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[Starting with Thursday, March 18, 1880.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1880. Front Page.

ED. COURIER: The people of this country make it a rule never to get excited, but if anything could work them up, the bills now before Congress relating to the Territory would so it.

One of them introduced by Hon. Tom Ryan, to allow the railroads now built to the Nation line, right of way through with one hundred feet each side of the track, and timber enough for ties and building purposes, they very naturally object to. If a railroad wants to build through the Nation, why can't it pay for its right of way and timber just as it would have to do in a state?

This Territory was bought and paid for by the five civilized tribes inhabiting it, paid for with lands ten times as valuable as this, and their title ought to be as good as that of any farmer in Cowley County.

It is just as hard to make these people see why they should give a right of way to any railroad without compensation; as it would be to make a Grouse Creeker let the L., L. & G. run corner wise through his bottom farm and pay him no damages. Only last Sunday I had a talk with Col. M. Curtain, the principal chief of the Choctaws, on the subject. Neither he nor many others of the best men in the country would object to any equitable bill allowing railroads right of way, but they do most seriously object to giving a very large something for a very small nothing.

On the sanctioning question the Indians are pretty evenly divided, while the whites residing here are, of course, all for it. The present head of this tribe is in favor of sectioniz ing, as are many of the principal Indians.

One clause in the bill now before Congress they object to is that forbidding Indians to sell their lands for twenty-one years. They seem to think that if the country is opened to settlers, the class of people who will rush in from the southern states will make it very unhealthy for a few years, and they want to be allowed to sell out so they can move to the states. It is a mistake to suppose the Indians can't compete with the whites. Take the Choctaw Nation right through and the Indians are equal in intelligence and education to the population of any state south of Mason & Dixon's line.

Just now the weather is delightful; grass is springing up in the bottoms and flowers on the prairies. The recent snow storm hardly reached us, only an hour or two of sleet and some rain.

Encouraged by the high price of cotton last year, everyone is preparing to put in a larger crop this spring.

The winter was so mild that but few cattle died, and we may expect flush times as soon as the cow buyers from Kansas and Missouri get down here, usually about April 1st.

But I must bring this letter to a close lest I should crowd out some more interesting writer, or perhaps be thrown out myself.

Anxiously looking for my next COURIER, I am, Yours respectfully, V.

COUNCIL HOUSE, C. N. Mar. 4, 1880.

[Our correspondent should remember that it takes an act of Congress to allow any railroad to build through the Territory. We want an act giving the right of way on terms that would be just to all. ED.]


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

I will not be able to chronicle any very sensational matter, as the people in this part are too well behaved to get up any shooting or fighting, or love and murder sensations.

As for weddings, we have had none lately. I hear that Charley Shaw has been making inquiries about the cost of building a small box house. There has been considerable sickness; several cases of pneumonia. Doctor Daniels, of Timber creek, or the "bare-headed doctor," has been the favorite son of Esculapius, and has been very successful so far.

Last Thursday, while the wind blew a perfect gale, a fire broke out west of Timber creek and swept across the township at a fearful rate, burning hay stacks, corn cribs, stables, and everything that fell in its way.

The Baltimore blacksmith was entirely burned out, the family having to flee to the water to save themselves. The neighbors will assist them, and they will soon be as well situated as before. Mr. Dunlap lost all his grain, stables, farming implements, and thresher. His loss is estimated by some of near $1,000. Mr. Sharp also lost heavily, having all his farming implements, stables, hay, etc., burned, and barely saving his house by hard fighting. Several times the fire blazed into the house and set things on fire. Mr. Primrose lost almost every thing, and others suffered severe losses from the fire. Never before have the people of this part of the county been called upon to witness the power and effect of the fire fiend, as it leaps and rages and hurries on, assisted by a hurrricane of wind.

Some farms have changed hands lately. Mr. Tom Hickman has purchased the farm which he has occupied for several years.

Mr. George Denton has purchased the farm occupied by Lew Newton, from a gentleman in Iowa.

Mr. Valentine Osborn is the happy father of a fine three-weeks-old son.

Elder Thomas closed his protracted meetings. The Literary Society at this place have concluded to adjourn until next fall, when the evenings begin to grow longer and farm work is not so urgent.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

We visited Burden last week for the first time, and were surprised to find it so "booming" with costly and substantial improvements, heavy stocks of goods, and apparently large trade. Only a few short months ago it was a ridge of high, rolling prairie, well covered with grass; today, it is an active town, with large stone and frame buildings, hotels, blacksmith shops, lumberyard, general stores, millinery, notions, hardware, agricultural implements, groceries, drug store, and almost all kinds of goods wanted.

The firm of Ford & Leonard have a large stone building, well staffed with goods, are building another beside it of equal size. Such men as they are could make a lively town anywhere, but when aided by a new railroad and wide scope of first-class farm lands, well- improved and occupied by an enterprising and intellighent farming community, and by a very liberal use of printer's ink, their success is marvelous, and their trade and stock will compare favorably with the best in the county. We did not meet Mr. Ford, but found Mr. Leonard to be one of the pleasantest and liveliest gentlemen we ever met. Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Moriarity, their accomplished salesmen, are just the men for the place.

Messrs. Hooker & Phelps have, we think, the finest drug store in the county. Everything is got up in exquisite style. The cases, drawers, and counters are the work of Mr. C. C. Krow, and are a monument to the success of home art and home black walnut. Mr. Phelps is the pleased gentleman who used to be found at Giles Bros., in this city.

Our friend, E. A. Henthorn, was the first man we met, and he took us around and exhibited to us the elephant. He is running the post office besides doing quite an extensive real estate and notarial business.

S. A. Brown & Co. have one of the largest and finest lumberyards we have seen; besides, they have a grain warehouse with scales and other conveniences, and are buying and shipping a great deal of wheat.

There is a large agricultural implement stock there, but we did not note the name of the firm.

Our conclusion is that Burden is to become an important business town.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

We were at Grenola last week and found it a very lively town. We called on Messrs. Blair, who run the postoffice and a drug and stationery store. We also called at the Argus office and made the acquaintance of John E. Stinson.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The article on New Mexico was written by O. V. Aoy, editor of the Los Cerillos, New Mexico, Prospector, at the request of O. F. Boyle.

The best of minesthe surface of the earth when properly cultivated: Mines and mining have converted Spain into a nation of gamblers, old maids, and courtizans, with their inseparable physical and social evils. Mines caused the demoralization of the aborigines of the Western Hemisphere, after being almost miraculously conquered through the mild spiritual power of the missionaries, who, unfortunately, were always followed by the lash of inquisition and the insolent high tone of the Spanish hidalgos. This word, hidalgo, ("hijo de algo" = son of something or somebody of rank) signifies "petty noble folks," and was then conferred on a great many persons who most unscrupulously abused their power.

Mining was followed by the Spaniards soon after their arrival, and hundreds of shafts (many of them now open) extensively developed, evince the great thirst for gold that ruled for hundreds of years the moorish sons of the Iberian peninsula, in America. These adventurers found in or about the center of this territory not only the finest mineral croppings, but also the finest specimens of humanity; the most intelligent Indians, which the conquerers christened Quivirs or Quiviras, i.e. Westerns or true Westerns; and in the course of time they built the largest and most important city they ever had in all the West: the region now known as Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico proper, all of them forming but one territory then. These Quivirs or Quiviras, despite their manliness and dignity, were soon brought under the Spaniards, and were the chief agents to aid the conquerers in their aims. On account of the great advantages that this central mineral point possessed, the greatest cathedral in the West was built. Its walls were made of red sand stone, cut in the shape of large flat bricks; the building was not only large and imposing, but constructed in the most solid and elegant style; and under the high altar there is a basement or lower floor which served as a graveyard for the missionaries who died there. It is supposed that in some of the several cells of this lower floor under the altar, was deposited all the mineral smelted in the several furnaces at that great mineral metropolis, at the massacre in 1680.

It is curious enough that the nearest water source about that locality was no less than fifteen miles, and a very good ditch of stone and cement from the Manzanas mountains was constructed to obtain all the fresh water necessary for smelting purposes, etc. Considerable portions of this stone ditch are until today seen, in good state of preservation, on account of the superiority of the cement used in its formation. Some huge apple trees are also found all along the said ditch, probably planted there by the missionaries from seed imported from Europe.

By looking at the map of New Mexico, we find at about the center of it these words, "Ruins of Gran Quivira," and this is the place where the Spaniards held their greatest smelting works; for it was, and we can affirm it is up to this very day, the central point of the richest mineral region in New Mexico. Look again at the map and observe, Ladrones mountains, Jicarilla, Sierra del Capitan, Manzanas, etc., in that neighborhood. These are all very rich in mineral, and hundreds of shafts which have been covered up by the aborigines have to be found in the near future, and the said city now in ruins has to bloom like the rose as soon as the proper prospecting takes effect in that locality. The name of "Gran Quivira" means the Great Western or Great Metropolis of the West. Quivir is a Moorish name or rather a provincialism imported from Morocco, meaning the west and western; thus, Quadalquivir, the name of the river that passes before Seville, in Spain (Andalusia in Western Spain), means River of the West. The Quadalquivir empties into the Atlantic Ocean at the Western shore of Spain.

The legion of the Indians employed in mining by the Spaniards were under the control and direction of the Franciscan Friars, in the number of over twenty, whose ruler was the "Custodio" or the supreme authority of their order from Durango to Utah. This Custodio was acting also as Bishop or Apostolic Vicar, and was the head of the Catholic church of New Spain. The Archives of Durango, old Mexico, clearly explain this fact. The name of the last Custodio was Geronimo Lluch, a native of the Balearic Islands, who was ordained priest in the city of Palma de Mallorca, in the church of San Francisco in said city, in the year 1645. He was massacred by the Indians in 1680, at the age of 60, when he was preparing himself for a return to Spain.

The Sandia mountains, at the west of the New Placer, contains also a great mineral wealth. The placers to the southwest of Cerrillos will soon show the untold treasures now hidden in their bosoms.

In 1862 there were no less than 4,000 Mexicans working at the New Placer, and several stores, saloons, and even billiard tables were there seen. But the Texan invasion dispelled them all, except the family of Aranda, who still lives there.

Between the New Placer and Sandia mountains there is a very important locality called by the Mexicans "Los Alamitos," or Copperville by the Americans. Here are found furnaces and abandoned smelting machinery, with plenty of fresh water. Near by there is a copper mine of 32 feet vein. Said copper contains gold, silver, and several other metals.

Belen, now a small town in Valencia County, will soon be of great importance, as it is the post office of the miners now prospecting in the Ladrones (the thieves') mountains.

La Bajada (the descent), 20 miles southwest from Santa Fe, and about 12 from Cerrillos, is a historical point. It was the headquarters of the Spaniards on their second return here.

The Pueblo Indian towns of Santa Domingo, Kochiti, San Felipe, etc., are situated on the Rio Grande, about from 12 to 10 miles from Los Cerrillos. Every visitor of New Mexico ought to spend a few days among them to study their peculiarities. They are remarkable for their honesty and cunning commingled. They are christians in name, but follow the rites of the old Montezuma religion. Some of them are married to Mexican women; and though not rich, are very happy.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Last week we passed over the K. C., L. & S. railroad between Grenola and Oxford, in the daytime, and had a good opportunity to inspect it. Its rails are all steel, and it is thoroughly well constructed and unusually smooth for a new road.

The rise from Grenola and the Cana valley westward to the top of the Flint ridge is one of the triumphs of engineering skill, and Maj. Gunn and his engineers may well be proud of his success. The rise of between 300 and 400 feet is effected in so strategic a manner that one scarcely realizes that he is riding uphill. In our anxiety about the possibility of building a road from the east to Winfield in past years, we spent considerable time in hunting a pass through the Flint ridge, and finally concluded the one now occupied was the best, but we never dreamed that the difficulties would ever be so completely overcome. The rise from the Grouse to Burden seems to have proved at least as difficult, but here, also, the difficulties have been as completely overcome.

Probably no road in Kansas presents so many romantic and interesting features as does the road between Grenola and Oxford.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Col. L. S. Hamilton invited us one day last week to go to Oxford with him. We mounted a car-load of iron, the forward car in a heavy construction train, and the engine in the rear soon pushed us over the Walnut river, the divide, and the Arkansas river, and we found ourselves at the foot of Main Street, Oxford. We had about an hour and a quarter to interview Oxford in; gravitated naturally to the Reflex office and postoffice, but did not see Gridley, Jr., P. M. and editor. He had gone to supper, and being terribly hungry, it took him the whole time to satisfy his inner man.

Oxford is growing and with its newly acquired railroad facilities, surrounded as it is by an enterprising population, and the best agricultural land in the world, will become an important town. A fine depot is in process of construction.

We came back on the engine in about twenty minutes, and are convinced that even a construction train beats the old plan of going to Oxford out of sight.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Mercury at 2 degrees on Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Mr. Reed Robinson came in Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Mr. J. S. Mann and lady returned from St. Louis Friday.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The benefit given by the Kendalls last week netted the Library Association about $25.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Died. Mr. J. H. Taylor, an old citizen of the county, died at the Baker House last Wednesday night.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

A fine assortment of spring millinery just received at Mrs. Stump's Ladies' Bazar, on South Main street.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The Southwestern Machine Shop has put in a twelve horse-power engine. The increasing amount of work demands "more power."

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The attention of the marshal and the attorney of Winfield is called to the fact that the crossing of Elm Row and Fuller street is too frequently blockaded by the cars. Men of thought and men of action, "Clear the way."

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The state school fund for March was received some time ago, and is now ready for distribution. It gave this county $3,389.50, and the county fund, apportioned this month, increased the amount by $604.71, the two funds giving to districts 62 cents per pupil.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Why isn't the street running east and west, north of Elm Row, thrown open? The west end is fenced up, and this compels wagons and carriages to travel two blocks, so near the cars that great danger to teams and drivers invariably follows. The west end of that street should be opened.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Mr. John Stalter sold two lots of sheep last week. One lot of 300 were shipped direct to Boston, Mass., and the balance of 2,800 head to Kansas City and St. Louis. These are sheep which Mr. Stalter purchased last fall from a gentleman in Colorado, and fattened during the winter. This is merely a little outside speculation and has nothing to do with his home flock of 5,000 head.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The fire at the Central, last week, was started from a stove pipe passing through a tin ventilator in the upper floor. The roof was kept saturated with water, which prevented the fire from breaking out until the "Little Giant" could be brought to bear upon it from the inside, when it was quickly extinguished. Several idiots seemed determined to smash in the windows on the north gable, and it required the most strenuous efforts of the members of the fire company to prevent it. Had they done so, and given the air a chance to fan the flames, the building could not have been saved.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Tuesday morning county attorney Torrance and L. J. Webb returned from Rock township where they have been trying the parties engaged in the school house riot which occurred in district 72 last January. Five of the parties, Jno. Bailey, Abram Brown, Jno. Chitwood, Dero Meader, and Ithinor Saunders were convicted and fined one cent and costs, amounting in all to fifty dollars. The trouble occurred over the division of the district and the attempt of the above named parties to move the school house against the wishes of the directors.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The remnant of the Suss stock was disposed of to Lynn & Loose. This lets E. C. Seward out of a job for the present.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Mr. J. W. Leslie, an old resident of this county, has purchased Major Thompson's restaurant property. Mr. Leslie goes in to win.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

A. T. Spotswood and Co. received 25,000 pounds of sugar, Monday. This the largest invoice of sugar ever brought into Cowley County at one time.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Head, the man who killed Small near Douglass some time since, was convicted of manslaughter at Eldorado last week and sentenced to ten years imprisonment.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Young Thornton Hoffman, who was sent to the penitentiary last summer for complicity with Ike White in stealing Indian ponies, has been pardoned by Gov. St. John.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Quincy Glass has rented the room now being occupied by Mr. Spotswood, and will occupy it as soon as Spotswood & Co. get into the Morehouse building. We have not learned who is to occupy the room that Glass vacates.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Last Saturday evening, about six o'clock, the residence of Mr. J. H. Land, northeast of town, was burned to the ground. The fire probably caught from the flue in the roof of the house, and but very few people arrived before the fire was well under way, but little of the furniture was saved. The loss is in the neighborhood of $1,200.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

The members and adherents of the Episcopal Church in Winfield held a meeting yesterday morning to organize a parish. Rev. J. T. Colton, of Wichita, presided, and J. E. Snow was elected Secretary of the meeting. A parish was organized under the name of Grace Church, and the following officers were elected: Senior Warden, G. A. Scovill; Junior Warden, T. C. Woodruff; Vestrymen, R. E. Wallis, T. K. Johnston, W. H. Smith, H. P. Vermilye, F. J. Sydal; Parish Clerk, J. E. Snow. The parish hopes to secure the services of a settled clergyman at an early date. Telegram.



Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

About five o'clock last Thursday evening the Central Hotel was discovered to be on fire. In a few minutes after the alarm sounded, and before the fire had got fairly under way, several hundred men were on the ground with buckets and the "Little Giant" fire engine, and in a short time had it completely under control. A good deal of unnecessary damage was done to the furniture by reckless parties, who tore down window curtains, smashed the sash, and did many other things entirely uncalled for. The fire has served to show the utter inefficiency of the means provided to extinguish it. The wells and pumps on which has been squandered a large amount of money were useless, some of the wells being dry and others, where the hose was attached, the force of the pump was too weak to raise the water as high as the building. It is very certain that had the fire occurred at midnight, instead of in daylight when hundreds were on the streets to help extinguish it by hand, a large portion of the business part of our city would now be but a mass of ruins. Let us take this as a warning, and at once cast about for some effective means of protecting ourselves against this devouring demon.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Married at the residence of the bride's mother, in Walnut township, on March 14th, by W. M. Boyer, J. P., Mr. Harry Evans and Miss Pearlie Burger. Mr. Evans is a citizen of Sumner County, and his best recommendation is the good taste he displays in selecting a bride from Cowley. Miss Burger is a sister of `Squire Burger, of Walnut township, and belongs to one of the oldest families in the county. The happy couple left for their home in Sumner County Monday morning.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Married in Pleasant Valley township, on March 7th, 1880, at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. Joel Mason, Mr. John W. Bunyon, of Illinois, and Miss Nettie Wallas, of Cowley Co.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

A council convened on Sunday last at the Summit school house for the purpose of organizing an independent regular missionary Baptist church, what has been known as the Richland arm of the Floral church. This new church consists of 33 members holding letters from the Floral church, and 2 others, making in all 35 members. The council was organized by electing Elder J. Cairns, of Winfield, Moderator, and Deacon L. M. Brown, of Baltimore, as clerk. After a thorough investigation of all the circumstances: their ability to support a pastor, articles of faith, covenant, etc., the council voted unanimously to recognize them as the Richland Baptist church, which was done with the following exercises commencing at 11 a.m.

Sermon by Elder Cairns, prayer and charge by Elder D. Thomas, hand of fellowship by Elder R. S. Thomspon.

The following resolutions were adopted as the sense of the council:

Resolved, That in the judgment of this council, it is unadvisable to organize new churches only where they are at sufficient distances from each other, and in such centers of population as will give reasonable assurance of their being permanently sustained.

Resolved, That we earnestly recommend the Richland and Floral Baptist churches mutually to agree upon some central location, unite their funds, and building a meeting house as their future church home.

Resolved, That in our rapidly developing county, we recommend churches near new stations on our railroads, to have an eye to the honor and glory of God, in planting the standard of the cross by moving their churches and building meeting houses at the same.

The following delegates were present: From Winfield church, Rev. J. Cairns, Elder D. Thomas, and Deacon Stevens. Baltimore church, Rev. R. S. Thompson, Rev. J. M. Haycraft, Deacon L. M. Brown, and A. Thompson. Maple Grove church, George R. Stevens. Rock church, Susan M. Curd. REV. J. CAIRNS, Moderator.

L. M. BROWN, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.

Those having books belonging to the Winfield Institute Library will please deliver them at the room of the Winfield Library Association soon.

D. A. MILLINGTON, Pres., Winfield Institute.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880. Front Page.

While Gen. Grant is in Mexico, Dr. Wright is in Burden, building a fine residence that he expects to occupy with his family in a few days, and become one of the citizens of the future "queen city of Cowley County."

And Frank Tucker is inclined to let the U. S. army take care of the "Chinese muddle," in San Francisco, while he completes his elegant residence on Main Street in Burden.

Mr. Hooper says if they will call on him after he has completed the new house he is building just north of his present residence, he will tell them why they can't assassinate King William, and will allow "Bob Phelps," his partner, to sell them cheap drugs to cure the mania for murdering the old king.

Ford & Leonard take but little stock in the "big ditch" that agitates the minds of Grant, Hayes, and the American Congress, but are directing their attention to the wants of the good people of Cowley and adjoining counties, and "stocking up" largely with general merchan- dise for the spring trade. They have their new stone building nearly ready for roofing, and are receiving a heavy stock of stoves, hardware, agricultural implements, together with an immense stock of dry goods, groceries, etc., making this a desirable place to trade, because they keep everything people want.

Mrs. Hiesler, having just heard of the famine in Ireland, has supplied her table at the big hotel with everything the market affords, and is doing a lively business.

Mr. Jameson, of Dexter, has become tired of boarding, and will build a substantial residence on Oak street and will move in his family in a few days, when he expects to board at home.

Mr. Legg has completed a large stable for the housing of Mr. Young's stock, and Young is prepared to furnish the traveling public with any kind of a turn out required.

The wheat market of Burden is growing rapidly. _. A. Brown has bought as high as 1,500 bushels in one day, which was immediately shipped to Kansas City.

The sales of building material from our lumberyard is a fair index to the improvement of our town and county, they having sold three car loads in 20 days.

The snow storm today fills our town with "loafers," among whom is heard many speculations regarding the prospects of grain and fruit crops. Some claim fruit is all killed, and others say it is not damaged. We can all guess better at some future time.

March 12, 1880. PLANTUS.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Real estate is changing hands along Big Beaver rapidly, and purchasers are putting up such improvements as show that they are satisfied with Kansas, and expect to spend their days here.

Mr. James Smith, from Illinois, is erecting a house of six rooms, and making other improvements.

We also have in our midst, a live York State Dutchman, by the name of P. E. N. Decker, who came here this last fall, bought 240 acres of land, has erected a fine two-story house, and is now arranging for the building of a large bank barn; is breaking out all the remaining prairie and dressing up the hedges, so that this new farm shows the appearance of having a real father. He uses the Davenport sulkey plow, puts it down ten inches, and as he sees the rich soil roll over, says, "Oh, if only my York State friends would come and see this country, they would not stay long where they are."


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Ed. Hewings was here today, contracting all the beef steers in this vicinity. He means business and knows just how to handle stock.

Grouse Creek town has had a meeting and could not agree, so they broke up in a row, and one house has already moved to Cedar town.

D. L. Hallit got his leg broken from running a horse after a Jack Rabbit. This is the second accident occurring in the chase of these festive animals.

Gospel Ridge seems to be quiet since Miller returned from the boarding house at Winfield.

Mr. James England has just opened a new grocery store.

O. P. Darst has opened the Central Hotel in Dexter, and is just the one for the place.

Wall Smith is making gret improvements in the Dexter mill.

A. J. Truesdell is making a great display of farming implements. SUB.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. Read was honored with a surprise birthday party on the 13th.

The new church is being painted and will be ready for services in a few weeks.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

BURDEN, March 14, 1880.
Ford & Leonard have their new stone building for hardware ready for roofing and their stock is arriving.

E. A. Henthorn & Bro. have built an addition to the post office building, to be used by Miss Carrie McCumber as a millinery store.

Messrs. James and Dennis Cunningham are pushing work along on their stone building very rapidly.

Barnes & Sherrod are doing a large business in the way of implements.

At the Burden meat market can be found Mr. Leonard De Coursey, who is ready at all times to dish up choice steaks and roasts for cash.

Mr. Wm. Schooling is building a two story building to be used as a grocery.

Patrick McAndrews has commenced a business house on South Main Street for rent.

S. A. Brown & Co. are doing an immense business in lumber. Mr. Grant, the business manager, is a thorough businessman, who knows how to cater to the wants of the public in his line.

Mr. Young has taken possession of Legg's new livery stable and put in a stock. He will furnish teams and rigs on short notice.

Mr. G. A. McCumber intends selling goods and stock, and in fact, everything, at auction on each and every Saturday. PETE.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The Kansas City Commercial Indicator publishes a special from Texas in reference to the coming drive of cattle from that State to Kansas and other States and Territories this month, which place it at 249,200, the number of cattle each drover will drive being given in detail. Of this number 100,000 have been already disposed of, leaving 200,000 for the open market. The drive will be principally of young cattle. Not more than 29 percent will be beeves.

There have been good rains in southwestern Texas recently. The grass is growing very fast and the prospects for an early drive is excellent. The cattle along the coast are wintering well and are in good condition, but in the more northerly counties, they are thin in flesh.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Cole's drug store is receiving a new front.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The K. C., L. & S. road commences to carry the mail to Oxford on April 1.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

M. G. Troup received a brand new safe Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The Central Hotel is now fully repaired and ready for another fire.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

M. L. Robinson has been seriously ill for the last few days, but is now convalescent.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. Ed. Lemmon came over from Salt City last week. He will probably remain in Winfield for some time.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

S. Suss has departed for St. Louis, and will probably engage in business at that place.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Ed. Cole is the proprietor of a new brand of cigars called "Ed's Best," and if they are all equal to the one we sampled they are the "best" in town.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. Roland Conklin started for Elk and Chautauqua counties Tuesday, in the interest of Gilbert & Jarvis. He will be absent several days.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The walls of the Taggart building are rising heavenward quite rapidly. He will ere long have a handsome business building which will be a credit to the south end of town.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Judge Brush started for Buffalo, Missouri, Monday morning. He goes to settle up his business preparatory to moving permanently to Cowley. He will bring his family with him.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The whistle on the foundry is the boss time-piece in town. Its notes ring out clearly and musically at 7 a.m., 12 noon, and at 6 p.m. It should become the correct exponent of our true time.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. Joseph Turpin, living near Salt City, lately had his stable, four horses, hogs, farming implements, and other property to the value of $500, destroyed by a prairie fire set by a scamp who has skipped out to avoid punishment.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Sheriff Shenneman, after a most diligent pursuit, captured Moore, the second of the escaped prisoners, in Kansas City last Friday. Moore had just got into a fight and been arrested by the police.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

After next Monday trains on the K. C., L. & S. will leave here for Kansas City at six o'clock, a.m., and run through from Wellington. They will do away with getting up in the middle of the night when going east.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Married. Mr. W. S. Chandler, of New York, and Miss Veva Walton were married at Wellington on last Wednesday. This leaves Wirt as the lone representative of the Walton family in the ranks of single blessedness.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Messrs. Brotherton & Silvers presented us with a handsome map of Kansas last week. It is beautifully ornamented with a border of ads. setting forth the merits of the Adams and French Harvesters, and corn-planters and "sich." We are proud of it though.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Clarke & Dysert have put in a bid against the Atchison foundry for funishing the columns, etc., for the new four-story union building now being erected at Wichita. They propose to furnish better work at the same price than any foundry in the state, and they can do it.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss returned from Chicago Saturday evening. Mrs. Bliss is in rather feeble health. Mr. Bliss has enjoyed his trip and is in good health, but has become so demor alized that he actually thinks that Winfield is not so large a place as Chicago.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The S. A. Brown Lumber Company are making great improvements on their lots near the K. C., L. & S. depot. They have put up a shed 25 x 100, and are just finishing a large room for sash and doors.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The COURIER received a call from Big Joe and lady, and Little Bear and lady, of the Kaw persuasion, accompanied by a papoose or two, last Monday. They came in to inquire into the intricate workings of our Campbell press, and solemnly affirmed that it was the finest press they had ever seen.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Ex. Saint returned from New Mexico last week.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Judge H. D. Gans preached Sabbath last in the Parker school house east of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Quincy Glass will add a line of books and stationery to his drug stock as soon as he removes to his new building.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

A writ of habeas corpus has been asked for by Charles Payson, and the Probate Court will hear the arguments for the same on Thursday.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Smith Bros. will occupy the Mansfield building about the 1st of April, when you may look out for a big boot and shoe boom.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

A detachment of the Winfield Rifles was out Friday afternoon for target practice. The shooting was two and three hundred yards and several good scores were made. Fred Hunt came out ahead.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. G. W. Ellsberry, of Mason City, has purchased the building now occupied by Snyder's grocery, from Harter & Horning, for $2,725, and the lot next to it for $1,000. The sale was made through Curns & Manser.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The handsome new engine now running the machinery at the foundry is one of their own construction. They purchased the boiler some time ago for a small amount, and built the engine themselves. It runs like clock-work, and is a beauty.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

On Saturday Rock township turned out en masse to discuss, in the county superinten dent's office, the question of forming a new school district in the neighborhood of the new stone church, out of portions of the Darien and Little Dutch districts.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Dr. Fleming made a flying trip eastward on the S. K. & W. week before last, and returned accompanied by a lady who will hereafter be known as Mrs. Fleming.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

C. V. Crenshaw returned from the blue grass state week before last, bringing with him one of Kentucky's handsomest ladies who will hereafter share his "joys and sorrows."

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The town of Lazette has been imitating the Arabs, "folding their tents and silently stealing away." Fred Kropp has had the work in hand, and much of that ancient city now belongs to Cambridge. The Yellow Steer, the Blue Goose, the Black Bear still stand, but their glory is departing.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. L. D. Dewey, of Hopper's Mills, Henderson County, Illinois, called on us last week. He is prospecting in Cowley with a view of locating. His business is that of a miller, and it is his intention if a suitable location can be found, to erect a large mill. He is a brother-in-law of W. W. Smith of our county, is a live, energetic man, and possessed of ample means. We hope he may conclude to settle among us.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Mr. Hugh Montgomery, of Richland, gave us a pleasant call last Monday. He is a son of the famous Colonel Montgomery, whose services for the free state cause in the early Kansas struggle, gave him a national fame. Mrs. Montgomery, widow of the famous colonel, and her sons, J. K., Hugh, and Lewis, are residents of Richland township, engaged in farming. Mrs. Edward Dunbar of this city is a daughter of the colonel; and his son, Evan E., is living at Short Creek, in Cherokee County.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

We are told that Mr. Payson and perhaps some others have made statements reflecting upon Mrs. McNeil, the complainant in the case now pending against Mr. Payson. We have this to say: that Mrs. McNeil is a well-educated and intelligent lady of irreproachable character. We have seen letters from eminent physicians, lawyers, mayors, councilmen, school superintendents, and other persons of character and reliability, who have known her from childhood, and all of them are unanimous in their testimony that her character is above reproach.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The work of "bracing up" the courthouse is progressing finely. Mr. Tansey, who has the job in hand, is making a clean breast of it, and will leave it in first class condition. Four iron rods have been put in beneath the floor of the second story, and four more will be put in just below the upper ceiling. Six pillars, 8 x 8, have been put beneath the girders of the roof on the partition walls of the first story, which are built up solid to the second story. This allows the roof to rest upon the central partitions of the building and relieves the pressure from the walls. It is to be replastered and painted, and will be ready for the next term of court. The commissioners are to be commended for taking action in the matter before it was too late.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

Rev. J. A. Hyden has been returned by the Conference as pastor of the M. E. Church at this place for another year.

[M. HAHN & CO.]

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

The success of this firm has been something wonderful. Less than seven months ago, they opened out in the Manning Block, and through the agency of printer's ink began to do a business that eclipsed anything before known in the mercantile business of this town. Their customers now number a large majority of the best people in the county. Mr. Burguaer, of the firm, returned from New York Saturday evening, where he has been purchasing goods for the spring trade.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

This institution is becoming the special pride of our citizens. Messrs. Clarke & Dysert have gone on quietly, with an abiding faith in the town and country, putting in new appliances and machinery, until the excellence of their work begins to bring our citizens to a realization of the fact that Winfield can successfuly compete with Leavenworth, Atchison, or Kansas City, in anything made of iron. The columns and plates just finished for the Morehouse-Baird building are far ahead of anything yet furnished here. The columns are firm, solid, of elegant design, and weigh 550 pounds each. The plates for the doorsills bear the imprint of the foundry, and are lettered "W. S. M." and "Baird Bros., 1880." After the contract for the columns had been let to Clarke & Dysert, parties representing the Atchison foundry scoffed at the idea of our foundry being able to complete the job, and asserted that "it took them six months to turn out their first columns."

This somewhat shook the faith of the architects, and the fear of being delayed troubled them greatly. But Clarke & Dysert knew what they were doing, and the discouraging words only made them redouble their efforts to turn out work that would prove what they them- selves knew, that they could compete with any foundry in the country both in quality and cheapness. The result has fully demonstrated their ability to do this; and where our citizens have heretofore doubted, they are now thoroughly convinced that the Southwestern Foundry and Machine Shops are no myth. We sincerely hope that they will lend all the help possible, in the way of work toward building up and sustaining this institution, thereby encouraging other manufacturing interests to center here.


Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.

March 18, 1880.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of McCommon & Harter is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The liabilities of the old firm will be paid by Mr. Harter. IRA L. McCOMMON, J. N. HARTER.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Major Thompson, J. E. Saint, and Geo. Gulley, of Winfield, made a pleasant call yesterday and took a look over our city. Mr. Saint is one of the reportorial staff of the COURIER, one of the most enterprising journals in the state. Mr. Thompson purchased the corner lot opposite the Medicine Lodge Hotel, of A. W. Little, and will begin the erection of a brick building on the same in a few weeks. Medicine Lodge Cresset.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Judge J. Wade McDonald, of the law firm of Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, made us a pleasant call last Saturday evening. For about two hours in his usual free and eloquent manner, he entertained us in most pleasant conversation and with a minute description and location of the many substantial improvements in his city during the past two years. Judge is one of the ablest and most successful attorneys in Southern Kansas, as well as one of the best orators in the State. He wished us success and gave us good advice, all of which was appreciated. Elk Falls Signal


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Another train load of New York boys and girls were sent to Kansas by Mr. Whitelaw Reid, of the New York Tribune, on Tuesday last. There were seventy-nine children in this company, and it was the third lot Mr. Reid has sent this season.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Mr. Ford, the agent of the town company, is selling lots every day to men who mean business, and we are now to have a large two story trick or stone hotel on Main street.

On Wednesday night last William Brown, four miles north of Burden, lost his house and entire contents by fire. The family was absent.

Messrs. Ford & Leonard have just imported from Parkersburg, Virginia, a new clerk, "Absalom," who takes to trade like a duck to water, and can be found at all hours of the day or night (except Sunday) ready to count eggs, weigh butter, clip calico, or measure coffee. He will sell you a pair of red birds from his zoological gardens in the southwest corner of the big stone store at Burden.

We are getting nearly all kinds of legitimate business represented here, including the irrepressible saloon. Like all Kansas towns of any notoriety, damnation by the ten cents' worth must be sold in our lively little village. The town will not give the required petition for a county license, but we find men who will risk the penalty of violating the liquor laws of the state on a government license, and shield themselves with the cry of "drug stores sell it." And there are those in Burden, who, like all Kansas Yankees, will buy anything that is offered for sale, even whiskey.

We are to have a press: a live, wide-awake newspaper, one that will represent the vim and enterprise of town and county generally, and, of course, Burden and vicinity in particular.

Ford & Leonard have their stone store nearly completed and will give a complimentary hop to their many friends and patrons on the eve of March 31st.

The "boys" about the store think it a nice nickname the COURIER gave Mr. Tanner and they now call him "Moriarity." PLANTUS.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

I know you will be glad to learn that everythng is on the boom in Vernon. With a railroad central through the township, a depot in prospect, new houses springing up here and there all over the country, and the splendid outlook for the coming harvest, things have taken a turn or two upward more than we anticipated.

Many farms are selling at sharply advanced figures.

Too many strangers settling here to mention.

The wedding is over. It took place on last Thursday evening. Mr. Frank Chase and Miss Dove Cullip were the contracting parties. Rev. Lee did the business, at whose residence the ceremony took place.

The death of Thomas Randall, father of your townsman, J. W. Randall, has cast a deep sorrow upon the hearts of everyone in this neighborhood. Although seventy-three years old, the good old man was so universally beloved that none could willingly give him up. His funeral sermon was preached by the venerable Elder Hopkins, who is nearly as old as the deceased. It was a last feeling tribute to the memory of the good, dead, old veteran, by a comrade who lingers yet a little while. BOOTHE.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The wife of Harvey Wagner, living three miles southeast of this place, died last Thursday night. He had buried his infant child only a few days previous. Mrs. Wagner was a daughter of Mr. Al. Hightower and was loved and respected by all who knew her.

The terrible "15" has reached this place. It first made its appearance in the family of Treasurer elect Jas. Harden, who admonished his children in a stern and dignified manner not to "waste the golden moments of youth in the exposition of silly puzzles." Then offered a few suggestions in regard to moving the numbers; then claimed that he would work it, procured a box, and went at it. The result need not be told. It has spread rapidly and up to the present date, there is no abatement of the scourge.

The grist mill started up steam this morning, and we are confident that under the able management of Mr. Walsmidt, it will prove a success and enhance the popularity of our little valley town. SUB.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Prairie fires are raging, which afford beautiful scenery at night. At times the whole country seems to be on fire, but as yet they have done no damage in this vicinity. The people have learned by sad experience to be more careful about protecting themselves against prairie fires than they used to be. If the grass which is being burned every year in our county could be utilized in the way of pasturage, it would amount to thousands of dollars.

J. W. Millspaugh has been improving the outer appearance of his residence with a coat of paint.

J. H. Werden has sold a farm to Mr. Thorp, of Illinois, who intends building a house and making other improvements this spring. Mr. Thorp has certainly shown good judgment in selecting a home in Vernon.

Mr. Blanchard is preparing to do a large business in manufacturing sorgham. He has purchased one of the improved evaporators with which he will make the best article ever used in Southern Kansas. Mr. Blachard recommends the raising of the umber cane. MAC.

[If it were a fact well known that every time fire was set on the prairie, it would surely destroy lives, buildings, fences, and machinery, we imagine that we would be better off than we are as it is now. It is strange that men cannot see that everytime they set a prairie fire, they are contributing towards making their section of country, like that from one to three hundred miles west of us, comparatively rainless and barren. ED.]


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Tuesday was a regular March Blizzard.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Lafe Pence returned from the East Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Smith Bros. will move into their new quarters next week.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Nat Snyder has been appointed agent for Wanamaker & Brown.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Cap. Siverd is cleaning up the Courthouse square and jail yard.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The new office is about ready for Sheriff Shenneman's occupancy.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Sheriff Shenneman is building a new barn on the Courthouse square.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Dr. Cooper is excavating preparatory to building an addition to his residence.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Bliss Brothers come out this week with an announcement.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The permanent bridge over the Walnut, on the K. C., L. & S., is being put up. It is to be an iron bridge.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Miss Ella Wood, a niece of Col. McMullin, arrived from Iowa last week, and will probably spend the summer in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Sam. Gilbert is at present enjoying a visit from his father, who arrived from Colorado last week. He will probably settle here.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Our young friend, Forest Roland, still manipulates the sugar scoop, etc., with Lynn & Loose. Forest is a good clerk and a reliable young man.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

A "span" of white oxen, harnessed and driven like horses, attracted considerable attention on the street Monday. They make a good team.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

M. Hahn & Co. have put up a handsome gilt sign, surmounted by a beehive, over the entrance to their store. It is the work of Painter Herrington, and is one of his best.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The elements seem to have a particular spite against Robert Hudson. His barn was destroyed by the cyclone of Wednesday night and Friday night the wind took the awning from the front of his building on Main street.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

John Witherspoon has sold his interest in the Leland Hotel to James Allen. Mr. Allen will make a first class landlord and will make the Lindell one of the most popular places in town.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

One of the incidents in connection with the storm was the loss of a barn 14 x 16. It was on the ground the evening before the blow and was nowhere to be found the next morning. Fact.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

No wonder the soil of Butler County is growing richer year by year. If Cowley County soil continues to move to the northward as rapidly as it did Tuesday, Butler will soon be one of the best counties in the state.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Mr. Millington left for Topeka Tuesday morning to attend the State Convention. He carries with him the private papers of Col. Montgomery, which will be placed among the collections of the State Historical Society.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Mr. George Miller, one of our Prominent Citizens, Implicated.
Just as we go to press we learn of an occurrence which will cast a shadow of gloom over the entire community. It seems that of late many crimes have been committed in the northern part of the state, the perpetrators of which are still at large. Late this (Wednesday) morning Marshal Stevens went to the place of business of Mr. Geo. Miller and asked him to go with him to identify a man who had worked for him several years ago, and who was supposed to be one of the parties wanted up north.

After looking around among the stores for some time, Marshal Stevens pointed out a man with his back toward them and said that "he thought this was his man," requesting Mr. Miller to go around and come in on the other side of him so as to get a sight of his face, at the same time admonishing him to be careful and not let the criminal see that he was being observed.

Mr. Miller, in order to reach the other side, went down the alley back of the Opera House, coming into the street through the gap between S. H. Myton's buildings, and quietly picked his way along until he reached a pile of prints in front of M. Hahn & Co's., and with the utmost caution slowly raised his head above the barrier to see if he recognized the man.

This proved to be a movement that will be regretted by Mr. Miller for many days to come, for the suspected person seemed to be expecting an attack from that quarter, and was looking squarely at the pile of prints. As Miller's head appeared above them, their eyes met, a sign of recognition seemed to pass between them, when, with a blood curdling shriek, Miller sprang from behind the prints, darted past the intended victim, and was, in all probability, saved from an untimely end by the interference of the bystanders.

He had discovered at the last moment that he was about to be implicated in the arrest and perhaps the conviction and imprisonment ofBaird's wooden dummy.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The big blow of last Thursday morning was perhaps as destructive as any that has yet visited this locality. The wind seemed to strike the earth at intervals, tearing everything to pieces which happened to be in its way. The first damage done was to the lumberyard of S. A. Brown & Co. A large shed was torn to pieces, their office moved from its foundation, and the lumber scattered promiscuously over several acres of ground.

The cyclone then seemed to sweep on, overturning out-houses and chimneys until it struck the house of L. W. Spach, a one story frame building, which in the twinkle of an eye was torn to pieces and scattered along the trail of the wind 50 yards. Mrs. Spach and the youngest child were slightly injured.

The next building that suffered was John Campbell's story and a half frame residence. It was lifted from the foundation, turned squarely upside down, and dropped; the comb of the roof striking the ground and splitting the building open in the center. The lower floor was carried a distance of 100 yards, followed by a mattress, a table, and a safe. Mr. Campbell, wife, and two children, who were sleeping in the house, were all more or less injured, though not fatally.

The next victim of the relentless elements was John Beer, who, with a family named Peters, owned and occupied a story and a half frame house on the Fuller addition. Their house was literally torn to pieces and scattered all over the neighboring lots. One of the ladies in the house was severely injured.

Robert Hudson's granary and the shed attached to the stage stable were completely wrecked.

The total damage to property will probably reach $3,000. Fortunately no lives were lost. The three parties whose homes are in ruins are all poor people, and the blow falls heavily upon them. Our citizens generously subscribed over two hundred dollars toward helping them rebuild their houses.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The temperance convention met in Manning's Hall last Friday. R. C. Story was elected president; A. Limrick and J. E. Platter, vice presidents; J. S. Allen, secretary. A committee on Plan of Operations was appointed, and reported in favor of a Campaign Committee of seven members, who should superintend the canvass of the county for the prohibition amendment. The following gentlemen were appointed as such committee: James McDermott, chairman; R. C. Story, secretary; H. S. Silvers, treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, W. D. Mowry, S. S. Holloway, and J. S. Allen.

Saturday afternoon and evening the Opera House was crowded to its utmost capacity to listen to speeches from Gov. St. John. In the evening it was almost impossible to get standing room and the enthusiasm was immense. The Governor's speech was a sound, logical, and eloquent appeal for sobriety, and law and order.

The results of this convention have been highly satisfactory to the temperance workers, and the interest manifested shows that Cowley is awake to the importance of the amendment, and will roll up a large majority for it in November.



Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

W. H. Conkright, late of Union Co., Ohio, gave us a pleasant call Monday morning. He is the purchaser of the Gillelen residence and the Corwin half-section farm, and will now become a citizen of this county and city. He is a stalward Republican, well posted in all the issues of the country, and a pleasant gentleman. He has come with his family, who will be an agreeable acquisition to our society.

Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

We are in receipt of a handsomely illustrated pamphlet issued by the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad, descriptive of the counties lying along the line of their road. It is calculated for general circulation throughout the eastern states and to induce immigra tion to the counties above mentioned. It is a model work and can be had, free of postage, upon addressing J. E. Lockwood, general ticket agent of the K. C., L. & S. railroad, at Kansas City, Mo.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Died of pneumonia, on the 22nd of March, 1880, at his home near Winfield, Kansas, Thomas Randall in the seventy-fourth year of his age.

Thomasten, Maine, was the place of his nativity, from which place he moved to Ohio in 1840, and from there to this state in 1868 and was among the first to make his home in the valley of the Arkansas.

A good man has left us in the fullness of years. The community has lost a good citizen of strict integrity and moral worth.

His companion of fifty years sorrows for the loss of a kind and devoted husband. His children, who have grown up to manhood under his care and protection, mourn the loss of a kind father.

He was a true believer in the Christian religion and for over forty years has been in full membership with the Baptist church.

To him death was but the step to a higher life. His last hours were the peaceful quiet of a summer's eve, and he passed away "like one who draws the drapery of his couch around him and lies down in pleasant dreams."


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The question of whether the Cowley County stone will be used for the government buildings in Kansas has not yet been decided. Samples that have been in use several years were sent for a further test, and hopes are entertained of its being ultimately received.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The Reading Room is free to all.

Books and magazines may be taken out by the members.

Persons not holding membership tickets can draw books by depositing the price of the book with the librarian. Ten cents will be charged for the use of a book and five cents for a magazine. The balance will be refunded upon the return of the book.

We have back numbers of several different magazines that can be drawn the same as books.

The regular days for taking out books are Wednesday and Saturdays.

The last two numbers of the following periodicals are regularly placed on the table, besides others not regularly received.

Kansas City Daily Journal.

Kansas City Daily Times.

Leavenworth Daily Times.

Topeka Daily Commonwealth.

Topeka Daily Capital.

Chicago Daily Inter-Ocean.

Winfield Daily Telegram.

New York Semi-Weekly Times.

New York Weekly Herald.

New York Weekly Witness.

Harper's Weekly.

Harper's Young People.

Sabbath Reading.

Toledo Blade.

And the weeklies of our own counties.

Also, the following monthlies:

Harper's, Scribner's, Popular Science, St. Nicholas, American Young Folks.

Others will be added as fast as our means will admit.

Visitors not seeing what they want will be waited upon by speaking to the Librarian.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Xen Fitzgerald, one of the Fitzgerald Brothers, of Rock, called on us Tuesday. The boys are at present keeping their stock near the Ponca Agency, in the Territory, and only get up in the "State" when important business calls, or to renew their subscription to the COURIER.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

MARRIED: At the residence of the bride's mother, in Richland township, by `Squire N. J. Larkin, Mr. Samuel McCray and Miss Lola Lyman, lately from Hancock County, Indiana.

There is a fair prospect for a crop of peaches yet, although some of the tender kinds are killed.

One law suit, E. Holt vs. N. K. Park, closed last week, and another is on hand, N. K. Park vs. E. Holt, on account of the running at large of stock. Both parties have plenty of Kansas rails (rock) on their farms to fence in all their stock, and the costs of these two suits would build a good many rods of fence, too, and avoid law-suits between neighbors. L. J. N.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Notice to farmers and lovers of fine poultry: Our turkeys are now laying and we are prepared to furnish eggs for setting, 13 eggs for $5. First come, first served. Our breeding yard (boss and five hen turkeys) is the finest in the west. Average weight at two years old, hens, 25 to 35 pounds; gobblers, 35 to 45 pounds. Call and see them.


Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

Charles C. Black, plaintiff; and William H. Weber, Matilda B. Weber, and Erick Parmly, defendants.

Property: The south half of the northeast quarter of section three, in township 31 South, Range 4 East. PROPERTY OF WEBERS BEING SOLD TO SATISFY SAID ORDER OF SALE IN FAVOR OF SAID DEFENDANT, ERICK PARMLY.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Harter Bros. are repairing their store and "brushing up" for the spring trade.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

The firm of Nommsen & Steuven has been dissolved.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Mr. Hackney, father of W. P., came in Monday and will probably remain during the summer.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

A couple of boys came into town Monday with a fifty pound catfish. They caught him in the Walnut.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

J. L. M. Hill has abandoned his savage life for the present and is up looking for new fields to conquer. He will probably visit New Mexico.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Married. Mr. Frank Chase and Miss Dove Cullip were married in Vernon township the 25th ult. Frank is one of Cowley's most promising young men.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Mr. Freeland has the contract for excavating the cellar of the Lynn & Loose building. He commenced work Monday.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Judges Torrance and McDonald are attending court this week at Howard, both being called to look after important cases. Our neighbors know the value of good legal talent.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Messrs. Pryor & Kinne completed the sale of the store room and lot next to Lynn's store, last Thursday, for $2,200. Martin West, the south end grocer, is the purchaser. This is one of the best business locations in the city.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

A gentleman named Bates, who lives on 'Squire McDorman's farm, near Dexter, was quite seriously injured last week. While feeding cattle his team took fright and ran away, throwing him out and dislocating his thigh.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

P. L. Milleman, esq., a Chicago gentleman, has been prospecting in this section for a suitable location for a sheep farm. He expresses himself as highly pleased with the county and the people, and we trust will find a `ranche' to suit him.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Last week Dr. W. R. Davis received a call from Kentucky to attend a gentleman who was taken ill and thinks no one can cure him but Dr. Davis. From this we should judge that the doctor is missed as much there as he is appreciated here.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

A gentleman has purchased the engine formerly used by the Southwestern Machine Works, and will use it in sawing stone for shipment. He intends to saw the stone into blocks of equal thickness so that they may be laid up like brick, thereby saving the expense of freighting the waste stone. This is a new enterprise, and if it proves successful, will greatly lessen the cost and improve the looks of stone buildings.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Sheridan township is ahead again this year. Her assessor, W. H. Clay, filed his township returns last week, which show an increase in population of 36, in the value of real estate of $4,120, and increase of personal property of $3,903. This is a splendid showing for Sheridan. Mr. Clay is to be commended upon his promptness in making the returns, and upon the neat and correct manner in which they are made up.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

W. J. Hodges has leased one of the stone quarries east of town and on Tuesday shipped a car load of flagging to Kansas City, where it will be put into a sidewalk. The stone sent was dressed here, each slab four feet square, and jointed ready to be laid down. Mr. Hodges has been talking up the merits of Cowley County stone in Kansas City for some time, and now proposes to demonstrate to the denizens of that burg that it is cheaper and better to put down durable stone walks than to be everlastingly patching up old wooden ones. The first piece of stone sidewalk in Winfield was put down eight years ago; and is as good today as it was then, and has cost for repairs 40 cents.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Ed Lemmon left last Saturday morning to take charge of the mechanical department of a new paper to be started in Elk City.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Mr. J. Vandorren is putting up a "green house" on Ninth avenue opposite the school house. We have not learned what variety of greens he intends to propagate.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

In this issue appears an ad for Smith Bros. of the Chicago Boot & Shoe store. They have moved into their new quarters, and are now conveniently located in one of the best store rooms in the city.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

The statement in regard to our foundry, which appeared in the COURIER some weeks ago, having the effect of sending in orders from all our neighboring towns, and Clarke & Dysert are completly overrun with business. They will be compelled ere long to make additions to their foundry building.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880. We expect that the county is divided into twenty enumeration districts with enumerators as follows.

No. Districts. Enumerators.

1. Beaver C. W. Roseberry.

2. Bolton Wm. Trimble.

3. Cedar & Otter E. B. Poole.

4. Creswell I. H. Bonsall.

5. Dexter J. A. Bryan.

6. Harvey and Omnia E. M. Annett.

7. Liberty & Spring Creek J. D. Maurer.

8. Maple & Ninnescah W. H. Norman.

9. Pleasant Valley Samuel Watt.

10. Richland I. N. Lemmon.

11. Rock Creek J. M. Harcourt.

12. Silver Creek E. A. Millard.

13. Sheridan W. H. Clay.

14. Silverdale J. P. Mussleman.

15. Tisdale W. C. Douglas.

16. Vernon E. D. Skinner.

17. Windsor Charles W. Jones.

18. Walnut S. E. Berger.

19. Winfield, 1st Ward E. E. Bacon.

20. Winfield, 2nd Ward James Kelly.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Tuesday passed off very quietly. There was considerable "scratching" on both tickets resulting in the election of a mixed ticket. The following are the official returns.

Justice of the Peace.

James Kelly: 89

G. H. Buckman: 82

W. M. Boyer: 57

W. E. Tansey: 55


J. H. Finch: 82

J. T. Quarles: 63

D. F. Kerr: 50

Bert Covert: 49

Thos. Benning: 35

Ed. Weitzel: 26


W. S. Mendenhall: 77

W. A. Freeman: 79

Member of School Board.

T. R. Bryan: 157

Justice of the Peace.

James Kelly: 143

G. H. Buckman: 123

W. M. Boyer: 57

W. E. Tansey: 64


J. H. Finch: 82

J. T. Quarles: 92

T. H. Benning: 28

Bert Covert: 82

D. F. Kerr: 34

Ed. Weitzel: 53


J. W. Hodges: 118

S. H. Myton: 76

Member of School Board.

G. W. Robinson: 105

J. L. Horning: 94


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Tuesday morning news was brought to town of the suicide of Robert P. Wooley, in Beaver township. Mr. Wooley arrived from Indiana about ten days ago, with his wife, whom he had married three weeks previous, and leaving her at the Olds House in this city, commenced improving his farm, which is located about seven miles southwest of town. During this time he boarded at Lucius Walton's. Last Friday he came to town, visited his wife, and left with her $250 in cash. On Monday he again came to town and saw her for a few moments, telling her that he would come up for her the next day. He then returned to Lucius Walton's, ate supper, and went to bed as usual. About two o'clock in the night he got up and went out, but returned in a few minutes and asked a young son of Mr. Walton's, with whom he was sleeping, for a rope, giving as a reason that he wished to tie his mules away from the horses. This was the last time that he was seen alive.

About 7 o'clock Tuesday morning he was found in the barn of Wm. Shaw, one and one- half miles from Walton's, hanging by the neck from one of the braces in the roof. It seems that after securing the rope, he walked over to Mr. Shaw's barn, climbed up to the rafters, and after fastening one end of the rope (which was about eight feet long) to the brace in the roof, tied the other end around his neck and jumped off between the rafters. He had pulled off his hat, coat, vest, and shoes, and first attempted to tie his hands together with his shoe strings; but failing in this, took his pocket-handkerchief, made a running noose in each end, slipped one hand in, and after adjusting the rope around his neck, put his hands behind him, slipped the other noose over his wrist, and drew them up tight.

In his pockets were found two letters, one to his wife and one to his father, who lives in Ripley County, Indiana; $65 in cash and a check on Read's bank for $250, in favor of Wm. Dobson. The letters were dated March 3rd, but were evidently written on Sunday afternoon.

All his property, amounting to about $3,000, is left to his wife. The only motive to which this rash act can be attributed is a morbid fear of losing his property and being reduced to pauperism. He had recently made a bad investment, about which he was constantly harping, and over which he seemed to brood deeply. He was a man of good moral character, and 31 years old the 18th of March.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Edward A. Rush (?) [COULD BE NASH...COULD BE BUSH], constable of Maple township, was arrested on the streets yesterday for carrying concealed weapons; but when his official capacity was known, it was held that he had the right to carry such and was released with apologies.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Married at the residence of the bride's father, Wednesday evening, March 24th, Rev. J. E. Platter officiating, Judge W. M. Boyer and Miss Jennie Coldwell.

The judge went about this business rather slyly, and the announcement was entirely unexpected by his friends. The bride is the eldest daughter of Hon. Colbert Coldwell, and is one of our most accomplished young ladies.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Last Friday morning a shocking accident happened at Jones saw mill, several miles north of town. One of the hands, Morgan, by name, was attempting to adjust some of the machinery when his arm was caught by the belting and before the engine could be stopped, his arm was torn from its socket, his head mashed, and several ribs broken. He lived but a few moments. He leaves a wife and five children in an impoverished condition.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Hon. James McDermott, and others, will address the people of Floral on the issues of the day, on Friday evening, April 16th. An effort will be made to organize a club of "War Veterans." Let everybody turn out.

By order of Committee, J. O. VANORSDOL, Ch'm.
Floral, April 5, 1880.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

There will be a meeting of those interested in the Sunday school cause at the Fitzgerald school house, one mile north of Burden, on Saturday, the 10th inst., at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing a Sunday school convention for Silver Creek and Sheridan townships.

By order of Vice-Presidents T. P. CARTER and L. WATKINS.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

C. A. Holbert, agent for the Pantagraph Book Covers, called on us yesterday, and we secured the right to manufacture and sell his patent for this county. This is just the neatest and best thing for keeping note and letter paper, blanks of all kinds, checks, and tablets in the most convenient form invented. We shall soon have the material on hand to commence the manufacture and shall expect a large demand. In the meantime, we can show our customers samples of what the work will be.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Do not sign contracts, notes, or anything else for strangers, however honest and gentlemanly they may appear. One of the tricks of sharps is to make a contract concerning some patent right or other matter, and present a blank contract, and get their victim to sign it. The lower part of that contract is afterward cut off and is a promissory note to all intents and purposes. We have in view some parties canvassing in this county for "iron fence material." They may be all right, and then again they may be otherwise. The only safety is to deal with all strangers as though you knew them to be frauds, however courteously you may treat them.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

As we have said before, "and still they come." This morning an Optic Bohemian ran across a party of gentlemen from Winfield, Kansas, bent on the all-absorbing issue of the day: mining, and the pumping process commenced without preliminaries.

The party is composed of J. R. Brown, A. Hughes, S. J. George, and Thos. Carter. They have organized the Winfield mining company, and are en route to the famous White Oaks gold district where delving in the earth for the precious metal will be commenced, instanter. They travel in a well equipped wagon of their own, and have business in their eyes and strength in their arms, a sufficiency of the where withal in the pocket, and enough of Western "gumption" under their vests to carry the day with telling results.

The Optic will keep an eye on the Kansas travelers, we hope, soon to be able to chronicle a rich find for them. Mucho, successo, senors.

Las Vegas, New Mexico, Optic.

Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

I desire to purchase two hundred good stock hogs. Persons having such stock for sale may address me at Winfield or leave word at my Walnut township farm.


Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.

Persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of McCommon & Harter are requested to call and settle immediately. It is cheaper to settle at once. McCOMMON & HARTER.

For sale: A good farm, 160 acres within one and one-half miles of Winfield. HENRY E. ASP.

A meeting will be held on the evening of the 9th and the morning of the 10th of April, at the Armstrong school house in Harvey township, for the purpose of organizing a Sunday School Association. H. F. ALBERT, Vice President.


All citizens of Cowley County over the age of forty-five (45) years, both male and female, are hereby notified that they are drafted, and that they are respectfully requested to report at Beck & Dillon's Art Gallery on Tenth Avenue, opposite the Williams House, Winfield, Ks., as soon as convenient after March 22d, and receive a first-class photograph of themselves, free of charge. There is no humbug about this, so don't fail to come. Cloudy weather no objection. Time limited to 60 days. BECK & DILLON.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Hon. Thomas Ryan has given us another evidence of his untiring devotion to the interests of his constituents, in the matter of the Cowley County stone for the custom house at Topeka.

The supervising architect at Washington, on the report of the chemist, at first rejected the Winfield stone in favor of the Nebraska stone; but our member did not give it up. He procured further delay to make further tests, advised us what to do, and stayed by the architect until he could get the further samples well attested, and aided by these, his persistent efforts were crowned with success. He telegraphed the glad news that the Winfield stone had been adopted for the building.

This will open up to the working men of this section of the state a large field of labor at remunerative rates, and will give the boom not to Nebraska but to Mr. Ryan's own district. It will bring our building stone into national repute and create a demand for it in the principal towns of this and adjoining states, causing the expenditure of large sums of money in this county. All this we owe to the influence, skill, and persistence of Hon. Thomas Ryan.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

We clip the following from the Topeka Commonwealth. It is from the pen of Cliff Baker, who accompanied the Board of Assessors on their recent visit here.

"The rest of us went to the Central Hotel after supper on the car and secured rooms and went out to see Winfield by night. We visited the offices of the Winfield Daily Telegram, published by Mr. W. M. Allison, and the COURIER, published by Mr. Millington. They are each well fitted and well supplied offices. Mr. Allison is doing a good thing for Winfield, in the publication of his morning daily with the Associated Press dispatches, and it must be at great cost to himself.

"At five o'clock next morning we were taken in a big omnibus by the courtesy of Messrs. A. B. Lemmon, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Mr. Millington to take a look at their city.

"The city is located on one of the most beautiful sites to be found in Kansas, and is the heart of an especially fine country. After being shown the principal buildings, we were taken to a mound about a mile from town where a splendid view of the city and of the Walnut Valley was to be had. It looked as though the whole face of the earth had been carpeted with wheat, and someone said it reminded him of the features of the average new country member of the Legislature of a certain State: that it was verdant. We were all greatly pleased with Winfield and our treatment by the hospitable citizens."


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Messrs. Dennis Cunningham and Will Leonard have organized a shot gun club and are making it lively for the surplus eggs. They can break at least eleven of each dozen: if not with shot, the fall is sure to smash them. Exercises alternate evenings at 6 o'clock.

Pete Bell is putting down some of the finest flag stones in front of Mr. Legg's business house on Main street that we have seen in the state; and Ford & Leonard have a nice lot of stone hauled for the front of their stone store, on which "Jerry," their builder, will try his hand. Main street will soon be paved from the railroad depot to Fifth street, and with a forest tree planted at the corner of each lot, will make it a beauty.

Dick Fitzgerald has just finished planting a two acre grove of timber on his little farm adjoining town.

Mr. Al. Myers has been confined to his room with rheumatism for some time, but is now getting better.

Hooker & Phelps are having the best job of painting done in their drug house that we have ever seen in the state. Bob is bound to have the neatest house in Southern Kansas, and he has struck "ile" on the painters. Messrs. Root & Wilson are doing the job. PLANTUS.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Rev. Fleming, formerly a resident of this city, who has been east quite a time for his health, will again take up his residence here about the third week in April. He will assume pastorial charge of the Presbyterian church of this place on his return. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

It has been rumored that Major Thompson, the Winfield capitalist, will be here in a few weeks to purchase some more corner lots, put up a building, and start a bank. The dimensions of the bank building will be about 3 x 6. Medicine Lodge Cresset.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Rev. A. H. Walter, formerly presiding Elder of this district, will in all probability, receive an appointment as Chaplain in the regular army. Such an appointment would be a very good one and give general satisfaction among his numerous friends. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The friends of Judge Christian will be glad to learn that he has had his eyes operated upon, and that at latest accounts he was improving. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

W. P. Hackney has a brand new boy. Next.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Col. Manning returned Wednesday evening from New Mexico.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mrs. J. C. Fuller started on a visit to St. Louis Monday morning.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mrs. Jessie Hinds, of Dexter, was visiting Winfield friends this week.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. H. Z. Gilstrap, of Silverdale, was in town Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

John R. Thompson, of Richland, delivered a fine lot of fat hogs on Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Squire Annet, of Harvey township, was in town this week, bringing his assessment records for that township.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Those desiring horse bills can get them neatly and cheaply printed at this office. Call and examine our cuts.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The County Commissioners have been in session since Monday, and will likely not adjourn before Friday.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

T. B. Bryan is in Leavenworth attending the Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Elk Falls has a brick manufactory. Signal.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

A large increase in property and in population is shown by the returns from the different townships.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. J. S. Loose returned Friday evening with his family and will hereafter be one of our "permanent fixtures.'

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The firm of True & Meyer has been dissolved. Mr. Meyer now has charge of the business.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. Ralph Smalley, from Columbus, Indiana, has accepted a position in Snyder's grocery store.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The acceptance of the Cowley County stone for the government buildings at Topeka will give us a big boom.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The finish on the Morehouse-Baird building is being greatly admired. It is the hand- somest building in the city.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

A strange man had two very severe fits on Main street Tuesday. He was taken to the poor house.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Justice Kelly has taken possession of the records and established his office in the Page building.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. E. W. Stafford of Urbana, Ohio, is visiting in Winfield. He is highly pleased with Cowley County and thinks some of settling here.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. O. F. Boyle returned from Leadville Monday. He has been spending two months in examining the mines of New Mexico and Colorado.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

In the matter of the Thos. Kimmel road in Creswell township, after a heavy fight, the commissioners adopted the report of the viewers.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

E. C. Seward has rented his building to a Mr. Rose, of Arkansas City, who will move his stock of hardware from that place to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The K. C., L. & S. depot presents a lively appearance at train time. The passenger traffic is rapidly increasing over this line.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

M. G. Troup and A. B. Lemmon have formed a co-partnership in the practice of law. Their card appears in this paper.

CARD: TROUP & LEMMON [M. G. TROUP/ALLEN B. LEMMON], ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Special attention given to Collections.

Office in Winfield Bank Building, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

An effort is being made to organize a base-ball club. If you organize one boys, let it be a good one, and not a laughing stock for Arkansas City and Oxford.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Risdon Gilstrap, Miss Emma Gilstrap, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Baldwin, of Creswell township, started to Colorado Monday last. They expect to be gone until summer.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. Nat Coldwell started for Anthony last Sunday, where he will throw out his shingle to the breeze. Nat is a good lawyer and is on the highway to success in the profession.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

E. P. Kinne and wife left Monday morning for Leavenworth. Mr. Kinne is treasurer of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor, and goes to attend the annual meeting of the Lodge at that place.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

J. B. Evans has bought another farm about a mile and a half from the one he sold and considers it equal to the best in the county. It will be his future residence. He sold for $3,500 and bought again for $2,700.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

It would be a good thing for the city if our police court dealt more in justice and its motives were less mercenary. If the abuses at which we hint are not very soon corrected, it will be in order to show the matter up.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

A herd of thoroughbreds were exhibited on the streets Saturday. There seems to be a general desire among our farmers to improve the grade of stock, as several fine bulls were shipped in last week.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Drs. Wright & Cooper have enlarged their offices and are now occupying the upper story, comprising five rooms, of the Stump building, as operating and waiting rooms. This will add greatly to the comfort of those who are compelled to wait for treatment.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The fatality attending the teachers' profession is truly alarming. There were Miss Buck, Miss Johnson, Miss King, Scott, who bravely began work last fall! Now where and who are they? Go ask Judge Gans. "And still there's more to follow."

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The firm of Martin West & Co. has been dissolved. Mr. Shrieves is retiring. Mr. West will continue the business.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The people of South Haven are exceedingly jubilant over their railroad prospects.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Abe Steinberger, of the Courant, was badly "sot down on" in his libel suit before Judge Campbell last week. Abe don't support Campbell.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Smith Bros. are fairly settled in their new quarters. They have the finest exclusive boot and shoe house in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

It has been suggested that the city dads make an appropriation to buy oil for the fire engine and ladder truck. They need it.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Messrs. Friend & Harris have formed a co-partnership in the sewing-machine business. Verily, "the lion and the lamb shall lie down together."

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The social club has "quit" for the summer. One of the last acts was to levy an assessment of $1 on each member with which to raise the indebtedness.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The ladies of the Library Association have lately purchased a collection of new books for the library. Thanks to the efforts of the ladies, this institution is in a most flourishing


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Hon. J. J. Buck and family, of Emporia, are in town, the guests of Col. J. C. McMullin. Mr. Buck is one of the leading lawyers of Kansas, and an earnest temperance man.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. L. Knight, the handsome stenographer of the 13th judicial district, returned home Saturday evening. He wears a new suit and displays other evidences of alluence not hereto- fore noticed.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Captain Tanzy has done the boss job of repairing on the courthouse. His work is conceded by all who inspect it to be first-class. Now, Messrs. Commissioners, give us a set of vaults for the county money and county records, and the people will say, "well done!"

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The K. C., L. & S. have decided to extend a branch from Oxford to the State line, near South Haven. Three surveys have been made, the line of the road finally located, and the material is on the ground. It will be completed in a very short space of time.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

What an avaricious man our Probate Judge is, anyhow! He tries to get every candidate for matrimony to put an appraisement on "his gal" when getting a marriage license, and then the judge says, "Hem! Well, my fee is only ten percent of the appraised value of the property."

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

John McMahon, who broke jail with Rhonimus, but was recaptured, attempted to burn out the sill which holds the bars over the jail window one day last week. The fire was discovered and put out before much damage was done. Johnnie now languishes in a grated cell on limited diet.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Mr. John Holmes, for some time an attache of the A., T. & S. F. Co., at this place, left for Kansas City, where he had been tendered a position by the company last week. Mr. Holmes has by his gentlemanly and courteous conduct won many friends who regret to see him leave.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Notices have been posted up on the K. C., L. & S. depot threatening prosecution to any person defacing the depot building. This is right. Persons who will sit down and whittle away for a half hour on a building worth $4,000, at this season, ought to spend a year or two "resting up" at Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

A new paper is to be started at Arkansas City by Ed. Gray and H. P. Standley. It will be republican, and will appear about the 20th inst. The gentlemen engaged in this enterprise are men of ability and editorial experience, and if we are not mistaken, will make it warm for brothers Hughes and McIntire.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The remains of Robert P. Wooley who committed suicide in Beaver twp. last week, were taken to his old home in Indiana for interment. His wife accompanied the body over the same road she had traveled three weeks before a happy bride. This was the saddest occurrence we have yet been called upon to chronicle as happening within the borders of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Rodecker, the "boss" photographer, returned from the Black Hills Tuesday night.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

A. H. Green still continues active in the land broker business, and meets with the greatest success in making sales.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Our citizens seem to be unanimously in favor of the re-appointment of C. C. Stevens to the Marshalship. Mr. Stevens has occupied the position for two years; and in the preservation of the peace and order of our city has been unusually successful. The best interests of the community could be no better subserved than by the re-appointment of Mr. Stevens.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

In the statement of moneys drawn from the county treasury by school district treasurers, made in the Teacher for April and printed in the COURIER of last week, the first line of figures given with each district shows the taxes, the second line the State fund drawn each school year since 1872. Supt. R. C. STORY.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Our young friend, Henry E. Asp, has been mentioned as a candidate for the office of County Attorney. Mr. Asp is a young man of ability and integrity, a hard student, and a careful observer, and is destined to rise high in his chosen profession. During the last two campaigns, he has done good work for the party, for which he may expect recognition, if not now, most certainly at some future day.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

A mammoth car came in on the A., T. & S. F., Sunday, from Abernathy Bros., loaded with furniture for Johnston & Hill. The car is almost as large as a warehouse and was built expressly for transporting furniture. It took Al. Requa three days to transfer the furniture from the depot to Johnston & Hill's store rooms. They intend to make a big boom in furniture.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

Quite a contest was had before the Board Tuesday over the petition for the John Marks road in Liberty township. The commissioners decided to locate the road providing the parties on either side of the disputed crossing should make the county a quit claim deed to that part of the road running along their lines. The costs taxed againt T. Mayginnis for the first survey were refunded.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

On this (Wednesday) evening, at 8 o'clock, will be celebrated the marriage of Will C. Garvey and Miss Maggie Dever.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

A few days ago Mr. McKinley, of Ninnescah township, narrowly escaped a collision with a train on the road leading out from town by Bliss' mill. He had gotten out near the bluff and was on the track with his team when a construction train on the K. C. L. & S. road came backing in towards town. Mr. McKinley had time barely to jerk his horses back from the track and to jump from the wagon when the train was pushing by. The shave was a close one, and hereafter Mr. McKinley will come to town by the west bridge.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The School Board adopted the plans of Benjamin J. Bartlett, ot Des Moines, Iowa, for the new school houses to be erected in this city. The new building in the second ward will be two stories high with four rooms. An addition to the old building in the first ward, of two stories, with four rooms, halls, and anterooms, will be built. The architect guarantees the buildings to cost less than $10,000, with the heating and ventilating apparatus all complete. Mr. Bartlett is an architect of acknowledged ability and has furnished the plans for some of our best buildings. He is the architect for Mr. Rigby's new dwelling.

Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

The State Board of Railroad Assessors came in last week by a special train over the K. C. L. & S. The following composed the party: James Smith, Secretary of State; John Francis, State Treasurer; Willard Davis, Attorney General; P. I. Bonebrake, State Auditor; and Lieut. Gov. Humphreys. The Board was accompanied by C. C. Baker, of the Commonwealth, Col. O. E. Lenard, of Lawrence; Division Superintendent Barnes; Mr. Ewing of the Thayer Headlight; Mr. Perkins, of the Iola Register, and Mr. Young, of the Independent. They spent the evening looking over the city, taking in the COURIER office in the rounds. They left Thursday morning.


Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.

AN IMPORTANT SALE: Last week Mr. C. A. Bliss sold his mill to Messrs. Wood, Wolf & Williams, of Ohio, for $25,000. The purchasers will make large additions to the property in new machinery, etc. The arrangements for the sale have been completed, but the money is not yet paid over.



Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 22, 1880. Front Page.

Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Association:

Your committee has assigned to me the task of opening at this time the discussion on the subject: The future Possibilities of Agriculture in the Arkansas Valley.

You now find youselves in the eastern part of the Kansas division of that valley, surrounded by richly-carpeted fields of wheat, prairies thickly covered with luxuriant grass, trees gay with emerald foliage and variegated bloom, corn just shooting up from a thousand fields, and vegetation generally luxuriant and full of promise. You will also observe that the prairies are thickly covered with a mulch of old grass. This section last year produced the heaviest crops of corn and grass ever known, while almost all kinds of cultivated crops were notably good. Last year we had warm nights in summer and frequent and heavy rains. From April 1st to November scarcely more than a week elapsed at any time without rain.

It cannot be denied that the western part of this valley was less favored last year; that there, practically no rain fell for many months, that the corn crop was an entire failure, that most other crops were very light, and that the nights all summer were too cold to permit of a good corn crop even had there been plenty of rain.

Why this difference? It is well known that the land in that section contains all the elements to produce corn and any other kind of crop that can be successfully raised here, and, I might say, anywhere else. It is well known that with plenty of moisture and sufficient warmth, nights as well as days, the productions of this valley all along the line, in every variety, would be wonderful. But says one: It does not rain, and there is no way to help it except by expensive irrigation, and the nights are cold, which cannot be helped. Let us examine this subject a little, for this is the point to which I propose to address myself for the few minutes assigned to me.

One night, in November, 1873, I stood upon the high mound you have observed just east of this city, and watched for hours the progress of a general prairie fire. My eye traced the long serpentine lines of flame meandering over hills and valleys; here sinuous and wavy, there strangely bent in wild, zigzag forms; yonder slow and sinister, creeping down a declivity; hither rushing fiercely up a hillside; thither flaming high in the air along a ravine of rank, tall grass, far to the east and to the west, in glowing, seething, surging masses extendingfar to the south, the rear folds flashing and ragingfar to the north. The front loops rushed madly on, and I was spell-bound and awed by the gorgeous beauty and sublimity of the scene.

Such marvelous spectacles might be viewed with unmixed delight were it not for their terrible effects. The immediate destruction of fences, trees, hay and grain stacks, buildings, stock, and even life, attending such fires, are minor evils compared with those which follow more remotely.

In 1873 these prairies now about us had a growth of grass heavier than in any previous year, furnishing fuel for the hot fires which swept this entire section completely bare before the spring of 1874. The fires were so hot as largely to kill the roots of the grass and when new grass grew in the spring, it was only in little bunches, leaving most of the ground entirely bare, which so remained all the season. Therefore, we had from May to October cold nights, hot days, and practically no rain. The corn crop was, of course, a complete failure, and other crops shared its fate. Wheat only, having got well along in the colder months, gave a moderate crop. This was the year of drouth for this section, the last it has had and I think the last it will ever have.

In 1874 but little grass grew and fires could get no headway; besides more effort was made to prevent prairie fires, and this section was not burned over. The roots spread some, so that in 1875 the ground had more new grass in addition to the growth of the past year, and was much better covered; therefore, we had considerable rain and better crops.

The improvement continued in all those respects through the years 1876, 1877, and 1878. More patches of ground were plowed, more roads were traveled, more firebreaks were made, more effort was made to prevent fires year by year, and though the food for the flame became greater year by year, we had but little ground burned over, so that in 1879 we started in with the ground heavily mulched with old grass, and with new grass springing up thickly, and as a consequence we had the plentiful rains and abundant crops which I have described, and now the whole surface not plowed is thickly studded with grass, with the exception of small tracts which have been ignorantly or carelessly burned off.

Does not this description of this section in 1873 and 1874 describe also the condition of the counties further west in 1878 and 1879?

Writers on physical geography attempt in various ways to explain why some countries are deserts. One theory is that the vapor-laden air currents from the tropical seas in passing over high mountains are chilled and robbed of their moisture, which falls on the mountains, leaving nothing in these currents to fall and water the countries that they afterwards pass over; that in north latitudes the tropical currents flow in a general northeast direction; that the Himalaya mountains take all the moisture from them that would otherwise fall on the desert of Gobi, and the Cordilleras of Mexico and New Mexico absorb the moisture from the currents that pass over the country between here and the Rocky Mountains.

I regard much of this as sheer nonsense. In the times of the Carthagenian Empire the country between the Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean sea at Tripoli was a fruitful country, with plenty of rains, supporting a population of more than sixty millions of people quite civilized for those times, but the Atlas mountain stood there then the same as now when that same country is almost a rainless desert with only thirty thousand inhabitants.

The whole region from the Western Sahara to the Northeastern part of Gobi, eight thousand miles long and one thousand miles wide, is one vast desert, broken only by fertile belts along the Nile and Euphrates rivers, the Mediterranean and other seas, and the mountain ranges from the Caucasus to the Himalaya, yet in the western and central parts it has no mountain ranges to steal its vapors.

But this country was not always so. Far in the midst of this rainless desolation are seen by the traveler over these hot sands the lonely minarets and columns of polished marble and skilled masonry, the monuments which mark the grave of a dead and buried metropolis, Palmyra, the once beautiful city of the palm groves, with a population of half a million, in the midst of a productive and delightful country. Other ruins found here and there all over these desolate plains, mark the sites of a hundred other ancient cities, many of them prehistoric and unknown to tradition. Even in the heart of the Sahara are found evidences of fertility and civilization in times remotely ancient to the times of the pyramids. But wars have depopulated and desolated these once fertile regions; fires have denuded the land of forests and grasses; and year after year the annual fires have swept away the vegetation. The earth has become hotter and dryer, rains have diminished and ceased to fall, and the land has become what it is today.

This idea of the effect of denuded earth on climate is not a chimera. It would take many days to rehearse all the evidences in its support, and a still longer time to prove one fact inconsistent with it. The well known facts of science also prove it correct. It is well known that the direct rays of the sun do not appreciably heat the atmosphere in passing through it to the earth, for the upper regions of the air are always very cold. But the sun's rays do heat rock, sand, and any kind of bare earth intolerably hot, and the air coming in contact with these, becomes heated and continually rises, and the cooler air flowing in to fill the place is in turn heated.

You have doubtless known a large conflagration toward which the wind blew strongly from every direction. Land which is covered by trees in foliage, or covered by green or dry grass, straw, or other vegetation, does not get heated to any considerable extent; neither does it get cold. Go out in the afternoon of a hot day and find the bare earth cracked open, hot and dry to the depth of many feet, and if you find a spot where a mulch of straw has lain for a month, you will find beneath the straw the ground moist and cool. Replace the straw and go again in the early morning, and you will find the bare ground quite cold, and the ground under the straw apparently as warm as in the afternoon before. The bare earth has absorbed the heat from the sun during the day and has radiated that heat into space during the night. The straw has done neither to any considerable extent, so that the earth it covers has changed its temperature very little. This explains what makes extremely hot days and cold nights in desert lands, and comparatively cooler days and warmer nights in lands well covered by vegetable matter.

Practically all the rain which falls in this whole region comes from within the tropics in the Pacific Ocean. The local evaporation comparatively amounts to nothing. The perpendicu lar rays of the sun falling upon the ocean causes an immense evaporation, and the rare and heated air rising heavily laden with vapor, parts and flows north and south. The current, moving first northward, bends eastward, and in passing over us is always and constantly moving to the northeast.

In this latitude it is always, in the warmer months at least, so laden with vapor that at any time the sudden condensation of the vapors directly over us would deluge the country; and this is true in similar latitudes, whether fertile or desert. When these vapors are chilled, they always produce rain; the greater the chill, the greater the rainfall. Where these currents pass over well covered earth where little warm air is rising into them in the daytime, and little radiation of heat from the earth into them during the night, in that higher, cooler region, various slight causes will give them enough chill to cause some condensation and frequent rains fall. But when these currents pass over large tracts of bare ground, the rising hot or warm air by day, and the radiation of heat by night, keeps them warm enough so that they never chill, except in rare cases of unusual convulsions, and there it rarely or never rains.

Kansas was once much less fertile, had much less rainfall than it has now. The Great American Desert was no myth. Fifty years ago it extended eastward into Missouri. But settlements slowly advancing have tended to circumscribe the fires which annually had swept these broad plains, and the desert has slowly retired.

Prior to 1856 Eastern Kansas had less rain than Western Kansas has now. Then the mesquite was found along the "Big Muddy" and the blue joint was struggling for a foothold. This grass has since marched westward a considerable more than half the length of the state, and sent its advance pickets even to the western line.

In 1870 I passed over Sumner County when the uplands had only here and there a little clump of blue joint, too distant apart to be neighbors. Now that same land is thickly swarded with it. Population has hardly kept pace with it in the march. It is the avant coureur of the change of climate which is taking place. The old mesquite grass is too slight a covering, too gauzy for virgin earth, yet it was so fine that the fires ran over it every year.

The blue joint well grown makes a covering indeed. It is the herald of rains, warm nights, corn, and fertility. Save it as you would your greatest blessing. Let not fire destroy its roots or its dead growth of last year. Let it remain as a protection, a mulch to the land. Do not burn it off that your stock may get new grass unmixed with it, nor that you may better break your prairies. Turn it in for it is a capital fertilizer and even then tends to keep the land cool. Make fire breaks in every direction. Make the man odious who sets a prairie fire. Enforce all existing laws against him and make others more stringent. Educate the people, and by constant assaults upon their understandings, drive home the knowledge of the consequences of prairie fires.

The future of this valley for agriculture is full of promise. In the present course of events, the time is surely coming when its climate shall be equable and more delightful, and its products of corn, wheat, and other cereals, of fruits of almost every nameable kind, and vegetables of almost every kind for this latitude, shall flourish and produce equal to those of the best districts of earth. Surely will come the day when this whole valley will be cultivated and improved so that the traveler in passing through any part of it, will pass a succession of groves, cornfields, orchards, wheat fields, meadows, barns, fine residences, flocks and herds, and a large population of happy, wealthy, and intelligent people. It will be the great cultivated garden of Kansas.

The people who are now in it and those who are yet to come can hasten this time many years. United action will bring it along in a few short years. Shall it be done?


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

To the list of candidates for attorney general, can be added the name of Capt. McDermott, of Winfield, a good man. Capital.

We see by the Winfield papers that the name of Hon. James McDermott, of that place, will be presented as a candidate for Attorney General. Mr. McDermott has been a resident of Cowley County since the first organization, has represented the county in the Legislature, been county attorney, and is now in the successful practice of law at Winfield. He is regarded as a sound lawyer, a fine pleader, and good on the stump, being a gentleman of pleasing address. Beside these qualifications, he comes from a county that generally gets what it asks for. It always sends men to conventions strong enough to be a power. Commonwealth.

[We thank the Commonwealth for the above kind words. Cowley has always got what she asked for and has never had any grievance or complaint. She has been careful never to ask for anything unreasonable, has before this never presented but one name as a Republican candidate for a State office, and only presents a name when she thinks she has the best man, one who has the enthusiastic and united support of its Republican voters. Such being the case, now we present the name of Capt. McDermott with confidence.]


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The Republican Congressional Central Committee met at Hutchinson last Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, a.m., and it was called to order by J. W. Ady, secretary. D. A. Millington was elected chairman. The delegate convention was called to meet at Newton on Wednesday, June 23rd. It will be composed of 143 delegates, being one delegate from each organized county and one for each 250 votes or fraction of 150 cast for Francis for State Treasurer in 1878.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

We publish in another column a communication from Judge Campbell. We feel disposed to treat him fairly, and leave his statements with our readers as he gives them. So far as he demands an answer from us, we must defer to another time on account of the crowded state of our columns at present. We advocate the election of Mr. Torrance because we think he is the best man for the place, and it seems that the bar and people of this county are largely of our opinion. So far as the allusion to Mr. Torrance's "trainers" is concerned, we think it a small fling at those who favor Mr. Torrance, and unworthy of a judge.

WICHITA, Ks., April 12, 1880.
TO THE WINFIELD COURIER: In your last issue appears an article warmly advocating the election of E. S. Torrance to succeed me as Judge of the thirteenth district, in which is the following language, referring to Mr. Torrance:

"When elected he will attend strictly to the business of his office and not attempt to run the local politics of the whole district nor to make his office the stepping-stone to the U. S. Senate, Congress, or the Governorship."

It is not my purpose to question this statement, so far as it relates to Mr. Torrance. You plainly imply, however, that the opposite is true of myself.

As this is to be the rallying cry against me this June, as I learn from some instructions received from his trainers, and as this indirect thrust at me is unwarranted as it is ungenerous, I trust you will publish this, my answer.

1. I challenge you to point to an instance of my interference in local politics. I make this positive statement that I have taken no part in nor attempted to influence or control any convention for the reelection of any county, township, or district officer. Nor have I tried to influence any voter to vote for or against any candidate for any of such offices. I have studiously kept out of local politics since I have been judge, except to vote for the man of my choice; and, on a few occasions, to say a word in favor of the nominees of the Republican party. Two years ago I opposed the re-election of Mr. Ryan to Congress, and favored the election of Judge Peters, a neighbor and friend, who is, to say the least, the equal of Mr. Ryan in ability, and as I thought more nearly represented the sentiments and the interests of our people. In this I was innocent of any criminal intent, and only exercised the privilege of a citizen. I believed I was right and believe so yet, and all the cliques in Wichita and Winfield cannot compel me to believe otherwise. Under the same circumstances I would do the same thing again. If this is treason, make the most of it.

Since you have seen fit, in commending Mr. Torrance, to go out of your way to cast a discourteus insinuation against me, I hope you will take the trouble to make it good, or confess your inability to do so. I have not dodged the issue.

2. You cannot establish that I have neglected my business as Judge. No doubt I have provoked opposition by a too strict attention to business to suit the selfish designs of some. I leave it to the people who have attended court, and watched with interest its proceedings, to say whether I have been prompt and regular, as well as fearless and impartial, in the discharge of official duty.

3. I must confess that I received a few votes for United States Senator, at the last session of the legislature, and I have little confidence in the sincerity of any man who says he would not be proud of such a compliment. The question as to whether a Kansas judge would seek a position like this depends only upon the probability of his success.

4. I am curious to know your reasons for the belief that I want to be governor. I believe my name was once suggested for governor by a friendly newspaper; but, unfortunately, I was ignorant thereof until it was too late to thank the editor for the compliment.

5. My aspirations for Congress are simply in the minds of would be political leaders. It is the old cry of "Wolf, Wolf." I now reiterate, publicly, as I have often said in private, that my circumstances and relations are such that I could not make a race for nor accept a seat in Congress in justice to myself and family. I am not a candidate for Congress, and have no desire to be. I have for weeks been importuned to become a candidate, and have refused for the reasons above stated.

6. Allow me to say, in conclusion, that I do not crave a re-election as Judge. Neither will I ask it on my own account. If I did not believe that a very decided majority of the people desired my continuance in office, I would withdraw from a struggle in which, if successful, I am not personally benefited.

I know the character of the opposition to me. I also know that in party conventions the people are apt to be negligent. But in the selection of a Judge, they are more deeply interested than in anything else political. There are combinations and cliques and interests that would love to own the Judge and control the courts, and these always diskike a man they cannot own. I have a faint suspicion that the people have little to say in controlling the political machinery of the country. It may be that you will be able to manufacture enough fox-fire to defeat me this time; but if I correctly estimate the character and temper of the people of this district, my public services will not be lightly cast aside on account of the puerile whining of a demagogue that I will use the office of Judge as a stepping-stone to a higher position.

In order to make this charge worthy of consideration, you should be able to show that my supposed ambition has made me less observant of my duty.

Very respectfully, W. P. CAMPBELL.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

BURDEN, April 9, 1880.
ED. COURIER: No one seems disposed to contest with Mr. Hackney the nomination for Senator from this district. Personally many of our people like him, and we would prefer to give him our support; but we have been informed that he is opposed to legislation looking to the suppression of intemperance.

Please answer the following questions concerning Mr. Hackney for the satisfaction of many of your readers in this part of the county.

1. Is he in favor of the adoption of the proposed temperance Amendment to the State Constitution?

2. Should the amendment be adopted will he, if elected, favor the enactment of such laws as will secure the enforcement of its provisions?

Respectfully yours, TEMPERANCE REP.
April 15th, 1880.
Will Mr. Hackney favor us with an answer to the within questions, and oblige.

MR. MILLINGTON: Dear Sir: In compliance with your request, and in answer to the questions in the above article, I have to say, to the first question, that I am opposed to the proposed Amendment to our State Constitution.

To the second question, I answer that if the people of Cowley County elect me to the Kansas Senate, and the proposed amendment becomes a part of our State Constitution, by adoption, that before taking my seat I will have to take an oath to support it and I will vote and work for such legislation as will most effectually carry into effect its provisions and secure the ends aimed at by its advocates.

I do not think this question ought to enter into our politics, and the parties who are reporting that I am "opposed to legislation looking to the suppression of Intemperance" either do not know what they are talking about, or they are strangers to the truth, one of the two; and my impression is that they are both. Yours truly, W. P. HACKNEY.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The new council met and organized Monday night.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The Douglas Enterprise has been removed to Burden, in this county.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The excursion train last Saturday was delayed two hours. Their "biler busted."

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

At last hitching posts are to be erected near the courthouse for the use of the public.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The high winds of this spring have been almost unprecedented in the history of this county.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The soda water business is flourishing in our city. Four elegant fountains with more coming.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The repairs of the courthouse are being carried forward rapidly. It will be ready for the May term of court.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The Lynn & Loose store building is to be completed as soon as possible. The foundation stones are now being laid.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The K. C., L. & S. bridge across the Walnut was finished last week. It is a magnificent iron structure and is a credit to the company.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The Public Library Association received an elegant Webster's unabridged dictionary last week. It was a gift from Mr. A. B. Lemmon.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

M. L. Robinson has been confined to his bed by sickness for a week past. As soon as he is able, he will likely go to Colorado for fresh air and recreation.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The road supervisor of the district in which is the west iron bridge should repair the plank roadway at once before some serious accident occurs.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

A new twelve foot stone sidewalk is being put down in front of the Lindell Hotel in place of the old wooden one. This will improve the looks of North Main street.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Wirt W. Walton had a general time of hand shaking Saturday. His friends in Cowley will recognize him, even if he does wear a wig, dye his mustache, and vote for Blaine.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

We were favored with a call from Mr. W. C. Porter, of Albany, Missouri, Tuesday. He visits Cowley with a view of locating and also to look up the sheep interests in this county.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

In another column we publish a notice from Hon. Thos. Ryan to candidates for appointment to West Point. Haven't we a Cowley County boy who can get away with this honor?

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

A fellow at the Central Hotel last week created quite a scare by the announcement that he had taken poison, and that if a doctor wasn't immediately forthcoming, he would die. The doctor camehe still lives.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

A Seymour and Hendricks base ball club is to be organized here, whose business it will be to wipe out any Republican club which has the audacity to show its head in this locality. We suppose Lafe Pence and Charlie Black will be "in at the bornin'."

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Another has been added to the long list of casualties occurring within the borders of Cowley. Last Thursday Mr. Edwards, living on Dutch creek, was killed by lightning while breaking prairie. Two yoke of oxen with which he was plowing were also killed. We are unable to learn the particulars any further than above stated.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Fifty-six signatures were obtained in Vernon township, Monday night, to the prohibition pledge. The meeting at the Vernon school-house was well attended, Capt. McDermott, Superintendent Story, and Mr. Millspaugh speaking on the temperance issues. A strong resolution was passed by the meeting. Said resolution calls on candidates for office to clearly and positively define their position on the amendment question. The workers in Vernon are thoroughly organizing and are determined on thorough work.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The Winfield Bank declared a dividend of 10 percent on April 1. When it is considered that the bank declares its dividends semi-annually its prosperity is evident.

Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

We learn from our Burden correspondence, which has been crowded out this week, that the storm Saturday night did considerable damage there. Several houses in the vicinity were blown down, and outhouses, barns, and a blacksmith shop completely demolished. No persons hurt at last accounts.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The extraordinary cut in freights made by the Santa Fe railroad has been the subject of much comment for the past few days. The company is now carrying goods from Kansas City to Winfield and Wellington in car load lots for five cents per hundred, and in broken lots for ten cents. We learn that a pool has already been agreed upon to take effect in a short time. The K. C. L. & S. is making no attempt to compete with the Santa Fe road in rates, and is simply lying low until some adjustment of the matter is reached. The result of this will probably be the establishment of higher rates than have heretofore been charged, and perhaps a discrimination in favor of towns north and east of us which are not touched by both roads, and where each can adjust the tariff to suit themselves. If this proves to be the result of the pool there is fun ahead, for our people will not tamely submit to the dictation of these corporations.

LATER: We learn through Mr. Garvey, agent for the Santa Fe at this place, that the cause of the break was not a desire on their part to force a pool, but solely to protect their shippers from cuts by the K. C., L. & S. to outside parties.

That if a pool is decided upon, he has the word of Mr. Goddard, general freight agent, to the effect that enough of the territory around Winfield will be included in the pool to protect us from discriminations in favor of other towns near us. As the Santa Fe is chiefly interested in Winfield and the management has no favorite town in the vicinity, we may suppose that they will insist on the above conditions.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Robert O'Niel, 4th Sergeant of the Winfield Rifles, came near being killed last Tuesday. A detachment of the Rifles were out for target practice, on the Lowry land beyond the river. The mark was three hundred yards distant, with O'Niel stationed at the target as marker, and as fast as one shot was recorded would lie down behind a large rock, fifty yards from the target, until the next man had fired. One of the men fired too low, the ball striking about one hundred and fifty yards in front of the target, and glancing to the left, struck the rock behind which O'Niel was lying, knocking pieces of stone into his face and eyes. He was picked up senseless, but was soon brought to, and is now about recovered from the shock. You can't count on an army rifle unless you're directly behind it, and then it's best to be about three miles behind it.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Mr. Ryan sends out the following, and requests that it be copied by papers in the third district.


Hon. Thomas Ryan, House of Representatives:

SIR: Your request of the 8th instant, that seeds may be sent to certain parties in your constituencey, is at hand, and shall receive due attention.

As your section has now been as fully supplied as the means of the department will permit, as our stock of seeds is about exhausted, it will be necessary, in justice to other portions of the country, that she will decline any further requests on behalf of your constituents. Very respectfully, WM. G. Le DUC, Commissioner of Agriculture.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

The Winfield COURIER appears with a strong article endorsing Judge Torrance for Judge of this district at the next election. It says he is a prominent lawyer and good citizen, equal, we suppose, in those respects to Judge Adams of this city or Judge Campbell, the present occupant of the bench. The COURIER says Torrance will not use the position in poli-tics nor as a stepping stone for himself for higher places. Judge Adams of this county pledges himself to the same end. We have had too much of this judgeship in politics in this State. A most unwarrantable exhibit of its effect was seen in our late State Convention. Eagle.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Congressman Ryan has the appointment of a cadet at West Point, and has given notice that all applicants are requested to appear before a Board of Examiners, at Newton, Kansas, on Tuesday, the 18th day of May, 1880, for examination. All applicants must be bona fide residents within the Third Congressional District, between seventeen and twenty-two years of age, at least five feet in height, free from any infectious or immoral disorder, and generally, from any deformity, disease or infirmity which may render them unfit for military service. They must be well versed in reading, writing, orthography, arithmetic, English grammar, descriptive geography, and the history of the United States.


Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.

Hon. E. C. Manning, of Winfield, who has been spending several months in Mexico, stopped over in this place last Monday on his return. He says the future possibilities of that country in the matter of the precious ores are beyond all calculation, there being practically no limit to their extent. He says that experience has fully demonstrated that so far as the Mexican mines are concerned, individual enterprise, except where backed by large capital, will not accomplish much. The true and profitable way to handle them is by corporations. The Mexicans are a dead people as to all enterprises. Their small insignificant mines are nothing but holes in the ground differing little from their works of centuries ago. Eagle.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.


About forty members were present at the Arkansas Valley Press Asociation meeting held in Winfield April 17th along with a large number of visitors from different parts of the state.

After the meeting adjourned, the guests were shown around the city by the citizens, in carriages. In the evening a grand ball was given by the citizens at Manning's Hall, after which a banquet was served at the Central Hotel, which was a superb affair, the elite of the city being present, and speeches, toasts, and responses by leading citizens were the order of the evening.

Another report: near one hundred members of the press were in attendance. "It is altogether probable that before another year rolls around, the newspapers of southwestern Kansas will be organized and able to protect themselves against the eastern frauds and bummers who have so long lived and grown rich at the country publisher's expense."

Another report: "Some fifteen or twenty came in on the Santa Fe and were duly taken in and done for; given complimentaries to the De Grasse concert and tickets to bed. Saturday morning, bright and early, they were taken out to see the many improvements, and, of course, the Cowley County stone quarry, courthouse, water mills, cemetery, churches, palatial residences and cottage homes, fine hotels and sidewalks, and last but not least, the two breweries. Oh, ye gods! But was not that fruit for the indigent editor?

The evening was spent very pleasantly in dancing and social converse at the opera house. Promptly at 12 o'clock the music ceased, and the friends were invited to the Central Hotel where three forty-foot tables were groaning under a weight of good things and decked with evergreens and flowers. At 3:40 a.m., the party were safely seated in the cars, their faces turned in the direction of home, everyone wishing they could stay in Winfield forever, etc.

Another report: "After a pleasant ride across to Winfield through as beautiful country as there is to be found in Kansas, we landed in the bright, enterprising, and handsome county town of Cowley. Omnibuses and carriages were in attendance, and all the editors and their friends were soon most hospitably cared for. The programme of the citizens' committee provided a theatrical entertainment for those who arrived on Friday. Carriage drives, boat rides on the small steamer any hour on Saturday, and after the adjournment of the editorial convention, a ball at Manning's splendid opera house followed by a banquet.

The convention met at 2 o'clock p.m., Mr. Hoisington, of the Great Bend Register, president, in the chair; Mr. Walker, of Peabody, Secretary. The introduction of Mr. McDermott, who welcomed the editorial association in behalf of the citizens was done very gracefully by Mr. Black. Mr. McDermott in well chosen witty and eloquent words welcomed the editors and their friends to the City of Winfield, and tendered the hospitalities of their citizens.

The ball in the evening which was attended by the editors, visitors, and many citizens of Winfield was a brilliant success. The fine hall was built by Col. Manning, and is well adapted to large parties. The landord of the Central House deserves special mention for the large variety, excellent character, and great abundance of the good things prepared for his talbe at the banquet announced at 12 o'clock at the conclusion of the ball. Prof. Lemmon, who was master of ceremonies, succeeded in seating the guests, numbering about one hundred and fifty. Major Anderson, Judge Hanback, and irrepressible Pangborn opened the trouble by singing "Carve dat Possum." Short speeches were made by various parties and the best of feeling prevailed. At 2 o'clock the party broke up and the "good-byes" were reluc- tantly said by the visitors, most of whom left for their homes on the 3:40 morning train.

Another report: "We were greeted as the guests of the city, sumptuously entertained, `busses and carriages were at the disposal of the editors, and the beautiful city was shown to best advantage, a little steamboat constantly played up and down the Walnut to give the editors what Kansas people seldom enjoy, a steamboat ridethere is fourteen miles of still- water navigation in the Walnut at that placebands played, and the "crack" military com- pany of the State turned out for dress parade, while flags and banner streamed from housetops."

Another report: "The editors were met at the depot, placed in carriages, and escorted to the town by the Winfield Guards, who made a handsome appearance in their light uniforms. Winfield with its handsome buildings, and fourteen miles of stone sidewalk, was a wonder to all who never saw the place before. The editors paid a visit to the quarries where the wonderful Cowley County stone comes from. Among others they visited the quarry of Babcock, Sarjeant and Smith, and saw the stone which is going to go into the new Government building at Topeka. The stone is what is known as the magnesian lime stone, but is of much finer texture than either the Junction City or Cottonwood. The editors visited the Winfield foundry by special invitation to witness the casting of a fourteen foot column; they also were taken on an excursion seven miles up the Walnut in a beautiful side wheel steamer, which was gaily decorated for the occasion.

"Notwithstanding the pleasure provided, the editors made time to attend some business. They were in session about five hours and covered considerable ground in their deliberations. Nineteen new members joined the association."

"The A. V. E. A. held at Winfield on Saturday last proved, as a social gathering, a grand success, the enjoyable features of which far exceeded any former meeting of the association; as a business meeting, it waswell, yes, it wasvery pleasant.

"Through the courtesy of the officers of the Santa Fe road, a special train of three coaches, under the charge of Major Tom Anderson, and Ass't Supt. of Newton, was placed at the disposal of ye editors and invited guests.

"Leaving Newton at eight a.m. with the genial Geo. Manchester at the helm, we were soon speeding southward, our engineer throwing gravel in the prairie chickens' faces at a lively rate. A special committee of three, consisting of State Supt. Lemmon, Maj. McDermott, and Lafe Pence, Esq., came up from Winfield on the morning train, and were soon circulating through our train, distributing badges to the fraternity, together with `bus tickets and hotel and private house billets. All were full of mirth and jollity, and all "went merry as a marriage bell" until we came within about six miles of Wichita, when snap went our bell cord, and looking out, our engine was seen flying down the track enveloped in a dense cloud of steam and fast widening the distance between it and our train. Coming to a halt, it backed slowly up and we found that an engine flue was burst and the boiler was empty. Taking in the situation at a glance, Maj. Anderson started for a farm house, and securing the services of a bareback rider, dispatched an order to Wichita for another `motor.' While waiting, Dickey undertook the task of supplying the ladies with a yaller nosegay. After securing THREE, begged off on the ground that long understanding and a crick in the back interferred with graceful stooping, and he was excused. After a delay of an hour and a half, we were again in motion, and excepting a `hot box' and the loss of the train chest, no further accident occurred.

"At Winfield the military company and Winfield cornet band waited at the depot from 9 to 11, and failing to get word of our whereabouts, disbanded. Reaching there about noon, `busses and carriages were soon filled, and we were whirled to our various destinations in different parts of their beautiful city. Ourself and wife were assigned to the home of the Conklin Bros., of the Monitor, whose mother entertained us right royally and in true Engish style. After a refreshing face bath followed by an excellent dinner, we were driven to the Opera House, where the association assembled for business, the details of which we will leave for the secretary's report.

"During the afternoon all who wished were given a steamboat excursion on the river, which proved very enjoyable. At the close of the afternoon session, carriages were provided and a pleasant ride around the city given to all who desired. The evening session was held at the sanctum of Bro. Millington, of the Courier, after which all repaired to the dress ball, complimentaries to which had been given by Bro. Conklin during the afternoon. The `beauty and the chivalry' of Winfield were out in force, about one hundred participants taking part. It was one of the most enjoyable events of the kind it was ever our good fortune to attend. Previous to the ball Bro. Allison, of the Telegram, distributed with a lavish hand complimentaries to the banquet, and at low twelve all repaired to the Central, where long lines of tables, loaded with every delicacy, awaited the throng. Prof. Lemmon was master of ceremonies, and in a very happy manner did he conduct them. Maj. Anderson `carved dat possum' as he only can.

"Sufficient credit cannot be given for the princely manner throughout with which the entire party was entertained, and all returned to their homes with feelings of the highest regard not only for the editors, but for all the citizens of the queen city of the Walnut Valley.

"Winfield as a town was our first love, and we have never ceased feeling a strong regard for the place and its great hearted, liberal citizens. Surrounded by rich bottom lands for farming, and upland where ten thousand, thousand cattle can be grazed; possessing as it does unequaled (in our state) natural advantages, consisting of excellent water power, also timber skirting the streams, and the finest building stone in the world, coupled with the enterprising spirit of its citizens, which has resulted in the erection of magnificent churches and public buildings, business blocks, and numerous palatial residences, which are among the finest in the state, it offers inducements to the immigration of capital and labor which are excelled by no city in our glorious state. And we predict for Winfield a future which shall place it in the front rank of noted cities of the great west."

Another report: "The Editorial Association held at Winfield on Saturday last was the largest convention of the association that has yet been held, sixty members being in attendance. The convention met in Manning's opera house at 2 p.m., and on behalf of the mayor and citizens was warmly welcomed to the city in an appropriate address by Capt. McDermott, extending the hospitalities of the city. This very able address was responded to on behalf of the editorial association by H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka. Shortly after these formal addresses the convention adjourned until 7 o'clock p.m."


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

"On Saturday last at 8 a.m. we boarded the excursion train at the depot in Newton with thirty or forty of our ladies and gentlemen, invited guests to the Press Association at Winfield. The train was in care of Major T. J. Anderson, whom the Santa Fe authorities always select to conduct their first class excursion trains when they propose to capture the good will and commendations of the public. In this position, for social merriment and general good management, Major Anderson has no superior, if any equal, in the United States. Thoroughly posted in the details of such work, including all the wants of human freight, he is ill at ease without he makes every man, woman, and child under his care as happy as himself; and at all times and under all circumstances, he is the embodiment of gentility, wit, and humor and as happy as can be.

"The train moved out on time and kept up its good record until within six miles of Wichita, when one of the flues of the engine gave way, and the train was delayed for about two hours, while a man could be mounted on horseback and sent to Wichita for another engine. Under the guardian eye and self-inspired amusements at once improvised by Major Anderson, every excursionist was made perfectly contented, and the time passed as though only minutes instead of hours were lost.

"Soon with a new iron horse we were again en route for Winfield. About noon our train passed gracefully across the Walnut river on the new and substantial bridge of the Santa Fe road, and was rushed into the depot at Winfield.

"This being our first visit to Cowley County and Winfield, of which we have heard so much, we will give our first impressions of them. The scene at the depot was one of stirring life and animation. The approaches were filled with omnibuses, carriages, etc., and brought together by appropriate and well organized committees, and the editorial fraternity and the other invited guests were carried to all parts of the city, which were freely opened to them. We were driven on Main street where we had a good view of the city and its surroundings.

"To say that we were pleased with the city of Winfield but feebly expresses our feelings. It is laid out a good deal like Newton, and in many respects resembles our city. On a more thorough inspection, we came to the conclusion that, if not the first, it was certainly the second city of the southwest. It is very pleasantly on the south and west banks of the Walnut river at or near its junction with the Timber, gently sloping to the south and east, making drainage easy and natural without grading. It contains a well sustained population of fully three thousand, is most substantially built, and has some of the finest business blocks and palatial residence in the state of Kansas. We have not time to speak of particular buildings, locations, etc., but will on future occasions.

"The city, up to this time, has been built up and sustained by the growing necessities of the surrounding rich and productive country, and when it is remembered that Cowley County has an acreage of over 700,000 acres, 300,000 of which is now in a good state of cultivation, and that the population of the county is over 23,000 and that all these broad acres are the very best in Kansas, it is not to be wondered at that Winfield has become, without any artificial inflation or nourishment, one of the subtstantial and thrifty towns of the state. Such is Winfield today, and such has been her surroundings, and such will be for all time to come.

"Now since she has obtained her present prosperous condition simply through the necessities of her rich surroundings and without the aid of railroads, what may we expect will be her future since she has recently become quite a railroad center, with all the added advantages such thoroughfares bring?

"It is our opinion that she is yet in her infancy, with her splendid water power, her inexhaustible quarries of splendid magnesian limestone and flagging, the abundance of walnut, oak, and other hard wood on the banks of all her surrounding streams, her fine brick clay, and her hundreds of thousands of acres of the best farming-lands in Kansas, she will have in ten years ten thousand wealthy, happy, and prosperous people. And in due course of time, for all these reasons and on account of her central location, and the inevitable opening up of the Indian Territory, that garden spot of America, to settlement and improvement from which she will draw support and tribute, she bids fair to be the great city of southwestern Kansas."


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

We never felt so contented with our lot as an editor as we did Saturday, at Winfield. For, thanks to our editorial brethren and the rest of the good people of that beautiful city, every newspaper man who presented himself was made to feel as if he had come among friends who had known him and his grand-daddynot to speak of the rest of the familyfor a century or more. After leaving our magnificent citywe allude to Caldwellwe spent Friday afternoon at Wellington, where we had a good time with the Press and Democrat boys. We took pleasure in looking over the improvements of our county seat.

The Wellington and Caldwell delegation took the 5 o'clock train Saturday morning for Winfield. We were met at the depot by D. A. Millington, of the Courier, in charge of the requisite busses and carriages to transport us to our hotel. Millington would have brought along a couple of brass bands, if he had known that the editor of the Caldwell Post was on the train, but not being informed of that fact, he let the musicians rest, so as to get the necessary wind for the day.

We were escorted to the Central Hotel, the headquarters of the association, and where was assembled the majority of the editors of the valley. Here was assembled as fine an array of genius, wit, and intellect as graced any hotel. The association held three sessions, namely, in the forenoon at 10:30; in the afternoon, and then again in the evening. During the afternoon session the monotony of business transactions was relieved by a very pleasant incident. Miss Mollie Devendorf, a daughter of Mr. H. X. Devendorf, of Topeka, was adopted as the "daughter of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association." She is a young lady of very pleasing manners, as "bright as a button" and as "smart as a whip."

During the day the editors were entertained in every conceivable way. Hauled around in omnibuses and carriages, steaming about on the beautiful Walnut, marched about, waltzed around, toasted, fed, and serenaded. The military company paraded before us and saluted, and every mother's son of us felt as if he was a "bigger man than General Grant." Then the ladies smiled on us so that our hair stood on end. In the evening a dress ball was given in our honor at the Opera House. By dress ball, we do not mean to say that balls in Winfield generally were conducted without dress, but we intend to state the fact that the editors of the valley on that "auspicious occasion" brought out their best necktie and put on a clean shirt. After the ball a banquet was served at the Central. It was none of your cracker and cheese affairs, we tell you, and wish that our housekeeper would serve up meals like that every day, without calling on us for an additional outlay. We sincerely deplored the necessity of having to depart from our kind hosts, but we were under the painful necessity of escorting some of our Wellington brethren back to the bosoms of their families, for they were too "exuberant" to be left to find their way home all alone.

We sincerely thank our brethren at Winfield for their kind and courteous conduct, and for their royal treatment of us while on our visit, and we pray that they will extend our thanks to the good people of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.


The Arkansas Valley Editorial Association held its regular quarterly meeting at Winfield Saturday. The occasion drew together many besides the editors. Some ten or fifteen went down from Topeka, and others joined the procession at different points. From Newton not less than twenty, fully one-half of whom were ladies, went down on a special train from that place Saturday morning. The special train was run by the A., T. & S. F. railroad to accommodate the editors from the Upper Arkansas Valley, who, by this act of the railroad, saved one day in time. That railroad company, by the way, is all the time doing something to accommodate the public, and we sometimes think that because of their generosity on so many occasions whenever asked, that more is expected of it than from any other railroad company in the state.

There can be no doubt that the A., T. & S. F. do more in the matter of accommodating the public on such occasions than any road in the state, and we guess than any road in the United States.

It was our first visit to Winfield, and while we supposed we were acquainted with the condition of things there, we confess that we were disappointed. We did not suppose it possible for a town over forty miles from a railroad, as Winfield has been till within the past few months, to be built up so substantially and to give such evidence of wealth and solidity as the place shows. Winfield has finer residences than Topeka and the business blocks are fully equal to any here. We presume that our readers in the eastern part of the state will open their eyes wide when they read this, but it is true. There is on every hand signs of wealth and stability that is astonishing to those who stop to remember that it is only about ten years since the first settler went into Cowley County.

The stone quarries, which are just coming into notice, from the fact of the stone from them being accepted with which to build the new post office in Topeka, must take a good deal of money there and help to build up Winfield. The quarry from which the stone is to be brought here is about a mile and a fourth from the depot of the K. C., L. & S. and 1-3/4 from the Santa Fe depot. A track will undoubtedly be laid soon to one or both of these roads. There are in Winfield twelve miles of walk laid with this stone, and it has been used in many buildings in that city. We visited the quarry and should judge that it is inexhaustible and easily got out.

The people of Winfield treated their visitors right royally, taking them over the city and surroundings, giving them boat rides, a ball, and banquet, and opening their houses to them.

It was our good fortune to be cast upon the tender mercy of Frank Williams at the "Williams House," one of the coziest, cleanest, and most homelike places we have been at for a long time. On the Walnut is a little steamer about twenty-five feet long, with ten feet beam, and a nicely fitted up cabin. This runs with pleasure parties, we believe, up to Arkansas City, some twelve miles. A good many of the editors and their friends took a ride on this steamer, and enjoyed it hugely.

The ball at the Opera House, owned by our old friend. E. C. Manning, was a perfect success. The music was perfect, better than we have heard on similar occasions for a long time. The attendance was large, but not so much so as to be over-crowded. For elegance of dress and appearance, the ladies of Winfield are fully equal to those of any of her sister cities in Kansas. The banquet, which was served at the Central Hotel, was excellent.

State Supt. Lemmon, whose home is in Winfield, was master of ceremonies. We should not neglect to mention that Major T. J. Anderson was with the party from Topeka, and, as usual, kept everyone in a good humor on the way and while at Winfield, especially at the banquet. He was assisted by Judge Hanback and others in story telling and singing.

We would be glad to give a more extended notice of Winfield and her big-hearted generous citizens, but time forbids. We cannot, however, close without returning thanks to W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and his family, and General Green, for particular favors shown us.

We have given so much space to Winfield that we have little left for the Association. For the present it is enough to say that this meeting was more largely attended than any previous one.

The address of welcome by Mr. McDermott was chuck full of wit and humor. The response on behalf of the Association by H. X. Devendorf was much more than usually well written and eloquently delivered.

The next meeting will be at Wellington, on the 16th of July, and will be held two days, Friday and Saturday.

We shall give the official report when received.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

On and after May 1, 1880, ED. P. GREER becomes a member of the COURIER Company, with a third interest in the concern. He will still run the local and business department, and D. A. MILLINGTON will continue as editor in chief.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Hon. R. L. Walker was down to Winfield to enjoy the Winfield boom. Though he is doing a good and faithful work for a large land district, yet his warm heart glories in everything that is of advantage to his old county where he was always popular and never more so than now. He is one of the best managers in the State, and Cowley County owes much of her fame, popularity, and influence in the State to him.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Sattherthwaite of the Eldorado Press, lets himself loose after this fashion.

"Fifty wild, famished, raving editors with their squaws, beset the people of Winfield last Saturday. The Mayor ordered out the militia, and the editors were as docile as so many railroad graders. Military rule is a good thing in its place. After the editors had thoroughly submitted, the Winfieldites soothed them by saying that the militia had only been called out to show the editors the fine display they could make."


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Hon. D. J. Evans, census supervisor of this district (No. 2) is the right man in the right place. His district is very large, embracing the whole of the third congressional district of this State. He is doing the immense amount of work connected with his position, judiciously and well. In some counties there is a good scramble for the offices of enumerators, and much quarreling and bitterness exhibited. These necessarily cause him much perplexity and trouble for it is not possible for him to be personally acquainted with all the applicants and he must take the recommendations of such persons as he happens to know and has confidence in. He places the appointments where he thinks he will get the best work.

[HON. W. F. WHITE, OF THE A., T. & S. F.]

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Hon. W. F. White, general passenger and ticket agent of the A., T. & S. F. road, was in this city yesterday canvassing to learn the sentiments of our people and businessmen in relation to a change of the time table on that road. It is proposed that the regular passenger train leave here at 4 o'clock p.m., connecting at Newton with the regular passenger trains both east and west, and reach Kansas City at 5 o'clock in the morning. Returning, leave Kansas City at 11 o'clock p.m., connecting with the east bound and south bound trains at Newton, and reaching Winfield at noon. We are satisfied that this change will be made and be hailed with joy by all our people. Mr. White is one of the most efficient and gentlemanly young men of this great and popular company, and is making hosts of friends throughout the west.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Gen. Hatch lately followed the large band of Apache Indians, which caused so much trouble, into the San Andre mountains in New Mexico, and with the aid of Gen. Grierson's and Major Morrow's commands, surrounded them; and after a sharp fight, captured the whole camp, consisting of 400 warriors and a large number of women and children, besides over two hundred mules and horses, and a large amount of stolen cattle and other stock.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

On the morning of the 18th began a series of storms of the most destructive character which have appeared in different locations in the United States up to the present time. In this particular section, and a wide scope of country north and west of us, Sunday the 18th was the worse day we ever knew; the wind blowing steadily from the south for twelve hours with such force as to do much damage in places, and keeping the hot atmosphere so full of dust and sand as to obscure objects but a short distance away.

A cyclone started in the east part of this county about 1 o'clock a.m. of the 18th, and passed northeast over Burlington, where it destroyed a large number of buildings, and did more or less damage all along its track.

Another cyclone passed through Southwestern Missouri late in the evening of the same day, devastating its track for a hundred miles. It destroyed the town of Marshfield and 100 lives.

Other cyclones did much damage in various parts of the country the same day and since. Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois all felt their effects. On the 24th a very destructive cyclone passed over the eastern part of Illinois, in which many lives were lost.

A similar one passed over Mississippi the same day, and another in Tennessee.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Last week we published a correspondence with Mr. Hackney in relation to the prohibitory amendment. Now we are in favor of the amendment, and our vote and influence so far as they go will be for its adoption, but as we have before said, the fact that another thinks differently on this question is no reason that we should oppose him for the Senate. Our choice will be made upon different grounds.

We wish to treat Mr. Hackney fairly in this matter as we would all other candidates. His statement that if elected as State Senator, and if the amendment is carried, he will do what he can to carry it into full effect by suitable legislation, is perfectly satisfactory to us. We have full confidence that he would fully redeem that pledge. We have often opposed him and been strongly opposed by him in the conflicts that have occurred in the past, but we are compelled to admit that he has always adhered to his promises and pledges.

What we want is that the Republican party of this senatorial district shall unite on the man for senator who can do us the most good. The coming legislature is an important one, the most important for our interests we have had or shall have for the next ten years, and we need an active worker of experience and influence. We have had such men to represent us in both houses and therefore have had power and influence in the State, and have been well treated. We deem it of the greatest consequence that the Republicans of this county be harmonized and united in the coming contest, and we intend to sink personal issues and work to that end.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Some predict that the wheat is retrograding, and unless we are soon blessed with a fine shower, the crop will be decidedly light.

At present there are a few cases of sickness in our midst. Under the auspicious management of Dr. W. T. Wright, the unfortunates may soon expect to again be able to maintain their equilibrium.

The smiling visage of our young friend, Prof. D. Bush, was seen in our vicinity a few days ago.

Mr. Thomas Orr, of Fairview, has returned from a visit to New Jersey, after an absence of four months.

J. C. Monforte, "our Joe," has, we are informed, taken a claim near the Walnut river, and will soon hold it in fee simple.

Mr. A. B. Graham is building a fine residence. In due time we presume it will be dedicated to his services by a grand hop.

A great many new comers are arriving in this and our adjoining neighborhoods.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

QUERY: How would the gentlemen who put in their little mite to procure a keg of lager beer to stimulate the muscles to increased action when putting down the Odd Fellows' carpet, like to step in on house-cleaning day and find their wives, with a few special friends, seated around the beer keg, laughing and joking while partaking of this "strength giving beverage?"

Most certainly what is right for the gentlemen is right for the ladies; therefore, when these zephyrs die away, we propose to have a grand reception at our house. The principal amusement will be the manipulation of the broom, mopstick, and carpet stretcher.

The principal refreshment will be foaming, sparkling, lager beer. All the ladies may consider themselves invited.

Winfield Odd Fellows must be physically a weak set of men, and we would commend them to the charity of the physicians of the city.

We are sorry to see that Bro. Conklin has so far forgotten his duty to his brothers as to tell tales out of school, and we fear he must have sampled the "tipple" himself.

We can't see how it is rough on D. C. B., as it is reported he was out of town that evening. AUNT CATHARINE.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

We availed ourselves of a kind invitation to attend the meeting of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association at Winfield, Kansas, on the 17th inst. It was a large gathering of the editorial fraternity of the Southwest. We there met the old veteran editors of the Kansas press: F. P. Baker, Geo. W. Martin, C. G. Coutant, J. H. Folkes, Judge Muse, A. J. Hoisington, Mr. Millington, and younger members of the craft with a great deal of pleasure. It was an assemblage of unusually fine looking men. To the editors of Winfield, Messrs. Millington, Allison, and Conklin, the members of the convention, and invited guests, our obligations for their personal attention. Saturday night there was a ball in Manning's hall, and the beauty of Winfield was there in matchless loveliness, and at midnight the assemblage sat down to a splendid banquet at the Central House, the introduction to which was given by Tom. Anderson, of Topeka, with the song of "Carve dat Possum," and then full justice was done to the magnificent supper.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

We arrived at Winfield about noon and were met by a committee of citizens, with half a dozen busses and full a score of carriages in waiting, and were escorted to hotels and private residences, according as the guests had been assigned by the deputation that met us on the train. It was my good fortune to become the guest of Bretton Crapster at the Central Hotel. Messrs. Millington, Conklin, and Allison, the three publishers of the town, as com- mittee, were assiduous in their devotion to the guests. In the afternoon the busses and carriages took us about the city to see the sights.

Winfield is very pleasantly located in the valley of the Walnut, surrounded by hills and old trees, both of respectable height. The town has a substantial thrifty look. It is laid out regularly. The business houses are on several different streets, and are built mainly of stone from the neighboring hills. The sidewalks, of which there is said to be over ten miles in the city, are all made of flagstone. There are many fine residences of stone and brick, though the former predominates The stone is a white limestone, containing very little or no iron, as very little or no discoloration was noticed, even on the oldest buildings. Beautiful and tastefully laid out gardens, abounding in flowers and shrubbery, were to be seen on every hand. Numerous were the gardens containing cherry, plum, apricot, and peach trees, already arrayed in full green, and fairly loaded down with their wealth of white and pink blossoms. Vegetation is fully two weeks in advance of what it is at the Bend.

In the evening I found Leftwich, of the Larned Optic, was very sick; but thanks to Millington of the COURIER, and other citizens, he was well cared for from his arrival. The physician in attendance said he would fix up Mr. Leftwich so that he would be able to ride home with his friends.

At night the guests and citizens assembled early at the opera house to attend a grand dress ball in honor of the guests. This is a hall capable of seating 700 persons. Now it presented a clear floor space of perhaps 50 by 80 ft., on which twelve sets in quadrille danced at one time and had ample room. There were perhaps 125 couples present, and in all, nearly 300 people were at the ball. The music was exceptionally excellent. It was said to be Fero's band from Wichita. It consisted of five pieces: a square piano, bass viol, violin, cornet, and clarionet. This last would be an accession to any band. Its clear, sweet tones were heard so distinctly in every part of that vast hall that there was no danger of missing the time.

At 11:30 the dance ended, and dancers sped home to avoid being caught in a frightful storm that was coming up from the south. It, however, after sprinking a little and blowing much, passed off to the east.

After midnight a banquet was served at the Central House, and participated in by about 150 persons. Supt. Lemmon was master of ceremonies and commenced by inviting Major Anderson to "Kyarve dat Possum," which was soon done, the company joining largely in the chorus. Speeches were made by other gentlemen, and altogether the occasion was a very enjoyable one.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.


. . . . In due time an engine arrived, and at half past twelve the train steamed into Winfield, as pretty a little city as lies in Southern Kansas. The band, military company, and citizens, who had awaited our arrival for hours, hearing of the accident to the train, had gone home, but the reception committee were there, with carriages and omnibuses, and in a short time the party were being driven to hotels and private residences, where they had been assigned. It was our good fortune to be placed under the care of Mr. J. P. Short, city clerk, and to him and his excellent lady we owe much for the enjoyment of the day.

At four o'clock the editors, their ladies, and the invited guests, were taken about the city in carriages, and then to the wharf on the Walnut, where was tied up the steamer Necedah, a small steamboat, 31 feet long, built to run on the Walnut. For several hours the little craft was kept busy steaming up and down the river, giving the editors and their ladies an opportunity to try a life on the ocean wave. The Necedah carries twenty passengers and navigates the river fourteen miles above the city.

In the evening a grand ball was given at the opera house, and at 12 o'clock a banquet was tendered the guests at the Central Hotel.

The entertainment of the association by the citizens of Winfield was elaborate. No expense, time, or trouble was spared to make the occasion the happiest and most enjoyable since the inauguration of their quarterly meetings. The work of entertaining was not left alone to the committees, but each citizen appeared to make the day a pleasant one for visitors. Winfield is a city of 3,000 or 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located in the Walnut valley, surrounded on the north, west, and south by timber and on the east by a range of hills and mounds. The town is built on a slight elevation, just enough to make the drainage good. It has two railroads, the A., T. & S. F., and the K. C., L. & S.; three newspapers, the Daily Telegram, W. M. Allison, editor; the Monitor, J. E. Conklin, editor, and the COURIER, D. A. Millington, editor.

Nearly every branch of mercantile business is represented. Stores, hotels, banks, mills, foundries, and breweries had the appearance of active business. Owing to their quarries of superior building stone, Winfield has in the whole a better class of buildings than most young towns in Kansas. Their walks are laid with flagstone, and altogether there is a little over ten miles of sidewalk in that lively little city.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

The Williams house is furnished with a handsome revolving desk for the register.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. W. R. Majors and Samuel Samples, of Harvey, made us a pleasant call Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. W. O. Graham, editor of the Harper County Times, passed through our city Saturday.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

C. C. Harris returned from Kansas City last week. The wheat market has lost its charms for him.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Chas. W. Jones of Lazette and Burden called yesterday. He is one of the wide awake young men of this county.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

If Mr. J. T. Brown, of Beaver, will call at the COURIER editorial rooms, we will restore to him some papers which were picked up recently on the street, and which bear his name.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Major & Harter have sold the Central Hotel to Mr. A. H. Doane. He takes possession May 1st. Mr. Doane is one of our largest property owners and a son-in-law of W. L. Mullen.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

The Odd Fellows have finished carpeting and furnishing their new hall over the store of Linn & Loose. It is a large, handsome, and airy apartment and furnishes a pleasant place in which to transact the business of the order.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

The K. C., L. & S. is having the main part of the work for the western division done at the Southwestern Machine Works. They claim that they can get it done cheaper and better at Winfield than in any town along the line.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

J. W. Millspaugh brings us a sprig of young peaches. They are half an inch long and of an early budded variety. He says the prospect in his neighborhood is promising not only for peaches but for wheat.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

A number of persons interested in base ball met Tuesday night and appointed committees on membership, and constitution and by-laws. They meet again this (Wednesday) evening, at Henry Asp's office at 7:30 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

In the match game between the "Seymour and Hendricks" base ball club and the "Grant Boomers," last Friday, the "Boomers" were badly beaten. The only thing left for the "Boomers" is to appeal it to the masses.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Capt. Appleby, with his little steamer, "Necedah," affords pleasure seekers an ample opportunity of enjoying themselves, voyaging up and down the placid waters of the Walnut. The Captain never fails to make it pleasant for his passengers.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Elder Cartwright, a nephew of the famous Peter Cartwright, will preach next Sabbath at the Christian church to commence an engagement for the ensuing year. He is said to have the force and vim of his noted uncle of the Methodist persuasion.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. Sam. Phenix, of Richland, came in with the rest of the editors on the 17th inst. Sam is the publisher, proprietor, and sole contributor to the "Wilmot Gazette," and the boys who belong to the society say that he is immense, and flourishes the quill with true journalistic grace.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. E. C. Culp, of Salina, agent for the State Mutual Benevolent Insurance Organization, is in the city to organize a branch of his company. He has organized the principal cities of Kansas, and the scheme is very popular with shrewd businessmen.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Hon. J. J. Buck, of Emporia, will probably be elected Judge of that district this coming election. He is an excellent man for the place and we hope he will succeed. By the way, he lately visited Winfield, where he has lots of warm friends and property interests.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

A singing class will be organized at my music rooms, on Friday, May 7th, at 7 p.m. If more than fifteen pupils enter the class, I will divide it according to grade. Instruction in thorough bass will be given to the advance class. C. FARRINGER.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. Frank Williams picked up a note for $790, in the office of the Williams House last week. The note was signed by Jno. J. Stansen, in favor of J. J. Norton and is made payable at J. J. Smith & Co.'s bank. Mr. Williams will hold the note until an owner is found for it.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Our venerable friend, Amos Walton, has assumed the editorial control of the Arkansas Valley Democrat. Amos is not new to the profession, having formed an acquaintance with the paste pot, and scissors during the eventful career of the Plow and Anvil. We joyfully welcome him back to the journalistic ranks.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. Edward Davis, of Grand Haven, Michigan, has been visiting in this county, where he has property interests, for the last two weeks. On Monday he started for Leadville, Colorado, where he will remain some time and furnish the COURIER with items of interest.

He is a bright, active young man and a good correspondent.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Quite a serious runaway happened south of town Tuesday. A team belonging to J. D. Green became frightened, ran away, collided with a wagon belonging to Mr. Rogers, in which was his wife and sister, and bruised them up considerably. One of Mrs. Rogers' arms was broken and the wagon completely used up.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

E. P. Kinne sold, last Friday, a half section of land near this place.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Col. Manning returned to New Mexico last week to look after his mining interests there.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mrs. J. C. Fuller returned last Saturday evening from her visit to friends in St. Louis, looking well and much improved in health.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Messrs. Hodges & Moore shipped several additional cars of flagging to Kansas City last week. It is meeting with much favor there.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

There is talk of getting up a boating club here. The Walnut offers fine opportunity for boating, and it is a pleasant as well as a healthful exercise.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

The street sprinkler is doing splendid work, and has been one of our most valuable institutions during the high, dry winds of the past few weeks.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell and H. P. Farrar have been seen on our streets lately more than once. We suspect they have some designs on Winfield as a business location.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Capt. C. M. Scott was in town last Friday. He was on his way to Harper County to sell the stock belonging to the state, consisting of horses, mules, harnesses, wagons, tents, etc.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Will Hudson, Shelly Hyde, and others started overland for Colorado last Friday. Their trip is one of pleasure, and they intend to spend several weeks camping among the mountains angling for the festive trout.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Timme, the tailor, is gaining a wide reputation by the excellence of the work he is daily turning out. He will soon occupy the two front rooms in the Manning building, now being occupied by Hackney & McDonald.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. Stanley Conklin came down from Atchison last week, and spent Sunday with his mother and brothers of this city. Stanley is a pleasant, intelligent gentleman, and brim full of those pleasant, social traits which distinguish the family.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Judge Ide, of Leavenworth, was in town last week. On this visit he purchased the south building in the Union Block for $2,200, and the lot on which is located Mrs. Kretsinger's millinery shop for $1,600. He hardly ever comes down without buying something.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. J. F. Miller, our street commissioner, is doing good work for the city. He has leveled up the low places in the streets, cleared away the rubbish, and if his efforts are as successful in the future as they have been to date, Winfield will be the cleanest, healthiest city in the state.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

In another column will be found the ad of Mr. D. S. Rose, dealer in hardware, etc. Mr. Rose is located in the Seward building on North Main street; has a neat, clean stock, and is a hardware man of long experience. He also owns and operates a hardware store at Douglass.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

In another column will be found the ad of Mr. W. R. Holden, carriage trimmer. Mr. Holden has the reputation of being one of the best carriage trimmers and harness makers in the country, and work entrusted to him will receive prompt attention.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

There are a lot of tricksters and frauds called Gypsies in this vicinity, who are being called into private houses to tell fortunes, play tricks, etc. Next week we expect to chronicle a list of thefts, burglaries, etc, and we shall not sympathize much with the victims who are thus exposing themselves and inviting depredations.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

The Arkansas City Traveler has changed hands, Messrs. Standley & Gray being the purchasers. Bro. Hughes will retire to the bosom of his post-office, and henceforth lead a peaceful and retired life. The new proprietors are young men of ability, have a thorough knowledge of the mechanical part of the business, and enjoy the good will of the people.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Encouraged by some of our Methodist ladies, the colored people of Winfield have succeeded in organizing a very interesting Sunday-school among their own people, which meets every Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in the lecture room of the Methodist church. All colored people in the city, old and young, are invited to come and join the school, and will be heartily welcomed.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. Hill, of the Argosy, Nickerson, attended the editorial convention here on the 17th, but Mr. L. C. Brown, of the same paper, could not attend. However, he heard such a good report of this city that he was determined to see it anyway, so he came down a week later and took us in. The Argosy is a bright paper edited by two enterprising young men, and deserves the patronage of its town and surrounding country.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

On the day of the editorial convention, Messrs. Moore & Hodge were hauling flag stone through the streets of Winfield to ship to Kansas City. One smooth stone, about ten by fifteen feet and five inches in diameter, was halted before our office and remained subject to the inspection of the editors for several hours. These contractors are handling some of the most superb flag stones of the county.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. A. H. Stone, agent of Ramsey, Millet & Hudson, of Kansas City, is in this city and is getting up a map of Cowley County, which will give the location of the railroads, stations, township lines, post-offices, towns, creeks, rivers, vacant school and unsold lands, etc. It will be in everyway particular and complete, and will be in size 22 by 28 inches. Mr. Stone will remain in the city several days, and can be found at the Williams House.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Among our distinguished guests at the editorial convention were Attorney General Davis and his beautiful, accomplished, and vivacious lady. She captured all hearts, and if a vote had been taken for Governor and sex had not been an objection, St. John with all his eloquence and popularity would have been left, and Mrs. Davis would have been elected by an overwhelming majority. By the way, Gen. Davis himself is very popular here, and is doubtless the second choice of our people for Governor.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Allison is awful smart. His head will surely "bust" if he does not quit doing so much thinking and investigating about how political slates are made up. He has discovered a dreadful mare's nest in this city, and has got almost everybody into it. He sat up seven nights to study up a history of how the Monitor came to name three or four persons for certain offices and how the COURIER came to name three other persons for three other offices. The result of his moonlight researches appeared in an editorial yesterday morning. He has since suffered an excruciating headache and has not been expected to live.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Mr. Albright, of the Sedan Times, was interviewing our businessmen and taking in the town, Monday.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

The appointment at Odessa has been changed to Victor school-house, where will be public service Sunday, May 2nd, at 10:30 a.m. REV. J. A. RUPP.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Last Tuesday evening the marriage of Mr. George Robinson and Miss Ella Holmes was celebrated in the Methodist church, which was filled to overlowing by the friends and acquaintances of the parties. The church was handsomely decorated, one feature being a large horseshoe in evergreens with the initial letters, "R." and "H." on either side. Mr. Wm. Robinson and Miss McCoy acted as bridesgroom and bridesmaid. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hyden, assisted by Rev. J. E. Platter. Thus was joined in the bonds of wedlock two of Winfield's brightest lights.

[George Robinson was a brother of M. L., Will, and Ivan Robinson.]

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Robert O. Deming was here last Friday working up an excursion from this place to the Campanari concert to be held at Wichita, May 4th. Robbie, as he is known here, is the bright boy who was clerk in the post office four years ago; has since been a salesman in one of the best Wichita dry goods stores, and is now the popular clerk of the Tremont House, Wichita, his father's hotel. As a clerk, by his obliging and gentlemanly manners, he pleases everybody.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

The following has been handed us in regard to the Library by one of the members.

"We take pleasure in calling the attention of those interested in the growth of our Library. Within the last week or ten days we have added to our list of books 26 volumes. Among thse are Charles Dickens' complete works, `Don Quixote,' Mark Twain's `Roughin it,' `St. Elmo,' `Beulah,' `Hugh Worthington,' `Daisy Thornton,' `Lean Rivers,' "Edna Browning,' `Mill Bank,' and others of like character. The library now numbers 230 volumes, and others will be added soon, as they have already been ordered. It is our purpose to continue to add to our beginning, from time to time, such books and periodicals as will not only be attractive, but useful. Let all friends of this most worthy enterprise continue to lend a helping hand."


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Married at the residence of the bride's father, in Winfield, April 25, 1880, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Wm. O. Graham, of Harper County, and Miss Carrie Morris, of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Married at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Baum, in Winfield, April 24th, 1880, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Edwin A. Reading and Miss Olive L. Baum.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Died: James F., son of John and Phoebe Baricklow, April 25th, 1880, aged 4 years, 4 months, and 25 days. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Joel Mason. The earthly flower bloomed for a time but has been transplanted, and another white robed angel has been added to the celestial host. He has passed beyond the power of sin or death, and is waiting and watching for the coming of loved ones left behind.



Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Topeka, Kansas, April 22, 1880.
D. A. Millington, Esq.

DEAR SIR: This society has received from you as a donation to its library, ninety-two manuscripts: Letters and papers of the late Colonel James Montgomery, for which grateful acknowledgment is tendered.

Yours respectully, F. G. ADAMS, Secretary, Historical Society.

Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

OTTO, Ks., 4, 15, 1880.
We are determined you should know that the good people of Cedar still live, prosper, and enjoy life, notwithstanding their remoteness from the railroad city, Winfield.

Elder Hunt, of Wellington, Sumner County, the noted Adventist revivalist, having recently held a series of meetings at Virgil school-house, seems to have made a profound impression. Some ten or twelve of the best citizens joined with him in looking for the near coming of our Savior.

I have not noticed the name of Prof. Story among the names of eligible citizens for county and state officers. It may, in some cases, be well enough to object to the third term, but it would surely be doing ourselves a great injustice to drop Mr. Story at this time. He has certainly labored with indefatigable industry in every department of his office which has required his attention. The sleet, the mud, and the coldest weather has found him in remote parts of the county, patiently visiting schools and inquiring into their wants and needs. His experience in the great law school at Ann Arbor, Michigan, makes him master of all the law required. One term is needed to acquaint him with the duties of his office; a second to acquire a thorough knowledge of his 130 districts, their various wants, their citizens, and school officers, the teachers of the county, etc. Verily we say Mr. Story is just now prepared to make an efficient Superintendent. We are informed by one who doubtless knows that Mr. Story, so far from making anything, has actually sunk money since his induction into office. Cedar township will go solid for him, and my acquaintance with Dexter, Spring Creek, and Otter townships confirms me in the belief that they both look for and expect Mr. Story to be their next County Superintendent.

The above remarks will apply in large degree to the Hon. A. B. Lemmon. We, in southeastern Cowley, expect nothing else, and will accept nothing short of Mr. Lemmon as our next State Superintendent, but as the entire State is of the same mind, few words will sufffice. Tediously, but earnestly, I. KNOW.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

Chips from Burden
The wind gave us a lift Sunday night. Commencing with Johnson's elevator on the southside of town, it lifted it from the foundation and lodged it against the new elevator of Brown & Co. The next thing struck was the residence of our pussy friend, Mr. Law, lifting his house from its foundation and turning it about half round.

The property of Messrs. Sullivan, Fisher, and Snodgrass caught the force of the wind, and was scattered like chaff, leaving Charlie, who was sleeping in the building, roofless, hatless, coatless, and Tim and Moriarity loaned him clothes this morning to enable him to hunt up his missing chattles.

The blacksmith shop of McIntire & Hallowell was a literal wreck.

Mrs. Rockwell's residence, just east and south of town, was blown to atoms, leaving the old folks, we understand, in very poor circumstances.

We have had one death since our last chips: Mr. Schooling, who died of fever.

Mr. Ford, of Ford & Leonard, has been on the sick list for several days, but is now able to attend to his duties about the store.

Mr. Fritz, from Lazette, is building a residence and shoe shop on Oak street, and will in a few days be ready for the salvation of soles in and around Burden.

Among the new houses we notice the press building, a two-story frame, nearly completed. Mr. Kiliger's residence, just enclosed a residence on Oak street, moved in from Tisdale, and Mr. Morris' residence on Main street.

The first male child in Burden is at G. A. McCumber's. Mac says the boy is to have a corner lot on Main street, as per agreement with the Town Company.

Mrs. Everette, of Elk Falls, displays a fine stock of millinery and fancy goods in Henthorn's block. PLANTUS.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

A sad accident occurred near Polo in this township on the 15th.

Mr. Richard Edwards was struck by lightning and instantly killed, together with two yoke of oxen with which he was breaking sod. He was a farmer residing in Omnia township and was breaking sod for Mr. Barton, near Dutch Creek. About three o'clock a cloud came from the southwest with very little appearance of rain, and Edwards did not stop work. When the cloud was overhead, the wind suddenly changed to the northwest and the rain came down in torrents accompanied by hail. There was not much lightning. I saw but one vivid flash, and that probably killed Edwards. The current struck him on the right temple, passing down his right arm and along the plow-handle and beam. The chain that coupled the oxen to the beam made the conductor that conveyed the electricity to both yoke of cattle.

Wills Wilson and Mr. E. Jones, who were eye-witnesses, say that Edwards fell an instant first, and over backward; the cattle fell square down. Edwards was buried on the 17th. He leaves a widow and four children in destitute condition. L. J. N.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

While in Winfield on the 17th, we had the pleasure of renewing an old time acquaintance with Hon. E. C. Manning. He is the founder of that city; in fact, he is Winfield personified. Col. Manning is one of the live men of Kansas and the life of the coming city of the south- west. He has erected several monuments in Winfield to perpetuate his memory and hand his name down to the latest generations, among others the grand opera house. He is now delving deep down in the bowels of mother earth in New Mexico for gold and silver and we hope he will strike it big. Newton Republican.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

We return our thanks to the committee on visitors at Winfield for the assignment of ourself and company to the home and care of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns, on our recent visit to that city. On entering their door we were met and welcomed by that open hearted, graceful greeting that made us all at once at ease and at home, and their bountiful entertainment and kindly care for our every want was cherished by us all as one of the pleasantest events in life's journey. On learning that Mr. Curns was from Pennsylvania, and his good and accomplished wife was from Maryland, where open hearted hospitality is made a part of the education of all good people, we could account for the kind manner in which we were so gracefully received and treated. Rep. Newton.


Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

During our stay in Winfield on the 17th inst., we made it a pleasant duty to call on Mr. M. Hahn and G. W. Rogers, former residents of Newton; now residing and doing business in that city, and are pleased to say that they are both doing well. Mr. Hahn is a brother of Mr. Hahn, of the firm of N. Barnum & Co., of this city, and is engaged in the same kind of business under Manning's Hall, selling his goods at bed rock prices, and doing a land office business. Mr. Rogers is running a first-class restaurant and bakery, is as happy as happy can be, and if business doesn't fail, he is making a ten strike. Mr. Rogers was all gladness in receiving his old Newton acquaintances, and on their entrance to his place of business, always left the door wide open. Newton Rep.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum