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Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Manning's new building is ready for the roof.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The race track is in good condition for the Fourth.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Every rig in town has been engaged for the Fourth.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mrs. Kirk is quite sick, and is not expected to live.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Blacksmith Mater has one of the neatest houses in town.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. J. H. Sherburne, of Ponca Agency, was in town Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

County Superintendent Story left Monday morning for the east.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

T. M. McGuire is draping his shelves with yellow mosquito bar.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Died. Mr. Wm. Barton died very suddenly of apoplexy, last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. Moffitt, father-in-law of Mr. Chas. Bahntge, has been visiting here for the past few days.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. M. J. Wallis has purchased the Gully building, now being occupied by Hendricks & Wilson, for $1200.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The new Bahntge building is to be 25 x 60, one story high, and has been rented for three years at $700 per annum.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Capt. Sanford has been passing through the trying ordeal incident to the lives of all married men: that of moving.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The excavation of Mr. H. Jochem's building is about completed and the foundation will be laid within the next ten days.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

WANTED: A span of mare mules by G. W. Ward, three miles northwest of Winfield, on the Oxford road. Will pay cash.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The engineer corps of the L. L. & G., were in town Saturday, having established their route to within 18 miles of this place.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. Spach has purchased the old Manning house, the first one built in Winfield, and is moving it from the lumber yard to a lot on 6th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. Freeland has been selling the dirt excavated from Jochem's cellar for ten cents per load. It is being used to fill up lots and sidewalk grades.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Harry Bahntge intends erecting a brick business house on the lot adjoining his present building, which will be occupied by Turner Bros. dry goods store.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

We were pleased to meet Mr. Allen of Floral last Monday. Mr. Allen is one of the representative men of Floral, and of course is interested in the leading paper.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Cowley beats the world. Max Joseph brought a lot of roasting ears and ripe tomatoes to town Tuesday. The tomatoes went off like hot cakes at 8 1/2 cents apiece.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The last of the city wells is being put down by Mr. Kingsbury, which makes water very convenient. The water was reached at a depth of 23 feet, and the supply is abundant.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. Ekel has enclosed his lumber yard with a high board fence and is putting up new sheds across one side. We understand that Mr. Ekel will bring on an immense stock of lumber in a short time.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. E. A. Smith has purchased Geo. Crippen's house in the east part of town, and has located permanently with us. Mr. Smith is a first-class dentist and comes highly recom mended. His office is with Dr. Graham.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The Tunnel Mills are going through a thorough course of re-modeling. The water wheel has been raised, and the stones are being moved and adjusted. The present proprietors intend to do first-class work or none at all.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

E. A. Henthorn of Omnia township, has been appointed a life member of the State Historical Society. Mr. Henthorn, aside from being a good farmer, takes considerable interest in public affairs and will make a valuable member of the society.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. J. S. Baker, who heads our New Salem list, made us a very pleasant call last Saturday. Mr. Baker is one of the staunch farmers of Cowley, and believing in the old adage of "making hay while the sun shines," has transformed a quarter section of raw prairie into one of the best farms in the county.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Our cornet band favored the citizens with some good music on their return from the picnic last week. The boys play well, the new instruments sound well, and taken altogether we have a band that we may be proud of. Mr. Geo. Crippen, the leader, has instructed some of the best bands in the state, and if anybody can run a good band, George can.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. Jochems, at the council meeting Monday evening, made a very good suggestion, that of reducing the fare of prisoners and of providing a rock pile for them to exercise on between meals. The city has been entirely too easy on her prisoners heretofore, and the "Hotel de Finch" is so excellently managed that most of the professional bummers don't care to stop anywhere else. The mortal terror of the above named gentlemen to anything like work, especially on a bread and water stomach, will have a wholesome effect, and the city will not be called upon to foot so many bills of "board for prisoners" at 75 cents a day.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

After the race on Saturday evening, a rough-and-tumble fight was indulged in.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The A. T. & S. F. has deposited $3,500 with the County-Treasurer with which to pay the damages on the right-of-way to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

THE WINFIELD BANK is ready to receive bids for furnishing material and work for the new bank building. Those who desire contracts should call soon.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

I have a span of good mules, 160 acres of land, and other property to trade for city property or for a farm near town. B. F. BALDWIN.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

We were pleased to meet Dr. Mendon and lady, of Michigan, who have come to to locate in Winfield. They have rented the Gillelen residence and their goods are on the road. The doctor is a very social gentleman and stands high in his profession.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

In company with Mr. John Moffitt, the big lumber merchant, our local took a trip down the Walnut Valley into South Bend, last Friday. The wheat on either side of the road was mostly cut and shocked and some was being stacked. Mr. C. C. Pierce, trustee of Winfield township, had just finished harvesting his large crop, with one of the Wood self-binders, which works splendidly. Mr. Pierce has one of the finest farms in the valley, and is working in the right direction to make farming both pleasant and profitable. He purchased some time ago, at Kansas City, a fine blooded bull which he has been crossing with the native stock, and now has the finest looking lot of cattle in the county. His pasture is fenced with wire, the posts being set about two rods apart and supporting two wires.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Last Saturday a young man residing in the south part of town transferred the household effects of a lady from one house to another, and was offered in payment for this and other services rendered, the sum of seventy-five cents. One of the numerous draymen about town made a complaint against the party for running a dray without license, and he was arrested, brought before Judge Boyer and fined $5 and costs, amounting in all to $12.50, which was paid by his wife from the money she had saved by taking in washing. The parties are respectable hard-working young people, and did not know that they were violating the law. The matter was brought before the city council, which promptly remitted the fine, and the lady will probably recover most of her hard earnings, unless the police court refuses to disgorge certain little "perquisites" contained in the bill of costs.

Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Mr. Hill, who lives just across the river west of town, is in a very wrathy state of mind. He owns sixty acres of very fine land there, and last week the A. T. & S. F. surveyors came along and ran diagonally through the entire piece. He didn't say a word at this, for he is in favor of progress and improvement and didn't care about clogging the wheels of commerce, so he just sat still and let them go where they pleased. On Monday the L., L. G. fellows came along, and crossing the river just below the mouth of Timber Creek, ran up through Mr. Hill's door yard, crossing the A. T. & S. F. survey right in the center of his farm. This was too much for human endurance, and Mr. Hill has resolved that no farther westward should the "star of empire" take its way, till he has been fully reimbursed for the loss of his farm. In the midst of life we are liable to be cut in two twice.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

FLORAL, KS., JUNE 15, 1879.
At a meeting of delegates for the purpose of arranging for a union picnic to be held at this place, June 4th, 1879. New Salem, Queen Village, Richland, Rose Mound, Walnut Valley, and Floral Sunday Schools, and Rose Mound and Floral Lodges, I. O. G. T., were represented.

It was agreed to occupy the grove on the premises of S. B. Stone, Richland township, one-half mile east of Floral school house, and ten miles northeast from Winfield.

Wm. White (Walnut Valley) was chosen Chairman, and C. Coons (Rose Mound), Chief Marshal for the occasion.

The Secretary was instructed to furnish each of the county papers with notice of meeting and programme, extending through them a cordial invitation to one and all to come and unite with us in spending a pleasant and profitable day in celebrating the anniversary of our National Independence. J. S. ALLEN, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

We are afflicted with the blues in this vicinity since the destruction of the crops by the hail storm Monday evening. The damage to crops of all kinds over a strip of country some three miles wide was literally mown down. Wheat, oats, and corn were destroyed, gardens were hashed, fruit beaten off, and birds killed. The storm came with such a wind that the hail penetrated the roofs of houses in several instances. The farmers in the vicinity of Prairie Grove have been damaged to the amount of thousands of dollars. Among the worst sufferers are Douglass, Rogers, Weber, Clay, Pontious, Vanorsdol, and Mounts. No loss of life is reported.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

The surveyors of the east and west road have been surveying for two weeks from the head of Cedar Creek to Grouse. Haven't found an outlet yet from Grouse, but have located down Cedar to Grouse. We will move as soon as the depot is located.

James Kelly called on Tuesday evening. Jim is trying to induce the school boards to adopt the school books published by Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., which we did just a few hours before Jim got in. I am sorry Jim did not get in sooner.

Prof. Story was over and called on us last week. We are always glad to see our old friend, Mr. Story, and have him stop and see us. "Seems like some of our folks."

Our spring term of school will close this week, which ends a series of nine months of school by Prof. H. T. Albert, one of the best teachers in Cowley. Hope we will be able to procure his services again next fall and winter.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Died. The citizens of Dexter and vicinity were called together at the house of G. W. and Mary Jones to sympathize with them in the death of their sweet little babe, nine months old. The Rev. W. H. Rose conducted the funeral services.

Dexter is booming with business. The blacksmiths are all kept busy judging from the ringing of the anvils, and the new hardware store of Mr. Truesdell is doing a fine business.

James Harden is still nudging around, and says he is selling cheap goods.

Messrs. Harden & Davis are always ready with a smile on their faces to wait on their customers.

The Central Hotel is putting on the shine in the way of awnings and sidewalks, and Jesse, of the Dexter House, in his usual manner, still keeps his lamp burning.

The famous equescurriculum have been papering some of the public buildings of this place in a manner beautiful to behold.

The mill turns out fine flour under the new management.

Miss Allie Harden is teaching school in district 54, on Crab creek.

Mr. Truesdell, assisted by his worthy aid, Mr. Heiskell, keeps things moving lively in his new hardware establishment.

Rev. Mr. Loy of Baltimore was in this place on Monday. An accident befell his vehicle and friend Day was called on for repairs.

Dempsy Elliott has turned granger this week so as to harvest his wheat.

Arvilla Elliott is teaching school in district 110.

Mrs. John C. Maurer is visiting friends at Topeka.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

Yesterday our town was enlivened by the arrival of a noted character and his people: Chief Joseph, of the Nez Perces, on their route to their new home thirty-five miles south of this place on Salt Fork, just west of the Ponca Agency, which is at the mouth of Salt Fork, and a little east of south from here.

The cavalcade consisted of sixty-four wagons, one hundred and thirty horses, and some four hundred Indians, headed by Chief Joseph, who rode on horseback at the head of the column dressed in half white and half Indian costume, a large feather waving in his hat.

A government supernumary in the form of a well developed, well fed, and well clothed gentleman by the name of Haworth, a kind of general superintending Indian Agent, was along directing matters. These emigrants came from the neighborhood of Baxter Springs in the territory, where they were formerly located. Joseph is rather an imposing individual, but a dirtier, filthier looking set of Indians you would rarely ever meet. A few of the bucks, while the command halted in the street, amused the men and boys; at the same time replenished their own excheckers [? exchecquers ?] by shooting at dimes on a stick with their bows and arrows.

Our city at present is rather dull. But occasionally we have something to break the monotony of rural life, a fight, a foot race, or a runaway. We had three match races yesterday, a light weight, a heavy weight, and a long winder. Capt. Fred Farrar, the light weight, came off victorious. Col. Crawford, the heavy weight, carrying 260 pounds, came out ahead of his opponent, Major Rexford, who broke down on the home stretch. There was a good deal of interest taken in this race as it partook of a national character: Rexford being from Canada and Crawford a native of the United States. Gen. Capron carried off the bets in the wind and muscle race. The best of feeling prevailed and the parties, their abettors, and the judges all partook of a feast of ice cream and lemonade, all being temperance men.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

NEW SALEM, KANS., JUNE 16, 1879.
Some of our young people had the misfortune to upset in the creek at the Floral picnic. One young lady was literally drenched, having fallen into about four feet of mud and water. C.C., you should not attempt to make love to all the ladies at once while crossing a ford, and forget to attend to the business which demands your attention.

J. J. is building a new house. So urgent is its need that he and his carpenter improved the time by working on Sunday. We suppose they thought "the better the day, the better the deed."

The young man and his girl who staid outside looking in at the window during services a couple of Sunday evenings ago, should have gotten into church before the preacher finished his sermon. Perhaps their mothers didn't know they were out.

A. W. Davis and J. S. Baker have been twice to interview the surveyors on the east and west road. Hope they will succeed in the project they have in view, as it will be quite an addition to New Salem.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.

H. A. McLaughlin & wife, to A. Stanton, lots 21 and 22, blk 91, Arkansas City. $400.

M. L. Read & wife, and M. L. Robinson and wife, to L. M. Mullen, frac. lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, blk. 134. $172.50.

R. C. Haywood & wife to J. R. Finley, 1/2 lot 30, blk 63, Ark. City. $$900.

C. L. Harter, sheriff, to A. T. Farris, lot 30, blk 67, lots 22, 24, 25, 26, blk 56, Arkansas City. $258.

L. W. Curry to M. Rutherford, lot 24, blk. 249, Winfield.

G. W. Crippen & wife to S. E. & A. W. Smith, lots 2 and 3, blk 230. $525.

C. A. Horn to W. S. Houghton, lot 27, blk 83, Ark. City. $30.

Arkansas City Town Co. to E. H. Thompson, lots 18, 19, 20, and 21, blk 100, Ark. City. $20.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879 - Front Page.

True to the promise I made you before departing for the great southwest, the golden grain belt of Kansas, I indite these few lines from the Capital of Cowley county. The trip from Topeka to Wichita in one of the fine and luxurious coaches of the A., T. & S. F. R. R., is at all times one of pleasure and comfort. But more so yet this time of the year, when the whole country is in holiday attire. As far as the eye can reach on either side of the road are dances of a bountiful harvest, which promise rich reward for the husbandman. The many towns along the road are prosperous and progressing finely. Everywhere we find evidences of the large immigration which is settling in our beloved state. New fields are cultivated every season, and we are told that the acreage to be broken for the next crop will be largely in excess of anything ever known before even in Kansas, where we are used to gigantic performances. New business and dwelling houses are springing up as by magic in every leading town in southwestern Kansas. Happiness, prosperity, and thrift greet the eye everywhere. The land sales of the A., T. & S. F. R. R. are immense, and the inducements offered by this railroad company cannot fail to draw immigrants hither, and help largely to populate and develop the boundless resources of Kansas.

The ride from Wichita to Winfield in one of the fine Concord stages of the S. W. stage company, drawn by four superb horses and managed by excellent drivers, is a very enjoyable one, leading through as beautiful a country as any man wants to see.

Judging from the way work is done on the extension of the railroad between Wichita and Winfield, we must conclude that it is the intention of the A., T. & S. F. company to reach this city long before the time limited in which the road is to be built.

The town of Winfield is located beautifully, the streets are very clean, wide, and level so that the eye can reach from one point to the extreme on the other side. Main street, the busi ness street of the city, is 120 feet, all other streets are 80 feet wide. The sidewalks built of the magnesia limestone quarried two miles from town, are blocks of from 12 to 15 feet long by 6 to 8 feet wide and from 8 to 10 inches in thickness; and are models of beauty, elegance, and durability.

We have seen here as fine buildings as can be found anywhere in the country. A large business is transacted in this city, which will be increased ten fold when the whistles of the locomotives will be heard. The businessmen are energetic, wide awake, and liberal, enjoy therefore the confidence of the whole community and the country.

Beautiful churches and school houses give yet more evidence of the noble spirit of this people. The main office of the southwest stage company is here under the management of that efficient agent, M. L. Bangs, Esq., whose business and pleasure it is to superintend in person everything connected with this vast enterprise, at present the main convenience between the terminus of the railroad points and surrounding country.

A two-horse stage connects Winfield with Arkansas City, a thriving little town full of whole-souled businessmen who already see their beloved town the metropolis, railroad center, and terminus of at least a half dozen railroads.

Arkansas City has the finest school building in southwest Kansas, and has done very much indeed in the way of improving all roads leading into town and bridging the streams. The harvest around here has fairly commenced, and the wheat is partly cut. The crop in some parts of the county is very good (where sowed early in the fall) and in other parts very poorly. I do not think that the average will be more than from 60 to 70 percent. Corn, oats, potatoes, etc., look very well and promising. Grapes promise also pretty well, but other fruit there is none to be seen. The hail storm which passed over this country last Monday night seems to have spent its fury north and northwest from here, doing heavy damage in Wichita, none at all here, and ended with a beneficial rain here and in Arkansas City.

The erection of buildings in Winfield and Arkansas City has ceased. Everybody wants to know before building where the railroad depot in each town will be located. Cannot you inform your readers down here in regard to it? W.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879 - Front Page.

SALT CITY, KANS., JUNE 10, 1879.
This is the famous salt region of Sumner County. It was laid out by Messrs. Mills and Foster in 1874. It is situated in the southeastern part of the county near the Arkansas River. It is surrounded by some of the best lands of the valley. The farms show that their owners understand their business, as they are well improved and cultivated. The population at the present time is only about fifty. It has a weekly mail, which arrives on Friday. It is very unjust to the people, as it arrives just at the right time to prevent them from receiving the weekly papers until they are at least ten days old. If the date of arrival was on Monday or Tuesday, it would be a vast advantage to them. Something ought to be done for them by the postmaster officials.

The town contains one business house, a drug store, a large blacksmith shop, and two hotels. The great future of the town is in their salt and mineral springs. The salt marsh, as it is called, covers an area of at least ten acres. Salt Creek runs through this marsh, and is fed by hundreds of small springs. The banks of the streams are as white as snow, from salt which covers the ground from one to four or five inches, all along its banks.

The water contains a large percent of salt. A test of four gallons yielded four pounds of salt, and the method of testing was very crude.

D. H. Prouty & Co., have organized themselves into a company for the purpose of developing the springs and establishing works. Another company has been formed to prospect for coal. It is believed that a coal formation underlays the whole section of the country. The funds for the prospecting are being raised by subscription. The company have agreed to sink a shaft 600 feet for $800. If coal is found, the future of the salt company is assured. It is assured any way as soon as the railroad penetrates this county.

The large thing for this place is its mineral springs. There are a great many of them, and they are already known to contain medicinal properties of the highest order. I met Dr. S. A. Allen, of Rhode Island, late of Cincinnati, who was severely afflicted with diabetes. He has been troubled with it for four years in its most aggravated form. He has traveled far and wide, visiting in his tours nearly all localities in the United States for relief, but failed to find any until he came here, 4th of last April. At that time he was almost helpless. Now he is strong, and able to do more than for years before. He says that it is the first time that he has ever received any benefit in doctoring, and knows that it is the water that does it.

As nearly as he can judge, the properties of the water are chloride of potash, soda, zinc, sulphur, and iron. He is confident that their medicinal properties will be vastly beneficial for ulcers, catarrh, kidney diseases, and all skin diseases. He could not be hired to leave here.

Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, own the largest of the springs. They have sent water out of the springs to two or three different parties for analysis. If I mistake not, these springs will become a favorite resort in the near future, for all who are suffering from any of the above named difficulties. Just so soon as they are known, the future of Salt City is assured.

It will only be a few miles from the railroad, just far enough to make it a pleasant drive. It is my sober opinion that it will only be a short time, till that event will occur. Dr. Allen is an educated gentleman, and knows whereof he speaks in stating the above. He is also a gentleman of considerable means, and means business in his statement.

I send you a specimen of the salt with this article, so that you may see that it is fine, and that these springs are no illusion.

I am under obligations to Drs. Allen and Arnold, and Messrs. Berkey, Risch, and Mills, for courtesies shown, for which I thank them.W. G. H. in Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879 - Front Page.

Mr. A. H. Broadwell, of South Bend, has a sample of wheat from his field which makes a very good showing of long, well filled heads, some of them containing four grains to the mesh, and he claims that it is very little above the average of the whole piece, but some allowance may be made for its being "my wheat." Several of the farmers claim an average of fifteen bushels to the acre. Cutting the wheat has driven the chinch bugs into the corn lying adjacent, causing no little fear for the otherwise promising prospect for an abundant yield. But the corn still lives ("while there's life, there's hope"), and looks well. The most of it is laid by because there are so few weeds in it. Such is the case with that tended by Doff. Holcomb and sons. H. Harbaugh, H. Holtby and son, and H. Forbes claim to be the model farmers of this township.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

We observe that the Mayor of this city has called an election for next Tuesday in the school district composed of the city of Winfield, to vote upon a proposition authorizing the issuance of bonds of the city or district not exceeding $10,000 with interest not exceeding seven percent, to build a suitable school house. Now we have had no hand in getting up this matter, have not been consulted, and have consulted with no one in regard to the matter; do not know who has been active in the matter and what are their intentions further than appears in the election proclamation, but we are of the opinion that the bonds should be voted.

So far as the taxes are concerned, we presume they will affect us personally fully as much as they will affect our neighbor across the way, who opposed the bonds on the ground of taxation, and says that if we vote these bonds "we will keep voting them until a debt of $50,000 is made."

The absurdity of this freshman statement is apparent when we consider that this district once voted $5,000 for a similar purpose and have not more in several years and that now these bonds are paid.

It is a fact that we need a great deal more school room now, that our city is growing and promises in the immediate future to require still more. During the last session six school rooms have been well filled and it has become a moral certainty that eight rooms will soon be required. We have now only four belonging to the district, have been renting two at $350 per annum (if we remember correctly), and if we do not build, we must rent two more at similar cost, thus making our rents amount to $700 a year, besides the danger to the health of our children by confining them in badly ventilated and damp basements. Now if the $10,000 bonds be issued, the interest could not be greater than $700 per year, the amount we must otherwise pay as rents; therefore, our taxation would not be increased thereby, at least until money must be raised to sink the principal.

We should say, build a main school building on the south end of our present stone wing sufficiently large to add four large and convenient school rooms and for hall, closets, and other modern conveniences, employ a first class school house architect (we shall not apply for the job) to attend to it, remodel the roof, and some other parts of the present building to make the two one harmonious whole, and make it an architectural beauty such as we shall feel proud of. We believe this can be done for $8,000, and we believe our school bonds bearing six percent interest can be sold at par. If these should prove facts, our yearly interest would be only $480 and it would actually decrease our taxation.

But were it a fact that it would increase our taxation, would it not be vastly better to preserve our children in life and health by providing healthy, well ventilated and convenient school rooms above ground? And were there nothing in this, what friend and citizen of our proud young city is not willing to put his hand into his pocket a little way in order to give his city the credit of having a fine school house?

We are daily receiving letters of inquiry from other states in relation to this city as a desirable location for residence and business, and among these inquiries those concerning our school and church buildings, schools and churches are always prominent in well written letters, while the illiterate letters rarely refer to them. On strangers who are intelligent and who would make valuable citizens, the appearance of the school house will have a decided effect in deciding their location. We are gaining a proud name for our churches, let us have a school house of which we need not be ashamed. Vote for the bonds.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.


D. A. MILLINGTON, Dear Sir: The article published in your last week's paper in relaton to the lot of bucks, shorn by Mr. J. W. Thomas of Tisdale, needs a little correction. It is stated that fifty Paular Marino bucks, from two to four years old, sheared an average of twenty-three pounds per head.

The number was forty-two instead of fifty. Their ages are two and three years, with the exception of four or five that are five years old, there being no four year olds in the lot.

The average weight of fleece as certified to by Mr. Thomas and W. H. H. McKennon, who sheared and weighed them, was 22 8-1/2-16 pounds per head. Weighing was not thought of until one half the flock was sheared, when the balance were accurately weighted, as shown, and the average taken from the twenty-one last shown. Mr. Thomas and McKennon both state that no selection was made in weighing, with regard weight of fleece, but taken as they came to hand.

The four heaviest fleeces weighed in the aggregate 110-1/4 pounds as follows, 29-1/4, 18-1/2, 27, and 25-1/4 pounds, but one fleece fell under 18 pounds, that weighed 15 pounds, taken from a male two years old.

These sheep are of the same blood and style of those yourself and Mr. Moffitt witnessed the shearing of, at my place in Winfield, early last month, of which you made mention of in your paper at the time. These sheep were (with a few exceptions) bought of Mr. Geo. Ham- mond of Middlebury, Vermont, son of the late Erwin Hammond, the great sheep breeder, and pure bred, direct from the celebrated Hammond flock, of which so much has been said and written in years past. The lot of sheep shown in your presence, I consider the better of the two, if any difference, they being a little better grown, and shall expect heavier fleeces from them next shearing.

We need in Kansas just what they have in New YorkA state sheep show.

Truly yours, EZRA MEECH.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.


Cowley County has 11,000 square miles of land. Population of the county: 18,157. Population of Winfield city and township: 3,381. This is by actual census taken the last spring, and the population of both county and city is rapidly increasing. Politics: Republican by a large majority.

Soil rich and produces good crops of almost everything that has been tried. Produces first class winter wheat and corn in abundance, and they are the principal crops. All kinds of fruits do well. Climate is mild. Have usually plenty of rain.

The surface is undulating and the uplands produce nearly as well as bottom land.

We have no railroads now. One from the north will reach us before October next and another from the east will reach us before next March.

Excellent farming land can be had at low prices: $3 to $10 per acre. Highly improved land would sell at higher figures.

The tendency is to advance. This is the best place we know of for a farmer with money to locate. We have a first class county for stock of all kinds, timber in narrow belts, fine streams of watersome of them running entirely through the county, good wells, no standing water or marshes, a porous soil, and healthy climate.

Winfield, the county seat, is eight miles west of the geographical center of the county, but is not very far from the center of population. We have twenty-four lawyers, too many to name, and all other professions and branches of business are well represented.

You will not find any particular want in any kind of business, but there is room for more in most branches. We have more need of manufacturies than anything else.

We have good schools and fine churches. Our society is as intelligent and refined as that where you live. Do not come here with the view that you are going to an uncivilized country, where none but the ignorant have settled. Do not come expecting to live by working out for others by the day or job. If you have some means and brains and ambition, and want to go to a growing, living community, and the best county that lays out of doors, there to set up for yourself and invest your means, skill, and energy, whatever your calling or profession is, come on. You are wanted. There is here a place waiting for you where you will succeed abundantly. There is no county in the wide world more promising.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

C. M. McIntire will soon start at Arkansas City an eight column, four page, Democratic paper to be called the Arkansas Valley Democrat. Charley understands the newspaper business, is a clear headed trenchant writer and if anyone can make a success of it, he can. Barring his abominable politics, he is a good fellow and we wish him success.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. Dan Maher was in the city Friday.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

B. S. Brush, an attorney from Buffalo, Mo., is in the city looking for a location.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

A. A. Jackson has moved his stairway from the side of his building to the rear.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

A new town has been started at the junction of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith railroad.

It is called Mulvane.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. R. D. Jillson is fitting up rooms in his building and intends going into the loan and insurance business.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. Frank Jennings and family are visiting friends in Kingman county, and will be absent several weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The column rules for the new COURIER arrived last Saturday, and we expect to get our new cylinder press this week.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Potatoes are worth $1.50 per bushel wholesale; eggs, 10 ct. per doz.; turnips, 50 cts. per bushel; chickens, $1.25 per doz.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

We were pleased to meet Mr. John Kelly, late of Wichita, last week. Mr. Kelly is dealing in farm machinery, and has located permanently with us.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The recent rains have delayed the Jochems building somewhat, but the work will be pushed forward with renewed energy as soon as the weather will permit.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

MARRIED.At the residence of Wm. Owens, in Richland township, June 15, 1879, by D. Thomas, Mr. James J. Owens and Miss Stella Sweetman, both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

A. T. Shenneman has purchased the Bradish lot, on the corner of Manning street and 10th avenue, for $475. He will probably erect a livery barn sometime during the summer.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Beck & Dillon are making some very fine stereoscopic views of Winfield and surroundings. The views are as good as any we have seen, and speak well for the work of this firm.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The building on the lot next to Bahntge's store is being moved over on the next lot and soon the sounds of the trowel and hammer will be heard all over the south end of town. Let `er "boom."

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Judge McDonald will be one of the orators at the coming celebration. The Judge is acknowledged to be one of the best speakers in the State, and his oration on the Fourth will be one of the best features of that occasion.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The Telegram office was pretty well wet up by water running in from the cellar of the new bank building on the corner of Main street and Ninth avenue. Their compositors set type as well in the water as on terra firma.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

If the celebrated "pork house smell" of Atchison is any worse than the atmosphere which surrounds "Rushbridge Row" on south Manning street, we do not wonder at the howls of the Champion for "purification." Bring out our pig pea ordinance.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The rise of the Walnut filled the pond South of town, and when the water receded, large numbers of fish were left in the shallow pools, which the boys had a grand time catching, some of them running in and catching large fish in their arms. This is a true fish story.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. R. W. Ramage, from Bloomington, Indiana, is looking over the county with a view of locating. Mr. Ramage has been county superintendent of Monroe County, Indiana, for several terms, and is a gentleman of intelligence and culture. We hope he may conclude to remain with us.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. Frank Clark, who resides six miles west of town, was a sufferer by the recent storm. His barn was struck by the lightning, which tore a hole through the top and killed two valuable horses that were inside. The barn was not injured very much, although the lightning tore a hole through from top to bottom.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The commissioners to assess the damages along the line of the C. S. & F. S. road met on Monday and adjourned till Tuesday next, to allow the surveyors to complete the survey. They have assessed the damages to within five miles of town and the money to pay the assessment is in the hands of the county treasurer.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. A. H. Broadwell, of Cresswell, has the honor of marketing the first wheat of the season.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Of all the money making schemes we have ever seen, the one which held forth back of the bank last Saturday was the thinnest. The stock in trade was a lot of wooden images set up on boards, to be thrown atfive cents for three throws. As usual, a large number of "sports" were on hand, and the shekels came in quite rapidly.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

There are several alleys and p__g pens in the South part of town that need looking after. On warm days the stench arising from them is extremely offensive; and if not cleaned up, before long will endanger the health of the inhabitants. There is an ordinance providing for the flooring of all pig pens within the city limits, which, if enforced, would help to purify these disease-infected odors.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Corn 30 cents per bushel, wheat 80 cents on the street.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. Jas. Allen is furnishing the Oxfordites with fresh beef twice each week.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Dr. Mendon has taken rooms with Dr. Bull and will commence practicing shortly.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

General Green donates a twenty dollar flag to the largest delegation from any township on the Fourth.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. Henry Asp will be one of the orators at Floral on the 4th. The emblematic bird will catch it this time, for Henry never lets up till his hand slips off the tail feathers.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Eight suits have been brought against C. S. & F. S. railroad, appealing from the damages assessed by the commissioners. They will come up before the August term of court.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The bottom has been knocked out of the brick market and Saturday good brick were selling at $3.75 per thousand. With brick at this price a good, substantial building can be put up for a very small sum.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Two of our leading hog men had a lively scuffle on Main street last Monday, resulting from a diversity of opinion in regard to swine, but Judge Boyer was of the opinion that $2.00 and costs would be about the right thing, which was paid.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Messrs. Jennings & Buckman are doing a splendid law business, and are fast coming to the front as one of the leading law firms of Southwestern Kansas. They are both young men of ability and culture, and have been unusually successful in their profession since they first hung out their shingle three years ago.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. T. B. Turner returned from Chicago last Saturday evening accompanied by Mr. James Hoblett and wife and Mr. Johnny Lowe, who will spend several days in seeing the sights of Winfield and vicinity. Mr. Hoblett is a brother of David Hoblett, of Dexter township, is one of the leading lawyers of Illinois, and is the gentleman under whom W. P. Hackney studied law.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Deputy Finch is always on the lookout for criminals, and can tell a horse thief whenever he gets his eyes on one. Last week he took in a suspicious looking darkey who answered a description which he had of a mule thief, and who proved to be the right man. He had stolen a span of mules and a wagon from near Independence, and was en route to Leadville when he was stopped by Mr. Finch.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Messrs. James Moulton, L. C. Hoxie, and Will Robbins, three of Fort Scott's brightest and best young men, arrived here last Thursday. The boys were on a camping expedition with a view to locating and were enjoying themselves immensely, notwithstanding the disagreeable weather they had encountered. They went on to Wellington Saturday, intending to go to Wichita and from there back to Ft. Scott. Come again, young gentlemen, you will find no better place to locate and we would be glad to welcome you permanently among us.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

W. J. Hodges started to Wichita to-day with another large drove of hogs, some 700 in number. Messrs. Mullen and Wood will also start about July 1st with a drove of 1206. The total of the many droves which have been taken out since Jan. 1st will be over 4,500 and the average price paid has been about $2.50 per hundred pounds. The price is now $2.90, nearly equal to Wichita prices. The gentlemen above named have been dealing largely in hogs and have been content with a small margin, thereby making a good market at home and keeping money here that would otherwise be carried out of the county.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

At a meeting of the School Directors on Monday, June 16th, F. S. Jennings in the chair, the following appointments were made for the coming year: Principal, Prof. E. T. Trimble, of Illinois, who takes the place of Mr. G. W. Robinson, resigned; Helen E. Meach, of Chicago, who takes the place of Miss Aldrich in the grammar department; Miss Sarah Hodges, who takes the place of Mrs. Moffit, resignedsecond intermediate; Miss Minnie Johnson, a new appointment, 1st intermediate; Miss Allie Klingman, returned, 2nd primary; Miss Mollie Bryant, 1st primary. The Chair appointed the committees for the ensuing year, to-wit: M. G. Troup, Finance; N. L. Rigby, Ways and Means; I. W. Randall, Care of School property. The first Monday in July was set for the next meeting of the Directors. The fall term of school opens September 1st.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

SALT CITY, JUNE 20, 1879.
During our stay of one day in your city last week, we met several of your citizens who had been using the mineral water from this place, and everyone spoke in very flattering terms of it, as they had been testing it themselves.

It would astonish you to see the number of persons that come here to use it and carry it off, and Mr. Whister has worked up quite a business marketing it at the different cities and towns around here. Has found ready sale for it in Wichita, Winfield, Wellington, Oxford, Arkansas City, etc. Dr. Allen still continues to improve by its use, and is now able to take as long a walk as the average man. Others in the vicinity are digging with the hope of either tapping the vein, or developing more of a like character; some claim success in this direction, but we think with the supply at present exahusted, they will either have to fill up again or abandon their hopes.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Not long since the people around Baltimore contributed money enough to set a blacksmith up in business, but a few days ago he "stacked up" his tools and disappeared, leaving us to look for him in vain.

A few days ago, Mr. John Stout hitched a span of young mules to his reaper, and, when starting, they got frightened at the reel and ran away. In Mr. Stout's attempt to jump from the machine, he caught his foot, causing the drive-wheel to run over his foot, inflicting a pretty serious wound.

Died On May 6th Mr. K. R. Cummings died at the residence of Mr. Lowder, with the consumption. Mr. Cummings left Arkansas a few weeks ago in company with his wife and brother to travel for his health, and had but reached this point when he died.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

This part of Cowley is just "booming." Corn is large, has a good growing color, and the prospects are good for a large crop. Harvest is in "bloom." Wheat as good as last year's crop. Oats will be short. Garden "sass" plenty.

The price of land is looking up since we have so good a prospect of a railroad through here, and when we do get a railroad, we propose to start right into the town, business at once, and then Winfield will have to look a "leedle oud." We have the country here to build a town; good land, good water, good building rock, good industrious men, and the best looking women in the county.

We have no choice for sheriff out here, but we would like it if our fellow townsman, W. C. Douglass, would be brought out as a candidate for Recorder. He would make a good Recorder, being thoroughly competent for that position, and would be well supported out here.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Farmers in this locality are in fine spirits. They are looking forward to the day not far distant when they will market their crops at Wichita prices in our vicinity, as the L., L. & G. has made its survey down Coda creek and we are sure to get a depot at New Salem, and with as good a country as will surround a town here, the day will not be far distant when New Salem will be seen a flourishing city with her thoroughfare, her parks, and her church spires towering toward the heavens, and the sound of her bells will arouse and call us up to the house of God on the Sabbath.

We think Mr. D. Bovee, Joe. McMillen, and Mr. Hoyland have three of as fine farms as there are in Cowley county. New Salem is a pleasant place to live. There is good society, the Sabbath day is kept, we have two religious societies, Presbyterian and Methodist, with services twice a day, a good Sabbath school, and plenty of enjoyment for young folks, such as croquet, socials, and occasionally they trip the light fantastic too to the music of a 4 stringed instrument. This was the pastime a few evenings ago as our friend J. J. had just completed his fine residence, a few of his friends concluded to give him the benefit of a house warming, and while J. R. McCoy and D. W. P swung the bow, the young folks tripped the light fantastic.

Quite a number in this vicinity will spend their 4th at the city of Winfield, notwithstand ing they are under some obligation to go to Floral on that day.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Mr. John Stewart started for Topeka last Tuesday. He goes to enter the employment of the A. T. & S. F. railroad. He is an honest, trustworthy young man and will honor any position within the gift of that company.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The grand procession will be formed at nine o'clock under the direction of Gen. A. H. Green, marshal of the day.

The Winfield cornet band will head the procession followed by his honor, the mayor, and city council in carriages; county officers, in carriages; speakers in carriages; chaplains; the

F. A. A. M.; the Odd Fellows, and the Knights of Honor; Sunday schools, delegations from the country in the order of their arrival.

The order of exercises at the grounds will be: First, Reading of the declaration of Independence by Mr. D. C. Beach, orations by Hon. J. H. Richey, of Lawrence, and of J. Wade McDonald, of Winfield.

Match game of baseball; Glass ball shooting tournament.

Trotting match for a purse of $50 to the best green horse in Cowley county, at 2 o'clock p.m. Three or more horses to make a field. Ten percent of the premium charged on all entries.

Running race for a purse of $25, open to any horse in Cowley county. Four or more horses to make a field. Ten percent of the premium charged on all entries.

Dancing on the platform will commence at a seasonable hour, and continue as long as you want to dance.

Ice cream and lemonade in abundance, and plenty of cool water and shade free of expense. The Methodist ladies will set a table for the hungry at 25 cents a meal. The whole to conclude with a splendid display of fireworks.

Come out, everybody, and have the grandest time ever had in Winfield. The grove is one of the best in the country, and the race track is in splendid condition. A twenty dollar banner will be awarded to the largest delegation from any town in Cowley county.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Quite an excitement was created Tuesday by the burning of T. A. Wilkinson's stable in the rear of his house on Mansfield street. Their little boy, Sammy, wanted a bonfire, and taking some matches up in the hay loft, collected a bunch of hay in one corner and touched it off. Seeing that he had a little more fire than he bargained for, he tumbled head long out of the loft and soon the whole barn was in a blaze. The fire company (?) was on hand with the soda fountain in a short time, but too late to save the stable. Mr. Klingman's residence came very near being ignited, the fire being so hot that it scorched the paint, but by saturating the roof and sides with water, it was saved. This should be a warning to our city authorities to provide some effective means for controlling fires, which are liable at any time to break out and sweep whole blocks.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

Plans and specifications are ready and bids will be now received at the Winfield Bank for the work and material of the new bank building.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

DEXTER, KS., JUNE 23, 1879.
Our town has been quite lively for a few days. Canvass-backed wagons are coming into this part. Farmers wanting to sell their farms and get things started anew can have the chance soon, for everything speaks well for Grouse creek in the future.

The farmers want it to stop raining until they get their wheat crop in stack.

Dexter can boast of her trade for the past few weeks.

Grouse creek has been past fording, and some of our boys have had a good time fishing.

There has been quite a number of new places settled in the last few days. The corn prospect is very fine on the Grouse valley.

W. E. Rice is having the prairie turned over rapidly. Farmers break out your farms and let the railroads come and find you with only 1/4 or 1/2 of your farm in cultivation. Get ready to haul some grain to market.

Grouse is getting on another tare. Six feet in the ford and still rising.

Mr. Rose, the Methodist minister of this place, was water bound and could not fill his appointment last Sunday.

James Harden is spoken of for Treasurer. We hope that he will be successful, for he is one of the best men in this county.

A. J. Truesdell has his establishment plump full of hardware, which he is selling very rapidly.

P. G. Smith is in the wheat stacking business whether it rains or shines.

Lazette people are not well pleased with their railroad prospects.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.

The store room and hardware stock of H. Jochems has been removed to the Kirk lot, just north of Lynn and Gillelen's store, where his many customers will find him until the completion of his new building.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

We did not take any interest in the school bond election last Tuesday, because of the fact that there was no registration as required in cities of the second class, and this, whether it would make the bonds invalid or not, would render the bonds unsalable.

Therefore, when this question was raised, we concluded it was best not to vote the bonds, and feeling sure of a defeat, we paid no attention to the matter.

Now, we have to urge that the citizens take hold of this matter at once, have the proper registration effected, and call an election to vote $6,000, or such sum as is necessary to build a main part to our present school house and make such changes in the old as will make it correspond with the new, making in the new part four large and convenient school rooms, hall, closets, and other conveniences, and making a good looking and substantial building of it. This with the two rooms in the wood structure will make all the school room we shall need until the city is richer and more populous, and we think can be effected for $6,000, in district bonds drawing six percent interest, or $360 interest per year.

If we do not do something of this sort, we must pay about $600 per year rent. We take no stock in the idea of building more board shanties scattered around the city. When we need more school room than the above place will furnish, we should build another fine school house in the south of southwest part of the city, but we don't like the stingy idea of building low, dirty board barracks near as well as we do paying taxes for good buildings, especially when the barracks are going to make about as much taxes as the fine school buildings.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879 - Front Page.

In Winfield next month there is to be a race between "Brown Dick," owned by Beach of this city, and a horse owned by A. W. Patterson of Arkansas City. The race will take place on the 14th, the distance decided on is three hundred yards, the first horse to get $500.



Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879 - Front Page.

The Commonwealth reports the following commissions as lately issued by the Governor, which will be of interest to our readers.

Commissions were issued yesterday to the following officers.

W. E. Gillelen, Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, K. S. M.

J. L. M. Hill, Winfield, Captain and Brigadier Quartermaster.

D. L. Kretsinger, First Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp, on Staff Brigadier General A. H. Green, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Flags of all descriptions at Goldsmith's; fireworks for sale at Goldsmith's.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mrs. L. J. Webb is visiting in Wichita. L. J. Webb is building a neat residence on Howland's land, 12th avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The barber shops close at 10 o'clock on the Fourth.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The powder magazine excitement has about subsided.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Messrs. Curns & Manser have erected a handsome sign over their office door.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The Daily Telegram was six months old last Sunday and is a live, vigorous half-yearling.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. A. W. Strong, examiner for the Kansas Loan and Trust company, was in town last week.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

With Mullen, Wood & Ridener on their hands, our contemporary across the street has his hands full.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The country folk turned out en masse last Saturday and the crowd in town was immense. Some place the number at 1,000.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The agency of the Home Insurance company, formerly held by Mr. T. K. Johnson, has been transferred to Gilbert & Jarvis.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Our new Campbell press works to perfection and we are more than ever convinced that it is the best printing machine in existence.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. John D. Pryor is improving his property on Loomis street by a neat addition. Messrs. Swain and Watkins have the work in charge.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Our enterprising liverymen, Messrs. Wilson & Thompson, continue making improve ments in their barn. The latest addition is a harness room.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Several of our citizens took a pleasure trip to Salt Springs last Sunday. The Springs are becoming the favorite resort for pleasure seekers.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. Julius Goldsmith, a brother of our enterprising confectioner, from Sedalia, Missourri, is in the city, with the intention of locating in some kind of business.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

A certain gentleman living in this county had better "look a leedle oud," as Judge Gans has received a letter of inquiry from his "other wife," and there is trouble brewing.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. J. H. Beckley, of Floral, called last Friday. He is a very pleasant gentleman and one of our most substantial farmers.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The gentle zephyrs were a little ahead of time and transferred Turner Bros.' sign from the front of their store to the site of the new building which they will occupy August 1st.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. G. B. Richmond left for his home in Oneida, Illinois, last Friday. Mr. Richmond has been among us for some time and has many friends who wish him success wherever his lot may be cast.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The committee on streets and alleys have been looking up the sanitary condition of our city, and notifying parties to clean up their alleys and pig pens or the city would do it for them.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bahntge start for Charleston, South Carolina, Thursday morning. During their short residence among us, they have won many friends who wish them much joy in their southern home.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. Frank Millspaugh now holds forth at the "Hotel de Hoss." Frank is a good liveryman and with two such popular young men as Witherspoon & Millspaugh, the "Hotel" is bound to flourish.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Dr. W. R. Davis left for his home in Kentucky last Monday. The doctor was very reluctant to leave our little city, and we expect, before many months, to see him back among friends in Cowley county.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The commissions for the officers of Gen. Green's staff arrived last Saturday evening. The appointees are: Warren Gillelen, Assistant Adjutant General; James Hill, Brigade Quarter master, and D. L. Kretsinger, Aide-de-camp. Hurray for the staff!

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

M. L. Robinson and family started for Colorado last Tuesday and will be absent about six weeks. He goes for health and pleasure, and will take in Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and Manitou. We wish him a pleasant trip. The editor expects to be with him.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Col. Manning has about completed his new brick, which, when finished, will be the most convenient business house in the city. The upper story is divided into six rooms for offices, and is fitted throughout with water pipes, giving water in each room.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

We have received a complimentary to a grand ball which will be given by the Grangers at Grange Hall in Pleasant Valley township on the evening of the Fourth. We are sorry we cannot attend as the hospitality of the Pleasant Valley people is known far and wide.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. Ed. Gray left for Arkansas City last Monday to take charge of the Traveler. Ed. is a lively writer and in times past has shown his ability to make the Traveler sparkle. The best we can do is to wish him as much success in the future as he has enjoyed in the past.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Our new Campbell cylinder press was the center of attraction last Monday. Any persons who are desirous of seeing the press run can call on Saturdays or Wednesday, and are always welcome. We will, at some future time, give a description of the press and its workings.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Our efficient marshal, C. C. Stevens, is again troubled with his ankle, which was injured some years ago, and the bones not being properly set, he has suffered more or less ever since. Mr. Stevens has made a good officer, and we sincerely hope that he may be able to resume his duties at no distant day.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. Robert Hudson, the boss mover of Winfield, accomplished a feat in the moving line last week which is worthy of mention. He moved Harry Bahntge's old building from one lot over on another without jarring the plastering or moving a thing out of the house. The building was filled with furniture which was neither moved nor jarred.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The leading business firms have signed an agreement to close their stores at 8 o'clock every evening after July 1st. This is a good arrangement as it gives the businessmen and clerks more time to spend with their families. We know of no class of men who work more hours than the clerks, and can see no reason why they may not have the evenings to themselves.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Wright Martin, of Cedar Valley, was in the city Saturday last.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Squire Gamel, of Harvey township, was in town last week.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The county commissioners meet next Monday in regular session.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The excavation for Jochem's building is completed and the stonework commenced.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

John Stalter clipped over nineteen thousand pounds of wool from his herd of sheep this spring.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. E. W. Torrance, of Brookfield, Missouri, brother of our county attorney, is visiting in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Keep it before the people. The annual school meeting comes on the second Thursday of August.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

N. C. McCracken, of Lazette, was in town Saturday. He is just in from Leadville, and reports that as a fine country from which to emigrate.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. S. C. Smith brought to town from the field of Mr. Hill, last Monday, a stock of corn measuring ten feet six inches in length and three inches in circumference, with several ears starting. This isn't so bad for field corn at this time of the year.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

A Union meeting for the relief of the cyclone sufferers was held at Arkansas City last Sunday, and was presided over by Rev. Cairns, of this city. The sum of $67.25 was raised, and a committee of eight ladies and three gentlemen appointed to procure additional donations. Our sister city is never far behind the "metropolis" in all good works.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. H. C. Holcomb will have a stand on the grounds next Friday. Mr. Holcomb has been a cripple from his birth, and deserves the patronage of all kind hearted people. He is a school teacher by profession, and not having a school at present, feels desirous of doing something for himself whenever occasion offers. Let all of our readers who have a spare dime to spend patronize Mr. Holcomb.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The storm Friday night last did considerable damage in Harvey township. Mr. Callahan's house was blown down and he received some damage from the falling timbers. John Mason's house was blown over. A house belonging to Mr. Pattison was torn down. Mrs. Campbell's house and the School house in Cedar Valley were also blown down. The trees along Grouse were fearfully twisted and torn, and the immense rainfall put the creek on a big tare.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

It is reported that Enoch Willett has been scalped and one of his boys killed by the Indians near Ft. Sill, Indian Territory.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

M. G. Troup is announced as a candidate for treasurer of this county at the next election. He will submit his candidacy to the Republican county convention, and if he be there, and should be favored with a nomination, he will accept it with thanks and make the race; but if in its discretion, it shall select someone else for the place, he will step aside, for he does not propose to go into the canvass otherwise. He thinks that with a rebel brigadier congress who insist that we have no nation, that the states are sovereign, that Uncle Sam cannot enforce his laws in the states, that each state may depart from the confederation at will and that the Union cause is the "lost cause." It is time that all Republicans should pull together to save the government from falling entirely into the hands of those who fought four years to destroy it, and that Greenbackism is a minor consideration. He is acknowledged to have been one of the most efficient, pleasant, and popular officers we ever had, thoroughly well qualified in every respect for the position which he desires. His efficiency as county clerk is beyond question and he would without doubt manage the treasury equally well for he is perfectly familiar with all its details. We have a warm side toward Mr. Troup because he takes great pains to furnish us with matters of interest to our readers and always pays the printer.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

John Alexander and wife to Chas. M. Swarts, lot 13, blk, 56, Ark. City.

Rose Hoensheidt and husband to Henry Shifler, lots 5 and 6, block 222, Andrews' addition, Winfield. $$61.50.

M. J. Wallis and husband to Margaret Popp, lot 9, block 111, Winfield. $310.

City of Arkansas City to I. N. Adams, lot 22, block 28, Ark. City. $10

J. C. McMullen to Samuel Mullen, lot 1, blk 74, Winfield. $75.

M. J. Miller to Jas. M. Miller, lot 6, blk 140, Winfield. $250.

Amzi Jordan and wife to Jas. J. Riley, lot 7, blk 186, Winfield. $60.

Van R. Holmes to Leander Finley, lot 26, blk 52, Ark. City. $35.

Mercy B. Delaney to Leander Finley, lot 28, blk 52, Ark. City. $100.

R. C. Haywood to W. G. Gooch, lot 19, blk 128, Ark. City. $15.

J. I. Mitchell and wife to Stacy Matlack, lot 28, blk 81, Ark. City. $800.

Janet H. Robinson and husband to W. S. Houghton, lots 25 and 26, blk 4; lots 17 and 18, blk 7; lot 7, blk 40; lot 18, blk 42; lot 11, blk 64; lot 12, blk 60; lot 2, blk 75; lots 5, 26, in blk 108; lots 12 and 13, blk 139; lots 3 and 4, blk 135; lots 19 and 20, blk 143; lots 4 qnd 5, blk 145; lots 3 and 4, blk 148, Ark. City. $320.

J. C. McMullen and wife to W. G. Gooch, lot 13, blk 78, Ark. City. $100.

W. B. Beebe to Janet H. Robinson, lot 18, blk 42, Ark. City. $100.

Wm. Freelinger and Sophia A. Lowbner.

Jas. J. Owings and Stella Sweetman.

Jefferson Reynolds and Mary A. E. Mankley.

Leland A. Daniels and Nettie Stolp.

Frank A. Lee and Verdetia A. Keely.

Noah McCoy and Collister Gilbert.

John Willman and Lizzie Stephens.

Chas. R. Murray and Eliza E. Briggs.

Wm. Mulford and Mary Shorter.

Wm. Fox and Emma Hurst.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

The storm beaten and hail peeled crops of this vicinity are springing into life under the influence of daily warm spring like showers. Think we may get half a crop. Fruit trees will bear the marks of the hail for many months. Wheat harvest over, stacking half done, and wheat half a crop, some places good and some bad. Look out for higher prices in wheat for 1880.

Miss Fannie Pontious' school at Richland closed last Saturday. I was not there but heard that the parents came with full baskets. Miss Fannie set up the lemonade and thus closed a pleasant school. She is going to attend the normal and somebody will get a good teacher this winter if they employ her.

Oh! That terrible cyclone up north is scattering its debris all over Cowley county; yes, picked them up and set them down among us thicker than grasshoppers in `74. I mean these book agents. They must be portions of the late cyclone, for they are terrible windy. What shall we do, use Paris green or shot guns? Give us a rest, for still they come and strange to say everyone has the best books. My old shot gun stands behind the door. Look out, I's gwine to shoot.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

MAPLE CITY, JUNE 27, 1879.
The country is rapidly settling up. Seven claims have been taken in the last few days. Mr. George Eaton threshed day before yesterday and his wheat turned out one-third more to the acre than he expected.

Mr. J. Schofield, our popular merchant, says that business is good.

J. B. Southard has gone to Independence for lumber to build a store and dwelling at this place, as he intends to open up business with a large stock of goods as soon as possible.

Mr. and Mrs. John Keiser buried their little son, aged three years, on the 25th inst.

H. S. Libby is building a new residence on his farm south of town, and when completed, with his wife leaning on his arm, he will exclaim, "Out of the old house into the new, Jennie."


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Yes, and we are going to have a railroad too, and what bothers us most now is the same question that has been agitating Winfield for some time, that is, where the depot is going to be located. Nearly all the farmers who are on the line of the road would rather it was some place else, but if they must have a railroad on their farm they think they ought to have a station too. Our neighbors over the way at Bushnell have given up all hopes of getting a branch of this road to their town, so they are waiting with all patience to find out where we are going to have our town, and then they say they are coming over to give us a lift. Uncle Dick, however, says he is not going to move Ninnescah over, but "maybe-so" we can get along without that if we get Bushnell.

Arlow Spangler has purchased a heavy team of horses from H. Beck and expects to go to farming on his own land.

M. N. Graham has purchased Abe Cain's mules.

Mrs. J. B. Cook expects to visit friends in Shawnee county in a short time.

H. Beck removes to Winfield in a few days when he can be found at Beck & Dillon's art gallery.

Somebody tell us quick what has happened to Goldore. We don't know although we try to keep tolerably WIDE-AWAKE.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

We are having plenty of rain nowtoo much for convenient stacking. Most of the wheat is cut and considerable stacked. In some fields the wheat is rotting in the shock.

During one of the late storms the lightning struck our school house, doing some damage to the south end. Miss Bolcourt's school closed at this place one week ago to-day. Mrs. Mahlon Haworth has been very sick. Dr. Daniels is the attendant physician. Mr. Wm. Schooling is suffering with a lame back, the consequence of falling off a wheat stack. Mr. Parks has returned to Timber creek with his sheep. He had them on Grouse creek shearing them. Our blacksmith has been around, but does not commence jingling the anvils. There is some talk of another shop being built the same size as the one we now have. Mr. A. L. Crow's house blew over a few days ago. Fortunately there was no one in the house. Capt. Jenkins is the first to begin plowing for wheat in this section.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Business calling me to Independence, I will tell your readers what I saw on the way. Crops in the northern tier of townships are looking well. Wheat harvested and in many places in the stack. Corn promising, especially in the Dutch, Timber, and Grouse valleys. Oats short though well headed. I noticed many new farms being opened and a general spirit of thrift and enterprise pervaded.

In passing over the flint hills, I saw some fine herds of cattle. This is certainly the stockman's paradise. An endless range with beautiful clear streams of water gushing forth from the hillsides in numerous springs. At Elk Falls I met the advance squad of laborers constructing our east and west road. From that point to Independence the road is in all stages of completion and is being pushed rapidly westward. A construction train runs daily to Elk River, six miles west of Independence. The country surrounding Independence has suffered this season from drought. Corn is quite backward. Wheat pretty fair. Oats ripe and partly cut.

Although there is some pretty country in Montgomery, we must say, with due regard for the feelings of the good people of that county, their lands are not to be compared to Cowley county in point of quality and productiveness. Their country apparently is underlaid with a yellow sandstone which is near the surface. I noticed many herds of cattle, horses, and sheep in Elk and Chautauqua counties. I presume the herd law is not in force in the latter counties. By the way, it appears to me, that in point of same, some places out east are sailing under a heavy stretch of canvass for such small crafts, to-wit: Baltimore, New Boston, etc. Who knows, however, but they may grow to be half as large as Winfield. Lazette is a nice little village nestled down between the hills in the beautiful Grouse valley, but unfortunately for its future prosperity the railroad will miss it just far enough to cause its death, unless, however, its citizens follow the mode of the wild Arab, take up their domiciles and move them down.

One matter I desire to mention in connection with this article before I close. In my rounds I noticed almost an entire absence of finger boards and water marks and gauges at the public crossings. It appears that this is a criminal negligence on the part of someone, we are not prepared to say who. I suppose the law provides for them to be erected, and in a country largely traveled by immigrants, such is almost a necessity. Many sad accidents and much inconvenience and loss could be avoided thereby.

A severe wind and rain storm visited the north part of this county on the 27th. Some hail fell which did no serious damage. The Walnut is higher than it has been this season. Wheat threshing will commence here to-day, the weather permitting.

A man by the name of Akers drowned his team in the Walnut river at the Wilson ford, a few days since. The approach to the stream was steep, the bridle-bit broke, and the team plunged headlong into the water.

Maple tp., June 30, 1879.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

OMNIA, Tp., June 27, 1879.
It has rained and rained, and all we have been able to do for some time is to be interviewed, not by politicians exclusively, but mostly by book agents without rest. Our legislature is responsible for a great loss of breath on account of the new school law. We have adopted, but not until we were convinced that there was a terrible lot of good books published in the U. S., and that about forty good natured agents were very much interested in having us adopt their particular series, just for our own good.

Then we were interviewed on the political situation last week by a Greenbacker from the north end who pays more attention to the finance of the U. S. than he does to raising corn and wheat. The following is the interview.

Greenbacker: "What is the political news? What's congress doing?

Correspondent: "Nothing: Congress is fussing over the appropriations."

Greenbacker: "That is as good as you can expect so long as the Senate is Republican."

Correspondent: "The Senate is not Republican."

Greenbacker: "I'll bet you $10 there is a Republican majority in the U. S. Senate."

Correspondent: "I'll take that." (Correspondent reaches in his pocket for the cash.)

Greenbacker then discovered that there was no one to hold stakes, and without giving us time to talk volunteered the information that the Greenbackers would elect every officer in Cowley county this fall, and not content with that, would walk off with the Presidency next year. He then tied the rope tugs a little shorter, got into his buggy, picked up the rope lines and left us to meditate. The next we heard of him he was trying to buy calves and sheep from our next neighbor and talking finance all at the same time. One don't blame him for talking finance because he looks financially wise all over.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

Mr. Chas. McIntire will issue his new Democratic paper at Arkansas City July 25th. It will be an eight column folio and the first number will contain a description of Arkansas City, Winfield, and Cowley county.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.

I have 100 acres of land three miles from Winfield, which I desire to rent to someone to put in wheat this fall. A. H. GREEN.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

H. Holtby received 400 bushels of 23 acres of his poorest wheat. H. H. has 600 acres yet in stack.

J. W. Browning apparently has 50 acres of the best sample wheat in this vicinity.

The completion of Mr. Ike. Ruth's neat and commodious dwelling adds considerable to the ornamental appearance of our attractive neighborhood.

Capt. D. Northrup is arranging the preliminaries for a trip to Denver, Col., to visit his sister.

Howland, Markcum and Herron, having effected a copartnership in the threshing business, now offer their services in this line of industry on reasonable rates to those who feel disposed to favor them with the patronage.

Nitro Glycerine, your traveling correspondent, is truly an object of commiseration. He is the only instance on record that an earthly power was sufficient to annoy or disturb the equanimity of a book agent. Call out the militia, Joe., to quell the next conflict, thereby initiating in service our newly fledged military officers who reside in Winfield.

July 6, '79. DIXON'S GRAPHITE.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

On Tuesday last one of our leading men was in town, and while in front of Baird Bros.' store met a lady of this place, and spoke concerning the picnic, when up stepped a dashing widow late of Illinois and said: "It's a wonder you didn't have me mixed up in it, but you can mix and be durned." The gentleman just considered the source and let it pass. The picnic at Floral on the Fourth was largely attended considering the weather, quite a number from Winfield being present, among whom were Messrs. Asp, Payson, and Rev. Cairnes. Late in the afternoon came the New Salem side show, followed by two caravans. It caused quite an excitement, and how they did sing! Why, it was splendid! After the picnic was over, quite a crowd came to Mr. D. W. Parker's where refreshments were awaiting them, then they retired to J. J. Johnson's, where they tripped the light fantastic. Miss Mollie Buck's school closed on the 3rd. She had a full attendance throughout the term. The people of New Salem think they will have a city here if the railroad comes.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Capt. Amos Walton was up from the city this week.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. Fuller, nephew of our banker, J. C. Fuller, is visiting in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Col. Robinson returned from his visit east last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Our friend, S. L. Gilbert, had an eight pound girl.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

MARRIED: At the residence of Mr. Davis, Winfield, July 3rd, 1879, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. John L. Bare and Miss Hattie F. Finch, both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. P. N. Decker, one of the substantial men of New York, has purchased a large tract of land near Maple City and intends going into the stock business.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. D. L. Kretsinger has been engaged by J. P. Baden to assist him in the grocery business. Kretsinger is known far and wide and will make an efficient salesman.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Miss Hattie Wilson, one of Dexter's fairest and most intelligent ladies, has just returned from the Kaw Agency, where she has been engaged in teaching school.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Pratt & Plank have erected a neat sign which will direct any of our people needing theirr fire-arms repaired to the shop in the basement of Fahey's saloon.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. Frank D. Hackney, cousin of W. P., and one of the jolliest boys out, has been visiting in town for some days, but returned to his home in Whitehall, Illinois, last Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Phaetons are becoming quite numerous around town, and on pleasant evenings our streets are thronged with handsome equipages driven by equally as handsome ladies.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. Joel Mason, a farmer at Pleasant Valley, believes his corn crop will average seventy bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Messrs. Stewart & Simpson have the contract for the erection of the Popp building, the Jochems building, and the Bahntge building; and are ready for any others that may come along.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

We heard numbers of persons, and especially ladies, complimenting General Green on his appearance last Friday. The General is undoubtedly one of the best looking men in the state.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

J. C. Fuller and wife started for Colorado Tuesday morning, and will be absent several weeks. He goes for his health, which has been much impaired by too close confinement to business.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. Jas. Hill returned from his visit to Canada last Saturday evening, and reports having had a glorious time. He visited Chicago, took a trip on the lake, saw the big falls, and enjoyed himself generally.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

The celebration at Floral was largely attended, fully 400 people being present. Mr. Chas. Payson delivered the speech of the occasion, and was followed by Messrs. Cairns, Trimble, and Asp. Mr. Payson's speech was highly spoken of by all who heard it.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. Charles Payson, accompanied by several ladies and gentlemen, is off on a hunting excursion to the territory, and will be absent during the week. This will be a very pleasant trip, whether they establish a reputation as being good hunters or not.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

The editor is off on a ramble among the snow-capped peaks of Colorado in search of health and respite from his fourteen hours a day of editorial labor, and now our devil languidly peruses the last edition of "The Red Handed Pirate" without fear of interruption for the next three weeks.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

The announcement of A. T. Shenneman for the office of Sheriff will be found in this paper. Mr. Shenneman is an old time Republican, and an earnest disciple of truth and justice. His record is without a stain and his efficiency to fill the office is undoubted. If nominated, he will carry the entire strength of the party and the success of the ticket will be assured.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

At Dexter the nation's birthday was observed by all, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of appetites. Hon. James McDermott, in one of his characteristic speeches, did the occasion full justice. Over 600 persons were present and the Dexter people unite in saying that the emblematic bird was given a good send off on Grouse creek.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

One day last week a four-horse wagon from Winfield, loaded with provisions and clothing, passed through Douglass en route for Augusta. These provisions were a donation by the people of Winfield to the sufferers from the late storm in Butler county. This is evidence enough that Winfield is a charitable town. What has Douglass done? Echo answers, what?Douglass New Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

J. P. Baden took charge of the Bahntge store last Friday and expects to move his dry goods stock into the front part about the first of August. Mr. Baden has been connected with the firm of Baden Bros., Independence, and is one of the most successful businessmen in the southwest. His long experience with the people of Elk, Chautauqua, and eastern Cowley has made him acquainted with their wants; and we commend him as a gentleman of integrity and one who will do just what he advertises.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

John D. Maurer, of Dexter township, was in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mrs. Robert Burden, of Lazette, is visiting Winfield friends this week.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. Wm. Cayton, of Richland township, one of the old time Kansans of `56 dropped in last week.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

A. H. Green has secured the services of Col. E. C. Manning in the real estate business.

This will make a strong team.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

The bidding on school land Saturday got quite exciting, and the school fund gained considerable thereby. One quarter section brought $912.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. Anderson Battery, of Omnia township, was in the City Tuesday, taking the initiatory steps toward the organization of a new school district in Omnia.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Surveyor Haight has just completed a beautiful and accurate school district map of Cowley County. It was made for the use of the superintendent's office.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

The petition for the attachment of adjacent territory to the city of Winfield for school purposes was presented to the Board Monday night. It was signed by a very large majority of the people living on the land in question.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Max Shoeb came very near losing his ponies in Dutch creek on the Fourth. He attempted to cross the ford at the fair ground, which had become miry from the large number of teams crossing and the rising water, and driving in without knowing the danger, his team mired down. By considerable exertion and cutting his harness up badly, he succeeded in saving the team.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Dr. W. R. Davis, of Nicholasville, Kentucky, who by the way was a highly esteemed citizen of our city and who owns a valuable farm close by, has been spending a few weeks visiting his friends here and started Monday last on his return to his "Kentucky home." Were it not for his interests and wide practice in his native State, he would become a permanent resident here.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Mr. R. E. Brooking announces himself as an independent candidate for the office of Sheriff. Mr. Brooking has been a life-long Republican and is a straightforward, honorable man. He has been in the employ of W. C. Root & Co. for several years and owns and operates a fine farm in Richland township. If elected, he will fill the office with credit to himself and benefit to the people.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Messrs. Gilbert & Jarvis, our enterprising land and loan agents, are gaining an enviable reputation throughout the southwest as one of the most reliable firms in the county. Their business extends over Elk, Chautauqua, Cowley, Sumner, Greenwood, and Butler counties, and now they talk of establishing an agency in Harper. Ability and integrity, combined with a goodly amount of energy and perseverance always win.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Messrs. Kinne, Johnston, Manning, and others of our public spirited citizens deserve great credit for the prompt action in regard to the fireworks on last Friday. Rather than disappoint the people by having the display at an inaccessible place, they bought up all the fireworks in town, paying for them out of their own pockets, and touched them off on the courthouse square. At a late hour the fireworks provided for the occasion were brought out.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

With the exception of 17 drunks, a free for all fight, a boy thrown, and a team stuck in the mud, the races Monday passed off very pleasantly. The race between the Patterson horse and Brown Dick was decided a tie, much to the disgust of the backers of the Wichita nag, and vociferous declarations of foul play by the other side. About the best time made was that of the beer wagon in its efforts to quench the thirst of the two or three hundred that had gathered to see the fun.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

We have just received a letter from Wirt W. Walton, dated at Boston, Massachusetts, in which he says: "Having just crossed, diagonally, from N. W. to S. E., the entire length of your native State, I am not surprised that you took Mr. Greeley's advice, long before it was given. I always did think that your judgment was as good as the Chappaqua Farmer's and now I know it. Let me congratulate the girls who never saw a Vermont farm sheltered with a parasol during a thunder storm!"

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

At the meeting of the commissioners on Monday some important changes were made in the boundaries of the townships of Vernon, Rock, and Pleasant Valley, and a new township called Walnut was created, composed of the eastern and northern portions of the old township of Winfield, and a slice off the southern portion of Rock. Pleasant Valley gets the south part of Winfield township, including the south bridge and the Tunnel Mills, and Vernon gets the western portion including both west bridges and Bliss' mill. This leaves Winfield a municipality of itself. This new township of Walnut holds an election for officers on the 23rd of this month.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

A gentleman by the name of Crumstdfeldt, who has been working on the railroad, met with a serious accident last Saturday. He was coming to town, and when near the head of the canyon on the road west of town, his team got frightened, and becoming unmanageable, commenced running away. He attempted to stop them by running up on the side of the hill, but the horses turned suddenly to the left and overturned the wagon, throwing Mr. Crumstdfeldt violently to the ground, the wagon box falling on him and cutting his head terribly besides mashing his hands and arms considerably. Some parties being near saw the occurrence and came to his assistance, when he was brought to town and placed in charge of Dr. Graham, and at last accounts was getting along well. His home is in Newton county, Missouri.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Saturday was a big day for pugilistic performances. Our hog men had another set to in which the biter bit the dust in the most artistic manner, and the city treasury reaped the benefits. In the afternoon another altercation took place and another man went to grass and arose, with blood in his eye and mud on his nose, only to be snatched like a brand from the burning by the ruthless hand of Marshal Stevens and brought before "His Honor" to answer for deeds done on the public highway. It was an impressive scene. The stern features of the judge, the solemn stillness of the courtroom, and the blood-besmeared garments of the prisoner at the bar produced an impression never to be forgotten "as long as memory holds her seat."

And then the verdict: "Prisoner, arise." He arose. "This court finds you guilty of a gross misdemeanor, for which, in the wisdom of this court, you should pay into the city treasury the sum of five dollars andand costs." He paid, and went his way a sadder if not a wiser man, and his majesty of the law was three dollars ahead.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Last Friday was undoubtedly the biggest day Winfield ever had. Considerable preparation had been made by our citizens; but as so many celebrations were to be held in the county, no one expected such a crowd as gathered at the metropolis to observe "the day we celebrate." Over 8,000 people were present.

The streets and avenues were lined with wagons, crowding the streets and lining the roads for miles.

About half past ten a.m., Gen. Green, with a corps of assistants, began the work of organizing the procession and getting the different township delegations together. The procession was delayed somewhat by the Vernon delegation, which came in about eleven o'clock headed by the Winfield Cornet Band, and took their places at the head of the column. When all was ready, the band struck up "Hail Columbia" and the procession, reaching from the courthouse to Millington street, south on Millington street to 13th avenue, thence west to Main street, and north to the grounds, over two miles, started. It was supposed that over half of the teams had not formed in the procession, and the number of wagons was estimated at five hundred.

The speech of the occasion, which was delivered by Judge McDonald, was pronounced by all to be one of his most brilliant efforts, and was as creditable to himself as it was pleasing to the audience.

Everybody seemed to be a committee of one to provide dinner for a score of persons, and we wished a dozen times that we had the capacity for victuals of the "two-headed giant" of picture book fame.

After dinner, the presentation of the flag to the largest delegation, was awarded to Vernon township. Prof. R. C. Story presented the flag in one of the neatest speeches it has ever been our fortune to hear. Judge Ross, Squire Barrack of Rock, and Rev. Joel Mason of Pleasant Valley made some happy and appropriate remarks.

In the "glass ball shoot," which took place at 4 o'clock, Jas. Vance carried off the first premium, breaking 14 balls out of a possible 15. The races, owing to the bad condition of the track, were postponed.

The fire-works were a success, although for awhile it looked as if the committee on "fizzle" would make a good job of it. Through the exertions of E. P. Kinne, T. K. Johnson, J. H. Finch, and others of our citizens, the little "misunderstanding" was righted and everything "went off" nicely.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

A case of poisoning, which fortunately did not result in serious injury, occurred last Saturday, in which the families of Gen. Green and Mr. Millhouse were the sufferers.

The facts as near as we can learn are as follows. Mr. Millhouse had purchased a beef- tongue, which Mrs. Millhouse prepared for the Fourth, and which they ate for dinner on that day without anything appearing to be the matter. Like all of our thrifty housewives, Mrs. Millhouse had prepared about enough for an army; and of course, they had some left over. This they, together with Mr. Green and family, ate for dinner on July 5th. A few hours after partaking of the tongue, they were all taken with a fit of vomiting, accompanied by severe cramping pains. Dr. Emerson was called in and did his utmost to relieve the sufferers.

It is impossible to say how the poisoning occurred, as those who ate of the tongue the day before were not affected in the least. It is a very mysterious case, and it may be that the cattle in the vicinity are diseased. If so, the matter should be looked into before other and more serious cases occur. At last reports the parties were all doing well.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

The Register of the U. S. Land office at Wichita has advertised the sale of all the lands remaining undisposed of in this land district embraced in what is known as the Cherokee Strip, in townships 35, south of ranges 8 east to 10 west, inclusive, pursuant to order of the Secretary of the Interior, under the Act of Congress of February 28, 1877. The sale commences at 10 o'clock a.m., August 13, and will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than one dollar per acre, in quantities not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres. This is a fine strip of land lying along the South line of the state, and is from three to four miles wide.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

The wheat crop of the United States for 1878 was four hundred millions of bushels. It is easy enough to write the figures, but a hard matter for the mind to grasp the idea of so enormous a quantity. It is enough to fill to overflowing a granary a mile long, a thousand feet wide, and one hundred feet high. To transport it across the Atlantic would require five thousand of the largest ships that sail the seas; or loaded into freight cars, it would fill 1,250,000 of them, which would make a train long enough to reach from New York to San Francisco and back again. What becomes of this enormous crop? Well, a general answer to this question is not difficult. We retain about two hundred and thirty millions of bushels for our own use, to be ground into flour, and used for seed; and the balance, one hundred and seventy millions of bushels, is sent abroad, chiefly to feed the overcrowded "population" of Great Britain.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Monday night a most brutal murder was committed by a soldier belonging to the 16th regiment, U. S. army, encamped at Arkansas City. Some of these soldiers had been in the city drinking and carousing all day and on their return to camp, they passed the place where some Pawnee Indians were stopping and commanded the Indians to tell them where their squaws were concealed. This the Indians refused to do and told the soldiers to leave, which they did, after annoying the Indians as much as possible. After a short time one of the soldiers returned with a gun and again demanded the whereabouts of the squaws, and being refused, he deliberately shot one of the Indians dead, the ball striking him in the head and passing clear through. The Indians gave the alarm immediately and Lieut. Cushman, with a squad of men, started after the soldiers. In a short time they were found lying on the prairie in a drunken sleep.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

A young fellow called Ike White, who has been about here for some time, was arrested by Deputy Finch last Tuesday for stealing some ponies from Indians in the Territory. The Indians tracked him to this place and found that the ponies had been sold at auction Saturday, and that the thief had flown. Deputy Finch immediately commenced working the matter up and soon obtained a clue to the whereabouts of the thief.

When arrested, White denied having stolen the ponies, and said he had bought them from another party. A good many of our citizens remember the White boys, who have been hanging around here for several years, and who seemed to be trying to convince themselves that they were desperadoes of the very worst type. When arrested White was a walking armory, having revolvers, dirk knives, bowie knives, and a rifle on his person. We understand that this is not the first time he has seen the inside of the cooler.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

ED. COMMONWEALTH:The first settlers came into Cowley County in 1869. I cannot ascertain the exact time. Its growth and development has been marvelous. I shall only give your readers a few statistics of 1879 to sustain my assertions.

As shown by the assessor's returns, following figures speak for themselves.

No. of acres of wheat: 56,010

No. of head of stock of all kinds: 69,848

No. of trees of all kinds bearing: 255,179

No. of trees of all kinds not bearing: 254,122

No. of acres in small fruit: 183

Val. of dwellings erected during year: $134,368

The above is a showing that any county may well be proud of, though its years may be double that of this.

The county took its name from a man named Cowley, who lost his life in his country's defense and honor.

The schools of Cowley County, under the efficient management of Supt. R. C. Story, are second to none in the State. I insert the following statistics on schools.

No. of Districts in the county: 115

School population: 5,681

No. of pupils enrolled: 3,766

No. of districts having school: 100

Value of school property: $68,810

Taxable property: $1,979,487

State fund received: $9,713

Total expense for schools: $27,092

The returns of the assessor for this year show that the population is 18,157, an increase over last year of over three thousand. It is destined to become one of the richest counties of the State. The people are of that class who are of an industrious and enterprising nature. Hundreds of new ones are pouring into its confines every month, and still there is room for more.

There are many other things that I should like to say, that would be of interest, but as I shall visit different sections of the county, will defer for that time.

Winfield is a city of the second class with a population of two thousand five hundred. It is beautifully situated on the east bank of the Walnut river, and extends back to the mounds on the East. It is the largest, liveliest, best town south of Wichita.

Its first settler was C. M. Wood, who located on the town site, April 20th, 1869. Two gentlemen, Jas. Renfro and U. B. Warner, accompanied him at that time. They were joined in a few days by E. C. Manning, at the present time a member of the Legislature from this county. They were burnt out by Indians on the first of June of the same year, and compelled to leave. No one occupied the site from that time until the 10th of October, when Wood returned, bringing his wife with him. They erected a log house which was fired by the Indians again, but they succeeded in saving it and holding the fort. The last of November, Manning and Baker brought on a stock of goods and used Wood's house for a storeroom until they could erect a store, which they did of logs. The old log store is still in use in the city. From the beginning it has grown to its present dimensions and is still growing. The dry goods business is represented by some of the best firms in the State. They carry very large stocks and sell an immense amount of goods.

are large and neat. I am unable to say how many, but they are numerous and doing a large business.

There are three first-class clothing houses that do a lively business.

can be found in many of the other business houses, but there are two houses that carry that class of goods only, and are well supported.

The city boasts two large harness shops, that carry very large stocks, and have a heavy trade.

The banks are two in number, and do all kinds of banking business. Both are well patronized and conducted by enterprising gentlemen.

Real estate and loan agents are to be found on every side, but there are only three that do a heavy business.

The musical profession is ably represented by some of the best professional skill in the State.

The bar is second to none in the State, and I here make the prediction that there are young lawyers in the city that will be heard of in the State ere many years.

There are two of them. One is an unique affair. It is known as the Cave Brewery, because the whole establishment is under ground.

The city has two large flouring mills, two brewers, and one foundry, that add much to its importance as a town.

The hotels of the city are the Williams House and the Central. Both of them do a large business.

are four in number, the Courier, Telegram (weekly and daily), and the Semi-Weekly. The Courier is the old reliable stand-by of the people, and is edited by Mr. Millington, P. M."which means Postmaster;" The Daily Telegram is of recent birth, but is well supported by the city. The Conklin Bros. run the other sheet, and have not been in the business long.

All in all, Winfield is one of those towns that means business, and has the men in it business. [???] LAST PART OF THIS SENTENCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ME!

I desire to return my thanks to the County Clerk, County Superintendent Story, Mr. Millington. Hon. W. P. Hackney, C. M. Wood, Frank Williams, Judge Coldwell and son for courtesies shown and information given while in their city. W. G. H.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879.
Pursuant to call, the Republicans of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield and organized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being the election of a Township Republican Committee. The following gentlemen were chosen: T. A. Blanchard, D. Robertson, and S. E. Burger.

J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879.
Pursuant to call, the citizens of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield on the 12th day of July, 1879, and organized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, the nomination of a township ticket to be voted upon at the coming township election on the 22nd day of July, inst.

Committee on nominations appointed as follows: Rob't Weakly, John Mench, and John Hoenscheidt, who, after due deliberation, made report, which was received and unanimously adopted as candidates at the approaching election: trustee, J. C. Roberts; treasurer, Joel Mack; clerk, T. A. Blanchard; Justice of the Peace, Jessey King and S. E. Burger; Constable, T. J. Johnson and Abe. Land. Messrs. Mench and Hoenschedit were appointed a committee to procure ballots.

Resolved, That Winfield papers be requested to publish.

J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

LAZETTE, July 7, 1879.
The great talk and gossip of the neighborhood at the present time is the railroad station, and where the future town is likely to be located. The road is surveyed down Cedar creek, crossing Grouse on the north line of Squire Ballou's farm, passing up the Canyon to the west. On the west side of the road running north and south would be the place for the town and as we have been expecting a town in the valley at the crossing of the railroad, no one doubted for a minute but this would be the place; but according to present reports, the town is located some distance east of Grouse creek among the hills, a part of the country wholly unfit for settlement and certainly not intended for a town site.

Since writing the above, I have been informed that the place selected for the station is in the canon on Cedar creek on a farm lately owned by one Hawkins. Two of our leading citizens are blamed for the above arrangement. As they cannot build a town at the station, Lazette will be the nearest point and hence will not need to be moved. As one of them was agent for the sale of this place and refuses to give the name of the two parties that the place has been sold to, the supposition is that it is sold to or in the interest of the railroad company.

Mr. B. is blamed for using his influence for the above for two reasons: One is in the interest of Lazette and the other to have the station so situated that there cannot be a town of any consequence in this part of the county. And if he accomplishes his object, he is to receive a recompense. The purpose is to destroy this town to build up the commercial interest of towns further west. I cannot vouch for the truth of the above statements further than the people in this vicinity believe it to be truth. If it is true, the sooner the general public finds it out the better, and if not true, in all justice to the parties it ought to be corrected at once. I cannot believe myself that Mr. B. would lend himself to any such arrangement or intrigue, and hope that he will, at his earliest convenience, clear the matter fully up through the columns of your paper. GROUSE VALLEY.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

A fellow who neither fears God, man, nor the devil, stole all the money belonging to one of John Park's harvest hands, not long since. Young man, look out, or Fort Leavenworth will soon again contain your worthless carcass.

W. J. Orr has purchased a new buggy; hope he will give us a pleasure ride one of these days, as it has been years since we enjoyed a luxury of that kind. Walter has the finest team in "these parts." The girls say he means "biz." That is right, Walter. We like to see you prosper if we can't.

Henry Bowman is the boss cornraiser, having the best we have yet seen. Mine is next best.

No singing at Fairview on last Sunday. The Professor was sick, his girl having kept him up all of Saturday night.

Some of our young folks went to Floral on the 4th. I had to stay at home. How I did wish I could be with them in the evening, to trip my fantastic toes, in my plow shoes.

Mr. John Herndon, of Floral, while visiting in this neighborhood some time ago got a Baird in his eye. The indications now are that the accident will yet prove fatal.

Ed. Hill starts for South America in a few days. He says he will not use many "duds" when he gets to the Torrid Zone, and perhaps not any at all.

Bethel's prettiest girl has gone entirely back on NEBUCHADNESZAR.


Winfield Courier July 17, 1879.

Political matters are being stirred up considerable just now. Jim Harden is leading off for the office of Treasurer, Shenneman for Sheriff, and Capt. Hunt for Clerk. Several other men are spoken of for other offices, not necessary to mention in this article.

Preaching every two weeks in the school house by the Rev.W. H. Rose, pastor of the M. E. church. Congregations large.

The new livery business, under the management of Mr. Joseph Church, is in a thriving condition.

Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Darst buried their sweet little babe a few days ago.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The depot excitement is reviving.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Jerry Evans is now foreman of the street sprinkler.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. Geo. Gully returned from his eastern trip last week.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

A sister of Gen. Green has been visiting in Winfield for some time.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Justice Buckman is running the police court during the sickness of Judge Boyer.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The thermometer stood at one hundred and seven degrees in the shade last Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The addition to the M. E. parsonage improves the looks and adds greatly to the convenience of the building.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The store of Turner Bro.'s was closed by the attorney of Field, Leiter & Co. for a debt of $2,411 last Thursday.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The popular Flag drug store will move into the new rooms in Manning's block, Ninth Avenue, about August first.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Messrs. Graham & Webb have dissolved partnership. Mr. Webb continues the business in room No. 3, Bahntge building.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. Spencer Bliss has retired from the firm of Bliss & Co., on account of failing health.

He will hereafter devote his attention to stock raising.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. H. Jochems has been confined to his house by an attack of billious fever. Mr. Ivan Robinson is clerking in the store during his absence.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. Will Keys has rented the Andy Gordon shop, and has jumped into a rushing business. Will is a good blacksmith and we hope he may succeed.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. M. B. Wallis came over from his farm near Independence on a visit last week. He is looking hale and hearty and seems to enjoy a rural life.

Mr. Dan Mater's shop presents a lively appearance at present. He runs three forges and five hands and still he can hardly keep up with the work.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. M. F. Doud, representing the Topeka Capital, called on us last week. Mr. Doud is a fit representative of one of the best evening papers in the state.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Gilbert & Jarvis and L. J. Webb have exchanged offices. Mr. Webb now occupies room No. 3 and Gilbert & Jarvis room No. 1 in the Bahntge block.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The balance of the old fair ground, comprising about four acres in the south part of town, was sold at Sheriff's sale, last Monday, and was bid off by Mr. Tom Wright for $335.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Lynn & Gillelen advertise their goods at cost for the next thirty days. There will be a change in the firm after that time. They mean business, so look out for choice bargains.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Dr. Giles, who has been visiting his sons here for some time, returned to his home in Shelbina, Mo., last week. Mr. Dunc Giles accompanied him for a short visit among old acquaintances.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. W. B. Norman, of Maple, was in town Monday. Mr. Norman is one of those genial, whole souled gentlemen that it is a pleasure any time to meet, and is one of the leading citizens of our county.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Our band favored the citizens with some excellent music on the street Saturday evening. The boys propose to make it red hot for any band that attempts to compete with them at the coming fair.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The rapidity with which the walls of the new Bahntge building were run up was astonishing, the time occupied between the completion of the foundation and the walls being less than three days.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

In another column will be found a call for a meeting of the Republican central committee to adjust the representations of the townships affected by the recent change. A full attendance is desired.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The patent draw lime kiln of Mr. A. A. Wiley is now turning out over a hundred bushels of first class lime daily. The plasterers claim that the lime is better than any heretofore burned in the county.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Messrs. Hanchet and Searle brought us a piece of cheese of their own manufacture last Monday, which was as fine as any we have ever seen. It takes a "York State man" to make good cheese, anyway.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. Chas. Payson and party returned from their trip to the Territory last Sunday evening. They camped on the Chikaskia river about ten miles below the state line, near a beautiful cascade, and spent the time in hunting, fishing, reading, etc.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Jackson's Liniment is being used by Messrs. Harter & Speed, M. L. Bangs, and other horse men in the city, all of whom pronounce it wonderful in its healing powers. Mr. Jackson will remain here some time yet, with headquarters at the Central Hotel.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. A. A. Knox, of Pleasant Valley township, cut, shocked, and put in stack 217 acres of wheat between the fifteenth of May and the third of July. This is farming with a ven- geance, and if anyone can show a better record, trot him out.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. Frank Jennings and family returned from their trip through the western part of the state last Friday. Mr. Jennings reports a very pleasant trip, and only regrets that he could not return in time to fly the eagle as per appointment at Douglass.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The professional card of Dr. Monger will be found in another column. The doctor comes well recommended, and seems competent to take his place among the leading physicians of Winfield. He occupies the residence of Mr. Gillelen, on 8th avenue.



Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. N. H. Rader, of Maple township, had his hand nearly taken off by a self-binder last week. He had put his hand into the wheels under the table to adjust some part which was out of order, and the driver, thinking he had removed it, started up, catching Mr. Rader's hand between the wheels and lacerating it terribly. Dr. Graham dressed the wound, and at last accounts he was getting along well.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

A genuine fraud, surmounted by a plug hat and carrying a stock of knife sharpeners, has adorned our street corners for several days. Why people will allow themselves to be gulled by this class of traveling swindlers is a mystery to us. The concern which he sold can be bought in any hardware store in Christendom for 20 cents, and cost at wholesale $1.00 per dozen. And still, in less then ten minutes, we observed persons, one of whom in conversation an hour before had remarked that he "would like to subscribe for the Courier, but times are so hard, you know," and two, opposite whose names on our subscription book the space is provokingly blank, step up to the rack and pay the fifty cents for an article which they could have bought across the street for 20 cents, and which is of no earthly value to anyone. The moral of this, if there is any, is: Pay for your paper and patronize home institutions.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Money to loan on improved farms at lower rates than ever before known in Cowley County, by A. H. Green.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. Chas. Turner, of the firm of Turner Bros., came on from Illinois Monday to take charge of the stock now in the hands of Sheriff Harter.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. P. G. Smith, of Dexter, called on us Tuesday. With such men as Smith, Harden, Bryan, and McDorman, no wonder Dexter lays claim to being the banner township.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Several gentlemen and ladies, among whom were Messrs. Geo. Cairns, Roberts, Miss Trimble, and Mrs. Roberts, started on a pleasure trip to the territory Wednesday morning.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Adams, of Maple township, had the misfortune to lose their only child, a bright little boy of eleven months, last week.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The people of Vernon are in a peck of trouble about the new territory which they acquired by the dismemberment of old Winfield township. Some are satisfied with the township as it is now, while others are in favor of getting rid of the new territory as soon as possible.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

A little son of Mr. Port Smith fell from the second story window of the Central Hotel last Friday, but fortunately was not injured. The little fellow was walking backward, and not noticing the window, tumbled out, striking the ground between the building and the stone sidewalk.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Eight of our leading citizens have formed a stock company and purchased 25 acres of land from Mr. Fuller, in the northeast part of town, with a view of making an addition to the city. It is supposed that the location of the east and west depot has influenced the selection. The stock is divided into ten shares, one gentleman holding three and the others one each.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

We were pleased to receive a call from Mr. T. S. Green, wife and daughter, of Rock, last Wednesday. Mr. Green brought the ladies in to see our new cylinder press in operation, and they expressed themselves as being highly pleased with the manner in which the machine received a blank sheet and delivered it, neatly printed, on a table, in less than one-nineteenth of a minute. Call again, ladies.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Hon. John E. Allen met with quite a serious accident last Tuesday morning. When he got home about 2 o'clock a.m., having been detained uptown on business, he found his cellar door open; and in attempting to shut it, lost his balance and fell head long into the cellar, dislocating the obligator membrane of his left shoulder and slightly fracturing the transverse colon of the epgastric hypoga. Mr. Allen, though still suffering, is we are glad to hear, able to be about.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

We append below a letter from Lieutenant Cushman, defending his men from the charge of killing the Indian at Arkansas City last week. We received our information about the matter from one of the most responsible men of that place, and submitted a proof of the article to a gentleman who had just arrived from the city, and who said it was substantially correct.

The desire of Lt. Cushman to shield his men as much as possible is perfectly natural, but everything seems to point very strongly toward them. It was clearly proven at the inquest that the man whom the Indians pointed out as the one who did the shooting was uptown in the evening and had been drinking; but the soldiers all testified that he was in camp at the time of the shooting, upon the strength of which the jury returned a verdict of "killed by a rifle in the hands of an unknown person."

It doesn't seem probable that the Indians would kill the old man themselves and then go uptown and raise the alarm at one o'clock in the morning. If the U. S. troops are here for the purpose of raising a disturbance among the Indians on our border, they had better be moved out of the State; but if, as Lieutenant Cushman says, the troops had nothing to do with the matter, then we are willing to make all the amends in our power.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

ED. COURIER.Referring to a communication headed, "A Brutal Murder," in your issue of the tenth instant, I have the honor to request that a correction be published therein, as no one statement contained in this article is correct and no enlisted man of the detachment stationed here is implicated directly or indirectly with said murder.

On the 7th instant the command was in camp during the day with the exception of two men, who were sent to town in the line of duty, and no "carousing," etc., occurred, and it was not until "mail time" that any number of men were in town.

I would also state of my own personal knowledge that no guns were taken from camp from the evening of the 7th to the 24 hours subsequent, excepting those in possession of patrol ordered out at 3:30 a.m. 8th inst.

Official statement of facts relative to said murder can be obtained upon application to L. Bonsall, acting coroner of this place, who has since notified me that there is strong evidence to fix the crime upon one of the Pawnee Indians.

Very respectfully, EUGENE CUSHMAN,
2d Lieut. Sixteenth Infantry, Commanding U. S. Troops.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

A little boy by the name of Johnie Mills, aged about 7 years, was drowned in the whirlpool above the Tunnel Mills last Thursday afternoon. He had gone there with some boys, sons of R. B. Pratt, to swim, and getting beyond his depth, was swept into the whirlpool. The little boys immediately gave the alarm, but the body ws not found for some time afterward. Coroner Graham held an inquest and a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. This the second case of drowning which has occurred at that place.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

On June 29th Mr. L. A. Daniels and Miss Nettie Stolp were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the aid of Elder B. S. Thompson.

DIED. The death of Geo. M. Stolp, on July 8th, threw a deep sadness over the entire neighborhood. George was just in his seventeenth year.

Mrs. Geo. Elkins departed for California on July 3rd, where she will meet her husband. It has not been a year since Mrs. Elkins came east, but she seems to like the Golden State best.

The Methodist quarterly meeting will be held at this place July 23rd. The weather permitting, it will be held in the grove.

Mr. Frank Smith was brought home from the railroad on the Walnut very sick last week, but was better at last accounts.

Miss Edith Pester was bitten by a rattlesnake last week. Rattlesnakes are savage up here this year.

Capt. Jenkins has recently purchased two new wagons. La, "how da shine."

July 12, 1879. X. Y. CAESAR.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

I have been a little remiss of late in keeping you posted on matters at the head of navigation and the railroad terminus.

Well, our little city is improving rapidly. I rode around town this evening and I counted seven foundations laid and material on the ground to complete the building. Some three of the houses are nearly complete, have roof onin fact, we are putting on metropolitan airs.

DIED. One of our oldest and most respectable citizens, Adam Thompson, of Bolton, died on Saturday and was buried to-day. He was ill but a few days.

S. P. Channell and wife started for Iowa this morning, being summoned by telegraph to attend the sick bed of Mrs. Channell's father, David Thompson, who is very low and not expected to recover.

Thomas Berry and wife, of the Pawnee Agency, passed up to Wichita on the stage. Mrs. Berry will visit her friends in Illinois before she returns.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

MARRIED. July 6th, 1879, at the residence of Mr. P. Nicholls, New Salem, by C. C. Krow, J. P., Mr. W. A. Erwin and Miss Maggie J. Graham.

By C. C. Krow, J. P., in Tisdale township, July 3rd, 1879, Mr. John Williams and Miss Lizzie Stephens.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

RECAP: Millington started on a three week junketing excursion of the mountains of Colorado...returned in less than three weeks.

Started July 5th, went to Topeka, Kansas City, and then stopped at Colorado Springs, Colorado. After spending eight or ten days in that vicinity visiting Cheyenne Canon, Ute Pass, Garden of the Gods, Glen Eyrie, Monument Park, Pike's Peak, etc., the party went south and west, visiting the Veta Pass and the Rio Grande, returning home from there.

While at Colorado Springs, he and his wife were in the company of M. L. Robinson and family, J. C. Fuller and wife, John Stalter, J. L. Robinson, and others. He commented that J. L. Robinson had a jovial wit and sparkling imagination; J. C. Fuller had a dry humor and quick repartee. J. L. Robinson and J. C. Fuller contributed extensively to the pleasure of their various excursions, carriage rides, rambles, walks, climbs, and picnics among the canons, gorges, glens, parks, mountains, and rocks of that wonderful region.

Millington stated that they saw J. P. McMillen, a former Winfield resident, and found him rugged and hearty with no trace of the asthma with which he was near his end when he started for Colorado. He found his son, Harry McMillen, a full grown, fine looking, intelligent, social young man; and the daughter of McMillen had turned into a beautiful and accomplished young lady. McMillen was keeping a hotel at Colorado Springs called the "Central," and was doing a good business. Millington said that "Eveleth is there and celebrated as the best salesman in the place. Walt Smith, our early Register of Deeds, is there and is the revenue officer of the place."

When at Topeka just starting for Pike's Peak, Lemmon asked the Millingtons who they were going with. Millington answered, "M. L. Robinson and J. C. Fuller." Lemmon rejoined: "Correct. Never think of going to Colorado with less than two bankers with you."

Millington commented: "This illustrates the fact that Colorado is an expensive place to visit. The hotels, livery men, almost everyone you have to deal with, are there to make money off from the wants of visitors. Persons who are `well heeled' may go and enjoy themselves and become reinvigorated without minding the expense, but for others it wants some care and experience to keep expenses within a moderate figure. After we had `learned the ropes' and settled down to business, we made our expenses quite reasonable. We would suggest to others wanting to take the trip that they can get half fare tickets on the railroads by first writing to the general ticket agent of the A., T. & S. F. at Topeka for an order to that effect. We would advise them then to go directly to Colorado Springs and stop at the Central Hotel (McMillen's) at $2 per day until they have time to look around, then if you are two or more in a family or party, hire a furnished room in a private house at from $3 to $5 per week, buy a twenty-one meal ticket at a restaurant for $5 and you will have a center to radiate from, with quiet, comfortable quarters at moderate expense, without paying from $4 to $5 per day for hotel fare. You can then hire a team, carriage, and driver at $4 to $5 per day (instead of $10, which you may pay if you do not shop around) that will carry four to five persons comfortably and will not cost you more than a dollar a day apiece, and you can ride out to view the sights every day.

"The hotels both here and at Manitou are crowded with visitors and invalids, many small houses built for the purpose are all rented to families, and the canons and ravines are lined with tents and covered wagons occupied by campers. These facts indicate that there are still cheaper modes of living here."

At Colorado Springs Mr. and Mrs. Millington joined Frank and M. L. Robinson, who had been riding about in that vicinity two or three days.

"Frank Robinson informed us that the water there `runs up hill.' We were at first inclined to be skeptical on this point; but our own observation soon showed us that Frank had good grounds for his conclusions. We started out for the foot of the mountains, about six miles, and it looked to us to be downhill all the way. Colorado Springs is located on a bench of land above a bluff which rises from a creek valley lying just west of town. Along the streets of the town on both sides are streams of water running south in ditches. We followed north and northwest along one of these streams down into the creek valley to where the ditch was fed from the creek, and we could not make it appear to us otherwise than that the water was running uphill all the way from that creek through the irrigating ditch, winding up the bluff into town. Other ditches bringing water from the foot of the mountain presented a similar appearance.

"Our explanation is that the mountains beyond loom up so incredibly steep and high that in comparison a moderate rise toward them looks like a descent."

Millington told about his trip to Pike's Peak with M. L. Robinson. "We started from Colorado Springs before six o'clock in the morning and rode in a buggy six miles, up to Manitou Springs at the entrance of the canon at the foot of the trail. Here we mounted hardy and sure-footed ponies and entered upon the trail at about seven o'clock. Our route was steep uphill, winding around mountain peaks and precipices, up a stupendous gorge or canon; past numerous water fallsmany of them covered by enormous granite rocks which had tumbled down from thousands of feet above; winding along in a narrow mule path in the steep sides of fine debris, which had tumbled down from the heighths above; hugging overhanging rocks to keep from falling into the stupendous chasm below; crossing over the gorge back and forth to avoid impassible precipices; and finally at the end of four and a half miles, and having risen 3,000 feet, we emerged from the canon into a wider valley, in which there was much vegetation, and which was crowded with splendid quaking aspen trees and many firs; along which valley we passed westward toward the peak, still rising rapidly and winding between lofty peaks. Following this valley a mile and a half we turned to the left, directly south, and went up along the backbone of a very steep ridge for two miles, which brought us up to the Lake House, a log hotel on the margin of a beautiful lake lying in an ancient crater at an elevation of 9,700 feet.

"From this point we went west and southwest, climbing diagonally up the steep side of a spur or ridge, running down southwest from the peak. A mile and a half of the steepest kind of climbing brought us around the point of the ridge. A storm was raging above us, and we rode into it, winding up the west slope of the peak. The storm was rain, snow, and hail with the sharp reports of lightning and thunder reverberating among the crags around us. One discharge splintered a granite rock to pieces but two or three hundred feet from us. But we were well wrapped and comfortable and kept climbing and winding up spirally from the west side of the peak around the north and east sides to the south side, where we emerged above the storm, and still climbing up toward the north, arrived at the signal station on the very summit, having risen above the lake nearly 5,000 feet, about 2,000 up to the storm, 2,000 through the storm, and 1,000 above it.

"We arrived at the summit at about a quarter past three o'clock in the afternoon. The storm was still raging below us. Far down the sides of the peak, all around from 1,000 to 5,000 feet below us, rolled the dark clouds, the lightnings flashed incessantly, and the thunder crashed and reverberated; but we looked over the storm down to the east and saw the city of Colorado Springs, eighteen miles distant, lying apparently immediately below us, and many other objects stretching away in the distance. But the storm though still far below us was widening toward the east and soon shut off our vision from the lower world. Sometimes a little fraction of the cloud would roll up from below on one side of the top and plunge down on the other side, but otherwise it was fair on the top.

"The situation forcibly reminded us of the lines of the poet:

`As some tall cliff uprears his awful form,

Swells from the vale and midway leaves the storm,

Though `round his breast the folling clouds are spread,

Eternal sunshine settles on his head.'

"At four o'clock p.m. we commenced our descent. Before we had proceeded a mile down the trail we found ourselves entering the upper side of the storm, and by the time we had descended another mile, we found ourselves surrounded by a war of the elements which cannot be described. The rain, snow, and hail were in themselves terrible, but the lightning and thunder were too frightful to contemplate. The air was filled with rapid flashes, and reports sharp, loud, and incessant, crashed and reverberated among the crags about us. We heard the splintered and exploded rocks rattling and jingling all about us, but could not see them for the darkness and density of the storm.

"My companion, M. L. Robinson, got down from his pony and by the light of the lurid flashes, I thought he looked rather pale. There were several strangers on their ponies along, and not only men but ponies seemed almost paralyzed by fright. There was one woman, strong and courageous as she went up, now entirely demoralized. She and her husband had dismounted when we overtook them coming down. He was standing pale and speechless by the side of the trail. She was on her knees, her face deformed by her fears and distress, large tears rolling down her face, moaning, praying, begging for life. She prayed and promised the Lord that if he would save her from this terrible danger, she would never go to Pike's Peak again the longest day she ever lived. M. L. tried to soothe and quiet her, but he might as well have attempted to quiet the storm that was crashing around us. We told them that that was no place to stop, to get on their ponies and ride down out of the storm. We proceeded to follow our own advice and were soon below the worst of the storm; and when we reached the Lake House, the storm was all above us toward the top of the peak. We arrived at Manitou from the top of the peak in four hours. It had taken us eight hours to go up. We arrived at Colorado Springs at nine o'clock p.m."

Mr. Millington commented that the plains of the western part of Kansas and Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains had little or no rain during the period of his vacation. He said it appeared to be a desert. "There is a grass on a part of this vast area, but it is the short buffalo grass in scattered, dried up blades three to four inches long, and the ground is practically bare so that the sun heats the surface intolerably hot and this hot surface heats the air so that it seems to come up from an oven. In riding across these barren plains in both night and day, one gets pretty well cooked. The hot air constantly rising up into the vapor of the upper air prevents that vapor from condensing and it cannot rain.

"Amongst the mountains it is raining daily, but there is a belt more than three hundred miles wide from the base of the mountains eastward that is now practically desert. East of this is the Kansas of to-day, groaning with the burden of vegetation. The country for two hundred miles west of Newton to Lyken we passed over both ways in the night and we could see nothing, but the contrast between the surroundings of Lyken in the evening and of Newton the next morning can hardly be imagined. How far west the enormous growth of vegetation about Newton extends we cannot tell, but it does not reach two hundred miles. Nevertheless, in crossing the 300 miles' belt, we saw many herds of cattle and sheep all appearing to be doing well. All along up the Arkansas and the hills, valleys, slopes, and mesa outlying the mountains to the east are to be seen cattle scattered around and frequently in immense herds.

"The soil of the eastern part of this belt only lacks rain to make it excellent and fertile, but nearer the mountains the terrain consists of hard packed sharp sand and gravel. There is seen less of the buffalo grass and more of a short, scattered, dried up looking brush called wild sage.

"Many are farming to a considerable extent in this region, rendering their fields some- what fertile by irrigation. Long irrigating ditches are seen winding along the slopes and bluffs carrying water from the creeks and mountain canons. We saw some very good fields of wheat thus irrigated and some fields of timothy that were fair. The corn is a small kind and looks small and spindling. The people up there claim that their wheat yields better than in any other place in the world. It is not yet ready for the harvest. The best business seems to be herding; particularly south and southwest of Pueblo, where the herders live in small adobe houses, sometimes in considerable settlements.

"We believe the time is coming when these hot plains will be kept cool by a covering of vegetation, where rains will fall in reasonable aboundance, and the country will become a garden spot instead of a desert.

"In the meantime, while it is commendable in men to help reclaim these waste places and push this salubrious climate westward, we cannot but say that it is better for the individual to drop down into Cowley County, which is already a garden spot, where rains are abundant, where the corn grows larger than anywhere else, and where is everything that could be wished."

Mr. Millington concluded his article of July 24, 1879, by telling of his involvement with another event.

"On Wednesday of last week Judge Hallett delivered in the U. S. Court his decision dismissing the Receiver appointed by the state court of Colorado, in whose hands was placed the Denver and Rio Grande railroad. The Receiver immediately turned the property over to the D. & R. G. company and that company, being in contempt of court for not having turned the property over to the A., T. & S. F., in compliance with an order of Judge Hallett in June, turned over the road to the latter company at noon of the day. There was great rejoicing among the friends of the A., T. & S.F. Guns were fired, bonfires, illuminations, and speeches were made.

"We were among those who heartily rejoiced at the result and we congratulate Manager W. B. Strong and his friends on the able and glorious fight they have made and on this fair measure of success. We were then at Colorado Springs and took the first train under the new management to go south to the Rio Grande.

"Arriving at Pueblo, a large number of the discharged employees of the former manage- ment with their friends numbering two or three hundred, assembled around the train and made an attack on the employees of the A., T. & S. F.

"An extensive fight ensued. Some three hundred pairs of fists were hitting around in a lively manner and the Santa Fe forces were whipped out. The engineer and conductor whose lives were threatened skipped out and disappeared. The train was detained two and a half hours until the Santa Fe authorities accepted an engineer, conductor, and hands that were dictated by the mob. The civil authorities pretended to be trying to keep the peace and preserve order, but were evidently in sympathy with the mob.

"Nevertheless we went on with the train to Alamosa on the Rio Grande and returned to Pueblo the next day.

"At Alamosa no friends of the Santa Fe company dared to appear. At El Moro the Rio Grande roughs bought all the fire arms and ammunition that could be had and held the ground. The whole southern part of the road was in the hands of the mob and what the result will be it is hard to guess. Doubtless blood will be spilt and the U. S. Marshals with posse will be called to quell the mob and completely carry out the orders of the court.

"At seven o'clock on the morning of last Friday, we were at Alamosa on the west side of the Rio Grande in Colorado. At the same hour on the next morning we were at Newton, Kansas, having traveled 576 miles in 24 hours, including stoppages, one of which was two hours at Pueblo. The narrow gauge train carried us up the Sangre De Christo range, down the frightful gorges and windings of the Veta Pass, and over the high mesa skirting the mountain ranges, 136 miles to Pueblo; then the A., T. & S. F. train slid smoothly down the Arkansas at the rate of 35 miles per hour, 440 miles to Newton.

"As we came down from Wichita last Saturday evening, we found that the railroad track was laid as far as the creek a mile this side of El Paso and the grading completed several miles farther; in fact, as far as we could see it from the wagon road.

"Work appeared to be progressing vigorously. We saw a construction train loaded with railroad material about 13 miles this side of Wichita."


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

In the COURIER last week a letter signed "Grouse Valley" appeared, in which there were some reflections on well known parties in Lazette.

The appearance of this letter was an oversight.

Its insinuations that "Mr. B." or anybody else has unduly influenced the railroad in locating its depot in Cedar valley we deem groundless.

In the first place, the railroad company, like all railroad companies, located its line to suit its own best interests, without influence from A. B. C. or any other man, and its location in Cedar valley should be proof of this fact to every fair mind.

In the second place Winfield is not caring where the Grouse valley depot is located, Winfield is jealous of no point in Cowley county, and only wishes each and everyone of them a depot with all the good that follows such possessions. A good town will certainly grow up wherever in Grouse valley the railroad locates its depot, and we shall never be sorry of it.

In the third place, it is the full right of any man or any set of men who want railroad advantages to use all honorable and honest means to secure the ends for which they labor, to donate ground or money if they care so to do. The people of Lazette deserve a railroad and a depot if any part of Cowley county deserves them. They have worked for these ends for months and years. They have spent time, money, and labor in this business and they deserve credit for their efforts. Whether these efforts are selfish or otherwise in their originand who does not work with such motives?the benefits flowing from their labors would bless all who come within the circle of these benefits.

In the fourth place, it is natural for those who are disappointed in love, politics, or commerce to look around to find someone's head to punchsomeone on whom to cast the blame for failures which none could prevent. In the case in hand, we believe that "Grouse Valley" and all who think with him, are doing an injustice to some of the best citizens in Cowley county.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The foolish business of cutting and slashing up townships, which commenced in this place by making it a city of the second class, has been continued. While we were absent, the new township of Walnut was made and Winfield township was whittled to pieces. We are disgusted with the whole business. Nothing but harm will be the result. Winfield has lost much of the value of its schools by weakening them, has assumed a much more expensive city government, and cut itself off from its best helpers and supporters. The change of township lines has done no one any good, while it has complicated everything and will doubtless lead to much litigation and bad blood. If anyone expects that these changes will in any way release him from taxes on the bridge bonds, he will find himself mistaken.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Cord wood is scarce and new hay plentiful.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Part of the lumber for the Baptist church has arrived on the ground.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The popular Flag drug store will move into the new rooms in Manning's block, Ninth Avenue, about August first.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. C. W. Jordan has returned from his visit to Ohio, with his health greatly improved. He will probably resume his old position with Baird Bros.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. M. C. Rodgers, of the A., T. & S. F. road, is spending several days visiting his father in this city. Mr. Rodgers is a conductor on the above road and is enjoying a vacation.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Messrs. Arey & Grouse have opened a furniture repairing shop on South Main street, next to Mater's blacksmith shop. They also manufacture a spring mattress for beds.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Died. On last Friday evening Mr. Jas. Dewey died at the residence of Mr. Caywood in this city. Mr. Dewey has been an inveterate drinker to which cause his death has been attributed.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Tony Boyle and George Melville are reported to have struck a new and very valuable mine at Leadville. Surely the fortune of our Cowley county boys is guided by a lucky star.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. Will Walters, who has rented Dan Miller's shop, had his hand badly burned last week while welding a red hot iron. The pain has been intense and until last Saturday night he did not sleep a wink.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Chicken shooting will be in order after August 17. Sportsmen are making ready to usher in the season with full game bags. Should the weather continue hot, the sport will be accompanied with more or less hardships.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Many of our citizens seem to think that the application of ice, both externally and internally, makes the warm weather more endurable. Consequently, the much coveted article has gone up one half cent per pound.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. Walter's beautiful wax plant is blooming again. We would advise our lady readers who are lovers of flowers to call at Mr. Walter's restaurant and see this plant while in bloom, and they will be well repaid for their trouble.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. B. F. Bartlett, the architect who planned the new Baptist church at this place, is expected today or tomorrrow. He comes for the purpose of explaining the plans, and seeing to other buildings which he has in hand here.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Two of our prominent citizens had a slight altercation on the street last week, but owing to the timidity of the small man, no blows were struck. Too much poking his nose into somebody else's business was the cause of the disturbance.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The pleasant face of Mr. Ed. King will hereafter be seen behind the counters of Mann's clothing store. Although Mr. King has been among us but a short time, he has won many friends who rejoice to know that he will still continue to be one of us.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. Dever has moved into his new bakery on Tenth avenue. His increasing trade has long demanded more commodious quarters, and hastened the construction of the present building. It is filled with improved ovens, and is modern in all its features.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The notorious sneak thief who stole a brand new pair of gloves out of L. J. Webb's office, belonging to A. B. Taylor, will confer a favor by returning the same. He will also have the pleasure of listening to a very interesting lecture for which no charge will be made.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The Winfield Dairy has a brand new outfit of milk wagons. Their customers are so numerous that they are compelled to run two wagons, both morning and evening. Wilson & Oldham know how to make things boom, and by fair dealing and pure milk have won the confidence of their customers.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

A number of our young folks met at the residence of Jasper Cochran, Monday evening, to celebrate the 21st birthday of Mr. Ed. Cochran. All report having had a glorious time, and from the drowsy manner in which the representative from our office moped around next day we should judge they stayed rather late.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Some enterprising Yankee was in town Monday exhibiting a headless chicken, alive and kicking. The show is advertised by bills of the Wichita Beacon imprint, and someone suggested that his days of usefulness being past the Democratic rooster of the Beacon has been decapitated and his headless carcass is being exhibited as a curiosity.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Two dusky maidens of African descent, living on opposite sides of Ninth avenue, last Saturday morning agreed to disagree, and a volley of high words and imprecations followed, with a fair chance for a rough-and-tumble fight, but a compromise was effected by both agreeing to lay their grievances before Judge Boyer and abide by his decision.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The U. S. troops at Arkansas City will give another moonlight hop Friday evening, and invitations have been sent to several of our young people. The dance given by them some time ago was the most brilliant affair ever held at the City, and all who attended are loud in their praises of the courteous and gentlemanly manner in which Lieutenant Cushman and his men treated their guests.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. Hitchcock, the senior member of the old firm of Hitchcock & Boyle, was in the city Tuesday. He is now in business at Belle Plaine, Sumner county, and came over to look after his property in this place.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

There will be a match game of baseball between the Arkansas City baseball club and the Winfield Whites at the grounds in the south part of town Thursday evening. If our boys are allowed enough men, they will certainly be the victors.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

A team standing in front of Dan Miller's shop got frightened last Monday and went tearing down Main street with the wagon at their heels. They were finally stopped in front of Wilson & Thompson's livery stable with the wagon minus one wheel.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. F. W. Schwantes, of Vernon, brought into our office last Saturday a bunch of millet which measured 5 feet 8 inches high, with heads as large as an ear of corn. The millet was grown on the farm of Mr. Schwantes, and he has a whole field full just like it.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Our very ubiquitous correspondent, who has been representing so many localities and indulging in severe personalities, with the expectation of having them published in the COURIER, might as well desist, as his effusions will hereafter seek the waste basket immediately on the receipt of the same.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

J. L. Horning returned Monday from an extended tour in the Territory, in the interest of the Tunnel Mills. He visited the Kaw, Ponca, and Osage Agencies, and relates some interesting stories about the home life of the reds. The Tunnel Mills furnishes the first of August two hundred barrels of flour toward keeping the poor savage in food and idleness.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

O. M. Seward brought to our office Wednesday a pod of black-eyed peas, 23 inches long and containing 23 peas, and left it with the assurance that he could have raised them as high as telegraph poles had he commenced early enough. We were not aware that O. M. had gone into the pea business, but as he never does things half way, we suppose he will make a success of it.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Mr. Dan Miller received a very serious sun stroke while shoeing a horse during the hottest part of the day last Tuesday. A physician was called in and did everything possible to relieve the sufferer. He is now getting along very well, but will never fully recover from the effects of the stroke. Persons cannot be too careful during the next few days. An hour's exertion in the sun with the thermometer at 100 will perhaps maim one for a lifetime.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Considerable talk has been had about organizing a military company of home guards. We do not see why Winfield may not have a military company that will do credit to the town as well as Independence, Chetopa, Oswego, and other neighboring towns. Such a company would do good service on any occasion of parade or celebration, and in case of trouble on our border would be a nucleus for military organization. The expense of maintaining such an organization is small and we feel sure that the merchants and businessmen of our town would subscribe liberally to its support. Let us have a company of "Winfield Home Guards" that will put the Capital Guards or any other guards in the background.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

MARRIED. Married on Sunday evening, July 20th, 1879, at the residence of the bride's father, Rev. J. E. Platter officiating, Mr. A. T. Shenneman and Miss Nellie Walters.

Still another, the boast and pride of Winfield's batchelordom, has surrendered to the charms of one of our fairest ladies. First Quincy Glass, next Warren Gillelen, then Will Root, and now A. T., the last of this noble band of seemingly confirmed "old batches" surrenders unconditionally and without a murmur to the fascination of rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. From the excellence and quantity of the cigars, cake, ice cream, etc., furnished, we should judge they were supremely happy and wanted everyone else to be.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

We wish to say again that the sanitary condition of our city needs more attention than is bestowed upon it at present. Especially is this the case in the alley on block 110, back of the Bahntge building. There is a pool of water standing in the rear of the Hitchcock building on that block, into which the slops, old shoes, and rags of the whole alley are thrown, and which emits a foul and disease breeding smell. Complaints are also made of the drainage of the courthouse block, the draws being osbstructed, causing the water to stand in stagnant pools, which are anything but healthy. The marshal has several times notified parties having nuisances on their premises to clean up, and if the request is not heeded they should be made to feel the penalty. Persons who would, for the sake of saving a few paltry dollars, jeopardize the health of the whole community should be made to suffer for it. Some of the inmates of the cooler could be used to good advantage draining the above-mentioned nuisances. Let us look to this matter with due diligence while it is yet today.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Messrs. Harney & Salisbury propose publishing a large scaled map of Winfield, providing sufficient encouragement is received. We have seen the draught prepared by Mr. Salisbury, and find it very comprehensive and complete. If published, the map will show the lots, blocks, streets, etc., with size of lots and width of streets as recorded. The location of public buildings, business houses, and residences will be given. Names of subscribers will appear on their respective lots. A reasonable business notice will be inserted on the margin of the map when so desired. The map will be colored by additions, mounted on cloth and varnished. The growing importance of the town makes such a map very necessary. It is to be hoped that the citizens will appreciate the advantages of the work and give it a liberal support.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The bridge across Timber creek, north of town, was broken down last Monday by driving a large herd of Texas ponies on at one time. Six of the ponies were killed outright and many were injured. The bridge was made partly of iron and partly of the timber of the old bridge which was washed out some years ago, but was not supposed to be insecure. The weight of a large herd of ponies, together with the springing and crowding, was enough to test the strength of the strongest bridge. The herd belonged to a Mr. Seehorn, who came to town after the accident with the intention of suing the township for damages, but has as yet taken no definite action in the matter. If at all, the damages should be the other way, as the gentleman should never have driven more than fifteen head on at one time. The loss of this bridge will be a great inconvenience to the people in the north part of the county, as it cuts off all access to Winfield during high water. This will perhaps be a lesson to our people in all future works of a public nature to build them right in the first place and do away with the necessity and extra expense of rebuilding a bridge, only to be thrown down by a herd of Texas ponies.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

ED. COURIER.I do not usually notice the low blackguardism that appears in some newspapers, but the article headed "Waist Places" in the Saturday Semi-Weekly was so gross an insult to my sex that I cannot pass it by in silence.

Nor must I screen anyone connected with that disgraceful essay. That a teacher in the Sunday school, a devout member, should so far descend from manhood as to put before the public an essay detrimental to the morals of young boys, is quite shocking to decent people. That others should allow their names to appear in such a disreputable article, is almost as strange. One at least out of all the number remembered that he had a mother and sister, and to his praise be it spoken, disdained to disgrace their memory, and last, though not least, that an editor should lend his columns to gratify the low tastes of such a rabble, at the risk of offending every woman who should chance to read his paper.

Young ladies, this is the opinion of the young men of to-day, is it? It is nothing to laugh at. Where is the fun?

That they dare through the columns of a newspaper to make such sweeping insinuations with regard to the virtue of our sex is past endurance. Let everybody unite in showing displeasure, by refusing to recognize the clique whose names appear as making the remarks attributed to them.

When we scorn such remarks, amounting to a personal thrust, when we refuse to accompany a young man whose breath is contaminated with whiskey, which renders him obnoxious to ladies of refinement, then and not till then will a thorough reform begin.

Temperance societies are of little avail, so long as ladies uphold the evil, by associating with the victims. A Mother.

[We wish to assure our corrrespondent and readers, that the gentleman to whom the article above referred to is attributed, indignantly denies having had anything to do with it, and that we hold him in too high respect to believe he could descend to such a performance. Neither do we believe that the other gentlemen named are in any way responsible for the appearance of the article. We suppose that the editor of the sheet in which the article appeared is alone responsible. We do not consider the article in so serious a light as does our correspondent. It is simply silly, and betrays low breeding. Ed.]


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

While at Arkansas City last Thursday evening, our local met Capt. C. M. Scott, from whom he learned the particulars of a dastardly murder which occurred on the Canadian in the territory. It seems that there is a band of white and half breed outlaws inhabiting the region of the Canadian, who make a practice of stealing and murdering everything in their way.

On July 2nd as Moses Stockstill, James Henderson, and a cook and herder were returning from the territory with a lot of cattle, which they had purchased from the Indians, they were met by four of these desperadoes who told them to throw up their hands, and their request not being complied with, they commenced shooting immediately.

Mr. Stockstill was killed instantly and Mr. Henderson was shot while attempting to take a gun from the wagon. The herder was wounded and begged so hard that the roughs spared his life. After taking the horses, cooking utensils, and personal effects of their victims they started for the foot hills. It is supposed at Arkansas City that this is the old stamping ground of the bank robbers. Stockstill has a wife and six children living in Medicine Lodge.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

H. JOCHEMS, I will offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, as I wish to close out my old stock before going into my new building.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

INSURE -IN THE- ETNA OF HARTFORD! Phenix of Brooklyn. Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Companies! The Largest, Safest and Best in the World!

Office over Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Neither the Collision On the Grand Trunk Railroad nor The Great Freight War Prevents S. H. Lofland from Selling Groceries at THE BLACK FRONT! Cheaper than any other house in Winfield. Come and be convinced. S. H. LOFLAND.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

CURNS & MANSER, Land, Loan and Insurance Agents, Notaries Public, Office on Main St., opposite COURIER Office, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. All property purchased for parties at a distance, carefully selected and personally examined. In connection with the Real Estate business, we have an Abtract of Title office, showing all transfers by deed or mortgage, liens, judgments, or defects in title to any lands or lots in Cowley County, and therefore guaranty the title to any property purchased through this office. Money Loaned on Improved Farms, for a Term of Years. Deeds, Mortgages, etc., Made and Acknowledged.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

J. HOENSCHEIDT, ARCHITECT. Drawings, plans and specifications furnished. Deputy Co. Surveyor. Office north side Ninth avenue, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.


Residence on Manning St., west of J. E. Allen's.

Stair Building in all its Branches.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

JOHNSTON & HILL, UNDERTAKERS, And dealers in Furniture, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

HARTER & SPEED. (Successor to A. G. Wilson) WINFIELD LIVERY, FEED -AND- SALE STABLE AT THE OLD STAND, SOUTH OF LAGONDA HOUSE, WINFIELD, KANSAS. Commercial Travelers conveyed to all parts of the Country. Charges Reasonable.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.


Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Samples. All persons desiring work done in his line will do well to call on him at his place of business, three doors east of post office.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.



Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.



Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

The Old Reliable HARNESS & SADDLE SHOP. F. J. SYDAL, Proprietor.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

W. T. EKEL, (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. H. MARIS,) Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Yard at the old stand, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

Hughes & Rhodes...coal, wood, lime, cement, etc.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.

MOVING BUILDINGS. FRED KROPP is prepared to move buildings on short notice and does all kinds of stone work. Inquire for him at Moffitt's lumber office, next door to the COURIER office, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.


Dry goods, boots, and shoes, etc. CLOSING OUT. I will sell my entire stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps at cost until they are closed out. T. M. McGUIRE.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum