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[FROM JULY 5, 1883, THROUGH AUGUST 16, 1883.]

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Will Beard has gone to Cherryvale for a time.

Mr. Tonkinson will thresh some of his wheat in the field.

Some of Fairview's young ladies will attend the Normal this summer.

Farmers of this part are expecting Mr. Oll Pratt to do their threshing this season.

Mr. Joseph Curfman's are being visited by their nephew and niece, Mr. and Miss Taylor of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Bert Limbocker has bought for himself another fine buggy. There must be some money in his business.

Mr. Tonkinson has bought a fine Plano binder to cut his wheat crop. Mr. Tonkinson has eighty acres of fine wheat this year.

Everybody gathered up themselves and went down to the circus, the most of them wishing they had their half dollar back after they had returned home.

Plenty of hot weather and plenty of hard work. Everybody busy harvesting their splendid crop of wheat. Rust has hurt the wheat in some parts very badly, though a fine yield is expected.

"Julia" of the Telegram gave us a racket regarding our statement of the flood, saying "it was false." Now we think Julia was off, and if it is necessary, we can give her a man in every township we mentioned that will back us in our statement. We think, Julia, as busy as times are, you would find something else to do other than write such frivolous stuff for a newspaper. ROB ROY.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

General Crook has been ordered east by the Secretary of War for consultation, as to the final disposition of the captured Apaches. The War Department has received no official information of the arrival of the captives at San Carlos, and no instructions to send them there will be sent to General Crook.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Parsons Purgative Pills make new rich blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take one pill a night from one to twelve weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing is possible. Sold by Quincy A. Glass, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Recap of Notice before S. L. Gilbert, a Notary Public, at Winfield, on July 24, 1883, re Henry Colyer, D. S. No. 24903, for the W half of SW quarter & SW quarter NW quarter of sec 34 & NE quarter SE quarter of sec 33, twp 33 S, R 5 East, naming as witnesses of his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land: Sam'l. Alexander, J. C. Colburn, A. V. Colburn, and R. A. McCamey, all of Winfield. R. L. WALKER, Register.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Recap Assignee's Notice in the matter of the Assignment of Ira L. McCommon, for the benefit of his creditors. Frank W. Finch, Assignee, on September 25, 1883, in the office of District Clerk commenced adjusting and allowing claims against the said Estate of Ira L. McCommon, an insolvent debtor of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Administratrix's Notice. In matter of Estate of James E. Platter, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Nannie J. Platter was on June 10th, 1883, by the Probate Court of Cowley County, State of Kansas, appointed and duly qualified as Adminis- tratrix of James E. Platter, deceased. NANNIE J. PLATTER, Administratrix, J. E. Platter.

Winfield, Kansas, June 21, 1883.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

How Prohibition Kills Winfield.
As an illustration of how prohibition is ruining the business of Winfield, we call attention to the statement of business of the Winfield Bank as compared with the statement a year ago which will be found in the local columns of this issue. We might remark that the excitement produced last winter by the saloon petition and Hackney's reply led to a change of banks by a considerable number of depositors, many prohibitionists going to the Winfield Bank and anties going to Read's Bank. The Winfield Bank increase is:

Cash and exchange on hand: $15,993,92.

Loans and discounts: $10,843.54

Deposits: $79,719.57

Capital and surplus: $10,000.00

The business of the Winfield post office is another illustration of the effects of prohibi- tion. The postal receipts show an increase in the fiscal year just ended over the last before of $1,108.28 and $1,506.21 over two years ago. The following are the yearly receipts for the last six years (the year ending June 30).

1878, $2,783.10; 1879, $4,325.49; 1880, $7,079.36; 1881, $7,071.45; 1882, $7,467.38; 1883, $8,577.98.

The first year and half the second year above were under the Kelly administration.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.


Poor Bill Hackney has gone into the crank business. Wichita Times.

He should have taken warning from the awful fate of T. J. Shelton. But as Hackney does not drink, he may escape Shelton's fate.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.


The reduction of the principal of the public debt during the last fiscal year was $137,225,000. At this rate the United States will be out of debt in thirteen years. But what are the people of the United States going to do with all their surplus money?


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Jno. D. Pryor, buys and sells real estate. Also writes fire, life, tornado, and windstorm insurance. [Had lands listed for sale in ad.] Call on or address, JNO. D. PRYOR, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Hon. R. F. Burden was in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

H. G. Fuller left for a month's visit among relatives in New York, Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Rev. Hickok filled the Baptist pulpit Sunday, during the convalescence of Rev. Cairns.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

S. M. Webber on 9th Avenue in Mr. Legg's house, wants a girl to do general housework in a small family.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mrs. E. M. Reynolds is enjoying a visit from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Workman, of Norra Springs, Iowa.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

J. B. Lynn starts for Colorado with his wife and babies this week. His folks will spend the summer there.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mr. G. S. Manser has the first ripe peaches of the season. He picked several from trees in his garden Sunday.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

$39.00 gets you a round trip ticket to Santa Fe, good until August 31st. Consult with R. R. Agent at Santa Fe.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

There were three funerals last Thursday, all of them being little children. The hot weather is very hard for the little folks.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

W. W. Limbocker brought in samples of his Alfalfa clover which seems to show that Alfalfa is a "big thing" in this county.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Dr. Wilson and wife came in last week. The Doctor will return East soon, leaving Mrs. Wilson here during the summer.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mrs. Eby and daughter are visiting with Mrs. E. C. Seward. Mrs. Eby is a resident of Moulton, Iowa, and a sister of Mrs. Seward.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mrs. W. P. Hackney returned home from Las Vegas, New Mexico, last week, after a stay of four weeks. She is much improved in health.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Rev. Kelly, of Wichita, was in the city Mondaycome down, perhaps, to observe the effects of prohibition on a Wichita man's constitution.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Rev. Fleming filled the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday evening. He is an eloquent, forcible preacher, and his discourses are full of pith and point.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mr. M. Christopher brought us in a lot of magnificent gooseberries, the product of his bushes. They were unquestionably the finest we have ever seen.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The street commissioner is doing some long-needed work on Ninth Avenue, near the Courthouse. The street at that point is being filled up with dirt from the Torrance-Fuller building.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Last week W. A. Lee was offered by an Eastern firm 50 cents royalty on each plow built, for the right to build his attachment to sulky plows, and that they would start by building 1,000 plows. Mr. Lee refused the offer.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mr. Ludolph Holcomb of Pleasant Valley Township brings us a half bushel of the "boss" potatoes of the season, being large, fair, ripe, and mealy. L. H. is one of the farmers of whom the county may well be proud.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The Baptist folks entertained a very large number of citizens at their festival Friday evening. Raspberries and ice cream were served in abundance. The beautiful church was filled until a late hour with the gay and happy crowd.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

H. B. Lacey was present when the Commissioners met to condemn the water privilege last week. He thought they had power to make him move his hogs and was on hand to defend his rights. The hogs will not be moved at present.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Last week Miss Ella Kelly was tendered and has accepted the assistant principalship of our public schools. This is a deserving compliment to the lady's intelligence and many accomplishments. She is a graduate of our public schools.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

L. J. Darnell of Silverdale called on Saturday. His first remark was "I am not a candidate for Register of Deeds." We do not know a better man for that or any other county office. He is a rustler and whatever he attempts to do is always thoroughly well done.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

A cowboy came near being killed at the Bobbitt barn on East Ninth Avenue Saturday. He lassoed a wild pony and while the animal was plunging about, the lasso became entangled about his legs and he was dragged around the lot some time before being released.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

J. W. Pierce brought in last Saturday some corn stalks raised near the Arkansas in this county which are beginning to tassel and are ten feet high to the end of the tassel. He has 65 acres all nearly as good as the samples brought us, and as much more not quite so good.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

R. E. Hicks, late of Cambridge, has started a new paper in Grenola named the Grenola Chief. R. E. is an accomplished newspaper man, and give him a good town where there is plenty of business and he will make a success every time. The first number is before us and comes out in good shape.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

We took a trip Friday to Arkansas Citythe first for a number of months. The improve- ment was striking. Through the courtesy of Major Sleeth, we viewed the city from the top of "Highland Hall," a splendid new opera house in process of erection. The scenery was lovely. Spreading out at our feet was the little city, with its hundreds of pleasant homes embowered in leafy clouds of maple and cottonwood, while away in the distance the courses of the Walnut and Arkansas, marked by a dark green line through which their waters gleamed like sheets of silver, came crawling along down past the town until the two met below. Back of this were the green prairies, dotted now with a darker spot of waving corn, again broken by a stretch of trembling gold, already falling before a busy harvester. It was a scene which only Kansans can enjoy, and a scene at its best only in our favored state. The city is enjoying a "boom" of no small dimensions. Many new residences are going up and new business blocks are being projected. Messrs. Sleeth and Farrar have plans completed for a large and handsome bank. The designs are elaborate and the building will be one of the finest of the kind in the State.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

DIED. Among the sad events of last week, was that of the death of a little child of M. H. Snyder. At the time of its death, Monday, the father was at his ranch in the Territory, and although efforts were made to convey word to him, yet the high water prevented the couriers reaching him. The body was embalmed and held until Thursday morning when it was laid away in our beautiful cemetery. The father returned home the afternoon of Thursday, not knowing of the death and burial until reaching the city. The friends assisted in every expression of kindness in this bereavement.

Three little children of nearly the same age were laid in their graves on the same day.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The Courier Band gave an open air concert Friday evening from the steps of the Winfield Bank building. It was made in accordance with the program published last week. All the pieces were delightfully rendered and the music was highly appreciated by all who heard it. During the concert the street was filled with buggies and carriages whose occupants stopped to take in the treat. Several of the overtures rendered were composed by Mr. Geo. Crippen, their leader, and are very fine. The progress of the Band is a matter of congratulation to every citizen. We understand that the open air concerts will be regularly continued during the summer.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

A bid for the furnishing of hose and hose carts received by the city clerk discloses the fact that it will take about two thousand dollars to furnish the city with hose and carts with which to utilize their water privilege. Fifteen hundred feet is the amount of hose required, and 90 cents per foot in Chicago is the price asked. The hose carts will cost $175 each, and nozzles and fixtures a hundred more. Rather expensive, but they would be excellent things in a Fourth of July parade.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mr. Robt. Allison, of Winfield, spent a day or two in our town, this week, on business. He is a very agreeable gentleman, and we hope he will visit our town often. Mr. Allison has purchased a half interest in Grand Summit and will immediately commence the erection of several dwelling houses, a store building, and a blacksmith shop. M. L. Robinson, cashier of M. L. Read's bank at Winfield, also owns a half interest in the town site. Grenola Chief.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Messrs. Gale, Burden, and Sleeth, the commissioners appointed to condemn the water privilege for the Water Company, met Thursday and made the awards. Bliss & Wood were allowed twenty dollars as their share of the damage, the Tunnel Mill ten dollars. None of the mills were present to put forward their claims and it is understood will contest in the courts the right of the Water Company to take what they have before legally acquired.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

One of the prisoners in the jail made a break for liberty Sunday afternoon. Deputy Taylor was taking him out to the pump for water, and while his attention was called away, the prisoner dropped the bucket and ran. Taylor chased him three blocks, made the best time, and caught his man. During the race several shots were fired from a small pistol. The prisoner's name is Askens and he is in for stealing a watch from about Cambridge.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Frank Jennings introduced to this office last Monday a full company of capitalists, statesmen, and professional men from his old town, Delaware, Ohio. As nearly as we can recollect their names, they were Mr. Glover, Mr. Neff, Dr. Armstrong, Dr. Stevens, and Senator Marriott. Frank says they collectively represent more brains and money than is often found with so small a company.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

We suggest that the street and alley committee of the Council constitute itself a "smelling committee" for a day and take a turn through the streets and alleys of our city. There are about a thousand different smells arising from some quarters that need investigating. Rotten vegetables and decaying dogs are not healthful adjuncts to a growing city.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The parents and teachers of the Sunday school gave the pupils a social at the Courthouse Thursday evening. It was very live and very pleasant and such tearing around and "havin' fun" among the little folks we haven't seen for a long time. The writer dropped in for a minute and found an invoice of ice cream and cake waiting him.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Dr. C. L. Dunn, late from Ohio, has located in Winfield and has his office over Mann's store. He is a pleasant gentleman and will doubtless make a success in battling with the physical ills of life.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

James H. Tallman, of the firm of Geo. W. Moore & Co., of Hartford, Connecticut, for whom a very large amount of money has been loaned in this county, is paying Southern Kansas a business visit. He is highly delighted with the climate.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mrs. Dr. Taylor has arrived from Philadelphia, and now the masculine member of the firm is happy. Mrs. Taylor is a very interesting lady and will be an acquisition to Winfield, both professionally and socially.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band serenaded Miss Nellie Hammer at the residence of M. L. Read, after practice Tuesday evening, and were complimented by the ladies with handsome bouquets.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The Dexter folks came over for one of the cannon Monday and propose to have a rousing time. Judge McDonald will deliver the oration, and of course it will be a fine one.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Justin Porter left Tuesday after a two week's stay in Winfield. How soon he will return no one knoweth, but we will wager a linen duster and a fan that it won't be long.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

P. H. Albright & Co., will pay $1.00 per foot for the tallest stalk of corn brought to their office on or before Sept. 1st. Corn to be grown in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Several horses came over from Burden Tuesday to take part in the races on the Fourth. About ten horses will enter for the different purses.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The trade dollars have been tabooed by the banks in the east, but for the present our banks will take them at eighty-five cents.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

George Walker is back again for a week before returning to Arizona. He will be one of the attractions at the celebration today.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Fresh ground Graham Flour, White Corn Meal, and Feed always on hand at Kirk's mill, West of Lynn's Store.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger spent Sunday in Wichita with friends.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The weekly tournament of the Winfield Gun Club came off Thursday afternoon on the old fair grounds. The shooting was not so good as usual. The following is the score:

Jas. McLain 1-14; W. J. McLain, 1-12; J. N. Harter, 0-14; Frank Manny, 1-10; C. C. Black, 1-13; Ed. P. Greer, 1-10; C. E. Steuven, 1-10; Frank Lockwood, 1-9; T. H. Soward, 1-9.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Statement of the Condition of the Winfield Bank, Winfield, Kansas, at the Close of Business, June 30th, 1883.


Loans and discounts ............................................ $167,904.90

Bank and fixtures ................................................ 10,108.18

Cash ........... $58,695.90

Exchange.... 45,386.01 $104,081.91

TOTAL RESOURCES: $282,094.99


Deposits .......................................................................$220,531.37

Capital stock ............................................................... 50,000.00

Surplus ........................................................................ 10,000.00

Profits ......................................................................... 1,563.62


I, J. C. McMullen, President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. C. McMULLEN, President.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1883.

[SEAL] C. E. FULLER, Notary Public.

For comparison we copy the statement at the close of business, June 30, 1882.


Loans ................................................ $127,061.36

Bank building and fixtures ............... 10,900.68

Cash ................... $28,335.07

Exchange ........... 29,752.92 58,087.99

TOTAL RESOURCES: $197,361.28


Deposits ............................................. $140,811.80

Capital ................................................ 50,000.00

Profit .................................................. 6,549.48



Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The Markets. The markets today (Tuesday) are as follows: Wheat brings 70 cents, with no perceptible difference in price between old and new. Corn brings 26 cents. Hogs have gone down to $4.75. Produce is active at same prices of last week.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

I offer my farm, ten miles north of Winfield, on the Walnut River, for sale. The farm consists of twelve hundred and eighty acres in all; eight hundred acres bottom land, 700 in cultivation, 100 timber, five fenced lots well watered, balance of land is upland prairie, fenced with wire and joins timber land and feed lots. Five dwelling houses, granary with capacity for 10,000 bushels. As a stock farm it is not excelled in the state. The production of this farm during the year 1882 was as follows:

2,000 bushels of wheat: $1,500

10,000 bushels of corn, sold: $4,000

10,000 bushels of corn, fed: $4,000

200 bushels of oats: $70

300 bushels of rye: $170

80 head hogs sold: $1,000

59 head of cattle sold: $2,900

Increased stock on hand: $500

TOTAL: $14,640

10,000 fed: $4,000

Expenses, running farm, hired labor, etc.: $3,000

TOTAL: $7,000.

NET RESULT FOR YEAR 1882: +$7,640

The figures are exact and represent just what my farm has done during last year. Prospects this year as good, if not better, than that. Five hundred acres in growing corn, balance in oats, millet, and other crops. The price is $25 per acre. Call on me at the premises.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

To Wool Growers.

At a meeting of the Wool Growers' Protective Union or association, held at Winfield on June 17th, I was requested, or rather instructed, to call the attention of the wool growers of Cowley County to the importance of united, universal, and prompt action to secure our just and much needed protection at the hands of our representatives in Congress. Horace Greeley remarked (when imprisoned for debt in the city of Paris) that he had always been opposed to imprisonment for debt, but never knew just why until now. Many of us have always been in favor of a tariff for protection against the cheap labor and wool of other nations as well as for revenue, and like Horace Greeley we now know just why. The change in the tariff made last winter, reducing the price of our wool from three to five cents per pound, brings the matter home to us. Selling wool at from 12 to 10 cents per pound is not agreeable, to say the least, and I may add unnecessary. There is no question but the wool growers of the United States have it in their power to secure just and discriminating protection at the hands of the next Congress, and this can only be secured through a united and harmonious organi- zation, having but the one object in view, and I would most respectfully urge upon every wool grower in Cowley County, and all interested in wool growing, to attend the meeting to be held at the Courthouse in Winfield on the 14th day of July, at which time a committee appointed at the meeting held June 17, will present a constitution and by-laws for the consideration of the wool men who may attend, and I trust none will be absent.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The new coroner of Red Dog, Arizona, held the annual inquest the other morning and rendered the following verdict: "We, the jury, dooly swore, find that deceased kem ter his deth by the jujmint off God, fer heven kawled Bill Jaxon a lier."


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Prof. E. N. Plank, of Independence, is in town and will lecture on Botany two or three evenings with proper encouragement. His lectures are pronounced very interesting and valuable.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Will Dever came down Tuesday and will spend a week among his many friends here.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Mr. W. L. Webb returned home from a trip to Mexico and Missouri.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Rooms. Three office front rooms for rent over Wallis' store. Enquire of F. S. Jennings.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.



Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Cedar Vale and Otter News.

Weather hot and dry. Have had no rain for over two weeks.

Attention, threshers! Not a machine in the township to thresh for the people.

C. M. Aley was down from Kansas City last week visiting friends in this vicinity, but has returned.

Hon. E. M. Hewins is buying all the land near town that he can. He has already one of the largest and finest farms in the state.

Cedarvale has a boom. Real estate has advanced 25 percent, in the last three months. Of course, they expect a railroad before a twelve-month.

An agent representing "The Chicago Historical Co." was around some time ago and took a goodly number of orders for their great history of Kansas.

Several candidates for the office of Register of Deeds have been around and most of them think they are the lucky man. Otter is waiting to see which one has the largest "L'rl."

Hon. ____ Perkins, M. C., will orate for the "dear people" of the Vale and vicinity on the 4th, and we will say right here that we expect it to be quite a treat to be one of his listeners.

Corn all "laid by" and tasseling. It bids fair to be the greatest crop ever raised since the settlement of this county. The acreage is 10 percent more than last year. The wheat all in shock and well headed.

The immortal marble man put in his presence last week, all the way up from Indepen- dence, Montgomery County. Says he can sell cheaper than "ever was." Now is the time to place a beautiful monument on the resting places of your departed friends.

Land and home hunters are as thick as flies and about as troublesome, with their thousand and one questions that no one doubts. Such as, "Is there plenty of water all the year round?" and "Is there plenty good grass for stock back on the ridges," etc. OTTERITE.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

AD. BROWN & SON are handling the KING PAINT, ready mixed, the best Paint ever manufactured. It will never wear off and has a much clearer, brighter color than the lead paints commonly used. There has been too much shoddy paint thrown on the market and THE KING is rapidly showing its superiority. When purchasing paints, don't fail to use it. Their stock of WALL PAPER is large and embraces the latest designs. Everything kept in stock pertaining to a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Senator Hackney's letter to the Capital scoring the leading men (?) of Topeka, who organized to prevent the enforcement of law, has caused so much comment that we copy it in this issue. Sol Miller, the veteran editor of the Troy Chief, is the most violent in denouncing that letter. He calls on the fool-killer to come and kill Hackney for a crank. Sol hates temperance men and, more particularly temperance women, temperance lecturers, and those who urge the enforcement of the law, worse than he does the devil; and when one of them appears to him, it has the same effect on him as a red flag has on a mad bull. He snorts and bellows and paws the ground and pitches into the offender. To him, the saloon keeper is the highest type of a free man.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Letter to the Capital.
The late meeting at Topeka, which openly defied the law, was a crime against Kansas, an impudent, brazen, and infamous piece of treason, and everyone of the miserable and disloyal whelps and whipper-snappers engaged in or aiding and abetting the same ought to be sent to the penitentiary, where they would have reason to learn that the only safety for republican institutions is obedience to law and reverence for the constitution of our fathers.

Kansas poured out without stint the blood of her best men in behalf of liberty and law, while these jackals of society, these ghouls of liberty, with the impudence of the harlot and the recklessness as of an abandoned, state their names and the cause for which they fought, and openly denounce in the capital of the state the sacred constitution of the people.

Why? Simply that some may sell liquor while others may escape taxation thereby.

I am not a strict believer in Hell, but if there is none, then the originator of the universe was not fully alive to the needs and requirements of his creation and the age we live in. When we look back over the history of the past, when we examine the conflicts for ages between the votaries of liberty and the practices of those whose acts and lives take fast hold upon hell, when we see how liberty in these conflicts has always been worsted, and when we remember that the downfall in every instance was accelerated by just such defiance as the late hoodlum convention at Topeka, I am amazed that any man who appreciates the full measure of the grand blessings we now enjoy can keep quiet under the gratuitous and criminal insult offered by that miserable and characterless rabble to the constitution and laws of the state made famous by the life and death of John Brown and the heroism of James H. Lane.

For my part I think everyone of them should be tried for treason.

There is no use in being mealy-mouthed about this matter. That meeting was a crime against the laws of the state. It was a stab at the liberty we enjoy, and the child is now born who will see this nation rocked from the center to the circumference over the question here involved. It is not temperance. It is not prohibition now. But it is the great question of preservation.

The question is, can this governmentcan the liberty we enjoysurvive such assaults, and if so, how long? Is the will of the majority to be ruthlessly trampled down to propitiate a red nosed rabble charlatan sympathizer? Are the lovers of law and liberty to be trampled under foot, that a characterless villain may be permitted to sell rum? Is the constitution to be sneered at, and the laws made to enforce it to be trampled under foot, that the miserable money changers of Topeka may escape the payment of taxes to defray the expenses of the law in protecting their miserable carcasses from the knife of the assassin, and their property from the unlawful touch of the robber? W. P. HACKNEY.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The New York Tribune, commenting upon the hypocritical Democratic denunciation of Republicans for the reduction of the tariff on wool, says:

"The reduction of the duty on wool was finally made by Democratic votes. In the senate when Mr. Sherman made his last most earnest effort to have the duty on wool raised more nearly to the present rate, sixteen Republicans and Mr. Davis, of Illinois, voted against it, while of the Democratic senators only three voted for the motion and twenty-six against it. This was the last and decisive vote on that question, and it is unspeakable impudence for Democrats to denounce the reduction of the duty on wool as the act of a Republican con- gress. In that case, as in some others, the Republicans were divided, though the majority favored the higher duty, and the result was determined by the almost solid vote of the Democratstwenty-six for and only three against reduction."


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.


J. W. Hall has handed us the letter copied below. The samples of writing referred to would do credit to white boys of the same age.

PONCA AGENCY, Indian Territory, June 30, 1883.
MISS WHITMAN: I enclose herewith some samples of writing, that general information of the school you can gain. The important part is the attitude of the tribe towards education and its full support of this school, as an evidence of progress in civilization; also their sup- port and interest in Sabbath services and general good conduct, farming, stock raising, etc.

The school building, 80 x 40 feet, with two wings, gives good accommodation for 75 pupils. The past year's attendance was 6638 boys and 28 girlsout of a total population of 535 persons in the tribe, and attendance has been regular. The progress in studies has been excellent, and discipline fully as good or better than in a white school of the same size and class. The boys have cultivated 20 acres of land in corn and garden, and have made a little money by the sale of surplus vegetables; they also have been used in all work of school which they could docaring for their own rooms, wood-chopping, etc. The girls assisted in all kinds of housework and cooking.

The progress and condition of this school well illustrates the great change that has taken place within the past ten years in the attitude of the tribe towards education. In almost every way they are tending towards the status and civilized methods of the whites. The greatest obstacle, perhaps, is the low plane assigned to women, and which can only be changed by continual efforts of the character now being used.

If your friend should think it practicable from information obtained to get up an item, I ask that it be a calm statement of facts, and not too much theory, as frequently indulged by parties who write on Indian affairs. H. J. STANDING, Superintendent.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

General Pleasanton says the only mistake General Crook made during his late campaign against the Indians was in not leaving the captured hostiles in the care of the Mexicans, who would have given them a pleasant passage to the happy hunting grounds.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The largest cattle ranch in the world is said to be that of Charles Goodnight, at the head of Red River, in Texas. He began buying land four years ago, securing 270,000 acres at 35 cents per acre. In the meantime, the price has advanced from $1 to $2 per acre, but he is still buying, and controls 700,000 acres. To enclose his landed possessions 250 miles of fencing is required. Mr. Goodnight has a herd of 40,000 cattle.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The measure of Topeka's shame was not full until last week when two of the county commissioners of that county unanimously voted a resolution requesting the county attorney to bring no more suits against persons for violating the liquor laws unless the complaining witnesses first give ample security for the costs.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Some Figures.
Some of our anti-prohibition friends have taken the trouble to make an estimate of the amount of beer that is brought into this city, with the view of showing that prohibition does not prohibit, and that we are no better off without saloons than we should be with. They state that 40 cases of beer were landed in Winfield July 3rd, and estimate that 180 cases were brought in during the last week before the 4th, and 1300 cases in all during the last year. Of course, the estimates are stretched up as high as possible, but for the sake of the argument let us assume that they are correct. This beer, they admit, is mainly ordered by men for their own consumption and is delivered around to private houses, yet some of it is sold in violation of law. They tell us that this beer costs laid down here three and a third dollars a case. This would amount to $4,000 a year for the 1300 cases. The amount of whiskey brought here is admitted to be very light in proportion to the beer, and as it is probable that most of these men who procure beer in this way would still do so if we had open saloons, it is a very liberal estimate that $4,000 a year will cover all the expense for all kinds of liquors brought to this city for others than saloon keepers, in excess of what would be brought directly to them if we had saloon keepers.

Now, before the law went into effect we had five saloons which paid a license of $500 dollars each, and made money. These saloons took in for drinks at least an average of $4,000 each per year, estimated as follows:

Paid license, $500; Rents, $600; Wood and light, $200; Repairs and fixtures, $200; Assistant's wages, $800; Living of principal, $1,000.


Five saloons at $4,000 each make $20,000 per annum paid to the saloons for drinks before prohibition, against the possible excess of $4,000 paid more than formerly to other than saloons for liquor since prohibition took effect, and you show that prohibition has reduced the consumption of intoxicating drinks here at least $16,000 per annum, or 80 percent. Is there any reason to believe we would be any better off in a business point of view if that $16,000 per annum were still expended for liquor? It is not now paid out for groceries, dry goods, furnishing goods, and in all the various other trades, furnishing business for tradesmen and the necessaries, comforts, and even luxuries of life to the families of the earners of this money? Then, our merchants used to lose more bills because of selling on credit, and their debtors spending their money for liquor, where unable to pay.

Again, these men who save the $16,000 of their earnings by not spending it for liquor do not spend their time at the saloons as much as formerly and have more time to work. They are also in a better condition to work, and earn a great deal more money than formerly. The $10,000 saved does not begin to tell all of their savings, one way and another, because of the enforcement of the law. They save the expenses of lawsuits, prosecutions for assault, drunkenness, etc. They save black eyes and bloody noses. They wave health and character, and probably the most of them can command much higher wages than they could before.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. Lucas is attending the Normal.

As busy as a bee is every thrifty farmer.

Mrs. Samuel Marling has treated herself to a new sewing machine.

Mr. and Mrs. Morse of Winfield visited Mr. and Mrs. Wolf recently.

There was quite a display of fireworks in Salem the evening of the 4th.

Miss Etta Dalgarn is spending a week with her brother and wife in Winfield.

Mr. Pixley says he has the finest oats in the county. Guess he has not been all around.

A good part of the time Mr. Vance has been running his self binder both at day and part of the night.

I am glad to see the spicy news from Prairie Home. May he and his "wife" find lots of newsbut they must not neglect the babies.

Rev. Graham had the pleasure of uniting another happy couple at Walnut Valley July 2nd; reports a good time, plenty of goodies and fun.

Miss Hartley talks of soon leaving Salem for her home in Sedgwick. We know her sister, Mrs. Kelly, will miss her sadly, and others will also.

School is out, and though the pupils bade Miss Randall good-bye with reluctance, yet they seem glad to be free from the arduous duties of school life.

Messrs. McMillen, W. B. Hoyland, and Louis Rising have indulged in a new wagon apiece, and the two latter ones are ready to take their girls riding if they can be found.

Olivia has received some very beautiful bouquets and other tokens of good will from young girl friends lately. They are thankfully received and fully appreciated, dear girls. May you always find flowery paths in life's journey.

At present most of the cutting and binding is done, and a very few have stacked their wheat. The fair partners of the farmers' joys and sorrows are not idle by any means, but dish up the steaming vegetables and other goodies to the tired husbandmen, and work diligently to find time for reading, writing, and chatting.

I was requested to make corrections in regard to the wedding presents of Mrs. McClelland as given by "Susie" in the Telegram. Although considerable time has elapsed since then, I have not written since the request was made, so with your permission, Mr. Editor, I will comply.

From Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lacey, of Indianapolis, Indiana, a pair of Damask tablecloths, one dozen napkins, and half a dozen towels.

Miss Allie Johnson, crystal fruit dish.

Miss Etta Johnson, crystal water pitcher.

Arthur Palmer of El Dorado, silver cake basket.

Dinner castor, T. S. Pixley.

Pickle castor and sugar spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McEwen.

Pair of silver fruit stands, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson.

Silver butter dish, Miss Donna Edwards of Greenville, Michigan.

Silver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bovee.

Butter knife, Miss Jennie Van Vorst of Schenectady, New York.

Basket with flowers, Frank Pixley.

Independence day was duly observed in Salem. Some of the youngsters took the train for Winfield on the evening of the 3rd, and anticipating a fine time, all went off in excellent spirits.

On the morning of the Fourth the stars and stripes were seen floating to the Kansas breeze in the door yard of Mr. McMillen, and the young men striking out to find their "Biddies" with baskets filled to overflowing with all sorts of delicacies, and the good mothers, wives, daughters, husbands, children, and all soon assembled at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. McMillen, and croquet and swinging were indulged in until the time to dine, when all repaired to the table bountifully filled, and partook of the viands that were delicious; lemonade and coffee were served, and candy of the best quality, and plenty in quantity was fully disposed of. Singing and music were also on the program, and late in the afternoon all dispersed and sought their homes, declaring they had enjoyed themselves splendidly.

On the evening of the 4th a merry party assembled in the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Johnson, to dedicate it, we presume. All were invited guests, and Olivia was among the number. Although she never dances, she could take notes, help dispose of the delicious cake and excellent ice cream, and then serve awhile as a "poor faded wall flower." Only thirty were invited, and as quite a number did not put in an appearance, there was plenty of room in their nice new home for those that were there to spread themselves, and I think I can say truly that I never saw a more orderly company and yet all seemingly as happy as larks. The mother, sisters, and wife of Mr. Johnson are royal entertainers, and if all did not enjoy the generous hospitality of the amiable ladies, it must have been their own fault. "Alegro" danced beautifully, notwithstanding those new shoes. Our worthy representative stayed at home and kept baby. Miss Johnson came off lucky, as she lost a ring but was fortunate in finding it. OLIVIA.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

[Skipped Road Notices and most of the Legal Notices given. Listing a few.]

State Vs. Hamlin Barlow. Long Jury List was given.

State Vs. Charges G. Holland.

State Vs. Wm. H. Colgate. [Amount Paid...Skipping Amount Asked.]

E. S. Bedilion, clerk's costs: $30.25.

S. G. Gary, sheriff's costs: $12.70.

F. P. Pruitt, sheriff's costs: $2.50.


W. G. Fuller: $24.00.

W. M. Mundy: $21.00.

E. P. Greer: $1.50.

J. J. Merrick: $17.50.

E. S. Bliss, $36.00.

B. F. Wood, $21.00.

J. C. Curry: $21.00.

J. S. Mann: $21.00.

A. Bosley: $21.00.

C. Bosley: $21.00.

J. W. Sickles: $21.00.

F. M. Webber: $21.00.

Daniel Kantz: $3.00.

C. W. Roseberry: $3.90.

Z. W. Hogue: $5.10.

Isaac Darnall: $6.00.

David Tonkinson: $2.50.

John Bobbitt: $1.50.

C. A. Bliss: $.50.

B. F. Wood: $.50.

E. P. Greer: $.50.

Geo. Rembaugh: $.50.

Chas. Bosley: $.50.

Fred Webber: $.50.

Jas. Mann: $.50.

Algie Bosley: $.50.

W. G. Fuller: $.50.

J. W. Sickles: $.50.

W. M. Mundy: $1.00.

J. C. Curry: $.50.

Other costs.

G. H. Buckman, J. P. costs: $19.95.

S. G. Gary, sheriff's costs: $51.15.

State Vs. M. Felton.

State Vs. H. L. Wells.

State Vs. D. V. Cole.

State Vs. Dennis T. Smith.

State Vs. Chas. G. Thompson.

State Vs. John Headrick.

The following claims were laid over:

C. C. Green, pauper claim: $20.00.

I. H. Bonsall, Justice and witness fees, state Vs. Milford Carson: $447.50.

I. H. Bonsall, Justice and witness fees, state Vs. Chas. Painter: $77.40.

Thomas Westfall, arresting Wm. Colgate: $15.00.

TOTAL: $159.90.

The following claims were rejected:

J. B. Harden, pauper claim: $12.55.

Witness fees in case of State Vs. Josiah Whiteman: $31.50.

J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Normal is progressing finely and doing good work.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Squire Harvey Smith of Burden was in the city Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The first brick building is just being erected in Belle Plaine.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Allen lost their little boy Sunday, and it was buried Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Will Grow, of Rock, has eleven hundred young chickens hatched by his patent incubator.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

J. B. Lynn has purchased the Wells property, just north of his residence, for nine hundred dollars.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mr. W. O. Johnson came over from Humboldt on the Fourth to celebrate with his many friends here.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mr. John Devore was kicked by a mule Monday evening and had his skull mashed. He can hardly recover.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Courier Band accepted the invitation of Miss Nellie Hammer and partook of ice cream and refreshments at Impson's, Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Miss Julia and W. A. Smith are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Cook and son, of Chicago. They will remain during the week, and are very much pleased with Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

BIRTH. And now comes Bob Vermilye with the announcement that he is the proud parent of a handsome daughter. Numerous and many are the congratulations extended by his friends here.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

DIED. Jennie Pearl, the bright year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Sitton, died last Friday. It is very sad to lose these bright little gems from life's coronet, but such sadness comes often.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mr. N. C. Myers' cow camp dinner on the Fourth was a towering success. N. C. displayed his skill as a cook by furnishing delicious coffee and biscuits. It was as fine a dinner as we have ever eaten.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mr. A. G. Goodrich, formerly of this city, has just returned from Grand Island, Nebraska, and will remain in Winfield a few weeks visiting his mother and family. His health is greatly improved.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The bridge across the Ninnescah River near Belle Plaine was broken down Saturday by a herd of ponies. A hundred were driven on at once and two spans of the bridge went down, killing seventeen.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

We saw a gentleman on the train Saturday carrying a sixteen foot stalk of corn back to Indiana. He said he guessed he would settle some of his hoosier friend's skepticism regarding Kansas by "odious comparison."

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Udall has been having a regular matrimonial picnic, so to speak. Three weddings during the past week. Considering the Fourth, the abnormally hot weather and other distracting features; this is a remarkably good record.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The body of Howard Finley was recovered last Saturday. It was found floating in the Arkansas River, ten miles below the Kaw Agency, and was identified by a stencil plate on a key ring in the pocket, bearing his name. The remains were badly decomposed, and were interred on the spot.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

A brother of Commissioner Johnson came in from Indiana Thursday and will spend the summer in Cowley. He is heartily pleased with the appearance of the county so far, and examined the eight foot corn and five foot oats on exhibition in this office with a good deal of interest.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

A party of gentlemen from the K. C. L. & S. K. railroad went down Saturday and brought up the remains of engineer Howard Finley, and they were taken east Monday morning. The body was found partly uncovered and the bones stripped of flesh by buzzards. He was identi- fied by his boots and a bit of paper in his pocket-book bearing his name.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The committee on Fourth of July met at the COURIER office Tuesday afternoon and "settled up." After all the bills were paid, there was $31.20 left in the treasury. A meeting of the subscribers will be held at this office soon to decide what shall be done with the balance. This was the most successful Fourth ever held here, and it was carried on and wound up without friction or unpaid balances.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mr. S. D. Groom paid a visit to Stafford County this spring and spent a few days pleasantly as the guest of Frank Cox, for years one of Cowley's leading citizens and early day commissioners. He gives us a very animated account of his visit, and how our old friend has improved, both in person and in purse, since leaving Cowley. Frank's many friends here will be overjoyed to learn of his prosperity.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band has written to Lacomte, the famous French instrument manu- facturer, of Paris, in reference to their new set of instruments. It is the intention of the band company to import the instruments direct, and buy the best there is made. They have three hundred dollars in the treasury and prominent citizens have volunteered to assist in raising the amount to five hundred.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Telegram man is fast winning the title of the "Great Only and Original Beer Bottle Discoverer." He has haunted the express offices and followed the wagons around through the dead hours of night until he has discovered that Winfield uses forty cases of beer a day, or nine hundred and forty bottles. He therefore urges that the "infamous fraud and monstros- ity," the prohibition law, should be repealed. He says his object in thus hurling columns of caustic wit and burning shafts of sarcasm against this outrage, as he is pleased to term the law, is to have saloons opened in Winfield and license collected therefrom. In his beer bottle record this astute editor seems to feel that he has an indisputable argument in favor of free whiskey. He says he has discovered beer and therefore the law prohibiting it is no good and it should be licensed. But in doing this he fails to say that he has also discovered horse thieves, murderers, and other criminals, and that therefore the law prohibiting them is no good and they should be licensed. Were his masterly intellect capable of evolving more than one idea at a time, he would cease such senseless drivel; and instead of encouraging lawless- ness and lawbreakers, would come out like a fair and honest citizen and support the laws under which he presumes to live.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

We are informed by the Telegram that Mr. Gary has not charged the county up with the $12.50 expense bill contracted in his remarkable raid on the highwaymen, reported in these columns a few weeks ago. This is all wrong. When a bold and fearless officer goes out in the discharge of his duty, he should be afforded every facility that will secure success. In this case the Sheriff's plans were carefully laid, and none but experienced men were selected. Of course, in such a large company, it was necessary to enlist some few persons who had never been under fire; but they were brave men, and with veterans to the right and left of them would have fought like tigers. The only reason that the robbers were not captured was because there had been no robbery. It was not the sheriff's place to see that the robbery came off all right. This part of the program belonged to the robbers, and because they failed to carry it out, our sheriff should not be compelled to pay the $12.50, and we do not think our citizens will permit it. They will pay it by private subscription first.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Courier Band publishes a card in this issue which they desire every citizen to read and remember. They propose during pleasant summer evenings to serenade certain of our citizens. They do this as a personal compliment to such citizens, and not as a bid for ice cream, cake, cigars, or such annoying recognition as is generally supposed to be the correct thing to tender them. Under this feeling they will positively decline any such invitations and only desire to know that you are at home. Therefore, if your front yard is invaded, don't rush out en dishabille with a bucket of soap suds, nor in a white vest with a dish of ice cream and teaspoons, but just listen, and if you think the boys are doing well, encourage them on the street next day.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

We would call the attention of the "Champion Beer Bottle Discoverer" of the Telegram to the fact that in spite of his statistics, out of the ten thousand people here on the Fourth, we did not see a single drunken man, or hear of a disturbance of any kind, nor was there an arrest made on that day. This is a record that we are proud of, and one that could never have been made with open saloons on the street. As long as his beer bottle statistics produce no bad effect, we are willing he should figure. It will do no harm and his brain needs rest.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

At a meeting of the Courier Cornet Band held July 6th, 1883, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, It is the intention of the Courier Cornet Band to serenade sundry of the citizens of Winfield at different times during the summer, Therefore be it

Resolved, That it will be impossible for the organization to be entertained by any of the citizens on the nights of serenade. A word from the door or a light at the window is all the recognition they desire.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

DIED. Died July 6th at 6 p.m., of cholera infantum, Freddie, infant son of N. G. and Lou Davis, aged sixteen months.

Beautiful, darling little Freddie has "Gone to God!

Be still, sad heart! What could a mother's prayer

In all the wildest ecstasy of hope,

Ask for its darling like the bliss of heaven?

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mr. B. F. Randolph, of the firm of O'Meara & Randolph, arrived in the city from McComb, Illinois, Friday. He is accompanied by his wife and daughter, and will remain during the week. They are captivated with Cowley.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Riverside Park looked like it had been struck by a cyclone the day after the Fourth. The beautiful blue-grass was tramped into the ground, and the debris of picnics and lemonade stands were scattered thick around.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Agent Branham has a large family at present. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, parents of Mrs. Branham, are visiting with them and also a brother and sister of Mr. Branham. They are well pleased with our city.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

From the Emporia Republican we learn of the marriage of W. F. Edwards and Miss Willa L. Miller. Miss Miller was engaged on the Courant at this place during its short and eventful career.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

MARRIED. Married July 2nd, near Rock, and at the residence of Mr. Joe Craft, by Rev. C. P. Graham, Mr. Joel Bever and Mrs. Matilda Walck, both of Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the Baptist parsonage, July 3rd, 1883, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Charles A. Keir and Miss Mary Hartsel, both of Wellington, Sumner County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Col. J. C. McMullen left Saturday morning for a summer vacation among the islands in the St. Lawrence River. The Colonel's health has not been good of late and he needs a rest.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

J. C. Fuller and family returned from the East Thursday. Mr. Fuller's health is much improved and he begins to show signs of returning strength and vigor.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Joe Mack lost a fine set of harness and saddle last Sunday night. The thieves were very bold and did their stealing about nine o'clock in the evening.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Many of the fine overtures rendered by the Courier Band at the celebration last Wednesday are the compositions of Mr. Geo. Crippen, the leader.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the Baptist parsonage June 20, 1883, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Samuel H. Houk and Mrs. Clara Sarson, both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

DIED. Everett W., son of W. and R. Snyder, June 27, 1883, aged 22 months.

Another bud lost to earth

A flower to bloom in heaven.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

W. C. Robinson was elected a director in the Building & Loan Association in Mr. Platter's place. J. P. Short was elected treasurer.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

BIRTH. Jas. McRorey is the proud possessor of a bran new girl. The competition between the Adams and Wells Fargo is very brisk.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

E. M. Osborne left for his home in New York Friday morning and will not probably return until next summer.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The wheat on Frank Lacey's place was threshed Monday and the yield was thirty-five bushels per acre.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mrs. De Falk and her sister, Miss Lawrence, left for the East on a summer's tour Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

DIED. Annie Dell, only child of Robt. and Lina Crow, June 28, 1883, aged 10 months.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Sid Majors has purchased an interest in the W. A. Freeman livery business.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.


The Fourth.

The one hundred and seventh anniversary of the Nation's independence was celebrated in grand style last Wednesday. The people commenced gathering before sunrise, and from that time on until eleven o'clock every road leading into Winfield was crowded with teams, pedestrians, and horsemen.

At ten o'clock the procession was formed on Main Street by W. J. Hodges, Chief Marshal, and marched to Riverside Park, headed by the Courier Band.

Arriving at the Park the band discoursed several patriotic tunes, after which the address was delivered by Dr. T. B. Taylor. After the speech came dinner and after dinner the various games, races, etc.

The sack race was won by J. W. Bradley and the tub race by D. Quier. A twelve-year-old boy succeeded, after several attempts, in getting the five dollar gold piece on the top of a greased pole. In the glass ball shoot the high honors were divided between Jas. McLain and Charlie Black.

The races were the most interesting feature. In the mixed trotting and pacing race, there were six entries. The race was won by Ed. Reed's "Blanche Belle," in 3:09 and 3:05; P. T. Walton's "Mollie," second; S. W. Phenix' "Lilac," third; Sol. Burkhalter's "Jumbo," fourth; Dorley's "Dan," fifth; Rez Stephens' "Tinker," sixth.

In the running race one of the riders was thrown, but the race was repeated in the evening. A sham battle took place after the races, and in the evening a flambeaux procession with Roman candles wound up the festivities in a brilliant manner.

It is estimated that ten thousand people were in attendance, which estimation is placed below rather than above. In fact, the "woods were full of 'em."

The sickness of Col. Whiting interfered somewhat with the regular course he had mapped out, but everything went off smoothly. Capt. S. C. Smith, R. E. Wallis, Geo. H. Buckman, Chas. C. Black, and J. P. Baden did faithful work in the formation and carrying out of the program. Especially was this the case with Charlie Black, in whose hands the amusement business was placed.

Perhaps the highest praise is due to the Courier Cornet Band. They were out by seven o'clock and until ten o'clock at night were continually in the harness, adding pleasure and entertainment to the vast crowd. The music was splendid and was highly appreciated by citizens from all parts of the county. We heard dozens of persons express surprise at the fact that Winfield could support such a band. The boys covered themselves all over with glory, and the doubters who howl that Winfield can't support a good band are heard no more.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Creamery.

J. P. Baden has obtained a majority of the stock in the Creamery, and with C. C. Black and a few others, will pay off the debt and put the institution in the best condition for business at once. Baden will run the machine and his well known energy and business ability will insure its future success without any further trouble. He will pay for cream the price that farmers would get for their butter even if first rate and in good condition, and thus farmers can save the churning and the trouble and expense of working ice, etc. The Creamery will have facilities for always making the best butter and keeping it in the best condition in any weather. Baden has made arrangements by which he will send it to New York by the car load packed in ice at a cost of a cent and a half per pound, instead of four and five cents as formerly, and he will be able to pay much higher prices than in former years and yet make fair profits on the business. We do not doubt that the farmers will avail themselves generally of these superior facilities and furnish Baden with cream until he "can't rest." J. P. is one of the best men for this county that any county ever had. The tremendous amount of butter, eggs, chickens, turkeys, fruits, and vegetables of all kinds which he makes a market for is of unestimated value to this community.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Markets. New wheat brings on the street today (Wednesday) from 73 to 75 cents. Old wheat 80 cents. Corn brings 26 cents. New oats will be in the market tomorrow at about 20 cents. Hogs bring from $4.00 to $4.25. The prices went off from 60 to 70 cents on Monday and Tuesday in Kansas City and Chicago. Eggs bring 12-1/2 and butter 12-1/2.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The time of the Santa Fe trains have been changed. The morning freight now leaves at 4:08 and connects at Newton with the cannon ball train, reaching Kansas City the same evening. The passenger train arrives at 10:52 a.m., an hour earlier than formerly, It leaves, going north, at 3:17 p.m. The freight now goes south at 6:55 p.m.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Messrs. Jennings and Crippen are having their ten thousand bushels of wheat ground up into flour, which they are shipping. One car-load goes to Texas today. The Tunnel Mill is doing the grinding.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Mr. S. H. Jennings picked a blackberry from his patch Tuesday that measured three and one-half inches around. It was mammoth.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

A gentleman from Illinois has come in with a number of fine horses and says Burden can't take off any more purses on 3:05.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Resolutions of Respect.

At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Winfield Building and Loan Association held this 6th day of July, A. D. 1883, being the first session of the Board since the decease of Rev. James E. Platter, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, Rev. James E. Platter, a member of this Board, and Treasurer of this Association, has, in the inscrutable dispensations of an All-wise Providence, been removed from us by death, Therefore be it

Resolved, That while we deeply mourn the loss of our esteemed co-laborer in this Association, James E. Platter, we will ever cherish his memory as a man faithful to God and obedient to His commandments, honest and helpful to his neighbors, and charitable to all mankind; that we will ever recall with pleasure his generous and kindly works while he dwelt among us on earth; and that we feelingly extend our heartfelt sympathy to his noble wife and mother, and to his fatherless children who now so deeply deplore the loss of their earthly protector, one who was ever an affectionate husband, a loving son, and a kind father.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be spread upon the records of this Association, and also printed in the city papers, and a copy be furnished the bereaved family.

A true copy. J. F. McMULLEN, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.


DIED. Died at her home near Udall, Kansas, June 22nd, 1883, of typhoid malaria, Mrs. A. C. Walker, aged 71 years, 5 months, and 22 days.

She died as one falling asleep. The record of her life God is keeping, and we will hear it read when the books are opened. Not as those without hope do we weep, for in Christ's "little while" we will open our eyes upon the same eternal delights that have greeted hers. Many sorrowing friends followed her to her last resting place, where she was laid by the side of her companion in the Vernon Cemetery, five miles west of Winfield. Mrs. H. H. Martin.



Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Sunday School Report.

The Secretary of the Baptist Sunday School furnishes us with the following report.

No. of teachers and officers: 23.

Average attendance: 19.

Total attendance of the school: 187.

The following named teachers have been present every Sunday this year: B. F. Wood, J. S. Mann, and Miss Mary E. Miller.

Roll of Honor.

The following named scholars have been present every Sunday this year.

Adult Department: J. M. Fahnestock, Mrs. Deacon Sherrard, Mrs. Dora Coe, Deacon Miller, and A. B. Arment.

Intermediate Department: Charlie Plank, Harry Hunt, Abbie Rowland, Ella Gentry, Laura Herpich, and Johnny Trezise. The last named scholar has been present every Sunday for more than three years.

Primary Department: Otis Wood.

The financial account for six months shows a total received of $115.91, with $89.77 paid out, leaving a balance of $26.14.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Wanted. To contract with some party for filling a barn with hay. Apply at once to G. H. Allen, Agent Wells Fargo and Co.'s Express.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Udall Items.

MARRIED. Mr. A. S. Lightwalter of Udall to Miss Maggie Myers.

MARRIED. Mr. Joel Bever to Mrs. Mattie Walck, both of Maple Township.

MARRIED. Mr. Harold Miller, of Udall, to Miss Martha Anderson of Marion Centre.

A. S. Lightwalter escaped the tin pan tornado by "setting them up" liberally to the boys.

Capt. Nipp visited Udall recently in his own interest as candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and left many friends who would like to see him get there.

Mr. Charles Clark, who has been buying grain here for Messrs. Horning & Co., has been called to take charge of the Company's elevator in Winfield. Charley made many friends while here who part with him with regret. N.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

To the Voters of Ninnescah Township.

You will please take notice that the petition presented to the Board of Commissioners of Cowley County at their July meeting, to establish a voting precinct at Udall in said township, was laid over until the 3rd day of October, 1883, at which time the matter will be taken up for final action. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Cyclopedia of Live Stock.
Mr. Arthur Pomeroy has shown us a volume entitled the American Cyclopedia of Live Stock, which he will offer for sale to the farmers and stock growers of this county. It is a large volume of 1156 pages and illustrated by about 600 engravings, showing all the varieties of the best blooded and graded stock and all the varieties of care, attention, and management useful to the stock raiser. It gives a description of the diseases and their cures and a vast amount of information valuable to those raising any kind of stock. It is edited by men celebrated for their success as veterinarians and stock raisers, and it seems to us that it fills a long felt want in this county.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

To Wheat Raisers of Cowley County and Farmers Generally.
The undersigned is agent for "Roller Attachment for Grain Drill," also for "Hay Rake" and "Hay and Straw Stacker," all made by the Topeka Manufacturing Co. These several machines are offered to you, farmers of Cowley County, upon their merits only. We believe that they are all and each one valuable additions to the already numerous machinery to aid farmers in their work. We think the Roller Attachment for Drills is just what we farmers want to enable us to make Cowley the banner corn county of the State. I hope to have the honor of putting this Roller into the hands of every large wheat raiser in the county. You will all agree that the principle upon which it is constructed is correct. It is just what we need. Please give me your orders early as there is a heavy demand for the Roller. Each Roller has to be fitted to the Drill it is to follow. These machines are all on exhibition south of Mater's Blacksmith shop. Come and see them and satisfy yourselves as to their merits. Yours, etc.

S. S. HOLLOWAY, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Rooms. Three office front rooms for rent over Wallis' store. Enquire of

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Public Sale of Short Horns. The famous Spring Creek herd of Short Horns, consisting of three yearling heifers, one two year old bull, two grown bulls, and six cows with calves, will be sold at Public Auction on the Public Square in Winfield on Saturday, July 21st, at 1 o'clock p.m. This is the premium herd of Short Horns in the county. A. HURST.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

I will put out one of Blunt's Press Drills on condition that user sow 40 acres with Hoe Drill and 40 acres with Press Drill. I am to take for payment of drill difference in seed wheat saved and difference in yield. W. A. LEE.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

For Sale. 200 good wethers; also 2 good Merino bucks. Miller & Hopping, Cambridge, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Recap Marie F. Pierson, Plaintiff, against D. W. C. Bellville, Martha S. Bellville, and Winfield Bank, Defendants. On Real Estate. Henry E. Asp, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice given on June 25, 1883.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Recap. Lorinda Daniels, Administratrix of the Estate of John B. Daniels, Deceased. Notice of Hearing of Petition to sell Real Estate. To Lorinda S. Daniels, widow of said deceased John S. Daniels; Nellie Evinger, and Sarah S. Wilson, children and heirs at law of said deceased, etc. Henry E. Asp, Attorney for Administratrix.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

JOHN EASTON, THE OLD RELIABLE GUNSMITH, is now ready to do all kinds of work. Bring your Breech-loaders and get them choked bored. Call and see the new

Guns, Pistols, Shells, and Ammunition constantly on hand.

Corner Ninth Avenue and Millington Street, South Side.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

[Skipped by me...Premium List of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association...Took up almost all of the Front Page.

Also skipped on Front Page The Delinquent Tax List.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

H. H. Siverd is announced as a candidate for sheriff of this county, subject to the action of the Republican convention.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Skipped Monthly Meeting of Horticultural Society, July 7. Names Mentioned: Mr. Gillett, Mr. W. A. Ela, Mr. Jennings and Robertson, Mr. N. G. Davis. President J. F. Martin. Mr. W. C. Hayden. Mr. F. A. Williams, Mr. J. P. Short, Mr. Henry Hawkins, Mr. Jacob Nixon, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

"Roll on, silver moon, guide the traveler on his way."

But kindly permit him to stop at the residence of Mr. Robt. Beeny, on Loomis St., south, sometime between the hour of 8 and 11, on Thursday evening, 19th inst., where will be found the ladies of Grace Church Guild, who assisted by their friends, will most graciously minister to his comfort and happiness. Berries, cakes, ice cream, water-ices, etc., at nominal prices. Music, pleasant company, small talk, and all that "sort of thing, you know," free. A general invitation.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Recap: Receiver's Sale. William L. Hands, Plaintiff, against Calvin Ferguson, Defendant, James B. Scofield, Receiver. Selling at Public Auction August 4, 1883, at the hour of 1 o'clock P.M., at the crossing of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, One Merts & Riddle Hearse, Nearly New.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.


Make wells in city or country. Satisfaction guaranteed. Residence on 8th Avenue, eight blocks east of Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

OPEN YOUR EYES! wide and look and see that 50 CASES OF RHEUMATISM have been cured in Cowley and Chautauqua counties in nine months by


Sold by McGuire Bros., Winfield, Kansas, Cox & Read, New Salem, Kansas, and Kellogg & Mowry, Arkansas City, Kansas.

For particulars crop a card to W. H. H. McKINNON, Agent, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Henry Goldsmith left Tuesday for a trip to Missouri.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Girl Wanted. Inquire at store or residence of Quincy A. Glass.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mr. N. J. Larkin was in the city Friday and made us a pleasant call.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

BIRTH. Judge Torrance has a new girl at his housea little girl born last week.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Charlie Black is getting to be the big glass ball shot of the county. He rarely misses.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

James Kelly came over from Wellington Saturday and will remain here for the present.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Forty acres of land within one mile of town to rent for wheat. Inquire of A. H. Green.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The posts all set around the fair ground and the fence will be completed in another week.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Miss Cora Berkey left Tuesday for Ohio, where she will spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Wagner.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Elgie Beck was down from Wichita last week and spent several days pleasantly among his many friends here.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

50,000 spring chickens wanted for shipment by J. P. Baden, for which he will pay the highest price in goods or cash.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The new fair grounds catch all the buggies in town every pleasant evening. The track is a splendid place to drive.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mr. Geo. Cairns left for Texas Monday, where he will conduct the musical exercises for a noted evangelist of that state.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Dr. H. H. Park is very low with pulmonary consumption and it is believed that he cannot continue longer than this week.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mrs. Geo. H. Buckman is visiting relatives at Cherryvale and George is feeding with the rest of the "widdys" at the Brettun.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Arkansas City and vicinity had a terrible rain Monday, the hardest of the year. There was no rain in Winfield to speak of.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mrs. Reed, of Harper, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Forest Noble, of this city. Mrs. Noble has been quite sick for the past few days, but is now improving.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

A fine line of ladies slippers just received. I am now prepared to make pegged or sewed boots and shoes to order. Repairing doneJohn Tyner.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Wm. Trezise left on the 3 p.m. train on last Friday for Chicago to be absent about two weeks on a visit to his many friends and to attend to some business affairs.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Ladies Library Association will hold its semi-annual election of directors on Tuesday, July 31st, at 3 p.m. in the library rooms. Mrs. E. L. Trimble, secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

DIED. Joseph Allen, aged nine months, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mundy, died last Wednesday, of brain fever. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mr. D. R. Green, a gentleman from Illinois, has located here with a lot of fine horses. He has one, a half brother to Maud S., which is valued at $10,000. The 3:05 fellows will have to hunt their holes this fall.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The freight train going east was thrown from the track near Oak Valley, Monday. A calf caught in the trestle-work of a bridge caused the trouble. The engine and seven cars went down the embankment.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mr. J. L. Hodges lost a pocket-book containing fifty-two dollars, Saturday morning. He had it in his pocket in the morning, and missed it about nine o'clock. The finder should be honest enough to return it.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Our columns are crowded this week with various public matters leaving but little room for local and editorial matter. Aside from this we have on the hooks over twenty columns of local miscellany. For the past six months space in the COURIER has been at a premium.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

DIED. July 12, 1883. Elpha E., daughter of T. A. and Sarah E. Blanchard. This is the second death in Mr. Blanchard's family this year. For three months his house has been afflicted by continuous sickness, resulting in the death of his oldest and youngest. Such affliction is very hard to bear.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe will run a special train to the G. A. R. Encampment at Denver, leaving Kansas City Saturday evening, passing Newton at 7:15 Saturday morning, and arriving in Denver Monday morning. The train will be in several sections and will carry the Department officers and headquarters, bands, etc. The fare to members of the G. A. R. is $15 for round trip. Those going from here will be compelled to leave Saturday evening so as to catch the special at Newton.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

J. S. Mann has succeeded in clearing away most of his summer goods, having had a wonderful trade in these goods, and is now receiving his first installment of fall goods, with which he is supplying the place of vanishing lighter goods. Mann says it is no trouble to sell goods for he can readily show just what is wanted and please his customers with the price the first time. He is encouraged to lay in the heaviest and best stock in his line for the Fall and Winter trade ever brought to Winfield. Mann is a man, and no one wanting clothing, furnishing goods, hats, etc., can afford to neglect to call on him.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

We present to our readers this week with the opening chapters of a highly interesting serial from the pen of one of Cowley's most talented writers, Will J. Wilson. It is full of startling passages of rare dramatic power, and a scope of pathos and feeling rarely found bound up in one package of manuscript with a blue ribbon. It is entitled "Delinquent tax list for the year 1883," and will be found on most any page for the next four weeks.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

We publish this week entire the premium list for the first annual exhibition of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association. It is a matter of interest to everyone and should be carefully preserved. Every farmer and his lady in Cowley County should try to furnish something for competition and make the best fair ever held in Kansas. The premium lists are now ready for distribution and will be furnished upon application to the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The feeling over the fence and house burning in the east part of the county is still at fever heat. We know nothing about who were the aggressors in the matter, but certainly the persons who steal around at night and burn property are without excuse and should be without sympathizers. We have laws applicable to all such cases, and persons feeling themselves aggrieved should appeal to them.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

MARRIED. Married on the evening of Thursday, July 5th, at the residence of the bride's mother in Walnut Township, by Judge H. D. Gans, Mr. O. P. Latham to Miss Rebecca A. White. The groom is a resident of Emporia and a gentleman of intelligence and business ability. The bride has been a resident of Cowley for several years and leaves with the well wishes of a large circle of friends.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mr. W. M. Allison has sold the Wellingtonian to Messrs. S. L. Hamilton and Chas. W. Morse, and retires this week. He has been unusually successful and has made the Welling-tonian the leading Republican paper in Sumner, over an old and well established sheet. We do not know what his future plans may be, but our best wishes go with him.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band serenaded a dozen or more of the leading citizens on the east side Monday evening. The air was pure and clear, and the music sounded very fine. The boys regret that a lack of time did not permit them to go clear around, but they will put in the next moonlight evening. The band is improving rapidly and is an honor and credit to our city.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

A little son of W. W. Painter was severely injured last week by falling through the joist of a new building, hitting his chin, and nearly cutting his tongue off. Dr. Dunn, a new physician here, was called. He sewed up the wound. The operation was excellently performed and the boy is now recovering.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

On Monday the writer had the pleasure of smoking a fine Havana cigar five months old. It was made for him on the spot by Mr. Butenath, foreman for Wilkinson & Co., our cigar manufacturers. It was as fine an article as Winfield has ever seen, and made from the Kansas Sumatra Tobacco.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Judge Torrance held a special session of court Monday for the trial of civil cases. The case of Carpenter against Winfield Township was tried. It is the case growing out of the old Winfield Township scrip. Senator Sluss appeared for the defense and Jennings and Troup for the plaintiffs.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

TO OUR CUSTOMERS: We have employed Mr. F. C. Hunt to take charge of our books and collections, who will call on or notify those whose accounts are due. We hope that such accounts will be settled promptly. Very respectfully, A. T. SPOTSWOOD & CO.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

J. W. Weimer left for Yellowstone Park Monday, where he will at once assume his duties as Assistant Superintendent. The position is an excellent one and J. W. is in luck. He will let our readers know of the Park in future issues of this paper.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mr. Lou Broadwell brought in a Hales Early peach Saturday, which was a perfect beauty and dead ripe. It was five inches in circumference. Mr. Broadwell has a fine orchard and in a few years his fruit production will be no small item.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Remember that you can get a delicious dish of ice cream Friday evening and another on Saturday evening at the room opposite the English Kitchen. The ladies of the Christian Church will serve you.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Messrs. Wilkinson & Co. from Fort Scott have opened a cigar factory in E. C. Seward's building on Ninth Avenue. He has a large stock of fine tobaccos, a competent force of workmen, and will manufacture none but good cigars.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The United Brethren in Christ will hold a basket meeting on Badger Creek in W. H. Melville's Grove, Five miles southeast of Winfield, on Sabbath, July 29th. All are invited.

J. W. WILLIAMS, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The Beaumont boys threshed twenty-five hundred bushels of wheat from one hundred acres. It is splendid wheat and will bring the top market price.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The south Kansas Holiness Association will commence their third annual camp meeting July 26th, at T. S. Green's grove. S. L. DAUGHERTY, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Ice cream! Ice cream! One door north of Cole's drugstore Friday evening, 20th inst., from 7 to 10 o'clock by the ladies of the Christian Church.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

There are thirty-five hands now employed by Mr. Maxwell, contractor, on the water mains, and the work is moving along lively.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

MARRIED. Married July 4, 1883, at the Brettun House, by Rev. P. F. Jones, Robert W. Tate and Rosa Laughlin, both of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

"It was out in the moonlight he met her." It will probably happen again, at the lawn social at Beeny's, Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

W. M. Allison came over Wednesday and will loaf around his old haunts for a few weeks. He talks some of going west.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. P. T. Jones, Charles Beaty and Jennie Swindler, both of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The new bank will be called the "Farmers Bank" and will open the first week in August.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Judge T. H. Soward fell down his cellar-way Sunday evening, severely spraining his ankle.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

For luscious chocolate ice cream, go to the Guild social at Mr. Beeny's, Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Mr. J. A. Mentch threshed his wheat last week and secured 1278 bushels from fifty acres.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

DIED. Clarence, son of Clay and Lizzie Steward, July 17, 1883, age 13 months.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Proceedings of the Central Committee.
The Republican Central Committee of Cowley County met at the COURIER office in the city of Winfield Saturday, July 14th, 1883, at half past one o'clock p.m., and was called to order by the chairman, D. A. Millington. The secretary was ordered to call the roll of townships and the following members of the Central Committee were present.

Beaver, M. S. Teter; Bolton, P. A. Lorry; Cedar, N. W. Dressie; Creswell, J. B. Nipp; Dexter, J. V. Hines; Fairview, Wm. White; Harvey, R. S. Strother; Liberty, J. A. Cochrane; Maple (Not represented); Ninnescah, W. B. Norman; Omnia, J. L. Parsons; Otter (Not represented); Pleasant Valley, Z. B. Meyer; Richland, N. J. Larkin; Rock Creek, S. P. Strong; Sheridan, J. E. Jarvis; Silver Creek, E. C. Pate; Spring Creek (Not represented); Silver Dale, L. J. Darnall; Tisdale, S. W. Chase; Vernon, Oscar Wooley; Walnut, J. Mentch; Windsor (Not represented); Winfield, 1st ward, D. A. Millington; Winfield, 2nd ward, T. H. Soward.

The executive committee reported that they had paid all debts owed by the committee. A motion that the basis of representation be one delegate at large for each township and ward in the county and one additional delegate for each 30 votes and fraction of 15 over, cast in their township or ward for Hon. Thos. Ryan for congress in November, 1883, was carried.

The chairman appointed P. A. Lorry, S. P. Strong, and J. V. Hines a committee to apportion the delegates according to the basis adopted.

They reported as follows:


Beaver, 3; Bolton, 5, etc. TOTAL 99.

The Republican County Convention was by order of the committee called to meet at the opera house in Winfield on Saturday, September 1, 1883, at 11 o'clock a.m. The committee recommends that each Township and ward in the county hold their Republican primaries on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m.

On motion the committee adjourned.

T. H. SOWARD, Secretary. D. A. MILLINGTON, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The Cyclone.
Mr. John McGuire visited the scene of the young cyclone in Sheridan Township, Tuesday. There were three or four of the circular columns shot down from the clouds. One struck the ground on Mr. Hanna's place, tearing his house all to pieces, breaking his wagon up, pulling up the barb wire fence. The family had gone over to a neighbor's stone house and fortunately escaped injury. The damage to Mr. Hanna was a thousand dollars.

The storm then swept on and destroyed forty acres of corn and an orchard for Mr. Wilson. It also leveled four acres of corn for Mr. Higbee.

Another of the cyclone columns came down near Mr. Mull's house on Silver Creek, swept through the bottom destroying several acres of corn and some timber, then lifted up and disappeared.

Mrs. Hillicker's house was partly destroyed. No person was injured.

The cyclone seemed to have been confined to Sheridan Township and to have formed in funnel shaped clouds, which darted down to the ground, demolishing everything it struck, then lifting up. There was no regular storm track but only spots of devastation. The inhabi- tants of Sheridan were considerably scared when the storm clouds began to dart around over the township, as were the citizens of Winfield, who were all watching them. The cloud columns could be plainly seen from this place and their antics were carefully noted. Imme- diately following the storm an immense volume of water fell. The damage done will reach five thousand dollars.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

A Saloonless City.

Messrs. M. David and Wm. Park are residents of Geuda Springs, which city by the way is located half in Cowley and half in Sumner Counties. Lately they conceived the idea of running open saloons on the Cowley side of the street, which was done several days ago. On Monday County Attorney Jennings was informed of the fact and soon had papers out for M. David's arrest. He was found in Winfield, arrested, and gave bond. The officer went over Tuesday to arrest Park, but he had flown. During the day, Tuesday, there was much feeling exhibited by citizens of the Springs over the matter, some wanting the saloons to run, others wanting them closed. The keepers might as well move across the street or shut up shop.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Capt. Siverd.

We would call the attention of our readers to the announcement of Capt. H. H. Siverd as a candidate for the office of sheriff of this county. He was a gallant Union soldier in the late war and then and ever since has exhibited the courage, pluck, and energy which would make him the worthy successor of the lamented Shenneman. He is thoroughly well schooled by long experience in such business and in every way well qualified for the office. Indeed, in this respect he has, we think, no superior in the county. He combines with unflinching courage a kind and noble disposition and a heart as tender as a woman's; and while he will do his duty fully, he will do it in such a way as to tone down its unpleasant features and protect the unfortunate and oppressed. His genuine kindness of heart has made him popular wherever he is known, and should he receive the Republican nomination, we predict that the will be elected by more than an old time majority.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Political Points.

Mr. W. B. Norman represented Ninnescah Township Saturday as the proxy of P. W. Smith. W. B. Norman is one of the party wheelhorses and his excellent judgment and devotion to the interests of his party has been felt in every convention for the past ten years.

Saturday's central committee meeting was the largest and most enthusiastic ever held in Cowley County. Republicans are wide awake and will make the dry bones of Democracy rattle more than ever this fall.

Saturday was a field day for candidates. They were on hand from the four quarters of the county. Whatever the result of the convention may be, we are sure to have a good ticket with such timber to select from.

Mr. P. T. Walton has withdrawn from the race for County Clerk. He would have made a good race and a good officer if elected. His withdrawal is understood to be due to business complications.

Since the convention is called, candidates will now be actively engaged and farmers may as well resign peacefully when the field is invaded by a solitary horseman armed with a full history of his career and achievements for a quarter of a century back. It may be fun to listen to the story of a well spent life under the baneful light of the noonday sun, but we can't see it.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

An Explosion.

Mr. Oll Pratt's threshing machine engine blew up Tuesday afternoon, severely scalding Will Short, his engineer. He was threshing on Wm. Dunn's place near town at the time. The explosion was due to the presence of lime in the boiler. Will Short was standing on the platform attending to the engine when the front bolts were blown out on him, scalding his body from the waist down in a terrible manner.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Republicans of Ninnescah Township at a meeting of the Republican Central Committee held in Winfield July 14, 1883, recommended that the primaries of each township and ward in Cowley County be held on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m. You are therefor notified that the Republican primary for Ninnescah Township will be held in the schoolhouse at Udall Saturday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m. sharp. July 14th, 1883. W. B. NORMAN.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

DIED. On Thursday, July 12th, 1883, of cholera infantum, Elge E., daughter of Thomas A. and Sarah Blanchard, aged 9 months and eighteen days.

"Loveliest of lovely things are they,

On earth that soonest pass away.

The rose that lives its little hour

Is prized beyond the sculptured flower." M. S.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Farmers, you can get at the Tunnel Mill the best of Flour, Bran, and Shorts.

The Tunnel Mills are running. Come with your grists.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Old Soldiers' Reunion.

At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fair Association last Saturday, arrangements were made with a committee from the G. A. R. for a grand reunion of old soldiers in the Southwest to be held here during the fair. The Association will furnish camping ground, fuel, and ammunition for a sham battle, free, and admit all old soldiers and their families during the four days of the fair at 50 cents each for adults, 25 cents for children under 18 and over 12. These tickets admit at all times during the four days of the fair at a gate provided especially for them and under the control of the G. A. R. It is thought that fully five thousand old soldiers will be in attendance, and one of the biggest times in the history of the county will be had. A barracks will be built in the Fair Grounds. Park and everything put in pleasant shape for their accommodation.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 75 cents per bushel; corn 25 cents, oats 20 cents, and hay $3.00. Hogs bring $4.25. Produce holds same as last week.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The ladies of the Christian Church, desiring to assist in furnishing the new church building, will have ice cream and cake on sale Friday and Saturday evenings, 20th and 21st inst., at the room recently vacated by Miller, Dix & Co., one door south of Strahan's on Main Street, two doors south of Brown's drugstore. All are invited to come and partake.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

An attempt was made to blow open Schiffbauer Bro.'s safe at Arkansas City Tuesday night. The burglars succeeded in getting the outside door of the safe open, but failed to knock the inner one. No clue to the thieves.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Oats are threshing from 75 to 80 bushels per acre.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

From Tisdale.

The splendid rains have made us all feel good; corn is now made if we don't get a drop more; the heavy dews will make a big crop. Look out for cheap corn this fall.

If our farmers would get stock enough to eat what they raise, Cowley would be better off.

I notice that wheat stacks are not so plenty as they have been in former years; result is better houses, spring wagons, fat stock, and general air of comfort about farm houses for quiet, comfort, health, and prosperity.

Tisdale will compare with any township in the county; no fights, no beer or whiskey shops, and no doctors to do legal murder.

There is nothing new in the matrimonial line, good crops probably will fix that all right.

Nothing has developed as yet in politics. Winfield usually leads off with young lawyers and I expect we will see them as candidates in due time. It seems that the old saying is true, "that when a boy is not good for anything else, make a lawyer of him; if he don't succeed, make a candidate of him."


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Wool Growers Meeting.

The wool growers protective association of Cowley County met at 2 o'clock p.m. S. C. Smith chosen chairman, the committee on constitution reported. The constitution was read and adopted. The following officers were elected: President, S. C. Smith; Secretary, J. C. McClelland; Corresponding, Secretary, G. E. Raymond; Vice president, Arthur Swain; Treasurer, John Stalter. On motion the President and Corresponding Secretary were appointed a committee to draft a memorial to circulate for signers and present before the next congress, making legislation in the wool growers interest. Another was carried to instruct the Corresponding Secretary to have printed a number of circulars and distributed among the various wool growers associations throughout the state. Moved and carried that the COURIER and Telegram be requested to publish the proceedings of this association. Adjourned till first Saturday in September. J. C. McCLELLAND, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Special Offer. You can get the COWLEY COUNTY TELEGRAM from now until January 1st, 1884, for 40 cents. Sample copies free. Address TELEGRAM. Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

From a Sermon Delivered by Rev. S. R. Fleming, at the Presbyterian Church in Winfield, Sabbath Evening, July 1st, 1883.

Now, my hearers, will you bear with me for a moment longer, while I lay my tribute upon the new made grave of my nearest neighbor, in the work of the ministry, in our own loved churchone whom I had learned to love, I knew not how much, until it became my sad and painful duty to minister at his dying bed; one with whom I had stood for nine years, in the work of the Gospel ministry, in this new and rapidly developing country, and whom I respected and loved as a dear brother and noble servant to God. To say that his demise has been to me a dark and inscrutable Providence is but feebly to express the emotions I feel. The bitter cup has passed, its contents have been drained to the last bitter dregs, and faith, falteringly, reverently, is trying to say, "Thy will be done." And while we "veil our faces," and bow in submission to the orderings of Him who "doeth all things well," it is but meet and proper that we cherish with gratitude "the memory of the just."

I first became acquainted with Bro. Platter in a students' prayer meeting, held in "Old Seminary Building," at Princeton, New Jersey; and it is very gratifying to me, now, to recall that my very first impressions of the man were such as to lead me to conclude that whatever else might be said of him, he had an ardent attachment for everything which contributed to the advancement of the "Redeemer's Kingdom." And subsequent events have proved, when thrown into more personal relations with him, in the active work of the ministry, that my first impressions were the correct ones. Though a more intimate acquaintance, in later years, led me to admire him for other noble qualities of head and heart, yet in those prayer meetings, the glimpses I gained of the man but foreshadowed what seemed to be the great ruling motive of his life, "To glorify God in the extension of His kingdom." And when near the last of his earthly life, when brain and heart and hand grew weary, and those moments of delirium which preceded his dissolution came on, his own words, as he imagined himself to be before the Board of Home Missions, pleading for what he deemed would be for the best interests of Christ's cause in the bounds of the Presbytery of Emporia, show forth the same great motive: "My sole motive in this matter has been to advance the interests of the king- dom of our Lord Jesus Christ." How truly this was, indeed, the inspiration of his life work, those who knew him best can attest. In order that I may be brief, let me first mention him as a man. In the highest and fullest sense, he was one of nature's noblemen. Endowed with no ordinary qualities of head and heart, with a strong intellect, a well balanced judgment, and a tender heart, he impressed men, wherever he went, with the loftiness of his purpose, the truthfulness of his nature, the kindliness of his disposition, and the purity of his life.

In the many sided intercourses of life, he was always gentlemanly and obliging. He did not lay aside his humanity when he entered upon his profession, nor assume a lofty, distant, and ministerial air, rather repelling than drawing men to him. He loved men and mingled with them, feeling a deep interest in their welfare. As he moved among them his calm, rea- sonable, dispassionate nature revealed him to be a peacemaker, a man remarkable for healing divisions and quieting strifes. He was not hasty nor impulsive; irritable or headstrong. In fact, he was the man, above all others within the range of my acquaintance, to illustrate the gospel of peace.

In his business relations he was faultlessly honest and honorable; scrupulously fair; free from all money loving penuriousness. It was a beautiful thing in the character and life of this man of God, that though blessed with a worldly competence that would have proved ruinous to many a man, yet he kept his sacred office and all his work undefiled by any traces of a worldly spirit. He was a man of public spirit, of expanded benevolence, of world wide philanthropy. . . .

He was true and devoted as a husband, loving and tender as a father, and respectful and dutiful as a son. The last word that fell from his lips was the name of her who was dearest to him of all upon earththe name that perhaps was spoken more frequently than any other, in that home"Mamma, Mamma," the family name of that wife whose fragile form had been his anxiety and care for years, and yet withal whose womanly courage and Christian fortitude had been his staff and support in hours of trial and discouragement.

It was a beautiful tribute the aged mother paid to his memory as she came from the East, too late to see "her boy," alive: "James was a good boy; he never gave me any special trouble or anxiety; he was always affectionate, kind, and dutiful." Eternity alone will reveal the greatness of his loss to his home-life. . . .


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.


It is announced that the A. T. & S. F. Company will immediately build a railroad from Wichita by way of Kingman to Dodge City. This will shorten up the distance to Colorado and New Mexico.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.



Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. J. B. Goodrich, from Maple City, was in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. Caton left Saturday for the G. A. R. encampment at Denver.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Service pipe from the water mains was run into Read's bank Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The laying of the water works mains has left the streets in a very bad condition. It seems to us that the street crossings should be left in a passable condition, at any rate.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

M. G. Troup's new house is enclosed and will soon be ready for occupancy.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. Geo. H. Buckman returned home from a visit to Cherryvale last week.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. W. R. McDonald is quite ill with a kind of fever. He was taken down Friday.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Miss Nettie R. McCoy will resume music lessons with her class September 16th.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

H. P. Standley, of the Traveler, was in the city Friday on business connected with his paper.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. James Simpson has returned to Winfield and is now occupying his home on Tenth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

DIED. Mr. Jas. Gilkey's little baby boy died last week and was buried Sunday from their home in Maple City.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Miss Anna Hyde left Saturday for Chanute, where she will visit for several weeks with Miss Stump.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. Lon Stewart came in from Kansas City Saturday and will spend some time here visiting his sisters.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. A. H. Doane returned home from an extended trip among Eastern relatives and friends last week.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

I want 40 acres of stubble land stirred for wheat at once. Will pay $1.25 per acre.

S. E. Burger, Walnut Township.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. G. S. Manser and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger have gone north on a visit and two more deserted and forlorn men are added to the list.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. Dr. Emerson returned home last week, much to the Doctor's pleasure. He had enjoyed the blessings of hotel life to his heart's content.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. W. J. Kennedy, the Santa Fe agent, is building a very neat residence in the west part of town. It will be the best built house in town, and is being put up to stay.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. S. S. Holloway advertises his roller attachment for drills. The invention is certainly an excellent one, and it will pay every farmer to read it carefully.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. J. D. Hammond, of Beaver, brought in several bushels of wild goose plums Monday. They were grown on trees brought from Indiana five years ago and are very large and fine.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

A pleasant boating party of eight couples was out on the river Friday evening. They had a splendid time. Boating is getting to be a favorite pastime during the moonlight season.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

McDonald & Miner have sold their groceries and will now devote the whole of their fine store room to dry goods, boots, and shoes. They now enjoy a splendid trade in these lines.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. Murphy and Carrol of Wellington, and Mrs. V. W. Kimbal, Mrs. Sherburn, and Mrs. O. E. Kimbal of Oxford, paid our city a pleasant visit on Tuesday, guests of Mrs. C. Collins.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. Millhouse has sold his Tisdale Township farm to a gentleman by the name of Bacon for four thousand dollars. Mr. Millhouse will go to Iowa for a visit, and will probably return to Cowley.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

A man driving a single ox harnessed in shafts is often seen upon our streets. The ox is a mammoth one and seems to take to single harness kindly. He is driven with bits and a bridle and wears a collar.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. John Stewart helped to thresh one-half acre of oats on Joe Long's place, north of town, last week, and got fifty-one bushels. One hundred and two bushels of oats to an acre is a fair and satisfactory crop.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The Normal ends today (Wednesday) and tomorrow the regular examination begins, which will continue through the week. The Normal has been the most successful of any held so far, which speaks well for the skill of Prof. Davis as an instructor.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. H. E. Silliman and family, accompanied by Mrs. A. Silliman, her daughter, Miss Lola, and Miss Alice Carson, started Monday for an extended trip through Colorado. They will visit Manitou Springs, Denver, Pueblo, and all places of interest in that state.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. E. Gaston, from Welaka, Florida, will spend the summer here, as the guest of Mrs. H. P. Mansfield. She is very much pleased with Winfield, and compliments Kansas highly. This is highly appreciated from one whose home is among the orange groves of Florida.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The ladies of the Christian Church opened an ice cream parlor in the building next to Strahan's Saturday, and did a rushing business during the afternoon and evening. The enthusiasm of the ladies when a new church is going up knows no bounds, and they always make things succeed.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The Democratic County Central Committee met at the Telegram office Saturday. The writer happened in while the solons were in session, and was surprised to find that Sam L. Gilbert had been deposed as grand sachem and Dr. Cole put on the throne instead. Several other old time and fire tested Democrats had also been replaced with new blood for some cause known only to the initiated. One of those whose place had been filled by another, came in while we were present and entered his earnest protest. He said he had heard that his head had been cut off because he was in favor of enforcing the laws, and that if such was the case, the party was too far gone for him to train with longer. As he is one of the best men in their party, and they could not afford to lose him, the solons fixed the matter up and he was reinstated to a position on the committee. The Convention was called for August 25th, and a representation of two at large from each township and one for each 100 or fraction of 50 votes cast for Glick. The primaries were recommended for August 18th. The meeting was without enthusiasm and abided in "that quiet that passeth understanding."

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Quite an excitement was caused Saturday by an alarm of fire. A very high wind was prevailing at the time, and had a fire ever got under headway, a large destruction of property would have been the result. The fire came from James Kirk's mill, on Eighth Avenue. James F. Martin was in the lumberyard opposite and saw smoke arising from the roof around the smoke stack in time to give the alarm before it blazed up. But little damage was done.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

A young man driving Capt. Nipp's hack from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs skipped out last Wednesday, taking with him a hundred and twenty-five dollars in money and a gold watch that had been entrusted to him by parties at the Springs for delivery in Arkansas City. Capt. Nipp gave chase and captured his man in the Territory. The preliminary examination was held Friday and he was bound over. Most of the property was recovered.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The Episcopal social at Mr. Beeny's Thursday evening was one of the pleasantest affairs of the season. The beautiful grounds were decorated with Chinese lanterns and dotted all over with tables and seats, and these under a magnificent full moon produced a splendid effect. A very large crowd was present, and was entertained by choice music from the Courier Cornet Band. Quite a neat sum was secured for the church treasury.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association put in the forenoon of Friday inspecting the grounds with a view of locating buildings, pens, cattle stalls, etc. At the afternoon meeting of the Board, the bids for lumber were opened and the contract let for $948.50. Work will be begun on the buildings as soon as the lumber arrives. Ample space is being provided for the grand display which will be made.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

DIED. Dr. H. H. Park died at his residence in this city Tuesday evening at five o'clock, of consumption, and was buried Wednesday afternoon with Masonic honors. Dr. Park was a most estimable young man, and his early taking off is much to be deplored. He was by nature and education a gentleman in its truest sense and would have done much for humanity had his life been spared.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. Dempsey Elliott is in receipt of a letter from Senator Plumb regarding the Oklahoma lands, in which he says that the lands can never be occupied without consent of the general government, and that many have already spent enough time trying to get in to make them an excellent Kansas home. There is lots of clear cut sense in the letter.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Senator Hackney astonished the boys on the race track Friday evening. He was driving his gray horse leisurely around when someone attempted to pass him. He touched up the gray and passed everyone on the track at a two-forty gait. No one had suspected the Senator's horse of being "speedy," and all were surprised at the result.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The counters of the Winfield Bank last Saturday were jammed and crowded with business from morning till night. It was a good deal like a barber shop, as everyone had to "wait their turn." It looks like prosperity to see all classes of people waiting to deposit and receive money over the counters of a bank.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Winfield is well represented at Geuda Springs this week. Mrs. W. R. McDonald and her daughter, Ida, went over a few days ago, and on Tuesday Mrs. Majors, Mrs. Vance, and Mrs. Roy Millington inaugurated a season of rest and recreation at the same place. Several others contemplate going over soon.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The splendid track on the Fair grounds is proving a big attraction for drivers. Every evening for two hours the track is crowded with buggies, and some very slow-time-to-heavy- buggy races are the result. It will not be long until most every citizen will own a good roadster.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Farmers all over the county are beginning to figure on new houses and barns. This fall will witness a larger amount of building than every before. It is an indication of present and future wealth that should not be overlooked.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Messrs. Brown & Son have a mechanical circus on exhibition in their store. It has horses and riders going at full tilt, and is an advertisement for a new cigar. The cigar is better than the circus.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

As soon as the stock in the Fair Association is all placed, the secretary will prepare for publication a full list of those who have taken stock and thus enabled Cowley to secure a permanent fair.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. John Sykes, of Butler, Pennsylvania, brother of A. B. and Lincoln, arrived in the city Friday night. He is well pleased with the lay of the land and has about decided to become one of us.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

A basket picnic will be held at the Prairie Home schoolhouse, three miles north of Tisdale, on the fifth Lord's day of July. All are cordially invited to attend.

J. A. BROWN, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

A law suit was in progress here Tuesday between Hooke and Phelps of Burden, over the possession of a building.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. W. P. Hackney has been very ill for the past few days and was under the care of two physicians Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Miss Hutchinson will spend several weeks visiting friends at Independence. She went over Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The Brettun has been frescoed and grained throughout in ash and French walnut and looks very tony.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Miss Nettie McCoy has gone to New Jersey on a visit and will be absent some time.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. De Lesdernier has sold the Mekechee house at Geuda Springs to Hall & Rath.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Sheridan Township is petitioning for a new post office, to be called "Shenneman."

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

A lot of Geuda folks were over Tuesday on the David's liquor case.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Paper Read Before the Cowley County Horticultural Society by its President, J. F. Martin.

We have at this time in this county two chartered institutions that have not only grown out of the prosperity of agricultural pursuits, but will be reciprocal of great good to these vital interests. I refer to the Cowley County Horticultural Society and the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.

The first named society was organized five years ago by a few enthusiastic fruit-growers, and has not only maintained its existence, but has grown in interest and influence. The exhi- bition of fruit at the state and our county fairs last year which was grown in this county and collected by this society showed the possibilities of our section and the vitality of the society. Much was the interest created in our county by these exhibits and the good influence thus brought to bear was not confined to our own state, but extended to other states and is aiding in bringing desirable persons to settle among us.

We have lately formed the Fair Association, and it is on as firm a basis and with as fair prospects for a grand success as ever attended a similar organization.

These two societies are destined to exercise an important part in the development and history of our county and state. No one will question the importance and good results arising from a permanent and well managed fair. It is simply a matter of necessity in order to rapidly develop any county. Is it not the duty of every good citizen to encourage both of these organizations to the extent of their ability?

But the special purpose of this article is to refer to the relation of each of these societies to the other. Agriculture is the art of cultivating the soil, management of stock, etc., while horticulture embraces the culture in small plats or fields of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The former embraces the latter, while the latter demands of the gardener a greater proficiency in manipulating the soil, and a greater knowledge of the diversity and needs of vegetable growth. The farmer may decide on what preparation will be best in reference to planting certain crops, then give the matter but little additional thought except to properly execute the work; while for the gardener there is a continual demand for the exercise of skill and judgment.

No successful horticulturalist finds the time when he can stop investigating and learning as to the objects to be attained and as to the best means to be used to secure the ends desired. In the management of each kind of vegetable differing in variety or time of planting, or in the culture, pruning, etc., of each tree or flower, knowledge is in demand, and a continual exercise of a well informed judgment is imperative.

It is the lack of this training and exercise of brain power that deters many successful farmers from enjoying the blessing of a good garden of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. It is this active use of brain power directing his skillful hands that constitutes one great differ- ence in his employment and the too often monotonous operations of the farm. While these and their characteristic differences are apparent, there can be no antagonism between the two occupations, for horticulture is but agriculture diversified and refined. Our first parents were divinely instructed in this finer branch of agriculture; for "he was put into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

Therefore, societies for the advancement of agriculture and horticulture should not embarrass or antagonize each other, but each, working in its department in its own peculiar way, may and should perfectly harmonize in the one great work of giving encouragement and disseminating knowledge, so often needful to toiling husbandmen. A brotherhood of the tillers of the soil should not only be acknowledged, but encouraged everywhere by these kindred organizations. And may we not hope that the time may soon come that farmers will recognize and enjoy a union of interests, so that when they meet, they will no longer feel a repelling but an attractive power toward each other.

The horticultural society has its peculiar work to do, and while we enthusiastically pursue it, we may gladly join hands and aid, as permitted, the laborers in the county agricultural society; that while we are working separately, we may remember that our interests are one and inseparable.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.


There will be a Union Sunday school picnic in Mr. Freeman's grove near Bushnell, August the 11th, 1883. All neighboring Sunday schools are cordially invited to come and take a part. Judge Gans of Winfield will deliver the Sunday school lecture, to be followed by W. C. Humble of Wichita and others. We hope all who feel interested in the great work of Sunday schools will come. It is to be a basket picnic. All come, with merry hearts and willing hands, and we will have a day long to be remembered by the people of Kansas.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

DIED. Died of cholera infantum, Herman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gilkey, of Maple City.

Herma was one year of age, a lovely child. A large number of sympathizing friends attended the funeral services and expressed sympathy for the bereaved parents.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

J. B. Lynn returned from Colorado Springs Tuesday, having left his wife there for the summer. He says the Springs make the most delightful summer resort imaginable.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The Probate Judge has issued MARRIAGE LICENSES since our last issue to:

Chas. Galloway and Mary J. Woods.

Robert Wells and Susan McCracken.

Jas. H. Frazier and Annie E. Walter.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

For Rent. 1-1/2 story frame house, 5 rooms, 1 block east of Main Street in north part of city; a desirable location. Inquire at J. B. Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

For Sale. 50 feet of store shelving in good repair. Inquire at O'Meara & Randolph's one price Shoe Store.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mr. E. I. Johnson made up about fifty dollars for the cyclone sufferers of Sheridan Township in this city Monday. Nearly two hundred dollars have been raised so far.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The ladies of the Christian Church will serve ice cream and cake Saturday afternoon and evening in the building next to Strahan's. The ladies are bound to do their part, toward finishing the new church.

Ice cream Saturday afternoon and evening in the building next to Strahan's by the ladies of the Christian Church.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Mrs. Gray, sister of Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, left Tuesday for her home in Missouri after spending three weeks in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

NOTICE. Bran per ton, Five Dollars; Short per ton, Six Dollars; at the Winfield Roller Mills.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Crystal Wedding.
The Crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fletcher took place at their residence 3-1/2 miles southeast of Udall, on the 23rd day of July, 1883. Notwithstanding the busy times, many of the neighbors and friends gathered to partake in the celebration. In the heat of the day the generosity of the bride and groom took a Scriptural turn, and those from the high- ways and hedges were gathered in. One poor traveler, at least, will remember their kindness with thanks, desiring Heaven's richest blessings to rest upon them. After enjoying the sociability of the company, interspersed with music, for some time, we were favored with one of those soul cheering, body invigorating dinners, such as none but Cowley County women can prepare. All drank to the health of the "bride and groom," after which the company was supplied with choice music by Mrs. Randall, of Udall, after which was a presentation of the following presents by the "Highwayman": Mary Tailor, a beautiful lamp; Porter Wilson's family, set of goblets; Mr. and Mrs. Randall, set of glass goblets; H. H. Martin, nice lamp; Mrs. Lidie Boyles, an elegant pickle dish; Miss Ida Schlock, pretty jelly dish; Mrs. Miles, a nice cake stand; Mrs. Tribby, set of napkins; Miss Glendora McCollim, set of sauce dishes; Mrs. Capper, jelly stand; Mrs. Hill, butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, fruit stand; Mr. and Mrs. Lightwalter, cream stand; Mrs. Wilt, beautiful bouquet.

This was followed by a soul-stirring reply from Mrs. Fletcher, which made the party all feel that it was good to be there. Mrs. Randall then favored us with a solo, "Silver Threads Among the Gold," while Mrs. Fletcher carried the alto through the chorus. Thanks were tendered to the guests by the "bride and groom" and a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Randall for their special favors of music was unanimously carried by the company. The company separated feeling that they had enjoyed a happy day with a happy couple. We wish that heaven may smile upon them and grant them many happy useful years in the future, and if we be not permitted to celebrate their "golden wedding," may we meet them in the "golden city." HIGHWAYMAN.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.


Stacking wheat and threshing is the order of the day.

Mr. Bart McCollum has returned, after spending his fourth in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Martin entertained a few of their friends for supper of ice cream and cake on last Saturday evening; those present report a jolly time.

Miss Minnie VanCleve of Burden, spent a few days in this vicinity last week.

Mr. De Turk is harvesting his blackberry crop, some of the finest berries in the country.

Mr. Kis Hentsel has purchased a new one seated top buggy. Pitch in, girls, and all have a ride with Kie in the new buggy. [FIRST TIME KIS/SECOND TIME KIE???]

Mr. Will Hostetter is quite ill.

Mr. Shane has purchased the west eighty of the schoolhouse quarter.

Some of the neighbors went to the Territory plumming. Pickers are plenty but plums are few. M. S.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The committee of the Building and Loan Association met Wednesday to audit treasurer Platter's account.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

To wheat growers of Cowley County: Please read the sworn testimony of P. H. Smith, the inventor of the Roller Attachment for wheat drill; also that of Surveyor, etc., and then judge for yourselves as to its merits. I say to you againif you decide to get an Attachment for this fall's seeding, don't delay your order. S. S. HOLLOWAY, Agent for Cowley County.



Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

SHEEP FOR SALE. Five hundred graded Merino sheep, nine tenths of the flock are ewes and under 4 years of age. In splendid order, a great bargain. Address Raymond and Curtiss, El Dorado, Kansas, or F. K. Raymond, Winfield, Kansas. Also stock range to lease to the right party.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Sewing Machine Contest: At the sewing machine contest at the Commercial Hotel last week the Improved White was awarded the superiority for its simplicity, light running and noiseless qualities over the Silent No. 8, Davis' Domestic and Household. For sale by Fitch & Barrow, Arkansas City, and Dollar Store, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

For Sale by Bard & Harris: A special bargain for a short time; a rare chance to secure one of the best watered stock farms in Cowley County consisting of 240 acres adjoining good range on south and east, 50 acres bottom land under cultivation, 60 more can be broke, good house, stable, corral, shedding, cave, milkhouse, and other out houses; splendid well at the door, springs and spring branches; also Crab Creek runs through place; fine young orchard of apple, peach, pears, and small fruits growing well.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

WINFIELD COMMANDERY No. 15 K. T. Holds stated conclaves in their asylum on the third Friday evening of each month. W. G. GRAHAM, E. C., JNO. D. PRYOR, R.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

LADIES' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION holds its regular monthly meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. Rooms open every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon from three to six o'clock. MRS. C. S. VAN DOREN, President.

MRS. W. L. MULLEN, Librarian.

MRS. R. T. TRIMBLE, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

WINFIELD CHAPTER, R. A. M. Meets in Masonic hall on the 2nd Monday evening in each month. S. C. SMITH, H. P., W. G. GRAHAM, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.


SULKY HAY-RAKES, Hand and Self-Dumpers, New Model Sulky Plow, Enterprise Wind-Mills, Baker Grain Drill, McCormick's Iron Mower, New Model Sulky Plow, lightest runner made. BROTHERTON & SILVER, NORTH OF J. B. LYNN'S.

J. F. Miller is agent for Gundlack's Force Feed Grain Drill, the lightest running drill on wheels. Parties wanting drills will please call and see the Gundlack Drill before buying, corner of Main and 9th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas, or BROTHERTON & SILVER, Town- ship Agents.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Grand Sale of Clothing to reduce our stock! Greatest inducement ever offered! It will pay you all to visit the Bee Hive! See M. Hahn & Co., and get their prices on business suits, dress suits, alpaca and mohair coats, linen & alpaca dusters, Children & Boy's Clothing, Straw Hats, Summer Underwear, Fine Shirts.


Examine our reduced prices on Dress Goods,

Examine our reduced prices on White Lawns and Mulls,

Examine our reduced prices on Lawns and Buntings,

Examine our reduced prices on Parasols and Fans,

Examine our reduced prices on Neckwear and Gloves,

Examine our reduced prices on Children's & Misses' Suits.

Examine our reduced prices on Carpets and Oil Cloths.

The balance of our stock of Shoes still selling Regardless of Cost.

You will save money by calling at

M. HAHN & CO.'S.

Main Street and Ninth Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

[Skipped on Front Page a long article re Sermon delivered by Rev. C. P. Graham, at the Presbyterian Church, in Winfield, July 22, 1883, in memory of Rev. J. E. Platter.]


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


1. H. H. Siverd again...running for Sheriff.

2. We are authorized to announce T. A. Blanchard, of Walnut Township, as a candidate for County Clerk. . . .

3. J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township, candidate for County Treasurer. . . .

4. N. W. Dressie, of Cedar Township, candidate for Register of Deeds. . . .

5. L. B. Stone, of Richland Township, candidate for re-nomination for the office of County Treasurer. . . .

6. H. O. Wooley, of Vernon Township, candidate for Sheriff of Cowley County. . . .

7. J. S. Rash, of Harvey Township, candidate for office of Register of Deeds. . . .

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


OVER 20,000.

The counties of this state having over 20,000 inhabitants according to the returns of the assessors for this year are Shawnee 36,733, Leavenworth 32,404, Atchison 28,853, Labette 26,853, Douglass 25,007, Wyandotte 25,000, Cherokee 24,306, Sedgwick 22,786, Cowley 22,516, Bourbon 21,406, Sumner 21,262, Osage 21,175, Crawford 21,658. Thirteen.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


The attention of our readers is called to the announcement of Mr. J. S. Rash of Harvey as candidate for Register of Deeds of this county. Mr. Rash is a very pleasant and intelligent gentleman, a young man of great vigor, a good worker, an ardent Republican, and well qualified in every way for the office he seeks. His personal popularity will secure the warm support of the part of the county where he is best known and he will be in the front rank among the candidates for that place. Should he get the nomination he will be elected beyond all question.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


N. W. Dressie, of Cedar Township, announces in this issue as a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds. Because he was a brave soldier in the late war, he carries an empty sleeve on the left side, which makes it very inconvenient for him to perform manual labor, but he is proficient with a pen in his right hand. Notwithstanding his misfortune he has been running a good farm in Cedar Township with the pluck and grit of a genuine Kansan, but it is an uphill business for him. He is in every way well qualified for the office he seeks, and if elected, will make a faithful and competent officer.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


In this issue Capt. J. B. Nipp, of Creswell, announces himself as a candidate before the Republican convention for the office of county treasurer. Capt. Nipp is a live, energetic man, always doing something to keep the world alive and moving ahead. He is one of the wheel horses of the Republican party in this county and much of its success in the past is due to his efficient work. Whatever he does is well done, and he has the education, energy, and character to make a first-class officer in the place he seeks. He was a brave soldier in the cavalry service in the late war and went through some of its most fiercely fought battles, among which was that of Shiloh. He was seriously wounded at Bardstown and carries his certificate in a crippled hand. Should he be elected he will be a gentlemanly, energetic, and efficient officer.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


As will appear from the column of announcements, our county treasurer, Capt. L. B. Stone, is a candidate before the Republican convention for re-nomination to the office of county treasurer. Mr. Stone has been a very efficient and faithful officer, has attended strictly to business, and has impressed everyone that the county funds are perfectly safe in his hands. He was a brave soldier in the late war in which he was seriously wounded and carries his certificate in a crippled hand, and has ever been ready to respond to the calls of duty, country, and humanity. He has taken special pains to fit himself for the duties of his office, and in personal character he stands high among all his acquaintances.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


We would call the attention of our readers to the announcement of Mr. H. O. Wooley as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of this county. Oscar is a young man of vigorous constitution, strong and active; with undaunted courage, good judgment, clear cut intelli- gence, and great popularity wherever he is known. He has all the qualities which make a good officer and we feel that he would do his whole duty without fear or favor, yet in as pleasant and gentlemanly a way as the circumstances will permit. Should he be the choice of the convention, we shall second its action with our most hearty support.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


We call attention to the announcement of T. A. Blanchard of Walnut Township as a candidate for County Clerk of this county. Mr. Blanchard is well and favorably known to all the old settlers, being one of the oldest settlers himself, and having held the office of county commissioner for some of the early years of our county's history. He has by his probity, good sense, energy, and industry gained the high respect of all who know him and if nom- inated by the Republican convention, will be elected and will be a most valuable and popular officer in the position he seeks, and for which he is in every way well qualified.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


Wichita has now, for once, a really first-class hotel in the Occidental under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. It is a large, well proportioned, and well arranged building, with plenty of good, large rooms, well furnished. Everything is clean and tasteful; the table is well supplied with the best the market affords, and plenty of it, got up in good shape. The attendants are polite and efficient, and the host and hostess are very attentive to guests and know just exactly how to keep a hotel.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Senator Plumb heads the subscription list to the Emporia Presbyterian College with a cash donation of $2,000.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. A. J. Uhl, of Douglass, Butler County, claims to have threshed five hundred and ten bushels of oats, machine measure, from five acres of ground.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company has just sold to a syndicate represented by J. Larkins, of Rockford, Illinois, lands to the amount of $150,000. The location of the lands is in Butler, Marion, Harvey, Reno, and Rice counties, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The oldest son of Senator Plumb has entered the Emporia News office to learn to set type and get other practical knowledge of printing. His father was a printer and founded the News twenty-six years ago, when not quite of age.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The Caldwell Journal says certain parties are wantonly killing sheep and cattle in the Indian Territory and calls upon the authorities to punish these villains. Strange as it may appear, some of the very best lawyers in the State claim that there is no law in the United States statute books covering these cases. If there is any law of this kind, we ask our lawyers to point it out.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

L. A. Millspaugh came in Thursday and spent Sunday with his folks here.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. Kelly of the Mulvane Record was in the city Friday. He is making a live little paper out of it.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

John Tyner keeps H. J. Holbrook & Co.'s Ladies' Fine Shoes, made at Utica, New York. Call and see them.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. S. L. Berkey came down from Kansas City Saturday and will spend a few days with his parents here.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Splendid rains during the week have insured for Cowley the largest corn crop ever grown in this county.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

T. V. Blackman has bought the Wellington Democrat. He is a good writer, a good printer, and will do well.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Several vacation parties are being organized for trips to the Territory soon. They will be mostly camping parties.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. J. D. Guthrie, of Bolton Township, was in the city Thursday last, for the first time in a year. His farming operations keep him hard at work.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Gene Wilbur threshed eighty-five acres of wheat last week and got forty bushels per acre.

Wheat looms up in Cowley this year, and corn will outloom them all.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mrs. Col. F. M. Tracey, wife of the postmaster and editor of the Herald at St. Joseph, Missouri, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Conley, at Arkansas City, for the past three weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The Horticultural Society meets next Saturday, Aug. 4th. Bring samples of grain to the meeting, as the session will be devoted to the subject of grain raising: varieties, culture, etc.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

DIED. Dr. H. N. Jones, a young dentist who was in business here for some time, died in Kansas City last week with typhoid fever. He was formerly in partnership with Dr. Van Doren.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. J. W. Gibson brought us in a bunch of German millet, Saturday, four feet and a half high, with heads five inches long. It is now on exhibition at this office and is a very fine sample.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

A bunch of fine, large apples on a branch three inches long, is one of the horticultural samples of Cowley's growth at this office. They were grown on the farm of Mr. Tice, in Beaver Township.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Charlie Black returned Sunday from a week's hunting tour in the Territory. The trip and outdoor exercise has improved his appearance, and now with a stone in each pocket, he tips the beam at a hundred.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The annual August union camp meeting commences August 10th and closes August 24th in Melville's Walnut Grove on Badger Creek, near Walnut River, five and one-half miles southeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Misses Mattie Fabrique and Laura Woodcock, of Wichita, spent several days of last week in our city. They are bright, lively ladies, and were charmed with the appearance of Winfield and her people.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

A little skirmish occurred Friday between a brother of Tom Wright and Bill Wilson, in which Mr. Wright lost a couple of teeth and had his equilibrium sadly demoralized. It was repaired by Dr. Mendenhall.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. W. L. Holcomb of Butler County, brother-in-law of the musical Davis family, attended the teachers' examination at this place last week, and will become a Cowley schoolteacher. He has settled in Rock Township.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

O'Meara & Randolph have on exhibition at their store the splendid baby carriage to be given in their special premium offer during the fair. It is one of the finest ever brought to Winfield, and the lucky baby will travel in state.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

John Nichols challenges any colored man in Cowley County for a discussion on the prohibition question as related to the material interests of the state. John will make the fur fly on any colored gentleman who accepts the challenge.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

On last Thursday Dr. Emerson removed from the throat of Frank Smith's little girl a nickel that had been there eighteen days. It was taken out with a probe. The little one suffered untold agonies and the parents are overjoyed at its relief.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Misses Lena Bartlett and Mamie Garlick were elected by the school board to fill the vacancies in the list of city teachers for this winter caused by the resignation of Mrs. Caton and Miss Mattie Gibson. Miss Garlick has been teaching in the city schools of Augusta for some time past.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Five families in Cowley County have indicated their intention of competing for the COURIER special premium at the fair. It will take two columns of the paper to publish the names of all the families. It will be interesting matter, not only to the families, but to the public generally.



The special premiums offered below will be assigned to special location in the main building, or on the grounds, and will be under the management and control of the General Superintendent. Entries must be made as in other classes, but the Secretary's card shall indicate for whose special premium the exhibit will enter for, and the exhibitors must be governed by the restrictions named in the special premium. Payment of premiums will be made by the parties offering the same, on the certificate of the awarding committee, said committee to be appointed by the executive board of the association.


For the fastest walking team one half mile, in common farm wagon, $10.00, and the TELEGRAM for one year. Entries free and limited to teams owned in the county.

Lot 2. BY M. L. READ'S BANK.

TEN DOLLARS. For the best and largest collection of farm products raised by any farmer in Cowley County in the year 1883. Three or more to enter.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the best five pounds of butter made by any farmer's wife in Cowley County. Three or more to enter, and the prize butter to be the property of Wallis & Wallis.


TEN DOLLAR DRESS PATTERN. For the best pair of hand knit men's all wool socks, by any lady in Cowley County. Three or more to enter. Dress pattern on exhibition at my store thirty days before the Fair. The prize socks to remain on exhibition at my store.


TEN DOLLARS. For the largest hog of any color, sex, or breed, open to the world. Bring out your big hogs.


TEN DOLLAR SILVER CASTOR. For the best and neatest made sun bonnet by any lady in Cowley County. No restrictions as to material, style, or shape. Three or more must enter to take Premium.


TEN DOLLARS. For the best and largest display of vegetables raised in Cowley County this year. Three or more must enter to take money.


THREE DOLLARS. For the best and largest 300 ears of straight, white, or yellow corn grown in Cowley County this year. Three or more must enter to take money.


SEVEN DOLLAR FRUIT CHROMO. For ten of the largest apples grown in Cowley County. No restrictions as to variety. Three or more to enter. Chromo on exhibition at my place of business and at the main building during Fair week.


THREE DOLLARS. For the best trained colt foaled in 1883. Must be trained by boy under 15 years, and exhibited under halter in the speed ring. Two or more must enter to take money.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the best exhibit in the culinary department to be prepared by the exhibitor. Open to all.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the largest yield of wheat per acre, of not less than 10 acres, sample of wheat shown, and affidavit of grower and thresher as to the quantity produced. Restricted to Cowley County growth.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the best five pounds of butter in one pound prints, made by exhibitor. Restricted to Cowley County. Creamery butter barred.


TEN DOLLAR LADIES CLOAK. For the best and neatest hand made calico comfort, by any lady in Cowley County. Three or more to compete for the prize.

Lot 15. BY A. H. DOANE & CO. COAL & WOOD.

FIVE DOLLARS. For five stalks of corn with ears attached. The corn to be husked, shelled, and weighed by the committee, and the largest and heaviest yield to take the money. Three or more to enter.

THIRTY DOLLAR BABY WAGON. Will be awarded to the lucky baby under one year of age, open to the world as follows. Entries open on Friday, Sept. 28th, from 2 to 3 p.m. Each baby as entered will be numbered 1, 2, and 3, and up, until the hour of closing, after which, cards corresponding with the number of babies will be placed in a box, when the awarding committee will conduct the drawing to the satisfaction of all. The prize baby wagon will be on exhibition in the show window of Messrs. O'Meara & Randolph, thirty days before the opening of the Fair, and on the grounds during exhibition week.

For best colt, sired by "Lilac," Ten Dollars. Second best $5.00.

For the best loaf of bread made by Miss under fifteen years of age, Five Dollars.

To the parents of the largest family in Cowley County, embracing sons, daughters, son- in-laws, daughter-in-laws, and grandchildren. The WINFIELD COURIER will present a ten dollar gold piece, and a life subscription to the COURIER. All entries in this class must be made at the office of the secretary on or before the third day of the Fair. The result will be published in detail in the COURIER together with the names of all contestants and their families. This premium is offered so that the most material interest of our county may not pass without recognition.

For the best letter of not more than one hundred words, to the TELEGRAM, written by a Cowley County boy or girl not over fifteen years old, $3.00 and ten years subscription to the TELEGRAM. For the second best letter on same condition, $2.00 and five years subscription to the TELEGRAM. Letters may be written on any subject concerning Cowley County or Cowley County matters. The letters must be addressed to the TELEGRAM and signed by the writers' full name accompanied by post office address, and must be written in time for publication previous to September 17th. The letters will all be published in the TELEGRAM. The manuscripts will be carefully preserved and submitted to competent judges on the first day of the Fair. The winners may have their papers sent to themselves or their friends as they may prefer.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The officers of the city were greatly exercised last Wednesday evening by the appearance of a large number of tramps on our streets. Extra help was put on and a close watch kept, but no outrages were committed. The tramps seemed to be moving westward and to have made a night-stop in Winfield.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. Cook, architect, brought us in a block of polished stone Tuesday, of the kind and quality now being put into the walls of Mr. Arthur H. Green's splendid new residence, in Pleasant Valley Township. It is a mottled gray limestone, very firm and the handsomest stone we have seen in the west. It looks like granite. Mr. Green's residence when completed will be the finest private house in the county. It is 35 x 50, two stories with attic story and basement, and contains fourteen large rooms. It is built of the stone above described, cut in the style known as "pitch face." In addition to this building, large and commodious barns and out buildings are being erected, mostly of stone. He is investing a large amount of money and proposes to make "Magnolia" a model farm.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

DIED. J. S. Kirby came in from Fredonia a week ago Monday evening and put up at the Commercial Hotel. He was suffering from diabetes and came over for treatment, but was so far gone that he died Wednesday evening, the 25th. He laid during Tuesday and part of Wednesday in a state of insensibility, among strangers and with only the slight attentions that chance visitors could bestow. He was shipped back Thursday morning to his friends. His father was wired at Fredonia of his dangerous illness, but the telegram did not reach its destination until after the body, being delayed over thirty hours.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The jury in the case of M. David tried last week for selling liquor at Geuda Springs, brought in a verdict of guilty after being out but a half an hour. A fine of one hundred and fifty dollars and costs, amounting in all to over three hundred dollars, was assessed. On Monday Mr. David and his son were arrested on several additional counts. It looks as though there wouldn't be a great deal left of Mr. David after Attorney Jennings gets through with him.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Republicans of Ninnescah Township: At a regular meeting of the Republican Central Committee, held in Winfield, July 14th, 1883, it was recommended that the primaries of each township and ward in Cowley County be held on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m. You are, therefore, notified that the Republican primary for Ninnescah Township will be held in the schoolhouse at Udall Thursday, Aug. 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., sharp. W. B. NORMAN.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. A. B. Arment has his furniture store filled with goods from top to bottom. He carries every class of goods, from the finest upholstered to the commonest wood-bottom chair, and has a perfect depot of novelties. We took a turn through his establishment Monday and were surprised to find such a quantity of fine furniture and nick-nacks. One can hardly look through without seeing something that they feel like buying.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

On the fourth of July the writer's buggy collided with a saddle horse, running one of the shafts into his flank some six inches and breaking it square off. Saturday we learned that the horse belonged to Mr. J. S. Baker of Tisdale. The accident happened in the park, and was caused by the saddle horse shying back into the road after having left it for the buggy to pass. It produced a very painful flesh wound, but the horse is now recovering.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Half the trees that have been planted this spring are dead or dying. This is a shame and a waste of time and labor, and is caused wholly by the neglect of persons planting them. The only way to raise trees is to cultivate them just as you would a garden or corn field. Young trees need all the nourishment there is in the ground, and no weeds should be allowed to share with them. Keep the ground well stirred.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The trees on the Courthouse square are growing splendidly. All have lived but one and their growth has been rapid. This is a demonstration of the necessity of keeping the ground around trees thoroughly cultivated and free from weeds. When this is done they always live, grow, and thrive. It is easier to raise corn in the weeds than young trees.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

After dinner Tuesday the table of the local editor presented a picture calculated to draw tears from the eyes of as hardened sinners as Zenor, Doane, or Will Wilson. Prominent in the foreground was an old lop-eared satchel that seemed to have done duty for a century. It was appropriately labeled. By its side stood menacingly a Cowley County cucumber of mammoth proportions, accompanied by a full history in detail of the life, habits, and dangerous char- acter of the creature. Near this lay a fierce looking revolver bearing the suggestive epitaph: "He said the editor lied! Poor man!" Other implements of torture in the shape of mottoes and superscriptions lay thick around and the table bore every indication of having been dese- crated by a horde of barbarous savages upon whom the soul-inspiring cantos of the delinquent tax list would have no more effect than salt on a rabbit's tail. They will probably return for their cucumber, in which case they will be apprehended and compelled to read this item in retribution for their rash acts.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Abe Steinberger came in Thursday after his wife, who has been visiting with her folks here. He has sold the Grip, purchased the Howard Journal, and will begin the publication of a rattling paper at Howard next week. We are glad to see Abe back on his old stamping ground once more. He has a multitude of warm friends at Howard, and that town owes much to his energy and work in the past.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Miss Nellie Cole is off for a summer's visit in Missouri. Of course, she will enjoy the visit and her friends will as certainly enjoy her company. Among Winfield's bright young ladies, none are possessed of more pleasant and winning social qualities than Miss Nellie. Her absence will have a depressing effect upon several of our young gentlemen.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The Good Templars have inaugurated a series of socials for themselves and friends occurring every two weeks at the homes of different members. The second one of the season was given at the home of Mrs. E. T. Trimble on Tuesday evening, with a very interesting literary program.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Will Robinson left last Friday for a six week's tour through California. He will take in the coast from top to bottom, investigate Mormon life and peculiarities of Salt Lake, inter- view Chinatown and dine with the nabobs on Quality Hill, in San Francisco. It will be a pleasant, and of course a profitable trip.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

George Walker spent Sunday in the city. He was compelled to. Charlie Harter woke up the wrong man and sent him off on the 4:10 train for George. As the stranger has not been heard of since the mistake was made, he is probably going still. George has purchased an interest in a Wichita business and will hereafter be a resident of Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

At a special term of court Monday, Judge Torrance rendered judgment in the case of Carpenter vs. Old Winfield Township. The judgment is assessed against the township for the full amount of scrip and interest and orders it collected from the real estate embraced in the territory that was formerly Old Winfield Township.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The ladies of the Christian Church were very successful with their ice cream supper Saturday afternoon and evening. In the evening the Courier Cornet Band gave their services and rendered several fine musical selections for the benefit of the visitors.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Jake Goldsmith packed a cracker-box with his other shirt, borrowed a pair of stockings, and started East Tuesday. He will visit St. Louis, Chicago, and Cincinnati, and devote his time to sightseeing and rest. We wish him a pleasant time.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

For Rent. 1-1/2 story frame house, 5 rooms, 1 block east of Main street in north part of city; a desirable location. Inquire at J. B. Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

For sale. 50 feet of store shelving in good repair. Inquire at O'Meara & Randolph's one price Shoe Store.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Get ready for sheep shearing by buying your twine, sacks, and sheep shears of Horning & Whitney.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Some Candidates.
Saturday was a big day for candidates; indeed, every day now-a-days brings forth an enterprising batch of them. But Saturday was especially active in this commodity. They were all around here and there and everywhere.

The first one we observed was R. B. Pratt, that staunch old Democrat, who has been born and bred in the party ranks until he is in root, branch, and fibre Democratic. He's running hard for the Democratic nomination for sheriff.

Mr. Gary, the present incumbent, whose Democracy is of a later and more spongy growth, was also active, and slashed around until the tails of his linen duster stood out behind. His "don't-tread-on-the-tail-of-me-coat" style is peculiarly refreshing, and as his "record," political and otherwise, is still a matter of deep, dark, and dismal mystery, he meets with some favor in the eyes of the unterrified.

In the Republican camp the activity and friction smelled like brimstone. That little man walking along so peacefully is none other than our present county treasurer, and while he seems so contented and peaceful, is really putting the stakes and riders on his nine rail fence, while way off in the country his genial competitor, Capt. Nipp, is building a barbed wire enclosure for himself.

That fellow going across the street in ten steps and an old straw hat is Capt. Siverd. It is pretty generally understood that he is a candidate for sheriff and that he's got a bushel of friends who think he will make the best kind of an officer. He is always going that way, and everytime he goes something comes.

The tall, handsome man Capt. Siverd is talking to is Oscar Wooley, his competitor for the honor. He is a young man of unimpeachable character, brave as a lion, and runs like a race horse.

The healthy, well-to-do farmer on the other corner is W. E. Rash, candidate for Register of Deeds. He is one of the best men in the county, has hosts of friends, and the hearty way he shakes your hand is proof positive that he understands how to make a campaign.

Sam Strong is just passing, and his shadow on the sidewalk makes one think the sun has gone behind a cloud. He is the terror of hotel keepers, and one of the fattest, jolliest, and best natured of the cavalcade. He runs very fast for his size.

That smiling individual surveying the scene from the top of a stairway is Col. Tom Soward, and the pipe he is smoking is a peace pipe. He wants it, but if the people say he can't have it, wants some other good fellow to get it. He is Cowley's favorite orator and his vest covers a great big heart that warms for the ills of all humanity.

That tall fellow with auburn hair, wearing a paper collar and a broad smile, is Sim Moore. He is a late accession to the procession and is elbowing his way "up front" as fast as circumstances will permit. He can lean over the side of his buggy, whisper, wink, and look wise, and the average voter becomes mystified and suspicious.

The man with a big hat who goes around so easy like is Capt. Hunt. He knows every voter in the county and has served them all during his two terms as County Clerk faithfully and well. He is always crowded with work, especially when he has a campaign and hot weather to contend with.

The tall fellow who looks like a church deacon is Tom Blanchard. He settled in Cowley when it was a wilderness of Indians and buffalo, and has always been a staunch, reliable citizen. He will contest with Capt. Hunt for a place on the ticket.

Numerous other actual and prospective candidates took a different day of the week for their raid on the county seat, and therefore escape any reflections in this connection. How- ever, the batch is a good one. If they were stood up in a row in plain view of every voter, they would speak for themselves.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

The Market. Today (Wednesday) new wheat is 74 cents and old wheat 76. Corn brings 29 cents. Oats 13 cents. Hogs range from $4.75 to $5.00. Butter brings 15 cents. Eggs 12-1/2. Potatoes 35 cents per bushel.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Cowley County Fair.

Cowley County holds a fair from the 25th to the 28th of September. Mr. D. L. Kretsinger, of Winfield, is the Superintendent. He was in the city yesterday making arrangements for cheap fares and freights on exhibits, and succeeded in procuring three cents a mile for round trip tickets and reasonable rates for exhibits. He informed us that a stock company had been formed with $10,000 capital, on which 70 percent had been paid. They have bought 53 acres of land for fair purposes, paying $75 per acre therefor. It looks as though Cowley County would have a big fair. Commonwealth.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Ice Cream. The Baptist S. S. has resolved to present their church with a bell worthy of their meeting house and the city. In furtherance of this purpose, the misses of the school will give an ice cream entertainment at the church on Thursday evening, August 9th, to which all are cordially invited. The time was when we had to sigh as we sang:

"I hear no Sabbath bell,

I know no Sabbath morn,

Nor the voice of reapers heard

Among the yellow corn."

Not so now for the sweet musical peal of the Sabbath bell greets us.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

McDonald & Miner have just finished remodeling their storeroom. They have disposed of the groceries and filled the whole room with Dry Goods, Boots, and Shoes, and Carpets. The stock is complete and the store one of the pleasantest and most roomy in the city. For the next few weeks they will mark everything down to the lowest notch in order to make room for a big fall stock. If you want especial good bargains, call on them within the next thirty days.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

A lot of Kaw Chiefs were in town Tuesday to sign the papers for the lease of several township lands adjoining the state, to Mr. Gilbert, for a time trader at their agency. The lease is for ten years for grazing purposes. Curns & Manser got up the papers.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

C. M. Scott brought Ed. Gray up to see the hub Tuesday. After considerable engineering, we secured permission of the Mayor for them to stay in the city overnight, but they feared trouble and returned on the first train.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Hank Paris received a dispatch from his mother Tuesday evening, stating that she was very low and not expected to live. He left Wednesday morning and will not return before the first of next week.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Next Thursday the young misses, the belles of the Baptist Sabbath School, will give a bell ice cream party at the church as an initial proceeding to bell the church. Call and help them.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. D. C. Beach and family returned Tuesday from a week's pleasure trip into the Terri- tory. They visited Ponca and several other of the Indian agencies, camping along the road.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

July was an unusually good month for business in Winfield, notwithstanding that July is generally counted one of the dullest months of the year, if the postal receipts are a true indication. The postal receipts at the Winfield office were greater than any previous month, reaching about $900.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mr. David failed to give proper bond for appeal in his case, and on Monday was remanded to jail at this place in default of payment of fine, where he now lies.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Dr. Taylor captured two monster tape worms, head and tail, from two different parties in this county last week; one 83 feet long, the other about 20 feet long.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Wanted. By man and wife, board and room in private family. Address "C," this office.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Mrs. N. A. Haight has been quite ill for the past week.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Resolutions of the Cowley County Normal Institute, Adopted at the Close of the Session Ending July 25th, 1883.

Resolved, That we, the teachers of Cowley County, tender Prof. Davis our sincere thanks for the thorough, systematic, and agreeable manner in which he has conducted our Institute.

Resolved, That we recognize the good judgment, untiring energy, and ability of our County Superintendent, Profs. Trimble and Gridley, and that we offer them our thanks for the faithful manner in which they have performed their part of the work.

Resolved, That this Institute, coming as it has earlier in the season, will be remembered as one of the pleasantest we have ever attended. That while it has been a session of inesti- mable educational value, it has been one of pleasure and good feeling as well.

Resolved, That we will use in our schools this winter the practical Normal methods which we have been taught at this Institute.

Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be sent to each of the city papers for publication.

L. C. BROWN, Chairman of Committee.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

A Card.

EDS. COURIER: We desire through the columns of your paper, to most sincerely thank the many friends and neighbors who rendered such timely assistance in our late continued and fatal sickness, and especially are we placed under obligations we can never repay, to Mrs. Matty Simcox, Mrs. Sady Greer, Mrs. Strickland, and Mrs. Dow, who, at the sacrifice of their own interests, labored with us through the long weary days and nights. May kind Providence guard them from like affliction, and long spare them to minister to the sick and distressed, is our prayer. This is but a feeble expression of our gratitude, and we can only say, God protect and bless you. T. A. BLANCHARD, SARAH E. BLANCHARD.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Sedan News.

Verily, verily, sayeth our best girl, the time hath arrived when ice cream is only 5 cents a dish. Therefore, let us rejoice while we may, and the 5 cents goeth straightway.

We are pleased, and at the same time a little jealous, to hear so many compliments showered upon the Courier Band. A certain young lady friend of ours to whom I have had occasion to refer in previous letters, and who is well known to the COURIER folks, says that the Courier Band isn't "near there" with ours, and I have a great deal of faith in her state- ments, especially when she asserts that I am the greenest, most awkward young man in town.

The all-absorbing sensation of the day in our county is the conflict of bourbonism on the one hand and civilization on the other. At least four saloons have been in full blast in our city for nearly a year under the cloak of a druggist's permit, and whiskey has flowed free for adults and minors alike, while every back street is barricaded with beer bottles. Previous to this, no systematic, whole-souled effort has been made to abate this iniquity. It is true that Ben Henderson convicted a druggist of Peru, but the County Attorney, M. B. Light, to whom he confided his plans, reduced them to paper, gave them to the bourbon attorneys, and by the power of the County Attorney, defeated the verdict of guilty in the district court. Since then, Mr. Lemon has redeemed the office of county attorney by entering a righteous prosecution against four drug stores in Sedan, and at last the news comes that Mr. Lemon has resigned and Ben Henderson is appointed in his place. Of course, the usual howl goes up, but if the aforesaid Ben Henderson don't convince the beer guzzling, law-breaking outfit in this place that there is still a "God in Israel," in less than two months, than I am no shadow of a prophet. God prosper the COURIER for the grand, bold, uncompromising stand to which it is devoted in this all-important fight. So long as civilization stands up and rewards its devotees for their fearless labors, your inheritance is sure. JASPER.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. Star is not in usual health.

Mr. Wolf has returned from the Nation.

Mr. James Demaree has gone to Hunnewell.

Miss Leah Wells is home from the Springs and is quite sick.

Mrs. Wells has recovered from the mumps; was very sick indeed.

Mrs. Chapell Senior is suffering again with her chronic spells of dizziness.

Plenty has happened since I last wrote, but I have failed to glean all the news.

Mr. Wm. May has the boss stone quarry. Mr. Loupee also has a very good one.

Mr. Lucas returned from the Normal some time ago, quite sick. I do not know whether he has recovered or not.

Miss Mattie West was a welcome guest when visiting the Misses Chapell and Hoyland two days this last week.

There has been some sickness lately, nothing contagious, but usually the result of over- work during the warm weather.

From Salem those that live afar

Failed to see the falling "Star."

Twice has it fallen from its throne,

Accompanied once, and once alone.

Mr. Hartley of Sedgwick visited his daughters this week and he intends to take them home with him to cheer his lonely home awhile with their presence.

Mr. Geo. Vance is quite seriously indisposed at present; hope he may soon recover and not be afflicted with a long sick spell. Harvesting at night don't seem to pay.

Mrs. Pixley received a telegram that her mother was dangerously ill, and she hastened to her bedside in Illinois. At last accounts she had rallied. Hope she may fully recover.

Mrs. Vance was very sick for several days, but under the care of Dr. Dows is in usual health again. The little boy of Mr. and Mrs. Avis was also a very sick child, but the Doctor brought him out all right also.

Harvest is a thing of the past now and most everyone has stacking done and quite a good many have threshed. Messrs. Edgar, Chapell, Shields, Doufman, and others have at least part of their threshing done.

Messrs. Downs, Kelly, and Elrod got up a select ball and warmed the floor of the new schoolhouse. There were fifty-six numbers sold, I am informed, and refreshments were served downstairs. A very enjoyable time was on the program, but dividing it with so many went against the grain with some. But all went off nicely and the committee are to be congratulated.

Mrs. Avis had a very pleasant surprise on her birthday evening as her indulgent hubby had invited several friends to spend the evening with them. Several went with a basket of good things and a nice bouquet of flowers was also presented, and as she never dreamed of company, it was a complete surprise. Your Olivia was among those bidden, but spent the time in quiet watching by the bedside of a sick sister, who also regretted very much that we could not be present. Mr. Avis presented his wife with a pretty ring. May their happiness resemble it in having no end. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


Health of this community generally good.

C. H. Zimmerman has lately made quite an addition to his already neat residence.

Mr. John Hefner has just finished a fine house on the "Old Jack Edwards farm," which he purchased some two years ago.

Henry Lavender has taken a claim back of Mr. George Hosmer's and is engaged in building a stone house thereon.

Road overseers of the several roads are complying with the late law, and are cutting all noxious weeds out of the public highways.

MARRIED. Mr. Whaling of Cedarvale to Miss Beaty of Cedar Creek. Hope he may never be whaled nor her beat.

BIRTH. S. W. Guthrie has in increase in his family, viz: his father-in-law, Mr. Clover, from Oswego and a new girl baby. Haven't heard as to weight of either, nor as to how parents are prospering.

Mr. Wm. Gammon is having a fine and commodious barn erected on his farm on Otter Creek.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of Mr. Whited, on Otter Creek, Mr. Neman and Miss Jennie Whited.

Mr. Graves has 16 acres of cane planted and it is doing well, therefore more taffy and more politicians than this county can swallow at once. Suggestive!

Would it not be a good policy to move the COURIER office to gifted New Salem at once? OTTERITE.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.


Our harvesting has kept us so busy for a few weeks past that we have had but little time to gather anything of interest for your paper. We had a splendid rain last week, which has refreshed things greatly. Some of the farmers are threshing their wheat out of the shock. The yield is good: in many cases far beyond expectations.

Mr. Christopher is stacking his wheat.

Henry Sparrow and Eli Bechtel have treated themselves to a new hay frame.

L. S. Brown is putting up a barn for John Thomas.

Mr. Miles and Marling have finished stacking and are now plowing for wheat.

J. S. Baker has been very unfortunate in procuring machinery to cut his oats, but has succeeded at last.

George Gardner is threshing his wheat.

The Prairie Home Sunday School reorganized with Rev. Brown and Mrs. I. E. Brown Superintendents; J. W. Lafoon, Secretary; J. W. Conrad, Treasurer, and C. Miller, Chorister. School in good working order.

Mrs. Hall from Sumner County has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. G. Brown, for the past few weeks. She returned to her home next week. CHARITY.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


Mr. William Orr has erected a nice shed under which he has stacked his Timothy hay. Timothy does well for Mr. Orr.

Some time has elapsed since our last, and we have found it almost a matter of impossi- bility to write you the "newsy gossips" of our part.

We have just been favored with a splendid rain, and we expect more than an average crop of corn. Farmers are very jubilant over the prospects.

The "southwestern" stone fence building company have resumed their work on Mr. Orr's fence, having laid over through harvest and wheat stacking.

A great many of our wheat raisers have threshed a part of their grain and received a very good yield, though not so good as last year's crop. Wheat as a general thing is not yielding as well, and not as fine quality as last year.

There have been several land buyers in this part lately; all very anxious for Kansas lands. Mr. Fin Graham was offered almost three times the price he paid for his farm one year ago by an Illinois farmer. He was offered $8,000. Luck to Mr. Graham.

We are at a loss to know who is the most prominent candidate for sheriff. Let's hear from all the COURIER correspondents and join in making the COURIER one of the most radical republican organs in the state, and give the old republicans a "boom."

Some have been letting their stock run here and there all over the country, in their neighbors' crops, and after they have to be run after and put up by someone, they complain of having to pay damages. The best way to avoid hard feelings in this case is for everyone to see that their stock is kept at home.

We have been overrun with book agents, peddlers, and beggars for the last month or more. Some of the beggars dressed in good cloth suits, with fine laundered shirts would come to our doors and beg for something to eat. We think there is more pretense than any- thing else; and a big sign at the front gate might prove efficient to keep such loafers away, and perhaps make many rich men. ROB ROY.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


Believe there were some additions to list, but not sure.

1. H. H. Siverd, for Sheriff.

2. T. A. Blanchard, for County Clerk.

3. J. B. Nipp, for County Treasurer.

4. N. W. Dressie, for Register of Deeds.

5. L. B. Stone, for re-nomination, County Treasurer.

6. H. O. Wooley, Vernon Township, candidate for Sheriff.

7. J. S. Rash, Harvey Township, Register of Deeds.

8. G. W. Prater, Walnut Township, for Sheriff.

9. Jacob Nix, for re-election, Register of Deeds.

10. J. S. Hunt, re-election, County Clerk.

11. S. P. Strong, of Rock Township, for Register of Deeds.

12. S. S. Moore, of Burden, for Register of Deeds.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


See the announcement of Capt. J. S. Hunt for re-nomination for the office of County Clerk of Cowley County. Capt. Hunt is one of the most popular officers we ever had. He has held the office now going on four years and has kept things in the best kind of shape, can put his hand on any paper or record belonging to his office at any time and is always ready to give any information required. He is always gentlemanly and accommodating and has made so many warm friends all over the county that it is a big undertaking to run against him.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


We call attention to the announcement of S. P. Strong of Rock Creek Township as a candidate for the Republican nomination as Register of Deeds. He is certainly a strong candidate as he is an earnest, enterprising, and reliable gentleman who has made warm friends wherever he has become acquainted. He has been heartily with the Republican party from the first until now, has always been on hand when there was any work to do, and deserves recognition not only by his party but by the county. We need not assure anyone who knows him that he is in every way thoroughly well qualified and would make a most pleasant and popular county officer.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


As will appear in another place, Giles W. Prater is announced as a candidate for the Republican nomination for the office of Sheriff of this county. Mr. Prater is at present the popular marshal of the city of Winfield and is thoroughly well qualified for the office he seeks. He is a quiet and unassuming gentleman, but he is vigorous, energetic, and coura- geous, with sympathies with the people, and has many warm friends who will give him a vigorous support.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


As will be noticed, Capt. Jacob Nixon is announced as a candidate for re-nomination for the office of Register of Deeds of this county. He has held the office for the last three years and more by his strict attention to business and gentlemanly bearing has made himself one of the most popular officers our county ever had. He is an active thinker and by his efficiency as a secretary and his inventions has been exceedingly valuable to our county and people. He will come before the convention with a very strong support from active friends and with his merits and efficiency conceded by all.

Wellington Press.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


We call attention to the announcement of S. S. Moore of Burden as a candidate for Register of Deeds. Mr. Moore is one of the earliest settlers in this county and has gone through all the early struggles which have culminated in making our county prosperous and promising for the future. He has always been well known as a prominent Republican and an active, reliable citizen. He is in every way well qualified for the office, and has the qualities which make the most popular officer.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


P. E. Swem, of Missouri, has been looking over Cowley and Sumner Counties the past week looking up a location, and reports that he saw a man named Van Ortuck, in western Cowley County, 78 years old, who had raised on his little farm 430 bushels of wheat, 20 acres of corn, and 10 acres of oats, and the only team he used was a single ox.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.


Our camp meeting will commence next Friday.

Most of the farmers are almost through plowing for wheat.

Blackberry crop is over. The next will be peaches and apples.

Miss Nettie Stewart of Winfield spent a few days in this vicinity last week.

Bart McCollum has taken Dan to Cincinnati to have his eyes doctored.

Mr. Joe Hill has returned from a ramble through Colorado and Nevada.

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Baird have returned from Pueblo, Colorado, and will locate here.

Mr. Will Hostetter, after being quite ill, has recovered and is able to attend Sunday school.

After the beautiful rain the crops all look refreshed again, as though we may have a good crop of corn, also tomatoes, cabbage, etc.

Devore's, having purchased their new steam engine, have commenced threshing. We hear that they have all the work they can do.

Odessa was much disappointed on account of the rain Sabbath day, as we did not get to hear Mrs. Williams preach. Hope she will leave another appointment soon.

We regret to hear that we will lose one of our most industrious citizens, Mr. S. Camp. He will leave for Washington Territory in September. We wish him great success and hope he will like the country.

Odessa accepted the invitation to the picnic last Saturday, August 4th. There were several schools, Odessa, Red Valley, and Zion's Valley. They all enjoyed themselves splendidly as far as I know. We hope they will have another one soon. M. S.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

News from Dexter.

Miss Maggie Elliott is very low with typhoid fever.

Dexter is lively, business is good, and beer is plenty.

DIED. A young child of Mr. Sol Smith's was buried last week.

Corn stalks twelve feet high are no uncommon thing here.

A sickly season is expected. Several cases of "ager" are around.

Mr. Holland on Plum Creek is just finishing a nice frame house.

Candidates are thicker than bumble bees and buzz about as much.

Look out, Dexter ladies, for Dr. Tullie G. Hoyt is out in search of a wife.

Our inflated, jolly Dutchman, Mr. Royer, has sold his farm to Henry Branson, and will settle on Plum Creek.

Mr. Rol. Maurer is having a good stone house put up by a good workman, Mike Walters. Rol. proposes to stay in the valley.

Mr. Wm. Wagner of Thayer is here visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. S. Osborne. He comes with the intention of starting a store at Dexter.

Dexter people "dare the weather" during the present drizzle drazzle that spoils the millet harvest and keeps the wheat threshers at a man's house for a week. GRANGER.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Rock News.

Crops in this section look well.

Mr. Harcourt has put up a wind pump.

Some of the farmers are making hay.

The camp meeting in Green's grove has closed.

Dr. Hornady will soon have his house enclosed.

Miss Nannie McWilliams' school has closed.

Misses Lida and Lou Strong are home from the Normal.

I. T. Bailey, wife and son, are going to Geuda on a visit.

A. W. Railsback has bought the Charley Ballard place.

Mrs. Lydia Thompson and daughter are visiting friends in Geuda.

There will be a school meeting at Rock next Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Hollingsworth had to stop threshing on account of the wet weather.

Mrs. Strong's niece, of Missouri, who has been visiting friends here, will start home Friday, accompanied by her aunt, who will go on to Indiana.

Mr. Hornady and wife, of Chicago, who have been visiting Dr. Hornady, of Rock, left for home Monday. Mr. Hornady, of Illinois, bought Ed. Holmes' farm for $1,700, but will not take possession until spring. He also bought 150 head of sheep of Mr. Ab. Holmes.

C. L.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

An Appeal from Dexter to the Ladies' Temperance Society, or to Anyone Who Can Help.
In this little town and vicinity we are greatly in need of help. Give us some practical advice. This is our case: All the women and many men are in favor of prohibition. We believe it just and right as a law and are willing to work for its enforcement. We rejoice over every prosecution and hope that every person dealing unlawfully in liquor may be broken up and put in prison. But in spite of our sentiments and our willingness, we are obliged to see the law violated every week; to see our friends, our husbands, sons, and brothers often intoxi- cated by liquor obtained in opposition to the law; and the vile stuff is brought from our county seat by the gallon and casejust how obtained is what we would like to knowand it is kept here in sly corners by businessmen and sold for money and given away to those who will return the favor. In the meantime an honest person desiring liquor for medical purposes can only obtain it by paying for both prescription and spirits. While this state of things exists, while we see our husbands, sons, and brothers wasting their money and ours, ruining their health and laying themselves liable to prosecution, can we do nothing to prevent it? Can you temperance workers there at Winfield do nothing to stop the supply that is flooding this county? Now be honest, publish this, own the truth about your town as we do about ours, and tell us what can be done. We are in earnest, and will do anything short of prosecuting members of our own families, and we may be provoked far enough to do that. We have fought this evil in our homes and in our town a long time. We are sorry and ashamed to have to come out and expose it publicly, but something must and shall be done.

If such a state of affairs exists, it is time our officers were looking it up. You should give the names of the violators of the law so that our officers will have something to start on. The true way is to make a complaint to the county attorney.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Council had a lively and exciting session Monday evening. With cellar digging bills, tax levy, and hose bids, the honorable dads were sorely tried.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

They showed for what purpose levy is made; levy in mills; valuation levied on; and amount to be raised. AM GIVING AMOUNT TO BE RAISED ONLY.

State tax: $16,105

County funding bonds: $3,581.

County funding bonds sinking fund: $10,743.

County poor farm: $5,370.

R. R. bonds interest: $3,581.

General county fund: $31,101.


County treasurer's salary: $4,000.

County clerk's salary: $2,500.

County attorney's salary: $1,200.

County superintendent's salary: $1,000.

County commissioners' salary: $300.

Sheriff and deputy's fees: $3,000.

Assessors' fees: $2,500.

Abstract of land entries: $25.

Books and stationery: $1,000.

Bailiffs' fees: $200.

Constables' fees: $200.

Coroner's court: $75.

District clerk's fees: $200.

Express and postage: $150.

Expense of Courthouse and jail: $200.

Fuel for county offices: $400.

Expenses of insane: $500.

Insurance: $200.

Jurors fees: $2,500.

J. P. fees in criminal cases: $150.

County printing: $1,200.

Prisoners, expenses of: $500.

Roads, expenses of: $200.

Rewards for horse thieves: $200.

Stenographer fees: $200.

Witness fees: $1,000.

Paupers, expenses of: $3,000.

Miscellaneous expenses: $1,000.

Probable delinquent: $2,601.

Total of Estimate: $31,101. J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Corn is twenty-eight cents a bushel.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Flax brings eighty-five cents if it is pure seed.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. F. M. Friend is visiting friends in Joplin, Missouri.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Forest Rowland is quite sick with a bilious attack.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

BIRTH. S. D. Pryor has named his new boy "Winfield W."

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Tunnel Mills are running. Come with your grists.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. H. Silver is out again after a very severe spell of sickness.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Miss Jessie Meech returned last week from a visit to Michigan.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

M. B. Light. of Sedan, spent a few days of last week in the city.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Four new wells are being put down on the fair grounds by David Dix.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. F. K. Raymond is enjoying a visit from her friend, Miss Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Miss Josie Mansfield left Saturday morning to visit friends in Montrose, Missouri.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Board of County Commissioners met Monday and made the general tax levy.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Allison Gridley, Jr., and family have gone away on a visit during the heated term.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. G. S. Manser will return from Lawrence in a few days with Mrs. Manser and family.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

George Daggett sold 2,000 bushels of corn last Monday at 28 cents. Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Allen B. Lemmon was down from Newton Tuesday looking after property interests here.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Wm. Dobbs has sold his Vernon Township farm of 160 acres to Elizabeth Hahn for $4,900.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Board discharged Horace Whittaker from jail Monday. He was put in for stealing saws.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Messrs. W. B. Norman and H. H. Martin, of Ninnescah, were in the city Monday on business.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

M. Hahn & Co., keep in stock a full supply of all kinds of machine needles, also sewing machine oil.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

MARRIED. Harry Faragher was married at Oregon, Missouri, last week. It's rather surprising the way they go off.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. W. B. Pixley, accompanied by her son and daughter, is off on a visit to friends in Iowa and Illinois.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. Lemmon and her daughter, Clara, mother and sister of A. B. Lemmon, spent a day of last week in this city.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

I want 40 acres of stubble land stirred for wheat at once. Will pay $1.25 per acre. S. E. Burger, Walnut Township.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Dexter primary will be held on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., the time recommended by committee.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Wm. Stewart, of Bolton Township, was in the city Monday and says crop prospects are simply immense. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

J. D. Hammond of Beaver brought us last Saturday some of the largest and best speci- mens of tomato we have seen.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

H. G. Fuller is home again and looks refreshed and rejuvenated. He will make the fur fly during the balance of the year.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. Wm. P. Gibson sold his 160 acre farm in Vernon Township Monday to James M. Warner for $6,800. Land is going up lively.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Charlie Black, Cal Ferguson, and Ewing, a Columbus buggy company man, left Sunday for a week's hunting trip in the Territory.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

C. W. Sanders sent us in a sample of millet that measures seven feet in length. Millet is a splendid crop in this county. Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

BIRTH. And now comes J. P. Short with a handful of fine Havanas and announces the advent of a bran new girl of regulation weight into his family.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The township committee of Rock Township has called the Republican Primary to meet at Rock schoolhouse on the afternoon of the 30th.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Several very fine specimens of tomatoes were deposited on our table Friday by Mr. A. R. Gillett. They were very large, round, and smooth.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. H. L. Bair has sold his farm and will remove to Winfield. After seventeen years of life in the mountains, he finds it difficulty to get acclimated here.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Next week we will open up the fall and winter styles of Butterick's Patterns. Catalogues and fashion sheets free of charge at M. Hahn & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. W. A. Berkey and wife spent last week in the city as the guests of D. Berkey. "Rit" returned to Kansas City Monday, leaving Mrs. Berkey to follow in a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. Morris and Mrs. and Miss Chandler, of Oxford, were in the city Tuesday, making some purchases. The ladies all have to come to the "hub" on extra shopping occasions.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

M. A. Walton leaves today for his home in Cameron, West Virginia. He feels less inclined to go back this time than ever before. We hope to see him a resident here once more in the near future.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Horticultural Society, one week from next Saturday, will discuss the Tree question. What are the best varieties to plant? When and how to plant, prune, etc., with the profits of tree culture, will be the questions before the meeting. These are very important questions, and it is hoped that much reliable information will be elicited.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Directors of the Fair Association at their meeting last Saturday let the contract for building the main exhibition building to D. R. Laycock, who will commence work this week. Several car loads of lumber are now on the track. The two wings of the main exhibition building, each 30 by 69 feet, will be put up at once. The center building, which is to be 40 x 40, two stories high with towers and minarets, will not be erected until later. The lumber for the stalls, pens, amphitheater, and offices will be here this week and put in place as soon as workmen can be secured to do it. The millet crop now growing on the grounds will be removed by the twenty-fifth of this month. During the next month the grounds will present a scene of great activity. As soon as the box stalls are completed, they will be occupied by horsemen who intend to put their horses into active training and desire to keep them near the track.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

BIRTHS. In the monotonous walks of life little incidents sometimes happen of a very interesting nature, and calculated to draw a fellow's attention from business cares to the more frolicsome occupation of parading around in scant apparel in the dead hours of night with a bottle of paregoric and a spoon. These reflections are caused by the announcement that Arthur Bangs has been presented with an heir, of regulation weight and handsomer (if possible) than its "paw." Congratulations are freely extended (for cigars) at this office.

LATER: The above may also apply to S. D. Pryor, who was on Sunday evening likewise "surprised." As he has not yet appeared upon the streets, we presume he is trying to keep out of the hands of his friends.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

BIRTHS. Mr. J. H. Hill is a patriotic citizen. He called in a few weeks ago and asked if it was really true that Wellington's census gave more population than Winfield. We told him it so appeared from the fickle figures of the Wellington's lightning statistician. He said he'd "help down 'em," and passed out. Today we receive the startling announcement that his wife has presented him with a pair of bouncing boys. That's business, and shows what can be done when a Winfield man turns his attention to census matters. Mr. Clerk, please put Winfield down for 4,002 and leave blanks for returns from the outlying precincts.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We have received a copy of the Premium List, Rules, and Regulations of the First Annual Exhibition of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association to be held at Winfield from September 25th to 28th, inclusive. It is a neatly printed pamphlet of 66 pages and contains the articles of incorporation, constitution and by-laws, general rules and regulations, and a complete list of premiums to be awarded by the association. The unprecedented pros- perity, and agricultural growth of the county makes it probable that this will be the most interesting exhibition of the kind ever held in the county. News.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Chase made a raid on that worthy couple last Thursday evening, the occasion being the fortieth birthday of Mrs. Chase. It was a surprise, complete and overwhelming. The neighbors brought baskets loaded with eatables, and such a time of eating and drinking cold spring water has never before been seen in Tisdale Town- ship. It was an occasion that will long be remembered by the family as one of the happiest of their lives.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

A lively and exciting horse race came off Saturday on a track on the Howland addition, between a horse belonging to Mr. Blenden, of Maple City, and "Cyclone," a fine running horse from Salt City. Over two hundred spectators were present. The five hundred yards was run in thirty-two seconds, and was won by the Blenden horse with twenty feet to spare. The result was a surprise to all, as the "Cyclone" was the favorite.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Talk about competition. The returns of Assessor Short were completed in June and disclosed the fact that the west ward had been losing ground, while the east ward had increased three hundred. Since that time there have been twenty-eight births in the west ward with a present rate of three each day. It's only a question of time and figures when the balance of population will be changed.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The farmers are despondent. The rains have given such an impetus to the corn crop that it looks as if the farmers will have more than they can do to gather it. This is what makes them despondent. W. K. McComas says he despairs of ever getting his crop gathered, and thinks he will go back to Kentucky, where they don't have such tremendous crops to harass the farmers. Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

M. Hahn, of the Bee Hive, will arrive at New York from Europe next week. He will spend several weeks in the Eastern market purchasing a very heavy stock of goods for the fall trade. No pains will be spared by him to procure all the latest novelties of the season, both for ladies' and for gentlemen's wear.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We are in receipt of the premium list of the Cowley County Fair. Like all the lists received so far, and they have been numerous, the premiums offered are liberal. The fair comes off September 25th to 28th. Cheap passenger and freight rates have been given.

Topeka Daily Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

DIED. Mrs. Newby, of Howard, was brought over by her husband several weeks ago to be placed under Dr. W. T. Wright's care. She was suffering from consumption, but was too far gone for relief and died on Monday. The remains were taken home to Howard Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The balance of the Old Winfield Township scrip is now being raked up from waste- baskets and pigeon holes and presented for payment. James Jordan has discovered that he has some of it. Other parties are still to hear from.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Under the efficient business management of Mr. T. R. Bryan, the Grocery house of Bryan & Lynn is forging to the front rapidly. The coffee sacks and sugar barrels piled around the store make it look like a wholesale establishment.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The new Bank has been painted, papered, and fixed up in fine style. The counter is a very large one and is being decorated in Mr. Hetherington's finest style. The books and furniture of the bank will be in place soon.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Five hundred dollars additional subscription to the capital stock of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association was reported to the Board at their meeting Saturday, for the week ending on that day.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. John B. Goodrich left Tuesday morning for Pueblo with a car load of melons. As John is a No. 1 salesman, we expect to hear of him receiving orders sufficient to consume Cowley's peach and melon crops.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Tom. Youle has mown down the weeds in the highways around his farm. Let others do likewise. A good deed like this for the benefit of the public merits attention.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Judge Gans has issued this week MARRIAGE LICENSES to the following parties.

I. E. McMillan to Forest Yourt.

T. F. Wright to Jessie Sample.

Thos. L. Ligget to Celie McKee.

Richard Peck to Sarah J. Coe.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

W. O. Coville, living near Udall, has found in a hill on his farm beds of paints considered of great value, besides iron ore and beautiful calcite crystals.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. Tom Johnson is absent visiting friends in Iowa.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Our fifteen cent lawns now for ten cents per yard. Fine Scotch zephyr gingham reduced from 30 to 20 cents. M. Hahn & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Spencer Bliss returned from a trip to Iowa and Nebraska in the interests of the Winfield Mills.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Wm. Moore brings us a bunch of millet six feet high, bearing mammoth heads. It is still growing.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. W. R. McDonald is much better and his friends are relieved of much uneasiness regarding his condition.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. John Swain came in from Florida Monday and will spend a few weeks among friends here. They like Florida very much.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The young ladies of the M. E. Church are bound to have a bell and are making arrangements for a peach festival next week.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We have a nice line of ladies' walking coatsjust the thing for cool mornings and evenings. Call and see them. M. Hahn & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Young People's Aid Society of the M. E. Church will hold a Peach Festival a week from Friday evening in the church.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. Knowles' little girl was severely injured Monday evening. She was playing and ran a hook into her eye, tearing out part of an eyelid.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

A committee of Odd Fellows went over to Geuda Springs Saturday evening and assisted in instituting a lodge there. They report a splendid time.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. Frank Williams left his big hotel long enough to run down and spend Monday with his Winfield friends. He hadn't been down before in six months.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We offer a lot of remnants of carpets at a great sacrifice; some pieces large enough to cover a small room. Bring the measure of the room you wish to carpet and we will make you very low figures. M. Hahn & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

J. P. Baden shipped a car load of watermelons west last week and another Monday. He never fails to find a market for everything raised in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Miller, Dix & Co., have again opened their North End Meat Market at the same stand. They propose to supply their customers with every convenience possible.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. B. B. Mann, special agent of the Kansas Mutual Life Insurance Company, was in the city Monday in its interests. The Kansas Mutual is coming forward very rapidly in the state.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

BIRTH. Mr. McGlasson had an addition to his family in the shape of a little wee baby about six weeks ago, which only weighed two pounds. It now weighs seven pounds and is getting along nicely.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. W. S. Matthias, Traveling Passenger Agent of the C. H. & D. railroad, spent Sunday in the city as the guest of A. H. Doane. He talked railroad until A. H. became uneasy and was almost persuaded to return to his old haunts.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The next communion service of the New Salem Presbyterian Church will be held on Sabbath, August 19th, at 11 a.m. Preparatory service, admission to membership, and administration of baptism on preceding Saturday night at 8 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

W. B. Hutchinson, of the Journal, I. B. Gilmore, and I. N. Cooper came over from Caldwell Tuesday as a committee to consult with the Missouri, Winfield, & Southwestern people on railroad matters. They were highly pleased with Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Western Farm and Investment Company, of which J. E. Conklin is secretary and R. R. Conklin treasurer, occupies three columns in last Tuesday's Kansas City Journal. Win-field men are forging to the front rapidly in Kansas City business circles.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Beaver Township Republican primary meeting will be held at the Beaver Center schoolhouse on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Republican Township Committee of Vernon Township announce the Werden schoolhouse as the place for holding the primary meeting of the party in that township, and Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., as the time.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Notice. The Republican electors of Walnut Township will meet at the Island Park north of Winfield, on Thursday, August 30, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing 5 delegates to the County convention. John Mentch, Chairman of Central Committee.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Republicans of Bolton Township are requested to meet at the Bland schoolhouse on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing five delegates to attend the County Convention at Winfield on Saturday, September 1st, 1883.

J. D. Guthrie, Chairman, Township Committee.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Tisdale Republican primary will be held at the Tisdale schoolhouse, on Thursday, the 30th day of August, 1883, at half past two o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing three delegates to attend the Republican Convention at Winfield on the first day of September.

By order of Committee, H. McKibben, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Republicans of Silverdale Township will meet at Butterfield's, the usual place of holding elections, on Thursday, August 30, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting four delegates to attend the County Convention, and to select a member of the Central Committee. A full attendance is desired.

L. J. Darnell, Chairman, Township Central Committee.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

At the Council meeting Monday evening sidewalk petitions from J. M. Reed and Patrick Buckley were granted. The petition of Quincy Glass for permission to erect scales on Main Street was refused. A lot of bills were allowed and referred. The question of tax levy was referred to committee of Kretsinger and Wilson. The bids for fire department supplies were referred to the fire department committee and Council adjourned to meet next Monday evening.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Kindergarten school which has been conducted by Mrs. Garlick for some time past, closed last Friday. The term has been a very successful one and the school will open up next month with fresh interest. The writer spent two hours very pleasantly with the little folks Friday, and as we sat in the cool, airy schoolroom watching them, we thought it would be a blessing if all Winfield children could be thus employed this warm weather instead of running upon the streets or playing out in the hot sun. One grand object of the Kindergarten system is to give the children valuable and lasting information when they really do not realize that they are studying.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

A serious accident happened on Monday morning last at the blacksmith shop of Mr. Dan. Miller. While the blacksmith was paring a horse's hoof preparatory to shoeing the animal and while holding the buttress to his shoulder, the horse reared and plunged the buttress into the stomach of Mr. D. Ford, the owner, who lives at Severy, inflicting a wound about four inches long, and which came within an ace of extending into the cavity of the body. Several surgeons were sent for immediately, and Dr. Taylor was the first to arrive, who on probing the wound found that it did not extend into the cavity of the bowels and so informed the patient, which relieved his anxiety very much. He is doing well and will soon be up again. Drs. Park and Green were in attendance, the former assisting Dr. Taylor in adjusting the wound. The Doctor says: "It will probably heal by first intention."


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We'll Go.

Ed. Greer, of the Winfield COURIER, is secretary of the Cowley county fair and driving park association. He sends us a complimentary ticket which says: "Admit Sinner Shelton and lady." Now we are satisfied that we can't get in on this ticket, but we'll be there all the same. When the gatekeeper beholds our pious physiognomy, he will refuse to admit us on a sinner ticket. The fair and races will be held on September 25, 26, 27, and 28, and a big time is expected. Wichita Times.

The gatekeeper will be especially instructed in regard to Mr. Shelton, so we hope he will feel perfectly safe on that score. We cannot afford to have him miss attendance as he is advertised as one of the principal attractions in the natural curiosity department.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Market. Corn is worth today (Wednesday) 25 cents per bushel. Wheat 75 cents. Oats 12-1/2 cents. Hay $3.00. Hogs $4.00. Produce is very low and potatoes are a drug in the market.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Lawn Festival.

There will be a lawn festival at the residence of R. J. Yeoman, one-half mile north of Vernon schoolhouse, on Thursday evening, the 16th inst., where ice cream, candies, nuts, and cake will be served; the proceeds to be used toward buying an organ for the school and lyceum. All are cordially invited.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Prof. John W. Snyder of Jerseyville, Illinois, is visiting Mr. Will B. Caton. He is an old friend of Mr. Caton and a comrade during the war, and comes out to have a little reunion. It is hoped that he will locate in our midst. The following concerning him is clipped from a Jerseyville paper.

"We are glad to learn that Prof. J. W. Snyder will, in a few days, be in Greenfield, with the intention of organizing a class in rudimental and choral music with a view to bringing out in the future the cantata of Queen Esther, or some other first-class musical entertainment. In justice to the Prof., and it is no more than justice, when we say he is superior to any teacher or driller, in that line, we ever knew, and we profess to know whereof we speak. We are sure he will be heartily received, and numerously patronized, as his reputation as a teacher is widely known, since the well known Kemper Concert, which was so eminently successful a few weeks since. It you would learn music, don't fail to take lessons under Prof. Snyder."

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Messrs. English Brothers of Kansas City, Missouri, were awarded the contract by the City Council to furnish the city one thousand feet of fire hose and two hose carts. The hose purchased is the celebrated Excelsior grade manufactured by the Boston Belting Company, who are the oldest manufacturers of fire hose in the country. The hose carts are of the Silsby Manufacturing Company's make. The names of the manufacturers in each case is a guarantee of strictly first class goods. Messrs. English Bros. were represented by Mr. Maynard Miller, a gentleman thoroughly posted in this business.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

DIED. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Holloway will be grieved to learn of the loss of their little daughter, Edna Hortense, who died at their home in Sedan, Kansas, on the 26th of July. She was a bright, sweet child, and her pretty ways made light the now darkened home of our young friends to whom we extend our sympathy, and would that we might add a word of comfort, in this dark hour. [SKIPPED POETRY THAT FOLLOWED.]

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Our increased sales in clothing are due to the sweeping reductions we are making in prices. We must have room for our fall stock and would advise you to call soon to secure a good bargain. M. Hahn & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

A bell is for the community as well as the church. So let us test the Ice Cream that we may hear the bell.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Remember the Ice Cream festival at the Baptist church; this Thursday evening. Bell? Yes, that is what the Ice Cream social is for at the Baptist Church tonight.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

O. S. Hurd will sell at auction in Winfield, August 15th, a choice lot of domestic cattle.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. Simington, of the Chicago Furniture Manufacturing Company, was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. He was sent out by his firm to sell Messrs. Johnson & Hill their fall stock of furniture. They laid in a big supply and for the next thirty days will sell furniture at way down prices to make room for the new stock.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

J. S. Mann still leads in novelties, in Gent's furnishings. He has just received a full line of fall hats, latest style and best makes. They contain some of the nobbiest designs yet introduced, and will be the rage among our young men.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mr. N. Bellville brought in a bunch of onions grown from the seed since March, that caps anything we have seen thus far. They are as large around as saucers.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

A. H. Green is very sick and his death has been hourly expected for the past three days.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Water Works Company have made twenty-five taps so far.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Senator Hackney and wife are at Manitou, Colorado. She is quite ill and he will not return until Saturday.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Mrs. D. A. Millington left yesterday for Albuquerque, New Mexico, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Saint.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The hose and carts purchased by the city amount to over fourteen hundred dollars.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Wanted. 5000 or more men, women, and children of Cowley County to step in and look at my new and complete stock of Boots, Shoes, and Gloves before purchasing your fall supply. John Tyner, South Main Street, West side.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Ordination. A council is to convene at the Baptist Church on Wednesday, August 15, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of considering the propriety of setting apart Prof. E. T. Trimble to the work of the gospel ministry, by ordination. Interesting services will be held in the evening. A sermon will be preached by one of the ministers present. Ministers of other denominations, and citizens generally, are invited to meet with us. J. CAIRNS.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

A Card. August 1st, 1883. To Alexander Cairns of Tisdale Township: We, the under-signed Republican voters of Cowley County, Kansas, do hereby petition you, Alexander Cairns, to become a candidate for the office of County Surveyor of said county, subject to the action of the Republican Convention.

J. H. Mounts, J. D. Mounts, M. N. Chafey, A. D. McHargue, J. O. Barricklow, G. W. Barricklow, Joseph Barricklow, William Duncan, Johnathan Duncan, S. W. Chase, James Williams, A. Gafney, John Chase, James Perkins, Henry Dening, Walter Denning, V. P. Rounds, W. L. Pennington, Jeff Benning, J. F. Crow, Lewis Myers, O. R. Bull, H. Chance, H. Fry, J. A. Priest, Joseph Fry, H. B. Trueman, I. N. Denning, Geo. B. Rounds, B. F. Walker, F. H. Conkright, E. M. Brown, John H. Cox, E. E. Moore, B. F. Harrod, R. D. Rising, Thos. Walker, N. W. Gould, Ira Fluke, N. R. Jackson, A. H. Hetherington, D. A. Mounts, J. Anglemyer, G. Bonebrake, George W. Reed, I. M. Deming, I. A. Cochran, James A. Cochran, Lincoln Caster, S. Y. Caster, John McKee, Wm. Lefter, J. D. Moore, I. H. Moore, Jas. Greenshields, N. S. Mounts, W. M. Summerville.




Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Social and Ice Cream Festival.

A social and ice cream festival, for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, will be held on Tuesday evening, August 14th, in the new schoolhouse at New Salem. A good time is anticipated and a cordial invitation is extended to all. By order of Committee.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Capt. John Lowry has erected and furnished a neat and pleasant ice cream parlor at the entrance of the Riverside Park, and will keep on hand a supply of ice cream every day of the week for the pleasure of persons visiting the park.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Go to Wallis & Wallis for the Frank Siddles Soap. A washboard must not be used, and as the wash water must only be lukewarm; a small kettle answers for a large wash. Full directions with each bar of soap.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

SHEEP FOR SALE. Five hundred graded Merino sheep, nine tenths of the flock are ewes and under 4 years of age. In splendid order, a great bargain. Address Raymond and Curtiss, El Dorado, Kansas, or F. K. Raymond, Winfield, Kansas. Also stock range to lease to the right party.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

THE MASON & HAMLIN organ is the purest tone, the best action, the most durable, and the best organ in all particulars made. The musical juries in all the universal expositions for sixteen years have given it the highest honors. All eminent musicians say it is the best. Call and see them. Pianos for sale, tuned and repaired. South Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.

M. J. STIMSON, Agent.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

W. A. LEE. A Press Drill that is so constructed that the weight of the driver and the drill is not on the press rollers, is no Press Drill, and no better than a common hoe drill. The press wheels must be large enough and carry weight enough to press ground where wheels come in contact with ground sufficiently hard that the ground will not stick, but let go of the wheels and lay compressed at its place. A small wheel with a light pressure will raise damp, loose ground, and scatter the seed wheat, leaving it on top of the ground. Scrapers only make the matter worse. W. A. LEE, Agent, Blunt's Press Drill.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Please take notice. I have this day, July the 31st, 1883, sold to Lewis Conrad of Winfield, Kansas, the patent right for the (Burgess) revolving steam washer, for Cowley County, Kansas, and he will at once enter upon the business of canvassing the county to give each family an opportunity of testing his washer and prove to them that it will wash fifteen shirts in fifteen minutes after the water boils, as perfectly as can be done by hand on the rubbing boards. I have also given Mr. Conrad an agency to sell territory anywhere in the United States that is not already sold. Any person wishing to make money fast and leave a blessing wherever he may sell a washer, can call on Mr. Conrad in Winfield, and any sale he may make will be honored by us. J. C. BURGESS, Proprietor.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.


Added to list:

H. J. Sandfort, Richland Township, independent candidate for Register of deeds.

T. H. Soward, candidate for Register of Deeds.

George H. McIntire, of Arkansas City, candidate for office of Sheriff.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.


The Republicans of the first ward in Winfield will elect eight delegates to the county convention, at an election to be held at the office of Bard and Harris, on 9th Avenue, on Thursday, August 30, 1883, commencing at 2 o'clock p.m., and closing at 6 o'clock or as soon thereafter as there shall be no Republican at the polls ready to vote.

Jacob T. Hackney, John C. McNeil, and Frank Bowen are appointed judges of said election, and William Madden and T. M. McGuire, clerks.

All votes will be rejected except those presented by electors hitherto acting and voting with the Republican party, or by those who voted the Republican ticket last November and intend to vote the Republican ticket next November.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Primary election of the SECOND WARD will be held on the same day at the same hours, under the same rules as the above, at the old Winfield Bank building on 9th Avenue. I. H. Holmes, C. W. Armstrong, and H. Brotherton are appointed Judges and W. T. Madden and Louis Zenor, Clerks. Six delegates are to be chosen. T. H. SOWARD, Ward Chairman.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The following sensible letter written by Senator Plumb to a citizen of Winfield, who made inquiry of him concerning lands in the Indian Territory, is published by the Atchison Champion.

DEAR SIR: I have yours of the 19th. To my mind there is no use of going to Oklahoma until the government has in some way declared the land open for settlement.

If each and every man who has been ejected from the Territory had faithfully applied his time and money lost to opening a farm elsewhere, he would be fairly well off. Payne has spent time enough to have paid for a farm in Kansasbut I suppose he has spent the money of others.

Of course in time, all public landsall balances of military reservations and of Indian reservationswill be opened for settlement. Meanwhile there are plenty of public lands for those who have none, and will be for some time. But really, should a man who has a farm in Kansas complain that the government don't give him another? Wouldn't it be better to save some of the land for the perishing thousands who have none? P. B. PLUMB.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

DIED. On Friday morning, August 10, 1883, Conductor J. E. Miller died at Arkansas City in the 37th year of his age. He had been in not very good health for some weeks and had been east with his wife whom he left at Athol, Pennsylvania, and returned to his work. Here he was taken down severely with kidney disease and blood poisoning and died three days thereafter. His remains were sent to Pennsylvania on Saturday, being escorted to the train by the Masonic order and the G. A. R. in force.

James E. Miller was born in Waterford, Pennsylvania, November 7, 1846. He is the son of Lucius and Hannah Miller of that place. He enlisted in the Union army as a drummer boy in July 1862 and was honorably discharged in May 1865. From that time until 1873 he was a clerk in the Treasury Department at Washington. After this he was in the internal revenue office at Chicago. Since 1879 he has been a conductor on the C. S. & F. S. railroad.

He was one of the most agreeable gentlemen we ever met. Always obliging and helpful, he was exceedingly popular as a conductor and made a host of warm friends who will mourn his loss. We feel that we have lost a warm personal friend and extend our sympathy to his afflicted wife.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.


Turn the rascals in.

A tariff for revenue only.

Offices for Democrats only.

Free saloons, free beer, free whiskey.


Keep the rascals out.

Offices for the honest and capable.

All the laws must be enforced including those relating to liquor traffic.

A tariff for revenue and protection to home labor and home productions.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.


We call the attention of our readers to the announcement of T. H. Soward for Register of Deeds of this county. He was a brave Union soldier in the late war in which he was crippled for life. Yet he is one of the most enthusiastic Republicans in the state and is always active and efficient in every work for the good of his country. He is one of the finest orators we have and his brilliant addresses and speeches for Republican principles have given him a wide fame. He is a pleasant gentleman, a man of sterling integrity and ability and very popular where he is known, and in his crippled condition the office would be very helpful to him.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.


We would call the attention of Independents and all others to the announcement of H. J. Sandfort as an independent candidate for Register of Deeds. Mr. Sandfort has served as the trustee of Richland Township for three years and has given full satisfaction as is shown by his repeated re-elections. His assessment returns have always come in good time and in artistic shape. He is well qualified for the position he seeks, and his ability, enterprise, and reliability have made him popular where he is well known.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Letter from Hon. J. W. Weimer.


Ed. Winfield Courier,

DEAR SIR: I arrived safe in the wonderland several days ago and find it as all others domore than could be expected. At first I thought of returning, consequently did not write. The Western Press Association arrived here yesterday and you will shortly have a better pen picture of the Park than I can draw; but as soon as time permits, I will drop you a few notes. Met ex-Senator Conkling and several other prominent men. Yesterday I had the pleasure of accompanying a part of the Press Association through this part of the Park. I led them to the famous Bath Lake, and all old and young took advantage of the rare treat, and a jollier set of school boys you never saw. Among them were W. D. Bickum from Ohio, and B. R. Comen, Ohio, the gentleman who wrote the Act of Congress setting this apart for a National Park. The lake is a natural reservoir of hot water large enough to accommodate five hundred persons at once. J. W. WEIMER.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Another splendid rain Tuesday night. The corn will not be allowed to stop growing until husking time.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Arkansas City Items.

One of Winfield's best ladies, Miss Robinson, visited this place last week. She has many friends and acquaintances here.

Texas fever has made its appearance along the state and many valuable cows have been lost. A through herd of cattle went by about a month ago, and the disease is attributed to them.

The remains of James Miller were carried to the depot Saturday, followed by a pro- cession composed of the Masonic fraternity, G. A. R., and A. O. U. W. Mrs. Miller and her daughter, Julia, are in New Jersey, Mrs. Miller's health being very delicate. "Jim" will be greatly missed as he was a general favorite and a much respected gentleman. His death is attributed to general debility, but the facts are his system was filled with malaria, which he was almost constantly treating for, until his stomach would not receive or retain nutriment.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Rock Items.

Wheat in this section is turning out well.

James Rogers has finished threshing his wheat.

R. F. Bailey has the nicest apples in the country.

There will be an addition built to the Rock schoolhouse.

Mr. James McClelland and lady have gone east on a visit.

Farmers are busy threshing wheat and hauling it to Douglass.

G. H. Williams has a new croquet set and it is in use most of the time.

C. N. Yard holds a meeting at Rock Valley the fourth Sunday in every month.

J. T. Bailey, wife and youngest son, are going to Indiana to visit friends there.

Miss Mollie McWilliams has returned from the Normal school and brought company home with her. MAY.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Prairie Home Productions.

Prof. Thomas will hereafter meet his singing class on Saturday evening.

Miss May Christopher, with her brother Clarence, left for Iowa on a visit to a sister there.

The little child of Mr. Baker's that was so severely burned two weeks ago is now very nearly well.

Mr. H. C. Miller is looking for his mother and sister from Colorado soon to make them a visit, and intends taking them to Geuda Springs.

BIRTHS. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Wells have lately fallen heir to a son, and Mrs. Samuel Miller and wife a daughter. May they live long and be the comfort and staff of their parents, in their declining years.

Many thanks, Olivia, for your wise counsel concerning the "wee ones." My wife and I will look to their interests first of all, and I can assure you that no one can better administer to their wants than Charity.

A surprise by the young people at Mr. Tinsman's, a few evenings ago, is the latest in the line of parties. Miss Lizzie Lawson has extended invitations to quite a number of her friends to spend the evening at her residence on the 14th inst.

The more rain, the more rest, says the hired hand, and the more corn, fruit, and vegetables, exclaims the grateful husbandman; but alas! for the chronic grumbler, he will have to leave drouthy Kansas this fall or change his tune and make it livelier.

School district 39 levied a tax of 1-4 percent at their annual meeting towards furnishing a district library; also, voted to dig a well. Perhaps they will see the necessity of putting out trees while they are trying to improve the condition of things.

The Sabbath School at this place voted to have a picnic sometime in September; also voted to have an ice cream supper on Tuesday evening, August 28th, for the purpose of raising funds to procure a banner and defray other expenses that will necessarily arise in the enterprise.

Several Prairie Homeites had the pleasure of shaking hands with Mrs. Swain, nee Miss Leffingwell, a friend of other days. We hope she may have a pleasant visit here, and carry with her to her Florida home the remembrance of many happy hours spent in the society of old time friends.

Our friend and neighbor. D. Moffet, has gone to find a home for himself and family in Washington Territory, if satisfied upon his arrival there. When last heard from, he was in Colorado. He will be very apt to return thoroughly prepared to appreciate the good temper- ance state of Kansas, and the productiveness of Cowley County and Tisdale Township.

Someone (I've forgotten who) told Charity that Mrs. Bechtel said that Mrs. Conrad told Mrs. Brown that Mrs. Tinsman overheard Mrs. Miller telling Mrs. Gardner that Mrs. Marling had heard Mrs. Avis say that Mrs. Lafoon said that Mrs. Miles was telling her that Mrs. Baker was talking of having a quilting soon, and she thought it must be so, for it came direct from Mrs. Christopher.

The Prairie Home schoolhouse was filled to overflowing the day of the basket meeting. The services of the Baptist brethren were interesting. That church is well represented here, having a membership of over twenty persons. The M. E. Church has also an organization of ten members. Their minister, however, has failed to put in an appearance this year. The reason is probably best known to himself. C. HOPE.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Akron Sayings.

William White for Register of Deeds.

W. J. Hanlen carries the ribbon for the best crop of burnsides.

J. W. Jones of Labette Co. is canvassing the county with a book.

Miss Taylor, of Illinois, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Huston, at present.

Where is the man that said "drouthy Kansas?" I would like to hit him.

Lots of corn fields will go eighty bushels to the acre in the Walnut Valley.

Miss Mary Taylor will start to Illinois the last week in August to spend the winter.

T. S. Covert, wife and mother, started to Arkansas for another visit, last Monday.

Dr. Polk is building an addition to his house to make room for his increasing dignity.

Miss Katie Weimer will give a birthday party to her many friends on the evening of the 30th of August.

Considerable time has elapsed since I last wrote for the COURIER, owing to the busy time, scarcity of items, etc.

Royal V. Cass is singing a new song entitled "Come, my darling, quickly come." We trust his song will be answered.

The Presbyterians will hold communion services on Sabbath, August 26th, and prepara- tory service Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

N. E. Darling, proprietor of the Akron store, is making things boom. He is adding new goods continually and is working up a lively trade.

R. P. Burt has lately purchased a span of iron gray horses, and has treated himself to a bran new wagon. O my! Who will the lucky girl be!

A gentleman from Seeley whose name I have not yet learned has rented the Willet farm and will take possession of the house Oct. 15, while N. E. Darling will build a store house on Mr. Burt's place.

David and Charley Huston have the addition to their house finished and have given the entire building a new coat of paint, giving it a very fine appearance. After a couple of week's rest, Rob started to threshing for Messrs. Lacy and Wimer [Weimer?] Monday.

The last week has been the hottest of the season, and the late heavy rains have damaged the millet to a great extent, as most all the millet throughout the country was cut and in a bad condition for wet weather. I do not know of a single farmer that got his millet up without being damaged by the rain more or less. AUDUBON.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

GRAND DOUBLE TRAIN EXCURSION TO Washington, Baltimore, Harper's Ferry, Luray Caverns, Mount Vernon, Ft. Monroe, And other points of Scenic and Historic interest FROM ST. LOUIS -OVER- OHIO & MISSISSIPPI, Cin., Wash. & Baltimore -AND PICTURESQUE B. & O. At the remarkably Low Rate of HALF FARE Or one regular fare for the Round Trip from St. Louis to Baltimore and Return.

First Train leaving St. Louis at 8:00 in the morning.

Second Train leaving St. Louis at 7:00 in the evening.

These Trains departing from St. Louis at such hours as to enable direct connection from the trains arriving in St. Louis on all other lines from the SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST!


Magnificent Palace Sleeping Cars!

Elegant New Day Coaches!

Superb New Dining Cars.


The Ohio and Mississippi, Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore and the Baltimore & Ohio Companies have determined to make these double trains the grandest Excursion event in railroad annals, and to this end will call into play all the enormous resources of their great systems.

The date of the excursion is most happily timed, enabling all who participate to attend the remarkable series of ORIOLE FESTIVITIES! AT BALTIMORE.

Embraced in the brilliant and unprecedented programme, is one night of Unparalleled

And another night of Wondrous MYSTIC PAGEANTRY! Never Equaled in the World!

On the Electric Night, Lord Baltimore will arrive in the Harbor of Baltimore upon one of the finest steamers afloat, and which will literally be a blaze of electrical illumination. The Royal Steamer will be escorted up the harbor by from 50 to 80 tug boats, 4 abreast, and each carrying electric lights in various colors. From all sides of the harbor Fire Works in great profusion will be discharged from special barges stationed for such purpose, and the specta- cle as a whole will be an unprecedented one.

Arriving in the city, Lord Baltimore, his Courtiers, Household, and Officers will be escorted to the City Hall by a most Novel Military Paradea thousand soldiers covered with electric lights in different colors; horses with electrical plumes, and the whole city present- ing a scene simply indescribable.

Another remarkable spectacle will be witnessed, and effects produced never before attempted in any city of the world.

The parade will be the grandest in extent known in the history of mystic pageantry. The costumes, all entirely new, were made in Paris, and beyond all comparison the finest imported to this country. The unparalleled number of Forty Tableaux Floats will be in line, and will be larger and more imposing in construction than ever before known. Some con- ception of the amazing extent of the pageant may be gleaned from the fact that upwards of thirteen hundred men, two hundred and thirty horses, six bands, and six hundred carried lights are required to place it upon the streets.

No advance will be made in the usual rates for Hotel Accommodations, either in Baltimore or Washington, visitors being enabled to stop in either city, the Baltimore and Ohio running FIFTY-MINUTE TRAINS between the two cities. Trains run at least every hour.

Is directly upon the line of the B. & O. only a little over two hours' run from Baltimore and one hour from Washington. The Old John Brown Fort still stands. As all the parades, displays, and pageants at Baltimore take place at night, there will be abundant opportunities to visit Harper's Ferry.

Are but one night's sail from Baltimore or Washington on Magnificent Steamers. Excursionists so choosing can take the Bay Line Steamers at Baltimore, witness the grand electrical and pyrotechnical display in the harbor, arrive at Old Point Comfort and Fortress Monroe early the following morning, spend the day and be back in Baltimore again bright and early on the morning of the night of the great Mystic Pageant.

Is but a few hours' ride on the historic Potomac from Washington. Splendid steamers leaving every morning and returning during the afternoon.

The most famous of all the subterranean wonders of the country, are readily within a days' time from Washington or Baltimore. Special fast Excursion Trains, making the round trip, with four hours at the caverns, which are now lighted by Electricity.

Ever a place of greatest interest to all, never looks more beautiful to the eye or offers more inducements for a visit than during the lovely weather always the rule in September. The B. & O. is the only direct line from the West to Washington, and the only line running

Fifty-Minute Trains
between Washington and Baltimore. No such an opportunity for a visit to the most attractive centers of interest in the East and South has been offered for years as this

Write for full details and all information as regards Sleeping Car and other accommo- dations to ANDY ATKINS, Traveling Agent, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 101 N. 4th Street, St. Louis, Missouri.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Recap. George M. Gardner, Administrator of the Estate of Wm. Whitted, Deceased, Henry E. Asp, Attorney, in Probate Court August 8, 1883, notified all claimants against estate to present the same for allowance within one year from date, etc.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Recap Suit for Divorce, Handled by W. P. Hackney, Attorney for Plaintiff. Emily V. Lane, Plaintiff, vs. Eliphalet F. Lane, Defendant. Petition to be answered by September 15, 1883.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Publication Notice.
To all whom it may concern:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, J. C. Fuller and D. A. Millington, will present a petition to the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, state of Kansas, at the next regular session of said Board, to be begun and held at the Courthouse in said county on the first Monday of October, 1883, praying the vacation of the alleys running through Blocks One Hundred and Eighty-nine (189) and two Hundred and Eighty-seven (287) in the city of Winfield, in said County and State. J. C. FULLER, D. A. MILLINGTON.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Summer readingsuch as light but good novels, at Goldsmith's.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Remember the Peach Festival at the M. E. Church Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mrs. Kretsinger has returned from her visit north and Krets is happy once more.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

A. A. Bosley leaves this week for Sedgwick County, where he will become a granger.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Joe. O'Hare is now a "retired" banker. Charlie Fuller came in Saturday evening and relieved him.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mrs. F. M. Friend has returned home after enjoying a pleasant visit with her mother in Cherokee County.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mrs. Ed. P. Greer returned from a two months visit among friends in Illinois and Missouri, Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Young People's Aid Society of the M. E. Church will hold a Peach Festival Friday evening in the church.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. Ab. Holmes was in town Monday arranging for a sheep sale, notice of which will be found in another column.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Our new cigar manufacturers, Wilkinson & Co., will soon be ready to place one or two brands of cigars on the market.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

A Union Temperance Meeting will be held in the M. E. Church next Sabbath evening under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

An old farmer says that since the late rains the nubbin corn is absolutely ruined. It's enough to make any calf bleat for a week.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Billy Impson has sold his interest in the ice cream parlor to his brother, Mr. Bakaston, and has for the present retired from business. [Bakastow?]

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Spencer Miner has purchased a fine horse and buggy of Dr. Dunn and now chases the boys around at the fair grounds every evening.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Eli Youngheim has been working a big force during the past week marking and storing away his new goods. They have been coming in by the dray load.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. W. O. Johnson has returned to Winfield and taken charge of G. B. Shaw & Co.'s yard. Mr. Davis will attend to the grain and coal business of the firm.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Conductor Titus, of the K. C. L. & S. railroad had his house in Cherryvale burned last week, and nine hundred dollars stolen. No clue to the perpetrators of the deed so far.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

A special meeting of the P. V. Horse Protective Union will be held August 21st, at Odessa, at half past seven p.m. Old and new members are requested to attend.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Sam L. Gilbert will take in the old settlers reunion at Burlington, Iowa, his old home. He says he hopes to be the means of bringing two or three hundred Iowa people into Cowley.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. E. T. Rogers has just turned out a new wagon for Miller, Dix & Co., which eclipses anything of the kind we have seen. It is put up perfectly and is finished in Johnny Reid's best style of painting.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

W. L. Mullin is the local agent for the Kansas Mutual Life Association of Hiawatha, and G. E. Sabin can write you an application if you are in good health and can pass the required medical examination.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Building & Loan Association is flourishing at an unusual rate. All of the second series of stock has been taken and the directors are devising ways and means of increasing it to meet the demands. The demand for loans is in excess of receipts, and all gilt-edged. It is one of the best institutions for the man of moderate means in the country, and we are heartily glad to see it flourish.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

We have always been willing to concede most any result from the wonderful productive- ness of Cowley's soilin fact we have credited stories many times about big corn and pumpkin that seems too large for unabridged acceptance, but today we are called upon to record an agricultural curiosity that eclipses anything yet brought to light. It is a stalk of corn on which there are one hundred and twenty ears, all clearly defined, bearing silks, husk, and grains. Of course, they are all miniature ears, but they are there and can be seen by any person who desires by calling at this office. The specimen was grown by Col. Whiting in his field near town. When pulled the stalk carried one hundred and forty ears, but twenty ears were pulled offpossibly by some traveler, for horsefeed.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The council met Monday evening and passed sidewalk ordinances for 7th Avenue East and Manning Street east side south of Tenth Avenue, six blocks. The marshall was instructed to abate the nuisance existing in the hide house and back of the Commercial Hotel. There are various other loud-smelling places around the streets and back alleys that ought to be abated even without the authority of that honorable body. The council also changed the frontage of some lots near the Santa Fe depot on petition of M. L. Read, M. L. Robinson, and C. C. Pierce. The cellar digging bill of $331 was allowed and the report of committee on purchase of hose adopted. This embraces the purchase of about $1,400 worth of stuff. The matter of tax levy was laid over.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Col. J. C. McMullen returned from his summer vacation Saturday evening. It was spent among the Thousand Islands in the St. Lawrence River, seasoned with visits among friends in different states. The Colonel returns much refreshed, but is glad to get home. He says Kansas is the place after all, and in no country are the fields greener, the skies clearer, or the people more thrifty and happy and contented than here. Our lot is certainly cast in pleasant places.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

We were shocked last Friday morning to hear of the death of Conductor Jim Miller at his home in Arkansas City. He was sick but a few days, and his condition was not regarded as dangerous until the evening before he died. The malady was a kind of malarial fever. His wife was in the East at the time under the care of a physician. The body was shipped east for interment.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Good Templars held their regular semi-monthly social on Tuesday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. Cairns. An excellent literary program and general social inter- course, together with the pleasant hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Cairns and family, made the occasion very enjoyable. The next social will be given at the residence of Mrs. E. D. Garlick.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. Chas. C. Hammond, of Beaver Township, has a small tobacco patch. He brought us in a stalk last week. It was over five feet high and bore leaves fourteen inches wide and four feet long. The weed is of fine texture and seems to be as good as they raise in Kentucky. We do not see why tobacco raising cannot be made profitable in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Stenographer Reynolds has completed his transcript of the evidence in the Colgate case. It makes eighteen hundred folios, one hundred and eighty thousand words, the paper on which it is written weighs ten pounds, and it costs one hundred and eighty dollars. The transcript will be the largest ever filed in the supreme court.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. Daniel Miller, Daniel Oberlese, and Mrs. Harris from Bartholomew County, Indiana, have been spending a few weeks in our county, the guests of Mr. John F. Miller of Beaver. They are well pleased with the country, so well that Mr. Oberlese purchased a quarter section of land before returning home.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mrs. E. P. Kinne came down from Kansas City last week, and will spend several weeks here as the guest of her brother, Col. J. C. McMullen. She notes with pleasure the improve- ment in our city, but is hardly ready yet to give up her beautiful home in Kansas City for a residence in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Cowley County was never in greater distress than now. The question is, where will we get storage for our crops, or men to gather them? With corn an average of eighty bushels per acre all over the county and one hundred and twenty thousand acres of it, we can well tremble in our boots.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. Joseph Smalley of Beaver Township has furnished us with the champion stalk of corn so far. It is fourteen feet high and the first ear grows eight feet from the ground. It takes a tall man to reach up and touch it. There are whole fields of it in Cowley this year, ten feet high.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Capt. Smith returned from his western trip Wednesday. He took in the reunion at Denver, all points of interest in Colorado, and the tertiomillennial at Santa Fe, and returned much improved in health. He reports a delightful trip.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Remember that the Kansas Mutual of Hiawatha, Kansas, offers a safe and reliable insurance. Where is the man who cannot spare three cents a day to keep up a $1,500 Life Policy? Can you afford to neglect this important duty to your family?

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Judge Torrance and family left for Colorado Springs Wednesday. The Judge will remain two weeks and will return in time to convene the regular term of court at Wellington. Mrs. Torrance will remain during the hot months.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Adam Walck says that one reason that Cowley County has such magnificent crops now is that the farmers are doing their own farming and not depending on God Almighty to do it for them as much as formerly.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. J. L. Holmes has returned to Cowley from Arkansas and will remain with us. He don't like Arkansas, but thinks Cowley is the best country under the sun.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Charlie Fuller returned from his eastern trip Saturday and on Monday was again at his post manipulating gold and greenbacks at the paying teller's window in the Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Gene Wilber, accompanied by his wife and daughter, leave for a visit among friends in Illinois soon. Miss Wilber will remain in Bloomington and attend school during the coming year.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The German Lutheran Church will have services in the Taggart building on South Main Street, next Sunday, at 11 o'clock a.m. All friends are cordially invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. Copeland, chief clerk at Hahn & Co.'s, is having the foundation laid for a neat and commodious residence on east ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Dr. Cooper is back again from a Colorado trip and will open an office here as soon as a suitable room can be secured.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Experience of Rev. G. H. Clark, Co. K, Wisconsin Infantry, Thomas' Corps.
The following is an outline of the lecture to be delivered by Rev. G. H. Clark, at the Baptist Church on Monday evening next.

Capture at Chickamauga, September 20th, 1863.

Taken to Belle IsleLibby, Starvation Horrors. Removed to Danville, Virginia. Small pox and fever. After four months taken to Andersonville. Capt. Wirz. Escape and capture by citizens. Second escapetreed and captured with blood hounds. Returned to prison and ball and chain. Six men hung. After five months, removed to Florence, South Carolina. With J. V. Hines, of Dexter, run the guard lines. Thirteen nights in pursuit of liberty. Down with fever and recaptured. Return to Florence. Burying living Yankees. Removal to Florence. Fourth effort to escape. Once more under the stars and stripes.

Proceeds of Lecture to be applied in purchasing a bell for the Baptist Church. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats for old soldiers at same price.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 75 cents. Corn 25 cents. Oats are in good demand but prices are low. Shippers can only pay 14 cents, but several loads have been sold to consumers at 17 cents. Hogs bring $44.60. The produce market is active. Butter brings 15 cents, eggs 12-1/2 cents, potatoes 35 cents, peaches $1.50, tomatoes 75 cents, grapes 6-1/4 cents per pound, onions 50 cents per bushel, cabbage 1-1/4 cents per pound, and chickens $1.25 to $2.00 per dozen.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

A Card. Never was a surprise more complete than that which occurred at the Baptist Parsonage on last Wednesday evening. While many of the church and congregation were at the prayer meeting, others were at the Parsonage arranging a beautiful dinner and tea set of china, with many other things of use and beauty. We were congratulating ourselves that the thirty-fifth anniversary of our wedding had passed off so quietly. When we arrived home from prayer-meeting, the house was literally filled with members of the church and congre- gation. Prof. Hickok and Judge Soward did the literary part to perfection, after which a sumptuous supper was served. To all participating, we return our sincere thanks for this expression of kindness and appreciation. [Names not given.]

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Elegant styles of papeterres at Goldsmith's.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

A fine line of ladies' satchels just received at Goldsmith's.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Dave Long is building a large residence on east eighth avenue.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

B. F. Herrod was appointed assistant marshal at the council meeting Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Lovell H. Webb made a flying trip to Wichita Saturday evening and spent Sunday as the guest of Hon. Dick Walker.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Messrs. Washington, Zimmerman, and Slaughter, large stock men from the Territory, were up Tuesday enjoying the hospitalities of Geo. W. Miller.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The list of delegates allotted to the different townships was mixed up last week, giving some townships more and some less than is due them. It is straightened out this week and is now correct.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

There was another big horse race Saturday between a dun mare from Greenwood County and the Blenden horse. The race was won by the Blenden horse by forty feet, but owing to some technicality the judges failed to agree.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Klingman farm south of town, was sold Monday to Jos. Poor, of Beaver Township, for five thousand two hundred dollars. W. L. Mullen did the selling. This is one of the finest farms in Cowley County. It is hedged off in forty acre tracts, has bearing orchards and beautiful shade trees.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Geo. W. Miller has shipped eighty car loads of fat cattle this week. They were all from his pastures in the Territory, and he has purchased thirty-five hundred head of through cattle to take the places of those shipped. George swaps dollars at the rate of about a hundred thousand a week now-a-days.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Crippen have been called upon to part with their youngest child, a bright little boy of eight months. A few days ago the little fellow ate some shoe blacking and was soon seized with spasms. Death ended its sufferings Tuesday evening. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Kansas Band Union meets at Topeka during the State Fair. The bands pay a railroad rate of two cents per mile, one cent of which is borne by the State Fair Association. This will take the boys to Topeka and back for little or nothing. Del. A. Valentine, the president, is doing everything in his power to make the meeting as pleasant as possible.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Conservatory of Music.
The Conservatory of Music established six years ago in this city is at present in a very prosperous condition. It is patronized by ministers, teachers, bankers, lawyers, prominent grain and stock dealers, and a large number of the leading business firms of the city.

Three pianos and one organ are in constant use and three teachers are busily employed. Sixty music pupils are patronizing the institute, among them a large class of advanced performers, with a fair practical knowledge of thorough bass, piano, and organ playing and singing. These young ladies did not receive the most important part of their education from first-class teachers of other institutions, but commenced in the primary department under Prof. Farringer, who received his education from none but prominent professors in Germany, and who has been for the last twenty-three years the leading teacher with the largest classes in Boonville, Missouri, and in this city. He prides himself on having received as much abuse from semi-professionals and their friends as any teacher living, but claims that such attacks are a powerful stimulant to an ambitious man, and thinks that people who have been governed by ghost stories circulated against him, have suffered more damage than he himself.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

On last Saturday afternoon Mollie Trezise gave a birthday party at her home, and we had the pleasure of witnessing the nicest assembly of little ladies that we have ever seen in Winfield. May she live to see a hundred such happy birthdays. There were between 30 and 40, all enjoying themselves at swinging and croquet until 4 o'clock, when they were served with ice cream, cake, and numerous other good things, after which Dr. Taylor came with a beautiful poem and read it most grandly to the assembly. I have not succeeded in getting hold of the poem or I would have published it in full. It added greatly to the enjoyment of all present. We must say that Miss Mollie is a little lady and knows how to entertain company. May success attend her through life, is the wish of the writer. M. C.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Thomas A. Blanchard, of Winfield, Cowley County, of yore a resident of Woodson, and at one time sheriff of the county, together with his family, was visiting relatives and friends in this neighborhood the past week. Mr. Blanchard went to Cowley thirteen years ago, took a claim near the town site of the present big city of Winfield, and has had a fair share of prosperity. He will make the race for clerk of the county and as he is no slouch in the intricate ways of politics, we should not be surprised to hear of his getting there. As Tom is an excellent man in any way he may be taken, we hope that he may succeed.

Yates Center News.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

At the last regular semi-annual election of Directors of the Ladies' Library Association, the following were elected for the ensuing year.

Miss Lena Walrath, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mrs. M. J. Stimpson, Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mrs. J. B. Scofield, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. G. H. Allen, Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Judge McDonald, Mrs. F. K. Raymond, Mrs. Will Strahan. Mrs. A. J. Lundy was elected Secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Trimble. One hundred dollars worth of new and popular books have just been ordered. This is the time for you to secure your ticket for the year. Mrs. E. T. Trimble, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Wellington has a little excitement caused by the sudden departure of J. W. Griffith, one of its lawyers and loan agents. Griffith had received money from several parties, which he was supposed to have loaned out for the benefit of his principals. As the story goes, Griffith squandered the money in gambling. But the time came for a settlement, and, to cover up his transactions, he gave his principals several notes supposed to have been made by parties who had borrowed money from him. The notes turn out to be forged and Griffith is in demand just now.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Cowboys took the town of Hunnewell Monday, and the citizens were compelled to tele- phone to Wellington for assistance. A train was placed at the disposal of Sheriff Thralls and posse, when they rolled into Hunnewell without whistling, surrounded the town, and arrested eight cowboys without firing a shot. The desperadoes now languish in jail at Wellington.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

One Dergan was killed at Hutchinson on the 12th inst., by Emerson, alias Texas Bill. It was a cold-blooded affair, and an attempt was made to lynch the murderer, but was unsuccessful. Emerson is a professional man-killer and will doubtless be strung up yet by lynchers.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Mr. J. S. Manser returned Monday with his family from a visit to friends in the north part of the state.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Republican Primaries.
The Dexter primary will be held on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., the time recommended by committee.

The Pleasant Valley Republican Primary will be held at Odessa schoolhouse at 2 o'clock on Thursday, August 30th. Z. B. Myers, Chairman.

The township committee of Rock Township has called the Republican Primary to meet at Rock schoolhouse on the afternoon of the 30th.

The Beaver Township Republican primary meeting will be held at the Beaver Center schoolhouse on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m.

The Republican Township Committee of Vernon Township announce the Werden schoolhouse as the place for holding the primary meeting of the party in that township, and Thursday, August 30th at 2 o'clock p.m., as the time.

Notice. The Republican electors of Walnut Township will meet at the Island Park north of Winfield, on Thursday, August 30, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing 5 delegates to the County convention. John Mentch, Chairman of Central Committee.

Republican Primary Convention for Richland Township will be held at Summit school- house on the 30th day of August at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting delegates to the County Convention on Sept. 1st, 1883. N. L. Larkin, Chairman of Committee.

The Republicans of Bolton Township are requested to meet at the Bland schoolhouse on Thursday, August 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing five delegates to attend the County Convention at Winfield on Saturday, Sept. 1st, 1883. J. D. Guthrie, Chairman, Township Committee.

The Republicans of Silverdale Township will meet at Butterfield's, the usual place of holding elections, on Thursday, August 30, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting 4 delegates to attend the county Convention, and to select a member of the Central Committee. A full attendance is desired. L. J. Darnell, Chairman, Township Central Committee.

The Tisdale Republican primary will be held at the Tisdale schoolhouse, on Thursday, the 30th day of August, 1883, at half past two o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing three delegates to attend the Republican Convention at Winfield, on the first day of September.

By order of Committee, H. McKIBBEN, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Notice. There will be a meeting of the Republican voters of Otter township, held at Otter Creek schoolhouse on Thursday, August the 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the Republican County Convention to be held at Winfield, on Saturday, September 1st; also to elect a Township Central Committee.

By order of Com., John Stockdale, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Important Announcement.

We take pleasure in announcing from reliable sources that Messrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., of Kansas City, will re-open their office in Winfield in a very short time, bringing them the first 6 percent money to be loaned in Kansas. They have obtained the additional advantage also of allowing the borrower to pay installments or the whole loan off at any time after one year. Messrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co. have always taken the greatest interest in Winfield, and this great reduction in the rates of interest and facilities given borrowers, is not the least factor they have brought to play in the prosperity of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at Oswego, Kansas, on Wednesday, August 1st, 1883, Will W. Frye of the Parsons Palladium, and Miss Jennie O. King of Oswego.

We were somewhat surprised upon receiving the above intelligence, but after all it is no more than could be expected of so bright and active a young gentleman as Will. For a long time he held cases on the COURIER, and as one of "our boys," has always occupied a warm place in our heart. Miss Jennie is an interesting and accomplished young lady, just the one to brighten the cares of a journalistic life, and it is with pleasure that we, with the entire COURIER force, extend our hearty congratulations.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Cowley has a farmer who owns fourteen hundred acres of improved land with houses, barns, and out buildings scattered all over it, and whose rents amount to six thousand dollars a year. His name is Joseph Poor and he lives in Beaver Township and votes the Democratic ticket.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

P. H. Albright has decided to hedge on his proposition to pay one dollar per foot for the tallest stalk of corn raised in the county this year. He now says he will not pay more than forty dollars, as forty foot corn is as tall as he thinks it proper to encourage.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Dr. Taylor, of this city, is engaged to deliver a lecture on temperance at Fredonia next Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

To All Concerned. Parties owing me accounts and notes that are due are requested to call and settle at once, and save costs of suit, for I must have my money. Respectfully,


Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.


I will offer for sale at Public Auction 2-1/2 North of Floral, and 12 miles northeast of Winfield, on Tuesday, August 28th, at 10 o'clock a.m., the following grades of sheep.

145 Ewe Lambs, 200 Weathers, 100 Merino Ewes, 350 Cotswold Ewes, 1 to 3 years old; 7 Merino Bucks, shear from 20 to 35 pounds. Terms: Twelve months' time at six percent interest, with bankable security. Six percent off for cash. A. T. Holmes.

Walter Denning, Auctioneer.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

SHORT HORNS FOR SALE. A great bargain is now offered the people of Kansas who wish to supply themselves with Blooded Stock. The undersigned, regular breeders and shippers, have arrived from Danville, Kentucky at the Van Devender farm north of city limits, Winfield, Kansas, with 31 short horn bulls 1 and 2 years old, of as good beef producing families as are to be found. We have 19 short horn heifers 1 and 2 years old, 7 of which have calves, three more to calve; balance yearlings, most all of them fine style and good colors, and will be sold very low, wholesale or retail. Come early and select your choice. A rare chance for parties wishing to raise bulls for the southwest trade. We also have two Jersey heifers and two bulls. We think with proper care when matured, the heifers will yield 12 to 15 pounds butter per week. Come and see us or write for particulars. Bayne & Cecil.

Address at present A. J. Bayne, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Recap: Divorce petition, Henry E. Asp, Attorney for plaintiff. Olive E. Dabney, vs. Franklin K. Dabney, Defendant. Told to answer petition by September 7, 1883. Minor child, Ave Dabney, five years old, to be in care, custody, and control of Olive E. Dabney, Plaintiff.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum