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Arkansas City Traveler
[Starting Saturday, August 12, 1922 to Saturday, August 19, 1922]


Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Saturday, August 12, 1922 - FRONT PAGE.

San Francisco, Aug. 12.Trans-continental train traffic, passenger, and freight, in the far western divisions of two main rail systems, the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific, was disorganized today so badly that scheduled service had been practically abandoned. A third trunk line, the Union Pacific, was threatened with a similar condition.

There were developments of the rapid spread yesterday of sporadic walkouts of engineers, firemen, conductors, and trainmen, which began Thursday on the Santa Fe in southwestern California and Arizona. The members of the "big four" brotherhoods said they left their posts because of their objection to armed guards stationed on railroad property. The union men also charged that the equipment they were moving was not in the best condition and they considered it hazardous to take it out. Rail executives declared that the guards were necessary to protect the roads, denied that the guards were interfering with union workers, and contradicted the assertion that the equipment was unsafe.


Albuquerque, N. M., Aug. 12.Three transcontinental westbound trains on the Santa Fe are being held here today because of the walkout of the railway brotherhoods on western divisions.

Los Angeles, Aug. 12.Seven carloads of westbound mail were reported to be tied up at Ashfork, Ariz., on the Santa Fe line. Mail from the east has been routed for a few days by way of El Paso, but the spread of the strike was said to have blocked this channel.

Topeka, Aug. 12.The state utilities commission today granted permission to take off two through trains operating in KansasKansas City to Fort Smith, Ark., and Kansas City to Omahabut refused permission to discontinue the central branch train, Atchison to Downs and the train from Yates Center to Geneseo through Wichita and Hutchinson. At a hearing this morning officials of the railway company said coal shortage necessitated cutting the train schedules.

Omaha, Neb., Aug. 12.Four trains running over the Chicago and Northwestern railroad from Chicago, running over the Union Pacific after they leave Omaha, were tied up from three to four hours at Boone, Iowa, because firemen did not want to man the engines, it was stated at headquarters of the Northwestern here today.

Ogden, Utah, Aug. 12.The Southern Pacific company announced at 12:30 p.m. today that the locomotive firemen who went on strike in this district yesterday had agreed to go back to work. The company stated it expected to have the four marooned trains out of here sometime this afternoon.

Emporia, Aug. 12.Two east bound Santa Fe trains, Nos. 2 and 4, were annulled today, it was reported at the railroad offices here. The trains were tied up by the brotherhood strike in the west.


Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, August 12, 1922. Front Page.

Washington, Aug. 12.(A. P.)Heads of the seven railroad organizations now on strike were declared by one of their chief officials today after a final conference, to have decided to reject completely the last strike settlement proposal put forward by President Harding.

The striking unions in a written response sent to the white house told the president they could not call off the strike unless a guarantee was given that all of their men would be reinstated in service with seniority rights unimpaired. The president had proposed that the strikers be left to the adjudication of the labor board.

Soon after the response of the striking shopmen reached the white house, heads of the non-striking unions, who have been in conference with the shop craft leaders for the past two days, arrived at the white house and went into conference with President Harding. Secretaries Hoover and Davis, Chairman Hooper of the labor board, and Chairman Cumins of the senate I. C. committee also participated in the conference.

Washington, Aug. 12.(A. P.)President Harding was said by administration advisers today to have abandoned, temporarily at least, his plan for asking legislation of congress to deal with the railroad strike situation. The conditional acceptance by the railroad executives of the president's latest proposal was declared to have been the controlling factor in the president's change of plans regarding legislation. In view of the executives' attitude, the president according to advisers who conferred with him last night was said immediate legislation by congress now was unnecessary. Information received today by administration spokesmen regarding the executives' conference yesterday at New York was that the vote on accepting the president's proposal conditionally was 195 to 79. Among the railroad executives reported in the minority were representatives of the Missouri Pacific. The minority later agreed to abid by the majority decision.




Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 12.Members of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen who went on strike on the Santa Fe railroad, have been ordered to return to work, President W. G. Lee announced today, in declaring that their walkout was unauthorized inasmuch as the regular procedure in settling disputes had not been carried out. President Lee said he had not sanctioned the Santa Fe strike.




Roseville, Calif., August 12.Five bombs were exploded in the yards of the Southern Pacific and the Pacific Fruit Express Company here early this morning. One of the bombs exploded at 2 a.m. in the rear of roundhouse No. 1. Windows in the building were shattered and a portion of the wall nearest the explosion was wrecked. Three of the bombs tore a great hole in the ground in the east side of the yards near the plant of the Pacific Fruit Express company. Immediately following the explosions, company guards poured shots in the direction from which the bombs were reported to have been hurled. Answering volleys of shots met their firing. More than one hundred shots were exchanged.

San Bernardino, Calif., Aug. 12.Four additional bomb explosions occurred in the Santa Fe railroad yard here following the explosion yesterday morning of twenty-three bombs in the same yards. Officers are investigating four fragments of large bombs constructed out of pipe elbows plugged with steel slugs and apparently loaded with chemicals. No one was injured by the bombs and no damage of consequence occasioned.

With a temperature of 120 and with food running out, marooned passengers at Needles and Barstow were said to be in distress today and it was reported here that railroad officials would make an effort to bring them into San Bernardino today under heavy guard. Some of the elderly persons among the passengers were reported to be on the verge of heat prostration.




Chicago, Aug. 12.Nation-wide paralysis of railroad transportation threatened today as "big four" brotherhood men in various parts of the country called meetings to consider joining the trainmen's walkout that started when crews tied up transcontinental Santa Fe trains in the California and Arizona deserts and freight traffic on the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern outer belt line for the Chicago district.

Clerks on the Santa Fe coast lines were authorized to walkout if they considered conditions unsatisfactory.

Southern Pacific firemen joined the walkout, tying up limited passenger trains at Ogden, Utah.

Although several Santa Fe passenger trains held up by the strike at California points were backed into Los Angeles, other transcontinental trains were stranded in the desert. Passengers marooned at Seligman, Ariz., appealed to Santa Fe officials to relieve them from their plight, declaring that women and children were suffering. The plea was passed on to brotherhood officials at Needles, Calif. They were urged by the company to consider the situation from a humanitarian standpoint. Passengers on the stranded trains sweltered in the heat of the desert, but many accepted their fate philosophically and some wore blue bands on their sleeves, signifying their sympathy with the strikers.




Winfield, Kan., Aug. 12."Doc" O'Brien, who escaped from the county jail on the evening of July 4 and was recaptured two weeks later, is not looking for another chance to get away. Doc told the Jones brothers so when they asked him to leave with them, and he does not regret having remained in jail.

"This place is not so bad," O'Brien told the sheriff recently. "If I had stayed here in the first place, I wouldn't be in for jail breaking now and would be better off."

O'Brien said that he and Jack Burgess, who escaped with him, went for two days and nights without food and no water except that found in streams. Finally they met a man they knew and borrowed a dollar. They spent it for crackers and cheese and ate the mess of it.

"Doc" told the sheriff: "The grub is pretty good here and ice water is plentiful."




The principals of the raid made by the police at 606 North E Street night before last were tried in the city court last evening at the 5 o'clock session. The parties under arrest were Caldonia Walker, Ellis Fuller, Sandy Washington, and Jack Woods, all negroes, excepting Woods. Two other white men, Jerry Noonan and Chas. C. Brown arrested in the raid, failed to appear in court and their bonds of $10 each were forfeited.

Caldonia Walker testified point blank that she had not sold Jack Woods a quart of choc beer for which he paid her one dollar, after the witness, Woods, in his testimony had given all the details of the purchase of the liquor from her. When the court fined her $100 and added a jail sentence of thirty days, the defendant weakened and wept.

"I don't see why I shouldn't be permitted to have counsel," the woman stated. Whereupon the court said he would continue the case and give her a chance to secure an attorney.

The testimony of those taken in the raid disclosed the fact that there was an unlawful assemblage at 606 North E Street on the night of August 10. Dice, women, and drink figured in the gathering, according to the statements of the defendants on the stand.

According to testimony given the place at 606 North E was operated by a fellow by the name of Lucius Wafer, a negro. The testimony indicated that Wafer had made his get-away and evaded arrest. If Wafer was a married man, as one witness stated, he had not been living with his wife. If Caldonia Walker is a married woman, as she stated, she has not been living with her husband, but was rooming with Wafer. She testified that she was 18 years old. Incidentally, her testimony brought out the fact that she had lost a 32 gun on the night of the raid, which she said belonged to her husband, who was out of town.

All the witnesses testified that there was choc beer on the table and that two white men were drinking and exhibiting a spirit of goodfellowship by pouring extra glasses for anyone present to imbibe if they so desired. It appears that the spirit of chivalry was revived, sometimes thought to be dead in this country. The white men were saying "toasts," one witness testified.

Ellis Fuller, negro, the first witness up, said he had gone to the place to see Sandy Washington. He saw the white boys drinking, but said he never drank any himself. He sat in a chair and participated in the conversation.

The usual "razor" showed up in the case. Sandy Washington was at the party. He was going to T Turner's to return a razor; and in passing Lucius Wafer's place, heard merriment on the inside and went in. He saw the white men drinking. "Lucius Wafer left when the law came," he testified. He it was who said the two white men were saying "toasts." Sandy said there was liquor on the table, but stated that he never drank.

Jack Woods, white, pleaded guilty to unlawful assemblage. He admitted he had gone to the place to purchase corn whiskey, but said they had choc beer. He testified that the lady got the choc beer out of a jug and that he paid her $1 for it.

"Did you drink any of it? the court asked.

"I didn't have time, the police entered. I dropped the whiskey down by my side," said Woods. Woods states that when he entered the place, the whole bunch was shooting craps.

After the examination of witnesses, the court announced the fine and stence against Caldonia Walker, who was then given the opportunity to secure counsel. Whether she accepts the verdict of the court or tries to put up another defense remains to be seen.




John Poor, of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co., who suffered a fractured skull and other injuries in a fall from a bridge yesterday and who is a patient in a local hospital, was reported to be doing nicely today and is improving as rapidly as expected at this time.




T. B. Oldroyd & Sons today unloaded a car of furniture for the new Gladstone hotel and placed it in the building. The car of goods came in several days ago over the Santa Fe.




Left in sole charge of Connelly & Karnes' cold drink and lunch stand at 111 South Summit Street, for a few moments yesterday afternoon, Joe Kelly, 16, robbed the cash register and vamoosed. According to the proprietors of the place, the "kid" got away with somewhere around $100.

While his partner, Connelly, was out, Mr. Karnes left the boy in charge of the place while he went to Roseberry & Williams, the automobile dealers, to look after his car, as he wanted to use it about 4 o'clock. When he arrived at Roseberry's place, he found Mr. Connelly already there. He returned to their place of business and noticed that the boy was not in the front part where customers are served, but supposed he was in the kitchen. Presently he wanted to speak to the boy about something and went into the kitchen, but did not find him there. Neither was he in the room farthest to the rear.

He then went to the front part of the place and inquired of the young lady who clerks in the place on the other side of the partition, in the same building, asking if she had noticed the boy. She said he was there just a few minutes previous. Then Mr. Karnes examined the cash register and found the money gone.

Mr. Karnes notified the police and the two proprietors together with the police began a search. After a few minutes, Marion Clayton, who runs a cold drink stand in Paris Park, telephoned that he had seen the boy who works in Connelly & Karnes place going up the Frisco mill track near the park. A vigilant search was made in this neighborhood. The sheriff at Winfield and officers in other towns were notified. The search was continued into the night; but no trace of the thief could be found after he had been seen going north on the Frisco mill switch.

Not much seems to be known about the boy here. He was stopping at the A. C. rooms and his parents do not live here. It is thought he would probably ride a freight train and get out of the country.

Since the above story was written, other facts have come to light. The O. J. Watson Motor company reported that Kelly had come to their place of business about 8 o'clock last evening and hired a drive-it-yourself Ford touring car, starting out of town north on Summit street. Up to noon today he had not returned with the car.

Evidently the lad had hidden in the weeds or found some other hiding place in or near town until after dark, then boldly ventured into the city to hire a car. The two business firms are now anxious to locate the youthful thief.




A shrinkage of over fifty percent in the assets of the failed Citizen's State Bank is indicated in the petition of the receiver, B. V. Curry, filed in district court today, suing A. A. McFall, principle stockholder in the bank, for the face value of the amount of his shares, $6,800, to apply on the indebtedness of the bank. So far from having $141,704 in assets, as indicated by the bank's books at the time of the closing of its doors, there will be less than $70,852, the petition states.

The suit is brought under the double liability provision of the Kansas statutes. McFall has sixty-eight shares out of the hundred shares in the bank of a par value of a hundred dollars each, the petition sets out. These are fully paid up. Stockholders in corporations are liable for the debts of the corporation to twice the face value of the stock, deducting the amount they have already paid in.

This will make McFall liable for $6,800.




The old Gladstone hotel building, recently purchased by Swan Sandstrum, of Dexter, is to be improved and re-decorated throughout, and newly equipped with furniture. Mr. Sandstrum states that this work has all been delayed on account of putting new plumbing in the building. He did not decide at once to put this plumbing in, but finally decided to make the place modern in every respect, and then there was some delay in receiving the material for this work. But it has arrived and the plumber is busy.

The building is to be completely plumbed throughout, although tubs will not be in all the rooms at the present time, but will be added later as occasion may demand. This part of the equipment is a pretty costly proposition. The building will also have a lot of new electrical work and the walls will be newly papered and the woodwork painted.

When Mr. Sandstrum gets ready to open this hotel to the public, he will have some 40 or 50 good rooms. He expects to lease the dining room and kitchen to an experienced eating house man so that the guests will be provided with a modern place to eat, with a large dining room and a commodious lobby that will be comfortably furnished and where patrons may rest.

The first shipment of furniture arrived today and is being stacked in the ground floor rooms pending the completion of the plumbing and decorating. Mr. Sandstrum has not yet named the house, but proposes to make it a comfortable and attractive stopping place.




Charles Isaac, superintendent of the Moore refinery, has gone to Tulsa to spend Sunday at home. P. W. Wilkins is in charge during his absence. Guy Thurman, who was scalded at the Moore refinery July 23 by the bursting of a steam line, was dismissed from the hospital today. It is thought he will be able to resume work in about ten days. D. E. Emerson, telephone expert with the Cosden company at Tulsa, has been doing some work on the Moore refinery switchboard. He and Mrs. Emerson will return to Tulsa this evening by auto.

One of the Comley Lumber company trucks has been busy all day today delivering a big lumber order to the new high pressure stills at the Moore plant. Twelve cars of gasoline, three cars of fuel oil, and three cars of lubricating oil are being loaded today. Arrangements are being made so that the six inch stream of water that comes from the condenser coils of the refrigerator division of the wax plant can be used by the refining department, thus conserving the water supply.




An automobile, a gun, and liquor figure in a night episode in this city, and as an outgrowth of this combination, Virgil LaSarge was placed under arrest last night with three charges lodged against him, viz., driving a car while drunk, carrying concealed weapons, and disturbing the peace. He arranged bond for appearance in police court Monday evening.

The call to the police station was made by the night clerk at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, Ted Young, who is substituting for Harold Hughey. According to the clerk's statement, LaSarge threatened him with a gun when he refused to let him have a room. The affair happened late last evening.

E. R. Ketner has given his clerks notification not to allow LaSarge to have a room "when he is drinking."

Mr. Ketner stated today: "I cannot keep them from coming into the lobby, so long as they act like gentlemen, but I have served notice on them that I do not want them in my rooms."





According to the local agent for the Missouri Pacific railway, M. E. Spencer, two trains will be taken off the run between this city and Dexter, beginning Monday. They are train No. 750 leaving the city at 9:50 a.m., and No. 759, arriving here at 3 in the afternoon. Beginning Monday there will be only one mixed train each way a day, on this line, and the train will leave here at 7 in the morning and will arrive here from Dexter at 3:35 in the afternoon. This and other trains on the Missouri Pacific are taken off on account of the coal shortage.




Winfield, Kansas, Aug. 12.A Ford car was found guilty in Justice O'Hare's court today after a trial on a charge of being a nuisance, having been used for transportation of liquor. It is the car captured by the officers in arresting Bright and Strum, liquor suspects, last February. The men had stopped the car in front of a Main Street rooming house, and one of them had started upstairs with a two-quart jar of something. When the officers appeared unexcpectedly on the scene, the man dropped the jar on the stairs and broke it. Enough liquor remained in a fragment of the glass to convict the men of having liquor in their


Having been used for transporting the two-quart jar, the Ford car was also deemed guilty. The trial resulted in conviction and an order that the car be sold. The Watson Motor Co., of Arkansas City, claims to have a mortgage on the car. The attorney for the company defended the car, and when the sentence was given, gave notice of appeal to the district court.




Corbin, Ky., Aug. 14.Twelve hundred trainmen, members of the big four brotherhoods employed on the Cumberland division of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, left their trains at 10 a.m. today. This ties up the Great Harlan and Bell coal districts. The walkout was orderly.

Raton, New Mexico, Aug. 14.Local officials of the big four brotherhoods here today wired to national headquarters for sanction for a walkout of all members of the organization employed on the Santa Fe railroad here. The telegram sets forth the conditions under which the members are now working as reason for the walkout.

St. Louis, Aug. 14.Resolutions asking the American Federation of Labor to call a national general strike and requesting President Harding to have an investigtion made of "airbrake equipment in connection with the numerous accidents occurring throughout the country," have been adopted by the Central Trades and Labor Union of St. Louis, it was announced today. The central trades organization includes all local union workmen, except members of the building trades.

The resolution asking a general strike was the same as one recently adopted by Omaha Central Trades body and directed attention to the textile workers strike in New England, the shopmen's strike, and the miners strike. A general strike was asked so that "this warfare upon American homes may cease and a free people be permitted to live in peace."

The resolution sent to Mr. Harding declared that "locomotive engineers say none of the trains leaving St. Louis are fully equipped with air owing to the incapacity of the shops, because of the strike, to properly care for the rolling stock."

Executives of railroads having general offices in St. Louis, vehemently decided the air brakes were not defective in any respect.

Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14.The dynamite explosion which wrecked the west end of the St. Louis, San Francisco railroad bridge over the Sac river just west of Ash Grove near here, about 8:50 o'clock last night, temporarily stopping all traffic on the main line of the Frisco between Kansas City and Springfield, was being investigated today by Deputy United States marshals and Frisco officials. The wrecking crew from Fort Scott was at work repairing the bridge this morning and the bridge was expected to be sufficiently repaired to make traffic possible over it by 3 p.m. today. No trace has been found of those doing the dynamiting, as far as could be learned from marshals here today. Frisco officials here refused to give out any details of the dynamiting. A freight train had just passed over the bridge a few minutes before the blast destroyed it. The bridge is almost a quarter of a mile long. Trains were being detoured today by way of Monnett.

Cleveland, Aug. 14.(A. P.)W. G. Lee, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, today instructed two vice presidents of his organization to go immediately upon the Santa Fe coast lines where illegal strikes of trainmen are reported in effect and trains marooned.

"Instructions were given the vice presidents," Mr. Lee said, "to insist that all laws of the brotherhood regarding cessation of work be complied with and members continue at work."

Mr. Lee declined to say anything further regarding the railroad situation.

Topeka, Kan., Aug. 14.There is no necessity now for curtailment of service on the Frisco in Kansas, President J. M. Kurn, of the road, today telegraphed Clyde M. Reed, chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, saying that the road's normal requirements of 50 cars of coal daily for running its Kansas lines could be met by thirty cars allowed it under the industrial court priority order and 20 cars to be hauled in daily from Alabama. The hearing scheduled for today between the commission and Frisco officials was called off.

San Francisco, Aug. 14.(A. P.)The Santa Fe system virtually was paralyzed by walkouts of brotherhood men at Needles, Cal., Seligman, Arizona, Ash Fork, Willians, and Winslow, Arizona, today, and there was one in prospect at Albuqurque, New Mexico.





Chicago, Aug. 14.(A. P.)New knots in railroad transportation of the far west; bombing of a passenger train loaded with excursionists at Granton Junction, N. J., dynamiting of Frisco railroad bridge at Ash Grove, Mo., and destruction by fire of the Wichita Falls and Northwestern railway shopts at Wichita Falls, Texas, marked the early hours of the rail strike's seventh week, while rail heads and strike leaders were deadlocked over President Harding's proposals for peace.

The walkout of Santa Fe train crews, who left their trains stranded in the deserts of California, Arizona, and New Mexico, spread to other western lines and as the railroad paralysis crept on to new centers, maintenance of way men in the New York district petition their national leaders for a strike order.

Santa Fe officials manning the stranded trains at Needles, California, moved marooned passengers out of the desert, but 19 trains on the system were still tied up when more crews quit.

One thousand Santa Fe passengers stranded at Albuquerque, New Mexico, appealed to President Harding for relief, and federal inquiry into the tie-up was ordered by Joseph Burke, United States district attorney at Los Angeles, following communication with Attorney General Daugherty.

At the same time Gov. Thomas E. Campbell of Arizona ordered an investigation of conditions among marooned passengers at Seligman, following reports of suffering.





As the result of an alleged attack by four men on one of the men employed in the Santa Fe shops here, who some weeks ago accepted a position there, after the strike of the machinists and the carmen at this point, Walter Skeen is in the company hospital at Mulvane, suffering from a fractured shoulder and minor bruises. The alleged assault occurred late Saturday evening as Skeen was on his way to the shops, after making a trip uptown.

Local Santa Fe officials made an investigation of the assault case that night and a report was sent to company headquarters at Topeka, relating the facts, as they could be gathered at that time, with the result that Sheriff Goldsmith of Winfield was notified to make an investigation of the case. He came here to see Skeen Sunday morning, but the injured man was on the way to the hospital when the officer arrived. The statement of the man assaulted was given to J. H. Fry, head of the special officer department of the Oklahoma division. Sheriff Goldsmith stated to the Traveler today that he could find no trace of the men who are alleged to have committed the assault. He was in the city again this morning to look further into the matter of the assault and also to investigate shooting at the south yards early Sunday morning. He said he did not learn anything definite in regard to the shooting. He stated that he investigated both sides of the story and that he could not ascertain who was to blame, or where the shooting came from. Some of the parties he interviewed in regard to the matter stated that the shooting was on the inside of the yards and others said it came from the outside of the yards. He saw the engine, into which it was said one of the bullets entered.

County Attorney Ellis Fink of Winfield was called over the phone this afternoon, and he stated that the official reports of the assault and shooting here had not been given to him and he did not know at this time just what action will be taken in the matter by his office. Further than this, he had nothing to give out on the subject.

In regard to the reported beating of Walter Skeen, employed at the local Santa Fe shops, J. H. Fry, chief special officer for the Oklahoma division, gave out the following statement.

"Walter Skeen, 55, left the shops Saturday evening to go uptown for a shave. On leaving the barber shop about 10 o'clock, he boarded a street car and rode to the end of the line on South D street. After alighting from the car in front of the Kinninmonth produce plant, he walked in the direction of the shops to or about the Midland Valley crossing, where he was accosted by four men, one of whom asked him where he worked and what he was doing in that vicinity. I don't know what his reply was. Skeen said he was hit almost immediately in the right jaw, knocking him down. As he lay on his side, one of the party kicked him in the left shoulder and then jumped on him with both feet, stamping him as he lay on the ground. His attackers then left him and he made his way to the shops, where he asked that a doctor be called. Dr. M. M. Miller was called, and upon examination, said Skeen's left shoulder blade was fractured. The physician administered first aid and the injured man was sent to Mulvane hospital Sunday morning on train No. 406. Skeen was a stranger here, having been employed at the shops since the strike was called. It was his first trip uptown since going to work."

Other than the statement above, which was given to a Traveler reporter this morning by Mr. Fry, local officials have given out nothing in regad to the assault of Skeen.

In regard to the shooting which was said to have occurred at or near the Santa Fe shops early Sunday morning, Mr. Fry did not know the particulars. He had been informed there was some shooting there, but it is his opinion that it did not take place on the Santa Fe right of way. He said that he examined the hole in the engine cab window and that it was his opinion that the hole was not made by a bullet. Mr. Fry stated that there were 35 special deputies on the job at the Santa Fe here at this time.

Members of the local strike forces say that the alleged trouble at the shops, both in connection with the assault and shooting, is between the special officer force and the strike breakers at the south yards. They still contend that none of the members of the striking forces have ever started any trouble of any sort here since the walkout on July 1.

E. Breene, chairman of the shopmen's federation, reports that a man who was either a guard or an armed strikebreaker got up on the high fence between the roundhouse and the city property on Sunday morning and openly hurled defiance to anyone who might be within hearing distance.

At the time J. E. Hamon, a car repairer, residing at 1501 South G street just back of the shops, happened to be standing in his back yard, and heard the threats and defiant language used by the man on the fence.

"I suppose the man was a guard; at least, he had a gun, which he flourished in a reckless manner, saying in a load tone, 'I am looking for trouble,'" Mr. Hamon stated, according to Mr. Breene.

A committee from the striking shopmen was authorized to go to Winfield this afternoon to take this and other matters up with the county authorities.

C. H. Warren, of 1024 South C Street, engineer on the night switch engine at the south yards, was on the engine which was the target for one of the shots, which was said to have been fired at the south yards early Sunday morning. He gave the following statement to the Traveler today.

"I was in the cab of the engine when the second of the volley of some thirty shots entered the window of my engine. I do not know where the shot came from; and if I had seen the person who fired the shot, I certainly would have tried to get him. I was not injured by the shot. There were other shots fired earlier in the night than the ones which were fired at the time the cab window was fired upon. I do not know who fired any of the shots. I have resided in this city for the past five years and have been in the employ of the company all that time."

Emporia, Aug. 14.Following the disturbances at Newton Saturday night when several deputies were beaten by a mob, Eli Raymond, head of the railroad guards at Emporia, issued an order compelling guards to check in their revolvers when leaving the railroad property. Guards carrying arms on the streets of Emporia have caused much unrest among the strikers. Sheriff Charles Gibson has asked Attorney General Hopkins for an opinion on the question of guards' authority off the railroad right of way, but no ruling has been received.

Hutchinson, Kan., Aug. 14.Lane Patton, 19, son of Sheriff Patton of Harvey county, who was beaten by strikers in front of a theatre in Newton on Saturday night, was able to go back to work in the shops this morning. Sheriff Patton said this morning that warrants were being issued and the men in the mob would be tried under the industrial court law. Young Patton was a Kansas University boy.

Newton, Kan., Aug. 14.The strike situation was quiet here today following disorders Saturday night which subsided immediately when Newton national guard troops appeared on the scene. Company C from Emporia arrived from Herington this morning, exchanging places with Company F of Newton. Representatives of the attorney general's office, here today, said warrants for several arrests would be issued. Leaders of the strikers and others emphasize the assertion that very few actual strikers took part in the disturbance in which ten or twelve deputy sheriffs and strikebreakers are now reported to have been beaten; the main body consisting of strike sympathizers, including some women.




San Bernardino, Cal., Aug. 14.(A. P.)A Santa Fe train carrying approximately 125 passengers, many of whom were suffering the effects of the terrific heat of the desert, arrived in this city from Needles last night. A guard armed with repeating rifles was on the observation car all across the desert. A physician and nurse boarded the train here, being called by railroad officials to treat J. M. Norris, 91, Los Angeles, who was overcome by the heat at Needles last Saturday.

William Hendrick, machinist mate, United States navy, enroute to San Diego, worked continuously over the sick man as the train sped on to San Bernardino. Hendrick, fatigued from three sleepless nights on the desert, was aided by women passengers who made ice packs and carried water to the compartment where the injured man lay unconscious.

"Grandma" Melissa Wooden, 94, and traveling alone, from the east to her home in Berkeley, California, was smiling when the train arrived here, although so weak she could hardly talk. For three days "Grandma" Wooden suffered intensely from the sweltering temperature on the desert. Women passengers secured electric fans and attended her in the railroad hotel at Needles.

A story of how a mother and father fought death for their 18 months old baby was told by Mr. and Mrs. William Hebree, of Denver. Mrs. Hebree slept but a few hours in three days, working nearly all the time with her husband over the child, Robert, overcome by the heat. "Fresh milk was unobtainable at the railroad hotel and until Saturday we were unable to procure elsewhere any for the baby," Mrs. Hebree said. "People of the town heard of our plight, and an engineer opened his home to us. A woman's organizationsome people have human heartssecured the milk for the baby. I am sure their action saved Robert's life. The temperature in the Pullman cars was 130 degrees at one time."

N. McDonald, returning from Los Angeles to his home in Kansas City, was one of the five passengers composing a committee to request the striking trainmen and enginemen to move the trains. "The striking railroad men treated us as outcasts and answered our request to move the trains and relieve the suffering with the reply: 'Go to hell,'" he declared.

J. A. Pullar, master mechanic of the Santa Fe's Los Angeles division, and George Anderson, road foreman of engines, formed the engine crew on the relief train out of Needles.




Washington, Aug. 14.The executives having submitted their conditional acceptance to President Harding and departed with the government outwardly marking time, developments today in the rail strike settlement parley lay with the unions still considering the proposal of the president that the railroad board be permitted to settle the question of seniority.

In many quarters it was believed the real key to the situation was held by the four railway brotherhoods.

Though it has been said the striking shopmen's chiefs had prepared a statement rejecting the president's proposal, the fact this statement had been withheld from publication up to the time the conference of union leaders reassembled this morning was taken as an indication there still was a possibility they might reconsider. In this connection, some significance was attached to the statement of L. E. Sheppard, president of the railway conductors, last night that the four brotherhoods chairmen would act as a committee of mediation "until congress gets back into session."

The chief condition upon which the majority of the rail executives voted acceptance: "such acceptance involves no surrender of the principles with respect to seniority adopted by the carriers Aug. 1, 1922." Their statement said there was insistence by the carriers head that the labor board would pass upon the relative seniority of loyal employees who remained at work. The majority acceptance of the executives further provided striking employees be assigned to their former positions where vacancies exist and that where their former positions have been filled, other employment of the same class be found for them. A minority resolution provides for restoring former positions to strikers only where vacancies exist.

When the executives left the impression prevailed among them that the strike would be fought out to a finish and that the government would not attempt further effort at compromise.




The treating plant at the Moore refinery has two 2400 barrel agitators for the treating of gasoline, benzine, naptha, and coal oil. There are four 600-barrel agitators for the treating of lubricating oils, wax, and sometimes crude. Treating is accomplished by adding sulphuric acid, lye, sulphur, litharg, and other chemicals after which the contents of the agitator are stirred by admitting air. Treating is one of the most important works in the refinery. It is done under the supervision of the laboratory. James Knight, Joe Hadley, and Charles Moss are the treators at the plant.

A part of the fire regulations posted at the plant are: In case of fire, all employees outside the plant must report immediately. No one will be admitted to the plant except employees and the city fire fighting department. Fire fighting is in charge of the superintendent, assistant superintendent, pipe fitter foreman, and stillman in charge of battery three, in the order named. A succession of short blasts of the whistle means the fire is east of the railway yards; long blasts, at the stills and rundown tanks; long and short blasts, at west storage tanks.

A big shipment of supplies and equipment for the laboratory has been received.

Another fire occurred at the Moore plant on Saturday afternoon, when the scaffolding around the new condensor towers being installed at Battery No. 3 caught fire from the flame of the acetylene welder. The fire raged furiously; and for a time it looked as though it would be serious, as there is an immense amount of scaffolding on battery No. 3 at this time because of the remodeling work going on there. There were also two stills in operation and there was danger of igniting these stills. The fire was extinguished by hand extinguishers and a soda engine. The men also dipped water from the condensor pans to quench the blaze. Warned by this fire, the warehouse manager, Mr. Bliss, immediately placed a big order for chemicals and supplies for the fire fighting equipment of the plant.




Winfield, Aug. 14.A temporary wooden bridge on Timber creek on the road north of the state school has been finished and is now open to traffic. It is a low line bridge, a few feet above the normal stage of the water.

In planning for the new permanent bridge at this place, the intention of the highway engineer is to do away with the dangerous turn made by the detour of the road to get to the old bridge. The trees and undergrowth have been cut out on the section line, straight through, so the survey can be made for a straight road, north and south. Indications are that good rock foundation for the piers will be found at practical working depth. A concrete "T" girder structure is planned for the new bridge site.

The old bridge was placed where it was because the road went that way. The creek at the place the section line crossed was not fordable at the time the road was laid out, hence the deflection to the west.




Superintendent St. John, Dean Heffelfinger, and Principal Gilliland returned yesterday morning from Lawrence, after a full day's consultation and conference with the University committee on advanced standing.

Mr. Heffelfinger and Mr. Gilliland had previously inspected the Junior Colleges at Fort Scott, Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, holding conferences there with the school authorities.

The university committee assured these men that the courses offered in the Junior College here in the two years as outlined at the conference will be fully accredited by the univesity. The text books used will be the same insofar as possible and the outline of instruction will parallel that of the university. Accredited relations with university means accredited relations with any other college.

A conference was being held this afternoon at the old senior high school building with those graduates of this year's high school class who could be reached by telephone, so that

after their selection of subjects the proper combination of teaching requirements could be met. All freshmen interested in the college course who were not present this afternoon are urged to meet for a conference tomorrow morning at 9:00 o'clock or as soon thereafter as convenient.

The following outline was given to each prospective freshman this afternoon and fully explains the course and requirements of the first semester.

The Curriculum
Following are the courses offered for the first semester 1922-23 by the Arkansas City Junior College.

I. English; Library Methods, 1 hour;

College Rhetoric, 3 hours;

English Literature, 2 hours;

Public Speaking, 2 hours (debate).

II. Ancient Languages, Latin 1 (Beginning), 5 hours;

Latin 2 (Virgil), 5 hours.

III. Modern Languages; Spanish 1, 5 hours;

Spanish 2, 5 hours.

IV. Mathematics, College Algebra, 3 hours; 5 hours.

V. Physical Science, Chemistry, 5 hours.

VI. Biological Science (not offered first semester).

VII. History, (Europe), 3 hours;

Economic Geography, 3 hours;

Elements of Economics, 5 hours.

VIII. Philosophy and Psychology (not offered Freshman year).

Rules Governing Election of Courses
1. Library Methods and College Rhetoric is required of all freshmen during both semesters.

2. The maximum hours carried each semester is sixteen for every student, exclusive of library methods.

3. For graduation from the Junior College, the student must have completed in the two years sixty hours (exclusive of library methods) of which number five hours must be taken from each of six of the eight groups.

4. During the two years no student will be allowed to take more than 20 hours in one department.

5. Students offering two or more years of high school Spanish will enter Spanish 2. Other students will enter Spanish 1.

6. Latin 2 is offered only to those students who have had two or more years of high school Latin. Latin 1 is beginning Latin.

7. If a student begins a foreign language in college, he must offer ten hours before graduation.

8. College Algebra as offered is a three hour course for those having had one and one- half years of high school Algebra. If only one year of high school Algebra has been studied, this course is a 5 hour one.

The preceding courses will fully meet all requirements of the college of liberal arts of the University of Kansas.

For students desiring credit in the special schools of the university, the following courses will fully meet all requirements of the first semester of the freshman year. For the second semester of the freshman year in these four schools other accredited courses will be offered.

School of Law - English 5; Latin 5; Mathematics 3-5; Science 5.

School of Medicine - English 3-5; Chemistry 5; Modern Language 5; Latin 5; Economics 3-5.

School of Pharmacy - English 3; Chemistry 5; Mathematics 3-6; Foreign Language (Latin) 5.

School of Engineering - English 3-5; Mathematics 3-5; Chemistry 5.





P. B. Andrews, colored, of 703 North Fourth street, died at the family home early Sunday morning, following a several days illness. The cause of death is given as double pneumonia.

Mr. Andrews was one of the best known colored men in this city and he had resided in this vicinity since 1871, at which time he took up a claim in Bolton township. He and his family resided on this farm for many years and later moved to the city. He is survived by the wife, who is now ill, and three children, and one grandchild and one great-grandchild. The children are Mrs. Dora B. Hubbard, of Nowata, Okla., Mrs. Francis Fagan of this city, and Bert Andrews of Long Beach, California. The granddaughter is Mrs. Junita Martin, and the great grandchild is Imogene Martin.

Mr. Andrews was a veteran of the Civil War and was a well known member of the Negro Masons. He came to this city from Dawagiac, Michigan, where he was born in August, 1842. He was married to Mary M. Purcell, March 6, 1872, at that place. To this union five children were born, two of whom preceded him to the grave.

He was first sergeant in Company G, 42nd regiment, colored infantry, in the Civil War. Dora Hubbard, the oldest child of the family, was the first colored child born in Cowley County. Mr. Andrews was a member of the A. M. E. church of this city. All of the children are here except the son.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, at the A. M. E. church, in charge of Rev. W. E. Smith. Officials of the A. F. & A. M. lodge, No. 132, will have a part in the services; also the G. A. R.'s are asked to attend in a body and act as honorary pall bearers. They will meet at the house at 3 o'clock. Interment will be made in Mercer cemetery.




Bids on the Traders State Bank building, which were opened Saturday night, were all rejected, according to E. H. Armstrong, in charge of the affairs of the bank here for the receiver. The bids were all considered too low and therefore were not considered. The receiver may sell the building at private sale, or bids may be asked for to be opened at a later date.




Earle Chadwell, the motor policeman, has a brand new motorcycle, purchased last week from a Wichita house. It is an Indian machine and is about the latest word in motorcycles.




Not an entry was made on the police court docket since Saturday up to this morning. Pending cases are assigned for hearing in court this evening as follows: Virgil LaSarge, charged with driving an automobile while intoxicated, carrying concealed weapons, and disturbing the peace; Herbert Corneilson, charged with attempted assault upon the person of Tony Larees. Caldonia Walker, the negro woman convicted in police court Saturday asked for time to secure counsel after having been assessed a fine of $100, did not take advantage of the court's officer to allow her time to get an attorney, but made arrangements to take care of her fine.




The ordinance making the tax levy for the city expenses for the forthcoming year was adopted at the regular weekly meeting of the city commissioners this morning. The total levy is fourteen mills, covering various classes of expenditures as follows.

General expenses, 3 mills.

Interest and principal on bonded indebtedness, 5.2 mills.

Street and alleys, building bridges, culverts, and sewers, 2 mills.

Hydrants, 0.3 mills.

Library maintenance, 0.5 mills.

Public parks, 0.4 mills.

New street lights, 0.8 mills.

Maintaining and operating additional lighting systems, 0.1 mills.

Fire department, 1.1 mills.

Public nursing, 0.2 mills.

Cemetery, 0.1 mills.

Municipal band, 0.2 mills.

Sinking fund, 0.1 mills.

A new parking ordinance and otherwise regulating motor vehicle traffic in this city was adopted this morning, annulling the old motor vehicle ordinance. With reference to parking the ordinance provides for the parking of cars between the white marks on the curb within specified limits of the city at an angle of 45 degrees, and no cars to be parked within 26 feet of a cross walk at street intersection.

Cars stopping parallel in the street must not be without driver left in the car. Driver must be 16 years of age or over. A car in approaching a street crossing must honk. The speed limit is not over 12 miles per hour nor under 8 [?? COULD NOT READ THIS...GREATLY OBSCURED] miles per hour. In cases of emergencies necesitating exceeding the speed limit, cars must be continually honked.

A telephone lineman present asked for permission to cut off limbs interfering with telephone lines, first getting the permission of the property owner. A discussion followed which brought out the fact that there seems to be a misunderstanding prevalent among property owners with reference to trimming trees. The commissioners and city clerk, it appears, rerceive numerous inquiries from people who have the idea that they are not permit ted to trim their trees from beneath. It was stated that this is entirely erroneous and it is very much desired that property owners do trim their trees.

An ordinance was adopted providing for reassessing the costs of the sewer construction in district No. 5 in the north part of the city. The new ordinance annuls all the original work in this connection and was made necessary by virtue of the facts that the costs for that part of the sewer outside of the city limits were assessed against the property owners of the city. The mayor was authorized to appoint a board of appraisers to reassess the cost according to the provisions of the law.

The matter of extending a sewer lateral brought up at the meeting of the commissioners a week ago by H. H. Hamilton in behalf of Mrs. Graham came up again at the meeting today, Mrs. Graham being present. She objected to the commission's recommendation that a private sewer be built, expressing her preference to stand for her part of the expense of the city extending a lateral to the property in question. The city engineer was instructed to draw plans and specifications for a lateral. The property is located at 911 and 915 South Third street, where the sewage is being taken care of at present by a septic tank, which it is claimed is not in proper working order and a menace to health.

The mayor and clerk were instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of a lateral sewer in District No. 5 from Linden to Birch avenues, from A and B streets.

A resolution was adopted for the paving of two alleys, one between Summit and First streets from Walnut to Chestnut avenues and one between Summit and First streets from Adams to Jefferson avenues.


[AD: MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1922]

Word from Bill Bunnell - Manitou, Colorado. - August 10, 1922.

Friend Sam:It is fine out here. The Durant car is a wonderful performer. They go up Pikes Peak every day. Lots of them out here. Yours truly, W. Bunnell.

See the Durant at Our Room
$1,025 Delivered to You.
The Star
Selling at $348 f.o.b. factory, the car sensation of the year will be here soon. Watch for the Star announcement.

International Truck - Durant - Haynes - Star
Waldschmidt-Butts Motor Company
608-10 South Summit Phone 437



C. I. Monyhan was arrested Saturday evening by Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton on the charge of carrying concealed weapons, on a warrant from Judge Ham's court. The prisoner put up a $50 bond for appearance in court this morning at 10 o'clock.

According to the story, Monyhan and another traveling man took a swim in Paris Lake Saturday evening. After the dip, they went to the bath house and had just finished changing their clothes when three fellows came in on them and started a row. In the row, Monyhan pulled a revolver and threatened to shoot those committing the assault, compelling them to leave. Later the warrant was sworn out in Judge Ham's court for the arrest of Monyhan and was served by Deputy Sheriff Eaton.

According to the story of Monyhan, those who committed the assault upon him and his traveling friend, claimed they were strike breakers, which he said was absolutely incorrect. Both are traveling men. Monyhan is inspector for an advertising company. Monyhan was unable to appear at the trial this morning owing to the fact that his duties called him away. He went to Wellington last night.




A. G. Brainerd, master mechanic at the Moore Refinery, returned to work today after a two weeks vacation camping and fishing along the White river in Arkansas. Some new furniture was installed in the office today. David Lane returned to work today after an absence of several days. A. H. Hill, pump repair man, is making a $500 improvement in his residence, 526 South Tenth Street. Thirty-five cars of refined products were being loaded out today, two of them being lubricating oil.




Washington, Aug. 15.(A. P.)President Harding will place the rail strike situation before congress and before the country within 48 hours, it was officially announced today at the white house.

The announcement came after the president had conferred on the strike situation with his cabinet and with leaders in congress and after railroad union labor organizations had made public their rejection of the president's last settlement proposal together with the statement that chiefs of the non-striking unions planned to continue their efforts at mediation of the rail controversy.

The administration spokesman who made known the president's purpose declared there was no ground for the executive to stand upon in advancing any further proposition for settlement of the rail strike, other than those which have already been laid before the management and representatives of the workmen now striking.

The impression prevailed among the president's advisers that he would in his statement to congress, and through congress to the country, make no suggestion as to legislation; but the administration spokesman said that depended upon the events that occur within the brief time before he speaks.

Washington, Aug. 15A. P.)President Harding, having abandoned all efforts at mediation of the rail strike, was declared today by his advisers to have virtually decided to inform the railroad executives of the country that in the operation of trains, they will be given the full protection and aid of the government. The president, it was stated, was determined that the only course the government now could pursue was the path it followed in the coal strike. THERE WAS MORE...I SKIPPED.




Los Angeles, Aug. 15.The birth of two babies, the serious illness of four other children, and two women were among the hardships endured by some 300 passengers who arrived here last night from Seligman, Ariz., after four days under the torrid temperature which makes that community one of the hottest in the southwest. Mrs. Clara Kerr of Cleveland; Mrs. Anna Hawn of Oklahoma; and Mrs. H. F. Booth of Wasco, Calif., were among the women ill.

Mrs. Alma Morris, whose address is not known, but who was coming to Los Angeles with her infant son, was said by other passengers to have found her money all spent as the result of extra expenses caused by the delay at Seligman. When she arrived here, a station attache paged her and quietly presented to her a purse made up by fellow passengers.

One of the women passengers was Miss Blanche Straus of Kansas City, fiance of R. T. Rogers, employee of a telephone company. "We will be married just as soon as we can find a preacher," said Mr. Rogers.

It developed today that one of the passengers arriving Sunday on a delayed Santa Fe train was the infant son of Evan Burrows Fontaine, dancer, who has begun suit against Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, at Saratoga Springs, New York, for damages of $1,000,000, alleging breach of promise of marriage, and that he is the father of her child. The child became ill because of the desert heat and the lack of water and proper food, according to its grand mother, Mrs. Florence Fontaine, who has it in charge.


The following is not a Cowley County article, but I found it very interesting....



Calexico, Calif., Aug. 15.The government proved the wisdom of "Poor Lo" in naming liquor "fire water" some centuries ago. One hundred gallons of liquor confiscated by federal customs officers was ordered emptied into the gutter in the usual way yesterday. The thermometer registered 120 in the shade, and when the liquor spattered on the pavement, it burst into flames from the heat of the sun. The officers moved to another location and started pouring some into the gutter. Again, it burst into flames, and the flames flashed up the stream of liquor and exploded one of the tanks. The officers then poured the fire water direct into the sewer. Dozens of spectators saw the first water fire.




Washington, Aug. 15.Heads of the brotherhoods of railroad operating employees were declared today by Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the brotherhood of engineers, to be "endeavoring to get the Santa Fe line opened up."




Chicago, Aug. 15.(A. P.)Few developments have changed the nation's grave railroad situation today. Efforts to settle the shopmen's strike and end sporadic walkouts by train crews bore little fruit. The country cheered by news of an apparent break of the coal strike got little encouragement in the rail crisis.

Although little progress was made toward ending the walkout of the "big four" transportation brotherhoods on the Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe, the strike of Union Pacific railmen was called off and four east bound trains left immediately for Chicago.

Santa Fe trains, stalled for several days at Desert towns in California, Arizona, and New Mexico were moved westward. Las Vegas, Nevada, remained isolated, due to the transporta- tion tieup.

An ultimatum to big four brotherhoods chiefs from A. G. Wells, vice president of the Santa Fe, intensified the situation on that road. Mr. Wells said if Santa Fe ttrain crews refused to return to work, the roads only alternative would be to employ others to fill the places of strikers. His demands for explicit answers on the attitude of brotherhood officials brought a response from W. G. Lee, president of the brotherhood of trainmen, that vice presidents of the union had been instructed to enforce working agreements with the railroad.

Fruit growers and shippers of north central Washington announced their willingness to man trains for moving the $25,000,000 fruit crop of the district.





Topeka, Aug. 15.President Lee of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, has notified trainmen strikers on the Santa Fe coast lines that "the company has a perfect right to protect its property, with armed guards if necessary," and that "a sympa-thetic strike will not be tolerated," according to a bulletin posted this morning by W. K. Etter, general manager.

President Lee's telegram to brotherhood officers on the coast lines is incorporated in full in Mr. Etter's bulletin, and the general manager adds a note that employees exercise utmost coolness in the present crisis. The contention of the brotherhood men who struck on the coast lines was their opposition to armed guards. Similar action by brotherhood men on the Western and Eastern grand divisions of the Santa Fe is reported to have been under consideration.

Chicago, Aug. 15.Warren S. Stone, president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, has notified branches of his union in the far west that unless the men who walked out on the Santa Fe without authorization return to work immediately, their places will be filled, according to a statement made public today by A. G. Wells, vice president of the Santa Fe.





Topeka, Aug. 15.Striking shopmen in Topeka laid down a declaration of war yesterday. It was their defiant answer to Governor Allen to the effect that the lid is being tilted here in the campaign of law enforcement.

Members of the executive committee of the six striking shop crafts gave official defiance to the city and to all the state, county, and city peace officers in an official resolution adopted at a meeting today. The declaration is flat and square-toed. It tells Governor Allen, the industrial court, the officials of Shawnee County, Topeka city, and the citizens of Topeka that it may be necessary to take the situation in their own hands.

Here is the text of the strikers' resolution.

"Convicts, bootleggers, police characters, and undesirables are used a guards and strikebreakers. The Santa Fe railroad dominates law enforcement in the shop districts. It is a campaign of intimidation of the strikers. County Attorney Veale is not dilligent in his duty. Strikers are not treated fairly. There is a desire by guards to use their guns. Notice is given that an alleged attempted assault will be used as a basis for determining characters of men policing the shop districts. Further threats or acts against the strikers, their wives, or members of their families will result in action as the occasion demands."

State, county, and city officials this afternoon were asked for statements when the resolution was read to them by the State Journal. Their answer was a declaration that there would be no let up in local law enforcement or in patrolling the shop areas.

The strikers' resolution is the boldest assertion that discrimination is displayed in enforcement of law. Finally, and in most positive terms, it is formal notice to the state and to the city that unless there is a let up, the clash between the strikers and organized branches of state government is coming.

Judge James A. McDermott, labor court judge, who read a section of the resolution, stated the following.

"You can say that there will be no letting up in the policy and purpose of the state. If it is a bluff, we will call it. We expect to enforce the law in Topeka and in every town affected by this strike. If there is a complaint against the character of men employed as guards, no information to that effect has ever been sent to this court. I can tell you right now we will not hesitate in our course to protect property and the rights of people."

Mayor Corwine was asked for a statement.

"I haven't received a copy of the resolutions," he said, "but I haven't the least intention to change the city's policy in the shop district. I don't know a bit of criticism of the character of men employed by the city as officers, and we don't intend to make a bit of change in our program. We don't intend to discriminate between any classes of men in carrying out our policy."

Tinkham Veale, county attorney, said he would make no change in his program, and asserted Shawnee County would not be bluffed.

"If they intend that resolution as a bluff, Shawnee County will call it. If that resolution intends to make one thing certain, it is that we will make our campaign for law enforcement a bit more strenuous and vigorous. Sheriff Miller is under bond. I know he hasn't put a man in the district to patrol the shops who was not of the highest character obtainable. We have given the strikers a square deal. But we haven't given them a free rein and don't intend to. We are going to enforce the law."

Addressing their statements to the Citizens of Topeka and to peace officers of the state, county, and city, the striking shopmen gave Topeka this message to ponder over at the dinner table last night.

"To the citizens of Topeka, state, county, and city peace officers.

"The executive committee of the six striking shop crafts promised you in the beginning of this strike that we would use every means in our power to keep down violence and maintain respect for law and order. That pledge has been faithfully kept. We have worked tirelessly day and night, with the result that violence and disorder has been held to a minimum despite the fact that more of our rights as citizens have been entirely ignored by those in power, who took an oath that they would see justice done and the law administered impartially. The conditions are such that we feel that we can no longer make that promise held good. After six weeks of trying to cooperate with different officials, we are forced to believe, much against our will, that the different peace officers of city, county, and state are working for and under the direction of the A. T. & S. F. railroad, whose whole purpose seems to be the intimidation of the strikers. The shop district is full of armed guards and strikebreakers, many who are ex-convicts, bootleggers, and police characters, who under normal conditions, are a menace to society, but armed and clothed with the authority of the law, are doubly so at this time.

"Some of these persons openly boast that they are carrying arms and are going to use them on strikers.

"These conditions are becoming intolerable; and the attempted crime on an eight year old child of one of the shopmen by one of these thugs, and the reluctant manner in which it was handled by County Attorney Veale, have convinced us that it is more than useless to look for honest protection from the duly authorized peace officers.

"We know our lives, the honor of our wives and daughters, and we therefore declare that should any more threats or attempts at violence be made against the strikers, their wives, and daughters, such action will be taken as the occasion demands. We further declare that the people who placed these thugs in a position of authority should and will be held equally


"We ask no special privileges and want none, but we do want the law applied to one and all alike, not as some corporation minion sees it, but as it is guaranteed every individual citizen, by the constitution of these United States.

"Things have reached a shameful stage when any one unit of society must take such a stand in self protection, and if the citizens of this town wish to keep the fair name of Topeka out of the industrial mud, let them arise and demand that the direction of the forces of the law be removed from the Santa Fe railroad and placed back where they belong."




Several men were taken on at the Moore refinery this morning, bringing the number there up to 210. In addition, there are about 50 men employed by the Universal Oil Products company in construction work on the new high pressure stills. The total number employed will probably remain about the same, as large sections of the refinery have not yet been started and all big refineries keep quite a force of men at construction work all the time. The daily payroll of the plant is in the neighborhood of $1,250 and this figure just about represents the total population of the refinery family.

The foremen in charge of the remodeling work on battery three estimate the cost of that improvement all the way from $50,000 to $100,000. The pipe fittings which are being used there cost $10,000, it is said.

The work of building the new high pressure stills at the Moore plant while progressing satisfactorily will take a long time yet. It will probably be spring before this work is com pleted. Charles Trude, foreman of labor, is directing considerable effort toward cutting woods and improving the lawns around the offices. L. E. Poley, freight traffic agent of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railroad, was a business visitor at the Moore plant today.




Winfield, Aug. 15.Suit involving more than $10,000 in money now in an Arkansas City bank was brought in district court Monday, by the Oil County Company. The Home National Bank of Arkansas City, the Midland Supply Company, Chas. L. Hess, and Coleman H. Peters are made defendants.

The petition alleges that Chas. L. Hess was formerly president of the Oil County Company and that as such, he entered into the contracts to drill wells in the name of his company, and received a check of $12,744.00 from the Kewanee Oil & Gas company. This check, it is alleged was taken to Arkansas City and deposited there, the sum of $2,000 being advanced while the check was being cashed on the bank at Titusville, Pa.

The Midland Supply Company now claims some interest, the petition sets forth, so it is made a defendant. Coleman H. Peters is alleged to have acted with Hess in making the deposit.

The plaintiff asks that the sum of $10,494 still remaining in the Arkansas City bank be held in trust pending the hearing of the suit.

The sum of $2,250 is asked, similar circumstances existing, the petition affirms.




The main pump house, located in the central part of the Moore refining plant, is the heart of the refinery, according to the Traveler's information. It has twelve geared pumps, each having a capacity of 500 barrels per hour. The pumpers can switch the stock to and from any part of the plant.

Besides, there are two smaller pump houses east of the railway yards for the pumping of fuel and lubricating oils stored in the tanks there.

In addition, there are a vast number of pumps located at all the batteries, wax plant, lubricating plant, and boiler house.




There is food for very serious thought in the official government estimates of the losses to the strikers, to the employers, and to the business of the country in the two nation-wide strikes now going on.

More than half a billion dollars$533,000,000is the portentous aggregate of these losses, divided as follows.

Railway workers and coal miners at an average of $7,500,000 a day, have lost $193,000,000 in wages.

The coal operators have lost $240,000,000, estimating $1 a ton for bituminous coal that would have been mined during the sixteen weeks of the strike.

Total$433,000,000 for these two items.

The railroads are estimated to have lost the remaining $100,000,000 through curtained transportation facilities and other expenses.

There are 690,000 miners and 550,000 railroad workers on strike, according to the estimate, an appalling total of 1,240,000 idle men.




Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 15.(A. P.)An agreement ending the soft coal strike that has been in effect approved by operators and miners in a joint conference here at 3:10 p.m. today.

Signing of the agreement commenced immediately.

A wage scale was ready today for the signatures of soft coal operators and miners, and prospects were that some mines would be opened on Wednesday. Formal ratification was set for the afternoon, the conferees meeting at 2 p.m.

All details of the scale were approved in principle by both sides before the drafting of a tentative understanding, which was described today by both sides as the entering wedge in the soft coal strike that began twenty weeks ago. Separate meetings of the miners and operators were held this morning for voting final approval.

"It is all a matter of procedure," said President John L. Lewis, in referring to the delaying of actual ratification.

"The strike is now over," said Joseph Pursglove, an operator who served on the subcommittee.

In brief, the settlement provides that the miners shall be returned to work at the same scale of wages that were in effect when they went on strike; the new contract is to continue in force until April 1. The agreement also provides for appointment of an adviser fact finding commission, a part of its duties to consider future settlement of disputes in the coal industry.

The settlement came after a week spent in marking time here by the operators and miners. Finally, the showdown on the issue compulsory arbitration came resulting in three big operators withdrawing from the conference when President Lewis refused to accede to the demand. Then the conference reorganized and threw the doors open to all soft coal operators. A quick agreement in principle followed with operators controlling production of sixty million tons annually committed to its adoption.

The operators in the meeting have Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. Orders went forward from these operators here today to their bosses back home to get ready to speed up coal production. Miners, too, were confident that an early resumption of work at scattered mines would result in other operators hurrying their acceptance of the agreement.




Geo. Larees, proprietor of the New Home Restaurant, who went to Fort Sill with the Arkansas City Battery boys last week, has been excused from duty there and is home to look after his business.

Frank Denton writes to his parents from Glacier National Park, where he is spending the summer, that he is having a fine time and the weather is cool there.




Three hundred and seventy-five additional safety deposit boxes are being added at the Home National Bank, the installation consisting of four heavy steel cabinets divided into compartments to make the above number of boxes.

The installation is being made in the large vault on the north wall just opposite the original boxes on the south wall, and practically doubles the capacity of the vault in the matter of deposit boxes.

The equipment had been ordered about five months ago, from the York Safe and Lock Company of York, Pennsylvania. It is thought the bank will be sufficiently equipped in this regard to take care of increasing business for several years.




The business alleged to be conducted by T. Turner at 415 North E street suffered another little jolt last night, when three officers of the night force called at his place and confiscated several jugs of choc beer as well as destroying fifteen gallons of the same fluid which was in the making. No arrests were made.

The officers have destroyed much choc beer found in the vicinity of Turner's place within recent weeks, the beer being found mostly on vacant premises adjoining Turner's residence, and so far it seems that the point blank evidence to convict has not been secured. But the police are keeping close tab on the place, and evidently for several weeks back but little of the manufactured liquor has reached the market.

While the contents of the keg were destroyed, the choc in the jugs was brought to the police station last night. The police say that Turner wants the weeds cut in the vicinity of his premises, and assigns as the reason that they make too good a hiding place for the officers.




Virgil LaSarge, with three charges against him, failed to appear and his bond of $100 was forfeited. He was charged with driving an automobile while drunk, carrying concealed weapons, and disturbing the peace.




The case of Herbert Corneilson charged with an attempted assault upon Tony Larees was settled out of court. According to report Cornelison had some money coming to him from Larees, of the New Home restaurant, and in order to secure himself in the payment of same, Cornelison gathered up an arm load of cutlery from the kitchen and started to take it over to the office of a justice when Larees overtook him in the street, with the result that Corneilson was arrested and had the assault charge lodged against him. The parties, it seems, settled the matter satisfactorily between themselves.







Mr. and Mrs. James Rigg have sold their grocery store, located on North D street, to William Johnson, who is now in charge of the business there. Mr. Rigg is employed at the Midland Valley station as cashier and he could not devote the necessary time to the store; therefore, he has disposed of the grocery business. Mr. Johnson is well known here and has been in the same business before.




The A. C. Symphony orchestra will go to Drury Park, 25 miles west of the city, to play a concert next Sunday afternoon, according to announcement made by George W. Jones, director. The park management will advertise the concert in surrounding territory, and a good-sized attendance is expected including a goodly number of people from Wellington.

The orchestra will leave this city just after noon and will return in the evening. As Director Jones expects to be able to give orchestra concerts every Sunday in the near future, this will be a good advertisement for both orchestra and the city.




K. B. Mills, an employee of the Kansas Gas & Electric company, got a finger on his right hand badly mashed while working on the Chestnut Avenue canal bridge, when the pile driver fell on it about 11 o'clock this forenoon. He was taken to a local hospital where the attending physician found it necessary to remove part of the nail, in order to properly dress the finger. The patient will be laid up several days. He resides at 518 South Sixth Street.




William Simmons, the old negro porter at the roundhouse, has his head in a bandage today as the result of being struck by H. A. Sprague, a worker in the roundhouse, cutting a gash near the negro's right eye. The man inflicting the injury is reported to be a strike breaker. The affair occurred at about 9 o'clock this morning.

The negro porter is said to be one of the oldest men in the employ of the Santa Fe at this point, having been on the job for 25 or 30 years. He is 70 or 75 years old. He is said to be a typical southern negro, always attending to his own business, courteous and harmless.

Chief Dailey answered a call from the roundhouse, and went there to make investigation. As a result, he placed Sprague under arrest and brought him to the city jail.

"The fight grew out of an argument," Chief Dailey stated, "and the injury inflicted is not very severe, cutting about an inch gash, which was dressed by the company's physician. The negro's assailant hit him with a club or monkey wrench."

Sprague received his discharge from the company's employ. He was unable to give bond. His case will come up in the city court this evening.




Topeka, Aug. 16.National guards cavalrymen from Herington arrived in Horton early today in command of Adjutant General Charles I. Martin. It is reported here the Rock Island shops there, which have been practically idle since the strike July 1, were opened today with a force of 200, most of whom were sent in by the railroad company from other points.

Martial law has not been declared at Horton. The state troops will cooperate with local peace officers to preserve order.

Several attempts have been made by the railroad company to reopen the Horton shops; but each time upon arrival of workmen, they have been met by the strikers, who persuaded them to leave town. Five striking shopmen were arrested at Horton late yesterday by the sheriff of Brown County, charged with forcing seven young men, who had been sent to Horton to act as guards of railroad property, into an automobile and taking them to Hiawatha and compelling them to take a train. The technical charge is violation of the industrial court act pertaining to picketing.

At Dodge City quiet prevails today, 100 deputy sheriffs having been appointed there to handle the situation. This was done in keeping with a plan adopted at a public meeting, preferring it to sending militia there. Captain Simons of the Peabody K. N. G. company was sent to Dodge City to represent the state and assist the newly organized guard force.

Nine men have been arrested at Newton as a result of the riotous scene last Saturday night. They are charged with violation of the industrial court act and the state mob law and with disturbance of the peace. Each put up $500 for appearance at the November term of court. Five men and a woman were arraigned in police court yesterday at Newton, charged with disturbance of the peace, the complainant, a Santa Fe shop employee charging they called him "a scab." Last night six men, three of them striking shopmen, were arrested following the beating up of a shop employee in a city park. He was rescued by a policeman.

At Wichita, one arrest was made today following a disturbance at the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient shops, in which Orval Chalk, a shop worker, was severely beaten on the head and three other shopmen were handled roughly by alleged striking shopmen.

Chalk, who was able to return to work today, swore to a warrant charging S. A. Fullgoat, a striker, with assaulting him. Fullgoat was arrested and held in default of $500 bond. He denied the charge. Chief of police W. A. Scott today issued instructions that extra precautions be taken to protect workers from violence. He stated warrants would be issued under the industrial court law for picketing, if strikers were found molesting the workers.

At Parsons: General Chairmen of the "big four" on the Katy are in session this afternoon with C. N. Whitehead, chief operating official of the road, and military authorities relative to better protection of trainmen in going to and from trains. The General Chairmen denied that a request would be made of Katy officials to withdraw the armed guards in the Parsons yards. There has been no trouble in the Parsons district because of the guards, but the trainmen have become restless and are known to have asked their executives to have guards withdrawn. The general chairmen expect to go into detail relative to condition of Katy equipment in use here, which is said to be defective. The following General Chairmen will meet with the members of the "big four" tonight to hear their grievances: E. O. Laisure, firemen; E. O. Johnson, Denison, engineers; H. N. Reid, Sedalia, conductors; and Frank Nagle, San Antonio, Texas, trainmen. Mr. Laisure said the Katy big four members would not go out on an illegal strike.




Albuquerque, N. M., Aug. 16.No trains had been moved west by the Santa Fe since last night because of the trouble at Gallup, New Mexico. Three transcontinental trains which arrived here last night from Las Vegas are still being held here. Officials are hopeful that the Gallup situation will be cleared up today as a representative of the national officers of the Brotherhood of Trainmen is at Gallup today for a conference with the brotherhoods there.




Van Buren, Ark., Aug. 16.A conference between Missouri Pacific officials and representatives of the firemen's union here this morning having failed, all members of the union employed in the local yards quit work shortly before noon to protest disturbances which occurred in the yards last night. Another meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. this afternoon when efforts to adjust the situation will be renewed.

Union representatives announced that the men would handle trains after they are taken to the depot, but will not work in the yards unless the guards are removed to a restricted area.




Fire, said to have been started from sparks from a Midland Valley freight engine, set fire to the Missouri Pacific station at Silverdale late in the day yesterday and the building with its contents, including office fixtures, was destroyed, as there was no means at hand for extinguishing the flames.

The building was a frame structure of one story and was an old land mark at Silverdale. For a number of years, the station at that place has been used jointly by the Missouri Pacific and the Midland Valley lines, as the latter road uses the Missouri Pacific tracks from this city to Silverdale.

The loss to the company will be around $2,000, M. A. Spencer, local agent for the company stated today.

There will be a box car station installed there at once, Mr. Spencer says, and today there was a crew of men sent out from this city, to place the car and put it in shape for the temporary station. The old station will be replaced by a new one, just as soon as the plans can be approved, it was stated today.




"We have plenty of men to handle the business, but not power to move the trains as they should be moved at this time," said a local Santa Fe official today in reply to a question relative to the condition in the yards.

Continuing, he said: "We have a lot of extra business from nearly all the roads in Oklahoma at the present time, and on the Shawnee branch especially, all the main line tracks and the sidings are full all the time. Passenger trains are compelled to take the siding in many places every day; and in some cases, where all the trackage is full, we are compelled to 'see- saw' our way past the freights, in order to make the time, and then the trains are all late every day."

The official stood at the passenger depot waiting for the main line track to be cleared in order that passenger train No. 17, due here at 7:45, which had been standing on the main line a mile north of the city for nearly an hour, could pull in. This train was reported here on time, and would have been, had it not been for the fact that there were two long "drags" on the main track ahead of the passenger, and the trainmen had been compelled to leave the freights, on account of the "Teddy Bear" law, or the 16 hour law, thus causing all trains behind them to be delayed.

Other men had to be called and rushed to the engines of the two freights so that they could be moved and this required the biggest part of an hour.

A large number of passengers on train No. 17, and she was loaded to the guards, left the train and walked to the city carrying their baggage, in order to get breakfast at the Harvey House. But the dining room was not opened until the train had pulled in, and all were permitted to enter the dining room and the lunch counter at the same time.

Passenger train No. 406, from the south, pulled in about the same time, and there was a grand rush at the Harvey House for breakfast. This made three passenger trains at the station at the same time; and then the tracks south of the depot and also in the south yards were blocked with freight trains.

On account of the extra heavy business on the Middle and Oklahoma divisions, the south yards have been blocked many times recently, one of the men stated, and it is with great difficulty that they are cleared each day in order to make room for others, and so that the necessary switching may be carried on. The north bound passenger left the station about on time, but the main line to the south and the Shawnee train were delayed in getting out on account of the blockade at the south yards.

Big Blockade.
One day very recently, one of the trainmen stated, there were over forty loaded freights turned over to the Santa Fe at Sparks, Oklahoma, which is only a passenger siding, by another road; and this caused quite a blockade there. The passenger trains in a case of this kind are forced to lay out for the freight business and must be held somewhere until the freights are moved.

When asked a question in regard to the delay of No. 17 this morning, after the train had pulled into the station, one of the trainmen said, "Why, we have been in the country north of the city for nearly an hour, behind these freights you see now."

Nearly all of the "old heads" now on the Santa Fe here, are working overtime in order to try and keep up with the business of the road and the officials, as well as the common laborers, are often seen at work on the platforms and about the trains. "At this stage of the game, it is simply a case of go to it and assist in any way possible, with the men who are still on the job," is the version of one of the old timers here.




Winfield, Kan., Aug. 16.Playing a return engagement in booze selling cost the liberty of three camp followers of the racing game Friday night when they were caught in the act of dispensing liquor to two young men of the country near Winfield.

Policemen George Nichols and W. C. Tucker, who were lying in wait close to where the transaction was pulled off, made the arrest shortly before midnight. The men gave their names as Ed Hadley, Ernest Hanley, and Walter Jackson. The arrest took place at the edge of the timber just to the west of the carnival at the fair grounds.

Night before last the night policemen arrested two young men, who had a quart of liquor in the car in which they were riding. The officers recognized them as the men who are not suspected of being in the business, merely customers of the bootleggers. But the fact of liquor being in the car made the car liable to seizure as a booze car. With this as a lever, the men after some argument, agreed to help the officers to the arrest of the men from whom they had bought the liquor.

Last night the young men came in from the country and got in touch with the police. The bootleggers were seen and arrangements made for a second purchase and sale. The bootleggers told the customers that a quart could not be furnished, but that as much as they had left would be brought to the place designated. When the whiskey was delivered as agreed, it was a little over a pint, which was all the bootleggers had at that time, they said. The officers were hiding close enough to see the transaction. The arrest was then made.

Hadley, it appears, is the financier of the trio. He has in his possession a car from which he has been selling peaches. When the officers picked up the car last night, it was full of peaches, large, luscious Elbertas. This fact served to remind the police of the reported robbing of a peach orchard near Arkansas City the first of the week. The orchard was that of E. B. Barnes, south of Arkansas City. In this orchard trees estimated to have contained about twenty bushels of peaches were stripped a few nights ago. Hadley, it is said, came here from Oklahoma, which would have brought him past the Barnes orchard.

The Arkansas City police have been informed of the peaches in Hadley's car so they can investigate. The prisoners probably will be turned over to the county for prosecution.




College Course Over Big
The total vote cast at the primary election in this city was 1,931, out of a registration of approximately 5,500, the city clerk reports.

The proposition for the establishment of a junior college course in this city, which was voted on at a special election yesterday, held at the same time as the primary, on account of curtailing the expense of a special election on some other datge, carried by nearly five to one. The vote was 1,489 for the proposition and 320 against. The vote in this connection was larger than was really expected and there is no doubt that there was a bigger vote on the matter than there would have been, had the election been held at a different time, and separately from the primary. The members of the board of education will now act accordingly and will levy a tax to take care of the expense of the two years junior college course for the high school, and for which rooms and equipment will be provided in the new high school building, now almost completed.


This Ideal HomeBrick bungalow, 10 rooms and aeroplane, hardward floors throughout, two tile bath rooms, double garage. Laundry, storage, boiler and fuel rooms in basement. Soft water, lot 100 x 132. Corner Pine and A streetH. A. Prescott, owner.





Wichita, Kan., Aug. 16.A fast drive from Muskogee to Wichita by H. C. Finch, representative of the Midland Valley trainmen, was necessary Tuesday as a result of press reports appearing in the morning papers, stating a walk-out of trainmen on their road had been approved at a meeting of the brotherhood representatives in Muskogee Monday night.

The reports were branded false by Finch, who sped along the course of the railroad to Wichita instructing train crews along the way to remain at work. He gives as the sole purpose of the Monday night meeting, a discussion of plans for the removal of obnoxious guards on railroad property belonging to the Midland Valley.

It was decided at the meeting, he says, that the trainmen, conductors, firemen, and engineers organizations would take the matter up with the management individually. He said a strike vote was not taken up.

Considerable trouble has arisen at Muskogee, Finch reports, over the alleged shooting of a youth by a railroad guard for trivial reasons. Knowledge of this trouble and knowing the trainmen were meeting, is thought to have caused some irresponsible party to circulate the report of a proposed strike.




Constable W. J. Gray went to Wichita this morning, armed with a warrant to bring P. E. Hackett to this city on the charge of embezzlement. The alleged embezzler has been placed under arrest there, according to the officer. The man will be brought here and taken into the state court of J. W. Martin, to answer to the charge, as the papers in the case were issued by that official.

The complaint in the case was signed by D. C. Stapleton, manager of the Apex Electric Co., here and the amount of money involved as shown in the warrant is $613.50.




Supt. Chas. Isaac of the Moore refinery devotes his time largely to executive work. Asst. Supt. L. O. Beahm has charge of all operations in the laboratory, refining department, treating plant, wax plant, lubricating plant, and loading department. He is one of the best oil men in the country. His office is located in the laboratory building. Asst. Supt. P. W. Wilkins has charge of all mechanical work which includes construction, machine shops, boiler shop, pipe fitting, electric work, and labor. His office is located in the main office building.

J. H. Tyberendt, formerly local agent for the Milliken interests, now acting manager for the Duluth and Oklahoma oil company, was a visitor at the Moore plant today.

Operations have been suspended for a few days at the Earth retort building of the lubricating plant in order to make some repairing on the furnaces there.

Another conductor tower was hoisted into place today on battery three. Placing these towers into position on top of the condensor pans is quite an engineering accomplishment.

Two gin poles, constructed of 8-inch pipe, lift the tower up over the top of the condensor pan, 25 feet. Another set of gin poles standing on the condensor pan then pick up the tower and set it into place. These towers are 35 feet high and 5 feet in diameter. When set into place their tops are about 65 feet above the ground.

For each still there is one of these big towers, also a smaller tower about 25 feet high, and several smaller drums called "peanuts." These condensor towers are causing battery three to have much of the resemblance of a pipe organ. Refinery men say the purpose of these towers is to separate the different grades of stock as it comes from the stills.

Another still on battery three was put into operation today, bringing the daily run of crude up to 7,000 barrels. Three stills are in operation on this battery and five more remain to be started. A fourth still will be ready inside of a week, but it will be several weeks before the four stills on the south section of battery three can be started because of the big amount of remodeling work to be done there.




County officials have taken up the matter of the special guards for the railroads here carrying their revolvers while off duty and when not on the railroad right-of-way. The discussion arose here on account of the arrest of one of the special deputies last night by the police, who did not name the man; and following the arrest, the special officer produced his certificate of appointment and was therefore released without being fined. It was reported this afternoon that there probably would be a change in the ruling in this connection, but county officers had nothing to give out in this regard, late in the day.



Word was received from William Bunnell and party, who are in Colorado on a pleasure trip. Everything was reported fine with the exception that Mrs. Bunnell is suffering from hay fever. The party consists of Mr. and Mrs. Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LaSarge, and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cooper.





Word has been received in the city by Foss Farrar, of the Home National Bank, that Chas. Scott, who has been missing for about two years and for whom there has been a search instituted by the state bank commissoner's men who are in charge of the affairs of the defunct Traders' State Bank here, that Scott is alive and is residing at or near Muskogee, Oklahoma.

Scott is wanted here for the reason that he had a deposit of some $7,000 in the bank when it was closed on March 15 last, in order that he may make claim to his account before it is too late and before the bank's affairs have been liquidated. Scott was at one time a night clerk at the Windsor Hotel here and it has been said for some time that he disappeared from the city under rather peculiar circumstances. E. H. Armstrong, now in charge of the Traders Bank affairs here, has been endeavoring for several weeks to locate Scott by writing to a number of places where the man was said to have been in the past several months; but so far, he has received no direct answers to these letters. He will now follow up this clue and hopes soon to locate the man and have him come here and sign up for his deposit in the defunct bank, so that he can get his certificate and thus clear the account.




H. A. Sprague, an employee in the Santa Fe shops, was up in the city court last evening on a charge of assaulting William Simmons, the old negro porter at the roundhouse.

The affair grew over an altercation over a water keg, which resulted in Sprague calling the negro some bad names. "Don't call me that," the negro said, whereupon Sprague repeated more bad names and followed up by hitting the negro with a flag stick, cutting a gash above the negro's eye, according to the testimony at the trial.

Sprague was immediately discharged from the services of the company. He evidently was in a bad temper, testifying that he came from Springfield, Mo. "The company lied to me," he said. "I didn't know I was coming to take a strikebreaker's job."

The court fined him $25. He only had $8 or $10 in money. The court allowed him enough to pay his fare to Springfield and applied the balance on the fine.

The court shamed him, a swarthy man, for making an attack with a weapon on a helpless old man.




The court was graced last evening by the presence of Lola Lemmert. She had double parked, just as she had done many times before, it was stated. This occurred before she had read in the Traveler about the new parking regulations and the declaration that henceforth and forever the law was going to collect a small fine from wrong parkers. The lady contributed $2 for the general welfare.




A charge of carrying concealed weapons was entered on the police record this morning against E. E. Collins, but the entry was cancelled. Collins dug up a little document which showed that he had been deputized as a guard.




Frank M. Sawyer, deputy regional scout executive, of Kansas City, who has been in the city to organize the Boy Scouts of Cowley County on a new basis, went to Hutchinson last evening to take up similar work.

Troop 1 will meet at the log cabin in Paris Park tomorrow evening. The boys are to be assigned to patrols, and all are requested to come to the meeting.






G. E. Newfield and wife returned to this city today after an absence of two and a half months on a camping and pleasure trip. They went to the western Oklahoma and Texas line and traveled through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Misssouri, and eastern Kansas.

They traveled in a Ford touring car, in which a sleeping compartment was improved by putting hinges on the back of the front seat. A wagon sheet was arranged for use as a kitchen. They spent the time on the road, camping, boat riding, and fishing, and in the Ozark mountains rode burros.

"Arkansas City has the reputation of having the best tourist park there is going," said Mr. Newfield, who had come in contact with 25 or 30 campers who had used the tourist park at this place. He said Wichita had the reputation of having the worst camping grounds.

During Mr. Newfield's absence, his jewelry store at 101 North Summit was in charge of his two brothers, John and H. E. The latter expects to remain here, while John contemplates going in business for himself elsewhere, in the near future.




Luther Parman, the furniture dealer, will move into the building now occupied by the Derry Bakery about September 1st; and H. A. Derry will move into the building now occupied by Mr. Parman. The latter will improve his building and make some changes before moving his furniture stock into it, however, it has been announced.




Forty-seven cars of refined products are being loaded today at the Moore refinery. Three of them are lubricating oil.

Bill Cripes, who has been in charge of the boiler work on battery three at the Moore refinery, returned to the Cosden company plant at Tulsa today. From now on Lon Tennis, chief boiler maker of the plant, will have charge of all boiler work.

George N. Moore, president, and J. Purcell, secretary-treasurer of the Moore refining company, arrived from Chicago this morning for a several days' visit at the plant.

The Moore plant is completely equipped with machinery for generating its own electric current, but it is not used on account of insufficient boiler capacity to operate it. The ten 150-horsepower boilers in the power plant are taxed to their capacity to furnish steam for the operation of the refinery. Current is supplied by the Kansas Gas & Electric company.

A big gang is now at work hauling sand and gravel for the new high pressure stills.




W. A. Davis, who has been connected with the Dodge City Wholesale Grocery company for several years, was in the city today concluding the purchase of the Holt Coffee establishment. Mr. Davis is one of the best young businessmen of Dodge City, and will come to Arkansas City very highly recommended. Mr. Davis expects to assume the proprietorship of the Holt Coffee establishment September 1st. In the meantime, he is looking for a house in which to live, so that he can bring his family here and become one of us.




Chicago, Aug. 17.(A. P.)An end of the strike of "big four" transportation brotherhoods on western roads, and improved outlook for peace in the New York conference today, shootings, bombing, and burning were highlights in the nation's railway crisis during the last 24 hours.

Blockades and tieups on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe; the Union Pacific; Western Pacific; and Southern Pacific cleared up when striking ttrain crews called off their walkout and opened the way to immediate restoration of traffic on lines which were paralyzed by the strike of the big four brotherhood.

Stranded Santa Fe trains were moved out of Albuquerque,

N. M., and trainmen at Prescott, Ariz., notified the Santa Fe officials that strikers would return to work. These moved followed earlier developments towards ending the tieup on the Santa Fe.

The Union Pacific's traffic knot unraveled rapidly after trainmen on the Las Vegas division called off their strike. Other western roads restored transportation activities which had been in effect since the shopmen's strike began July 1.

Agreements looking toward an end to the trainmen's strike on the Cumberland Valley division of the Louisville and Nashville were announced at Corbin, Ky.

With the train service strike breaking up in other sections of the country, trainmen who interrupted traffic on the Missouri Pacific at Van Buren, Ark., refused to return to work while guards remained on duty in the yards. Only trains which were made up and delivered to crews outside the railroad yards were moved.

Bombs were thrown at a Santa Fe train, which left San Bernardino for the first time in six days. One bomb exploded in the yards and two more were hurled at the passenger train as the engine wheels spun over the oiled rails in pulling out of the city.

George Stambaugh, a brakeman on the Great Northern, was shot and killed at Havre, Montana, by a railroad guard.

William Craft, a blacksmith's helper employed by the Denver & Rio Grande since the shopmen's strike, suffered a broken leg and other injuries when he was attacked on the streets of Pueblo, Colorado.

Mrs. Nels Hansen, wife of a Santa Fe shop foreman at San Bernardino, was shot and killed in her home. Police took up the trail of two men, who are said to have attacked her.

James Lewis, striking Pennsylvania road machinist, was shot to death by Charles Parsons, a wealthy real estate man, following a dispute over the strike. Lewis accused Parsons of "listening over the shoulders" of strikers when they gathered to discuss the strike.

Troops remained on guard in virtually all places where soldiers were sent to quell riots earlier in the strike. Some in Kansas and Illinois.

Local authorities asked for troops at Spencer, N. C., where shopmen were routed by strike sympathizers.

Major Stiles, in command of troops at Clinton, Ill., recommended martial law following renewed disturbances in which several men were injured.

Outbreaks were reported from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Superior and Janesville, Wis., Birmingham, Mobile, and Albany, Alabama, and Scranton, Pa.

An attempt was made to blow up the tracks of the Louisville and Nashville at Birmingham and a plot to wreck a train on the same road at Mobile was discovered, while the home of an L. and N. employee was attacked with bullets and bombs.





Two brothers, by the name of Moon, were badly beaten up last night, said to have been attacked by a part of six or eight unknown men while they were coming from the carnival grounds. The older one of the brothers had a bad gash cut over and around the right eye and extending down on the cheek, according to the local physician who dressed the wounds of the victims. The doctor reported that they had received a terrible beating.

According to information available today, the affair grew out of the present strike situation. Chief Dailey had not seen the night officers and said that all he could find out about the matter was the story that the two boys told to the night police at the station and as related by P. E. Hackett of the Apex Electrical company, who said he was present when the two boys came in and heard their statements about the affair.

According to Mr. Hackett the younger of the two boys represented that he had come to this city from Beaumont, Kansas, in answer to an advertisement by the railroad company for men to work in the shops. The older brother, they represented had been at Emporia, and his mother had written him about the younger brother coming to Arkansas City to work in the shops here, and the older brother then came to this city from Emporia and induced the younger brother to quit his job. Mr. Hackett said both boys claimed they did not know by whom they were attacked and that it was so dark they could not identify any of them, but they believed it to have been the act of men now employed in the shops on the presumption they were enraged because the older brother had induced the younger brother to quit work.

Reports from other sources do not bear out this belief, although there has been nothing forthcoming to indicate just who did make the attack or which side of the railroad controversy they were on. Chief Dailey went to union headquarters this morning and reported the union officials disclaimed any knowledge in the matter but so far as their knowledge extended the strikers had nothing whatever to do with the affair.

An indication that both men may have been attacked as "scabs" is furnished by the statement of Wm. Burton of the Collinson Hardware Co., who resides at 1037 North Summit Street. "At about 9 o'clock last night, I heard scrambling on the front porch of my residence. I went to see what the trouble was and found several men lying on the porch and one man standing on the steps. I saw them knock one fellow down. Then they got another fellow down and seemed to be beating both men up. Finally the two fellows got up and started to run, and as they did so, one of them asked for his cap. One of the attacking party cursed him and called him a 'damned scab.' They then ran across the street to Frank Wanner's place." Mr. Wanner reported the police were called and that officers Charles and Ballew answered the call and took the two young men to the station. After putting together all the evidence so far secured in the matter, the police are still in the dark as to who composed the attacking party, and no arrests have been made.

There was a report in circulation this morning that one of the strikebreakers was assaulted by someone inside at the Santa Fe yards last night, but the company officials claimed to know nothing about such a case. The matter was reported to the labor headquarters this morning, but the men there did not claim to know the particulars of the alleged assault, nor the name of the victim.




One man was killed and five others badly injured on the Midland Valley late in the day yesterday when the motor car on which they were speeding toward their home at Hardy, Okla., jumped the track and ditched the entire party. Four of the men, all of whom are employed as section hands on the railway, were rushed to this city and were at once admitted to Mercy hospital, where they were attended by the company physician, who resides here.

One of the men of the party, Sam Penley, suffered a concussion of the brain and the attending physician stated as soon as he saw him that he could not recover. Penley was 52 years of age and he was in the employ of the company as a common laborer. He was a single man. He passed away at the hospital at 10:45 this morning and the body was taken to the Parman-Powell parlors.

Other members of the party who were brought here are: Noah Palme, foreman, one wrist broken and face and hands badly cut; Will Kennard, bruises and many scratches, will be laid up for at least a week; C. H. Wentworth, right leg injured and bruised severely all over the body. It was stated by those who claim to know something about the accident that one of the men was thrown forty feet from the track when the motor car left the rails and turned over. The others were simply piled up along the track and two of them were pinned beneath the car.

The two men of the party who were the least injured and who were taken to their homes at Hardy, were Steve Rozelle and C. W. Clayton, who was one of the foremen. Dr. J. H. Douglass of this city went to the scene of the wreck and gave the men emergency treatment and then the four were carried to the hospital in the Parman-Powell ambulance and the vehicle made two trips to the scene of the wreck in order to get the men to the city.

All of the men reside at Hardy and they were on the return trip to Hardy when the car ran off the track and injured them. The accident occurred just this side of the Oklahoma line, and south of Silverdale.

Frank Graham, roadmaster for the Midland Valley, who resides at Pawhuska, came to the city this morning to look after the injured men for the company and made the official report to the officials in regard to the accident.

Late today there had been no disposition made of the body of Mr. Penley, and it will be held here until some of his relatives can be located, it was stated this afternoon.




Mrs. Sarah B. Shepard, who resided in Arkansas City for many years, but now lives at 625 North Electric avenue, Alhambra, California, has been a constant reader of the Traveler for almost fifty years. Yesterday her nephew, Ralph Dixon, called at the office and paid her subscription to July 28, 1923, making fifty years she has paid for the Traveler.

Mrs. Shepard and her husband moved to Arkansas City in June, 1873. On July 28, 1873, she enrolled her name upon the subscription list for the paper, which at that time was a weekly, and C. M. Scott was its editor.

The Traveler delivers in the city between 1800 and 1900 papers out of 2850 papers it prints daily.


[AD: THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922.]

We are going to move about August 26th to our own building, 109 South Summit Street, where Derry's Bakery is now located.

107 So. Summit



One Arkansas City resident was detained in the Arizona desert on account of the train being stopped following the strike of the trainmen at Needles, California. This was Miss Lorah A. Tufts, sister of Dr. Edwin A. Tufts, who was en route to Los Angeles in company with C. Albert Tufts, the famous organist, of Los Angeles.

The latter was on his way home from Chicago, where he had been attending a convention of organists, and stopped off here to visit his brother and sister and also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Tufts. He gave an organ recital in the Presbyterian church for the benefit of his Arkansas City friends on Tuesday, August 8, and he and Miss Lorah left the following day for Los Angeles. Miss Lorah conducts a violin school there.

Their train was stopped at Seligman, Arizona, one hundred miles west of Williams, and they were held there four days, arriving in Los Angeles yesterday, according to word received by Dr. Tufts.

So far as heard from, they were the only Arkansas City people caught in the stoppage of Santa Fe train service by which hundreds of passengers were given an involuntary opportunity to breathe the desert air.




M. B. Cohn, sales manager of the American Oil Corporation of Kansas City, Mo., was a visitor at the Moore plant today.

There is a dining room under battery 1 condensor at the Moore plant where the men assemble to eat their luncheon. There are eight places at the plant where shower baths and lockers have been installed for the convenience of the men.

Another big condensor tower was hoisted into place today on battery three at the Moore refinery. These towers are 35 feet high and six feet in diameter, and when in position, reach a height of 75 feet above the ground.

Twenty-four cars of refined products are being loaded today. Two of them are lubricating oil.

When the officials leave the plant in the evening, everything is in charge of the night superintendent. He acts as general foreman to see that all given orders are carried out. Should an emergency arise, he may call the proper official of the company. The present night superintendent is Harry Smith.

About half the employees of the plant ride to work in autos.

Three cars of construction material arrived today for the new high pressure stills. The Comley lumber company also delivered a big load of building material for this work.

Tom Maroney of the Mid Co pipe line company was a visitor at the Moore refinery today.




Messrs. Paul Harris, Dewey King, Walter Ziegler, and Homer Coble, of Ponca City, have purchased the A. C. Dairy establishment on East Spruce avenue and are moving it to South Summit street. They expect to begin business in about two weeks and the new establishment will be called the O. K. Creamery. It will be under entirely new management and they state that they will make Arkansas City a better market for cream than it has ever been before.




Instructors for the coming fall and winter term of school in the senior and junior high schools have been appointed and they are all expected to be on hand at the opening day, Monday, September 11.

The teaching staff for the Junior High School.

Olive Ramage, teacher of citizenship.

Mary Hume, English.

Pearl Lock, English.

Natella Darby, Spanish and English.

Euola Metler, English and Gramatics [?].

Lora Ward, Mathematics.

Elta B. Fretz, Mathematics and English.

Estelle Ireton, History.

Ida Holt, History.

Dorothy Cane, Science.

Willeta Dickson, Geography.

Ruth Moore, Sewing.

L. A. Chaplin, Wood work.

Chas. S. Huey, Manual training.

Lloyd Hakes, Printing.

H. C. Leet, Mechanical drawing.

Helen Neiman, Sewing.

Florence Harrison, Cooking.

Elma Stewart, Cooking.

Mary J. Skidmore, Latin.

Lurine Skidmore, Mathematics.

Marie Pe____, Mathematics. [CANNOT READ LAST NAME.]

Edith J. Davis, Girls Physical Training.

Mason Wyme, Boys Physical Training.

Lille Anderson, Music.

Gladys Cusac, Secretary.

E. A. Funk, Principal.

[As yet there are no teachers for penmanship and art, and study hall and library.]

The following are the teachers for the senior high school.

Edna Warnick, English and Public Speaking.

Florence Waddell, English.

Pauline Sleeth, English.

F. H. Tooney, American History, economics and debate.

Edna Gustafson, Physiology and history.

Gaye Iden, Chemistry and Physics.

Ernest Uhrlaub, Biology and coach of all athletics.

Euphhastr [?] Kirk, Spanish.

Wm. McCort, Mathematics.

Phoebe Machin, Mathematics and normal training.

Francis Davidson, Librarian.

A. E. Kountz, Commerce.

Kathryn B. Fitch, Typewriting.

Mary J. Skidmore, Latin.

Chas. S. Huey, Manual training.

H. G. Leet, Mechanical drawing.

M. R. Sheff, Vocational agriculture.

Faye Orelof, Home economics.

Howard Feldmann, Music supervisor.

Esther Reynolds, Secretary.

J. F. Gilliland, Principal.

C. E. St. John, Superintendent.



Four hundred dollars cash bond was placed in the hands of Judge W. T. Ham this morning by J. C. Wilson, was was arrested at the carnival grounds in the north part of the city last night on the charge of having whiskey in his possession. And the four hundred was in lawful U. S. currency and was counted out to the court in tens, fives, and ones, but later one of the attorneys for the defendant excahnged three 100 dollar bills for that amount of the smaller ones.

Wilson was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Fred A. Eaton last night in one of the tents at the carnival grounds with eight pint bottles of alleged whiskey in his possession. When nabbed by the officers, Wilson did not deny the charge and he made the statement that he had just purchased it for his own use. The defendant demanded a jury trial when taken into court this morning and the case was set down for trial on Tuesday, August 22. H. S. Hines and W. L. Cunningham represented the man at the hearing this morning and Deputy County Attorney Quier was in charge for the state.

The man was captured by Officer Eaton after that officer had been given a "tip" and upon watching a man on the grounds who was carrying a grip. The man with the grip suddenly disappeared into one of the tents and the officer was "Johnnie on the spot" and also went inside the tent. There he was fortunate enough to catch Wilson with the goods, and just after the wet goods had changed hands, it is presumed. Wilson was said by the officers to be in charge of the eating house on the carnival grounds.



Mrs. W. W. Rinehart recalls that she had been in Kansas 40 years today. When she landed in this city, she ate dinner at the old Leland hotel, located where the Traders State Bank now stands. She came here from southern Illinois. She says there were 600 people in the city at that time and there was a corn field where the 500 block on South Summit Street is now.



P. E. Hackett, who was brought from Wichita yesterday by Constable Billy Gray, is being held on a charge of embezzlement sworn out by the Apex Electrical company, Mr. Hackett having been the agent of the company at this place. He is charged with having embezzled the sum of $613.50. Attorney W. L. Cunningham has been employed to represent the defendant.

The defendant has been trying to arrange a bond today, but owing to the fact that all the banks are closed on Thursday afternoon, it was thought he would not be able to make the bond today. According to information from the deputy county attorney's office, the bond will probably be fixed at $1,200, and the case set for preliminary hearing about the middle of next week.



Washington, Aug. 18.President Harding in an address to congress today on the industrial situation declared that the right of employees and employers alike to conduct their business must be recognized and he also deplored what he termed "warfare on the unions of labor."

The president declared a national investigation for constructive recommendatins as to the conduct of the coal industry to be imperative and recommended a government commission to advise as to fair wages and conditions.

Immediate legislation to establish temporarily a "national coal agency" with necessary capital to purchase, sell, and distribute coal also was urged by the executive.

Stating that the Esch-Cummins act in establishing the railroad labor board was inadequate, being with little or no power to enforce its decisions, the president recommended action to make the board's decisions "enforceable and effective against carriers and employees alike."

Other legislative recommendations were for "better protection of aliens and enforcement of their treaty rights," a measure to give federal courts jurisdiction in protecting aliens.

Other than the amendment to the Esch-Cummins law to make the railroad board's decision enforceable, the president did not recommend any legislation to deal immediately with the railroad strike.

Stating that sympathetic railroad strikes had developed and impaired interstate commerce seriously, the president said that trains deserted in the western desert had "revealed cruelty and contempt for law on the part of some railway employees, who have conspired to paralyze transportation."

Asserting that the striking unions in some instances had not held their force to law observances, Mr. Harding said, "There is a state of lawlessness shocking to every conception of American law and order," and announced his intention to invoke laws, civil and criminal, forbidding conspiracies hindering interstate commerce and requiring safety for the right of men to work.





New York, Aug. 18.Belief that no definite agreement for settlement of the shopmen's strike would be reached today was expressed by Warren S. Stone, head of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers shortly before 1 p.m. on leaving the conference between brotherhood men and executives.

After having attended the session for two hours, Mr. Stone left for the uptown hotel where shopcrafts leaders are quartered for a conference. He said he did not expect to return before 3 p.m. Mr. Stone said no definite agreement had been reached so far and he believed the conference would have to be extended beyond today. The labor leader professed himself still optimistic about the outcome. Mr. Stone explained that whatever plan was presented would have to be referred by both sides to their constituents. The other four railroad leaders serving on the mediation committee of the brotherhood followed Mr. Stone out of the meeting and hurried to the hotel.

New York, Aug. 18.(Associated Press)Brotherhood chiefs, acting as mediators in the shopmen's strike, today laid a proposal to resettlement before a committee representing the carriers. It then was decided to call a meeting of the entire membership of the association of railway executives at a date as yet not set to consider the proposal. This was learned when the conference between representatives of the running trades and the executives broke up shortly before 5 p.m. after having been in session for two days.




Newton, Kan., Aug. 18.Late developments in the rail strike situation here include the arrest of Claude Linnens, an officer of the federated shop crafts, charged with posting a notice calling the strike on July 1. Linnens was arrested on complaint of Randall C. Harvey of the Attorney General's office and placed under $1,000 bond for his appearance at the November term of district court. The charge is based on an alleged violation of the industrial court law and constitutes a felony. Linnens is a son of G. M. Linnens, Newton justice of the peace. He was arraigned before Justice J. R. Frizzell.

The bonds of all those for whom warrants have been issued for arrest in connection with the recent riotous disorders here and who have not appeared to arrange bond have been increased from $500 to $1,000. Thus far but one man has failed to furnish bond when arrested. Robert Bond was placed in jail yesterday in default. He is not a striker.

Rumors of picketing are being investigated by local officers and Captain Arthur E. Ericson in command of the troops stationed here, but no further arrests have been made. In all twelve warrants have been served.

Pratt, Kan., Aug. 18.A warrant charging Thomas P. Hylton, of Horton, general chairman of the brotherhood of railway carmen of the Rock Island system, with violation of the Kansas industrial court law will be issued today upon instructions of the court, County Attorney D. E. McCroy announced. The warrant follows publication in a Pratt paper of excerpts from a speech made by Hylton here last week in which, it is alleged, he scathingly arraigned the court for its activities in the strike.




The officers and men of the Arkansas City Battery F, K. N. C., returned home this morning over the Santa Fe from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where they have been in training for the past ten days. They report a hot time there and say they were given some strenuous work. This was the first opportunity that the A. C. men have had to get away from home, and they enjoyed the trip and the work as well, although there was not much play connected with the outing.

Capt. W. B. Oliverson and the members of the company were busy this afternoon at the battery headquarters on South First street unpacking and rearranging the material which they took with them to the instruction camp. Most of the men of the battery will resume their regular duties in various business houses of the city tomorrow.




Twenty-five cars of refined products are being loaded out at the Moore plant, including four cars of lubricating oil.

L. E. Winkler, chief engineer of the Universal Oil Products company, went to Wichita today to purchase some machinery. This company is building the new pressure stills at the plant.

Lumber is on the ground for enlarging the office room in the warehouse at the Moore refinery.

The pipe line department occupies two rooms in the main office building. One room is occupied by the pipe line superintendent, J. C. Lytle, C. W. Barth, field superintendent, and

L. M. McMahon, office clerk. The other room is occupied by the gauging department. O. E. Smith and C. F. Spruill are crude gaugers. Telephone service extends to all parts of the plant.

The pipe line department of the

________________ [MISSING LINE, I THINK] received from the Burbank, Tonkawa, and Billings fields, and is stored in big tanks at the northwest corner of the refinery grounds.


Lon Tennis resigned today as chief boiler maker.

Guy Thurman, who was badly scalded at the plant on July 23 by the bursting of a steam line, is reported to be doing as well as could be expected. He still has to make occasional trips to the hospital for treatment.

Robert Maynard, who was burned several days ago at the plant by the ignition of a carbide gas line is improved to such an extent that he has had the bandages removed from his face and arms.

The Frisco railroad does the switching for the Moore refinery, an additional switch engine and crew being put on for this purpose when the refinery was first opened. The Santa Fe and Missouri Pacific switch engines also come into the plant.

Three cars of operating material were received today.

The casinghead plant at the Moore refinery is not yet in operation. The purpose of this plant is to collect gases from the stills and tanks; and by a process of compression, reduce these gases to gasoline. Three men are usually employed here.




H. B. Walker of Manhattan, member of the state water commission, was in the city yesterday making an investigation of flood conditions in connection with the Arkansas River here. Mr. Walker was sent here on authority from the governor's office, it is reported, to investigate complaints being made to the state by farmers on the Arkansas River near the dam and also in the vicinity of the West Chestnut Avenue bridge.

He met the farmers, headed by Allen Chaplin, whose post office is Geuda Springs, at the Osage Hotel yesterday. They took lunch at the hotel and in the afternoon, in company with C. B. Tingley of the Kansas Gas and Electric company, went to the vicinity of the dam and the canal inlet 3½ miles northwest of the city. What the state engineer's report on his findings will be is not known. Attorney Albert Faulconer met with the party at the Osage Hotel. He has some orchard land which he claims is being damaged by channel conditions in the river. Farmers near the dam complain that the bottom of the river is filling up just above the dam, which causes the water to spread out and in flood times doing much damage to their land.

The trouble near the Chestnut Avenue bridge seems to be one of long standing, and arises from the fact that garbage has been dumped at the west end of the bridge and filled in until the river channel has been narrowed to two bents of the bridge; and in high water periods, making it impossible for the narrow channel to properly carry off the water.

It is claimed that both the city and county may come in for damages resulting to adjacent land from channel conditions here. Another feature that would be involved, it is said, is the fact that several acres of new land has been made here, and some of this land has changed hands, selling at a good price.

The present conditions have been slowly developing for years past, being now a history which only the old-time citizens can relate. There are indications now that something is going to be stirring in the not far distant future, and the final developments may be written in court records. What will grow out of the fact that the river channel at the Chestnut Street bridge is too narrow remains to be seen.

Also, what will grow out of conditions at the dam is as yet unwritten history. However, it is likely the state engineer's report will shortly be known.

Work on Headgates Held Up
Mr. Tingley reports that a force of men was laid off at the new head gates this morning. This is due to the fact that a shipment of steel sheet piling has been held up on account of present railroad transportation conditions. Men are still at work making dirt fills in the neighborhood of the headgates, but construction work on the gates will be held up until material can be received.




J. O. McGuairk, of this city, has purchased the cold drink and lunch business of Connelly & Karnes, 111 South Summit Street, taking charge yesterday. The place is to be known as "Mac's Bar." The new proprietor will redecorate and otherwise improve the place. Light lunches and cold drinks, cigars and tobaccos, and watermelon and canteloupe in season, will be served.

A special that will be handled by McGuairk, is Dick Brother' Quincy Select, being keg goods, manufactured in Quincy, Ill. "Mac" has lived in Arkansas City all his life and is well known here. He has been employed in the oil fields near here for some time and was formerly a city fireman.




Trees Brothers are drilling at 125 feet in Clarke No. 6.

The Arkansas Fuel Oil company is drilling at a depth of 100 feet in a test on the Clarke ranch, two miles north of Akron. This is Clarke No. 6.




It was with sincere regret that P. B. Andrews' West Bolton friends learned of his death. Mr. Andrews was one of West Bolton's pioneers and exerted marked influence in making this country what it is. He came here long before the railroad reached the city; and in company with a friend, another colored man, walked all the way to this place from Howard, Kansas. To hear Mr. Andrews tell of early day life and experiences in West Bolton was more than interestingit was like reading a romance. Mr. Andrews was a true friend, a good man, patriotic, a fine citizen, and rejoiced when his country, his state, and his friends enjoyed blessings of peace and prosperity. For many years Peter Andrews and his estimable family resided on their farm in West Bolton. His wife, two daughters, and a son mourn his departure. His remains were interred in Mercer cemetery Tuesday afternoon.




Topeka, Aug. 19.The national guard unit at Newton has issued orders that all pool halls and picture shows there must close at 6 p.m. tonight, Governor Allen announced today. The order, the governor said, grew out of persistent rumors that strike sympathizers intended to "get the guardsmen" tonight. This talk, according to reports reaching the governor, has been prevalent since troops were sent to Newton last Saturday, following attacks on workmen in front of a theatre. Whether the ban will remain on at Newton depends on tonight's developments, the governor said.

The only other report of disturbance today, it was said, came from Kansas City, Kansas, where twice, within the last two days, Rock Island and Union Pacific shopmen are reported to have been slugged as they left work by men who escaped over the Missouri line in automobiles. Captain Smith of the adjutant general's office has gone there to investigate. Railroad officials report that apparently the sluggers were operating on signals given by someone stationed at advantageous points about the yards, Governor Allen said.

Charges of violating the federal statutes by conspiring to deprive workers of their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, were contained in complaints filed at Topeka today by Frank McFarland, assistant United States district attorney, against six striking shopmen, accused of assaulting the Orient shopmen at Wichita. The six are: R. H. Horgarus, E. H. Lutz, George Cathey, Sam Fulgreat, John Doe, and Richard Rae. They are charged with having beaten O. R. Chal, W. A. Wilson, and other Orient employees.

Warrants for the arrest of four men charged with picketing at the Topeka Santa Fe shops were also issued. The four are Joe C. Pulh, Oscar Bluemenstock, Charles Wiles, and Ed. Cratty.




Los Angeles, Aug. 19.The strike of the big four brotherhood on the coast lines of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway system has been called off and freight and passenger service will be resumed immediately, it was announced today by I. L. Hibbard, general manager of the Santa Fe, who received word from Needles, Calif., the center of the trouble on the coast lines, that the brotherhood representatives there had reached the decision that the trainmen will return to work. The walkout of trainmen on the Santa Fe was limited to the coast lines and the return will restore service to normal through the system, he said.

The return of the big four brotherhood men will effect no change in the situation of the striking shopmen, General Manager Hibbard said. No terms have been made with the shopmen and the conferences dealt solely with the operating trainmen.




Winfield, Kans., Aug. 19.Cowley County does not have to wait for its money tied up in the failure of the Traders State Bank at Arkansas City, as is the case with other depositors; but is able to make arrangements for these funds, some forty thousand dollars, to be available to the county treasurer. County Treasurer Doane this morning notified the county commissioners that he had distributed to other banks in the county all the certificates of deposit issued by the bank's receiver as against the state guaranty fund, and these certificates will be carried by other banks.

This makes the funds represented in these certificates as readily available as are any other deposits of the treasurer. The certificates are payable within two years and draw six percent interest. By deposit contracts under which the bank receives the county three percent interest on the daily balances. The bank thus gets only three percent interest on the daily balances. The bank thus gets only three percent on the money advanced the county on the certificates while the county loses nothing by the transaction.

Private depositors in the failed bank have had to discount their certificates in order to raise ready money, it is said. Most people in this locality it transpires, including the county officials, had the idea that deposits in guaranteed banks would all be paid off within a short time after a receiver takes charge.

They have gone very little into the details of the working of the bank guarantee, as it applied to failures at places distant from Winfield. The discovery that it takes two to five years for depositors to get their money is something of a jolt. A certificate drawing six percent interest and discountable at ten percent or higher is little comfort to a person who has deposited money to meet a certain emergency, or with whom an emergency for the immediate need of ready cash has arisen.




Capt. W. B. Oliverson and his men of the A. C. Battery, Co. F, 161 K. N. G., have returned to the city and the men are now in charge of the equipment at the armory located on South First street. Yesterday the horses for the use of the company arrived here from Fort Sill and they are now being cared for at the fine stables located at the armory. The twenty horses are fine lookers and they are also a lively bunch of horse flesh. They will average 1400 pounds each and have been in training at Fort Sill, along with the A. C. men of the battery. These horses were at Hutchinson before being sent to Fort Sill for training some weeks ago.

Besides the horses, the company also has some other new equipment and the armory presents a fine appearance at this time. There are 120 new outfits, two each for the 60 men of the company, now on hand and other equipment, as well, so the men have about all that they need at this time to go on with the work here. At the stables at this time are four of the French 75 wheel guns, which were made in France. It is said that they were at one time in use in that country.

Captain Oliverson and the men of the battery were well pleased with the treatment accorded them at the camp at Fort Sill, and this was the first opportunity they have had to be in training. They received many valuable ideas there. Captain Oliverson is going to arrange soon for an exhibition in target shooting by the battery boys, the date of which will be announced soon, he says.




Winfield, Kans., Aug. 19.Work of getting the rock road in the direction of Rock in better condition is now under way, County Engineer Ruggles stated this morning. The work crew is now two miles north of the end of the Rock road coming this way. The dirt road is smoothed down. The Rock road will be scarified, regraded, and then rolled; the edges will be smoothed down, and drainage improved.




It was given out today that up to the present time there are twenty-one students enrolled in the junior college course, of Arkansas City, who will begin their work in the new building September 11. There are also prospects of 29 yet to be enrolled out of the class of "22", with 5 out of town inquiries, one from Osage county, 2 from Sumner county, and 2 from Bryan county.

It is estimated that between 50 and 60 students will be enrolled as freshmen in the college, and there will also be one graduate this year.

Dorris Groves comes to the college with 30 hours from the Oklahoma Baptist University, and will acquire 30 more in the junior college, which graduates her this year, the first to have the opportunity to be graduated from the Junior College of Arkansas City.

There will be three teachers beside the dean, John B. Heffelfinger. E. E. Bayles, with an A. M. from Kansas State University in science, will teach chemistry and mathematics. Lulu McCandless, with an A. M. from California in history and an A. M. from Kansas State University in English, will teach English and assist in history. Miss Edna Willman, with an A. M. from Kansas State University, will teach Spanish.

The most popular course in the electives is chemistry and 18 out of the 21 already enrolled have elected the chemistry course. The second most popular course is economics.

The junior college will occupy a suite in the north wing of the second floor in the new senior high, and will be absolutely separated from the high school in all its organizations, chapels, and other activities. Dean Heffelfinger now has his office located in the new building, and he is a very busy man.




At least two of Arkansas City's high school graduates will attend Washburn College at Topeka, the coming college term. They are Tyler Marsh and Claude Mitchell. Both are well known local athletes and starred in basketball and football for several seasons. Mitchell attended the Southwestern College at Winfield last year, and was heard from in athletics there also. Marsh graduated here only last year. These two energetic boys will work their way through college and both have already secured positions for the winter in Topeka. Marsh will take electrical engineering, and "Mitch" will study law.




Through the Chamber of Commerce, a "law and order meeting" was called last evening, which met in the commissioners' room at the city building. In response to invitations sent out, a goodly number of citizens attended the meeting, which was in session from a little after 5 to about 6:30 p.m.

Ralph Brown, president of the chamber, stated the purpose of the meeting. "The town is getting a good deal of undesirable notoriety, and there are some unpleasant things going on; and it was thought advisable for the chamber to call a meeting to see what could be done to maintain law and order in this city," President Brown stated.

R. H. Rhoads, Secretary of the Chamber, spoke. "The purpose of the meeting is to see if we cannot get a closer cooperation of businessmen and organizations of the city with a view of keeping down the occurrences which are giving the town unfavorable notoriety," the secretary said. "The idea of this meeting is to discuss the situation and receive suggestions, that is what we are here for."

At this juncture, Chas. Spencer, editor of the News, spoke up. "We want to stop these beating up parties, we want to make the town safe for people to walk on the street."

"How can it be done?" interjected the mayor. "There are several square miles covered by this city and we can't have a policeman in all parts of the town at the same time; we can't have a policeman everywhere."

Here is where the fireworks started, causing a wide detour from the original purposes of the meeting according to the best understanding of those purposes as set forth by citizens present.

The mayor declared, "Somebody in Arkansas City has been furnishing false reports to the governor about this city. I put this directly up to the governor. I wrote him a letter of inquiry as to the source of the information he was receiving. The governor evaded the question. He did not comply with my request. He would not reveal the source of information. We are doing all in our power to keep this undesirable stuff down. We can't do it all alone. We ask the cooperation of the citizens."

The mayor related some occurrences that took place when the present administration took charge, and which he said was evidently done by some person unfriendly to the administra tion and with the intent of embarrassing it all they could.

The mayor related, "For the first three or four weeks after we took charge, false reports were repeatedly turned in to the police department. The men would respond to the calls and would then learn that the reports were absolutely without foundation."

A citizen from Sleeth addition thanked the mayor for appointing a policeman for that addition, and asked that he be not taken off; but if possible, that another man be put on. The spokesman for Sleeth addition said he believed that by having adequate police protection, a great deal of lawlessness would be held down that might otherwise break out.

A. H. Denton stated that the meeting was not for strikebreakers and it was not against the strikers. "Let's not have lawlessness taking place as an everyday condition. We are here to talk with the administration for the purpose of adopting measures of stopping these beating up parties. Let's not have people beat up on the streets if it takes a man in every corner to keep the peace. Let's have the law obeyed."

The first definite suggestion leading to a possible solution of the present situation in this city was made by Tom Parks of the Arkansas Valley Gas Company. He cited similar conditions that prevailed at one time in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The president of the chamber of commerce appointed ten men out of each club, and a method of patroling the streets was worked out which had a very salutary effect upon the situation and the desired results were achieved. Mr. Parks thought the same thing could be done here.

Here a cross-fire controversy arose between the mayor and the two newspaper men, Chas. Spencer of the News and R. C. Howard of the Traveler. The mayor charged that both papers had been against the administration, and had not given the police department support in their efforts to enforce the law.

Editor Spencer criticized the mayor and police department with reference to the recent beating up of two men and citing other cases where parties had been beaten up; and in all cases, the parties doing the beating had made their escape. "In the case of the two men recently beaten up, there was no entry made on the police record as to who they were or where they were from," the editor complained.

According to the statement of the mayor, arrests could not be made in this case because the two men both said they could not identify the men who made the attack.

Editor Howard arose to deny that the Traveler had opposed the mayor and police department in the matter of law enforcement. He admitted that he had made a statement that the police were afraid of Choc Collins, and at that time called attention to the fact that the police had made no arrests in the Collins shooting case.

The mayor stated that Editor Howard had not opposed the former administration, whereupon Mr. Howard called attention to the fact that it was a matter of record that he had made a fight on the administration in his campaign for the adoption of the city manager form of government. "I do not care how much the newspapers oppose me or what they say about me," rejoined the mayor.

Again, the attention of the meeting was diverted to the purposes for which the meeting was called. It was pointed out that unless the present lawlessness was stopped, serious conse quences were liable to result. It was suggested that a committee be appointed to confer with the Santa Fe officials to get the cooperation of the railroad in the matter of keeping down lawlessness. Also, that the committee confer with the strikers to get their cooperation to the same end. It was evident that the trouble here has grown out of the class of men being brought in as railroad strikebreakers, and it was admitted that some of them were probably bad characters, and not brought here to establish homes, but merely for the purpose of helping to break the strike. The committee suggestion fell through as no committee was ap pointed.

Albert Faulconer criticized the mayor for taking the men in the shops as thugs, outlaws, gunmen, etc., stating that he believed the mayor could help by not classing one group as outlaws, or showing special sympathy for men of another group. Mr. Faulconer stated, "The present situation is critical, and law enforcement must be from the standpoint of treating all citizens alike. I believe the citizens of the town will endorse the increasing of the police force under the present conditions. The mere presence of a large police force will do a lot of good. There are two antagonistic groups and there is an acute issue between them. If we don't get at these fellows who are committing acts of violence and lawlessness, there is great danger that it will result in loss of life."

Richard Keefe stated: "I think it is up to the mayor and police department to maintain order; that it is their business to find ways and means of so doing, and not for the citizens to tell them how to do it. The people should back up the mayor and police in whatever methods they deem necessary to bring about the desired results."

Chief Dailey, being called upon, said: "I have been doing all I could to find out who has been doing the fighting. I will be glad to receive any suggestions from citizens that may help to bring the guilty to justice."

Here someone suggested plain clothes men, men from out of town if necessary, detectives from organized bureaus.

Attorney W. L. Cunningham then took the floor. "About ninety percent of the discussion and controversy here has not had anything to do with the purpose of this meeting. The issue is not whether the Santa Fe is right. It is not whether the strikers are right. It is not whether the strikebreakers are right.

"The issue is whether we shall have law and order in this city. No doubt some of the strikebreakers are lawless, violent men, and handy with the gun. But we have not had one tenth the violence in this city that has taken place in Governor Allen's home town of Wichita.

"We all have a right to walk the streets in security. It is the duty of the city to see that its citizens have this protection.

"I believe the police department has been handicapped by reducing the force in response to public demand for a curtailment of expenses. The retrenchment policy under normal conditions is not applicable to the present situation. The citizens of this town should stay by the mayor and police department whether it takes one, ten, or fifty additional police officers to see that the law is enforced; and they should be paid out of the city treasury. That is what we pay taxes for. We want protection for our lives and property; and this protection should be forthcoming, regardless of the number of police officers required or the expense incurred."

Someone suggested that Mr. Cunningham formulate his declarations in a resolution, which he did as follows.

"Be it resolved that it is the sense of the body here assembled that we will stand by the city administration to a man in enforcing law and ordinances and in preserving order, and that we recommend and approve and urge the appointment of a sufficient number of extra policemen to adequately protect the lives and property of all who live here or happen to be within our city, and to this end we will stand by the administration in incurring whatever expense may be necessary to properly and adequately protect the lives and property within the city, and to preserve order."

Every man in the room arose to his feet as evidence of his endorsement of the above resolution. After all the turbulence of the meeting, it finally got down to brass tacks by thus pledging support to the mayor and police in whatever methods may be necessary to secure law and order for this city.




This is the regular semi-monthly pay at the Moore refinery. The total amount being handed out in pay checks is said to be in the neighborhood of $15,000.

Twenty-two cars of refined products are being loaded today, two of them being lubricating oil.

J. J. Purcell, secretary-treasurer of the Moore Refining Company, is making an extended visit in Arkansas City. George N. Moore, president, and J. C. Lytle, superintendent of pipe lines, motored to Tulsa today.

Robert Gilbert was a visitor at the plant today. He was auto repair man at the plant under the Mid-Co management.

James Smyer has been promoted from water boy to welder helper at the Moore refinery.

The Collinson Hardware Company and the Deal and Comley lumber companies delivered big loads of building material today, to be used in the construction of the new high pressure stills.

Some new furniture was installed in the office today.

Gauging is an important work at the Moore plant. There are about 100 outside tanks and these are gauged everyday. Gauge cards are kept on file in the laboratory and general office. The general office makes a record each day of just how much stock is on hand. Charles Bourman is the head gauger.




Santa Fe passenger train No. 406, north bound, was thirty minutes late in arriving here this morning. All the other trains were about on schedule time at the Santa Fe station today.

There was another shipment of cots and bedding which arrived in the city this morning for the Santa Fe and a local drayman transferred them to the roundhouse, where they will be used for the accommodation of the strikebreakers, who are housed and fed at the roundhouse. It was reported this morning at the Santa Fe that there are 100 to 150 men being taken care of at the roundhouse by the company at the present time. Most of the men employed there remain on the ground all the time.

The Arkansas River Distributing Co., of this city, today shipped several car loads of casing out of here for Eureka, Kansas, over the Santa Fe.

Yesterday there was a representative of the Hanlin Supply Co., sent here from Wichita, to be with the Santa Fe; and the first night in the city he was given a cot to sleep on at the roundhouse. He said he could not stand that mode of living, as he was not used to it, and he gave up the job and returned to Wichita.




The Arkansas City Chautauqua assembly begins Monday afternoon at Wilson Park at 2:45 p.m. The farmers of the community and their families are to be guests of chautauqua and the local businessmen. The afternoon program will be given by the Phillips Sisters Highland Lassies orchestra. The evening number at 7:45 p.m., with a 40 minutes prelude by the Phillips Sisters, after which Dr. E T. Hagerman of New York will deliver his famous address, "The Man With One Window."

Henry L. Carey will act as platform superintendent. Miss Mossie Snyder, perhaps the most experienced and competent supervisor on the Redpath circuits, will have charge of the Children's Junior Chautauqua.

The program this year includes two plays as well as a notable list of speakers and entertainers. It is the most expensive program the Redpath Horner chautauquas have ever presented, but the season ticket prices in Arkansas City are the lowest of the entire 110 town circuit. The annual free ticket hunt for the children will be held in Wilson Park at 10 a.m. Monday morning. Miss Snyder would like to meet the children at that time. Miss Freida Post will act as assistant supervisor of junior chautauqua.




The striking shopmen were entertained at their meeting this morning by the versatile James B. Woods, better known as "Jimmie," an ex-comedian of big vaudeville time, and at present baggage master at the Santa Fe depot.

Labor hall was well filled for the meeting, and the strikers greatly appreciated the entertainment which was furnished gratis by Mr. Woods.

At the session this morning, the strikers were again urged to do all they could to help run down and locate the responsibility for the acts of violence taking place in this city; and in view of the meeting held at the city building last evening, the striking shopmen were admonished to support the mayor and police department and render every aid possible for the suppression of lawlessness and the enforcement of the law.




Mrs. John Maus of North Second street was severely burned yesterday by an explosion which occurred when she struck a match for the purpose of testing if gas was leaking in the warming oven of the kitchen range. She smelled gas and undertook to locate the leak. The leak was in the warming oven and considerable gas had accumulated. Her experiment with the match resulted in some burns about the face, burning off her eyebrows, severely burning her nose and right hand, and also giving her a bad scare.

Mrs. Maus is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McIntire.




Executive W. H. Fisher, of the Ponca City council of boy scouts, was in the city today in conference with Executive E. K. Kraul, with reference to making arrangements for the summer camp of the Ponca City council.

Arrangements are being made to hold this camp at the Green farm northeast of this city. According to the plans, the camp will open next Wednesday and continue for one week. Twenty-five boys of the Ponca City council have registered for attendance. Executive Fisher reports a strong organization of scouts at Ponca City.




W. A. Davis, who was in the city from Dodge City for the purpose of purchasing the Holt Coffee house, failed to complete the purchase and has returned to his home at Dodge City. Mr. Davis informed the Traveler that he thought he was almost sure of making the purchase, but later some hitch occurred and he gave the matter up.


[AD: SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1922.]

Dicks Bros. Quincy Select
(Successors to Connelly & Karnes)
J. O. McGuairk has purchased this popular filling station from Connelly & Karnes, at 111 South Summit. He has renamed it Mac's Bar. The place will be remodeled and redecorated.

Eats and DrinksQuick Service
Full Line of Good Cigars and Tobacco
"Open 'Till Midnight"
111 South Summit Phone 454
[AD: SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1922.]

South Summit at the Canal

Cowley County Historical Society Museum