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[Starting Thursday, October 2, 1879.]

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

S. H. Myton has purchased over 20,000 pounds of stoves this fall.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

On Thursday, September 25, telegraphic communication was established between Winfield and the outside world.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Mr. Stiles, the Adams express agent, has opened his office in the Popp building, on South Main Street. The Adams is now ready for business.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Mr. Dunn, general train-master of the A., T. & S. F. road, was in our city Tuesday. He is a thorough railroad man, and fills this difficult position perfectly.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

The boys who placed the hand car on the track Sunday afternoon will be roughly dealt with if detected. We would advise them to let hand cars alone hereafter.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Owing to a mistake in the measurement of the new bank building, part of the brick work which was put up last week had to be torn down and the water-table raised six inches.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

McCommon & Harter last week received two large show cases, and also a lot of goods to put in them. They now have the neatest drug store in the city.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Last Monday we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Will Garvey, who has been appointed ticket agent for the A. T. & S. F. at this place.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Mr. W. E. Seaman, of Red Bud, called on us Monday. He was on his way to southwest ern Missouri, where he will buy a large lot of yearlings, and bring them through to Cowley to winter. This is no small undertaking as the distance is some 150 miles and the cattle will have to be fed most of the way back.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

The city of Winfield now contains between fifty and seventy-five dollars more taxable property than it did last week. The new addition of M. L. Robinson was taken into the city at the council meeting last Friday evening. Besides all the buildings, etc., contained in this addition, there is over $20,000 worth of railroad, side-track, depot building, etc. The river is now the southwest limits of the city.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Mr. E. P. Kinne donated the proceeds of the register's office for last week, amounting to over fifty dollars, to the Baptist association to help build their new church. This is only one of the many donations which that gentleman has made toward enterprises of a public nature, all of which deserves the highest praise. He not only donates liberally but devotes much time and energy to the promotion of public interest.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

On last Thursday Winfield was honored for a few moments with the presence of Carl Schurz and son and Count Denhoff, of the German legation at Washington, accompanied by a miscellaneous crowd of newspaper reporters and Indian agents. They were brought down by a special train, and were taken in charge by B. M. Terrill, who was to deliver them at the Kaw agency that night. The Secretary will examine into the affairs of the Territory and return by the M. K. & T. railroad.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

We wish to warn the parents of certain small boys who loaf around the depot, that unless they are kept away, some of them will be crippled. Last Sunday while the trains were being made up, about twenty of these boys were running from car to car, stopping on the bumpers which are set on springs and liable at any moment to mash a foot or leg or throw them under the wheels. A word to the wise is sufficient.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

At the residence of Dea. Ryan, Sept. 25th, 1879, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Marion H. G. Thomas and Miss Matilda D. Green, both of Silverdale township.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Sedgwick and Sumner Counties Enthuse With Us.
Tuesday was a day long to be remembered by our citizens. Long before the time advertised for the arrival of the excursion train, the ground around the depot was crowded with Cowley's people waiting to welcome the people of Sumner and Sedgwick who were coming to celebrate with us the completion of our first railroad. The city officials were there marshaling their committees to take charge of the ladies, every available vehicle in town being pressed into service to accommodate them. All were on the tip-toe of expectation when the news flashed over the wires that the Wichita train had passed Mulvane, and that there were four hundred ladies and twelve hundred men on board, with the Wellington train just behind with as many more. Then it was that our people realized the full extent of the inundation about to take place. Arrangements had been made to accommodate about five hundred people, but when they began to drop down on us one and two thousand at a time, all these arrangements were upset, and a majority of the people had to get off the train and make their way to town the best way they could.

The procession was formed at the depot, headed by the Wichita Guards and the Wichita Fire Company, followed by a carriage containing the orator of the day, then the city authori ties of Wichita, Wellington, and Winfield, followed by the Wichita cornet band and ladies in carriages. The procession was fully a mile long. At the grounds Judge McDonald delivered a speech of welcome, which was highly spoken of by all who heard it, and fully sustained the high reputation which he has won as an orator.

After the speech the crowd dispersed for dinner. A table had been prepared for the militia and fire company, and the crowd repaired to the barbecue, where there was plenty for all. After dinner there was a grand drill by the Wichita Guards under Capt. Woodcock, who acquitted themselves nobly. The dance in the evening, for the benefit of our visitors (?) was well attended, a good many of the Wichita people being present by virtue of an invitation issued by the ball committee that their "uniforms would be their passports," but which proved to be a pretext for making a dollar a piece out of them. With the exception of the ball, and the change in the time of starting the Cowley county excursion train, everything passed off splendidly.

We are sorry that our space does not admit of a more extended account of all that transpired. The crowd from Wichita and Wellington was estimated at four thousand.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

From Winfield to Wellington.
Last Sunday our local received an invitation from Engineer Archer, who runs engine No. 22, to accompany him on a trip to Wellington. Having never visited that town, and desiring to ride over the new road, we accepted the invitation; and at 1 o'clock the whistle sounded "off breaks" and we pulled out for Mulvane. The rain was pouring down steadily, and the iron horse groaned, puffed, and snizzled as if trying to express its disgust of the weather and everything connected with the trip. Seated beside Engineer Archer, with the cab windows drawn down, and our coat buttoned close around us, the novelty of the situation rather heightened, then diminished, our enjoyment of the ride.

The track from Winfield to Mulvane is a good deal like the Dutchman's description of the Allegheny mountains, "up a leedle and down some more," twisting and winding around, with several heavy cuts and fills and numerous culverts. There are several large fields of wheat along the line, which are up and looking well. At Mulvane the engine, which had been going up tail end foremost, was turned around and headed for Wellington, where we arrived about 3 o'clock. The town has a live appearance and is building up rapidly, although the buildings are mostly frame and rather small.

We left Wellington at seven minutes past four. The rain having ceased, the cab windows were thrown open and we had a fair view of the country through which the road runs. The prairie stretching away in the distance, dotted here and there with fields of green wheat, and fine farms with good, substantial buildings enclosed by miles of hedge fence, line the track on either side.

We were almost led to believe, by the evidence of thrift and enterprise passing before us that we were in Cowley instead of Sumner county. The track from Mulvane to Welling- ton, 28 miles, has only three curves and one grade, four miles long, of 45 feet to the mile. With the exception of this grade, which takes the road from the Arkansas valley to the highlands, the track is nearly level.

Mulvane has a thriving appearance, several new houses being in process of erection, among them a good-sized hotel. As yet no depot has been built, but we learned from Mr. Row, superintendent of construction, that one would be built there soon.

Our passage through Belle Plaine was so rapid that we only obtained a passing glance at the town. Several buildings are going up near the depot, and a general air of activity is noticeable. After turning around at Mulvane on a contrivance which the railroad men called a "Y," and which is made by a circular track from the "Wellington branch" across to the main line, we started homeward. After turning the curve coming down to the bridge, the engine ran afoul of a handcar which had been put on the track by some mischievous boys, who left on hearing the approach of the engine. Had it been dark the engine would undoubtedly have been ditched; and was only just stopped in time to avert the catastrophe. We arrived at the depot in Winfield about 6 o'clock, in a condition which may be described as "Sherman's luck," having traveled one hundred miles and seen more good country and fine farms than we had ever seen before in the same length of time.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received for the construction of three stone or brick business houses. For specifications call at the office of Channell & McLaughlin, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Terrill & Ferguson have purchased an omnibus, which will hereafter run to trains, carry passengers to and from the fair grounds, and do anything in the carriage line. Persons desiring to leave on the train will be called for by leaving their orders at Terrill & Ferguson's livery stable.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

2,000 lbs. of corn husks, for mattresses, at Sheel's Furniture Store.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

A large feed stable has been erected near the depot.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

A. T. Spotswood shipped the first carload of groceries over the new road.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Brotherton & Silver shipped the first car-load of wheat ever taken out of Cowley county by rail.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Mr. R. D. Jillson has accepted a position as assistant freight agent for the A., T. & S. F. at this place.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Mr. Williams has part of the brick on the ground for a forty-foot addition to his hotel.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Mr. Hitchcock has about finished the repairs to the old Tarrant building. It will make a good store-room.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

The S. K. & W. railroad bridge across the Walnut is being pushed forward. It will be 200 feet long, set on three piers.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Terrill & Ferguson's bus did a rushing business during the fair. They also have a large majority of the train business.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Council Myton is making arrangements to build a forty-foot addition to his hardware building. It will be of stone and will fill up the lot.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

S. H. Myton paid freight bills one day last week amounting to over six hundred dollars, and it wasn't a very good day for Sam., either. Square dealing always wins.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

On the 10th, tomorrow, we expect the mails will commence to be carried by railroad. This will give us communications with the outer world practically one day earlier than heretofore.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

D. L. Kretsinger has remounted the local tripod of the Telegram. Krets is a good writer, a genial, whole-souled fellow, and we are glad to see him come back into the fold.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Our efficient city attorney, O. M. Seward, has returned from Iowa, where he has been for some weeks, having been called away by the death of his mother.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Chief of Police Roberts had the hardest job of any at the fair, that of keeping order and clearing the track. He did his duty in a manner that won high words of praise from most of the peaceable citizens who visited the fair.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Capt. C. M. Scott, with his Indians, was the center of attraction last Friday. C. M. has the thanks of the association as well as the people, for using his influence in getting them here.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Capt. Dick Walker laid aside the duties of the land office long enough to run down and attend our fair last Saturday. When you see the toe of a number fourteen boot coming around the corner, you may make up your mind that Dick will be along shortly.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Mr. Stiles, the gentlemanly agent of the Adams express company, has a local advertise- ment in this paper. He promises express at more reasonable rates than we have been getting heretofore. Their office is in the building next to Shoeb's blacksmith shop.


THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., having opened for business in Winfield, are now prepared to do Express business with greater dispatch, and at lower rates than was ever known in Winfield.

All matter entrusted to the Company's care will receive prompt attention.

Goods delivered anywhere in the City limits.

Office on Ninth Avenue, 4 doors west of Winfield Bank. C. F. STILES.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

"Yellow Bull," second chief of the Nez Perces, visited the fair on Friday, accompanied by Capt. C. M. Scott and Capt. Chapman, who interpreted his speech, which lasted about ten minutes and was very good. Capt. Chapman was chief of Howard's Indian and white scouts and talks the Indian language fluently.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

The contest between the ladies for the premium for the best lady rider was quite spirited. The contestants were Misses Etta Johnson, Iowa Roberts, Gertrude Davis, Ella Kelly, and Mrs. Laura Crawford. Miss Johnson won the blue ribbon and Miss Kelly the red.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Died. The noted outlaw and desperado, Jim Barker, who with his band has been a terror to the border for some months, was captured by a posse of men near Cody's Bluff in the Territory on the 25th of September, and has since died of wounds received at the time. He was chief of the gang which robbed Caneyville, and his party murdered Captain Secrist and his comrades in the nation.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

The races during the fair were very lively, many good horses being on the track. Those during the last day were by far the best. The big trotting race was won by "Wichita Charley." These were the fairest races ever run on the track, and every semblance of fraud was condemned by the judges. Although exceptions were taken to some of their decisions by the jockeys present, the majority of the people sustained them in their rulings.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

A large party of invited guests assembled at the residence of Mr. C. A. Bliss, last Friday evening, to pay their respects to Governor St. John. The party, numbering thirty-seven, were entertained right royally by the obliging hostess, and everything passed off "as merry as a marriage bell." After partaking of a splendid supper, the party spent a couple of hours in conversation and music, when they dispersed. Gov. St. John has made many warm friends in our community during his several flying visits here, all of whom delight to do him honor.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

While a lady was driving to town on the road past the depot Monday evening, her horse fell through the culvert opposite Lowry's ice house, injuring him severely and breaking the buggy in several places. The lady had driven across this bridge earlier in the evening, and noticed while crossing that it was in rather a bad condition. When she returned she concluded to lead the horse across, but when partly over it stepped on the end of a loose board and went down. The cries of the lady brought several men to the spot, who tore away the timbers and released the animal. Someone should look after this matter or the township may have a heavy bill of damages to pay. Twenty-five dollars spent in repairs might save five hundred for damages.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

On Sunday, September 28th, at Pleasant Grove school house, by Rev. P. B. Lee, Mr. William D. Stoddard and Miss Lora Easterly.

At Dexter, Cowley county, Kansas, on Sept. 30, 1879, by Rev. Mr. Rose, Rev. John H. McKee and Mrs. Bertha T. Black, of Dexter.

At Mulvane, Sept. 28th, 1879, by the Rev. J. R. McQuown, Mr. James L. Brown and Miss Millie B. Cheatham.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

A very large crowd gathered on the fair ground last Friday to hear Gov. St. John speak. The officers of the association had announced that he would be here on Thursday, but he was taken ill on the road and telegraphed that he could not get here until Friday. He spoke from the judge's stand, and was listened to with eager attention by the sea of faces around him. His speech was full of good points, and contained some advice in regard to small farming and machinery. In the evening he was tendered a social reception at the residence of C. A. Bliss.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Last Saturday ended the most successful fair ever held in Cowley county. The display, especially of blooded stock, was large, and shows that our people are awake to the advantage of well-bred over common scrub stock. We hope this may result in rooting out the old scrubby breeds that are so numerous at present.

The department alloted to

was well filled. The thoroughbred Devonshire bull, "Red Bird," owned by Mr. James W. Hunt, attracted much attention, and was truly a fine animal. He carried several premiums, for best thoroughbred bull and sweepstakes. Mr. Ezra Meech's herd of thoroughbred Jerseys were admired by all. They were the only ones of that breed on the ground, and were not entered.

The herd of Durhams owned by Mr. Heath received much notice from stock men, and were certainly a fine lot of cattle. They carried two premiums.

The three Short Horn cows and calves, owned by N. J. Thompson, showed many fine points, and carried the blue ribbon.

The premium three-year-old bull, graded Durham, owned by Mr. Limbocker, was with- out doubt the finest three-year-old on the ground.

Marsh & Lee's herd of thoroughbreds received much notice and were decorated with both red and blue ribbons. These gentlemen are old stock men and are bound to raise good stock or none at all.

Mr. Millard, of Silverdale township, exhibited two of his thoroughbred Devonshires, one of which carried the blue ribbon. Mr. Millard has long ago learned the superiority of well- bred over common stock, and is now raising some of the best calves that can be found anywhere.

Perhaps the largest and best herd of thoroughbreds in the county, owned by Mr. C. C. Pierce, of Pleasant Valley township, was exhibited here. His thoroughbred bull, "Julian," 27 months old and weighing 1250 pounds, was the envy of all the lovers of fine stock on the grounds. His grand-sire, the third Duke of Oneida, was sold at the Utica mills sale for $12,000. He is, perhaps, the most thoroughbred of any bull in the southwest.

The display of

was not as good as was expected, as many of the largest sheep raisers in the county did not exhibit.

The exhibit of J. A. Hood, of Graded Cotswolds, was very good. He took 1st and 2nd premium on best buck lamb, under one year, 1st premium on best ewes one year and over, and 1st premium on best lambs under one year. He says his flock, in fleece and increase, have netted him $4.50 per head for the last year. He is strongly in favor of coarse wooled sheep.

Mr. J. W. Thomas, of Tisdale, exhibited several of his flock of Merinos, of the celebrated Hammond stock. He sheared last spring 50 bucks that averaged 20-1/2 pounds per head, and sold the wool for 19 cents per pound.

Mr. M. N. Chaffee, who owns a flock of 900 of the common breed, exhibited several specimens. He was not present at the time we visited this department.

Several fine Merinos were exhibited by Mr. Raymond, of Knox county, Ohio, who has recently located in our county, and intends to deal exclusively in sheep and wool. He has a flock of 500 thoroughbred Merinos, and is decidedly in favor of fine wooled sheep.

Mr. Meech exhibited several of his Merinos, and carried off two premiums. He recently sold from his flock over twenty thoroughbred bucks, which will be scattered throughout the county.

The competition for premiums in this department was very lively. The display was so large and the different crosses so near alike, that it was difficult for the judges to decide which was better than the other.

The exhibit of Mr. S. S. Holloway, of Berkshire and Poland China, crossed, was very fine, and received much notice. He has taken great pains in the selection and crosses of the different breeds, and has a good lot of hogs.

The thoroughbred Poland China boar, owned by Mr. Wood, carried a whole tail full of blue ribbons, and was a magnificent hog.

Mr. N. F. Wright exhibited several of his thoroughbred Berkshire hogs, which were considered the finest lot there. One boar, 11 months old, and weighing 300 pounds, with not enough hair on his skin to make a tooth brush, attracted as much attention as any hog on the grounds, hardly excepting the 1010 pound hog belonging to Mr. W. J. Hodges.

Mr. C. C. Pierce also exhibited several of his fine Poland China hogs, of which breed he has the best in the county.

The display of horses was first-class. At the time we visited this department, a great many of the exhibitors were absent attending the races, and we did not get a full report of all the stock.

The yearling colt, exhibited by Mr. Jas. M. Marshall, was undoubtedly the finest animal of his age on the grounds. He was one year old the 15th of June, weighs 1040 pounds, and is Norman and Messenger. He carried off two premiums.

Mr. C. G. Handy, of Tisdale, exhibited a colt five months old, weighing 578 pounds, Norman and Messenger, which was a perfect beauty.

Mr. Treadway also exhibited a five months old, graded Norman, weighing 510 pounds. It took a red ribbon.

The graded Norman colt, owned by Mr. Furman, attracted much notice, and is a promising animal.

Mr. Joel Mack exhibited a two-year-old colt, which had many fine points.

Mr. Stout, of Richland, also exhibited a two-year-old mare, and carried off two premiums.

Several colts exhibited by Mr. Chas. Eastman, were universally admired, and were as promising colts as we saw on the grounds.

J. L. Johnson, of Maple City, had one of the best mule colts that we ever saw. It was one year old, and weighed 780 pounds. It carried a blue ribbon.

Mr. Hurst exhibited a splendid stallion, which was the center of attraction for horsemen. It took the first premium in the sweepstakes ring.

There were a large number of horses exhibited, whose owners we did not see. Altogether the display in this department was very fine.

This department was well filled. The coops which the association had prepared for the accommodation of the exhibitors, were filled to overflowing, and boxes of every description were brought into use.

One coop of Buff Cochins deserve special mention, and were admired by all who saw them. There were also several choice specimens of Dark Brahmas, Golden Pheasants, and Pekin ducks. We think the display in this department was as fine as any we have seen.

was resplendent with needle work, etc. Quilts worked in all the colors of the rainbow, matts, "log cabins," (at least, that's what they called them) and everything that feminine ingenuity could devise, or deft fingers execute. The delicious bread and butter, jellies, cakes, and preserve looked very tempting, and it was with the greatest reluctance that we passed on to look at the giant pumpkins, and elphantine sweet potatoes in the next room. The display of vegetables, field and garden seeds, etc., was rather limited from some cause or other. Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson's preserved fruits and vegetables attracted much notice.

The display of

made by Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, was the biggest thing in the grove. He is agent for the renowned Estey organ, three of which instruments he had on the ground, and also a splendid Mathushek piano, the whole presided over by Miss De Grass, lately from Milwaukee, and who is one of the most accomplished musicians it has ever been our fortune to hear. Large crowds were entertained by the music from these instruments.

Taken all in all, the fair has been a grand success, and our people may well feel proud of the display. Messrs. Bacon, Kinne, Burden, and other officers of the association have worked unremittingly to place it upon a solid foundation, and deserve much credit for their labors.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Mrs. Schermerhorn, a lady of Chicago, an artist, a teacher of prominence, and a lady of refinement, wealth, and influence, who has landed property and bank stock in this county, has been visiting friends in this city for the past week. She is a former acquaintance and friend of J. C. McMullen and family, with whom she has been stopping. She is more than ever pleased with the place and will make further investments.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879 - Front Page.

From the Cowley County Teacher.

The question is often asked by parties living in the east, what wages do you pay teachers in Kansas. In this county wages for female teachers, in 1877 and 1878, averaged $25.00; the male teachers, $31.52 per month. The average number of weeks of school was 18.08. The returns for last year are not all in, and no exact estimate can be given. Probably the wages will range about as they were the year before. The length of terms and the quality of teaching are increasing, while districts are growing stronger in value of property and in the number of children. These are the causes that determine the wages of teaching. As districts get out of debt, and grow in school population and in resources, it is natural to infer that better wages will be paid.

Occasionally one hears that teachers have formed a combination to put up wages; or that the examining board advises teachers to demand higher wages; or that the county superin- tendent is seeking to raise the pay of teachers. How or why these silly rumors begin, no one can tell. The pay of teachers, like the wages of all working classes, depends on laws which are above the control of superintendents, examining boards, and teachers.

The factors that make the wages given teachers are three: the financial resources of the districts, their freedom from indebtedness, and the quality of teaching. Only one of these factors can be affected by any influence from teachers or school officials, and that is the quality of teaching. Who can exert the greatest influence on this factor? Who would be benefited most, financially, by its increase in worth? Those who labor in the school-room in the position of teachers. In this county, as elsewhere, good teachers are sought for, and are paid good wages for their labors. When teachers cry out for better wages, they should be told to increase the worth of their wares, and their pay will increase proportionally.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The State Superintendent, A. B. Lemmon, states that in the event school district boards have not completed the work of adoption and introduction of school books by the 16th Sept., 1879, the date of the expiration of the new school law, it is their duty and right to proceed until the work is completed.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

"Major Cohen was on the first train that entered Winfield on their new road, and takes a great deal of pride in telling of the vast concourse of people, a brass band and a four-horse omnibus that were in waiting for them at the station, for besides the train men, he was the only passenger on board."Monitor.

Cohen must have been drunk. Had he been sober, we think we should have recognized him. We came down on that first train. But few people were at the Winfield depot waiting for the train, but there were two omnibuses and other carriages, which were quickly filled with passengers and driven uptown.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

An accident that came very near being fatal happened in the large grocery house of A. T. Spotswood & Co., Monday evening. The firm had on Saturday evening received three car loads of groceries, among which were several hundred cases of canned fruits and many boxes of soap, crackers, etc. These were piled up on a counter running along the north side of the storeroom, the pile reaching nearly to the ceiling and being very heavy.

Monday evening, while the clerks were getting out some cases of fruit, the pile toppled over and fell with a crash that was heard for three blocks, and drew a large crowd to see what was the matter. The scene in the store-room beggars description. Boxes, canned fruit, cheese, and crackers were piled up in a promiscuous heap over six feet high in the center of the floor, windows were broken, chairs and boxes were smashed, and everything was in the greatest confusion.

As soon as the crash was over, Mr. Spotswood began gathering up his employees and counting noses to see if any were buried beneath the pile; but was much relieved to find them all safe, which was almost a miracle, as they were all working under the pile when it began to fall.

As soon as the crowd could be cleared away, the doors were closed and the work of "reconstruction" was begun. By Tuesday night the wreck was entirely cleared away and everything now goes on like clock work. Mr. Brown, who was working near the center of the building and close under the pile, was caught by the boxes as he crawled over a pile of coffee sacks, but only came in contact with a cracker box and escaped without serious injury.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Messrs. Pyburn and Jackson are off for a visit to the mountains.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

We received a pleasant call from Lieutenant Cushman last Monday.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

A hay press is in operation near the depot.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Max Shoeb is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Col. Manning is having the cornice put on the Opera House.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The total number of cases of yellow fever in Memphis for the season is 1347. Total number of deaths, 403.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The editor has been ill for several days, which will account for the absence of the usual amount of his work.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

From seven to ten cars of wheat are being shipped to Kansas City from this place daily.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Fred Hunt returned from Elk County Saturday evening, where he has been on business for Gilbert & Jarvis.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Messrs. Hughes & Rhodes have purchased ground near the depot and are erecting buildings for a coal yard.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The highest price paid for No. 2 wheat up to Wednesday noon was 96 cents. The indication is that it will reach $1 shortly.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

School district 51, two miles above the mouth of Silver Creek, in Silverdale township, wants a male teacher. Don't all speak at once.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Scovill & Co. have a new advertisement in this paper. This firm has lately opened here and have a splendid stock of goods. Call and see them.

AD: SCOVILL & CO., are receiving one of the largest stocks of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS -AND- GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ever brought to Southern Kansas. NO OLD STOCK OUT OF STYLE, but fresh from the largest manufacturers of Clothing in the United States, and Sold at Prices to Suit the Times. In Quantity, Styles and Prices will Compare with Any One!

Remember the One-Price, Square-Dealing Store opposite Central Hotel, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Mr. Ed. Walker has charge of the B. E. Johnson bankrupt stock, which he is closing out at any price. The goods are in the building north of Lynn's.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

M. G. Troup and lady started for Topeka Monday. Mr. Troup is a delegate to the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F., which meets there this week.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

G. W. Rogers returned from Newton, Sunday, with his mare, Dora. He took first money in every race but one, and only lost the second heat by half a length.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Timme, the tailor, has invented an ingenious contrivance for hanging a mirror so that his customers can see how their clothes fit behind as well as before.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

We were pleased to meet Mr. Geo. Hackney, superintendent of motive power on the A., T. & S. F. road last week. He, in company with other officials of the road, came down on a special train to examine the new road.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The Board of Education met Saturday evening. A petition was presented for the attachment of the southeast quarter of section 27, and the southwest quarter, secion 26, to the city for school purposes, which was granted.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

A large advertisement of the Golden Eagle clothing house will be found in this paper. They have received a very large lot of the best grades of clothing, and will make things boom during the fall trade.

AD: Progress is Success! Established and Proven by J. B. PORTER -OF THE- GOLDEN EAGLE Clothing House. Our Stock of Clothing, HATS, CAPS AND GENT'S FURNISH ING GOODS -for- MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, has arrived and is now ready for inspection, etc. NO ADDRESS IS GIVEN.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Mr. Frye, a gentleman from Indiana, who has purchased large property interests in this county, called on us last Monday. He is well pleased with Cowley, and thinks some of making his home here.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

An advertisement of Brown & Glass, our popular druggists, will be found in this paper. Since they assumed control of this establishment, it has lost none of its popularity, but is still the center of the drug trade in Winfield.



Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

A grand military ball is to be given by Lieutenant Cushman's command at Arkansas City, Thursday evening. Many of our young folks will attend, and we predict that all will have a good time, as Lieutenant Cushman knows how to entertain his guests.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The County Commissioners on Monday delivered to Joab Mulvane, the first installment of bonds due the C. S. & F. S. railroad company, amounting to seventy-two thousand dollars, and received in exchange therefor seventy-two shares, of one thousand dollars each, of capital stock of that road.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The members of the Winfield cornet band had a meeting last week and reorganized. The following officers were elected: Geo. Crippen, leader. H. Brotherton, president; John Reed, secretary, and A. W. Berkey, treasurer. The boys have begun practicing and have sent for a large lot of new music.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

On last Tuesday a beet was brought into our office which beats anything we have seen in the vegetable line. It is two feet long and sixteen inches in circumference and was grown on upland prairie. It was raised on the farm of Miss Clara Brewer, in Silver Creek township.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Perry Simcox and George Crabbs, of Pleasant Valley township, were arrested and brought before Judge Boyer last week, charged with burglarizing the house of C. C. Pierce. They were bound over in the sum of $1,000 to appear at the next term of the District Court. The evidence was purely circumstantial.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The grocery house of A. T. Spotswood & Co. is doing an immense business. Last Saturday they received three car loads of groceries, one-half car load of coal oil, and three wagon loads of flour from Wichita and Elk City. Among the receipts were fifty barrels of sugar and forty bags of coffee. Their store now looks like a wholesale warehouse.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The "Winfield Rifles" elected a full set of officers, last Saturday evening, and the muster rolls have been forwarded to the Adjutant General's office. The General has been holding 65 stands of superior breech-loading Springfield rifles with which to outfit this company for some time, which will be sent as soon as the boys are mustered in. The officers of the company are: Mr. Charles Steuven, Captain; Mr. J. H. Finch, First Lieutenant; Mr. F. M. Friend, Second Lieutenant.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

The crowd along Main street was highly amused one day last week by an unfortunate gentleman, who had been imbibing a little too freely, and who had gone to sleep on top of a barrel half full of cranberries. All unconscious of his predicament, he had gradually sunk down until he was stopped by the cranberries, with only his head and heels visible. Assistant Marshal Nicholson soon arrived on the scene and liberated the poor unfortunate.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Charlie Clayton tells the following story illustrative of the crowded state of the Winfield hotels during the fair, and as the story is reasonable, "we take it in" without a murmur. A couple of regular lodgers at the Olds House were out rather late one evening, and when they came in, found a couple of transients occupying their bed sleeping as soundly as a log while every nook and corner in the hotel large enough to lie down in was filled. The regular lodgers were not to be cheated out of their sleeping facilities in that way, so they stood the two transients up in one corner of the room and went to bed in their places. When they woke in the morning, the transients were still standing asleep, but soon awoke and remarked that it had become colder during the night.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

A very remarkable freak of lightning occurred in Pleasant Valley township last week. During a thunder shower the lightning struck the house of Mr. B. B. Wells, the electric current passing down the stove pipe into the stove, and then out the stove door and through the door of the house into the open air. When the lightning struck the house, Mr. Wells was standing between the stove and the door, the current passing over his feet, striking them just above the instep and tearing his boots to ribbons. We never saw a pair of boots so completely demolished. The most remarkable part of the performance was that Mr. Wells escaped with only a scratch on the ball of one foot. His son, who was standing near the door, was stunned so that he did not recover for some time.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

ED. COURIER: In my saunterings about your beautiful little city, during the past few days, certain things have come under my observation, which I furnish herewith. Give them to the "comp." or the waste-basket, as you please.

Stencil-plate sign-writing, in a town where so much printing can be had for so little money as here in Winfield, does not speak well for the enterprise of the parties who use that style of advertising. "Oysters stued and fride" graces the front of a new restaurant on Main street. We takes our "wraugh!"

On dit, that a wedding in high-life is on the tapis, and the time draweth nigh when the bridegroom cometh.

Apropros of the above, it is said that certain of the fancy things which carried away first premiums at the late fair were part and parcel of the bridal trosseau. Pretty enough, they certainly were.

Talking about the fair, how is it that three or four individuals received first premiums on the same kind of stock or article? Has "somebody blundered," or is it a sort of mutual- admiration society?

And how is it that a foreign newspaper office is allowed to compete with the home offices on printing? Is not this doing our friends of the Telegram an injustice?

And who is responsible for the wholesale gambling carried on, night and day, on the fair grounds?

But there were so many mysterious things connected with the fair that I refrain from asking any more conundrums, but will fling in just one interrogation point in a matter in which everybody is interested. Would it not be well to arrange a railing at the post office general delivery, in such manner that persons could approach the window only one at a time and in regular turn? It is very annoying to a lady, or a modest man, after having waited ten or fifteen minutes, until the crowd begins to thin out, to have a fresh influx of saucy boys and men crowd to the front, without as much as "by your leave," or "d__n your soul," or "any other bit of politeness."

I am pleased to see the placards announcing the Emma Leland Theatrical Combination. I speak by the card when I say this is a fairly-good company and worthy of patronage.

A gentleman from the cast remarked in our hearing, on the fair ground, that a better- looking or better-dressed crowd could not be convened in any agricultural community in the States, than was there assembled.

The success of the "fakirs," in the various gambling schemes licensed by the managers of the fair, demonstrates the unwelcome fact that there are just as many "suckers" to the square rod here in Winfield as any place else.

I notice the little subterranean daily is dealing sledge-hammer blows at that glaring nuisance, the Saturday street auction. But the Telegram has not yet struck at the root of the matter. Not only is the institution a nuisance, by reason of the uproar and obstruction of the streets, but it is an unmitigated swindle, as well; a mock-auction, in fact, in which the pur-

chaser, and not the article, is the thing sold. Frequently a single animal is put up and sold (?) as many as five times in one day. I do not know that all the auctioneers have adopted the "by- bidding" tactics, but until positive assurance to the contrary is given, I would advise your readers to make their purchases elsewhere.

Next Sunday services will be held at the little Catholic church, on 8th avenue, at the regular hours. The services are interesting, and you will be welcome. Father Kelly, of Topeka, the new priest, is expected to officiate.

I tumbled against an itinerant spectacle-pedlar, on one of the back streets, who knew more (I took his word for it) than all the opticians since the time of Galileo. Good people, there are men of honor doing business in Winfield, who handle such articles, and who, you may be confidentif they do not know much about the goods, or how to fit themwill not swindle you any quicker than would a stranger, and whom you know where to find if they do.

The keno room is apparently doing a fine business. The medical, legal, and literary talent, as well as the bone and sinew of the city, is well represented at its nightly sittings, and the cry of "Stop her!" "Hold her!" etc., alternates regularly with the monotonous 41144 of the caller. As this institution of learning is only tolerated by the city authorities for the sake of the money they expect to get from it in the way of licenses, fines, and costs (as is claimed with the saloon nuisance), I would suggest that it is about time they were "run in" again.

Curious, isn't it? That men and women who have lived in towns all their lives have not learned to "keep to the right?" It is not only amusing, but ludicrous, and sometimes ridiculous to see handsomely-dressed ladies and gentlemen, bowing and scraping and dodging to avoid collision, simply because they failed to observe this simple rule, "Keep to the right." A good rule in politics and religion, as well as in walking and driving.

By the way, can you or anyone tell what imp of discomfort prompted the city fathers to construct such narrow walks at many of the street-crossings? Either a fellow or his girl must go in the mud these dark nights. The idea of Indian file is preposterous.

Hand-bills are out for a birthday "fizz" in honor of one of our enterprisng merchants, on Thursday evening. Of course, it will be one of the most "rechurchy" affairs of the season. (They always are, you know.) We should like to go, but fear we shall not be able to attend for several reasons. 1. Girls are a sine qua non, and we have no girl. 2. It is to be full dress, and our "white kids" are still on the sheep. 3. We don't engineer a clothing store. 4. Our grandfather won't come down with the "scads"he is dead. 5. Somebody else said "keno" too often. 6. We haven't received an invitation. If these reasons are not deemed sufficient, we can give nine more why you should not drink whiskey or use tobacco.

Yours pathetically, C? SIR?

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

A fish out of water soon dies, and me thinks an individual possessing literary inclinations is out of his element unless permitted to write when the spirit moves him. Belonging to the class of mortals termed "quillists," you need not be surprised if we occasionally enter your sanctum sanctorum in spirit if not in person, to chat awhile through the medium of a faithful pen. And if, as time rolls along, our acquaintance with the COURIER proves beneficial and pleasant as that of other columns we might speak of, we shall be happier as well as wiser for having known each other.

While many heroic souls first set foot upon Kansas soil when the red men were to be fearedgrasshoppers viewedlands broken up and hardships of various kinds endured,it was ours to enter Winfield for the first time on its great day of Sept. 30, when she welcomed not only her incoming railroad, but the thousands of neighbors who flocked into her streets with hearty smiles that seemed to say, "O Cowley county, live forever!"

There are people in the older states who have listened so long to the tune of "bleeding Kansas" that they fear to leave familiar scenes, and tarry where they own no land, and at present prices never can who, were they to get one view of Winfield and adjacent country, would do as did the gold hunters of earlier days, bleed and sweat for homes in this promising locality. Were they to come, doubtless they would unite with us in saying there is more business transacted upon your streets in one day than is seen in a week in eastern cities of even greater magnitude, and that industry is the goddess whose wand is to beautify and enrich Kansas until she will rank second to none as a state where prosperity and plenty reign.Surely "now is the accepted time" when all those who are able to do so, should purchase a home before these broad acres advance in price.

If there are those who think people here engage in naught save hard labor, let them have a bird's-eye view of this and surrounding neighborhoods. The week of the Fair we saw so many people we were almost inclined to believe that some densely-populated country like China, for instance, had emptied her humanity into our borders, but upon close examination exclaimed, in the language of Paul, "We also are men of like passions with you," and pronounced them western pioneers of the better class. We found the Floral department well represented, and many kinds of work beautifully executed. Upon the whole it was good.

The show was patronized extensively judging from the numbers who were bound for town that day. "Sich is life." OCCASIONAL.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

In looking over your account of the late fair, I notice some mistakes in regard to townships, and as we know you to be just and honest and always willing to give honor to whom honor is due, I take the liberty of calling your attention to them.

The two Devonshire calves exhibited by H. S. Millard, belong in Silver Creek instead of Silverdale, as did also the fine colt belonging to Mr. John Stout.

The 1,010 pound hog was also raised by Mr. Stout, of this township.

Please give us a fair start and we will try and keep up with the rest of them.

Daniel Kempton is building a new house.

Lake Coe is building on the school section.

Mr. Spane is blasting a well; and in fact, everybody is busy minding their own business.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

A Grand Scheme
To Elect Harter Sheriff by Foul Means
Embracing Several Hundred Fraudulent Votes.
200 to be Fraudulently Registered in Winfied,
The Balance to be Voted in the Townships.
Lies to be Made and Circulated Against Shenneman.
Votes to be Bought for Whiskey and Money.
Stapleton, Benedict, and Story to be Sold Out for Harter.
A Deputy U. S. Marshal, a City Clerk, and
City Marshal Among the Schemers
To Share the Spoils of the Forced Election of the
Most Inefficient, Timid, and Avaricious
Sheriff Cowley County Ever Had.
We are reliably informed that one of the boldest and most vicious schemes is organized for the purpose of electing C. L. Harter to the office of sheriff by fraud, bribery, slander, and rascality.The scheme embraces the buying up by whiskey and even money the hundreds of transients now in the county at work on the railroad or looking at the country, and voting them for Harter.

It is thought that most of them have democratic proclivities, and would readily vote for a democrat, if well supplied with whiskey, even to swearing in their votes, if need be, and thus some three hundred illegal votes are expected in the townships, while in this city we are told that near two hundred persons have registered illegally with a registering officer who is a member of this Harter ring. We are told that a City Marshal and a U. S. Deputy Marshal are members of this ring; that a pretended republican, who never voted a republican ticket, named Ebert, a saloonist, brags that he has taken up and registered sixty-four of these frauds.

The next thing in their program is to fabricate and circulate a large batch of lies against Shenneman. This was shadowed forth a week ago in the Telegram, which asked a dozen questions, like "Did not Shenneman steal a sheep?" etc. Each question containing a mean insinuation against Shenneman. Now we have to answer each and every question in that list with a distinct and emphatic No, and we boldly assert that there is not a fact in existence which is the slightest reason why Shenneman should not be elected sheriff. But the plan of the ring is to make lies and tell them, and they will be told.

We are informed that business has been so good the past year that Harter has a "bar!" and is to use it in buying up votes and setting up the whiskey.

The program includes every kind of a trade which will make a vote for Harter. His colleagues on the ticket are to be sold out. Stapleton, Benedict and Story are to be slaughtered to get votes for Harter. No stone is to be left unturned, no means however foul are to be neglected, all to make votes against a man eminently qualified and for a man totally unfitted for it in every particular.

We have liked Harter and neglected to speak the truths which ought to be spoken of him when he is a candidate for the office of sheriff, but since we know, by his own statement, that he made a bargain and sale with Allison, two years ago, we doubt not that such a bargain exists now, and such an attack on Shenneman would not have been made without Harter's approval. Neither can we think he is not in a ring which aims at illegal means to secure his election.

So it becomes our duty to tell the following truths, which everyone who has noticed and examined the matter, knows to be true: that Harter is grossly inefficient as a sheriff, the most so of any we ever had, that he is deficient in moral and physical courage, and is by many called a coward, that he has never attacked and overcome resistance, but has backed down when resistance was threatened, that he has never run into danger, that he has been avaricious and made more money out of the office than any other sheriff ever made in the same time, that he has constantly charged and collected constructive mileage, that he charges full mileage from Winfield to the home of the taxpayer on each tax-warrant put into his hands, on one warrant for fourteen cents collecting six dollars, and sending down to Arkansas City, to another officer, a large batch of warrants, ordering that $2.80 be collected on each for his mileage though he did not travel a mile, and that a hundred other incidents illustrate the same fact. He is believed by the people here to be grossly immoral, among the other things that unfit him for the office of sheriff.

Now these things are not yarns got up for the occasion, but are susceptible of proof. We append a few affidavits, all we have room for, bearing on some of these statements, and there are plenty more to be had, even from the personal friends of Mr. Harter.

We appeal to the honest voters of this county to vote for Shenneman, a capable and honest man, instead of one whose unfitness requires the aid of fraud to give him any chance. We appeal to them that they see that all attempts at fraud in the coming election be detected and punished.

Here following some of the affidavits.


Cowley County. ) ss.

Robert Hudson, after being first duly sworn, upon his oath, says that he is a citizen of Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for several years last past.

That his occupation is that of house mover, that during the year 1878 James Kelly, then postmaster of this city, employed affiant to move the old post office building from Dr. Mendenhall's premises. Dr. Mendenhall commenced an action in attachment against James Kelly, and the order of attachment was placed in the hands of Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of said county, to execute, and instructed him to levy upon said building. He came down to levy upon the building, affiant at the time being at work getting it ready to move away. James Kelly was present. Harter stated his business to him and said he was going to levy upon the building and for me to stop work, and for Kelly to get out.

Kelly ordered him to leave and told him he would put a head on him if he did not go and Harter taking him at his word left. Kelly told affiant to go ahead with the moving. Affiant did so and moved the building away and Harter never did get possession of the same, and further the affiant says not. ROBERT HUDSON.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1879.

HENRY E. ASP, Notary Public.
State of Kansas, )

Cowley county. ) ss.

Seth W. Chase, after being duly sworn, upon his oath doth say, that he is a resident of Tisdale township in said county of Cowley, and has been for more than six years last past.

Affiant further saith, that in the month of July, 1878, Zeke White, William Baker, and Mrs. Wood committed the crime of theft in said Cowley county and a warrant upon the complaint of affiant was issued by George H. Buckman, Justice of the Peace of Winfield township in said Cowley county, and the same was placed in the hands of Charles L. Harter, as sheriff of said Cowley county, to arrest them. That affiant accompanied the said sheriff and showed him the said thieves. That said Harter called to them to come out to where we were. Affiant was unarmed, but the said Harter was armed. Bill Baker and White came up to where we were, and Baker told Harter he would not be taken. White made no resistance. And thereupon the said sheriff, after parleying with said Baker for some time, in a tone of voice not heard by me, turned to affiant and said, let's go, and we left. Baker and White went back to where they came from. White was unarmed. I said to Harter on our way back, what are you going to do? He replied, what can I do? I then said, Go get Titus and I will get Chaffee and his shot-gun, and we will go back and get them (the said Baker and White). He said, no; I will get the drop on them tomorrow. I replied, they will be gone tomorrow; and he replied, that will be better than to arrest them. I then said, Give me the warrant and deputize me and I will bring them in tonight. He looked at me and said, No, damn you; you would kill him. We then separated. I went home and he came on to town. All the thieves made their escape that night, except White, and he came in and gave himself up, and the other parties have never been arrested, and no attempt ever made to arrest them; and further deponent saith not. SETH W. CHASE.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1879.

W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.

Cowley County, ) ss.

Daniel Gramm, after first being duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says, that he is a resident of Pleasant Valley township in said county and state and has been since about April 15th, 1879. That some time in the early part of July last he lost a span of mules, the same having been stolen, and since then has never heard of them. That as soon as affiant heard of the theft aforesaid he offered a reward of fifty dollars for said mules and applied to Charles L. Harter, the sheriff of said Cowley county, to look after the matter and wanted him to make a search. He did not seem to take any interest in the matter and affiant could get neither counsel nor assistance out of him, and the only aid he vouchsafed to affiant was "That he would look around town." Afterwards I went to him with a letter from one of the men who I think stole my mules. That the supposed thief stated that he was at Raymond in Rice county, Kansas, and for them to write him there. I begged him to go and arrest the thief, but he would do nothing, and the thief finally came down and gave himself up and was sent to the penitentiary. Whether his disgust at Harter for not doing his duty had any thing to do with his voluntary surrender, affiant can't say. Affiant applied to Harter's deputy, "Jim Finch," with same result; and further affiant says not. DANIEL GRAMM.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th dcy of October, 1879.

W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.

Cowley County. ) ss.

J. C. Roberts, after first being duly sworn, upon his oath, doth say that he is a resident of Walnut township, formerly Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for more than eight years last past.

That in the month of November, 1878, my son-in-law had a horse stolen in said county, and my son-in-law, A. B. Graham, and myself went to the city of Winfield and endeavored to get Charles L. Harter, the Sheriff of said county to go with us after the thieves. Harter not being at home I went to Finch, the Deputy Sheriff, and asked him to go with us. This he refused to do then and wanted us to wait until the next day as he had ridden all the way from Wichita that day and was too tired.

We then went to look for A. T. Shenneman to get him to go with us. He was absent with passengers brought from Wichita and taking them to east part of this county. Learning that he would be back that night, we waited until 12 o'clock, at which time Shenneman came home. We told him what we wanted, and notwithstanding he had the day before driven from Winfield to Wichita and that day from Wichita to Winfield and thence some 12 miles and back that night, he immediately got his shot-gun and borrowed a revolver from J. H. Finch, Harter's deputy, and we went at once after the thieves, traveling all that night and all the next day and the day following and got home at 12 o'clock that night, and while we were unsuc cessful in our search for the thieves, the facts show what the Republican candidate for Sheriff will do when he is elected, and what the conduct of our present officials has been and will continue to be if Mr. Harter is elected. J. C. ROBERTS.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1879.

W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

The Telegram, of yesterday morning, finally came out with its batch of full-blown lies, such as it had intimated by its insinuations being manufactured against Shenneman. After stating the lies without the least evidence in proof, the Telegram has the cheek to say: "If they are not true, let Shenneman and his friends go to Troup, Walker, Webb, or Hackney, and get their affidavits to the contrary." That is their game. If they charge that Shenneman sometime stole a sheep or robbed a hen-roost, they expect it to be believed unless he comes forward and performs an impossibility for any man by proving he never did such a thing. Never mind. You will see affidavits enough, and your timid, namby-pamby, money-getting candidate will be somewhat shown up too, because of going into this contemptible mode of



Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Harry Bahntge is helping Will Root sell boots and shoes this week. Brooking is on the sick list.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Lofland will move the Black Front Grocery to the building just back of Smith Bros. boot and shoe store.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

The new bank building is fast approaching completion. When finished it will be one of the handsomest buildings in the southwest.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

The prices of grain at 10 o'clock, Wednesday, was, wheat, No. 2, $1 per bushel; corn, best white, 18 cents per bushel. Hogs are worth $2.60 per hundred weight.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Mr. W. C. McDonald will open a coal yard here soon. He will deal in the celebrated Fort Scott coal, and being connected with mines at that place, will be able to sell at very low prices.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Mr. J. C. Fuller has completed the plans for his new barn, which will be 30 x 30, in the most modern style of architecture, and fitted up with a special idea for convenience. It is to be lighted with gas.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

W. A. Lee started Monday morning on the 3:30 train for Kansas City where he expects to purchase a car load of Moline wagons, and make arrangements for an immense stock of implements for the spring trade.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Col. Manning, E. P. Kinne, and J. W. Curns on Monday began "throwing dirt" for his new brick building on North Main street opposite the Winfield House. It will be of brick, 75 x 60, and will be an ornament to that part of the city.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Last Saturday over six thousand bushels of wheat were shipped from Winfield, and the price paid for the same was from 92 to 99 cents per bushel. This makes about $5,700 paid to our farmers in one day. Not so bad for a nine-year-old.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

A military outfitter from Chicago was in town last Tuesday, accompanied by Lieutenant Richey, of the Wichita Guards. They came down to see about furnishing the uniforms for the Winfield Rifles. The boys have not yet decided what uniforms they will get.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Mr. J. A. Evans, from Muscatine, Iowa, has been in the city several days, making stereoscopic views of the principal spots about town. His views are remarkably clear cut and are a literal representation of the handsomest scenes around Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the communication of "Occasional," of Vernon, on our first page this week. The writer is a lady of culture and of no small ability as a newspaper correspondent. The people of Vernon are fortunate in securing such a valuable addition to their social circle.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

An artillery company has been organized in Winfield with a membership of over forty. Saturday night the company met and elected E. E. Bacon captain. The Governor has promised to go to Fort Leavenworth and see about getting guns for them. If Winfield gets a full-fledged artillery company, she will be able to make some noise in the world, anyway.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

A good joke is told on Charley Harter about the Arkansas City bank robbery. After the news had arrived, Charley met Burt Covert on the crossing of Main street and Ninth Avenue, his face pale and hair disheveled, and grabbing him by the arm, said: "B___; B __Burt; Read's Bank has been robbed; five hun__hundred dollars reward, get Dick Walker and go after them quick." Burt and Dick went after them while Charley, after his "excitement" had subsided, learned that it was Arkansas City, instead of Winfield, that had been raided, and immediately took steps to capture them if they came within two blocks of Main street.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

North Main street has the "boom" bad since the location of the east and west depot. In addition to the building already commenced by Manning, Kinne, and Curns, which will be of brick, 75 x 60, Messrs. T. R. Bryan, W. L. Mullen, and J. C. McMullen will soon begin the erection of a block of buildings on the vacant land just north of the American House and south of the foundry. The buildings will be of uniform size, each 25 x 100 feet and of brick. Mr. W. M. Berkey will also build a brick building, 25 x 75, on North Main street. It looks as if things are inclined to go northward.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

The dirt, stone, and rubbish which has accumulated in the street opposite the Taggart lot on South Main street ought to be removed, as the people in that vicinity are complaining about it. If Mr. Taggart intends building, he should go ahead with the work or remove the material to the back part of the lot.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

The Opera House has received its new cornice and is now complete outside as well as inside. Mr. Manning has recently put in new scenery, new wings, and an additional drop curtain. We now have the largest and best apportioned Opera House in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

We learn of the discovery of a 2-1/2 foot vein of coal on the farm of Mr. Barnett, one- half mile from Dexter. The vein has not been sufficiently developed to show the extent of the mine, but it is the opinion of our informant that coal will be found in paying quantities.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

On Monday, while the workmen engaged on the new bank building were hoisting a large stone, the beam to which the block and tackle are attached, gave way and the stone fell to the sidewalk with a crash. Fortunately no one was under it and the only damage done was to the hoisting apparatus.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

The new forty foot addition to the Williams House is going up rapidly. The first story is nearly completed and Mr. Williams expects to occupy it in four weeks.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Messrs. Hughes & Rhodes are putting a pair of four ton scales in front of their coal office and will hereafter do their own weighing.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Nearly seven thousand school children in Cowley county, July 31st, an increase of about one thousand over the year `77 and `78.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

When Judge Gans arrived at the residence of Mr. Parker, east of Arkansas City, an unusual number of people had collected together. The judge supposed the crowd had congregated for political purposes, as a meeting had been announced at the Parker school- house. His mistake was soon pointed out by Jerry Tucker, who, as spokesman for the meeting, proceeded to explain the cause of the gathering. The neighbors had made up a purse, a lot of household valuables, a good amount of the "staff of life," in all about forty dollars, and then and there turned over the same to the astonished judge. For the first time in his life, Hirm was unable to argue the case, and quietly submitted to this knock-down argument.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

ARKANSAS CITY, Oct. 17, 1879.
ED. COURIER: By a late Telegram I see that Allison is paying his respects to Shenne-man. Bill is at his old game, trying to make Democratic capital at the expense of the Republi can nominees. Well, here is a conundrum for him and all other Democrats to wrestle with. When the Arkansas City bank was robbed, a general rush was made by all who could go to capture the robbers. "Where was Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of Cowley county, at that time?" Did he spend a nickle, or move a hoof to aid in the pursuit of these bandits? Not that anybody ever heard of.

One great, leading duty belongs to the office of Sheriff, to keep the peace, and to arrest violators of law, horse thieves and robbers. Has Sheriff Harter a record in this respect that any law abiding citizen can take pleasure in? Not that anybody knows of. CRESSWELL.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1879 - Front Page.

John Casper has plenty of threshing to do.

M. J. W. Ingraham is completing his dwelling.

Mr. D. Read is still absent.

Mr. Robinson, from Northern Kansas, has rented rooms in Mrs. D. Read's new building.

Miss Rea Newman is visiting Mrs. D. Read.

Mr. Maher's dwelling was moved about one-fourth of a mile east last week.

The Pleasant Hill school house will be removed twenty feet on to a lot which Mr. Nickel deeds to the district.

The prospect for a church in Floral is very favorable. The subscriptions are quite sufficient to make all the purchases for erecting material.

The work on the new school house is to be completed this week. Mr. F. Beck does the plastering.

Mr. D. Read has opened his store in his new stone building, with very favorable prospects for a good trade, and is now east purchasing goods. We hope success may attend the enterprise.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

I have been engaged in the sheep business more than thirty years in Vermont, keeping from 1,000 to 5,000 much of the earlier part of the time, battling with the different diseases that sheep flesh is heir to, such as scab, foot-rot, grub-in-the-head, etc., with long winter, high-priced land, with a good shipping demand for hay, and grain high. Under these circum- stances I was led to investigate the matter of a location where there were few hindrances in the way of profit, and for that purpose traveled somewhat extensively over this Western country, visiting the flocks both summer and winter; those feeding on the buffalo grass, as well as those further east on the prairie grass; and am fully persuaded that this portion of Kansas offers a more inviting field for sheep husbandry than any other I have seen. Though the grazing season is much shorter here than further west, where sheep ordinarily winter with very little feed other than grass, yet we have an abundance of fine pasturage, high and rolling, in the immediate vicinity of some of the richest corn lands to be found anywhere: all the bottom lands on the streams, which are numerous, being of that kind. These facilities, with splendid natural shelter and plenty of good water, render this section peculiarly adapted to sheep raising. The few who are now engaged in the business here realize much larger profits than any flock owner claimed whom I met in my travels.

Most of them feed all the corn that the sheep will eat, beginning as soon as the grass fails in the fall and continuing until grass in spring; which requires about three bushels of corn to the sheep, and unquestionably adds to the weight of fleece in sufficient amount to pay the entire expense of winter feed above what the same sheep would shear if fed on buffalo grass without grain. This, coupled with the fact that the corn-fed wethers, as well as all the non- breeders of the flock, come out of the winter ready for the butcher, is what makes this place the place for sheep raising. Some of the sheep men turn their flocks into the corn about the 1st of August, after having sowed the field with rye; the sheep tread in the rye and trim up the corn, disposing of any weeds that may remain. After a short time the sheep are taken out until the rye gets a good start, when they are returned for winter, the stalks furnishing shelter and the rye green feed.

Each day sufficient corn is broken down, with a horse attached to an implement made for the purpose, to supply their wants. Others cut up their corn while the stalks are green and feed nothing but corn, which is said to give as good results as the other course, yet the best conditioned flock that I have seen was fed on green rye and standing corn, and I am satisfied that the product of wool and lambs from said flock will equal any in Kansas of the same number, the entire flock of 400 or more averaging over twelve pounds of wool per head, and averaging ninety-five lambs to the one hundred ewes. Some larger flocks clip from eight to twelve pounds per head.

I have 300 pure merino sheep, which I brought from Vermont during the past year, that are doing well on Kansas feed; one of which was seventeen years old last spring. Corn is generally sold here for 15 cents per bushel.

Ezra Meech, Cowley Co., Ks., in New York Tribune.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

On last Friday evening Mr. B. F. Adams met with a very dangerous accident at his home north of town. It seems that he was watering his bull in the stable, from a bucket, and had loosened the animal's rope that it might reach the water. At that moment the bull became furious and made a plunge at Mr. Adams, ran its horn into his chest between the ribs and threw him over his head, landing him on his back. It then made another attack, which Mr. Adams repulsed by kicking it in the face.

Mr. Adams then managed to get to the house, how he does not know. Dr. McKenzie was immediately summoned and dressed the wounds as best he could, and at last accounts the injured man was doing very well. Injury from the animal's horn was severe; and blood flowed very profusely.

When we called on Mr. Adams Tuesday night, although not entirely out of danger, he was resting very well, and we hope within a few weeks to see him around again.

Walnut Valley Times.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Harter has made an amount of money from the sheriff's office far in excess of that of any other incumbent in the same time, and below we give one of the ways in which he did it.

He received a very large number of personal tax-warrants, and collected them, charging full mileage on each from Winfield to the residence of the tax-payer and return, notwith standing considerable numbers of the tax-payers lived in one immediate neighborhood. For instance, he sent some forty of them to Arkansas City, to be collected for him, and though the actual mileage on each would not have averaged twenty cents, he collected $2.80 on each.

Here are some of this batch, all in the same immediate neighborhood.


J. J. Brown Tax Due: $.85 Sheriff's fee: $3.55 Collected: $4.40

N. Edwards Tax Due: $.56 Sheriff's fee: $3.55 Collected: $4.10

W. M. Simpson Tax Due: $.44 Sheriff's fee: $3.55 Collected: $4.00

Wm. Hathaway Tax Due: $.30 Sheriff's fee: $3.55 Collected: $3.85

J. T. Grimes Tax Due: $.37 Sheriff's fee: $3.55 Collected: $3.92

Wm. Atkinson Tax Due: $.49 Sheriff's fee: $3.55 Collected: $4.04

Total Tax Due for Six Taxpayers: $3.01

Sheriff's fee for Six Taxpayers: $21.30

Total Tax Collected: $24.31

Other neighborhoods present similar illustrations.

Austin Fickle's tax was fourteen cents. He paid Harter, tax and fees, $6.00.

But the list would be too lengthy for this article.

This is constructive mileage in its purest sense and of course illegal.

What shall we call such extortion? Had Shenneman been guilty of this, he would be charged with robbery and stealing.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The postmaster at Winfield is notified by the Department that the mails from Wichita and the East will be delivered at this office by the railroad on and after the 15th of November. The Stage company will then carry the mail between Winfield and Arkansas City; and Oxford will be supplied direct from Winfield.

The mails will close at 7-1/2 o'clock, p.m., and will be distributed ready for delivery at 7-1/2 a.m.

The postmaster desires to call the attention of the patrons of this office to the fact that the hours for attending to Money Order and registry business are from 8 o'clock, a.m., to 4 o'clock, p.m., and while he is desirous to accommodate at other hours, when possible, it occasions him a large amount of extra work by disarranging the balances of the day in the same manner it would the work of a bank.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Tuesday morning's Telegram, to bolster up Harter's fortune, takes over a column to try to make it appear that Harter once had the courage to take a man by the "nape of his neck and seat of his breeches;" and that Shenneman is stingy. Now if Harter ever did such a thing, we wager it was to a weak and decrepit or one-legged man. Such men as he are always tyrants over the weak and weak before the strong. Again, we will wager that the records of churches, schools, and objects of benevolence in this city will show ten dollars given by Shenneman to one given by Harter.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The Telegram shows that Judge McDonald is opposed to the election of C. L. Harter for sheriff. Everybody who knows J. Wade McDonald knows that his opposition to Harter or any other man on a democratic ticket cannot be from personal motives. He always supports heartily every democratic nominee except in case of one who is totally unfit for the office, and he has had as good opportunities to judge of Harter's fitness as any man.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The Winfield Democrats are straining every effort to save one man on their ticket at the expense of the balance.

Had they selected Story or Stapleton or Benedict as that man, there would be more sense in it, but they have selected Harter, the very worst man on their ticket, merely because he is a Winfield man and has made money out of the office.

[G. S. STORY.]

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Don't vote for G. S. Story for clerk under the impression that he is the county superintendent of schools. That Story is "R. C.," and a very different person in many respects.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The following affidavits completely refute the charge in the Telegram in relation to Shenneman and confirm our former statements as to Harter.


Cowley county. ) ss.

A. T. Shenneman, after being first duly sworn, on oath says that he has read the affidavit of Amos Biddle, published in this morning's Daily Telegram, and the facts in this matter are as follows.

Mr. Biddle came to me and wanted to rent my farm and buy a mule team I had in July, 1877. He proposed to pay a share of the crop as rent and buy my mules on one year's time. I told him I would like to rent him the farm, but did not want to sell the team without the money as I needed it in my business. He then said if I would let him have the team, he would give me a mortgage on the team and crop to secure me, and would pay the same interest that I would have to pay to get the money.

With this understanding I came to Winfield and made arrangements to get what money I wanted for twenty percent of Mr. E. C. Seward. I told Biddle of my arrangement with Seward, and he said he would take the team and allow me that rate of interest. The papers were drawn up. I sold him mules, wagon, and harness, cover and bows, for $450.00, he giving me a note for $540.00, due in one year, and I borrowed money of Seward from time to time as I needed it, to supply the place of this money that I should have had when I sold my team.

When this note came due, Biddle had not threshed his wheat and wanted me to wait and said he would pay the interest. I, at that time, was paying J. C. McMullen 18 percent for money I had borrowed of him. I extended the time. Two or three months after the note came due, Biddle threshed his wheat, took his time to haul it to Wichita, paid me $110.00, and I gave him a receipt. About two months after this, he again threshed and again took his time to get the wheat to market, and when through paid me $150.00, and I gave him a receipt therefore. Some six weeks after this he threshed the balance and hauled it away as before, but failed to pay me any money. One of his neighbors, knowing I had a mortgage on every- thing, informed me that he thought Biddle was using the money instead of paying me. I saw Biddle; he said he had other debts to pay and had used the money, and wanted me to take the mules back, stating the time he would come in and we would fix the matter up. This I did not want to do, telling him that I had trusted him to haul the wheat away and pay me the money; that he knew I needed it, and he ought to pay it; that it was in the dead of winter, and no sale for the mules; that I could not realize on them, and must have money with which to meet debts contracted by me in anticipation of the payment of his note.

Finding that he could not pay me and that there was no chance to get the money from him, at his earnest solicitation I consented to take the mules and harness at his own figure: $280. He wanted to keep the wagon, it being worth $65 to $75. He brought the team in, his brother-in-law, Robert Kerr, accompanying him. I threw off a part of the interest, which left, as we settled, a balance due of $322 or thereabouts, I think.

I took the mules and harness at $280, and he agreed to pay me $25 thereafter; and I threw off the balance and the matter was satisfactory to him, and his said brother-in-law afterwards told me that Biddle said it was. The matter closed, and I gave him a receipt for $280. He took the wagon home, and five days after, paid me $25; and I gave him his note. I gave Biddle a receipt for every cent he ever paid me except that $25 paid when I gave him the note and he can produce them if he chooses. I kept the mules until the following April, and in my settlement with Millspaugh of our partnership, I allowed $20 for feeding them. I paid Benj. Cox, of Winfield, $2 to take them to Wichita. He placed them in the hands of J. F. Reese to be sold. He sold them for $270, kept $10 for his trouble and expense, and gave me a check on the Wichita Savings Bank for $260, and if anyone will take the trouble this can be shown by Reese's check book. I sold the harness for $10, thus realizing but $248 on the mules and harness, for which I allowed him $280 in our settlement, to say nothing of the interest I paid for money during the time I had to hold the mules.

The note, when due, called for just $540. I got my money in installments, as above stated; and realized, all told, but $533, to say nothing of the interest paid by me for money during all these months that I was accommodating this man, and which amounted to certainly not less than $50.

Hearing that it was reported that I had wronged Biddle, I took Moses Teter and went to him and stated the facts in the case so far as our dealings were concerned; and he admitted to Moses Teter, in my presence, that they were true, and as I have here stated them, and that he had no cause of complaint against me except that I knew he was on the road and had procured another man to haul a load of coal from Wichita to Winfield, whereas I ought to have given it to him.

This is a full, accurate, and complete statement of all facts and circumstances connected with, or in any wise appertaining to each and every circumstance growing out of my trusting and befriending this man, Biddle. A. T. SHENNEMAN.

Subscribed in my presence, and sworn to before me this 23rd day of October, 1878.

HENRY E. ASP, Notary Public.

Cowley County. ) ss.

Moses S. Teter after being first duly sworn on his oath doth say that he knows A. T. Shenneman and Amos Biddle, and was present in Winfield some weeks ago when Shenne- man and Biddle talked over the matter connected with the mules referred to in the affidavit of A. T. Shenneman hereto attached, and which affidavit I have heard read. That in the con- versation Amos Biddle admitted that the facts as stated by Shenneman in his affidavit were true, and I at that time asked Biddle if he had asked Shenneman for more time when the mules were given back to Shenneman, and he said he did not ask him for any more time. Biddle said the only cause of complaint he had was that Shenneman had hired another man to bring a load of coal from Wichita, which he might have let him haul if he had so wished. I asked Biddle whether Shenneman had done as he agreed to and he said no. I then asked him in what way he had failed. He said he had let another man haul a load of coal down from Wichita when he (Biddle) was going up, and that he might have let him haul it. Biddle stated in the conversation above referred to, that when Shenneman took the mules back that he did it at his (Biddle's) request, and further affiant saith not. MOSES S. TETER.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of October, 1879.

G. H. BUCKMAN, Notary Public.

Cowley County. ) ss.

J. P. Mayfield, after being duly sworn upon his oath doth say, that I was one of the hands, and helped Robert Hudson move the old post-office building from Dr. Mendenhall's premises. I went there with the tools and went to work, the first man on the building. Hudson and Jim Kelly were present. Charles L. Harter came there and Kelly and he had some words. Kelly ordered us to hurry up and pay no attention to anyone but him. We did so, and we never stopped the building until we got it into the street. Harter left and never got possession, or levied upon the building at all that day, and the moving of the building went right along until we got it into the street, where we had to stop, waiting for the cattle to pull it away, and as soon as the cattle came we went ahead, and if Mr. Harter ever levied upon the building his levy did not interfere with our business, and none of us ever knew of it. It is certain he never took possession or attempted to do so. John E. Allen to the contrary notwithstanding.

Subscribed and swore to before me, this 29th day of October, 1879.

W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

VERNON TP., Oct. 28, 1879.
ED. COURIER: Since the combined energies of the Democratic party have been concentrated to beat Mr. Shenneman, I have several reasons why I think Mr. Shenneman should be elected.

In the first place, the office belongs to the Republican party, and in justice to itself it can't afford to let the patronage of the office go to the help of the Democratic party in the future as it has for the past two years.

Secondly, Mr. Shenneman was almost the unanimous choice of the Republican convention, a fact in connection with his peculiar fitness for the office, his experience in duties that especially belong to the office and his record in the discharge of those duties, should bring to him the hearty support of every Republican in Cowley county, assured as they must be that they vote for one who will be thorough and faithful in his duties, true to his own party, and gentlemanly to the people of the whole county.

Thirdly, his election will be a fitting rebuke to the lying spirit manifested in this county: a spirit that has sunk in shameful defeat some of the best men of the county, and show Allison & Co., that the reward for lying is in a warmer country than Cowley county.

Fourthly, it will put the patronage of the office in the hands of one who will disburse to the strengthening of sound patriotic principles and not to the help of discord, disunion, and diabolism.

I was for Mr. Waite before the convention, but influenced by the foregoing reasons, and many others, am for Shenneman as heartily as I could have been for Mr. Waite had he been the nominee. I know the bottom of every charge made against Shenneman. I knew them before the convention. If they would hold water, I would have used them; but convinced that there was no truth in them then, I would not belittle Mr. Shenneman, the Republican party, and myself, by stooping to answer them now. They have fallen into the hands of an unscrupulous defamer of character, who for his own mercenary gains would caricature the Savior on the cross, and perfert his sermon on the mount into a batch of vicious lies, would such touch a chord in the popular heart and bring him bread and butter in the end.

Allison would as soon publish a lie as the truth if it would answer his selfish purposes as well. I wonder that gentlemen, in the face of these facts, sustain in any way, Allison's slander-mill, the Telegram. I have but little patience with such a man as Allison in such a course, and hope `ere long to say "thank God, the dog is (politically) dead."

I have no word to say against Mr. Harter nor any other gentleman on the democratic ticket because I know nothing against them. If others do, it may be their duty to say so. I shall vote the straight Republican ticket for mainly these two reasons, viz: First, I am a Republican. Second, The Republican ticket loses nothing in comparison with the democratic ticket either as a whole or individually to say the least. I know that Shenneman is a terror to other criminals beside Allison. The records show the many arrested and brought to justice by him, some of whom are today safe in the penitentiary. Perhaps Mr. Harter has done as well, or better. I don't know. One thing I do know, the Republican party has been good to Charlie at the expense of its own children. Republicans of Cowley county: is it not time to stop this. We can stop it today; we may not be able to stop it two years hence. Victory now gives strength and prestige then. Think of these things, Republicans of Cowley, and you will have no regrets for your action next Tuesday, as many now regret their action in the past.

Yours respectfully, BOOTHE.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

ED. COURIER: In response to your request for my opinion in regard to the qualifications of persons working on the railroads now being constructed in this county, to vote at the coming election for county officers, I have to say:

That no person should be allowed to vote who has not resided in the State for six months preceding the election, and in the township or ward where he offers to vote for thirty days preceding the election.

The term residence means more than the presence of a party in the state, township, or ward for the period specified in the statute. He should be a permanent resident of the state, and an actual resident of the township or ward, having come there for the purpose of making it his home and not for some temporary purpose. A person coming into the state, or a township, or a ward, on business or for the purpose of doing a job of work, with the intention of going elsewhere when such business or work is completed, is not a qualified elector. The fact of a man having his family with him is not sufficient to entitle him to vote, unless he has acquired a bona fide residence as above indicated.

The question is not whether the person offering his vote will lose the privilege of voting anywhere if his vote should be rejected, but the real point to be decided by the election board is whether such person has the legal right to vote in the township or ward where he offers to vote, under the laws of the state.

The judges of election have the right to reject a vote, although the person offering it takes the statutory oath to the effect that he is a legal voter, if in fact such person is not a legal voter. Hoping the officers upon whom the law imposes the duty of receiving the votes to be cast at the approaching election will have the official stamina to reject every illegal vote, if any should be offered, I remain, Very truly yours, E. S. TORRANCE, Co. Att'y.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The shipment of wheat from Winfield depot averages 10 car-loads per day.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Major O. B. Gunn, of the L., L. & G., was in town Monday.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

J. L. Horning returned home from the east Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Mr. Taggart has commenced the foundation for his building on South Main street.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Licenses for two additional saloons were granted by the council on Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

E. E. Bacon, on Monday, moved his jewelry store to the Smith building, on Main street.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Major G. A. Baker has leased the Popp building, and is fitting it up as a hotel. He will open about November 1st.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Dr. Cooper has purchased a lot on 9th avenue, and will soon begin the erection of a residence.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The Commissions for the officers of the Winfield Rifles arrived Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The new building of Harter & Horning, on south Main Street, is nearly completed.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

If you want window-shades, with new patent fixtures, equal to the spring rollers, for half the money, call on Johnson & Hill.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The only way Frank Jennings can satisfy the minds of the public in regard to that hat is to publicly announce whether he bought it or borrowed it.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

One look at Harter's face will convince the most casual observer that he has given up all hope of another $5.80 grab at a fourteen-cent tax-warrant.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Terrill & Ferguson are building a large granary on Ninth Avenue, in which to store the gain to supply their livery during the winter.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Since the A., T. & S. F. depot at Wellington was robbed, Agent Garvey, of Winfield station, wants to buy a bulldog and two horse pistols: on time.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

At 10 o'clock Wednesday the following were the ruling prices: Wheat, 75 cents; corn, 18 cents; oats, 20 cents; hogs, $2.80 per hundred lbs.; potatoes, 75 cents.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

On Monday evening the council granted a petition to remove the auctioneer nuisance to Ninth Avenue, and the Marshal was instructed to keep them off Main street.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

M. L. Read's bank is having a very large vault built in the rear of the bank. It is 8 x 14, the floor and walls of solid masonry and will be entirely fire proof.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Ninety cents to a dollar per bushel for wheat at home is so much better than hauling fifty miles or more, as we did last year, and selling at fifty to sixty cents, that the farmers are jubilant.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Mr. D. Read gave us a pleasant call last Saturday. He is now engaged in the mercantile business at Floral, and has just returned from St. Louis, where he has been purchasing goods.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Some gentleman brought to town last Friday a large petrified stump. It weighed over 50 pounds, and was found on the prairie, several miles from timber.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Mr. J. F. Holloway was over from Salt City last Sunday. He reports business lively at that place and the farmers feeling jubilant over the prospect of good prices for their wheat.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Deputy Finch is terribly exercised over the knowledge that he is soon to lose his bread- and-butter position over the jail. No help for it, Mr. Finch, you'll have to step down and out after January 1st.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

We would call attention to the card of True & Morris, dealers in coal, which appears in this issue. They are gentlemen who will attend to their business and can be relied on. See them before buying your coal. They will deliver.


DEALERS IN COAL. Coal delivered to any part of the city. Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Mr. Lemmon came down from Topeka last Friday and has been busy with his farm and in preparing to feed his thousands of bushels of corn raised this year. He thinks farming a pretty good business this year with heavy crops of wheat at 90 cents and corn at 18 cents at his very door.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

All teachers who want monthly report cards should at once notify the County Superintendent, as he is at work getting up a form for use in the county. The cost will be about fifty cents a hundred.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Bliss & Co. had another smash up Saturday. Their spirited little delivery horse got the best of the driver, and dashing around the corner of Main street and Ninth Avenue, scattered the wreck for nearly a block.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The Oxford post office is all right, is in good condition, and is an important money order office. Mr. Gridley, the postmaster, is a bright, active, and reliable young gentleman and is a very efficient postmaster.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

James Simpson and G. A. Fowler are building an elevator just north of the Santa Fe depot in this city. The lumber is mostly on the ground and the large scales for weighing are on hand. The work will be rushed through and completed in a short time.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

S. H. Lofland of the Black Front Grocery is comfortably settled in his new quarters on Ninth avenue. He has a neat commodious store room and will lose none of his customers by the removal.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The land office of A. H. Green has been flooded with land buyers for the past week. The immense amount of advertising which he has done, together with the large list of land in his hands for sale, attracts customers from all parts of east.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The L., L. & G. branch railroad is progressing rapidly. The track is laid several miles west of Elk Falls, the grading is nearly completed to Winfield. The bridge at Winfield is pro gressing and grading is being done all along to Oxford.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Married. Miss Prissie Miller, of Winfield, and Mr. Will Swan, of Leavenworth, were married last Thursday evening. They left on the midnight train for their future home in Leavenworth, and carried with them the good wishes of a large circle of Winfield friends.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

`Tis sad to see the forlorn, sorrowful look with which Charley Harter greets the little band of followers who still affect to believe that he will be elected. Charley knows their mistake well enough, and it is only too comical to see him nodding assent to their loud boasts of democratic majorities, while his face is as long as a broom-stick.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The vault which is being put in the new bank building will be the finest in Southern Kansas. It will be built from the basement to the second story, with a foundation and floor of solid masonry and double walls. It is placed in the center of the south wall of the building and it will be almost an impossibility to burglarize it.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Perhaps we have not been swearing so badly after all in this profane country. It is now said that a "dam" is a small coin used in India, worth three farthings. It is also said that the expression, "not worth a dam," means in reality under three farthings. If this is the case, it will materially lessen the load of sin which many people have to bear. Ex.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The following commissions were issued at the governor's department to officers of the Nineteenth Independent Co., K. S. M., lately organized at the thriving and growing town of Winfield: Captain, Charles E. Steuven; First Lieutenant, James H. Finch; Second Lieutenant, Florus M. Friend. We understand that this new company will uniform its members, and thus become an ornament to the regiment. Topeka Capital.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

A rare treat and something that you must not miss: and that is Rev. N. L. Rigby's lecture on Robert Burns next Monday evening, November 3, at Manning's Hall. Mr. Rigby has delivered this lecture in many of the leading cities of the east, and it is spoken very highly of by all who have heard it. This will be the second lecture in the Baptist lecture course for the benefit of the new Baptist church. Miss De Grasse will sing an opening and closing piece in the Scottish dialect.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Messrs. J. D. Pryor and E. F. Kinne have formed a partnership in the real estate and loan business. Mr. Pryor is well and favorably known throughout the county, and has, during the past two years, done an immense loan business. Mr. Kinne, having served two terms as Register of Deeds, has a personal knowledge of lands and titles that is almost invaluable in this business. This will make one of the strongest firms in the country, and we predict that their business will extend throughout the entire southwest.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

While John Allen, that stalwart exponent of democratic principles was on the road to Rock Monday evening, he met with an accident that came near depriving the citizens of that place of the most brilliant speech of the campaign. While crossing Dutch creek the buggy tipped over, turning him out into two feet of mud and water. On coming to the surface, John scrambled out, and after having duly sworn, made affidavit that this was a fiendish Radical trick to prevent him filling his appointment, and thereby electing Shenneman; and swore, "by gravy," that it should not be: if he had to wade in mud up to his neck from there to Rock. It is needless to say that he got there, but not until he had returned and changed his mud- begrimed garments for cleaner and dryer ones.

Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

One of the most prominent of the "bread and butter brigade," who are making such agonizing efforts to elect Harter, is Jim Finch. this the valiant gentleman who holds the position of Deputy United States Marshal and Deputy Sheriff of Cowley County, and who, by virtue of that position, started to Topeka last summer with a crooked whiskey man. He got along very well till they reached Newton, where he left his man on the platform of the depot while he crossed over to a saloon to get a drink, and on returning, found the prisoner had "sloped," leaving his broken hand-cuffs as a keepsake for the brave officer. He returned to Winfield alone and you may be sure said nothing about the matter until it happened to leak out. This is the kind of a man we are to have for Deputy Sheriff if Harter is elected. A man who can neglect his duty, and "cat crow" with such evident relish, can never receive anything from the hands of the people of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

The following is the list of Jurors drawn to serve at the next term of court which convenes in Winfield, December 1st, 1879.

N. P. Rider, Dexter.

Paul King, Tisdale.

A. M. Treadway, Sheridan.

W. R. Bedell, S. Morris, Windsor.

Henry Bryson, Dexter.

Joseph S. Hill, Pleasant Valley.

Leonard Stout, Ninnescah.

S. I. Woodward, Tisdale.

S. H. Tolls, Pleasant Valley.

G. W. Webb, Otter.

J. D. Hon, Pleasant Valley.

John C. Coulter, Bolton.

H. C. Hale, Dexter.

Wm. Persing, Dexter.

C. C. Robinson, Spring Creek.

Amos Biddle, Beaver.

Alfred Bookwalter, Pleasant Valley.

J. W. Searle, Cedar.

D. C. Stephens, Richland.

James W. Stewart, Cedar.

William White, Rock.

Ed Smith, Harvey.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Last Monday evening the body of a young man named Thomas Morgan was found in the Walnut river, about one mile below the south bridge. The coroner was immediately notified of the fact and inquest was held. The man is about 23 years old, and has for some time been working in the stone quarry east of town. About a week ago he was taken sick with a fever and Sunday his room mate advised him to come to town and get something for it. He said he thought he would be better after awhile. After he and his room mate had retired to bed, he remarked that he was restless and could not sleep well, and about ten o'clock got up and went out, returning shortly. In about an hour he went out again and did not return. In the morning search was instituted and his hat was found in the Walnut about half a mile from his boarding place. A boat was procured and the river dragged, when his body was dis- covered, about twelve feet from the bank, face downward. The coroner's jury could find no evidence of his being deranged, or of anything which would throw light upon the cause of his drowning, and returned a verdict that he was dead and that was all they knew about it. Some of his friends in the quarry say that he had had trouble of some kind weighing upon him for some time, and that he recently received a letter from his father in Ohio offering him $2500 in property if he would come home. He had $10 in cash and about $13 coming to him, was a man of good habits, and was liked by all his comrades.


Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

Col. Weightman, Agent for the Poncas and Nez Perces, was in town on Tuesday. The Colonel is "a gentlemanly and efficient officer and keeps his department in apple pie order." Besides he is one of the stalwarts of the country whom we are always happy to meet.

[Note: Courier was wrong. U. S. Indian Agent for Ponca and Nez Perce Indians at this time was William H. Whiteman. He was replaced by Whiting in 1880. MAW]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 6, 1879 - Front Page.

MANHATTAN, Oct. 26, 1879.
ED. COURIER: I again seize the opportunity of writing you a few items from this point. Perhaps it would be expedient to speak about the college first.

At present there are two hundred and sixteen students enrolled, all of whom seem to be striving for that kind of an education which will be of the greatest benefit to them hereafter. Being a student of this "practical school," probably I am one-sided; but there are instances in this vicinity where very fine professional men are thrown out of employment, while all skilled mechanics are constantly engaged. Viewing from this standpoint, I am naturally inclined to believe that this is the place for the masses.

Rhetoricals is a feature which has not been very prominent in the college heretofore, but they will receive due attention this year; and you may hear, originating from this college, the voices of men equal to those of Clay and Webster reverberating from hill-top to hill-top, proclaiming justice, freedom, and "practical education."

Our new president, Prof. George T. Fairchild, will be among us about the 25th of November. We are all eagerly waiting for him, as he comes to us with the highest recommendation from the oldest agricultural college in existence, viz., the Michigan Agricultural College.

The college does not teach the classes, but Prof. Walters has organized a class in German, which he hears recite on Saturday of each week.

A college orchestra has also been organized by Prof. Hofer, and several of the students have joined and are improving rapidly.

Mr. C. M. Aley, the gentlemen who has written so many interesting letters from Utah and other western places to your newspaper, has been stopping over at this place for a few days on his way to his old home in Cowley County. At the request of the Webster Society, Mr. Aley delivered a short lecture on phrenology before its members. He is a fine speaker, and advanced some very able remarks on the science of phrenology. It was truly a sententious lecture, and we all wondered how "one small head could hold so much." He will probably take the train for Cowley County tomorrow.




Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.


We give, in a table in another place, the vote of this county as far as we have returns. It appears that Harbaugh is elected Commissioner in the second district by a very flattering majority, a result that was not expected. [Beat S. B. Adams.]

Shenneman for Sheriff, has a majority of about 300, notwithstanding that the most unscrupulous fight was made on him.

The balance of the Republican ticket is elected by about 600 majority, notwithstanding the fact that a Democratic Mayor and the executive force of the city, backed by six whiskey saloons and two breweries, worked hard at the polls all day. They carried the city for Harter by only 16 majority.

Glorious Dexter has proved herself "truly loyal."

Cresswell township has wheeled into the line of stalwart Republicanism. It was claimed that this township would go Democratic this year or at least a part of the ticket.

The Democrats made a great many votes for Harter and against Shenneman by their system of trading off their other candidates, their whiskey work, their railroad votes, and other corruptions; but we do not think they made anything by their personal attack on Shenneman. That was a boomerang which returned and scooped Harter.

The election on Tuesday was "red-hot." In the city the omnibuses were out all day bringing in votes, and large crowds were around the polls urging the claims of favorite candidates and tickets, but there was no disorder or bad blood exhibited. In fact, it is remarkable that in the heat of such a contest everything was peaceful. It seems that 125 of the voters registered in the city failed to get their votes in. There were many citizens who came to the polls to vote, having been voters here heretofore, but were not allowed to vote because they had not registered. Quite a considerable number of the electors of this city failed to register, and though there were many registered who had not the right to vote, we doubt not that there were 650 voters in the city had they all registered.

Among the many who have contributed to the glorious vote in this county, our young friend, Henry E. Asp, W. P. Hackney, and J. B. Evans are worthy of special mention. They have been at work early and late and their telling eloquence has been heard over the county. Judge Caldwell, Frank Jennings, A. P. Johnson, and others have put in many stalwart blows. Jarvis, Green, Chairman Johnson, Torrance, and many others did efficient work; and though we may fail to mention others equally praiseworthy in this hurried notice, we will not neglect to state that our contemporary, the Semi-Weekly, has put a stalwart shoulder to the wheel.

One of the meanest frauds practiced by Democrats at the late election was to print a lot of Republican tickets straight with the exception of C. L. Harter for Sheriff, and then procuring pretended Republicans to peddle them among Republicans, assuring them that this fraud was the straight Republican ticket. Harter probably obtained many votes in this fraudulent way. The man that is mean enough to peddle such a fraud does not belong to the Republican party. We have been told that John Hoenscheidt was one of them.


Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Apples $2.00 per bushel.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Wood scarce at $5.00 per cord.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Max Shoeb has about recovered from a severe attack of the rheumatism.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Mr. Warren Gillelen returned last Friday night.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Mr. Reed Robinson is stopping in town.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Ira McCommon is again able to attend to business.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Mr. Aubuchon has purchased the Gillelen residence for $2,000.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Col. Manning has moved into his new building on Eighth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

An immense amount of fruit trees are being brought into the county this fall.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

C. A. Bliss shipped a car load of flour to Wichita last week.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

It is not quite clear yet whether that "foul whiskey breath" belongs to Conklin or Finch.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Messrs. Ticer and Clayton have formed a copartnership in the loan business. Their office is over Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Giles Bros. are fairly settled in their new stand, and their store looks as neat as need be.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

The basement wall for the large brick building on north Main street is being put in.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Jim Hill came up from the Territory Tuesday, just in time to witness Charley's overwhelming defeat. Jim has lost all faith in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Brown, the night watchman at the depot at Wellington, has been arrested as an accomplice in the robbery which took place there sometime since.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Ed. Walker is in earnest about selling the B. E. Johnson stock, as will be seen from his ad.

AD: BANKRUPT! BANKRUPT! I am bound to close out the balance of B. E. Johnson's Bankrupt stock during the next SIXTY DAYS! And will offer bargains that are bound to sell the goods. A large line of prints, muslins, canton flannels, and other seasonable goods have been added to the stock. Call and get your own prices. ED. WALKER, Assignee.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Messrs. Clarke & Dysert, of the Southwestern Machine Works, are making arrangements to build an addition to their shops, which will be used as a foundry. It is to be 30 x 60.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

"Juego De Ninas Petro" is the figurative sign that adorns the old ten-pin alley. The person who translates the above will receive the thanks of the entire community.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Hudson Bros. received last Monday a large and handsome safe, which will be placed in their jewelry store. It the largest safe, outside of the banks in the city.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

The boxes at the post-office are all wanted, and persons holding boxes who have not paid the rent for this quarter must expect to lose them if not paid this week.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

McNeil & Ronimus have opened a new meat market on Seventh avenue, east of American House.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Henry E. Asp has built a neat little house in the north part of town. Since the "cruel war is over," and the Democracy demolished, we suppose Henry will begin to look around for a housekeeper.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

The sub-contract for carrying the mails from Arkansas City through the Territory has been let to Terrill & Ferguson, and they are now stocking the line. Mr. Terrill is an old stage man and understands the business.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Mr. O. E. Baker is doing an immense coal business. On Monday he had two teams delivering from daylight to dark, and could not fill the orders as fast they came in.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

We learn that Mrs. Horning, the better half of our J. L. Horning, was on board the steamer "Amazon," which was wrecked on a sand bar off Grand Haven, Michigan, October 28th. Mrs. Horning was rescued without injury except from fright.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

The popular drug store of Giles Bros. has been removed to the building formerly occupied by the Black Front grocery. Their store is tastefully arranged, the stock large, and we predict for them even greater success than in their former location.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Mr. Charles Steuven is lying at Arkansas City, in a very critical condition. While hunting in the Territory he was taken down by pneumonia, and was brought to the city by Mr. Webb. At last reports he was some better, and likely to recover.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

The workmen on the new addition to the Williams House have been working day and night for the past week. The patronage of this house far exceeds its entertaining capacity, and it is becoming very popular with the traveling public.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

A contractor on the railroad, who attempted to interfere with Marshal Stevens in the discharge of his duty the other evening, got a gentle tap on the head that sent him to grass quite suddenly. A man might as well make up his mind to go along when Charley wants him.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

We received a call from Mr. W. L. Morehouse, the gentleman who purchased the Jim Hill block, last Tuesday. He has purchased Prof. Farringer's residence on south Main street, has brought his family, and has come to stay. Mr. Morehouse is a pleasant gentleman and will make a valuable citizen.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

On Saturday Mr. Hitchcock opened his new restaurant. It is fitted throughout with new and elegant furniture, tastefully arranged, and presents an attractive appearance.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

The Police Judge reports, for the month of October,

Fines received: $182.00

Fines paid: $135.00

Costs assessed: $270.75

Costs paid: $186.65

Whole amount of liquor licenses paid into the city treasury, for the year commencing May 1, 1879: $2,752.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

We received a call from Mr. William Brown, of Baltimore, last week. Mr. Brown has been very unfortunate; even the elements seem to have conspired against him. Only a short time since he had a horse killed by lightning, which broke his team; and during a recent storm, his only cow was also killed by lightning.


Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

The total amount of taxes due the State from Cowley county for the year 1879 is $14,034.45, Of this sum $9,716.19 will be applied to the general revenue fund, $1,079.55 the Capitol extension, $215.91 to the sinking, $863.65 to the interest, and $2,159.15 to the school fund.


Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Mr. J. W. Ingraham has removed his new house.

School commences Monday, Nov. 3rd.

Mr. Floyd, of Winfield, is teacher of the higher department of our school and Miss McKinley of the primary.

Mr. D. Read has returned from St. Louis and opened sale.

Mr. L. Stone has "abdicated" as postmaster in favor of Mr. Read.

Dr. Irwin runs the Floral drug store.

Mr. and Mrs. Shenult, of Winfield, made a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Allen last week, but were so unfortunate as to find them absent and meet with an upset into Dutch creek as they started home. Their friends are very sorry, indeed, and hope they will come again with more success.


Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Today we publish our complete table of the official returns of the election in this county November 4th. It appears there were only 3,400 votes polled. We think a full vote would have reached 4,000. The republican majorities were as follows.

Shenneman for sheriff: 881

Harden for treasurer: 745

Nixon for register: 739

Hunt for clerk: 952

Haight for surveyor: 1,073

Graham for coroner: 905

The average republican majority is 1880, but this is rather above what the actual majority really would have been on a straight ticket. We should state the majority at 750 on a 3,400 vote, and 800 on a 4,000 vote.


Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Iron has advanced over twenty-five dollars per ton and is still going up.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Mr. Jochems is putting a large furnace in the basement of his store, and will heat the room with hot air.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

The A. T. & S. F. Co. are building a first class water tank near the depot. The water will be forced from the river to the tank by a large windmill, which is already up.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

At the meeting of the Board of Education Monday evening, it was decided to admit no pupils residing outside of the city to the public schools, and also to expel those admitted before. This measure was needed because of the crowded condition of our schools.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Last Sunday Agent Banks brought in the stock which has been running on the mail line in the Territory. The horses had been without hay and grass and were a hard looking lot. Hay along the line from Arkansas City to the Sac and Fox agency is worth $15 per ton, and scarcely any to be had at that price.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Monday word was brought to Clerk Roberts, of Walnut township, that a strange man was lying sick on Black Crook, without money or friends, and that the township would have to take him in charge. Mr. Roberts visited the place and found the man in a tent, and almost dead from cold and starvation. He was brought to town, given food, and placed under medical treatment and at last accounts was doing well.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Last week, Dr. W. T. Wright performed one of the most successful feats of surgery ever done in this country. It was on a little boy five years old, whose parents live on the Arkansas west of Winfield, and who had what is commonly called a "hair lip," and a very bad one at that. The doctor had the boy under treatment three days and at the end of that time the hair lip had entirely disappeared, leaving the lip sound with only a slight scar noticeable. The doctor has several other very difficult cases under treatment.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Two of the most efficient of the Winfield teachers, Miss Johnson and Miss Meech, have tendered their resignations, to take place at the close of the present term. The crowded condition of our schools makes it almost impossible for a teacher to keep up with the work. The grammar department, over which Miss Meech presides, had an average attendance for the month of October of 52, when 40 is as many as one person can possibly teach and do justice to the pupils. Some step should be taken in this matter.

and offices are crowded.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Our coal dealers are doing a rushing business.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Immigration has again set in and the land offices are crowded.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Mr. Bloodgood, paymaster of construction on the A., T. & S. F., has his office with A. H. Green.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

An important meeting of the Winfield Rifles will be held at the Courthouse Friday evening. All the members should be present.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

The prices for produce at 2 o'clock Wednesday were: wheat, 75 cents; corn, 17 cents; oats, 20 cents. Hogs are selling at $2.60 per hundred weight.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

The line of the east and west road runs through the north cemetery, and yesterday the association was engaged in removing the bodies from that part of the ground comdemned for railroad purposes.


Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

The new elevator of Messrs. Simpson & Stewart, near the depot, is enclosed and roofed and will be ready for business in about two weeks. The elevator will have a capacity of 600 bushels per hour, and storage room for 15,000 bushels. The machinery will be heavy and put in with a view of building an addition as soon as possible.

The grading for the side track to the elevator is also about finished. The "dump," for unloading the wheat, is made of the heaviest timbers, and the building is substantially built

throughout. In connection with the elevator is an immense pair of Fairbanks scales, which weigh horses, load, and all at once. The building is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible, and the proprietors expect to be able to handle most of the wheat on the market, in about fifteen days.


Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Last Wednesday evening an altercation occurred between two young men, Frank Schock, and William D. Foster, a son of J. S. Foster, of Rock township, that came very near being fatal. The boys had been attending a dance at the residence of Frank Davis. After the party broke up, the Foster boys. W. D. and Frank, accompanied by James McCollum, started for home. As they left the house Frank Schock and John Hamel were talking together in an undertone, and soon after Schock hailed them, telling them to stop as he wanted to whip them. Will Foster answered, "I won't fight unless you are unarmed." Schock answered that he had no arms and would fight him a square fight. Jas. McCollum volunteered to search Schock and see if he was armed, but Schock said, "D___n you, keep away from me," whereupon the fight commenced.

Schock had a knife in his hand and commenced cutting Foster, who cried out, and the other parties separated them, Schock still striking, and cursing to be let alone until he had killed him.

Foster was taken to Frank Davis' house, and Schock followed; and while the wounded man was being examined, stood by with the knife in his hand, apparently intending to cut again if he found he had not killed him. Schock soon got on his horse and escaped, since which time he has not been heard of. Fifty dollars reward has been offered for his capture. Dr. Emerson was called to attend the wounded man and thinks he will recover. Five cuts were found on his body.


Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

The militia laws of the state of Kansas require that each and every company shall meet at least once in each month. Now, therefore, I, J. H. Finch, 1st Lieutenant, commanding Winfield Rifles, order each and every member to report at Manning's Hall, on the evening of the 14th day of November, 1879, at 7:30 sharp.

J. H. FINCH, 1st Lieut., Commanding.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Notwithstanding the very slow time made, it seems that more passengers come to and leave Winfield on the freight trains, which leave about noon and arrive between 5 and 6 o'clock, p.m., than come and go on the regular passenger and express trains. Some intima- tions have been heard of an intention of the railway company to put on another fast train each way daily to accommodate this travel.

To persons who wish to visit Kansas City and places further east, the present passenger trains are exactly what is wanted, for these trains connect with the trains on the roads further east, but for persons who wish to go to any other part of this state, a train which should leave and arrive 12 hours earlier and 12 hours later, and make the same time, would save much time and money. Knowing well the energy and enterprise of the managers of the Santa Fe railroad, we could readily believe that this improvement will be effected in a reasonable time.


Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

We were glad to notice that wheat was up to 90 cents again last Saturday, on our streets. The late depression in prices was mainly due to the great rush of marketing wheat while the prices were up, which filled the store-houses and cars to the extent that there was an inadequate supply of both cars and storage, resulting in driving buyers out of the market.


Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Col. Manning is away on a two week's trip to New Mexico.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Mr. Austin, the painter, is building a new shop adjoining the marble works.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Mr. Will Whitney is behind the counter at Horning & Robinson's hardware store.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Wilson & Thompson are putting an eight foot stone pavement in front of their livery stable.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Mrs. Anna Harris is building a brick addition to the Reil building, on Main street, which will be used as a millinery store.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Since election was over A. H. Green has got down to business, having sold three good farms and seven residence lots in the city.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Giles Bros. are having a side entrance to their cellar put in, so as to give access from the street, and be convenient for handling their large stock of goods.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Treasurer Bryan returned from Topeka Saturday evening, where he has been to make settlement with the State Treasurer and pay over Cowley's share of the general tax.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Mr. Cal Ferguson, of Terrill & Ferguson, is again a resident of Winfield. His household fixtures arrived Monday, and will be followed shortly by his better half. We have observed Cal radiating between this place and Wichita for the past month, and supposed it would not be long ere he returned to his first love.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

The recent high water washed out the coffer dam on the bridge pier of the S. K. & W. road.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Mr. Lemmon was in town last Saturday trading lots and houses as well as looking to his farm.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Last Sunday Mr. Ex. Saint. started for New Mexico in the interest of Harter & Horning, and will place Winfield flour and feed on the western market. Harter & Horning are enterprising men, and if the people of New Mexico must be fed by Kansas, they propose to have a hand in the matter.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Captain J. H. Hibbetts, of the Patrol Guard, passed through our city Tuesday morning on his way to his home at Chetopa. The Guards have been paid off and mustered out of service for the winter, and have all returned to their homes, but have not yet been discharged.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

On Tuesday we invaded the office of Messrs. Harmon & Pense, our new law firm. They are snugly fixed and have as neat an office as any in the city, are live, enterprising young men, and we miss our guess if they do not, ere long, monopolize a large share of the law business of the county. We wish them all the success imaginable.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Mr. A. M. Squier left here for Eldorado, Tuesday morning, where he intends to locate in the real estate and loan business. LATER: THEY SAID SQUIRES! He was an old and respected citizen of Cowley county.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

The many friends and patrons of Mr. H. Jochems will regret to learn of his retirement from business. His health for some time past has been very poor, and as a last resort he resolved to retire from active business life and test the curative powers of rest and travel. His splendid business passes into the hands of Messrs. Horning & Robinson, and, we predict, will suffer none by the change.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Messrs. J. L. Horning and Ivan Robinson have purchased the hardware stock of H. Jochems and rented the building for a term of years. Mr. Horning is recognized as one of the live, energetic businessmen of our city, and his proprietorship will in no wise detract from the popularity which this store has enjoyed for the past five years. Ivan Robinson, the other member of the firm, has been engaged in the hardware business for several years, and is one of the most popular young men in the city. The fact of his being a brother of M.. L., Will, and George Robinson is a sufficient recommendation.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

There have been several sneak thieves operating along Main street for the past few weeks, much to the annoyance of the merchants who displayed goods in front of their stores. Monday evening one of these sneak thieves attempted to get away with two sacks of flour from Spotswood & Co., but was detected by Mr. Sheel, who has a furniture store next door, and made to drop the plunder and retreat. Tuesday morning the man was arrested, brought before Justice Buckman, and fined five dollars. This sneak thief business is somewhat monotonous, and parties who have been raiding wood piles, cellars, etc., will in time come to grief.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

We were shown Monday an abstract upon which one of the fraudulent land sales that have been going on in Indiana for some time past was based. It purports to be an abstract of a piece of land near Tisdale. The first transfer is "State of Kansas to Wm. B. Brown, patent," bears date of June 10th, 1859, and claims to be recorded in book 31. The abstract is a fraud on its face as any person knows that the state of Kansas has nothing to do with granting patents, except on school land, and that in 1859 this county was a howling wilderness inhabited only by buffalo and Indians; besides, there is no such book as "31" in the recorder's office. The abstract is neatly written, and certified to by a notary public. An attorney of this place, together with lawyers of Indiana, have been engaged to look up the matter; and if possible, bring the criminals to justice.

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

Last Sunday evening Mr. A. T. Shenneman brought in Frank Schock, who did the carving at Frank Davis' recently, and he is now safely lodged in the county jail. Mr. Foster offered a reward of $50 for his capture, and as none of the officers seemed to take any interest in the matter, Mr. Shenneman offered to bring him in, and Sunday evening returned with his man. He captured him in Chautauqua County while making tracks for the Territory. Mr. Shenne-man learned before starting that he had gone toward the east, and also that he had friends in Chautauqua County, and immediately started for that locality. Arriving there he played the land-agent dodge and learned in a roundabout way that Schock had been there and had left for the Territory a short time before. He started in pursuit and overtook his man before he got out of the State. Mr. Shenneman would receive nothing for his time while after the criminal, and only asked enough to cover his expenses, which was cheerfully given.


Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.

VERNON, NOV. 12, `79.
Mr. Pomeroy, from Michigan, bought the Dolly Espy place and will soon have a very comfortable house erected upon it.

There is another little house on the Copple farm. We don't know where it came from; it may have rained down.

Marshall Lord is building a barn.

Mr. Ward and Robert Taylor have built new granaries. They do not propose to sell their wheat for 75 cents.

The east and west railroad is being graded through our township rapidly.

Rev. S. B. Lee, graduate of Otterheim University, Ohio, is teaching school at Vernon Center. He is an excellent man as well as teacher, and would make us a respectable county


A Literary Society was organized last week at the Randall school house.

Dr. Walsh is moving on his farm near Arkansas City.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 27, 1879 - Front Page.

Outlaws Captured -- Territory Affairs.
ED. COURIER: Matters in the Territory have quieted down, somewhat, since Major Davis, of I Company of 4th Cavalry, stationed at Ft. Sill, made the raid on the outlaws on the Canadian and mouth of the Cimmaron. One desperate, hard-looking character was caught in the brush on the Canadian, near Johnson's store, and two others not far below. Seven were taken in at the dash at the mouth of the Cimmaron, and two escaped. The whole number, giving their names as Milton M. Lukens, Newton Scrimpshire, Andrew W. Woffard, Clay Collins, Lindsey Collins, James Arcena, Eck Ross, Samuel Ryder, and John W. Wilson, were taken to Fort Sill to await identification.

Lieutenant Patch had his leg crushed by his horse shying against a tree, and it had to be amputated. He is now at Pawnee Agency under treatment of the company surgeon.

Hereintofore these men have terrified the residents of the Territory, and as they represented a strong force, no one man cared to interfere with them, but now that they have been routed, the citizens declare that they shall not come back, and have organized and armed a vigilant committee to see that they do not.

The early burns have sprouted up with fresh green grass in the southern part of the Territory, and stock is doing well on it. King's herd of 1,200 ponies are wintering on Pond Creek, near the stage "ranche." They will be driven to the Nebraska and Iowa market in the spring. It is a mistake about there being no ponies to be driven from Texas next summer, on account of the low prices in the Kansas market. They have to go. Almost all the water privileges in the state are being fenced up and the stock will have to be thinned out. The Trinity, Brazos, and other streams are almost entirely fenced, as well as all the smaller streams. A good rain fell about Oct. 1st, but not enough to swell the streams to last during the winter. C. M. Scott


Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The annual report of the schools of Cowley county has reached the State Department. County Superintendent Story exhibits much care in the compilation of his reports and they are always very accurate as to facts, and neat in workmanship.

This report announces the school population of Cowley county at the close of the year ending July 31st, to be 6,779, being an increase over the figures given last year of 1,098. Cowley County ranks number six in point of population in the State, having passed all competitors except Leavenworth, Shawnee, Atchison, Douglas, and Labette. Her schools are in a flourishing condition, having maintained over one hundred schools during the year at a cost of $25,614. Township Com.


Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.


The Quarterly Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 1879, is before us, for which Hon. Alfred Gray, the Secretary, has our thanks.

Cowley County, first in corn, 145; the next highest being Woodson, 120. Cowley County first in Irish potatoes, 130; the next highest being Brown, 100. Cowley County first in broom-corn, 115; Doniphan being second, 110. Cowley County first in work animals, 122; Lyon being second, 115. Cowley County first in horses and mules, 120; Lyon being second, 115, and Butler third, 112.

Cowley is placed in Hungarian and millet, 112, the highest being Butler, 120; in buckwheat, 100, the highest being Anderson, 102; in castor beans 100, the highest being Crawford, 107; in hemp, 100, one of the highest, and in hogs, 100, the highest being Lyon, 125.


1. Leavenworth: 30,283

2. Shawnee: 22,682

3. Atchison: 21,700

4. Douglas: 20,520

5. Cherokee: 18,535

6. Bourbon: 18,310

7. Labette: 18,171

8. Cowley: 18,157

9. Sedgwick: 17,613

10. Marshall: 17,129

11. Butler: 17,006

We find that in the preceding year the net increase of the population of the State was 141,481, all the counties showing an increase except Johnson (2,127 decrease) and Montgomery (489 decrease).






NOTE: Since last March Winfield has vaulted into the place of the 11th city of the State, and now leads Parsons in population.

Thirty-four counties have a greater percentage in cultivation than Cowley County, which has a little less than 24 percent.




Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.


State vs. Charles C. Daniels.

State vs. Daniel Venator.

State vs. Thomas Gibson.

State vs. John H. McMahon.

State vs. P. Simcox & G. Crabbe.

State vs. Frank Schock.



Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The exchange of town property has been quite rapid during the past week.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

W. W. Andrews is home from the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Henry Asp left on Monday for Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Mr. John Curns is building a handsome brick residence on Eighth avenue.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Col. Manning returned from his western trip Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The Mansfield lot, on Main street, was sold at public auction last Monday for $1,001.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

J. B. Lynn has purchased the Kirk lot, on the corner of Main and Eighth avenue, for $10,000.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Messrs. True & Morris have their coal office with Brotherton & Silvers, on Ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Mr. O. F. Boyle and lady arrive home from Leadville, Sunday morning, and will remain during the winter.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

D. L. Kretsinger has sold his residence property on the Manning addition. He will build again immediately.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Frank Williams has purchased a new safe in which to store the valuables belonging to his guests.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Daniel Sheel, our popular furniture man, was on Monday receiving another invoice of goods.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Henry Asp's house will soon be ready for a tenant, and Henry is looking for a renter.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Captain Steuven had his "Winfield Rifles" out on the street Monday evening. Sixty-four stands of Springfield rrifles are expected this week from the state arsenal with which to equip the "Winfield Rifles."

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Harry Bahntge is helping M. Hahn & Co. wait on the crowds of customers that throng their counters. They are doing an immense business.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Tom. Johnson is the best hog raiser in the county. Last week he brought in two porkers that tipped the beam at 1350 pounds.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The restaurant business in Winfield is on the increase. There are about a dozen now in operation, and Monday there were parties looking for a building in which to open another.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Mr. George Stivers has obtained a position in Read's Bank as assistant bookkeeper.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

J. B. Porter has ornamented his Golden Eagle Clothing House with a handsome sign, the work of Painter Herrington. Justin believes in advertising.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Mr. John Howe returned from his visit east last week, and has resumed his old place as head clerk at Baden's.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The new saloon on Main Street hoists the doubtful sign of "Health Office." From the number of persons who go in and out during office hours, and the way they "smile," we should judge the proprietors were doing a healthy business.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The large demand for lumber has caused the establishment of two additional yards in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Next Monday the Central Hotel changes hands, Mr. Vance retiring, and Mr. Harter taking his place. The new firm will be Majors & Harter. The house is to be enlarged and remodeled; and if completed under the proposed plan, will be one of the most commodious hotels in the country.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The state laws provide for the payment of an annual bounty of $2.00 for every forty rods of hedge, to commence when hedge shall be declared a lawful fence, and to continue for eight years thereafter. How many of our farmers, who have good well grown hedges, have applied for and been granted this bounty? Daily Telegram.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Is it the intention of our "city dads" to grade all the streets of the town to one and the same level? It looks so from the indications at the north end of Main street. But would it not be better to grade the streets following their natural level when this can be done? The town has two or three natural surface declinations, and we think it only wisdom and economy that these be followed whenever they can be. In times of rain, the present condition of our streets is simply filthy.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

On Tuesday, Mrs. Keesey, who lives on Cedar Creek, about 7-1/2 miles northeast of Winfield, was examined before the Probate Judge on a charge of insanity. The principal witness was her husband, and from his testimony it appears that she had been ailing for about five years, but has not been violent until within the past year, since which time she has been growing worse, and on Monday evening, while in a violent passion, attempted to drown herself, but was prevented by her husband. She has on several occasions attempted to injure persons, among whom were her husband and children. Her appearance while in court was very wild and she attempted several times to escape, using a fire-shovel, stove-stick, and other weapons, (so effective in feminine hands), to intimidate Constable Finch, who had her in charge.


Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

A slight mistake came near causing a fatal tragedy in the family of Mr. Coombs on Sunday last. It seems that in getting some hoarhound for mixing with candy, Mr. Coombs received a paper of stramonium, which was mixed with the candy when made, and of which the family partook. For a time it was a very serious matter with the two little boys, but we understand that they are now getting better. Arkansas City Traveler.


Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

As writing to the COURIER has been the rage the past summer, and as Rainbow Bend has not been directly represented, I will endeavor to write a few items for your paper or your waste basket.

Rainbow Bend is due west and across the river from Tannehill post office.

Some 4,000 acres of Beaver township lie west of the Arkansas river.

Among our most prominent citizens are Isaac Wilson, N. Wertman, Thurlow Morris, and D. L. Fagen, who, by the way, is a model farmer.

Doc. Bates is also quite an extensive farmer.

L. T. Johnson is a farmer and stockgrower, combined; raises all his own hogs and cattle, and feeds all his corn and straw. He has a farm of 400 acres, 101 fenced for pasture, and is feeding 40 head of domestic steers for the spring market.

Penn Yetter, of Wellington, has driven his herd of domestic cattle, numbering 90 head, to this township, to feed this winter; also 50 ponies.

Miss Lizzie Conrod, of Salt City, is teaching our school in district 61, and is giving good satisfaction. District 61 has been organized 7 years and has never been visited by the county


Ask almost any of our boys if they "heard Governor St. John?"


"Where were you?"

"O, I was around."

Pretty soon you will hear them telling who lost and who won at the wheel of fortune. The question with us is: should these temptations, whose only object is to carry off our treasure, be set before our youth at every public gathering?


Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Wednesday morning, just before going to press, we learn that Mr. J. Q. Oldham, who runs the dairy south of town, was thrown from his milk wagon and badly injured. Our informant thought it impossible for him to live.


Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Health is good. Grapes all gone!

Mr. L. Read is the Floral postmaster.

Mr. Waller, who purchased the Read farm, has completed his new dwelling, and will move in this week.

Mr. Robinson met with the misfortune of having two fine mules, worth $300, and a horse stolen last Friday night. No trace of the thieves has yet been discovered. Mr. Robinson and family have lately removed from Wyandotte county, and have the sympathy of the community.


Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

The Old Christian Church, sometimes called "New-Lights," (not Campbellite), hold services at Omnia school-house on the 2d and 4th Sabbaths in each month, conducted by Elders A. Heathorn and F. E. Williamson.

The Baptists are holding a protracted meeting at Baltimore this week.

Mr. Whitelock had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week.

We were over to the new town of Burden today, and must say the prospect for a town there is flattering. Mr. Ford will open up a full line of goods in his mammoth stone building in a few days.


Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

COMMONWEALTH: We see by the last Clay County Dispatch that Wirt W. Walton has purchased a half interest in that paper, and takes editorial control on the first of January. We are glad to of this because Mr. Walton, by education and practice, is a newspaperman. Work on a paper is his forte. He has abilities which should command something different from a clerk in the Capitol. We congratulate him and the Dispatch. It has been a good paper under the management of Mr. Campbell, and will be still better under the control of Mr. Walton. It is a good opening for a bright active man such as Wirt Walton.


Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Thanksgiving week, in Winfield, has been an unusually lively one. We have had "balls," white and variegated, "surprises," ministerial and immaterial, "drunks," plain and gilt-edged, and "flirtations" ad lib.

The grand ball of our colored citizens, at the Opera House, on Thanksgiving eve, was a very creditable affair. The local attendance was very large, and the felicities of the occasion were salubriously enhanced by the distinguished assistance of a brilliant coterie of belles and beaux from the neighboring village of Wichita. Nothing occurred to mar the festivities, except the efforts of some "poor white trash" to monopolize the round dances with the belles of the ball, to the great disgust of their escorts. They were quietly conducted to a "back seat," however, and the "ball went on."

Our city was visited on Wednesday by a trio of very nice-looking young ladies who had apparently just escaped from some village "sem." or district school, and were determined to enjoy their brief vacation to the utmost. In the evening they serenaded some of their friends with fragments of old college airs, which "awakened fond remissness of the ancient memories of bye-gone days" in the breasts of the passersby.

Such classic songs as "If I had a Peanut I'd give you the Shuck," "Gathering up the Smells from the Shore," etc., were gaily caroled forth, but when their sweet voices again united in that grand and solemn refrain, "Saw my Leg off, Short," it was too much, and I sat down on the cold stone pavement, oh, so cold - and- and - wept!

The ordinance of baptism by immersion was administered by Rev. Cairns, at 8:30 Thanksgiving morning, at the usual place near the fair grounds, in the presence of a few people. There was but one candidate, a Mr. Johnson.

Union services were held at the Methodist church, at the regular morning hour, Rev. Platter officiating, assisted by Revs. Berry, Cairns, Hickok, and Hyden. It is long since I have listened to a sermon which exhibited so wide a range of reading and such brilliant thought as characterized this effort of Mr. Platter's. While it dealt plainly with the evils, doctrinal and moral of the past and present, its author did not hesitate to grant meed of praise where it was righteously due, even though in so doing he was forced to speak in complimentary terms of an "infidel." The publication of this sermon broadcast could not fail to do good. The Presbyterian choir united with the Methodist choir for the occasion, and under the leadership of Judge Buckman, furnished some very good music; in fact, quite superior to that usually accompanying religious services in Winfield. Mr. Chamberlain's rendering of the baritone solo, "Father Almighty," was as a Scotchman would say, "by the common," and I judged very pleasing to the congregation.

The event of the day, however, in religious circles, was the "surprise" to Rev. Cairns, at the Baptist church in the evening. A large number of this gentleman's friends (and few clergymen can boast so many) gathered at the church, and presented the good pastor with quite a large amount of provisions and a very respectable sum in cash. The evening was pleasantly passed in social converse, and in listening to some excellent instrumental music by Mr. Allen and Master Farringer, and at the close Mr. Cairns expressed his gratitude in the most hearty and becoming manner.

The day came to a close in social circles with a grand hop at Manning's Hall. Seldom has Winfield beheld so large an assemblage of beauty well-adorned as that which graced the Opera House on this occasion. I had intended to compliment some of the toilets, but there were so many tasteful costumes, which might fairly come within the range of excellence, that a special mention would be invidious. Every appointment was in good form, and the party may be truthfully said to equal if it did not surpass the one of the previous evening.

Can anyone tell what Winfield's civic head and the "war-horse of the stalwarts" were after, about church-time Thursday morning, when they were trying to get in at the window of that little building on Ninth avenue? I believe John Allen knows, for he watched the gentlemen very carefully, and seemed very willing to share in whatever spoil might be secured, even to the embracing of a "New Idea."

I had not supposed so common a thing as a "catcus" would be considered of a local, until I saw mention of the one possessed by Mrs. Walters. I have not heard that one, but if it equals those which congregate nightly near my sleeping apartment, it is indeed a good one. Taking a stroll the other evening, I thought I heard a "catcus" (sing) which was way above par, but approaching cautiously with a view to capture, I discovered that the sounds emanated from my friend, Mr. Geo. Robinson, who was plaintively singing "a oad to the mune" as he meandered homeward.

The Rev. Mr. Cairns, at the last Union Temperance meeting, said there were good businessmen in Winfield, who were temperance men, and yet favored whiskey-selling because it was good for business; arguing that if the sale of spirituous liquors was stopped in Winfield, while being carried on in neighboring cities, much of our trade would be diverted to those points. Nice temperance men, who would rather endorse rum-selling, with all its evils to their neighbors and friends, than suffer a trifling reduction in the grand aggregate of trade. Good businessmen, who cannot understand that $50,000 annually expended for dry goods, clothing, or groceries would not be more likely to reach their coffers than when it goes into the insatiable maw of the whiskey interest. Sound financiers, these good temperance businessmen, who cannot see that the greater portion of their losses by bad debts, are caused by their customers paying their ready money for whiskey, and, so doing, are unable to pay their honest debts. The good brother should tell these good temperance men, that even if the saloons were closed up, there would still be, as there are now, the "drug stores," and they could get their supply of whiskey just the same.

I notice, in this week's COURIER, a well-digested article on the subject of immoral illustrated papers. A recent step in this matter, by the Canadian government, will bring a blush to the cheek of every good American who reads it. It seems that such publications as Police Gazettes are forbidden circulation through the mails in the Dominion, on account of their immoral character, but in spite of the Canadian postamsters, some few copies are received in the mails from this country, and delivered. The Dominion authorities requested the U. S. Government to prevent the forwarding of this class of matter through the mails, whereupon Postmaster-General Key at once issued an order that such publications, addressed to the Dominion of Canada, be considered unmailable and treated accordingly.

Think of it. You may not use the United States mail to send these missiles of filth into the homes of the Dominion; but the department freely grants you the privilege of circulating these and kindred documents in your own country. It is a matter of humiliation, amid our thanksgiving, that any nation should have the opportunity to teach the United States such a lesson of morality.


Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

E. E. Bacon at No. 108.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Have you been to No. 108, Main Street?

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Mr. W. L. Morehouse has some fine business lots to dispose of in the "Hill Block." See his ad.

AD: FOR SALE, THE "HILL BLOCK," in any quantity to suit the purchaser. Also acre and half acre lots located at the South end of Main street. Terms easy and prices low.

Winfield, Kansas.
Inquire at Hendricks & Wilson's hardware store.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Mrs. Harris has removed her millinery stock to the new building next door to her old stand.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Judge W. C. Webb, father of L. J. Webb, was down from Topeka last week.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

After the 20th inst., a penalty of five percent is added to all unpaid taxes. Tax-payers take notice.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Mr. James Allen has sold his meat market to Geo. Miller. He intends going into the hide business.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

S. H. Myton has about completed the addition to his store building. He contemplates lighting the whole with gas.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Died. Mr. Nate Fisher died last Saturday, and was buried Sunday. Nate had long been a resident of our city, and was highly respected.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Among the many handsome things lately received by Hudson Bros. is a "Cuckoo Clock." It works splendidly and is a jem of the kind.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

The city council have ordered that the strip of land lying along the north side of Fifth avenue be condemned, and used henceforth as a part of that avenue.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Court convened Monday, but did not get down to work until Tuesday afternoon. Although the docket is large, the attendance is small, as no case of importance will come up this term.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Mr. Hitchcock, of the new restaurant, furnished the supper for the dancers Thanksgiving evening, and all are loud in their praises of the manner in which it was gotten up.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

The city treasury has been reaping a rich harvest from the numerous poor unfortunates who have fallen into the hands of Marshal Stevens and his assistants during the past week.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

J. B. Lynn is making arrangements to erect a substantial building on his corner. He will build two stories high, with good basement, and will occupy the first floor with his own stock.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Died. On Tuesday evening the body of C. C. Wallis was brought up from the Sac and Fox agency, where he died of heart disease last Monday morning. His funeral was held from the residence of his brother at 11 o'clock Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

On Monday evening the council passed a resolution instructing the Marshal to close and keep closed the numerous gambling establishments, which have, since the advent of a railroad, sprung up in our midst.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Last Sunday morning W. J. Hodges shipped twenty-five car loads of hogs by special train to Kansas City. This is the largest lot of stock ever shipped from Cowley county at one time.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Mr. W. L. Morehouse has purchased the lot on the corner of Main street and 10th avenue from C. A. Bliss for $1200. He will very soon commence the erection of a two story brick building, 25 x 80, the first floor of which will be occupied by Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Miss Mamie Rankin, after spending Thanksgiving week with her parents and friends in Winfield, returned to her school in the Henthorn district, last Sunday. Miss Rankin has a pleasant school and a home-like boarding place with the family of Mr. Jesse Leonard, near Polo.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Mr. M. Thompson has sold his interest in the livery business on Ninth avenue to his partner, A. G. Wilson, and is once more a gentleman of leisure. Mr. Wilson has made additions to the stock equipage of the stable and proposes to make it as near first class as can be done.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Dr. George Brown, of Rockford, Illinois, says that old John Brown was a midnight murderer. John Brown once write to F. B. Sanborn: "I believe all honest, sensible Free State men in Kansas consider George Washington Brown's Herald of Freedom, one of the most mischievous, traitorous publications of the whole country."

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

The train of twenty-five cars of hogs shipped from this place last Sunday morning by W. J. Hodges was the largest ever shipped from any one point in Southern Kansas at one time. The hogs were all bought, delivered, and loaded between Monday morning and Saturday night. This is hog business on a large scale.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Mr. Mott C. Rogers will leave Winfield in a short time to resume his position as conductor on the A., T. & S. F. railroad. His run will be the through passenger and mail on the middle and western Division, between Nickerson and Lakin, a distance of 212 miles, which he is expected to make tri-weekly.

We look upon it as a decided compliment to the ability and integrity of our young friend to be recalled to a position of such responsbility by a corporation of this character, and congratulate Mr. Rogers on his preferment. He will leave hosts of friends.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

W. J. Hodges is receiving considerable notice from the Kansas City papers in consequence of his immense shipment of hogs to that market last week.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Wheat at noon on Wednesday was bringing $1.00 per bushel. Hogs firm at $3.30 and $3.40. Corn 20 cents, oats 20 cents.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

The school examinations for the present term will occur in the High school on Wednesday and Thursday and in the other rooms on Thursday and Friday. The examinations will be both oral and written, and by attending parents can judge of the advancement of their children. The teachers will be pleased to have parents and friends of the schools present at the examinations.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

A festival was held in school district 90, Prairie Center Schoolhouse, in Sheridan township, on 26th ult., to raise money to seat the schoolhouse. The proceeds were $167.45. One premium cake sold for $96.20, being on a strife vote to the fairest lady. Grouse presented Miss Laura Elliott as a candidate, and Sheridan presented Miss Emma Bailey, who won the cake. The treasurer, Mr. Treadway, received the cash and has deposited it to the credit of the district. Good for No. 90.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Jewelry, watches in endless variety at 108 Main Street.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

On last Monday evening, Dec. 1st, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Holloway entertained their many friends at their pleasant residence in South Winfield, the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Holloway. A most delightful evening was spent in dancing, social converse, and in partaking of the various good things prepared by their kind hostess. Among those present were Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Root, Mrs. C. J. Adams; Misses Coldwell, Meech, Holmes, McCoy and Millington; Messrs. Harris, Robinson, Goldsmith, Seward, Bahntge, and Suss. All united in wishing Mrs. Holloway many happy returns of this most pleasant birthday.

Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

No. 108, East side Main Street, between 9th and 10th avenues.


Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Agent Garvey and his assistants are overrun with business.

Over fifteen cars of freight were received at Winfield station, Saturday. This makes things very lively for the freightmen.

The company have just finished a new tool-house, near the depot. A paying investment, considering the number of unprotected tools in and around that place.

The water tank is at last finished, and is a magnificent one; the water being forced from the river, a distance of over 200 yards, into the tank.

The increased business of the road necessitates the putting down of more side-track, and a force are now employed on that work.

The ticket office has just been furnished with a handsome coupon ticket case, and travelers can now purchase through tickets to any part of the U. S., at the Winfield station.

As a proof of the immense business being done by the A., T. & S. F. Co. at this place, 45 car-loads of freight were sent out last Saturday. Twenty of the cars were loaded with wheat, and twenty-five with hogs. This isn't such a bad business for a whistling station.

Business in and around the depot Monday was exceedingly lively. Over 100 cars were standing on side-tracks, most of them receiving or discharging freight, while the cries and bustle of the freightmen, draymen, and roustabouts helped to make the scene one of general activity.

Track-laying on the extension to Arkansas City has commenced, and Monday afternoon the locomotive crossed the new bridge. The company have a very large force of men at work, and it is their intention to push the road right through to the city. At the present writing the track is laid a mile and a half beyond the bridge, with force enough to lay a mile per day.

The elevator of Messrs. Simpson & Fowler, near the depot, is almost completed. The hopper scales, with a capacity of 400 bushels, and a large patent dustless separator and grader, with a capacity of 600 bushels per hour, are being put in place. The side track has been put in by the railroad company, and everything is ready for operation as soon as the machinery can be placed in position.


Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

Died at his home on Ninth Avenue, on Tuesday morning, December 2nd, of intermittent fever and hemorrhage of the lungs, Mr. Samuel Smith.

Mr. Smith is a brother of Mr. W. H. and Miss Julia Smith, and although he has been with us but a comparatively short time, his death has cast a sadness over the community. The remains will be taken to Bloomington, Illinois, his old home, for interment.


Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.

ED. COURIER: Is Winfield a first class city? And does it propose to keep that rank among the cities of Kansas? If such are its pretentions and aspirations, would it not be well to stir up the school board to a proper realization of the educational demands from towns that plume themselves on being first class?

If the glory of our county lies in its system of free schools, does not our share of that glory grow beautifully less when our schools are run on a basis that was demanded for them when the city was half its present size? When there were less than four hundred children in the district, six rooms and six teachers were considered necessary. Now, when there are nearly eight hundred children, six teachers and six rooms are still deemed sufficient! Granting that only half the children of school age attend regularly, that would give more than sixty pupils to a room. And what are the facts? In the COURIER of a few weeks ago a state ment of the enrollment was given by rooms or departments, and it is seen that the total enrollment was 378 and the average attendance 329, thus giving an average of over fifty to each teacher. But the case is still worse if we look at the schools separately. The primary schools had an average attendance during October of 69 and 63; the intermediate, 54 and 60; the grammar, 52; and the high school, 31. Here we find our rooms overcrowded, three in a seat, and many of them scattered promiscuously around the rostrums, or hanging on the corners of teachers' desks. But to cap the climax, our children below seven are forced out of school because there is not room for them! Then to make matters even worse, those who do go to the primary school can drink at the fountain of learning only half a day at a time. Truly somebody needs punching up, and if it isn't the board, who in the world is it? Why don't they rent rooms, and employ three or four more teachers? A couple of temporary frame buildings could be erected at an expense of two or three thousand dollars, and our children could then be allowed to go to school. I for one don't like the way things run in the school line. A FATHER.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

WINFIELD, Dec. 9, 1879.
ED. COURIER: I have just been up to pay my taxes, and on comparing with last year's receipts find that they are about one-fourth less than last year. This was gratifying, but on a cross-examination I find that the Bridge Bond township tax has disappeared although the bonds have not been paid off. It seems there was no levy made this year. Of course, they will have to be paid, and probably next year we will have to pay two years' interest, with the addition of a good bill of United States court costs.

I could not get any light on the subject at the courthouse, and on the supposition that an editor knows everything, or is generally supposed to, I ask you for light on the question. Who is to blame for the levy not being made: the county commissioners, county clerk, or attorney; or was it the brilliant minds who destroyed Winfield township? Believing that the answering of this question would be of interest to the general tax-payer, I respectfully await your reply.

We have already expressed our opinion on this subject. It has been a case where "one was afraid and the other durst not." It all grew out of the stupid work of those who were not willing to let well enough alone, during the past year. The itching for a change has brought changes "with a vengeance." Winfield township was in first-rate condition when it contained a city of the third class, but this "itching" raised this city to one of the second class, making it a township of itself.

This frightened some timid citizens of the balance of Winfield township with the idea that the change in the city would saddle all the bonds on the remainder of the township, who got up a secret petition, circulating it in the night, to cut up Winfield township, annexing a part of it to Vernon, another part to Pleasant Valley, and erecting the balance into a new township called Walnut. This was acted upon by the commis sioners before the project was advertised, or even known outside a small coterie of persons.

After this it was assumed that the levy to pay the interest on these bonds could only be made by the trustee of Winfield township; and as there was no Winfield township, the levy could not be made.

We contended that in case the levy was not otherwise made, the commissioners should do it, disregarding legal technicalities which might arise.

We now claim that the authorities of Winfield City, of the townships of Walnut, Pleasant Valley, and Vernon, and of the County, have all been remiss in their duties, in not seeing to it that this tax was levied.

If each board was afraid it had no right to do it, all should have met together, and together should have made the levy. There was no question that somebody ought to make it. The only question was, who? Had all united to make it, we do not doubt that the tax would have been collected on all the property included within the lines of old Winfield township. As it is, the amount must be paid by the same persons together with a probable additional amount in costs.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.


In presenting to the School Board and citizens the above report, I wish to call attention to a few facts regarding the term's work in the different departments of the public schools.

According to the school census taken last fall, there were in the school district 132 persons of school age. Since that time some territory has been admitted into the school district, and the number has been still further increased by families moving into the city. Owing to the fact that we have but six rooms, it was necessary to keep all under seven years of age out of the schools.

During the present term there has been enrolled in all the departments 550 pupils; 113 of these have for various reasons withdrawn, leaving an actual attendance of 437. Could this number be equally divided, it would give 73 pupils to each room. But this cannot be done, as the greater number are in the Primary and Intermediate departments. In the First Primary there is at present an attendance of 107, with a daily average of 70 for the term. The last week of the present term the daily average was 86. In the Second Primary there are 86 pupils in attendnce, with an average of the last week of the term of 74.

In the First Primary it became necessary to divide the school into two divisions, and have one division attend in the forenoon and the other in the afternoon, as there are not seats to accommodate over one half the pupils.

In some of the other rooms, pupils are compelled to sit three in a seat, and should there be an increase in attendance during the coming term, there will be no alternative but to divide the other departments as has already been done in the First Primary.

The work of the term, while as good as could be expected under the cirrcumstances, cannot but be unsatisfactory to both parents and teachers, for no teacher can do thorough work under such unfavorable circumstances.

By an examination of the above report, it will be seen that the average attendance is not so large as it should be, and yet it is really larger than could be expected, as it is not surpris ing that children should prefer to remain away from school when they are obliged to sit on the rostrum while there.

If we are to have prosperous and pleasant schools, some steps should immediately be taken to provide better facilities. With the present enrollment we should have at least two more teachers, and were we to admit children between 5 and 7 years, we would need at least four more teachers.

It certainly is a wise policy for any community to furnish the best of facilities in the way of public schools, as no other ever does so much toward raising a people to that plain of knowledge and enlightenment upon which every American citizen should stand.

In a state having a compulsory school law, every community should have the power to provide schools for all its children, and it is unjust that people should be compelled to pay school tax and yet be obliged to send their children to private schools.

Yours respectfully, E. T. TRIMBLE.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The saw mill has been removed from near the Dawson ford, on the Walnut, to some point lower down on the river.

A large number of sheep are being wintered in this neighborhood. The owners are paying from ten to fifteen cents per acre for salk pasturage.

Mr. Seaman is going to try the mutton business, having just purchased a nice flock of graded sheep.

Will Atkinson has rented Captain Siverd's property for the winter and has taken possession.

The Olive Branch school district is being taught this season by a lady.

Our people are somewhat apprehensive that C. S. & F. S. company are going to leave them out in the cold in the way of a depot at Cowley; however, they intend following the scriptural adage of "watch and pray."

The action of our newly elected Sheriff Shenneman, in arresting Schock, is highly commended by his friends, as showing conclusively that we have the right man in the right place, and that evil doers in the future may expect to be brought to justice.

Health good. Corn about all cribbed. Wheat could not look more promising. REFLEX.

Red Bud, Dec. 6, 1879.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The following is a report of the Floral schools for the month ending Nov. 28, 1879.

Number enrolled, 36, total number of days of attendance, 645; average daily attendance, 28.77; number neither absent nor tardy, 18. The following are the names, with their grades, of those who have an average standing of 90 percent and upwards, in scholarship, deportment, and attendance: E. E. Rogers, 94; Brilla Reed, 90; Curtis Wright, 91; Maggie Wright, 93; Helen Wright, 93; Jasper Files, 91; Michael Maher, 97; Etna Dahlgan, 90; Jam Cottingham, 93; Wm. Hart, 91; Mary Dahlgan, 92; Wm. Files. [THEY SKIPPED PERCENTAGE FOR HIM.] T. JAY FLOYD, Teacher.

Number enrolled, 37; total days of attendance, 618; average daily attendance, 32.8; number neither absent nor tardy, 32. The following are the names of those who averaged 90 percent, in scholarship, attendance, and deportment: Lurena Hart, Ida Hedrrick, Anna Jarvis, Willie Holloway, Edie Stone, Willie Dahlgan, Effie Jarvis. HATTIE McKinley, Teacher.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

P. McCommon is putting up an addition to his house, which, when finished, will be quite an addition to Terrapin Ridge.

P. R. Page has finished building D. Kempton's house. Daniel wears a smiling face now, and ushers his visitors into a nice, comfortable sitting room.

Leech has finished his stone house. Northcut and Collins did the plastering.

Miss Tucker is teaching our school this winter, and is giving satisfaction.

Clover is feeding cattle on Grouse creek.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

E. E. Bacon at No. 108.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The county offices have been furnished with new coal stoves.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The pier and abutments of the S. K. & W. road are about ready for the bridge.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

S. Suss has charge of the Chicago Boot and Shoe Store during the absence of Mr. Smith.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The new brick residence of J. W. Curns is enclosed and presents a handsome appearance.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The walls of the Union building on north Main street are finished and will soon be ready for business.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The Simcox-Crabb case has engaged the attention of the court for the past week. Pleasant Valley was out almost enmasse as witnesses or spectators.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The Cole drug store has secured the services of a first class prescription clerk in the person of Mr. Knight, a young man lately from the East.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The caps ordered by the "Winfield Rifles" arrived Saturday evning. The cap is an army regulation "fatigue cap," ornamented by a sword and gun crossed, under which are the letters "W. R."

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The new proprietors of the Central Hotel are pushing the proposed addition as fast as possible. The street around the hotel is already filled with lumber, stone, etc.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

On Monday Mr. Morehouse removed the old building from his lot off the corner of Main street and 10th avenue, preparatory to erecting a new brick business house.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The refractory railroaders still continue to turn their spare change into the coffers of the city. The list for the past week embraces fourteen victims.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The trackmen on the A., T. & S. F. are laying rail toward Arkansas City at the rate of a mile a day, Sunday including. They expect to run into the depot at that place by the 15th inst.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Capt. C. M. Scott returned from an extended trip in the Territory last Thursday. The adventures which the Captain encounters during these scouts would make an interesting novel.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Mounts and Clarke were discharged from further custody by the commissioners last Tuesday morning. This is a sad blow to Deputy Finch, as it deprives him of $2 per day board bill.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

We are informed that the track is laid on the branch of the L., L. & C. to the top of the Flint Ridge, thirty miles from Winfield. It is expected that the road will be completed to this place in five weeks.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Last Sunday morning Mr. J. W. Hedges started for Kansas City with a train of 27 cars of hogs. These were all purchased within the last two weeks, for which our farmers received over ten thousand dollars.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Mr. N. T. Snyder is making arrangements to publish an illustrated catalogue in connec- tion with his poultry establishment. It will contain much valuable information to poultry raisers, and will be distributed free of charge.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

At a business meeting of the "Winfield Rifles," last Friday evening, a uniform was adopted and committees appointed to make arrangements for a grand ball to be given under the auspices of the company on Christmas night.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Hon. L. B. Kellogg, late of Arkansas City, but more recently attorney at Emporia, and representative of Lyon county in the State Legislature, has been in town this week. Mr. Kellogg is appreciated and honored not only at Emporia but throughout the state.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The prosecution against Charles H. Payson has excited deep interest among his many friends. Some assert that Mr. Payson is the victim of a malicious persecution, while others are of the opinion that he is himself to blame for the whole trouble.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Mr. J. V. Crenshaw last Saturday received fifty head of thoroughbred heifers and two bulls from the blue grass regions of Kentucky. Mr. Crenshaw intends to make Cowley his future home, and to make a specialty of raising fine stock on a large scale.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The county commissioners and clerk have this week been investigating the accounts of the treasurer and settling up with him for the year. Of course, they found everything "as straight as a shingle." Tom. Bryan is as near perfection as county treasurer as is ever made.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Wheat is up and on Wednesday was selling for $1.10 for No. 2. Hogs were quoted at $3.75, a fall of 25 cents from prices of last week.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

We regard it a first rate compliment to say of the officers of the Winfield Bank that they refused to rent the basement of their new bank building at $75, which they were offered for the purpose of a saloon, preferring to let it for a printing office at $30 per month.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Clark & Dysert have the foundry addition to their machine shops almost finished, and will be ready to do casting in about two weeks. The outer part of the furnace is already up. It is intended to hold 2,500 pounds of molten metal. They have orders ahead for several thousand pounds of castings.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Last Saturday evening Mr. Ex Saint returned from his western trip, where he has been in the interest of Harter & Horning. While absent he sold over eighteen car loads of flour and refused orders for twenty cars which the mill was unable to furnish. He brings back glowing reports of Las Vegas and New Mexico in general.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

In another column will be found a term report on the state of the schools by Prof. Trimble. The professor appends to his report some very timely remarks on the crowded condition of the schools and the consequent inefficiency of the work. Parents should read this report; and if possible, devise some means of remedying the evil.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Owing to the resignation of Misses Johnson and Meech, the following changes have been made in the public schools. Miss Alice Aldrich succeeds Miss Johnson in the First Intermediate department. Mrs. Trimble takes the place of Miss Meech in the Grammar department, and Miss E. S. Cook succeeds Mrs. Trimble in the First Primary.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The organization of the Southern Kansas Medical Association, spoken of last week, was effected at Wichita, on Dec. 3. The following officers were elected.

President: Dr. C. C. Furley, of Wichita.

Senior Vice President: Dr. W. B. Davis, of Winfield.

Junior Vice President: Dr. Hartley, of Newton.

Secretary: Dr. W. S. Mendenhall, of Winfield.

It was decided to hold the next meeting of the Association at Winfield, Jan. 2, 1880.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

We would call the special attention of the people of this district to the report of Prof. Trimble on the condition of our schools. It is a shame to the people of Winfield that they neglect to furnish sufficient school room. It is a waste of the school-funds to expend them under such disadvantages. Six or seven thousand dollars expended at once in completing the present school structure giving four more rooms, and a similar amount soon thereafter to build another school house in the southwest part of town, would be real economy.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The following is a list of the elective and appointed officers of Winfield lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., to serve for the ensuing year.

N. G.: A. W. Davis.

V. G.: James H. Vance.

Rec. Sec.: David C. Beach.

Treas.: Max Shoeb.

W.: John W. Smiley.

C.: D. W. Southard.

I. G.: M. B. Shields.

O. G.: F. Ebenback.

R. S. to N. G.: Jacob Lipps.

L. S. to N. G.: Charles Youngheim.

R. S. to V. G.: John Fleming.

L. S. to V. G.: Daniel Steel.

R. S. S.: B. M. Terrill.

L. S. S.: Jno. Hohenscheidt.

Chaplain: W. H. H. Maris.

D. D. G. M.: M. G. Troup.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Last Thursday evening a number of the young gentlemen of our city met at the Opera House, and organized a social dancing club. They also secured the services of a teacher during the winter.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Last Saturday we took a trial trip on the miniature steamboat, the "Necedah," of which we have spoken before as being built by Mr. E. R. Appleby for the Walnut at this place. The boat is a perfect little beauty, is 31 feet long, and 7 feet wide, will carry 40 persons, and is propelled by a "Corney" engine, three-horse power, built especially for this boat. We steamed up the river over five miles, made several stoppages, and returned in less than two hours. The boat was as smooth as a Mississippi river steamer, and can be propelled at the rate of 8 miles an hour. It is the intention of the builder to run it as a pleasure boat, and no person could pass an hour more pleasantly than by taking a ride up the river on the little "Necedah."


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

On Tuesday evening the above case, after a trial of nearly a week's duration, was submitted to the jury; and in less than ten minutes, they returned a verdict of "not guilty." This case has excited general interest among the people of Pleasant Valley township. The prosecution, springing out of the loss of a few dollar's worth of preserves and flour, and backed up by personal ill will on the part of the prosecuting witnesses, has been pushed forward with the utmost vigor. The situation of the defendants has been a trying one.

Brought before a court of law to answer for a crime which they had never committed, one of them a comparative stranger, without money or influence, their case seemed almost hopeless. And had it not been for the help extended by their neighbors and the people of Pleasant Valley generally, it might have been entirely so.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

On Tuesday we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. C. M. Robinson, the gentleman who has just opened the new lumber yard on South Main street. Mr. Robinson comes to us from Southwestern Missouri, and brings the requisite amount of energy and capital to make his business a success.



Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.


Would respectfully inform the people of Floral and vicinity that he has just opened up a complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, etc., and is prepared to sell at the MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Produce taken in exchange for goods at highest market price. Don't fail to call at READ'S STORE, Floral, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

Among the many enterprises being pushed forward in our thriving city, the one just commenced by Baird Bros. deserves no small mention. They have purchased from C. A. Bliss the lot on which Dr. Graham's office now stands, and will soon begin the erection of a mammoth dry goods building. It is to be 25 x 100, two stories, with basement. The first floor will be used as a retail department, the second floor as a wholesale department, and the basement as ware rooms. This enterprise, considering the amount of capital that will be invested in the building and stock, will be one of the largest in the Southwest and is entirely in keeping with the enterprise of the firm that is pushing it forward. The wholesale business now being done by this firm is large, and with the increased facilities which the new building will afford them, they will soon command most of the jobbing trade of our neighboring counties.


Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The following minutes were handed me by Mr. Lorry with the request that they be published.

The fight between Arkansas City and Bolton in regard to the extension of the A., T. & S. F. to the Territory is being waged fiercely, with the odds seemingly in favor of Bolton. Arkansas City has secured the right-of-way to the State line of a strip 80 rods wide, and presented the same to the company as an object to establish the terminus at that place. The people of Bolton insist that the road be built on to the State line, and threaten to prosecute any person driving Texas cattle over any of the highways in their township.

"I was instructed to procure the publication of these resolutions in the Arkansas City papers, and after two weeks' trial, I have failed in getting them in print, and was obliged to carry them to Winfield, which is the reason of delay." FRANK LORRY.

Minutes of a meeting held at the school house in district No. 69, Bolton township, Cowley county, Kansas, November 18th, 1879; for the purpose of hearing report of committee appointed to confer with the vice president of the Sumner, Cowley and Ft. Smith railroad with respect to the building of the Winfield branch to the state line via Arkansas City.

The meeting was called to order with H. Derveese in the chair, and the following resolution passed:

Report heard and approved.

Speech by Mr. Lorry.

Resolved, That we tender Messrs. Sample and Skinner our thanks for services as committee.

Resolved, That we will not permit Texas or Indian cattle to be driven into the State for shipment after the 1st day of March until the 1st day of November, and that we will enforce the law against all who violate this act.

Resolved, That a copy of these minutes be furnished the Arkansas City Traveler and the Arkansas Valley Democrat for publication.

Resolved, That Mr. Lorry be appointed to secure their publication.

H. DERVEESE, Chairman.
C. W. CRANK, Secretary.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum