via Albuquerque, Socorro, and Val Verde, saw Mexicans harvesting wheat on the fields of the battle field of Val Verde, fought in 1862; about 2,500 union troops under General Canby of Modoc fame stubbornly contested the field against 3,000 Texas rebels under Gen. Sibly, but were finally compelled to retire within the fortifications of Fort Craig. The noble Capt. McRea fell in this action below Fort Craig.

The road leaves the river and crosses the Journado Del Muerto (journey of death), in former times a stretch of ninety miles without water, but since water has been struck midway, it is no longer a hardship. An incident of contrariness exemplified.

Time, past midnight. Met train of wagons and loose animals, supposed it to be Mexican outfit, asked in Spanish how far to water; a bold son of Erin hollowed out, "Can't you spake English, ye heathen?" "Yes, if you are English." "I am bejabers and an Irishman at that." "Well, sir, I am still at a loss how to make you understand, for I cannot speak Irish. Good night, sir," I said, and rode on into the gloom.

July 2, arrived at Las Cruces, situated in the beautiful valley of La Mesilla, restored to the Union by the California volunteers in 1862. The country has improved some in the 12 years, but I am satisfied that nothing will save the native population from absolute peonage to the few Jews and Americans doing business here, but a railroad.

July 4. High old times here today; 1500 people take a free lunch beneath the wide spreading cottonwoods on the banks of the far off Rio Grande. Order of procession, band wagon in front, orator of the day and permanent citizens in carriages; Goddess of Liberty, Miss Bennet, and dusky Donas, representing all the States and Territories; school boys with mothers; Spanish Dons on horse-back; native citizens of less note on burros; citizens driving burro pack trains; youthful Spanish Americans, leading fiery goats. The arrangement looked like a burlesque on some of the free and sovereign States; only think of Kansas being repre sented by a Spanish Dona whose complexion was like new sole leather.

The oration was dull and stale, music by the band, toasts were given, and responded to as is usual on such occasions, more music by the band. About 2 o'clock p.m., the festive board was spread, and all the natives invited to partake thereof. The huge piles of cold boiled beef and bread disappeared with astonishing rapidity, being washed down with lemonade, while the band played Hail Columbia, Sweet Home, and Old Hundred. After the feat all joined in a dance; notwithstanding the heat and dust was almost suffocating. Still the dance went on. An occasional glimpse could be obtained of the perspiring but happy performers through the great clouds of dust that rose to the heavens, as they "tripped the light fantastic toe" in the magic waltz, and still the dance went on. The entertainment for the day wound up with a free exhibition of a Spanish Maroma circus, and more music by the band.

The Rio Grande hotel closed for the day; the guests were turned out on the cold charity of the world to shift for themselves. Long after the natives and myriads of cur dogs had been feasted, the Marshal of the day invited the few strangers present to partake of the feast, there being nothing left but the disgusting fragments; the invitation was respectfully declined. Music by the band, and thus ended the first celebration of the glorious fourth of July by our Spanish American fellow citizens on the outskirts of the United States of America.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874

Capt. J. B. Nipp has been in town recruiting for his company. Capt. Nipp is just the kind of man to lead against the Indians, or anybody else, having had considerable experience during the late unpleasantness. His battle scarred body attests his bravery on several hard fought battle fields.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.

While Captain Reeker's company of Kansas Militia were scouting down the Medicine Lodge in Barbour County on the 10th inst., they encountered about thirty Osages, whom they engaged in a lively tussle. Five Indians were killed and thirty ponies taken. The militia didn't lose a man. The fight took place some ten miles north of the line in the state of Kansas.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

A Liberal Offer.
By far the most liberal offer yet made our poverty stricken people comes from the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad company. They, to begin with, have extended the time for the payment of their land one more year. They offer to give to the settlers seed wheat at eastern prices, transportation free to be paid when they raise it, in cash, or 1-1/2 bushel for everyone furnished new. No more liberal offer could be made by even this most liberal management. The A. T. & S. F. has done more to develop the State of Kansas and remove in a great measure the stigma attached to railroad in general, than all the other roads in the State put together, and we hope those who have lost their wheat will close in with this, their most magnificent crowning offer.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

TOPEKA, Aug. 12, 1874.

It is useless to deny the fact that a great calamity has overtaken the people in some parts of our State. The corn crop of many of the counties has been entirely destroyed by grasshoppers.

This is especially true in the west, where the county has been newly settled, and where the people are illy prepared to bear the loss. In most of the State, the wheat crop was excel lent, but the settlers of the past year have raised no wheat and many of them have been relying upon their corn crops for subsistence through the coming winter. It is feared that in some localities some of the people will suffer for the want of the necessaries of life unless some means be devised for their relief.

The legislature has placed no funds at my disposal which can be used for that purpose, but I hope to be able to aid in carrying out some plan hereafter to be agreed upon, which will avert suffering and want. The first thing to be done, however, is to obtain full and reliable statistics from the localities most severely afflicted, and I take this method of suggesting for the convenience of the county authorities, as well as for information, that the board of county commissioners take immediate steps to ascertain the exact condition of affairs in their respective counties. Every family in each of these counties should be visited and a careful inventory made of their condition and amount of available effects. A synopsis of this should be forwarded to the executive office, with such suggestions as the commissioners may see fit to make, as to the means to be employed for obtaining the relief needed.

An investigation already made in some of the counties has shown them to be in much better condition than was at first supposed, and it is hoped that like investigations throughout the sections affected, will dissipate in a great degree the fears hitherto entertained.

As before intimated, I am not clear as to the means which should be employed to secure the needed relief. On one point, however, I am clear: Kansas may be poor, but she can and will take care of her own needy. THOMAS A. OSBORN.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

Arkansas City is afraid of the Indians.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

A. A. Jackson keeps the Red Seal cigar, the best in the market; also fine Topeka Grapes.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

It will probably be news to most of our readers to learn that we have (not) had the biggest rain of the season yesterday.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

Attention Battalion! Let every able bodied man attend the meeting at the courthouse tomorrow (Saturday) night to organize a Militia company.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

A thief tried to steal Geo. Oaks' pony the other day, but the horse jumped the fence and got away from him; the horse was found in a short time, but the thief wasn't.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

We were highly pleased to meet our friend, Story, from Lazette, on our streets today. He reports everything lovely at the sweet little village on the Grouse.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

John W. Tull, Esq., of Lazette, gave us a pleasant call today. John has forgiven us the hard things we said about him last fall and says that he would not be a candidate under any


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

While Mr. J. N. Yerger was driving home in his buggy today, he collided with a wagon in the road, which upset his vehicle, throwing him out head first. He was not hurt.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

FOUND. On the streets of Winfield last Wednesday, a dark kid glove. The owner will oblige us by either leaving us the other one or taking this one away.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

At the primary meeting held in Dexter Township last Tuesday, the following persons were elected as a township committee for the ensuing year: T. R. Bryan, chairman; J. D. Maurer, and T. A. Creager.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

W. L. Mullen has proven himself a perfect philanthropist. He has bought every poor man's hogs in the county that came to him to sell. He has now over 1,000 head, for which he paid the cash.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

Ice in this city has nearly played out. With the exception of what is held by the icemen for tomorrow, the whole stock is in the hands of A. H. Green, to be used in his soda fountain.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

The Winfield Silver Cornet Band are making big preparations for their dance on Saturday evening. Anyone who fails to attend will miss a treat, for the boys intend that it shall eclipse any former dance held in this city.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

L. P. Woodyard from Arkansas City has located in this place to engage in the jewelry business, and will occupy a portion of McMillen & Shield's store. He is reported as being a first workman and will be a valuable acquisition to our city. His removal leaves Arkansas City without a jeweler.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

At the game of Base ball, played in this city last Saturday, between the Vernon Grasshoppers of Vernon Township, and the Modocs of this place, the Grasshoppers carried off the laurels by a score of 24 to 22. Both sides played well considering their size and experience, and the score was too close to allow of much boasting. The same clubs will pay the second game on the same grounds tomorrow.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

The Chairman of the several township delegations are requested to meet with the farmers central committee at Winfield, August 29th, 1874, at 2 o'clock p.m.

By request of farmers central committee. H. D. GANES, Chairman pro tem.

ED. WILLARD, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

George Walker brought T. O. Hill's horse and the thief with him when he returned from Independence last Saturday. The thief, whose name is Bozark, asserted that a young chap named Bodwell, who lives a couple of miles from this city, stole the horse and brought it to him and he merely took it away. Bodwell was immediately arrested, but after a preliminary examination before Justice Boyer, was released. Bozark was placed in jail to await his trial at the next term of the district court.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

About as hard a looking outfit as we have ever happened to notice passed through town last Sunday coming from Sumner County, and bound for Missouri. It consisted of a man, his wife, three children, and one horse (we didn't see their dog). Two of the children were mounted on the horse, which was lead by the woman, who was barefooted and poorly clad; the other child was carried by the man, who was little better off than the woman. They had a paper on which was laid out their route, which had been given them by some friend who had been over the track, but not being able to read, they took it into Hitchcock and Boyles, to find out whether or not they were on the right track. Just think of walking from Sumner County to Missouri over the rocks barefooted.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.

Last Tuesday was about as lively a day as we have seen since the fourth of July. We were first startled by seeing crowds of men and boys dashing up the street and disappearing in Curns & Manser's office, and, not wishing to mourn alone, we soon found ourselves standing on a chair in the aforesaid office gazing at the struggle of two of our prominent lawyers, who were trying their wind and muscle in a scuffle, in which neither had an occasion to crow over the victory, they being about equally matched. The only one we felt sorry for was Justice Boyer, who adjourned court about a minute too soon to fine them for contempt.

The crowd next gathered at Darrah & Doty's livery stable where a couple of our citizens were trying the effect of chairs and fists upon each other's heads. They were separated before either was hurt.

Before the crowd had yet dispersed from the scene of this mill, they were startled by the news that the prisoners were escaping from the jail, and off they hurried to see what could be seen. Bozark, the fellow who was caught with Hill's horse in Independence, and put in quod the day before, had been at work at one of the windows, and had so far succeeded that it is acknowledged that if he had been allowed to work another hour, he would have been able to walk out without any trouble; he had taken off the casing of one of the windows by some means and pried the bars nearly out of it.

We next sauntered into the courthouse, where the delegates to the convention which met yesterday were chosen, which being over, we quietly returned to our respective business. We were expecting that the excitement of the day would finish with a fire, but were fortunately mistaken.

[Skipped proceedings of Republican County Convention held in Winfield August 20.]


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The Fair of the Cowley County Agricultural Society has been postponed until September 29, 30, and October 1st, 1874.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Gov. Osborn Advises the Department of the Osage Maraudings.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. The following telegram was received here today from Gov. Osborn, of Kansas: "I have information through Indian Agent Stubbs and other sources, that the Osage tribe of Indians have, at a general council, declared war against this State. Depredations have already been committed by them on our southern border. The State has but few arms, and the United States troops, before guarding the line, being new in the Indian Territory, at a great distance from the Osage Reservation, exposes the frontier settlements of this State to great danger. With arms we can defend our border. Can you furnish 2,000 carbines and accouterments, and 100,000 cartridges on account of the State of Kansas!" The telegram has been referred to the war department.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

DEXTER, KANSAS, August 18th, 1874.
ED. COURIER: In your issue of August 14th, I find a communication from this place signed "Magnet." Speaking of the burning of Mr. Rice's house, he uses the following language:

"The promptness with which a call for a meeting this evening of Dexter Grange was issued by T. R. Bryan, is indeed commendable. Mr. Rice is also a member of the "Mystic Order," and of course will receive due attention. But the widow, alas!"

While we do not think "Magnet" would willingly cast a slur upon our people, yet he conveys the impression in the above statement that the Dexter Grange, and the Mystic Order were each devoting their efforts to the relief of Rice exclusively, while the "widow" was left to suffer.

This is erroneous; for while the two orders took such steps as they deemed proper for the relief of their brother and his family, the members of both orders, together with the citizens generally, contributed liberally to the relief of "the widow," and her children, and are grateful to "Magnet" for his assistance. The members of the Dexter Grange, and of the "Mystic Order" evidently do not intend to confine their charity to their own narrow circle, but to make it as extensive as human suffering. Suffering does not need the stamp of any order to awaken the sympathies of our people, and we hope it never will.

The grasshoppers are leaving us; nearly all gone now. They have done a great deal of damage, but have not eaten us out entirely. We will have corn enough to supply our wants and some to spare. Yours, etc. CITIZEN.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

A special dispatch to the Commonwealth from Dodge City, August 17th, says:

The report of Indian depredations is correct. Four men were picked up from one to three miles east of Aubrey station by conductor Hampton on Saturday afternoon. Two of them were scalped and horribly mutilated, and had been burned. The other two were not scalped. The bodies were taken to Granada and interred Sunday morning. The names of the men as near as could be ascertained were: John Doyle, John McDonald, William Graham, and an old man by the name of Snyder. All of the men were those returning from the mines of Colorado. Three of them were on foot and the old man was mounted.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

On the 24th inst., Agent Stubbs, of the Osages, and Enoch Hoag, had a conference with Gov. Osborn, on affairs of the Osage tribe today. They asked for the restoration of horses and ponies captured by Capt. Ricker's troop of militia.

Agent Stubbs said that the Osages had given them but ten days to return with the ponies, during which time they would maintain an armistice; if they were not returned, he intimated that trouble might be feared from them. Governor Osborn said that he would not temporize with the Indians by any such concession; that the Indians must prove that they had no knowledge of the existing order as to the return of the Osages to their reservations or any hostile intention and disprove the claim made by Captain Ricker's, that they fired upon them first. These conditions are impossible for the Osages to comply with.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The Osage Land Case.
PARSONS, KS., August 22. Three years ago the title to one million acres of land in the counties of Neosho and Labette was considered perfect in the L. L. & G., and the M. K. & T. R. R. Companies; then the average price was $2.50 per acre. A mistaken land policy was adopted by Mr. Denison, Vice President, and Land Commissioner Goodnow, against the protest of the General Manager, Mr. Stevens. The appraisement was raised to five dollars and as high as twenty-five dollars per acre. It was oppressive and they could not pay for their land. Governor Osborn called the attention of the President to the existing facts, and aided by powerful friends and the State of Kansas, the settlers succeeded in having a suit brought by the U. S. District Attorney, to grant a title. Justice Miller and Judge Dillon have rendered a verdict which it is generally conceded will be affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States, giving the land to the settlers.

There is general rejoicing here tonight. At least five thousand people are here to celebrate their deliverance from the R. R. Companies. Speeches have been made by prominent citi- zens, and the little city of Parsons is wild with enthusiasm. Hon. M. W. Reynolds was particularly severe upon what he termed the suicidal and blundering policy of the Railroad Companies.

Reynolds said the beauties of the brother-in-law system was illustrated in the inefficiency and imbecility of Land Commissioner Goodnow, brother-in-law of Vice President Denison of the M. K. & T. Railroad, by which the road is now a loser to the amount of $2,000,000. Goodnow insulted the settlers, and Denison had upheld him in his weak and vacillating policy. He said if the liberal policy of General Manager Stevens had been adopted, it would have saved the road the lands of the company, and would have secured the good will of the now hostile people, among whom they now operate the road. He appealed to the Railroad Companies to employ only those who were competent, and who, by their western sense and gentlemanly demeanor, command the confidence, respect, and esteem of the people in the hour of the people's triumph. He counseled aid and encouragement to all legitimate enter- prises for the development of the country. There are thirty thousand people upon these lands whose friends will rejoice with them at this glorious decision. Speeches were made by Mayor Matthewson, Ed Davis, T. C. Corry, and others. At a late hour the people adjourned, feeling that for the first time they could go to their own homes.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Our last advices from General Custer's expedition furnish a new illustration of the hackneyed saying that where there is smoke there must be a fire, for they show that, in this instance, at least, popular rumor was right. It is well known that the sight of nuggets of gold in the possession of the Sioux Indians, and necklaces of gold scales, has often tempted our frontiersmen to penetrate, even by marriage and adoption, into the tribe of the Black Hill region, but that these attempts were always unsuccessful. The Black Hills are the sacred land of the Sioux, made so by tradition and by the rude law of the tribe. So earnest has been their seclusion on the part of the Indians that the absolute prohibition of the entrance to all white men was made the first condition of the Laramie Treaty, concluded in the year 1868. But the mysterious territory has now been explored, and the news of the mineral treasure there discovered will result in the speedy opening of this gold region. The people of Bis marckthe most advanced outpost of civilizationare already preparing to make a rush for the new Eldorado, and these will only be the advance guard of an invasion resembling in magnitude that which amazed the world in the early days of California.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

A new billiard hall has been started in the Lagonda House.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Prairie Chickens are plenty and the boarders at the hotels and restaurants live high.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Mrs. D. Rodocker left this city last Monday morning on a visit to her friends and relatives in the east.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Crave Stroup started on Tuesday morning last for Tecumpech, Shawnee Co., to visit his relatives.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Capt. Kager's company (G.) will meet Saturday at the courthouse at 3 o'clock p.m., as seen by the card published elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

DIED. On last Wednesday morning a child eleven or twelve years of age, daughter of Mr. George Godfrey, living on Dutch Creek.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The band boys gave their dance at the Lagonda House last Saturday evening, which was well attended and proved an entire success socially as well as financially.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

H. C. Hawkins has opened out a new lumber yard at Bliss' old stand, and is rapidly filling it with everything in his line. All he requires to establish a good business is to advertise.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

BIRTH. And now comes H. Brotherton who rejoices in the fact that it is the sweetest and prettiest five pound girl that ever made its advent into Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The Republican Convention of which E. C. Manning and E. B. Kager are members from this county meets at Emporia today.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

We learn from private sources that Tom Quarles of this place is quietly resting in the Neosho County jail charged with horse stealing.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The excavation of the cellar of S. H. Myton's new store building is completed. The cellar is the full size of the building, being 25 x 60 with a depth of 6 feet and 3 inches. T. O. Hill finished the job up neatly.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The new house of J. E. Platter is enclosed, and presents a very neat appearance. It is undoubtedly the handsomest residence in the county and is a credit to the builders, the owner, and to the city.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The other night some thieves entered the ice house of A. T. Stewart and took what little ice he had left which he had been keeping for cases of sickness, amounting to ten large cakes, leaving only about seventeen pounds.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Vernon Township appears to stand a fair show of being depopulated of its young men for this winter. Last week the Siemmons brothers, Frank Milspaugh, and young Martin started for Iowa, where they expect to spend the winter. In a week or two the Carter brothers expect to go to Illinois to reside this winter.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The senior editor, who has been for some time Acting Deputy Devil in distributing papers in the city, having left the country, the duty this week will devolve upon the Devil, who, being unacquainted with the route may possibly miss some subscribers. We make this explanation for the benefit of any who may not get their paper.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Messrs. E. C. Manning, B. F. Baldwin, and James Kelly, senior quill driver of this paper, left this city last Monday morning for Wichita, then to take the train for other parts. Mr. Baldwin to visit his mother, who is very ill at her home in Illinois, and Mr. Manning and Kelly to attend the State Convention at Topeka of which Mr. Kelly is a member.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

`Squire Wright, of Beaver Township, met with a very serious accident last Monday. He was digging a well, and was at the bottom, twenty feet below the surface, when one of the workmen above accidentally let a stone weighing twenty-five pounds fall upon his head. Medical assistance was immediately summoned and at present he is in a fair way to recover.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Our old friend Amos Walton, finding that his literary efforts were not fully appreciated by the newspapers and citizens of this county, and not wishing to longer bother his gigantic brain with trying to entertain such unappreciative people, now opens out to the inhabitants of Butler County, with a communication to the Walnut Valley Times. It won't take Butler County long to get as sick of him as Cowley is at present.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

We were surprised last Wednesday by the appearance in our office of Mr. C. Oliver, who deposited on our table two or three pounds of by far the finest grapes we have seen this year. Mr. Oliver's vineyard contains three-quarters of an acre, and notwithstanding the ravages of the drouth and grasshoppers which damaged him to a considerable extent, he has succeeded in raising about fifteen hundred weight of the delicious fruit.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Limpy Conn's caboose has been closed up and the tables packed up in their old position, on account of his not being able to borrow enough money to advance another month's rent. This is a great disappointment to his numerous creditors who had been in hopes of being able to play billiards enough to liquidate their little bills and thus save themselves the trouble of making out new ones when the present bills are worn out. We sympathize with them.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

This dry weather is profitable for the blacksmiths, who are kept busy night and day keeping the tires on the wagons. Max Shoeb states that he set 99 tires in one week.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The school board have decided to begin school in this city on Monday, the 28th of September. Miss Anna Melville has been engaged to teach the primary department, and Miss Sarah Aldrich for the intermediate department. The principal has not as yet been engaged.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Last Tuesday night Jerry Evans was aroused from his sleep by the barking of his dog in the vicinity of the stable, and upon going out found one of his horses with its saddle on. He believes, and not without good reason, that if it had not been for his dog he would soon have been minus a horse.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

We are happy to welcome to our town Mr. Wm. P. Hackney, who has removed his family to this place, which he will hereafter make his home. Mr. Hackney has always acquitted himself creditably in whatever position he has been placed, whether as a representative or lawyer, and himself and lady will prove valuable acquisitions to our list of citizens. On our first page will be found his card in connection with J. Wade McDonald, of Wellington, who will attend to the business of the firm at that place.


Winfield, Kas. Wellington, Kas.

ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. W. P. Hackney's office is at Winfield. J. Wade McDonald's at Wellington, Kansas. Office one door west of Alexander & Saffold's law office. Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The militia meeting which was advertised for Saturday night was so poorly attended that the meeting was postponed until Monday evening, the proceedings of which will be found elsewhere. There are some fourteen companies in this and adjoining counties, already organized, and others are rapidly being formed. Gov. Osborn has telegraphed to the President for arms and ammunition and when they arrive, we think the people along the border will be abundantly able to protect themselves against all Indian invasions.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Michener took leave of their friends and acquaintances, and left this city last Monday morning to take up their residence at their old home in IndianA. Mr. Michener and his estimable lady were residents of this city less than a year, but during that time they succeeded by their sociability and pleasing address in winning the friendship of all with whom they came in contact, and we know of no one whose departure would cause more sincere regret. The members of the bar met and passed resolutions of regret, at their departure, which will be found in another column.

[Skipped Bar Resolution to Michener. Covered rest of the meeting.]
Bar Meeting.
The members of the Winfield Bar met at the office of Fairbank, Torrance & Green, on Saturday, August 22nd, 1874, to take some action in regard to the intended departure of one of their members, M. L. T. Michener.

On motion J. M. Alexander was called to the chair, and T. H. Johnston, was elected secretary.

On motion J. B. Fairbank, D. A. Millington, and N. H. Wood, were appointed a committee on resolutions; after mature deliberation reported the . . . .

On motion the meeting adjourned. J. M. ALEXANDER, Chairman.

T. H. JOHNSTON, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

"The gentleman from Tisdale," (W. M. Allison) has bought the stone house lately occupied by T. H. Suits. He expects to bring his family here, and will make this place his permanent residence. He has intimated to a few of his intimate friends that he was tired of the worthless life he is now living, and that he would be willing to go into some kind of business if an opportunity should present itself. He has already had a number of schemes on foot but has given them all up. At first he concluded that he would construct a railroad from New Orleans up the Arkansas River and continue it to San Francisco, but he couldn't bear the idea of becoming a monopoly, so he dropped that grand scheme which would have been a blessing to thousands of people. Next he was about to purchase two or three corner lots of Manning upon which to erect a five story brick hotel with a marble front and mahogany finish, when the idea suddenly occurred to him that by so doing he would necessarily become a capitalist, which was entirely at variance with his principles, so that had to be given up like the first. Then he thought of becoming a Moses to the unfortunate farmers in this county by buying their corn at one dollar and a half per bushel, their wheat at three dollars per bushel, and their hogs at ten dollars per hundred, and then give them their groceries and dry goods, besides offering a reward of fifty cents for every grasshopper scalp that should be brought him, but he was afraid the grangers would snub him on account of his being a middleman, so that philanthropic idea was cast to the winds. He is now in doubt as to what use to put his capital.

LATER. Just before going to press we learn that Mr. Allison has concluded to start a newspaper, and run it in the interest of Col. Alexander for Congress, hoping thereby to win the Colonel's favor so that immediately upon his election, he will revive the old Thomasville post office and appoint Allison to the genteel, honorable, and highly lucrative position of postmaster.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

Right Front in Line. March!
Pursuant to a call, the citizens of Winfield and vicinity met at the courthouse on Monday evening, the 24th, electing J. J. Williams as chairman, and W. W. Walton Secretary; E. B. Kager stated the object of the meeting to be the organization of a company of State Militia.

Capt. J. B. Nipp, being called upon, made some very good suggestions besides giving the latest news from the frontier. He thought that there was more danger of an invasion by the Indians now than there had ever been. The Osages demanded the return of the ponies and one thousand dollars each for the Indians killed in the recent engagement with the Militia. These terms will not be conceded by the Governor, and an open war on the extreme border this fall and winter is threatened.

A sufficient number having signed the necessary oath, they were sworn in by Capt. Nipp. They then proceeded to the election of officers, resulting as follows.

Capt., E. B. Kager; 1st Lieut., A. T. Shenneman; 2nd Lieut., L. J. Webb; Orderly Sergeant, W. W. Walton.

Recruiting has begun in earnest, and a large company will be formed here, the necessary arms and accouterments will be sent on immediately. Yesterday Capt. Kager received the following from Col. Norton which explains itself.

ARKANSAS CITY, August 26, 1874.
CAPTAIN KAGER: Please report to me the number of effective men in your company that you can count on to go, both mounted and unmounted. This is by order of the Adjutant General. He says: "Have all the companies carefully inspected and accept none but first-class men for service." Yours, G. H. NORTON, Lieut. Col. Kansas Militia.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

The Grange Festival.
The festival held by the Grangers of Cowley County, in the woods northeast of Winfield, on Saturday last, was a success. At an early hour the different Granges commenced driving into the city and taking up position on the Courthouse square, awaiting the formation of the procession, and at eleven o'clock, when the procession was formed, not less than three hundred teams were within the city limits. The procession, which was over a mile long, was headed by the Chief Marshal, H. W. Stubblefield, followed by the Winfield Band; next came some fifty or sixty horsemen, and then the different Grangessome thirty in numberwith their banners, flags, and mottoes flying to the breeze. Near the middle of the procession and at the head of the Creswell Grange came the Arkansas City Band.

The following are some of the mottoes:

Bethel Grange, "Our WatchwordReform."

Floral, "United we Stand, divided we fall."

Winfield, "Honor to whom Honor is dueThe success of the Farmer is the Success of the Nation."

Grand Prairie, "Reduce ExpensesPlow Deep."

Philomathian, "Sit Lux."

Little Dutch, "In God is our TrustJustice to allThe Farmers forever."

Creswell, "Better days are comingIn the soil we Trust."

South Bend, "AgricultureOur Hope. No honest labor we despise."

Union Grange, "In Union there is strength."

Vernon Grange, "Our Liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain."

After patrolling the principal streets of the city, the procession headed for the Picnic Ground. Upon reaching the grove, the meeting was called to order by A. S. Williams, Master of the county council, followed by the bands supplying some excellent music, after which a motion to adjourn for dinner was put and unanimously carried.

The afternoon exercises were opened by music from both bands followed by a song from T. A. Wilkinson and others. Prayer by Rev. Martin, of Vernon Grange, and a speech by Amos Walton.

The following toasts were then given by the Toast Master, A. N. Deming.

"The laboring class." Responded to by T. A. Wilkinson of the Winfield Grange.

"The Dignity of labor." By G. N. Fowler, Little Dutch Grange.

"The Province of the Grange." By John Irwin, Darien Grange.

"Grasshopper and Chinch Bug." By P. W. Smith, Philomathian Grange.

"The State of Kansas." By H. W. Stubblefield, Sheridan Grange.

Several other toasts were to have been given, but time would now allow.

The meeting then adjourned and the assemblage sought their respective homes apparently well satisfied with their first annual reunion.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

To Whom It May Concern.
Whereas in a moment of passion and self-forgetfulness, in Winfield, on Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1874, I publicly made statements derogatory to the character of the family of Mr. Ludolphus Holcomb, I now desire to retract all that I then said.

Subscribed in my presence, this 21st day of August, 1874.

N. H. WOOD, Justice of the Peace.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

SPHAR - DAGGETT. At the residence of Mr. William Daggett, in this county, by Robert Thirsk, J. P., on the 20th last, Mr. C. J. Sphar, to Miss R. D. Daggett.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

For Sale or Trade.
THE WELL KNOWN HORSE, "Young Wellington," will sell for cash or exchange for stock or land. The horse will stand at Darrah & Doty's livery stable, in Winfield, from Sept. 1st to Sept. 5th.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

GO TO THE St. Nicholas Restaurant for a good square meal.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

DON'T GO TO Mullen's to buy good coffee, because he pays the highest market price for hogs.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.

THE LARGEST stock of saddles ever brought to Cowley County, at Nate Roberson's, cheap for cash.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

About the 5th of this month, an expedition of five hundred pioneers is to start from Sioux City for the gold region of the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

A. N. Deming of Arkansas City announces himself for an office in this week's Traveler over the signature of "a Republican." We know `tis he by the fearful thinness of the article in particular and the claw marks in general. We also know that he is a candidate for an office, because the way all these shallow pated oppositioners begin the campaign is by abusing Manning.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Last week between Dodge City and Camp Supply, five farmers who lived in that vicinity, and were out hunting buffalo, were killed by Indians.

A. C. Williams, special agent of the Kickapoos, whose agency is about twenty-five miles below Arkansas City, sent in word to Capt. Norton a few days ago for assistance to protect himself and little band of Indians and the agency from the Osages. Mr. Osage had been making some hostile demonstrations. The Captain provided the required aid.

On the 17th ult., a party of six Indians fired upon the pickets at Medicine Lodge, it being promptly returned but without much effect, it being after dark and in brush.

On the morning of the 18th, a party of five Cheyennes made a descent upon the river eight miles above Medicine Lodge and captured five head of horses, at the same time firing seven shots at Dr. Bond.

The Wichita Beacon extra August 28th has the following.

Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Darlington, Indian Territory, August 25. A courier reached this agency last night at midnight from the vicinity of the Wichita agency, and reports that the Kiowas and Comanches had attacked that agency on the 22nd. He reports that six employees at the agency had been killed on the first day. Black Bear's son-in-law was also killed; also two colored soldiers, two Kiowas, and one Comanche. The Indians sacked Shirly's store, packed his own goods on his own mules, and ran them off. Comanches and Kiowas are reported arriving from the plains, and the battle is still raging.

The troops were endeavoring to save the remaining employees, property, etc We have tried to get a courier through, but thus far have failed to get positive information of the exact state of affairs. General Neil, in command of the troops at this agency, thinks he can hold his position against any hostile bands. (Signed) JOHN MILES, U. S. Indian Agent.

The Indians about the same time attacked Col. Davidson, U. S. Commander at Ft. Sill, but at last accounts were repulsed.

O. F. Short, who did the government surveying in Cowley County, was killed by the Indians last week. He had a party of men doing government surveying in this state southwest of Fort Dodge, and the Indians killed and scalped him and five of his party. They were subsequently found and buried by another surveying party.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Prof. Norton, of Arkansas City, was defeated in the state convention as candidate for the nomination for Superintendent of Public Instruction. This was a great disappointment to his many friends and especially to the southwest, which craved a place on the ticket. The Prof. had a majority of the convention and on the first ballot stood five votes above Gen. Frazer. But owing to the confusion in the tally kept by the clerk resulting from the changes that some of the delegates had made, the result was announced in Fraser's favor. Norton's friends, seeing the scullduggery of Fraser' backers, and the determination of President Thatcher to nominate his pet in spite of the Convention, very properly demanded another ballot, which was finally granted, but not until a large number of Prof. Norton's friends had left the convention. On the final vote Fraser was nominated.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Items from the Traveler.
TO THE PUBLIC. Whereas unfounded rumors greatly exaggerating the present Indian difficulties have within the past few days been put in circulation, this is to give notice that any person caught in the act of originating and circulating falsehoods tending to disturb the peace and quiet of the community will be arrested and handed over to the proper authorities and dealt with according to law. G. H. NORTON, Capt. Militia.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

We saw a man between this place and Wichita mowing hay with a scythe, and raking it up with a rake made of poles, with a rope attached, hauled by two oxen. That man will provide for his stock, and will see that his family does not suffer. How many who are able to do much better are attempting to do nothing.

The Militia of Barbour County scalped the Indians whom they killed at Medicine Lodge recently.

The following dispatch was received by Captain Norton on Saturday evening.

TOPEKA, KANSAS, August 28th, 1874.
Capt. G. H. NortonArkansas City: Your company is ordered into active service, to commence from this date. Orders will be sent tomorrow. Supplies shipped to Wichita.

C. A. MORRIS, Adj. Genl.
The fifty ponies captured from the Osages by the Barbour County Militia, are herded at Medicine Lodge daily and brought within the stockade each night for safekeeping. They are held by Captain Ricker's company subject to the order of Gov. Osborn. The Governor will not deliver them back to the Osages unless they can prove:

1st. That the Indians from whom they were taken were a hunting party without hostile intentions to the citizens of Kansas.

2nd. That the Indians had not learned the order of their Agent to return to their reservation.

3rd. That the Indians did not fire first upon the Militia.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

New Gold Fields.
Gen. Custer's expedition after Indians in Dacotah Territory has developed the fact that untold mineral wealth exists in the Black Hills. The Black Hills lie about two hundred miles north of the Union Pacific railroad, and about three hundred and fifty miles northwest from Sioux City. Besides other minerals, gold is found in limitless quantities, in gulch and quartz. For years the existence of gold in that region has been known, but the country belongs to the Sioux Indians by treaty and no white man was allowed there. The whole country is ablaze with the news of the discoveries and several expeditions are preparing to take possession of the mines. Gen. Sheridan has issued an order forbidding people from going in there, but the probabilities are that the gold seekers will not heed this order.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Eggs are six cents per dozen.

Butter is scarce at thirty cents.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Mr. C. G. Oliver and his family moved back to Iowa last Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

The cellar walls of Sam Myton's new block are rapidly being put up.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Mr. J. L. M. Hill is counter jumping in Jos. Requa's Clothing Store.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Webb & Millington have moved their law office into Fuller's bank building.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Arms. 120 stand of arms arrived at Arkansas City the other day, for the use of the Militia.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Capt. W. S. Coburn, at the mouth of Grouse Creek, has a Militia company of forty men.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Mr. Kelly, the senior editor, has been very sick the past few days, but is recovering at present.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Mr. W. E. Doud has been promoted to chief clerk and errand boy at T. E. Gilleland's Boot and Shoe Store.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

A. A. Jackson has sold his restaurant to a gentleman from Wellington, who intends to start a bakery and lunch room. The new proprietor takes possession next Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Last week we saw Cowley County teams hauling wheat to Wichita, for which 90 cts. per bushel was paid. It was selling from 80 to 90 cts. in Winfield at the same time.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

A brother of Mr. A. T. Stewart arrived here this week with the intention of settling. He is a man of means and experience, and we hope he will find something to suit him.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

A petition is circulating for the purpose of getting the Governor's pardon for Bryant, the man who was sent to the penitentiary at the spring term of court for assisting Rucker to escape.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

The school board of this city has employed W. C. Robinson, Independence, Kansas, to take charge of our school the coming term. He is a brother to the Treasurer of the school board.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

New corn has been selling in town this week. We saw one load go for thirty cents per bushel, but the usual price is 30 to 65 cents. Wheat is still ranging about 80 to 85 cents.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

A Militia company has been organized in the vicinity of Maple City in the southeast part of the county. R. W. McNown, Captain; John Babbitt, 1st Lieutenant; and B. C. French, 2nd Lieutenant. L. W. Graham is Orderly Sergeant.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

The squeal of the festive hog is heard almost any hour of the day as they are being weighed on the scales of Nate Robinson. We never before supposed there were so many hogs in the county as we have seen in the past two weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Mr. T. G. Peyton started for Texas last Wednesday via Wichita, on a prospecting tour with a view of moving there. Mrs. Peyton accompanied him to Wichita, and will bring back her son, James Bigger, and his wife.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Lynn has lengthened out his store thirty feet. Business compelled it. His store is now seventy feet deep.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Newland donated us some of the largest apples we have seen this year. He got a few barrels of them from Michigan, and they went off like hot cakes.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

The Vernon Grasshoppers, and the Winfield Modocs, played a match game of base ball on the grounds of the latter on last Saturday. The game was "called" at the end of the seventh inning, and the score stood 47 to 35 in favor of the Modocs.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

A new store is being started in Jackson's building next door to Miller's Meat Market. They keep harness and a stock of general miscellany. The goods are being brought from Peoria, Illinois, and is a branch of the establishment of Ford, of Wichita. A harness repair shop will be run in connection.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Mrs. Gibson & Co., of the Ladies Bazar, have just received a large stock of hats, ties, gloves, and gauntlets, which they are prepared to sell at prices suited to the times.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Mr. Requa will accompany Mr. Bing to Cincinnati (when the latter goes to Europe) and when he returns, will bring with him the largest stock of clothing ever brought to this city. Mr. Requa buys goods for cash and therefore will be enabled to sell at the very lowest figure.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, after spending two days at the Osage Agency last week, and learning the deliberations of a two week's council of all the Osages, says there is no danger of an outbreak by the tribe. He says, however, that small parties of the young men in squads of ten or fifteen, may slip out and do mischief to isolated settlers.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Allison says that A. H. Green isn't fit to be general of the Militia of the southwest. Mr. Green was a captain during the rebellion, and carries recommendations signed by six or eight generals, among whom is the name of Gen. Sherman. Whether Green is capacitated for commanding the Militia is only a difference of opinion between Allison and Gen. Sherman.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Statement of the Treasurer of Cowley County,
for August 1874.
State school Supt.: $1,913.94

Fines, J. P. $2.00

Interest on school land sale: $186.07

Prin. on school land sale: $216.00

Redemption certificates: $60.74

Total: $2,378.75

School bond: $957.43

School district: $1,548.97

School Supt. Orders: $5.75

Redemption certificates: $72.50

Townships: $55.24

Total: $2,639.89


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

Six townships were represented at the Farmers', alias, Independent County Central Committee, meeting which was held in this city last Saturday. Including the spectators there were twenty-five persons present at one time but that number in a short time dwindled down to being from fifteen to eighteen.

The committee, after some talking, found that there was not enough brains among the members to carry on the convention, so the views of the spectators were solicited, whereupon the said spectators took things into their own hands and ran matters to suit themselves.

In the delegates to the Congressional and Senatorial Conventions, the farmer element is sadly lacking, and the members of the committee are anything but satisfied with the results of Saturday's meeting.

The following persons were chosen delegates to the Congressional Convention that met at Emporia on the 4th inst.: Amos Walton and W. M. Allison; R. B. Saffold, alternate. To the Senatorial Convention: A. T. Stewart, T. H. Henderson, C. A. McClung, H. D. Gans, E. Millard.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

There will be a basket meeting held in Limbocker's Grove five miles north of Winfield, in connection with the Second Quarterly meeting, for the Winfield charge, commencing on the 19th of September, at 11 o'clock. Quarterly conference at 2 o'clock. There will be no camp meeting held as contemplated, for the reason that no one could be found near Winfield, who had suitable grounds, that were willing that their ground should be used for such a purpose. JOHN McQUINTON, P. E.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

J. W. Wyatt, the ex-treasurer of School District No. 94 in this county, was arrested recently by the constable of Windsor Township, and yesterday he was brought to this city, by said constable, for safekeeping. He was arrested for embezzling $22.40 of the school money during his term of office, which expired a few days ago.

Shortly after the arrival in this city of the constable and his prisoner, the former came around to County Attorney Torrance and told him that the latter had given him the slip, and wishing to know what he should do about it.

Mr. Torrance told him that the best thing he could do would be to hunt him up.

"Where shall I look for him?" inquired the constable.

"Look in the direction that you think he went," said Torrance.

"But he ain't guilty."

"How do you know?"

"Well, I know he ain't and I know that we can prove that he ain't, so don't you think that we had better let him go, and prove that he ain't guilty afterward?"

"No," said Torrance. "I don't. After he has been proved to be innocent, there is plenty of time to let him go, so you had better hurry and hunt him up."

The constable started for the door, but before he got to it, he turned round and remarked, "I don't see any need for you to come clear over to our place just to prosecute this innocent man. Hadn't you better depute Mr. Story to set in your place and then write him a note saying that you don't think the prisoner is guilty, and for Story not to appear against him!"

Upon this Torrance began to feel angry and told the constable that the sooner he started after that prisoner, the sooner he would be apt to catch him and he needn't trouble himself about the prosecution for he would be there himself to attend to the case.

In a short time the constable was seen to disappear behind the blacksmith shop opposite the Methodist church; and in about half an hour, he emerged on the back of his horse with the prisoner walking by his side and took his way back to Lazette.

Wyatt receives his trial before Justice Gans today.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.

In this city on the 20th, by Rev. B. C. Swarts, Mr. Frank Wigerer, of Marion County, Kansas, to Miss Susie M. Busch, of Maple Township.

At the office of Fitz Simmons Esq., Aug. 23rd, Mr. Monroe Turney to Miss Mary Williams. All of Maple Township.

At the residence of M. Busch, in Maple Township, on the 20th ult., by Adam Walck, Esq., Mr. Adrian Williamson and Miss Sylvia Walker.

Adrian, I admire your choice. You have taken from our midst one of our fairest daughters, and that you may prove a faithful and indulgent husband, is the wish of all. W.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Kinne & Meigs purchased one acre near Salt City for $500, containing the sulphur springs. On this acre is a pond of water, from which three different kinds of mineral water can be dipped, which is claimed by persons who have drank and bathed in it, to be very healthy. Press.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The Arkansas City Traveler, enters upon its fifth volume this week. The Traveler is without doubt one of the best papers published in the southwest, and ought to be liberally sustained. C. M. Scott certainly deserves well of the people of Arkansas City. He has ever been mindful of their interests, and given them the best paper possible under all the circumstances. That the Traveler will be well sustained in the future as it has in the past, we do not doubt. Mr. Scott well says: "The citizens of Arkansas City and Cowley County know too well that it is a death blow to all to have its press deserted."

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

We are informed by E. P. Kinne, Esq., that Agent Gibson of the Osages came up to the state line a few days ago and took the Kickapoos down with him to the agency.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

O. F. Short, Esq., who was killed by the Indians a few days ago, was formerly a resident of Atchison, and was well known by our old citizens. He was a member of the first city council of Atchison, and at one time owned considerable property here. He purchased the Squatter Sovereign in 1857, and was its editor and publisher until February, 1858, when the present proprietor of the Champion purchased the establishment from him.

Mr. Short was an honorable gentleman, respected by all who knew him. He was a surveyor by profession, and has been engaged on the frontiers of this state, in the business of his profession, for many years past. The news of his murder will be received with sincere sorrow, by his numerous friends and acquaintances. Atchison Champion.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The Methodists have received aid from the Methodist Aid Society, and will begin the erection of a 25 x 40 brick house, to cost $3,000.

The Investigating committee promise to have their work finished in ten days. It has cost the county several hundred dollars already.

Remanto is boring for coal, laying off their townsite, talking of having a newspaper, and doing things up in a business manner generally.

SHEEP. Mr. Turner, of Monmouth, Illinois, has 550 head of Sheep coming to this point. From all accounts sheep do remarkably well in Southern Kansas.

Potatoes were retailing in town last Monday at $1.50 per bushel. They were raised on Hickory Creek, Butler County, and were as good as any we ever saw.

STEAM MILL. Wm. Speers has gone after his new steam mill, and will have the machinery here in a few days. An effort is being made to have it located on the townsite.

The Kickapoo Indians were supplied with rations sent to the Militia before they could be removed to the Sac and Fox Agency, where Mr. Gibson has concluded to take them.

After boring through one foot of blue limestone in the bottom of Walker's well, a lake of water fifteen feet in depth was entered.

Major Sleeth, Mr. Maxwell, and a number of others have corn on the Arkansas that will yield forty bushels to the acre.

Agent Gibson canceled the contracts for flour from this place to the Osages, and declares that we shall have no more of the Indian trade as long as the Militia remains on the line. We had better let the contracts go than to have no farming along the line.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

DALLAS, TEXAS, Aug. 23, 1874.
ED. COURIER: If it would please you and the readers of your valuable paper to hear something of Texas from an old citizen of Cowley County, you are welcome to insert the following, or such a part of it as you deem worthy of note.

Crops are poor in this section of the state. Corn will not exceed twenty bushels to the acre, while cotton will make almost nothing; cotton is open now and many farmers say they are half done picking; the reason it matured so early is on account of the drouth; there has been no rain here since early May (we arrived here in June); consequently, the grass as well as the crops is burned up. The ground is cracked open, and the creeks are done dry, except in holes which are so boggy that dozens of heads of horses and cattle bog up and die daily. But this is not the worst feature, for many families have to haul it for their own use.

The grangers are organizing a good many lodges, but they are not strong like they are in Kansas. It is generally thought to be a good movement. Politics are running high here, but the Democrats (as they call themselves) hold the reins. They selected a legislature to suit themselves last fall and now every paper in the state has christened them "bores;" so much for the democratic legislature. One of the leading rebel papers, the Dallas Daily Herald, compared the legislature to Gesler, the great Swiss tyrant, who had his laws made in fine print and placed so high that no person could read them, and then punished the people for disobeying them; it says they made laws and never even published them, and that we are living in violation of the laws and laying ourselves liable daily. It is the same paper that got off the following when they found that they had elected their men. "We are at last free of the carpet baggers. We will soon feel the blessings of liberty, thanks to the brave Texans."

The Indians are on the warpath out west, committing many depredations and driving the settlers from their homes. The soldiers are having encounters with the Indians almost daily. The soldiers in most cases have come out first best. No anxiety is felt over the Negro excitement, the whites are too strong for them.

In conclusion, I would advise the readers of the COURIER, and all the citizens of Southern Kansas to stay where they are, for it is as fine a county and as well watered as there is in the United States, and A. B. is coming back again. A. B.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Joseph Requa and Isaac Bing, under the firm name of Requa & Bing, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Joseph Requa will continue the business at the old stand, and will collect all accounts and pay all the indebtedness of the firm. JOSEPH REQUA, ISAAC BING.

Winfield, Kansas, August 31st, 1874.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

J. C. Fuller is having his bank building fitted up in good style.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

J. J. Williams left this city Thursday morning for the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

BIRTH. W. E. Doud rejoices in the possession of a newly arrived seven and a half pound baby.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

C. C. Stevens, formerly of this city, has recently been appointed postmaster at Remanto.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Perry Castetler is slashing around amongst the dry goods and boots and shoes down at Scott's.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

J. K. Hudson is the "Independent" candidate for Congress in opposition to Judge Brown.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

There will be preaching at the Christian church Lords Day at 11 o'clock by John Blevins, of Eldorado.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

DIED. On Wednesday, August 26th, at his residence in Maple Township, Mr. Silas Albert, aged 51 years.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

A good deal of wheat is being fed to the stock in this county this fall instead of corn. Those who use it say that it is cheaper.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Look out for Requa next week when he returns from Cincinnati with his new stock of clothing. Go early and pick out a suit of clothes.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The Catholics of Winfield will take notice that the Rev. Z. C. Shurz, will hold divine service in this city on the 30th inst. at 9-1/2 o'clock a.m.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The hog market has been quite lively here for the past few days. Buyers are paying as high as one and a half cents per pound for good hogs.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Douglas Hite, an ex-typo of this office, has gone to join the militiA. The reds had better look out, for if they should make Doug angry, he will raise some of their top-knots.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Thus far no one has taken enough interest in the needy of Cowley County to prepare any estimate of their number for the information of the Legislature. Are there any needy here?

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The contract to build a bridge across Dutch Creek was let to E. P. Kinne, Esq., of Arkansas City, for $2,500 dollars. It is to be what is known as the Fake Truss. The bridge is, we believe, to be completed in sixty days.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Mr. Stuber, from Peoria, Illinois, gave us a friendly call a few days ago. He has purchased Mitch Dun's farm on Dutch Creek for one thousand dollars. Mr. Stuber will return to Illinois in a few days, and settle up his business preparatory to moving to this county.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Mr. Oliver, of Beaver Township, sold his farm of 160 acres this week to a Mr. Baker, lately of Illinois, for $1,800. Mr. Oliver is a good citizen and we hope he will not leave the county. Mr. Baker has, also, the appearance of being a first class man.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Rev. Martin, our Representative, starts Monday for Topeka to attend the special session of the Legislature. He has sent for a pass to ride over the railroad free. By this we conclude that he has accepted the proposition made by the railroads to carry Members free, if they would not charge the state mileage.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Brown & Markwort have got their bakery in running order, and as they expect to keep a good and full stock, they will doubtless do a good business. They have just received the finest assortment of candies that we have ever seen in this city. The baker, Mr. Markwort, thoroughly understands his businessanything baked by him will be baked right.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Quite a number of "the boys" of this city are serving in the Arkansas City militia: Wirt Walton, Bob Sheather, Billy Anderson, and Douglas Hite, a former employee of this office. They are now doing their duty as soldiers. L. J. Webb went down to the City to enlist, but was taken sick and brought home. The militia brought the Kickapoo squaws up to Arkansas City for "protection" last week, and now they are patrolling the border and running down into the Territory occasionally.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The constable of Windsor Township who last week had charge of Wyatt, the defaulting treasurer of School District number 94, after trying in vain to let his prisoner get away from him while he was in this city, got on a drunk at Lazette and of course Wyatt didn't feel it to be his duty to take care of the drunken constable, so he went off some place, and when County Attorney Torrance went to Lazette last Friday, to prosecute the case, no prisoner was there to proceed against.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Mrs. Judge Johnson and Mrs. W. L. Mullen started east last Tuesday. Mrs. Johnson goes to Cleveland, and Mrs. Mullen to Champaigne, Illinois. In the meantime Messrs. Mullen and Johnson are disconsolate.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

A petition is being circulated asking that the legislature pass a law whereby a person cannot be compelled to pay a debt inside of a year from the time judgment is rendered against them, and that mortgages cannot be foreclosed in one year, and taxes will not have to be paid until the crops of 1875 shall give the farmer the wherewith to pay them. With these advantages the people think they can manage to live through the winter.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The Winfield Literary and Dramatic Club will give an entertainment under the management of T. A. Wilkinson, on Thursday, Sept. 30. A full programme will appear in next week's issue. The proceeds are to be applied in paying for the Public School Organ. Great pains will be taken to make this the best affair of the kind ever held in Winfield. Mrs. Russell of Wichita, one of the finest singers in the state, and Professors Hulse and E. J. Hoyt are expected to aid in the entertainment.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Up in Windsor Township, the story was reported that the railroad was carrying people free who wished to leave the county, whereupon one Redpath tumbled his wife and baby into a wagon and drove to Wichita, to take the train for a more favored region. When making application for a free ride, he was told the company had just quit that kind of business. In wrath he returned to Cowley County, having traveled one hundred and twenty miles by wagon, which distance would have carried him out of the state due east. He says now he is going to stay.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

The following act passed by congress in the last days of the session, will no doubt be of benefit to some few of the settlers on these lands. Most of the papers publish it under the head of "Homesteads," which will have a tendency to mislead some.

[Published by authority.]
An act to extend the time for completing entries of Osage Indian lands in Kansas.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled.

That all actual settlers on the Osage Indian trust and diminished reserve lands in the State of Kansas shall be allowed one year from the passage of this act, in which to make proof and payment;

Provided That all purchasers who avail themselves of the provisions of this act, shall pay interest on the purchase price of their lands at the rate of five per centum from the date when payment was required by previous laws to date of actual payment;

And, provided further, That no further extension of payment shall be granted, than that provided for in this act, and that all occupants on said Osage lands shall file their applications to purchase the lands occupied by them, within three months after the passage of this act, or forfeit all right or claim to the same.

Approved June 23, 1874.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

At the Methodist church in this city on Sunday evening, Sept. 7th, Mr. S. B. Littell and Miss Eva Oliver, both of this county.

Sept. 7th, at the residence of the groom's father, by the Rev. E. P. Hickok, Miss Sarah Reed to Mr. William Puden. All of Winfield Township.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Sealed Proposals.
SEALED proposals will be received by the District Clerk of School District No. 1, at Curns & Manser's office, until Monday, Sept. 21, 1874, for furnishing said School District with 15 cords of first class seasoned firewood, to be delivered at the school building as the board may direct. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of school district number one. C. S. MANSER, Dist. Clerk.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

EVERYBODY got tired of reading the Beecher-Tilton scandal and they have now turned their attention to their own affairs. The first thing they did was to walk into Miller & Hill's meat market where they got the tenderest, sweetest meat they ever saw. Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, all kinds of sausage, and in fact anything kept in a first class market, can be had by calling at Miller & Hill's, one door south of St. Nicholas.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

New Bakery.
Messrs. Brown & Markwort wish to inform the citizens of Winfield and vicinity that their new bakery, located in the St. Nicholas Restaurant building, Main street, is now open and prepared to accommodate customers. It is our intention to keep a complete stock of all kinds of bakery on hand, such as bread of all kinds, pies, cakes, etc., and in addition to our bakery we shall keep a good fresh stock of canned fruits, nuts, and confectionery. A lunch room will be kept in connection, open at all hours, where farmers and others can get a meal worth from ten cents to as much higher as liked. In soliciting the patronage of the public, we have only to pledge ourselves to keep a good stock on hand which will entitle us to a liberal share of public favor. Give us a call.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Hay for Sale.
100 tons choice hay for sale cheap. The purchaser securing a range of 400 acres, 30 acres corn stalks, good feed lot, plenty of timber for shelter, and plenty of good water. Altogether a desirable location for wintering cattle. For terms call on John Irwin, on the Walnut, 3 miles northwest of Little Dutch P. O.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Gen. Custer's final official report to Gen. Terry recapitulates his former statements, and takes strong ground in favor of the immediate opening of the Black Hills for military reasons, endorses the part of gold discoveries, and suggests further operations next season. Nevertheless, professors Winchell and Donaldson asserted that Custer does not know of his own knowledge that any color of gold was found in the Black Hills.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Arms From the Government.
A short time back Governor Osborn asked of the president five hundred stands of arms, with which to equip men for the defense of the southwestern and western frontier. He was curtly informed by the secretary of war (to whom the application was referred) that Kansas could get no arms unless she paid for them in advance, as she had already owed for some before received.

In Tuesday's Commonwealth, a lengthy letter from the Governor to the President is published in which the whole matter is shown up in its true light. The Governor shows that nearly all the arms charged to the state are inferior muzzle loaders which were furnished Kansas militia to assist the federal troops in driving back General Price when he invaded Missouri in 1864. He holds that as Kansas militia gallantly assisted in the defeat of the rebel army, the arms with which they then were furnished should not be charged to the state, at least not without permitting an exchange of the same for breech loaders.

The last position he grounds upon the fact that the Indians have the best Winchester and needle guns, and that it is folly for militia with muzzle loaders to attack them.

The governor further shows that first and last Kansas has expended $350,000 in defending her citizens against Indians whose good behavior the general government guaranteed. The governor further shows that the United States military in this state is entirely inadequate to protect the settlers whenever the redskins conclude to go on a marauding and murdering expedition, and that for the last two months, almost daily news has been received of citizens in this state being murdered or robbed by the pets of the Washington officials. In short, he makes out a case that will meet with the endorsement of every man on the frontier except the bloodless Quaker agents, who, as a rule, are determined to report peace so long as the stealings are remunerative. It is to be hoped that the action of the governor will materially assist the agencies at work to secure a transfer of the Indian affairs to the war department. The miserable muffs and fools in the east who know nothing practically about the redskins have had their say long enough. Let the advice of the west be honored with an experiment, at least.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Commissioners' Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 7th, 1874.
Board met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.

Mrs. Hannah Marquis appeared with her attorney, T. H. Johnson, in pursuance of an order to correct her personal property assessments for the year 1874, and it is hereby made known that the board have this day allowed the said Mrs. Hannah Marquis to correct her said assessment by returning for taxation $1,000 in money not heretofore returned by the assessor, for the year 1874. And the County Clerk is hereby ordered to place the same on the tax roll for the year 1874.

And now comes Lewis Stevens in pursuance of an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment for the year 1874. Be it known that after hearing of the statements under oath, of the said Stevens, it is hereby ordered and adjudged by the board that the personal property of said Lewis be increased $260. That being the proceeds of a span of mules sold about the first of March 1874, and the county clerk is hereby ordered to place that amount on the tax roll of 1874 in addition to what has been heretofore returned by the assessor against the said Stevens.

And now comes David Thompson in pursuance of an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment for the year 1874, and after hearing the evidence of the said Thompson under affirmation, it is ordered by the board that the county clerk increase the assessment of said Thompson $700 on the tax roll of 1874 in addition to that already returned by the assessor.

And now comes John Brooks in pursuance to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment for 1874, and after hearing his sworn statement, it is ordered that the county clerk increase the assessment of said Brooks, as heretofore returned by the assessor of 1874, by adding thereto one horse valued at one hundred dollars, one mule seventy-five dollars, one wagon sixty dollars, and money and credits less legal deductions $2,000, making a total increase of said Brook's assessment of $2,236.

And now comes Kinne, of the firm of Meigs & Kinne, in pursuance of an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment of said Meigs & Kinne, as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. And after having statements of said Kinne under oath, it is hereby agreed by the board that the assessment of Meigs & Kinne as reported by the assessor for the year 1874, is correct.

And now comes R. B. Saffold in pursuance to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. And after hearing the statements of the said R. B. Saffold under oath, it is agreed that the assessment of said Saffold as heretofore returned is correct.

And now comes James Jordon in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. After hearing the statement of said Jordon under oath, it is ordered that the county clerk place upon the tax roll for the year 1874 all the mortgages that appeared on the records of the county on the 1st day of March, 1874, in the name of said James Jordon, and tax the same as the property of said Jordon.

And now comes S. D. Pryor in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. After hearing the sworn statement of the said S. D. Pryor, it is ordered by the board that the county clerk shall assess and place upon the tax roll of 1874 all the mortgages that appear on the records of the county in the name of Pryor. Mortgages to be taxed as the property of S. D. Pryor.

Now comes C. C. Harris, in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for 1874. After hearing the evidence, it is agreed to allow Harris to furnish the county clerk a list of his mortgages for taxation. The county clerk is authorized to place the same on the tax roll for 1874, for taxation.

Now comes R. B. Waite in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. After hearing the evidence, it is ordered by the board that the personal property assessment of Waite as returned by the assessor be increased $110.80. The county clerk is ordered to place on the tax roll of 1874 as the property of R. B. Waite, all the mortgages that appear on the records of the county on the 1st day of March, 1874, in the name of R. B. Waite.

The board then proceeded to levy taxes for the year 1874, as follows, to-wit:

For State tax, 6 mills; County tax, 10 mills; County Judgment, no levy; Beaver Township tax, 1 mill; Bolton, 2½ mills; Creswell, 7 mills; Creswell Tp. Bond, 6 mills; Cedar, 1 mill; Dexter road, 2 mills; Harvey, 1 mill; Maple, 1 mill; Ninnescah, 1 mill; Omnia, 1 mill; Omnia road, 1 mill; Otter, 1 mill; Pleasant Valley, 1½ mills; Richland, 1½ mills; Rock Creek, ¾ mill; Silver Creek, 1 mill; Spring Creek, 1 mill; Spring Creek road, 2 mills; Silverdale, 2 mills; Sheridan, 1 mill; Tisdale, 1 mill; Vernon, 1 mill; Windsor, 1 mill; Winfield, 1½ mills; Winfield Bond, 6 mills.

Adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock a.m.

Sept. 8, 1 o'clock p.m.
Board met. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.

Max for school bonds and school purposes in the various districts as follows . . . .

And now came A. C. Holland, and moved the board to set aside the order of the board heretofore made on the 19th day of May, 1874, rejecting the report of the viewers and survey of what is known as the Holland county road, and it appearing to the board that the road is traveled by the public and the owners of the land affected by the opening of the road having relieved all damages sustained by them in consequence of the opening of the road, the report of the viewers and survey made in that behalf is approved and the road ordered opened, and the same recorded and platted on the road record.

Adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Commissioners' Proceedings.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.

The following bills were presented and acted on as follows.

J. J. Williams, courthouse repairs: $33.00

J. W. Strickland, courthouse repairs: $9.50

Stewart & Simpson, courthouse repairs: $26.00

M. Miller, courthouse repairs: $14.62

S. H. Myton, courthouse repairs: $2.17

Road Viewers: $2.00Lucius Walton, James Vandersol, E. Willet.

Road Chainmen: $1.50F. J. Jones, L. D. Randall, J. M. Midkiff.

Surveyor: W. W. Walton$8.00

A. H. Green, drugs for prisoners: $15.00; $14.47.

T. G. Peyton, phy. for pris.: rejected.

[Skipped the rest of bills presented and acted on.]

Ordered that the County Clerk notify the trustees of each township to furnish this office a statement of the necessities of their townships with a view to furnish the Legislature the necessary data upon which to disburse relief.

Report of J. I. Mitchell, Township Trustee, presented and approved by the Board.

Board adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow.

SEPTEMBER 10, 1874.
Board met pursuant to adjournment, R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry, present.

The contract made between A. H. Green and the Board for medicine for prisoners, is this day revoked, and it is agreed between Dr. G. W. Graham and this Board that Graham shall have the sanitary care of the prisoners of Cowley County, and Graham shall furnish his own medicines until further ordered.

In the matter of boarding the prisoners of Cowley County made by this Board with the Sheriff, is this day revoked.

The County Clerk is ordered by this Board to prepare a list of all the mortgages on the records of this county on the 1st day of March, 1874, and submit the same to the board at its next meeting for the tax roll, in accordance with law, all mortgages not returned by the assessor.

In the matter of the personal property assessment of the Cowley County Bank, it is ordered by the Board that the assessment shall be increased to the amount of capital stock of said bank as published in the annual statement of the bank by the cashier, during the month of July, 1874, in the Arkansas City Traveler.

On motion the Board adjourned to meet on the first Monday of October, 1874.

M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Sweet potatoes are selling at 12 cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

T. E. Gilleland has added a repair shop to his boot and shoe store.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

We notice a new building being put up on Main Street by R. Ehret.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The Walnut is up sufficient to start the flouring mills at this place running.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee started for his old home in Ohio last Monday, on a trip for his health.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Newland at the Log Store is closing out his stock, preparatory to discontinuing the business.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The fall term of the District Court commences on the 28th inst. There are ninety cases on the docket.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The Investigation committee have at last finished their labors. Their report will be made at the next meeting of the board, after which it will be made public.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black have taken up their residence in this city. This change will be hailed with pleasure by the numerous friends of Mr. Black and his estimable lady.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The daily coach between here and Arkansas City, is to be taken off and a buckboard run every other day in its stead. The change will take place in a few days, so says the Traveler.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Forty old racks of bones, branded "S. Co.," at one time horses in the employ of the S. W. Stage Company, passed through town yesterday on their way to winter quarters in Howard County.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Mr. Requa has returned from Cincinnati where he has been selecting his fall stock of goods. He gives a glowing description of beauties and wonders of the Cincinnati Exposition, which is now in full blast.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The Special session of the Legislature convened last Tuesday. W. P. Hackney of this place, the Representative from Sumner, and Wm. Martin, the Representative of this county, are in attendance.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The Presbyterian church holds communion service on next Sabbath at the close of morning sermon. The meeting announced for Saturday afternoon will be omitted.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

John Brocknell, James Brown, Henry Bozark, and Dick Walker all take their meals at the Courthouse now. They will receive proper attention at the hands of Judge Campbell at the next term of the District court.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

L. J. Webb presided over the recent Senatorial Convention at Wichita with much credit to himself and honor to the county. For a young man he has few equals as a skilled parliamentarian or live criminal lawyer. Cowley County could do worse than to elect him County Attorney this fall.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

We publish elsewhere a call for a meeting of the citizens of this place, at the courthouse on next Tuesday, for the purpose of organizing a Literary and Scientific Association for the establishment of a Library and Reading Room, the employment of public lecturers, etc. This city has long felt the need of something of this sort and we are glad that the matter has been taken hold of at last. Let everybody attend the meeting next Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

We, the undersigned citizens of Winfield, agree to attend a public meeting to be held in this city, to take into consideration the desirability of organizing a Literary and Scientific Association, having in view the establishment of a Library and Reading-Room, the employment of public lecturers, the encouragement of literature, and otherwise promoting moral and intellectual improvement. Said meeting to be held at the Courthouse, at 7 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, September 22, 1874.

(Signed) D. A. Millington, W. Q. Mansfield, E. S. Torrance, V. B. Beckett, M. L. Robinson, John E. Allen, James E. Platter, E. C. Manning, T. H. Johnson, A. H. Green, Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Hane, J. B. Fairbanks, J. W. Curns, G. S. Manser, and M. L. Read.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

DIED. Freddy Evans, aged six or seven years old, a little son of Jerry Evans of this city, was drowned in the Walnut River just below the stone mill, this morning, while in bathing. His body was recovered after considerable search, and conveyed to the house of his parents. We extend our warmest sympathy to the bereaved parents in their deep affliction.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Wirt W. Walton was appointed chairman of the committee on resolutions at the late Republican Senatorial Convention, which position he filled in a manner creditable to himself and the county which he represented. Mr. Walton is a young man of acknowledged ability, with an experience far beyond his years, and will undoubtedly make his mark in the world in future years.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The firm of Ellis & Black has dissolved, Chas. Black having purchased the interest of Mr. Ellis. Everybody likes Charley and all will be rejoiced to hear that he will continue the business as usual at the old stand. Mr. Ellis does not leave the store, but will always be found behind the counter ready to accommodate his numerous friends and customers, so that the only apparent change is the firm name, which is now simply "Chas. C. Black."

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Mr. J. B. Lynn, of the firm of J. B. Lynn & Co., has just returned from the east where he has been purchasing a large stock of fall and winter goods which he offers for sale for cash or produce at bottom prices.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Frank Lutz says his girl waved her handkerchief at him as he passed the house last evening. In response, he waved his coat sleevewhich he uses as a handkerchief.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

De Bois' surveying party left Wichita yesterday en route for the Indian Territory. Their work lies southwest of Ft. Sill. Several citizens of this county go with them, among whom is Tell Walton, taking the chances on losing their scalps for forty dollars per month.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Word was received here last Monday that Mr. T. G. Peyton, upon returning from his late visit to Texas, had been taken very sick at Longton. Upon receipt of the intelligence, Mrs. Peyton, his wife, and Dr. Peyton, his son, started for his bedside immediately, and brought him home on Wednesday. He is on his feet again.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Mr. Kelly, the Sen. editor, has been up in the north part of the State all of this week. Numerous reports are in circulation as regards his business. Some who pretend to be posted state that he will undergo a great and wonderful change in his relation to the world and particularly to one of the gentler sex. We await further developments.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Luscious! was the ejaculation of the boys when they had eaten about a peck of the finest peaches brought to town this season, grown on the farm of and presented by J. S. Baker. Mr. Baker is the purchaser of the Oliver place three miles west of town. He now owns one of the very best farms in this county. It produced an abundance of small grain, besides about 50 bushels of peaches, 1,500 pounds of grapes, and a host of blackberries and other small fruits, this season.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

Arkansas City can best any town in Southern Kansas for croquet or chess playing. Traveler.

It may be that this is true but we are willing to bet either money, marbles, or chalk that there are at least two and perhaps half a dozen men in this city who can check the baggage of the best chess player that city can boast of. As regards croquet, we are willing to allow them the honor because we are not posted as regards the croquet players of this city. Winfield can beat anything you have got at cribbage, checkers, backgammon, etc.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

A Card.
The undersigned, having purchased the interest of J. J. Ellis, will continue the business at the old stand of Ellis & Black, and invites the continued patronage of the public.

Winfield, September 14, 1874.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

A wagon passed through Great Bend last summer, bearing the legend of, "Colorado, or hell." The same wagon returned the other day, with the words, "Hell preferred," added to his motto. Monitor.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, Cowley County, Kansas, to be held on and from the 28th, inst., and have been placed upon the Trial Docket in the following order.

The State of Kansas vs. Lucius McMasters.

The State of Kansas vs. Thomas Quarles.

The State of Kansas vs. John Brocknell and James D. Brown.

The State of Kansas vs. Joel P. Vandeveer.

The State of Kansas vs. A. T. Stewart.

The State of Kansas vs. Henry Bozark.

Zimri Stubbs vs. Samuel Jay et al.

John Smith vs. Samuel P. Berryman.

George W. Ballou vs. Jas. A. Brake.

C. J. Brane vs. E. Fredrick.

Thomas L. Clark vs. A. D. Keith.

Clifton N. Wood vs. J. W. Millspaugh, Rec. Sarah Apple vs. Jacob Apple.

Amos Sanford vs. Enoch Maris et al.

Dora Kiger vs. Henry Kiger.

James Hadly vs. Brainard and Jane Goff.

Ransom Johnson et al vs. Nancy Fay et al.

James M. Shelly & Co. vs. T. H. Benning.

Andrew Horneman vs. Ephraim Tucker.

Herman Sartin vs. Chas. Johnson.

John Weiss vs. John N. Yerger.

R. B. Saffold vs. Burl F. Martin.

John Manly vs. Geo. W. Bailey.

John F. Graham vs. Geo. W. Bailey et al.

Fathan K. Jeffries vs. Martin L. Read.

Emerson & Co. vs. Nelson D. Clark.

Wm. D. Carver vs. G. M. Rouse et al.

Elisha S. Babcock vs. John Jones.

Elizabeth B. Loomis vs. Christ Miller et al.

M. Ludley Lee vs. S. F. Roberts et al.

J. M. Shelly & Co. vs. Earnest Raiman.

E. J. Gambal vs. Robert White.

Wm. Douglass vs. Andrew Dehu.

Wm. Rogers vs. Joseph C. Blandin et al.

Earnest Wadsaok vs. Christian King.

Elias Bean vs. Niles O. Bailey.

The State of Kansas vs. Thos. Quarles et al.

Appleton, Foyes & Co. vs. Jas. Parker et al.

The N. E. Loan Co. vs. John Glasford et al.

A. Skinner vs. John R. Davis.

T. H. Johnson vs. Zachary T. Swiggart.

Samuel R. Hunt vs. W. L. Cottingham.

Ottman & King vs. Thos H. Crone.

John B. Lauffer vs. D. D. Lewis.

T. H. Johnson vs. J. L. Richie.

W. J. Mowry vs. J. L. Richie.

Elijah C. Hawkins vs. Emma J. Hawkins.

John Swain vs. Seymour Tarrant.

J. Griffith vs. John Holland.

L. J. Waite vs. Marion Barnes et al.

J. C. Loomis vs. E. S. Chesney.

John Swain vs. Seymour Tarrant.

B. H. Bush vs. Thos. H. Crone.

Thos P. Jackson vs. Geo. W. Bailey et al.

F. Butterfula vs. H. H. Martin et al.

H. P. Farrar vs. Ida Fredrick.

L. J. Waite vs. W. E. Tansey.

S. L. Brettun vs. Wm. Ledman.

I. C. Musgrove vs. John Kirby.

Robert B. Finney vs. Alex Dixon et al.

Abel D. Bent vs. Alonzo F. Tryon et al.

Mary E. Claypool vs. Isaac Claypool.

H. S. Silver vs. H. D. Pickering.

Morgan, Young & Co. vs. E. P. Young.

M. Brettun vs. Saml. T. Crane.

M. Brettun vs. Saml Maule et al.

Elizabeth Britt vs. S. W. Britt.

E. S. Babcock Jr. vs. Sylvanus Phelan et al.

S. L. Brettun vs. Edward Fredrick et al.

Mark Phillips vs. Hannah Phillips.

M. Brettun vs. John M. Pattison et al.

M. Brettun vs. John H. Davis et al.

S. L. Brettun vs. C. C. Krow et al.

A. A. Jackson vs. Zephania Silver.

R. Lawson vs. Thomas Lawson.

Lizzie M. Martin vs. Amos E. Mahaney.

H. F. Bartine vs. H. C. Crow et al.

A. H. Horneman vs. Geo. W. Bailey.

Michael Miller vs. Matilda Miller.

M. A. Andrews vs. Fred Crop.

A. D. Lee vs. F. O. and H. G. Crow.

Mary A. Millington vs. S. Darrah, Admr.

Stephen H. Gibson vs. John Tullis.

I. C. Musgrove vs. Laban L. Williams.

Allen Carleson vs. C. A. Bliss.

Abraham Wild vs. Maberry Spann et al.

E. B. Weitzel vs. Wm. Chase.

Wheeler & Wilson vs. John R. Davis.

City of Winfield vs. V. B. Beckett.

E. S. Torrance vs. County Commissioners.

R. L. Walker vs. County Commissioners.

Sophia P. Hane vs. Will M. Allison.

Geo Stewart vs. Rufus B. Waite.

E. S. Bedilion, Deputy.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The partnership heretofore existing between J. J. Ellis and Chas. C. Black is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Chas. C. Black retains the business, assumes all firm debts, and is authorized to collect and receipt for all accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm, will please call and settle with him immediately.

Dated Sept. 14th, 1874.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]

The Men Who Control the Opposition.
Chapter of Sound Reading.
The readers of the COURIER will bear witness to our patience under the slanderous misrepresentations of the Telegram and its allies, for two years past. We have hoped in forbearance to avoid a conflict with the "ring" that keeps that paper on its legs. Long since the people of the county withdrew their support from it on account of its personal abuse and unreliability. For more than a year it has been kept running by desperate makeshifts, by moving from room to room, and from garret to cellar about town because it could not pay rent. By paying its employees with promises, by borrowing material, by taking continuances in court against creditors who were trying to compel it, or its editor, to pay their honest debts, and with the aid of all the subterfuges, practiced only by scoundrels, backed by a ring that we hereafter describe in detail, it has succeeded in maintaining a sickly existence.

The ostensible purpose of its being is reform in politics and abuse of Manning. The real purpose of its being is the maintenance of the "Post Office ring" in Winfield. This ring has no influence in the country whatever except through it organ, the Telegram.

If a democrat in Pleasant Valley wants an office, he knows he must get it without the aid of the republican partyhence he comes to town, joins the post office ring in the abuse of the republican party, and says that Manning runs it. This is reported to the Telegram and at once Mr. Democrat is called a hardy son of toil, and a good man for some office. No questions are asked about his qualifications in reading, writing, or spelling, nor is his past character looked into. It is enough to know that he is opposed to Manning.

If a bull-head from Tisdale Township wants an office, whose ignorance and stupidity makes him a failure as a farmer, and who cannot get an endorsement from any intelligent man in the county, he at once seeks the P. O. ring, puts in some heavy anathemas against the Republican party in general and Manning in particular, and he is at once reported to the Telegram as a good man from Tisdale to work up the reform ticket in that locality.

If a bummer of Arkansas City, who has been kicked out of the Republican party for incompetency, ignorance, and rascality, wants an office, he writes an abusive article about Manning specially, and the Republican party generally, signs himself "Republican" or "farmer," sends it to the Telegram for publication, whereupon the P. O. ring set him down as one of the "good, noble, and true," men of Creswell Township who are disgusted with conventions and party lines, and who will make a good candidate on the "reform" ticket for some office.

Now and then a man who has voted for the Republican ticket for years from principle, is proposed for some office, and is beaten in convention because some other man is thought to be better, and he in a fit of passion and disappointment will fall to berating the Republican party or some of its members, whereupon the P. O. ring and Telegram fall to besliming him and convincing him that he was beaten by a trick, and that merit has no show in the Republican organization, and his only hope is to be a "reformer."

When the creditors of Allison or the Telegram press too hard upon the concern for pay, postmaster Johnston, or M. L. Read, step in with either cash or security and give relief. They can't afford to have the thing go down. Thus the P. O. "ring," by management, and the Telegram by blowing, have made and are making perpetual war on:

1st. The Republican party of Cowley County.

2nd. On the financial interests of Cowley County.

3rd. On the material development of Cowley County.

4th. On the business prosperity of Winfield.

Now we propose to show how it is done, and to show up the men who are doing it.

As to the first charge: the Republican party of Cowley County is or should be composed of men who adhere to the principle and policy of the national party, and carrying its principles and policy into Cowley County affairs, they demand that honest, competent, and honorable men be put in office, and that the public money be economically used, and strictly accounted for. That manufactories be fostered and markets for produce be established. To this end has the COURIER labored. To this end have the active members of the party devoted their energies politically. We challenge from anyone a successful contradiction of this statement.

The P. O. ring and the Telegram, have done for two years, and are still doing their best, to destroy the Republican party, and to defeat its noble mission. Two years ago this fall the

P. O. ring opposed the Republican nominees and worked up the liberal ticket and supported it. Capt. McDermott, the Republican nominee, was elected to the House in spite of them. As a member of the legislature from Cowley County he sent forty copies of the Commonwealth every week during the session, to the Winfield post office for distribution among the people here that they might know what the action of their representative was. Postmaster Johnston did not distribute those papers, but destroyed them, and Capt. McDermott knew nothing of it until his return. Not one word of reproach can be raised against Capt. McDermott while a member of the legislature.

Nor can one word of reproach be truthfully said against any of the county officers elected by the Republican party two years ago, save it be some acts of the county board.

Now we declare that neither the Republican party nor any of its active members were responsible for the actions of the board which were subject to criticism. The county board was composed of two men, Messrs. Cox and Maurer, who were elected by the Republican party, and Mr. Smith, the other, was elected on the liberal ticket. There are but one or two acts of that board that can by any stretch of the imagination be subjected to justifiable censure. One is the erection of the courthouse, without authority from the people, another was extravagance in purchasing books and blanks for the county officers.

For the first act, Col. J. M. Alexander and the P. O. ring are responsible. They are the parties who more than anyone persuaded Mr. Cox to make the contract with the city of Winfield to build a courthouse and jail.

Mr. Maurer, one of the Republican commissioners of the county, never consented to the movement. This action of the board was taken, too, in the face of a protest against it, signed by several prominent Republicans of Cowley County, E. C. Manning among the number.

The Telegram at the time endorsed the action of the board, and ridiculed the protest. This action of the P. O. ring cost the county $12,500.

For the second act A. A. Jackson, a Democrat, elected on the "people's" ticket, is responsible. He was familiar with the wants of the various county officers, and ordered books and blanks at pleasure. He obtained the confidence of the board and either recommended all the books and blanks that were ordered or else ordered them himself, and afterwards obtained the sanction of the board by stating that they were necessary. Jackson made a certain percent on all the books and blanks ordered by him by special arrangement with the various firms from which he ordered them. Jackson was one of the Telegram's pets at that time and a howler against the Republican party, and of course that paper had no word of censure for him. By this arrangement the county lost several thousand dollars.

The two acts above mentioned are all that could in any fairness be censured, unless it be claimed that the salaries allowed some of the county officers be considered too high. This may be true, but no party is to blame for that. Col. Alexander and other pets of the Telegram told the board that the salaries allowed the County Attorney and Probate Judge ought to be allowed, and several Republicans, among the number, E. C. Manning, discountenanced all these propositions, and Col. Manning declined to accept one half of the salary of the Probate Judge, notwithstanding he was entitled to it under the terms of his partnership association with Judge Johnson. He told Judge Johnson at the time that the salary was too large and he would not have a cent of any such money. So much for Colonel Manning, who we think deserves this mention at our hands, in passing, as he has been accused by the Telegram and its snuffers with being at the head, or bottom, of all the rascality ever perpetrated in the county.

An examination of County Clerk Jackson's books, which was demanded by the COURIER and Mr. Troup, the Republican County Clerk, who succeeded Mr. Jackson, developed the fact that Jackson's books, through incompetency, criminality, or both, were in a scandalously incorrect condition, and that J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasurer, had embezzled several thousand dollars of public money. Short was not a Republican elect, but was a member of the P. O. "Ring," a pet of the Telegram, and a howler against the Republican party.

An investigating committee of three, two of whom, the Chairman and one other member, opposed the Republican party last fall, has thus far failed to find anything wrong with the affairs of the Republican county officers although they have been in session several months.

The Telegram is for anybody or anything that will keep T. K. Johnston in the Post Office at Winfield, and serve the interests of its masters, Read & Robinson, and Alexander & Saffold.

When the COURIER expressed the sense of the Republicans of Cowley County, by reproaching Judge Lowe, our member of Congress, for his vote in favor of the salary gain bill, the Telegram made haste to endorse Judge Lowe, and the P. O. Ring sent Lowe a marked copy of each paper. About that time there was an effort made to put Johnson out and put in somebody else, but it failed through Lowe's influence. Lowe was told that all the Republicans wanted was a man in harmony with the party, no one was particular about the individual. But the COURIER had incurred Mr. Lowe's displeasure for denouncing him in common with the other salary grabbers. This coupled with the "Ring" endorsement of him saved T. K. At the present hour, after abusing the Republican administration, national, state, and county, for two years, the Telegram hoists the Republican State ticket because it knows it will be elected anyway. This is done to get Governor Osborn's endorsement to keep Johnston in the Post Office. It then hoists J. K. Hudson's name, a newspaper publisher, as a candidate for Congress because he is a "farmer," and hoists R. B. Saffold's name for State Senator because he is a "reformer," and opposed to the Republican party; while H. C. St. Clair, the Republican nominee, is a practical farmer and a patron of husbandry.

Now the Telegram and the "ring" are moving everything to organize an opposition to the Republican party of Cowley County this fall. Why? Because the Republican party won't endorse Johnston, a man bitterly obnoxious to the public, and notoriously dishonest, as postmaster; won't give the carpet-bagger from Leavenworth, Alexander, an office; won't favor the bonding of the County debt so as to enable Read & Robinson, and a few non- residents, to convert the several thousands of dollars of Co. scrip that they hold, into cash. These are the real reasons, no matter what their pretended reasons are. This disposes of charge No. 1.

Now for charge No. 2.

"War on the financial interests of Cowley County."

At the time the County Board let the Courthouse contract, Read & Robinson, bankers, were behind the scenes with the money bags. No one would take the contract unless the scrip could be cashed. Read & Robinson, bankers (known as M. L. Read), took the scrip at 65 cents on the dollar. They got it all. In August of last year, the Telegram "Ring" tried to hold a "farmers" political meeting at Winfield. They partially failed of their purpose. Rev. William Martin was one of the speakers of the occasion. The "ring" saw that Martin was the kind of stuff to make an available candidate out of, for the Legislature. He was just about stupid enough to be "above suspicion." So T. K. Johnston went out to the old man's home shortly after the meeting to interview him. He found the old man "sound," found him possessed of that qualification without which no "reformer" in Cowley County is considered sound, that is, he was opposed to Manning (that he didn't know why he should be, doesn't matter), and were he not a Reverend, might be induced to curse him, which would make him the more desirable. Anyway, he would oppose him and that was a good start in the right direction (although Manning was an invalid in the state of New York at that time and had been all summer, but at last accounts he was alive and consequently dangerous); then he would keep T. K. in the Post Office, and favor bonding Read & Robinson's scrip, and besides was "above suspicion." But the old man didn't want to be the representative, or said he didn't, nor would he consent to run. T. K. came back gloomy. The horizon about the Post office was beginning to get somewhat cloudy. By a little strategy, however, by representing to the old man that the people considered him "above suspicion," and demanded that he make the sacrifice, the old man yielded. "Reform" delegates were worked up in Martin's interest, and he was nominated. By Telegram falsehoods he was elected, and almost the first thing he did was to try to bond the scrip. The Telegram, backed by Read & Robinson, at home, and Allison at his elbow at Topeka, helped him. But the COURIER and the people opposed the measure and he failed.

Last week the Legislature met in extra session to relieve the destitute. Martin went to Topeka. Just before he went to take his seat, he had an interesting interview with members of the "ring." We understand they went in a carriage to his residence in the country and what took place at that interview, of course we can't tell, except by what the Hon. William did when he reached Topeka. The second bill introduced into the House was "House bill No. 2 by William Martin to bond the debt of Cowley County." It is no measure of relief, no stay of law, no postponement of taxes, no appropriation for the needy, no act of any kind for the relief of the poverty stricken of Cowley County, but an act to convert the scrip of Read & Robinson, Geo. L. Thompson, J. C. Horton, et al, into Cowley County bonds. This, too, in the face of the well known opposition of the taxpayers of Cowley County to bonds of any kind.

Charge No. 3: they make "war on the material interests of Cowley County." To this we say, that by stirring up strife, by seeking to promote personal ends, by detracting from the influence of those who would work unselfishly for the welfare of the whole county, they prevent that material development that awaits us if our people would work and counsel together.

The one overshadowing interest to Cowley County, after the distress of the present hard times is provided for, is the building of a railroad through the Indian Territory. The Republican party is turning its attention to this question.

The P. O. ring and the Telegram are too busy looking after county bonds and "available men" who are "above suspicion" to pay any attention to it. The "ring" delegates to the "reform" congressional convention (Allison and A. Walton) did not go to Emporia and demand a recognition of the interests of Cowley County in that convention. They remained at home still looking for available men who were "above suspicion," and to help Johnston watch the post office for fear Manning might steal it in their absence.

Cowley was not represented in the convention that nominated J. K. Hudson. What did these fellows care about a market for the farmer's produce so long as they could get their votes? On the other hand, the Republicans sent active, able men to represent them, in the Republican convention at Emporia. Those delegates demanded that the candidates should be pledged to a railroad direct to Galveston, through the Indian Territory. The majority of the delegates in that convention lived on railroads that already lead to Galveston, and defeated the Cowley County resolutions offered by Col. Manning.

Now the Telegram jeers those delegates for their failure. The Telegram and the P. O. ring sneers at the efforts made to wake the people of Cowley up to the importance of this question.

As to the fourth charge, "war on the business prosperity of Winfield."

The P. O. ring, and the Telegram, in order to divert attention from their real designs, must abuse and malign someone, and these are generally the best men in town and county. A. T. Stewart, J. B. Fairbanks, C. M. Wood, Rev. Parmelee, C. A. Bliss, W. M. Boyer, and others, together with all the county officers it could not control, have suffered calumny at its hand. The people of the county are taught that the citizens of Winfield are thieves and cutthroats. This drives people away from the town. This divides our people among themselves. It prevents a cooperation among the citizens of the place in any laudable endeavor, either charitable, educational, religious, moral, or social, or for the general prosperity of the place. No one can deny this.

The COURIER has endeavored to establish good feeling among our own people, and to show to the people of the county that there was no cause for bad blood between town and country. It and its friends have received nothing but abuse in return.

The cabal that backs the Telegram in its baseness has its head and front in Alexander & Saffold, Read & Robinson, and T. K. Johnston. This "ring" is what Alexander calls the "respectable faction in the Republican party."

We have written what we have written in calmness, after carefully considering the whole subject. We have no desire to make personal assaults on any man. But we have come to the conclusion that longer submission to the assaults of this "ring" upon us, through their mouth- piece, would be cowardly. And in the interests of the people of Cowley County, who have so long been mislead by the misrepresentations of this "ring," we herewith fire our first shot.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Astronomers tell us that the planet Jupiter has four satellites, whose apparent motion is oscillatory. That is, they weave first one way from Jupiter, and his attraction being so great as to force them to return, they fly back with such velocity as to carry them beyond when they are compelled to return again, and so continue. All but one are represented as being larger than Jupiter. Singular as it may appear we have an imitation of this wonder in the animal kingdom. Jupiter and his satellitesManning and his delegates: Walton, Boyer, Kelly, and Webb. Telegram of Sept. 18th.

The curious orthography of the word "satellites" in two places in the above extract and the remarkable discovery that three of Jupiter's satellites are each larger than Jupiter, are earmarks of such ample proportions as to convince us that none other than the celebrated "God bless the Grangers" Alexander could be its author. As that would-be candidate for Congress and the State Senate has a hankering for the office of County Attorney, we suppose that Webb must be the smaller satellite referred to.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Court meets next Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

School begins next Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

The Cowley county fair has been postponed indefinitely. Cause, nothing to show.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

The nomination of R. B. Saffold for State Senator is regarded by the people of Cowley as a huge joke.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

See the card of Messrs. Mullen & Some. They advertise to dig wells and furnish the rock for one dollar per foot.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Rev. N. L. Rigby will preach next Sunday (27th) morning and evening at the Baptist Church.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Col. Alexander is out in the Telegram this week with a long endorsement of R. B. Saffold for State Senator. Of course, Alec. would endorse his law partner.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Mrs. Fitch, late of Arkansas City, has opened a shop on the corner of Main street and Tenth Avenue, where she advertises to do dress-making and plain sewing.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a social at the M. E. Church building on Wednesday evening, Sept. 30th, 1874. All are invited. Per order of committee.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Reuben Rogers, one of the best of auctioneers, sold quite a number of ponies on Saturday. The average price being considerably higher than heretofore, which shows either that Reuben is a good auctioneer or time are getting better.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

The senior editor and bride were serenaded last Saturday night, at the residence of Col. Manning, by the Winfield Silver Cornet Band. The Winfield Band is an institution in our city, composed of gentlemen, and trained musicians. It has few superiors in the state. Long live the Winfield Silver Cornet Band.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Owing to the fact that the fair will not take place this fall, the Winfield Literary and Dramatic Club have concluded to postpone their entertainment until October 9th, one of the evenings of the Institute. Mrs. S. Russell of Wichita, one of the finest singers in the state, will surely be here and assist in the entertainment.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Last Monday evening steps were taken to organize a Literary and Scientific Association in this city. A committee of seven reliable men was appointed to draft a constitution and form a plan of organization. Everybody should take an interest in this matter, as it will be a great benefit to the city if it is made a success.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Col. A. S. Johnson has been appointed acting Land Commissioner of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. in place of Mr. Touzlin. We are sorry to part with the latter gentleman, as our business relations with him have always been pleasant. But as we have never found any but gentlemen in the employ of this company, we have no fear but that Col. Johnson will discharge the duties of his office with equal success and ability.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

The man who "shook the dust" off his feet last fall and went off to Leavenworth cursing Cowley County, Winfield, and everybody in it, is now carpet-bagging in Winfield again, doing the heavy chin music on the Telegram, abusing everybody and trying to elect himself and partner to office. We predict that after the election, he will shoulder his carpet-bag and go back.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Concannon got up a dance at Thomasville last week for the benefit of the inhabitants of that burg and surrounding country. We are sorry to state, however, that those people didn't appreciate his efforts in their behalf, and all made it an object to be absent, and didn't even send in their half dollars to help pay the expenses. The musician got his pay, all but twenty- five cents, which is much better than Con is in the habit of doing. He thinks he will try another dance down there some time when he is in the need of money.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

School commences next Monday with the following teachers: W. C. Robinson, principal, Miss Sarah E. Aldrich, intermediate, and Miss Anna Melville, primary. Only one of these, Miss Melville, we believe is, or has ever been, a resident of this county, and so far as we are concerned, we most sincerely protest against the action of the School Board in importing teachers. We have in Cowley County young men and women just as well qualified, who helped to make our schools what they are, who have helped to build up our county, and who, now that the hard times have set in, need the salary. Some of them should have been selected. We haven't one word to say against the teachers employed. They are, no doubt, well qualified for their respective positions. But we do think that the board committed a great errorone for which they will not soon get the forgiveness of the patrons of the school.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

A Big Time in Winfield.
Hon. W. R. Brown, our candidate for Congress, Hon. Ed Russell, and Hon. H. C. St. Clair will be here on the 8th of next month to address our citizens on the current topics of the day. Let everybody in the county get ready to come and hear them.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Saffold will beat St. Clair as much as he beat Torrance two years ago for County Attorney, he being snowed under by nearly seven hundred majority.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Hon. William Martin drew his mileage from the State for traveling to Topeka and back. It amounted to almost $50. He had a pass on the railroad from Wichita to Topeka and back, which he accepted on condition that he would not draw mileage from the State. Martin is a "reformer" and "honest," and a friend to "farmers," "opposed to monopolies," "in favor of retrenchment," and "above suspicion." But he failed to bond the county scrip, and the "ring" is not happy.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

City Improvement.
Now is the time for the City Fathers to make improvement in our city. Dozens of men living in town are out of employment, some of them have large families to support, who will need help before the winter is over. Why can't the city authorities employ them to fill up the ponds and mud holes, at least, on Main street. Such places are a standing inconvenience, as well as a disgrace to our town.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Proceedings of the Meeting of the Winfield Literary and Scientific Association.
A meeting of the citizens of Winfield was held at the Courthouse September 22, 1874, for the purpose of organizing a Literary Society.

W. Q. Mansfield, M. L. Robinson, J. C. Fuller, Rev. Mr. Platter, Rev. Mr. Rigby, W. W. Walton, and E. B. Kager were appointed a committee to prepare a plan of organization to present at a future meeting to be called by a committee.

We hope all the citizens will take an interest in this society for such an institution, well sustained, can be made a source of much pleasure during the winter, of great and lasting profit.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Our Editor has gone from the midst of his bachelor friends and become a quiet, steady going benedict. On the 15th inst. he was married to M. E. Arnold of Iowa and with his wife returned home last Friday. We might have given him some highfalutin sendoff if the Telegram hadn't slopped over in such a sickish manner, but under the circumstances, we don't think it necessary, so we will say that Mr. Kelly was fortunate in his selection, and we wish them both a long and pleasant life.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Council Proceedings.
The City Council met at the council room Sept 21st, at usual hour. Present: Mayor S. C. Smith and Councilmen S. Darrah, J. D. Cochran, and H. S. Silver. J. W. Curns, Clerk. The minutes of the last Meeting were read and approved.

The balance of Lippmann's bill as referred to the finance committee was presented, and reported favorably thereon, and allowed $75.60.

The bill of J. W. Curns for services as Clerk and stationery was duly allowed, $9.33.

Moved and carried that the Clerk certify up to the County Clerk the assessment made against the lots in the city on which sidewalks have been built by the city of Winfield.

Being no other business, on motion adjourned. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

The following dispatch from Gen. Grant to Gen. Emory at New Orleans is characteristic of the Great Chieftain.

"Said Emory to Grant: `The army of citizens numbers 6,000. I have but 400 men to oppose them. What had better be done?'

Grant replied as follows:

`General Emory, New Orleans.

`Put down that insurrection. Report afterward.'


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

Items from the Traveler.
The City Council dispensed with the clerkship at $5 per month, and appointed I. H. Bonsall, who does the work for the fun of it.

A couple of the regular privates had a set-to, at their camp, last Friday. The row was occasioned by general growling, common to camp life.

Camp Moved.
The Militia camp has been removed from the mouth of Grouse to near Polk Stevens, on the State line on account of water.

Go West.
One half of the Militia company will be stationed west of Caldwell, this week. There will be a demand for one or two more companies then.

A report was brought in last Monday that three white men were fired on by three Indians, last Sunday, while in the Territory, a distance of about ten miles.

Cut Worms.
George Shearer informs us that cut worms are destroying many trees now, and that if a nail is driven through the bark and allowed to remain there, they will not enter the tree. Wherever you see them at work, cut them out.

Since the raise of the Arkansas, large shoals of cat and buffalo fish can be seen on the rocks near, and under, Newman's mill. We never saw so many before. The boys amuse themselves by trying to drop large stones on them as they swim by.

Crazy Man.
An insane man was found lying on the prairie, near the Salt Fork, in an almost helpless condition, by O. P. Johnson, while coming from the Cheyenne Agency. He was fully fifty miles from habitation, and was apparently lost. He gives no name or place of residence, and it is supposed he has run away from some lunatic asylum.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

MARRIED. On Tuesday, September 22nd, 1874, at the residence of Col. J. C. McMullen, by Rev. Platter, of Winfield, Mr. E. P. Kinne and Mrs. Helen M. Loomis, both of Arkansas City.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The second bill introduced into the House during the extra session was "House Bill No. 2, by Wm. Martin, to bond the debt of Cowley County." And in the face of this, Alexander, the heavy editor of the P. O. "ring" organ, says that "Mr. Martin never presented such a bill." Verily how can we tell which to believe, the published record or the P. O. "ring."

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Gathered at P. O. headquarters No. 2, last Wednesday night, were as nice a knot of "reformers" as ever (dis)graced the State of Kansas. In the center, Nelson Abbott, whose record during and since the war brand him as no better than any other murderer and thief. Around him such shining lights as J. M. Alexander, R. B. Saffold, Will. M. Allison, H. B. Lacy, not to mention Judge Ross. We noticed a few vacant chairs, which to have made the circle complete, should have been filled by the fisherman of the P. O. "Charley," Alexander's former partner, and one or two others we could name. No doubt they had a good time "fighting their battles o'er again." Certainly if each was not benefitted, neither could he be contaminated by contact with the others.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

We understand by the Post Master's Organ that he has two tame turkey buzzards. Well, it is the opinion of a great many people that he needs a whole flock to pick up all the corruption and offal in and about the Post Office.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

J. M. Alexander, Saffold's law partner, says of that gentleman, in the Telegram last week; that he is a "farmer." True, he don't do the work himself as his republican opponent Col. St. Clair does. "But `tis because his health is not good."

The statement that Judge Saffold's health is not good will be news to his friends. Judge Saffold is a man about 38 years of age, over six feet high, and weighs 175 or 180 pounds, and is one of the healthiest looking men in Kansas. We have known the Judge for some years and don't remember ever hearing of his being sick but once, and that was during the past summer.

Judge Saffold is one of the few, fortunate young men who was raised in the state of Georgia, who perhaps never did a day's work in his life, whose daily employment was going to school, and highest enjoyment to larrup a "nigger." On Coming of age he chose the law profession which we believe he has practiced ever since.

When the war broke out, Alec. further tells us, Judge Saffold was forced into the army against his wishes and in order that he might do the Union as little damage as possible, he chose the least conspicuous position in it. "So much so," continues Alec., "that he was often in imminent danger of his life."

Now we appeal to every soldier, on either side, if the least conspicuous position in the army wasn't also the least dangerous. The fact is that Mr. Saffold was a Commissary Sergeant during the war and of course it was not conspicuous. But of course, also, it wasn't dangerous, as Alec. would have us believe.

Another funny thing is, that Saffold being forced into the army, i. e. conscripted, that he could choose where and how he would serve. Had Alexander left that part of his record out entirely, it would have been better for Judge Saffold.

Or if he had owned up manfully to his having been a rebel and volunteering in the army, no one would have found any fault with him on that ground. But the pitiful excuse made for him by his law partner ought to snow him under worse than ever. Now he has no claim on those who served in the Southern Army and he certainly never had any on Union men. Of course, Alexander thought that we would show up Mr. Saffold's war record so he thought he would be out first.

The truth is, Alec., we would have done no such thing. For besides having considerable personal regard for Judge Saffold, we have no ill will against a man for having served his time manfully in the rebel army. But for such a soldier as described by Alexander, we have the most profound contempt.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The Cowley County Telegram in speaking of Judge Saffold as a candidate, says:

"His election is a foregone conclusion. Sedgwick County will give him a majority of 800, Sumner, the home of the opposition nominee, will give him 300, and Harvey will also give him a heavy vote, while Butler and Howard will go strongly in his favor."

It is our opinion, Brother Allison, that it will wrestle your man to get twelve hundred votes in the whole district. Eagle.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Items from the Traveler.
Prof. Norton will remove his family to Emporia next week.

Major Upham, of the U. S. Army, has been in town for several days, ascertaining the truth of reports concerning the late Indian depredations. He is under Gen. Pope and has charge of the U. S. troops between Caldwell and this place. Since his arrival here, he has been very energetic, and made every effort to secure all possible information.

Mail Matters.
The change of mail we spoke of a few weeks since has taken place. We receive a mail every day, but it is two days old, as it lays over one day at El Paso. Instead of the buckboard to this place, as we mentioned, the stage comes direct from Wichita, without going to Winfield at all. The connection for that place is Oxford, and from there it goes by buckboard to Winfield. As it is now, our Winfield mail comes via Oxford, and we have no direct communication with that place.

More Scalping Soon.
We learn from several reliable sources that from sixty to one hundred Osages left their Agency for the plains last Friday weekthey said to hunt buffalobut it is pretty well understood by all that it is for the killing of their two last comrades, in Barbour County. Mr. Gibson did all he could to persuade them not to go, but he could not. Killing and scalping will undoubtedly take place, but, of course, it will not be by Osages, as they are always on their reserve. Word should be sent to the Medicine Lodge country, and more militia called out at once, to send aid to the western counties if they prove too many for the white settlers. Capt. Norton is already in that vicinity, but with only twenty men.

We have received a letter from Bill Conner, an Osage, in which he states there need be no fear from Indians, entertained at this place, as the Osages and wild tribes are not on good terms, and would war on one another. William only speaks for a portion of the Little Osages, when he makes his assertion.

He also informs us that the 150 ponies seen by our scouts, on the Salt Fork, belong to the Little Osages, and are being herded there on account of the grass being destroyed on their reserve.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Mr. Beecher has been telling the people of Vermont what he does not know about farming. After he got through speaking at St. Johnsbury, some of the curious people evinced a desire to have him tell what he did know about the Tilton business. But Mr. Beecher "beat" a retreat and did not "turn up" in the car where so many anxious souls awaited him. "Lettuce alone," said he, and took his seat on the engine.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The teachers' Institute commences next Monday.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The Band go serenading nearly every evening nowadays.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Remember the literary and dramatic entertainment on the 7th.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Stewart & Simpson have commenced laying the brick on Sam Myton's new building.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The Band gave a dance at the Bradish House this evening for the purpose of raising funds to pay for new music.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

O. N. Morris is a widower no longer. His wife returned home from Ft. Scott, where she had been visiting, last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Irving Randall has been very sick for the past month with an abscess. The crisis is past, however, and he is now in a fair way to recover.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The jury in the case of Tom Quarles, charged with stealing the watches of W. H. South, returned a verdict of not guilty, and the prisoner was discharged.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Mrs. Russell, of Wichita, the lady who is to sing at the coming entertainment, is a graduate of the Boston Conservatory of Music. Her presence alone will insure success.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Winfield has another tailor, Mr. Ireland, from Iola, who has set up his shop in the rear part of Scott & Son's dry goods store. Mr. Ireland comes well recommended and we have no doubt will give you fits.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

We would suggest to our Township Trustee that a good coating of coal tar well laid on would help to preserve our bridges. Unless something is done to preserve them, they will be rotted down in a very few years.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Bob Shethar returned from Arkansas City this week looking very much like a shadow, caused by a siege of the intermittent fever. Soldiering didn't agree with most of the boys, and certainly not with Bob.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Alexander, the Leavenworth carpetbagger, Johnston, the fisherman, and the other members of the P. O. "ring," which the "COURIER" showed up so effectually last week, have joined in an article covering one whole side of the Telegram, all devoted to the abuse of Manning.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The public schools in this city commenced last Monday with the following teachers: Prof. W. C. Robinson, Principal; Misses Aldrich, Intermediate, and Miss Melville, primary, at a salary of $100, $50, and $40 respectively. Pretty good wages we should think for Grasshopper times.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Court convened last Monday, the following lawyers in attendance: Webb & Millington, Pryor & Kager, Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Alexander & Saffold, Suits & Wood, E. C. Manning, W. P. Hackney, T. H. Johnson, and John E. Allen, of Winfield. J. Wade McDonald, of Wellington. M. S. Adams and Chas. Hatton, of Wichita. James McDermott, of Dexter; and C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg, of Arkansas City.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

In Johnston County, Kansas, September 24th, 1874, Mr. Thomas Constant, aged 70 years. The deceased was the father of H. H. Constant, of Pleasant Valley Township, with whom he resided, and at the time of his death was on a visit to his friends in Johnston County. He leaves many friends here who will mourn his loss.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

The following resolution was adopted by the P. of H. of Floral Grange No. 756.

WHEREAS, Our Heavenly Father has removed from brother J. G. Anderson and sister Mattie J. Anderson, their beloved boy Charlie.

Resolved, 1st. That we brothers and sisters of Floral Grange No. 756, of Cowley County, Kansas, sincerely mourn the loss of little Charlie, and that we deeply sympathize with the bereaved brother and sister, in their irreparable loss. May the kind Father comfort the brother and sister in this the hour of trial, and through him may they become reconciled to the loss of their child.

2nd. That a copy of their resolution be sent to the bereaved family, and a copy to the county paper for publication.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Nelson Abbott Comes and Goes
How He Didn't Do It.
Nelson Abbott came to Winfield the day that September left. Wednesday night the courtroom filled with voters to hear Nelson speak. Besides some things that Nelson isn't, he is a candidate on the "reform" ticket for Secretary of State. Nelson is some things, but he isn't a good many things. He is the publisher of a democratic paper in Atchison, he is an awkward public speaker, is doing the republican ticket much good, and is a fair specimen of the "reform" genius. He isn't an honest man, he isn't doing his cause any good, he isn't paying off those lottery tickets, isn't telling the truth one-third of the time when he talks, isn't fooling anybody with his lies, isn't going to be elected secretary of state.

He opened his remarks by saying that last fall the reform party had only county organiza- tions throughout the state, and that said reformers were successful in electing their candidates in a majority of the counties. This being true the reformers had a majority in the Legislature. He then charged this same legislature with authorizing Barbour and Harper counties to issue large amounts of bonds, fraudulently. That was the work of the reform legislature, Nelson, and not chargeable to the republican party. He then charged the republican party with robbing the school fund of 500,000 acres of land and giving it to railroads, but forgot to tell us that Sam Crawford, who is now a noisy reformer, was governor at the time and signed the bill, and that F. W. Potter and dozens of other blatant reformers were then members of the legislature and voted for the bill and held the law to be constitutional.

But the wind was badly let out of Nelson when Mr. Kelly, the senior editor of this paper, who knew Abbott in Macomb, Illinois, took the floor and told the audience that Abbott published a scandalous, copperhead paper in Macomb during the war, and only saved his press by taking the oath of allegiance. He stated that Abbott's paper counseled resistance to the draft, advised desertion, and so incensed and encouraged the copperheads at home as to cause the murder of W. H. Randolph, the deputy provost marshal. He also accused Abbott of selling lottery tickets to dispose of his own property in Macomb, and then sold the property at private sale and left the country with his ticket money in his pocket.

Abbott denied all these charges, but Mr. E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City, who also knew Abbott and his history, happened to be present and at once arose and verified Mr. Kelly's statement.

Great applause followed Mr. Kelly's exposure of Abbott. From this time on the meeting became boisterous but good natured. Judge Ross, the chairman, got "on his ear" and defended the old time democracy in eloquent terms, and urged the people to disregard party lines and unite on honest men for office. The Judge's enthusiasm and rough hewn sentences, frequently brought down the house.

R. B. Saffold, democrat, and Allison's candidate for the state senate, made a few remarks.

Capt. Jas. Christian, of Lawrence, happened to be present, and was called out. His speech was humorous and well put, its criticisms being divided not equally between the republican and reform parties. He was a democrat and took no stock in either. He admitted that Abbott might have been a bad man, but if he was trying to reform himself now and live an honest life hereafter, he should be allowed to do so.

The Winfield band discoursed sweet music for the occasion. Taken altogether the meeting was cold comfort to Abbott and his followers, and it were far better for Nelson and his cause if he had never seen Winfield.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.

Programme of the Literary and Musical Entertainment to be given at the Courthouse in Winfield, in connection with the Teacher's Institute, for the benefit of the Public School Organ fund, on Wednesday evening, October 7th, 1874.

Listing participants only.

Prof. E. J. Hoyt, leader, orchestra; Glee club; poem by W. W. Walton, essay by Miss Melville of the Emporia State Normal School, son by Mrs. Russell of Wichita and Prof. E. W. Hulse, essay by Miss Jennie Greenlee, duet and chorus by Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. A. C. Wilkinson, instrumental music by Miss Ora Lowry and T. A. Wilkinson.

A farce in one act, "Specter Bridegroom, or a Ghost in Spite of Himself," was put on by T. A. Wilkinson, James Kelly, W. W. Walton, V. B. Beckett, A. H. Hane, Fred C. Hunt, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. Flint.

Single tickets 50 cents; 75 cents for gent and lady. Children half price.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

A large and enthusiastic meeting greeted our candidate for Congress. The Winfield Silver Cornet Band discoursed some of their delightful pieces.

James Kelly, secretary of the Republican Central Committee, conducted. Maj. J. B. Fairbanks was elected chairman, who, in a few happy remarks introduced Judge Brown. Next speaker was Hon. Ed. Russel, of Leavenworth. Col. H. C. St. Clair, the republican candidate for state senator was next, followed by L. J. Webb.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

WINFIELD, KAN., Sept. 28, 1874.
Editor Traveler: Dear Sir: In looking over a copy of the COURIER of last week, I see there are certain charges made against myself and others. Which charges, in so far as they relate to myself, I pronounce untrue from beginning to end; except one, and that is that I offered a bill in the special session of the Legislature providing for the funding of our county debt. And if this was criminal, I have only to say to the COURIER that I did so after consulting with prominent Republicans in reference to such a bill, and being encouraged by them to make such a move, I call upon the COURIER man to make goods his charges. Very respectfully, WM. MARTIN.

The Courier response:

The above we take from the Traveler. Why send your denial to the Traveler, Mr. Martin? Why not send it to the paper which made the charges you complain of. The fact that you sent it to any other paper than the COURIER, shows either that you do not understand the common courtesies, or that you are a moral coward. No doubt it would have been just what you wished if your card in the Traveler should by some chance have escaped notice. It would have left you with a challenge out, of which we knew nothing, which might materially assist you in securing another nomination.

You start out by saying that the COURIER's charges in so far as they relate to you "are untrue from beginning to end, except one, etc." Now, Mr. Martin, what are the charges made against you by the COURIER? As you have not the manliness to say what they are, we shall make them specific.

1st. "That you are but the pliant tool of T. K. Johnston and the P. O. `Ring.'" Do you deny that you were consulted by them as to your being a candidate last fall?

2nd. "That you were just stupid enough to be above suspicion." Do you deny that? True it is rather a hard personal charge to make against you. But you are a public man, Mr. Martin, and have to put up with the criticisms of the public, whether you will or no.

3rd. "That you went to Topeka last winter cocked and primed, with Allison, your adviser, at your elbow, to pass a bill funding the county debt." Do you deny that?

4th. "That you accepted a pass from the A. T. & S. F. railroad, and drew your mileage besides." Do you deny that?

Now allow the COURIER to propound to you a few pertinent questions which you can answer by yes, or no.

Did you accept a pass on the railroad to Topeka and return, during the extra session?

Did you draw mileage to the amount of $67.50?

And did you not know that the condition of that pass was that you were not to draw mileage from the state?

Haven't you consulted T. K. Johnston and other members of the Winfield P. O. Scrip "Ring," as to your being a candidate again this fall?

You are welcome to the columns of the COURIER, Mr. Martin, in which to answer all their queries. At the request of a mutual friend, Mr. Martin, we had intended to let you drop into that obscurity from which, for the good of yourself and certainly for that of Cowley County, you should never have been called. But your card in the Traveler, releases us from any promise we made to let you alone in the future, and we are now ready to deal with you the same as we would with any other public man.

We have no desire to accuse you of dishonesty, Mr. Martin. What we do accuse you of, is that you allow yourself to be made the tool of a few renegade republicans and democrats, such as constitute the P. O. "Ring" here in Winfield.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Col. E. C. Manning had Allison of the Telegram arrested last Saturday on charge of libel. The ground for the charge was an article in the Telegram of the 2nd inst. We are sorry that Col. Manning saw fit to take the course he has in the matter. We advised him otherwise, but he thought different.

We were satisfied that that was just what the "ring" in their desperate strait wanted. Something that would create sympathy for their champion. We understand that they (the ring) justified Allison on the ground that Col. Manning wrote the "ring" expose for the COURIER, and that he is in the habit of writing our articles for us.

Now while we take it as quite complimentary to have writers of such well known ability as Col. Manning, Maj. Fairbanks, and D. A. Millington credited with the authorship of our articles, yet we will say once more, that no man writes our editorials for us (except when we may be absent, and our local attends to that) and nobody knows this better than the P. O. "ring." If they are not satisfied that we have the ability to show them up, we invite T. K. Johnston, J. M. Alexander, or any other members of the "ring" to call on us any week, and we will give them permission to look over our shoulder while we tell the public of their many rascalities.

So far as the article which appeared in the COURIER two weeks ago is concerned, we never dreamed of claiming any merit save that of telling the truth in a straight forward manner. In that article was nothing disrespectful of anyone. Nothing libelous. The "ring," instead of denying the charges we made, piled all the abuse they could think of on Manning, of course. The "reformer" boor of the P. O., who would today be a pauper were it not for the Government pap furnished him by the republican party, has vilified and abused for the last three years, knew that what we said about him was too true for him to risk a denial, and consequently, the article is devoted to the abuse of Manning.

In the suit now pending between Manning and Allison, we have no part or interest. Col. Manning is perfectly able to take care of himself and fight his own battles. But we do think that he, as a private citizen, is entitled to the protection of the law he has invoked. Were he before the public for an office, or even the editor of a country newspaper, there might be some excuse for this wholesale abuse and calumny. But without any public good to be attained, there can be no excuse.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Both Sides.
T. K. is managing things pretty fine now to keep himself in the P. O. He hoists the name of J. K. Hudson for reform candidate for Congress in his official organ and he runs around and tries to hire the band, after we had engaged them, to play for Judge Brown. That way he thinks he is safe. Should Brown be elected (which he will be by a big majority), T. K. will come in on the score of friendship, and should Hudson chance to be the man, T. K. has but to show that the P. O. organ supported him, and he is all right.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

The Wichita Eagle says the shipment of buffalo bones to button and knife factories east, as a business, is more largely represented this year than last. Hardly a day goes by now that ten or twenty tons of bleached bones do not go over the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Rev. James Platter has returned from Presbytery.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Sheriff Walker now carries the keys of the Telegram office.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Col. Manning has sued Allison of the Telegram for libel.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

The county commissioners have been in session the entire week.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

A. T. Shenneman is in Illiopolis, Illinois, visiting his friends and relatives.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Webba sonit weighed just 9-1/2 pounds.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

The Republican County Convention will be held in Winfield on the 15th inst.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

A. H. Green has gone to Leavenworth to be in attendance at the sitting of the grand jury of which he is a member.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Court adjourned last Tuesday, and all is again quiet. We will publish the docket and the disposition of the cases next week.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Beat it who can: C. S. Smith has just finished sowing 50 acres of wheat, doing all the work "single handed and alone." Who has done better this fall? Mr. Smith informs us that the wheat never looked better than it does now.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

The Teachers' Institute commenced Monday and closed last evening. There were some 28 teachers in attendance. The examination of teachers commenced today.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Weathers & Dever have moved their stock of groceries and provisions from their old stand into the old log store building, in place of Newland, who closed out at auction. Mr. Weathers and Mr. Dever are both too well known to require any recommendation from us, and we have no doubt they will do good business in their new location.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

S. D. Klingman and J. D. Cochran had each a fine horse stolen last Sunday night. From the fact that Tom Quarles was seen lurking around Mr. Cochran's stables during the day before the horses were missing, and he and young Bodwell were missing simultaneously with the horses, it is supposed that the lads are the thieves. They are still at large.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Billy Anderson and Alfred Woolsey have purchased the livery stable at Arkansas City. The style of the firm is now Anderson & Woolsey. We are not acquainted with Mr. Woolsey, but we are with Billy Anderson, and we can confidently assure all who have anything to do with him in that line, that they will always find him a clever, kind, square-dealing, gentleman.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

The Teachers' Institute held here this week unanimously resolved that T. A. Wilkinson ought to be re-elected; and call upon the friends of education throughout the county to re- elect him to the office of county superintendent.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

T. K. Johnston thought when he engaged rooms for Judge Brown that he was playing it fine. T. K. has an eye to business. He has just sense enough to see that Brown will be our next Congressman, and might control the P. O. at Winfield, hence his agony. But poor T. K., Judge Brown wasn't fool enough to fall into the hands of his enemies. The Judge was promptly taken care of by the republicans.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Our readers will notice the change in the management of the Lagonda House. A. N. Deming, formerly of the City Hotel of Arkansas City, took charge yesterday. We know Mr. Deming is one of the best landlords in the west, and always keeps a first class house in every particular. Mr. Deming and his interesting family will be quite an acquisition to our society. We wish them happiness and prosperity in their new home.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

The Literary, Musical, and Dramatic entertainment came off Wednesday evening as advertised. The music was good. W. W. Walton's "Philosopher of Paint Creek," was hard to best. Miss Melville followed with an essay which indicated deep pure thought in the preparation of it, and it was well received and fully appreciated by the audience. Miss Jennie Greenlee's rendition of "The Launching of the Ship," was excellent, and by far the best we have ever heard. Mrs. Russell of Wichita, whose fame as a sweet singer had preceded her here, sang some beautiful songs which completely entranced her hearers and elicited storms of applause. Prof. Hulse of Arkansas City also sung a few of his excellent songs, which as usual delighted his hearers. The proceeds amounted to something over $67.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Sale. Our readers should bear in mind that John Irwin, living on the Walnut just above little Dutch P. O., will sell a lot of farming materials, household furniture and stock on Thursday, Oct. 15th. There is the chance to buy cheap.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Lazette News.
The late visits of Captain Walker and his good looking deputy, Burt Covert, produced a stir among the inhabitants of Grouse Creek Valley.

During the sitting of the District Court, Lazette seemed almost deserted, the citizens having gone in large numbers to pay their respects to Judge Campbell.

The teachers of this part of Cowley County have been holding meetings preparatory to the coming Institute and examination. At their last meeting on Friday, steps were taken for the perfecting of an organization to be known as the Grouse Creek Teacher's Association. The first meeting will be held Oct. 24th, at the schoolhouse in Lazette. All Parties interested in this matter are invited to be present at that time.

McDonald Stapleton, one of our worthy merchants, has been east visiting friends and buying new goods. He returns this week.

Mrs. Doctor Jackson will soon go to Indiana to spend the winter.

Rev. Mr. Wingar has organized a class in music, from which much pleasure and profit will be derived by all parties concerned.

Word comes from Timber Creek that Mr. Baldwin has had two valuable horses stolen.

Farmers are still cutting hay.

Much of the wheat which has been put in this fall is up and will do well if the grasshoppers will keep away.

While some of our settlers are leaving this valley, other parties are coming in to buy farms, and they cannot find a better time nor a better country in which to locate.

Doctor Raybell, one of our former citizens, but now of Greenwood County, paid our town a short visit last week.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Items from the Traveler.
The cloven foot is beginning to appear. Lawyers who recently joined the Grange, are interviewing prospective delegates.

Bear it in mind: Hon. H. C. St. Clair is a Republican farmer and patron. R. B. Saffold is a democrat and a lawyer. What was formerly claimed to be a farmer's organization nominated the lawyer. What is, and has always claimed to be a Republican organization, nominated the farmer. "How is this thus?"

Judge W. R. Brown, is of Hutchinson, Reno County, and J. K. Hudson, of Topeka, Shawnee County. Mr. Brown is in the center of the congressional district he has been chosen to represent and Mr. Hudson on the extreme northeastern. Will you taken a Southern Kansas man or one identified with the great interest of Topeka and the Kaw Valley?


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.

Notice of Issuing Bonds.
NOTICE is hereby given that the bridge bonds voted for on the 26th day of August 1873 will be issued by the undersigned on the 24th day of October 1874.

Attest H. S. SILVER, Tp. Trustee,

E. S. BEDILION, Tp. Clerk.

O. F. BOYLE, Tp. Treasurer.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.

Mr. S. P. McKelvey, who headed the "farmer's excursion" from Illinois, a short time ago, writes to the Clinton, Illinois, Register, concerning Kansas and Cowley, as follows.

Time nor space will permit us to give but an extract: There are a great many people emigrating from Kansas. Some of them are compelled to leave, especially those who came here last spring, and were depending on their corn crop for support; but I find that most of them who are leaving are men who have been here from two to five years, have only about 15 to 45 acres under cultivation, have become dissatisfied, and "are going back to their wife's people."

From Wichita, I traveled through Sedgwick, Cowley, and Sumner counties; and undoubt-

edly, those counties are the most fertile regions of Kansas that I have seen, the general lay of the country is level, and the soil is black and rich. It reminded me very much of Illinois.

Arriving at Winfield, I met Captain Davis and wife, and after being shown through their magnificent stone house, which was brilliantly lit up, displaying elegant furniture and all the comforts of a pleasant home, I could hardly realize that I was in "bleeding Kansas."

Leaving Winfield, I visited Colonel Norton's headquarters in the Indian Territory. Found quite a number of soldiers encamped there. Saw a scouting party of Kansas militia form in line of battle and start for the interior. Saw Mr. Williams (the broad brimmed hat Quaker Indian Agent), with a party of friendly Indians, who were fleeing for safety. After a pleasant conversation with Col. Norton, I began to retrace my steps back into the state of Kansas. As I had "lost no Indians," I could not see the necessity of going farther.

I would be pleased to write further concerning Kansas. I would like to give a general description of the prosperous and successful farmers and businessmen of Kansas; but urgent business compels me to desist. I will say, however, that Kansas is a better country than I expected to see, and I think that in the course of time she is destined to be a great state.

Respectfully, S. P. McKELVEY.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 5th, 1874.
Institute met per appointment at schoolhouse. 1 o'clock p.m., Prof. Wilkinson in the chair. After singing and appointment of Committees, the rhetorical exercises of the day were entered upon.

1st. Class drill in grammar by Miss N. M. Aldrich.

2nd. Object lesson by Miss Anna Melville.

3rd. Class drill in mental arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.

4th. A short lecture on theory and practice by Prof. Wilkinson, which was both interesting and instructive. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of a complete system of uniformity of government, in which he gave several useful hints about calling and dismissing classes. The treatment of different temperaments met in our common schools

making his remarks more effective by illustrations from former schools of his own.

Prof. Robinson's exercise in mental arithmetic was one that could be practiced in all our district and graded schools with great success, and as he told us, it will always prove diverting and instructive, strengthening the mind as no other one method can. And we have no doubt the teachers will introduce it into their schools. . . .

Oct. 6th, 1874.
After the devotional services the following exercises took place.

Class drill in spelling by E. A. Millard.

Class drill in drawing by Miss Lillian Norton.

Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.

Class drill on the organization of country schools by Prof. Kellogg.

Class drill in penmanship by Geo. W. Melville. . . .

Prof. Kellogg's class drill was excellent. He awoke life and interest among the teachers. He drew methods and idea from the teachersdeciding upon those that he thought best for adoption, and presenting them in clear concise language. His remarks were spicy and entertaining.

Lesson in penmanship by Mr. Melville, good. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of some one system of penmanship, and the adoption of that by the whole school, devoting a portion of each day to a thorough drill causing pupils to improve slowly but surely. He recommended the Spencerian system. His lesson was given from that.

Miss Norton's method on drawing was a happy combination of instruction and pleasure, as it calls out ideas from each and every pupil, teaching at the same time the beauty of invention and the training of the eye and hand.

Class drilling in spelling by Mr. Millard, was well conducted, and the teacher seemed to understand his work. The method presented for teaching spelling was really a superior one, and cannot fail to awaken interest in the dullest of classes. The teachers could not help noting the difference between the method presented by Mr. Millard and the old method of oral spelling from text book. The lesson consisted of the spelling of an object, its parts, and description of parts, the teacher pronouncing and the pupils writing the words upon their slates, which were to be corrected by the teacher after school closed. He believes the Analytical speller to be the standard.

Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson. The Prof. dwelt at length upon the necessity of a thorough drill in numeration and notation, holding them as the only key by which arithmetic can be taught successfully. After which followed an explanation about inverting the terms of the divisor in division of fractions, which he did full justice to as it is one of the most difficult parts of arithmetic to teach, and the teachers were glad to hear his method, which can be found in "Robinson's Practical Arithmetic."

Miss Greenlee's class drill in primary arithmetic was short, but excellent and to the point. It was something that we neededhow to teach primary arithmetic. Her plan was new and simple. She commenced her work energetically, and by being greatly interested herself produced a like interest among her pupils.

Reading by Miss Daggett was good. The method she presented was a combination of the letter and word method combinedhaving the pupil learn the name of the object by first placing the object before them and then the names used in the description of the object, and after that they are required to learn the letters of the different words, thus doing away entirely with the method of "learning the letters first."

Oct. 7th, 1874.
Institute called to order by Miss Greenlee.

Singing and devotional exercises.

Appointment of Miss Melville as critic.

After appointment of critic, the following exercises were conducted.

Class drill in language by Miss Lillian Norton, was both interesting and instructive. The blackboard exercise was full of practical hints and illustrations, and one we would recommend to all teachers.

The next exercise was a general debate on the subject of orthoepy. Many opinions were offered, a few of which might bear adoption. The general conclusion being that authors differ very materially.

Mr. W. W. Walton, our county surveyor, then presented to the teachers the subject of map drawing, introducing for their benefit, what he termed the circular system, which was entirely new to many and combining simplicity and beauty, and on the whole a very easy and practical method. We would say to Mr. Walton, when we have another Institute, do so again.

Miss Melville then gave the teachers a short drill in calisthenics. Something very much needed in our schools after a period of hard study.

Mr. Hall then took up the subject of spelling. His method is to have the lessons written on the pupils' slates, assigning only as much as can be learned thoroughly. He would do away with the old method of oral spelling in the class.

Mr. Melville's method of the study of history was calculated to amuse as well as instruct, and to keep the mind of the pupil actively engaged in searching after interesting historical facts and events.

Mr. Lee in his class drill in arithmetic said he would dispense with the text book almost entirely and substitute work from general knowledge already acquired only referring occasionally to text books, and confine the pupils to work he would give from his own mind.

[Similar matters were covered on October 8th, the last day of Institute.]

The following teachers were present at this Institute: Lizzie Landis, Anna Mark, Justus Fisher, J. C. Armstrong, T. B. Hall, E. G. Water, Nellie M. Aldrich, Estella Thompson, Lillian Norton, Ida Daggett, Nettie Porter, E. J. Pepper, Wm. Lee, C. H. Eagin, Wm. E. Ketchum, N. S. Mounts, Ettie Fowler, S. Bucher, R. B. Corson, Mary Graham, Lizzie Graham, J. W. Tulles, Jennie Hawkins, E. W. Hulse, J. S. Stratford, E. A. Small, Gertie Davis, Thomas Maginnis, W. C. Robinson, T. J. Conner, S. E. Aldrich, Addie Holister, Lizzie Ireton, Annie Melville, M. E. Dudley, E. A. Millard, W. H. H. McKinnon, H. J. Sandfort, E. J. Greenlee, E. A. Goodrich, Katie Fitzgerald, Carrie Morris, R. C. Maurer, Carrie Dixon, Libbie West, Lizzie Stine, E. C. Seward, Mary Huston, G. W. Melville, A. K. Stevenson.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.

DIED. Abner Wilson, of Richland Township, one of the old settlers of Cowley County, died last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

Davis & Ferguson are erecting a two story stone livery barn. It will be one of the best livery stables in the county when it is finished.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

A. A. Jackson is in the hog business. He has two hundred head of the finest hogs that we have seen for some time. He is putting the fat on them at the rate of two and a half pounds a day each.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.

Our readers will notice the change in our publication day. We had to change once before on account of the mails. Now we change back from Friday to Thursday, hoping that our patrons will find it more convenient.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

Our kind and obliging (?) postmaster, T. K. Johnston, kept the post office open all day last Sunday for the accommodation of the public. We never saw him so anxious to please the public before; but we suppose the fact of J. K. Hudson's being here had something to do with it.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

Dr. Black performed a very delicate and one of the most intricate anatomical operations in surgery, in dissecting from the neck of John Essick a tumor closely connected with the right carotid artery, one week ago last Sunday morning.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

Henry Bozark, the prisoner who escaped from Sheriff Walker in the dark on Monday night, was re-captured by deputy Geo. Walker today, on the head of Timber Creek. He is now in jail awaiting transportation to the penitentiary. Prisoners may as well understand that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man to get away from Walker's posse.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

A. N. Deming, the newly established proprietor of the Lagonda House, is already becoming noted about town for the excellent manner in which he gets up things at his house. Today about ninety persons ate dinner there. Mr. Deming understands how to run a hotel and deserves a good patronage, which he will undoubtedly receive.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

The Independent convention met at Tisdale last Monday and nominated the following ticket. For Representative, A. S. Williams; for County Attorney, A. J. Pyburn; for Probate Judge, H. D. Gans; for Clerk of the District Court, E. S. Bedilion; and for Superintendent of Public Instruction, G. W. Melville.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

J. M. Alexander has purchased the Oxford Enterprise office, and removed it to this place where a new paper will be started. As we understand it, Allison is to have nothing to do with this new enterprise, as the friends (?) who should have stuck by him in his adversity have gone clear back on him. We hope this new venture will succeed.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

Brown, Brocknell, and Onstat, who have been resting here in jail for some months past, had a hearing before commissioner L. R. Kellogg last Monday, and Brown was discharged. Brocknell and Onstat were bound over to appear before the U. S. District court of Arkansas; E. S. Torrance appeared for the prosecution, and Hackney and Webb for the defense.

Items skipped in October 15, 1874, issue:






Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

DIED. Grandmother Coats, one of the first settlers of this county, died last week. Her remains were interred in the Lazette Cemetery on Sunday. She was over eighty years old.

A family from near Tisdale returned from Missouri, lost a child here on Friday night. It died of cholera infantum.

Mr. Will. Underwood, from Wabash County, Indiana, arrived with his family on Saturday night to take possession of his new home. He bought the John Nichols farm.

Thomas Leady, another Hoosier, will arrive here in a few days, and settle in the Grouse Valley.

Doctor R. M. Jackson is fitting up a new office.

Macdonald Stapleton arrived on Thursday with a large shipment of goods, the least of which was not his new buggy.

The schoolhouse is undergoing repairs and improvements preparatory to the opening of school, which will take place next Monday.

A couple of gentlemen from Iowa have been paying their respects to this valley with a view of purchasing stock farms.

Lazette has been peaceable, quiet and sober since the lesson administered by Judge Campbell.

The primary conventions held here on Saturday passed off satisfactorily to all interested parties.

The Hon. Mr. Hudson was in town a little while on Saturday last, but favored us with no speech.

Our first supply of ice appeared on Monday morning last.


Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

A LARGE STOCK of Queensware coming in at Blacks.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

MRS. M. FITCH wishes to inform the Ladies of Winfield and vicinity that she is prepared to do Dress Making in all the latest styles, also all kinds of plain sewing. Their patronage solicited. Rooms one door south of Bliss' store.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

THE FURNITURE and fixtures of the Lagonda House, Winfield, Kansas, for sale in lump, for cash or exchange for real estate or on long time with real estate security.

Inquire of T. G. Peyton, Sen. Prop.
Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

THE WINFIELD Boot and Shoe Store buys direct from the manufacturers of Saint Louis and Chicago, in large quantities, and are selling about as low as other merchants can buy it.

Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.

NEW GOODS every week fresh and nice at Scott's.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1874.

For Representative: Thomas R. Bryan, of Dexter Township.

For Probate Judge: Sim S. Moore, of Tisdale Township.

For County Attorney: Leland J. Webb, of Winfield Township.

For Clerk of the District Court: Ed S. Bedilion, of Winfield Township.

For Superintendent of Public Instruction: Thomas A. Wilkinson, of Bolton Township.

THOMAS R. BRYAN, of Dexter Township, is a young man of superior ability, a life long farmer and a P. of H.; he is all that could be desired in that direction. He is a good talker and a ready debater, qualities indispensable to a thorough legislator. He is, unfortunately, not so well known as his opponent, being one of those farmers who tends strictly to his farm, instead of whittling store boxes and talking politics at the county seat. Cowley County has had enough of sticks, and Tom Bryan will not only do us more good than any other man we could send, but he will be an honor to our county.

For Probate Judge we have S. S. MOORE, of Tisdale. Mr. Moore is the present Coroner of this county, and has in that capacity, made an efficient officer. He is also a farmer, and will make us a good Probate Judge.

For County Attorney we have LELAND J. WEBB, of Winfield. Every lawyer in the different counties in this Judicial district will bear testimony to Mr. Webb's ability as an attorney. The county needs always a careful and correct adviser, and this we have in Mr. L. J. Webb.

For Clerk of the Court, ED S. BEDILION. Mr. Bedilion has been deputy in the same office for over a year, and is conceded by all to be perhaps one of the best qualified in the county, and as he has no opposition, he will as he had ought to be, elected by a big majority.

And last, though by no means the least, we have for County Superintendent of Public Instruction, THOMAS A. WILKINSON, of Bolton Township. Prof. Wilkinson has served the people of this county in the same capacity for the past two years. Finding, on coming into office two years ago everything in chaos and confusion, it required all the energy and ability of which he is master to get things in working order, until now, under his administration Cowley County can boast of better schools than any of her sister counties. A man of untiring energy, of excellent ability, a thorough scholar, we know of no man so well qualified to discharge the duties of the office of Superintendent as Prof. Wilkinson.

We have no doubt but the entire ticket will receive a handsome majority in November.


Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Judge W. C. Webb has been nominated for the legislature in the Fort Scott district, and we trust will be elected. Judge Webb is, today, in our judgment, the best practical legislator in Kansas. Even if nominated by the democratic party, we would be tempted to favor his election, for the highest practical reasons; because he is an honest, industrious, and thoroughly competent law maker, one who will save the state from the infliction of numerous foolish laws, and give it the benefit of his acute reasoning powers and his large and varied experience. He is a man of strong convictions, and a nervous, irritable temperament, not calculated to make him friends; but to those who have overcome prejudice against these surface indications of his character, and learned to respect his honesty and undoubted ability, there can be but one opinion, that Fort Scott would be doing herself credit and the whole state a favor by sending Judge Webb to the legislature the coming winter. Commonwealth.

Lowell H. Webb, of Fort Scott, son of W. C. Webb, has passed a successful examination and been admitted into the Naval Academy, at Annapolis, as a cadet midshipman. Emporia News.

The first named gentleman is the father, and the latter, the brother of L. J. Webb, of this city, who is the Republican candidate for County Attorney of Cowley County, and one of the ablest lawyers in the southwest.

[Note: When nominations were placed, C. R. Mitchell got 28; L. J. Webb 29.]


Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

A new paper is soon, if ever, to be started here by Lillie, Smith, Alexander & Co. As we have not been taken into the confidence of the managers, we of course cannot tell just to a "brilliant em," how many feet wide by yards long the new paper is going to be. We suppose, however, that it will be something near a 19 column paper, and will contain about 700 pages nonpareil. It is to be issued regularly when started, once in two years, or as Alexander gets run out of Leavenworth and carpet bags back to Winfield. It will be perfectly independent in politics, having no interests to serve, save that of the P. O. "Ring," and other peculiar interests of its managers. As its name indicates it will be ready at all times to pack up its carpet bag and go back to Leavenworth.

Its motto is to be taken from Alexander's celebrated 4th of July oration:

"God Bless the Grangers!"
As near as we can find out the editorial staff stands about as follows:

J. C. Lillie, editor in chief.

J. M. Alexander, agricultural editor.

S. C. Smith, financial editor, with occasional contributions from T. K. Johnston, Dr. Dobson, and others.

As a ready writer Mr. Lillie has few superiors, as witness his "My say so," something over a year ago. On the subject of agriculture, Alexander is well posted, having practiced skinning the farmers for thirty odd years, he knows a thing or two on that subject. On finances S. C. is up with the times, having probably loaned as much or more money than anybody in Cowley County.

As to the honesty of the management, we have nothing to say. What if they did try to steal Allison's subscription books, and start their paper on his ruins. That was but a clever coup de plume which will better stand excuse than investigation.

True, the new paper will be called a bastard by some ignorant people; but suppose it has not been blessed with either father or mother, its foster-mother, Alexander, is an experienced wet nurse, who will no doubt raise the bantling to a respectable standing in society. Of course, we write this "prospectus" without our host, as the Carpetbagger may never make any more of an appearance than it now does behind Read's bank. But as we always hate to be behind in this matter, we give it the benefit of this advertisement.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1874.

How It Commenced.
A Telegraph dispatch says:

The commission appointed to investigate the facts relative to the recent alleged murder of five Osage Indians by the Kansas militia have submitted their report to the commissioner of Indian affairs. They find that the attack on the Indians was unprovoked and utterly unjustifiable, and presume that when the attention of Kansas is called to the evidence in the case they will not hesitate to direct the return of the property captured from those friendly Indians, and it is recommended that in any case the government of the United States should see that the Osages are reimbursed.

The cold-blooded murder was the commencement of the "Indian war" on our Southern border, and if Governor Osborn had done his duty, he would have had the murderers arrested long ago. He and they are virtually responsible for the death of all the whites killed down there by the Indians since that time. Manhattan Nationalist.

Be it remembered that the meaning of the above, so far as the Nationalist is concerned, is its bitter hostility to Gov. Osborn. And because of Griffin's hatred of Osborn, it is willing to brand the brave men who are defending our homes and our scalps from the cruel blood- thirsty savages, as thieves and murderers.


Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

There was a dance at Thomasville last night.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Ehret has moved his saloon into his new building next door to Requa's.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Green beans are in the market. They are raised on the Arkansas River bottoms.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

The Telegram is in running order again, and we expect to see it this week sometime.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Messrs. Todd & Royal, late of Wichita, but now of Remanto, were in town yesterday.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Bob Shethar has gone to his home in New York City to visit his parents and recruit his health.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

A. Menor and wife started the other day for the Territory, where they expect to remain a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Old reliable Capt. Monforte is putting the finishing touches on the graining in Rev. Platter's new residence.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

The Tunnel Mills will be running by steam in a few days. Mr. Bartlow's engine is being attached for that purpose.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

DIED. At the residence of her son, Thos. W. Coats, in Dexter Township, October 9th, 1874, Mrs. Charlotte Coats, aged 78 years.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

There is some talk of organizing a Vigilantes Committee here. Something should be done to stop this wholesale horse stealing.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

A United States Surveying Corps en route from the southwest corner of the state to the Choctaw Nation passed through town last Sunday morning.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

A. D. Speed has got back to Cowley again. Harter, Dick Walker, and Judge Saffold have our warmest sympathy, we know how it is ourself.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Mr. Brettun, grandfather, and Burt Crapster, a cousin of Chas. Black, arrived in town yesterday evening. They expect to spend the winter here.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's parents near Dexter, by T. R. Bryan, Esq., October 4th, 1874, Mr. F. M. McWherter, to Miss Lettie Ridgeway.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

[Note: Reference is made to "Mrs. Manning" in following item.]

Col. E. C. Manning, Mrs. Manning, Judge Ross, John Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, and J. M. [J. H.?]Finch started for a four week's trip to Arkansas yesterday morning.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

C. C. Harris has departed for his old home in Ringgold, Georgia, where he will spend the winter. He was accompanied as far as Illinois by Miss Mary Greenlee.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Three coaches and six span of horses belonging to the stage line of Vale & Co. passed through this city last Friday, en route for Caldwell, to be put on the line between that place and Ft. Sill.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Judge Saffold has returned from his canvassing tour, and reports everything favorable. We are sorry to say to the Judge that he will be overwhelmingly slaughtered in November.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

A horse belonging to James Wilson, who is now on a visit to Scotland, and left in the care of J. J. Ellis, was thought to be stolen last Saturday night. The horse was found as it had only strayed away.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Dick Walker took Bozark, Onstat, and Brocknell to Leavenworth last Monday. Bozark goes to the penitentiary and Onstat and Brocknell will be given into the charge of the U. S. Marshal, Tough, who takes them to Arkansas to have another trial.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

When a quail or two light on the tops of the buildings here in town, stones fly at a lively rate and window glass has to suffer. We don't care how many windows you break out if you will just be careful and not break any more out of our house.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

T. P. Carter, Esq., formerly of Silver Creek but now of Bethalto, Illinois, writes us to send him the COURIER, as like any other sensible man he can't do without it. Mr. Carter says that times are good in his part of the state and money plenty, but for all that he intends to come back in the Spring.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Cherries have been in the market this week, which are the second crop on the same trees. They are much finer than the first crop. Fruit trees in a country where they will bear two crops in one season will certainly pay largely, and should be cultivated extensively. Grasshoppers have been here but they didn't eat everything.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Harry Ludlow, one of the pioneer printers of Southern Kansas, and one of the former proprietors of the Oxford Enterprise, was married at the Bradish House by Judge Johnson last Saturday to Miss Lizzie Huff of Sumner County. Harry started for Wichita immediately and his bride followed the next day. At Wichita they took the train for some eastern clime.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Mr. F. S. Norris, of Vernon Township, in this county, becoming alarmed at drouth and grasshoppers, struck out for Missouri some time ago, but found things no better in that state. He writes to a friend that "crops are better in Cowley than we found them in any county south of the (Mo.) river. We had much better have remained in Cowley County." So say three other families who went to the states of Iowa, Kentucky, and Indiana, respectively, and all wish they had remained here.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Last week we neglected to call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of Davis & Ferguson, liverymen, on Eighth Avenue. They have some of the best turn-outs in the city (which is saying a good deal), and they have also a new stone barn in progress of erection which promises to be the finest stable in the place. When you want any livery, walk around and see them.




We have also for sale a full line of Carriages, Hacks, and Buggies. Reliable Riding and Driving Horses, Carriages, Buggies, and Phaeton always on hand. Special care taken with boarding horses. Carriages or hacks furnished with careful drivers when desired. OFFICE and STABLES on 9th Street.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Dr. Black seems to be taking the lead just now in the surgery business. A few weeks ago he opened what is known as a "lumber" abscess, over the region of the kidneys, on the person of Irving Randall, and again last week he performed another nice operation for the son of Andrew Dawsonan abscess over the jugular vein. Dr. Black's operations are neat and give entire satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

The Presbyterian sociable last night at the residence of M. L. Robinson, Esq., was, we understand, a very enjoyable affair and netted the society $10.55.

Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Last week J. C. Lillie, editor in chief of the Carpet-bagger, tried to crowd Allison and his office from their quarters under the bank, and install the Carpet-Bagger instead. Lillie had part of the office in the building before Allison discovered what he was up to when Mr. Allison went around and quietly told J. C. that he should just leave the rest of his baggage out of doors or find some other rooms.

As Lillie didn't like to comply with this very mild request, he commenced abusing Mr. Allison, and telling him how quick he was going to whip him, but failing to do it, however, his anger subsided as it always does when Allison told him not to come any nearer. Mr. Allison then told Mr. Lillie a few things and called him some pet names such as thief, liar, and gambler, and telling how a number of times he had found him and his family nearly starving and helped them out by furnishing J. C. with work in his office. At this point Mrs. Lillie struck up and kept singing her song to the loudest key during the rest of the controversy.

In the meantime Geo. Walker, deputy sheriff, in whose hands the Telegram office then was, told Mr. Lillie that if he put any more of that Carpet-Bagger office into that cellar, that daylight would shine through him in about a minute. The Carpet-Bagger office still occupies a position on the outside of the building.


Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

Lazette News.
There is some talk and no little prospect of our having a flouring mill erected here. Parties living in Eldorado are in communication with our citizens, and it is probable that our long, felt want of a good mill will soon be supplied.

Squire Tilson has returned from Indiana, where he has been visiting old friends these last few weeks.

A large drove of sheep passed through here on Saturday for Sumner County.

Quarterly meeting opened on the 16th last.

Two doses of the COURIER came to us on Saturday, the issue of the 9th and that of the 16th.

A large crowd gathered to attend the sale of J. R. Nugent's property. Articles went off at wild figures, a year's credit without interest being given the purchasers.

A daguerrian [?] tent has been pitched on Main Street, and now lovers of fine art have the opportunity of having first class pictures taken.

Mr. John Brooks is having his farm enclosed with a stone fence. Mr. Treadway is superintending the work, and when done it will surround one of the most beautiful farms in the west.


Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

From Tisdale.
OCT. 20. EDITOR COURIER: The Independent order of politicians held their meeting last night. A. T. Gay was called to the chair, and introduced Mr. Melville as the first speaker. Mr. Melville stated that the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction was overpaid, and according to his remarks would have led us to believe that he would fill the office for less than nothing; and that the office was nearly useless and merely a burden to the county, and finished up by stating that the present incumbent at a salary of $1,200 per annum had made nothing out of the office.

Mr. Williams being introduced stated that he was no speaker; had lived fifteen years in southern Kansas; had been a Son of Temperance; believed in temperance; was glad Mr. Melville could speak for he could not.

Gans lectured on finance but did not state a word in reference to the office of Probate Judge. Wanted them to put him into office where he could learn a little as he knew very little at present; said something about a focus and finished up on veal and beef.

All the candidates now present having spoken, J. G. Young was called. He stated that the party accomplished nothing last year, and he was about to leave the party, but as these men seemed so innocent they certainly could not do much harm and he thought that he would support them.

Handy stated that he was like all the others that preceded himno speaker; wished that he could say something, and finally sat down.

E. P. Young was more independent, would make choice of the best men no matter of what party.

Now we will take the meeting into consideration for one moment. No person belonging to the opposite party was invited to speak, and what did they, themselves say?

They aimed at crying corruption but did not point a single instance where wrong had been done.

They cried small pay and yet stated as plain as language could state that those already in office could make nothing at the present salaries. Now what logic! What reasoning! What conclusion can we, as voters, come to? Cry corruption, but do not know where it is! Salaries too high, and yet not enough to live upon.

And still the Tisdale reformers seem to be highly delighted. Yes, they are like the three travelers, who, when they were shown to bed, were asked if they would have a warming pan. The waiter gone, they asked each other what a warming pan was, and as none of them knew, they came to the happy conclusion that they would eat it anyway. So the Tisdale reformers will eat it anyway, but it seems to me it must grit pretty hard on their teeth.


Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.

The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, at their regular session, commencing on the 5th day of October, A. D., 1874, and ending on the 9th day of October, A. D. 1874.

Only listing a few of the bills allowed.

Wm. McRaw, Furniture repairs: $1.90

G. S. Manser, making mortgage list: $48.00

Lucius Walton, investigating committee: $384.50

S. M. Fall, investigating committee: $153.00

J. D. Pryor, investigating committee: $153.00

J. W. Johnston, furniture: $25.00

TOTAL: $2,866.20

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

The Arkansas City Traveler, refuses to support L. J. Webb for County Attorney, and Sim Moore for Probate Judge, and supports Pyburn and Gans, of the pie bald ticket. In reference to Mr. Webb's candidacy, the Traveler says: "L. J. Webb is one of the best criminal lawyers in Southern Kansas, and a personal friend of ours, but we consider A. J. Pyburn the most trustworthy."

And further on it says: "As we said in our former issues, we shall vote for the best men, regardless of party, local prejudice, or personal ill-will. We are opposed to conventions but will be compelled to submit to them until the people are ready and willing to adopt a better plan. They are not essential in the election of county officers, where we all have the opportunity of knowing the men."

It seems to us that it would be more manly for the Traveler to state its objections to Webb and Moore. So that should it appear to be anything serious, we could all drop them. We can see no difference between the Traveler's course and that of any other self-styled reform paper. "We shall vote for the best man," says the Traveler, "regardless of party, etc." In this case, Mr. Scott had no more business in a republican convention than a Catholic Priest would have taking part in a Presbyterian General Assembly.

We are sorry the Traveler has seen fit to take the course it has in the present canvass. And until the Traveler shows wherein the two democrats, Pyburn and Gans, are in any respect better, or more worthy, than the republican nominees, Webb and Moore, the people will be of the opinion that there is something besides a desire for "best men," that actuates the Traveler.

Some of us will still think that the old jealousy of Winfield, of Winfield men, and Winfield things, still rankles in the breasts of our brethren of Arkansas City. It will be hard for Scott to explain why he didn't throw himself in the breach at the convention and have someone other than Webb and Moore nominated. Why didn't Mr. Scott tell the convention that he couldn't support these gentlemen if nominated. Why didn't he nominate A. J. Pyburn and explain to the delegates that he thought him a "more trustworthy man" than Webb, instead of congratulating the latter gentleman on his nomination. We do not believe that Mr. Pyburn is as fit for County Attorney as L. J. Webb. Nor that H. D. Gans is as well qualified for Probate Judge as Sim. S. Moore.


Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

VERNON, Oct. 26th, 1874.
EDITOR COURIER: I am often asked if I am going to canvass this county pretty generally between this and election, and tell the people what I intend or propose to do at the next session of the legislature, should I have the honor to be elected a member of that body.

To such inquiries, allow me briefly through your columns to answer.

1st. I would say that having lived in this county five years, I do not think it necessary to go around to tell the people who I am. I have long since come to the conclusion that so many candidates seeking petty offices and going around the country inflicting the people with what they call speeches, has become a bore to those who are called upon to listen. Very few attend such meetings.

2nd. I should not be able to tell the people what I would do were I a member of the legislature, only to say: I should endeavor to labor as best I could for the interests of the people of Cowley County, not ignoring the interest we have in common with all the people of the state of Kansas.

3rd. I am asked if I am in favor of paying the state militia that have been called out in defense of the border? I would say emphatically, I am, in so much as the general government has failed to protect the lives and property of citizens along the border and the governor has felt in duty bound to call into service some of the militiA. I say every man who has re sponded to such a call should be fully paid for such service.

While I cannot visit every town in the county, I do expect to meet my fellow citizens in some of the towns where I am least acquainted.

Asking your indulgence in the publication of this, I remain,

Your truly, A. S. WILLIAMS.


Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

On the evening of October 22nd, the citizens of this vicinity were entertained with speeches by part of the Independent candidates, and by some who were not candidates. Mr. Hemenway was called to the chair and introduced the speakers in a few well chosen and appropriate remarks.

The first speaker was Amos Waltonof whom you may have heardwho appeared to represent Mr. Pyburn, as all the candidates but him were present. Mr. Walton made the principal speech of the evening, and seemed to be the political mouthpiece of the Independent party at this time and place. In his view the country is afflicted with a terrible distemper of corruption and dishonesty coming from the diseased body of the Republican party. Only in this party, it would seem, could one find dishonest men or corrupt measures. The real friends of the people were in other ranks, and the opponents of monopolies and "bloated bond-holders" were to be looked for elsewhere. Even Cowley County, according to Mr. Walton, is in a deplorable condition, from which it, with the rest of the country, can be redeemed only by the turning out of the "ins" and letting in the "outs."

Mr. Williams made a few remarks, simply introducing himself to the people of this locality. He had no pledges to make to any man or to any party. As he had made none, he would go through the canvass without making any. Neither would he vilify or abuse anybody, even if he could secure his election by such a course.

H. D. Gans was then called out, but preferred making no speech, saying that he was known here by everybody, and his opinions were known by all present.

Mr. Melville then made a few remarks regarding the office of School Superintendent, pledging himself to work for three dollars per day, and to charge only for the days actually employed in official labors. He thought that the saving to the county by his election would be several hundred dollars.

Mr. Julius Woollen was called for, and his judgment was, that as Mr. Wilkinson had done good service for the county in the cause of common schools, it would be a matter of justice to re-elect him to the office of Superintendent.

Mr. B. H. Clover gave the meeting a few remarks in reply to Mr. Walton's utterances, concluding with the statement that if he were a candidate, and desired anybody to speak for him, he would give Walton a yearling calf to stay at home and keep still.

The remarks made by Mr. Story were for the interests of truth, not of parties. His idea was that corruption was not confined to any one party, but that it invariably followed a long exercise of political power. The sins of the republican party were common to its opponents, who should bear equally the burden of censure and condemnation whenever guilty.


Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Mr. James G. Service has gone to New York to spend the winter.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Rev. James E. Platter has moved his family into his new brick residence.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

J. C. Fuller, Esq., who has been absent at St. Louis the past week, returned home last night.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

A. T. Shenneman has returned from Illinois, where he reports everything flourishing and times good.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Frank Cox and lady, of Richland Township, have gone to their old home in Illinois to spend the winter.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

I. F. Newland and family started a few days ago for Colorado, where they intend to live in the future.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

J. J. Sprague, who is well known to most of our readers as a former resident of this place, is now spending a few days in town looking up old acquaintances.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

George Oaks, whom everyone knew and respected, and one of the oldest residents and best citizens of Cowley, started a few days ago for Texas, where he intends to take up a permanent residence.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Mr. William Stewart, who has been visiting his brother, A. T. Stewart, of this place, for several weeks past, returned to his home in Illinois yesterday morning.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

A new paper is soon to be started at Winfield to be called the Western Nation. Emporia News.

You are slightly mistaken, Jake, its the Carpet-Bagger. We christened it last week.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

MARRIED. Dr. J. O. Houx has gone and got married to Miss Clara Weir, formerly of the Lagonda House of this city. We wish the Dr. and his fair bride all the happiness imaginable.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Teams loaded with wheat pass through town almost daily bound for the mills at EurekA. As they can't get their own wheat ground here, they prefer going off somewhere else rather than exchange.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

A truly pioneer family passed through town yesterday. One wagon was loaded with household goods while another contained thirteen children. Is it any wonder that that man is discouraged and is leaving the country?

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

A monster load of wheat was bought by Hitchcock & Boyle off Enoch Willett one day last week. It weighed 108 bushels and was brought to town with three yoke of oxen. We venture to say that it was the biggest load ever hauled to Winfield. The scales could not draw the entire load; it had to be weighed in halves.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

We understand that Alexander talks of disorganizing the city and placing it back where it was before it was incorporated. Well, Aleck and the P. O. "ring" have been disappointed in the result. The experiment has cost several thousand and `tisn't so lovely with the "ring" as it might have been; and now they are ready for some other change to try and save their failing fortunes.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Leland J. Webb has had 107 cases in the district court; 96 civil and 11 criminal. He won 85 out of the 96 civil and the entire 11 criminal. Can your "reform" candidate or any other Lawyer in the district best that? Webb was nominated because of his well known ability. And if the people of Cowley want a man who knows how, and will take care of their interests, they should vote for L. J. Webb for County Attorney.


Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

A Young Man Accidentally Shoots Himself.
And Dies Almost Immediately.
We are indebted to Dr. Thompson, of Tisdale, for the following particulars of a most distressing accident. A young man by the name of William Patterson, in the employ of Mr. Newland, who lives near Silver Creek, was out hauling rock last Saturday, having with him a loaded gun for the purpose of killing chickens. Having loaded his wagon, he started for the house, standing on the load, holding the gun by the barrel with the breech resting on the edge of a rock. By some means, a jolt or something of that kind, the gun slipped off the stone and down through the rails used as a rack. It is supposed that the hammer struck one of the rails in going through, anyway, the gun was discharged. The contents entered at the pit of the stomach, passing inward and upward through the stomach, and lodged in the right lung. The poor man was knocked off the wagon and lay where he fell, until found a few moments afterwards by Mrs. Newland. He breathed a few times after being found and expired. A post mortem examination was held on the body on Sunday morning by Coroner Sim Moore, and the facts found substantially as above narrated. Mr. Patterson was a young man about 20 years of age, and had lived but about a year in the county. He was from Indiana.

There seems to be a sort of fatality about Mr. Newland's farm, as it will be remembered that some two months ago a young man was killed in a well on the same farm.


Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

MILLARD - REEVES. By Squire Handy, Mr. E. A. Millard, to Miss M. E. Reeves, at Tisdale, Oct. 26.

Eugene didn't follow the style of most of the folks in this county, by bribing the Probate Judge and Justice of the Peace to keep the affair secret for two or three months, but came out boldly as though he wasn't ashamed, and had a good old-fashioned party, and we all congratulated the groom and danced with the bride and sundry pretty maids, and had a good time, and came away well satisfied, and hoping that they may live to celebrate their golden wedding.


Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

FT. SILL, INDIAN TERRITORY, Oct. 21st, 1874.
DEAR BECKETT: After a long and tedious trip our party arrived here last night.

We saw plenty of Indians at a distance but lost no scalps however, and in consequence the Cowley boys are in good spirits. Part of our outfit leave for the "field" today. Gen. Sheridan arrived here last Saturday and took command of the forces and immediately dispatched nine companies to reinforce Gen. Miles on the Staked Plains. A lively time may now be anticipated.

Satanta, Big Tree, Lone Wolf, and ten or twelve other chiefs are here in the guard house, all heavily ironed. Kicking Bird, chief of the Kiowas, also wears the same kind of "jewels."

This is a beautiful country, well timbered, plenty of water, and an abundance of stone. The Wichita Mountain range, fifteen miles wide by fifty in length, a very rough broken plateau, treads in a northwesterly direction from here. From the U. S. Signal station on their summit, a distance of sixty miles can be seen in any direction.

We are all well armed with Remington rifles, but since Sheridan's appearance at the front, we apprehend no immediate danger from the Indians.

When we reach the field of work, I may write to you again; till then, I am

Very Respectfully, TELL W. WALTON.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Lazette News.
Judge Moore, L. J. Webb, and T. A. Wilkinson paid our village a short visit last week. The notices of the coming of these gentlemen were not received and the crowd was small which met with them here. But they thus got better acquainted with the citizens whom they did meet.

On Thursday morning the Independent candidates met at the schoolhouse and entertained a number of our people with speeches. Mr. Manly Hemenway, our postmaster, presided, and speeches were made by Messrs. Walton, Williams, and Gans, and Ben Clover, Julius Woollen, and R. C. Story responded to some toasts furnished by the preceding speakers.

A movement is on foot to put the parsonage in better and more comfortable condition, and our citizens without regard to church, are supporting the movement.

On the 22nd, Mr. John Cunningham brought suit before H. D. Gans against Eugene Millard for the sum of five dollars, money loaned the defendant by the plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff.

Mr. Manly Hemenway has received his second lot of new goods for fall and winter trade.

Many wagons pass and repass daily, going to, or coming from the corn fields of Elk River, where corn is held at from fifty to sixty cents per bushel.

The public schools along the valley are reported to be in a flourishing condition.

On the 24th, the Grouse Creek Teachers' Association was permanently organized. The officers elected are as follows: President, R. C. Story; Vice President, Miss Ida Daggett; Secretary, Julius Woollen; Assistant Secretary, Miss Belle Dudley; Critic, Miss Kate Fitzgerald. In the afternoon Mr. Story delivered an address on the subject of English words, and their etymology. Miss Daggett read an essay on the aims and ends of our association. Mr. Woollen gave an address on the true basis of teaching. The meeting was pleasant and profitable. The next session will be held November 14th.

The chicken cholera is rapidly thinning out our hen roosts. In times of trouble and calamity, deeds of heroism and self-sacrifice shine out all the more brilliantly from the darkness of their surroundings. One of our citizens had a hen whose devotion to duty was her "ruling passion strong in death," for she was found dead in her nest with two eggs under her. Comments are unnecessary.


Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate at Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

WINTER SUITS for $10 to $14 at Requa's.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

THE FINEST Syrup in the market at the Log Store.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

THE BEST SEA ISLAND Muslin a yard wide at 10 cts. per yard at J. B. Lynn & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

Down She Goes!!!! Fresh bread at the New Bakery for 5 cts. a loaf.

Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.

EVERYTHING in the glove line at Blacks, embracing Men's Buck Gauntlets, Men's Chinchilla Back Gauntlets, Men's Heavy Plymouth driving, Men's Light Plymouth driving,

Men's Heavy Kid driving, Men's Cassimere Back driving, Ladies' Fine Buck Gauntlets, Ladies' Fine Kid Gauntlets, Ladies' Alexander, genuine, Men's Berlin, Boy's half gauntlets, Men's and boy's sheep mitts, Men's and boy's Calf mitts, And other styles too numerous to mention, comprising The Largest and Best Stock of Gloves and Mitts Ever Brought to this market. Call early and make your selections.

Also a full line of Hats and Caps.

A good Cap for 50 cts.


Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Osborn Goes Out with Nearly Five Hundred Majority.
Brown the Choice of Cowley!!!
St. Clair Beats Saffold Fully Three Hundred Votes.
Tom Bryan elected by at least Two Hundred Majority.
The election in this county last Tuesday passed off quietly. No disturbance of any kind marred the good feeling which has prevailed during the election campaign. Owing to the fact that a great many voters stayed away from the polls a very light vote was cast, probably not over fourteen hundred in all.

The State Congressional and Senatorial tickets received handsome majorities.

The Republican Congressional and Senatorial tickets received handsome majorities.

The Republican county ticket was elected with two exceptions, by majorities ranging all the way from 100 to 225.

What we consider an infamous combination defeated Webb and Moore. Creswell and Bolton Townships, voted almost solid for their own man Pyburn against Webb and the Democratic Gans against Moore. Surely neither Webb nor Moore has cause to be ashamed of their home vote. And notwithstanding the miserable stories set afloat concerning them just before the election each ran ahead of his ticket in their respective townships. Especially may L. J. Webb be proud of the vote given him here. His own home vindicates him from the foul charges of his enemies by seventy-five majority, while the reform candidates with that exception run ahead by small majorities. Never was a campaign conducted fairer than Mr. Webb conducted the one just closed and he has the consciousness that while he has lost the position to which he aspired he yet retains his honor.

Take it all in all, the Republican party of Cowley County have reason to be proud of that day's work.


Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

THE P., G. AND F. R. R. W.
The Grading Contracts Let.
Its Construction an Assured Fact.
The above heads a long article in the Garnett Plaindealer, and means one of the railroads that Cowley County has been expecting for the past two years or more.

Our people have been fooled so often in railroad enterprises that we take these reports with a good deal of allowance. However, let us hope that what the Plaindealer says in the extract below is true and that the cars will be running through Cowley County ere "many moons."

"Mr. Davis has immediate supervision of the work, with headquarters in this city, and Mr. Cutler started for the East Wednesday morning, for the purpose of securing iron: He has no doubt of his ability to procure iron for immediate use, and we hope and believe that ere many weeks have passed the rails will be laid from Paola to this point, and we shall see the iron bands pushing out for the Arkansas Valley.

"Mr. Cutler is an old railroad builder, and does not propose to stop until the cars are running into Arkansas City, and long trains are bearing their proportion of the Texas cattle trade to Eastern markets through our city, and doing a fair share of the local freight business of Coffey, Woodman, Greenwood, Butler, and the counties further west. The road passes through a section of country that is partially or wholly destitute of railroad facilities, and will undoubtedly pay from the start. Mr. Cutler is a man of sufficient judgment and foresight to appreciate this fact, and proposes to secure the traffic of this vast extent of undeveloped country."


Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

From our Special Correspondent.
COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS, October 24th, 1874.
FRIEND COURIER: I write you from the office of the Coffeyville Courier. It is a smart paper, published by Chatham and Scurr. Chatham is a nephew of Judge Ross of your town. Coffeyville is twice as large as Winfield and contains three times as many business houses, and a greater variety of them. We meet Indians, Mexicans, Missourians, Arkansans, and white men upon the streets of this busy place. Drinking and gambling are pastimes that are indulged in by many apparently respectable men and businessmen at that. This is Saturday and there are not as many teams in town as is usual in Winfield, but for all that there seems to be a large business done here.

The civilized Indians from the Territory come here to trade. The town is an irregular shaped affair without beauty in architecture or symmetry in form. A very large schoolhouse, much after the plan of the one in Arkansas City, only twice as large, graces the highest part of the town plot.

There are larger business houses here than in Winfield, but no private residences to compare at all with Rev. Platter's, Capt. Davis, or Capt. Lowrey's.

The town is about two miles from the Indian Territory line and is surrounded by a sandstone country; consequently, the soil is sandy. The hills are covered with black jack oak and autumn's tints upon the foliage make the landscape charming. The railroad (L. L. & G.) terminates here, though the track runs a mile below town to the stock yards. Many cattle are shipped here.

Nobody need want to leave Cowley County to come here to either live or buy winter provisions. The soil is not half as good as Cowley soil; the water is not as good; the streams are all dry. Cattle have to go long distances in some localities to get water. The crops are as poor here as with you there. Sweet potatoes sell for one dollar and they are the only eatable that we can find that is cheaper than there. Corn sells from 75 to 90 cents. Irish potatoes are shipped in from the north. As another indication that this is not a more favored land than yours, nearly everybody wants to sell out. We passed in the last twenty miles more than a hundred acres of castor beans, but the crop is about a failure. It is only about two feet high and far from ripe.

The road from Winfield to this place is a very rough one, hilly and stony. It is about one hundred miles in distance. Our route lay by Dexter, Cedervale, Peru, St. Paul, and Canaville. At Cedervale we left the limestone country and entered the sandstone region, which extends to this place and to the Boston mountains in Arkansas for ought I know. Cedervale is a little larger than Tisdale and shows more thrift than any place between here and Winfield. Peru is about the size of Cedervale but looks deserted, about one half the buildings being vacant. St. Paul consists of a very large white hotel, two deserted stores, a good well, a running race track one half mile long, and corn at a dollar and a quarter. It is on the east edge of Howard County and the ragged edge of despair. The heavy timber of Cana Valley are on one side and timber crowned hills on the other give a mellow tinge to the somber picture. Canaville two miles away and out of sight smiles upon the top of a little hill where the solitary loafer on the street corner points the traveler on the right road to Coffeyville. Canaville is twice as large as St. Paul and consequently happy. All the towns that we passed through from Winfield here have county seat aspirations that glow or slumber during the annual election canvass and legislative session according as they win or lose on their respective candidates. The distances as given us (and they always hold out) are Dexter 18 miles; Cedervale, 15 miles; Peru, 15 miles; St. Paul, 12 miles; Canaville, 2 miles; Coffeyville, 22 miles.

Howard County will give Brown for congress 500 majority and St. Clair for the Senate a still larger majority. The division candidate for the House will probably be elected.


Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Mr. Pruden, liveryman, of Arkansas City, gave us a call last Monday.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Rev. N. L. Rigby will hold service in the Baptist church, next Sabbath, morning and evening.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

A Justice of the Peace is to be appointed by the Governor, and a Police Magistrate by the city council in the place of N. H. Wood.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

The Band gave a dance last Tuesday night at the Lagonda House. a nice crowd was in attendance and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

The first Italian street musicians that ever came to our town were perambulating the streets this afternoon. They are a curiosity to the youngsters.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Bob Drummond, a late employee of Darrah & Doty's, has sold his house and lot in Menor's Addition to Burt Covert, and gone back to Illinois.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Mr. J. A. McGuire of Tisdale is advertising for his creditors to bring him in a little money. A good many of our citizens should try the same plan.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

The Winfield band went to Arkansas City last Monday and came home Tuesday. The City boys gave them a dance in the evening and the City girls attended. There were nine ladies from Winfield in attendance.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Mr. John Shearman, of Wellington, is putting in a stock of boots, shoes, and clothing, into the Blue Front, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of our citizens as far as possible in his line.

AD: NEW STORE Just opened at the

A stock of Boots, Shoes, and Clothing. Special bargains will be offered in Women's, Misses', Boys', and Children's Shoes. Clothing in suits or single pieces will be sold at very low prices. JOHN SHEARMAN.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

DIED. Mr. I. M. Steinbarger, a former employee of this office, better known in this city as "Juniper," died at the residence of his brother, "Abe" Steinbarger, in Elk City, Montgomery County, of a relapse of the typhoid fever, on the 25th ult.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

We are under many obligations to Ed Walker, Taylor Winn, and Henry Pennington for the hospitable manner in which we were entertained at their bachelor quarters on the Arkansas River while we were out rusticating lately.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Judge Wood has departed for IowA. The Judge's health was very poor, and he made the change in hopes of bettering it. By his departure Winfield loses a valuable citizen, a Justice of the Peace, and a Police Magistrate.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Mrs. Howard and Black, at the Ladies' Furnishing Store, have just received a large and select stock of millinery goods, of all kinds, and they have advertised a grand opening on next Saturday. The ladies will all walk in and look at the finery of course.

AD: READ!! READ!! MRS. L. H. HOWARD, Has just received a large assortment of Ladies' Furnishing Goods. The Finest and Best Styles of Hats, Flowers, and Ribbons, ever brought to Southern Kansas. Laces, Collars, Gloves, Parasols, Hosiery. New Style Hair Goods. Notions, etc., All of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

The reformers in Creswell and Bolton townships went solid against Webb for county attorney because they said Pyburn is a better man, while at Winfield the reformers voted for Webb because they say he is a better man than Pyburn. Alas, we have lost faith in these reformers.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

The barbers in this city have made another change. John Nichols and Will Roberts sold out to Mr. Pattison of Arkansas City, who has formed a partnership with Mr. Baker, and are located at Nichols & Robert's old stand. John Nichols has opened out in Baker's old stand, and Will Roberts is going back to Michigan.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Capt. Geo. R. Peck, our United States District Attorney, distinguished himself as an able lawyer by the very efficient manner in which he prosecuted several important cases at the late term of the U. S. District Court held at Leavenworth. He is without doubt one of the rising young men of this state.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

We understand that there is to be a change soon in the matter of transporting the mail on the route from Arkansas City to WichitA. By the new arrangement the mail will be carried from Wichita to Arkansas City by way of Winfield and Nennescah, leaving Oxford out in the cold. The Oxford mail will be brought to this town and carried to its destination on the buck board which plies between here and Wellington.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Dr. Thompson has found a vein of coal one inch thick on his farm two miles south of Tisdale. In hopes of finding a thicker vein deeper down, he has bored two feet into the hard rock, and broke his drills. He will commence boring again in a few days, and either find coal or convince himself that there is no coal there. He reports the indications for a thick vein are good, and feels confident of success.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

A good girl who can do general housework, and take care of children, can find a good situation by applying at once at the residence of L. J. Webb.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

The Garnett Plaindealer has been rented by Mr. S. H. Dodge, and comes to us as sprightly as ever asking an exchange, which we cheerfully agree to. The Plaindealer was always a favorite at the COURIER office. And although we miss Spooner, we wish Mr. Dodge entire success and believe that he will keep the Plaindealer up to its old time ability.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

The Winfield Silver Cornet Band desires us to thank the Band and other citizens of Arkansas City, for the kind and generous treatment they received at their hands on the occasion of their recent visit to that city. We attended the party in the evening and can truly say that we have never attended a more pleasant and enjoyable ball since we have been in the state. We should be pleased to have the Arkansas City Band give Winfield a similar call, and give our band and citizens a chance to return the compliment at an early day.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Mr. Chauncy Hewett started for his home in Little Rock, Arkansas, yesterday. Mr. Hewett came to this county four years ago and purchased a claim two and a half miles south of Tisdale on Silver Creek, and placed 80 acres of it under cultivation immediately; 62 acres of the remainder of it is in timber and the other 20 is rocky bluffs. He has contracted to have a stone wall built around the whole quarter section, which will be thirty inches thick at the base and sixteen at the top and five feet high, and will form a complete fire break; the fence will cost $1,100. He is also having a corn crib built capable of containing twenty-five hundred bushels of corn, and a stone barn is to be built in a short time one hundred feet long by thirty feet wide. It is Mr. Hewett's ambition to have the best improved farm in the county and he will certainly have it.


Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Resolutions of Respect.
TISDALE, OCT. 28th, 1874.
At a special meeting of the Tisdale Lodge No. 252, I. O. G. T., called to pass resolutions on the death of William Patterson, the following were submitted by the committee, and unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his divine wisdom, to remove brother William Patterson from among us, therefore be it

Resolved, That while we feel deeply the loss our Lodge has sustained, we now in humble submission to the decrees of all wise Providence;

Resolved, That in the death of our worthy brother, this Lodge has lost an efficient member;

Resolved, That we tender the sincere sympathy of this lodge to the bereaved relatives of our worthy brother in this their sore affliction, and

Resolved, That the minutes and resolutions of this meeting be sent to each of the county papers for publication, and a copy be sent to the brothers and sister of the deceased.




A. T. GAY,


Skipped Treasurer's Notice re tax roll for 1874 for State, County, Township, and School Districts, in November 5, 1874, issue.


Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

EDITOR COURIER: As many of your readers may not know the precise location of this place, I will say that it is situated on the head-waters of Salt River. It is much thought of by the invalids who have had a relapse, brought on by the sudden change in the political atmosphere. We are herewith a party of health seekers, and as it is customary to "write up" excursions of this kind, I want to tell you all about this one.

We left Wireville on the third inst., with the earnest assistance of our friends, expecting to make the round trip without the aid of anyone else. However, we were disappointed when we reached Boltville to find that the Boltvillians were greatly interested in our welfare, and urged their hospitality on us to such an extent that we were about to accept when we discov ered that another party had relied upon their friendly advances and been very much deceived, so we gave them the slip as soon as we could, and went on our way, rejoicing, until we approached Bolton. This place being so close to Boltville, and the customs and manner of the people being the same, we gave the place as wide a berth as we could and kept on. I almost forgot to tell you, however, that just opposite Bolton we picked up a party who was taken in at Boltville, and so used up that for a time his recovery was doubted. But the fresh air of this place has effected a permanent cure and he is ready long before any of the rest of us to return. We stopped at Silverdale, Maple City, Dexter, and a few other towns, but did not stay long enough to take many items, except at Dexter, where we learned that the people in this vicinity were not apt to look very favorably upon Reformationville. It seems that the people here call themselves "Reformers," and are generally thought to be first class frauds. So well are they known that they never succeed in anything unless Boltville takes hold with them. At Tisdale, Sheridan, Rock, Richland, Silver Creek, Vernon, and Otter we found the same impression prevailing that we did at Dexter, and arriving at this place we find them correct and shall leave just as soon as we can get away. Some of our party like the name these people have given themselves and keep repeating it. "Reformers, Reformers, REFORMERS," and so interested do they get, that they wind up with "REFORMERS!"

The force with which they brought it out the last time rather frightens them, and they look around to see the result and then discover that no one pays any attention to them as it is only a name and has no significance whatever. The only redeeming feature we find in these people is that they have learned that the post office "Ring" talk of leaving Wireville and coming here, and they say that the place is bad enough now without having the mass of iniquity heaped upon them.

The City Attorney has been instructed to draw an Ordinance authorizing the Marshal to use all means necessary to keep them out, and special instructions are given concerning the "Carpet-bagger." It is reported here that the "Post office Ring" intend to change the name of their political party for next Fall's campaign. They are not satisfied with "People's Party," "Liberal Party," "Farmer's Party," and "Independent Reform Party," and have now determined to throw aside all "catch penny" names and come out in their true colors, "Democratic Party." We learned at all the places we stopped at that the people understood that was what was meant by the name "Independent, etc.," and would have settled the hash of the "Independents" had not Boltville gone back on the whole thing to grind a little axe of their own. But here comes the boat and I must be off. WIREPULLER.


Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 31, 1874.
JAS. KELLY, Esq.: Dear Sir: You will perhaps be surprised to hear from me, but as I want to get the home news and know of no better medium than through the sheets of the COURIER, we want you to send it to us for three months.

I don't like this country as well as Cowley County, to live in, but having a chance of going into something that has the prospect of paying well, we shall most likely stay through the winter.

Although this has the name of being a great wheat country, the yield wasn't near as much per acre as it was in Cowley, and if the farmers would grow the white varieties of fall wheat, there is no place in America that would beat them in quantity or quality; in fact, for a farming country we have seen nothing like it since we left, and the farmers who stick to it will become wealthy, as the old pioneers are here.

The fruits and vegetables are in great abundance here, but they can be made just as much so there. All that is needed is time and energy.

The weather is delightful here. We had two or three day's rain about a week ago, the first rain of the season, though earlier than usual. As it is about mail time I will have to close.

Respectfully yours, ED. T. JOHNSON.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

[Published Nov. 12th, 1874.]
Ordinance No. 41.
An Ordinance defining the duties of the Marshal of the City of Winfield.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.

SEC. 1. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal of the City of Winfield to execute all processes directed to him by the Police Judge of said City of Winfield.

SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal of the city of Winfield to attend to the collection of all dog taxes and license taxes in the City of Winfield and to execute all ordinances relating to the same.

SEC. 3. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal of the said City of Winfield to execute all ordinances relating to stock which are now or may be in force in the City of Winfield, by taking up, impounding, and otherwise dealing with the same as may be required by such ordinances.

SEC. 4. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal of the City of Winfield in addition to the duties specified in 1, 2, and 3 of this Ordinance to do whatever may be necessary and not inconsistent with his duties as such marshal; to preserve the peace of the city of Winfield, and to protect private and public property within its limits.

SEC. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication.

Approved November 11th, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

T. H. Suits has been appointed Justice of the Peace in the place of N. H. Wood.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

The bridge across Timber Creek progresses finely under the supervision of E. P. Kinne.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Everybody in town is glad to see Mr. B. F. Baldwin at his old stand, after his visit east.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

We notice the smiling countenance of J. C. Musgrove, of South Haven, Sumner Co., in town today.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

The Telegram has moved once more. This time it has located on the corner of Main Street and Tenth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Mr. Spencer Bliss, who has been severely ill for the last two weeks, is, we are pleased to learn, rapidly recovering.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

The family of Mr. T. G. Peyton, formerly of the Lagonda House, left last Tuesday for Dallas, Texas, where they will take up their residence.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Frank Gallotti has been recently appointed Deputy Treasurer. Frank is a good fellow, a good bookkeeper, and will make Mr. Kager an efficient assistant.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

The ladies of the Congregational Society will hold a social at the residence of Mr. John Lowry, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 18. During the evening we will hear Miss Malony on the Chinese Question. All are invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

John Kirby, who has for a long time been leader of the Silver Cornet Band of this city, and who has usually officiated as chief musician at most of our balls, accompanied by Perry Castater, started for Parsons, where they expect to stay for some time.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

We are informed that the members of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. and A. M., will give a grand ball Christmas for the benefit of the society.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

The attention of our readers is called to Dr. Austin's card in the COURIER this week. The doctor comes to us highly recommended as a gentleman and successful practitioner. Those who are so unfortunate as to need a physician will do well to call on Dr. Austin.


Office in Read's Block. Upstairs. Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

A public meeting will be held at the Courthouse on Monday evening next, Nov. 18, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee, appointed to draw up a constitution, etc., for the Winfield Literary Institute. All are invited. J. E. PLATTER, Secy.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

There is talk of organizing a Chess Club in this city. We don't see any reason why it couldn't be done, as we have quite a number of players who would be glad to join such a society. All that is needed is for someone to take hold of the matter, which we hope will be done at an early day.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee has sold his residence south of town to Mr. Bull of Bloomington, Illinois, who made our city a short visit last week to look at his purchase. He paid for the land at the rate of sixty-five dollars per acre. Mr. Parmelee's family gives possession in March next when they will take up their residence in Bloomington.


Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Our Public Schools.
Below we give the course of study pursued by the Public Schools of the city of Winfield, as adopted by the Board of Education, Oct. 1st, 1874.

Chart exercises or first steps in reading.

First reader, commenced and finished.

Second reader, commenced and finished.

First lesson in drawing, combination of straight lines and angles.

Writing commenced, embracing the first four principles in the formation of letters.

Multiplication table through the 6's.

Easy examples including the principles of addition and subtraction.

Spelling in words of one and two syllables.

Language lessons or first steps in composition.

Object lessons throughout the department.

Calisthenics throughout the department.

Third reader commenced and finished.

Fourth reader commenced and finished.

Multiplication table complete.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and compound numbers.

Intellectual arithmetic.

Grammar, analysis and false syntax.

Geography, oral lessonsthe continents at large.

Spelling to page fifty. Analytical speller.

Writing, numbers two and three, Spencerian system.

Object lessons throughout the department.

Singing throughout the department.

Calisthenics throughout the department.

Fifth reader.

GeographyEurope, Asia, North and South America, and a few lessons in Africa.

Arithmetic, third book, finished.

Arithmetic, higher, commenced.

Algebra, Elementary commenced and finished.

Algebra, Higher, commenced and finished.

Geometry, commenced and finished.

History, U. S., from 1765 through the Great Rebellion.




Map drawing.

Penmanship, Spencerian system.

Intellectual arithmetic.

Oral lessons.



The above will be carefully followed by the schools of the city, and by thus making our work systematic, we hope to accomplish all that should be expected of schools of the grade of ours. We trust the patrons will cooperate with the School Board, and the teachers, in their efforts to work our schools to a standard second to none of their grade. Teachers will insist on regular and punctual attendance of the pupils on all sessions of the schools and we hope all interested will aid in this.

A limited number of tuition students can be accommodated as follows.

Primary department, $1.25 per month.

Intermediate department, $1.75 per month.

Grammar department, $2.00 per month.

The schools are always open to those interested, and the teachers will be glad to have them freely visited and the standing progress noted and criticized.

W. C. ROBINSON, Principal.
MISS S. E. ALDRICH, Intermediate.

Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

In Memoriam.
DIED. In this city on the 7th inst., of congestion of the brain: Arthur Eugene Arnold, aged 3 years 11 months and 17 days. A POEM FOLLOWED.


Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

The country east and north of this place has been visited by very severe fires. While there was no great loss of property, other than hay, of which considerable was destroyed, there was yet a large territory burned over, and considerable apprehension of danger.

Several teams started last week for the machinery of the steam flouring mill to be erected here. The matter is no longer one of uncertainty, and not many months will go by before the Grouse Valley will grind its own grain.

The wheat in this section is in as fine condition as anyone could wish, and many farmers are pasturing their cattle upon it. The prospects are that this valley will yield an immense crop of this grain next year.

During the temporary absence of Rev. Mr. Wingar and family, a party of our citizens visited the parsonage last Saturday and under the leadership of Messrs. Tull and Walsh, put the same in condition for comfortable occupancy this winter.

Squire Nugent, father of Willoughby Nugent, Attorney and Counselor at Law, took his departure for St. Louis on Sunday morning last.

On Friday evening a small but pleasant crowd gathered at the residence of Mr. Walsh and spent the night in dancing. A supper at Mr. Harris' completed the pleasures of the evening.

The caravan of teams toward the corn country of Howard County seems to have been very effectively stopped by the sudden rise in the price of that article from fifty to eighty cents per bushel.


Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Tisdale News.
The election here passed off quietly; in fact, I have never seen a more pleasant one in Tisdale. The principal interest was taken in S. S. Moore, the majority at least considering him a man well qualified to fill the office of Probate Judge, whatever others who are less acquainted with him thought of the matter.

School commenced here last Monday, under the able management of Eugene Millard, who holds first class honors as a teacher.

Napier, Johnson & Co. have built a wagon and blacksmith shop 20 x 40. They are excellent workmen and will add greatly to the prosperity of our town.

Wheat looks promising and there is an abundance of it sown.

Dr. Thompson will commence boring for coal again this week. BEATUS.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1874.

The very latest news from Arkansas is to the effect that Lieut. Governor Smith has declared himself Governor of that state, and calls upon the president for troops to keep the Peace.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

A Pleasant Time.
Upon the invitation of the Maple Grove Grange of this county, a party consisting of Prof. Wilkinson, Mrs. Wilkinson, E. S. Torrance, Esq., Miss Helen Parmelee, ourself, and Mrs. Kelly attended the open session of that grange last Monday evening. This grange is held at what is called Ferguson's schoolhouse in district 45. The schoolhouse is, perhaps, one of the best in the county outside of Winfield and Arkansas City. It cost the district nearly $1,000 in bonds. On our arrival we found the house full to overflowing with big and little grangers, the sons and daughters of honest toil.

The Grange was called to order by the Worthy Master, Mr. James H. Land, who briefly announced the object of the open session. An opening song being sung by the members, and prayer by the Chaplain, the grange was declared ready for business.

First a lecture was given by Mr. Frazier, in which he depicted the oppression and tyranny of today as equaled only by the oppression of the colonists in the days of King George the III. That it was the laboring men and farmers of that day who threw off the galling yoke just as the farmers and laborers of today would break the chains with which they are bound.

Next came a song by Mr. McCune. Then instrumental music by Professor Wilkinson and Mrs. Kelly. An essay was read by Mrs. Amanda Roberts on the old, old theme of "Woman's Work." This to our mind, was the best production of the evening. Her essay was well prepared, and aside from a pardonable embarrassment, well read. The whistling "Plow Boy," was then sung, after which a speech by Mr. T. J. Johnson. Then a paper entitled "Boys on the Farm," was read by Mr. C. A. Roberts, which was quite humorous.

Prof. Wilkinson made a short speech in which he advised the farmers to begin the work of reformation at home, and not mix the "tailings" with good wheat, nor sell half hatched, for fresh eggs. When the regular order had been gone through with E. S. Torrance, Esq., ourself and several others were called out but declined to make speeches. The thanks of the Grange was voted to the party from Winfield for the music furnished, when the meeting was closed in Grange order. The Winfield party are under obligations to Mr. David Ferguson for transportation to and from the meeting.


Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

TISDALE, Nov. 16th, 1874.
In the Traveler of the 11th inst., the editor speaking of the result of our county election, says:

"It has taught there is a power that effectually holds the balance of power, and speaks through the ballot box rather than through party politics. That power lies in the sense and judgment of intelligent reasoning men, who cherish principles rather than politics."

Mr. Scott infers by this, the city in which he resides, alone of all our county contains intelligent reasoning men, and men who cherish principles. Now as Mr. Scott holds out to the people the idea that he is one of that number, let us notice briefly some of the principles which he cherishes.

When the Independent convention met at Tisdale on the 12th of October, Mr. Scott was there, endeavoring with might and main to secure the nomination of C. R. Mitchell as a candidate for the office of County Attorney on the Independent ticket, saying to members of that convention that Mr. Mitchell was a straight out independent man. Failing to force his man upon the Independent ticket, he had the impudence to attempt to secure his nomination on the Republican ticket, claiming that his man was a straight Republican, and that he would not have accepted the nomination of the Independents if he had received it. But Mr. Scott's pet was too well known to be acceptable to the republicans, and he failed there. After this failure Mr. Scott was one of the first to congratulate the successful candidate, Mr. Webb, and say, "I have been trying to beat you, but now I will help elect you." In the next issue of his paper, he says that Webb is the best criminal lawyer in Southern Kansas, and yet he failed to support him.

In a former issue he said he would support the best man regardless of petty spite, local prejudice, or personal ill-will. Let us see.

The Creswell delegation claimed to favor the nomination of S. S. Moore for the office of Probate Judge, and attempted to secure the support of the Tisdale delegates to C. R. Mitchell thereby, but when they failed to get the Tisdaleites to support a man whom they deemed unworthy, the support of the Republican party, or the people, Scott bolted the ticket and claimed that Moore was incompetent. If Moore was incompetent after the convention, why wasn't he incompetent before the convention? Why? Simply because he could not be induced by a political trickster to vote in a Republican convention contrary to the wishes of his constituents.

Mr. Moore has certainly reason to be proud of the vote he received outside of the immediate vicinity of the Traveler. In his own township, which gave a majority of 46 last fall against one of the best men in the county, at the late election gave Moore a majority of 21. a gain of 67 votes over Mr. Troup's vote of last fall. Again, which I dare say, no other man could have obtained.

Then take for example the two precincts laying between him and his opponent, where both candidates were well known, and let them decide whether or not Scott's support was "regardless of petty spite or personal ill-will." It is a fact well known to every delegate in the Republican convention that the Traveler's disaffection was caused whollyas far as C. M. Scott was concernedby local prejudice and personal ill-will. If these principles are the principles that "intelligent reasoning men" cherish, God deliver us from such principles.


Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

25 Miles Northwest of Ft. Sill.
November 5th, 1874.
ED. COURIER: Thinking a few words from this post might be of some interest to your readers, I thought I would write a little in regard to matters in general on this part of the frontier. The health of the party is good. There are twenty-six men of us in all. We are running west on latitude 35 north, and expect to run west to the Pan Handle if we are not molested by the Indians. We have had no trouble with them yet and see but few. The Kiowas and Comanches are all out on the warpath, with the exception of a part of Kicking Bird's band (Kiowas) which are at their agency and continue to draw rations.

General Davidson has about 170 of the "noble red men" under heavy guard at the post, Big Tree, Santanta, and White Horse among them, with about 1,400 ponies; the ponies are being shot according to orders at the rate of one hundred per day. General Davidson is out with an expedition against the Indians and on the 29th of October captured about 75 warriors, 100 squaws, and papooses, and 500 ponies.

I saw a scout on the 30th ult., just from the command. He said the expedition was within two day's ride of 1,800 warriors, which they expected to take or kill at all hazards. Sheridan left this post on the 25th of last month for Camp Supply. He says the government has fooled with the Indians long enough, that he will make the white man and his property safe in this country, if he is let alone.

Nearly every stage ranche between this post and the Kansas line has been burned, and the occupants killed or run off. A greater part of the stock taken from the Indians rightfully belongs to Texans, as the Indians have been in the habit of raiding into Texas, and stealing stock for years, and the owners dare not follow them further than Red River, the boundary line between Texas and the Comanche and Kiowa reservations; if they did, the Peace Policy interfered, smoothed it over for poor Lo, and say they don't believe the Indians will steal, and the same Indians drawing rations of the government twice a month.

How do the taxpayers that are a little tender-footed on the Indian question, like such proceedings. The two tribes above named have one of the best and largest reservations in the Indian Territory; plenty of good land for farming purposes; good water; plenty of timber; a much better chance to make a living than the average Southern Kansas settler; no taxes to pay; a good school at the Post for all that choose to go.

It is high time that they be compelled to come in on their reservations and stay there. Some will say that they don't know how to farm it. The trouble is they don't want to know. Their agent at this post has time and again built houses, fenced, and broke up small farms, furnished them with seed, instructed them in planting, furnished them with rations, and today they are all going to ruin, use the fence for firewood, stick up their lodges near the house, and let the ponies use the house for shade. Yours truly, CHARLIE MANN.


Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Lazette News.
The Italian Opera Troup, which has been lately playing in Southern Kansas, passed eastward through this city on Thursday last. Some few pieces of first class music were performed during its short stay.

On the evening of the 12th, Mr. S. M. Fall, while cutting rails in his timber, accidentally cut his right foot. The axe glanced and struck the foot, cutting a gash about five inches in length, and severing three leaders. Dr. R. M. Jackson was called in and dressed the wound. Mr. Fall is doing as well as could be expected, and will be out again in a few weeks.

The interest in musical matters keeps up, and on Wednesday night a new class was organized under the charge of Rev. Mr. Wingar.

On Friday evening a spelling school was held at the schoolhouse. Quite a number were in attendance and acquitted themselves with credit. Mr. Manly Hemenway and Mr. B. H. Clover took a tilt at a list of ninety-nine hard words, and came off with honor.

The following scholars deserve honorable mention for attendance, promptness, deportment, and good standing in classes during the month ending on the 13th.

Emma Burden, Ella Clover, Charles Cunningham, Lizzie Hoff, George Lee, Nannie McDaniels, Miles Smith, Chas. Walsh, and Britto Wingar.

On Saturday the Grouse Valley Teachers' Association met. The matter of map drawing was presented by R. C. Story. Julius Woolen gave his views on the proper study of history. Mr. Wingar gave some instructions in the method of teaching music. The meeting was pleasant, and a successful one.

On the evening of Saturday, the Grangers let themselves loose on the turkeys, chickens, pigs, pies, cakes, cream and peaches, which had been collected preparatory to conferring the square meal degree. No remnants were left after the degree had been conferred. B. H. Clover was one of the chief instructors in this degree, and he rode all the way from Winfield to attend to this duty.

Mr. Harris, the proprietor of our city hotel, has been quite sick, but Dr. Chapman reports him as convalescent.

Mr. Treadway is making fine progress with the fence around the Brook's farm.

The engine and boilers for the mill are on the ground, and other machinery is looked for soon.

Business is "red hot," so says one of our merchants.

Skipped statement of County Clerk M. G. Troup re valuation and taxation of each statement in Cowley County, editorial column, November 19, 1874, issue.


Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Miss Sadie Webb started this morning for Topeka, where she expects to reside.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Mr. Jas. Kirk is putting up some valuable additions to his residence on 8th avenue.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Mrs. Ireland, the wife of the tailor with Scott & Son, arrived here this evening.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

A. H. Green, Esq., of this city, has been appointed assistant U. S. District Attorney.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

There will be a dance at Little Dutch tomorrow (Friday) evening. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Col. Manning and party have returned from their trip to Arkansas, bringing with them heaps of apples and hickory nuts. [Manning ("Wirepuller") sent reports re trip.]

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

The Masons are already making preparations for their ball, which is to be given at the courthouse on Christmas night.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

The contractors on the Paola, Garrett & F. R. R. R. are advertising for men and teams to work on that road. Is there anyone in this county who would like to work?

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Dr. Wagner accompanied by Wm. Hoblet and H. C. McDorman on a deer hunt, among others, killed a fine buck weighing 204 pounds, on the bank of Cedar Creek.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

The Morris Bros., and Darrah & Doty have each fitted up a snow scow, which they denominate by the name of sleigh, and let to boys by the hour so that they might all take a sleigh-ride while the snow lasts.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Dr. Houx and his young wife have moved into the house on 10th Avenue lately occupied by G. S. Manser, and settled down to house keeping in a sensible manner. Dr. says that being head of a family is a responsible position.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

The members of the Winfield Silver Cornet Band are making big preparations for their dance, which takes place on Thanksgiving evening. Nearly three hundred invitations have been issued and a large crowd is expected.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

The first issue of the Carpet-Bagger made its appearance, in the shape of a spotted lizard which issued from under the front stairs. It was captured and kept on exhibition at Green's drug store. We take that to be fair sample of future issues from that office.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

T. H. Suits has resigned the office of City Attorney, and W. P. Hackney has been appointed in his stead to serve the balance of the year. The City Council has appointed T. H. Johnson to the office of Police Judge to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of N. H. Wood.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

By reference to a table published this week, we find that Winfield Township pays one fifth of the entire state and county tax of this county, and that it pays more state and county tax than Silver Creek, Sheridan, Omnia, Cedar, Harvey, Spring Creek, and Creswell Townships combined, including the town of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Scott & Son have traded their boots and shoes to W. H. South, for his dry goods, and with the combined stock removed to the old stand of W. H. H. Maris, where they keep an extensive stock of Dry Goods, which they are willing to sell at bottom figures. Scott & Son are live, wide awake men, who will always keep as large and select a stock of goods as anyone, and when you buy of them, you know what you are getting. Look out for their advertisement next week.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather last evening the sociable at Capt. Lowrey's was quite a pleasant affair. The magnificent parlors lit by one of Black's improved chandeliers were thrown open and playing, singing, laughing, and talking was the order of the evening. Mrs. Lowrey, the Misses Stewarts, and Miss Bryant, the numerous hostesses, were very attentive to their guests, which made anything but enjoyment impossible.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

To School Teachers.
District 45 wants a school teacher, and will employ the right kind immediately at a good salary. Apply at this office or to N. Wiggins, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

From Pete Hason, a bay pony 15 hands high, heavy mane and tail, and five years old. Also a saddle and bridle belonging to John Casper. Said pony was taken Friday, the 6th inst., from the Floral schoolhouse. The finder will be liberally rewarded.


Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

ALLISON - HENRY. At Dexter, Kansas, October 29th, 1874, by Rev. J. J. Wingar, Sylvester Allison to Malissa J. Henry.


Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Maris, Carson & Baldwin, is dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Carson, withdrawing.

The business will be continued at the old stand by the remaining members of the old firm, who collect all accounts due the old firm and settle all claims held against said firm. All persons indebted to the old firm will please call and settle at once, and oblige


Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.

[Published November 19th, 1874.]
Ordinance Number 42.
An Ordinance in relation to license tax in the City of Winfield.

Be it Ordained by the Mayor and councilmen of the city of Winfield.

SECTION 1. That any person or association of persons coming within the provisions of ordinance number 36, shall be allowed to take out and obtain a license, after the first day of November of any year by paying into the city treasury half the sum proscribed by said ordinance.

This ordinance shall be in force on and after its publication.

Approved November 16th, 1874. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Ten days have elapsed since V. V. Smith declared himself governor of Arkansas. The authorities have been hunting for Smith ever since, but have failed so far to find him.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

We stood by and witnessed the burning of some seven thousand dollars worth of the debt of Cowley County, yesterday. Some of the scrip was of the oldest issue of the county. The plaguey stuff had to be coaxed to burn. Would that the entire debt could be disposed of in the same way.


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Alexander's Salutatory, with running Comments
By the Courier.
"We have been a citizen of Cowley County for upwards of four years."

How about the time you spent in Leavenworth, when you left here cursing the country, the town, and everybody in it?

"We have intended for a long time to start a newspaper in Winfield. . . . This intention has been accomplished sooner than we expected."

Yes. Allison was down with a libel suit on his hands, his paper attached, so he couldn't run. That was your favorable opportunity to start a paper on the ruins of the Telegram.

"We have never intended to build up by tearing someone else down."

You didn't intend it when you tried to throw Allison out and get your carpetbag paper installed in its place? And why was it necessary for Mr. Allison to replevin his subscription books from your clutches?

"When a newspaper has outlived its usefulness, its best service to humanity is to die. And when it is dead, a decent respect for its memory leaves nothing to be done but to bury it out of sight."

The above is aimed directly at the Telegram. Everybody familiar with the facts know full well that Alexander as much as any man alive helped to kill the Telegram. In fact, Alexander is so far gone in sin, that his connection even with a newspaper, would be sure to kill it.

"We cannot consent to support a bad man for an office because he belongs to a certain party."

Then you will never support yourself for an office.

"Capacity and integrity in a candidate, should govern the people's support of him."

Alexander just fills half that bill. He has the capacity (of stomach) without the integrity.

"We cannot descend to the muddy pools of blackguardism through this journal, nor can we condescend to loan its columns to others for such a purpose."

Of course a man who has never been above the "muddy pools of blackguardism," couldn't descend to it. Alexander did not hesitate to enter the "dirty pool of blackguardism" when he could shift the odium and responsibility on somebody else. He could take advantage of Allison's absence to fill the Telegram with dirty black guardism, and then forge Allison's signature to it. Descend, indeed!

"It requires both heart and brains to print a newspaper that a decent man or woman can read without a blush."

So it does. That is the very reason we do not believe that you can run a decent paper. It is much harder for a man like you, whose mouth is daily filled with oaths, imprecations, and blasphemyto say nothing of course vulgarityto conduct a paper free from blackguardism.


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

"Hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may" is the motto of the carpetbag paper of this town. And it is wonderful with what exactness, the editor of that murky sheet, unwittingly describes himself, in an article, this week entitled "The Slanderer." We quote:

"Whose tongue out venoms all the worms of Nile:

Whose breath rides on the posting winds, and doth belie all comers of the world.

Kings, Queens, and states; Maids, Matrons, nay,

The very secrets of the grave this viperous slanderer enters."

Alexander has set himself up as a teacher of morals. Well, Aleck is about as competent to teach morals as any man we know of, he has been so immoral that he can warn the young how to avoid the filthy sluices he has passed through.

Now that our people have got a nice moral home paper, we expect to see it introduced in our Sunday schools this winter in place of the children's papers heretofore taken there.

The Leavenworth carpet-bagger used to think nothing too vile or mean, to say about a Newspaper publisher. Wonder if he thinks so now.

Alexander is now publishing Major Hudson's old campaign speech as an editorial.


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

E. S. Torrance is off on a flying visit to Topeka.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

The band boys give a dance at the Courthouse tonight.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Wood is selling for from $3.50 to $4.00 per cord in town.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Several deer were captured by the hunters of this vicinity during the late snow.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

A skating party had a merry time on Capt. Lowrey's pond last Friday night.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

The Cotton Blossom Minstrel troupe give an entertainment and dance at Thomasville tonight.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

James Parker, ex-Sheriff of this county, has sold out in California, and removed to Brooklyn, New York.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee preached a funeral sermon lately in Peru, Indiana, in which he spoke both in English and German.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

T. A. Blanchard, Esq., has been appointed Agent of the "Patrons Mutual Fire Insurance Association," of the State of Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

The motto of the Carpet-Bagger is "Hew to the Line, Let the Chips fall where they May." Look out for lizards when you pick up the chips.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

The last issue of the Telegram hews pretty close to the line, and makes the chips fall thick and fast around the head of the editor of the Plow and Anvil.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Charles Brocknell and Isaac Onstott, who were taken to Leavenworth from this county, late last week were transferred to Fort Smith, Arkansas, for trial.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Well, well, wonders never cease. It now turns out that Alexander always was a farmer and not a lawyer at all, as some people used to think.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Last Sunday night one horse belonging to Mr. Wright and Billy Anderson's two black ponies strayed or were stolen from the pasture of the former on the Walnut River in Pleasant Valley Township. At last accounts the boys were on the hunt of them.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

There will be a meeting held at the Courthouse next Monday evening, the 30th inst., to organize an Aid Society. Let everybody come out. We would suggest that the pastors of the different churches announce the meeting from their pulpits next Sabbath.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

The agricultural implements of the hole-in-the-wall enterprise received a terrible electric shock from the Telegram last week, which twisted the beam and knocked the point and handles off the plow, the nose off the anvil, and left nothing but a second hand hoser a coarse and nasty rake on the premises in running order.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

T. A. Wilkinson is about to organize a singing class in this city, which will meet on Friday evening of each week, commencing tomorrow evening, and continuing for twenty- four weeks. The school will close with a three day's drill and a rousing concert, which it is intended shall eclipse anything of the kind ever before given in this city.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Albert Katz, Esq., traveling man for the wholesale liquor house of S. M. Kline & Co., of Atchison, lost his sample valise off the buckboard between this place and Little Dutch post office last Monday. Besides the samples of liquor, it contained many valuable receipts and books of the past month's business. Returning to town and instituting inquiry, he found that the missing valise had been picked up by a little son of farmer Paw, who lives four miles up the road. A. V. rewarded the lucky lad, and the valise sent Mr. Katz on his way rejoicing.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Last Monday evening those of our citizens who felt interested in the organization of the Literary, Library, and Scientific Association, called the Winfield Institute, assembled at the Courthouse and subscribed their names to the Constitution. A charter is to be procured immediately and no efforts will be spared to make the Institute interesting and instructive. The mere mention of the names of the prime movers of the affair is sufficient guarantee of the success and permanence of the Association. This is a matter in which all of our citizens should feel interested and we hope to see the names of the major part of our citizens enrolled on the society's books before long.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

W. H. South has traded his dry goods to Scott & Son for their boots and shoes, and also traded locations with them, and added to his stock of jewelry, the entire stock of Perry Woodyard, besides a large stock of new goods. He has the finest and largest stock of jewelry ever brought to this city. His stock now consists of boots, shoes, and jewelry.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

A small conflagration, which might have been more serious but for the energetic efforts of those present, occurred last Saturday evening at the store of C. C. Black. Shortly after the lamps were lighted in the evening, Charley Harter bethought him that the chandelier needed filling, and being at the time in the oil business, having just drawn some for a customer, he took a quart measure and proceeded to replenish the illuminator. While thus engaged the oil in the measure unexpectedly ignited from one of the burners, and Charley, with the blazing can grasped firmly in his fist, glided swiftly toward the door. The air from without upon coming in contact with the flames carried them back into the face of the torch-bearer, and compelled him to deposit his burden upon the floor. His somewhat excited tones brought J. J. Ellis to the rescue with a couple of blankets, which he spread over the blaze, overturning the can, and giving the flames a new impetus.

The excitement now became intense, as the window curtain went up like a flash and the fire started along the counter. Jack Cruden pushed the calico from the counter, and grasped a blanket with which to whip the fire into submission.

Tom Braidwood pulled down and dragged out the line upon which was suspended shawls, scarfs, etc., while Ellis leaped the counter and rescued the mosquito bar which hung in front of the shelves.

Just at this juncture a new actor appeared upon the scene in the shape of Burt Crapster staggering under the weight of a pail of water in each hand, a skillful application of which put a dampener upon the ardor of the flames, and quiet was soon restored.

The total loss amounted to about twenty-five dollars.

This experience goes to show that while blankets may be just the thing for extinguishing blazing coal oil, water is what is needed for gasoline. It is a well known fact, also, that as a fire extinguisher, water has but few superiors, and one pail-full at the commencement of a fire is worth a cistern-full when the flames are well underway, and as no precaution has as yet been taken by our citizens, we would suggest that each businessman follow the example of Charley Black by keeping a full barrel of water standing at their doors ready for use in case of an emergency.

We hope our citizens will attend to this matter without further delay. Remember the adage, "An ounce of preventative is worth a pound of cure."


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

of the open session of Winfield Grange, No. 865 P. of H., to be held at the Courthouse Thursday evening, Dec. 8th, 1874.

Opening address by the Worthy Master.


Prayer by the Chaplain.

Essay, by Brother N. C. McCulloch.

Instrumental music.

Paper by brother J. F. Graham and sister T. A. Wilkinson.


Essay, the private indebtedness of Cowley County, by brother T. A. Wilkinson.


Address by brother A. S. Williams, Master of County Council.


Essay by brother J. B. Evans of Vernon Grange.

Address by brother A. Frazier, of Maple Grove Grange.

Address by brother A. N. Deming.


Speeches by volunteers.

An invitation is extended to the general public.

T. A. Wilkinson

J. F. Graham

R. H. Tucker

A. T. Stewart

N. C. McCulloch


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Resolution of Respect.
At a special meeting of Little Dutch Grange, the following resolutions were adopted.

WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our beloved friend and sister, Joana Stump, a member of Little Dutch Grange, No. 980. Therefore be it

Resolved, That it is with sorrow inexpressible in words that we have parted with our friend and sister. By her death society has lost a useful member and worthy example, the grange a true friend, the family a kind wife and affectionate mother.

Resolved, That while we deplore the loss of one so dear, her memory will ever be pleasant though mournful to the soul, and though dead, the fruits of her labor and influence will live.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, and also published in the Winfield COURIER and Telegram.

Committee: C. COON, N. K. JEFFRIES, W. W. BROWN.

Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Strayed or Stolen.
From the pasture of Wm. Wright, seven miles south of Winfield, on the Walnut River, on the night of the 22nd inst., three Indian ponies, described as follows: One black mare about 7 years old, white star in forehead, shod smooth in front and heavy plate corks behind; one black horse about 8 years old, brand, figure 1 inside a circle, on shoulder, shod same as mare; one bay mare two years old without shoes. A liberal reward will be paid for the ponies or any information which shall lead to the recovery, left at the stable of Darrah & Doty, in this city, or with Mr. Wright.


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

From Pete Hason, a bay pony 15 hands high, heavy mane and tail, and five years old. Also a saddle and bridle belonging to John Casper. Said pony was taken Friday, the 6th inst., from the Floral schoolhouse. The finder will be liberally rewarded.


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

RECAP: Samuel D. Pryor and Eustace B. Kager, partners, under the firm name of Pryor and Kager, plaintiffs, versus Thomas L. Clark, defendant. James Kelly, Clerk, District Court, with Pryor & Kager, plaintiffs, as attorneys, notify Thomas L. Clark he has until Dec. 15, 1874, to answer to suit for judgment against him of $300 with interest from Oct. 1st, 1874, on the following real estate: Lot number three (3) in Block number eighty (80) in Arkansas City...the same to be sold to satisfy judgment.


Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.

Notice to take Deposition.
In Cowley County District Court 13th Judicial District, State of Kansas.

John A. Mimebaugh, Plaintiff, vs. Amos E. Mahaney, Martin L. Read, and Lizzie M. Martin, Defendants.

The defendant Amos E. Mahaney, will take notice that on Monday, the 25th day of January, A. D. 1875, the plaintiff above named will take the depositions of sundry witnesses to be used as evidence on the trial of the above cause at the office of Irving Howbert, at Colorado Springs, El Paso county, in the Territory of Colorado, between the hours of eight o'clock a.m. and six o'clock p.m. of said day, and that the taking of the same will be ad journed from day to day between the said hours until said depositions are completed.

WEBB & MILLINGTON, Atty's for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The following is an extract from an official dispatch of Col. Miles received at Lieut. Gen. Sheridan's headquarters. It refers to the girls whose rescue from the Indians was announced some time ago.

"During the fight, two white girls were recaptured from the Indians. It appears these sisters, Adelaide and Julia German, aged five and seven years respectively, were captured in Kansas, en route from Georgia to Colorado. They state that their father, mother, brother, and one sister were murdered, and that they, and two older sisters were kept prisoners. They have no positive knowledge of their sisters' whereabouts. Their story of woe and suffering is simply too horrible to relate. They were almost naked and nearly starved, but are now under charge of Surgeon Waters, and will receive every care and attention, and when strong enough, will be forwarded to Leavenworth. I most earnestly recommend that ample annual provision be made for these children by the government out of the annual appropriation for the benefit of the Cheyenne Indians."

Gen. Pope in forwarding this statement heartily concurs in Col. Miles' recommendation.


Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee returned home yesterday from Indiana.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The Cotton Blossom Minstrels are in town.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

Plenty of water in the Walnut and the mills are running regular now.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

Eli Perkins, the great humorist, lectures at the courthouse next Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

A handy mail is this between Winfield and Arkansas City. The Traveler is just one week old when we get it.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The Rev. Father Shurz, of Wichita, will hold service at the Courthouse in Winfield on New Year's day.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

Quite a large number of friends gathered at Dr. Mansfield's last Monday night to welcome Mrs. Mansfield home, after her long visit to the East.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

There will be an examination of Teachers at the office of the undersigned in Winfield, on Tuesday, Dec. 15th, 1874, at 11 o'clock a.m. T. A. WILKINSON, Supt. Pub. In.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The members of Adelphi Lodge are making preparation for a public Installation of Officers on Christmas, and a grand ball in the evening.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The band boys' Thanksgiving ball was a success in every particular, notwithstanding the Arkansas City Band for whose benefit the entertainment was intended, utterly ignored the whole proceeding.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

Judge T. B. Ross, a worthy citizen of Cowley County, has lately returned from an extended tour in the state of Arkansas. The distance traveled by him is nearly seven hundred miles, which was accomplished in a heavy two horse wagon. When the judge went down there he intendedhad the country suited himto locate and grow up with the country, as he is only 84 years old.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

[Cowley County Acts to Aid Sufferers Injured by Grasshoppers.]
The Relief Committee of this county has organized by electing Rev. John McQuiston as Secretary, and Rev. N. L. Rigby for Treasurer. Rev. James E. Platter was elected President by the meeting. All persons in the county who are destitute should apply at once to the president or secretary of the Cowley County Relief Committee at Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The Lagonda Hotel under the efficient management of the present proprietor, A. N. Deming, is fast growing in popular favor. With good beds, well filled tables, and everything about the house kept in good order under the supervision of Mrs. Deming, it is receiving the greater share of commercial travelers, as well as other transients. It is rapidly becoming well known as one of the best hotels in the southwest, where all are made to feel at home.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

It is high time that our city authorities or road overseer were taking some notice of the mud holes on Main Street. They have become an unbearable nuisance. If the road overseer has neither money nor labor enough left to grade the street, then let the city take the matter in hand, get what volunteer work they can, and issue city scrip for the remainder. Many workmen in town are now out of employment and it would be a relief to them to have work to do whereby they could obtain the necessaries of life. Gentlemen, let us do something in this matter. The case is serious and will admit of no tomfoolery.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

A Rare Collection.
Our County Surveyor, Mr. Wirt W. Walton, besides being one of the best county surveyors in the state, is also a lover of rare and curious things. He has in his office now the finest collection of curiosities and specimens to be found in the southwest, consisting of geological, mineralogical, entomological, and several other ogicals, of which we are pro foundly ignorant. He has a stuffed wild cat, the largest of its species, measuring 3 feet 4 inches in length. A hard-shell turtle, the shell of which exactly covers the head of a barrel, besides many other rare specimens of beasts, birds, and reptiles. Seventeen states and territories besides foreign countries have contributed their share to this splendid collection. We have neither time nor space to give the reader more than a general idea of the many curiosities contained in this extensive cabinet. Gold, silver, and copper, from Australia, California, Nevada, and Washington Territory. Lead from our own and other mines. Gypsum, mica, and marble, from this and Sumner County, as well as native cannel coal, salt, and iron ore. Petrified wood in all manner of fantastic shapes. Petrified animals representing the Permian strata. Specimens from Alaska and Greenland. Granite from the Mormon temple, Utah, and the Masonic temple, Philadelphia. Petrified rice from Destruction Island, Pacific Ocean. Meteoric bullets found in our county, curiosities from Indian mounds of the old Aztecs, and some hundred others which if properly displayedwould equal if not excel the extensive collection at Topeka.

Our friend Wirt deserves great praise for the knowledge and industry exercised by him in his selection of specimens.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

We desire to direct the attention of our readers and the public generally to the advertise- ment of Scott & Son, which will be found elsewhere in this issue. This firm carries a large and well selected stock of dry goods, hats, caps, and gent's furnishing goods, which they are selling at bottom figures. They are reliable gentlemen and deserve the large patronage they receive. Particular attention is directed to their tailor department. Mr. Ireland, their tailor, is one of the best in the state, and the change of fashion is closely watched and a good fit is warranted.



Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

To Township Trustees, and Others Interested in the
Relief of the Destitute.
At a meeting held at Winfield, Nov. 30, a County Relief Committee was appointed to cooperate with the Central Relief committee of this state. This committee hopes to receive aid for the destitute to be distributed throughout the county. You are requested to see that a public meeting is called in your township at your voting precinct on or before the 10th of December to appoint a committee of three to cooperate with us in receiving and distributing aid. The names of such township committees to be reported to the county committee before December 15th. JAS. E. PLATTER, Chairman. J. McQUISTON, Secy.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The Ladies Organize.
A large meeting of ladies was held at the residence of Mr. C. A. Bliss today to organize a society for the relief of the poor. Mrs. Huston presided and Mrs. Rigby acted as secretary. The society was permanently organized with Mrs. C. A. Bliss as President and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Secretary. They called it the "Winfield Ladies Aid Society."

The city was divided into four wards, thus, all the territory lying east of Main street and south of 9th Avenue, to constitute the 1st ward; East of Main street and north of 9th Avenue, the 2nd; west of Main street and north of 9th Avenue, the 3rd; and the remainder, the 4th ward. Committees to solicit aid, and hunt up the needy, were appointed as follows: for the first ward, Mrs. Dever, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Platter, and Mrs. Robinson. For the second: Mrs. McCleland, Mrs. McMasters, and Mrs. Magraw. For the third, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Kelly, and Mrs. Mullen. For the fourth, Mrs. Dr. Black, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Flint. The Society meets every Friday afternoon, at the house of Mr. Bliss.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

Quarterly Meeting.
The third Quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will be held at Winfield December 12th and 13th. Preaching at 2 o'clock, on Saturday evening. Quarterly Conference service on Saturday night. J. McQUISTON.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

At a stated communication of Adelphi Lodge No. 110, held last Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Leland J. Webb, W. M.

W. G. Graham, S. W.

J. E. Saint, J. W.

J. C. Fuller, Treas.

M. G. Troup, Sec.

J. Newman, Chaplain.

Perry Hill, S. D.

J. D. Cochran, J. D.

I. L. Comfort, Tyler.

Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

Sunday School Notice.
The Methodist Sunday School will hereafter hold its meetings in the Courtroom every Sunday, at 2:30 p.m. Exercises will begin promptly at 2:30, or after the second ringing of the bell. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested in this work, to join with us and aid in promoting its influence. It is intended to make the singing an attractive feature, and those who can aid in this department will be gladly welcomed. By order of M. E. Teachers.


Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

The citizens of Winfield and vicinity assembled at the Courthouse on Monday evening, Nov. 30th, 1874, for the purpose of organizing a central relief committee for Cowley County.

On motion A. S. Williams was chosen chairman, and J. W. Curns, secretary, of the meeting.

On motion the following persons were appointed as a central relief committee for Cowley County, to act in conjunction with the state central relief committee: Rev. S. E. Platter, Chairman; Rev. N. L. Rigby; Rev. J. McQuiston; Hon. T. R. Bryan; Hon. H. S. Silver.

On motion the Cowley County Central Relief Committee was instructed to immediately issue an address requesting that local relief committees be organized in each township in the county, and that such committees report their organizations to the Cowley County Central Committee, and the amount of destitution which exists in their several townships, as soon as possible.

Motion carried that a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded to the state central committee at Topeka.

Moved and carried that the publishers of the various newspapers of this county be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting.

On motion adjourned. A. S. WILLIAMS, Chairman.

J. W. CURNS, Sec.


Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

In pursuance of a previous call, quite a number of the citizens of this township met and organized by electing D. M. Hopkins, as chairman, and T. B. Myers, secretary.

The object of the meeting being stated, which was to provide means for the relief of the needy poor in said township for the present winter.

It was thereupon moved that there be a committee of five appointed to act in concert, or cooperate with the county committee, and amended "to act as the best interests of Vernon Township may indicate," which was accepted and the motion passed.

A. S. Williams as chairman, Wm. Carter, Hon. Wm. Martin, J. E. Dunn, and D. M. Hopkins, were elected as committee.

It was then moved that "This committee be empowered to call a meeting of the township at any time they may deem advisable."

The motion was carried and it was then moved that the proceedings of this meeting be handed to each of the Winfield papers for publication. Carried.

Meeting adjourned. D. M. HOPKINS, Chairman.

T. B. MYERS, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.

DIED. At her residence in Cowley County, Kansas, November the 14th, 1874, of congestion, Joana, wife of Philip Stump, in the 41st year of her age. The funeral services took place at Little Dutch Schoolhouse, on Sabbath, November 15th. The sermon was preached by the writer from Isaiah 38th, 11th, and Luke 16th and 26th to a large and attentive audience, after which her remains were followed to the cemetery and buried in the honors of the Grange. Sister Stump lived a consistent member of the M. E. Church for about eight years, but coming to Kansas as many do, she neglected to bring her church letter with her, and locating where there was no church organization near, she lost her church relation but it is hoped not her religion. She was much esteemed by all who knew her. Her sickness was of short duration and her death very sudden. She leaves a husband and three daughters to mourn her loss. May the blessing of God rest upon the bereaved, and may this sudden dispensation of His Providence lead them all very near to the friend of sinners.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1874. Front Page.


"Mr. Scott, at the Independent convention held at Tisdale, stated to Ed. Millard, secretary of the convention, in the hearing of John Mark and Justus Fisher, that C. R. Mitchell was an Independent man, and insisted on them giving him the nomination; stating that Pyburn would not accept, as he had too good a thing already. We all know now that he did accept, and gained his election by the unprinciples of C. M. Scott.

"Mitchell being defeated, Scott passed Dr. Thompson and stated to him that Mitchell's name was used entirely against his (Mitchell's) will, and that he should not have accepted the office even if nominated. How quick to turn his coat. . . .

"Again, at the Republican convention, held in Winfield, he (Scott) went to Dr. Thompson and asked him in the hearing of Capt. Harellson and Seth Chase, to support Mitchell, stating if the Tisdale delegates would vote for Mitchell that the Arkansas City delegates would support Moore. They refused to support him, and then of course the nominees were incapable, and men unfit for the office. Capable enough, to fill the office at the convention, but not degraded enough to be led by Scott, and hence he had to turn his back on them. . . ."


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Long ordinance9 sections. Dealt with the licensing of saloons, and the sale of intoxicating liquors in Winfield. [Skipped.]


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

We have private advices from Howard and the east line of our county that there is a scheme on foot to divide Howard County by taking a "chunk" out of her southwest corner, and another out of Cowley's southeast corner; out of which to form a new county, with Cedar Vale for the county seat. We care but little how much Howard County may divide herself, but we seriously object to giving one foot of Cowley County soil away, for any purpose whatever. If Howard or any part thereof wishes to attach herself to Cowley, we think she ought to be allowed so to do. We like large counties. They can be run cheaper. And for that reason, under the circumstances, we would not object even to a slice from Sumner County on our west. But as for giving any away, such foolishness can't be played on us.


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Traveler Items.
A. A. Chamberlain was elected First Lieutenant, in the militia, in place of A. J. Pyburn, resigned, and William Wilson, instead of A. D. Keith, who also resigned. Others in the company were promoted.

Prof. Norton, although not a candidate, received 256 votes for Supt. of Public Instruction in Butler County in the November election.

The Militia are stationed in town for a few days, awaiting rations. It is not definitely known yet whether they will be mustered out, as Indians are frequently seen on the plains.


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

The spelling school on the night of the 30th was quite well attended. Manley Hemenway and Ben. Clover carried off the ribbons.

Thomas Leedy, a former resident of this valley, is now settled near Galinda, Falls Co., Texas, where he is engaged in the business of raising cotton and corn.

Mr. Daniel Miles, of Timber Creek, returned last week from a trip into the Nation, where he had been trafficking with the Indians for furs. He brought home a fine load of them, among which was the skin of a silver fox.

Mr. Manley Hemenway killed a couple of shoats a few days ago, one of which netted four hundred and forty pounds. The other was a trifle smaller. How is that for a year of famine.

A few days ago George Dwyer was out hunting rabbits with his dogs, when he scared up a fawn, and succeeded in capturing and securing it without injury. He now has it nicely housed on his farm.

Dr. R. M. Jackson is adding much to the improvement of our town in the changes which is making in his office, and other town property. He will soon have the nicest medical office in the Grouse Valley.

Our Village Blacksmith, Mr. William Huff, returned last week from a long visit to Winfield. He is pleased with the prosperity which the county seat displays.

The Lazette Literary Society held its opening meeting on the evening of Friday last. A good crowd was in attendance. The exercises consisted of a paper, read by Judge Gans, and a debate. The question of suppressing the sale of intoxicating liquors by Statutory law, was discussed and decided affirmatively.

The Literary society at the Union schoolhouse had an interesting meeting on the evening of the 4th. The repeal of the herd law was discussed, and the young ladies gave select reading and essays.

Petitions for the repeal of the herd law are in circulation, and many are signing them.

Miss Kate Fitzgerald's school closed on Friday last.


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

H. C. Leedy has gone to Southern Iowa to live.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Dressed hogs sell on the street for about five cents.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

E. B. Kager has been appointed Major in the first Kansas militia.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Eli Perkins took tea and polished spareribs at the Lagonda House while in the city.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Rev. J. E. Platter will preach at the courthouse next Sunday evening upon the subject of Temperance.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

The Masons of this city are to have a public installation of officers on Christmas day, with a grand ball in the evening.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

We received a short call this evening from a younger brother of Dr. Houx, who has just arrived here from his home in Missouri to join his brother in the dentist business.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Ira F. Moore, who owns the beautiful bluff immediately south of town, and across the Walnut, intends to lay it off in burial lots for a cemetery. It is a very delightful location, and will be very popular with our people.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

E. Simpson, Esq., once county commissioner of Cowley County, now resides in Howard County, on Rock Creek, north of Howard City. He informs us that coal is furnished the schoolhouse in his district for 8 cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

A meeting of the members of the Winfield Institute will be held at the courthouse on Monday evening next for the purpose of electing the directors and transacting other business.

D. A. MILLINGTON, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

After four years of sojourn in Kansas, James McDermott, a former well known resident of this city, returned to our city on Sunday last. The following morning he was married to our lady friend, Miss Mary E. Bertram, and on the afternoon of the same day, in company with his accomplished bride, he started for his established home in the west. They have the solicitude of numerous friends and acquaintances for their future happiness.

Vancebury Kentuckian.

The above tells the story. The happy pair returned to their home in Dexter a few days ago to begin life in earnest. We extend to them our congratulations and wish them a long life of unalloyed happiness and prosperity.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee and family have left us. He goes to Peru, Indiana, for the present. He has a very pleasant house property in Bloomington, Illinois, where he may finally settle. Rev. Parmelee's health was not good here. He had been declining for over one year. The change that was coming over him was very marked. It affected his mental powers. He could not be as useful as if in health. He sought a change. A trip to the east reinvigorated him, and he came back to us very much improved in health. A farewell gathering was given at the residence of Capt. Lowrey. A generous cash present was made to his daughter as a token of her usefulness as the organist for the Congregational society.


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

MEDICINE LODGE, Nov. 25th, 1874.
EDITOR COURIER: Please announce through the columns of your paper the death of J. W. Palmer (familiarly known as Chubbie), son of Minor L. and Eula Palmer, early settlers and for a long time residents of Winfield.

The deceased came to his death on the 28th day of October, 1874, by the accidental discharge of a shot gun while he was duck hunting. He was seventeen years of age, was a member of Co. A, Barbour County Militia, and took part in the engagements had between the Osage Indians and Company A at Red mounds in Harper County, August 7th, 1874, where he distinguished himself for his bravery in his efforts to overtake the fleeing savages. Though the youngest, yet the foremost in the pursuit.

His remains were escorted to their last resting place by Company A and many citizen friends. His death was a severe blow not only to his parents, but to his many friends and associates, as he was loved and esteemed by all who knew him.

M. W. SUTTON, Co. Atty.
Medicine Lodge, Barbour Co., Kansas.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

The opening lecture of the winter course in connection with the Winfield Institute will be delivered at the courthouse on Thursday evening next, Dec. 17th, by Rev. J. E. Platter. Subject, Good Society. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to all citizens, and their cooperation solicited. Lecture free. D. A. MILLINGTON, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Recap: Much correspondence took place concerning relief shipments to those in need in Cowley County due to grasshopper damage. Henry King, Secretary of the Central Committee, informed Rev. Platter, Cowley County Chairman, that they could not furnish shipments to individuals due to the railroads refusing to deal with any but persons authorized to act for a community for receipt of goods for distribution to the needy.


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

The Independent Order of Good Templars held their exhibition in the schoolhouse last evening, and was, upon the whole, a grand success. We noticed among the number present, our efficient County clerk, M. G. Troup and wife, with the interesting little face of the younger Troup, Cap. Harrelson, Dr. Thompson and daughters, and J. A. McGuire and family, and many others too numerous to mention.

We noticed in particular, the parts performed by the efficient manager, Eugene Millard, also the "nigger" performance of C. Woodard and Johnson. The Irishman and the Lawyer, by Joe Moyer and L. Brown. Bachelor's Hall, by Isaac Kelly and C. Brown. In fact, all the pieces were acted out to the entire satisfaction of the audience.

The singing, however, with the exception of the parts taken by Mr. Pardee, seemed entirely out of place, and to be almost a bore on the audience. I almost forgot to mention Thomas McGuire. Yes, Tom performed his part, you bet. Billy Barlow, by John Bates, was certainly well rendered.

Thomas Lawson has again made his appearance among us. Tom seems to be quite a favorite among the ladies.

The stone building so long expected to be filled with goods as a general store, belonging to C. P. Spaulding, is a failure. A family from Michigan moved into it the other day. Store business fizzled out.

John McGuire has sued the notorious C. P. Spaulding on a note of $200, given McGuire as security in the Spaulding and Allison case. Will be tried before J. R. Smith Saturday next.

Mr. Miller, on Silver Creek, south of Tisdale, has his mill in full running order. Parties having corn or wheat to grind can have it done at Mr. Miller's mill on short notice.


Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

Several of our citizens received invitations to the Thanksgiving ball at Winfield, but only Squire Clover, Mac. D. Stapleton, and David Dale could be lured thither to join the festive rounds on that occasion. The Squire is one of our best dancers.

The Cotton Blossom minstrels gave us a visit last week, entertaining one crowd for awhile at the schoolhouse, and another until the `wae sma' hours at the Harris House.

DIED. Mr. Horace Terry was buried here on the 28th inst. He had purchased an interest in the Saw Mill of French & Phenis, and by very hard work and exposure, brought on Typhoid pneumonia from which he died.

DIED. Mrs. Orr, formerly living on Cedar Creek, was buried in the Lazette cemetery on the 29th of November. She died of lung fever.

Judge Gans returned last Saturday from a visit with friends at Olathe.

Mr. S. M. Fall is still confined to his room though his wound is doing well.

A Literary society was organized last Monday night at the Union Schoolhouse.

The Lazette School now numbers 45 and is in a very flourishing condition.

A movement is on foot for the purpose of reanimating the Lazette Literary Association.

Mr. Ward has returned from his trip East. While away he bought the apparatus for a first class flouring mill.

"The beautiful snow" played hob with our mails.

The Grouse Valley Teachers Association will meet the 19th of December. The following programme is presented.

True Bases of teaching: Rev. Wingar; Drawing in the Public Schools, Julius Wallen.

Method of teaching primary reading: Miss Ida Daggett.

Elocution, R. C. Story.

Word building, Belle Dudley.

Music in the Public schools, Miss Jennie Wingar.

Writing and Orthography, Miss Kate Fitzgerald.

R. C. S.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

In company with Mr. Ira C. Moore, we yesterday paid a visit to the new cemetery, situated just south of the Tunnel Mills. There we found our able county surveyor, W. W. Walton, busily engaged laying off the ground into lots. The plat contains about twelve acres, and is certainly one of the most beautiful spots, for a public burying ground, to be found in Cowley County. The plat is a beautiful design.


Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Lazette News.
Mr. Arthur Pickering has taken steps to re-open his harness shop, and hopes soon to be in full running trim, and equal to any emergency in the line of business.

There has been some talk lately of a movement to establish a tannery at this place.

There is a strong probability that a second mill will be erected at Lazette within a few months.

Mr. Ward has attached a saw to his machinery and is now sawing lumber for his mill building. Work is being pressed vigorously in all directions and he hopes to be turning out flour before many weeks.

Several of our citizens went to Winfield last week to pay their compliments to the county treasury.

On Friday evening the literary association debated the question of foreign immigration, and proved that it is an evil and should be suppressed. A paper, an essay by Miss Ettie Gardiner, and one by J. J. Wingar, completed the exercises of the evening.

The friends of S. M. Fall, Esq., will be greatly pleased to learn that he has so far recovered as to be able to walk with the aid of crutches. He hopes in a few days to be able to get out of doors.

From the amount of new goods coming in from week to week, one would judge that our merchants were doing a thriving business.

Mr. Robert Harris, proprietor of the Lazette hotel, is again able to attend to business.

Why is that the COURIER gets to Lazette three days behind the Traveler and the Telegram? About once a month or once in six weeks it puts in an appearance with the other county papers on Saturday.


Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

S. R. Sayres, of Winfield, Cowley County, brother of T. P. Sayres, has purchased Robert Cressup's farm on Cedar Creek, and will take possession in the spring.

Chase County Leader.

Note: Skipped City Treasurer's Report in December 17, 1874, issue.


Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between James A. Simpson and John T. Stewart under the firm name of Stewart & Simpson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Simpson having purchased the interest of Mr. Stewart, will conduct the business as heretofore. JOHN T. STEWART, JAS. A. SIMPSON.

Winfield, Kansas, Dec. 16th, 1874.


Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Mr. John T. Stewart has gone east for an extended visit.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

The stage now comes through from Wichita in a day bringing the mail.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

The city council is doing a good work in having the Main street mud holes filled.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Judge Johnson has finished up a tasty residence upon 7th street, and moved therein.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Tisdale, of the ubiquitous southwestern stage company, was in town this week looking after his connections.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Three or four well built ice houses in and near town are waiting for Jack Frost's palsying touch upon the Walnut.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Max Shoeb is making arrangements to erect an addition to his blacksmith shop to be used for a wagon and carriage shop.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Davis & Ferguson have moved their stock into their new livery barn on 9th Street east of Main. They now have the finest barn in Southwestern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

The open session of the Winfield Grange which was advertised for last Tuesday evening was postponed on account of the storm.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Wm. Bartlow has commenced excavating for a cellar on his lot on Main Street next to Boyer's preparatory to erecting a building thereon. Grasshoppers and drouth cannot hold Winfield down.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

The Adelphi Lodge No. 110 will not hold a public installation Christmas day but will have a private one at their hall. A cordial invitation is extended to the fraternity.

L. J. WEBB, Sec.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

The managers of the Masonic Hall have arranged with "mine host," of the Lagonda for a supper, consisting of oysters, turkey, chicken, and all the good things. The supper alone will be worth all that the whole affair costs. The Masons wish it distinctly understood that their ball will take place on Christmas night, the 25th inst., and not on Christmas eve, as some may suppose.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Billy Anderson has opened a new livery stable at the old stand of Davis & Ferguson, on 9th street west of Main, where he has as fine a stock of teams and carriages as was ever brought to this town. He invites all his friends and the public generally to call and see him when they want anything in his line, and we assure them that they will be liberally dealt with.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

We understand there are some parties who have made application to the relief committee for meat, flour, and other eatables, who already have a cellar well stocked with the same. It is always thus. Whenever there is a chance of getting anything free, whether by charity or theft, there are always some grasping unprincipled people who are watching to get all there is to be had. Our relief committees cannot be too careful about distributing their aid where it is needed, and not throw it away upon these sharks.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

The Winfield Institute.
The members of the Winfield Institute met at the courthouse last Monday evening and elected a board of directors, consisting of W. Q. Mansfield, T. E. Johnston, D. A. Millington, Rev. J. E. Platter, J. C. Fuller, Rev. N. L. Rigby, J. B. Fairbank, Chas. C. Black, and E. B. Kager. According to arrangement they met last evening and elected from the number a president, secretary, and treasurer, to-wit: D. A. Millington, president; W. Q. Mansfield, secretary, and T. K. Johnston, treasurer.

Among the objects sought to be accomplished by this movement is the establishment of a public library and reading room, and it is the intention of the directors to make all necessary effort to insure success. To this end, therefore, donations of books are solicited from all who are friendly to the enterprise, and of those desirous of becoming members of the Institute. Books will be taken in payment of dues, if desired. Standard works in good condition, on history, theology, science, travel, fiction, and miscellaneous literature will constitute the library; and it is intended to furnish the reading room with a selection of the leading publications, periodicals, and magazines of the day.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

The Herd Law.
At a meeting of the citizens of Dexter Township, held at Dexter, resolutions were adopted requesting the County Commissioners to abolish the herd law in this county, also requesting citizens throughout the county to circulate petitions demanding the repeal of the same. We hope persons who are opposed to the herd law will take immediate action in the matter, and come out and show their colors. Other county papers are requested to copy this and give their own as well as their subscribers' views on this subject. RUDOLPH HITE, Sec.


Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Resolutions of the County Council, P. of H.
WINFIELD, KAS. Dec. 12, 1874.
WHEREAS, A report is widely circulated that the Order of P. of H., is opposed to the payment of high rates of interest, and that members are encouraged to take advantage of the usury law. Therefore, be it

Resolved, By this council that while we deplore the situation that impels us to pay such high rates of interest, yet we hold that no member is justifiable in pleading the usury law, but should as far as possible meet their obligations, and discharge the same according to the stipulations therein.

Resolved, That the secretary furnish a copy of these resolutions to all the county papers with request to publish. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master.


Winfield, Dec. 12, 1874.
WHEREAS, The great drouth and grasshopper plague of 1874 has destroyed the crops to such an alarming extent that the members of this order have failed to raise enough corn, oats, or potatoes for feed for team, or seed, during the time for raising crops.

Be it Resolved, By this county council of Cowley County, that we request the members of the state central relief committee who are members of our worthy Order, to interest themselves in making some honorable arrangement with the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company to furnish us with the above articles at such prices as will justify them, and take their pay January 1st, 1876, at some given rate, or such number of bushels of each article as will be fair to all parties. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master.



Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Dec. 12th, 1874.
The citizens of Ninnescah Township met pursuant to a call of the Trustee to organize an aid society and elect a committee to cooperate with the Cowley County Relief Association in procuring aid for the needy.

The officers of the Ninnescah Aid Society are Pres., Dr. A. C. Capper; Vice Pres., D. W. Pierce; Sec., P. W. Smith; Treas., F. D. Davis. Committee consisting of T. Walker, A. D. Wood, and P. W. Smith.

The following resolutions were adopted, to-wit:

1st. Resolved, That this committee report immediately to the Cowley County Relief Committee at Winfield.

2nd. That this committee canvass the township within the next five days to ascertain the exact number of destitute in the township.

3rd. That the proceedings of their meeting be furnished to the Winfield COURIER and Telegram for publication. P. W. SMITH, Sec.

TISDALE, Dec. 10th, 1874.
Meeting called to order by the Trustee, Philip Hedges, who was elected Chairman, E. P. Young was elected Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman, viz: To appoint a committee of three to cooperate with the County Relief committee.

Committee was appointed consisting of J. J. Johnson, Philo Hedges, Q. Hawkins. Motion made and carried that the committee be increased to five: A. Thompson and J. A. McGuire, were appointed additional. P. E. HEDGES, Chairman.

E. P. YOUNG, Sec.

MAPLE CITY, Dec. 9th, 1874.
A meeting of the citizens of Spring Creek Township, held this day for the purpose of electing a Township Relief Committee, chose the following gentlemen: H. S. Libby, R. P. Goodrich, and Isaac Howe. W. E. KETCHENS, Sec.


Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

McMILLEN & SHIELDS have ordered by express from the east a nice assortment of Jewelry of all kinds. New Patterns designed for Holiday Presents. Do not fail to see them.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Trees! Trees!!
The undersigned, living on the farm formerly owned by Mr. Oliver, 5 miles west of Winfield, has for sale 2,000 apple, and 1,000 peach trees. Jacob Scott Baker.

Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

CHRISTMAS goods for old and young. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere.


Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

A Brave Man Gone.
Many citizens of Cowley County will learn with deep regret of the death of Joseph W. Vanoy, of Howard County. It will be remembered that Mr. Vanoy was the most active in dispersing the gang of horse thieves who shot and killed deputy U. S. Marshal Parker two years ago, on Grouse Creek, this county. He afterwards traced James Stewart of the same gang to northern Illinois, and brought him to this county, where he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to the penitentiary. Mr. Vanoy was undersheriff of Howard County but resigned on account of failing health. He died at the Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, of consumption, at the age of 32 years.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Paola, Fall River & Garnett Railroad.
A gentleman by the name of Jones, writing to the Walnut Valley Times, from Leroy says:

"I shake you off a short account of the Paola & Fall River railroad dead beat. If you think it proper, please publish it, that it may save the poor men of your county the trouble and expense of coming to look for work on this cursed hoax.

"I know it is the report in that county that they are at work on this road, but it is a lie. There were a few men at work for a short time, but they are stopped for the present on account of the right of way through one farm. The damage was appraised at $2,000 and it burst the company, so work must stop. The men on this job are Wm. Sprigg, and G. Woller, of Garnett, and a whiskey bloat by the name of Thompson, from New York. This Thompson is the same chap who assisted Dillingham to drink whiskey last spring on this road, and was not able to pay the freight on a keg that he had ordered C. O. D. to the depot.

"An old Quaker looking fellow by the name of Cutler is at the bellows now, and he blows hard for bonds. He must get the bonds of this town or the road will fail, so we are told. Mr. Cutler is going to iron the road, so E. E. Coffin tells us, but Mr. Cutler says he will promise nothing, but give us his advice. It will cost us nothing for advice from him. Cheap, too very cheap but Leroy may yet pay the pill.

"When the first train runs into Leroy and E. E. Coffin cow catches, I will write you."


Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Lazette News.
Bud McCracken has returned from the "far west," whither he went in search of buffalo. He was greatly pleased with the country about the southwestern border of Kansas, though his success in killing game was not all that could have been desired.

A few days ago our village was startled by the alarm of fire. Men and women rushed frantically into the streets with buckets of water to put it out. Fortunately, the alarm was false, for the fire was confined to Doctor Jackson's patent flue, which had been put on his office, and which draws like a furnace.

The farm on Cedar Creek, known as the big George Gardenheir farm, has been bought by a Texas stock raiser, who intends making a stock farm of it.

The Grouse Valley Teacher's Association met on the 19th inst. Matters of general interest to the association and to individual teachers were discussed and a programme adopted for the next meeting, January 23.

The Lazette Literary Society had a regular meeting on Friday evening last. The question of a change in the administration of the affairs of the nation was discussed, and it was decided that such change is demanded by the best interests of the country. An election then took place, which resulted as follows.

For President, John Clover; Vice Pres., R. M. Jackson; Treas., Mac D. Stapleton; Secretary, Arthur Pickering; Editors of paper, S. M. Fall and R. C. Story.

MARRIED. Mr. Levi Gillington and Miss Lizzie Smith were married on Thursday last. A large attendance honored the sumptuous dinner which the bridegroom gave at his father's house.

DIED. Emma Slater, daughter of William Slater, was buried in the Lazette Cemetery on Sunday the 20th inst. She died on the 17th.

Rev. Mr. Goodwell preached here on Saturday and Monday last.


Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

A sensation has been created along the south line of the state, which was being re-run by a party of Government surveyors, whereby a strip of land from four to ten miles wide was being added to the State of Kansas. This news was to a certain class of settlers like a few hours of warm sunshine to cold, stiff grasshoppers on a wet, frosty morning. They flew right up and lit down on hundreds of claims below the line. In a few days all the desirable tracts of land within the imaginary acquisition of territory were claimed. All new countries are infested with claim-takers whose only business is to gobble choice locations and hold them for sale. When all the government land is occupied by permanent settlers, these fellows leave. They have no occupation and must hunt vacant territory. We thought the grasshoppers at least had rid us of these migratory creatures, but that nonsensical state line story "showed up" a lot of them after all.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

On the first of January the Cherokee Strip Lands will be withdrawn from market and thereafter they will be sold on sealed bids.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

The peace commissioners, who lately visited the Indian Territory, have made the following report and recommendations.

1st. A territorial government whose executive shall be appointed by the President, and a legislative body, which shall be elected by the people of the Territory.

2nd. The establishment of the United States Courts in the Territory.

3rd. A delegate in congress.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

There will be a literary, musical, and dramatic entertainment given in behalf of the public school organ fund of Winfield, under the management of the Winfield and Arkansas City literary and dramatic clubs, at the courthouse in Winfield, immediately following the holidays. A full programme will be appear in the next issue of the COURIER.

JAMES KELLY, T. A. WILKINSON, E. W. HULSE. Committee on management.


Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Full and Interesting Particulars.
On Wednesday of this week, Mr. Enoch Willett, Mr. Hanlin, and two or three other gentlemen from Rock Township, this county, brought in several specimens of mineral for inspection by the knowing ones. The various chemical tests being applied, it was pronounced silver. The gentlemen above named reported that the mineral could be found in inexhaustible quantities on a farm owned by a Mr. Cady, located in the bluffs on the head of Little Dutch Creek. The owner of the land had been offered several thousand dollars, but thus far had refused all temptations.

The town was thrown into a hubbub of excitement, and dreams of mineral wealth and new towns disturbed the sleep of many Winfield citizens that night.

The next morning there was a hurrying to and fro for vehicles to carry the silver hunters to the mines. The COURIER, with its usual enterprise in obtaining the latest and most reliable information, dispatched a reporter to the scene of disturbance just as the sun was climbing over the banks of the classic Badger.

We drove up to the residence of W. H. Grow in Rock Township, but finding no one at home turned our horses heads to the east and their tails to the west and drove across an uninhabited prairie about two and a half miles. As we scoured the mineral region, men on foot, on horseback, and with buggies and wagons, could be seen coming from every point of compass, heading toward one of the many truncated mounds that raise their ragged edges heavenward in that vicinity. On the east side of one of the mounds, and within four rods of the top, is a "dug out" put on the west side of a cold and tenantless box house. Here we found a woman and three barefoot children living in the dug-out. The stove pipe that ran through the dirt roof was not plated round with silver as reported. The lady told us that at least one hundred dollars worth of silver had been taken from the little excavation in the edge of the bluff at the corner of the stone corral about six rods away. But she warned us that no more digging could be permitted and no more specimens carried away. However, a dozen men, thirsty for silver, now that there is so much talk about resuming specie payments, were not to be easily baffled. They rushed to the pit and found it covered with hay. Upon removing the hay it exposed a lot of loose dirt and stone thrown in to baffle inspectors. The hole was about four feet in diameter and three feet deep. With axe and pan and piece of old iron, they scratched and dug and sweat and scraped and threw out vigorously, as excited men would under such circumstances, and finally their efforts were rewarded by finding a superior deposit about six inches in thickness, extending laterally across the pit ofofchalk and rotten limestone. At this juncture the woman appeared above the head of the miner, and armed with stones, drove him from the treasure. We were unable to obtain any specimens. Lead having been found in a hole about 5 feet deep in a ravine near the house, the party repaired there, and finding a spade, dug until he found a fine deposit of limestone, and quit.

As we started away we found H. W. Grow, and about six of his neighbors, putting up a small claim house on the claim adjoining Cady's upon the south. He and his associates are sanguine that the precious metal is in the hole described above, and that it exists in large quantities in the vicinity. Our reporter hopes that such is the fact, but could not see it.


Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Davis & Ferguson's elegant stone livery stable is completed.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

A few eggs are in the market at 50 cents per dozen.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

One half inch of snow, coming from the south, fell last Monday.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

W. W. Limbocker is in Iowa collecting contributions for the needy of Cowley as its authorized agent.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Robert Weekly, Jas. Land, and Samuel Klingman constitute the Winfield Township Relief Committee.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

D. A. Millington delivers a lecture the 6th of January before the Winfield Institute. The Winfield Institute is making arrangements to give an entertainment some time about the 15th of next month.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

J. G. Titus furnishes the county wood at $4.00 per cord in scrip.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Rev. J. B. Platter purchased the pelican owned by Leedy and shipped it to a friend in the east.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Miss Anna Melville and her brother, G. W. Melville, have gone to Emporia to spend the holidays.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Several stands of bees were sold on our streets last Saturday at auction. They went off at from two to six dollars each.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

A. H. Barnard has rented the Valley House and fixtures to Mr. Walker, formerly of Wichita. Mr. Barnard has reserved a few rooms in the house where he and his family reside.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Capt. McDermott and his newly made wife were in the city last week. He came prepared, however, and dealt out the champagne liberally to the band who gave him a serenade on Saturday eve.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Ira Moore offers to give a lot in his new cemetery to the first person who shall be buried therein. Now is your chance to get something gratis. You can only die once, remember, and you might just as well make something while you're at it.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

A suit was tried before Justice Boyer, this week, in which the parties were from Arkansas City. Among those whom we noticed as being brought here by the case were I. H. Bonsall and Will and Hank Mowry, witnesses.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Mr. Samuel Klingman and Max Shoeb are manufacturing an excellent feed cutter that is being very generally purchased by stock owners. It does its work as well as the imported articles, and what is better, the material and labor is all home production except a piece of steel ten inches long, for the blade. They sell readily at six dollars each, and will soon pay for themselves in a saving of fodder.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Messrs. Paugh and Wodsen of this place have established a grind-stone manufactory in Howard County and are turning out a first class article of grindstones. One of these gentlemen is experienced in the business, having followed it for a long time in Ohio. Upon discovering the quarry, which is inexhaustible, these gentlemen leased it for a term of years, got their machinery together, and went to work. Last Saturday they delivered half a ton of grindstones to Mr. M. Miller, one of our hardware merchants. They are all of different sizes and equally good as imported stones. They are laid down here thirty dollars per ton, cheaper than the foreign article. Several Cowley County men are employed in the works, among whom are Patrick Kirby and Mr. Gould.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Good News for the Needy.
Under the law, the County Treasurer is required to issue tax warrants on the first of January, against those persons who have failed to pay their personal property tax. All those persons who could possibly do so have paid their personal property tax, but still there is a very large class who cannot in any way meet the tax. They have not the means to buy bread with, and to issue tax warrants now would cause great distress to this class. Knowing the situation well, our popular sheriff, Dick Walker, has requested Treasurer Kager to withhold the issue of warrants to an indefinite time, in the hope that the legislature will pass a law setting the time of issuing tax warrants as late as June first, the time at which warrants should issue for the last half of the personal tax of those who have already paid one-half their taxes. Mr. Kager has kindly consented to comply with Sheriff Walker's request. In the meantime petitions should be sent to the legislature asking immediate action in this important matter.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

A Good Time.
The Winfield Grange held an open session last Monday night, but owing to the inclemency of the weather was not so well attended as it otherwise would have been. We were somewhat surprised that there were so few of the citizens of Winfield out to witness the delightful exercises of the occasion. The house was called to order by A. T. Stewart, the worthy master, who stated the object of the open session. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain, R. H. Tucker. An essay on "Fruit Growing in Kansas," was read by N. C. McCulloch. A paper by Mrs. Wilkinson was then read; next an essay on the private debt of Cowley County, by Mr. Wilkinson, after which a short recess was in order. After recess a lecture was read by J. B. Evans of Vernon, after which several who did not belong to the grange were called out among whom was Col. E. C. Manning, who made a few remarks as to his preconceived notions of the grange and how he obtained them. Remarks were also made by A. S. Williams on the duty of the grange. Where there is so much to commend, we dare not make any distinction. All did well. The performance was interspersed with music both vocal and instrumental by the Winfield Glee Club, led by Prof. Wilkinson. Everybody, so far as we know, was well pleased with the whole affair.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

A Free Supper.
The citizens of Winfield are invited to partake of a free supper given by the brethren, sisters, and friends of the Christian church at their new meeting house Thursday evening, Dec. 31st, 1874.

Committee of Arrangements: Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. W. Maris, Mr. and Mrs. Meanor, Mr. and Mrs. McClelland.

Committee on Tables: Mesdames South, McKaw, Miller, Wilkinson, Sr. Barnes, W. L. Mullen, C. A. Bliss, Cochran, and Mansfield.

Committee on Reception: Miss Jennie Hawkins, J. Lipscomb, Annie Newman, J. Cochran, Charlie McClellan.

Committee on Music: Misses Stewart, Bryant, Hawkins, Newman, Mrs. Swain, Mrs. W. Maris, Messrs. Swain, W. Maris, and Cochran.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

To Secretaries of Subordinant Granges.
Having been recently appointed by the executive Committee of the State Grange, Agent for the distribution of aid to the destitute members of the order in Cowley County, and to enable the same to be done as speedily as possible, you will please report without delay the names of those who are in need and the kind of supplies most needed. Report by mail to Winfield. T. A. BLANCHARD, Agent.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

According to a circular issued by the A. T., and S. F. railroad, persons who may have had goods shipped to them, either through the relief society or not, can have the freight charges remitted by getting the certificates of the Township Trustee or County Clerk that they are really destitute. This applies, as I understand it, to this railroad alone. Such persons will have to pay charges on all roads east of Kansas, as these roads refuse to ship anything free except that which comes in care of the Central Committee. Goods shipped to the county committee and marked thus:

Rev. J. E. PLATTER, Chairman,
Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas,
Relief goods,
Care E. S. Stover, Chairman, K. C. E. S.
Will be shipped free as far as is known, on all roads in the country. The shippers of goods to those in need can enclose a card stating for whom they are intended and this will be regarded by the committee. Corn, in car loads, unless special arrangements can be made, will not be shipped free but at reduced rates. What those rates are, we have not yet ascertained.

Township Committees are requested to make a canvass of their township and find out what destitution exists. The most satisfactory way is to take a list of families and place opposite their names the amount of money, grain, provisions, and stock on hand. From this the county committee can arrive at a more satisfactory estimate as to the amount needed.

The County Committee will not distribute goods which may come, but will turn them over to Township Committees for distribution.

Township Committees will bear in mind in distributing aid that it is in no case intended for those who will not work when suitable employment is furnished, and that such bestowment of it is in direct violation of the wishes of those by whom it was given in the east. Jas. E. Platter, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

The following is a list of the different Township Relief Committees who have reported to the County Committee.

Dexter Township: K. Cline, R. Hite, and J. D. Maurer.

Maple Township: Adam Walck, J. N. Adams, and Joe Boden.

School districts 60 & 22Richland Township. John Lenar, N. J. Larkin, and G. L. Bainbridge.

Vernon Township: A. S. Williams, Wm. Carter, D. M. Hopkins, and J. E. Dunn.

Richland Township: J. W. Cottingham, L. Stevens, S. W. Phoenix.

Nennescah Township: T. Walker, A. D. Wood, and P. W. Smith.

Tisdale Township: J. J. Johnson, Philo Hedges, Q. Hawkins, J. A. McGuire, and A. Thompson.

Spring Creek Township: H. S. Libby, R. P. Goodrich, Isaac Howe.

Winfield Township: Jas. H. Land, Robert Weakly, and S. D. Klingman.

Pleasant Valley Township: Will. Henderson, Wood Retherford, Isaac Huff.

Silver Creek Township: A. P. Brooks, H. N. Hulse, S. P. Cook, Jas. Jackson, J. H. Watson.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

At a regular meeting of the Winfield Grange No. 866 P. of H., held at the Courthouse on the evening of December 22nd, A. D. 1874, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year: Brother A. T. Stewart, Worthy Master; brother A. N. Deming, Overseer; T. A. Wilkinson, Lecturer; H. N. Banner, Steward; J. F. Graham, Asst. Steward; W. R. Land, Chaplain; N. C. McCulloch, Treasurer; S. E. Burger, Secretary; Marshal Land, Gate keeper; Sister A. C. Wilkinson, Ceres; Mrs. McCulloch, Flora; Pearly Burger, Pomona; Bertha Land, Lady Asst. Steward. A. T. STEWART, W. M.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

The Philemathian grange, No. 886, P. of H., Cowley County, Kansas, met in their lodge room December the 18th, 1874, and elected their officers for the ensuing year, as follows: Brother P. W. Smith, Master; E. R. Moffet, Overseer; Sister L. M. Capper, Lecturer; Brother Phil Stout, Steward; J. B. Williams, Asst. Steward; G. W. Bruce, Chaplain; J. N. Adams, Treasurer; A. H. Beck, Secretary; W. C. Hayden, Gate keeper; Sister S. E. Smith, Ceres; M. Adams, Flora; M. M. Beck, Pomona; Jane Moffett, Lady Asst. Steward.

A. H. BECK, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Relief Meeting.
At a meeting held at the office of Curns & Manser on last Saturday, the following action was had. On motion of Col. E. C. Manning, H. S. Silver was chosen chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated to be for the purpose of appointing a committee to act in the matter of relief for Winfield Township. On motion the following gentlemen were elected such committee: Robert Weakly, Jas. H. Land, S. D. Klingman. On motion meeting adjourned, sine die. H. S. SILVER, Chairman.

JAS. KELLY, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

In the city of Iola, Kansas, at the residence of Mr. J. F. Colburn, on the evening of the 14th of December, 1874, by Rev. H. K. Muth, Mr. W. W. Scott of Cowley County, Kansas, to Miss Alice Colburn, of the city of Iola, Allen County, Kansas. Iola Register.

Mr. Scott and his bride arrived in this city last week and settled down to married life like sensible people. The Cornet band gave them a serenade on Saturday evening. We tender them our congratulations and join with their numerous friends in wishing them long lives of happiness and prosperity.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

Near Maple City December 5th, 1874, by Rev. F. W. Nance, Mr. George Eaton to Miss Eliza Pewitt, all of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

At the residence of the bride's father on Silver Creek December 17th, 1874, by Rev. F. W. Nance, Levi R. Buffington to Lizzie J. Smith, all of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

ANTI GRANGERS, Merchants, Mechanics, and professional men: The Winfield Boot and Shoe store, will from this date and during the hard times, sell you your Boots and Shoes at Grange prices. So call in and see what grange prices are.

Cash on delivery of goods. T. E. GILLELAND.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

All persons knowing themselves indebted to Park Bros., are hereby requested to come up and settle at once.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

GRAHAM FLOUR at C. A. Bliss & Co.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.

BEST OF XXXX flour at $3.25 per hundred, at C. A. Bliss & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

THERE WAS ALSO A LONG ARTICLE BY "CHAS. A. ROBERTS" RE THE HERD LAW...HE STATED: "The petition now in circulation asking our County Commissioners to repeal the herd law, which repeal is to take effect Nov. 1st, 1875, will inevitably ruin this county, if granted. There are many very important reasons why this law should not be repealed, and if it was left to the voice of the actual farmers, and the men who expect to live on their farms, it never will be repealed, and we claim that those who are not directly interested in farming nor do not own land in the county, should not have a voice in this matter. . . ."


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Trouble in School District No. 63.
OTTER TP., COWLEY CO., KAN., December 27th, 1874.
ED. COURIER: I suppose you are not aware that there is such a place as Otter Township in your countybut there is; and I suppose that our worthy county superintendent is not aware that there is such a School District as District No. 63, as he has never visited said District, but that is even so, and we had a school which seemed to be progressing well until about the 22nd of this month, when our teacher, Mr. Jas. Aley, went back into the days of barbarism, and flogged one of the scholars (a cripple with both legs off) nearly to death.

The school board, learning of the affair, called a meeting of the citizens to investigate the matter which was done in the following manner, the director in the chair, the charge of cruelly beating one of the scholars, to-wit, John Kennedy, without cause, was made against the teacher. Several of the scholars,


John unmercifully, and that they could see no cause for the whipping. The stick used was preserved by some of the boys and produced on trial, and acknowledged to be the same by Mr. Aley. It was five feet and two inches long, and Mr. Aley said it was eight inches longer when he commenced whipping John with it, and was near an inch thick at the butt end.

The witnesses stated that they examined John at recess an hour and a half afterwards and there were welts or lumps on him as large as goose eggs, caused by the whipping. Mr. Aley being asked what he done so for, said it was for violating the rules in about forty things, and on being asked for his rules, he said he had no rules nor would not have if he taught ten years. John and all the witnesses say he done nothing that anyone would think of being any violation of the rules, so it seems that Mr. Aley wanted to do something to get a great name and thought he could do so by flogging some of the scholars half to death, and selected John as the victim, he having no legs to get around on. The other boys all had two legs, and might have made warm work of it if he had selected any of them. But he was sharphe has got the big name. The school board and the citizens, unanimously, except Aley's brother, asked him to resign. Please publish the above that all teachers may know how to get a big name, and oblige School District No. 63. JACK SUGGS.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Christmas at Tisdale.
Christmas passed off pleasantly. J. A. McGuire gave a Christmas dinner to the old folks, none being present, but the heads of families and the children that were too young to be left at home. Upwards of forty persons sat down to dinner, and turkey and cake disappeared with lightning rapidity. Mrs. McGuire understands the art of cooking and knows how to make things pleasant. Jokes and chat went round, and the hours passed off pleasantly till the dark shades of night told us that the day was at a close.

But then we did not part. The boys had got up a dance in Saunders' hall and many of the old heads remained to see how the young folks could enjoy themselves. The dance was opened with a waltz. One old gentleman who had never seen a waltz was considerably amused, and to the amusement of the company stated that it looked like wrestling back holt. Mr. and Mrs. Hoblet of Grouse Creek, assisted by Mr. Trusdell and lady, furnished music for the company.

A. T. Gay and wife, one of those whole hearted couples who know how to make matters agreeable, furnished supper, and exactly at eleven o'clock the light hearted but hungry dancers made their appearance at the supper table and convinced A. T. and his fair lady that their supper was fully appreciated. So between dance, interspersed with music from Mrs. Hoblet, and our more than elegant supper, passed off one of the most pleasant times ever held in Tisdale.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Small pox has appeared among the Mennonites in Newton, so says the Peabody Gazette.

The Patrons of Kansas have completed the organization of the "Patrons Mutual Insurance Association."

Colorado started a college a few weeks ago and up to this date its inmates consist of one woman, three Indians, a buffalo calf, and a professor of botany.

Lieutenant Commander William B. Cushing, of the U. S. Navy, who blew up with a

torpedo the rebel ram "Albermal" in 1864, died recently in the insane asylum. He was one of the most gallant of American naval officers.

Since the organization of the state there has been issued $1,341,775 in bonds, which were sold for $1,220,779, of which the school fund bought $512,725 and the sinking fund $180,800. Amount outstanding and unpaid, $648,250.

Murders are still a daily occurrence in the Indian Territory. Lowe in the House and Ingalls in the Senate have each introduced bills to establish U. S. courts there. Something should be done, and that soon, to put a stop to the murder and outlawry in that section. NEXT TWO OR THREE LINES IMPOSSIBLE TO READ.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Lazette News.
The schools of Grouse Valley suspended pretty generally for Christmas and some of them during the entire holidays. Dances, weddings, and turkey dinners were the order of the day.

B. H. Clover entertained a large number of friends on the 23rd, and his tables were abundantly supplied with all that goes to make a first class dinner. Four of our oldest settlers far beyond their allotted three score and ten, were among the happy guests.

The grangers gave a close communion feast at the schoolhouse on the night of the 26th, and morning of the 27th.

Mr. Woods had a public sale on Saturday, selling grain, stock, and farming implements. A large crowd was in attendance and the bidding was vigorous.

Mr. William Morris arrived here on Saturday with a lot of pine lumber for the flouring mill.

The interest in musical matters keeps up and Rev. Mr. Wingar continues his valuable and interesting lessons.

Mr. Arthur Pickering returned from Wichita last week with a stock of saddlery, and opened his shop on the 28th.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The depredations made by the Indians, for which the despoiled pioneers ask indemnity from the government, amount to $1,000,000. The house committee on Indian Affairs is framing a bill to meet this demand. The demand is a legitimate one. The frontiersman deserves special praise for extending the empire of civilization. Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Council met November 16th, 1874, at usual hour. A quorum being present, after reading the minutes of the last meeting and approving the same, the following business was transacted.

T. H. Johnson and W. M. Boyer were placed in nomination for the office of Police Judge to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of N. H. Wood. A vote was taken which resulted as follows: For Johnson, R. B. Saffold, S. Darrah, H. S. Silver, 3. For Boyer, J. D. Cochran. Mr. Johnson having received the highest number of votes cast, was declared duly elected Police Judge for the balance of the year.

T. H. Suits presented a bill of $30 for services rendered the city, which was allowed and ordered paid.

It was moved and carried that the police judge, elect, be required to give bond to the city of Winfield in the sum of five hundred dollars.

An ordinance in relation to license tax was read and duly passed, the final vote on passage as follows: ayes, Cochran, Silver, Saffold, Darrah, 4; nays 0.

On motion a committee consisting of Saffold, Silver, and Cochran was appointed to revise the city ordinance in relation to the duties and pay of the city Attorney.

T. H. Suits appeared and resigned the office of city attorney.

On motion W. P. Hackney was duly appointed city attorney for the balance of the year.

On motion adjourned. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, Clerk.

City Council Proceedings.
The city council met Dec. 7th, 1874, at the usual hour. Present: S. C. Smith, mayor; J. C. Cochran, H. S. Silver. R. B. Saffold, S. Darrah, councilmen; J. W. Curns, Clerk.

The minutes of the last meeting were read, and after inserting the record of vote cast at the meeting Nov. 16th on the election of T. H. Johnson, police judge, were approved.

The following bills were reported and referred to the finance committee, approved and ordered paid.

Bill of Z. T. Swigart for services as marshal for the month ending Nov. 24th, $40.

Bill of J. W. Curns, for services as city clerk for month ending Nov. 24th and Dec. 7th, 1874, $16.33.

On motion the committee on streets and sidewalks was instructed to contract at once with someone to fill the grade on Main Street.

An ordinance in relation to the time of the meeting of the city council was read by sections and duly passed, the final vote on the passage of the whole was: ayes, Saffold, Cochran, Silver, and Darrah, 4; nays, 0.

An ordinance in relation to saloon license for the sale of intoxicating liquors was read by sections and each section adopted as read. The vote on the final passage was as follows: ayes, Saffold, Cochran, Silver, and Darrah, 4; nays, 0.

On motion the clerk was instructed to procure and file away for the use of the city 25 copies of the Winfield COURIER in which said saloon license is published.

On motion adjourned. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

To Our Subscribers.
The new postal law which goes into effect on the first day of January compels us to pay postage on all papers which we send out of the county. This we cannot do unless our non- resident subscribers pay promptly in advance. Therefore, all who live out of the county who fail to renew by sending the CASH, will be dropped from our list as fast as their time expires.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

A considerable quantity of snow fell last night.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The plasterers spent the holidays plastering Sam Myton's big two story brick. How is that for winter?

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Prof. Hickok has two brothers visiting him who have been making the tour of Kansas and they like Cowley better than any region visited.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The new bridge across Timber Creek at the north of town is completed and accepted. It looks like a good job. Mr. E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City had the contract and has done himself credit in the enterprise.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

We see by a copy of the Sedalia, Missouri, Daily Bazoo, recently received, that Mrs. M. C. Tucker and her daughter, Emily Tucker, formerly residents of this city, are teachers in the Sedalia public schools.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Without doubt the finest paving stones in the Walnut Valley are being delivered in front of Sam Myton's new brick. The flagging is five or six inches thick, six feet wide, and from nine to fifteen feet long.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Elder Duecse, a graduate of Eureka College, Illinois, will commence a meeting for the church of Christ, in this place, on Friday evening, January 1st, 1875. Everyone will consider himself especially invited to attend. W. H. SOUTH.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Capt. J. S. Hunt, in company with Messrs. Bartlett, Cochran, and Holmes, have gone on an extended hunting expedition into the Territory. They go about forty miles below the Kaw agency into what is known as the "hunters' paradise" where they expect to find plenty of deer, elk, turkey, and small game without numbers.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Mr. J. H. Bilsing and P. W. Smith of Nennescah Township were in town yesterday purchasing provisions of J. B. Lynn, for the relief of the destitute in their township. In their capacity as Nennescah Township Relief Committee, they have just received $75 from Sandusky, Crawford County, Ohio, which they invested in flour, beans, coffee, and prints. Beans takes the place of wheat.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

In this issue we publish a communication from school district number 63, in Otter Township, in reference to a slight difficulty they are having with their teacher, Mr. Aley. We are not personally acquainted with the circumstances of the case, and only know Superinten dent Wilkinson, and School Examiner Fairbank, after hearing the evidence, gave it as their opinion that although the punishment might have been rather severe, it was deserved.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

We have received, through private source, news of a sad accident which befell our friend, Tell W. Walton, who it will be remembered, joined a government surveying party, which has been at work in the Territory several months. The accident, as we learned it, happened thus: Sometime between the 7th and 9th inst., while Tell was handling a gun, it was either carelessly or accidentally discharged. The first barrel carried away part of his left forefinger, while the contents of the other barrel struck him fairly in the eyes, but fortunately, it contained nothing but powder and wadding. His sight is despaired of.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The following statement shows the entire amount of upon which the inhabitants of one of the average townships in this county must subsist, or starve, if no relief is afforded. Population, 236; wheat, 323 bu.; corn, 247-1/2 bushels; oats, 265 bu.; potatoes, 35-1/2; money, $161.25. Of wheat one man has 140 bushels. Of oats one man has 100 bushels. Of corn two men have 125 bushels. Of money one man has $100.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The excitement about the discovery of silver in this county has not abated. During the past week hundreds of people visited the "mining district." Some pronounce it a humbug, others anticipate great things to come of it. From all the evidence now before us, we believe that mineral has been discovered, but whether in paying quantities or not, we cannot say. Neither are we prepared to say whether it is tin, silver, or some other metal. A report from a competent assayist is expected daily. Then we shall know more.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The Masonic ball on Christmas night was an elegant affair, although the crowd was not so large as was expected. The proceeds amounted to ten dollars clear of expenses. The supper spread for the occasion at the Lagonda House excelled anything of the kind ever gotten up in the county. Deming is conceded to be the king of landlords, and for his sake we are sorry that the crowd was not large enough to eat over half the provisions he had prepared.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

We have received a private letter from Mr. Joel Mack of this place, who is now on a visit to Ossawatomie. Joel gives us some valuable hints which we will be glad to act on when the proper time comes. He says that he has examined the work on the Paola and Fall River railroad, and finds that the grading and masonry are of a good substantial character, which would warrant the belief that the project would be put through at no distant day. Mr. Mack will write a description of the road and other matters for the readers of the COURIER, when he gets home.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The elders of the several congregations of the Church of Christ, in Cowley County, are hereby notified that aid has been sent to the needy by our state agent, Brother J. McCury, in care of the elders at Winfield, who have called a meeting at Winfield, on the first Wednesday in January, 1875, said meeting to be composed of the different congregations of the county. Please be prompt in attendance, brethren, as the destitute should be found and relieved immediately. W. H. SOUTH, J. NEWMAN, ELDERS.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

The many friends of John Irwin, who left our county in November, for his old home in Illinois, will read with pleasure the following kindly greeting, which we take from the Decatur Daily Republican.

"It is with feelings of more than ordinary pleasure that we this morning took by the hand our old friend, John Irwin, late of Cowley County, Kansas, who has come back, as he expresses it, `to spend the remainder of his days in Decatur.' John has been away from here over five years, and he returns looking a little older (like all the rest of us), and the threads of silver are beginning to show themselves quite plainly in his curly locks, but his face bears the same kindly smile as of old, and his voice has in it the same jolly ring that it possessed when he had `the honor to introduce to you, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Chas. F. Browne, better known as Artemus Ward.' That was in the good old days, when Powers' Hall would seat comfortably the entire elite of Decatur, and when John was a young man with rosy cheeks and hyperion locksbefore Southern Kansas was known to emigration and grasshoppers were esteemed only as festive but harmless insects.

But times have changed since then, and John comes back to us to recuperate from his losses in the country recently foraged by the countless millions of `hoppers that ate up every green thing, and right glad are we to welcome him back to the scenes that he used to make so musical with his joyous disposition."

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

Public Installation.
There will be a Public Installation of the officers of Maple Grove Grange elected for the ensuing year, on the first Monday evening in January, 1874, at half past six p.m. sharp. The programme for the evening is as follows.

Master states object of meeting.

Speech by brother Melville.

Installation of officers.



Lecture to officers by brother Gans of Lazette.


Essay on sociability by A. Fraser.


Essay on education in the grange by T. J. Johnson.

Song by Miss Maggie Bush.

Essay on dishonesty and deceitfulness by Chas. A. Roberts.


Essay on "Our Teachers," by Mrs. Chas. A. Roberts.

Closing song.


A general invitation is extended to all.

By Order of the Grange.

Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's father, on Dec. 30th, 1874, by Squire Handy, Mr. S. M. Woodard, to Miss Mary Kelly, all of Tisdale, Cowley County, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

City Council Proceedings.
Council met November 2nd, 1874, at usual hour. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor; J. D. Cochran, H. S. Silver, S. Darrah, R. B. Saffold, and J. P. McMillen, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved.

A bill in favor of J. H. Land of $3.00, being for to recover the proceeds of the sale of a certain hog, sold by the marshal of the city of Winfield, was presented and referred to the finance committee and duly allowed.

The fee bill of the city of Winfield vs. V. B. Beckett for $16.50 was referred to the finance committee.

An ordinance defining the duties of the city marshal was read by sections and on motion was passed. The vote on the final passage was as follows: ayes, Saffold, Darrah, Silver, McMillen, and Cochran; nays 0.

N. H. Wood appeared and tendered his resignation as police judge of the city of Winfield, to take effect Nov. 7th, 1874.

On motion adjourned. S. C. SMITH, Mayor.

J. F. CURNS, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.

An order from the P. O. Department requires the stage company to carry the mail from Wichita to Winfield, via Oxford in twelve hours daily.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum