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WAGNER & HOWARD, Editors and Publishers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

This space reserved for the

Of Arkansas City,
Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

Big SLAUGHTER in PRICES, on Shoes and Slippers until Oct. 1, to make room for Fall Goods.

Men's Home Sewed Shoes at Slaughtered Prices to close them out.

Men's Low Tie and Button, at Cost and LESS. This deep cut in Prices is on all my stock of MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES and SLIPPERS until OCT. 1.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

[First three already given in previous issue: J. B. NIPP, GEO. H. McINTIRE, T. H. SOWARD.]

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Cowley County subject to the will of the Republican nominating convention, to be held at Winfield, Sept. 19, 1885. Respectfully, J. G. SHREVES.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for election to the office of county clerk of Cowley County, subject to the will of the Republican County convention of Sept. 19, 1885.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

"A Nice Day, Mr. Grimes."
Lightning has struck one of the druggists of the "Medicine" City, Grimes & Son. They were burned out some time ago, but had bought a stock to again enter business at A. C., expecting to go it on their old Probate Court permit to sell liquors. The investigation by County Attorney Asp and Judge Gans, the other day, revealed violations by Grimes and today their "medicine" head was chopped off and their permit revoked. Winfield Courier.

Last Saturday Father Grimes came into our office bright and early and ordered his paper stopped, his advertisement discontinued, and paid his bill. We did not inquire into the cause of Mr. Grimes' wrath for we had grave suspicions that it was visited upon us because we dared to publish the report of the whiskey sales made by the druggists of the county during the month of July. It is true we were somewhat surprised at the turn affairs had taken, but we published the report as a news item so one and all could know how the new law was working, never dreaming any one of our druggists would object to a holding up to the public gaze a copy of their record. A man who has conscientiously followed the teachings of the new law will not be averse to the public knowing just how he is dealing in the traffic. If he has sold all intoxicants strictly within the bounds of the law, he will be pleased to have everybody know his record. On the other hand, if not, he will want his record concealed. `Tis only the guilty that oppose publicity. We are not sorry that we published the report. We are glad. It was our duty, as publishers of a newspaper, which we owe our 1,200 subscribers, and they will appreciate our efforts and stand by us as we try to advance the grand cause of prohibition.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The Traveler appears to be fond of finding fault with Amos Walton. A short time ago it gave him a half-column notice in regard to his duties as a commissioner in attending to the repairing of roads, bridges, etc., severely condemning him. After Mr. Walton had informed the editor of the Traveler through the REPUBLICAN, that the township trustees attended to such matters, he came to Mr. Walton and apologized; but did not make any correction in the paper, which is due any misrepresented citizen.

The Traveler, in regard to the Grant memorial exercises, says: "Comrade Amos Walton delivered the eulogy in behalf of the post, but as he appeared to address his remarks to the opposite wing of the stage, they were unfortunately lost to the audience. Those on the stage who caught his address say it was able, touching, and appropriate."

A representative of the REPUBLICAN was sitting in the gallery at the time Mr. Walton made his address, and with the exception of the first few sentences, he heard and appreciated the address. `Tis true Mr. Walton only partly faced the audience, but we must remember that his address was to his comrades. We fail to see the cause of the Traveler's captiousness.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

"He whom God crowns, let no man discrown," said Joseph Cook of Wendell Phillips, and the same expression may be well applied to the late General Grant.

General Grant's burial took place on last Saturday and the whole civilized world paid tribute to his memory and performed befitting ceremonies in his honor. Arkansas City showed due respect to the distinguished dead. In the afternoon all business places were closed. At a little before 3 o'clock, the procession was formed. It was composed of the Arkansas City militia, the drum corps, and the G. A. R. Post, all dressed in mourning, and many carrying draped banners. Headed by the drum corps, they marched slowly and solemnly to Highland Hall, where the services were held. Having reached the hall stairway, James Ridenour, the marshal, ordered a halt, and the A. V. Guards, who were next to the drum corps, formed into two columns facing each other, between which the G. A. R.'s passed, and entered the hall first. Notwithstanding the intense heat, the hall was fully occupied. It was appropriately decorated by the Woman's Relief Corps. From the partly raised stage curtain was suspended a large flag to which was attached General Grant's picture, encircled by a band of crepe. Flags of different sizes were fastened to the foot of the stage. The largest ones were in the middle and they regularly diminished in size towards the ends. A single band of crepe stretched around the hall, and many other ornamentations gave it an imposing aspect.

The ceremonies were opened by the choir singing a chant, after which the post performed the customary funeral rites in honor of one of their deceased comrades. The record of General Grant as a soldier was read by Dr. C. R. Fowler, the post adjutant. At three rolls of the drums, the members of the post arose to their feet, and Rev. H. S. Lundy, the chaplain, read appropriate Scriptural passages, and was responded to by the comrades in concert.

After the choir had sung a hymn, the comrades, in honor of the dead, formed a square around the altar, and Rev. J. P. Witt offered up a prayer, receiving the Lord's prayer in response by the veterans. Prof. Duncan and his assisting singers then sang an anthem, after which the chaplain read the 19th Psalm. He was followed by Comrade A. Walton, who, in behalf of the post, made the eulogy on the character of the departed hero. He spoke reverently of the man whose "iron hand guided the armies of the North through a four year's struggle, and whose heroic deeds will be proclaimed to the world by the marble shaft now rising."

Mayor Schiffbauer then took charge of the meeting and announced Rev. S. B. Fleming as the next speaker. "The world in its onward rush," he said, "now stops to drop a tear, but we are not only here to pronounce the ritual services of this great man, but to draw a moral lesson from his life and character." He pointed out the fact that General Grant was not of royal blood, that, like Lincoln, Garfield, and other great Americans, he was a poor boy, and yet he rose to the most exalted position which a mighty nation can bestow upon any human being.

A. J. Pyburn spoke next, referring to the tenderness with which those, who were opposed to Gen. Grant during the late war, now think of him. He called him "the greatest military chieftain of all ages," a man of unbounded magnanimity, whose "name has become a household word." The choir then sang, "My Country `tis of Thee."

Rev. J. O. Campbell followed next, and spoke more particularly of the ruling quality of Gen. Granthis perseverance, also, of his silence and personal habits. Rev. Witt and Rev. Buckner spoke next, each of whom drew lessons of morality from the life of this exalted character and advised all young men to take him as an example to emulate.

Rev. Walker then made a short address, speaking of Gen. Grant's love of home and his disposition in the bosom of his family.

Judge Sumner was the last speaker, and said he would not trust his emotions in speaking extemporaneously but had consigned to manuscript his ideas concerning the dead chieftain. He then read a touching address with much feeling and emotion, stating that it was unnecessary for him to tell the story of this great general's career, for, "as we leave his body, the historian will write his life."

The post then performed the closing ceremonies, and after the choir had sung a dirge, which was admirably executed, the audience solemnly dispersed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

M. Sawyer, the laundryman, is in deep tribulation. Last week he was arrested for violating the ordinance prohibiting the erection of frame buildings within the fire limits and fined $50 and costs. He took an appeal. We are told that one of our city officers went to Judge Bryant and requested him to mark Sawyer's fine paid, but Bryant refused. We asked Mr. Bryant for the name of the man who would be guilty of asking him to commit such a criminal error, but he refused to enlighten us.

The truth of the matter is we have an ordinance prohibiting the erection of frame buildings in the fire limits. Mr. Sawyer violated it, but unknowingly, he says; consequently, he was fined. Ignorance does not shield a violator of a law. If we have any valid ordinances, let us enforce them, if it has to be done by calling on the militia. Mr. Sawyer has erected an addition to his building within the fire limits. If he is permitted to do so, so should T. D. Ross be allowed to enter with his livery barn. Let us have equity done to one and all. The city officers allowed Mr. Sawyer to go right along with his building until almost completed before he was arrested. He should have been stopped at the beginning. As it is now, the city officers will have to either tear the building down or change the fire limits to suit Sawyer. If Sawyer comes out ahead in this instance, other individuals will attempt the same game.

We have the ordinance, and there is no doubt but that it is a valid one, so let it be enforced. Ordinances should not be changed upon the asking of anyone, unless it be damaging to the city at large.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The Payne Oklahoma colony at Caldwell has broken camp in compliance with instructions from Capt. Couch. He says Attorney General Garland's legal opinion that all leases made with Indians are illegal sustains the claims and arguments of the colonists in every particular. The president's action ejecting all trespassers from the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations doubtless is but the beginning of the end of justice, and the obliteration of discrimination.

Capt. Couch believes the administration is acting in good faith towards all, that though seemingly slow, the grand result of the opening of Oklahoma will soon be attained. With a desire to in no way be any embarrassment in the good work now being vigorously prosecuted by the administration, Capt. Couch has requested his colony to break. Some will do freighting from Caldwell to Reno. Others have taken hay contracts. An office has been opened up in Caldwell by Capt. Couch and Secretary Blackburne, by whom all correspon- dence will be answered. Samuel Crocker is again at Caldwell from the Cowley County jail, having given bond for his appearance at the September term of the United States District Court.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

E. H. Tyner brings into our office a relic he obtained in the late war. It was at the siege of Vicksburg while on duty as a picket. Deserting rebels were constantly coming over to the Union forces and one of these deserters had a copy of the Vicksburg Daily Citizens, of July 2, 1863, edited by J. M. Sword. Mr. Tyner traded him a religious tract for the paper telling him it was a St. Louis Democrat, and as it was after nightfall, the trade was made without the rebel knowing he was deceived. Mr. Tyner preserved the Citizens, and after the war was over, framed it. It was printed on wall paper and is a four-column sheet. We have frequently seen the Daily Citizens of July 3, 1863, but this is the first time we ever saw a copy of July 2. C. C. Sollitt has a copy of July 3. Parties desiring to see this rare specimen of a newspaper can do so by dropping into our sanctum.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The Swiss Bell Ringers.
"Never was the Opera House so densely packed as it was yesterday afternoon and last evening. The drawing card was the Swiss Bell Ringers, who have played a week's engagement here with good success. The prices have been so extremely low that many have attended who were never before at an entertainment at the opera house. Poor people with meagre means have for once been afforded the pleasure of witnessing a good entertainment at an admission that would in no wise hurt their lank purses. The poor little people especially have enjoyed themselves and for this reason, if no other, manager Duncan has been highly repaid for getting the Bell Ringers here." Dubuque Times.

The Swiss Bell Ringers will exhibit in Highland Opera House Monday evening, Aug. 17. Admission 10 cents.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

Frankie Morris Found Guilty.
OSAGE MISSION, Kansas, August 9. At 4 o'clock this morning the jury in the Frankie Morris murder trial agreed to a verdict, and at 7:30 Judge Stillwell called court to receive it. A large crowd had assembled to hear the result of the week's trial, and oppressive silence fell on the house when the judge asked the usual question.

"Gentlemen, have you agreed upon a verdict?"

The important document was handed him by the foreman.

He read it and gave it to the clerk, who announced "guilty of murder in the first degree."

The defendant was present accompanied by her attorneys, and as far as could be seen, the verdict had no effect upon her. She sat as cool and calm as she had during the entire trial, and when court adjourned, she walked back to the hotel where she stays, under special guard.

Great diversity of opinion is expressed at the result. Your representative called on several of the parties interested in the case to obtain their opinion.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

Mr. William Hackney, leading attorney for the defense, was interviewed.

"Mr. Hackney, what is your opinion of the verdict?"

"It is a G__ d______ crime against human liberty and constitutional law, and was procured by perjured testimony. It is supported by no evidence, except inferences, everyone of which is susceptible of an explanation other than guilt."

"Were you satisfied with the treatment you received during the trial?"

"Judge Stillwell was undoubtedly conscientious, but he committed errors in his rulings sufficient to reverse the case, but the verdict was one of the inexplicable of jury trials."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

A Boomer on Our Officials.
Col. Sam Crocker turns away from his galling thoughts of martyrdom in Cowley's bastille to tilt his faber in the Oklahoma War-Chief thusly.

"While it is humiliating to be incarcerated within the walls of an American prison for exercising the rights of free speech and free presssomething to be abhorred, detested, and despised by any and every person with the least spark of pride and good breeding, who may have the sense of shame left as a heritage of manly or womanly birth; yet, for all this, there is one thing connected with our confinement and treatment that we feel thankful to acknowledge; and that is, no manlier, humane, or courteous set of officials, from the deputy

U. S. marshals down to the sheriff and jailor ever contributed more to the needed comfort of an innocently incarcerated prisoner (Deputy United States Marshals Reed and O. S. Rarick, Sheriff McIntire, and Frank W. Finch, jailor). It always affords us pleasure to speak of governmental officials great injustice to speak of them in any other light." Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

A Clean Sweep of the Territory.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. The understanding here is that every cattleman and every other individual who is occupying lands in the Indian Territory, who is not a bona fide resident there under the law, must get out.

The recent order of the president, however, applies particularly to those having stock on the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations. The attorney general, in his decision, contemplates a clean sweep of all cattlemen from the Territory. And Secretary Lamar and the latter will urge it upon the executive to push things to that end, which, of course, will necessitate further orders. Attorney Polard, of St. Louis, representing Hunter & Evans, says that they will go with their cattle into the Cherokee country, or somewhere else, and that before the end the matter will be taken into the courts. By what means he intends to proceed, he does not say.

Further word to vacate may be expected at any time.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

An Administration Error.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. There are 29,000 land claims within the states and territories, comprised in Commissioner Spark's order of April 3, of which final action has been made to await the issuance of patents. The order suspends the issuance of patents with the idea of postponing the final transfer of claimants until the special agents of the general land office could personally inspect the claims. For a time the clerks in the office went on filing patents as above, but they were not presented for signature. Between 6,000 and 7,000 of these were written before July 4, bearing the date of the "109th" year of our independence, which must be rewritten to correct the date, and the records of the office must also be made over so far as these patents are concerned, for the same reason. It is a rule of the land office that no alterations shall be made in patents.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

Two Men Drowned Near Winfield.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Aug. 7. Will and Dave Fruits, aged twenty and twenty-six, were drowned in Walnut River, eight miles above here, last evening. They had been to Winfield for lumber and returning to the river, found that it had raised, and was past fording. They left their teams on this side with a farmer, and started to cross in a boat, to return in the morning for their teams. That was the last seen of them. Neither could swim, and it is supposed the boat, a little skipper, capsized and drowned the occupants. One hundred men are now searching for the bodies.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The cattlemen on the Cherokee land propose, if the president orders them to abandon their leases, to apply to the supreme court for an injunction. The herds on the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations are being removed, partly to the Cherokee lands, to Kansas, Colorado, and other ranges, and a large number will be thrown upon the market to sell for what they will bring.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

Gov. Martin has again written President Cleveland, asking that in addition to the military posts General Sheridan has established near Kiowa, Barber County, and Deep Hole, Clarke County, Kansas, that a third post be maintained on the Cimarron River, near the 106th meridian, which runs through Ford and Clarke Counties. He also insists that the Indians should be disarmed, as the only permanent safeguard to southwestern Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The election in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, next month, promises to be one of the most exciting of any had yet in the history of the Cherokee people. The main question is the disposal of surplus lands to the United States to be made subject to the pre-emption and homestead laws. The Cherokee, Seminole, and Creek surplus lands are the bone of contention under consideration. The new council will be elected, each member representing views either for or against the scheme, hence the preparations for a hard fought political battle. Garden City Irrigator.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The discrepancy between the Indians fed and the Indians that showed up at the late counta difference of two thousand personsfurnishes something new for investigation. If the discrepancy exists at the Darlington Agency, is it not probable that all does then? Here is a wide field. The difference at Darlington runs up to over a hundred thousand dollars a year since 1874, when the last round up was made, previous to the Sheridan count. This is eleven years, and amounts to $1,100,000. It offsets the two cents balance at the treasury, which so tickled the Pubs. Dodge Democrat.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

In speaking of the president's reiterated determination to drive the cattlemen from the Indian Territory, the Philadelphia Inquirer has a right conception of the situation when it says: "As was anticipated, the government's decision to drive stockmen out of the Indian Territory does the Indians more harm than good. It was reported a few days ago that the Indians could lease their lands for double the amount hitherto paid them, but Attorney General Garland has decided that the Indians have no right to lease their lands at all. So the $60,000 income they have been receiving is cut off and they are left to depend on the charity of congress and the tender mercies of the Indian agents and contractors. Verily, this is a white man's government."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The past week has been an eventful one for Belle Plaine. An uncertainty to some, has developed into a certainty and everybody is happy. All week the dirt has been flying on the C. M. & A., and the forces increased until 40 to 50 teams are now at work on the grade. In a very few days, a full force will be at work and about a mile a day will be graded. This will be kept up until the entire line is ready to operate. Bridge and track material for 61 miles is being ordered now and will soon begin to arrive. The work has been delayed a few days on account of accidental injuries received by Mr. Mallory, which have kept him at home for three weeks. There is no abler firm of railroad builders in the country than Messrs. Fitzgerald & Mallory and what they undertake will go through. They will be on the ground in person and see that the work is pushed in a proper manner. Don't put any reliance in reports, but come and see if you don't believe it, then go home satisfied. The News feels happy over the outlook and wants everybody to join in the procession and throw up their hats and shout for the D. M. & A. Belle Plaine News.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The Railway Age, the official railway publication of the United States, says the Courier, is giving our Kansas City and Southwestern railroad considerable attention. "It has the following to say on the progress of the road from Beaumont, Kansas, on to the St. Louis & San Francisco, southwest 27 miles, and will reach Floral, 33 miles from Beaumont by August 8, and Winfield, 9 miles further on, about September 1. Grading and bridging are nearly finished to the latter point and the rails are on hand. This line is intended to run from Kansas City by way of Paola, Burlington, and Eureka to Winfield, and the Territorial line beyond Arkansas City, with a branch southwest to Wellington and Caldwell. The line is being built by Chicago capital, with local aid, and is intended to be operated independently."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

A Jolly Crowd Visits Winfield.
The ladies of the Woman's Relief Corps, a short time ago, received an invitation to visit the Relief Corps of Winfield, which they accepted and made a raid on that city Aug. 12.

It was decided to go in carriages as the trains were inconvenient; eight o'clock found eighteen ladies with three teams ready for a start. They left dust but soon found mud, as the Centre had been blessed with a bountiful rain. For this reason the ladies of Winfield were not expecting them so they drove to the Brettun House, where they found the gentlemanly proprietor waiting to receive them, having been notified by telephone that they were on the way.

After a sumptuous repast they were waited upon by our old townsman, Capt. Nipp, in company with the Courier reporter.

The Winfield ladies having been notified of the arrival of the A. C. Ladies, soon had a committee ready to receive them and escort them to the G. A. R. Hall, where they were right royally entertained. Capt. Nipp again called around, and brought with him Judge Soward, Prof. Limerick, and others of the G. A. R. Boys, who favored the ladies with some able remarks, and last but not least, escorted both Corps to the ice cream parlors, where they were entertained with ice cream and cake.

Both ladies and gentlemen accompanied them to the hotel and started them safely on their journey home, well pleased with their visit, and feeling assured that more such days of pleasure would make life happier.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

A family by the name of Smith bought a tent of the Second-hand store about two weeks ago, on time. M. Sawyer went security. Mrs. Smith was to wash for Sawyer at his laundry at $1 per day until the tent was paid for. She washed three days and then was taken sick and did not wash any more. Fourteen days after the tent was purchased, three days before the time had expired in which Mrs. Smith had to pay for the tent, Sawyer hired a dray and went down in the vicinity of the canal and took possession of the tent while Mrs. Smith and her husband were away. The household goods were left. When Mrs. Smith returned, she found her home gone, her children cold, her Mr. Sawyer had come and taken the tent. A suit was instigated against him Monday for trespass and $100 damages. The trial came up before Judge Kreamer Thursday and was postponed until Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

Notice. A meeting of the Hope Cemetery Association of Bolton Township will be held at the Bland schoolhouse, Tuesday, August 18, at 2 o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of electing officers and attending to other important business. A. T. COOPER, Secretary.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

Tannehill Tidings.
August 11, 1885.
A good many plows have been stopped on account of dry weather, and hay making is in its zenith.

J. R. Sumpter has threshed his wheat, which made an average of 19 bushels to the acre, of a very fine quality.

R. N. Clark thinks that District No. 65 has a very poor school board, and that the pupils would have been better off if they had been kept at home last winter. We sympathize with the "board," for we have tried, upon several occasions, to please all the people in a school district, but we have failed in some particular.

Clay Alderson, of Kansas City, Missouri, is visiting his cousins, Harry and G. R. Lester.

The ice cream supper held at the Victor schoolhouse, in the interest of their Sunday school, was a grand success. We think M. S. Teter was the happiest fellow there. He was selling peanuts and made a success of it. Probably he will quit farming now and set up a peanut stand.

John Vandever says: "I will not throw any stones, when I'm in town, for the last one I threw at a dog in Winfield, broke out a plate glass for S. H. Myton and cost me forty dollars."

Willie Smalley at the ice cream supper said: "Silvers" were quoted high, and the trade was rather heavy, but I secured the bulk of the bullion and retired."

T. W. King wished for a rain, because his wagon tires were loose and he could not afford to have them set.

The political candidates are beginning to appear upon the arena, and if we cannot make a choice between our friends, we should consider the principles involved and strive to help the right. We cannot support a man for the same position four times in succession, when other good men offer themselves.

Warren Wood and A. A. Knox talked on a trade for two weeks; then their speech failed them. We think the cause can be attributed to the heat of the internal gases passing through the organs of speech and drying up the saliva to such an extent as to cause inactivity.

M. S. Teter is on the sick list, having caught a severe cold.

L. K. Bonnewell desires to cease dabbling in politics; but, when the election draws near, he becomes so enthusiastic that he cannot retire. LAPSUS LINGUAE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

The following are the names of the ladies composing the W. R. C., who visited Winfield Wednesday: Mrs. J. Q. Ashton, president; Mrs. S. Mansfield, senior vice president; Mrs. E. Taylor, junior vice president; Mrs. J. Cooper, secretary; Mrs. R. J. Hubbard, treasurer; Mrs. May Daniels, conductor; Mesdames S. A. Smith, H. Blubaugh, S. H. Davis, H. M. Guthrie, A. R. Randall, E. H. Bishop, L. H. Rarick, M. S. Jones, H. R. Hopps, A. E. Maidt, and Miss Sadie Pickering. The Courier says of them: "They are all ladies of good appearance, intelligence, and zealjust such as enter into every good cause."


Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Border base ball club have disbanded. The Rough-on-Rates still cling.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Santa Fe changed time. The passenger train arrives at 12:10 m. and leaves 2:40 p.m.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

S. C. Lindsay, who was over to Ft. Scott the first of the week, reports plenty of rain in that "neck-o'-woods."

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Rain has fallen north of Arkansas City, east and west, but none has come closer than Winfield. They have had two good rains there this week.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

City Clerk Benedict received a letter from attorneys representing the O'Neil Water Works outfit demanding that $20,000 damages be paid them. This is rich, rare, and racy.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Our base ballists visited Winfield Monday and played the Ashland club. Our boys only added another defeat to their already long list. The score was 24 to 4 in favor of Ashland.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Dell Woods has improved the appearance of his barber shop by enlarging the room, repapering, carpeting, and by adding another new chair. The shop is now second to none in the city.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

S. P. Gould informed a REPUBLICAN representative that he sold more copies of our paper each week then all the remaining papers of the county put together. How does that strike our revered friend from Salt Lake.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The ladies of the First Baptist Church will give one of their popular socials on the lawn at the residence of N. T. Snyder, Friday evening, August 21. A general invitation is extended to all. It is expected that a large party will be in attendance from Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Let our ordinances be enforced.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Billy Kersands, the man with the biggest mouth in the world, at Highland Opera House tonight.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Kersands' minstrels tonight.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

D. Blubaugh was arrested Wednesday by Capt. Rarick on the charge of selling intoxicat- ing liquors. He was taken to Winfield Thursday morning and taken before Justice Snow.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Rev. A. S. Merrifield, state missionary of the A. B. H. M. Society, is expected to preach at the Baptist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. All are cordially invited.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The election in the 2nd ward yesterday to elect a councilman resulted in the selection of A. D. Prescott. Capt. Rarick and he were the only candidates. Prescott received 68 votes; Rarick, 8.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Tuesday a match game of base ball was played at Winfield between the Olathe nine and the Ashland club. The former were victorious by a score of 22 to 8. Some splendid playing was done by both clubs.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

H. P. Farrar informs a REPUBLICAN representative that the First National Bank will erect an addition to their building at the rear, making it extend from Summit Street to the alley west, this fall or in the early spring.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Miss Alice Pyburn, while out riding horseback last Friday evening, fell from her pony, bruising her arm and shoulder severely. The saddle turning was the cause of her fall. She is able to attend to her duties behind the counters of the Green Front at present writing.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

D. R. Beatty, proprietor of the City Meat Market, has purchased the building and business lot belonging to Stedman Bros., north of G. W. Miller & Co.'s store. The consideration was $3,200. Howard & Collins manipulated the sale. Mr. Beatty has rented his purchase to O. F. Lang, who will occupy the building with a restaurant stock.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

S. J. Smock in this issue of the REPUBLICAN announces himself as a candidate for the office of county clerk. Mr. Smock is a resident of Vernon Township, a Hoosier by birth and served in the late war with credit to himself. Mr. Smock will make a strong and steady pull for the nomination. He awaits the action of the Republican nominating convention.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

J. G. Shreves, of Spring Creek Township, in this issue of the REPUBLICAN, announces himself as a candidate for the office of county clerk. He has for opponents J. S. Hunt and S. J. Smock. Capt. Hunt has already held the office three times. Shreves is a farmer and if he receives the nomination at the hands of his Republican friends, will fill the office of county clerk acceptably.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

On next Tuesday evening, Aug. 18th, at 8 o'clock, a meeting will be held at the Christian Church for the purpose of discussing the propriety of establishing a commercial college and academy in Arkansas City. The meeting will be addressed by Judge S. Ballard, Superinten- dent Limerick, and gentlemen from the city. If the citizens desire such school and will support the enterprise, it will be established immediately.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Avail yourself of this opportunity to secure genuine bargains in Hosiery at Newman & Co.'s. Sale commences today.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Billy Kersands' minstrel tonight in Highland Opera House. Seats on sale at Ridenour & Thompson's.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Ladies of the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church of Bolton Township, Cowley County, will give a Grand Farmer's supper at the Mercer schoolhouse grounds, Dist. No. 53, on the eve of August 20th, 1885, the proceeds to be appropriated to the building of the foundation of a church house in said township. Ample accommodations and provision for all. Music vocal and instrumental will be given. MRS. S. H. DEWEESE, Chairman Com.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN wishes to speak a good word for the Arkansas Valley Guards. We never noticed this organization until last Saturday. Capt. Thompson has them drilled admirably already. They execute all orders in military style without hesitation and keep step in marching perfectly. The boys are coming out nicely. We are proud of the A. V. Guards.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

A. G. Heitkam, the prince of merchant tailors, since getting in his new quarters, has employed two more tailors, who come to us highly recommended by their eastern employers. In a few more days his large fall stock will be here. He has ordered the largest and best selected stock of piece goods that ever came into Arkansas City. You should call on him in the Commercial basement before the assortment is broken.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Traveler says we have selected it as a model after which to pattern the REPUBLICAN. Oh, Lord, deliver us from such a model. That effervescent sheet says our columns are vapid and in the same breath adds we have chosen a good model. We hardly thought the Traveler would be guilty of calling itself dull and insipid. Readers, make a comparison and see if you would not rather the Traveler pattern after the REPUBLICAN instead of vice versa.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

S. P. Gould has sold his book store. Ed. L. Kingsbury and Frank Barnett are his successors. The REPUBLICAN has always counted Sam as a permanent fixture in the stationery trade in Arkansas City, but he has concluded to take a needed rest until fall. The members of the new firm are both young and energetic young men just entering upon their business career. The REPUBLICAN wishes the new firm a successful business career and there is no doubt in our minds but what they will attain it.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

M. Sawyer, the laundryman, was re-arrested Thursday morning for continuing the construction of his building within the fire limits. He was taken before Judge Bryant, who levied a fine of $25 against him. He appealed this case also. The fines in the two cases amount to $75. The ordinance also makes it a finable offense for allowing the building to stand, and says the violator shall pay $5 per day every day after his first arrest, as long as the building stands. Mr. Sawyer has bitten off too large a chew if the city officers adhere to the ordinance.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Our readers will remember that some four months ago Hiram Foulks, a farmer residing near Independence, was found dead one day in his well. Frank Schmidt a short time after was arrested for the crime. Wednesday he was convicted of murder in the first degree in the Montgomery County courts. This evidence revealed that in April last Schmidt went to the home of Hiram Foulks, and while the old man was drawing him a bucket of water, shot him and threw his body in the well and robbed his house and stole his horse. When the body was found next day, a shot sack in the pants leg was found containing near two thousand dollars.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Tuesday afternoon while a crowd was sitting in front of the Occidental Hotel, a revolver was discharged by unknown parties. The force of the ball was spent by striking against one of the iron posts of the awning in front of Geo. E. Hasie & Co.'s store and was thus prevented from doing any damage. Geo. E. Hasie was about two feet from the post when the ball struck. This was a narrow escape for Mr. Hasie; and the parties who handle fire-arms so carelessly on the streets should receive attention at the hands of the law. The discharging of the revolver was accidental, we suppose, as the party who did it could not be found immediately afterward.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

L. M. Crawford, manager of Topeka's opera house, drops us a postal card, in which he says of the two leading persons of Kersands' Minstrel Company: "I can fully endorse this company, and guarantee to the public that they present the greatest achievement of modern minstrelsy ever given by natural artists and who have won for themselves fame in every country they have visited. They are headed by Billy Kersands, the greatest Ethiopian Comedian on the Minstrel stage. Every word which he utters abounds in wit and humor, and is destined to make every person who hears him roar with laughter. Wallace King, the silver toned tenor, whose singing has never been excelled by any minstrel singer in America, is a principal feature of this show."


Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Stockholders Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Arkansas Water Power Company at the First National Bank of Arkansas City on September 19th, 1885, at the hour of 7 o'clock P.M. WM. SLEETH, Sec.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Today Newman & Co. commence a special clearance sale of hosiery. See ad.

Having an overstock of Ladies', Misses', and Children's Hose, we will on SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, Commence a Grand Clearance Sale, and continue until all are sold.


These are genuine bargains as we never advertise anything we do not mean. Call early while the assortment is complete. Your friends, A. A. NEWMAN & CO.


Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Miss Rose Wagner is very sick.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

J. W. Heck came home Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Lawyer Stafford has recovered from his attack of fever.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

J. W. French was up from Ponca the first of the week on business.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Geo. Rembaugh has entered upon his duties as postmaster of Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mrs. D. L. Means returned home today after a week's visit at El Dorado.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mrs. A. V. Alexander is home again after a short visit to relatives at Topeka.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bost, of the fourth ward, August 11, a daughter.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Johnnie Florer and family passed through the city Thursday en route for Kaw Agency.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson, of Ottumwa, Iowa, are visiting at the residence of Geo. Allen.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Balyeat, August 7, a ten-pound boy. All parties doing well.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Will L. Aldridge went up the Santa Fe road Thursday morning. He is expected back today.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Drs. J. T. Shepard and C. S. Acker have entered into a partnership for the practice of medicine.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

James Berkey, of Salem, Indian, cousin of Wm. Berkey of Geuda Springs, is visiting in his vicinity.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Walter E. Seaver, editor of the Dexter Eye, succeeds Geo. Rembaugh as the editor of the Winfield Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mrs. Geo. Howard returned home Wednesday evening after making a short visit in the town of Kingman.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

E. N. Andrews came over from Wellington Saturday to see his brother, Sept. Andrews. He returned next day.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Capt. Thompson went up to Topeka Monday in the interest of the Arkansas Valley Guards. He came home Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Frank Gage came down from Winfield and remained over Sunday with friends. Frank was with the Ashland B. B. Club.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

W. S. Thompson has built an addition to his residence in the first ward and will soon have the house ready for occupancy.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Jacob Brown, a hoosier friend of D. L. Means, of Goshen, Indiana, is visiting in the city and is stopping at Mr. Means' home.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Irvin French came in Thursday from Ottawa where he had been on business. He came up Monday from Ponca and returned yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

E. D. Eddy and nephew, Geo. Eddy, Jr., who is here visiting from Leavenworth, were down to Ponca Agency the first of the week visiting friends.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Dr. J. A. Mitchell and A. D. Hawk drove up to Winfield Tuesday to witness the match game of base ball of the Olathe club vs. the Ashland nine.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mrs. D. N. Willitts, a sister of Mrs. R. C. Howard, who has been visiting in the city a few days, returned to her home in Wilson County Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

O. P. Houghton advertises the Fitch Boots and Shoes this week. They are guaranteed and Mr. Houghton has the exclusive sale of this excellent manufacture of footwear.


THE FITCH BOOT Is the Best Custom Goods Made.

Sold only by O. P. HOUGHTON.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

S. C. Lindsay was re-elected to be the Great Keeper of the Wampum at the Great Council of Improved Order of Red Men, which was held at Ft. Scott the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

There will be no services at the U. P. Church tomorrowSabbath dayon account of Rev. Campbell being in Anthony, where he went to assist Rev. Cooper in communion services.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Chas. Bundrem has leased the new brick business room on North Summit street, belonging to D. W. Bishop, and will have his meat market therein upon the completion of the room.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

E. H. Tyner tells us of several stocks of corn grown on his farm this year that have five and six ears on. He promised to bring us in a sample and leave it in our sanctum on exhibition.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

A. D. Prescott and Bradford Beall sold to Dr. J. T. Shepard their business lot on which the McDowell Bros. have their meat market for $2,700 Tuesday. Meigs and Nelson made the sale.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

S. C. Lindsay and W. C. Guyer, representatives of the Improved Order of Red Men, who went to attend the Great Council at Ft. Scott, came home Thursday. The next council will be held at Emporia.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

M. C. Copple is giving our city quite a metropolitan air with his new cab and fiery untamed steeds. His outfit is a splendid vehicle to take a whirl around the city in and view it. He conveys passengers to and from the depot.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Holloway & Son have moved their drug stock out west. Fitch & Barron have occupied the room vacated by the drug store with their notion stock, and Frank Balyeat & Co. occupy the room vacated by Fitch & Barron with a drug stock.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

C. C. Sollitt boarded the afternoon train Wednesday for Newton. He went to that city to meet Mrs. Sollitt on her return home from Chicago, where she has been the past month visiting her parents and friends. They arrived home Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

From the Emporia Republican, we learn that Mrs. R. F. Fitzpatrick is visiting in Emporia and that she has been seriously ill for some time. It also says that she has so far recovered that she will soon be able to join her husband in this city.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Rev. Fleming informs a REPUBLICAN representative that during a residence of ten years in Arkansas City this summer has been visited by fewer deaths than any previous summer. This goes to prove that health is on the increase in Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Epperson, of Kansas City, have been visiting in the city at the residence of Uriah Spray. Mr. Epperson is an old friend of Mr. Spray, having spent a goodly portion of their youth together. Mr. Epperson is in the stockyards at Kansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

This week Al Horn advertises a big cut in prices on boots and shoes which will last until Oct. 1. Mr. Horn means what he says and consequently is selling his stock off quite rapidly. He is desirous of making room for his fall stock. See what he says in his ad in another column.


Big SLAUGHTER in PRICES, on Shoes and Slippers until Oct. 1, to make room for Fall Goods.

Men's Home Sewed Shoes At Slaughtered Prices to close them out.

Men's Low Tie and Button At Cost and LESS. This deep cut in Prices is on all my stock of MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND SLIPPERS until OCTOBER 1.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ware returned home Wednesday from Pueblo, Colorado. Mr. Ware informs us that they had a most pleasant visit; that crops in Colorado are in good condition, and that business was splendid in that section of the country, although businessmen complained that times were dull.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Tuesday J. P. Musselman and family packed their household effects and moved to Derby. Mr. Musselman moves there in order to be near his farm lately purchased in Butler County. He has a fine farm and will put in next season's crops himself. We are sorry to lose Mr. Musselman and family, but we predict they will return inside of 12 months.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

John W. Hawkins, who purchased lots in Swarts' addition, has just completed a neat cottage residence in which he and his family are residing. Mr. Hawkins was the first man who purchased lots in that addition to receive his deed and abstract of title. He is a brick mason by trade and is never idle. We like to see all industrious mechanics prosper as Mr. Hawkins has done.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

James M. Gardner and family arrived in the city Saturday from the east to visit over Sunday at the residence of C. M. Scott. Mr. Gardner is a brother of Mrs. Scott and is the superintendent of the schools at Tokio, Japan, under the supervision of the Episcopal society. Mr. Gardner was sent there over seven years ago and this is the first time he has been in this country since going there. They left Monday for San Francisco on their way back to Tokio. Mr. Gardner has been lecturing in the east for some time.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Johnson Loan and Trust Company have purchased one of the four lots belonging to Albert Worthley just west of the First National Bank, and will erect a two story brick front business house. A portion of the building will be occupied by the Johnson Loan and Trust Company with their office. The building which will be erected by the company will be equal to any in the city. The consideration was $1,000 and the sale was made with the understanding that the association would put up a first-class building.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

There was no council meeting last Monday evening as there was not a quorum present of that August body. Wednesday evening a call meeting was held. The most important business attended to was the tax levy. It was decided to levy 2 mills for a sinking fund, 5 mills to pay interest on bonds, and 8 mills for general purposes, making a total of 15 mills to be levied. The council approved the levy of the school board, which is 4 mills, to pay interests upon bonds and 8 mills for school and incidental purposes. The tax levy for the city is 27 mills on a dollar.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Thursday two water works parties were in the city. We are told by good authority that they were here to investigate the city's franchise to O'Neil, who represented to them that his franchise was good yet and wanted them to take the matter off of his hands. He showed them his contract, we are also told, but someone had changed it by extending the time until October 1. After investigating, they pronounced O'Neil a fraud. Yet at one time we were bound to this man firmly for 21 years. The people of Arkansas City should feel grateful to the REPUBLICAN for its efforts to expose O'Neil's scheme at the time the city council willed him the franchise to put in water works, and we believe they do.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

E. H. Tyner, a substantial farmer residing across the Walnut, started to go to Winfield Wednesday on the early morning train. On his return home on the noon train, he tells the REPUBLICAN of an accident which happened on the way up. Just as the train pulled out of Constant, one of the flues in the boiler bursted. As there was no operator at Constant, some of the passengers chartered the hand car and pumped their way up to Winfield, where word was left of the accident. A dispatch was sent to Wichita for an engine, which came at about 10 a.m. and pulled the delayed train and waiting passengers on to their journey's end. No one was hurt.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Mitts & Jones are gaining renown in our city as first-class architects. Whenever the REPUBLICAN sees merit in the works of mechanics, it is glad to be able to emblazon it to the world. `Tis said a tree is known by its fruits, therefore, builders and architects should be recognized by their works. The business block on South Summit Street being projected by C. D. Burroughs was designed and is being constructed by this worthy firm. It is a sample of what they are capable of doing. The structure on every hand bears the touches of skilled workmen and experienced designers. Any parties desiring to build will find it to their advantage to see Mitts & Jones, the builders and architects, before they contract because they have a vast experience in their line of business and are possessed of good ideas for the commodious arrangement of business blocks, houses, etc., and guarantee correctness.


Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Closing Out Since the Fire.
Sewing machines cheaper than ever; 10 percent off from regular price. Now is your time to purchase a Domestic. D. L. MEANS.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Sitting Bull and a Soldier Exchange Reminiscences of the Fight.
BOSTON, Aug. 8. The real facts about the death of Gen. Custer were brought out a day or two ago in an interview here between Sitting Bull and Sergeant John Ryan, of Newton, who fought under Gen. Reno in the last battle between Custer's regiment and the Indians. When Sergeant Ryan was introduced to the chief, Sitting Bull showed no disposition to talk, but presently Ryan drew from his pocket a blood-spattered cavalry Guidon and asked Sitting Bull if he had ever seen a flag like that before. The Indian showed a sudden awakening of interest.

"Yes," he said.

"When was it?" asked Ryan.

"When we had the fight and killed Custer's men," said Sitting Bull through the interpreter, "we got a number of them. Where did you get it?"

"On the second day of the fight," answered Ryan, "I saw an Indian riding up and down in front of our lines displaying this flag. Another man and I who had long range rifles fired at him repeatedly, and finally dropped him off his horse. When night came, I went out and brought the flag in."

"When we struck your trail," Sergeant Ryan continued, "and just before the fight, we found four lodges with dead Indians in them. Who were they?"

"They were Sioux Shawnee scouts," replied Sitting Bull, "killed by men of Gen. Crook's command on the Rosebud on June 17. On the first day's fight do you recollect an Indian mounted on a black horse who was armed with a camp stick (an Indian lance) and was cheering and urging on his men?"

"That was when you were trying to break our skirmish line," said Ryan. "The chief was 200 or 300 yards away, and I fired at him a number of times."

Sitting Bull, with much merriment, said: "That was I. Soon after that I went to the scene of the fight with Custer and was not in the battle after that day. I remember when two of your pack mules charged down from your camp on the bluff. They were loaded with ammunition, as well as what we got from Custer, in the second day's fight. When I went to take charge of the battle at the other end of the valley where Custer made his attack, I left Crazy Horse in command of my young men who were fighting you and Reno."

"Was the fight going on when you got there?" asked Ryan.

"Oh yes; we had them surrounded."

"It has been asserted that Rain-in-face said he killed Custer. Did he?"

"No. There is no truth in it. So many were firing at Custer at the same time that no one could tell whether he hit him or not."

"You are telling the truth there," said Ryan. "I was in command of the detail that buried Custer after General Terry came up. There were a number of bullets in Custer's body, and he and a newspaper man named Kelly were the only ones whose bodies had not been mutilated."

"Who was it that crushed the head of Capt. Tom Custer, and what became of the prisoners?" Ryan asked.

"I don't know about that," answered Sitting Bull. "The young men and squaws had to do with that. There were 4,000 warriors, and there were in camp from 6,000 to 7,000 women and children, and the camp was four or five miles long, all in the valley of the Big Horn."

"How many men did you have?" Sitting Bull asked.

"Six hundred all told, of whom 207 were killed with Custer."

The two men exchanged many campaign reminiscences. Ryan was in Custer's regiment on the plains for ten years, and often skirmished with Sitting Bull and his tribe when they were on the war-path.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Governor and Cleveland.
In his remarks to the cattle committee, the president of the United States not only insulted his visitors, but made his conduct still more shameful by deliberately misrepresenting the governor of the state of Kansas. Mr. Cleveland was apparently willing his visitors and the people should draw the inference that Governor Martin approved his policy.

Had Mr. Cleveland produced Governor Martin's letter, he would have been compelled to read to the committee a complete refutation of his attempts to justify his forty day outrage from a man who knows more about the Indian question than Mr. Cleveland and his cabinet could learn during the balance of their lives.

The people of Kansas have a governor who is fit to be president, and it is humiliating indeed to see his futile efforts to beat a grain of sense into the presidential head in regard to western affairs.

Governor Martin requested the retention of the military on the borders of Kansas for the very reason that the policy of the administration is liable to aggravate instead of remove the Indian troubles. He wishes the military post retained for the reasons that the Indians had been encouraged in their lawlessness and left with arms and ammunition. He asks military protection because the Indians have been deprived of part of their rations and all of their income, and thus offered inducements to extend their raids. The governor's arguments are unanswerable. The Indians should be disarmed. That is the proper solution of the question, as far as peace and safety to the settlers are concerned.

The other question could be easily settled. The president would simply have to say to the cattlemen that by the next grass season they must have their cattle out of the land in question, and all who did not would be assisted out in short order by the government.

The method is simple, fair and equitable, and a president with ordinary business sense ought to comprehend the situation. But the man who occupies the presidential chair is not a president. He is Stephen G. Cleveland, ex-sheriff, ex-mayor. Kansas City Journal.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, is mad and he talks as follows: "All we have done, from the first issue of the Eye one year and a half ago to the present time has been solely in the interest of Dexter. A good town here meant a lucrative business for the paper. These same people say that Dexter has done great things for the Eye. Ye gods and little fishes! Look at our advertising columns fellow quill-drivers and see how nobly Dexter supports a paper. When we came here we were forced to deny our principles, to raise the black flag of Republican rottenness, toady to a political party, and support men for office that we knew were unfit for the place in order to get what was our due and what was our right under the law. Yet this is the wonderful support Dexter has given us. We have been damned from the barn door to breakfast and back again because we were trying to advance the interests of the town. Patience has ceased to be a virtue and we can say here and now that unless the businessmen of Dexter do more to support the paper we shall close our little Eye, pack up our little grip, and pull out for pastures new. There are men in Dexter who have done all they could to aid us and to those men we are grateful. But two or three men cannot support a newspaper, and unless the people of Dexter, within the next three months, patronize our advertising columns better, the newspaper field in Dexter will be vacant and any jack leg lawyer or itinerant school teacher who may desire the glory of being an editor and live on faith will be at liberty to make the venture."


Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

W. WARD is once more Ready for Business! He has two new Spring Drays and desires to do a portion of your hauling. He has plenty of wagons and horses and will do any kind of hauling you desire. He is not here for speculation, but is here to stay and do a portion of your hauling.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Save Labor. GASOLINE AND COAL OIL, Furnished and Delivered -By- J. W. RUBY.

The delivery wagon will be around MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATURDAY.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

A Bold Game Tried on an Innocent Girl Near Cedarvale.
A warrant is out for the arrest of Sam McWhirt, who lives near Hart's Mills, charged with taking a young ladyHettie Conklinaway from her home for the purpose of prostitution. The particulars are as follows: It seems that Miss Conklin had been employed to do house work in the family of G. W. McKinneyMcWhirt's father-in-lawwho resides in this city, but had left there some time ago and gone to her home, about four miles east of town. It is reported that McWhirt had remarked in the hearing of certain parties that he believed he would go to Miss Conklin and ostensibly employ the girl to do house work and then take her to the territory for the purpose above mentioned, and it appears that one day last week he attempted to carry out his nefarious scheme. He went to the home of the girl and represented that he came for her at the request of Mr. McKinney, who wished to employ her again to do house-work. She finally consented to go with McWhirt and they started, but instead of coming here McWhirt drove toward the territory. The girl saw they were not on the road to town and spoke of it, but McWhirt quieted her by saying they would first go to his house near Hart's Mills, and then back to town. In the meantime Mr. McKinney had in some way learned that McWhirt had gone off with Miss Conklin and started in pursuit. He overtook the couple below Hart's Mills near the territory line. Covering McWhirt with a revolver, he told the girl to get into his buggy, which she lost no time in doing. McWhirt was then allowed to go his way and McKinney brought Miss Conklin back home. The girl's stepfather, George Wendover, the next day swore out a warrant for the arrest of McWhirt, but at this writing he has not been captured. Cedarvale Star.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Santa Fe's Proposition to Defeat the D. M. & A.
The Santa Fe Railroad Company have signified their intention of submitting a proposition to this county to vote bonds in aid of a line of railroad which they propose to build from Independence west through the county, and also extend a line south from their S K road. Such a proposition would be enthusiastically received by our people, provided they knew it to be genuine and made with the honest intention of being carried out. But it is well known that such a proposition would never have been thought of by that company were it not for the fact that their territory is about to be invaded by the D. M. & A., and there is no other show for the Santa Fe to protect their own interests but by either building another line through the southern tier of counties from Montgomery, west, or prevent any other company from doing so. So far, in all the years since the Southern Kansas was built, they have succeeded in keeping out competing lines. And there is no doubt that the Santa Fe company have the one and only obstacle in the way of our securing an east and west road through this county. But we believe that corporation will put up a sufficient cash guarantee that they will give us a road, that their proposition will be welcomed by our people and receive their hearty support. But it is too apparent that if the D. M. & A. bonds are defeated, or the project checked off entirely by the Santa Fe, that the anxiety of the latter company to build through this county will suddenly vanish. Therefore, if the Santa Fe company mean business and are not simply scheming to defeat the D. M. & A., let them deposit say $50,000, as a guarantee of good faith, and the people will listen to their proposition. Otherwise, we think we voice the sentiment of the multitude by mildly but firmly requesting the Santa Fe Co. to give us a rest. Cedarvale Star.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The Killing of West.
This week's record includes another killing: this time at the hands of the officers, and while the subject was resisting and shooting at them. It will be remembered that on the evening of the 4th of July that McKinney and West capped the climax of a reckless career by firing several shots in a mixed crowd of men and women, on the veranda of the hotel at Englewood, apparently with the brutal design of killing anyone they might chance to hit. They dangerously wounded young Sanders, at the time supposed to be fatally. Since then the sheriff and deputies have been wanting and diligently looking for said parties, but without success, till Saturday, the 25th of July, when Sheriff Shugru and deputies surrounded Wm. West at the L C Ranch and notified him to surrender. He escaped into a ravine over a mile away and was found by his firing on the sheriff's party when they came near him. The firing was kept up about ten minutes by both parties when it was found that West was shot. He fired about 27 shots, one of which grazed one man's shoulder. He was moved back to L C ranch and had every attention till he died about 3 o'clock. He was brought to town about 4 o'clock and was buried about 12 m. 27th. Wm. West is said to have been an intelligent, educated young man, and might have been a worthy member of society but for the reckless bloodthirsty character he seems to have acquired. Ashland Clipper.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Before going to press we hear it rumored that R. R. Phelps has received a "Druggist's permit." This will end a series of charges, refutations, and scandalous stories that would shame a crowd of professional blackmailers. Phelps made application for a permit almost immediately after the passage of the new law. Almost simultaneously his old and chronic enemies began pouring anonymous and other communications in upon Judge Gans. Some visited him and also visited the county attorney, making complaints and charges. The business hung fire for all these months. Judge Gans in the discharge of his duty could not issue the permit in face of these complaints. Phelps was charged with having violated the old lawcharges which if substantiated would make him unfit to handle liquors under the new law. The county attorney and Judge Gans investigated these charges and found them false. Then when there was a probability of his permit being issued, charges were made that Phelps was a bibulous character, and that he was drunk at Arkansas City during the bond fight. A large number of affidavits were made by the best citizens of this city completely refuting these charges, and after becoming perfectly satisfied that the complaints against him were without the least shadow of foundation, Judge Gans signified that it would give him pleasure to issue to Mr. Phelps the permit for which he had applied, and which personal enemies had undoubtedly kept him from getting. While the matter is of no particular interest to us, we are glad that truth and justice has again triumphed over falsehood and infamy. We can add that Judge Gans has acted in good faith throughout. No personal feeling has actuated him, but he has been burdened with stories until he could scarcely see his way out of the labyrinthian meshes. Mr. Phelps now stands, after a thorough investigation, acquitted, and the plain victim of base machination on the part of at least a portion of his accusers. Judge Gans has done his duty and no blame can be easily attached to him. Burden Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

Some time ago one Jacobs, of Cedar Township, was arrested, and gave bail, on a charge of being the father of a child by a sister-in-law of a G. R. Dolby of the same township. Dolby is a widower, the sister-in-law keeping house for him. Recently the woman sent for Jacobs and upon his arrival was welcomed by Dolby with an axe, and barely escaped with his life. Jacobs was placed in the cooler Wednesday of last week followed by Dolby, who will have to answer to a charge of assault with intent to kill. Jacobs is single. Both men, we understand, are well to do. These parties were all before Justice Snow Tuesday, and peace patched up by the withdrawal of all suits, division of costs, and the sister-in-law, Alexander, getting $316 from Jacobs, the father of the illegitimate child. Winfield Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The readers of the Eagle will remember that this paper set forth the advantages and possibilities of an early railroad connection with the Ft. Smith and Little Rock railroad, and of one article this spring in particular, in which estimates and statistics are given. We are now able to announce that a charter has been or will be filed for such a line and that membership will be partially composed of experienced railroad men. Such a road by way of either the Cana or Verdigres valleys or by way of the Arkansas valley is entirely feasible. Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

John A. Moore said last Saturday at Winfield as the memorial procession passed: "They make a h__l of a fuss over Grant. He was nothing but a d__d rebel." An old soldier promptly knocked him down. The soldier was fined $9.25 for the assault, but the crowd chipped in, paid the fine, and left the soldier $10 or $10 besides. Moore also paid a fine of $9.25. But in his case the crowd failed to chip in. Served him right. Burden Enterprise.

Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.

The contract for the construction of the asylum for imbecile and idiotic youths near this city was let last Thursday to John Q. Ashton of Arkansas City and J. E. Conklin of Winfield, the latter furnishing all the stone and brick. The entire amount of the appropriation, $25,000, will be exhausted in the work, and of course, our people will be active participants in the exhausting process. Winfield Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.







Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

Attention, Republicans.
The Republican voters of Arkansas City, Kansas, will hold their primaries at the following places, on Saturday, Sept. 12, at 7:30 p.m. sharp, for the election of delegates to the Republican county convention held at Winfield Saturday, Sept. 19, 1885. 1st ward: 4 delegates; office of G. B. Shaw & Co.; 2nd ward: 4 delegates; office of Star Livery Stable; 3rd ward: 3 delegates, office of REPUBLICAN office; 4th ward: 4 delegates, Store of Blakeney & Upp.

The Republican voters of Creswell Township will hold their primary at the old stone house north of city on the Winfield road, Saturday, Sept. 12, at 7:30 p.m. sharp, to elect six (6) delegates (one at large) to the Republican county convention.

L. E. WOODIN, Committeeman.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

The Water Works.
A good representation was had of the businessmen at the water works meeting in Highland Opera House last Friday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer called the meeting to order at 8 p.m., and J. L. Huey was chosen chairman and N. T. Snyder, secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer stated that the meeting had been called to discuss the water works question; that Messrs. Plate and Quigley were here from St. Louis with a proposition which they wished to submit to the citizens of Arkansas City for putting in gas and water works. The proposition was to the effect that they put them in for the franchise, the city agreeing to take 60 fire plugs, at a rental of $50 a year and also take 30 street lights at $30 each per annum. Speeches were made on the subject by Maj. Sleeth, J. G. Danks, A. D. Prescott, J. P. Johnson, O. P. Houghton, Maj. Searing, Mayor Schiffbauer, and others. The gist of their remarks was that we needed and must have water works; but at present we were unable to put in gas works.

Messrs. Quigley and Plate did not want one without the other on this proposition so the matter was ended in regard to it. These gentlemen desire to put in a bid when we have water works put in. They propose what we think is a good system, and by their talk they showed that they were perfectly conversant with the water works question. They propose the stand- pipe system and explained it in detail to those present.

During the meeting a motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed from the citizens meeting and city council to investigate the different systems of water works of our neighboring cities and report which they thought was the best. J. G. Danks and Maj. Sleeth were selected to represent the citizens, and Monday night Councilmen Dean, Dunn, Thompson, and Mayor Schiffbauer were taken from the city council. On motion the meeting was adjourned to await the report of the committee.

The time has come for some action to be taken. The citizens of Arkansas City have expressed their desire for water works. The start has been made to get them. Let the ball be pushed forward rapidly. Protection from fire for our town we must have and right now is the accepted time to get it.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

The following is a statement of the enumeration of the school children between the ages of 5 and 21 years in the corporate limits of Arkansas City for the school year of 1885-1886.


FIRST WARD 140 141 281

SECOND WARD 84 113 197

THIRD WARD 87 96 183

FOURTH WARD 181 176 357

TOTALS: 494 526 1,020

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

Sawyer Holds the Fort Triumphant.
M. W. Sawyer, the laundryman, has been arrested five times within the last ten days, on the charge of violating the ordinance forbidding the erection of frame buildings within the fire limits. We present a brief review of the case. Some time ago Mr. Sawyer bought a frame building of T. H. McLaughlin, which was on his lot on North Summit street, with the understanding from the council that he be allowed to move it to another lot in the same block. This entire block is in the fire limits. Mr. Sawyer wanted the building for his laundry and as it was hardly large enough, the erection of an addition was commenced and was completed Wednesday, except the inside work. As fast as Sawyer was arrested and convicted, he appealed his cases. Everybody was greatly interested in the wrangle and wondered how the defendant could bear up so complacently when such heavy fines were being assessed against him almost daily. Tuesday the climax was reached. Sawyer promised to have the work on the building stopped

A REPUBLICAN representative interviewed the laundryman after his trial Tuesday evening and in a few moments we had the entire gist of his side of the question.

In answer to our inquiry how he was going to pay his fines, he remarked, "Great Scott! I don't own anything; my wife owns the lot and building; she had it put up; the marshal has never said anything to her. They have been arresting and fining me every day for her violations."

Mrs. Sawyer has moved into her property and now holds the fort. Sawyer smiles a smile of joy and contentment. What the outcome of all the above will be, we dare not set forth. In addition to forbidding the erection of any frame building in the fire limits, the ordinance provides for the tearing down of any which may spring up. The end has not come yet. It will most likely take the action of higher courts than we have in Arkansas City to settle the matter. The leaving of the building to stand where it now does, is in direct violation to the ordinance.

A great many claim that our limits take in too much territory. We think not. We can't afford to have them smaller. For instance, suppose that the limits should be cut down to the half block, as some desire it. The magnificent Commercial and Hasie blocks extend from Summit Street to the alley; and should anyone build on the lots across the alley a two-story frame building and put in a laundry, the insurance on the buildings and the stock would be almost double, besides jeopardizing our good and substantial stone business blocks. We can't afford to have our insurance raised. It is too high already. We can't afford to endanger our magnificent stone business blocks by allowing small frame buildings to spring up almost against them. We can't afford to cut down our fire limits because they are small enough at present. The REPUBLICAN hoped to see this ordinance enforced. If it is legal, let equity be meted out. If it is illegal, let it be stricken from our city laws.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

A business establishment to which we point with pride is the wholesale and retail grocery house of Kimmel & Moore. By their long residence in Arkansas City, this firm has acquired a patronage from the citizens of the town, from the tillers of the soil surrounding our beautiful city for many miles, from the white residents of the territory, and from the aborigines of the United States equal to any other like establishment in the city on the sand hill. Messrs. Kimmel & Moore carry in stock none but the best of staple and fancy groceries. It is not old but always fresh. They sell goods so cheaply that their patrons do not allow them to become stale. The reason they can afford to sell so cheaply is because they buy of the eastern wholesale houses in large quantities and pay the cash therefor. In addition to this, they attend strictly to business. When customers call their wants are attended to expeditiously, besides being treated very gentlemanly. This firm also carries a stock of glassware and queensware unequaled by any in the city. Farmers congregate at Kimmel & Moore's trade emporium when they visit the city with the products of the orchard, the garden, and the dairy; and they find a ready market at good prices. "So mote it be."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

An injustice is done our dry goods merchants by the allowing of cheap John institutions to come here, open up their bankrupt stock, flood the market with their worthless articles of wear for a mere song and thus deprive our home merchants of their legitimate trade. The dry goods merchants have entered complaints to the powers that rule, but they seem to have been useless. Some five months ago the skating rink store came here with its stock. It paid its occupation tax the same as our home merchants, and now that it has depleted its stock sufficiently, it has begun to auction off the remaining articles. For the privilege of carrying on an auction store, it pays only $10 into the city treasurer. For $25 it has been permitted to come into our city and ruin the trade for our home merchants. `Tis no wonder they kick on paying their occupation tax. They have no preference over bankrupt store institutions. They are not protected. They pay taxes on their buildings, stocks, fixtures, etc., while the cheap John establishments pay nothing in that line. It would be more in keeping if this rink firm paid $10 per day to be allowed to auction off their stock in place of that sum for six months.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

In another column we publish the call from our committeeman, Maj. L. E. Woodin, for the Republican primaries of the city and township. They are called to meet Sept. 12, when delegates will be chosen to represent us in the county convention to be held at Winfield Sept. 19. Creswell is allowed six delegates. The voters of Creswell will meet in the old stone house north of the city on the Winfield road to select their delegates. Arkansas City will have 15 delegates. The 1st ward has four delegates and the Republican voters will meet at the office of G. B. Shaw & Co., to select them. The 2nd ward has four. The meeting to select them will be held at Thompson & Woodin's livery barn. The 3rd ward has only three and the voters will assemble at the REPUBLICAN office to choose them. The 4th ward has four. Their meeting will be held at Blakeney & Upp's store. Let all Republican voters be in attendance. If you have any grievances against candidates, now is the time to air them. Not after the candidate has been nominated. Let none but good and honest Republicans be put on guard.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

Last Thursday evening a representative of the REPUBLICAN had the pleasure of being one of a large number who went fishing along the Arkansas.

J. A. McCormick and Miss Willie Reynolds were the chief managers, the former inviting the gentlemen and the latter, the ladies. They met at the home of Miss Reynolds, where the couples were arranged so as to suit all parties. Before starting it was discovered that they had no baits, but one of them informed the rest that an excellent bait could be manufactured out of flour and cotton. This was proven to be a good bait by the number of fish they caught.

It was late when they got to the river, but they improved their time, had considerable fun, and returned to the city carrying a great many fishlines.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

Miss Dora White, waitress at the Occidental Hotel, took three grains of morphine by mistake Monday. She was feeling badly and her intentions were to take a dose of the drug, but she got too much by about three grains. When Dr. Acker was called in, she was in a comatose condition, and it was only by the Doctor's skill that her life was saved. She was able to resume work next day. Miss Dora informs a REPUBLICAN representative that she did not take the morphine on account of unrequited love, and that report was a mistake. She came here from the wicked city of Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

A representative of the REPUBLICAN visited Danks Bros. Machine Shop yesterday. We found all hand busy. Danks Bros. have just put in a new 12 horse-power engine and have their order in for a boiler. They have commenced work on the cupola for their foundry and if the rush of work does not get too heavy, they will soon have their foundry in a good condition to make all kinds of castings. They are doing a vast amount of repairing in the machine line. Farmers are ascertaining that these gentlemen are first-class mechanics and worthy of their patronage.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

To Whom the Fault Belongs.
In regard to the Sawyer wrangle, the Traveler says:

"The question was asked him if any of the neighbors objected to his work; he replied that no complaint had reached his ears. Councilman Hill said he did not like to make the enforcement of any ordinance oppressive. If the neighbors did not object, the council might shut its eyes to the offense. His advice to the applicant was to pay his fine to the police judge (he having been arrested), and trust to being let alone in the future. To the surprise of all present, not a city father raised his voice to show the folly of such cecutiency."

Upon Mr. Hill saying what he did, Mr. Sawyer rose up in the council chamber and pointing toward Billy Gray said: "What shall I do about the city marshal arresting me?"

Mr. Hill replied that that was his own look-out. But a few moments before this conversation, on the same night, Mr. Sawyer presented his petition, which was tabled, and on motion of Archie Dunn, the fire ordinance was ordered to be enforced strictly, each councilman voting affirmatively.

This shows that the blame does not rest upon the council, as the Traveler would like to have it appear, in order to shield its protégé. Prior to this meeting Mr. Sawyer had been arrested, just after he had commenced his building, but Judge Bryant was ordered to stay proceedings by the mayor until after the council met.

What did the council do? They ordered the ordinance enforced. Whose duty is it to see that the ordinances are enforced? The mayor's. Did he do it? We think not.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

BIRTH. Over at Burden another Henthorn has been born. It belongs to Banker Henthorn, and Editor Henthorn wants the REPUBLICAN to give "proper credit." He says he is tired of being made the father of all the babies produced in the Henthorn family, but neglects to make any mention about the crop produced outside of the Henthorn circle. Let us hear from you on that subject.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

A Kansas Book by a Kansas author is the book of poems by Miss Hattie Horner. It will be issued in a few weeks. It is to be handsomely printed and neatly bound and will be sold by subscription at the low price of $1. S. P. Gould will furnish any further information to those desiring. Miss Horner is now at her home at Holden, Butler County. We hope our citizens will patronize her work liberally.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

J. Q. Ashton informs us that the Winfield Telegram was mistaken in regard to any Winfield man having any share in the contract to build the imbecile asylum. Mr. Ashton has the entire contract. Last Saturday he filled out his bond, none but Arkansas City men going on it. Mr. Ashton is getting numerous monuments of his skill as a mechanic, all over Cowley County, in the shape of public buildings.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

Capt. J. S. Hunt announces himself as a candidate for re-election to the office of county clerk. Capt. Hunt has filled the office very acceptably for three terms. He has always been for the interests of Cowley County and has saved but several dollars. One instance we remember of was the obtaining of nearly $5,000 of back taxes from the state. But be that as it may, the Republican delegates will decide whether they desire his re-election at Winfield, September 19.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

The entertainment given by Kersands' minstrels was first-class. Quite a number were in attendance. One thing noticeable at the performance was the omission of smutty puns which are frequently forced upon the audience. The singing was good, especially that of Wallace King, the renowned tenor. It was the best minstrel ever in Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

The remark that "there is nothing new under the sun," was proven false by W. B. Hagins Tuesday. He showed us a model of "Sipes' patent grave cover." It is made for the protection of the tops of graves and keeps the weeds and grass from growing. It is a unique invention. Mr. Hagins is the sole western agent. Apply to him for information at the Occidental Hotel.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

The editor of the Traveler attended the mass meeting held in the interest of water works in Highland Opera House last Friday evening. At 8 p.m. Mayor Schiffbauer called the audience to order and J. L. Huey was selected as chairman. Several of our citizens had been called upon to make speeches and about a half dozen had responded. During a lull in the speech-making process, the animal first mentioned above wandered from his den up into the opera house. He walked up the aisle and took a front seat, sat a moment, when an idea struck him. It hit him so forcibly that he was compelled to unload himself. He rose up with all of his imposing dignityacquired after two weeks of rehearsingcleared his throat, and relieved his mind of his only thought in the following words: "I move that Mayor Schiffbauer act as chairman of this meeting." It is evident that Bro. Lockley did not study the effect which his favorite motion would have upon his hearers. They were convulsed with laughter and the applause was deafening as the Traveler man resumed his chair. This wild break did not efface the brass upon our co-temporary's face. He sat there as complacently as though he never offered an insult to the honorable chairman of the meeting. It would have been in accordance with parliamentary rules for Mr. Huey to have administered a dressing down to the Traveler man and compelled him to apologize publicly.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.
Not dead nor sleeping but extremely busy.

We are getting about through with our rush of work and the spicy and newsy REPUBLICAN will hear from "Graphite" more regularly hereafter.

Ye scribe is pleased to notice the appearance of "Lapsus Linguae," who hails from Tannehill. L. L. Is a racy writer and "Graphite" hopes that he will stay in the field for company sake.

An ice cream festival at Victor Schoolhouse last week on Thursday evening netted the Sabbath school twenty-five dollars.

The excursion train from Wichita last week killed a yearling calf for W. H. Teeter, appraised at twenty dollars. He has applied for damages. The latest session laws of the state legislature, I believe, require railroads to fence their tracks through sections of country having a lawful fence.

The surveying corps of the K. C. & S. W. R. R., have run a line through this locality.

Lou Albert found a pair of upper false teeth near Posey Creek a few days ago.

Lewis Brown has improved the appearance of his house by the addition of a bay window.

Several couples of young folks were entertained at Mrs. Brown's last Sunday. Among the number were Miss Laura and Mr. Lee Snyder of Rev. Snyder's family of Winfield.

Ed Chapin is harnessing the gentle zephyrs with a wind mill. This is a valuable investment as the writer can testify from practical experience.

The Granger's stock of goods has been moved from the blacksmith shop to the new and commodious store building. Mr. Zenquay can now enjoy some pleasure and comfort as salesman.

Next Saturday our "Hackney Scrubs" play the "Telegrams" of Winfield at the fair grounds. The Scrubs are nimble and muscular fellows and are getting well up in the science of base ball.

Dave Shaw is adorning his premises with a substantial barn.

Misses Lettie Albert and Nettie Anderson are visiting at Burden for a few days with old acquaintances.

A few jobs of threshing have been done in this community. Wheat is averaging about half a crop. Oats are immense, yielding from sixty to eighty bushels per acre.

Jim Albert is canvassing this section for the life of Grant. He is also taking subscriptions for elegant albums and family Bibles and is meeting with success. Jim is a rustler and as he is endeavoring to secure sufficient funds to enable him to attend college somewhere in the state, our good people should patronize him and thus help along an ambitious and worthy young man. GRAPHITE.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

STRAYED OR STOLEN. The night of August 21, 1 dark bay pony, white spot on forehead. Small bunch between front legs. Finder suitably rewarded by A. D. Hawk, at Matlack's store. [BUNCH??? THAT IS WHAT THEY HAD!]

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

FIRE FIRE FIRE WE WILL CLOSE OUT BY AUGUST 15, AT COST and BELOW COST the Damaged goods saved from the recent destructive fire. LOOK! LOOK!

GOODS, At your own price for the NEXT 10 DAYS!

As they must be sold at the Rink Store. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

HARDWARE. Our new store room is approaching completion and we expect to move in it in about 30 days, and to save the trouble of removal will sell you all goods at a discount. For cash we will sell you any of our cooking stoves at plumb cost. Give us a call.

Respectfully Yours, G. W. MILLER & CO.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Col. Foster's circus will be at this city on Monday, Aug. 24.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

CHEAP MONEY; $200 to $10,000 to loan. MEIGS & NELSON.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

G. W. Miller & Co., will get into their new room the first of next week.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Horse Timers for sale at E. L. McDowell's jewelry establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Circus Monday. They show at South Haven today and Tuesday at Dexter.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

We have the finest line of mowers in the market. Step in and SEE; at the Shabby Front.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Grimes & Son have rented Judge Bonsall's building and will open up their drug store again.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Kellogg & Coombs have the largest stock of brushes, paints, oils, and wall paper in Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Company have Weir City Nut coal. Just what the farmers want for threshing.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

If you have property to rent, insure, or sell, apply to Meigs & Nelson, under the Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Kellogg & Coombs, at the No. 33 drug store, carry a fine line of wall paper, decorations for ceilings, etc.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Last week 12 car-loads of stock, 10 car-loads of flour, and 8 car-loads of watermelons were shipped from the Santa Fe depot.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

The busy Bees will give a melon and grape lawn social at the residence of Ed Grady, this evening. All are respectfully invited to attend.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Company have shelled corn. If you want any for your stock, call at their yard on Central Avenue, one block west of Main street.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Don't fail to see Signor Harris, the champion high wire performer, give his free exhibition on the circus grounds next Monday at one and seven p.m.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

D. A. Mills had a cow injured severely last week by a Santa Fe engine striking her. She was lariated near the track, we are informed. Monday the animal was shot.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Ridenour & Thompson have the largest stock of jewelry in the city. Their prices are way down too. Some of the finest ladies watches you ever look at in stock now.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Col. Foster says that there are no gamblers or confidence games connected with his circus as they are not tolerated under any circumstances or in any form.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Capt. Rarick, the man who concocted the plan to beat the REPUBLICAN out of the city printing, only received 9 votes at the election last Friday for councilman. My countrymen, what a fall there was.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Foster's circus next Monday, August 24.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

FOR SALE. Two fresh cows. Inquire at this office.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Coming: Col. Foster's New York circus and museum at Arkansas City Aug. 24.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

There are three comical clumsy clowns with Foster's New York circus.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Col. Foster's circus has thirty of the most famous star artists in the arena profession.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

"I move that Mayor Schiffbauer act as chairman of this meeting." Frederic Lockley. "Not much, My Mary Ann." Chairman Huey.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Thompson & Woodin have extended their stage line. They now run a hack between Geuda Springs and Wellington in addition to the hack from here to Geuda.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Those desiring to aid in building a monument at Ft. Leavenworth in honor of Gen. Grant can leave their subscriptions at Kingsbury & Barnett's book store.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Come to town next Monday and hear Prof. Ben Beckers world renowned reed and cornet band, containing twenty solo artists. They are with Foster's Big Circus.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

The Traveler pokes fun at the Democrat because it advertises "mixed pains" for sale, and yet it advertises a "furnished room for sale, for one or two gentlemen."

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

The county commissioners accepted 10 miles of the K. C. & S. W. Railway, built in this county, Tuesday. They found everything first-class. The road is within 10 miles of Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Archie Stewart was kindly taken in by night watch Johnson Monday night and Judge Bryant cared for him next day by assessing a fine of $5 and costs. The trouble was caused by someone violating the liquor law.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evening's entertainment was given by the Swiss Bell Ringers. Each evening the house was crowded and all pronounce the entertainment given as first-class.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

WANTED. To trade 4 nice lots fronting east, 120 x 234 feet, in Swarts addition, adjoining Rev. Walker's on the north, for a small house. Will give a bargain to anyone wanting to trade. Inquire of Howard & Collins.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Ladies who have a timidity about going to barber shops to have their bangs trimmed and their children's hair cut, if they will leave orders at H. C. Deet's tonsorial parlor, an experienced barber will call at their residence and fulfill orders.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

D. Blubaugh, the billiard hall man, arrested last week for selling intoxicants, on trial was acquitted. He proved that he sold nothing except malt, a substitute for beer, which is, it is claimed, not intoxicating. Blubaugh was advised to keep all drunken individuals away from his hall.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Archie Dunn, M. C. Copple, Wallace & Huff, W. Ward, Jim Moore, and others have secured the broken stones and brick bats on the burnt district and have been macadamizing the hill on depot street this week. This was a good idea and will make coming from the depot with a load comparatively easy on a team to what it formerly was.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

The 5th class of the First Presbyterian Sunday School will have another one of their most enjoyable lawn sociables Tuesday evening. This time it will take place on the lawn surrounding Rev. Fleming's residence. This will be the event of the season undoubtedly, as Messrs. C. C. Sollitt and S. P. Gould have been engaged to sing one of their inimitable duets, but it is hope that for the general welfare of the public they won't "do it." Aside from the feature, the young ladies will present many other unique attractions.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

H. S. Davenport is on the record of the sick.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Capt. Nipp was down repairing his political fences Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Balyeat & Co., will open up their drug store about Sept. 1.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

L. McLaughlin left Tuesday for a visit in the state of Maine.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

W. F. Klopf is building a good and substantial addition to his residence.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

J. P. Musselman came down from Derby Tuesday to visit the REPUBLICAN.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack and mother returned from their eastern visit today.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Mrs. Archie Dunn returned from her Pennsylvania visit on today's train.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Jim Kelly, the founder of the Winfield Courier, was in Arkansas City Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Dr. J. M. Wright desires all parties owing him to call and settle as soon as possible.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Mrs. Geo. H. McIntire, wife of our sheriff, with her children, is visiting her parents in Wisconsin.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Mrs. Jacob Hight has been sick for several days past, but we are informed she is now convalescing.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Dr. C. R. Fowler has moved his office to the first room north of Hamilton & Pentecost's restaurant.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Mrs. H. S. Davenport, who has been visiting in Illinois, for several weeks, returned home Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

The Misses Laura and Flora Gould and Minnie Stewart went to Seeley on a few days visit to friends.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Wm. Curtis, of Cambridge, New York, arrived in the city Thursday. Mr. Curtis is a son- in-law of Mrs. Benedict.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Samuel Campbell, who came here over six weeks ago on a visit, returned to his home Wednesday in Ohio.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Dr. J. M. Wright has sold his residence on Summit Street to Dr. Jamison Vawter. The Consideration was $2,500.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Mrs. Wm. Nading, of Flat Rock, Indiana, sister of Mrs. S. F. Steinberger, arrived in the city Friday on the noon train on a visit to relatives.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Misses Sarepta and Josie Abrams, of Winfield, visited their friend, Miss Etta Barnett, the first of the week. The Misses Abrams are the daughters of Jos. Abrams.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

A. D. McComb has purchased Jas. Neal's interest in the blacksmith shop of Hoskin & Neal. Mr. McComb is recently of Vinita, Indian Territory. We wish the new firm success.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Dr. John Alexander dropped into our sanctum Wednesday and said he desired to fill the vacancy on our subscription roll caused by Dr. Grimes removing his name.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

John G. Cook, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, arrived in the city the latter part of last week. Mr. Cook is a friend of L. V. Coombs and is a druggist. He has accepted a position in S. F. Steinberger's drug store. Mr. Steinberger, we are informed, has obtained the refusal of Frick Bros. new business room and if he accepts it, will move in as soon as the room is completed.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Bob Grubbs is a gentleman. Wednesday he carried into our office the largest watermelon we ever saw in Kansas. Its weight was 55 pounds. Who can beat it?

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Samuel Newell, president of the Arkansas City Bank, in company with his son, was in the city from Wednesday until yesterday. Mr. Newell has gone to Colorado Springs.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

C. M. Scott purchased 427 acres of land, adjoining his Otter Creek Ranch, of A. T. Stewart, of Kansas City, Monday, for $3,200. Snyder & Hutchison were the sale agents.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

M. N. Sinnott has moved his family down from Winfield, and they are now keeping house in their residence in the fourth ward. Mr. Sinnott still attends to his clerical duties in Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Rev. A. S. Merrifield, who was to have preached at the Baptist Church on last Sunday, is expected without fail tomorrow morning and evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Dr. A. J. Chapel, and son, Chas. Chapel, left Monday for a visit in the eastern states. They go all the way to the Atlantic coast. The Doctor went on business and Charley went along to look after him.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Capt. Sinnott came down from Winfield the first of the week to see Topliff and learn what the aggregate receipts of the post office averaged per month. Nothing like getting acquainted with your future business, you know.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Griffin, from Belmont County, Ohio, were in the city the first of the week. They are acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Maj. Sleeth. Mr. Griffin is out west prospecting and may conclude to locate in this vicinity.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Will Jay Ashenhurst, editor of the News, Shreve, Ohio, arrived in Arkansas City Monday on a short visit to his uncle, J. C. Armstrong. We acknowledge a call from Mr. Ashenhurst. He is a pleasant conversationalist and a gentleman. We were pleased to meet him.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

S. H. Hines has purchased the stock of groceries belonging to Isaac Eldridge and will move them out west and go into the grocery business. Mr. Eldridge has retired from business. Snyder & Hutchison were the sale agent.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Frank Beall has been in the city this week selling off his furniture. He has rented his residence to H. O. Meigs. Mr. Nicholson and family will vacate the house next week and go to Pawnee, where Mr. Nicholson goes to attend to the store of Ochs & Nicholson.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

F. M. Fitzpatrick is the gentleman who succeeds L. H. Northey at the Santa Fe depot. He commenced his duties the first of the week. He came here from Emporia and has moved his family to this city. Mr. Northey, we are informed, will remain in Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Thursday Edward Maloney sold to E. H. Tyner his resident property in the first ward on sixth street. The consideration was $1,250. Mr. Tyner is a substantial farmer who lives across the Walnut. He will move to the city in a few weeks and reside in his purchase. Howard & Collins were the sale agents.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Prof. Forbes, state entomologist of Illinois, reports that damage is being done to crops in the northern portion of that state by grasshoppers. He says unless steps are taken to prevent it, the fall wheat will suffer from their ravages. The professor should not hesitate to take any steps he may know.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

"We Never Speak As We Pass By."
Tuesday M. W. Sawyer visited Councilman Hight at his carpenter's shop. During the dialogue which followed, Mr. Sawyer intimated, not in the choicest words of Webster, that Mr. Hight did not always speak the truth. This made the councilman mad. He spat on his hands, ordered Sawyer to go hence from his presence, but the latter promulgated Mary's little lamb doctrine and continued still to "linger near." This did not have a soothing effect on Mr. Hight's wrath, but caused him to about face Mr. Sawyer and apply vigorously the toe of his boot to that part of the latter's body which had oftentimes in his youth been utilized by his parents in the administration of a slipper dose.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Henry Mowry Shoots James P. Smith Dead in the Alley At the Rear
Of O. P. Houghton's Store.
The Murderer Captured After an Exciting Chase of Several Squares,
On Being Wounded by Pistol Shots from One of His Pursuers.
Between 5 and 6 o'clock, just as the REPUBLICAN was making ready to go to press last evening, a firing of fire-arms was distinctly heard in the rear of O. P. Houghton's dry goods store. Rushing from our office up on to the street, we saw a number of our citizens running very hurriedly for the alley and in pursuit of a man fleeing south, who carried a shot gun. The police were after him and the excited crowd was crying out "shoot him." Several shots were fired, but none seemed to take effect. Going to the rear of O. P. Houghton's store, where a knot of men were assembled, we saw a man lying upon the ground with the life blood gushing from a seeping wound in the left side of his neck. The blood flowed in an exceeding large stream and it was evident that the wounded man had not long to live. Physicians were summoned. Drs. Sparks, Westfall, and Geo. Wright were there in about three minutes of the shooting. They stanched the flow of blood as soon as possible and carried the wounded man into Mr. Houghton's store, where he died at about 7:30 p.m. In the meantime the crowd and police followed the fugitive up the alley to 4th avenue and thence two squares west, where he was captured. During the chase west on 4th avenue several shots were exchanged between the pursued and pursuers, and one shot took effect in the former a short distance below the groin, passing through the fat part of his thigh. The bullet had struck his watch and glanced downward, thereby saving his life. The captured man proved to be Henry Mowry, known to all as "Hank" Mowry. The man whom he had shot was Jas. P. Smith, the proprietor of a brickyard in the vicinity of Harmon's Ford.

The prisoner after the capture was conveyed to the Occidental Hotel, where physicians were summoned and his wound dressed.

The cause of the trouble was about as follows.

Henry Mowry on Friday afternoon went to the residence of O. F. Godfrey. Mr. Mowry had been at one time an intimate friend of the Godfrey family, sometime ago boarding at their house. Not long since he was requested to seek other quarters on account of dissatisfaction. He took rooms at the Occidental; but paid visits, according to Mrs. Godfrey's testimony, to the house, and she had told him she wished that he would remain away, but he refused to do so. Yesterday afternoon he paid three visits to the house. The first was a short time after dinner. Mr. Godfrey was not at home. As an excuse for coming, Mowry said he had brought down some wheat for the birds. He also told Mrs. Godfrey that he was infatuated with her. She requested him to leave or she would tell her husband, who would make him. He left and in about 20 minutes returned with a double barreled shot gun. She saw him coming and ran into her bedroom and locked the door. He came on in the house, and by promising not to hurt her, persuaded her to come out of the room. In the conversation which followed, she again asked him to leave and he reiterated his demands that she would not tell her husband, and threatened her, saying he would just as leave kill her and perhaps would before night. After this Mowry took his departure and Mrs. Godfrey sent her son after Mr. Godfrey. A few minutes after he had been home, Mowry returned for the third time. They saw him coming and went into the dining room. Mowry came up to the front gate. Godfrey called to him not to come in. He made some kind of a reply, raised his gun, and fired through the front window into the bedroom, the shot passing through a partition wall. In a few seconds he fired again, the shot having the same range as the first. He then proceeded to load his gun as he walked rapidly north on 7th street until he arrived at 7th avenue, where he broke into a run and came west to Summit, coming south on Summit to Central Avenue and then running west obliquely to the alley where the fatal shot was fired. Along Mowry's run, citizens began to give chase to capture the fugitive.

It is not known where the deceased entered the pursuit, but by the time Mowry was abreast of the rear of O. P. Houghton's store, he was not a dozen paces behind him. At this moment Mowry turned and commanded his pursuer to halt. Smith stopped, and Mowry turned and started again, while Smith took after him again. Mowry again turned, and commanded Smith to stop, which the latter did not do. Mowry raised his gun and fired, when he was in about ten or twelve feet of him. The entire charge took effect in the left jaw and neck. Smith fell forward upon his hands and knees, while the murderer ran on down the alley. At the post mortem examination of the wound, made by Drs. Sparks and Westfall, during the coroner's inquest, last night, they stated that "the main wound was two inches below the lobe of the left ear, and two inches to the centre of it, and to the front of the posterior angle of the lower jaw. One-and-a-half inches of the lower jaw was carried away; and that the left anterior temporal artery was wounded; also the left jugular vein." In the minds of the examining physicians, the wound was sufficient to cause death.

The coroner's jury after investigation rendered a verdict that James P. Smith came to his death by a gun in the hands of Henry Mowry being discharged by him feloniously to kill and murder. The investigation lasted until 3 a.m. The jury was composed of E. P. Greer, R. C. Howard, S. C. Lindsay, Chas. Bryant, Ira Barnett, and J. B. Nipp. County Attorney Asp, being away from home, Senator Hackney came down to attend the case.

The prisoner was kept at the Occidental Hotel all night under a strong guard. When he was first captured, the talk of lynching was so strong that the Arkansas Valley Guards were put on duty to patrol the streets and squelch all rising of indignant citizens, besides a large number of extra police being distributed through the hallways of the hotel.

He was taken to Winfield this morning on the early train and placed in jail. The prisoner when first arrested was defiant, but later in the evening he gave away and expressed fears of being lynched. When the writer in company with the coroner went to see him he talked rationally and answered questions quite readily. He kept his eyes covered with his hands and did not once remove them while we were in the room.

The prisoner is about 40 years of age, and belongs to one of the first families of the lower Arkansas Valley. His parents reside in Bolton Township. One of the most heart-rendering scenes we ever witnessed in our lives was when his mother was brought to his bedside. No pen could paint the anguish of that mother and the eyes of the many spectators were moistened as her pitiful moans fell upon their ears as she was brought into the hotel.

The deceased, James P. Smith, was a married man and was 40 years of age. He was a peaceable citizen and universally esteemed. He leaves his wife and two small children. Mrs. Smith has been sick in bed for some time, and the shock to her is almost more than the poor woman can bear. Upon the news being broken to her, it prostrated her so that she was unable to be conveyed to the side of her dying husband until a few moments before he died. He did not recognize her. Our heart fails us! We dare not speak of the pitiful scene which occurred at the dying bedside.

It is supposed that Mowry was under the influence of intoxicants when he enacted the horrible tragedy, although he was not a drinking man. His wound was not a severe one, being only an injury of the flesh.

This affair is the most horrible one in the annals of Arkansas City. It is regretted by all. The sympathy of the community is extended to both families. The blow is very severe to them and especially so to Mrs. Smith, who is in a bad condition to have such a bereavement befall her.

A. G. Lowe was the first person to lay hands on the prisoner. When but a few feet from him, Mowry raised his gun and fired at him. Several shots took effect in Lowe's leg, but most of the charge spent its force in the ground in front of Mr. Lowe.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

While T. D. Richardson was loading a well drill on his wagon near his residence Tuesday, the team started and ran away. They ran for the barn, but the doors being closed, they went up the alley close by at a break-neck speed. They were stopped in the back yard of the Central Avenue Hotel. No serious damage was done. The coupling of the wagon was broken, and as the team went flying up the alley with the front wheels and Thomas after them, it formed a scene for a painter to picture.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

One drawback to the enjoyment of the theatre-goers in Arkansas City is the whistling "gallery gods," who frequent all entertainments and make life a burden.

At the smallest provocation from the funny man, they set up a shrill whistle, only equaled by a 60 horse-power calliope, and continue it until the audience is deafened. The REPUBLICAN likes to see the boys enjoy themselves, but it is no use to spoil their neighbor's fun. We hope the police who are in the hall during the entertainments hereafter will be kind enough to gag these abominable whistlers and save a suffering public.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Ike Harkleroad complains that last week some men with a drove of through cattle invaded the highways of Silverdale Township. The drovers stopped at his house for dinner; but as soon as he found the cattle were through cattle, he told them they had to turn around and go back or their drive would be a short one. It is needless to say the men about faced. Mr. Harkleroad had two steers die a day or two after the through cattle were in that vicinity and he supposed their death was caused by the Texas fever.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

To be Obtained from Congress as soon as that Body Meets.
For the Improvement of the Arkansas River from Fort Gibson to Arkansas City.
It will be remembered by our readers that the REPUBLICAN published a letter in regard to the improvement of the upper Arkansas a short time ago. The letter had been received by Mr. Moorhead and was from Mr. Taber. The following is another letter received in regard to the matter.

August 10, 1885.
Mr. I. H. Bonsall, U. S. C. C. Commissioner, Arkansas City, Kansas.

SIR: I am very glad to get your letter of the 5th. There is one matter that is specially acceptable, and that is your direct manner of presenting facts. Your letter will be of great service in connection with preparing estimates. There is one point that you will be pained to learn, but yet should know and that is there is now no money on hand especially appropriated for the reach from Fort Smith to Wichita, Kansas. The last of it was expended in accord with my predecessor's plans in January last. There being no actual navigation above Fort Gibson, it could not be expended above there until the river was improved below. When I came into this district, there was only a small balance left, and I simply carried out my predecessor's plans. It is a great pity that the "Kansas Millers" did not arrive about a year earlier. As it is now, it will simply require patience until congress meets. You are practically opening an entirely new question. Neither myself or my predecessors have dared lay very much stress on this stream of river, for there was no actual navigation; now all this is changed, and when I send my report of the survey on to Washington, I shall send with it matured plans for the improvement of this reach as far as Arkansas City at least. There should be no reason why an appropriation should not be made, as you can offer some of the grandest statistics I have ever received. The river has been made first class except a few shoals as high as Gibson from Fort Smith with the money to which you refer. There is now $6,590.61 available for the entire reach from Wichita, Kansas, to its mouth. This has been reserved for the snag-boat service on the lower river, which reservation has been approved by the Chief of Engineers. You will see that I may be able to use a little of this to give you temporary relief. None of this appropriation has been used anywhere else since the "Kansas Millers" passed Little Rock, or rather since I saw a notice in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat that such a boat was building. If you had only sent me word say last February of what was expected, I could have held some money. As it is, however, I was in duty bound to expend it where navigation urgently needed it. I am intensely interested in the new departure and you may depend upon my making good use of every argument you can give me. I have already sent a recommendation to the Secretary of War that the bridge at Tulsa be changed, this being based on Mr. Moorhead's letter to said Secretary. Until Congress meets, little can be done. Everything favors an appropriation for I am able to say the river can be improved. The people demand an improvement and the commerce warrants it. I will try and spare a thousand dollars to fix the worst places. There is also a way by which arrangements can be made with the Secretary of War by which the citizens of Arkansas City can deposit to my credit at Little Rock, say $2,000, as a contingent fund. I have to reserve about this amount to care for property in case there should be no new appropriation. If the citizens are practically sure there will be, they can make this deposit and I will use up my own contingent. Then when the new appropriation comes along, and I have not drawn on the contingent, it reverts to the citizens. If I have been obliged to so draw, all that is drawn of course is used and only the balance will be returned. I am not allowed to spend any money in advance of an appropriation. This I believe gives you the whole scope of the question. I will visit you before writing my report. This is a large district and I have Fort Smith, Dardanelle, Batesville, St. Francis, and Pine Bluff to visit yet, where important matters wait my attention, before turning to you. A free interchange of thoughts, opinions, and views is earnestly requested. Respectfully Yours, H. S. TABER, Captain of Engineers.

Arkansas City, Kansas, August 17, 1885.
EDITOR REPUBLICAN: In connection with the above letter, I would suggest that a public meeting be called so that all persons interested in this matter (and every citizen of Cowley County is interested) can attend and take part, and that the ways and means of accomplishing this most desirable object be thoroughly discussed. Now is the time to give Cowley County such a shove ahead that all doubts as to her future will be a thing of the past. Make this river navigable and the future of Cowley County is assured.

The great need of Southern Kansas is transportation. Give us cheap freight rates and we can then successfully compete with the grain producers in Illinois and other points north and east of us. It will give us competition over nature's highway, where there can be no pooling, as it is free to all. Depending upon railroads where combinations are formed and earnings pooled is folly when river navigation can be obtained. Keep this boat on the river until congress meets and prove that the river can be made useful, and then make an effort to have an appropriation for the permanent improvement of the river and this will accomplish the object in view. Let a public meeting be called at once, inviting all the farmers and businessmen of Cowley to attend and give the matter a fair discussion, and then let us all put our shoulders to the wheel and push this through. It can be done; all that is needed is united action. Most Respectfully, I. H. BONSALL.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Tannehill Tidings.
We had had no rain for nearly six weeks, and the weather continues dry and hot. How pleasant and refreshing to hear the patter of the rain upon the roof.

Great excitement prevailed in this vicinity during the last ten days with reference to the proposed change of school district boundaries, reaching from Kellogg, in Vernon Township, to the center of Beaver Township. The object was to form a new district for the city of Kellogg, which would entirely destroy district 75. The opposition was so obstinate that our worthy county superintendent was compelled to give his decision in favor of the remonstrators.

The school board of district 65 have hired Miss Cogshall to teach their winter term of school. She lately came from Illinois, where she held a state certificate, and she is highly recommended as a teacher. They pay her fifty dollars a month.

T. W. King has been quite ill for the past week. He had something similar to a congestive chill; but he is now convalescent.

John C. Snyder of Hackney has made application for the winter term of school in district 4. He offers his service for fifty dollars a month.

John Kessinger, Senior, and Miss Logan of northwest Beaver have been quite sick, but are reported better.

The "Governor" made a flying trip to Wellington and on his return he wrote a letter of friendship (?) to a certain grass widow. "Gov.," look out for breakers.

Charles Gersler's little boy got a hand fast in the cogwheels of a mowing machine which lacerated and bruised it terribly. Dr. H. W. Marsh dressed the wound and the little fellow was doing well at last accounts.

S. A. Beach was elected clerk in District 4. He succeeds M. S. Teter, who has been a good officer, and retires by his own request.

Beaverites are becoming somewhat excited over the report that they are going to get the D. M. & A. R. R. through that township. If we do, we will form a junction and make it hot for the "Hub" and the "Terminus."

Thomas Culver will start for Kentucky in a few days.

Willie Smalley plowed sixty-five acres in twenty-three days, with one team. Who can beat it?

J. W. Browning's wheat made eighteen bushels to the acre, of a good quality.

Everybody should remember the basket meeting to be held by the Christian Church, on the fifth Sunday in August in Mr. Smalley's grove. They are expecting visitors from Oxford, Winfield, and Arkansas City. LAPSUS LINGUAE.

Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Council Proceedings.
Last Monday night was the regular meeting of the city council. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Davis, Hight, Thompson, Dean, and Bailey.

The council proceeded to canvass the vote for councilmen in the 3rd ward of the 14th inst. to fill the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Capt. O. S. Rarick with the following result.

Capt. Rarick, nine votes; A. D. Prescott, fifty-eight votes. The latter was declared duly elected.

Mr. Prescott was called for. He came forward and took the oath of office.

The allowance of a few bills was then had.

The city clerk read a letter from Holton & Ruggles, attorneys for O'Neil & Co., claiming $20,000 damages with bill for same. On motion the clerk was instructed to return the papers and inform the attorneys that their demands would not be considered in any manner.

Bill of ex-city attorney Stafford, who defended Billy Gray in the Ward hog trial, of $20, was allowed.

The board of education asked that a further levy of two mills for school and incidental purposes be allowed and it was granted.

The council voted that the fire ordinance in regard to the erection of buildings in the fire limits be strictly enforced.

The mayor appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the citizen's water works committee. He appointed Messrs. Thompson, Dean, and Dunn, and the council added the mayor.

On motion the meeting adjourned.


Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

SPECIALS. ATTENTION!! Farmers, if you need a good Wheat Drill or a neat Spring Wagon, see ours before purchasing. W. A. LEE'S Implement House, Arkansas City, Kansas.

S. J. GILBERT, Agent.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.

Farmers will do well and save time and labor by bringing their mowers to Danks Bros. Machine Shop and have them put in thorough repair.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. R. R.
From a special dispatch to the Wichita Eagle of Friday from Topeka we learn of the filing of the charter for the building of the "Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Western railroad." The purposes of this corporation are to construct a line of railroad from the proposed line of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company, in Cowley County, Kansas, through the counties of Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barber, Comanche, Clark, Meade, and Seward, to the west line of the state. The capital stock of this company is five million six hundred thousand dollars. The directors are: Alonso Stephens, Chicago, Illinois; William Goatlin and C. N. Towle, Hammond, Indiana; Wm. D. Curry, Edwin P. Greer, N. M. Powers, D. A. Millington, John C. Long, Winfield; and C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs, Kansas. Place of business: Winfield, Kansas.

The object of the company when it first started to build was to construct a standard gauge railroad from Kansas City, Missouri, to Arkansas City, with the ultimate intention of continuing the road on through the Territory. Besides this a branch road was to leave the Kansas City & Southwestern north of Winfield and go west to Wellington and thence through the Indian Territory to connect with the Southern Pacific system at some point in Texas. The filing of the above charter proves that the company intends carrying out its first plans.

To the REPUBLICAN it appears that this branch should leave the K. C. & S. W., at Arkansas City, and go west, and we believe if our citizens took the proper steps they could induce the company to do so. Just why we should stand idly by and allow this western road to start from some other town when Arkansas City is more naturally and advantageously located for the purpose than any other place, we fail to see the philosophy of.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

A Card. We have moved into our new storeroom, one door north of our old stand, where we cordially invite our many friends and the public generally to come and see us in our new and commodious quarters. We wish to show you what our perseverance and your liberal patronage in the past struggling years has donethat is one of the finest hardware stores on the Border. We heartily and sincerely thank you for your past favors and solicit a continuance of same. We shall always keep the best grade of Hardware, Stoves, and Tinware, and do your Tinwork at lowest possible price. Respectfully yours, G. W. MILLER & CO.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

Our New Business Blocks.
From time to time the REPUBLICAN has made mention of the various handsome business blocks as they commenced erection, but we have never gone into details.

We begin with the elegant stone block of C. D. Burroughs, lately of Chicago, on South Summit street. The block is composed of two good business rooms, each 25 x 75 feet. The second story is made up of office rooms, there being 17 of them. The block is built of stone. The front is made out of stone taken from Parkins' quarry north of town. When first taken from the quarry, the stone is soft and easily sawed into shape and dressed. As the stone stands in the weather, it hardens and the longer it remains there, the harder it becomes. The stone is a species of the sandstone, and we doubt if there is any better stone for store fronts in the state than can be obtained at Parkins' quarry. Mitts & Jones are the architects and builders of the block, and when completed they will have a representation of their skill as mechanics of which they have no need to be ashamed. G. W. Miller & Co., furnishes the galvanized iron cornice for this block. They manufacture it themselves. The materials in the entire building are home products.

The next handsome business room, which is almost ready for occupancy, on South Summit street, is that of Frick Bros. The building is 25 x 80 feet, and built entirely of brick. It is two stories high with a commodious basement. Wm. Gall is the architect and contractor. The building has been appelled the Cresswell block. Messrs. Frick Bros. are young and energetic businessmen who came here from Pennsylvania about 12 months ago. They thought Arkansas City was a desirable locality in which to locate. They have faith in the future of our city and have shown it by the willingness to invest a portion of their capital in real estate. Messrs. Frick Bros. are also the proprietors of the Arkansas City Coal Co., and are doing a good business. This new room will be occupied by S. F. Steinberger.

Herman Godehard has his business room nearly completed. It is 25 x 100 feet; two stories high; and is built of stone with a handsome brick front. Wm. Gall is also the architect and contractor of this block. Mr. Godehard will, in a few days, occupy his new room with his grocery and bakery. By Mr. Godehard erecting his substantial block, he has caused to be taken away an old fire trap of a building which was located between the room he now occupies and the Occidental Hotel. Mr. Godehard's improvement is a credit to Arkansas City.

O. P. Houghton has just completed his addition of 26 x 50 feet to his business room. This makes his store room extend to the alley, a distance of 132 feet. Mr. Houghton uses his addition for his display of carpets and ready made clothing.

G. W. Miller & Co., moved into their new quarters Tuesday. Their business room is about completed, except some of the finishing touches. The block is two stories and is 25 x 75 feet; is built of stone with a handsome brick frontage. The brick was furnished by James P. Smith, the man shot by Henry Mowry, from his kiln at Harmon's Ford, and clearly demonstrates that good brick can be manufactured as cheaply in this vicinity as elsewhere. The cornice was manufactured in the tin shop of Miller & Co., and does them credit as mechanics. It is a beautiful cornice and sets the building off in grand style.

Dr. A. J. Chapel and D. W. Bishop are having erected their business block. It is composed of two storerooms below, each 25 x 80 feet, and office rooms above. The block is built of stone with brick fronts. J. Q. Ashton is the contractor for the stone work. Dr. Chapel's room has been leased by Jerome Steele for an eastern gentleman, who desires to locate in Arkansas City and engage in the mercantile business. Chas. Bundrem has leased Mr. Bishop's room and will occupy it with his meat market. This block has been receiving the plastering this week and will be ready for occupancy in a few days. J. H. Trask is the architect of the building and did the wood work of the block.

T. H. McLaughlin is the gentleman who has the business block in course of erection on North Summit street. The block is two stories and contains two commodious business rooms, each 25 x 80 feet. It is built of stone with a brick front. Workmen are now busily engaged in putting up the second story. Mr. McLaughlin is one of the pioneers of Arkansas City, and has erected several substantial blocks. Dawson and Hight are the builders and architects.

In the above we briefly describe all the business blocks now in course of erection and nearly completed. They are all good and substantial buildings of which any city might be proud.

Kroenert & Austin will soon commence the building of their business room; and J. C. Topliff will put up a block just south of the Hasie Block.

The Johnson Loan and Trust Co., Maj. Sleeth, and H. P. Farrar will put up two business blocks next spring.

Other parties are talking of building, but have done nothing definitely towards it. Arkansas City booms away ahead of any other town in the state. What other town is there that can give such a grand showing?

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

That is just what we are doing. We are letting the golden opportunities pass and are not reaping our reward. We shall wake up some fine day to find that our city is left and badly left.

About a year ago we had a chance to secure the location of a woolen mill here, and later on parties came here looking for a location for a hominy mill; following this comes a proposition for the location of a canning factory, and last but not the least, a proposition to put in operation here a wagon factory. Have we secured any of the above? No. Again I repeatwe are sleeping. And while we have been doing nothing, other cities have taken up what we refused. Wichita took in the corn or hominy mill; Independence the canning factory; and now Winfield is building for the woolen and cotton mill, and will get it, and we will be left to take the tag ends as they come floating down the Walnut River.

Are we to remain in this "don't care" attitude and let all our chances for a large and prosperous city pass by?

I do not need to fill the space in the REPUBLICAN by setting forth our advantages over other cities. Every businessman, every citizen of Arkansas City knows that our natural advantages are excelled by no city in the state; with a little money and work we could corral anything we needed to improve and promote the prosperity of Arkansas City. As a citizen, and one who desires to see Arkansas City in the near future with a population of 10,000 people, I would suggest that a meeting be called to look after our woolen mills, which Mr. Sleeth has in charge, and resurrect it, if possible, and locate it where it ought to be on our own canal. Let us rise up and do something. Let our motto be onward and upward, with the progress of time. TICE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

The Councilman and His Cow.
In that beautiful city known as Arkansas City, there once lived a councilman who owned a cow. She was a fine, large cow, of a red and white color. Near the residence of the councilman there was a lofty edifice of learning situated in the center of a grassy, unfenced plot of ground. Now, it was the daily business of this councilman to lariat his cow in the pasture surrounding the schoolhouse. Every morning, ere the sun had risen, he would arise from his "virtuous couch" and go forth to lariat his cow. And there throughout the long, hot summer days that cow grazed, and grew fat and sleek and shapely, from the nutritive grasses on which she fed. Now, this councilman had a neighbor who also owned a cow, and he thought his cow was just as good as that owned by the councilman. So he, too, lariated his cow upon the school ground. In vain the councilman remonstrated against such a proceeding, and told his neighbor that he would enforce the law prohibiting the lariating of any stock upon the school ground. Of course, the councilman had helped to make this law or ordinance and knew how valid and binding it was, like every other ordinance which was passed in that mighty city. But his neighbor heeded him not, and so these two men vied with each other in rising early, in order to see which would be the first in putting his cow out in pasture.

The question now is, "Why should a councilman's cow have any more privilege than one owned by any other citizen?"

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

The remains of J. L. Howard leave Arkansas City, September 15, for interment at Indianapolis. All wishing to attend the funeral can, at one way fare for round trip; good for 40 days. For further information call on J. L. Howard, Arkansas City, west door of First National Bank building.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 29, 1885.

The public is hereby informed that Mr. Joe Finkleburg is in no way connected with the firm any longer. All persons indebted to the firm will pay the firm direct.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The Murderer in Bad ShapeOther Minorities of Interest.
Henry Mowry, the murderer of J. P. Smith at Arkansas City, Friday, is in bad physical condition. The wound is all right, doing well, but his nerves appear to be shattered. He has fully awakened to the reality of his terrible crime and for forty-eight hours he didn't close his eyes in sleep. Dr. Mendenhall has been employed by his brothers, Al. and Will. Smith, who have been at the jail with Henry most of the time since Saturday. Sunday morning Henry had a dozen or more spasms, his frame in a perfect rack, and he had to be held in bed.

During these spasms and struggles, his mind ran on his enamorer, and he said, "Give me my child; she'll get away with it!" "Yet, you'll go back on me after getting down on your knees to me, will you?"

Opiates only seemed to string him up until last night, when he relaxed and got rest. This morning his mind is clear, but he was too weak physically for an interview. His relatives take the terrible affair with deep distress.

Jennings & Troup, of this city, and Hon. David Overmyer, of Topeka, will be the attorneys for the defense.

The excitement at Arkansas City has quieted down, though public opinion is yet loud against Mowry. Mrs. Smith, wife of the murdered man, signified her intention to bring suit for damages. To avert this, Mowry has put his property, $4,000 worth of real estate and stock, into other hands.

The woman in this case, Mrs. O. F. Godfrey, is fine looking and keen in conversation. Mowry is not prepossessing either in looks or converse. He seems to have been completely infatuated, and it is thought the matter had been weighing heavily on him some time before the tragedy. It is thought to be a more complicated case than the surface indicates.

The defense will try to stave the case over the September term of the district court. The preliminary examination will probably be waived. Having killed an innocent man, whatever may be proven in the woman matter, will not relieve him from the penalty of cold-blooded murder. His only hope seems to be the insanity plea. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Buried in Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 24. The remains of ex-Police Officer James P. Smith, who was shot and killed last Friday, arrived here yesterday morning from Arkansas City, Kansas, and were met and taken in charge at the Union depot by the lodges of Odd Fellows, and carried to Undertaker Welden's. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock, the remains being interred at the Union Cemetery.

The deceased was for many years a resident of this city, and was one of the officers who resigned at the expiration of his term about two years ago. He had a home on Highland Avenue, which he traded for some property at Arkansas City, on which he established a brick yard. He has resided in that city ever since.

When a member of the metropolitan police, Smith was regarded as a brave and competent officer. Before coming to Kansas City, he had resided in Texas, and during a fight with Indians had been scalped and left for dead, but had managed to crawl away after the savages had left the field.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Territory Tragedy.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 24. A dispatch from Vinita, Indian Territory, says: "F. P. Cass and A. P. Goodykuntz, two prominent citizens of Vinita, who left here a week ago for the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations, were murdered while asleep in camp about two miles from Sac and Fox agency, last Thursday night. The deed was committed for plunder. Both were white men and citizens of the Cherokee nation, having married Cherokee women, and were well- to-do merchants and influential citizens."

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

A crazy tramp was lodged in the cooler Sunday night by Constable Girard, and sent on his way rejoicing the next morning. He had been lurking around the elevator for a couple of days, and is a crank of a peculiar stripe, reminding us of the lunatic in the "Hoosier School Master," who imagined that one side of his head was composed of potato. This man imagined that one side of his head was in some way connected with a telephone, and that he could always hear when other people were talking about him. According to his own say-so, he has been shot by a telephone, and is now trying to escape from his telephonic enemies. He is continually talking to himself about telephones, and from what he told the marshal, it would seem that he sunk about $5,000 in the telephone business, which is the probable cause of his madness. He claims to have escaped from an asylum in Colorado; also from one in Iowa. The mayor knew nothing about the matter until the man was gone. Had he known it, he would have detained him until convinced that he was not wanted elsewhere.

Udall Sentinel.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The festive burglars, so long asleep in Winfield, crawled from their den Monday night and got in their work on L. M. Williams' drug store. They were cute ones and just knew what they were doing. They had evidently examined the premises clearly and very cleverly did their job. The back door has no lock, is fastened with a slide bolt. The burglars inserted their chisel in the corner of the window frame next to the bolt and neatly pried out a little piece of the glass big enough to insert a hook and slide the bolt. Then they walked in and proceeded to dissect the safe. It has a little single knocker combination, and Mr. Williams seldom kept much wealth in it, preferring the bank for safety. On this occasion, however, he had $50 in it, which the burglars shoved down in their nether garments. The door of the cigar case was down, and the brandy bottle sitting on the floor. The money till, containing some small change, wasn't touched. They evidently got the fifty dollars, took a few cigars and a drink of brandy, and lit out. It was a very slick job, and was evidently done by two expert cracksmen. The job itself wouldn't need an expert, but the way they went at it showed science. There isn't the least clue to the identify of the burglars. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Eight lives have been lost in the Walnut during the past month owing to the failure to build the bridge at the Dunkard Mills that the county voted should be built there. Eight lives have been placed in the scale against a $6,000 bridge and still their value is too light to pull up the bridge and have it put in place where it is so much needed. When the necessary number of human lives have been sacrificed on the altar of official slothfulness and indifference, then and not till then will the demands of an afflicted people be recognized and allowed. Udall Sentinel.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Elmer E. Peck, traveling solicitor for the United Telephone Company, who has been working up a telephone circuit embracing nearly all the Arkansas and Walnut Valley towns, informs us that arrangements for the circuit are now complete and the lines will be put in in a month. The necessary amount in tickets have been subscribed and the deposits were made today. Winfield took $350 in tickets, half what was asked. The circuit takes in Wichita, Mulvane, Belle Plaine, Wellington, Caldwell, Hunnewell, South Haven, Oxford, Winfield, Arkansas City, and Geuda Springs. Burden can also get in, too, by a little exertion and money. Then the line will soon be extended to Douglass and El Dorado, and the whole valley will be bound by the electrical, hello! This circuit will be a big convenience and we hail its final with joy. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Concerning the building of the D. M. & A., the Wichita Daily Beacon of Monday has the following. "Work is certainly going on along the surveyed line of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railroad from Belle Plaine both ways, and several thousand yards of dirt have been removed. It is a fact, however, that various points along the line have no faith in the construction of the road, and it is hinted and suspicioned by many that it is a shrewd trick on the part of the projectors to sell several hundred thousand dollars worth of town lots and possibly secure some bonds while making a show of earnestness in the matter of a blind.

"The company can well afford to grade a few miles of road here and there to inspire confidence, if a speculation of a fraudulent nature as above referred to is to be successfully carried out. Many new towns have been laid out on the line of this paper road in which, it is said, the company have been interested and from which they have received many thousands of dollars from the sale of lots, directly or indirectly. It is to be hoped that the people who have invested in real estate on the strength of the representations made by the company will not be disappointed in reaping substantial returns. All roads lead to Rome, and Wichita will be sure to be a principal point on this road if ever built, no matter how odd the assertion may seem now."

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Sheriff George McIntire, of Cowley County, never gets left. He arrived here night before last, as stated in the Eagle, left yesterday morning for Greenwich, and got back on the 6 p.m. train last evening with his man, Jas. Whitehead, a noted horse thief, whom he lodged last night at the hotel de Fisher. For a staid old county, Cowley has a sheriff who is a dandy at his business. Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The cattlemen on the Cherokee lands propose, if President Cleveland orders them to abandon their leases, to apply to the supreme court for an injunction. The herds on the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservations are being removed, partly to the Cherokee lands, to Kansas, Colorado, and other ranges, and a large number will be thrown upon the market to sell for what they will bring.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Frank Wright, of Arkansas City, came here a week ago, was taken seriously ill, and has been quartered at the American Hotel since that date. His brother, George, came up Tuesday evening, and his father, Dr. J. M. Wright, on Friday morning. It is thought the young man will pull through, though his case has been serious. Burden Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Some papers say that ordering the cattle out of the Indian Territory will make beef cheaper, others think otherwise. To the unfortunates who buy their meat at retail at the butcher shops, the President's order will make no difference; steak will sell at the old figure though steers fall to a cent apiece.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Best old wheat is bringing 90 cents per bushel. Best new wheat is worth 85 cents.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The war between Sawyer and the city has not yet ended. Yesterday Billy Gray served notice on that offending individual from Mayor Schiffbauer warning him to remove his building from the fire limits or take the consequence.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Postmaster Topliff informs the REPUBLICAN, that on and after Sept. 1, the Southern mail will only be sent as far as Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, by stage. All south of that agency will be sent round by rail and forwarded to its proper destination.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company will, until further notice, run a regular mixed train from Atlanta to Beaumont, leaving Atlanta at 8 o'clock a.m., making close connection with the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway train going east; also connecting the Frisco train going west, will leave Beaumont at 4:30 p.m, arriving at Atlanta at 6:30 p.m.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The REPUBLICAN was mistaken in its report last week of the course Mowry took in his run for freedom. Instead of going north on seventh street to seventh avenue, he went one square further to eighth, and thence west, crossing Summit Street near the residence of Dr. J. M. Wright, and coming south on the alley between Summit and eighth street. Otherwise, our report was correct.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

A Close Call.
Johnnie Davis, clerk at Bob Farnsworth's lunch counter, was in two inches of eternity the other dayabout twenty-eight feet closer than he wants to be again. A nail had been sticking out of the refrigerator's side for a long time, and every time he got near it, he tore his pants, shirt, or something else, and this time the tear brought sure action. He grabbed a two-pound scale weight and struck the nail a fearful blow. It went in with a flash, followed by a loud report like a pistol shot. Men rushed in from the street expecting to see a "dead corpus." John was paralyzed for a minute, when a post mortem was held on the refrigerator. In the charcoal between the outside and the zinc lining, a thirty-eight cartridge had, by some hook or crook, got lodged. The lick exploded it. The bullet came through, struck the weight, and glanced back. John's posture put his abdomen square in range, and if that weight hadn't glanced the bullet, we would have headed this article, "A Terrible Accident!" The charcoal of that refrigerator has been thoroughly overhauled. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

A brute of a guardian by the name of M. S. Williams, residing at Udall, was arrested Monday and taken before Judge Snow at Winfield on the complaint of his adopted child, Hattie M. Williams. She charges him with beating her unmercifully. The Courier says: "She is eighteen years old and not very bright. She had some big scars on her head, where she said chairs, pokers, sticks, etc., had held high carnival. She also swore that to the best of her knowledge, she was Williams' legitimate child. She said he exercised himself frequently by plying on her frame with a black snake, and the weapons aforesaid. Neighbors swore that she came to their homes with her back and shoulders all lashed and black and blue. She is not a bright girlas wild as a deer, just allowed to grow up with no education whatever. Williams said she was incapable of education. She was terribly hard to manage, but Williams swore that he never struck her cruelly with anythingnever whipped her with anything heavier than a switch. The evidence failed to convince the jury of this, and he was found guilty and fined $100 and costs." The girl was sent to the poor house.


Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

THE CENTRAL AVENUE HOTEL has changed hands, and is now in good running order. Meals 25 cents; Per week $3.50. Board, with good room, $4.50 per week.

A. E. KIRKPATRICK, Proprietor.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Card of Thanks. Mrs. Smith, whose husband was murdered on the 21st inst., highly appreciates the kindness of the friends and neighbors who cared so tenderly for her and hers. Being too weak to write, she wishes me to express to you all her most heart-felt gratitude.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

According to previous appointment members of the Christian Church from the city with their minister, J. P. Witt, repaired to Grouse Creek or Gilstrap Schoolhouse, some 12 miles east, last Lord's Day, where they were met by brethren and friends from the surrounding country with baskets well filled with provisions to refresh the inner man. All enjoyed an old- fashioned basket meeting. Sermon at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. They of the city very highly appreciated this opportunity of mingling with their country friends and were delighted with the manner in which they do things. No by halves, but fully and heartily. May they live to have many such meetings, and when life's struggles are o'er meet beneath the boughs of Jeremiah's bloom, beyond the dark river, to part no more. ONE OF THE COMPANY.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Dr. C. R. Fowler lost a bunch of keys a few days ago. The ring contains P. O. Box, lodge, desk key, and several others. Finder will please leave them at his office on South Summit street.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Cunningham doesn't sell state's prison wagons.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Bob Grubbs will make a new departure soon that will surprise the natives.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Walter Chatman, blacksmith, is wanted at Arkansas City, Kansas, by A. D. McComb.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Work at the gravel pit has resumed and once more train loads of gravel are being taken north, on the A. T. & S. F., almost daily.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

It is proposed to bond Ford County in the sum of $80,000, to aid in the construction of the Cattle King Railroad from Dodge City to Englewood.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Wanted Cheap. A Cowley County atlas, address "Mindwell" post office.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Russell Cowles shipped three carloads of watermelons this week. About twelve car-loads have been shipped from here already this season by different parties.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The "Busy Bees" gave a lawn festival at the residence of Edward Grady last Saturday evening. The little Misses had ample provisions for those who attended. The String Band furnished the music.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Wanted. A second-hand base burner, hard-coal stove, address "Clement," post office.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Mrs. Martha McLaughlin and Mrs. James McGam, of Alton, Illinois, sisters of S. L. Collinson, prosperous farmer of West Bolton, arrived on the noon train Wednesday to pay their brother and friends of this section a visit.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The circus was a failure. It left here for Maple City.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

That auction firm still holds forth to the detriment of the trade of our home merchants, and all for $10.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Young men should be careful how they pinch young ladies' arms in the P. O. We saw a sample of it that should be suppressed yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The bonds which were asked from Chautauqua County to aid the D. M. & A. to construct its line of road was voted Tuesday by over 500 majority.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

DIED. The funeral of Mrs. Tyner, daughter of Grandmother Barlow, occurred Monday. The remains were interred in Riverside Cemetery. Rev. Fleming officiated.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

By September 2 the cattlemen must be off the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations. The 40 days will have expired by that time. Cattle owners are doing their utmost to get out.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The school year of 1885-1886 will most likely consist of only seven months. The school will not commence until about October 1 and in all probability close a month earlier than usual. The cause of this is a lack of money.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The Wichita Beacon made a bungling job of its report of the murder of James P. Smith. That paper did not report a fact correctly. We would suggest to the editor of that paper that he found his articles on facts and not on hearsay.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Messrs. Beecher and Thurston shipped a car-load of grapes Wednesday morning to J. P. Baden, of Winfield. Messrs. Beecher and Thurston are the proprietors of a large vineyard just at the south edge of the city, and have raised a large crop of grapes this season.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. Surveyors have made a new survey. It comes through the draw on Widow Loomis' farm, and passes along just north of the town site and crosses the Santa Fe at the northeast corner of the town and runs south on First Street to Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

L. H. Braden had one Cleveland Williams arrested Wednesday on the charge of trying to conceal some mortgaged ponies from the mortgagee. Williams is the manager of John's ranch. Braden held a mortgage on 10 ponies and when it became due went to claim them. Braden alleges that Williams ran six of them off and hid them. The trial came off yesterday before Judge Kreamer.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

At the meeting of the Democratic Central Committee in Winfield several days ago, the committeemen in attendance allotted to each ward in Winfield three delegates; in each ward of Arkansas City, only two. The REPUBLICAN fails to see the cause for such unjust discrimination against Arkansas City. It was evidently a Winfield convention. Can the Democrats of the South half of Cowley stand such a wrong as this?

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Rev. M. Ingals, State Sunday School Evangelist of the Christian Church, commenced his institute Tuesday evening. [SKIPPED REST.]

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Will B. Hagins came near ending his own life by accidental shooting Thursday evening. He and several others had been hunting in the territory and returned. They were unloading their wagon at Ingalls & Biggs' livery barn. Hagins started to remove a shotgun and had it almost out of the vehicle when the hammers of the gun caught a slicker, causing the discharge of the weapon. The load took effect in the ceiling of the barn. No one was injured.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The Mowry-Smith Tragedy.
Saturday afternoon last the remains of James P. Smith, the man who was shot down by Henry Mowry, were taken to Kansas City for interment. The body was escorted to the train by the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias organizations. Mrs. Smith went with the remains to Kansas City. She was accompanied by Mrs. Rev. Walker and S. C. Lindsay. The latter was sent by the two organizations of which Mr. Smith was a member. The party arrived at their destination at 6 o'clock Sunday morning, and the funeral occurred at 3 p.m. under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. and K. of P. Lodges. Mrs. Smith has a sister residing in Kansas City, and she will remain with her until she recovers from the blow and her impaired health. She will return here and settle her affairs and then go back to Kansas City and make it her future home. Her health has been bad lately. She is a frail and delicate woman, but bears up as well as could be expected under the circumstances.

Henry Mowry, on being taken to Winfield, was placed in the hands of a physician. He had a fever, but the Doctor had it broken up by Tuesday. Sunday he had five spasms caused by fever. He has about recovered. The wound in his thigh has healed. It did not cause him much trouble. The preliminary examination will come off next week sometime and at Winfield. Jennings and Troup will defend Mowry, and Hackney and Asp will prosecute.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

At Rest.
DIED. It becomes our painful duty to announce, in this issue of the REPUBLICAN, the death of James H. Davis, who has been a resident of Bolton Township since 1883. He was born in Champaign County, Ohio, in 1834. When he was one year old, his family moved to Laport County, Indiana, which was his place of residence until about two years ago, when he came to Kansas. He was a soldier in the late war and served under Col. Hathway. He had only been in the service 9 months when he was taken sick, and since that time he never entirely recovered his health. It was his ill health that brought him to Kansas, hoping that a change of climate would benefit him. But disease had already obtained a firm hold upon him. Weakened by hemorrhage and malarial fever, he was unable to withstand an attack of typhoid fever, and died August 25, 1885. His remains were interred in Springside Cemetery, Rev. S. B. Fleming officiating in the funeral services. He leaves a wife, five children, and a brother to mourn his death. He was a member of the G. A. R. Post at Laport County, Indiana, but never had his name transferred to the post of this place. Of him we can justly say that he was a kind and indulgent father and husband, and, as a citizen, he was loved and respected by all who knew him.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Wednesday evening, after Dr. Jamison Vawter and Judge H. T. Sumner had been out airing themselves in a livery rig obtained at Hilliard's barn, they returned about sundown. Judge Sumner alighted at Matlack's corner and Dr. Vawter started to return the team. Just as he was driving up to the barn door, one of the employees struck a match, which frightened the team. They jumped back, breaking the breast-yoke, turned, and ran east on 5th Avenue to Summit Street, where they turned the corner and ran toward Wyckoff's grocery. When within a few feet of the sidewalk, one of the horses slipped and fell, thus preventing any serious accident. Before the horse could get up, bystanders caught the frightened team. Dr. Vawter escaped without any injury. As the breast-yoke was broken, he could not pull on the reins to check the team because the buggy would run onto the animals. It was fortunate for the doctor that the horse fell.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The social, given by the 5th class of the Presbyterian Sunday School, came off last Tuesday evening. It was intended to have the festival in the yard of Rev. Fleming, but the chilliness of the evening caused them to have it in the church. Quite a large number were in attendance, and nearly all the places around the five tables were kept occupied throughout the evening. Ice cream, cake, coffee, and lemonade were the chief refreshments. Some choice pieces of music were rendered and recitations were delivered for the entertainment of those present. The String Band, being attired in their nobby new coats of checkered blue with caps to match, were there also and furnished the company with a musical treat. Fortunately, Mr. Gould and Mr. Sollitt did not sing their duet, in consequence of which the occasion was a merry one.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Dr. A. J. Chapel came home Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Charley Chapel came home from the east Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Ed. G. Gray came home Wednesday night from his visit to Iowa.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

E. F. Shindel was down from Belle Plaine Wednesday and Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Dr. J. M. Wright will locate in one of the new western counties soon.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Edward Grady went up to El Dorado Wednesday. He will be gone a week.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

R. A. Houghton went to Kansas City last Saturday and returned Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

H. H. Arthur, located at Ponca Agency, was in the city the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Johnnie Hill, who has been over to Missouri for a week or so, came home Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Will Daniels has accepted a clerkship in Youngheim & Co.'s clothing establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Miss Lou Pyburn and little sister, Helen, returned home Wednesday from their Iowa visit.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

H. R. Nickerson, in company with two other Santa Fe officials, were in the city Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Jim Ridenour went up to Wichita Tuesday. He came home next day right side up with care.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

A. F. Hughes, of Manhattan, Kansas, is visiting in the city. Mr. Hughes is a brother of Mrs. Rev. Buckner.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Miss Lizzie Gatwood can obtain the handkerchief she lost Wednesday by calling at the REPUBLICAN office.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Capt. Nipp and T. S. Soward were down from Winfield Thursday feeling of the political pulse of the people.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Harry Halsell, of Pawnee Agency, was in the city the first of the week. We acknowledge a call from Mr. Halsell.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Jos. Finkelburg went out to New Kiowa Monday on the Southern Kansas excursion. He came back Wednesday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

C. C. Sollitt left for Chicago yesterday afternoon in answer to a telegram apprising him of the death of his mother.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Mrs. Cyrus Miller and two children, of Belleville, Illinois, is visiting at the residence of the junior editor. Mrs. Miller is a sister.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Samuel Newell and F. J. Hess visited C. M. Scott's Otter Creek Ranch Wednesday. Mr. Newell took his departure Thursday for the east.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Messrs. L. L. Holt, Chas. Stamper, J. W. Calhoun, and the Anderson brothers left on a prospecting tour through the western counties of the state Wednesday.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

John Bain came over from Anthony, Wednesday, and returned Thursday. Mr. Bain regrets moving to that town from here and wishes he had remained here.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Thos. Van Fleet's jovial countenance once more illuminates the hardware store of Howard Bros. He returned Wednesday from his trip back to New York.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Mike Harkins left yesterday afternoon on a prospecting tour through the western counties. He will probably locate. Good bye, Mike, may you live long and prosper.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

T. D. Ross compliments the typo boys on the REPUBLICAN with a box of cigars for favors extended. They are of the "Treasure" brand, and were purchased at Deming & Son's store. They are choice cigars.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hutchison have charge of the schools at Otoe Agency. Mr. Hutchison has been down there several days and came up the first of the week after his wife and to have his REPUBLICAN changed to the post office at Otoe Agency.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

S. G. Castor, of Liberty Township, was in the city Tuesday, to attend the meeting of the board of directors of the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange. He stepped into the REPUBLICAN office to procure a copy of our paper to take to Iowa with him, where he is going on a visit.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Johnnie Moore, the 18 year old son of L. E. Moore, had his arm broken just above the wrist joint Wednesday. He was unloading coal when his team started, throwing him out of his wagon with the above result. Dr. Sparks repaired the broken member and the boy is doing well.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Frank J. Hess, the live real estate rustler, comes out in this issue of the REPUBLICAN, with a bran new ad. It contains a number of brief descriptions of farms in the vicinity and property in the city. These pieces he advertises are only a few of the many bargains he can give you. [DID NOT TYPE UP BIG AD.]

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

H. O. Nicholson will not remove his family to Pawnee Agency as he is unable to obtain quarters in which to reside. He intended to do so and had made preparations. Mr. Nicholson will spend a good deal of his time at the trading post. Mrs. Nicholson's many friends will be glad to ascertain that she will remain here.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Capt. Burrell, who resides up the Arkansas River about four miles, has placed on exhibition at R. E. Grubbs' fruit stand a cluster of pears, 26 in number. They are fine, large pears. The branch to which they were attached is only 18 inches in length. It is the finest exhibition of what Cowley can do in the fruit line that we have seen.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Will Smith, of Chicago, has been in the city several days seeing what inducements Arkansas City would give toward locating a carriage factory here. Mr. Smith was the foreman of the Abbott Carriage Works of Chicago for a number of years, but lately had accepted a position as a traveling salesman. Nothing definite has been done yet towards securing this enterprise, but it is being investigated by some of our prominent citizens.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

This week Geo. E. Hasie & Co., insert their ad. in the REPUBLICAN. For a time Messrs. Hasie & Co., have been carrying no advertisement with this paper, owing to a slight misunderstanding. But these gentlemen, seeing that the REPUBLICAN was making a fight for an equitable and righteous city government, concluded to aid us very substantially. We thank these gentlemen for their assistance and are doubly grateful to Maj. Hasie, especially for the handsome compliment he paid our paper and our efforts to get it up. We hope this firm will receive big returns for every cent they invest in space in the REPUBLICAN.


Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

That wonderful invention, the telephone, works many a laughable and sometimes dangerous trick. Last Thursday evening the irresistible ladies' man, R. U. Hess, desired to ask a young lady to accompany him to the social held at G. W. Cunningham's residence that evening. Going to the telephone, he sounded the alarm, but by some hook or crook, he was connected with the wrong residence. Dick called "Hello," and was answered by a sweet feminine "Hello" that thrilled him to his toes. After going through the usual preliminary conversation, Dick came to the point and asked the lady for her company to the social. Her reply of "My husband will go with me" has caused Dick to go homicidal {?? COULD NOT REALLY READ THIS WORD] in a round-about way after that night ever since. He is opposed to telephone communication now, and says it is wrong on general principles.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

We print a communication this week signed "TICE." He speaks more truth than fiction. As he says, our city is lying dormant in regard to our future welfare. We should bestir ourselves. Our enterprising county seat is pushing to the front rapidly. Her citizens are organized into an association. Whenever an industry comes along, this association tries to gobble it in, and succeeds if energy and money will induce it to locate it. They gave $90,000 for the Methodist College by individual subscriptions. That is enterprise. Now is the time to make Arkansas City a city in fact as well as name. We have reached our zenith unless we take a decided action. The advantages given us by nature will not build us up alone. Our people must aid. If Winfield had our water power and location, she would be a city of 10,000 in a few years. Right now is the time to take hold and work. With our new road coming in, it will give us a new impetus, so let us get organized and be prepared to boost our booth.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Thursday evening in Dr. Chapel's new storeroom the Woman's Relief Corps gave a supper for the benefit of Mrs. J. B. Matlock. Mrs. Matlock is a widowed lady with five children. They reside in a cottage just across the railroad and whenever there is a rain, the water rises up around her home. Yesterday the G. A. R. Boys went down and raised the house up high and dry and placed a foundation under it. A free dinner was served by the W. R. C. at the house. The proceeds realized from the supper were about $25. These acts of the W. R. C. and the G. A. R. are commendable indeed.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

A 14-year-old son of John Hollis, of Bolton Township, last Tuesday, while investigating the unknown quantities of a shot-gun shell, was severely burned. It exploded, the powder burning his face and eyes. The wounded boy was brought into Dr. Acker's office Wednesday, who applied the new anesthetic, muriate of Cocaine, and picked the powder from his eye-ball. Master Hollis' eye sight, fortunately, was unimpaired by the discharge of the powder, and he is now getting well rapidly. He stood the operation manfully.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Thursday morning Judge Kreamer telephoned Sheriff McIntire to come down and take charge of some glandered horses. They are owned by T. D. Richardson, and he informed Judge Kreamer of the situation and wanted to know how to act. Mr. Richardson's action to keep this dreaded disease from spreading is commendable. He purchased the team of Will L. Aldridge some time ago, but only used it once or twice until he discovered they were diseased.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Bilious Chautauqua. [They spelled it Chataqua!]
T. J. Harris came in last evening from Chautauqua County. He says things are getting very bilious regarding the D. M. & A. bonds, which are to be voted on the 25th. Wednesday evening he attended a railroad meeting at Wannetta, which was presided over by Chas. C. Black, secretary of the D. M. & A., and Ben Henderson, County Attorney of Chautauqua. The matter was at fever heat on both sides. The committee of fifteen, who had gone to Topeka on free passes to consult with the Santa Fe officials, brought back a guarantee that the Santa Fe would be extended from Independence west to Caldwell and from Howard to Sedan, if the D. M. & A. bonds were defeated, with a Santa Fe guarantee of $50,000. The committee put out workers at once for the Santa Fe. But the majority caught on to the Santa Fe's game. They know it wants to hold its monopoly. What would $50,000 be to the Santa Fe if it can hold its grip on all Southern Kansas, through the S. K.? Only a drop, and could easily be forfeited. They want the bonds defeated, that's all. But the Santa Fe has some hot workers, and if their arguments are not shut off, many credulous will be duped. Charley Black telegraphed last night for all the men Winfield can send over; and the war will be sultry. The people of Chautauqua want the D. M. & A.know it to be far superior to the little S. F. Branches, but the long delay of the D. M. A. gives them the fear of having their hands tied. The Santa Fe's action is a big guarantee that the D. M. & A. is a surety, a lively robust fact that is liable to knock the wind off the Santa Fe's monopoly. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

The sixteen-year-old son of A. DeTurk, of Pleasant Valley, got a bad injury Wednesday evening. He was hauling water to a thresher in a barrel. The barrel upset and threw him under the horses' feet. A horse stepped on his head, fracturing his skull. Dr. Emerson raised the skull and took out the splinters, and he may recover. He is unconscious and very dangerously hurt. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Director's Meeting.
The board of directors of the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange met in their rooms on Monday, and heard reports from the various committees.

It was decided on motion that the board does not need the services of Mr. Jones as superintendent of construction and that he be discontinued as such. The secretary was instructed to notify him to that effect.

On motion it was resolved that we will not consider any propositions to locate the mill at any point other than at Arkansas City, as provided in our charter.

The secretary's bond was fixed at $5,000; and the treasurer's bond at $10,000.

The committee on location was instructed to examine the several proposed locations and collect all the facts bearing on each, and to have everything ready as nearly as possible to close a contract at the next meeting of the board, or soon thereafter.

Owing to the failure of the Kansas City & Southwestern Railway to locate their track through the city, the board have not been able to determine the site of their mill; but it is hoped that the location of the road will be completed in a few days, and that there will be no further delay on the account. D. P. MARSHALL, Secretary.

Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

Washington County, Kansas, makes a bid for herding some of the cattle which are driven from the Cheyenne reservation. As inducements, it offers 369,000 acres for grazing purposes, and it is estimated will have 5,000,000 bushels of corn to feed to cattle this winter at not more than 14 cents per bushel. Cattlemen in search of a range would do well to visit and inspect the advantages Washington County claims to have.


Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.

101. A. T. & S. F. Depot.

141. Ayres, V. M. & Co. Mill.

112. Arkansas City Bank.

138. Arkansas City Roller Mills.

117. Arkansas City Roller Mills Office.

139. Blakeney & Upps.

123. Cunningham, G. W. Office.

114. Cunningham, G. W. Residence.

127. Eddy, E. D. Store.

128. Eddy, E. D. Residence.

108. Farrar, H. P. Residence.

122. First National Bank.

121. Geuda Springs.

105. Hess, Frank J. Office.

106. Hess, Frank J. Residence.

131. Hasie, Geo. E. & Co. Store.

148. Hutchison, J. W. & Sons, Store.

143. Huey, James Residence.

146. Kellogg & Coombs Store.

147. Kellogg, H. D. Residence.

102. Kroenert & Austin.

136. Leland Hotel.

113. Landes, John Residence.

134. Mowry & Sollitt, Store.

132. Mowry, W. D., Residence.

110. Newman, A. A. & Co. Store.

122. Newman, A. A. Residence.

103. Occidental Hotel.

140. Pyburn, A. J. Office.

149. Post Office.

116. REPUBLICAN Office.

125. Rogers' Mill.

111. Searing & Mead, Mill.

105. Searing & Mead, Residence.

118. Sollitt, C. C. Residence.

135. Snyder, N. T. Residence.

106. Swarts, C. L. Office.

124. Traveler Office.

150. Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

A Lie, or a Willful Misrepresentation.
The Arkansas City Democrat and REPUBLICAN kick on the Democratic Central Committee allotting three delegates to each ward in Winfield, and only two in each A. C. Ward. They brand it a wrong to Democrats of southern Cowley. Winfield Courier.

The above item would naturally mislead the readers of the Courier, used in the connection it is. They would have them suppose that the REPUBLICAN was kicking in behalf of the Democratic party. We gave the apportionment of the delegates as an item of news and the comments we followed up with were intended to promote discord in the Democratic ranks. The Courier knowingly and willfully misrepresented the intentions of the REPUBLICAN. This paper works for the Republican party and no more effective work can be done in the opposite party than by working up a feeling of discord and get them into a wrangle. The editor of the REPUBLICAN will live to vote the Republican ticket 40 years after the editor of the Courier is in his grave.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Of all the Cowley County patents we have yet seen gaining notoriety, Dr. Chapel's patent car-coupler takes the lead. The Winfield Courier says of it, "The world has been flooded of recent years with patent car-couplers, but Cowley County now steps to the front with one that outranks all others and will make its inventor a fortune, if he gets it introduced. It was invented by Dr. A. J. Chapel, of Arkansas City. It is an automatic drawbar, made of steel. It entirely does away with danger, and is very durable. It fastens clear across the end of a freight car, with automatic lever. Step up to either side of the car or on top, lift the lever, and the cars are uncoupled. They couple themselves by slide bars. Three links and solid iron bumpers form the coupling, all link pins raising at once at the pull of the lever. A stock company of Winfield and Arkansas City men will likely take hold of this patent with the Doctor, and put it to the front."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Our citizens remember well the lecturer, Col. Copeland, who has visited Arkansas City on several occasions. The Huntington, Pennsylvania, Journal tells a naughty story about him. It makes him figure very prominently in a hotel scandal. It says he was caught in the bedroom of a woman lodger at a late hour of the night. The pair was bounced by the proprietor, and they sought quarters at another hotel.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will oblige by calling soon and making part payment if they cannot pay in full. "Half a loaf is better than no bread."


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

FARMERS, WE HAVE LOANED $10,000 This month, and yet we have $100,000 to loan. Our terms are EASY to you, and LOW in rates. We ask for no Second Mortgage for commission. If you are wanting money, call and see us.

INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL Can be Paid at our Office.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Bridge Meeting.
A meeting was held in the office of Meigs & Nelson to take into consideration the condition of the bridge west of town. Amos Walton stated the bridge was almost impassable in its present condition and that the Chicago Lumber Company would furnish 2-inch oak plank delivered at depot for $35. Judge Kreamer was appointed chairman and I. H. Bonsall secretary. On motion, offered by H. O. Meigs, it was resolved that it was the sense of the meeting to raise $700 to put the said bridge in good and safe condition. On motion a committee appointed was to circulate a subscription paper to raise that sum with authority to see that the money was properly expended in purchasing the lumber and repairing the bridge. H. O. Meigs, John Kroenert, and Amos Walton were appointed, Mr. Walton agreeing to look after the business in Bolton Township. A motion was made that the committee see if the city council would not donate something to help repair the bridge and was carried. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at Meigs & Nelson's office next Wednesday evening, Sept. 9th, 1885, at which the committee is to report what progress it has made. Mr. Walton was instructed as one of said committee to keep the bridges in repairs until lumber arrives to put in an entire new floor, and he was empowered to purchase lumber for temporary repairs. W. D. KREAMER, Chairman.

I. H. BONSALL, Secretary.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

"Been Seen."
Mayor Schiffbauer deserves the thanks of the citizens for his energy in pushing the water works question. We have differed with his honor on many questions in the past, but we have never doubted his ability nor his faithful performance of his duty as mayor. The harpings of the REPUBLICAN are getting to be contemptible. Democrat.

A few months since the writer of the above said Mayor Schiffbauer sold his influence to James O'Neil in regard to him putting in his gas and water works here. It looks to us as if the Democrat had sold out to the mayor now. There is no consistency in our neighbor's course. Mayor Schiffbauer is deserving of no more thanks that anyone else. If "his honor" has done any good in pushing the water works question, we fail to see it. We have had an example of the Mayor's "push" in the O'Neil affair, the Sawyer trouble, and a thousand of other knotty questions coming before him. The REPUBLICAN will still continue to criticize our city officials, when they do wrong, notwithstanding the Democrat has "been seen."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Henry Mowry Remanded to Jail.
Wednesday afternoon the preliminary trial of Henry Mowry was begun before Justice Snow at Winfield. The examination lasted all afternoon and was concluded Thursday morning. Senator W. P. Hackney appeared for the state and Jennings & Troup and W. E. Stanley for the defense. The testimony brought out was almost verbatim to that gained at the Coroner's inquest. The REPUBLICAN had intended to give the testimony, but as nothing new was adduced, we omit it. Justice Snow, after hearing the matter through and the argument for an against Mowry, decided that it was not a bailable case. Mowry will have to stay in jail until his trial comes off.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

The bonds for the Verdigris Valley, Independence & Western Railroad was carried through Woodson County on Monday and Tuesday by good majorities. This insures the building of this line of road from Leroy to Yates Center, Neodesha, and Independence this fall. It is intended to run this line east from Independence. Now is the time for Arkansas City to strike for an east and west road. C. M. Scott has corresponded with this company to some extent and it has signified its willingness to come this way if any inducements are held out. The charter of the company allows it to construct its line to Deep Hole in Clarke County.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Tannehill Tidings.
A most acceptable rain visited us today, which seems to have imbued the tillers of the soil with a new activity; for the harrows are running in every quarter.

The basket meeting held in Smalley's grove last Sunday was a success in every particular. Elder Wright, of Butler County, was the orator of the day. He is a splendid speaker, and well versed in the Bible. Elders Broadbent, Irvin, and Frazee were in attendance, listening with much care to the deliberations of the venerable speaker. After dinner a large load of fine watermelons were furnished for free distribution by J. H. Watts, Warren Wood, J. W. Browning, and others. They must have been highly relished for they were all taken.

A series of lectures on the Bible will be given during the evenings of this week, at Tannehill, by Rev. Ingels, the State Sunday School Evangelist.

John Kretsinger lost a fine horse last week, which is supposed to have died from the effects of eating green sunflowers, which inflamed the lining of his throat.

J. W. Browning went to Winfield with a load of hogs Thursday and lost one out of his wagon on his way, but never found it out until he arrived at town. We know J. W. to be a sober and earnest temperance man, and the only way we can account for this carelessness is that he must have been engaged in deep study concerning his future son-in-law.

Bruce Craddock started west this morning with the intention of taking a "claim." May success attend him.

Thomas Culver has not gone to Kentucky yet, because she said: "Oh, Tommy, don't go."

Ed. Garrett, of Pleasant Valley Township, has been employed to teach the school in district 4.

T. H. Shaffer, of Wichita, has secured the school in district 75, Easterly Schoolhouse.

DIED. Last week Mrs. Newt. Cantrell passed from this land of sorrow into the clime from whence no traveler returns. Her death was caused by a cancer of long standing, and her sufferings were terrible, far beyond the power of human pen to describe them; but we hope she has gone to that rest which is promised to the faithful in Christ.

MARRIED. Buck. Tannehill and Miss Lizzie Pierce were married on the 19th of August at the bride's home in northeast Beaver, by Rev. Snyder, of Winfield. We have thought all summer from Buck's changed manner and strange appearance that he was going to commit suicide, but we are glad to know it was only matrimony.

We saw "Graphite" Sunday; he is surely a literary man of the Horace Greeley type, for he put us in mind of the story of Greeley when he went to New York in 1831, searching the streets of that city for work. "Graphite," we will try and keep you company as a reporter, but we do not expect to keep pace with your distinguished pen. LAPSUS LINGUAE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.
We feel very grateful for the copious shower of rain that fell this morning. All the rusty plows will now be put in operation.

E. W. Evering has secured the Victor School, No. 115, and will teach the rising generation how to sprout ideas this fall and winter.

District 10 is fortunate in securing J. C. Snyder to teach for them the ensuing school year. His services were in demand by other districts.

The Centennial School will be taught by Ed Garret.

School ma'ams and candidates have kept the grass down on our country roads for two weeks past.

BIRTH. Mrs. R. E. Gillespie last Saturday, the 29th of August, presented her husband with a seven pound boy. R. E. feels so jubilant that he might be induced to insure any kind of property against anything for the fun of drawing policies.

Our farmers are on the qui vive in regard to the probable route the K. C. & S. W. Railroad will take through our neighborhood on the way to Arkansas City. Each man has figured it out as crossing his farm. Moses Teter thinks the junction will be made on his place, thereby spoiling his farm for agricultural purposes.

Moses Teter is spending this week in Wichita as a member of the United States grand jury.

Bob Holland will teach is first term of school this winter in district 101.

Messrs. Harbaugh, Victor, Shaw, and Wright will finish threshing their crops this week. Average yields from seven to sixteen bushels.

Your scribe attended a basket meeting in Joseph Smalley's grove last Sunday. But as LAPSUS LINGUAE was present and it took place in his territory, I will not inflame his wrath by making any comments on the exercises.

M. H. Markum sold forty-six hogs last week that averaged three hundred and one pounds.

The Excelsior Sunday School will hold a picnic next Thursday somewhere on the classical banks of the Walnut River. They extended an invitation to the Victor School to join them. GRAPHITE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Bolton Township.
Corn is drying up fast.

Potatoes will make about one half crop.

Farmers are improving their time plowing for wheat.

A new grocery adorns the territory by the Ponca road.

Abe Christy is and has been for some time just able to be out.

Mrs. Greenabaum has been sick, but we are informed that she is better.

Mr. Ireton is building a fine residence, which any family would be proud to occupy.

Hogs are in good demand as there are many strays running around people's cornfields.

J. T. Willis is preparing to take his family and return to California.

MARRIED. Geo. Stevens became tired of a bachelor's life and took unto himself another half.

A. H. Limerick and Mr. Cure passed through our part en route for Duck Creek.

Chas. Wing took a flying trip to the north part of the county in search of a school. He made a grand success.

"Pa, who is that young man with a red face, light hair, his coat collar run down at the heel, and a great big wad of tobacco in his mouth?" "Hush, Billy, that is the fellow who tents down toward the territory and who cut up those melons of Wing's."

Our band boys are preparing to give the play "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." The proceeds are to go for the benefit of the band. The boys play well and we hope they will have a big turn out.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

A mysterious murder is coming to light at Vinita. A stranger at the Fair there two years ago suddenly disappeared. Lately a notorious woman named Annie Robinson has been doing some talking, which led to an investigation by the authorities and her arrest and the implication of her brother, Earnest Lewis, and Tom White. It seems the woman decoyed the man to a creek near town, where the trio murdered him for his money.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Defense Dissatisfied.
CHANUTE, KANSAS, August 29. Considerable excitement has been occasioned here by the exhuming of the remains of Nancy J. Poinsette, poisoned to obtain the insurance on her life. Frankie Morris, her daughter, was convicted of the crime the first of the month, and an application for a new trial has been made and will be argued September 4th. Chemical analysis has before been made by a professor of the state university, who found a little over three and one-third grains of arsenic in the liver, heart, and stomach. This, however, was not satisfactory to the defense, who wish another analysis made, and parts of the body have been removed to be taken to Chicago for that purpose.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

Report of Water Works Committee.
At the meeting of the citizens in Highland Hall last Friday evening the committee who were to get up the plans on water works reported as follows, which was accepted.

To the Citizens of Arkansas City:

GENTLEMEN: We, the committee to whom you referred the matter of water works, would respectfully submit the following report.

1st. In our judgment the supply should be obtained at the springs now used by the city for water supply; provided, that after being subjected to a thorough test, the supply shall be found adequate to meet all demands, and the quality to be pure and wholesome, and provided further, that the company securing the franchise will guarantee to exclude all surface matter from said springs.

2nd. That in case the supply at the springs should be found to be inadequate, or that surface matter cannot be excluded, then in our opinion the supply should be obtained from a filter basis near the Arkansas river.


Your committee desires to state that as the city council made no appropriation to defray expenses, they have not made any effort to visit works, and from the most reliable information we have been able to gather we are of the opinion that the standpipe and holly system is the only feasible system for our city to accept, and in the system we have herein suggested so these are combined.









Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

BIRTH. Born Thursday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Jamison Vawter, a daughter.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Remember the Vermilye Bros. Sale of blooded cattle Sept. 9th. See ad in another column.


We will sell at Magnolia farm, 10 miles Southeast of Winfield, on Wednesday, Sept. 9, Forty-five head thoroughbred and high-grade Short Horn cows, and 10 head of 2 year old Heifers. All of which are in calf by Imported Galloway Bull, 9 of the cows having calves by their side, sired by same bull. 5 yearling half-blood Galloway bulls, 9 half-blood Galloway bulls 4 months old, 5 yearling steers, 4 head 2 year old mules broke to work, 3 head yearling mules, 14 brood mares bred this spring.

A credit of ten months will be given, purchasers giving bankable notes bearing 10 percent, per annum. A discount of 10 percent will be given on cash sales.


Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Punshon & Co., are bound to close out their furniture store. They are selling 10 percent below cost.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Go to Punshon & Co.'s south Summit Street store, and buy furniture he is selling out to quit business.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Riley Moltby was arrested Tuesday for the use of profanity on our streets and fined $1 and costs. Total $3.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Court convened Tuesday. As Judge Torrance is away on a visit, Samuel Dalton was chosen to occupy the judicial seat, pro. tem.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

J. Q. Ashton was the only contractor of the Chapel-Bishop block, and also the contractor for the stone work of McLaughlin's block.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

A representative of the REPUBLICAN was conveyed to Winfield Wednesday afternoon in just one hour and a half behind J. L. Howard's team of trotters.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Kingsbury & Barnett are now offering for sale their large stock of albums in order to make room for their Holiday stock. Now is your chance to buy a beautiful album.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Call on Dresser, the photographer, in Stevens' gallery, and get some first class cabinets, and Boudoir or Panel photos. Bring your babies. We have an abundance of patience.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Lu Skinner was taken in Tuesday by Billy Gray for being fuller than a "biled owl." Judge Bryant willed that Lu "set `em up" to the court to the tune of $2 and costs. Total $6.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Tuesday was the day for the sale of delinquent taxes at the county treasurer's office. The bidding was quite lively. C. M. Scott and F. J. Hess were the principal buyers from here.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

C. H. Weir was arrested Monday for cruelty to animals. Weir has been engaged in breaking ponies. He plead guilty to the charge Tuesday morning before Judge Bryant and was fined $3 and costs.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Take a ride in M. C. Copple's fine barouche. `Tis no use to hire a livery rig. His charges are reasonable. Orders left on his slates at either the Occidental or Leland Hotels will be promptly attended to.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

A Mission Sunday School will be organized at the stone schoolhouse Sunday Sept. 13 at 3 p.m. It will be entirely undenominational, and the Sunday School workers of the city should come out and aid in this work.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Last Wednesday evening a party of eight or ten couples of the first young gentlemen and ladies met at the residence of H. O. Meigs. A very pleasant evening was spent. Ice cream, cake, and coffee were served.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The voters of Bolton Township will hold their primary in the Bland Schoolhouse Sept. 12th. At what hour we cannot say. The REPUBLICAN would gladly publish the calls of the different townships if the committeemen would bring them in.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The Republican voters of Beaver Township will meet at Tannehill Schoolhouse Saturday, Sept. 12th, at 4 p.m., to elect 44 delegates and 4 alternates to the Republican County Convention at Winfield, Sept. 19th, 1885. J. R. SUMPTER, Member County Central Committee.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

A report reaches us of a terrible storm down in the vicinity of Gray Horse Wednesday of last week. About 40 tepees, belonging to the Osages, were blown down and away, as was also the big tent belonging to Weismier, Burden & Co. No one was injured.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The Republicans of Silverdale Township will meet at Silverdale Schoolhouse on Saturday, September 12, 1885, at 4 o'clock p.m. sharp, to select five delegates to attend the County Convention to be held in Winfield, Saturday, Sept. 19.

L. J. DARNELL, Chairman, Township Central Committee.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

A slight wreck occurred on the Santa Fe Tuesday morning just north of the depot. The engine of an unloaded gravel train ran into the caboose of a loaded gravel train, doing considerable damage to the caboose. No one was hurt, but it was a close call for a brakeman who was in the car struck.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Mr. Geo. Dresser took possession yesterday of Mrs. D. W. Stevens' art gallery and is now ready to wait on all who will favor him with his patronage. He guarantees satisfaction and promptness in execution. No unnecessary delay. The public is courteously invited to call and see his work.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

One week from today the primary conventions of the different cities and townships of Cowley County will be held. Let none but Republican delegates be sent to the nominating convention to be held at Winfield Sept. 19. Let all Republican voters turn out to these primaries and do their duty.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

During the rain storm Wednesday night, the house of H. C. Green, in the 4th ward, was struck by lightning. It struck the chimney, ran down it, and knocked a cook stove across the kitchen, besides tearing the chimney down and the south gable end of the house out. No one was hurt although the shock was felt by the family.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Ware, Pickering & Co., in this issue of the REPUBLICAN, tell our many readers what they are doing and what they have for sale. These gentlemen are good, reliable businessmen, of whom the REPUBLICAN gladly speaks a good word. The firm are forwarding agents, and consequently have an immense territory trade.


Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

S. E. Maxwell Takes a Tumble.
Wednesday S. E. Maxwell started to cross the south Arkansas River bridge. Just as he got up far enough upon the approach within a few feet of the flooring, he saw another team about middle way of the bridge coming across. Mr. Maxwell attempted to back his team far enough down the approach to allow the other one to pass. They became frightened and as the approach is very narrow, backed over the edge into the river. The buggy was upset and broken, besides the team being injured pretty badly by falling over the barb wire fence running alongside the approach. Mr. Maxwell was uninjured. He gathered up the remains of the wreck, removed his team from the sand bar off the "Rackensack," and returned home. People and teams will keep going over this approach until someone will have to pay an injured party a big sum of money for damages. This makes about the fourth person in the last 12 months.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Winter will soon be here and the question arises what will the many laborers in Arkansas City do to gain a subsistence. Just at present they can find work on the many buildings being erected and other employment by which they can eke out an existence. In no town we know of are there as many laborers as there are here in Arkansas City, the size of the town being taken into consideration. The bills contracted last winter by some of them have not been fully paid up yet. What Arkansas City needs are manufacturing industries to give our laborers employment the year round. Until we get something of that kind, workingmen who have no trade and who have made Arkansas City their home can have no hope of better times.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

From the Wichita Beacon we glean news of the Arkansas Valley telephone line: The following towns are embraced in the circuit of the new telephone line, about to be built: Derby, Mulvane, Belle Plaine, Wellington, South Haven, Caldwell, Hunnewell, Geuda Springs, Oxford, Winfield, and Arkansas City. Wichita will be the headquarters, and the manager here will have general charge of the circuit. The charge for a five minutes conversation between parties in different towns will be twenty-five cents. Messrs. Smith and Daniels, superintendents of the line, left the city Wednesday for the southern towns on their circuit.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The Kansas City & Panhandle Railroad Company filed its charter with the secretary of state Monday. It is proposed to construct a line of railroad from Kansas City, Missouri, southwesterly through Jackson County, Missouri, and the counties of Johnson, Miami, Franklin, Anderson, Coffey, Woodson, and Greenwood in the state of Kansas, to the city of Reece, thence through the counties of Greenwood, Butler, and Cowley to the south line of Cowley County, then in a southerly direction through the Indian Territory to El Paso. The incorporators are: W. L. Reece, L. V. Harkness, J. H. Richards, W. E. Beattie, and T. J. Prosser. Capital stock $4,000,000.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

`Tis seldom that a Kansas real estate firm gets taken by a dead-beat, and especially by a newspaper man, but nevertheless we are able to chronicle an event of that kind. Some time ago a man was here representing an industrial paper in St. Louis. He obtained Meigs & Nelson's subscription by promising to make mention of our water power and also to mention their names as a real estate firm doing business in Arkansas City. Meigs & Nelson get the paper alright but, alas, that promised write-up has not been penned. They away coming events.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Twenty years ago last Monday was the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Endicott. In the evening at their residence a large number of their friends congregated to celebrate this long period of happy married life. The guests were handsomely entertained and the event was a most enjoyable one. An elegant set of chinaware was presented to the couple by the guests, Rev. N. S. Buckner making the presentation speech.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

In our last issue we stated that the indomitable Sawyer had been notified to remove his building, and pay his many fines, or he would be incarcerated. Saturday he was taken to Winfield, but was allowed to return home to appear on his own recognizance Tuesday. When the case was called, it was postponed until next Tuesday. The affair will be brought before the council again Monday night.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Geo. E. Cunningham sold a buggy to a customer in Portland, Oregon, Monday. The buyer was Dr. H. J. Minthorn. Mr. Cunningham sold him the buggy laid down at his home $25 cheaper than he could buy a similar one in the city of Portland. Is it any wonder that Cunningham supplies this part of Kansas with buggies, when he sells them so cheaply?

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Dr. J. M. Wright goes west Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

J. L. Howard says "shake" to quinine.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Geo. H. McIntire was in the city Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Mrs. Wm. Sleeth is on the sick list this week.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Ira Barnett shipped a car-load of hogs Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

J. J. Clark went down to his cow camp yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

D. Brunswick was over from Wellington Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Herman Godehard has moved into his new storeroom.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Chas. Holloway has gone to Sedan with his drug store.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Ivan Robinson is now mine host of the Central Hotel at Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

J. W. French came up with the new Ponca agent, Osborn, Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

S. P. Gould left for a month's visit in the state of Illinois yesterday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Dr. H. J. Minthorn left Monday for Portland, Oregon, his future home.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Mrs. L. B. Potter, of Kansas City, is visiting at the residence of Mrs. R. E. Grubbs.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Chas. Bundrem has opened up his Red Front Meat Market in the Bishop block.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Will Thompson and family have moved into their new home in the First Ward.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

J. N. Florer and T. N. Finney were in the city from the Territory the first of the week.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Mrs. Johnnie Kroenert and babe are visiting in Kansas City. They will be gone several weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Rev. S. B. Fleming went up to Winfield Monday to attend to church business. He came home Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

C. R. Sipes is building an addition to his residence preparing for a host of visitors from Michigan this fall.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Irvin French has been up from Ponca the greater part of this week attending to the freight for his agency.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

O. H. Lent next week will leave on an extensive visit through the state. He goes partly on business and partly pleasure.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Geo. Allen showed us a hedge plant of one year's growth that was 16 feet in length. He obtained it from across the Arkansas River.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Thos. G. Hill has purchased Frank Beall's resident property in the second ward. Consideration, $3,100. Mr. Hill and family will occupy the house.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

John Love, after a two months' sojourn in Illinois and Ohio, returned home Saturday last. He looks hale and hearty as if the trip had agreed with him.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Fred S. Eaton, of Silverdale Township, moved his family to Calumet this week. He rented his farm to S. Ford and disposed of his stock of sheep before going.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

A. A. Newman came home Tuesday from the east. Mrs. Newman and children still linger in the Pine Tree state. They will remain there until cooler weather.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

W. G. Miller has sold his blacksmith shop to eastern parties and is now in Cincinnati rusticating. On his return Mr. Miller and Capt. Rarick will open up a shop for blacksmithing.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

V. M. Ayres, who, for a month past, has been traversing the United States over in the interest of his flouring mill, came in to report to his family that he is still in the land of the living.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Last Wednesday evening, at the residence of Maj. M. S. Hasie, there assembled a number of young ladies and gentlemen and gave a party in honor of the Misses Hasie. Those present report a most enjoyable time.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Chas. Schiffbauer returned home Monday from an extensive trip through Colorado and New Mexico. He has been away for about five weeks and during his stay abroad was introduced to prominent public men as Col. Schiffbauer, of Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

A. B. Johnson, of the Johnson Loan & Trust Company, who has been back in the New England states for several weeks on business connected with the company, came back to Arkansas City the first of the week. He will remain here for a short time.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Joe Finkleburg will not leave Arkansas City. He has accepted a position in the Bee-hive dry goods store as manager of the clothing department. He entered upon his duties Wednesday. The REPUBLICAN congratulates Messrs. Ochs & Nicholson on their new manager for they have obtained an honest and reliable salesman.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Fred Hoover, the newly appointed agent of the Osages, passed through the city last Saturday for his headquarters. He hired a team of Thompson & Woodin to convey him to his destination. When Mr. Hoover had gotten as far as Kaw Agency, one of the horses died. It was a valuable animal.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

John D. Warner and Geo. A. Kuntz, of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting in the city this week. Mr. Warner is a prominent retail grocer of that city and a cousin of John Landes. Mr. Kuntz is a market gardener of long experience. Both of these gentlemen contemplate locating in this city. Mr. Warner will engage in the wholesale and retail grocery business and Mr. Kuntz will start a garden for the raising of small fruits and vegetables.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. T. V. McConn and Mrs. J. W. Hutchison arrived home yesterday from their visit in Ohio. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Mary Hutchison, the mother of J. W. Hutchison. This is Mrs. Hutchison's second visit to Arkansas City. She was here some 12 years ago and purchased a claim over in Sumner County. She sold it a short time after purchasing it at an advance of about $200. If she had retained the 160 acres until the present time, it would have been worth to her about $5,000. Mrs. Hutchison will pay an extended visit to her children and friends in this vicinity.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

James A. McCormick, who has been running Mrs. D. W. Stevens' photography gallery for several months past, will soon take his departure for Cherryvale. Mr. McCormick will be succeeded by George Dresser, who has been associated with D. Rodocker, of Winfield. The Tribune speaks thus complimentary of Mr. Dresser. "Geo. H. Dresser, the photographer who has been associated with D. Rodocker for the past year and a half, left Thursday for Arkansas City, where he has made arrangements to run the Stevens gallery. Mr. Dresser has had 11 years experience in the art science and has proven himself to be a superior workman, a fact to which many of our citizens can testify, and we cheerfully recommend him to the citizens of the Terminus as a gentleman and an artist."

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

Last Sunday was desecrated by a fight between W. H. Brown, G. N. Tate, F. C. Keeney, and B. E. Sheeley. Brown and Tate had been working for Keeney and went to him at his room over the Empire Laundry and wanted to settle up Sunday, but Keeney told them to wait until Monday. In the war of words which followed, Brown commenced the fight by striking at Keeney with a board. Keeney took the board away from him and was pounding his antagonist's head up pretty badly when Tate came to the rescue. Sheeley then stepped in and tried to separate the combatants. Brown and Tate were arrested and taken before Judge Bryant Monday, who assessed a fine of $10 and costs against Brown and $5 and costs against Tate. Not being able to pay the fine, they were taken to the calaboose and are laying it out.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The slough just east of the 3rd ward across the canal is the cause of a great deal of malaria, which is now existing in our city. N. T. Snyder comes forward with an idea that would forever do away with this breeder of chills and fever. His plan is to scour the dirt out for a considerable distance surrounding the springs into a basin or a small lake. The dirt taken from the basin is to be used to fill in north of the springs. From the south end of the basin, let a drain be made, running into the Arkansas. In this way the city can have pure running water. H. [?] G. Wetmore, whose land is just south of the springs a short distance, offered to make the drain across his land at his own expense. This is a good scheme, we believe. If the basin should be made large enough, trees could be set out around and make a beautiful park.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

DYING. The life of Isaac De Turk, the sixteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. De Turk, living in the Albert Bliss [?] residence, has been slowly ebbing away this afternoon. He death is one of the most terrible. A few weeks ago he was hauling water in a sled to the threshing machine on his father's Pleasant Valley farm. On top of the tank was a barrel on which he was sitting. A sudden stop threw him four feed headlong to the rough ground. The whole left side of his forehead was crushed in. The skull was raised and the splinters taken out, but he gradually failed, though conscious part of the time. For several days past the brain oozed out from the skull, a terrible sight, yet consciousness was occasional. Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The first monthly meeting of the Teachers Association will be held in Winfield September 19th. Arrangements were made at the last meeting for holding the first regular meeting September 5th, but owing to the difficulties encountered in making the necessary arrangements, it was postponed until the above time.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. Depot Located.
The long suspense over the location of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad through the city and the depot location are about at an end. The route is decided upon permanently to the S. K. Railroad. Sixteen lots have been bought of W. A. [?] Andrews, just north of his residence, for the depot. J. P. Steward, of this city, has been awarded the contract for the erection of this depot. It will be similar to the S. K. Depot, 18 x 76 feet in size, with platforms all around 12 feet wide and 200 feet long. The road comes into town through the old fair grounds. Thirty men are now working on the Timber Creek bridge abutments. This bridge will be twenty- seven feet wide, for double track. From the depot the road runs just north of the gas house, crosses the S. K. near the track, and will very probably follow the river to the water works engine house and then straight in the direction of the fair grounds. It runs across the southeast corner of the grounds, through the main gate, whence a small depot and side track for Fair purposes will likely be put in. It cuts diagonally through Riverside Park from the ticket office to the [???? ALMOST COMPLETE WHITE-OUT FOR SEVERAL LINES]...GIVE UP! WILL HAVE TO GET THIS ARTICLE FROM WINFIELD COURIER. Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Have We Dealt Unjustly?
Ed. Republican: The last copy of your paper contained an item to the effect that my brother had been fined, etc. I have no objection to your publishing court proceedings, if you publish all and do not discriminate. Do you do that?

I have friends among the most influential people in this city and one of them, a temperance man and one of your friends, has suggested that I write to you and put to the test the desire for good morals and justice to all, which the REPUBLICAN professes to exhibit. With my brother intemperance is a disease not easily overcome. A year ago last spring he signed the pledge. As far as I can learn, he has kept his promise. I have heard honest farmers living in his neighborhood say that they have seen him refuse liquor everytime it was offered. Last Thursday was his first downfall, at least made public. Dare you refer to these facts and boldly say that one will sell or give liquor to a man, under such circumstances, is worse than a murderer? Come, now, you have plenty of abuse for criminals, what think you, what say you, in this connection of the men who make criminals. What words of condemnation have you strong enough against the law breaker who tempted my brother into sin? I do not know who it was; it may be I shall never know.

With good wishes for the REPUBLICAN so long as it deals justly, I am Yours Sincerely,

The above communication was received by the editor of the REPUBLICAN through the mail, and is from a young lady residing in this vicinity. Our fair correspondent desires to know if we publish ALL of the court proceedings. We desire to state that we do as nearly as possible. We do not aim to discriminate in favor of anyone. When individuals violate our city laws, are arrested and fined, the REPUBLICAN considers this an item of news, and we give all such to our readers regardless of creed, color, race, or standing in society. A reference to our file bears us out in this statement. The action of the gentleman in question for remaining sober for one year is very commendable and the REPUBLICAN wishes he had kept the pledge his lifetime. If he had, these lines would never have been written.

The party or parties who induced the erring brother to fall, and thereby cast down the hopes of a loving sister and mother, which had been raised up so high by the brother and son's steadfast course for one year is indeed a great criminal. He deserves to be handled by the law. We have a statute against selling liquor as a beverage. But, here is where the rub comes in. The young lady says she does not know where her brother obtained the liquor; neither does the REPUBLICAN, therefore, we do not know who to condemn. The items of drunkenness we publish will have a tendency to arouse the temperance citizens to greater action and cause them to ferret out the law breakers and tempters and punish them to the fullest extent of the law. The REPUBLICAN sympathizes with the young lady in her trouble. We had no intention of wounding her feelings. We simply aimed to give the news. But `tis said that many thoughts are best left unexpressed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Tannehill Tidings.
The pleasant fall rains continue to pulverize our clods and make us happy.

Our farmers are getting the ground in splendid condition for sowing wheat, which will begin earnestly on next Monday, Sept. 14.

The wind, Sunday night, blew down the corn to such an extent that seeding in the cornfields will be very tedious.

The series of lectures given at Tannehill by Prof. Ingel were highly instructive and of grave importance to our Sunday school. The Professor is undoubtedly a classical scholar as well as a practical teacher.

Warren Wood, after building an addition to his dwelling house, was struck with a sudden desire to build him a barn, which he now has under construction.

P. M. Teter is building an addition to his residence; he is an "old bach," but it takes considerable house room for him.

We wondered why our friend G. B. was putting on so much style, wearing a standing collar so high that it touched his ears. "Why," said a bystander, "he has lately been appointed Deputy U. S. Marshal."

MARRIED. Willis Beck and Miss Zina Alexander of Vernon Township were married at Tannehill last Sunday evening by Elder Frazee. They have the best wishes of the entire community, and we hope their journey through this mortal life may be one of happiness.

M. S. Teter, Zach. Myers, and Chas. Roseberry have been called to Wichita to attend U. S. Court.

Chas. Hammond is over from Sumner County visiting his mother.

Mr. J. C. Poor has moved to Winfield, where he will make his home hereafter. He was one of our most enterprising farmers and we are sorry to give him up; but he has done enough hard work and is able to retire, having seven or eight good farms rented out.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Capt. Rarick, of Arkansas City, who came up from Caldwell last evening, reports a heavy storm at that place Monday night, faberizes the Wichita Eagle, which blew off the top of the opera house as well as those of several houses in that vicinity. No other damage was done as far as he knew. The opera house had several times before suffered from like disaster.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session Monday evening with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Hight, Dean, and Dunn present, and Hill and Bailey absent.

The following bills were acted upon.

S. P. Gould, for stationery, $3.10; allowed.

Conn & McKee, repairs, 80 cents; referred to finance committee.

F. Lockley, city printing, $29.55; referred to printing committee.

C. M. Parsons, work on the streets, $21.88; referred to street and alley committee.

W. C. Speers, work on engine, $11.25; allowed.

F. B. Scott, hydrant supplies, $3.75; allowed.

Hackney & Asp, legal advice, $25; rejected.

F. L. Thompson, extra police duty, $2; allowed.

J. Holloway, building coal house, $2.50; allowed.

A. E. Kirkpatrick, boarding prisoners, $12.25; referred to finance committee.

Murdock Bros., printing, $9.50; referred to finance committee.

Kingsbury & Barnett, stationery, $5.30; allowed.

Arkansas City Coal Co., coal, $28.72; allowed.

Jas. Moore, work on streets, $23.70, referred to street and alley committee.

G. B. Shaw & Co., coal and lumber, $10.82; allowed.

J. E. Beck, making estimates, $5.; allowed.

D. L. Means, hydrant supplies, $5.85; allowed.

Referred bill of G. W. Cunningham, hydrant supplies, $93.54. Allowed.

Referred bill of Danks Bros., hydrant work, $54.32; allowed.

County bill of Peter Pearson, coffins, etc., $36.; approved.

County bill of G. W. Cox, pauper claim, $43; referred to finance committee.

County bill of Ware, Pickering & Co., pauper claim, $17.85; approved.

The following are the different committees as revised by the mayor.

Finance: Hill, Davis, and Prescott.

Printing: Prescott, Dean, and Hight.

Streets and Alleys: Dunn, Thompson, and Bailey.

Public Improvements: Dean, Davis, and Hight.

Ordinance: Thompson, Dean, and Prescott.

Water Works: Thompson, Hill, and Dunn.

Sanitary: Hight, Hill, and Davis.

Mr. Hughes asked permission to put in scales between the skating rink and livery stable on Summit street; also, to change building on the lot occupied by him to the rear of said building, which was granted.

Geo. E. Maloney was also granted permission to put in scales on Summit street on lots formerly occupied by Aldridge's lumber yard.

A committee, consisting of Messrs. Meigs and Kreamer, asked that an appropriation be made to repair the west bridge, which was refused on the ground that the city had no authority.

Sawyer presented his case and begged for leniency, but the council refused.

The clerk was instructed to advertise for bids to gutter Summit according to plans and specifications heretofore adopted by council; and also to advertise for the putting in of street crossings on Summit street and 5th avenue, the crossing to be four feet wide and 8 inches deep.

Mayor asked that he be instructed to dismiss the cases of the city vs. Bosso and Rice, taken from our police court here to district court by our ex-city attorney, which instructions were given.

W. A. Lee's petition to reduce his occupation tax to $10 was laid on the table.

S. B. Pickle and others asked for permission to use a part of the street for building purposes and received it.

The city marshal was allowed 50 cents per day to feed city prisoners.

A motion was made and carried to the effect that two balls and chains for city prisoners to work out their fines at 50 cents per day.

On motion Councilman Dunn's water rent fee was fixed at $10 per annum.

On motion the council adjourned.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

The erection of business blocks on the burnt district has commenced. S. B. Pickle has commenced the excavation on his lot for a building 25 x 100 feet. D. L. Means will occupy the first floor with his implement stock and the upstairs will be used for office rooms. The building is to be completed by December 1.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Wednesday morning, D. S. Blackman, residing in Bolton Township, commenced bleeding at the nose. A steady flow almost constantly of the blood from his nose for 36 hours alarmed Mr. Blackman, and as he was unable to check it, he came to the city, and put himself in the care of Dr. C. S. Acker, who soon gained control of the bleeding and finally stopped it altogether.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

The editor of the Wellingtonian invited the REPUBLICAN household to come over and share the hospitality of his printing booth during the Sumner County Fair, which began Tuesday last. Many thanks, Bro. Allison, and if you ever visit the metropolis of Cowley County, pull the REPUBLICAN latch string, walk in, and take possession.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Base ball has gone out of date in Arkansas City and has been succeeded by foot ball. Geo. Wright still clings to base ball. We advise the public to "Just see him curve them."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Free Once More.
Tom J. Armstrong, whose terrible tragedy resulting in the murder of Jas. Riley, the Arkansas City druggist, in 1881, created one of the biggest sensations of Cowley's history, came home from the penitentiary yesterday, having been freed by the State Board of Pardons. His sentence was for fifteen years, four of which he had spent. His freedom makes him one of the happiest mortals on earthgleefully happy; so happy that at first it seemed to him all a dream. He was one of the top ground coal shafters. He had an inkling that his Arkansas City friends had placed his case before the Board of Pardons, but hope was so dim as to scarcely flicker, though while there is life there is hope. Last Thursday morning the officer in charge of his ward came up to his cell with a paper in his hand and said: "Let's see; what is your name?" "T. J. Armstrong," was readily responded. "This is your name, is it not?" said the officer, holding up a paper. Tom saw it and said "Yes," as his heart went down into his boots. He thought he had been reported for a misdemeanor, and this was the precursor of punishment. "Come with me, then," was the sequel, and Tom was marched into the Warden's office and told that he was a free man. The stripes were taken off, a new suit of citizen's clothes given him, with the three cents a day allotment during the four years, and he was again in the world as other men. Joy danced all over his countenance as he related his feelings to our reporter. He could eat nothing all that day and slept none that night. The next morning he realized all soberly and lit out for home. The circumstances of the murder are fresh to all old settlers. It was simply the old story of whiskey. Crazed with drink, he killed his best friend. These simple facts, a world in themselves, secured his pardon, after four years remorse and solitude as punishment. Never again will Tom Armstrong, he says, touch whiskey. The lesson was bitter and lifelong. He went to Arkansas City Saturday, where he will again make his home. Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Rail Road.
Thursday night there will be a meeting of the citizens at the council chambers to further consider new railroad propositions. Sometime ago there was a general waking up on the railroad question, and the result was the organization of the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern Rail Road company. Since that time there has been considerable hard work, and although everything has been moving very quietly, there has been much good accomplished. Bonds have been voted in two of the three townships in which propositions were submitted, and propositions will soon be submitted to the townships between this city and Arkansas City, and an election called. Every voter should remember that this road is as sure to be built as the sun is to rise in the east and set in the west, and in order to secure it through this country, it will be necessary to give the aid asked for. Other localities are working hard to captivate this line, and our local committee have left no stone unturned to keep Sumner in the front rank. All that is required is to vote the required aid and grading will commence before snow flies. The amount of taxable property that will be added and reduction in freight alone will more than offset the bonds voted, besides giving to our people a southern outlet for the shipment of their stock and grain and brings to us cheaper fuel and lumber. To be fair with the railroad question, it is easy to discover the many advantages by securing this line, and we are free to say that in our opinion, that the taxpayers cannot afford to let this golden opportunity pass. To our citizens in town, let us urge you to attend all railroad meetings, or any others that "have for their object the further building up of this town and county." The better the town the more rapid will be the settlement of the county. The more railroads the cheaper will be freight and lower prices on merchandise. The more railroads the more attraction for the investment of capital in both town and county. The more money invested the more labor for laboring men, and the more labor the better will be business for all classes of dealers. But first of all we must have the competing line of railroad, and we ask all to put a shoulder to the wheel and give the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern a final boost. Wellington Star.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

The Daily Wellingtonian of Tuesday morning says: "Late last evening we heard that a syndicate of eastern capitalists have agreed with our railroad company to build a line of road from Arkansas City northwest just as soon as the right of way can be secured. This is good news and will insure the construction of the road which will make this city boom. We do not know how true this is as the members of the company who have the affairs in charge seem to think that the best way to build railroads is by a still huntand keeping everything from the newspapers. This report came to us pretty straight, though, and we believe that it can be relied upon as the truth."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

This week F. E. Balyeat & Co., come out with their ad. This is a new drug firm, having just commenced business on South Summit street. They have a well selected stock of drugs, a handsomely furnished room, a careful compounder of prescriptions, and in fact all appurtenances necessary to a drug establishment. The REPUBLICAN hopes the new firm will meet with the success it deserves.

AD. THIS SPACE Belongs to F. E. BALYEAT & CO., The proprietor of the new drug store just opened up on Summit street.

Drugs, new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Toilet articles and Notions the best and handsomest on display in the city.

Come and see us. You will be treated cordially. Respectfully,

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

The Indicted Boomers Told to Go Home.
Tuesday Capt. Couch and the other boomers indicted for a resistance of the United States Army in Oklahoma last spring appeared in Wichita for trial. They were told by the district attorney that they might as well go home as nothing would be done with their cases. Regarding their arrest on this occasion, Capt. Couch said to an Eagle representative that they came out of the Territory under an agreement with Gen. Hatch and were not under arrest at all, but Hatch wired the secretary of war that he had prisoners and asked what disposition to make of them. He was ordered to turn them over to the civil authorities, but he had none in charge to turn over; and in order to get out of the dilemma, he came to Wichita and had Lieut. Day swear out warrants against a big batch of them, charging them with crimes that would, if proven, send them higher than a kite.

The boomers have spent many a dollar going to Wichita for trial, but they never got any and probably never will. The suit against them will probably die a natural death.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.

Independence & Southwestern Railway.
A state line railroad, and direct outlet east, and a chance for southern Cowley County to have a road. The following letter explains itself.

TOPEKA, KANSAS, Sept. 7, 1885.
C. M. SCOTT, Arkansas City, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: Your favor to Mr. J. L. Barnes of 27 inst. is before me, and I am permitted to advise you that charter for the line you name is now filed and your city a point in the line. The road begins at a junction with Southern Kansas at Independence, thence via Peru, Sedan, Cedarvale, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Kiowa, Englewood, and on to the west line of the state, with a branch in your county to Winfield and a branch from a point at or near your city to Wellington, and a branch from the most practicable point in Harper Co., north or northwesterly to Harper and Anthony. We shall submit a proposition soon in Chautauqua County, if they want the road. What will your people do for such a road? We are not the Southern Kansas railroad, but in perfect harmony with them. The directors here are Joab Mulvane, Pres., Jno. R. Mulvane, J. P. Griswold, C. F. Parmelee, Secretary, E. M. Hewins, and C. M. Turner, Chautauqua, and J. W. Donlavy, Independence. I shall be pleased to hear from you, and any information you may have. It is important that the people of your county and Chautauqua do not tie themselves up by voting as to parties or railroad companies having no credit, money, or backers to build anything and thus shut out legitimate enterprises. Yours Respectfully, JOAB MULVANE, Pres.,

Independence & Southwestern Railroad Company.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The auction firm has departed.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Buggies at cost at D. L. Means.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Cunningham don't sell state's prison wagons.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

FOR SALE. Two fresh cows. Inquire at this office.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The Red Wing wagon is the one to buy. Call on D. L. Means.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

50 reasons why the Ketcham Wagon is the best wagon made.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Ladies Linen Collars almost given away at A. A. NEWMAN & CO.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

At Kingsbury & Barnett's bookstore, you will see the dandy Indian Clubs.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

You will not regret looking at Newman & Co.'s boots and shoes before buying.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

If you want a good square meal for five cents, call at J. W. Hutchison & Son's grocery establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The Ladies will do well to see Newman & Co.'s elegant line of dress goods. They will interest you.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

We buy our coffee fresh; roast it ourselves. Buy and be happy. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Pure Roasted Coffee at the Diamond Front. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

D. Brunswick advertises that he will be here only 14 days longer. He is offering bargains in clothing now. Call.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Cotton Batts very cheap at Newman & Co.'s.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Kroenert & Austin have a handsome new delivery wagon.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The price of sugar has gone up almost one cent and a half on the pound, so our grocerymen tell us.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Newman & Co.'s show the largest and best selected line of carpets and rugs in the city. Prices at bed rock.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

D. L. Means goes to Kansas City the first of next week to buy a new stock of wagons, buggies, and agricultural machinery.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

O. F. Lang, by the death of a relation in Germany, inherits a small fortune; 35,000 marks is the sum he is to receive, and is equal to about $9,000.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

LOST. A pure Maltese kitten about half grown, with pink ribbon around neck. Finder of the same will please return it to the residence of Mrs. H. P. Farrar.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

MARRIED. Andrew Bryant and Miss Cassie Murmet, residents of Silverdale Township, were united in marriage last Tuesday evening at the bride's home, by Rev. Harris. Several parties from here attended the wedding.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The Cana Valley Agricultural Association will holds its fair at Grenola, commencing Oct. 1st, and continuing over the 3rd. The REPUBLICAN acknowledges the favors usually extended from the managers of fairs.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The I X L meat market on North Summit street is now open and ready for business. Mr. Jenkins is the proprietor. Call, you will find him a pleasant gentleman to deal with.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

MARRIED. Rev. Lundy united in marriage last Sunday Frank Chambers and Miss Emma Gassoway, Bolton Township. By the transaction the bride will likely gain many Chambers and the groom will have to allow her to Gassoway her natural lifetime.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

LOST OR MISLAID. On Summit street about ten days ago, one carpenter's square, one mason's trowel, and one plasterer's trowel. Any person leaving information at this office leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The Knights of Pythias have leased the hall above the south room of McLaughlin's new block on Summit street and will have it made into an elegant lodge room. The K. of P. organization was instituted only a few months ago and yet it has grown so corpulent in members that it demands larger and more commodious rooms for holding its assemblies in.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Republicans of East and West Bolton will please meet at the Bland Schoolhouse on Wednesday, Sept. 16th, 1885, at 2:30 p.m., to elect 7 delegates to county convention at Winfield on Saturday, Sept. 19th, 1885. Apportionment: East Bolton, 3 delegates and 3 alternates; West Bolton, 4 delegates and 4 alternates. R. L. BALYEAT. J. D. GUTHRIE.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

MARRIED. Will H. Clarke, of Winfield, and Miss Maggie Sample, of Bolton Township, were united in marriage by Rev. Vie at the residence of the bride's parents Sunday. Monday morning the new couple left for their future home at Winfield. Mrs. Clark was formerly in S. Matlack's store. The REPUBLICAN extends congratulations and hopes Mr. Clarke will never have cause to regret his Sample choice.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The motion for a new trial in the Frankie Morris case was argued at Erie on the 5th and 7th, resulting in a new trial being granted. The attorneys for the defense had the body of Mrs. Poinsett, Mrs. Morris' mother, exhumed, the stomach taken out and sent to Chicago for analysis. The chemist, Dr. H. D. Harrison, swore there were but faint traces of arsenic in the stomach, and that there could not have been enough in it at the time to kill Mrs. Poinsett.

Winfield Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

C. C. Sollitt returned from Chicago last Friday, where he had been summoned by the fatal sickness of his mother. The REPUBLICAN was in error in stating that Mrs. Sollitt died last week. The telegram received by Mr. Sollitt stated that his mother was not expected to live until next morning and thus our mistake occurred. Her death took place the first of this week.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Water Works Wrangle.
Thursday evening in Highland Hall a goodly number of citizens congregated to hear a submission of Mr. Quigley's proposition to put in water and gas works in our city. At previous meetings a committee had been appointed to prepare plans and specifications for water works, which it did, and the report was accepted. Advertisements had been prepared stating that the city clerk was ready to receive bids. Just at this stage of the proceedings Mr. Quigley appears on the scene from St. Louis and makes the citizen's committee and council a much better proposition by at least $1,000 in cash than he made to our citizens some six weeks ago. Besides, he offers to put in a much better system of works than he proposed heretofore. As a consequence of this proposition, a meeting was held Thursday night to see if our citizens were desirous of accepting Mr. Quigley's proposition. J. L. Huey was chosen chairman of the meeting and N. T. Snyder, secretary. Everyone present considered Mr. Quigley's proposed system of water works a good one for this city, but the meeting was about evenly divided when a motion was made to accept the proposition. Mr. Quigley proposed that he receive the franchise of the city for 21 years for the putting in of gas and water works. The city was to take 65 fire plugs at an annual rental of $50 per plug, making the water works cost the city $3,250. The system was to be the Standpipe and Holly system. The gas works were to be put in without any cost to the city, and at any future time the city should desire, we were to take 30 street lights. In the meantime, the gas company was to derive their profit from private consumption. Mr. Quigley's proposition had to be accepted then and there or not at all, and yet he asked for 30 days in which to file his bond of $5,000 for the faithful performance of his contract with the city. This was where the kick came in. Many thought that if Mr. Quigley saw a good thing in putting in water works of this kind here, there were other companies who could see a better thing and put in the same system a great deal cheaper. In other words, they desired to exercise the right of competition, place Mr. Quigley's proposition on file, and proceed to receive propositions from other parties. But this was not as the other side desired. They wanted Mr. Quigley's proposition accepted then and there, claiming that it was a good one, and no competition was necessary. That no better proposition could be secured. When a vote was called upon the question, it resulted in a tie. At this time the war began. R. U. Hess claimed that minors, non-residents, and non-taxpayers voted that the city accept Mr. Quigley's proposition, which was unfair. Pat. Franey demanded that Mr. Hess show his property; upon which that gentleman said he did not vote upon the question. Champions of both sides began to make speeches as to who had a right to vote. When the discussion had reached fever heat and an opportune moment presented itself, a motion was made to adjourn, which was unanimously carried. Thus nothing was done except to widen the breach between the two factions of Arkansas City.

The REPUBLICAN thinks, as it always has, that competitive bids should be secured. We think that Mr. Quigley made a good proposition. Yet the 30 days which he asks of the city in which to file his bond, he should allow us the same time in which to secure bids from other companies. His proposition should have been placed on file. If Mr. Quigley wanted to establish gas and water works here $1,000 cheaper on his second visit to our city than he did on the first, why is it not reasonable to suppose that there are other persons who will furnish the same system of works at a less figure. It was evident that our friend from St. Louis was slightly afraid he would lose the job if any other bids were put in and probably that was why he left no alternative but to accept his offer then and there. If bids had been received and not opened until Oct. 12 as some desired, the putting in of water works would not have been delayed any, because Mr. Quigley asked for 30 days, which a portion was ready to grant to him but not to the city. We see no objection to the city securing bids and we think it should. The matter would not have been delayed any at all by so doing even if Mr. Quigley's proposition had been accepted.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

On page 8 Kroenert & Austin, the enterprising wholesale and retail grocerymen, illuminate a large space with a new and attractive advertisement. This firm is offering big inducements to customers, we understand, and it will pay all to read and heed what they have to say through the columns of the REPUBLICAN.


JNO. KROENERT, formerly with A. HESS, Wholesale & Retail GROCER, Wichita, Kansas.

F. D. AUSTIN, formerly with Bittman, Taylor & Co., Wholesale GROCERS, Leavenworth, Kansas.

WE BUY Butter, Eggs, Hides, Game, and Produce.

WE SELL Everything in the Staple and Fancy grocery line.

Goods delivered to any part of city.

Telephone connections.

We have recently consolidated our immense stock and now have the largest exclusive Grocery House in this County. To consumers, would state that we have every facility for supplying pure goods, at living prices. To dealers, would say that we will give you the benefit of our long experience in buying by our figures before buying east. Thanking our friends for their very liberal patronage in the past, we shall try to merit it in the future.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

McDowell Bros., the butchers, have rented the McLaughlin store room formerly occupied by Godehard and will open up their butcher shop there shortly.


Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Dr. J. M. Wright and family left for the West Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

John Daniels attended the state fair at Peabody last week.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Jo. Smith, a Diamond Front salesman, is very sick this week.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

D. P. Marshall is in Topeka this week serving as a petit juror.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Mrs. W. D. Mowry went to Wichita Monday, returning Wednesday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

David Clink, residing in Bolton, is seriously ill with typho-malaria.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

S. F. George went over to Kansas City Saturday. He came home Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

A. W. Wing will teach school over near the Sumner County line this fall and winter.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Wm. Curtis has commenced the building of his two story residence in the 1st ward.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Mrs. A. B. Gray left Tuesday, for a visit to Chicago, where she will attend a family reunion.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Chas. Wells, of Zanesville, Ohio, is the prescriptionist at F. E. Balyeat & Co.'s new drug store.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Ira Willits went out to Harper the first of the week. Mr. Willits will probably locate there.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Mrs. Ed. Pentecost came home Wednesday after several day's visit to her parents in Rock Township.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

L. L. Holt returned Wednesday from a trip to Garden City. He took up a tree claim in that vicinity.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Capt. Nipp was down shaking hands with Republicans yesterday. From here, he went to Liberty Township.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Rev. W. H. Harris is to preach at the Baptist Church on tomorrow evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Miss Anna Hunt came down from Winfield yesterday to remain over Sunday with her friend, Mrs. Geo. Wright.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Frank Jennings was in the city Tuesday. By the way, Lawyer Jennings is one of the leading attorneys in southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

G. Gilliland has moved to Arkansas City from Maple City and opened up a fruit stand 2nd door north of Hamilton & Pentecost's restaurant.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Miss Ella Bishop, Wednesday, left fair southern Kansas for the arctic regions of Iowa. She is a teacher in the public schools of Des Moines.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

J. H. Traband, the cigar manufacturer who moved to Larned from here some time ago, has returned to Arkansas City to re-engage in the making of cigars.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Monday A. G. Lowe received a telegram from Macon, Illinois, stating that his mother was very ill. Mr. Lowe left on the afternoon train for his old home.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

F. A. Neilson, of Oxford, Massachusetts, is the new clerk in C. R. Sipes hardware establishment. Mr. Neilson is very gentlemanly and understands his occupation thoroughly.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Mrs. Z. Carlisle, since moving to Great Bend, we are informed is having bad health. The REPUBLICAN suggests that the Doctor move back to his Bolton Township farm.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

M. Anderson returned Tuesday from a tour of the western counties. He will return in a few weeks to prove up his claim. His mother and brother, John, will accompany him.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Dr. Dodson, of Tennessee, the new Osage medicine man, passed through the city en route for his post of duty Tuesday. Dr. Dodson succeeds Dr. T. L. Craig; the latter will locate in Wichita.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright will leave for Kansas City next Tuesday. They go there in order that George may complete his medical education. When they return George will be a full fledged M. D.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

A. D. Prescott attended the state fair held at Peabody last week. He reports a pleasant time and good entertainment at the fair. The principal object of interest to him was the corn pyramid.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

S. S. Parker, of New York, was visiting in the city the first of the week. He is an old time friend of C. R. Sipes, who have not seen each other since they pounded tin together 20 years ago at Kansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

N. Multer, of Altoona, Illinois, who has been out to New Kiowa, attending to his land speculations, came into Arkansas City Wednesday to remain for a few days with his friends here. He called on the REPUBLICAN.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Tom Armstrong, the man who murdered James Riely, was in the city Saturday seeing his friends of former days. Armstrong was pardoned by the Board of Pardons several days ago on account of his good behavior. He was sentenced for 15 years, but served only four.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

J. W. Arnett, of Bolton Township, has been sick almost unto death, this week. He is suffering from an attack of typho-malaria and hemorrhage of the bowels. Dr. Fowler is attending the case and thinks he can pull J. W. through safely.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell, of Chicago, and Miss Lucy King, of Milwaukee, are visiting in the city at the residence of J. H. Hilliard. Mrs. Powell and Miss King are sisters of Mrs. Hilliard. The visitors will remain here some two weeks.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Tillie Crawford, who went to New Kiowa with A. W. Patterson last spring, came back to Arkansas City Wednesday. On going to New Kiowa, Tillie quit Patterson and commenced work for another drug man, as life was too rough as a bar-tender. He is on his way to Kansas City, where he intends to attend medical lectures.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Mrs. M. L. Matlack came home from her eastern visit last Friday. She did not come home with Mr. Matlack and wife, but her return was a week later. Mrs. Matlack was on the train that was robbed at Blue Springs, Missouri, last Thursday a week ago. She was sitting in the coach next to the one in which the daring robbery was committed. She did not know anything of it until the theft was committed.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

D. L. Kretsinger was in the city Tuesday making arrangements for Cowley County's coming fair. He empowered N. T. Snyder to take the entries for Southern Cowley. Parties in this vicinity who desire to make exhibits at the fair need not go to Winfield to make entries but come to N. T. Snyder. All railroads leading to Winfield will give reduced rates. The fair commences Tuesday, Sept. 22, and continues five days. A special train will most likely be run from here on that day.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Cowley County Teachers' Association.
The first regular session of the Cowley County Teachers' Association will be held at Winfield, Sept. 19, 1885.

1st. The Teachers' Association: what should it do, and how can it do it?

2nd. Speers' Course of Study.

(A). The difficulties in the way; and

(B)., How to Surmount them.

3rd. How can we make the local divisions of our Reading Circle benefit our schools?

4th. Shall we teach the effect of narcotics and stimulants? And how?

5th. On what does the value of the common schools depend?

6th. What, in the public school, is open to the criticism of being impracticable?

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Monday Johnnie Kroenert received word that the grocery establishment of Kroenert Bros., at Anthony, had been burned down on the night previous. Mr. Kroenert left immediately for Anthony. Four other business houses had also been burned. About $1,000 worth of the stock belonging to Kroenert Bros., was saved. The fire originated in a restaurant belonging to G. S. McKnight, who has been arrested for the deed. Mr. Kroenert returned home Wednesday night.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Dr. C. S. Acker was taken before Judge Bryant Wednesday on the charge of not paying his occupation tax. Dr. Acker pleaded "not guilty." It appears that Drs. Shepard and Acker are partners and that the former has paid the occupation tax. Dr. Acker claims that this is sufficient for the firm. Judge Bryant, after hearing the case, assessed a fine of $6 and costs, amounting to $10, and Dr. Acker immediately filed an appeal bond.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Indian Commissioner Atkins, at Washington, has received a telegram from Capt. Lee, agent at the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian reservation, in which he states that up to the present time 60,000 cattle have been driven off the reservation. About 50,000 yet remain, but they are all moving with a single exception, where the owner has not been able to secure another ranch. The agent believes that this individual means to leave, but says that if his sincerity is doubted, his stock will be moved by the government. Altogether Commissioner Atkins says he is satisfied with the condition of affairs on the reservation.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

Sawyer Pays a $10 Fine.
M. W. Sawyer and Mayor Schiffbauer went to Winfield Tuesday to have their bout out. The case was argued before Judge Dalton, and the verdict returned was favorable to the city. Sawyer violated our city ordinance, was arrested several times, taken before Judge Bryant and fines were imposed upon him for each offense. Sawyer, after each trial, stated he intended to take an appeal. At last the time expired in which he had to file an appeal bond and Judge Bryant issued a writ of commitment. Sawyer was taken to Winfield a week ago last Tuesday to have his trial, but it was postponed until Tuesday. In the meantime, Sawyer was remanded to the custody of the sheriff, who allowed him the privilege of appearing on his own recognizance. After hearing the case, Judge Dalton decided that it was perfectly proper that Sawyer should go to the county jail until he paid his fine. One day satisfied Sawyer. He paid his fine and came home Wednesday night. The issue of commitment was made from his last arrest and fine. There still remains three other fines uncollected against him. The total sum of fines levied against him was about $125. Whether the case will be further prosecuted, the REPUBLICAN is not informed, but if it is, it is likely to place Brother Sawyer in a bad box.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The advocates of the Quigley proposition claim that his offer is the best we ever will get on water works. How do they know? They have never heard any other company except Quigley's say anything about the matter. It is remarkable how promptly Quigley arrives upon the scene when we are ready to receive bids and tries to head off the people by presenting a proposition far in advance of his first one, in benefit to the city. This coupled with the fact that certain men labored so efficiently to have the council instructed to accept the offer looks to us like a "nigger in a wood pile." Would it not be a good idea to allow Quigley to go away and come again? Perhaps he will fall another $1,000.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

The county commissioners met in adjourned session Monday morning. They adjourned until Thursday morning to condemn right of way on the D. M. & A. Next Monday they will meet and finish the condemnation of the K. C. & S. W. right of way to Arkansas City.

Winfield Telegram.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum