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Arkansas City Traveler
[Beginning Friday, August 4, 1922 to Thursday, August 24, 1922]


Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Friday, August 4, 1922 - FRONT PAGE.

Late today C. H. Quier, deputy county attorney, said he expected to have an arrest made in the shooting affair at a hamburger stand here last night, probably tomorrow. Earlier in the day he said it was up to the police to handle the matter.

Police Chief Dailey said he had turned the affair over to the county attorney and that none of his men were working on the case now.

Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, August 4, 1922.

"Choc" Collins, proprietor of the St. Charles rooms, 401 South Summit Street, shot a man reported to be Jack Carlile, in the Sunflower hamburger stand, 105 West Adams Avenue, about 9 p.m. last night, in the shoulder. The two men staged a gun play in the stand following an alleged attempt by the wounded man, who was "a bad man from Texas," according to Collins, to hold up Collins in his rooms. "It was not Jack Carlile," declared Collins. "He was a real bad man from Texas, and if my gun hadn't jammed, you would know who he is today."

The other man's gun jammed too and they battled with their fists until Collins admits he was getting the worst of the fight, and went back to his rooms for a shotgun. When he returned the other man had gone. Meanwhile, according to an eye witness, Mrs. Collins pulled a "45" on the unidentified man and threatened to shoot him. He talked Mrs. Collins out of shooting, however, the witness said. Mrs. Collins denies that she participated in the battle.

The first officer of the law to learn about the shooting is reported to have been Deputy U. S. Marshal Summers, who is said to have been deputized as a special officer for the Frisco railway company at this point. He reported the affair at the police station, and together with Chief Dailey and Policeman Atteberry, they went to see Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton and all the information that these officers could get in the matter was turned over to Deputy County Attorney C. H. Quier for the purpose of having state warrants sworn out against each of the parties for fighting and using deadly weapons.

Up to a late hour today no warrants had been issued. Carlile could not be found, and is reported to have got out of town immediately after the shooting. Collins refused to make any statement to the police. About all that could be learned about the matter is the statements of eye witnesses.

Fred Dennis, whose place of business is at 101½ East Central Avenue, in the basement under the Ormiston shoe store, corner Central Avenue and Summit Street, tells a lurid story of the affair.

"I was in the hamburger stand near the front door, when Collins entered the front door, with a gun in his hand, and muttering, "Here you are, you s___ of a b_____, I might as well finish you now.

"The man whose name was given as Carlile, was sitting on a stool and at the approach of Collins, he turned on the stool and started to get up and just as Collins fired a shot, Carlile hit Choc's arm and deflected his aim, but the ball hit Carlile on the right shoulder, inflicting a wound, which bled profusely. There was a hole in the back screen door which looked like a ball had passed through the screen, and the supposition is that the ball glanced from Carlile's shoulder and went out through the screen.

"After the shot Carlile got his arm around Collins' neck and held Collins' arm in which he (Collins) was holding the gun and trying to fire another shot into Carlile; and in the meantime, Carlile had also taken a gun from under his shirt, and in the scuffle that followed, the gun held by Carlile was fired, the bullet striking the east wall of the building near the floor, the direction of the ball being downward and forward towards the front of the house. After the first shot Collins' gun became jammed. Carlile being the bigger man of the two got the advantage of Collins in the scuffle, pointed his gun in Collins' face and told him to drop his gun, which Collins did. Then Carlile dropped his own gun and went to it to engage Collins in a fist fight. By this time the fight had been transferred to the outside of the building.

"Carlile was getting the best of Collins, and Collins then turned and ran up the back stairway to get his shotgun, it was reported.

"But Mrs. Collins came down the back stairway with a 45-automatic which she held up against Carlile's stomach and threatened to kill him. Carlile told her he was only defending himself against Collins' attack, and in this manner talked the woman out of shooting.

After the two guns had been dropped, parties picked them up and gave them into the keeping of Fred Van Sickle, who was making hamburgers and in charge of the stand at the time. After the fight the guns were given back to their respective owners. Carlile then got in his car and left the scene of the fight."

Not being able to locate Mr. Collins this forenoon, Mrs. Collins was interviewed at the St. Charles rooms. According to her statement, she only saw what took place before Mr. Collins entered the hamburger stand.

"The man had come up to the rooms and after asking about the price of a room, gave me a $20 bill. I asked Mr. Collins if he could change the bill and he took out a roll of bills to make the change. At this time the man said to wait a minute, he wanted to see another party before he engaged the room.

"He then got a gun and tried to hold Mr. Collins up, pointing a gun in his face. Mr. Collins did not have any gun. He told Carlile to shoot, if he had the nerve. But instead of shooting, Carlile then ran down the back stairway.

Pretty soon Mr. Collins said he was going down to the hamburger stand. I told him he had better not go empty handed. He got his gun and went down, going down the back stairway. I watched out the window. At the foot of the stairway, Carlile had laid in waiting and as Mr. Collins passed, he struck him with his gun on the head just back of the ear and knocked him down. Hearing the door bell ring at the front of the rooming apartments, I went to see what was wanted and I do not know what took place after that. When I went down the fight was all over."

This afternoon Choc Collins gave his version of the affair as follows.

"This man's name is not Carlile. He is a bad man from Texas. I have seen him before. He came up to the place to engage a room. I took him into a room and while in this room, he undertook to hold me up. He struck me on the head with a revolver, knocking me down, and tried to get a diamond ring off my finger. He then went into the hallway and ran down the back stairs. I got my gun and went to look for him and found him in the hamburger stand.

"I walked in and started shooting. After the first shot my gun jammed. Carlile was trying to get his gun out from under his shirt, but he was slow on the draw and I grabbed him. In the scuffle his gun was fired twice. My gun was of no use to me. I then started to fight with my fists, but this man, whose nickname is 'Chunk' or 'Punk,' was a bigger man than myself and he was getting the best of me. I then ran up the stairs to get my shot-gun, but when I returned, he was gone."

Collins had a cut on his head back of his ear and the flesh was a purple color, showing a bad bruise. He also showed a cut and injury on his finger where the man had tried to get the ring off his finger.

Fred Dennis stated that there were several persons in the room when the shooting started; that he was standing near the front door, two girls were occupying stools next to him, and on the opposite side of the girls were Floyd Hacklemen, of the Rex rooms, Blackie Bailey of the refreshment stand in Paris Park, and Jack Carlile. When the shooting started, Mr. Dennis stated, one of the girls cried out: "Oh, My God, let's get out of here." Dennis heard a crash like a dish or glass breaking and found it to be a mustard glass, which was knocked off by a small boy making his way over the counter to get out of the building.

The officers who visited the hamburger stand last night tried to learn the facts from Fred Van Sickle, who was on the job at the time. Van Sickle was busy making hamburgers and at the time the shot was fired had his back towards the customers' side of the room. When the shot occurred, he ducked behind the counter and did not see just what took place.

All parties in the room scrambled to get out and to get out of the way of the men engaged in the fight. The screen was knocked off of both front and back doors, the hamburger man reported. A big crowd had soon congregated in the street.

Choc Collins claims there were three shots fired; but according to eye witnesses so far interviewed, there were but two shots fired. Collins also claimed that the man had gone to Dr. Knapp, the veterinarian, to get his shoulder dressed, and he admitted that he shot him in the shoulder. When seen at his place today, Dr. Knapp denied having dressed the man's wound. Later today Dennis stated that he was not sure that the man's name was Carlile.

About 10:30 o'clock, a representative of the Traveler happened into the hamburger stand, where the shooting occurred, and listened to one of the men in charge as he told the story to a number of his customers who were lined up at the counter. He made the statement that the law man had been there making inquiries about the shooting, and asked him who did it. His reply was to the effect that he didn't know who it was as he was lying on the floor as flat as an ironing board when it occurred. He also said that there were five men there and three ladies in the room when the trouble started. The five men broke the screen down getting out, and the three women just naturally disappeared; he didn't know where they went.

The man Carlile is said to be the son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Carlile, and his age is given as 31 or 32. James Carlile is the bridge foreman for the Frisco at this point. Jack had until recently been employed in a battery station on South Summit street.

According to information received from his home this morning, Jack Carlile had been down in Texas; and members of the family denied having any knowledge of the affair. They said he had left for Texas about six weeks ago.

Officer Atteberry had tried to "shake down" a man in an alley last night, and it was reported today that the man had a showing of blood on his right shoulder and the story was current that it was the man who had been in the fight. However, this occurred before the shooting took place, and the officer says it was not the man concerned in the shooting. The man was in the alley near the Osage hotel and said he was trying to evade his wife.

The report is also prevalent that a man by the name of Sweet was the man shot. As the story goes Sweet and Collins quarreled about gambling, resulting in the fight.




Topeka, Kan., Aug. 4.Officials of the newly organized shopcraft associations in all the shops on the Santa Fe system today are awaiting reply from the United States railroad labor board indicating whether the board officially recognizes the new craft organizations. Prior to the July 1 strike, the six craft unions and the firemen's and oilers' union had official recognition of the board.

The unions have been on strike for more than a month and the craft associations which claim to have supplanted the unions on the Santa Fe system were formed in keeping with the 1920 federal transportation act to enable the men now working to have a voice before the federal labor board.

According to the resolution sent yesterday to President Harding and Chairman Hooper of the labor board, the Santa Fe craft associations now have 7,300 members. A Santa Fe official here said ninety percent of the all the men employed in the shops have joined the new craft associations.

According to the same official, similar employees' organizations are being formed on practically all other railroads. The Missouri Pacific is reported to have completed the new shop associations.

Chicago, Aug. 4.The United States railroad labor board will not be called on to pass on the question of recognition of the newly formed union of Santa Fe employees until some controversy involving the union is brought before the board, it was explained by members today.

Without discussing the status of any individual union, members of the board explained that under the transportation act, the board would in the normal course of events hear the disputes of any organization representing bona fide employees of a





Chas. Isaac, of the Sapulpa Refining company, has arrived in the city and has taken the position of superintendent of the Moore refinery. He succeeds W. P. Wilkins, who has been in charge since the refinery opened. Mr. Wilkins will remain here as assistant to Mr. Isaac.

Fred Baird, an employee, is a patient in the Arkansas City hospital as the result of burns he received in the face and about the eyes, while on duty at the plant yesterday afternoon. The burns were caused by the explosion of ammonia and for a time it was thought his eyesight was badly injured.

However, Mr. Baird was reported to be doing fine this morning and he will be dismissed from the hospital tomorrow. He and his family reside at the J. H. Knapp apartments, on South A street.

J. C. Lytle, superintendent of pipe lines, Moore refinery, went to De Noya today on business.

Thirty-five cars of refined products are being loaded out today. The capacity of the loading racks is eighty two cars.

A. H. Hill is pump repair man. He has several helpers.

Claude Chapman is one of the pipe fitters who was sent for when the refinery was opened. He acts as pipe fitter foreman when the real foreman is absent.

The wrecking force is making good headway in tearing out the Jenkins high pressure stills. It will be entirely removed by October 1st. A force is now excavating for more high pressure stills at the spot where the Smith high pressure battery was located.




The "Howdy Judge" reporter got the evidence mixed in yesterday's police story when he said that a case was dismissed in which the police chief testified that he had seen the whiskey operator pour liquor out of a bottle into a sink. This was the case of J. R. Curry, against whom Judge Brown assessed a fine of $100 and sentenced him to 30 days in jail, and which case was appealed to district court.

The case the reporter had in mind was that of Chig Williams, which was tried the same evening, and which was dismissed because of lack of evidence that came up to the requirements of the law. What the reporter had in mind was the difficulty of getting convictions under the law, adding this as a phase of the difficulties encountered by the police in their efforts to bring criminals to justice.

While justice has been frustrated in several cases that have come under the writer's notice in the city court, yet the failure cannot be charged to the court nor the police. One of the greatest difficulties in bringing law violators to justice, it seems, is the difficulty of getting the kind of evidence that will make the case stick.




The Arkansas City hospital, located at 828 South B street, is at present undergoing some extensive repairs, in the way of paint and remodeling the interior of the building.

There has also been a new ward established there and new tile floors are being put in a part of the building. This work is expected to be completed within a few days at least.




C. S. Beard of the Beard Foundry and Machine Works, located at 723 South First Street, reports that several checks were stolen from his office recently and he is very desirous of locating the same, if possible.



Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Friday, August 4, 1922

(From K. C. Journal-Post)
The spotlight of the world again is centered on Kansas.

A scientific discovery and the richest helium containing gas field in the world, a combination which promises to make dreams of American inter-city travel by dirigible and even privately owned airships a reality, rather than freak laws and queer political pranks, this time is drawing the attention of the entire nation and Europe to the Sunflower state.

For it was Hamilton P. Cady, professor in chemistry at the University of Kansas, that first identified helium gas as a part of the natural gas of the Midcontinent field, and as a war service he and David F. McFarland and other associates perfected a commercial method of extracting the helium at a cost that is not prohibitive even for the man of average means to use.

Natural gas bearing the largest helium content of any field in the world is now found at Dexter, in Cowley County, Kansas, a little more than 200 miles from Kansas City.

The value of helium gas lies in the virtue that it will not ignite save under an enormously high temperature, which makes it valuable for use in balloons and dirigibles, since its use eliminates all possibility of explosion and renders the use of a gasoline motor, mounted directly under the gas bag, safe and practical.

Helium gas is considered a very rare product and not until recently was it discovered that the Dexter product was sufficient to be a factor in our national business affairs.

The story of helium is one of the romances of science. Probably nothing in the scientific world, except radium, compares with it in human interest. Helium is one of the best examples of a discovery in pure science that has wide commercial application.

Erection of a $1,000,000 plant at Dexter, with a capacity of 50,000 feet daily, has been announced by Kansas City and New York interests.

The only other plant in the United States formerly was in Fort Worth, Texas, which is operated by the United States government. The helium from this plant is used exclusively in army and navy dirigibles, and the scarcity of the gas in this field makes the cost of production too high for commercial use.

The first well was drilled near Dexter in 1903. After the gas was discovered, a sample was sent to the University of Kansas for analysis. In the analysis made by Prof. Cady and Prof. McFarland, it was discovered that the helium content of the gas was 1.82 percent. After the test was made, Prof. Cady procured samples from all the gas fields of Kansas. The Dexter sample contained the larger percentage of helium than any of the other samples obtained in the state. Recent investigation showed that the Dexter field contains the largest amount of helium of any field in the world.

Helium gas was never in great demand until the United States entered the world war. In 1917 an experimental station was built by the government at Fort Worth. This plant grew to be a very large station, and at the time the armistice was signed had shipped 150,000,000 feet of helium gas in steel containers to England.

Geological investigations demonstrated the possibility of supplying helium from natural gas.

The first flight of an airship filled with helium gas took place on December 16, 1921, when the C-7 blimp of the United States navy sailed over the capitol at Washington. A ship of that size requires 180,000 cubic feet of helium. During the war the cost of enough gas to fill the ship would have been $350,000. The cost of filling the same size balloon under present conditions would not be more than $18,000 as helium is now extracted at a cost of about 10 cents a cubic foot.

Pure helium has about 93 percent the lifting power of hydrogen. Helium diffuses through a fabric at approximately 75 percent of the rate of hydrogen.

The process of separating helium from natural gas is one of refrigeration. The refrigeration of the gases reduces all of the other gases except helium to a liquid.

A disaster such as happened to the Roma at Hampton Roads, early in February, in which thirty-four lives were lost, could have been prevented had the bag been filled with helium, according to a report made Wednesday by the investigating committee of the war department.

If the Germans had been able to use helium to inflate their Zeppelins, the story of the world war might have been different. From experience gained in the defense of London, it was learned that the dirigible was vulnerable against a well-organized attack. The Germans too recognized this point and invariably made attacks on England at night, operating from a high altitude in order to minimize the attacks from airplanes, as a single incendiary bullet fired into a dirigible inflated with hydrogen would quickly bring the ship down in flames. The inflammability of the hydrogen was the one weak point in this method of attack.

The constant fear of a swift and terrible death had its effect also on the operating crews, lessening their efficiency.

The non-inflammability of helium also makes it possible to place the engines in the framework of the dirigible, giving greater control of the craft and increased speed.

The formation of inter-city and interstate passenger and freight carrying dirigible services are expected to be made soon after the commercial plant at Dexter is in operation. The low price of helium as compared with the cost of hydrogen, which the passenger-carrying dirigibles of Europe use, is expected to make air passenger and freight traffic on a large scale much more successful in this country than in Europe. The minimizing of danger will be the largest factor in the promotion of an American air travel line.

A privately owned dirigible with a small motor and comparatively small gas bag is not out of the realm of possibility since the discovery of helium in quantities.

And all of this the world owes to Kansas and a Kansas man.




Final figures on the republican county candidates from the primary election of last Tuesday, as given out at Winfield this afternoon, are as follows.

Quier 1862; Howard 1775. White 2122; Ham 948; Brown 722. King 1646; Lee 2036. Webb 1569; Miller 1766. On the democrat ticket L. C. Brown had a nice lead over Alexander, for the nomination of representative.




Chas. "Choc" Collins, proprietor of the St. Charles rooming house on South Summit street, who was one of the two men who took part in a gun play and shooting on Thursday night in the Sun-flower hamburger cafe on West Adams Avenue, was placed under arrest shortly before noon today and was taken before Judge J. W. Martin, of the state court, on the charge of assault with intent to kill, with a deadly weapon, upon a man at this time unknown, to Deputy County Attorney C. H. Quier, who signed the complaint. Bond was fixed at $1500 immediately and the case was then put off until 3 o'clock this afternoon in order that the testimony of two eye witnesses to the shooting might be taken this evening, as they desire to leave the city. In the shooting the other man was shot in the shoulder, but his identity is at this time unknown.

The witnesses are J. R. Stine, of Chillicothe, Mo., and J. H. Graham of 1227 South K street, this city. J. R. Stine is here on a visit with the Graham family; and he and the Graham boy will leave this evening for Missouri.

Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton was given the warrant this morning and he went to the Collins rooms to arrest him. There he met Mrs. Collins, and she stated that Mr. Collins was not in at that time. The officer left word with her to tell Collins he wanted to see him. Then the officer went back down the street and stopped in front of the Zadie block, where the two justice courts are located. Very soon after that Collins drove up in his car and surrendered to the officer. They proceeded to the courtroom and Collins listened to the reading of the warrant. Then he asked to see a lawyer, as he said he did not understand the status of the charge made against him.

The court had at first stated that the bond would be made $2,000 and when H. S. Hines appeared for the defendant at the request of Collins, he stated that the bond was too high. He then argued for the bond to be reduced; and at the suggestion of the court and upon approval of the deputy county attorney, it was fixed at $1,500. The case was then put over until this afternoon, at which time the prosecuting attorney agreed to have a stenographer on hand to take the testimony for both the state and the defense.

The reason assigned for the request for a continuance of the case to another date was that Collins stated he was compelled to go to Kansas City on a business trip at once.

Attorney H. S. Hines stated to the newspapermen present at the hearing this morning that the report to the effect that the second man to the shooting was Jack Carlile, as rumor had it yesterday, was not true. He said that he knows positively, through the parents of the young man, that he is now in Brownsville, Texas, and that he has been there for several weeks. Mr. Hines stated that the parents of the boy are well known here and they are at this time operating a grocery store here. They have been residents of Arkansas City for a number of years. Jack Carlile has a wife and baby here at present. When the attorney was asked who the man was who had had the fight with Collins, he stated that he did not know.

In the courtroom this morning, Collins did not seem to be worried in the least and he laughed and joked with the attorneys and others in the room at the time. After he called Attorney Hines into the room to take charge of his case, he had nothing more to say, indicating that the lawyer had advised him to soft peddle the talk in regard to the fight and the shooting.

It was stated today by persons who claim to know some of the facts in the case, that the man with whom Collins had the fight Thursday night was known here as Thomas P. Bunch, and that his home is in Kansas City. It is said that he had been in the city for several days prior to the fight and the shooting scrape, and that he left that night. Since that time, the story goes, he has wired for his personal effects to be sent to him by express to Kansas City from a local hotel, where he had been stopping.

Collins was asked why the police did not arrest him, and he replied that he didn't know "unless they were afraid," and added he "didn't intend to hurt them." He said he had no intention to resist arrest, and surrendered himself as soon as he learned there was a warrant out for him.

J. E. Heard signed the bond for Collins. Hattie Franey was engaged by the prosecution to take the testimony in shorthand at the hearing today for the state.

Late today it was learned that J. R. Stine, one of the witnesses wanted for hearing this afternoon, had left the city before the officer had the opportunity to serve a subpoena on him. The only witness called in the case today was J. H. Graham, who desires to leave the city tonight.

James Henry Graham was examined as a witness in the "Choc" Collins case in the state court of J. W. Martin this afternoon. He stated that his home was on route 8, Carleton, Mo., in Carroll County. That he was here the night of August 3, and that he, in company with his friend, J. R. Stine, were walking down Summit street; and when crossing Adams avenue, he heard the report of a gun and saw people coming out of the hamburger stand nearly half a block west on Adams avenue. He and his friend went toward the stand as the men who were scuffling were coming out of the door. One had a gun and appeared to be trying to strike the other man with it; but was prevented from so doing by the grip the other man had on him. The gun was dropped and one man went back in the alley west of the hamburger stand and the other started up the street. At the corner of the St. Charles rooming house, the witness testified, he saw a lady with a gun in her hand who stopped the man and made him hold up his hands. Another fellow stepped between the man and the lady, then the man walked out on the sidewalk and stepped on the running board of a moving car. The witness saw three guns, two of which were revolvers and one a shot gun. He did not recognize Collins, who was in the courtroom, as being one of the men in the fight. Graham is a young man who has been attending school and was in the city visiting relatives. He agreed that if he happened to be in the state anytime in September or November, he would notify Justice Martin, so that he could be reached in case he was wanted if the case came up for trial in district court.




In connection with the story published yesterday by the Traveler on the proposed helium gas plant at Dexter, the Traveler has received the following information from Charles E. Rador, attorney, Kansas City, Missouri.

"For your information we wish to inform you that the organization of the Dexter Helium Company of America, at Dexter, Kansas, is completed and the declaration of trust filed for record in Jackson County, Missouri. Furthermore, we are pleased to inform you that we have completed an underwriting agreement for the securities of the corporation to provide funds to carry out its plans.

"A New York broker, who is interested in this underwriting agreement, is now in Kansas City; and a representative of oil interest in Tulsa has joined the underwriting so that mid-west investors will have the same opportunity as eastern investors to join in the enterprise.

"As a matter of further interest, Martin W. Baden, a geologist of Winfield, Kansas, is in Kansas City and has been engaged by the Dexter Helium Company of America as its geologist. Mr. Baden has just completed a temporary and very favorable report concerning the holdings of the company, which are known to contain the richest helium gas bearing sands in the world today according to Kansas and national geologists."




A white man and woman going under the name of Montgomery, and a Chinaman living in this city got mixed up in a triangle affair, which resulted yesterday in the married pair getting out of town. It appears that the white man and woman tried to work the badger game on the Chinaman.

The husband in the affair claimed to be a barber, and he and his wife represented that they came to this city from Oklahoma City. They put up at a local hotel. It seems that the husband could not go to work at once on account of having to wait to secure a barber's license; and in the meantime, it appears that the couple's surplus funds were running low. The wife went to work in the Saddle Rock cafe as a waitress while the husband took a job in the K. C. waffle house next door to the Saddle Rock. The Chinaman in the case has been employed at the Saddle Rock for some time.

The first developments of the triangle seemed to be when the woman wrote a letter to the Chinaman, whose name is George Pon. She said some nice things in the letter and asked Mr. Pon for fifty dollars to get herself a new dress. Mr. Pon wrote back a letter in which he used endearing terms and told her how much he loved her.

Mr. Pon's room was in the same hotel and was just across the court from the room occupied by the man and wife. The proximity here as well as their close contact by reason of being employed in the same cafe evidently was favorable to the development of sentiment and romance. The married lady replied to Pon's letter, she proposing that they run off together, and said they would have a "little baby just like the Chinamen chef at the Saddle Rock, who married a white girl."

It appears that the woman's first hours of duty at the cafe were from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. At about 1 o'clock day before yesterday the woman, with her husband, had gone to their room. Pon was also in his room. With the windows open there was not much obstruction to the view across the hallway. Both the woman and the Chinaman had lain down in their respective rooms to rest. Presently the husband went out.

According to Pon's story to an attorney of this city, the woman motioned for him to come across. He went around the court and entered her room, the door being ajar. According to the woman's story he at once began to make love to her, putting his arms about her while she was still on the bed. Just at this moment the husband entered.

Right here is where the Chinaman's financial status began to be investigated. Pon admits it himself. They first asked for $500, then reduced the amount to $200.

"Me no monie, me no monie," insisted the Chinaman. The husband threatened to call the police. The Chinaman stuck to his text. He was apparently in worse straits than the allied powers after the war.

The triangle then transferred itself to the lobby downstairs, where it seems a fight ensued between the two men. The Chinaman, although small in stature, proved himself mighty in battle, according to his own story. The Chinaman, it seems, hit the husband with his nose on the end of the husband's fist such a powerful blow that he knocked the husband down on top of himself.

"Then we fight on the floor; then we fight on the floor," repeated Pon. Then the husband called the police. Later Pon had the man and woman arrested on a charge of trying to work the badger game on him. When the police showed Pon some of the letters that had passed, he merely smiled. Pon proceeded to engage the services of a prominent local attorney. The final upshot of the matter was that the couple agreed to leave town yesterday, and in this manner the affair was allowed to settle itself. According to the report this morning, the man and wife left town last night.

About the only aftermath considered within the realm of possibility is the liability of the little warrior, Pon, being called by the heads of his "tong" in China for services in helping to put down civil rebellion in his native land.







At the risk of wearing a wooden kimona, we are going to register a protest against the example set before the youth of Arkansas City by "Choc" Collins.

Since returning to our home city after two years absence, we have heard repeatedly that Collins is a bad man. They say he can shoot the spots out of a card some 60 paces away, make a tin can do the jelly roll, and clip off the heads of jack rabbits as his auto speeds along the highway. All this is quite an accomplishment and we admire his accurate aim with a pistol. But when that skill is used to menace the lives of peaceful citizens, it is time to call a halt. The shooting affray in which he engaged at a hamburger stand Thursday night endangered the lives of innocent and law abiding people who were in that vicinity.

Still "Choc" Collins was permitted to challenge the police authority and go "scot" free, by the city. What is there about this man that seems to strike fear into the hearts of the law enforcement officials of this city. These custodians of the law are paid to make arrests when the law is violated. It is not their choice to arrest defenseless or unarmed persons and let an armed man go free. It is their duty to protect the community from a man who ventures forth upon a man killing hunt and shoots a bullet wide of his mark, which by an act of providence strikes a wall instead of a human mark.

We understand that Collins is a mild tempered man when he is not drinking; but that under the influence of liquor, he is reckless and places but little value on life if crossed. We have heard a number of people on the street say that the police are afraid of him. Are the police doing anything to disprove this accusation? Dr. William Gardner today declared in the Traveler office that the police were afraid to arrest "Choc" Collins.

Collins is setting a bad example for boys in their teens. Some of these red blooded youths may look upon him as a hero. He may become their idol because they think he is a fearless man, bearding the lions in their den. When we were a kid, we used to read Diamond Dick and Jesse James novels, and got the idea we would rather be an outlaw than a respectable citizen. Boys are the same today.

Are the people of Arkansas City going to let their boys see the police defied; or are they going to demand respect for the law from every man, regardless of his reputation for being able to shoot straight? Let's demand police protection in Arkansas City; and if it is not forthcoming, then bring ouster proceedings against the city administration and elect to office men who will preserve law and order.




Winfield, Aug. 5.Detention in jail and separation from his intended bride were awaiting Miguel Gorgas when he applied for a marriage license at the office of Probate Judge White Friday; and the Senorita Marie Garcia is again in the home of her parents, from which place she eloped with Miguel Wednesday, it is said. The girl told the officers she is seventeen; her mother declares she is but thirteen. The mother refuses to consent to the marriage, and whether she is seventeen or younger, the girl cannot marry without the parents' consent.

The story of the elopement was told in yesterday's Courier. The girl's father, Pedro Garcia, works for the Santa Fe and lives in "Little Mexico" on the right of way south of Ninth avenue. Miguel also works for the Santa Fe and boarded with the Garcias. Miguel and Marie eloped to Arkansas City Wednesday. Garcia appealed to the officers to find and return the elopers. No trace of Miguel and his sweetheart was found in Arkansas City. But today they appeared in probate court, asking for a license to wed. They were at once taken up by the sheriff.




Winfield, Kan., Aug. 5.Liberty did not long remain to Jack Burgess and "Dock" O'Bryan, the two men who escaped from the Cowley County jail the night of July 4-5. Burgess, the second of the two to be recaptured, is in jail at Pawhuska, where he faces a charge of stealing a car in Oklahoma. The chief of police there told Sheriff Goldsmith this afternoon over long distance that Kansas could have the prisoner aftr he had served his term in the Oklahoma penitentiary.

The two men were arrested in Blackwell in April on a charge of stealing a car in Arkansas City. They escaped from the jail here by sawing a bar from a window on the west side of the jail upstairs; and by letting themselves down by blankets tied together. O'Bryan was captured at Oilton, Oklahoma, July 20 and is now in the cage in the jail at this place.






For a few days only I will continue to buy Traders State Bank certificates.J. E. Heard.




"Looks like Choc's got 'em buffaloed, don't it? said a well-known citizen.

Said a well-known woman, "Why not let Policeman Ketch arrest Collins, for the city?"

In a recent sermon Rev. Gardner, pastor of the Presbyterian church, said, "Within half a block of this church is a notorious joint, booze and its accompaniments, running without molestation." In the Traveler office today he said, "It is an outrage that the city has taken no cognizance of the gun battle Thursday night at the West Adams avenue hamburger stand. I believe the police department is afraid."




We believe Arkansas City is the only town on earth that could have a gun battle and the city police department make no arrests. Don't you think it is about time for a change of government? Don't you think this is a good time to consider the manager form?

We are just wondering how long it will take the people of Arkansas City to become aroused sufficiently to insist upon the present city government doing its duty and giving service. No other town we know of would tolerate half as much mismanagement and lawlessness from any administration as has Arkansas City from this one.

It is really pitiful the way the police department handled the shooting scrape that occurred in this city Thursday night. Up to press hour no arrests had been made by the city. Is it possible for a gun battle to occur in a place of business, where several innocent bystanders were congregated and the city make no arrests?

Deputy County Attorney Quier says it is the city's duty to arrest the participants in the gun battle that occurred at the hamburger stand on West Madison avenue Thursday night. The county attorney ought to know.

We predict, Mr. Good Citizen, that if you discharged firearms within the city limits, you would be arrested in short order.

Mr. Mayor, we are still waiting for that come back you promised if we published that Watts' telegram.



Evidently "Choc" Colins has got the number of the Arkansas City police department.

Quite often a booze vender or a handler of booze is fined in police court. He pays his city fine and frequently departs on his way to resume his booze business. The law does not contemplate this. The law says that certain officers shall notify the county attorney of the violation of the prohibitory law and the failure to comply is removal from office. Is this law being observed in this city? We quote the section of law to which we refer:

Section 5505. Duty of sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables, mayors, marshals, police judges, and police officers to notify county attorney of violation of act; names of witnesses; penalty for failure to comply with section; removal from office. Section 8. It shall be the duty of all sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables, mayors, marshals, police judges, and police officers of any city or town having notice or knowledge of any violation of the provisions of this act, to notify the county attorney of the fact of such violation, and to furnish him the names of any witnesses within his knowledge by whom such violation can be proven. If any such officer shall fail to comply with the provisions of this section, he shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars; and such conviction shall be a forfeiture of the office held by such persons, and the court before whom such conviction is had shall, in addition to the imposition of the fine aforesaid, order and adjudge the forfeiture of his said office. For a failure or neglect of official duty in the en forcement of this act, any of the city or county officers herein referred to may be removed by civil action. (L. 1181, ch. 128, section 12, as amended by L. 1885, ch. 149, section 7, as amended by L. 1887, ch. 165, section 9; March 8.)




City Commissioner Frank L. Thompson has his hands pretty full at the present time. Some of the things which he is looking after are: The building of the storage house; the construction of a dike near the mouth of the Third ward ditch; hauling gravel, and repairing washouts on various streets; cutting weeds in the city.

The storage house is a 50-100 concrete building on East Central avenue, to be used for housing implements and tools belonging to the city. The dike is to prevent the water from backing up into the Third ward in flood periods. It will have a valve which will be open at all times except when the river is high. The weed cutting force consists of men with cythes and one mowing machine.




For the second time within recent weeks, C. C. Hoenehs has been arrested for fighting. The second arrest was made in Paris Park last night. The other party to the affair is the same party with whom Hoenehs had his former difficulty, Harley MeElhinney.

Officer White was standing nearby, and saw Hoenehs pass by intent upon something. Hoenehs walked up to McElhinney and struck him, knocking him down. The officer had stepped up to withing a few feet of Hoenehs at the time he struck the blow, and reached over and put his arms around Hoenehs' neck, asking him what he was trying to do.

The affair couldn't have been more conveniently staged so far as the policeman was concerned, the fighter falling right into the arms of the law. Hoenehs put up a $25 bond for his appearance in the city court at 5 o'clock this evening.




Chas. Betts, Jr., has planned a shocking reception for anyone attempting to perform a burglary act on his premises. Mr. Betts has a lot of nice rabbits, and lately someone has been stealing them. It is not likely they will do so again.

Thursday Mr. Betts attached an electric wire to his rabbit pen and last night about midnight he heard someone yelling and squealing as if in considerable pain. A few minutes later all was quiet. Someone had attempted to rob his rabbit pen, and had come in contact with the live wires, about fifteen hundred volts, but made his getaway without serious injury, leaving the rabbits behind.




Several of the construction foremen at the Moore refinery are leaving for Tulsa this evening by automobile to spend Sunday with their families. Among them are David Lee, William Hollingsworth, and Sam Norton. These foremen are from the Cosden & Company plant at Tulsa.

This is the regular semi-monthly pay day. Nearly three hundred checks were distributed among the men this morning. These checks are issued on a local bank, another demonstra tion that the plant is a big asset to Arkansas City.

Thirty-five cars of refined products are being loaded out today. M. E. Maynard is chief inspector at the plant. Every car must have his O.K. before it can be loaded. F. O. Hawkins is his assistant. These inspectors also have charge of the tank car oiling and little repair work.

Tom Maroney of the Mid-Co pipe line company was a visitor this morning at the plant. O. E. Smith, of the pipe line department of the Moore refinery, will spend Sunday at Blackwell visiting relatives.

Fred Beard, who was gassed last Thursday when an ammonia pump on which he was working exploded, was able to walk to the plant this morning and receive his pay check.

President George N. Moore and J. C. Lytle, pipe line superintendent of the Moore refinery, made a business trip to the oil fields today.

J. C. Koontz, general superintendent of the Cosden Oil Co., was a visitor at the Moore refinery this morning.

Another big condenser tower was hoisted into place on battery three at the Moore plant today.

Still No. 1 of battery three was put into operation today. It is running crude, bringing the daily run of the plant up to more than 6,000 barrels. Still No. 2 of battery three will be put into operation some time tonight. It will be some time before the remaining stills of this battery can be put into operation on account of the vast amount of remodeling work being done. When it is in full operation, the daily capacity of the plant will be more than 8,000 barrels of crude.

No still men have been assigned to battery three. The still men of battery two are operating the one still which is being used.




The Coats-Corlett Battery and Electric company has been removed from North Summit street to 112 South First street. This change was made because of the growing business of this company, making it desirable that they get a location nearer the business center. The business is in charge of Ray Coats. The company handles everything electrical for the automobile. They handle a battery of their own, in addition to being the agents for the Luthy battery.




At a recent meeting of the Standard Auto Signal company of this city in its office on West Fifth avenue, the following officers were elected.

T. P. Alford, former city engineer, president;

T. F. Schmidt, vice president and shop superintendent;

F. L. Johnson, secretary; and

A. C. Jordan, treasurer.

It is the intention of the company officials to push the business and they expect soon to have the auto signals on the market here. The factory of the local company is located near the Arkansas City mill, in the plant formerly known as the Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., which they purchased some time ago.

Mr. Johnson has just returned from a trip to Tulsa and Kansas City, in the interest of the company. He reports that in Tulsa the signals were taken readily on assignment, pending a permanent contract there. He called on the editor of the National Highway magazine, Mr. Guthrey, who is also the president of the Northeast chamber of commerce, and he was high in his praises of the auto signal. There is now pending the proposition to make this signal the official closed car signal for that association, Mr. Johnson states. While he received some flattering offers to move the plant from this city, Mr. Johnson stated that the company is located here permanently, and has its own factory in this city. Mr. Johnson has rejected all other offers. Most of the men connected with this new line of business are local men and they intend to remain in Arkansas City in the future, and they will improve the factory and the business here, from this time forth.




Washington, Aug. 7.(Associated Press)President Harding called upon striking railway shopmen to return to work, requested the railroads to assign them to work, and asked both the workers and carriers to submit the disputed question of seniority to the railroad labor board. The president sent telegrams to B. M. Jewell, head of the railroad shopmen's union, and T. Dewitt Cuyler, chairman of the association of railway executives, outlining the plan which he hoped would result in speedy termination of the strike. . . .

Settlement through the railroad labor board, the president is said to believe, is the only practical course for the government to seek. The president, it was added, considers the suggestions just made as representing the judgment of one who has been standing in between the parties to the controversy.

The president, it was stated, trusts the new proposal will draw the support of public opinion, and will bring a speedy ending of the strike now in its sixth week.



Topeka, Aug. 7.That the Ku Klux Klan may have played an important part in the primary election last week in at least three counties is causing considerable comment among those taking an interest in politics. The Klan is said to have quite an organization in Wyandotte, Montgomery, and Cowley counties.

In Montgomery county the Klan is said to have published a ticket of its own and circulated it among its members, who were instructed to vote this ticket and line up their families and friends behind it. At the head of the ticket Stubbs was given the preference as being friendly to the Klan.

A glance at the vote in the three counties shows that the Klan was active and fairly efficient. Everyone conversant with political conditions in the three counties were confident that W. Y. Morgan would have large majorities in each. In each of the three counties, his pluralities were cut far below the estimates of everyone.

The Klan ticket was issued Saturday before the primary. State officials who went to their homes to vote and have returned to Topeka assert that the activities of the Klan were very pronounced in the effort to nominate Stubbs and various local candidates.



There was a series of accidents in this city and vicinity Sunday afternoon and night, and today, there being six in all, and the saddest one of which was the drowning of Forrest Messner, age 14 years, of east of the city, while the others included an auto accident to Dr. and Mrs. R. Claude Young, Dr. and Mrs. Berger, and Miss Maxine Collins, a nurse; an accident to little Kathleen Keefe, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Keefe, who was knocked down by an auto; the accidental shooting of Tiny Merris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merris, who was wounded in a leg; injuries to an Indian boy, Felix McCauley, who was said to have been run over by an auto south of the city, and the injury to Kenneth Houston, a small boy of this city, who fell off a horse and received a fractured arm.

Messner Boy Drowned.
Forrest Messner, age 14 years, son of Mrs. Lon Messner, a widow, of east of the city, lost his life in the Walnut river about noon today, when he with his two smaller brothers, went into the water to take a swim while on the way home from the city. The three boys had been in the city to sell milk and were on the way home when they decided to stop and take a plunge in the Walnut. They went into the water just above the Kansas avenue bridge, near the country club. Forrest had been in the water only a few minutes, it was stated, when he went down in deep water; and as he cried for help, the two younger brothers attempted to rescue him, and they came near being pulled into the deep water by the drowning lad. The body of the drowned boy was not recovered for at least an hour from the time the accident occurred.

Parties residing in that vicinity were at once notified that a boy was drowned and the call for assistance was sent to the city police station from the country club home. Several of the officers and Billy Norman, who is an uncle of the dead boy; and also Ollie Norman, son of Billy Norman, went at once to the scene. A dozen men and boys were then in the water until the body was recovered.

Dr. Young in Auto Spill.
Last night while Dr. and Mrs. R. Claude Young and children, Dr. and Mrs. Berger, and Miss Maxine Collins, matron at the Arkansas City hospital, were on an auto trip to the country with the Young Cadillac car and with Dr. Young at the wheel, the car skidded and was turned over on its side in the ditch. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the accident. Miss Collins was the worst hurt, her injuries being only slight however. The car was not badly damaged, though it took some time to get it out of the ditch today. The scene of the accident was on the road west from the I. X. L. school, being one mile west and a half mile south of that place. There is a bad place in the road there, with a deep ditch on either side. The cause of the accident was that there was a car coming toward the Young car and the bright lights of the second car prevented the doctor from having a clear view of the road ahead of him. The damaged Cadillac was brought to the city today.

Indian Found In Road.
Soon after the Young car accident, and while the doctor and some of his friends were at the scene of the accident in an attempt to get the car out of the ditch, there was a car contain ing two young Indian men and one girl, who approached the party and made the accusation that Dr. Young had run over one of their party in the road, this side of the place where the Young accident took place.

In the party with Dr. Young at the time, were H. S. Collinson, Dwight Moody, Dr. Ferguson, and Harry Merris, the latter having gone there to get the doctor to come to the city and attend his son, who had accidentally shot himself. The doctor denied having been on the road designated by the Indians, but said he would go with them and look after the injured man.

Drew Gun on Dr. Young.
The members of the party then started back with the Indians' car in the lead. The Indians showed signs of having been indulging in corn liquor, and when the parties stopped at the place where the Indian was lying in the road, one of the Indians pulled a big revolver and shoved it into the doctor's stomach. He again accused the doctor of running over his brother. Some members of the doctor's party at once knocked the gun from the hand of the Indian and he was soon subdued. Another one of the Indians was thought to have a gun and the white men then put in a call for the police, who met the party and took the Indians in charge. The Indian who was injured was taken to the Arkansas City hospital. His name is said to be Felix McCauley. He has several fractured ribs and one arm is injured. He was said to be doing nicely today. It is not known who ran over the Indian. Other members of the Indian party were taken in charge by the officers and Hugh Shoto was held on the charge of being drunk and G. Monroe was charged with having a gun in his possession.

Would Stage a Holdup.
It was reported in the city today the party of Indians had planned to stage a holdup south of the city and that four of the party had got out of their car, lined up in the road, and that the car which approached them at that time knocked the McCauley boy down. There seemed to be no one, however, today who could verify this report or rumor. At any rate, there seems to be some mystery in connection with the manner in which the Indian was hurt.

Boy Accidentally Shot
Fern, "Tiny" Merris, 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merris, of 315 North Second Street, was the victim of an accidental shooting last night, while he and other boys were on the way home from a visit to Drury park, west of here, and as a result the lad is in the Arkansas City hospital, with a bullet wound in the left leg. The bullet, a 22 calibre, was extracted from the calf of the leg last night at the hospital, and the boy was reported to be resting well today.

The details of the accident as given by members of the party who visited Drury on Sunday, are as follows.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Parman, in their Dodge touring car, motored to that place and three boys, Tiny Merris, Donald Brenz, and Bobby Parman, accompanied them, but the boys were in a Ford roadster.

The two cars were enroute home last night, and about seven o'clock, as the boys were near South Haven, they espied a rabbit and Tiny decided to take a shot at it with a 22 old- style, breakable revolver. He held the weapon between his legs in order to break the barrel and place the load in the gun. As he closed the revolver again, the gun was accidentally discharged and the bullet entered the calf of the leg, ranging downward, and made a wound about eight inches in length. The boy was given emergency treatment at South Haven and was then brought to the hospital here, where an operation was performed to remove the bullet. The piece of lead was taken from the leg, just above the ankle. The wound is not necessarily serious, but is said to be very painful and the boy will be compelled to remain in the hospital for a number of days on account of the accident.

Kathleen Keefe Injured
Kathleen, the 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Keefe of 305 South B Street, was painfully injured late Sunday afternoon in front of her home, while she was in the act of crossing the street, by being struck by an auto which was driven by Geo. Schifffendecker, of rural route No. 4, out of Winfield. A report from the Keefe home today was to the effect that the little girl was doing nicely and she suffered no broken bones on account of the accident. She was said to be resting well and was able to be up and about the house.

Kathleen, in company with Louise Hollenbeck, age 12 years, who is a neighbor of the Keefe family, was playing about the yard, when Miss Keefe started to run across the road. She did not see the approaching auto and ran in front of it, with the result that the car knocked her to the pavement. In the fall, she received bruises and scratches about the head, arms, and legs. She was taken at once to Mercy Hospital where the injuries were dressed and later in the evening was taken back to the home. The young man who drove the car at the time of the accident stopped and assisted in the care of the injured girl. He stated he would return to the city today to see the girl and her father in regard to the accident. At the time of the accident, Mr. and Mrs. Keefe were in attendance at the funeral services for A. A. Newman at the First Presbyterian church.

Suffers Broken Arm.
Kenneth Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Houston of East Fifth Avenue, had his left arm broken yesterday. He was horse back riding near Silverdale when his horse threw him, fracturing his arm. He was brought home and the bone was set by a local physician. The lad was reported to be doing nicely today.

Investigates Auto Accident.
Geo. Schiffendecker, of near Winfield, who was driving the car which ran the little Keefe girl down yesterday afternoon on South B street, was in the city this morning and he was called into the office of the deputy county attorney for an investigation of the accident. The young man was taken onto the carpet and was given a lecture on driving. It was reported late today there might be a complaint made in the case, but the man was allowed to go to his home. The deputy county attorney states that he proposes hereafter to make an investigation into all such cases, and to ascertain if possible when there is any reckless driving in accidents similar to this one. At press time, however, there had been no action taken in the matter.



'Twas Thursday eve, and all was calm,

And peaceful was the summer's night;

When suddenly wild shots rang out,

And no policeman was in sight.


'Twas Saturday eve, the hour was nine,

The streets contained a passing throng;

Police were rushing to and fro,

There surely must be something wrong.


No belching guns, no cannon's roar,

No shrieks, and cursing loud and long,

The night police were on the job,

A man had parked his car all wrong.

R. M. B.


The Traveler was paid an appreciated call Saturday evening by Choc Collins, who is charged with being engaged in a gun battle last Thursday evening, at the hamburger stand on West Adams avenue, and Chief of Police Dailey. They came to the Traveler office in Mr. Collins' car, and met the editor just as he was starting on his evening's homeward journey to partake of his meager chow.

Mr. Collins and Chief Dailey came to inform the editor that the Traveler had published a couple of misstatements in regard to them. The statement Mr. Collins complained of was to the effect that he had said the reason the city police did not arrest him was because they were afraid of him. Mr. Collins claims he never made the statement, and that while he was bad enough, he did not wish to get the worst of it.

Chief Dailey said the statement in the Traveler Friday, that the city police department had quit the gun battle case and turned it over to the county attorney, was incorrect, and that the police were still investigating the trouble which occurred Thursday evening at the hamburger stand. However, as yet, the police have made no arrests in the case.

Aside from these two statements complained of, the reports and comments published in the Traveler since the incident happened must be correct. The Traveler has no desire to publish any incorrect reports about anyone. The reporter understood Mr. Collins to say what is attributed to him, and the report complained of by Chief Dailey was obtained by one of our reporters from a peace officer.

But since all of this has happened, the editor of the Traveler has broke into the Bill White class. We have been ordered to appear in police court this evening at 5 o'clock, charged with wrongfully, illegally, and wilfully violating the traffic ordinance of the great city of Arkansas City, the best city of its size in the world.

Like most of our population on Saturday evening, the editor of the Traveler and his wife got in their "whoopee" and drove to the business center to see the sights and the people. We parked our car on West Fifth Avenue, near the mail box, at the corner of the store of the Sollitt & Swarts Drug company. Noticing a vacant place near the mail box, between two white stripes on the curb, we drove the "whoopee" onto it, alighted, and then took a stroll on Summit street. We finally landed at the Rex theatre, which we were enjoying hugely, when our youngest offspring, looking like the son of a pursued desperado, hunted us up and gave us the printed notice, telling us that we had wilfully and wrongfully fractured the traffic ordinance, and to appear in the police court this evening at 5 o'clock, or take the conse quences. We shall do so, for the reason that we believe in obeying the law and not violating it when we know it. But the lawyer says that ignorance does not excuse the law violator.

If any reader of the Traveler will take notice of the spot near the mail box, they will find two white marks on the curbing, which caused the editor of the Traveler to park his car there. Before parking, we examined the lines and extended congratulations to ourself upon securing such a desirable spot in which to dispose of our "whoopee" during our stay in the business center.

The editor of the Traveler is no better than anyone else when it comes to the obeying of the law, and he should be so considered. However, we will have to confess that it is rather humiliating and nerve racking to be dragged into police court on the charge of violating the parking ordinance. Now if we had shot up the town, run over somebody, or had been arrested even for speeding, our humiliation would not be so great nor complete.

Just think of it, because we parked our "whoopee" in a place designated by the city by two white lines, we have got to appear in police court. Why there is no glory in that, it is all humiliation.

The editor of the Traveler was not the only one who was notified to appear in police court on the same charge. Some fellow had put his Ford right along beside of our "whoopee" and as we got a notice, of course one had to be given him. So this evening at 5 o'clock, the gray haired editor of the Traveler, with bowed head, stooping shoulders, fluttering heart, trembling knees, and tears in his eyes, will have to go before his honor and in deep humiliation, plead for justice and accept the sentence that may be handed him, by an all-wise but merciful police judge.

Friends, in this terrible hour of trial, affliction, and peril, we prayerfully ask that you will lend us your moral, spiritual, and financial support, for we do not know what will be our portion or what we are going up against. We may be confined indefinitely in the "booby hatch," the city bastille, the city jug, or any other cognomen you may wish to give it.

If you miss us, you'll know where to find us.

Building owners are responsible to the law if liquor is sold in their buildings.

Children under sixteen years of age are not allowed by law to drive a car in Kansas. The law is violated daily in this city.




Winfield, Kan., Aug. 7.Miguel Gorgas, who eloped with thirteen year old Maria Garcia, and who was arrested Friday when he applied for a marriage license, was released by Sheriff Goldsmith Saturday, as no warrant had been obtained for holding the prisoner. Mrs. Garcia, Maria's mother, wanted Gorgas held until she could find out whether he had any wives in Mexico. When told that this could not be done without a warrant, she turned upon Gorgas and gave him a torrent of some kind of abuse in the Mexican language. Miguel turned pale, drops of sweat gathered upon his face, his knees failed him, and he fell in a faint.

"What is she saying to him?" Sheriff Goldsmith asked the interpreter.

"She is cursing him," the interpreter replied in an awe struck voice.

Apparently Mexican cursing is more effective than American cursing.




Winfield, Aug. 7.Jack Burgess will not be brought back to Winfield to face either a charge of breaking jail or stealing a car. The sheriff at Pawhuska intends to keep the man there for trial.

"You can have him after he serves five years at McAlester," said the Pawhuska sheriff to Sheriff Goldsmith over the wire yesterday.

It was stated that Burgess was "caught with the goods" and that it was a dead open and shut case, that he would go to the Oklahoma pen. Burgess was wanted here but now probably will not be brought back if Oklahoma officers insist on prosecuting him.




The Moore refinery laid off 100 men last Saturday evening from the construction forces at the plant. It is explained by officers of the company here that the construction work there had proceeded to such a stage that the men are not now needed. There is a lack of material for the work being carried on at this time, but it is planned to go ahead with this kind of work as soon as the material can be had. There is said to be about 100 men on the pay roll there, after the cut in the force, however.


[AD: MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1922]

Coats-Corlett Battery Electric Co.
Our New Location
Our service will not be impaired in the least, any work entrusted to us will be given prompt, careful, and efficient attention. Our new home is located in a clean, roomy, and well ventilated building, easy to get to, no congested traffic to worry through, first door south of the United Tire and Vulcanizing Works.

112 South First Street



The question of suburban groceries running on Sunday was brought up again at the commissioners' meeting this morning by Ross H. Rhoads of the Palace grocery, representing the retailers' association. Mr. Rhoads reported the failure of the association to get any agreement with the suburban grocers in the matter.

It was pointed out that if they were required to close all day Sunday, there would probably be action brought to compel all places in the city to close except those supplying actual necessities, making Arkansas City a tight town.

This possible consequence was put up as one to be avoided by all means as there are hundreds of people coming to this city on Sunday who, if they could not buy cigars and cold drinks, would soon give the town a wide berth, giving Arkansas City very unfavorable advertising. All agreed that this situation should be avoided, but Mr. Rhoads wanted to see some uniformity in the matter of Sunday closing, among grocery stores. He said he would not object to surburban groceries opening until 9 o'clock a.m. to supply needs to families who were too poor to buy ice, and who could thus get milk and other items Sunday morning.

The matter of the members of the retailers' association and suburban grocers getting together was handicapped by the fact that the suburban grocers would not meet with the retailers, it was pointed out. As a means of getting these parties together to settle the matter without any litigation on a compromise basis, it was recommended by Mr. Rhoads that the mayor make a request of the suburban grocers that they meet with the retailers and see if a compromise could not be agreed upon. It is thought that all parties will be enabled to get together on the proposition of permitting the suburban groceries to remain open on Sunday mornings up to 9 o'clock, closing the rest of the day. It was suggested that this matter cannot well be settled by the strict letter of the law, but is a matter that is controlled to considerable extent by public opinion. It is thought that public opinion would be decidedly against making this an air tight town, regardless of the fact that many places are running in violation of the law.

To Test Oil Roads
Mr. Rhoads, in company with Ralph Oldroyd, representing the chamber of commerce, made a request that the city allow the chamber the use of the city sprinkler with its attachments for oil in order to test out the proposition of oiling dirt roads. The test, according to Mr. Rhoads, is to be made on the West Madison Avenue road and the East Poplar Avenue road. The sprinkler has full equipment for either water or oil, and everything was reported to be in good shape. The request of the gentlemen was granted.

Sewer Costs Must Be Reassessed.
A new phase has developed with reference to the new sewer system in district No. 5. This was brought up at the meeting today by City Attorney L. C. Brown, and was prompted by the case of Randal vs. Arkansas City in the district court. It seems that Randal brought suit to enjoin payment on that part of the sewer which is between the city limits and the river.

According to the decision in this case, the taxpayers of the sewer district are not responsible for the payment of the costs of constructing that part of the sewer, only insofar as they are residents of the city, the law being plain that costs in such case must be assessed against the city and not against the district alone.

The part of the sewer thus situated is less than a half mile in length. The mistake was in making the assessment for this part of the sewer against the district. To make the correction requires that the whole matter of assessing the costs of the sewer system be gone over again, and ordinances passed the same as in making the original assessment for costs.

It is probable that the services of the original board of appraisers will be secured, as the members of this board are conversant with the whole matter. This board consists of E. L. Kingsbury, Jacob Seyfer, and W. H. Lightstone. The city attorney was instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance.

Jitney Ordinances Adopted
Ordinances No. 471 and 472, the first relating to the use of the streets by motor buses and jitneys within the city, and the second relating to the operation of motor buses and jitneys into, out, and through this city, and providing penalties for violation of provisions were adopted.

Other Matters Taken Care Of.
The preliminary estimates of the city engineer on paving the alley in the Syndicate block between Chestnut and Walnut street, back of the Hudson garage, also the alley between Adams and Jefferson streets, back of the St. Chalres rooms, were approved.

Also the city engineer's plans and specifications and preliminary estimate for the construction of levee or dike at the mouth of the drainage ditch in the Third ward were approved, and the mayor and clerk were authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of this work.





The case of state versus Chas. "Choc" Collins, in the court of J. W. Martin, which was begun Saturday afternoon, was continued for further preliminary hearing until August 14. The testimony of one witness, J. H. Graham, was taken and then the case was put over to the later date. J. R. Stine, another witness wanted at this time, could not be found and there was only the one witness in attendance at the trial that day. Collins gave bond in the sum of $1,500. It is said that Collins left on a business trip to Kansas City Saturday night. H. S. Hines represented the defendant at the trial. Deputy County Prosecutor C. H. Quier was on hand for the state, and Hattie Franey took the testimony for the state.




C. C. Hoenehs, arrested in Paris Park for fighting Friday night, was fined $25 in the city court Saturday evening. That is the price he paid for one blow aimed at J. H. McElhinney. When he made the attack, he did not seem to be aware that Chief Dailey and Officer White were standing within a few feet of him. The special attraction in the park Friday evening was the colored dance.




In the city court this morning fines and jail sentences were imposed as follows: Hugh Shoto, for being drunk, fined $10.00; G. Monroe, carrying concealed weapons, fined $25; William Washington, choc beer in his possession, fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days in jail.




Washington, Aug. 8.President Harding was understood today to have informed Representative Mondell of Wyoming and other house leaders that in view of the troubled industrial situation, it was desirable that there be a full attendance of members next Tuesday when the house reconvenes after a six weeks' adjournment.

The president, it was learned from the house leaders, was said to feel that the house should be prepared to enact such legislation as the industrial situation, particularly the rail strike, might make necessary. None of the leaders, so far as it could be learned, had been informed as to whether the president had any special legislation in mind; and if he had, what was its nature.

Possible legislation which it was suggested the president might have in mind included authorization to take over the railroads in event of their failure to operate to the point that the country demands; amendment of the transportation act to give the railroad labor board authority over questions arising during a strike such as the present troublesome question of seniority, and amendment of the transporttion act to give force to labor board decisions through imposition of penalties for violations.

Word that the president desired the full house membership on hand Tuesday was telegraphed today by Mr. Mondell's office to Representative Garrett, the democratic leader, who is on his way here from Tennessee.

Washington, Aug. 8.Declaring that the Southern Railway had "more than fulfilled" its duty to striking shop employees in endeavoring to get them to return to work under terms of President Harding's strike settlement offers, Fairfax Harrison, president of the Southern, sent telegraphic appeals today throughout the service for assistance in the endeavor to maintain "unimpaired transportation service" notwithstanding the strike.

Chicago, Aug. 8.The president, in his latest proposition to the railways and striking shopmen, has found the "safe and sane position of fairness and conservatism," Chairman Ben Hooper of the U. S. Railway Labor board announced today.

On many railroads, he said, the plan can be carried out without any inconvenience. Over 75,000 shopmen had been laid off before the strike, the statement adds, and with the increased work now available so many men will be needed that "in my judgment, the question of seniority would never rise on a very large number of roads."




Oskaloosa, Kan., Aug. 8.Approval of the stand of the railroad executives in demanding that, in the strike settlement, the seniority rights of the men now working in the railroad shops be protected, was voiced here this afternoon by Governor Allen in an address at the annual reunion of old settlers and soldiers.

The governor cites guarantees given the men now at work of a pledge with these men would be to advocate bad faith. Popular opinion, the governor said, now demands that "the honor of the government should not be compromised," and asserted that the people of Kansas feel that President Harding should urge such amendment to the railroad labor board act as "would make the decisions of the board final in a controversy which affected transportation."

"There are certain fundamental principals involved in this strike and these principles should not be ignored for the purpose of forcing a settlement," the governor said. "The men who refused to accept the decision of the federal labor board followed this refusal by a deliberate effort to paralyze the transportation facilities of the country. They showed respect neither for the law which created the labor tribunal nor for the public whose welfare was dependent upon the continuance of transportation. They deliberately set their judgment against the two-thirds decision of the government tribunal. They sacrificed their seniority rights with full knowledge that their refusal to abide by the labor boards decision would terminate these rights with their companies.

"On the other hand the companies guaranteed a square deal to the men who remained at work and to those who came in to help meet the emergency. To require the companies to break this pledge to these men would be to advocate bad faith. It would be to set aside the broad principle in this country that the right to work is just as sacred as the right to quit.

"While the public is deeply concerned for the settlement of the strike and is disposed to stand behind the president, the people feel that the honor of the government should not be compromised, the dignified efforts of the labor board entirely thrown away, nor the rights of the men now at work to a square deal deliberately ignored. I am satisfied that the people of Kansas feel that the only effective course left for the president is to urge such amendment to the railroad labor board act as would make the decision of that board final in a controversy which affected transportation."




Topeka, Aug. 8.In a public statement issued today by the executive committee of the striking shop men of the Santa Fe here, shop foremen are said to be "picketing" the strikers in the endeavor to get the craftsmen to come back to work. Several instances of foremen calling at the homes of striking shopmen and urging them to return to work are cited. The conclusion drawn by the committee that these acts by foremen indicate a dire need of skilled workers.




If it were not so humiliating to those who were hauled into police court last evening, on the charge of not parking their cars in accordance with the provisions of the traffic ordinance of the city, the entire affair would be very laughable. Twenty-five or thirty people were before his honor yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, charged with violating the traffic ordinance. In the crowd were several women, and they had to appear at the bar just like an ordinary criminal.

The parking cases were called first, and Police Judge Brown made the statement that he didn't know a great deal about them, and would like to have some information on the subject, that he was not acquainted with the provisions of the city ordinance. He called upon the city attorney, and that gentleman said he was not acquainted with the provisions of this ordinance either and wasn't sure there was an ordinance against improper parking.

The policeman who served the notice to appeal in police court said that the law forbids anyone parking within twenty-five feet of the fire hydrant. The car of the editor of the Traveler was not parked within seventy-five feet of a fire hydrant.

Notwithstanding the fact that the statement was made by some of the city officers that they were not sure whether the city had a parking ordinance and none knew its provisions, if there was one, his honor announced the ordinance was going to be enforced from now on. The parking cases were then all continued until this afternoon at 5 o'clock, and busy men and modest women will have to again appear in police court to be humiliated by officials unacquainted with the provisions of the law.

If the officers charged with enforcing the law do not know the provisions, how is the public supposed to know? How do the officers know when the law is violated and how do they know who to notify to appear in police court, except in a haphazard way? Before the officers of the city haul anyone into police court to humiliate them, they should at least know the provisions of the law under which they make the notification.

The editor of the Traveler had his attorney, W. L. Cunningham, look up the city ordinance covering the matter. The first traffic ordinance was passed in 1917, but contained no provision covering parking. It was later amended to include parking. In substance, the ordinance says all cars shall be parked at an angle of 45 degrees and shall not be parked within 25 feet of a fire hydrant or crosswalk. On Fifth Avenue white marks and lines have been drawn to indicate how to park. These lines have been drawn twice as the plan of parking has been changed by the order of the mayor.

When the second lines were painted on the curb, some of the old lines were not erased, thus causing confusion. At the corner where the editor of the Traveler parked his car Saturday night, there is no sign like on other corners of "no parking."

We wish to call the attention of our readers again to the parking provision of the traffic ordinance. It reads your car must be parked at an angle of 45 degrees and 25 feet distant from a fire hydrant or crosswalk. Remember this and you will possibly keep out of police court.

We would suggest further that the city make known the city law on improper parking so that the public will not violate it. Either all business streets should be marked in accordance with the ordinance or all marks should be erased to avoid confusion.




Winfield, Kan., Aug. 8.Just thirty-one votes was the margin by which Charley Quier defeated Harry Howard in the race for the republican nomination for county attorney, the final count and totaling by the county commissioners showed late Saturday afternoon. Totals for contested candidates are as follows.


Stubbs ------------------------------- 1104

McNeal ------------------------------ 752

Lambertsn --------------------------- 747

Morgan ------------------------------ 742

Justice Supreme court

Hopkins ----------------------------- 1819

Porter -------------------------------- 1244

Secretary of state

McCray ------------------------------ 1600

Ryan ---------------------------------- 1127

Attorney general

Griffith ------------------------------- 639

Drenning ------------------------------ 592


Miley --------------------------------- 1473

Seaman ------------------------------ 1125

Wooster ------------------------------ 612

Insurance commissioner

Herrick ------------------------------ 1552

Baker, nearest opponent ---------- 345


Campbell --------------------------- 1612

Sproul ------------------------------- 1496

Representative So. Dis.

Murray ------------------------------ 1007

Holman ------------------------------ 453

Register of Deeds

Miller ------------------------------- 1865

Webb ------------------------------- 1496

County Attorney

Quier -------------------------------- 1743

Howard ----------------------------- 1712

Probate Judge

White -------------------------------- 2021

Ham ---------------------------------- 922

Brown -------------------------------- 670


Lee ----------------------------------- 1944

King --------------------------------- 1560



Davis -------------------------------- 670

Martin ------------------------------- 203

Hunt --------------------------------- 167

State Superintendent

Colville ----------------------------- 568

McGuire ---------------------------- 239

Deardorf ----------------------------- 43

Kesserling --------------------------- 29

Representative So. Dis.

Brown ------------------------------- 405

Alexander -------------------------- 236

Socialists ---------------------------- 10




Winfield, Kan., Aug. 8."The Puritan Pool Hall" at Arkansas City was dragged into district court today with the filing of the petition of Sam T. Rardin and William H. Ullery against Percy E. Carter and Angete Carter, his wife. Plaintiffs appear to have been owners of the pool hall previous to February 16, 1921, at which time they sold to defendants, taking a note and chattel mortgage for $6,950. The petition alleges that $5,350 of this amount and forclosure of the chattel mortgage. The last payment on principal was $100, February 17, 1922; the last interest payment, $40.58, April 22, 1922.





Editor Traveler:Will you permit an old lady a little space in your worthy paper to express her knowledge of the doings of the Ku Klux Klan during the Civil war. I am in my eightieth year and I know the Klan was a terror by night to all well meaning and law-abiding people. I endorse every word Mr. Tighe and T. A. McNeal have said concerning the Klan, and if some of our citizens had known what a terror they were, and not law-abiding to the United States government, they surely would not have joined them.

They go about masked at night, doing things in the dark because their deeds are evil. I had hoped that the names of the Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of the Golden Circle had gone out of existence with some other evil things. I could tell a good deal more, but this is enough for the present. I would like to pat Mr. Tighe and T. A. McNeal on the back and say, "hit them again." I am glad there are some right-minded people to see through these things and not afraid to stand up for the truth and the right, and protect the laws of our beloved United States.Nancy J. Biggs.



Winfield, Kan., Aug. 8.The fastest race horses in the west are now quartered at the fair grounds for the big race meet of the Cowley County Fair, which started yesterday afternoon. Over one hundred eighty-five race horses have already arrived in Winfield, for the greatest race meet ever held in this part of the country, Aug. 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Twenty-one carloads of horses came in Saturday afternoon from Anthony and motor trucks carrying horses are coming from Oklahoma. Many states are represented by horses at the fair grounds, ranging from Illinois to Old Mexico.

Ed L. Hepler, secretary of the Live stock and driving association, stated this morning that there were at least thirty of the fastest horses in the country working out on the local track. Every available barn is crowded to capacity with fine blooded racing stock. Many barns close to the grounds have been leased in an effort to get all the horses under good cover.

All harness races will be mile heats, best three out of five, so that racing fans may "be assured of at least three heats in each race. There will be two or more running races each day as there are over ninety running horses already at the fair grounds."

Each day there will be entertainment between heats by the Wallace Amusement Co., presenting chariot races, Roman standing races, Charles A. C., guideless pacer, Wanetta, the horse with a human mind, and high school horses.

The local track was never in better shape and it is now considered by race horse men to be the fastest in the state.





Editor Traveler:I would suggest to the officers of Arkansas City that if there is a bad joint in town that they are afraid to clean up, that they get some nude women there and we can tell them of a pair that have had experience in such places that will sure go.W. H. Burton.



Mrs. T. H. Harrod of Winfield was visiting Mrs. C. M. McIntire in the city today. She reported that the McNabb field, east of Winfield, was proving good. The newest well was brought in last Sunday, making six wells in this field. The production ranges from 45 to 80 barrels per day. This is a shallow field, the oil bearing sand being found at a depth of 1480 feet. The field lies about three miles east of Winfield.

J. N. Day of the firm of Brady Bros., Day & Foster, reports that the test well on the Walton farm, near Dunkard mill, is down 1300 feet at present and drilling is going merrily on there Some time ago there was a nice flow of gas struck in this test and there are good indications of oil sand there also.



T. Turner, about whose address at 415 North E street, there is associated many transactions of shady character, the man being a negro, appeared in the city court last evening on a charge of having choc beer in his possession. Officer White and Chief Dailey both testified. They said that from the rear door of his house a path led to a fence, beyond which was a vacant lot, and just over the fence they found a barrel of choc beer and also two jugs containing the beverage, located a distance of about 35 feet from the house. Naomi Washington had told the officers that she bought some choc beer from Turner, but although present in the courtroom, she was too drunk to make a competent witness.

Turner was fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days in jail. He asked for an appeal, and the court fixed the bond at $300.

Where did Naomi get her booze? That question was not decided in the city court last evening when Naomi was still too drunk to make a competent witness. The woman is a negress and her middle initial is "Naomi Washington." She was arrested about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon by Officers Dailey, White, and Chadwell, in the 400 block on North Fifth street.

At the time of the arrest she was sitting on the sidewalk playing with a small dog. She took the doggie with her to jail, and had only been lodged a few minutes when she asked for a quart of milk for the little puppy, which was not as large as a quart of milk.

At the time of the arrest, it seems that Naomi squealed on where she got the liquor, stating she bought of T. Turner. In court she said she lied then, but was going to tell them the truth now. She explained that she had made what she drank out of peaches and apples, adding sugar. On the stand she showed that she was still very much under the influence of liquor. The court fined her $15.00. She said she had no money. A negro man arose to the occasion and asked the court for a blank check with which to pay her fine.




A number of citizens, both gentlemen and ladies, were cited to appear in the city court last evening, cards having been left in their automobiles notifying them of wrong parking.

It seems the police department in conjunction with the city court had decided to begin to assess fines in the matter of wrong parking, with a view to reducing violations of the ordinance in this regard to a minimum.

Robert Finney was the first man up for a hearing. He said his wife had parked the car on Fifth Avenue and he did not know the circumstances with reference to the alleged wrong parking. The court then explained that heretofore no fines had been imposed, but it was thought best to begin assessing fines for improper parking. The city attorney was called upon to state what the ordinance provided for in this matter. Then it developed that he did not know what the ordinance provisions were, the court did not know, and the court also stated that he did not know whether there was such an ordinance; and in view of this situation, all the cases for wrong parking were continued till 5 o'clock this evening.

R. C. Howard, editor of the Traveler, was one of the number who had received notice of wrong parking. He stated that he had parked on Fifth Avenue near the Sollitt & Swarts corner, placing his car in between two white lines on the curb and thought he was parking his car properly. He said he wanted to obey the law, whatever it was, and did not know that he was improperly parked.

It seems that several cases of improper parking have re-sulted from the fact that when new lines were painted on the curb on Fifth Avenue, providing for parking at an angle, the old lines for the parallel parking had not been obliterated, resulting in confusion and making it difficult for auto drivers to tell just how to park near the intersection with Summit Street.

Mr. Howard thought that the old lines "ought to be rubbed out," and also thought that the words "no parking here," ought to be painted on the curb on the avenues at their intersection with Summit street.

All parties were notified to appear in the city court at 5 o'clock this evening at which time it is expected the court will be informed as to the terms of the ordinance.



The Board of Education met last night in the office of the superintendent in the senior high school, for the regular monthly session and there was a full house on this occasion. There were also several matters of importance to come before the session, among them being the election of a dean for the new junior college course, which will begin here in the fall, the making of the tax levy for the school year, and reorganization of the board for the ensuing year.

J. B. Heffelfinger was chosen by the board to hold the office of dean of the new college and will begin his duties with the school at once, it was stated this morning, as the schools will open for the fall term on Monday, September 4.

The tax levy for the year was made 16.05 mills for all purposes. The board was reorganized and the same officers were reelected for the coming year. They are Dr. E. F. Day, president; A. L. Newman, vice-president; W. M. Stryker, secretary.

The tax levy for the year as approved by the board at this time is as follows: General funds, 12 mills; bond interest fund, 2 mills; building fund, 1 mill; sinking fund, one-fourth mill; junior college fund, eight-tenths mill; total 16.05 milles.

R. F. Fitzpatrick was elected to make the annual audit for the books of the clerk and treasurer of the board.

John B. Heffelfinger, who was elected to the position of dean of the junior college course, which was voted upon by resideants of school district No. 2, at the special election on August 1, was formerly superintendent of the city schools here, and he is one of the best known educators in the state of Kansas. For several years past he has been in the banking business here with the Security National bank, and the officials of that institution will regret to see him leave there. Mr. Heffelfinger was also secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and the Retailers association here for two years, prior to entering the banking business.




The Moore refinery is maintaining a daily run of 6,000 barrels of crude. Thirty cars of refined products are being loaded today.

Stills 1 and 2 of battery three are now in operation, still number 3 will be ready to go by next Friday. Altogether there are eight stills in this battery. Another big condenser tower was hoisted into place on battery three today. There are forty men employed on remodeling work here.

Work on the new high pressure stills was resumed this morning. The work as yet is mostly confined to excavating, building forms, running concrete, and laying brick. About fifty men are employed in construction work on these new stills.

A. Cunningham, construction engineer, who has been in charge of the work on the new high pressure stills at the Moore refinery, has returned to Chicago, and another engineer by the name of Condon has taken his place. Fred Taxman of the Taxman refining company of Kansas City was a visitor at the plant today. Earl Rector has been promoted to the position of still man. He has had a number of years experience in refinery work. Mrs. W. L. Mayberry has gone to Moline, Illinois, to visit her parents. Mr. Mayberry is one of the electricians at the Moore plant.



C. Albert Tufts of Los Angeles is in the city for a several days visit with home folks. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Tufts, of South A street, and a brother of Miss Lora Tuffs and Dr. Edwin Tufts. Prof. Tufts is a pipe organist of considerable fame and he is well known from coast to coast in the music fraternity. He is now on his way home from Chicago, where he has been attending the organists convention, and while there, he had the honor of being one of the four noted organists to be invited to play before the convention.



Arkansas City is to have a real, honest to goodness, up-to-date athletic club, where businessmen in need of recreation may rejuvenate fagged nerves and softened muscles playing handball, pulling the oars, wrestling or boxing, or exercising upon other athletic club paraphernalia that may please their fancy or meet their needs.

This is the promise of Lewis Ringol, familiarly known as "Blackie," who has leased the second floor of the old Newman building, 304 1/2 South Summit street, which he proposes to equip with a handball table, rowboats, and other indoor exercising apparatus. Part of the building will also be made into a reading and writing room for members, and a complete shower bath system will be installed. Membership will be open to all males over the age of fourteen years, and all privileges of the club will be free to members. A part of the program of the club will be a smoker every two weeks, the first to be held August 22, when Pappan and Crump will furnish the main attraction. These shows are to be given to members at popular prices: 50 cents, 75 cents, and $1.00.

Mr. Ringol at one time conducted a very successful establishment of this kind in Pueblo, Colorado.





Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 9.Virtual decision was reached today by union leaders to conclude a settlement of the soft coal strike with the operators who have gathered here for the joint peace conference. The operators also were expectant of an aggrement affecting practically all mines in Ohio and scattered others in Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Final decision on a settlement rests with the union policy committee and its members have been informed that President John L. Lewis had assurances of operators outside the four states of their willingness to reach an agreement based on one negotiated at the conference here.

Joliet, Ill., Aug. 9.(Associated Press)The entire force of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern railroad yards here is idle today after the strike last night of 2,000 engineers, firemen, conductors, brakemen, maintenance of way men, and switchmen in protest to the stationing of troops around the "J" yards and the consequent alleged danger of operation.

When railroad officials found this morning that the big four brotherhood men had refused to work, they told several hundred clerks and other helpers that they might go home until the other men came back to work. Consequently all labor has been suspended at the yards.

Joliet, Ill., Aug. 9.Approximately 1300 engineers, firemen, conductors, and brakemen of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern, "Big Four," brotherhoods walked out here at midnight last night in protest to the stationing of troops around the "J" yards. There were no disorders connected with their striking.

This is a local action, ordered by Chairman Charles O'Day, of the Joliet division of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern. At a nine o'clock meeting last night, he was instructed by the men to notify the railroad executives of the impending strike unless the troops were removed. It has not been learned whether the na-tional officers have approved of the local strike. Lieut. Col. Nelson Morris, in command of the troops, was notified of the action taken, but told the men that he was without power to make any change in the present situation as he was under orders of state officials.

Chicago, Aug. 9.(A. P.)Members of the big four brotherhoods and the switchmen's union of North America can help the striking shopmen most by remaining at work, preserving the peace, and not playing into the hands of the railroad in such manner as to cause government intervention in the strike, according to a statement signed by five grand chiefs and printed in the Current number of the Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers Journal.

Engineers are advised by the statement that they are not expected to take out engines which will endanger their lives because of bad condition, but are told to "use some common sense in this important matter," and "not tie up power on account of technical violation of the law that you know is of little or no consequence."

Chicago, Aug. 9.Seven companies of Illinois guardsmen entrained this morning for Joliet to go on strike duty.



Washington, Aug. 9.(A. P.)Leaders of the striking railroad shop craftsmen in the city occupied themselves today with preparations for the general meeting of railroad union officials they expect to hold Friday and with the issuance of statements declaring railroad equipment to be in a dangerously deteriorated condition.

B. M. Jewell, chairman of the strike group, received notice from Warren S. Stone, chief of the engineers' brotherhood, that all of the other brotherhood heads would accept the invitation for conference.

T. H. Davis, chairman of the general shop crafts committee of the Pennsylvania system, headed a delegation representing men at work which called at the white house and asked President Harding not to countenance any strike settlement which would injure the seniority status of men who remained in railroad service in spite of the strike. About 65 percent of the Pennsylvania shop employees, Mr. Davis said, stayed on the job and a great many of the original strikers returned.

While awaiting a meeting with their own assistants in the direction of the shopmen's strike, which they expected late today, Mr. Jewell and other union officials took occasion to lay before the labor department a protest against the alleged importation of strike breakers from Europe by railroads in defiance of immigration laws. The immigration authorities said the complaint had not been verified.

Secretary Davis at the labor department also was visited today by H. E. Wills, W. N. Dole, and Arthur J. Lovell, Washington legislative agents respectively of the engineers, trainmen and firemen, and enginemen's brotherhoods, and by J. P. Noonan, president of the electrical workers, members of which now are on strike. Participants in the discussions maintained silence afterward, but it was presumed that the strike situation was the chief topic.

Mr. Jewell's statement on condition of railroad equipment said that reports of the American railroad association on repaired locomotives and cars since the strike were incomplete and were "one of the many examples of the methods by which the railroads are attempting to deceive the people and to lull them into a sense of security regarding the railroad situation." Further, it was declared "federal inspection and safety appliance laws are not being complied with during this strike . . . and there are practically no proper inspections being made."

The Pennsylvania employees delegation in addition to Mr. Davis included William Donahue, representing the blacksmiths; P. F. Hughes of the electricians; E. R. Snyder of the carmen; J. J. McBride of the machinists; Howard Emberger, of the boilermakers; and E. C. Arnold, of the metal workers. The delegation ws the first representing railroad shopmen who refused to strike that has called on the president to present the views of such workers since the beginning of the strike. They said after their call on the president that they might be called REST OF ARTICLE LEFT BLANK...NOT COMPLETED.




Chicago, Aug. 9.General developments in the railroad strike were apparently hanging fire today pending the coming conferences of railway executives at New York and of rail union leaders at Washington next Friday.

President Harding's desire, expressed by Republican Leader Mondell, that the house remain in continuous session along with the senate during the industrial crisis; a statement by Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the United States railroad labor board, characterizing the president's proposal as a "safe and sane" proposition for solution of the strike; and threats by trainmen to quit work on the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern railroad unless troops are withdrawn from the yards at Joliet, Ill., featured the situation during the last 24 hours.

Threatened walkout of "big four" brotherhoods' menengineers, firemen, conductors, and trainmenon the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern began early today. Men gathered at the terminals but refused to turn a wheel unless the soldiers, called as a result of the Monday outbreak in which two men were killed and Sheriff Newkirk dangerously wounded, were immediately withdrawn.

The railroad does a heavy short haul freight business as an outer belt line of the Chicago switching district and handles the bulk of yard traffic touching the steel mills.

Goldie McGlosler of Houston, Texas, was beaten into unconsciousness by three men who attacked him at New Haven, Conn., on his way to Boston. Two railroad shopmen were held charged with the assault. McGlosler said he believed his assailants took him for some other person.

Four striking railway shopmen were indicted at Columbus, Ga., for assault with intent to murder in connection with an attack on a party of negro employees of the Central of Georgia railroad.

New federal injunctions restraining shopmen were obtained, the Chicago and Alton being granted a writ at Kansas City.



Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Stultz, son Harold, and daughter, Juanita, of Hackney, were the victims of an auto accident which occurred on the rock road north of the city late yesterday afternoon; and in the spill, Mrs. Stultz received several fractured ribs, the husband has a badly bruised hand, and the little girl, age 5 years, was scratched and bruised about the face and head. The Ford touring car in which they were riding was turned bottom side up and the four people were pinned underneath the car. Fortunately, the accident occurred before dark and there were other persons nearby, who assisted the victims in being released from the temporary prison they found themselves in, after the car was turned over. They were taken to the Arkansas City hospital and treated. Soon after that time they returned to their home near Hackney. Mrs. Stultz is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parr, of nine miles southwest of this city. Mr. Stultz has charge of a part of the county road this side of Hackney.

The accident occurred near the Empire refinery, just north of the city. The car got beyond control of the driver, Mr. Stultz, when something went wrong with the steering gear.



The editor of the Traveler had to appear in police court again last evening on the charge of not parking his car according to the city ordinance, and he was fined $3.00 for so doing. One of the witnesses used in the trial of the editor was the policeman who served the notice, and a man by the name of Bridges, whose car was parked beside that of the editor of the Traveler, and contrary to the parking law of the city.

In his testimony Mr. Bridges told the court that his car was about eighteen feet from the cross walk. The city ordinance says the distance shall be twenty-five feet from the cross walk. On the cross examination, Mr. Bridges admitted that his car might have been closer than eighteen feet of the cross walk, possibly twelve to fourteen feet. He also made the statement that he had not been served with any notice for illegal parking, nor had any warrant been served on him for violating the traffic laws.

Our readers can draw their own conclusion in regard to the parking arrest of the editor of the Traveler. We left the police court with our lawyer, W. L. Cunningham, and walked from the city building to the Newman store, and in that distance there were nine cars parked illegally, and not a policeman in sight. Last evening in great trepidation, we drove up and down Summit street, and from Central avenue to the Newman store, we counted six cars that were not parked in accordance with the traffic laws, and no policeman in sight. This noon returning to the office from lunch, we noticed five outlaw cars. No arrests and no policemen in sight.



Winfield, Kan., Aug. 9.Thirty-nine hunting licenses have been issued by the county clerk in this county since July 1, the records show. People who take notice of the shooting going on through the country are quite sure that more than 39 people are hunting. It follows that a good many are hunting without licenses and are in danger of being picked up by a game warden at any time. Since July 13, 24 licenses have been issued, as follows.

Isaac Williamson, carpenter, Winfield.

R. Lee Strickland, student, Winfield.

L. A. Taylor, carpenter, Winfield.

J. O. McGuirk, driller, Arkansas City.

C. L. Garver, merchant, Winfield.

H. E. Waldo, farmer, Udall.

J. Y. Farrar, electric engineer, Arkansas City.

Alfred Booth, student, Dexter.

Dr. V. P. Booth, doctor, Dexter.

J. W. Dickinson, retired, 1826 Fuller street, Winfield.

V. B. Ward, S. W. Bell Tel. Co., 1604 Loomis St., Winfield.

O. P. Marcourt, well driller, Atlanta.

S. E. Likens, garage, Atlanta.

Mrs. May Likens, Atlanta.

Cliff McGinnis, well driller, Atlanta.

F. D. Baum, farmer, Cambridge.

L. J. Brooking, armer, New Salem.

Frank W. Pixley, farmer, New Salem.

W. M. Feaster, farmer, Winfield.

G. O. Martin, merchant, Atlanta.

Lloyd Martin, student, Atlanta.

Forrest Livingstone, bank clerk, Arkansas City.

Alex. Livingston, contractor, Arkansas City.



"I'd like to know how they are going to have a dry navy," asked Willy Prattle. "Are they going to fill the sea up? If they do that, we won't have any navy."

"That's the truth," observed John Mowatt. "If a country boy dropped into town and even discharged a gun, he would be arrested. There would be no delay."

Said a lady from the country, "I judge the Arkansas City police department thinks it more dangerous to park wrong than to stage a gun battle."

"I am afraid to come to town now," said a farmer's wife. "I am afraid I might park my car wrong and get arrested."

"There are two kinds of people in the world," said Col. Hardnox. "Those who hate the Volstead act because it don't prohibit and those who hate it because it does prohibit."



A would-be robber, operating in the early hours of the morning at the sheet metal works and hardware store of A. A. Downing and son, Earle Downing, of 423 South Summit Street, got a surprise when one of the proprietors, Earle, walked into the store at the most unexpected hour, 3:30 a.m., this morning.

Earle was doing some night work, putting on a new ceiling at the New Home restaurant, and had occasion to make two or three trips back to the store at different times during the night.

As he entered the front door about 3:30 o'clock, he heard a noise; but supposed it was a dog that might have been left in the store. But in the next instant, Earle had to abandon the dog theory. The fellow, in making his way out of the hardware store into and through the tin shop, came in contact with and knocked down about everything in the place of business, making crashes and loud noises enough to raise the dead.

Earle quickly went out the front door and notified the plain clothes policeman, George Ray, who was in hailing distance, that a robber had just tore through the building, going out the back door. One of the fellows with Downing went around the block south, and Officer Ray went around north. But to the rear of the business houses along this street, there is a liberal weed acreage and the robber could easily evade the officer by going through them. In any event, he was not caught.

On a shelf back of the counter near the front part of the building were a lot of articles which the man had laid out evidently with the intention of making away with them. The articles included some 30 or 40 pocket knives, a varied assortment of wrenches and plyers, several dozen safety razors, and numerous other articles representing a value of some $150 to $200. At this shelf is where the thief was standing when he found it necessary to take up his impromptu journey through the building to the rear exit.

There is nothing unusual in an honest citizen being frightened by a burglar, but in this instance it was the citizen who frightened the burglar. On account of the thief's sudden re sponse to the call to leave the building, it is thought that he did not take anything with him. Anyway, nothing was missed.



Another fight occurred on the street last night, creating quite a commotion, and neither of the two participants have been arrested. But there's a reason. There is no ordinance covering the case. The two participants were large tom cats. The fight occurred on Fifth Avenue and it attracted nearly every member of the night police force, it is reported. Heads protruded from the buildings up and down the avenue, the denizens being attracted by the commotion.

At last the cats ran up the stairway of the Butler rooms, where they continued the fight. An officer followed and ran them out onto the street again.

As they emerged from the building, one officer kicked the cat that was the most aggressive so hard that it took the fight out of him and marked the beginning of the end of the fierce battle. According to reports, cat fur was descending from the heavens several minutes after the armistice was declared.



George N. Moore, president of the Moore refining company, and J. C. Lytle, superinten dent of the pipe lines, went to Tulsa today on business. Twenty cars of refined products are being loaded out today. E. K. Derry, traveling representative of the Pennsylvania railroad company, was a visitor at the plant today.

Ed Curtis has been assigned to the position of bookkeeper in the warehouse. The warehouse is a complete hardware store, having in it materials for the repair of all the machinery of the plant. It is being rapidly stocked. C. A. Bliss is manager.

Fullers earth is being removed from the shipping building at the Moore plant so that the wax packing machinery located there can be operated. Wax is packed in barrels and bags. Five men are usually employed in this work.



Okey Jones and Clyde Jones, brothers, who were in the county jail at Winfield, on the charge of stealing an auto from this city several weeks ago, sawed their way to liberty Monday night, according to a report from Winfield. The boys were said to be bad actors and they made fight some days ago on another prisoner in the jail, cutting him up with a knife. At last report the Jones brothers had not been captured.




The news item published yesterday, under a date line of Winfield, which stated that the Puritan pool hall of this city was "Dragged into Court," was really a mis-statement of the facts set forth in the petition. The petition in the case was for foreclosure on a note and if either side was "dragged into court," it was the Palace pool hall, according to Attorney Harry V. Howard, who represents Rardin et al in the action in the district court.



The Sturtz Investment company has been making some improvements in their office equipment at its place of business, 109 North Summit street, which greatly improves the appearance and adds much to the convenience of the office.

Among the new office furniture is a large cabinet that was made at the Kantzer planing mill in this city, and which is designed for filing insurance papers of all kinds. The office has been divided into two parts by a panel railing, one part being for use of the office force and the other part for customers of the company.

The addition of these improvements gives the office a very nifty appearance.



A new era was entered upon in the city court last evening, when a number of ladies and gentlemen were required to appear in the court for improper automobile parking. As a means of "educating the public" in regard to automobile parking, it was decided by the police department in conjunction with the court that, in order to achieve the desired results, it would be necessary to begin to impose fines. That is what the court said.

The opening session on the new proposition was well attended, and if this can be taken as a criterion, the city court promises to become quite a popular resort. The examinations showed a considerable lack of knowledge in regard to the parking regulations; and the markings on the streets in some cases, caused confusion.

While the intentions of the officers of the law with respect to parking seem to be generally well taken, they have subjected themselves to considerable criticism by the methods employed. The critics claim that before beginning to crack down on automobile drivers and imposing fines the streets, in the first place, should be properly marked and the confusing marks obliterated; and in the second place, warning should have been given by a published notice stating the parking regulations and a time set to begin to enforce these regulations. The public has no convenient access to the ordinances, and very few are conversant with its provisions, and for these reasons it is thought fair notice and fair warning should be given.

Editor Howard Fined.
The first man to appear before the judge last evening was Senator R. C. Howard, editor of the Traveler, who had parked his car on Fifth Avenue near Summit Street, by Sollitt & Swarts drug store. He was charged with having parked his car within the 25-foot limit from the street intersection.

He thought he was parked within the limits provided by law, and was going by the markings on the curb and on the street. He was between two white marks, he stated. He said there was no "no parking here," letters on the curb.

Attorney W. L. Cunningham was Mr. Howard's attorney in the case. L. J. Bridges was a witness for the city. He had parked his car next to the Howard car on the west, and admitted his car was within the 25-foot limit; but for some reason the officers did not tag his car, although it was there at the time the Howard car was tagged. Thus was presented the spectacle of one improper parker going free in the matter, testifying against another improper parker who was marked for a fine.

After all the facts available were in, the court assessed a fine of $3.00 against Mr. Howard, who paid it, and has the distinction of being the first citizen of the city to be assessed a fine for improper parking. There was much amusement over the matter, and the court even became jocular by trying to find if the ordinance also provided a jail sentence.

The above action establishes a precedent in that parking within 25 feet of street intersections is not allowed.

C. W. Bryant Next in Parking Violations.
The next gentleman up was C. W. Bryant, charged with double parking. Mr. Bryant and his wife were getting ready to start on a forty-mile trip and stopped in front of Beard's sporting goods house to get a fish hook. The transaction was delayed a half minute or so when the attendant brought a squirrel tail hook when he wanted a buck tail. The entire transaction took possibly three minutes, the witness testified.

Mr. Bryant's wife, who can operate a car, was left in the automobile, the motor was running, and the lights were on during the trip by Bryant to obtain a buck tail hook. Then he was informed by the motor policeman that he had got him for wrong parking. Up to this time Bryant did not know what was meant by double parking. He thought it consisted of straddling a white line on the curb, thus occupying a part of two parking spaces. The motor officer informed him that double parking was placing the car on the street back of other cars parked at the curb.

In view of the facts brought out by the testimony, particularly that there was a party left in the car who could move it in case any car parked at the curb wanted to get out, the court excused Mr. Bryant.

Mrs. Ethel V. Brett Next in Parking Violations.
Mrs. Ethel V. Brett was the next party to take the chair on the wrong parking "inquisi tion." She had gone into Devlin's to pay a bill. A man by the name of Eckles and a lady were in the back seat. She told them to honk for her if anyone on the curb wanted to get their car out. She was absent from the car about three minutes. No inconvenience was occasioned to anyone while the car was thus parked, and the court graciously excused the witness.

G. D. Scoles Fined for Double Parking.
G. D. Scoles, of this city, but who travels out of Wichita, did not fare so well. He had double parked in front of the Purity candy kitchen, where he went in to get a pint of ice cream in a carton. He left no one in the car during his absence of two or three minutes from it. The court assessed a $2 fine against him.

Mrs. Robert Finney Parked According to Policeman.
The name of Burton Hess was called, but he was not present. The case against Robert Finney was on account of his wife having parked wrong on Fifth Avenue; but it appeared that she had parked her car in accordance with the suggestion of Officer J. W. White. Mr. Finney was excused from paying a fine in this case.

Mrs. Emmet Hill fined $2.00 for Motor Going Dead.
The case of Mrs. Emmet Hill was one of hard luck. She got caught in a jam on Summit Street in the 200 block, and in stopping she had killed her motor. She could not get the motor started again and did not know whether the motor had been flooded or whether she out of gasoline. Her car was setting in the thick of the traffic. She went into Gilbreath & Calvert's store to phone for gasoline. It was fifteen minutes before she got the phone call through.

In the meantime the mayor's car was parked at the curb and he wanted to get out. He sent to the city building for some of his men on the police force, who came and moved the car so he could get out.

When Mrs. Hill returned to her car and tried to start the motor, it worked all right, and the obstruction to traffic was removed. The court assessed $2.00 against her.

R. B. Cunningham Fined $2.00 for Cashing Check.
R. B. Cunningham, a railroad worker, had let some women shoppers out of his car, and he himself had gone into the Peoples store to get a check cashed, little dreaming that he might need the money to pay an improper parking fine. He admitted he was wrong in the matter, and contributed two wheels to the exchequer of the court.

Thus opened the new era in the city court with respect to improper parking in this city, and it proved quite interesting.



T. Turner, convicted in the city court on a choc beer charge, is out on a $300 bond, having appealed his case to the district court. Turner is a well known negro character who has given the officers considerable trouble. In this case, they found the choc beer just over the fence from Turner's place at 415 North E street, the find consisting of a barrel half full of choc beer and three jugs containing the same beverage.



J. E. Custer, a working man who has been employed in the city this summer, has got a camping outfit together preparatory to leaving the city, and for about a week has been camped at the tourist park.

He says he has received notification to leave the park. He is all ready to go, but is detained, he says, by the fact that he has $1,500 tied up in the defunct Traders' State bank. When Custer came to the city from Joplin, Mo., last spring, he had $1,500, which he took to the bank and got three $500 cashier's checks which he held to show for the money. He had never checked on the account nor cashed any of the checks. The cashier's checks were sent to Topeka, and he was delayed in getting his certificate by the fact that the Topeka officials did not know how to class him, it being the only claim of that particular character.

The officials had to write back to the bank receiver to get the status of Mr. Custer's account. However, he is expecting to receive his certificate at any time. In the meantime, he is camping and dislikes to be disturbed as he expects to be able to get away very shortly.

He is going back to Joplin, where he came from, to re-engage in the candy business this winter. However, according to his report, he failed to get permission to remain in the tourist park pending the arrival of his certificate.



Wichita, Aug. 10.Six Frisco trains operating in Kansas were discontinued today because of a temporary shortage of fuel, Fred E. Clark, division freight and passenger agent here announced. The trains are numbers 117 and 118, operating between Kansas City and Tulsa; Nos. 128 and 185 between Joplin and Fort Scott; and Nos. 305 and 306 between Joplin and Wichita. Plenty of trains remain in service to care for traffic, Clark said.

Topeka, Aug. 10."We will look into the matter at once and in case the trains have been cut off, we will go into the supreme court asking for a writ of mandamus to compel the railroad company to reinstate the train service," said Clyde M. Reed, chairman of the state P. U. C. this afternoon, when advised of the Associated Press report stating that the Frisco had discontinued six trains operating in Kansas. This report was the first information the commission had received on the matter. Yesterday Chairman Reed wired President Kurn of the Frisco that the trains could not be discontinued until the railroad had presented sufficient evidence before the commission to warrant such action. A prompt hearing was assured President Kurn.

New York, Aug. 10.The association of railway executives, through Robert S. Blinkerd, assistant to the chairman, today issued a denial of charges of strike leaders throughout the country that roads are using defective locomotives and cars endangering the lives of train crews and passengers.

Chicago, Aug. 10.B. P. Greer, vice president of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad announced this afternoon following a conference with J. C. Smock, vice president of the maintenance of way union, that the controversy with the 2600 maintenance of way men on the road had been settled "satisfactorily," and there will be no strike.

Springfield, Ill., Aug. 10.(A. P.)Attorneys for seventeen strikers, accused of violating the injunction granted the Chicago and Alton and C. B. and Q. railroads, applied to Federal Judge Fitzhenry this morning for a jury trial for their clients, but were informed that picketing does not constitute law breaking but merely a violation of a court order, and as such, is not for a jury to decide.

Cleveland, Aug. 10.(A. P.)W. G. Lee, president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen today denied reports that he has telegraphed General Chairmen of his organization not to strike because off alleged abuses and insults to trainmen by armed guards and defective equipment on railroads.

Moberly, Mo., Aug. 10.(A. P.)Switchmen employed by the Wabash here walked out this afternoon because it was said national guarddsmen who have been patrolling the yards came into the yards.



Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 10.(A. P.)Sporadic walkout of members of the "big four" transportation brotherhoods were expected today, following permission given by their chiefs to remain away from their posts until the danger of "being shot or beaten" by armed guards on railroad passes.

Thousands of letters received at the brotherhood headquarters here evidently has undermined neutrality of those organizations. Complaints have been received by heads of the engineers, Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, and brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen, whose headquarters are here, that since the shopmen's strike was called the men have been abused and assaulted by the armed guards. Alleged cases of shooting by guards have been received from various places.

Brotherhood leaders make no secret of their belief that the "piece meal" walkout would spread as the result of their virtual notice to the men that they may decide for themselves whether conditions justify their remaining away from work.

Washington, Aug. 10.Union leaders continued their discussion of the railroad strike situation today prior to tomorrow's meeting of the chief officers of all the transportation labor organizations. The government awaited developments.

Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the railroad labor board arrived in the capital and got in touch with the white house.

B. M. Jewell, general strike leader and the seven officers of the unions actually on strike, called in system representatives of the striking crafts from a number of lines during the day. It was said at the temporary headquarters that the leaders were getting reports on the exact situation and were amassing material to substantiate their frequently made contentions that railroad managements had been unable to prevent equipment from falling into disrepair as a result of the strike.

The strikers' leaders continued to intimate their determination to reject President Harding's new settlement proposal by making public telegrams from local unions urging rejection. Though they insist the final offer of the president would be passed upon by the Friday conference of officers of the seventeen railroad unions, it was stated the striking shopmen would not be ordered back to work until their seniority status had been guaranteed. The president's proposal involves leaving this question to a decision of the railroad labor board.

The white house had communications and reports on the attitude of a considerable number of rail executives today and the president was represented as being hopeful that the management would accept. Union shopmen were in doubt today, however, as to whether the first session of the union chiefs tomorrow would give them time enough to decide upon an answer.

A circular urging soldiers on strike duty not to "shoot your brothers" was received today by war department officials, who said after an examination of the document that it apparently was founded on a complete misunderstanding of the policy of the government policing strike areas and was apparently put out by communist organizations.



So far as the local strike situation is concerned, everything is running along smoothly. Meeting every day at strike headquarters, roll call at 9 a.m. Men are all in good spirits and determined to stay out until a complete victory is won, if it takes the remainder of the year and then some.

The daily press reports as claimed by executives of old men returning to work are incorrect so far as the local situation is concerned. The longer the strike continues the more determined the men are to stay out until a just and honorable settlement is made, and we know that this condition exists over the entire United States, and it looks as though the day is not far distant when labor will be recognized as something more than a mere tool of big business.

It is indeed amusing to read press reports as given out by railway executives as to the number of men hired as strike breakers. We concede the fact that they have employed a number of men, but we would like to know why the executives never inform the public of the number of skilled mechanics they are securing. I have reliable information from all parts of the country which shows that the number of skilled mechanics are no more than two percent of the men employed. The railroads are hiring men regardless of age or physical disability. I have first hand information of one instance of an employee who had the misfortune to lose a foot. This man was employed by the railroad, but was temporarily laid off because of reduction of forces, when the accident happened. After he had recovered, the railway executives on account of his physical disability refused to reinstate him in his former position. However, after the strike, they lost no time in notifying this man to report for work, regardless of their former claim of his physical disability.

The roads are so hard pressed for experienced labor, in many instances, that men who have been pensioned for years have been notified to return to work or forfeit all pension rights. And yet, if seniority rights are not granted to the men on return to work, all men over 45 years old would by a ruling of a majority of railroads not be allowed to return to work, as they hire no men over 45 years of age. A few roads will employ no mechanic over 35 years of age. This would naturally deprive the railroads of their most skilled and experienced mechanics.

I have in my possession a letter from a brother worker of Chanute, Kansas, which is too lengthy to repeat here, so will only give a brief sketch of it for the purpose of conveying to the public some of the tactics employed by the railroads against men now on strike.

"A young man who did not come out on strike was taken seriously ill. He notified his brother-in-law, who was out on strike, to come and care for him, which he did. However, the next day he was notified by railway officials that he must leave his brother-in-law's home and stay away or be arrested on a charge of intimidation and picketing. He took the matter up with county officials and after many delays, finally succeeded with the assistance of a deputy sheriff in being permitted to care for his brother-in-law in the last hours before his death, almost too late to be of any assistance during his illness."

Regardless of such things as this, the railway executives would try to impress upon the minds of the public that the strikers are the only violators of the law.

If I only had the time and space, I could cite many instances where outbreaks have occurred in and around shops and on railroad property. Upon investigation it has been found that gun men employed by the railroads were the instigators of the trouble 98 cases out of 100. At the same time railway executives try to lay all blame for such outbreaks to the striking shopmen.

In conclusion, in behalf of the local federated shop crafts, I wish to inform all farmers and businessmen that our meetings are open to the public, and they have a cordial invitation to attend our meetings, which open each morning at 9 a.m. at Labor Temple, 109 1/2 South Summit Street.



The contract was let by the city commissioners at their meeting this morning, adjourned from last Monday, for waterworks improvements, to the American Well Works, of Aurora, Ill., for $3,860.00. The company was represented by J. H. Dousman, of Kansas City, president of the Dousman Pump and Machine Works.

Other bidders whose representatives were present were: Beeson Machinery company, of Kansas City, represented by F. E. Bray; Worthington Pump & Machinery company, represented by A. L. Jones of Kansas City; Reeves & Skinner Machine company, represented by W. J. Carr, of Kansas City; Thermal Efficiency company, represented by J. E. Willits, Kansas City. The General Electric company was also represented by M. E. Long of Wichita.

The present pumping plant consists of two 2,000,000 gallons per day steam pumps. The city was approaching a precarious situation because of the fact that one of these pumps is going to have to be taken out and sent to the manufacturers for repairs, which would leave one pump upon which the water supply of Arkansas City would be dependent; and in case anything went wrong with it while the other pump was being repaired, the city would be without water. This would be a very hazardous situation in case fire should break out.

The original object in making the new installation was to furnish an emergency pumping plant, but recent developments make it quite likely that when the new pumps are installed they will be put regularly in use, and the present steam pumps used for emergency.

The new pumps are to be driven by electric motor power, and on account of the new sliding scale for electric current provided by the public utilities commission, City Engineer Lusk has figured the matter out and finds that the new pumps can be operated cheaper using electric power than the old pumps using steam power.

Another factor entering into the matter is the fact that the city had received notice from the state board of fire underwriters, that in order to maintain the present insurance rates in this city, it would be necessary to install an emergency pumping plant, and also by this installation several points are gained looking to the reduction of insurance rates.

By the new installation the total pumping capacity will be increased to 8,000,000 gallons per day. In other words, there will be four pumps of 2,000,000 gallons per day capacity each. If at any time one pump is taken out of commission for repairs, there will still remain two pumps for emergency purposes besides the one in use, practically making nil the liability of the city being unable to pump water at any and all times.

The new installation will consist of two motor driven centrifugal pumps of 2,000,000 gallons per day each, and also two new connections into the water mains, thus securing emergency connections as well as emergency pumps.

Other bidders were as follows: Beeson Machinery company, Kansas City, $4,485.00; Terry, Cowan & Smith, $4,500.00; Worthington Pump company, $4,250.00; Reeves & Skinner Machine company, $4,195.00; Thermal Efficiency company, $4,275.00.

According to the terms of the contract, shipment of the new equipment is to be made within 45 days.



As a result of the fire at the Moore refinery yesterday afternoon at 4:10 o'clock, Robert Mainard, who was operating the acetylene welder at the new high pressure stills, was burned severely on the face and arms. He was hurried to the Arkansas City hospital where the burns received immediate attention. Leo Rush, his helper, was also severely burned on the face and arms. He was given emergency treatment at the plant and was later attended by Dr. Tufts. The burns of each of the men are said to be of the first and second degree. They are said to be improving today.

The fire was contained to the Jenkins battery, just north of the new high pressure stills, and was caused by the igniting of the three-fourths inch pipe, that carries carbide gas from the carbide gas plant in the boiler repair shop, to the acetylene welder. It ignited at a joint of pipe near where the men were working. The flames rose twenty feet into the air, causing the severe and unfortunate burning of the two men as above related. These men were employed by the Universal Oil Products company of Chicago, which company has the contract for the building of these stills.

With quick action by the men, the fire was put out by shutting off the valves on the line, and throwing on dirt. Hand extinguishers were used to fight the flames.



Winfield, Kan., Aug. 10.No use being a receiver unless something is received, says B. V. Curry, receiver of the failed Traders' State Bank at Arkansas City. So he rolls up his sleeves and goes out after the money. Four new suits by the receiver were filed in district court today. The cases are:

No. 15,770, against Charles M. Johnson, for $315.42 on a note dated February 2, 1922.

No. 15,771, against J. W. Reed, for $399.82 on a note dated June 17, 1921.

No. 15,772, against L. H. Wilkers and Elmer Butts, for possession of lots 25 and 26, block 18, Sleeth's addition to Arkansas City, under a contract made between Wilkers and Butts, March 4, 1920; which contract was assigned by Wilkers to the bank, November 15, 1920. Butts having failed to finish paying for the lots, sold by Wilkers to Butts under the contract, the receiver is asking for possession of the lots under provision of the contract of Butts to Wilkers, which is the contract sold by Wilkers to the bank.

No. 15,773, against F. J. Schwartz and A. W. Schwartz, under the firm name of the Schwartz Electric Company, and Theresa Schwartz, for $992.95 on a note dated February 14, 1922.



Winfield, Kan., Aug. 10.Roads and bridges in Cowley County are steadily getting back into better condition than they were in just after the big rains in July, the county engineer's office reports. Temporary structures have been put in place of some for immediate relief, and permanent bridges have been begun in one or two places.

One of the important pieces of work is the bridge on the New Salem road a short distance west of Maple Grove school, where a culvert about six feet across was washed out in the flood. The work of building a bridge there has begun. This bridge will have a span of sixteen feet with a road width of twenty feet. The waterway under the bridge will be six feet deep, giving a clearance of 96 square feet to the floods which may come hereafter.

The rock road from state line at Chilocco reservation, to Arkansas City is being resurfaced. A scarifier is being used to tear up the rock and gravel, after which scrapers will bring it to grade and a roller compacts it. The graders have been having considerable trouble because of thieves stealing their tools and equipment and breaking down their barriers.

The engineer is now making preliminary surveys for a new bridge on Grouse Creek east of Silverdale. A steel bridge at this place washed out in the recent flood. What kind of a bridge will be built there has not been determined. Plans will be prepared for several different types.



On the residence of Roland D. Gidney, at 211 East Madison Avenue, has been painted in large, red letters running down the side of the building near the front the word:

By whom the depredation was committed is not known. Mr. Gidney is a Santa Fe shop foreman and is still on the job. The presumption is that it was done either by a striker or a strike sympathizer.



The Al G. Wright Hardware Co. would be pleased to learn the whereabouts of one tumble tub, which that firm donated to the city and placed in Parkis Park Lake some days ago, and which disappeared from the lake the first night it was left there. Someone evidently has converted the tumble tub to their own use and the Wright company would like to know where it is, and what use it has been put to, since it was taken from the lake.




Mr. and Mrs. William Ulrich have leased the Peerless Bakery, located in the 300 block on South Summit Stret, to Claude Derry, who is now in charge of the business there. Claude Derry is known as one of the best bakers in the southwest, and he will conduct an exclusive retail business there on the famous Morning Glory bread and Peerless pastry.

Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich will leave the last of the week for a two months trip to California and Montana. He is the owner of a number of fine greyhounds and upon his return to the city, will enter the dog racing business on a large scale. He has dog kennels at Chicago and Tulsa, Okla. The dog racing business is fascinating and profitable as well, and Mr. Ulrich thoroughly understands the game.



The Moore refinery is running 6,000 barrels of crude daily, which is more than the Mid- Co company ever ran. Six big stills of battery three have not yet been put in operation. When these are running at capacity, the daily run of crude will be better than 10,000 barrels. More men are employed now than at any time under the Mid-Co management.

Thirty cars of refined products are being loaded out today. Two of them are light motor lubricating oil.

Seven bricklayers are employed at the new high pressure stills, two being added to the force this morning. A full quota of stillmen and helpers has not been assigned to battery three as yet. The two stills, which are being operated, are looked after by Ray Baker, on the evening shift, H. H. Pratt, on the morning shift, while the day stillman of battery two operates these two stills on the day shift.

The wrecking force is removing brick work from the stills at the Jenkins high pressure battery.

Fred Baird, who was gassed in an ammonia explosion about ten days ago, was able to resume his work this morning. Henry Rogers returned to work at the Moore plant today after a several days absence.



Topeka, Aug. 10.Twelve domestic corporations with an aggregate capitalization of $362,000 and five foreign corporations with capitals totaling $156,000 were today granted to do business in Kansas. LISTING ONLY THE ONE IN ARKANSAS CITY.

Foreign corporation:

Universal Oil Products Company, Arkansas City, $100,000 in Kansas.



One of the large limbs of a big cottonwood tree on the residence property of Mrs. A. B. Worthley, 324 South A Street, fell at about 11 o'clock this morning.

The residence is occupied by Mrs. I. L. Dennis and children. Just an instant before the huge limb fell, Mrs. Dennis' son, Jack, four years old, had climbed up a ladder leaning against the rear of the house, and the mother had just got him off the ladder and taken him into the house as the limb fell, damaging the corner of the house to some extent and breaking the ladder.

The top branches of the big limb reached over the residence occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Norris, striking on the roof of a rear porch, but no carnage was done to this property. The tree consisted of two principal forks, and it was the smaller of the two forks that fell, but the butt of the limb would measure about a foot in diameter. With the exception of striking the corner of the house occupied by Mrs. Dennis, the limb fell into open space and little damage was done. When the limb fell it made a loud crash, which was heard by all the neighbors in the vicinity.

The tree represents the female of the species, bearing cotton in season. As such it comes under the class condemned by city officials.



Homer LaMott and John LeUnes, both well known restaurant men of this city, went to Wichita this morning, where they will purchase fixtures for a new cafe, to be opened in this city in the very near future. The new cafe will be located in the room on West Fifth Avenue, where the Traveler office was located a number of years ago. The new firm will be known as the La Mott and Le Unes cafe and they will be ready for business within a week or ten days, it is expected.



It was reported this morning that there were several shots heard in the southeast part of the city, at an early hour this morning. The officers claim to know nothing of any shooting and the shots, which are said to have resembled revolver shots, are attributed to boys, who some time or other have gained possession of railroad torpedoes. Several times recently the same sort of shots have been heard in various parts of the city.



Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 11.Two non-union employees of the New York Central railroad of the Collinwood roundhouse were shot and killed last night. The men were identified as William Downs, about 30, an engineer dispatcher, and Fritz Forschner, about 20 years old, a call boy. Downs had been an employee for about 12 years. Neither he nor Forschner walked out when the shopmen's strike was called, company employees said.

Wellington, Aug. 11.Claude Sayre, Caldwell City electrician, was released on bond here today following his arrest last night on a charge of violating the industrial court law by cutting two wires at the Rock Island roundhouse at Caldwell which has its own electric plant. Sayre passed the guards by having Chief of Police Fowlier accompany him, it is alleged.

Cincinnati, Aug. 11.(A. P.)The railroad labor board will hear the case of the 1,100 union telegraphers on the Big Four railroad, who are now taking strike vote over the interpretation of working rules, Aug. 21, according to a message received today by officials of the Big Four railroad from the labor board.

The telegram from the railroad labor board further states that pending a hearing and decision in the controversy between men and the company, the board directs that there shall be no change in the application of disputed rules from that in effect prior to the dispute.

Los Angeles, Aug. 11.The Santa Fe system today announced an embargo on all perishable freight and the acceptance of other shipments subject to delay in the district surrounding Los Angeles and Southern California, due to the partial walkout of big four men on its lines.



San Francisco, Aug. 11.Paralysis of the entire western territory of the Santa Fe system was in prospect today as a result of the walkout yesterday of the engineers, firemen, conductors, and trainmen, on several far western divisions. The men explained their action was a protest against armed guards on railway property and against the alleged condition of equipment.

Members of the brotherhoods said they would no longer move trains through points where armed guards were stationed. Their district officials went into conference with Santa Fe executives last night, but no basis of settlement had been reported early today. Several passenger trains, including the east bound California Limited, were held up on account of no crews.

At the conclusion of last night's conference, I. L. Hibbard, general manager of the Santa Fe coast lines, stated that unless conditions were changed today, Santa Fe officials would advise passengers not to take trains likely to be held up. Brotherhood representatives indicated there was little they could do until they had communicated with their executives about the situation at western railway points affected.

Los Angeles, Aug. 11.Eastbound passenger service on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe system is tied up and no through trains will leave Los Angeles until the walkout situation of the big four brotherhoods in the Arizona division, centering at Needles, California, is cleared up, it was announced today by

I. L. Hibbard, general manager of the Santa Fe coast lines.



New York, Aug. 11.Two hundred transportation magnates representing the nations biggest railroads, gathered at Grand Central Terminal today to vote acceptance or rejection of President Harding's latest proposal in the shopmen's strike.

Executives from all sections of the country entered the main conference expecting to face many hours of debate. Indications were that a vote might not be taken until late in the afternoon.

The attack was led by L. F. Loree, president of the Delaware and Hudson, W. W. Atterbury, of the Pennsylvania, A. H. Smith, of the New York Central, and Frederick Underwood of the Erie.

To accept the plan they maintained would be to jeopardize their promises to non-strikers and new employees that seniority rights would be based on loyalty. It also would spell victory for the unions, by again giving them recognition before the labor board, which last July 8 outlawed all strikers.

As a third ground for refusing the president's offer, the belligerents declared they already were in sight of an open victory over the strikers, and urged that they be permitted to continue without interference as a "finish fight."

President Felton, of the Chicago and Great Western, acknowledged spokesman for Western and Southwestern lines, was looked upon as a leader in the movement to ratify the peace proposal.

His group stands for ratification not because they have any more faith in the decision of the labor board, but because they want the strike settled and their shops restored to normal. In addition, they want the good will of the public, which, they believe, would swing to the strikers if the Association of Railway Executives should again turn a deaf ear to President Harding.

These western and southwestern roads have been hard hit by the strike, and their managers express none of the desire for a "finish fight" apparent in the camp of the bigger eastern systems. Their reserves of locomotives are small, they have few surplus cars, and their schedules have been badly disrupted.

Numerous passenger and freight trains have been discontinued, they point out, a condition not yet true of the east to an alarming extent. The imminence of another bumper harvest, which with a strike on would find them almost paralyzed, was another of their strongest arguments.

With so many issues to be threshed out, and with at least three factions to be brought together before there could be a majority action, officials of the association forecast that it would be hours before the drafting of a reply to President Harding would begin.

They looked for no such spontaneous and unanimous action as greeted the president's first proposal, which they asserted, would have been rejected in the first few minutes, had it not been for the interruption of Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce, who appeared with a plea from the white house for favorable consideration of the plan.

The division, it was learned from unofficial sources, was drawn not strictly on the line of east vs. west, but rather as between roads running through many Metropolitan districts where labor was more plentiful and lines threading rural stretches, where few shop workers could be found to replace strikers.

Roads in the west and south on the other hand were said to favor taking back as many strikers as they had places for, and then letting the railroad labor board rule on the seniority question.

Eastern roads, for the most part, with their shops in cities, were represented as taking the stand that they did not need or care for their old employees, and so did not favor the first point in President Harding's proposal that they take back their old men immediately.




Washington, Aug. 11 (A. P.).Chief officials of the seventeen railroad labor organizations went into joint session shortly after ten o'clock today to consider the response which will be made by the seven striking shop crafts unions to President Harding's latest proposal of a basis for settlement of the railroad strike.

Officials of the seven striking railroad unions through B. M. Jewell, their chairman, said the session would be a long one. They had nothing to add to their previously given out indications that the shop unions intended to reject the president's proposal, which provides for leaving the seniority status of all strikers to adjustment by the railroad labor board after their return to work.

President Harding and his cabinet went into session at exactly the same time as the union leaders assembled and the rail strike was foremost in the cabinet discussions. Attorney General Daugherty before leaving the department of justice for the white house sent telegrams to officials of the department in Arizona, New Mexico, and California asking for reports on the walkouts of the big four brotherhood members of the Santa Fe in its western territory.

He also carried press dispatches into the cabinet meeting and other members of the cabinet went to the cabinet session prepared to report on various features of the railroad strike.

Heads of 17 railroad labor organizations including those on strike and the larger operating brotherhoods considered President Harding's latest strike settlement proposal for more than two hours today without reaching any decision as to what response should be made by the men on strike.

Warren S. Stone, chief of the Brotherhood of Engineers, who presided at the session which adjourned shortly after noon, said another meeting would be held later in the day but that probably no answer would be drawn up before tomorrow.

It was clear, however, that the heads of the shop crafts organizations were unchanged in their determination to require that all their men be replaced in seniority status they held when they went on strike.

Chairman Cummins of the senate interstate commerce committee conceded today that legislation was under consideration which would empower the president to take over the railroads if transportation became seriously paralyzed. He denied, however, that he had been instructed by President Harding to draft such a bill.

The legislation under consideration by certain republican senators was said to provide for a declaration of an emergency and for the authorization to the president to take whatever means he deems necessary.

"If the strike is not settled and a trial develops that the railroads cannot operate," said Senator Cummins, "then there is nothing left to be done but for the government to take them over and operate them."



New York, Aug. 11.Railroad heads from all over the country reconvened this afternoon to consider a reply to President Harding's latest proposal for ending the rail strike on the basis of returning strikers to work and leaving the railroad labor board to decide whether they were to regain their seniority privileges.

The executives were scheduled to receive from a committee appointed this morning the draft of the answer which should be sent to the white house. Not a hint was given of the form the answer would take. Indications were that a long debate would precede the balloting.

Heads of 148 American roads today appointed a committee to recommend a reply to President's Harding's latest proposal for settlement of the nation wide rail strike.

It was not indicated by those leaving the conference chamber what would be the nature of the reply to the administration's suggestion that the matter of seniorityat which the executtives had balked at their last meeting hereshould be left to the railroad board.

The committee was appointed after Haley Fiske, president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, a heavy holder of railroad securities, was seen to arrive at the Grand Central Terminal where the conference was in progress. He was reported to bear an important message from financial interests, but was said not to have addressed the meeting.

Mr. Fiske entered the ante room and Mr. Cuyler later left the conference and conversed with him. Robt. S. Binkerd, assistant to Mr. Cuyler asserted however, that when Mr. Cuyler returned to the conference chamber, Mr. Fiske did not accompany him and the life insurance man's name was not mentioned at the session.

It was recalled that Mr. Fiske at one time had engaged in a newspaper controversy with A. H. Smith, president of the New York Central lines, over the question of whether he should not refer to stockholders any belligerent policy to be adopted in connection with labor disputes. Mr. Smith, who served on the committee which drafted the first reply to the white house, was a member of the committee today.



Topeka, Aug. 11.Assurance that the six Frisco trains, into and out of Wichita, discontinued yesterday on the railway company's order, will be reinstated at once was given the state utilities commission today by J. M. Kurn, St. Louis, president of the railroad. The requirement that the railroad first present reasons for discontinuing trains operating in Kansas before the utilities commission will be obeyed. Mr. Kurn was informed his company will be given a hearing either tomorrow or on Monday. These developments followed the issuance of a writ of mandamus in the state supreme court late yesterday to cause the railway company to show cause for discontinuing the trains.

Topeka, Aug. 11.Not only will the state public utilities commission insist that railway companies petition it before discontinuing trains, but the commission claims the law empowers it to determine what trains are to be discontinued in case reason is found to warrant cutting down service. This statement was made by Chairman Clyde M. Reed today in connection with the plans of the Missouri Pacific and Frisco railroads o discontinue a total of ten local trains in Kansas.

Chairman Reed said it was quite likely that the commission will hold that the through limited trains may be ordered discontinued rather than local trains, in case any discontinu ances because of coal shortage are permitted.

Six trains on the Frisco, operating in southern Kansas, were discontinued yesterday. Under the temporary restraining order issued in the supreme court late yesterday on petition of the utilities committee, the Frisco is not necessarily required to restore the train service pending hearing on the writ which was made returnable Aug. 21.


Wichita, Aug. 11.The Frisco passenger trains discontinued in Kansas yesterday because of an announced fuel shortage, will be restored tomorrow, according to a telegram received by Fred E. Clark, division freight and passenger agent, from headquarters in St. Louis.



At 606 North E Street, a social event last night was being greatly enjoyed by the guests seated around the festal board, where joy was unconfined, until it was brought to an abrupt ending when four police walked in on the scene and arrested every member of the party, including two whites and three negroes.

The police planned a surprise, with the result that when revelry was at its heighth, the law walked in, the surprise being complete. The party was seated around a table and choc beer was being freely imbibed. Some were so drunk that they even tried to continue their drinking in the presence of the officers, one policeman stated.

The officers making the raid were Chief Dailey, and Policemen Jobe, Chadwell and White. The revelers had a lookout from the front part of the premises, but they had neglected to guard from the rear. The police completed evaded their lookout.

All in the party were placed under arrest: Jedry Noonan, white, Chas. C. Brown, white, L. Fuller, Sandy Washington, and Caldonia Walker, the latter three being negroes. A charge of drunkenness was placed against the two white men, and their bonds were fixed at $25. Sandy Washington's charge was that of unlawful assembly and he was placed in the city jail. Caldonia Walker had a choc beer charge against her and she was also lodged in jail. Caldonia Walker was recently in the city court under the name of Lelia Smith, according to the police.

In this swoop on North E, the officers report the destruction of 40 gallons of choc beer, Fifteen gallons were found on the vacant lot adjoining 415 North E. A five gallon tub was found in the alley back of 410 North E and some under the porch at 218. The case will come up for hearing in the city court this evening.



San Bernardino, Calif., Aug. 11.(Associated Press)Twenty three time bombs have exploded at intervals from 1:30 to 3 o'clock this morning in the stockade of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe within two hundred feet of the company's roundhouse, according to the sheriff's office. The bombs were buried in the ground and in exploding did not damage, but blew much earth into the air, it was said. None of the guards on duty were hurt. More explosions were expected momentarily and no one was allowed in the stockade this morning. It was thought at first that the bombs were thrown into the stockade, but explosions occurring at intervals led investigators to believe that the bombs had been previously planted. The belief that the explosions were caused from high powered caps and not bombs, was expressed by United States Marshal Greenwood. He also was of the opinion, he said, that the explosions were intended not to do any material damage, but to frighten men at work. A high voltage power line of the Southern California Edison company was broken just as one of the explosions occurred. Breaking of the line caused the lighting system of the city to become grounded and the city was in darkness for more than an hour.

Deputy U. S. Marshal Albertson was seriously burned when a bomb exploded in his hands shortly after the explosion of 23 bombs. Explosion of the bombs created terror in the vicinity of the shops, hurling fragments several hundred feet. The bombs were of cast iron pipe elbows filled with a white powder, and according to investigators, apparently were thrown into the stockade.

Asheville, N. C., Aug. 11.What deputy sheriffs and marshals said was an explosion of dynamite occurred here late last night under a dining car of the Southern railway in which men employed since the shopmen's strike had been fed and although damage was done, no one was reported injured. Eleven men were in an adjoining sleeping car and the glass in this car was shattered. Railroad detectives were unable to obtain any clue to the perpetrators of the explosions.



Winfield, Aug. 11.Approximately a hundred thousand dollars will be raised by this year's levy of a dollar and a half in the thousand for the bridge fund of Cowley County. The assessed valuation of the county is $67,217,000 this year. Last year, with a valuation of $70,000,000, the bridge levy was fifty cents in the thousand, making a fund of about thirty- five thousand. Damage caused by the July floods, washing away of some bridges, and partial destruction of others is the cause of the large emergency levy this year. The bridges which took many years to get, must be replaced as soon as possible.

The levy of $1.15 for county general will raise about $77,000.

Road levy of ninety-five cents will raise about $63,000.

Bond fund, twenty-five cents, will be about $16,800.

High school, fifty cents, will be about $33,000.

Poor, and poor farm, twenty-nine cents, will be about $19,500.



Winfield, Kan., Aug. 11.Authority to complete a sale of personal property belonging to the bank, preliminaries of which sale was begun before the failure of the bank, is asked for in a petition filed in district court today by B. V. Curry, receiver of the Traders State Bank at Arkansas City. The property was the equipment and stock of Hilton Sidle, doing business as the Sidle Coffee Co., bought by the bank at bankrupt sale to protect the bank's chattel mortgage in the concern.

After this purchase the bank had arranged to sell the coffee store to O. O. Holt of Arkansas City, for a real estate contract of $800. The bank received the contract, but before the bill of sale could be executed, the bank was closed. The receiver represents that the best interests of the creditors will be served by carrying out the terms of the sale.



Winfield, Aug. 11.Caught in the very act of drawing whiskey from a ten gallon keg into a two gallon jug, transferring the jub to a Ford car, and starting with the car towards Arkansas City were the circumstances related against Dick Speer of Arkansas City in his trial in Justice O. A. Hott's court yesterday. The jury believed the story told by the officers, who were the witnesses, and convicted Speer on two counts of having liquor in possession and transporting liquor. The jail sentence was 60 days; the fine $200.

Speer gave a bond of $500 for appeal to the district court. He hopes to get conviction on only one count. Before trial in justice court, he offered to plead guilty to one count; but as he had served a sentence for a previous offense, County Attorney Fink was unwilling to let him off with a thirty day sentence.

The day before the last circus in Arkansas City, someone in the county sent a message to Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton in Arkansas City that a lonely, apparently ownerless keg or barrel was hidden in a weed patch at a certain place. Eaton and another officer went out and watched the keg from a place of concealment, staying from middle of the afternoon until four o'clock in the morning. They were then relieved by two other officers, who continued the vigil.

About nine o'clock in the morning of circus day, it was related, Speer, in a Ford car, appeared on the road. He had his little daughter with him. First he drove past the place where the keg reposed. Having decided that the coast was clear, he drove back and stopped near the hiding place of the keg. With a two gallon jug and a few feet of rubber tubing in his hands, Speer entered the weed patch and moved toward the keg.

"Oh papa, here comes a car," cried the little girl.

Speer returned to the car, opened the hood, and began tinkering with the engine. The "car" of the alarm turned out to be a horse and buggy. The man in the buggy stopped and offered his help.

"It's all right now," said Speed. "I've got it about fixed now." The buggy went on and Speer returned to the weed patch. Presently he came back to the car with the jug and the tubing. The tubing was wet at one end. Placing the jug in the car, Speer entered and started the car toward Arkansas City, the circus, and the thirsty crowd.

Then "the law" in the shape of two policemen raised its hand.

"You've got me," said Speer, turning pale.

The jug was found to be full of corn whiskey. The keg was found to be filled with corn whiskey, lacking about two gallons.

The links of the chain of evidence are all in place.




Policeman A. W. Fox returned last evening from an automobile outing, after having visited several towns in Eastern Kansas. Among the towns visited were Chanute, Fort Scott, Coffeyville, and Sedan. At Coffeyville Mr. Fox saw the graves of the Dalton boys, there being three graves in a row. At the head of each grave was a big round boulder and an arch made of metal piping circled over the graves. No names appear in connection with the graves.

[AD: FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1922]

American Legion Post Harvest Festival

One Solid Week of Fun and Amusement

Presenting The Famous John T. Wortham Shows

19 Big High Class Attractions

Clean, Moral and Refined, Catering to Ladies and Children at all times.


Our Own Special Train

Big Band Concert Twice Daily Afternoon and Evening

Do Not Forget the Date Commencing

Monday, August 14th

Show Grounds - Poplar Ave. - A St.



Thirty-two cars of refined products are being loaded today, two of them being high grade lubricating oil. Several men were taken on this morning, one of them being Ray Eagen, who was employed there all during the Mid Co management.

Another big condenser tower was hoisted into place on battery three today. The work of remodeling this battery is now about half completed. Foremen on the job estimate the cost of this improvement at $50,000.

Henry Smith has been promoted from stillman to night superintendent. J. C. Lytal, superintendent of pipe lines of the Moore company, has returned to the plant after an absence of four days.

H. C. Whicker, traveling freight agent of the Illinois Central, L. B. Brady, traveling freight agent of the Union Pacific, and A. B. Davidson, traveling freight agent, and A. C. Mitchell, local agent of the Santa Fe, were visitors at the Moore plant today.

Robert Maynard, who was badly burned at the Moore plant a few days ago by bursting of a carbide gas line, has been removed from the hospital to his home, 502 South Fifth Street. He will not be able to work for some time. It is thought that Leal Rush, who was burned at the same time, will be able to resume his duties inside of a week.

The new high pressure stills being erected at the Moore refinery are being built by the Universal Oil Products company, of Chicago, at an estimated cost of half a million dollars. They are to take the place of the Jenkins and Smith high pressure stills, which are being junked. All refineries have high pressure stills for the purpose of running low grade stock, as the ordinary still will not remove all the gasoline from this class of stock.

It is run through the high pressure stills at a pressure of 130 pounds and a temperature of 800 degrees. When these stills are completed, the daily run of crude will not be enlarged, but they should materially increase the production of gasoline.



From Strike Bulletin No. 5 just received at local union headquarters, the physical condition of railway equipment is reflected in reports as follows.

"Locomotives are in alarmingly bad shape. Several roads, which had a lot of engines in white lead, had to take them all out and even they have begun to go to pieces. Our direct reports from all system federations show this, in absolute contradiction to the railroad publicity. The number of engine failures and defects is not the same from day to day, but increase rapidly every day. Railroads which had excess power have had to loan some of it to others.

"Bad order cars are also piling up ominously. Coal car congestion is acute. 3,600 loaded coal cars were reported blockaded on the L. & N. at Corbin, Ky., the western gateway of the Kentucky coal fields. On July 26th, about 25,000 loaded coal cars were tied up between mines and destination. Most of these were on the C. & O. and L. & N. Grain merchants are worried at the shortage of grain cars. Shipments of livestock are badly delayed. Shortage of tank cars is cutting down available supplies of fuel oil.

"A rapidly increasing number of iron and steel furnaces have been forced to shut down for lack of coal. Fuel shortage is slowing down grain threshing. Flour mills are closing. Municipal lighting and power plants are dangerously near shut-down because of no coal. The automobile business is worried because of car shortage. Fruit shipments are further reduced."

Some of the striking shopmen reported considerable shooting down in the railroad yards the night previous. The shooting occurred about 3 a.m., according to the various reports. Some heard as many as 6 or 7 shots while others reported more.

The shooting is said by Secretary Nolan to be by fellows acting in the capacity of railroad guards and who are deputized as deputy sheriffs, and who are not supposed to be shooting at anything in particular. However, one of the balls came so close to Jack Pinion that it put out the light which he was carrying. He heard the ball whiz before it reached him, and it barely missed him, Secretary Nolan reported.

Another thing that the strikers are complaining about is the carrying of weapons by guards on the streets of the city, while off duty.



George Frederick Waters died Friday, Aug. 4, 1922, at the home of W. H. Johnson, 910 West Tenth Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma, after an illness of several weeks of typhoid fever. He was aged 44 years and 4 months.

Fred Waters was a son of the late G. B. Waters, a pioneer grocer of Stillwater and was reared there, where he was married to Carrie L. Johnson, March 19, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Waters lived at Arkansas City the last few years. They were the first proprietors of the Palace of Sweets confectionary at 115 North Summit Street. Last year they farmed what is known as the John Martin place 6 3/4 miles west of Arkansas City. Mr. Waters had been working in the oil fields at Whiz Bang and Shidler prior to his death. He worked for the Cosden Oil and Gas company, where he contracted the typhoid fever which caused his death. He died at the home of his father-in-law, W. H. Johnson, leaving a wife and little daughter, eleven years old.



Several persons who read in the Traveler some two weeks ago, the story in regard to the receiver of the Traders State Bank making an attempt to locate one Chas. Scott, who had a deposit of about $7,000 in that bank when it was closed, have brought to the city a report of a case which occurred at Slick, Oklahoma, a year ago, and which might throw some light on the missing man.

This story is to the effect that there was a man robbed and killed by hi-jackers at that place and that the man greatly resembled the missing Arkansas City man. The body of the slain man was held at Slick for some two months, it is said, in an attempt to identify him. But finally the body was buried at Kelleyville, Oklahoma, and his identity was never known. The dead man may have been Scott and the bank officials will take up this clue, with the view of ascertaining more about the case.

Efforts of the bank receiver to learn the whereabouts of Chas. Scott, who is said to have disappeared from this city about two years ago, have been of no avail, although they have written letters to parties in various parts of the country, who were said to be relatives of his. Scott was at one time the night clerk at the Windsor Hotel here.



John Poor, an employee of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co., on the construction work northwest of the city, had the misfortune this morning to fall from a bridge; and in the fall, he suffered a fracture of the skull. He is in the Arkansas City hospital and underwent a surgical operation to lift the depression from the brain. Late today, he was said to be conscious and doing as well as could be expected. Mr. Poor resides at 1006 South D Street.

This accident occurred at 11 o'clock this morning when Mr. Poor slipped and fell a distance of 8 feet, striking his head on a 2 by 4. The injury is in the back of the head. Aside from the fracture of the skull, he suffered some severe bruises about the shoulders and other parts of the body.



"For the months of May, June, and July, the consumption of water in this city amounted to an average of 4,496,622 gallons per day, or 134 gallons per capita, for each man, woman, and child," stated the waterworks superintendent, H. R. Wickliffe, this morning. "This does not mean that the people actually consumed this much water, but represents the total amount used, including the steady flow of a two inch stream into the lake at Paris Park," explained the superintendent.

Continuing, Mr. Wickliffe gave out further facts and figures, as follows.

"As a matter of fact, I estimate the water capacity of the wells as being over 6,000,000 gallons per day, but to be conservative, figure it at 5,500,000 gallons. The average amount pumped daily is somewhere around 1,500,000 gallons, while the capacity of the two pumps at the pumping house is 2,000,000 each, or four million gallons per day."

The average amount of water pumped per day for the months of May, June, and July, as given out by Mr. Wickliffe, is as


May ------------- 1,310,483 gallons

June ------------- 1,559,333 gallons

July -------------- 1,626,806 gallons

The average per capita per day for the same months was:

May ------------- 113 gallons

June ------------- 142 gallons

July -------------- 148 gallons

Mr. Wickliffe places the total amount of water run into Paris Lake from May 17 to August 11 at 11,080,000 gallons.

Mr. Wickliffe says that he recognizes the necessity and advisability of putting in an emergency pumping plant, but wishes to correct the idea of extreme danger as conveyed in yesterday's article in the Traveler with reference to the pumping plant.

"There is no need whatever for the public to be alarmed," stated Mr. Wickliffe. "It is true that we just went through a period when there was an extra hazard, and which caused a good deal of worry on my part. This was when one of the pumps was out of commission on account of making repairs. During this period the city was absolutely dependent upon one pump for its water supply, and this was a hazardous situation owing to the fact that if this one pump should for any reason fail to give service and a fire should break out, the fire department would be rendered helpless and the city would be in extreme danger.

"But that danger is past. Both pumps are in first-class working order. After passing through the period when but one pump could be used, I am convinced that it is wise to provide emergency equipment, which will be done by the recent action of the commissioners and will eliminate all hazard due to any lack of equipment," concluded Mr. Wickliffe.



A. A. Downing and son, Earl Downing, of the Downing sheet metal works and tin shop, each paid a fine of $10 and costs in the state court of W. T. Ham this morning, on the charge of assault on Joseph Southard. They pleaded guilty to the charge which was made by Southard.

The alleged trouble between the Downings and Southard occurred at the tin shop when the three men became engaged in a heated argument over a bill of $7, which the Downings claimed against Southard. Earl Downing admitted that he pushed Mr. Southard and caused him to sit down rather hard, on a box. Southard swore in the complaint that the two assaulted him with a single-tree. This the Downings deny. Southard stated to friends this morning that the Downings accused him of spitting in the face of one of them. This, he said, he never did to any one in his life.

The complaining witness stated to the deputy county attorney that he was satisfied with the fine imposed on the two men, against whom he filed the charge in the state court. The Downings had no attorney in court when the case was called. Constable R. W. Callahan served the papers in the case this morning.


Denton, Earlougher, and Day Residences Are Entered.

At least three residences on North Fourth street were entered last night by burglars and the homes which were entered in all three cases, by unfastening or breaking a window screen, were ransacked by the night prowlers; and in one case, the intruders secured about $15 in money. This was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Denton, at 525 North Fourth Street, and the money being taken from the pocket of Mr. Denton's trousers, the money being in a leather pocketbook.

The other places entered and ransacked by the burglars were the home of H. W. Earlougher and the home of Dr. E. F. Day.

Both purse and money were gone at the Denton home; but so far as is known, there was nothing else taken from the house. In the basement of the home the two nephews of Mrs. Denton, who reside with them, a flash light was found this morning; and this was the first trace of the burglars, as no one in the house heard them last night. Mrs. Denton is at a loss to know how they could be all over the housein the basement, on the first floor, and also on the second floor where Mr. and Mrs. Denton sleepwithout anyone hearing them. In fact, Mrs. Denton stated today that on account of the extreme warm night, some member of the family was up at nearly every hour of the night. The burglars entered this home by removing the screen from a window on the ground floor.

Visit Earlougher Home
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Earlougher, located at 625 North Fourth Street, was entered by prowlers some time last night after the family had all retired; and the lower floor of the home was ransacked. The night prowlers in this case might be classed as petty thieves as they took only a few articles, including a small savings bank belonging to Mr. Earlougher's son and five cents in money from the daughter's purse, besides two collar buttons and a pair of sock supporters belonging to the man of the house. Mr. Earlougher had left his shirt on the first floor of the home and from this the prowlers took the two neck buttons, leaving the gold cuff buttons and a gold pencil which was fastened onto the front of the shirt.

The members of the family all sleep on the second floor and from appearances of the robbery, the party or parties who entered the house must have known this. The family knew nothing of the robbery until they arose this morning. The intruders entered the home by unfastening a window screen and then went out the back door, leaving the door open after them. This case was reported to the police this morning after it was discovered that the house had been ransacked.

Dr. Day's Home Entered
It was learned this morning that the residence of Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Day, located at 515 North Fourth street, just south of the Denton home, was also entered and ransacked to some extent. The family is away from home at present; but their colored hired hand, Mr. Martin, was sleeping on the second floor of the house. He did not hear anyone in the house, but this moorning he learned that there had been a burglar when he found some of the clothing and other articles about the house had been misplaced. The entry to the Day home was made by way of the back screen door, it is reported. Martin does not know whether or not the intruders got away with anything of value from the house.

A Jack the Peeper
It was made known this morning that there was a "Jack the Peeper" seen in the 200 block on North Third Street the night before, and that this intruder was frightened away by a woman yelling loudly at him. This was at the home of Mrs. Mary Somers and daughters, at 216 North Third Street, and at the time the peeper was seen by Mrs. Joe Red, a next door neighbor, he was peeking into the bathroom window, where one of the Somers girls, Miss Mabel, was at that time. Mrs. Red happened to look out of her window while the man, whom she could not see plainly and who was a young man, was in the act of peeping into the window of the Somers home. She yelled loudly at him, and he ran around the house to the front and off the sidewalk to the west of the house.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum