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[FROM THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1884, THROUGH MAY 22, 1884.]

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Republican Convention at Chicago will have 820 delegates, and the same number of alternates.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Lawrence Western Recorder says that a great many young colored men are coming to Kansas from Kentucky and Tennessee. They will not stop in the towns but will locate in the Arkansas valley.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The House Committee on Public Lands instructed Representative Payson to favorably report his bill to prevent the unlawful occupancy of public lands. The measure provides that all enclosure of public lands in any State or Territory by parties who have no titles to the lands shall be unlawful. It further provides that it shall be lawful for any person to demolish any such enclosure when it includes more than 640 acres of land, or any agricultural land.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

A Delegation of our bar proceeded to Winfield last week to interview Judge Torrance relative to his candidacy for the Supreme bench, this fall. The object was to learn whether the judge would make a canvass from a political, or a bar (barous) standpoint. If he proposes to make his canvass from a partisan basis, our bar will divide politically. If from a non- partisan standpoint, our bar would be a unit for him. The delegation might have taken it for granted that Judge Torrance would make his canvass as the strictest of the sect called 'Publicans. Even though disposed to be non-partisan, the people would trample him under foot if he went masquerading in a non-partisan habiliment. The people will not tolerate non- partisanism. Wichita Beacon.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the A. T. & S. F. railway was held in Topeka, April 24th, and the board of directors and officers of the company for the ensuing year were chosen as follows.

Directors: I. T. Burr, Boston; B. P. Cheney, Boston; C. K. Holliday, Topeka; A. W. Nickerson, Boston; C. J. Payne, Boston; L. Severy, Emporia; Alden Spear, Boston; G. O. Shaderick, Boston; B. F. Stringfellow, Atchison; W. B. Strong, Boston; A. E. Touzalin, Boston.

Officers: W. B. Strong, President; A. E. Touzalin, vice President; B. P. Cheney, Chairman of the Board; E. Wilder, Secretary and Treasurer; G. L. Goodwin, assistant secretary and treasurer; George W. McCrary, general counselor; A. A. Robinson, general manager chief engineer; J. P. Whitehead, controller and general auditor; H. C. Clements, auditor; A. A. Glazier, transfer agent; C. A. Higgins, clerk of the Board.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Gov. Glick refuses to be convinced of the efficacy of prohibition, and his letter to the Iroquois club banquet at Chicago makes this representation in regard to the prohibitory law in Kansas: Three years of nominal prohibition in Kansas during which time the law has been openly defied in many localities, while in other communities where there is a strong temper- ance sentiment, the attempts at the enforcement of the law have been followed by excessive litigation, loading down the dockets of the courts with petty and malicious prosecutions, and monstrous cost bills, and engendering strife in neighborhoods together with inducing the clandestine use of intoxicating liquors, in club rooms, and in the homes of our people, thereby increasing rather than diminishing the evil of intemperance, all powerfully attest the failure of prohibition legislation, and point to the manifest advantage of a well regulated license system."

The democratic party is evidently not going to abate its opposition to the law, and hence the Republican party cannot take any neutral or compromising attitude. Our next state convention must reassert the prohibition platform of 1882, and nominate a ticket unqualifiedly pledged to the support of the platform. Emporia Republican.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The report of the A. T. & S. F. railroad for 1883 has just been published. From it we clip the following.

Average number of miles operated: 1,820.47

Gross earnings: $14,117,347.99

Operating expenses (including taxes): $6,748,217.88

Net earnings (including taxes): $7,838,130.11

Percent operating expenses to earnings: 47.80

Gross earnings per average mile: $7,754.78

Operating expenses per average mile: $3,706.85

Net earnings per average mile: $4,047.93

Passengers carried east: 371,937

Passengers carried west: 415,707

Gross passenger receipts east: $1,343,078.26

Gross passenger receipts west: $1,754,041.76

Tons of freight carried east: 842,285

Tons of freight carried west: 912,160

Gross freight receipts east: $3,348,533.45

Gross freight receipts west: $7,125,478.13

To the net earnings, $7,369,130.11 is added for net receipts for track rents, dividends on southern Kansas stock, balance of interest account, and sundry profits: $408,817.08

TOTAL OF ABOVE: $7,777,941.79
From which is deducted amount paid other roads on account of pools, and discount on bonds sold: $460,702.02

And land grant receipts of interest is added: $950,000.00

Net receipts: $7,521,640.11

Out of this is paid for interest on mortgage bonds, sinking fund, rents of rolling stock, etc.: $2,634,939.68.

Dividends paid: $3,414,567.00
Charged for depreciation of material, renewals, improvements, insurance: $950,000.00.

Balance added to the surplus fund: $522,133.43.

The increase in tonnage of freights over 1882 is 29 percent, which made the amount of receipts nearly equal to 1882 though the average rates per ton per 100 miles was reduced from $2.28 to $1.99 in 1883.

The increase in passenger transportation was 9 percent, but the gross receipts therefrom decreased 16 percent because of the reduction in rates of fares.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

In relation to the Democratic demand for a resubmission of the prohibitory amendment to the voters of the state, Col. John A. Martin, in the Champion, discourses as follows.

"Let us see, then, what are the facts concerning the Kansas prohibition amendment. It was submitted to a vote of the people by a two-thirds majority in both branches of the legislature, in 1879. It was voted at the Presidential election of 1880, when the fullest vote ever cast in the State was polled. The vote stood:

"For: 91,774. Against: 84,037. Majority for: 7,837. Total vote: 175,911.

"The total vote at that election, for President, was 201,226, so that 26,315 voters did not cast their ballots on the amendment. This is the sole and only reason that has ever been urged as a reason for re-submission. But is it fair to assume that these 26,315 voters were opposed to the amendment? At the same election a legislature was chosen which by a two-thirds majority in both branches, voted for a law to enforce prohibition; and a House of Representatives elected in 1882, two years later, contained a majority equally as large in favor of sustaining that law. Gov. Glick's election, in 1882, was not an indication that the people desired the repeal of the amendment. A dozen causes, which is unnecessary to again state, contributed to that result. The vote at that election, too, was nearly 22,000 less than the vote cast for the prohibition amendment in 1880, which was 91,974; and 800 less than that cast against the prohibition amendment the same year, which was 84,037. That the people are against a constitutional convention, the vote of 1880, on a proposition to call one, need only be cited. It stood 22,870 for and 146,279 against, or about seven to one against. The amendment adopted has, too, been affirmed, in every possible way, by the courts of the State, including our highest judicial tribunal. The legality of its adoption has been judicially determined, and the laws enacted to enforce it have been affirmed.

There is, therefore, no possible excuse for the Democratic demand that the question shall be re-opened; that the agitation concerning it, which has disturbed the peace and harmony of the State for the past five years, shall continue the only question at issue for an indefinite period; and that doubt, uncertainty, and incidentally an unrestrained liquor traffic, shall prevail throughout Kansas during the next two years or more. The people of Kansas have settled this question in their sovereign capacity as electors, and have re-affirmed their decision by electing two Legislatures pledged to enforce the amendment. There is not a shadow of a possibility that a majority of the next Legislature, much less the two-thirds majority necessary to re-submit the question, will favor resubmision. He is wilfully blind who does not see that the public sentiment in this State in favor of giving prohibition a fair, full trial, has been enormously strengthened during the past two years. He is still more blind who does not see that open defiance of law has intensified the feeling in favor of compelling obedience to the law; and that thousands of people who originally doubted whether prohibition was the best measure of temperance reform that could be devised, and who voted against the amendment, are now as firmly determined that the constitution and laws shall be respected as are the original prohibitionists."


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

1st District delegates: Mayor H. E. Insley of Leavenworth and Hon. Cy. Leland of Doniphan. No instructions. Vote taken to express preference showed Blaine 29, Logan 8, Arthur 1, Sherman 1.

2nd District delegates: Dr. R. Aikman of Bourbon and Dr. J. P. Root of Wyandotte. No instructions and no expressions of choice for president. Elector Hon. I. O. Pickering of Johnson.

3rd District delegates: Hon. W. P. Hackney of Cowley and Col. J. R. Hallowell of Cherokee. No instructions. Preference of the convention, Blaine 26, Logan 14, Gen. Sherman 1. Elector, Hon. J. L. Dennison of Neosho. Congress, Hon. B. W. Perkins.

4th District delegates: Hon. Geo. R. Peck of Shawnee and Hon. Wm. Martindale of Greenwood. No instructions. Vote of convention to express preferences: Blaine 35, Logan 7, Lincoln 5, Edmunds 3, Arthur 2, Sherman 2, Gresham 1, Grant 1. Elector Hon. Harrison Kelley of Coffey.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Congressional committee elected at the Cherryvale convention for the Third Con- gressional District is constructed as follows.

Chautauqua County: T. M. King, Sedan.

Cherokee County: W. B. Stone, Galena.

Cowley County: D. A. Millington, Winfield.

Crawford County: Jacob Miller, Monmouth.

Elk County: E. E. Fuller, Howard.

Labette County: L. S. Crum, Oswego.

Montgomery County: C. F. Carson, Cherryvale.

Neosho County: W. F. Hudson, Erie.

Wilson County: John S. Gilmore, Fredonia.

Chairman: O. F. Carson.

Secretary: D. A. Millington.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The quarterly report of the State Board of Agriculture for the quarter just ended is before us, for which we are indebted to the courtesy of Secretary Sims.

It contains a compilation of reports of correspondents upon the condition and area of winter wheat, condition of rye, livestock, and fruit, the proportion of wheat consumed and the percent of wheat and corn remaining on hand March 15, 1884; together with papers on practical botany, sheep husbandry, agriculture in Northwestern Kansas, sorghum, its cultivation and uses, and the report of the state mine inspector.

It states that as compared with 1883 there is an increase of the acreage of wheat in the state of 14 percent and that the condition of the growing crop is more promising than it was either in 1882 or 1883. There remains six million bushels of last year's crop of wheat on hand or one fifth of the whole.

Of Cowley County it says:

"The general condition of winter wheat is better than it was one year ago. The plant is a little backward, but the roots are strong and vigorous, and a fine rain has started it to growing rapidly. The proportion winter-killed is less than 2 percent, which is smaller than it was last year, and indicates more careful cultivation as to time of sowing and manner of putting it in. There is an increase in the area, as compared with last year, of one-fifth. The prospect for a large wheat crop this year is encouraging. The varieties best adapted to the soil and climate of this county are Fultz, May Walker, and Clawson, and they are the ones most generally sowed. Twenty-five percent of the product of the last year is still in the county, one half of which is probably for sale as soon as the market improves.

"There are large milling interests in this county, and one-fourth of the crop of 1883 was retained in the county for seed and manufacture. The mills at Arkansas City, in the southwestern corner of the county, have 60,000 bushels now in store.

"Rye did not winter-kill anywhere in this county. The area is slight, and was sown for pasture, although it is probable that some grain will be harvested.

"The area in corn last year was the largest ever obtained in this county and the yield was much above anything ever before known. The product was the third largest of the counties of the state, amounting to 6,089,006 bushels. Of this about 42 percent yet remains in the county. A large portion of it is stored along the line of railway, awaiting shipment as soon as prices advance to satisfactory figures.

"All kinds of livestock came through the severe winter in excellent health and flesh, there having been an abundance of feed and good shelter.

"Horses are in fine condition for spring work, and will be able to do much more than usual. There have been no prevailing diseases, and very few instances of loss from any cause.

"Peach buds are almost all killed, not more than ten percent escaping. Of blackberries, the Lawton are nearly all killed; the Kittatinny suffered severely, but not so bad as the Lawton; while the Snyder escaped entirely the effect of cold weather. Other fruit buds are in good condition, and promise a good crop of fruit."

The report has much valuable information for farmers and should be well distributed.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Work on the A. T. & S. F. Kingman line is to be resumed at once, and within a very short time the road which now ends at Cheney, will be opened to Murdock, six miles west.

Mr. Touzalin, we understand, was at the late meeting of the board of directors of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, granted a three months vacation. It is also stated that General Strong will spend more of his time in Kansas in the future than he has during the past two years. Commonwealth.

Passengers on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe train, report a murder which occurred on the train at Coolidge. It is stated that a brakeman, whose name could not be learned, discovered a tramp on the pilot of the locomotive when the train stopped for supper at that point Thursday night and becoming involved in a quarrel with him, drew a revolver and fired three shots into the unknown man, killing him instantly. No minute details in the case could be learned, as the train due here at 5:45 p.m. did not arrive until 10 p.m. Passengers on board who were likely to be acquainted with the facts in the case were not slow to seek hotels and retire for the night.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. ED. I thot I wood rite U sum noos I never rit fur a paper afore but I thot I ud vuntere tu rite sum.

Gardin sas lukes bullie so fur es I hev heern.

Mr. Wimer will be redie to sel cole this weeke.

Mess Darling & Rogers is doin a thumpin bizness.

The farmers hev got most dun plantin uv ther corn.

Oats lukes wel specialy that as haint bin soun yet.

As nobodie iz sic no bodie dys so I kant rite about a fooner!

The kous an cheeps ar havin a stummic bustin time now a eatin nu bornd gras.

Ez I alus git up erly so this mornin when I hurd the shanhy ruster singin his mornin him I got up and went out fur a walk an I was not a litle sirprized to cee it hed snoun.

But I mus return to mi subjec, ex I promist tu write sum noos.

Skule comences at Grand Summit on the 28 uv the present munth. Mr. D. M. Akers will be the teacher.

Wel I'le rite sum noos sum uther time when I heer sumthin to rite about. With a full stummic I remane, yours sorryfuly. U. C. I. RITE.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

J. M. Harcourt will build a new house at once.

Gale and Wilber have sold part of their herd of sheep.

Mr. John B. Holmes has sheared his sheep and will doubtless have to blanket them till spring comes again.

The Rev. Gans preached for the people here on Sunday morning. The bad weather prevented him from having a large audience, but he never fails to interest. Come again, Judge.

MARRIED. Married on Sunday, the 20th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.

F. E. Pentacost of Arkansas City, and Miss Lou, daughter of Mr. S. P. Strong of Rock, Judge Gans officiating. The affair was comparatively private, only the family and a few friends were present.

The bride was the recipient of the following presents.

Set of silver knives and forks: Mr. Charles Clark and Miss Lida Strong.

One dozen silver spoons: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilber.

Castor: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer.

Napkins rings: Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Hernaday.

Glass set: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ballard.

Rocking chair: Messrs Joe Pentacost and Punchon.

The happy pair left in the afternoon for Arkansas City, where they will reside, Mr. Pentacost having a good business there as sales agent for the Granger Seed Drill. He is a young man of energy and industry and he has won a jewel in hand of the fair Lou. They have the well wishes of their many friends in their matrimonial enterprise. BASCOM.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

An ordinance now pending before the city council revising the present license tax, places a license on the following occupations as follows.

Auctioneers, $20.00, semi-annually.

Transient street peddlers, $2.00 to $10.00 per day.

Book, map, and chart canvassers, $5.00 per month.

Bowling and ten pin alleys, $2.50, semi-annually.

Billiard, pool, and other tables of like character, $10.00 for the first, and $5.00 each, for each additional table, semi-annually.

Skating rinks, $2.50 per month.

Lung or muscle testers, $2.00 per day.

Circuses or menageries, $30.00 to $100.00 per day. Smaller shows or exhibitions $10.00 per day.

Concerts, theaters, or other dramas of any kind, or lectures for pay, $5.00 to $10.00 for entertainment.

Gift enterprises, $2.00 to $10.00 per day.

Shooting galleries, $2.00 per day, $5.00 per week, or $15.00 per month.

Clairvoyant or fortune tellers, $2.00 per day.

Patent right dealers, $5.00 per week.

Drayman, hackman, and omnibus lines, for each one horse vehicle, $5.00; two-horse vehicle, $7.50; and each four-horse vehicle $10.00, semi-annually.

Telegraph and telephone companies, $25.00, semi-annually.

Insurance companies, for each company, whose premiums, earned by its agency in this city, are less than $200.00 per annum. $2.00, semi-annually.

Insurance companies, whose premiums are from $200.00 to $500.00 per annum, $3.50 semi-annually.

Insurance companies, whose premiums, per annum, are from $500.00 to $1,000.00, $7.50 semi-annually, and whose premiums are more than $1,000.00 a year, $10.00, semi-annually.

The charges in all instances to be fixed by the sworn statement of some officer, or agent of the company applying for the license.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

General Freight Agent Godehard, of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway, has been in consultation with the railroad commissioners the past four days, and the result will be given to the public some time next week. It is more than probable that now the tariff, as agreed upon, will be about the same as rates fixed by the commissioners from Newton in their decision upon the complaints. The changes will not amount to much, the rates in many instances being the same, and in others only a slight advance. The whole will be a very material reduction of the rates now in force. President Strong outlined his policy in having the rates to and from Kansas City, casting aside the inter-state commerce theory. This new tariff, when published, will be a great relief to the public. I understand that as soon as published and adopted by the Santa Fe, the Union Pacific will immediately prepare a new tariff to conform with this. The commissioners have been somewhat tardy in reaching this decision, but have labored under difficulties. There are prospects of perfect harmony between the roads in the state and the commissioners in their interpretation of the law, and much good is anticipated over this new state of affairs. Kansas City Journal.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The bankruptcy law is pretty sure to pass the lower house of congress. The Democratic party will have use for it after November next.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Winfield Courier, which is big enough and fine enough any time for a town four times as large as Winfield, comes to us this week with six pages. This is to afford room for the good supply of reading, which is never diminished, and for a pressure of advertisements. Mr. Millington puts a great deal of work on his paper and he reaps his reward. Champion.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

At Topeka Tuesday elected as delegates to the Chicago Convention, Senator P. B. Plumb, Hon. James S. Merritt, J. G. Wood of Sumner County, and A. W. Mann of Jewell County. Also nominated: Gen. J. H. Rice of Fort Scott and Del Valentine of Clay Center for presidential electors. The preferences of the convention for president were: Blaine 202, Logan 48, Edmunds 17, Arthur 6, scattering 12.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Commonwealth of last Saturday quotes our article of last week in full and then makes the following comments.

"The COURIER is mistaken in supposing that the Commonwealth has any ulterior objection in view in this matter. It has no candidate for the supreme bench. If the COURIER will reflect, it will remember that as a rule the Commonwealth has not taken part in the contest among Republicans for positions on the state ticket. It has believed that, occupying the position as it does at the capital of the State, it was not for the interest of the people to engage in a war for or against individuals who were seeking nominations. We have only varied from this rule when we believed there was danger that unworthy or impolitic nominations were about to be made. We have pursued this course even when local candidates would have been a good excuse for departing from the rule laid down years ago.

"The COURIER admits about all that we have claimed on the judge question, by confessing that Judge Torrance could not, if elected, take his seat at the time the constitution says he must. This we think, settles the question. We don't pretend to say that if Judge Torrance was elected, and there was no question raised and brought before the courts, but that he might take his seat at the time stated. But if the question was raised, and had to go to the court, it would be, to say the least, an open question, a case to be decided. The decision cited by the COURIER does not meet the case in the least."

You cannot put us off in that way, Mr. Commonwealth. The COURIER admits nothing except that Judge Torrance's present term of office does not expire until January next. It did not admit that Torrance, if elected to fill the place vacated by Judge Brewer, could not occupy the place immediately after the canvass of the votes, except "for the sake of the argument only," as we remarked. It certainly did not admit "that the constitution says he must." The constitution says no such thing, does not prescribe any time within which the officer elected to fill a vacancy must qualify and hold the office. It is customary when a vacancy is filled by a general election in November that the successor takes the office on the second Monday in January following, the same time that he would take the office if elected for a full term. When a vacancy is filled by an appointment of the governor, and the term expires on the following January, it is not customary to fill the vacancy at the November election. This was the case with Gary appointed Sheriff of this county, who held the balance of the term as there was no attempt to fill the vacancy by an election and if there had been, the man elected would not have probably been hog enough to take the office away from Gary for the very short time before the commencement of the regular term. The presumption is that whoever is elected to fill the vacancy on the supreme bench will not take the office until the second Monday in January.

The Commonwealth says: "The decision cited by the COURIER does not meet the case in the least."

We say, it meets the case in every respect. This is what the COURIER said:

"In the case of Privett vs. Bickford 26th Kansas, p. 55, this matter is definitely settled by our Supreme Court.

Privett was elected sheriff of Harper county at the general election of 1880, to fill a vacancy in this office. Privett had voluntarily borne arms against the government of the United States during the war of the rebellion, and at the time of his election was disqualified to hold office in this state, by virtue of a provision of our constitution. The Legislature the following winter, by authority conferred upon it by the Constitution, removed his disability to hold office, and in May, 1881, he qualified as sheriff of Harper County, and afterwards commenced an action to obtain possession of the office. The Supreme Court decided that he was competent to hold the office, although he was ineligible at the time he was elected. The court says that when the electors of Harper county voted for Privett, they had the right to look at and to build their expectation upon provisions of the Constitution empowering the Legislature to remove his disability, and if removed that he would be entitled to the possession of the office to which he was preferred by the majority of the electors."

Torrance is proposed to be elected to fill a vacancy. Privett was elected to fill a vacancy. It is claimed that Torrance will be constitutionally ineligible at the time of the election (mind that we do not admit it). Privett was constitutionally ineligible at the time of the election. It is claimed that Torrance will be ineligible at the time when he might (must?) take the office. Privett was ineligible when the vote was canvassed and he "must"? take his seat, and on the second Monday in January following when he ought to have taken the office. He was not eligible until weeks later. His disability was removed by an act of the Legislature and did not qualify and offer to take the office until May following.

Torrance will be unquestionably eligible on the second Monday in January without an act of the Legislature and will take his seat then and at the usual time in such cases. The Supreme court decided that Privett was constitutionally entitled to hold the office in May though he were ineligible for five months after he might have taken the office. So Torrance will be entitled to the office though he were ineligible for six weeks after he might have taken his seat.

Is this not plain enough for the Commonwealth? Where is the point that it does not touch? Even if we admit all that it claims about Torrance's present ineligibility and when the Constitution says he must take his seat.

In view of the decision of the Supreme Court above cited, it cuts no figure if Torrance is actually eligible to hold the office of Justice of the Supreme Court now and at any time before the expiration of his present term of office of District Judge, but there are those who believe he is eligible now.

Section 13 of article 8 of our State constitution rules as follows:

"The justices of the Supreme Court and judges of the District Court shall at stated times, receive for their services compensation as may be provided by law which will not be increased during their respective term of office; provided, such compensation shall not be less than $1,500, to each justice or judge each year, and such justices or judges shall receive no fees or perquisites, or hold any other office of profit or trust, under the authority of the state or the United States, during the term of office for which said justices and judges shall be elected, or practice law in any of the courts of the state during their continuance in office."

Reading only that part of the section which is pertinent to this decision, it reads: "The justices of the Supreme court and judges of the district court shall hold no other office of profit or trust under the authority of the state or the United States during the term of office for which said justices and judges shall be elected."

This certainly admits of the construction that, such justices and judges shall hold no office other than justice of the supreme court and judge of the district, but may hold either or both of these during the same term. The evident meaning and object of this section of the constitution was to keep the judges out of politics and keep their minds in the line of the judiciary so that they should be better qualified for judicial duties, but not to prevent the promotion to the supreme bench of a judge who has kept out of politics and become best fitted for that position. The debates and demands at the time and ever since have simply been to give judges none but judicial offices, and such was what the framers of that section intended by the inhibition and nothing else. Probably Torrance would not assent to this view and in his case it is of no consequence for he will be eligible anyhow on the second Monday in January, the proper time for him to take his seat if elected.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The State Republican Central Committee have called a convention to nominate state officers to meet at Topeka July 16.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

We hope the report concerning the revision of the Santa Fe freight tariffs by the officers of that road in connection with the railroad commissioners, is true and that the new schedule reducing the general rates materially, will be adopted soon. The A. T. & S. F. road has always been the best managed, the fairest, and most accommodating road in the state. Its officers have been gentlemanly, energetic, and popular, and it has been of inestimable value to the state. We always liked that company and it has always been popular with the people. If all the other roads of the state had been as fair and honorable in their dealings with the people as that company has been, we do not believe there would have arisen this general and persistent demand for railroad legislation. If the Santa Fe now adopts a new tariff with such reductions as are reported, it will go far to allay the demand for maximum rate legislation and to remove the railroad question from its prominent position in the politics of the state.

We believe that the schedule made up by the commissioners in the adjudication of the Osage City, Newton, and Great Bend cases would have been accepted and adopted by the Santa Fe company had it not been for the hoggishness of Topeka and other towns along the Missouri River. These towns have always demanded discriminating rates in their favor and by their persistency have got them heretofore. This discrimination in their favor has been more the exciting cause of the agitation and bitterness against railroad discriminations and extortions than anything else. You cannot make the people of the interior and western portions of the state believe that it is fair to charge them just as much for carrying their produce to Colorado and New Mexico as it does to carry to the same points from Kansas City, Lawrence, and Topeka, while they are charged five times as much from Great Bend to Kansas City as are the people of Topeka and Lawrence. You cannot make them believe that it costs the railroad nothing to carry over that part of the road between Topeka and Great Bend when going westward while in going eastward it costs as much over that part of the road as any other part.

The moment the commissioners proposed a scheme that was nearer to fairness between the sections, these favored cities raised a howl that the reduction did not reduce their rates, but raised them, and created such a clamor and fog around the subject that the schedule was defeated. The fact is that the schedule did not raise any rates anywhere. It did not fix minimum rates or pretend to. The railroad had under it the same right to give Topeka and Lawrence lower rates that they had without it. The trouble was that the reduction tended to reduce the discrimination in their favor by not compelling the road to discriminate. Those cities have been fattening off from the discrimination at the expense of the central and western portions of the state. They demand that they may continue to suck the life blood out of these portions of the state and therefore they do not want lower rates for the people further west and will kick against them.

If the Santa Fe people and the commissioners are able to grasp the situation and will be just to the people further west while making up the new schedule, the other railroads will follow suit and the railroad question will be solved.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

It is astonishing with what avidity the people swallow every lie which is invented to excite a stampede from the border counties of Kansas into the Indian Territory. Within the last week there has been considerable excitement in that direction and men who are considered intelligent and truthful, and who ought to sustain themselves as such, have repeated the false reports that Congress has passed a law opening up the Territory to settlement; that the Secretary of the Interior has decided that settlers have a right to occupy the lands thee; that Dave Payne has been acquitted, that Senator Plumb has advised his friends to go in, etc. On the strength of these lies, a great many have gone into the Territory and got into trouble. The experience of the past, the damage and ruin brought upon the many participants in former raids, stimulated and organized on the strength of similar lies, does not seem to teach caution or cause hesitation in believing the same things over again. Capt. David Payne has so often made money from the credulity of the ignorant and stupid who have believed his representations and lost thereby, that it seems incredible that anyone should pay any further attention to him. It seems incredible that he has not been lynched by his victims long ago. But he is a very smart, active, oily tonged man, of great ability and persuasiveness, which gives people confidence in him and persuades them that he has vindicated himself thus far.

We want the Indian Territory opened up to settlement and expect it will be some time, but it is not opened now and will not be this year. Every person who follows Payne or any other leader, or goes in on his own hook, will get into trouble, lose time and money and property; and be hustled out by the troops. The chances are that he will lose health as well and possibly get hurt.

The situation is precisely the same it has been for the last four years and is not likely to change in any respect for a year or more to come.

We are watching all the acts and movements in relation to this Territory as closely as anybody can, and when anything is done toward opening up the Territory to settlement, we shall know it at once, and we promise our readers to keep them posted in this matter, and should anything suddenly occur, making it prudent to enter the Territory for settlement, we will issue an extra and scatter it all over the county at once. Our advice is to keep cool and attend to other business strictly.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Gen. Touzlin made a true remark when he said that the only solution of the railroad question is competition. Where there is real bonafide competition, there is no more need of legislation to regulate railroads than there is to regulate the prices of sugar and coffee in a city like this. It is where there is no competition that regulation is needed and for such places legislation is necessarily too weak and lame to effect anywhere near as much as will competition. Railroad companies are composed of men like other businessmen, neither better nor worse on the average. A man who can make a good round profit in his trade or business by demanding it, will demand it of course. If he has strong competition, that competition will cut down prices to secure the trade, and between them prices will be cut down to the lowest living profits. They may pool or agree upon a schedule of prices for each will be jealous of the others and will readily believe the others have violated the compact. The result will be an open rupture and prices will be fixed lower than by the former, and every new agreement after a break will fix the rates lower and lower. All human experience shows that it is impossible to keep up prices by pools and otherwise to unreasonable rates where there is competition.

There is competition at Cherryvale, between the Southern Kansas and the San Francisco roads. The result is, that Cherryvale gets her freights at two-thirds of rates to towns without competition. We have to pay from Cherryvale here, 90 miles, about the same that we have to pay from St. Louis to Cherryvale, 360 miles, or four times the distance.

Wichita has competition and we can get our freights about as cheap as any way to ship to Wichita and haul from there to Winfield in wagons. This is what builds up Wichita and makes her boom. It is what gives her surrounding farmers higher prices for their corn and pork and lower prices for the lumber and coal they buy.

What Winfield, what Cowley County wants and must have is a competing railroad to our principal markets. Such a road will give our farmers more for their produce by a quarter of a million a year. It will also save them in what they wish to buy in coal, lumber, hardware, salt, machinery, etc., at least half a million a year. It will raise the price of everything we have to sell and reduce the price of everything we have to buy. It will make all productive business more profitable and therefore enhance the value of all real estate. It will induce the settlement in our midst of men with capital and skill and will build up factories and shops and stores and granaries. It will make more consumers and thereby enhance the demand for, and the value of all the products of the farm and garden. It will make a great city of Winfield and will build up small towns. A million a year is too moderate an estimate of the value of a standard gauge railroad competition to the people of this county. We must have competition.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Does not seem to be out of the fire yet. Monday he was required to give new and good bonds for his appearance at the next term of the United States circuit court.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Markets.

Eggs 10 cents, Butter 20 cents, chickens, live, 6 cents per lb. or $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen; turkeys 10 cents per lb. or $12.00 to $24.00 per dozen. Potatoes 50 cents; Hogs $5.00 to $5.25 per cwt.; Corn 32 cents per bushel and wheat 90 cents.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Annie Dickinson, the famous lecturer, will appear in Winfield Friday night.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The walls of the McDougall brick block are up to the second story and progressing rapidly.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

I have a fine pasture with good water within three miles of Winfield for which I solicit stock. Walter Denning.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The population of the county this year will reach above twenty-five thousand, as indicated by the assessment rolls completed to date.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The County Commissioners meet next Friday to determine on the location and purchase of a poor farm. It is thought they will select the Dr. Rothrock farm three miles southwest of the city.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. A. B. Arment is putting on a 25 x 55 two story stone addition on the rear of his store building. He will have a furniture store one hundred and twenty feet deep when he gets this done, besides much basement room.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Hose Company No. 2 has ordered uniforms and will be out shortly in "full dress." Their outfit will be different in color and make-up from No. 1. These uniformed organizations will be an imposing feature on public occasions.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

About a hundred of our citizens, more or less, visited Arkansas City and the Saratoga of the West last Sunday. It was a big day for our liverymen. Such a day as Sunday brings on an irresistible desire to get away from Winfield's din and bustle for a pleasure ride.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Capt. Myers has invented a new chart for the Opera House, which is a big improvement on the old scheme for reserving seats. It is in a neat glass-covered case with sections, rows, and seats plainly numbered, and every seat has a place for a small pin. When seats are taken the seller raises the chart lid and puts in pins. In this way the inconveniences heretofore experienced by holders of reserved seat tickets in having their seats occupied, on going to an entertainment, by parties with wrongfully obtained checks, will be avoided. We understand that the parquet will soon be furnished with adjustable opera chairs, which will be another big improvement. The present seats are conducive to anything but fine feelings and a high appreciation of good entertainments.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. Jos. Taylor plowed up last week on his place southeast of town, and has left with us, what Frank Manny calls a German gambling "chip." It is a curious thing and has every appearance of having been once a circulating coin. The composition seems to be a mixture of copper and other metal. It is thoroughly Americanized. On one side is the goddess of liberty with the word "Liberty," on her crown, and the words below "Comp S. Marke." On the other side is the insignia of the United States and the words "In Unitate Fortitudo; Compos Spiel Marke." The goddess is surrounded by fifteen stars. The chip, if such it is, has the appearance of having been in the ground for many years, though its design looks modernized.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The "Colorado Museum of Living Wild Animals" stopped off at Winfield last week and gave our people an opportunity at ten cents apiece to see a dog, a lion, and some prairie dogs. The show attracted the children mostly. While little Paul Bedilion was looking at the lion, he got too near the rope and the animal grabbed him. He was used pretty roughly for a second or two before the lion could be taken off. Several severe gashes on the head, and clothes badly used up were the results. It is supposed the lion was only playing, otherwise he would have torn the little fellow all to pieces.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Hose Company No. 1 was out in splendid new uniforms Monday evening. Headed by the Juvenile Band, they paraded down Main Street, and to the residence of Mr. M. L. Robinson, where an informal reception was held, after which they visited Mayor Emerson's home. The new uniforms are neat and showy and the effect is imposing. The boys composing our hose companies are as fine bodies of young men as any city can show and we are justly proud of them. No. 1 has been christened the "Robinson Hose," in honor of Mr. M. L. Robinson, who assisted them liberally in completing their organization.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. A. H. Doane returned last week from a visit to Pratt County. He made a few invest- ments in Pratt Center, a three-weeks-old city, located on the head waters of the Ninnescah, and in the geographical center of the county. There are already fifty houses erected and a hundred more under contract. He met our Jim Kelly there. He is editing a paper, is doing well, and prospering. This news will be most welcome to Jim's many friends here.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. W. M. Thompson, postmaster of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, Jim McLain's old home for eleven consecutive years, arrived last Thursday and is visiting his brother, Mr. Thos. Thompson of Vernon. He will probably locate in Cowley. This is the sixth man from Wyandotte County, Ohio, in the last two weeks, and they are all substantial and well-to-do, just such men as are always heartily welcomed by Cowley people.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Charley Holmes bought a mate to his fine spotted pony last week. He hitched her up to a single rig last Sunday and she proved too frisky for him. After "taking in" the city on her own account for a few minutes, she was stopped by laying a fence across the street, and she even wanted to go over that, though it was braced by a dozen or two men. The fence was borrowed for the occasion.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Woman's Suffrage Association of Winfield has arranged to hold a mass meeting of the woman suffragists of the State, some time in June, for the purpose of organizing a State Association. Mrs. Helen M. Gougar, of Lafayette, Indiana, will be here and officiate at the meeting. Kansas has many enthusiastic woman suffragists, and a big attendance may be expected.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

And now it comes to pass that the genial young editor of the Burden Enterprise has been created postmaster of that thriving village. It was a clear case of the office seeking the man and was brought about by the general recognition of his eminent fitness of the place. He is one of the brightest of Cowley's young journalists.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. H. C. Hawkins exhibited his three-year-old Norman and Morgan stallion colt on the street Saturday. He is a beautiful iron-gray, of perfect form and action, and was raised by Mr. Hawkins. His weight last Saturday was 1,105 pounds. The owners are very proud of him, and well they may be.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

From the Pratt County Press, edited by our James Kelly, we learn that Charlie Eagan, long a resident of this county, has located there to practice law. The paper also advertises for five hundred teams to haul lumber from Hutchinson to Pratt Center at forty-five cents per hundred.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Arkansas City Democrat of this week contains some advertisements and an election proclamation. It had to issue a supplement on which to print an apology for not having more news. "More news," is good.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Two hundred evergreen trees were shipped in and set out on the Fair Grounds by President Martin last week. In a few years these grounds will be the most beautiful to be found anywhere.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Messrs. Ransom, Scott, and Norman O. Allen, capitalists from Lockport, Me., have been at the Central Hotel for several days, looking over our city with a view of placing considerable money.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. O. T. Caps, of Wellington, father of Mrs. Dr. Mendenhall, has leased the Doctor's new stone building on Ninth Avenue, and will occupy it with a large stock of furniture.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. Frank Balliet, of Nevada, Ohio, and old acquaintance of Mr. O. C. Ewert, arrived Monday and will become a resident of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Brown & Son have put in a fine new three thousand pound safe, the latest improved.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

W. M. Sleeth was up from Arkansas City Wednesday, on business.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Miss Jennie Hane returned from a visit with friends in Topeka last week.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

W. A. Rash, of Harvey Township, made the county's capital a visit last Friday.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. F. I. Kier came in from Illinois Saturday and he is visiting with his cousin, Mr. P. P. Powell.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Col. E. C. Manning came in from Washington Wednesday and will spend a few days here.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Will T. Madden was in attendance upon the U. S. District Court at Topeka last week as a juryman.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Dr. Green now has his residence and office both under the same roof, in the McDougall building.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. A. J. Kinnear will open soon a stock of hardware in the new Blair building on Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

John Crenshaw, one of the proprietors of the Phillips House, Wellington, was in the city Saturday.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. Geo. Ordway has been ill and confined to his home for several weeks past, but is now improving.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Rt.. Rev. Bishop Vail filled the pulpit of Grace Church Monday evening and confirmed several candidates.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Eli Youngheim writes that he is having a good time in Germany and sends regards to his Winfield friends.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Ezra Nixon is making a new set of abstract books of town lots. It will be completed in about two weeks.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

J. S. Mann and lady combined business and pleasure in a trip to Wichita Tuesday afternoon, returning Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. C. M. Leavett, late of Kansas City, has gone into the law business in Winfield and is officing with Henry E. Asp.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Will Clark has been elected to the captaincy of Fire Company Number Two in the place of Frank W. Finch, resigned.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

John Randall, postmaster and storekeeper of the prosperous little village of Floral, spent Sunday in Winfield with relatives.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Senator Hackney is having his new offices fitted up with gas fixtures. If there is anything a lawyer needs, it is plenty of gas.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Frank Cox, one of Cowley's pioneers and early County Commissioner, came in Wednesday and will visit with his many old friends for a few days.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. L. G. Martin, who with his family has spent the past year in Winfield, returned last Friday to their old home, Rosby's Rock, West Virginia.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

BIRTH. Theodore Wright was up from Pleasant Valley Township Tuesday, feeling very proud over the recent arrival at his house of a new nine pound girl.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Sam. Gilbert leaves Friday to visit with the State Board of Charities, the charitable institution of the State. The board inspects them once a month.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Sam Gilbert and wife, Mrs. Capt. Hunt, Mrs. A. P. Johnson, Mrs. Branham, and Mr. and Mrs. Hickok visited the Indian school in the Territory last week.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Rev. C. H. Canfield, formerly pastor of the Winfield Episcopal Church, but now of Hutchinson, is spending a few days with his many friends in this city.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. H. P. Moore, who arrived with his family last week from Logan County, Illinois, and has settled in Winfield, made us a profitable call on Monday.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

John E. Allen planted his number fifteens on Cowley soil again Monday. John is dividing his time about equally between Winfield and Hennepin, Illinois.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Miss Helen Potter has purchased a half section of land in Kingman County and placed her cousin thereon, Mr. E. Tiffany of New York. Helen is kind of "struck" on the west.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Sampson Johnson was offered five thousand five hundred dollars for his Pleasant Valley farm last week, but refused it. He bought it about a year ago for twenty-two hundred.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell was in the city Saturday and reported the famous health resort on a boom. The busy season for Geuda is just opening up, and invalids from all quarters are beginning to flock in.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. Steven Gates, late of Clark County, Iowa, was a caller one day last week. He has recently bought the A. G. Wilson property on East 11th Avenue and intends to make Winfield his permanent home.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. D. A. Meredith, one of the stalwart farmers of Dexter Township, was in the city Friday. Having his corn all planted, and spring work well advanced, opportunity was afforded for visiting the metropolis.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

F. M. Freeland has concluded to build a new hotel on his lots on Ninth Avenue a block west of Main, and architect Cook is now getting up the plans. It will be of brick and stone, 60 x 90, two stories, with a basement.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. M. G. Troup was taken suddenly and seriously ill last Friday with pleurisy. His wife was in Fredonia, but was telegraphed for and arrived Saturday evening. His condition at this writing is critical, but with fair hopes for recovery.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The pulpit of the new Christian Church was filled for the first time Monday evening by Rev. S. W. Clutcher, of Danville, Kentucky, who was visiting our city on a prospective tour. The church is not entirely finished, but will be ready for dedication some time in May.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

James Lorton took in the terminus last Sunday. The denizens of that burg took advantage of his generosity in such a way as to send him home accompanied only by a solitary ten cent piece and the knowledge of having had a good time among old friends.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

M. L. Robinson returned from his Eastern tour Friday. He says the narrow gauge is booming and the money raised to build the first three hundred miles. The surveyors will be through this county soon. Dirt will be flying on the road inside of sixty days.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Messrs. Geo. Fishback, late of New Albany, Indiana, and Morgan Ashton, of Western Cowley, acquaintances of Mr. Robert Gibson, visited Winfield last Saturday. Mr. Fishback is a newspaper man and has the material now on the way for a new paper at Shannon, Barbour County.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. E. F. Elliott, auditor and cashier of the Ohio Central Coal Company, Corning, Ohio, one of the largest institutions of the kind in the country, stopped off on his road to Harper to look after property interests, and spent Monday with his old friend, Mr. O. C. Ewart of the Farmers Bank.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Messrs. T. H. Soward, Oscar Wooley, Owen Shriver, Hugh McKibben, Dr. Carlisle and Capt Nipp, our delegates to the State convention went up to Topeka on the afternoon train Monday. Senator Long was also one of the party. There will be lots of politics to the square inch in Topeka this week.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. J. H. Lawson, editor of the Hutchinson Interior, was in Winfield last week attending an executive committee meeting of the Arkansas Valley Reunion Association, and, of course, called on the COURIER. This was his first trip down this way, and he was highly pleased with Cowley County and its grand prospects.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Messrs. David and John Cain, of Bunker Hill, Indian, old friends of D. M. Adams, of Pleasant Valley Township, visited him last week with a view of locating in Cowley. Like all visitors, they were highly delighted with our county, will return home, dispose of their property, and purchase farms here. This section is drawing a large number from the Hoosier state this spring.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. W. G. Seaver, the editorial optician of the Dexter Eye, and one of the bright, progressive young men of Southern Kansas, visited Winfield last week for the first time. He has been writing for a year past of the wonderful prosperity of Cowley County, but he said he never knew until he saw her capital just what truths he had written. The Eye has changed from an independent to a Republican paper and is very spicy and neat.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. S. M. Jarvis visited the city Sunday and Monday in company with Messrs. Macknet, Howell, and Divine, of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of New Jersey, who came out to look over their investments made in this county by Jarvis, Conklin & Co., and McDonald, Jarvis & Co. They control about forty million dollars capital and are one of the largest insurance companies in the country. They are better pleased with their investments in this county than with those of any county they have visited.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The COURIER received a call Tuesday from Mr. W. J. Comstock, of Westchester County, New York. He is foreman of U. S. Grant Jr.'s stock farm. General Grant is often a visitor at the farm, and delights in looking over the fine stock and growing crops. One of the Arabian stallions presented to him during his trip around the world is kept there. It is valued at $18,000a pretty expensive piece of horse-flesh. Mr. Comstock owns some real estate in Sumner, four miles west of Geuda. He gathered up a number of our mammoth ears of corn to take back, some of which he will induce Mr. Grant to place on exhibition in his office on Wall street.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Gentlemen's Entertainment.
The "Leap Year Basket Social" given on last Friday evening by the gentlemen of the Presbyterian Church was one of the most unique and pleasant affairs that has ever been given in Winfield, and was largely attended. It was somewhat on the old "necktie" plan. The gentlemen bought tickets on entering, which were placed in neat little baskets filled with culinary delicacies and after all had arrived, the baskets were distributed among the ladies, every lady being entitled to the assistance of the gentleman whose name was on the card in her basket, in devouring the good things. The most amusing scene of all, of course, was the kitchen, where men, with sleeves rolled up, were trying to do the work of Betsy, but, as usual, had mighty hard work to kill the bear. The gentlemen say they could have done much more creditably had the ladies not kept such close vigilance and poked fun at them so promiscuously; but an initiation in anything is always hard on men, especially when under the supervision of the gentler sex.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

An Indian School.
Last Friday a party of our ladies and gentlemen visited Chilocco school, situated in the Indian Territory about five miles southwest of Arkansas City. The building is of stone, three stories above the basement, and was built and furnished by the government for the purpose of educating Indian children. School opened in January with three teachers and superintendents of sewing and cooking. One hundred and seventy-five children are now attending, ranging in ages from about eight to sixteen years, and representing seventeen different tribes. They were neatly dressed and well-behaved. The example in arithmetic on the board showed they learned quickly. Some of them play the organ naturally and most of them could draw without being taught as some flowers on the board proved. After they had sung the party started for home thinking they would accept the invitation to go again.

[TALK ABOUT LOOKING DOWN ONE'S NOSE! EVEN HAD SCHOOL WRONG! CALLED IT "Chilocca." Are you quite certain Hackney had anything to do with getting this school? Prove it!]

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Fire Company Number One donned their bright new uniforms Monday evening, hauled out their hose cart, and formed in procession, headed by the Juvenile Band. They marched through the principal streets of the city, with all their paraphernalia, and presented a fine appearance. Company Number Two will have their uniforms in a few days, when we may look for a grand pageant embracing the whole Winfield Fire Department.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Miss H. Trezise closed her six months term of school at Red Valley Thursday, April 24th.The school has been well attended this winter with an enrollment of fifty pupils. Among the number are the following, who never whispered during the term: Etta Race, Alice Barriclow, Agnes Thomson, Ida Devore, Ada and Joe Sallee, Alex Thomson, Zobeide Easterday, Wm. Tousley, Florence Seacat, Wilbert Duncan, Ola Whistler, Robert Devore.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

M. S. Snider, a partner of W. J. Hodges in the cattle business, while coming down the bank to the ford near the Tunnel Mill Saturday on his way from Arkansas City, had a serious mishap. The pole of his buggy broke, throwing himself and little boy out and bruising them up considerably. The horses crossed the creek in a mighty few minutes and paid the city a rapid visit on their own hook. The buggy was about used up.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The lecture on "Ishmael," by Dr. C. C. Foote, of Topeka, at the Baptist Church Monday evening, bristled with new and bright thoughts regarding the Isahmaelites. He carried through their story and exhibited their wonderful accomplishments and what remains for them yet to accomplish, in the light of prophecy, in a manner most entertaining and instructive. He is a pleasant speaker and one of the ablest of the Baptist ministers.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. T. K. Johnson has sold his drug stock to a Mr. Mathews, from Connecticut, and will go out to Colorado for the summer. Mr. Johnson is one of our old-time businessmen and things will hardly look natural without him. His health has been poor for the past year and he goes West in the hope of improving it. He will retain his property interest here and regard Winfield as his home.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

If there is a lovelier spot at this season than Riverside Park, we would like to see it. The blue grass is well matted over the ground, the trees have assumed their leafy verdure, and the violet and the daisy are in bloom. It was especially charming in the calm, clear atmosphere of last Sunday afternoon, and was visited by hundreds of our people.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Marshal is doing some long needed work on the street crossings, filling up on each side of the flagging, so that driving is possible. It takes a good deal of care and attention to keep the crossings in good driving condition as every muddy time the dirt around them is carried away by wheels. However, they ought to be kept in good order.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Wichita Eagle, while appreciating all the good words which have been said about its prospective daily, isn't convinced that a first-class daily with the dispatches would be a paying investment in that place and therefore sets no date for its appearance.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Jay Cochran, feeble-minded from childhood, has recently become uncontrollable and was taken before Judge Gans yesterday. Efforts will be made to get him admitted into the State asylum. He is nineteen years old.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

From figures in hand, the present population of Cowley will reach twenty-six thousand, and when the assessors' returns are all in, it may make even a better showing. An increase of three thousand for one year isn't so bad.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

W. W. Andrews has laid off that part of his land lying north of his house to Timber Creek. It is called "The Village of Northfield." The property is in the hands of Curns & Manser and is going off rapidly.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

On account of the young ladies' disappointment in procuring a suitable room, the soap bubble contest has been postponed for a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

You only get to hear Anna Dickenson once in a life time. Embrace the opportunity Friday evening next.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Baptist Sunday school is preparing for presentation soon the Scripture Cantata "Under the Palms."

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Spring Creek Township shows an increase in population over last year of one hundred and thirty-seven.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Arkansas City Traveler will soon be printed on a new power press and dress up in a new suit.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The world's best female speaker at the Opera House Friday evening next. Subject, "Joan of Arc."

Anna Dickenson appears in Winfield next Friday evening in the lecture, "Joan of Arc."

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Another Radical Reform.
Spence Miner is disconsolate. The "boys" in the store determined to eradicate the old throw-your-hat-down-any-where habit so common in stores, put up hat racks, and entered into a compact by which every individual hat found lying on a show case should be destroyed by the fire fiend. Twenty-four hours hadn't elapsed before a victim was caught and Spence's fine fur hat cremated. With a firm determination to reform, he got a new head covering, but by some mysterious way, it was soon found on a show case. Spence thought it "a put up job" and rebelled. A judge was elected, a jury was called, and a verdict rendered: "We do find said hat guilty," and the sentence of the judge ordered its immediate destruction. It was put on the zinc in the middle of the floor, ignited, and straight-way its spirit fled. "Peace to its ashes," was echoed; they were placed in a casket and are now "lying in state" at the store. "Revenge shall be mine," saith Spence.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Sixty Beautiful Lots for Sale.
These lots are laid out on a block of ground six hundred feet north of the S. K. Depot, surrounded on three sides by the city of Winfield, but are not included in the city incorporation. Apply to Curns & Manser or W. W. Andrews. Winfield, April 29, 1884.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Teachers' Examination.
An examination of applicants for teachers certificates, will be held at the High School building at Winfield beginning at 8 o'clock a.m., Saturday, May 10th, 1884. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

We Want a Printer. The COURIER wants a first class compositor. Apply at once.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Gen. M. B. Prentiss, of Northern Missouri, who with his son is traveling over Kansas looking up a location, gave a lecture in the Opera House Tuesday evening on the Battle of Shiloh. He depicted the scenes of that terrible battle most interestingly and drew forth much appreciation from the large audience. Gen. Prentiss was the first Union General on that historic field and the last one to leave it. The G. A. R. boys were out to attend the lecture in full force, and the General met many of his old comrades.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The returns from Harvey Township were completed and returned to Clerk Hunt by assessor Shelley Wednesday. The township shows 698 population, a decrease of 90 from last year. The personal property has increased seven thousand dollars. Harvey will be the only township in the county to show a decrease in population. What is the matter with her? Cedar shows 306 increase.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The following parties have taken the matrimonial route to happiness since our last issue, according to the Probate Judge's record. MARRIAGE LICENSES:

Chas. M. Cheney and Rose Leport.

H. F. Shurtz and Jennie B. Riley.

Geo. W. Greenwell and Amanda D. Pullen.

E. W. Miller and Martha M. Hughes.

James M. Snook and Sallie J. Kennedy.

Frank S. Weed and Mollie E. McClellan.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Dr. Mary E. Haggart delivered an excellent lecture in the Opera House last Thursday evening on Woman Suffrage, under management of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. While she is not as warm in the delivery of her subject as Mrs. Gougar, she brought out many new points and showed herself to be one of the deep thinking women of the times.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Talk about building booms, but Winfield's boom beats the world. Men are so anxious and eager to build that they have been hauling stone from Moore's quarries at midnight, not even taking time to get the owner's consent. Mr. Moore will have to put a time lock on his stone quarry if the boom keeps up.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Commencement exercises of the High School will take place in the Opera House Thursday, May 8th, at 8 o'clock p.m. Thursday and Friday, May 8th and 9th, will be devoted to oral examination in all the grades, to which the patrons and friends of the school are invited.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

A. H. Doane brought back from his western trip a piece of their building stone. It is a reddish sort of sandstone as soft as chalk and can be whittled up with a knife. Winfield will have to furnish that country with decent stone when the narrow gauge is completed.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

A Bargain. A lot of No. 2 ½ and 3 Kid and Goat front and side lace Shoes for sale at $1.50. These goods are marked to sell at $2.00 to $3.00 per pair. Anyone that can use them will do well to call and examine as they are a bargain. Smith & Zook.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Prof. M. L. Ward, President of the Baptist University of Ottawa, filled the pulpit of the Baptist Church in this city last Sunday in the interests of that institution and took away some substantial encouragement.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Mr. Chas. Schmidt has the switch into his quarries completed and is now loading rock direct from the quarry to the cars. He is shipping an immense amount of stone to Wellington and other suburban towns out west.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The assessor's returns for Cedar Township are in, showing an increase in population for the last year of three hundred and six. If other townships do as well, Cowley will make a big showing in population.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The COURIER has an opening at present for a bright industrious boy, to learn the printing business. Wages for tthe first three months two dollars per weekafter that according to the progress made.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Wichita has called an election to vote thirty thousand dollars in city bonds to aid a proposed narrow gauge road from that place to Denver. They seem to be trying to get over on our territory.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Miss Mansfield will have her annual spring millinery opening on Friday and Saturday, May 2nd and 3rd, when she will show an elegant line of pattern hats and bonnets.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

A first-class tinner wanted at once, in connection with a new hardware store to be started by me about May 10th in the Blair building on Ninth Avenue. A. J. KINNEAR.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Andrew Shaw, a colored laundryman of the city, was brought before Justice Snow Wednesday charged with ravishing a young colored woman.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

The Juvenile Band has built a band room on Twelfth Avenue, are furnishing it nicely, and will have a pleasant place for practice.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

MARRIED. Married in this city, April 30th, Frederick C. Gross, of Burden, to Miss Mary E. Mount, of this city.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

DIED. Mr. A. T. Gay, one of the oldest settlers of Tisdale Township, died Saturday.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Interesting Items Gathered from Our Neighboring Exchanges.

Corn planting is almost over in this section. The acreage is very large. Some have been planted four weeks.

The Burden Town Company has laid off the tract of land south of the railroad, and tract east of Oak Street, in town lots, which are selling rapidly, at good prices.

One year ago a citizen of Burden would know all his fellow citizens. Today he will know few of the people who throng the streets. The old ones are all here but the reinforcements compose the greatest number.

A young gentleman who was present at a party this week says some of the other young men aped the dress and manners of the "Posey County, Indiana, Dandies." Civilization and society are bound to keep pace with the course of empire as it moves on its westward way.

J. J. O'Connor built the oven for a bakery, but in making the arch, put in a free trade plank and the structure caved in. At the suggestion of the Enterprise, he inserted a protection plank, and the oven is now as sold as the Republican party. No danger of a collapse.

In February, 1883, Burden was incorporated as a city of the third class with a population of two hundred and ninety-two. This week, by actual count, Burden has a population of 817. If any of the "creek villages" can beat it in the same length of time, we want to hear from them right now, or not hear any more grumbling from them.

The public schools of the city opened Monday week.

Mr. Fred Blackman, telegraph operator at Winfield, was down to the city last Wednesday evening, returning next morning.

W. H. Hon sold his farm near Constant this week for $50 per acre to a Mr. Fisher of Piqua, Ohio. The farm consists of 160 acres: 120 acres in cultivation and 40 in pasture.

Grand Commander J. F. McMullen and County Supt. A. H. Limerick were down from Winfield Thursday evening to attend a meeting of Creswell Legion No. 15 A. O. U. W.

Our post of the G. A. R. purchased a fine U. S. flag last week. The purchase money was a part of the $40 received as a price for the largest increase in membership for the last quarter of last year.

The Baptist Sewing Circle of Arkansas City, this week, issued invitations to persons at Winfield and at home, to a social gathering to be held Friday, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Snyder. Many, both from Winfield and at home, responded to the invitation. From Winfield were: Rev. Cairns and wife, Mr. Johnson and wife, E. H. Bliss and wife, Mr. Johnson and wife, E. H. Bliss and wife, Mr. Hickok and wife, Mr. Gilbert and wife, Mr. Hunt and wife, Mr. Silliman and wife, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Brandon, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Watt [? INK OBSCURED WORD?], Mrs. Shearer, Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Herpich, Mrs. Capt. Whiting, Mrs. Will Whiting, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Dressy, Mrs. Phenix, Misses C. Bliss and Tyner. Twelve came from Winfield in the bus, and the remainder in carriages. They expressed themselves as very much pleased with the appearance of our city.


A man stopped his paper because in addressing it, we got one letter of his name wrong. Some people would kick if they were to be hung.

Arrangements are being completed and by the time this paper reaches its readers, Dexter will, in all probability, have a town company. Lots will be on sale in a week or ten days.

W. E. Merydith, R. Hite, A. B. Elliott, and several others visited Winfield this week. They say the Pride of Cowley County is enjoying a boom, and that her businessmen are wide-awake. We would like to see Winfield a city of 50,000 inhabitants.

The value of advertising was strongly exemplified at this place last week. We published an item calling for wood. The paper was issued Friday noon, and Saturday morning a load of wood was at our door. There's no use talkinga liberal investment in printer's ink is sure to pay.

Judge W. A. Tipton has sold his Hopkins, Missouri, Herald, and returned to Winfield. We regret to see the Judge laying aside the harness of the journalist, but gladly welcome him back to Cowley, the finest county the sun ever shone upon. Personally we are unacquainted with Judge Tipton, but we admire his bold style as a writer, and cordially extend the right hand of fellowship as we congratulate him upon his return to "God's country."


The click of the corn planter is heard all over the land and a large acreage is being planted.

W. A. Redding left for the west Monday. He will visit the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico.

Mr. C. B. Wescott, formerly of Dexter, has rented the Cambridge House and took possession last Monday.

If you don't think this county is improving, take a ride out of town a few miles on almost any road and note the new houses.

G. B. Shaw & Co. have decided to put in a full stock of lumber at Torrance and have on the road a complete stock such as is usually kept in first-class yards.

I. H. Boggs sold his 80 acre tract of land south of town, to a Mr. York, of Missouri, for $1,200. This same piece of land with the same improvements could have been bought last December for $600. Who says Cowley County is not booming?

Mr. John Stearns, whose departure was noticed in the News a few weeks ago, returned last Tuesday evening from his visit to North Vernon, Indiana, having been telegraphed that his wife was very ill. John found it so muddy there that it was impossible to travel except by rail or on foot. The farmers have not yet begun plowing for corn, and John is better satisfied than ever, with Kansas.


We understand the Winfield boys want to play our men another game of base ball soon.

Fishing parties are the rage now, and those who have more time than anything else to dispose of walk gaily to the Arkansas River dam, patiently fondle the waters for a few hours, and come back home under the protecting care of darkness, with the usual fisherman's luck.

The fire of last week powerfully urges the necessity of an efficient system of water works in the city. The supply of water upon an emergency of this kind is conspicuous by its absence and in the case of the above fire it was only by the merest luck in the way of location and direction of the wind that prevented an appalling destruction of property.

If our people were only aware of it, one of the finest drives in the state could be made between this city and the Indian school five miles south. It is a common remark of strangers visiting Arkansas City that in addition to our fine location, thriving business, etc., we are surrounded by many points of interest to tourists, and should take pride in keeping the roads thereto in good condition. We believe if the proper efforts were made, the road leading to the Territory could be made good and solid. Of course, it will take some time and much work, but if done in a business like mannermaking it perfect in sections, instead of stringing out work and money all over it at one time, to little or no goodwe believe it will prove a paying investment for the city, township, and all concerned. There is no more beautiful country in Kansas than that lying on either side of the Territory road, and a more popular driveway could not be found.


Wellington is organizing a brass band. So's Oxford!

The prospects for an immense peach crop are very flattering at present.

Corn planting is in full blast. Some farmers have finished, and a few have commenced cultivating.

The river surveyors unceremoniously cut through the mill dam, to take their boats through, damaging it to the amount of about $300.

Among the things we would like to see are some better sidewalks and street crossings, a few more trees planted, and that "duck pond" drained.

Miss Flora Sherburn leaves tonight for Wellington, where she takes a position as assistant to Miss Lida Herrick in the Kindergarten, which will be opened on next Monday.

Dr. W. E. Middleton of this city has in his possession a gourd which grew in Virginia in 1771. The gourd was used by Mr. Middleton's grandfather for a powder horn, and the Dr. tells us that he has made arrangements whereby it may still be perpetuated.

Two boats, carrying about twenty-two government surveyors, are anchored about a mile north of the bridge. The object, they say, is to straighten the river if possible, but it seems that the government has taken this mode to use the money appropriated for the improvement of the Arkansas River. This is the third time they have surveyed the river and nothing of any importance has been done.


Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

J. M. Buckles and J. E. Copeland are now ready to dig and wall wells or repair old ones at moderate terms and on short notice. Leave orders at Pixley's store.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

I have sold my grocery business to Poindexter & Windsor and am closing up old scores. All persons indebted to me will please call at once and pay up. J. L. HODGES.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Union Pacific has reduced salaries.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The interior department reports extensive frauds in the methods of acquiring title to public lands by certain foreign corporations.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Judge Torrance, of Winfield, has lately been mentioned as a prominent candidate for the Republican nomination for associate justice of the supreme court. The judge is not well- known in this part of the state, but he has many friends in the western portion of Southern Kansas, in the region known as the Great Arkansas Valley. He is highly spoken of as a man of ability and integrity. Girard Press.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

GRACIOUS! The Standard Oil Co. is mad as a wet hen, about the cyclone hailing nippers that nipped twenty-five miles of their barbed wire fence smack smooth off. And to nip the nippers and hope to nip their coupons $500 each, and have their hopes nipped by Hallowell telling them he had no redress for themthat they were trespassers as well as the cyclone nippers. Oklahoma War Chief.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

A Star's Harper, Kansas, special says:

A report is received from Medicine Lodge that the four bank robbers were captured and placed in jail, and that a mob broke in and shot one to death, and took the other three out and hanged them. Payne, the bank president, is dying.

A Journal Harper, Kansas, special says:

Swift retribution has overtaken the Medicine Lodge murderers and robbers. The posse in pursuit came up with the robbers three miles from town, captured them after a brief struggle, and brought them back to town and lodged them in the calaboose. A crowd gathered last night and attacked the building. One of the robbers opened fire, whereupon the crowd riddled him with bullets. The remaining three were then taken out, conducted to the edge of the town, and hung. The excitement of the crowd was intense. They refused to listen to the officers, who endeavored to quiet them. One of the prisoners begged for mercy, but the others died game.

The excitement increased when it was found two of the robbers were Henry Brown and Ben Wheeler, marshal and assistant marshal of Caldwell. The other two were Jno. Wesley and Bill Smith, cowboys from the "T. 5." range. All the men were well known here.

Mr. Payne is reported dying. The bullet entered his breast over the heart, and came out below the shoulder blade. Gephart was first shot in the back and then shot in the forehead. He died instantly.

Several persons from here visited Medicine Lodge Thursday, the scene of Wednesday's tragedy. The robbers, it appears, approached the bank during the rain storm, waited until the president and cashier were alone, and then entered the building. Soon after the shooting commenced the citizens began to gather, and when the robbers fled, they were pursued by 100 men. The robbers took a stand among the sand hills three miles from town and held out until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when they surrendered.

They were taken back and jailed for the night, when a crowd attacked the jail and overpowered the guard. Brown opened fire and was at once shot to death. The others, before being strung up, preserved a calm demeanor except one, who broke down and implored mercy. They denied nothing, had no statement to make, and speedily expiated their crime.

Brown was a well known desperado, one of the best shots in the state. Medicine Lodge is situated in southwestern Kansas near the line of the Indian Territory.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884. Judge Torrance is a candidate for the supreme bench, for the seat vacated by Judge Brewer. Torrance has many friends in Butler County who would be pleased to see him successful in this ambition. He is in every way worthy and well qualified for the place. Those in Butler County who have grudges against him are not likely to attempt getting even now. TimesButler County.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Following is a complete list of the delegates to Chicago, and the Presidential electors that have been chosen in this state.

Delegates at Large: Senator P. B. Plumb, Hon. James S. Merritt, John G. Wood of Sumner County, and A. W. Mann of Jewell County.

Third District: Col. J. R. Hallowell, of Columbus; and Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Winfield.


Presidential Electors, at large: Col. Jno. M. Rice, of Fort Scott, and D. A. Valentine, of Clay Centre.

Third District: Dr. Dennison, of Osage Mission.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Oklahoma Boom Busted.
Late advices from the Indian Territory say that Capt. Carroll and Lieuts. Stevens and Day, of the Ninth Cavalry, have arrested some fifty Oklahoma boomers during the past week, and that arrests will be made until Oklahoma is cleared of intruders. Those who have not been in the Territory before will be escorted across the line and warned not to return, but those whose presence this time is a second offense will be taken to Fort Reno, and prosecuted before the United States Court at Fort Smith.

The Oklahoma colonists (whose expedition from Kansas City failed last year), reorganized and is under the leadership of Capt. B. S. Walden, for a similar purpose to that of last year. Another meeting will be held next week. There was quite a large attendance.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

On a government map which we got from the Interior Department at Washington a few weeks ago, and which is named and figured under the direction of Secretary Teller, Commissioners Price and McFarland, are the following described leases in the west part of Oklahoma.

No. 1. E. Fenlon: 564,480 acres.

No. 2. W. E. Mallaly: 564,480 acres.

No. 3. H. B. Denman: 575,000 acres.

No. 4. S. S. Morrison: 138,240 acres.

No. 5. L. M. Brigs: 317,719 acres.

No. 6. A. G. Evans: 456,960 acres.

No. 7. R. D. Finter: 500,000 acres.

TOTAL: 3,117,880 ACRES.

Spell that out! Three millions, one hundred and seventeen thousand, eight hundred and eighty acres! Divide it up into 160 farms: Just 19,486 farms, with 120 acres left for a Soldier's Home; on each farm a husband, wife, and three children would be, say; or, in round numbers, a thriving, industrious population of 100,000 producers! And this vast domain leased to seven cattle-kings! War Chief.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Dave Payne has been doing a great deal of blowing because of a pretended anxiety to get a hearing before the United States courts. He frequently declared that the courts were dodging the issue. Las week his case was called before Judge Foster at Topeka. The government announced its readiness, but Mr. Payne's attorney moved to quash. It disgusted his friends. The Commonwealth says:

"Mr Payne's attorney moved to quash the indictment, whereupon Col. Hallowell, the United States district attorney, took occasion to get in his work, by making a lively and red- hot speech. He charged the defendant with having been going around over the country vilifying himself and the country, by falsely stating that they dare not let the case come to a trial. This he denied most emphatically, and declared his readiness and anxiety to proceed with the trial at once. Learning that Judge Foster would certify the case up to the United States circuit court, Mr. Payne's counsel withdrew their motion to quash, and the case was sent up."


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Some weeks ago a suggestion came from Emporia that the members of the bar in the southwestern part of the state meet in convention to take action in relation to obtaining a member of the Supreme Court from southwest Kansas. Subsequently a meeting of a few lawyers was held at Wichita, who appointed C. N. Sterry, of Emporia, and G. H. Ruggles, of Wichita, and M. W. Sutton, of Dodge City, a committee to determine the time and place of such convention and the representation thereto. The said committee have called such convention to meet at Wichita June 117gh, each county to send as many delegates as it pleases, the convention to determine the number of votes each county shall cast.

The call is too indefinite and probably but few will take notice of it. In the first place, it does not explain what is meant by the "Southwestern part and if so, why not Topeka? And if Topeka, why not Leavenworth? If you draw a line from the southeast corner of the state to the northwest corner, that portion of the state northeast of that line could hardly be said to be in the southwestern part of the state and yet Emporia would be fifty miles northeast of that line and pretty well toward the center of the northeastern part. If again you draw a line parallel with the first at such distance to the northeast of it as to equally divide the state into four equal portions by meridian lines, Emporia will be found in the extreme eastern quarter and within thirty-five miles of its center.

However, if Emporia, Topeka, and other places in the northeast, are willing to unite with us in filling the vacant place on the supreme bench from the southwest, we shall be glad of their assistance, but we would like to know what they mean by "the southwestern part."


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

A daring attempt was made to rob the Medicine Valley bank of Medicine Lodge last Wednesday in which the cashier was killed and the President fatally wounded. At 10 o'clock that morning four men, armed with Winchester repeating rifles and revolvers, rode up to the bank, two remaining with the horses while the others entered the bank and demanded the money. E. W. Payne, president, and Geo. G. Gephart, cashier, were in the bank. They refused to comply with the demand and were fired upon with the result above stated.

The city marshal just then appeared and opened fire upon the men outside. The citizens gathered rapidly, and the robbers seeing the game was up, quickly mounted and galloped away, without having secured any booty. Within ten minutes thirty men were in hot pursuit and the chances are that the robbers will be captured and summarily dealt with. There is no clue to their identity. Mr. Gephart was a promising businessman while Mr. Payne is editor of the Index, and a wealthy, influential stockman.

Swift and merited justice followed the robbers and assassins at Medicine Lodge, Kansas. We will venture the prophecy that it will be some time before another attempt is made to rob a bank in the border counties of Kansas. In places that boast of a higher order of civilization, the work will continue, for the courts dispense justice in those localities.

The rule of the mob is fearful, and not to be countenanced, but people cannot avoid help contrasting the justice awarded the Medicine Lodge murderers with that too frequently awarded in the regular courts, where the arms of the law are most powerful.

The killing of the four murderers at Medicine Lodge cannot bring back the lives of the brave men who were killed defending the property of their patrons, but will go far toward preventing future attempts to rob and kill.

We know of other localities where similar vigilance and activity on the part of citizens would have put an end to long careers of crime and saved lives, property, and honor. It would not have been necessary to take summary vengeance; the capture of the criminal would have been sufficient.

We must say that between allowing robbers and murderers to go free and continue their depredations, and hanging them to the nearest tree, that the latter is preferable. People in remote localities must have protection for their lives and property, and they are compelled to take such means as will surely serve that end. In the present instance the provocation was intolerable, and we are not surprised that revenge was taken without waiting the slow process of the law. People with money in Kansas banks have reason to feel that it will be protected while the people have the power to act. K. C. Journal.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

It is estimated that the Illinois Central railroad handles a million trunks in six months, unhandling not less than a quarter of them. It is a great trunk line. Chicago News.

The Rock Island chair cars, which will be put on May 1st, will run to Topeka via the Santa Fe, returning to Atchison at 5:20 in the evening, and departing for Chicago ten minutes later. Atchison Globe.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

General Passenger Agent White has fixed the A., T. & S. F. round trip rate from the Missouri River to Las Vegas Hot Springs at thirty-seven dollars. On May 15th an additional reduction will take effect, making the round trip fare $32, and giving all through tourists the privilege of stopping at Santa Fe without extra charge.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Markets.

Eggs 10 cents, Butter, 15 cents, Chickens, live, 5 ½ cents per lb. or $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen; Turkeys, 10 cents per lb. or $12.00 to $24.00 per dozen. Potatoes 50 cents; Hogs $4.60 to $4.80 per cwt.; Corn 35 cents per bushel and wheat 90 cents.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

We are glad to learn that Kimear has engaged one of the finest tinners in the state to take charge of his new shop. He starts right.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Flower Queen at the Opera House Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week, for the benefit of the new Reading Room. Admission, 35 cents; reserved seats 50 cents.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

J. S. Lyon & Co. wishes to inform the public they are ready to fit up stores and dwelling houses with gas pipes at reasonable rates. Office and shop at Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

A civil case before Justice Buckman Monday, involving sixteen dollars, so tangled up the jury that they hung a part of the afternoon, all night, and were discharged Tuesday morning, being unable to render a verdict.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Arkansas City Democrat says that a rise in the Arkansas River caused a wash-out at the head gates of the canal last Sunday, doing considerable damage to the race. About a hundred men have been at work since Sunday morning, but the break has not been fully repaired yet.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Sheriff McIntire found Charlie Fisher, who took leg bail from the jail some time ago, at Wichita last week, brought him back, and he again languishes in the bastille. He is in the toils for selling a mortgaged team and for contempt of court in not appearing as a witness in an Arkansas City whiskey prosecution.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

One of the most entertaining Cantatas extant will be presented at the Opera House on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week by about forty of the young misses of the city, under the management of Mrs. E. D. Garlick, the proceeds to go for the opening of the Young People's Public Reading Room.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Certificates of wedded bliss have been granted by Judge Gans during the past week as follows...MARRIAGE LICENSES:

Frank A. Onstott and Leva A. Hubbord [?Hubbard?].

E. Y. McGinnis and Lucy A. Rawlston.

Geo. W. Quinston and Ida B. Tyler.

O. B. Mason and Clara A. Hickman.

J. P. Deshan and Lucinda Lawrence.

John C. Curry and Ella E. Bosley.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

As the summer approaches, Messrs. Horning & Whitney are having a big run on the lately improved "New Jewel" Gasoline stove. They do away with the worry, heat, and inconveniences of the common cook stove and are cheap, safe, and economical. Every housekeeper should call at the hardware establishment of Horning & Whitney and examine them.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

District court opened Tuesday morning. The criminal docket was called and Francis Marston plead guilty to grand larceny, in breaking into a Santa Fe car at Arkansas City some time ago and taking numerous articles of merchandise, and was sentenced to a year in the "pen."

The Manny case was called for Wednesday afternoon and a special venire issued.

The Court gave Wm. H. Colgate a final discharge from the arson case pending against him, in compliance with the decision of the supreme court.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. John C. Curry and Miss Ella E. Bosley were married last Thursday evening at the home of the bride in this city. Miss Bosley has been a member of the COURIER typographical force for nearly four years and leaves a vacancy which will indeed be hard to fill. Intelligent, independent, and energetic, she will preside over a home in a manner which will bring the greatest happiness and prosperity. Among many accomplishments, she is a lady of much literary merit, and her short and serial stories, which have appeared in this paper from time to time, have been read with great interest and received many praises. In leaving the art preservative for the queenship of a household, the best wishes of the COURIER and its employees, one and all, attend her, with the wish that the halcyon days of the present may be the true precursor of those to follow, and that no shadow of darkness may ever flit across her pathway. Mr. Curry is a substantial, genial, and intelligent manjust such an one as is worthy such a valuable prize in the lottery of life. The best wishes of many friends are anchored with the matrimonial ship of the happy couple.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Woman's Suffrage Association of Winfield are maturing plans for a grand mass convention of the Woman's Suffragists of the state in this city in June. Mrs. Helen M. Gougar will be here and address the people in the Park on Sunday afternoon, June 7th, and in the Opera House on the following Monday evening. Arrangements are being made to entertain all who attend from abroad. This mass convention will be followed, June 23rd to 26th, by a state convention in Topeka for the organization of a state society.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The lecture of the celebrated Anna Dickenson, on "Joan of Ark," at the Opera House last Friday evening was certainly the most perfect in point of language, construction, and delivery ever given by a lady before a Winfield audience, and was attended by a large number of our most intelligent people. She carried through the story of the greatest woman the world ever saw in a manner intensely interesting and thrilling.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Officers from Fort Reno, Indian Territory, recently took charge of all the wagons of a party of Emporians, who were en route to Oklahoma. They were looking for whiskey, and found a keg of it in one of the wagons. Even if Uncle Sam does allow the settlers to go to Oklahoma, he will not allow ex-saloon keepers from Kansas to resume business across the line.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Sheriff McIntire brought in from Missouri, Tuesday, J. C. Beason, who was arrested and got away from the officers, last October, for relieving a letter of considerable sum entrusted to his care as hack driver from Arkansas City to Geuda. He had married a well-to-do widow in southern Missouri and was farming. The Sheriff gave him a complete surprise.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Board of Trade of Beatrice, Nebraska, has granted a contract to Frank Barclay for the construction of gas works in that place. He also has a five thousand dollar contract for piping a new bank at Beatrice and another gas works contract in Hastings, Nebraska. He left Monday morning to commence operations on these jobs.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

We publish this week an original poem from the pen of Mrs. R. D. Jacobus of Maple Township, this county. It exhibits rare merit both in subject and construction. The lady is certainly possessed of unusual literary ability and the COURIER hopes to receive many contributions from her pen. [DID NOT TYPE UP POEM.]


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The County Commissioners held a special meeting last Friday at which they purchased for a county poor farm the Joe Mack place, two miles southeast of the city; consideration $7,500. The Board gets possession for building purposes immediately, and entire possession the first of September.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. L. M. Williams from Connecticut, who recently purchased the Johnson & Lockwood Drug Store, took possession this week. He is a pleasant gentleman, thoroughly acquainted with the business, and will find no trouble in getting his share of the public patronage.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Sheriff McIntire took in Saturday a couple of horse thieves who had stolen several livery teams at Box City, Missouri. About five hundred dollars was found on their persons. They are in the lock-up awaiting the arrival of the Missouri authorities.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Quarterly meeting at the United Brethern church in this city next Saturday and Sunday, May 10th and 11th. The Presiding Elder, Rev. P. B. Lee, will officiate. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the services.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

MARRIED. Married on Wednesday, April 30th, 1884, at the residence of F. W. McClellan of Winfield, by the Rev. W. R. Kirkwood, D. D., Mr. Frank S. Weed, of Russell, and Miss Mollie E. McClellan of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

A curiosity in nature was on the street Saturday. It was a mule with a colt. The little fellow was a sort of half horse, the only thing mulish about it being its ears.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church are re-carpeting the aisles of the church, for which they last week bought a large bill of fine carpet of A. E. Baird.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society will meet at the church on Thursday at 1:30 pm.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The City "Dads" in Session.

The regular meeting of the City Council occurred Monday evening.

Ordinance No. 188, providing for the extension of water mains, was adopted; also sidewalk ordinance No. 189; Ordinance No. 190 amending Ordinance No. 152, fixing the salary of City Marshal and street Commissioner at fifty-five dollars per month, and an Ordinance, No. 191, fixing the fees and salaries of certain officers.

Cal Ferguson was granted a building permit.

Application of A. H. Jennings for building permit was referred to Committee on Fire Department.

The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.

B. F. Herrod, salary for April, $45.00.

Jos. O'Hare, salary for April, $12.50.

G. H. Buckman, April salary and express, $10.65.

Jas. McLain, salary as night watch for April, $60.00.

J. C. McMullen, rent of Fire Department building for April, $25.00.

E. F. Sears, crossing, etc., $28.00.

B. F. Herrod, hauling dogs, etc., $4.50.

John H. Rice & Son, Police judges docket, $11.00.

Black & Rembaugh, printing, $26.75.

A. S. Thomas, copies of papers in U. S. Court, $8.65.

D. L. Kretsinger, Fire Department repairs, $2.30.

Bill of J. B. Lynn, goods furnished pauper, recommended to County Commissioners for payment.

A committee of three, composed of Councilmen Hodges and McGuire and the City Marshal, was appointed to see about either building, or renting at less expense than the one now used, a permanent place for fire department apparatus.

The salary of nightwatch was reduced to $37.50 per month.

The city attorney was instructed to prepare a revision of the nuisance Ordinance.

Councilman Kretsinger tendered a written resignation as councilman from the Second Ward and it was accepted by the Council.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

From Tisdale Township. In Memorial.
DIED. Edward W. Young died Sunday morning, April 20, aged 21 years 1 month and 20 days. When the word came that our fiend and school-mate was dead, gloom and sadness filled our hearts. Only a few days before he had been with us so happy and full of life that once can scarcely realize that he is gone and while the sorrowing family feel that their family has been broken, we, too, feel that we shall miss him when we meet. He was of that kind, jovial disposition that made many friends with old and young. He seemed strongly attached to home and in his delirium was calling on his companions and passing kind, pleasant words with all. He did not seem conscious of suffering and when the end came, peacefully and quietly passed away. A placid smile was on his features and even in death he looked so pleasant. Kind friends came to offer words of sympathy and everything that kind and loving hands could do was done. As I stepped into the parlor draped in mourning and saw the form of our friend in the casket so cold, in death, I could but feel that the way of the Lord was mysterious. Rev. Kelly, of Winfield, made very fitting remarks, most especially his advice to the companions of the deceased. The choir from Winfield sung beautifully, the selections were very appropriate, and as the notes of the organ died away we could but feel how sweet and full of sympathy. Four young gentlemen and four young ladies were the selected pall bearers, although the day was chilly, the house was filled early Tuesday morning for then we were to pay our last tribute of love and respect to our school-mate. Friends came from Winfield with floral offering. The deceased had been in poor health for a number of years, having at different times severe attacks of asthma, but none thought the disease would terminate so quickly. We laid him in a pleasant spot in the Winfield cemetery where he is "at rest." Our sympathy goes out for the absent sister when on her return she will find a vacant chair.

We may not know

What lies beyond the impenetrable wall

Whose portals close

Behind our loved ones, when the funeral pall

Its even shadow throws

Upon our hearts. Till we too go

We cannot tell

If they are or are not,

We only trust 'tis well. SCHOOL-MATE.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Sheriff McIntire arrested a horse thief on suspicion yesterday, on the street, and in going to the jail the fellow started to gain freedom by hoofing it pretty rapidly. The Sheriff drew a revolver, supposing of course it was loaded, but the fellow immediately recognized the weapon as his own and its inefficiency, and began to run the harder. It was snapped at him once or twice, when McIntire whipped out his own and began firing at the fellow, who had, by that time, got out of range. As we go to press, the Sheriff is still in hot pursuit.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The COURIER job office has turned out this week a neat four page real estate bulletin for the Southwestern Land Office of this city, descriptive of the firm's business and Cowley County. Messrs. Harris & Willson are gaining an enviable reputation as real estate brokers and their sales are very heavy. Courteous and honorable dealing, together with judicious advertising, always have their reward.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The firm of A. T. Spotswood & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by A. T. Spotswood, who has assumed all liabilities and is alone authorized to collect all debts due the firm. A. T. SPOTSWOOD, R. L. BILLINGSLEY.

April 24th.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Assessor Thompson has sent in the assessment rolls of Walnut Township, showing an increase in population for the past year of one hundred and eighty-nine; total taxable real estate $168,507, and the total wheat acreage 1,927.

[J. S. LYNN & CO.]

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

J. S. Lynn & Co. will keep a complete stock of gas Chandeliers, gas Burners, Globes, etc. Office and shop at Horning & Whitney's.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Frank J. Hess was up from the Terminus Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Rev. Fleming, of Arkansas City, was in town Monday.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Capt. Will Higgins was in the city on business Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mrs. George T. Walton, of Burden, spent Tuesday in the city.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

W. P. Hackney has moved into his new office opposite the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Cal. Ferguson has re-floored his livery barn and constructed a neater and more roomy office.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Addison Brown left Monday for a month's vacation in Lawrence and other parts of the state.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Uncle John Wallace, of Dexter Township, came over this week to look into District Court matters.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mrs. J. P. Baden and children are visiting relations in Missouri, and J. P. is lonely and "batching it."

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Miss Ella Rounds returned last week from Lawrence, where she has been attending the state university.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. A. T. Spotswood spent a part of last week in St. Louis, on business connected with his grocery establishment.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. Carl Farewell, who has clerked for J. S. Mann for some time past, returned to his home, Decatur, Illinois, last Monday.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

We received a pleasant call from Mr. W. A. Martin, of the Oxford Register, Tuesday. He reports the Register prospering.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mrs. A. B. Sykes, wife of our foreman, left Saturday with her children for a few weeks visit with relatives in Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Dr. C. E. Pugh, late of Kentucky, and a graduate of the Medical College of Ohio, has associated himself with Dr. W. T. Wright.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

H. F. Hicks, postmaster of Cambridge and one of the proprietors of the News, was perambulating our streets one day last week.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. J. H. Saunders and family, after spending the winter in Winfield, have removed to their farm, six miles east of the city.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. Fred Blackman, the popular young operator at the Santa Fe depot, was called to New York Monday by the dangerous illness of a relative.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Rev. Dale, of Clarkson, Tennessee, who is visiting Kansas on a protective tour, preached in the new Christian Church last Sunday morning and evening.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Miss Mary Gable, of much fame as an elocutionist, is about to organize a school of elocution in this city. She is a lady of much talent in her profession.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Dr. Kirkwood, in the absence of a regular minister, filled the Presbyterian pulpit of Newton last Sunday, and no Presbyterian services were held in this city.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. Edgar Brain, editor of the Argonia, Sumner County, Clipper, and Dr. H. F. Winn came in from Argonia Tuesday morning and spent a day or two in the city.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Revs. S. B. Fleming and J. O. Campbell, of Arkansas City, attended the executive meeting of the County Temperance Organization held in this city last Friday.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Col. Alexander brings the news of the dangerous illness of Mrs. John Swain, at her home in Florida. He says he would not be surprised at any time to hear of her death.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Rev. J. H. Snyder has removed to his suburban home on the west bank of the Walnut River overlooking the city. It is a delightful location and will make a most pleasant home.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Prof. C. Marsh, who has been sojourning in Winfield for some weeks past, left Tuesday for Humboldt. His genial ways made him many warm friends during his short stay among us.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mrs. Ed. Appling accidentally fell between the S. K. depot platform and the passenger train Saturday night and received some bruises and a very narrow escape from serious injury.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. John Drury was up from Maple City Tuesday. He is handling real estate and has some very fine places in his hands for sale. That part of the county is improving very rapidly.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mrs. Sabra Cole, of Illinois, is visiting her brother, N. R. Wilson, of Walnut. This is her first trip to Kansas and she is so well satisfied with it that she hopes to make Cowley her future home.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Col. Manning returned to his home in Washington Tuesday, after spending a week with his many friends here. He was highly pleased with the general prosperity of Winfield and Cowley.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Dr. H. Neligh, of Tiffany, Ohio, nephew of Mrs. D. Berkey, was visiting in this city last week. He was delighted with our city and county and thinks of locating in Winfield in his profession, dentistry.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Ed. Bedilion sent $50 to pay his year's subscription to the Youths Companion and $.50 to the land office to pay for entering a quarter section of land. The land office has been heard fromthe Y. C. not.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

W. W. Painter exhibits a kitten which is a wonderful freak of nature. It has two heads, two tails, four ears, and eight legs, and was born dead. It is a sort of a double single cat. He will preserve it in alcohol.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Dr. A. F. Henry, who was thrown from a buggy some time ago and had his hip bone broken, is now able to walk around home some, though it will still be a long time before he can resume his profession.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Col. Loomis returned to the Queen City last week after a six months' absence in New York, looking as corpulent and happy as ever. He thinks the improvement in the city during his absence has been wonderful.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Rev. C. H. Canfield, formerly rector of the Winfield Episcopal Church, spent last week visiting in the city and on last Sunday preached to his old parishioners. He now has charge of the Ellinwood and Hutchinson churches.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Rev. B. Kelly went to Wichita Monday to look into the recent incendiary disturbances there. He reports twelve thousand dollars, in addition to the eight thousand insurance, already raised for the rebuilding of the Methodist Church.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mrs. M. G. Troup, of Winfield, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stivers of this city, was suddenly called home last Saturday by a telegram to the effect that her husband was seriously ill of pleurisy of the lungs. Fredonia Times.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Dr. S. Wilkins and Mr. N. Brooks, vice-presidents for the Northeast district of the County Temperance Organization, were in the city last Friday attending an executive meeting of this organization and made us a pleasant call.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. M. C. Cavenaugh, for some months past operator of the S. K. depot at this place, left Monday morning to take a position in the office at Chanute. His place is filled by Mr. M. H. Wood, from Olathe. "Mike" made many warm friends, socially and otherwise, during his stay in Winfield, who all regret his departure.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Please accommodate a subscriber of your paper by inserting the following.

"Miss Trezise closed her six months' term of school at Redd Valley on last Thursday evening with a grand exhibition.

"This is the second winter Miss Trezise has taught at Redd Valley. She has proved herself a very efficient teacher, giving good satisfaction to parents and pupils.

We cannot speak in too high terms of Miss Trezise as a teacher, and her exhibition last Thursday evening was a grand success. I doubt if a more perfect one could be produced by any school in Kansas. It was got up in good style, the house was crowded, and a great many left for want of room.

"Following is the programme, should you feel inclined to publish."

Song: School.

Rec'n Painter of Seville: A. Sallee.

Rec'n Darius Green: Z. Easterday.

SongWhen the mists have cleared away: Misses Derose.

Rec'n Address to young men: Wm. Tousley.

Phrenology: Tousley and Easterday.

Archie Dean: A. Sallee.

Famine: E. Race.

Wandering Refugee: Misses Race and Barricklow.

Plaint Truth: R. Derose.


Chewing Tobacco: A. Holliday.

Experience of Courting: J. Barricklow.

Widder Jones: E. Race.

Thomas Cat: J. Chrisman.

Violin Solo: G. Hunt.

Tom Twist: Z. Derose.

Lord Nolen's Daughter: A. Sallee.

SongLittle Pigee: A. Holliday.

Tableaux: Misses Derose.

Entertaining big sister's Beau: Z. Easterday.

Barbara Freitchie: J. Derose.

Cat without an Owner: Barricklow, Sallee, Duncan, Derose.

SongMelican Man: J. Chrisman.

Quartette: Misses Trezise & Barricklow; Messrs. J. & G. Barricklow.

Gumtown Lyceum.

Little Fishes: Shiller.

Before and after Marriage: Misses Derose, Messrs. Easterday & Hunt.

Stump Speech: C. Seacat.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

When anyone wants to know how to boost a progressive measure through lively, point him to the Railroad election of Chautauqua County, and say to him: "Just tho-t-a-way."

DIED. Died recently: Mrs. Wade, age 92; Mr. Hunt, aged 50; C. C. Tompkins, age 50. The latter was a soldier. The smell of powder had left him, as did the great nation vicissitude which called him to the field. The clash and roar had gone from the ear of that old man who had come with a splendid record from a score of battlefields. The picture of battle line and camp fire may not have been so clear to him as to men with younger arms and steadier steps. But the beauty of the stars and stripes was as precious and clear to his old eyes as ever. And the patriotic throb came again to his old heart as strong and deep, as when in the flush of early manhood. He bore with pleasure the weight of his country's battle. Farewell to another veteran, his heroism may be called to grace a higher field of labor. JASPER.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jenkins are doing a thriving mercantile business with a prosperous future before them.

Mr. Amos Henthorn's apple orchard is in full bloom and the prospects are that he will have an abundant crop of apples.

Having been several times requested to report the doings of this vicinity to your paper, and having noticed that Omnia has not been represented through your columns for some time, I shall venture to send a few items.

Mr. Wm. Gillard has returned from his Washington Territory Tour, just in time to lend his aid to the Railroad project. Mr. Gillard is a gentleman that commands the respect and good will of all our citizens irrespective of party.

Some of our Carolina neighbors are indignant over the description given by Mrs. Mansfield of the habits of Carolina people. They think she described the coast people, and that it should not be applied to the state in general. We too were born in the North, but are quite sure we never met more energetic, enterprising, or pleasant people than some of those that come from the South. [DID NOT TYPE UP MANSFIELD COMMENTS...SHE REALLY GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH CRITICISM!]

Permit me to say for the benefit of your readers in distant states that are interested here, that this portion of Drouthy Kansas is at the present writing, covered with water and still raining. The spring rather cold and backward, but not as much so as in other places from what we hear. Mother earth is at last clothed in a coat of green, and the herds are roaming over the prairies. The timely rains have made everything lovely, and farmers are jubilant over the prospects of another crop.

The citizens of Omnia Township held a Railroad meeting at Baltimore on Monday night, a petition was presented for a call for an election to vote Bonds to aid in building the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad across the Township. The petition was referred to a committee to obtain the necessary signatures, and report to the County Commissioners. Our people think it unfair that so much aid should be voted by the county and they compelled to help themselves to a Railroad or do worse (that is, do without). However, our people are alive to their own interests, and energetic enough to help themselves to any enterprise they may undertake. AUNT FRY.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Corn is up and looking fine.

Spring house-cleaning is at hand.

We have had several fine showers of late, which were thankfully received by the farmers.

BIRTH. A little son made its advent into the family of Eben Hayden last week. We extend congratulations.

The recent frosts did not injure the fruit to any great extent, and appearances seem to indicate a large crop.

Messrs. King and Woods have their pasture completed and stock enclosed therein.

J. H. Gilliland has also enclosed two hundred acres with posts and wire.

W. E. Ketcham has recently purchased a large organ upon which his daughter, Miss Sadie, discourses most excellent music. Our Sunday School also contemplates purchasing an organ soon.

We were again visited by a raging prairie fire on last Sabbath evening; there was no damage done, but Thomas Gilliland and family had a lively skirmish to save their barn and corn.

Our Sabbath school reorganized April 13th. The following officers were chosen:

W. E. Ketcham, Superintendent.

R. King, assistant Superintendent.

L. M. Gilliland, Librarian.

Sadie R. Ketcham, organist.

Lillie B. Gilliland, Secretary.

The enterprising people of our district have set our schoolhouse grounds with a large number of forest trees, which are making a fine growth and present a most beautiful appearance. JEMIMA.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The peaches are not killed here yet.

Pleasant weather for the first few days.

We have splendid grazing for the sheep now.

Mr. R. Gilkey done Arkansas City last week.

School closes at 98 (South View) on the 16th of May.

Ed. Hewins & Co. have the posts set around their monster pasture.

The showers of last week raised the drooping spirits of the farmers and stockmen of these parts.

Mr. Enos Goodrich is branching out in the mercantile line. He has lately put in a stock of dry goods.

A Mr. Stockwell has been perambulating around here for three or four weeks, selling and giving away bibles.

Leo Anthes says he did not run a race with that mule, but thinks he would have beaten the mule if he had run.

There is much sickness throughout the country here now, and Dr. Thompson is on the go almost day and night.

Joe Parvin made a flying trip to Bolton last week to see his best girl. Better bring her over with you next time, Joe.

Mr. John Drury has had quite an extensive trade in implements this spring, and among the rest he has sold several listers.

Mr. Ketcham, one of the oldest and must successful teachers in the country, is teaching a subscription school at this place.

The COURIER makes a much neater appearance in her new dress. Long may she wave.

Mr. Bob Howe has built a new house, and has the lumber and workmen on the ground to erect a livery and feed stable. You see we are putting on city airs.

The cold snap of last week was hard on the sheep men, from the fact that it is lambing time, and 80 percent of the lambs that came died.

The ladies throughout the country complain of the festive cotton-tail eating up all their gardens as fast as they make their appearance through the ground.

Mr. Ad. Thomas, who has long been a resident of this place, and who, by the way is one of the most estimable of young men, leaves this week for Colorado, his future home. We are sorry to see him go, but wish him success.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

I notice in the columns of your paper of last week the proceedings of a bridge meeting. I have talked with several of the taxpayers of this township on the subject, and am satisfied that this township would be in favor of the county buying the bridges already built by the several townships; and of building bridges in the future at the expense of the county instead of the townships. But it seems to me that it would be imprudent to hold a special election about the matter. The expense of an election of this county costs about $800. This is a trifle for a county so large and wealthy as Cowley, but it is worth saving; and I would suggest that we take a vote on that matter at the general election in November, and, instead of spending that amount to hold a special election, that it be appropriated to repair the bridges proposed to be bought.

While there may be no law authorizing appropriations by the county to repair bridges belonging to any township, I believe it would be generally approved from the fact that it is right that any bridge that is free for the use of everybody should be kept in repair at the expense of the public.Yours Truly, H. J. SANDFORT.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Judge Torrance, of Winfield, spent last Monday in this city. It is probable he will be a candidate for a place on the supreme bench at the next general election. We have known Mr. Torrance for many years. He is a man of the highest character and he has made a very strong record as judge of this district the past four years. Newton Republican.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Flower Queen Cantata Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week for the benefit of the Young People's Reading Room.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

W. B. Stivers and brother have opened a new restaurant in the old Monitor building on Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The lunch counter of [? CANNOT READ....LOOKS LIKE Wells??] & Bourdette, on Ninth Avenue, has been papered and fixed up very neat.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Mr. J. Holden and wife, of Holden, Missouri, are visiting with their son, N. B. Holden, of South Prairie.

Miss Hettie Haworth, of the northern part of this state, arrived here last week and is the guest of J. R. Haworth's family.

H. F. Hicks made a trip to Winfield this week. He came back with a bran new six dollar suit of clothes and says he paid the cash for them. He will have them on exhibition at the Post Office tomorrow.

Mr. S. M. Fall and wife left this morning for an extended visit in the eastern states. They will make a short stop in the eastern part of the state, and will then visit Eureka Springs, Arkansas. From there they will go to their old home, Wabash County, Indiana. They will visit Ohio and Illinois and Mr. Fall will be at the Chicago convention. They expect to be absent about six months.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

A sure road to wealth: Start a saloon in the midst of an Oklahoma colony.

Cap. Siverd was in our city yesterday on legal biz, and found us up in good shape. We are always glad to see Cap.

With the ice cream season fairly upon us, the young man without a girl shakes hands with himself and puts a dollar to his credit on Saturday night.

A glance at the men running this Oklahoma craze ought to be sufficient to convince a sensible man that it cannot amount to anything but loss to them.

Capt. Nipp last Monday sold out his entire livery stock and barn, only reserving his private team, to Mr. L. H. Braden of Illinois. The latter gentleman assumed control the same day.

The stone masons at work on the Commercial block requested last Saturday that they be allowed to quit work an hour earlier on Saturday. Mr. Hasie, who is superintending the work, was home and sick at the time, and in his absence the request was refused, whereupon the men quit work immediately. As soon as Mr. Hasie heard of it, the demand was conceded, and the masons resumed work Monday noon. It is to be hoped there will be no more trouble.

The periodic Oklahoma fever is now raging, and our city is full of men waiting to enter the promised land. A squad of them made a start some two weeks ago, and last Friday one of them came in town hungry, foot-sore, weary, bedraggled, and reported that they had met the enemy and were theirs. He made his escape by swimming the river, and came on to the state with dispatches for Payne and Gordon, but Uncle Sam's troops were entertaining the great body of Oklahomaites, and were looking very closely to the comfort of the invaders. After the returning pioneer had met the enterprising Gordon, editor of the War Chief, he changed his tune, and said everything was O. K., but his private opinion is that he has got enough of Oklahoma, and he wants to go home.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Arkansas River was up three feet above its usual height last week, but has now gone down again.

Ben W. Matlack was down from Winfield last Saturday and Sunday. He expects to finish his set of abstract books in about six weeks.

The contract for the Walnut River Bridge will be let May 24, and the bridge should be completed by the middle of July. A bridge would have been very convenient during the last week of high water.

The Free Methodist did not raise sufficient money to pay off the indebtedness on their church, and it was not dedicated last Sunday as was expected. Rev. E. Leonardson, of Emporia, was present, however, and preached morning and evening.

The requisite number off names were obtained to the petition for a special election to vote on the question of issuing bonds, of this township, to the Kansas City & Southwestern railroad for $35,000 of stock in said railroad and the county commissioners have called the election to be held Tuesday, the 3rd day of June, 1884.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

By receipt of a postal we learn that Miss Estelle Martin left Winfield last Friday for her old home, Roseby's Rock, West Virginia.

Oxford will soon have a telephone connection with Winfield, Wellington, Caldwell, Hunnewell, South Haven, Geuda Springs, and Arkansas City. The work on the line from Winfield to Wellington will be commenced in a few days. It is understood that a line will be built from Wellington to Belle Plaine during the summer, which will probably be extended to Wichita.

Two weeks ago a pony was stolen from Williard Crouch in Palestine Township and a few days after another horse disappeared from the stable of Geo. Spittler. Suspicion rested on Wm. Tackett, living across the Ninnescah, and on Tuesday he was arrested and taken to Mulvane for trial. He was guarded Wednesday night by two men who allowed him to go into another room to "wash his feet." Whether he got them washed or not is not known as he has not been seen since.

W. H. Merideth, who lives three miles southwest of this city, has been engaged the past week or two in digging a well. When down to the depth of thirty feet, he unearthed several pieces of bone, which had become petrified and preserved in their natural state as one of the curiosities of this age. Mr. Merideth has left a few pieces of the bone at this office, where they are now on exhibition. These articles taken from the earth at such an extreme depth are rather convincing evidences that the earth was one day visited by a terrible flood.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen will be instituted this (Friday) evening.

The wheat on the upland looks fully as well as that in the Valley. We believe that upland farms will, in time, be fully as valuable as those in the valley.

The engineers began at Chetopa on Thursday of last week and ran a line to Coffeyville. They then returned to Baxter Springs and located the line to Chetopa and Coffeyville. They started west from Coffeyville this week. The road is as sure as any road can be until after the rails have been laid.

Last Saturday we visited Winfield for the first time since coming to Kansas last September. We found one of the prettiest towns in the State: broad stretches shaded with forest trees; mile after mile of smooth stone walks; elegant buildings, both for business and residence purposes; and a wide-awake, genial, enterprising people. Located in one of the loveliest valleys in Kansas, Winfield only needs more railroad enterprises to make her a city of commercial importance. The prospect of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic has given an added impetus to the growth of the town and the young city is as speckled with new buildings as a guinea hen with spots. On every side can be heard the frequent demands for "more mort." we called on O'Meara & Randolph, the boot and shoe merchant princes of Winfield, found them up to their ears in business, yet finding time for a cordial handshake with the Eye optician, and a warm welcome to the "Pride of Cowley." Ed. P. Greer was seated in the COURIER den trying to convince an honest old yeoman that the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern would be the salvation of Winfield. Ed. is a jolly young fellow, reports the COURIER prosperous, although he did try to put up a job on a patent medicine man. Messrs. Black and Rembaugh, of the Telegram, gave the Eye optician a cordial welcome, assuring him that he should have the freedom of the city, and if necessary might be able to obtain a prescription in case he feared danger from snake bites. They say the Telegram is booming; their circulation is extending rapidly, and they are correspondingly elevated in their feelings. Their editorial rooms are as snug and cosy as a lady's boudoir, but the one thing that tends to destroy Charlie's peace of mind is to make the caligraph work just so-so. We left Winfield at four o'clock to return to our own Gem of the Valley, after having had a most enjoyable visit at our county's capital.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Material in this city for eight or ten "sets," and all from "the best society."

It is strange that some people profess to know so utterly much more than others who think their experience has taught them as much.

DIED. A very sad and sudden death occurred in Harvey last Sunday. Mr. Thomas Galley went to church at the Mt. Vernon schoolhouse, and feeling indisposed, went out, and was immediately attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs and died within an hour.

W. G. Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, comes out flat-footed, and says that while he has for years affiliated with the Democratic party, and papers, he wants it recorded that in future his vote will be with the Republican partythe party of progress. We welcome Bro. Seaver, and assure him that "while the lamp holds out to burn, the vilest sinner may return."

The S. K. railroad, before striking this county, passes through the flint hills for many miles, and the traveler strikes this county with a bad impression of the country. One day's ride over our fine upland, and a glance up and down our fertile valleys will dispel the bad impression. Cowley County, from Butler to the Indian Territory, from Elk and Chautauqua to the Arkansas River, is one vast unsurpassed body of valley and plainrich as the famous region of the river Nile.

Some fellow will come along some day with an eely tongue and a patent of some sort

a new-fangled washing machine, or an improved lightning-rod, or an excelsior post-hole digger, or some other thing equally wonderful. He will say his piece to you in sweet, rhythmic tones and look you in the eye with a saintly look, and compliment your undoubted intelligence, and he will try his best to make you believe he can put you on the highway to wealth and prosperity if you will only take stock in what he offers, and then he will produce a "contract" for you to sign. Don's sign it. Don't let him have your signature. That is what he wants. He is after your signature on paper. If he gets it, he will tear off some portion of that contract, add a word or two, perhaps, and sell your promissory note at a big discount. Sign no paper in the hands of a stranger. Don't do it under any circumstances. If one asks you to do so, take down your shot gun, call the dog, and tell that stranger to "git." Our word for it, he will vacate the premises as if he had suddenly discovered b bumble bee up his trouser's leg. And he will not call again. And you'll save yourself from being swindled. And that's all.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

LADIES! LADIES! Come out this Thursday and Friday. I shall make a special exhibit of the new Vertical Feed Sewing Machines. Come and see the work. Respectfully,


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I, W. H. Hudson, and Lenora P. Hudson, my wife, have forever separated. Cause: that mother-in-law of mine. This is to warn all persons from harboring or trusting either of them on my account as I will pay no debts of their contracted after this date. W. H. HUDSON.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Oxford and Wellington papers please copy. May 6, 1884.

I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at my old farm, ten miles northwest of Winfield, and three miles southwest of Seeley, on Tuesday, the 20th day of May, A. D. 1884, commencing at ten o'clock a.m., the following described personal property: 8 milch cows with calves by their sides, 2 two year old heifers, 1 two year old steer, 3 yearling heifers, 4 yearling steers, 1 fine yearling bull, 4 heavy brood sows, 18 fine shoats, 1 span heavy work horses, 1 set heavy harness, 1 lumber wagon, nearly new, 1 two horse corn cultivator. Terms, cash on all sums less than five dollars, bankable notes on six months time without interest will be taken on all sums over that amount. WM. H. WHITE.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

Oklahoma is not Legally Open for Settlement, but KINNEAR'S HARDWARE STORE ON EAST NINTH AVENUE is opening, and we advise all persons to call on him and get prices, and also get acquainted. A hearty welcome is extended to all.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

1000 Choice and Carefully Selected TEXAS PONIES FOR SALE.

Having been engaged for the past four years in this trade, I think that I know just what the people want, and now offer them the Best Lot of Ponies ever brought to this market, and at prices to suit the times. W. E. JONES, Baxter Springs, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

1874. OPENING THURSDAY & FRIDAY, MAY 8 & 9. 1884.

Elegant Patterns, French and American Hats and Bonnets.

And the latest Shades and Novelties in Millinery at FRIENDS TEMPLE OF MUSIC & FASHION. Torrance-Fuller Block, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

The Justly Famous KING PAINT. WARRANTED. Don't use lead and oil which chalks off in this climate in two years, when you can buy KING PAINT, which will last a life time. For sale by BROWN & SON, Druggists, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

For Pure Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS AND PERFUMERY, Go to L. M. WILLIAMS, Druggist, Winfield, Kansas.

(Successor to Johnston & Lockwood.)
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.


HOG CHOLERA POWDERS, Put up by the famous veterinarian, Dr. Jas. Haas. Sure cure for hog cholera. Also Dr. Haas' Colic & Epizootic Powders, for horses, and blackleg cure for cattle. Dr. Haas' skill as a veterinarian is world wide and these medicines are the results of a large experience in, and close study of, these common diseases of domestic animals. They are sure cure. For sale by BROWN & SON, Druggists, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS. We have for sale one of the best hog ranches in Southern Kansas, containing 91 acres, 30 acres in corn, 10 in millet, and lots of fruit. Price $2,000. Also lots of other property too numerous to mention. Call on or address, HOWE & DRURY, Maple City, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884. Front Page.

JUDGE TORRANCE is looming up as a candidate for the nomination for the Supreme Bench to fill the place made vacant by Judge Brewer's promotion. The Topeka papers and some others are insisting that Judge Torrance is ineligible because he could not, if elected, take his seat on the Supreme Bench until his present term expires, which will not take place until next January, and they say the Judge elected will be obliged to assume the duties of the office as soon as the vote is canvassed. We hardly think that this is a valid objection, and as Gov. Glick's appointeeJudge Hurdwill necessarily hold until his successor is elected and qualified, there need be no trouble about Judge Torrance not taking his seat until January. Judge Torrance is honest, capable, and popular, and if he concludes to enter the race, we are confident he will get the entire support of every county where he has ever held a term of court. Sedan Times.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

In his speech before the Republican convention of Massachusetts, ex-Governor Long showed the real nature of the economic relations between the United States and England, as follows: "Ask your English competitor, whose hunger for our market is like that of a wolf, what he thinks for his advantage and therefore not for yours? If he answers he will tell you, as his journals at home and his agents here betraywith the same eagerness with which our own capital and labor betray their contrary interestthat free trade for America is protection for England." Both are selfish and are actuated by no philanthropy for anybody. Both offer their wares. Of one or the other you must buy. It is business with them and it is business with you. It is simply for you to decide which it is your preference, which is more to your interest, as a part of general interest, to assist by the judgment of your tariffhome capital and labor or foreign capital and labor?

It is established beyond all question that England has never failed to make the most of legislation in her own interests. She has never neglected to make other nations pay tribute to her. There is no sentimentality in England's commercial efforts. Her statesmen pay little attention to commercial freedom in other lands. all they want is freedom to enter other parts and trade to suit the interests of England. Who supposes that England would hesitate to use protection for the aggrandizement of England? English statesmen work for England first and last, they want free trade with the United States for the benefit of England, and they know exactly what they are about.

The sentimentalists in the United States are playing into the hands of the calculating traders in England, and the men who talk of our competing with England are reckless in their calculations. England welcomes competition in which she knows her advantage and we have considerable confidence in the judgment of statesmen and businessmen in a nation with an industrial history of over 800 years.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The bill introduced in the senate by Senator Plumb for opening to homestead settlement certain portions of the Indian Territory, provides that the lands in the Indian Territory ceded by the Creek tribe of Indians by the treaty of 1866, and the lands ceded by the Seminole tribe by the treaty of 1866, except such as has been granted other Indian tribes by act of congress or by treaty or has been set apart for Indian occupancy by executive order, shall be set apart for entry under the homestead laws, and that so much of the grant of lands made the Atlantic & Pacific railway by the act of July 6, 1866, as lies within the Indian Territory, excepting the grant for right of way and station purposes, be wholly forfeited and the land restored to the public domain. It provides also that the president shall be empowered to reduce the limits on any reservation established by executive order in the Indian Territory where the amount of land is in excess of the necessities and rights of the Indians occupying the same, and that the lands thus taken out of the limits of any reservation shall be opened to settlement under homestead law; that he shall be authorized to remove the Indians of Darlington Agency with their free consent to lands mentioned in the treaty of 1868 between the government and the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians; and that he shall be empowered to open negotiations with such Indian tribes located in the Indian Territory as in his judgment are in possession of a greater quantity of land than their surplus lands to the government in trust or otherwise, and at such prices as may be equitable, for the purpose of opening said surplus limits to settlement under the general land laws of the United States.

Note: Other articles concerning Medicine Lodge Bank Robbery refer to the Cashier as Gephart and not Geppert. Have no idea which spelling is correct. MAW


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The following particulars of the Medicine Lodge bank robbery we take from a Caldwell Standard extra sent us by Ira McCommon.

The robbers came into town about 10 o'clock a.m. It was raining at the time and no one seemed to have noticed them until the firing was heard in the bank. They had camped the night previous in a grove on the Medicine River west of town and rode into town from the west. They stopped in the rear of the bank building, two of the horses being hitched by ropes, and Smith holding the third and sitting on the remaining horse. Smith remained with the horses. Brown, Wheeler, and Wesley went into the bank. Wheeler went in at the front door and Brown and Wesley at the side door. Wheeler presented his pistol at Mr. Geppert and told him to "throw up his hands." Brown covered Payne with the same order. Wesley said nothing. It is believed that his part of the terrible business was to cover and kill, if necessary, the clerk, Mr. _____, but luckily for him he had gone to the post office with the Harper mail and was not at that time in the bank. It is said that the young man is yet pale and extremely agitated by reason of his good luck.

Geppert threw up in obedience to Wheeler's command. Here it is proper to state a fact or two which will be interesting to everybody who has been unduly excited by the awful affair. It transpires that the bank president and cashier had been notified some days before that an attempt would be made to rob the bank. The matter had been talked of in the families of the two gentlemen who have been killed, and their wives now tell of the conversations that were had in regard to the matter.

They had been warned by "I bar Johnson," and it is supposed that Payne and his cashier had agreed to throw up their hands as their warning told them they must do to save their lives. When the command was given, Mr. Geppert did throw up his hands, and after a moment of pause, he turned to see what Payne was doing, and then Wheeler fired, shooting him through the body, and Brown immediately after shot Payne. There were two shots found in Geppert's body, and it is supposed that Wesley fired one of them.

There is but little doubt some notice of the intended robbery had been given to them. The fact that Mr. Geppert's expiring effort was directed toward throwing on the combination of the safe is almost conclusive of the fact, for it is hard to believe that a man without previous knowledge of the attack, having received two fatal shots, would turn directly to the safe, and with the last motion of his nerveless arm turn a lock upon the property of which he was guardian.

I bar Johnson came into Medicine when Horner and others were there. He made a sworn statement to the general effect that some weeks ago Wheeler and the others came to him and urged him to enter into the plot to rob the bank. He refused to do so, and they then told him that they intended to rob the bank anyhow, and that if he "squealed," they would kill him. He says he had notified Geppert and Payne that an attempt at robbery would be made, and that the robbers would order them to throw up their hands, and that if they complied, they would not be hurt, and the supposition is that Geppert and Payne threw up conformably with the understanding, preferring to take chances on recapturing the money in case of a robbery. Hence they had made no preparation to guard against robbery.

Geppert was found dead by the combination of the safe, sitting in the vault with his life blood streaming about him. Faithful to the last his expiring thought was of the property in his charge and with the shadow of death hovering over him he staggered to the vault, threw on the combination, and sank into eternity.

Payne received but one wound. It was inflicted by Brown with a pistol. He fell from the shock, and when found was weltering on the floor and writhing and groaning in the agony of death. He lived long enough to make a statement that Brown shot him, while Wheeler and Wesley killed Geppert.

Smith was in the rear of the bank in charge of the horses. When the shooting was about over in the bank, the marshal opened fire on Smith with a six shooter. Brown came to the front door of the bank and opened fire on the marshal with his Winchester, firing three shots. At the same time Smith was shooting at the marshal and everybody else he could see.

The robbers had considerable difficulty in loosing their horses, the ropes having become taut in the rain. The statement published in yesterday's extra of the details of the chase and capture are correct and need not be repeated.

When the robbers rode out of town, Barney O'Conner was playing poker. He quietly picked up his checks, put them in his pockets, and remarking that he would have them cashed when he got back, went to his stable, saddled his horse, seized his gun, and in less than ten minutes from the departure of the robbers, was in hot pursuit. He kept them in sight and guided the attacking party who were following.

The robbers were driven into a holea pit, in fact, filled with water. While the fight was in progress, they stood in water waist deep and they all stated that they had become so benumbed and cold that surrender was necessary. Brown was the first man to give up. He called out to the attacking party that if they would protect him, he would surrender. The promise was made and Henry Brown, the man whom our people have always thought so brave, walked out of the hole into which he had been driven, and laid down his gun. Wheeler came out second, Wesley third, and finally Smith, the only game man in the gang, the only man who seemed to know the frailty of a promise of protection after their awful deed, walked out saying, "Boys, I came into it with you, and I'll go out and die with you."

The robbery was attempted, say at 10 a.m. The robbers were brought in at 1 p.m. That's what we call pretty quick work, and speaks well for the energy of the Medicine Lodge men.

The robbers were shackled and put into the calaboose, the only jail they have in that county. They were provided with dry clothing and were well fed. They were photographed during the day and a very good picture was obtained of all except Wheeler. His features were so drawn that he looked unnatural. Harvey Horner has the photo on exhibition at his drug store, as well as a photo of the nine men who made the capture. The photos were taken about 3 p.m. It is stated that at that time our former brave city marshal got down on his knees, groveling in the dirt, and begged for and implored mercy. Great God! Can this be the man that has held Caldwell in terror so long?

Brown at this time wrote a letter to his wife. We have not been able to learn what he wrote. Wheeler was furnished paper and tried to write, but he couldn't do it. Hadn't the nerve.

The statement made in yesterday's extra in regard to the gathering of the mob at night is substantially correct. There are a few facts additional which will interest our good people.

The crowd numbered about 300. They disarmed the sheriff. When they opened the jail, Brown rushed out having got free from his shackles. He ran only a few yards before he fell with a pound of lead distributed through his body. Wheeler ran further, and fell with his right arm shattered, two fingers of his left hand shot away, and three Winchester balls in his body. He made a confession, but what it is is not known. He was not spared an hour as was rumored. He was hung with the rest. It is said that Wheeler implored mercy, and that his cries were so loud that they were heard half a mile. Wheeler begged piteously to be spared till 10 a.m. next day, and said that he would give away many things that would interest the community at large. The crowd could not wait, but stretched him up. Harvey Hortley has a piece of the rope with which Smith and Wesley were hung. Wheeler was hung with a lariat rope. Our Caldwell men were treated with the utmost kindness and consideration by the men of Medicine Lodge. At their request the bodies of Wheeler and Brown were exhumed and the boys say the features were as natural as if they were merely asleep. The bodies were buried in pine coffins and were shrouded. They were buried just over the line of the cemetery.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

From Carlie Siringo we have obtained the following particulars of Brown's connection with Billy the Kid.

In the fall of 1878, just after the Lincoln County War, Brown came with the Kid to Tascosa, Texas, with a bunch of stolen horses, 75 or 100 in number. There were eight alto- gether in the Kid's gang. They remained at Tascosa about two weeks and Brown behaved well while there. He was known as Henry Brown while with the Kid. He left the Kid's gang at Tascosa, and went to the Wyatt Ranch below Paul's Valley on the Washita. He came back to Tascosa in the spring of 1879, and went to work for Geo. Littlefieldworked for him till fall and then went to work for Campbell & Ledger, trailing horse thieves. In his rounds he came to Caldwell and was here some time. In the spring of 1880 he was a deputy Sheriff of Oldham County, Texas, under Capt. WillinghamWillingham discharged him. He said the only objection he had to Brown was that Brown was always wanting to fight and do something to get his name up. Brown came up the trail in 1881 with Littlefield's cattle. Barnes, the foreman, had to discharge him "because he was always on the war path."

Wheeler's right name was William Robinson. He was from Rockdale, Milam County, Texas. He was for years an officer in Texas and had the most respectable connections. He had a wife and children, who are still living. It is not known why he left Texas, but it is supposed he murdered a man there.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884. Editorial Page of 6-Page Edition.

In consideration of his recent brain harassing contest with the railroad commissioners, Mr. Touzalin has been granted a leave of absence by the Santa Fe Directors. This is probably the last we will hear of Mr. Touzalin for some time.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

During the past ten years Great Britain and Ireland have bought annually of the United States to the value of $374,088,350 and have sent in return goods worth $166,627,212, showing a difference in our favor over $213,000,000 annually. Commenting on these facts and the commission's report, to which we have alluded, the London Times says:

"It must tell on British agriculture that the United States are feeding probably not less than half the nationindeed, much more than halfwith that most necessary of all food, justly entitled the staff of life. So far as regards wheat and flour, our huge metropolis might be almost as well where Washington is as on the bank of the Thames. That is even more the case with Liverpool, Manchester, and other great northern cities. What the Americans send is their surplus, and this surplus is still increasing, and likely to increase, one may say, indefinitely. It depends on the progress of corn growing in comparison with the population. That population, continually augmented by something like an average of a thousand immigrants a day, increases with a rapidity beyond all precedent; but corn beats it. The wheat aggregat e is more than four times as large as it was in 1849. Everything points to regularity and certainty of increase. It does not depend on new emigrants, spreading themselves by railway over the country, just scraping the virgin soil, and gathering the spring sown crop here and there. It does not depend on a population pushing further and further West. The increase is greater in the Eastern states than in the Western, and most on the improved area. So far from depending on the increase of farmers, it is found that the agricultural portion of the population is actually decreased in ratio. Nor is the increase at all exceptionally in wheat and corn. It is even greater in the condensed form of animal food. What, then, is there to prevent the United States from sending us forty years hence 150,000,000 pounds worth of foodthat is, enough to supply the whole population of these isles? Supposing things to go on as they are now, it certainly looks as if by that time we might turn all Great Britain and Ireland into dairies, parks, orchards, and kitchen gardens, leaving our butchers and bakers to supply themselves from the Untied States and our own colonies."

The foregoing, it must be remembered, is the British view of the situation, and is very gratifying, as it is emphatically contradictory of the view entertained by some pessimists in America that we are to be driven from the British markets at an early day by Indian, Russian, and Hungarian importations of wheat.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The United States marshal of the Leavenworth district has been ordered to procure rooms for the judge of this circuit in Leavenworth. This will bring litigants to Leavenworth from seven states and will result in the removal of the officers of the clerk and United States marshal of that district to Leavenworth. This change is made under the new United States circuit judge, Brewer, successor to McCrary, a resident of that city. Times.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.


CLASS A. HORSES. Superintendent: J. W. Browning.
Lot 1Percheron Norman. Premiums[First. Second. DID NOT PRINT AMOUNTS.]

[Listed Stallions, 4, 3, 2 years old, under 3; colt, 1 year old, under 2, foal of 1884, mare, 4 years old and over, filly, 3, 2 1 year old, under 2; foal of 1884.]

Lot 2Clydesdales.

Listed Stallions, 4, 3, 2, 1 year old; sucking colt, mare 4, 3, 2, 1; colt.]

Lot 3General Purposes.

By General Purposes it is intended to embrace all horses without distinction in regard to breeding. The size, form, action, and general usefulness for farm, wagon, and carriage work will be the test.

[Listed Stallions, 4, 3, 2; colt, 4 year old, under 2; foal of 1884; Gelding, 4, 3, 2, 1; Mare, 4, 3, 2, 1; foal of 1884.]

Lot 4Draft Horses.

[Listed Team, mares or geldings, 4 years and over; under 4 years old. Single stallion over 4 years; single stallion, under 4 years.]

Lot 5Roadsters.

In this lot all entries to be shown in harness to vehicles. Form, style, action, and speed to be especially considered. A pair of roadsters should have timber, style, action, and speed alike. A team must be owned by exhibitor.

[Listed span of roadsters over 4 years old; under 4. Stallion roadster, any age. Single roadster, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over; same, under 4 years old.]

Lot 6Sweepstakes.

[Listed Stallion, any age or blood; Mare, any age or blood; Brood mare, with colt not more than 2 years old.]

Lot 7Jacks and Mules.

[Listed Jack, any age; Pair of mules for farm work; Mule colt.]

CLASS B. CATTLE. Superintendent, J. L. Stewart.
Lot 1Shorthorns.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Bull under 1 year old.]

[Listed Cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heifer under 1 year old]

Lot 2Herefords.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2, Bull under 1 year old]

[Listed Cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heifer under 1 year old]

Lot 3Polled Angus and Galloways.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Bull under 1 year old]

[Listed cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heifer under 1 year old]

Lot 4Jerseys.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Bull under 1 year old]

[Listed cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heifer under 1 year old]

Lot 5Grades and Crosses.

[Listed bull, 3 years old or over; 2 years, under 3, 1 year, under 2; bull calf under 1 year]

[Listed cow 3 yrs. old or over; 2 years, under 3; 1 year, under 2; heifer calf under 1 year]

[Listed Fat Cattle...steer, cow, or heifer, 2 years old or over.]

Lot 6Herds Open to All Breeds.

The entire herd must be owned by one person.

Herd of thoroughbreds, not less than 6 in number, if three entries are made.

Lot 7Sweepstakes.

[Bull of any age or blood; cow, same; bull shown with 4 offspring; cow, 4 offspring.]

CLASS C. HOGS. Superintendent, H. C. McDorman.
Lot 1Berkshires.

[Listed 1 boar 1 year old or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. & under 6.]

[Listed sow 1 year old or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. & under 6.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs less than 2 months; pen of 6 pigs, less than 3 months.]

Lot 2Poland Chinas.

[Listed 1 boar 1 year or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. & under 6.]

[Listed sow 1 year old or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. & under 6.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs less than 2 months; pen of 6 pigs, less than 3 months.]

Lot 3Jersey Reds.

[Listed boar over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed Sow over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs under 2 months old; pen of 6 pigs under 3 months.]

Lot 4Chester Whites.

[Listed boar over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed Sow over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs under 2 months; pen of 6 pigs under 3 months.]

Lot 5Sweepstakes.

[Listed board of any age or breed; sow of any age or breed; collection of swine, not less than 8, of any age, but of one breed, owned by exhibitor.]

CLASS D. SHEEP. Superintendent, S. P. Strong.
Lot 1Fine Wools.

Fine wool sheep include Spanish, French, and American Merinos, Saxons, and their crosses.

[Listed ram 2 years and over; 1 year, under 2; ram lamb.]

[Listed ewe 2 years old; 1 year, under 2; three ewe lambs.]

Lot 2Long Wools.

Long wools include Leicesters, Lincolnshires, Shropshires, Cotswolds, Southdowns, and their crosses.

[Listed ram 2 years and over; 1 year, under 2, ram lamb.]

[Listed ewe 2 years and over; 1 year, under 2; three ewe lambs.]

Lot 3Sweepstakes.

[Listed Ram of any age or breed; ewe, same; Buck with 5 of his lambs; Flock of 15 of any breed.]

CLASS E. POULTRY. Superintendent, C. Trump.
Lot 1. [Listed by Pairs.]

White Cochin fowls; Black Cochin fowls; Partridge Cochin fowls; Buff Cochin fowls; Light Brahma fowls; Malay fowls; Dark Brahma fowls; Black-breasted game fowls; Any other variety game fowls; Colored Dorkings; White Dorkings; Black Polands; White Polands; Silver Polands; Golden Polands; Black Spanish; Plymouth Rock; White Leghorns; Brown Leghorns; Golden-spangled Hamburgs; Silver-spangled Hamburgs; Golden-penciled Hamburgs; Silver-penciled Hamburgs; Black Hamburgs; Dominiques; Bantams; Golden pheasants; Silver pheasants; Handans; La Flech; Crevecoeur; Capons; Peafowls; White peafowls; Alesbury ducks; Rouen ducks; Topknot ducks; Muscovy ducks; La Plata ducks; Pekin ducks; Turkeys, African geese; Bremen geese; Meute ducks; Guinea fowls; and

Best and largest display by one exhibitor.

[To be tested under direction of the superintendent. Superintendent not Named.]

Lot 1Plows. [Listed under Premium: Diploma.]

[Listed plow for turning sod land or greensward; for turning under stubble; for general use, made in Kansas; for general use, made in any other state; heavy plow for new land; attachment for any plow, for covering grass or long manure; subsoil plow; draining or ditching plow; self-cleaning plow-coulter; gang-plow; display of plows, to be exhibited by manufacturers; sulky for plow.]

Lot 2Tillage Implements.

[Listed field-roller; spring-tooth harrow; iron harrow; wooden harrow; one-horse cultivator; machine for hoeing or weeding drills in gardens; two-horse wheel cultivator for corn; combined cultivator with seeder attachment; display of cultivators, exhibited by manufacturers.]

Lot 3Seed Drills, Sowers, Planters, etc.

[Listed two-horse seed drill; two-horse broadcast seeder for grain; grass and clover seed sower for horse-power; grass-seed sower for hand work; corn and bean planter, to work with horse-power; drill for sowing seeds of root crops by hand; hand corn-planter.]

Lot 4Haying and Harvesting Instruments.

[Listed horse-rake; self-raking hay and grain feeder; machine for mowing lawns by hand; hay rigging for double wagon; any machine that will dig potatoes by horse-power, satisfactory to committee; hay-press.]

Lot 5Apparatus and Machines Connected with the Cleaning and Preparation of Crops for Market and for the Feeding of Stock.

[Listed horse-power for farm use; greatest variety and best display of feed-cutters; greatest variety and best display of corn-shellers; corn-sheller; fanning-mill or grain-cleaner; straw and stalk cutter for hand-power; contrivance for steaming food for cattle and hogs, capacity for not less than 20 head of each; plan for feeding swine; plan for feeding calves; portable steam engine, to be used for agricultural purposes; portable grist-mill; combined portable grist mill and corn-sheller; cider-mill and press; apparatus for evaporating sorghum sugar; hay and cattle scales, to be placed near the forage and cattle, for use of society; grain register.]

Lot 6Miscellaneous Farm Articles.

All miscellaneous farm articles pertaining to this division to be enumerated under this class, and the committee will make such recommendations as they may deem proper.

[Listed drag-sawing machine; circle sawing machine; bag-holder; three-horse evener; road-scraper; wheelbarrow; six-hand corn-cutters; six grub-hoes; hand-machine for sawing wood; grain cradle; display of shovels, spades, and axes; set of grain measures; six bush- hooks; grindstone with best hangings; fruit-ladders; fruit-gatherers; hand-pump for wells; cistern pump; tubular pump; farm gate; farm fence; display hand-turned horse shoes.]

Lot 7Dairy and Household Articles.

[Listed churn for making butter, either rotary or other movement; cheese-press; cheese- vat for making cheese; milk-strainer; milk-safe; dozen brooms; creamer, butter-worker; carpet-sweeper; carpet-stretcher; Weights and scales for dairy use; washing machine; clothes- wringing machine; clothes-horse; assortment of wooden ware for dairy or kitchen use; assortment of tin or metal ware for dairy or kitchen use; assortment of wire ware; fluter; refrigerator; clothes drier; clothes-mangle; half-dozen wooden pails; half-dozen wash-tubs; fruit-drier; fruit-boxes for grapes and other small fruits; cans for preserving fruit; specimens of dish-covers; cheese-safe.]

Lot 8Wagons and Carriages.

[Listed two-horse family carriage; one-horse carriage; two-spring phaeton; three-spring phaeton; top buggy; buggy without top; trotting wagon; trotting sulky; farm wagon for all purposes; spring wagon for market; omnibus; two-horse family sleigh; single sleigh or cutter; single farm wagon; carriage-jack; for best display of the above articles.]

Lot 9Wagons and Carriages Made in Cowley County.

[Listed two-horse family carriage; top buggy; open buggy; two-spring buggy; three- spring phaeton; farm wagon; spring wagon; one horse carriage.]

Lot 10Flour, Meal and Feed.

[Listed 100 pound sack of flour made of white wheat; 100 pound sack of flour made of red wheat; sample of bolted meal; sample of corn meal; sample of ground feed; sample of buckwheat flour; sample of rye flour; sample of Graham flour; sample of oat meal; Pest and largest display of flour, meal, and feed.]

Lot 11Soap, Toilet Articles, Samples of Prepared Groceries, etc.

Note: In this lot space will be afforded for display without competition for premiums.

[Display of fine groceries; toilet soaps; washing soaps; prepared pop-corn; display of confectionery, flavoring extracts, and ground spices.]

Lot 12Articles of Leather and India Rubber.

[Display of trunks, not less than ten in number; display of satchels; display of pellissiers; traveling trunk; hand-trunk; lady's hand-trunk; pair of gent's summer boots; pair of gent's winter boots; pair of kip boots; pair of lady's summer walking boots; pair of lady's winter shoes; pair of misses' shoes; pair of children's shoes; double carriage harness, manufactured in the state; single buggy harness, manufactured in the state; double harness for farm, manufactured in the state; sole leather, made in the state; calfskin, made in the state; gent's riding saddle, made in the state; lady's riding saddle, made in the state; riding bridle, made in the state; horse-collar, made in the state; leather belting made in the state; rubber belting, made in the state; display of boots and shoes of all kinds, made in the state; display of traveling bags; display of buffalo robes; display of fancy robes; enameled leather; assortment of India rubber goods.]

Lot 13Articles of Furniture.

[Set of parlor furniture, not less than seven pieces; sofa; lounge or couch; easy chair; smoking or lounging chair; upholstered reception chair; center table; library table; pier mirror and base; mantel mirror; window cornices; lambrequin; set of chamber furniture, not less than three pieces; spring mattress; mattress for bed; dressing bureau; set of dining-room chairs; extension table; sideboard; book-case; secretary; parlor writing-desk; office-desk; office-chair; desk of any kind; hall-tree or hat-rack; display of furniture of all kinds; child's crib; child's carriage; display of willow or rattan chairs; display of veneers; display of rustic wood-work; assortment of school furniture.]

Class G. Grain, Grasses, and Vegetables.
(Grown by Exhibitor.)
Superintendent, H. Harbaugh.
Lot 1

[Listed half bushels: red fall wheat; white fall wheat; spring wheat; rye; barley; white oats; black oats; red oats; buckwheat; white corn; yellow corn; Bloody Butcher corn; sweet corn; pop corn.]

[Listed by bundles: broom corn, sorghum cane, any variety, flax, hemp, clover, Hungarian, millet, blue grass, orchard grass, Alfalfa, timothy, Johnson grass, meadow oat grass.]

[Listed by pecks: early Irish potatoes; late Irish potatoes; sweet potatoes (Nansemond); sweet potatoes, white or red; turnips; beets, red; beets, white; parsnips; carrots; red onions; white onions; tomatoes; beans; peanuts.]

[Listed individually: Cabbage, 5 heads or more; pumpkins, 5; squashes, 2; watermelons, 4; muskmelons, 4; cucumbers, 6; pie-plant.]

Lot 2Best Displays.

The articles comprised in each of these displays cannot compete for any other premiums, and must be grown by the exhibitor during the agricultural year.

[Listed best display of grains and grasses; vegetables, Cowley County grown peck of clover seed; Cowley County grown peck of timothy seed; Cowley County grown peck of orchard grass.]

Class H. Household Products. Superintendent: Mrs. N. S. Perry.
Lot 1.

[Listed best two pounds butter; five pounds of butter, June made; hoop cheese; five pounds sorghum sugar; five gallons sorghum syrup; five gallons corn syrup; two loaves of wheat bread, made with hop yeast; two loaves of wheat bread, made with salt rising; two loaves brown bread; sponge cake; gold cake; white cake; pound cake; cocoanut cake; angel cake; nut cake; jelly cake; fruit cake; marble cake; ginger cake; doughnuts; apple pie; peach pie; cherry pie; lemon pie; custard pie; pumpkin pie; home-cured ham; home-cured dried beef; home-cured corned beef; sample hard soap; gallon soft soap.]

Lot 2Jellies.

[Listed Jellies: Apricot, Apple, Blackberry, Currant, Cherry, Cranberry, Gooseberry, Lemon, Orange, Plum, Peach, Quince, Raspberry, Rhubarb, Siberian crab, Strawberry, Grape (green, white, and red). Also, best display in this lot.]

Lot 3Canned Fruits.

[Listed as Canned: Apples, Blackberries, Cherries, Gooseberries, Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Raspberries, Strawberries, Siberian crab-apples, tomatoes; also, best display in this lot.]

Lot 4Preserves.

[Listed as Preserved: Apples, Blackberries, Cherries, Currants, Citron, Gooseberries, Grapes, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Quinces, Siberian crab apples, Strawberries, Raspberries, Tomatoes. Also, best display in this lot.]

Lot 5Dried Fruits.

[Listed by pecks: Dried Applies, dried peaches.]

[Listed by quarts: Dried pears, cherries, plums, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, elderberries, huckleberries.]

[Best display in this lot.]

Lot 6Butter or Jams.

[Listed as butter: Apple, peach, plum, pear, grape, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry, and gooseberry.]

[Best display in this lot.]

Lot 7Pickles, etc.

[Listed as sweet pickled: grapes, cherries, peaches, cucumbers, pears.]

[Listed as sour pickled: peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes.]

[Listed as pickled: cauliflower, tomatoes, mangoes, piccalilli, pepper hash, stuffed pepper, cabbage.]

[Listed as catsup: tomato, gooseberry, walnut.]

[Best display in this lot.]

Class I. Fruit and Nursery Stock. Superintendent: Jacob Nixon.
(Grown by Exhibitor.)
Lot 1Fall Apples. [BEST]

[Listed by peck: Maiden Blush, Rambo, Cooper's Early White, Late Strawberry, Lowell.]

Lot 2Winter Apples.

[Listed by peck: Winesap, Ben Davis, Jonathan, Rawle's Janet, Missouri pippins, Dominie, Wagener, Willow Twig, Smith's Cider, Grimes' Golden Pippin, any other variety, Best Cowley County seedling Apple.]

Lot 3Peaches (not less than five specimens to plate).

[Listed as best display: Heath Cling, Ward's Late, Large Early York, Steadley, Crawford's Late, Cowley County seedling.]

Lot 4Pears (not less than five specimens to plate).

[Listed as best plate: Bartlett, Seckel, Flemish Beauty, Duchess d'Angouleme, Louise B. de Jersey, Vicar of Wakefield, and other variety.

Lot 5Grapes.

[Listed as best plate: Concord, Delaware, Dracut Amber, Ive's Seedling, Catawba, any other variety.]

[Listed as best display: fruit, five of each variety to plate, from any one orchard in Cowley County (to be entered as one exhibit only); second best.]

[Best display: general nursery stock, Kansas growth; forest trees, nursery stock, Kansas growth; evergreens, nursery stock, Kansas growth; shrubs and ornamental.]

Class J. Flowers and Shrubs. Superintendent: Mrs. S. S. Linn.
[Listed as largest and best grown collection.]

By exhibitor, house plants, not entered in any other class.

Collection of fucheas, in flower; double and single geraniums, in flower; monthly and tea-roses, in flower; begonias; cactus; pansies; Calli lillies; verbenas; vines and climbers; cut- flower work.]

[Listed as best and most tasteful: funeral design, wedding design, basket of flowers, best pair hand-bouquets, original design in cut flowers, one-half dozen button hole bouquets, pair bouquets of everlastings or immortelles.]

Best design in flowers, grasses, straws, etc.

Note: All flowers in this lot to be fresh and natural. No manufactured or artificial work allowed.

Class K. Fine Arts. Superintendent: Mrs. W. H. Albro.
Lot 1. [Done by Exhibitor.]

Historical painting in oil; landscape from Nature, in oil; Animal piece from life, in oil; Fruit piece in oil; Flower piece, in oil; portrait from life, in oil, water, or crayon; fancy painting in oil; landscape painting in water colors, Kansas scenery; Animal or bird piece, in water colors; fancy painting in water colors; Landscape in crayon; Animal or bird piece, done in crayon. Specimens: Kensington painting, pastil painting, plaque painting, etching on glass or cloth, pencil drawing, crayon drawing. Drawing of any animal or building on the Fair Grounds; Specimen of architectural drawing. Displays: shell-work, feather-work, moss-work, half-work, wax-work, scroll-sawing, agricultural wreaths, of any design. Collections by owner: oil paintings, water-colors, chromos, ink or pencil drawings, decorated pottery, stereoscopic views of Kansas, photographs done by exhibitor. Displays by owner: Marble statuary, bronze statuary,. Landscape, in oil, done by exhibitor. Animal painting in oil, done by exhibitor. Geographical drawing, by any pupil of the public schools in Cowley County.

Class L. Needle and Fancy Work. Superintendent: Florence Beeny.
Lot 1.

Best specimen silk embroidery; best specimen silk embroidery on flannel; best hand- embroidered handkerchief; best hand-embroidered infant's dress, best hand-embroidered lady's underwear, best hand-embroidered pillow and sheet sham. best hand-embroidered slippers. Handsomest embroidery: transferred; on R. R. canvass; on Java canvass; on honey comb canvass. Handsomest braided pillow and sheet shams; handsomest braiding on worsted. Best hand-tucked skirt; suit of underwear; gent's shirt. Best machine-made gent's shirt; Best specimen of plain sewing; Best specimen of plain sewing, by lady over 60 years; best specimen of plain sewing, by girl under 16 years. Best specimen of hem stitching; crewel work; crochet edge, in line; crochet edge, in worsted. Best display of crochet work. Handsomest: crochet tidy; shawl; Afghan; muffler; bed-spread; mittens; gloves; knit mittens, silk; knit mittens, worsted; knit edging, in silk; knit edging, in worsted. Handsomest work in plush. Handsomest specimens: Mosaic work; ribbon work; applique work; cretonne work; arrasine embroidery; chenille embroidery; tied macramic lambrequin; crochet macranic lambrequin; bracket macranic lambrequin. Handsomest sofa pillow, silk, embroidery. Handsomest sofa-pillow, crazy work; worsted. Handsomest foot-rest. Best outline embroidery, silk; cotton. Best hand-made antique lace; point lace. Handsomest Kensington embroidery, silk; crewel. Best, darned-net pillow and sheet sham. Best darned-net bed spread; child's dress. Handsomest silk quilt; calico quilt; white quilt; log cabin quilt; fancy quilt. Handsomest rug, any design or make. Handsomest ottoman cover, any design or make. Handsomest afghan, any design or make. Handsomest smoking-cap, and design or make. Handsomest lady's dressing saque; gent's dressing-gown; lady's white apron; child's white apron. Best hand-made lady's calico dress. Best machine-made lady's calico dress. Best hand-made sun-bonnet. Best machine-made sun-bonnet. Best specimen plain knitting.

Note. No article, having taken a premium at any previous fair in this county, can compete in this class.

Class M. Home-made Goods. Superintendent: A. H. Jennings.
Lot 1.

All goods or articles in this lot must be manufactured by the exhibitor, and certificate of the same furnished the secretary.

Pair of woolen blankets; five yards of woolen cloth; five yards of woolen flannel; five yards of woolen carpet; hearth-rug; ten yards of rag carpet; woolen coverlet; pair woolen stockings; pair woolen socks; pair woolen mittens; pair woolen gloves; two pounds stocking yarn; pair cotton socks; pair cotton stockings; ten yards jeans; ten yards Lindsey.

Lot 2. Kansas Factory Made.

Best display of goods from any woolen factory in Kansas.

Best display of cotton goods manufactured in Kansas.

Best twenty yards of woolen carpet, manufactured in Kansas.

Best white woolen blankets, manufactured in Kansas.

Best display of carpets, Kansas make.

Best display of cotton or silk goods, Kansas make.

Handsomest and best five rugs, Kansas make.

Handsomest and best five fancy door-mats, Kansas make.

Class N. Musical Instruments and Natural History.
Superintendent: Geo. H. Buckman.
Lot 1.

Grand or semi-grand piano-forte; Boudoir piano; Square piano; Upright piano; Church organ; Parlor organ; Melodeon; Violin; Aeolian; Dulcimer; Flute; Clarionet; Set of band instruments; Violincello; Guitar; Harp; Hand organ; Banjo.

Lot 2. Natural History.

Collection illustrating the botany of Kansas.

Collection illustrating the entomology of Kansas.

Greatest and best variety of Kansas birds, to be shown by the taxidermist.

Greatest and best collection of Kansas animals, to be shown by the taxidermist.

Collection illustrating the geology and paleontology of Kansas, including fire-clay, ochre, and gypsum.

Flagging stone, quarried in Kansas.

Building-stone, quarried in Kansas.

Specimens, at least one ton, of coal mined in Kansas.

Best collection and greatest variety of the woods of Kansas.

Collection of minerals from State of Kansas.

Collection of minerals, open to the world.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Eggs 10 cents, Butter, 12 ½ cents, chickens, live, 5 ½ cents per lb. or $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen; turkeys 10 cents per lb. or $12.00 to $24.00 per dozen. Potatoes 50 cents; Hogs $4.50 to $5.00 per cwt.; Corn 38 cents per bushel and wheat 90 cents.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Straw hats are in vogue.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

India Kid shoes, $1.50, at Prathers'.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Garden fruit is quite plentiful in the market.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Boy's whole stock brogans; $1.00 a pair, at Prathers'.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Best Rubber Hose and Hose reels at Hendricks & Wilson.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

A yard wide Cashimere for twenty-five cents. M. HAHN & CO.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Business in the Police Court has been distressingly dull the past week.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The real estate firm of H. G. Fuller & Co., has been dissolved, Mr. F. L. Branniger retiring.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

According to the trustee's report, Arkansas City has about twenty-eight hundred inhabitants.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The fine, luxuriant grass has caused an increase in the quantity and decrease in the price of cow fruit.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Don't fail to give the new Reading Room a lift by attending the Cantata this evening.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The excavation for the Myton brick block is being pushed rapidly and will soon be ready for the masons.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Fourteen carloads of cattle and hogs were shipped from Torrance Monday by the farmers of the Grouse Valley.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Last Saturday was a big corn day. It ran up to forty-one cents, and the streets were crowded with corn wagons all day.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Garden Hose in lengths to suit, also Lawn Sprinklers, Hose Carts, etc. J. S. Lyon & Co., office at Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Dr. A. S. Capper announces himself in a card in this issue as a Physio-Medical Physician and Surgeon and will hereafter practice his profession in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The corps of surveyors on the narrow gauge have reached Sedan and returned to re- survey and set the grade stakes on the eastern section of the road. Dirt will be flying soon.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

August Kadau is handling all the best grades of boots and shoes of Eastern manufacture and is working up a big trade in this line as well as manufacturing boots and shoes on his own hook.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mrs. Garlick, with about forty of the pretty Misses of the city, will present the Flower Queen Cantata this (Wednesday) evening and tomorrow evening, for the benefit of the new Reading Room.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The horse thief, mentioned in our last issue, who was arrested on the street last Wednesday by Sheriff McIntire, and after being disarmed, broke away, was captured about two miles up Timber Creek, after a very lively foot race. He proved to be John Daniels, alias Jim Weston, whose parents live in the western part of the county. He is about twenty-two years old, and has been leading the life of a desperado for several years. He has been stealing cattle and horses in the Territory for some time, and is supposed to be one of the parties who robbed a Santa Fe car at Arkansas City in January last, with Marston, who was last week sentenced by Judge Torrance to a year in the pen. He was arrested for stealing a horse, pistol, and other property at Flying Ranch, in the Nation, about a month ago. During his short career, they say he has become very "fly" with the pistol and is one of the cowboys from the "head waters." Criminals had better steer clear of Sheriff McIntire and his Deputy, Capt. Rarick, if they don't want to bring up behind the iron bars.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. W. H. Richardson, of Pleasant Valley, lost a good barn, several hundred bushels of grain, some hay, a valuable mule, and most of his farming implements, by fire, Wednesday of last week. The family were all out in the field when the fire was first noticed and how it started is a mystery. The barn was insured for three hundred dollars, which will partially atone for the loss. Mr. Richardson is one of Cowley's earliest settlers and most worthy pioneers, and we regret to see any misfortune overtake him. Coming here, with nothing, he has battled sternly with all the hardships which have beset the early settlers and come off the winner, but has not yet reached the point where such a disaster will be lightly felt.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

A circular from the Kansas Woman's Relief corps, which is auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, has been handed us, calling upon the women whose pleasure it is to perpetuate the memories of fallen heroes, to assist the G. A. R. Post in the memorial services on the Sabbath preceding memorial day and in the decorations of soldiers' graves on the 30th. Winfield, as yet, has no Woman's Relief Corps, but we are satisfied that the many widows, mothers, and sisters of departed soldiers will assist the Winfield Post in decorating the grave of every fallen hero and in holding such services as will appropriately honor their memory.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

From every portion of the state, east, west, north, and south, the same old story comes without a single variation: the rains are abundant, the wheat makes a wonderful show, there are no chinch-bugs or grasshoppers, farmers are well off, mortgages are being paid off at great rate, and immigrants are swarming to every corner of the state. Wonderful as this story is, it is but a feeble statement of the truth. The present may truly be called the Golden Age of Kansas history. But where outside of Kansas can eighty hundred square miles of territory make such a show?

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. Strubble, an old turf man from Wichita, came in last week and arranged with the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association to train ten Wichita horses in the speed ring during the summer. Twelve horses from Wellington and some fifteen belonging here will also train on this track, while horses from Ottawa, Newton, and other surrounding cities, where they have inferior tracks, will be brought here to train on our first-class sped-ring. The Association will build about thirty large and substantial box stalls on the fair grounds for the use of these horses.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The boys in the public schools of Arkansas City have formed a Lincoln and Blaine club. On their organization a heating time was had in the nomination of a President and vice- President, and after a long pull Lincoln "got there" as President and Blaine took a back seat as vice-President. The patriotism of the boys of today is in harmony with the general atmosphere of progressiveness.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Jennings & Crippen have decided to build a brick and stone building a hundred feet deep with two stories and a basement on the lot south of Schofield & Keck's livery barn. A survey brought out the fact that the barn was two feet over on the lot. It will be moved off and the work of erecting the building proceed at once.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

A post of G. A. R. was mustered at New Salem Tuesday evening by Adjutant Snow of twenty members. G. W. Jackson is Post Commander and C. C. Krow adjutant. He also organized last week a Post in Harvey Township of seventeen with R. S. Strother, commander, and W. Rash, adjutant.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. G. T. Stone, of Vernon Township, sheared ten sheep last week, the heaviest fleece weighing twenty-two pounds and the lightest eleven. The ten sheep, after being sheared, tipped the beam at nine hundred and ninety pounds. Cowley is as prolific in sheep raising as she is in everything else.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The beautiful moonlight evenings of the past week, according to the Probate Judge's record, have only resulted in the following MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Geo. E. Woodley and Mary E. Beck.

Wm. Endaley and Mary K. Hugh.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The immense cistern for the holder at the Gas Works is about completed and the workmen will arrive from St. Louis next week to put up the iron work. About three and a half miles of mains are laid and the buildings are ready for the machinery and iron roofing.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Brewer & Yocom, late of McPherson, will soon remove to Winfield and build a fine large skating rink on South Main street opposite the marble-works. They say that it will be large, neat, and complete, making a pleasant place of amusement.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias of Kansas meets in Wichita next Tuesday and Wednesday. A number from the Winfield Lodge, aside from the delegates, will attend as visitors.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

H. E. Silliman has a stock farm of eleven hundred acres on Grouse Creek surrounded with a barbed wire fence, which he will soon stock with cattle and sheep.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Will Smith, of lumber notoriety, was down from Wichita Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. J. C. Fuller spent part of last week in Kansas City, on business.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

John Case, now in the hotel business at Kingman, is in the city this week.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

F. M. Freeland is excavating for his new brick hotel on Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. D. W. Bliss was down from Sedgwick County this week and spent a few days with relatives.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. W. H. Roach, of Western Cowley, made his regular semi-annual visit to Winfield last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. P. W. Zook has almost completed a fine residence on the corner of Lowry Street and Tenth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Frank W. Barclay went up to Newton Monday to remain till Friday, attending to some plumbing business.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Spence Miner will attend the Chicago Republican Convention and go on to the old home in Virginia for a short visit.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Misses Jennie Lowry and Etta Robinson went down to Arkansas City Saturday and visited a few days with friends.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. J. C. Bowman, an old acquaintance of Geo. Headrick and a talented young attorney, is in the city looking up a location.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. A. H. Jennings has commenced the erection of a neat brick building, for office purposes, next to Newton's harness shop.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Miss Jessie Millington has retired from the money order department of the post office and is succeeded by Miss Anna Hunt.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

McDonald & Miner have been spreading on the spring paint and have greatly improved the appearance of their store building.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Whiting Bros. have re-painted in fancy colors the interior of their meat market. Perfect neatness is their motto and they succeed in carrying it out.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

DIED. Mr. W. R. Constant was up from Pleasant Valley Monday. He has recently had the misfortune to lose the little infant boy of his family.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. Fred Bahntge, of Charleston, South Carolina, a brother of Charlie and Harry, is visiting here and will probably make some investments before his return.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. C. G. Furry, editor of the Geuda Herald, was in the city Friday and reported his paper and the famed health resort in a flourishing condition.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

James A. Blair, of Nevada, O. [Ohio?], interested in the Farmers Bank, was in the city last week. Mr. O. C. Ewert accompanied him to Kansas City Monday morning.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. W. H. Grow, one of Rock Township's substantial citizens, was in the metropolis Monday, and reports everything in his neighborhood on the boom.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. John Miller sold his Beaver Township farm Saturday, for five thousand dollars. He bought the place something over a year ago for fourteen hundred dollars.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

L. B. Jolliff, now of Kingman, was on our streets again last week. We are almost persuaded that some fair lady is making L. B.'s visits more than commonly momentous.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Walter L. Holcomb, the real estate man of Douglass and a member by marriage of the musical Davis family, was in the city last week looking after a case in the District Court.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Elliott, of Petersburg, Illinois, old friends of Mr. Frank Willson, of the real estate firm of Harris & Willson, arrived Tuesday and will visit and prospect for a few days.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Emerson Martin returned from Iowa last week and reports the farmers just commencing to plant corn. He saw no very flattering crop prospects until he struck Cherryvale on his road home.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

M. L. Read and M. L. Robinson have purchased from J. E. Conklin the lot and building now being occupied by Hendricks & Wilson's hardware store. The consideration was eight thousand dollars.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Ad. Powers returned Saturday night from Sedan, where he has been running a skating rink for some months past. He looks very much emaciated, only weighing now 229 lbs.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Misses Lizzie and Blanche Palmer, of Cambridge, came over last week. Miss Lizzie returned yesterday morning, but Miss Blanche will spend the summer here with the family of her cousin, Mr. D. Palmer.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Judge Torrance and Messrs. J. W. Johnson, and E. F. Nelson left Monday afternoon as delegates to the Annual Encampment of Knights Templar of the state of Kansas, which convened in Emporia Tuesday and Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. A. L. McMillan, of the Sterling Gazette, came down last week after his "frow," who had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Prund, and found his way into our sanctum. He thinks we have the prettiest country out doorsexcepting his home, of course.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The bi-weekly social of the Winfield Good Templars met with Mr. and Mrs. Garlick on last Tuesday evening. A good number were present and all seemed to enjoy the occasion, under the entertaining qualities of Mr. and Mrs. Garlick and their daughters, Misses Mamie and Ella.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mrs. H. P. Mansfield visited Burden Tuesday in the interests of the County Woman's Suffrage Convention to be held at Winfield June 7th and 8th and addressed the people of that place in the evening. Mrs. Mansfield is very zealous in this work and her labors and ability are effective.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. Tannehill, of Beaver Township, has been holding his farm at fifteen thousand dollars. Some days ago a man came along, asked his price, and at once said he would take it. After considering the matter a day, Mr. Tannehill concluded he would rather keep the farm than have the money and backed out.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Judge J. Wade McDonald has rewarded the long, faithful, and efficient services of Lovell H. Webb by a partnership, and the legal firm of McDonald & Webb is now one of our institutions, dating from May 1st. Mr. Webb has grown to be one of the best lawyers in the county, a distinction won by hard work coupled with the natural legal talent conspicuous in his family.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

A pleasant little party composed of Misses L. and M. Dawson, Leota Gary, and Mrs. Bishop, and Messrs. Frank Leland, Lacey Tomlin, and B. W. Matlack, took advantage of last Sunday's balmy atmosphere, gathered up their baskets, Sunday school books, etc., and held a small Sunday school (?) picnic in the beautiful grove of Mr. T. S. Green, ten miles up the Walnut.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hoyland, of Monroe, Wisconsin, are visiting their brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews, the Hoyland family of New Salem, and Mr. Hoyland made us a pleasant call Saturday. He has been reading in the COURIER for some time back of Cowley's wonderful boom, but he did not fully realize its magnitude until he saw for himself. He is greatly taken up with our county.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. F. Williams, of Wabash, Indiana, and old acquaintance of Mr. J. R. Sumpter of Beaver, is in the city and will probably open up a first class restaurant, confectionery store, and ice cream parlor. Such an institution is Winfield's greatest need at present. He is a pleasant gentleman, has had eighteen years experience in this business, and will no doubt run a place, if he starts in, which will soon gain popularity and a large patronage.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. E. R. Holmes of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, father of Mr. W. L. Holmes of Vernon, arrived last week to become a permanent resident of grand old Cowley. He came out last fall and invested in property; and his second look at the country, with all nature buoyant in her robe of velvety green, has created even a better impression than his first. Mr. Holmes is a man of large experience and intelligence, just such a man as we are always glad to welcome as a citizen of Cowley. He has been a regular reader of the COURIER, and is glad to note the truthfulness of its chronicle of the county's growth and prosperity.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Last Sunday was the most perfect of May days, calm, clear, and buoyant, such as only Kansas can supply, and all nature seemed at her loveliest. In consequence, the temptation for a visit to the Chilocco Indian School below Arkansas City was so great as to almost depopulate our city of its society people. Those who yielded to temptation on this occasion were Mayor Emerson and family; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Blair; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Nelson; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wallis and daughters, Miss Bertha and Birdie; Mr. and Mrs. Beeny; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, and Mrs. J. E. Saint; E. H. Nixon and Miss Jessie Millington; M. J. O'Meara and Miss Lizzie Wallis; M. H. Ewert and Miss Margie Wallis; Byron Rudolph and Miss Sadie French; Mr. Walters and Miss Florence Beeny; Joe Finkleburg and Miss Anna Hyde; Fritz Ballein and Miss Nina Anderson. With such a bright and happy crowd, nothing but a most enjoyable trip could be the result. This Indian school is becoming a very popular resort for persons in search of recreation and information.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

High School Commencement Exercises.
The Opera House was crowded on last Thursday evening for the annual Commencement exercises of the Winfield High School. At the proper hour the curtain rose, disclosing a class of six young ladies, all beautifully robed in white, and countenances aglow with expectation, with their teachers, Prof. A. Gridley and Miss Caro Meech, at the head of the class. The program of exercises was as follows.

Invocation: Rev. Dr. Kirkwood.

Greeting Song: Class.

EssayFrom Possibility to Reality, with Salutatory: Josie A. Pixley.

EssayGeometry, with demonstration of proposition: Lizzie J. Lawson.

Instrumental MusicDrops of Water: Miss L. Dawson.

Class Prophecy: Ivy Dell Crane.

Recitation"The Present Crisis": Olive Stubblefield.

Instrumental MusicThe Witches' Dance: Miss L. Dawson.

EssayThe Earth's Phenomena: Coralie Shreves.

EssayCrazy Patchwork, with Valedictory: Ella F. Garlick.

Farewell Son: Class.

Benediction: Rev. Brittain.

The subject matter and rendition of each performance were highly creditable and worthy of individual mention, but where all did so well, it would seem invidious to particularize. The presentation of diplomas was preceded by very appropriate words of advice by Prof. Gridley. Miss Dawson rendered the class valuable assistance in her beautiful instrumental selections.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

County Population.

The returns of sixteen townships are in and the enumeration of population is as follows.

Townships 1883 1884 Gain.

Fairview 512 634 122

Cedar 677 983 306

Beaver 780 814 34

Otter 463 471 8

Omnia 347 433 106

Pleasant Valley 860 936 76

Silver Creek 928 1,311 383

Sheridan 622 701 79

Spring Creek 449 586 137

Walnut 896 1,285 389

Dexter 924 1,129 205

Liberty 716 758 42

Maple 636 719 83

Ninnescah 700 776 76

Harvey 788 698

Rock 706 648

TOTAL: 188311,004

TOTAL: 188412,882

This leaves the net gain in the sixteen townships over last year 1878. Harvey loses 90 and Rock 42. From the indications Cowley has upwards of twenty-six thousand inhabitants. The personal property rolls in all the townships show from twenty to thirty percent increase.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Proposed Change on the Southern Kansas.
Word was received last Friday of the intention of the Southern Kansas railroad officials to put on a night passenger train from Kansas City to Harper, passing here at about ten in the morning and returning in the afternoon, while the regular day train would be stopped at Independence. Our people were in favor of the new train, but heartily opposed to having the regular train stopped at Independence. A meeting of businessmen was held Friday evening at which Mayor Emerson and Messrs. Long, Black, and Horning were appointed a committee to interview the railroad officials, at Lawrence, to secure the continuance of the regular train to Winfield. The heaviest passenger traffic of any town on the line comes from this city, and the business is such as to demand both these trains. A train leaving for Kansas City at the same time as the Santa Fe, would greatly lessen our railroad accommodations.

LATER: We learn that the committee were successful in their efforts and that both trains will run through from Kansas City to Harper.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Memorial Day.
At a meeting of Winfield Post No. 85, the following comrades of the Post at the place were appointed a committee of arrangements: H. H. Siverd, Chairman; A. H. Limerick, James McDermott, J. E. Snow, and C. Trump, with power to appoint sub-committees. A general invitation is extended to all the Posts in the county and to all old soldiers and citizens to participate in the memorial services, May 20th. By order of the committee.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

A Business Chance.
On Monday Mr. J. E. Conklin purchased Read & Robinson's interest in the Winfield Brick, Stone, and Tile Works, and is now the controlling owner of that enterprise. The investments now reach upwards of twelve thousand dollars. Under the efficient management of Mr. Conklin, this institution will prove a most valuable one, not only for the proprietors but the community at large.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Railroad Meeting.
There will be a meeting at Akron schoolhouse in Fairview Township on Tuesday evening, May 20th, to consider the Kansas City & Southwestern railroad proposition. Every citizen is requested to be present.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The Manny Case.
The trial of Frank Manny last week in the District Court for the violation of the prohibitory law resulted in a verdict of guilty on six counts. The judgment of the court has not yet been announced.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Wanted. A girl for general work in the house. The best wages will be paid.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Postponed. The Episcopal festival is postponed until further notice. By order of Committee.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Judge Torrance adjourned court Monday until Thursday noon. But little business except criminal has been transacted. The Jury in the assault and battery case against Graham of Dexter failed to agree. It will be tried again next term. The suit between Col. Alexander and Uncle Joe Likowski for possession of the property next to McGuire Bros.' store came up this term and Likowski gained a point by the court overruling demurrer to plaintiff's petition. It looks a good deal as if Joe would be able to hold the property.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

A communication reflecting upon the Superintendent of the city schools and the Board of Education for their action regarding the graduation this year of one of the High School pupils has been handed us for publication. We know these gentlemen to be men of honor, sound judgment, and fairness, and we think the publication of the article would do no good to anyone. It would only stir up strife, and such is far from the mission of the COURIER.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

There never was such a rush of emigration to this section of the state as at present, seeking investments in city and country property. There is no "let up" to the boom; in fact, it is becoming greater each week. No country was ever more prosperous and its prospects for continued prosperity better than this section at this time; hence those that come here are pleased with the country and much real estate is being sold.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

O'Meara & Randolph, the Boot and shoe men of Winfield, occupy one full page of the COURIER this week in setting forth their new departure. This firm have worked up, by judicious advertising and square dealing, a reputation very enviable, and are doing an immense business. They spread the printer's ink heavily, always back up what they advertise, and are reaping their reward.




It cannot be kept quiet. Everybody knows that


And what is it? Yes, 'tis indeed true; a $95 (Peerless make)

The most magnificent presentation ever offered by any merchant in Winfield. Who but

O'Meara & Randolph. The Invincible Shoe Men, dare attempt such a project. The golden rule is our motto. FAIR AND SQUARE DEALING is a monument that is as invincible as the marble shaft that defies the furies of the elements, and cannot be defaced. Go to

Boots and Shoes Cheaper than Ever.

REMEMBER, with every distinct purchase of Boots and Shoes.


You may be the fortunate possessor of this BEAUTIFUL INSTRUMENT.

We respectfully present the Conditions How the Organ will be Drawn.

For each and every sale of goods, the purchaser will receive a numbered ticket and a duplicate number will be retained by us, and on the 4th day of July the tickets will be placed in a box and a young lady will be selected to draw them out. After drawing out 209 tickets, the party holding the duplicate number will be entitled to this beautiful instrument.

We most cheerfully ask the good people of Cowley County to come and see us and investigate this pleasing and polite method of placing ourselves before the entire county.

Respectfully, O'MEARA & RANDOLPH, Three doors North of Post Office, Winfield, Kansas.





REYNOLDS BROS. FINE KID SHOES.[Ad took up an entire page.]


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The time has arrived to commence working up a Fourth of July celebration. With the present outlook for prosperous times, every man, woman, and child in the county should and will turn out to a grand picnic at Winfield in honor of our independence. Let us begin to work the matter up at once and give plenty of time for advertisement.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The weather clerk is terribly vacillating this season. Perhaps he recognizes our wonderfully active dispositions and wants to keep us busy changing habiliments. A linen duster Monday and an overcoat Tuesday.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Henry Goldsmith has run service pipe from the waterworks into the cellar of his store for use with his soda fountain and put in a fountain tumbler-washer that is very attractive and convenient.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Points of Local Interest Regarding Churches and Church Going People.
Remember the Baptist strawberry social next Tuesday evening.

Winfield is noted for her fine church buildings and able ministers.

Bright, new carpet has been put down on the aisles of the Presbyterian Church.

The Ladies of the Baptist Church give a strawberry festival next Tuesday evening.

The new United Brethren Church of Pleasant Valley, at Constant, is about completed.

Rev. Tucker will occupy the pulpit at the M. E. Church next Sunday. Rev. Kelly fills the Ottawa pulpit.

Owing to the inclement weather, the Methodists postponed their church social announced for last Tuesday evening.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church will give a strawberry and ice cream festival at the church on next Tuesday evening.

The Baptist Sunday School, under management of Prof. Stimson, is preparing and will present soon the Scriptural cantata, "Under the Palms."

Rev. C. P. Graham, pastor of the New Salem and Walnut Valley Presbyterian churches, was in the metropolis Monday. His churches are flourishing.

Winfield has seven churches and they are all well filled every Sunday. No better index could be given to the morality and intelligence of our citizens.

Rev. J. Cairns conducted the dedicatory services of the new Baptist Church at Cherryvale, last Sunday, and his place in this city was filled by Prof. Hickok.

Rev. Father Kelly, the new pastor of the Winfield and surrounding Catholic churches, is getting fairly settled in his new duties. His charge embraces a large territory.

The ladies of the Baptist Church are noted for their fine entertainments, and the strawberry festival to be given by them Tuesday evening next will be fully up to those of the past.

The Regular Quarterly meeting of the United Brethern Church of this city occurred last Saturday and Sunday, the Presiding Elder, Rev. P. B. Lee, officiating. An interesting session was had.

The Episcopal Church of Wichita, which has been supplied as a mission heretofore, has now completed its church, and applied for the appointment of a pastor whom they will pay $1,200 per year and furnish a neat parsonage free of rent.

Dr. Kirkwood still continues his lectures on the first chapters of Genesis as compared to the science of today, and those who have heard the course so far have received many new and brilliant ideas on this most mysterious part of the Scriptures.

Judge Gans attended the dedicatory services of the Christian Church at Emporia last Sunday. Four thousand, five hundred dollars was raised for clearing the debt of the church, four hundred of which was contributed by telegraph from Washington by Senator Plumb.

Our colored Methodist friends are now soliciting the citizens and will soon have their church building completed. It has been in an unfinished condition for some time. The church has a good membership and our people should take pride in helping them out. Mr. R. R. Finley is the pastor.

Memorial services in honor of the heroes who fell on the field of battle during the Rebellion will be held in the M. E. Church on Sunday, the 25th, and Rev. Kelly will deliver a sermon appropriate to the occasion. Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. G. L. Rinker, and Mrs. H. F. Cooper are the committee on decoration of the church. Decoration day, May 20th, will be observed by the Winfield Post G. A. R.

Wonderful energy and zealousness in church matters has been exhibited during the past year by the ladies of the Christian Church. They have given festivals and entertainments untiringly, and in addition to furnishing the new church building throughout, have loaned a large sum to the building fund. The new church will be dedicated in about three weeks, when several noted divines from abroad will be present.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

New Salem Pencilings.
BIRTH? Mrs. Miles is entertaining a fine little boy.

Mr. J. D. Dalgarn is home from Harper City.

Wish somebody would tell me some news to write.

Mrs. Wolf has been quite ill again with heart disease.

Mr. McMillen is busy putting in millet. He has a fine crop this spring.

Mr. Joe Hoyland is having the well on the Powers farm blasted deeper.

The Hoylands and Mr. Watsonberger have taken their cattle off to pasture.

Mr. Fields and family made a visit in Arkansas valley, near Arkansas City, last week.

Mrs. Crow is quite poorly at present; we do not know the nature of her complaint.

Two of the Fox children are sick with pneumonia and are attended by Dr. Downs.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland's house has put on part of its new spring suitanother coat will complete it.

I extend my congratulations to Miss Bosley and wish her all the happiness there is in this world.

The M. E. Minister has arrived in Salem, and the people welcome him and his family to our circle.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland is suffering from neuralgia of the kidneys and Dr. Irwin is waiting on him. He mends very slowly.

Maud McMillen alarmed the teacher and pupils by swallowing a pin recently, but has not seemed to suffer from its effects.

Captain Rowe and Mr. Frank made a short stop in this vicinity when returning from Winfield. The report Cambridge as booming.

A few of the young people surprised the Brinnegar brothers by dropping in to spend the evening. They report an excellent time.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hoyland, of Monroe, Wisconsin, are Salem guests at present and are charmed with the country and the hospitality of the Salemites.

If anyone wishes to see a fine herd of beautiful fat cattle, just let them pay a visit to the corral at Salem where Mr. Castleberro is feeding his.

Nature has put on a beautiful green, and Mr. Orand's house has followed her example, only in a brighter shade, with trimmings of a dark rich color.

Mr. J. B____, of C____, you are a good one to pass through this vicinity and never even call to see your Salem and COURIER friends. What have we done to offend?

The singing at Salem is quite well attended and when the R. R. hands attend with their violin and play with the organ, the music part of the program is hard to beat.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have gone to Geuda Springs to live. We miss all our kind neighbors when they leave us. We recommend them to the people of the Springs.

Some of Mr. King's relatives are enjoying Salem hospitality. The friends keep coming and are very favorably impressed with our beautiful country, our growing and thriving towns, our good neighbors, and in fact most everything.

Communion services were put off owing to the weather some weeks ago and held on Sunday, the 4th, and were well attended; good feeling seemed to prevail. The Sunday schools are very interesting and are well patronized.

I hear that a new hotel will be erected in Salem in a short time and that the foundation is already laid. A brother-in-law of Mrs. King is the enterprising builder. Salem congratulates itself when a man full of business settles here.

The father, mother, and sister of Mr. Lucas arrived at his home quite awhile ago and were warmly greeted by Mr. Lucas and his good little wife. Mr. Lucas, Sr., is suffering from cancer and is not able to enjoy the social privileges of our little burg. We hope medical skill will give him relief very soon.

New Salem nor its scribbler have neither left the country, although I have been silent several weeks. When one is so busy house-cleaning and doing a thousand other things, they fail to hear the neighborhood news. But administering to the wants of loved ones, especially when they are sick, must always be our first consideration.

Mrs. Wesley McEwen thought to give her "hubby" a pleasant surprise on the evening of his birthday by having nearly thirty of their associates invited in, and while he was out at work she had prepared the many substantial and also delicate goodies for the occasion. The sly scamp took the hint, but wisely kept still, and was wonderfully surprised at the swarm of lively people that gathered into their home. Think I'll call the party one in honor of the Salem tripletsMessrs. McEwen, James Ford, and Ward Hoyland, as their birthdays were all on the 7th of May. "Olivia" has the dignity of being a week the oldest, as mine was April the 30th. Everything passed off lively and the supper was excellent, also the singing and music and the "chin music" kept the happy guests busy. May the jolly triplets have many happy returns of the day. OLIVIA.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Interesting Items Gathered From Our Neighboring Exchanges.
Mrs. Spence Minor, of Winfield, paid her sister, Mrs. D. W. Stevens, a visit last Monday.

Bill Barker sold his 160 acre farm on the Walnut River, about half-way between this place and Winfield, this week for $2,500.

Recently Mr. Millington, postmaster at Winfield, offered Miss Anna Hunt, of our city schools, the superintendency of the registry department of the post office at that place. Miss Hunt accepted the offer and proffered her resignation to the school board. It was accepted with reluctance, and Miss Hunt finished her term yesterday, and returns to her home at Winfield today. This excellent young lady rendered us efficient aid in the schools, and with regret we chronicle her departure.

Last Wednesday afternoon Mr. Job Farrar and Mr. Foss, Mrs. H. P. Farrar's father, having in charge Mr. H. P. Farrar's little son, attempted to cross the Walnut River at Harmon's ford. The water was much deeper than anticipated, and the team encumbered by the wagon, was soon submerged. Fortunately the wagon-bed became disengaged from the running gear, and floated off. Coming in contact with the branches of a tree, the gentlemen succeeded in saving themselves and the little boy. Both horses were drowned. No stronger argument for a bridge at this ford could be adduced.

Thos. J. Becket, who resides on Grouse Creek, had four horses stolen from his premises about two weeks ago by a couple of brothers named Fallen, who left immediately with their booty for parts unknown. Their whereabouts was not ascertained until last week, when they were heard of near Carthage, Missouri. Accordingly Capt. Rarick, in company with Mr. Becket, left immediately for that place to capture the thieves and reclaim the stolen horses. They succeeded in overtaking the thieves and arresting them at a farm house several miles out from Carthage, and starting on their return trip, arrived at Winfield last Saturday night. The thieves now languish in the county jail.

The first of this week three of the mill firms issued a circular announcing a reduction in flour. Immediately following came one from the grocers denouncing the same, and offering flour even cheaper than the mills. The result of this was that the mills opened a flour store, and the grocers ordered a car-load of the best brands from Wichita. The mills made arrangements with McLaughlin Bros. to handle their flour and closed their own store. Soon appeared at the former place a sign peculiar yet indicative. It showed on one end an Indian in full war dress. Following came "The Miller's Feed and Flour Store"; then a hand displaying a strong poker hand, viz., four aces. The grocers were not to be excelled, and Kroenert & Austin immediately ran up a black flag and on a board arranged four aces and the joker. Both parties are determined, and it is difficulty to predict the result.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

S. S. Moore and T. J. Rude had business at Winfield this week.

Some people are friends only just so long as you pander to their tastes and whims, give them favors, accept none, and pay double price for what you get. God forgive such friends.

S. W. Phoenix, of Richland Township, bought a horse from McMullen & Silliman, from Treadway Bros. stable in this city, paying therefor $1,500. B. H. Clover, of Richland Township, purchased another horse from the same place, of the same parties, for $1,500 cash. It appears that fine horses are getting to be at a premium.

Note the names of the merchants who advertise and when you come to the city give them a call. Let them know that you appreciate the information given you through our columns. If the merchant knows that you have been directed to his establishment through an advertisement in the paper, you can rest assured that he will not let you leave his store without offering you bargains. He pays for an advertisement because he wants your trade. If he is willing to pay for an advertisement, he will undoubtedly be willing to offer you some inducement to become a permanent customer.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Wheat will commence to head about the 20th.

Winfield has seventy telephone subscribers and Arkansas City has twenty-four. The two towns are connected by a telephone wire, and we hope it will not be long before Oxford and Wellington will be able to communicate with these two cities in a like manner.

Last week we made mention of a little girl by the name of Mary Talby, in the southeast part of town, entering the residence of T. W. Morris, taking some money, ransacking the house, etc. Since then we have heard of a number of other acts of this character committed by this child, the latest being Wednesday evening, when, finding the store of Kranich & Reed vacant for a few minutes, she slipped out with a package of coffee. We know nothing personally, about the child, her brothers, sisters, or parents, but we do know that if this petty larceny business is kept up, it will lead the family into serious trouble some day.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mrs. Hattie Hucherson visited with friends in Winfield a day or two this week.

A. H. Limerick and wife were over from Winfield this week visiting with friends.

The law is being violated daily by men catching fish in Grouse by means of traps.

One day last week the boys on the south prairie organized a crusade against the wolves, a number of which were known to have dens in the vicinity. They say it was not a very good day for wolves, but they managed to take in sixteen, capturing them all alive. Anyone wishing to try the experiment of domesticating a coyote, can now be supplied by calling on the McClellan, Farris, or Irwin boys.

MARRIED?? A little matrimonial breeze was created at Dexter the other day. 'Squire Elliott united a young couple in marriage there last Sunday. As soon as the mother heard of the daughter's marriage, she became enraged, and hunting up the young man, she made the air blue withlanguage not consoling, and perhaps flourished a pistol before the young fellow. The 'Squire kept himself concealed until all was quiet, then crawling out from behind a pile of lumber, looked all around and said: "Bo-hoys, it's no fun to be a 'squire."

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. T. V. McConn started for Saratoga, New York, on Monday last, where he goes as a delegate to the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America.

A man never feels more enthused over the subject of Oklahoma than when he is emerging from a back alley after a brief but loving interview with a bottle of prescription whiskey.

C. M. Scott and R. A. Houghton made a purchase of five head of Polled Angus males at Wellington last week. The cheapest animal sold at Mathews' sale of imported Galloway stock, last Saturday, was a yearling calf for $350.

We received a pleasant call last Monday from Capt. Burrow and Lieut. F. P. Spalding, who have been lying near our city, on the Arkansas River, waiting instructions the past three days. From these gentlemen we gather the following particulars with reference to the survey which is under the direction of Major M. B. Adams, of the U. S. corps of engineers, with Capt. Burrows in change and Lieut. Spalding, as assistant, with a force of twenty men. Mr. E. B. Admas is levelman and Mr. M. A. Orlopp recorder of the expedition. The object is to definitely settle the feasibility of the navigation of the Arkansas River between Fort Gibson and this city and possibly Wichita, and the length of river over which the present survey will extend is 315 miles and will take about five months to complete. The corps left Wichita, March 31, and to this point report plenty of water. Considerable delay was caused by the west Arkansas River Bridge here, which was so low that it necessitated the removal of the cabin from the boat before it was possible to pass. No difficulty whatever was experienced in coming over the dam. In fact, the boys seemed to appreciate the fun. Yesterday morning they bade adieu and by this time we presume are within the bounds of the Indian Territory.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The break in the canal has been repaired, and everything is in apple-pie order again.

Mr. Thomas Landham, who resides a few miles north of this city, in Pleasant Valley Township, was thrown from a load of hay last Wednesday and had his skull fractured and was otherwise quite badly injured. At the present writing, it is thought he will not recover.

Last Wednesday Mr. J. E. Means and wife, of North Creswell, went to one of the neighbors, leaving their only child, a girl about nine years of age, at home, and when they returned about two hours later, they were startled by hearing the cries of their child issuing from the bottom of the well. Mr. Means went down into the well, and with the aid of his wife and a rope, succeeded in bringing her to the surface. She was quite badly bruised about the head and shoulders, but otherwise uninjured. The well had no curbing about it, and in attempting to draw a bucket of water, the child lost her balance and tumbled in.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

The greater part of the Dexter people have been courting in Winfield this week.

We are informed that a new paper will make its appearance at Cedarvale this week. We wish it abundant success.

Tracts of government land are becoming beautifully less. Cowley is the best county the sun shines upon and Grouse Valley stands unrivaled by any valley in southern Kansas.

S. H. Wells, township trustee, reports that the population of Dexter Township, by the census just taken by him, is 1,129 against 996 last year, or an increase of 143. This is a good showing and "hard to beat."

Quite an excitement was caused in our little town Sunday by the appearance of two young folks who were driving fast and were very anxious to find a preacher, justice, or something of the kind. After considerable difficulty they found 'Squire Elliott, who spoke a few words, which tied the knot that bound together for better or for worse, Mr. Jake DeShane and Miss _____ Lawrence. The newly married pair drove at once to the residence of the groom's father, 12 miles from this place. Their vehicle had hardly disappeared when the mother of the bride appeared, riding a grey horse on a dead lope and laying on the "gad" at every jump. She was after the girl, who was her daughter. She was too latethe girl was a married woman. The old folks opposed the match, the young folks wouldn't have it that way, and the girl starting to Sunday school met her lover by appointment and they started for Dexter. The Eye heartily congratulates the plucky young couple and trusts that all their troubles may be little ones.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

For Sale. A very fine span of young horses. J. D. McMullen.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Notice of Dissolution.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, May 12th, 1884.

Public notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that the firm of H. G. Fuller & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. G. Fuller assumes the payment of all debts of said firm, and will continue business under the name and style of H. G. Fuller & Co. All of the notes and accounts due and owing to said firm must be paid to H. G. Fuller.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

I will sell at Public Auction at my farm, five miles northwest of Winfield, on Monday, May 19th, commencing at half past nine o'clock a.m., all my farming implements, horses, cattle, hogs, and household furniture. Terms: cash on all sums less than $5.00; bankable notes on six months time on all sums over that with interest at ten percent. Five percent off for cash. CHARLES W. SHORT.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

NOTICE. Joseph E. Conklin has this day purchased all of the stock of The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company owned by M. L. Read and M. L. Robinson, and all their interests in and to all the property both real and personal together with all the credits of the aforesaid company. The said Joseph E. Conklin and his co-owners of the stock of said company assume and agree to pay any and all liabilities of the said The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company. J. E. CONKLIN, M. L. ROBINSON, M. L. READ.

Winfield, Kansas, May 13, 1884.

I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at my old farm, ten miles northwest of Winfield, and three miles southwest of Seeley, on Tuesday, the 20th day of May, A. D. 1884, commencing at ten o'clock a.m., the following described personal property: 8 milch cows with calves by their sides, 2 two year old heifers, 1 two year old steer, 3 yearling heifers, 4 yearling steers, 1 fine yearling bull, 4 heavy brood sows, 18 fine shoats, 1 span heavy work horses, 1 set heavy harness, 1 lumber wagon, nearly new, 1 two horse corn cultivator. Terms, cash on all sums less than five dollars, bankable notes on six months time without interest will be taken on all sums over that amount. WM. H. WHITE.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.


BARGAIN NO. 1. A lot of over five thousand yards of Embroideries, including every width and quality, from the cheapest to the finest, and most choice patterns, will be sold at fully ONE-THIRD LESS than their ACTUAL VALUE. We have secured these Embroideries at a great sacrifice to the former owner, and we are ready and willing to let our patrons share the benefit thereof. We invite every lady to call in and attend this sale, for these goods must be seen to be appreciated. To quote prices here would not give you the proper idea of what they are. Everyone examining these embroiders will find the prices an inducement to lay in a supply for future use, for they are decidedly the greatest bargain ever offered in the city of Winfield.

BARGAIN NO. 2. A lot of elegant Cashmeres, a yard wide, in all desirable colors, at 25 cents per yard; actual value 35 cents per yard.

BARGAIN NO. 3. A choice selection of Fine Sateens at 25 cents per yard; sold everywhere at almost double this price. New style and fine quality Zephyr Ginghams at only 20 cents per yard.

Another large invoice of Tapestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. This gives us by far the largest stock of Carpets carried by any one house in Southern Kansas.

150 pairs of Men's Overalls at 50 cents a pair. They consist of plain colors and stripes are made of 9 oz. Duck. A big bargain.

M. HAHN & CO.,
Main St. and 9th Ave., Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

United States Marshal Williams and Capt. Murray Meyers arrived in Wichita May 12th, from the Indian Territory, having in charge some thirty odd Oklahoma "boomers" arrested at Fort Reno. These men will be arraigned before J. F. Shearman, Commissioner of the United States district court at Wichita. The above officers had also in custody the white man who murdered the Indian chief, Running Buffalo.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

A fire at the Willard House, Washington, D. C., created quite a little excitement a few days since, congressmen and their effects being hustled out in quick time. No one was hurt.

[Note: Earlier spellings showed Williard House. Not sure if Williard changed into Willard or if Willard is correct. MAW]


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The enthusiastic and unanimous action of Tuesday's convention in the re-nomination of Judge Torrance is most gratifying to his many friends at home. His marked ability as a jurist, coupled with the purity and high character which he has brought to the bench of this district are thus publicly acknowledged by his constituents.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Winfield to Lead Off and Take the First Rank.
Next Tuesday is the election in the City of Winfield on the proposition to vote a city subscription and bonds of $40,000 to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company.

The men who have taken hold of this enterprise are heavy capitalists themselves and are backed by the heaviest capitalists and railroad interests of the country. They have large private interest which the ownership of this railroad would serve. It is a road competing with the Santa Fe road, it has no interest in common with that road, it will parallel the Southern Kansas auxiliary of that road from Kansas City to the Neosho River and come into direct competition with it at Eureka and Winfield. Every guarantee that could be worth anything is offered that it shall always remain a competing road, and if security were possible, it would be given. The bonds are now being submitted all along the line to the Neosho River, at or near Le Roy, and in case they are carried as is expected, the whole work from Le Roy to the state line will be put under contract at once and the first train that reaches Winfield will come from St. Louis by way of Le Roy and Eureka and in an almost direct air line from the Neosho River. In the meantime the division from Kansas City to the Neosho River bill be worked up and within two years the whole line from Kansas City will be built and in operation to the state line in Sumner county.

This will be the most valuable road for Winfield that could be built. It is just what we have always needed and wanted. It will wake up our dormant energies and bring laborers, and capital, and factories, and trade. It will place Winfield in the lead of all the cities of Southern Kansas. It will be worth to every person in this city from ten to a hundred times what it will cost him. Even if it was a Santa Fe road built parallel to itself half of the way and no more competition than the Southern Kansas is with the Santa Fe, it would be worth to the people of this city ten times what it would cost them.

Of course, Winfield will be practically unanimous for the bonds, but it is possible that many, feeling sure that they will be carried, will not take the trouble to vote. It is of great importance that Winfield shall poll a large and full vote for the bonds for much depends on the influence of this vote on the townships. If Winfield by its vote shall show enthusiasm in the matter, it will enthuse all along the line and insure the building of the road by the way of Winfield; but if through want of enthusiasm here, some townships should fail to vote the bonds, it would change the route to the Little Walnut Valley and probably to Wellington instead of Winfield. The road will be built from Kansas City to the South line of Sumner County either one way or the other.

Messrs. Hoffman, Towles, Young, and Latham have got the money to do it and all the backing that there is any use for, and besides they have use for the road. If it is not built through Winfield, it will be built all the same.

If it is built this way, the Neosho River will be the end of the first division and Winfield the end of the second division.

Let the voters of Winfield all turn out and give this project a rousing endorsement.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The failure of Grant & Ward and the Marine Bank of New York was followed last Wednesday by the failure of the Metropolitan Bank and Donnell, Lawson & Co., and half a dozen large firms in that city. Thursday these reports were received in this city, but did not create any excitement here. Friday morning it was reported on our streets that all the Kansas City banks had failed and that a general panic was expected throughout the country. Even these reports, though they were believed and excited the deepest interest, did not cause any apprehension as to the safety of deposits in this city. The well known soundness of our banks prevented anything that looked like a run. Probably a few depositors drew their balances who would not have done so but for the reports of failures east, but the businessmen make their deposits and transacted business as usual.

The banks here were fortified, having unusually large balances of currency in their vaults and could have stood the biggest kind of a racket. Their customers had for the last six months been taking up their notes and paying off their indebtedness to such extent that money had accumulated in the banks to very large amounts, so our banks were panic proof.

Saturday it was learned that the Kansas City banks were supported by the businessmen and were all doing business and paying checks right along, that the Metropolitan Bank of New York had resumed at once as well as others of the suspended institutions and full confidence was restored.

When it was known that Donnell, Lawson & Co. had failed, it was supposed that this state and many of the bankers of the state would suffer a considerable loss by them. Two of our city banks had been doing business with them, but had but little balances in their hands and could not have lost much at worse. Had the Bank of Kansas City gone down, it would have been worse, but that would not have been a serious loss. But the latter bank is all right and now we learn that Donnell, Lawson & Co. will immediately resume, being ready to pay all demands.

Nobody loses anything but the gamblers and we think this flurry will finish up some of the worst gamblers and prove a good thing.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

A Disastrous Day for New York Speculators.
NEW YORK, MAY 1411:30. The Metropolitan Bank has suspended, and its doors are closed. George Seney is President.

J. C. Williams a broker of Stock Exchange, says that he will announce his suspension later in the day. Several stocks were bought in under the rule this morning on his account.

O. M. Bogart & Co. have assigned to John Wheeler. Preferences $86,000.

Secretary of the Treasury, Folger, is in town, and has telegraphed to Washington ordering the immediate payment of the 127th call for bonds. If necessary, he will order another call for $1,000,000.

The failure of Hatch & Foote was precipitated by the Phoenix Bank refusing to certify their checks.

Hatch & Foote have announced their failure on the Stock Exchange.

Noon. A meeting of the Clearing House has been called for 1:30 today, to consider the financial situation. The banks are crowded with anxious depositors, but it is impossible for them to get near anyone in authority.

The financial complication of the past week supplemented by revelations regarding the management of the Second National Bank, which resulted in the resignation of the President, brought about such a feeling of uncertainty in the financial situation that in opening the business of the Stock Exchange this morning it was felt that a disaster was imminent before long. One failure after another was reported until five stock firms had suspended and the Metropolitan National Bank closed. Its President, Geo. F. Seney, has been one of the most prominent speculators at the Exchange. The failure of Hatch & Foote is likely to involve country firms, as they hold the accounts of many private bankers outside of New York, as well as individuals South and West. Secretary Folger, who is in the city, telegraphed to Washington to take up the bonds of the 127th call, on presentation. The bonds are not due until June 20. The Secretary further promises to take such steps as will relieve the present situation.

Bogart & Co.'s failure is considered an important one, as they are large dealers in commercial paper, and dealt somewhat in privileges considered solid.

Wall, Broad, and New streets, surrounding the Stock Exchange, are filled with surging masses, and the galleries overlooking the trading room were crowded to repletion. The excitement on all sides is almost unprecedented. On the floor of the Exchange all is confusion, though there is little new business done. The sales, on account of the suspended firms, make a show of business. The situation is decidedly panicky, as further failures are looked for. Distrust is the most prominent feature, and the banks are carefully scrutinizing accounts.

Donnell, Lawson & Simpson have announced a suspension. They are dealers in county, water, and city bonds. They are said to have $2,000,000 with the Metropolitan Bank. The firm say that owing to the general panic prevailing they deem it best to suspend until they see where they stand.

Wall Street, 2:30 p.m. The settlements for the day have all been made. Hotchkiss & Burnham have suspended. Hatch & Foote made an assignment to Henry W. Reigheley, without preferences. The rumor that the Metropolitan Bank was indebted to Donnell, Lawson & Co., is untrue. The fact is, the firm owes the bank $100,000, but has securities for more than that amount.

3:45 p.m. Money is now loaning at one percent per diem. . . .

3 p.m. The gong at the Stock Exchange sounded one of the most exciting days in the history of the institution. Stocks were firmer this afternoon on the announcement that the banks intended to stand by each other.

The failure of Hotchkiss & Burnham had comparatively little effect on the market, which was ragged at the close, but can be called firm.

All the checks of the Merchants' National Bank, of Kansas City, and of Long Brothers, of Kansas City, drawn on the Metropolitan Bank, will be paid by John Patton & Co., of this city.

The Atlantic State Bank of Brooklyn closed its doors this afternoon. This bank is the Brooklyn correspondent of the Metropolitan Bank, with a capital of $200,000; surplus, $10,000. The President is George D. Puffer.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Now is the crisis in the fortunes of Winfield. Give an enthusiastic endorsement of the K. C. and S. W. road and Winfield rises to the first rank.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Donnell, Lawson & Co. will resume business tomorrow.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

[Recap Telegram attacking Millington of Courier ..."Now, our high tax brother, you gain the advantage for our home produce by making foreign goods high by taxing them, so that our own produce will bring high prices, don't you? In other words, the tariff adds to the price of goods, don't it? That's simple protection doctrine. . . ."

Millington responds: "The above clipped from the Telegram is an illustration of the statement of Henry Ward Beecher, that the free traders have the arguments on their side, but the protectionists have all the facts for their support."

. . . . During the free trade or "tariff for revenue only" times in our country, from 1850 to 1860, English manufacturers of railroad iron had the monopoly of railroad iron in our markets, because they could place their iron on our markets at a profit of $35 to $40 a ton if they chose and American manufacturers could not. . . . The English factories had a market for all they made and were combined in one great monopoly, bound to crush out any venturesome American firm or corporation which should dare to invest money in a rolling mill. So Americans kept out of the business and English manufactories kept the prices of railroad iron up to $115 to $125 per ton. Then came on the civil war in this country and congress passed a high tariff law for the purpose of raising a large revenue to sustain the war. It placed the tariff duties on railroad iron at $28 per ton. This was much more than the difference in cost of production between the two countries. Then Americans dared to invest in rolling-mills for with this advantage English monopolists could not crush them out. The result was that many large rolling mills were established in the United States, which began to compete with each other and the price of railroad iron began to come down. Before the war was over the price had fallen to $80. Then it fell to $70, and $60, and soon to $50. Then commenced the era of extensive railroad building and of steel rails. Improved machinery and methods enabled factories to make steel rails cheaper than it had cost to make iron rails. Notwithstanding the enormous demand, the American factories kept up with it and continued to reduce the prices because of home competition. Within the last year steel rails have been sold to our railroad-builders at $33 to $35 per ton, which is as low as the present actual cost of production and much lower than the English factory can place its rails in our market after paying the present tariff of $18 per ton.

It is now stated that British factories can make steel rails at a cost of $25 per ton and Americans can make at cost of $35, making a difference of $10 per ton. Does anyone believe that the Morrison reduction of twenty percent or $3.60 per ton would reduce the price of railroad iron in this country from $33.60 to $30.00?

So long as the tariff is higher than the difference in cost of production, English producers will not affect the prices in this country at all, but just as soon as our government reduces the tariff rates on steel rails to less than the difference in cost of production, the American factories will suspend and close up and the British monopolies will get the full command of our markets and put up the prices to $60, $70, or perhaps $100 per ton. The facts of the past have shown this kind of results every time and in every way in which the tariff has been partially adjusted on free trade or "tariff for revenue only" principles.

The advantage the American manufacturer gains by high protective duties is not in higher prices for his products, but in the fact that he cannot be crushed out by the foreign manufacturer and is not afraid to invest. This is all the protection they get. A low tariff means high revenue, foreign monopolies, high prices for manufactured articles, and low prices for labor and farm products. A high tariff means American factories, low prices of manufactured articles, and high prices of labor and farm products.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Dr. Crabtree, Will Crabtee, J. M. Hooker, Levi Quier, Huge [?] Patterson, Will Keller, and T. M. James left last Tuesday for an excursion to the famous Indian Territory.

It is cheaper to pay three dollars for a livery rig to take your girl away from the city than it would be to stay here and promenade on Main street past the ice cream saloons.

Springsweet, gentle spring is here. The trees will take their leaf, but will not emigrate; the gay young man and the lambkin will gambol; soon the bumble bee will bumble his first bumble, and paterfamilias will put a new hinge on the front gate in anticipation of the long summer campaign between "gentle Annie" and her lover.

Last week Messrs. S. S. Moore, P. T. Walton, N. Brooks, and L. W. Graham left here by wagon to go to Arkansas City. Graham took his team and his dog followed. At Winfield they left the team and took a train for Arkansas City. The dog did not get on the train, but the party had not been in the city by the raging canal but a few hours when the dog appeared uptown and rolled about the feet of his master in a seeming frenzy of delight. He had followed the train a distance of about thirteen miles and tracked his master through the city. It is needless to state that the dog got passage on the train home.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

A new shoe shop in town.

Cedarvale is to have a new paper.

Ben Clover went to Kansas City this week. He shipped a car load of hogs Monday.

We are informed that Mrs. B. D. French, of Torrance, fell down a flight of stairs last Sunday, and was pretty badly injured.

Just tell a lady that her brow is like marble and she will devour you with a smile, but say she has a marble head, and she's madder'n a wet hen.

The lemonade season is here, also the mosquito, but the pesky little house fly hasn't come to stay yet, and we are disconsolate. Come, little house fly, come, and in the print shop make your home. We'll feed you on the best of printer's "pi," and now and then a pot of soured paste.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Wheat never looked betterso says the "oldest inhabitant."

Frank Pierre has sold his farm and will locate in Dexter soon, to engage in the butcher business.

The weary traveler, of late, must go the proverbial "ten miles 'round," because of the wire fences that have been put up since he was along that way.

Memorial services will be held by Dexter Post, G. A. R., on Sunday, May 25, and on Memorial Day, May 30, at the Sunday services. The address will be made by Rev. Thos. Speer.

When the city of Dexter occupies the Grouse valley from the eastern to the western hills, the Eye will appear as a daily. By that time Dexter will have a population of 6,000 souls.

There is already one applicanta ladyfor the position of agent of the D. M. & A., at Dexter station. She is highly recommended as an able and efficient operator and agent, though as a baggage smasher she would probably not be a shining success.

Ed. Nicholson and Uncle Billy Moore are death on wolves. They have caught several old ones in the last few days, and Ed. says they leave the young ones for those who are just learning how to hunt them. The boys have had several fine runs this spring, and they think they will have exterminated the varmints in another seasonat least as far as Cowley County is concerned.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The work on the skating rink was begun this week, and will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The building will be 28 x 100 feet.

The new post office building, now being erected by J. C. Topliff, will be 23 x 100 feet lower story; and 23 x 70 feet upper story, and is to be built of brick and stone, with a fine plate glass front.

On Friday evening of last week, J. F. McMullen, County Superintendent Limerick, Capt. Stevens, C. C. Harris, and other members of Cowley Legion, of Winfield, visited Creswell Legion of this city.

The Action base ball club, of this city, organized for the season, last Tuesday. The club has challenged the Geuda Springs club to play a match game in two weeks from now; after that game, they will be ready for challenges from any club in the county.

Capt. Ed. Haight, of Winfield, dropped into our office last Wednesday evening. He is as complaisant and agreeable as when we met him four years ago at Newton. By the way, the Captain is the first Cowley County man with whom we got acquainted, and probably that is the reason his countenance is so agreeable to us.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The health of our vicinity is very good at present.

We have a new editor, have not got acquainted with him yet.

Several car loads of stock have been shipped from here the past few days.

The farmers are very busy at present preparing their land for sowing millet.

Our little town is on the boomquite a number of new houses are being built.

Our postmaster, Mr. Hicks, has been east on business, but returned Saturday.

Quite a number of wolves have been killed south of town. They are quite numerous.

Quite a fine lot of fish was on the market the first of the week. They were caught by the Fountain Bros.

Mr. I. B. Todd has bought 10 acres of land on the west side of town. He intends to build some houses and rent them.

Some of our best citizens are preparing to move west to Sedgwick County. I think they are jumping off of the pan into the fire.

The Mr. Rowes purchased two fine thorough bred calves from Mr. Parmer for the sum of $150. They say their stock is doing fine on the range. CLYDE.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

We hear that the beautiful mare, "Queen of the Forest," belonging to Mr. Tweedie at the Forest Clydesdale Stud Farm, had a splendid stallion foal on the 18th inst. The sire of the foal is Tam O'Shanter (851), well known to be one of the best Clydesdale Stallions in Great Britain. "Queen of the Forest" has one of the best pedigrees that is to be found in the stud book being own sister to Mr. Lawrie's prize running mare, "Hard Times," the winner of over forty prizes. Her sire was the famous prize taking horse, "Pride of Galloway" (601), dam the prize mare, "Bess" 2nd of Nitchelster (3061) by Prince of Wales (677) 2nd dam, Bess 1st by London Tom (1212), a prize winner at the Highland Society of Scotland. It will be seen from the illustrious ancestors of the young colt that he cannot fail to be a very important addition to the full blooded stock in this country.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Matters and Things in Adjoining Counties.
The dedication of the beautiful new Baptist meeting house at Cherryvale took place on the 11th day of May. The debt of $1,100.41 was raised and one hundred and thirty-three left for further improvement in the treasury. The Rev. J. Cairns preached the sermon. They also raised two hundred and fifty dollars for one of Mr. Stranis church bells to weigh one thousand pounds. Cherryvale is improving very rapidly. The competition of railroads has so reduced freights that business is centering there and the prospects are that it will soon outgrow Independence. Cave Springs in Elk County is a beautiful, healthy, and romantic spot now owned by Rev. J. B. English, whose wife has been entirely cured of Neuralgia of over fifty years standing, and many others claim like advantages from its use. Rheumatism and neuralgia of the severest kind. The water is cold, pure, and clear as crystal. It is located halfway between Howard and Fall River, six miles from Po pa, on the Howard branch of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. It shows the following chemical analysis. Carbonic Acid, Carbonate lime, Sulphuric magnesia, Chloride magnesia, Chloride Sodium, Chloride Potassium, Silica, and organic matter. The proprietor is giving free treatment to the severely afflicted to more fully test the curative qualities of the water. Howard is growing quite fast, there is a second opera house going up. Abe Steinberger, with his Grip, has taken hold on prohibition and is doing good work for the home and family, he speaks with no uncertain tones. J.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

RECAP: W. H. ASHWORTH, Administrator of the Estate of Zachariah Ashworth, Deceased, May 17, 1884, filed petition re estate to Margaret Ashworth, widow, W. H. Ashworth, Jane Ashworth, Louisa Ashworth, and Joseph Ashworth, children and heirs at law of said decedent, and all others interested in said estate, praying said court to issue an order directing him to sell for the payment of debts the real estate on June 9, 1884.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

RECAP: Suit of Mary A. Phelps, Plaintiff, vs. Lemuel A. Phelps, defendant, for divorce, and restoring her maiden name of Mary A. Morehall. Filed by W. P. Hackney, her attorney.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

RECAP: Final Settlement estate of Miles W. Hart, deceased. Administrator, William W. Underwood, notified heirs at law and all persons interested in said estate that he would make final settlement July 7, 1884, for his services and expenses.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

RECAP. Sheriff's Sale...J. L. Byers, Plaintiff, vs. Clotilda H. Greer, Edwin P. Greer, Lizzie B. Greer, Frank H. Greer, Mary Greer, Nora Greer, Charles Greer, and Elbert R. Greer, Defendants. G. H. McIntire, sheriff, announced he would sell Monday, June 2, 1884, the following property: Lots 16, 17, 18, in Block 288, Winfield, property of the above named defendants.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

WE ARE NOW IN OUR NEW QUARTERS AND EXTEND AN INVITATION. With the fine weather we enjoy a greatly increased trade. The NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS , which we have been opening up in our new store for the past week are proving remarkably good sellers. Our many customers who have patronized us in our new quarters, and are NOW WEARING OUR NEW GOODS, come in to tell us how much their suits are admired and how well they are pleased themselves. To know our customers are so well pleased is a great source of gratitude to us.

to inspect our goods, and for you to see the extremely low prices at which we are selling nice, all-wool, dressy suitings and extra pants of all varieties. We are also selling

All the Novelties in Young Men's Hats and Stylish Furnishing Goods.
We close for the present by extending to all of our many friends in this county and out of it an invitation to come and see us in the


in the Statethe only one thoroughly lighted from both ends.

This month we are making a run on a line of very dressy suits at $15.00, which we guarantee cannot be produced elsewhere at less than $18.00. Call and be convinced.


In new building south of the Banks.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.


[Repeated Smith & Zook after items....Shoes and Slippers for men, women, boys, children.]

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.


UNTIL JUNE 15 I WILL GIVE A DISCOUNT OF 10 PERCENT ON ALL BILLS BOUGHT FOR CASH AMOUNTING TO $1.00 and upwards. This offer extends only to persons paying CASH. Winfield, May 13, 1884.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Eggs 10 cents, Butter, 12 ½ cents, chickens, live, 5 ½ cents per lb. or $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen; turkeys 10 cents per lb. or $12.00 to $24.00 per dozen. Potatoes 75 cents; Hogs $4.25 to $4.50 per cwt.; Corn 35 cents per bushel and wheat 90 cents.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

A girl wanted to do general housework. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Kirk, first house west of Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The Winfield Brick and Tile Company has put in a telephone to its brick yards. Register Soward also has one in his office now.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company wants bids for one hundred cords of wood suitable for burning brick, in lots not less than ten cords. The wood is to be delivered and corded in the company's yard in the southwest part of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Agent Kennedy announces this week a great reduction in round trip tickets over the Santa Fe from Winfield to Miller's crossing, near Dayton, Ohio. This is an excellent opportunity for those wishing to visit friends back east. The tickets are good for 30 days from May 20th.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

On word to the thinking people of this community. My rent is cheap, my expenses are small, I have no prize to offer my customers, and no blow hard advertisement to pay for, consequently, I can sell goods cheaper than all competitors. Very respectfully,



Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. B. S. Brown, of Crawfordsville, Indiana, is in the city this week prospecting. The fact of Winfield, surrounded by such a magnificent fruit and agricultural country, being without a canning factory, struck him at once. He has opened a correspondence with the proprietor of a large factory in his town, offering to stake his money as a partner if the apparatus be moved and a factory opened in Winfield. He is familiar with the business and satisfied that such an institution would pay heavily here. We have a very promising outlook for all kinds of fruit and canable vegetables and with a canning factory the prices would be greatly augmented, besides making a stimulus for greater exertions in raising fruit and vegetables suitable for canning. The benefits to Winfield of a canning factory are incalculable, and with the present outlook those starting one here would certainly reap a large reward.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Everyone is familiar with the staunch temperance proclivities of Capt. H. H. Siverd, but that the Captain should have made a prohibitionist of his fine sorrel horse will be news to many. The animal was standing complaisantly at a hitching post, Monday, when a passing anti-prohib accidentally dropped his empty bottle on the sidewalk in front of the sorrel. The animal instantly elevated his nose, snorted, pawed the earth, and seated his rear extremities on the ground, severing the bonds which bound him to the vicinity of the bottle. Through the aid of by-standing prohibitionists the charger was partially subdued, until the Captain could be hunted up, when a few gentle strokes on the animal's nose by its master, as if to insure the bottle culprit the just penalty of the law, made the sorrel as meek and lowly as a lamb.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Some of the Courthouse inhabitants have a novel way of getting into the "inner court" when a wedding is to take place in the Probate Judge's office. They have kept it from the public so far, but in an unguarded moment it caught the ear of our reporter. The COURIER is decidedly in favor of encouraging the matrimonial industry and is therefore ready to divulge anything detrimental to its interests. A bunch of papers is grabbed up and the holder rushes into the P. J.'s office: "Judge are you at leisure?" "In a few moments; have a chair," says the Judge. The ceremony witnessed, those having urgent business in that office suddenly disappear. Thus are "Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one" made to topple on Cupid's apex in a struggle with rosy-cheeked embarrassment.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Hudson Bros., with their usual public spirit, have put in a night watchman's clock for the benefit of those contributing parties who might suppose that James McLain don't keep his "beat" well warmed up. It is placed against the window sash, with a thumb screw protruding through, and as the watchman comes around he pulls this screw, which registers the time on a paper belt in the clock. To the credit of James, the bolt is being well perforated with time holes nightly. We are gradually taking on metropolitan airs, and in a few years the National Capital will be turning green with envy.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The County Normal Institute opens in Winfield on June 16th and continues two months. It will be conducted by Prof. B. T. Davis, assisted by Prof. A. Gridley and County Superin- tendent, Limerick. A new department has been added for this year called the "Model School." The purpose of this department is to give teachers ample opportunity to see in actual operation the best of the new methods of Primary Instruction. Miss Jessie Stretch, late of the State Normal School of Indiana, a teacher of much experience in this class of work, will have the supervision of this department.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Roy Sarsen, a boy about eight years old, was run over by Bliss & Wood's delivery wagon one day last week and had a leg badly broken. A number of boys were hurriedly crossing the street, some going in front of the wagon and some behind, and Roy thought, as the wagon was going very slowly, being heavily loaded, he would dodge in under it. He wasn't quite quick enough, fell, and before a halt could be made, the wheel passed over his leg with the above result. "Boys will be boys," is an old saying which is being verified every day.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Hon. T. H. Soward addressed an immense crowd on last Sunday afternoon on the temperance question at Beaver Center. Much enthusiasm was exhibited and arrangements made for a temperance picnic in the Bradbury Grove on Friday, June 6th, in which the people of Vernon, Beaver, and Pleasant Valley Townships will combine. J. W. Millspaugh, as vice- president of the western district of the County Temperance Organization, is showing his abilities as an effective worker and is starting the ball in the right direction.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The Fourth of July has been celebrated so long for the independence gained by our forefathers that some of our Cowley County ladies are moving in the matter of a celebration on that day, this year, in honor of the achievements of our foremothers, as well. The mothers of Revolutionary heroes certainly are worthy of a share in the honors, for what would that war have come to had the women not been there to pat the men on the back with gentle words of encouragement!


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The Cantata of "The Flower Queen," presented Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week by some forty of Winfield's pretty Misses, under the management of Mrs. E. D. Garlick, for the benefit of the new Reading Room, was a decided success. It exhibited the beauties and musical talents of our young ladies splendidly. These entertainments are a good thing in developing the musical ability of the city, and should be encouraged.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Those who propose attending the National convention and desire sleeping car accommodations should make application at once to John Sebastian, General Southwestern Passenger Agent of the Rock Island road at Kansas City. The Kansas delegation leave Kansas City over that line on the evening of the 31st.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The Board of Education has given Prof. A. Gridley the superintendency of the city schools for the coming year. Misses Dickie, Gridley, and Hamill have been employed as teachers. Numerous applications from teachers at home and abroad have been sent in and the board will consider them and employ the full corps of teachers at its next meeting.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

In chronicling a picnic party in our last issue, we made it totter like a three legged stool by accidentally leaving out the name of one of the liveliest participants. A committee, of which James Lorton was chairman, has waited upon us with the picnic lemonade and we hasten to correct the error.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Great complaint is issuing from "whisperings lovers" and others who inhabit Riverside Park frequently, on account of the absence of seats. The Park is becoming such a popular resort that comfortable seats, here and there, would be a great convenience and should in some way be provided.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Miss Hattie Fisher, of Seneca Falls, New York, partner of Mrs. Smith, dress and cloak maker, arrived on Saturday. They will keep themselves fully informed in all the leading styles of the season, and endeavor to please the ladies of Winfield and community. Rooms over Fargo's express office.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Anglers are visiting the banks of the crystal Walnut now-a-days in large numbers, but the fish market remains unchanged and the little fishes gambol around without the least trepidation.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. Joseph Underwood, late of Henry, Illinois, bought last week a quarter section in Maple Township, on which he will settle in a few weeks. The purchase was made through Harris & Willson.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The Stone, Brick & Tile Co. is now ready to fill orders for brick in numbers anywhere from one hundred to one hundred thousand. The brick are of the very best quality manufactured.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The sixth annual session of the Inter-State Sunday School Assembly will be held at Forest Park, Ottawa, Kansas, opening Tuesday afternoon, June 24th, closing Friday, July 4th.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Bad rumors are afloat about a certain real nice gentleman dry goods clerk of the city. It will happen soon and the lucky lady only lives fifty miles away. Now guess.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The woman suffragists are expecting a large turn out to the County Convention on June 7th and 8th in this city. Mrs. Helen M. Gougar will be here to officiate.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Miss Gable will meet her elocution class on Monday morning, next, at the east ward schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The County Commissioners meet on June 2nd as a board of equalization.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Sam E. Davis is now an attorney at law in Lamar, Missouri.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

T. R. Bryan spent last week prospecting in Clark County.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver spent last Sunday with Wichita friends.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. Ambrose Kinley, one of the substantial farmers of Windsor Township, was in the city Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Dr. A. S. Capper left Monday for Cincinnati to attend the annual meeting of the Physio- Medical Association.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mrs. Stump and her daughter, Miss Edith, came down from Chanute last week and spent a few days among friends.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. D. B. McCollum, of Pleasant Valley, dropped into our sanctum Tuesday and reported his neighborhood on the boom.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. James Tull, of Cambridge, one of the brightest young men of eastern Cowley, was in the metropolis Monday and Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

D. D. Drake, traveling correspondent of the Kansas City Sunday Graphic, was in the city last week in the interests of that paper.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Quincy Robert's school in district 98, Spring Creek Township, has closed and he is again at home. The term was very successful.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

From the Durango Herald we learn that Tony Boyle, familiar to all Winfield people, has sold out his big hardware store there.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. G. c. Monlux, of Galena, Kansas, brother of Mrs. F. M. Friend, arrived Tuesday night and will visit here for a short time.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Dr. W. R. Davis came up from Vinita, Indian Territory, just in time to catch the circus in town, and spent a few days around the old familiar haunts.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mrs. A. B. Sykes and children arrived home Thursday morning. They had a very pleasant time while absent and return much invigorated.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Henry Goldsmith has filled his tumbler fountain with a number of the finny tribe and is running the soda-water business on an elevated plan.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. J. F. Walsh, formerly a clerk with Eli Youngheim, came down from Lyons last week and spent a few days with Joe Finkleburg and other friends.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. W. H. Graham, traveling correspondent of the Weekly Pythian Banner, Sedalia, Missouri, was in the city last week and found his way into our sanctum.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Spence Miner leaves today for a visit to his old home in West Virginia. He will return by way of Chicago and take in the National Republican Convention.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. A. Goldsmith, brother of Henry and Jake, has returned from St. Louis, where he has been attending a Medical Institute and will spend his vacation in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mrs. J. C. Goodrich and daughter of this city left last week on a visit to friends and relatives in Grand Island, Nebraska, and expect to remain there during the summer.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Quincy A. Glass, H. L. Wells, J. E. Snow, and a number of others whose names we did not get are in attendance upon the Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

John Nichols' Barber Shop has been re-papered, re-painted, has a third chair, and is very neat and tansy. John has christened it "The Little Parlor Around the Corner."

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. C. M. McKinney sheared two hundred Merino sheep last week and their fleeces averaged fourteen pounds each. Several of the fleeces went as high as twenty-two pounds a piece.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Bert Covert was brought up from Ponca Agency last week, very low with brain fever. He is now at the home of his father-in-law, Capt. Tansey, just west of town, in a very critical condition.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mrs. M. A. Cobean, accompanied by her sister, Miss Maggie Herpich, left Wednesday for Wellington where the former will make her future home, and the latter to visit friends for a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Dr. W. R. Davis is offering his beautiful farm east of and overlooking the city for sale at $10,000. The location is a fine one and most of it will, in time, be covered with residences and be a part of the city.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. James Rothrock has rented the Red Front building and will occupy it with a stock of groceries. He is experienced in the business and will run an establishment which will soon speak for itself.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Miss Katie Rush, of Wichita, and Miss Alice Thompson, of Jacksonville, Illinois, are visiting in the city with the family of Mr. W. H. Thompson. Miss Thompson is a niece of W. H., and will spend the summer here.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. James Simpson has put a large new house on his quarter block on corner of Menor Street and Tenth Avenue. These grounds, with their beautiful trees, shrubs, and grasses, are among the most attractive in the city.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Messrs. B. S. Brown and Wm. Wilson, of Crawfordsville, Indiana, arrived last week, and will purchase farms and become permanent residents. The former gentleman is a brother of D. S. Brown, formerly of Walnut Township.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

J. W. Wheeler and M. A. Packard of Appleton, Wisconsin, old acquaintances of Fred Barren, are in the city seeking a clime where they don't have nine months winter. Like all visitors, they are "struck" on the country and will locate in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. J. O. Willson, of Tallula, Illinois, a brother of Frank Willson, and Mr. W. H. Speers of the same place, are visiting with Frank. This is their first trip West, and they are captivated with the country, especially with the Garden of Eden, Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Miss Mary Gable, who is organizing classes for the study of elocution, gave an elocutionary entertainment at the M. E. Church Monday evening. Her selections were of a high order and rendered in a manner which showed great culture and natural talent.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. Will Higgins, who will soon issue the "Sentinel" from Udall, was in the city Friday, to see the great and only "Bovalappos." He is a pleasant, intelligent gentleman, and will no doubt make the people of that thriving little town a paper which will be appreciated.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Messrs. Geo. Thompson, P. Funkhouser, and Philip Peck, of eastern Cowley, returned last week from Oklahoma, escorted as far as Hunnewell by a squad of blue-coats. The old adage, "Fields look green at a distance," is being indelibly impressed upon the minds of all these boomers.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. Dan'l Read, the former merchant of Floral, has recently returned from Chicago, where he made arrangements for the manufacture of his patent Vehicle Tongue Support. It is far ahead of anything yet invented in that line, and promises him a fortune. He has already sold many State and county rights.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The matrimonial market is still below par, with only three MARRIAGE LICENSES granted since our last.

Jacob N. Coe and Emma S. Crane.

Joseph Mann and Mary Pappan.

Herbert S. David and Florence Prater.

One "confidential" is reservedsomebody whom everybody knows; a good looking bachelor interested. Now put on your thinking cap.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Will Hudson, the jeweler, has been tendered the sympathy of a large number of friends recently, because of a notice in the COURIER by a man of the same name announcing a dissolution of a matrimonial partnership. Will wants it understood that he isn't the man, and that he and his wife are sharing life's troubles and blessings with the greatest felicity with not even a mother-in-law to disturb the equilibrium of their days.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. A. H. Moffitt, representing the Rock Island Road, was in the city Wednesday. He was conferring with officers of our post of G. A. R. relative to transportation for the old soldiers to the National Encampment which meets at Minneapolis, Minnesota, in July. He made our boys a round trip rate from Kansas City to Minneapolis and return for $15.00. The Santa Fe will also make a liberal rate so that the round trip from Winfield will not probably exceed $25.00.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. Ray Oliver, a member of the lumber firm of Oliver Bros., of this city, and Miss Mattie Lynch, of Wichita, were married at the latter place on Wednesday of last week. They took the train immediately after the ceremony for Winfield, their permanent home in the future. Though Mr. Oliver has been among us but a short time, he has made many friends by his excellent, genial qualities. Miss Lynch was one of Wichita's fairest belles, and will be a valuable acquisition to Winfield society.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Dan Maher, Capt. Stuber, and Tom Carson, of Richland, were driving home from town the other evening with three joints of pump pipe in the wagon. Dan was holding onto the end of the pipe to keep it from sliding out. The railroad problem soon enveloped their minds. It grew hotter and hotter and the pipe slipped and slipped. They soon came to a joint conclusion and located the station of the K. C. & S. W. railroad, but when they looked around the pump pipe couldn't be locatedtwo joints had gone to mother earth several miles back along the road. Dan takes hold of railroad questions with a vim; but the pipewell, it was only a slip anyway.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Judicial Convention.
The Republican Judicial convention for the 13th Judicial District met at the Courthouse in Winfield Tuesday, May 20th, at 2 o'clock p.m. It was called to order by Adrian Reynolds of Elk County. Isaac G. Reed, of Sumner County, was elected chairman and Adrian Reynolds secretary.

The following committees were appointed.

On credentials: J. M. Thralls, M. G. Troup, S. W. Chase, Wm. P. Lynch, Richard Speed.

On order of Business: Jas. Lawrence, G. L. Gale, I. H. Bonsall, J. I. Crouse, A. P. G. Lewis.

The committee on credentials reported the following list of DELEGATES.

Sumner County: James Lawrence, Isaac G. Reed, I. M. Thralls, L. P. G. Lewis, Orie Fitzgerald.

Chautauqua County: J. I. Crouse, Wm. P. Lynch, Richard Speed.

Elk County: Adrian Reynolds.

Cowley County: M. S. Teter, S. W. Chase, G. L. Gale, J. W. Millspaugh, M. G. Troup, I. H. Bonsall. . . .

Convention carried on about re-election of Judge E. S. Torrance...he was called on for speech.

"Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the convention; I am not a person of many words and therefore you will not expect me to make much of a speech upon this occasion. I desire, however, to say something and I may say in the outset that no word of mine can adequately express the sense of appreciation which I feel for the favor and confidence which has been bestowed upon me this day by the renomination by this convention of myself as Judge of this Judicial District. I have had the honor of serving this District for about four years. I have in a humble way endeavored to discharge this trust which has been confided to my care and keeping faithfully and impartially. At times, I know the scales of Justice have been held with trembling hand. At times in approaching the decision of important cases, I have well nigh wished that the responsibility, the grave responsibility that rested upon my shoulders in deciding upon the rights and liberties of my fellow men, might be shifted to someone else. "I have experienced my difficulties and some inconvenience in the discharge of the duties of this exalted position. But today, they are matters of the past. I have forgotten all the difficulties and inconveniences which have attended my course so far. I feel prouder today then I ever have before in my life. I can say one thing, there is nothing that so stays and upholds the hand of public officials as the appreciation of his services by his constituents. There is no other incentive so strong to urge one to the faithful and honest discharge of his duties as the appreciation of his services by those whom he represents. As to my future course, I merely have to say that my past record is an earnest of what my future record shall be.

"I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of my office faithfully and sincerely, and I hope the experience of the past will enable me in a greater degree to discharge them to the satisfaction of my constituents and probably with less wear and tear upon my constitution. I again desire to thank you, and through you the good people of this district for this second token of their esteem and confidence in me."

The Judge's remarks were received by the convention in the most enthusiastic manner.

The following persons were chosen as a JUDICIAL CENTRAL COMMITTEE.

Cowley County: M. G. Troup, Geo. L. Gale, I. H. Bonsall, T. H. Soward.

Chautauqua County: R. G. Ward, D. E. Shartell.

Elk County: Adrian Reynolds, C. W. Rambo.

Sumner County: J. M. Thralls, S. P. G. Lewis, Jas. Lawrence.

The convention then adjourned.

At a meeting of the Judicial Central Committee, it organized by electing M. G. Troup, chairman; and Adrian Reynolds, secretary.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Winfield to have a Street Railway.
An ordinance was presented to the city council on Monday evening by Messrs. W. P. Hackney, J. C. Long, T. H. Soward, and F. S. Jennings, granting to them a ninety-nine years street railway franchise. It was favorably considered by the council, but laid over for final action to the next meeting. The ordinance provides that an acceptance of its conditions must be filed in writing within thirty days after its passage, and the conditions specify that a first- class street railway, from the Santa Fe to the S. K. depot and on certain streets and avenues, shall be finished and fully and properly equipped for operation by July 4, 1885. The fare is placed at five cents for adults and three cents for children under fifteen, with no fare for those under three years when accompanied by parents. The high character and abilities of the gentlemen taking hold of this enterprise leaves no doubt of its being pushed rapidly forward to completion. The benefits to our city of a street railway are unquestioned, and the projectors are satisfied of its making a paying investment. Winfield is ascending the golden stairs with steady step and will never be behind in public conveniences.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The City Fathers.
The regular meeting of the City Council occurred Monday evening. Ordinance No. 192, relating to the duties of certain city officers, was passed.

F. M. Freeland and A. H. Jennings were granted building permits.

Petition of Chas. H. Sweet et. al. in relation to the sale of fireworks, was laid on the table.

Remonstrance of D. N. Sheppart et. al., relating to certain sidewalks, was also tabled.

An ordinance granting a franchise for a street railway was continued to the next meeting.

City Clerk's bond was approved.

H. H. Siverd appeared on the part of Winfield Post G. A. R. and invited the City Government to participate in the decoration services on May 30th.

The city attorney was instructed to carry the case of the city against R. B. Waite to the Supreme Court.

The following bills were allowed and ordered to be paid.

E. F. Sears, crossings, $35.52.

T. J. Hawkins, crossings, $12.00.

Fire Company and volunteer firemen, $32.00.

Frank W. Finch, boarding city prisoners, $3.00.

D. L. Kretsinger was appointed and confirmed as chief fire marshal for the ensuing year.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Points of Local Interest Regarding Churches and Church Going People.
Rev. J. C. Post, of Wichita, one of the Baptist missionaries of Kansas, was the guest of Mr. J. Stretch, of this city, a part of last week.

Rev. H. A. Tucker, of Ottawa, and Rev. B. Kelly, of this city, exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Mr. Tucker has always been popular with Winfield people, and the church was crowded both morning and evening. He is one of the ablest of the Methodist ministers, and his sermons last Sunday were remarkable for clear-cut illustrations and everyday applications.

The Baptist Church at Udall will be dedicated next Sunday, May 25th, by Rev. J. Cairns, of this city, at 11 o'clock a.m. Rev. F. L. Walker, of Arkansas City, will preach in the Baptist Church at Winfield. The pastor will return and preach a memorial sermon in the evening by request in memory of our fallen heroes. The Winfield Post G. A. R. have accepted an invitation to be present.


There will be memorial services held in the M. E. Church May 25, 1884, at 11 o'clock a.m., in commemoration of our fallen heroes. Sermon by Rev. B. Kelly. Decoration services at the Union Cemetery May 30th at 1 o'clock p.m., under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. The public are invited to attend.

By order of the Executive Committee, H. H. Siverd, Chairman; J. E. Snow, Secretary.


Rev. C. T. Williams, a brother of Mr. F. A. A. Williams, of Walnut, and one of the first pastors of the M. E. Church, of Winfield, came in last week for a short visit. He is now pastor of the M. E. Church, of Keokuk, Iowa. The change wrought in our city during his ten years' absence was almost bewildering to him. Mr. Williams is an able, aggressive minister, and done a good work for Winfield in her pioneer days.


Members of Winfield Post No. 85, Grand Army of the Republic, will meet at their hall Sunday, May 25th, 10 o'clock sharp, to attend services at the M. E. Church in commemoration of our dead comrades. All old soldiers not members of the G. A. R. are requested to join the ranks on the street and march with us to the Church.

By order of the Executive Committee, H. H. Siverd, Chairman; J. E. Snow, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

The next regular meeting of the Pleasant Valley Stock Protective Union will be held at Odessa schoolhouse Tuesday night, June the 3rd, 1884; a full attendance of members is urgently requested. D. B. McCollum, Capt.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Third Class Cities Unconstitutional.
In the case of the city of Winfield vs. R. B. Waite in the district court last week, Judge Torrance rendered a decision which, if sustained by the Supreme court, knocks the bottom out of all cities of the third-class in the state. The Judge rules that the legislature exceeded the powers given it by the constitution when it made the present provisions for the organization of third-class cities. We haven't the exact grounds of the decision, but they are very strong. The council on Monday evening instructed the city attorney to take the matter to the supreme court. They are now busy at work revising the ordinances passed during Winfield's third-class period.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

District Court Proceedings.
S. E. Schemerhorn vs. Saml. T. Endicott, et altrial by jury and verdict for defendant.

Leah D. Wolf vs. Jacob H. Wolfdismissed without prejudice at cost of plaintiff.

Wm. B. Grimes, Dry Goods Co., vs. Willie S. Goss, et alRemoved to U. S. court on application of plaintiff.

Victor B. Buck & Co. vs. Willie S. GossRemoved to U. S. Court.

City of Winfield vs. R. B. Waitemotion to quash sustained and defendant discharged.

Annie M. Johnson vs. Allen Johnsondivorce granted with alimony.

Amanda C. Proud vs. Wm. Proud. Divorce on grounds of cruelty, and plaintiff awarded custody of children.

John P. Ross vs. Sarah J. Ross. Divorce decreed plaintiff on ground of abandonment.

Sarah Schaffhousen vs. Nicholas SchaffhousenDivorce on ground of abandonment.

Soloman Frazier vs. Sarah E. Frazier. Divorce granted.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Temperance Mass Meeting.
There will be a Temperance Mass Meeting held at Bradbury's Grove, in Beaver Township, on Friday, June 6th, commencing at 10 a.m. Songs, speeches, and a general good time will be the order of the day. Everybody is invited, with baskets well filled with rations for themselves and friends. H. Harbaugh, of Pleasant Valley Township; J. W. Browning, of Beaver; and J. F. Martin and J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon, Committee of arrangements.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

A Special Bargain. The Dr. Davis farm adjoining Winfield, with ten acres of orchard, fifteen acres of blue grass, one hundred acres in cultivation, a good house, spring and well, suitable to be made into suburban lots. Twenty-five acres overlooking the entire city. Price $10,000. This place is worth $16,000. Call on or address Limbocker & Albright.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

McDonald, Jarvis & Co. are helping many of our farmers to pay off their mortgages drawing a high rate, and replacing them by 6 percent loans. This firm is giving borrowers the best show they have ever had in this county.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. Wm. Conn, from Ohio, bought through Harris & Willson, last week, the W. P. Gibson eighty in Vernon Township for $3,500, and will become one of our permanent farmers.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

May 17, 1884, special meeting Board of County Commissioners, came Adam Stuber, a resident taxpayer of Richland Township, praying that a special election be called for the purpose to subscribe to the capital stock of the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company $12,000, to aid in construction of the line of railroad from Kansas City, Missouri, through the county of Cowley and through Richland Township to the south line of the state of Kansas, in Sumner County, Kansas, by the way of Winfield, the said railroad company proposing to first construct the portion of its said line of railroad from the Saint Louis and San Francisco Railroad north or northeast from said county of Cowley through Richland Township by the way of the Winfield, etc. Election asked to be held June 23, 1884.

Board of County Commissioners: S. C. Smith, Amos Walton, J. A. Irwin. J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.

SAME TYPE OF PETITION FOR WALNUT TOWNSHIP. Dated May 18, 1884. Election to be held June 23, 1884.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

On back page there was some interesting correspondence re United States Senate passing a resolution directing the Public Land Committee to inquire in what manner large quantities of the public lands have been transferred to or become possessed by foreign corporations or syndicates...vast tracts taken in western and southern States and territories by some English, Scotch, and Dutch syndicates. Bill by Edmunds would limit foreign holdings to thirty square miles...letter from Scottish firm in Edinburgh, Scotland (Tait, Denman & Co.): "some of our companies own twenty times that area of American land." Letter indicated Scotland alone had sunk $25,000,000 into land and cattle business in the United States.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum