1888 Winfield City Directory



It is with satisfaction that the publishers of the Winfield Directory for 1888-89 issue this work which has cost weeks of unremitting labor and a large sum of money. It is issued with the belief that it will meet ht ehearty appreciation of the enterprising citizens and business men who have aided in defraying the expense of its publication. It is the first directory published for thei city that is complete in all its details, and should there be errors discovered, those errors may be traceable to no carelessness or lack of painstaking on the part of the compilers.
The canvasser for a work of this kind has the best means of observing the growth of a city and the condition of the people, and the canvass for this directory has shown Winfield to be in a very prosperous condition. The number of vacent houses is very small, and there are comparatively few men out of employment. New dwellings are being erected, and the population is found to be very steadily increasing. There are new arrivals every day, and the city is populated from center to circumference with people who will be permanent citizens, and not with temporary denizens who flit from place to place as the seasons come and go.
The several additions to the city furnish beautiful building sites and these are being built upon. This work embraces those additions, and the next directory will undoubtedly show a large growth in all the additions.
With thanks to all who have assisted in the preparation of the work by patronizing it, we respectfully subscribe ourselves your well wisher and admirers of Winfield, the City of Beautiful Homes, of enterprise and of brilliant prospects for continued prosperity.
W. A. LANG & CO.

Winfield, Kansas

Situated in the midst of a broad, rich, beautiful land, where sunny skies and soft, warm zephyrs woo nature to her most opulent efforts, Winfield sits like a gem of beauty on the bosom of beautiful nature. In 1869 a few adventurous spirits settled in the locality, but not until 1871 did the lands come into market. Although but about eighteen years since ground was first broken here, the prospect which the city now presents is a miracle of phenomenal enterprise and progress.

Winfield is the county seat of Cowley county, a county that stands among the very wealthiest agricultural counties of the state. There are nearly 10,000 inhabitants and the city is steadily growing in population and material improvement. That the city has but just entered upon the beginning of its greatest prosperity and growth is evidenced by the fact that real estate has had not evanescent boom, hut has steadily advanced, and has steadily held its own.

The Walnut river, which flows in crystal brightness, circling around thorough the outskirts of the city, has been successfully dammed and furnishes ample power of a large host of manufactories.

At this time there five lines of railway centering in Winfield, viz: The Missouri Pacific; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; St. Louis & San Francisco, Florence, ElDorado & Walnut Valley; Southern Kansas. Of these, the 'Frisco, Santa Fe and Mo. Pac. are trunk line of the three greatest systems in the Union. The Mo. Pac. has its division headquarters here and we predict that before another directory of the city of Winfield shall have been issued, this railroad center will be marked by great enterprises, and that hundreds of men and families will derive support therefrom.

The stone quarries, a short distance out of Winfield are the finest in the state, and it is safe to say that they are unexcelled, if indeed that are equaled in any of the states. The color of the stone from one of these quarries is a soft, gray blue, and of the other, a fine cream with just that dash of yellow which makes the buildings constructed of it appear as if touched with sunshine. The stone when it is first quarried is soft and very easily worked, but when exposed to the air it hardens and becomes thoroughly durable. Most of the buildings in Winfield are constructed of this limestone, and the streets are paved with it, which fact adds greatly to the beauty of the city.

Among the greatest features of Winfield may be mentioned her system of water-works; seven miles of street railway; splendid electric light system; gas; telephone exchange. An efficient police force, and fire department guard and protect our citizens and their property.

Winfield now has two daily and five weekly newspapers which are generously patronized. The hotels are amount the best in the state. Winfield is distinctively a city of beautiful homes. The mildness of the climate makes it possible to successfully cultivate all the semi-tropical shrubs and flowers in the open air, and it would be difficult to find such uniformly beautiful ground in a place the same size as are found here.

In addition to its commercial importance, Winfield is a constantly improving educational center. The system of public schools here is excellent, and over 1,800 children are enrolled as pupils. The public school building which is very complete in every way, was erected by the city at a cost of $35,000.

The South Kansas College is also located here. The institution furnishes every opportunity for a liberal education as well as business and professional training. There is a preparatory course provided for those who desire it.

The State Imbecile Asylum and school for feeble-minded youth is located here. Near the center of the city is a little island, formed by the branching of the Walnut river. This island which is thickly wooded with tall, spreading trees, and is known as Island Park, has been appropriated by the city for the use of the Winfield Chautauqua Assemble. This assembly held its second meeting during the past summer, which was one of the most successful meetings every held by any assembly.

Winfield has all the fraternal and benevolent organizations. The Masonic order, Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias, A.O.U.W., G.A.R., W.C.T.U., Y.M.C.A., and kindred organizations. They are all in a flourishing condition. There are ten church buildings, as follows: Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Second Baptist, United Brethren, Catholic, A.M.E., Lutheran, Christian and Episcopal.

In the above we have merely outlined the present status of Winfield's affairs. It might be of interest to manystrangers who will scan the pages of this work to note some of the evidences of wealth and prosperity in detail, therefore we present some of the best features for inspection. The following gives the number of railroads in operation, and the directions you can travel form here:
1. The Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith branch of the Santa Fe, northwest to the mail line at Newton.
2. The Southern Kansas Railway, south through the territory to the Gulf.
3. The Florence, ElDorado & Walnut Valley branch of the Santa Fe, from Winfield north to the main line of the Santa Fe at Florence.
4. The St. Louis & San Francisco, northeast to Beaumont and east to St. Louis.
5. The St. Louis & San Francisco, southwest to Caldwell and Anthony.
6. The Southern Kansas, east and north east to Kansas City.
7. The Southern Kansas, west to Medicine Lodge and Kiowa through to the Panhandle of Texas.
8. The Denver, Memphis & Atlantic division of the Missouri Pacific, east to Chetopa.
9. The Denver, Memphis & Atlantic division of the Missouri Pacific, northwest to Wichita.
10. The Denver, Memphis & Atlantic, west and northwest to Denver.

Several other roads have been projected and it is very probable that three of them will be built within the next two years. These are:
1. The Chicago, Kansas & Arkansas Railway, an extension of a Chicago trunk line from St. Joseph, Missouri.
2. The Winfield, Gueda & Southwestern (D.M.&A.) to Sweetwater, Texas.
3. The Missouri & Kansas Central (Chicago & Alton) northeast to Odessa, Missouri.
What makes it the more probable that these roads will be built is the fact that the opening of the Indian Territory southwest of us will compel these roads to secure "feeders" into that country and that the territory know as Oklahoma will be opened up for settlement there seems to be no reason to doubt.

Exclusive of all the other considerations, Winfield has an inexhaustible mine of wealth in its magnesian limestone quarries. This alone is know as the "Famous Cowley County Limestone," and it has gained a wonderful reputation, both at home and abroad, for its superior qualities. The visitor notes with wonder and admiration the many magnificent building in Winfield built of this stone. The stone comes out in layers from four inches to two feet in thickness and any desirable width. Not to this city alone is its use restricted. The great majority of the public buildings and finest residences in Southern and Southwestern Kansas are being built of Winfield stone. As an additional evidence of its superior excellence and merit when submitted to the crucial test, the following is submitted: When the contract for the government building at Topeka, the capital of the state, was being let, samples of Cowley county stone were forwarded to Washington, along with many others from competing quarries all over the country. After undergoing the most practical and severe tests as to beauty and durabililty, etc., this stone was given a decided preference over all others, and to-day thebuilding at Topeka stands a monumental structure of beauty and durability, built from stone shipped from Winfield quarries. This stone is also to be found in the flagging walks of the custom house in Kansas City, and in many other places equally conspicuous, where quality and durability were particularly wanted. It is known to be superior to all other stone, because of its color, its fineness of grain, the ease with which it can be worked (when first quarried it can readily be chiseled and sawed into any shape desired) and the rapidity with which it hardens and becomes impervious to weather when exposed to the atmosphere. There are to-day no less than eighty miles of sidewalk in the city of Winfield alone, built from this famous stone. This rapidly growing popularity has made the traffic from these quarries exceedingly valuable.

Main street and Ninth avenue are the business streets of Winfield. Main street was macadamized during the past summer, between Sixth and Twelfth avenues, the sidewalks widened from twelve to eighteen feet and substantial guttering was done. On this street may be found some handsome structures that would be a credit to a city many time the size of Winfield. Among them are the Brettes House, Myton's building, the Doane Block, Citizens Bank, Manning's Hall, McDougall Block, St. James Hotel and the Grand Opera House. The latter is one of the best arranged play houses in the state and is the pride of the city. At the corner of Ninth and Main may be found the three magnificent buildings, owned and occupied by the First National, Winfield National and Farmers Banks.
Ninth avenue is growing rapidly in favor as a business street. It has been macadamized to Fuller street and on it you will find the Fuller-Albright Block, Thompson Block, Bobbit House, Court House, City Building and Hackney Block. The latter is a mammoth build, three stories and basement, containing thirteen large store rooms and 134 office rooms, all heated with steam and lighted by gas. The buildings mentioned are all very imposing in appearance, having been build of the magnificent stone described above.

Located on a beautiful elevation in the northeast part of the city has a campus of twenty acres, near the center of which stands the college building. The institution established in 1885, was first opened in September, 1886, and occupied temporary rooms over Baden's store in the McDougall building, corner of Main and Tenth streets. In May, 1886, Dr. John E. Earp, then Professor of Rhetorical English literature in DePaul University was called to the presidency. Dr. Earp had been intimately connected with the recent enlargement of the institution and had had large experience in the kinds of work connected with the growth of an institution of learning.
The new college building was completed in May, 1886. It is four stories in height, about sixty feet wide, by 100 feet in length, contains a commodious assembly room, a library room, twelve recitation rooms, beside cloak rooms and other conveniences. It is built of native blue and white limestone, for which Winfield is so well known, and is a beautiful specimen of architectural workmanship.
Adjoining the college building is the Ladies Boarding Hall, erected in 1888. It is a commodious frame building,three stories in height and will furnish room for thirty young ladies. The arrangements are very convenient and the design is to furnish a good room, convenient to the college at low rates. The present price of board is $2.50 per week and twenty-five cents per week for room.
The course of study pursued in the college embraces all of the branches pursued in colleges of high rank and its work is thoroughly done. The preparatory course, embracing a period of three years, includes most of the common branches of study, required of persons preparing to teach, as well as the studies which are usually required in preparing for college.
The institution, although young has established for itself a good standing among colleges and is worthy of the hearty confidence and patronage of the public.
The foregoing is written as a matter of history to which the next compiler of a city directory may refer, and the compiles of this work confidently expect that in the next issue, enumeration of Winfield's improvement will be something in which Winfield will take increased pride.

=========1888 Winfield City Directory 050
On left margin
McMahan's Detective Agency
155 North Main Street
Wichita, Kansas
Lock Box 73
Brown's Drug Store
805 Main St.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper
80 Winfield City Directory
Hickson, Thos., 702 e 8th
Hickson, Hattie J. Mrs., 702 e 8th
Hiday, R. N., well driller, 609 e 7th
Hiday, A. A. Mrs., 609 e 7th
Hill, Vic Miss, 806 Main
Hillyard, S. J., restaurant, 703 Main
Hickcock, K. P., cor Maple-Loomis
Hickcock, S. R. Mrs., cor Maple-Loomis
Hill H. N. wks gas company, r 505 n Andrews
R. Hudson & Co. Watchmakers
?16 West Main Rd Winfield, KS
Hill S. Mrs. 505 n Andrews
Hill J. L. M., druggist, e 9th
Howland Emma S. Miss 1616 s Millington
Howland A., 1616 s Millington
Howland A. Mrs. 1616 s Millington
Holden J. W., carpenter, 1609 s Menor
Holden J. M. Mrs. 1609 s Menor
Holmes C. H. 1101 s Manning
Holmes M. B. Mrs., 1101 s Manning
Remember to visit S. Kleeman's Dry Goods House
815 Main St.
On right margin
Dresser's Art Gallery for
Fine Photographs
All Kinds of Picture Frames
Made to Order
Full Page Advertisement
on right side of Page
Axtell & Freeman
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Hearses and Carriages Furnished
Caskets, Burial Robes, etc.
Open Night and Day
First Door East of Grand Opera House
Winfield, Kansas
=========1888 Winfield City Directory 051
Left page
Winfield Engine & Machine Works
H. H. J. Johnson, Prop.,
North Manning Street
Winfield, Kansas
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Engines and Machinery, and Engine Repairing
Also Manufacture
Window Sash, Door Frames, Stairways, and all
kinds of Planing Mill Work
Whiting & Son,
Wholesale and Retail Butchers
South Main Street
Telephone 4. General Delivery
right page
down left margin

The Largest Line of Wallpaper
at Goldsmith's Book Store
Shields, Tyree & Co.,
Clothing, Hats, Caps
and Furnishing Goods
??????? Block
Horner Chas., cor Andrews-Riverside
Horner F. Mrs., cor Andrews-Riverside
Holmes J. A. Mrs., 305 e 12th
Hott O. A., loan agent, cor 10th-College
Hott D. A., Mrs., cor 10th-College
Hooker M. B. 409 n Millington
Hooker E. A. Mrs., 409 n Millington
Horton Elma Miss, 915 e 7th
Horton O. C. 915 e 7th
The Visitor
Schultx & Barter Publishers
Job Work a Specialty
Daily published every morning except Monday
Weekly published every Friday
Holland T. C. 904 e 10th
Horton O., wks M P Ry, r 315 e 6th
Hobin Frank, wks S Fe Ry, r 707 n Manning
Holcomb C. M. Dr., r 1315 Millington
Hooper Jas., 1709 s Millington
Hobyduber L., tailor, r 520 e 6th
Hobyduber Mary Mrs., 520 e 6th
Holland W. W. wks section, r 210 w 5th
Holland P. H. Mrs., 210 w 5th
J. S. Mann
Leading Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher
down right margin
Visit Kleeman's Daylight
Dry Goods House
815 Main St.

=========1888 Winfield City Directory 052
left margin
McMahan's Detective Agency
255 North Main Street
Wichita, Kansas
Lockbox 73
Advertisement top of
left page
Give me a call and save
Money by Buying
Groceries of Hamilton
1005 Main
82 Winfield City Directory
Holloway S. S., book agt., 911 e 5th
Holloway M. R. Mrs., 911 e 5th
Honnold B. W. cor 4th-Park
Honnold A. Mrs., cor 4th-Park
Honnold G. cor 4th-Park
Honnold Lena Miss cor 4th-Park
Houghton F. E. clerk, r 322 e 4th
Howard Mrs, e Main
Hodge H. B., barber, r 306 e 7th
A. B. Snow
Red Line Transfer
Has the only piano mover in the city
Charges satisfactory
Hodge J. M. Mrs., 306 e 7th
Hook T. J., stone mason, 907 e 6th
Hook J. E. E., 907 e 6th
Horton Squire P., plasterer, 718 e 7th
Horton R. J. Mrs., 718 e 7th
Horton H. F. Miss, artist, 718 e 7th
Horton E. F. plasterer, 718 e 7th
Hogue R., merchant, r 901 e 8th
Hogue Emma Mrs., 901 e 8th
I. W. Randall & Co.
Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Stoves, Tin and
Sheet ???? Work
Corner 10th and Main Street
left margin
For Books and Stationary
go to Goldsmith's
corner 9th and Main
Ad top of page
Shriver Bros., Real Estate and Loans
Winfield City Directory 83
Howard J. B., 404 e 4th
Howard A. A. Mrs., 404 e 4th
Hoo?er Maggie Miss, 718 e 3d
Hodgson, Thos. S., cor 3d-Lincoln
Hodgson N. G. Mrs., cor 3d-Lincoln
Hodgson M. B. Miss, cor 3d-Lincoln
Hopkins Laura Mrs., w 9th
Hollingsworth & Leary, plumbers
w 9th bet Manning-Menor
Ed. H. Burgheim,
Wholesale - Tobacconist
Holmes A. B., restaurant, 219 e 9th
Holmes E. J. Mrs., 219 e 9th
Holmes L. Mrs. 221 e 9th
Hose Companies, city building
Hook and Ladder Co., city building
Hollingsworth A.,
Hollingsworth & Leary, r 811 e 10th
Hollingsworth Kate Mrs., 811 e 10th
Hon I. D., 902 e 11th
Hon N. B. Mrs., 902 e 11th
Go to W. J. Hodges for Real Estate, Loans
and Insurance Farm and City Property
right margin
visit S Kleeman

=============== 1888 Winfield City Directory 053
Left margin-McMahan's Detective Agency, 255 North Main Street, Wichita, Kansas: Lock Box 73,

Top margin-BROWN'S DRUG STORE, 805 MAIN ST...Drugs, ??????, ???, 8??
?????? and Wall:Paper.

Hod A. F., 902 e 11th.
Hod Wm., 902 e 11th.
Hod Lucy Miss, 902 e 11th.
Holmes & Bo?, coal yard, Manning.11th.
HODGES W. J., real estate, r 303 w Blandon.
Hodges Charles, 303 w Blandon.
Hodges W. ?., clerk, r 303 w Blandon.
Hodges Mary Mrs., 303 w Blandon.
Hodges Mary Miss, 303 w Blandon.
Fine Watch Repairing & Specialty. All work and
Goods Warranted.
?12 West Main St. Winfield, Kansas.
Holte J. J., 0 Millington.
Holte S. J. Mrs., 0 Millington.
Huggle Frank, 1413 s Fuller.
Huggle Mary Mrs., 1412 s Fuller.
HUNT FRED G., Soc. Winfield Mortgage & Trust Co., r
1220 s Fuller
Huot Sarah Mrs., 1220 ? Menor.
Hutchison Jas., baker, r ?o2 w 11th.
Hutchison C. M. Mrs., 302 ? 11th.
Remember to Visit : ??EE?AN'S DRY GOODS BOOSE, 815
Main St.

of PICTURE FRAMES Made to Order.


Top of page
and ???????ING GOODS ?o?ds. Block.
Hudson Wm., Hudson Bros., r 1402 w Riverside.
Hudson W. Mrs., 1402 w Riverside.
HUDSON ROBERT, R. Hudson & Co., 915 Main, bds 917
Huffman. P. A., Huffman & Holmes, r 518 ? 9th.
Huffman ?. Mrs., 518 ? 9th.
Huffman Eva Miss, 518 ? 9th.
Hulick O. Miss, dressmaker, 705 e 9th.
Hu?t M. Mrs., widow, 509 e 9th.
. PUBLISHER THE VISTOR every morning ex-
JOB . WORK cept Monday.
? ???????? ?????? Published
every Friday.
Hu?t W., drnyman, cor 3d-Harter.
Hu?t M. Mrs., cor 3d-Harter.
Hugboy ???? Miss, last house on ? 7th.
HUFFMAN G. T., painter, 313 w 8th.
Huffman M. E. Mrs. 313 w 8th.
Hudson J. A., grocer, 707 ? 7th.
Hudson J. Mrs., 707 ? 7th.
Hudson Joe, grocery, 705 ? 7th
Hudson Geo. Hudson Bros., r 819 ? 7th
AND F????????


============ 1888 Winfield City Directory 054

Left margin:
McMahan's Detective Agency, 255 North Main Stree, Wichita, Kansas. Lock Box 73

Top margin:
Give Me a MONEY by GROCERIES at HAMILTON 1005 Main
call and save Buying
Hudson O.J. Mrs., 819 e 7th.
Hunt Daniel, 919 e 7th.
Hunt S. E. Mrs., 919 e 7th.
Hunt Marion Miss, 919 e 7th.
Hunt Ida M. Miss, 919 e 7th.
Hunt I ??a Miss, 919 e 7th.
Hurst Johp, engr M P Ry, r 217 e 6th.
Hurst J. A., stonecutter, 518 e 7th.
Hurst M. A. Mrs., 518 e 7th.
I'm the only piano mover in the city.
Hurst F. M., printer, 518 e 7th.
Hurst Lillie Miss, 518 e 7th.
Hunt M. G., marble cutter, r ?I? e 6th.
Hunt L. Mrs. ?1? e 6th.
Hunt G. W., tailor, ?1? e 6th.
Huston S. F., 1221 Millington.
Huston L.?. Mrs., 1221 Millington.
Hyde A. H., carpenter, r 1602 ? Manning.
Hyde E. A. Mrs., 1502 s Manning.
I.W. RANDALL & CO. Shelf and H???? Hardware, H?o???,I??and
Sheet Iron Work. Corner 10th & Main street

Right margin:
Made to Order.


Left margin:

Top of Page:
Shriver Bros., Real Estate and Loans.
Illif Mrs., widow, 12?1 Millington.
Ingma? I. D., Fairlawn add.
Ingles Whitney, Indiana, Highland Park.
Ingman J. A. Mrs., Fairlawn add.
INGMAN'S LIVERY BARN, Loomis ?1 8th/9th.
Irwin D.C., cor 10-Menor.
Irwin J. H., janitor, r 218 e 4th.
Irwin M. Mrs., 218 e 4th.
Irwin M. F., 218 e 4th.
Irwin M. E. Miss 218 e 4th.

Jackson Peter, 305 w 8th.
Jackson A. Mrs., 305 w 8th.
Ja?son Mrs., house kpr, 110 w 8th.
Jackman G. ?., blk smith, w 9th.
Jarvis & Conkling, loan agts, office 100 e 9th.
Jacobs E. L., cor 12th-Davis.
Go to W. J. HODGES for Real Estate, Loans AND INSURANCE,
farm & City Property.

Right margin:

=========== 1888 Winfield City Directory 055

Left margin:
McMahan's Detective Agency, 255 North Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. Lock Box 73


Top of Page:
Brown"s Drug Store 805 Main St. Drugs, Paints, Oils Pl?-
l????ys and Wall Paper.
Jacobs A. M., cor 12th-Davis
Jarvis J. ?., (Jarvis & Conkling) r 1302 s Menor.
Jarvis N.A. Mrs., 1302 s Menor.
Jarvis Clarence, 1302 s Menor.
Jackson A.A., 400 Andrews.
Jackson E. V. Mrs. 400 Andrews.
Jackman G. ?., cor ?th-Manning.
Jackman R.E., cor 9th-Manning
Jennings A. H., 1404 s Menor.
fine Watch Repairing & Specialty. All work and
Goods Warranted.
??? West Main St. Winfield, Kansas
Jennings L. Mrs., 1401 s Menor.
Jenkins Mrs., cook, Main.
Jenkins S. Mrs., widow 306 e 7th.
Jennings Bedilli??, real est, office First National Bank
Jimison L. J. Mrs., 1715 s Manning.
Jimison W. R., 1715 s Manning.
Johnson M. H. Mrs., cor 5th-Millington.
Johnson s. ?. W., S K dining hall, cor 5th-Millington
Remember to Visit S. KLEEMAN'S DRY GOODS HOUSE, 815

Right margin:
Made to Order

=========1888 Winfield City Directory 121

Business Directory
Mansfield, Eaton & Pollock, rooms 3 and 4, 2nd floor Farmers Bank building.
W. D Halfhill's Law Office, 2nd floor 903 Main Street.
Forsyth & Miller, 2nd floor Farmers Bank building.
R. O. Codding, 2nd floor Farmers Bank building.
W. T. Boaham, 2nd floor McDougal building, 908 Main St.
A. H. Green, 916 Main St.
J. C. Davidson, 2nd floor over 1002 Main St.
S. B. fink, room 1 in Hackney building.
W. T. Madden, rooms 43 and 44, 2nd floor in Hackney block.
W. P. Hackney, room 52 in Hackney block.
Crow & White, rooms 3 and 4 in Hackney block.
Swarts & Web, 2nd floor Hackney block.
O. M. Seward, over Ohio Bakery, e 9th avenue.
McDermott & Johnson, 218 e 9th avenue.
S. P. Shively, 1510 s Menor street.
peckham & Henderson, rooms 1, 2, 3, & 4 in First National Bank Building.
S. D. Pryor, office 2nd floor, Winfield National Bank building.
J. E. Torrance, rooms 4 and 5 in Thompson block.
T. H. Seward, office 2nd floor in Thompson block
S. Dalton, room 15 in Hackney block.
first National Bank, s e corner of 9th avenue and Main St.
Winfield National Bank, s w cor 9th avenue and Main St.
Farmers bank, n e cor 9th avenue and Main st.
citizens Bank, 810 Main st.
Barber Shops
F. S. Alwell, 1006 s Main st.
H. B. Hodge, at Brettun House.
D. T. Madison, 920 1/2 Main st.
Foulte Bros, 810 Main st. basement Citizens Bank.
John Wilson, 917 Main st.
Traut & Opperman, in basement Winfield National Bank building.
D. d. douglas, in basement first National Bank building, e 9th avenue.
J. M. Lumpkins, 217 e 9th avenue.
G. T. Garrett, 1106 s Main st.
W. Onstott, 618 n Main st.
J. Barndollar, 709 n Main st.
J. E. Mann, cor 11th avenue and Main st.
G. R. Jackman, 2nd, w of Manning st, w 9th avenue.
Mater & Son, bt 9th and 10 avenues, Loomis st.
R. H. Chetlick, bt 7th and 8th avenues, on Platter st.
Book Stores
Henry Goldsmith, cor w 9th avenue and Main st.
Ed Burgheim, Queen City Cigar House, in Farmers Bank building, e 9th avenue.
Boot and Shoe Merchants.
f. O. Field, 912 Main st.
W. C. Root & co. 817 Main st.
Rutledge & Keach, 813 Main st.
Bower & Ray, 803 Main st.
A. Kedan, 117 e 9th avenue.
Cigar Factories
Byers & Byers, factory No 16, 2nd floor 1012 s Main st.
W. F. Wilkinson, 915 Main st, Factory No 18
Coffin Bros, 902 Main st.
shields, Tyroe & Co, 800 n Main st.
J. S. Mann, 903 Main st.
Eli Youngheim, 821 Main st.
Coal Merchants
frank manney, 209 e 9th avenue
T. Lowry, 516 n Main st.
Holmes & son, cor of 11th avenue and Main street.
Robinson & Co 123 w 8th avenue.
Green Wooden 212 e 9th avenue
Jas H. Bullen, 1112 s Main st.
Badger Lumber C. 523 n Main st.
Flo Williams, in the New Opera House block.
E. B. Dixon, 811 n Main st.
Dry Goods
J. P. Baden 1000 s Main st.
Woodward Iiros, 812 Main st.
M. B. Reerr, 802 n Main st.
A. E. Baird, 921 Main st.
M Hahn & co. 819 Main st.
s. Kleeman, 815 Main st.
J. B. Lynn, 723 Main st.
Q. A. Glass, 903 Main st.
J. N. Harter, 820 Main st.
A. G. Haltjwanger, 1503 s Main st.
R. E. Steinbilber & co. 911 Main st.
e. G. Cole, 811 Main st.
Brown Drug co. 805 Main st.
J. L. M. Hill, in first National Bank building on w 9th avenue.
Mrs. E. M. Straughan over the Bon Ton
Mrs. M. J. French, 815 Main st.
Mrs. A. Austin, 1112 Manning st.
Mrs. M. J. Arydell, 614 Millington st.
Miss L. J. Bowman, cor 4th and Iowa sts.
Miss Maggie Chrisman, 2nd floor 923 Main street.
Miss Mary Edwards 605 e 3rd avenue.
Mrs. A. J. Foults, 412 e 7th avenue.
Mrs. s. Frazee, 606 n Millington
Miss O. Hullick, 715 e 9th avenue
Miss Alice Miller, 601 e 5th avenue.
Mrs McClaren, 1608 s Menor st.
Mrs. E. J. Reece 813 Main st.
Mrs. M. A. Russell, 909 Fuller
Mrs. Mertha 911 e 8th.
Mrs. r. Straughan, over Bon Ton Resturant, s Main st.
Miss jennie Wright, 619 e 8th avenue.
Miss Ida M. Wagoner, s w corner 1st and Iowa streets, Highland Park
Mrs. M. C. York, 213 e 10th.
Mrs, C. C. Bucker, over Bahntge Bros.
Dr. F. H. Bull, rooms 1 and 2, 2nd floor in farmers bank building.
Dr. R. S. Brown, rooms second floor first National bank building.
Dr. H. C. Bailey, 2nd floor 109 w. 6th avenue.
Lang and McCabna, near Frisco depot, n Main st.
Carriage Factories
S. G. Bishop, 116 e 8th avenue.
Balls Carriage Works cor 12th avenue and Main st.
Furniture Dealers
J. W. Johnson, 918 Main st.
Wm. Cartel, 1123 s Main
Ira Kyger, 1016 s Main st.
A. B. Ar?ent, 1007 s Main st.
Grain Merchants
Bartlett & Co. proprietors of the Santa Fe e.evator, dealers in grain, wool, etc. office near Lindell Hotel, n Main st.
e. Lamont proprietor southern Kansas elevator, dealer in grain, coal, etc, office ocr w 5th avenue and Main st.
Badens double Store, dry goods and groceries, 1000, 1002 Main st.
Lynn & French, 721 Main st.
A. B. Lee, 717 Main st.
new Deal, 715 Main st, Huston & Braningson.
J. B. Harden, 801 Main st.
John Turner, 1014 s Main.
Burk's & son, Cash Grocery, 1st s Stewart Hotel, s Main.
J. M. Rush, 1101 s Main.
Prather & Wright, 1017 s Main st.
Hays Hamilton 1035 s Main
C. a. dunkle, 1009 s Main
Bahnige Bros, 923 s Main
W. K. Poindexter, room 1 Hackney block
Ed Bourdett, cor of Millington at ??? 9th avenue.
J. A. Hudson, 707 e 7th avenue
A. A. Frederick, 710 e 7th avenue
C. Doan cor 11th and Davis st.
P. Palmer, 1002 e 9th avenue.
Harness shops
Wm Newton, 916 Main st.
Geo Leirman, 106 w 9th avenue
R. E. Sydal, 117 e 9th.
Hardware Merchants
Harbaugh & Cain, ?06 Main st.
S. H. Myton, 722 n Main
I. W. Randall & Co. 1001 s Main
Hendricks & Wilson, 909 s Main
J. G. McGreggor, 115 e 9th avenue.
Brettun House 6?3 Main st, cor 7th avenue and Mainst, Prop W. H. Lesh & Co.
St. James Hotel, 1013 s Main, Proprietor G. R. Cole.
Lindell Hotel, cor of 7th avenue and Main st.
Depot Hotel, near Southern Kansas depot.
Areaus?? House, 315 e 8th avenue.
Constant's Boarding Houses 215 e 10th avenue.
Bobbett House, 9th and Loomis.
Implement House
w. A. Lee, ??? w 9th avenue and cor Riverside avenue and s Main.
S. H. Myton, 720-722 n Main st.
Van Vleet & Sage, 614 n Main st.
H. Brotherton, 719 Main st.
Jewelry Stores
Hudson Bros, ?01 Main st.
R. Hudson & Co. 915 Main st.
J. H. Smythe, in Farmers Bank building e 9th avenue.
James Thoma, room 5 Hackney block
C. M. wood, office 2nd floor Farmers Bank building.