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[From January 6, 1886, through March 31, 1886.]

[Note: Before going further with 1886, I decided to review differences between Ordinance No. 26 (Original Ordinance for construction, regulation, and operation of waterworks for Arkansas City) and Ordinance No. 27 (Revised Ordinance mainly handled by Inter-State Gas Company. MAW]

SECTION 2. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successors or assigns, shall have the exclusive privilege of laying down pipes for conveying water in said city, for the use of said city and its inhabitants for the term of twenty-one (21) years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, provided that the Inter-State Gas Company, its successors or assigns, shall within sixty (60) days from the approval of this franchise, establish the best and most suitable place within the western portion of this city, for the source of water supply, and submit this selection to the mayor and city council for their approval, and have the said work completed and in successful operation within eight months of such approval, and shall keep and maintain such system of water-works, with all future additions and extensions, in successful operation thereafter during the term of this franchise, unavoidable accidents or delays consistent with ordinary prosecutions only excepted.

NOTES: "Successor or assigns" changed to "Successors or assigns" wherever this phrase occurred in different sections.

ORIGINAL DID NOT HAVE THE PHRASE "establish the best and most suitable place within the western portion of this city, for the source of water supply."

ORIGINAL..."shall commence work within one (1) month from the approval of this franchise, and have the said work completed and in successful operation within eight (8) months of such approval..."


"That it is further understood and agreed that the water to be furnished by said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, to said city or inhabitants, shall at all times be as pure and wholesome as any water produced from any well in said city of Arkansas City, or in the immediate vicinity thereof; and it is hereby further agreed that said Inter-State Gas Company shall procure the water supply at some point west of a line of 8th Street in said city."




Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 6, 1886.

A mugwump placidity is really refreshing. Here we have the editor of Harper's Weekly commenting on the removals from office in the Indian service, and searching his true inwardness to determine whether all these changes are in conformity with civil service rules. The names of sixty United States agents are borne on the rolls of the Indian bureau, of whom on October 1st, thirty-one had been removed. It is given to the people of this section to know that in most of these cases honest, efficient and experienced men have been displaced to make room for others, mostly from the South, whose fitness for the responsible duties they were appointed to fill was not considered, and whose sole claim to preferment was their political principles. The turning out of the former agents was immediately followed by a clean sweep of the employees, and thus the administration of the affairs of the red tribes is now entrusted to a set of men who know nothing of their habits, who can only communicate with them through an interpreter, and who have no devotion to their well being. The nicely adjusted service, which has been fifteen years growing into form and shape, is all knocked to pieces, and men introduced to fill it who are hungry for emoluments, and whose sole desire is to make as much as they can out of the employment, knowing that at the end of their time, they are pretty certain to be called on to give way to more competent men. . . .


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 6, 1886.

The FARM AND HOME greets its thousands of readers with a Happy New Year! In its visits to the households of farmers, merchants, and mechanics, it invariably comes with smiling face, the messenger of progress and development, and, like the herald, Mercury, alighting on a heaven-kissed hill, diffusing good cheer and encouragement around. We welcome the new year with the same inspiriting testimony. A constant accession of population to the state, bringing skill and enterprise to wrestle with crude nature, and infuse life and energy into her inert forces, that they may subserve the purposes of civilized man. New counties organizing, railroads extending, new towns and cities springing up, and domestic commerce spreading out on all hands.

The growth of Cowley County during the past year has kept pace with that of any sister county in Kansas; its rich soil, its numerous streams, its highly advantageous location, attracting settlers from all parts of the country, and encouraging its inhabitants to unwearied effort.

And Arkansas City has borne a foremost part in the progress and prosperity which mark the upward career of Southern Kansas. An addition of twenty-five percent to its permanent population, new and substantial business blocks erected or in process of construction; while new, and many of them handsome residences, have been built by the hundred within our limits. A new railroad has been brought to our doors, giving direct access to St. Louis, and a saucy river craft, the "Kansas Millers," has been built, with commodious steel barges for a towage, to carry our flour to Arkansas and bring back lumber and coal.

This is a creditable record for a year characterized by severe business depression and a failure of grain crops in many states, which visited severe suffering on their inhabitants. But conscious of the priceless advantages nature has placed in their hands, and counting nothing as done while more remains to do, the people of Arkansas City, at this dawning of the new year, are full of useful enterprises, both public and private, which when carried out to completion will render the year 1886 the most eventful and progressive in the history of the city.

First may be mentioned a water supply franchise granted by the city council to a solid company in St. Louis, by which an ample supply of pure water will be furnished to our citizens, and adequate provision made for the prompt extinguishment of fire. Eight blocks, fronting on Summit Street, are now being guttered and curbed, and solid stone cross-walks will be laid at the principal crossings along this main business thoroughfare. A commodious brick schoolhouse, two stories high, to cost $12,000, will soon be commenced in the Second Ward, to furnish accommodation for the increasing school population, which will be ready for occupation at the beginning of the next school year.

The Co-operative Farmers' Exchange have purchased a site on the canal for the erection of the most capacious flouring mill in the state, and will have started on the erection by the time this issue reaches the hands of its readers. They also contemplate building an elevator of large proportions for the accommodation of the farmers of Cowley County, where grain can be stored, an advance being paid on the same, in order that jobbers may be ruled out, and the full value of the product secured to the grower.

The growth of population and corresponding increase of business, render a commodious hotel necessary, and this want is now being supplied by the erection of a three story brick building on North Summit Street, with a frontage of 50 feet and a depth of 187 feet. In addition to all these solid improvements, eleven first-class stores are now in various stages of progress, and more projected, which when completed will add largely to our business facilities, and enable our merchants to handle the increased volume of business which a more extended railroad system and the tenor of political movements, quite conclusively show, will be brought to our doors [?].

We can but briefly touch on the bills before Congress, first, to open the unassigned lands in the Indian Territory to [MISSING ONE WORD OR TWO], and second, to grant the right of way by the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway Company to build through that inhibited region.

The demand of the country that the large tracts held by the Indians and put to no profitable use, be divided up into homesteads and allotted to Indian and paleface alike, is strongly favored by President Cleveland, and legislation to that end may be looked for at no distant time. In the Territory we find the Choctaws and the Chickasaw asking for allotment of land, and a large proportion off the Cherokees and Creeks [AGAIN THREE OR FOUR WORDS MISSING] demand. These tribes (or "great nations," as they are called by cour- tesy), recognize the uncertainty of their tenure while "the primary disposal of the act" remains with Congress, and we notice some of the newspaper organs of the Indians urge an allotment in severalty, in order that a farm may be patented to each member of the various tribes. The opening of the Territory may be counted on as a certainty, and the time not remote. This will afford room for tens of thousands of industtrious settlers, and the business- men of Arkansas City are now alert to securring the distributing business for this favorable point.

Strong and united efforts are also being made to procure the passage of the bill granting the right of way to the railway above named. This will place our city (within a few miles) as near to New Orleans as is St. Louis, and will afford direct interchange of the lumber, iron, coal, and cotton products of the South for the surplus products of our own section.

The above rapid survey shows that the new year opened with a vast field of enterprise before us, and it is gratifying to know that our community has the energy and the ability to deal with the occasion. The FARM AND HOME rejoices with its readers in the rich field that lies open to their husbandry, and hopes to stay with them while the work of preparation is being perfected and to be present to share the reward. FARM AND HOME.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

A. F. Hess keeps Canon City coal.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The city schools reopened on Monday, the holidays being over.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The wind storm on Monday blew down the telephone wire between this city and Winfield, in several places, thus interrupting communication.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Lovers of the manly art were treated to wrestling exhibitions in the Arcade billiard hall last week, the athletes being John Leon and Greek George.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

BIRTH. A young ex-Indian trader made his appearance in the household of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Sherburne at Ponca, on Friday last, and was heartily welcomed as a New Year's gift. Mother and baby doing well.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The disease among hogs in this vicinity has been pronounced cholera, pleuro-pneumonia, and measles; but it is hard to determine which. Feed plenty of salt and sulphur and keep the hogs dry, rather than take the chances of infection.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Kroenert & Austin have a panther skin hanging at their door, which attracts great curiosity. The animal it covered was shot by William Christie on the Cimmaron, and must have been an ugly customer to jostle against. They have a beaver, also, on exhibition in their window, which is regarded by many passers-by with great interest.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Nellie Turner, a soiled dove, living in the second ward, gave birth to a boy on New Year's day. On Monday night it died, and it is supposed the mother accidentally smothered it. Nellie being in distressed circumstances, the corpse of the babe was buried at the expense of the county. Acting Mayor Thompson gave the order for the burial.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

There are a number of individuals about Arkansas City, and within a few miles of this place, who have no visible means of support, and are no visible advantage to anyone. In the vicinity where they live, considerable petty thieving has been engaged in, such as stealing hay, corn, wood, chickens, and even hogs. Night watches should make an example of a few for the benefit of the others.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The Winfield Tribune very severely reproves the head of the Courier for some salacious remarks he indulged in with his bantering joust with the editor of the Republican. This condemnation was deserved, and we trust the offender will never sin in such manner again. "Filthiness of conversation" is classed by the Apostle Paul among the cardinal sins.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Jerry McGee, charged with setting fire to the Leland Hotel, was discharged from the district court, the evidence not being considered sufficient to commit him. On the preliminary examination the only testimony given tending to incriminate him was that of a dining room girl, who swore to seeing a man leave the hotel by a side door and brush past her, whom she took to be McGree, while a number of other citizens testified to his being elsewhere at the time. Judge Kreamer held there was cause to bind the accused over, but there certainly was not sufficient force of testimony to convict.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The resignation of Rev. S. B. Fleming, having been referred to the presbytery to consider, that body met in Wichita on Thursday last, Messrs. Huey, Newman, McConn, and H. Carlisle, representing the congregation, being among the members. After a full discussion of the matter, it was considered advisable to retain the Rev. gentleman in his present pastorate another year. This will be gratifying to the people of Arkansas City, who recognize in Mr. Fleming a useful and progressive citizen as well as an able and zealous churchman. We understand that without solicitation, an addition of $300 a year has been made to his salary.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Buy fancy cups and saucers, and China wear of H. Godehard.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The veterans of the Arkansas City Post give their festival on Saturday evening. Don't fail to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Mayor Schiffbauer left town on the Frisco train yesterday, his destination unknown to this deponent.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

G. W. Thompson of Wichita, son of Capt. Thompson, is on a visit to his parents, and will prolong his stay several days.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Charlie Schiffbauer came up from his trading post at Gray Horse a few days ago to get acquainted with his family.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

A. W. Reece, of Greenwood County, a property owner in this city, came to town yesterday on a periodical visit, and favored the TRAVELER with a call.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

An extensive prairie fire in the Territory on Wednesday evening destroyed the pasture in the vicinity of Duck Creek. The fire lasted all night, and burnt over thousands of acres.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

John N. Bayliss, a solid man of Wichita, and kinsman to Mrs. Ed. Grady, with his wife, spent the New Year with his relatives. He admits that Arkansas City is more of a burg than he had supposed.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The members of the A. M. E. Church began the erection of a house to worship in, last fall, and now they ask aid of our citizens to enable them to finish the building. The object is a deserving one, and we trust they will obtain liberal support.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

George Nance and wife returned to town on Saturday, after a residence of three years in Colorado. [REST OF ITEM 99% OBSCURED.]


Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

An eight-year-old son of George Wagstaff, who lives in the north part of the city, while returning home on Thursday evening with some medicine for a sick member of the family, fell into the excavation in front of the new buildings in the burnt district, and striking with his face on some rock, sustained severe injuries. Dr. Shephard attended the little fellow, who is now recovering.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Hard to read: Looks like the name is I. M. Sayman...not sure!

I. M. Sayman, the man that tells us many many years from his wagon, came in yesterday and renewed his subscription for the TRAVELER. He avows himself a democrat, which is his misfortune, but being a property owner and licensed auctioneer in this city, he says he no time for newspaper men who call him a nuisance, and grudge him the bread he earns. But he is shrewd enough to know that the more he is abused in the papers, the more his business thrives. He feels lonesome because the racket is not kept up.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The Eagle of yesterday says: "The Arkansas river looked quite Icelandic yesterday. It was not quite frozen over, but the ice was piled up glacier like along the bars, and the wind whistled through the iron frame work of the bridge like the Arctic winds through the rigging of a ship. The reporter as he wended his storm beaten form across the river to skirmish the Fifth ward for pointers, found that a large amount of wind without and a circumscribed amount within made Jordan a hard stream to cross."

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The memorial of our merchants to the city council asking that a license tax of $25 a day be imposed on auctioneers of dry goods and other merchandise, was referred at the last previous meeting of that body to a special committee appointed by the mayor. On Monday evening, Mr. Prescott announced the readiness of his committee to report on the subject, but it was late in the session and the mayor having an ordinance and a resolution to introduce, the committee report was not called for. So it goes over to the next regular meeting.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The railroad committee of the board of trade had a brief interview on Monday afternoon with Mr. Young, of Young, Latham & Co., contractors for the Frisco road, to learn what the company would do towards bridging the canal where it intersects Fourth, Fifth, and Central Avenues. Mr. Young could suggest no other way than to assess the cost on the lot owners along these avenues. As an individual he might be willing to contribute something towards the sum necessary, but he was not authorized to pledge his company to anything. The meeting broke up with evident signs of dissatisfaction.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Likes the Arrangement.
"There is a rumor afloat that the K. C. & S. W. has either sold out to or made a long lease to the Frisco of its line of railroad, and that hereafter the Frisco will back up the K. C. & S. W., and the G. S. C. & W. We hope such is the fact as that will, beyond all question, make it a competing one with the Santa Fe, and not only give us a Kansas City connection, but a direct outlet to St. Louis. Keep the ball rolling. While we would rejoice at knowing that our road was backed up by a great trunk line like the Frisco, we would also like to see it managed by the enterprising men who built it, so far, and have proved themselves railroad men who know how to build and manage a road." Geuda Springs Herald.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Caution. My son, William, having left my home, and being no longer under my control, this is to caution all persons against trusting him, as I will not be responsible for any debts he may contract. D. M. PURDY. Arkansas City, Jan. 4th, 1886.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

G. A. R. Festival.
The veterans of the Arkansas City Post of the G. A. R., propose to have a good time on Saturday evening, and invite their friends and well-wishers to partake in their festivity. The occasion is the installation of the officers elected to serve during the present year, and the members of the Women's Relief Corps will also be present to make public installation of their officers. The exercises of the evening will consist of music and song, and some little oratory will be indulged in appropriate to the occasion. An oyster supper with cakes and coffee will be served up by the ladies of the Relief Corps. Thirty-five cents admission fee will be charged to members and non-members alike, partly to defray the expenses of the evening, and what remains over to be added to the Post fund. The old soldiers trust that their friends will rally in strong force to their aid.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Home Industry.
Our neighbor, the Republican, shows good sense in enforcing on the merits of our citizens that the job offices in this city can do as cheap and as good work as can be procured from the larger establishments of Kansas City or Emporia. He mentions with becoming pride some of the work turned off his own presses during the holidays, and we may also mention that the TRAVELER presses have not been idle. In addition to a large amount of ornamental work, we have printed five items and promissory note blanks for the Arkansas City Bank, and as many notices to note holders; one thousand blank warranty deeds for a real estate house, and two thousand copies of the FARM AND HOME, for Snyder & Hutchison. All the work done at this office is at rates that bear comparison with those of outside rivals, and the quality of the work and of the material used, will bear the test of close scrutiny. Merchants and professional men who want to see their town grow and flourish must patronize home industry.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Mr. Hill Explains.
Mr. Young, of Latham & Co., rather offended the railroad committee of the board of trade of this city, on Monday, by his abrupt way of refusing to expend money in grading an avenue leading to the depot. Mr. James Hill, in the city council that evening, explained the cause of Mr. Young's obduracy. The K. C. & S. W. Company, he said, hadn't a dollar to operate their road; they couldn't pay their fare from this city to Winfield. They have themselves prevailed on the Frisco company to run their trains, until they shall be in condition to help themselves. Latham & Co., the contractors, who built the road, are no better off. They have done the work, and are left as poor as Job's turkeys. He (the speaker) was in the same fix. Five or six thousand dollars was owing to him by the company, and he was now looking round with great vigilance to see what property there was to secure him. Mr. Young offered $50 from his own pocket to grade a road to the depot, which was an act of liberality as that gentlemen had no interest in building up this city. With this explanation Mr. Young's apparent indifference for our needs is relieved of its sombre hue.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

How to Suppress Immorality.
The council on Monday got into a discussion on the morals of the city. Mr. James Hill said that Judge Gans and District Attorney Asp had complained to him of irregularities between the sexes, and several young girls being enciente. He wished to know whether our police force lacked in number or efficiency; and if it was not strong enough to prevent flagrant immorality, the quality needed improving. He wanted better men employed. Mayor Schiffbauer said it was somewhat unreasonable to invest one man with the functions of city marshal, road commissioner, and night watch, and expect him to hold vigilant supervision over all the doings of the city. Mr. Dunn said there was a [THREE FRENCH WORDS THAT I CANNOT MAKE OUT WRITTEN IN ITALICSlooked like maison de joie], (only he didn't call it by the French name) between his house and Mr. Dean's, where girls plied their vocation, and they were so quiet over it that the neighbors were ignorant of the character of the inmates. But this he thought a lesser evil than the miscellaneous intercourse between young men and young girls, which he believed was carried on to some extent, and the adoption of an ordinance to restrain the evil may be looked for.

Could not read much of next item. Found out he had been a Union soldier. MAW

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

In Memoriam.
DIED. J. C. DUNCAN. At a meeting of the Arkansas City Post of Veterans, at their headquarters, on Saturday, December 21st, the following resolutions in commemoration of the virtues of the late J. C. Duncan, a comrade recently deceased was adopted.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

ED. TRAVELER: A few weeks ago I noticed an item to the effect that Capt. A. J. Burrell had brought suit against an individual, under the game laws of this state, for killing a squirrel on his farm, and that he lost the case and had the costs to pay, on account of the action being brought under the wrong section of the law. This seemed to many to be a good joke upon Mr. Burrell, but to the farmers who are every day annoyed by a lot of indolent loafers, who do nothing but hunt, it is regarded as a misfortune, since it tends to encourage the practice and to work against their interests. The matter should now be carried to a higher court, if necessary, and the nuisance stopped. The way to accomplish this is to combine for the purpose of prosecuting hunters, trespassers, and thieves. Levy a tax of $1 each to establish a fund, and make a reward of $10 to every farmer who will prosecute the case, besides paying the costs out of the treasury, and have every farmer become a member. A VICTIM.

West Bolton, January 2nd, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Christmas at the Osage Agency.
Payment began on Tuesday in Easter week. Trade good and all enjoying the holidays.


Christmas Eve a "society event" occurred, Mr. John Whalen, of Indiana, being united in the nuptial bonds to Miss Minnie Revard of the Osage nation. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Andrew Revard. The bride, a charming brunette, wore a flowing dress of white satin, trimmed in orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were Miss Jennie Revard and Miss Eliza States. The first named was dressed in pink silk, trimmed with French lace, and the second was habited in a rich black silk, her coiffure of forget-me-nots. This lady is a blonde, and looked very attractive. The groomsmen were John Lyons, of Kansas City, and Chas. Revard, of Elgin, Kansas. These gentlemen appeared in conventional black suits, with white vests and cravats. Many invited guests attended, and the presents were costly and numerous. After spending Christmas at the agency, the happy couple started out to spend the honeymoon. That their journey through life may be light and prosperous, is the wish of their many friends.

On Christmas Eve a grand ball was given by the proprietor of the Revard house, which was attended by eighteen couples, who had a happy time. WARE.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Resolution of City Council.
Resolved, That notice is hereby given to whom it may concern; that on the [SOMETHING VERY WRONG WITH DATE GIVEN IN PAPER, WHICH HAD "30th day of January, A. D., 1886,"] the city council of the city of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, shall in the name of said city, present a petition to the Hon. E. S. Torrance, judge of the District Court of Cowley County, State of Kansas, praying for an order declaring that the following territory lying adjacent to the limits of said city of Arkansas City, described, by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:

Beginning at the east line of the southwest quarter (1/4) of section twenty-five (25), township thirty-four (34) south, of range three (3) east, in Cowley County, Kansas, at a point equidistant from the north line of Fourth (4th) Avenue and the south line of Fifth (5th) Avenue, in the city of Arkansas City in said county and state, thence west eight hundred and seventy-two and one-tenth (872.1) feet, thence south six-hundred and sixty (660) feet, thence north seventy-six degrees and thirty minutes (76 deg. 30 min.), east three hundred and twenty-two (322) feet to a point one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet from the center line of the main track of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad, thence north fifty-five degrees (55 deg.) east parallel with said center line of main track six hundred and seventy (670) feet, thence north two hundred and eighteen (218) feet to the point of beginning; containing ten (10) acres more or less, a part of the corporate limits of said city of Arkansas City, and made to all interests and purposes contemplated in the law under which said city is incorporated a part of said city, and that this notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Arkansas City TRAVELER immediately hereafter.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Wanted. Any information as to the whereabouts or the disposition that was made of the following personal property, to-wit: One dark bay mare with light forestep and mane, 11 years old; and a light bay mare with white face and hind feet, one white or partly so at least in the hock, about 15 years old. The harness was old fashioned and well worn; bridles without blinds. The wagon was what is known as a Star wagon; the tongue having been repainted a dark red and the end gate having a square of a foot or more unpainted where an extra board had been removed. The wagon may have been covered and the whole thing have the appearance of an emigrant outfit. There also may have been a gray colt following the team.

The party in charge and who probably disposed of the outfit, was a young man 23 to 25 years old, 6 feet tall, slender height, weight about 150 pounds, dark hair and dark eyes, sharp, smooth face. He may have had with him a 5-year-old boy with dark hair, low forehead, medium size; also had three guns, one a Winchester rifle, one common long barrel squirrel rifle, and a single barrel breach loading shot gun, and may have had a trunk and some other articles in the wagon.

This property would have been disposed of some time between the 19th and last part of May, and was seen last near El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Our City Fathers Perplexed With An Empty Treasury.
Council met at 7 o'clock on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer in the chair; Councilmen Bailey and Hight absent.

The following bills were acted on.

Thompson & Woodin, $6, allowed.

Parker & Rarick, $1, allowed.

Sundry persons, work on water main, $2.62, allowed.

H. T. Sumner, drafting contract and board, $5, allowed.

Referred bill of the Republican, $8 for printing for justice's court, was laid over, and clerk instructed to require of attorney general whether the city was authorized to pay for such work.

County bills: H. Godehard, $4.49, groceries for a pauper family, approved.

The bills of Dr. Baker for medical care given and medicines to pauper families, formerly rejected by the council, were again brought up. The mayor said Dr. later had protested against thisrenunciation of services rendered in good faith, and would be willing to take a portion of the amount.

The bill for services to Jacob Chinn, $29, was cut down one-half; services to Mrs. J. B. Matlack, $26, the same reduction; services to Mrs. Harper and child ($80), held over for two weeks, in order that the claimant might explain.

S. C. Smith asked the use of one-third of the road at Summit street and Sixth avenue, for building addition [?? NOT SURE OF LAST WORD]; he also asked leave to grade up that corner, the city to pay the expense. The former was granted, the latter referred to the street committee.

A further application by the same person, that he be allowed to [REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH GARBLED].


Messrs. Dean and Dunn objected to the [? WORD ?] being made with earth, they preferred gravel for the purpose. Mr. Hill said if the applicant would dump his surplus dirt in the slew, at the price named, it would be wise in the city to buy it of him. To fill in and make a road to the canal would cost $500. Mr. Young had offered to contribute from his own pocket to the expense, he (Mr. Hill) would also give his mite. The cost would be $500, and he and Mr. Young would give $100 of the sum. The remainder could be raised by subscription. To bring the matter fairly before the council, he offered the following resolution.

Resolved, That the city council appropriate a sufficient sum from the city treasury, to grade a roadway along Fifth Avenue west from Summit Street to the canal, and build a bridge there.

The mayor said the question of bridging the canal was now under consideration by the street committee of the council.

Mr. Dunn, in behalf of the committee, recommended that the canal company be ordered to build a bridge on Central Avenue, and that the railroad company be required to make crossings.

Mr. Hill inquired where the people who crossed the bridge would go to. There was a grade of eight feet at that point, and trestles were to be put up raising the track eight feet higher.

Mr. Will Mowry asked leave to make a statement in regard to a conversation he had held with Mr. Hill, which brought out an explanation by the latter.

A long and informal debate ensued, in which the respective merits of Fifth Avenue and Central Avenue as an approach to the depot were discussed.

Several amendments to Mr. Hill's resolution being offered, but not seconded, that gentleman asked leave to withdraw it and substitute the following.

Resolved, That the city furnish the necessary means to grade a road to the new depot and build a bridge across the canal; provided that the canal company pay the appraised value of one of their ordinary bridges, the mayor to appoint a board of appraisement.

Mr. Dunn said there was no money in the treasury to perform this work. The cost of grading and bridging had been estimated at $900. His plan was for the city to appropriate $200, and collect from the lot owners on Fifth Avenue, what money they are willing to give. Turn this over to the railroad company, and let them do the work.

Mr. Hill said the Kansas City and Southwestern people, being too poor to operate their road, it had been turned over to the St. Louis and San Francisco company. We were now dealing with a management whose headquarters was in St. Louis. If the council could convince those people that it was a wise thing for them to expend their money in grading a road down to the railroad track, this proposition would do well enough. But the chance of success he thought slim. He did not favor offending them with any such demand, but would reserve his powder for bigger game. A handsome depot had been built, the best on the line, and a turntable laid down; we now want a roundhouse built capable of holding all the engines on the road. The speaker told of a syndicate in Winfield, who had clubbed together to buy a section or two of land a few miles south of the city, with a view to make a town there, and play off against this city. If Arkansas City could give the railroad company a good tank and other appliances, they would be apt to treat us with the same liberality. There were many necessary things to ask them without a demand for $500 to build a road with. The city ought to build this road, if we have to let our washing bills go unpaid.

Mr. Dunn said it would be well for the city to give $200 to the people of any avenue who will make a grade to the depot.

Mr. Prescott favored raising the appropriation to $300. The account would then stand in this shape: $300 given by the city, $100 by Messrs. Young and Hill, $150 by the canal company, leaving $350 to be raised by property owners. This money he thought could be collected, and Mr. Hilliard has offered to carry round the subscription paper.

This being put as an amendment to Mr. Hill's resolution, was adopted and the resolution (thus amended) was also adopted.

The question of laying some sidewalks along Fifth Avenue next came up. Mr. Hill asked what was the regular routine in such a proceeding.

The mayor said the sense of the lot owners must be obtained, and if those representing the larger share of abutting property approved, the city would then advertise for bids.

Mr. Thompson wanted the sidewalk extended across the city, from depot to depot, on both sides of the street, and the flagging to be six feet wide.

Mr. Sipes [? WORD HARD TO READ...COULD BE DUNN ?] said he had planted shade trees on his sidewalk which were now a good size and


taken out and lowered, he thought it only reasonable the city should bear the expense.

Mr. Will Mowry again complained that a pathway for pedestrians around the burned district was still blocked and should be left open. The street commissioner had been instructed at a former meeting of the council to have this done, but the blockade had not been removed.

The city marshal said he had opened it once, but it had been closed up again. The only way to keep a pathway clear was to move all the material shoved away.

Ordinance No. 28 was then read and adopted; also a resolution to extend the boundaries of the city.

Council adjourned at 9:30 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

Ordinance No. 28.

Got bits and pieces of this.

Whereas, Those parcels of ground lying adjacent to the city of Arkansas City, and commonly known as View Hill addition, Swarts addition, McLaughlin's addition, and Hess addition to the city of Arkansas City have been laid off into town lots, streets, and alleys, and where plats thereof have been filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cowley County, State of Kansas.

Therefore, be it ordered by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:

SECTION 1. That all such portions of View Hill, Swarts, Hess, and McLaughlin additions to the city of Arkansas City as are surveyed and laid off into town lots, streets, and alleys, and the same is hereby annexed to the city of Arkansas City and made to all intents and purposes contemplated in the law under which said city is incorporated a part of said city.

SECTION 2. That the additions taken into the city by this ordiance be, and the same are hereby attached to the several wards for municipal purposes in the following manner, to-wit:

All that portion known as McLaughlin's addition to the first ward.

All that portion known as View Hill addition to the second ward.

All that portion known as the Hess and Swarts addition to the fourth ward.

SECTION 3. That all ordinances in force in the city of Arkansas City shall be in force and extended over the territory above described.

SECTION 4. This ordinance to be and remain in full force and effect from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved Jan. 4th, 1886. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

On December 29, 1885, Mayor Schiffbauer had an "Election Proclamation" printed in Traveler. Could not read it in that issue.

However, this issue shows it more clearly; so will try again!

Mayor's Election Proclamation.
WHEREAS, on the 28th day of December, 1885, at a called session of the Board of Education, of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, the following proceedings were had and entered of record among the proceedings of said Board of Education.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, that it is necessary in order to raise sufficient means to purchase a new site for school building, and for the erection of a new school building thereon, and for the purchase of necessary furniture for furnishing same, and, as the purpose of funding the outstanding indebtedness aside from bonded indebtedness of Central or West school building, that it is necessary to issue the bonds of said city of Arkansas City for this purpose, and in amount as follows: For the sum of $5,000 [? Looks like $5,000 ?], for the purpose of funding the said indebtedness against said Central or West school building; and for the sum of $11,000 for the purpose of purchasing site, erecting building, and furnishing same as above mentioned. Said new school building to be located in second ward of said city of Arkansas City. That said bonds be issued in denominations of One Thousand Dollars each, and bearing interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, payable semi-annually, and said bonds to become due and payable sixteen years from date of issue, and the city shall reserve the right to pay one bond each year payable at the fiscal agency for the state of Kansas, in the city of New York.

Therefore, be it resolved, That the mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, be, and is hereby requested to call an election in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, of the qualified electors of said city for the purpose of taking the sense of said city upon the foregoing resolutions.

By order of the Board. J. P. WITT, President of the Board.

ALEX WILSON, Clerk of Board.

December 28th, 1885.

Now, therefore, I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, in pursuance of the above foregoing proceedings, and by virtue of the statutes in such cases made and provided, do hereby proclaim and make known to whom it may concern, that on Monday, the first day of February, A. D., 1886, there will be held in said city an especial election upon the proposition as set forth in the foregoing proceedings of said Board of Education. Said election to be conducted in the same manner as provided by law for the election of city officers, except that the returns shall be made to the Board of Education for the purpose of taking the sense of said city upon the question of issuing such bonds. The ballots to be used at such election shall be in the following form, to- wit: Those voting for the proposition shall have written or printed thereon, the following words, "For the bonds for school purposes," and those voting against the proposition shall have written or printed thereon the following words, "Against the bonds for school purposes."

The following places are hereby designated as voting precincts for said election in the different wards: First ward at the office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit street; second ward at the office of Thompson & Woodin, East Fifth avenue; third ward at the office of J. H. Hilliard, West Fifth avenue; fourth ward at the office of the City Livery Stable, West Central avenue. And I hereby appoint the following named persons to act as judges and clerks of said electon: First ward, S. J. Rice, J. P. Eckles and W. D. Kreamer as judges, and A. E. Kirkpatrick and M. B. Vawter as clerks. Second ward, L. E. Woodin, J. J. Clark, and Chas. Bryant as judges; Oscar Titus and Dell Plank as clerks. Third ward, James Benedict, M. C. Copple, and John Love as judges; F. Speers and Frank Thompson as clerks. Fourth ward, S. C. Lindsay, A. A. Davis, and D. E. Sifford as judges; Alexander Wilson and Wm. Blakeney as clerks.

Given under my hand at my office, in said city of Arkansas City, this 29th day of December, 1885. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

How the Aborigines Take to Civilization.
A news writer in Wabash, Indiana, tells the following interesting story.

Forty Indian children, collected by the government, from several western Territories, who have been attending White's Normal Labor Institute, near this city, since 1883, will leave on March 1 for the Indian Territory, where the boys, twenty in number, will be given tracts of land of eighty acres each, and the girls will be installed as teachers in Indian schools. These children were brought east under instruction of the Indian Department, which provided transportation and bore the cost of maintenance during the term of tuition. The members of the class are chiefly Sioux, and their improvement mentally and physically has exceeded the expectation of the authorities interested in the experiment. Originally it was intended that the government should provide for the sustenance of the children for five years, but it is found that they can easily complete the course of study in three. The lads in the present class speak excellent English, are well up in mathematics and geography, and their labor on the institute farm has given them practical knowledge of agriculture they never could have obtained otherwise. The girls have developed a strong intellectuality, are model housekeepers, and are expert with the needle.

There will remain after the forty have gone, thirty-five Modocs and Sioux brought to the institute in 1884, and these will complete their studies and follow their companions west next year. Ruth Tabor, a Modoc maiden, about twenty years of age, has displayed astonishing aptitude in her literary work, and though a pupil only two years, she will make a heroic endeavor to enter Earlham College at Richmond a year or two hence.

In view of the success with which the experiment of educating the simple-minded children of nature has been attended here, the institute people will at once request the secretary of the interior to send seventy-five more Indians to the school, and by April 1, it is hoped to have over 100 children receiving instruction at the institute.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

Resolutions of the City Council.
Resolved, That notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that on the 30th day of January, A. D. 1886, the city council of the city of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, shall in the name of said city, present a petition to the Hon. E. S. Torrance, judge of the District Court of Cowley County, and State of Kansas, praying for an order declaring that the following territory lying adjacent to the limits of said City, of Arkansas City, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the east line of the southwest quarter (1/4) of section twenty-five (25), township thirty-four (34) south of range three (3) east, in Cowley County, Kansas, at a point equidistant from the north line of Fourth (4th) avenue and the south line of Fifth (5th) avenue, in the city of Arkansas City, in said county and state, thence west eight hundred and seventy-two and one-tenth (872.1) feet, thence south six hundred and sixty (660) feet, thence north seventy-six degrees and thirty minutes (76 deg. 30 min.), east three hundred and twenty-two (322) feet to a point one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet from the center line of the main track of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad, thence north fifty-five degrees (55 deg.), east parallel with said center line of main track six hundred and seventy (670) feet, thence north two hundred and eighteen (218) feet to the point of beginning; containing ten (10) acres more or less, a part of the corporate limits of said city of Arkansas City, and made to all intents and purposes contemplated in the law under which said city is incorporated, a part of said city, and that this notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Arkansas City TRAVELER, immediately hereafter.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

EVERYBODY HALES SMITH'S BEE-HIVE GROCERY STORE, Where you can buy more Goods for $1.00 than at any other house in the city. Try One Sack of O B FLOUR AT $1.35.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

CHEAP MONEY. QUICK LOANS! No weary waiting. Sign the papers and get your money. FARMERS! Call and see us and get the LOWEST RATES AND BEST TERMS ON FARM LOANS IN SOUTHERN KANSAS.

Office in First National Bank Building, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

DeLAND & CO's CAP SHEAF For Baking Purposes SODA, Best in the World.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

BROWN & HITCHCOCK, The Famous Boot and Shoe Makers of Arkansas City. Three Doors South of Occidental. Ladies' and Gent's Fine Work A SPECIALTY. We guarantee to give you "fits." Repairing Neatly Done.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

R. ROSENBERG still holds the fort, feeding the hungry with Good Things, and selling Groceries AT BOTTOM PRICES.

Buckwheat flour: 5-1/2 cents per lb.

Mincemeat, best quality: 10 cents per lb.

Lard, home rendered: 25 cents for 5 lbs.

California canned goods, 25 cents for 3 lb. Can.

Cranberries: 10 cents per qt.

This is a sample of my prices, and families would save money by trading at my store. A Full Line of Dried Fruits. CRACKERS in every variety. Orders received fresh every day. Solid meats, the best filled cans in the city. Poultry always in stock. Pure apple cider. Note prices and give me a call. Opposite Steinberger's drug store.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

NO SHODDY GOODS. The Highest Quality Silver plated Ware. I am now selling at 25 per cent discount. My assortment is complete and everything is guaranteed as represented.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

Capt. Couch, when he appeared before our board of trade a week or so ago, avowed his anxiety to get to Washington; the Weaver bill, as he stated it, needing earnest laborers to ensure its passage by congress. But later dispatches from the national capital show that the Oklahoma question is not without its friends, and the world will drift along though the boomer chieftain should not be on hand to shove. At a recent meeting of the house committee on Territories, General Weaver spoke a piece in advocacy of his measure, and Representative Townshend, of Illinois, also urged the merits of his bill. Half a dozen bills are before the committee, all having for object the organizing of a territorial form of government for the Indian country, and parceling out the unassigned lands to white settlers, but differing somewhat in details. It is thought the committee will report in favor of creating a territorial government and allotting the lands in severalty, but the interest of the present occupants will be guarded, and due respect paid to the treaties. There is a strong feeling among the Indians to dispose of their surplus lands, but proper time will be taken and they will be encouraged rather than forced to become citizens.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

Letter Lists.
List of letters remaining in Post office January 15, 1886.

Pannibell Abell, C. W. Armes, A. Abeherl, Riley Armstrong, E. G. Bass, L. Bass, W. Belles, J. M. Boyd, J. M. Bowden, Charles Bossean, C. F. Bortwell, Mr. Bowes, S. C. Burch, Nellie Buterfield, A. J. Buyan, Geo. Brewster, Guda Blakley, J. A. Butler, W. A. Butterfield, J. M. Busha, Jahen Casty, Thomas Coffee, Eliza Ann Creuters, Wm. Collins, Charlie Cramer, Frank Chapin, T. C. Chamberlain, Cubin Bros., C. H. Dayton, James A. Davis, G. H. Dote, Willis Davis, E. A. Donahoe, J. J. Darr, J. K. Davis, Geo. Dunn, Richard Evans, G. W. Fellon, J. W. Gibson, Nettie Herron, Edwin Heald, Hattie Harring, J. H. Hawkins, Wm. Houghy, Alex Hamiltton, John Hart, Ed Howard, Albert Hines, George Hudson, J. S. Hunt, Enos E. Hunt, Geo. Huddleston, F. L. Jenkins, J. H. Johnson, John L. Jons, Kay Minor, J. S. Lawrence, A. U. Lowe, Anne Lynor, C. H. Lewis, W. J. Lewis, Hattie Lewis, Lyda Lavine, R. H. Marsh, Thos. McMahon, James McMaine, George Myshy, Miss Effie Miller, James A. Miller, David Morris, D. G. Miller, W. R. Miller, W. H. Nickerson, Osborn Nowlan, J. D. Nichols, Enoch O'Brian, Thos. O'Neal, Emily Osburn, R. M. Orr, Robt. Parker, Asouth Pierce, W. B. Pingry, Parkins & Co., Fred Pifer, Fred Perry, F. B. Pennybacher, Winnie Phelps, Marry Pheobus, Alvin Ramsey, J. H. Rarkin, John Reller, Frank Richards, Julia A. Riley, Alex S. Rodd, Thos. Roper, R. O. Berts, Frank Romine, J. L. Russel, W. A. Shinkle, Smith & Ferguson, Nate Sellers, F. J. Seely, W. A. Sigman, Wm. Sims, J. L. Shepard, I. R. Streeter, Jacob Stines, Cordelia Sterling, G. W. Stevenson, W. D. Stevens, Geo. Skillicorn, J. M. Snook, A. J. Scott, Fred Sumner, Jacob Stine, Eugene Taggart, Jas. Tomek, I. E. Teasdale, Jas. Tiler, David Tompkins, Ellen Tarkin, Louis Tournie [MUST BE LOUIS TOURNIER], T. R. Tompkins, Dan'l Treman, Jas. Todd, Allie Thompson, Wm. Thomas, G. H. Thomas, John Vanfleet, Anthony Waldron, Ben Waldrip, Chas. Warner, Mara Walker, Frank Werner, Ed Wells, P. T. Weeks, W. W. Wilson, Chas. A. Wilson, Minnie Williams, A. Williams, J. H. Wise, James Wilson, Andrew Williams, Virgie Weir, Milton Woodruff, Hollana Whittaker, Winita Wyrick, Wm. Whitney, L. H. White, John Wycoff, H. Whitaker.

Persons calling for any of the above letters please say advertised.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

Sealed proposals endorsed "Proposals for improving Fifth Avenue," will be received by the undersigned until 4 o'clock on Tuesday, February 2, for grading Fifth Avenue and bridging the canal at the intersection of said avenue, according to plans on file at the First National Bank. Bids must be accompanied by a guaranty of two responsible parties that if contract is awarded the bidder, he will enter into contract in ten days with sufficient bond for its fulfillment. C. H. SEARING, S. MATLACK, H. P. FARRAR. Committee.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.

Take Notice. L. D. Latham & Co., will not be responsible for any orders, discharge, or time checks issued by their employees until countersigned by Wm. D. Carey, paymaster.

L. D. LATHAM & Co., Contractors K. C. & S. W. R. R.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 27, 1886.




Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Go to A. F. Huse for Anthracite coal.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The Atchison Champion is irreverent enough to call the Queen of England, "a petulant, whimsical, ill-tempered, spiteful, old woman!"

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

N. T. Lawton and his son, whose severe sickness has been reported, have convalesced, and both the patients have put in an appearance on the street.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Judge C. J. McCarty, of Missouri, is on a visit to this city, with a view to entering into business in this locality. We are indebted to the judge for a pleasant call.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Johnny Florer and J. E. Finney, both experienced Indian traders, of Gray Horse, spent a few days in town last week, and put out for home on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The Arkansas City post of veterans held their first meeting on Saturday evening under their newly elected officers, and found the proceedings so interesting that they did not adjourn till nearly 11 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The cold wave ("the coldest of the season") that was to have assailed our benumbed senses on Sunday morning, failed to come in time. Got lost by the way, we may reasonably conclude.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Our city ice dealers have availed themselves of the cold spell, and have put away a supply of ice sufficient to supply the wants of all. Solid ice a foot thick properly stored away, will certain last the summer through.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

We publish a communication advocating the issue of school bonds for the erection of another school building. The article is written by a school officer, and presents facts which will have weight with every intelligent and unbiased voter.

[Note: Could not find communication at first that was referred to above. It appears later under the caption "SHALL WE VOTE THE BONDS." This issue hard to read.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Visit to Miss Patterson's and Miss Burkholder's School.
Miss Florence Patterson teaches the 6th and 7th grades in the stone schoolhouse. Her enrollment of scholars is 50; the average attendance 49.

On the occasion of the reporter's visit to her school, one day last week, 47 scholars were present. The room is light and airy, well provided with blackboards, furnished with single- seated desks, and equipped for fifty scholars. The Fourth Reader is used, which is alternated with Taylor's United States History; the last named book being found greatly interesting to the scholars. During the present severe weather, many of the scholars who live at a distance take a lunch to school, and as the noon recess is an hour and a half long, Miss Patterson devotes the last half hour in reading from some interesting book to her juvenile hearers. "Tom Brown to Rugby," is the story now under consideration (that book so delightful to school boys and girls), and the readings are found so attractive that many of the scholars voluntarily deprive themselves of half an hour's holiday, to be present at the reading of this charming narrative. This the teacher finds an effective antitode to tardiness.

When the visitor enters Miss Patterson's room, he is instantly impressed with the presence of "a good school." Every boy and girl is busy; no listlessness, no uneasy turning on the seat; but busy occupation whatever the study on hand. When our reporter entered the school, "Class A" was busy with a language lesson, while "Class B" was deep in the study of geography. The use of capitals was the language study. Certain specific rules were written on the blackboard, which the scholars were required to copy and furnish an illustration of each. The use of capital was given as at the beginning of a sentence; at the beginning of a line of poetry; with a proper noun; adjectives derived from proper nouns (as Chinese, Grecian); to designate a marked event in history, as the Reformation, the Rebellion; and various other uses. This exercise required intelligence, and it was creditably performed. Every scholar was ready with a poetical quotation, Pope, Coleridge, Longfellow, and Lowell being used; and when the reporter in going through the class, inquired the authors of the various illustrations, the names were given with a readiness that suggested some literary acquirement. The reporter was encouraged to ask, "Who can tell me anything about Pope?" but there was no response.

"You are going too deep for this school," was the teacher's reminder.

These youthful tyros are just climbing the ladder of learning; they have not yet entered its statued halls and made themselves acquainted with the sages enshrined there.

B Class had recited its lesson in geography, and an instructive talk between teacher and pupils grew out of it. The names and localities of the principal volcanoes were given, Vesuvius was dwelt on by the teacher, and the class required to tell what they knew about the ancient cities (Herculaneam and Pompeii), burned by its lava. The scraps gleaned from reading by some of the scholars were told with charming naivete.

The teacher remarked that two mountains, Erebus and Terror, had not been found by any scholar on the map. Miss Ora McComb corrected this admission, and pointed them out near to the Antarctic ocean. The reporter questioned the pronunciation used of the mountain first named, and a bright little miss made instant recourse to the dictionary to settle the controversy.

Of course, with a school so interested in its studies, there is no trouble to preserve order. The spirit of the teacher dominates her young flock, she shows herself a true educator in leading out the powers of her pupils; all are interestedall show ambition to excel.

Credit is also due to Prof. Weir in so apportioning the studies that all harmonizes; to use a military phrase, the advance is made along the entire line. These children are merely learning the names of tools, as it were, they have hardly yet begun to understand their use, still there is a keen apprehension awakened; their minds are alert and assimilate readily all that is presented. Scholars confined to strict routine can learn their text books through and still know nothing useful; they can repeat the names of authors and give the rules of composition, and still be illiterate. And this gives force to the object urged by many writers that our youth leave the public schools knowing nothing. Intelligent criticism has largely remedied the defect, and text-books are subordinated to the practical teachings and object lessons furished by the outside world.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Stepping across the spacious hall on the upper floor of the stone schoolhouse, the visitor enters Miss Zillah Burkholder's room, where the fourth and fifth grades are taught. The enrollment in this room is 50, the average attendance 48. A home like air takes possession of the feelings as you glance around the room. Tasteful engravings and chromatic prints decorate the walls, and the blackboards are embellished with tasteful drawings. Miss Burkholder also has the facility of bringing out all the energies of her scholars, and her labors are hence successful.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The evening prayer services in the First Presbyterian Church are well attended, and the religious interest awakened by them causes largely increased congregations at the Sabbath services. They will be continued during the present week.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Capt. Hamilton with his troop of the Fifth cavalry, which left Ponca shortly after New Year's, is now stationed at Fort Russell, where his troopers are employed driving out the cattle. This may be fun for the boys, but it is ruinous to cattle owners, whose stock should be left undisturbed at this inclement season.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The widow Matlock running out of provisions last week sent her little son to Pat Franey's restaurant to make known her wants. Pat raised $1.50 at his own counter and repaired to Hasie & Co.'s to buy a sack of flour. The Major learning the facts of the case filled a large basket with necessaries and abundance reigned in her impoverished home.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

C. W. Terwilliger returned to town last week, having been called to a dying mother's bedside and attended her funeral. The deceased parent was 75 years of age, and attended to her domestic duties up to her last fatal sickness. Mr. Jacob Terwilliger, the bereaved husband, and children of the deceased, have the sympathy of their many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

On the register of the Leland Hotel, one of the coldest days of last week, the names of the following commercial men were inscribed. David Lindsay, New York City; H. M. LaSelle, St. Louis; Max Rice, Boston; Thomas Carter, Wichita. The trade of this place must be eagerly sought after when five large cities send representatives to rake in a share.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The Johnson Loan and Trust Co., announce in our columns their readiness to furnish cheap money and make quick loans. Having access to eastern capital, they can place their money on long time, thus giving the borrower an opportunity to recover himself, and greatly facilitating his efforts to get things in his hand. This enterprising company is steadily expanding its operations, contributing useful aid toward the development of the country. [AD ALREADY TYPED.]

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The registration ordered by the mayor as a qualification for voting on the school bonds was only partially regarded. The lists which closed on Saturday, show but 400 names, divided among the wards as follows: First ward, 90; second ward, 101; third ward, 74; fourth ward, 135. This registration includes less than half the voters of the city, from which we infer there is a prevailing indifference in regard to the school bonds.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Prof. J. C. Weir has been elected member of the American Institute of Civics.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Sam Barrus [? Burrus ?] is up from his ranch and is circulating among his many friends. [WONDER IF THIS SHOULD BE BURRESS?]

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Capt. Parks, of the Wyeth Cattle Co., spent the early part of the week in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Charley Schiffbauer came up from Gray Horse on Sunday, to spend a few days in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Johnny Gooch, the rustling trader at Otoe, came to town on Tuesday, and remained with us two days.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

DIED. We learn from Dr. Mitchell that John Martin, living on the Walnut, lost an infant boy on Monday night from croup.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The letter list published today is unusually long, showing that there is a great number of strangers in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

A detail from the Santa Fe survey party, now in the Territory, came in on Monday evening to purchase supplies.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Col. Sumner has removed his law office to the west room over the First National Bank: next door to the council chamber.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The extreme cold on Friday demoralized the city schools, and the young folks were dismissed at an early hour in the afternoon.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The citizens' committee for improving Fifth Avenue, advertise in this issue for proposals. Bids will be received until 4 o'clock next Tuesday. [Ad already typed.]

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

O. P. Houghton offers a discount of 20 percent to purchasers for the next thirty days. He is closing out his winter stock, and offers rare bargains.

AD. WILL GIVE 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT on the Following Goods for the next 30 DAYS:

Men's and Boys' Winter Clothing.

Men's and Boys' Caps.

Men's and Boys' Wool Lined Goods.

Ladies' and Misses' Wraps.

Ladies' and Misses' Gloves.

Ladies' Shawls.

Wool and Wool Mixed Dress Goods.

All Grades of Wool Delaine Except Red.

Repellants, Linseys, Hoods, Misses' and Children's Caps.

Men's, Ladies' and Children's Underwear.

Laces, Kid Gloves, Comforts and Brocade Velvet.

Respectfully, O. P. HOUGHTON, At the GREEN FRONT.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

This afternoon and evening the ladies of the Baptist Church will give a social at the residence of Mrs. Peal. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

BIRTH. The wife of our progressive friend, Olmus Lent, has enlisted in the good work of building up the city, and comes forward with the contribution of a bouncing boy. [NEVER SURE OF LAST NAME ON THIS ONE...IT IS EITHER LENT OR LEUT...CAN'T REALLY TELL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE N AND U IN THIS FONT.]

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

The article explaining the objects and aims of the organization known as "the Knights of Labor," contains useful reading, and is published at the request of several of our readers.

A Powerful Organization that is Working a Revolution Among Wage Workers.
Five men in this country control the chief interests of 500,000 workingmen, and can at any moment take the means of livelihood from two and a half millions of souls. These men compose the executive board of the Noble Order of Knights of Labor of America. The ability of the president and cabinet to turn out all the men in the civil service and to shift from one post or ship to another the duties of the men in the army and the navy, is a petty authority compared with that of these five knights.

Theirs has been a strange promotion from humbler walks of life to the pinnacle of power over those they have left behind and under them. Nearly all were mechanics five or ten years ago. The name of only one of them is so well known as to be recognized by any newspaper reader when it spoken or printed before him. That is the name of Terence V. Powderly, ex- blacksmith and ex-mayor of Scranton. The names of the others are impressive when spoken in certain secret meetings, but among the people at large they are little better known than when the men whose identity they fix were working in a western mine, beating gold leaf in Pennsylvania, manipulating a telegraph instrument, or in one way or another were earning the wages of skilled laborers from wealthy corporations.

Mr. Powderly is now the head of the order. He is general master workman.

They can stay the nimble touch of almost every telegraph operator, can shut up most of the mills and factories, and can disable the railroads. They can issue an edict against any manufactured goods, so as to make their subjects cease buying them and the tradesmen stop selling them. They can array labor against capital, putting labor on the offensive or the defensive for quiet and stubborn self-protection or for angry organized assault, as they will. They have never done any of these things, but they say that those who do not know them imagine them to be demons, creatures with tongues of fire and horns on their heads.

Yet of themselves they also say that they are peacemakers, arbitrators, quellers of discord, and promoters of harmony and good will.

The history of the Knights of Labor is short, but interesting. In 1869 Uriah S. Stevens, a clothing cutter in Philadelphia, and a man of uncommon intelligence and mastery over his fellow workmen, established the present order with an ambition even grander than the realization has been, though in a most humble way. Stevens was a born reformer and philosopher, given over to the study of the conflicting ambitions of mankind and to the effort to elevate and strengthen the working people. He was born in Cape May County, New Jersey, on August 8, 1821, of well-to-do parents, and is said to have been carefully educated. His parents desired to make a minister of him, but he became a tailor, and in 1845 was working at his trade in Philadelphia. The remainder of his long life was spent in the Quaker City, excepting five years in California, and the time consumed in a short trip to Europe and another hasty journey through Central America. He was an original Republican and an original Greenbacker. The ideas he developed and impressed upon his companions in the clothing and other trades led them, with him, to conceive the idea of a national labor association for the protection of working men against combinations of capital. He was chosen to preside over this first organization, which was not properly organized as Local Assembly No. 1 until 1873. This was in Philadelphiaan organization composed largely of clothing cutters at first.

The order spread from one body of workmen to another in Philadelphia, until it combined nearly all the trades and a proportion of the working-men there. In its development it touched at Trenton, where it failed at first, and got representation in that city through one local assembly. But its vigorous growth, such as marked its history in Philadelphia, was next continued in Pittsburgh. It made no other halt, but leaped entirely across the state of Pennsylvania, and in the coal and iron capital met with an even warmer reception than in Philadelphia, and soon became formidable there. In 1878 a convention was called to form a general assembly of North America, and Mr. Stevens was chosen general master workman. Afterward he was re-elected to this postthe supreme one in the order. He was twice a candidate for congress. He died in 1882, and his memory is idolized in the organization.

If canonization ever becomes popular in this country, Stevens will be the patron saint of the American workingman and woman. For the order includes both sexes alike. Women are admitted on a par with men, and the leaders find them even more valuable. Female members and females whose husbands and brothers are members keep up the faith and the enthusiasm that the order needs. Anyone who stands well in his trade, if it is organized, and who is not less than 18 years of age, without regard to sex, color, creed, or nationality, be he statesman, manufacturer, employer or employee, or wage worker of any kind, or farmer, is eligible to membership unless he is of the interdicted class, which includes lawyers, bankers, professional gamblers, stock brokers, or any person who derives any profit or income from the sale of intoxicating drinks. In founding an L. A., as the local assemblies are called, it is first arranged that three-quarters of the candidates for membership shall be wage workers or farmers.

This is the noblest order that has been founded for many a century. It has practically no secrets, except such as pertain to its members, organization, capital, etc., matters which any business firm keeps to itself; consequently, the Catholic clergy do not object to their followers becoming members. In this it has great advantage over other orders. Its object, as originally founded, was largely educational. This, however, has been so broadcast that the "K. of L." take cognizance of the industrial and sanitary interests of the wage worker.

The five men, who are associated with Mr. Powderly in the administration of affairs, are or were mechanics like himself. Master Powderly has never used liquor or tobacco. Frederick Turner is secretary of the executive board. He is 29 years old, and English borrn. He learned the gold beater's trade, but now has a grocery. John Wayes is the third member of the executive board of the Knights of Labor. He is of American birth, has been a railroad brakeman and telegraph operator, but is now a grocer. He is 31 years old. The other members of the board are W. H. Bailey [? Baley ?], of Shawnee, Ohio, and T. B. Barry, of East Saginaw, Michigan. An insurance bureau and co-operative society are connected with the order. The executive Board recently removed the boycott from Stratton & Storm's cigars. When the interests of the order are injured by any manufacturing firm or railroad, the command goes from headquarters to boycott the offender and all dealers using their wares. Half a million men can control in work matters perhaps three times their number. In such case the firm that sets itself against the Knights of Labor suddenly finds itself brought upstanding. The headquarters of the order are at 202 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Here under our eyes has arisen a society of plain workingmen that can make millionaires trimble. Labor at last is learning to use its power. Science and Progress.



Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

A. P. Hutchison, who has had long experience in Indian schools, and now has charge of the Otoe school, visited Arkansas City last week. He reports everything progressing favorably at that sub-agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

To prevent damage to the bridge from an ice gorge, men are employed sawing a channel in the stream, and we hear that dynamite will be exploded to break up the ice. Every precaution will be used to avoid disaster.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

John Landes, manager of the Arkansas City Roller Mills Complany, suggests that farmers lose no time in bringing in their wheat, as in the event of damage to the bridge from a jam of ice, they will be shut off from the city for some time.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Capt. Thompson and Pat Franey, in behalf of the post of veterans, were out soliciting contributions for distressed comrades on Monday and Tuesday, and gathered in upwards of $100 in money and provisions. This is certainly a liberal response to the call of the needy.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

On January 21, Chas. H. Robey, the original owner of the town site of Ashland, was shot and killed at that place. Several persons were congregated in Wade's restaurant, when some of the parties stepped outside, and with six-shooters opened a fusilade, during which a pistol in the hands of W. E. Foster, who stood in the doorway, was accidentally discharged, the ball striking Mr. Robey in the chest, causing almost instant death. An inquest was held and Foster held for manslaughter. Winfield Tribune.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

A party of four, consisting of Joseph H. Sherburne, Judge McCarty, of Missouri, and Robert and Frank Hutchison, started out for Ponca yesterday. Judge McCarty has the appointment of trader to the Poncas, and he rode out there to look over his field of future operations. Joseph Sherburne's license expired last November, but an extension was granted him till February 1st, to enable him to close up his business. He will remove his family to this city as soon as the weather permits.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

A correspondent in the Territory reports the following disaster as of recent occurrence, without giving date. The Wyeth company's herd was found drifting the other day along the fence which enclosed their pasture. In crossing a small stream, the banks of which were steep and the water miry, the cattle in the rear crowded those in front into the creek, where they bogged. The herd passed over their bodies, using them as a bridge, and thirty were smothered. Having crossed the creek, the cattle drifted along the fence, and one animal, trying to get over it, became impaled and froze to death. Another was caught by the leg and suffered a like fate. Other losses are reported to cattle owners in the Territory, but I am not able to give particulars.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Capt. Hamilton, in command of the troop of the Fifth cavalry, stationed at Camp Russell, came near losing some of his men by the cold during the worst weather last week. As the information comes to us, one of his troopers allowed his charger to get away and the man attempted to hoof it into camp. He lost his way and failed to put in an appearance at roll call. The next morning a detail of four men was sent out to hunt the missing soldier, who also lost their bearings, and this party lay out all night. The missing man and those sent in pursuit of him finally reached camp without serious injury from the frost. But lying out at night without adequate covering with the mercury below zero, is certainly a hazardous adventure.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Church Sociable. The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a wristlet sociable in the Stevens' building, on Friday evening next, the 29th inst. All are cordially invited to attend.

Secretary of the Society.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Religious. On account of an accident on the S, K. Railroad, last Saturday, Rev. Robt. Atkinson failed to fill his appointment at the Baptist Church. We now expect him next Lord's day. All are cordially invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

High School Entertainment.
On the evening of Feb. 5, the members of the High School will give an entertainment, consisting of declamations, music, tableaux, and a very amusing farce, at the opera house. These students have been diligent in their efforts to purchase a piano, for the benefit of which is their entertainment. While they appreciate the kindness shown them by subscription throughout the community, they hope the citizens will again kindly assist them by going to hear their sincere efforts to entertain them. A very hearty invitation is extended to all.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Stock and Storm.
We could perhaps name fifty owners of livestock, and state what we have heard concerning their losses. It seems better though that we should not. We will tell you why. Some people cannot tell how many head of cattle they have lost because their herds have been blown south by the blizzard. These may have lost all or very few. Another class of men will not state in positive terms the extent of their loss. These two elements of uncertainty seem to make it hard for the class who know their loss, and state it frankly.

But now to an estimate of the losses of the stock in Trego County from the great storm: In a large number of cases as with Sheriff Baker, County Superintendent Rich, Geo. Brooks, and W. S. Harrison, no loss has been sustained. In a large number of other cases, from three to ten percent has been lost. In some other instances the known loss has approached twenty- five percent. It seems to us that we estimate closely when we place the average loss of stock in Trego County at five percent. The storm has been unusually long and severe. It is reasonable to hope that all other sources of fatality to livestock between now and fresh grass will not equal that of this storm.

Sheep have died in larger numbers than cattle, but we have reason to believe that the losses in proportion to the capital invested have not been so great. Wakeeny World.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Happy Printer.
The Democrat, as an item of news, tells its readers that "our old friend James Hughes, of northwest Creswell, remembered the printer with a nice load of wood last week, the value of which was placed to his credit on our subscription book." We could go our neighbor one better, and mention the delivery of two loads of wood by the same enterprising citizen. But such items we regard as too primitive. Similar transactions are made a hundred times a day by our merchants, which acquire as wide-sounding fame by publication. Suppose our city papers should report John Brown delivered a load of potatoes to James Smith, taking in exchange $4 worth of groceries and being paid the balance in cash.

Another item informs us that some subscriber stepped up and made glad the heart of the printer by paying $1.50 on subscription. Happy newspaper man! With so much cash in hand he must have felt like another Rothschild, and that he refrained from standing on his head must have been the result of severe repression [? depression ?].

This is not journalism, and it would be well for our brother in the sky parlor to know it. He probably thinks it tickles his subscriber, but by the same token every time a purchaser pays for a bill of groceries he sends home, or buys $1.50 worth of hardware, the transaction should go into the newspaper with a benediction from the tradesman. This is like chronicling small beer, and is too readily run into the ground. Give us something fresh.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

An Appeal for Aid in Behalf of Poor and Disabled Ex-Soldiers.
At a meeting of the Arkansas City veterans of the G. A. R., held on Saturday evening, reports were made by the adjutant (Dr. C. R. Fowler) and the relief committee of the sickness and destituution of several of the members. The officer of the day also mentioned several cases of extreme want suffered by old soldiers and their families, in whose behalf he had asked assistance of his neighbors and friends and been refused with the reply: "These men are members of your own Grand Army post, their proper resort is to your post treasury." It being the belief of the members that this idea quite generally prevails, and withholds assistance from deserving men who have a special and a lasting claim on the sympathy of their fellow citizens, the undersigned was instructed by unanimous vote of the post to lay the case of these sick and destitute veterans before the public and invoke aid in their behalf.

It should be borne in mind that upwards of twenty years have elapsed since the victorious arms of these veterans suppressed the rebellion and delivered our country from the assaults of traitors. In the flush of life they parted from friends and renounced the joys of home, counting no sacrifice too great to assure the safety of an imperial country. Four years of toilsome marches, exposure, and heroic daring restored peace to the country, and those who survived the conflict returned to their homes. But this exhausting and dangerous service by flood and field shattered the constitutions of many of these patriot soldiers, and the inroads of a quarter of a century have so told upon their enfeebled frames, that we find many of these war warn veterans now unable to earn their support.

It is true the Grand Army of the Republic is organized, among other things, to relieve its distressed members, but what is the recourse of these dependent persons when the post treasury runs dry? On Saturday bills were allowed for coal to warm the hearths of several without fuel, for groceries where the family was suffering for food, for medicines prescribed by the physician. It should be remembered that the post fund is made up by trifling quarterly dues paid in by members, some of whom make a positive sacrifice in maintaining their good standing. There are a number of well to do ex-soldiers in our community whose more ample means could relieve the cost of its chronic condition of impecuneosity; but most of these, from indifference or some other cause, fail to muster with their more constant comrades, and their sympathies are not touched by the reports of destitution and suffering made at the post meetings.

This appeal is made to all classes of the community. We profess to hold in greatful remembrance the heroic services of these sons of the Republic, who at the call of arms counted no cost, but held their duty to country before that due to parent, wife, or child. The soul of the student thrills as he reads of the lofty patriotism and unyielding endurance of ancient Greek and Roman when beleagured foes threatened their homes and altars; but, be it remembered, that no time is recorded in history when the fires of patriotism burned more brightly; when the defenders of country exposed their breasts to death and danger with more unselfish alacrity; when, in short, a whole people seemed infused with a sublimity and devotion which places that era in the world's annals among the grand and heroic. Men and women of mature life remember that trying period as a national transfiguration; it consecrated home and country to our affections, and exalted the participants in the conflict to the highest level that human frailty can attain.

Those war worn veterans, who gave health and strength to the cause of their countrywho sacrificed their future usefulness that our liberties might be preservedare left as a sacred legacy to the care and gratitude of their fellow countrymen. This appeal is for aid in their behalf. The reports of the relief committee represent that as many as a dozen of these patriot soldiers are suffering, with their families, the direct want during this inclement season. They need coal, provisions, and clothing, and the treasury of the Grand Army post has become exhausted in ministering to their needs. Money is not asked to relieve their distress, but such contributions of food, wearing apparel, and fuel as will drive the gaunt wolf of famine from their doors, and diffuse a sense of comfort in homes where misery now holds sway.

Comrade G. W. Miller, quartermaster to the post, will receive contributions in behalf of these suffering members, and use the utmost vigilance in placing them where they will do the most good. Let not this appeal fall on unheeding ears.

In behalf of Arkansas City Post, No. 158, G. A. R.


Arkansas City, January 25, 1886.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned is hereby dissolved. Parties owing the late firm, or who have claims against it, will settle with W. H. Jenkins.

Arkansas City, January 8th, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Reasons Why Another School House Building Is Necessary.
Vote for the bonds because we have not school room sufficient to accommodate our children. But you say we don't need more school room, and even claim that the rooms we have are not full. Well, my friend, here are the facts.

In the brick school building, also including the frames on the school lot, there is an enrollment of 481, making the average enrollment of 68 to the teacher, with an average daily attendance of 55 pupils to the teacher at this unfavorable season. The average seating capacity of these rooms is not exceeding 40 pupils. I leave you, reasonable friend, to draw your own conclusion.

In the stone building there is an enrollment of 345, making an average enrollment of 76 pupils to the teacher, with an average daily attendance of 58. In favorable weather no teacher has an average daily attendance of less than 48, while in the first primaries there is an average daily attendance of over 100.

These are our accommodations, and it is to be regretted that many of our little children have been enabled to attend but half day sessions. No intelligent citizen can read these facts and vote against the bonds.

While you are in a thoughtful mood, you will notice that nothing so far has been said in reference to our High School. This department has been compelled to seek quarters in the Commercial block, giving up its old quarters that rooms might be provided for those not so far advanced in the work. The high school enrollment is 65, with an average daily attendance of 54.

The entire enrollment of our public schools is 851, nearly 900 pupils, with an average daily attendance of 725 in favorable weather. There is no reason for the enrollment of our schools being less than 1,000 pupils, and the average daily attendance being anything short of 850, save the lack of school room. There are upon a small estimate 100 or 150 children, today, in the corporate limits of Arkansas City, who are not enjoying the school privileges because the teachers are over crowded as it is, and have not for this reason endeavored to bring them within the range of the advantages of the school. Can we as a people afford to have these little ones grow up ignorant? Shall we for another year say to the world that we are too stingy to furnish these little children with opportunities sacred to them?

Vote for the bonds because in this way you can give your children opportunities to become intelligent, to become useful members of society, and a benefit to the state.

Vote for the bonds for the reason that you prefer to be taxed to build school houses rather than to pay taxes to build poor houses, jails, and penitentiaries. You object to being taxed to increace my child's resources to be self-sustaining in life. I object to being taxed to support your child while lounging in jail for some crime he has perpetrated upon the society of which he was unfitted to be a part.

Parents, vote for the school bonds and prepare your children to occupy honorable and lucrative positions which you were unable to fill for want of education.

Vote for the bonds and encourage the system of work which it is our good fortune to possessschools unsurpassed in the state for accuracy of methods and thoroughness of work, schools of which we have every reason to be proud.

Laboring man, vote for the bonds and furnish employment for yourself, bread for your family, and education for your children.

You that have no children, vote for the bonds. It will be a good way to attract intelligent people to your midst. Assure them school facilities equal to those they leave behind, and not even your churches can serve as a greater inducement. Let every man vote for the bonds for the reason that he desires good society, intelligent people, good schools, and strong, healthful churches. H.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Our Fallen Sisters.
ED. TRAVELER: In your issue of the 6th inst., I noticed a local article making mention of some unfortunate women in this city. "Soiled doves," you term them. Will you think me too bold if I make a suggestion in regard to such outcasts?

There are many well meaning women who spend a good share of their time on the so- called "Woman's Rights" question. Women of leisure as well as talent and means. Many of these persons are apt to strain out a gnat and swallow a camel. Others devote their time to the pursuit of fashion. If these classes of our sisterhood would direct their energies to procuring just treatment for the less fortunate members of their sex, they would step on the right road toward rendering all women purer and more respected. Many reformatory societies are supported in every city, but I have yet to hear of the first society designed for the reformation of fallen women. Such a society, sustained by kind hearted Christian women, who are not too good to visit any fallen sister who may come in their way, and afford them consolation and counsel, would be carrying on the scriptural principle of charity and would be fare more useful to society than any clamor after political rights. Is my suggestion worthy of notice? I would say further no true woman need be afraid of soiling her character by entering into such work. A WOMAN.

Arkansas City, January 23rd.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Our correspondent is somewhat behind the age in charging that no societies exist for the object stated above. No further off than Leavenworth there is a home for unfortunate women, well supported by the ladies of that city, and which is said to be accomplishing much good. Magdalen institutions are older than the century, and much money and philanthropic effort have been expended in the endeavor to reclaim through them some of the sisters who have gone astray. Such a society in this city would have a narrow field of usefulness, but it is always well for all persons to cultivate a spirit of forebearance, and when any outcasts come into our midst to try means of reformation before we hound them out with bell, book, and candle.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

Notice. All those wishing duplicate Photographs from their negatives, made by the undersigned while at Arkansas City, can have them on short notice, by leaving orders at my old stand, or sending orders to me.

Telephone connection in gallery. Any person wishing to speak to me pertaining to my business is at perfect liberty to do so at my own expense.

GEO. H. DRESSER, Winfield, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.

City Market.

Corn per bu.: $.27 & $.30

Wheat per bu.: $.80

Oats per bu.: $.25

Potatoes per bu.: $.85

Hogs per cwt.: $3.00

Chickens per doz.: $2.95 [? NOT SURE ABOUT THIS FIGURE.]


Flour per cwt.: $2.00 @ $3.00

Corn meal per cwt.: $1.20

Sugar, granulated, 12 lbs.: $1.00

Coffeey, 6 lbs.: $1.00

Butter per lb.: $.15 & $.20

Lard per lb.: $.10

Chickens each: $.20

Eggs per doz.: $.20

Ham per lb.: $.125

Bacon per lb.: $.10

Beef, prime roast per lb.: $.10

Sirloin steack per lb.: $.125

Round steak per lb.: $.10

Boiling pieces: $.06 & $.08

Apples per pk.: $.30

Coal per ton, Canon City: $8.00

Anthracite: $18.50

Osage and Weir City: $6.00

Pittsburg: $5.25

Wood per cord: $5.00

[Missing: February 3, 1886, issue of Arkansas City Traveler.]

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

The Globe-Democrat gets off the following happy bit: The bill agreed upon by the House Committee on Military Affairs for the organization of Territorial cavalry to fight the Indians, provides that whenever such cavalry shall find its supply of horses insufficient for a vigorous pursuit of the enemy, "the deficiency may be supplied from any accessible herds without the delay of advertisements and inspections." This formal recognition of one of the leading industries of the frontier, now pursued with more or less danger of hanging, must be regarded as something decidedly new in statesmanship.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

President Cleveland has again delivered himself of the stereotyped expression, "Office- holders shall be divorced from politics while they hold position under the government." This declaration, every time it is repeated, throws the mugwumps into fresh spasms of ecstasy, and Cleveland is held before our admiring gaze as the unyielding man of destiny. But some newspaper man and others are so irreverent as to inquire into the record with a view to learn whether the practice of the administration is in conformity with its precepts.

In the January number of the Civil Service Record, of Boston, Mr. Herbert Welsh, secretary to the Indian Rights Association, contributes a paper devoted to "Removals of Indian Agents," written at the Request of Richard A. Dunn, one of "the board of editors." The writer propounds this test question: "Does the Indian Department at present select agents and their subordinates in accordance with this principle, or does political partisanship take precedence of it and determine appointments?" and he answers it by enumerating some of the removals and appointments that have been made. We will select one or two from his catalogue. The case of Dr. W. V. Coffin is given, who was in charge of the Forest Grove Indian Training School, Oregon, now known as the Chemawa school. The fitness of this gentleman for his position was pre-eminent, having long experience in the Indian service combined with executive ability, and devotion to the cause in which he was engaged. His endorsements came from college presidents, several state officials in Oregon, and many prominent business men of that state. But he was removed in spite of all efforts to retain him, and Mr. Welsh shows how it was brought about.

"Upon visiting Washington, after his removal, the writer says, Dr. Coffin inquired at the Indian Commissioner's office whether there were any charges affecting injuriously his character or official record. He was informed to the contrary. Subsequently the Hon. John H. Oberly, Superintendent of Indian Education, without solicitation on Dr. Coffin's part, stated to him that just at that time, when Colonel Lee's (Dr. Coffin's successor) friends were making strenuous efforts to procure an Indian appointment for him (Lee), charges of inefficiency were made against Dr. Coffin. These changes afterward proved groundless. Mr. Oberly expressed the opinion that if he had known the true state of the case at the time of Dr. Coffin's removal, things might have been otherwise."

In this case, as in so many others nearer home, "all of Dr. Coffin's subordinate teachers have been removed by Colonel Lee, who has filled the places principally with his own relatives."

Another instance of the divorce of public position from politics, is given in the case of Major Gasmann, late agent at the Crow Creek Agency, Dakota. Mr. Welsh's narrative is as follows.

"This gentleman's appointment was secured mainly through the efforts of General S. C. Armstrong, of Hampton, Virginia, and was with a view of selecting a man of high moral and Christian character, long experience among the Indians, and knowledge of their needs and habits. Major Gasmann has taken no active part in politics. In the discharge of his duties last year, in the revocation of President Arthur's executive order by President Cleveland, he displayed abilities of a high order, defending the rights of the Indians, restraining the tribes, and contributing largely to the peaceful solution of that difficult and delicate question. The alleged reason for Major Gasmann's dismissal given at the Interior Department was his failure to remove intruders from the reservation land, yet the Secretary of the Interior in his report, published after Gasmann's discharge, states that the order to remove intruders has been almost universally obeyed, and `the exceptions, if any exist, are cases in which removals would cause suffering.' The facts in this case were laid before the Secretary of the Interior by persons who had personally examined into them; among whom was Bishop Hare, but nothing was done by that official."

The removal of Dr. Minthorn from the superintendency of the Chilocco Indian Training School is just as flagrant an outrage on civil service rules as any mentioned by Mr. Welsh. This school, as is well known to our readers, was an experiment, the success of which depended mainly on the zeal and efficiency of the persons engaged in carrying it out. Maj. Haworth, who procured the act of congress setting apart a section of land in the Cherokee strip for school purposes, with an appropriation to erect the school building, and an executive order from President Arthur adding 10-1/2 sections to the school grounds, desired to train the Indian youth to industries best adapted to their habits of life, and which will be most useful in rendering them self-supporting. His plan was to provide a home for 200 Indian youth of both sexes, gathered up from all the tribes in the territory, and beside giving them a plain English education, to teach the boys the art of farming and gardening, the care of stock, dairy work, and so forth; and to train the girls to house work, sewing, and such domestic thrift as would fit them to become wives. The plan also contemplated the future inter-marriage of these boy and girl students, and the allotment of small parcels of land from the school domain for occupation by these families. Dr. Minthorn was administering the school with these objects in view, and under his efficient care there was excellent promise of future success. But he was removed in spite of the protest of Indian Commissioner Atkins, who fully recognized the doctor's fitness for the place, and a friend of Secretary Lamar's substituted, whose knowledge of the Indians was confined to a few years missionizing amongst them. Of course, in this case, as in the others mentioned, all the subordinate employees were turned out to make way for men from the south whose political claims had to be recognized.

The story could be continued by citing a similar clearing out at nearly every agency in the territory, not because the men removed were unfit in any way, but because their places were wanted by others eager for the spoils of office and whose clamors could not be otherwise stilled. This would be accepted as an incident to the change of administration and no complaint uttered; but the country grows naturally indignant at the false pretenses put forth by the president of devotion to civil service rules when his practice gives the direct lie to his profession. This posing as a reformer, when his record is so reactionary, is too cheap a device.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

We present in this issue of the Farm and Home an interesting and valuable paper written by a Chicago journalist who recently spent several weeks in our midst. His errand here was to "write up" the city and its surroundings, and the very excellent account he has given of the growth of the city, the enterprises it has undertaken and carried out, its schools, churches, and railway connections, its business houses and manufacturing establishments, allows that he employed his time diligently, and has the power to put in flowing and connected narrative what information he gathered. The statement the writer presents of the volume of business centering here, the important stock and agricultural interests tributary to the city, the untiring energy of its businessmen, the advantage of its location, the salubrity of the climate, and its vast possibilities of growth and expansion, constitutes an argument to justify the common faith in the future greatness of the city, and to explain why so large a number who are seeking homes in the abounding west are attracted hither to push their fortunes.

The writer, in common with all others who come here from a crowded city population, is struck with the easy, self-reliant air of the people he encounters, and the beauty of the scenery that spreads around, "broad in expanse, rich in soil, and delightful climate." Nature invites to diligence by her benignant mood, and the opportunities of successful enterprise presented on every hand, stir the pulse and stimulate activity in the bosoms of all.

"Fifteen years ago, the writer reminds us, these stirring and thrifty counties comprising Southwestern Kansas, were Indian land. The Osage fished its streams or hunted his savage prey over its broad prairies, and his weather-stained lodge was the most durable structure that met the eye. But the paleface spread over the land and the locomotive followed in his path. These agencies were too powerful for the indolent Osage; he ceded his magnificent home to his great father to dispose of his interest, and sought refuge among his red brethren, the Cherokees.

"This same experience is again to be repeated. Thousands and tens of thousands of men, crowded out of the older states, have their gaze now directed to this region, and appeal is made to congress to give every Indian a farm, and divide up his surplus land among those who are seeking homes. This is so heartily approved by the good sense of the American people that congress in no long time will order the allotment made, and the passage of such a law will incite a stampede for the border that is likely to exceed in number and intensity anything of a similar nature known in our annals.

"It requires no ghost to come from the dead to show the opportunity this will offer to Arkansas City. With railroad building through the territory, ramifying from this point and opening up the southern states to our enterprise; and with a population flowing into `the unassigned lands' in the territory, and needing supplies of all kinds to open their farms and build their cities, it is easy to see that the possibilities of the city are of the broadest kind, and justify the most adventurous efforts that can be made."

We submit the article to our readers that they may have an understanding how others see us, and that they may be encouraged to new undertakings by the contemplation of which they have achieved. Farm and Home.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

A Correction.
ED. TRAVELER: In your brief report last week of the meeting of the Anderson townsite association, you reported Dr. Pyle erroneously in attributing to him the statement that Col. Neff had ever been a member of this society. Col. Neff, I believe, was connected with some townsite association in this city, having for object the colonization of Oklahoma, but Dr. Pyle is too well informed on the subject to state his facts wrongly. I thought it due to the doctor that the correction should be made. W. M. SAWYER.

Arkansas City, Feb. 8th.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

Ordinance No. 29.
To amend Ordinance No. twelve (12) relative to the fire limits.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, that Ordinance No. Twelve (12) be amended as follows.

SECTION 1. Whenever any person or persons shall desire to erect, or cause to be erected, a building on that part of blocks seventy-nine (79), eighty (80), eighty-one (81), and eighty- two (82), west of the alley running north and south through said blocks, or on that part of blocks sixty-seven (67), sixty-eight (68), sixty-nine (69), and seventy (70), east of the alley running north and south through the blocks.

SECTION 2. Said person or persons shall make application to the mayor and council for a permit to erect or move such building, stating fully the size and height of the building, the purposes for which it is to be used, the number of the lot or lots and block on which the building is to be placed.

SECTION 3. If the request is granted by the mayor and council a written permit signed by the mayor and city clerk shall be given applicant, and a record of the same shall be kept by the city clerk, for which permit the clerk shall receive from the applicant in each case a fee of the sum of 75 cents.

SECTION 4. No person or persons shall erect a building on any of the lots or blocks described in this ordinance until they shall have complied with the terms of this ordinance and shall have received a written permit as above stated.

SECTION 5. Application for a permit may be received at any regular meeting of the council, but no application shall be accepted or rejected until the next regular meeting of the council following the meeting at which the application was received.

SECTION 6. The penalty for a violation of this ordinance shall be the same as the penalty now in force for a violation of Ordinance No. Twelve (12).

SECTION 7. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, conflicting with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication in the Arkansas City TRAVELER. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

MY IMPROVED CONDITION POWDERS. C. G. THOMPSON, Veterinary Surgeon, Arkansas City, Kansas. -For Sale by- MOWRY & SOLLITT.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.


Will open March 15, with the best and most complete stock of Boots and Shoes ever offered in this city. Chas. E. Salisbury & Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.


RIDENOUR & THOMPSON, -DEALERS IN- Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Special Attention Paid to Repairing. Post Office Room, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

AS USUAL E. D. EDDY comes to the front with the largest stock of School Books and School Supplies South of Kansas City. Wholesale and Retail. Call and see me before buying your Schools Books and save money.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.

-Dealers in- Hides, Game, Furs, and COUNTRY PRODUCE.
Free delivery inside city limits. We are now closing out our Immense Stock preparatory to removing into our new store rooms. Come at once for bargains.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Don't fail to see Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Hyers' colored comedy company at the opera house tonight.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Uncle Tom's Cabin has six ferocious bloodhounds and two trick donkeys.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

If you want to borrow money on city property, call on Meigs & Nelson.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Hyers' Troubadors at the opera house tonight.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Milton & Pentecost's home made candies for sale by Rosenberg.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Mince meat of the best quality, also pure apple cider at Godehard's.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

John Anderson left yesterday for Fargo Springs, where he has accepted a position in a clothing store.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

J. S. Anderson, the Oklahoma cattleman, is in town, and avows himself still intent on colonizing that country.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

I. H. Bonsall left town on Thursday last, to pay a brief visit to his sisters in Illinois.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Capt. J. W. Parks was up from his ranch on a brief visit to town. He reports the cattle doing nicely.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

A number of Osages (full bloods and half breeds), left for Washington on the 29th ult., but the object of their visit is not stated.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Rolled oatmeal, dessicated cocanut, and the largest and best assortment of dried fruits at GEO. E. HASIE & CO.'s.

Baskets and woodenware, harness and stable soaps, bath brick, stoneware, etc., at GEO. E. HASIE & CO.'s.

Sauerkraut, chow chow, mixed pickles, gherkins, and German dill pickles in bulk. GEO. E. HASIE & CO.'s.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Work has been resumed on some of the buildings in the burnt district; but laying stone will be delayed until fresh material is brought in from the quarries.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Mayor Schiffbauer returned home last week from a visit to St. Louis, and was confined to the house a few days from a cold and fever.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Mr. J. H. Berkey will lecture on temperance next Friday and Saturday evenings, at 7:30 o'clock, in the Christian Church. All are invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

The loss of stock on the Saginaw Company's range is set down at one-third, the mortality being almost entirely among through stock. As the herd belonging to this company is given at 8,000 head, it will be seen that the owners are serious losers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

This significant notice is published in the Cherokee Advocate.

"Capt. Smith don't want his friends to think, because he has been in bed for the past day or two, he is sick. Because he isn't, he is out of wood."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Two of the early settlers of this county, and subscribers of the TRAVELER since its foundation, T. B. Norman and William Randall, have visited this sanctum during the past week, and placed themselves square on the books. Both have interesting stories to tell of their past struggles.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Burden shows a more becoming interest in its school than was manifested by the people of this city at the recent bond election. The Burden Enterprise says: "The school bonds were carried by a surprising majority. Of the 360 voters in the school district, men and women, 228 voted for the bonds and two votged against them. $2,500 will build a fine and much needed addition to our schoolhouse."


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Ollie Stevenson, who has been connected with this office for a number of years, laid his composing stick away last week to try his fortune in mercantile business, having purchased an interest in Herman Godehard's store. Ollie is a good printer, a pleasant associate, and a trustworthy, honorable man. We regret to part with his services, but congratulate him on having entered a career which promises far more liberal returns for his enterprise and energy. We understand he will take Walter Dolby's place in the store, who is compelled to retire on account of ill health.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Our ingenious fellow townsman, W. W. Eldridge, brings in a very neat urn turned on his lathe from a piece of magnesian limestone such as is used in our buildings. This neat stone ornament presents a smooth surface, shows a grain resembling that of wood, and is readily turned with his ordinary wood tools. He says he has turned cups, picture frames, urns, and other articles, solid and hollow, and is prepared to execute various designs in panel work. Mr. Eldridge may have struck an industry that will prove profitable.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Miss Eva Collins has been compelled to resign her position as teacher in the Fourth ward school, and yesterday returned to her home in Emporia. An appointment has not yet been made to fill the vacancy.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Pleasure of the Rail.
Geo. E. Hasie, during his recent travel to the south, was the victim of a railroad accident, and hands in the following lively jingle of rhymes as commemorative of the disaster.

After supper,

Feeling good,

Felt like sleeping,

Thought I would.

Got a corner,

Settled down;

Face showed comfort,

Ne'er a frown.


Neighbors easy,

Some stretched out;

Others talking

Of the route.

All at once,

We jerked and slammed;

A voice cried,

Well, I'll be damned!

Trains collided!

Tree on track!

Hungry fellows!

Quick, run back!

Someone said, "We're open switched."

"Engine with a freight car ditched."

There's no danger,

I won't run;

What's the use?

This is fun.

Excitement over, pale face, red;

Passengers go back to bed.

Shattered engine taken off,

Another one put to the train,

We go bounding on again.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Al Horn announces a cut in prices, and offers his extensive and well selected stock of boots and shoes at cost to make room for his spring stock. This is an opportunity which all should put to avail.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Chas. E. Salisbury & Co., have rented one of the handsome and commodious stores now building in the burnt district, and on the 15th of March will open out with the finest stock of boots and shoes ever offered for sale in this city. Their advertisement appears in another column. [ALREADY TYPED.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

The driver of the Ponca stage has had an interesting time the past two weeks, contending with frost and snow and mud. Last week old Boreas got away with him, and the trip which should have been made on Tuesday was not completed till Thursday. Since then he has made regular trips, although he has not always traveled on schedule time.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

John Landes, manager of the Arkansas City Roller Mills, sends to the TRAVELER office, a sack of his choice flour, the Crescent Patent. This brand is noted far and wide for its excellent quality, and the unsurpassed article his mills are now turning, shows careful judgment in the selection of the wheat, and first-class skill in milling it. Our pious orison is that our worthy friend may live a thousand years.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

J. E. Finney came in from the Osage agency yesterday, and reports Grouse Creek booming. Being unfordable, he abandoned his team and crossed in a boat. Lumber has been ordered in town for dwelling houses for himself and J. N. Florer; but the roads in their present condition are impracticable for hauling a load. Chilocco Creek is also a torrent, and the stage from Ponca was delayed last evening, the driver fearing to cross it in the dark. He arrived in town this morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

We have before made complaint of the hoodlumism to which the worshipers in the Free Methodist Church are made the victims. A number of lawless young men seem to think they show manliness by disturbing the congregation during religious services, and more recently they have taken to smashing windows and other wanton destruction to property. This rowdyism ought no longer to be allowed, and it is the business of the city marshal to put a stop to such foolishness.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

The Cadiz (Ohio) SENTINEL gives the notice of a jersey cow.

"M. J. Brown has a Jersey cow that gives four gallons of milk per day. Mrs. Brown made a test of one gallon of her milk, which gave 1 pound and 3 ounces of butter, equal to 33 pounds and 4 ounces in seven days. Who can beat it.

"The owner of this valuable animal is father to Dr. D. C. Brown, of this city, and he is under engagement to furnish her first bull calf to C. M. Scott, and her first heifer calf to his son, the doctor. This will be useful stock to introduce in the county. Mr. Brown, we are informed, has refused $500 for this successful butter producer."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

W. M. Henderson a few mornings ago, was reminded of the scripture saying, "men sometimes entertain angels unaware." His dining room and kitchen are detached from the house, and proceeding thither to light a fire to cook breakfast, he found entrance resisted by some object placed against the door inside. While striking a match to see what was the obstruction, he heard a heavy tread inside, and the hasty retirement of some unauthorized visitor. Pushing his way in he found the remains of an excellent lunch on the table, the lodger having made free use of the pantry and then taken a night's lodging on the lounge. Entrance had been effected through a sliding window in the kitchen. Nothing was stolen and no wanton mischief done; the unknown boarder had simply helped himself to a good meal and then a comfortable night's repose. Mr. Henderson regrets that the hurry of his visitor's departure prevented him inviting the fleeing bon vivant to call again.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Commissioner Sparks on Oklahoma Colonies.
A Washington press dispatch dated the 4th inst., gives the following interesting information.

On the 25th of January, Representative McRae, of Arkansas, referred to the Com- missioner of the General Land Office a copy of a circular purporting to be issued by the "Texas Oklahoma Homestead Colony, Denison, Texas," inviting membership in the "colony" at a fee of $2 each, and promising to secure homesteads in Oklahoma for members as soon as a land-office should be established there. Mr. McRae requested the Com- missioner's opinion as to when the lands would be opened to settlement, and as to the benefits to accrue to members of the alleged colony.

In reply, Commissioner Sparks gives a history of the Oklahoma lands, and states that the question of opening these lands to settlement involves a question of grave importthat of a dismemberment of the Indian Territoryand can be determined only by Congressional action. He further says:

"But I have a very positive opinion that no benefit can be derived from a membership in the alleged `colony.' If the lands were opened for settlement, the agents of the `colony' could not make settlement location and entries for the members because settlements and settlement entries can only be made by settlers in person. But as the lands are not open to settlement, the formation of an actual organization for the purpose of going into the Oklahoma country would be engaging in an unlawful combination. As a prospective scheme, the only tangible result that can be perceived is the obtainment by its alleged promoters of $2 from each person who may be deceived and imposed upon by said circular. The whole scheme is undoubtedly an imposition, and a dangerous one, because the small sum required for `membership' may induce a large number of unsuspicious persons to become its dupes."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Marriage Bells.
MARRIED. It is somewhat late in the day to mention the wedding of our debonair young friend, Philip R. Snyder, to Miss Mary R. Christian, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Christian, a couple who have long been held in high respect in this city, which occurred on Wednesday evening, the 3rd inst. The contracting parties being prominent in social circles, the interesting ceremony was regarded as an important society event. A numerous and brilliant concourse of friends gathered at the residence of the bride's parents to witness the tying of the nuptial knot, and during the reception which succeeded, many and hearty were the good wishes bestowed on the happy pair. The bridegroom is well known through his connection with the real estate house of Snyder & Hutchison, of this city, and shows his good sense in taking to his bosom one of the fair daughters of Arkansas City, instead of going a thousand miles away to find a wife. Miss Mollie (now Mrs. Snyder) is a lady of many amiable qualities, endued with excellent sense, and well fitted for home life; and the bridegroom, with business aptitude and irreproachable habits, combines social virtues which have won for him hosts of friends. The wedded pair start on the voyage of life under auspices of great promise. We should have mentioned that Rev. J. O. Campbell performed the marriage ceremony, and that the presents bestowed on the bride were costly and numerous. They have taken up their abode at the residence of N. T. Snyder, brother to the bridegroom. The TRAVELER also wishes happiness and prosperity to this amiable pair of lovers.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.
WINFIELD VISITOR the 3rd: The first train in since the snow was a freight on the Santa Fe. It started from Arkansas City about six o'clock yesterday morning. They put on a snow plow and started out; but when they got out about three miles, they found themselves running around over the prairie and perhaps would not have got back on the track yet if they had not run up against a mound, which stopped the train. They backed up on the track, and arrived at Winfield about 11 o'clock, a.m., today, having been some twenty-eight hours on the road.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

CHEYENNE TRANSPORTER: A government surveying corps is here from Washington with instructions from the Interior Department to resurvey certain boundary lines of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation. The exact lines have long been in dispute, and the party comes to settle the matter. The party is in charge of Col. Majors.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Their Language, Nomenclature, and Other Peculiarities.
The people of Kansas living on the border, so closely connected both in business interests and location with the Indian Territory and its dusky inhabitants, probably entertain as vague ideas of the red men, and are as ignorant of their many superstitions, manner of government, and living, etc., as people living in the eastern states so far removed from this much talked of people.

Thinking that a few lines from this part of the country would be to a certain extent, interesting to you many readers, I will give you a few peculiarities characteristic of these people.

I have been a resident among the Osages for a number of years, and it is of this tribe I desire to speak. They are noted for their aptness in naming people, towns, locations, etc., and the names they give, beside being picturesque, are applicable as describing some prominent characteristic.

A great many of the older towns in Kansas have Osage names, but the name is hardly recognizable to the Indian, as spoken by the white man. Neodesha is an Osage word, but should be spelled Neo-tah-shin-kah, meaning Little Islands.

Arkansas City has the very pretty name of Ne-scah-scah-towah, meaning rippling water. It very likely gets this from the Walnut, as from its mouth up the stream some distance, there is very little current, and the action of the wind makes almost constantly a ripple on the water.

A little town on the Arkansas above Arkansas City is called by them Ne-Ne-skah, meaning white springs.

The name of Winfield is a very peculiar one, and they tell a strange story about the naming of the place.

The legend as told me is as follows: Long before the white men came to the country, the Indians traveled to and from their reservation to the buffalo country west, and one of their trails led across the present town site of Winfield. Near the ford on the Walnut was a great camping ground of the tribe. A large hole filled with water near the ford supplied drink for their ponies, and they were in the habit of driving the animals in to water; and for a swim. They say on one occasion, while quite a number of ponies were in swimming water, a large animal came to the surface and took one of them down under the surface, and they never saw it again. They were ever after afraid to water there.

Thus the name of the town, Wah-grooskah-ope-sha, wild animal ford.

Independence bears the name of Pa-she-chi-towah, hay house town, as the first settlers there built their houses of hay.

Che-to-pah means four lodges. And so I might enumerate.

This same peculiarity is also noticeable in their own names. They are under the same tribal organization that held them together fifty or one hundred years ago.

The clans consist of Eagle, Elk, Deer, Buffalo, Peace, War, etc., and the individual names of the members are identified with the clan to which they belong, unless the person named has some striking peculiarity, and then they often make mistakes. As for instance, an Indian of my acquaintance is named "Not Stingy," when it is a noted fact he is the most miserly Indian on the reservation.

They carry no family names as we do, but as above stated, are given a name belonging to the clan.

They keep no record of time, and have very vague ideas about their ages. If you ask them how old they are, a man of 40 is likely to tell you he is one hundred and ten or twenty. Some will tell you they were large enough to use the bow and arrow when the stars fell, or he was so large when there was an earthquake.

They have names for all the months or moons in the year, most of which are named after some peculiarities of animals.

November, Tah-heh-pah-he, the deer loses his horns.

December, Wah-sappy-va-tila, the black bear has its young.

And so on through the year.

This article is probably long enough, and I will close. Some time in the future I may give you some of the superstitions, etc., of this people. TAHO.

Osage Agency, February 4th, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

No Man's Land.
A recent Washington dispatch says: Congressmen Burnes introduced in the house on the 1st a bill which provides that the strip of public lands known as "No-Man's land," which lies north of the Panhandle of Texas and south of Kansas and Colorado, shall be organized as the Territory of Cimarron. As there are no Indian titles to this strip of country, the bill in question has the sanction of the Department of the Interior, and will probably become a law at the present session of Congress. It provides for the usual complement of Territorial officials, an immediate survey of the Territory, the opening up of it to settlement, necessary land officers, the demolition of the wire fences with which it has been illegally enclosed by cattlemen, and the setting aside of a given number of sections of land for school purposes, which shall not be disposed of until the Territory is admitted into the Union. It moreover provides that no person or individual shall acquire title to more than 160 acres of land. If these guards to the honest settlement of the public domain had been incorporated in previous bills of a similar character, many of the present evils of land monopoly would have been avoided. But it is never too late to mend.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

High School Entertainment.
The entertainment given by the high school students, in the Opera House, on Friday evening, was well attended, and proved a gratifying success. The exercises consisted of recitations, an amusing farce, several very effective tableaux, and vocal and instrumental music. The recitations formed an edifying part of the entertainmnent, as the selections were made with taste, the best was well learned, and the youthful elocutionists delivered their pieces in a natural, unambitious manner. The farce, Paddle Your Own Canoe, had a dramatis personae of half a score, who threw considerable force into their acting, and on no occasion transcended the bounds of good taste. Mesdames Campbell and Meeker showed exquisite skill in their piano duet, and in the second piece Mrs. Campbell sang to Mrs. Meeker's accompaniment with clear, well sustained, and cultivated voice. Both ladies were encored, but they declined to answer the call. The Mechanics' band performed a number of pieces with excellent effect.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Notice. The public is hereby notified that Geo. W. Vaughn is no longer in our employ, and persons owing us are cautioned against paying him money on our account.

[Y. M. C. A.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

A. F. ABERNETHY, Editor.
What We are Trying to Do in Arkansas City.
"The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." What a wonderful truth is here expressed!

Those who make it a business of ensnaring young men, secure the most convenient place that can be had and fit it up in the best possible style. Here with brilliant lights, interesting games, and good music, they induce young men to spend their leisure hours. Everything is made as pleasant as possible. They know that the young man is a sociable being, and that he will seek and find the companionship of his fellows somewhere.

In this city there are several such places of resort. Young men must satisfy their social natures under evil influences. Let us be wise, and provide a place just as pleasant, just as interesting, but where the influence will be for good, and thereby help and save many from ruin.




Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Attempted Incendiarism.
About 1 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning the attention of Night Watchman Currier was attracted by a light in the basement of Lang's bakery, one door north of Miller & Co.'s hardware store. Raising a trap door and entering the apartment, the officer discovered an infernal machine, evidently designed to destroy the building. A small tin bucket was placed within a box, filled with light inflammable material, the tin vessel filled with coal oil; and fastened to the side, with its lower end in the oil, was a piece of lighted candle. Placed across the mouth of the can was a thin piece of wood saturated with oil. Had the machine been undiscovered half an hour longer, there would have been an explosion, and another destruction of frame buildings. This incendiary contrivance was on exhibition in the police court this morning, and caused great excitement in the minds of those who witnessed it.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

Our Municipal Fathers Settle Down to an Evening's Solid Work.
The city council met in special session on Monday evening, all present but Capt. Thompson. In the absence of the mayor, Councilman Prescott was called on to preside.

The following communication from Mayor Schiffbauer was read by the City Clerk.

"Feeling indisposed and unable to attend your session this evening, I would respectfully recommend the passage of the ordinance, to be submitted to you this evening, in reference to auctioneers, but would beg to suggest that it be made a requisite therein that the applicant shall have resided in the city six months prior to making application for license as auctioneer."

The judgment held by the Chicago Lumber Co. against Creswell Township amounting, with interest and costs of suit, to $673.48, was again taken up. The clerk read a communication from Mayor Schiffbauer recommending that the claim be not paid for the following reasons.

1st. The judgement is against Creswell Township, and not against this city.

2nd. No demand was ever made on the city for the payment of this claim, and the law plainly says no claim against the city shall be considered by the council, unless the same be presented in proper form, itemized, and verified under oath.

3rd. This judgment was taken by default and if the city was an interested party should have been notified and allowed to set up a defense.

4th. The township tax levy of 1884-1885 and part of Creswell Township was collected and paid into the township treasury, and if the city is liable for 3/5 of this judgment, then she must also be entitled to 3/4 of these taxes from Creswell Township.

5th. In my opinion Creswell Township should pay off all judgments against her and if she has any claims against the city, let her present them, when in proper form, and allow the city to bring in any set off as counter claims they may have, and bring about a settlement of their differences. I have suggested this to the officers of Creswell Township at various times but without result. Creswell Township seems to labor under the impression that the city has no rights which the township is bound to respect, and that the township should dictate to the city in all matters. In my opinion this idea is erroneous.

The claim in its present shape was rejected, and the clerk instructed to notify the township trustees of the fact.

The petition of property holders on Thirteenth Street was again read.

To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, in Common Council Assembled.

GENTLEMEN: We property holders on Thirteenth street of said city beg and petition your Honorable body to immediately take such legal steps as may lay in your power to procure for us damages done to our property abutting on said street, caused by the building of the Kansas City and Southwestern R. R. on the said street.

The right of way being granted to said R. R. Co. by your Honorable body, we deem it only right and proper that you procure for us the damages claimed by us, to our property.

Signed. Amount Claimed.

W. P. Wolfe $ 600.00

A. H. Johnson 500.00

Thomas Watts 1,500.00

D. R. Cooper 400.00

C. R. Sipes 100.00

Alex. Wilson 500.00

J. C. Topliff, for Virg. Walton 500.00

J. T. Shepard 1,800.00

C. S. Acker 200.00

E. A. Barron 500.00

I. H. Bonsall 200.00

G. W. Herbut 600.00

Jerry Logan 500.00

Thomas Croft 250.00

Daniel J. Kennedy 400.00

C. F. Snyder 1,000.00

Ge. W. Bean 700.00

H. G. Bailey 600.00

W. A. Nix 250.00

John Hand 400.00

F. B. Lane 400.00

E. Warren 500.00

W. S. Houghton, by Topliff 1,000.00

Nat Banks 150.00

Edith & Roy Chamberlin 700.00

Mr. Hill being called on in behalf of the railroad company, to explain, said the late severe weather had temporarily suspended all outside work, and the contractors had not yet been able to finish their work. Until the slopes were smoothed off and the cross walks properly laid, it would not be easy to determine what damage to the abutting property had actually been done. The claims set forth in the petition just read were equal to the entire value of the property; and he supposed the petitioners acted on the principle, which governs in all such cases of getting all they could. He did not admit that any real harm had been done to Thirteenth street lot owners. Free access was given to their houses by all vehicles, the grade at all places admitting of safe and easy turning. The fact of the railroad track being there might be assumed as a constructive damage; but to prove in court that real and tangible injury had been done would be a difficult undertaking.

Mr. Bailey asked whether the railroad company at any time intended to pay damages to the people of Thirteenth street.

This question brought a lengthy explanation from the gentleman interrogated, the object of which was to prove that no injury had been done. He was confident that not a man on Thirteenth street would sell his property for one dollar less price than before the railroad was built through that thoroughfare. He had asked the parties interested to wait till the work on the street is finished, but if they insisted on pressing their claims, now was as good a time as any. The city or the council, he would remind the gentleman, was not responsible for a dollar of the damages; the claims lay solely against the railroad company.

Mr. Bailey said he knew such to be the case.

After some further talk the petition was laid on the table.

Mr. Postlethwaite stated to the council that his son, on complaint of Kingsbury & Barnett, had been fined $3 and costs by the police justice, for selling newspapers on the street. He was not aware there was any city ordinance prohibiting such a practice, and he asked that the fine and costs be remitted.

Justice Bryant being called on said he construed the ordinance against peddlers as applying to this case, and had imposed the fine accordingly. But his mind was not clear that the offense charged was really a violation of the city ordinance, and he would like to have the opinion of the council in the matter.

Mr. Hill said he had had experience in a number of cities, but he had never known a previous case where the crying of newspapers on the street was prohibited.

Mr. Dunn said other cities encouraged the industry of newsboys, founding homes for them, and in other ways providing for their support and comfort.

Judge Bryant informed the council that Mr. Kingsbury insisted that the payment of an occupation tax protected him from such competition.

Mr. Dunn said the occupation tax was levied to provide a revenue for the city, and was by no means a protective tariff. Selling newspapers on the street was an educational agency, and should not be discouraged.

On motion the council ordered the fine and costs remitted.

Ordinance No. 29, to amend ordinance No. 12, in regard to the fire limits, ws read and passed.

Ordinance No. 33, defining auctioneers' licenses, was read and laid over till next meeting.

Councilman Hight again urged the passage of an ordinance against prostitution and gambling.

Justice Bryant said frequent complaints were made to him of these offenses being committed in the city, but he was powerless to deal with them for want of an ordinance affixing a penalty.

On motion a special committee consisting of Messrs. Hill, Dunn, and Dean was appointed to consider and report the ordinance.

Mr. Odell offered to the council a letter received from Capt. Couch, representing the need of money to support him while in Washington urging the passage of Representative Weaver's Oklahoma bill; also a petition to Congress asking the passage of this measure was submitted for signature by the council.

Mr. Hill said the writer of the letter should have some assistance from this city. He was working in the interest of the city, in endeavoring to procure the opening of the territory to white settlers, and he was entitled to our recognition and aid. He was in favor of the council passing a resolution requesting the board of trade to take up a collection in his behalf.


Mr. Davis said he was not prepared to give anything in such a cause. He mentioned the case of one Stephens sent by this city some years ago to work in the interest of a certain bill, and his chief employment while in the National Capital was to lounge about the hotel bar- rooms and consume bad whiskey.


Mr. Hill said he had heard of a man seating himself in a barber's chair to be shaved, and the barber, instead of complying with the wish of his customer, cut his throat. But this had not put a stop to the business of barbering. Stephens' bad example and betrayal of trust should not discourage all further attempts to procure useful legislation from our lawmakers in Washigton.

The resolution as proposed by Mr. Hill was adopted, and the council attached there signatures to the petition.

On motion of Mr. Dunn, the city clerk was instructed to report at the meeting of the council the names of those who have paid the occupation tax and the dog tax.

The council then adjourned.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

PUBLIC SALE. I will offer for sale on Tuesday, February 16, 1886, four miles south of Arkansas City, the following described property: Two draft horses, one wagon, one pair of harness, one cow and calf, six hogs, one cultivator, one riding plow, corn in crib, hay in stack, kitchen furniture, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash.

Arkansas City, Feb. 8th, 1886. MARGARET CHRISTY.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.

LUMBER! G. B. SHAW AND CO., (700 North Summit St.) ARE HERE TO STAY! Building Material OF ALL KINDS. Largest and Best Stock of PAINTS IN THE ARKANSAS VALLEY. We are now receiving our stock for the Spring trade, and we are prepared to give you better grades for the same money than can be bought elsewhere.

J. W. STROHM, Manager.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.

More Railroads for the Territory.
Washington, D. C., February 18. John Scullin is here to put his broad shoulders behind the bill to give the Denison & Washita railroad right of way through the Indian Territory. The proposed route is from the mouth of the Washita to the northwest corner of the Territory. Mr. Scullin says the impression has been given out that this road is not to be built, but that the privilege is wanted for speculative purposes. He is here to correct such an impression. A favorable report was agreed upon by the Senate committee today, much to Mr. Scullin's satisfaction.

The Kansas and Memphis Railway Co. was also chartered in Topeka on the 15th inst. Said railroad is designed for run from a point on the Mississippi river, in Crittenden County, Arkansas, in a northern direction through the counties of Crittenden, St. Francis, Poinsett, Cross, Woodruff, Jackson, White, Prairie, Lenoke, Pulaski, Independence, Stone VanBuren, Searcy, Pope, Johnson, Franklin, Newton, Madison, Washington, and Benton, with branch to the city of Little Rock, thence through the Indian Territory, via Vinita, to Kansas, thence through the counties of Labette, Montgomery, Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, Butler, Sedgwick, Harvey, Marion, McPherson, Saline, Ellsworth, Lincoln, Russell, Osburn, Ellis, Brooks, Graham, Phillips, Norton, Decatur, Sheridan, Rawlins, Cheyenne, Thomas, and Sherman, to the north line of the state, making in all 700 miles. The principal place of business is to be in Oswego, Labette County. The board of directors for the first year are, C. M. Condon, R. L. Sharp, L. S. Crim, E. T. Beal, and C. T. Carpenter, of Oswego, and John D. Perry and S. E. Hoffman, of St. Louis. The said corporation is to exist until the 13th day of February, 2386, and is chartered with a capital stock of $5,000,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.

The Arkansas City TRAVELER in discussing the Indian question quotes the opinion and recommendation of Gen. Sheridan upon the subject. Sheridan is a good soldier and fighter, but shows too much the disposition of a commander, and not a bit of a legislator who regards the laws he helps to make. Being what he is and used to command, he carries himself into his recommendations regardless of the civil rights of a people. To allot 320 acres of land to the heads of families, and to sell the balance for the benefit of the Indians is as much an outrage upon them, as it would be to allot an equal number of acres to the large land owners of Kansas, and dispose of the balance for their benefit. Gen. Sheridan does not seem to know that all families are not equal in number, and that in the distribution of property equally great injustice would be done some while others would be benefited. The taking of one's land and selling it because you think he has no use for it and that others want it, is but a species of communism that could be applied just as consistently to one's cattle, or horses, or any other property he may have. If his recommendation is good for the Indian, it ought to be good for the white man. There can be no difference as far as principle is concerned. The difference is only in the opinion of some that an Indian has no rights that should be respected, or that the white man ought not to be denied anything that the Indian has, if he, the white man, wants it. Indian Chieftain.

So long as the Indians in the Territory allow themselves to be fooled by such idle talk as that given above, they will be in the condition of the blind led by the blind. The illustra-tion the writer gives of taking a man's land away from him because he has no use for it, has no application to the proposed legislation by congress, allotting the Indian lands in severalty. The Indian has no ownership in his present tribal relation; he can cultivate what portion he chooses of the tribal domain, and sell the product for his own benefit, but the land belongs to the commune. Not long since the Chieftain inveighed against this system, on the ground of the uncertainty of tenure. White men were marrying squaws, it alleged, and being adopted into the tribe; the agent was giving permits to other whites to dwell among them; and if this was allowed to go on much longer, when a final disposition was made up of the soil, there would be none left to divide up.

It is not true that the Indian owns the land; he is there on suffrance. The act of congress which ceded the tract of country to the red tribes, reserves to that body "the primary disposal of the soil." They are wards of the government, and the right inheres in congress and the administration to make such provision for their support as shall best secure their perpetuity and welfare.

When the Osages occupied their beautiful domain in Southern Kansas, the same obligation rested in the government to protect them in its undisturbed possession, as rests upon it now to preserve the Indian tribes in the Territory from molestation by the white race. But settlers poured in by the thousand, taking up their land, hunting their savage game, stealing them poor, and harassing them so constantly that life became a burden. To deliver the Osages from this embarassment, the government took their land in trust, surveyed it, and sold it under the pre-emption law at $1.25 per acre. The money derived from this sale enabled the tribe to buy their present land of the Cherokees, and enough money remained over to create a fund which supports them more liberally than any community of working men can support themselves in all Kansas and Nebraska. Having purchased their homes, the land is now theirs in fee simple and by indefensible right; and there is no more thought of taking their land and selling it, than there is of taking a white citizen's propertyhorses, cattle, or what else, and disposing of under a general sequestration.

Gen. Sheridan may have recommendedwe do not now rememberthat half a section of land be the allotment to each head of a family in the Indian tribes. This the Chieftain objects to as inequitable and unjust. A division of land on a different basis can readily be made, and the proposition that has been made by some persons, of giving each Indianmale and female, adult and minor160 acres, would perhaps be preferable.

This much is certain, the Indian must learn habits of industry and become self- supporting. It has been found that while a large domain lies unimproved before him, in which he has no individual property, he shows neither thrift nor enterprise. He has no exertion, and his life passes away without usefulness or aim. He must be made to work as the paleface does, and the statesmanship of the day as a means to this end, has decided upon giving him a farm, and providing money by the sale of the surplus, to assist him while he learns the art of self-support. There is nothing communistic in thisno injustice or oppression. It is a wise and beneficent exercise of the function of guardian resting in the government, and the sooner the redskins reconcile themselves to the necessity, the better it will be for all.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.

In the house of representatives, on the 18th inst., on motion of Mr. Barry, of Mississippi, the bill to grant the right of way for a railroad through the Indian Territory to the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Company, was taken up, and after being debated while, was laid over for future consideration.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.


In Seed Time for a Harvest.


We have just received the largest shipment of Bulk and Package seeds ever received at Arkansas City. Come early as spring is at hand. Field, grass, and flower seeds in any variety. Two carloads of seed potatoes consisting of a large variety sutiable to this climate now on hand. Liberal discounts to dealers or in quantities. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.


Machinery for all purposes built and repaired. We keep in stock Iron Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Packing and Machine Supplies. Iron and Brass Castings Made to Order.

Repairing a Specialty. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.

NEWMAN & CO., invite attention to their fine assortment of NEW GOODS -FOR THE- SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, which are being daily received at their elegant rooms. COMMERCIAL BLOCK.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.

MERCHANT - TAILOR - MADE CLOTHING. We have just opened a fine fine line of Merchant Tailor Made Clothing. The goods are beautifully trimmed and finished and PERFECT FITTING. To save money always call and see us. S. MATLACK.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 24, 1886.

SADDLES, HARNESS. The undersigned announces to his many patrons that his SPRING STOCK of Saddles, Harness, and Stockmen's Goods is now complete, and is offered in fuller lines than ever before in this city. My saddles are home made, and are warranted equal to the BEST IN THE MARKET. The spring round up being near at hand, I am prepared to supply all wants. Draft harness of the best make. Fancy harness in all styles.

Lap robes, horse blankets, and saddlery hardware. Your patronage solicited.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Frank Balycat returned home on Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A survey party started out yesterday to run another line to Geuda.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

If you want tto borrow money on city property, call on Meigs & Nelson.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

P. C. Wyeth, from the Red Rock Agency, visited town on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Matlack's special Embroidery sale this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Hamilton & Pentecost's home made candies for sale by Rosenberg.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

New ginghams and prints are now arriving for spring trade. O. P. Houghton.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Col. Sinnott started for Topeka on Monday; Charley Chapel is acting postmaster during his absence.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A. F. Huse keeps Weir City, Pittsburg, and Osage Shaft coal.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Ivan Robinson showed his smiling countenance in the TRAVELER sanctum yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Ben Cooper, from Ponca, spent Sunday in town, and returned home the following day.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Johnny Gooch appeared on the streets several days last week, and set out for Otoe on Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The city schools closed on Monday in honor of the father of our country, but the post office and banks pursued the even tenor of their way.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

J. S. Gilkey, a thriving farmer and stockraiser in Maple City, with his wife, paid a visit to this city on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

R. Q. Hawkins, of Rome, Sumner County, was in town last week, and added his name to our growing list of subscribers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

E. C. Coleman, of Topeka, formerly a prominent official in the A. T. & S. F. Co., and now an extensive cattle man, is spending a few days in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

T. M. Finney, the popular trader at Kaw, and Walter F. McCabe (of Hale & McCabe, traders at the Osage agency), registered at the Leland last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Pneumonia and other lung diseases have been prevalent in the city, but the present mild weather will be less trying to the breathing apparatus.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Notice is given that bids will be received for breaking 4,000 acres of prairie at Kiowa and Comanche agency. Copies of the notice can be had at post office.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Mayor Schiffbauer is still confined to his bed with lung fever, and his medical attendants pronounce him a very sick man. The last day or tow, he has shown some signs of improvement.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

DIED. Mrs. Gordon died in this city of paralysis, on Monday, the 22nd inst., aged 73 years. The deceased was mother-in-law to J. Dunkle, and a member of his household, and has been for several years a resident of this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Last Wednesday G. B. Shaw & Co., loaded up a dozen teams with lumber for Branham & Schiffbauer's trading post at the Osage agency, and on Saturday the same firm sold a bill of lumber to Oliver Stevenson, who is about to build a residence in the first ward.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The G. A. R. Post of this city is represented in the Wichita encampment by A. Mowry, post commander; P. A. Lorry, the present post commander; A. B. Sankey and Rev. Lundy, alternate delegates; and Capt. C. G. Thompson. The Wichita people have made liberal preparations to entertain their guests.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Jacob Hight will build the passenger stations along the Geuda Springs, Caldwell, and Western road. His work on the K. C. & S. W. Station in this city has given such entire satisfaction to the contractors, that they award him the contract.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

C. M. Scott looms up as the inventor of an instantaneous stock marker for marking cattle, sheep, or hogs by placing a nickel plated button or washer in the ear stamped with the number and owner's address. It is conceded by all who have seen it to be the neatest and best marker made. It is now being manufactured by his brother, R. P. Scott, 67 German St., Baltimore, and will soon be placed on the market, at which time we will have more to say of it.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

We announce this week the dissolution of partnership between G. W. Miller and S. P. George, Mr. Miller buying out his partner's interest and now setting out to run the business alone. He has won an enviable reputation for enterprise and fair dealing, and has built up a nice business by his natural aptitude and persevering application. Mr. George has been connected with the firm for a year, is a young man of irreproachable habits and diligent in business, and his loss to this community will be regretted by his many friends. He leaves town today to look up a business location in one of the western counties.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

O. P.'s mammoth stock of boots and shoes for the spring trade is now arriving at the Green Front.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

We mentioned in our last issue that Bradford Beal left town with J. H. Sherburne, intending to pay a visit to the Maine Cattle Co.'s ranch. On reaching Ponca he found the ice on the Salt Fork broken up, and the ferry boat lying high on the opposite bank. On that side of the river there were Charles Howard, on his way home from the same ranch, and several others just as anxious to pass over. There were several tons of ice frozen solid within the boat, and with the deficient appliances at hand, launching the vessel was no easy matter. But they worked like good fellows all Saturday afternoon and the whole of Sunday, until their exertions were rewarded by getting the ferry afloat. This enabled them to open communi- cation, and those that were detained on both shores went on their way rejoicing. In justification of their working on Sunday, these pious citizens will probably urge that their ox was in the pit.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Will Leonard, formerly of this place, but now of Silver City, New Mexico, has been visiting friends in this city for several days. We are glad to learn that Will has established quite a reputation as a journalist in his new home, and has made the Silver City Enterprise a recognized journal of that Territory. In addition to newspaper work, Mr. Leonard is engaged in stock and stock ranches, and has a fine list of grazing lands for sale. While here he created considerable interest among the stock men regarding New Mexico as a grazing country, and several contemplate making a visit in the spring. It is said grass grows green on the mountain side during the entire winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A week or so ago a subscription was started to raise the necessary means to improve the south road crossing the Walnut River, and enough having been subscribed to prosecute the work, the farmers with their teams turned out to make good the approach to the city. The purpose is to grade the road from the city limits to the bluff east of the river, raising the embankment above high water level. Good approaches to the city are as necessary as extended railroad communication, and we hope to see the same enterprise shown in improving all the roads leading in and out of Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Miss Laura E. Gant was agreeably surprised last Friday evening. Being about to start for prayer meeting, she heard an alarm at the door, and on answering the summons, she found about two dozen of her schoolmates in waiting who had called to congratulate her on her sixteenth birthday. The young ladies and gentlemen were pleasantly entertained during the evening, and at a proper hour departed for their respective homes.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

This mild spring weather directs the attention of farmers and city lot owners to their fields and gardens, and plowing and sowing will soon be active industries. Kroenert & Austin announce a fine assortment of seeds on sale in their store, and those in want of the same will take a timely hint.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The dinner and supper given by the Women's Relief Corps on Monday was liberally patronized, the receipts reaching nearly $100. The tables were liberally served and the ladies were assiduous in securing the enjoyment of their guests. The proceeds will be devoted to relieving the poor of the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

David Coleman, well known to our citizens as former roadmaster on this division of the Santa Fe railroad, is now division superintendent and superintendent of construction on the C. B. & N. Railroad, with his office at La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

We received a pleasant call yesterday from A. H. Lafon, now of Cass County, Missouri, but a pioneer resident of Kansas during its territorial days. Mr. Lafon is attracted hitherward by the fame of this growing city, and expresses himself very favorably impressed with the business activity that surrounds him.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Our colored citizens will give a festival in Grady's hall on Friday, to assist in raising funds to build their church. They will furnish dinner and supper, and in the evening music and singing with other amusements will be given. The ladies who have the enterprise in charge are working with a zeal that deserves success.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The Buckskin Border Band was out on Thursday evening for practice. It has been somewhat broken up by removals, and we regret to learn that one or more members are about to leave the city. Notwithstanding the band has had but slight practice of late, it played with its customary spirit and precision, and was listened to by a large audience.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The team attached to Hartman's job wagon attempted a runaway yesterday, and took a lively pace up Summit street, with thhe boy driver clinging to the pole. The animals were stopped before they had run half a block, and no harm was done.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The Farmers' Co-operative Exchange, at a meeting of the directors held last Wednesday, resolved to purchase the old Steer [?? DO THEY MEAN SPEER ??] mill, and put it in repair for immediate operation. Assessments are being levied to raise the purchase money: $8,500.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A new real estate firm has started business in this city, composed of A. G. Lowe, J. F. Hoffman, and E. A. Barron. These are well known citizens, all active businessmen, and are certain to achieve success.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Charles Hutchins with his wife and child left for Middlebury, Indiana, a day or two ago, to attend the funeral of a brother's child, of whose death he was notified by telegraph.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A female cavalry brigade from this city took extensive field exercise on Monday, and on its return to town marched along Summit street in column by platoon, attracting much attention. [Have no idea what this refers to.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Stirk Family at the opera house tomorrow night. General admission 35 cents; reserved seats 50 cents. On sale at Ridenour & Thompson's.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

We have secured a lot of ladies' goat button shoes so that we can sell them less than they can be manufactured for. Call early if you wish to secure a bargain. O. P. HOUGHTON.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

N. S. Martin sent several loads of corn to his ranch near Sac and Fox agency three weeks ago, and the teams have not yet returned.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

When you want wall paper or mixed paints, go to the No. 32 DRUG STORE.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

DeWitt McDowell has disposed of his interest in the Occidental Hotel to Frank Hutchison; the change of proprietorship will be effected March 1st.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Our spring stock of carpets is now coming in. Call and see the new patterns and low prices. O. P. HOUGHTON.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The market has been overstocked with butter for several days and eggs are plentiful once more.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

New spring hats at O. P. Houghton's GREEN FRONT.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

New hats, new clothing, new boots and shoes at Matlack's.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

New Ginghams, New Prints, and lots of new things at the GREEN FRONT.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

O. S. Finke left Arkansas City on Saturday to devote himself to farming pursuits in Oswego, Kansas. He is a sterling citizen and we wish him abundant success.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Al. Horn announces a big cut in prices of boots and shoes for the next thirty days. He is reducing stock to make room for spring goods, and offers bargains which we recommendd to the attention of the purchaser.


25 pair ladies' Donald button boots, C, D, and E: $2.90, worth $3.75.

16 pair ladies' best French kid buttton boots: $4.50, worth $6.00.

25 pair ladies' Cur kid button boots: $2.50, worth $3.25.

Misses' Heavy Calf Shoes: $1.25, worth $1.75.

Children's Heavy Calf Shoes: $.90, worth $1.35.

Misses' Arctic Overshoes: $.65

Children's Rubber Shoes: $.20

LADIES' HEAVY BUTTON SHOES. Deep cut in prices to reduce stock for Spring Goods. You will save 25 percent and more on every pair of boots or shoes you buy at the City Boot and Shoe Store. Sign of the "BIG BOOT."

[Note. They did have ladies' Cur kid button boots....??]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Frank J. Hess took a flying visit to Winfield on Monday. We understand his errand was to engage a suburban residence in that quiet village; the shock and din of business and the rapid march of improvement in this city, being disturbing to his mental repose.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

We publish on another page the full text of Senator Jennings' bill in relation to building and maintaining bridges in Cowley County, which has passed the legislature and is now a law. We are indebted to Hon. L. P. King for a printed copy of the bill.

An Act to Provide for the County to Build and Repair Bridges.
The following bill was presented in the Senate of the State Legislature, by Mr. Jennings, and passed both Houses.

An act in relation to building and maintaining bridges in Cowley County, Kansas.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. Whenever the trustees of any township, or the mayor and council in cities of the second class, in the county of Cowley, shall present to the board of county commis- sioners of said county a petition, signed by two-fifths of the resident tax payers of such township or city, praying for the construction of a bridge within said township or city at a point to be mentioned in said petition, the necessary cost of which will exceed five hundred dollars, the board of county commissioners shall immediately inquire into the facts set forth in such petition, and if the said board deem the building of said bridge of sufficient public necessity and utility, it shall determine upon a plan, the kind of materials to be used, and estimate the cost thereof.

SECTION 2. The said board of county commissioners, after determining the necessity and public utility of building a bridge under section 1 of this act, shall submit to the qualified electors of the township or city in which said bridge is proposed to be built, at a special election to be held for that purpose, a proposition as to whether said township or city shall pay one-third of the cost of building said bridge; which proposition shall state the precise point at which such proposed bridge is to be constructed, the kind of materials to be used, and the estimated cost of the same. At least twenty days' notice of the time and place of holding said election, either by publication for three consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation in said township or city, or by posting up printed notices thereof in not less than eight conspicuous places in said township or city.

SECTION 3. Such elections shall be held at the usual places for holding elections in such townships or city, and shall be conducted by the officers or persons provided by law for the holding elections in any township or city, and shall be governed according to the rules and regulations provided by law for the holding of other township or city elections.

SECTION 4. The vote at such election shall be by ballot, and the tickets used shall have written or printed thereon the words, "For the building of the bridge," or "Against the building of the bridge," and if a majority of the vote cast at such election have the words, "For the building of the bridge," then the proposition shall be declared to be carried.

SECTION 5. The county commissioners of said county shall, immediately after the proposition to build a bridge under this act shall have been declared carried, advertise the time and place of letting the contract for the construction of such bridge, by publication in some newspaper of the county and of general circulation therein, for at least three consecutive weeks, and shall in said notice state the kind of bridge, its dimensions, and the material to be used in the bridge, its piers and abutments. They shall receive only sealed proposals for the building of the same, and no proposal shall be received after 12 o'clock M. of the day advertised for letting said contract.

SECTION 6. Said board of county commissioners shall let said contract to the lowest responsible bidder, provided said lowest bid for completing said bridge ready for travel does not exceed the original estimate upon which the election in the township or city authorizing the building of such bridge was submitted, in which case said board shall re-advertise for bids in the manner as if no bids had been received.

SECTION 7. The board of county commissioners, after the proposition shall have been declared carried in any township or city, shall levy a bridge tax upon the entire taxable property of such township or city having voted to build a bridge under the provisions of this act, sufficient to raise one-third the estimated cost of building such bridge as stated in the election proclamation, and no more, which levy shall be extended on the tax roll and collected as other taxes; and if more taxes are thus collected than are necessary, after such bridge is built, the balance shall be turned over to the road and bridge fund of such township or city: Provided, That if the petition presented to the board of commissioners by the trustee or mayor and council, asking for the building of such bridge, shall ask that the tax be levied in two years, then said board shall levy half each year; but the contract to build such bridge shall not be let until half of said tax is levied and collected; And provided further, That if the estimated cost of such bridge exceeds six thousand dollars, then said board of county commissioners shall make no levy unless directed so to do, within twenty days after the votes of said election are canvassed by the township board through the trustee or the mayor and council of such city through the mayor, but the township board or mayor and council may issue the bonds of the township or city as hereafter mentioned.

SECTION 8. No bonds shall be executed and sold to build any bridge or bridges under the provisions of this act by said county, nor shall any township or city in said county, issue its bonds to pay its proportionate share, unless the entire estimated cost of such bridge shall exceed six thousand dollars, in which event such township or city may issue its bonds in denominations of not less than one hundred dollars, and shall be payable as such city may direct, in not less than five or more than twenty years from the date thereof, with interest not to exceed eight per centum per annum, which said interest shall be payable semi-annually, at such place as the principal sum is made payable, and for which said interest said bonds shall have coupons attached; and such bonds and coupons shall be signed by the township trustee, and attested by the clerk, or by the mayor of such city, and attested by the city clerk; and the money received from the sale of said bonds shall be turned over to the county treasurer of said county, to be held by him in the same manner as if said money had been collected in taxes.

SECTION 9. The township or city officers of any township or city in said county issuing bonds under the provisions of this act shall levy each year and cause to be collected as other taxes are collected, sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds as they shall become due, and create a sinking fund for the final redemption of such bonds, which taxes shall be collected as other taxes are collected, and when collected shall be and remain a specific fund for such purposes only. If said bonds run for a period of more than five years, then such sinking fund may be annually invested in bonds of the United States, State of Kansas, or bonds of the township or city issued under the provisions of this act, and not more than their face value. Bonds so purchased shall be held by the township or city, and when the bonds issued under this act shall become due, such purchased bonds shall be sold at the highest market price, and the proceeds applied to the redemption of the bonds issued under this act.

SECTION 10. The county commissioners of said Cowley County are authorized to levy a tax annually on all the taxable property of said county, of not exceeding three mills on the dollar, for the purpose of providing a bridge fund, to be expended under the provisions of this act.

SECTION 11. The board of county commissioners shall have the exclusive control of letting all contracts under the provisions of this act, and making payments therefor, and the county treasurer shall pay out no money out of the bridge fund for any township or city, created under the provisions of this act, except upon a warrant signed by the chairman of such board and attested by the county clerk; Provided further, No money shall be paid to any person, company, or corporation contracting to build such bridge, until all the materials for such bridge are on the ground; And provided further, That not more than half the cost of building such bridge shall be paid until such bridge is completed and accepted by the board.

SECTION 12. All bridges constructed under the provisions of this act shall thereafter be repaired and kept up jointly by the township or city in which said bridge is located, and the county, the township, or city bearing one-third and the county two-thirds of such expense.

SECTION 13. All bridges proposed to be built under this act, over any stream or other plce requiring such bridge, and across the boundary line between two townships, or between a city ahnd township, in said county, the election for such bridge shall be called in such township, or township and city, at the same time and in the same manner as hereinbefore provided for holding the election in one township or city; and if a majority of the votes case in such township, or township and city, shall be in favor of the proposition, then the board of county commissioners shall levy and collect from each of said townships, or townships and city, one-sixth the cost of such bridge, which shall be expended as herein provided.

SECTION 14. The board of county commissioners of said Cowley County shall hereafter appropriate out of the bridge fund of said county, money sufficient to pay two-thirds of the necessary repairs and expenses of keeping up any bridge or bridges already built by township or townships, or city, or by the county, where the original cost exceeds $300 [?? NOT SURE OF THE FIGURE GIVEN ?]; and such township or townships, or city, in which such bridge or bridges are located, shall pay one-third the expense of the repairs and expenses out of the road and bridge or other tax fund of such township or townships or city.

SECTION 15. It shall be the duty of the township trustee of each township in said county, and the mayor of such city, to supervise the repairing of the bridges in his township or city; and whenever the road overseer shall notify the township trustee, or the street commissioners notify the mayor, that any bridge needs repairing, the trustee or mayor shall at once take the necessary steps to, and shall make such repairs; Provided, If such repairs at one time shall exceed $100, then such trustee or mayor shall confer with the chairman of the board of county commissioners, who shall, with such trustee or mayor, have such repairs made if any be necessary.

SECTION 16. Whenever the township board of any township, or the mayor and council of such city, in said county, shall declare on the records of their township or city that the building of a bridge is necessary at some point in their township or city, and that the cost of the same will be less than five hundred dollars and more than one hundred dollars, then the township trustee or mayor shall immediately present a copy of the record of the action of such township or city to the board of county commissioners, and if said board deem the building of such bridge practicable and of sufficient public necessity and utility, and that it will cost less than five hundred dollars and more than one hundred dollars, said commissioners may build the same as provided herein for the building of other bridges, without an election for that purrpose being held in the township or townships or city where such bridge is located.

SECTION 17. All bridges in said county costing one hundred dollars or less shall be built and repaired exclusively by the township or city in which they may be situated.

SECTION 18. That when two or more townships or cities in said county shall vote for the building of bridges, at or near the same time, then said bridges shall be built in the order in which the propositions were voted, unless the board is clearly satisfied that one or more of such bridges is of greater public necessity and utility than the others, in which case the bridge of most necessity to the public may be built first.

SECTION 19. Before this act shall take effect and be in force in said county, an election shall be called and held in said county for the purpose of taking the sense of the electors of said county as to whether this act shall be in force in said county; and if a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of this act, then said board shall, on the day said vote is canvassed, enter upon the records of the sommissioners of said county an order declaring the act in full force and effect in said county, and thereafter this act shall be in full force and effect in said county.

SECTION 20. That for the purpose of taking the sense of the voters of said county, as provided in the preceding section, the board of county commissioners of such county shall call a special election, to be held for that purpose, on the first Tuesday in April, 1886, and public notice of the time and purpose of said election shall be given for at least twenty days in the official paper of said county, and by posting written or printed handbills at each of the several voting precincts in said county. The votes for the proposition shall have written or printed theeon, "For the special bridge act," and those against shall have written or printed thereon, "Against the special bridge act." Such elections shall be conducted in all other respects as provided in the general election laws of the state.

SECTION 21. This act shall take effect and be in force after its publication in the Winfield Courier, and after it shall have been carried at the election herein provided for, and the order to that effect made by the board of county commissioners of said county.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The relief committee of the Women's Relief Corps desire to express their hearty thanks to the people of Arkansas City and West Bolton for their liberal contributions to the tables spread in Grady's hall on Monday. Fully 400 guests were served, and seventeen baskets of provisions were left over, which were distributed among the poor of the city. They also return thanks to Capt. Hamilton and his command for their liberal patronage.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Chaplain Buckner's lecture on the battle of Chickamauga, in which he was a participant, is highly spoken of by the press of other cities, as a graphic recital of that tremendous conflict. His lecture will be delivered in the Highland opera house, on Friday next, in aid of the post fund of the veterans of Arkansas City. Beside the pleasure and profit of listening to an effective platform speaker, the auditor will have the consciousness of assisting a worthy cause. Chaplain Buckner draws crowded audiences wherever he speaks, and we look to see a full house to greet him in the city. Admission, twenty-five cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Last Friday Miss Patterson, a teacher in the fourth ward school, and who occupied a room in the Leland Hotel, discovered that her trunk had been robbed of $30 in gold. The trunk was left unlocked, but the money was contained in a small box, locked and kept within the trunk. A sewing girl in the hotel, named Delia Ryan, lately from Kansas City, who roomed with Miss Patterson, also claimed to have been robbed of $20, and suspicion fell on a female guest in the hotel who left for Winfield the next afternoon. This person was arrested at the depot, brought back and searched, and discharged for want of proof. Suspicion then fell on the sewing girl, who was also searched, and the money found sewed up in her clothing. She will be prosecuted for larceny.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The ice gorge having passed away carrying several spans of the west bridge with it, prompt steps were taken by our merchants to repair the mischief. On the suggestion of a number of our citizens, a special meeting of the city council was held on Friday evening, and that body adopted a resolution to petition the district court to annex that portion of territory lying west of the bridge, annd owned by the water power company. This action was evidently taken to enable the city to raise a revenue from the territory annexed to aid toward keeping the bridge in repair. On the adjournment of the council, the citizens convened a meeting, and resolved to advertise for proposals to repair the bridge. The cost of the work, it is expected, will be from $400 to $500. A report of the proceedings will be found in another column.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A Resolution to Annex Territory, and a Plan to Restore the West Bridge.
On Friday Mayor Schiffbauer received the following petition. ARKANSAS CITY, Feb. 19, 1886. To his honor F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:

The undersigned members of the council of Arkansas City respectfully request your honor to call a special meeting of the council this evening (Feb. 19th) for the purpose of taking some action in regard to the repairing of the bridge across the Arkansas River west of town, and annexing certain territory to the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas city.



JACOB HIGHT, Councilmen.



To which acting Mayor Thompson responded as follows.

ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., Feb. 19, 1886.
I hereby call a special meeting of the council of the city of Arkansas City, in pursuance to the above call. C. G. THOMPSON, Acting Mayor.

At 7:30 o'clock the same evening the council convened, all the members except Dean and Bailey were present. Mr. A. A. Newman, in behalf of himself and others, asked that the council memorialize the district judge to annex certain territory to the corporate limits of the city. On motion the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, That notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1886, the city council of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, shall in the name of said city present a petition to the Hon. E. S. Torrance, judge of the district court of Cowley County, state of Kansas, praying for an order declaring that the following territory lying adjacent to the limits of said city of Arkansas City, described by metes and bounds, as follows, to-wit:

The property owned by the Arkansas City water power company, commencing at a point twenty (20) feet north of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five (25), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east, extending thence west three (3) rods to the north line of the right of way of the Arkansas City water power company's canal; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said canal about one hundred and fifty (150) rods to the east bank of the Arkansas River; thence southerly about ten (10) rods to a point where the north line of the public highway, extending east and west through the center of said section twenty-five (25), intersects the east bank of said Arkansas River; thence westerly across said river about 840 feet to the northeast corner of lot No. Four (4), section twenty-six (26), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east; thence west twenty (20) rods; thence south sixteen (16) rods; thence east about twenty (20) rods to the west bank of the Arkansas River; thence easterly across said river about eight hundred and forty (840) feet, to a point on the east bank of said river two hundred (200) feet south of the north line of lot two (2) of said section twenty-five (25); thence east across said lot three hundred (300) feet; thence east along the south line of said highway to the city limits, about one hundred and forty (140) rods, containing seven and one-half (7-1/2) acres more or less; and thence north forty (40) feet to the place of beginning; making the same a part of the corporate limits of said city of Arkansas City, and made to all intents and purposes, contemplated in the law, under which said city is incorporated, a part of said city, and that this notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Arkansas City TRAVELER immediately hereafter.

The council then adjourned.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

On the adjournment of the council, a citizens' meeting was held in the same chamber to take immediate steps toward repairing the west bridge. The meeting organized by appointing W. D. Kreamer chairman and James Benedict secretary.

Mr. Hill moved that the chair appoint a committee consisting of members of the city council and of the board of trade to prepare a plan and estimate of the cost of repairing said bridge, which plan and estimate shall be submitted to the council for their approval. The motion being adopted the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Hight, Hill, and T. L. McLaughlin, with instructions to make a report as soon as possible. Adjourned.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Real Estate Firm.
O. B. Dix and Cyrus Miller have opened a new real estate office over G. W. Miller's hardware store, under the name of Dix & Miller, land, loan, and insurance agents. They have fitted up their office in handsome style, and have employed John L. Howard, for a term of months, to rustle up business. They will strive to merit a liberal share of public patronage. They will be pleased to welcome visitors and friends to their commodious and pleasant apartments at all times.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Beware of Horse Thieves.
As spring and grass approach, horses will be missing. Every township, village, and city should organize to protect themselves, and use such diligence that it will become too hazardous to undertake stealing in this section of country. Several horse owners have expressed a willingness to pay a reward of $50 for every thief convicted who steals from them. They also agree to subscribe $1 each toward a standing reward for the capture and conviction of any horse thief stealing a horse in Cowley County. The county pays $50 in addition. The townships along the Territory line should organize especially.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

A Card.
The TRAVELER is requested to publish the following vindication of a former resident of this city.

DEAR SIR: We wish to state through the columns of your paper, since Dr. Hart has been at Maple City, his conduct has been the reverse of that reported in the Arkansas Valley DEMOCRAT. Instead of proving himself a dead-beat and failing to pay his bills, we have personal knowledge of his having made sacrifices to be able to pay his debts. His conductt has been that of an honorable man, and he has been held in the highest esteem as a physician in this community.

[Signed by}















Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

They Declare They Will Not Pay Their License Unless the Ordinance is Better Enforced.

The draymen of the city have been raising a sort of racket over the payment of the occupation tax. Mention having been made in the city council that a number of persons were delinquent in this tax, the city clerk was instructed to prepare a statement showing the names of all who had paid their occupation and dog tax. This was presented at the last meeting of the council, and referred to the finance committee. A cursory glance over the list showed that the draymen of the city were defaulters, and City Marshal Gray was instructed to arrest them and take them before the police justice for a hearing. Accordingly on Wednesday afternoon Frank Wallace, William Huff, William Ward, W. J. Gammel, Jas. Moore, Henry Bryson, Scott Brandon, and M. Hartman appeared before Judge Bryant, who fined them each $2 and costs for violation of a city ordinance.

This puts the draymen in a bad light before the public, but they have their grievances which they put in as an offset. Their first demurrer is that the section in the city ordinance relating to draymen is so bunglingly worded, that no lawyer has yet been found in the city who can construe it. One clause in the section sets forth as follows:

"Any wagon used or kept for use for hauling or transferring for his profit or compensation, any goods, wares, or merchandise, or other property of any kind, except ice, coal, wood, sand, stone, brick, and building material not owned by the owner of the wagon, shall be deemed a job wagon."

According to the ordinary rules of construction, this would exclude the hauling of the articles above named by an owner of a wagon, to whom the goods do not belong, from liability to pay occupation tax on a job wagon. But it is not so construed by the police justice, and it is not so understood by the draymen implicated. According to the decisions of Judge Bryant, a coal dealer who delivers coal in his own vehicle is not the owner of a job wagon, and hence not liable to the tax on the same; but the man who delivers coal, who is not the owner of the same, and receives money for the service, is running a job wagon and should pay the tax.

The draymen complain of other irregularities in the enforcement of this ordinance which are vexatious to themselves, one or two of which we will mention.

Some time ago several car loads of corn arrived at the depot, which the owner desired to have hauled to his crib. The draymen agreed upon $5 a car load as their rate of compensation. The owner of the corn found someone who was willing to do the work for $4.50, and set him to hauling it. The draymen complained to the city marshal that this man was running a job wagon without paying his tax, and he was arrested for the offense. On the trial the owner of the corn testified that he had sold the wagon used for transferring the corn to the man who was driving it, and had not yet been paid; on this he based his claim to ownership of the wagon. This was accepted as sound logic and good law by the court, and the charge was dismissed.

The draymen also object to the practice of licensing a job wagon for a fraction of a year. They allege that men who use their wagons and teams in farm work during the summer, will come to town when farm work is over and run job wagons during the winter months at a rate of compensation just sufficient to pay for horse feed. City draymen who are willing to take out a license and expect to support their families by their industry, are injured by this competition; and as a protection, they demand that these men be required to pay the tax for a whole year. It has been said in the council chamber that the licensing ordinance is not a protective tariff, that its sole purpose is to provide revenue, and those persons who seek protection from it, mistake its intent and purport. But the draymen maintain that they have a right to incidental protection, and the lax way in which licenses are granted deprives the municipal law of all usefulness and validity. Thus we have the great political issue of a tariff for protection or a tariff for revenue only, brought home to our city administration; and to Judge Bryant is committed the delicate duty of determining which rule shall apply.

The draymen made a picnic of the prosecution. Being committed in default of payment, and there being no jail to confine them in, they considered themselves under arrest, and demanded board of the city marshal. This officer was not prepared to feed so numerous a family, so to escape the embarrassment he skipped out, leaving his prisoners to provide for themselves. At supper time they repaired to a restaurant, called for a meal, ate heartily, enjoying the affair as a huge joke, and referred the perplexed caterer to the city council for payment.

One of the men tells an amusing domestic incident. It was told his children that their father had gone to jail, there was no one to provide for them now, and they would have to go to the city for support. This sadly troubled them, and when a grocer's wagon stopped at the door shortly after to deliver some goods, a little toddler, four years old, said to the clerk, "My pa is put in prison, and you'll have to go to the city for your pay."

This revolt of the draymen against a city ordinance is an unpleasant incident, and we look to see the matter brought up before the city council at its next meeting.

Since the above was written, the draymen have paid the fine and costs, and give notice of appeal.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

City Water Works.
At a called meeting of the city council at 11 o'clock on Monday morning, the council accepted the plan submitted by the Inter-State Gas Company, and approved their bonds. The plan provides for the erection of a standpipe, 115 feet high, on Summit Street; at the intersection of Fourth Avenue, and building a reservoir on Fourth Avenue, in the slough between the two springs. Messrs. Plate & Quigley have purchased five lots there, where they propose to sink for water; the test these gentlemen made on Saturday satisfying them that water is to be obtained in abundance. They also have permission to draw water from the canal in case of a dry time or a fire, but resort is to be made to this source of supply only in extreme necessity. During the test with the pump, 736 gallons a minute was raised, and at the end of 30 minutes the supply gave out. But this exhaustion they attribute to the smallness of the orifice, and express their conviction that water enough can be obtained when a sufficient opening is made. The iron pipe is purchased, and the necessary machinery provided, but the work will not begin till the end of March. This delay is occasioned by a contract they are now working at Eureka Springs, where they are putting in gas works; when that work is completed, the water supply for this city will be set about in real earnest. Messrs. Plate & Quigley left on the Monday afternoon train for Hutchinson.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.


A boys' branch of the Y. M. C. A. is very much needed in our city.

Some one has said: "Not one in five hundred criminals has become a law breaker for the first time after twenty-one years of age." How necessary it is then that influence be brought to bear upon the youths what will tend to keep them in the right way.

We hope to be able in a short time to open our room to the reading public at least two nights each week. Our reading matter is not very extensive, but has been selected with care; and new additions will be made from time to time. Several parties have agreed to furnish newspapers as soon as the room is opened to the public.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Another Railroad Project.
Parties in this city are actively working up an extension of the Missouri Pacific and Arizona division, to start from LeRoy, Coffee County, and run in almost a straight line to this city. The proposed route is through Liberty Township, Woodson County, to Eureka, thence southwest to Piedmont, a station on the Frisco road, and through Deadman's Gulch, Elk County, striking the head of Grouse Creek, and crossing the track of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern road at Torrance. Thence through Dexter and Silver Dale Township to this city. The entire population along the projected route is said to be favorable to the enterprise, and it is estimated that $275,000 in bonds can be raised in addition to what will be done in Woodson County. We are permitted to make the following extract from a letter written by a prominent citizen of LeRoy to one of our own townsmen.

"This would be a propitious time to secure franchises in the township of Liberty, Woodson County. A scheme has been concocted, apparently in the interest of the Santa Fe, and is being worked by some strikers from Neosho Falls, to head you off. They have submitted a proposition to Liberty Township asking for $140,000; the election is to come off March 9.

"I have seen a number of prominent Liberty Township men who are opposed to the Santa Fe scheme, partly because the route does not suit them, but more especially because they consider the amount asked for ($40,000) too much. If you were prepared to submit a proposition to that township of about $20,000 or $25,000, and have petitions circulated immediately, they are of the opinion not only that it would kill the Santa Fe scheme, but that your proposition would be successfully carried."

This project consummated, Arkansas City would then have direct connection with three important railroad systems, and it is certainly worth intelligent effort.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Coal Indications.
A meeting of the board of trade was held in the council chamber last Monday night to consider various matters of interest to the city. Among other business introduced, was an alleged coal discovery on James Fenton's farm, across the Arkansas, by J. H. Flood, a mining expert, who has been prospecting in this section for some time past for that mineral. Being called on to state his case, Mr. Flood declared his belief that coal underlies this locality, but it was to be found below the bed of the Arkansas River. In various places he had found out- croppings of shale and fire-clay, which he regarded as sure indications of coal, and he then exhibited a number of specimens of these substances, taken from the locality above named. He gave it as his opinion that a coal seam could be found 300 feet beneath the surface, and the cost of boring that distance should be $350. He stated that there are generally three strata of coal, separated from each other by intervening earth, the lower strata being thicker and stronger than the uppermost stratum.

The importance of a home supply of coal was enlarged upon by several members, and it was deemed advisable to bore fo the depth named at the place where the out-cropping was found, and $50 was subscribed by several members toward paying the expense.

George Howard spoke in opposition to the erection of a stand pipe in the middle of Summit Street, as assented to by the city council, and a motion was adopted to petition the council to re-consider the matter, and not allow a stand pipe to be placed on any street in the city.

The meeting then adjourned.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Letter List.
FEBRUARY 23, 1886. James Allen, R. F. Allbury, J. F. Beringer, Pro. Jos. Boyd, F. M. Burins, L. Chetum, W. H. Christie, Geo. W. Delany, Mrs. Albert Duette, Mrs. Lydia Gobl, Frank Hail, Miss Lizzie Heaton, C. B. Kimpton, Lou Lindley, Frank Meridith, Lydia Miller, Peter Miller, Thos. McAdam, Fred Nichols, Geo. Rider. P. Ross, W. A. Shiner, Philip Shrager, Edward Scott, C. F. Thompson, Alex Works.

E. E. Amos, John Alger, Melissco Beverly, W. L. Bower, William Black, J. E. Church, Lula Cline, S. M. Daily, Delbert Edwards, John Hart, M. F. Hartman, Henry Johnson, Frank Loyd, A. L. Martin, Mrs. Lizzie Miller, Dan A. Miller, G. W. McDonald, F. A. McNatmy, M. W. Phelps, Rider & Mericle, ____ Robertson, C. E. Smith, Joe Seminnick, Jasper Skaggs, Ettie Vaughn.

Parties calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

We desire the ladies to look at our beautiful line of Embroideries which comprises the prettiest designs ever placed on sale in this city. We can guarantee the price 25 percent cehaper than ever before. Don't fail to see them.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

P. A. MILLER, PHOTOGRAPHER. (Successor to Geo. H. Dresser.)

Photographs finished in the latest style. Large portraits finished in Cryaon, India ink, and water color. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Public Sale.
I will offer at public sale at my residence 5-1/2 miles from Winfield, on the road to Arkansas City, March 1, 4 work horses and mares; 34 cattle, such as cows, heifers, steers, and calves; 1 short horned bull, stock hogs and breeding sows; 2 wagons, 2 couble sets harness, farm machinery of every description, such as Deering Twine Binder, Champion reaper and mover, sulky plow, walking plows, Hapgood sulky lister, riding and walking cultivators, barrows, etc.; 1 farming mill; one ider mill; corn in the crib, oats in the bin, hay in the stack, and a great many articles not mentioned.

Terms of sale: All under $8.00 cash in hand. $8.00 and over, time will be given to purchaser till Dec. 1, 1886, by giving bankable note, bearing interest at the rate of ten percent, per annum, or cash, 5 percent off. Sales commence at 10 o'clock prompt.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Auction Sale.
I will sell, in Arkansas City, at the regular place of auction sales, on Saturday, February 27, 1886, the following described prroperty.

One span of heavy work horses, one Turnbull wagon, one Standard corn planter, one walking Lister, one three-horse harrow, one Hapgood sulky plow and Lister combined, two walking cultivators, Stirring plows, etc.

TERMS OF SALE. Sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; sums over $10, twelve months' time will be given by purchaser giving bankable note drawing 12 percent interest per annum. Five percent discount for cash. J. L. BELL.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of G. W. Miller & Co., and doing a general retail hardware business at Arkansas City, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. G. W. Miller will assume all assets and liabilities of the firm.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

I kindly ask all those having accounts with G. W. Miller & Co., to help me with what they owe. Having purchased the entire interest of my former partner, Mr. Stephen George, in the store and business, I am in need of the money at once. Respectfully, G. W. MILLER.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

Wanted. One hundred head of native yearlings, steers preferred. Inquire at Brown's drug store, North Summit Street, on Saturday of each week. C. M. SCOTT.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

(Published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER, Feb. 24th, 1886.)
Ordinance No. 30.
Entitled an Ordinance to suppress gaming and gambling houses in the city of Arkansas City.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:

SECTION 1. That any person or persons who shall play at roulette, faro, keno, chuck luck, three card monte, poker or dice, or any other gambling game or game of chance, where money or any other property is staked, in the city of Arkansas City, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every offense, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid.

SECTION 2. That any person or persons, keeping, owning, or conducting a house, tent, shanty, booth, or any other place in the city of Arkansas City, where roulette, faro, keno, cards, or gift enterprise, by whatever name it may be known or called, gambling device or game of chance is practiced or allowed to be practiced or carried on in the corporate limits of said city, shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) and shall pay the costs of prosecution, and shall stand committed till such fine and costs are paid.

SECTION 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances, conflicting with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

SECTION 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved Feb. 16th, 1886. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

(Published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER Feb. 24th, 1886.

Ordinance No. 31.
An ordinance to suppress houses of prostitution in the city of Arkansas City.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:

SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this ordinance any man or woman, living alone in tavern or hotel, or in apartments, or living in said city of Arkansas City, who shall entice prostitution, or who shall follow the calling of a prostitute for gain in said city, shall upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) or less than ten dollars ($10).

SECTION 2. That each and every keeper or inmate of a house of prostitution in the city of Arkansas City, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) nor less than ten dollars ($10).

SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved Feb. 16th, 1886. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.

NEW GUN SHOP! Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, and all kinds of light machinery repaired in the neatest manner. Saws Filed and Shears sharpened. Powder, Shot, and Loaded Shells in Stock. M. S. HENDRICKS, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.



MARCH 3, 1886.

MARCH 10, 1886.

MARCH 17, 1886.

MARCH 24, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

Cherokee Indemnity Fund.
A recent Washington dispatch, discussing the Cherokee indemnity fund, gives the fol- lowing interesting particulars.

"The question of indicting for alleged misuse of Cherokee funds will be submitted to the district grand jury tomorrow. If the decision is against returning a true bill, it is probable that that will be the end of a long pending controversy. The Cherokees paid $22,500 for getting through the appropriation of $300,000 two years ago. Since then Congressional committees have wrestled with the rumors that there was misuse of this money. The civil courts have been tried, but nothing has ever been developed further than that the Cherokee Nation paid out the $22,500 in Washington under a contract to allow 7-1/2 percent of the amount obtained, which was $300,000. The matter was brought to the attention of the grand jury of the district some days ago, as a final step on the part of those who hold that the money was not legally disbursed. Among the witnesses who have testified have been Senator Dawes, Chairman of the committee on Indian Affairs; Senator Teller, who was Secretary of the Interior at the time this appropriation was got through; Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation; Campbell H. Taylor, of the Cherokee Nation; Mr. Wheeler, the clerk of the Federal Court at Ft. Smith; Mr. Walker, a Cherokee representative of the banking house of Lewis, Johnson & Co., of Washington, through whose hands the check passed, and some others. It is stated authoritatively that, if the grand jury concludes to ignore the matter, there will be no further controversy over it. If an indictment is found, it will be based on an alleged violation of what is called the intercourse law, which provides the conditions under which contracts with the Cherokee Nation must be made to be legal. With these conditions it is claimed the contract under which the $22,500 was disbursed did not comply.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

News Clippings.
WIND BREAKWhat kind of trees would you recommend for a wind break? Is there anything better than soft maple?

There is nothing better for the purpose than Russian mulberry. It grows very fast and is much hardier than the soft maple, and not so subject to borers. We prefer hardy catalpa before maple.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

The Cheyenne Transporter expresses the following opinion on the fencing of cattle ranches.

"The extensive fencing of ranges is a serious detriment to the cattle industry. Many reasons might be advanced, were it worthwhile, why the fencing of ranges has not been a success. It has been thoroughly tested here in the Territory, in almost every instance at a heavy loss to the owner. The cattle business upon the open range has undoubtedly passed its brightest day, although it is everywhere hoped that such is not the case."


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

Railroad Doings.
A special to the Globe-Democrat, from this city, gives the following statement of railroad movements.

"This city is somewhat excited at present about railroads, and a lively time is anticipated with Winfield in regard to voting bonds in the eastern part of Cowley County to the Kansas State Line Railway Company, a line chartered from Oswego to Trinidad, Colorado. The election takes place May 3, and will be quite a feather in Arkansas City's cap should the bonds carry, which is deemed certain unless something unforeseen springs up to change the present status. The Kansas City and Southwestern has completed its line to the territory south of the city, and will immediately commence building westward from here, going via Caldwell, Anthony, and on to New Kiowa. The road from here to Beaumont is operated by the Frisco, and passengers can now go to St. Louis without change. The Santa Fe surveying party left here today to locate the extension through the territory to Gainesville, Texas, and everything indicates that work will be commenced in a very few days. They have also run two lines east from this city, via Dexter and on to Howard, to connect with the branch already completed. Southern Kansas seems to have great attractions for railroads and numerous lines will doubtless be built the coming summer."


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

Everybody Laughs.
Thursday evening, April 1, the brightest, funniest, and most laughable comedy before the public will be presented to an Arkansas City audience. Simon & Cawthorn's famous company of comedy and vocal artists, including the famous "California Sissons," the English Cawthorns, Geo. E. Payne, etc., will appear in "Little Nugget." They come thoroughly equipped with their own special scenery, calcium settings, music, etc. This company was organized in New York two years ago, and it may be mentioned as a remarkable fact, the company is identically the same today it was then, not a change having been made in the artists engaged since that time. The comedy is very funny, and in the hands of such able and accomplished artists as above mentioned, fairly carries an audience by storm. Miss Josie Simon, the star, is an accomplished young soubrette, and is the possessor of a voice of wonderful power and sweetness. The entire company is first class and should draw out a packed house. Don't forget the date, Thursday, April 1.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

New Goods! Merchant Tailor-Made CLOTHING.

A perfect fit guaranteed in Our Tailor-Made Jerseys.


Ahead of all is our new and Full Line of Boots & Shoes.


New Styles in Dress Patterns.

OUR GLOVE FITTING JERSEY is "the Event of the Season."

Largest Stock General Dry Goods IN THE CITY.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

BOOTS AND SHOES. Chas & Salisbury & Co.

[Have a boot illustration with the words: "THE BEST MADE!


Are open and respectfully invite the public to call and examine their extensive stock. We keep an exclusive BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE.

South Store in Highland Block.

Chas. E. Salisbury & Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

NEW CLOTHING STORE. The undersigned has opened the commodious room in the Grady Block, South Summit Street, with a full line of GENTS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING. The best quality and latest styles. Cattle men, farmers, mechanics, and all other classes will find their wants suited in my carefully selected assortment. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Valises, etc., in every variety. The lowest cash prices and satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE ME A CALL. J. O. JOHNSON.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

CHINA HALL, In south room of McLaughlin's block, is now OPEN FOR BUSINESS.

Full Line of Chinaware, Glassware, Plated Ware, and Table Cutlery, Etc.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.


This is undoubtedly the largest and finest stock of wall paper ever brought to Cowley County, and if you are preparing to paper, Remember WE ARE HEADQUARTERS.

We are also making business lively in the PAINT LINE. Having an immense stock we are prepared to make low prices. Call in and see for yourself. Yours Respectfully,


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

The Democrat publishes a long string of "whereases," professing to recite the grievances of small cattle owners, settlers and others, caused by the unfairness of the government in excluding such persons from the Territory, while others are allowed to remain there undis- turbed. The specific charge is made in this arraignment that foreign and domestic cattle syndicates are allowed to graze their herds in the Territory, in defiance of the president's proclamation, while "the men having but few cattle and those having none" are driven away by military force. A long rehearsal of assumed wrongs brings the writer to the gist of his argument, in the following resolution.

"That we sincerely and earnestly request our Representatives in congress assembled, to take immediate action, and we invite all representatives of capitalists, corporations, and monopolies, to assist in taking immediate action in legislating for the opening of Oklahoma and the Cherokee Strip to settlement under the homestead land laws of the United States, which seems the only remedy for the approaching conflict and render justice to the Red, Black, and White man, to the rich and the poor alike; for all of which we shall every pray."

This extraordinary screed is published, as we are told, "by order of L. A., No. 2842," and we are further informed that "a large number of citizens of Arkansas City assembled and adopted the same." To attach weight to this disloyal and untruthful utterance, it would be well to inform us what organization adopted it, and also to name a few of the persons who assembled to make this appeal to the public.

In the first place it is not true that small cattle owners are driven from the Territory with their herds, while foreign and domestic syndicates are undisturbed. In clearing out the Oklahoma country, Major Sumner, with three troops of the Fifth United States cavalry, stationed at Fort Reno, and Capt. Hamilton, with another troop of the same regiment, scoured that region as fully as their limited force would permit, and drove out everybody they encountered, and also removed all the cattle they found pasturing there. It is true that the grass leases of the friendly tribes on the Cherokee strip have not been removed; but we cannot see that any injustice or unfair discrimination is shown in this forbearance. The leases were executed with the tacit approval of the secretary of the interior, the rents are promptly paid to the Indians, and nobody is harmed. That is a dog-in-the-manger policy which seeks to ruin another man because we cannot partake his advantages, and this seems to be the policy which prompts the men who are clamoring against "cattle syndicates."

The TRAVELER reflects the will of the people of this locality in asking that the Indian Territory be thrown open to white settlement, and the lands allotted in severalty. Such is the wish also of a large proportion of the American people, and even a good share of the Indian occupants of that country ask that houses be patented to them. Evidently the president is committed to such a mode of proceeding, believing, we doubt not, that it would be popular with the masses, and win favor for his administration. But we cannot conceive that fillibus- tering will advance this end. It is lawless invasion. It sets the actors in antagonism with the government, and creates an impression in the public mind that the people of this border country are reckless adventurers, and organized land thieves. Congress is now dealing with the subject, and petitions addressed to that body, asking the passage of a law to admit white settlers, is the only mode provided by our political institutions to forward the desired end.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

We publish the letter of the president of the state normal college, testifying to the fitness of Prof. Weir for his position of principal of our city schools. This will be useful to our citizens in guiding their judgment in the selection of school trustees for the ensuing term. Some clamor exists against the re-appointment of Mr. Weir, and among the reasons assigned are that he fails to attend properly to his duties, and that his salary can be judiciously saved to the city by discontinuing the office. We call it clamor because no reasonable man would be influenced by such considerations without first acquainting himself with the facts. It has been frequently said during the present controversy that the proper place to try the school principal is in the class rooms. Mischievous persons may seek to turn public opinion against this gentleman by scurrilous remarks on his personal bearing and the costume he wears, but the judicious must see that this is the worst kind of demagogy and proceeds from unworthy motives.

The question to be considered in determining this case is whether our schools are well maintained, whether the teachers are efficient, whether good order is preserved, and whether the quality of the learning dispensed to our youth is sufficiently practical and thorough to answer their needs in life, and make them useful men and women. President Taylor, a competent judge, speaks highly of their efficiency, and ranks them among the very best in the state. But we have no need to be governed by the opinions of others, our school rooms are open to visitors, and everyone is invited to enter them and judge for themselves.

The importance of good schools need not be enlarged upon. Kansas stands forward in the Union for the intelligence and enterprise of its citizens, and this proud distinction can only be maintained by affording the rising generation the best facilities for learning. Desirable citizens, in seeking a location, first inquire about the schools and churches, and the orderly and law abiding habits of a people, before they decide to cast in their lot amongst them. The man who casts a vote in the election next Tuesday should know the condition of our schools and be satisfied in his own mind whether he wishes them left undisturbed.

A candidate who offers himself for school trustee and shows his willingness to abolish the office of school principal, is the man to leave severely alone. He is either ignorant of school management or has interested motives, and in either case, is unfit for the trust he seeks. The gospel of chance receives small favors from correct thinkers, and it would be just as safe to start a railway train without an engineer, and trust to its fetching up at the right station, as to open our city schools for a year's work, and trust to the corps of teachers all working to one system, and making harmonious advances with their respective flocks, up the ladder of learning.

The main issue, in the coming election, as we understand it, is the selection of school trustees committed to a conservative course in the management of the schools. Men who have none but the public interest to serve, and who are content to let well enough alone, are those who should be elected to the office. If they are not acquainted with the real condition of our schools, it will be their business to spend two or three half days in studying their condition; they will then be fit to act intelligently on the appointment of a principal for the ensuing year, and the voters of this school district can safely abide by their choice. But the man who says we want no school principal should be set aside as a crank and a re-actionist.


"The latest dispatches from St. Louis and other places where the strike has been most general, report its force exhausted, and numbers of the strikers returning to work." MASTER WORKMAN POWDERLY WAS EVIDENTLY UNAWARE OF THIS STRIKE COMING ABOUT...AS A RESULT, THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR WERE CAUGHT SHORT ON THIS ONE. THE STRIKE I GATHER IS FAILING BECAUSE IT WAS WITHOUT "SPECIFIC CAUSE."


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

GLOBE-DEMOCRAT. If reports be not at fault, the idea of severalty holdings of land is growing in popularity among the Indians. The Kickapoos express themselves in favor of allotment and the Utes of Southern Colorado also intimate that it will not be objectionable to them. There is no doubt that the division of reservation land among individual Indians is a thing of the near future, and the Indians are wise to discover in time that they are in favor of the scheme.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 31, 1886.

City Market.
Corrected March 31st, 1886.


Corn per bu.: $.27 @ $.30.

Wheat per bu.: $.80

Oats per bu.: $$.30

Potatoes per bu.: $.85

Hogs per cwt.: $3.25

Chickens per doz.: $2.50





Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Pat O'Brady will teach school at the Opera House, tomorrow evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Homer Deets returned last week from a trip to Sedgwick and Kingman counties, where he spent a week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Jerome Steele last week opened a drug store by Judge Bonsall's building, and has engaged J. T. Grimes as assistant.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

C. G. Furry, of the Geuda Springs Herald, was in town on Saturday, and illuminated our sanctum with his beaming countenance.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The farmers were busy corn planting last week, as we went to press, and this week they find their plows frozen in the furrow. How is that for the Italy of America?

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

G. W. Miller has engaged the services of Edward Leonard as salesman. Mr. Leonard has had long experience in the hardware business, and is a useful and progressive citizen.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Rev. B. C. Swarts was in town on Saturday, on a visit to his son Charlie and family. This zealous preacher has been appointed presiding elder of the Wichita district, and will take up his residence in Newton.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Capt. Bogardus, the renowned shootist registered at the Leland on Thursday and the next morning took the Ponca stage for a visit to the territory. His errand is to gather up a few progressive aborigines for the show business.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

John N. Florer and W. H. Gambell came in from the Osage on Thursday. The latter is bookkeeper to the trading firm of Hale & Phillips. They report Agent Hover still absent in Washington, and matters at the agency preserving their wanted quiet

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

J. A. Smalley, one of the early settlers of Cowley County, who has been living for a year past in Florida, to recruit his health, returned to the city on Friday, with the intention of taking up his abode here. We are indebted to Mr. Smalley for a pleasant visit.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

We are pleased to see the familiar face of George Wright on the street, who has completed his medical course in Kansas City, and passed a creditable examination for a diploma. He is now looking for a suitable place to hang out his shingle, and writes "Dr." before his name.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Rev. H. Magill, a Presbyterian minister from Council Grove, has been in the city the past week assisting Rev. S. B. Fleming in his ministerial labors. He is an old college mate of Mr. Fleming and expresses much enjoyment in his visit to his friend and the stirring citty in which he labors.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The Fourth ward caucus was held in Dr. Alexander's building Wednesday night. There was a large attendance and the proceedings were somewhat discordant. C. F. Thurston was nominated for the council, and John Watts for school trustee. Dissatisfaction is expressed at these selections, and it is probable another ticket will be placed in the field.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

There was a dissolution of partnership on Friday last between the proprietors of the Arkansas City Art Gallery, Mr. McFarland selling out his interest to P. A. Miller, and the new firm being Prettyman & Miller. Mr. McFarland left the city on Saturday, with the intention of settling in Wichita, where he will carry on the photograph business. The successors are popular young men and deserving artists, and we predict for them assured success.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Since the Tribune lost the county printing, it has been jaundiced, and in no frame of mind to say a kind word of any deserving person. It is captious over the appointment of Cal. Swarts to the county attorneyship; says he has had little or no practice in the district court, and is a man comparatively unknown to the county. "We very much question," says the carping writer, "whether this was the wisest selection." Perhaps Judge Torrance, who made the choice, is as well able to judge of fitness as the Tribune man, and his judgment was not warped by sour disappointment.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Our neighbor of the Democrat is kind enough to point out a typographical error in our issue last week. The offending passage is printed as follows: "Ochs & Nicholson announce their intention to close out their business in this city, but they are receiving staples to piece out the remainder of hisstock." This correction, if we showed the same supersensitiveness as our critic exhibits, would put us in a towering passion, and we should resort to calling names. But we, more courteously, acknowledge the corn. A change was made on the last proof, it was hurriedly corrected while the foreman was making up the forms, and the glaring "bull" printed out was the result of haste and carelessness in the typo. The moral our censor inculcates is true as preaching: "Even the best grammarians may make mistakes and typograph-ical errors occur in the best regulated of offices." This, alas! has been brought home to our conviction on many a more trying occasion.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

See Billy Simpkins, the champion fool and one dog, at the Opera House tomorrow evening.

Go and hear Col. Copeland's lecture on "Handsome People," at the Opera House on Friday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Quite a number of lots have been sold in Hess's addition. The demand for this property is active, and improvements are being made by several purchasers.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Professor A. H. Limerick, our county school superintendent, is in town visiting the schools.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Oak Grove addition, just south of the Frisco depot, is a pleasant plat of land, comprising ten acres. It is well wooded, eligibly located, and in every way desirable for a residence location. Lots in this addition are for sale by Frank J. Hess.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Charley Smith, a printer, was up before Judge Bryant on Monday, charged with being drunk on the Sabbath and disturbing the peace. His honor gave the young man a fatherly lecture, and fined him $10 and costs.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

There is urgent need for the new hotel that is building. Every place of public accommodation is crowded, and many recent comers are living in tents for want of houses to get into. There will be a big building boom the coming summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Ben Cooper, late salesman for Joseph H. Sherburne, at Ponca, came to town on Monday eevening, his business in the territory being brought to an end. He is now a gentleman of elegant leisure, and will start for England next week to spend a month or two with his friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

This afternoon Rev. S. B. Fleming, accompanied by Rev. H. Magill, starts for Peabody to take part in the semi-annual presbytery to be held there. He will not return till early next week, consequently there will be no services in the First Presbyterian Church next Sabbath.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The registry lists closed on Friday with the following footings:

First ward, 279; Second ward, 223; Third ward, 174; Fourth ward, 276. Total: 892.

Last year the registration lists showed a voting population of 831, the figures this year indicate a gain of eight percent.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Frank J. Hess has charge of the new railroad addition, north of the Frisco depot, which will soon be put on the real estate market. It comprises a number of very desirable lots, three- fourths of which have already been bargained for. The remainder will be sold on easy terms.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

At the first ward caucus on Monday evening, Col. E. Neff was nominated for the city council, S. B. Adams for trustee, and John Lewis endorsed for constable. Judge W. D. Kreamer was heartily endorsed for justice of the peace. There was a large gathering, and the proceedings were entirely harmonious.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The cold north wind that prevailed at the first of the week, brought a flurry of snow on Monday, and for half a day the descending flakes looked as if grim winter had returned. It stopped corn planting for awhile, and stockmen said it looked as if they would have to buy more feed.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Capt. Hamilton, on Monday, broke up camp in the jack oaks, where his troop has been stationed during a portion of the winter, and marched into Chilocco Creek, where it will remain till further orders. The command was joined, some two weeks ago, by 1st Lieut. Wheeler, who has been absent on leave. Lieut. Bellinger, who is absent from his own troop, on detached service, will for the present remain with the command.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Theodore Plate, president of the Inter-State Gas Co., writes Mayor Schiffbauer under date of the 26th inst., as follows: "As soon as the strike is over which, I believe, will not last much longer, we will commence shipping, and our assistant engineer will come next week to make tracings. We have closed for pumps, ordering them of sufficient capacity for any necessary changes in the situation of the stand-pipe, and our architect commences the drawings for pump and boiler houses today." From this assurance we may look to see the erection of our city waterworks started on forthwith.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

J. H. Sherburne finished his work of demolition at the Ponca Agency, on Saturday, and the following day came to town to take up his abode here. He had previously removed his comfortable residence, having it cut into sections and carried here on hay racks, and he now has workmen engaged setting it up on his lots in the second ward, near the Santa Fe depot. His family has been living in town the past month. Our community gains by his return here as he is an enterprisng and successful businessman.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Communion services were held in the First Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Rev. H. Magill, of Council Grove, assisting the pastor. Twenty-four communicants joined the congregation. This with 57 previous accessions of membership makes a gain of 71 during the year ending today. The present membership of the church is 230. Under the zealous and able ministration of the pastor, Rev. S. B. Fleming, interest in the gospel has greatly increased, contributions to works of benevolence have doubled during the year, and the attendance is larger than ever before. This is a creditable record to preacher and congregation.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Railroad Talk.
The Winfield papers are keeping up their racket over the bogus project to continue the railway line from Independence to that city, the rails being already laid as far as Sedan. They describe it as a Santa Fe project, and ask aid of the people of several townships in this county, to insure the completion of the work. The distance to be built is not over fifty miles, and yet that great corporation, with millions under its control, asks eighteen months to achieve this trifling undertaking. The line is laid out in a preposterous manner, meandering through the country in order to win support at the polls, and if the people of Walnut, Otter, and the other townships appealed to, should vote the bonds asked of them, the road would never be built; and they will have tied themselves up so that no other railroad can go to them. The project is started without the sanction of the Santa Fe company, the route proposed is condemned by the principles of railroad engineering, and the purpose of its supporters is merely obstructive. Their sole object is to defeat the State Line Railroad to be built to this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Fine promises do not build railroads. According to the Winfield newspapers all the transportation enterprise of this section of the state is heading for that city, and in no long time that burg on the Walnut will be a second Indianapolis. This kind of talk may fool the marines, whose gullibility is proverbial, but the judicious enquirer, whose judgment is governed by facts, knows that all this talk is mere "newspaper blow." Winfield has had her day, and must now be content to see others step to the front.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Among the arguments used by our Winfield neighbors in advocacy of the road from Independence to that city is this: It will connect the townships through which it is designed to pass with the county seat, thus enabling the citizens to transact county business. But we must bear in mind this is a world of change. Cowley County is rapidly filling up with inhabitants, and the people at the east end of the county are getting restless at having to make a day's journey to the chief town. They demand that it be more centrally located, and as the voting population in that portion of the county gains in comparative strength, the change will be apt to be made. This talk about subordinating the entire county to Winfield because it is the county seat will have no weight with those who look a little distance beyond their noses.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Coming Home to Roost.
One of our citizens being in Winfield a few days ago, stepped into the Courier office to stop his paper. "You are not publishing a paper for Arkansas City readers," he said, "and I want no more of it." This feeling is general among the city patrons of that journal, and its former large circulation in this city has fallen away to nothing. The editor, dismayed at this rebuke to his truculency, expresses astonishment at the sensitiveness of the people here. He should remember that his fault was that of Reuben when he allowed his brothers to cast Joseph into the pit: "he stood consenting by." The local editor of the Courier was in the courtroom when Bill Hackney was making the air sulphurous with his profanity, and evidently enjoyed the disgraceful scene as a huge joke. When blackguard attorneys and prostitute county officers override fairness and decency, it is the business of the newspaper press to purify the moral atmosphere and stand up for right. But the Courier has proved derelict to this duty, and now it is reaping its reward.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Election Notes.
There will be two tickets run in the second ward; on the regular ticket, Col. Ingersoll is put forth for the council and John Landes for school trustee. The opposition ticket bears the name of Theo. Fairclo for the council, and Dr. Fowler for trustee.

In the third ward, A. D. Prescott is nominated for re-election to the council, and John Love for a second term as school trustee. Major Woodin is also talked of for the school board, and as he has allowed the use of his name, will, no doubt be well supported at the polls.

In the first ward caucus John Lewis was endorsed for constable, but Austin Bailey's name was mentioned, and he says he is still in the field.

The main issue in the election will be the school question: whether Superintendent Weir should be re-appointed. It is admitted that our city schools under his supervision are in excellent condition; and it would be unwise to disturb them by placing them under charge of a new man. If the principal goes, a number of our teachers will go with him; and then the work which has taken him two years to accomplish will have to be done over again.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

ED. TRAVELER: We the Knights of Labor, of Necessity Assembly, No. 2842, of Arkansas City, do positively deny that we have taken any action and will not as Knights of Labor; we have no ticket and will not put a ticket in the field upon the school question as has been reported, nor have we pledged ourselves as Knights of Labor to any faction, nor will we. We are an organization in favor of education.

Arkansas City, March 25th.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

D. G. Wetmur, who lives near the Jack Oaks, was on Friday brought before Justice Kreamer, charged with brutal treatment of a pair of ponies. The complaint was made by A. F. Hale, who testified to the barbarism practiced upon the dumb brutes, such as knocking them down with a cudgel and belaboring them when down, stabbing them with a pitch fork, and other such acts of wanton cruelty. The case was tried before a jury of twelve men, Col. Sumner appearing as counsel for the accused. A verdict of guilty was returned, and the judge imposed a fine of $50. Notice of appeal was given.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The Winfield Courier has formed a new estimate of the character and true inwardness of Arkansas City men. A few weeks ago it made no dissent from the allegation that they were all beats, and obstuctionists, and bloviating scoundrels. A new light has been revealed to our cotemporary since, and now it admits that "several good men have come up out of Arkansas City, and there are a few more left of the same sort." Such condescending patronage is really encouraging.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

At a meeting of citizens of the first ward held in Commercial block, last evening, James Hill was re-nominated for the council, J. W. Ruby for school director, and W. D. Kreamer was endorsed the justice of the peace, and Austin Bailey for constable.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Testimonial of Fitness From a Competent Authority.
FRIEND WEIR: Yours at hand. I read with pleasure your vigorous reply to your critics and trust that the good sense of your people will triumph on election day. These questions ought to be discussed in a friendly spirit. The animus which prompted these falsehoods you brand, must be nourished in strange soil. The State is hardly paying out money to educate teachers and then giving a commission to somebody to dispose of them. How absurd!

I hope you will not be driven from your purpose by such attacks. Better go down in an honest effort to make a first class system of schools, than to be dragging your slow length along as some of my friends are doing. You certainly have the sympathy of every friend of thorough education. I do not know of any city in the United States whose school system works well which does not grade the little people as well as those in their teens. It might aid you, should you give one or both of your editorial friends a list of cities in which the pupils are graded. Cards addressed to the superintendents would receive prompt attention. If the people could but know what a consolation to a superintendent a properly trained teacher is, they would give him no other. The teachers of Kansas have been watching the experiment at Arkansas City, and wondering whether a people would have the good sense to leave the management of the schools so largely to the superintendent for any great length of time.

You have already made her schools among the best in the state, and you ought to be permitted to place them on a firm footing. Whatever the result next month, you have our sympathy and confidence. Very sincerely yours, A. R. TAYLOR EMPORIA,

March 10, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.
GEUDA SPRINGS HERALD. George Cunningham, of Arkansas City, says as soon as the railroad is built, he will establish a large implement house at this point. George is a rustler and will be a great addition to Geuda.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Indian Journal:At an examination for bigamy before Commissioner Tufts, in Muskogee, Creek Nation, a week ago, both wives being present, wife No. 1 created quite a sensation by rushing up to the prisoner as she was leaving the room, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. She left the room weeping bitterly, and the prisoner sobbed like a child.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

BELLE PLAINE NEWS. Rev. F. L. Walker, of Arkansas City, and Frank M. Walker, of Michigan, passed through the city Wednesday, en route to Greely County, looking at the country and traveling overland for the benefit of their health.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

CALDWELL FREE PRESS, the 27th. Just before making up last evening a report came to the city that Dave Spear had shot a man at Medicine Lodge on Wednesday night, and had fled in the direction of Caldwell. Deputy Sheriff Lee has just had a telephone call from the sheriff that Spear was captured near Attica and taken back to Medicine Lodge and that the man shot was not yet dead but dangerously hurt.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

WELLINGTON PRESS. Elijah Smith, aged sixty-five, made a young lady aged fourteen his wife last night at the Barnard hotel. They went to South Haven today. The old gray headed man and his child wife attracted a good deal of attention in the city this morning.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Now it is talked that the notorious Bill Hackney indulged in his billingsgate at the meeting of the county commissioners to prejudice the cause in whose interest he professed to be pleading. This sets the loose tongued ex-Senator right, but how about the two commissioners? Had they entered into the conspiracy?

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The Winfield Tribune is very severe on Commissioner Guthrie, because he took no part in the disgraceful proceedings of the board when Bill Hackney was put forth as its mouthpiece. Mr. Guthrie had an idea of the way the business was to be conducted, and he consulted his self-respect by taking no part in the turmoil. His constituents affix the fiat of "well done" on his discreet conduct.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The two score citizens of Arkansas City, who attended the meeting of the county commissioners a few weeks ago, may have been "beats," "obstructionists," and "bloviating scoundrels," as described, but they knew how to conduct themselves under aggravating circumstances, and when assailed with blackguardism and threats, deported themselves with becoming dignity. Bulldozing and brow-beating are old tricks with a profligate pleader, but an enlightened public opinion is prompt to condemn such methods.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The New Hog Law.
Below is a copy of the new hog law passed during the last session of the Kansas legislature, which should be rigidly enforced.

SECTION 1. It is hereby made the duty of everyone who owns or has control of any hog that has died of any disease, to bury or burn the same within 24 hours after said hog has died; and any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding $100.

SECTION 2. Whoever shall knowingly barter or sell any hog afflicted with any disease without giving full information concerning said disease shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding $100.

SECTION 3. Whoever shall barter or sell any hog which has died of any disease shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $100.

SECTION 4. Whoever shall throw or deposit a dead hog in any river, stream, creek, or ravine shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding $100.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Stock Notes.
C. M. Scott purchased one hundred yearling steers of Samuel Endicott, offered for sale a few weeks since, and last week purchased Joe Garris' yearling steers and heifers, paying $10 and $13 per head.

J. M. Hammond, of this city, was in attendance at the short horn sale of Rev. A. H. Lackey, in Peabody, and purchased "Marietta's" red eight months' heifer calf for $100; Woodhall Duchess, twenty months' heifer, for $115; Raby 25th, 8 months' heifer, for $30. Fifty-nine head were sold, bringing an average price of $84.32.

We have passed the equinox. Spring is here, frogs are croaking, killdeer are calling, and the elm trees are budding. The heart of the stockman thrills with joy as he looks on the emerald carpet covering mother earth, and says, "Good-bye forty-cent corn and $2.50 hay."


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The Population of Arkansas City Greater than That of Winfield.

Figures won't lie. If anyone will take the pains to study official tables, he will see that Arkansas City has been gaining on Winfield with rapid strides. The figures for three years past tell the story.

In 1883 Winfield's population was 3,284

Arkansas City's population was .... 1,882

Difference in Winfield's favor: 1,402

In 1884 Winfield's population was 3,617

Arkansas City's population was .... 2,828

Difference in Winfield's favor: 789

Winfield's gain during the year was 567 persons, or 18 percent, while the increase in this city was 1,054, or 55 percent.

In 1885, the state census showed the comparative population of the two cities as follows.

Winfield (March 1): ........................ 4,183

Arkansas City (March 1): ............... 3,880

Difference in Winfield's favor: 303

This shows a further increase in Winfield during the year of 568 souls, or 16 percent; while in Arkansas City the gain in population was 1,052, or 37 percent.

That a corresponding rate of increase in our city population has been maintained during the year since elapsed, is evidenced in the building activity that has prevailed, in the large addition to the number of school children, and the much larger volume of city trade.

Let us take the above figures as a guide to the footings of the assessor's next enumera- tion. In Winfield the gain in population from 1883 to 1884 was 18 percent, and from 1884 to 1885 the ratio of increase was 16 percent. A medium gain during the preceding two years of 17 percent. In Arkansas City the gain during the period first named was 56 percent, and during the second year 37 percent, an average gain of 46-1/2 percent. These rates of increase will show the population of the two cities at the present time to be:

Winfield's census: 4,894

Arkansas City's census: 5,184

Difference in Arkansas City's favor: 290

An increase of 17 percent in Winfield gives a gain to her population the last year of 711, which added to her number last stated, gives the result as found in the table just given. In Arkansas City a gain at the rate of 46-1/2 percent, gives an addition of 1,804, swelling our number to the total given above.

This explains the jealousy shown by our neighbor city, and prompts the bitterness manifested to our citizens and their enterprises. While Winfield has been inflating her windbags and claiming rivalry with Wellington, Wichita, Kansas City, Chicago, Boston, and New York, our little burg has been pursuing the even tenor of its way, indulging in no exaggeration and trusting to its advantage of position and rich surroundings to push ahead. The assessor's tables may not verify the tabular statement we have arrived at, because a high ratio of increase is not so readily maintained as a lower one; but we venture the prediction that the population of Arkansas City is fully equal to that of Winfield at the present time, and the logic of events shows that it is destined far to outstrip its envious competitor.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

The Sac and Fox Agency Live-Stock Association, through its executive committee, have decided to begin round-up work on May 1st, 1886. They have divided their territory into districts, appointed captains, and set dates for beginning the drive in each district as follows.

1. Canadian and Little River District, Sam Clay, captain. Meet at Sacred Heart Mission, on May 1st, and drive west, working all the country as far south as the Canadian river, and as far north as the water shed between Little River and North Fork.

2. North Fork District, Dick Hartshorn, captain. Meet at Davis' store, at Arbeka, on May 14th, and drive west, working both sides of North Fork and all the tributaries of that stream as far as necessary.

3. Deep Fork District, Walter Martin, captain. Meet at Sac and Fox Agency, May 25th, and drive west, working Deep Fork and all its tributaries as far west as necessary.

4. Cimarron District to include the Cimarron River and its tributaries as far north as the Cherokee Strip. This district is to be worked in the general round-ups, with the foreman of each range as captain while his range is being worked.

The order and dates of the general round-ups are to be fixed by the executive committee at Sac and Fox, on May 25th, as they can then be filed with greater accuracy and to better advantage. This being the day on which work begins in the Deep Fork District, due notice of the remainder of the work will be given.

The following regulations will be sustained, viz.:There is to be no card playing or gambling of any kind, no horse racing, no buying or trading in cattle by anyone, unless he be a member of the association or an employee.

Executive committee: John Whistler, Andrew Berry, H. W. Burke, Chris Boyer, E. B. Townsend, Jos. Reginer, Steve Pensenean, Moses Keokuk, C. C. Pickett, Chairman; V. B. Paine, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Legal Notice in Garnishment.
Before W. D. Kreamer, a Justice of the Peace of Arkansas City, in Cowley County, Kansas.

Plaintiff: Michael Eash [LOOKS LIKE EASH].

Defendant: E. Boerchert.

Said defendant is hereby notified, that on the 23rd day of March, 1886, an order of garnishment, for the sum of $16.35, was issued by the above named Justice of the Peace against his money, in the above entitled action; and that said cause will be heard on the 26th day of April, 1886, at 9 o'clock a.m. MICHAEL EASH, Plaintiff.

ATTEST: W. D. KREAMER, Justice of the Peace.

By: C. S. Atkinson, Attorney for Plaintiff.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Item taken from "Our Washington letter," a column that appeared regularly in the Traveler and generally dealt with affairs in Washington, D. C.

"It appears by the report of the Indian Bureau that the Indians are dying off very rapidly, and as there are large tracts of land which are growing more valuable annually, owned by the various tribes, the individuals become wealthier as their numbers decrease, and it is predicted that the future millionaires of the country will be among the surviving members of the Indian tribes."

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Farewell Reception.
On Monday, Mrs. E. D. Eddy gave a farewell reception to Mrs. Walton, mother to Mrs. Stacy Matlack and Mrs. Topliff, who will leave the city for her home in Maryland, next Tuesday. This estimable lady has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Matlack through the winter. Those present at the festivity were Mesdames Walton, S. Matlack, Topliff, Searing, Newman, Wyard Gooch, Carrie Morse, E. Sherburne (mother to Mrs. Eddy), Joseph H. Sherburne, and Frederic Lockley. Invitations were sent to several other ladies, who were probably deterred from attending on account of the inclement weather. A pleasant afternoon was spent, and in the evening an elegant repast was served. On separating the guest of the evening received the warmest assurances of esteem and friendship from all present, and her departure will be regretted by all within her social circle.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Arkansas City, Kansas, for the week ending March 29th, 1886.

A. H. Brodwell, Henry Bowel, Willie Binkley, May Cantrell, Frank O. Chapin, B. A. Dale, Levi Dudley, Annie Eshleman, William Ferro, A. W. Fuller, Mrs. F. Fitzpatrick, M. E. Green, Dr. D. M. Harper, Julons Hartman, Allan Herren, T. R. Hills, J. H. Jinkins, Charley V. Ludwick, Charles Murray, R. B. McGahey, Wallas Marcy, Mrs. R. Northum, C. W. Powell, Bob Pucket, Samuel Riggs, C. F. Robberts, Charlie Salbarrd, J. C. Thomas, Emma Wilson, Val Wheatley.

W. L. Bowin, N. M. Baldwin, William Craig, Albert Crume, Pat Dolan, Barnes Dyming, Wm. O. Duvall, J. W. Elliott, James H. Foore, Chas. Fisher, S. L. Grey, J. H. Gibson, A. P. Haring, Saran [? Sarah] N. Henderson, T. R. Heislar, J. Huff, W. H. Kiger, A. L. Martin,

Gra [? LOOKS LIKE PART OF FIRST NAME MISSING] McCoombs, W. F. McDaniel, Wm. Nelson, J. N. Powell, W. G. Presser, Mrs. Emma Rise, Della Reinehart, John Sherwood, R. M. Turner, James West, Mrs. O. C. Wood, M. D.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to creditors and all others interested in the estate of T. J. Arnett, deceased, that the undersigned administrator of said estate will, on the 7th day of April, 1886, at 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, apply to the Probate Court of Cowley County, Kansas, for a final settlement of his accounts as such administrator, and at the same time and place will present for allowance to said court his claim for compensation for services as administrator of said estate. WILLIAM TRIMBLE.

Administrator of the estate of T. J. Arnett, deceased.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Building Stone.
I have a full force working again, and am taking orders for building rock [GARBLED...SOME WORDS I CANNOT MAKE OUT] at Kimmel & Raney's, which will be promptly attended to. E. CARLISLE.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Jerusalem Artichokes at Kroenart & Austins, $1 a bushel. The best hog food known.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Adams Express Co. To ensure quick and safe delivery order your goods via Adams Express Company. W. D. MOWRY, Agent.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.


We offer to our patrons a fine line of saddles, bridles, draft and light harness.

A full assortment of saddlery hardware kept constantly on hand.

Sole agents for the SPOONER COLLAR. [Illustrations are shown I gather of two different types of Spooner Collars.]

We manufacture everything in the leather lineand best of work guaranteed.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.


We are going to the expense of moving our stock of clothing into public use among our friends at such low figures that it will astonish the natives. Come one, come all; see us; get our prices; try on our goods and you will think that they were made to order.

If not satisfactory, money refunded. We will save you money. Come in and see us as soon as you strike Arkansas City.


Three Doors' South of Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.


FISH FOR THE LENTEN SEASON: Mackinaw Troute, White Fish, Mackerel, Holland Herring, Cod Fish, Halibut, and all other articles in the Fish Line.

Glass and Queensware.

California Canned Goods of every description.

A Car Load of Seed Potatoes just in.

Watch for the Bread Wagon with the Mules hitched to it and buy Fresh Bread, Buns, Cakes, and everything in the bakery line.

If you want anything in the Grocery line, hail our bread wagon, he will bring them to you. RESPECTFULLY, H. GODEHARD & CO.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

KINGSBURY & BARNETT call attention to their Extensive and well Selected stock of Books, Stationery, Toys, and Toilet Articles, -AT THE- CITY BOOK STORE.

When you get your mail just look at the handsome variety of Autograph Albums, Fancy Morocco Goods, Jewel Caskets, Pearl Card Cases, Scrap Albums, AND THEIR FULL LINE OF SUCH GOODS.

Standard authors in presentation and library binding.

Family and Teachers' Bibles in various styles.

Current LiteratureMagazines and the Latest Newspapers.

Children's Toys and Games in Great Variety.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.

Sheriff's Election Proclamation for Creswell Township.
Whereas, the board of county commissioners of Cowley County, in the state of Kansas, at a special meeting duly convened on the 12th day of March, A. D., 1866, duly made and caused to be entered of record in the office of the county clerk of said county, the following order to-wit:

Now on this 12th day of March, A. D. 1886, at a special meeting of the board of commissioners of Cowley County and state of Kansas duly convened.

Present, S. C. Smith, Chairman; J. A. Irwin and J. D. Guthrie, commissioners, appears Washington Allen, a resident taxpayer of Creswell Township, in said Cowley County, and with him come one hundred and forty-two (142) other resident taxpayers of said township and present their petition in writing to the board of county commissioners of said county praying that a special election be called in said township for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said township, a proposition for said township to subscribe twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars to the capital stock, and to take twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars in the capital stock of the Kansas State Line Railway company; and to issue the bonds of the said Creswell Township to the amount of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars in payment for the said stock so taken to the said Kansas State Line railway company. Said bonds to be of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, to be thirty year bonds, redeemable after ten (10) years at the will of said township; to bear interest at the rate of six (6) percent per annum. The interest to be payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest to be payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Kansas in the city of New York: Said bonds to be payable upon the terms and conditions in said petition mentioned and described. And the said board of county commissioners having duly heard, examined, and considered said petition, and the evidence of witnesses introduced in support thereof, doth find that said petition is in writing, that said petition is signed by more than two-fifths of the resident taxpayers of said Creswell Township, and is in all respects in conformity with the law, the following being a copy of said petition, to-wit:

To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, in the state of Kansas:

The undersigned resident taxpayers and legal voters of Creswell Township, in the county of Cowley and state of Kansas, respectfully petition your honorable body to submit to the qualified voters of said township, at a special election to be called for that purrpose, a proposition for said township to subscribe twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars to the capital stock of the Kansas State Line Railway company, and to issue the bonds of said Creswell Township to the amount of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars in payment for said stock so taken to the said Kansas State Line Railway company to aid in securing the construction of the line of railroad which said railway company proposes to construct through the southern tier of counties in said state of Kansas, and through Creswell Township, in Cowley County, in said state: the said railway company proposing to first construct the portion of said line of railroad from the city of Oswego, in Labette County, or from some point west of said city, in said state of Kansas, to the city of Arkansas City, in Cowley County, in said state of Kansas, passing through the township of Creswell, in said Cowley County. The terms and conditions of said proposition, the subscription to and the taking of said stock, and the issuance of said bonds are [GARBLED WORD OR WORDS], to-wit: The amount of bonds intended to be voted by said Creswell Township to said railway company, and the amount proposed to be subscribed to and taken in the capital stock of said railway company by said Creswell Township, and the amount hereby petitioned and asked for is the sum of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars. The bonds of said Creswell Township to be of the denomination of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, to be thirty (30) year bonds, redeemable after ten (10) years at the will of said township, to bear interest at the rate of six (6) percent, per annum. The interest to be payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest to be payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Kansas in the city of New Yorrk. The said railroad when and so built shall enter the said Creswell Township on the east side thereof, and extend through said township in a westerly direction, with a suitable station located in said township. The said railroad to be a standard gauge road, and to be built and completed and have cars running thereon for the transaction of business through said township within eighteen months from the date of the election herein provided for unless prevented by unavoidable legal proceedings. When and immediately after the subscription of stock and the issuance of bonds of said Creswell Township have been voted and authorized to be made and issued as herein prayed for according to the terms and conditions herein, then the board of county commissioners of said county for and in behalf of said Creswell Township shall order and direct the county clerk of said Cowley County, in the name of and for the benefit of the said Creswell Township to make such subscription of stock to the amount of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars to the capital stock of the said Kansas State Line Railway company, according to the terms and conditions provided for herein, and the said county clerk shall make such subscription of stock immediately thereafter. When the said railway company shall have built or caused to be built its said line of railroad into and through said Creswell Township, from the east line thereof and the cars are running thereon. The board of county commissioners of said Cowley County shall thereupon immediately cause to be executed as the law directs the bonds of the said Creswell Township of the denominations and on the terms and conditions herein before stated and described, to the amount of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars, and shall deliver said bonds when so executed to the president of said railway company or to his order, and the said railway company shall at the same time it receives said bonds make out and execute under the seal of said railway company, and deliver to the treasurer of said Creswell Township in the name of and for the benefit of said Creswell Township said certificates of full paid stock of the capital stock of said railway company, in an amount equal to the amount of bonds of the said Creswell Township so received by it, etc.





Cowley County Historical Society Museum