Winfield Street Scenes, Downtown
North East Corner of 9th and Main in Winfield, Kansas. Garver Brothers Book Store. Sign on Mule Drawn Street Car Advertising Winfield's Great Chautauqua, July 6 - 17.
New Winfield, Looking North from about 12th. 1872.
New Winfield, about 1973, Reads Bank near center left. Looking North
Sydals was here in 1888.
Looking North from 11th on main circa 1880.
Scene of village from hill.
A. F. Dauber Dept Store. SE Corner 10th & Main.
NE Corner 9th & Main, Covered Wagon Race, 12 oxen.
Winfield Street 800 Main 1888, Gilbert & Fuller's Store, Manning's Opera House, Youndheim's Clothing, Hahn's Drygoods.
This stereo image shows the North East corner of Ninth and Main Street. The building on the corner, Gilbert and Fuller's store is still the location of the US Post Office. The Post Office had been in this location since it was originally established in E. C. Manning's old log cabin trading post. The trading post sat at the intersection of the two main Indian trails in the area. Manning's Opera House occupies the upper story of the large building on the right.
NW Corner 8th & Main, Lynn & Loose Clothing 721-723 Main Before 1888
From 10th & Main, Looking NW Toward 9th & Main. Parade May be GAR 1888. Arch.
Looking North from 10th on Main, 1890.
Fire:Albright Building, Dec 14, 1898. Back Side of Photo.
Fire: Albright Building, Dec 14, 1898.
Dray Wagon, Merchands Delivery wagon, Mule cars, 1900's NW Corner 9th & Main.
Winfield in the early 1900's, Main Street from 8th Avenue looking South.
Color Post Card, East on 9th from Main "White way" at night.
Roots Shoes, Main Street. Postmark 1910.Postcard
Hackney Block on E 9th. Street Car in Picture.
East from 9th & Main Note street car track, Automobiles.
Left background, Hotel Lagonda, St. Johns in distance.
People in intersection in center.
Right foreground, Pierces Book Store, McGregors Hardware.
Right background, Cowley County Courthouse.
Winfield Daily Courier Building.
Main St. 9th Looking North, 1922.
Cars on right with 5 globe street lights.
Buildings on left with 5 globe street lights.
Path of Trolley tracks, turn off for East Ninth Street.
Overhead power lines for Street Car.
In distance towards Island Park.
Towards North East corner of 9th and Main with 5 globe street lights.
People Watching Base Ball Game on Display Board at Winfield Free Press.
While a student in the late 1920s at the old high school on East Ninth, Martha Jean Roach - later to marry Charles Robinson who was associated with Jarvis Auto Supply Stores for more than 40 years - was caught up in the World Series baseball fever. "A bunch of us would run down to the Courier during lunch hour to watch the play-by-play on the Courier’s electric scoreboard." She said the large board was hung high on the Millington Street side of the buiding facing McGregor’s Hardware Store (now the site of Southwestern’s downtown center). "There was a play-by-play by radio over a loudspeaker and the lights would flash on as the players ran around the bases. The street was closed off in that block during game time. Crowds would gather in the street and on the sidewalks, and you could hear the crowds cheering for blocks. We were late many times getting back to class."
from Howard Buffum
SW Corner 9th & Main, Showing Rembaugh Hardware, Bergevin Drugs and Johnsons 5&10, April 1938
After the Fire. Bergevin Drugs, Johnsons 5&10, 905 Main, Jan2, 1940
Policeman on Horse, East 9th.
Street Scene, Santa Fe Tracks May 1959
Street Scene, May 1959
Street Scene, May 1959
Street Scene, May 1959
Street Scene, May 1959
Street Scene, May 1959
Street Scene, May 1959
Looking North from 12th & Main, Regent Theater Closed. about 1962-65
On right, down street, Clarks Cafe, B. F. Goodrich, '54 Olds.
On left, down street, '55 Caddy, Old Ford Truck, Cafe, Fox Theater.
On left, near, Singer, Schlitz, Dial Cafe, St. James Hotel, Fox.
In distance toward Island Park, brick street, asphalt over trolly tracks
Central Hotel, located on the NE corner of 8th and Main St. 1877.
Stage Coach at Central Hotel in Winfield, Ks 1877
SE Corner 10th and Main, 1877. New Cash Store, Bakery, Millinery. Lots of wagons.
Early Winfield Downtown, SW corner 9th and Main. Read's Bank, Fuller's Bank.
Looking North on Main St. from just south of the intersection of 10th and Main. No tracks, 20 ft trees. (the street car started in 1887)
From 9th & Main, looking at stores on West side of Main, north of 9th. P. H Albright, Post Office, Boots and Shoes. Manning Opera House on second story.
Hand tinted, looking south along Main Street from NE corner of 9th and Main. Late 1800's.
Hand tinted, Main street looking north from in front of the Grand Opera House. Shows Tenth and Main on west side. about 1890's.
From NE corner of 12th and Mail looking north along Main toward NW corner of 10th and Main. circa 1900.
Gathering downtown on Mains Street Looking NE at NE Corner of 9th and Main.
Postcard, looking west along 9th St. at City Building and Hackney block. Late 1800's.
Hand colored, Red/white awnings on 1st Nat Bank. Looking east on 9th street at ground level, from west side of Main St. Bicycle. 1890?
Comparison of Two Images
of East Ninth Avenue,
Winfield, KS. 1907
This is a very interesting comparison of two images, which seem to be identical, with the exception of the man and the boy in the foreground of the lower image do no appear in the upper image. The upper image was from amoung the set located in the Cowley County Historical Museum in folder 3-a. It was the second set from this folder, thus the designation 3-a2. It had a very interesting painterly quality and was from a post card. The lower image was scanned from an original photo by Bruce Hedrick in Feb, 2000. In the lower photo in the far distance down Ninth Avenue, there seems to be a protusion on the horizon above the trolley tracks. This is probably the Observatory on Observatory hill at the eastern end of Ninth Avenue. The trolley tracks are very wobbly and uneven as they dissapear into the distance down Ninth. This is not unusual, as they had been in place about 18 years at this time and were nearing the end of their usefull life. Also in the lower photo, are seen the proliferation of telephone lines on poles at the right of the lower picture. These poles and lines all dissappear in the upper image. The two people, the poles and lines and the Observatory and the wobbly trolley lines all go away at the artist's whim in the upper image. What can you see that is different? It has got to be the same original image, the people on the corner at the left are the same, the guy with the bicycle on the right and the man in front of the First National Bank are all identical. Pretty interesting.
The circus is in town. Elephants at 9th and Main. Looking towards NE corner. circa 1900.
Looking south on Main St. from about 8th and Main, street level, mid street. Lots of phone wires, no trolley wires. Clock Tower. approx 1899.
Looking east down 9th street from top of building on NW corner of 9th and Main. 4 Mule drawn cars and crowds. 1900?
9th & Main, SE Corner 1900
9th & Main SE Corner Horse Drawn Steetcars. approx 1900
Looking east down 9th street from across Main Street. Phone wires, light in intersection, circa 1900.
Downtown Winfield, looking SW from NE corner of 9th and Main ap 1900
From ground level, 9th and Main NE corner, looking south along Main St. Crowds, wires, ticket booth. 1900?
Scenic view of Baden Hall from about observatory hill. Shows houses and outbuildings in area where old Stevenson school is now.
The note on this photo said the house was located at 13th and Millington in Winfield. It was referred to as the Ershine home.
Interior of Victorian House.
William McCrabb's Log Cabin
Is this the same guy as William Crabb, who was killed by lightning, June 3, 1877. He lived in Pleasant Valley Township. Where was this cabin. This picture is from about 1900.
Who was William Crabb? How did he die?
View of First National Bank building on SE corner of 9th and Main from the NW corner. Marked Garver Bros. on photo. Millinery shop on south side of lower floor of bank building.
From NW Corner of 9th and Main, looking ESE at First Nat. Bank. 3 Mule Drawn Street Cars on 3 Tracks.
Looking towards NE corner of 9th and Main. Mule drawn cars. Many carriages and buggies. Lots of people.
Looking north on Main St. from midway between 11th and 12th. Shows old Grand Opera House, Clock tower.
Clock tower, R. B. Bird Drugs sign.
North on Main, Trolley in distance crossing on 9th.
Grand Opera House.
West side of Main, St. James Hotel.
Detail of automobiles parked on east side of Main in distance.
Looking north on Main from between 11th and 12th. Awnings on stores on east side of street.
Looking north on Main St. from about 10th and Main. Streetcar Tracks, no power, auto on left, must be before 1910.
Hand tinted, looking north on Main St. from 10th and Main. Automobile on left, may be earliest picture of auto in Winfield, no street car wires yet, but poles are in place. Before May, 1909.
The Last Trip on Mule Car, May 17, 1909. Looking West at corner of 10th and Main.
Store front. Haircuts 15 cents, Owl Cigar sign.
Downtown Winfield, looking east on 9th Street from just east of Main St.
Looking east on 9th Street at flooding. Taken from west of Courier building. 1920's. (maybe 1923?)
Store fronts, Palace Barber Shop, Mogle
Car in center.
Palace Barber Shop window
Mogle Jewelry Company sign.
Car on right.
Car on left, two men talking, strange sphere above their heads?
Looking north on Main from about Tenth & Main. 1920's. Note clean vista, not phone wires, no trolley wires, after trolley wires were removed.
Tower on Main Street, just north of 9th. Tree on Tower, looks like Christmas Celebration. 1920's
After the fire at old Read's bank building in 1940. Johnson's 5&10.
West side of Main near 9th and Main. (2 doors south)
Burned Stores, Old Read's Bank building, West side Main, 1940
Winfield Chamber of Commerce, Looks like blood drive 1940's ?
YMCA Building
Snow storm in Winfield on east 9th, 2 blks from Main. approx 1950.
Looking east down 9th St. from the intersection of 9th and Main. Mid 1950's.
Looking north on Main Street from intersection of 10th and Main, Late ninteen fifties.
Looking north on Main Street from the intersection of 10th and Main. Color, late fifties.
First National Bank, SE corner 9th & Main, circa 1970.