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[FROM MAY 25, 1882, THROUGH JUNE 22, 1882.]

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


EDS. COURIER. Upon visiting our neighbor Hiram Hopkins, we found him with one leg broken twice, the other broken once, and one of his arms twice. The accident occurred in a grist mill, about ten miles north of Winfield and the Walnut River. His coat tail was caught by a shaft. Seeing the condition he was in, we felt it a duty as well as a pleasure to contribute to his wants. So we started with two papers. L. A. Millspaugh canvassed the south half of Vernon Township and H. H. Hawkins the north half. We give the names with the amount opposite.


J. W. Millspaugh: $3.00

L. A. Millspaugh: $1.00

J. B. Rithrock: $.50

P. M. Waite: $3.00

W. L. Holmes: $2.00

J. McMahon: $1.50

W. G. Carson: $1.00

A. J. Werden: $.50

J. W. Tyree: $1.00

C. A. McClung: $1.00

A. W. Calven: $1.00

M. L. Martin: $.40

E. Martin: $2.50



Henry and D. G. Hawkins: $5.00

J. B. Corson: $5.00

D. S. Beedle: $2.00

Wm. Fowler: $2.00

T. Thompson: $2.00

Mrs. J. T. Martin: $.50

Geo. Wilson: $5.00

J. W. Prewitt: $1.00

Geo. Killaugh: $1.00

B. B. Daughter: $2.00

O. C. Skinner: $.75

A. S. Beaman: $1.00

Wm. Mock: $1.00

S. P. Case: $.50

D. S. Hanninger: $.25

E. C. Martin: $3.20

W. M. Jackson: $1.00

E. M. Jackson: $1.00

H. O. Wooley: $1.00

M. Nixon: $.50

J. R. Dunn: $5.00

M. L. Clark: $.50

Isaac Wood: $1.00

H. Hahn: $.45

H. C. Hawkins: $5.00

P. B. Lee: $1.00

J. T. Carter: $.50


Mr. J. Jackson received $15.00 from Winfield, all making $80.30 which was delivered to said Hiram Hopkins. We wish to state in calling on our kind neighbors that some gave all the change they had with them, while others had none; but their will was good. We send you the above report, once more asking for a little space in your paper, so that our generous hearted people who gave so freely may know that the above amount was delivered to the proper one. We hope he will soon be up and with us again. H. C. H.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Having tired of using the hoe in the destruction of weeds, after resting the physical nature and giving the mental food, by a short time spent in reading, I will now try and collect a few thoughts for the reading of the COURIER.

The last week will, we think, be one long remembered as the cold week of May, 1882. Although two frosts fell the same week, yet we think there was no serious damage in this vicinity, and think the cold, cloudy days were a great blessing, being just what the wheat needed. And now comes just such grand growing weather as the corn needs, such fine weather for the destruction of weeds, and our farmers are improving the time. How much more we would all enjoy life with its varied changes if there were welling up from our inmost souls constantly, such beautiful sentiments of prayer as one expressed by the so called virtuous pagan, Marcus Aurelius, "Everything harmonizes with me which is harmonious to thee, O, Universe! Nothing for me is too early or too late, which is in due time for thee. Everything is fruit to me which thy seasons bring, O Nature." If we could but put our whole trust in Him "who doeth all things well," we then could enjoy the recurring seasons with all their varied changes. Spring will soon be past, but let us one and all enjoy to the full its lingering days, the days of bud and blossom, knowing full well that the ripe fruit and golden grain will soon be ours. God pity the man that is ever alloying present joys with anticipating evils.

Harry Hopkins is doing well, and being young will pull through all right.

We learn from Dr. Maggart that the young man on Slate Creek, who accidentally shot himself while out fishing, is still living, and stands a change yet to live, though the wound was a bad one.

Sile Carter and several others now rejoice over the completion of pasture fences. When recently journeying northward, passing Bud Bernard's place, was surprised to find he had almost completed a snug and commodious house, with good cellar under the entire house. The hedges, groves, and orchards of Vernon are assuming such mammoth proportions that one needs to penetrate them to see all the fine new houses and barns that are being built.

Vernon is becoming somewhat noted for patent right men. Dougherty and Tyre selling patent washing machines in Kansas. Charles McClung has bought the State right of West Virginia, John Circle, Virginia, and Bob Taylor, Kentucky, and are now selling this cele- brated washing machine.

And now comes Mr. J. M. Householder with a patent "hen's nest" which is quite an ingenious invention. Each nest has a door which the hen opens when she goes in to lay. The fastening of the door is so neatly contrived that no other hen can get in to lay, till the one that is in comes out. We doubt not he will be hailed as a great benefactor by all those who have been put to their wits ends, to keep half a dozen from setting in the same nest. Now we Greenbackers expect soon to capture the government and all its offices if Mr. Householder could so contrive his patent as to keep Republicans out of the government nests, when the Greenbackers get in. There would be millions in it.

Mr. Mears has sold his farm and will move to Belle Plaine. M. LEWIS.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Once more have the windows of heaven been opened, and the rain de- scended as it did in the days of Noah; and the result is, Mr. Fitzsimmons' nail kegs are nearly ready to bloom, the drooping rain barrels look wonderfully refreshed, and the festive frog sings merrily as he gazes upon the abundant supply of water, bright water, that is so carefully garnered up in our cellars, and the burden of his son is, "How is this for drouthy Kansas?"

George Wilson has built a neat little residence, and is now a citizen of this place.

Mrs. Green will start next week for Michigan, where she will spend the summer.

Mr. Hildebrant has moved into his new house, and is spending his leisure in painting it.

BIRTH. This is Mr. Smith. Does he not look pleased? See him smile! Why does he do so? Have the town company shares gone up? No, that is not it. How high he lifts his feet! Is the poor man blind? O, no! I will tell you why he does so. It is a boy of regulation weight, and that is why he smiles and lifts his feet so high. Do you not wish you were a man and had a boy?

Porter Wilson is treating his house to a coat of paint.

Elder Camp, a Christian minister from Belle Plaine, preached at this place last Saturday night and Sunday.

Jim Napier is putting up a dwelling house, which will add one more to our boom.

A social hop is on the program for next week.

Mrs. Campbell has returned from Wichita, where she has been visiting friends.

Mr. John Hale, accompanied by his sister, Miss Mary, of Mulvane, spent Sunday and Monday visiting friends at this place. FRITZ.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882

Giant of the Nineteenth Century.
BEAVER TOWNSHIP, May 10, 1882.
I noticed an article in the COURIER, copy of a telegram from Seymour, Indiana, relative to the death and burial of Wm. Hood, near that place. Also some remarkable feats of his physical prowess.

His real name was Francis. I was personally acquainted with "Bill Hood," as he was popularly known, when I was quite a boyfrom some time before 1840 until about 1849when he was in the prime of life, and a most remarkable man for strength. He was, I am pretty sure, one-eighth African blood, and not very dark at that. He wooed and won the heart and hand of a charming widow who had been twice married before. To overcome a difficulty arising from a clause in the law, forbidding inter-marriage between the African and Caucasian races, they conceived the idea of performing a surgical operation upon the arm of Hood, by opening a vein, out of which flowed the life-blood, which she drank, enabling her to depose an oath that she had African blood in her; whereupon the necessary papers were obtained, and the twain were made one flesh. Mrs. Hood had two children by a former marriage. A son of one of them has been in this county; was in the employ of one of our County officials, and is popularly known about Winfield. They also had some Hood children, one of which was a pretty, blue-eyed, fair complexioned, and straight haired girl that would pass for strictly white anywhere where not known.

My grandfather had a vicious bull, a terror to the barnyard, which he sold to Hood to replace one he had lost from his yoke. When the process of yoking took place, Hood caught him by the horns and held him, while my grandfather and other help secured him in the yoke. I have seen him take a large ox by the horn with one hand, and punish him with a whip in the other, as easily "apparently" as I could handle a yearling lamb. In freighting along Neils Creek, on a hot day, his cattle made a dive into the water, upsetting his wagon. He took hold of one wheel at a time and set it back, and with a few impressions from his lash, was in the road again, on his wending way. When his team "got stuck," he would lift it out by main strength.

The most remarkable exhibition of his strength that I ever heard of, was in the process of turning a flat-boat upside down, in the Ohio River at Madison. It was a pre-concerted plan among the hands that when they got the boat up and Hood well under it, for all hands to let go and crush him beneath its weight, which they accordingly did; but to their great astonishment, he stood there in his strength supporting the whole weight until they got ashamed of their conduct, took hold again, and helped turn the boat.

Judge D. M. Hill of Paris, Jennings County, Indian, was a man of extraordinary physical powers, who had much to do with Hood, in testing his strength. I herewith append the Judge's own language, of incidents that came under his own observation. CHANT.

SHARPSVILLE, INDIANA, February 16, 1882.
Lucius Walton, Esq.

DEAR SIR: Your letter went to Paris and was forwarded to me at the above named place, where I have been for almost a year.

You write me concerning the exploits of Bill Hood. I will endeavor as best I can to give you what I know about him. His first great deeds, in which he manifested such wonderful power and strength, took place in Vernon. While I was Judge of the Court, he was indicted for an assault and batter with intent to kill John Loyd, a colored man. The State had six negro witnesses and they (three negroes) testified that Bill Hood threw John Loyd over the top of an apple tree. From the examination of the witnesses it appeared that one of the negroes had struck Bill upon the head with a heavy hoe. This "addled" Hood and Loyd rushed at him. Hood caught Loyd and threw him over the apple tree. The jury found him not guilty, as they believed him to be acting in self-defense.

Hood's weight, when in health, was about 225 pounds. He was 6 feet, 1 inch high, and raw-boned, and the strongest man I ever saw. He was not clumsy.

The case of this ox is this. He bought a wild ox four years old. I, with four other men went with him to help yoke the ox with a gentle one. We hemmed him in the corner of the field. He made a rush to get away and I caught him by one horn, which checked his speed. Hood caught him by the hind leg and held it high up until he was yoked.

Now as to the iron shaft. The shaft lay with each end on a small log at the mill, where it was to be placed in position, about one foot from the ground. Joseph Higgins and Hiram Twaddle were trying to lift the end with a hand spike, but failed. I then took hold of one end of the shaft and lifted one end. At this time Hood came up. I told these men that he could lift the shaft with both of them on it. Bill said he could lift the whole thing by himself. He got as near the center of the shaft as he could and lifted it clear off the logs.

My weight was 218 pounds. I was much quicker and more active than Hood. He could lift one-third more than I could.

In regard to the saw log. I sold 100 logs to the millers and Hood was hauling them. They sent to me for a log twenty feet long, 2-1/2 feet at the butt. We cut it and I helped roll it on the wagon. It went too far forward. Hood said, "Hill, take hold of it and let us move it back." I said, "We cannot lift it." He replied, I can lift the big end." It was just high enough for me to help lift with my knees. We lifted it clear off the wagon and slipped it back one foot.

At another time W. W. Dixon was boating plank from Rodman's mill, and the three Rodmans were helping. They were all large men; they ordered Hood around until he got mad and went out on shore. They then tied up the boat and all went ashore. They here got to quarreling and the largest Rodman struck Hood over the shoulder with an oar. Hood caught him by the collar and seat of his breeches and raised him up and brought him down to the earth and would have beaten him to death if Dixon and Chambers had not begged him not to kill Rodman. Hood walked out and offered to fight all of them, but they would not accept his offer.

Hood while hauling goods from Madison and Paris, coming up the hill near the stone quarry, was met by two men who ordered him to give the road for their wagon, and one of them struck his horse on the head with a whip. Hood caught the man and threw him over the cliff. The man did not touch the ground for more than 30 feet; then Hood ran for the other man, who was afraid of him and jumped off the cliff. Hood then went on his way victorious.

Respectfully yours, D. M. HILL.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


A tragedy occurred in the Choctaw Nation on Monday of last week. Two brothers, named Jefferson and George Finley, while working a corn field, fell into a dispute, when George drew a revolver and shot his brother. George then secured a horse and fled toward Texas. Jefferson died within twenty-four hours. He begged piteously that his slayer should be spared. "Don't let them hang George if I die," he said to his attendants. The Finleys are respectable white people.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


Gen. Pope has been visiting the Indians of New Mexico and Arizona to find out what is the matter with them that they have to break out occasionally and kill a few miners and freighters. He says of some of them: "The Muscaleros must be fed or they will starve. The Indian bureau, as it appears, cannot feed them. The army must, therefore, feed them, or a heavy military force must be placed around them to make them starve peaceably. There is yet time to provide for them, but it cannot safely be postponed. It should be attended to at once."

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


We have examined the records of the late term of the District Court and find there were fourteen cases on the docket for violation of the prohibition law. Of these, five were dismissed or tried and found "not guilty," and nine were continued to be tried at the next term. One of these was tried and the jury did not agree, and another was found guilty but the court granted a new trial. In the whole fourteen cases the witness fees as claimed amount to $840.00, but this amount will not be allowed, for witnesses claimed for full time in each of several cases. We suppose they cannot charge the county at least for more than one per diem for each day's attendance. Should the county have all this to pay, it will not probably amount to $400.

The whole cost of juries for the term is $1,137.20, of which $264 is charged to three other cases and as much more would come out of the county had there been no prohibition cases on the docket. The total jury fees properly charged to these fourteen cases would be about $600. The clerks' and sheriff's fees chargeable to these cases amount to about $200, making a total of $1,200 of costs which the county might have to pay for the term on account of these fourteen prosecutions. The costs properly chargeable to the five cases disposed of is about $150 and this the county will not have to pay. The balance, about $1,050, may be collected of the defendants at the final trial.

Now we do not pretend that the above figures are exact, for the clerk informs us that it is impossible to get the exact figures until the final disposal, for the returns are not all in and of those figures which are given some are liable to be retaxed.

When these cases come up again for trial, they will be quickly disposed of and the additional costs will not be great. These cases presented an entirely new phase of pleadings and much of the time of the late court was taken up in examining and settling the pleadings and determining what they should be. Much time was spent in debating and determining what evidence was admissible. All these matters are determined and now the attorneys will know just what to do and will do it at once. There is nothing in this matter that should deter the prosecuting attorney from doing his sworn duty in cases where he has what appears to be evidence of the violation of this or any other law.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.



Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


We are asked how Hackney got that scar on his cheek. In reply we copy the following description of the defense of Alatoona [EVERYBODY SPELLS THIS DIFFERENTLY] Pass, from Ambrose' History of the SEVENTH Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry. "The Hills tremble, the fort is wrapped in fearful flame. Amid dying groans, the cannon crashes, to sweep down the angry rebels to a suicidal death. The grand half hundred of the reckless SEVENTH, the undaunted Fifty-seventh Iowa, barricade the Alatoona walls with their frightful steel. The rebels attempt to cross the defenses but are thrown back in confusion. They rally again for the third charge. A dispatch read in the fort. `Hold Alatoona. W. T. Sherman.' The Seventh with their sixteen-shooters is running short of ammunition and prepare for the bayonet exercise. The rebels are driven back the third time and prepare for the fourth. The fort has become a vast slaughter pen, but the frenzied rebels are swarming in the breach again. This is the hour that tries our steel. A large portion of the fifteen hundred are killed or wounded. For three hours the battle has raged. Col. Rowell now succeeds in getting the artillery in range again. All ready! Into the rebels faces the death messengers are hurled. The defenders give an unearthly yell and charge with fury. The SEVENTH with their sixteen-shooters are performing the terrible work of death. The six thousand rebels waver, give away, and flee in confusion save those who are dead or wounded and the great battle of Alatoona is over. The survivors of the gallant fifteen hundred wave their tattered banners over the field. We now look around and see the fort dripping with blood. Here Samuel Walker lies cold and stiff. There Edward C. Nichols lies fearfully wounded. Who do we see here, sounded and bleeding? We look again. Our heart beats quick. `Tis the Hackney brothers lying side by side. Here we see the embodiment of incipient manhood. Before the battle they looked like boys, but they look like men now. Look at that cheek, behold that frightful gash! `Tis a mark of royalty. When future years shall have rolled down the stream of time, and when the country is at peace, on that cheek will be a scar that will lead the mind back to the eventful years that saw this nation leap like a giant from his thralldom of tyranny."

The loss of the SEVENTH has been fearful. At Fort Donelson, Shiloh, and Corinth our loss was heavy but our loss in this battle exceeds our whole loss in those three great battles."

Then follows a list of 42 killed and 53 wounded of the SEVENTH among which are: "Co. H., Sergeant William P. Hackney, severely wounded."

Further on we find that the heroic Lieut. John E. Sullivan when dying said: Give my sword to the gallant William Hackney of Company H." This battle of Alatoon was fought October 3rd, 1864. Next we find the boy William Hackney on Oct. 5th, 1864, promoted from Sergeant to Captain of Co. H, for meritorious services, and this seems to be the history of that scar.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


Many persons interested in the welfare of our school system who highly appreciate the excellent qualities of Mrs. W. B. Caton have induced her to consent to be a candidate for county superintendent of public instruction before the Republican convention, and desire the COURIER to announce the fact. Mrs. Caton would feel highly complimented should she receive the nomination, and if elected would use her best endeavors to fill the office successfully; but she will not solicit support or make any canvas whatever. Mrs. Caton is a lady of high character, thoroughly educated, very energetic and successful, and as a teacher, pleasant, lady-like, and helpful, and the fact that she is a woman is not be considered a disqualification. Some of the best superintendents in the state are women.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


The cyclone which recently swept over McAllister, a mining settlement in the Indian Territory, on the line of the Missouri Pacific railroad, was even more disastrous than at first reported. The population being small, and the inhabitants being poor, the suffering is very great. The following is a summary of the cyclone's work: Number of persons killed, twenty- one; number of persons injured, fifty-six; number of persons pecuniarily damaged, ninety- four; number of houses destroyed outside of the mining company's property, seventy-two; value of dwelling houses destroyed, $7,689, value of contents, $8,4475, number of buildings lost by the Osage Coal and Mining Company, in addition to the above twenty-eight; value, $11,000; value of livestock destroyed, $591; money lost, $1,608; minister's library, $100; Sunday school libraries, $50; Church and schoolhouse, $1,700. I. O. O. F. hall, contents and regalia, $1,200. Total loss on property destroyed, $32,622.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

A fast train has been put on the Santa Fe R. R., between Kansas City and Pueblo. It will make the distance of 630 miles in 26 hours, including all stoppages.

An attempt was made a few nights ago to assassinate Governor Overton, of the Chicka- saw Indian Nation, by firing into his house. A squad of Indian militia followed the trail of the party that did the shooting and overtook one of them, named Starrs, and killed him.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Senator Hackney went north Monday.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Charley Black left for the east Monday morning.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mr. Eugene Baird was taken quite ill Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

There was a light frost on the low lands Monday morning.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The Ivanhoe Club intends giving a picnic sometime next month.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Miss Allie Klingman started east for a short visit Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Rooms to rent by Mrs. Julia Shields, West end of 10th avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Riverside Park is in Vernon Township. Vernon wants all the good things.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Speed started Tuesday on a visit to friends in Ithaca, New York.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Rev. Morehead of Arkansas City preached in the Methodist Church Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

`Squire Norman came down from Maple Monday and spent several hours in the city.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Hudson Bros., have decided to put a handsome clock on their building for the benefit of the citizens.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The examination of teachers ordered by the Board of Education has been postponed until after the normal.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Our Winfield mechanics are building J. G. Wood's new brick bank in Wellington. Mr. Beaton has the contract.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The Board of Education met Monday evening and elected Miss Clute as one of the city teachers for the coming year.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

There was 38,134 more bushels of corn in Cowley County on the first of March this year than at the same time last year.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Judge Bard is now a Kansas "Sojer," having been commissioned First Lieutenant of the First Battery by Gov. St. John.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Dr. Cooper returned from his eastern sojourn Saturday. He took quite a trip through Florida, as a matter of recreation.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Archie Stewart sold a half section of land in the southwest corner of Richland Township Monday, to Harry Bahntge for $2,850.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mrs. Dr. Emerson entertained a party of friends at her home Thursday evening. About twenty-five couples were present.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mrs. C. E. Lobdell and Miss Libbie Gearhart, of Eldorado, came down Tuesday, and will visit several days with Rev. Jones and family.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Messrs. H. S. Frank and Ed. Jennings started for the Territory Tuesday morning, where they will locate a cattle ranche and purchase stock for it.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Axtels' Restaurant is becoming one of the most popular institutions in the city. There are few more hospitable, whole-souled landlords than Axtel.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The rumor that a man in Beaver Township got lost in his wheat field and wandered around two days before he found his way out is probably not correct.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mitchell County has a farmer, who, failing to raise the wherewith to take in the circus, went home and plowed up the seed potatoes he had planted and sold them.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

There will be no service in the Methodist Church Sunday morning, owing to the dedica- tion of the Baptist Church. The regular services will be held during the evening.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

And now the old settlers of Vernon are to have a reunion at Riverside Park on Wednesday, the 31st of May. The Vernon folks will have one of the biggest times on record.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Col. S. S. Prouty, one of the veteran editors of Kansas, planted his "phat" and jolly form on our editorial throne last week. He came down in the interest of the Bismarck Fair.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

We understand that Mr. J. W. Weimer, of Richland, has consented, under the pressure of friends, to become a candidate for the legislature in his district. He is one of Richland's best citizens.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Arrangements are being completed for paneling the ceiling of the Methodist Church and finishing the tower. These repairs are badly needed and we are glad to see the M. E. Folks waking up to the importance of it.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Elder A. Crenshaw of the Christian Church preached at Beaver Center last Sunday, and there was one addition by confession and baptism. He lately conducted a meeting at Cald- well, which resulted in many additions.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The Winfield Rifles are re-organizing. About thirty names have been placed on the muster rolls and others are applying daily. There is no reason why Winfield should not carry off the prize for the boss military company.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Archie Stewart has been appointed boss mason of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad on the main line from Newton to Pueblo and the Caldwell and Arkansas City branches. This is a good position and Archie is fully capable of filling it.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

T. C. Price, of Vernon, brought us in some specimens of upland early May wheat Monday. The heads were large and nicely filled, and the straw was five feet and an inch long. Mr. Price also brought us a bunch of rye, which stood six feet eight inches high "in its stockings."

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mr. G. E. Metzger brought us a bunch of wheat from his farm near Little Dutch Thursday, that measured five feet two inches in height and was filling nicely. It is of the Fultz variety and he has one hundred acres of the same kind.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

A number of ladies from the W. C. T. U., visit the jail every Sabbath afternoon and hold prayer meeting. These ladies seem to have started out to lend their assistance in every good cause, and they are doing much to keep the subject of temperance before the people. Our readers will find their column on the fourth page very interesting.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mr. Will Clark has resigned his position at the New York store and starts this week for his old home in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Mr. Clark has been with this firm for the past two years, and by his gentlemanly and obliging treatment of customers has won a popularity as a salesman seldom equaled. He may return in August. Miss Curry and Rizle Beck are the only assistants "holding the fort" at present.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

We have received a letter from R. L. Johnson, Jr., who is now at Stockwell, Indiana. He wants the COURIER and is mighty sick of Indiana. Says he never saw such a backward spring in his lifefarmers are not yet done plowing for corn, and mud is knee deep. He says corn is worth 72 cents, wheat $1.30, potatoes $44.25, and hay $13 per ton. R. L. Once lived in Pleasant Valley Township, south of town. From the tenor of his letter, we judge he will be back before long.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

MARRIED. Judge T. H. Soward and Miss Libbie E. Smith were married last Thursday afternoon at the Baptist Church, in the presence of a large audience of friends. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. Cairns in a very impressive manner, after which the bride and groom took a carriage and repaired immediately to Judge Soward's home, where a party of invited friends gathered to take tea and congratulate the happy couple. Thus one by one the boys begin to look about for someone to establish a household, but very few are as fortunate as Judge Soward.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

If any of our eastern friends, who are so skeptical about Kansas, were to drop into the COURIER office this week, we could show them products that would forever silence any doubts as to this being the best county in the best state in the Union. We have on exhibition specimens of wheat five feet eight inches high, with heads four inches long and showing four grains to the "mesh," and fifteen stalks from a grain of seed. This wheat was grown by Mr. Ben Wright, of Pleasant Valley Township, and is of the variety known as "Fultz" wheat. Mr. Wright is not a very tall man, and when he goes into his forty acre wheat field he has to take a compass to insure his bearings.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Henry Paris has purchased the street sprinkling franchise and will immediately prepare for a vigorous campaign on the dust. Hank is one of our most energetic citizens and won't take hold of anything unless he does it well. We are glad that this business is at last in the hands of a man who has the facilities and the energy, coupled with sufficient local pride to make the thing a success. Let every businessman give Hank a lift in the way of subscriptions to the fund.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The M. E. Sunday School will have a picnic and basket dinner at Riverside Park June 1st, A. D. 1882.Music, singing, speeches, boat rowing, swinging, dinner, etc., will be the order of the day. A wagon will be provided to carry all the provisions to the ground. Let everyone put card on their baskets with their name in full. Children will meet at the M. E. Church 9:30 a.m., to form in procession and march to the grove. Everybody is invited who desires to join with us to have a pleasant time. By order. S. S. HOLLOWAY.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Large herds of Texas ponies are coming in. One of 200 head has been on exhibition at Enright's stable yards this week. There are some very fine horses in the herd. A gentleman bought a handsome pair of grays Saturday for $125. They were caught with a lasso, thrown down, and the harness put on them and in a short time Hank Paris, who was bossing the job, was driving them around like old stagers.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Will Smith, who has been for the past three years, bookkeeper and part of the time manager of the Chicago Company's lumber yards in Winfield, has returned to Wichita and is now with the Chicago Company in this city in the same line of trade. His return will be gladly welcomed. Will has a high order of talent, he can run a hotel or a lumber yard with equal skill. Wichita Beacon.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The markets are about the same as last week. Butter brings 12-1/2 cents, eggs 15 cents, and chickens from $2.60 to $3 per dozen. New potatoes are worth $2.50. Wheat remains at $1.05 to $1.15. Hogs have gone up to $7.00 per hundred for choice. Wool is coming in rapidly and there is much competition among buyers at prices varying from 15 to 22 cents.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Today (Thursday) the A. O. U. W., have their grand picnic, the first of the kind held. Eminent officers of the order will be present, and all other secret societies of this and neighboring cities will participate.

LATER. Owing to the inclement weather, the picnic has been postponed till Tuesday next, May 30th.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

In the suit between Cronk and Constant, of Pleasant Valley Township, before `Squire Soward last week, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty against Constant for tearing down a fence built by Cronk on a disputed strip of land between their farms. Mr. Constant was fined ten dollars, but appealed the case to the district court.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Mr. L. A. Millspaugh, of Vernon Township, will be a candidate for Clerk of the District Court, before the Republican convention this fall. L. A. Is one of the bright young men of our county, and is abundantly qualified to fill the position. He is a practicing attorney, having been admitted to the bar in Burlington, Iowa, and in this county.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

DIED. Mrs. Lizzie Sanborn, wife of J. H. Sanborn, died last week at Mrs. Aldriches. She was boarding here and her husband was in Colorado. The husband was telegraphed for, but did not receive the dispatch until after her death. He arrived here Tuesday, three days after her burial.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

John Allison and wife, of Illinois, conveyed the old Hackney & McDonald Cherokee Strip lands, comprising 3,154 acres, to D. W. Fuller, of Ohio, and Henry V. Louie, H. L. Bennion, and Alexander Fuller, of Grundy Co., Illinois. Consideration: $8,460. The purchasers will fence the track for stock-raising.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will give a musical and literary entertainment in the Opera House on Thursday evening, June 1st. Let none fail to be present and enjoy a rare treat. See program. A special invitation is extended to friends in the country. Tickets 25 cents each.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

It is rumored that the Adams Express Company will withdraw from the Santa Fe road, leaving the express business in the hands of the Wells Fargo. This will transfer agent McRorey to other fields. He is certainly one of the most energetic and faithful of the Adam's employees.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Frank Chapin, of Pleasant Valley Township, was quite severely poisoned last week by inhaling poison from corn which he was planting and had previously soaked in strychnine to prevent depredations by moles. He is recovering, but it was a close call.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Episcopal Church in the Courthouse on Sunday next, no service in the morning, on account of the dedication of the Baptist Church. Service as usual in the evening at 7:30. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. All are cordially invited to worship with us. Subject in the evening appropriate to Whit-Sunday.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

We devote a good deal of space this week to county statistics. It is the most perfect index to the condition of the county and what the farmers as a whole are doing, that can be printed, and it will pay everyone to read it carefully and file it away for future reference.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

We were pleased to meet our old friend, Madison Johnson, Friday. He is now located in Butler, and from his looks we infer that time is dealing kindly with him. He used to live in Pleasant Valley Township, and is a brother of Samson Johnson.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The old widows, I see by one of your late papers, had a May party. It will now be time for the old widowers, afterward will come the old maids, and last but not least, the old bachelors. Don't all speak at once. DARIUS.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The contract for building the sidewalks around the school building was let to Wise & Lundy, at 8-3/4 cents per square foot for the 4 foot walk and 10 cents per square foot for 8 foot walk.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

A beautiful 12 stop mirror top parlor organ with two full set reeds for only $60.00. A liberal discount for cash. Inquire of Ed. Farringer at Conservatory of Music.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Lou. Zenor was appointed clerk of the School Board in place of Fred C. Hunt, resigned. It is rumored that Fred intends going to Florida.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

MARRIED. At the Baptist Church, Winfield, May 18th, 1882, by Rev. J. Cairns, Judge Thos. H. Soward and Libbie E. Smith, both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

FOR SALE. Thorough bred bull FLOTILLA'S DON 26573. Also a few cows; 5-1/2 miles northwest of Winfield. S. R. MARSH.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Baden had the first ripe peaches of the season Tuesday. Also ripe cherries, new potatoes, new beans, etc.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

S. P. Strong came down Tuesday to dispose of his wool clip for this year. He got 22 cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Some Interesting, Instructive, and Valuable Information Gleaned From the County
Assessors' Reports.
All the County in a Nut-shell.
At the present writing all the assessors' reports with the exception of Winfield City, are in, and the abstracts have been completed by the clerk. In going over these books, one can gather a fund of information that is most valuable, and of exceeding interest to those who take an interest in the growth and prosperity of the county. The returns show a most satisfactory condition of affairs. The population has increased during the year nearly half a thousandwhile the assessed value of personal property will reach twelve hundred thousand dollarsa most decided increase over last year.

The returns show 373,697 acres in cultivation in the county. This is 17-1/2 acres for every man, woman, and child in the county, and 70 acres to every horse. There is growing in the county, 35,226 acres of wheat, of which Vernon Township has the largest area, 4,454 acres. In corn we have 111,637 acres, of which Bolton Township takes the lead with 7,571 acres. Bolton also takes the lead in oats, having 514 acres of the 5,141 growing in the county. In rye, Vernon Township has 193 acres to 661 in the county. Irish potatoes are growing on 1,276 acres, and Vernon again lays it over her sister townships with 106 acres. Castor beans seem to be quite popular in Rock Township, as she has 200 of the 656 acres cultivated in the county. We are surprised to find eleven and one-half acres of tobacco growing in the county, of which Sheridan Township has four. As we published several articles during the winter on the subject of raising tobacco for sheep dip, we would be under many obligations to those who are growing it if they would give the COURIER readers the result of their experiments. There seems to be a growing demand for Cowley County sorghum, and we find 1,345 acres growing in the county. One of the most noticeable features in the above figures is the great falling off in the area sown to wheat and the tremendous increase in the cultivation of corn. With our present prospects for bountiful harvests, we will garner about six hundred thousand bushels of wheat and six million bushels of corn, worth three and one-half millions of dollars. This is about $150 for every man, woman, and child in the county from the wheat and corn crops alone. Our old friend over east whom fortune has blessed with thirteen children is in luck. Under a communistic division of our present corn and wheat crop, his share would be worth twenty-two hundred and fifty dollars.

While the men are lording it over the fields and worrying about their corn and wheat, castor beans, and sorghum, Cowley's ladies are not idle by any manner of means. There is too much independence among our womenfolks for that. While the men were busy in the fields, the ladies were quietly at work making a statistical record that we are proud to record. They made it with 421,799 pounds of butter, 26,822 dollars worth of poultry and eggs, and (with perhaps a little help, grudgingly given by the aforesaid lords of the field) raised thirteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-four dollars worth of "garden truck." If all the butter that Cowley's thrifty housewives churned during the year 1881 was gathered together in one lot, it would make sixteen carloads and would take two of the largest locomotives of the K. C., L. & S. Railroad to pull it over the Flint HillsNinnescah Township furnishes the highest figures in the butter list; being 31,850 poundsor an average of 125 pounds made by every lady in the township. Richland is a close second with 31,380 pounds. Creswell Township furnishes the highest figures on "garden truck," having raised $3,085 worthan average of $4.00 per capita. Otter Township takes the lead in the poultry and egg business, having sold $3,570 worth during the year; an average of $7.50 per capita.

Our livestock interests are increasing rapidly and the exhibit this year is gratifying. We have 20,355 head of cattle, 13,827 head of hogs, 60,666 head of sheep, 5,600 horses, and 27,700 dogs. Windsor township takes the lead in cattle with 1,716; Beaver in hogs with 1,802; Bolton in horses with 381 head; Windsor in sheep with 6,412 head, and Bolton again comes to the front with a dogged perseverance and shows a herd of 166 hungry, howling canines. If any citizen of Bolton wants to immortalize himself, let him kill a dog. We heard of a dog the other day that killed 26 sheep in a single night. If all the dogs in the county were to go out sheep hunting, there wouldn't be enough sheep by 11,094 to furnish them one night's amusement. In order to equalize this thing, we must have more sheep and less dogs. We suggest that the same change be made in the dog crop that there has been in the wheat and corn cropraise less dogs and more sheep for a year or two. We need a dog prohibition law and hereby nominate Cyrus M. Scott, Ezra Meech, and John Stalter as candidates for the legislature on that issue.

In spite of her youth, and the herd law, Cowley makes a pretty fair exhibition in the fence line. We have 231 miles of stone fence, worth $480 per mile; 1,572 miles of hedge fence and about as much more board, rail, and wire fence. We did not make the footings of the board, rail, and wire; but estimate the whole amount of fencing in the county at three thousand miles, worth a quarter of a million of dollars. Windsor Township has the largest number of miles (53) of stone fence and Tisdale the largest number of miles (228) of hedge fence.

There was on hand in the county on the first of March 218,019 bushels of old corn, worth at the present price $152,613. This is 40 bushels for every horse, and 18 bushels for every hog. We ignore the horned brutes in this calculation and will insist that they live on grass.

Some very funny facts are brought to light by striking the average of assessments in the various townships. In Harvey Township we find that the average value of a horse is $47.24, while in Maple Township they only average $21.21 each. In Dexter Township cattle are worth on an average $14.40 a head while in Silverdale Township they drop to $6.36 a head. The last named township, while their cattle are worth less than half as much as Dexter's, their sheep are worth $1.31 a headone-half more than in Maple, where they are only assessed at 90 cents a head. In Bolton Township hogs average $3.51 a head while in Sheridan they drop to 83 cents a headin other words, for taxable purposes a Bolton hog is worth four Sheridan hogs. Here is a problem for our statesmen to exercise their faculties on. Some law should be enacted that will make a hog in Sheridan worth just as much as a Bolton porker, and a Silverdale steer stand up side by side with his Dexter neighbor and take his medicine. Under the present system there seems to be no way by which an equality of assessment can be reached. No two men will put the value of an animal the same. In a township where everyone owns cattle, the prevailing sentiment will be in favor of low assessments on cattle, and the same in other localities where hogs or sheep are largely owned. These differences in assessments are just as great all over the state as in Cowley. Some counties pay less than their proportion of State tax, others pay more.

The returns of Winfield City are not yet in. The above figures do not include Winfield except in the personal property statement. When these returns are in, they will add considerable to some of the products enumerated abovenoticeably, the dog total. We have made no account of the mules and asses because such a statement, with Winfield out, would be as uncertain as the Greenback vote. The returns, so far as taken, indicate our city population to be about 3.000. Below we give the population of the county by townships. It is taken from the returns with the exception of Winfield, which is subject to correction when Assessor Short finishes his work.

Beaver: 729, Bolton 963, Creswell 671, Cedar 695, Dexter 897, Fairview 521, Harvey 617, Liberty 595, Ninnescah 647, Maple 548, Omnia 414, Otter 463, Pleasant Valley 831, Richland 1,009, Rock Creek 673, Silverdale 640, Silver Creek 797, Sheridan 616, Spring Creek 384, Tisdale 822, Vernon 999, Walnut 1,039, Windsor 922, Winfield City estimated at 3,000, Arkansas City 1,356. Total: 21,248.


There is an increase since March 1881 of 22,081 acres in cultivation. There are 27,484 acres less wheat growing this year than last, and 17,785 more corn. There was sold last year $8,217 more poultry and eggs in the county than the year before, and 14,501 more pounds of butter. There are 20,355 more sheep in the county this year than lastan increase of one- third. We haven't as many hogs by 15,811about halfas last year. It is quite a study to note the change in the cultivation of certain kinds of corn, while this year we have 111,037 acres of corn. In 1878 we had 13,163 more acres of wheat than corn. In 1879 we had 9,998 acres more corn than wheat. In 1880 everybody planted wheat and we had 5,209 more acres of wheat than corn. In 1881 the farmers changed their minds again and planted 30,592 more acres of corn than wheat. This year the farmers seem to be more in favor of corn over wheat than ever and we find 75,811 more acres in corn than in wheat. The increase in population during the year is about 2,000.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

The Grand Baptist Church of Winfield to be Set Apart for the Worship of the
Living God Sunday, May 28tth, 1882.
The dedicatory services of the new Baptist Church in this city will be celebrated on Sunday, May 28th, 1882. Rev. Dr. Peck, of Lawrence, one of the finest pulpit orators of the state, will give the dedicatory address at 11 o'clock a.m., and the Rev. Mr. MacEwen, of Wellington, another distinguished divine, will give the evening address at 8 o'clock. The ceremonies will be of the most interesting character. A large choir, combining excellent musical talent, will "sing the songs of Zion," and several clergymen of other churches in the vicinity and from a distance will take part. This is the finest and one of the largest church buildings in Kansas, and has a seating capacity of seven hundred. The seats are of the latest, most unique, and beautiful styleeasy to sit on and having conveniences formerly unknown. They are arranged in Crescent form and are easily accessible. The pulpit is a perfect charm, a novelty, and a model of airiness and convenience. The ceiling, panel work, and windows are grandly attractive and well calculated to excite the higher emotions of the human mind. The outward appearance, the towers, gables, roofing, and walls combine in superb proportions.

The Baptists of this place have shown a devotion and a public spirit in erecting this edifice which should be appreciated and admired. They now invite their friends far and near to be present on this their occasion of gladness and triumph. It is expected that many will be present from a distance. Perhaps a special train will come over from Wellington.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


At a call of the Wichita Baptist Church last Wednesday, May 17th, a council convened to consider the propriety of ordaining to the ministry the Rev. Mr. Harper, their pastor elect. The council organized by electing Rev. J. Cairns, of Winfield, Moderator, and Rev. D. S. MacEwan of Wellington, Clerk. After a most thorough examination, in which the candidate acquitted himself to the entire satisfaction of the council, they voted unanimously to ordain him, in the following order: Sermon by Rev. F. Rice of Augusta; Ordaining prayer by Rev. J. Cairns; Charge to the candidate, by Rev. S. S. Merrifield, of Newton; Charge to the church, by Rev. D. S. MacEwan; Hand of fellowship by Rev. J. C. Post of Salt City; Benediction by the candidate. Mr. Harper is a young man of fine culture who has been president of an institution of learning in Indiana, and a man of great promise. We congratulate the church in securing such a pastor. FRATER.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Rabies. Last Thursday evening a dog was killed in Pleasant Valley Township after having bitten several other dogs, which will be running rabid in a short time.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

A Grand Temperance Rally!

At the Baptist Church Monday evening, the 29th inst., to be addressed by Rev. Dr. Peck, of Lawrence, and other distinguished speakers from abroad. All citizens are earnestly and cordially invited to turn out to hear these eminent speakers in this holy cause. The speaking will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. By order of the committee.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Notice. The members of the executive committee of the Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society are hereby requested to meet at the COURIER office in Winfield, on Saturday, May 27, 1882, at 2 o'clock p.m., without fail. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Program. Following is the program of the literary and musical entertainment to be given in the Opera House on Thursday evening, June 1st, by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Winfield.

Prayer: Rev. Mr. Cairns.

Operative Medley: Miss McCoy and Mrs. Caton.

"Rescued"Rec.: Mr. James Cairns.

Song: Little Mary Spotswood.

"The Aged Tramp": Miss Dunham.

Vocal Duet: Miss McDonald and Mr. Connell.

"A Drunkard's Deed"Rec.: Mary Greer.

"Our Homes are What Our Husbands Make Them": Scene.

"Dombey's Death"Reading: Prof. R. C. Story.

"The Sister's Prayer"Song: Lottie Caton.

"Scandal"Sermon, with banjo music:

"Brudder Squash," "Tramway Gallop"Duet: Misses Spotswood and Bedilion.

"I Sue For Damages"Character Rec.: Miss Baldwin.

Vocal Duet: Misses Bard and Newman.

"Garfield and Guiteau"Rec.: Miss Ida Trezise.

"Mozoun Rosi"Song: Mrs. R. C. Story.

"A Plea for Intemperance": Mrs. W. B. Caton.

Grand Etude Gallop: Miss Haides Trezise.

Reading: Mr. Jillson.

"Save the Boy"Vocal Duet: Misses McDonalds.

Benediction: Rev. P. F. Jones.

Other county papers please copy, as this is to be a temperance entertainment, and we very much desire a full attendance from the country. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


The Baxter Springs News sums up the gubernatorial contest in this brief but emphatic style: "We stop the press and `unlock the forms,' to announce that although we think it a devilish outrage, St. John will get there all the same."

Sherman Allen, son of Mrs. Fritz, met with a serious accident Saturday afternoon while leading a cow near the railroad. The rope became entangled around his left leg and threw him to the ground, breaking both bones below the knee. Dr. Phelps was called and set the bones and the boy is getting along very nicely.

In order to be strictly constitutional, the people of Kansas have taken largely to developing medicine wells. At Columbus, according to the Courier, they have discovered water of which "one month's steady drinking will relieve a man of Greenbackism, and make a respectable man of a Democrat." A drinking of the water for three days takes away all bad habits in the way of profanity, tobacco chewing, Sabbath breaking, etc.

L. S. Cogswell, of Omnia, is making one of the best farms in that section of the country. While there he showed us strawberry vines that had been transplanted this spring that were heavily loaded with fine fruit, three year old grapevines transplanted last spring with heavy clusters of grapes; he also has a fine young orchard of apple, pear, and cherry trees, besides 600 peach trees. Such improvements as these are what makes country.

MAD DOGS. One night, about ten days ago, B. H. Clover, who lives on Grouse Creek, heard dogs fighting in his yard and got up and drove the strange dog away, not, however, until his own dog had been bitten in several places. Nine days after the dog belonging to Mr. Clover went mad, but fortunately was killed before biting anything. The mad dog was a small yellow dog and when it left Mr. Clover's house, came up on the prairie west of the creek. Great care should be taken, and any dog showing symptoms of hydrophobia should be killed at once.

SOME TIMBER. We have heard some people complain about the scarcity of timber in Kansas. Now, we want to say, there is no place in Cowley County where a man can go, without having natural timber growing in less than five miles in some direction. In fact, it is a very difficult thing to get out of sight of growing timber. People in the older states, who contemplate coming west, should make note of this. It is much better to stop here where they can buy good land near timber and railroad towns, for from three to ten dollars per acre, than to go further west and get out of reach of everything.

The party last Friday evening at the A. O. U. W. Hall, was a grand success. About thirty couples of young folks were present and the ball passed off without a jar. Several couples from Fairview, north of Winfield, and quite a number from Tisdale and Cambridge were present. Everything passed off pleasantly, and the supper prepared by the Hisler house was all that could be asked. Taken as a whole, the party was a success.

Capt. Parker relates an incident that occurred in Bolton Township that is a good one. While traveling, soliciting orders for marble work, he stopped at a neat farm house to stay overnight. The man came in and asked him if he was a marble man; being answered in the affirmative, he told him to eat a hearty supper and in the morning he would take him out and show him a row of marble men he was planting; he had already a full row of fruit tree men, but was a little short on marble men, but could fill up the row in a couple of weeks if they kept coming. Capt. made good his escape and says he is not ready to be planted.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Pioneer's Reunion.

The pioneer settlers of Vernon Township, in Cowley County, Kansas, will hold a picnic meeting at Riverside Park, in Vernon Township, near Winfield, on Wednesday, May 31st, 1882, at 10 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of organizing an association for mutual friendship and to commemorate in the early settlement of this township. The following is the program of exercises.

1st. 10 a.m., E. D. Skinner, Chairman, calls the meeting to order.

2nd. Enrollment of old Pioneers, who were settled in Vernon Township prior to January 1st, 1873.

3rd. Election of President, Vice-President, and Secretary, by the members enrolled.

4th. Song..

5th. 12 m. Dinner.

6th. 2 p.m. Songs and speeches by Wm. Martin, T. A. Blanchard, Millington, and others.

7th. Essay on the Early Settlement of Vernon Township, by Mrs. John Werden, Mrs. C. A. McClung, and Miss Mina Bliss, who are among the earliest settlers.

All persons who can, whether old settlers or not, are earnestly requested to meet with us, bringing your baskets well filled, and seats so far as convenient.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

Council Proceedings.

Council met pursuant to adjournment. Mayor Troup in chair.

Roll called. Present, Councilmen Read, Gary, McMullen, and Wilson.

Bond of Benjamin F. Herrod as marshal, with Geo. T. Wilson, J. L. Hodges, and J. A. McGuire as securities, was presented and on motion of Mr. McMullen was approved.

Remonstrance of Jno. W. Curns and 17 others against the construction of the stone gut- tering on East side of Main street between 7th and 10th avenues was read and placed on file.

Ordinance No. 157 providing for the construction of certain sidewalks therein specified was read and on motion of Mr. Read was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 were adopted. On motion to adopt as a whole on its final passage, the vote stood as follows: Those voting aye were Messrs. Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; nays none, and the Ordinance was declared adopted.

Ordinance No. 158 regulating the storing and keeping of powder was read, and on motion was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 were adopted. On motion to adopt as a whole on its final passage, the vote stood as follows: Those voting aye were Messrs. Read, Gary, McMullen, and Wilson; nays none, and the ordinance was declared adopted.

Ordinance No. 159, Protecting life and property by regulating the maintenance and construction of wire fences and the lariating of stock was read and on motion of Mr. Read, was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, and 3 were adopted. On motion to adopt as a whole on its final passage, the vote stood as follows: Those voting aye were Messrs. Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson, nays none, and the ordinance was declared adopted.

The following claims were allowed and ordered paid.

C. W. Nichols, street work: $11.25.

J. H. Rice & Sons, 2 J. P. Dockets: $32.00.

Adams Express Co., expressage: $.90.

C. W. Nichols et al., street work: $17.50.

On motion council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, MAYOR.

Attest: DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.

CATTLE FOR SALE. We offer for sale 45 head of two year old steers, 58 head of two and three year old heifers, 36 yearling steers and heifers and 31 head of milch cows. The above cattle will be found on Grouse Creek in Dexter Township, at the mouth of Crab Creek at Alex Busey's corral. The cattle will be on sale at that place for ten days.

Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882. [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS.]

EDS. COURIER: Please allow the following criticism upon our city lawyersit is made for their especial benefit. We are proud of them, especially so of some of the young lawyers, therefore desire to have them correct some habits which they have fallen into which, in our estimation, detract from that true refinement which should always characterize the gentleman especially is this true of our public menthe lawyers of Winfield.

These are my criticisms:

The habit of chewing tobacco during court hours, and spitting and squirting the juice thereof on the carpet and all around them, both while sitting and while speaking, is indulged in by a large majority of our lawyers, especially by some of our most promising young lawyers. This is really offensive to some, who are lookers on, and who are drawn to the court to listen to the forensic efforts of these gifted young men. Another bad habit is the holding of cigars and the stubs of cigars in the mouth, twirling and twisting them around, and anon taking them out of the mouth and putting them back again, as much as to say: "Oh! How I love you. How I would enjoy quaffing the smoke you would make, if the court would allow us to burn you; but alas! The court will not, and all we can do is to play sham smoke a little while until we are free from this court restraint, then we will do full justice to your lovely little forms." This too is offensive to many of your admiring friends. Another habit we would mention is that of the speaker every two or three minutes stopping in his speech, and turning round to the water pitcher, pour out a part of a glass of water, drink it, wipe his lips and mustache, and then proceed with his speech; and in this way continue speaking, stopping, pouring out water, drinking, wiping lips, etc., until the end. We think it is a foolish habit and in its effect hurtful to those present who desire the highest perfection of manners in those for whom we have the warmest and kindest feelings, and in whom we recognize a very high order of talent. OBSERVER.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: Mr. Shields, of Polo, has lost two more head of stock caused by the bite of a mad-dog, making in all three head, one calf, one colt, and one milch cow, all valued at $200. Mr. Shields is an honest, hard working man, striving to make his mark, whilst his arm is strong it seems as though fortune had changed for the worse with him. He has the heartfelt sympathy of his neighbors, hoping that he may have no more stock to die from the effects of worthless dogs. Five deaths have been noted among stock in this neighborhood caused by this dreaded disease. Herders should beware of stray dogs and not let them pass through their herds. Dogs are passing in their checks very rapidly in this vicinity. H.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


Owing to the extreme scarcity of news, I have not troubled you of late. No one born, married, or died in this part of the country for a long time. Crops are all good and the health of community excellent, so I have nothing to write about, as the herd-law is about worn out.

I see some of your correspondents are presenting the claims of their friends for the position of County Superintendent, and I note that one is quite strong on Tom Rude. For information I would ask, what are Tom's qualifications? I've no doubt but that he is a good fellow, but is he capable? Does he stand high in grade? Has he plenty of good common sense? Is he a fair businessman? In regard to the lady recommended, I question the propriety of electing a lady to that office. I noticed quite a list of aspirants in the COURIER sometime since, among them are parties that are not competent to teach a primary and they fully expect to make a good race through their political friends. One of your correspondents says "the Republican party can afford to give the office to a certain candidate out of compliment." The Republican party may afford it, but the people cannot. At no time since the county has been organized has there been the need of a good thorough-going superintendent that there now is. As a people we are getting careless about our schools, and they are falling into the hands of soft pated sentimentalists that have conceived the idea that they are called to fill a high mission and spend the most of their time looking above the common duties of life. The result is, high toned teachers and poor schools. What we want is good square sense. We would not allow a person to train a colt simply because they held a No. 1 certificatewe would find out what they knew about colts. Yet we ask but one question about teachers, is the certificate all right? Of how much more value are our children than colts?

A. T. Gay, A. G. Davis, R. H. Moore and their wives went fishing last week and got wet, that was all.

Long Charley Humphrey is with us again.

Mr. Goodrich and daughter have gone to Nebraska to visit friends.

Sadie Davis, one of our Tisdale girls, is teaching near Denver, Colorado.

Mr. Bartlow is getting around after a long sickness, notwithstanding his illness, he succeeded in locating two good men in this neighborhood.

Bro. B____ swears by Cowley County and Tisdale Township. I would say, for the benefit of peddlers, that they had as well stay away from this locality; a good many of us wear thick boots No. 10. X.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: I was much pleased to notice that our very efficient and talented Mrs. Caton was a candidate for County Superintendent of public instruction. While we would not in any way say one word in opposition to any of the candidates already announced, we feel constrained to say a few words unasked in favor of Mrs. Caton for our next County Superin- tendent. The writer of this was a resident of Peoria County, Illinois, for a number of years. The most efficient Superintendent, and one who did the most to advance the cause of education in that great and populous county during all our stay there, was a lady superintendent. Mrs. Caton is well known by our people, especially so by the citizens of Winfield. When I say that Mrs. Caton possesses all the qualifications of a first-class County Superintendent, one of whom all our people all over the county would justly be proud, I think I speak only the sentiments of every person who has had the privilege of becoming acquainted with her. She undoubtedly possesses eminent abilities and fair fitness to give increased character and lustre to the great educational interests of our county, for which our present superintendent, Mr. Story, has done so much, and so well. We speak for Mrs. Caton a hearty and unanimous endorsement by the good citizens of our great and rapidly growing county, who desire the broadest and largest educational culture for all the children, and that they see to it, that she is made by their votes our next County Superintendent of Public Instruction. THE PUBLIC GOOD.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: The chronic grumbler is at rest. No drought, no chinch bug. Everything is lovely and the goose hangs high. Crops of all kind booming, farmers happy. I see by some of your correspondence that millet is not being sown for fear of chinch bugs. That is bad policy, for if ye "sow not neither shall ye reap." My advice to such farmers is, if you have millet seed, sow yet. Sow any time between this and the 15th of June, and my word for it, you will thank Chip Basket for urging you to duty. Farmer friends, remember there are but two ways of successful battling with the mean little pest, viz.: starve or feed them. I choose the latter. By feeding heavy, some will remain for the feeder. Always remember, the more sown the more you are likely to reap. The idea that millet or wheat brought them into our county is a mistake, for they were here in the prairie grass before either were sown in the county. Two past seasons being favorable to their increase, we have more than usual this year. We predict less damage than usual this year. Plenty of rain, which we are now getting, destroys the young, the old, and the eggs; so for a year or two we will be comparatively free of the pest.

Let everybody work for the success of our County Fair. Col., let's hold a vet's reunion this fall during the County Fair. Yes, beat the reveille and let us begin to rally for the grand reunion at Topeka. I also advise that someone be appointed immediately to gather grains for the State Fair. Let the county be fully represented in stock, grain, and produce.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Everything is prosperous and encouraging with us now since the chinch bugs are moving. Everybody plowing corn. Millet up in most places. Heavy rains of late.

It seems as though Heaven has delivered us from one pest only to subject us to a worse calamity, for there is a Greenback speaker at large in the land.

Nelson and Wirt Bacon started for the great southwest lately. They have many sincere friends at home, whether they are so fortunate as to meet many abroad or not.

John Dosbaugh; otherwise known as the "son of thunder from Rock Creek," shipped his cattle a few days ago. They were pronounced "tiptop " and if they were not first-class, they should be, for John is one of the successful feeders.

We would like to have St. John come down here and raise the natives awhile. Nearly all the Democrats and a host of sore-headed Republicans, who are now ailing with the chronic Greenback, anti-monopoly croak, are opposed to St. John as a man; are opposed to his principles, no matter in what light those principles are viewed; are opposed to every progressive movement from whatever direction its course. Besides prohibition is known to be essentially a Republican measure; for the Democratic party never had a leader who was disposed to look to anything better than he was used to, which Heaven knows is low enough, and never had a man who was willing to sacrifice his own conviction in deference to the people's opinion and the people's welfare, as Senator Hackney did. Let us hope that like pink eye and epizootic, these degenerate political contagions, which strike and take effect only upon men of poor moral constitutions may speedily run their course and leave the field opened for the operations of worthier combatants. SAM.

[This communication did not fall under our notice in time for last week's paper, but it is good enough to keep and we would like to hear from "Sam" again. ED.]

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Osage Orange Hedges.

In the early history of this country, when the French from Canada were making their explorations in the Mississippi Valley, they found near a village of the Osage Indians a tree grown to the height of thirty or forty feet, the foliage and fruit of which so closely resembled in appearance the orange, that it has received the popular name of "Osage orange." The wood of the tree has a fine grain, is tough and very elastic, and was used by the Indians for bows. From this fact it received the French name Bois d'Arc, which has been corrupted into Bodark, by which name it is in some sections now called. The tree belongs to the natural order of Urticaceae [?NOT SURE OF WORD?] and was named by Nuttail, Machura Aurantiacia, [?THEY HAD A COMMA AFTER NUTTAIL?] in honor of William Maclure, an American geologist. It is, however, generally known as the Osage orange. Although this tree naturally grows to a good size, it bears cutting in exceedingly well, which together with the fact that its branches are well furnished with strong thorns, renders it peculiarly adapted for hedges, especially in the Middle and Southern States. It does not succeed as well in higher latitudes, for, while quite hardy after two or three years' growth, the young plants are rather tender.

This tree does not perfect its fruit unless male and female trees are growing in the same neighborhood; but there is no difficulty in getting good seed from perfect oranges, or purchasing from any dealer in seeds. If there be any question about the quality, it can be settled, and always should be, by mixing them with moist sand and putting them in a warm place. If good, they will sprout in a few days; if not, they will become soft and rotten. The seed will keep a year or two under proper conditions, but much that is worthless is sold, and it is always best to test it, as it is labor and time lost to sow unsound seeds, as well as a disappointment and aggravation.

For hedges the seed is sometimes sown in the rows where it is to remain; but we think it is better to raise the plants in beds and transplant them. The beds should be prepared in fine rich mold, with great care, and the seeds sown as early in the spring as convenient; they should be placed about two inches apart, in drills sufficiently far apart to admit of cultivation, as the young plants must be carefully tended and all weeds kept down during the summer. At one year old, plants should be large enough to set in a hedge. In the meantime the place where the hedge is to be established should be plowed several times during the summer, the grass, weeds, and sods killed out, and fertilizers applied. In short, a nice, rich, friable bed should be prepared for the reception of the plants. The latter may be set in the fall or early spring in the South, but in the more northern states the spring is the time. The tops of the plants should be cut off to within six inches of the ground; both because they will then be more likely to live, and because they will throw out more branches. If there are any long central roots, usually called tap roots, these should be shortened, leaving none over a foot long. When the plants are ready, prepare the hedge bed by harrowing or otherwise leveling it, and draw a line along its center, by which dig out a trench to a depth sufficient to accommodate the roots of the plants, which should be set ten inches apart, and quite as deep as or a little deeper than they were in the seed bed. The rule should be to set them so that when the ground has settled, say in two or three weeks, the plants would be in the same relation to the surface as in their original position. The soil should be placed firmly about the roots, and with such care that every little root or fibre should come in contact with it. When the plants are small and have few fibrous roots, they may be planted with a dibble much more expeditiously than with a spade, but while we might compromise and consent to the use of the trowel, be believe that the best results can be obtained by the proper use of the spade.

Many will not like the trouble of raising the plants from the seed, and, indeed, in many cases it will be preferable to buy them from nurserymen, which can usually be done for $3 or $4 per thousand, and in considerable quantities for less. A thousand plants will set more than fifty rods, and the cost of making a bed and raising plants would pay for a good many thousand, even if you are successful, which is not always the case. Beside, in buying them you gain a year at least in time. Some have tried raising plants from cuttings of stems or roots, but this method is so uncertain that we cannot advise any to try it. When the plants are well established, which they should be after one year's growth, they should be trimmed in just enough to give them a goodly shape, cut in after years they will, in consequence of their robust growth, require to be well cut into form in the spring before the leaves start, and perhaps receive a little trimming in during the summer.

Some have objected to the Osage orange as a hedge plant because of its tendency to sprout freely from the root. While this occasions some labor in cutting out such sprouts as come where they are not wanted, those that come within the limits of the hedge growth serve to thicken and improve it. As an ornamental tree the Osage orange has its objections, in that its branches are inclined to spread too widely to give it an attractive form, but the bright, glossy green of its foliage and the golden hue of its fruit in a measure compensate for this. By proper treatment it can be trained into a very attractive bush, ten or fifteen feet high. To do this, cut a strong growing plant back severely for several years, which will cause it to throw out several years of careful attention, but the result will be ample compensation therefor. You will have, if you choose, a gigantic bush, dome-shaped, beautiful in foliage, through which, in its season, will be seen an ample supply of golden fruit, tempting to the sight, if disappointing to the taste. New York Sun.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Secretary Lincoln has information that Payne and twenty other colonists, while attempt- ing to invade the Indian Territory, were captured by troops sent out from Fort Reno, and taken back to Kansas. The authorities had not decided what disposition to make of them.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Accounts from all parts of the state are very flattering for Hackney. He has plenty of friends, who desire his nomination not only because of friendship but because, as they say, he is a fighter and a rustler and has the nerve and ability to do the right thing; whatever the opposition.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


We are glad to see so much interest manifested in the matter of candidates for county Superintendent, and hope it is all in the interest of the schools rather than personal interest of special candidates. On the outside one correspondent asks: "What are Tom Rude's qualifications?" While we are not a special advocate of Mr. Rude, we will answer that we know him well, that he is a good fellow, is capable, stands in high grade, has plenty of good common sense, is a fair businessman, and will get our most cordial support if nominated. We indorse all that has been said of Mrs. Caton in his paper and former numbers. There are other good candidates for the place whom we shall notice as they present themselves.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

It was our fortune to get involved in a railroad smash-up last Saturday morning on the Fort Scott and Wichita road about three and a half miles east of Iola. It was a freight train which left Fort Scott at 6:35 in the morning, consisting of six cars loaded with iron and ties and a passenger coach used as a caboose in which were some fifteen passengers and some train hands. Among the passengers were two ladies and two young girls. The road was new and it had been raining heavily several days so that the earth in the grading and embankments was soft and mushy. The train ran rapidly until it reached La Harpe, seven miles east of Iola, where it had to switch off and wait an hour for the east-bound passenger train. When that had passed our engineer pulled out and ran at a tremendous rate, faster than we had ever known a passenger train to run, and an old engineer among the passengers estimated the rate at fifty miles an hour. The result was what we expected, and the only thing strange about it was that the disaster did not come sooner and was not much worse.

The two rear cars were swaying and bouncing about until the next to the rear car got off the track, and at almost the first bounce uncoupled from the rear car. The latter bounced tremendously and went over to the left down a seven foot embankment and was literally crushed to splinters. The momentum was so great that it plowed along in the ditch about sixty feet before it fully stopped; the rear portion of the car was left about sixty feet behind the balance of the car in which were the passengers, who were thrown violently together in a confused mass with flying splinters, the mashed up seats, a shower of glass from the windows, baggage, and stoves, in undistinguishable confusion. We immediately set to work assorting the passengers from the debris and helping them out amid the pouring rain. For a wonder no one was killed, but all were more or less injured or bruised, shook up is no name for it. One gentleman had a rib broken; one lady, Mrs. Kauffman, wife of the editor of the Garnet Plaindealer, received a fearful blow on the chest, a little daughter of Mr. McElroy, editor of the Humboldt Union, had a limb considerably bruised, which she endured with the fortitude of a heroine. Mrs. McElroy did not appear to be much hurt. We regret to say that our friend, E. A. Henthorn, of the Burden Enterprise, besides being otherwise bruised, was kicked in the eye by a woman. We do not know what the provocation was, but knowing his former good character we are disposed to give him the benefit of the most charitable construction. The COURIER editor had the fortune to land on his cheek, and was thus saved from harm. The track was torn up, but the passengers waded in mud six inches deep forward to the engine and piled upon it and into a car loaded with ties and were pulled rapidly into Iola, where they escaped from that dangerous red-headed engineer, vowing that they would not trust themselves again behind an engine which he ran for ten thousand dollars apiece.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Railroad Taxation.
In another place we give the comments of the Topeka Capital on an article in the Kansas Educationist written by Prof. R. C. Story on the subject of the distribution of the taxes paid by railroads. We have for some time been fully impressed with the injustice of taxing the whole county equally to pay the interest and principle of railroad bonds and then giving the benefit of school and township taxes which are collected of the railroad, only to those school districts and townships through which the road passes, and we had determined to air this subject well during the coming canvass with the view of securing such legislation in relation to these matters as shall be just and fair to all the districts and townships in the county.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Secretary Teller has decided that hereafter the selection of Indian agents will not be made upon recommendation of church organizations. Speaking upon this subject he said: "I think it has been a signal failure. The repeated changes in agents indicate this. The official life of an agent has not exceeded an average of eighteen months for a number of years. An agent would not get fairly acquainted with his Indians before he would be found to be incompetent, and turned out. This system involves also divided responsibility between the departments and the churches. I think the department should be held responsible for the character of its employees, and it can certainly select just as good men as churches can."

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Postmaster General Timothy Howe has recommended to Congress to abolish all postage on newspapers and magazines, transporting them through the mails absolutely free to all subscribers whether within or outside of the county of publication.

At first blush this would seem to the country newspaper man to be a good thing, but when we presented the matter in a short speech to the Neosho Valley Editorial Association last Friday, that body of editors unanimously passed a resolution opposing the measure and asking our congressional delegation to oppose it.

The points to which we call the attention of Western newspaper men are these.

Under the present postage laws, newspapers and magazines are passed through the mails to subscribers free within the counties of their publication and at the rate of two cents a pound all over the United States and territories outside of the counties of publication. The great Eastern Journals even now flood the whole country with a tremendous quantity of these periodicals through the mails at rates probably less than one half of what it actually costs the government to transport them and therefore at the expense of the letter postage. The country and Western newspaper men are working in competition with this enormous flood of papers sent among us by these great eastern monopolies. Practically all the paper and material we use in Kansas in the manufacture of newspapers, comes from the east, and we have to pay more than two cents a pound in freights on it. If we buy of paper mills nearer home, we pay just enough higher than eastern mills charge to make up the difference in freights, so it amounts to just the same thing as though we bought everything in New York and paid more than two cents a pound to freight our whole supplies to Kansas. So even now the government is granting an exclusive privilege to these great eastern publishing houses in transporting their paper to compete with ours in the mails at less rates than we can get in any way, even by the slow freight lines. If we ask the government to transport our paper, it charges us sixteen cents a pound and limits us to four pound bundles, so of course we cannot avail ourselves of the mails to any considerable extent because we print our papers here and after transportation while they print before transportation and theirs is transported through the mails as printed matter. Of course, we cannot put our papers into the eastern markets to compete with them at home, if for no other reason, because we have to pay transportation both ways while they can compete with us at our home with transportation only one way and that at the lowest rate. In this matter they now have a fearful advantage of us already.

But it is now proposed to crush us out by making their transportation entirely free at the expense of the government while we are still to be compelled to pay present rates of transportation from the east all because our paper is printed in the west instead of the east. And this is not all.

While we would have to pay all our own transportation and the government would pay theirs, it would tax us to help carry their papers free. Thus it is proposed to build up the enormous monopolies of the east and crush out the local newspapers of the country and the west. The argument used by these eastern monopolies in favor of free transportation of newspapers and magazines is: that these are great educators and it would encourage the cause of education and the dissemination of knowledge.

Have not we in the West and in the small towns of the whole country as good a right to educate our people and disseminate knowledge among them as has the New York Herald and that class of monopolies. Those papers do not and cannot furnish our people with all they want to know, nor with the most important information to our people, the local matters of the county, and a great variety of matter which only local newspapers can furnish their readers. We have as good a right to a bonus for furnishing our local readers with this matter as has the New York Herald for furnishing them with reports of speeches and similar matter which we do not give. Certainly it I an outrage to tax us to give the great monopolies of the east a bonus to help them compete with us. If the government would also transport our unprinted paper to us free as well as their printed paper to compete with ours, then the advantage it now proposes to give them would not be so great, and it might enable us to furnish our readers all the information these great eastern papers are giving, in addition to the local matter of value which they do not and cannot give. If any deserve a bonus from the government, it is the weak rather than the millionaire.

Hitherto the post office department has not been self-sustaining because of the cost of transportation of this second-class matter at rates so much less than it actually costs the government. It is now hoped that the profits on letter transportation will be sufficient to more than cover the deficiency in newspaper postage receipts and it is now proposed to collect enough revenue from postage on letters to carry the enormous bulk sent out by those great publication offices free. The reason and justice of this does not appear. If the department is in danger of creating a surplus revenue that it does not known what to do with, would it not be a little more honest to reduce the rates of postage on letters than it would be to make the letter writers pay a bonus to these great monopolies? Common honesty would require that the reduction be made in favor of the overtaxed instead of in favor of the undertaxed.

We call upon our brethren of the press to look into this matter and raise their voices against the proposed outrage, and we call upon our delegation in congress to defeat the measure.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Republican convention of the third congressional district met at Emporia at 10 o'clock a.m., of May 24th and organized temporarily with Gen. Harrison Kelly, of Coffey, in the chair and T. B. Wall, of Wichita, secretary.

D. B. Jeffreys, of McPherson, R. McCause, of Edwards, H. E. Cowgill, of Coffey, J. T. Showalter, of Sumner, and James McKee, of Harvey, were made a committee on credentials.

[No one from Cowley County Mentioned.]

Hon. T. J. Anderson's Modoc club then entertained the crowd with songs in the most inimitable style which were enthusiastically received and then in response to calls, speeches were delivered by Hons. Hanback, Hackney, Peck, Jetmore, Kelly, Ady, and Stewart.

The committee on credentials reported. We do not give space for the report but the persons who represented Cowley County were: D. A. Millington, A. B. Elliott, P. M. Waite, L. B. Stone, C. R. Mitchell, A. B. Steinberger, E. A. Henthorn, and W. P. Hackney. The report was adopted.

D. A. Millington was elected as a member of the Republican Central Committee from Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

In the last number of the Educationist, Prof. R. C. Story, superintendent of public instruction for Cowley County, discusses a new amendment proposed by him regarding the payment of taxes applied for the maintenance of the schools. His idea is that whenever a municipality, city, township, or county shall, by the voting of bonds, create a property upon which taxes are levied, such property shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools; that all property now in counties, townships, or cities which has been brought into the same by reason of the voting of bonds shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools of the cor- poration voting the bonds. An amendment to the State constitution embodying the above is what Prof. Story wants, and further than that, he would compel officials to turn all fines and forfeitures into the school fund of the county; he also favors the levy of a State tax of two mills for the support of these common schools.

Prof. Story gives some interesting figures, which are worth its inclusion. In February last, for example, California disbursed State school fund to the amount of $1,482,883, or over $7 per pupil. In the month following Kansas apportioned $125,882, being thirty-six cents to each pupil. California in 1880 spent $18.06 upon each scholar enrolled; Massachusetts, $16.86. In 1870 Kansas' expenditure for each scholar enrolled was $10.644; in 1875, $6.98; in 1880, $6.45; in 1881, $8.01. The writer wants to know, if in the light of these facts, Kansas is moving in the right direction, and intimates strongly that she is not. If the expendi- ture in either California or Massachusetts be taken as a standard, ours falls far below it. But then it should be remembered that the conditions differ in different states. From the old Bay State has often come the cry that education there was too costly; that other States who paid less secured for their children as good an education in every way. Then again, the question might be asked, how much better an education does the Massachusetts child get for $16.86 per year than the Kansas child for $6.45? The writer correctly says that taxes in Kansas are sufficiently high, and school taxes are generously levied by the people of the State. Our school fund, when it reaches the ten million period, will yield large returns; yet it should be remembered that at the same time the school population of the State will be proportionately larger. The question Prof. Story asks is, how can we secure an ample school fund without increasing the burdens of taxation and waiting fifty years to attain the results.

Another subject discussed in connection with the main question is the inequality of taxation, particularly as it effects the various townships in those counties which vote for railroad bonds. At the present time there is railroad property in Kansas valued at over $25,000,000, upon which taxes were paid to the amount of $740,786.57 in 1881. This money was distributed through sixty-three counties. While in many instances, the railroads were secured by the counties themselves voting bonds, in many other cases they were voted by townships and cities. On July 1st, 1880, the bonded indebtedness of the counties of the State, in the main created by the voting of railroad bonds, was $7,339,666. Here is brought forward the unjust feature in this matter, and the writer takes Cowley County as an example, which will do for all the other counties of the State where township bond voting has been the rule. In that county twenty-eight school districts secure the taxes on railroad property, while one hundred and thirty-four pay the bonds and the interest thereon. One-fourth of the districts of the county get the benefit of this property, while all help alike in bearing the burden of the bonds. Thirteen townships get taxes on his property, while eleven do not see a single cent of it. In nearly every railroad county in the State, therefore, one-fourth of the school districts reap a fruitful harvest from railroad property, while the other three-fourths help pay the bonds and get no benefit whatever therefrom. Prof. Story considers this to be a situation of affairs for which there is neither excuse nor justification and to remedy this is his idea in bringing forward the amendment quoted in the first part of this article. It is a subject that merits careful consideration. Topeka Capital.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


Since we gave a history of Hackney's scar last week we have heard from more than a dozen men who partook of that Alatoona fight and knew the circumstances we then gave. Each one of these would do any amount of hard work with a will in order to secure Hackney's nomination to congress.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


It is rumored that Capt. Payne and his Oklahoma band have been arrested by United States authorities.

Geo. Cody, who claims to be a cousin of the famous Buffalo Bill, is now confined in the Atchison County Jail on a charge of burglary.

A party of 100 men left Concordia to join Capt. Payne in the Indian Territory. They are well equipped, and say they apprehend no difficulty.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

John B. Walker, of the terminus, was in the city Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Archery Club had their first meeting this year on last Friday.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Miss Kate Millington left Wednesday for a few week's visit to Fort Scott.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Mr. S. H. Wells, Dexter Township's trustee, spent Sunday in the city.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

A correspondent in the Traveler, nailed not only one lie but several lies at one full swoop last week.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

A remonstrance has been presented to the Council against the proposed guttering of Main Street.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

George Schroeter has put the new town clock in place and it is now marking off the hours with regularity.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

A correspondent goes for the lawyers a little on the first page this week. Read it boys, and profit by the remarks.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

We are glad to see W. J. Wilson again at home after a "two week's visit" to New York. He didn't get married after all.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Mr. Ed. Farringer manipulated the organ at the Baptist Church last Sunday. Ed is becom- ing quite celebrated as a composer.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association met at the COURIER office Saturday, but owing to the rain there was not a full attendance.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Any person wanting wheat cut with a header, call on A. A. Knox or Z. T. Whitson, Pleasant Valley Township, four miles southeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

W. H. Clark, from Baird's store, starts east this week to Pennsylvania to remain all summer. He expects to return in the fall and take his old position.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Secretary Blanchard of the Fair Association, is up to his eyes in work, getting the premium lists ready. He is bound to make the fair this year a success.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Knott Bros., of Arkansas City, have an advertisement in this issue offering their fine flock of sheep for sale. Sheep men would do well to look them up.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Bitting and son, of Wichita, and Miss Julia Deming, of Pierce City, Missouri, passed through Winfield on Saturday morning en route for Geuda Springs.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Frank Small, who was sentenced to the penitentiary from this county some three years ago for killing Starbuck, has been released, having shortened his term by good behavior.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Mr. J. W. Weimer, of Richland, made us a pleasant call Friday. J. W. is actively in the field as Richland's candidate for the Legislature, and if selected will make a valuable member.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

If the cold weather lasts all summer, our young people will wear themselves out dancing. They had another party at the Opera House last Monday evening, which was a very enjoyable affair.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

After the rain Saturday a gentleman passing along 8th avenue noticed some boys picking up little fish out of the pools. How the fish came there is a mystery, unless they came down with the rain.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Wm. A. Herpich, from Delevan, Illinois, has rented rooms in Hudson Bros.' new build- ing, and will open a merchant tailoring establishment therein. He comes highly recom- mended as a first-class tailor.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The school at Excelsior schoolhouse, in district 9, closes a week from Friday, on June 9th. In the evening the young ladies of the district will have a concert and ice cream supper, to which all are invited.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Geo. Schroeter received last week a magnificent "transit" for taking observations of the sun, and will hereafter keep correct "sun time." George displays commendable enterprise in matters of this kind.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Jim Finch is the victim of a very serious accident. While alighting from a buggy Saturday he slipped and fell, breaking his leg in two places. He is now laid up for repairs, and is suffering considerable pain.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association will meet at the COURIER editorial rooms at 2 o'clock Saturday, June 10th. All the members are earnestly requested to be present as business of importance will be transacted.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Some weeks ago, Mr. Wm. Gates, of Beaver Township, lost his pocket book, containing $80 and a check for $50. Whoever found the book can identify it by the check, and should return it to Mr. Gates, as he can illy afford to lose it.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

We are glad to be able to say that Mrs. Carruther's motherwhose illness called Mrs. Carruthers to Canada a few weeks agohas so far recovered as to permit of her daughter's return. She arrived on the Wednesday evening train, much to the delight of her interesting family.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Judge McDonald received a pressing invitation last week to deliver the occasional address at the reunion of his old regiment, the 10th Illinois Infantry, on the 13th of June. Owing to important business before the U. S. Court, which meets at Leavenworth about that time, he was compelled to decline the honor.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Messrs. Cronk and Constant had another suit last Thursday. Constant had taken up some of Cronk's hogs which he found running on his land, and advertised them as strays. Cronk reprieved them, and hence the suit. Under the instructions of the court, the jury brought in a verdict for Cronk, and Constant pays the costs.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Frank Manny has a new monkey which he received from New York last week. Frank has been disconsolate ever since the boys fed matches to his other monkey and made a first-class corpse of his little form. We hope Frank will be happier now, and that the present monkey will be spared to brighten and cheer his declining years.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Captain Chas. E. Steuven, of the Winfield Rifles, holds three commissions won in the Volunteer service, and one commission as Captain in the United States Army, to which position he was appointed by President Johnson in 1865, but which he resigned soon after, having had enough army life and wishing to engage in business. Charlie escaped being a "nabob" by a very tight squeeze. He was in nineteen of the heaviest battles of the war, and assisted in twenty-two skirmishes.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The party given on last Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bahntge was one of the most enjoyable ever given here, and was looked forward to with pleasant anticipation for some time previous, for it is a well known society fact that Mrs. Bahntge's charming little house with its merry occupants insure a lively time to their fortunate guests, and last Thursday evening was no exception to the rule. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while a refreshing repast was served at a seasonable hour which was fully appreciated, and at a late hour the company dispersed, with hearty thanks to their kind host and hostess for the very pleasant evening spent. We append a list of those present.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read.

Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood.

Mr. and Mrs. Buckman.

Judge and Mrs. Soward.

Dr. and Mrs. Emerson.

Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Whitney, of Wichita.

Mrs. Carson, of Cherryvale.

Mrs. Hackney.

Misses Nettie McCoy, Jennie Hane, Ama Scothorn, Kate and Jessie Millington, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Belle Roberts, Florence Beeny, Josie Bard, Sadie French, Hila Smith.

Messrs. W. C. and Ivan Robinson, L. D. Zenor, L. H. Webb, Henry Goldsmith, C. C. Harris, W. H. Smith, C. E. Fuller, Jas. Lorton, C. Campbell, C. H. Connell, S. E. Davis, R. M. Bowles, Eugene Wallis, and O. M. Seward.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The personal property of Leavenworth County is assessed at $1,323,079. This is about the same as Cowley. Leavenworth City returns $24,000 in notes and mortgages! Winfield City returns $43,000 of the same kind of collateral. Leavenworth returns $15,060 in money! Winfield $27,000. Leavenworth returns $25,000 in stocks! Winfield $22,000. Such assessment as has been made in Leavenworth is an outrage on the taxpayers of the state. That Leavenworth City, with her 20,000 inhabitants should show up but little over three times as much personal property as Winfield, with only 3,000 population, bears evidence of the most glaring discrepancies in listing the property.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Messrs. T. R. Bryan and A. P. Johnson went over to Dexter last Wednesday and then the windows of heaven were thrown open and the waters poured, and the classic Grouse Creek became so full that the said gentlemen found themselves water and mud bound beyond the raging flood and could not get home. Sadly they wandered up the left bank and over the Flint Hills until Saturday night, when they found the city of Cambridge, where the K. C. Passenger train rescued them and brought them back to the bosoms of their long neglected families.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

M. W. Babb is canvassing the question of a creamery for Winfield. He proposes to estab- lish the creamery and buy cream of the farmers, delivered at their doors, paying them therefor by the inch. An inch of cream, in the pans which he will furnish, will make a pound of butter, and he proposes to pay for the cream as much as the farmer can get for the butter. These creameries have been very successful in other localities and will certainly prove a success here, besides furnishing a market for cream. Mr. Babb deserves encouragement in this enterprise.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

A number of old soldiers met Monday evening in Judge Soward's office and organized "Kilpatrick's Post, G. A. R." A number of the old boys were present and for an hour or more after the meeting the battles of Gettysburg, Shiloh, Mission Ridge, and a dozen others were fought over in story and reminiscence. A charter has been applied for and as soon as the necessary papers arrive, the old soldiers of the county will be notified and a complete organi- zation effected.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The sidewalks in the outer part of the city are so lined with weeds and grass that it is very difficult for ladies to travel them in wet weather without suffering the misfortune of having their dresses badly drabbed. Can't the city authorities extend the good work of having these weeds mown down, and thus give those residing in the suburbs of the city the benefit of the convenience?

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Prof. R. C. Story, of Winfield, spent Thursday of last week visiting the Burden schools, and he reports them as doing good work in part. The lower grades, under Miss West, are too crowded, and are supplied with too little necessary apparatus to do work to the satisfaction of the teachers. Burden will do the right thing when a four or six room house is built for the accommodation of the children of the district. Burden Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

An explosion occurred at John Easton's blacksmith shop Monday, which will cripple John for some time to come. There was an old powder can which had laid around for a year or more, laying on the bench. John was forging a piece of metal, and while hammering the red hot iron a spark flew into the can, when the thing went off. The broken can struck John on the hand, shattering his front finger badly.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Whitney came down from Wichita last Thursday to attend Mrs. Bahntge's party and remained several days visiting their many friends. Mrs. Whitney has just returned from Pueblo, Colorado, where she has been on a visit to her brother-in-law. Winfield society always welcomes this young couple with warmth.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Wheat is going down and today (Wednesday) is quoted at $1.05 for No. 2. Corn brings 60 cents. Hogs still hold firm at $7.00 per hundred. Butter brings 10 cents per pound, eggs 15 cents per dozen, and chickens $2.50. The wool market is active, the highest sales for good fine being 22 cents. Price ranges from 18 cents to 22 cents.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Cowley County has increased in population about 2,000 the past year. A most gratifying exhibit is made by the assessor's returns as to the increase in property valuation, and in every other particular. There is no better county than Cowley in Kansas. Leavenworth Times.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The A. O. U. W. picnic Tuesday was again tampered with by the weather clerk. The folks had hardly got to the grounds before it commenced raining and they were compelled to beat a hasty retreat. They repaired to the hall, however, and indulged in speaking, singing, and an evening picnic.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

P. H. Albright and J. B. Moore got lost last week amidst the waters and mud of Chautau- qua and Elk Counties, and wandered around until Saturday night, when they met a train at Elk Falls and escaped to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Enos Henthorn was over Tuesday. Enos is making a red hot canvass in the north district for representative, and from present indications will get there. He is a live, active man, and will make an efficient member.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Joel Mack brought us in a bunch of wheat heads Wednesday that were simply magnifi- cent. The heads were six inches long and filled with large, plump grains. That wheat ought to go fifty bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

James S. Rothrock has been appointed postmaster at Seeley by the department.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Beautiful Church Dedicated to "the Worship of the Living God."
A Grand Work Completed.
Last Sunday witnessed the completion and dedication of the magnificent edifice erected by the Baptist Church of this city. For nearly two years the pastor and members have labored unceasingly, and have given liberally of their means to furnish for themselves, their friends, and the public a pleasant, comfortable home for Christian worship. With untiring energy and devotion to the cause, they have scaled obstacles and battled with reverses, until at last they can look upon the finished work which is alike an honor to the church and a credit to the community.

Services in most of the churches of the city had been suspended, and the ministers assisted in the dedication. Long before the hour of services, the auditorium was filled and the sidewalks leading toward the church were lined with worshipers. A special train from Wellington arrived in the morning with seventy-five passengers to take part in the exercises. At eleven o'clock services were opened by the Rev. D. S. MacEwen, of Wellington. Prayer was offered by the Rev. P. F. Jones, of the M. E. Church, and a hymn was read by Rev. C. Canfield, of the Episcopal Church of this city. The report of the Building Committee was read by the Secretary of the Board and with the key, was handed to the pastor, Rev. James Cairns, who turned the same over to the trustees. The report of the Building Committee exhibited results quite unusual in church building. It shows the church completed and furnished at a cost of $12,500, every cent of which is paid, and $43.17 remains in the treasury, besides $500.00 in unpaid obligations, which the Building Committee guarantee, and which is to be used in furnishing heating apparatus. Thus the congregation move into their new temple free from debt, and can worship with a clear conscience.

The dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. A. C. Peck, of Lawrence, from the last part of the seventeenth verse of Genesis XXVIII chapter, "This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of Heaven." The sermon was one of the most scholarly and poetic which it has ever been our pleasure to hear. It was delivered in a clear voice and the audience was enthused and en rapport with the speaker.

The Rev. MacEwen of Wellington delivered an eloquent discourse in the evening, and then the Wellington brethren were escorted to the train for an hour's ride to their homes.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

County Political Points.

The candidates for Superintendent of Schools seem to be numerously numerous. No new ones since our last issue.

Mr. Limerick's school closed week before last and Alex will begin to stir up the animals at once. He will have a large support in the north and northwest.

Tom Rude is gathering lots of friends around him and will succeed in making the race mighty interesting for the other fellows.

The candidacy of Mrs. Caton seems to have taken other aspirants by surprise.

Eugene Millard is still on deck and his friends are enthusiastic.

The representative question in the north district is getting active. S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, John Wallace, John D. Maurer, and S. P. Strong are mentioned as possible timber, while E. A. Henthorn and J. W. Weimer are in the field.

Rumor says that Arkansas City will furnish a strong candidate for Clerk of the District Court.

Rev. P. B. Lee, of Vernon, is being urged by his friends to allow his name to be used in connection with the office of Probate Judge. Mr. Lee would make a strong race for the position.

The indications are that Hon. C. R. Mitchell will be returned to the House from the lower district without opposition.

Hon. T. R. Bryan is being pressed by friends to become a candidate for the legislature from this district. If he consents to make the race, he will have but little opposition. No better man can be found for the position.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: For a drouthy country, I think we are doing very well at present. Almost eight inches of water has fallen in the last two weeks, and every spring and stream look as fresh and full as though they had never been on short rations. This moist, damp weather has been a boon to the farmer, and any man who grumbles about it should be shot on the spot. Of course, we anticipate, and if we realize why, I suppose that even the editor will look for substantial encouragement.

The Floral public school closed on the 5th inst., after a four months term. The patrons of the school came en masse to see and hear, and to eat. Baskets and buckets were filled to the brim, but the contents were quickly displaced by the hungry crowd. Your correspondent was the fortunate possessor of a two story appetite, and did excellent service in sampling the goodies, after which he declared the dinner a success. I would that such things could occur six times a week. Mr. A. H. Limerick is a success as a teacher. He has labored under great disadvantages, but has done splendid work. As he is an aspirant for the office of County Superintendent, I would say that he is eminently fitted and qualified for the office. He is what you might call an educational enthusiast. He is practical in the full sense of the term, and does not depend entirely on theory. His qualification as an instructor is pronounced, and Cowley County will make no mistake if he is selected to be Mr. Story's successor.

I cannot forbear answering an article to last week's COURIER, signed "A Taxpayer." What I say is not intended to be personal, but as this is a matter that is of great importance to every producer in the county, we should look it squarely in the face. The conclusions arrived at in the article in question are so unjust as to merit the just indignation of the class he would unhorse. In order to be brief I will take the unit as he has divided itinto fourthsand see if there is any meat on the quarters. He says one-fourth of the farmers of Pleasant Valley Township are ready to abolish the herd law. If he implies by this that they have their farms already enclosed with good cattle proof fences, he surely fires wide from the mark. Even if they are so protected from outside pressure, why does he want them to "turn out" upon those who have been less fortunate?

Another fourth, he says, would use "a little exertion to fence, and throw out a little land to rest," and seize upon the open prairie that belongs to somebody else, without rendering them an equivalent. What strategy, O noble Taxpayer!

But now he warms up and gets down to business, and would eat up or run off the fourth who do not own the land they live on, because he is not bound to respect the owner, because forsooth he is a non-resident. Is it possible that it has come to thisthat a man who has been unfortunate and is not able to own a homestead, but manages to pay rent on a piece of land, is not to be accorded property rights to what he does possess? Is the man who bought and paid for his land and pays taxes thereoneven though he be a non-residentto be debarred the right to say who shall occupy his premises?

But now for the last fourth, and every farmer in Cowley County should look up his COURIER and read this last proposition, for it contains philanthropy with a vengeance. He "don't think it will do to favor the poor man with protection any longer." That is, kill them off financially, in a sort of a legal way. Take away from him the protection this just law has given himturn out the widow and her children, that man's insatiable greed may be satisfied.

But his remarkable article contains one more paragraph that I cannot fail to notice. He says that he believes the class of farmers who have been industrious and fenced their farms have some claims to protection. Great Heavens! Who is imposing on them? If necessary, call out the militia that peace and order may be maintained. Mr. Taxpayer, it won't win. This idea of wanting to get something for nothing is dishonest in principle and practice. You have no moral or legal right to covet or take anything that belongs to your neighbor, even though he has a surplus of it, be it grass or grain. If you want it, buy it like a man, but don't get it in a way that will make you break the 8th commandment.

Mr. Editor, I believe the discussion of this question in your paper is productive of good. Men will think and act on matters that affect their purse, and there are always two sides to every question. I thank you for giving space to each one in your paper.

Items of interest are scarce. It is too damp for gossip, too early for politics in general, temperance matters appear settled, as far as we are concerned, and everyone seems to have enough to do to attend to their own business. This warns me that I have written enough.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

New Salem.

EDS. COURIER: I guess we have all seen plenty of rain in drouthy Kansas during the month of May. Wheat is looking just as fine as it possibly can.

Mrs. Shields has been very ill, but is recovering slowly. Dr. Phelps is attending her.

Mrs. Buck is doing finely.

Salemites have been entertaining friends lately. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hoyland of Parsons, Kansas, have made friends and relatives happy with their cheerful presence. Mr. Raburn of Labette Co., who has been visiting Mr. McMillen and family, has just returned to his home.

Mr. T. J. Brown has indulged in an organ, and music in the air is all he thinks of lately. Success to you in your efforts to master the keys, T. J.

Our S. S. had quite a number of stranger visitors on last Sunday, but as our organist was indisposed, our music was minus. We hope she will soon be with us again.

Mr. Bryant fell from a new building and was seriously but not dangerously hurt. He is able now to be around again.

The friends of Mrs. and Miss Hoyland missed them, I think, for they went for them and brought them home from Geuda Springs ere the time had expired that they had intended to stay. J. E. don't propose to batch. Mrs. Edgar and Tirzah Hoyland will return to the Springs as soon as the weather becomes fully settled, and their stay is not definitely fixed. They anticipate a good time and will try to find health in the healing waters.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland has traded off his small mule team for horses.

Mr. Causey will please pass around the peas. He has a fine garden.

Mr. Dalgarn has completed a good cave.

Mr. Miller has finished shearing his sheep.

BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. Brooking look very dignified lately, for they have assumed the dignity of grandparents. Their absent son and his wife are the happy possessors of a baby.

Mr. Vance has bought a fine self-binding harvester. The wheat fields are beautiful now, and if nothing happens before harvest the yield will be a bountiful one this year. The corn is small but fair looking, and the warm days will hurry it along and thus make up for lost timeif the warm days only come, and of course we expect them. Farmers in Salem are in excellent spirits, and so are their wives and daughters.

Rev. Graham spent a few days with his Walnut Valley people last week, and participated in a festival.

Miss Mary Dalgarn is visiting friends in Floral.

Butter is low, eggs good price, and every thing in Salem is flourishing latelyalthough items seem scarce. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

More Herd Law.

EDS. COURIER: As the discussion of the herd law seems to be in a lively mood, I presume to trust your patience by an attempt to intrude upon your valuable space. Of all the absurd notions that have been advanced yet, I think "Taxpayer," in your issue of May 18, caps the lot. We had not thus far supposed that Pleasant Valley could produce such an anti sentiment. Now I think Taxpayer was right on one point. Those who have been industrious and fenced their farms should have the benefit of it. Of course they should. Then shall we turn stock of every description loose to destroy their improvements? I wonder of Taxpayer realizes how very few hedges there are in Pleasant Valley that would really make a safe barrier against the depredations of stock, were they turned loose. And again, it would be impossible to raise hedge if cattle were allowed to roam at will. And again, does Taxpayer realize the fact that it is only by grace that he is permitted at all to graze his herd upon these vacant lands he imputes to the bloated speculator. It is not by any law of equity or justice that he pastures them, and it is generally supposed those speculators are able to fence, and as soon as this herd law should be done away with or abolished, then you would see those speculators fencing in to raise corn and wheat to sell to those poor grangers who could not raise their own on account of the depredations committed by stock. Now I do not want to be inquisitive, but I would like to know if Taxpayer owns one of those well hedged farms of which he speaks?

The hobby of poor man's advantage, etc., I think is rather weak. It will do for politicians and office seekers to howl for poor men's votes, but I say, no poor men's law nor rich men's law, but a law of justice to all, which all fair minded people must acknowledge the herd law to be. To come down to the fine point, what right have you to consume the produce of another man's land without permit or recompense? I was reared in a county where stock of all kinds were permitted to run at large on the commons, and we fenced our farms generally with worm fences eight and ten rails high, stake and ridered, and then every now and then we had to take the dogs and chase half a day to clear our corn fields of stock that had acquired the habit from running where they pleased, of going through any fence in their line of march; but I am glad to note that of late they have seen their folly, and this spring they have adopted a rigid stock law which says any stock found out on the commons is liable to be taken up and impounded, posted and advertised, and sold if not redeemed by the owner in a certain number of days. Now, in conclusion, I would say while we have a good law, I mean the stock law, let it remain throughout time and eternity, or say until 1999, anyhow, fully realizing the awful responsibility the adoption of such a course places upon us; for we would surely scare poor Taxpayer from our beautiful land.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Torrance Crumbs.

EDS. COURIER: Items are so scarce that had not the recent storm visited us we would have nothing to communicate. Last Wednesday the clouds opened and, seemingly, let down gulfs of water. For more than an hour the waters covered the streets to the depth of 4 or 5 inches, and the town looked like a broad, beautiful lake with houses on its surface. In less than an hour after the rain ceased, the water had left the streets, and filth was a thing of the past. Saturday forenoon the hardest hail storm that it has been our lot to witness, visited us. It came down so densely thick for ten minutes as to do a good deal of damage. Window panes in several dwellings were broken out, gardens were completely destroyed, and wheat badly injured. The corn was not damaged.

Afflictions are surely the order of the day. Mr. Collins lost one of his best horses Sunday night from snake bite; Miss May Luther is sadly bewailing the fate of her darling canaryit having received serious injuries recently.

BIRTH. Mrs. Ballou is lying propped up in bed, all because it is a boy of good weight and strong lungs. Dr. Rude reports mother and child doing well.

Mrs. Clara Goe is again on the sick list, also Mrs. Dr. Luther. Outside of this the health of the community is good.

Miss Mollie Reynolds is spending a few weeks at N. R. [?B.?] Holden's.

Miss Emma Collins is attending school in Cambridge.

Miss Jennie Hicks is acting as Assistant P. M. in Cambridge, and the rest of our young people are at home making preparations for the 4th of July. By the way, Mr. Editors, we expect to have a grand celebration the 4th. We have commenced in due season to make it a success. We expect Winfield's best orators to help make the program of the day interesting.

Our young people's prayer meeting meets on Tuesday evenings now, and the regular prayer meeting on Thursday evenings.

Grouse Creek has been past fording for two days, and fears of the R. R. bridge between here and Cambridge being washed away have been entertained, but as yet it stands staunch.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Old Soldiers.


MAY 26TH, 1882.

In accordance with General Order No. 4, received from Regimental Head Quarters, all the members of Co. F, Cowley Co. Veteran Soldiers, that desire to attend the reunion at Topeka in Sept., will report at the Hall near Mr. Frank Manny's, on Saturday, June 2, 1882, at 2 p.m. All those that desire to go must report at once. By order of

H. W. STUBBLEFIELD, Capt. Commanding.

SAMUEL BURGER, Orderly Sergeant.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Cowley County Normal will open July 5th, closing August 25th. In July classes will be formed in Orthography, Reading, Languages, Arithmetic, Geography, and Didactics. Also in Algebra and Bookkeeping, if desired. Fees: One dollar per month. County Association of teachers, August 28 and 29. Teachers' examination Aug. 30 and 31. Exercises in Winfield High School building. R. C. STORY, County Superintendent.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Attention, Old Soldiers!

The old soldiers of Fairview Township are requested to meet at the Little Dutch school- house on Saturday, June 10, at 2 o'clock p.m., to make arrangements for the State reunion. All are urgently requested to be present, as matters of importance are to be considered.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Tannehill Items.

EDS. COURIER: I started out to give you the items from this township every two weeks, but have failed this time on account of the busy time, so it will be three weeks.

Our harvest is fast coming upon us. It bids fair for a bountiful crop. The Fultz is some- what later, although the grain is pretty well matured, so much so as to warrant a good crop if no disaster happens soon. It is very heavy on the ground and will surely yield largely. The corn is looking somewhat sickly on account of the cool, wet weather, and some of it needs plowing very much. The weeds grow hugely, while the corn is on a stand still; but there is still hope. A few warm, bright days will bring it out all right, yet.

Messrs. George and K. J. Wright and Mr. Spruens have gone today to Arkansas City to bring home their new binding reaping machines. There have been six new binding machines sold in this vicinity in the last ten days, at a cost of $1,800. The Deering Binder seems to be all the go.

The population of Beaver is largely on the increase. Newcomers are constantly coming in. Mr. McCullough, who now is the owner of the Browning farm, has recently moved in from Illinois. Mr. Guyer, who purchased the Mendenhall farm, is also a citizen of our township.

BIRTHS. Mr. W. C. Spruens and Mr. McMillen are both worthy of congratulation on the receipt of each a fine ten pound boy.

The heavy rain of last Friday night got Beaver Creek on a "high," and two highway bridges were swept away.

MARRIED. Mr. John Bower has returned from the east, bringing with him a house- keeper. We congratulate them both and wish them great success and prosperity.

Mr. Zachariah Anderson has arrived from Indiana and is now staying at his father's, awaiting the arrival of his family, which will come as soon as the means can be raised, as he is blind and entirely dependent on the aid of his friends and the public for help. He deserves the sympathy of all liberal minded people. A small amount from each would help him largely.

The Sabbath School Institute held in Vernon Township at the Mount Zion Church a few days ago was well attended and was a complete success. It will doubtless do much good to the cause of Sabbath schools in this part of the county. The people of Vernon Township deserve great credit for the erection of the church, under the superintendency of the United Brethren Society in that community. It is an honor to the people of that neighborhood. Will Beaver citizens follow the example of their neighbors and build a church this season at Tannehill? We believe they will.

The old bachelors are fast disappearing in our community, or changing their way of living by taking to themselves help-mates. Wonder who will be next on the program. Will it be George or Oliver? Look out, old boys, the girls will not wait much longer.

Our old friend and neighbor, David Dicks, now of Winfield, has recently been in our neighborhood, excavating in the earth in search of water, having finished up three wells on which he made a complete success, having a fountain of water in each. If Dave fails to find water, it is useless for anyone else to try.

Mr. B. W. Jenkins finished the carpenter work on Thomas Rogers' house today. Mr. Rogers has a very nice, convenient house, and will add quite an item of improvement to our township. GRANGER.

[The above communication was received Monday and put in type. The same evening a verbatim copy of it appeared in the Daily Courant. Twice before has this happened and we conclude that "Granger's" desire for wide circulation overbalances his judgment. This com- munication would have been omitted had we not put it in type before we discovered that it was written in duplicate. Unless "Granger" changes his tactics, he will save time and trouble by discontinuing his communication to this paper. Hereafter they will only receive considera- tion at the hands of the wastepaper man. ED. COURIER.]

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Skipped a long article on front page re address of Hon. W. R. Sheen, Grand Master Workman of the A. O. U. W., delivered at the Opera House, Winfield, Kansas, May 30, 1882, to the Brothers of Winfield Lodge. Outlines founding of A. O. U. W. on October 28, 1868, in the city of Meadville, Pennsylvania, start in Kansas, etc.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

WINFIELD NEXT. Ed. Greer writes us from Lawrence that Winfield has been selected as the next place of meeting of the State Press Association. Wirt W. Walton was chosen orator for the occasion.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.


In the terrible onslaught of the rebels on the fort at Altoona Pass, when the fate of the days battle depended upon the success of the intrepid Gen. Corse in holding the fort, Gen. Sherman dispatched to Corse: "Hold Altoona,": to which the latter waived back the answer: "We are badly cut up but can whip hell out of them yet." It was then that Hackney got his scar and other brave men fell.

P. P. Bliss, the sweet singer and poet so dear to the Sabbath School scholar, seized up on this heroic defense and the above dispatches and revised them as follows:

"Hold the fort for I'm coming.

Jesus signals still.

Wave the answer back to Heaven,

By thy grace we will."

And that song will be sung so long as devoted heroism meets a response in the hearts of the young.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railway went into control of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe company on June 1st, with the following general officers with headquarters at Lawrence, Kansas.

Gen. J. L. Barnes, Superintendent; H. C. Whitehead, Auditor; S. B. Hynes, Gen. Freight Agent; B. A. Ambler, Cashier and Paymaster; Capt. Geo. R. Peck is appointed General Solicitor with headquarters at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.


At Tahlequah, Indian Territory, Reuben Lucas was shot by order of the court for the murder of A. McKinney. He met his death bravely.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Editor Lemmon, of Newton, will build a cottage this summer in that city.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Dodge City Globe: The people on the frontier of Kansas are highly indignant at the sudden abandonment of Ft. Dodge as a military post, and well they may be, since the only safeguard they possessed is to be removed from their midst. Is this country to be given up to the redskins and buffalo once more? We hope not.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Valley View.

EDS. COURIER: You have not heard from us for several weeks, but we are still on this mundane sphere. Our neighborhood came out en masse to the picnic of the pioneers, at Riverside Park on Wednesday last. Vernon Township was well represented, although there was room for many more. The weather certainly affected the throats of the old settlers, as they were minus singing and we had understood some nice songs were being prepared for the occasion; but the birds filled the air with their music and were as happy as if they were the true pioneers. The leading feature of the day was dinner, and we believe it was enjoyed immensely by all. Several volunteer speeches were made during the afternoon. The young folks had a pleasant time boating.

We are becoming noted for organs as we now have 7 in the district. Mr. T. Thompson has a "Patterson," Mr. F. W. Schwantes a "Beatty," and the Sabbath school organ came on last week. It is a "Cornish." Several of the young ladies are devoting their time and talents to music.

A short time ago a lunch supper was given by Mrs. Craig to her Sunday School class.

Some of our neighbors are enjoying strawberries of their own raising.

Hail as large as marbles fell last week, but our community did not suffer very great damage. North and west of us many window lights were broken out.

The wheat looks fine and some of our farmers will commence harvesting in a few days.

Mr. J. F. Martin lost a very valuable young cow last week.

Our school has now closed. BOBOLINK.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.



Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

J. A. Earnest returned from the East Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Senator Hackney returned from Topeka Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

A fine thoroughbred bull for sale cheap. Inquire of A. T. SHENNEMAN.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Henry Asp was called over to Burden Monday on business.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Sam Burger dropped in Monday to "see what he could see."

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Harvey Smith was down from Burden last Monday and made us a call.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mrs. Mansfield will spend the summer and part of next winter traveling in California.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

How much rent do the band of Gypsies pay for the use of Island Park for a camp ground?

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Judge Torrance left Tuesday morning for Howard, where he holds court this week and next.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Rev. Wm. Martin was in town Monday and reports good weather for the wheat harvest in Vernon.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. Moses Shelhamer, of West Liberty, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. S. Smedley of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

A. B. Taylor is the new Deputy Sheriff. Law breakers will please take notice and prepare to be taken in out of the wet.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Hiram Fisk, who was so long a prominent citizen of Rock Township, is now living at Ottawa in this state. We met him there last week.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Lightning struck Geo. Youles' house, went through the floor and set fire to some straw in the cellar last Thursday night. Nobody hurt.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Any person wanting wheat cut with a header, call on A. A. Knox or Z. T. Whitson, Pleasant Valley Township, four miles southeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Holloway and their two interesting children came over from Sedan last week for a visit with their friends and relatives living here.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

J. L. Hogue returned last Monday from a trip to Harper County and reports the wheat good and the corn weedy, with a good chance of fair crops for both.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Geo. P. Snyder, formerly of Winfield, now traveling for Perrin & Snyder, wholesale grocers of Kansas City, stopped over Sunday and Monday at the Brettun.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Miss Ella Kelly, who has been an efficient teacher in the Anthony schools, has returned to Winfield and will remain, having been engaged to teach school here next winter.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

MARRIED. Dr. Wilson and Mrs. Bullock were married last week. This was rather sudden to Doc.'s friends, but no less a fact. We offer the bride and groom the COURIER's most sincere congratulations.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Dr. D. Cunningham of Omnia Township called Tuesday and gave us many points on mail routes in his vicinity. The Doctor is a wide awake gentleman with an eye to the best interests of his section.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

A. J. Werden of Vernon will be a candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction. He is well educated and otherwise well qualified for the position, being an experienced and an active, wide awake gentleman.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

W. W. Limbocker says he is raising a premium hill of corn, and means to take in Albright & Co.'s $10. He will have to keep it well measured, as there are something like twenty fellows after that premium.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mrs. F. M. Rains, wife of the Christian minister of this place, has been very sick for the past few days, but at present writing is reported much better. LATER: We learn that she is worse and in a critical condition.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mr. Dan Knox, of Walnut Township, brought us in a stalk of corn Saturday just exactly four feet high, from the ground up, and he has fifteen acres of the same kind at home. "Roastin' ears" are coming on very fast.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Hon. T. E. Johnson of Indianapolis, Indiana, called on us Tuesday in company with S. P. Strong of Rock, an old friend of his. Mr. Johnson is taking a look of our county, and is highly impressed with its capabilities.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger have been enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kretsinger, of Illinois, uncle and aunt of D. L. They were delighted with this country and think some of selling out there and returning.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Rev. J. E. Platter and Mrs. Platter returned on the Friday noon train from their eastern trip, much to the delight of family and friends as well as the church congregation, who have missed Mr. Platter's eloquent sermons sadly.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

The total assessed value of real estate in the county is $1,870,686; of personal property, including railroads, $1,262,712. Total valuation of all property this year, $3,132,799. Total valuation of all property last year $3,079,671. Increase, $53,128.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mrs. W. C. Carruthers returned home Saturday night from a two week's visit to Hamil- ton, Canada. She was called there on account of the illness of her mother, whom we are glad to learn was so much improved in health as permitted Mrs. Carruthers to enjoy her visit very much.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Henry Goldsmith has bought the Captain Stevens' house, which was built by A. A. Jackson in the winter of 1870-71. Henry and his brother Jake will soon move in and keep batch until their mother and sister arrive from Germany and take charge. The latter will leave for this place July 15th.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

The last of a series of temperance lectures was delivered by Mrs. Holyoke at the Baptist Church on last Sunday evening to a closely crowded audience. The subject of her lecture, "Are our young men safe?" was well handled, and elicited much favorable comment from those who were fortunate enough to hear her.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mr. Powell, a sheep man of Harper County, while returning from the country Tuesday in one of Schofield & Keck's best rigs met with a very serious accident. In coming down the grade at this end of the west bridge, the buggy struck a large rock, almost upsetting it, and throwing Mr. Powell out. The horses immediately became frightened and began to run. Leaving the road, they ran into the timber at the right, and while going at a terrific rate, one horse struck a large tree, instantly breaking his neck. Luckily there was no lady in the buggy.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

We publish the letter of Rev. Harvey J. Brown to the editor of the Courant, not in any spirit of ill nature towards the Ed., and not endorsing the reflections on him therein, but because it contains a great many good and true ideas in the abstract, is a good article, and will do good and not hurt, even to our neighbor editor. He and his paper have many excellent and brilliant qualities which we care more for than for his and its failures. All have some failings we suppose.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Our statistical article is bringing to light several mistakes in compilation. The average assessment of hogs, as shown by the assessor's footings, was 83 cents. When the average was published, Mr. Johnson thought there must be an error somewhere, and upon looking it up found that he had made a mistake of footing of an even 100there being only 400 hogs in the township instead of 500, as the first footing showed. With this corrected the average is $1.03 per head.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

It begins to look as if the possibilities of our soil and climate cannot be over-estimated. Wm. Bordner, of Beaver Township, brought us in some samples of his growing crops Satur- day. One was a bunch of "Gipsey Winter Oats," five feet two inches high and with thirty- nine stalks as large as pipe stems in a single stool. His corn is three feet two inches high, and his early May wheat counts sixty-two grains to the head. Mr. Bordner can afford to go visiting after harvest.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

In the statistical report in our issue of the 25th, the average assessed value of the cattle in Silverdale Township was shown to be $6.36 per head. Mr. Herrington, the assessor, was confident that this was a mistake and on Friday, while in the city, went to the Clerk's office and examined the books. He found that in the hurry of making up his report, he had entered two lots of cattle and failed to put in the valuation. This was corrected and the average valua- tion now stands $10.45 per head.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Judge E. S. Torrance returned home Saturday from a trip in Sumner County, and con- vened court Monday morning, that being the day to which it had adjourned. Considerable business was disposed of. The most important case tried was the divorce suit brought against John Ireton. The court allowed $50 for attorney's fee and $50 for temporary alimony, and continued the further hearing of the case until the 26th of this month, when another adjourned term will be held.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

We clip the following from the Topeka Commonwealth of last Thursday. "Hon. E. C. Manning, formerly of Cowley County, arrived in the city yesterday from Denver, and will leave today for Boston. He is accompanied by his wife, daughter, and son, and they expect to be absent all summer. Mr. Manning's health is very much improved."

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

H. H. Hooker of Richland Township, in coming to this city Wednesday morning, found J. C. Monforte fallen in a wheat field, alone and helpless and in great distress. With water and camphor he succeeded in reviving the sufferer enough so that he raised him into his wagon and carried him to his son's house. Mr. Hooker thought it something like a paralytic stroke.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

The COURIER favors Mrs. Caton, Tom Rude, and A. H. Limerick for County Superin- tendent, with Gene Millard a good fourth. Courant.

The COURIER is not making County Superintendents to any considerable extent, but is liable to speak of the good qualities of candidates whenever they appear in the ring. If there are any other candidates, trot them out.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Marshal Harrod has concentrated his street force on east Ninth Avenue this week, and by his excellent work has greatly improved the condition of that street. This is becoming one of the most popular thoroughfares in the city, and the pleasure riding public can greatly appreciate the good work that has been done thereon.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Mr. A. Fuller, one of the gentlemen who purchased the Hackney & McDonald strip land, received a letter from central Illinois dated May 30th, stating that but little corn was yet planted. He was speaking of the letter when Dan Knox brought his four foot corn stalk in.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Miss Lena Curry, who has spent the winter here with her sister, Mrs. Eugene Baird, returned to her home near Mound City on Monday morning. Miss Curry has many friends here who regret her departure.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

THE MARKETS. Wheat is worth $1.08 per bushel for best, corn 70 to 75 cents. Hogs $6.50. Eggs 15 cents per dozen. Butter 10 cents per lb. New potatoes $2.00 to $2.50 per bushel, peas $1.00. Spring chickens $1.75 to $2.50.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

S. W. Greer had two serious hemorrhages of the lungs last week. His condition this week is somewhat improved.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

S. P. Case, of Vernon, brings in a bundle of spring oats, not headed yet, but three feet high and the rankest growth we ever saw.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

DIED. Mrs. F. M. Rains died Tuesday evening at 4 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

W. C. T. U.

We attended the Concert and Recitations entertainment at the Opera House last Friday evening, which was given under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. There was a good house and the audience appeared highly delighted with the performances, all of which were very good. The sweet songs by little Miss Spotswood and little Miss Caton, the recitation by Mrs. Ida Tresize, the song by the Misses Bard and Newman, the piano exercises by Misses McCoy and others, and the "Plea for Intemperance" by Mrs. Caton were specially meritorious. As we at this late writing have no program before us and expected another to write it up, we cannot now recall all the good features of the performances.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Sunday School Convention.

A Sunday school convention will be held at John Groom's Grove in Richland Township on Thursday evening July 6th. We have seen the program of the exercises, which promises much of interest, and will be given next week.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

That Creamery.

Mr. M. W. Babb, who is working up a stock company to establish a creamery, comes to us highly recommended by bankers and citizens of Ringgold County, Iowa, as an energetic and honorable businessman and gentleman, and we hope he will succeed in obtaining the needed sympathy and assistance. It is of great importance to the farmers and people around here that the creamery should be established.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

School Festival and Concert.

There will be held at the Excelsior schoolhouse in District No. 9, two and a half miles south of Winfield, on Friday evening, June 9th. It being the closing day of school, a concert and festival conducted by Miss Celina Bliss, the teacher. Every pains will be taken to make the affair a pleasant and enjoyable success, and friends from the city and other districts are invited to be present to encourage and enjoy.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Church Bells.

We do not advocate so radical a reform as the total prohibition of the ringing of church bells would be, but we do advocate a very sweeping reformation. There is no sense in having a strong man ring the bell just as long as he can stand and pull. In no case should more than a dozen strokes be rung at one set-to. A system of signals should be adopted in such combi- nation of single and double strokes that half a dozen strokes or less would tell all you want the bell to say. The present unmeaning, almost interminable clanging of the bells, tends to make people so mad that the church exercises do them no good; so mad that they will not drop more than a nickel in the contribution box when it comes around.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Winfield Cemetery Association.

The Annual meeting of the Winfield Cemetery Association was held in Winfield on Saturday evening, June 3rd. From the report read it appears that the Association is now for the first time out of debt and in a flourishing condition, so that all receipts hereafter will be employed in beautifying the grounds. There are about $200.00 due the association for lots sold, some of them four or five years ago, and not yet paid for. A resolution was passed to the effect that such of these lots as are not paid for in the next ninety days will be forfeited, and the bodies buried therein will be moved to the paupers' grounds.

The following named persons were elected a Board of Directors for the ensuing year.

R. E. Wallis, W. G. Graham, H. S. Silver, H. Brotherton, C. A. Bliss, A. P. Johnson,

J. H. Land, T. R. Bryan, and H. D. Gans. T. R. Bryan was elected President, H. Brotherton, Treasurer, and W. G. Graham, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Temperance Lecture.

We attended the temperance lecture at the Presbyterian Church last Saturday evening and heard one of the ablest and best lectures on the subject from Mrs. Holyoke which we had ever heard. The lecturer does not get the credit here she deserves, we think, because she speaks rather rapidly and in so low and even a tone that the audience do not "catch on" to the good things she utters. To our mind her discourse is very far superior to Mrs. Rogers' efforts of last winter, but the latter had a certain kind of delivery which, though not oratorical, forced her thoughts, however commonplace, into the minds of her hearers.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

DIED. McMASTERS. In Winfield, Kansas, June 5th, 1882, Josephine Elsie, only child of Lucian and Naomi McMasters, aged 13 months.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Fat Cattle.

J. C. Fuller has just returned from a trip in the Indian Territory, where he went to inspect his herd of cattle on the range. He found them in so fine condition that he concluded to ship a few of them to market. He selected of the fattest 310 and shipped them at Hunnewell in 13 [?15?] cars. He had not intended to market any this spring, but the grass of this spring prepared them for market earlier than he expected.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

The Presbyterian Church is in need of some interior repairing and the ladies have decided to have it papered as well. To gain the money for such purpose, they held a Paper Festival at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, which was a decided success. The hall was beauti- fully decorated and the tables were temptingly arrayed. A number of young ladies were dressed in becoming costumes of paper. At the paper booth Mrs. Bahntge, a charming Rose- bud in red and green tissue presided, assisted by Miss Amanda Scothorn representing a glowing Poppy, Miss Lizzie Wallis, a blushing sweet Carnation, Miss Jennie Hane, "The Queen of Flowers," the Rose, and Miss Jessie Millington a gorgeous Sunflower, attracted much attention. They sold all manner of pretty paper trifles, fans, parasols, and baskets.

Miss Ida Johnson, Nina Anderson, and Anna Hyde sold button hole bouquets, and other flowers, and wore also beautiful paper dresses and were a success.

The Tea booth probably attracted more attention than anything else. Each person who purchased a cup of tea was presented with the cup and saucer containing it, but the attraction was the ladies who attended and poured the tea. They were Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Shrieves, and Mrs. Spotswood.

Miss Margie Wallis and Chas. Bahntge made lots of fun selling soap bubbles at five cents a blow.

A bevy of bright young ladies, in fancy caps and aprons, attended at the fancy tables, and sold all manner of pretty things made by the ladies of the Ladies Aid Society. They were: Misses Mary Shivers, Mate and Belle Linn, Mattie and Mary Gibson, Emma Howland, and Ella Johnson.

"Rebecca at the well," was successfully carried out by Mrs. Buckman, who sold gallons of choice lemonade.

Ice cream and cake were sold by the quantity and, although not a new feature, was none the less a profitable one. Mrs. Doane, Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. Shearer, Mrs. Allen, and Mrs. VanDoren attended at one table while Mrs. Green, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Manser, Mrs. Schofield, and Mrs. Cochran attended at the other.

The gross receipts of the evening were $130. The ladies also had a dinner at the Opera House Wednesday noon, but we have not been able to learn what success attended it.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

A Trip to Oxford.

On Wednesday afternoon of last week about thirty ladies and gentlemen from the Good Templar's Lodge of Winfield forsook the din and bustle of Cowley's capital for a drive over the rolling prairie stretching from here to Oxford to enjoy the exhilarating atmosphere and balmy breezes of the country. The main object in view, however, was a strawberry and ice cream social which the Good Templars of Oxford had prepared, and to which the Winfield folks were specially invited.

It was one of the most perfect of May days, cool, fair, and bright, such as only Kansas can supply, and all along the way nature seemed at her loveliest. The roadsides are covered with a great variety of brilliant flowers, a wild fox glove and larkspur being especially noticeable, while the tall stems of the yucca, or soap plant, as it is termed, stood here and there like sentries, covered with large bell-shaped, dull yellow flowers, a couple of inches in diameter. The road was for a large part of the way lined with wheat fields, every one of which seemed to promise a rich harvest to the farmer. The wheat is almost out of danger, only hail or rust being now feared. Harvest will soon commence, and the crop will undoubt- edly be the largest ever harvested in the Arkansas Valley.

We passed some of the most fertile farms in the county, and from the substantial buildings, large wheat and corn fields, splendid orchards, tasty yards, etc., it can be plainly seen that they are owned by men of industry, experience, and means. The residences of A. J. Werden, W. H. Martin, John Dunn, Silas Hahn, Ike Wood, and J. F. Paul are very attractive, and being near the road, a good view is obtained of their comfortable homes and surroundings. As we approached the Arkansas bottom, we noticed with interest the beautiful farm of Jacob Nixon, our very efficient Register of Deeds. This is one of the richest farms on the way, and the neat house, situated on a slight raise about fifty yards from the road, surrounded by shrubbery and trees of numerous varieties, gives the place an air of thrift and comfort.

Crossing that wide and shallow stream, the Arkansas, on a pontoon bridge, a drive of a quarter of a mile or so brought us to Oxford, where ten years ago there was only one build- ing; since when a town of 500 inhabitants has grown uprapid growth. We immediately repaired to the Oxford house, where abundant preparations had been made for our entertain- ment, and as we entered the office and beheld the stunning clerk behind the bar, with the usual glass diamond in his shirt front, we found it hard to realize that we were in a city one- eighth the size and no older than Winfield. At supper we were again agreeably disappointed at finding the table well laden with tempting viandsnicely prepared and in varieties as numerous as generally set out at the Brettun in our own beautiful city.

The situation of this town is certainly one of the finest in the southwest, and it is in the heart of one of the richest and most beautiful farming sections we know of, and if men with capital had invested there at an early day, they could certainly have made it red hot for Wellington.

There are quite a number of business houses in Oxford, over one of which swings the familiar sign of "G. B. Shaw & Co., Lumber Yard." Mr. S. B. Davis, the gentlemanly agent for this firm in Winfield, had charge of their Oxford yard for two years previous to his removal to this city; it is now managed by John Carson. They have quite an extensive stock and from appearances do a good business.

Morris Bros., formerly of Winfield, have a well-stocked tin and hardware store. The boys are both tinners by trade; Mack, the youngest, having served his apprenticeship at H. Jochems in this city before Mr. Jochems sold to Horning, Robinson & Co. They seem to be enjoying a well merited prosperity.

Mr. Frank Miller, who clerked for M. Hahn & Co., last winter, is in the livery business there, and from the way he cared for our hungry steeds showed his appreciation of our visit.

Strange to say there is only one drugstore, but there are two dry goods houses, which is evidence enough that the people think more of the apparel they wear than of dosing the inner man.

Thew & Copeland carry a pretty large stock of agricultural implements.

J. M. Buffington is quite an extensive dealer in stock, and in fact, almost every branch of business usually represented in a country town, is carried on in Oxford, though, of course, on a small scale. There being no newspaper in the town, newcomers are not interviewed by the so-called "hungry-looking item-grabber."

At 8 o'clock the company left the hotel for the M. E. Church, which is a neat stone building, where they found a lively crowd of Oxford folks ready to receive them. The room was beautifully decorated and everything done to make it as pleasant as possible for their guests. After enjoying several hours in social intercourse with their friends, making many new acquaintances and partaking heartily of strawberries and ice cream, the visitors betook themselves to their carriages and departed for home.

The party are under many obligations to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thew, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Miss Maggie Earhart, and Miss Humphrey, who were on the reception committee, and many others for the pleasant and considerate way in which they cared for their temporal wants. Taking the visit as a whole, it was one of the most enjoyable that it has been our lot to share for many a day, and we shall ever cherish pleasant recollections of Oxford, and her agreeable and hospitable citizens. ONE OF THE PARTY.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: The farmers of Southeastern Cowley, feeling the need of a good place where their trading can be done near home and thus be not compelled to pass the limit of their own county for such purposes, have laid out and organized a town site on the east line of Spring Creek and the west line of Cedar Townships, on the State road leading from Cedar Vale to Arkansas City. That the place is destined to meet the long felt wants of the commun- ity, is fully verified by the rapidity with which it is nearing the appearance of a suburban village.

L. U. Miller, Postmaster, is doing business in a two-story building, used as a store house and dwelling, completed last fall. He enjoys a good trade, possesses the confidence of the entire community, is agreeable and affable to all, and will retain the growing trade that his prudence and business sagacity has built up. Mrs. Miller caters to the wants of the traveling public in a manner doing credit to culinary science.

J. B. Southard, formerly of Maple City, is erecting a substantial store, 20 x 40 feet, which, when completed, will be filled with a stock of drugs, hardware, groceries, and dry goods, forming a general supply store needful to the country trade.

Wm. Gooch, the genial, good natured blacksmith, once of Maple City, swings the sledge with his usual grace, and is here to stay.

F. P. Myers, one of Cowley's most substantial farmers, is building a neat little residence for his son. He also contemplates building a residence for himself during the summer, that he may reside there during the winter months with the commendable object in view of obtaining better facilities for the education of his children.

Otto offers good advantages for the young, having a commodious school structure located in a prosperous district, and we are led to believe that others will follow the course suggested by Mr. Myers.

After July 1st Otto will without doubt be placed on a mail route from Cedar Vale to Arkansas City, insuring us better mail facilities than we have enjoyed in the past.

The COURIER has many ardent admirers in these parts who weekly read the best newspaper of Cowley County. A. W. S.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Council Proceedings.

Council met in regular session, Mayor M. G. Troup in chair. Present: Councilmen Read, Gary, Wilson, and McMullen; City Attorney and Clerk.

Minutes of last regular and of adjourned meeting read and approved.

Petition of Geo. A. Schroeter for appointment to the position of the City Time Keeper was read and on motion granted upon the same conditions and terms as last year.

Proposition of Hudson Bros., to furnish a time clock for the regulation of night police without expense to the city, was presented and accepted.

Ordinance No. 163 amending Sections No. 3 of Ordinance No. 111 and Ordinance No. 141 was read and on motion was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections No. 1, 2, and 3 were adopted. On motion to adopt as a whole on its final passage the vote stood as follows: Those voting aye were Messrs Read, McMullen, Gary and Wilson; nays none, and the ordinance was declared adopted.

Ordinance No. 161, prohibiting the stacking of hay and other combustible material and the covering of stables and other buildings with such materials, within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, was read and on motion was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were adopted. On motion to adopt as a whole on its final passage, the vote stood as follows: Those voting aye were Messrs. Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; nays none, and the ordinance was declared adopted.

The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.

Joseph Barriclow, street crossings: $16.40.

City officer's salary, May: $16.40.

Bill of Winfield "Courant," printing: $11.00, was referred to committee on Finance.

Bill of A. H. Doane & Co., for wood and coal to city poor, $15.00, was approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.

On motion Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

M. E. Bazaar.

The ladies of the M. E. Church and congregation have decided to hold a Loan Exposition in their church beginning on Monday the 3rd day of July and continuing through the week. In this exposition will be represented Turkish, Indian, China, and Mexican booths. There will also be an Art gallery and museum in which will be represented many rare and strange curi- osities. The proceeds of this exposition are to be applied to the repairs on their church building. BY ORDER OF EX. COM.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

The following was written for the Courant, but being refused, was brought to this paper for publication.

"That Pretty Note."
Editor of the Courant, Winfield, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: I publish this letter in reply to your remarks concerning the card sent you by myself, asking you to discontinue the Courant to my address, and giving reasons therefor.

You doubtless claim to be among that unprejudiced class that would apply certain terms to me, if the discontinuing of the Courant to my address was prompted in part because of your position upon the subject of prohibition. Therefore your "ignorant," "cranky," "weak- minded," "reverend" "Christian friend" will state that your strong reasons have not con-vinced him as to the impropriety and "childishness" of discontinuing the Courant because of its "position on certain moral questions"; and I will add, moral and religious tone generally.

First, the moral question, as well as legal, of the prohibiting of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors save for certain purposes. Our State Constitution is so amended as to prohibit the making and sale of intoxicating liquors, save for mechanical, scientific, and medicinal purposes. We have a law that gives power to certain officials, to see that this amendment is observed. If the law may be imperfect, this changes not the fact that opposition thereto weakens respect for the constitution and all law, and incites to the disobediance thereof. Therefore your paper is immoral because it is incendiary in its general tone. It is moral to be loyal, immoral to be disloyal. There is perhaps no crime forbidden either by Divine or human law but what the use of intoxicating liquors is in many instances one of the factors in bringing about disobediencesome jurists say three-fourths of all crimes com- mitted. The Courant is regarded as an anti-prohibition journal in the city and county. Therefore I plead guilty to the charge of being so ignorant as to judge its influence was against morality, knowing what influence it was possessed of, it exerted against the overthrow of the liquor trade.

How and when did you encourage the cause of churches? It is your business to give the news. One seventh of the time of the better class of people in the city and county is employed religiously. Have you given one-hundredth part of your space to religious items? Your sub- scribers complained last winter because you gave scarcely any notice to the "revival meeting" at the M. E. Church in your city. Did you encourage the Methodist cause by the doubtful compliments you paid their pastor, Rev. Mr. Tucker? If all churches are "alike to you" (including the Mormon) why did you publish an article detrimental to the M. E. Church South, a few months since?

It is true you offered space for a reply by myself, which was not accepted, because of the absurdity of the charge. Still why publish such an inconsistent dispatch, if all churches are alike to you?

Second. Your items intended for wit are of such a character that only those acquainted with slang phrases and vulgar stories can understand or appreciate them.

Third. From honest, truthful, and well informed persons, and from personal knowledge, some of your contributions from the country were not to be depended upon as to their truthfulness.

These were sufficient reasons to induce me to withdraw my name from your "ministerial list" deliberately, not in haste or in anger. Your paper is better than others in size, and in number of paragraphs; but not in respect to its editorials, or quality of your clippings.

As for arguments in opposition to prohibition, in order to defend my side I would have to be more fortunate in the future than in the past, if I obtained any that were original. All reasons assigned as far as I remember, are that the law is not enforced, cannot be, and the great expense in prosecuting those charged with violating it. The same objections in most particulars hold good against all laws for the protection of character, property, and life. Your so-called arguments would overturn all law. Counties in certain states have paid tens of thousands of dollars, and then failed in convicting murderers. Your mode of reasoning would, if carried out to its conclusions, make you favor, if in said states, the repeal of all laws against the taking of human life.

Please answer these questions, my learned friend. With whom will perish wisdom? If prohibition does not prohibit, why are drunken men not seen in Winfield in daylight? How many widows have lost their teams because of drunken hired hands allowing them to walk over bridge abutments, under prohibition? Have as many men been hauled from town "dead drunk" as under the reign of saloons? How many have fallen from their wagons and been killed, while intoxicated? How many divorces have been granted in our county during the past year because of liquor drank under the prohibitory law? Was it the observance of the law or the violation of the same that sent Mr. Riely to the tomb and Mr. Armstrong to the State prison, for his murder? Armstrong, in your County jail, confessed to the writer that liquor was the cause of his downfall. Who paid the costs? The people. If you are aware of the incessant violation of the law, give names of parties, time and place, and you may even convince a crankif such I amthat the law is a failure.

As to strength of mind sufficient to combat your fallacies, whether I have it or not I will not affirm; but be assured the intelligent people of Cowley County will discover them; therefore it would be a work of supererogation on my part. As to my sincerity I cannot see what it has to do with the Courant, I will affirm that I will suffer more for prohibition than the Courant will for brewers and distillers.

It is not, as far as I can discover, a minister's business to be in a continual newspaper war. It would last longer than the wars of the Romans and Carthagenians. It is my duty to preach, visit the sick, and from house to house, watch over the moral and spiritual interests of my churches, or churches under my care. I can do this by circulating good papers and books, and by keeping out those that are immoral in their tendencies. This is easier than trying to correct every incorrect statement, point out every immoral and impure paragraph, and expose every fallacy of the secular press, and the Courant in particular.

As to the charge of ignorance, the Courant prefers against me, I am willing to be so judged by him, or it, as long as the more intelligent class of people in Beaver, Rock, Rich- land, Harvey, Dexter, and Silverdale Townships, and the people of Torrance and community consider my discourses worth hearing, and attend my servicessuch men as S. D. Jones, J. D. Hammond, John Watt, Stephenson and Morgan, Stevens of Richland, Rash of Harvey, Gardenhire and Jackson of Torrance, Warren and Musselman of Silverdale, and others.

Mr. Editor, I trust that your paper may improve in morals and in all other particulars, and that you may be good and do good, and finally enter into that glorious state "where we shall know as we are known."

HARVEY J. BROWN, Pastor, Winfield Circuit, M. E. Church South.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.


Hurrah for the COURIER! It knows what it is about to propose a woman for Superinten- dent of Public Instruction, and Mrs. Caton is the right one in the right place. Let every Republican turn out and do his best for this candidate; then will our schools be attended to, and visited oftener than they are now.

Farmers are very much discouraged over the prospect for corn, but the wheat and gardens make up for the poor "stand" of corn. Cattle are beef fat. They have been on the range for two months. LIBERTY.

Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

To the Farmers of Cowley County:

GENTLEMEN: Let me urge upon you the importance of securing specimens of agricultural products for our fair in September, and with a view of displaying the same at the State fair. Specimens of wheat, oats, rye, grass, etc., should be carefully gathered and cured in the straw, taking pains to select the best filled as well as tallest straw. Place your name upon the same, giving kind, time of sowing, time of harvesting, kind of land upon which sown, and manner of sowing. Specimens of fruits may be kept in the natural state, or by canning or preserving in alcohol. We are determined to make the fair in Cowley a success, and in order to do so, it is only necessary that you take hold of the matter with this object in view. Our premium list will be ready for circulation in a few days. Persons who desire a copy may procure the same by addressing the Secretary at Winfield.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.



Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.

Rally to the Standard.

The veteran Maple Guards of Maple Township is requested to meet at Red Bud Saturday the 10th, 1882, for purpose of drill and make arrangements for reunion at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882. [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS.]


EDS. COURIER: After a long time I will try and give you the sentiment of our township politically. There seems to be a great deal of dissatisfaction in political parties. The producers feel that they are utterly ignored and unprotected from the combinations and monopolies of this government. No one but a doctor, lawyer, or preacher need try to go to Congress; conse- quently, our legislators, congressmen, and senators are composed of lawyers who do not know the real need of the countryor if they know, they don't care, so they get free rides and make a show and fill their pockets.

I see from the Emporia Congressional Constitution that they are in favor of the extension of the National Bank's charter, which is one of the most gigantic monopolies in existence, which can inflate money at will or contract at will.

We see the effects in this county of their power. By the aid of legislature the people were compelled, or thought they were, to deed their land; money flooded into this and adjoining counties, and nine-tenths of the people borrowed money and gave cut-throat mortgages, and now what is the consequence? Money seems to be contracting. What for? The bulk of the land is under mortgages and foreclosure is commenced; and when those parties who hold the mortgages get the bulk in their hands, and a judgment against every man in this country that has had the misfortune to have bad luck, they will dispossess him of everything but what he can hold under the law, and compel him to leave or remain at their mercy.

Now, Mr. Editors, I don't believe in class legislation. An equal law to all. We have made up our minds that the person we support for representative in this district must work to have a law enacted that all mortgages, both real estate or chattel, must be the security; and when the persons holding the mortgages exhaust the property, that the person giving the mortgage will not be haunted with a judgment. This is fair to both lender and borrower. Then moneyed men will not shrink values. If they do, it will be at their expense. I ask the people of this county to consider the above before voting. GLEANER.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: As the first item of interest, I will insert the minutes of the Vernon Pioneer's Reunion, as furnished me by the Secretary.

Minutes of the first reunion of the Pioneers of Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas.

Pursuant to a previous call, the old settlers of Vernon Township met at Riverside Park at 10 o'clock a.m., and Mr. Henry Hawkins was called to the chair and M. L. Martin was chosen temporary secretary. After which all the old settlers who immigrated to Vernon previous to January 1st, 1873, were requested to come forward and sign their names to the roll, or have the secretary to do so, as by a previous motion, and vote it was decided that all who settled in Vernon previous to that time should be considered old settlers.

The secretary then called the roll, after which a permanent organization was affected by electing officers for the ensuing year as follows: J. W. Millspaugh, president; T. A. Blanchard, vice-president; H. H. Martin, secretary and treasurer. The meeting was then adjourned until 2 o'clock, to give all a chance to partake of a bountiful dinner prepared for the occasion, and to which old settlers and friends did ample justice.

At 2 o'clock p.m., the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh, who made a short address stating the object of the afternoon session. A number of old settlers were then called to the stand, and short and appropriate addresses were made by T. A. Blanchard, A. Hetrick, J. B. Evans, Albert Werden, M. L. Martin, and F. W. Schwantes. T. A. Blanchard stated that Benj. F. Murphy was the first white man that settled in Vernon Township, and that Mother Blanchard was the first white woman who died in the township, a martyr to the trials and privations of pioneer life.

P. M. Waite claims the honor of hauling and offering for sale the first load of wheat in the city of Winfield.

Mr. T. B. Ware claims the honor of raising the seed wheat from which Mr. Waite raised his load of wheat.

M. L. Martin has the honor of having planted the first shrubs and rose bushes set in Vernon soil, from which hundreds of bushes have been taken and are now blossoming around the homes of others.

Moved and carried that our next reunion be held on May 31st, 1883. On motion a committee of five were appointed on program by the chairman. They were: T. A. Blanchard, chairman of committee, J. H. Werden, H. H. Martin, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, and Mrs. J. H. Werden. On motion a committee of three on arrangements were appointed by the chair.

H. C. Hawkins, T. Thompson, and T. B. Ware were the committee appointed, after which the meeting adjourned to meet one year from date, May 31st, 1883.

J. W. MILLSPAUGH, President.
H. H. MARTIN, Secretary.

I failed to get the roll of the old settlers, but I think I can give them by memory; at least all those who answered to their names.

Messrs. Ives, Brown, A. Beamer, Bud Bemerd, F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, Wm. Schwantes, Fanstock, Thos. Thompson, E. C. Martin, D. S. Beadle, J. H., A. J., and F. A. Werden, H. C. Hawkins, Benj. Dougherty, D. G. Hawkins, Henry Hawkins, J. W. Millspaugh, L. A. Millspaugh, N. Millspaugh, R. Millspaugh, M. L. Martin, James Foster, T. B. Ware, N. C. Clark, P. M. Waite, Charles McClung, Ile McClung, Milt Rhoades, and J. B. Evans.

It was moved and carried that at the next reunion we should have a book and record the names of both males and females, and all children who were with or born to their parents prior to January 1, 1873. There was as good a turn-out of citizens, both new and old, as could have been expected, considering the inclemency of the weather and short time of notice. There were several hundred present, and everything went off pleasantly. We are sorry the editor of the COURIER failed to be there to give us an address. Hope he will be sure and attend our next.

I will forbear making any remarks about the address, as it has been hinted to me that I am capable of telling all I know and a little more, and I have a sincere desire to write nothing but the truth. Anything from Vernon needs no high coloring, no extra touches or polishing, for she stands forth in grandeur and beauty; an honor to herself, and the county.

Robert Taylor has returned from Kentucky, and says he washed about one-half of the state with the washing machine he is selling, and made some money. He will return to Kentucky again after harvest.

Considerable damage was done the wheat by hail on Saturday morning, May 27, but the area of damage was small.

Mr. Tharp lost a horse last week with inflammation caused by a bad spell of colic. It is a pity so many horses die with this disease when a little knowledge of proper treatment would save them. W. W. Painter had a fine mule get loose in his wheat and it was taken with the same disease. He took the mule to Winfield to his brother, Charles Painter, to see if he could relieve the animal, but he soon returned home, leaving word with his brother to have the mule buried as soon as it died. On returning to Winfield the next day, he found the mule alive and worth more than a cat with nine lives, $150, at least. Charles Painter is becoming famous as a horseman. M. LEWIS.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: I desire to state in your paper that my report concerning the amount raised by the friends of Hiram Hopkins was not handed in with the others. I gave a report and the money to Mr. Hopkins the day after I received it, and did not know whether it would be published or not, thinking if any should be printed the whole would go in together; but looking over the paper I see a part of the reports, and think it best to send in a list of the names I have, as some persons may think mine was never given to Mr. Hopkins. Below you will find a list of names that contributed to the same. JAMES W. TYREE.

W. McEwen: $.50.

A. S. Capper: $1.00.

A. Bolton: $.50.

J. W. Wilson: $.50.

R. M. Kimbrough: $.50.

M. A. Holler: $.50.

W. M. Stout: $.50.

G. W. Maxfield: $.50.

W. James: $.50.

James Burns: $.50.

G. W. Pierce: $.50.

G. E. Gale: $.50.

W. F. Brown: $.50.

Walter Denning: $.50.

Ed Allen: $.50.

A. S. Trip: $.50.

William Copple: $.50.

Cash: $.25.

W. M. Siverd: $.50.

Whorton & Shaver: $.25.

Cash: $1.45.

TOTAL: $11.20.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.


As the time approaches for the holding of the state congressional convention the canvass waxes warmer. It now appears to begin to develop the plans and schemes of the several candidates. While we have heretofore favored the candidacy of Mr. Peters as Butler's first choice in case of Mr. Redden not being a candidate, it has recently come to light that combi- nations are already being made which would prove both unpleasant and unsafe for Butler's best interests, and further, that whether these combinations are made or not, Mr. Hackney, of Cowley, has the advantage of location. The bill granting the right of way through the Indian Territory to the Santa Fe company is one in which Butler and Cowley are alike interested. We believe, from a personal acquaintance with Mr. Hackney for the past ten years, that his ability and energy are traits that will be essential in the character of a congressman from Kansas, and especially from this part of the state. And again, the action of the liquor dealers' associations at their recent meetings is evidence sufficient that the question of prohibition will soon be taken into congress. Mr. Hackney led the prohibition fight in the state senate two years ago and to his aggressive and persistent fight is due much of the good qualities of the present law, and he is now the only candidate for congressman-at- large who is an outspoken prohibitionist and supporter of St. John. For these reasons we believe Mr. Hackney is entitled to the support of the delegates from Butler.

Augusta Republican.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.


The taxable valuation of Cowley County has increased just $53,128 during the last year. We had concluded, after reading Father Millington's paper, that the "better class" of immi- gration that was "flowing into" that county had brought with it two or three millions of dollars. Commonwealth.

That two or three millions did not get in before March first and therefore does not appear on the assessment rolls. You cannot head us off in that way.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Richland Township.


A meeting was called at the Queen Village schoolhouse for the purpose of making arrangements for holding an Anti-monopoly rally. Was called to order by W. L. Cottingham.

Mr. William Daggett was chosen chairman, and W. L. Heineken, secretary.

Owing to indications of rain the meeting adjourned to meet on Wednesday, May 31, 1882, at 3 o'clock p.m.


Pursuant to adjournment about forty persons assembled at 3 o'clock p.m., and C. W. Hogue, of Burden, was chosen chairman and H. J. Sandfort, of Floral, secretary.

On motion it was agreed that an Anti-monopoly rally be held on Thursday, July 20th, in R. W. Stephens' grove on Timber Creek.

On motion the following were appointed an executive committee: H. J. Sandfort and

W. L. Cottingham, of Richland, and Fletch Teeter, C. W. Hogue, and Wm. Daggett, of Silver Creek.

R. W. Stephens was unanimously elected treasurer and H. J. Sandfort secretary of finance.

On motion the executive committee was authorized to appoint a committee on finance in each township in the county.

On motion it was ordered that the several committees on finance file with the secretary on finance a complete list of the names of the contributors and of the amount contributed by each, and that said lists be opened for inspection on the day of the rally.

The following were appointed a committee on grounds: Jacob Coe and W. H. Sparr of Silver Creek, and Theodore Heineken of Richland.

C. C. Crow of Tisdale, and W. L. Heineken of Richland, were appointed a committee to procure speakers.

C. W. Hogue and W. L. Heineken were appointed a committee on vocal music.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, Experience teaches that the capitalists of the country have through fraud, bribery, and corruption manipulated legislation in order to bring about a condition whereby the rich are enabled to absorb the hard earnings of labor, and,

WHEREAS, It is evident that the leaders of the two old parties are in the employ of monopoly and are constantly urging such legislation as will favor capital and oppress labor, thereby making the rich richer and the poor poorer, Therefore, be it

Resolved, 1st, That it is necessary for farmers, laborers, and wealth producing classes generally to organize against the oppression of consolidated capital and monopoly, and that in order to facilitate such organization an Anti-monopoly rally be held at the time and place agreed upon at this meeting, and that we and each of us put forth all honorable efforts to make said rally a success.

2nd, That we request the cooperation of all whose motto is "equal rights to all and special favors to none," and that we extend a hearty invitation to the public.

3rd, That the Winfield papers and Burden Enterprise be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting.

Adjourned to meet at the Queen Village schoolhouse on Saturday, June 17th, 1882, at 9 o'clock p.m. H. J. SANDFORT, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mrs. R. H. True is visiting friends in Oxford.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. J. Q. Pember, of Rock, made us a pleasant call Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Senator Hackney has removed his law office to rooms over the post office.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

M. V. McConn was up from Arkansas City Saturday on business for the Traveler.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. W. A. Ela marketed a lot of fine peaches Tuesday. They were of the Early Amsden variety.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

As far as we can learn, the storm did no damage in the country outside of a few fruit trees broken off.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

W. O. Johnson is now sojourning in Wellington, engaged in carpenter work on the new buildings going up there.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Geuda Springs seems to be the favorite Sunday resort for our people. Twelve or fifteen couples drove over last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mrs. M. L. Jewell returned from Emporia last Friday, where she has been visiting with relatives for the past two months.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Max Shoeb came over from Oxford Monday and spent the day around his old haunts. Max is doing a very fine business at Oxford.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

M. F. Higgins has opened a neat fruit and confectionery stand on Ninth Avenue, in the office formerly occupied by John Easton.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mrs. G. W. Pee, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Miss Lucy Linn, of Piqua, Ohio, are visiting their brother, S. S. Linn, of this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

DIED. Mrs. Hannah Weitzel, of Beaver Township, mother of Ed. Weitzel, aged seventy- five, died Sunday afternoon and was buried Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Any person wanting wheat cut with a header, call on A. A. Knox or Z. T. Whitson, Pleasant Valley Township, four miles southeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The Finance committee for the fourth of July celebration will get to work at once, and the general feeling is that a big program will be arranged.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Charlie McClung was unfortunate enough to cut his foot with an ax last week and is now laid up for repairs. He cut it just in time to escape harvest.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Knott Bros., of Arkansas City, have an advertisement in this issue offering their fine flock of sheep for sale. Sheep men would do well to look them up.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The wind Monday shook off some of Mr. Manser's fine Hale's Early peaches. He has two trees of this variety. The fruit is nearly ripe and very large.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. P. Hahn, of Newton, came down last week, and is spending several days visiting his brother, M. Hahn, of this city.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Justin B. Porter came down from Omaha last week and spent several days with his many friends here. He is traveling for a hat and cap house in Omaha.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Judge Tipton returned from a business trip to Indiana last week. The Judge says he knew Cowley as soon as he struck it by the forwardness of the crops.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

We are sorry to learn that our excellent Vernon correspondent, M. Lewis, is sick. He has the con amore, aut vincere aut mori. If we had it, we'd get cured, quick.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

In another column will be found the announcement of the grand Exposition or Bazar to be held by the M. E. Folks in July. It will be run on the largest scale yet attempted.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Harvest will commence in a very few days. Farmers should stack their grain as soon as dry enough, so as to prevent loss in the shock if the wet weather should continue.

Burden Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The famous suit for the possession of the McNeil property, which Payson fraudulently gained possession of and sold, has been settled by the supreme court, which affirms Mr. Buckman's title to the premises.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mary Noelin, the crazy woman who has been confined in the poor house for several years, was brought in Saturday and on Tuesday transported to the insane asylum. She is becoming exceedingly violent.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

O. T. Wright, of Pleasant Valley, commenced harvesting his wheat Friday. He is working it up with a twine binder, and gets a large bundle for every seven feet. The estimated yield is thirty bushels per acre.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. J. S. Baker, of Tisdale, is being pushed by the folks up that way as a candidate for representative. Mr. Baker is one of our best citizens and has the energy and ability to accom- plish much for his constituents.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Will Hudson had just finished putting in the plate glass front to his new store Monday when the wind struck it. Had the storm come fifteen minutes earlier, it would have caught Will's plate glass in a bad situation.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

D. O. McCray has had trouble with a blood-thirsty Missourian, who hammered him over the head with steel knucks and finally drew a pistol and Mack says would have shot him had not kind friends interfered. Burden Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The rumor that Jim Brown, a brother of George, was hung in New Mexico, proves to be unfounded. George received a letter from Jim Monday, saying he was alive and well, and that it was another Jim Brown who was hung at Socorro.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. Sam Phoenix captured a prairie dog Friday in the streets of Wellington. It had rained heavily and the little fellow was drowned out of his hole, and seemed to be on his way to the Wellingtonian office where he would be secluded until the storm blew over.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The Directors of the Fair Association held a very interesting meeting at the COURIER editorial room Saturday. The constitution and rules were adopted, the superintendents and committees appointed, and other business of importance transacted. Almost the full board were present.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield showed us a sample bunch of wheat Tuesday morning which was fully made, and the field from which it was taken was being harvested Monday. The heads were well filled and the grains as plump and nice as any we have yet seen. The sample was sent to Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. Fred C. Hunt left last week for Barton, Polk County, Florida, where he contemplates establishing a newspaper. Barton is a county seat, a promising town, needs a good paper, and Fred has the ability and energy to make one for them. We wish him success and hope when he gets his automatical museum on its feet we may be permitted to "X."

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

TO BE MARRIED. The marriage of Will H. Curtis and Miss Mae Benedict takes place this (Wednesday) evening, at the residence of the bride's father, at Arkansas City. Miss Benedict is one of the brightest little ladies it has been our fortune to meet, and Curtis secures a prize. The happy couple have the COURIER's best wishes.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The Commissioners met last week as a Board of Equalization and did one of the most complete, fair, and just jobs of equalization ever done in this or any other county. The assessment on Lands was reduced in nearly every township in the county from four to twenty-five percent. The value on horses was raised or lowered in most every township to an average of from twenty-nine to thirty-two dollars per head. The highest was left on Winfield, being $34 per head. The assessment on sheep was reduced 20 percent in Harvey, Pleasant Valley, and Windsor Townships, and 25 percent in Silverdale. The assessment on cattle was reduced in Cresswell from $14.31 to $12; in Dexter, from $14.40 to $12; in Maple, from $13.55 to $11; in Silver Creek, from $15.48 to $14. It was raised in Rock from $9.35 to $11; in Sheridan, from $7.88 to $10, and in Vernon from $8.95 to $11. The changes throughout were fair and impartial and divides the burden of taxation equally among all.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Miss Celina Bliss, of Winfield, closed her summer term of school at Excelsior, about three miles south of here, last Friday, and in the evening the teacher and pupils gave a concert and ice cream social in honor of the occasion, and also to raise money to finish paying for a handsome organ which the Sunday school in that district has recently purchased. A number of Miss Bliss' friends in this city went out to share the enjoyment of the evening and have a good time generally. There was a very large crowd present, so large indeed that the ice cream was exhausted before near all had been supplied; but the scarcity of cream was entirely made up by the excellent concert, which was highly appreciated by all in attendance, and was very entertaining. Miss Bliss has taught four terms in this district, and the people are so well pleased with her labors that it will be with great reluctance that she is ever given up.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

During the past two weeks the matrimonial market has been quite active. There have been fourteen licenses issued as follows.


B. Heistand and Georgia Mayse.

Simon Condit and Annie Shields.

David Baldwin and Nancy Schooling.

Townson J. Parr and Emma L. Mallatt.

A. R. Wilson and Mrs. E. A. Bullock.

D. D. Randall and Ora E. Wilson.

Chas. F. Wilson and Calista D. Toffelmire.

Thos. K. Hull and Mary B. Pierce.

Wm. R. Brown and Luella Rudd.

Chas. H. Kingsberry and Lena L. Wilt.

J. C. Martindale and Minnie M. Walker.

Wm. H. Curtis and Mae Benedict.

Dan'l. D. Ryon and Jennie Fergison.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

D. C. Williams, representing the Labette County Nursery, started yesterday morning for Cowley and other western counties with a party of canvassers for the purpose of working up the fall trade. We commend them to our friends out west as reliable in every particular, and as representing one of the oldest and most complete nursery establishments west of the Mississippi River, which has been well known for years for its extensive and varied assortments suitable to the soil and climate of Southern Kansas. Labette County Democrat.


Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The markets today (Wednesday) are quiet except on hogs, which range at $7.00 to $7.40 per hundredthe highest price ever paid in Winfield. No wheat is coming in. Price 90 cents to $1.05. Wool remains about the same, sales ranging from 16 to 22 cents. The best sale yet recorded was that made by Howard last Saturday at 23 cents. The produce market is slower. Potatoes bring $1 per bushel, turnips 40 cents per bushel. Chickens scarce at $1.50 to $2.50. Eggs scarce at 15 cents. Butter market glutted at 10 cents per pound. Small vegetables in abundance and prices low.


Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

A little boy came into the office of the Secretary of the Building and Loan Association some time ago and depositing eight dollars on the desk, said he wanted to subscribe for a share of stock, to date from the commencement of the series and extend as far as the $8 would carry it. He had earned the money herding cows, and wanted to invest it where he could add to it and have it earning something.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The ladies and gentlemen of the Episcopal choir hold a concert and social with ten cents admission at the Opera House this Thursday evening and will make a very pleasant time for all who attend. This choir is one of the best, and its members have spent much time, labor, and even money to give themselves the proficiency which has given our citizens so much pleasure, and all should attend to assist and encourage them.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The article in last week's paper from Rev. Harvey J. Brown, addressed to the Editor of the Courant, was not presented to that paper for publication and refused. Mr. Brown's first intention was to offer it to the Courant, but on the advice of friends brought it to us. The note in which we stated that it had been refused publication by the Courant was our mistake and does that paper an injustice.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Winfield Lodge No. 18 of the Ancient Order of United Workmen at its last regular session ordered a vote of thanks to the proprietors of Riverside Park, to the City newspapers, to the R. R. Co., to S. H. Bullen & Co., and to all who have extended favors and courtesies to the Order on the occasion of its picnic, and requested the City Press to publish this expression of thanks.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Grace Church choir will have a concert Thursday evening in the Opera House. The choir will be assisted by Misses McCoy, Bard, and others. The admission will be a dime. An hour will be devoted to the concert, an hour to promenade music, and from ten to twelve a social will be indulged in. This will be a choir benefit.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Some young vandals have been destroying the trees in Riverside Park and otherwise damaging the premises. The managers are gathering evidence and will prosecute the next offense of the kind. It is a contemptible and cowardly trick and the offenders should be summarily dealt with.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Ivan Robinson and Lou Zenor started last Friday on a week's pilgrimage for health in the Territory. They went fully equipped with the necessary utensils for preparing the festive bean and that "world-renowned health-restorer, bacon, for the palate of the weary traveler.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Messrs. Curns & Manser sold on last Tuesday the residence of Jerry O'Neil, in the east part of the city, to Dr. Perry, of Illinois. The Doctor will remove here with his family and is a most valuable acquisition to our community. He has purchased considerable property near Geuda Springs.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Walter Brown & Co.'s Boston wool circular of June 10th quotes Kansas unwashed wool as follows: Light fine 28 to 30-1/4. Ordinary fine 24 to 27. Light medium No. 1, 30 to 32- 1/2. No. 2 medium 26 to 29. Ordinary medium 24 to 27. Coarse unwashed 17 to 22. Sales 211,700 pounds.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. Fuller sold Tuesday the last of a lot of thirty-six months old hogs for $7.40 cents per hundred. The lot have averaged $16.40 each.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. J. G. Bullene returned home for a short visit last week. He is engaged in bridge- building and is something of an itinerant.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

For Sale. A second-hand Randolph Header, in good condition, for sale cheap.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

A Minister's House Invaded and the Act Countenanced by his Neighbors.
Last Monday a most remarkable occurrence was enacted in Vernon Township. It was remarkable because no premonition of trouble was apparent, and the rapidity with which it was precipitated upon the victims made it all the more a matter of wonder. Early in the day it was noticed that there seemed to be an unusual stir in the neighborhood. Men were seen hitching up their teams, putting halters, ropes, and buckets into the wagons and starting in a direction that converged upon a common center, which proved to be the home of Rev. P. B. Lee. Arriving at this destination the ones who seemed to be the leaders were seen to go to the door, call the minister out, and after a moment's earnest conversation return to their wagons, take out the ropes and halters, and return to the house laden with numerous baskets. This so excited our informant (who was concealed behind a hedge) that he came forward and found Rev. and Mrs. Lee surrounded by about fifty neighbors all vociferously congratulating them on the happy fact of that being their tenth wedding anniversary. It was a regular out- and-out "tin wedding." Everyone brought tin ware and all brought from two to four baskets filled with delicacies, which we know from the bountiful supply left on our table, were delicious. The day was spent most pleasantly and will long be remembered by Rev. Lee and his lady as one of the happiest of their lives. May they live to enjoy many such is the wish of the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. L. F. Wellman, of South Bend, is Killed by Falling From His Wagon.
DIED. Today (Wednesday) just as we go to press, we learn of a very sad accident which happened just across the south Bridge, and which cost Mr. L. F. Wellman his life. Mr. Wellman and his two daughters were coming to town in a two-horse wagon. The wagon was rickety and the hounds which hold the tongue were frail. In coming down the hill just over the south bridge the wagon took a shoot sideways, which threw Mr. Wellman out, his head striking a rock and producing concussion of the brain from which he died in about twenty minutes. As we write the Coroner is arranging for an inquest. Mr. Wellman is a man perhaps forty-five years old and has a family.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Frank Higgins Relieved of $130.
Monday evening Frank Higgins, who runs a confectionery and lunch stand on Ninth Avenue near the Hotel, lost a hundred and thirty dollars out of his money drawer. Just before the storm a man came in and asked Frank to change a twenty dollar bill. Frank took his pocket book from his pocket, gave the man the change, and then dropped the book in the cash drawer. Afterward he took down the lamps and went into the back room to clean them. While in the back room a man came in and tapped on the show case, when Frank came out, sold him a piece of tobacco, and went back. In a short time his little girl noticed the drawer open and the pocket book and four or five dollars in change missing. Frank's suspicions at once rested on the one who got the change and the person who bought the tobacco. Marshal Herrod went to the ten o'clock train and saw the person who bought the tobacco take the train for the west, but for some cause did not arrest him. Either he is the one who got the money, or somebody slipped in, tapped the till, and got out without being observed. This is a hard blow on Mr. Higgins for he can illy afford to lose the money.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mrs. F. M. Rains.
DIED. The funeral of Mrs. Susie Rains, wife of the Rev. F. M. Rains, pastor of the Chris- tian Church of this city, was held last Thursday from the Presbyterian Church. The church was completely filled with the throng of sympathizing friends, and sweetly decorated with flowers. The services were conducted by Rev. Cain, of Belle Plaine, assisted by Revs. Canfield and Cairns.

The subject of these sad obsequies deserves more than a passing notice. Susie Fields was born December 1, 1857, at Columbia, Kentucky. At the age of fourteen years she joined the Christian Church at that place and also entered the Columbia Christian College, where she was a student five years, and graduated in June 1877, with the degree of A. B. The following year she occupied the chair of natural sciences in the same institution, until June 1878 , when she married Rev. F. M. Rains, which was the occasion of her resignation of her professorship in Columbia; but in the three following years she taught in the Corinth Academy. In June 1881 she, with her husband, moved to this city, he taking the position of pastor of the Christian Church here, and she teaching not only Sabbath school but teaching day school for six months. She died June 6, 1882, aged 25 years.

She was delicately organized, but her ambition to acquire knowledge and do good seemed to give her physical power and endurance. She was a very bright scholar and an accomplished teacher. Her work was the work of love, and was prosecuted with enthusiasm and with success. She could not rest while so much might be done to make the rising genera- tion wiser and better. As a Christian she was an earnest worker and a perfect example. Her pupils loved and worshiped her, and all her acquaintances held her in the warmest affection and esteem. A perfect lady, sensitive, delicate, affable, and pleasing, she had the qualities of a heroine, and when the recording angel shall have made up the roll of noble women, the name of Susie Field Rains will shine thereon in letters of living light.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

On Tuesday evening the citizens met at the Opera House to hear the report of the executive committee on 4th of July celebration. The committee reported as follows.

On Finance: M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, S. H. Myton, J. C. McMullen.

On Speakers and Invitation: J. C. Fuller, D. A. Millington, A. B. Steinberger, M. G. Troup, and J. Wade McDonald.

On Grounds and seats: A. T. Spotswood, Jas. H. Bullen, A. Wilson, S. C. Smith, W. O. Johnson, and H. Brotherton.

On Police Regulations and personal comfort: D. L. Kretsinger, R. E. Wallis, H. S. Silver, J. H. Kinney, and A. T. Shenneman.

On Music: J. P. Short, E. H. Blair, G. H. Buckman, H. E. Silliman, and R. C. Bowles.

On Old Soldiers: Col. McMullen, Adjt. Wells, Judge Bard, Capt. Steuven, and Capt. Haight.

On Representation of 13 Original States: Mrs. H. P. Mansfield, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Carruthers.

On Floral Decoration: Mrs. Kretsinger, Misses Jessie Millington, Amy Scothorn, Jennie Hane, Mrs. J. L. Horning, and Mrs. G. S. Manser.

Speeches were made by Judge J. Wade McDonald, Judge Soward, Mayor Troup, D. A. Millington, Capt. Hunt, and D. L. Kretsinger. The City is enthusiastic on the subject and are bound to make this a big Fourth. The committee on speakers will secure the attendance of some of our State's best talent. Let everyone prepare to come, bring their lunch baskets, and enjoy themselves in the finest park in the State.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

A Half Breed.
The Presbyterian Banner of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in giving a report of the proceed-ings of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States, recently in session at Springfield, Illinois, to which our Rev. J. E. Platter was a delegate from the Kansas Synod, says: "The Rev. J. E. Platter (a half breed) presented the matter of the Nez Perce Indians, etc. Now we do not know whether the Banner meant that our honored clergyman was in politics a Blaine man and an Anti-Conklin man, or that he had Indian blood in his veins, but we will wager a new hat that among all the assembled wisdom of the great Presbyterian congress there was not one of purer Caucasian blood, not one better looking, not one of clearer intellect and good sense, not one of more gentlemanly and unassuming address, and not one more self-reliant and independent than this same J. E. Platter. We also imagine if that assembly had been made up of that kind of half breeds, it would have been much more useful to the denomination and the country.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The Storm.

On Monday evening this vicinity was visited by the worst storm of the season. About four o'clock the clouds began to roll up in the southwest in a most threatening manner and soon the wind went up, driving great sheets of rain before it and dashing the dampness about in a most exasperating manner. The wind blew terrifically for half an hour and did consider- able damage.

The tin roof on J. B. Lynn's store was torn up for a distance of fifteen feet on the west end, and the water went through the upper ceiling, damaging the plaster. Two small stables in the west part of town were blown down, and a chimney taken off the Courthouse. This seemed to be a sort of "commemorative blow" as Monday was the anniversary of the Floral cyclone, which came on the same day and almost the same hour.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Churches and Work-shops.

Winfield has seven church organizations, with a total membership of 1,201. We have six church buildings, worth in the aggregate $38,850, and with a seating capacity of 2,150. The First Baptist Church has a membership of 180; the Presbyterian of 220; the Methodist Episcopal of 300; the church of the Holy Name (Catholic) 300; Grace Episcopal Church 50; Christian Church 126; A. M. E. Church 25.

We have eight manufacturing industries, namely: Two flouring mills, two furniture factories, a carriage factory, a foundry, a machine shop, and one of the finest tanneries in the country. The capital invested in them is $81,000, and they employ seventy-five hands.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

A Card. EDS. COURIER: We would like through the columns of your valuable paper to express our sincere thanks to the people of Ninnescah and Vernon Townships for their great kindness toward us in our great affliction. Thanking them once more, we will leave them in the hands of our Heavenly Parent, knowing that he doeth all things well.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Soldiers Take Notice.
The Line officers will meet at the office of the Adjutant in Winfield on the 24th day of June, 1882, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of filling vacancies and to attend to such business as may come before the meeting. By order of J. C. McMULLEN, Col. Com'd.

H. L. WELLS, Ad'jt., Winfield, Kas.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mr. John Drury, of Maple City, came up Monday to arrange for a basket picnic on the 4th of July at the Big Spring on Beaver Creek. There will be speaking, a platform dance, and a big dinner.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Mrs. McLean from Michigan is visiting Revs. Snyder and Lee in Vernon Township.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Park College Society.

The social which was to have been given by the Park College Society in the Lecture Room of the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening was interfered with by the storm, and everything having been arranged for the occasion, it was postponed to Tuesday evening. The room was well filled, and those present were finely entertained with recitations, music, etc., for some time, after which a very interesting address was given by Rev. Mr. Platter on Park College. Mr. Platter has recently visited this institution, and become thoroughly acquainted with all of its workings. This College is in Parkville, situated twenty miles south of Leaven- worth on the Missouri River, and was established about eight years ago by Rev. J. A. McAfee on a large tract of land owned by Col. Park, the use of which, together with a large hotel and other buildings thereon, was donated by him for this object. The institution was established solely for the purpose of affording young persons with small means to obtain an education. It survives entirely on voluntary contributions from any persons who take interest enough in the good work to help it along. It is run in the interest of the Presbyterian ministry, and has turned out quite a number of ministers this year, though students not wishing to study for the ministry can obtain a thorough education which will fit them for any avocation they may wish to follow in after life. They now have 200 students, a greater part of whom pay no tuition, but are required to give three hours' labor each day on the farm or in any department where their help is needed. Park College Societies are being organized all over the country, and are doing much to assist in this work. The Society here is composed of young ladies and gentlemen from 12 to 20 years of age, and the social Tuesday evening was the second one of the kind given by them. An admittance fee of five cents was charged and from bouquets and other things sold by the young ladies, quite a sum was secured, which will be forwarded for the benefit of the college. After the exercises a short time was spent in social intercourse, and everyone enjoyed a very pleasant time.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Winfield Exposition for the Benefit of the Methodist Church.
When a church organization determines to engage in an important undertaking, whose success depends upon the patronage of the general public for its financial support and success, it is proper and right that the public should know what the object is, and for what purpose the money that is made is to be used.

About every person in Winfield, whether church members or not, feel a just pride in our beautiful church edifices. While the Methodist Church is one of the largest, yet extensive repairs are necessary to bring it up to the Winfield standard. These repairs will cost at least a thousand dollars. Of this amount one-half has been raised by subscription, and it is in- tended to raise the other half by an Exposition. Before giving the general features of such proposed entertainment, or rather series of entertainments, it will be best to say a further necessity exists that these repairs be made this year, for reason that the Southwest Kansas Conference will meet here next March, and the house in which the Conference is to be held should be in a creditable shape.

So much for the object, and now the details.

The Exposition will be in charge of the ladies of the M. E. Church, who will be assisted by a large number of ladies who are not members; and about all the men who have been spoken to have promised their cooperation. It is an extensive enterprise and will require many able and hearty workers.

The Exposition will open Monday, July 3rd, and will continue during the week following.

It will be held in the Methodist Church; with the removal of the seats, it will give more room than any hall.

The following is a brief outline of the leading features of the Exposition.

1. Indian Wigwam filled with novelties and curiosities made by the Indians, which will be for sale, presided over by genuine Indian with Squaw and Papoose in full Indian costume.

2. A Chinese department with native Chinaman, Chinese curiosities, and a refreshment stand at which will be served tea in Chinese style and eating a la Celestial.

3. A Curiosity or Museum department, where will be exhibited rare and valuable curiosi- ties from every source obtainable. Enough has already been promised to make this a leading and one of the most interesting features of the Exposition.

4. A Floral department at which will be for sale choice exotics.

5. An East India department, which will be filled with a variety of rare curiosities brought from the Orient by our Missionaries, and lent the Exposition for the occasion.

6. An Art Gallery which will embrace Paintings, Pictures, Stereoscopic views, and other works of art.

7. A Persian and Turkish department presided over by young ladies of our city habited in full Persian and Turkish costumes.

8. There will be a Fancy Bazar at which will be sold a variety of useful and ornamental articles. And it is well to say here that it is intended that every article sold shall be worth the money. Much that will be sold will be cheaper than if procured direct from the dealers.

9. Last but not least there will be new features and surprises. On the first evening there will be a Broom Brigade by young ladies in full costume. The company is already in training.

It is desired and expected that the Church will have assistance and patronage from sister towns and cities. Excursion rates are already promised.

Admission 25 cents. MRS. GEO. RAYMOND, President.


Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Orchard Cottage.

EDS. COURIER: Wheat though filling slowly is surely filling grandly. Such a growth of straw we never had before, and I now believe the wheat yield will be even greater accord- ingly. The kernels are so large they are fairly bursting the chaff. Harvest will commence this week.

Mr. Henry Hawkins, I think, has the finest pear orchard in Cowley County, and I trow, the finest crop of pears.

The Davis boys have purchased a tractable steam thresher, as also has N. B. Clark, and from what we know of these gentlemen, they have the necessary energy and push to make them successful threshers.

Mr. Croco once more is happy. The same old bell calls him from labor and the field. Only time, place, and scenes have changed. As my mind reverts to the past and the old hills of Ohio, as in reverie I hear the sound of that bell, me thinks I see Mell, with a spring and a bound, leave his throne (a big stump) on which he had been sitting, and hasten to the bountiful board his mother had filled. Though the hills of Ohio have changed for the rolling prairies of Kansas, though other than a mother presides at his board, when he hears the familiar sound of that bell, he hoists the shovels of his carriage plow, and as his prancing steeds bear him from the field, a pleasant smile wreaths his lips. (Mr. Editor, I asked a young lady if wreaths was the proper word in the last sentence. She said she thought so for it went clear round.)

We understand that the Christians will hold a basket meeting in a grove at Beaver Center the first Lord's day in June. Old Brother Crenshaw from Missouri will be there to preach. There will be preaching the evening before.

June 8. Harvest has commenced.

Thoughts that the season suggests:

Warmly the sun doth shine,

The weeds in rankness grow.

The fly is on the wing

Like a conquering hero.

The mosquito now presents his little bill.

Do not forget to take your dose of quinine, for at present the weather is rather "chilly."

Birds are jolly at Orchard Cottagecherries are ripe.

But con amore, aut vincere aut mori. M. LEWIS.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The semi-annual meeting of the Kansas Wool Growers' and Sheep Breeders' Association will be held at Manhattan, Riley County, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 21st and 22nd, 1882. The following well known scientists and practical sheep men are expected to address the meeting.

Prof. E. M. Shelton, of the Agricultural College, Manhattan. Subjects connected with breeding.

Prof. W. P. Popenoe, Agricultural College, Manhattan. Parasites on the Sheep.

Mr. B. D. Hammond, of Wichita, Kansas. Sheep in the Arkansas Valley.

Mr. W. F. Cotton, of Wabaunsee, Kansas. Disposal of Wool.

Mr. A. J. Uhl, of Douglass, Kansas. History of the Uhl Flock.

Mr. E. J. Hiutt, editor National Shepherds' Journal, Chester Hill, Ohio.

The railroads will give their usual reductions on round trip tickets. It is hoped all sheep men in Kansas will find it to their interest to attend. J. S. CODDING, President.

A. H. THOMPSON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.


Dr. Wright has procured a mad-stone that has been successfully used in cases of Hydro- phobia. The stone is about an inch by an inch and a half, and was brought from Kentucky to this country by Mr. Mann. Mr. Wm. N. Day has had it in his care for some time and as above stated has now turned it over to Dr. Wright of this place, where it can be found by any and all persons who may have need of it. There have been three different persons from Douglass who have been bitten here to test its merits. The stone adhered to the wound on the man and one of the girls for several minutes. The other girl was bitten on the arm, but the skin was not broken, and so the stone refused to stick in this case. The dog that bit those persons bit some ten persons at and near Douglass last week. Burden Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

Dexter Items.

But few paragraphs having appeared in the COURIER from this locality for some time, I will give you a few items that have fallen under my observation during the past week.

There are two Sunday schools in good running order in this place at present. The M. E. School meets in the morning and the Union in the afternoon.

Last Sunday a party of thirteen men started from here for a trip in the Territory, to fish and kill the festive antelope. After going about 25 miles down they found an antelope peacefully grazing in a valley, and immediately gave chase. The fleet animal easily evaded the men and dogs in a short time, and the party congregated on a mound and watched with some disappointment the object of the pursuit gradually disappear from their sight. However, they did catch quite a lot of fishand had a splendid time.

Mr. Hoblet finished shearing his nice flock of sheep last week. BOB.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

School Concert and Festival.

EDS. COURIER: On last Friday evening I had the pleasure of attending an ice cream festival at the Excelsior schoolhouse three miles south of Winfield. The citizens of that district had purchased a very fine organ for the use of the public school, and also for the Sunday school which meets there, and the proceeds of the entertainment were to go toward liquidating a balance due on said organ. Everything passed off very pleasantly, and the occasion seemed to be enjoyed by all present. To a stranger spending a few days in the neighborhood such a gathering, and so well conducted, is a very high recommendation, as it is a good index to the social, as well as the intellectual qualities, of the people.

We were treated to some excellent music, both vocal and instrumental, with Miss Bliss, the teacher of the school, as organist, and Mr. Jacob Miller and Geo. Nawman, violinists. The singing was excellent, but the writer being a stranger and not being able to obtain all of the names, will mention none lest injustice may be done.

I am informed the proceeds amounted to over thirty dollars, which will place the society out of debt. I did not learn the name of the party who furnished the ice cream, but would simply say he understands his business, and others contemplating a festival would do well to give him a call. VISITOR.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

New Salem.

DEAR FRIENDS: I greet you once again. I'm happier now than when the year began, yet pain still lingers, failing to yield its helpless victim up to health and happiness. But ah, I'll not complain, for I am blest with loving friends and pleasant home, and all around I see the golden grain fast ripening, and some bright fields of grain are now being cut down. When will the reaper come "to shout us home, and gather us like golden sheaves into God's granary?" Oh, may we prove true grain and not be counted tares.

Salemites have been, and are still, very busy. Cultivating corn is the rushing work at present. It is growing nicely and the weeds seem determined to keep it in the shade. Perse- verance conquers all things, and the weeds will learn that not always the first in the race wins in the end.

With regrets we learn that Mr. Jackson (down on the corner) has sold his beautiful farm. A good neighbor is appreciated, and we are loth to part with our friend, Miss Nannie. They will go to Missouri. May fortune smile upon them, and in finding new friends may they not forget the old ones. Good bye, dear Nannie, may happiness be yours. Some say the new neighbors come from old Virginia, but others say from different states. We do not know, but welcome them, for well we know that the same sun shines upon us all.

The Hopkins place is also sold, and Mr. Cole, the latest occupant and family, have moved away, but not out of the vicinity. A gentleman from Grouse is now the owner: I think his name is Compton. We bid the strangers welcome to the Salem circle, and may they find this a pleasant place to call home.

A Mr. Sutton and his little boy lately came to Mr. Chapell's. He is a son-in-law to Mrs. Chapell and they had thought of him as dead, he had been silent and absent so long. He is one of the afflicted ones, and he and Mrs. Chapell can sympathize with each other.

Mr. Thomas Perry is now entertaining his father.

Sarah Bovee and her little brother, Willis, were afflicted with scarlet rash, but in a mild form, and they are now almost in usual health. Mrs. Shields is mending slowly. Mrs. Martin has been badly afflicted with rheumatism during the rains, but is some better.

The Salemites that intended going to the mineral springs have concluded to stay at home awhile, or until after harvest at least. There is too much to do to think of leaving.

Mr. James Doolittle has come home (or rather his temporary home at Mr. Hoyland's) from Geuda, where he was for almost a month trying to recuperate. He thinks the springs benefited him, and is aware that the weather was not in his favor. Mr. Hoyland visited the springs on business.

"Joe K. Little" was around with a petition to "boost" our worthy postmaster; but the people were not so anxious for a change as he imagined. Two can go around and I, for one, will protest strongly against "Dock's" removal; but alas, as only men were allowed to sign, "Olivia's" signature did not appear. But we all have and can use our influence, Mr. Joe K. Little. Now, Doctor, if you do your duty faithfully, quite a number of us will stand by you through thick and thin.

New potatoes are getting to be an old story. Cherries are now on the program, as they are ripening rapidly.

Mr. Dalgarn has bought a new reaper and mower.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland has put up a small kitchen.

Miss E. D. is quilting, quilting, QUILTING. That looks rather suspicious.

Miss Jennie Wells is home again.

In the absence of our organist last Sunday, Mrs. Pixley manipulated the keys.

A. M. Scott from Independence spent part of last Sunday with Mr. C. C. Chapell.

Mr. McMillen has been breaking sod when the ground was too wet to plow corn.

Mr. Edgar is determined not to batch during harvest.

MARRIED. We wish to extend our congratulations to our friends, Dr. Wilson and his fair Alice, of Winfield. May their barque sail smoothly over the matrimonial sea and anchor in a happy home until they sail over the river of death and there may they anchor to be tossed no more on Life's tempestuous sea.

"Grimes is gone, that good old man. We ne'er shall see him more." He is not dead, but "skipped the country" in the night.

Mr. C. Miller still continues selling washing machines.

The Christopher boys took a little fishing trip down on the Walnut on Saturday.

June 10, 1882. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

NOTICE: There will be a meeting of the old soldiers of Dexter Township, at Dexter on the 24th day of June, 1882, for the purpose of perfecting an organization to attend the Soldiers' Reunion at Topeka Sept. 11th, 1882. All are requested to come.

H. C. McDORMAN, Capt.
J. V. HINES, Orderly.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The ladies of the W. C. T. U. tender a vote of thanks to each and everyone who so faith- fully assisted the cause of temperance by giving their time and talent to assure the success of the entertainment given by them on the evening of June 2nd. Especially do they tender thanks to Mrs. Dr. Mansfield for the loan of her piano, and to the COURIER and Courant for special favors. LADIES OF THE W. C. T. U.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882. [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS.]


DEAR COURIER: Having left Cowley County for some time, I cannot supply any local items, but I desire to see our party add its saving principles united and victorious in the coming contest, as they ever have been since the organization of the state. And I want to add a few words of exhortation in your columns to the great tide of patriotic effort which may be necessary in order to bring about the indispensable result.

Prohibition forms the great subject of political disaffection in the state. Democrats hate it because it runs in opposition to their traditional predilections, and they hope to make the brightest virtue of the Republican party the ruin of the party.

Greenbackers as a rule oppose it because they do not consider it the essential measure of today, and only use it as a lever to tear down the high prestige of the Republican party. Scores of Republicans oppose it because they have never passed entirely under the progressive discipline which Republican principles impose.

The majority of Republicans favor it because claiming as they do to champion every vital measure touching upon the progress, education, and morality of the people. Prohibition presents itself as a full fledged member of the elevated fraternity. A few Greenbackers favor it, because their love of principle outweighs their love of party, and one Democrat in a thousand favors it, God only know why. . . . SIGNED BY: FRANK ALEY.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


We desire the public to know that Maple City has taken a new boom and the people interested therein have gone to work with renewed energy and everything is beginning to show that there will soon be quite an enterprising little town built up here.

James Jordan, of Winfield, has recently visited our town and taken in the situation of affairs. He with the others that own the real estate upon which the town is located, have agreed and laid off one block on each corner in lots and made a plat of it for record. Lots are now offered free gratis to all or anyone that will put thereon a good respectable building.

John Drury, the industrious and intelligent blacksmith of our town, the sound of whose hammer on the anvil peals forth notes from early dawn till setting sun anticipates erecting a new stone shop soon.

Mr. Wilson, formerly of this vicinity but late from the Otto Agency, will soon put in a large stock of furniture in a building he has rented for that purpose, until he can erect a new one.

Others are intending to erect new store buildings this fall.

Our Sunday school is liberally patronized and that with good interest.

Bro. McKibbon will deliver a discourse at our town Saturday evening and Sunday at 11 a.m., also.

Goods are sold here at Winfield prices. If you don't believe, call at Gilkey Bros., where you can buy good goods at low prices.

The people of this vicinity are making grand preparations to celebrate the Fourth at the big spring on Beaver Creek in the edge of the Territory.

Our town was visited week before last with a stroke of lightning which came down with giant power in the southwest corner of Southard's store building, now known as the firm of Gilkey Bros., badly stunning A. Gilkey and T., Schofield; and two or three others ran a very narrow escape, and setting things on fire, though it was soon subdued by the vigorous efforts of those present. Considerable damage was done to the building and a portion of the goods.

We understand that Goochville is offering very heavy inducements to get a railroad.

Don't ask Bob Haines why he put Muzzie's cat in his boot leg head foremost.

Doc. Martin always plays to the tune of yankee doodle when he visits Beaver Creek on Sunday nightswell, why?

Young Doc. Southard and Doc. Compton purchase love drops by the pound when going to Spring Creek to hold a council.

Good day, call and see us and get a lot given to you in a civil temperance town and live in peace. NASBY.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


A. B. Lemmon has purchased of Messrs. Muse & Spivey their one third interest in the Newton Republican and is now sole proprietor. A. B. has done a great amount of hard work during the first year of his career as editor of the Republican and has made himself pretty solid with his city and county. The Republican is in good shape and will boom right along.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


The State Press Association at Lawrence elected as officers for the ensuing year: F. P. Baker, president; J. H. Downing, secretary; John A. Martin, treasurer.

Webb Wilder was appointed to write a history of the Press of Kansas.

W. W. Walton was chosen orator at the next annual meeting, which will be held at Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


This storm seemed to have opened up in the north part of Butler County by an enormous rainfall, evidence of which was seen here at Winfield in the Walnut, which was rising rapidly all day Saturday and up to Sunday morning when it was higher than it has been before for two years. The storm swept across the state to the east northeast doing a considerable damage most of the way.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


Frank Manny rushes into print in the Commonwealth addressed to Gov. St. John and accusing him of falsehood and of having "grossly, unfairly, and unjustly misrepresented" him (Frank). The following is the matter complained of.

"In your reported speech from the Leavenworth Weekly Press of May 11th, 1882, you say, in speaking of the breweries of this state: `One of the buildings which was owned and operated by Frank Manny, of Winfield, is now a green-house. What a grand revolution! In place of beer we find God's own roses and verbenas. I saw Mr. Manny lately and he said: `I sleep well nights now; there is no prohibition law against roses and verbenas.':

"I also refer you to your speech at Wyandotte, as reported in the Kansas City Journal of May 20th, 1882, in which you make use of similar language, and use the expression: `Tell me prohibition does not prohibit, when it converts a brewery into a flower garden.'"

The governor seems to represent Frank as a good law abiding citizen who, when the law prohibiting the brewing of beer for the purpose of a beverage, turns his brewery into use for lawful purposes and tries to do good and beautify the earth. Frank thinks it injurious to him to be so represented, but seems to want it understood that he is a determined and persistent law-breaker and law-defyer. Now we do not know whether Frank Manny and Gov. St. John ever had any conversation together, but we do know that Frank Manny has had many conver- sations with us in which he has represented to us that he has been using his grounds and some of his buildings in the cultivation of flowers and vegetables, and had in use, we forget how many, acres and tons of glass, covering his hot beds, etc. We told the governor this and took him up there to see his grounds and buildings, but did not find Frank nor get into his grounds or buildings, but what we could see outside. It appeared that Frank's representations to us were true, and we made remarks to the governor complimentary to Frank, for we believed that he was obeying the law as a good citizen should, and trying to turn his property to as good account as possible. Since then we have several times spoken of this new use of his brewery in our paper as very praiseworthy in Frank and he has never pretended to us that he was doing otherwise. The governor reads the COURIER and probably got all his informa- tion from it and us.

We don't believe he has said that Frank Manny told him personally "there is no prohibi- tion against roses and verbenas," or anything else.

Now if we have misrepresented Frank to the governor by giving him too good a charac- ter, we humbly beg his and the governor's pardon.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


The editor of this paper lives in a story and a half frame house which he has occupied for the last eleven years. During the first five years whenever there was a storm with a strong wind, his house was considerably racked by the winds and sometimes so severely that there was real danger that it would be demolished. Last week, Monday night, there was probably as violent a wind as was ever experienced here since the house was built, but the wind had no apparent effect on the house in the way of racking and straining; in fact, there was no reason to apprehend any danger to it. Such has been our experience in all the strong winds for the last two or three years. The question is: what makes this difference? The house is not stronger but it is weaker. There is only one possible circumstance to account for it, and this is; that now the house is surrounded by trees, some of them over a foot in diameter and higher than the house. These break the force of the wind and though they get swayed about fearfully they stand the racket and protect the house from harm. We can now rest in perfect confidence in our residence during the most violent storms. Of course, it is possible that a cyclone might yet come along, so violent that it would tear up the trees and the house too, but this danger is very remote. We planted plenty of trees around us in 1882 and these have flourished amazingly.

The lesson we wish to inculcate is to plant trees around your buildings to protect them from the wind; around your fields to protect your wheat, corn, and other crops; along your roads, everywhere you can spare room; for besides the great benefits they have in amelio- rating the climate, keeping the air cool in a hot time, warm in a cold time, and producing seasonable rains; in making cool shade for your stock; in making cool springs; and in various other ways; they protect yourselves, families, and property from injury by winds.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

CEDAR VALE, KANSAS, June 17, 1882.
D. A. Millington, Esq., Editor Courier:

DEAR SIR: In your speech of June 15th, as published in your paper of that date, I take it you are in the humor to hear reason, or a new idea, and in the shortest possible form I will present what some of us at least believe to be a vital principle.

Be it enacted, That no person belonging to or owning stock in any corporation, railroad-ing, mining, banking, or otherwise, shall act as a member of Congress, or of any State legislature during the pendency of any measure relating to or affecting the interests of such corporation; nor shall any such person be eligible to the Cabinet offices of the United States, or to the office of governor of any of the states or territories, or to any appointive office either State or National.

Now for the reasons: There is not a case where a claim is made against the United States, where the witnesses are not required to swear that they are not related to the claimant, or interested in the claim. No man wishes to submit to the decision of an interested judge or jury; and the power that makes laws or executes them ought to be equally disinterested.

A. T. Stewart could not be Secretary of the Treasury under Grant, because he was barred by law, being an importer, and upon the records of Congress will be found an old resolution which passed the 3rd Congress and was signed by Washington, excluding holders of United States bonds or securities, from the offices of congressman or senator. Why? To prevent interested legislation. And the prediction of the Historian Allison, that "the United States would retain a Republican form of government only so long as wealth did not influence and control legislation."

With these few reasons I submit this question, hoping that we may all be ready to work for the right, whatever party we adhere to. Yours respectfully, LEMUEL HAWTHORNE.

[All correct. We are with you and believe it will be indorsed by the republican party of this state if duly presented to them in a manner to lead to inquiry and examination of the subject. We commend Mr. Hawthorne for his concise and clear statement of the measure he proposes. ED.]

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


Dave Payne is said to be getting up another expedition to Oklahoma. Dave is not a fool. The same cannot be said of his followers.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


A bill will be introduced by Judge Kelley repealing all taxes on tobacco, snuff, and cigars, the law to take effect January 1, 1884.

A battle with Winchester rifles occurred at Llano, Texas, Thursday. Two of the belligerents were killed and half a dozen wounded.

The United States Senate passed a bill authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Sault Ste. Marie River to connect with the Canadian railroads.

A great many people attended the annual examination of the Indian school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The boys and girls show marked progress in all departments.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Northwest Creswell.

The weather is fine and corn is growing very rapidly since the warm days set in.

Farmers all rejoice to see the long, warm days of summer come.

Wheat is being harvested very fast now and bids fair to be a bountiful crop.

Farmers should all be prepared every night for rain. We do not look for as dry a harvest as we have been having for some years. Be sure that your shocks are up every night, or if headed, cover your stacks.

BIRTH. Earnest Aumann says he can see no room for improvement on the self- binderit is perfect in all points. Perhaps the reason he feels so well, is on account of that big boy of his.

BIRTH. Dave Bright cannot boast of a self-binder, but he can of his big boy, all the same.

The watermelon men of this neighborhood are rather discouraged about their early melons. The late cold weather and the bugs have got away with almost all the early ones.

DIED. A letter received from J. D. Parkerson, Charleston, Illinois, bears the sad news of the death of his bright little daughter, Dove. Not many here who know the above, but many who have lost precious little jewels can sympathize with the bereaved parents.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Uncle Robt. Weakly was in the city Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. S. S. Linn sold his wool last week at 22 cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The sale of tickets at the Santa Fe depot Tuesday was very large.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Capt. Robert A. O'Neil arrived home Monday. He came through Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The United States case against Thos. H. Clover was continued till July 10th.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holloway have been visiting relatives here for the past week.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. J. M. Jackson, of Grouse, favored us with a call Saturday, while taking in the Hub.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Persons desiring boarders during the Normal should confer with Superintendent Story.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

J. H. Morgan was down from Omnia Saturday and darkened our door with his portly form.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. T. H. Aley, of Otter Township, came over to the Hub Friday and called on the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

M. L. Robinson has his windmill in running shape and will now proceed to irrigate his grounds.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Scott Biggs was removed from the poor farm to the jail Tuesday on account of being dangerous.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, will lecture in Winfield, September 13, on "Our Martyred Presidents."

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mrs. Rev. P. F. Jones went up to Eldorado Tuesday on business connected with the Methodist Exposition.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Charlie Connell has a neat, nobby, and perfectly original way of getting out of a carriage. He just falls out.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Work on the sidewalk around the school buildings has begun, and by fall the school houses will be in first-class condition.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Messrs. Libby and Gilliland, of Spring Creek Township, were in the city Friday and made the COURIER a pleasant call.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. Charles Jones, son of our Methodist minister, came down from Eldorado last week, and will make Winfield his future home.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The Fourth of July celebration is booming along and the arrangements for a grand and glorious old time are being perfected.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mrs. Lappin brought us in several peaches grown on trees in her front yard. They were dead ripe and six inches in circumference.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Judge Gans has been at Gardner, in Johnson County, visiting his father this week. He just left in time to escape an invitation to deliver a Fourth of July oration.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The river was on a grand old high Sunday. The waters came up in the park nearly to the speaker's stand, but there was room enough left for ten thousand people.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The Building and Loan Association made a loan of six hundred dollars at their last meeting. This makes a thousand dollars which the Association now has at work.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

In another place in the paper will be found the law card of Sam E. Davis. Sam is one of our brightest young men. Success in his chosen profession is only a question of time.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

C. R. Miles, trustee of Otter Township, was in the city Saturday and spent a pleasant half hour in our office. C. R. is one of the live, energetic Republicans of the east tier.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. F. W. Maddux, of Windsor, dropped in on us Friday. He is greatly interested in the herd law question and the discussion going on through the columns of the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Ike Phenis, of the raging Grouse Valley, was in the city Saturday and smiled across our table for a few moments. Ike is one of Cowley's old-timers and she has no better citizen within her borders.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

In many counties in the state the people are circulating petitions asking for a reduction in the salaries of county officers. Of course, county officials should work for the honors in their positions.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Col. McMullen and lady left Tuesday morning for the east. Mrs. McMullen will visit in Kansas City while the Colonel goes on to Appleton, Wisconsin, in response to an invitation to attend the commencement exercises of Lawrence University.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Ed. Osborn was down from Richland Saturday with samples of his wool clip, but found the Winfield market a little "off." Ed. has been very fortunate this year and has added 98 percent to his flock in the increase. This is a good showing.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Jim Utt and Mr. Joseph Reid, of Cedar, were over Friday and gave the COURIER a pleasant call. Jim hasn't been over before for about a year and his time was largely taken up shaking hands all around.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Capt. J. B. Nipp brought up a picked lot of horses from his ranche in the Territory last week. He sold eight in this city. We understand that he will make regular trips to this place with stock during the summer.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

A young boy, Edward Powell, who resides in Richland Township, was arrested last week for stealing a horse from Mr. Stratton. The lad is quite boyish looking, and it is a pity to see him enter upon a life of crime.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The Winfield markets today (Wednesday) at 12 o'clock are as follows: Hogs $7.00 to $7.50. Wheat 95 cents. Corn 70 cents. Eggs 15 cents. Butter 10 cents. Chickens, $2.00 to $2.50. Potatoes 75 cents to $1.00. Turnips 25 cents to 40 cents. Wool 15 cents to 21 cents.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

We received a lot of fine peaches, presented to us by Mrs. J. E. Conklin, Friday. They were from a very choice tree, of which variety there are but three or four in the county. Cowley will yet throw her neighbors in the shade in the way of fine fruit unless they brush up more enthusiasm in horticulture.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Among other attractions for the Fourth at Arkansas City, one novel and interesting feature will be added. Three lemons will be floated in a barrel of Arkansas River water for the benefit of the crowd. This part of the program will take place at 12 o'clock sharp.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

One Wm. Griffith, a gentleman of color working for W. W. Painter in Vernon Township, was arrested last week on a charge of "breech of promise," or something of that sort. The matter was finally adjusted by William marrying the wronged girl. After the knot was tied, they both struck out in different directions and probably their paths diverge from that time on.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Two Arkansas City couples are on the Probate Judge's books for marriage licenses, namely:

M. B. Vawter to Alan Dixon.

Mr. Newell Blank to Miss Minnie Blank. (The names are suppressed for political purposes.)

Also Wm. D. Griffith to Mary Grammar.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

James Penton filed first annual account as administrator of Geo. Naylor estate, showing balance of $296.67 still on hand.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Order for sale of Sarah G. Ford, deceased, real estate.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The musical entertainment and social given by the members of Grace Church at the Opera House last Thursday evening was a decided success and was very largely attended. The concert, beginning at 8 o'clock and continuing one hour, was indeed very entertaining and elicited much favorable comment from those present. It was a self-evident fact that the singing would be most excellent, for the members of the choir have a reputation for musical ability seldom equalled. Mrs. Shenneman has a lovely soprano voice, while Mrs. Albro's alto is superb, and with Mr. Blair's fine tenor and the strong bass voice of Mr. Snow combined to make a first-class quartette. Mrs. Frank Woodruff performed the instrumental part of the program, assisted, at the last, by Misses Bard and McCoy.

After the concert, refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, and numerous varieties of fruit, were served by the ladies of the church. After refreshments the floor was cleared, and those who wished were given an opportunity to "trip the light fantastic," to piano and cornet music furnished by Messrs. Ed. Farringer and Abe Steinberger.

Those in attendance seemed highly pleased with the entertainment, and the ladies of the church did everything possible to make the affair a success. The stage was very neatly arranged, the tables presented a tasty appearance, and the floral display was beautiful.

Socials, literary entertainments, etc., have been very numerous this season, but each one has been well attended and the ladies getting them up have been handsomely rewarded for their trouble, as were those of Grace Church, the receipts being about one hundred and fifty dollars.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. James Lorton, bookkeeper in the Winfield Bank, met with quite a serious accident while returning from Arkansas City Saturday night. He was riding a pony that had been purchased in the city and leading one of Col. McMullen's fine black horses, which he had ridden down. Three miles this side of Arkansas City, he left the main road and took a nearer route. The road he followed had been recently closed by a barbed wire fence and, it being very dark, James did not discover this until he ran against it. The horses were going on a fast walk, and the pony was immediately checked, but the other became frightened and sprang through. The wire being very severe, the horse was lacerated in a horrible manner, a large piece of flesh was torn from his breast, and the muscle of one of his front limbs nearly severed, besides numerous other cuts. James managed to get the animal home, but it is in a critical condition. "Clyde," as he was called by the family, is a very fine horse and was valued at $300. The misfortune will break one of the best matched and prettiest spans of horses in the town. Barbed wire is being made so severe that it is a dangerous thing, and when put across a recently traveled road, it certainly should have brush or something of that kind laid upon it, that a person could tell at night what they were running into.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

We took a little drive out into Pleasant Valley Township Thursday evening, with a designing politician. We regretted being caught in such company, but the temptation for a free ride was stronger than we could stand, and in less than a minute we were whirling along the old familiar road that leads to the flowing banks of Posey Creek. In almost every wheat field the reapers were busy in grain that will yield twenty-five to thirty bushels to the acre. Sam Watt was just turning his harvester loose; Commissioner Harbaugh was chopping down his magnificent wheat field, and J. H. Teter, assisted by Mr. Holcomb, was running a whole field with a twine binder. We supped with M. H. Markcum, drank a quart of new milk at D. S. Sherrard's, and had a pleasant visit with our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Nawman. Mr. Nawman is one of the oldest settlers along the Valley, and many were the reminiscences of early times discussed during the two hours we were permitted to spend at his home. A person can see more fine country and magnificent crops by a drive through Pleasant Valley, Beaver, and Vernon Townships than in any territory of the size in the United States. These townships contain but very little untillable land and their farms are under a high state of cultivation, being among the first settled in the county.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

In last week's COURIER in mentioning the churches of Winfield, we omitted the church of "The United Brethren in Christ," of which Rev. J. H. Snyder is the pastor. They hold services every Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the Courthouse. They have a membership of 35. The property originally accepted by the Baptist Church and then returned, has been purchased by them as a building site for a church, and measures are now being taken for the erection, as soon as possible, of a building for worship.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Thos. H. Clover, a son of Ben Clover, of Cambridge, was brought before U. S. Commissioner Webb Friday, charged with sending an obscene letter through the mail. He was bound over in the sum of $500.00 for his appearance on the 19th. The accused is but a boy and did not seem to realize that he was committing a grave crime against the laws of the United States. It will serve as a lesson that will be of much practical value to the young man, should he escape severe punishment.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Miss Hoxie's Normal class in drawing competed today for prizes for plan, elevation, and perspective for a country schoolhouse. The first prize, the "Cyclopedia of Education," was won by Miss Mary Tucker, of Winfield. The second, an educational work, title not given, by Miss Lillian Dudley, Marion Center. The Judges were Dr. Cordley, George Gallaher, and Miss S. E. Crichton. Emporia News.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Mr. F. W. McClellan brought us five stalks of corn Saturday, grown on his farm in Pleasant Valley Township, which measured six feet two inches in height. Our Leavenworth County friends will please go out and measure their corn again or wait till it grows four or five feet before they attempt to compare crops with the Banner County.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

MARRIED. Dr. M. B. Vawter and Miss Alma Dixon, of Arkansas City, were married Wednesday. M. B. has many friends here who rise to congratulate him on this happy occasion.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

George Whitney had his safe blown open and $140 taken therefrom at Sedgwick City recently. George's many friends here will regret to learn of his misfortune.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Notice. Parties in the city wishing to turn cows or horses into an inclosed pasture will do well to call on S. S. Linn, 2 miles west of the city.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Rates between Kansas City and Chicago and St. Louis have been restored to $12.50 from Kansas City to Chicago and $7.50 to St. Louis.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

The Ivanhoe Club will have a picnic Thursday afternoon. This will be the closing gather- ing of the season.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

FINE SHEEP. 600 sheep for sale. Inquire of S. W. Chase, five miles southeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Father Kelly went east Tuesday to look after the spiritual welfare of neighboring counties.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Tickets to the State Fair at Topeka will be sold on June 27th at one fare for the round trip.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Jack Foults has returned and is again associated with Harry in business.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

FOR SALE. A fine silver watch. Berkey's Second Hand Store.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

DIED. In Winfield, Wednesday morning, June 21, 1882, Mrs. Elvira M. Buell, wife of S. W. Buell of this city, aged 61. She was sister of the editor of this paper.

The subject of this notice was born in Hubbardton, Vermont, Dec. 26, 1820. She was a very bright scholar and received an excellent education in the schools of her native town and in the Brandon Seminary. In 1841 she married Ira Manley of Hubbardton, by whom her only child, Annette J., now Mrs. A. J. Lundy, of this city, was born. After the death of Mr. Manley she married in 1885 Rev. W. E. Reiley of Galesburg, Illinois, and some years subsequent to his death she married in 1864 Mr. Buell at Fairbury, Illinois. She lived in Vermont, Illinois, Iowa, and came to this place in 1875.

Up to the age of 40 she was a very vigorous woman both physically and mentally, and her ambition to accomplish much for herself, her family, her friends, and the world led her to make such strenuous and persistent exertions that she overtasked her powers, and in 1861 was stricken down with paralysis from which she only partially recovered after trying every remedy at whatever expense for the next 12 years. In 1872 she was again prostrated with paralysis, since which time for 9 years she has never been able to support her weight and has endured untold suffering and pain and years of almost helplessness. One cannot realize this terrible disaster to one of her self-reliant, hopeful, imperious nature, which at one fell blow cut off all her hopes and ambitions of life, her helpfulness and joys, and consigned her to long years of racking pains and dependence. But even then she did what she could.

She was a noble woman, of generous impulses, high mental attainments, and intense aspirations, and few could have lived and suffered so much with so much fortitude and even cheerfulness. But she is gone and her sorrows are ended at last. Let us hope that in the world to which she is gone, her high aspirations may be realized without suffering and pain.

It this connection it is but just to Mr. Buell to say that through all these long years he has been true as steel, sacrificing the best years of his life, impairing his health and strength, in watchful and laborious care, day and night, in sickness and health, to make her life less cheerless and more comfortable. His many and almost thankless trials have been bravely borne, and he is entitled to the respect of all who appreciate noble self-sacrifice.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

DIED. We are pained to record another case of drowningthat saddest ordeal to which parents are subjected. The victim this time is Charley Austin, a fourteen year old son of painter Austin. The boy had gone to the river near Bliss' mill to bathe. Being a poor swimmer, and the water high, he soon got beyond his depth and sank before help could reach him. To Mr. and Mrs. Austin it was a heavy blow, coming suddenly. This is the saddest feature of these cases. To see one snatched from the full enjoyment of health to a watery grave, carries terrors ten-fold more severe than when one is permitted to hover about the bed- side of a loved one, and minister to their wants until the angel of death takes them gently away.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

"Children's Day."

We attended the "bird concert" at the Methodist Church last Sunday afternoon. It was the most novel and interesting experience we have had for many a day. About thirty canary and mocking birds had been collected and the cages strung on wires about the room. When the choir sang, the birds chimed in a chorus of sweetest melody. The church was festooned with evergreens, bright foliage plants and flowers, and, with the birds and happy children's faces, made a most attractive picture. These concerts or "children's days," as they are called, are a most acceptable departure from the old straight-laced way of observing Sunday. One could not look at the happy, joyous little ones without feeling younger and better. The Puritanic Sunday is fast disappearing and in its place we welcome "children's day," and flowers and music and birds. The old fashion of confining a rosy, healthy, twelve-hour-a-day child to sit through a long sermon on a bright Sabbath morning when its whole being longs for the woods and the cool and shade, is being relegated to the dead past, as it should be. We believe in accepting all of life there is in life that is pure and elevating, without heed to creeds or dogmas, and we do not believe in clouding the brightness of childhood because our fathers did.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Loan Exposition.

In last week's COURIER we gave a brief outline of the object of this great enterprise, and what the ladies of the M. E. Church proposed to have on exhibition. We are glad to be able to say that they have been remarkably successful in obtaining a great variety of rare and valuable curiosities. Everywhere they have canvassed, both at home and abroad, they have met a hearty response from all classes. The indications now are that it will greatly exceed in all respects their most sanguine expectations. Justly noted as Winfield is for her wonderful enterprise, and her great surprises, we think this "Loan Exposition" of the M. E. Church will surpass in value, real worth, and attractiveness all that has gone before it.

We invite all our people, all over our county and from adjoining counties, to avail them- selves of this opportunity to see this great collection of curiosities and works of art. We will mention a few of the attractions that will be on exhibition, viz.: A large collection of curiosi- ties from Indiaincluding their peculiar costumes, their idols, real India shawls, Ostrich egg, elephant's tooth, Mastodon's tooth, etc. A large collection from China and Japan, and other foreign countriesstuffed birds and animals, geological specimens, ancient coins, choice and valuable oil paintings, battle flag of Gen. Taylor at Buena Vista, Bible that Bishop Asbury carried, old English law book 140 years old, parts of the remains of a huge Mastodon, and part of the head and horns of an extinct species of animal which measures nearly 12 feet from tip to tip of hornsboth dug out of a sand bank near Wellington.

The articles already promised will amount in numbers to hundreds, and probably thousands; and they are still collecting from all possible quarters. Beside all these very rare and valuable collections, there will be very much else to interest and profit the visitors.

The young ladies of Winfield, with Miss Jessie Millington as their chairman, have generously offered to give during the evening some splendid aesthetic exercises in full costume.

The Persian and Turkish department, under the management of the Misses Aldrich in full costume, will be very fine.

The broom brigade of Winfield's fair young ladies will be very amusing.

The fan brigade by the little girls will be very fine.

The Irish department, with the old Irish lady to sell peanuts, etc., will be rich.

The American Department, under the management of an able corps of the first ladies of our city, is intended to be the best of all.

The Ladies Bazar will be full of a great variety of their handy-work on sale.

The youth and children have not been overlooked. They will have a table loaded with the work of their own tiny hands, which work will be sold by them for the benefit of the church.

Of course, there will be lemonade, ice cream, soda, and a restaurant.

There will be music, vocal and instrumental, tableaux, etc.

We will give the details more fully in the next issue, but hope we have given enough in this to satisfy everybody that it will be to their interest to visit this first Loan Exposition of Winfield.

The ladies will also have refreshments at Riverside Park on the 4th of July, and a full line of omnibuses and wagons to carry all persons who may desire from the Park to the Exposition. Tickets will be on sale at the Park for the Exposition.

MRS. GEO. RAYMOND, President.
S. S. HOLLOWAY, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.


"The Fort is a beautiful placeas nice as paint and flowers, government money, and second lieutenants can make it. We noticed squads of men under guard going about picking up the leaves that had rebelliously settled on the grass plats. After going about the grounds for some time, visiting the military prison and hearing the bands play Hail Columbia under the trees, the party returned to Leavenworth, where arrangements had been made to entertain them."

LATER: "We tarried at Leavenworth a day while the procession moved on to Wyandotte, and through the courtesy of a friend, were taken again to the Fort to witness the Cavalry, Infantry, and Artillery drills."



Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Limerick for Superintendent.

EDS. COURIER: Inasmuch as Mr. Limerick is a prospective candidate for the position of County Superintendent of Public Instruction, some of his soldier comrades want the public to know what his record is from youth to manhood. We do not appeal to the public simply from the fact that Mr. Limerick was a faithful soldier and did his duty like a brave man, for he has superior qualifications fitting for the office to which he aspires. But all other things being equal, there are no persons on the continent to whom we should pay tribute and honor as the private soldiers. They sacrificed everything that made life enjoyable, and stood strong in their country's time of danger to battle for what they believed to be right and true, and how seldom has merit been recognized and the high private advanced to a position of trust and profit.

I heard a man say that it was time this talk for the soldier should cease. Now we do not crave honors for ourselves, but our comrades saved this government from going into the breakers during the storm, and if the people ever forget them and their welfare, it had been better that the old ship of state had been left to the mercy of the wreckers. To the crew who saved surely belongs the right of salvage. We are glad that our friend, Mr. Limerick, has a record above reproach. Loyalty and good sense has made him a sound upright citizen. He is equal to the occasion and if necessity ever demands it, he would again give his time and shed his blood for the cause of loyalty and justice. Of his social and intellectual qualities we need not speak except to say that they are of the highest orders. This is written without the knowledge or consent of our old comrade, neighbor, and friend; it is only a tribute to his sterling worth.

The following is an outline of his past life.

A. H. Limerick entered the army at the age of 17 in the 93rd Illinois Volunteers. In the bloody engagement of Alatoona Pass, he was wounded and taken prisoner. He was alter- nately confined in the prison pens of Milan, Savannah, Charleston, and Florence, and was subjected to all the indignity and misery that could be offered by a brutal foe, escaping only with his life when released on March 1, 1865. The money earned in the service he used in obtaining an education in an institution of learning in Illinois, after which he taught school the same state from 1867 to 1871. Came to Cowley County and entered a claim in Rock Township, which he still occupies.

He taught the first school and organized the first Sunday school in Rock Township in 1872, then went back to Illinois, his native state, and taught school three years. Came back to Cowley County in 1876 and has been teaching ever since. Mr. Limerick holds an "A" grade certificate.

Please publish this and oblige his many old comrades and Republican friends.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Maple City Gossip.

As our map man has given Otto a send off in your columns, we want to let the people know that Maple City is still alive and thriving. The country and the people surrounding our town and the good business done by our merchants speak very highly for the present prosper- ity of Maple City. M. J. Gilkey and A. Gilkey have large and well assorted stocks of merchandise, better, at present, than ever before put on the market here. We have also made arrangements whereby anyone improving a lot, putting a building thereon, can get a warran- tee deed for the same free of charge.

Mr. C. Wilson, of this place, has procured a house here and is going into the furniture business. Success to him. A great many are making preparations to build as soon as they can make a turn of property.

Mr. W. E. Ketcham expects to teach our school this coming winter. He has a wonderful faculty of teaching, and never fails to get the good will of his pupils.

The farmers have a smile on their manly brows that splits their faces from ear to ear. They have as fine a prospect for good crops as was ever seen in this section.

The storehouse of A. Gilkey, formerly occupied by J. B. Southard, was struck by lightning on the evening of June 1st, tearing down about half of the square front. It also ran down on the inside of the building, sweeping the patent medicines from the shelves. There were eight persons in the store at the time. No one was badly hurt, but some were stunned for an instant.

We think we offer good inducements to any who wish to help build up our town, but we will not be so liberal as to offer a water tank and turn table to a railroad company until we see their road coming. J. BALDHEAD.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Torrance and Vicinity.

EDS. COURIER: After waiting, fretting, and censuring Providence a good deal, we are at last basking in the sunlight of summer weather. Since the recent rains and during the warm weather of the past week all nature seems animated with new life and bounding with new pleasures, especially farmers. Corn from present prospects will produce a greater harvest than for years past. Garden vegetables that were cut down to the ground by the hail storm three weeks ago have again come up and are growing nicely. New potatoes are in the market and just at present are quite a luxury.

The temperance question is being agitated here and we are going to organize a union of some kind and by our united efforts expect to do something to help carry prohibition at the coming election. If there was ever a time when the prohibition law should prevail, we think it is now while our glorious stateKansasis in such a prosperous condition. And her prosperity is greatly owing to the extinction of public rum selling.

Mrs. Storms has returned from her visit to Indiana and reports a pleasant time while gone. Mr. Storms is lying in a very critical condition with asthma. Little hope of his recovery is entertained. Their youngest child is also dangerously ill. It was at first reported to be stricken down with small-pox, and the report was widely circulatedfounded on fancy.

MARRIED. Jim Hull took unto himself a wife yesterday. Miss Bell Pierce will in the future be known as Mrs. Hull. SmithJ. P.was the consolidating party. We wish the young couple a happy and prosperous journey down the tempestuous sea of life, and that their little Hulls will be strong enough to withstand all the storms they may encounter.

The most pleasant affair of the season was the sociable given last Saturday evening at Mrs. Abbot's. From the amount of "taffy" that was given from one to the other during the evening, we would call it a "taffy" sociable. Those present to enjoy the hospitality of Miss Ella and Norris were Misses Mollie and Eva Reynolds, Goe, Morlen, Elliott, Rittenhouse, Hicks, and Mrs. Wells, Mepers, Cliff and Will Rockwell, Morlen, Hicks, and Hotchkiss. The guests dispersed at half past eleven, feeling that it was good to have been there.

Miss Ret Elliott came over from Burden Saturday and graced Torrance society with her presence till today.

Mr. Rittenhouse Jr. has gone to Illinois on a visit. DAMON.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

White clover-strained honey at Wallis & Wallis.

Fresh oranges and lemons at Wallis & Wallis.

Wool twine, wool sacks, and sheep shears at Horning, Robinson & Co.

A large stock of childs shoes and slippers very nice at Smith Bros.

Bargains in ladies' and children's hosiery. M. Hahn & Co., Bee Hive.

New catch of mackerel, salmon, and trout at Wallis & Wallis'.

Twelve yards of good gingham for one dollar at M. Hahn & Co. Bee Hive.

Twenty yards of calico for one dollar, M. Hahn & Co., Bee Hive.

The celebrated Brussell carpet sweeper at Horning, Robinson & Co.'s.

Fresh strawberries and fresh vegetables every day, at Wallis & Wallis'.

Men's fine boots and shoes, full line and so cheap. Call and see them. J. P. Baden.

Bargains in ducking and Denims on our remnant counter. H. Hahn & Co. Bee Hive.

The purest, finest, most palatable is new process Happy Thought Plug Tobacco.

Pots, flower pots, just received, and for sale at bed rock prices, at Wallis & Wallis'.

Straw hats of every description for men, boys, and girls. M. Hahn & Co. Bee Hive.

The season for baths is now at hand; the tubs can be found at Horning, Robinson & Co.

Wallis & Wallis have the finest Japan tea ever opened in Winfield. Ask for "Typhoon," and try it. It can be had only at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

SHEEP FOR SALE. 300 good breeding ewes and 100 wethers, 18 miles northeast of Winfield. OSBORNE & SWAIN.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Our new carpet room fronting on 9th Avenue is filled with rag, hemp, ingrained and Brussels carpets, oil cloth, and window shades. M. Hahn & Co. Bee Hive.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

SHEEP FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell about 100 2 year old wethers. The sheep can be seen on the Osborne place near the Loan Tree schoolhouse, Richland Township, Cowley County, Kansas. S. J. SMOCK.


Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

A squaw can pack more than the average mule. What would rupture the kidneys of a Mill Creek jackass would just about ballast a Piute matron. This morning on the plaza a stout buck was loading up a squaw for a tramp. He piled a lot of blankets and baskets on her back and started her. On one side she towed a clumsy Newfoundland dog that wasn't broke to lead well, and it pulled back. On the other side she had a fat boy five or six years old. The dog wouldn't come along, and the boy wouldn't come without it. The buck solved the problem at once by pitching the dog into one basket and the boy into another to balance things, and the caravan started with the big buck in the rear, sweating under the weight of a linen duster, smoking a cigarette, and not a bit concerned whether his darling wife was staggering under half a ton or 300 pounds. Reno (Nevada) Gazette.

Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

Two white men have visited the mountain of burning coal on the Navajo reservation, Arizona. They are the first white men who have ever seen it. They say it seems to have been burning for several years.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum