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[FROM MARCH 16, 1882, THROUGH APRIL 13, 1882.]

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882. Front Page.

The design of teachers' meetings and institutes is general improvement of teachers and making them feel a lively concern in the welfare of their profession; also to show the public (parents and guardians especially) what the teacher's opposition is, to enlist their sympathy and cooperation with him and to engage every influence that will promote the success and respectability of the work of education. This is to be accomplished by lectures, essays, dis- cussions, and such other exercises as the ingenuity of true and live education may conjecture.

Such persons always regard it as a labor of love to engage in any enterprise that looks to the accomplishment of this design.

From the report of the Fifth Northwestern teachers' meeting, the writer gleaned the following: "The mistress of the Udall school had, as usual, left for parts unknown. President Wilson failed to put in an appearance, leaving the teachers like sheep without a shepherd. A part of the teachers had not seen the program in time to prepare the work assigned them."

Now then, just such failures on the part of the managers of teachers' meetings as set forth in the above report, are some of the main causes that hinder the success of teachers' meetings and institutes are the following.

1. Dry and prosy addresses and other exercises that often amount to but little more than a play upon words, even when they come from persons who have great reputation as scholars and teachers.

2. The indiscretion of committees of arrangement in making business for the meeting, failing to provide in time a program of exercises that will afford matter for thought, that will be both interesting and edifying.

3. Persons attending such meetings merely to take some of the honors and to solicit fame for some kind of performances that will not interest teachers in this work, nor show to parents and school boards their duty to teachers and schools.

4. Lack of professional courtesy among teachers; some feeling as if they had attained the acme of proficiency in the business, and then being too proud to aid in elevating others to the same standard.

5. Not naturally considering what benefit may arise from such assemblies, and that when a teacher strives to promote a higher standard in his profession, and aid his fellow laborers, he greatly benefits himself, and sometimes gains a greater advantage than those for whom he labors.

All topics presented at teachers' meetings should come from practical educators, and they should have a direct bearing on the policy needed in common schools. Displays of sublime oratory and flowery composition are much less appropriate than pertinent and common-sense disquisitions on that kind of school management which will answer the wants of the coming generation.

Some of the most appropriate subjects, men of extensive learning may deem trite and commonplace; but those who would be instructors of the young must condescend to their capacity, take them as they find them, and lead them onward and upward. Young learners need a kind of intellectual food that is not known to men of profound erudition; and young teachers may be much benefited by the knowledge and experience of veterans in the profession. When teachers' meetings are wisely conducted, and appropriate and edifying exercises therein held, teachers will go from them nerved anew for their work, as well as better informed; and their influence may easily be made to reach parents and guardians, and show them what are their duties to the young, and their duties toward teachers and schools.

Vernon Township. J. S. BAKER.
[Yes, the paper had "nerved anew for their work."]

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

PALATKA, FLORIDA, February 2nd, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: I am quite sorry that I engaged in this series of articles, for I find it impossible to do justice to qualities and scenes in a simple communication when a volume would scarcely be sufficient. My descriptions will necessarily be crude enough.

The city of Jacksonville when first located was singularly unpretentious; and now, with her additions of East Jacksonville, Oakland, Springfield, La Villa, Brooklyn, and Riverside, it is surprising to a Western man that she possesses a population of less than 16,000. And especially so, knowing her to be the Metropolis of a large and prosperous State, and having an extensive commerce by both railways and navigable waters. I must believe, however, that she must soon feel the pressure of the wonderful advancement going on in the interior of the State, and leap forward to meet the progress of an unprecedented immigration. If she does not, she will, like many an individual, have missed the opportunity of a life time. Jacksonville today needs a Board of Trade equal to the emergencies. And those emergences are, to control and secure forever, the retail trade of the State. The wholesale houses of Jacksonville ought to supply every retail dealer in the State on as good terms as he can buy in New York, and save that much freight to him. At present, a heavy portion of the State trade is done in Savannah and New York, and the former city is making great efforts to secure this trade. Jacksonville had better wake up. She is a beautiful city, with grounds rolling enough for good drainage; with good churches, schools, and hotels; and possessing in the main a good city governmentwould be faultless if draymen were compelled to walk their horses, if street crossings were made and kept in repair, and the back yards of boarding houses were kept in better condition.

The St. John's River from Jacksonville to Palatka seems more of a lake than a river. I suppose it will average three miles in width, and yet it is deep enough for large steamers, like the St. John's of New York, now running between Charleston and Palatka. While there are several landings on either side of the river at which the mail is left, the only towns of much importance are Orange Park, Mandarin, and Green Cove Spring. The first named place is the town of the Winter Home and Improvement Company, and is really a very nice place, notwithstanding what the land agents of other towns will tell one. For instance, I was talking with an agent of another locality, and casually spoke of the eligibility of Orange Park, as a pleasant place and where prices were reasonable. The agent began to laugh. And he seemed to see something so exceedingly funny in what I had said that he nearly went into convulsions. As soon as he could catch his breath, and wipe the tears from his cheeks, he exclaimed: "What! That old grave yard of Benedicts down there, where every man who has set out an orange tree in that white sand has failed, and finally had to get out himself to keep from dying with the chills?" Now, this is only a specimen. And from this it will be observed that each one must canvass closely with his own eyes, and talk with other people than land agents, if he expects to learn the true merits of any place.

A trip up the St. John's on a pleasant day is one of the delights of a life time. Lounging on the upper deck and watching the hazy shores, studded with the Live Oak, the Palmetto, and Magnolia, hung in festoons with the rich living moss of the Gulf country, you naturally fall into reverie. It is dream life indeed. Only the romance of life has any business there. And it was in one of these delicious reveries that the writer one day on the upper St. John's, had a singular visitation. He had for days been visiting the orange groves in and around Palatka until the whole earth seemed almost turned to gold. You can have no idea of the sensation produced on a refined mind when first introduced into an orange grove in full bearing. I think I can say safely that no other earthly sight compares with it. Poor old Stephen saw a sight that transfigured his poor old bruised features into ineffable beauty. But that sight was in another world. I had been regaling on sights the nearest to heavenly that mortals are permitted to enjoy in this life. What wonder then, that I should seem to see myself metamor- phosed into a statue composed entirely of perfect oranges! And as fast as fair women and beautiful maidens would pluck one away, another would appear in its place; and no dogs nor children were permitted to approach!

Mandarin is a pretty, cozy little hamlet on the east side of the river, where, nestled among the trees, could be seen from the wharf Mrs. Stowe's cottage, less pretentious than others around it.

Green Cove Spring, like Orange Park, is situated on a high bank, and is a thrifty town and the county seat of Clay County. By far the largest part of the river shores are flat and swampy. Palatka is a town in importance next to Jacksonville. It is a place of large expensive hotels, has a good class of people, a good city government, and consequently has good order. But I was disappointed. I knew she was the head of large steamboat navigation; that one railroad had been completed connecting her with the Peninsular road and with the interior; that another road is already commenced which will connect her with the Indian River country; and that a railroad will assuredly be constructed along the west side of the river connecting her by rail with Jacksonville. I knew that any town with such advantages and prospects in Kansas would have not less than 150 buildings in process of erection. Well, after traveling every street in Palatka, and through her suburbs, the result of my hunt for improvements was this: One large, rough building on the wharf for ice, one three-room cottage back in the town, and two nigger houses of one room each out in Newtown, the colored suburb of the city. J. M. ALEXANDER.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: After quite an extensive delay I will endeavor to communicate to you, for your periodical, some of the proceedings of this much noted neighborhood.

The open and almost exceptional winter with which we have been favored has added very materially to the advancement of spring work among the farmers.

Some of the real estate in this vicinity has changed hands since my last communication. Mr. John McIntyre has sold out and in a short time will migrate to Franklin County, Kansas.

Mr. Isom, our popular stock man, has disposed of his farm to Finley Graham, Esq., of Winfield, and expects to embark still more fully in the stock business somewhere within the confines of the State. Both of the above are good farmers and we regret to see them depart from our midst.

Hon. Joe Roberts has also disposed of his effects and will start for Washington Territory in the near future.

Mrs. Fanny Wilson of the Indian Territory made a flying visit to this place a few days ago and was heartily welcomed by her many friends.

Mr. James Cretaley of Elk County is visiting relatives here and seems highly pleased with Cowley. As he is a young man of prepossessing appearance, the young ladies of Fairview have become infatuated. Several cases of love at first sight is the result of his visit.

James Tweedie is now in the employ of Uncle Sam as mail agent from Arkansas City to the Sac & Fox Agency, Indian Territory. The girl he left behind him in the Territory is the incentive that caused him to take this new departure.

Mr. Cowan has removed to the east part of the county, where he expects to remain indefinitely.

Wilber Knox, who has been visiting in Ohio for several months, put in an appearance recently. Owing to his passion for ponies, he was induced to return to his adopted hearth.

The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Orr was graced with the presence of a large number of invited guests on the evening of the 1st inst., for the purpose of participating in the party given in honor of Miss Mary Orr's 16th birthday. A sumptuous repast was prepared of which all partook in a manner indicative that they were enjoying themselves immensely. Toward the small hours we all repaired to our homes feeling that an evening had been profitably spent. May Miss Mary and all live to enjoy many birthdays of a similar nature is the sincere wish of your correspondent. XINGUS.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: Perhaps it is not known to many of our people that we have a highly accomplished missionary in the land of the Pharaohs from Cowley County in the person of Miss Anna Y. Thompson, who is a graduate of one of our best eastern seminaries. When we hear of what she and others have done, and are doing, to raise fellow humanity in other landsspending the best years of their lives working for the elevation of their race upon unfriendly shores, we can realize how meager our yearly offerings are in comparison to their life-works. As the influence of the COURIER is always on the side of right, perhaps some of its many friends will desire to contribute something in addition to what is asked for, as that sum has already been secured. M.

CAIRO, EGYPT, February 13, 1882.
DEAR FRIEND: Last mail I received from my brother-in-law, Mr. McKitrick, word that he had sent the $25. The same day a letter came from the American Exchange Bank in New York, enclosing a draft on London for 5 pounds. Please accept my thanks for your kindness to me in the past, and also at this present time. It may seem bad policy to send home for the money, but I had a good many expenses last fall, and it seemed necessary to keep me from running into debt here. I will try now to be more economical.

I reached Cairo safely Sept. 28th, the same day we landed in Alexandria. We sailed from Philadelphia August 31st, and we only spent one night in Liverpool, as a steamer was to sail the next day to Alexandria. We anchored for some hours at Gibraltar, Algiers, and Malta, and in Alexandria we had a short time after getting through the Custom House to see our missionaries there, and in Ramleh before coming to Cairo on the night train.

There were several changes for the better during my absence. One of them was the completion of our church, and this is much more suitable for our Sabbath services than the lecture room which had been used for some time. Some of the larger class of girls in our boarding school had left it while I was in America. One of these was married to one of our best native church members, and two had gone to other towns to teach in our schools. One of these was a pupil whose father was not able to pay all the tuition required including boarding. I had helped to educate her, and still send her about the same amount, $2.50 a month, to support her as a teacher and manager of a girls' school in her native town, where she is doing a good work. Miss Conner, the lady who is with me in this school, went with me during the vacation at the beginning of the year to visit the town Sinneria, which is not far from the celebrated ancient labyrinth in the Fayoum, a place about 70 miles from here. I was formerly stationed there with one of our mission families, who are cousins of mine, and of course I feel interested to see the school I once had charge of successfully carried on by one of our pupils. Two of her former classmates are pupil teachers in this school, and one is in a town called Mansura in the old land of Goshen, where she gives satisfaction. We have now twenty-four boarders, besides two teachers, and we have ten or eleven different nationalities, one of them being a black girl, who was once a slave, but is now handsomely supported by a Swiss gentleman here, and another is a white slave from Constantinople, whose master is a Mohammedan boy. We have 80 day scholars this month, and they are mostly Mohammedans and Copts. Some of our boarders are supported by friends in America, either individually or S. S. Classes, and they pay on each, $50, for a school year of ten months. We have some few girls who pay a part, but not all of the tuition required, and some pay all. Miss Conner and I visit among the homes as much as we can, and quite a large work is carried on by Bible women, or "Zinana workers," as some call them, who go from house to house teaching the women to read the Bible and explain it to them, and in this way many women are taught who never attend our church services from various reasons.

When we were in a part of Cairo called Bonlac on last Saturday, our Bible woman there again begged of me to open a school in that neighborhood for girls. She offered her court, which is partly covered, as a place where the children could meet, and she thought we could secure the services of one of our former pupils as teacher for the sum of $4 a month. Her talk had considerable effect on me, but I said to her, "Where will we get the money to carry it on?" When we hear the missionary gentleman say that the mission is doing all that it can afford for education in Cairo, and there is not much money to spare from private funds, it seems rather discouraging, but it occurred to me that this might be a good way of spending something over $14, which is being sent to me from a Sabbath School in Pennsylvania. That being only enough to carry on the school for a short time, I remembered that I was intending to write to you for today's mail, and it seemed to me proper to ask you if you would not be willing to give a donation, however small, towards this object. Did you not ask me to write to you if I saw something that needed extra funds to carry it on, or is this all a dream on my part? You may think it strange, but it never occurred to me to write to ask you for anything until last Saturday night, and now you can use your discretion, and I would not wish to interfere with any of your benevolent work at home.

Our mission opened a boarding school for boys last September, in connection with the large boys' day school here in another part of this building, and it promises to do well and be self-supporting. They pay $12 a month each. We have also a large day school for girls in another part of Cairo called "Haret es Sakkaeen," which is superintended by Mrs. Watson.

I am afraid you will weary of my long letter and talk about our work. I would indeed rejoice if you could bring Mrs. McMullen and visit us some time in this strange old land.

I hope you are all quite well. How is your mother now? It makes me very sad sometimes to be so far away from my father and mother in their advanced years, but it seemed to be my duty to return to the work to which the church had sent me, and which requires sometime to acquire the language before a person is fitted to do anything, owing to the language and customs of the people. I was very sorry to hear in my last letter from home that father was not well, but trust he is better.

Please remember me to the Baptist minister. Give my kind love to Mrs. McMullen and the children and your mother. Hoping to hear from you soon even if only by a postal card, I am Yours sincerely, ANNA Y. THOMPSON.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882. Editorial Page.

The Anthony Journal would like to see Messrs. Sluss and Peters elected to Congress. Both good men for the place, Mr. Journal. Did you ever hear of a man named W. P. Hackney?

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Some of the friends of St. John in this county want him for the Republican candidate for the Presidency in 1884. Well, we will get another two year's service out of him as Governor before that time, and perhaps by that time Plumb's bill for a prohibition amendment to the national constitution will have strength enough to go through. In the whirligig of events which are crowding into the history of our country, many events occur that are much more strange than would be the election of St. John as the chief executive of the nation.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Three Indians were hanged at Fort Grant, Arizona Territory, for the murder of Capt. Hentry and Hireman at Beam Creek last summer. They laughed while the rope was being adjusted about their necks.


Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mrs. Bosley is very ill with lung fever.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

E. W. Hovey left for the east last week.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The Floral Store for sale or rent. See J. D. Pryor.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

W. P. Hackney is in Arkansas this week on legal business.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Commissioner Harbaugh was in the city Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. W. H. Smith has gone east to purchase his spring boots and shoes.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

N. W. Dressie, of Cedar Township, was in town and called on us Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

S. D. Klingman was offered and refused $4,000 for his farm in Pleasant Valley.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

T. R. Timme traded his fast horse to Charlie Black for a quarter section of land Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

BIRTH. Tom Myers has a bran new boy at his house. Born Fridayweight 8 pounds.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. James Kelly arrived home Monday from New Mexico. He is very sick with erysipelas.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mrs. Dr. Holland came in from the west Monday. It is rumored that Doc. will soon return.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Miss Mollie Majors is home again after having spent the winter attending school in Topeka.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Hon. Ed. Jaquens spent Sunday in our city. He will make his headquarters at Caldwell this summer.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. H. B. Pratt has furnished the Walnut Valley Church in Fairview Township with an eight day clock.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Henry C. Hawkins has sold his farm in Vernon to Mr. Geo. T. Bacastow from Pennsylvania for $4,000 cash.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Will Whitney's new residence is about ready for the plastering. John Craine will put his best touches on it.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The Caney Valley Coal Co. have leased their mines for the summer and Superintendent Johnson has returned home.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. J. D. Houston came down from Wichita Saturday, and spent the afternoon shaking hands with his many friends here.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

S. H. Myton has laid out an array of cooking stoves that is appalling in its immensity. S. H. is always abreast of the times.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

DIED. Mrs. G. W. Humphrey, of Oxford, and well known to many of our citizens, died last Monday. She was fifty-six years of age.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mrs. C. A. Hull returned to her home in Independence on Tuesday morning. Her friends here have been delighted with her visit.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

W. W. Webb, a cousin of our Lovell H. and nephew of Judge W. C. Webb, of Topeka, has gone to Old Mexico with a party of surveyors.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Rev. C. W. Gregory has been called to the pastorate of the Baptist Church in North Topeka. He left for Topeka last week and his family will soon follow.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Chas. H. Payson's parents furnished him with $250, with which to pay back the money he embezzled, but he got the money and skipped.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

S. M. Roseberry has sold his farm in Beaver Township for $2,000 cash. Hamilton Barnes, who sold in that locality recently, is the purchaser.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Rev. J. A. Hyden came down Saturday and spent several days with his many friends here. He filled the pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

J. T. Sheldon, of Arkansas City, was brought before the Probate Judge and adjudged insane Monday. He becomes violent at times, but is generally quiet.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Ed Nicholson returned to Cowley County last week, never more to roam. He brings his cattle and household goods and is satisfied with Cowley as a home.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

J. S. Mann is building a handsome residence on the lots just north of the Christian Church on 12th Avenue. Mr. John Craine has the contract for the foundation stone work.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Messrs. Huston and Nichols have taken charge of the Dunkard Mills near Little Dutch. Mr. Nichols is an experienced miller and will keep the mills up to the highest notch.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

A birthday party in honor of Mr. Savage's 43rd birthday was held at his home in Fairview Township Monday eveningone of the biggest social occasions of the season.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. John Flint of Richland Township, an old subscriber to the COURIER, made us a pleasant call Saturday. Mr. Flint and the writer came from the same place in Leavenworth County.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. A. B. Howard, General Manager of the Wheeler & Wilson M. F. G. Co., spent Monday with D. F. Best, their agent here. He is delighted with the country and its business outlook.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Abe Steinberger has rented the elegant residence of Rev. Rigby, near J. C. Fuller's. He moved in Tuesday. The senior editor of this paper, who lives across the way, wants to buy a large dog.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The United Brethren have purchased three lots in the Loomis addition on which they expect to erect a church. The lots they bought are the ones on which the Baptists first intended to build.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Will Mr. A. T. Cooper please send us his post office address? We failed to give him credit for the subscription payment last week and have forgotten to which post office his paper is being sent.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The Santa Fe has finished building the line from Olathe to Kansas City. It is also announced that the Wells Fargo Express will be put on the K. C. L. & S., by April first. These moves indicate something.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell is to be on the State Board of Charities. Bob will be as charitable as any gentleman who has ever sat on that board. If there is a larger hearted man in the state, we don't know him.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

J. W. Hamilton has turned up in Emporia and the News says: "We are glad to know that he will move his family here and become a permanent resident." The News won't be so glad if it loans him fifty cents.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

W. L. Holmes couldn't get up courage enough to leave old Cowley and Monday bought John Mehan's farm near his old place. He paid $1,550 for the new farm. We began to fear we would lose W. L., but he's settled now.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Notwithstanding the stormy weather, Elder F. M. Hains has been conducting a meeting of interest at Beaver Center during the past week, and the meeting will continue through this week.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

J. J. Tribble, of Fairview County, thinks that some of the wheat in his section is too far advanced for this time of the year, having already two joints and being too thick. He says the pastured wheat looks to him more promising.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

We publish on the first page an excellent letter from Col. Alexander, dated at Palatka, Florida. The Colonel is highly pleased with the land of the Magnolias, and his description of it will be read with interest by those who have never seen it.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. Frank Finch, Sheriff Shenneman's efficient deputy, will be a candidate for constable at the coming city election. At present it seems that Frank will have no opposition. He will make a splendid officer, a fact that is recognized by everyone.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

One of the porters at the Brettun, Lindsay Walden by name, used some insulting lan- guage toward one of the waiter girls Monday, when the girl promptly hurled a tumbler against his left ear, cutting it badly. The fellow then drew a revolver and things assumed a war-like aspect until Charlie Harter appeared on the scene and ordered him out of the house. The young lady showed her pluck and good sense. She ought to have hit him with every tumbler in the dining room.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

From the published proceedings of the council we clip the following: Resolved by the city council that the City of Winfield hereby agrees to pay her proportion of lawyers' fees that may become due to Sluss and Hatton under existing proposition made by the said Sluss & Hatton for representing said city and the other territory formerly constituting old Winfield Township, against the several suits brought to collect certain scrip issued by the old Winfield Township.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

A jolly party of Arkansas City's people came up last Wednesday evening to see the show. Among those who stopped over were Conductor Miller, Lady, and Miss Wyckoff, H. P. Farrar, O. Ingersoll, M. J. Captron, G. W. Abbott, B. W. Matlack, A. W. Patterson, H. S. Davenport, H. P. Stanley, C. M. Scott, J. L. Huey, C. U. France, and others whose names we did not get. The Santa Fe freight was held over until after the show in order to let the folks go home that night.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

THE MARKETS. Produce holds about the same. Butter 25 cents. Eggs have fallen 2-½ cents and now bring 10 cents. Live chickens $2.40, live ducks $2, live turkeys $3 to $12, dressed 10 cents per pound. Potatoes $1 to $2.50. Hogs are a little down, being down at $5 to $5.40. Wheat is firmer at $4.15 for best and 80 cents for poor. Corn is going up, one load of white sold today (Wednesday) at 70 cents, and a load of medium yellow mixed at 56 cents.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. John McGuire's oldest boy had the last two fingers of his left hand shot off Saturday by the bursting of a hot gun with which he was hunting. The gun had been hidden away from him, but Saturday he got hold of it long enough to shoot two fingers off. Drs. Wright and Cooper were called in and amputated the shattered members. The boy is now doing as well as could be expected.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

On the first page this week we publish a letter from a Cowley County lady who is in the Foreign Missionary work in Egypt. It contains many items of interest and comes from one who is giving her life to the work. The letter was addressed to Col. McMullen, who takes much interest in the work and makes large contributions toward carrying it on.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Rev. Hyden has been assigned to the charge of the church at Burlington and will go there this week. We congratulate the Burlington people on securing so thorough and efficient a pastor. No minister has ever left this charge with more united feeling of friendship and esteem, and we bespeak for him a warm reception by the people of Burlington.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

DIED. Mr. Hanchet, father of Frank Hanchet, died last week from the effects of a kick by a horse. He was quite an old gentleman and had improved his time by amassing a store of knowledge much above the average. He went into the stable to handle a vicious horse and received a kick in the stomach.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Brotherton & Silvers resigned the position of City weigh-masters and Mr. A. G. Wilson was appointed at the last meeting of the Council. Mr. Wilson is one of our most trustworthy citizens and will fill this position honestly and faithfully. Farmers will bear this change in mind.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The people of North Fairview have formed a library association. About twenty dollars worth of books were donated and upwards of sixty dollars was raised, which will be laid out in standard works. A first class library is the highest indication of the intelligence of a community.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. J. A. Hilsabeck, who has been teaching school at the Holland schoolhouse, was arrested last week, charged with being one of those who stoned the train. He will be tried Thursday and probably acquitted, as it seems that he had nothing to do with it.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Three gentlemen of brains and money arrived here Friday night from Kentucky. They are well pleased with the country, and say that prohibition was the first thing that favorably impressed them with Kansas. Good laws bring good men.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

We learn that Walt Smith, an early-day resident of this county and for the last six years sheriff at Colorado Springs, has been appointed United States Marshal for the district of Colorado. Walt was the first register of deeds of this county.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The Board of County Commissioners meet the first Monday after the first Tuesday in April, which will be the 10th, and not on the first Monday as some suppose. Those who have business before the board will bear this in mind.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

We should certainly regret that such men as M. S. Roseberry and H. C. Hawkins have sold out their farms were it not for the fact that they propose to remain and invest again, and the further fact that the purchasers are valuable acquisitions to this county.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Our attention was attracted a day or two ago by a fine piece of calf skin hanging in the Winfield Bank. This skin is thoroughly tanned and was the work of the Kansas tannery, managed by E. E. Thorpe. The tanning was accomplished in eight days.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. G. S. Manser returned from Cincinnati with his little daughter, Hope, last week. He took her to the famous oculist, Dr. Williams, whose treatment of her eyes was so successful that no further trouble is anticipated.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Rev. Jones, our new Methodist minister, made us a pleasant call Tuesday. He is a very pleasant looking gentleman and seems pleased with the prospect here. He has been three years at Eldorado.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Someone cabbaged seventeen yellow-legged chickens from Mr. S. P. Jennings Monday night. The heads were found lying in a heap near the chicken house. Revs. Hyden, Tucker, and Jones left the next day for other towns. [???]

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The residence of Mollie Burke, once a denizen of this city, but recently removed to Arkansas City, was destroyed by fire Tuesday night together with the furniture and clothing of the inmates.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

76 Horning Robinson & Co., have a carload and a half of barbed wire in stock and are selling immense quantities of it daily. If you intend building wire fence, do not fail to call on them.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The "New Bakery" at Mrs. Stump's old stand favored us with a sample loaf of their splendid bread yesterday. The New Bakery folks are certainly adepts in the art of bread making.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The agency for the New Domestic sewing machine has been transferred from Mr. Friend to Mr. D. F. Best. This machine will now be found on exhibition at his store.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mrs. J. L. Loose has enjoyed a visit from her mother, Mrs. Hoig, during the past two weeks. She left for her home in Illinois Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

S. P. Strong came down Wednesday. As there were not many people in town that day, S. P. could get about the streets comfortably.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Miss Alice Dunham, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a cousin of the writer, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Greer.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

A. J. Baurgauer returned from the east Monday.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

For the Topeka Police and Jumps Jail, Jailor, and Creditors.
From our Topeka correspondent we receive the following.

C. H. Payson, late of your city, has been figuring quite conspicuously here of late. It appears that when he was pardoned he came here from Leavenworth, and while here a young lawyer named Spencer took pity on him, and to "help him out," gave him an account of two hundred and twenty-five dollars to collect. The debtor was in Leavenworth County, and Payson was to go there and collect the claim and receive twenty-five dollars and his expenses. He went to Leavenworth, collected the money, and on his return here made no report to Spencer, but left for Winfield. Last week he was arrested in Burlington this state, and brought here. He telegraphed his brother in Washington to send him the money, and also sent a dispatch to his father in Illinois to send the following dispatch to his brother: "Please send Charlie the money he wants this once. FATHER." This was on Tuesday the 7th. Charlie was locked up that day, but on the 8th a dispatch came from the brother in Washington that he had sent the money. So Payson was allowed to run about during the day, but confined at night. On Friday the money was received by Payson in the shape of a draft. As soon as he received the letter he took the draft to a bank and got it cashed and has not since been heard from. The constable is now on the lookout for him. When asked what he did with the money he said he had lost it, but declined to state how or in what manner. Governor St. John is reported to have said that he should always regret having pardoned Payson.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

One of Winfield's Industries.

Our fellow-townsman Frank Barclay, Plumber, steam and gas-fitter, has now on the road a car-load of the celebrated Wyckoff water pipe for distributing water from windmills and pumps to stock, and for irrigating purposes, which is the most durable and cheapest pipe in use. He has the old reliable Halladay Windmill, also the Althoure and Wheeler raneless Windmill, and the low priced Hawkeye Windmill, especially for stock wells, with the complete paraphernalia of tanks, Hydrants, Hose, Lawn-sprinklers, Ornamental Fountains and Jets, of the latest and most beautiful styles. Also a full line of Steam, Gas and Water fittings, Marble, Iron, and Copper goods, Earthenware sinks, Bathtubs, Iron and Lead pipe, at the lowest market rates. He has the agency of the Springfield Gas Machine, and Mitchell & Vance and Archer & Pancoast's Gas Fittings and Bronzes, many of which are now in use in this city. He also has the agency for the State of Kansas for the low pressure Magazine Boiler Steam Warming apparatus, several of which are in successful operation in our city. Of all the above Mr. Barclay has gained sufficient proof of his ability to please his patrons in Winfield and in other cities in Kansas.

He has also a large stock of iron and wood pumps of the best make and quality at knock- down prices, in connection with which he will sell barbed-wire, iron and nails, hardware, stoves, and tinware at the very lowest cash prices. Call and see him; he warrants all his work and goods. Under Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Farewell Sermon.

Last Sunday morning Rev. Tucker preached his farewell sermon to a large and apprecia- tive audience. The sermon was the best we have heard him deliver and toward the close was eloquent and impressive. He spoke feelingly of his connection with the church here and of the friends who had assisted him in his work. After the sermon he devoted a few minutes to personal matters, severely criticizing the editor of the Daily for the attacks recently made upon him by that paper. This is a matter that for that gentleman's own sake we wish had never been alluded to. The articles in the Daily could, in this community, where all are so well known, detract none from his character as a gentleman and a minister, and his criticism from the pulpit cannot possibly help the matter while it may impair his influence in communities elsewhere. Rev. Tucker has accomplished much in his labors here and our city is certainly better off for his work. In his zeal for the church and the moral advancement of the people, he has said and done some injudicious things. We bespeak for him and his most excellent lady a warm reception at their new and important charge which is one of the best in the conference.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The Attack on the Santa Fe Train.
There is a deep feeling all over Pleasant Valley and Beaver townships against the parties who disturbed the neighborhood by shooting and carousing on the evening of March 4th. The disturbance seems to have been made by three young men who resided in Beaver Township, all of them under twenty years of age. Warrants were got out for their arrest Monday, but they had left the county. The parents of the boys, as good citizens as we have in the county, were in Monday to see what course to pursue. The boys will have to appear and pay their fines, which cannot exceed $100. These boys have been going the downward road rapidly for some time and if this fiasco brings them to their senses, it will be the best thing that has ever happened to them.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Our Wholesale House.

J. P. Baden has rented the McDougall building, which he will use as a Wholesale Grocery House. His retail stores will continue as they now are and this new arrangement applies exclusively to the wholesale business. It is with no small degree of pride that we record thisthe establishment of Winfield's first exclusive jobbing house.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Teachers' Association.

According to appointment, the teachers of the Northwestern Division met at Darien schoolhouse on the evening of March 3rd. The night was beautiful, and the attendance larger than at any previous time. Little Dutch, Valley Center, and Darien schools were well represented, and the evening was occupied very pleasantly with exercises from the different schools. The attendance at the Saturday meeting was small; but the program was taken up, and the different subjects discussed. Most of the work was retrospective, and the teachers all agreed that our monthly meetings had been beneficial to both schools and teachers. As an evidence of that fact, on motion it was decided to adjourn to meet again at Valley Center schoolhouse, on the first Friday evening of October, 1882. The vice president and secretary pro tem, were appointed to arrange a program for that time. The following is a list of teachers and patrons of the N. W. Division, who have attended one or more of the six Saturday meetings.

Messrs. Porter Wilson, A. H. Limerick, R. B. Corson, J. Martindale, R. B. Hunter, Geo. Wright, Albert Brookshire, L. McKinley, and J. E. Hicks; and Misses Villa M. Combs, Fannie M. McKinley, Mrs. A. Limerick, and Nannie Wilson. Patrons: G. L. Gale, Rock Township, and Mr. Meece, Ninnescah Township. The Association wishes also to express its thanks to P. W. Smith for the interest he has manifested in its welfare.

I almost forgot to say that the account of President Wilson and the mill-dam was false. We were rejoiced to meet him again this side of the flood.

L. McKINLEY, Secretary pro tem.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

A Card. EDS. COURIER: I wish to express through the COURIER my heart-felt thanks to my dear little scholars of the Valley View Sabbath School for a present of a beautiful toilet set by their class-mate, Miss Nellie Martin, in a very feeling and graceful little speech. I will prize while life shall last this beautiful memento of love and esteem, coming as it does from so many little children, of whom our Savior said, "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." May each and everyone of you give your hearts to Jesus now in the morning of your bright young lives, that he may shield you from all the storms of life, is the prayer of your teacher.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

DIED. SMOCK. Near Rock, Kansas, at 1 o'clock p.m., March 3rd, of inflammation of the bowels, Gertrude M., daughter of S. J. And H. E. Smock, aged 1 year, 11 months, and 6 days.

Mr. and Mrs. Smock have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. The loss of one of these bright little jewels is more keenly felt than any but parents can know.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Early in the week Hudson Bros., will remove their jewelry store temporarily to the building next to Brown's drug store, where Best now is, and will begin the erection of a large and commodious store building on the site of their present store. Until this is completed, their old customers will find them at Brown's old stand.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

F. V. Rowland wants every farmer and stockman in Cowley County interested in breed- ing and raising of stock to call at the post office and get a sample copy of the Breeders' Gazette, the best weekly stock journal published in America.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

The Messrs. Hollingsworth, formerly of Edwards County, and who sold their property there for $10,000, are here and will buy. They are highly pleased with our county.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882. Lewis Billings sold his house and two lots on Sixth Avenue to John F. Ellinger for $1,000.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

"In the Midst of Life we Are in Death."
DIED. Never before do we remember being so shocked as when a gentleman came hurriedly into our office Saturday and announced that John Service was dead. It was some time before we could realize that this was indeed the case. Only a short time before we had seen him strong, healthy, and in the full blush of a noble manhood, honored and respected by a large circle of friends and associates. It was hard to believe that such a life should be so suddenly cut off, but the grim destroyer knows no preference and brooks no delay.

Mr. Service and Rev. Platter had been at Wellington assisting in a series of meetings in progress there. They returned on the 5:40 train Saturday and separated, Mr. Service going to his home, apparently in perfect health and good spirits. He went home and into the yard to split some wood. After awhile he came in and laid down on the bed, complaining of a pain his side, and in less than fifteen minutes was dead. The trouble is attributed to heart disease. In a few minutes the news of his death had spread all over the city and deep and universal were the expressions of sorrow and sympathy for the bereaved sister.

Mr. Service was a native of Scotland and was fifty-eight years of age. He came to this county nine years ago, and during his residence here has earnestly labored for the moral and material advancement of the people. As a man he had but few equals. Quiet, and unassuming, he was yet a man of strong purposes and convictions, unfaltering in his advocacy of moral and social reforms, and lived a life of spotless purity. Though close in business affairs, he dispensed charity with a willing hand and no poor and needy one was ever turned from John Service's door empty-handed. The loss of such a man is keenly felt by the community, and especially at this time when our county and state need men of sterling worth to battle with the great moral questions now coming before the people.

To the bereaved sister, his companion and co-laborer in the great field of humanity, the COURIER extends its most sincere sympathy in this hour of bereavement.

services were held at the Presbyterian Church Monday at two o'clock. The church was crowded with friends of the deceased. The pulpit was heavily draped in black and Mr. Service's pew was fringed with crape looped with knots of wheat heads. The services were conducted by Rev. Platter assisted by Revs. McClung of Wellington, Hyden of Larned, and Cairns, Canfield, and Tucker of this city. Mr. Platter spoke feelingly of the close fellowship existing between Mr. Service and himself, of his pure character and moral worth, and of the buoyant and zealous christian spirit which he carried through all his life's work and across to the other shore where the speaker hoped to meet him bye and bye. Rev. McClung had come from his home in Wellington to pay a last sad tribute to the friend whom he had learned to love as a brother and who had spent the last night of his life under his roof. His remarks were touching and brought tears to the eyes of many in the audience. After the conclusion of the services, those who desired were allowed a last look at the face of their dead friend, when the casket was taken up, conveyed to the hearse, and as the bell toiled sadly the procession moved out to the cemetery, there to deposit the last remains of an honored citizen in the bosom of mother earth. "Peace be to his ashes" forevermore.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Tannehill Items.

EDS. COURIER: Mr. J. W. Browning will take his leave of Beaver Township on Monday morning next for Dade County, Missouri. His sale went off the 8th inst., quite lively. Property sold at good prices to be a cash sale on all livestock and grain. Milch cows sold from $35 to $61; horses from $76 to $95; oats at 50 cents; corn from 43 cents to 45 cents; breed sows from $14 to $18; fat hogs at about $5 per hundred, stock hogs about the same.

We learn that Mr. Barns has sold his farm of 80 acres in section 1, at $25 per acre to a gentleman from Illinois.

Rev. Mr. Rains is holding a series of meetings at Beaver Center this week.

Farming has been blockaded by the heavy fall of snow. It is pretty hard on chinch bugs, which are quite numerous in the prairie grass.

Some of our peaceable citizens of Beaver and Pleasant Valley Townships were grossly insulted on Saturday night last by a set of night marauders going from the literary held at the Holland schoolhouse. Several pistol shots were fired as they passed houses on the road. No particular damage was done, only the shooting of a cat belonging to Mr. Samuel Hughes. How long those lawless chaps will be suffered to carry firearms and shoot in peaceable citizens' dooryards without being handled by the strong hand of the law we cannot tell, but we are inclined to think the County Attorney will soon be engaged in handling them without gloves.

Mr. William Sipe has a farm of Joseph Abrams and has left Beaver Township and gone to Creswell. We wish Billy good luck in his new quarters.

Mr. James Coulter has his steam mill now in good running order. He says he can grind 30 bushels of corn per hour into any kind of meal a man wants, either fine or coarse.

Mr. Knox has purchased the Johnson farm in the Arkansas bottom. We did not learn the price. He contemplates raising stock.

The boys at Easterly schoolhouse ran out of mischief the other night and destroyed a wagon shed belonging to Mr. Baker of Vernon Township, who informed them that if they did not pay for the same, there would be some business for Esquire Hammond to attend to. I guess they will ante up.

Mr. A. Clearwaters has bought Mr. Joseph C. Poor's bottom farm and will move on it next fall. We hope he will be successful. Mr. Clearwaters is one of our industrious, careful farmers and is making it pay in Kansas. GRANGER.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.


Editor and Friends of the Courier:

I have deferred writing from time to time, till the old adage proved true that "procrastination is the thief of time."

Well, dear friends, how do you like to see sullen, gruff old winter sitting in the lap of pretty, blushing spring? It may irritate you some, but remember, "whatever is, is right," and do not murmur or complain.

Real estate is changing hands at a lively rate at present.

Mr. Stephen Rice has sold his farm to Mr. Burress, one of the cattle kings of the Territory. Mr. Rice and family will soon move to Oregon. We are sorry to see him leave us, as the place left vacant in society by the removal of his accomplished daughters and estimable lady, cannot well be filled.

Mr. Willis Feagins [Feagans? ] has sold his farm to Mr. Webster, from Illinois, but we understand Mr. Feagins does not intend to leave us.

Mr. Beacham has also sold his farm, but I did not learn who was the purchaser.

All of the above named purchasers are men of wealth and influence, and who will be valuable additions to the neighborhood. We are always glad to welcome such among us.

Mr. A. D. Furman is farming Mr. Eli Young's place this season.

MARRIED. At Wellington, March 7th, Mr. ____ Babcock, and Miss Lina Young of this neighborhood. Mr. Babcock is a prominent sheep man in the Territory.

School closed at Theaker Friday, the 3rd last, and the Bland, Friday the 10th.

Our school closes in two weeks. Our teacher very unexpectedly made a visit to his father, who lately returned from Mexico. It is thought that L. C. will go with him when he returns, but I think it is hardly probable, for he is too much in love with Cowley for that.

The Limbocker boys are in this vicinity laying hedge for Mrs. Burnett and others.

The Sunday school at Mercer schoolhouse was re-organized last Sunday.

Wheat looks well, notwithstanding the snow and ice.

Farmers are happy and contented and generally jubilant over the prospect of an abundant harvest. CAESAR.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Texas Cattle.
For the benefit of those of our readers interested in Texas cattle, we clip the following from Texas newspapers regarding the prices and condition of stock there this spring.

James Livingston sold to Flippen & Hudson 1,000 head one and two year old steers at $10.50 and $14, to be delivered in the spring. Austin News.

We learn yearlings are being sold now at $10.50, and two year olds at $14.50. These are high prices: still, cattle are worth all they are selling for. Rockport Transcript.

Messrs. Smith and Thurmond of this place sold 1,300 head of cattle, ones, twos, and cows and calves, at $10 for yearlings, $14 for twos, and $20 for cows and calves, delivered 1st of May. Live Stock Journal.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Prairie Grove.

EDS. COURIER: The late snow is the heaviest fall in 10 years in March, and will be of vast benefit to the farmers of Cowley. The earth is now drinking in a supply for the benefit of all crops the coming season; this is to be indeed the jubilee of Cowley County. The snow has disappeared and left the fruit crop in a splendid condition; also the wheat. The subsoil is full of water, which insures a good crop of corn. By the way, we see a dollar a foot offered for the first stalk of corn brought in raised in 1882. Why, sir, every farmer will bring you in a stalk, and if you want to see some big corn, offer $25 for the first hill of corn 15 feet high and it will be forthcoming at a very early date.

Mr. George Sapp, his mother and daughter, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. They are staunch friends of the prohibitory law, think our State will prosper much better without saloons. George is pleased with the country, is a young man of talent, and will be a credit to the neighborhood in which he locates.

James O. Vandorsol [? Vanorsdal?? Vanorsdol??] rejoices that he is again out of the hospital after six months illness of his wife and some five weeks illness of his daughter, who is now just getting about. It is no wonder he rejoices.

Miss Hattie Pontious is at home and will remain during vacation. R.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

School Exhibition in Vernon Township.

EDS. COURIER: The school in District 50 closed Friday, and Saturday evening we witnessed the final blowout, which was an exhibition given by the school, assisted by a party from Valley View. Our school has been a grand success. Much credit is due Mr. Rude for the interest he has manifested in our school, for his successful efforts to supply the school with suitable references, and for the success of his methods of discipline and instruction. Tom is a thorough, energetic and successful young teacher, and his short acquaintance in Vernon Township has made him many friends and well-wishers. In a grand Republic like this if there are any whom we should gladly encourage and assist, it is the honest, intelligent young men who have begun life at the lowest round of the ladder and are endeavoring by patient, faithful labor, to ascend. A PATRON.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

School Report, District 91.

Term report: Average enrollment 18, average daily attendance 13, number of cases of tardiness 398, number of months taught, 5. The pupils who stood highest in deportment and scholarship are the following: Chas. E. Daugherty, Fielda Daniels, Leon A. Jacobus, Mattie L. Daniels, Gertrude E. McKinley, Willie P. Jacobs. L. McKINLEY, Teacher.

Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

School Report, Dist. 93, for the Month Ending March 3rd, 1882.


Ella King, Arithmetic 100, Geography 100, Language 100, General Information 95, History 90, Neatness 100.

Carrie Rosberry [Roseberry? ], Arithmetic 100, Geography 100, Language 100, General Information 90, History 85, Neatness 100.

Sarepta Abrams, Arithmetic 95, Geography 90, Language 90, General Information 80, Neatness 100.

Albert Fuller, Arithmetic 99, Geography 90, Language 90, General Information 85, Neatness 100.

George Rogers, Arithmetic 80, Geography 80, Language 80, General Information 70, Neatness 100.


Abie Davis, Arithmetic 80, Language 100, Geography 100, Neatness 100.

Daisy Roseberry, Arithmetic 75, Language 100, Geography 100, Neatness 100.

Cora Rogers, Arithmetic 100, Language 100, Geography 70, Neatness 100.

Abbie Wright, Arithmetic 80, Language 100, Geography 75, Neatness 100.

Miles Fuller, Arithmetic 90, Language 80, Neatness 90.

Monroe Rambo, Arithmetic 80, Language 80, Neatness 98.

Sammie Roseberry, Arithmetic 80, Language 80, Neatness 99.

Abe Mumaw, Arithmetic 90, Language 95, Neatness 90.

Clara Walton, Arithmetic 90, Language 90, Neatness 100.

Cara Gates, Arithmetic 80, Language 75, Neatness 99.

Christie Rick, Arithmetic 99, Language 80, Neatness 100.

Orrie Rambo, Arithmetic 80, Reading 96, Neatness 100.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882. [FROM CORRESPONDENTS.] Front Page.

EDS. COURIER: Items are so scarce I feel loth to attempt to send you any communica- tion this week.

Health as a general thing is good.

Mrs. Lee, familiarly known as "Grandma Lee," had a serious paralytic stroke, but is slowly recovering.

BIRTH. Mr. J. W. Gibson is the happy father of a nine pound boy. He thinks more of Kansas than ever.

Grandpa Gibson was out from town to see his new namesake, and thinks him a fine boy.

The Ninnescah school closed last week. Miss Hicks gave the best of satisfaction, and all are anxious to have her again next winter.

The United Brethren have closed their meeting at Blue. Rev. Henergar conducted the meeting and was successful in forming a class of 20 members.

Mr. Crawford has returned from Missouri. Buying cattle was not an easy matter, as the farmers there seemed to think that as the winter was over they could get along with their stock until grass was grown. He succeeded in purchasing forty-six calves.

Mr. R. Brown has commenced building quite a comfortable dwelling. There is some surmising that there is to be an assistant housekeeper, but Will won't tell much about it.

The M. E. Members are much pleased to have Mr. Lindsay for their next minister.

Wheat in these parts continues to look splendid.

DIED. Mr. White, father of William White, died the 16th, aged 81 years and a few days.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: It has been a long time since any of the productions of CAESAR have appeared in the columns of the COURIER; but, as I am at Baltimore for a day or two only, "Dad" has prevailed upon me to send you a few notes.

R. S. Thompson was taken severely ill on Friday, March 3rd, with inflammation of the spleen, and for some time his life was despaired of. His sons, George and Orator, who were at the agricultural college, were sent for, and arrived on last Friday night. George had been away about eighteen months, and finds things changed but little since he left. Orator began attending the college in January, and was well satisfied with the institution; but as the father will not be able to do any work this spring, he will have to remain at home.

Miss Alice Stolp, who has been attending the graded school at Burden, has returned home for a two week's vacation.

W. H. Gillard has been very sick again, but is now slowly improving.

Jerome Huff has sold his farm a few miles above Baltimore, and I understand has bought the Charlie Apple farm, about four miles east.

The melting of the recent snow has not caused the creek to rise much, but has made the roads almost impassable.

The lyceum at Baltimore has adjourned sine die.

Geo. F. Thompson returned to his post at the college on Tuesday last.

Some of the farmers are already complaining about the probability of being late with their spring work, because of so much wet weather. There are two corners to every person's mouth: Some years one speaks and sometimes another.

The COURIER is a welcome exchange at the college, and the writer takes great pleasure in reading it there. X. Y. CAESAR.

March 16th, 1882.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Beautiful spring, like the rest of us, has taken a bad cold and was for a few days O so white that our eyes shrank from gazing long upon her snow countenance. No good Knight with prancing steeds came our way, so my sleigh ride is postponed indefinitely.

Messrs. McMillen and Dumaree [Demaree?] are the champion hunters we believe in this vicinity, minus guns, as they went out one morning and brought in many rabbits.

Mr. Griver [Griever?] has rented the widow Crane farm and has taken possession.

Mr. Coot Miller has moved into the house lately vacated by the Gambs family, and there will be a donation party there on Tuesday eve., the 14th, for the benefit of the Methodist minister.

Mr. Townsend, brother-in-law of Mr. Christopher, will be a Salemite, and will occupy the house formerly lived in by Mr. Jas. Barr, and the latter gentleman will move into the house of Mr. Winn, deceased.

The Wells brothers have rented the Cayton farm, and are quietly pursuing their daily vocation.

Mr. Brooking had the misfortune to lose quite a number of sheep during the recent storm. Mr. Miller also lost several. Mr. Dodge had a horse die from simply getting a hedge thorn in its leg, then getting down and thumping around in the stable.

There was quite a surprise in Salem lately. A number of the neighbors wished to visit the Misses Bucks, so they thought it better policy to all go at once, and the ladies put on their thinking caps and set to work and prepared some goodies to entertain themselves and friends with, and on Friday evening, the 3rd, there was quite a crowd gathered to pass the time so very pleasantly with music, singing, talking fun, sense, and nonsense, and the good tea, coffee, etc., all went to make up a "boss" time, as the boys say. Then on Tuesday the Misses Nellie and Anna Bucks started for Colorado. Our best wishes attend them. To those with whom we have associated, spent happy and sad hours with, we are loth to hear or see that they are going away.

Messrs. J. E. Hoyland and Vance have bought six full blood Poland Hogs.

Mrs. Vance has recovered from her late illness.

Mrs. Edgar came very nearly being a victim to pneumonia fever, but with careful nursing is now convalescent.

The Misses Bovee have bought an organ. I, for one, congratulate them, for music is a link that binds or draws us to heaven.

Messrs. McEwen and Miller are shipping hay to Kansas City.

Mr. Charlie Gambs will travel in Illinois this summer as a gay and festive gent.

We miss the beaming countenance of Miss Etna Dalgarn in our Sunday school. May she soon return to home and associates.

Miss Amy Buck is now home from school and will be our organist in Sunday school. We bid her welcome most heartily.

Mr. C. C. Chappell sold a colt last week for one hundred dollars. Mr. S. A. Chappell is now contemplating a trip to New Mexico. Success to you, Sam.

I cannot trot around this muddy time to see what the neighbors are doing, so I'll say goodbye for this time. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: The religion of the Mohave Indians is worthy of attention; it deter- mines many of their customs. All human beings, it is generally believed, have their religion, Robert Ingersoll not excepted. Having formed the acquaintance of Hookerow, or "Fast beat," I began cautiously to enquire regarding their customs and ideas. They are very taciturn about their dead. To gain his confidence and draw him out, I explained the burial customs of the "HICO," or whites. He listened with marked interest, and after a profound silence of several moments, he began.

"We burn because our God tells us to do so. If we disobey, the dead are no more. If they are burned, they live and are happy always. We consider it a sacred duty to perform this service for the dead; we, in our turn, will need it performed.

"The camp blanket, dog, horse are all sacrificed on the altar of love. Immortality does not depend on the burning of those things, but we love our friends and do not wish to look on anything that will remind us of them. Their names are never mentioned after death.

"The earth and sky always existed; earth is the mother, sky the father of God. God made all men. He made the Mohave last and so he is naked; the other races took all the clothes. God had a son and daughter. The son took a stick, went to the Rocky Mountains, made a hole in the side of the mountain, and the Colorado River flowed forth. He then made fishes, then birds when the sky stretches to give the birds room to fly. The animals he made next, after which came forth the sun, moon, and stars. God's daughter cannot be seen, but sometimes heard. She tells the medicine man how to cure, she tells the witches how to kill or cure. The witches know good and bad. Those who do bad we kill. We also kill our medicine men when they follow the advice of a bad witch. In heaven there is plenty to eat, and many beautiful maidens."

The worst fate of a Mohave is to be no more after death. This belief deters them from war. Respectfully, C. G. SMITH.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: As regular readers of your excellent paper, we can rejoice in your material prosperity, and as you both senior and junior were formerly of this county, you can no doubt join with us in our joy when we tell you that this county is now on the high road leading to wealth and permanent good times. From various causes in times past we have had our hard times, but the turn has come and we are safe in saying that our prospects were never better. As a consequence, the price of land is advancing, mortgages are being removed, improvements are being made, taxes are cheerfully and promptly paid, and there is an air of good feeling and cheerfulness all around. Our county town, Leavenworth, with which our interests are closely connected, is fast becoming a manufacturing center and thus furnishing us with a home market for our grain, cattle, and garden sass.

Our two coal mines, able to furnish us an inexhaustible supply of cheap fuel, have and are contributing largely to this prosperity, the Leavenworth Coal Co.'s mine, just north of the city furnishing about a million bushels per annum and the Penitentiary mine raising in the first year of its existence about half a million, with a promise of doubling the product during the second year. It is this abundance of fuel that has given Leavenworth four flour mills, two foundry and machine shops, one glucose factory (said to be the largest in the United States), a wagon factory employing 300 mechanics, and innumerable other establishments, representing almost every art and industry known.

Among the new trades to be commenced this spring are a tannery, an organ factory, a paper mill, with several other enterprises not yet fully decided upon. Then we have one new railroad already built from Leavenworth to the county line, the Leavenworth, Topeka & Salina R. R., while the B. & M., from Kansas City to Nebraska, and the Leavenworth and Olathe are being located directly across the county, and will both be built during the coming summer, and if such are not evidences of thrift and prosperity we might name others. . . .

A. M. G.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: I have been expecting to see some response to the good suggestion of Mr. S. S. Linn, published in the COURIER a few weeks ago, urging to the sheep men the importance of forming a district association embracing Cowley and the adjoining counties.

I would now suggest that a meeting be called of the sheep breeders and wool growers' association of Cowley County, already organized, at which meeting we can either re- organize upon the old basis or enlarge, in accordance with Mr. Linn's plan. Any association which will bring the sheep men together that they may discuss their different modes of breeding and handling their flocks, giving their experience and observations, would, if properly improved, be of much benefit to those engaged in the business, also to those contemplating engaging in it.

While this part of Kansas is particularly adapted to sheep husbandry, and a well managed flocks show as much net profit, if not much more, than any other branch of business connected with farming, it is a lamentable fact that at least one-half of those who engage in the business fail to make it a success and abandon it. The cause of these failures is apparent in many cases from the first start, to the eye of those who have had experience in sheep raising. Many make a serious mistake in selecting their sheep, getting a poor, low grade of Mexican sheep, which at best yields very light fleece and the wool of a grade that does not command a price within several cents per pound of the best wool. Some go to the extreme and select their sheep from some high fed flock, paying generally high prices; one lot of 500 (two or three crosses from the Missouri) selling in the fall of 1880 at $6 per head or $3,000 for the 500. Many other lots that have come under my observation during the past two years have sold from $5 to $8 per head and those common grade sheep. The price is the only difficulty with this class of sheep, provided they are kept up to their accustomed feed and care. Some that I know of have failed to give this class of sheep their accustomed care and feed and the result has been disastrous.

While sheep men differ about which class of sheep it is best to buy, all I think who have owned the first named class will agree with me that they are not the sheep for Cowley County, while the selection of the sheep at the start, fixes the end in some cases. There is another cause of failure that is quite as common and as sure in its results: that is lack of feed. As a rule the sheep of this county do not get to exceed one-half the food their needs require to keep them in a thriving condition or a profitable one. It is not because sheep require less feed in Kansas than elsewhere, that renders sheep breeding and wool growing profitable, but because of the general cheapness of the feed. Many flocks of sheep are comfortably fed in the stock fields in the early part of the winter, but when they are approaching the lambing season, and they require the best care and feed of the year, they are in many cases fed on short allowance, ranging on prairie grass, with perhaps a half feed of corn. A flock of sheep that comes through poor, with numbers lessened by heavy losses, will raise but few lambs and give but little milk; consequently, the lambs are small, and if they survive the first winter (which is doubtful), they will be dwarfed for life.

Some think the scab is the greatest drawback to the sheep business, but it ought not to be as it is easily and surely cured. A bad start, short feed, scab or poor care, either if persisted in, will work ruin, and when all combined the end is near.

When I commenced, my object was to second Mr. Linn's suggestion in regard to organizing a Sheep Breeders & Wool Growers' Association, but have run off the track, which you will please excuse, and tell the sheep men that the motto is, "Feed, or Fail."

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Dave Merydith has moved on the Creek.

Mr. Armstrong intends moving away soon.

More newcomers on Crab Creek. Come on, folks, plenty of room for more.

Mr. Will Merydith's house has sprung a leak and water is coming in from all directions.

Mr. Blakey's father-in-law has come on. They all intend living together this summer on Mr. Harrison's farm.

Mr. Gardner has got his pension and has moved to Winfield to live on the interest of his money.

Anson Moore came very near getting killed at Dexter the other night. He and Al Strickland had some little difficulty, and Al hit him just over the eye with a sling shot.

Mr. Barnhart has rented his farm and moved to Dexter to live in the city this summer.

The dance at Dexter the other night came near being a failure. As they have a good hall and every facility for making such an occasion entertaining, we think the difficulty must be that the boys all go, and expect the girls to follow suit; however, they sometimes get disappointed.

The people anticipate having a large crop of peaches on the bottom lands this year.

Mollie Callison is still having the chills.

Mr. Ridgway is enclosing quite a large pasture. SISTER KATE.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Everyone is busy with their spring plowing.

Health is good in this locality.

Wheat never looked better than it does at present.

Rev. Graham held a series of meetings at Star Valley during the month of February, which were a grand success.

Frank Lane wears a new suit of clothes. Wonder what it means?

I will treat any lady to a cigar who will find out and let me know what that is that John Wilson drives around in his buggy.

John Lane offers to give a good boy $25 a month to herd his cattle this summer.

A number of immigrants passed through this place last week on their way to Red Bud. They were from Iowa.

James Brown, from Missouri, is visiting his uncle in Rock Township.

Peach trees are almost in full bloom.

Mr. John Lane will plant ten bushels of peas this year. CAESAR.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


ORLANDO, FLORIDA, February, 1882.

EDS COURIER: Sanford is one of the beautiful towns in Orange County, Florida. It has a monster hotel with an annex, which is always crowded with northern tourists. It is an enterprising town with many long, pleasant avenues, and several elegant residences that would be a credit to any northern city; and to prove the success of the newspaper business in this state, one of these nice mansions belongs to D. L. Way, Esq., one of the editors of the South Florida Journal, an ably conducted and newsy paper published in Sanford. Mr. Way is also the owner of a fine grove near the city.

Here, in the suburbs, resides a live Count, a Russian nobleman. Count Wassillieff, in the midst of a beautiful orange grove, named "Villa Shoora." I paid a brief visit to this princely gentleman, who delights in entertaining visitors, and enjoyed his entertaining hospitality of conversation and tropical fruits.

And let me advise the Sanford visitor to stop at the boarding house of Capt. Wm. Sirrine, if he wants the best meal he can ever obtain in Florida, and desires enlarged information about South Florida, for the Captain and his amiable wife are Connecticut Yankees who have lived several years in this part of the state and brought their enterprising habits with them.

The South Florida Railroad is now completed from Sanford south, through Orange County, to Lake Kissimme in Brevard County, its destination being, I believe, Charlotte Harbor on the Gulf. I visited Orlando, the county seat of Orange, by this road, passing through several new and beautiful towns, and over what is called here "High Pine Lands." Orlando has a delightful location and is surrounded by a rich country, and here I will digress long enough to give my readers, at least, a limited idea of this portion of the Peninsula. A look at the map will show you that a line drawn from the Atlantic through the counties of Volusia, Orange, Sumpter, and Hernando, to the Gulf of Mexico, passes through the narrowest part of the peninsula. It is claimed by old settlers, who claim to speak from experience, that these counties are so situated as to compose what the call the "Calm Belt" of Florida. That is, that the cold frost-laden breath of the North, and the severe and heated gales of the tropics expend their force by the time they reach this latitude, and becoming thus tempered, produce this "Calm Belt." And, as the tenderest of the Citrus family, the banana and pineapple, can be successfully raised in this "belt," it is claimed that south of the 29th degree, is "below the frost line;" a decided misnomer, for how can you get "below" a frost line while cold sinks the mercury, or while you approach the equator by ascending as you do in Florida? Now, while a slight frost will make its appearance occasionally above the 29th degree, I believe that this "Calm Belt," which is above that degree, does lie above the injurious frost line. Limes and lemons which flourish above the 29th, I am, I believe, authoritatively informed, cannot be successfully grown below or north of that degree.

Now, for all purposes, agricultural and horticultural, this "Belt" is probably the garden spot of Florida. The surface is composed of lakes, rivers, swamps, flat pine lands, hammock, and high pine lands. The flat pine lands are useful only for grazing. The hammocks and high pine are the only lands that need interest us. The hammock, covered with jungle, water, and live oak and palmetto, are rich and will produce abundantly of fruit and vegetables, without "feeding," as they call fertilizing here, but are more or less malarious to reside upon, and will cost from $30 to $100 per acre to get it in cultivation.

The high pine lands constitute the hill country and are delightful to travel over; no undergrowth to impede a carriage drive through the woods anywhere, and always dotted with little clear water lakes with no out or inlet. You rise from one lake over a beautiful high land swell, to as gradually descend to another lake, and this constitutes the most delightful and healthiest region in the world. Breathing this air is like drinking inspiration from an immortal world.

Consumption's corpse if left to summer here, will come forth in the autumn and sell its grave clothes to a Jew pedlar. I have cases in point which I may allude to hereafter. Why a doctor in the Lake Dora country said to me with a lugubrious countenance that he did not know wheat he should do; that but one death had occurred there in six years, and that was an old woman of ninety, who had been dead a year with consumption, and had just come in from the North; that no sickness prevailed, and his only encouragement then was that a lady had told him that morning that she thought she might want him in about two weeks.

"Well," said I, "doctor, stick to it." That sort of thing will become epidemic in such an atmosphere as this, and you will have enough to do yet.

I will tell you more about the high pine land in my next. J. M. A. [ALEXANDER]

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Hon. James Christian.

Every old resident of Kansas remembers Hon. James Christian, who settled at Lawrence at an early day. He is Irish by birth and has all the rollicking humor of that nation. He was a Democrat, but a staunch Union man at all times. He was for years a law partner of the Hon. James H. Lane. He took an active part in all the stirring incidents of the settlement of Kansas. Jimmy Christian, as he was affectionately called, was a friend to everybody and at all times would put himself out to serve a friend or anyone who needed assistance, and this always kept him poor.

A few years ago he moved to Arkansas City; and in the course of time became blind, caused by a sunstroke received while in the army. He is soon to start for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to have an operation performed on his eyes. To pay a part of the expenses of his trip, he will deliver a few lectures at different places in Kansas on "Ireland, and the Irish." Those who have in old times heard him will not have to be told that he will not only give a great deal of information, but also keeps his audience in a roar of laughter.

Arrangements have been made for him to lecture in Wichita on the 27th, in Augusta the 28th, in Eldorado the 30th, in Emporia April 1st, and in Topeka, at Union hall, Tuesday evening, April 4th. We bespeak for Mr. Christian a good house, not only that it will be helping a good man but also because those who hear him will get their money's worth. Many of the lawyers of the city and others of his friends will soon have tickets for sale at fifty cents. Mr. C. C. Holland was in the city lately making arrangements for the lecture.

Topeka Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Fence Your Farms.

We want to urge the farmers of Cowley County to plant all the hedge this spring that they can. There is nothing that adds to the value thereof, at the same cost, as fencing with hedge. Sixteen thousand hedge plants will enclose 160 acres of land by putting them eight inches apart. The plants can be had at a cost of $1.50 per 1,000, which will be $24.00 for plants enough to fence 100 acres of land. That is all the cash outlay necessary, as the planting and cultivation of the hedge can be done by the farmer himself, and at the end of five years he has his farm well fenced, which adds at least $500.00 to its value, besides the convenience and the security of crops from trespass under any circumstance. Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Gould Shows Up.
Rumors have been freely circulated that Jay Gould was short of money, and was selling out his stocks in order to keep his head above water.

That gentleman on Monday last called into his office a half dozen New York millionaires, and made a display before them of a portion of his wealth, which amounted to $53,000,000. Of this enormous wealth there was $23,000,000 in Western Union stock, $12,000,000 in Missouri Pacific, and the balance in Wabash stock. None of this stock was indorsed by Gould, but consists of the original certificates issued to him. Of course, he has a vast amount of other property. The exhibit shows him to be the richest man in the United States, except Vanderbilt. Gould has determined to prosecute the men who have circulated false stories to injure his credit.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


Mr. J. B. Corson calls attention to the fact that our farmers are paying too little attention to the dairy business. He thinks that the making of butter and cheese in a systematic way would pay here better than any other business. He instances some farmers in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, who have made money rapidly in that business. Hiram Conniver, a friend of his, started in that business a few years ago with very little means and is now a very wealthy man.

Steps should be taken to start a cheese factory and creamery at Winfield and thus make a market for all the milk that could be brought here from a long distance around. This would help farmers with small means to get a start in the business.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: As your paper always has been open to the people for the expression of their views on any matter concerning their interests, I take the liberty of addressing myself to your readers on a subject of great importance to every taxpayer in Cowley County. At the last meeting of the trustees of the various townships of the county, it was resolved to canvass the vote of the county on the herd law question. Now I, for one, would like to know what right they have to spend the time that the county pays for, to satisfy a few cattle men. I do not propose to debate the question, but simply state my belief in a few words, viz.: Cowley County owes her present prosperity to the fact that she has had a good herd law. To be compelled to fence would bankrupt nine-tenths of our farmers, and the repeal of the herd law would benefit a few cattle men only. Should our worthy township Dads devote any time to canvassing or discussing any question outside of such as may arise in the discharge of their duties as assessors, they simply violate their oath of office, and should be dealt with accordingly. There would be quite as much propriety in their ascertaining how many favored St. John's election, should he conclude to run again. I do not wish to accuse the whole meeting with any intention of wrong doingfar from it. I believe we have trustees that are above such trickery. The resolution was sprung on the meeting, and passed without proper consideration. I trust it will be re-considered, and that a few tricksters will find they cannot run the county to suit their individual interests. TAX PAYER.

[We publish the above, and invite short, crisp articles on the subject. ED.]

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A Chapter That Details Some Important Operations
In Which Kansas People Are Largely Interested.
There is no question that so readily enlists the interest of the intelligent reader of today as that of railroads, and the chief reason is, that the property interests of the county are so closely identified with them that on the success or failure of the men directing the operations of our particular lines depends our prosperity. To make clear this statement, the Santa Fe for the past three years has been trying to secure the right of way through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith; and when success seemed well nigh certain, the sinister influence of rival interests defeated the measure, and today the accomplishment of the project appears more distant and uncertain than ever before. While we know and understand why we feel such an interest, yet our knowledge of their schemes and operations are only obtained after results are reached. What is said previous to that, as a rule, is only guess-work.

At this time the country west of the Mississippi is the theater of the most important railroad events that the world ever saw. There are two great rival interests. The first is the Santa Fe, backed by Boston capital; and the other is the Gould syndicate, backed by New York and foreign capital. Their interests are separate and distinct, and as long as they are controlled by rival monied interests, so long must they be antagonistic. The rival heads are, like generals, engaged in mighty strife. They each use every means to further their road's interest and defeat their rival. The attentive observer watches the various moves, and at one time it would seem as if the Santa Fe was going to win; and then again the victory appears to be with Gould. To cease being general, we will make mention of some of the later opera- tions in which our section of the State is more particularly interested.

At the time when the Santa Fe purchased an interest in the St. Louis & San Francisco road, the stock was quite low; but with the prospect of its near completion to Wichita, it was advancing in value. For several years subsequent to the panic of 1873, the stock of this road had been valueless, but the rapid revival of business in 1879 gave it worth. The Santa Fe, fearing rivalry, purchased one-half of the stock, but it never did have a controlling interest.

With the completion of the Santa Fe to Albuquerque, New Mexico, it was determined by these two roads in common to build the Atlantic & Pacific west to the Pacific. The board of directors of this proposed road was composed of thirteen men, six of whom were Santa Fe and six Frisco; and one was a capitalist who held a block of a thousand shares of stock and who cast the controlling vote in case of a difference arising between the principal parties.

A very important difference did arise, which resulted in many changes of interest. The Frisco road wanted to complete their line from Vinita west across the Indian Territory to Albuquerque, to connect with the A. & P. This was plainly not to the interest of the Santa Fe, for if such connection was made, the continental traffic instead of passing over the Santa Fe, would seek the more direct road east from Albuquerque over the Frisco road, and the Santa Fe would only share in the benefit of the traffic. This ended the pleasant relations between the companies.

Gould, who controlled the eastern roads and Huntington the west, concluded it would be a good scheme to buy the Frisco stock that was not held by the Santa Fe, which was done as far as possible. Gould and Huntington then made a division. As Gould owned all the roads into St. Louis, excepting the Frisco, he naturally took the east and Huntington the west.

The Santa Fe management during this time was not asleep; they early saw their danger and made haste to buy the odd block of a thousand shares of Atlantic & Pacific stock, by which purchase they were enabled to control the latter road. It was the intention of Huntington to cease building further west; but when it came to a vote, it was seven in favor of building and six against. The road is now being built west as rapidly as energy, intelli- gence, and money will do it, and what is more, on the original line; and Huntington is completely "scooped" and is placed in the very unpleasant position of being obliged to furnish nearly half the money to build a road that will be the most dangerous rival to the Southern Pacific, which he controls. Gould made a good trade, Huntington a bad one.

As the interests of the Santa Fe and Gould were necessarily opposed to each other, the former determined that Gould should either buy or sell, and the result was that Gould bought all of the Santa Fe's Frisco stock at a large advance over what the Santa Fe had paid, which accounts for the immense sum that the Santa Fe now has in its treasury. It will be seen from this that the Santa Fe has been entirely successful, and it was the other fellows that were "checkmated." [Source of article not known.]

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


Jacob V. Carter, of Kansas, has been appointed agent for the Indians at the Sac and Fox Agency in the Indian Territory.

Fred Harvey and associates are negotiating for the purchase of 150,000 acres of land south of the Arkansas River, near the west line of the State.

A fire at Fort Leavenworth on Wednesday evening consumed thirty-five horses belonging to the government in spite of all efforts on the part of the fort and city fire departments to save them. The buildings with forage, saddles, and other property were burned.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Work on the Atlantic & Pacific road west of Vinita, Indian Territory, is progressing.

The St. Louis and San Francisco railroad will have the right of way through the Nation.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

New Goods at the City Millinery.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Do not fail to attend the festival.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The George Naylor real estate brought $370.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

R. D. Fluke has been appointed postmaster at Tisdale.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

R. B. Corson has closed his term of school in district 125.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Sale of real estate in J. I. Cottingham estate was confirmed.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

James H. Hildebrant has been appointed postmaster at Udall.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

W. F. Holland returned from Socorro, New Mexico, Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The name of the Little Dutch post office has been changed to Akron.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Frank Limbocker and Frank Chappel left for El Paso, Texas, Monday.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Miss Emma Gridley winds up her term of school Friday in district 128.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Petition filed for the sale of real estate belonging to Chas. Fox, a minor.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Doctor A. Gridley has finished his school in district 57; and is now at home.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

M. Hahn & Co., were opening up a large invoice of new goods Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Order made for the sale of real estate belonging to Wm. Friar, deceased.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

J. E. Harlan was allowed demand of $11.75 against estate of John S. Hardy.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Miss Shirza Dobyns closes her school this week in district 19, Tulin Village.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The inventory of the estate of Lewis Moore shows $2,170.74 personal property.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

We expect to see hundreds of people at the Baptist Church this Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The indications now point toward an eight week's normal institute this summer.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

James Fahey returned from the west Wednesday. He found Mrs. Fahey quite ill.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A new schoolhouse is going up in district 120, L. S. Cogswell being chief architect.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

BIRTH. Charlie Holmes has a visitor at his housea nine pound boy. Hurrah for Charlie!

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

E. A. Millard and Miss Mattie West, the Burden teachers, are enjoying a vacation.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

District 121, Omnia Township, now boasts of a new, neat, and convenient schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Administrator ordered to compromise with certain creditors of the estate of John Brooks.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The Governor has appointed Seth W. Chase a justice of the peace for Tisdale Township.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The Floral school, under the management of A. Limerick, opens work this week with new books.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Miss Ada Overman has closed school in district 28, and expects to open work soon in district 102.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Col. McMullen visited Arkansas City Thursday and looked over the canal and other public improvements.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Dr. Schofield returned to Cowley Friday, this time to stay. He says this is the best country he has yet succeeded in finding.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

W. H. Smith, of this city, is summoned on the grand jury of the U. S. Circuit Court at Topeka, and O. M. Seward is on the petit jury.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

BIRTH. Mr. M. Ellinger and lady, of Tisdale Township, rejoice in the possession of a bran new daughter, born the 29th inst. Tally another for Tisdale!

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Saturday we were gratified to receive a call from Miss Anna D. Martin. She is the teacher of District No. 61 [?] and is a very pleasant and intelligent lady.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

H. P. Snow, of Sheridan, has purchased Mr. Wood's interest in the firm of Jones & Wood, general merchandise, at Burden. H. P. Is a first-class businessman.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Hudson Brothers removed Monday, and they were hardly out of the building before workmen began tearing it away, to make room for the new brick and stone one.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The Baptists have done a noble work in building in this city the finest church in Kansas. Let all turn out and encourage them at their festival this Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The second number of The Visitor, the monthly published by the Baptist Church, comes to hand this week. It is if anything brighter and neater than the first, and contains many excellent things.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A good many complaints are made at Arkansas City of young boys, from five to twelve years of age, who howl and swear around the streets until a late hour, disturbing everybody and making themselves obnoxious generally.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The council is vigorously enforcing the sidewalk ordinances, and those who do not hereafter build their walks within the time allotted by ordinance will have them put down by the city and the cost taxed against the property.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Will S. [?] Smith returned from his eastern trip Saturday. He purchased a handsome line of boots and shoes, and attracted general attention as "a man from Kansas" on the streets of Boston.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Frank Manny has one of the best conservatories of plants and flowers in the state. If you want pots of plants, bouquets of choice flowers, or early vegetables of any kind, you will find them in the best style and in profusion at his greenhouses.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

John T. Denton of Harvey Township was in the city Friday and favored the COURIER with a call. John is one of Cowley's boys who are laying the foundation for snug fortunes in the stock business. He came over on business connected with his stock interests.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Bryan & Harris are "boss" real estate agents of this county. They attend to their business thoroughly, are strictly reliable, and always give satisfaction. Their sales are being counted by the dozen. If you don't want to sell your land, keep it out of their hands. Buyers should examine their new list of farms for sale in this issue.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mr. Daniel Eastman of Pleasant Valley Township is making many substantial improvements on his farm this spring. He has fenced a large pasture field, built a new house, and last week Mr. W. A. Lee put him up a Stover windmill and he will hereafter have an abundance of pure water for his stock. We like to see these improvements going on among Cowley's farmers.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons have been licensed during the past week to commit matrimony in the different townships of the county by the Probate Judge.

David Nicholson and Minnie B. Walworth of Vernon.

John Stout and Bertha Keorber.

N. G. Harris and Mary E. Adams.

Michael J. Riley and Mattie L. House.

Wm. E. Lynch and Fanny Barnes.

Moses H. Williams and Rebecca I. Elliott.

Thos. B. Bayles [?Sales?] and Lulia Hammond.

Saml. L. Americe and Ettie Hill.

Amos Tolles and Anna Right.

Will D. Mowry and _______ [we did not catch the name of the lady in this last mentioned case, but will try to furnish it in the near future. William will please give our cigar to Cyrus M. Scott.]

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Dr. F. M. Cooper leaves Saturday for St. Louis, where he will spend about two months, attending lectures, investigating hospital practice, and gaining general and valuable information relating to chronic diseases. The Doctor is one of the most enthusiastic professional men we have ever known, and pursues his studies with a zeal that will before many years place him in the foremost rank, as a physician, learned in all the arts and mysteries of the profession. This makes the third time since he began practice here that he has visited the east, and acquainted himself with the newest discoveries in the world of physic.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The "Esmeralda" entertainment was the best Amateur Entertainment we ever attended. Each and every character was represented in a way that was most commendable and earned the hearty applause of the audience, which was one of the largest ever gathered in this city. The receipts were about $85, and will net the Library Association about $50. Many of our citizens are urging the company to visit Wellington, and perhaps arrangements can be made to do so.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

We overheard two prominent teachers of Cowley County naming over the prospective candidates for County Superintendent, and caught the following names: S. A. Smith, H. T. Albert, Tom Rude, Frank Werden, P. B. Lee, E. A. Millard, R. B. Hunter, B. B. Limerick, and Prof. Atkinson. We failed to catch onto any more names and are unable to say how many candidates there will be. Burden Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Will Robinson has purchased the residence of Hon. A. J. Pyburn, on south Loomis street. We've been expecting something of this sort, ever since Will came out with that aesthetic bouquet in his button-hole, at the "Esmeralda"entertainment. He looked handsome enough to own a residence, with morning glories running over the back porch, and a _____ (continued in our next.) [Note: There was no follow-up to this in next issue. MAW]

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

In another place in this paper will be found the announcement of Capt. H. H. Siverd for re-election to the office of Constable. Mr. Siverd has filled this office for the past year to the satisfaction of everyone, is an active, energetic officer, and fearless in the discharge of his duty. He should be re-elected without opposition, and from present appearances this is about what will happen. Siverd and Frank Finch will make a splendid team.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Col. McMullen intends making many neat improvements in residence grounds this summer in the way of trees, shrubbery, etc. The Colonel is a thorough home man, and believes in making it the attractive center around which other worldly things should cluster.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Superintendent Story expects to hold public meetings next week in Vernon Township. On Monday night, in district 48; Tuesday night in district 12; and Wednesday night in district 63. The patrons of these schools, and the citizens of Vernon Township, will please bear in mind these appointments.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Someone broke all the windows in the residence formerly occupied by Mollie Burk in the south part of town last week. The fellows who thus destroy property should be made examples of, and will be if they can be caught.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The J. I. Cottingham farm in Richland Township on Timber Creek was sold last week to Mr. Hollingsworth for $3,200. This farm belonged to the estate, and is one of very few cases where the land was sold for more than the appraised value.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

BIRTH. There is another tramp in town. Our foreman, Mr. A. B. Sykes, took him in Sunday evening and his natural kindness of heart prompted him to keep him right along. He is large for his ageweighs ten pounds, and keeps yelling for "copy" every few minutes.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Daniel Read has returned from Washington Territory. He says he likes the lay of the land there and the fertility of the soil, but the people indulge in shakes, neuralgia, rheumatism, and similar amusements, which he considers immoral in their tendencies, and so he won't stay there.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A minister in this city received a communication from Iowa wanting to know if the bar- rooms were kept open in this city. The minister replied that there was not a bar-room in Cowley County, and that the law was a success. Thou hast truly said.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The present term of school closes in April. There will be no school this summer, as there is no money in the treasury with which to pay expenses. This is a very bad state of affairs, but there seems to be no way to get around it.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The telephones are rapidly extending over the city, and from present indications it will not be long until every business house and many dwellings will be furnished with one.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Ed. Nicholson has purchased the Alfred Hightower's place on Crab Creek, in Dexter Township. He bought the farm, stock, and farming implements for $3,000. Mr. Hightower will remove to Texas.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mr. M. L. Read received on Monday the finest buggy we have yet seen on the streets. The boys gathered around to examine it in such numbers that a stranger took Mr. Read for a patent-right man.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A regular Arctic wave came down upon us Monday evening, and finding all the peach trees in bloom, did its level best to pinch off the blossoms. We think it damaged some of them, and perhaps the greater part.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Rev. James Cairns preached last Sunday in the main auditorium of the new Baptist Church for the first time. We would judge that the sounding capacity of the room is first- class for the sermon rang out clearly and distinctly.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mr. J. C. Fuller went industriously to work last week and put up a high picket fence between himself and his nearest neighbor, Abe Steinberger.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Ezra Meech furnished some excellent points on sheep husbandry in an article on the first page this week. Mr. Meech is one of the best sheep men in the county.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A branch railroad is being built from Arkansas City to the gravel beds two miles away. The seaport and terminus is bound to be a railroad center as well.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mrs. Dr. Black and her son, George, left Tuesday for Robinson, New Mexico, their future home. Dr. and Mr. Black will take charge of the new hotel there.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Elder Gans, of Winfield, will preach at the school hall in this city on Saturday evening, April 8th, and also at 11 a.m., and evening, on the following day. Mulvane Herald.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Hudson Brothers.
Whatever may be said, complimentary or otherwise, of our old friend, Robert Hudson, we have this to say, that he has done more for Winfield in one respect than any other man. In the early days of this town he brought here five boys and four girls, who have grown up among us and become valued, esteemed, and respected citizens. The girls are young women of refinement, good sense, and cultivated tastes, and the boys are ingenious mechanics, and honorable, industrious, enterprising, and reliable young men in every way. Few families have had the fortune to acquire in any community so good a standing without a stain. Three of the boys are the proprietors of the Hudson Bros. Jewelry House, which moves this week to the building next south of Brown's drug store.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Another Whiskey Case.
The case of the State vs. Wm. Ogden came up for trial Tuesday afternoon before Justice Buckman. A great number of witnesses were summoned. MILO HART, of Beaver Township, a bright-looking young man, was the first witness called. He testified in a straight forward manner, with no attempt to conceal anything or screen himself. He testified that he had purchased liquor from the defendant, which he called "sea-foam," but which was in reality beer, that the bottle was labeled beer, and that it made him tight. Thomas Poor and Harry Lester, of Beaver, both honest appearing boys, testified substantially to the same facts. The State rested its case on this testimony, and as we go to press the defense is putting on its witnesses. We will give the result next week.

LATER! The jury returned a verdict of guilty and Ogden was sentenced to sixty days in the county jail and to pay the costs. This is the most vigorous way of dealing with refractory beer-sellers yet inaugurated and will have a wholesome effect.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Rev. P. F. Jones.

This gentleman commenced his work as pastor of the M. E. Church in this city, last Sunday. He is a good looking man and fills the pulpit with dignity and grace. He is unusually well versed in the English language, his pronunciation is perfect, and his syntax is complete. His natural voice is low, clear, and pleasant, and entrances his audience with its magnetic power, but he indulges largely in a higher voice, as is customary with many preachers, which is not so clear and natural. He made the most favorable impression on his hearers and his connection with this church and people opens full of promise.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mad DogsLook Out.

We are informed that there have been recent cases of mad dogs on Silver Creek, that two have been killed, and that several bitten dogs have gone on their travels to bite. We have no particulars, but it is true that many cases have occurred in the state, and some in adjoining counties, so we warn everybody to look out for dogs of all kinds and keep out of their reach, and to be prepared to kill them as soon as they exhibit symptoms of hydrophobia.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Festival. The ladies of the Baptist Church and congregation will give a grand festival at the new meeting house on Thursday evening, March 2nd, 1882, for the purpose of furnishing the house. Every person is invited to come and bring their friends and neighbors. Come early and stay late and have a general good time. There will also be goods for sale, suited to the person and homes of all who come. COMMITTEE.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mr. James Kirk returned from Rockford, Illinois, Tuesday evening. He left Mrs. Kirk at Rockford, under treatment for a couple of months longer. She is getting some relief and it is hoped will receive permanent benefit.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Col. J. M. Alexander arrived from Florida Tuesday evening, and this weather is to him a wide contrast with the everglade state. He brought us an orange which is large enough to pass for a pumpkin. He will remain a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The ordinance against driving over sidewalks should be rigidly enforced. Some of the best walks in the city are being ruined by thoughtless drivers who wish to take the "near cut." A frightful example is needed.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

R. F. Burden has several acres of Blue grass on his land, which looks very nice. He sowed 80 acres last fall and reports it as up looking nice. Our farmers should sow more tame grass. Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The COURIER has added forty-five new subscribers to its list since the first of March. A great many of these are newcomers who are settling and buying land in the county.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mr. W. F. McClellen, of Illinois, made us a pleasant call Monday. He comes intending to go into the cattle business, and has brought a carload of thorough-bred short horn stock.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Prof. Cooper, of Lawrence, will conduct the Cowley County Normal this summer. Miss Lillian F. Hoxie, of the State Normal at Emporia, will be with our teachers this summer.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

W. L. Koons, of Cambridge, called on us Wednesday in company of Rev. D. Thomas, his brother-in-law.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The Arbitration Committee on the Harter and Harris Mill Case finished their labor Saturday. The Committee put in just two months.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A mover's wagon with a low bedtick covered house on it passed through town on Tuesday, attracting much attention.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The claim of Anthony Robinson for $60.50, and claim of G. J. Robinson for $17.74 allowed against the estate of George Naylor.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mr. Daniel Amos, late of Kentucky, is stopping at the Brettun, and is taking in the sights. He is well pleased with the country.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Wm. Morgan came down from Omnia Saturday, and reports farmers generally ready for corn planting.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Miss Celina Bliss has finished her school in district 9, but the patrons want her to go on with the work.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

H. C. Catlin of Liberty called yesterday. He fears the last freeze has ruined the peach crop.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

McClellan Klingman came down from Newton last week and is taking in his old haunts.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Mrs. Bliss is gradually sinking. She is constantly attended by Mrs. Rigby.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Senator Hackney returned Monday, from a business trip to Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Will Mowry and Cal. Swarts, of Arkansas City, were up Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Dr. Cooper is contemplating a trip to Florida this summer.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

George Corwin's little daughter is quite ill.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

A Few Improvements.
One of Winfield's crowning glories is her beautiful residences and snug, comfortable homes. Nothing is more indicative of permanency and prosperity than these and nothing shows more strongly the character of her people. This spring and summer many beautiful lawn improvements will be made, and Mr. Barclay has already on the road a car load of piping and several large fountains and windmills which will be put up in the yards of many of our best residences. Mr. Horning will put up a windmill, have water pipes laid over his grounds, and a beautiful fountain put up in the yard. M. L. Robinson intends putting in extensive improvements of the same sort, and many others will as soon as possible have appliances for watering their lawns and running fountains. Before many summers our city will be noted far and wide for its beautiful homes, as it now is for its sidewalks and brick blocks.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

The following places in the City of Winfield are now connected by telephone, and new additions are made daily.

3. M. L. Read's residence.

8. Wilson's transfer office.

10. Adams' express office.

11. Wells Fargo express office.

12. A. H. Doane & Co.'s coal office.

13. The Courant office.

14. Carruthers' office.

15. A. T. Spotswood & Co., grocery.

16. Bliss & Wood, city mills.

17. M. L. Read's bank.

18. The COURIER office.

19. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe depot.

20. Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern depot.

21. Frank Manny's residence.

22. The Brettun.

23. Steinberger's residence.

24. J. P. Baden's general mercantile store.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: Having heard that you would like a correspondent from our neighborhood, I have for the present taken the liberty to "jot down" a few notes by the way.

Our literary closed Thursday evening, March 9th, in full blast. Quite a number of the younger members were unwilling that it should be so, but the older and wiser thought best as spring is rapidly approaching. It is astonishing how well it has been attended during the fall and winter, and how the majority have done their best in contributing, and the good order that has generally prevailed.

The young folks of the literary gave a dramatic entertainment at the schoolhouse some three weeks ago. The house was crowded notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, and many were heard to say it was worth twice the admission fee. One week later the club visited Seeley and the "each and everyone" did credit to themselves. On Saturday evening of March 11th they gave one play (gratis) at the schoolhouse of district 50. They combined with the school entertainment that was given on that same evening, and we heard they impersonated the characters they represented almost to perfection.

Our Sabbath school under the superintendency of J. F. Martin is prospering finely, and we think another addition of twelve feet ought to go on our schoolhouse to make room for the people. Another presentation last Sabbath week to Mrs. Craig, teacher of Infant class. The little folks worked hard to raise the money among themselves to purchase the little memento their worthy teacher received.

We are expecting the new organ before long.

Mr. T. Carter and Mr. Smith are improving their farms by planting catalpa trees. They will make beautiful groves in a few years.

Mr. F. W. Schwantes sold his beef cattle and swine several days ago for a goodly sum and has now bought another farm.

Mr. Roberts has gone east looking up more cattle.

As the spring approaches we hear the young ladies of Valley View talking of new clothes and the desire to spring right into them and leave furs and zero behind. BOBOLINK.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

F. V. Rowland wants every farmer and stock man in Cowley County, interested in breeding and raising of stock, to call at the post office and get a sample copy of the Breeders' Gazette, the best weekly stock journal published in America.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Justus Fisher has completed an addition to his house in Liberty Township.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

Report of Rain Bow Bend School, District 61, for the term ending March 17th, 1882.

Enrollment 41, average attendance 71.

Name and standing of pupils who made a general average in attendance, deportment, and scholarship of 85 or above.

Rachel Fawcett 97, Willie Riggs 97, John Coller 95, Maud Westman 93, Flemma Crabtree 92, Laura Wertman 92, Charley Brian 87, Eddie Riggs 90, Bertie Coller 90, Nettie Nelson 86, Arthur Riggs 94, Carrie Brian 90, Anna Riggs 87, Tommy Fawcett 87, Luella Spence 86, Williard Brian 95, Nettie Corbin 91, May Spence 86, Everett Crabtree 90, Henry Snyder 81, Otis Coller 90, Sadie Glasgow 92. Flemma Crabtree and Everett Crabtree were present all of the term without being tardy. ANNA D. MARTIN, Teacher.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

To Wool Growers.

Members of the Wool Growers Association and all the others interested are requested to meet at the Courthouse, on Saturday, April 1st, at 1 o'clock p.m., to elect officers and arrange for the annual public shearing. A. D. CROWELL, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

AD. WE ARE NOT BUSTED, Bur are only removing our Jewelry Store across the street NEXT TO BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Where we will be found until the completion of our NEW BUILDING! Which will be erected immediately on the site of the old store. In order to hold our trade and be ready to go into the new store with an entirely NEW STOCK! We will for the next ninety days sell Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Silverware at NET COST!

Some rare bargains are offered and the public should lose no time in examining the stock and selecting what they need. Every house in Cowley County should be furnished with a time piece, and never gain will the people have such an opportunity to buy them at such prices as we now offer.

Remember the place, next to Brown's drug store, with D. F. Best. HUDSON BROS.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Winfield Building Loan Association have caused books to be opened for receiving subscription to the capital stock of said Association, at the office of the Secretary thereof on the south side of 9th Ave., 2nd door east of Millington Street, in the city of Winfield, Cowley County, State of Kansas, which books will be kept open till the whole amount of capital stock is subscribed by order of the Board of Directors. J. F. McMULLEN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


List of U. S. Patents not recorded now lying in the Register of Deeds' office, January 12th, 1880. [Township & Range given after Section.]

U. S. to W. A. Barr in Section 12, 31, 5.

U. S. to T. A. Brown, Section 18, 34, 3.

U. S. to Jno. A. Churchill, Section 32, 31, 3.

U. S. to J. I. Cottingham, Section 25, 31, 4.

U. S. to H. C. Field, Section 17, 31, 4.

U. S. to D. Holiday, Section 19, 33, 5.

U. S. to D. A. Huston, Section 9, 31, 4.

U. S. to Thos. J. Jones, Section 28, 33, 5.

U. S. to Christian Miller, Section 31, 31, 6.

U. S. to F. H. Myers, Section 11, 32, 3.

U. S. to C. R. McIntyre, Section 5, 35, 3.

U. S. to Jno. R. Newcomb, Section 12, 33, 5.

U. S. to J. F. Roberts, Section 8, 31, 8.

U. S. to W. L. Tryon, Section 28, 32, 4.

U. S. to D. H. Wilson, Section 14, 35, 3.

Also deeds.

Will parties interested in them call and get them if they do not want them recorded.

JACOB NIXON, Register of Deeds.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

AD. CLOSING OUT SALE: The following is a list of prices.

9 lbs. Granulated Sugar: $1.00

11 lbs. Coffee c. Sugar: $1.00

6 lbs. Arbor Dil. [??] Coffee: $1.00

Best coal oil: $.20

Baking powder: $.90

Salt per bbl.: $2.75

Teas and canned goods in proportion.

Produce taken in exchange. Powers & Shrieves.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


Columbia River Salmon.

Lake Superior White Fish.

Large Fat Mackerel.

Georges' Bank Pure Cod.

Holland Herring.

Smoked Halibut.

Scaled Herring.

And kit and canned Fish in great variety just received at Spotswood's.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.


Ninth Avenue, West of Post Office, Winfield, Kansas.

Carriages and teams furnished on short notice and reasonable prices.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

ESTRAY. Sorrel pony two years old came to the residence of the subscriber living in Walnut Township, three miles southeast of Winfield. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. A. HELMAN.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

AD. NOTICE. After February 1st, 1882, Bullington & Elliott will close out their stock of FLOUR AND OTHER MILL STUFF AT WHOLESALE PRICES in the mill. Good Flour $3.45 per hundred and other Flour as low as $2.00 per hundred. Where customers will furnish their sacks, we will sell meal at $1.45 per hundred, or ready sacked for $1.50 per hundred. We will continue to sell at these figures until the stock on hand is closed out.


Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

AD. SOUTHWEST MACHINE WORKS, SAMUEL CLARK, Proprietor and Mechanical Engineer. Having again assumed control of the machine department of the above works, I will give it my personal supervision, and will run it as a general Machine Works. Will build and repair ENGINES, BOILERS, ETC., And guarantee satisfaction. Will buy and sell Second-hand Machinery on Commission. Shops near A. T. & S. F. R. R., Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.

AD. WHITING BROS. (Successors to Simmons & Ott) MEAT MARKET.

Keep the best FRESH, SALT, AND SMOKED MEATS. Poultry, Game, and Fish in season. MAIN STREET, WINFIELD, KANSAS. We take the greatest care in the selection of beeves and stock for market, and are prepared at all times to furnish our customers with the very best. Farmers who have CHOICE STOCK FOR SALE, please call on us.

Cash paid for Hides. WHITING BROS.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.




EDS. COURIER: About one mile west of Palatka, the land rises into the "high pine," and continues rolling into Marion County, interspersed with little spring water lakes. On the east side of the river opposite Palatka, is the celebrated grove of Col. Hart. The Col. is a live Yankee, who came in here a few years ago, and commenced to perfect an Orange grove. Now, his grove commands an almost fabulous price, and the Col. has become one of the packing and shipping kings of Florida. All the oranges he buys, as well as those from his own grove, are branded "Hart's oranges," and of course are supposed to have matured in the celebrated grove.

One pleasant morning at 8 a.m., I stepped on board the splendid Steamer, Anita, bound up the river 120 miles to the City of Sanford. The river narrows rapidly after leaving Palatka, the shores still presenting the monotonous aspect of swampy formation with water oak and cabbage palmetto, except the occasional high banks, where a town always appears, or the name of a town, and at which points we stop to exchange the mail. In 26 miles we enter Little Lake George, from one to two miles wide and six miles long, at the end of which we emerge into the beautiful grand lake of the upper Lake George, 12 miles wide and 18 miles long. I shall not readily forget the scene I witnessed on this inland Sea on my return trip. We left the towns of Astor and Volusia on the Steamer, Rosa, a little before Sunday. We had partaken of a princely supper, and all, ladies and gentlemen (and there were many en route to the State Fair at Jacksonville) with one accord, sought the covered open cabin deck to enjoy a scene of almost magic witchery. We were upon the bosom of the broad waters. A bright crescent moon sheened her silvery beams afar over the calm mirror, while the anxious vision trying to peer through to the shores, loses itself in a seeming Indian summer haze. While I sat absorbed in the scene an ugly change intruded into my quiet thought. The shadow of the ship in the water seemed to spread, growing larger and blacker, until it appeared to typify an ice bound region, with railroads freighting long trains of coal loaded cars. My thoughts sped to my friends in Winfield on that February night, and Isighed.

Passing through Lake George on the upward trip, we enter a very narrow and crooked stream. If not so crooked, it would remind me of a Louisiana Bayou. It is a constant repetition of the letter S. Now think of it. A steamboat of 200 tons capacity, rushing through so tortuous a stream, in a channel barely wide enough for two such boats to pass, at the rate of 12 miles an hour! Being a steam boat many, my thoughts recurred to the pilotage. I walked out to the end of the deck and turned to the pilot house. It was accounted for. Two burly black giants in shirt and trowsers, bare-headed, bare-armed, sweat running down their faces, had hold of the wheel. The passengers were intent watching the shores for alligators, and when they saw one they didn't know it until the captain called their attention to it. They supposed they saw only a black root or small log. Butt I loved to look at the tall, straight palmetto with its graceful headdress. I do not think it is a love of a tree.

Again we emerge into a broad, beautiful circular lake of five miles in diameter. It is Lake Monroe, with Sanford on the south side of it, and Enterprise just opposite on the north side. The latter place being a "city" of great importance in Volusia County, a little company of us chartered a small steamer the next day to take us over from Sanford to see the county seat of Volusia. We found a magnificent hotel, the "Brock House," well filled with guests, some delightful orange groves on either side of it, copious springs of salt, sulphur, and other minerals, a bathhouse, two or three limited places of trade, a dilapidated looking courthouse, and a jail that wouldn't hold a boy who hd been stealing sugar. In the second grove to the east of the hotel, I witnessed an amusing sight. In the middle of the grove appeared a sportsman's ranche. A gentleman of Spanish habits had a great number of game cocks in training, and quite a variety of strange birds with gay plumage, and several hunting dogs and puppies. Now a Florida dog is known to be largely and thickly inhabited, and it is a pleasure to him to be helped to get rid of his surplus population. Among the strange birds was a "spoon bill," a beautiful bird in all but his bill. His bill is like blades of two long case knives enlarged at the ends, and the funny part was to see this bird go over a pup from head to tail and return obliterating a swath of fleas with that bill, while the pup would submit to be rooted over from side to side by the bill with a relish of seeming ecstasy. And the industrious bird made a clean job of it. On my return to Sanford, I related the incident to my fellow boarders as they crowded the ample veranda of the hotel, when a blonde, buxom young Virginia widow very innocently inquired of me if I knew where she could obtain a Spoon bill. After a little nervous thrill had time to work off from the company, I timidly remarked that, if I possessed the power of Asmodeus, she should never suffer for the want of a spoon bill.

I hope my readers will not get out of patience with me. I will assuredly reach the merits of Florida in good time.

My attention has just been called to an article in the Chicago Times of recent date, purporting to be written by an English correspondent, in which he asserts that Florida is an agricultural and horticultural failure. When I come to describe what I saw at the Orange County Fair and State Fair at Jacksonville, and the products, garden vegetables, and fruits, that I have myself witnessed, I presume my readers will place that correspondent where I place him. I believe him to be a deadbeat who, because he could not beat his way at the hotels and on the river and railroads in the state, on the strength of asserting himself a correspondent, thought to wreak a fancied revenge in believing the prosperity of the state. In good time I shall tell of colonies of educated northern gentlemen who are prospering here, and who do not want to sell out. The Superintendent of the Florida Southern Railway Co., in an advertisement, closes in this language: "The Company hope to settle rapidly these lands with Northern farmers, thereby ensuring schools and good neighbors." All of which, to me, is significant of the future of Florida. I am not writing to induce immigration. If my health required a northern clime, I would not come south. But to me, the atmosphere of the high pine lands of Florida alone is worth one hundred dollars an acre. J. M. A.

P. S. The comical ending of the tragical drama of the "Dirty Nosed Sisters," noticed in a recent number of the COURIER, was not as bad as was at first reported. Your correspon- dent was fortunate enough to rescue the "Sisters" from Saurian jaws, and no loss whatever accrued. The building was entirely valueless, and the two drowned were only a couple of Kansas editors. J. M. A.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: This agency was established in 1863, since which it has been under the control of eight agents, averaging about 2-1/2 years per agent. About two years or less is the average of an Indian Agent's tenure of office. The number of agencies in the Republic is 68. It would be gratifying to know whether this frequent change is on account of incompetence or dishonesty, or to serve political purposes.

In looking over the list of agents holding office in 1880, the following is revealed.

Appointments of agents:

1864: 1. 1871: 3. 1872: 3. 1873: 1. 1874: 1. 1875: 3. 1876: 3. 1877: 2. 1878: 15. 1879: 14. 1880: 13. Vacant: 4. Total: 68.

The salary of agents vary from $1,000 to $2,000.

The agency buildings on the Mohave Reservation cost about $80,000. A ditch, which has never been used, for irrigation, cost about $80,000. The yearly outlay is about $32,000. Perhaps it would be of interest to know how this amount is expended.

Agents salary: $1,500

Physicians salary: $1,200

Clerks salary: $1,000

Blacksmith: $900

Butcher: $900


Interpreter: $300

Teamster: $300

2 day laborers: $456


Teacher: $900

Matron: $750

Cook: $600

School Supplies: $1,000

Police, ten in number: $1,200

Hay: $500

Barley: $1,300

Beef: $12,000

Flour: $6,000

Salt: $100

Then there is a supply of iron, lumber, coal, medicines, hospital stores, etc., required each year.

The average attendance at the school is twenty-five. The average number of patients prescribed for monthly is 82. From ten to fifteen of that number are attended to daily by the physician. The vices of the miners and soldiers have been severely felt by the Indians of this country. C. G. SMITH.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

How Gould Lives.
The New York correspondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat furnishes some very interesting personal news in relation to the home life of Jay Gould and his family. Mr. Gould, when a young leather merchant, fell in love with a pretty and interesting girl, and as her parents opposed the match on account of her youth, ran away with and married her. The mar- riage has been a very happy one. The couple are devoted to one another. Mrs. Gould is a domestic, quiet, refined, well-bred woman, who would rather be at home with her children than anywhere else. She heartily dislikes show, as does her husband, and has no social ambi- tion. Says this correspondent: "One never reads, as one generally reads of the wives of rich New Yorkers in the so-called society journals, about her sumptuous entertainments, her magnificent diamonds, her ravishing toilets, her elegant dinners. Neither he nor she would desire to be so advertised if they cared for such things, which they do not. They live as tranquilly as any pair of trades-people having rooms over their shop in Sixth Avenue. Their residence is at the northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Forty-seventh street, a spacious but plain house of the regular pattern, not distinguishable from hundreds of others in the fashionable quarter. It is very comfortably and elegantly furnished, containing a number of books, pictures, and engravings, but with no attempt at display, no savor of money."

The correspondent says of Mr. Gould that life pleasures are few. Among them is the theatre, which he frequently attends with his son George, a modest, quiet, well-behaved young man. In point of manners Mr. Gould is a model. He is not yet 50, and his slight, short figure, black hair and whiskers add to his youthful appearance. He is a plain liver, does not use tobacco and seldom drinks liquors of any kind. He is generous with his money and gives to all worthy charitable purposes, but prefers to give privately, having a temperamental dislike to seeing his name in the newspapers as a donor.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

H. H. Siverd will be a candidate for re-election to the office of Constable for the city of Winfield.

Geo. H. Buckman will be a candidate for the office of Justice of the Peace for the city of Winfield.

Frank W. Finch will be a candidate for the office of Constable for the city of Winfield.

T. H. Soward will be a candidate for the office of Justice of the Peace for the city of Winfield.

W. E. Tansey will be a candidate for re-election to the office of Justice of the Peace for the city of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. S. B. Evans is satisfied that the same race built the prehistoric mounds found in Mexico and the United States. He bases his belief on the alleged facts of a close resemblance between the construction of those remains, of the similarity of the implements employed, of the burial of the dead being exactly alike, and of the close likeness of the skulls found in the tombs of the mound-building period, whatever the locality may be.

The Aztecs were not the first mound-builders, because he holds they had no tendency through religious or other motives in that direction, and the specimens of pottery found in the mounds and pyramids could not have been made by the Aztecs.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882. Editorial by Millington.


Capt. J. B. Evans, of Vernon, takes us to task about our opposition to burning off the prairie grass to destroy chinch bugs. He thinks he lost two hundred dollars last year by not burning the old prairie grass around his premises. The chinch bugs harbored in that grass until the wheat got up pretty well and then laid their eggs on the stems of the wheat, the eggs hatched out soon, and the new crop of chinch bugs got well to work two weeks before harvest and damaged it badly. At harvest time the straw was almost black with them, and when the wheat was out of the way, they marched in force into the cornfields, destroying as far as they went. He admits that our ideas are good in theory, but says they are bad in practice. He finished planting twelve acres of corn on the 24th. It is the large flint corn. He reports the best prospect for wheat we ever had at this time of the year. He thinks there are all the live peach buds and blossoms left the trees ought to bear, and believes we shall have a good peach crop. Many farms are selling at good figures, and everything in Vernon is on the boom.

Mr. Wm. Carter, from the same township, concedes the correctness of Mr. Evans' statement of the case, but believes that if he had burned off the prairies about his premises, he would have suffered about the same damage from chinch bugs, for they would have drifted in from somewhere and filled his wheat fields.

Early crops is the only way to head off chinch bugs. Have your crops so well advanced before the dry, hot weather comes on that the bugs cannot do them much hurt.

When you have frequent cool weather, the chinch bugs will do little or no hurt. Keep the prairies well covered with old grass as much and with new grass, trees, and other vegetation, and the surface of the ground will be kept cool and moist and the rains will be more frequent. Putting off the hot dry weather so late that your crops will have time to mature, and the chinch bugs will have to seek food in other sections where they burn off the prairies every spring.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

A NEW TOWN. Mount Dora.
Col. J. M. Alexander, of Winfield, Kansas, has purchased twenty acres of land of Mrs. J. P. Donnelly, at the beautiful point on the east end of Lake Dora, and four hundred acres in the immediate vicinity, and has decided to lay out a town site. Col. Alexander will, among the first improvements, build a large store and hotel, and is now on his way back to Kansas. He will return in May with a colony of his friends. This site selected is well known to be the most beautiful spot in Florida, and the Colonel, being a town builder in Kansas, the new town of Mount Dora starts under favorable auspices. Semi-Tropical, Lake Eustis, Florida.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: You invite expression upon the article written by "Taxpayer" in your last issue, and I, being a member of that body which resolved to canvass the township that I represented, have this to say to every taxpayer in Cowley County, that the herd law question was sprung by Mr. Short or Mr. Roberts, I do not remember which, and if either of these men are working for the interests of "a few cattle men," I do not know it. The object of the canvass was to get the expression from the voters of the county and place the same before the County Commissioners. It is useless to call a vote upon the subject and cost the county five or six hundred dollars and result in no good. This canvass need not cost the county one dollar, nor shall it on my part. It is a self-evident fact that Cowley County is not wholly an agricultural country, and the time has fully come when every farmer should turn his attention partly to stock raising.

"Taxpayer" is fearful of taxno, he is afraid the herd law will be repealed, and he will have to stop loafing and go to fencing or about five years hence he will be compelled to evacuate. He undertakes to scare the people by telling them that it would "bankrupt nine- tenths of them" if they were compelled to fence. We have farms fenced in our community with but little money. Two dollars and an ounce of energy will fence a pretty good farm in five years. Try it, Mr. Taxpayer. "Cowley County owes her present success to a good herd law," and he should have added, "borrowed capital." Every successful man studies to utilize everything nature has provided for his convenience and happiness, and I know we are not doing it in Cowley, nor can we (when I say we, I mean the poorer class, for I belong to that class) until we abolish this herd law. The statute does not specify how an assessor shall be transferred from one residence to another, whether he shall be carried by the swiftest steed, or use his own pleasure and walk, or what questions he may ask nor what he shall not ask the one whom he assesses. I have thoroughly canvassed Sheridan Township upon the herd law question as far as I have gone, and I am happy to say a very great majority are pleased with the movement. I hope, Mr. Editor, to be able to place before you shortly the expression of this township, and if I have violated my oath and not performed the duties of my office, I am in the hands of the commissioners, and whatever punishment they deal out, I will take it like a little man. I hope, brother trustees, you will continue to make a thorough canvass of your respective townships. I am willing for the majority of those whom I assess to say what amount of time I consume in the matter, and I will be more than willing to deduct it from time occupied. I think by the time all the returns are in, "Taxpayer" will feel like crawling in his hole and pulling the hole in after him. Respectfully, E. I. JOHNSON.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The trains of the Santa Fe will stop at Newton for meals after the 1st of May.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

In the Indian Territory, a playful cowboy drove two of his companions out of camp, killed a third who was not able to travel, and then stole the impediments.


Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

They have "lap" socials at Emporiaonly two present.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Thos. Thompson of Vernon planted sixteen acres of corn last week.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Wanted. A first-class fresh cow. Inquire of J. C. McMullen.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Frank Osborn, of Howard, was in the city Monday, as we learn by telephone.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Geo. L. Eastman, with two children, started for New York on Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Capt. Siverd and Frank Finch will be elected constables by common consent.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The young men of Arkansas City have organized a hook and ladder company.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mrs. McCommon, Mrs. J. E. Platter's mother, from Cincinnati, Ohio, is visiting here.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

County Superintendent Story is quite illhas been confined to his bed since Sunday.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Commissioner L. B. Bullington lost a mule last week; the thief was insane of course.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Wink Hill bought the Wm. Thayer place in Spring Creek Township for $1,200. It contains 10 acres.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. Shedden, judged to be insane, was taken by Sheriff Shenneman to the asylum at Osawatomie last week.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

From Silver Cliff, Colorado, papers we see that Frank Baldwin is the Republican nominee for trustee of the city.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

We received a pleasant call from Mr. Thomas Baird, of Bolton, an old COURIER subscriber, on Tuesday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Harry Bahntge purchased a handsome horse and buggy from Cal Furguson [?Ferguson? Fergeson?] Saturday for which he paid $500 in cash.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The Santa Fe boys have been making some furniture which much improves the appearance and convenience of the office.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. Dempsey Elliott will leave for Colorado in a few days. He has been here for some time doctoring and is now much better.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The dramatic club will repeat "Esmeralda" soon for the benefit of the Methodist Church. They will be greeted by a tremendous audience.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Sells Brothers give notice that their circus will visit Winfield during the coming season. The boys will therefore begin to save up their dimes.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

MARRIED. The Probate Court was the scene of another marriage ceremony Monday. James M. Hamill and Annie M. Walker were the contracting parties.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

S. I. Pering has bought a farm in Silverdale Township and has moved to that place. He will be well received there for he is a valuable citizen.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

L. S. Kibbie of Rock called Monday. He is planting about half of his corn now and will plant the other half later and see which does the best.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. Millington went Tuesday to Emporia to attend the meeting of the Republican Com- mittee of the third congressional district of which he is a member.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Smith and Sargeant shipped five carloads of the finest stone ever taken from any quarry last Friday. The stone went to the government building at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The letter of Col. Alexander on first page should have appeared in last week's issue and that of last week in this issue in order to come to regular order in the series.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Bob Phelps and lady came over from Burden Monday. It seems queer to hear Rob talk about having the "baby's picture taken," but then time works wonders.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The Courthouse Block is being filled up rapidly with dirt. New circular crossings are being put down to the side offices, and other good improvements are being made.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The boys down at Arkansas City caught Will on the fly after the arrival of the COURIER last week. Will must excuse us this time. The temptation to tell it was too strong.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Frank Freeland has taken charge of the mechanical department of the Arkansas Valley Democrat. Frank is a good boy and will prove a valuable aid to the Democrat.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The Probate Court has issued licenses to the following persons since our last.


J. M. Hamil [Hamill? ] and Anna M. Walker.

A. A. Becker and Lillie M. Seeley.

David Nicholson and Minnie B. Walsborth [Walsworth? ].

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

J. P. Baden received a car lot of Colorado cabbage Tuesday. One head weighed over ten pounds and was as nice and sweet as any we have ever seen. J. P. keeps his market stocked with the very best.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The pear trees blossomed out last week. This week the apple trees are expected to do a blooming business. The trees are putting on robes of emerald green and nature is charming and gay beyond description.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Samuel G. Castor of Tisdale called Saturday. He is a former Iowan, was a member of the legislature of that state, and a man of influence. More recently he has been promoted to be one of the successful farmers of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The canal down at the terminus is running nicely now. The break in the flume of Ayres' mill has been repaired and everything seems favorable for the brave water conductors, and the towering success of their scheme.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. E. E. Thorpe returned from New York Tuesday. He investigated the leather manu- factory business some and is more convinced than ever that it can be made a success. He will rush his tannery and begin operations at once.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. R. B. Condit of Champaign, Illinois, called on Monday in company with his friend, J. E. Conklin. Mr. Condit is so pleased with this county that he proposes to make it his future home. He will probably engage in the sheep business.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The aggregate of real estate transfers for last week was, in cash $24,663.50. This was on nineteen different transfers. The highest consideration was $3,000, paid to Isaac Markley by Robert M. Clark for a half a section of land in Vernon Township.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The telephone is a great convenience, but from a careful perusal of the iron-clad contracts the telephone company furnishes, it looks all one-sided. It looks to us as if the fellow who pays his money is the one who should demand stipulations.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Fred C. Hunt has retired from the editorial force of the Courant, and is now on a business and pleasure trip to St. Louis. Although Fred's journalistic career was brief, he demonstrated to the satisfaction of all his fitness for newspaper work. His writings show unusual force and vigor and bristle with bright and pungent paragraphs.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Geo. H. Buckman is a candidate for re-election to the office of Justice of the Peace. We suppose the bare announcement of the fact is sufficient to secure his election by an almost unanimous vote, for he is acknowledged to be second to none as an honorable, upright Judge, learned in the law and prompt in business. In such a city as this, the court of a Justice of the Peace is a very important court, and few cities have the fortune of having so sound a man for the place as G. H. Buckman is.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Two men in Reno County were severely injured last week by sticks flying up and hitting them in the face while chopping wood. We should think that after such painful lessons, men would learn something; but it seems they don't. This practice of wood chopping will be kept up by men until some of them are fatally injured. Take warning by the experience of these Reno County men and let your wives chop the wood. Give women their rights: especially the right to chop wood.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

W. J. Bonnewell called last Saturday and gave us an account of a fire in the bend west of here which destroyed about twenty-five acres of valuable young timber and did much other damage. Any man who will set out fires in the rank old grass and let it run is either a careless "cuss" or a scoundrel. "You pays your money and takes your choice." The damage is not only to the owners of the property, but to the whole community.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The following named gentlemen have been drawn as petit jurors for the next term of District Court, which convenes in this city on the fourth Tuesday in April: Henry Gardiner of Cedar Township; S. E. Lewis, J. B. Tucker, and S. B. Fleming of Creswell; Willis Elliott, Samuel Wells, John Moreland, and Frank Moreland, of Liberty; J. D. Hon of Pleasant Valley; Wm. Beeson of Silver Creek; W. P. Heath of Maple.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

W. O. Johnson, of Winfield, is in our city for the purpose of organizing a Council of the National Union. This society offers a very fair and equitable plan for life insurance. In its territorial extent it excludes all yellow fever sections which is regarded as a very desirable feature. Both ladies and gentlemen are admitted and allowed to insure for from $1,000 to $5,000. Douglass Index.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Rev. J. B. Ives' little girl, Nettie, had a very narrow escape from death on last Monday morning. She got hold of some "Rough on Rats," and child-like, began to eat it. Luckily it was discovered, and a physician sent for in time to save her life. Douglass Index.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The Y. M. C. A. Rooms at Arkansas City are proving a source of much benefit to the young men of that place. The rooms are open every evening, and the tables are supplied with the leading journals of the day. We hope they will receive from the citizens all the encouragement such an excellent movement deserves.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Joe Conklin tells of a young man who was engaged in marriage, who told his fiancé everything was so high and he was so poor that he could not marry at present. She answered that they could live very cheaply for she could get along on bread and water. "Well," said he, "if you will furnish the bread, I think I can rustle around and find the water."

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

MARRIED. Last Sunday witnessed the marriage of Mr. Amos Becker and Miss Lillie Seeley. We are very glad to make this announcement. Our old friend Amos needs a guiding star, and in the person of Miss Lillie he has gained an enviable prize.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The little folks of the M. E. Sunday School will give a concert at the church this (Thursday) evening. An admission fee of 10 cents will be charged, the proceeds to be used in purchasing a map of Palestine. Let everybody turn out and encourage them.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mrs. Julia L. Conklin, and her granddaughter, Miss Minnie McLean, left for the east last Monday. They will spend a couple of months in Kansas City, and then visit relatives in New York; and will probably return to Winfield in the fall.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The Arion Quartette favored the audience with some of their beautiful songs last Thursday evening. The Arion is becoming one of our leading social institutions.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The remains of Mr. Ed. Millspaugh were taken up Tuesday for removal to his old home in Burlington, Iowa. They were accompanied by his widow.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

A. H. Green has made arrangements to start a branch real estate office at Arkansas City with Nat Snyder in charge.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

DIED. Mrs. Fred Lehmar, one of the oldest residents of the county, died last Saturday and was buried Monday.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

I am the only agent in this city for the celebrated Jamestown Alpacas. J. P. BADEN.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Couldn't Stand It.

Sam Hawkins of Vernon Township has had an experience that forever settles any restless spirit that may hereafter trouble him. A gentleman came along two weeks ago, looked at his farm, and made him an offer of $4,000 for it. Ham thought this was a pretty big price and took it. The deeds were made and recorded, the money paid over, and Ham moved out. But it didn't end here! After he began to look around, he found he had more money than he knew what to do with, and every time he passed the old place a feeling of loneliness seemed to come over him, and he kind of liked to drive past and take the wife along, and when he came to figure how many apple and peach and pear and plum trees he had set out, and how they were just about ready to bear, he couldn't stand it any longer, but went right away and in less time than it takes to tell it he had bought the old place back again with the stock and everything just as it was. The little experience cost him between three and five hundred dollars, but he feels a thousand better off, and the man who offers to buy his place hereafter will stand in danger of being kicked out into the road.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

The Festival.

The Baptist Festival given in the new church last Thursday evening was attended by almost all of our citizens, and the ladies must have reaped a rich harvest. Until a late hour the tables were crowded and it was difficult to get seats. The Baptist folks should certainly be proud of their church. Although there may be larger ones in the state, there are none more convenient or neater in arrangement. The ceiling, instead of being plastered, is paneled with oiled wood. Under the pulpit is a baptistry and on either side small dressing rooms for the use of those contemplating baptism. A lecture room opens from the vestibule and is separated from the main auditorium by folding doors. There are also two very nice cloak rooms. Much credit is due the energetic ladies of the Baptist Church, who, aided by their pastor, worked so zealously and successfully to erect this beautiful building. As a public improvement it is a credit to our city.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

A. H. Green, not only the leading land broker of Cowley County but of the entire southwest, is having a splendid business and it appears to be increasing with him all the time. We are glad to note this fact as Mr. Green has, during the last five years, at his own expense, done more toward bringing immigrants to this county than all the balance of our citizens put together. His advertisements have been of vast benefit to Winfield and Cowley County, and our citizens should, as they do in our opinion, appreciate it by patronizing him. He is prompt, energetic, and thoroughly reliable, and we expect that during the last three years he has sold from five to ten times as much land as all the balance of the land agents in the county.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. M. V. Ayres, proprietor of the new canal mill at Arkansas City, was in town Tuesday. His mill was started up Monday and is now running at full head. He finds he has abundant power to run all the complicated machinery necessary to make flour by the new "patent" process. Mr. Ayres intends to devote his attention most especially to custom work.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. Walters, of Winfield, father-in-law to Sheriff Shenneman, was down to the terminus last week trying to make arrangements to lease the Central Avenue House. He has not as yet made the thing solid, but we understand he has the refusal of the house and will clinch the bargain next week. Ark. City Democrat.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Mr. Jacob Seeley and family left for northern Iowa Wednesday morning. They did not decided to go until about noon Tuesday, so their departure was somewhat hurried. Mr. Seeley was an excellent citizen and we regret to lose him. He will go into the stock business.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Haywood, of Arkansas City, auctioned off his household goods last Friday, and will leave for the north and east soon. Haywood was one of the early settlers of that town and has stuck to it and worked for it with an abiding faith that is rarely equaled.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Horse Bills. We print horse or Jack bills in any quantities at the most reasonable rates. We have a large lot of very fine cuts, and are prepared to turn out this class of work with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine our cuts.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

THE MARKETS. The markets today (Wednesday) on produce are as follows: Eggs 10 to 12-1/2 cents; butter 25 cents to 30 cents. Old chickens $2.50 to $2.75; Spring chickens, early hatching, $3.00. Sweet potatoes $2.55; Irish potatoes $1.50 to $2.50. Turkeys $8 to $12 per dozen. The grain market is quite active. Wheat brings $1.15 to $1.18; corn 58 cents to 60 cents; oats 50 cents. Hogs bring from $5.40 to $5.60.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

T. H. Soward is a candidate for Justice of the Peace. Being a well read lawyer, he is peculiarly well qualified, and as his lameness unfits him for business requiring physical activity, it would be just and considerate to elect him and give him a chance.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Capt. W. E. Tansey announces as a candidate for re-election to the office of Justice of the Peace. The Captain has filled this office for two years satisfactorily and makes a good officer.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Walnut Township.

EDS. COURIER: The farmers of Walnut are plowing and planting. The soil is in splendid condition and the prospect is good for an abundant yield of all cropswhether field, orchard, or garden.

J. L. King has set out 600 apple trees and will in the future have one of the best, if not the best, fruit farms in the county. His nursery bill this year was $150.

Jethro Cochran has the premium grove of ornamental trees. Jethro certainly has an eye to the ideal and beautiful.

Stone quarries east of town under the charge of "Si" Williams are working full time.

The news comes that Charles Lang is better.

It has been said that a man might go away from Cowley, but he would return. This is correct as is evidenced in the case of Johnnie Wills, who is again on the old stamping ground. He is now looking for a "fair haired blue-eyed maiden" for a life partner.

The assessor is abroad in the land and he lists where he goes. He is making considerable change in the valuation of real estate, raising some and lowering other tracts. He has so far taken the opinion of the voters on the advisability of repealing the herd law to take effect at the expiration of five years. Of those now interviewed two-thirds are in favor of repeal and so the herd law must go, and the farmers will have the privilege of expending a half million dollars in fencing out predaceous animals, which will be good for the lumber men. Stock men can come in with cattle to eat the luxuriant grass, and maybe cattle do not have a penchant for "truck" patches; maybe, and the result will be the small farmers will have to go on a "visit to their wives' people."

Walnut is solid for the third term boom, and this reminds me of an anecdote, the gist of which was "never swap horses while crossing a stream." Then let the good word go on until the idea of November bring assurance doubly sure that Kansas will never take a step backward but ever onward and upward, "All astra per aspera," until she reaches the ideal.

T. R. Bryan has many warm friends that would be glad to have him represent this district in the next legislature.

If this article does not go into the wastebasket, it will not be because it is not

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

For Sale. New Rosewood Pianos from $165 to $500. New Organs from $65 to $200. We buy direct from the factories and for cash only; have no rent, agents' salaries, or traveling expenses to pay, and can therefore sell as low down as any house in the country. We are going into the business with the determination to keep the Piano trade at home. If you wish to buy Pianos or Organs, call at Prof. Farringer's music rooms, South Main Street, and we will offer you bargains that defy competition.

ED. FARRINGER, Business Manager, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Card of Thanks.

In behalf of the Library Association, allow me to extend to the members of the Ivanhoe Club, who rendered so acceptably the popular society drama, "Esmeralda," our heartfelt thanks. We appreciate the effort as much for the interest shown in this philanthropic work as for the money received; although there has never been a time in the history of the Association when money has been more needed. The handsome sum of fifty-two dollars and seventy-five cents ($52.75) was netted to the society. We hope the club will feel encouraged from the large house given them and that we may again be honored with an opportunity of listening to them. COMMITTEE.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Prairie Grove.

EDS. COURIER: As Roy has failed to represent only the big I's, I will endeavor to write a few items, and will mention some of the little you's. Roy is a very popular fellow, but I don't think he is capable of corresponding with such a valuable paper as the COURIER. He may turn out to be like "Just So."

Health of community very good at present. Miss Mattie Vanorsdol has been very sick with typhoid fever, but is now recovering.

Plowing for corn is the order of the day. Some of our smart neighbors have planted potatoes. They must remember the old saying, "plant your `taters when you will, they won't come up `till April."

Wm. B. Files returned last Saturday from Iowa, where he has been visiting relatives and friends.

Miss Fannie Pontious begins to smile when she thinks of its only being one more month till she can leave the children, as her school will then be out. She can then visit some of her old-time friends.

Mr. R. V. Case has bought the quarter section south of Mr. Pontious, and is batching in the shanty that stands on his place. Miss Houston ought to take pity on the poor fellow.

There was a spelling school at Prairie Grove last Friday night. As the roads were very muddy, there was not a very large attendance.

Wheat in this vicinity looks well, although some of the farmers did not get their wheat in until late.

As Roy may think I have intruded on him, I close. ROY'S BETTER HALF.

P. S. I don't mean, that I am really Roy's better half; but that I am a half better than he.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Baltimore Items.

EDS. COURIER: Weather is fine and everything is putting on its spring dress. Peach trees in full bloom. There is some complaint about some orchards on the uplands being injured by the late frost.

Mr. H. S. Thompson is able to be out again, but is not able to do any work yet.

It appears at present that every foot of broke land will be put in corn, millet, and potatoes.

One more month of school; scholars will then be turned out on the summer range.

MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, by Elder R. S. Thompson, Mr. John Stout to Miss Bertha Kurber. Quite a large crowd gathered to witness the happy couple step from single blessedness into matrimonial bliss. It would have done you hungry editors good to have had a place at that table loaded with all the goodies of the season The best wishes of many friends will follow the happy couple.

Quite a large quantity of potatoes have been planted, and some early corn. Quite an interest is manifested this spring by the farmers in putting out trees and vines.

Mr. George Thompson made a short visit to Baltimore during his father's sickness, but has returned to his post at Manhattan. DAD.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Orchard Cottage.

EDS. COURIER: Once more I find a few leisure moments to record a few Vernon happenings. Once again "Dame Nature" is robing herself in velvet green; not pea green, but wheat is the favorite shade of coloring. Decked in colorings of peach blossom, spiced and perfumed with "clove," plum, and daisy, but soon she will doff the peach and don the cherry, for like the "Queen of Fashion," she soon tires of faded blossoms.

Jack, the Frost King, recently paid us two informal visits in this vicinity, as elsewhere, and wherever his tingling fingers touched, withering blooms mark the track of his train. But thankful we are, and will be, if that which is left but be permitted to ripen to hope's full fruition; for at Orchard Cottage at least, there is plenty left for a fair crop of fruit.

Farmers in this vicinity are buoyant, hopeful, and busy. Wheat never, no never, looked better. Stock never wintered better. Farms and farmers are in an improved and improving condition. The ten to fifty acre pasture field has become a fixed necessity, as in fact and fulfilled to the letter is the line of song, "We will make the wilderness bud and bloom again."

No Puritan son and daughter were ever more proud of their birthplace and home than is the Vernon Cottager of his hearthstone. Never did sons and daughters of toil labor harder to make home beautiful, and home, "sweet home," in truth as well as in song, and beautiful thoughts will be the birthright of our children. A Prohibition State, the Banner Prohibition county, the Banner Prohibition township! Then let Col. Alexander sing and write of blossoms and oranges of Florida, and its "everglade shade," and for aught we care, of its mosquitoes and alligators too; or the seekers of wealth and health of Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, or California. We are in favor of St. John for a third term, and prohibition forever.

What has become of "Winfield's bright boy?" Rather think Winfield's bright girl got away with him.

Mr. D. D. Kellogg's new barn looks quite imposing.

Mr. T. B. Ware and Mr. Croco will erect new houses this spring.

Vernon is being considerably shook up over new school districts and relocation of school houses.

Some of our farmers sell out in haste to buy back hastier; for instance, H. C. Hawkins. One week ago this eve quite a number of his friends thought to spend an evening with him to bid him farewell. But the surprisers were surprised at the house being vacant, and all repaired to the residence of J. W. Millspaugh where a pleasant evening was enjoyed socially. Tonight we give H. C. Hawkins a grand charivari. We think he deserves a regular pan rattling. If anything of note happens, will post script it.

Farmers are planting corn.

The Burden Enterprise man was mistaken. It is Mr. Albert J. Worden [Werden?] instead of Frank that will be a candidate for County Superintendent.

Prairie fires illumine the night, and fire is the scavenger of yard and garden plats.

And now, Mr. Editor, we must enter a protest. We can stand the smiles of Lydia E. Pinkham, Clark Johnson's Indian, The Texas Mustang, and Cole's picture of Wahoo Bitters (but not the bitters) or half a dozen or so other patent medicine trade-marks; but the Old St. Jacob is a regular wolf in sheep's clothing. He assimilates the minister, the editor, the lawyer, and all trades and professions. We take up a paper and think we are going to get a moral treat, but behold! The moral has been soaked in St. Jacobs Oil. Turn to the local column and he has inserted his oil there; to the editorial page thinking to gather editorial wisdom, and behold his pen has been dipped in St. Jacobs Oil; to religious reading in secular papers, and the religion has been saturated with St. Jacobs Oil. Now, in the name of an outraged reading public, we demand that this demon St. Jacob and his oil be consigned to purgatory or the advertising columns where he belongs, and give us instead of St. Jacob, St. John, is the wish of many of your COURIER readers as well as of M. LEWIS.

March 24, 1882.

Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.

Udall, Kansas.

EDS. COURIER: Will Mr. J. S. Baker, who subscribes to the article entitled "Teachers' Institutes," in the 11th number of the COURIER, please answer the following question: Have you ever attended any teachers' associations in this county? Will you please outline a topic for teachers' associations? QUERIST.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.


LAKE EUSTIS, February, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: The high pine lands besides constituting Nature's Sanitarium, are peculiarly adapted to the culture of tropical fruits. They are easily cleared at a cost of $15 to $20 per acre, and produce a better orange for commerce than the hammock landsthat is, a tougher rind and a sweeter flavor. They are also better suited to the growth of the pineapple. There is a great rush for these lands. And as no man of wealth in the north is now considered comme il faut in society unless he is the owner of a Florida "grove," capital has its agents out scouring the State to secure eligible high pine lands for orange groves. And I predict that in two years an acre of such land belonging to the government or State cannot be found within the borders of Florida. Then, what will be the prices of available lands in this State? A large portion of the State is water. A large portion of the remainder is swamp. And still, a large portion of that remainder is the flat pine woods, adapted particularly to grazing. Now, there are more people in the United States today whose physical condition demands the climate of Florida than each five acres of available and eligible land in the State could accommodate. It is true, they don't all go there, but they are learning to go mighty fast. In the opinion of the writer, not an acre of high pine land in the State of Florida can be purchased at the end of two years at a less price than $10 per acre; while a very large portion of such lands, uncultivated, will sell readily at $100 per acre. Now, as I have before stated, I am not writing to induce immigration to Florida. And want it distinctly understood that I do not want any man to go there for a residence if he can be blessed with good health in another state. He is only usurping the place of another who cannot live anywhere else. Numerous persons have told me that Florida climate has not only snatched them from the grave, but has given them robust health and vigor. One instance will illustrate all: A lady living near Sorento in Orange County, five miles east of Lake Dora, now the personification of health, told me that she came from Western New York three years ago to Florida expecting to die very soon; that all her family had died with consumption, and she believed herself in the last stages of that disease and really had no hopes of a cure. "But," said she, "I came here, and I staid here, and I feel that I am now as healthy a woman as lives, and I thank God for this beautiful, life-inspiring climate and I intend to remain in it." That is it, she was wise; she went there and staid there. Not like the foolish virgins, who run down in the late winter to Jacksonville and Palatka, and run back in the earlyby far too earlyspring, just in time to catch the chilly winds freighted with death to them.

I wish I could impress the mind of every invalid who goes to Florida, or intends going there, with the important truth, that it is the summers of Florida, not her winters, that cures.

On the morning of the 23 inst., in company with J. C. Vail, Esq., of Bushnell, Illinois, and a South Carolina gentleman, I left Sanford in a hack for Lake Eustis; a trip of thirty miles across the country, and much of the way through the delightful pine woods. A few old places were passed on the way with bearing groves, and several new openings with their young groves lined our route. At the crossing of the Wekiva River, about one-third of the distance through, a Mr. Markham has a young grove of 100 acres, a portion in bearing, for which he has been offered almost a fabulous price. Speaking of this grove in a conversation with the president of the Florida Southern Railway, I made the remark that I felt when riding through it, that the owner had an eternal fortune. "He has," said the President, "he has an eternal fortune."

It was feared, after crossing the sluggish Wekiva in a flat boat, that our colored driver "Sam," had met with a sad bereavement. His yellow, tailless, sorry-looking dog, "Bob," had overcome all efforts of his master to drive him back, and Sam's affection for the "bobtailed, ornery cuss" had prompted him to share the better part of his dinner with him. Now Bob, to show his bringing up, had lagged, and was forgotten, and after crossing the river a howl from Bob discovered him on the wrong shore. But the U. S. Mail couldn't wait if the other males could, and Sam was forced to part from his friend. He felt bad we could see, and we thought to console him with the suggestion that Bob might swim across and overtake us. "Dara de trubble," said Sam, "and de gaters gits him shu." We insisted that he might make a lucky trip and the aligators miss him. "No," said Sam, "gators lubs dogs and dey smells em, and I spects I'll neber see Bob no mo." Sam's evident grief had touched us, and we all began to feel a lively interest in the miserable cur, and kept looking back until we thought sure enough Bob had been regaling the appetite of a "gator," when lo! A puff of sand in the distance soon disclosed the dripping, panting body of poor Bob. Sam wiped a tear from his cheek, and putting on a heavy frown, yelled to Bob, "Hi, you ole rascal, gater git yer nudder time yer done stop behin. I tole yer." Sam gave him the rest of his dinner.

Before reaching two-thirds of our journey we struck a high pine region that excelled in beauty and fertility any place that we had previously seen. The heavy timber and luxurious grass held their own, while the scenery, the hills and the lakes, increased in loveliness till the shores of Lake Dora and Eustis were reached, when a grand panorama burst on the vision of a character so beautiful that the senses became entranced and the wrapped soul was forbidden utterance. Here, in this region, I think I have discovered the fabled fountain of perennial youth that Ponce-de-Leon knew was in Florida, but missed in his search. But I must leave further description of this fairy land to a future communication.

This pine hill land, called good in Florida, would be called poor in the West. It grows large pine trees and luxuriant wire grass; but it will not grow large orange trees, or good vegetables, without fertilizing. The soil, however, responds more fully and readily to the "feeding" than any other soil in the world. And what matter what the cost of fertilizing is, if it brings the satisfactory return? A scientific gentleman who analyzes his soils and fertilizers said to me that he put $50 worth of fertilizer on one acre last year. I said that was expensive. "Well," said he, "what matters it? I realized a net profit on the acre (of onions) of $300."

The Bermuda grass flourishes in this sandy soil, and makes a remarkable sod. It runs over the ground like a vine, jointing every two or three inches. To make it grow up for feed or fodder, it must be harrowed to brake the joints. J. M. A.

P. S. I desire to give the COURIER the merited compliment of publishing my communications with singular accuracy. But in the last week's paper two errors occur in my letter which in connection with the context, appear badly. In the sentence, "We left the towns of Astor and Volusia a little before sundown," the last word was printed, "Sunday." In the sentence, "I do think it is a lovely tree," referring to the Palmetto, your compositor supplied an imaginary ellipsis, and made me say, "I do not," etc. J. M. A.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.


E. I. Johnson answers "Taxpayer" in your last, and favors repeal of the herd law. That mighty bulwark of prosperity! The protection of the poor from the rich; the weak from the strong. He says: "Two dollars and an ounce of energy will fence a farm in five years." My experience in this county of nearly twelve years, proves this a trifling fling, "light as air," having in the above time set with my own hands, over seven miles of hedge. He further says: "Cowley County is not wholly an agricultural country, and every farmer should turn his attention partly to stock." They have done this on a grand scale; the hundreds of cars of fat hogs shipped affirm this, also the thousands of fine sheep and cattle seen in the county, and all this accomplished "under the nose" of the herd law. He says: "Every man should utilize what Nature has provided for his happiness, and we cannot do this until we abolish the herd law." Shades of Nemeses! Who has been preventing this man from "utilizing nature?" Perhaps his stock has eaten up a poor neighbor's crop, and he has been asked to pay for it. But few quarter sections remain untaken, not one in fifty but has an occupant. This much of nature (according to this glorious law) each one is allowed to "utilize," and right well have they done it; for flesh and blood could do no more than the people of this county have done, after all this trustee's slur of "borrowed capital." This trustee is undoubtedly affected with the big I, as that pronoun only occurs twenty-one times in his little communication. The magnificent growth of this country in the last ten years is the admiration of every beholder. Abolish this law, and you open up the flood-gate of avarice. Men who have spent their last dollar and a greater part of their muscle building a home, could not fence, and would be compelled to "evacuate," as this trustee is pleased to term it. We boast of the millions of bushels of corn we raise; if we had never had this herd law, a few dozen twenty acre patches "fenced in" along the creeks, would be the only showing. We boast of our hundred schoolhouses, but for this law we could number them on the fingers of one hand. We boast of good society; if this law had never been known here, good society would also be a stranger.

Now, Mr. Editor, allow me to name thirty years from this date as the time for the herd law to expire, and who with prophetic vision, can look down these coming years and foretell half the grand and glorious prosperity and happiness ushered in for those who shall inherit the future? Give this county prohibition and the herd law for thirty years, and it will defy the world. Respectfully, G. N. FOWLER.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: `Tis now Saturday night and I will proceed to jot down the few items of interest I have succeeded in gathering together during the week now past.

First, I will say that the farmers of this township have been as busy as usual in putting in their crops. Oats are nearly all sown. Many fields look quite green. Considerable corn ground has already been plowed and we hear some talk of planting next week.

Much concern is felt over the peach crop this season and much difference of opinion is expressed, some saying they are all killed, and others that there will be plenty; but we can safely say the orchards are gay with the pink and white blossoms of the peach, plum, cherry, and apple.

The assessor now makes his daily round of calls.

It is supposed by some that a wedding took place on Thursday evening last at the residence of the supposed bride's parents. The supposition is based upon the fact that the minister was seen to drive up, and was known to have "stayed awhile." Be that as it may, I am sure Miss Fannie's friends all wish her a pleasant sail whenever she chooses to launch her tiny craft upon the sea of some good man's love.

W. H. James, our genial merchant at Seeley, has on a new stock of goods, and now his store looks "nobby." I guess he has a good trade, judging from the horses hitched on and around his premises.

The Dunkard Mill, of which Messrs. Harader and Nichols are the present proprietors, is fast becoming famous for its just and honest dealing, its prompt execution of work, as well as the quality of said work.

The United Brethren have organized a church and Sunday School at what is known as the Blue schoolhouse. Sunday school meets at 10 a.m. every Sabbath, and once in two weeks there is preaching by the Rev. Henegar. The weekly prayer meetings of Thursday evening are well attended as are also the church and Sabbath school.

Real estate is fast changing hands and is very high, especially when the wind blows as it does today.

M. Daniel Onstott has bought a 40 of his father, on which he is erecting a small, though neat dwelling.

Rain is very much needed and unless it comes pretty soon, it will not be of much use to plant corn, potatoes, or anything else.

Report says we are to welcome Miss Jennie Hicks as teacher in the Blue district. Be it so, I guess we can stand it. The school is to begin the first of April.

It is said that prohibition is a success in Cowley County. Ask a few of the ladies if they thought so the other night at meeting.

Mr. William Crawford has three teams at work hauling lumber from Seeley to build a barn. He proposes to build it this week. He is one of our most enterprising farmers and best citizens.

DIED. Mrs. Layman was buried in Vernon Cemetery March 17th.

Is it fair to ask of your Seeley correspondent, "Minnie Mentor," that she again favor us with items from her village? C. S. S.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: Late in the week I took a trip a few hours down the river which brought me in the presence of a man and his family whose history is of the romantic turn. The family consisted of father, mother, and daughter. Thirty years ago the man, a Mr. Brown, left his wife in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. When he doubled Cape Horn, a daughter was added to his family. On reaching San Francisco he heard of the event after patient waiting. Seven years passed away before he set eyes on his loved ones again. He then spent a winter in the land of snow and ice, but it was very severe after enjoying the sunny clime of the Pacific. In the spring he returned to the coast and engaged in prospecting and mining. He was one of the first who discovered the Comstock and sold his claim for a song. He then wandered to Colo- rado where he has been struggling for an existence ever since. He has gained a reputation which is an honor to any man, and he has also a good ranch and a herd of 200 cattle. Three years ago the father of his wife died, when she and her daughter determined to visit their far away loved one, who had regularly sent them money to maintain them in comfortable circumstances. After a separation of eighteen years they met. The man is happy here and is willing to end his days by the great Colorado. The habits of the wife and daughter have conformed to the conservatism of the far East. They are unhappy. They have seen two white women in two years and those only for a short time. They were very much pleased to talk of the maritime provinces, their religion, politics, geography, shipping, etc., with one who had been there. The two hours visit passed away too soon for any of the party. Old thoughts broke the fountains of feeling. I here draw the curtain. C. G. SMITH.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: A great many farmers here are "listing" in their corn this spring.

Only two more weeks of school at the Holland schoolhouse.

Mrs. Tolles of Winfield has been visiting friends in this vicinity.

Mr. Wells, a farmer here, is going to "list in" fifty-five acres of corn without plowing this spring.

Very few cattle are going to the Territory from here. A Mr. Geerhearte from Grouse Creek has most of the cattle to herd.

Mr. Feuqua of Constant has a good stock of groceries on hand now. Call and see him.

The little daughter of Mr. Coombs has been very sick. She was attended by Dr. Holland and is getting better.

General health of the community is good.

Myron Cronk has leased his place to Messrs. Pickett and Waltz, and intends to work at the carpenter trade at Winfield.

With this I will close. SCHUYLERIUS.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Opening of the New Railroad Hotel.
W. H. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the A. T. & S. F., has just issued the following circular.

The opening of the Montezuma Hotel at the Las Vegas Hot Springs will take place April 15, 1882. This hotel, with its bath house, summer cottages, auxiliary hotel, is located at the hot springs of Las Vegas, New Mexico, on the line of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad. The new building has 200 rooms, a splendid water supply, and every modern convenience for insuring the comfort and safety of guests. The old hotel has been renovated and refurnished and the immediate management entirely reorganized. The bath house has a capacity of six hundred baths a day, and is first class in every respect. The entire hot springs property is owned and controlled by the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company.

The hotels are under the management of Mr. Fred Harvey, manager of the A. T. & S. F. Hotel and eating-house system.

The Montezuma is under the immediate management of Mr. Clark D. Frost, for many years well known as manager of the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis. The working force of hotels and bath houses will be of the best talent obtainable in the country. The hot springs are 22 in number. Their temperature varies from 100 degrees to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. They are of a highly medical and curative character. Their location is a beautiful one, and the immediate attractions of the place are greatly enhanced by the arts of the engineer, the architect, and the gardener.

The climate of New Mexico has a southern softness, and a rare purity, peculiar to the Rocky Mountains altitude. It is absolutely the most beautiful climate in America. The most attractive portions of New Mexicothe "Old Curiosity Shop" of Americaare easy of access from the Hot Springs. Santa Fe, the oldest and most curious city, being within only a half day's ride by rail. No other region in America presents so many attractions to the lover of the quaint and the remarkable. Ruined cities and antique costumes tell the tourist of a civilization that was old when New England was young. In the vicinity of the Hot Springs, the sportsmen will find fish and game worthy of their most devoted attention. The Galinas and other streams are stocked with trout and other members of the finny tribe. Parties desiring to take families to the Montezuma for the summer can make satisfactory arrangements by application to Mr. Clark E. Frost, Hot Springs, Las Vegas. Excursion tickets at comparatively low rate will be sold throughout the season.

[Skipped long article on editorial page, April 6, 1882, issue re death, Jesse James.]

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: As the herd law question seems to be the all important question of the day, will you please insert the views of your humble servant? I have lived in one county in Kansas where they had no herd law. The way they protected their crops there was with bulldogs and shot guns. Human nature is such that we fear this would be the result here. Now I will just say to Mr. Johnson, if he will furnish the energy, us farmers will furnish the two dollars, and have all our farms fenced. We have to employ all our energy in the effort to keep soul and body together. Then again, if so small an amount will fence a farm, why can't those energetic cattle men buy up this cheap grazing land and fence it, and adopt the motto of live and let live. We have men in this community, and we know there is in every community, who have worked hard since the early days of Kansas, contending with the grasshoppers, drouth, and chinch bugs, with only their hands to help themselves with. I think they have had ample employment for their ounces of energy. I, for one, am not worrying about any extra take, but I do say the herd law has been the poor man's friend and will be to the end.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: I see in your issue of March 23 you invite articles on the herd law question. I believe that the herd law should be abolished at the end of two or three years for several reasons. As long as people do not have to fence or hedge, they are careless, and will not fence. I speak as applying generally, not individually. If it was known that the herd law would cease at the end of three years, there would be very few open farms to be seen at the expiration of that time. Persons who have visited the counties east of us have seen what a difference thee is in stock that are allowed to run where they please and those kept in a close herd, and there are several stock men who have left this county and gone where there is no herd law; and a good many are contemplating a removal to such a county as soon as they can get away. While in Missouri this spring, I talked to some parties that were coming to Kansas, and liked Cowley County, but would not settle in it on account of the herd law. If stock raising was followed here to a considerable extent, the farmer can always find ready sale for his produce, and at good prices. I think it would be much better for all parties concerned.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Miles Smith, of Burden, was in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Opening of the New Railroad Hotel.
W. H. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the A. T. & S. F., has just issued the following circular.

The opening of the Montezuma Hotel at the Las Vegas Hot Springs will take place April 15, 1882. This hotel, with its bath house, summer cottages, auxiliary hotel, is located at the hot springs of Las Vegas, New Mexico, on the line of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad. The new building has 200 rooms, a splendid water supply, and every modern convenience for insuring the comfort and safety of guests. The old hotel has been renovated and refurnished and the immediate management entirely reorganized. The bath house has a capacity of six hundred baths a day, and is first class in every respect. The entire hot springs property is owned and controlled by the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company.

The hotels are under the management of Mr. Fred Harvey, manager of the A. T. & S. F. Hotel and eating-house system.

The Montezuma is under the immediate management of Mr. Clark D. Frost, for many years well known as manager of the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis. The working force of hotels and bath houses will be of the best talent obtainable in the country. The hot springs are 22 in number. Their temperature varies from 100 degrees to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. They are of a highly medical and curative character. Their location is a beautiful one, and the immediate attractions of the place are greatly enhanced by the arts of the engineer, the architect, and the gardener.

The climate of New Mexico has a southern softness, and a rare purity, peculiar to the Rocky Mountains altitude. It is absolutely the most beautiful climate in America. The most attractive portions of New Mexicothe "Old Curiosity Shop" of Americaare easy of access from the Hot Springs. Santa Fe, the oldest and most curious city, being within only a half day's ride by rail. No other region in America presents so many attractions to the lover of the quaint and the remarkable. Ruined cities and antique costumes tell the tourist of a civilization that was old when New England was young. In the vicinity of the Hot Springs, the sportsmen will find fish and game worthy of their most devoted attention. The Galinas and other streams are stocked with trout and other members of the finny tribe. Parties desiring to take families to the Montezuma for the summer can make satisfactory arrangements by application to Mr. Clark E. Frost, Hot Springs, Las Vegas. Excursion tickets at comparatively low rate will be sold throughout the season.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mrs. D. E. Gurney left for Chicago last Monday.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

J. B. Harden, of Dexter, paid us a visit Saturday.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Tom Thompson, of the Howard Courant, came over Saturday.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

There is no use setting out fifty cent trees in five cent holes.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

John Stalter, the sheep king of Rock Township, called Saturday.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Judge J. Wade McDonald went over to Wellington Tuesday to attend court.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

On next Tuesday evening the Ivanhoe Club will meet with Mrs. Frank Barclay.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Found. A folding door key. Call at this office, pay for this notice, and get the key.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

J. C. Walch is having the county canvassed for Haskell's new map of the United States.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

S. W. Buell brought in some new potatoes Saturday just harvested from his truck patch.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Ed Burk had a runway Tuesday in which Col. Burkhalter's gray team did the running.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The excavation for Hudson Bros., building is finished, and the stone foundation is being put on.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society meets this (Thursday) afternoon with Mrs. S. D. Pryor.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Servant Girl Wanted. Apply at J. F. McMullen's house or office on 9th Avenue, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Uncle Johnny Wallace, of Dexter, is going to Missouri, where he will visit during the summer.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Why doesn't some public-spirited citizen start a street-sprinkler boom? We need a sprinkler badly.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The consideration in the deed of Haywood's Arkansas City lots is $3,100. There were nineteen lots conveyed.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Scott McGlasson and Mr. Alexander have opened a flour and feed store in the building

next to Curns & Manser.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Enos Henthorn came down to cast a vote for Harry B. Lacy Tuesday, but unfortunately had failed to register.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The term of C. R. Mitchell as trustee of State Charitable Institutions begins April 1st and continues three years.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The Baptist Sunday School celebrates its fourth anniversary on last Sunday evening with an interesting concert.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Lent does not seem to keep our young folks from dancing. There were two dancing parties at the Opera House last week.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

MARRIED. April 2, 1882, by Rev. E. P. Hickok, at the Frazee House, Mr. William H. Johnson and Miss Marian A. Foster, all of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Judge Torrance adjourned his court at Wichita last Saturday, and went to Wellington Tuesday morning to open court at that place.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mrs. Ed. Millspaugh left last Tuesday for Burlington, Iowa, with the remains of her husband. Mrs. F. H. Bull accompanied her.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Miss Clute, one of the teachers in the public schools, left for a visit to friends in another state. She will then go to Oakland, California.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Joe Conklin is busy tearing away the Bliss storeroom, one of the oldest landmarks of the city. It will give place to a handsome new building.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The city schools close Friday. There will be no summer term, but we understand that several select schools will be taught during the vacation.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mrs. Ward, mother of Mrs. I. W. Randall, left last week for Kentucky, where she will remain a year with another married daughter who resides there.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mrs. Platter, her mother, Mrs. McCommon, and Mrs. Houston are in Newton attending the Womans' Missionary convention held there the 5th, 6th, and 7th.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The election for city officers at Arkansas City was held Monday and passed off smoothly. A. A. Newman was elected Mayor, and I. H. Bonsall, Police Judge.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mr. T. J. Floyd has severed his connection with the Burden Enterprise, and will go to Iowa. Mr. Henthorn's brother will assist in the management of the paper.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

We are indebted to Miss May Jackson, the young lady who so efficiently manages the central telephone office, for favors this week in gathering news for our columns.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Some of the Arkansas City Democrat's subscribers at this place are talking of employing an amanuensis to correct the grammar and orthography of that sheet. It is an excellent idea.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

There will be no preaching at the Christian Church next Sunday. Elder Rains and lady will leave Saturday for El Dorado, where the Elder will hold protracted meetings for some days.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The delivery horse of Hodge's grocery store dashed down Main street Wednesday morning and mashed the wagon all to pieces. We are having one full compliment of runaways this week.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The winds blew furiously Monday. The dust filled the eyes of most of the bad boys who would otherwise have been thoroughly posted as to the number of "sunflower" embroidered hose is in the city.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Our friend, W. H. Strahan of New York, is here again, having arrived Tuesday evening. He has property interests in this county and proposes to stay all summer and perhaps make a permanent residence here.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

BIRTH. Born on Sunday, March 26, 1882, to Mrs. Ed. T. Johnson, a son, weight ten pounds. This news will be received with pleasure by a gentleman down in Arizona, who has the honor of being the young miner's papa.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The "Schubert Quartette," composed of Misses Ida and Lizzie McDonald and Messrs. Snow and Cairns, will give a musical entertainment at Arkansas City, Saturday evening, for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. of that place.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Col. Alexander received an express package last week addressed to "Connel Eisch- sondy," one of the Colonel's German clients. The address is certainly German in its construction.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Judge Torrance adjourned court at Wichita Saturday, came home and spent Sunday with his family, and left Monday evening for Wellington, where court is now in session. This is the busiest time of all the year with the judge.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

MARRIED. The matrimonial market has been unusually dull for the past week. The records show only two souls made happy: Fred S. Patterson and Anna Mitchell. The near approach of summer seems to have a bad effect on this branch of the Probate Judge's business.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

C. C. Black and family were out driving last Sunday when the horses became frightened at a flock of sheep, were unmanageable, and overturned the buggy, throwing its occupants violently to the ground. Mrs. Black was severely but not seriously injured, but the rest escaped unhurt.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The first annual account and settlement of the Executor of the Brettun estate is being made before the Probate Court. The inventories filed are about two yards long. The clerical work on the document is almost perfect. Mr. D. C. Beach, attorney for the estate, did the work. Charlie Black left Wednesday morning for Illinois to settle with the Probate Court there.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Quite a shooting scrape occurred in Silver Creek Township last week. Early surveys established a line between the farms of Henry H. Cansey and Ben Saunders, on which a hedge was growing. Another survey established the line farther over on Cansey's land and left the hedge on Saunder's. Last week Saunders went on the strip given him by the last survey to plow, when Cansey came out with a gun and ordered him off. Saunders refused to go and, after some words, Cansey blasted away, filling Saunder's legs with fine bird shot. He then came to town and gave himself up to the authorities. His preliminary examination was held Monday. He was held over to bail in $1,000 for his appearance at court.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

A good story comes to us on a farmer in Windsor Township, who doesn't take news- papers. While passing along the road he picked up part of a paper he found lying in the hedge. It contained an item to the effect that a bull painted by Rosa Bonheur sold for $5,000. After reading it carefully he remarked to his wife that he didn't see how a coat of paint could so greatly enhance the value of an animal, but if Rosa wouldn't charge more than ten dollars, he would go down to Winfield and get her to paint his bull in the spring. His economical wife replied that she thought he might paint it himself and save the ten dollars. The indications are now that the bull will be painted.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Bryan & Harris have issued a circular containing a large and comprehensive list of lands in their hands for sale. This firm is meeting with a popularity and success in the Real Estate business that is surprising. During the past few weeks they have settled a large number of newcomers on Cowley County farms and are in constant correspondence with many others who are looking to Cowley for future homes. As gentlemen of honor and business ability, we can cheerfully recommend Messrs. Bryan & Harris. Persons who desire to place their lands for sale, or to buy property here, should not fail to call on or address this firm.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

J. F. McMullen tells a wicked story of an ambulance driver who was hailed by a soldier and asked to be carried to the surgeon for his foot was shot off. The driver loaded him in and drove away, but unnoticed by himself a stray cannon ball took off the wounded soldier's head. Arriving at the surgeon's quarters, the surgeon looked at the soldier and said: "What do you bring him here for? His head is shot off." The driver looked around and responded: "That's so. The infernal fool told me it was his foot."

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The Wellingtonian was favored on Wednesday with a call from Mr. Frank Jennings, the county attorney of Cowley County. Mr. Jennings is one of those county attorneys who has at heart the public good and does not forget to do his duty and his whole duty. Wellingtonian.

Cowley is proud of her county attorney. He is a terror to law-breakers and wrong-doers. No more efficient and conscientious man ever held an office of public trust than Frank S. Jennings.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The Winfield Bank counters are a source of much interest to newcomers here when they learn that they are made from one black walnut tree of Cowley County growth. The wood is beautifully grained and after passing through the skillful hands of Ed. Brining, is nice enough to attract the attention of anyone. If the walnut timber growing on the Walnut when we first saw it, in 1871, had been saved, it would have been a fortune to the owners now.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Charlie Foults created another disturbance in the south part of town Tuesday night. He had a revolver, a little whiskey, and seemed decidedly on the fight. Charlie's manners for the past few weeks have been much too boisterous for the community, and he has wisely absented himself from the city. A man can have no excuse for terrorizing a whole neighbor- hood and running a woman around over the streets.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mr. Peter Croco purchased the Long farm three miles southwest of Winfield last week. This is one of the best farms in the county and is very desirably located. Having resided in that neighborhood, we can assure Mr. Croco that he has settled among a very intelligent and enterprising class of citizens, and that he will find them very pleasant neighbors. The purchaser is recently from Ohio and is a son of John Croco of this city.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Arthur Bangs is the victim of a runaway. Tuesday morning he took Charlie Black's trotter out for a drive. The horse became frightened and started down the street with Arthur swinging on to the lines like fun. The buggy struck a wagon wheel on Main street, and the concussion sent Arthur flying through the air. He landed on his feet in a wagon bed and the horse went on. The buggy is somewhat wrecked.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The new Baptist Church pulpit has arrived and is put in place. It is a present to Rev. J. Cairns from one of his old Bible class scholars, and is the most beautiful and unique affair of the kind we ever saw. It appears like burnished gold in bars and candelabra, but we will not attempt to describe it. Go and see it. We don't blame the elder for being so proud of it.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mr. G. S. Manser's residence grounds will be the brightest spot in the city in a year or two. He has the finest collection of small fruits, flowers, and shrubs we have seen in the city, and is continually adding new and choice shrubbery. If every citizen would go and do likewise, it would make this city a lovely place in summer.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The Baptist Sunday school is now in splendid running order in their new church. There was an attendance of two hundred and twenty on last Sunday morning, and much interest was manifested by both teachers and scholars. The superintendent has offered a handsome prize to the boy or girl who will bring in the most scholars during the year.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Dave Harter met with a "bust-up" last week. He was returning from a dance at Arkansas City, and after leaving his lady at her home, the team ran away, smashing a two hundred dollar buggy all to atoms and bruising Dave up till he looks like a defeated candidate for Justice of the Peace.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

There will be a special meeting of the Womans' Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, at the residence of Mrs. W. R. McDonald, on Saturday, April 8, at 4 o'clock p.m. All members of the society are earnestly requested to be present.

MRS. N. J. LUNDAY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mrs. Lizzie Foults, who a week or two ago left her husband and little three-year-old boy, taking with her the furniture and their twin babies, Monday left on the train for parts unknown. Before leaving she also left the twins with her husband.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The concert given by the children of the Methodist Sunday school on last Thursday evening was well attended, and the exercises were very interesting. The receipts amounted to about $10, and will be used to purchase a map of Palestine for the school.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Winfield is to have another new business building this spring. J. E. Conklin will erect a brick storeroom eighty feet deep on the site of the old Bliss storeroom, next to Baird's. The building, when finished, will be occupied by Hendricks & Wilson's hardware store.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

If any school district near Winfield desires an excellent teacher for a summer term of school, we can refer them to one. Droop us a postal.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

An improved farm three miles from Winfield. 160 acres, 70 acres in cultivation. Price $1,600: one-third cash. H. G. Fuller. Over P. O.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

John Easton has an ad. for his blacksmith shop in this issue. John is a good mechanic and those who want their work done well will patronize him.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

McGuire Bros., will give away samples of their best Bell tobacco on Saturday. Be certain to get some.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

At the Director's meeting of the Building and Loan Association Monday evening, a loan of $250 was placed. The secretary of the Building and Loan Association has received a set of very fine records from Hamilton and Curl of Topeka.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

For Exchange: 160 acre improved farm for team or house in Winfield. H. G. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Shrieves and Powers have closed out their grocery stock and quit the business.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

City Election.

The City election last Tuesday passed off pleasantly and quietly, but there was strenuous work done. As usual, the successful candidates are happy and the unsuccessful feel a little sore. There were no party nominations and the contest, so far as there was a contest, was mainly on the prohibition issue. The anti-prohibitionists on Monday evening made up a good strong ticket largely of prohibition candidates with the evident main object of beating Buckman for Justice, Siverd for Constable, and whoever might be nominated in the first ward for councilman by their opponents. The prohibitionists accepted their nominations so far as suited them, but substituted other names for five principal offices, as appears below, to make up a complete ticket. The long and short term candidates for school board happened to get reversed on the two tickets, which occasioned the votes for full term and vacancy for the same candidates. Every man on the prohibitionist's ticket was elected by majorities ranging from 55 to 180. The average vote on contested candidates in the whole city was 245 prohibition to 145 anti, or 100 majority. This is the way we look at the matter, but others may view it differently. The following is the vote in full. Those names prefixed by * are elected.


*G. H. BUCKMAN: 256

*T. H. SOWARD: 277

W. E. Tansey: 201

H. B. Lacy: 15

E. S. Bedilion: 1


*H. H. SIVERD: 293


Burt Covert: 97

S. J. Hepler: 104

Tom Wright: 58

O. M. Seward: 23

J. E. Allen: 1


*R. S. WILSON: 150

S. Bard: 72

Dan Maher: 1

J. C. McMullen: 3.


*J. C. McMULLEN: 168

W. J. Hodges: 6

W. H. Smith: 1


*J. C. FULLER: 140

Geo. Emerson: 71

J. E. Platter: 5

B. F. Wood: 3

A. H. Doane: 2

S. Bard: 1



J. C. Fuller: 68

A. H. Doane: 3

J. E. Platter: 1

John Wilson: 1


*B. F. WOOD: 95

A. H. Doane: 72

W. J. Hodges: 2


*A. H. DOANE: 93

W. H. Smith: 71

B. F. Wood: 4


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Stick a Pin Here.
The two names most frequently seen on boxes of produce transferred at this place, en route for the western trade, are J. P. Baden and A. T. Spotswood of Winfield. These two firms are doing an immense grocery and produce business, and their names appear in the Winfield newspapers about as often as they do on boxes of produce. We do not say it com- plainingly, but because we have seen the books and know what we are talking about, and state it is a fact that either of these two firms spends as much money for printer's ink every year as all the grocery stores in Newton combined. Stick a pin here. Newton Republican.

There are dozens of other live businessmen of Winfield who know and appreciate the value of printer's ink. This keen business discernment is what has made our city far-famed as a market for produce and a depot for supplies for all the country round. Our merchants by their liberal advertising draw trade from forty miles away. Persons who see Baden and Spotswood continually advertising for chickens, butter, and eggs naturally think there is a better market here for what they have to sell than at places nearer home where the merchants are dead, and make no effort to find a market for their produce, and consequently they come here with what they have to sell and buy such supplies as they need.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The ladies of the M. E. Church will give a social at the residence of Mrs. Olds on next Thursday evening, April 6th. The members of the congregation are all invited. There will be music and refreshments and a general good time is anticipated.


Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Hon. Charles C. Black and wife, Mrs. Brettun, his grandmother, and Miss Lou Crapster, his cousin started Tuesday for Hampton, Illinois, where most of the party will spend the summer. The last named started suddenly and left her bangs.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

A charter has been filed with the Secretary of State incorporating the Otterbein Chapel, Church of the United Brethren in Christ, of Sheridan Township, Cowley County; capital stock $10,000. Trustees: G. J. Brown, D. A. Pfrimer, E. I. Johnson, R. R. Longshore, and M. T. Armstrong.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mrs. Lizzie Foults, who left her twin babies with her husband Monday, returned Tuesday and tried to get them back again. The husband refused to give them up and she is at present considering the advisability of recovering them by action of law.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The seats of the new Baptist Church are on the way and will be in keeping with their surroundings. They will cost more than a thousand dollars delivered. It is now expected that everything will be finished so as to permit a grand dedication on the second Sunday in May.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

SHEEP SHEARING. The annual sheep shearing of the Wool Growers' Association of Butler County, will take place at Mr. A. S. Ulh's farm near Douglass, April 13, 1882. All are invited to attend and bring sheep to shear. All necessary arrangements will be made to make the shearing a success.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Notice. Strayed from my place March 31, 1882, one six year old gray pony, thin in flesh, short mane and tail, and has fifty feet of new rope tied to his neck. Any information given of the above will be rewarded.

DR. G. E. KNICKERBOCKER, Udall, Cowley County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Corn for sale by the wagon load. GEORGE H. CRIPPEN.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

The real estate transfers for last week represented upwards of $35,000 as considerations named in the deeds. There were thirty-six deeds recorded, and they averaged nearly $1,000 for each transfer.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Some Tisdale Farms.

E. P. Young has one of the nicest farms in the county. For the past six months we have been promising ourselves a treat, and a couple of hours recreation, by paying him a visit. But fortune was against us. He had got wind of our coming and had an errand over to a distant neighbors for a corn planter, or something of that sort. However, though we didn't get to see the "boss of the ranch," we took a general view of his comfortable home. If some of the Indiana or Illinois farmers who think of Kansas only as frontier country devoid of all the comforts of life, were to ride through Tisdale Township, their opinions would undergo a decided change. But few of them have seen a nicer country house than that of farmer Young. It is a large two-story stone building surrounded by trees with a tasty lawn in front, and carries an appearance of neatness and comfort not often seen in localities outside of Cowley's boundaries. Next to him on the west is the farm of Mr. M. Ellinger. It is a beautiful place and one cannot pass it without feeling that its owner is a man of thrift and enterprise. Mr. Ellinger seems to have taken especial pains with his orchard. The trees are thrifty and unlike many orchards in the county, look as if they had been put there by someone for a purpose and not left to grow wild. The house is surrounded with shade trees and small fruits. Mr. Ellinger's home shows what can be done with Cowley's soil by one who has the energy and will to take hold and dig it out. We paid a hurried visit to Mr. J. H. Hall, one of the "Old Timers" of Tisdale. He has put in all his spare time building stone fence and now has a large pasture enclosed in the most substantial manner. He is doing considerable stock-raising on a small scale in connection with the farm.

On the way back we took in McGuire Bros. Tisdale Store. Although the city of Tisdale has lost much of its former greatness, it is still a good trading point and McGuire Brothers do a good business, besides gathering together lots of country produce for their Winfield store.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

"From the Head Waters."

For the past two or three weeks, we have noticed passing up and down our streets a boy about sixteen years of age who imitates most successfully, both in dress and swagger, the frontier cowboy. His head is surmounted by an old broad-brimmed white hat, crushed down in the center, and fastened on with a band passing around back of the ears. His legs are encased in mammoth leather leggins, and on his boot heels are strapped a pair of spurs that clank on the pavements as he swaggers around. All the outfit lacks of being complete is a compliment of six-shooters and a belt full of cartridges. It is unfortunate for the boy that he is blooming in an atmosphere so unhealthy for the type of manhood to which his ambitions aspire. He should go west where he can fill his hide with poor whiskey and become an epic hero, like Henry Watterson's Tennessee boy, who awed his hearers by announcing: "I'm a bad man from Bitter Creek. I'm a wolf, and this is my day to howl. All the fellows who live on Bitter Creek are bad. The farther up you go the wus' they are: and I'm from the head waters." This youth will find his day to howl, if he keeps on. His parents should fix a day for howling and be numerously present at the matinee.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Some Newton Notes.

A great many new buildings are in progress of erection, most of which are business houses on Main, 5th, and 6th streets.

The Santa Fe company are building a new roundhouse and have eleven tracks laid and are also to have the trains stop there for meals. It seems to pay pretty well to fight a R. R. Company occasionally.

The Golden Gate has sold out to the other two papers, the Republican and Kansan.

We are way ahead of Newton in the way of churches. Although they seem to be church- going people, their churches are small and poorly furnished.

The young folks have many ways of amusing themselves. Chief among these are the F. F. N. Society, the Pickwick Club, and the Shakespearian Club. The first is a young ladies' society for mutual benefit and fun, which ignores the masculine sex except on extra occasions. The Pickwick is a dancing club, which closed their season's amusement with a Calico ball last week. The Shakespearian Club is a very excellent society composed of young ladies and gentlemen who meet and read Shakespeare plays. The closing acts of "The Comedy of Errors" was read the evening I was there, and was very finely read, each of the members doing their best, but accepting criticism kindly. There are a great many young people there, and nice ones, to.

I blushed for our cemeteries upon seeing theirs, for it is a beautiful spot and is well taken care of. Although not favorably situated, it has a much better appearance than ours. There are also two parks which are receiving improvement.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

School Matters.

S. A. Smith will teach the Torrance school this spring.

The Dexter schools close this week.

Superintendent Story has appointed April 14 "Arbor Day."

State Superintendent Bloss, of Indiana, says "It is probable that there is no one cause which so much cripples the public schools of Indiana as the irregular attendance of pupils."

Miss Annie Hunt has begun teaching in District 1.

Miss T. Dobyns will teach the Tisdale school this spring.

Porter Wilson will teach a term of school in district 27, beginning in a short time.

Miss Sadie E. Pickering has taken the school in district 131.

Miss Celina Bliss will teach a spring school in district 9.

R. B. Hunter has closed school in Star Valley.

A. B. Taylor is teaching in district 30, Silver Creek.

Miss Rosa Rounds will teach the New Salem school this spring.

Miss Allie E. Dickie will open school in district 50, Vernon Township, April 16.

Miss Jennie Davy has begun a term of twelve weeks in district 45.

J. S. Baker has finished his school in district 48.

J. A. Hilsabeck has begun a second term of school in district 10.

Iowa has just apportioned $118,946 of school fund. The February disbursement in California was $1,482,883.74. In Kansas it was $125,382.

The Hon. J. J. Burns, Ex-State Commissioner of Ohio, says: "The greatest extravagance is the employment of poor teachers, even if they work without wages. No state or community can afford it."

An essential feature of a complete school system is that every school be under the inspection of a skilled expert or superintendent.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Frank Williams has taken charge of the Occidental Hotel at Wichita and is just redeeming it from the bad reputation into which recent managements have brought it. The house is one of the finest in the state, and with Frank and Mrs. Williams at the helm, will soon be one of the most home-like and popular in the state.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mrs. J. E. Platter entertained the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church at her house last Thursday afternoon. About forty members were present, who did justice to the excellent supper provided by their generous hostess.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

As Mrs. Bovee of Tisdale Township was walking along the street Tuesday, she slipped on one of the crossings and fell, wrenching one of her limbs severely. She was taken up and carried into Ed. Weitzel's house. The injuries were not serious and we hope Mrs. Bovee will soon recover.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

THE MARKETS. But little wheat is coming in. The prices range from $1.05 to $1.25. All the corn now being marketed is taken by the retail feed dealers at 65 cents to 68 cents per bushel. The prices on produce are unchanged except on butter and eggs, which are some lower: Butter 25 cents, Eggs, 10 cents.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Fred Banks, a colored boy, and Mr. T. C. Warren had an altercation Tuesday in which the boy used some threatening and abusive language. He was taken before the police judge Wednesday, fined $5 and costs, and being unable to pay, was taken to jail.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Decidedly Aesthetic.

We do not like to burden the public with announcements, but when we have something to say, we are bound to say it. This is one of the times when we have something to say. Our story is a good deal after the old wayan "old version with new notes."

Nine years ago we opened a little Jewelry store in Winfield. Our means were limited but our faith was strong. We were confident that the public would patronize and stand by those who treated them fairly, and resolved upon a course of action that, while it would not build up a business rapidly, was sure to gain the confidence of the people, and in time would give us a patronage and business that would make up for years of waiting. In the light of the present we "builded better than we know." Ten separate and distinct tombstones ornament the graves of ten Jewelry stores that have sprung up from time to time along our pathway (most of `em started "to bust Hudson Brothers") since first we launched our frail bark on the commercial sea, and we still live to read the epitaphs inscribed thereon. Our business has prospered, and we have been able to carry a clear conscience. Today we are erecting upon the site of the old store that covered our first stock, a large, new brick and stone building. We've got the money to build it and we've got the money to stock it after it is built.

For all these various and manifold blessings we take this opportunity to thank the trading public and especially the many old customers and friends who have stuck to us from the first.

The reference to defunct jewelry stores above is not prophetic. It is literally true. Were we to assume a prophetic vein, we should add another to the list, but we prefer to let time work out its hidden secrets.

For the present we will be found in the building next south of Brown's drug store, where we shall be glad to meet all our old customers and as many new ones as desire to purchase reliable goods at reasonable prices.

We suppose this advertisement (for that's what it is) will bring a smile to the faces of many. We hope it will. It at least claims credit for originality.

Very respectfully, HUDSON BROTHERS.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Beaver Items.

Crops look splendid. Fruit is not damaged, as was at first thought. The farmers are all very busy with their spring crops during this nice weather.

L. P. King was compelled to adjourn his school at Centennial on account of illness.

Some of our neighbors have been seriously afflicted with the mumps during the past week. Miss Thora Rupp has just recovered from a severe attack of lung fever.

DIED. Mr. Lester, one of the oldest residents of Beaver Township, died last week.

He was a man honored and respected among all his acquaintances, and the neighborhood sustains a great loss through his death, but we console ourselves in the knowledge of the fact that "what is our loss is his gain." He leaves quite a large family, over whom this dark cloud will long cast a deep shade of sorrow. In this their hour of bereavement, we extend to them our heartfelt sympathy. We did not learn of the death in time to attend the funeral, a fact which we very much regret.

We have just read your editorial on chinch bugs. We believe Mr. Evans is just as honest in that opinion recorded in your article as anybody could be, but we have another story to tell. We did not burn off our prairie last year, so we did not drive the bugs out of the grass into our wheat, and was not troubled much with them except in a small patch of late wheat. An old Illinois farmer told us that when you burned off the grass, the bugs crept down in the ground in cracks and holes. When they came out they started for shelter somewhere, generally to the wheat, because it is about the only place they have to go. This is my experience also. If we had about one foot of the water they have now in the South, and had it sprinkled along for the next two months, the bugs wouldn't hurt as much.. There are millions of them flying in the air today. J. A. RUPP.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Fairview Gleanings.

EDS. COURIER: Again I take time by the forelock and will send you a few items.

The wheat in and around Fairview never looked better than it does at the present time, which fact causes the hearts of the sons of toil to beat high with animation in the high expectation of an abundant crop in the near future. Corn planting is now the regular order of the day and a greater number of acres are being planted than ever before.

Mr. F. E. Limbocker and Mr. Sam Chappell, two of our most promising young men, have gone to Old Mexico to engage in the R. R. Survey. I sincerely hope the boys will be able to find an Eldorado and return laden with wealth ere long.

Miss Allie B. and Miss Maggie L. returned from a visit to Silver Creek recently, where they had been visiting friends, and report themselves highly pleased with their sojourn. They contemplate starting an "Intelligence Office" over there soon, and are now making prepara- tions to begin "biz" in as short a time as possible.

Joe Roberts has purchased an interest in the washing machine business and has moved to Winfield, where he has opened an office near Frank Manny's brewery. Soon Joe will be seen meandering over the county teaching the women how to wash. I venture to say that he will be able to equal any "heathen Chinee" in a short time, especially in the vocation of washerwoman.

John Park and wife returned from a visit to Pennsylvania recently, after an absence of five months. They think the people of the Keystone state are seven years behind the times when compared with Cowley County and Kansas generally.

John Ferguson has lost faith in the human race and thinks if he can't beat a negro in the contest for constable he will pull down his sign as a first-class politician and retire from the ring. The colored gentleman polled the largest vote in the township, so I have been creditably informed.

T. J. Rude is the choice in this part of the moral vineyard for County Superintendent provided Prof. Story refuses to be a candidate. At all events, let's have a practical teacher to fill the position.

The health of our community was never better than at present; consequently, M. D.'s are in no great demand. Respectfully, TOP NOT.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Tannehill Items.

DIED. Died in Beaver Township, on Thursday night last at 10 o'clock p.m., Mr. W. D. Lester, of long lingering disease of over three years standing. Although severely afflicted, Mr. Lester was not confined entirely to his bed until about three weeks previous to his death. He was one of the old settlers of Beaver Township, and had quite an extensive acquaintance in Cowley County; he was loved and respected by all who knew him, always ready and willing to accommodate his neighbors to the extent of his ability, a peaceable, honest, and upright man in all his dealings, a kind and affectionate parent, and agreeable husband. Mr. Lester will be very much missed by his friends and neighbors. As an evidence of this a large congregation collected at his residence to hear the funeral discourse which was very ably delivered by Rev. F. M. Rains, of Winfield, after which a large procession followed his remains to their last resting place at Beaver Township Cemetery. Mr. Lester was a consistent member of the Christian Church for several years. We extend our deep sympathy to the friends of the deceased who mourn the loss of so kind a friend.

The weather is pleasant, and corn planting is the order of the day. Quite a quantity was planted during last week. Our wheat crop looks extremely well and bids fair at the present for a beautiful crop.

Our winter schools are all out. Miss Goodwin's, the last, closed Friday at Enterprise. She taught the term of six months with good satisfaction to both scholars and patrons.

Dr. Marsh is still running the Sabbath schools at Beaver Center at half past 9 o'clock a.m., and at the Enterprise at 2 o'clock p.m. Both schools are growing in interest, especially at Beaver Center. We have few such Sabbath school workers as the Doctor.

The United Brethren will hold their quarterly meeting at Enterprise schoolhouse on next Saturday and Sunday under the superintendency of Presiding Elder Lee.

The assessor is getting his labors nearly completed in Beaver Township, the result of which is considerably ahead of that of last year in regard to corn and wheat on hand, with a good showing in several other respects, especially in regard to the increase of acreage of both growing wheat and corn, and in improvements. GRANGER.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. A corn sheller, nearly new, in perfect order, also a buggy, will be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday forenoon, in the street at Winfield. A chance for bargainsSaturday, April 8th, 1882.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Mr. J. H. Bullene has purchased the T. K. Johnson corner of Millington and Blanden Streets and will erect a handsome residence thereon.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.

Walnut Items.

EDS. COURIER: As you were kind enough to publish my last letter, I will try again.

This week will be long remembered as corn planting week; nearly all the farmers will finish by April 8th.

The farmers are setting out a great many fruit trees this spring, which is very commendable in them, and if they will follow up with good cultivation, the reward will be an abundance of delicious fruit in after years. Some, of course, will set out the trees and leave them to take care of themselves, and when the fruiting time comes they will gather no fruit; the weeds, insects, etc., will make a clean sweep of fruit and trees. Then they will curse the nurseryman and the country.

E. P. Hickok has a field of wheat 80 rods wide and one mile long that is just magnificent. Joe Mack also has a fine piece of wheat.

BIRTH. Heretofore it has been cause for regret to the Moore boys that they could not quarry the rock as fast as ordered on account of a scarcity of hands. This is remedied now by the arrival of a new hand at the residence of the boss quarry man, Mr. Fortner. He weighs nine pounds, and has come to stay.

BIRTH. J. Burger has a new lady boarder, weight not given. So prohibition does not keep out all immigrants.

Mr. Weakly has made arrangements to keep his sheep above Floral in Richland Township. He is getting up a regular camping outfit and will keep a ranch this summer.

Mr. Limbocker has sold out all his young stock and will hereafter devote his time to improving the old homestead. Land buyers have been plenty for two or three weeks, and some fancy prices have been offered and refused. The farmers are doing well enough, like the country and climate, and therefore do not desire to sell. ERASTUS.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882. Editorial Page.

Since the killing of Jesse James, we concluded that a sketch of the lives of Frank and Jesse James would be of more interest to our readers than the miscellaneous matter which we place on the outside of the COURIER. We have therefore filled the outside columns this week with a sketch copied from the Kansas City Journal. Of course, this is not a complete account of their depredations and crimes.

The robbery of the Cowley County Bank of Arkansas City on July 31st, 1878, is one of the many omitted. We suppose the parties which robbed the Cowley County Bank were Frank and Jesse James, Dick Liddill, and Ed Miller. At any rate they were old hands at the business and managed coolly and skillfully. They were evidently on their way from the vicinity of Kansas City to Texas and called at Arkansas City for spending money. They got $2,800. They appeared in that town separately in the forenoon and about noon their horses were brought one by one and hitched near the bank. When they met on the street, they appeared not to know each other. When the people of the town had all gone to dinner, leaving only Farrar in the bank and a druggist close by on the sidewalk, one of the robbers sent the druggist into his store to put up a prescription while he watched outside; two of the robbers went into the bank and asked Farrar to change a $20 bill, while the fourth stood by the horses. Immediately a revolver was put at Farrar's head and kept him frightened while the other robber went through the bank. The four then mounted their horses and rode quietly away to the northwest. The alarm was immediately given and soon a large number of armed men on horseback were in pursuit. They soon came in range of the robbers and commenced firing, but the robbers fired back and kept them at a distance that was not dangerous to them and continued their leisurely retreat. They crossed the Arkansas at Salt City and pursued their way calmly into the Territory. Though there were probably one hundred courageous men out after them, their skill avoided them all.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


The Courant has again attempted to give the editor of this paper a small racket, but we do not deem it worthy of answer except to correct its statement that a little over a year ago we were an outspoken anti-prohibitionist. Three years ago when the act was passed submitting the prohibition amendment to a vote of the people, we decided to favor and support the amendment but to try to keep the matter out of the politics of this county. Before that time we held that so long as the traffic was legalized in any way we might as well make it pass a revenue to support our city government and then we favored $200 to $500 licenses. Since then what we have spoken or published in the COURIER has all been in favor of absolute prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. We think it would be fair to claim that we never were an anti-prohibitionist, and that we have been a consistent prohibitionist for three years and an active one for nearly two years. We do not claim any particular credit for our course, but do claim that we have been consistent. In the canvass two years ago our first object was to consolidate the Republican party of this county by conciliating all its factions and combining all its elements. In so doing we did not make our paper a special organ of prohibition, but we supported the amendment judiciously and well. Since the amendment was adopted and the law to carry it out was passed, we have been warm in support of the law and of its rigid enforcement.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


Before the late storm reached Chase, it had laid the town of Stafford in ruins. Only four buildings escaped. No lives were lost, but many were injured.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


A cyclone coming from the southwest crossed the track of the Santa Fe railroad on the 6th inst., and continued in a northeast direction indefinitely. The first ruin is near the town of Chase, where it tore out twenty-three telegraph poles, destroyed the farm buildings of J. M. Profit, and the house of S. Wilson, killing Mrs. Wilson and badly injuring a Miss Porter. The farm buildings of W. D. McFarland and G. W. Loveland were destroyed, the sorghum mill of Mayberry and a large barn of T. J. West were blown down. In Chase a large number of buildings were demolished and Mrs. Read, Muscott, J. G. Eckles, and Mrs. Eckles were badly hurt. Mr. Read and two women were killed.

At Clay Center a wind storm struck the house of John Brooks on the night of April 7th, and tore it into splinters, instantly killing Mrs. Mann, a daughter-in-law of Brooks, and slightly injuring six other persons.

A storm passed over Butler County Friday night doing great damage. Jos. Chambers' house was entirely destroyed, but no one was hurt. Then it passed over the farm of Mrs. Henry, a widow. The house is a perfect wreck. Mrs. Henry was killed and her child, seven years old, fatally injured. A young man in the house at the time escaped. The next house was Jacob Plant's, which was blown down and torn to pieces. His wife had her leg broken and was otherwise injured, but the balance of the family escaped.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


Frank Manny says that a druggist who has got into trouble for selling liquor wants all the anti-prohibitionists to combine and contribute money to fight the law. That under the license law that he (Manny) built a brewery and sold beer, paying his taxes and licenses, and did a legal and honest business. That Jo Likowski and other saloon men paid their $500 license each in advance and gave heavy bonds to obey the law, but the druggists sold right along all they could without paying any license or giving bonds or getting into trouble. That the brewers and saloon men voted and worked against the amendment because it would render their business illegal, but most of the druggists voted for the amendment in order to drive out the competition of the breweries and saloons and get all the trade themselves. That when he (Manny) got into trouble for trying to save something out of his stock of beer on hand when the law came into effect and after his property had been depreciated more than ten thousand dollars by the law, the druggists did not combine to fight the law, not much, but it cost him (Manny) about six hundred dollars. That now if the druggists get in conflict with the law by selling liquor, he is willing they should fight it out with their own money and see how they come out.

Our comment is that if Frank violates the law, he should be prosecuted; but if there is another who is ten times as dirty and vile in the violation of the law, we want him prosecuted with corresponding vigor.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


Here seems to be an attempt either to array the German vote against the Hon. W. P. Hackney as a candidate for Congressman at large, or to get him to hedge against his principles. Whatever effect it may have in the former direction, it falls in the latter. While he is friendly to the German element, he is outspoken and will stand by his convictions if he don't get a vote. You always know where to find him and can rely on what he says. As a friend, no one is more valuable and helpful, but as a fighter no one can do more effective work. The following is the correspondence.

WICHITA, KANSAS, April 6th, 1882.
WM. HACKNEY, ESQ., Winfield, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: Information has been received that you expect the nomination for Congress, I, being one of the German Liberal Committee, would ask you to give me a little information as to how you stand in regard to the German vote.

How do you stand on the prohibition question?

Did you not have at one time trouble with a German in Illinois?

Please answer these questions at your earliest convenience, and oblige. Yours Respt.,

WINFIELD, April 7th, 1882.
FRITZ SNITZLER, ESQ., Wichita, Kansas.

SIR: In reply to your letter of April 6th wherein you say "Information has been received that you expect the nomination for Congress, etc." Also propounding to me questions.

Permit me to say that I don't know anything about any German vote. Most are doubtless aware of the fact that all voters in this country are American, either by birth or by adoption, and any attempt to drag into our politics the nationality is un-American and un-Republican. As to how I stand on the prohibition question, permit me to say that I opposed the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment because I doubted the propriety or the policy of so radical a change, yet I recognized the correctness of the principle, and since observing its practical workings, I am thoroughly convinced that prohibition is not only right in principle, but is dictated by both policy and humanity, and I am in favor of perpetuating the principle by such legislation as will drive the traffic from every foot of Kansas soil. I never had any trouble with a German in Illinois, and it would be none of your business or that of your committee if I had. Respectfully, W. P. HACKNEY.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: After a three months rest, your correspondent again takes up his pen to contribute his mite to your interesting local news, and as news is a scarce article, you will please pardon me if I fail to regard the usual rules of your contributors, and for the time being act the part of a critic on matters of interest to all the producing class of Cowley County. I refer to an article I saw in the COURIER in reference to the herd law. I take issue with Mr. Trustee Johnson of Sheridan Township in this matter.

He starts out with the proposition that it is evident that this is not an agricultural county. Why, Mr. Johnson, your own report as trustee refutes your argument. Do not try to dishonor agriculture by such twaddle, but if you want to fence your lot to keep your cattle inwhy do sobut don't try to force your grain producing neighbor to fence his corn field in order to keep his crop from walking off in the stomachs of your cattle, unless he has its equivalent in his pocket. My neighbor should be compelled to keep his stock on his own premises, and so give the grain producer an equal chance with the stock raiser. My crop will not jump the line and founder his cattle, and his herd should not be turned out to steal my corn. There are two classes who will keep up an incessant howl for the repeal of the herd law. Are they the friends of the laboring class? Not much, sir, if you please. They are the cattle men and the barb wire monopoly.

Each one has an axe to grind and wants the grain producing class to turn the crank. Another issue of importance is the fact that if the herd law is repealed, it is an almost absolute barrier to the settlement of unimproved lands. Cattle men will laugh in their sleeves when they think of this, but deliver me from living in a county that stock growing is the only mode left in which to make an honest dollar. If I buy and pay for land, by what right should I be compelled to expend two dollars or an ounce of energy to fence a pretty good farm. According to this mathematical problem of Mr. Johnson, what would it cost to fence a farm that wasn't pretty good?

I hold this view of the case: let Mr. Smith fence his farm if he wants to; but if he does not or cannot, and Mr. Johnson's herd of cattle is turned loose some dark night and eats up his substances, let law support him in holding the stock responsible for the corn, the lost time, and the "ounce of energy." I don't think law should legislate roving stag with an appetite like a fanning mill, into a thieving, law-abiding steer.

Mr. Johnson, examine the statistical report of this county and then assert the truth and see where you stand. The mill and grain merchants are good witnesses on this subject. More anon.

Now for home news.

Rumor says that the store building is rented and that soon the scales will be weighing us out so many "Pounds for a dollar." I hope that this time Dame Rumor is correct.

A large area of corn is already planted. Many acres more than has ever been grown before.

Chinch bugs in great number have been flying northward for some days. We hope to have sufficient rain to dampen their ardor. I am not croaking on the bug question but merely mention it as a fact.

I want to mention a generous act by Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, who gave to the Floral school district a complete set of new school books. They are valued at $175 and are donated on account of our loss by the cyclone. They were not given as an exchange, but as a direct gift. The thanks of our people are due to this generous publishing company and also to Mr. R. C. Story, our county superintendent.

A public library association was organized at Floral on the 4th inst. It is founded on principles of equity and intelligence and cannot fail to pay well on the investment. In these progressive times youth and age digest a vast amount of reading matter; and in no other way except by individual purchase can such certain results be obtained except by a circulating library. Donation of books will be thankfully received.

Several buildings have been receiving a new dress of white this spring. Among the number were those of L. B. Stone and Dan Maher. Dan's favorite color is white, but by a piece of strategy he was induced to change from standard white to more artistic shades. Dan really appeared indifferent to the advice of the painter when the change was suggested, but yielded gracefully under the persuasive eloquence of Miss Maggie. The query to the knight of the brush was, "Why?"

Everybody in this community appears to be traveling the even tenor of his way. The rule appears to be "work for the harvest time is coming, for as ye sow shall ye also reap."

Respectfully, BUCKEYE.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Winfield Building Loan Association have caused books to be opened for receiving subscription to the capital stock of said Association, at the office of the Secretary thereof, on the south side of 9th Ave., 2nd door east of Millington Street, in the city of Winfield, Cowley County, State of Kansas, which books will be kept open till the whole amount of capital stock is subscribed.

By order of the Board of Directors. J. F. McMULLEN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. THE OLD RELIABLE "HOOSIER" GROCERY Opens the New Year in better shape than ever before. BIGGER STOCK, Better prices, and livelier sales will be our motto for the coming year. We do not intend to be outdone in the GROCERY BUSINESS by anyonein other words, we "will never take a back seat." We want Produce, Chickens! Butter & Eggs, FOR CASH OR TRADE.

Our stock of Coffees, Teas, Canned Goods, and Tobaccos have been selected with special care and can't be beat in either quality or prices.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. JAS. H. BULLENE & CO., DEALERS IN PINE LUMBER, HANNIBAL LIME, Louisville Cement, Plaster and Plastering Hair, National Mixed Paint, Cleveland (only genuine) Rubber Paint, Building Paper, Carpet Felt, etc.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. Champion Furniture Store is Still Booming.

A. B. ARMENT, (Successor to G. A. Rhodes), SOUTH MAIN ST., W. SIDE.

Will continue the business in the old stand, and will strive to please the people of Cowley County by Selling Goods at only Living profits!

A full line will always be found in stock. Also Picture Frame mouldings made to order on short notice. Undertaking goods in stock to suit. The patronage of the public respectfully solicited. A. B. ARMENT.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


All goods retailed at the very lowest prices, and delivered to any part of the city.

COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in exchange for goods, or will be paid in cash.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. W. C. ROOT & CO. OUR NEW SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Is fast arriving and we know that we can please you. We have just received direct from the manufactory in Cincinnati an elegant line of Ladies' Fine Shoes, in French, American, and Curacao Kid, and Pebble Goat, Button and Side-Lace.

These goods are beautiful in style and finish and have never before been offered in this market. Prices as low as the lowest. We are also agents for E. C. Burt's Fine Shoes. Our stock of GENT'S FINE SHOES is complete. Thje celebrated Boston Shoes of Lilly, Brockett & Co.'s make cannot be excelled. These goods can always be found at our store. Children's shoes in immense variety. Be sure and call and see our goods and get our prices.

W. C. ROOT & CO.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. J. B. LYNN, AT THE OLD STAND. CORNER 8TH AVE. & MAIN ST., WINFIELD, KANSAS. Has opened up a new stock of goods at new prices, which cannot fail to give satisfaction.


He invites his old friends and the people generally to call and see.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


Loans closed in thirty minutes from time of making an application.

Keep our money in M. L. Read's Bank.

No delay and no lies told.

Call on us before borrowing elsewhere. P. H. ALBRIGHT & CO., Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. Ladies Interested in Millinery And the Spring Styles should not fail to visit the Millinery Store of TAYLOR & TAYLOR On South Main Street. They have an Experienced Trimmer, And a line of Goods unequaled in style, quality, and price. Every lady in Winfield and the surrounding country who desires to look neat and tasty should call on them.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. IRA L. McCOMMON, (Successor to E. W. Hovey & Co., City Pharmacy), Dealer in Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Lead Mixed Paints and Oils, Cigars and Tobacco, and everything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded at all times by experienced persons.

A few doors south of the Banks, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. LARGE! LARGER! LARGEST! THE SPRING STOCK OF M. HAHN & CO., Has been received, and is beyond doubt the most carefully selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, and Notions ever brought to this city. We will enumerate a few Items.

In DRESS GOODS We have full line of Plain and Brocade Worsted, Plaid, Zephyr, and Shaded Shatz Suitings, Jamestown Alpacas, Mohair and Armure Cloths, a complete line of Black and Colored Cashmeres, Plaids, Trineel Stripes, Watered Silk, Plain and Surrah Satins, etc.

LADIES' NECKWEAR. Some two hundred different styles of Lace, Silk, and Satin Colarettes, Fichus and Ties.

LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE. An endless line of styles, colors, and qualities, including White and Colored Infant's Hose.

LADIES' SPRING WRAPS! Silk and Cashmere Dolmans, Ulsters, Walking Coats, Jackets and Circulars.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS! A large variety of White and Colored Table Linens, Towels, Toweling, Napkins, and Spreads of every description. Turkey Red Table Linen at 50 cents per yard and upward.

CARPETS! CARPETS! A very large stock of Rag, Hemp, Two and Three-Ply Ingrains and Brussels, also Straw and Hemp Matting and Stair Carpet.


We carry the largest stock of Clothing in Southern Kansas, and make a specialty of Children's Suits, running from two dollars a suit up to the finest of fabrics. Our stock of Men's and Boys' Hats is endless in variety, and prices lower than ever. We are offering a fair Wool Hat at 40 cents. We have a splendid assortment of White and Colored Shirts, Underwear of every description, Gloves, Neckwear, and Handkerchiefs. A complete line of Trunks and Satchels always on hand.

Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes of Every Description.

You will oblige us by calling in and looking through our immense stock and low prices.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.



Recognizing the conservative habit of very many Cowley County farmers who prefer to take their produce where they can purchase all their supplies, we have hit upon a plan by which we can pay the purchaser the very HIGHEST TRADE PRICE FOR PRODUCE, And serve our patrons from the largest and best Selected stocks in DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, BLACKSMITHING, Or any other branch of Merchandise or Labor the Farmers may desire.


And if you do not wash or groceries at cash prices, we will give you orders upon the best and most responsible houses in the town, which will be received as cash in payment for goods. Our arrangement includes the exclusive dry goods houses of A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, and the Bee Hive Store, Messrs. Smith Brothers and W. C. Root & Co., the only exclusive boot and shoe houses in the county. In the hardware, Horning, Robinson & Co., Hendricks & Wilson, and S. H. Myton, and in other branches of trade or labor, the very best of their class.

WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION And believe that a single trial under this plan will prove to you that it WORKS LIKE A CHARM!

We take pleasure in returning our hearty thanks to the people of Cowley County at large for the liberal share of patronage accorded us since our "New Departure," and are glad to know that they, as well as ourselves, are more than satisfied with the practical workings of OUR CASH SYSTEM.

We are carrying the largest and most complete stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Queensware in the city or county, and our sales are large enough to enable us to keep nothing but perfectly fresh goods. Many novelties are to be found in our store, not carried by other merchants here. This is particularly the case in Queensware and Fancy Groceries. We receive new goods every day, and carry everything that can be called for in our line. Our ambition is to keep a model Grocery Store. Don't come to town without making us a call. We will always be glad to see you, and take pleasure in showing you through, whether you buy or not. Truly yours friends, A. T. SPOTSWOOD & CO.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


Is in full blast, ready to do all kinds of work very cheap for cash. Bring on your Reapers and Mowers and get them repaired, as harvest will soon be here and you will want them in good order to do good work. Come, try me; ask my prices and be satisfied. I make repairing of all kinds a specialty. You will find me on Ninth Avenue, two doors east of the stone livery stable. JOHN EASTON.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The City Millinery has elegant new goods.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Court convenes a week from next Tuesday (April 25th).

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. Ed Clarke, one of the bright young lawyers of McPherson, is spending a few days in the city.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Spencer Bliss started Monday for a trip through Iowa in the interest of the Winfield City Mills.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. S. H. Jennings has purchased the property now being occupied by Axtel's restaurant for $2,200.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The governor has appointed Hiram Chancey of Silverdale Township as Justice of the Peace to fill a vacancy.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The Rev. Curtis of Osage City delivered two entertaining discourses at the Presbyterian Church last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

W. L. Mullen has been offered $1,500 for his 3,000 pound heifer. He will start east with the animal this week.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. A. H. Barnard, the Wellington hotel man, came over Saturday to look at the leading town in the Valley.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The Presbyterian Church last Sunday was gay with plants and flowers arranged in the most pleasing manner.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

County Attorney Jennings went up to Topeka Monday to look up some authorities in the Supreme Court Library.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

At Champion Furniture Store, South M St., W. Side, car loads of goods just received from the Eastern market, at prices to suit.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Sam Davis returned from Missouri last week. He has finished his course at Columbia College and will remain at home for the present.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Col. Alexander sold the brick office and residence next to it, on East Ninth Avenue, last week to Mr. Gilkey for $1,000 cash down.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mrs. Judge Boyer left Tuesday for McPherson, where she will visit with her father a short time, when she will return to Durango.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The Methodist folks had a very pleasant social at the Olds House last week. Quite a crowd was in attendance and all report a pleasant time.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Lost. Between Rock and Winfield, a Buffalo Robe, on inside name of R. Smithers, U. S. A. Return to Schofield and Keck's livery stable and get reward.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

One Wilcox who has been building harness for Sydall was taken up in an intoxicated condition by the marshal. In default of cash he was taken to the jug.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The High school will celebrate "Class Day" by a basket picnic at Riverside Park Saturday. We are in receipt of a neat invitation and program of the exercises.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The blue grass in Riverside Park has come up nicely and is growing at an astonishing rate. By next spring the grounds will be beautifully carpeted with it.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Frederick, in Winfield, April 9th, 1882, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Henry Phenix, and Miss Mary J. Frederick.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

J. S. Mann has an immense streamer built to hang across the street. It is of cloth perforated with holes, a la Barnum. Mann is fertile in advertising schemes.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. Roland and family removed to Sedan last week, where they will hereafter reside. Winfield society loses one of its brightest lights in the person of Miss May.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Warrants were issued Monday for the arrest of Doc. Holland and Frank Manny, the former for unlawfully prescribing liquor, and the latter for unlawfully selling liquor.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Register Nixon has been granted a patent on his improvement for Sulky plows. This makes three patents Jake has engineered through successfully, all of them good ones.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Trustee Skinner of Vernon has finished his assessment and returned the completed books to the clerk. The township shows an increase in population over last year of 151.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

For Sale. Two Phaetons, one buggy, and one family wagon with 3 springs, 2 seats. Will either sell for cash, give time on part, or trade. Call at Schofield and Keck's livery stable.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The Easter services of the Catholic and Episcopal Churches in this city last Sunday were very imposing. A profusion of flowers and plants added pleasure and gaiety to the scenes.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Charlie Jordon dropped into Winfield rather unexpectedly Saturday. He is much pleased with life on the road and is very successful. His health is greatly improved and in beauty he is way above part. [Jordan?]

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Ira McCommon is working up a splendid business since he came back to his old trade, that of handling drugs. Ira is an accomplished druggist and one of the most reliable young men in the county.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

A man came into our office this morning and offered to sell us some relics of Jesse James. His mangled remains will be removed from our coal bins during the night and disposed of with the other relics.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

One of the neatest jobs we have seen turned out of a western printing office comes to us from the Sedan Times, with the compliments of A. D. Dunn. A. D. Is certainly one of the tastiest job printers in the west.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

In another column will be found an appeal from the colored church for aid in clearing their church building from a debt of $100, which encumbers it. They have done well so far and deserve encouragement and aid.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Geo. Cole, assessor of Ninnescah Township, got in the first completed assessment this year. It shows an increase in the population of the township over last year of 76. It shows 9,638 acres under cultivation. Total population 647.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The parish meeting of Grace Church was held on last Monday evening and resulted in the election of two wardens and five vestrymen. It was well attended by the members. The Rev. M. Canfield will remain with the church for the coming year.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Prof. Story has named the 14th of April as "Arbor Day" for the schools and has issued a circular to that effect. The planting of trees around the schoolhouses would be an excellent thing, and about the only way to make a success of it is to work in concert.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

J. W. Hall, late postmaster of Seeley, has thrown up his job for Uncle Sam and has moved into town with his family. When you go to Spotswood's for groceries and a good looking youngerly man waits on you, call him Hall and he will answer to the name.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. Tansey has refused to give up his docket to Mr. Soward, claiming to hold over under his certificate, which was issued for two years. Judge Soward will get a docket and hold court anyway. Such a proceeding is somewhat extraordinary on the part of Mr. Tansey.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Trustee White, of Fairview Township, has returned the completed assessment rolls to the clerk. The census shows a decrease in population of 25 since last year. The canvass on the herd law question shows 72 for repeal of the law and 58 against repeal, with three undecided and ten not seen.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The Bee Hive store is spreading out. The proprietors have rented the room just back of the post office and have cut an arch through from their store, connecting both rooms. This gives them a front on Ninth Avenue and makes one of the finest storerooms in the West. The new room will be used principally as a carpet room.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Col. J. C. McMullen entertained his class, with a few others of the Baptist Sabbath school, at his residence on last Thursday evening. His class is principally young ladies and gentlemen; therefore, the party consisted of young folks, with only a sprinkling of older onesjust enough to tone them down and make it very agreeable. The Colonel had a "crow to pick" with Capt. McDermott, the superintendent, on account of his often tapping the bell just as he was explaining to his class the most interesting part of the lesson. So he seized this opportunity of "heaping coals of fire on his head" by calling on McDermott for an address answering the question, "Why should we read the Bible aside from a religious duty? He limited him to five minutes, when all knew that it would take twice that length of time to do the subject justice. Mr. McDermott fully occupied the time and proved conclusively that all should read the Bible because it is a wonderful history, etc. The party were then entertained for a few moments with selected readings from some of our best authors by Mr. William Colgate, son-in-law of J. F. McMullen. He is a fine elocutionist, and his selections were highly appreciated by the guests. After the reading an excellent supper was served by the estimable hostess and her daughter, Nellie, and some splendid music was furnished by Master Ed., and Miss Zulu Farringer. The party was a very enjoyable one, and the guests fully appreciated the hospitable and agreeable manner in which they were entertained.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

But few of our people realize the magnitude of the stone business done at our quarries. We visited last week, in company with the Belle Plaine folks, the Schmidt quarries east of town. There are about twenty men at work there, part of them getting out the large rock for the government building at Topeka, others getting out flagging and smooth stone for sawing, and others at work dressing and sawing the stone into square blocks with cross-cut saws, just as men would work up saw-logs. A large number of teams are kept busy hauling the stone to the railroad and loading it for shipment away. Mr. Schmidt is now furnishing one hundred car loads for buildings in Wellington. Other towns are also making regular drafts on these quarries and the demand is increasing rapidly. What is most needed is a switch out to the quarries. If one was put in, stone could be furnished at about half the present cost.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

M. L. Robinson returned from New Mexico last week. He brings favorable news from all our folks there. Vinnie Beckett and Jim Hill will soon have their newspaper going. Dr. and Mrs. Black opened out the "Black Range Hotel" with a grand dinner last Saturday. They are well pleased with the location and the prospects. M. L. is as enthusiastic as ever over the prospects of the town, and if his energy can't make it win, it is useless for anyone else to try.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Contrast now:

Population of Creswell Township in 1870, nominal: 1878, 1,082; 1881, 2,908.

Population in Bolton in 1870, nominal; 1878, 1,838; 1881, 1,429.

The improvements in the values and products in the surrounding country has increased at even a larger percent than the population. Fifteen schoolhouses dot the prairie in the townships surrounding the city. One of the best evidences of the material and intellectual progress of the surrounding country. Arkansas City Democrat.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Messrs. G. A. Hamilton, Wm. Carter, and S. A. Broadhead came over from Belle Plaine last week as a committee to examine our Cowley County stone with the view to using it in the erection of a large schoolhouse. They visited the Schmidt quarries, conferred with several of our leading mechanics, and as a result of their investigations the Belle Plaine schoolhouse will probably be built of Winfield material by Winfield men.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

A boy was arrested last week and brought before Justice Buckman, charged with stealing an axe and hatchet from a building on Main Street and selling them to a second-hand dealer. The Justice sentenced him to jail for three days. This is a good lesson for these petty thieves who have been annoying citizens by taking irons off of plows and committing other small offenses.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

New Organs in elegant case, warranted for six years, $65. New Rosewood Pianos, largest scale, $200. We are not agents or sub agents, but buy for cash only, and have no rent or traveling expenses to pay; therefore, we can sell as low as any Music House in the U. S.

E. FARINGER, Winfield Music House.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

We dropped into the millinery store of Taylor & Taylor South Main Street, Tuesday. This store will certainly catch the ladies, for how they can go in and come out without buying some of the handsome things we saw Tuesday, is more than we can tell. The ladies of this establishment are certainly connoisseurs in the millinery art.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

We hope the Council will take seriously into consideration some plan of compelling property owners to set out trees along the streets. It costs but little and would be cheerfully done if the city would take action that would make it a matter of necessity rather than one to be put off from time to time.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. Matrimonial business this week in the Probate Court is looking up. His Honor has issued marriage licenses to the following persons.

Edward McAllister and Lovina Pierce.

Henry Phenix and Mary J. Frederick.

S. D. Klingman and Mrs. M. E. O'Dell.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Dr. Schofield has purchased J. P. Baden's residence on Tenth Avenue. Mr. Baden immediately bought Dr. Davis' residence on Eighth Avenue, for $1,500. J. P. don't propose to be turned outdoors if he can help it. Dr. Davis will move out to his farm east of town.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The contract for the roofing of the Conklin building was awarded to Horning, Robinson & Co. This is going to be one of the best stores in the city, and will be occupied by Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson as a retail hardware store.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The A. T. & S. F. Company says that there is more freight shipped to Arkansas City than any town on their line in Southern Kansas. How high is dot, eh? Democrat.

Vell, dot ish yoost so high as von big lie. Vot you tink?

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

In the case taken to the Supreme Court, the decision of Judge Torrance and County Attorney Jennings was reversed, so that now the county must pay the costs of criminal cases whether conviction is secured or not.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Seth Chase has just finished a hundred acre pasture for his stock, and is as happy as the colts he proposes to turn in. Seth is bound to give his stock a chance without having to herd them on the commons.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The contracts for the Conklin building were let Thursday evening. Horning, Robinson & Co., were awarded the contract for roofing, Mr. Conner the stone work, and John Crane the plastering and front.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. J. C. Walters, father-in-law of our sheriff, has taken charge of the Douglass Avenue House in Wichita. Mr. Walters is an old hotel man, and will regain for the house its old-time popularity. He was landlord there a good many years ago.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. Arment has purchased the Champion Furniture House from Geo. Rhodes and is stocking it up nicely.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. Read's black-and-tan dog gave up the ghost Monday and was buried with honors on Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Dr. Wilson came over last week from La Cygne and is spending a few days with friends here.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mr. Hatch, a brother-in-law of Geo. H. Buckman, is visiting here.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

A Collision.

Two of our citizens met with a serious mishap Friday night, which although not very pleasant to the parties concerned, is laughable in some respects. Mr. John D. Pryor had been uptown quite late attending lodge. Hobert Vermelye had been downtown quite late attending a small mass meeting. He started home about the same time John did. The wind was blowing a gale and the rain was coming down in fitful gusts that almost chilled the marrow in the bones of these two midnight ramblers. Persons out on a night like this are wont to tuck their heads down, shut their eyes, and go bowling along without regard to surroundings, and this is what the aforesaid gentlemen did. Even this would have been all right had the sidewalk in front of Charlie Bahntge's been made wide enough for two to pass, but it wasn't and they came together like two animated goats. The recoil was terrific and both were landed in the mud beside the walk about a hundred feet apart. John came to in about three minutes, and after crawling around for a time to find his assailant, went on home enveloped in mud and darkness, and breathing imprecations on the man who would lay in wait for a fellow and hit him with a stuffed club. Hobert Vermilye was not so fortunate. He was knocked senseless by the concussion and laid in the road as much as an hour before he was able to get home. Two of his front teeth were broken off, another knocked out, and the balance so roughly dealt with that they rattled when he walked. His face was cut up considerably. Hobert was also of the opinion that someone had waylaid him; but as an inventory found him possessed of forty cents, a pocket knife, and ten toothpicks, he was compelled to admit that he had not been robbed. The next morning each arose, bandaged up his head, and resolved to keep an eye open for suspicious looking characters. About noon they came together, when the true facts as above narrated came to light.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

County Commissioners.

The Commissioners have been in session since Monday and have got through with a large amount of business. In the school district appeal from district 89, Bolton Township, the Board sustained the action of the County Superintendent.

L. M. Brown road ordered opened from the southeast corner of Section 20, west one mile to southwest corner of same section, township 30, range 7.

The matter of district 53 was laid over.

D. S. Roach was granted a license for one year to run a ferry over the Arkansas River.

M. L. Robinson was appointed to represent the county in voting the stock of the county in the C. S. & F. S. Railroad at their next annual meeting.

The Board made an order that no blanks for the use of the county be purchased except by the county clerk; therefore, all blanks needed by the other officers must be ordered through the county clerk.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Sheridan Statistics.

Mr. E. I. Johnson, trustee of Sheridan Township, has just completed his work, and on Monday returned the books to the county clerk. The books are made up in very neat shape and show completely the condition of the township. The population is 616ten more than the government census. The canvass on the herd law question shows 136 against the law and 9 in favor of it. The township has 663 acres of wheat, 5,305 acres of corn, 210 acres of oats, 49 acres of Irish potatoes, and 725 acres of millet. There are 19,414 bushels of old corn on hand; 470 acres of pasture under fence. The township sold last year $1,030 worth of poultry and eggs. The wool clip was 4,221 pounds. There are at present in the township 2,710 sheep, 1,239 hogs, and 809 cattle. The total valuation of Real Estate is $55,462, and of personal property $11,626. In the fruit line Sheridan has 2,434 bearing trees, 9,795 peach trees, and sold last year $430 dollars worth of fruit. Dogs in Sheridan seem to be way above par as there are more dogs than families in the township, to-wit: 123 dogs168 families. If every family took one dog, there would be fifteen left to give to the poor. Mr. Johnson has done his work faithfully and well and his books are a credit to any officer.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Another Fraud.

Joe Harter has the reputation of being benevolent, helpful, and obliging, but the following circumstance will show that he can be wicked too. Last Monday evening after dark it became very cold and the men and boys on the street were shivering in their light spring suits. Jo lighted a lamp and placed in his heater stove in the drug store and the light shone brightly through the isinglass windows of the stove just as though there was a hot fire in the stove. Seeing this, the chilly chaps would come in, stand around the stove, rub their hands, turn their backs to the stove, wonder why they did not get warm, turn around, feel of the stove gingerly, and then shoot out of the door to escape the jokes and laughter of the uninitiated.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Notice. At a called meeting of the citizens of the Floral neighborhood, on Tuesday evening, February 5th, a public library was organized. The following named persons were duly elected to serve for the ensuing term of six months.

President: Lewis Stephens.

Vice President: J. Holloway.

Secretary and Librarian: J. H. Sandfort.

Corresponding Secretary: J. M. Bair.

Treasurer: L. B. Stone.

Trustees: Daniel Maher, John Casper, Lewis Stephens.

(The constitution and by-laws are too extended for publication this week, but will appear as soon as we can spare room for them. ED.)


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Big Wool. Ezra Meech has brought us a sample of wool from a fleece of 60 pounds, a growth of 16 months on a French sheep belonging to Jewett of Vermont. The wool is fine, about equal to the merino. If that kind of sheep will produce 60 pounds in Vermont, we should expect 100 pounds from them in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Opening. Friend's Millinery House, Winfield, Kansas. Mrs. Friend will display Chicago, New York, and St. Louis pattern Bonnets and Hats April 17th and 18th. All are invited.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

THE MARKETS. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) $1.15 for best. Corn is still up and scarce at 65 to 70 cents. Hogs hold same as last week. Butter brings 25 cents, eggs 10 cents. Spring chickens $5.00 per dozen. Oats 55 cents. But little produce is being marketed.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

The Ivanhoe Club are arranging to give a public reading to invited friends at the Opera House next Tuesday evening. The invitations will be out in a day or two, and the affair promises to be one of the "toniest" of the season.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Appeal to the Public. The undersigned, pastor and trustees of the Bethel A. M. E. Church, make this appeal to the public for aid to enable them to discharge a mortgage debt on their lot and church building in Winfield, of $100; and they desire to make a statement of their progress as a church since it was inaugurated here, both spiritually and temporally.

Our church was organized in the month of October, 1880, with 8 members. A lot was purchased for $65 and paid for. A frame church building 24 feet square and of good height has been completed except plastering, painting, and furnishing with permanent seats. Our church now numbers 25 members. We inaugurated a Sunday school with 3 scholars, which now numbers 30 scholars. We are in debt only $100, and we feel that if our white friends would help us to pay this debt, we will be thereafter self-supporting; and we promise that we will not again importune them for assistance. We want to influence and educate our race to become worthy and useful people, and to do their humble part in the work of the Lord; and we feel that this little aid and encouragement now, in our weakness, on the part of our more fortunate white brethren and friends, will enable us to accomplish and realize our desires.

R. PARKS, Pastor.
TRUSTEES. Winfield, April 11, 1882.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: In looking over the COURIER week after week I fail to find anything from Torrance, and unwilling that we should go unrepresented, I will try my hand at it. It is needless to say that spring has come. Most all the correspondents have amply informed us of that fact. Farmers are pushing their work along as rapidly as possible under present circumstances, but I have noticed one thing in particular that is a great hindrance in the way of getting corn in early. Instead of each farmer having a corn planter of his own, five or six will buy one in partnership, and of course they can't all use it at once, and somebody is bound to be late; when by getting it in early they could perhaps raise enough in one season to pay for one and then it would always be ready.

There was but little wheat sown in this vicinity. Peaches are not all killed in the valley, while apples and small fruit promise a good crop.

Health is excellent. Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. French have been suffering with erysipelas but are about well. Mrs. Clara Gee has had a few chills.

Torrance is threatened with something. I don't like to call it a boom. When a stable or cow shed is being built in any of those little one horse towns, they are having a boom. So I will just say that our little town is beginning to hold its head up and put on airs.

N. R. Luther has moved his stock of drugs from Burden and is nicely set up in the old post office building, while his family occupies a house next door.

C. W. Phenis, who sold his farm near Torrance and moved to Burden, is now building a residence here and will shortly move back.

Mr. Rittenhouse and son, of Illinois, have rented two houses and are moving in.

Mr. Burns has returned from Arkansas City and now occupies his residence.

Burt French has purchased the D. Campbell property and will begin at once to improve it.

James Lyons has been improving his hotel surroundings with picket and wire fence.

Parties are in town every day looking for a location, and a number of business and residence lots have been purchased in the last few days.

The late rains have brightened things up wonderfully.

I will inform the Burden Enterprise man that that animal that broke loose from Greenwood County has been back again and there would be danger of his getting hurt or his friends getting offended if there wasn't such a small dog after him.

I was exceedingly pleased at the way M. Lewis of Orchard Cottage got after old St. Jacob. I was waiting for someone to speak for I felt incompetent to do him justice, and I say, "Hit him again."

Mr. Delany has returned from the Territory where he has a large herd of cattle, and he says stock has done splendidly.

We have had the pleasure of hearing our new circuit preacher preach once and like him very much.

W. E. Rockwell has just returned from Arkansas, where he spent the winter.

H. M. Branson has moved into his new house and has also built an addition to his store room.

Hon. William Martindale will move his cattle to Greenwood in a few days, that he has been feeding on Grouse Creek, and his hogs he will ship from Burden as our switch is not yet completed. CROCKET.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: As we do not trouble you very often with our writings, we ask for a little space in your next paper.

We noticed an article in your paper, "Couldn't Stand It," and were forced to believe that the writer did not know what he was talking about, although he did some very good guessing. He talked as if we were trying to turn a cold shoulder to the old farm and all of its surroundings. But such was not the case. We were more like the prodigal son, we longed for that dear old home again, and all we wanted was a chance to come back again. We hope to partake of the fatted calf about the time of fruit gathering, and we hope our friend Bacastow will be with us at that time.

Why should we not want our old farm back again when our neighbors were asking from one thousand to fifteen hundred per quarter section more than they did when we sold?

We don't know why our friends should be so interested to know how we bought the farm back. They have threatened to hang us in the well until we reveal the facts in the case.

We would like to inform our friends of the surprise we had on the evening of our arrival, but it would take too long to tell about the bells and old tin pans that made such a racket they somewhat disturbed our slumbers. We did not know but they all came at once, but after awhile another crowd came and sang to us "Home, Sweet Home," which was appreciated ever so much. We would like to relate the joke about the oysters, but will close for fear of wearying the editors. One word for the old house. It is now scrubbed, papered, painted, and white-washed on the inside, and painted white on the outside. Yours respectfully,

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


The new Baptist meeting house in Wellington was set apart to the service of God last Sabbath, April 9th. It is a beautiful structure, in size 34 x 60 feet. The house and lots cost upwards of $4,000, and the treasurer's report showed it all paid for and five dollars on hand toward a bell which we understand will be secured and put in position at once. This church was organized by Mr. Cairns of this city three years ago, and is now a recognized power in the community. The pastor, Rev. D. S. MacEwan, preached the sermon. He was assisted by Rev. J. C. Post of Wichita, and the Presbyterian and Methodist ministers of Wellington. The Rev. J. Cairns of Winfield preached in the evening. The house was filled to its utmost capacity by an intelligent and delighted audience. The building reflects credit alike upon the church and community. FRATER.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


24. J. P. Baden's general mercantile store.

25. Curns & Manser's office.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Ninnescah Items.
EDS. COURIER: It seems from all appearances I am to have assistance in gleaning items for your worthy paper from this neighborhood, and as I have so little time now to hear or write anything of interest, I am really glad, but would like to advise C. S. S. to give facts alone and not supposition, as it is such a disappointment when we learn that it was a mistake and that one proves to be one.

I can't tell why in the world someone don't get married in this neighborhood. I am sure we have just as good looking girls as there is in the county, and our young men are as industrious and just as good as any community can boast of. But there is something wrong. Can anyone recommend a remedy?

I had the pleasure of attending one of the most interesting Sabbath schools last Sunday I ever attended in Kansas. After the school closed, the Rev. W. A. Lindsey held the large congregation spellbound by his manner and delivery of one of the best sermons that was ever preached in old Ninnescah schoolhouse.

How grand and beautiful all nature seems this morning after our refreshing shower of last night. And the earth is putting on her robe of green and the feathered songsters are filling the air with their sweet melody, and the zephyrs float over the prairies so gently (and sometimes not so gently) but withal a health-giving breeze, and the delicate little flowers that lift their heads so proudly all over the prairies, altogether make a scene so grand and beautiful that we feel our hearts grow tender as we gaze on nature, and involuntarily a whispered prayer flashes through our mind, rendering thanks to nature's God. What a grand country ours is, and how little we realize the privileges we enjoy, or at least some are heard to complain. But people would be dissatisfied if they were inhabitants of an Eden. However, I believe there are as few of that class in Cowley as in any county in any state in the Union. Her citizens are so energetic, prohibition so successful, railroad facilities so convenient, success in farming a glorious fact, stock raising a paying business giving quick returns, and all things seem to so work together for the good of the people that we are made to exclaim how glad we are that our lot has been cast in such pleasant places. May success ever attend the labors of those who are working so faithfully to make our state one of the first in the Union in regard to temperance, Christianity, education, and industry; and may the honest vote of an honest people give us St. John for governor that our joy may be full.

And now, dear Eds., if you will please accept my resignation, I will give C. S. S. the field as I am very busy at present, but if he or she fails to comply, give me notice and you will hear from me again. Your well wisher, LADY MADGE.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

AD. For Sale. A fine short horn bull calf. Write to me at Winfield or apply at my farm five miles southeast of Winfield on east side of Walnut River. F. A. A. WILLIAMS.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Cattle for Sale.

We have 100 three year old steers and 60 two year old steers, nearly all of them domestics, all first class, and in good condition to take the grass, which we want to sell during the next thirty days. They are located three miles from Sedan, Chautauqua County, and can be bought in lots to suit the purchaser. For further particulars call on or address P. H. Albright at Winfield, or H. H. Albright at Sedan.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Select School.

I will commence a select school for primary and intermediate grades at the West Ward schoolhouse on Monday, April 17. Terms $1.00 per month. MRS. HAMILTON.


Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Old Fashioned Lye Hominy at Spotswood's.

Men's fine shoes stylish and nobby at Smith Bros.

Ohio Top and Bottom onion sets at Spotswood's.

Photographs of Jesse James for sale at Goldsmith's.

Early Ohio, Early York, and Northern Early Rose Potatoes at Spotswood's.

Weight your produce on the city scales. A. G. Wilson, weighmaster.

Woods Cord Binder takes the gold medal over 9 other machines.

Any boy ten years old can manage a Standard Riding Cultivator. W. A. Lee, Agent.

A car load of oak and cedar posts just received at G. G. Shaw & Co.'s lumberyard.

Pierce City lime, the best in the market. Try it and be convinced. J. B. Shaw & Co.

To rent a house of six rooms with pantry, cellar, and cistern, apply to Mrs. M. C. Tucker.

The Bossest' thing in marketpreserves and jellies, full assortment, at Wallis & Wallis.

The Wood Cord Binder takes the gold medal over other cord binders near Christs church, New Zealand.

Our Excelsior Reapers for sale cheap, 1881 machines. I make this offer during the month of April. W. A. LEE.

The City Scales give perfect weights. They are new and have been tested and arranged until they are perfect. A. G. Wilson, weighmaster.

TO TRADE. Residence property well located worth $2,500 that I will trade for Cowley County lands. W. P. HACKNEY.

I will sell any responsible parties a steam outfit for threshing who will use it in Vernon and Beaver townships, at 100 discount. W. A. LEE.

STRAYED. A Poland China sow from the undersigned in Vernon Township. Anyone taking up such property will be suitably rewarded by A. J. Worden.

We want more eggs and butter, can't get enough for our town trade. Bring them alone and get the top of the market at Wallis & Wallis.

For rent or sale the most desirable building 18 x 35 with ware room also for sale, the very best vacant lot. Both in Hunnewell. Hooker & Phelps, Burden, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Mrs. W. B. Caton will teach a mixed grade school, including German, in the East Ward schoolhouse, commencing the Monday following the close of the public schools.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

MONEY TO LOAN. I am prepared to loan money on very favorable terms on improved farm property in Cowley County, in sums to suit on three to five years time. C. H. Robinson, office with Jennings & Troup.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

FOR SALE: A stone house, large lot, good well, well located in Winfield for sale cheap, and on easy terms, to parties who desire a home of their own. Inquire of G. W. Cunningham, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Four good valley farms for sale, well located and improved, from 2-1/2 to 6 miles from Winfield, ranging in price from $1,600 to $3,500 on easy terms. Inquire at the brick residence near the brewery. The residence is also for sale. T. J. JOHNSON.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

We are selling goods for cash or produce only, but are honestly in earnest when we say that we can make it to your interest to buy your goods from us on this plan. Give it a trial, say for one month, and our word for it you will never run a store account again.

Truly yours friend, A. T. SPOTSWOOD & CO.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Now is your time to buy early seed potatoes of us; as we will close out our stock at a greatly reduced price. We have the following varieties. Beauty of Hebron, Wisconsin grown "Northern rose," "Home Rose," "Northern Snow Flake," "Colorado Trophy." Something new and fine! We have also just received a big lot of the finest Colorado Peach Blow that was ever offered on this market. Come and see for yourselves. WALLIS & WALLIS.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.



Selling property to highest bidder for cash in hand: The north half of the northwest quarter of section eight, township 32, south of range No. Six east.

Said property was appraised at five hundred dollars, and is levied upon and will be sold as the property of the above named defendants, Francis M. Small and Minerva J. Small, at not less than two-thirds the appraised value thereof. [Sale May 8, 1882.]

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

Skipped County Legal Notices [Quarterly Statement of County Treasurer for Quarter ending March 31, 1882, and School Tax Fund].

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.


Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Sore Throat, Quincy, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Ear, Tooth, and Headache, Frosted Feet, Ears, And all other PAINS AND ACHES.

No preparation on earth equals ST. JACOB'S OIL, as a safe, sure, simple, and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of FIFTY CENTS, and everyone suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims.

Directions in eleven languages.

A. Voegler & Co., BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum