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SCATTERED ISSUES NOV. 19, 1874 - FEB. 17, 1876

VOL. 1. - NO. 1.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.


One copy one year, --------- $2.00

One copy six months, ------- 1.00

Clubs of 10 (1 copy free to getter-up) $17.50

Clubs of 20 (1 copy free to getter-up) 35.00

Business Directory.


T. H. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Winfield, Kansas.

PRYOR & KAGER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in Cowley and adjoining counties; aso in the Federal Courts. Devote exclusive attention to the profession. Office in brick Bank building, West Main street.

ALEXANDER & SAFFOLD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts in the State of Kansas and at the U. S. Land Office at Wichita. Take filings and proofs on land at their Office in Stone building on 9th Avenue East of Main street Winfield, Kans.

M. S. ADAMS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all the courts of the 13, Judicial District of Kansas. Office No, 95 Main street, Wichita, Kans.

CHAS. WILLSIE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on east side of Sumner Avenue. Oxford, Kansas.


CURNS & MANSER, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Negotiate loans and make collections. Have a complete set of Abstract Books for Cowley County, and the City of Winfield.

R. B. WAITE. REAL ESTATE AGENT. I have for sale, lots and pieces of the best real estate in the county, improved and unimproved. Money to loan on good real estate security.

DARRAH & DOTY. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Good stock and vehicles always on hand. Transient patronage solicited.

N. ROBERTSON. MANUFACTURERAnd dealer in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, etc. Repairing done on short notice and in good order. Shop on Main street opposite Old Log Store.

W. M. BOYER. DEALER INBooks, Stationery, Maps, etc. Keeps all the principal eastern dailies and weeklies. Store on East side Main street.

L. P. WOODYARD. JEWELLER AND WATCHMAKER. Watches, clocks, and all kinds of jewelry neatly and substantially repaired. A good stock of Clocks, Watches and jewelry kept on hand for sale. Shop in McMillen & Shield's store, on East side of Main street.

THEO. PARKS. MEAT MARKET. Keeps constantly on hand a good variety of the best of Meats. Shop on East 9th Avenue.

OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FRAZIER & LAMB, PROP'S. The only brick hotel in the city and everything new. Corner Main and Second sts., Wichita, Kansas.

GIBBS & MATHERS. BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. We solicit contracts for any class of buildings, and give good references as to ability to do the best of work. The building of school houses made a specialty.

S. C. SMITH. REAL ESTATE, Agt. Large quantity of land for sale cheap, on times to suit purchasers. Also agent for the best Fire Insurance companies of the east. Office over Requa's clothing store, Main street.

W. H. SOUTH. JEWELER. I have a good stock of clocks, watches and Jewelry, which I am selling at very low cash figures. All kinds repairing neatly and cheaply done. Store on west side Main street, three doors south of Maris' corner.

J. B. LYNN & CO. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Queensware, etc. Store West side of Main street corner of Eighth Avenue.


JOHN M. REED. PAINTER. Sign and ornamental painting. Buggy and Wagon painting made a specialty. House and all other kinds of painting neatly and cheaply done. Office on Main street, over Green's Drug store.

T. J. JONES. PRACTICAL PAINTER. Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging and Kelsomin-ing. Sign writing a specialty. All orders promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Office in W. H. South's store. West side of Main street.


One Column one year ................. $100.00

Half Column one year ................ 60.00

Fourth Column one year .............. 35.00

Eight Column one year ............... 20.00

Cards and other small standing advertisements at the rate of $10.00 per square, per Annum; square to consist of equal space to eight lines Brevier.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

NEW PAPER.Col. J. M. Alexander, of Winfield, has purchased the material of the Oxford Enterprise, and intends publishing a paper at the county seat. We extend our sympathy to the Colonel, but fear the result, although we know him to be experienced, well-qualified and adapted to the calling.Arkansas Traveler.

Cast your fears to the wind, brother Scott. We have already a paying patronage without using an effort; and we intend to increase that patronage in the next six months to an extent that ought to satisfy any reasonable mind. We thank you, however, for your kind compli ments, and bespeak that good will and success for the Traveler, which its true courtesy and ably conducted columns demand.

The most difficult thing in the world for one to do, is to "let well-enough alone." Discontent, especially in a new country, seems often to pervade almost every household. We have seen this to a great extent the past season in our own county. Numerous families, sacrificing their household effects and their stock, and sometimes their land, to "go back" to their former places of residence, or to some new place. And for what? The United States does not, in any other locality, furnish more beautiful and fertile lands than the valleys and rolling prairies of Cowley County. Indeed, few places can be found that will compare, in point of perfectibility, and in everything which goes to make up a desirable and lovely home, to the slopes and vales of this section of Kansas.

When we see families leaving this glorious land for the ignis fatuus of a better one, we commiserate their folly. And what disappointment awaits them at the end of their journey. Wherever they go, the same iron despotism of "Hard Times" stares them in the face. It is no better anywhere; nor will it be any better anywhere sooner, than here.

We have heard from several who have left, and invariably it seems they regret keenly their removal. Our kindest advice to the citizens of Cowley County is, to "let well-enough alone," study contentment; fight out manfully the hard times; cultivate your land with energy and industry; set out fruit and shade trees around your houses; abstain from the daily use of whiskey and tobacco; never go to town except to attend church or on business of necessity, and subscribe and pay for the PLOW AND ANVIL, and we will guarantee to you, both happiness and success.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

FROM the Walnut Valley Times:

"Mr. Mossman sends us some Early Rose and King of the early potatoes, raised since the drouth, which are very fine. Many persons in this county have raised good crops of potatoes since the first of August."

"Mr. C. N. James, the newly elected clerk of the court, will remove his family to town at once, and take possession of the office which was declared vacant by the Board a short time ago. Mr. James and wife will be welcomed by our people.

"Mr. Akin, the gentleman who proposes to hold the office of County Attorney for the next two years, will remove to our town shortly, and will become one of our citizens. Mr. Akin and wife will undoubtedly meet with a cordial reception from our people."

E. L. Akin was elected over A. L. Redden by two votes, three of which were cast for A. L. Redden. We have not learned whether Mr. Redden will contest.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

FROM the Arkansas City Traveler:

"The boiler of Speer's steam flouring mill burst last Monday, but will be in running order again in a few days.

"A new meat market has been started by S. C. Winton, on Summit St., nearly opposite to Central Avenue.

"ATTEMPTED MURDER.We learn that a man by the name of Hamilton, living in Beaver Township, attempted to kill a neighbor by the name of Flint. The authorities are after him.

"TWO HORSES STOLEN.Mr. William Turner, living near the State line, about five miles from this place, had both his horses stolen last Saturday night. The thieves came on horse-back, and left in the direction of the cattle trail, or Southwest. One was a medium sized black, branded T. on the shoulder, and the other a large bay branded M.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

We are pleased to notice the election of Col. James to the office of District Clerk of Butler County. He is a true gentleman and every way qualified.


Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

OUR PATRONS will get their papers at the Post Office, and then omissions and mistakes will not be likely to occur. Those who have not subscribed and who desire this paper, will please hand in their names, when they can obtain at the same time a paper of the last issue.

We shall mail this number to some parties who we think desire to take the paper. If they do not, they will please order it returned.

We are about to produce a graphic and attractive compendium of the wonderful resources of Cowley County; its fertility of soil, its numerous and well timbered streams of clear flowing water; its unusual healthfulness and its unsurpassed beauty of landscape. This will become standing matter in the paper, and will attract immigration. The Plow and Anvil is a paper that every settler should subscribe for, and send abroad to his friends.


Winfield Plow and Anvil, Thursday, November 19, 1874.

One of the most laudable enterprises of our town is the establishment of an extensive pork packing house, by our enterprising citizens, Messrs. Mullen and Jackson. They have on hand 500 head of fine porkers to slaughter, and will buy and pack all the winter. There cannot be too much said in favor of this new enterprise and the gentlemen who have invested their means in it, as it is a fact that hundreds of larger and more favored localities than this have no packing house. We desire to see Messrs. Mullen & Jackson succeed beyond their expectation.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.



Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles. Pure Wines and Liquors, for medical purposes. Dye Stuffs, etc., etc.

Physicians prescriptions carefully and accurate compounded at all hours, day or night.

Post Office Building, Winfield, Kansas.

Dealers in EVERYTHING.



Makes Deeds, Mortgages, etc.

Agent for the following First Class Fire Insurance Companies:

Continental, of New York.

KANSAS, of Leavenworth.


GLOBE, Chicago, Ill.

Office first door north of Post Office.
Winfield, Kansas.

Foreign and Domestic Exchange.

Bonds of all kinds bought and sold.

Deposits Received, and Interest Paid on Time Deposits.

Money always on hand to loan on good security.

POSSESSING ample means for the successful conduct of our business, we would be pleased to receive accounts from any, believing we can make it to their advantage to do business with us.

Collections solicited and promptly attended to.

First National Bank, Kansas City, Mo.

F. C. Eames, Esq., Kansas City, Mo.

Cass County Bank, Beardstown, Ill.

Allen Stephens & Co., Bankers, New York City.

German Bank, St. Louis, Missouri.

F. W. Tracy, Cashier, First National Bank of Springfield, Ill.

Your Patronage Solicited.

Boots and Shoes

For both Men and boys wear of every style kept on hand at prices to suit purchasers.

In the line of WOMEN'S SHOES, I shall endeavor to keep a well selected stock of the best manufacture.

I am selling goods on very close margin, and purchasers will find it to their advantage to give me a call. I also have a good complete stock of Queensware, Which I am selling off very cheap.

Store on Main Street one door South of Maris Drug Store.

We have ample stable room to accommodate a large patronage, and we endeavor to give satisfaction in charges and care of stock. We keep the best of buggy and carriage teams, with light convenient vehicles.

Stable on Main Street.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.


Real Estate Dealer,
N W quarter sec. 6, twp 33, R. 4.

3 miles southwest of Winfield. Terms, one-third cash, balance in one and two years, at six percent interest.

N. E. quarter sec. 28, twp 33, R 5.

8 miles southeast of Winfield. Price, $325.00, one third cash, balance in one and two years, six percent int.

W. half of the sw. quarter sec. 3, twp 30, R. 4.

Price $150.00. One-third cash, balance in one and two years, six percent interest.


N. W. quarter sec. 24, twp 31, R. 2.

Arkansas bottom land, some timber, price $450.00, one third cash balance in one and two years, six percent interest.

S. W. quarter sec. 9, twp 33, R. 6.

On Silver creek, well watered and well improved.

N. E. quarter sec. 20, twp 31, R. 3.

Hedge rows broken, 12 acres in cultivation.

S. half N.E. quarter and N. half S.E. quarter sec. 19, twp 32. R. 5.

Sec 14, twp 34, R. 4.

Well watered and timbered, half mile from Walnut river. Good stock ranch.

S. W. quarter sec. 31, twp 33, R. 5.

N. E. quarter sec. 31, twp 33, R. 5.

S. E. quarter sec. 31, twp 33, R. 5.

The above three quarters lie on Walnut river 8 miles South of Winfield. 80 acres fenced, 30 acres under cultivation, 35 acres of timber. All first class bottom land.

S. E. quarter sec. 24, twp 33, S. of R 4 E; 25 acres under cultivation, house 14x30, 6 acres fenced.

Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 in block 149, in the city of Winfield; vacant.

Lot 5, block 168, city of Winfield; residence lot with small house.

Lot 7, block 86, city of Winfield; residence lot with good house.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.


Job Office
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Cards, Blank work, Pamphlet Work, Ball Tickets, Wedding Cards, Posters, etc.

Printed in good style, on the best of paper and at moderate prices.

Plow and Anvil
Is published every Thursdaycontains from FIFTEEN to TWENTY COLUMNS of reading matter every issue, and gives its patrons the Local, Editorial, and Telegraph News of the day.

SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 Per Year.
Office in Read's Bank Building, west side Main Street,
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Advertisements in this Issue
S. C. Smith, real estate and Insurance agent. Advertises some very valuable real estate for sale.

J. P. Lynn & Co., Dealers in dry goods and groceries, advertise extensively in the local columns. This is a good firm to trade with, and their stock is new and complete.

Messrs. Hitchcock & Boyle, advertise their dry goods, groceries, queensware, and in fact, as they say, "dealers in everything." This firm is of too old standing in Winfield to need a word of commendation from us. They are fair men, and receive a very large patronage.

Messrs. Darrah & Doty, livery men, advertise their stables. This is one of the oldest livery firms in the city, and do a prosperous business. They have good teams, buggies, carriages, etc., and those who patronize them will learn that they have dealt with gentlemen.

The St. Louis Boot and Shore store, is conducted by W. H. South, one of the old business men of Winfield. The shoe business is something new with Mr. South, but there is no doubt of his success. His means are ample, his stock good, and his trade liberal. It will pay you to call and see him.

Messrs. Lockwood & Johnston, dealers in drugs and chemicals, advertise in half column. There is no better firm than this in our city, and the stock of medicines and other goods generally found in a first class Drug store advertised by this house, is complete and not inferior to any.

The Banking house of M. L. Read, is represented in a half column advertisement, and our citizens and the public generally, who have had business transactions with his bank, know of its worth far better than we can advise. This bank is a most valuable acquisition to our town and county.

The card of Messrs. Curns & Manser, Real Estate agents, will be found in the business directory of this paper. They do a general real estate business, and are reliable gentlemen.

Messrs. Pryor & Kager, attorneys at law, gives us their professional card. They rank well in their profession.

Mr. R. B. Waite, gives us his advertisement, to be found in the Business Directory of this paper, in which he advertises money to loan, and real estate to sell. Mr. Waite is one of the solid men of Winfield and will give you a good trade in real estate or loan money at reasonable rates.

Nate Roberson, dealer in harness and saddles, advertises his business. There are no better workmen, or better class of goods anywhere, than those of Mr. Roberson's. For anything in his line, give him a call and you will be sure to purchase.

The professional card of Judge T. H. Johnson appears in the Directory.

Alexander & Saffold, attorneys at law, give us their professional card.

Messrs. Gibbs & Mathers, advertise to construct buildings of any kind. We know them to be first class workmen, and cheerfully recommend them to the public.

Painting of any kind, done neat and cheap by J. M. Reed. Look in the directory for his advertisement.

Also the card of T. J. Jones, Painter, whose card appears on the first page.

Advertisement of W. M. Boyer, dealer in books, stationery, etc., will be found elsewhere. He keeps eastern dailies and periodicals.

L. P. Woodyard, jeweler, and dealer in clocks, watches and jewelry, advertises in the directory. He is a good workman and has a good stock of jewelry.

Theo. Parks, proprietor of the meat market, keeps choice meats at all times and patronizes the printer. Look for it.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Winfield Wholesale & Retail Market.
(Corrected weekly by J. B. Lynn & Co.)
Standard prints 10c

Wamsutta 8 1/3

Standard sheeting 12 1/2

Bleached muslin 5 @ 18

Fine unbleached 12 1/2 @ 18

Denims and shirting stripe 18 @ 25

Delainesall wool 45c

Flannelsall wool 40 @ 75

Flannelsopera 75c

Factory jeans 25 @ 1.00

Domestic gingham 15c

Cottonade 25 @ 45

Young Hyson tea $1.00 @ 1.50

Imperial tea .60 @ 1.40

Gunpowder tea .90 @ 1.65

Oolong & Japan tea .65 @ 1.50

Rio coffeechoice 28c

Lagvira coffee 30 @ 33

Refined sugar 13 1/2 @ 15

Crushed sugar 14 @ 16

Rice 12 1/2c

Common and fancy candy 20 @ 40

Sorghum molasses 65 @ 80

Sugar House molasses 80 @ 1.00

Silver Drip syrup 1.00 @ 1.25

Cider vinegarpure .40 @ .50

Dried apples 10c

Dried peaches12 1/2c

Currants and blackberries 12 1/2 @ 20

Raisins per lb. 20 @ 25

Canned peaches 25 @ 30

Strawberries & cherries per can 30c

Oysters per can 15 @ 30

Cheese per lb. 20 @ 25

Butter per lb. 20 @ 25

Eggs per doz. 20c

Lard per lb. 15 @ 20

Salt per lb. 2c

Green apples per bu. 1.25 @ 1.50

Hams per lb. 12 @ 18

Shoulders per lb. 10 @ 15

Clear sides 16 @ 18

Family soap 6 1/2 @ 10

Flour, best No. 1. per cwt. 3.00 @ 3.25

Corn meal per cwt. 2.50

Potatoes per bu. 1.25 @ 1.75

Tobacco, Dark Navy, per lb. 60 @ 80

Tobacco, Best Navy, per lb. 75 @ 90

Tobacco, Narragansett, per lb. 80 @ 90

Tobacco, Va. Natural Leaf, per lb. 1.00 @ 1.20

Tobacco, Fine Cut, per lb. 1.20 @ 1.40

Tobacco, O. S. smoking, per lb. 40c

Coal oil per gallon 40c

Mackerel per lb. 10 @ 12 1/2

White fish per lb.10 @ 12 1/2

Codfish per lb. 12 1/2 @ 10

Fall wheat per bu. .85 @ 1.00

Spring wheat per bu. .65 @ 85

Corn per bu. 1.00 @ 1.25

Oats per bu. .65 @ 75

Beefsteak per lb. 8 @ 10

Roast per lb. 6 & 10

Fresh pork per lb. 6 @ 9

Venison per lb. 6 @ 12

Chickens per lb. 8 @ 10

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Governor.Thos. A. Osborn.

Lieut. Governor.E. S. Stover.

Secretary of State.W. H. Smallwood.

Attorney General.A. L. Williams.

Supt. Pub. Inst.H. D. McCarty.

Treasurer of State.John Francis.

Auditor of State.D. W. Wilder.

State Printer.Geo. W. Martin.

Adjutant General.C. A. Morris.

State Librarian.D. Dickinson.

Supt. of Ins. Department.Ed. Russell.

Chief Justice.S. A. Kingman.

Associate Justice.L. M. Valentine.

Associate Justice.D. J. Brewer.

County Officers.
Judge 13th Judicial District.W. P. Campbell.

Board of County Commissioners.R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, John Manly.

County Clerk.M. G. Troup.

County Treasurer.E. B. Kager.

Deputy Treasurer.Frank Gilotti.

Probate Judge.T. H. Johnson.

Register of Deeds.N. C. McCulloch.

Supt. of Pub. Inst.T. A. Wilkinson.

Sheriff.R. L. Walker.

Coroner.Sim. Moore.

County Attorney.E. S. Torrance.

Clerk District Court.James Kelly.

Deputy Clerk.E. S. Bedillion.

County Surveyor.W. W. Walton.

Examining Surgeon, U. S. Pensioners.W. Q. Mansfield.

Township Officers.
Trustee.H. S. Silver.

Treasurer.O. F. Boyle.

Clerk.E. S. Bedillion.

Justices of the Peace.N. H. Wood, W. M. Boyer.

Constables.A. T. Shenneman, Burt Covert.

City Officers.
Mayor.S. C. Smith.

Councilmen.J. D. Cochran, Samuel Darrah, Hiram Silvers, R. B. Saffold, J. P. McMillen.

Clerk.John W. Curns.

City Attorney.W. P. Hackney.

Marshal.Z. T. Swigart.

Lodge Directory.
MASONIC.Adelphia Lodge No. 110, A. F. and A. M. Holds its Regular Communication on the First and Third Tuesday's of each month.

J. SWAIN, Sec'y.
I. O. O. F.Winfield Lodge No. 101; I. O. O. F. Meets every Saturday evening at the Masonic Hall. Brothers in good standing are cordially invited to attend.

J. SWAIN, Sec'y.
Church Directory.
BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. N. L. Rigby, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. on the second and fourth Sabbath's of the month until Dec. 1st, 1874. Weekly prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Covenant meeting at 3 P.M. on Saturday before the 4th Sabbath in November, 1874.

CHURCH OF CHRIST. Services each Lord's Day at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday school at 3 P.M.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Special Notice.
Editorial rooms at the office of Alexander & Saffold in the Stone Building on 9th Avenue.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

The best grade of home manufactured flour can be bought at Bliss' for $3.25.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

There is a very desirable assortment of prints at C. A. Bliss. The ladies are specially invited to call and see them.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Kirk's new cottage residence on 8th Avenue is nearly completed, and Dave Kenworthy's foundation started for a dwelling on same street.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

J. M. Read's new building is about to receive its finishing touches, and Rogers two splendid new residences are finished. So we go. Improvement is the order of the day in Winfield.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Mrs. T. K. Johnston and little son have recently returned from a visit "way down East." T. K. has been observed to smile frequently since their arrival and the sun shines again around the Post Office.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

If you want good coffee, 4 lbs. to the dollar, you must patronize the Old Log Store. Or if you are in need of any articles in the grocery line, the Old Log Store is a first class place to go to find it at bed-rock prices.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

We have secured the services of Mr. J. C. Lillie for our foreman. As a compositor he is not excelled by any in the State, and his skill in the mechanical arrangment of newspaper matter speaks for itself.

Our patrons who desire to visit the Press Room, or do business with the office, will find in Mr. Lillie a courteous and obliging gentleman.

He is authorized to make all necessary contracts relating to the business of the office.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

The contractors, Stewart & Simpson, have completed the brick work on Myton's new building. The building is two stories in heightthe first story 15 feet, the second 13 feetand 25 x 60 feet in size. The walls were carried up to the top 18 inches in thickness to stand fire, and the front has cut block stone corners, and iron columns. It is a credit to the owner, the builders, and the town.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

The Mayor and City Council at their last session appointed T. H. Johnson, Esq., Police Judge, and W. P. Hackney, Esq., City Attorney. No better selections could have been made.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

W. W. Mullen & Co., have started an extensive Pork Packing House in Winfield. They will butcher 500 hogs of their own, and will pay a fair price for dressed hogs in Market.

They will have constantly on hand for sale Bacon, Hams, Shoulders and Lard at the lowest rates; and would call special attention to the large amount of Hog's heads, Pig's feet, spare ribs, and back-bone they have on hand, and will sell at lowest possible prices.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Requa pays the highest cash price for hides and furs, and sells clothing at greatly reduced prices, at the old stand of Requa & Bing's.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

For an elegant table of clean choice prepared dishes, and well furnished rooms, we can cherfully recommend the BRADISH HOUSE. First class in all its appointments, board is no higher at this house than at other places.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

SINGER SEWING MACHINES.W. N. Walker, of this place, is the agent for the improved Singer Sewing Machine. Many of our friends claim it to be the most perfect and practical machine for all purpose ever introduced into the market. We cheerfully recommend it to those wanting a good family sewing machine.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

That old Jackson War Horse, Judge T. B. Ross, went down to Arkansas to see how it was himself. He thought may be "after seein" he might want to move "thar." When he drove in sight of the Walnut on his return, he thought somehow he was being translated like Elijah of old, into Heaven. He never did in all of good old fashioned Methodist experience feel so good before and we felt nearly as happy to see him permanently back again.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

J. W. Scott & Son, have removed their stock of dry goods and merchant tailoring shop into the well known store room formerly occupied by W. H. H. Maris. Mr. Scott is the only exclusive dealer in Dry Goods in the city, and of course he can sell goods in his line at as close margin as any dealer. In addition to his complete stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, notions, etc., he has as fine a selection of piece goods for gentlemen's wear as can be had in Kansas City or St. Louis, and as many of our citizens can testify, Mr. Ireland does his profession credit in the manner he makes up those goods. Go leave your order for a new suit out and out.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

FINE MEATS.No man ever bought a finer steak or roast than can be had at Miller & Hill's meat shop every day. They have a number of splendid beaves, and kill none but the best.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

The new Livery and Feed stable of Davis & Ferguson on 9th Avenue is approaching completion. It is 35 x 70 feet in size, one and a half stories high, and will accommodate two dozen horses and outfit. It will be the best building for the purpose in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

The Hog Fanciers began their slaughter last week. Mullen & Co., and Judge Saffold assassinated something less than 100 each, when the wind whipped around in the South and prolonged the wind of the balance of their stock. A North wind on Tuesday of this week started the music of the Swine Bands again and the Hog men are happy once more.Cause feed is $1.00 per bushel.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Lumber! Lumber!
W. H. H. Maris' Lumber yard is stocked to overflowing with the best of pine lumber, right from eastern markets; doors, sash, blinds, and all kinds of builders material and finishing stock. Mr. Maris pays cash for his lumber, and buys in large quantities at a time, thus enabling him to complete with the lowest figures placed on lumber and builders material in this part of the state.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Attention, Everybody!
The bottom has fallen out on the following named goods for the next 30 days.

The largest stock of dress goods in town at prime cost.

4,000 yards prints, 8 cents per yard, 1,000 yards standard muslin, yard wide, 12 1/2 cents per yard.

20 yards bleached muslin for $1.00.

Red Bank Lindseys, 12 1/2 cents per yard.

Union Flannels, 6 yards for $1.00, former price 25 cents per yard.

12 pair men's half hose, $1.00 - Good ones.

800 yards cheviott shirtings at panic prices.

Yard wide bleached muslin, 11 cents.

We can save you 20 per cent on Boots and Shoes for the next thirty days; hand made and warranted. Call and see for yourselves.

We will sell brown sugar 9 lbs. for $1.00.

Light brown sugar, 8 lbs. for $1.00.

4 1/2 lbs. of Rio coffee for $1.00.

Matches 5 cents a box, or 6 boxes for 25 cents.

16 bars standard soap, for $1.00.

Dried lapples 8 1/2 cents per lb. by the sack.

The celebrated cream mustard for 35 cents per pound.

Now, we mean business and will do just as we advertise. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere. S/ J. B. Lynn & Co.

The last issue of the Plow and Anvil on the microfilm was Thursday, February 17, 1876.

On February 24, 1876, the Cowley County Democrat began publishing and even published letters addressed to the "Plow and Anvil."

Cowley County Historical Society Museum